Talks starting with T
- T cell differentiation as a basis for the early detection and interception of lung cancer
- T cell exclusion: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma escapes immune surveillance
- T cell mediated immunity in the tuberculous granuloma
- T cell metabolism in aging and age-related diseases
- T cell migration in tumors: a role for matrix architecture
- T cell migration in tumors: a role for matrix architecture
- T cell regulation in autoimmune diabetes
- T cell signals that control motility and interactions with dendritic cells in lymph nodes
- T cell tolerance: new thoughts on an old issue
- T cell turnover in vivo using stable isotope labelling
- T follicular helper cells in protective immunity and autoimmunity.
- T for (SL) two
- T lymphocyte - Epithelial interaction during liver regeneration
- T Upscaling Permeability in a Laboratory Context - Mathematics and Modelling
- T-cell differentiation in chronic infection – functional adaptation or exhaustion?
- T-cell motility and encounters with antigen-presenting cells, and
the buckling of an axisymmetric vesicle under compression.
- T-cell senescence in chronic hepatitis C infection
- T-duality and the condensed matter bulk-boundary correspondence
- T-duality invariant string theory at the quantum level
- T-duality of 6d (2,0) and (1,1) Little String Theories with Twist
- T-duality, Gerbes and Double Field Theory
- t-glottalling, flapping and pre-glottalisation in British Englishes: patterns in phonological and social variability
- T.B.A.
- T.H.E. G.A.P.P.P, i.e. (re) Thinking Human Evolution: Gorongosa African Paleo-Primate Project
- T.H.E. G.A.P.P.P, i.e. (re) Thinking Human Evolution: Gorongosa African Paleo-Primate Project
- T.W. Webb, his Society, and Double Stars
- T1s in soap film architecture: effect of surfactants and assembly geometry
- T2: How adding intelligence can dramatically reduce energy consumption – cheaply
- Tabal and the Limits of Assyrian Imperialism
- Tabletop displays to support review meetings
- Tablets and smartphones can change lives
- Tackling an old enemy: new ways to target RNA
- Tackling climate change - going beyond emissions reduction
- Tackling diverse environmental prediction tasks with neural processes
- Tackling global social issues: Understanding what shapes and motivates pro-environmental behaviour
- Tackling invalid instrumental variables
- Tackling Multispeaker Conversation Processing based on Speaker Diarization and Multispeaker Speech Recognition
- Tackling obesity in England: a policy journey
- Tackling obesity with Big Data – Seminar 16/03/16 – methods & models
- Tackling the CMB component separation problem with new methods (Kavli Science Focus Meeting)
- Tackling the epidemic of diabetes in South Asians: reflections on the results of the Prevention of Diabetes and Obesity in South Asians (PODOSA) trial
- Tackling the Global Burden of Surgical Disease
- Tackling the Hidden Costs of Computational Science: GREENER Principles for Environmentally Sustainable Research
- Tackling transgeneration risk for type 2 diabetes in Sub-Saharan Africa (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- TacticAI: an AI assistant for football tactics
- Tactics of person understanding: Minds, brains and social cognition
- Tactics of person understanding: Minds, brains and social cognition
- Tactilist Media: Experiencing Places Through Mediated Touch
- Tadpoles and Tumours: What's the difference?
- Tagging along: where do Marion Island’s Grey-headed albatrosses go?
- Tagging and Tracing Globular Cluster-Origin Stars from the Early Milky Way with Gaia
- Tagging Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculptures Using Multi-Label Image Classification ML Techniques
- Tagging memories using steady-state visually evoked potentials
- Tagging rare top, Z and Higgs decays at colliders
- Tagliaferri Lecture - Geography, Globalisation and Governance: The UK Regional (and National) Economic Problem
- Tail and moment estimates for Rademacher chaos
- Tail index estimation, concentration, adaptation...
- Tail Risk, Capital Requirements and the Internal Agency Problem in Banks
- Tailored Concrete for Durability
- Tailored finite point method for wave propagation
- Tailored Polymers for Controlling Cell Signaling
- Tailored Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure
- Tailoring nonlinearity for advanced engineering design
- Tailoring Physical Properties of Functional Materials by Bottom-Up Nanofabrication
- Tailoring properties of complex oxides, one atomic layer at a time
- Tailoring Semiconductor Nanowires For Future Optoelectronics
- Tailoring two-dimensional materials for wearable electronics and bio-engineering applications
- Tails of our Ancestors
- Tainted by Association: The State Department’s Case Against Oswald Veblen (1953)
- Taiwan Mandarin shuo ‘to say’ as a complementizer: A sociolinguistic analysis of a grammaticalization in progress
- Taiwan Mandarin shuo ‘to say’ as a complementizer: A sociolinguistic analysis of a grammaticalization in progress
- Take control or how to manage your supervisor
- Take It For a Spin: Emergent Activity and Precision Metrology Powered by Sound Waves
- Take It For a Spin: Emergent Activity and Precision Metrology Powered by Sound Waves
- Take the Eurostar to Stratford...
- Take two moments to gather your wits. Likelihood-free inference for within-host dynamics of bacterial infection
- Take two moments to gather your wits. Likelihood-free inference for within-host dynamics of bacterial infection."
- Take your pick - epitope selection by effector and regulatory T cells in autoimmune disease
- Take-away TV: Recharging Work Commutes with Predictive Preloading of Catch-up TV Content
- Takes two to Tango: the tale of ApiAP2 transcription factors and the regulation of crucial cell cycle functions in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
- Taking a closer look at the last glacial sediments
- Taking a global view: How satellites provide a unique perspective on our changing planet
- Taking a Shot at neuronal growth in Drosophila
- Taking a Shot at neuronal growth in Drosophila
- Taking a Walk on the Wild(e) Side: Opening Up Library Data
- Taking a wolf by the ears: What is Putin up to in Syria and Ukraine?
- Taking accountability to the next level
- Taking Big Data Upstream: Trading Storage for Approximation
- Taking control of flowing dense suspensions
- Taking control of flowing dense suspensions: formulation, rheology and shear thickening
- Taking control of innate immunity with nanobiologics
- Taking Control of Superconducting Qubits
- Taking heterogeneity seriously: Towards new research and support strategies
- Taking into account career breaks and caring responsibilities when assessing potential
- Taking Investment in Education Seriously - Two Part Series
- Taking it up a Notch, building the body plan
- Taking on Management Responsibilities with Kate Atkin
- Taking photos of quantum particles
- Taking Physics Forward with FASER
- Taking Place: 'The Distributed Unconscious: what happens in Vegas? (Prof. Steve Pile)
- Taking QTL mapping in multiparental populations to the next dimension: searching for epistasis
- Taking Rejuvenation to Longevity Escape Velocity
- Taking seriously the vectorial nature of metabolisms: implications for research in prebiotic systems chemistry
- Taking shape: morphogenesis of Drosophila renal tubules
- Taking shape; how Drosophila renal tubules find their way
- Taking stock of the gas and dust for planet-building
- Taking Stock: Methods for Built Environment Research
- Taking the "absolute" temperature in ice cores: another of those dreaded Physics lectures
- Taking the Babble out of Babel: Forces, mechanisms and counterweights for building bilingual education systems
- Taking the Hybrid Method into the Time Domain – the Phase Reconstruction Problem
- Taking the Long View: Enhancing Learning On Multi-Temporal, High-Resolution, and Disparate Remote Sensing Data for Measuring the Spread of Buildings
- Taking the planet to the IMAX: Diving into the volcano and other stories
- Taking the Plunge: Stages of a dense river inflow into a lake
- Taking the plunge: the flow of relatively dense rivers into lakes
- Taking the stink out of instinct
- Taking the Twinkle out of Starlight: High-Resolution Imaging in the Visible on Large Ground-Based Telescopes
- Taking uncertainty seriously: simplicity versus complexity in financial regulation
- Talagrand's concentration inequality for empirical processes
- Tale of two dogs and implications for cardiac electrophysiology
- Tales from Irish genetics: from Milesius to Niall of the Nine Hostages.
- Tales from the crypt: How science harvests death for humanity's benefit
- Tales from the Deep Earth
- Tales from the Fen Edge: past environments. peat, marl and mud
- Tales from the Nozzle Bank: Inkjets and Bouncing Drops
- Tales from the Table: Element facts and fictions
- Tales of a two-stroke motor: allostery in the mechanism of the GroE chaperonin
- Tales of gravity from few-body interactions
- Tales of growth and buckling: Micro-pattern formation on petal surface cells
- Tales of tails. Swimming statistics of unicellular eukaryotes and dynamic buckling of elastic filaments
- Talha Ahsan: the Power of Poetry and the Arts in Extradition Campaigns
- Talha Ahsan: the Power of Poetry and the Arts in Extradition Campaigns
- Talk 1 - Reflections on using community data to evaluate the potential wider impact of school-based SARS-CoV-2 transmission
- Talk 1 - Trends in COVID-19 School Absences by Measures of Deprivation
- Talk 1 – Optimal Vaccination Strategies
- Talk 1 Background/Context
- Talk 1 of 2: Speleothem records of abrupt warming events during the last glacial period
- Talk 1. Awareness in sight: Self and other appraisals of disability in acquired brain injury Talk 2. The regulation of intrusive autobiographical memories
- Talk 1. Using immersive reality to examine the U-shaped relationship between schema and memory performance Talk 2. Multivariate approaches to understanding the brain-behaviour relationships in cognitive ability
- Talk 10 Models for Vulnerable Settings: Hazard Assessment, Analysis and Planning
- Talk 11 Modelling for Vaccine Evolution – What Needs to be Done for Next Time?
- Talk 12 Incorporating Behaviour into Models - Challenges and Questions
- Talk 13 In-host Modelling, What’s Done at Epi Scale, Genomics and What’s Happening in Immunology
- Talk 14 The Post Pandemic City: Exploring Urban Resilience
- Talk 15 The SPI-M/SAGE Route into Policy: Reflections and Future Planning
- Talk 1: Advanced methods for linking complex historical birth, death, marriage and census data
- Talk 2 - Explaining the spread of Omicron in Scotland through Deprivation, Geography and Demographics
- Talk 2 – Inferring the Role of School Children in Bringing Infection into Households
- Talk 2 – Optimising Vaccine Allocation for COVID-19 Shows the Potential Role of Single Dose Vaccination
- Talk 2 Dynamic Microsimulation for Epidemics – Urban Analytics
- Talk 2 of 2: Synchronising climate records via the cosmic ray signal in environmental archives
- Talk 2: Evaluation of advanced techniques for multi-party privacy-preserving record linkage on real-world health databases
- Talk 3 - Experience of Considering Health and Socioeconomic Harms of the Pandemic in Wales
- Talk 3 Aerosols, Ventilation and the Environment: Competing Agonist-Antagonists
- Talk 3 – Modelling the Impact of School and Community-related Measures to Control COVID-19
- Talk 3 – The Potential Epidemiological and Economic Impacts of Accelerated COVID-19 Vaccination in Kenya
- Talk 4 - Understanding Community Level Risk Factors Through Spatially Aggregated Covid-19 Risk Model
- Talk 4 – Optimal Vaccine Allocation Strategies Within and Between Countries
- Talk 4 –Protocols to Control Transmission Within Schools
- Talk 4 Mobility and Human Behaviour – Urban Analytics
- Talk 5 - Mathematical Modelling and Accounting for Social Determinants
- Talk 5 – Calibrating School Models to Cluster Tracing Data
- Talk 5 – Model Informed COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization Strategies by Age and Serostatus
- Talk 5 Modelling Outbreaks: Models, Data and Policy
- Talk 6 - Contact Patterns and Indices of Multiple Deprivation
- Talk 6 - Scientific Cooperation and Vaccine Distribution by China around the COVID-19 Crisis
- Talk 6 – TraCK - Transmission of Covid-19 in Kids Study
- Talk 6 Lessons from Zoonoses – Future Emerging Threats and How to Respond to Them
- Talk 7 - The Unequal Pandemic: COVID-19 and Health Inequalities
- Talk 7 – Impact of School Closures Due to COVID-19: Learning Loss and Inequality
- Talk 7 – Spatial Allocation of Scarce Vaccine for COVID-19
- Talk 7 Modelling to Support Decision Making – Personal Reflections
- Talk 8 – Impact of Covid-19 on Children and Young People’s Mental Health: What Do We Know and What Are the Implications for Schools?
- Talk 8 – International Vaccination: Potential Impact on Viral Evolution
- Talk 8 Early Days Modelling for New Things
- Talk 9 – A Policy Perspective
- Talk 9 Methods for Estimating the R Number
- Talk A - 'Neutering' nominal inflection in Asia Minor Greek
- Talk A - A two-dimensional, cross-linguistic study of speech rhythm
- Talk A - Drift, Markedness and the Final-Over-Final Constraint
- Talk A - Perception of prosodic boundaries in Seoul Korean
- Talk A - Perceptual learning of phonetic detail conditioned by grammatical class
- Talk A - Register Variation and Its Effects on Historical Linguistic Data
- Talk A - Syntactic theory meets 'real' data: the challenge of syntactically tagged corpora
- Talk A - Systematic Phonetic Detail: a Probabilistic Model for the Simulation of Perceptual Data
- Talk A - Theories of phonological acquisition and predictions for diachronic change
- Talk A - Unmasking the weaknesses of the implicature/explicature distinction: evidence from verbal irony
- Talk about Jean Paul Sartre
- Talk about Jean Paul Sartre
- Talk and Film Screening of 'Korkoro'
- Talk and Performance by Les Frères Chapolo
- Talk and Performance followed by a performance at the e-Luminare Festival Official Opening
- Talk B - Conceptualising and quantifying L2 syntactic proficiency
- Talk B - Evidence for the non-verbal nature of the Old Irish Copula
- Talk B - French language societies: purist or moderate?
- Talk B - Language-specific perspectives in reference to time
- Talk B - Listening to topic: perception of the prosody of discourse structure
- Talk B - Over-informative children: Production/comprehension asymmetry, or tolerance to pragmatic violations?
- Talk B - Processing costs of non-strict versus strict comparison
- Talk B - Reanalysis of the Latin gerundive
- Talk B - Variable agreement in French: investigating grammatical and social variation
- Talk by Astrid Smitham and Nicholas Lobo Brennan, Apparata
- Talk by Bushra Mohamed, MSOMA
- Talk by Dr Jane Gilbert: Maps and Monsters in the Middle Ages
- Talk by Dr Liam Ball (Nottingham University)
- Talk by Kathleen Stock
- Talk by Managing Director of Abellio Greater Anglia
- Talk by top female anchor of the Chinese media,Ada Lau
- Talk by UNESCO Ambassador Dr Michael Worbs
- Talk by World Bank Chief Economist Yifu Lin
- Talk by YEVGENY CHICHVARKIN in Cambridge
- Talk cancelled
- Talk Cancelled
- Talk cancelled
- Talk Cancelled (was 'Synthetic Biology')
- TALK CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS Hydrogen embrittlement in metals - the role of internal stresses
- TALK CANCELLED Targets for drug discovery: from target validation to the clinic
- TALK CANCELLED: An overview of structural corecursion
- TALK CANCELLED: Cross domain similarities and intra-person changes
- TALK CANCELLED: Explicit Weakening (A Functional Pearl)
- Talk Cancelled: Less is more
- Talk Deleted
- Talk has been cancelled!
- talk health
- Talk in English by Thora Van Male, the author of “French Idioms… and their English equivalents”
- Talk in English by Thora Van Male, the author of “French Idioms… and their English equivalents”
- Talk is postponed as of 01.02.2019
- Talk of the day
- Talk on PyRossGeo - Ronojoy Adhikari
- Talk on the 'Four Noble Truths'
- Talk on the American Presidency
- Talk on the Invention of the Chronograph
- Talk on the preservation of the prototype HST powercar 41001
- TALK POSTPONED - Ineffective Responses to Unlikely Outbreaks: Hypothesis Building in Newly-Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks
- TALK POSTPONED: Structural Fire Resiliance - How we’re getting it wrong, and why
- Talk TBC
- Talk TBC
- talk test
- Talk will be postponed
- Talk with award-winning documentary filmmaker Jon Blair
- Talk with Professor Albert Chan - opportunities in Architecture, Engineering, Law, Real Estate and Urban Planning at HKPU
- Talk1: EmotionSense: A Mobile Phones based Adaptive Platform for Experimental Social Psychology Research, Talk2: Energy-Accuracy Trade-offs in Querying Sensor Data for Continuous Sensing Mobile Systems
- Talk: The Science of Conversation
- Talk: The Science of Conversation
- Talkin 'bout my generation: exploring generational identity among members of the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study using mixed-methods research
- Talking About Shapes
- Talking about the past, present and future: Effects on children's memory and knowledge
- Talking Classrooms -Interim findings from a classroom-based enquiry exploring the relationship between input, interaction and spontaneous talk in the primary classroom.
- Talking counts: An intervention programme to investigate and develop the role of exploratory talk in young children's arithmetic
- Talking Heads: Humanities Futures
- Talking Maths in Public: Popularisation of Mathematics
- Talking Passionately - What the philosophy of language is missing
- Talking Politics LIVE: US Mid-Terms
- Talking to our selves: reflection, scepticism and agency
- Talking to strangers
- Talking to Terrorists
- Talking To Terrorists
- Talking to Tyrants Book Launch
- Talking Trans Rights
- Talking with Reddit: Exploring limitations of recurrent neural network conversational systems.
- Talking with Robots: A Case Study in Architectures for Cognitive Robotics
- Talking with the neighbours: Understanding spatial accommodation in plant development
- Talklet -- DTG and AI group
- Talklet -- DTG and AI group
- Talks about children talking and drawing in response to paintings and picturebooks
- Talks about his work as an illustrator
- Talks by Postdocs
- Talks by second year PhD students
- Talks delivered by two final year PhD students
- Tall buildings in Cambridge
- Tall modular buildings: height limits of stacked steel modules
- Talyllyn Railway - 21st Century Engineering on a 150 Year Old Railway
- Tambara reconstruction and tensor categories
- Tame automorphism groups of polynomial rings with property (T) and infinitely many alternating group quotients
- Tame but not exactly harmless
- Tame class field theory over local fields
- Tamerlane, Christopher Marlowe and Cogadh Gáedhel re Gallaibh: towards an edition of the Annals of Clonmacnoise
- Taming a protein destruction machine
- Taming amplitudes and correlation functions in N=4 SYM
- Taming Babel: the Colonial and Postcolonial trials of multilingual Malaya
- Taming Complexity in Dynamic Multicomponent Materials: Tailoring Low Dimensional Multifunctional Nanostructures
- Taming Data Augmentation for Stochastic Epidemic Models
- Taming experience: Giambattista Da Monte's commentary on the Hippocratic Epidemics I
- Taming Glioblastoma -Targeting Angiogenesis (CRI Special Seminar)
- Taming GPU threads with F# and Alea.GPU
- Taming leviathan - dealing with (dis)integrated water management (RESCHEDULED from 21st April)
- Taming Liquid Crystal Elastomers
- Taming the butterfly effect - towards computational engineering of chaotic systems
- Taming the complexity of solution processing methods for metal hydride perovskites, the wunderkind of solar cell materials
- Taming the enemy within-host-epithelial interactions in the intestinal tract
- Taming the reactivity of small ring hydrocarbons - Prof Edward Anderson
- Taming the tiger by the tail: modulation of DNA damage responses by telomeres
- Tamlaght 1840: Work, gender and production in a proto-industrial community
- Tangent Cones and Minimal Hypersurface Singularities
- Tangent cones of coalescent processes
- Tangents to the Nodal Cubic
- Tangible User Interfaces for Distributed Teams
- Tangible User Interfaces for Peripheral Interaction and Team Coordination
- Tangle analysis of protein-DNA complexes
- Tanglegrams for Rooted Phylogenetic Trees and Networks
- Tangles and the Mona Lisa
- Tangles in Infinity: The Kagome Spin Glass
- Tango for three: Sagittarius, LMC, and the Milky Way
- Tannaka Duality for (Ind)Banach Spaces
- Tannaka-Krein reconstruction and the structural theory of fusion 2-categories
- Tanner Lectures 2012: "The Viennese Interior: Architecture & Inwardness"
- Tanner Respondent Lectures 2012: "The Viennese Interior: Architecture & Inwardness"
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Achim Haug (Air Gradient)
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Annie Hindley (Cambridge City Council) and Jenna Panter (University of Cambridge)
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Claire Dassonville
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Colin Gillespie (SEPA Principal Air Scientist)
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Eben Cross
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Eben Cross and Dr Rhys Thomas
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Kayla Schulte (Oxford University, TRANSITION Network)
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Leo McKittrick
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Pia Hardelid (UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health)
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Prof Chris Griffiths (Queen Mary University London/Barts & Asthma UK
- TAPAS Lunchtime Seminar - Sarah West (SEI Centre Director) & Heather Price (University of Stirling)
- Taphonomy and The Tree: are Fossil Taxa Misleadingly "Primitive"?
- Tapping into developmental processes to discover new targets for cancer therapy
- Target search with Levy strategies
- Target-Based Approach in Early-Phase Clinical Trials in Cancer
- Targeted Branding, Price Competition and Consumer Data [1]
- Targeted cancer therapy: act locally, think globally
- Targeted Disclosure to Support Auditing and Accountability for Automated Decision-making
- Targeted grafts as a tool to enhance tomato preservation
- Targeted nanoparticles for mitochondrial medicine
- Targeted optimization of functional materials utilizing 3D structure analysis.
- Targeted polyA tail removal by the Ccr4-Not complex
- Targeted Protein Degradation tools for novel therapeutic strategies in cancer
- Targeted Protein Degradation tools for novel therapeutic strategies in cancer
- Targeted sequencing for in-depth characterisation of the disease phenotypes
- Targeted Sequencing Reveals The Genome’s Fine Details
- Targeted therapries in cancer
- Targeting altered immune-crosstalk in tissues to enhance immunity
- Targeting automatic processes to change behaviour in populations
- Targeting B cells in Cardiovascular Diseases
- Targeting bioenergetics in hypoxic and rapidly growing tumours
- Targeting cancer stem cells while enhancing healthy tissue functions - a novel paradigm for cancer therapies
- Targeting endogenous prion protein reverses cognitive deficits and pathology in prion disease
- Targeting GARP on human Tregs: a novel approach for the immunotherapy of cancer?
- Targeting hepatitis C virus particle release through inhibitors of the p7 proton channel
- Targeting HIV-1 Gag into the DRiP-pathway enhances its presentation by MHC class I
- Targeting host cell genome integrity pathways: Novel mechanisms of HPV persistence.
- Targeting host endomembrane integrity during cellular invasion by bacterial pathogens and its impact on the immune response
- Targeting Hyperactive Ras and Uncovering Mechanisms of Therapeutic Resistance in Genetically Engineered Mice
- Targeting immune checkpoints and the tumour microenvironment to fight cancer
- Targeting inflammation in hypertension - from novel mechanisms to clinical validation
- Targeting liver mitochondria to treat MASLD/MASH and cardiometabolic disease
- Targeting Maladaptive Emotional Memories to Treat Mental Health Disorders: Insights from Rodent Models
- Targeting mitochondrial metabolism to treat ischaemia-reprfusion injury
- Targeting mitochondrial nucleotide metabolism in cancer
- Targeting NG2 Cells in Glioblastoma
- Targeting non-coding RNAs in vascular cell therapy
- Targeting Polycomb repression to the genome.
- Targeting Protease Signaling in Atherothrombosis and NASH with Cell-Penetrating Pepducins
- Targeting RAS mutant cancers: is there an Achilles heel?
- Targeting regulatory T cells in rheumatoid arthritis
- Targeting RET kinase activity as a novel therapeutic strategy for medullary thyroid carcinoma
- Targeting RNA biology in colorectal cancer
- Targeting survival pathways in CML stem cell persistence and TKI-resistance
- Targeting T cell ion transport to advance cancer immunotherapy
- Targeting the brain tumour stem cell phenotype with small molecules
- Targeting the carotid body for controlling hypertension in rat and human
- Targeting the Drosophila X chromosome for global transcription regulation
- Targeting the glial scar to promote repair following spinal cord injury
- Targeting the gut for the treatment of metabolic diseases
- Targeting the lipid kinases
- Targeting the Tumour Microenvironment
- Targeting Tumor Metabolic Vulnerabilities with a Novel Complex-I Inhibitor: [18F]FAZA PET Imaging of Mechanism-Specific Pharmacodynamics In Vivo
- Targeting viral RNA for degradation : the ZAP antiviral system
- Targets of T cell responses against malaria liver infection: immunology meets experimental genetics.
- Targets of the IgE response: helminths and allergens
- Targets of the IgE response: helminths and allergens.
- Tarner Lecture: a world elsewhere
- Tarsal ligament injuries - how do dogs and cats differ?
- Task Alignment
- Task modulation in visual word recognition: a parametric EEG/MEG and fMRI study
- Task Oriented Reconstruction using Deep Learning
- Task-based Language Teaching with Technology: The EU-Funded CAMELOT Project
- Task-dependent vision in the marine environment
- Task-indexed belief
- Taskerman: A Cluster Task Manager
- Taskplan hierarchy and the prefrontal cortex
- Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease
- Tasmanian devils, a species threatened by two transmissible cancers
- Taste, fashion and opportunity in the formation of the Royal Collection
- Tasting Empire: a look at the colonial kitchen and the role of servants in India, Malaysia and Singapore, c.1858-1963
- Tasting Empire: a look at the colonial kitchen and the role of servants in India, Malaysia and Singapore, c.1858-1963
- Tasting Empire: a look at the colonial kitchen and the role of servants in India, Malaysia and Singapore, c.1858-1963
- Tasting the past, or the fallacy of historical accuracy
- Tasty Crafty Aliens - Making the best of a bad situation...
- Tate-Shafarevich groups over anticyclotomic Z p extensions
- Tatiana Bilbao: Recent Work
- Tatous and Taiwan Devils: making sense of scaly mammals in the seventeenth century
- Taut depth one foliations and the sutured Floer polytope
- Tautological algebra of the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve
- Tautological projection for cycles on the moduli space of abelian varieties
- Tax and Tourism
- Tax Law and The Rule Of Law
- Tax Research
- Tax, the Constitution and Public Law
- Taxation: the Need for an Intra-Disciplinary Approach
- Taxes, subsidies or regulation: Why have Britain’s carbon emissions from electricity halved?
- Taxes, subsidies or regulation: Why have Britain’s carbon emissions from electricity halved?
- Taxon-restricted genes at the origin of morphological novelty and ecological opportunity in water-striders
- Taxonomic diversity in African Plio-Pleistocene hominins- early Homo in eastern and southern Africa.
- Taxonomy of models for storage and time-shifting of demand
- Taxonomy, Translatability and Intelligibility of Scientific Images
- Taxonomy, Translatability and Intelligibility of Scientific Images
- Taxonomy, Translatability and Intelligibility of Scientific Images
- Taylor Approximations of SDEs
- Taylor dispersion comes alive: the dispersion of swimming algae
- Tayloring the tails of Taylor dispersion and other “singular” tales. Part II
- TB Summit 2016
- TB Vaccine Development: Global Progress - A talk by Helen Mc Shane
- TB, or not TB: that is the question: Within-herd modelling of bovine Tuberculosis
- Tba
- tba
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- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
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- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- tba
- TBA - Andreas Vogt
- TBA equations and WKB periods for higher order ODE
- tbaCell biology processes: model building and validation using quantitative data
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- Tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- tbc
- TBC A novel mechanosensor in the endothelium that regulates the site-specific distribution of atherosclerosis
- TBC (hypoxia and iron homeostasis)
- tbc (Image analysis for cancer treatment)
- TBC (muscle metabolism in extreme environments)
- TBC (neural crest cell migration and differentiation)
- TBC (single-cell sequencing/transcriptomics)
- TBC (SP Monday Seminar)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC (SP Workshop)
- TBC - linear collider
- TBC - personal genomics
- TBC - Prof Albert Sickmann
- TBC - Sir Greg Winter
- tbc // Sulfur isotopes as tracers for stratospheric volcanic sulfur loading
- TBC ; Effect of boundary-layer shear on trailing-edge noise
- TBCThe past is another country: The elusiveness of specific emotional memories following psychological trauma
- tbd
- TBD - Cool observations of the Icelandic mantle plume
- TBD & Rab8, a regulator of synapse growth in Frontotemporal Dementia?
- TBD - Rigorous networking retrospective: BGP and Metarouting
- TCF/Lef regulates the Gsx ParaHox gene in central nervous development in chordates.
- TCM's "Dragon's Den"
- TCP in the Wild
- TCP/IP: what does it do, and why does it work
- TCSA, or: yet another look at the Ising phase transition
- TDA: Basics and New Connections (Part 1)
- TDA: Basics and New Connections (Part 2)
- TDA: Basics and New Connections (Part 3)
- TDMA For Long Distance Wireless Networks
- TDP-43 amyloids in neurodegenerative diseases
- Tea and Coffee
- Tea and Coffee
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee Break
- Tea and Coffee, and Posters
- Tea Club Seminar - Ritwick Sarwarkar - "Host chromatin response to SARS-CoV-2 et al"
- Tea Club Seminar - Sara Lopez Gomolion "sRNAs and genomic shock"
- Tea Club Seminar - Sophien Kamoun “How to trick a plant pathogen”
- Tea Time Talk Poster Session
- Tea Time Talk Poster Session
- Tea Time Talks - Poster Session
- Tea, Cake and Ergonomic’ drop-in session
- Tea, Coffee and Posters
- Tea/ coffee from 9.05 + Introduction (9.30)
- Teach-Out! Conference! Post-Truth Phenomenon (15-17 March)
- Teach-out! Practitioner Series: Elizabeth Davies, BBC World Service
- Teach-out! The Ripples of Violence against Women and Girls Across Time and Spaces
- Teach-out: RENATA ÁVILA (CEO, Open Knowledge Foundation)
- Teacher development in the use of technology: Insights from fieldwork in Egypt
- Teacher Identity and School Autonomy in Secondary Education in Kazakhstan
- Teacher Inspiration Day
- Teacher Inspiration Programme - Day 2
- Teacher Inspiration programme 2010/11 - Day 1
- Teacher, toy, or calculator? Reflections of mathematics, education, and society in a 20th-century American object
- Teachers as Researchers: Myth or Reality in Kazakhstan?
- Teachers professional learning and inclusive practice
- Teachers, War and Citizenship
- Teachers’ beliefs on assessment for learning and how this relates to national assessment practices
- Teachers’ Sense of Self-efficacy in an Inclusive Classroom: A Mixed Methods Analysis in Two Secondary Schools
- Teaching a new trick to old data: reassessing the Neogene history of C4 grasses in the Great Plains of North America
- Teaching a Polar Project? Free session for teachers of KS1, KS2 or KS3 classes
- Teaching About the Holocaust in English Secondary Schools: Challenges, Complexities and Concerns
- Teaching and Learning from Short Industrial Placements
- Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all. Lessons from the Education for All Global Monitoring Report
- Teaching Artificial Agents to Understand Language by Modelling Reward
- Teaching Artificial Intelligence in K-12
- Teaching ‘like a girl’? Re-conceptualising gender and care in education settings
- TEACHING COMMITTEE to start at 9am
- Teaching Computers to Read
- Teaching control using lego
- Teaching in the Bed of Procrustes: Macho Culture and Gendered Teacher-Student Interactions in Secondary Education
- Teaching Mechanized Semantics
- Teaching Music to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding and Perspectives
- Teaching Political Ecology and Environmental Justice with and against the canon
- Teaching primary learners how to be data citizens
- Teaching primary learners how to be data citizens
- Teaching RSE for Digital Humanities
- Teaching Science to Disadvantaged Students Learning Hurdles and Remedial Measures
- Teaching Sponges New Tricks: Catalysis and Charge Transport in Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Teaching Statistics - A Bag of Tricks
- Teaching sustainability to engineering students
- Teaching the Alphabet of Health to the Indian Masses: The Visual Languages of the Red Cross in India, 1918-1939
- Teaching The World To Code: How A Cambridge Grad Earned £1m Teaching Online
- Teaching using a proof assistant and controlled natural language
- Team with Microbes: Lessons from the Zebrafish Digestive Tract
- Teams announced
- Teams announced
- Tear Films
- Teardown of encrypted USB Flash drives
- Tech Abuse in the Intimate Partner Violence Setting: Issues, Challenges, and Mitigations
- Tech enabled Collective General Intelligence. Johannes Castner, Uni. of Columbia
- Tech law vs tech design: why can't we be friends?
- Tech Ventures Conference 2007
- Techfugees Cambridge
- Technical Challenges associated with record linkage
- Technical challenges in the upstream oil industry
- Technical context for deepwater drilling and oil spill response
- Technical context for deepwater drilling and oil spill response.
- Technical Report Route to ICE Memebership
- Technical Writing
- Technical Writing II
- Techniques & tools for microbiome data integration in longitudinal profiling studies
- Techniques for Symbolic Complexity Bounds
- Techno fixes in health care settings?
- Technocolonialism: digital humanitarianism as extraction
- Technological Change and the Inequality of Jobs: American Transport, 1750–1860
- Technological Conspiracies
- Technological Displacement of White-collar Employment: Political and Social Implications
- Technological evolution of early hominids
- Technological pathways for thermomechanical energy conversion and storage: Progress, challenges and outlook
- Technological trajectories of hip replacement
- Technological Unemployment in the British Industrial Revolution: The Destruction of Hand Spinning
- Technologies & platforms for the generation of epigenetics data.
- Technologies for learning and wellbeing
- Technologies for Online Interoperable Assessment
- Technologies for scalably modeling and simulating whole cells
- Technologies of revolution: how innovations are undermining regimes everywhere
- Technology and development: the contribution of OER
- Technology and Golf: Friends or Foes?
- Technology and Innovation Management - three day course
- Technology and interconnection in Southeast Asia's longue durée
- Technology and Transformation and Classrooms: Do/can/should they converge?
- Technology at Work: The Future of Innovation and Employment
- Technology Development
- Technology Development
- Technology eats history: time and techno-metabolism in the Anthropocene
- Technology for Bioelectronic Medicine
- Technology for Bioelectronic Medicine
- Technology for Bioelectronic Medicine
- Technology is what makes us human
- Technology Readiness Levels for Machine Learning Systems
- Technology Risk Management - Achilles Heels, Myths and Mirages
- Technology Risk Management Guidelines and Regulations for the Safety & Soundness of the Financial Industry in Singapore
- Technology Transparency & Social Responsibility
- Technology Venture Conference 2007: Commercialising Early-Stage Technologies
- Technology Venture Conference 2008: Emerging Technologies opportunities for tomorrow
- Technology Venture Conference 2009: Innovative Technologies for Global Challenges
- Technology Venturing Forum
- Technology, Body and Mind Workshop
- Technology, Environment, and Crisis: “Catastrophic Technology” and the Environmental Movement
- Technology, Environment, and Crisis: The Idea of ‘Catastrophic Technology’ and the Environmental Movement
- Technology, Recombination and Speed
- Technology, society, & the layers between : A conversation with Sara Wahedi
- Technology, Tools, and Toys of Early Modern Science
- Technology, Transparency and Policing
- Technology-driven statistics
- Technology-Facilitated Abuse: The Role of Tech in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence
- Technology: Transparency vs Privacy - Neal Katyal Lecture
- Technomimetic Nanomachines: A wheelbarrow and a molecular motor
- Technoscience in the tropics: public agricultural research and environmental imaginaries in Brazil
- TechTalk by Google - The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems
- TechTalk: Business-Model Research & Strategic Marketing Measurement at Rocket Internet
- TechWolf: Deep learning for Career Prediction
- TechWolf: From text to skills: an NLP journey
- TechWolf: JobBERT: Understanding Job Titles through Skills
- TechWolf: Revolutionizing HR Tech: Ethical AI Integration in the Age of Generative Models
- Tectonic pulsing, climate cycles and contourites: drilling results from IODP Expedition 339
- Tectonics and magmatism in collision zones; observations from the Himalaya and Caucasus
- Tectonics of the Salton Trough and Northern Gulf of California
- TED Chat
- TED Chat - Appropriate technology
- TEDxCambridgeUniversity - Beyond the Veil
- TEDxCambridgeUniversity Salon - Other Worlds
- Teenagers - Why Have Them?
- Teenagers: A Natural History
- Teenagers: A Natural History
- Teenagers: A Natural History
- Teens and Chaos: Representations of Maturation in YA Dystopian Literature
- Teeth and Dental Materials
- TEG Seminar Series 2007: Professor Gordon Murray
- Teichmüller curves in genus three and unlikely intersections
- Telecoms as a Catalyst for Development in Afghanistan by Karim Khoja
- Teleoperating Mobile Things
- Telepathy: not your grandmother's communications framework
- Telescopic Urbanism
- Teleseismic monitoring: undetected earthquakes, long period volcanic tremors and more...
- Tell me the story of this artefact: democratising interpretation processes through innovative museum displays
- Tell Me Where You’ve Lived and What You Want -- I’ll Tell You What You Like and Need
- Telling it Like it Isn’t: Radiation Misconceptions and Public Reassurance
- Telling mathematical tales: Mathematics in different languages
- Telling membranes where to go - the macroautophagy machinery in phagocytosis and viral envelope acquisition
- Telling Secrets: Vermeer’s Women and their world
- Telling Tree Stories through Laser Scans and AI
- Telomere to mitochondria signaling prevents age-associated cancer initiation
- Telomere-to-Telomere Chromosome Assemblies: New Insights Into Genome Biology & Structure
- Telomeres and the challenges to chromosome integrity
- Telum Acerrimum, being a Firm Reply to some Outlandish Recent Theories Concerning the Use of Missile Weapons in the Manipular Legion
- temp
- Temperament, Health and Production in Dairy Cattle
- Temperature front formation in stably stratified turbulence
- Temperature Interfaces in the Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn Driven Lattice Gas
- Temperature reconstructions from melt-affected ice cores
- Temperature sensing in plant development
- Temperature Shocks and Industry Earnings News
- Temperature-dependent carbon cycling in the Eocene greenhouse
- Temperley-Lieb algebras and diagram algebras
- Template shape estimation: correcting an asymptotic bias
- Templated Dynamical Phases in Biased Ensembles of Pulsating Active Matter
- Templated self-assembly of Block Copolymers and Multiferroic Oxide Nanocomposites
- Temporal analysis and small world properties of social and technological networks.
- Temporal binding and the idea of a 'sense of agency': a critical examination
- Temporal co-operation of distinct neuronal types in the hippocampus
- Temporal co-operation of distinct neuronal types in the hippocampus
- Temporal correlations under finite-memory constraints
- Temporal Distance Metrics for Social Network Analysis
- Temporal dynamics of post-retrieval amnesia for learned fear
- Temporal economies in fertility research in Germany, 1900–45
- Temporal epidemic dynamics in the presence of contact network structure
- Temporal Expectations in the Human Brain
- Temporal fine structure and pitch perception
- Temporal grouping effect in verbal short term memory
- Temporal logic verification of programs
- Temporal patterning during development and tumorigenesis
- Temporal Pointwise Convolutional Networks for Length of Stay Prediction in the Intensive Care Unit
- Temporal Resolution Multiplexing: Exploiting the limitations of spatio-temporal vision for more efficient VR rendering (conference practice talk)
- Temporal Scaling of C. elegans Ageing
- Temporary Urbanism
- Ten billion years of galaxy construction
- Ten Corrupt Practices at the Longjiang Shipyard: Management Lessons in 16th Century China
- Ten rules for the presentation and interpretation of data in publications
- Ten things you always wanted to know about Hans Sloane, founder of the British Museum... but were afraid to ask
- Ten things you don’t know about Microsoft
- Ten Ways To A Better Brain
- Ten years of exploring Peru
- Ten Years of Universal Dependencies
- Tender curiosities: natural history and gendered knowledge-craft at country houses, counting houses, and Royal African Company factories
- Tendermint: Byzantine Fault Tolerance in the age of Blockchains
- Tense- and Aspect-Forms and Their Referents
- Tensegrity Structures.Part 1: Form-finding of Repetitive Tensegrity Structures, Part 2: Zero Stiffness Tensegrity Structures
- Tensegrity systems: a brief history
- Tension in the Hubble Constant
- Tensor categories of classical Lie type
- Tensor cross interpolation for multivariate recovery and high--precision computation of high--dimensional integrals
- Tensor freeness and central limit theorem
- Tensor methods for higher-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation
- Tensor Methods for Parameter Estimation and Bifurcation Analysis of Stochastic Reaction Networks
- Tensor modes on the string theory landscape
- Tensor network approaches to the quantum many-body problem 1
- Tensor network approaches to the quantum many-body problem 2
- Tensor network approaches to the quantum many-body problem 3
- Tensor network approaches to the quantum many-body problem 4
- Tensor Network Representation of Strongly Correlated States of Matter
- Tensor Network Techniques and systems out of equilibrium
- Tensor non-Gaussianity and Partially Massless Fields
- Tensor product method for radiative transfer
- Tensor Product of Restricted Simple Modules of SL_4 over Characteristic 2
- Tensor product representations for RNNs / Revisiting post-processing for word embeddings
- Tensor products in higher category theory
- Tensor tomography on surfaces
- Tensor-Reduced Atomic Density Representations
- Tensor-triangular fields
- Tensors, Tumours and Vitreous Humours - the Secret Mathematical Life of a Neuro-oncologist
- Tensors, colours, and octahedra
- Tenstorrent - building AI/ML accelerators
- Tenth Annual Symposium of the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute
- Tenth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Teorema (Pasolini, 1968): A Roundtable on Film and Literature with Ali Smith, Robert Gordon and Lucia Yandoli
- Terabit traffic vs. von Neumann - Ensoft Technical Talk
- Terahertz Heterodyne Spectrometer using a Quantum Cascade Laser
- Terahertz lights up the nanoscale: Paving the way for nanotechnology via terahertz spectroscopy.
- Terahertz Quantum Cascade lasers based on Micro-resonators (SP Workshop)
- Terahertz Science and Technology – from challenges to opportunities
- Terahertz technology: Detecting terrorists and breast cancer
- Terahertz technology: Shedding light on cancer
- Terahertz wave detection based on low-dimensional electron
- Terahertz-chip-scale Systems for Intelligent Sensing and 6G Communication: Can AI help?
- Tereza Constantinou on the Link Between Geochemistry and Atmospheres
- Term Mining in Biomedicine
- Term Planning
- Term planning and feedback from CHI
- Termination analysis and call graph construction for higher-order functional programs
- Termination of Black Hole Superradiance from a Binary Companion
- Termination of hydrodynamic type chains
- Termites as ecosystem engineers. Water, soils and architecture in _Macrotermes_ mounds in Namibia
- Terra Firma: a conversation with Pallavi Paul
- TERRANOVA from the last and current Interglacial periods into the Anthropocene: an Atlas database drawing lessons from ancient land use for future European landscape management
- Terrestrial biodiversity in Antarctica
- Terrestrial hydrothermal environments as windows to prebiotic worlds
- Terrestrial planet formation in hot Jupiter systems
- Terrible teens: an osteological investigation of adolescence and health in medieval England
- Territorial Phantom Pains and Other Cartographic Anxieties
- Terror by Beauty: Russo-Soviet perspectives
- Terrorism and it's impact on Pakistan by Mian Iftikhar Hussain, Minister for Information, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan
- Terzaghi Lecture: Ground Deformation Effects on Subsurface Pipelines and Infrastructure Systems
- Terzaghi's fallacy
- Tesla Coils: How To Build One & What To Do With It Once You Have
- TESLA: Temporally-enhanced security logic assertions
- test
- Test
- test
- test
- Test
- Test
- test
- Test
- Test
- Test - to be deleted
- Test 1
- Test 2
- Test and item evaluation
- Test Automation and Debug hardware for Chromebooks
- Test Generation and Fault Localization for Web Applications
- Test lecture
- test not ex dir
- Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays
- Test of Lorentz and CPT violation with neutrinos
- Test particle simulations of Solar Energetic Particle propagation through interplanetary space
- Test particle simulations of Solar Energetic Particle propagation through interplanetary space -> CANCELLED
- Test Session
- test talk
- test talk
- test title
- Test-tubes and turpitude: infertility and artificial insemination in mid-twentieth-century Scotland
- Test1
- Testability of relations between permutations
- Test–retest reliability of resting-state fMRI networks.
- testing
- testing 2
- Testing and fault localization in constraint programs
- testing beer talk
- Testing Bell Inequalities at the LHC
- Testing Braneworld Modified Gravity
- Testing breast cancer mammography screening artificial intelligence algorithms using the Cambridge Cohort database; study design, methods and statistical analysis
- Testing Care Home Staff
- Testing dependence by correlation of distances
- Testing eddy compensation and eddy saturation in the Southern Ocean
- Testing expansion in bounded degree graphs
- Testing feedback models with high-redshift metals
- Testing for High-dimensional White Noise
- Testing for integrity in the workplace
- Testing for Local Stationarity in Acoustic Signals: Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches
- Testing for sparse normal means: is there a signal?
- Testing Gaugino Mass Unification Directly at the LHC
- Testing General Relativity on cosmological scales and through screening mechanisms
- Testing General Relativity with 21 cm intensity mapping
- Testing General Relativity with Cosmological Observations
- Testing General Relativity with Cosmology: a new Golden Age?
- Testing general relativity with the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalogue GWTC-1
- Testing GPU Memory Consistency at Large
- Testing gravity using astrophysics
- Testing Gravity with Gravitational Waves
- Testing Harrisson's Hypothesis: Zooarchaeology and the Bats of Niah
- Testing hypotheses about sexual selection and species recognition in Australian Bowerbirds using principles from sensory ecology
- Testing initial conditions using Large Scale Struture
- Testing kinetic theories for granular flow using positron emission particle tracking
- Testing lack-of-fit in inverse regression models
- Testing LambdaCDM with Dwarf Spheroidals
- Testing local isotropy with weak lensing
- Testing nonequilibrium currents
- Testing nonlinear new economic geography models
- Testing of an amalgamated sill hypothesis for the origin of magic-ultramafic layered intrusions
- Testing orientation information for different category exemplars in the human visual pathway
- Testing radius valley emergence models around late-type stars with TESS.
- Testing reflexivity and logophoricity in Latin
- Testing string theory with cosmological observations
- Testing tacit collusion in the Chilean housing market.
- Testing the Bayesian confidence hypothesis
- Testing the Bytham river hypothesis
- Testing the concordance cosmology at large and small cosmic scales
- Testing the Cosmological Principle
- Testing the Dark Energy Paradigm and Beyond
- Testing the Effectiveness of Targeted Financial Sanctions on Russia: Law or War?
- Testing the gravitational sector with black hole perturbations
- Testing the Kerr hypothesis: the examples of synchronisation and scalarisation
- Testing the No-Hair Theorem with Astrophysical Black Holes
- Testing the Physics of Solar Flares with NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory and Radiative MHD Simulations
- Testing the potential of Modafinil to improve cognition in patients with remitted depression
- Testing the Returns from Black-Box Hedge Fund
- Testing the Robustness of NANOGrav’s Gravitational Wave Background Signal
- Testing to Control Transmission in Hospitals
- Testing Uniformitarianism to destruction: Reflections on experimental archaeology
- Testing your memory: The many consequences of retrieval on long-term learning and retention
- Testosterone and Autism iPSC-neurons - A Functional Genomics Study
- Testosterone and Human Gender Development
- Testosterone and the Brain: A molecular study using an autism stem cell model
- Tests and Proofs in Isabelle
- Tests for Life Chances: CD4 miracles and obstacles in Uganda
- Tests for separability in nonparametric covariance operators of random surfaces
- Tests for separability in nonparametric covariance operators of random surfaces
- Tests for separability in nonparametric covariance operators of random surfaces
- Tests of lepton universality in B decays
- Tests of strong gravity and new physics with gravitational waves
- Tet proteins and methylcytosine oxidation
- TET-family dioxygenases, immune responses and cancer
- Tetrad methods in numerical relativity
- Tetrad methods in numerical relativity
- Tetrahydrobiopterin - Role in Ether Lipid Metabolism of Macrophages
- Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks, and the Legacy of the Three-Body Problem
- Tetsuya Higashiyama (Nagoya University)- Title to be confirmed
- TeV scale SUSY B-L
- Texas 2019
- Texas 3
- Texas, and the hunt for the elusive Epithelantha
- TexGen - Open-Source Software for Geometric Modelling of Textile Structures
- Text analysis for speech synthesis
- Text Analysis of Social Media Beyond Twitterdome
- Text and Data Mining Symposium
- Text Data Mining using Topic Modeling
- Text entry performance of state of the art unconstrained handwriting recognition: a longitudinal user study
- Text mining and high dimensional statistical analysis
- Text mining for public health reviews (The Robot Analyst)
- Text Mining in Dynamic Networks of Documents
- Text Simplification: Where are we now, and where are we headed?
- Text Summarisation with TextRank
- Text To Programs: Automating Computer Tasks from Natural Language Descriptions
- Text-and-audio methods
- Text-and-audio methods
- Textile reinforcement: Research and application
- Textual transmission and hypertextuality in ancient Mesopotamia: the example of the divinatory series šumma ālu and šumma izbu (second to first millennia BC)
- Textural Analysis for the Prediction of Cerebrovascular Events
- Texture analysis and Machine Learning for the Prediction of Cardiovascular Events
- Texture Analysis and Machine Learning for the Prediction of Cerebrovascular Events.
- Textures and Topology in Liquid Crystals
- Textures of the polarisation field in ferroelectric nanowires
- TF-mediated epigenetic memory in ES cells
- TGF-beta signaling in ILC3 prevents spontaneous microbiota-induced colorectal cancer
- TGFβ signalling is a novel regulator of haemogenic endothelium programming and haematopoietic stem cell emergence
- Th2 response induction by dendritic cells: lessons from pathogens
- Thailand's Human Rights Foreign Policy
- Thalamic Calcium waves regulate the development & plasticity of sensory cortical maps
- Thalamo-cortical connectivity in preterm infants
- Thalamocortical rhythms of sleep and epilepsy
- Thar she blows - in pursuit of a classification of finite index subgroups of SL_2(Z) in terms of wallpaper groups
- Thatcher, scientist
- The Long-Term Behaviour of Twin Tunnells
- The other side of Bricklane? Second language proficiency, linguistic vitality and identity construction in the London Benglasdeshi Community
- The transcendental motive of a a cubic fourfold
- The $L^2$ geometry of vortex moduli spaces
- The $\bar\partial$-problem on unbounded domains
- The "Giants" of Ancient Peru: Secrets of the Moche Royal Court (AD 200-800)
- The "Innocence" of Children's Literature - 1880-1960. How Mainstream Children's Literature Ignored Two World Wars and Other Unpleasantness. Or did it?
- The "Mumford conjecture" package, and applications
- The "why and how" of the new Hipparcos reduction & some first science results
- The 'Aeroplane Gaze': looking up in 1909
- The 'consultations' of Dr William Cullen (1710–1790): creating a digital edition
- The 'convergence' of operating systems and distributed systems
- The 'dye herbarium': capturing colour in botanical collections
- The 'economic' metaphor in biology: a case study
- The 'ethereal female' motif in Arctic fiction of the 19th Century
- The 'Great Ice Age' of anatomy: learning from frozen sections c. 1900
- The 'lesser herbals' in early modern natural history
- The 'mechanical hypothesis' in Ancient Greek natural philosophy
- The 'miracle of childbirth': the portrayal of parturient women in medieval miracle narratives
- The 'Missing' Picture in the Family Album. Photographic Essays by the Children of the Victims of State Terrorism in Argentina (1976-1983)
- The 'premature arrival of the future': temporalities of cloning in 1970s life sciences and culture
- The 'Primary Chronicle' and the Origin of the Kyivan Rus' State
- The 'religious administration' knowledge, surveillance and governmentality in 1930s Mongolia
- The 'Rich Club' phenomenon in large networks
- The 'richness' of brain organisation: What a large-scale human brain functional network has in common with the C. elegans neuronal connectome and beginning to describe brain disorders in terms of disordered networks
- The 'Science' of Taoism
- The 'social' in English language teaching: Situated accomplishments
- The 'syntactic relevance' of Aspect in Modern Greek
- The 'Tock Tick' of Senescence
- The 'Tock Tick' of Senescence
- The 'Tock Tick' of Senescence
- The 'Tropical Dominions' - the appeal of Dominion Status in the decolonisation of India, Pakistan and Ceylon
- The 'Voice' of Authority; a framework for analysing how authority can be built and maintained
- The 'voice' of the accretion disc in black hole X-ray binaries
- The 'Widget'; an interesting and useful companion to the art of drinking beer
- The 'Wood Age' at Kalambo Falls, Zambia
- The (evolving) story of circumbinary planets - real life Tatooines
- The (in)animation of coloniality: resistance to decolonising initiatives in environmental and geographical disciplines
- The (in)fidelity of human mitochondrial gene expression
- The (In)visible Gay in Academic Leadership: Implications for Re-imagining Inclusion and Transformation in South Africa
- The (Liquid-Crystal) Phase-Field-Crystal model - Derivations and Applications
- The (micro)diversity of pollination systems in the genus Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae): biogeographic and phylogenetic perspectives
- The (mis)use of history in Holocaust theology
- The (non-)concentration of the chromatic number
- The (not so) smooth muscle cells in atherosclerosis
- The (Political and Financial) Economics of Transformational Technology
- The (potential) unexpected benefits of sun exposure for obesity control.
- The (socio)linguistics of Cypriot Greek as a heritage language in present-day London
- The *-Edge Reinforced random walk, bayesian statistics and statistical physics
- The - too? - longue durée: modelling approaches to Pleistocene and Holocene Adriatic
- The 0.5 plateau
- The 10 Cultures Problem
- The 10 minute shuffle
- The 1000 Genomes Project and Beyond
- The 1000 Genomes Project and challenges in population-scale sequencing
- The 1690s: England's First Modern Economic Crisis?
- The 17th Annual DRC Disability Lecture
- The 1947-8 Kashmir conflict as an extension of colonial tribal insurgencies
- The 1981 Budget: ‘A Dunkirk, not an Alamein’
- The 1995 Benjamini and Hochberg paper on false discovery rates
- The 1995 wavelet paper of Donoho, Johnstone, Kerkyacharian and Picard
- The 2-dimensional O(N) sigma model: a resurgence laboratory
- The 2-linearity of the free group and the topology of the punctured disc
- The 2-particle density matrix and the exchange-correlation holes
- The 20 Years Anniversary of the Zapatista Uprising: round-table and screening
- The 2008 release of CES – new Bio and Eco tools
- The 2008-2009 crisis in historical perspective: international cooperation and the emergence of the G20
- The 2009 CUEN Annual Energy Conference - Solar Power: Lighting the way towards a sustainable future
- The 2010 Cambridge iGEM talk: E.glowi- Self-sufficient light output for biosensors and lighting
- The 2010 CU Canon Foundation Lecture : Creative tensions between science and technology
- The 2010 CUEN Annual Energy Conference - Driving Change: Energy and Transportation in the 21st Century
- The 2010 Decadal Survey: A Cambridge Perspective
- The 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull: Interaction between volcanic plumes and the wind and consequences for modelling airborne ash hazard to aviation
- The 2011 Libyan Uprisings, the Ascendancy of the Periphery, and Enduring Patterns in Libyan History
- The 2012 London Regenerative Medicine Event
- The 2012 Obama-Romney Presidential Election: Issues, Voter Groups, Swing Districts, Projections
- The 2012 Stem Cell Discussion Forum
- The 2012 summer sea ice retreat in the Arctic and its implications
- The 2013 Stem Cells Discussion Forum: Working Towards Clinical Application
- The 2013 three Rs Event: Toll like receptors (TLRs),RIG-like receptors (RLRs) and Nod-like receptors (NLR)
- The 2014 Ageing Summit
- The 2014 Alcuin Lecture: The UK in or out of the EU: an Italian/European point of view
- The 2014 Alzheimer's Disease Congress
- The 2014 Ebola outbreak and the risk of future pandemics
- The 2014 Innate Immunity Summit
- The 2014 Obesity Summit
- The 2014 Pathology Congress
- The 2014 Pregnancy Summit
- The 2014 Regenerative Medicine Event: Stem Cell Reprogramming
- The 2014 TB Summit
- The 2014-15 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun magmatic rifting episode: A seismic study
- The 2015 Ageing Summit
- The 2015 Annual Risk Summit
- The 2015 Controlling Cancer Summit
- The 2015 Delhi Elections: what do they tell us about Indian democracy?
- The 2015 Forensic Forums
- The 2015 Innate Immunity Summit
- The 2015 Obesity Summit
- The 2015 Pregnancy Summit
- The 2015 Sleep Summit
- The 2015 Smoking Science Summit
- The 2015 Sports Science Summit
- The 2015 TB Summit
- The 2015 Tissue Engineering Congress
- The 2015 Vaccine Summit
- The 2016 Alzheimer's Disease Congress
- The 2016 Antcliffe Lecture with Tristram Hunt MP
- The 2016 Immunosuppression Summit: Problems of immunosuppression and overcoming them
- The 2016 K-axis Voyage: A Salpa thompsoni goldmine
- The 2016 Obesity Summit
- The 2016 Respiratory Health Summit
- The 2016 Sleep Summit
- The 2017 Forensic Forums
- The 2017 Sports Science Summit
- The 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano: Unprecedented insight into the onset and evolution of a caldera collapse
- The 2019 Cambridge Autism Genetics Symposium
- The 2019 Dr Seng Tee Lee Lecture: Prospero’s Practicum - Conjuring the 4th Industrial Revolution on an Even Smaller Island
- The 2021 Annual Lee Seng Tee Distinguished Lecture - Race, Scientific Racism and Genetics
- The 2021 Mw 8.1 Kermadec Earthquake Sequence: Deep Megathrust Slip Nucleation and M8 Rupture along the Slab-Mantle Contact
- The 21-cm forest
- The 26th Annual McWilliams Probation Lecture - ‘Probation – A local collaborative venture’
- The 27km machine and the building blocks of the Universe
- The 2d:4d measure: what does it measure and can it be improved?
- The 2nd Annual Sir John Walker Lecture: "Bioenergetic constraints on the evolution of cells"
- The 2nd Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium for Postgraduates
- The 3D Navier-Stokes Bermuda Triangle
- The 4-dimensional E.coli chromosome: how a temporal programme can be encoded in a 2D genetic map.
- The 4D/5D connection, black holes and higher-derivative couplings
- The 4th Annual Symposium on the Digital Person (Online)
- The 4th dimension of transcriptional networks: TIME
- The 4th Improving Immunohistochemistry Discussion Forum
- The 4th Improving Immunohistochemistry Discussion Forum
- The 5-modular Character Table of the Lyons Group
- The 5G Communications Network And The Impact Of Graphene
- The 5th Annual Sir John Walker Lecture, "The mitochondrial calcium uniporter: molecular identity and physiological role"
- The 6th Annual Sir John Walker Lecture, 'Genomics approaches to mitochondrial physiology and disease'
- The 6th Annual Sir William Dunn Lecture
- The 6th element of DNA: Identification of methyl deoxyadenosines in higher eukaryotes
- The 8th Annual Cambridge Vsesvit Evening: Maklena
- The 8th Annual Sir John Walker Lecture
- The 9th annual John Antcliffe Lecture with Lord Hague of Richmond
- The A-side of the Ceresa cycle
- The A-Truncated K-Moment Problem
- The Aaberg Exhaust: or why you don’t suck out your birthday candles
- The ab initio multiscale approach to a lightning rod
- The ab urbe condita construction in Latin - an LFG account
- The ABC Conjecture
- The ABC of auxin transport
- The ABC’s of centriole and cilium architecture
- The ABCDEFG of Instantons
- The ABCs of estimating Gaussians with structured precision matrices: information theory meets coarse grain modelling of nucleic acids
- The ablation of icebergs and ice shelves
- The Abnormalities in Plasma Cells in an Autoimmmune Disease Provide both a Window and a Key
- The absence of bottleneck in the Lagrangian-averaged model for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics
- The absence of stable Schottky relations
- The Absolute Faker: The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Con Man in the Land of the Capitalists
- The abstract commensurator of Out(F_3)
- The abstract Hodge Laplacian
- The abstractness effect: Abstract words have a processing advantage over concrete words
- The abundance and spatial distribution of ultra-diffuse galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters
- The Academic Pensions Crisis
- The acceleration of cultural evolution: computational approaches
- The Accidental Amplification of Pro-Eating Disorder Content on Social Media
- The Accidental Entrepreneur: Different Pathways to Success
- The Acheulean in East Africa: results of recent research
- The Achilles' heel: a cautionary tale
- The Acoustic Boundary Condition for Flow Over a Deformable Wall
- The acoustics and tuning of cylindrical drums
- The acoustics of bouncing: drumsticks, impact hammers and church bells
- The acoustics of everyday objects
- The acoustics of wind instruments: trombones, trumpets and conch shells
- The acquisition and development of argumentative skills in children
- The actin cortex in live cells - Matthieu Piel
- The action dimensions of some discrete groups
- The activation of the complement system contributes to severe inflammatory pathology in COVID-19
- The Activity of Living Matter - Networks and emergent properties
- The Ada Lovelace Event
- The adaption of rod photoreceptors to light
- The adenomatous polyposis protein as a cytoskeletal architect: implications for early tumourigenesis
- The ADHD polygenic score
- The adolescent brain
- The adolescent brain: vulnerability to mood and anxiety disorders
- The adoption of Hindu-Arabic numerals in England and Italy, a comparative perspective (13th–16th centuries)
- The Adriatic Plain: A Late Glacial Refugium? Preliminary zooarchaeological data from the Late Upper Palaeolithic site of Vela Spila (Croatia)
- The Adriatic Plain: An LGM-Late Glacial human refugium?
- The AdS/Ricci-flat correspondence and some applications
- The Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite : High-resolution X-ray astronomy in the 2030s
- The adventures and speculations of the ingenious Peter Perez Burdett
- The adventures of the Curiosity rover at Gale crater, Mars
- The adventures of the Curiosity rover in Gale crater: exploring Mars geology by robot
- The AE-theory of the partial ordering of the Sigma^0_2-enumeration degrees
- The AEGIS project
- The AEGIS-X survey of the Extended Groth Strip
- The Aerodynamics of Cricket Ball Swing
- The Aerodynamics of Cricket Ball Swing
- The aerogel formation of carbon nanotubes
- The aeromechanics of bat flight
- The aerosol indirect effect in mixed phase and ice clouds
- The Aesthetics of Microscopy
- The affair of the under-librarian: Thomas Hearne (1678-1735) and the politics of English historical collections
- The Affective Economy of Social Relations in Early Modern England
- The Afghan Special Police
- The African Humid Period: Human Socio-cultural Responses - a view from the Turkana Basin, East Africa
- The African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS): Next Einstein Initiative (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- The African killifish: a vertebrate model to understand aging and ‘suspended animation'
- The After Life
- The Aftermath of Financial Crises
- The aftermath of the demographic transition in the developed world
- The Aftermath of War: Iraq Ten Years On
- The Age of Assassination: Monarchy and Nation in Nineteenth-Century Europe
- The age of climate resilience
- The age of climate resilience”
- The Age of Entrepreneurship: whole-population analysis of trends in entrepreneurship 1851-1911 from the censuses
- The Age of Predictive Medicine
- The Age of the Applied Economist: The Transformation of Economics Since the 1970s
- The age of the collector: History of the Woodwardian and Sedgwick Museums
- The age of the collector: the founding and development of the Woodwardian and Sedgwick Museums
- The Age Wave: Technology and the Maturing Workforce
- The ageing brain and its impact upon the gambling experience
- The Ageing Cell Conference 2017
- The ageing eye - Lifestyle vs Genes
- The ageing lung, frailty and COPD
- The aggregate consequences of forbearance lending: Evidence from Japan
- The Aggregate Consequences of Forbearance Lending: Evidence from Japan
- The aggregation problems in learning theory
- The Agile Johnson
- The agony of Greek Jews in World War II
- The agricultural economy during the Longshan period: an archaeobotanical perspective from Shandong and Shanxi
- The agroecology of subsistence in Japan during the 1st Millennium BC using ecological modelling
- The AI Mathematician, Part I
- The AI Mathematician, Part II
- The air we breathe: practices of care
- The Aka-Miji language cluster of the Kameng region, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
- The AKS primality test explained
- The AKT inhibitor capivasertib (AZD5363): from discovery to clinical proof concept
- The AKT inhibitor Capivasertib (AZD5363): From Discovery to Clinical Proof of Concept
- The AKT inhibitor Capivasertib (AZD5363): from discovery to clinical proof of concept
- The Alchemy of Vacuum
- The Alexander polynomial as a Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant
- The Alexander polynomial, its categorification and gluing
- The Alfred Wallis factor in St Ives art
- The Algebra of Directed Acyclic Graphs
- The Algebraic Circuit-Based Approach to Proof Complexity
- The algebraic method in statistics: Betti numbers and Alexander duality
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups I
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups II
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups III
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups IV
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups IX
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups V
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups VI
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups VII
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups VII
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups VIII
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups X
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups XI
- The algebraic theory of p-adic Lie groups XII
- The Algorithm is Going to Get You: Should We Fear the Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice?
- The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy (Chapters 1 and 2)
- The algorithmic infinite monkey theorem
- The algorithmic strength of planar graph colouring theorems
- The ALICE Experiment
- The alignment of the spin of galaxies with their large-scale environment
- The All-in-one Relaxion
- The Allen-Cahn construction of minimal hypersurfaces
- The allure of the aesthetic - and how not to draw conclusions
- The Allure of the Centipede
- The ALMA View of Planet Formation
- The ALPHA axion dark matter experiment
- The alternative oxidase: a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of trypanosomiasis, cryptosporidiosis and candidiasis
- The amazing capacity of the adult central nervous system to repair traumatic injuries
- The amazing capacity of the adult central nervous system to repair traumatic injuries
- The Amazing Diversity of Planetary Systems
- The amazing hepatocyte: master of disguise and adaptation
- The amazing recent years in Solar Cells.
What’s next?
- The amazing world of the GnRH neuron
- The Amazon Third Way and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: an attempt to overcome history through technology
- The Ambonese Rumphius and his inter-island information networks
- The American Progressives on Leaderless Government and the Rule of Law
- The American States and Their Police Power, 1789-1931
- The American States and Their Police Power, 1789-1931
- The American Welfare State and Social Contract in Hard Times
- The Amphioxus Model in Evo-Devo/Neofunctionalization of Retinoic Acid Receptors in Vertebrates
- The amplituhedron for tree-level scattering amplitudes in N=4 sYM
- The Amritsar Massacre 1919-2019: writing the micro-history of a global event
- The Amsterdam Metro project (deep excavations, jet grouting etc)
- The Amur River
- The anabelian geometry of hyperbolic curves over finite fields
- The analysis of Australian faunal assemblages with ZooMS: potentials and challenges
- The Analysis of King Richard III
- The analytic backbone of the GFF/SLE coupling on Riemann surfaces
- The anatomical basis of a neuropeptide’s various functions: Pigment-Dispersing Factor and circadian timekeeping in Drosophila
- The anatomo-functional role of the subthalamic nucleus in strategic decision making
- The Anatomy and Physiognomy of Early Modern Vocal Identity
- The anatomy of abrupt climate change over Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles seen from the North Atlantic/Nordic Seas
- The anatomy of an influenza pandemic
- The anatomy of Britain’s inter-war super-rich: reconstructing the 1928 'millionaire' population
- The anatomy of statistical methods: models, hypotheses, significance and power
- The anatomy of statistical methods: models, hypotheses, significance and power
- The anatomy of statistical methods: models, hypotheses, significance and power
- The anatomy of touch: nature, knowledge and technologies of touch in the Renaissance
- The Anatomy of Unbelief: Rethinking the Scientific Approaches to Nonreligion
- The Anatomy of Violence
- The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime
- The Ancients and the Cold War: the political use of the classical past in post-Civil War Greece
- The Anderson operator
- The Android Platform Security Model (and the security status of actual devices)
- The Andromeda System
- The Anglosphere Tradition in British Politics
- The Angolan Coffee Frontier, 1820-1920
- The angular momentum controversy: what's it all about and does it matter?
- The angular size of the Sun and Moon and the emergence of Devonian tetrapods
- The anisotropic N-centre problem
- The Anne McLaren Lecture
- The Anne McLaren Lecture
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Cell polarity in lymphocytes
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Cell shape and morphogenesis: sub cellular and supra-cellular mechanisms
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Coordination of cell states and tissue architecture by mechanical forces
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: CRISPR-Cas Gene Editing: Biology, Technology and Ethics
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Embryonic and adult neural stem cells- what underlies their difference
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Epigenetic regulation by histone acetylation
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Gene regulatory networks during development: Is there a code ?
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: How CST protects telomeres and double-strand breaks
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Lipoproteins and signaling lipids in the Hedgehog pathway
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Remodeling the nucleus through development
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Reprogramming and cellular dominance
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Signalling pathways regulating cell fate allocation in the early mouse embryo
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: Stem cells in lung maintenance and repair
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: The blastocyst and its stem cells; from mouse to human relevance
- The Anne McLaren Lecture: The genetics and cell biology of mammalian Hedgehog signaling
- The annotation and practical problems in pathology image analysis with deep learning approaches
- The Annual Adrian Lecture. "The flow of information underlying a tactile decision."
- The annual Breathlessness Research Interest Group Open Lecture
- The annual cycle in tropical lower stratospheric temperatures
- The Anomalous Physics of Ultra-Flexible Framework Materials
- The Anonymisation Decision Making Framework
- The Answers
- The Antarctic ozone hole: review and update
- The Antarctic Ozone Hole: Then and Now
- The Antcliffe Lecture: Thatcherism Today
- The anterior insular cortex in the rat exerts an inhibitory influence over the loss of control of heroin intake and subsequent propensity to relapse
- The Anthropocene seen by the Anopheles: fighting malarial mosquitoes with chemicals in modern China, 1910s–1960s
- The anthropology of zoosexuality
- The Anti-Bank: the privatized delivery of social grants using biometric encrypted smart-cards in southern Africa
- The anti-feminist construction of the 'midlife crisis'
- The Anti-Inference Bias and Circumstantial Evidence
- The Anti-Malarial Drug and Lysosomal Inhibitor, Chloroquine, Increases Cell Surface Expression of BMPR-II
- The Anti-Nazi: Hermann Budzislawski (1901-1978) and the Twentieth Century
- The antibody revolution
- The Antibody Revolution: Turning Inventions Into Medicines and Companies
- The antigenic and genetic evolution of influenza viruses
- The Antigenic Evolution of Influenza Viruses
- The antigenic evolution of influenza: Drift or Thrift?
- The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project - a timely update
- The Anxiety of Ice: Visualizing Climate Change and Arctic Moving Images
- The Aomoto polylogarithm via iterated integrals
- The ape on your bird table
- The APOBEC antiviral response, HPV and Cancer
- The Appearance of Evolving Dusty Galaxies
- The applicability and analytical challenge of urinary 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) as a biomarker in dogs.
- The application of advanced imaging techniques for horses
- The application of compressed sensing for longitudinal MRI
- The Application of Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) to Biological Samples
- The application of species distribution models to IUCN Red List assessments: an evaluation
- The application of X-ray computed microtomography to Geosciences: examples from the world of Volcanology and Petrology
- The Apprenticeship of a Scientist
- The Arabidopsis immune system and root microbiome
- The Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome is compressible
- The Arbëresh linguistic archipelago: a natural laboratory of contact-induced variation and change
- The Arc of Ambition: Charles Darwin as Geologist
- The archaeobotany of Khao Sam Kaeo and Phu Khao Thong
- The archaeogenetics of animal breed improvement
- The Archaeology of Grakliani Georgia
- The archaeology of Iron Age Kazakhstan: special lectures
- The Archaeology of Life and Mobility in the Vedi River Valley of Armenia from the Late Bronze Age to the Late Antique Period
- The archaeology of materials science and metallurgy: some examples
- The archaeology of North West Cambridge (including the Darwin family's)
- The Archaeology of River Floodplains in the Early Neolithic of North China: A Palaeo-ecological Perspective
- The Architectural Afterlife of Dante’s Commedia, 1550-1938
- The Architectural Afterlife of Dante’s Commedia, 1550-1938
- The architectural role of DNA repeats
- The architecture and ppGpp-dependent expression of the primary transcriptome of Salmonella Typhimurium
- The Architecture of Innovation: Tracking Face-to-Face Interactions with UbiComp Technologies
- The architecture of respiratory complex I: 'steam engine' of the cell
- The Archives of Cambridge Natural History Society
- The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager: Studying Clusters of Galaxies using the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect
- The Arctic and Antarctica in popular novels
- The Arctic at the End of the World: Hannah Arendt and the Narration of Apocalypse
- The Arctic on the Edge: Policy Issues in Canada's Back Yard
- The Arctic Survival Show
- The Aretakis instability as a critical phenomenon
- The Argentine Economic Policy Pendulum: A Refined Measure of Policy Volatility and Its Economic Consequences (1880–2019)
- The argument from the good lot: unconceived alternatives and 20th-century genetics
- The arithmetic of dynamical systems
- The arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves
- The arithmetic of tense, aspect and mood in Modern Greek
- The arithmetic structure of the spectrum of a metric graph
- The ARM Cortex A-Class Microarchitecture
- The ARM Cortex-M1 Architecture in Coq
- The Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust then and now
- The Armourers and Brasiers Cambridge Forum 2021
- The Army of General Anders: Legions from a Lost World
- The Art & Science of Clinical Problem-Solving
- The Art & Science of Sculpturing Fluids
- The art and craft of ivory carving in Baroque Europe
- The art and design of harmony - molecular genetics of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in cereals
- The art and design of harmony: communication in intimate plant-fungal symbioses
- The art and science of red
- The Art Image as Foundation for a Science of Mind: The Life Work of Susanne K. Langer
- The Art of Acceptance
- The Art of Being Cooperative
- The Art of Being Playful
- The Art of Being Tireless
- The Art of Celebrating: Life at the court as represented in Ghaznavid and Saljuq Court Poetry
- The art of cell locomotion: flagellar swimming, steering and synchronization
- The Art of Central Banking in Today‘s and Yesterday‘s Crises
- The art of computing with parallel universes: Quantum computing explained
- The art of conversation
- The Art of Corporate Storytelling
- The Art of Corporate Storytelling
- The Art of Desistance: what we know and what we don’t yet know about links between the arts and criminal justice
- The Art of Detachment: Letting Go for Spiritual Growth (in person)
- The Art of Fugue
- The Art of Hospitality
- The Art of Ithell Colquhoun: Symbols from the magian world
- The Art of Keeping Healthy
- The Art of Leadership
- The Art of Leading the Way
- The Art of Listening
- The Art of Making Others Smile
- The Art of Peace - hybrid talk
- The Art of Problem Solving
- The Art of Retirement
- The Art of Self Care
- The art of sex: genetic exchange in Trypanosoma brucei within the tsetse fly
- The Art of Speaking - An Evening Workshop
- The Art of the Bambui fondom/Kingdom
- The Art of Thinking
- The Art of Using Time and Money Wisely
- The Art of Writing
- The Articulation of Bureaucratic Everydayness in the Indian Himalaya
- The Artificial Leaf
- The artificial leaf for efficient generation of solar fuels: involved elementary steps and material's design
- The Artist and the Museum: a Clash of Disciplinary Cultures?
- The arts and crisis
- The Arts and Humanities Today: Re-framing the ‘value’ debate
- The Arts and Humanities: Endangered Species?
- The Arts in Algeria: Growing Networks and Supporting Creativity
- The Arts of Aerobatics and Origami in Insect flight
- The assessment of sexual arousal and sexual orientation
- The association between multimorbidity, healthcare utilisation and out-of-pocket spending in 22 countries: evidence from WHO SAGE and SHARE
- The Astrometric Effect of Gravitational Waves
- The Astronomer and the Witch
- The Astrophysics of Stellar Clusters
- The Astropy Project and open-source software development in Astronomy
- The asymmetric dance of the microtubules at the end of mitosis
- The asymptotic charges at the critical sets of null infinity
- The Asynchronous Computability Theorem
- The Atheist Bus Campaign -- Why it worked, and what we've learned
- The Athena X-ray observatory in the late 2020s Astronomy landscape
- The Atlantic Ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum: Was it really so different?
- The Atlantic Overturning Circulation is not driven by meridional density gradients
- The Atlantic slave system and skills in industrialising Britain
- The Atlantic; strong but subservient in the meridional overturning circulation
- The ATLAS Experiment Entering Operation: Overview, Motivation and Status of the Project
- The Atlas Trigger
- The ATLAS Virtual Research Assistant
- The ATLAS Wildlife Tracking System: Current State and Future Plans
- The ATM-Mediated DNA Damage Response- CANCELLED
- The ATM-mediated DNA damage response: moving between the forest and the trees
- The atmospheric response to Arctic amplification: Insights from idealised models
- The atom as metaphor: responses to atomism in 17th-century English literature
- The atomic structure of the APC/C: implications for understanding regulation and mechanism of protein ubiquitination
- The attenuated ray transform for connections and Higgs fields
- The attenuated X-ray transform on curves
- The Attic inscriptions in The Fitzwilliam Museum
- The Augment in Classical Armenian
- The Auroux-Kontsevich-Seidel criterion
- The Australian Citizen’s Jury on Genome Editing
- The Authoritative "Secrets” of China’s Economics, Finance and Investment
- The Autistic Mind
- The Automatic Statistician - an AI for Data Science
- The autophagy signaling network in the coordination of a cell's response
- The Autosub AUVs - Multisensory, Multi-scale mapping from the Polar Seas to the Tropics.
- The average elliptic curve has few integral points
- The average geometric and topological properties of open and closed equilateral polygonal chains
- The average rank of elliptic curves
- The avian innate immune system and its modulation by viruses
- The aviation heritage of East Anglia
- The Awakening Beast in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy KUG 1141+371
- The awakening of the genome – how embryonic transcriptional programs are initiated
- The awakening of the genome –modelling embryonic genome activation programs in vitro
- The Awakening of the Genome: How Embryonic Transcriptional Programs are Initiated
- The Axiom of Choice
- The Axiom of Determinacy
- The axisymmetric stress field of an elastic space with a spherical cavity
- The axonal cytoskeleton at the nanoscale
- The ‘autism advantage’ in the workplace: what the latest research tells us
- The ‘Easy’ and ‘Hard’ Problems of Consciousness
- The ‘fingerprint’ left by icebergs that plough through sediment: Glacial Lake Agassiz, Manitoba, Canada
- The ‘in’ and ‘out’ of hippocampal GABAergic interneurons
- The ‘Multilingual Turn’ in Languages Education - a future for EAL?
- The ‘Origins of the Inuit’: Indigenous Marginalisation within a Transnational Debate
- The ‘Outer Limits’: “Thresholds” of picturebooks series.
- The ‘Poor Child’: the cultural politics of education, international development and childhood
- The ‘social’ brain in ASC: differences in the processing of eye gaze and at rest
- The ‘unruly infected’: enforcing the plague orders in Cambridge in 1625
- The “core truths” of high-Reynolds-number turbulence
- The “Endless Forms”: Genetics, Development, and Evolution of Flower Colour and Shape
- The “new economics” and geopolitics of the energy transition: are we entering a new era?
- The Übermensch and the Bodhisattva: the two Offspring of Nihilism
- The B cell receptor and beyond: specialized functions of the BCR in the intestine
- The B->K*mu+mu- anomaly
- The Bacterial Cytoskeleton
- The bacterial outer membrane: capturing the details with molecular dynamics simulations
- The bacterial type VI secretion machine: yet another player for protein transport across membranes
- The bacteriophage carrier state of Campylobacter
- The Bacteriophage in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine
- The Baeyer Villiger Reaction: Ionic or Neutral
- The balance between Th17 and Treg cells - influence of infection and implications for autoimmunity
- The balance of power: accretion and outflow in black holes and neutron stars
- The Balkh Art and Cultural Heritage Project: exploration, maps and silk road history from Balkh, northern Afghanistan
- The Banach-Tarski Paradox
- The Bank of England and the Genesis of Modern Management
- The Barley Circadian Clock
- The barley circadian clock
- The Basics of Image Analysis
- The Battle for Bandwidth: Fairness and Heterogenous Congestion Control on Today's Internet
- The Bayes linear approach to emulation and history matching for complex computer simulators
- The Bayes linear approach to emulation and history matching for complex computer simulators
- The Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems
- The Bayesian Approach To Inverse Problems
- The Bayesian Approach To Inverse Problems
- The Bayesian approach to inverse problems
- The Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation
- The Bayesian brain, free energy and psychopathology
- The Bayesian Learning Rule for Adaptive AI
- The BBC Pandemic Programme
- The bead model
- The bead process on the torus
- The beautiful page: a celebration of contemporary illustrated children's books
- The Beauty and Science of Nebulae
- The beauty and science of nebulae
- The Beauty and the Beast: Unlocking the Greatness and Power Within (online talk)
- The beauty of bootstrapping and the joy of JIT
- The Beauty of Data Visualization
- The Beauty of Flavour
- The beauty of flavour at the Large Hadron Collider
- The beauty of science without the science of beauty
- The beaver ball: a chaotic rolling robot
- The Beginning of All Things: Modern Perspectives from Lemaitre to Hawking
- The Beginning of Our Universe and what we don't know about Physics
- The Beginning of Theory
- The Beginnings of Global Opera
- The Beginnings of Medieval Logic [Leverhulme Lectures in Philosophy]
- The behaviour of particle pairs in kinematic simulations
- The Believing Brain: Neuroscience of Belief panel discussion
- The Believing Brain: Neuroscience of Belief panel discussion
- The Belle Epoque of International Finance: French Capital Exports, 1880‐1914
- The Benefits of a Cambridge Education: John Henslow and the creation of Charles Darwin
- The benefits of a multidimensional approach to dialogue modelling
- The Benefits of Bayesian Machine Learning
- The Berkeley Parallel Computing Laboratory
- The Bernoulli Factory, extensions and applications
- The Best of Both Worlds
- The Best of Both Worlds
- The best of Telluride Mountainfilm Festival
- The Best of TIMES? Turbulence, Instability, Mixing and Exact States in Stratified Shear Flows
- The Bethe-Lax correspondence
- The Beurling and Malliavin Theorem in Several Dimensions
- The Big Crunch and The Big Bang: How to get out of the global financial mess
- The Big Crunch and The Big Bang: How to get out of the global financial mess
- The big experiment
- The Big Freeze Exhibition - launch and live video 'tour' with the curator
- The Big Issue with Islam
- The Big Picture
- The big picture - mining millions of images
- The Big Proof Agenda for Mechanizing Mathematical Discourse
- The big-data revolution in movement ecology
- The Bigger Picture - A Climate and Consciousness Event
- The Biggest Splash
- The Billion-Molecule Machine
- The Binet-Legendre metric in Finsler geometry and some applications
- The Biobike: Encouraging Interest in Sustainable Engineering
- The biochemical diversity of mitochondrion-related organelles in eukaryotes
- The biochemistry & genetics of bacterial predation by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus
- The Biochemistry of Autumn - Why do the leaves fall?
- The biodiversity value of degraded tropical forests
- The Biogeochemical Cycle of Iron in the Ocean
- The biogeochemical fingerprint of melting ice
- The bioinformatics for the UK’s 100,000 Genomes Project
- The biological age of plant virus research: studying viruses through other organisms in 1920s and 1930s Britain
- The Biological Basis of Empathy Development: From Genes to Brain and Anything in Between
- The biology and function of urinary exosomes - more than just a message in a bottle!
- The biology and fundamental management of colorectal cancer
- The biology of 'atypical' chemokine receptors
- The biology of CNS progenitor ageing
- The biology of CNS progenitor ageing
- The biology of common disease from a genome-wide perspective: susceptibility genes as nodes for pathways and systems
- The Biology of Drug Resistance in Lung Cancer
- The Biology of Eating
- The biology of ghosts
- The Biology of Risky Behaviour
- The Biomaker Challenge: an introduction
- The Biomaker Challenge: an introduction for Engineers
- The biomechanics of Spiderman: how insects walk on the ceiling
- The biophysical properties of microtubules and their technological potential
- The Bioregional Economy - A talk by Molly Scott Cato
- The Bioscience Technology Platform Project
- The BioSHaRE project
- The biosynthetic basis of budding yeast cell size control
- The Bipolar Phenotype
- The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural formula
- The Bird Room at the Museum of Zoology
- The Bird Room at the Museum of Zoology
- The birth of a memory in wakefulness and sleep
- The birth of biopower in eighteenth-century Germany
- The birth of gender: transforming sex at Johns Hopkins in the 1950s
- The birth of giants: quasars and their host galaxies in the reionisation epoch
- The birth of the Kyoto Protocol and its mechanisms
- The Birth of the People: Liberalism and the Origins of the Anticolonial Democratic Project in India
- The birth, death and reincarnation of Snowball Earth
- The Bishops and the Duke of Buckingham, 1624–26
- The bispectrum of reconstructed CMB lensing convergence
- The Black Death in England and the origins of the Little Divergence, 1348-1400
- The Black Hole Information Paradox: A Resolution on the Horizon?
- The black hole information paradox: origin and proposed resolution
- The black hole mass-metallicity relation and insights into galaxy quenching
- The black hole stability problem
- The Black Hole Stability Problem in Higher Dimensions: An Instability Theorem
- The Blended Paradigm: A Bayesian Approach to Handling Outliers and Misspecified Models
- The Blessing of Multiple Causes
- The blind watch-breaker: evolution at regulatory sites in cancer
- The Block Diagonal Infinite Hidden Markov Model
- The blocks of the Brauer algebra
- The blossoms and the roots of developmental evolution in genotype-phenotype maps
- The Bluespec hardware definition language
- The Blume-Emery-Griffiths model with infinite range interactions in the low temperature disordered phase
- The BMS/CFT correspondence
- The Boardman-Vogt resolution and algebras up-to-homotopy
- The Boardman-Vogt tensor product of operadic bimodules
- The Body Metaphor and Cross-Cultural Political Theory in Medieval Afro-Eurasia
- The body politic: censorship and the female body
- The body vibration of bowed string instruments
- The body vibration of bowed stringed instruments
- The body whole and quotidian: experiencing the body in 18th-century Britain
- The Body's Daily Clock: Circadian cycles, Genes and Health
- The Bohrification of quantum logic
- The Bonds of the Therapeutic
- The bone marrow microenvironment in myeloid malignancies
- The bone marrow microenvironment in myeloid malignancies
- The bone marrow microenvironment in myeloid malignancies
- The Book as Instrument, 1570–1720
- The Book of protecting Osiris among those of the Netherworld: An annotated version of the First Hour.
- The borders of Outer space
- The botanical art of Clarence Bicknell
- The Bouncy Particle Sampler
- The Boundaries of Darwinism
- The boundaries of personalised learning – just where does it begin and end?
- The boundary of hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups
- The boundary rigidity problem
- The Bounding Main: On Poetry and Frost
- The Bousfield lattice from a set-theoretic perspective
- The Boy and the Big Block of Ice
- The Boy and The Brothers: The story of a young Londoner in the service of higher powers
- The brain as a statistical machine
- The brain at 'rest': investigating spontaneous activity in BOLD fMRI using Independent Component Analysis
- The brain basis of insistence of sameness within the Autism spectrum
- The brain control of appetite: Can an old dog teach us new tricks?
- The Brain in Flames: Mechanisms of inflammatory neurodegeneration
- The brain in the social world: Integrating approaches from social psychology, neuroscience, and social network analysis
- The brain in the social world: Integrating approaches from social psychology, neuroscience, and social network analysis
- The brain isn't porridge
- The brain of the beholder – inferior temporal representations of visual objects are individually unique and predict perceived similarity
- The brain of the beholder: Honouring individual representational idiosyncrasies.
- The brain on stress - Mechanisms underlying increases risk to develop psychopathologies
- The Brain Tumour Patient Information Portal - 12 months on
- The branching Brownian motion seen from its tip
- The Brascamp--Lieb inequalities and the restriction problem for the Fourier transform
- The Brauer-Manin obstruction to the local-global principle for the embedding problem
- The Brave New World of Next-Generation NoSQL Data Stores
- The BRAVO Effect in Queues
- The Brazilian electricity sector: overview and perspectives for wind and solar energy
- The Brazilian Food-Energy-Water Nexus: policy integration challenges in a complex system
- The breakup of liquid filaments
- The brewing industry in England revisited
- The brewing industry in England revisited
- The Brief Memory and Executive Test – BMET: a brief cognitive screening tool for cognitive impairment in small vessel disease
- The Bright Lyman-alpha Side of the high-redshift IGM
- The Brightest Lensed Sub-mm Galaxies, as seen by ALMA and HST
- The Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies survey: luminosity function at z~8 and spectroscopic follow-up
- The brightest supernova explosions: current knowledge and future research
- The British Army in the Second World War
- The British Commonwealth Air Training Schemes in World War II
- The British Graham Land Expedition, 1934-37
- The British Graham Land Expedition, 1934-37
- The British Interplanetary Society and the UK Space Industry
- The British Museum in Kurdistan: the Darband-i Rania Archaological Project
- The British Navy in the Second World War
- The British Nuclear Renaissance - How Is It Going?
- The British Transport Police - Keeping the Railways Safe
- The broad-spectrum species: Plant resource use and processing as deep time adaptations
- The Brownian loop measure on Riemann surfaces and applications to length spectra
- The Buddhist Concept of Kamma and Rebirth
- The Buildings of Pompeii and the History of the Roman World
- The bulk photovoltaic effect in polar oxides for robust and efficient solar energy harvesting
- The Buncefield explosion
- The Burning Issue: Hazy Relations and the Construction of Knowledge in the Land Management Fires of Southeast Asia - gloknos seminar
- The Bush-crow, the swallow, and a curious climate bubble
- The Business Case for the Integral Molten Salt Reactor
- The business enterprise as organisation and as association in nineteenth-century Britain: Thomas Carlyle, John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte
- The Business of Blockchain
- The Business of Blockchain
- The business of proof
- The business of science; building therapeutic drugs based on proteins
- The busy beaver game: a simple yet non-computable function
- The Butterfly Effect: what does it really signify?
- The Buzzard-Diamond-Jarvis conjecture for unitary groups
- The Bytham river story - key evidence for understanding pre-glacial environmental change and early human occupance in Britain
- The C theory of time
- The C theory of time
- The Ca2+-gated Cl- channel TMEM16A is a crucial amplifier of capillary pericyte contraction in the normal and ischemic brain.
- The cacti of Peru
- The Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Framework for Multiphase Fluid Flows: Laminar, Turbulent, and Active
- The Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Framework for Multiphase Fluid Flows: Laminar, Turbulent, and Active
- The calculus of combinatorial constructions and Hopf algebras
- The Calderon problem for connections
- The Calving of Larson-B and other phenomena: Climate Change in the Antarctic
- The Cambrian explosion: as mysterious as ever?
- The Cambridge Apprentice
- The Cambridge Autism Genetics Symposium
- The Cambridge Autonomous Bus Trials
- The Cambridge Bioinformatics Hackathon 2020
- The Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits
- The Cambridge Cognitive Neuroscience Research Panel
- The Cambridge ELLIS Unit Seminar Series - Gabriel Synnaeve
- The CAMbridge Emission Line Surveyor (CAMELS)
- The Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment
- The Cambridge Globalist print launch feat John F. Burns
- The Cambridge Metagenomics Challenge
- The Cambridge NeuralNET”: Investigating origins of brain and mental health
- The Cambridge of Tomorrow
- The Cambridge Phenomenon
- The Cambridge Post-UN Summit Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health
- The Cambridge Postgraduate Workshop in Medieval and Early Modern Slavonic Studies Latini—Graeci—Rutheni
- The Cambridge quest to solve Darwin’s abominable mystery
- The Cambridge Review of International Affairs Presents: My Hair is Pink Under This Veil
- The Cambridge Revival of Political Economy
- The Cambridge Room: engagement and inclusion in spatial planning
- The Cambridge Technology Cluster – a blueprint for the future?
- The Cambridge University Ethics in Mathematics Project launch
- The Cambridge University Ethics in Mathematics Project launch
- The Cambridge University/BAS Innovation Centre - Potential for New Collaborations
- The Cambridgeshire Bird Club - 1925 to 2025: a century of bird watching
- The CamCube project: Rethinking the data center cluster
- The campaign against leprosy in contemporary China
- The Cancer Cell Map Initiative
- The Cancer Genome Atlas: oncogenic signature classes and the design of combinatorial therapy
- The Cancer Paradox: Investigations into the somatic mutation rate across mammals
- The Cancer Therapy Unit
- The cannibalized print: deconstructing Charles Estienne's anatomical woodcut illustrations in De dissectione (1545)
- The Cantab Institute: The Story So Far
- The CAP theorem and its limitations
- The Capacity of Commerce: The Political Participation of Merchant Groups during the Taiping Rebellion
- The Capacity of the Deletion Channel
- The capillary interaction between objects at liquid interfaces
- The capillary interaction between vertical cylinders
- The capillary trapping by a pair of horizontal cylinders
- The Capture and Structure of Service Information for Engineering Designers
- The capture of the Tsangpo by the Brahmuputra River and rapid exhumation of the Namche Barwa eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya: testing the erosion-tectonic feedback hypothesis by new provenance methods using rutile and zircon U-Pb in situ dating, and im
- The carbon cycle during the Pleistocene
- The carbon-neutral LNG market: Creating a framework for real emissions reductions
- The cardiac physiome: how it began and where should it go
- The cardiac physiome: next steps
- The cardinal points and the structure of geographical knowledge in the early twelfth century
- The carpark problem
- The cartographic commissions of John, 2nd Duke of Montagu (1690–1749)
- The case for a Computational Neurolinguistics
- The Case for Decentralized Scheduling in Modern Datacenters
- The Case For In-Network Computing On Demand
- The Case for Planetary Computing
- The case for radiation pressure driven outflows
- The case for the use of Ecological Momentary Assessment in the study of parental discipline practices
- The Case of Giorgione: Indexicality, Logophoricity, and Non Truth-Conditional Meaning
- The Case of Gulliver and Alice: the Impossibility of Children’s Literature and the Posthuman.
- The case of Ignaz Semmelweis revisited: a plea for Popperian science
- The Case of Multilateralism
- The case of social interaction in bioscience laboratories: a multi-site ethnographic study of design intent and user experience
- The Case of the Missing Diamonds
- The Case Of The Missing Ribosomes: A Translational Mystery
- The Casimir Effect\Comets & Meteorites\Chaos
- The CASSIOPeiA Solar Power Satellite: Dispatchable Green Energy from Space
- The Castle Howard cabinets and other bicentenary acquisitions
- The Cat that Wasn't There, and other Annunciation mysteries
- The catastrophic costs of secrecy and surveillance: why national security leaks are good for you
- The categorified Burau representation
- The Categorisation of Clients by Social Work Professionals in Child and Youth Welfare Services
- The Category of Sets according to Stratified Set Theories
- The Category Theory of Quantum Field Theory
- The catenarity problem in virtually nilpotent mod-p Iwasawa algebras
- The Cauchy problem for a fourth order version of the wave map equation.
- The Cauchy problem for the Vlasov-Dirac-Benney equation and related issues in Fluid Mechanics and Semi-classical Limits
- The causal analysis of racial discrimination
- The Causal Effects of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
- The causal origin of the angular momentum and of the properties of galaxies
- The causal set approach to the problem of quantum gravity: Kinematics, Dynamics and Phenomenology
- The causal structure of cultural domination
- The cause of all our troubles: the American invention of isolationism in World War II
- The causes and consequences of cellular circadian rhythms
- The causes and consequences of marine human wildlife conflict
- The causes and consequences of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- The CAVA Computer: Exceptional Parallelism and Energy Efficiency
- The Cavendish and the invention of the modern laboratory
- The Cavendish Laboratory 1932 to 1953 Decline and Regeneration
- The CCR5 gene patent: biomedicine, intellectual property and commerce in the United States
- The CEGB and the Politics of Fuel and Power Generation, 1961-89
- The Cell Biology of Human Cytomegalovirus: Replication Compartments and the Nucleolus
- The cell wall and morphogenesis at the shoot apical meristem
- The cell-cycle dependence of alga motility and the collective motion under influence
- The Cellular Basis for the Cancer-Related Phenomena of Immune Suppression and Cachexia
- The cellular phase of Alzheimer’s Disease
- The Centenary of the Discovery of Cosmic Rays — The End of the Beginning
- The center for an arbitrary Kac-Moody algebra
- The centipede Strigamia maritima and the evolution of arthropod head patterning
- The centipede tree: an evolutionary framework for segmentation studies
- The Central Computing System
- The Central Electricity Board - Accidental Conservationists?
- The Central Intelligence Agency and Antarctica: 1947-59
- The Central Intelligence Agency and Antarctica: 1947-59
- The central-west sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the LGM - the story from offshore evidence
- The Centre for Commonwealth Education (CCE): Leading an Epistemic Imperialism or a Polyphonic Dialectic?
- The Centre for the Archaeology of the Modern World: Aims, Objectives and Rationale
- The Centre for Trophoblast Research official launch
- The Centre of South Asian Studies Lecture on South Asian Public Affairs: The rule of law and democratic development in Pakistan
- The centre of the vertex algebra attached to the central extension of sl_2((t))
- The CERF Cavalcade
- The CERN CLOUD experiment: overview and recent results
- The CES hybrid-material synthesizer
- The CES hybrid-material synthesizer
- The CH2O project: making sense of the C standard
- The Chair of Ethics in the University of Naples and Giambattista Vico’s La Scienza Nuova
- The chalcophile (sulfur-loving) cycle: from MORB to crust
- The Challenge and Excitement of Discovering New Medicines
- The Challenge of Building Cultures of Peace, Based on Holistic, Evolving Aspects of Peac, Nonviolence , & Community Peace wheels
- The challenge of consumer products: the prediction of complex fluid flow behaviour in both the consumer and industrial manufacturing processes: today's challenges and tomorrow's needs
- The Challenge of Designing Challenge Prizes
- The challenge of developing materials for fusion
- The challenge of justice in transnational contexts of human rights violations: reflections on the case of Giulio Regeni
- The challenge of nanotechnology
- The Challenge of Privacy Protection for Statistical Agencies
- The challenge of quantifying floristic change in Earth’s most biodiverse forests
- The Challenge of Scaling Up Low Carbon Fuels
- The challenge of the asylum mortuary in early 20th-century Central Europe
- The challenge to deliver high accuracy for material science on large computer simulations
- The Challenge to Write – Dangerous and Disruptive Words
- The challenges and opportunities of implementing RCTs in live social policy settings
- The challenges and opportunities of processing future spaceborne SAR data
- The challenges and opportunities of working across the physical and social sciences
- The Challenges and Thrills of a Young Industry
- The challenges in therapeutic targeting of the RAF-MEK-ERK signalling pathway
- The challenges in therapeutic targeting of the RAF-MEK-ERK signalling pathway
- The challenges in therapeutic targeting of the RAF-MEK-ERK signalling pathway
- The challenges of a Civil Nuclear Future for the UK 2014-2050
- The challenges of Bayes in the Law
- The Challenges of Commercialising Liquid Metal Batteries
- The Challenges of Controlling a Quantum Computer
- The Challenges of Cyber Warfare
- The Challenges of Effective Video Analytics Solution Deployment
- The challenges of evaluating the impact of changes to qualification specifications on student learning and development
- The challenges of experimental government: field experiments in political science and public policy
- The Challenges of Geometric Complexity Theory
- The challenges of managing social media research data: a researcher's perspective.
- The challenges of managing the American foreign aid program post-9/11 in Pakistan and Afghanistan
- The Challenges of Meta-analysing Metabolomics Data; Experiences from the Consortium Of METabolomics Studies (COMETS).
- The challenges of monitoring and evaluating a wetland restoration project in the UK
- The challenges of ocean navigation
- The challenges of planet detection and characterization by narrow-angle astrometry with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer
- The Challenges of Regulating the Internet
- The Challenges of Using Live-Streamed Data in a Predictive Digital Twin
- The challenges of using live-streamed data in a predictive digital twin
- The Challenges to Civic Education in a Jewish and Democratic State: between the rise of the populist right, growing Jewish religiosity and neo-liberal pressures—between the rise of the populist right, growing Jewish religiosity and neo-liberal pressures
- The Challenges to the Environment with regard to the Aviation Industry
- The Challenges to the Environment with regard to the Aviation Industry
- The Chameleon Plane
- The Chameleon Plane
- The Changing Arctic, its Challenges and Global Impact
- The changing astrometry of Gaia's unresolved binaries
- The Changing Data Landscape
- The Changing Face of Forensic Science
- The changing face of Penfield's homunculus
- The changing fortunes of Poole, Lyme and Melcombe: wool, cloth, tax, trade and the fifteenth century Dorset economy
- The changing genome: signatures of mutagenesis in human cells
- The changing geography of Russia's gas sector and its global implications
- The Changing Religious Landscape: Implications for European Foreign Affairs
- The changing role of the household in social welfare and charitable networks in 19th century North India
- The Changing State of MOFs and Hybrid Perovskites: Liquids, Glasses, and Extreme Conditions
- The changing world of reindeer: People, climate and forests in Northern Fenno-Scandia
- The characterisation of a shock tube system for blast injury studies
- The characteristic gluing problem for wave equations
- The characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix and Gaussian multiplicative chaos.
- The charge of the light cyber brigade?
- The Charismatic Sword: Thomas Müntzer’s Theology of Violence
- The chase for fluid-structure interaction effects – An obsession or something important?
- The Chebotarev Density Theorem
- The chemical abundance pattern of a nitrogen-loud AGN in the early Universe
- The Chemical Biology of Large-Scale Transcriptome Analysis
- The chemical distance in random interlacements in the low-intensity regime
- The chemical enrichment of near-pristine systems: possible quenching following Reionization.
- The chemical heritage of protoplanetary disks: new insights from ALMA and Rosetta
- The chemical origins of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie Jr.'s Calculus of Chemical Operations
- The chemical synapse goes electric: GPCRs, voltage and beyond
- THE CHEMISTRY OF CHRISTMAS - an exciting practical demonstration lecture
- The Chemistry of Genome Maintenance
- The Chemistry of Genome Maintenance - CANCELLED
- The Chemistry of Metal-Cluster Complexes containing Phenyl Tin Ligands
- The Chemistry of Paint
- The Chemistry of Planet Formation and the Making of Habitable Planets
- The Chemistry of the Brain
- The chemistry of the last major merger
- The Chemistry, Structure and Function of the DNA Quadruple Helix
- The CHERI capability model: Revisiting RISC in an age of risk
- The CHEWIE survey of giant exoplanet atmospheres
- The Chicxulub Impact Structure: The formation of large impact structures and the consequences
- The childhood cancer genome
- The Childist Turn in Children’s Literature Studies
- The Children of the 2020s Study: An overview of the first findings of a new birth cohort study on early childhood development.
- The children of the state? The social impact of welfare in modern Britain
- The Chinese calorie: nutrition science in early 20th-century China
- The Chinese-Russian Plague Expedition (Summer 1911): A Photographic Approach
- The Chineseness of Chinese Literature: SYMPOSIUM
- The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) effect - From Electron Transfer in Biology to Spintronics.
- The Choanoflagellates: Sister Group to Metazoa
- The CHRNA5-A3-B4 gene cluster: More than just smoking quantity?
- The chromatic Nullstellensatz
- The Chromatic Number of Dense Random Graphs
- The Chromatic Number of Random Hypergraphs
- The chromatic thresholds of graphs
- The chromatin response of human cells to SARS-CoV-2 et al
- The chronology of Classical Armenian. Early linguistic splits.
- The chronology of cultural, agricultural and demographic change in ancient Sāmoa indicates that population rise is the proximate origin of Polynesian chiefdoms
- The CIB-lensing bispectrum: impact on primordial non-Gaussianity and detectability for the Planck mission
- The cinema in Lahore, c. 1919-1947
- The Circular Economy & Future Economic Growth
- The circumgalactic gas and metals around star forming and elliptical galaxies
- The circumplanetary disk and the late accretion of giant planets
- The city and the soul in James Harrington's Republicanism
- The city at war: Postcommunism, epic cinema and postcolonial recognition
- The city in a bird’s eye view
- The city stripped bare by her histories, even: 1948 Berlin film
- The Civil Rights Revolution - Who Won? Who Lost?
- The Class Ceiling: Why it Plays to be Privileged
- The class group pairing on elliptic curves
- The classical analogue of quantum mechanics
- The Classical Basis of Renaissance Rhetoric: The Case of Rudolph Agricola (1443-1485)
- The classical double copy
- The classical entropy of quantum states
- The classical equations of motion of quantised gauge theories
- The classical geometry of quantum integrability
- The classical integrable structure of AdS/CFT
- The classical interior of black holes in holography
- The classical master equation
- The Classification Game: Topological Insulators and Other Beasts
- The classification of black holes
- The classification of finite simple groups via fusion systems
- The classification of Riemannian submersions from space forms
- The classification of unital simple separable C*-algebras with finite nuclear dimension
- The classifying weak omega-category of a type theory
- The Clean Energy Package and the Irish Single Electricity Market
- The Climate Crisis and Atolls in the South Pacific
- The Climate crisis and its solutions - what role can scientists play?
- The Climate Crunch: Ethics, Ecology and the End of Civilisation
- The Climate Emergency: can Particle Physics ever be sustainable?
- The climate impacts of non-CO2 emissions by aviation
- The Climate is on Thin Ice: Can We Thicken It?
- The climatic pivot: Knowing environments in Central Asia in the age of High Empire
- The climatic pivot: Mapping water, people, and empires in Central Asia, c.1850-1930
- The clinic of the birth: obstetric ultrasound, medical innovation and the clinico-anatomical project
- The clinical and biological basis of prostate cancer - from diagnosis to personalised therapy
- The Closeting of Secrets
- The Cluster Bootstrap for Scattering Amplitudes
- The Cluster Soft Excess, Dark Radiation and a 0.1-1 keV Cosmic Axion Background
- The clustering coefficient of a scale-free random graph
- The CLV/RPK2 pathway is necessary for the transition from two to three-dimensional growth in moss
- The CMB as a backlight
- The CMB bispectrum from recombination
- The CMC 15-Km operational deterministic global forecast system with Yin-Yang grid
- The CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Upgrade
- The co-end justifies the co-means
- The co-evolutionary arms race between humans and trypanosomes
- The Coalition’s Vision for Science and Technology
- The Coannihilation Codex
- The Code Underlying Tissue-Regulated Splicing
- The coding and non-coding transcriptome of the human fetal striatum from a single-cell perspective
- The coevolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes
- The Coexistence of Natural and Supernatural Explanations across Cultures and Development
- The cognitive architecture for chaining of two mental operations.
- The Cognitive Architecture of a Mini Brain: Lessons from Honeybees
- The Cognitive Heterogeneity of Parkinson's Disease
- The cognitive neuroscience of the human voice
- The cognitive relevance of the community structure of the functional co-activation network of the human brain
- The cognitive, computational and neural bases of semantic representation and its disorders
- The cohomological McKay correspondence via Floer theory
- The Cold War origins of the Euro
- The cold winds of change – hot cores and molecular outflows in dusty galaxies
- The Coldest March: Scott's Fatal Antarctic Expedition
- The Colindale typers: bacteriophage and the British Public Health Laboratory Service
- The collapse at Nicoll Highway Station in Singapore
- The Collapse of Complex Societies
- The Collapse of Complex Societies
- The Collapse of Complex Societies
- The collapse of granular columns
- The collective behaviour of active sensing groups - questions and challenges
- The collective cell biology of organ formation
- The Colombo Plan for aid to South and Southeast Asia: power, process and possibilities of the long 1950s
- The colonial hajj from India and Malaya
- The colonial roots of German folklore studies, 1850s-1930s
- The Colonisation of the Future: An Alternative View of Financialisation and its Portents
- The Colossal Ships of Zheng He (郑和宝船)
- The Colossus computer and code breaking in WW2
- The Colour of Consciousness: ‘Race’ Relations and Student Politics in 1970s Cape Town, South Africa
- The Colour of Motivation
- The Colour of Motivation
- The colours of illuminated manuscripts
- The combinatorial structure of conditionally i.i.d. negative binomial processes directed by a beta process
- The combinatorial structure underlying a beta processes is that of a continuum of Blackwell-MacQueen urn schemes
- The combinatorics of distance-based tree inference
- The combinatorics of Hurwitz numbers and increasing quadrangulations
- The combinatorics of moment calculations
- The combinatorics of spaghetti hoops
- The cometary delivery of prebiotic feedstock molecules to the early-Earth and rocky exoplanets
- The Comfort Controversy
- The commercial malware industry
- The commercialization of university research
- The common mass scale for dwarf spheroidals
- The comparative landscape of duplications in Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius cydno
- The Comparative Politics of Human Rights
- The comparison of low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and fan beam computed tomography (FBCT) for detection of fetlock pathology in equine cadaver limbs
- The Compelling World of Augmented Perception - A Perspective on Sensory Wearables
- The competing explanations: Frailty or individual development? Examples from cancer and from network theory
- The competitive benefits of forward contracting over space and time (with Frank Wolak)
- The competitive effects of sequential intraday electricity markets: Evidence from Italy
- The Competitiveness of Italian Regions in the Age of Global Value Chains
- The Compilation Game: Unifying AI, Hardware Design, Quantum, Climate Modelling, and Verification
- The complete n-point superstring disk amplitude in pure spinor superspace
- The complex cobordism 2-category and its central extensions
- The complex geometry of Teichmüller spaces and symmetric domains
- The complex life of small RNAs
- The complex origins of modern humans and their diversity
- The complex relationship between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies made simple in a supercomputer
- The Complexity of #CSP
- The complexity of antiferromagnetic 2-qubit interactions and 2D lattices
- The complexity of counting problems
- The complexity of enumeration and counting for acyclic conjunctive queries
- The Complexity of Extinction at High-Galactic Latitudes
- The complexity of finite-valued CSPs
- The Complexity of finite-valued CSPs
- The complexity of Kronecker Coefficients
- The Complexity of Motion in Medical Imaging: From Theory to Practice
- The Complexity of Query Answering in Inconsistent Databases
- The Complexity of the Homotopy Method, Equilibrium Selection, and Lemke-Howson Solutions
- The complexity of the knot genus problem
- The Complexity of the uSPR distance
- The complexity of unknot recognition
- The Complexity, Modularity and Evolution of Self-Assembling Structures
- The complexity, modularity and evolution of self-assembling structures in biology
- The composition of Earth and Exo-planets
- The composition of the lower mantle and its influence on the redox state of the Earth
- The compositional structure of multipartite quantum entanglement
- The Comprehensive Factorisation and Torsors
- The compressed word problem in relatively hyperbolic groups
- The Compulsive Gambler process
- The computational complexity of entanglement detection
- The Computational Complexity of the Ground State Energy Density Problem
- The computational physiology of the basal ganglia and of their disorders and therapy
- The computational power of projective measurements
- The Computational Spectral Problem and a New Classification Theory: Novel Algorithms, Impossibility Results and Computer Assisted Proofs
- The concatenation of factors of change in perception
- The Concealed Carbon Cycle – Partitioning Tropical Forest Soil co2 efflux
- The concept of "mass" according to physicists and mathematicians
- The concept of 'Autofiktionalität' in Olga Grjasnowa's novel Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt
- The concept of 'disease carrier' in Western medicine
- The concept of generation: historical and theoretical perspectives
- The concept of p-deficiency and its applications
- The concept of separable effects for causal mediation and competing risks analyses
- The concert queueing game: to wait or to be late
- The conch shell as a model for tougher composites
- The Concordance Cosmological Model
- The Conditions for Warping and Breaking Protoplanetary Discs
- The configural processing hypothesis revisited: The role of shape and reflectance in familiar face recognition
- The Conflict of Interest
- The Confluence of Philosophies Along the Silk Road
- The Conformal BMS Group
- The conformal field equations, black holes, gravitational waves and the Newman-Penrose constants
- The Conformal Standard Model
- The Conifold's Competing Condensates
- The conjectures of Tate, Beilinson and Bloch/Kato
- The connection between epilepsy and autism spectrum disorder: pearls from the clinical side
- The Connection Conundrum: Cracking the Code of Relationships (in-person)
- The Connections Between Discrete Geometric Mechanics, Information Geometry and Machine Learning
- The Connections Between Discrete Geometric Mechanics, Information Geometry and Machine Learning
- The Conscious Phenotype
- The consequences of Chernobyl, from human health to genetic mechanisms
- The consequences of intentional forgetting
- The Consequences of Open Source Licensing
- The Consequences of Whole Genome Duplications
- The Conservation of Chalk Grassland Flora - orchids and butterflies
- The Constitutionalism of Imperial Expansion
- The Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) language
- The constraints of civilian capabilities for European Civilian Crisis Management
- The constraints on growing algae for biofuel
- The construction and use of bacterial bioreporters
- The Construction of Authority in Early Russian Crime Fiction
- The construction of the obese child in children's literature.
- The constructive idea: art and science in '30s London and Cambridge
- The contact process over a dynamical d-regular graph
- The contested banana tree: public debates about science in eighteenth-century Central America
- The contested terrain of 'socially just' mathematics education in Aotearoa*/New Zealand
- The contingency of logical necessity: an analysis of a sociological account of logic
- The continuous limit of random planar maps
- The Continuum Hypothesis
- The contraceptive pill in Ireland: activism, women's agency and doctors' authority in the 1960s and 1970s
- The Contradictions of Scientific Motherhood: Women, Childcare, and the Politics of Expertise
- The contradictions of sustainable consumption under climate change
- The contribution of Alan Turing to British intelligence
- The contribution of melt ponds to enhanced Arctic sea-ice melt during the Last Interglacial
- The contribution of millisecond spike timing of cortical neurons to sensory coding and perceptual decisions
- The contribution of physical activity to increased life expectancy
- The contribution of structural imaging to the understanding of language networks
- The contributions of British anthropology to the human sciences
- The contributions of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 and alternative oxidase in resistance to potato virus X
- The Control of Cell Division
- The control of flowering time
- The control of moist atmospheric processes on weather forecast errors
- The Controlling Cancer Summit 2016
- The Convention on Biodiversity and conservation in the Caribbean
- The convergence of maturation and structural covariance in the human cortex and their relationship with intrinsic brain activity.
- The Convergence Stack: Creating a New Data Economy with DLT
- The Convergence Stack: Creating a New Data Economy with DLT
- The Convex Concave Procedure
- The Convoy: Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse in Cambridge with Prof Charles Forsdick
- The cooking animal: how humans are unique
- The Cooperative Animal
- The Copenhagen Accord: A significant 'first step' or a disastrously missed opportunity?
- The core of the matter – spatially resolving the nuclei of Active Galaxies with VLTI/GRAVITY
- The Coriolis Effect: A Storm In A Tea Cup?
- The corner house with Aesop over the door: William Godwin's 'Juvenile Library'
- The CoRoT mission - first results, successes and the future
- The Corporate Supply of (Quasi) Safe Assets
- The corporation and law in the making of global capitalism
- The Corpus Christi Clock
- The Corpus iuris as a Source of Law between Sovereigns in Alberico Gentili's Thought
- The corrective potential method for ab initio solvation models
- The corrective potential method for ab initio solvation models
- The Correlated Pseudo-Marginal Method
- The correspondence between black holes and fundamental strings
- The cosmic century; a history of astrophysics and cosmology
- The Cosmic Dawn simulation project: galaxy formation during the Epoch of Reionization
- The cosmic journey of massive black holes and galaxies
- The Cosmic Microwave Background and Dark Matter
- The Cosmic Origins Explorer
- The Cosmic origins Spectrograph on HST: New IGM Results including Baryon Census
- The Cosmic Radio Background – Foregrounds to the Epoch of Reionization
- The Cosmic Radio Background: Recent Measurement and Implications
- The Cosmological Analysis of the SDSS/BOSS data from the EFTofLSS
- The cosmological constant and inhomogeneity at late times
- The cosmological constant problem (and its sequester)
- The cosmological constant problem and its sequester
- The Cosmological Formation and Assembly of Massive Galaxies
- The Cosmological Tree Theorem
- The cosmological velocity field: from Slipher to modified gravity
- The Cosmology of Now and Then Through the First Light
- The cost of data: making sense in digital society
- The cost of principles
- The cost of saving nature: how much and is it a price worth paying
- The Cost of the Beauty of Holiness: The spiritual price of the visual tradition in the western church.
- The Cost of the Beauty of Holiness: The spiritual price of the visual tradition in the western church.
- The Cost of the Beauty of Holiness: The spiritual price of the visual tradition in the western church.
- The Coulomb Gas of Random Supergravities
- The coupling between the core/cusp and missing satellite problems
- The course of developmental health in autism spectrum disorder; the pre-school years
- The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the delivery of clinical education and training and the implications for future learning
- The Craft of Custom: Revisiting the Corfu Crisis and its Legal Implications
- The craft of healing, city guilds and vernacular print: Hieronymus Brunschwig's medical manuals, c. 1500
- The Craft of Spinning
- The Craftsman: a discussion
- The creation of Anglo-American grand strategy 1941–45
- The Creative Turn: Fostering Creativities in Secondary Schools, an International Study
- The credit crisis as a problem in the sociology of knowledge
- The Creole Language and its Relationship to Regional French in Louisiana
- The Creole Language and its Relationship to Regional French in Louisiana
- The Crisis of Democracy? Evidence from the Post-Communist World
- The Crisis of Global Citizenship
- The Crisis of Social-Democracy
- The Crisis of the Monetary System in Cromwellian Ireland
- The CRISPR system for prokaryotic antiviral immunity
- The CRISPR-Cas bacterial adaptive immune systems
- The critical behavior of $\phi^4_4$
- The Critical Child
- The critical density of the Stochastic Sandpile Model
- The critical functions of transcription factor Bcl11b in T cell development and maintenance of T cell identity
- The critical layer in quadratic-shear boundary layers over acoustic linings
- The Critical Layer in Quadratic-Shear Boundary Layers over Acoustic Linings
- The critical link: opportunities presented by carers
- The criticality of a randomly-driven front
- The Crops, People and Pollinators project
- The cross-cultural challenges in the identification and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: a conceptual framework
- The Crowley-Nordström invariant for G2 manifolds
- The crucial role of metallicity for planetesimal formation
- The crucial role of truth-compatible interferences
- The crystal structure of ammonia dihydrate II
- The CSAR Debate
- The CSAR Debate
- The CSAR debate:"This House believes that the Government should fund discovery of new antibiotics and control their distribution and use"
- The CSAS Lecture on South Asian Public Affairs: The rule of law and democratic development in Pakistan
- The CUED central computing system
- The CUER Solar-Powered Car Down Under
- The cult of youth: rejuvenation in interwar Britain
- The cultural legacy of historical ethnic violence: The impact on access to finance and innovation
- The Cultural Origins of Structure
- The culture of defense: Trade unionism, the arms trade, and the subject of labor history in neoliberal Britain
- The Culture of Reconstruction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Aftermath of Crisis
- The cultured chimpanzee: nonsense or breakthrough?
- The Cultures of Climate Change: Max Boykoff (ECI, Oxford)
- The Cultures of Climate Change: Reading Group
- The Curious Case of Big Phishes in The Netherlands
- The curious case of the London Skull: the making of a British human ancestor
- The curious case of the pulsating star - the discovery of pulsars
- The Curious Case of Yorkshire Luddism
- The curious engineer: applying applied mathematics
- The curious incident of the seal in the pond
- The Curious Martin Folkes (1690–1754): sociability and collecting in the mid-18th century
- The current nuclear situation in Japan
- The Current State of Virtual Reality
- The curse of creativity: Applied music research in CIRCLE
- The cuspidalization of sections of arithmetic fundamental groups
- The customer's role in a product intelligence approach
- The cutoff phenomenon for random walks
- The cutting edge of Alzheimer’s disease research
- The Cyberknife
- The Cyborg Experiments
- The Cyborg Experiments
- The cycle of petrogenic organic carbon during orogeny: from metamorphism to erosion
- The Cycle of Statistical Research
- The D-type cyclin CYCD4;1 controls lateral root density in Arabidopsis
- The Dachau Trials: an introduction to sentencing practices.
- The daily behaviour of happy people
- The dangerous consequences of the decline of coral reefs
- The Dangers of Research
- The dangers of success
- The Dantzig Selector
- The Dantzig selector for high dimensional statistical problems
- The Dantzig selector for high dimensional statistical problems
- The dark halo of M87: from parsec to megaparsec scales
- The dark matter crisis: problems with the current standard model of cosmology and steps towards an improved model
- The Dark Matter Mystery and The Large Hadron Collider
- The Dark Matter Mystery and the Large Hadron Collider
- The Dark Matter of Cambridge Philosophy
- The Dark OPERA
- The Dark Side of Circuit Breakers
- The data-driven (s,S) policy: why you can have confidence in censored demand data
- The Dawn of a New Day
- The Dawn of a new Era: Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves
- The Dawn of Artificial General Intelligence?
- The Dawn of Galaxy-scale Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger
- The dawn of star formation: a local perspective
- The Dawn of Technology: 3.3-million-year-old Stone Tools from Lake Turkana, Kenya
- The Dawn Within: A Journey from Darkness to Light (online)
- The day Parliament burned down
- The day within: circadian clock genes, cells and circuits
- The De Giorgi conjecture for the half-Laplacian in dimension 4
- The de Sitter S-matrix
- The Death of Richard Howell and the Labour of Care in Early Modern England
- The Death of the Clinic: surgical strikes and spaces of exception
- The death of theorising?
- The deaths of massive stars
- The debate on inequality from Rousseau to Marx
- The Debate over Embryo Adoption
- The Debate over Feature Film History
- The debates on GM crops in the framework of sustainable development.
- The decay of Fourier modes of solutions
- The Deciding Factor - An afternoon talk
- The decipherment of some recently found ostraca from Post-Roman North Africa
- The Decline of Adaptive Homeostasis in Ageing
- The decline of British politics? Reflections of a political biographer
- The decline of infinitival complementation in Ancient Greek. A reconsideration
- The decolonization of images in contemporary Brazilian picturebooks
- The Deep Blue chess algorithm
- The deep evolutionary origins of stomata and stomatal physiology
- The deep ocean density structure at the Last Glacial Maximum: what was it and why?
- The deep ocean's role in glacial cycles with an emphasis on stratification and potential energy storage
- The deep phylogeny problem and its consequences
- The deep structure of the proton ...... and why it matters!
- The Deep Structure of the Proton and Why It Matters.
- The Degree of the Corporate-Level Re-Allocation of Resources in the Multi-Business Firm: Dynamism vs. Persistence
- The delights of percolation
- The delights of percolation
- The Deligne-Gross conjecture and parity.
- The Demikernel Datapath Architecture for Microsecond-scale Datacenter Systems
- The Demikernel OS Architecture for Kernel-Bypass, Microsecond Systems
- The Demise of Baconian Natural History
- The demise of the Sagittarius galaxy
- The Denotational Semantics of SSA
- The Densities of the accretion disks around black holes
- The density Hales-Jewett theorem (Part 1)
- The density Hales-Jewett theorem (Part 2)
- The density Hales-Jewett theorem (Part III)
- The density is not enough
- The dependence of plant cell wall assembly and function on polysaccharide structure
- The Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Pressure Tendency on Size
- The Depressed Child and Adolescent
- The derived category of a quiver
- The design and construction of the new British Antarctic survey station
- The design of an active Terahertz polarisation modulator device by integrating Chiral metamaterials with Graphene (SP Workshop)
- The Design Of Liquid Crystals And Organic Materials For Applications In Optical Devices
- The Design of Resilient Engineering Infrastructure Systems
- The Design of Resilient Engineering Infrastructure Systems with Bayesian Networks
- The Design of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Cores for Civil Nuclear Marine propulsion
- The Design of Validation Experiments
- The Destabilising Effect of Stratification in Layered Shear Flows
- The destabilization of capillary rafts into armored droplets
- The Destruction of Black Holes
- The Destruction of Cultural Property in War Zones: Comparing Value
- The Destruction of Stonehenge: Iconoclasm, Reputation and Memory in the British Civil Wars
- The details in the DEVILS: Exploring the co-evolution of galaxies and halos over the last 8 billion years
- The Detection of Galaxy Cluster Motions Using Data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and BOSS
- The Detection of Galaxy Cluster Motions Using Data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and BOSS
- The detection of ionised carbon in a Lyman break galaxy with surprisingly warm dust at z = 8.31
- The developements in China since 1890s
- The developing challenges of in-flight icing
- The development and evolution of vertebrate electroreceptors
- The development and evolution of vertebrate oxygen-sensing cells
- The development and modulation of amphibian motor control systems
- The development and structure of the insect cuticle
- The Development of a Masculine Gender Identity during Adolescence
- The development of a motor network in Drosophila, the role of precocious neural activity in the emergence of coordination
- The development of advanced TEM techniques for the characterisation of Pt catalyst nanoparticles
- The development of brain asymmetry - from genes to circuits
- The development of cancer risk prediction models and their applications to prevention and early detection
- The development of cancer risk prediction models and their applications to prevention and early detection
- The development of cancer risk susceptibility models and application to early detection
- The development of Clinical Ethics Committees in the UK
- The development of design standards for the construction sector: Why do they matter and why should you care about them?
- The Development of Epistemic Trust: Systematic Reviews, Experimental Findings and Implications for Service Development
- The Development of Galaxies
- The development of HSCs: endothelial to hematopoietic transition
- The Development of Mathematical Weather Forecasting
- The Development of Metaphors in the Liturgical Hebrew of Early Rabbinic Judaism
- The development of new therapies against trypanosomiasis – drug targets and drug targeting
- The development of normative metalanguage in English grammars, 1677-1712.
- The Development of Purpose Across The Lifespan
- The development of seismic anisotropy in partially molten rocks: Laboratory observations
- The development of sex differences in mental rotations in human infants
- The development of silicon compatible processes for HEMT realisation
- The development of the hybrid rocket for Bloodhound SSC
- The development of the labour movement and political thought in Belgium in the 19th century
- The development of the male occupational structure of England and Wales between 1600 and 1850
- The development of the neural code for space in the hippocampal formation
- The development of the representation of magnitude in children
- The Development of the Social Brain
- The Development of Unsteady Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique and its Application to the Investigation of Transonic Buffeting
- The development of vaccines and immunotherapies against human papillomaviruses, the cause of cervical cancer
- The Development, Testing and Rollout of Lateral Flow Testing in the UK
- The Developmental and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Gap Gene System
- The developmental antecedents of political preference: Re-examining parental influence
- The developmental biology toolbox in basic and translational studies
- The developmental origin of colour patterns in birds
- The developmental origins of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
- The Developmental State as Firm-Level Competitive Disadvantage: Evidence from China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment
- The developmental, genetic, and adaptive bases of morphological evolution: the case of water-walking insects
- The diachrony of the Romanian particle "să"
- The Dialects of Campania. A Perspective of Linguistic Echology
- The diameter of the modular McKay graph of SLn(Fp).
- The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools
- The Diamond Light Source
- The Dicke Quantum Phase Transition and Supersolidity
- The Dickens Brooks Lecture - 'Faith and Survival: A Religious History of the Thirty Years' War’
- The diffeomorphism group of a 3-manifold fixing a disk
- The difference between cause and condition
- The Different Angles of Cell and Tissue Polarity
- The different perceptual worlds in which we live
- The Differential Effects of Different Categories of War Events, Age at Capture, and Duration in Captivity on Depression in a Ugandan Cohort of War-affected Youth - The WAYS Study
- The Differential Geometry and Mechanics of Tying Your Shoelaces
- The Difficulties of Developing and Financing New Nuclear
- The Difficulty of Preventing Code Reuse Attacks
- The diffusion of benzene adsorbed on graphite surfaces studied with quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) techniques
- The diffusion of mechanised technologies in the West Riding of Yorkshire textile industry c.1780‐1911 and its impact on employment and wages
- The diffusion of trends on social networks.
- The Digital Agenda for Europe: More Innovative, More Sustainable, More Inclusive?
- The Digital Architecture of Future Cities
- The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age
- The Digital Image in Printmaking
- The Digital Museum Project for the Languages and Cultures of Ryukyu: The Case of Ikema Ryukyuan
- The Digital Person: A Symposium
- The Digital Person: A Symposium 2019
- The Digital Physiome: Wearables for Disease Detection and Monitoring
- The Digital Railway - Network Rail
- The Digital Revolution and the State
- The Digital Revolution of Earth System Modelling
- The Digital Transformation of the East Coast Mainline Railway
- The dimension of the divisibility order
- The dinosaur Iguanodon (1809-2013) - palaeobiology in action
- The dinucleotide CpG as a genomic signalling module
- The diplomacy of the Doha Development Round
- The direct approach to evaluation order
- The directed landscape
- The Dirichlet problem for fully nonlinear equations in Riemannian geometry
- The Dirichlet problem for circle packings
- The Dirichlet problem in AdS and beyond
- The Disastrous and Politically Debased Subject of Resilience
- The discharge of rivers into the North Sea
- The discipline called 'The history and philosophy of science' is over a century old. 'The history and philosophy of [structural] engineering' is still an infant.
- The Discourse of Language Endangerment
- The discourse on Antisemitism and Islamophobia: A nineteenth-century perspective
- The Discoursi: subterfuge and polemic, and a "proof" of the science of heliocentricity (8/8)
- The Discovery and Early Development of X-Ray Crystallography
- The Discovery of Orally Bioavailable CGRP Receptor Antagonists: From Concept to Clinical Efficacy
- The Discovery of PAXLOVID - Royal Society of Chemistry BMCS Lecture 2024
- The Discovery of Richard III
- The discovery of structural form
- The Discovery of Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsars
- The discrete bordism category in dimension 1
- The Discrete Bouncy Particle Sampler
- The discrete convex least-squares estimator of a probability mass function
- The discrete Feynman integral
- The discreteness-driven relaxation of collisionless gravitating systems
- The discriminative nature of human communication
- The diseased convict and the Australian voyage: medical knowledge, penal reform and colonisation
- The Disenchantments of Sexuality
- The Disjointed Temporality of Climate Change
- The disk origin of planetary elemental abundances
- The disks of dawn: setting the stage for the formation of planetary systems
- The dispersal and behaviour of early Homo Sapiens in Europe ~45,000 years ago: new insights from Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria) and Ranis (Germany).
- The dispersal of planet forming discs and its role on the formation and evolution of planets
- The dissipation of DNA on small length scales: measuring the bending friction constant of dsDNA and consequences for looping time predictions
- The dissolution of State Education: an epitaph
- The distance of large $p$ th powers in the Nottingham group
- The Distribution of Auxiliary 'to be' in an 'SLI' Child (9;11): non target language captured by universal grammar
- The distribution of different sources of malware
- The distribution of fractional parts of sequences αn²
- The distribution of Hecke eigenvalues at Piatetski-Shapiro primes
- The distribution of ζ'/ζ about a random point on the critical line
- The distribution of the maximal difference between a Brownian bridge and its concave majorant
- The distribution of the maximal difference between a Brownian bridge and its concave majorant
- The distribution of values of L-functions
- The distributional impact of policy proposals on different groups of GB energy consumers
- The diverse and expanding role of mass spectrometry in structural and molecular biology
- The Diverse Uses of AI
- The diversifying nature of impact - Publishing tips from 'Nature Biomedical Engineering'
- The Diversity of Disease: From Sheep to Bacterial Genotypes, and Their Travels
- The diversity of eruption styles of silicic magmas
- The diversity of extrasolar planetary systems: Clues to planet formation and migration
- The Divine Logic of Evolution: Reading Evolutionary Biology Through the Lens of Maximus the Confessor’s Logoi Cosmology
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- The divisibility of the Tate-Shafarevich group of elliptic curves in the Weil-Chatelet group
- The division of cognitive labor and the structure of interdisciplinary problems
- The DNA damage problem and its impact on cancer and aging
- The DNA of spacetime
- The DNA oxygenase TET1 in mammalian embryonic development and epigenetic reprogramming
- The DNA repair machinery; more than just repairing DNA
- The DNA repair machinery; more than just repairing DNA
- The DNA Revolution Has Arrived in the Behavioural Sciences
- The doctor who wasn't there: technology, history, and the limits of telehealth
- The Doctoral Training Centre in computational materials science
- The Documentary Method - Part 1
- The Documentary Method - Part 2
- The Dog That Didn't Bark: How Computational Analysis of Complex Cell Signaling Data Can Find Surprising Critical Regulatory Nodes
- The Dollar: Rise of the global currency
- The Domain Name System in 2013 – The political and technical landscape
- The Domain of Content
- The Domestic Buildings of Early Colonial Ireland
- The Domestic Pig: Selective Breeding and Prevailing Tastes, Morphological and Genetic Variation over 100 Generations
- The domestication of the seasons, a later critical stage in the transformation of cultivated plants
- The dominance of biology in driving North Atlantic oxygen trends
- The Doors of Deception: Opening the Present in German Cinema 1945-49
- The dopamine circuit as a reward-taxis navigation system
- The Double Sin of the Skew-Normal: Skew-Symmetric Families of Distributions and Fisher Information
- The Double-faced subjects: Deconstructing superiority of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong
- The Doubts of Ibn al-Shibl al-Baghdādī (d. 474/1081–2), Poet, Philosopher, and Physician
- The Downstream Impact of Upstream Tariffs: Evidence from Investment Decisions in Supply Chains
- The Dr B.H. Farmer Seminar: The registration of slaves and resistance in nineteenth century Jaffna
- The Dr Raj Chandavarkar Seminar - Global Islam: what is it and where did it come from?
- The Dr Raj Chandavarkar Seminar: - Deep time and the colonial present: a prologue to the history writings of 'Kesari' Balakrishna Pillai
- The Dragons Go Global: A new wave of disruptive innovation from China
- The Drake Equation
- The Drama of Intellectual Life: Performativity in the Study of Ideas
- The dream of orderly development: selling the importance of science in Arctic North America after 1945
- THE DRILLERS DON’T LIKE GETTING WET or WHY THE LAUNDRY ROOM KEEPS GETTING FLOODED : Water up to surprisingly high levels around the legs of large floating oil rigs
- The Drosophila intestinal epithelium as an immune barrier: from steady-state to pathology
- The Drosophila segmentation paradigm: A product of molecular co-option and the blind clock breaker?
- The Drosophila Tracheal Terminal Cell: an intriguing model system for growth and distribution
- The drying of detergents
- The Dual Nature of Electrons
- The Duality of State and Observation
- The Ductility of 2D Cellular Solids: the Role of Imperfections
- The Duel on Page and Screen: Wordsmith and Bladesmith in Conversation
- The Dunedin New Zealand Longitudinal Study: Is psychiatric disorder in early life a preventable cause of disease in late life?
- The Durham Ox: Values and Prices in the Medieval Northeast
- The Dutch electronic patient record system and beyond - towards physician-controlled decentralized medical record exchange.
- The Duty Cycle of Local Radio Galaxies
- The dynamic compression and subsequent freezing of water
- The dynamic interaction between a railway tunnel and piled foundations
- The dynamic phi^4 model in the plane
- The dynamic response of soil-embedded piles near underground railway tunnels
- The dynamic Universe of preferred axion models
- The dynamical core of the Met Office's Unified Model
- The dynamical influence of ocean eddy fluxes
- The dynamical scaling laws of disk galaxies
- The Dynamics and Evolution of the Galactic Disk
- The dynamics of a cylindrical roller on a rough surface
- The dynamics of a packed cell tissue
- The Dynamics of Avalanches
- The Dynamics of Avalanches: Theory and Applications
- The dynamics of benzene on surfaces
- The Dynamics of Calcium Signalling
- The dynamics of church bell ringing
- The dynamics of classifying geometric structures
- The dynamics of conservative charged molecular strands
- The dynamics of deep-submarine explosive eruptions
- The dynamics of Dengue virus transmission in nature
- The Dynamics of Emerging Viruses in Africa (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- The dynamics of functional brain networks: Examining the role of noradrenaline
- The dynamics of hybridization following recent secondary contact
- The Dynamics of Investment, Payout and Debt
- The dynamics of land-atmosphere interaction in West Africa
- The dynamics of lexical access during language production: A swinging lexical network account
- The dynamics of magnetic flux tubes and a new theory related to the origin of the solar hemispheric helicity rules (Contributed talk)
- The dynamics of marine ice sheets
- The dynamics of molecules on oxide surfaces modelled with ab initio methods
- The dynamics of motivation: The neural and computational mechanisms of effort when treated as a cost or a benefit
- The Dynamics of Observing and Controlling Epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease
- The dynamics of parsec-scale eccentric stellar disks around SMBHs in galactic nuclei: disk disruption mechanisms, tidal disruption events and milliparsec stars
- The Dynamics of Planetary Multiplicity
- The dynamics of rings around irregular bodies
- The Dynamics of Saturn's F Ring
- The dynamics of sheared granular layers
- The dynamics of stratified horizontal shear flows at low Péclet number
- The dynamics of super-absorbent hydrogels
- The dynamics of supermassive triple black holes in galactic nuclei
- The dynamics of the leverage cycle
- The Dynamics of the Outer Parts of Omega Centauri
- The dynamics of the transition from the beam-like internal tides to shorter nonlinear waves on the continental shelf
- The dynamics of thermally activated motion of cyclopentadienyl and pyrrole on Cu(111)
- The Dynamics of TV History
- The dynamics of Vulcanian plumes: Insights from laboratory analogue experiments
- The Dyslexia Debate
- The dyslipidemic insult – how APOB-lipoproteins provoke systemic responses
- The E coli membrane: towards a systems description
- The E x B staircase as the self-organization in non-equilibrium complex systems
- The Earl of Oxford's stud at Welbeck in the 1720s
- The earliest deuterostomes, or something else entirely?
- The Earliest Life on Earth
- The earliest stages of second language acquisition and the adult capacity for learning
- The earliest tetrapods: What were they, and what are they?
- The Early Days of Single Ion Channel Recording: Proof of Concept and Surprises
- The Early Development of Joking and Pretending
- The early evolutionary history of amniote vertebrates: new insights, new fossils.
- The early formation scenario for super-Earths
- The Early History of the Cavendish Laboratory
- The early human occupation of Europe and Britain
- The early human occupations of Britain
- The early impact of COVID-19 on mental health and community physical health services and their patients’ mortality in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, UK
- The early modern revolution of colour palettes on ceramics with over-glazed painting
- The early Napatan pottery at el- Kurru royal cemetery: A study of cultural continuity and influence
- The early origins of the Mortality Revolution: a perspective from evolutionary biology
- The early Soviet project of hybridising humans and apes
- The early stages of biomimetic calcium phosphate formation: amorphous phases and pre-nucleation complexes
- The early stages of low-mass star formation: Formation and evolution of the protostar and its disc
- The early stages of low-mass star formation: subsonic turbulence, isothermal filaments and a First Hydrostatic Core Candidate
- The Early Start Denver Model in autistic preschoolers: a treatment trial
- The early Universe
- The Early Universe Information Bottleneck
- The Earth's Magnetic Field
- The Earth’s Magnetic Field
- The East African Literature Bureau (EALB) and the Making of Modern East African Literature
- The east model: a case study from glassy dynamics
- The Eastern Sahara: From Holocene climate to prehistoric archaeology to the desert roots of Pharaonic civilisation and World Heritage
- The Eating Local Challenge: Thinking about the contribution food makes to climate change
- The ebb and flow of isotopes in archaeological science
- The Eccentric Kozai Mechanism and its Application to Boyajian’s Star
- The eccentricities of calcite production by coccolithophores
- The Ecological Thought
- The ecology and evolutionary origins of Australopithecus
- The ecology of a melting glacier: biotic feedbacks upon surface melt rates and biogeochemical significance.
- The Ecology of Organizational Routines: How Routines Work together to Deliver Quality
- The ecology of transitional turbulence
- The Economic Cost of Depression: A Mendelian Randomisation Study
- The Economic Downturn and the Carbon Economy
- The economic government of the world 1933-2023
- The Economic Impact of a Bank Oligopoly: Britain at the Turn of the 20th Century
- The economic limits of the ‘originate to distribute’ model
- The economic transformation of Iron Age Britain under Roman colonisation, with a special focus on Cambridgeshire
- The economic utility signal of dopamine neurons
- The Economics of A Zero Carbon Society
- The economics of BECCS deployment in a 1.5oC or 2oC world
- The Economics of Climate Change: Governments, Companies and Households
- The Economics of Happiness
- The Economics of Happiness (film and talk)
- The Economics of Privacy (remote presentation)
- The Economics of Religion in India
- The Economics of Religion in India
- The economics of revealing and protecting private information: Evidence from human subject experiments and surveys
- The Economics of Right-Wing Populism
- The Economics of Salvation in Late Antiquity and Byzantium
- The Economics of Storage: Lithium-Ion Versus Liquid Metal Batteries
- The economics of the ‘Second Slavery’ in the Jihad states of West Africa
- The Economist Who Mistook His Model for a Market
- The Economy for the Common Good
- The Economy of the Mind
- The Economy: A Very Brief History?
- The edge of galaxy formation
- The Edge of Pentecost
- The edge region of the Antarctic stratospheric vortex: its existence and its importance.
- The Ediacaran: When Life Became Interesting
- The Edinburgh Concordat: Promising Positive Planning?
- The Editorial Process Demystified
- The Editorial Process in Nature Neuroscience
- The education of Francis Willughby: new philosophy and natural history in mid-17th-century Cambridge
- The eff. theory of quintessence and its obs. signatures / Anisotropic Bi- and Tri- spectrum of curv. perturbations from primordial non-Abelian vector fields
- The Effect of a Chameleon Scalar Field on the CMB in Galaxy Clusters
- The effect of a magnetised atmosphere on the magnetic buoyancy instability
- The effect of a maturation time on plankton patchiness generated by chaotic stirring
- The effect of a neighbouring structure on the predictions of ground-borne vibration
- The effect of age on brain and cognition: preliminary results from the Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (CamCAN)
- The effect of AGN radiation pressure on dust
- The effect of attention on illusory vowel perception and sound onset: an fMRI study
- The effect of body position on the arterial partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in spontaneously breathing dogs.
- The Effect of Building's Stiffness on Excavation-Induced Displacements
- The Effect of Capacity Payments on Peaking Generator Availability in PJM
- The effect of cellular crowding on evolution: a bacteria tale and a phage tale
- The effect of cellular crowding on evolution: a bacteria tale and a phage tale
- The effect of color and motion changes on attentional capture
- The effect of conjugation length on exciton dissociation
- The effect of consolidation on the learning of novel spoken words: an MEG study
- The effect of contextual motion on perceived speed, plaid direction and binocular rivalry
- The Effect of Coordination Chemistry in Aerosols and Fogs on Air Quality
- The effect of cosmic rays in the evolution of a Milky Way-like galaxy and its circum-galactic medium
- The effect of decentralized behavioral decision making on system-level risk
- The Effect of Domestic Cat Predation on Wildlife
- The effect of donor age on the remyelinating potential of olfactory ensheathing cell transplants in the demyelinated CNS
- The Effect of Energy Prices on Operation and Investment in OECD Countries: Evidence from the Vintage Capital Model
- The effect of geometirc imperfections on the seismic performance of thin masonry shells
- The effect of geometry and topology on the mechanics of grid shells
- The Effect of Gravitational Lensing on Cosmological Parameter Estimation
- The effect of ice shelf dynamics on marine ice sheet stability
- The effect of impacts by small bodies on the ancient atmosphere of Earth
- The effect of Inhibitory Control over Negative Autobiographical Memories
- The effect of Inhibitory Control over Negative Autobiographical Memories
- The effect of inhomogeneous reionisation on the Lyman-𝛼 forest
- The effect of inter-zoo transportation on reproductive success of three felid species
- The effect of intermittency on regularity properties of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
- The effect of landfast sea ice buttressing on the glaciers of the Larsen B Embayment
- The effect of lexical ambiguity on spoken word recognition using homographs and homophones: Behavioural and neural evidence
- The effect of maropitant on intraoperative isoflurane requirements and postoperative nausea and vomiting in dogs: a randomized clinical trial
- The effect of microcapsules for autonomic self-healing cementitious materials
- The Effect of Molecular Weight on the Vibronic Structure of a Diketopyrrolopyrrole Polymer
- The effect of N-body interactions in pebble accretion scenarios
- The effect of network topology on pattern recognition in neural networks
- The effect of normalization -- a case study in speech synthesis
- The effect of nutritional status on historical infectious disease morbidity: evidence from the London Foundling Hospital, 1892-1915
- The effect of phage on modifying the genome of Clostridium difficile
- The effect of pore structure and pore fluids on the elastic moduli and wavespeeds in porous rocks
- The Effect of Recommendations on Network Structure
- The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on imitation ability; implications for individuals with Autism.
- The effect of rotation on the dynamo threshold at the low Pm limit
- The effect of selection on genealogies, and a near-critical system of branching Brownian motions
- The Effect of Shear Crack Geometry on Aggregate Interlock Action in Reinforced Concrete
- The Effect of Social Exclusion on Consumer Preference for Anthropomorphized Brands
- The effect of stereotomy on the shape of the thrust line and the minimum thickness of masonry arches
- The effect of substrate mechanics on cell behaviour
- The effect of syllable stress on adaptation to talker-specific characteristics
- The effect of temperature differences on cross-ventilation
- The effect of the APOE genotype on brain function
- The effect of the streaming instability on protoplanetary disc emission at mm wavelengths
- The effect of tides on dense water formation in Arctic shelf seas
- The Effect of transport policy/regulations on emissions
- The effect of viewing distance and display peak luminance - HDR AV1 video streaming quality dataset
- The effective monitoring of marking quality through on-screen marking
- The effectiveness of an air curtain in the doorway of a ventilated building
- The Effectiveness of Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Young People
- The effectiveness of laser-assisted turbinectomy in treating severe brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) in 8 pugs
- The Effectiveness of T-way Test Data Generation
- The effectiveness of wooden spears as hunting weapons
- The effects of capillary forces in two-phase gravity currents
- The effects of coastal ocean warming and increased supra-glacial run-off on water temperature and circulation in Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord, East Greenland
- The effects of companions on the dynamics of protostellar discs — the evolution of disc eccentricity
- The effects of depth information on visual search
- The effects of directional wind shear on orographic gravity-wave breaking
- The effects of fetal testosterone on the developing human brain
- The effects of friction interface on the nonlinear dynamic response in turbomachinery
- The effects of initial conditions on the predictions of inflations
- The effects of language contact on event construal: insights from language production of L1 and very advanced L2-speakers of German
- The effects of learning on the neural representation of natural objects in extrastriate, temporal and prefrontal cortex
- The effects of multi-directional loading on soil liquefaction
- The Effects of multi-language experience on cognitive development from early infancy to old age: a developmental approach
- The effects of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) on oligodendrocyte precursor cells
- The effects of ozone depletion, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and increased aerosols on precipitation in High-Mountain Asia
- The effects of planetary-scale volcanism on Io's interior structure and evolution
- The effects of rate and size on T-bar penetration resistance in clay
- The Effects of Steering Torque Feedback on the Driver's Steering Control
- The effects of temperature on topological materials
- The effects of transport noise on PDEs
- The effects of tyre dynamics on slip control for heavy vehicles
- The effects of waterfall phase transition on curvature perturbations and non-Gaussianity
- The Effects of Wind on Plants: Mechanical Interactions
- The effects of wind on trees and forests
- The Efficacy of Herbal Nutraceuticals in Improving Captive Animal Welfare.
- The efficiency of small quantum heat engines
- The effort paradox: Why labour is loathed and loved
- The Egg and the Sperm 2.0
- The Egg and the Sperm 2.0
- The egress mechanism of malaria parasites: surprising active participation of the host red cell membrane
- The Egyptian Crisis
- The Ehrenpreis principle: from ODEs to PDEs
- The eigencurve at Eisenstein weight one points
- The eigenvalue estimation of spatio-spectral limiting operators
- The eigenvalue problem for the infinity Laplacian
- The Eight Annual Cambridge Vsesvit Evening: Maklena
- The Eighth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film
- The Eighth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film
- The ejected material from the impact of a gel drop on a deep gel pool
- The elastic metric for surfaces and its use
- The elastic stability and transitions between the unusual equilibrium states of a special hexagram ring
- The Elasticity of Elasticity
- The elasticity of knots
- The Election: What should be the policy priorities of the new government?
- The electricity market in Russia
- The electride story continued
- The electromagnetic weight loss of compact axion stars
- The electron-ion collider: A collider to unravel the mysteries of visible matter
- The Electron-Phonon Problem Revisited
- The electronic structure of proteins as obtained by first principles total energy calculations
- The elemental Gordian knot
- The elephant in the room: fluid dynamics in the age of machine learning
- The Elephant in the Room: Health Information System Security and the User-Level Environment
- The elephant in the room: historians and scientists working together
- The elephant in the room: presence, practice and pachyderms in Victorian education
- The Elephant Will Never Forget? Film archiving, archaeology and historiography
- The Eleventh Annual Stasiuk Lecture in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies, to be given by Oksana Zabuzhko
- The eleventh cohomology of moduli spaces of stable curves
- The elimination of measles and rubella in the WHO European Region - Where are we?
- The elimination strategy for responding to pandemics: the New Zealand Experience
- The elliptic genus - a view from conformal field theory
- The elliptic Painleve equation
- The elliptic Painleve equation
- The elliptic Painleve equation
- The elliptic Painleve equation
- The elliptic Painleve equation (part 3)
- The Elongator complex controls symmetry breaking of the central spindle and thereby polarized trafficking of cell fate determinants during asymmetric cell division
- The Elusive HO3 Radical: Kinetics of formation, thermochemistry and atmospheric role
- The Elusive Internet Flatening: 10 Years of IXP Growth
- The Elusive Lab: Scientific Infrastructure in Africa
- The Elusive Sources of Solar Energetic Particles
- The Embodied Cognition and Emotion Laboratory: What We Do
- The emergence of bargaining inequity
- The Emergence of Chemical Complexity - Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Molecules
- The emergence of cognitive ability in childhood
- The Emergence of Human Persons: Bewteen the Scylla of Dualism and the Charybdis of Reductionism
- The emergence of pluripotency and germline specification in non-rodent mammals
- The emergence of positional information in ensembles of mouse ES cells
- The Emergence of Structure during the Epoch of Reionization
- The emergence of the fractional heat equation from a one dimensional solid (FPU-$beta$ chain)
- The emergence of the Indian and Chinese economic powerhouses: historical and institutional perspectives
- The Emergence of the Sovereign Consumer – from Adam Smith to the Socialist Calculation Debate
- The Emergent Adult: Adolescent Literature and Culture
- The Emergent Adult: Contemporary Adolescent Literature and Culture
- The emergent behaviour of the nuclear array in syncytial embryos
- The emergent gravity challenge: from theory to phenomenology
- The emergent gravity challenge: from theory to phenomenology
- The emerging and promised climate change policies of the Biden administration
- The Emerging Crimmigration Control System
- The Emerging Markets’ Banking Industry
- The emerging picture of radio emission in Active Galactic Nuclei
- The Emerging Story of Gravity
- The emotional brain and the neurobiology of uniqueness
- The emotional modulation of gaze-oriented attention and its influence by autistic-like traits
- The emotional modulation of memory
- The Emperor's Two Bodies: Mirrored Sovereignty, the Code Civil, and Napoleon's New Men
- The enabling powers of authoritarian coercion: state forms of Islam at work in Brunei and Singapore
- The End –– and the innumerable ways to reach it
- The end effect revisited - A physical interpretation of acoustic radiation impedance
- The end of an Affair: the unravelling of the Anglo-Greek tie, 1940-1953
- The End of Engagement: America's China Experts and U.S. Strategy Since 1989
- The end of English dialects?
- The End of Enlightenment: death and the philosophers, 1776-1809
- The end of free markets and return of the state? In conversation with Professor Diane Coyle and Martin Sandbu
- The End of Imperial Russia in Western Historiography: An International Historian’s Perspective
- The end of lawyers?
- The End of Safe Harbour: Implications of the Schrems Judgement
- The end of simulation?
- The End of the Asian Century?: Trump, Europe, and the Race to Manage the Risks Threatening Asia's Future
- The End of the News as We Know It: How Facebook Swallowed Journalism
- The End of the Standard Model & the Last Particle?
- The End of the World (again) .... or, Lessons from the Black Death
- The end of world as we know it
- The Endeavour journal and the natural historical working practices of Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander, 1768–1771
- The endocrine organs of Drosophila as new model to study extreme evolutionary divergence and epithelial to mesenchymal transitions during development
- The endodermis - a selective and protective interface between plant and soil
- The endodermis as a checkpoint for nutrients
- The endoplasmic reticulum acts as a gatekeeper to control nuclear auxin uptake
- The Endpoint of Black Ring Instabilities and the Weak Cosmic Censorship Conjecture
- The ends of the earth: rearticulating the image of the poles in the age of polar aviation
- The enemies without and the enemies within: persistent neurotropic infection and risk for cognitive impairment.
- The enemy that never was: the Muslim minority in Greece in the 1940s
- The energetics of moving between statistically steady states in flows driven by buoyancy and wind
- The energetics of the tropical Pacific Ocean and ENSO dynamics
- The Energy Crisis on the back of an envelope
- The energy distribution of random dynamics systems
- The Energy Efficient Cities Initiative
- The Energy Transition in industry and its impact on earth science careers
- The Engineering Behind Computer Entertainment
- The Engineering Computing System
- The Engineering Department's Computing System
- The Engineering Dept Computing System
- The Engineering of Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator Gravimetric Sensors
- The engineering reality of decarbonisation and the role of nuclear energy
- The English Profile (2): Identifying Criterial Features in learner Languages
- The English Profile (2): Identifying criterial features in learner languages
- The English Profile Programme (1) : Delivering descriptions of reference levels for English as a Second Language
- The English Profile Programme (1): Delivering descriptions of reference levels for English as a second language
- The English Profile Project: upgrading the Cambridge Learner Corpus and future directions for research.
- The Enhanced Perceptual Functioning Model of Autism
- The Enigma of Emotion
- The enigma of environmentalism: the power of knowledge and the power of memory
- The enigma of histone 3 lysine 4 methylation
- The Enigma of Optical Momentum
- The Enigmatic Premodern Book
- The enigmatic pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors
- The enigmatic Tate-Shafarevich group
- The entangled brain: Integration of emotion, motivation, and cognition
- The entanglement membrane in exactly solvable lattice models
- The entrenchment of metaphors in scientific practice
- The Entropic Origin of Gravity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter
- The Enumeration of Women’s Work in the 19th Century Census (Some Evidence to Suggest It Was Not So Bad)
- The Environment of Local Radio Galaxies
- The Environment of the Elizabethan House – Hardwick Hall
- The environmental challenge - Climate action programme in the Diocese of London
- The environmental impact of computational science: how bad is it and what can we do about it?
- The environmental impact of computational science: how bad is it and what can we do about it?
- The Environmental Impact of Food
- The Environmental Impacts of London Buses
- The environmental impacts of oil palm: good crop/bad crop?
- The Environments of Type Ia Supernovae
- The Epic Win of the Ultimate Game (in-person talk)
- The epidemic of thyroid cancer - what’s new and what might come next
- The epidemiologist as culture hero: visualising humanity in the age of 'the next pandemic'
- The epidemiology and control of meningococcal disease in the UK and Africa
- The epigenetic control of variable expressivity
- The epistemic innocence project
- The epistemic principle of alternative possibilities
- The epistemology of memory
- The Epoch of Helium Reionization -- The Final Phase Transition of the Universe
- The equation of state after inflation
- The Equations of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology.
- The equations of landscape formation: review and a new model
- The equilibration time for viscous and porous gravity currents
- The equilibrium of energy levels in phosphorous linkages
- The equivariant main conjecture via 1-motives, and applications
- The equivocation objection to priority monism
- The Erdos Sumset Conjecture
- The Error Statistical Philosophy
- The eruptive tempo and long-term behaviour of open vent volcanoes
- The Escape Fraction of Ionising Photons from Early Galaxies
- The Escherichia coli K5 capsule, how is it made and what does it do
- The ESG home bias
- The Essence of Islam
- The eStream stream-cipher contest
- The Eternal Taj Mahal: Prehistory and Development
- The Eternal Triangle: Science, Propaganda and Disease Control; the facts behind the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic
- The Ethical and Legal Elements of Capacity and Consent
- The Ethical Brain
- The ethical brain
- The ethics and politics of the international transfer of educational policy and practice
- The Ethics of AI in Healthcare
- The Ethics of Algorithmic Decision Making
- The Ethics of Algorithmic Decision Making
- The Ethics of Artificially Intelligent Communications Technology
- The ethics of numbers, the ethics of growth
- The ethics of numbers, the ethics of growth
- The ethics of social research with children and families in Young Lives: a longitudinal study of children growing up in Ethiopia, Andhra Pradesh (India), Peru and Vietnam
- The ethics of war in a new era - talk by Lord Rowan Williams
- The Etruscan Landscape
- The EU after ‘Brexit’: in defence of an ‘ever closer union’
- The EU and China's energy diplomacy: an institutionalist approach
- The EU and migration: A call to action
- The EU as a Global Conflict Manager
- The Euro experiment
- The Euro interbank repo market
- The European ELT project
- The European Extremely Large Telescope
- The European Gas Target Model
- The European Landscape Convention: From concepts to rights.
- The European Peace Settlement, 1919: so what was wrong with the Treaty of Versailles?
- The European potential to produce Bio-energy: Miscanthus potential for current and future climates
- The European Survey on Language Competences: Aims, Outcomes and Conclusions
- The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Yardstick for the Domestic Law of the Member States
- The European Union's engagement in reforming the Security Sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2003-2013
- The European Union: Well-Meaning Partner or Selfish Superpower?
- The Europeanization of Migration policy in South-East Europe: Changing Narratives and Institutional Adaptation
- The Europeanization of Migration policy in South-East Europe: Changing Narratives and Institutional Adaptation
- The EUV Luminosity from Young Stars: Implications for the Dispersal of Protoplanetary Material
- The Evacuation of Gibraltarians in the Spanish and British Press, 1940–1951
- The evaluation and treatment of Combat Blast wounds
- The eve of biomineralisation
- The event in the syndemic: state and subject formation in the two Manchurian pneumonic plague outbreaks (1910–11, 1920–21)
- The events in France and Europe's multiple crises
- The Everyday Life of the Indian Constitution (1947-1964)
- The evidence for lifestyle after cancer to reduce relapse and survival
- THE EVIL EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: The 2008 financial crisis from a hedge fund manager's perspective
- The Evo-Devo of Multicellularity.
- The EvoDevo and Physics of Skin Appendages and Skin Colours in Vertebrates
- The evolution and adaptation of HIV-1 virulence
- The Evolution and Compositions of Kepler's Sub-Neptunes and Super-Earths
- The Evolution and Compositions of Kepler's Sub-Neptunes and Super-Earths
- The Evolution and Development of Leaves
- The evolution and development of social cognition: lessons from corvids and children
- The evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary discs
- The evolution and function of jaws: a study in taxonomic, morphological and functional variation
- The Evolution and Limitations of AGN Feedback in Massive Galaxies
- The evolution and regulation of gene expression levels in mammals
- The evolution of "constructions" from Latin to French: the evolution of valency patterns and valency reorganisation
- The evolution of (almost) everything
- The evolution of a stratified turbulent cloud.
- The evolution of Abcam plc - 30 April 2013
- The evolution of Alzheimer’s disease in the aging brain
- The evolution of animal construction and why it matters to anthropologists
- The Evolution of Animal Societies
- The evolution of arthropod small RNA pathways
- The Evolution of Arthropods: From Limb Transformation in Crustaceans to Color Variation in Butterflies
- The evolution of Bell's thinking about the Bell theorem in quantum mechanics
- The Evolution of Black Hole Mass and Spin in Active Galactic Nuclei
- The evolution of branching patterns in plants
- The evolution of cell division: from archaea to eukaryotes
- The evolution of collision outcomes in the protoplanetary disk
- The Evolution of Commercial Law in Europe (1250-1650)
- The evolution of complexity in free-surface flows
- The Evolution of Consciousness - From Ego to Enlightenment (in-person talk)
- The Evolution of Consciousness: From Ego to Enlightenment (in-person talk)
- The evolution of cosmic structures and features of the cosmic web
- The Evolution of Creationism
- The Evolution of Culture
- The evolution of dental growth in mammals
- The evolution of determinism: an evolutionary history of mechanisms underlying insect wing patterning
- The Evolution of Developmental Regulation in Spiders and Flies: Diversification of Body Plans and Body Parts
- The Evolution of Developmental Signalling in the Social Amoebas
- The Evolution of Digital Humanities as a Field
- The Evolution of Dorsal-Ventral Patterning Among the Insects
- The evolution of dorsoventral patterning in insects
- The Evolution of Dragonfly Wings
- The evolution of elliptical galaxies
- The evolution of embryonic form: a genetic and cellular analysis of arthropod development
- The Evolution of Enzyme Mechanisms and Functional Diversity
- The Evolution of Exaggerated Sexual Swellings in Female Non-Human Primates
- The Evolution of Financial Markets in the Early Modern Netherlands
- The evolution of floral morphology in the Antirrhineae and its relationship with pollinator shifts
- The evolution of floral traits in the Antirrhineae
- The evolution of galaxies from z=3 to z=0
- The Evolution of GPU Accelerated Computing
- The Evolution of High-Frequency Radio Astronomy
- The Evolution of Human Languages
- The evolution of ice rheology in glacier shear margins: Crystallographic fabric and thermoviscous feedbacks
- The Evolution of Imprinted Gene Expression in Cultivated Rice
- The evolution of indiscriminate altruism in meerkats
- The evolution of life history strategies: individuals, populations, species
- The evolution of Living Matter
- The Evolution of Locomotion Through the Development Lens: Insights into the Morphology of the Human Talus and Calcaneus
- The evolution of long ncRNAs and Prdm9, a special gene
- The Evolution of Long ncRNAs and Prdm9, a Speciation Gene
- The evolution of male control of resources: an archaeological case study
- The evolution of mammalian tissue transcriptomes
- The evolution of meiosis and meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis arenosa.
- The evolution of meiosis in response to genome duplication and environment in Arabidopsis arenosa
- The evolution of meiosis in response to genome duplication and environment in Arabidopsis arenosa
- The evolution of menopause and human life history
- The Evolution of MIXTA Gene Function in Angiosperms and Bryophytes
- The Evolution of Morality
- The Evolution of Multicellularity
- The Evolution of Multicellularity
- The evolution of organs and cell types.
- The evolution of paired appendages
- The evolution of panarthropod neurogenesis: conserved and derived characters
- The evolution of pathogen evolution
- The evolution of pathogenicity in Streptococcus suis
- The evolution of photosynthetic efficiency
- The Evolution of Planetary Systems
- The evolution of polychromatic ‘greenbeard’ genes
- The Evolution of PolyProx Therapeutics
- The Evolution of Product Forms
- The evolution of promoter sequence
- The evolution of regular patterning in plants and animals
- The evolution of reproductive isolation: multiple hybrid zones in Gorteria diffusa (Asteraceae)
- The Evolution of RNA Polymerases IV and V: Understanding the Rise of Silencing in Plants
- The evolution of sea floor ecology in the Cenozoic of Antarctica
- The evolution of sentience
- The Evolution of Solutions
- The Evolution of Sophos
- The evolution of source regions beneath active mud volcanoes: a poroelastic phase change problem
- The Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies across Cosmic Time, with HiZELS
- The evolution of starburst galaxies
- The Evolution of Stellar Radial Velocity Jitter: Toward an Astrophysically-Motivated Predictor of Stellar RV Jitter
- The evolution of teaching and “anti-teaching”
- The Evolution of Telepathy (Perrott-Warrick Lecture)
- The evolution of the Bilateria - insights from an acoel flatworm
- The Evolution of the British Economy. Anglo-Scottish trade and political Union; an inter-regional perspective, 1580-1750
- The evolution of the dust and gas content of galaxies
- The Evolution of the Early Solar System: What Magnetism Can Tell Us
- The evolution of the early solar system: What magnetism can tell us
- The evolution of the geobiological nitrogen cycle
- The evolution of the interstellar medium in merging galaxies
- The evolution of the interstellar medium in merging galaxies
- The Evolution of the Modern Workplace - CANCELLED
- The evolution of the RNAi pathway and RNA viruses in Drosophila
- The evolution of the structure of galaxies
- The evolution of transcriptional regulation
- The evolution of virulence in Streptococcus suis
- The evolution of welding engineering: Milestones and lessons
- The evolution of wing colour patterns in butterflies and the problem of speciation
- The evolution of wonder
- The evolution of, and vaccination against, influenza viruses
- The evolution, diversity and habitability of planetary systems
- The Evolutionary 'Design' of Proteins
- The evolutionary and embryonic origins of the gnathostome axial skeleton
- The evolutionary biomechanics of dinosaur locomotion
- The evolutionary dynamics of unusual reproductive systems.
- The Evolutionary Genomics of Staphylococcus aureus Infections
- The evolutionary history of baleen whales in an Antarctic context
- The evolutionary invention of food-webs: a palaeobiological and macroecological approach
- The evolutionary neuroscience of tool use
- The evolutionary origin of neuronal signalling machinery and animal cell differentiation
- The evolutionary origins of meiosis: a hypothesis
- The evolutionary perspective on technology roadmaps: Towards the era of roadmap 2.0
- The evolutionary perspective on technology roadmaps: Towards the era of roadmap 2.0
- The evolutionary struggles of giant land animals against gravity
- The Evolutionary Typology of Verbal Person-Number Indexes
- The Evolved and Evolving 'Mind' of the American South ?
- The Evolving Influence of Socialism on China's Economic Development
- The Evolving Relative Role of Stratospheric Ozone and Greenhouse Gasses in Modifying the Southern Ocean Carbon Sink from 1950-2100
- The exact $k$-SAT threshold for large $k$
- The exact $k$-SAT threshold for large $k$
- The exact functional of density functional theory
- The ExactMPF: the exact matrix polynomial factorisation
- The ExactMPF: the exact matrix polynomial factorisation
- The Example of Poetry
- The exceptional case of the late medieval English economy: comparing price, wage and rent trends to Scotland and the Southern Low Countries
- The Excessive Creation of Sequel Firms
- The exchangeable graph model for statistical network analysis
- The exchangeable graph model for statistical network analysis
- The Excluded Volume of Convex Bodies
- The exclusion effects of two partite power sharing: the link between Sudan's Comprehenisve Peace Agreement and the insurgency in Darfur
- The Executable Pathway to Biological Networks
- The executable pathway to biological networks
- The Existence and Significance of Deeply Buried Landscapes
- The existence and uniqueness of Whittaker functions for GL(n,R): an approach through Schubert geometry
- The Existence of Designs
- The existence of very-large scale motions or `superstructures' in wall-bounded turbulent flows
- The ExoMars mission: exploring the martian atmosphere and the search for life
- The exome sequencing identified the mutation in YARS2 Nuclear modifier genes for the phenotypic manifestation of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy-associated mitochondrial DNA mutation
- The exoplanet revolution
- The exoplanet revolution
- The Exoplanet Revolution
- The Exoplanet Revolution
- The exotic part of the Picard group of K(2)-local spectra at the prime 2
- The expanding configuration of radiational gaseous stars
- The expanding configuration of radiational gaseous stars
- The Expansion of a Canine Pathogen through Acquired Virulence and Multi-Host Transmission
- The expansion of active regions into the heliosphere
- The Expected Total Curvature of Random Polygons
- The expensive brain: when does natural selection favor increased brain size?
- The experience and lessons from Shanghai's last 20 years development in infrastructure
- The experiences of black and minority ethnic academics
- The Expert Learner: An LfL Seminar with Gordon Stobart
- The Exploitation of Micro- and Nanotechnologies
- The Exponents of Change: From Artificial Intellegence to Web Science
- The Exposome in Epidemiological Practice
- The exposome in psychiatry: Using environmental data to understand variability in developmental psychopathology
- The EXPRES Stellar Signals Project (ESSP): Establishing the State of the Field in Disentangling Photospheric Velocities
- The Expressive Power of CSP Quantifiers
- The Expxorcist: Nonparametric Graphical Models Via Conditional Exponential Densities
- The Ext algebra of a Brauer graph algebra
- The extended phenotype of the cucumber mosaic virus genome in insect transmission
- The extended Whittaker category
- The extent of gender and race/ethnicity imbalance in infectious disease dynamics research
- The Extent of Victimization Among Low-Level Offenders Participating in the Turning Point Project and the Implications for Policy and Practice
- The extraordinary case of the sigma or f0(500) meson and the lightest scalar mesons
- The Extraordinary Taxation of Holocaust Survivors
- The Extratropical Tropopause Inversion Layer
- The extreme masses of the dark matter haloes hosting z > 6 quasars: two new pieces of evidence
- The extreme seasonality of early modern casual labour and what it means for workers’ incomes: Sweden 1500-1830
- The extreme values of random frequency response functions
- The Extremes of Resolved Stellar Spectroscopy
- The Eye Contact Effect: Mechanism and Development
- The Eye’s Mind – perspectives on visual imagery
- The eyes: gateway to the soul? - Iris Recognition Technology
- The Eyjafjallajökull volcanic plumbing system: insights from microseismicity
- The F-16 and its Evolution
- The F-ate of GUTs
- The FABLE simulations: A feedback model for galaxies, groups and clusters
- The Fabric of Place
- The face isn't everything: examining the influence of visual and auditory cues in emotion perception
- The Factorization Method for an Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problem
- The failure of Russian propaganda in Ukraine and Russian PsyOps ads on Facebook
- The Faint M31 Satellites
- The Faint Source Population at 15.7 GHz
- The fairy-tales of science
- The Fairy-tales of Science: facts and fancy in Victorian children's literature
- The Falcon Rocket System and the development of rockets for the Bloodhound project.
- The fall of Johnstown: exhibiting disasters at the turn of the 20th century
- The false cosmos of new music: Adorno's Philosophie der Neuen Musik as modern political pedagogy
- The family of mitochondrial transport proteins
- The family of mitochondrial transport proteins
- The family of Richard Thompson's Groups: something for (almost) everyone
- The family tree of Iranian and its problems
- The Family Values of Empire: The Earls Grey in British and North American Perspective
- The famine that wasn't? 1799-1801 in Ireland
- The Fantastic Fruit Fly
- The fascinating cluster merger Abell 2146
- The fascinating first year
- The fascinating journey of T. brucei within the tsetse fly
- The Fascinating World of Lightning Research
- The fascinating world of nucleic acids. From the origin of life to modern biochemistry
- The Fascist Welfare State: Cleavages, Rupture, and Mediation
- The Fascist Welfare State: Cleavages, Rupture, and Mediation
- The Fate of Matter Fields in Metric-Affine Gravity
- The Fathers' Affection Display in Contemporary Chinese Families
- The Fawzi-Renner Inequality by State Redistribution
- The Federal Reserve's 'rate war' and its aftermath: the political consequences of financial instability, 1966-72.
- The Feeding Ecology of Mesozoic Mammals: A Biomechanical Approach
- The Female as a Defective Male in Aristotle's Biology
- The Female Side of Fertilization: Crystal Structure of Vertebrate Sperm Receptor ZP3
- The femme amateur and the feuilletoniste in Balzac's La Muse du Département AND Mecca Versus Medina: Tipping the balance from the literal to the allegorical in Assia Djebar, Abdelwahab Meddeb and Fethi Benslama
- The Fenland Flora
- The Fermi Paradox
- The Fermi Paradox
- The fermion sign problem and large N orbifold equivalence
- The ferromagnetic Potts model: phase transition, gadgets and computational complexity
- The Festival of Ideas @ POLIS: Claiming Rights at Sea
- The Festival of Ideas @ POLIS: ELECTION Live!
- The Festival of Ideas @ POLIS: Future Worlds, future security threats
- The Festival of Ideas @ POLIS: Unusual suspects
- The Festival of Inner Light - short talks and relaxing meditations
- The Feynman propagator and its positivity properties
- The Fibonacci Hamiltonian
- The fidelity of human mitochondrial gene expression
- The Fifteenth Annual Stasiuk Lecture in Contemporary Ukrainain Studies: Ukraine in Transition
- The Fifth Annual Cambridge Vsesvit Readings
- The Fifth Element: Boron recycling in the Iceland mantle plume
- The Fifth Estate of the Internet Realm
- The filament equation in any dimension
- The Filtering Distribution For Partially Observed Chaotic Dynamical Systems
- The Final Frontier: Everyday Life in Colonial Chile
- The Final Frontier: Reflections on the Life of the Spirit
- The final parsec problem
- The final results of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
- The Final Stage of Terrestrial Planet Formation
- The financial crisis: what went wrong and will it happen again?
- The Financing and Re-financing of the War of the Spanish Succession, and then Re-Financing the South Sea Company
- The FINDER Project: a (molecular) journey across Eurasia to identify new Denisovans
- The fine tuning guide for SUSY searches
- The fine-scale structure of dark matter halos
- The finger of blame in depression and the brain
- The finite temperature discrete Bessel kernel and integrable equations
- The finiteness conjecture for skein modules
- The Fireworks Universe: a Brief History of the Big Bang Theories
- The first AGI will be Federated
- The First Bohemians: the Artists of Eighteenth-Century Covent Garden
- The First Cambridge Colloquium on the "History of Spanish"
- The first CCfCS student symposium
- The first colonisation of northern Europe: humans at Happisburgh 800,000 years ago
- The first cyanobacterium. A redox switch hypothesis for the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis.
- The First Detection of the CMB Lensing Power Spectrum with ACT and its implications for Cosmology
- The first Egyptian society
- The first English group theorist
- The first geological chronology of ancient Egypt and the antiquity of man, 1847-63
- The first Geological Chronology of Ancient Egypt and the antiquity of Man,1847-63
- The first hour in the life of a GRB
- The first hours of second language acquisition: How do French native speakers perceive, comprehend and parse the Polish speech stream?
- The first Human Genome Project: computers and the mapping of human genes, 1950–1970
- The First Images of a Black Hole from the Event Horizon Telescope: Past, Present, and Future
- The First Ionization Potential Effect in Solar/Stellar Coronae and Winds
- The First Lego League - Empowering the Future
- The first low-mass, pre-main sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk
- The first massive black holes
- The First Modern Humans in the Far North West: the Aurignacian of Britain and Surrounding Regions
- The first night of television
- The first Oxbridge Women In Computer Science Conference
- The first pieces of the gravitational-wave progenitor population puzzle
- The first plants changed the planet and they used mud to do it
- The first quasars in the early universe
- The First Romantics: Young Irelands between Catholic Emancipation and the Famine
- The first serious optimist: A.C. Pigou and the politics of welfare economics
- The first serious optimist: A.C. Pigou and the politics of welfare economics
- The First Stars and Galaxies
- The first steps in vision: computation and repair.
- The First Turns of an Embodied Cinema: 'Duncan Grant’s Abstract Kinetic Collage Painting with Sound'
- The fiscal history of the British Cape Colony in comparative perspectives: Rethinking the South African exceptionalism, 1814-1910
- The fiscal politics of road building in China
- The Fiscal-Military State and the Land Tax - Observations from Kent and London
- The Fitness Exchange Hypothesis
- The Five S's: Chemical Swimming, Sailing, Surfing, Squirming and Swarming
- The Five Seasons: The Gardens of Piet Oudolf
- The flagellum as a living oscillator
- The Flattened Road to Acceleration in String Theory
- The Flexibility Window in Networks and Proteins
- The flock and the citizen - permissiveness and vulnerability in international biological research collaboration
- The Floer theory of Lagrangian cobordisms
- The flora & lizards of the Canary Islands
- The flow and rheology of graphene nanoparticles
- The Flow equations of the renormalization group
- The Flow of Information in Complex Networks
- The Flow of Information in Complex Networks
- The Flow of Information within the Markets of Medieval England
- The flow pattern evolution of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet reconstructed from high-resolution mapping of subglacial bedforms.
- The flow through the Drake Passage at the Last Glacial Maximum: First results and prospects
- The fluid dynamics of a suspension of frazil ice crystals
- The fluid dynamics of airborne disease transmission
- The Fluid Dynamics of Atmospheric Vortices
- The fluid dynamics of ocean fronts
- The fluid dynamics of ocean fronts
- The fluid mechanics in your daily life
- The fluid mechanics of CO2 sequestration in heterogeneous porous media: a journey across scales
- The Fluid Mechanics of Floating and Sinking
- The fluid mechanics of floating and sinking
- The fluid mechanics of ice-shelf buttressing
- The fluid mechanics of splat painting
- The fluid mechanics wave-particle duality
- The Fluid Trampoline and Beyond
- The fluid-mechanics of CO2 sequestration - Professor John Lister (DAMTP)
- The Flux Capacitor: How mitochondria shape the evolution of complexity
- The Flux Reconstruction Approach to High-Order Methods
- The Fly (1986)
- The fly connectome
- The flying penman: John Wilkins and 'The Secret and Swift Messenger'
- The FlyMine/ InterMine Project
- The FOCUS project: real-time monitoring to inform underground construction operations
- The focusing neutral helium beam microscope NEMI
- The foetal testosterone theory of autism, by Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen
- The Fog of Memory: From the Great Fatherland War to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
- The Fog of War
- The food of Christmas past
- The Food of the Gods: the True Tale of Chocolate
- The foods of the wood: The animals of Must Farm
- The Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Receptor: A means of targeting epithelial cancers in man for diagnosis and treatment
- The footprint of mating system shift and colonization on the genome of a young species
- The Force Awakens
- The Force Aweakens: searching for new sources of CP violation in the electroweak sector
- The force-force correlator for disordered elastic systems
- The forced heat release response of stratified flames to acoustic velocity fluctuations
- The Foreign Office, Margaret Thatcher and South Africa, 1979-90
- The foreigner's disease: global perspectives on syphilis in early modernity
- The Forgotten War Hospital
- The formal theory of theories
- The formalism of Shimura varieties
- The formation and early evolution of the Solar System: An oxygen isotope perspective
- The formation and evolution of different galaxy components with MaNGA
- The Formation and Evolution of Massive Black Holes
- The formation and evolution of self-gravitating protostellar accretion discs
- The formation and long-term evolution of circumstellar disks
- The formation and survival of planets: easier to grow but harder to keep alive
- The Formation Modes of z > 1 Galaxies and their Cosmological Implications
- The formation of a core periphery structure in heterogeneous financial networks
- The Formation of Binary Planetesimals
- The Formation of Black Holes in General Relativity
- The formation of co-genetic silica-undersaturated and silica-oversaturated igneous rocks: pressure, fractional crystallisation and crustal assimilation
- The formation of contrast in scanning helium microscopy
- The formation of high density dust rings and clumps: the role of vorticity
- The Formation of High-Redshift Submillimetre Galaxies
- The formation of intermediate-mass and upper mass gap black holes in dense star clusters with up to 1 million stars
- The formation of large impact craters
- The formation of massive black-hole binaries: understanding the Advanced LIGO detections
- The Formation of Metal Salts in Carboxylated Nitrile Latex
- The formation of non-zonal jets over sloped topography in the ocean
- The formation of planets and brown dwarfs by disc fragmentation
- The Formation of Southern Ocean Gyres
- The Formation of the Collisional Family around the Dwarf Planet Haumea
- The formation of the solar system
- The Formula for the 2018 Eritrea-Ethiopia Peace: New Beginning or Resumption of a Suspended Process?
- The Fornax3D survey with MUSE - final results and future spin-off directions
- The Forward-Backward Asymmetry in Top Quark Pair Production
- The fossil origins of eukaryotic morphogenesis: exploring the beginnings of complex multicellularity in the Holozoa
- The Foundations of Apple-CORE:- DRISC, Microthreading and SVP
- The Foundations of Infinite-Dimensional Spectral Computations
- The Four Colour Theorem
- The four delusive views of life - And the path towards Awakening
- The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
- The Fourier Entropy-Influence conjecture for certain classes of Boolean functions
- The Fourier transform for Z_p
- The Fourier transform of a function of bounded variation: symmetry and asymmetry
- The Fourteenth Annual Stasiuk Lecture in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies, 'Media in a Time of Revolution and Information Warfare: Lessons from the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict' delivered by Nataliya Gumenyuk (Hromadske TV)
- The Fourth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film: Day One
- The Fourth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film: Day Two
- The Fourth Estate: Jon Snow on Doing Good in Journalism
- The Fourth Estate: Jon Snow on Doing Good in Journalism
- The Fourth PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge
- The Fourth Perspective: Evolution and Organismal Agency
- The fractal dimension of Liouville quantum gravity: monotonicity, universality, and bounds
- The Fractality of Polar and Reed-Muller Codes
- The Fractional Belief Propagation menace
- The fractional Laplacian of a function with respect to another function
- The Fractured North: International Research and People in the Russian Arctic
- The fragile Himalayas
- The fragrance of lotus: Archaeology and sensorial experimentation in Afghanistan caves 1960s – 1980s
- The Frailty of Certainty
- The framework behind the Kymata Atlas: Mapping early sensory processing in the human brain and nervous system
- The Franchetta conjecture for vector bundles.
- The Francis Crick Lecture 2025 - The DNA Quadruplex Helix
- The Francis Crick Lecture in Neuroscience for 2008: Nicotinic Acetylcholine receptor and structural basis of fast synaptic transmission
- The Frasnian-Famennian Mass Extinction
- The Fredholm Factorization Method Directly Applied to Generalized Wiener-Hopf Equations
- The Fredholm Factorization Method Directly Applied to Generalized Wiener-Hopf Equations
- The Fredholm factorization technique of Generalized Wiener-Hopf Equations in Wave scattering problems
- The free Banach lattice generated by a Banach space
- The free Bose gas and permutations of integers
- The Free University of Cambridge: A Teach-In to Defend Education
- The Free Will Theorem
- The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in Jamaica and Barbados
- The freedom to act incompetently and the right to be fed suitably: Childhood and agency in the medieval English village
- The French Army and the Plebiscite of 1870
- The French of Canada
- The French state and the revolution of 1848
- The frequency of ‘America’ in America
- The frictional frequency response and model identification
- The Friends Financial Panel Annual Meeting 2012
- The Friendship of Religion and Science
- The Friendship of Science and Religion
- The FRIGIDA complex-mediated FLC activation in winter annuals of Arabidopsis thaliana
- The FRIGIDA complex-mediated FLC activation in winter annuals of Arabidopsis thaliana
- The frog and the vine: indigenous knowledge, biomedical innovation, and biopiracy in Latin America
- The front location in branching Brownian motion with decay of mass
- The frontal lobes and voluntary action: how we choose when young, old or parkinsonian
- The frontline of vaccine development
- The frontline of vaccine development
- The Froude number and solitary waves with vorticity
- The frozen frontiers of our solar system
- The Frustrating Geography of Bees in Chinese History
- The fugitive sojourns of Gurdit Singh, 1914-1922
- The Fukaya-Morse algebra of a manifold
- The Fukushima Accident and its Aftermath
- The full extremal process of the discrete Gaussian free field in 2D
- The Fullness of Space: discerning cosmic thermal evolution from the intergalactic medium
- The function and evolution of motile DNA replication systems in ciliates
- The function and execution of RTEL1 activities at vertebrate telomeres
- The function of prehistoric stone tools through a multi-technique microscopic approach
- The function of spontaneous brain activity
- The Function of the Author in Samizdat Text Production
- The Function of the Bacterial Cytoskeleton in the Virulence of Salmonella
- The functional (trait) dimension of biodiversity
- The Functional Machine Calculus
- The functional role of local and large-scale synchronization in human cognition
- The functional significance of facial differences among recent hominins
- The functional significance of the modular architecture of plant cell wall degrading enzymes
- The Functional Structures of Biological Surfaces
- The functional study of P1/HC-Pro in the suppression of the miRNA pathway
- The functor of points
- The fundamental group as a Kan extension
- The fundamental group from a Tannakian viewpoint
- The fundamental plane of massive galaxies: confronting observations with realistic simulations
- The Fundamental Plane: between galaxy evolution and cosmology
- The Fundamental Theorem and Cauchy Completeness
- The Fundamental Theorem of Category Theory
- The Fundamental Theorem of Comedy
- The Fundamental Theorem of Comedy: A few simple Corollaries
- The Future Directions of Rothamsted Research
- The Future for Low Carbon Vehicles - Hybrid and Electric Vehicles?
- The Future Green Economy: Panel Discussion
- The future in 2-D
- The future of 21cm intensity mapping: New paradigm, or not worth the trouble?
- The Future of 24/7 Clean Energy driven by AI
- The Future of : Solar Cars
- The Future of AI
- The Future of AI
- The Future of AI
- The Future of AI in gaming
- The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Language, Ethics, Technology
- The future of Artificial Photosynthesis - academic curiosity or real-world application?
- The future of astronomy in the era of AI and big data
- The Future Of Batteries
- The future of biodiversity in tropical landscapes
- The Future of British Foreign Policy (Book launch celebration)
- The Future of Capitalism
- The Future of Coal in the Global Energy Transition: Geopolitical, Economic, and Technological Perspectives
- The Future of Coding
- The Future of Computer Architecture
- The Future of Conflict, Combat, and Intervention
- The Future of Construction and Infrastructure Information: BIM, the Death of the Document, the Importance of Information Retrieval and Future-proofing in Design
- The Future of Cyber Defence: Iron Man or Terminator?
- The Future of Data (Privacy)
- The Future of Economics and Public Policy
- The Future of Education: Evidence and Technology in the Classrom
- The Future of Electric Vehicles & Fuel Cells
- The Future of Energy: Views and Approaches by Government and Industry
- The Future of Energy: Views and Approaches by Government and Industry
- The future of EU Defence Policy.
- The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience
- The future of General Practice: Opportunities, challenges and leadership with patients as our focus
- The future of ground-based Astronomy? (from a transit hunting perspective)
- The Future of Healthcare Innovations
- The Future of History: From Cliodynamics to Degenerative Dystopia, via Science Fiction – gloknos Annual Lecture
- The Future of Human Rights in the UK
- The future of imaging and inversion in a complex Earth
- The Future of Medicine
- The Future of Microprocessors
- The Future of Microprocessors
- The future of myPersonality and research using Online Social Networks
- The future of nature conservation and the Wildlife Trusts’ 30:30:30 vision
- The Future of Particle Physics
- The Future of Pembroke: Creating Our Diversity Vision
- The Future of Personalized Medicine
- The Future of Plant Science
- The Future of Publishing: ebooks, apps and the Austro-Hungarian Empire
- The future of quantum mechanical simulations
- The future of refrigeration: Clean, Green and Magnetic
- The future of science in Parliament
- The future of scientific publishing - Ideas for an open, transparent, independent system
- The Future of Services in a Digital Age - Industry Day Conference
- The Future of Solar Cells: Can solar eliminate fossil fuel use in the next 30 years
- The Future of States in the Digital Age and the Balkanisation of the Internet
- The future of supply chain data management
- The future of supply chain data management
- The Future of Sustainable Agriculture:Land Share or Land Sparing?
- The Future of the Antarctic Treaty
- The future of the book, at the Festival of Ideas
- The Future of the Norwegian Oil Fund – and the Planet
- The Future of the UN
- The future of the world. A new history of the future
- The future of top physics
- The Future of Tropical Forests and Forestry
- The Future Prospectus
- The Future Prospectus
- The future role of AI on the Earth sciences - a unified agenda
- The Future Role of Nuclear Fuel Cycle R&D in the UK
- The futures of the city: Design fiction and Urban IxD
- The Fyodorov-Bouchaud conjecture and Liouville conformal field theory
- The g-fan and the Gröbner fan of Gr(2,n) and Gr(3,6)
- The G20 in a World of Financial Crises
- The G8/G20: the Core of Global Leadership?
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: a ten-year journey
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: investigating the globular cluster sample
- The Galactic Centre: a template for understanding star formation and feedback in a high-pressure environment
- The Galactic Halo Renaissance
- The Galactic Lineage of the Milky Way
- The Galactic strudel
- The Galaxy and Beyond with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
- The galaxy mass-metallicity relation and the implied metallicity of the IGM
- The Galois module structure of p-adic realisations of Picard 1-motives and applications
- The Game of Crime and Punishment
- The Game of Life (in-person panel discussion)
- The Game of Life - An Evening Workshop
- The Game Theory of Conflict
- The gap between research and practice in authentication
- The gap junction protein Innexin7 is required for cellularization of the Tribolium blastoderm
- The gas content of AGN host galaxies
- The gas environment of galaxies across 10 billion years
- The Gaseous Environments of High-z Star-Forming Galaxies
- The Gaseous Features of the Magellanic System
- The Gastrophysics of Massive Galaxies
- The Gaulish Inscription of Rom (Deux-Sèvres)
- The Gauss problem for central leaves
- The Gaussian Semiparametric Partial Linear Model Asymptotic Theory and a Useful Difference-Based Estimator and Tests
- The Gbonhi War; Militias, Political Violence and the State in Côte d’Ivoire
- The Gelfand-Kirilov conjecture for simple Lie algebras and related problems
- The gender division of labour in Early Modern England: a new approach with new findings
- The gene regulatory logic for reading the Sonic Hedgehog morphogen gradient in the neural tube
- The general future of technology and its impact in the coming decades
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including analysis of covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including analysis of covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including analysis of covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including analysis of covariance
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The General Relativity Theory of Cancer Epidemiology
- The generalised eigenfunction method and time-dependent linear water-wave impact on a vertical elastic plate
- The Generalizability Crisis
- The generalized bootstrap program for N=4 SCFT
- The Generation and Decay of Grid Turbulence in a Dissipationless Fluid--4He at 20 mK
- The generation of antibody-based diagnostics and therapeutics for emerging infectious diseases
- The generation of cortical novelty responses through inhibitory plasticity
- The generation of free charges in efficient organic solar cells
- The Generative Mechanisms of Digital Infrastructure Evolution
- The Generic Mapping Tools and Community-Maintained Open Source Software
- The Genesis And Rise Of The Flexible And Printable “Polymer Organic Electronics” Science And Technology: Birth Of A New Industry
- The Genesis of Relationism. Leibniz's Early Theory of Space and Newton's Scholium.
- The genetic analysis of population-scale data
- The Genetic and Biochemical Basis of Monoubiquitination in the Fanconi Anaemia DNA Repair Pathway
- The Genetic and Epigenetic Basis of Fruit Ripening – Science Discovery into Commercial Practice
- The Genetic Architecture of Natural Ionomic Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- The genetic basis for leaf development and diversity: from understanding to reconstructing
- The genetic basis for leaf development and diversity: from understanding to reconstructing [CANCELLED]
- The genetic basis of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails
- The genetic basis of ankylosing spondylitis
- The Genetic Basis of Clinal Adaptation
- The genetic basis of Mullerian mimicry in Heliconius melpomene
- The Genetic Code -Insights into its Origin and Evolution
- The genetic epidemiology of refractive error
- The genetic framework of germline stem cell development
- The genetic history of Papua New Guinea: 50,000 years of independent human evolution
- The Genetic History of the Plague: From the Stone Age to the 18th Century
- The genetic landscape of a physical interaction
- The genetic loci underlying phenotypic evolution in animals and plants: from single case studies to general principles
- The Genetic Revolutions
- The genetic unity of the Afroasiatic phylum and its six coordinate families (Ancient Egyptian, Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Omotic, and Semitic)
- The genetics and neural circuitry of behaviour in Drosophila
- The genetics of cell competition and synthetic species
- The genetics of depression
- The genetics of individuals: why would a mutation kill me, but not you?
- The genetics of individuals: why would a mutation kill me, but not you?
- The genetics of individuals: why would a mutation kill me, but not you?
- The Genetics of Person-specific fMRI Networks
- The genetics of pigmentation in the Red-billed quelea
- The genetics of pulmonary arterial hypertension: implications for new therapies
- The genetics underlying emergence and diversification of a wing decoration in fruitflies
- The Genius of Michael Faraday
- the genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan
- The genome organizer Satb1 is critical for the development of TH17 cell-mediated immune pathology
- The genome organizer Satb1 is critical for the development of TH17 cell-mediated immune pathology.
- The genomes of four tapeworm species reveal adaptations to parasitism and new drug targets
- The genomes of transmissible cancers
- The genomic code for nucleosome positioning
- The Genomic Evolution of Cancer
- The genomics of adaptation in plants: moving from model to non-model species
- The Genomics of Megaliths: Hierarchy and Heterogeneity in Irish Neolithic Society
- The genotype-phenotype map in Arabidopsis
- The Geobattery Concept – a sustainable future for shallow geothermal resources?
- The geodesic hypothesis in general relativity - Oxbridge PDE Days
- The Geography of Beliefs
- The geography of personality
- The geologic history of marine dissolved organic carbon from iron (oxyhydr)oxides
- The geological record of ocean Acidification
- The Geological Record of the Earthquake Cycle in the Lower Crust
- The Geological, Geophysical and Geomorphological Evidence for relocating Odysseus' Homeland, Ancient Ithaca.
- The geology of Mercury and the BepiColombo mission
- The Geology of Meteorites
- The geometric basis of epithelial convergent extension
- The geometric basis of morphogenesis
- The Geometric Diagonal
- The geometric elastic theory of fluid membrane vesicles with a liquid crystal model: the Helfrich model of lipid bilayers and its applications to soft matter
- The Geometric Separation Problem: Imaging Science meets Compressed Sensing
- The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s) - Michael Trott
- The geometries of the Freudenthal-Tits magic square
- The geometry and mechanics of growth and morphogenesis in plants
- The geometry and topology of random polygons
- The geometry of CMC surfaces embedded in R^3.
- The geometry of field extensions
- The geometry of groups
- The geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and rank of the fundamental group
- The Geometry of Machine Translation
- The Geometry of Machine Translation
- The Geometry of Minimal Surfaces
- The Geometry of Needlets Excursion Sets
- The geometry of neural representations in artificial and biological neural networks
- The geometry of optimal experiment design for vector-valued Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
- The Geometry of Phase Transitions in Convex Optimization
- The geometry of random polygons
- The Geometry of Speech
- The geometry of supersymmetric partition functions
- The geometry of the Humbert surface of discriminant N^2
- The geometry of the Riemannian manifold of Landmark points, with applications to Medical Imaging
- The geometry of the space of BPS vortex-antivortex pairs
- The geometry of uncertainty
- The Geometry of Decision-Making in Individuals and Collectives
- The geopolitics of slavery in North America and Africa, 1850-1890
- The geotechnics of deepwater pipelines.
- The German Reaction to Fukushima
- The GHOST Project: Study of Late Toxicity of Radiotherapy Treatments Through Simulation of Dose Deposition in Patients
- The Ghosted Adolescent: Denying and disguising ‘Deviant’ Desire
- The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope: an overview, some results and future plans
- The gifts of Athena revisited: protectionism, regulation and the British Industrial Revolution, 1700–1800
- The gilded canopy: the botanical ceilings of the Natural History Museum
- The glaciation of the Antarctic Peninsula: a journey through time
- The Glamour Boys: The Secret Story of the Rebels who Fought for Britain to Defeat Hitler
- The glass closet: why coming out is good business
- The Glassy State of Matter: Novel Properties and Applications - golf, frozen frogs, memory
- The global biological microplastic particle sink
- The global biopolitics of female sterilization
- The Global Common Good
- The Global Conservation Crisis
- The global ecological landscape of Enterobacteriaceae within the human gut microbiome
- The Global Food Crisis of 2008 - Causes, Consequences, and What We're Doing to Make Sure it Happens Again, Soon
- The Global Footprint of Emerging Market Firms
- The global health focus on early life: origin stories
- The global movement of plant pests and pathogens: implications for food security
- The global nonhydrostatic atmospheric model MPAS: Preliminary results from variable-resolution mesh tests
- The Global Nonlinear Stability of Minkowski Space in General Relativity
- The global stability of the Minkowski spacetime solution to the Einstein-nonlinear electromagnetic system in wave coordinates
- The global structure of the Turing degrees and the bi-interpretability conjecture
- The Global Transformation
- The Global Warming Sceptic
- The global wind industry goes pear-shaped
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Capital
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Class & Gender
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Philosophy & Aesthetics
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Religion
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Representation & Hybridity
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Sovereignty & Diplomacy
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Theory
- The Globalization of Music, c1500–1815: Writing
- The globins: we thought we understood them
- The glycobiology of antibodies, Fc receptors and the immune response
- The glymphatic system and Alzheimer's disease
- The GMO Controversy
- The goals of computational semantics: DELPH-IN and deep learning
- The Gods and Prayers of Christianity and Islam
- The Golden Horde
- The Golden Hour: A Literary Cabaret
- The golden road to China: cartographical representations of an improbable railway project, c.1881-5
- The Golden Road: Synthesis and Surface Chemistry of Gold Nanocrystals
- The good news about killing people
- The good, the bad and the ugly...of Horava gravity
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of the Dates as Data approach
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Using Fruit Flies to Understand Tissue Regeneration
- The Goodhart Professor Lecture: 'Third World Approaches to International Law'
- The Goodison gifts of contemporary British craft
- The Goodness Paradox: How self-domestication contributes to explaining the uniquely human combination of good and evil.
- The GOODS-Herschel view on Main Sequence galaxies, compact starbursts and buried AGNs
- The Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture for symplectic manifolds
- The Gorilla Genome
- The Gorilla Genome Project and some insights into the speciation of the great apesThe Gorilla Genome Project and some insights into the speciation of the great apes
- The Gothic and Colonial Mimicry in Antony Pogorelsky's Monastyrka
- The graded representation theory of the symmetric group and dominated homomorphisms
- The gradient flow of O'Hara's knot energies
- The Graham-Pollak Problem for Hypergraphs
- The grammar of self-talk. What different modes of talking reveal about the language faculty.
- The Grand Challenge Questions of Solar Wind Physics
- The Grand Challenges and Accomplishments of Engineering Research
- The Grand Dichotomies: Sovereignty, the Public/ Private Divide, and Company States
- The granular silo as a visco-plastic flow (or why sandglasses do not flow like water-clocks)
- The granularity of social action ascription in conversational interaction
- The graph Moran process
- The grass is greener (and richer) on the other side: Evidence from the United States
- The grasshopper and the ant: Explaining the organization adaptive responses to climate change
- The grasshopper problem
- The Gravitational Agnostic’s Toolkit
- The gravitational S-matrix and dispersion relations
- The Gravity Dual of Boundary Causality
- The great censorship war of 2011: are we winning?
- The great cyberscare
- The great devolution debate
- The Great Divide: Life on Earth before and after the Ediacaran transition
- The Great European Famine of 1315-7 revisited: nature, institutions and demography
- The Great Fen – out of the past and into the future
- The Great Fen Project
- The Great Game askew: US Cold War policy and Pakistan's North-West Frontier, 1947-65
- The Great Indoors: The Next Frontier in Location-Based Services
- The Great Ink Crisis
- The Great Post Office Scandal
- The Great Recession, unemployment and pensions: the case of Spanish regions
- The Great Wall of China is Moving away: the Social Construction of Ideas about English in China
- The Great War and the British Problem, 1914-2014
- The Great White Silence
- The greatest scientific polemic ever: the Diologo, 1632 (6/8)
- The greatest show on earth?
- The Greek Alphabet on the Edges: Geographic and Cultic
- The Greek Crisis and the Elections of 2012: The end of chimaerae?
- The Greek Financial Crisis 2010: Chimerae and Pandaemonium
- The Greek language in Pontus: Romeyka in contemporary Trebizond
- The green institutional investor: Wind power investment in Europe, 1990-2016
- The Green Transition in Natural Resources
- The Green Transition: New Frontiers of Extractivism
- The greening alliance: environment, development and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization
- The Greenland Self-Government's enhanced agency in Arctic politics
- The Greenland Speleothem Record of Past Hydroclimate and Vegetation Changes
- The Grimness of Contemporary Fairy Tales
- The Groningen gas field monitored by noise interferometry of deep borehole data
- The groovy side of biomechanics
- The Gross-Siebert program
- The group fused Lasso for multiple change-point detection
- The growing field of post-main-sequence exoplanetary science
- The growth and development of the British Economy 1270-1870
- The growth and migration of gas giant planets.
- The growth of disks and bulges
- The Growth of Galaxies by Cold Gas Accretion
- The Growth of Internet Services and Energy Demand - Is there a Limit?
- The growth of sanitary intervention in nineteenth-century England and Wales
- The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes From Seeds to Maturity
- The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes From Seeds to Maturity
- The growth of supermassive black holes in the absence of mergers and the effect on their host galaxies
- The Guardian Council: Using many-core architectures to support programmable hardware security
- The Gunpowder Plot: a failure of intelligence
- The gut microbiome and neurodevelopmental disorders
- The gut microbiota in arterial thrombosis
- The H-bomb, fishermen and an unusual infection: the Bikini incident and the rise of a new medicine in Cold War Japan
- The h-cobordism category and A-theory
- The h-principle for the Euler equations
- The Haar state of O(SL_q(3)) on a monomial basis
- The Haar System and Smoothness Spaces built on Morrey Spaces
- The Hague Tribunal and the Serbian Elites
- The Hajnal-Szemeredi Theorem and sporting events
- The half-life of human altruism
- The hand of the naturalist: Charles Plumier, images and overseas natural history in late-17th-century France
- The hard sphere model, sphere packings, and algorithms
- The Hardness of Conditional Independence Testing
- The Hardy-Littlewood circle method and Waring's problem
- The harmonic-measure distribution function of a planar domain, and the Schottky-Klein prime function
- The harmonic-measure distribution function of a planar domain, and the Schottky-Klein prime function
- The Harmony of Superstring Disk Amplitudes
- The Hasse Principle for systems of diagonal cubic equations
- The Hasse principle: recent progress on obstructions and counterexamples
- The Hausdorff dimension of not uniquely ergodic 4-IETs has codimension 1/2.
- The Hawker Hunter – beautiful to look at, deadly to be in front of!
- The Hayley Wood story up to date
- The HE Bill and the Future of Higher Education
- The head v. the hands: the teaching of counterpoint and of thorough bass in early 18th-century Naples
- The Headache of Hypoxia
- The healing power of hyaluronan!
- The Healing Power of Nature
- The health gap: the challenge of an unequal world
- The Health Impacts of Climate Change
- The Health of the Cam
- The Heart and Cardiac Diseases
- The Heart of Wellbeing - An Interactive Talk
- The heavenly tortilla...
- The Heisenberg algebra of a vector space and Hochschild homology
- The Hele-Shaw flow and the moduli of holomorphic discs
- The Helen Bamber Foundation: Working with survivors of cruelty
- The Henslow Fellow Lectures - Use of random matrices
- The Heraldry of Queens' College
- The herbarium and the computer: investigating John Henslow's science
- The Herbrand topos
- The heritability and prediction of complex human traits
- The Heritage Industry
- The Heritage of Displacement: Forced Migration in the Mediterranean through History
- The HERMES project -- reconstructing the ancient Galaxy
- The Herschel ATLAS
- The Hershel Program
- The heterogeneous reaction of oxides of nitrogen with carbonaceous particles
- The heterogeneous value of solar and wind energy: Empirical evidence from the US and Europe
- The Hidden Arena: Locating Slave Resistance in Ancient Sparta
- The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions
- The Hidden Impacts of Delay - A Case of Large Infrastructure Development
- The hidden logic of Greek tense and aspect
- The hidden meteorites of Antarctica
- The hidden multilingualism of Italy: issues and challenges
- The hidden mysteries within the DNA of cancers
- The Hidden Power of Networks: Research and Education
- The Hidden Universe Revealed
- The Hidden Valley Scenario: Challenges and Opportunities for the LHC
- The hierarchy of equivalence relations on the natural numbers under computable reducibility
- The Higgs and the Cosmological Constant
- The Higgs boson and beyond
- The Higgs boson as a portal to new physics
- The Higgs Boson: from LHC to ILC
- The Higgs Bottom Line of Run II
- The Higgs is here, and now what?
- The Higgs Mechanism
- The Higgs mechanism from an extra dimension
- The Higgs pt spectrum with finite top mass
- The Higgs width in the SMEFT
- The High Latitude Dust Project
- The high-speed submerged hydrofoil
- The High-z Cosmic Web in Fuzzy Dark Matter Cosmologies
- The higher Hilbert pairing via (phi,Gamma)-modules
- The highs and lows of enzyme catalysis
- The highs and lows of rotavirus vaccines; why don’t they work as well where they are needed most?
- The Highway Boom: politics, energy demand and emissions in China
- The Highway Boom: Politics, Energy demand and Emissions in China
- The Highway Boom: Politics, Energy demand and Emissions in China
- The hijacked mind: the theory and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder
- The Hilbert scheme of points in affine space
- The Hilbert-Huang Transform
- The Hinsley Lecture 2015: General Sir Mike Jackson
- The Hippo Tumor Suppressor Network: Identifying New Therapeutic Targets
- The hippocampus, spatial memory and the diagnosis of pre-dementia Alzheimer's disease
- The Historian as a Healer: Dealing with the past in Northern Ireland
- The Historian's Task in the Anthropocene: Finding a Useful Past in Japan
- The Historic Conversations of Gods, Kings and Sages: Literary Dialogues Across South Asian Religious Traditions
- The historical origins of localisation
- The historical roots of entrepreneurial growth aspirations in Africa
- The Historiography of the Scientific Image
- The historiography of the scientific image
- The History and Archeology of a Seventeenth-Century Library: Peterhouse from Andrew Perne (d. 1589) to John Cosin (d. 1672)
- The History and Future of Robotic Surgery
- The History and Historiography of Mathematical Symbolism: A Project
- The History and impact of the Haber process
- The History and Implications of Secularisation: The Leiden Circle, 1575-1618
- The history and management of Hayley Wood
- The history of English phrase-level syllabification
- The history of failure: a chronicle of losers or key to success?
- The History of Forests
- The History of Galaxies in the Universe
- The history of Gallery 3 and its Parthenon frieze
- The History of Liquid Metal Batteries
- The History of London Underground
- The history of mapping the railway
- The history of medicine in early South Asia: using digital humanities to quell the panic of facing huge manuscript traditions and the value of doing research in plain view
- The History of Millet in Southern Caucasus: A Stable Isotope Perpsective
- The History of MRAO
- The History of Prediction and Energy Systems of the Future
- The History of Prediction and Energy Systems of the Future
- The History of Prediction and Energy Systems of the Future
- The History of Quantum Chromodynamics
- The History of Quaternary Research at Cambridge University
- The History of Racism
- The History of Radio Astronomy
- The history of radio astronomy polarisation measurements
- The history of the electric charge c. 1897–1906 through the lenses of perspectival realism
- The history of the global carbon cycle as recorded by the chemical composition of shallow-water marine carbonate sediments
- The history of the Milky Way's bar
- The history of the science of music, 1700 to 1900
- The History of the Universe in 60 minutes
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Porous material
- The HIV glycan shield as a target for broadly neutralizing antibodies
- The HiWi project: Manufacture of nano-composite permanent magnets for automotive traction
- The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy eXperiment
- The Hochschild cochain complex, operads, and the Deligne conjecture I
- The Hochschild cochain complex, operads, and the Deligne conjecture II
- The Hodge Decomposition Theorem
- The Hodge Generalized Value and its Extensions to Hypergraph
- The Holocene history of Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers, West Antarctica, revealed through subaerial and subglacial archives
- The Holographic Nucleus
- The homelands of the plague: Soviet disease ecology in Central Asia, 1920s–1950s
- The homeobox gene Hex has essential roles during liver development.
- The Hominin Sites Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): applications and challenges of paleomagnetism in human evolutionary studies
- The Homogeneous Landau Equation with Coulomb Potential
- The homological coloured sl3 invariant
- The homological role of measuring comodules
- The homology of big mapping class groups
- The homology of correspondence spaces and some massless tree amplitude identities
- The homology of Hilbert schemes of a locally planar curve
- The homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories
- The homotopy coherent classification of fusion 2-categories
- The homotopy fixed point theorem in algebraic K-theory
- The homotopy theory of ideals in stable model categories
- The homotopy type of algebraic cobordism categories
- The homsets of 2-internalization
- The Honour of Sharing : the Sharing of Honour
- The Hopf algebra of dissection polylogarithms
- The Hopkins Lecture 2018 - mTOR and Lysosomes in Growth Control
- The horizontal direction & other differences between the classical and higher Cichoń diagram
- The hospitality of images
- The HoTT library in Coq
- The Hour of Europe: Western Powers and the Breakup of Yugoslavia
- The house mouse as a model system for evolutionary research
- The House of Commons select committee system: present and future
- The House Sparrow survey of Cambridge
- The household of Carl Linnaeus: organisation and performative practices
- The housing market? What does the future hold?
- The Hows and Whys of Living in Groups: Perspectives from Birds and Apes
- The Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone - an open-and-shut case for treatment
- The HUB and Bathymetric Control Of Warm Water Inflow To Antarctic Ice Shelf Grounding Lines
- The Hubble Constant and its directional dependence: A view from Type Ia supernovae
- The Hubble Constant from Time Delays: Breaking Degeneracies with External Datasets
- The Hubble Space Telescope: 27 Years of Cosmic Discovery
- The Hubbles space telescope and Supernovae
- The hubris of youth? Oxford, Cambridge and the Arctic, c.1920–1940
- The Hughes problem 50 years on
- The Hughes problem 50 years on
- The Hughesovka Research Archive: A Donbass Symphony
- The Hult Prize presentation
- The human automatism debate in the late 19th century
- The human brain - a lesson in green technology
- The Human Connectome Project Multimodal Cortical Parcellation: New Avenues for Brain Research
- The Human Connectome Project: Progress and Perspectives
- The human endometrium - dynamics and disorders
- The human factor in software updates
- The human genome as an RNA machine
- The Human Genome: from 1 to 1,000, and back to 1.
- The Human Green Brain Project: Computational Models of the Developing Connectome
- The human gut microbiome as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic-resistant opportunistic pathogens
- The human leukaemia virus HTLV-1: clonality, latency and immune response.
- The human pelvis and childbirth: reframing 'normality'
- The Human Plague
- The Human Response to Rapid Climate Change in the European Upper Palaeolithic: Archaeology and Oxygen Isotopes in the Northern Zone
- The Humanitarian Centre Christmas Social 2014
- The Humanitarian Centre’s Cambridge International Development Report Launch and Liberated Feast
- The Humanitarian Club
- The humanitarian imperative for nuclear disarmament: overcoming the barriers
- The Humble Arrow in Mathematics
- The humble rat has a cognitive moment: coordinating limbic-cortical networks in cognition, sleep and disease
- The hungry cats of Pietro Antonio Michiel, or the fragile nature of Renaissance collecting
- The Hungry Eye: energy, information and retinal function
- The hunt for Dark Matter: First results from the LUX Experiment
- The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler
- The Hunt for Exoplanets
- The Hunt for Invisible Miners: Bioprospecting for Sustainable Mineral Management in Arsenic Rich Environments.
- The hunt for non-resonant signals of new physics at the LHC
- The hunter's gaze: establishing a 'period eye' in Charles Darwin's scientific methodology
- The hunting, consumption, and trade of wildlife in changing times: from rural hunters to urban consumers
- The Hurst Phenomenon and the Rescaled Range Statistic
- The Hybrid Air Vehicles Airlander project
- The Hybrid Method in a New Light and the First Application to Electromagnetism
- The Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm in High Dimensions
- The hybrid SEA method applied to electromagnetism
- The Hybrid Systems Jigsaw: Bringing Together Computer Science, Dynamical Systems and Control Engineering.
- The hydrodynamics of large lakes and the implications for carbon sequestration
- The Hydrodynamics of Particulate Flow: a Multi-scale Approach
- The hydrodynamics of soliton gases
- The HydroFLEX Hydrogen-powered Train Project
- The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA)
- The hyper-CASL algorithm: an accurate, efficient new approach to modelling complex atmospheric and oceanic flows
- The hyperbolicity of Skyrme model through the lens of elastodynamics
- The hypersimplex and the m=2 amplituhedron
- The IBM approach to speech separation
- The Ice is Melting: The Impact of Global Warming on the Arctic and Beyond
- The ice-covered Ross Gyre: variability and drivers
- The IceCube high energy neutrino events: has neutrino astronomy finally arrived?
- The Iconography of Alterity: Simla and the Visualisation of ‘British’ Enclaves in Indian Highlands
- The Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model: formulation of the dynamical core and physics-dynamics coupling
- The Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model: Scalability on Massively Parallel Computer Architectures
- The Idea of Landscape in the Unofficial Countryside.
- The idea of motivic stable homotopy theory
- The idea of the Indigenous map: examples from the RGS-IBG collections
- The idea of the Rechtsstaat in twentieth-century German legal thought
- The ideal function of any capitalist activity"? The troubled times of child precocity in the 20th century
- The Ideal Self: Flattery in Julius Caesar
- The ideal structure of solvable Iwasawa algebras
- The ideal versus the real: A brief history of secure isolation in virtual machines and containers
- The identifyability of matrix parameters for covarion-like models
- The IE Influence on Modern Semitic Languages
- The iGEM competition: Building with biology
- The Ignite Guide: How your mentor will work with you
- The Ignorance Project
- The Ihara action on the motivic fundamental group of P^1 minus 3 points
- The Iitaka conjecture in char p, I
- The Iitaka conjecture in char p, II
- The Iitaka conjecture over abelian varieties
- The IITM Model and its Application to the Analysis of Real-World Security Protocol
- The IKKT matrix model as a possible basis for 3+1-dimensional (quantum) gravity & cosmology
- The Iliad on the Table: Visualising Epic on the Tabulae Iliacae
- The ILIAD Project: Language Technology Meets Linux Troubleshooting
- The illegalisation of movement across the Mediterranean –-‘fortress Europe’
- The Illusion of Control: Subversion in Vietnam and Afghanistan
- The illustration and publication of Robert Morison's History of Plants (1672–99)
- The Image of America Abroad, Then and Now
- The image of Galois l-adic representations for abelian varieties of type III.
- The image of the Specht module under the inverse Schur functor
- The Imaginaries We Were Born Into (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- The Imaginary Film
- The iMAGine study: investigating motivational abnormalities guiding self-harm behaviour
- The Immunology of a successful pregnancy
- The Immunology of a successful pregnancy
- The Immunology of Ageing
- The Immunopathology of Cancer
- The impact of a massive Sagittarius dSph on GD-1-like stellar streams
- The Impact of AGN Feedback on Simulated Dwarf Galaxies
- The Impact of AI on Language Acquisition Research
- The impact of AI tools on the student experience in programming courses: A preliminary study with an intersectional analysis approach
- The impact of an explicit melt pond model on sea ice evolution during past, present and future climate
- The Impact of Brexit: a discussion with Tim Farron MP
- The Impact of Cambridge Social Science Research Workshop
- The impact of choice of transport mode on personal pollution exposure
- The impact of climate change on biological and chemical processes in contaminated soil
- The Impact of Climate Change on Poor Countries
- The impact of climate change on the global oceanic sink for CO2
- The impact of climate legislation on carbon emissions, leakage and growth
- The impact of climate variability on ice sheet dynamics in an East Antarctic basin
- The impact of climate-induced habitat loss on coral reef fishes in the Red Sea
- The impact of cohesin on the regulation of gene expression and the organization of chromatin.
- The impact of cohesin on the regulation of gene expression and the organization of chromatin
- The Impact of Computer Interfaces on Multi-Objective Negotiation Problems
- The Impact of Copper Mining Activities on Schooling in Zambia from a Long-Term Perspective (1920 to 2000)
- The impact of couple relationship breakdown on adults and children - key findings from an extensive literature review
- The impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of children and young people.
- The impact of cybercrime on businesses: A new conceptual framework and its application to Belgium
- The Impact of Dialogic Teaching on Student Learning
- The impact of dysregulated metabolism on cardiovascular function
- The impact of environmental factors on cancer
- The Impact of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on Equality Law: more a whimper than a bang?
- The impact of fabrication and necessity of ethics in a climate emergency
- The impact of failed changes
- The impact of fluid motion on microbial ecology: phytoplankton patchiness and bacterial biofilm development in porous media
- The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Labour Rights: A Sectoral Approach
- The Impact of Forest Fires on Air Quality in South-East Asia and Malaysia
- The Impact of Gender
- The Impact of Glacio-Mediated Sea Level Changes on the Tides in the Past and Future
- The impact of glioblastoma heterogeneity on preclinical studies and treatment response
- The impact of glioblastoma heterogeneity on preclinical studies and treatment response
- The impact of heritable DNA methylation
- The impact of hybrid oceanic data assimilation in a coupled model: A case study of a tropical cyclone
- The impact of incident vs. forensic response
- The Impact of Individual GABA Cells in Developing and Adult Cortex
- The Impact of Infection on Human Genetic and Cultural Evolution
- The impact of internal heat transfer on the performance of air breathing cycles
- The Impact of Jumps and Thin Trading on Realsied Hedge Ratios
- The impact of lee waves on the Southern Ocean circulation and its response to winds
- The impact of machines
- The impact of mechanization upon female and male employment in the English textile industry, circa 1780-1851
- The Impact of Mosquito Immunity on Arbovirus Transmission and Emergence
- The impact of murine norovirus infection on the innate immune response
- The Impact of Nuclear Star Formation on Gas Inflow and AGN Fuelling
- The impact of obesity on medical imaging: DXA and projection radiography
- The Impact of Online on Science Journalism
- The impact of parental traits on the phenotypes of children with genomic copy number variations
- The impact of personal relevance and person perception on social cognition
- The impact of policy on the low-carbon transition: opening the black box of energy technologies
- The impact of protease-regulated antigen processing and presentation
- The impact of PVs and EVs on Domestic Network Charges: a case study from Great Britain
- The impact of realistic topographic representation on the parameterisation of lee wave energy flux
- The impact of sea-ice drift and ocean circulation on dispersal of toothfish eggs and juveniles in the Ross Gyre and Amundsen Sea
- The impact of sensing Antarctica through sound: Insights from my fieldwork as a guide in Antarctica
- The Impact of Silent Films: Kevin Brownlow at the Arts Picturehouse
- The Impact of Social Science Research
- The impact of surface roughness geometry on aero-engine intakes at incidence
- The impact of systemic inflammation on the vulnerable brain: at the interface of dementia and delirium
- The impact of taste variety in infancy
- The impact of TBM EPB tunnelling on ground surface and existing buildings.
- The Impact of the Carbon Price Support on the Emissions Intensity of Wind in the British Electricity Market
- The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit to social housing tenants: evidence from the Direct Payment Demonstrations Projects (DPDPs)
- The impact of the economic crisis on happiness and well-being
- The impact of the genomic revolution on medicine and agriculture
- The Impact of the Inner Dead Zone Interface on Numerical Simulations of Protoplanetary Disks
- The impact of the Right to Buy for housing association tenants and forced sale of higher value council homes
- The impact of the shea nut industry on women’s empowerment in Burkina Faso
- The impact of the war on the Sudan’s heritage: Conflicts and hopes
- The impact of Toxoplasma gondii on host behaviour: can this parasite play a role in some cases of human schizophrenia?
- The impact of uncertainty on cost for Industrial Product-Service Systems
- The Impact of Uncertainty on the CovidSim Pandemic Code
- The impact of uncertainty on trade agreements between the UK and EU
- The Impact of Unilateral Carbon Taxes on Cross-Border Electricity Trading
- The impact of viral IκB-like ANK proteins on host-parasitoid interactions.
- The Impact of Visual Cues on the Judgment of Performance
- The impact of water supply and sanitation on infant mortality in Tartu (Estonia), 1897-1900
- The Impact of Wintertime Sea Ice Anomalies on High Heat Flux Events in the Iceland and Greenland Seas
- The impact of, and evidence for, stellar migration in disk galaxies
- THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE - what do we know, how do we know it, and what should we do?
- The impacts of climate change on Indian Ocean coral reef biodiversity
- The impacts of electricity transmission and storage for smoothing intermittency
- The Impacts of Freshwater Transport on the Weddell Gyre Carbon Budget
- The impacts of stochastic noise on climate models
- The Impartial Game of Nim and the Sprague Grundy Theorem
- The Imperial Aesthetic: Photography, Samuel Bourne and the Indian Peoples in the post-Mutiny era
- The Imperial War Museum and the Great War: New Galleries, New Narratives?
- The implementation of multi-dimensional FFTs in high performance computing codes
- The Implications of a Split Lexicon for Grammaticalisation (and Lexicalisation)
- The implications of climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation on food, water, energy and human security
- The implications of the relationship between height and mortality for historical demography. Evidence from contextual and individual approaches in 19th-Century Spain
- The implications of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
- The implicit boundary integral method
- The Implied Risk Neutral Distribution and its practical application in Financial Risk Management. (A Cantab Capital Institute Seminar)
- The importance and examples of asymptotic limit solutions in the atmosphere and ocean: a discussion session
- The importance of AGN heating for elliptical galaxies and clusters
- The Importance of Being Awkward
- The importance of being balanced: Short and long range correlations in resting state.
- The importance of being edgy: directional growth control in Arabidopsis lateral roots
- The Importance of Being Linearizable
- The Importance of Being Peripheral
- The Importance of Being Placefriends: Discovering Location-focused Online Communities
- The importance of Bioinformatics in studying a wide range of diseases
- The Importance Of Carbon Nanotube Chirality And Strategies For Controlling It
- The importance of cellular variability in generating regular plant organs
- The Importance of Cheap and Reliable Optical Sources Capable of Short Pulse and High Power Generation
- The importance of CMB Stoneley mode observations for constraining lowermost mantle structure
- The importance of context in protein misfolding and aggregation
- The importance of cortical and subcortical visual pathways for attention and eye movements
- The importance of Diophantine equations in the Standard Model. -Philip Boyle-Smith (damtp).
- The importance of early diagnosis for improving social communication in children with ASD
- The importance of electroweak corrections at high energies
- The importance of forest fragments in the oil-palm matrix. Could parasitoids save the rainforest?
- The importance of fundamental hydrocarbons and their use in step economic total synthesis
- The importance of kinetic effects in weakly collisional astrophysical plasmas
- The importance of nature (as opposed to nurture) in the development of cortical interneurons
- The Importance of Nietzsche
- The importance of numerical time-stepping errors
- The importance of seed testing
- The importance of SLA theory when designing L2 corpora
- The Importance of Usability Studies in Product Development
- The Importance to Solar-Terrestrial Physics of Amundsen’s and Scott’s Conjugate Observations of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
- The Important Political Difference: Idealism versus Empiricism
- The importins of Herpes Simplex Virus nuclear targeting
- The imprint of Southern Ocean overturning on seasonal water mass variability in Drake Passage and the Southern Ocean
- The imprinted atypical Notch ligand Dlk1 and the regulation of adult neurogenesis
- The Imprinted Brain Theory of Autism
- The Inadequacy of International Law for Private International Security
- The inaugural Alfred Dubs Lecture on Migration and Refugees
- The Inaugural CSAS Lecture on South Asian Public Affairs - Looking away: inequality, prejudice and indifference in new India
- The Inaugural Henslow Fellow Lectures - Turning the tables in plant-animal interactions: the tricks and traps of insect-eating pitcher plants
- The Inaugural Henslow Fellows Lectures - Moving without a brain: how do fruit fly larvae explore?
- The inaugural meeting of the Cambridge Epigenetics Club
- The inaugural Professor C.A. Bayly Seminar: Visuality and the moral citizen in late socialist Vietnam
- THE INAUGURAL SIR JOHN WALKER LECTURE: 'A Mitochondrial Etiology of Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases, Cancer and Aging'
- The INCEL Movement: A New Form of Technology-Facilitated Abuse
- The Incentives of Performance Fees, High-Water Marks and Personal Stakes
- The InCLUDE Project: Making Research in Foster and Kinship Care Inclusive and Accessible
- The incompressible Toner-Tu equations and their correspondence with the multifractal model and the Navier-Stokes equations
- The inconsistency of quantum electrodynamics: a history
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian National Movement
- The Indian village: from Marx to Modi
- The inductive McKay—Navarro conditions for the prime 2 and some groups of Lie type.
- The inevitable evolution of humans
- The Infinity Puzzle - The story of the Higgs Boson:From QED to the LHC via Higgs and the Gang of Six
- The inflationary parameter space after WMAP5
- The Influence of Ageing on Interaction and Technology
- The influence of Arctic Fog on Glaciers
- The Influence of Conjugacy Class sizes on Sylow Subgroups
- The influence of diet and metabolites on Immunity against enteric viral infections
- The influence of donor factors on blood component storage and clinical outcome
- The influence of effective population size on a genome-wide positive selection scan
- The influence of expectation on deciding where to look next
- The influence of fairy tale on contemporary Australian fantasy fiction for young people
- The influence of fast waves and fluctuations on the evolution of three slow solutions of the Boussinesq equations
- The influence of flowering behaviour on plant architecture in perennials
- The Influence of Genetic and Postnatal Environmental Modifiers of the Prenatal Environment on Children's Development
- The Influence of Gravitation on the Speed of Light (Explanation of the Pioneer 10&11 Acceleration Anomaly) and Uncertainty Principle for the Macro-world
- The Influence of Gravitation on the Speed of Light (Explanation of the Pioneer 10&11 Acceleration Anomaly) and Uncertainty Principle for the Macro-world
- The influence of hydrospheric processes on intraplate seismicity
- The influence of immunogenetic variation on chronic RNA viral infection
- The influence of infant feeding and disease morbidity on children's growth: evidence from the London Foundling Hospital, 1893-1919
- The Influence of Jane Austen on Women Writers of the Early Twentieth Century
- The Influence of Large-Scale Ridge Topography on Barotropic Flows in the Southern Ocean
- The Influence of Lateral Spreading upon Solitary Wave Formation by Internal Tides
- The Influence of Mantle Thermal Heterogeneity on Outer Core Convection
- The influence of matrix geometry and stiffness on cancer invasion
- The Influence of Multilingual Identity on Foreign Language Learning
- The influence of mycophenolic acid on selected parameters of the canine immune system
- The influence of neo-Kantian structural realism on the modernist aesthetics of TS Eliot and James Joyce
- The influence of parenting quality on attachment security in children and adolescents
- The Influence of Phase Change on Learning and Memory in Desert Locusts
- The Influence of PPDK on Nitrogen Remobilisation in Wheat during Senescence
- The influence of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid on expression of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 1 in Arabidopsis
- The influence of seawater infiltration on oceanic transform fault slip behavior
- The influence of signal strength on the differentiation of effector and memory T cells
- The influence of small-scale turbulence on mixed layer fronts
- The Influence of Southern Ocean Winds on the North Atlantic Carbon Sink
- The influence of submesoscale instabilities on the equilibration of ocean fronts
- The influence of the Amundsen Sea Low on the climate of West Antarctica and its representation in coupled climate model simulations
- The influence of tides on melting and freezing beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, and Antarctic Bottom Water production
- The influence of verb semantics on children’s acquisition of verbal inflections in Tamil
- The informality of rule: managing Elizabethan Government
- The Information Bottleneck / Dynamic Kernals for speaker verification
- The information complexity of sequential resource allocation
- The information content of quantum sources
- The Information Paradox and String Theory
- The informational gene: semantic concepts in genetics as models
- The infrared physics of bad theories
- The inhibitory glycine receptor: Routes to a structure - pathology relationship
- The innate immune response in malaria
- The Inner Beauty of Crystals
- The Inner Core: Journey to the Centre of the Earth
- The inner inner halo of the Milky Way according to APOGEE and Gaia
- The Inner Laboratory: Experiments in Self-Awareness (in-person talk)
- The inner regions of protoplanetary discs.
- The Innovate UK Analysis for Innovators Programme. A Case Study: Improving the Accuracy of the Friction Flowmeter
- The Innovation Spectrum: from creative vision to cooperative advantage
- The Innovative Launch of Borough High Street Bridge’
- The ins and outs of cellular quiescence
- The Ins and Outs of Fly Guts
- The ins and outs of hearing: amplification and coding in the mammalian cochlea
- The ins and outs of mathematical explanation
- The ins and outs of mitochondrial pharmacology
- The ins and outs of root meristem shape and function
- The ins and outs of root meristem shape and function
- The inside story of Big Data
- The Instability of a Post-Nuclear World
- The Installed Base Effect in the Diffusion of Solar PV Technology in the UK
- The Instinct for Progress (in-person talk)
- The Institutionalisation of the EU Defence Equipment Market
- The instrument of science
- The IntCal20 radiocarbon calibration curve - composition and consequences
- The integral Bernstein center for GL(n)
- The integral homology of the automorphism group of a free product
- The Integral Image Method for Fisheye Images
- The Integral Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor (I2S-LWR) Concept
- The integrated approach to the diagnosis of haematological malignancies
- The integration of human rights into official development assistance: towards reorienting South Korea’s ODA policy
- The integrative self
- The Intellectual Origins of the Anglo-Dutch Alliance (1667–77)
- The interacting Bose gas: A challenge for analysts
- The Interaction Between EU and National Fundamental Rights Post-Lisbon
- The Interaction between Gravity Currents and Breaking Internal Waves
- The interaction between simplicity and naturalness in nominal word order typology
- The interaction between tumor hypoxia and DNA methylation
- The interaction of binary stars and their accretion disc
- The interaction of epigenetic remodelling and nuclear reprogramming, following nuclear transfer to an amphibian oocyte
- The interaction of internal gravity waves with a vortex ring
- The Interaction of Light with Cells
- The interaction of suppletion, defectiveness and periphrasis
- The interchange model and related spin systems on two-block graphs
- The interesting case of a retroperitoneal mass in a young German Shepherd Dog
- The Interesting Life of Africanus Horton: A Man of Science and of Letters
- The interfacial tension of nanoscopic oil droplets in water is hardly influenced by SDS surfactant
- The interior of Mars revealed by seismology – 1000 sols of InSight
- The internal structure, and entrainment, of turbulent fountains
- The International Political Thought of John Stuart Mill
- The International Regulation of Energy
- The International Space Station: The first 25 years
- The Internet - Where It Came From & Where It Is Going
- The Internet as your killer ICN use case
- The Internet of Things
- The Internet of Things - Will it Change our Lives?
- The interplay between brittle and ductile processes at oceanic transform faults
- The interplay between cell morphology and cell-cell signaling
- The interplay between cosmological expansion and massive objects
- The interplay between dissipation and kinetics in nonequilibrium states
- The interplay between Hfq and Crc in RNA-mediated regulation of metabolism and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- The Interplay between Local Protein Synthesis and Axon/NMJ Maintenance and Degeneration in ALS
- The interplay between moving nuclei and membranes – interkinetic nuclear migration on the cell level
- The interplay between p53 family and the hypoxia-inducible factor in cancer
- The interplay between phosphorylation and polyubiquitinatioan in regulating the innate immune system
- The Interplay Between the Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems: A Preliminary Network Perspective
- The interplay of deep Earth and surface processes shaping Southeast Asia and the Australian continents
- The interplay of large-scale tectonics, metamorphism, and earthquake cycles
- The interplay of mobility and spatial non-local competition
- The interplay of national and regional language policies in France: a case study of Béarn.
- The interplay of Notch with Shh and Wnt signalling in mesoderm development.
- The interplay of stress and chemical processes in rocks: why it matters, what is explained, and some unsolved problems
- The interplay of tissue architecture and cell signaling to coordinate collective cell migration dynamics
- The interplay of waves and turbulence
- The interplay of waves and turbulence
- The Interplay of X-ray Spectroscopy with Functional Materials - Addressing Scientific Issues with Synchrotron Capabilities
- The interpretation of black hole solutions in general relativity
- The interpretation of intuitionistic type theory in locally cartesian closed categories: an intuitionistic approach
- The Interpretation of Musical Notation: A Performer’s View
- The intersection of design, engineering and craft - what we learn by collaboration
- The intersection of Interpretability and Fairness
- The Intimate City: Violence, gender, and ordinary life in Delhi slums
- The intimate relation between mechanics and geometry
- The Intimate Relation between Mechanics and Geometry
- The intoxicant economy in early modern England
- The intracellular biology of Salmonella
- The intriguing lives of post-starburst galaxies
- The Intriguing World of Clay-Inorganic Nanoparticle Suspensions: Practical Opportunities and Theoretical Challenges
- The intrinsic allure of extrinsic curvature
- The intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of stem cells self-renewal
- The Intrinsic Lability of DNA, and the continuous DNA repair triggered in this fashion
- The invariant measure of the 2D Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic
- The invented identities and multiple creativities of David Bowie
- The Invention of Consciousness
- The Invention of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
- The Invention of Monetary Policy. Divergent Paths of Monetarist Experimentation in Switzerland and the UK
- The invention of the cartographic tradition of the terra australis incognita in the context of the scientific tradition of the XVI century
- The invention of the High Power Microscope
- The inverse crack problem
- The Inverse Problem in Materials Theory: Find the System that has a Given Target Property
- The inverse problem of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili II equation
- The inverse sieve problem
- The Inverted Multi-Index
- The investigations and potential investigations carried with a focussed ion beam
- The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (aka 'The Snooper's Charter')
- The Investor's Forum: "Let us show you the money!"
- The invisible Universe revealed by the James Webb Space Telescope
- The involution width of a finite simple group
- The ionic states of combinatorial phosphorous
- The ionising photon production efficiency of LAEs at z~6
- The IPCC AR6 Climate Science Report: a panel discussion hosted by CCfCS & Cambridge Zero
- The IR landscape of holography: Cohesive and fractionalised phases, insulators and bad metals.
- The Irish Famine and British Financial Crisis
- The Irish Famine: Britain’s Biggest Economic Policy Failure?
- The Irish Folklore Commission and Bailiúchan na Scol – Linguistic Atlas and Cultural Chronicle
- The iron-sulfur protein IND1 is required for complex I assembly in Yarrowia lipolytica
- The Irrelevance of Ethics
- The irreversibility of cell cycle transitions: why the clock never turns back
- The Ising model for melt ponds: new features and applications
- The Isle of Dogs: four development waves, five planning models, twelve plans, thirty five years, and a renaissance - of sorts
- The ISM of high redshift galaxies
- The Isolation of Asylum Seekers: immigration detention in Australia
- The isomorphism problem for Artin groups.
- The isospectral torus of quasi-periodic Schrodinger operators via periodic approximations
- The Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families Forum
- The Italian minority in Crimea: linguistic identity and cultural belonging
- The Itinerary -Tracing the Refugee Routes
- The αβTCR uses an antibody‐like strategy to engage MHC‐peptide
- The Jacobson-Morozov Theorem and Complete Reduciblity of Lie subalgebras
- The James Lind Initiative's contributions
- The James Webb Space Telescope: Capabilities, status and scientific timeline
- The Jane Allen Seminar: APOBEC Proteins and Intrinsic Resistance to HIV Infection
- The Janeway Institute launch
- The Janus-face nature of MmpL transporters in Mycobacterium abscessus
- The Java Memory Model - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- The Java programming language
- The JCMT Gould Belt Survey – Results from HARP and SCUBA-2
- The Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Lecture 2024: Dr Habiba Chirchir (Marshall University) What we know and don't know yet about skeletal gracility in modern humans
- The Jet Engine: What Happens If....?
- The jet engine: can air travel be sustainable? -
- The John Addenbrooke Lecture - Mind the Gap: Challenges in Translational Medicine
- The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR): New Paradigms for Next Generation Energy Storage
- The Journals of William Hooper: Inuit ethnographer and evangelical
- The Journey of Human Early Development: from Gametes to Embryos and the Germline Specification
- The Journey of the Future
- The journey of XDR typhoid in Pakistan
- The Joy of Discovery - A Lecture in Memory of Alex Hopkins
- The joy of gardening
- The Joy of Giving: How to Infuse Your Daily Life with Spirituality (in-person)
- The joys and pains of multi-variable complex analysis: an informal introduction
- The joys and pains of multi-variable complex analysis: an informal introduction
- The Judge and the General: A film screening and Q&A with Chilean producer Patricio Lanfranco
- The Judicial Counterrevolution to Reconstruction
- The Judicialisation of Politics in Southern Africa
- The Junta Method for Hypergraphs
- The Jury, the Witch, and the Shadow of Doubt: Witchcraft on Trial in Early Modern England
- The Just Man Armed: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and the Origins of the Humanitarian Tradition in American Diplomacy
- The justice and imperative on girls' education in Africa
- The K-FAC method for neural network optimization
- The K-moduli of four qubits
- The K2 Satellite: Planets, Stars and Systematics
- The ka-girl with a baby knife: understanding youth-urban languages in Kampala-Uganda
- The Kabyle Diaspora's Politics; Articulating Nativism and Indigeneity in France
- The Kakimizu complex of a link
- The Karhunen–Loève Transform and Principal Component Analysis
- The Kat River Settlement, Cape Racism, and the Origins of South African Democracy
- The Keith Entwistle Memorial Lecture
- The Kenyatta Trial as an International Legal Event: Decolonization, Diaspora, and Rebellious Lawyers
- The Kerr/CFT correspondence
- The Kervaire invariant problem at odd primes
- The Key Drivers in the World Economy: Why we should be positive
- The key stakeholders' response to climate change
- The keys to "that two-handed engine" in "Lycidas" (1637)
- The keys to the past: a mixed-methods approach to reconstructing the 1812 eruption of La Soufrière St. Vincent
- The keys to the past: a mixed-methods approach to reconstructing the 1812 eruption of La Soufrière St. Vincent
- The Khinchine inequalities with optimal constants via ultra log-concavity
- The Kick
- The Kiglapait Intrusion from Space to Thin Section
- The Kinematic Assembly of Disk Galaxies
- The kinematic SZ effect with DES and SPT: Measuring the speed of galaxy clusters from the CMB
- The kinematics and dark matter fractions of TNG50 galaxies at z=2 from an observational perspective
- The Kinematics of Active Liquid Crystal Skyrmions
- The kinetic Caribbean: technologies of mobility in a pre-modern world
- The kinetic-segregation model of immune receptor signalling.
- The King ecosystem beyond games; a deep dive into solutions that scale
- The King of Nanyue and the barbarians
- The King reigns and the data governs
- The Kingfishers Bridge Nature Reserve
- The Kingsley Martin Memorial Lecture - Three scenes from rural life: Cambridge to Colombo and back again, 1954 to 2016
- The Kingsley Martin Memorial Lecture: - Thinking religion today with Gandhi
- The kinky Braginskii -- instabilities of an anisotropic fluid
- The KKP conjecture for minimal adjoint orbits
- The Klein-Gordon equation on the hyperboloidal Anti-de Sitter Schwarzschild black hole
- The Knotty Maths of Medicine
- The knowledge practices of Fortune magazine: leadership, numeracy and poetry, 1930–1945
- The Kock-Wraith axiom schema and Microlinearity
- The Korteweg-de Vries equation on the half-line with smooth and rough data
- The Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transition on Solid-to-Solid Boundaries
- The KPZ fixed point - 1
- The KPZ fixed point - 2
- The Kuiper Belt: Clues to the Formation of the Solar System
- The Kvens and planning of a minority language
- The L1 influences the L2 processing and acquisition of tense/aspect
- The labor market consequences of electricity adoption: concrete evidence from the Great Depression
- The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn
- The lake as a microcosm: Otto Zacharias and the civic origins of limnology
- The lambda calculus as an initial monad
- The lamprey locomotor network and functional recovery after spinal injury
- The Landau Equation, Part 1 and Part 2 (copy)
- The Landau theory of liquid crystals and its molecular interpretation
- The Landau-Alber bifurcation: implications for the analysis of metocean data, and open questions in Landau damping
- The landed gentry in British politics after World War II: from taxed decadence to subsidized cultural heritage
- The landscape of amyloid misfolding
- The landscape of galaxy cluster cosmology
- The Langlands correspondence: prime numbers, symmetry and algebraic geometry
- The Langlands Program as Electric-Magnetic Duality I
- The Langlands Program as Electric-Magnetic Duality II
- The Langlands Program as Electric-Magnetic Duality III
- The Langlands Program as Electric-Magnetic Duality IV
- The Langlands-Shahidi method over function fields
- The language of higher-order uncertainty
- The Language of Julia Donaldson: Rhetoric, style and cognition
- The language of software: the role of content strategy in software development
- The language question, diglossia and the origin of "Common Modern Greek"
- The Lansdowne Relief and the Longue Durée of Maritime Entanglements
- The Lansdowne Relief in England: from 1771 to 2013
- The Lansdowne Relief: a new member of the Antiquities family
- The Lansdowne Relief: a new member of the Antiquities family
- The Laplace Surface of a Circumplanetary Disk
- The Laplacian on some finitely ramified self-conformal circle packing fractals and Weyl's asymptotics for its eigenvalues
- The Larch Environment: Python Programs as Visual Interactive Documents
- The Large D limit of General Relativity
- The large D limit of General Relativity
- The Large Hadron Collider and the search for the Higgs boson
- The Large Hadron Collider, a marvel of technology
- The Large Hadron Collider: answering Gauguin's questions about the Universe
- The Large-Scale Correlation of the Lya Forest and DLAs from BOSS
- The large-scale structure of entanglement in infinite quantum systems
- The large-scale structure of small-scale turbulence, some implications for dispersion
- The largest K_s-free induced subgraph in a K_t-free graph
- The Larmor Lecture
- The Larmor Lecture
- The Larmor Lecture: "Seeing Nano: optics on the smallest scale"
- The Larmor Lecture: Epidemiology - where are the limits?
- The last 1000 years in East Antarctica: insights from a new temperature proxy.
- The Last Campaign
- The last days of Armenian in Jerusalem
- The Last Dog? Wolves in the Highlands of Ethiopia and elsewhere
- The Last Gasp: Dynamics of Accretion onto Black Holes
- The Last Interglacial period: the key to understanding future ice-sheet stability and sea-level changes under a warm climate
- The Last Line of Defence: Helping You Keep Sight of Your Research
- The Last Rites of an Empire, or Four Funerals and a Coronation
- The last stage of Earth's formation: Increasing the pressure
- The last ten years of glacier observation in the Karakoram
- The last thing that we should talk about
- The Last Words
- The latent structure of the autism phenotype
- The latest news on flagellar synchronization
- The latest on varying constants
- The Lattice-Continuum Correspondence for Abelian Chern-Simons Theories
- The launch of the online NatHistFest
- The launch of the online NatHistFesth
- The Law of Large Populations: The return of the long-ignored N and how it can affect our 2020 vision
- The laws fascination with homosexual acts: Insights from the Wolfenden review archive
- The Laws of Black Hole Mechanics in Effective Field Theory.
- The Lean HoTT library
- The Lean Theorem Prover
- The leanest automata
- The leapfrog is dead. Long live the leapfrog!
- The learnability of stabiliser states and DNF formulae
- The least perimeter partition of a disc
- The Least-Perimeter Tile with n Faces
- The lectin activation pathway of complement and the mysteries of inflammatory pathologies
- The lectin pathway of complement: The Swiss army knife of innate immunity
- The Lee Tunnel – progress on the largest and deepest tunnel in London
- The legacy of antiterrorist legislation and policies in the light of human rights standards (1965 onwards)
- The legacy of Joan Robinson
- The Legacy of Lee Kuan Yew and the Future of Singapore
- The Legacy of Lord Rayleigh
- The legacy of Lord Rayleigh's 'Theory of Sound'
- The legacy of MEDUSA: Tracking fluids and earthquakes deep beneath western Greece
- The Legacy of Socialism on Ukrainian Political Culture
- The legal ecology of resistance, or why normal IP rules shouldn't apply to antibiotics
- The Legendre-Fenchel transform from a category theoretic perspective
- The Legitimacy of "Chinese Philosophy" (中国哲学的合法性问题)
- The legume toolbox for the Rhizobium root nodule symbiosis
- The Leigh-Strassler deformation and the quest of integrability
- The Leishmania amastigote flagellum: from structure to function
- The length and depth of a group
- The length of a 2-increasing sequence of integer triples
- The lens and the maharaja: The photographic remaking of Indian kingship in the late colonial period
- The lens rigidity problem in 2 dimension
- The Leptonic Dirac CP Phase from Residual Symmetry and Muon Decay at Rest Experiment
- The Lessons of the New Deal: did Obama learn the right ones?
- The letter and the spirit of the law
- The Leucocyte Receptor Complex
- The lfc Grothendieck topology
- The LHC Project - The Higgs Boson and Beyond
- The LHC Project: the Higgs Boson and beyond
- The LHC update
- The LHCb Experiment
- The LHCb Upgrade and Flavour Physics Prospects
- The Li-ion technology: its state of the art
- The Li-rich Giant Problem
- The Liberal-democratic Order and the Paradox of Peaking: Interpreting the Quasi-Public Gated Enclaves of Britain and South Africa
- The Lie algebra of classical mechanics
- The Lie algebra of classical mechanics
- The Lieb-Wehrl entropy conjecture
- The life and death of a granular raft
- The Life and Death of Galaxies
- The life and work of Emmanuel Cooper
- The life cycle of influenza viruses
- The life habits of the trilobites
- The life histories of 21 breast cancers
- The Life History of a Sound Change
- The Life History of a Sound Change
- The Life History of Hunting Skill in 40 Human Societies
- The LIFE mission - atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared with a large space-based nulling interferometer
- The life of erupting flux ropes
- The life of forms: biology and modernist sculpture
- The Lift Project: Performance Portable GPU Code generation via Rewrite Rules
- The light observation set and applications
- The likelihood ratio as a random variable, with applications to DNA mixtures and kinship analysis
- The Limba Sarda Comuna (LSC) and the Traditional Dialects of Sardinian
- The limiting spectral law of sparse iid matrices
- The limiting spectral law of sparse iid matrices
- The limits of arbitrage, exploring "noise traders" risk
- The limits of MAP inference by MWSS on perfect graphs
- The limits of Matrix Product States
- The limits of science
- The Limits of Symmetric Computation
- The limits to energy and material efficiency
- The Limits to Growth 50 years later. The role of models in studying the future
- The linear imperative - Looking back on a decade of research on students' inappropriate use of proportions
- The linear operator semantics of probabilistic programs
- The linear stability of the Schwarzschild solution to gravitational perturbations in a generalised wave gauge
- The Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish Dialectology
- The linguistic foundations of verbal WM
- The Link Between Accretion Luminosity and Star Formation in QSO Host Galaxies
- The link between the global carbon cycle and the interplay between calcium and sulfur in marine pore fluid
- The link between the global carbon cycle and the interplay between calcium and sulfur in marine pore fluid
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 1
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 1
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 2
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 2
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 3
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 3
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 4
- The link between the Wiener-Hopf and the generalised Sommerfeld Malyuzhinets methods: Lecture 4
- The Link between Uncertainty Relations and Non-Locality
- The Link-Lives project and studying mortality in 19th century Denmark
- The links between primate socio-ecology, human-primate interactions, and microbial ecology: insights from macaques
- The Linnett Lecture - Life at the Single Molecule Level: Single Cell Genomics
- The Linux Kernel Concurrency Model
- The Linux Networking Stack
- The Linux-based Teaching System
- The Linux-based Teaching System
- The Lippmann Schwinger Lanczos algorithm for inverse scattering problems
- The Liquid Tensor Experiment
- The Listening Zones of NGOs: Languages and cultural knowledge in development programmes
- The literariness of caricature
- The literature of liberation
- The lithospheric structure of Pangea
- The little Amphioxus: Towards experimental Evo-Devo at the origin of chordates
- The Little Engine(s) that could: Scaling Online Social Networks
- The Little Ice Age in sea-level records across the North Atlantic
- The Little World of Stella Benson: fiction in biographical narratives, recreating worlds through literary adaptation.
- The Lived Experience of Borderlands: Border Regimes, Social Communities, and the Environment
- The lived experience of fertility problems in the 18th century
- The Liverpool Epidemic Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Transmission and Transatlantic Travels
- The Liverpool Mass Asymptomatic Testing Pilot Study and Measuring Sensitivity in the Real World
- The liverwort Marchantia polymorpha as an emerging model plant
- The Lives of the Astronomers - a Surprisingly Optimistic Story
- The Living Archive of Aboriginal Art and Knowledge
- The living dead: cellular functions of pseudoenzymes
- The Living Heart Project: Development of Multi-scale Computational Heart Models with Applications in Individualised Cardiovascular Care
- The Living Heart Project: Development of Multi-scale Computational Heart Models with Applications in Individualised Cardiovascular Care
- The living layer: the microbial interface between superior organisms and the environment as revealed by metagenomics
- The living ocean: Mathematical models for ocean biology
- The Living Technology Summit - Alibaba, China Railway, ofo, and Alipay
- The Living Time Machine: Non-verbal intelligence
- The Lixto Web Data Extraction Project: A Status Report
- The LKB1-AMPK signalling pathway and the regulation of breathing by hypoxia: metabolic control at the whole body level?
- The LLM Tidal Wave
- The LLM Tidal Wave
- The LMC - A large and messy neighbour
- The LMMP for log canonical 3-folds in char p
- The Local and the Distributed: sonic arts, participatory strategies and everyday life in the Maré favelas, Rio de Janeiro
- The local and transnational organisation of the nascent Newfoundland dry cod trade, 1550-1650
- The Local Approach to Electronic Structure and Band Gaps
- The Local Finite-Amplitude Rossby Wave Theory: Review, Development and Outlook
- The Local Group as a cosmological probe: dwarf galaxies, stellar streams, and stellar halos
- The Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals: The Variable Star View.
- The Local in Global Climate: Measuring and Sensing the Weather in Colonial Africa
- The Local Reciprocity Map
- The local reciprocity map: finding an explicit formula for a canonical isomorphism
- The local RG equation and chiral anomalies
- The local structure of G-varieties
- The local theory of metric spaces and graph algorithms
- The local theory of metric spaces and graph algorithms (Kuwait Lecture)
- The Locale-Centric Approach for Formalising Mathematical Hierarchies
- The locus of intermediate Jabobians of cubic threefolds
- The Loewy structures of the principal indecomposable modules (PIM's) for small alternating groups in characteristic 2 and 3
- The Log-Local-Open Correspondence
- The log-local-open Correspondence
- The logarithmic ear: Pietro Mengoli, music, mathematics and anatomy in the late seventeenth century
- The logarithmic Hilbert scheme and it’s tropicalisation
- The logarithmic Laplace transform in convex geometry
- The logic and origins of Eukaryotic cell organisation: Inside-out or Outside-in?
- The logic and variation in genomic regulatory networks
- The logic of autonomous dynamic systems
- The Logic of Dependence and Independence
- The Logic of Dependence and Independence
- The Logic of Foraging
- The London Transport Museum and specific trading choices.
- The long and short of Hox non-coding RNAs
- The long and short of modelling ocean tides
- The long and the short of it: dez implicates Zn homeostasis in skotomorphogenesis
- The long and the short of it: modelling cytoskeletal dynamics in plants and beyond
- The long arm of the country of origin? Evaluating the cultural baggage hypothesis on inter-ethnic differences in youth violence
- The long journey of hepatitis C virus entry into hepatocytes
- The Long New Left: Leadership and Followership in the Civil Rights Movement
- The Long New Left: Participatory Democracy in SDS and Women's Liberation
- The long road from ideas to bits and back: a traveller's guide to verifiable computational research
- The long road of building a nervous system - smooth travels and accidents on the journey to get the shape and size.
- The long road to global polio eradication
- The long road to Paris - how the climate change agreement was made
- The long road to Paris - how the climate change agreement was made
- The long road to the Bank of Ghana, 1825-1966.
- The long road to the Higgs boson
- The Long Run Demand for Energy Services and Energy Transitions
- The long shadow of the Empire: Reassessing the impact of Rome in Northern Britain
- The long term creep properties of PBO, a high modulus polymer
- The long term development of Triadic Resonance Instability for finite width internal wave beams
- The Long-legged mouse and the Impossible Hybrid – the genetics of genome evolution in the mouse from stem cells to whole organisms
- The long-lost Paston Collection
- The Long-Range Societal Impacts of Large Eruptions
- The long-ranged influence of disorder on active systems
- The long-term legacy of delayed climate mitigation on global glacier change
- The long-term spin evolution of massive black holes: Insights from the NewHorizon simulation
- The Longest Afternoon: How 400 Germans Turned the Tide at Waterloo
- The Longest Afternoon: How Four Hundred Germans Decided the Battle of Waterloo
- The longest shortest fence and the stability of floating trees
- The longitudinal and transverse ray transforms in the plane: applications to tomography and radar
- The loss of bulk ore carriers at sea – some geotechnical aspects
- The loss of grammatical gender in Cappadocian Greek
- The lost ark. Global amphibian declines, can zoos really make a difference?
- The lost beasts: international palaeontology and the evolution of the mammals, 1880–1950
- The Lost Soldiers of Fromelles
- The Love Market: How Shopping for Dates Online Affects Women
- The love of plants: from love to sex in the history of botany
- The low energy electronic recoil excess observed in the XENON1T experiment
- The low Reynolds number washing machine experiment.
- The lower tail of the KPZ equation via a Riemann-Hilbert approach
- The lower tail of the KPZ equation via a Riemann-Hilbert approach
- The Lunar Dynamo and the Solar Nebula Magnetic Field (Keynote speaker)
- The lungs of a ship: labour, medicine and the maritime environment, 1740–1800
- The Lyman break analogue Haro 11: spatially resolved chemodynamics with VLT FLAMES
- The Lyman-alpha cosmic web in IllustrisTNG
- The Lyrical in Epic Time: On Modern Chinese Literary Thought
- The M31 Globular Clusters
- The Machine
- The machinery of authoritarian care: representing and experiencing breast cancer treatment in 1970s Britain
- The machinery of colour vision
- The macroeconomic consequences of stranded fossil fuel assets
- The Mafia & Conspiracy
- The Magellanic Origin of the DES Dwarfs
- The magic of log ratios: A different look at geochemistry
- The Magic of Machine Learning and Classifier ensembles
- The magic of membranes - where differential geometry and biology meet
- The magmatic and eruptive evolution of the 1883 explosive, caldera-forming eruption of Krakatau, Indonesia
- The Magnetic Fields of Mercury, Ganymede, and Saturn: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities (Invited speaker)
- The magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, radiative mixing layers and the cooling of the solar corona
- The Magnetic Sun
- The magnetization distribution in the quantum Ising chain, the
Kondo problem, and a point contact between 5/2 edges
- The Magneto-thermal Instability in Dilute Magnetized Plasmas: Theory and simulations and more
- The Magnetorotational Instability and the structure of protostellar discs
- The magnitude of an enriched category
- The magnocellular theory of autism
- The Mahler Conjecture on Convex Bodies
- The main conjectures of Iwasawa theory II
- The main conjectures of Iwasawa theory III
- The main conjectures of Iwasawa theory IV
- The main conjectures of Iwasawa theory VI
- The Main Sequence of star-forming galaxies
- The maintenance of bastard children in London, 1770-1834
- The maize leaf – from development to environmental response
- The Major Challenges of Urban Drone Delivery: Safety, Noise, Privacy, and Flight Authorisations
- The making and breaking of regulatory space: post Brexit economic geographies in the UK
- The making of a manuscript
- The making of a Pastorian empire: tuberculosis and bacteriological technopolitics in French colonialism and international science, 1890–1940
- The Making of Measurement
- The Making of Muslim Political Opinion in Bengal before the First World War
- The Making of Sense: creating ground-breaking public art commissions
- The making of the ‘climate migrant’: how a label emerges and circulates
- The Making of the Fittest
- The making of the medieval English therapeutic landscape
- The making of the Metz Pontifical
- The making of the midlife crisis: psychology and feminism in the 1970s
- The Makings of Love: The Evolution of Non Monogamy
- The male occupational structure of England and Wales, 1700-1850
- The Male Occupational Structure of Norwich, circa 1720-1841: Evidence from Quarter Session and Other Records
- The Male Occupational Structure of Norwich, circa 1720-1841: Evidence from Quarter Session and Other Records *CANCELLED*
- The mammalian circadian clock: genes, cells and circuits
- The mammalian circadian timing system: how the brain communicates with the periphery
- The mammalian middle ear: development, evolution and hearing defects
- The mammalian Y chromosome and infertility.
- The mammary gland: a source of milk and a cancer time bomb
- The Mammoth's Tale: Evolution and Extinction in the Ice Age
- The Management of Population Immunity
- The Mandelbrot set is connected (and other Lean explorations)
- The Manticore project
- The Manufacture of Bioethanol - A brief Introduction
- The Manuscript Selection Process at SCIENCE
- The manuscript selection process at SCIENCE
- The many aspects of super convergence in discontinuous Galerkin schemes
- The many births of the test-tube baby: proof and publicity in claims to a breakthrough
- The Many Body Cercignani's Conjecture.
- The Many Challenges of FCC-ee
- The Many Faces of Context
- The many faces of emulsion droplets
- The Many Faces of Heme in Biology
- The many faces of living chiral crystals
- The many faces of meteorology: weather knowledge at the Société Royale de Médecine in the French Enlightenment
- The many faces of stress: from developmental impacts to stress-related brain disorders
- The Many Faces of the Wikimedia Universe
- The Many Frontiers of High Magnetic Field Research
- The many phases of higher dimensional black holes
- The many roles of material variation in Charles Dufay's mémoires on electricity and phosphorescence
- The many roles of microglia in brain wiring: a developmental perspective
- The many structures of foams
- The many uses of write off-loading
- The many ways that vaccinia virus interferes with interferon: does monkeypox virus do so too?
- The Many Worries of Many Worlds: Exploring Some Implications of Everettian Quantum Mechanics
- The Maoist Discourse and the Mobilization of Emotions under Mao
- The map that would save Europe: the tariff walls map and the politics of cartographic display between the wars
- The March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster - liquefaction-induced damage to residential areas, its rehabilitation and future countermeasures
- The Marikana Commission of Inquiry: Investigations and Accountability for Right to Life Violations CGHR in conversation with the lead counsel for the Human Rights Commission, Toby Fisher
- The Marine World
- The Mark Pigott Lecture: When did the British Constitution become un-written? at the Festival of Ideas
- The Market for Bank Stocks and the Rise of Deposit Banking in New York City, 1866-1897
- The Market Stability Reserve in the EU ETS: Firefighter or fanning the flames?
- The Marmoset Monkey as a Model Species for Spatial Navigation and Vestibular Function
- The Marriage of Bisimulations and Kripke Logical Relations
- The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover and the search for life on ancient Mars
- The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover and the search for life on ancient Mars
- The Marshall Lectures 2022 -- 'Economics Without Prices and Without Games'
- The Marshall Lectures 2022 -- 'Economics Without Prices and Without Games'
- The martian Cryosphere: there’s more ice than we thought!
- The Mass Distribution of the Fornax dSph: Constraints from its Globular Cluster Distribution
- The mass function of stars and black holes in globular clusters
- The Mass of the Local Group
- The Mass of the Local Group
- The mass shell in the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz model
- The Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, 13th April 1919: Some Thoughts on the Casualty Figures
- The master field on the plane
- The master puppeteer: how the brain controls the body
- The Master's Talk
- The Material of the Digital: Preserving & Interpreting the History of Computing
- The material realisation and conceptual interpretation of observational processes
- The Material-Tissue Interface is Key to Bioelectronic Implant Performance
- The materialization of ritual: Experiencing sacred space and transformation through artefacts
- The materials for trust-building in expertise
- The materials of the Hereford mappa mundi
- The maternal imprint: gender, heredity and the biosocial body
- The maternal-fetal relationship since 1900
- The mathematical basis for Cryptomathic and the products we provide
- The mathematical life of microbes
- The mathematical structure of covariant loop quantum gravity and an application to primordial black holes decay
- The mathematicians' philosophy: early Italian perspectives on the intellectual appropriation of the mechanical arts
- The mathematics and physics of wound healing
- The mathematics of charged liquid drops
- The mathematics of collective synchronization
- The mathematics of collective synchronization (Rouse Ball Lecture)
- The Mathematics of Doodling
- The Mathematics of Electromigration Dispersion: Nonlinear Waves, Burger's Equation and Electrokinetic Shocks
- The Mathematics of Epidemics: History Of and Recent Developments in Epidemic Outbreak Analysis
- The Mathematics of Evolutionary
- The Mathematics of Evolutionary Biology
- The mathematics of Inca Scale and "Scale & the Incas"
- The Mathematics of John Thompson Confernece on Finite Groups and related topics
- The Mathematics of Juggling
- The mathematics of making a mess
- The Mathematics of Million-Dimensional Probabilities
- The mathematics of optical fibre manufacture
- The mathematics of pattern formation: a modern view
- The Mathematics of Planet Earth
- The Mathematics of Quantum Error Correction and How it Can Bring Practical Quantum Computing Closer to Reality
- The Mathematics of Spirituality (in-person talk)
- The mathematics of the oil industry
- The Maths of Diamonds, Race Fixing, Art Theft, and Professor Moriarty
- The Matter of Mimesis
- The Mauritius Truth and Justice Commission: personal reflections with special attention to South Asian labour in Mauritius
- The maximal particle of branching random walk in random environment
- The maximal probability that k-wise independent bits are all 1
- The Maxwell equations on the full Kerr black hole family
- The Maxwell-Bloch System in the Sharp-Line Limit
- The Möbius function of the small Ree groups
- The McKay conjecture and Brauer's induction theorem
- The McKay conjecture and Brauer's induction theorem
- The McKay correspondence and GIT
- The McKay correspondence via Floer theory
- The Mean-Field limit for hybrid models of collective motions with chemotaxis
- The Meanderings and Maunderings of an Old Petroleum Geologist in South America and The Middle East
- The meaning of 'kilogram'
- The meaning of altruism in interwar London
- The meaning of Indlandsis: a cultural history of ice sheets
- The Meaning of Liberal Learning
- The meanings of a breakthrough: categories, news and priority in the making of transgenic mice
- The measure of friendship: cross-cultural perspectives
- The Measure of the Universe: a crisis for cosmology
- The measurement postulates are redundant
- The measurement postulates are redundant
- The Mechanical Arts in Twelfth Century School Poetry
- The Mechanical Basis of Morphogenesis
- The mechanical control of CNS development and functioning
- The mechanical control of neuronal development
- The mechanical energy budget of the geostrophic circulation in the World Ocean
- The Mechanical Formalization of Measure, Integration and Probability
- The mechanical identity of stem cells in Arabidopsis
- The mechanical origin of Maxwell's equations
- The mechanical phase transition organizing cartilage shear mechanics and function.
- The mechanical properties of cells and tissues --- does soft matter?
- The mechanical properties of cells and tissues – does soft matter?
- The mechanical properties of wood at high rates of strain
- The mechanical regulation of brain development
- The mechanical side of artificial intelligence
- The mechanics and biophysics of getting in touch
- The mechanics of bacterial flagellar locomotion in viscous and viscoelastic fluids
- The Mechanics of Bioinspired Artificial Intelligence
- The Mechanics of Cancer Cell Division
- The mechanics of growth in walled cell
- The Mechanics of Incremental Sheet Forming
- The mechanics of intelligence: A motivation for the way we design robots.
- The mechanics of internal wave generation by volcanic eruptions
- The mechanics of nature-inspired heterogeneous architected materials (HAMs)
- The mechanics of Robotic Matter
- The Mechanics of Unsaturated Sand
- The mechanism by which calcium affects the circadian clock
- The mechanism of action of strigolactone
- The Mechanism of Interhemispheric Coupling Revealed by a Gravity-Wave-Permitting General Circulation Model
- The mechanism of mRNA transport and localized translation in Drosophila oocytes and neurons
- The mechanism of retroviral DNA integration through X-ray structures of its key intermediates
- The mechanobiology of adipocytes
- The Media in Transitional Democracies
- The Mediated Construction of Reality: from Berger and Luckmann to Norbert Elias
- The mediating effect of career decision-making self-efficacy in the relationship between pressure on employment and vocational selection anxiety
- The medical book in the Victorian pornography trade
- The medical conquest of aging: why it's foreseeable and why you should care
- The Medical Imaging Takeover
- The medicalisation of love
- The medieval clothier
- The medieval science of the rainbow: from a 13th century treatise to Mie scattering and log-polar colour mapping
- The MeerKAT: an SKA Pathfinder and a major new mid-frequency telescope
- The melt inclusion record of concurrent mixing and cooling in basaltic magma chambers
- The memories of a village in the Revolution: Las Terrazas (Cuba)
- The Memory Effect and Infrared Divergences in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity
- The Memory Maestros study – addressing working memory problems at a population-level in primary schools
- The memory of retinal stem cells?
- The Mendelian Gene Goes Global (Domestication Practices across History)
- The Mental Representation of Social Values: From System to Instantiation
- The Merovingians in their manuscripts
- The Merton Problem for Optimal Investment
- The Merton Problem with a Drawdown Constraint on Consumption
- The Merton Problem with a drawdown constraint on consumption
- The Mesodermal-derived Cell Lineage: Contribution to Myelin Repair?
- The Mesolens: development and use for cell and tissue microscopy
- The Message of Pain
- The Messenger
- The Messenger Trajectory Optimisation
- The metabolic transformation of cancer cell
- The metabolism of hereditary renal cancer
- The Metagalactic Ionizing Background: A crisis in UV photon production
- The metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium
- The metalsmith of the future
- The metamorphic rock record: insights from eclogites
- The Metaphase Spindle as an Active Liquid Crystal
- The metaphysics of race: distinctions without any differences
- The method of entropy calculations for biochemical bonds
- The method of random rays for wave propagation
- The Method of Typical Bounded Differences
- The Method of Universal Instances
- The methodological complications and opportunities of video documenting activism in India
- The MHC ligandome of two contagious cancers within the Tasmanian devil population, Devil Facial Tumour 1 and Devil Facial Tumour 2
- The Micro- Evolution of Mathematical Knowledge : Thinking about Randomness
- The micro-fluid mechanics of synthetic swimming
- The Micro-rheology of structured polymers
- The microbial biogeochemistry of the sediment/water interface - players, processes, and rates
- The microbiome of sheep following administration of a recombinant anti-helminth vaccine – implications for parasite control
- The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis – Gut Feelings About the Brain
- The Microcosm Principle and Coalgebraic Modeling of Component Calculi
- The microenvironment in the myeloid malignancies
- The microscopic barriers protecting your airway everyday
- The Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer Prototyping Platform and Home Heating Control using Occupancy Prediction
- The Microtargeting Manipulation Machine
- The microvasculature - an early marker/driver of CVD risk across the life-course
- The Mid-Infrared Butcher-Oemler Effect: an Increase in the Fraction of Obscured Star Formation in Galaxy Clusters from z=0 to z=0.8
- The Mid-Twentieth Century Babyboom and the Role of Social Interaction. An Agent-Based Modelling Approach
- The Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Transition in Cantabrian Iberia
- The midplane conditions of protoplanetary discs: a case study of HD163296
- The Milky Way - evidence for Seyfert activity in the recent past
- The Milky Way and its high-redshift progenitors in theory and observations (KICC Science Focus meeting)
- The Milky Way and its high-redshift progenitors in theory and observations (KICC Science Focus meeting)
- The Milky Way and the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Sky
- The Milky Way halo: Modeling of the satellites and thin stellar streams
- The Milky Way's Biconical Nuclear Wind: Feeding the Fermi Bubbles
- The Millimetre Sky from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
- The Million Veteran Program: A Modern Mega-Cohort Within a Large Healthcare System – Progress, Challenges and Future Directions
- The Million-Key Question : Investigating the Origins of RSA Public Keys (Best Paper Award @ USENIX Security 2016)
- The Milner Therapeutics Institute: A new vehicle to facilitate academic/industry interactions in Cambridge
- The Milner Therapeutics Institute: A new vehicle to facilitate academic/industry interactions in Cambridge
- The Milner Therapeutics Institute; a global therapeutics alliance based in Cambridge
- The Mind and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part 1
- the Mind and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part 2
- The mind of the cook: why we eat so nicely
- The mine as a subterranean Kunstkammer
- The minimal diameter of a hyperbolic surface
- The minimal dispersion in the unit cube.
- The minimum modulus of a covering system is at most 10^19
- The MInT study: Effectively communicating about, and intervening with, overweight in young children
- The miraculous metamorphosis of malaria parasites: how the malaria parasite adapts to the host erythrocyte (and the host itself)
- The Mirror Clemens-Schmid Sequence
- The Mirror Staged: Pictures of Babies in Baby Books
- The miserly adult and the eternal child: an existentialist reading of The Little Prince
- The Missing LINC in Cardiomyopathy
- The Missing Link: Efficient connections to high performance façade panels for all building forms
- The mitochondrial ABC transporter ATM3 plays a key role in the biogenesis of cytosolic Fe-S proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana
- The mitochondrial m-AAA protease and neurodegeneration
- The mitochondrial timescale of human evolution.
- The mitotic checkpoint - a structural perspective.
- The MMHT view of the proton
- The Mobile Computing Platform after Smartphones - Prof Romit Roy Choudhury: MSR Cambridge, Lecture Series
- The mobility of Upper Palaeolithic prey in the Siberian Arctic
- The mod 2 Adams spectral sequence for tmf_*
- The mod p local Langlands correspondence and supersingular representations of GL_2(F)
- The model is simple until proven otherwise
- The model is simple until proven otherwise.
- The modeling of rare events: from methodology to practice and back
- The modelling and computation of convective flows of Bingham fluids in porous media
- The Modelling of LHC Collisions in PYTHIA - Physics and Uncertainties
- The Modelling of Stellar Streams
- The Modern Bootstrap
- The modern history of art theft
- The modern rise of surgery: gloves as a technology of control
- The modern-day blacksmith
- The modern-day blacksmith
- The modified second fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- The Modularity/Automorphy of Calabi–Yau Varieties of CM type
- The modulation of CD44 isoforms by the spleen microenvironment in CLL
- The modulational stability and breaking of anelastic internal waves
- The Module structure of a Group Action on a Ring
- The moduli space of hyperKaehler metrics on 4-manifolds with boundary
- The moduli space of Ricci flat Kähler metrics
- The Mohawk of Consciousness
- The molecular and cellular logic of spinal cord formation
- The molecular and neuronal control of nutrient decisions in Drosophila
- The molecular basis of developmental buffering: a key to understanding the interface between environment and evolution?
- The molecular basis of sexual deception in Gorteria diffusa (Asteraceae)
- The molecular evolution of C4 photosynthesis
- The molecular mechanics of eukaryotic translation initiation
- The molecular mechanism of DNA crosslink repair
- The Molecular Mechanism of Nuclear Protein Import
- The molecular vacancy in hexagonal ice from a random structure searching point of view
- The moment of truth for WIMP Dark Matter
- The Monarchical Republic of Tudor England and the Empire of Great Britain
- The Moon’s craters: a record of Earth’s violent past
- The Moorfields - DeepMind Collaboration - Reinventing the Eye Exam using Deep Learning
- The Moorfields - DeepMind Collaboration - Reinventing the Eye Exam using Deep Learning
- The MOP - Particles without Resampling
- The Moravian Gate project: new insights into the human food quest in Stage 3 Central Europe
- The Morphology of Cellular Motility
- The Mortal Immortal: Scientific and Social Aspects of Ageing
- The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) Survey: A Detailed Census of the Physics of Galaxy Formation in the Early Universe
- The moss sporophyte: A starting point for the evolution of plant architecture
- The most distant galaxies
- The Most Effective Charity in the World? Rob Mather from the AMF
- The Most Effective Charity in the World? Rob Mather, CEO of AMF
- The Most Effective Climate Change Charity in the World?
- The most good you can do: Q&A with Peter Singer
- The most Important Manifold in the Universe
- The Most Influential Living Philosopher?
- The Most Intransigent of the Warmongers? The Hundred Years War in the Career of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, c.1413-1447
- The Most Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe
- The most metal-poor stars in the Milky Way and its dwarf galaxy satellites
- The Most Rational People in the World
- The most relaxing way to fly: women, PIA and the making of 'modern' Pakistan
- The motion and rheology of the Indian plate, and their effects upon Tibetan tectonics
- The Motion and Teaming Lab's Work On Multi-Robot Algorithms for Communication Challenging Scenarios
- The motion of hybrid zones (and how to stop them)
- The motion of protein motors
- The Motion of Surfactant-Laden Bubbles
- The motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants of fat points
- The Moutard transformation and its applications
- The Move of Economics Ideas and Numbers into Policy
- The movement of populations: challenging our assumptions
- The Moving Image: Reconfiguring Spaces of Loss and Mourning in the 21st Century
- The Moving Image: Reconfiguring Spaces of Loss and Mourning in the 21st Century - An Interdisciplinary Conference on Cinema
- The MRC Autism Imaging Multicentre Study (AIMS): An Update
- The MRC Toxicology Unit Histopathology Core Facility – resources and potential opportunities?”
- The multi-wavelength effects of stellar activity and the need for a public forecast
- The multicast transmission approach to converse theorems
- The Multicolour Ramsey Number of a Long Odd Cycle
- The Multikernel: A new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems
- The Multiple Demand System and its subnetworks/ Exploring temporal dynamics of preparatory attention
- The multiple facets of symmetry in Einstein gravity
- The multiple inventions of transgenic mice
- The Multiple Layer Structure of Non-Abelian Vortices
- The multiplication table problem for bipartite graphs
- The multiplicitous networks of the East India Company, 1599-1603
- The Multiscale Composite Dirichlet Process and its applications
- The multiscale method for dispersive partial differential equations and integrability
- The multiscale nature of spark breakdown
- The multiscale nature of spark breakdown
- The Multiscale Universal Interface Code Coupling Library
- The Multiverse and Scale-Factor Cutoff Measure
- The Mummies of Puruchuco: Archaeology of an Inka Period Cemetery in Lima, Peru.
- The Mummies of Puruchuco: Archaeology of an Inka Period Cemetery in Lima, Peru.
- The MUonE Experiment: Understanding Muon g−2 Puzzle via Muon- electron Scattering
- The Murchison Widefield Array - Status and lessons from a sparse-array demonstrator perspective
- The Murderous Outrages Act and the Colonial Rule of Law in Punjab, 1867-1920
- The Music of Life: metaphors for 21st century biology
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The mutations that drive cancer
- The Mystery Behind the Positive Universe (in-person talk)
- The Mystery of Deja vu: What do Financial Time Series, DNA Sequences and Spreadsheets Have in Common?
- The Mystery of Intracellular Timers in Animal Development
- The Mystery of Magna Carta
- The Mystery of Spinors
- The myth of archaic introgression into humans: 3 more telling vignettes!
- The Myth of Austerity's Success
- The Myth of International Order
- The Myth of Mithril: Real materials for body armour
- The Myth of Religious Neutrality: How Beliefs Underlie Scholarship
- The Myth of the First City in the Earlier Middle Ages
- The Myth of Timelessness in the Polar Regions
- The mythical matched modules: overcoming inflexible software construction
- The Mythology of Love (In-person talk)
- The Mythopoesis of Mathematics in Fascist Italy
- The myths and stereotypes that surround sex work
- The Myxomycetes: A life of slime
- The NA62 experiment at CERN: recent results and prospects
- The NA62/P326 Experiment at CERN
- The Naked Mole Rat: Blind and Naked, but oh so cool!
- The NanoMi Project
- The narcissist and the coquette: contesting figures of sexual sociability
- The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory Mission
- The National Cancer Registration Service - looking forward, looking back
- The National Digital Pathology Service for Renal Transplantation: automated image assessment?
- The National Ecosystem Assessment and its follow-on phase
- The National Ecosystem Assessment and its follow-on phase
- The Nationality of Psychology and Science: French Debates c. 1870-1890
- The natural and the divine in Al-Farabi's classification of knowledge
- The natural foundations of reincarnation beliefs
- The Natural History and Predictive Factors of Long Term Outcomes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Analysis from the Hopkins Lupus Cohort
- The natural history of the Chihuahua: canine mythology and the science of breeding
- The natural history of the Napoleonic Wars: collecting at the East India Company c. 1798–1820
- The Natural Step: a unifying framework for sustainable development
- The natural wealth of nations: ecology and agriculture in nineteenth century Tamilnad
- The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh
- The naturalisation of reason in the seventeenth century: origins and consequences
- The nature and age of the eastern Mediterranean crust and their geodynamic consequences
- The Nature and Chemical Biology of G-quadruplex Nucleic Acids
- The Nature of Cambridge
- The nature of chemistry publishing
- The nature of chemistry publishing
- The Nature of Crisis
- The Nature of Dark Matter from high-redshift Cosmic Web
- The Nature of Dark Matter with Lyman-Alpha Forest
- The Nature of Development: Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark
- The nature of diffuse ionised gas in star-forming galaxies
- The nature of dominion in De Justa Reipublicae Christianae Authoritate (1590)
- The Nature of Empathy: Perspectives from Psychiatry
- The Nature of Entropy
- The Nature of Entropy
- The Nature of Law
- The nature of life - a scientific debate
- The Nature of Money
- The Nature of Plagues
- The nature of questions arising in court that can be addressed via probability and logic
- The Nature of Social Evolution
- The Nature of the Corporation .. and Social Ontology
- The Nature of the Corporation .. and Social Ontology
- The nature of the first galaxies and reionisation: challenges in the era of SKA, Roman and JWST
- The nature of the quantum spin-liquid state in Herbertsmithite
- The Nature of the Star Forming Main Sequence
- The Nature of the Structural Phase Transition in SrFe2As2 Determined by Measurement of the Local Order Parameter using Transmission Electron Microscopy
- The Nature of War: a Humanitas Visiting Professorships Symposium
- The Nature of Written Sciences: Trasnferring Scientific Results to Publications
- The nature-nurture debate in education: implications for narrowing attainment gaps
- The Navier-Stokes equations in active and multi-phase flows
- The Navier-Stokes equations in active and multi-phase flows
- The NCAG Report: Delivering a World Class Chemotherapy Service
- The NCI anticancer drug screen: Cancer through the lens of 60 cell lines
- The near-infrared background: the glow of the first black holes?
- The Nearly Naked Ape: Human Evolution Just Got Hairier
- The Necessity of Bubbles
- The necessity of consciousness: why human zombies would be an evolutionary dead end
- The need (and opportunity) for improved modelling of land use decision-making
- The need (and opportunity) for improved modelling of land use decision-making
- The need and state-of-the-art tools for rapid advances in global vibration serviceability research
- The neglected Giant: Incontinence and ageing
- The neighbourhood game
- The Nekrasov-Shatashvili Limit of the 5D Superconformal Index
- The Neoliberal Turn
- The Neopatrimonial State in Africa: Lessons from a Comparative Overview
- The Neopatrimonial State in Africa: Lessons from a Comparative Overview
- The nerve dependence of vertebrate limb regeneration
- The nerve of a differential graded algebra
- The Network Social Abstraction: for a Genealogy of the Computational Social Sciences | Professor Tiziana Terranova
- The Networked Partial Correlation and its Application to the Analysis of Genetic Interactions
- The Neumann problem for the fractional Laplacian
- The neural architecture of social concepts and values: implications for neuropsychiatry
- The neural bases of declarative memory and primary using studies of brain damaged patients
- The neural basis of cognitive distortions in pathological gambling
- The neural basis of flexible semantic retrieval
- The neural basis of frustration: an fMRI study
- The neural basis of human moral decision-making: A look into the disparity between the idealised and actual moral self
- The neural basis of semantic cognition: Convergence of neuropsychology, fMRI, MEG and TMS
- The neural basis of speech intelligibility
- The neural basis of time-extended semantic cognition: evidence from fMRI and TMS investigations
- The neural code and knowledge representation: a bridge too far?
- The neural correlates of intonation
- The neural correlates of ongoing conscious thought
- The neural correlates of ongoing conscious thought
- The neural dynamics of audio-visual integration and recalibration
- The neural fingerprints of a missing hand: from phantoms to artificial limbs
- The neural mechanisms of top-down control during visual working memory
- The neuro-ethics of brain-computer interface tool use
- The neurobehavioural basis of compulsivity
- The neurobiology of hunger
- The neurobiology of perceptual and value based decisions: A memorable connection
- The neuroeconomics of complex social valuation
- The Neuroeconomics of Complex Social Valuation
- The neuroinflammatory hypothesis of delirium
- The Neuronal Circuits Underlying Odor Perception in Mice
- The Neuroscience of Consciousness: Baroness Susan Greenfield
- The Neuroscience of Morality
- The neuroscience of music
- The neuroscience of music
- The neuroscience of resilience: Lessons from autism
- The New Annotated Dracula - Leslie S. Klinger / W.W. Norton
- The New Cambridge Phenomenon?
- The new energy state: A review of offshore governance regimes for renewables as natural resources
- The New Era of Exoplanetary Characterization
- The New Excavations at Must Farm
- The New Food Security Debate: Should the UK produce as much of its own food as possible?
- The new framework in European Family Law
- The new global apartheid
- The New Institutional Economics of Chinese Power Sector Reform
- The New Institutional Economics of Chinese Power Sector Reform
- The new LAW of microRNA-mediated gene silencing: implications for lung cancer development
- The new phase space complexity of old globular clusters
- The new politics of global tax governance: What the past tells us about the future of international taxation
- The new riddle of causation
- The New Teaching System
- The New Urban Question
- The new USB4 standard
- The new WHO growth charts: Implications for growth monitoring practice in the UK"
- The news from Glozel: media, scandal and the making of French archaeology, ca. 1927
- The Next 20 Years in Astronomy
- The Next 5 Billion: Life in Our New Connected Age
- The Next Big Thing - Proposals and Programmes
- The Next Fix- the political economy of the shifting legislative status of cannabis
- The Next Frontier of Low-Mass Galaxy Formation
- The Next Generation of Children
- The Next Generation of Lighting for our Homes and our Health
- The next generation of UK Earth System Models: The UKESM project
- The NEXT neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
- The next resource war: computation vs. communication
- The next-generation Event Horizon Telescope: from Still Images to Video.
- The Nicoll Highway collapse - geotechnical investigations
- The Nicoll Highway collapse - geotechnical investigations
- The Nidovirus Connection: from Arteriviruses to MERS-coronavirus, and back
- The night of longing: Love and the sex trade in Japanese prints
- The Ninth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film
- The Ninth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film
- The Ninth Annual Symposium of the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute
- The Nisnevich topology and the Thom isomorphism
- The nitty gritty of doing a PhD
- The Nitty Gritty of PhD Work
- The No-Boundary Measure in the Regime of Eternal Inflation
- The No-Boundary Probability for the Universe starting at the top of the hill
- The no-boundary wave function 2.0
- The nodal count mystery
- The noisy veto-voter model: a Recursive Distributional Equation on [0,1]
- The non-abelian X-ray transform
- The Non-Academic Academic: Alternative Ways to Use Your PhD
- The non-additivity saga continues: entanglement of purification
- The non-archimedean SYZ fibration
- The non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation phase transition in microcavity polariton systems
- The non-equilibrium characteristics of active matter
- The non-existence of a Kähler-Einstein metric on CP^2 # (- CP^2) via toric geometry
- The non-linear mechanics of slender deformable bodies
- The non-local vortex equations and gauged Gromov-Witten invariants
- The non-local vortex equations and gauged Gromov-Witten invariants
- The nonabelian elliptic Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups
- The noncommutative factor theorem for lattices in product groups
- The nonlinear Anderson problem: A vital, if openly recognized challenge
- The nonlinear interaction between geostrophic and ageostrophic zonal flows
- The nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (NLLE) and its application to predictability study
- The nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the torus
- The nonlinear stability of the Maxwell-Born-Infeld System
- The noradrenergic locus coeruleus, gatekeeper of the mammalian NREM-REM sleep cycle
- The normal closure of a big Dehn twist in a mapping class group
- The normal Radon transform acting on 3D tensor fields
- The Normalisation of Far Right Politics in Europe
- The Norman Conquest of the materia medica? Expanding pharmaceutical horizons in 11th-century England
- The North American deglaciation: linking rapid climate change, ice sheet retreat and sea level rises
- The North Atlantic Fish Revolution - a Distant Mirror of Climate Change and Globalisation
- The North Atlantic V-Shaped Ridges: New Insights from IODP Expedition 395
- The Northern Party – in the shadows of the heroic age?
- The Norwegian Historical Population Register (1801-1964): Current Status, Impact and Future Prospects
- The not so innocent matrix condition number
- The Not-So-Universal Genetic Code
- The Notation of Dominican Manuscripts in Thirteenth-Century Paris
- The notion of incitement to hatred in international human rights law
- The NOvA Experiment
- The Novel and the Act of Union, Defoe to Scott
- The Novel Worldview Suggested by Quantum Gravity
- The Novel Worldview Suggested by Quantum Gravity (Maxwell Lecture)
- The Novelties of Peter Aberlard [Leverhulme Lectures in Philosophy]
- The Now always comes After: Post-Traumatic Bodies and Creaturely Subjectivities in Ilse Aichinger’s 'Der Gefesselte'
- The NTP Algorithm in Detail
- The nuclear detective: The role of particle characterisation
- The Nuclear Detective: The role of Particle Characterisation
- The nuclear family in Mexico: connotations about its modernity
- The Nuclear Solution? Facts and Fear in the Energy Debate
- The nucleation and growth of nanovoids: Molecular dynamics calculations
- The nucleosome remodeler Mi-2/CHD4 - complexes, regulation and cancer
- The number of conics in a family which contain a rational point
- The number of crossings statistics in local time estimation for Sticky-threshold diffusions
- The number of maximal sum-free subsets of integers
- The number of monochromatic solutions to multiplicative equations
- The number of symbols that forces a transversal
- The number of triangles in a graph
- The numerical solution of BVPs using the Unified Transform Method
- The nuns and the apothecary: transatlantic collecting in the eighteenth century
- The nuns and the apothecary: transatlantic collecting in the eighteenth century
- The Nursing Role - The hub of the wheel
- The Nutrition and Cancer Journey: from Chemical-Physical Carcinogenesis to Metabolic Carcinogenesis.
- The NUTs and Bolts of Squashed Holography
- The Nym mixnet: Design and Evaluation
- The Nystrom extension and spectral methods in learning: low-rank approximation of quadratic forms and products
- The OAK | Prototype of a concrete shell as building floor for circular sustainable construction
- The object moves, photo-sculpture and the eyeball squeeze
- The Object of My Affection: stories of love from the Fitzwilliam collection
- The obnoxious mobilised minority: the British National Party, Homophobia and Homohysteria c. 1981-1999.
- The OBO Foundry and PATO
- The Obscured Universe: from Peak Star-Formation to Reionization
- The observable consequences of dynamos in black hole accretion disks
- The Observational Quest for the Earliest Galaxies: Progress & Challenges
- The observed trend in the Southern Annular Mode: is it the ozone hole or is it greenhouse gases?
- The observed trend in the Southern Annular Mode: is it the ozone hole or is it greenhouse gases?
- The occupational structure of China (1736-1898) and the Great Divergence
- The occupational structure of Chongqing in the Upper Yangzi Valley, China, 19th and 20th centuries
- The occupational structure of Dongguan in the Pearl River Delta 1949-2010: A reconstruction from a High School Survey
- The occupational structure of the twentieth-century Yangtze Valley: institutions, gender, and experiences
- The ocean at the centre of the Earth: The Southern Ocean and its role in climate
- The ocean boundary layer beneath a melting Antarctic ice shelf: stratification, tides and turbulence
- The ocean’s transient conveyor belt
- The odd couple: Virginia Woolf and Rupert Brooke
- The Odd NilHecke algebra
- The Odd Pair of Autism and Transsexualism
- The odontode explosion: the origin of tooth-like structures in vertebrates
- The Odyssey of Galaxies throughout the Cosmic Epochs
- The Oikonomia of Conspiracy
- The Oil And Gas Industry: The Next 30 Years
- The Oil Field Microbiome - How can Metagenomics Help the Oil Industry?
- The Oil Industry in the Algerian Decolonisation Process
- The Old Ashmolean Museum and Oxford’s 17th century scientific community. An archaeological science approach.
- The Oldenburg Correspondence: International Contacts of the Early Years of the Royal Society
- The oldest illustrated book in Cambridge - a reconsideration of the St Augustine Gospels
- The oldest problem
- The Olfactory Aesthetic of Eighteenth-Century Writing
- The Once and Future Bridge
- The Once and Future Internet
- The one about Matt Damon and the UK National Nuclear Laboratory
- The one-qudit Clifford hierarchy
- The Ongoing Hunt for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
- The Only Scientist in Politics
- The onset of borrowing: Somali and English
- The OOF Holography Technique: Correcting the Effects of Gravity and Thermal Gradients on Large Filled-Aperture Telescopes
- The Open City
- The Open City: its ethics and its design
- The Open Microscopy Environment Analysis System: Workflow Composition and Enactment for Quantitative Pattern Analysis of Large Microscopy Datasets
- The open/closed field line boundary in the ionosphere as a diagnostic of magnetospheric dynamics
- The opportunities for sensors in physiologically relevant organ on a chip devices
- The optical architecture of photoreceptor nuclei
- The Optical Stretcher - a hot topic?
- The Optimal Control of Infectious Diseases via Prevention and Treatment
- The optimal matching problem
- The Option of Non-Violence (part of Subaltern & Decolonial Citizenships series)
- The Opto-Electronic Physics Which Just Broke the Efficiency Record in Solar Cells
- The Orator as Stage Director in Roman Rhetoric. A Case Study of Cicero's Perorations
- The orbit category and Alperin's conjecture
- The orbit category and Alperin's conjecture
- The orbital pacing of Palaeogene hyperthermals - can we believe model results?
- The Ordeal of Modernity: The Cultural Politics of Ethnicity
- The Order Nidovirales: a serendipitous finding
- The Order of Gendered Words in a Phrase: When and Why It Constitutes Gender-Biased Language
- The Ore conjecture
- The organised mind: thinking straight in the age of information overload
- The Organisers: Opening Remarks
- The organization and topology of the bacterial nucleoid: steps towards a holistic theory of transcriptional regulation
- The Organizational Roots of Persistent Electoral Violence in Africa
- The organizational theory of sexiness
- The oriented swap process
- The oriented Thompson group, oriented links, and polynomial link invariants
- The origin and behaviour of deep ocean clay crusts (Subtitle: ...when biology meets engineering...)
- The origin and diversification of birds: Big questions, and developmental directions
- The origin and evolution of Homo sapiens
- The Origin and Evolution of the Universe
- The origin and evolution of vision
- The origin of a phylum: soft-bodied fossils and early mollusc evolution
- The origin of altruism: Philosophical, theoretical, and empirical perspectives
- The origin of animal morphogenesis: insights from choanoflagellates
- The origin of animal morphogenesis: insights from choanoflagellates
- The origin of early lineages in the mammlian embryo
- The origin of higher taxa: reflections on the evolutionary mechanisms and ecological circumstances
- The origin of Metazoa, a genomics and cell biology approach…or why things are never ever so simple
- The origin of mitochondrial DNA mutations: population genetics and disease
- The Origin of Molecular Biology
- The origin of new words in Khmer
- The origin of OB runaways and the Astronomical Multipurpose Software Environment
- The Origin of Specificity in Regulated Protein Degradation
- The Origin of Spirals in Galaxies
- The origin of the chemical elements - where the atoms in our bodies came from
- The origin of the first supermassive black holes
- The origin of the Fomalhaut stellar and planetary systems
- The Origin of the Laws of Nature
- The Origin of the Ornithischian Bauplan
- The Origin of Turbulence in Astrophysical Discs: HD and MHD Instabilities Revisited
- The Origin, Evolution, and Extinction of the Dinosaurs
- The origins and biology of play
- The Origins of ‘Penitents’: The Socio-Economic Backgrounds of the Inmates in an English Anglican Magdalen Home, 1848-1914
- The origins of belonging. Young children’s connections to their social groups
- The Origins of Conflict and War: Anthropological Models and Archaeological Evidence
- The Origins of Human Cooperation
- The origins of India's democracy: making universal franchise in the world's largest democracy
- The origins of land plant complexity: interpreting development in the Devonian
- The Origins of Life in the Universe in Arts and Humanities Research
- The origins of modern humans and Neandertals: the Atapuerca evidence
- The origins of Neotropical mega-diversity
- The origins of sheep and goats domestication in Western China
- The origins of society
- The origins of speech and anti-rhythms
- The origins of the French language - Talk in French
- The orthogonal curvilinear terrain-following coordinate for atmospheric models
- The oscillations of a spherical balloon
- The oscillations of rotating fluids and their role in stars and planets
- The Other Cambridge
- The other Higgses, at resonance, in the Lee-Wick Extension of the Standard Model
- The Outer Core: from a seismologist point of view
- The outer zone of turbulent boundary layers
- The Outstanding Magnetic Behaviour of Nematic Suspensions of Goethite Nanorods
- The Overlooked Perspectives of Environmental and Population Health Studies: A Balance between Data and Science
- The Oxford Expedition 2016 (South Africa)
- The oxygen side of sulphate: Sulphur and oxygen isotope effects related to microbial sulphur cycling
- The p discrepancy suffers from the curse of dimensionality for all finite p > 1.
- The p-adic Beilinson conjecture and the Bloch-Kato conjecture
- The p-adic local Langlands correspondence for GL_2(Q_p)
- The p53 family in the cancer cell response to hypoxia
- The p53 pathway: 21 years of the "guardian of the genome"
- The Pacific Greenhouse Gases Measurement Project
- The PADME experiment at DAFNE Linac
- The pain in the torus: modelling populations in a spatial continuum
- The palace of cats and falcons: 21st-century fauna in a 20th-century skyscraper
- The paleoceanography frontier: proxies, new technologies and novel questions
- The Palm House at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, a case study on science and cross-disciplinarity in the context of environmentally-driven innovation in 19th century architecture
- The Palm House at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: A Case Study on Science and Cross-Disciplinarity in the Context of Environmentally-Driven Innovation in 19th Century Architecture
- The PAMELA positron anomaly: dark matter or a cosmic pevatron?
- The Pan-African Promise: Past, Present, Futures
- The pants graph
- The Papers of Messrs. Baldereschi, Monkhorst and Pack.
- The parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel equation
- The Paradise Papers: Tax havens and offshore financing - what are the consequences for the society?
- The paradox of being poor, yet well fed and warm. Material welfare levels in the 17th and 18th century Southern Low Countries
- The Paradox of Parallel Lives; Immigration Policy and Transnational Polygyny between Senegal and France
- The paradox of virality
- The paradoxes of quantum theory: solving vs. dissolving
- The Parallel Replica Algorithm: Mathematical Foundations and Recent Developments
- The parallelism of evolution of multi-drug resistant clones
- The Pardoner's Passing and How it Matters: Gender, Relics and Speech Acts
- The Parke-Taylor formula in higher-dimensions
- The Parkinson’s disease protein LRRK2 regulates the transition from innate to adaptive immunity by modulating the unfolded protein response
- The Part is Greater than the Sum of the Wholes: How to Spin Light Into Anyons
- The Parthenon Divided
- The Parthenon in poetry
- The particulars of particulates
- The particulars of particulates
- The particulars of particulates
- The Particulars of Particulates: Granular Research on Dunes and Avalanches
- The partition algebra and the Kronecker coefficients
- The Partition of India and Migration
- The partonic structure of the electron
- The PASADENA method for 13C hyperpolarisation of biomolecules for imaging and spectroscopy
- The Passion narrative and the Jews: History, hermeneutics and homiletics
- The Passions in Hobbes's Political Philosophy
- The Passivhaus Building Standard: Questioning the energy saving magic bullet
- The past on display: Curating the Treasured Possessions exhibition
- The Past that will not Pass: The Memory and Historiography of the Greek Civil War
- The Past, Present and Future of Energy Technology inside BP
- The Past, Present and Future of Tokenization
- The past, present and possible future of the global state of nature... and a glimpse into science denialism
- The Past, Present, and Future of Supernova Cosmology
- The Past, the Future and Elsewhere: a Geometric Excursion into Spacetime
- The Pastons: From poverty to wealth and back again
- The Path Integral for Volume-Weighted Eternal Inflation
- The Path of Life from A to B: How Astronomy leads to Biology
- The Path of Non-self through Self
- The path to delivering nuclear fusion power
- The Path to the Enlightenment
- The Path Towards Scalable Practical Security for Web Transactions
- The pathogenesis and management of HIV-associated tuberculosis
- The Pathogenesis of Autoimmunity: The IL-2-FOX P3 Negative Feedback Pathway
- The Pathogenesis of Chronic Wasting Disease in Multiple Mammalian Models
- The paths to compulsion: new insights into the factors that shape the vulnerability to develop compulsive disorders
- The Pathway to C4 Rice
- The patriarchal republic: local officeholding in early modern England
- The patriarchy of diaspora: Race fantasy and gender blindness in Chen Da’s studies of the Nanyang Chinese in Southeast Asia
- The Patron, the Press, the People and the Progress: A Discussion on the Media’s Response to the Duchess of Cambridge’s Choice of Charities
- The Peckham Experiment
- The peculiarities of the naked mole-rat – what can we learn from them?
- The Penrose transform and Gerbes in 6-dimensions
- The Pentagram map: a discrete integrable system
- The Penumbra of Thalidomide
- The people and the making of the Indian Constitution
- The People of Anglo-Saxon England
- The People, the State, and the Power of Local Petitioning in Early Modern England
- The peopling of the Americas: A chronological perspective
- The Perception of Colour Seen in Context
- The perceptual prediction paradox
- The Perennial Plant Clock: Implications for Growth and Winter Survival
- The Perfect Snake AI
- The performance of circular shafts and ground movements due to construction - centrifuge testing and field observations.
- The Performance of Deferred-Acceptance Heuristic Auctions
- The Performance of the Euler Scheme for SDEs with Discontinuous Drift
- The Performing Arts in Revolutionary Russia
- The perils of p-hacking and the promise of pre-analysis plans
- The perils of performativity
- The perils of planetary geology: why no one should ever complain about mapping in Britain and Ireland
- The Perils of Technology: How Can Parents Get Back in Charge? in Cambridge
- The periodic table of finite elements
- The periodic, multiply-connected Schwarz-Christoffel mapping
- The permeability of deformable and reactive porous media
- The Permeability of Prison: Maurice Nyagumbo in Rhodesia, 1959-1979
- The Permeability of Prison: Maurice Nyagumbo in Rhodesia, 1959-1979
- The perpetuation of cultural memories in the widespread genre of history textbooks
- The Perseus Cluster of Galaxies
- The persistence and transience of memory
- The Persistence of Faith: Scientific and Theological Perspectives
- The persistence of large-scale compositional heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle
- The persistence of structure: Layers, time, and the estimation of optical flow
- The Persistence of the Eighteenth Century: a Book Presentation of 'The First Epoch: The Eighteenth Century and the Russian Cultural Imagination'
- The persistent homology of data
- The Personal Genome: Hopes, Facts, and Fears
- The personalities of nonhuman primates: All too human?
- The Personality and Legacy of Cyril Fox (1923-2023)
- The Peter Wilson Lecture: Dan Labbad, Chief Executive of the Crown Estate
- The Pfaffian-Grassmannian correspondence via Landau-Ginzburg models
- The phage T4 DNA and protein packaging machine – Old, New, Widely true, useful too
- The Pharma Industry & the Opportunity for Precision Medicine
- The Pharmacology of Pain
- The phase behaviour of shape-changing spheroids
- The phase field crystal method: From convection to the evolution of crystals
- The phase mixed debris of a massive merger as a dark matter subhalo detector
- The phase relationship of the Mg/Ca palaeothermometer to orbital eccentricity
- The Phase Space of Clusters at z ~ 1 as a Tool for Understanding the Satellite Quenching Process
- The Phase Space of Clusters at z ~ 1 as a Tool for Understanding the Satellite Quenching Process
- The phase transition for Boolean percolation
- The phase transition in Achlioptas processes
- The phase transition in bounded-size Achlioptas processes
- The phase transition in random graphs -- a simple proof
- The phase transition in the random d-process
- The PhaseChip: manipulating phase diagrams with microfluidics
- The phases of extremely dense deuterium
- The Phenomenon of Nostalgia in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Oral Accounts of Everyday Life in Soviet Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
- The Philippe Wiener Lecture. "From Human pluripotent stem cells to cortial circuits: towards brain disease modeling and repair."
- The Philosophers against Idleness
- The philosophical role of illness
- The philosophical significance of the Representational Theory of Measurement: RTM as semantic foundations
- The Philosophy of Education in Plato's Socratic Works
- The Philosophy of Explainable AI and Applications in Medicine
- The phoenix in the library: using marginal illuminations to trace alchemical manuscripts in Tudor England
- The phonetic building blocks of speech
- The Phonetics-Phonology Interface
- The phospholipid PI(3,4)P2 is an apical identity determinant
- The phospholipid PI(3,4)P2 is an apical identity determinant
- The phospholipid PI(3,4)P2 is an apical identity determinant
- The physical and chemical state of nanoparticulate catalysts during carbon nanotube and silicon nanowire CVD
- The Physical Chemistry of Actomyosin Cortex Self-Assembly in C elegans oocytes
- The physical forces behind collective cell migration
- The Physical Web
- The physician's Stammbuch: humanist cultures of medical networking
- The Physics and Philosophy of Directionless Time
- The Physics Challenges of Fusion Power
- The physics of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters
- The physics of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters" booms, bangs and whistles
- The physics of AGN-driven galactic outflows
- The Physics of Airplane Noise
- The Physics of Bacterial Biofilms
- The Physics of beer tapping and others topics in mass transfer
- The physics of bird coloration
- The physics of death
- The physics of floating and sinking
- The Physics of High-Density Crowds
- The physics of how humans build models of the world
- The Physics of Ice Crushing Associated with Indentation and Impact
- The Physics of Musical Instruments
- The Physics of Natural Gas reservoirs: How physical principles allow us to find, access and produce natural gas
- The physics of nerves and lipid ion channels
- The physics of protein folding
- The physics of regularized Stokeslets
- The physics of spreading processes in multilayer networks
- The physics of swimming microorganisms
- The Physics of Television
- The physics of the Earth's interior
- The Physics of the Everyday
- The Physics of Volcanic Eruptions
- The Physics of Wind Turbine Placement
- The Physiologist at the Opera: Claude Perrault and the Politics of Pleasure in the Ancien Régime
- The Physiology of Autumn
- The physiology of man-hauling in the Antarctic: could Scott have survived?
- The PIC experience towards the vision of the Digital Twin
- The PIC experience towards the vision of the Digital Twin
- The Picard group of the stable module category
- The piezoaxionic effect
- The pig, the farmer, and welfare assessment
- The Pigeon Connectome and Knotty-centredness
- The Piketty opportunity: inequality, global comparisons and a new agenda for economic history
- The Pinning Down Number and Cardinal Arithmetic
- The place of birth: mothers, midwives, birth attendants, and choices about childbirth in twentieth-century Uganda
- The place of natural philosophy in Al-Farabi's classification of knowledge
- The Place of Prehistory: local engagements with archaeological heritage at the Land's End
- The Place of Religion in the European Public Square
- The placenta: a remarkable but often neglected organ
- The Places of Early Modern Criticism
- The Planar Cell Polarity pathway in lung development and disease
- The planar elastica, stress, and material stress
- The Planck Legacy
- The Planck satellite, inflation and non-Gaussianity
- The Planet Formation Imager instrument
- The planet-disc connection: results and prospects
- The plant circadian clock in the lab and the field
- The Plant Immune System and Root Microbiome
- The Plantation’s Colonial Modernity in Comparative Perspective
- The plastic brain
- The Pleasure and Pain of Commercialising a MEMS product
- The pleasures of fungal forays
- The plectic Taniyama group
- The Pleistocene Evolution of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: An Interglacial Perspective
- The Pleistocene History of Birmingham
- The Pleistocene journey: humans as the cooking ape
- The Plight of Climate Refugees: Rising Seas, Melting Ice, and Inadequate Legal Protections
- The Pliocene Indian monsoon
- The Plundered Planet: Why We Must-and How We Can-Manage Nature for Global Prosperity
- The plural parent system in Saami reindeer herding families
- The plural parent system in Saami reindeer herding families
- The plurality of priority
- The Plurality of Worlds
- The Plurality of Worlds
- The Poet as Prophet: Ovid and the Alchemists
- The Poetics of Abya Yala: Towards a Non-Colonial History of Contemporary Art
- The Poetics of Teaching Art
- The Poetry of Anne Stevenson: An Introduction
- The Poetry of Early Motherhood
- The Poincare conjecture
- The Point of Life
- The Point of Life - An Afternoon Talk
- The point of view of the particle for 2D random walks in Dirichlet environment
- The point of view of the particle for 2D random walks in Dirichlet environment
- The point scatterer: a survey
- The Point-to-Set Principle in Metric Spaces and Complexity Classes
- The Pointless Universe
- The Pointless Universe
- The Pointless Universe
- The poisoner's regress: on orientalism and natural history
- The Polar Museum: Museum store tour and discussion
- The Polar Museum: Museum store tour and discussion
- The Polariton Condensate in Semiconductor Microcavities
- The Polis and the Res Publica: Two Arendtian Models of Political Violence
- The Political Aesthetics of Climate Change
- The political anatomy of natural history: on Petty's contrivance of the Down Survey (1655–1659)
- The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: Resource Curses and Resource Blessings in Post-Soviet Countries
- The Political Configuration of Identities
- The political economy of democracy: some thoughts on nationhood and citizenship in post-colonial India
- The political economy of austerity
- The political economy of bovine tuberculosis
- The political economy of census-taking in early nineteenth-century Britain
- The Political Economy of Conservation and Food Security
- The Political Economy of Energy and Sustainability in Arab Gulf States
- The Political Economy of Internet Regulation
- The Political Economy of Military Organization?
- The Political Economy of Serfdom: State Capacity and Institutional Change in Prussia and Russia
- The Political Economy of Wind Turbine Location Decisions: NIMBY and the Swedish Environmental Party
- The political economy of wool in Britain, 1662-1824
- The political in question: abolitionism in India's twentieth century
- The Political Philosophy of Taxation
- The Political Power of Mr. Average
- The Political Pulpit: Ministers, Mobilisation and the Royalist Message, c. 1642–1649
- The Political Sociology of Human Rights
- The Political Thought of Charles Malik
- The Political Use of Research in Studying Elites: Participatory Action Research
- The Politicisation of Irish Literature
- The Politics and Aesthetics of Choral Singing in Alentejo, Portugal
- The politics and physiology of laughter in eighteenth-century France: the Saint-Aubins’ Livre des Culs
- The Politics of Austerity
- The politics of belonging in Europe
- The Politics of Belonging: Attitudes towards immigrants in Europe 2002-2014
- The politics of climate change
- The Politics of Commemoration: The Armenian Genocide on TV
- The Politics of Constitution-Making after the Arab Spring: will re-constitutionalisation in the post-authoritarian era embody the aspirations of the Arab Spring?
- The politics of data-driven governance
- The Politics of Energy Policy
- The Politics of Framing and Staging: Performance as Paradigm II
- The politics of health system metrics, 1924-2000
- The politics of health system metrics, 1924-2000
- The Politics of Immigration and Schooling in the United States
- The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority and the Making of the Muslim State.
- The Politics of Land Supply and Affordable Housing: Auckland’s Housing Accord and Special Housing Areas
- The Politics of Moving On: Legitimacy and Contestation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Kenya
- The politics of moving on: Legitimacy and contestation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Kenya
- The Politics of Naming and Responding to 'Genocide': The Practices of France, Germany and the UK from Biafra to Darfur
- The Politics of New Economic Technologies
- The politics of nightlife in Alexandria and Constantinople, 1918-1923
- The politics of participation: Francis Galton's Anthropometric Laboratory and the formation of civic selves
- The Politics of Peace in the Great Lakes Region of Africa (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- The Politics of Personalised Insurance Pricing in the Age of Wearable Devices: Big Data, Transparency and Solidarity
- The politics of Shari'a Law: Islamist activists and the state of democratizing Indonesia
- The politics of STS: instituting science studies in the age of Cold War
- The Politics of the Junker Commission
- The Politics of the Peter Capaldi Years
- The politics of the potato in the 19th century
- The Polygraph
- The Polymer Chemistry of Carbon Materials and Graphenes
- The polymeric soul of proteins
- The polynomial method in combinatorial incidence geometry
- The Pomeranian Cabinet of Philipp Hainhofer
- The Pontrjagin twist
- The Poor and the Poorest fifty years on
- The poor cousin we don’t talk about – reliability in vocational assessment
- The Poor Law, the Workhouse and the Construction of Ablebodiedness
- The Pope and the planet: religion in climate change
- The Popular Front and French India
- The poroelastic properties of cytoplasm: theory and experiments
- The porridge (and magma) problem: Viscoplastic Rayleigh-Benard convection
- The portrait of the female artist in modern Greek prose fiction
- The Portrayal of Mental Health in Hip Hop Lyrics
- The Portuguese Carnation Revolution and the female body in protest
- The position of Bactrian amongst the Iranian languages
- The Possibilities – Changing How We Approach Design
- The possible impact of astrophysical observations on LHC physics
- The possible risks of Artificial Intelligence
- The Post-Brexit Challenges for UK Urban and Regional Development: Trade, Institutions and a Place Based Industrial Strategy
- The post-Variscan evolution of Ireland – a case study in constraining shallow crustal exhumation and deformation
- The post-Windrush generation: black British voices of resistance
- The potential for AI in the study of Southern Ocean Clouds
- The Potential for Vaccine-Driven Evolution in COVID-19
- The potential of ESEM for use in biology: Sample damage and dynamic systems
- The Potential of smartphones voice recordings to monitor depression severity
- The potential of synthetic data for more informative evaluation in Visual Question Answering
- The potential of the non-state sector:what can be learnt from the PEAS example
- The potentials and pitfalls of digital healthcare in the 21st Century
- The Poverty of Strategy
- The power (and stigma) of oil: Strategic identity positioning and innovation in the energy sector
- The power and limits of NGS strategies to address mitochondrial disorders
- The Power and Peril of Narrative: Policy-relevant research using the British Birth cohort studies
- The Power of Agnosis and the Politics of the Unknown - gloknos cum panis seminar
- The Power of Carbon
- The power of Caribbean poetry - word and sound
- THE POWER OF CATALYTIC CONVERSATIONS: An unexpected journey and response to the question 'How do we turn STEM into STEAM?
- The power of chemoselectivty: Next generation bioconjugates for extra- and intracellular targeting
- The Power of Children's Knowledge: Transformative Learning in Primary Classrooms
- The power of coarse-graining in biomolecular simulations
- The Power of Connection: Building Healthy and Meaningful Relationships (in person)
- The power of data
- The Power of Design: inclusion or exclusion?
- The Power of Graphs in Speeding up Online Learning and Decision Making
- The power of imagination in specification and verification
- The Power of Light
- The power of markets to protect nature
- The Power of Meditation - An Evening Talk as part of the 'Quality of Life' Series
- The Power of Micro-Habits: Small Changes, Big Impact on Your Wellbeing (in-person talk)
- The Power of Music: A Journey Back to Home
- The power of non-invasive approaches to conservation science
- The Power of Non-invasive Approaches to Conservation Science
- The Power of Parameterization in Coinductive Proof
- The Power of Personalised Medicine
- The Power of Perspective - An Interactive Talk
- The power of persuasion in Plato
- The Power of Political Arguments in Understanding Referendums (European Centre Seminars)
- The Power of Procrastination
- The power of superconductivity
- The Power of the Media in the Science - Religion Debate
- The Power of Unlabelled Data for Medial Image Classification
- The power spectrum of the dark ages
- The Power Switch; How Power is Changing in a Networked World - an international symposium
- The practical application of cryptography to international card payments
- The practical impact of FTD: an observational approach
- The Practices of Executive Selection: A Gender Analysis
- The pragmatic bases of musical meaning
- The Pragmatics of Numerically Quantified Expressions
- The pre-duals of measuring co-algebras and co-modules
- The Pre-History of British Gramscianism. A Transnational Perspective
- The pre-history of peer review: refereeing practices at the Royal Society
- The precessing vortex core instability in swirled jets
- The precession resonance mechanism in nonlinear wave systems
- The Precision Array to Probe the Epoch of Reionization
- The precision siege of nature: theory, accelerators, and detectors
- The predictive power of contractive neural-network spaces
- The Prenatal Sex Steroid Theory of Autism
- The Presence of Absence: Interrogating and interpreting forced and free migration in the Atlantic Caribbean
- The present perfect puzzle revisited
- The present-day growth rates of a large population of heavily obscured AGNs
- The present: CryoSat-2 (and other altimeters) for enhanced ocean observation in the polar oceans. The future: SKIM (Sea surface KInematics Multiscale monitoring satellite mission), a candidate satellite mission exploring global ocean currents and waves.
- The Preservation of Fragile Irish Language Speaking Communities as Sustainable Language Communities
- The presomitic mesoderm as a platform to integrate morphogenesis and mechanotransduction
- The pressure melting point of ice and Jakobshavn Isbrae's fast flow
- The pressure melting point of ice and Jakobshavn's fast flow
- The prevalence of venereal diseases in 1913. Who was right? Christabel Pankhurst or the Royal Commission?
- The Price Is Wrong
- The price of extinction: what losing biodiversity costs
- THE PRICE OF LIFE: How the development of new medicines is changing healthcare
- The Price of Online Queries in Differential Privacy
- The priest, the philosopher, the scientist, and the new age of medicine
- The priestly agreements from Soknopaiou Nesos
- The primacy of foreign policy in British history
- The primacy of secondary qualities
- The Primary Survey and CPR
- The primitive equations: anisotropic function spaces and stochastic forces
- The Princess and the EPR pair
- The principal block of a Z_l-spets.
- The Principle of Least Cognitive Action
- The principle of stability
- The Privacy of the Analyst and The Power of the State
- The Private and Social Value of Capital Structure Commitment
- The prize for integrating Time Lapse seismic and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- The pro cycle
- The pro-$p$ Hom-form of the birational anabelian conjecture
- The pro-oncogenic role of Notch signaling in human epithelial cancer stem like cells
- The pro-oncogenic role of Notch signaling in human epithelial cancer stem-like cells
- The problem of confirmation in the Everett interpretation
- The problem of double-counting evidence illustrated by climate science
- The problem of false positives, some lessons from the bullet lead story, and the new U.S. Department of Justice guidance for expert testimony
- The problem of finding sources for the study of Norn, the Scandinavian language of Caithness and the Northern Isles.
- The problem of inductive risk and the ethics of communication
- The Problem of Political Order in Classical Confucian Thought
- The Problem of Reading Lists
- The Problem of Size Generalization in Graph Neural Networks
- The Problem of the Chinese Periphery: Administration and National Identity in Taiwan, 1945-1949
- The Problem of the Earth's Figure and the Logic of Measurement in Modern Geoscience
- The Problem with Colour
- The Problem with Deep Learning in Science (and how to fix it).
- The problem with mental health awareness
- The problem with periodicals in the 19th century
- The problem with risk matrices used in acute trusts in NHS England
- The problems and prospects of Darwinising homosexuality
- The process of re-exposure to an infectious agent
- The production of pure hydrogen from a carbonaceous fuel with simultaneous CO2 capture
- The Productivity Paradox: are we too busy to get anything done?
- The Productivity Puzzle
- The Professor and the Ambassador - the Peel Commission on Palestine, 1937 and its aftermath
- The Professor in Children's Literature: A Corpus Based Analysis of Expertise in Books Marketed to a Young Audience
- The Professor in Children's Literature: A Corpus Based Analysis of Expertise in Books Marketed to a Young Audience
- The profinite and pro-p genus of free and surface groups.
- The profinite topology on groups
- The profits of the Gazette: the late seventeenth-century news economy
- The Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae
- The prognostic significance of subtypes of breast cancer classified using immunohistochemistry
- The program-size complexity of universal Turing machines
- The Promise and Perils of Collaborative Consumption (Peer-to-Peer Product Sharing)
- The promise of energy biosciences
- The promise of proton therapy in paediatric tumours
- The promise of proton therapy in paediatric tumours
- The promise of proton therapy in Paediatric tumours
- The promise of proton therapy in paediatric tumours
- The PROMISE RCT – a School-Based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Intervention for the Prevention of Depression in High-Risk Adolescents.
- The Promises of a Polychrome Retina
- The pronoun interpretation problem in bilingual Dutch-German children
- The propaganda of death: Italy's Fascist ossuaries of the First World War
- The properties of absorbing aerosol in the atmospheric and its role in the tropics and in the Arctic
- The properties of free polymer surfaces and their effect upon the glass transition in thin polymer films
- The properties of nano-scale amyloid fibril fragments in vitro and in vivo
- The properties of quantum turbulence: the homogeneous isotropic case
- The properties of silicate glass relevant to their use in ballistics applications
- The properties of the strongest MgII absorbers and spectra of their hosts
- The Properties of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and the problems that these pose
- The Prosecution of Rape in Wartime: Evidence From Kenya, 1952-1960
- The prospects for Darwinian imperialism
- The Prospects for Global Financial Stability
- The prospects for thin film PV solar energy in a world dominated by crystalline silicon
- The protein kinase DYRK2 as a new regulator of protein homeostasis
- The proteome of native AMPA-receptors and its significance for excitatory neurotransmission
- The proteome: What is happening at the 'business end' of a cell?
- The Proteomics of Pottery: What can dirty dishes tell us about ancient diet and culture?
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Facts Surrounding a Fiction
- The Proton EDM experiment
- The proximal cause of glacial terminations
- The Proximity of Free Boundary to Wedges and Planes
- The Pseudomonas aeruginosa type VI secretion system: a weapon for bacterial warfare
- The psychology of gambling
- The psychology of gambling and gambling addiction
- The psychology of gambling and gambling addiction
- The psychology of gambling and gambling addiction
- The Psychology of gambling behaviour
- The Psychology of Personal Constructs and the Repertory Grid (Interview) Technique: Methodological Reflexions and Methodical Practice
- The Psychology of Pricing?
- The psychology of the imagination and social development: Reflections from Rio's favelas
- The Psychophysiology of the Vasovagal (Fainting) Response: Mechanisms and Interventions
- The pterosaur Darwinopterus: Evidence for a modular mode of evolution?
- The PTMeXchange project: finding evidence for post-translational modifications - crosstalk, competition and conservation across Life
- The Public Politics of America's First Missile Defence System, 1967-1969
- The Public Presence of the Social Sciences
- The Public Sociologist in Authoritarian Times: Negotiating Risk and Complicity
- The Public Sphere in the Age of the Algorithm (Cambridge Science Festival)
- The pulse of the Southern Ocean
- The punishment of unmarried parents in London, 1695-1834
- The Puppet Master - How the brain controls the body.
- The Purpose of Buddhist Meditation: from Eliminating Stress to Enlightenment
- The Purpose of Life – Hamza Tzortzis
- The pursuit of elusive 'win-win' results for forests and people in Peru
- The push to pool: Testing the effects of matched and mismatched reference populations in forensic voice comparison
- The Puzzle of Ambiguity
- The puzzle of Byzantine ceramic plates
- The puzzle of dark matter: missing pieces at the LHC?
- The Puzzling Diversity of Exoplanets
- The puzzling nature of a hot super-Earth exoplanet
- The Pye Story: The history of one of Cambridge’s iconic technology companies.
- The Qu'ran
- The quadrupole formula: a hundred years later
- The quandary of the quark
- The quantification of bar strength in galaxies.
- The Quantified Self at Work
- The quantum AdS$_5$xS$^5$ superstring in the light cone gauge
- The Quantum Complexity of Computing Schatten p-norms
- The Quantum Design of Photosynthesis
- The Quantum Design of Photosynthesis II
- The quantum dipolar spin-glass LiYHoF4
- The quantum games PCP: results and confessions
- The Quantum Hall Effect
- The Quantum Measurement Problem
- The Quantum Measurement Problem
- The Quantum Monad on Relational Structures
- The Quantum Origin of Structure in the Universe
- The Quantum RC circuit: charge relaxation resistance and time-resolved single charge injection
- The Quantum Sine-Gordon model in perturbative AQFT
- The quantum Steenrod square
- The Quantum Strong Exponential-Time Hypothesis
- The quaquaversal group
- The quark anti-quark potential and the generalized cusp anomalous dimension at any coupling
- The Quarks of Attention
- The Quasi-Isometric Points for the Application of Lateral Suture Technique in cats with Cranial Cruciate Rupture
- The quasi-neutral limit for the ionic Vlasov-Poisson system with rough data
- The quasi-stationary nature of ‘steady-state’ cyclic deformation
- The quenched Edwards Wilkinson model in an environment with random obstacles of unbounded strength
- The quest for cheap, sustainable and high-performance rechargeable batteries: The case of sodium-ion batteries explored with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and ab initio simulations
- The quest for electron-hole superfluidity
- The Quest for Freedom, Security and Justice, who protects refugees and migrants in the EU?
- The quest for gravitational waves: a challenge lasting a century
- The quest for imperfection
- The quest for lift - Investigations into low Reynolds number aerodynamics
- The Quest for Product Market Fit: Retrofitting Technical Solutions to Real World Problems
- The Quest for Reality
- The quest for secure quantum communication
- The Quest for the Axion
- The quest for the earliest black holes: a theoretical perspective
- The quest for the first stars and first black holes with the James Webb Space Telescope
- The quest for ultra-high fields in brain MRI: The Iseult 11.7 T Whole Body MRI
- The Quest for Zero-Effort Indoor Localization
- The Quest of Modelling Complex Systems
- The quest to conceive: How intended parents navigate the new reproductive technologies
- The Quest to Tune the Guitar Bridge, 1831-1956
- The quest to understand the entrepreneur - Inaugural Lecture of Professor Francisco Liñán
- The Question of Memory in Christa Wolf's "Stadt der Engel" and Marica Bodrozic's "Kirschholz und alte Gefühle"
- The Question of War Guilt and Justice: Japanese General Staff in Postwar Contexts
- The quickest introduction to the Monster
- The quiet AI revolution in weather forecasting
- The Quillen bundle and geometric prequantization of various moduli spaces
- The Race to Court as a Race to the Bottom? National Labour Law after the Laval quartet
- The race to prevent the extinction of South Asian vultures
- The race to solve the solar metallicity problem with neutrinos and discover dark matter
- The Rademacher expansion and the gravitational path integral for N=4 dyons
- The radial and vertical structure of debris disks
- The radial intranuclear position of the provirus determines selective clonal survival of human retroviruses in vivo
- The Radical Beauty Project - Changing the face of beauty
- The radical moisture between theology and medicine (13th–14th centuries)
- The RAID project
- The Ramanujan Conjecture and its generalizations
- The Ramifications of Sharing in Data Structures
- The Ramsey Number of the Clique and the Hypercube
- The Ramsey Theory of Ordinals
- The random phase hypothesis for quasi-1D random media
- The Range of Planetary Circulations Described by the Dry Primitive Equations
- The rapid advance and slow retreat of a mushy zone
- The rapid demise of Lyman-alpha emitters at the tail end of the Epoch of Reionization
- The Rapid Optimization Library
- The Ras pathway in cancer therapy
- The Rate of Convergence in the Quantum Central Limit Theorem and Applications
- The rates of growth in a hyperbolic group
- The rational design of sociotechnical systems in healthcare
- The rational homotopy theory of operads (mini-course)
- The rational homotopy theory of spaces (mini-course)
- The rationality of blocks of quasi-simple finite groups
- The rationality of science in relation to its history
- The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Under Rotation
- The RCUK Digital Economy Theme – A Catalyst for Change
- The reaction of halogen oxides (BrO and ClO) with CH3O2; laboratory based temperature dependent kinetic and product studies.
- The Real Effect of Financial Innovation: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps Trading and Corporate Innovation
- The real flux capacitor? A putative molecular valve in trypanosomes
- The Real Foundation of Fictional Worlds
- The Real Gold Standard: Measuring Counterfactual Worlds That Matter Most to Policy
- The Real Information in Climate Simulations
- The real Mathias speaks about Mathias reals
- The Real Matrix - Presentation and workshop
- The Real Puppet Masters: The Gruesome Parasites Controlling Our Behaviour
- The real reach of the constructible universe
- The real thing: Saturn's ring
- The Real Villains in Online Games
- The real-time formation of the hippocampal cognitive map
- The realist stance
- The Reality Problem of Quantum Mechanics
- The realization of large arrays of quantum dots via a multiplexed charge-locking system (SP Workshop)
- The Recent Increase of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent
- The Recent Star Formation Histories of Nearby Galaxies
- The recently discovered black holes in wide binaries by Gaia astrometry
- The recently discovered Intermittent Radio Pulsars
- The recently discovered ties between teeth and infants in human evolution
- The Reception of Christian Democracy in Chile: A Case of "Borrowed Doctrine"?'
- The Reciprocal Kirchberg algebras
- The reciprocate interaction between gut microbiome and parasite eggs
- The Red Book of Thorney and its Conservation
- The Red Queen, Mars, living and dying fast and young: macroevolution in graptoloids
- The Red Queen: The Evolution of Sex
- The Rede lecture 2012 - The purpose of the University: Knowledge and human wellbeing in the modern economy
- The rediscovery of Vermeer and the reception of genre painting
- The redshift z=6-9 galaxy population
- The reduced Ostrovsky equation: integrability, breaking and orbital stability
- The Reformation of the Generations: Youth, Age and Religious Change in England c.1500–1700
- The Reformation of the Landscape: Religion, Identity and Memory in Early Modern Britain and Ireland
- The refugee crisis in Europe: an update from Lesvos
- The Regenerative Economy: a technical solution to meet world's population needs while preserving the environment.
- The Regionalisation of Higher Education in Latin America
- The Regions, Economy and Society in the Post-Covid World
- The regularity and existence of branched minimal submanifolds
- The regulation and consequences of immune responses during Salmonella infections
- The Regulation of DNA Methylation in Mammalian Development and Cancer
- The regulation of DNA replication in eukaryotes
- The regulation of gene expression in the context of chromatin
- The Regulation of Motoneuron Dendrite Growth in the Fruit Fly Larva
- The regulation of skeletal muscle development by signaling molecules and microRNAs
- The regulatory origin of repeated evolution of Drosophila pigmentation patterns
- The regulatory potential of cytosine-5 RNA methylation in translation
- The Rejection of Magic in Early Greek and Chinese Medicine
- The relation between different types of transonic buffet
- The relation between Quillen K-theory and Milnor K-theory in degree 4
- The relation between sequence and function divergence in genomes
- The relation of attack
- The relationship between calcification and intervertebral disc disease in chondrodystrophic dogs
- The relationship between higher order thinking skills and academic language proficiency in English: A case study of bilingual students in Romania
- The relationship between pie, flexible and semiflexible limits.
- The Relationship Between School Users and Ventilation
- The Relationship Between Separation Logic and Implicit Dynamic Frames
- The relationship between speechreading and reading in deaf children: outcomes from an RCT
- The Relationship between Statistics and the Law - a Judicial Perspective
- The relationship between the inter-galactic medium and galaxies
- The relationship between the inter-galactic medium and galaxies *** Seminar cancelled ***
- The relationship between the speed and the latitude of the eddy-driven jet; implications for climate change and stratosphere-troposphere coupling
- The relationships between chromosome structure and gene activity during X inactivation
- The relative Breuil-Kisin classification of p-divisible groups
- The relative consistency of the axiom of choice mechanized using Isabelle/ZF
- The Relative Consistency of the Axiom of Choice, Mechanized Using Isabelle/ZF
- The relative Drinfeld commutant and alpha-induction
- The Relative Merits of Alternative Goals of Development: Happiness, Income or Human
- The Relative Tangle Hypothesis
- The Relative Tangle Hypothesis
- The relative trace formula of Jacquet-Rallis
- The release of Δ14C and δ18O-depleted water from the Arctic Ocean upon glacial termination
- The relevance of botanic garden greenhouses in the modern era
- The Relevance of National Security Cultures in International Studies
- The relevance of relevance and burden of sensitivity : understanding the problems of searching for evidence on complex topics
- The Reliability of Wikipedia…and What You Can Do To Help
- The religious and political foundations of the University of London
- The Religious Beliefs of Scientists - a Sociological Analysis
- The Religious Education of the Foundress of Pembroke College, Marie de St. Pol
- The Religious Problem with Religious Freedom
- The Religious Roots of Environmentalist Thought and Activism in Europe and America
- The Reluctant Altruist
- The reluctant collaborator? How developing social understanding shapes knowledge
- The Reluctant Transformation: Modernization, Religion, and Human Capital in Nineteenth Century Egypt
- The Remains of Recent Exploding Stars in our Galaxy
- The Remarkable Accuracy of the Trinity Clock
- The remarkable accuracy of the Trinity College Clock
- The remarkable flexibility of BART
- The remarkable flexibility of BART
- The remarkable flexibility of BART
- The remarkable stability properties of AGN jets
- The remembering and forgetting of complex episodic events
- The remote control of gene expression: enhancer function in development and disease
- The RemoveDEBRIS space mission
- The Renaissance of Radio Detection of Cosmic Rays
- The Renaissance theory of rhetorical invention
- The renaissance tomato, from botanical curiosity to culinary condiment
- The Renormalisation Group
- The repatriation of offshore finance to onshore: transnational legal orders and the Cayman Islands experience
- The repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102: a long time ago in a galaxy far-far away
- The replication crisis and philosophy
- The Reporting of Associations in Genome-Wide Studies
- The Representation of Female Perpetrators of the Holocaust in the British Press, 1945 - Present
- The representation theory of Lie algebras: ordinary vs modular
- The Representation Theory of Neural Networks
- The Representation Theory of Neural Networks (copy)
- The representational dynamics of visual objects in rapid serial visual processing streams
- The representational-hierarchical view of cognition: implications for amnesia, interference and Alzheimer's Disease.
- The Republic of India: between hope and despair
- The Republican King: The Creation of Executive Power in America
- The Research Councils Energy Programme and its role in supporting fuel cell research
- The Resistance Of Giant Tropical Trees To Drought
- The Resistant Cancer Cell Line (RCCL) collection – cancer cell lines with acquired drug resistance as a pre-clinical and basic science model
- The resource theoretic paradigm of Quantum Thermodynamics with Control
- The resource theory of magic states
- The response of Antarctic marine ice streams to strong ocean forcing - a modelling approach
- The response of buildings to excavation-induced movements
- The response of buildings to tunnelling
- The response of submerged structures to blast in deep water
- The response of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system to changes in the dipole moment of the Earth's magnetic field
- The response of the Meridional Overturning Circulation and Antarctic Circumpolar Current to changes in surface forcing
- The restitution of Nazi-looted art in post-fascist Austria, Italy and West Germany
- The resurgence of German capital in Europe: EU integration and the restructuring of Atlantic networks of interlocking directorates after 1991
- The resurgence of the Large Charge expansion
- The return of pilot waves, or, why Bohr, Heisenberg, Pauli, Born, Schrödinger, Oppenheimer, Feynman, Wheeler and Einstein were all wrong about quantum mechanics
- The return of regional inequality: Europe from 1900 to today
- The return of the state in post-war Angola
- The Reverend Dr Toby Howarth: Perspectives on Mission in 21st Century Britain
- The reversibly-staggered CCAM and VCAM models
- The revival of "militant imperial Anglicanism"? Recruitment of Anglican clergymen for the Australian colonies, c.1788-1850
- The revival of Italo-Greek: language ideologies and folklorization
- The Revival of Political Economy in the Cambridge Tradition
- The Revolt in Rural Cambridgeshire in 1381
- The revolution of capitalism
- The Revolutions of 1795 in the Lesser Antilles
- The Reward Prediction Error of Dopamine Neurons: What information does it convey and how is it generated?
- The rewards of thinking coalgebraically
- The rewardsand pitfalls of computational modelling
- The Reynolds shear stress in zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers
- The Rfam collection of RNA families
- The RG landscape in 1+1 dimensions
- The rheology of cellular systems
- The rheology of suspensions: the effect of local interactions and microstructure
- The rheology of the partially molten mantle
- The Rhythm of Old French Verse
- The ribosome – from far past to near future
- The Ribosome Flow Model: Theory and Applications
- The Rice Npc Transporter Mediates Recognition Of Novel Essential Am Symbiotic Signal
- The Rich and the Poor
- The rich physics of nanowires
- The rich structure of the Underlying Event: what we learnt from the Large Hadron Collider Run I and II?
- The Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in the multi-fluid plasma regime with transport effects
- The riddle of space : the history of Russia's social geography
- The Riemann-Hilbert approach to exponentially small asymptotics in Painlevé I
- The Riemann-Hilbert Method for Soliton Equations
- The Riemann-Hilbert method. Toeplitz determinants as a case study
- The Riemann-Hilbert method. Toeplitz determinants as a case study
- The rifle, the quill, and the rosary: competing sources of political legitimacy in Mali'
- The rifle, the quill, and the rosary; competing sources of political legitimacy in Mali
- The Right Stuff- Optimizing Community Mobility at Midlife and Beyond
- The Right Stuff? Promising and Failing Technologies for Chemical Sensors
- The Right to Speak: Understanding Student Engagement in Dialogic Instruction
- The rights of sovereignty in early modern political thought
- The Rigid Oceanic Lithosphere: From Production to Destruction
- The rigidity problem for perimeter inequalities under symmetrization
- The rigidity problem for perimeter inequalities under symmetrization
- The rigidity property for the chain complex of a torus in A1-homotopy theory, and the Friedlander-Milnor conjecture
- The ringing response of an offshore concrete structure
- The Rio Trio: climate, biodiversity and desertification and the path to 2030
- The riparian meadows of Cambridge
- The Ripley Scroll unrolled: Alchemy and art in Renaissance Europe
- The rippling instability of icicles
- The rise and decline of European Parliaments 1288-1789
- The rise and fall of commercial surrogacy in Thailand
- The rise of a new syndemic: Characterising the interactions between dementia, infections and socio-economics
- The Rise of Augmented Intelligence in Edge Networks
- The Rise of Augmented Intelligence in Edge Networks
- The rise of biographical fiction in contemporary Modern Greek literature
- The Rise of Data Science: Widows, Slaves and Children
- The Rise of French Existentialism
- The rise of life on land: new insights from exceptionally preserved fossils
- The Rise of Low Voltage Electron Microscopy for Quantum Materials Research
- The rise of machine learning and its relevance for the natural sciences
- The rise of modern physics in Spain: knowledge, power and memory
- The rise of new powers and the challenges of global trade governance
- The Rise of Portable GPU Programming: Experiences Developing GPU-Based Scientific Simulation Applications for Intel, NVIDIA, and AMD GPUs
- The Rise of Self-Driving Labs: Automation of Scientific Workflows with Agentic Artificial Intelligence
- The Rise of the '3D Web'
- The Rise of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission, the OAS and Responses to the Cuban Revolution: Towards a Humanitarian and Geopolitical Genealogy of Human Rights in the Americas
- The Rise of the Silk Roads c. 5,000 years ago: how Earth and Materials Sciences reveal the making of the first global economic network
- The Rise of UKIP and its implications
- The rise of vowel writing and the transmission of writing within and beyond Afroasiatic
- The rise, fall and rebirth of string models of the strong interactions.
- The Rising Crisis of Neonatal Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance in Bangladesh
- The risk of an abrupt climate change: probabilities from a deterministic model using emulators
- The risk of terrorism
- The Risks of Climate Change: What is Plan B? Climate Repair
- The Risky Business of Ground Engineering
- The RLOC is Dead -- Long Live the RLOC
- The RNA takes it all: assembly in human parechovirus’
- The RNA world of germ cells
- The RNAi therapeutics roller coaster
- The RNAissance:Emerging roles for RNA-binding proteins as effectors and regulators of cardiovascular disease
- The road to C4 rice
- The road to Executable Biology
- The Road to Rio: Recommitting to sustainable development
- The road to the structure of the ribosome: A personal account
- The Roadmap Out of Lockdown: Accounting for Behaviour
- The robustness of Agent Based Model solutions
- The robustness of Agent Based Model solutions
- The robustness of CAPTCHAs
- The rock record of fluid-flow, earthquakes, and creep in oceanic transform faults
- The role and molecular mechanism of wound-induced plant electrical signals.
- The Role of Academia in Misinformation 2023: Building Resilience in Information Ecosystems
- The role of adipose tissue innate lymphocytes in regulation of metabolism and weight
- The role of AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies
- The role of AI in decision-making about air pollution emission control decisions
- The role of alexithymia in autism
- The role of ammonia in a future carbon-free energy landscape
- The role of ammonia in a future carbon-free energy landscape
- The role of aneuploidy in tumorigenesis.
- The role of angular momentum conservation in rotating turbulence
- The role of Annexin 1 in [Ca2+]cyt dynamics
- The Role Of Annexin1 During growth and abiotic stress
- The role of atmospheric dynamics in ozone-climate coupling
- The role of attachment in cults and radicalization
- The role of auxin transport in bud activation
- The role of awareness and attention in eye-blink conditioning
- The role of bioturbation in the carbon-sulfur-iron interplay- a lesson from salt marsh sediments
- The role of Birkeland currents in the Dungey cycle
- The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Blood
- The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Blood
- The role of boundary conditions on scaling laws in the Rayleigh-Bénard convection problem
- The role of boundary layer friction in mid latitude weather systems
- The Role of BRT Systems in Tomorrow's Britain
- The role of bubble shape in the coarsening of wet 2d foams
- The role of CCL21 in the development of lymphoid-like stroma and immunological tolerance in tumors
- The role of chance in organisational variation in stage at diagnosis
- The role of Chemical Engineers and Chemical Engineering in the understanding of Global Macroeconomics
- The role of chemistry and oxidants on the forcing from vegetation emissions and the next steps for understanding the atmospheric composition changes and forcing from widespread tree planting
- The role of choanocytes in the sponge stem cell system and their suggested homology with choanoflagellates
- The role of Chrisanthemum virus B p12 in the regulation of plant transcription and supression of RNA silencing.
- The role of climate in shaping human demography and migrations during the out-of-Africa expansion
- The role of cluster evolution in disrupting outer planetary systems via the Kozai mechanism
- The role of compressibility in rotating convection
- The Role of Conceptions of History in Shaping Political Ideas: The Case of the Early-Fourteenth-Century Dominican John of Paris
- The role of consciousness in cognitive control and decision making
- The Role of Constraints in Metabolic Flux Analysis: Applications to Mitochondria in Cardiovascular Disease
- The Role of Constraints in Metabolic Flux Analysis: Applications to Mitochondria in Cardiovascular Disease
- The Role of Consultancies in the UK Nuclear Industry
- The Role of Consumption and Trade Policy for Carbon Neutrality
- The role of contact-dependent antagonism in marine communities
- The role of content-free pointers in online visual memory
- The role of convective chimneys in the Greenland Sea
- The role of convective vortices in accumulating buoyant material in the ocean
- The role of crystal fabric on ice flow and radar stratigraphy near the ice divide
- The role of cucumber mosaic virus 2b protein in subverting plant defensive signalling pathways
- The role of cyclin-kinase inhibitors in the development of cancer
- The role of cystine-knot proteins in vertebrate immunity to Staphylococcus aureus
- The role of cytonemes in cell-cell communication
- The Role of Developing Countries in Energy Disputes at the WTO
- The role of developmental biology in cancer research
- The role of Dicer and miRNAs in regulating neural stem cell multipotency
- The role of Dicer in T cell development
- The role of DNAJB6 in protein Homeostasis
- The Role of Documenting Semantics and Pragmatics in Understudied Languages
- The role of donor involvement in the education sector in Pakistan-This talk has been canceled
- The role of dopamine and seratonin in reinforcement-based learning and adaptation.
- The role of dopamine for the persistence of human long-term memory
- The role of dsRNA in cellular response to genetic change
- The role of dynamic pragmatics in negation processing
- The role of early visual areas in high-level visual cognition
- The role of early-career researchers in changing the culture of scholarly communication
- The role of eddies in the Southern Ocean temperature response to the Southern Annular Mode
- The role of education in peacebuilding: an analysis of five change theories in Sierra Leone
- The role of electrical energy storage in smart grids
- The Role of Embassies in European Climate Diplomacy
- The Role of Empathy in Musical Preferences
- The role of engineering in entering the ecological age
- The role of engineers in development
- The Role of Epithelial Stem Cells in Inherited and Acquired Diseases
- The Role of Evidence in Policy
- The Role of Excitons in the Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
- The role of experience in shaping category selectivity in human ventral visual cortex
- The role of explanation in mathematical research
- The role of exponential asymptotics and complex singularities in self-similarity, transitions, and branch merging of nonlinear dynamics
- The role of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in amyloid β peptide aggregation
- The role of Fam38 in integrin activation and lung cancer
- The role of forests in regulating greenhouse gas emissions from boreal freshwater ecosystems
- The role of FoxN3 in the development of the chondrocranium and associated head muscles in the African Clawed-frog, Xenopus laevis
- The role of frequency in morphological systems
- The role of friction forces in oocyte shape changes
- The role of frustration in cell-fate network dynamics
- The role of fuel cell technology in a low carbon economy
- The role of fungi in self-organisation of the soil-microbe complex
- The Role of G Proteins in Central Regulation of Energy & Glucose Metabolism
- The role of gas flows in driving galaxy evolution: clues from the cold interstellar medium
- The role of gas flows in regulating star-formation
- The role of gas in massive black hole binary mergers
- The role of Gata3 in the emergence of hematopoietic stem cells - a link between the hematopoietic and sympathetic nervous system
- The role of gibberellin in bolting in sugar beet
- The role of gibberellins in the control of bolting and flowering in sugar beet
- The role of glassy aerosol in cirrus ice cloud formation
- The Role of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Growth and Survival of Cancer Cells
- The role of halo formation history and circumgalactic gas expulsion in the evolution of galaxies
- The role of human prefrontal cortex in hierarchical decision making
- The role of human sensory feedback in driving
- The role of humanities in improving the lives of people who suffer from mental illness
- The Role of Hydrogen in the Energy System
- The role of individual differences in defining a species niche
- The role of infectious mammalian prions in disease phenotype
- The Role of Information Measures on the Regularization of Empirical Risk Minimization
- The Role of Initial Experience in the Design of Inclusive User Interfaces
- The role of Innovation and Technology in meeting future Energy Challenges
- The role of Insigs in nutritional sensing and fat accumulation
- The role of inspectors: Juggling expectations?
- The role of instruments in exploration: the RGS and its explorers, c.1830–1900
- The Role of Intellectual Property for Development – Experiences from 20 Years of TRIPS
- The role of international law in socio-ecological resilience to climate change of coastal Arctic communities - An international law study of the case of Arctic bowhead whaling
- The role of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) in early gut immunity against murine norovirus (mnv)
- The role of invariance in learning from random graphs and structured data
- The role of α-synuclein at the pre-synapse
- The role of land for global sustainability and the importance of addressing food demand trends
- The role of language contact in the evolution of an Italian transitional dialect
- The role of language professionals in minority language revitalisation: Variation in rhotic production
- The role of large-scale shear in dynamos driven by rotating turbulent convection
- The role of lateral rheology contrasts in the evolution of mountain ranges
- The role of law in energy transitions: lessons from community renewables
- The role of law in energy transitions: lessons from community renewables
- The Role of Linear Layers in Nonlinear Interpolating Networks
- The role of macrophages in tumour progression and metastasis
- The role of magnetic fields, dust, and radiation in star formation
- The role of mammalian CLpP protease beyond mitochondrial unfolded protein response
- The role of mammalian- and tissue-specific alternative splicing in regulating the function of intrinsically disordered regions
- The role of materials science in sustainable development
- The role of maternal care in mediating offspring behavioural development
- The Role of Medical Imaging Biomarkers in Drug Development
- The role of medium of instruction for multilingual children: a study of primary school children in India".
- The role of mesoscale processes in biogeochemical cycling during the last glacial termination
- The role of meta-learning for few-shot classification
- The role of meta-stable fluids in present-day surface processes on Mars: a laboratory investigation
- The Role of Metalinguistic Awareness in Multilingual Learning and Teaching
- The role of methane for chemistry-climate interactions: rapid radiative adjustments and climate feedbacks
- The role of microbes and microbial metabolites in regulation of host responsiveness
- The role of miRNAs and piRNAs in C.elegans development
- The role of mitochondrial DNA in neuronal development and neurodegeneration
- The Role of Modelling and Economic Analysis in UK Health Policy Decision Making
- The Role of Modern Social Media Data in Surveillance and Prediction of Infectious Diseases: from Time Series to Networks
- The role of molecular imaging in radiation oncology
- The Role of Molecular Orientation in the Growth and Electronic Structure of Device Relevant Organic Films
- The Role of Mononuclear Phagocytes in Sexual Transmission
- The role of moral emotions in crime causation
- The Role of Mucosal Dendritic Cells in Sexual Transmission of HIV
- The role of Muller glia cells in the development and function of the zebrafish retina
- The role of multi-locus models in understanding within-host population dynamics
- The role of myosin VI in connexin 43 gap junction accretion
- The role of national parliaments in post-Lisbon Europe
- The Role of Natural Gas in Europe
- The role of neutrophil-endothelial interactions in modulating lung inflammation
- The Role of News in Commodity and Equity Markets
- The role of nolinearity and fluctuations in the non-reciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model
- The role of nolinearity and fluctuations in the non-reciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model
- The role of nuclear receptors in macrophages, myelin debris clearance, and CNS remyelination.
- The role of nutrients in host-pathogen interactions
- The role of ocean heat transport from the Atlantic into the Arctic Ocean on sea ice variability
- The Role of Oncostatin M Receptor Overexpression in the Tumour Microenvironment of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- The Role of Operating Characteristic in Assessing Bayesian Designs in Pharmaceutical Drug Development
- The Role of Orientational Order in Development
- The role of p-divisible groups - 2
- The role of p-divisible groups -1
- The Role of P13P during initiation of autophagy
- The role of p53 in cell competition and leader cell migration
- The role of packaging in society
- The role of Pax genes in neurogenic placode identity
- The role of perceived injustice in chronic pain: Outcomes, mechanisms, and opportunities for intervention
- The role of percieved coparenting quality for parent & child adjustment
- The role of pets in healthy child development
- The role of photoevaporation in disc dispersal
- The role of pinning-points, marine ice and subglacial channeling in defining the buttressing strength of the Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- The Role of piracy in quantum proofs
- The role of pituitary stem cells in homeostasis and tumour formation
- The role of plate tectonics in controlling paleo climate and ocean circulation
- The role of polar auxin transport in bud activation
- The role of policy in influencing differences between countries in the size of the private rented housing sector
- The role of political foundations in European cooperation and integration
- The role of polo-like kinase in the biogenesis of the Trypanosoma brucei cytoskeleton
- The role of polo-like kinase in the biogenesis of the Trypanosoma brucei cytoskeleton
- The role of popular Islam in Sudan
- The Role of Prediction And Real-time Learning in Online Optimization and Control
- The Role of Prediction And Real-time Learning in Online Optimization and Control
- The role of pressure in an incompressible Euler singularity
- The role of previous social experience on risk-taking and leadership behaviour in three-spined sticklebacks
- The role of psychometrics in the assessment of speech and language difficulties
- The role of pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase in remobilisation of nitrogen from senescing leaves
- The role of radiation in cancer care: a spotlight on cancers of the oesophagus, head and neck
- The role of radiation in cancer care: a spotlight on cancers of the oesophagus, head and neck
- The role of resurgence in QFT and in string theory
- The role of reward in language learning
- The Role of Risk Stratification in Treatment Selection for Patients with Prostate Cancer
- The role of RNA silencing in Arabidopsis defence against the fungal pathogen Verticillium
- The role of SARS-CoV-2 Membrane and Envelope proteins in protective immunity to COVID-19
- The role of SARS-CoV-2 Membrane and Envelope proteins in protective immunity to COVID-19
- The Role of School Principals in Education Reform in Kazakhstan
- The role of scientific advice in developing and delivering international policy
- The Role of SCUBA Galaxies in Galaxy Evolution
- The role of semantic and structural constraints in ellipsis
- The role of sensory dynamics in driver sterring control
- The role of sensory inputs in generating and sustaining cognitive maps
- The role of Short-lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) in the climate system
- The role of sleep and circadian rhythmicity in brain health and cognition
- The role of small non-coding RNAs in mouse primordial germ cell specification and epigenetic reprogramming
- The role of small non-coding RNAs in mouse primordial germ cell specification and epigenetic reprogramming
- The Role of Social Media in Health Prediction and Prevention: Digital Methods in Public Health and Behavior Change
- The role of space in evolution: insights from microbial and viral expansions
- The role of spin-orbit coupling in superconducting In5Bi3
- The Role of spontaneous activity in the developing nervous system
- The role of statistical learning in early generative L2 grammars
- The role of stem cells in the pathogenesis of hepato-biliary cancers
- The role of stigma in the pursuit of personal projects: Implications for the health and well-being of marginalized individuals
- The Role of Stratospheric Polar Vortex Breakdown in Southern Hemisphere Climate Trends
- The role of stratospheric water vapour in climate: radiative and dynamical perspectives
- The role of submodularity in capacity auctions
- The role of sulphur from human emissions in driving climate change
- The role of surface tension in hydrodynamics: a new perspective
- The Role of Sustainable Finance in delivering the Future we Want post Covid 19
- The role of sympatric fruit bats from Ghana in the persistence and zoonotic emergence of henipaviruses and filoviruses
- The role of synchronized and desynchronized oscillations for episodic memory – Association vs information
- The Role of Technology Consultancies in R&D Ecosystems: Case Studies from Medical Devices
- The Role of Technology Consultancies in R&D Ecosystems: Case Studies from Medical Devices
- The role of telomeres and telomerase in stem cell biology, cancer and ageing
- The role of temperament in attention, motor and language development
- The role of temperature and HOS1 in seed dormancy control
- The role of temporal fine structure in the perception of pitch and speech; influences of hearing loss and age
- The role of the Arctic in the development of Soviet climate science
- The Role of the Catholic Church in the Global Governance of Migration
- The role of the cytoskeleton in platelet production and the pathogenesis of platelet disorders in humans and mice
- The Role of the Environment and Structural Transformation in the Quenching of Satellite Galaxies
- The role of the European Union External Action Service in peace, conflict and security
- The role of the European Union External Action Service in peace, conflict and security
- The role of the extracellular matrix as a memory hub to coordinate collective cell behaviour during vascular growth
- The Role Of The Foreign And Commonwealth Office In The UN
- The Role of the Geologist in International Development
- The role of the higher education sector in regional organisations: a case study of the Mercosur Education Sector in Latin America
- The role of the hippocampus in relational memory: Evidence from amnesia and fMRI
- The role of the host and co-infections in Ebola virus disease and its outcome
- The role of the immune system in the dementia of Parkinson's disease
- The role of the KCC transporters in epithelial cancers: evidence for involvement in cell migration, proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition
- The role of the lithosphere in the largest terrestrial lava eruptions
- The role of the media in global health
- The role of the ocean and the atmosphere in the expression of D-O and AIM events in Antarctica: new evidence from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- The role of the oculomotor system in visual attention and visual short-term memory
- The role of the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex in cognitive control: From implementing instructions to cognitive flexibility
- The role of the psychologist in prisons: An historical overview
- The Role of the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Antagonist, Lrig1, in Normal Tissue Homeostasis and Cancer
- The Role of the Social Sciences in Bioethics: Moving the Agenda Forward.
- The role of the subthalamic nucleus in strategic decision-making: A model-based approach
- The role of the subthalamic nucleus in strategic decision-making: A model-based approach
- The role of the ventral pallidum and globus pallidus in motivation and outcome evaluation
- The role of topological constraints on condensed polymers and DNA in human cells
- The role of transcription factors in cancer
- The role of transcription factors in cancer
- The role of transcription factors in cancer
- The role of transcription factors in cancer
- The role of transcription factors in cancer
- The role of transcription factors in cancer.
- The role of transcriptional regulators in extraembryonic cell-fate decisions
- The Role of Turbulence in Star Formation Laws and Thresholds
- The role of twist in shell structures
- The role of UK vets in a global neighbourhood
- The role of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in patient-tailored cardiovascular models
- The role of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in patient-tailored cardiovascular models
- The Role of Values in Animal Cognition Research
- The role of van der Waals interactions and nuclear quantum effects in soft layered materials
- The Role of Venture Capital in the Innovation Economy
- The role of veterinary medicine in the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases
- The Role of Water in Venetian Architecture
- The Role of Women and Women Leaders in African Development
- The role of worms in health and disease: studies from Uganda (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- The role of zinc as a physiologically relevant platelet agonist
- The role played by interactions in the assembly of active colloids
- The roles of arts therapies in secure settings with specific examples from recent music therapy research studies in prisons and high secure forensic settings in China and Europe
- The roles of chromosomal rearrangements and hybridisation in the rapid diversification of Ithomiini butterflies
- The roles of cucumber mosaic virus proteins in modifying plant-aphid interactions in tobacco
- The roles of exciton and molecular diffusion in real-time sensing
- The Roles of Immunity in Influenza Virus Evolution.
- The roles of linguistic knowledge and attention in auditory streaming
- The Roles of the Epilepsy-Associated Kinase CDKL5
- The roles of the interaction between the APC/C and the centrosome in the cell cycle and development in Drosophila
- The Roman and Anglo-Saxon Foundations of Girton Revealed
- The Roman and Islamic Spice Trade: Exploring the Botanical Remains from the Roman and Islamic Ports at Quseir al-Qadim, Egypt
- The Roman tradition and the rebirth of public powers in Europe
- The Romani of Norwegian Travellers: what is lost, what remains
- The Romantic Rollercoaster: exploring expectations evoked on hearing a piece of music for the first time using evidence from a prodigious musical savant
- The root causes of environmental unsustainability
- The roots of change: global change and mycorrhizal symbiosis through the Phanerozoic
- The Roots Of Impermanence; Farm Life, Labour, And Migration On The Zimbabwean-South African Border
- The Roots of Kindness and Well-being: Insights from Psychology, Biology, and Culture
- The Rosalind Franklin Institute: Factor of 10 technologies
- The Rossiter McLaughlin effect reloaded: Convective Problems and New Solutions
- The Rotational Degrees of Freedom of a Granular Packing
- The Rotational Influence on Solar Convection
- The round trip theory for reconstruction of Green's functions at non-excited points
- The route to attosecond light pulses
- The Royal Society Illustrations of Richard Waller
- The Rule by law in Ethiopia: Rendering constitutional limits on government power nonsensical
- The rule of law in Afghanistan. Missing in inaction
- The Rules of Racial Standing: Race and Racism in the Era of the Public Lynching of George Floyd
- The rural imagination: other knowledges as resistance to monocultures of the mind
- The R^2-calculus
- The S Algebra in Self-Dual Yang-Mills: Twistorial and Spacetime Perspectives
- The S-matrix bootstrap revisited
- The S-matrix of the Faddeev-Reshetikhin model, diagonalisability and PT symmetry
- The S-matrix strikes back
- The S5 survey and the discovery of the fastest known hypervelocity star
- The Sabines of the Apennines before the Roman conquest: settlement patterns, culture and society of a mountain community.
- The sacrificial self: recasting renunciation in South Asia
- The SAFE Network from First Principles
- The safety revolution in oceanic shipping, c. 1780-1825
- The Saga of Alemtuzumab in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
- The Saga of the Miles M-52 Britain’s Wartime Supersonic Project
- The Sage Under the Bo: Darwinism and Buddhism in Samuel Beckett's How It Is.
- The Sainsbury Laboratory Computational Workshop
- The Same or Different? Control of flowering time in the model legume Medicago
- The Sami Health Transition - a Success Story in an Indigenous Culture Context
- The Sarkisov program for Mori fibered lc Calabi--Yau pairs.
- The Sassoons: The Great Global Merchants and the Making of an Empire
- The satellites of the Milky Way
- The Sato-Tate conjecture for Hilbert modular forms
- The Saunders Genetics Lecture 2020
- The Saunders Genetics Lecture 2024
- The Saxl graph of a permutation group
- The scale effect of dynamic productive efficiency in China’s power grid sector
- The Scale of Science Panel Discussion
- The Scaling Laws of Human Travel – New Approaches to the Forecast of Epidemics
- The scaling limit of random planar maps with large faces.
- The scaling limit of the 2D discrete Gaussian model at high temperature
- The scaling limit of the KPZ equation in space dimension 3 and higher
- The scaling of the drag force on an accelerating plate
- The Scattering Map on Oppenheimer-Snyder Spacetime
- The sceptical consequences of phenomenal realism
- The Scharnhorst Effect: faster-than-light propagation and causality in the Casimir vacuum
- The Scholarly Publishing System is Broken - Discuss
- The Scholze-Shin conjecture in some cases
- The Schramm-Loewner Evolution and the Gaussian Free Field
- The Schwinger model at 50
- The Science and Beauty of Nebulae
- The Science and Beauty of Nebulae
- The Science and Politics of Food in Human History: Open Knowledge Summer School in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities 2019
- The Science and Practice of Consent
- The Science and Spirituality of Happiness - A Series of Talks
- The Science and Spirituality of Happiness - A Series of Talks
- The Science and Spirituality of Happiness - A Series of Talks
- The Science Behind Mental Health
- The Science of Art
- The science of career success: personality and psychometrics in education and beyond
- The science of childhood: postcolonial development in India, 1950s
- The Science of Chocolate
- The Science of Climate Change
- The Science of Compassion in Healthcare
- The Science of Dishwashing
- The science of Doctor Who
- The Science of E&D: Why equality and diversity benefits us all
- The science of fate, and a science communication Q&A
- The Science of Fireworks and Explosives – Spectacular Chemistry Demonstration Lecture
- The Science of Goo
- The Science of Goo
- The science of guessing
- The Science of Happiness (in-person talk)
- The Science of Happiness (in-person talk)
- The Science of Happiness (in-person)
- The science of horror: post-traumatic stress in children and adolescents
- The Science of Invisibility
- The Science of Invisibility
- The Science of Knowledge Equity - Research at Wikimedia
- The Science of Music
- The Science of Musical Meaning
- The Science of Musical Meaning
- The Science of Pain and its Management
- The Science of Pain and its Management 2016
- The Science of Personality Matching (Meet your Mr./Mrs. Right!)
- The science of philosophy
- The science of pleasure in early modern South Asia
- The Science of Quest
- The Science of Reincarnation
- The Science of Reincarnation (in-person talk)
- The science of saving a species – black-tailed godwits in the UK
- The Science of Scaling Up Emerging Technologies
- The science of self-destruction: animal suicide and the human condition
- The Science of Sexual Orientation
- The Science of Space Weather
- The science of space weather
- The Science of Spinning Things
- The Science of Sword Swallowing
- The Science of Well-Being and its Application to Policy
- THE SCIENCE OF WHISKY - A tasting tour of Scotland's finest
- The Science of Whisky - A tasting tour of Scotland's finest
- The science of wishing: Francis Bacon and the magical optative
- The sciences of subjectivity
- The Scientific Challenges for Fusion Power
- The Scientific Challenges of Fusion Power
- The scientific detection of forgery in paintings
- The scientific legacy of Stephen Hawking
- The scientific method: ignorance, uncertainty, doubt, failure...
- The Scientific Reaction to Nuclear Weapons, 1945-53 or ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb’
- The Scipmen Scribe and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 383
- The scope of OsiriX teaching
- The Scott model of Linear Logic is the extensional collapse of its relational model
- The Scottish critics of Hume and Smith: Maclaine, Reid and Fergsuon
- The Scottish Question and the Break-up of Britain
- The Screening Histories Information Manger (SHIM) Project: linking breast cancer diagnosis and screening information
- The Sculptures of the Lady Chapel, Ely Cathedral
- The Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx): sea-ice deformation in 11 sea-ice models compared to RGPS
- The Search for a New Theory: Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- The search for dark matter
- The Search for Deep Inconsistency
- The search for early psychosis in the community: methodological challenges and conceptual caveats.
- The Search for Earth 2.0
- The Search for Exomoons in Survey and Targeted Observations
- The search for exotic long-lived particles: illuminating a blind spot of the LHC programme
- The search for Gravity Waves in the CMB
- The search for invertebrate consciousness
- The search for neurophysiological biomarkers of dementia using MEG and
- The Search For New Planets
- The Search for Organizing Principles in Cancer Systems Biology
- The search for planets around alpha centauri A and B
- The search for primordial gravitational waves: latest results from BICEP/Keck
- The search for signs of ozone recovery
- The Search for Supermassive Black Holes in the Era of Big Sky Surveys
- The Search for Tbits/in2: Understanding the Fundamentals of Nanomagnetism
- The Search for the Absolute Neutrino Mass
- The search for the exotic in Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory
- The search for the highest redshift quasars
- The search for the optimal supercell
- The Search for Truth in the American Justice System
- The Second Annual Vsesvit Readings in Celebration of Literary Translation
- The Second Cohomology of Special Linear Groups
- The second generation of meta-learning methods
- The second homology group of the Torelli group
- The second language acquisition of tense and aspect: a bidirectional study of L2 English and L2 Japanese
- The second law of thermodynamics and its mesoscopic interpretation
- The Second Laws of Quantum Thermodynamics
- The second messenger concept – how the discovery of cyclic AMP dominated cell biology for 60 years
- The Second World War and the Prospect of Quit India in Bengal: Perceptions, Rumours and Revolutionary Parties
- The Second World War and the Prospect of Quit India in Bengal: Perceptions, Rumours and Revolutionary Parties
- The second-order reduced density matrices and its application to chemistry and physics
- The Secondary Survey
- The secret life of a structural engineer
- The Secret Life of Books: University Library Tour
- The Secret Life of Books: University Library Tour
- The Secret Life of Books: University Library Tour
- The secret life of magma revealed by zoning patterns in volcanic crystals
- The secret life of neural stem cells
- The secret life of sarcomeres: stochastic heterogeneity of sarcomeres in beating stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes
- The secret life of your brain
- The secret lives of the translesion polymerases
- The Secret of China Economics
- The Secret of Contentment (in-person talk)
- The secrets of a plant killer: Evolutionary and functional dynamics of Phytophthora infestans effector genes
- The security cost of cheap user interaction
- The Security of Post-Quantum Telco Networks, or changing 10 billion door-locks in 197 countries
- The Sedgwick in the Galapagos
- The Sedimentary Cycle on Early Mars
- The seed magnetic field generated around recombination
- The seed you need: generation, reproduction and female orgasm in medieval Islamic medicine
- The Segre-Verlinde correspondence for the moduli space of stable bundles on a curve
- The seismogenic and thermal structure of Tibet, and its relationship to regional tectonics
- The Selected Body: Investigating Ideas about Nerves and Constitutions in the Heroic Age of Polar Exploration
- The Self Illusion: Why There is No You Inside Your Head
- The Self Learning Car
- The self-assembly, functionalization and cellular interactions of short amyloid fibril forming peptides
- The self-avoiding walk problem
- The Self-Imposed Isolation of North Korea
- The Self-Renewing Intestinal Epithelium and its Neoplasms: Cellular and Developmental Issues.
- The self-tuning neuron- homeostatic plasticity in visualcortical circuitry
- The semantics and pragmatics of racial and ethnic language: Towards a comprehensive radical contextualist account
- The semantics and unitarity of measurement-based computations
- The semantics of numerical classifiers in Indonesian
- The Semantics of Peace in Early Modern England
- The semantics of poetry: a distributional reading
- The Semantics of Shared Memory in Intel CPU/FPGA Systems
- The Semantics of x86-CC Multiprocessor Machine Code
- The semi-direct product of categories
- The semi-geostrophic system for large-scale atmospheric flows
- The semi-infinite q-boson system with boundary interaction
- The semiclassical limit for eigenfunctions of the laplacian : a survey
- The semiclassical limit of Liouville conformal field theory
- The semicontinuous limit of quantum spin chains
- The semiparametric Bernstein-Von Mises theorem
- The Senescence-Associated Innate Immune Sensors in Tumour Suppression
- The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute: A MacGuffin?
- The sense of smell: from an overlooked research field to new approaches
- The Sensitivity of Antarctic Bottom Water to Changing Surface Buoyancy Fluxes.
- The sensitivity of the human eye to the polarisation of light
- The sensitivity of West Antarctica to the submarine melting feedback
- The Sensory Ecology of Navigation
- The Separate Universe Approach to Soft Limits
- The separation of Britain from mainland Europe in the late Quaternary
- The septin cage: a novel assembly of host defense against cytosolic bacteria
- The Sequel Nobody Wants? The 2024 U.S. Elections, One Year Out
- The Serendipity Engine
- The Servitization of Manufacturing: A New Opportunity or a Poisoned Chalice
- The Servitization of Manufacturing: Technology Enabled Innovation
- The settlement of the poor and the rise of the form
- The seven deadly sins of cloud computing research
- The seven secrets
- The Seven Secrets of Highly Sucessful Students
- The Seventh Sir Edmund Hillary Memorial Lecture
- The Sex Life of Quarks, Gluons and the Higgs Boson
- The Sex Lives of Servant Women in the Early South
- The Shadow of Colonial Justice
- The shadow of slavery: measuring miscegenation in the early 20th century
- The shadow play machine
- The shadowy life of many webcams
- The Shakespeare circle
- The Shanzhai Phenomenon and its Implications
- The Shape and Function of the Nasal Cavity
- The shape of an algebraic variety
- The Shape of Cell Migration
- The Shape Of Everything
- The Shape of Inner Space
- The shape of the conceptual
- The shape of things to come
- The shape of things to come: from small G-proteins to cell polarity, cell-shape dynamics and cell-cell signalling
- The shapes of stalactites and icicles
- The Shared Parenting Debate: will the Children Bill/Act 2103 benefit children in conflicted contact cases?
- The Sharing Economy: An Introduction to Collaborative Consumption
- The sharp threshold for making squares
- The Shear Paradox
- The Sherwood Relics simulations - patchy cosmic reionization and its imprints on the IGM and Lyman-alpha forest
- The Shift and the Shocks: the World Economy after the Crisis
- The Shift in the Balance of Economic and Financial Power: what does it really mean?
- The shifting economies of measurement uncertainty
- The SHIP Experiment
- The shock to reinvigorate medieval economic history?
- The short Arctic summer
- The short- and medium-term impacts of Sure Start on children's outcomes.
- The Siete Partidas: Europe's Earliest Law Codification
- The signal of mantle heterogeneity in Icelandic basalts
- The Signal Protocol for end-to-end encryption in chat clients
- The signature of a path - inversion
- The signature of the Icelandic mantle plume from crust to mid-mantle
- The Significance of Small Things: Towards a History of Dam Building in the Twentieth Century
- The Signorini problem for the heat equation: regularity of the solution and of the free boundary
- The Signorini problem, fractional Laplacians and the language of semigroups
- The Sikhs of Afghanistan: some notes toward a cultural, social and literary history ca. 1600-2012
- The Silence
- The Silent Aircraft Initiative
- The Silicon State
- The Silk Railway
- The simple harmonic urn
- The simple truth about the genetic complexity of schizophrenia
- The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets
- The simulation package GADGET-2 and its applicability to planet-disc systems.
- The Sinews of Sustainable Development: Why the Private Sector is the key
- The single-atom box: bosonic staircase and effects of parity
- The singularity of James Harrington’s political thought: the case for political equality
- The singularity probability of a random symmetric matrix is exponentially small
- The singularity probability of a random symmetric matrix is exponentially small
- The sins of your maternal grandparents: Transgenerational epigenetic effects of folate metabolism on development
- The SINS survey: resolved galaxy kinematics at z~2
- The Size of Capsets
- The size of conjugacy classes of automorphism groups
- The skeleton: connecting galaxy formation to large scale structures
- The Skylon spaceplane
- The Skyrme model and Nuclear Physics
- The SL(2,R) action on Moduli space
- The SL(2,R) action on Moduli space: Mordell Lecture
- The sleeping fly: neural circuits that control behavioral state
- The SLH Formalism and Quantum Feedback Networks
- The slice filtration and slice spectral sequence
- The Slice Method for torsors of algebraic groups
- The slices of KGL over arbitrary bases
- The sliding Couette flow problem
- The Slow Bond Problem
- The slowly evolving background state of the atmosphere
- The small and mighty: the role of microbes and minerals in melting the Greenland Ice Sheet
- THE SMALL BIG, how small changes can make a big difference to your influence
- The smallest possible heat engines and refrigerators
- The smallest unit: Deciphering adaptive immune responses by fate mapping of single lymphocytes
- The smallest unit: Deciphering adaptive immune responses by fate mapping of single lymphocytes
- The smallpox epidemic in 18th-century Tibet: theories, preventions and inoculations
- The Smart Hospital Living Lab
- The smelly beginning: Development of the olfactory network in Drosophila larvae
- The Smooth Representations of GL(2,O)
- The smooth-wall-like behaviour of turbulence over drag-altering surfaces
- The smoothed KPZ equation in dimension three and higher: Edwards-Wilkinson regime of its fluctuations and its localization properties
- The SNO+ Project
- The SnRK1 signaling pathway – connecting environmental stress and plant growth
- The Social and Political Implications of Moral Conviction
- The social and political life of Latin American infrastructures: Insights from the Ecuadorian Andes
- The social biology of sucrose utilization in yeast: I might like you better if we stuck together
- The social brain
- The social brain in adolescence
- The Social Cognition of Misinformation and Implications for Psychological Interventions
- The Social Cost of Carbon
- The social epistemology of the International Panel on Climate Change
- The Social Impact of Automatic Hate Speech Detection
- The Social Impact of Automatic Hate Speech Detection
- The social impacts of using drones for wildlife conservation
- The social incentives hypothesis of political belief polarization
- The social life of Arctic transportation networks
- The Social Life of Digital Libraries: the Second Arcadia Lecture
- The social machine of mathematics
- The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison
- The Social Regulation of Activity and Inactivity
- The Social Stratification of Ur III Umma
- The Social, the Material, and the Ontology of non-Material Technological Objects
- The Socialist Experiment of Yugoslavia: Exploring the Effect of Labour-Managed Socialism on Economic Development
- The Society of Black Archaeologists: Envisioning a Diverse and Inclusive Discipline
- The Socio-Digital Construction of Reality: New Challenges for IS Research
- The Solar Revolution – Who Made It Happen?
- The solar tachocline: An extremely puzzling layer
- The Solaris Project. A Timing Survey For Circumbinary Planets Around Eclipsing Binary Stars with a Global Network of Robotic Telescopes
- The SoLid experiment
- The Solidarity Economy: Nonprofits and the Making of Neoliberalism after Empire
- The solidification of gabbros
- The soliton vs. the gas: Fredholm determinants, analysis and finer details
- The soluble graph of a finite group
- The solution of the Gevrey smoothing conjecture for the fully nonlinear homogeneous Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules
- The solution of the Kadison-Singer Problem
- The solution to the problem of mental causation
- The solutions of Painlevé equations and Fredholm determinants: a Riemann-Hilbert approach
- The solutions of Painlevé equations in terms of Fredholm determinants and consequences.
- The Solvability Complexity Index and Approximations of Spectra of Operators
- The Sonderweg narrative and political thought after the Second World War, 1945-1955
- The Sonderweg narrative and political thought after the Second World War, 1945-1955
- The Song Remains the Same? Aesthetic, Psychological and Technical Aspects of the Audio ‘Loudness War’
- The SORTS project: A co-produced training resource for secondary school staff to provide a supportive response to students who self-harm.
- The Soul Crunch: Islam, Spirituality & Materialism
- The Sound of Beauty
- The sound of climate change
- The sound of noise in auditory midbrain and cortex
- The source of siderophile elements in the silicate Earth – clues from the Archean rock record
- The sources of Charles Darwin's work on animal reasoning
- The sources of Charles Darwin's work on animal reasoning
- The South American Camelids in Peru. Strategies for the Conservation, Genetic Improvement and Sustainable Use
- The South Arabian Origin of Ethiosemitic
- The South Asian Monsoon: A History for the Anthropocene
- The South Asian Monsoon: A History for the Anthropocene
- The South Pole Telescope
- The South Pole Telescope
- The South Sandwich Islands
- The Southern Ocean carbon cycle: Insights from a recently installed atmospheric O2 and CO2 measurement system at the Halley Research Station, Antarctica
- The Southern Ocean in climate models
- The Southern Ocean reveals its climate secrets: Paleotemperature insights from marine sediments
- The Space Age: An introduction to modern nanosatellites
- The Space of Property
- The space of soap bubbles
- The space of traces of certain discrete groups
- The space-use implications of memory in mammals
- The Spaces $H_1$ and $H_{-1}$
- The Spaces Between
- The Spanish Pension System and Great Recession
- The Spanish Pension System, Disability Pensions and Vulnerability
- The Spark of Life
- The Spark of Life - The story of Ion Channels
- The Spark of Life: the story of ion channels
- The Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Dynamic Topography around Australia
- The Spatial Confounding Environment
- The spatial distribution of Italy's population and the emergence of Zipf's Law, 1861-1991
- The Spatial Foundations of the Conceptual System
- The spatial location of Iron Age rock-art sites in Valcamonica
- The spatial organisation of Ras signaling
- The Spatial Rules of Attraction in Petroleum Extraction: An Application of the Ising Model of Ferromagnetism
- The special kind of unpredictability of chaotic systems
- The special science dilemma and how culture solves it
- The Species In Between: Negotiating Animal Belonging in a Changing World
- The Specification of Robust Binary Block Designs Against the Loss of Whole Blocks
- The specificity of face detection in autism
- The spectra of a general class of stochastic climate models
- The spectral Dirichlet-Neumann map for Laplace's equation in a smooth convex domain
- The Spectral Dirichlet-Neumann Map for the Laplace Equation in a Smooth Convex Domain
- The spectral model of gravity coupled with matter and its predictions
- The Spectrum of Neurodiverse Talent in Banking Technology
- The spectrum of simplicial volume
- The spectrum of tightly knotted flux tubes in QCD
- The spectrum of units of a height 2 theory
- The Speed of Bootstrap Percolation
- The Speed of Pathogen Adaptation to Vaccines
- The sperms’ hidden cargo; a distinctive epigenetic signature for the egg?
- The SPHERE project
- The spherical model with two external charges.
- The spherical model with two external charges.
- The spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum as a model to study the ancestral mechanisms of bilaterian metazoan development
- The spin evolution of supermassive black hole
- The spin evolution of supermassive black holes
- The Spinelli Family: A mid-sized Florentine firm’s response to the opening of the Americas and Cape Route trade, 1450-1520
- The Spinor Helicity Formalism
- The Spinor-Helicity Formalism and the Uniqueness of Yang-Mills Theory.
- The Spirit of Inquiry: how the Cambridge Philosophical Society shaped modern science
- The Spirit of Play- An Evening Talk as part of the 'Quality of Life' Series
- The Spiritual Significance of Mistakes
- The Spliceosome: the machine that removes introns from pre-mRNA
- The spoils of El Dorado: Sipán and antiquities trafficking in South America
- The Spoon Lecture: Relativity and Anchors in Time
- The spread of infections on evolving scale-free networks
- The Spread of Recycling in Universities
- The Square Kilometre Array Telescope: Engineering To Reveal Cosmic Origins.
- The SS-Kalender and the Dilemmas of Propagandizing the Volksgemeinschaft, 1938-1944
- The St Petersburg Paradox and other Puzzles From The Past
- The stability analysis of surface water waves
- The stability of buoyancy-driven fluid filled cracks
- The Stability of Dust-Laden Vortices
- The stability of ice sheets: current understanding
- The stability of Minkowski space using the r^p-weighted energy method
- The stability of shear flows at the boundary
- The stability of systems in stochastic feedback loops
- The Stability of the Euler-Einstein system with a positive Cosmological Constant
- The stabilized supralinear network: A simple "balanced network" mechanism explaining nonlinear cortical integration
- The stable module category for infinite groups and some classification theorems
- The Staffordshire Alliance Bridge Monitoring Project - what are we going to do with all this data?
- The Staffordshire Treasure
- The Standard Model as an Effective Field Theory
- The standard model from D-branes in string theory
- The standardisation of Corsican: the polynomic model and speaker attitudes
- The Stapeliads (a digital presentation)
- The Stapeliads (a digital presentation, part 2)
- The Star Formation & Chemical Evolution Timescales of Two Nearby Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
- The Star Formation Histories of M31 Halo Substructures
- The star-crossed stone
- The Stars along the Silk Roads: Astronomers from Central Asia in the Abbasid Court during the ninth century
- The start of the Simons Observatory
- The state and mass of H2 in starbursts: a new emerging view in
the age of ALMA
- The State and Nature of Modern Economics
- The state of PET for experimental medicine in oncology - current challenges
- The state of PET for experimental medicine in oncology - current challenges
- The State of Secondary Level Computer Science Education in the USA
- The State of the Art in (Linux) Congestion Control
- The state of the art, and future, of ancient DNA
- The state of the environment: public health and technology in Renaissance Genoa
- The State of the Union: Checks and Balances Edition
- The State of War
- The State of Wildfires
- The state-market dichotomy, development and transition in Africa
- The statics and dynamics of liquid foam
- The stationary open Gromov-Witten theory of (CP^1,RP^1).
- The Statistical Analysis of Sound and Pictures
- The Statistical Finite Element Method
- The Statistical Finite Element Method
- The Statistical Finite Element Method
- The Statistical Finite Element Method
- The statistical mechanics of single cells
- The statistical model of nuclear fission: from Bohr-Wheeler to heavy-ion fusion-fission reactions
- The statistical physics of swimming algae
- The statistical properties of eigenstates in chaotic many-body quantum systems
- The statistical structure of noise in large neural populations
- The statistics of extreme waves in the coastal zone
- The statistics of nonlinear vibration via the Fokker-Planck equation: an overview
- The Statistics of the Responses of Offshore Structures in Spreading Seas
- The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in Northern Africa
- The status of 3D replicas of human bones and ethical considerations
- The status of 3D replicas of human bones and ethical considerations
- The status of device independent quantum key distribution
- The status of EWK SUSY searches at ATLAS and future prospects
- The Status of Mini-Grids: Are they the 'next' big thing, or an un-economic diversion?
- The status of semantic memory in patients with left vs. right anterior temporal lobe resection
- The Stegosaurian Dinosaurs
- The Stegosaurian Dinosaurs
- The Stellar Halos of the Milky Way as seen by SDSS. The Expanded View
- The stiffness of tensegrity structures
- The Stimulus Effect of the VAT cut - an early assessment
- The stochastic mechanical brain
- The Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamics of Eukaryotic Flagella
- The stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA): a non-perturbative method for incorporating quantum and anharmonic effects into nuclei dynamics from first principles
- The stochastic Strichartz estimates and stochastic nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations driven by Lévy noise in the Marcus canonical form
- The stochastic wave function method for diffusion of alkali atoms on metallic surface
- The Stokes drift of internal gravity waves
- The Stokes-flow parachute of the dandelion fruit
- The stone of heaven: the scientific study of ancient Chinese jades
- The stopped-light laser: an optical black hole on the nanoscale
- The story of a simple universe
- The story of a theorem
- The story of Domenico Veneziano's altarpiece for La Chiesa di Santa Lucia de' Magnoli, Florence
- The Story of FigShare and how to use FigShare in your work and publications.
- The Story of FigShare and how to use FigShare in your work and publications.
- The story of figure 12b - trials, terrors and tribulations in applied systems research
- The Story of Hodge Theory
- The story of jades.
- The story of nature: A human history
- The story of nothing
- The story of our Galaxy, as told by Gaia
- The story of the infinity principles: a link between autism and a person's potential
- The story of the infinity principles: a link between autism and a person's potential
- The story of the infinity principles: a link between autism and a person's potential
- The story of the intracellular recycling factory- mTOR autophagy spatial coupling compartment (TASCC) augments secretory phenotypes
- The Story of the Savage Messiah: Jim Ede and Gaudier-Brzeska
- The story of ultrasound tomography: From mathematical concepts to clinical applications
- The story of what was hidden in our genes
- The Story the Soil tells
- The Straits of Malacca-A Cartographic Journey using Nautical Sea Charts
- The Strange Case of Privacy in Equilibrium Models
- The strange instability of the equatorial Kelvin wave
- The strange secret of cooking: soft foods are energy rich
- The strange tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hunter: the social and professional life of naturalist John Hunter (1728-1793)
- The strange world of AdS2 integrability
- The strange world of low Reynolds numbers: Fluiddynamics at the micron scale
- The strange world of low Reynolds numbers: Fluiddynamics at the micron scale
- The strange world of low Reynolds numbers: Fluiddynamics at the micron scale
- The strangeness of Andromeda II
- The Stranger Within Me
- The strategic use of ART
- The Strategy Challenge in Computer Algebra
- The stratified inclined duct: what we have learned about stratified turbulence in a maintained shear flow
- The Stratigraphy of Serendipity
- The stratosphere and climate
- The stratospheric polar vortex, El Nino and tropospheric weather and climate
- The streamlined cognitive walkthrough method, working around social constraints encountered in a software development company
- The strength and stiffness of jacked piles in sand
- The Strength of Broken Glass
- The strength of gravity and models of particle physics
- The Strengthening of Docklands Light Railway
- The Strengths of Strangers: The Unrecognized Role of Outsider-Insiders in Influencing Organizational Change Processes
- The string density problem and the Camassa-Holm equation
- The string group and vertex algebras
- The string landscape and our universe
- The String Theory Swampland
- The structural and mechanistic basis for Rab cycling and targeting
- The structural basis of inherited heart disease
- The Structural Basis of Ubiquitin Signalling
- The structural chemistry of nano-FeS and ferrihydrite
- The Structural Engineering behind the Olympic Opening Ceremony
- The structural mechanics of crystals
- The structural nature of global supply chain emissions and the potential influence of regions, industries and enterprises
- The structural performance of GRFP sandwich panels subjected to combined thermal cycling and load
- The structural plasticity of the Zika virus genome in human cells
- The structural polymorphism of alpha-synuclein in conditions resembling the cellular environment
- The structure and decay of turbulence at high-Reynolds-numbers
- The Structure and Dynamics of Halo Nuclei
- The structure and dynamics of networks
- The structure and form of dative arguments in three varieties of Pontic Greek
- The structure and function of visual working memory
- The structure and lifecycle of stratified mixing in forced shear flows
- The structure and logic of axis extension in Drosophila
- The structure and mechanism of mitochondrial complex I
- The structure and organisation of photosynthetic membranes
- The structure and origin of confined Holmboe waves
- The structure of (mostly dark) halos
- The structure of almost every graph in a hereditary property
- The structure of approximate Abelian groups
- The structure of cubespaces attached to minimal distal dynamical systems
- The Structure of Extreme Level Sets in Branching Brownian Motion
- The structure of galactic thick disks
- The structure of genotype-phenotype maps makes fitness landscapes navigable
- The Structure of Induced Simple Modules for 0-Hecke Algebras
- The structure of large graphs
- The structure of noncontextuality, in particular for the stabilizer subtheory
- The Structure of Poly(A) Determines Deadenylation Specificity
- The structure of predictability in an intermediate-complexity atmospheric model: covariant Lyapunov vectors and finite-time Lyapunov exponents
- The structure of simple nuclear C*-algebras: a von Neumann prospective
- The structure of structure: how Kuhn establishes that science requires historical explanation
- The structure of subset sums in higher dimensions
- The structure of supergravity
- The structure of the interstellar medium as probe of the baryonic physics of galaxy evolution
- The structure of the parietal VSTM representation features, objects and space
- The structure of the proton and the exploration of the high-energy frontier
- The structure of the velocity and passive scalar mixing in a multiple opposed jets reactor
- The structure of tubulin and the control of microtubule assembly
- The structure of Weihrauch degrees
- The Structure-Adaptive Acceleration of Stochastic Proximal Gradient Algorithms
- The Structured Oil in Creams
- The structures of induction and co-induction.
- The Struggle for EU Legitimacy: Public Contestation, 1950-2005
- The Struggle for Meaning in Post-Assadist Syria
- The study of malaria parasite epigenetics: a maze or a path to novel therapies?
- The study of single macromolecules
- The Stylistics of Memory
- The sub 2-hour marathon: What does the future hold?
- The Sub-grid scale gradient model: a numerical technique for accurate MHD Large Eddy simulations (Contributed speaker)
- The subgroup structure of almost simple groups, I
- The subgroup structure of almost simple groups, II
- The subjectivity of early modern knowledge in the Garden of Life
- The Sublimity of Sublimating Ice: Ruins of the Anthropocene
- The Submillimetre Properties of Lyman Break Galaxies
- The substrate and function of mitochondrial ABC transporters involved in Fe-S metabolism
- The substrate and function of mitochondrial ABC transporters involved in Fe-S metabolism
- The subterranean influence of pragmatism on the Vienna Circle: Peirce, Ramsey, Wittgenstein
- The subtle intermittency of elastic turbulence
- The subtle intermittency of elastic turbulence
- The Subtle Road to Equilibrium in the FPUT Model
- The subtle science of uncertainty
- The success and challenges of grassroots conservation initiatives in the Amazon
- The SUDOKU Coding Project
- The SUDOKU Coding Project
- The SUDOKU Coding Project
- The Suffolk clothier in the age of Henry VII
- The suitability of the effective wavefield as a tool to predict wave attenuation over long distances
- The sum-of-squares for fermionic systems, and the SYK model
- The summative assessment of individuals’ contributions to collaborative creative processes: Where angels fear to tread?
- The Sun: Inside Out
- The SuperB Project
- The Supercloud: Opportunities and Challenges
- The Superconducting Motor with Its Perspective
- The superconformal bootstrap
- The superconformal index of the (2,0) theory with defects
- The supermarket food environment and the promotion of healthier purchasing behaviour
- The supernatural world of Teresa de Ávila: éxtasis y visiones en el siglo XVI
- The supersymmetric nuts and bolts of holography
- The Support of Mountains and the Survival of Ancient Continental Cratons
- The suppression of marine ice sheet instability
- The suppression of Rossby wave generation on the polar vortex following major sudden stratospheric warmings
- The suprachiasmatic body clock: circadian genes, cells and circuits
- The suprachiasmatic nucleus: the brain's circadian clock
- The Supramolecular Chemistry of the Homeopathic Remedy
- The surface category and tropical curves
- The surface of cuboids and Siegel modular threefolds
- The surprising evolution of TTG1-WDR proteins
- The Surprising Pass-Through of Solar Subsidies
- The surprising relationship between Lyman break galaxy spectroscopic features, environment, and kinematics
- The Surprising Simplicity of Scattering Amplitudes
- The surprising structure of Gaussian point clouds and its implications for signal processing
- The surprising subtleties of changing emotional memory
- The Surprising Universe
- The surreal numbers
- The Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES): a population study of language impairment at school entry
- The Surrey Morphology Group's Canonical Method
- The sustainability of past and present agricultural landscapes
- The Sustainability of Standardisation – how to mass manufacture residential buildings?
- The Sustainable Mobility Paradigm
- The SUSY breaking scale and F-theory unification
- The sweatshops of the consumer revolution. Economic growth, social inequality and material culture in Flanders and Brabant (c.18)
- The Swedish model for CVD prevention: Public Health cultivation combined with individual health dialogues in Primary Care
- The Swedish model for CVD prevention: Public Health cultivation combined with individual health dialogues in Primary Care
- The sweet and sour attraction of microbes to mucin: a biochemical and structural perspective
- The sweet growth of plant cells. New players on the O-glycosylation pathway of cell wall glycoproteins.
- The sweet smell of E. coli division
- The sweet smell of E.coli division
- The Swendsen-Wang algorithm (tutorial), and the "Baby and Toy" algorithm
- The switch from choice to commitment: an example from HIV
- The Sylvester equation, Cauchy matrices and matrix discrete integrable systems
- The Sylvester-Gallai Theorem
- The synapse-level wiring diagram of a center for learning and memory, the insect mushroom body
- The syntactic mismatch negativity (sMMN) in second language speakers and potential behavioural correlates
- The syntax and semantics of -τος adjectives in Ancient Greek
- The Syntax of Meteorology
- The Syntax/Semantics Interface
- The synthetic aspects of polyelectrolyte brushes
- The Syria series ‘War, disasters and data: the need for an evidence-based humanitarian response’
- The Syria Series: War, disasters and data: the need for an evidence-based humanitarian response
- The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Depression
- The system-size expansion of the chemical master equation: developments in the past 5 years
- The Systems Approach within Patient Safety: Progress and Prospects
- The systems neuroscience of human memory
- The systems neuroscience of human memory
- The systems-level neuroscience of human memory
- The systems-level neuroscience of human memory
- The systems-level neuroscience of human memory
- The T cells that nature didn't select
- The Tails of Heine (abridged): On German Jews, Rat-los before Emancipation
- The tale of Mis and Dub Ruis: antecedents and contemporary contexts
- The tale of two halos: a couple of super cool results from the Gaia DR2
- The taming of the tape spring: Practical methods for storing and deploying structural flexible tubes
- The Tang dynasty and its place in the grand narrative of Chinese history
- The Tangent Bundle of a Microlinear Space
- The tangential Kohn Laplacian via conformal equivalence
- The Tangled World of Reactive Oxygen Species: the Search for the Bad Actors in Ambient Particles
- The tao of conference organisation
- The TAP-Plefka variational principle for mean field spin glasses
- The Tarantula Nebula - A template for extragalactic star forming regions
- The Tastes of Wine: Towards a Cultural History
- The Tate sphere and duality
- The tau-function of the quadrilateral lattice as Fredholm determinant within the nonlocal D-bar dressing method
- The taut spectrum and the Eilenberg-Ganea problem
- The Taxonomy of Spin Precession in Binary Black Holes
- The Tay Bridge Disaster reconsidered: Act of God or Gross negligence?
- The tea bowl: East and West
- The tea plant, Camellia sinensis: its origin and introduction into human culture
- The Teaching System
- The Technical Roadmapping of Organic Electronics
- The Technical, Environmental and Economic Implications for Power Systems of Phasing Out Coal and Nuclear
- The technocratic empiricism of the Obama administration
- The technological singularity: superintelligent machines and the future of humanity
- The technology and commercialisation journey of Evonetix
- The Technology of Polychrome Glazed Ceramics in Tunisia: New data from Chimtou
- The Teenagers in Leisure Time (TiLT) study – A cluster analysis of adolescent screen time and sport participation
- The Teichmueller lego
- The telescope that keeps on giving
- The telescope, Siderius Nuncius, the Letter on Sunspots. (4/8)
- The Temperature of the Emptiest Regions of the Universe
- The temperature of the IGM after patchy hydrogen reionization
- The temperature of the top of the mantle
- The Temperley-Lieb category in operator algebras and in link homology
- The Temperley-Lieb category in operator algebras and in link homology
- The tempo of modernity: rethinking the history of modern time
- The Ten Perfections in Theravada Buddhism
- The Tendency of Chinese Thoughts after the Rise of China (在世俗化与复魅之间:西藏现代性的两难境地)
- The Tension Between Necessity and Ethics: The Development of Confucian Political Thought of Chosŏn Korea
- The tensor graphical lasso (Teralasso)
- The Tenth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film
- The Tenth Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film
- The ternary Goldbach conjecture
- The terrestrial globe under globalisation
- The TES instrument on NASA Aura.
- The Tether Solution
- The Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes
- The Teukolsky equations in Kerr-Newman spacetime
- The Texas blackouts and generation adequacy challenges in Britain
- The textualist orthodoxy of the Victorian treatise on statute law
- The textured response of nematic elastomers and other strange solids
- The thaw in the Pole: Cold War science and showcasing at the Siberian science-city and Antarctic expeditions (1955–1964)
- The Theatre and the State in Ireland
- The theatre of science vs the science of theatre: thinking about 18th century experimental performance
- The Theorem of Archimedes
- The Theory and Practice of Compositional Distributed Semantics
- The Theory Behind Co-evolution Based Methods for Protein Structure Analysis
- The Theory behind TheoryMine
- The Theory of Democracy and the Legacy of Juan J. Linz
- The Theory of Inference in Crisis [Leverhulme Lectures in Philosophy]
- The theory of measurement and the origin of randomness.
- The Theory of Optimum Financial Areas: Retooling the Debate on the Governance of Global Finance
- The theory of single molecule force and fluorescence spectroscopy
- The theory of the 2-d ising model is nothing but the theory of elliptic curves
- The Theory Theory 2.0: Bayesian models, causal inference and cognitive development
- The theory-led hunt for extreme materials
- The Thermal Casimir Effect, Soap Films and the Schrodinger Functional
- The thermal history of the Intergalactic Medium
- The thermodynamic limit of coulomb quantum systems
- The thermodynamics of disc fragmentation and the properties of the objects produced
- The thermostated dynamical systems approach to nonequilibrium steady states
- The Thesan Project - simulating the high redshift Universe
- The Thinking Machine?
- The Third Anglo-Afghan War, 1919
- The Third Annual Sir John Walker Lecture: "HUMAN OBESITY: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES"
- The Third Annual Vsesvit Readings in Celebration of Literary Translation
- The Third Earl of Shaftesbury and the Defence of Humane Learning
- The Third Euroacademia International Conference ‘Re-Inventing Eastern Europe’
- The third law of black hole thermodynamics: Goodbye and good riddance
- The Thom isomorphism
- The Thorn Programming Language: Robust Distributed Scripting
- The Thorpe family, their arms and Cambridge University
- The thought of poetry and its institutional discontents
- The thoughts and brain activity of taxi drivers navigating in London
- The threat of ice crystals for civil aviation
- The Threat of Love, or, Why Everyone Should Run Away From Cupid
- The threat of pandemics
- The Three Illusions of Self in the Path of Non-self
- The Three Pillars of Liberalism: Freedom, Markets, and Morals from the Enlightenment to the Present
- The three Rs of innate immune recognition: Toll like receptors (TLRs), RIG-like receptors (RLRs) and Nod-like receptors (NLRs)
- The Three Ts of Virulence Evolution during Zoonotic Emergence
- The three-dimensional morphology and topology of dendritic mushes
- The threefold way to quantum periods: q-WKB periods, TBA and q-Painlevé equations
- The thresholds of an excitable system
- The thymus: 500 million years in the making
- The tidal stream power industry
- The tides of democracy: shipyard workers and social relations in Britian, 1870-1950
- The tides of moving objects
- The Tiger and the Unicorn: investigating the significance of images on Indus seals
- The tight knot spectrum in quantum chromodynamics
- The Timbuktu Manuscripts: Economic, Political and Scientific Stakes. Some Reflections about a Media Buzz
- The time-course of response inhibition revealed by an examination of movement trajectory
- The Timeless Appeal of Technocracy in Global Governance
- The Timeless Appeal of Technocracy in Global Governance
- The Timescale Dynamics of Epilepsies: From Seconds to Decades
- The timing and nature of early land plant evolution
- The timing and rate of deglaciation along the north Svalbard margin
- The Timing Argument and the M31 Satellites
- The timing of cell divisions underlies developmental patterning in Arabidopsis
- The timing of cirque glaciation in western North America revisited: No Neoglacial in the U.S. Cordillera?
- The Tipping Point: Human Behaviour and the Takeoff Phenomenon of New Technologies
- The title of my presentation is: Evaluation of lymph node metastasis in patients with mast cell tumors
- The tmf-based Adams spectral sequence for Z
- The Tock Tick of Senescence
- The TOI-561 system: a low density ultra-short period super-Earth and three mini-Neptunes
- The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (CANCELLED)
- The Tokyo 2020 Track Bicycle - Tony Purnell, British Cycling
- The Top/Higgs gateway to new physics
- The topography of decline: Gibbon and the city of Rome
- The topological equivalence of the yeast chromosome centromere and the yeast plasmid partitioning locus
- The Topology of Contextuality
- The topology of intertheoretic reduction
- The topology of moduli spaces
- The topology of smectics
- The topology of the contracting boundary of a group
- The topology of the Gelfand–Zeitlin fiber
- The topology of the Hitchin map
- The Topsy-Turvy Arctic: Navigating the Polar Airspace
- The Tornado Story: From Dream to Steam
- The Tortoiseshell Cat in the Junk Yard
- The Total Archive: Dreams of Universal Knowledge from the Encyclopaedia to Big Data
- The total domination game and the 3/4 Conjecture
- The Toxoplasma acrobat: combining biophysics and real time imaging to decode Toxoplasma top gliding performance
- The trace reconstruction problem
- The trace reconstruction problem
- The Trade-Sustainable Development Nexus
- The tradeoff governing efficient language model architectures
- The Tragic Vision of the Civil Rights Movement
- The training and practice of English medical professionals in ophthalmia neonatorum, c. 1900–13
- The Trans-Sahara Project. State Formation, Migration and Trade in the Central Sahara (1000 BC – AD 1500)
- The transcription factor SRF directs developmental and adult brain plasticity.
- The transcriptional battle between phage and host in the Pseudomonas phage infected cell
- The Transfer Matrix Method revisited: computations and applications to dynamics
- The Transformation of International Economics during the Great Depression
- The transformation of the costs of children and its impact on reproductive behaviour: a comparative analysis of the second demographic transition in Switzerland
- The Transformation of the Media Business
- The transformation of the urban epidemiological regime in north west Europe, 1700-1850
- The transformation of Turkey from Empire to Republic
- The Transformational Role of Plants in Meeting the Zero Hunger Challenge
- The transformative capacity of play and the arts for learning and student engagement: implications for pre-service teacher education
- The transformative genome engineering technology CRISPR-Cas9: lessons learned from bacteria
- The transgressive other: How wolves in Albania become Albanian wolves
- The Transient Localization Scenario for Charge Transport in Crystalline Organic Materials
- The transient response of ice-shelf melting to ocean change
- The transient response of ice-shelf melting to ocean change
- The transiting dust clumps of a young Sun like star
- The Transition from Fossil Fuels
- The transition from secondary school to university mathematics: the case of proof
- The Transition Journey: From oil dependency to local resilience
- The transition to a forested planet: Devonian forest ecosystems in New York and Svalbard
- The Transition to Agriculture at the edges of Eurasia ~ Neolithisation in the British Isles and the Jomon-Yayoi transition ~
- The Transition to Agriculture at the edges of Eurasia ~ Neolithisation in the British Isles and the Jomon-Yayoi transition ~
- The transition to dripping of an inverted liquid film
- The transition to motherhood in a disadvantaged borough: Placing social class and ethnicity in context
- The transitions of the Arab Spring
- The translation of discovery research with nanostructured bio-minerals: from Cancer to Crohn’s disease’
- The translational journey of quorum sensing inhibition approach to managing chronic bacterial infections: a case study.
- The Translational Response to Amino Acid Starvation in S. Pombe
- The transmission of French in pre-modern England: bilingualism, contact and death
- The transparent editorial process, data reproducibility and research integrity at EMBO Press
- The transport mechanism of mitochondrial carriers based on an analysis of symmetry
- The transport Oka-Grauert principle for simple surfaces
- The transverse arch of human foot
- The travails of a migrating concept - art in the crossfire between the 'religious' and the 'aesthetic'
- The TRD Method for In Situ Mixed Vertical Barriers in Dams and Levees
- The treatment of turbulence in engineering simulations
- The Treaty of Westminster: a turning point for the Anglo Iberian trade in the late 15th century?
- The tree of life: algorithmic and software challenges
- The tree property (session 1)
- The tree property (session 2)
- The tree property (session 3)
- The Trees our Teachers – Lessons from Biblical History and Modern Landscapes
- The Trefethen Effect
- The trials and tribulations of school based cluster randomised controlled trials to improve dietary quality in children
- The trials and tribulations of using field deployable genomics during epidemic response
- The tribulations of suspended agency: bordedom in Inner Mongolia
- The Triple Helix Cambridge Presents: "Are We Alone in the Universe?"
- The Trireme (and Salamis): oh, and the Greeks were just a philosophical people (not)
- The Trireme (and Salamis): oh, and the Greeks were just a _philosophical_ people (not)
- The Triumph of Music
- The Triumph of Venus by Rubens
- The Trojan War: Then and now
- The Trolley Problem: Has the Obsession with Sacrificial Dilemmas Derailed Moral Psychology?
- The Tropical Tropopause Layer
- The tropical vertex
- The Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: A community-wide effort to quantify tropospheric ozone in a rapidly changing world
- The Trouble With Physics
- The troublesome kernel — On AI generated hallucinations in deep learning for inverse problems
- The true cost of OTC derivatives
- The true story of the group now known as Pixar
- The truth about finite group orbifolds
- The Truth About Food
- The Truth about Money: How to make it a Force for Good
- The trypanosome outer kinetochore and what it means for chromosome segregation across eukaryotes
- The TTG window and the formation of Earth’s earliest continental crust.
- The Tumour Suppressor p53: Structure,Function-Rescue
- The Tunisian Crisis
- The turbulent brain: Discovering the homogeneous, isotropic functional core organisation of the brain
- The turbulent diffusion and large-scale magnetic field in 2D MHD
- The Turbulent Environment of Planet Formation
- The turbulent equilibration of an unstable baroclinic jet
- The turbulent tale of Richard Burton, an armchair, and the Hakluyt Society: a story of nineteenth-century geography and the materialities of exploration
- The Turing trap. How the universal computer is making the internet less secure.
- The Twentieth Century as the Age of Internationalism
- The twistor geometry of a family of Schrödinger equations
- The twistor theory of the Chen-Teo metric
- The Two Conflicting Narratives of Metal-Optics; aka Plasmonics
- The two cultures controversy: science, literature and cultural politics in postwar Britain
- The two hit hypothesis and other simple theories of cancer
- The two lives of Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues: picturing plants in the 16th century
- The Two Puzzles of Social Democracy: How it Confutes Market Doctrines
- The Two Types of El Nino and Their Consequences
- The two-hit hypothesis and other mathematical models of cancer
- The two-hit hypothesis and other mathematical models of cancer
- The two-timescale response of Antarctic ocean and sea-ice cover to wind changes: a follow-up
- The type VI secretion system: a bacterial killing machine and an inspiration for new drug targets
- The typical and atypical development of the human social brain
- The typical and atypical development of the human social brain
- The typical and atypical development of the human social brain.
- The typical Turing degree
- The Typology of Noun Phrase Structure from a Processing Perspective
- The Tyranny of a Concept: the Origins of the European Marriage Pattern
- The ubiquitin pathway in host-parasite interactions
- The ubiquitous acoustic bubble: a brief introduction
- The UK AI Safety Institute
- The UK and Cambridge Housing crises: an Open Dialogue
- The UK and the EU: the law and the politics
- The UK Atomic Energy Authority: Bringing Fusion Power to the Grid
- The UK constitution: reform, reject or reinvigorate?
- The UK constitution: reform, reject or reinvigorate?
- The UK Nuclear Road Map
- The UK Space Agency
- The UK's approach to plutonium disposition
- The UK'S facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements
- The UK's national coupled climate model, HadGEM3, and its application to understanding Antarctic sea-ice variability
- The UK's National Industrial Symbiosis Programme
- The UK's Status in the WTO after Brexit
- The UK10K Cohorts Project: Rare variant analysis by whole genome sequencing in 3,621 samples
- The UK’s disappearing wartime imports 1939-1945: a statistical, ideological, and historiographical accounting
- The UK’s future in Europe: Implications for Ireland
- The UKHSA/University of Cambridge Real-time Pandemic Modelling Project
- The ultra-massive black hole candidate in NC1277: X-ray emission and implications
- The ultradense, interacting environment of a dual AGN at z ∼ 3.3 revealed by JWST/NIRSpec IFS
- The ultrafast trap of an aquatic carnivorous plant
- The Ultraluminous State
- The ultrametric topology perspective on analysis of massive, very high dimensional data stores
- The Ultrastructure of Retinal Circuitry in Health and Disease
- The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of chlorine peroxide (ClOOCl) and implications for polar ozone chemistry
- The UN Global Compact (2000-2010): What Has Been Achieved?
- The Unanticipated Pleasures of the Writing Life
- The unbreakable lightness of single neuron non-linearities in learning
- The Uncertain Position of Syrian Men in the Refugee Response
- The Uncertainty in the Milky Way's Parameters
- The underexplored frontier of ice giant dynamos (Invited speaker)
- The undernourished child with an overweight mother: a statistical artifact or an emerging public health concern?
- The Underpass: Urban Experience in Swedish Young Adult Literature 1890–2010
- The Undiscovered Continents of Human Potential
- The uneven impact of welfare reform on Britain's older industrial regions
- The Unexceptional State: Rethinking the State in the Nineteenth Century (France, United States)
- The Unexpected Side of Entropy
- The Unexpected Side of Entropy
- The Unexpected Side of Entropy
- The Unfalsifiability of security claims
- The Unhelpful Habit of Being Judgemental
- The Unholy Trinity: Neuroscience, Comedy and Skepticism
- The Unhomely Home and the Legal Uncanny: Expropriation and Affect in Northern Cyprus
- The unification of Mathematics via Topos Theory
- The unified neutral theory of biodiversity
- The Unified Transform for Wave Scattering
- The Unified Transform, Imaging, Asymtotics
- The Unified Transform, Medical Imaging, Asymptotics of the Riemann Zeta Function: Part I
- The Unified Transform, Medical Imaging, Asymptotics of the Riemann Zeta Function: Part II
- The uniform boundary condition and simplicial volumes
- The uniform spanning forest of planar graphs
- The uniform spanning forest of planar graphs
- The Unintended Outcomes of Institutionalising Ethnicity: The Case of Maori Education in New Zealand
- The unique games conjecture and polynomial optimization
- The unique retina of the elephant nose fish - a bio-physical project
- The uniqueness of downtown Yangon
- The unitary Fermi Gas
- The Unit’s first 50 years: Some science, some history and some tales
- The Unit’s first 50 years: Some science, some history and some tales
- The United States of Europe, 1848–1914
- The United States of Europe: myth or reality?
- The United States of Europe: myth or reality?
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 60 and beyond: Adapting to climate change, resource scarcity and human (in)security.
- The universal loop space operad and generalisations
- The Universal One-Loop Effective Action
- The Universality of the Globular Cluster Mass Function - Can Dynamical Evolution be Ruled Out?
- The Universality Phenomenon - Dr Roland Bauerschmidt (DPMMS)
- The Universe's most extreme star-forming galaxies
- The University and Radical Change
- The University Art Museum - What Difference Does it Make?
- The University in the Face of a Pharmacology of the Mind
- The unknowable, the new reformation, and the rationale for religious freedom: the place of religion in Spencer's philosophy
- The Unlearning Problem(s)
- The unlikely roles of horses in criminal justice
- The unnatural history of natural history museums
- The unquiet neighbour: how the LMC bugs the Milky Way
- The unreasonable effectiveness of Nonstandard Analysis
- The Unsung Heroes of the Discovery of the Double Helix
- The Unusual Birth of the Hero in Indian Mythology
- The unusual phase boundary of the magnetic-field-tuned valence transition in CeOs4Sb12
- The unusual reactivity inside the supramolecular resorcinarene capsule catalyst – from terpene cyclizations to glycosylations
- The upgrade of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the High-Luminosity LHC
- The upland exchange: village life in natural history, 1771–1832
- The upper bound on the lowest mass halo
- The upper troposphere/lower stratosphere and its role in chemistry-climate coupling
- The ups and downs of budding yeast's transport of glucose
- The ups and downs of coenzyme A biosynthesis as an antimicrobial drug target
- The ups and downs of coenzyme A biosynthesis as an antimicrobial drug target
- The ups and downs of oscillatory quadrature methods
- The Upside of Down. An optimists view on creating a democracy and why we need to. A talk by Peter Macfadyen
- The urban formation process of China’s treaty ports, 1840s-1940s: Case studies of Shanghai and Tianjin
- The US Government's volunteer-based approach to facilitating development: Water and sanitation examples from Panama
- The Usability of Security: A Panel Discussion
- The use of 'Value' in Mathematics Education: Cultural- Historical Activity Theory Meets Bourdieu
- The use of a power law global error model for the identification of differentially expressed genes in microarray data
- The use of autologous products in conjunction with a biosynthetic osteochondral scaffold to enhance healing in an in vivo large animal osteochondral repair model.
- The use of baseline covariates in cross-over studies
- The Use of Carbon Nanotubes as Electron Sources for Electron Microscopes
- The use of chirped fibre Bragg grating sensors to monitor disbond growth in bonded composite structures
- The use of compassion and cooperation in delivering improved public health for communities
- The use of conservation drines for monitoring wildlife and its habitat
- The use of conservation drones for monitoring wildlife and its habitat
- The Use of Cucurbit[8]uril for Gold Nanoparticle Self-Assembly in Water
- The Use of Deep Learning in Spoken Dialogue Systems
- The use of delays in modelling and simulation of biochemical reaction systems and exact model reduction
- The Use of Evidence to Improve Education and Serve the Public Good
- The use of facial expression to assess pain in sheep.
- The Use of Forensic Databases in Forensic Casework
- The use of French in Canada
- The use of glass envelopes for building stability - Glass panel under shear loading
- The use of global modes to understand transition and perform flow control
- The use of H atom band structures in the first principles determination of H atom surface diffusion
- The use of innovative optimisation methods in computational mechanics: Application to structures, material processing technologies and constitutive models
- The use of madness: on Darwinism and psychiatry
- The Use of Madness: On Darwinism and Psychiatry
- The use of marine geophysical data to investigate the climate and environment of the Quaternary
- The use of marine geophysical data to investigate the climate and environment of the Quaternary
- The use of multi-parametric maps (MPMs) in ageing research
- The use of psychedelics in ancient Asia and Greece
- The use of recent advances in electron microscopy to study the ribosome
- The use of sculpture at Villa Adriana
- The use of social information for resource detection – a case study using white-backed vultures
- The use of survey weights in regression modelling
- The use of Taylor impact for validating material constitutive models
- The use of the Moon as a Particle Detector
- The use of think-aloud protocols to explore educators’ understandings of contested concepts
- The use of wigs and extensions in Afro hairdressing
- The usefulness of Bayesian optimal designs for discrete choice experiments
- The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge
- The Uses and Abuses of Opinion Polling - Workshop 1
- The Uses of History in Whitehall
- The Uses of Memory in the Early Middle Ages
- The usual understanding of Cooper pair condensation seriously questioned physically and mathematically
- The utility of simple climate models
- The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics
- The v Jastrow factor
- The Vagrancy of Economic Invisibility
- The validation of general qualifications
- The valuation of very long term liabilities (provisional title)
- The valuation space of an isolated singularity
- The Value and the Limitation of a Data Driven System for Making Decisions on Places
- The Value and the Limitation of a Data Driven System for Making Decisions on Places
- The Value for Medical and Public Health Decisions of Adding Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Data to a Model for Breast Cancer Risk
- The value of CStat
- The Value of Data
- The Value of Data
- The Value of Errors in Proofs
- The value of fieldwork in History of Science and Medicine
- The value of goods and value of people. Assessing urban fiscal policies in late medieval Italy
- The value of high resolution remote sensing to understand forests
- The Value of Intelligent Products in Supply Chain Management
- The value of land, planning controls and the assessment of development
- The Value of Languages: Towards a UK Strategy for Languages
- The Value of Metabolomic Biomarkers in UK Biobank – Molecular Insights and Health Screening Opportunities
- The Value of Monitoring Information in Decentralized Power System Maintenance
- The Value of Regulation and Reputation: Going Public in London and Berlin, 1900-1913
- The value of student projects in autism research: Findings from studies of disordered eating, gender identity, and career choice
- The Variability of Accreting Black Holes
- The variability of the Southern Ocean’s circulation and carbon cycle: New insights from autonomous observations
- The Variance Risk Premium
- The Vav1 nucleotide exchange factor: from structure to function
- The vector leptoquark solution to B-anomalies: from EFT to UV
- The velocity structure and micro-seismicity of the Askja central volcano, Iceland
- The Venerable Mina Smallman in conversation with Shahida Rahman
- The Verlinde formula for Higgs bundle moduli spaces
- The vertex-reinforced jump process with long-range interactions
- The very real problem of imaginary energy in our data
- The Via Project: Mapping the invisible Galactic halo
- The Vibration Response of Piled Foundations to Inertial and Underground-Railway-Induced Loadings
- The vicious circle of Hoarding, Low investment, and the Great Recession
- The View from Experiment
- The view from here, there and nowhere? Situating the observer in the planetarium and in the solar system
- The View from the Land, 1947-1981: ‘Modernity’ in British Agriculture, Farm, Nation and Community - Karen Sayer [gloknos lecture]
- The viral capsid, a critical determinant of Enterovirus pathogenicity
- The Virasoro algebra and finite simple groups
- The virome of insect vectors
- The virtual fibring theorem for 3-manifolds
- The virtual object of public health, or: the problem of 'life' in China, 1911–1937
- The Virtuous Teapot
- The virus host and virus genetics of severe influenza infection
- The viscosities of partially molten materials undergoing diffusion creep
- The Visibility of Females with Autism: Gender Differences and the Identification of Autism
- The vision for a Data Transparency Lab
- The Visual and the Visceral: Pornography and Sanctity, Modern and Medieval
- The visual language of geology, 1760-1840
- The visual system in autism: what binocular rivalry can tell us
- The Visual World in the Dog Brain
- The Visual Worlds of the Royal Society
- The Visualisation and Ritualisation of Football under National Socialism
- The vital role of kissing in reproduction
- The viva
- The Vlasov-Poisson-Landau system in the weakly collisional regime
- The Vleaf plataform for modelling the molecular and mechanistic basis of organ growth regulation
- The Vocabulary of Big Data
- The vocal brain: cerebral processing of voice information
- The Volatility of International Migration Flows: Estimating Past Trends in Nordic Countries and Lessons for Forecasting with Uncertainty.
- The volcano Laki in 1783: a serial killer? A French-English comparison
- The Volga Boatmen: People and Pictures
- The VOLT Project: Voting on Ledger Technologies
- The voyage of the sheep from Tibet: animal breeding in the 18th-century French Empire
- The Voyage to the Beagle Letters, Henslow, Darwin and the Philosophical Society
- The VTCR: an alternative to FEM for mid-frequency analysis
- The Wages of Care: Reproductive Labour as Fictitious Commodity
- The Wages of the Weak: Protecting Labour Standards in an increasingly Competitive World
- The Wanderings of a Free Radical
- The War and the Newsreel
- The War Babies of Black GIs and White British Women
- The War on Loops
- The War Philosophers: How much were our ideas shaped by war?
- The War Philosophers: How much were our ideas shaped by war?
- The Warsaw Uprising in Polish Popular Culture after 1989
- The Wasteland of Random Supergravities
- The Water Insecurity Experiences Scales (wwwWISEscales.org): The Value of Globally Comparable Data on Water Access, Use, and Reliability.
- The water of Delhi: pre-colonial modernity in Urdu poetry
- The wave equation in general relativity
- The Wave Equation inside Black Holes
- The wavefunction of the de Sitter universe
- The waxing and waning of PIMMS: experimental but not computational support for prediction error driving episodic memory
- The way of the empty proof
- The ways in which context and knowledge can assist speech comprehension, especially in challenging conditions
- The Weak Leopoldt Conjecture for adjoint representations
- The weak null condition and global existence using the p-weighted energy method: An explicit example of shock formation at infinity
- The Weakest Link: Detecting and Correcting Errors in Learner English
- The Weaponisation of Human Rights
- The Wearables Medical Revolution
- The weather and climate: emergent laws and multifractal cascades / Relationship between Greenhouse Gases and Global Temperature
- The weather: emergent laws and multi fractal cascades
- The WEAVE-TwiLight Survey: Implementing and Testing a New Low Field Density Observing Mode
- The Web as an Implicit Training Set: Application to Noun Compounds' Syntax and Semantics
- The Webb Telescope's First Year: A Treasure Trove of Results
- The Weddell Gyre: Freshwater and carbon budgets and exports to the global ocean abyss
- The Weddell Polynya: when will it come back?
- The Weddell Sea, Antarctica: modern science and the search for Shackleton’s Endurance
- The weighted Hermite--Einstein equation
- The weighted p-Laplacian and semi-supervised learning
- The Weighted Proportional Resource Allocation
- The weighted X-ray transform and applications
- The Weil-Steinberg character of finite classical groups
- The Weiss conjecture for infinite dimensional control systems
- The Welcome Sanger Institute’s Scientific Plans 2021-2026
- The welfare consequences of urban traffic regulations
- The Wellcome Trust Thailand Major Overseas Programme - current research and future challanges
- The Welsh Highland Railway
- The West Antarctic Ice Sheet and sea level in the last interglacial
- The Western just war tradition, the ethics of collateral damage, and Thomas Aquinas's opposition to killing the innocent
- The wetting of metal surfaces and nano-structured interfaces
- The what of p-adic L-functions
- The Wheeler Lecture In Computer Science
- The Wheeler Lecture In Computer Science: Language, Learning, and Creativity
- The Whigs and Jacobins of Africa: Traditional Authorities across Francophone and Anglophone Sub- Saharan Africa and the Different Conceptions of Political Order
- The Whiley Programming Language: Design & Implementation
- The Whitham Approach to the c→0 limit of The Lieb-Liniger Model and Generalized Hydrodynamics
- The Whittle Laboratory: Fluid mechanics of jet engines and vacuum cleaners
- The width of 5-dimensional prismatoids
- The width of a group
- The Wiener approach in nonlinear random vibrations
- The Wiener-Hopf factorization of algebraic matrix valued functions with the help of the Riemann theta function. Quantum entanglement of the spin chains as a case study.
- The Wiener-Hopf factorization of algebraic matrix valued functions with the help of the Riemann theta function. Quantum entanglement of the spin chains as a case study.
- The Wiener-Hopf technique for a submerged elastic plate
- The Wiener-Pitt phenomenon
- The Wikipedia entry on "Shear strength (soil)".
- The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: The Final Results
- The winding road to topological insulators
- The Winton Series of Career Conversations
- The Wireless Ecosystem – An ICT4D Perspective
- The Witch of Wapping: Judicial Murder; Family Disputes; Constitutional Law in mid-seventeenth century England
- The Women in Lloyd George's Life
- The wonder of hue: the non-monotonic contribution of S-cones to blueness
- The wonderful world of archaeal viruses
- The wonderful world of rocks, minerals and fossils
- The Wonders of Small Molecule Transport
- The Word Norm
- The word problem for groups that are orderable
- The Work and Life of D G Crighton
- The Work and Life of G K Batchelor
- The Work Meets Life project: How does Work get done?
- The work of art in the age of digital reproduction: history, violence, self and
- The work of Centre for Cities
- The Work-Verse: Using scene understanding and senses augmentation for productive work.
- The working of ductile metals and the doctrine of maximum entropy
- The working of metals and Deep Thought
- The works of Kan Yasuda
- The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) and Leadership for Learning network joint event
- The World Avatar project – a Universal All-Encompassing Digital Twin
- The World Bank Global Agenda on Jobs and Implications for the Middle East and North Africa region after the Arab Spring
- The World Before Her: a film by Nisha Pahuja
- The World Comes to Syria: the Globalisation of a Civil Conflict
- The world in a bowl of mush: solidification and fluid flow from the inner core to the Arctic ocean
- The world in a bowl of mush: solidification and fluid flow from the inner core to the Arctic Ocean
- The World in Cambridge
- The World is not Enough: developing social entrepreneurship in academia and real life
- The world is not flat: 3D cell biology and 3D devices
- The world is not flat: Interfacing 3D organic electronic devices with 3D biological models
- The world is not flat: towards 3D cell biology and 3D devices
- The world needs something stronger than passwords which we can all use
- The World Nuclear Fuel Market
- The world of modern technology and the natural world: how to negotiate the data driven world and nature itself
- The world of q and orthagonal polynomials
- The World of the Village Watchman in Colonial Eastern India
- The World on an Elliptic Curve
- The World Under Assault: Can Science Beat Terrorism?
- The World's First Computer: Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism
- The World’s First Bulk-Type Fully High-Temperature Superconducting Machine
- The world’s first metal 3D printed bridge – testing, simulation and verification
- The wrapped Fukaya category of a Weinstein manifold is generated by the cocores of the critical handles
- The wrapping hull and a unified framework for estimating the volume of a body
- The Wrath of the Dragon King: Popular Religion and the 1931 Central China Flood.
- The Wrong-Higgs Couplings of the MSSM
- The WTF Economy
- The X-ray Universe
- The Xenopus Organizer and Neural Induction
- The XMM Cluster Survey: First results for cluster scaling relations
- The XRB analogy to the first AGN QPO
- The XVII C. Safavid Diplomatic Envoy to Siam: A Politics of Knowledge Formation
- The xyz algorithm for fast interaction search in high-dimensional data
- The XYZ-files: Exotic states in the heavy quarkonium spectrum
- The Yang-Mills Lagrangian in supercritical dimensions
- The yeast Pif1 family helicase RRM3 promotes DNA unwinding during replisome swivelling
- The Yield Stress Debate
- The Yin and Yang Sides of Embedded Security
- The yin-yang of the immune response: keeping the balance to decrease the burden of Chagas heart disease
- The Young Universe
- The youth labour market problem revisited
- The youths on the wheel: the power of youth languages in Uganda
- The Yuchisi Site: remembering by forgetting in Late Neolithic China
- The Z-Dirac and massive Laplacian operators in the Z-invariant Ising model
- The Zariski decomposition problem
- The Zebrafish Mutation Project
- The zig-zag and super-efficient sampling for Bayesian analysis of big data
- The Zip Code of Quarks, Leptons and Higgs Bosons
- The Zoonotic and molecular features of Lassa Fever Virus Transmission in West and Central Africa
- Theatrical Engineering - A Look Behind The Scenes
- The Challenge of the Traditional Collection and the possibilities of "Tribing and Untribing the Archive: the Material Record of the Thukela-Mzimkulu region, c. 1750-1910”
- The Transformation of War
- Thelocactus
- Thelocactus
- Theme 1: The Emergence of New Diseases Chair: Christl Donelly (University of Oxford, Imperial College London)
- Theme 1: The Emergence of New Diseases Chair: Deirdre Hollingsworth (Big Data Institute)
- Theme 2: Tackling New Diseases - Chair Valerie Isham(UCL)
- Theme 2: Tackling New Diseases Chair: Denis Mollison (Herriot-Watt University)
- Theme 3: The Wider Context - Chair - Chris Dye
- Theme 3: The Wider Context Chair - Andy Dobson (Princeton University)
- Theme 3: The Wider Context Chair Denis Mollison (Heriot-Watt University)
- Theme 3: The Wider Context Chair: Caroline Trotter(University of Cambridge)
- Theme 3: The Wider Context Chair: Nigel Shadbolt (University of Oxford)
- Themed Session 1 - Clinical Support Systems Introduction
- Themed Session 1 - Clinical Support Systems Introduction
- Themed Session 2 - Population Medicine Introduction
- Themed Session 2 - Population Medicine Introduction
- Themed Session 3 - Mathematical Challenges Introduction
- Themed Session 3 - Mathematical Challenges Introduction
- Themes in Host-Pathogen Interactions: Insights from Structural Biology
- THEMIS: Fairness in Federated Stream Processing under Overload
- Then initial value problem for the Euler equations of fluids viewed as a convex optimisation problem
- Theodora Ioannidou (Thessaloniki)
- Theology
- Theorem Provers to Protect Democracy: Formally Verified Vote-Counting-Software
- Theorems of Caratheodory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension
- Theoretic Study of Unitary Fermi Gas
- Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Deformation and Fracture of Metallic Glasses.
- Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Reactions of Organoboranes
- Theoretical Approaches to Human Rights Education
- Theoretical asteroseismology for rotating magnetic stars (Cancelled)
- Theoretical Biology: Comprehending the Noisy Edge of Travelling Waves
- Theoretical Foundation of 3D Alfven Resonances
- Theoretical Foundations of Graph Neural Networks
- Theoretical framework for the emergent floe size distribution: the case for log-normality
- Theoretical guarantees in Bayesian non parametric hidden Markov models
- Theoretical Insight into the Oxidation of Nanoporous Carbon Materials
- Theoretical insights into multi-component phase separation
- Theoretical investigations of chemical reactions on 2D MXenes and metal surfaces
- Theoretical investigations of chemical reactions on 2D MXenes and metal surfaces
- Theoretical model for persistent and oscillatory cell motility
- Theoretical modelling of perturbation dynamics for compressible swirling flows in arbitrary varying ducts
- Theoretical modelling of ship-ice interaction
- Theoretical models for regulation of blood flow in the microcirculation
- Theoretical models of biological locomotion in fluids
- Theoretical models of the development of the nervous system
- Theoretical Physics in the Cavendish Laboratory: from the Beginning to 1962
- Theoretical properties of Cook's Principal Fitted Components algorithm
- Theoretical properties of Cook's Principal Fitted Components algorithm
- Theoretical properties of Cook's Principal Fitted Components algorithm
- Theoretical Syntax and Practical Parsing
- Theoretical tool bridging cell polarities with development of robust morphologies
- Theoretically-exact CT-reconstruction from experimental data
- Theories in alien invasions: Resistance vs. Meltdown
- Theories of Active Phase Separation
- Theories of consciousness and animal minds: a modest theoretical proposal
- Theories of global politics
- Theorising and Analysing Markers of Sustained Change in Professional Dialogues in Interventions
- Theorising Borders in an Era of Globalization and Securitization
- Theorising bystander behaviour: challenges and responses
- Theorising Cities Now: Putting Comparison to work for global urban studies
- Theorising Democracy beyond ‘State’ and ‘Society’
- Theorising the Aporia of Communist Asceticism in India
- Theory and applications of proper scoring rules
- Theory and experiments for the Ice Sheet-Shelf System/Peeling of elastic sheets: bending, tension and instability
- Theory and Inference for a Class of Nonlinear Models with Application to Time Series of Counts.
- Theory and practice for hash functions
- Theory and Practice of Ecological Design and Masterplanning
- Theory and practice of infectious disease surveillance
- Theory and Practice of Infinitely Wide Neural Networks - Guest Talk
- Theory and Practice of Mix-Nets
- Theory and simulation of electronic and optical properties of thin film BaxSr1-xTiO3
- Theory and simulation of materials: from atoms to applications
- Theory and the Creation of Structures; Using the concepts of Airy, Maxwell, Michell, Heyman, Calladine, Pellegrino, Guest and McRobie to create structures
- Theory for Society: Fairness in Classification
- Theory for thermoacoustic waves in a narrow channel subject to a temperature gradient
- Theory in the cognitive and brain sciences
- Theory in the cognitive and brain sciences
- Theory in the cognitive and brain sciences
- Theory into Practice: the story of Incremental
- Theory Keynote 1: Interpreting the Palaeomagnetic Field
- Theory Keynote 2: Generation of magnetic field in the Sun and Stars. Why are we still arguing?
- Theory ladenness and narrative in the history of science: (how) can historical evidence support philosophical arguments?
- Theory of Bernstein-Gamma functions and asymptotics of densities of exponential functionals of subordinators
- Theory of Brake Control
- Theory of bubble tips in strong viscous flows
- Theory of Cytoskeleton-driven Mechanisms
- Theory of Driven Polymer Translocation through Nanopores
- Theory of Elasticity at the Nanoscale
- Theory of electric networks: the two-point resistance and impedance
- Theory of electric networks: the two-point resistance and impedance
- Theory of exchange splittings of bands in diluted magnetic semiconductors
- Theory of mind, gender, and human progress | Empathy, psychopathy, and brain structure
- Theory of photon- and electron-stimulated surface chemistry
- Theory of Rheology and Aging of Protein Condensates
- Theory of Stability Regions and its Practical Application in Online Stability Assessment of Large-Scale Power Grids
- Theory of the quantum internet
- Theory predictions for polarized weak bosons at the LHC
- Theory Uncertainties in LHC Higgs Production and N3LO QCD
- Theory Workshop
- Theory, observability, and implications of planet disruptions during formation of stars and planets
- Therapeutic Assessment: When a Clinical Psychologist Stands at the Crossroads of Psychological Assessment and Psychotherapy
- Therapeutic efficacy of MASP-2 in transplantation and Cardiovascular disease.
- Therapeutic landscape of cancer drivers
- Therapeutic manipulation of angiogenic factors for treatment of fetal growth restriction
- Therapeutic Opportunities in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Therapeutic Opportunities in Glycoscience
- Therapeutic ultrasound to treat and modulate against brain diseases
- Therapeutic vaccines for cancer and the role of immunomodulatory drugs
- Therapeutics and clinical trials
- Therapies for hereditary retinal diseases
- There and back again (From QCD to strings and back)
- There are mechanisms – and then there are mechanisms
- There be monsters: adaptations in Antarctic marine animals
- There is accounting for taste! Detecting Age and Gender Variations in Music Taste using MIMIC Model
- There is no going back: Non-backtracking Laplacians
- There is no medicine except in the light of models
- There Is No Planet B
- There is no problem of interpersonal comparisons
- There is Plenty of Fractional at the Botton: Fractional Calculus in Microrobotics
- There no point crying about it … or is there? Some thoughts on why we have emotions
- There will be a series of 10 minute talks
- There will be no Colloquium on this date
- There's method in this madness: engaging with the Alternative
- There's no Business Like Flow Business
- Thermal and tectonic consequences of India underthrusting Tibet
- Thermal Conductivity in Quantum Materials Research
- Thermal contact resistance in two-phase media with arbitrary shaped adiabatic fractures
- Thermal convection in an heterogeneous mantle: plumes, piles, domes, and LLSVPs.
- Thermal convection in variable viscosity fluids: from laboratory experiments to planetary dynamics
- Thermal effects in liquid crystal layers
- Thermal effects in NMR
- Thermal evolution of the Earth: evidence from Archean komatiites and basalts
- Thermal expansion of graphene beyond the quasiharmonic approximation
- Thermal Instabilities in an Evolving Boundary Layer at a Single Vertical Wall
- Thermal management and energy storage with solid-liquid phase change materials
- Thermal materials for sustainable energy applications
- Thermal properties of MOF5: a comparison of molecular dynamics and Wigner transport approaches
- Thermal shift methods and high throughput screening
- Thermal Shift Methods and High Throughput Screening
- Thermal Spray Coating Developments at TWI
- Thermal Stability of Quantum Horizons
- Thermal transport beyond Fourier, and beyond Boltzmann
- Thermal transport beyond the Ioffe-Regel limit, and resonances in heat hydrodynamics
- Thermal Transport in Nanomaterials From First-Principles
- Thermal treatment of cake flours
- Thermalization and pseudolocality in extended quantum systems
- Thermalization vs localization in a solvable circuit model
- Thermalization, integrability and localization
- Thermally actuated portable microvalves using elastomeric focusing
- Thermally actuated portable microvalves using elastomeric focusing
- Thermally and mechanically driven quantum turbulence in helium II
- Thermo-mechanical loads of sea ice on structures
- Thermo-reorientational solitary waves and their interactions in nematic liquid crystals
- Thermoacoustic oscillations in annular combustors: symmetry, eigenstructure, perturbation methods, and nonlinear phenomena
- Thermochemistry and Nuclear power - Clean responsive electricity
- Thermochronological strategies for reconstructing long-term orogenic growth histories: examples from the Himalaya
- Thermodynamic bound on cross-correlations for biological information processing
- Thermodynamic capacity of quantum processes
- Thermodynamic instability of rotating black holes
- Thermodynamic Integration along energy-based Diffusion Models
- Thermodynamic Integration, fermion sign problem, and real-space renormalization
- Thermodynamic limits of sperm swimming precision
- Thermodynamic Lubrication in the Elastic Leidenfrost Effect
- Thermodynamic properties by on-the-fly machine-learned potentials within and beyond DFT
- Thermodynamic properties of the climate system
- Thermodynamic volume of black holes and reverse isoperometric inequality
- Thermodynamically Stable Quasicrystal and Dense Dimer Packings from Tetrahedron Colloids
- Thermodynamics as a Theory of Decision-Making with Information Processing Costs
- Thermodynamics beyond equilibrium -- the physics of periodically driven quantum systems"
- Thermodynamics de-mystified? /Thermodynamics without Ansätze?
- Thermodynamics in extreme quantum regimes.
- Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions Networks
- Thermodynamics of Clocks
- Thermodynamics of entanglement entropy for excited states: some non-conformal examples
- Thermodynamics of high-Tc superconductors as related to other spectroscopies – the legacy of John Loram
- Thermodynamics of the Hot Gas in Galaxies, Groups, & Clusters
- Thermodynamics, energetics and regularity for a De Gennes liquid crystal system
- Thermoelectric signatures of topological media
- Thermoelectrical properties of self-assembled molecular-scale junctions enhanced by quantum interference effects
- Thermofluid dynamics of cities
- Thermohaline Mixing in Polluted White Dwarfs
- Thermohaline Staircases and Shear: Formation and Disruption Mechanisms
- Thermometry and Refrigeration using Quantum Dots
- Thermomorphogenesis signaling - Translation of temperature stimuli into plant growth
- Thermomorphogenesis signaling - Translation of temperature stimuli into plant growth
- Thermophoresis of thermoresponsive colloids
- Thermopower in the Quantum Hall Regime
- Thermosensitive hydrogels for drug and cell delivery and their potential application in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
- Thermosensory mechanisms in plants
- Thermostabilisation and structure determination of a b1-adrenergic receptor
- Thermoviscous coupling in ice-sheets and its influence on grounding line migration
- Theta correspondence via C*-algebras of groups
- Theta lifts and evidence for paramodular conjecture
- They think birds are more important than people': Conservation, land and natures in a South African World Heritage Site
- Thick & thin: physics of polymers with sticky ends.
- Thick DNA brushes and surface elasticity
- Thick Points of Random Walk and the Gaussian Free Field
- Thick-pen transformation for time series
- Thicker Than Blood: Kinship, Its Multiplicity, and Entanglements - a Cambridge Reproduction Forum
- Thighs wide open, hair loose – Gender specific attitudes towards napping in Japanese public transport.
- Thin domains with highly oscillating boundaries
- Thin film and interface effects in electroactive and responsive polymers
- Thin Film Coatings for Particle Accelerators at CERN
- Thin Film Electrohydrodynamics
- Thin film models for active liquid crystals
- Thin films
- Thin spanning trees and their algorithmic applications
- Thin-film flows with mass transfer
- Thin-film rings for phase detection in transmission electron microscopy
- Thin-shell textile-reinforced concrete floors for sustainable buildings
- Things don't fall apart: persistence and functional explanation in social science
- Things Epidemiologists Should Know - Being open and FAIR in modeling infectious diseases for decision support
- Things Epidemiologists Should Know - It all starts with just one loop... but where does it end?
- Things Epidemiologists Should Know - Trustworthy Data Visualization
- Things Epidemiologists Should Know - Viral Load Data Analysis for Epidemiology
- Things Epidemiologists Should Know - What I've learned about communicating epidemiology and statistics to the public
- Things I don't understand about task difficulty and the multiple-demand system
- Things of Beauty Growing: British Studio Pottery - a curator's perspective
- Things Seen and Heard: Regional Identity in Sigurd F. Olson’s Environmental Ethic
- Things that Are Not There - The Fourteenth Century Reliquary of St Anthony's Tongue and the Making of History
- Things To Do When You're Dead
- Things you thought you couldn't do in Java
- Think Global Act Local: do local morphological changes influence differentiation of pluripotent cells?
- Think Less, Think Better, Feel Great!
- Think Locally, Act Globally
- Think Tank: Introduction to Social Enterprises - Social Enterprise: What To Do?
- Think Tank: Role of community involvement and co-creation in social enterprises in developing countries
- Think Tank: Social Enterprise Business Plan Competition
- ThinkAir: Dynamic resource allocation and parallel execution in cloud for mobile code offloading
- Thinker-doers: Adding value in a climate crisis
- Thinking 'through numbers'
- Thinking about action in Early Greek Philosophy (and medicine).
- Thinking about Improvising, and Thinking Inside Improvising: Classroom Playfulness
- Thinking about the Unknown
- Thinking about the Unknown
- Thinking about the Unknown
- Thinking at Random
- Thinking Critically About Technology and Welfare
- Thinking evolutionary laws: technological trajectories and anthropological regularities
- Thinking Fieldwork Methodologies: Issues, experiments and histories
- Thinking for Programmers: Rising Above the Code
- Thinking in posters: AIDS and the power of the visual
- Thinking Inside the Box: ‘Modular’ Historiography, the Ethiopian Empire and Other Subjects of International Law
- Thinking inside the box: system-level failures of tamper proofing
- Thinking Like a Dandelion: Cory Doctorow on copyright, Creative Commons and creativity
- Thinking like a scientist: evening talk
- Thinking Mathematically (Cambridge Science Festival)
- Thinking Mathematically (Cambridge Science Festival)
- Thinking of becoming an Entrepreneur: What questions will you be asked?
- Thinking outside the thorax - non invasive measurements of tidal volume in small animals.
- Thinking religion today with Gandhi
- Thinking Small: Fragment-Based Drug Design
- Thinking with sea monsters: re-thinking early modern maps and epistemic images
- Thinking without a brain: Auxin and the self-organisation of plant form
- Thinking/researching/teaching race, genetics and intelligence in HPS and STS
- Thinning-stable point processes: new models in telecommunications
- Third and Fourth Cumulants in Independent Component Analysis
- Third Annual Public Lecture in Medieval & Early Modern Slavonic Studies: A Twelfth-Century Slavonic Ekphrasis of Hippodrome Scenes in the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kyiv?
- Third Annual Scroope Lecture
- Third Annual Workshop in Medieval and Early Modern Slavonic Studies - The Old Slavonic Digenis Akritis: Its Origin, ‘Formulaic Style,’ and Problems of Its Edition
- Third Epigenetics club seminar
- Third Family Hypercharge Model: connecting B physics with the fermion mass hierarchy
- Third Generation Machine Intelligence
- Third Generation Machine Intelligence
- Third Generation Machine Intelligence
- Third Generation Machine Intelligence
- Third language acquisition at the initial stages: An event-related potential study probing for transfer
- Third law of black hole mechanics for supersymmetric black holes
- Third Session of the French Department Ciné-Club: La Noire de... (Ousmane Sembène, 1966)
- Third Wave HCI & Gestural Interaction
- Third workshop on ‘Romeyka and the languages of the eastern Black Sea’
- Third workshop on ‘Romeyka and the languages of the eastern Black Sea’
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium - Venue 1 - Sanger Lecture Theatre
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium - Venue 1 - Sanger Lecture Theatre
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium - Venue 1 - Sanger Lecture Theatre
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium - Venue 2 - Seminar Room 1, Hopkins Building
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium - Venue 2 - Seminar Room 1, Hopkins Building
- Third Year Postgraduate Symposium - Venue 2 - Seminar Room 1, Hopkins Building
- Third-generation approaches of antibody discovery and optimisation
- Thirteen ways of looking at an equivariant stable category
- Thirteenth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Thirteenth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- This all wouldn't be a problem if you were Toffs. Ethics and the Two Cultures.
- This house believes that the continuum is not always a continuum.
- This House believes that the European Union is bad for Britain
- This House Does Not Accept the Axiom of Choice
- This House would rather warm up the planet than cool down the economy.
- This is a test
- This is my Body
- This Is My Life, surviving academia as a Black woman in Britain
- This is What an Amazing Charity Looks Like
- This lecture will make you want to sleep
- This life, next life, past lives, and Escape
- This panel of experts are worried about AI - should you be too?
- This Project Will Self-Destruct in Five Years
- THIS SEMIAR IS NOW CANCELLED - 'Cell Plasticity in Colon Carcinogenesis'
- This seminar has been cancelled
- This seminar has been cancelled - we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Thank you
- This seminar has been cancelled - we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Thank you
- THIS SEMINAR IS CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS K C Banerjee, 'world-tourist': radical internationalism in late-colonial Asia
- THIS SEMINAR WILL BE RESCHEDULED DUE TO UCU STRIKE ACTION When the future hits the ground: navigating logistical ruins on the Black Sea.
- THIS Space 2024
- This talk has been cancelled
- This talk has been cancelled
- This talk has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for later this year.
- This talk has been cancelled. Quasar Numbers
- This talk has been postponed
- This talk has been postponed
- This talk is cancelled - Modeling Cognitive Complexity in NLP
- This talk is postponed until Dec 16
- This time is different: causes and consequences of British banking instability, 1830-2010
- This Too is Cambridge
- Thixotropic gravity currents & the ketchup question
- Thomas Bewick, engraving the world
- Thomas Bewick-Nature, Art and Northern Life
- Thomas Digges' astronomy
- Thomas Gainsborough’s Heneage Lloyd and his Sister, Lucy
- Thomas Gooch and Thomas Loveday, two medieval carpenters and their rood screens
- Thomas Hobbes and Late Renaissance Commentary on Aristotle's Politics
- Thomas Hobbes and the problem of self-censorship
- Thomas Hobbes, Heresy, and the Theological Project of 'Leviathan'
- Thomas Meinecke, German writer and DJ, reads from his works
- Thomas Paine in the French Revolution
- Thomas Paine's Democratic Thought
- Thomas Rid: "2084: Cryptography, Magic, and Politics"
- Thomas Sugrue: Obama's Urban Policy: A First Appraisal
- Thomas Willis and the pathology of sleep disorders
- Thomas Willis and the Religious Context of the First Neurology
- Thomas Young: the last man who knew everything
- Thompson Sampling for Stochastic Bandits with Noisy Contexts: An Information-Theoretic Analysis
- Thompson's chameleons: F, V, T
- Thompson-style groups coming from C* algebras of graphs of groups
- Thorium Fuelled Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors: The Future of Nuclear Power?
- Thorium Fuelled Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors: The Future of Nuclear Power?
- Thought Experiments
- Thoughts about Chemistry-Climate Modelling and Geoengineering
- Thoughts on an Identifier/Locator Split for IPv6
- Thoughts on discussing clinical ethics with students during rotations
- Thoughts on paper-based and virtual reality sketching
- Thoughts on sex and violence - using indirect measures in Forensic Psychology
- Thoughts on the current crisis in the NHS and how to resolve it: getting from lose/lose to win/win.
- THR of Poincaré ∞-categories
- Threads, caches and networks in CMP systems
- Threat, or mere distraction? Anxiety-related attentional vigilance to threat distractors
- Threatening Dystopias: The Global Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh
- Three 2-categories
- Three ancient hormonal cues coordinate shoot branching in a moss
- Three Approaches to Concept Analysis in International Relations
- Three Avatars of Mock Modularity
- Three breaking solitary waves
- Three Capitals in the Life and Work of the Russian Artist Alexander Florensky: St Petersburg-Tbilisi-Moscow (in Russian)
- Three Capitals in the Life and Work of the Russian Artist Alexander Florensky: St Petersburg-Tbilisi-Moscow (in Russian)
- Three case studies for coexisting mechanisms in protein-pattern forming systems
- Three case studies of innovative products
- Three degrees of (anti-realist) modal involvement
- Three dichotomies for connected unimodular Lie groups.
- Three dimensional hydraulic fracturing simulation using Lattice Element Method
- Three hundred years of Prime Ministers, 1721-2021: how has the office survived and adapted?
- Three junctures of science and democracy: knowledge, value and policy
- Three Lions in Winter: William Petty and the Debates over the Fiscal and Constitutional Structure of the Interregnum and the Restoration State
- Three mammals: otters, bats and hedgehogs
- Three New Acquisitions on Religious Themes
- Three Normative Frameworks for Evidential Reasoning and their Connections: Arguments, Scenarios and Probabilities
- Three notions of symmetric monoidal 2-category
- Three Pedestrian Overpasses Between Number Theory And Physics
- Three phases of genome sequencing and their consequences for science and medicine
- Three phases of Wnt signaling define three phases of axis development in the hemichordate S. kowalevskii
- Three post-mortem studies of autism: new findings - TALK POSTPONED
- Three public-facing talks
- Three Small Steps ... to Reconceiving Machine Learning
- Three Standing Figures - from stone, to studio, to the open air
- Three stories of money in the Age of Discovery
- THREE TALES by Steve Reich and Beryl Korot
- THREE TALES by Steve Reich and Beryl Korot
- THREE TALES by Steve Reich and Beryl Korot
- Three Views of Democracy
- Three Wise Kinetochore functions
- Three Wiser Women: Practical Spirituality (In-person panel discussion)
- Three Wolfson Entrepreneurs Reveal All
- Three years since the murder of Steven Hoskins: How do we treat, support and manage offenders and suspected offenders with learning disabilities in our communities?
- Three-coloured chessboards and Baxter's eight-vertex-solid-on-solid model
- Three-coloured chessboards and Baxter's eight-vertex-solid-on-solid model
- Three-coloured chessboards and Baxter's eight-vertex-solid-on-solid model
- Three-coloured chessboards and Baxter's eight-vertex-solid-on-solid model
- Three-Dimensional Active Defect Loops
- Three-dimensional black holes and descendants
- Three-dimensional cell culture in micro-patterned hydrogels
- Three-dimensional FiSS tumoroid culture:platform for Drug Discovery and Development
- Three-dimensional Floquet stability analysis of the wake in cylinder arrays
- Three-dimensional imaging and analysis using aberration-corrected STEM
- Three-dimensional instability dynamics in jets
- Three-dimensional internal waves in the lower atmosphere
- Three-dimensional liquid crystalline superstructures for photonics (** joint talk with I-CAMP)
- Three-Dimensional Quantum Bubble Collisions
- Three-dimensional simulations of protoplanetary disks with varied thermodynamics; from gravitational instability to planet migration
- Three-Dimensional solitary water waves
- Three-dimensional stability of a horizontally sheared flow in a stably stratified fluid
- Three-dimensional uniform electron gas by Quantum Monte Carlo
- Three-dimensional water waves
- Three-point bounds for sphere packing
- Three-wave interactions in problems with two length scales: Faraday waves and soft-matter quasicrystals
- Threshold Saturation for Spatially Coupled Turbo-like Codes
- Thresholds for the formation of satellites in two--dimensional vortices
- Thriving not just surviving - a participatory study of wellbeing in financial hardship
- Thriving with Lightness and Happiness Amidst Modern Health Challenges (in person)
- Thriving with Lightness and Happiness Amidst Modern Health Challenges (online talk)
- Thrombospondins, Matrix and the Emerging Role of Fascin-1 in Carcinoma Metastasis
- Through a Glass Darkly - and Other Optical metastabilities"
- Through a Glass Darkly: Glimpsing the Future of Medicine from Medical Research
- Through the Amber Spyglass: searching for Axion-like signals in X-ray spectra of cluster-hosted AGN
- Through the bottleneck and what we found there, the adventures of whole viral genome sequencing from clinical material (with apologies to Lewis Carroll)
- Through the Cosmic Infrared Background to the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Through the eyes of a descriptor: Constructing complete, invertible, descriptions of atomic environments
- Through the eyes of a seventeenth-century physician: reassessing John Webster
- Through the Kaleidoscope; Symmetries, Groups and Chebyshev Approximations from a Computational Point of View
- Through the Looking Glass - a New World of Proteins Enabled by Chemistry
- Through the Looking Glass ....again and again!
- Through the Looking Glass ....again and again!
- Through the Ocean to the Mantle: Under the Seas with a Fleet of Floating Seismic Robots
- Through-Wall Radar - Meeting an Operational Need
- Throwaway Society? Writing a new history of consumption in the early twenty-first century
- Throwing light on organocatalysis: new opportunities in enantioselective synthesis
- Thucydides’ Tragic Science of Democratic Defeat
- Thunderclap: Exploring Vulnerabilities Operating System IOMMU Protection via DMA from Untrustworthy Peripherals
- Thunderstorms
- Thursday Lunchtime talk
- Thursday lunchtime Talk
- Thursday Lunchtime Talk - Henry Moore by Sebastiano Barassi
- Thurston eigenvalues for unbounded postcritically finite rational maps
- Thymic development beyond beta-selection requires phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation by CXCR4
- Thyroid hormone regulation of autophagy: A therapeutic strategy for NAFLD
- Thyroid hormone transporter proteins: biology and insights from human disorders
- THz Near-Field Nanoscopy: Improving Stability
- THz spectra of liquid water and aqueous glycine solution
- Tibial rigidity through prolonged culture change: Adaptation across ~6150 years of agriculture in Central Europe
- Tibial Tuberosity advancement (TTA) - Another method to treat cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifles.
- Tick, tick, tick, pulsating star, how we wonder what you are
- Tick-borne diseases with special focus on Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in Humans and Animals
- Ticker: A text-entry interface with audio feedback for single-switch users
- Ticket Required - Lecture by Professor Stephen Hawking FRS, CBE, CH
- Tidal disruption of globular clusters in dwarf galaxies with triaxial dark matter halos
- Tidal disruption of stars
- Tidal dissipation in stably stratified and layered regions of rotating giant planets
- Tidal dissipation in stars, with new results on the interaction between fast tides and convection
- Tidal evolution in exoplanets: The case of the two super-Earths around CoRoT 7
- Tidal flows in planets and stars
- Tidal forcing of a rapidly rotating star
- Tidal Sculpting of Short-Period Exoplanets
- Tidal stream energy: the ‘Sea-Spider’ vertical axis tidal turbine
- Tidal Stripping, Compact Ellipticals, and Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies
- Tide, Wave, and Offshore Wind
- Tides in convective regions of planets and stars
- Tides in the Atmospheres of Super-Earths
- Tides in the high-eccentricity migration of hot Jupiters: Triggering diffusive growth by nonlinear mode interactions
- Tides in the middle Atmosphere
- Tidying up working memory
- Tight anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
- Tight but nonfillable contact manifolds in all dimensions
- Tight contact structures on connected sums need not be contact connected sums
- Tight Hamilton Cycles in 3-Graphs
- Tightening the screws on the Standard Model: theory predictions for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Tightest constraints on very-light Axion-Like Particles (ALPs) using the X-ray spectrum of the H1821+643 cluster-hosted quasar
- Tightness in the space of Young measures
- Tile Vaults as Integrated Formwork for Concrete Shells
- Tile Vaults as Integrated Formwork for Concrete Shells
- Tiletamine-zolazepam field anaesthesia in grey seals
- Tiling Euclidean Space with Multiplicity by a Polytope
- Tiling the Grid
- Tiling with Triangles
- Tilings for symmetric groups
- Tilted Sperner Families
- Tilting Modules for Algebraic Groups
- Tilting modules for algebraic groups
- Tim Campbell - Much sugar is a good thing: the power of mentoring
- Tim Hall: Green Urbanism and Sustainable Technologies in Rwanda
- Tim Head: Raw Material
- Tim Nelson - Getting Students to Properties
- Tim Peake: ESA Astronaut
- TIM2: A reporter Gene for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Timber and structural engineering in the 21st Century
- Time and causality in language comprehension
- Time and Frequency as New Frontiers in Microscopy
- Time and Frequency as New Frontiers in Microscopy
- Time and space in insect segmentation
- Time and value: traps and fallacies of asset pricing
- Time comes first - The role of time in quantum gravity and cosmology
- Time correlated single photon counting scanning near field optical microscopy
- Time course of memory updating in running span
- Time dependence of correlation functions in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence
- Time Discrete Approximations of SDEs
- Time Domain Elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Time-lapse Multi-component OBC Data
- Time Evolution of Entanglement Entropy
- Time flies: Exploring Visual Links between Hummingbird Iconography and the Aztec Calendar
- Time horizons as market boundaries in private, public and social enterprise
- Time inhomogeneous Markov chains: merging and stability
- Time is Short - Let's Get Ready: A Climate & Consciousness Event
- Time Management
- Time management for Postdoc Careers
- Time Management Workshop
- Time Management Workshop for Graduates
- Time Matters
- Time Matters
- Time processing technologies in the seismic exploration industry
- Time quasi-periodic gravity water waves in finite depth
- Time reversal of finite and infinite dimensional diffusion processes
- Time Series Analysis of Diffusion with Transient Binding
- Time series forecasting touching on evolutionary numerical optimization
- Time Symmetries and Neurosymbolic Learning for Dynamical Systems
- Time symmetry in operational quantum theory
- Time to decide: the process of evaluating a musical performance
- Time to go beyond oblique parameters and triple gauge couplings
- Time to grow up?
- Time to Specialize! A Microserver for Key-value Stores.
- Time to wake up: Regulation of Neural Stem Cell Quiescence and Reactivation
- Time Warps during the French Revolution
- Time's arrow and Eddington's challenge
- Time, science and empire: cosmography and navigation in the Iberian monarchies in the 16th century
- Time, space and disorder in the expanding protein universe
- Time, Space, and the Human Sciences: Some notes on a contemporary crisis
- Time-asymmetry in thermal physics
- Time-dependent analysis of the B0->rho0rho0 decay and alpha angle at BABAR
- Time-dependent and rare probes of the Standard Model: status at Belle II
- Time-dependent changes in alturistic punishment following stress
- Time-dependent conformal mapping techniques applied to fluid sloshing problems
- Time-dependent conformal mapping techniques applied to fluid sloshing problems
- Time-dependent density functional theory: past and future
- Time-dependent discrimination advantages for harmonic sounds suggest efficient coding for memory
- Time-dependent rates of evolution in pathogens
- Time-dependent regulation of memory retrieval by hippocampal clock
- Time-domain calculations for multiple wave scattering
- Time-domain multi-channel speech separation and extraction
- Time-domain semiclassical approach to quantum tunneling in nearly integrable systems
- Time-Driven Switching: Principles and Implementation
- TIME-EACM Middleware Report
- Time-Efficient Constant-Space-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
- Time-fractional G/G/1 queues and applications to the double auction model
- Time-Lapse Volumetric Seismic Imaging of Water Masses at a Major Oceanic Confluence in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Time-lapse waveform inversion of ocean bottom cable seismic data
- Time-parallel algorithms for weather prediction and climate simulation
- Time-parallel integration and phase averaging for the rotating shallow water equations on the sphere
- Time-Periodic Solutions in an Einstein AdS Massless Scalar Field System
- Time-periodic solutions of advection-diffusion equations on moving hypersurfaces.
- Time-resolved brain imaging and the neuroscience of language
- Time-resolved brain imaging and the neuroscience of language
- Time-resolved detection of single-electron wave packets
- Time-resolved X-ray diffraction on laser-shocked crystals
- Time-resolved X-ray diffraction on shocked crystals
- Time-reversal symmetry breaking in fluctuating nonequilibrium systems
- Time-reversal-symmetry breaking in circuit-QED-based photon lattices
- Time-series Machine Learning Models for Healthcare: Advancements and Applications
- Time-series modelling of aggregated wind power output
- Time-translation invariance of scattering maps and blue-shift instabilities on Kerr black hole spacetimes
- Time-varying nonconvex optimization with application to OPF
- Time-varying nonconvex optimization with application to OPF
- Time-Varying Optimization: Algorithms and Applications in Power Systems
- Time-varying Signal Estimation Using Dynamic Topological Graphs
- Time: The next frontier in causal machine learning
- TIME: Transport Information Monitoring Environment
- Timescales and the inertial subrange in wall flows
- Timescales in development: the tempo across and within species
- Timescales of chemical reactions
- Timescales of chemical reactions
- Timing attention in the human brain
- Timing in dyslexia: Language, reading and writing
- Timing in dyslexia: Language, reading and writing
- Timing of emergence and epidemic peak of novel influenza strains
- Timing of the first lineage segregation in the early mouse embryo
- Timing the end of neural proliferation in Drosophila
- Timur and Goethe: Central Europe meets Central Asia - on Paper
- Tin Foil Confessions: Escaping The Cult Of Conspiracy
- Tinkering with toxicity: How basic research on drug transporters can translate to policy changes on environmental pollution
- Tinnitus and cochlear implants
- Tiny animals, mighty impacts: modelling polar species on the move
- Tiny embryos: a massive universe for the study of evolution
- Tiny Hands make Light Work
- TIPP: Taxon Identification and Phylogenetic Profiling
- Tipping Elements in the Earth System
- Tipping Points & Crises From statistical physics to social sciences
- Tipping Points in Social, Economic and Biological Systems
- Tipping points of the Ross and Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelves: how worried should we be?
- Tipping the balance and regulatory processes during sex determination.
- Tips and Tools for Scientific Research Success
- Tips and Tricks for Inventing the Future
- TIRM - A Risk Based Approach for Building Business Cases for DQ/IQ Improvement
- Tissue Cells Feel and Respond to the Stiffness of Their Substrate / Physical Properties Determining Self-Organization
- Tissue Contact Mechanics
- Tissue Contact Mechanics
- Tissue Engineering
- Tissue Engineering of the Musculoskeletal System
- Tissue Engineering Today
- Tissue free carnitine availability dictates muscle fuel selection: implications to metabolic health
- Tissue mechanics of tumour growth and frog development
- Tissue models with and without active feedback
- Tissue renewal by stochastic stem cell fate dynamics
- Tissue resident CD4 T cells: division of labor in the lung.
- Tissue resident CD4 T cells: division of labor in the lung.
- Tissue stem cell fate: lessons from lineage tracing and statistical physics
- Tissue tectonics: quantitative morphogenesis across spatial and temporal scales
- Tissue-like materials from communicating droplet networks
- Tissue-resident memory T cells and role of antibodies in the LCMV model
- Tissue-specific aspects of heteroplasmy in human mitochondrial DNA
- Tissue-specific biased agonism in metabolic disease
- Tissue-specific features of human innate lymphoid cells.
- Tissue-specific features of human innate lymphoid cells.
- Tissue-specific models of electrical activity in the heart: Multi-scale and Multi-dimensional approaches
- Tissue-specific tuning of the protein production machinery
- Tissue-specification and transcriptional regulatory circuitry
- TissueLab: a software environment for the interactive computational analysis of digital plant tissues.
- Titan 80-300 Dedicated Corrector Platform: A new Era of Electron Microscopy
- Titan's Atmosphere in the Cassini Era and Beyond
- Titanium chemistry in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121 b
- Titanium dioxide: Interplay between non-stoichiometry, point and planar bulk defects and surface structure and reactivity
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- Title Language Model
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- Title TBD
- Title TBD
- Title TBD
- Title TBD
- Title to be announced [speaker to be confirmed]
- Title to be confirmed (Number Theory)
- Title to be confirmed.
- Title to be confirmed.
- Title to be confirmedMaking sense of language: It's okay to count
- Title: A case from beyond the grave
- Title: "FLASHING in the UK”...
- Title: "Many ways to break a heart: cardiac disease in Covid-19"
- Title: "Obstructive sleep apnoea and masculine toxicology"
- Title: "Surgery for malignant brain tumours - walking the tightrope"
- Title: "The dog that didn't bark: COVID-19 at the University of Cambridge"
- Title: "The tail of a fetal tumour"
- Title: "Triplegia"
- Title: 'Baby, don't break my heart: cardiomyopathy and pregnancy'
- Title: 'Transplantation in the time of coronavirus'
- Title: 3D-MFM Project
- Title: A lesson of Neuroanatomy in the Classical Style
- Title: AAA Screening: past, present, future
- Title: After eight: more expensive than you think
- Title: AIming at organ transplantation
- Title: An ABC of the COVID-19 vaccine response
- Title: An Acute Case of Tumour Lysis Syndrome
- Title: An old foe and OvIVA
- Title: An ordinary life, an extraordinary death. An extraordinary life, an ordinary death
- Title: An outbreak of heart failure at Moe’s Tavern
- Title: Anaemia, fevers and a red eye: a case of blood, sweat and tears
- Title: Anaphylaxis to COVID-19 vaccine
- Title: ASO therapies don't always make sense!
- Title: ‘Frailty and cardiorespiratory status in dialysis and transplant patients’.
- Title: ‘The Eyes have it’
- Title: “A cast iron result from 100k? looking beyond the obvious.”
- Title: “A little something to stimulate your apatite...”
- Title: “‘Tackling the commonest problem in Gastro clinic: mind over matter?”
- Title: “Beyond the operating theatre: clinical epidemiology and understanding the care of chronic subdural haematoma”.
- Title: “Hanging by a thread”
- Title: “Like the inner tube of a bicycle”
- Title: “Overtaking conventional treatments: CAR-T cells on the move”
- Title: “Tafro or not tafro?"
- Title: Belt and Braces
- Title: Boney brain
- Title: Braching out of the asylum
- Title: Carotid Atherosclerosis: Too Narrow a View?
- Title: Causal Sets, Discrete Gravity
- Title: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension – the orphan disease
- Title: cirrhosis 7: the vital first 24 hours
- Title: Clues to the determinants of outcome in MS
- Title: Colonic somatic mutation: inflammation, mosaics and cancer.
- Title: COVID and mental health: a tsunami or is the tide out
- Title: Crowd-sourcing COVID-19 in liver transplantation
- Title: Cycle trouble
- Title: Determinants and consequences of early puberty
- Title: Devices, Deep Trouble and the Dermatologist
- Title: ECMO saves lives…. Or does it?
- Title: Ergodicity of a stress release point process seismic model with aftershocks
- Title: Facing Down Covid?
- Title: From coarse-grained models of fibril formation to atomistic details of potential inhibitors
- Title: Game, set and mismatch
- Title: Genetic Landscape and novel disease mechanisms of pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Title: Hot Topic, Hot feet
- Title: How antibiotic AWaRe are you?
- Title: If in doubt, check the directory!
- Title: Injunction Risk, Technology Commercialization, and Profitability
- Title: Integrating WGS into ovarian cancer practice: a box of chocolates?
- Title: Microbiome-drug interactions
- Title: Mobile Sensing at the Service of Mental Well-being: a Large-Scale Longitudinal Study
- Title: New Variant Evolution
- Title: Oncogenic virus, Oropharynx and Opportunity
- Title: One simple test - prognostication in advanced heart failure
- Title: One size may not fit all, the case for stratified screening.
- Title: Optical IR investigation and control of molecular nanosystems
- Title: Organ donation: one year in review
- Title: Pain management programmes
- Title: Post-transplant troubles
- Title: Predicting treatment response for advanced ovarian carcinoma
- Title: Prophylaxis for SARS-CoV-2 - a repurposing story
- Title: Psychosis in Usher’s syndrome
- Title: Questioning the temptation to pull RANK(L)
- Title: Rainy day thinking
- Title: Regeneration in transplantation. Can cell based therapy improve the outcome of an operation?
- Title: Remember this
- Title: RIPK1 - Immunodeficiency meets Inflammation
- Title: Saving Brains- Promises and challenges with stroke thrombectomy
- Title: Snuffing the flame🔥 in vascular inflammation
- Title: Sticky or Sheared
- Title: Surgery for Overinflated Lungs: the Cambridge LVRS programme
- Title: Targeting the driver
- Title: The ‘droids’ come to the rescue.
- Title: The curious case of the collapsing chorister Risk stratification for and prevention of SCD
- Title: The Dark Energy Survey and Beyond
- Title: The Long and Winding Road
- Title: The Red Devil is in the Detail
- Title: The Smart ED
- Title: The Surgical Metaverse : Mixed Realty Technology in Surgical Care
- Title: The Usual Suspects
- Title: Travelling Communities: Challenging Misconceptions
- Title: Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes
- Title: Volume minimizers and (pseudo-)holomorphic cycles
- Title: Navigating the Cam: Morphology Influences Articular Cartilage Damage
- Titles TBC
- Tits' centre conjecture for subgroups of algebraic groups
- TLS Security - Where Do We Stand?
- TLWD scaffold proteins sustain circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis
- tmp
- TMS Garden Party
- TMS Symposium
- TMS Symposium
- TMS Symposium
- TMS Week 1 - Prof. Béla Bollobás (FRS)
- TMS Week 2 - Dr. Jeremy Butterfield of Trinity College (Cambridge), All Souls (Oxford) - A Philosopher Looks at Multiverse Proposals
- TMS Week 2 - Prof. Frank Wilczek of MIT (2004 Nobel Prize)
- TMS Week 3: Prof. Lisa Piccirillo of MIT
- TMS Week 4 - Prof. Piers Coleman of Rutgers University - Atoms, Particles and Fractionalization
- TMS Week 4: Prof. Subir Sachdev of Harvard University
- TMS Week 5 - Prof. David Conlon of Caltech
- TMS Week 5 - Prof. Simon Brendle of Columbia University
- TMS Week 6 - Prof. Emily Riehl of Johns Hopkins University
- TMS Week 6 - Prof. Ken Ono of Columbia University
- TMS Week 7 - Prof. Ana Caraiani of Imperial College London
- TMS Week 7 - Prof. Michel Goemans of MIT
- TMS Week 8 - Dr. Henry Wilton of Trinity College Cambridge
- TMS Week 9 - Prof. Leonard Susskind of Stanford University
- TNG Technology Consulting: Deepfakes 2.0 - How Neural Networks Are Changing Our World
- TNG Technology Consulting: Microservices for Smarter Home Appliances
- TNG Technology Consulting: Where Am I and What's That? - SLAM
- To be advised
- To be announced
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed. General topic: Langevin and trap limited recombination in OLEDs
- To be confirmed: Week 1
- To be or not to be an ancestor? Osteobiography meets funerary taphonomy in prehistoric Italy
- To be or not to be: Are JWST-discovered AGN real black holes?
- To Be or Not to Be: British Approaches towards Europe in the Postwar World
- To be or not to be… plastic. Shoot branching plasticity in Arabidopsis is linked to life-history strategy
- To Bend or to Break? — new views on the hardening of metals
- To Boldly Go. My Life in Physics.
- To Cap it All? Root Development, Evolution and the Root Cap
- To catch and reverse a quantum jump mid-flight
- To complete or make discrete? That is the question.
- To Cross or Not To Cross? Transcriptional Control of Axonal Pathfinding Choices.
- To disclose or not to disclose: What determines voluntary corporate carbon reporting?
- To do or not do? When ‘what’ and ‘how’ no longer counts
- To drink or not to drink: understanding 'types' of water in seventeenth-century England
- To dS/CFT and Back Through Cauchy Slice Holography
- To explain the Scientific Revolution by means of comparison
- To fly or not to fly? Improving volcanic ash forecasts for aviation
- To graze and virtue: Anders Gabriel Duhre as a virtuous maker of useful knowledge in early 18th-century Sweden
- To grow or not to grow
- To grow or not to grow
- To grow or not to grow - auxin-dependent differential growth regulation
- To Higgs or not to Higgs?
- To infinity and beyond with nonparametric Bayesian methods
- To infinity and beyond! Numerical linear algebra in infinite dimensions
- To infinity and beyond! Numerical linear algebra in infinite dimensions
- To initiate and share opportunities for people to participate in activities linked to research on Parkinson’s disease
- To liberalise or not to liberalise: an analysis of Pakistan's financial sector's role in the economy
- To Lie or Not to Lie - Do Self-Monitoring and Impression Management Go Hand in Hand?
- To love and be loved in return
- To measure is to know –learning progressions in scientific inquiry
- To Naive Bayes or to Logistically Regress: That is the Question
- To Nature and beyond
- To own or not to own - Absent ownership as barrier to user innovation
- To regenerate or not to regenerate? Recovering shape and function in damaged jellyfish
- To see a world in a grain of sand
- To see a world in a grain of sand: observations of debris disks as tests of planet formation theory
- To see the light - living optical fibers in the vertebrate retina
- To sense or not to sense viral RNA - essentials of coronavirus innate immune evasion
- To stay or leave? Cell-to-cell heterogeneity and progenitor’s segregation within the bird embryonic tail
- To Tell or Not to Tell? The Question of Disclosure
- To the Edge of Necroptosis and Back
- To the Ends of the Earth
- To the theory of decaying turbulence
- To what extent are autistic traits and intellectual impairment genetically related? Insights from a large population based twin study
- To what extent can order of accuracy improve forecast skill? A discussion session
- To What Extent is the Human Species Slowing Down?
- To within minutes of a black hole
- Tobacco, Health and History: identifying the use and impact of tobacco in Post-Medieval Britain
- TobEA: An Atlas of Tobacco Gene Expression from Seed to Senescence.
- Tobias Hill - The Hidden book launch
- Toda's theorem in bounded arithmetic with parity quantifiers and bounded depth proof systems with parity gates
- TODAY Adrian Seminar - "Brain dynamics in a firefly catching task"
- TODAY Adrian Seminar - "Functional synaptic architecture of visual cortex"
- TODAY Adrian Seminar - "Neural motion"
- TODAY Adrian Seminar - "Physiological and genetic heterogeneity in hearing loss"
- TODAY Adrian Seminar - A remarkable combination of skills in hunting archerfish
- TODAY Adrian Seminar: "Starting new actions and learning from it"
- TODAY Adrian Seminar: "Synaptic plasticity and memory"
- TODAY “Somatosensory cortex is essential for adaptive motor control in mice”.
- TODAY Foster Talk - "Paraspeckles, TDP-43 & alternative polyadenylation: how regulation of a membraneless compartment guides cell fate"
- TODAY Foster Talk - Integrin-associated adhesion complexes and their role in mechanotransduction
- TODAY Foster Talk - Localised RNA-based mechanisms underlie neuronal wiring
- TODAY! Adrian Seminar - "Plasticity of the adult visual cortex in human" - Concetta Morrane, University of Pisa, Italy
- TODAY! “Oscillations in mitochondrial ROS production regulate the early embryonic cell cycle in Xenopus”
- TODAY'S TALK CANCELLED DUE TO SICKNESS Machine learning: applications to cancer
- TODAY: Adrian Seminar - "Functional heterogeneity of astrocytes in the mammalian CNS" - David Rowitch
- TODAY: Adrian Seminar - Corinne Houart "Modulation of embryonic signalling activities controls forebrain size and complexity"
- TODAY: Foster Talk "Evolution of olfactory receptors, circuits and behaviours" Professor Richard Benton
- Today’s assessment jungle: a view from the regulator
- Toddlers Think for Themselves!
- Toddlers with autism and their parents: Lessons learned from an ASD Baby-Sib study about measurement, assessment and clinical judgement
- Tokenized Carbon Credits
- Tolerance Enforced Simulation for Stochastic Differential Equations via Rough Path Analysis
- Tolerance in Islamic thought: South Asian innovations
- Tolerance, autoimmunity and interleukin-2
- Toll Receptors
- Toll Receptors
- Toll Receptors
- Toll-like receptor signal transduction in infection and inflammation
- Toll-like receptor-mediated neuronal injury.
- Tollmien-Schlichting Route to Elastoinertial Turbulence
- Tolstoy's 'About Mushrooms'
- Tolstoy, Chekhov, and the Music of Russian Prose
- Tolstoy, Gender, and the Family
- Tomonaga-Luttinger like-physics in electronic quantum circuits
- Tomorrow's Catalysts: Actual and Desired - cancelled!
- Tomotherapy; Image Guided Therapy in Radiotherapy
- Toms, Tom Boys, Girls and Tom Tom
- Tone contrast maintenance driving phonological change in intonation grammars
- Tone Generation in Caribbean Steel Drums
- Tonic inhibition regulates the transfer of sensory information through the cerebellar cortex
- TONIS LUKAS (Estonian Education Minister) ‘Education and Research – the Potential of a Small State to Reach the Top'
- Tony Russell-Rose: From Search to Discovery
- Tony's Favourite Plants
- Too big to fail? Disease control versus market breakdown
- Too Cheap to Meter: An Insider’s View on Ways to Make Nuclear More Affordable
- Too Good to be True? Precisely! The Real Cost of Non-Standard Computation
- Too Hot to Handle: The Future Climate
- Too many people, not enough planet?
- Too much information? Hearer sensitivity to over-informativeness in referring expressions
- Too much of a group hug? Can radical challenge strengthen the advice provided to policymakers by government social scientists?
- Too smart by half? Reducing household energy consumption and emissions
- Tool development work (tbc)
- Tool Use by Capuchin Monkeys in Sierra da Capivara National Park (Brazil)
- Tooling Up for Nanoworld: The Magic of Molecular Machines
- Toolkit in Cancer Research: in vitro modelling and spatial phenotyping
- Tools and materials of the Medieval scribe
- Tools and services for data intensive research
- Tools and Tactics for Targeting RNA with Small Molecules
- Tools for Analyzing and Repairing Biological Systems
- Tools for Analyzing and Repairing the Brain
- Tools for Christian Scholarship seminar
- Tools for Engineering Morphogenesis in Plants
- Tools for engineering self-organisation and pattern formation in microbes and plants
- Tools for helping supervisors: Presentations from summer students
- Tools for refinement against low resolution X-ray data and fit to EM reconstructions
- Tools for the Brain: Using neural interfaces to restore motor function
- Tools utilised by bacteria to interact with humans
- Tooth Regeneration and Repair: Dentistry in the 21st century
- Top down model of condition based maintenance for complex asset
- Top quark effective theory in the LHC era
- Top Quarks at the LHC
- Top Tips for Organ Shape
- Top-down and bottom-up evidence for the early anthropogenic hypothesis
- Top-down influences on visual processing studied with TMS and fMRI
- Top-Down Meets Bottom-Up: The Amazing Possibilities of Nanowire Lithography
- Top-down visual processing and feature extraction in healthy observers and early psychosis
- Topic Modeling: Beyond Bag-of-Words
- Topic Modelling
- Topic Models -- and how to break them
- Topic Models for Human Activity Understanding
- Topic-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Extreme Summarization
- Topic: Proto-Elamite
- Topics from automorphic forms and Galois representations
- Topics in Capillary Fluid Statics
- Topics in Convex Optimisation
- Topics in differential privacy: optimal noise and record perturbation baseddata sets
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology I
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology II
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology II, cont.
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology III
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology III, cont.
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology IV
- Topics in Heegaard Floer homology IV, cont.
- Topics in Human Population Biology and Ecology.
- Topics in Political Philosophy: Luck Egalitarianism & Comparative Fairness
- Topics in Quantum Entropy and Entanglement
- Topics in quantum matter research
- Topics in Sparse Recovery
- Topics in Statistical Machine Translation
- Topics on joint source-channel coding and multiuser detection
- Topo IV is the topoisomerase that knots and unknots sister duplexes during DNA replication
- Topographic enhancement of turbulent mixing in the Southern Ocean
- Topographic maps of acoustic features in the non-human primate auditory pathway
- Topographic processing of numerosity in the human brain
- Topographic upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water in the presence of deep stratified interfaces
- Topographical anatomy and the visual culture of Edinburgh obstetrics
- Topography and transport in baroclinic turbulence
- Topography-mediated Transport of Warm Deep Water across the Continental Shelf Slope, East Antarctica
- Topoi, or not topoi, that is the question
- TopoICE and other software tools for investigating topological problems in DNA
- Topological AdS/CFT
- Topological and Charge-Ordered Phases in Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
- Topological and dynamical obstructions to extending group actions.
- Topological and Geometric Properties of tightly confined random polygons
- Topological approaches to problems of stirring and mixing
- Topological arguments in Kolmogorov complexity
- Topological charge pumping with ultracold atomic gases
- Topological colloids and particle-induced defects in liquid crystals
- Topological completions of quasi-actions and discretisable spaces
- Topological Computer Vision
- Topological Constraints Do Matter: Polymer Melts, Elastomers, Collapsed Polymer Globules, Chromosome Territories etc
- Topological crystals as a new paradigm
- Topological Data Analysis for Materials Science
- Topological data analysis of contagion maps for examining spreading processes on networks
- Topological Data Analysis: potential applications to computer vision
- Topological defect formation in a nematic undergoing an extreme temperature quench
- Topological defect formation in a nematic undergoing an extreme temperature quench
- Topological defects in crystals and liquid crystals 1
- Topological defects in crystals and liquid crystals 2
- Topological defects in mesoscopic and complex crystals
- Topological defects in nematic liquid crystals dictated by topologically nontrivial confinement and colloids
- Topological defects in spiral spin liquids
- Topological defects: what cosmologist and particle physicist can learn
- Topological electronic properties of silicon
- Topological features in stretching of proteins
- Topological Fibre Optics
- Topological Field Theories
- Topological finite generation of certain compact open subgroups of tree automorphisms.
- Topological foundations for classical encryption and quantum teleportation
- Topological Galois Theory
- Topological Hochschild homology via generalized Thom spectra
- Topological Incarnations of the Arf invariant
- Topological insulators: an experimentalist's perspective
- Topological invariants can be used to quantify complexity in abstract art
- Topological Invariants for G-kernels and Group Actions
- Topological Jumps in Fluid Mechanics
- Topological keystone species: network analysis in modern systems ecology
- Topological Kondo Insulators and SmB6: magnetism meets topology.
- Topological Kondo semimetals
- Topological machine learning
- Topological Materials with liquid electrons
- Topological Matter and Why You Should Be Interested
- Topological Matter and Why You Should be Interested
- Topological Matter and Why You Should Be Interested
- Topological mechanical chains : hidden symmetries and nonlinear phenomena
- Topological Methods in Contact Dynamics
- Topological methods in Grothendieck-Teichmueller theory
- Topological Models for Elementary Particles
- Topological modular forms and bilinear forms
- Topological modular forms with level structure
- Topological order from parafermions
- Topological order from strong correlations in two-dimensional lattice models
- Topological phases in 1D: An entanglement point of view
- Topological phases in correlated materials with strong spin-orbit coupling
- Topological Phases of Matter and Why You Should be Interested
- Topological Phenomena beyond Solid-state Systems
- Topological phonons in ferroelectrics switched by light
- Topological Properties in Gravitational Lensing
- Topological pumping in new territory
- Topological quantum field theory structure on symplectic cohomology
- Topological Quantum Matter, Entanglement, and the Second Quantum Revolution
- Topological Ramsey theory of countable ordinals
- Topological recursion and classification of multi-stranded biopolymer configurations
- Topological reduction of the inverse Born series
- Topological representation of lattice homomorphisms
- Topological scaling laws and the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of evolution
- Topological solitons
- Topological Solitons from Geometry
- Topological solitons in multi-component superconductors : from baby-Skyrmions to vortex loops
- Topological Spaces
- Topological statistics of living and non-living matter
- Topological Strings from quantum mechanics
- Topological Surface States - Tunnelling and Patterning
- Topological Terms in Sigma Models on Homogeneous Spaces
- Topological transformations in foams and liquid crystalline mesophases
- Topological vector spaces
- Topology and probability? What a strange combination...
- Topology and scale invariance in atomic Flatland
- Topology by non-unitary quantum dynamics
- Topology in the space of b-divisors and b-cycles
- Topology of definite fold singularities
- Topology of ends of nonpositively curved manifolds
- Topology of moduli spaces of vector bundles on a real algebraic curve
- Topology of quiver varieties and the character ring of finite general linear groups
- Topology of the conceptual network of language
- Topology optimization of modulated and oriented periodic microstructures by the homogenization method in 2-d and in 3-d
- Topology optimization of modulated and oriented periodic microstructures by the homogenization method in 2-d and in 3-d
- Topology optimization of structures: a review of manufacturing constraints
- Topology optimization of structures: a review of manufacturing constraints
- Topology protects chiral edge currents in stochastic systems
- Topology, probability and fluid motion in three dimensions
- Topology, Semimetals and Gapless Phases
- Topology, symmetry, and anomalies: investigating domain wall physics in quantum Hall nematic states
- Topology: a new twist to electrons in quantum materials
- Toposes as 'bridges' for unifying Mathematics
- Toposes for modified realizability
- Toposes of group actions
- Tori, disks, and winds — the AGN dust emission at high angular resolution
- Toric maps and transcendental dynamical degree
- Toroidal b-divisors and applications in differential and arithmetic geometry
- Toroidal compactifications and incompressibility of exceptional congruence covers.
- Toroidal momentum transport
- Torrenting for Free
- Torsion in the cohomology of fiber products of elliptic surfaces
- Torsion obstructions to positive scalar curvature
- Torsion of abelian schemes and rational points on moduli spaces (joint work with Anna Cadoret)
- Torsion points of elliptic curves via Berkovich spaces over Z
- Torsion sheaves on stacky curves, or how to not quite compute a motive
- Torsional vibration of a pendulum and the accuracy of the Trinity College Clock
- Torsional Vibration of Drill-Strings
- Torsional vibration tuners R&D and applications
- Torsors under tori and Néron models
- Torus fibrations and affine manifolds for fun and profit
- Torus Knots and Links, Twist Neutrality and Biological Applications
- Torus knots and rational homology balls
- Torus plateaux in high-dimensional critical phenomena
- Total derivatives in cosmological perturbations: implications for decoherence and Bell violation
- Total Generalised Variation regularisaton for linear inverse problems. Short Course: Higher order regularisation in imaging - Lecture 2
- Total Generalized Variation for Manifold-valued Data
- Total knowledge? Handbooks and encyclopedism in the 20th-century life sciences
- Total positivity is a quantum phenomenon: the grassmannian case
- Total positivity, Schubert positivity, and geometric Satake
- Total variation and curves
- Total variation and curves
- Totally positive functions in sampling theory and time-frequency analysis
- Totally positive functions in sampling theory and time-frequency analysis
- Touched by God? Or, Is Creativity Divine?
- Tough life of bacteria in antibiotic gradients: fast and resistant?
- TouQan: Towards a useful quantum advantage
- Tour of the Botanic Garden
- Tour of the recently re-opened University Museum of Zoology and an insider's guide to natural history museums
- Tourette's syndrome: the self under siege
- Touring with Turing
- Tourist taxation and heritage cities
- Tours for Blind & Partially Sighted Adults at the University of Cambridge of Museums
- Toward a Black Ecomusicology, 1853? Listening to Enslavement with Solomon Northup
- Toward a Comprehensive Picture of Rotation, Magnetic Activity, and Mass Loss in Sun-Like Stars
- Toward a Coq formalisation of the Arm Architecture: ISA & Concurrency
- Toward a design guide for the Y-frame sandwich core
- Toward a Fiscal Sociology of Colonialism
- Toward a History of Mathematics in the United States
- Toward A New Calibration of the Hubble Constant
- Toward a New Deal for Nature with UNEP-WCMC
- Toward a Psychology of Atheism: Dimensions and Types of Non-Religiosity
- Toward a quantitative approach to migrants integration
- Toward a semantic infrastructure for cognitive neuroscience: The Cognitive Atlas Project
- Toward a Wong-Zakai approximation for big order generators
- Toward a Wong-Zakai approximation for big order generators.
- Toward an acknowledgement of the invisible social metabolism of prestige-goods exchange in the Prehispanic Andes
- Toward an Atlas of the Physical Internet
- Toward an Intellectual History of War
- Toward an understanding of the barriers to and facilitators of dietary change
- Toward Better Bone Regeneration: Innovation in Metallic and Ceramic Scaffolds
- Toward Broad and Deep Language Understanding for Intelligent Systems
- Toward Causal Machine Learning
- Toward cleaner vehicle emissions: catalyst technologies for today and tomorrow
- Toward climate justice -- Should we rethink our narratives of Arctic glaciers and icebergs?
- Toward control of turbulence
- Toward data-driven reduced-order modeling and control of flows with complex chaotic dynamics
- Toward deciding the AE-theory of the Sigma02-enumeration degrees
- Toward Dependency-Agnostic Online Upgrades in Distributed Systems
- Toward Eliminating Patient Harm
- Toward Eliminating Patient Harm
- Toward Energy-efficient Computing
- Toward General Relativistic Cosmological N-body Simulations
- Toward looking at the Earth's interior through unbiased tomographic glasses
- Toward Personalized and Adaptive Health and Wellbeing Assistants
- Toward Power-aware Networking
- Toward Reducing Aerosol-Forcing and Climate Projection Uncertainties
- Toward reliable characterization of functional homogeneity in the functional connectome
- Toward resolving the fine scale genetic structure of microbial populations: a metagenomic Hi-C approach
- Toward Sparse and Structured Projections for Compressed Sensing
- Toward the Analysis and Control of Extreme Aerodynamic Flows with Data-Driven Methods
- Toward the equivariant stable parametrized h-cobordism theorem
- Toward the prediction of Arctic sea ice under global warming : Stochastic dynamical system approach
- Toward the realization of the quantum ampere with silicon nanoelectronics
- Toward understanding iodine and sulfur secondary aerosol formation in marine atmosphere
- Toward Understanding the Multi-Scale Coupling in Global Oceanic Flows
- Toward understanding the role of heterogeneity in powder mixtures
- Toward Unitary Entanglement
- Towards 1% precision at colliders: infrared subtraction in perturbative QCD
- Towards 2020 the genetic influence on obesity and associated disease
- Towards 3D characterization of nanomaterials under realistic conditions
- Towards 3D-Mapping of Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Towards a (rough) pathwise theory of fully non-linear stochastic partial differential equations
- Towards a (rough) pathwise theory of fully non-linear stochastic partial differential equations"
- Towards a 500 Million-Year History of Earth’s Atmospheric CO2
- Towards a Beilinson-Bernstein Theorem for p-adic Quantum Groups
- Towards a better communication between theory and imperfect realities of professional practice - On barriers among stakeholders and possible ways out
- Towards a better understanding of early stopping for boosting algorithms
- Towards a better understanding of protein misfolding in neurodegenerative diseases using fluorescent techniques
- Towards a brain architecture for visual behavior selection
- Towards a calculus for nonlinear spectral gaps
- Towards a calculus of privacy
- Towards a cartography of complex biological systems
- Towards a categorical boson-fermion correspondence
- Towards a cellular and molecular understanding of mammalian anterior patterning
- Towards a classification of p-groups of maximal class using periodicity
- Towards a Classification of Service Design: Foci, Activities, Phases, Perspectives and Participants
- Towards a Colonic Crypt Model with Realistic, Deformable Geometry
- Towards a Compact Representation of Extremely Large Language Models via Recognizable Linear Counter Functions
- Towards a complete classification of multipartite entanglement
- Towards a complete view of the genetics of gene expression variation in yeast
- Towards a comprehensive assessment of the interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the climate system
- Towards a Comprehensive Head and Neck Assessment for Stroke Prevention
- Towards a cure for Alzheimer's Disease
- Towards a Drosophila model of ovine scrapie disease
- Towards a dynamic object model within Unix processes
- Towards a Faster Finality Protocol for Ethereum
- Towards a finite-time singularity of the Navier-Stokes equations
- Towards a fuller understanding of inherited susceptibility to colorectal cancer
- Towards a General Framework for Bulk Holographic Quantum Gravity
- Towards a general theory of cryptoeconomics
- Towards a General Theory of Lorenz Ordering Applied to Ecological Domiance and Earth Observation Systems of Forest Ecosystems
- Towards a geometric compactification of moduli of polarized K3 surfaces
- Towards a geometric variational discretization of compressible fluid dynamics
- Towards a geometry for syntax
- Towards a Hecke algebra for fundamental groups of graphs of groups
- Towards a Highly Available Internet
- Towards a historical anthropology of the Uyghur of Xinjiang in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Towards a history of interactivity (through interactive objects)
- Towards a joint tomography of body wave and surface wave data: Studying the processes of continental collision beneath the Tibetan Plateau
- Towards a Just Transition
- Towards a Kuleana Anthropology: Responsibility and Relationality in Hawai‘i and Oceania
- Towards a mid-infrared single photon source
- Towards a Minimal Particle-Cosmology Supersymmetric Standard Model
- Towards a model of a deformable aerofoil
- Towards a model of morphological processing grounded in principles of discriminative learning
- Towards a molecular psychophysics of decision making in neuro-development and repair
- Towards a more realistic subjective decision theory
- Towards a more robust automatic velocity analysis method
- Towards a Multi-Scale Theory for Charge and Spin Transport in Organic Single Crystal-based Devices
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 1
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 1
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 2
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 2
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 3
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 3
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 4
- Towards a multivariable Wiener-Hopf method: Lecture 4
- Towards a Network Measurement Science
- Towards a new dynamics for Earth's core
- Towards a new global earthquake catalogue - Full waveform constraints on earthquake mechanisms and their uncertainty
- Towards a new paradigm for early-type galaxies.
- Towards a non-asymptotic understanding of diffusion-based generative models
- Towards a Non-Commutative Logic of Effects,
- Towards a non-equilibrium thermodynamics: the role of large fluctuations
- Towards a non-equilibrium thermodynamics: the role of large fluctuations
- Towards a nonsolvable Quotient Algorithm
- Towards a Pedagogy of Integration: Developing multiple competences in Brazilian Higher Music Education
- Towards a physical botany: the ascent of water in plants in seventeenth-century studies
- Towards a postmodern concept of risk: the contribution of risk perception studies
- Towards a probabilistic model of dialect classification: a case study from Ancient Greek.
- Towards a Psychological understanding of Extremism
- Towards a public health consciousness in medical science: plague in sixteenth-century Italy
- Towards a quantitative analysis of core-level and valence photoemission spectra of dye-sensitized solar cell interfaces
- Towards a quantitative mechanical model of plant cells and tissues
- Towards a quantitative understanding of long-range transcriptional regulation
- Towards a recipe for physical reasoning in humans and machines
- Towards a Relational Understanding of Participation in Social Health Protection
- Towards a religious internationalism? The Indian Khilafat Movement in interwar Europe
- Towards a responsible and dIsciplinary education in contrasting socio-political contexts: history-led curriculum change in England and Lebanon
- Towards a science of intelligence: Raven's reconsidered
- Towards a second generation OLED model
- Towards a security policy for ubiquitous healthcare systems
- Towards a semi-classical decoding of the Bethe Ansatz
- Towards a Silent Aircraft
- Towards a single controller that can make many buildings a little greener
- Towards A Social Ontology of Market Systems
- Towards a social(ist) model of disability? Exploring the Soviet roots of twentieth-century disability politics
- Towards a socially conscious evolutionary science of culture
- Towards a Space Quantum Internet
- Towards a Stateful Forwarding Abstraction for Software and Hardware Network Functions
- Towards a Stateful Forwarding Abstraction for Software and Hardware Network Functions
- Towards a Stochastic Model of Linguistic Competence
- Towards a strategic view of engineering operations
- Towards a string field theory for supergravity
- Towards a sustainable hydrogen economy
- Towards a sustainable hydrogen economy
- Towards a sustainable industrial system
- Towards a symplectic model of odd Khovanov homology
- Towards a Theory of Energy Conversion
- Towards a theory of entanglement for finite resources: single-shot entanglement cost
- Towards a theory of functional MRS
- Towards a theory of inelastic stability
- Towards a theory of layered neural circuit architectures
- Towards a top-down approach to stochastic thermodynamics: the eLEH stochastic thermodynamics
- Towards a transcriptional taxonomy of in vitro stem cell preparations
- Towards a turnkey approach to unbiased Monte Carlo estimation of smooth functions of expectations
- Towards a unified account of the phonology of preverbal clitic pronouns in French
- Towards a unified model of a human being
- Towards a Unified Model of Contrast Sensitivity
- Towards a User-Centric In-Vehicle Navigational System
- Towards a vanishing theorem in bounded cohomology of Lie groups
- Towards a whole brain account of decisions for actions using high precision MEG
- Towards a whole brain model of perceptual learning
- Towards ab initio optical spectroscopy of a bacterial light-harvesting complex
- Towards Active Matter Cybernetics: Optimal Control of Active Nematics
- Towards ad hoc interactions with robots
- Towards adaptive numerical integration of dynamical contact problems
- Towards Advanced Conversational Systems
- Towards Ageing Well: Nature, Nurture and Epigenetics
- Towards Algebra-Oriented Programming
- Towards Ambient Physiological Sensing for Digital Healthcare
- Towards an all-orders calculation of the electroweak bubble wall velocity
- Towards an All-Scale Model of Ocean Dynamics - New Numerics and First Simulations
- Towards an educational praxis for planetary health
- Towards an Effective Field Theory of Structure Formation
- Towards an empirical understanding of how galaxies acquire their gas
- Towards an entropic method for the Boltzmann equation
- Towards an entropy-based sumset calculus for additive combinatorics and convex geometry
- Towards an Ethnography of Madeiran Stowaways to South Africa, Mozambique & Swaziland, c. 1860-1960
- Towards an evidence base for best practice in mathematics education
- Towards an ideal synthetic system for active matter
- Towards an improved understanding and representation of atmospheric gravity waves in climate models
- Towards an inclusive and global Earth science: unravelling the legacies of empire
- Towards an Institutionalist Political Economy of Allocation
- Towards an integral local theta correspondence: universal Weil module and first conjectures
- Towards an Integrated Model of Design
- Towards an Intelligent Textbook for Discrete Mathematics
- Towards an interdisciplinary view of shoot apical meristem function
- Towards an Internet of Reality
- Towards an invertebrate model of mammalian prion disease.
- Towards an Open Source Disease Ontology
- Towards an RNA structure of everything
- Towards an SDN-enabled Federated Internet
- Towards an understanding of black hole binary formation through gravitational wave observations
- Towards an understanding of how general anaesthetics work
- Towards an understanding of mental disorders in urban areas
- Towards an upper bound for the number of composition factors of Specht modules.
- Towards Antihydrogen confinement with the ALPHA Anithydrogen Trap
- Towards applied nonlinear adaptive control
- Towards asymptotic models and minimal seeds for the geodynamo
- Towards at-home cancer diagnostics: Monitoring response to cancer treatment using dried blood spots
- Towards Autoformalization and Mathematical Reasoning using language models
- Towards automated self-correction of approximate DFT using first-principles Hubbard U and Hund's J parameters
- Towards automated understanding of scientific papers
- Towards Automatic Resource Consumption Certification
- Towards Automatic Stability Analysis for Rely-Guarantee Proofs
- Towards Automation of Protein NMR
- Towards Autonomic QoS Management in Event-based and Service-Oriented Environments
- Towards Batyrev duality for cluster varieties
- Towards bi-treated glass
- Towards bulk extension of near-horizon geometries
- Towards calculating the transcendental Brauer group
- Towards cancer screening using circulating DNA
- Towards categorical model theory
- Towards Cleaner Vehicle Emissions: Catalyst Technologies for Today and Tomorrow
- Towards Continuous Health Sensing with Everyday Clothing
- Towards control and design of pulse-based systems
- Towards copy-evident JPEG images
- Towards Core Principles of Pedagogy
- Towards coupled wave-ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in climate models
- Towards deeply publish/subscribe-based Web
- Towards density functional theory calculations of defects in crystals
- Towards depth-resolved optical imaging of cardiac activity: insights from computational models
- Towards Designing with 3D Bumps for Wing Drag Reduction
- Towards developing an Indian Ocean Dipole Watch System for Southeast Asia (Sedgwick Club Conference)
- Towards Digital Endpoints of Quality of Life
- Towards Digital Sovereignty in the Age of Hyper-giants
- Towards Durable Hydrophobicity and Omniphobicity
- Towards earlier diagnosis for cancer of the oesophagus
- Towards early identification and prevention of child mental health problems
- Towards easier protocols for quantum position-verification
- Towards effective data-driven models of morphogenesis
- Towards efficient CMB analysis on an incomplete sky
- Towards efficient evaluation of LHC constraints on supersymmetric models
- Towards Efficient Higher-Order Semidefinite Relaxations for Max-Cut
- Towards Efficient Organic Solar Cells
- Towards Efficient Traffic-analysis Resistant Anonymity Networks
- Towards empiricist models of language acquisition
- Towards emulated Lagrangian particle dispersion model footprints for satellite observations
- Towards enabling diffuse optical tomography in medical imaging
- Towards Encrypted Inference for Arbitrary Models
- Towards exact quantum entropy of black holes
- Towards explainable computational biology: small steps and many questions
- Towards explainable computational biology: small steps and many questions
- Towards explainable fact checking
- Towards extracting high strain rate constitutive relations using impact nanoindentation and finite elements
- Towards extracting high strain rate constitutive relations using impact nanoindentation and finite elements
- Towards extracting high strain rate constitutive relations using impact nanoindentation and finite elements
- Towards first-class status for multicast and mobility
- Towards first-principles biomimetic catalyst design
- Towards focusing research and innovations on local needs: If wireless technologies are to connect the wireless continent
- Towards Full-Stack Security Analysis of Web Applications
- Towards functional molecular devices based on electrically-burnt graphene nano-electrodes
- Towards General Artificial Intelligence
- Towards Global Maps of Anthropogenic Threats to Biodiversity and Their Contributions to Species Extinctions
- Towards Global, General-Purpose Geographic Location Encoders
- Towards Global-scale Species Distribution Modelling
- Towards Greener Photochemistry
- Towards Grey Fault Tolerant Cloud Systems
- Towards Habitable Worlds: Detailed Characterization of the Nearest Planetary Systems
- Towards higher dimensional analogues of the torsor of Drinfeld's associators
- Towards Higher Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Towards holistic mathematical models of human fluid physiology and associated diseases
- Towards homogeneous studies of high-z protoclusters
- Towards homological mirror symmetry for hypersurfaces in the algebraic torus
- Towards homomorphic encryption secured by the laws of physics
- Towards Human Systems Biology of Sleep/Wake Cycles: Phosphorylation Hypothesis of Sleep
- Towards Humble Geographies
- Towards identifying neglected, obsolete and abandoned IoT and OT devices
- Towards imaging the event horizon in the galactic centre
- Towards improved models for predicting residual stress in glass
- Towards Improving End-to-End Neural Diarization
- Towards in vivo molecular automata
- Towards in vivo structural biology: solving protein structures using deep mutagenesis
- Towards Inclusive Education: Swimming against the tide of educational reform?
- Towards interactive belief, knowledge, and provability: possible application to zero-knowledge proofs
- Towards Knowledgeable Foundation Models
- Towards Language Composition
- Towards large scale models of biochemical networks
- Towards large-scale analyses of genes, brains and language
- Towards large-scale integrated nucleic acid logic circuits
- Towards large-scale nonlinear photonic circuits
- Towards Learning-Powered Networked Systems
- Towards Low-Cost and Robust Organic Integrated Circuits
- Towards machine learning in operational weather forecasting
- Towards Mankind’s Survival; important lessons from a previous Mass Extinction
- Towards Meaningful Stochastic Defences in Machine Learning
- Towards measuring decoherence times of Undoped GaAs/AlGaAs spin qubit (SP Workshop)
- Towards mirror symmetry for varieties of general type
- Towards molecular classification of uterine leiomyomas
- Towards national emissions verification for non-CO2 greenhouse gases
- Towards Nc=3 parton showers
- Towards nearby Exo-Earths by way of young Neptunes
- Towards Net Zero at the British Antarctic Survey
- Towards Net Zero: Engaging Citizens with Negative Emissions Technologies in the US and UK
- Towards Networks without Management Complexity
- Towards Networks without Management Complexity
- Towards next generation galaxy formation simulations
- Towards NNLO QCD+NLO EW PDF fits with NNPDF
- Towards Observational Isochrones
- Towards open trusted computing frameworks
- Towards Optimal Operation and Maintenance of Electric Power Grids under Uncertainties
- Towards Optimal Operation and Maintenance of Electric Power Grids under Uncertainties
- Towards Organometallic Electronics: A Wolff type-III Solution-processable Ru(II)-Polymetallyne
- Towards parametric direcursion: structured mixed-variant recursion with parameters
- Towards patient-specific simulations of atrial fibrillation
- Towards Performant Networking from Low-Earth Orbit
- Towards personalization of cardiac models from medical images and signals
- Towards polynomial convergence for variational quantum algorithms using Langevin dynamics
- Towards Position-based Routing for Mobile Environments
- Towards Practical Randomization in Concurrent Data Structures
- Towards Predictable Data Centers- Why Johnny can't use the cloud and what can we do about it?
- Towards predicting gene expression from DNA sequence
- Towards Probabilistic Domain-Specific Languages for Infectious Disease Modelling
- Towards productive parallel programming: Unified Parallel C
- Towards Profitable Sustainability via Electrochemistry of Liquid Metals and Molten Salt
- Towards Programmable Wide-Area Virtual Networks
- Towards programming Safety Critical Systems in Java
- Towards Provable Physical Safety Against False Actuation Attacks in CPS
- Towards quantum algorithms for natural language processing
- Towards quantum limits for subelliptic operators
- Towards Rational Combination Therapies: Understanding tumor evolution during therapy response and resistance
- Towards rationally designed active metamaterials
- Towards rationally designed active metamaterials
- Towards realistic calculations of molecular adsorption and desorption on surfaces
- Towards realistic computer modeling of large condensed molecular systems
- Towards realistic modelling of multiple-star systems
- Towards reconciling Cosmology, GR and QFT through non-perturbative Stochastic Inflation
- Towards Reconstructing Gravity from the Universe Large Scales Evolution
- Towards reconstructing the visual world
- Towards refined curve counting on the Enriques surface
- Towards regulatory acceptance of digital outcome measures for Parkinson’s Disease
- Towards Rejuvenation of the Brain
- Towards responsible deployment of robust and private AI models in healthcare
- Towards Robust and Reliable Model Explanations
- Towards Safe, Reliable and Trustworthy AI
- Towards Scalable Foundation Models for Wearable Sensing
- Towards Scale-Free Control of large-scale traffic networks
- Towards seamlessly integrated geometric design and simulation using distance fields
- Towards secure and efficient DNNs
- Towards Secure Distributed Choreographies
- Towards seemless operation: a new look at interface scheduling and market operation
- Towards Self-Serving Aircraft
- Towards Single Cell Proteomics: Novel Platforms for Protein analysis, including an optical analog of 2D NMR
- Towards Single-electron Pumping with Graphene Quantum Hall Antidots (SP Workshop)
- Towards Smart Health Using Mobile Technologies
- Towards Socially Aware Autonomous Vehicles
- Towards space sustainability: advancing technologies, markets and policies (with a focus on robotics and machine learning)
- Towards Statistical Queries over Distributed Private User Data
- Towards synchronized (and programmable) datacenters
- Towards Systematic Design of Enterprise Networks
- Towards the cohomogical construction of Breuil-Kisin modules
- Towards the cohomology of SL_2(Z/p^n)
- Towards the control of transition to turbulence
- Towards the design of molecular materials
- Towards the development of a pan-betacoronavirus vaccine: evaluating cross-reactive embecovirus antigens in vivo
- Towards the dynamic modelling of brine fluxes from sea ice
- Towards the Evolutionary Genesis Engine
- Towards the exact de Sitter S-matrix of the Principal Chiral Model
- Towards the Future of Supernova Cosmology
- Towards the high-level sequence code of gene regulation
- Towards the Inclusive Railway project: Estimating exclusion for physical and digital passenger journeys
- Towards the Modern Subject (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Towards The Next Generation Of Batteries And Supercapacitors For Transport And Grid Storage
- Towards the next generation of cancer models.
- Towards the next generation of empirical galaxy formation models
- Towards the Next Generation of Spintronics: Transport in Van der Waals Antiferromagnets
- Towards the origins of lower-mantle heterogeneities: from seismic models to mineral physics
- Towards the origins of lower-mantle heterogeneities: from seismic models to mineral physics (***CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKES***)
- Towards the Probabilistic Earth-System Model.
- Towards the Profiling of Twitter Users for Topic-Based Filtering + Collaborative Filtering For Recommendation
- Towards the resilient firm
- Towards the Responsible Development of Foundation Model and Generative AI
- Towards the solution of the AdS/CFT spectral problem
- Towards the Standard Model on Rigid D-Branes
- Towards the syntheses of chiral bidentate ligands in the form of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
- Towards the understanding of the genetic bases of complex adaptations in the human genome
- Towards time-dependent current density functional theory in real time
- Towards Tree-to-Tree Translation
- Towards Tristability in Electrostatically Actuated Micro-Meta-Structures
- Towards true end-to-end learning & optimization
- Towards Trustworthy Embedded Systems
- Towards Trustworthy Natural Language Processing
- Towards Ultra-cold Quantum Degenerate Electron Beams
- Towards understanding adaptive intelligence
- Towards understanding of photoacclimation in algal photosynthesis – regulation via redox and Ca2+
- Towards Understanding the Brain Basis of Developmental Dyslexia: A Cross-Language Approach
- Towards understanding the molecular mechanism(s) of IFITM-mediated restriction of viral entry
- Towards understanding the performance of individuals within automatic speaker recognition systems
- Towards understanding the role of HLA-DRB1 in human susceptibility to Leishmania donovani infection
- Towards Understanding the Sagittarius' Orbit
- Towards unification of genetic and hierarchy models of tumor heterogeneity
- Towards universality in bootstrap percolation
- Towards Urban Energy Micro-simulation – the Primordial Role of the Urbanite
- Towards User-Friendly Image Inpainting: Learning-to-Rank based Image Quality Assessment for Image Inpainting
- Towards writing 'A User Guide for Planet Earth'
- Towards XNA molecularbiology: reinventing biology one protein at a time
- Towards Zero Carbon 2012-2016: A Turning Point in Building and Masterplan Design
- Towards Zero Latency Photonic Switching
- Towers of regular self-covers and linear endomorphisms of tori
- Town Hall discussion about managing journal subscriptions at the University of Cambridge
- Town, gown (and clergy) in Cambridge's first industrial revolution
- Towns, Cities and the Tilting of Britain's Political Axis
- Townscape, Anti-Scrape and Surrealism
- Toxic Metals in Iron Age Humans from the Faynan Area (Jordan): What Can Geochemical Tools Tell Us?
- Toxicity from Predicting Chemistry - Categories, Read-Across and Integrated Testing Strategies
- Toxicogenomics - helping reshape drug discovery (?)
- Toxin-antitoxin pairs in biotechnology and therapy
- Toxoplasma gondii, a model for host-parasite interations
- Toys in Monkeyland: the utility of anatomical models and medical expertise in late eighteenth-century Vienna
- TPP riboswitches: to Chlamydomonas and beyond
- TQFTs, Skein Modules and Knots in 3-Manifolds
- Trace anomaly on the conformal manifold
- Trace formulas and moments of automorphic L-functions
- Trace functions over finite fields
- Trace Inequality for the Fractional Laplacian
- Trace nutrient metals in bacterial physiology and pathogenesis
- Traceability of Engineering Design Information Development (TEDID)
- Traces in non-semisimple categories
- Traces of the Baltic Ice Lake drainage in the northern Baltic Sea and southern Finland
- Traces, current algebras, and link homologies
- Tracheoesophageal Speech Repair
- Tracheostomy in dogs and cats
- Tracially complete C*-algebras
- Tracing a Meridian through the Map of Time: Fact, Conjecture and the Scientific Method in William Robertson's *History of America*
- Tracing AGN feedback signatures from small to large scales across cosmic time
- Tracing Brain Evolution in Africa: Evidence from Fossil Endocasts
- Tracing cell fate specification and pattern formation during branching morphogenesis
- Tracing horizons of habitability on Venus
- Tracing human ancestry using DNA
- Tracing Human Ancestry, using DNA
- Tracing medieval population movements through ancient DNA: the Lombard Example
- Tracing memory circuits in Drosophila using whole-brain electron microscopy
- Tracing pathways of change in North Atlantic climate: Have we crossed a tipping point?
- Tracing potential energy surfaces of electronic excitations via their transition origins: application to oxirane
- Tracing Radio Source Evolution through the Radio Power - Linear Size Plane
- Tracing scientific instrument makers: the importance of researching the actual objects they made or sold
- Tracing self and identity in the development of creative writers
- Tracing Silver’s Path: Unveiling the Silver Circulation System of Late Ming Dynasty Through the Lens of 50 Taels Official Bullions
- Tracing tephra horizons in the Greenland ice-cores and the potential for integrating disparate proxy records in the North Atlantic region
- Tracing the building blocks of habitable worlds from disks to planets
- Tracing the cellular basis of epidermal maintenance and cancer
- Tracing the copper trade in Central Africa during the 2nd millennium CE: a cross-disciplinary approach
- Tracing the cunning of unreason
- Tracing the evolution of contagious cancers in the Tasmanian devil
- Tracing the evolution of passive galaxies at z~1.4-2 with KMOS
- Tracing the Growth of Black Holes in the Distant Universe
- Tracing the location of genes within microbiomes – a novel application of chromosome capture techniques
- Tracing the main sequence of star formation in X-rays
- Tracing the Transitions from Pluripotency to Germ Cell Fate with CRISPR Screening
- Tracing velocity substructures in the planet-forming disks of exoALMA
- Tracing Visitors To Our Shores Over The Last 5000 Years
- Track building and locomotion in Labyrinthula zosterae: A case of stigmergy++?
- Track roughness change due to railway vibration countermeasures
- Tracking 30-year Tropical Forest Biomass Loss and Recovery Based on a Spatially-explicit Bookkeeping Model with Earth Observations
- Tracking a killer: using ancient DNA to understand the evolutionary history of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Tracking and Analysis of Animal Movement
- Tracking and localisation for speech and robotics
- Tracking cell and cytoskeletal behaviour to understand tissue morphogenesis in fish and fly embryos
- Tracking chalcophile elements from source to vent at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Tracking Compound Heat and Humidity Impacts
- Tracking Disease Transmission in Western Uganda - A tale of data mining and electronic syndromic surveillance
- Tracking fluids through Earth’s crust: Insights from volcanic seismicity and impacts for society
- Tracking genomic aberrations of the androgen receptor (AR) in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)
- Tracking ground based targets in aerial video with dual-tree wavelet polar matching and particle filtering
- Tracking intentionality using behavioural models and Bayesian methods.
- Tracking memory retrieval using multivariate pattern analysis
- Tracking Movements: From Molecules to Mammals
- Tracking neurobiological factors of language developmental difficulties
- Tracking pathogens in space and time: something old, something new
- Tracking people over time in 19th century Canada: Challenges, Bias and Results
- Tracking performance of time-varying nonconvex optimization with application to OPF
- Tracking proteins inside cells
- Tracking proton pathways in the heme-copper oxidase superfamily: Insights from all-atom simulations
- Tracking stem cells at the single cell level: New tools for old questions
- Tracking stem cells at the single cell level: new tools for old questions
- Tracking sulfur and its chalcophile allies at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii: A story of sulfide saturation, sulfide resorption and magmatic degassing
- Tracking the behaviour of sulfur in oxidised magmas using sulfur isotopes
- Tracking the Brain Health of Older Adults in the United States: The Health and Retirement Study
- Tracking the Coffee Supply Chain with EPC RFID – A real case
- Tracking the early stages of star formation
- Tracking the Earth's Mantle Through Space and Time
- Tracking the Hand using Computer Vision
- Tracking the international spread of SARS-CoV-2 lineages of concern
- Tracking the odd: Meter inference in musical audio using particle filters
- Tracking the Russian Business Network (RBN)
- Tracking the solidification of a basaltic crystal mush
- Tracking the Takes and Trajectories of News Narratives from Trustworthy and Worrisome Websites
- Tracking transmission and evolution of bacterial pathogens with high-throughput genomics.
- Tracking, Memory, and Dynamic Icons
- Tractor calculi for conformal and other geometries
- Trade and Politics in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean
- Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in the UK: Past, Present And Future
- Trade unions and the British tradition of pluralism
- Trade unions, digital transformations and power
- Trade-offs between model accuracy and numerical complexity: example of a 3D Interactive Real Time Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit simulation on a PC
- Trade-offs in aid effectiveness: coordination, ownership and EU development policy
- Traded in for a younger model: When should a wind farm be replaced?
- Tradeoff relations between accessible information, informational power, and purity
- Tradeoffs between fast growth and adaptability shape microbial phenotypes
- Tradeoffs in biological optimisation
- Trading and shareholder democracy
- Trading in networks
- Trading Markets with Online Convex Optimisation
- Trading on Textual Data using AI
- Trading on Textual Data using AI
- Trading on Textual Data using AI
- Trading Programs - How the Finance industry has become so complex that today's products are similar to programs
- Trading Protection: The Rationality behind Anti-dumping
- Trading to stops
- Trading worlds: Afghan merchants across modern frontiers
- Tradition and Transition in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures 24-26 June 2012
- Traditional and Contemporary Torres Strait Languages and Dialects
- Traditional and Genetic Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease: First versus Subsequent Events
- Traditional Medicine Goes Global: Pan-African Precedents, Cultural Decolonization, and Cold War Rights/Properties’
- Traditions of dissent in northern Nigeria—and the peculiar power of a ‘green-field’ jihad
- Traffic dynamics induced by bottleneck
- Traffic jams and intermittent flows in microfluidic networks
- Traffic Modelling for Pavement Damage Calculations
- Traffic on networks: modeling and analysis
- Trafficking and regulation of Wnt proteins in developing epithelia
- Traffiking
- Tragedy Italian Style: Italian Cinema and Terrorism
- Trailer offtracking estimation with stereo vision
- Trailing-edge noise in slowly-varying, sheared flow
- Train and equip: British overseas security assistance in the Cold War Global South
- Train tracks, curves and efficient position
- Train your Voice: Resonate your Confidence
- Training amygdala regulation using real-time fMRI neurofeedback
- Training and Understanding Deep Neural Networks for Robotics, Design, and Perception
- Training LLMs Anywhere: Enabling Large-Scale Decentralized Learning on Your Mobiles Devices
- Training Random Forests with Ambiguously Labeled Data
- Training Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- Training working memory is learning to do something new
- Trains for Crossrail – Challenges, Solutions and Systems
- Trajectories and Revolutions in Western Popular Melody
- Trajectories of fluid particles in a water-wave
- Trans Awareness
- Trans in the Workplace
- Transacting knowledge, transplanting organs: collaborative science partnerships in Mongolia
- Transatlantic hum: Mexican hummingbirds and the French encyclopedic project
- Transboundary protected areas: source of cooperation or conflict?
- Transcendental Okounkov bodies
- Transcendental tools in quantum information theory
- Transcending frontiers: the dynamics of religious leadership in northern India during the nineteenth century
- Transcending politics: symbolism, allegory and censorship in Greek fiction
- Transcending Transcend: Revisiting Malware Classification with Conformal Evaluation
- Transchromatic homotopy theory 1
- Transchromatic homotopy theory 2
- Transchromatic phenomena in the equivariant slice spectral sequence
- Transcription
- Transcription and Genome Replication Machinery of Non-segmented Negative Strand RNA Viruses
- Transcription and R-loops as a source of genome instability
- Transcription as a driver of epigenetic transitions during oocyte development
- Transcription by influenza virus RNA polymerase: molecular mechanisms, cellular aspects and inhibition
- Transcription Factor Kinetics in Living Cells
- Transcription Factor/Chromatin Interactions: Integrating Genomics and Live Cell Dynamics
- Transcription factories and nuclear organization of the genome
- Transcription factors as sensors and modifiers of chromatin
- Transcription factors in oncogenesis: from ALCL to prostate cancer.
- Transcription profiling of calcium and circadian clock signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Transcription regulation: from parts list to genomic network.
- Transcription, Chromatin, and Epigenetics in Targeted Therapy of Cancer
- Transcriptional and chromatin regulation of T helper cell differentiation
- Transcriptional and phenotypic variability in response to temperature in plants
- Transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms of cell diversification - lessons from C. elegans
- Transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms regulating epidermal stem cell fate
- Transcriptional characterization of glioma stem cells using high-throughput tag sequencing
- Transcriptional control and immune evasion in African trypanosomes
- Transcriptional control of blood stem cell development
- Transcriptional control of CD4/CD8 lineage decision during T cell development
- Transcriptional control of CD4/CD8 lineage decision during T cell development
- Transcriptional Control of Cell Fate Choice in Blood Stem Cells
- Transcriptional control of EMT and malignant tumor progression
- Transcriptional control of pluripotent stem cell fate by the Nucleosome Remodelling and Deacetylation (NuRD) complex
- Transcriptional control of stem cell fate: keeping cells in the zone
- Transcriptional decoding of Developmental Signals
- Transcriptional dependencies in cancer
- Transcriptional Lego: Predictable control of gene expression by manipulating promoter building blocks
- Transcriptional Network Control of Blood Cell Development
- Transcriptional networks controlling blood stem cells
- Transcriptional networks in macrophages
- Transcriptional networks in the developing Xenopus embryo
- Transcriptional networks in vertebrate mesoderm formation
- Transcriptional networks regulating blood vessels: Notch, Sox and arterial formation
- Transcriptional noise in gene regulatory networks
- Transcriptional profiling host responses in Infectious diseases: From HIV infection of macrophages to the tuberculin skin test
- Transcriptional regulation and downstream program of Hox and Cdx genes during axial development in the mouse embryo.
- Transcriptional regulation and techniques
- Transcriptional regulation during developmental transitions: a view from 3D
- Transcriptional Regulation of Cell State
- Transcriptional regulation of lineage commitment: computational mdeling on the stochastic nature of cell fate decisions
- Transcriptional Regulatory Mechanisms in Hematopoietic Malignancies
- Transcriptional response to environment in plants: how to deal with variability and redundancy
- Transcriptional silencing by the NuRD co-repressor complex controls lineage commitment in mice
- Transcultural botany: Japanese gardens in New Zealand, 1890-1950
- Transdiagnostic approaches to understanding neurodevelopment
- Transdiagnostic mapping in neurodevelopmental disorders
- Transdimensional sampling algorithms for Bayesian variable selection in classification problems with many more variables than observations
- Transduction of chemical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa using polymer brushes
- Transduction of tactile information in human touch : a biomimetic approach
- Transductive and Semi-Supervised Learning
- Transfection of Babesia parasites and its application for imaging analysis
- Transfer functions of infinite-dimensional systems: positive realness, stabilization and absolute stability
- Transfer maps in A-theory
- Transfer of passive immunity in lambs
- Transfer, innate mechanisms and input in L2 acquisition of Italian reflexive and reciprocal constructions
- Transferability: as easy as ABC?
- Transferring the Principles of Human Impedance Control to Soft Robotic Systems
- Transfigured Landscape: The Spectre of Kashmir and Bombay Cinema
- Transform Arbitrary Good Quantum LDPC Codes into Good Geometrically Local Codes in Any Dimension
- Transformation and mind: Using science to fight mental illness.
- Transformation in trials and care to accelerate learning in medicine
- Transformation of carbonaceous materials in the oil industry
- Transformation of life: How behaviour shapes evolution.
- Transformation of perception: What are psychotic disorders and why are ethnic minorities at increased risk?
- Transformation of Spin Information into Large Electrical Signals via Carbon Nanotubes
- Transformation of traditional manufacturers towards servitized organisations
- Transformational Antennas For Healthcare And THz Applications
- Transformational Infrastructure
- Transformative advances in post-main-sequence planetary system science
- Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa - A study for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- Transformative transparency and a deforestation free economy: how supply chain information can improve supply chain governance and sustainability
- Transformer-based Chemical Reaction Prediction and Synthesis Planning
- Transformer: the 3rd generation neural network acoustic models for ASR and its application at Facebook
- Transformers For Scientific Machine Learning
- Transforming cancer care
- Transforming chemistry-using industries with Digital Molecular Technologies (DMT) [Webinar]
- Transforming Conflict into Connection: Nurturing Healthy Relationships (in-person talk)
- Transforming economics for a thriving 2027
- Transforming European diplomacy abroad: insights from Washington D.C
- Transforming Healthcare through Prevention - Ageing Well on a national scale: achieving the balance between fitness and frailty
- Transforming heathcare through AI-enabled pathways.
- Transforming Relationships through Love and Forgiveness (in-person)
- Transforming Retail with Machine Learning
- Transforming River Catchments - Linking Ecology, Society and the Economy
- Transforming the Future? Anticipation in the 21st Century
- Transforming Your Understanding of Large Language Models: A Primer
- Transgender Knowledge: Why what we know about transgender people matters
- Transgender Parents and their Children
- Transgendered Copper Mining in the Levant
- Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in Arabidopsis: a role for small RNAs?
- Transgenerational inheritance of small RNAs in the unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardttii
- Transgenic and transgenomic strategies for studying the genetic basis of phenotypic evolution: prospects and pitfalls
- Transgenic animals and bacteria as tools for providing passive imunity in humans
- Transhumancing the Alps — On the reciprocal constitution of humans, nonhumans and landscapes across the mountains and valleys of the Dolomites
- Transience in a Statistical Mechanics model of Random Band Matrices
- Transient behaviour in highly dependable Markovian systems, new regimes, many paths
- Transient convective uplift of an ancient buried landscape
- Transient Flows and Stratification of a Naturally Ventilated Enclosure Containing Both a Localised and Distributed Source of Buoyancy
- Transient grating ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications
- Transient growth induced by surface roughness in a Blasius boundary layer
- Transient induced gamma-band response in EEG as a manifestation of miniature saccades
- Transient loss of membrane potential in single plant mitochondria
- Transient phenomena in natural ventilation flows
- Transient population dynamics: implications for life history, evolution and conservation
- Transient response of random structures to non-linear shock loading
- Transient responses of the Southern Ocean to climate change
- Transient simulations of the Little Ice Age and beyond with a global reduced complexity model
- Transistors and wires: Quantum transport and nonlinear dynamics at the bottom
- Transiting Exoplanets: from SuperWASP to Space Telescopes
- Transition and Justice in Africa: A Panel Discussion
- Transition and Justice in Sierra Leone and Liberia
- Transition form factors on the lattice
- Transition from metallic to tunneling regimes in superconducting microconstrictions: Excess current, charge imbalance, and supercurrent conversion
- Transition from the viscous to the inertial regime in dense suspensions
- Transition fronts and their universality classes
- Transition in energy spectrum for forced stratified turbulence
- Transition in wall-bounded flows
- Transition in wall-bounded flows
- Transition of the simple random walk on the graph of the ice-model
- Transition region spectroscopy with the Hinode/EIS instrument
- Transition systems over games
- Transition to bound states for bacteria swimming near surfaces
- Transition to MRI dynamo action in Keplerian shear flows
- Transition to turbulence and turbulent bifurcation in a von Karman flow
- Transition to turbulence – a new perspective on transient turbulent flow
- Transition to Turbulence in a Liquid Metal Battery
- Transition to turbulence in a pipe
- Transition to turbulence in accretion disks and rotating shear flows
- Transition to turbulence in pipe flow
- Transition to Turbulence in Pipe Flow
- Transitional Administration and Governance
- Transitional Bleeding in Early Modern England
- Transitional plane Couette flow: an alternative to the low dimensional dynamical systems approach
- Transitioning to just and sustainable cities
- Transitions to vortex condensate growth in buoyancy-driven rotating turbulence
- Transitive Avoidance Games
- Transitive leap frogging: how to avoid queuing up for work
- Transitive psych-predicates In Chinese
- Translanguaging: a dynamic bilingual perspective on pedagogy, assessment and research
- Translating aerodynamic features from insects and birds to bioinspired aircraft
- Translating ‘In an Evil Hour You Were Valiant’ in the Song of Roland
- Translating basic cell and molecular biology towards new medicines
- Translating basic science on autobiographical memory to improved clinical practice
- Translating Behavioural Science Principals and Evidence into Modelling for Extreme Events
- Translating biophysical models to the heart of the clinic
- Translating Chemogenomics into Medicinal Benefit
- Translating cultures of service in the diaspora: devotion as social action in the BrAsian city
- Translating embodied skill: the politics of writing about making in the early modern period
- Translating informed consent from persons to data & biospecimens
- Translating knowledge about climate change into policy: Lessons from the use of climate science in biodiversity conservation policy in England
- Translating Proteostasis Mechanisms to Therapeutics of Diseases of Protein Conformation and Aging
- Translating Religion and Secularism in China
- Translating research: commercialisation of ideas and products from University laboratories by life scientists
- Translating Science in Colonial North India, c.1890-1950
- Translating Shevchenko's Kobzar
- Translating the 'Exact' and the 'Positive' sciences: fin-de-siecle reflections on the sciences of India, 1890-1910
- Translating the biology of epigenetics into clinical applications for cancer
- Translating the Cantor set by a random
- Translating the Deaf Self: Translanguaging, interpreting & identities of deaf signers at work
- Translating the Hypoxic Response – Role of Preferential Protein Translation in Cellular Response to Low Oxygen
- Translating Tumour Metabolism into New Diagnostics and Novel Anti-Cancer Therapeutics
- Translating Vaccine Impact Modelling to Support Evidence-Informed Immunization Decision-Making in Countries (Virtual Talk)
- Translation & Technology
- Translation and Poetry (Discussion Panel)
- Translation and Poetry (Translation Hub)
- Translation and Poetry (Workshop)
- Translation and Transmission of Greek and Islamic Science to Latin Christendom
- Translation defects and neurological disease
- Translation machinery in mitochondria – from structure towards clinic
- Translation research in plant breeding, can we finish the job!
- Translation, Figurative Meaning, and Argument
- Translation, Partnership and Impact (lunchtime seminar)
- Translation: Theory and Practice in the Modern Language Department
- Translational bioenergetics in diabetes; from the beta cell to chronic kidney disease
- Translational biomedical informatics research in a clinical neurosurgery environment
- Translational cognitive neuroscience of social knowledge and moral motivations: new clues for the understanding of affective disorders
- Translational control by DEAD-box proteins
- Translational control of RNA virus gene expression
- Translational Epigenetic Inheritance and RNAe
- Translational Funders Day
- Translational Funding – Bridging the gap between research grants and commercial finance
- Translational imaging studies in ovarian cancer
- Translational Neuroelectronics
- Translational Neuromodeling for Psychiatry
- Translational neuroscience: Promise and pitfalls
- Translational regulation
- Translational research in dementia - progress in bridging the gap between bench and bedside
- Translational Science: using biomarkers to guide clinical development in oncology
- Translational studies of entorhinal cortex and hippocampal function in Alzheimer’s disease
- Translations for finite W-algebras
- Transmissible cancers
- Transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils
- Transmissible cancers: when cancer cells become infectious agents
- Transmissible cancers: when cancer cells become infectious agents?
- Transmissible cancers: when cancer cells become infectious agents?
- Transmission and reflection at an interface between metamaterial and ordinary material
- Transmission and reflection at an interface between metamaterial and ordinary material
- Transmission and reflection at the boundary of a random two-component composite
- Transmission and reflection of energy at the boundary of a random two-component composite
- Transmission and Topology in Disordered Networks of Coaxial Cables
- Transmission capacity allocation in zonal electricity markets
- Transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in China and the United States
- Transmission dynamics of zoonotic schistosomiasis in a changing world
- Transmission Eigenvalues
- Transmission Eigenvalues and Non-Scattering Inhomogeneities
- Transmission Eigenvalues and Upper Triangular Compactness
- Transmission Eigenvalues for a Spherically Stratified Medium
- Transmission eigenvalues, non-scattering phenomena and the inverse problem
- Transmission expansion, renewable locations, and generation investment in electricity markets: The impact of cross border interconnection on national investment decisions
- Transmission history of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer
- Transmission Imaging in the ESEM - what is it and why should you care?
- Transmission of prion diseases by blood transfusion.
- Transmission problem between periodic half-spaces
- Transmission spectroscopy of hot gas giant atmospheres
- Transnational Conflicts: A New Kind of War?
- Transnational fears about marginalized young people at the borders of the nation
- Transnational Islam and Colonial Critique: Jamaluddin Afghani and Amir Abdul Rahman Khan's Political Activism
- Transnational networks in local politics
- Transness
- Transparency of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy
- Transparency, reproducibility, and adaptability in data analysis.
- Transparent Conductive Materials at the LMGP: Nanowire networks and oxides
- Transparent Electronics: Clearly a Technology Winner or Just The Emperor's New Clothes?
- Transparent Electronics: Materials, Devices, Applications
- Transparent sustainability: WELL standard & Energy Cost Metric
- Transplanckian scattering at the LHC and beyond
- Transplantation & Acute Medicine
- Transplantation tolerance - strategies to promote and biomarkers to measure
- Transport and Data: Privacy by Design
- Transport and dehydration in the tropical tropopause layer
- Transport and processing of ozone in the West African monsoon
- Transport and Settling of Buoyant Microplastics in Turbidity Currents
- Transport and Settling of Sediments in River Plumes
- Transport and superconductivity at topological surfaces and interfaces
- Transport and the transmission of plague across settlements in early modern England.
- Transport and thermodynamic properties of cuprate superconductors: E(k) dispersion, pseudogap and isotope effects
- Transport and urban growth in the first industrial revolution
- Transport barriers, ocean adjustment and a new perspective on the surface Gulf Stream
- Transport bifurcation & layering in tokamak plasmas
- Transport bifurcations in rotating tokamak plasmas
- Transport Decarbonisation: the Road Ahead
- Transport development and urban population change in the age of steam: A market access approach
- Transport in heterogeneous porous media
- Transport in holographic systems with momentum dissipation
- Transport in QGP and non-critical holography
- Transport in random fields and applications to Drosophila melanogaster
- Transport into the cell: How many ways to get in?
- Transport mechanism and membrane interactions of the cation pumps
- Transport methods for stochastic modelling and inference
- Transport Metrics for Vlasov Hierarchies
- Transport of charged macromolecules under applied electric fields
- Transport of folded proteins by the bacterial Tat pathway
- Transport of ions in the water-filled channel in membranes
- Transport of modulation-doped Al0.2Ga0.8Sb/GaSb heterojunctions
- Transport of Molecules across Lipid Membranes
- Transport of particles at an air-liquid interface
- Transport Phenomena in Liquid Metal Batteries
- Transport problem for the random forced Burgers equation and the KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) phenomenon
- Transport Scotland
- Transport that Waits for You: Planning and Operating Personal Rapid Transit Systems
- Transport that waits for you: planning and operating personal rapid transit systems
- Transport theory of pyrochlore conductors
- Transport, aggregation and wetting of assemblies of soft fibres
- Transport, Cities & Infrastructure
- Transport-driven dynamics in bio-inspired systems
- Transportation and related inequalities in discrete spaces
- Transportation Cost spaces and their embeddings into $L_1$
- Transportation cost spaces on finite metric spaces
- Transportation cost spaces on finite metric spaces
- Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World
- Transposable elements and epigenome evolution
- Transposable elements and the evolution of the human brain
- Transposable elements as catalysts of cellular innovation
- Transposably invariant sample reuse: the pigeonhole bootstrap and blockwise cross-validation
- Transposably invariant sample reuse: the pigeonhole bootstrap and blockwise cross-validation
- Transposed element RNAs detected by massively parallel sequencing
- Transpositions: a Cambridge Reproduction Forum
- Transposon escape points to function in somatic cells?
- Transposons and evolutionary novelties of a symbiotic genome
- Transthyretin and Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide - do two wrongs make a right?
- TransType2: The Last Word
- Transversals in quasirandom latin squares
- Transverse instability of generalised solitary waves
- Transverse Instability of Peregrine Rogue Waves
- Transverse momentum resummation and Higgs-background interference in diphoton production
- Transverse momentum resummation: general formalism and the case of diphoton production at LHC
- Transverse Oscillations of Coronal Loops: Statistics, Behaviour
- Trapped acoustic modes in slowly varying pipes
- Trapping CO2 using sponge-like materials
- Trapping Mink for Water Vole recovery in the upper Cam catchment
- Trapping of Rossby waves in the equatorial betaplane model
- Trapping, linking and encapsulating molecules in metal-based complexes and cluster cages.
- Trauma Apps and the Making of the 'Smart' Refugee.
- Traumatic Brain Injury: What can MRI tell us?
- Travel Guide Writer - Dream Job?
- Travel Time Tomography and Tensor Tomography
- Travel Tracking with CarbonHero
- Travel Writing around 1800 and the Problem of Knowledge
- Traveling and resting crystals in crowds of self-propelled particles
- Traveling quasi-periodic water waves
- Travelling 1st class on the Titanic?
- Travelling front of the decaying brane
- Travelling texts: notes on early modern geography and Hebraism
- Travelling to town: medieval peasants in the urban marketplace
- Travelling wave analysis of a volume-filling model for cell invasion into the extracellular matrix
- Travels among Australasian alpines
- Travels of a botanist in search of mosses: Unst to Albania, then Cambridge
- Travels with my Rant - a talk by Murray Grigor OBE
- Travels with research: baboons to earthquakes
- Traversing the Eckmann-Hilton Hyperclock
- Tread Block Forces on a Free Rolling Tyre
- Treaps - Power and Simplicity of Randomisation
- Treasure Hunt
- Treating carbon addiction in the NHS: sustainable clinical practice
- Treatment Centre Simulation
- Treatment Centre Simulation
- Treatment of energy and composition in models of magma/mantle dynamics and implications for reactive flow
- Treatment of kidney cancer
- Treatment of lung cancer
- Treatment of pancreatic cancer
- Treatment of sino-nasal aspergillosis: rhinotomy combined with a one hour infusion of enilconazole 2% and itraconazole
- Treatment of the Dead in the Mesolithic: Reconstructing Taphonomic Histories of Loose Human Bones from Pupicina Cave, Croatia'.
- TREATMENT RESISTANT DEPRESSION (ONE DAY WORKSHOP-participants will need to register)
- Tree complexes and obstructions to embeddings.
- Tree decomposition of graphs
- Tree diversity of coffee agroforestry systems across three zones of Potential Natural Vegetation
- Tree reconciliations: beyond the LCA mapping
- Tree rings at the interface of archaeology, biology, climatology and ecology
- Tree-Based Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge with Applications to Wasserstein Barycenters
- Tree-Decompositions of Infinite Graphs
- Tree-Level S-Matrices: from Einstein to Yang-Mills, Born-Infeld, and More
- Treed Gaussian Processes for Regression and Classification
- Trees and rough paths
- Trees as keys, ladders, maps: a revisionist history of early systematic trees
- Trees as representations of evolutionary information worth keeping
- Trees for Streets
- Trees for subtoposes of the effective topos
- Trees on Farms: investigating the conservation benefits of agroforestry
- Trees versus connected graphs II
- Trees, hedges and woodland management
- Trees, trade and textiles: tracing ecological dependency in British industry, c.1550-1750
- Trembling, Chugging and Choking in Volcanic Eruptions
- TReND: Teaching and Research in Neuroscience for Development in Africa
- Trends and Properties in Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Framework Materials
- Trends in Online Payment Security
- Trends in sophisticated hacking
- Trevor Phillips
- Triality in Minimal Model Holography
- Triality, two geometries and one amalgam non-uniqueness result
- Trials and Tribulations
- Trials and Tribulations in the Management of Head and Neck Cancer
- Triangle factors in random graphs
- Triangle generation and rigidity for simple groups
- Triangle-intersecting families of graphs
- Triangle-Intersecting Families of Graphs
- Triangles of groups, property (T), expanders and special quotients
- Triangular clustering in document networks
- Triangulated surfaces in triangulated categories
- Triangulation of phenomena
- Triangulations: poetry, plants and politics in the late eighteenth century
- Tribalism in War and Peace: The nature and evolution of ideological epistemology and its significance for modern social science
- Tribology at the Smallscale: Learning from Nature
- Tribulations and lots of trails: Nuclear Fuel Technology Development
- Triceps tendon rupture in dogs and cats: A retrospective study of 14 cases
- Trick or treatise? Alchemy as natural magic
- Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial
- Trickle down in cities? An empirical analysis on the relation between the share of higher educated residents and employment growth for lower-educated in a panel of cities
- Tricks of the Mind: Visual Illusions
- Tricks with sonograms, from submarines to art
- Trigger + Invisible Higgs at ATLAS
- Trigger mechanisms and evolution of ULIRGs: local vs high-z
- Triggered: a crossdisciplinary music, dance and technology performance and the launch of the Digital Performance Lab at Anglia Ruskin University and CoDE-institute
- Triggering light emission by mechanical stimulation: behaviour of a dinoflagellate
- Triggering of the largest Deccan eruptions by the Chicxulub impact OR What really killed the dinosaurs?
- Triggering of the largest Deccan eruptions by the Chicxulub impact OR What really killed the dinosaurs?
- Triggering Reduction of Imported Emissions in the EU
- Triggering wavelike-convergence in tail-biting SC-LDPC codes
- Trilingual Policy into Action
- Trim28 and KRAB-zinc finger proteins silence retrotransposons and cellular genes
- Trinity Around 1970 - student life and math activities
- Trinity College Library Dublin: collectors, copyright and criminals in Georgian Dublin
- Trinity College Library, Dublin: Collectors, Copyright and Criminals in Georgian Dublin
- Trinity College Science Society 11th Annual Research Symposium
- Trinity College Science Society Annual Symposium
- Trinity College Science Society Symposium 2015
- Trinity Felixstowe Partnership - Y11 Maths Enrichment Day
- Trinity Hall Film Screening: Marketa Lazarová (1967)
- Trinity Hall Film Screening: The Lives of Others (2006)
- Trinity Hall MML/History Film night - If... (Lindsay Anderson, UK 1968)
- Trinity Hall MML/History Film night - The Act of Killing (2012)
- Trinity Hall MML/History Film night - The Devils (Ken Russell, UK 1971)
- Trinity Hall MML/History Film night - The House I Live In (2012)
- Trinity Hall MML/History Film Screening: Catch-22 (1970)
- Trinity Life in Science and Politics
- Trions and Biexcitons in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors
- Trip report
- Trip Report - CCC
- Trip report for CHES and FDTC 2010
- Trip report for PETS 2010
- Trip report from S-REPLS 4
- Trip Report on NSDI and ACM SOSR
- Trip Report: Google Networking Summit
- Trip to Bletchley Park
- Tripartite Integrative and Conjugative Elements in Mesorhizobium spp
- Triple cascade and zonal flows in beta-plane turbulence
- Triplet interactions in solution processed organic devices
- Trisections and the Thom conjecture - CANCELLED
- Tristability, simulations mode actuation, and limit point behaviour in initially curved coupled micro beams
- Trivalent Categories
- Trivertices and a corresponding class of hyperKahler spaces
- Trivial braid detection via Khovanov homology
- Trivial measures are not so trivial
- tRNA Modifications and Decoding Errors
- tRNA that masquerades under rRNA to promote translation of mRNA in mitochondria.
- tRNase ZL (ELAC 2) is central to eukaryotic pre-tRNA 3' end maturation
- Trojan Source: Invisible Vulnerabilities
- Tropic: Introducing Innovation To Food, Places And People Who Need It Most
- Tropical (p,q)-cycles
- Tropical and Antarctic sea ice impacts of observed Southern Ocean warming and cooling trends since 1949
- Tropical Atlantic Ocean Impacts on Antarctic Peninsula Area Climate
- Tropical Butterflies: using museum collections to study changes in biodiversity
- Tropical curves appear in physics in a natural way as the so called "brane webs"
- Tropical Cyclone Motion in the Presence of Surface Discontinuity and Topography
- Tropical development
- Tropical epiphytes: In pursuit of forest hitch-hikers
- Tropical fingerprints on the polar mesosphere
- Tropical Forests and Climate Change: Biological and Anthropological Perspectives
- Tropical invalids: climate and culture in nineteenth-century British natural history
- Tropical invariants through mirror symmetry
- Tropical Lagrangians and mirror symmetry
- Tropical Nevalinna theory and ultra-discrete equations
- Tropical rainfall, Rossby waves and initialised climate predictions
- Tropical rainfall, Rossby waves and initialised climate predictions
- Tropical sampling and its application to large-loop Feynman integration
- Tropical scheme theory
- Tropical Western Pacific Currents and the Origin of Intraseasonal Variability Below the Thermocline
- Tropically constructed Lagrangian in mirror quintic threefolds
- Tropospheric and stratospheric cloud and dynamics research at the Australian Antarctic Division
- Tropospheric ozone: Short-lived climate forcer
- Trotter of the Empire: Krepysh, National Dreams, and the Price of Perfection
- Trouble with termites
- Trouble-makers: Audio-video distortions as a relational resource in couples’ video calls
- TRPV1: hot new channels in the hippocampus
- TRRespass: Exploiting the Many Sides of Target Row Refresh
- True Success - An Interactive Talk
- Truffles in a warming world
- Truly cinematic image processing problems
- Truly Predictive Reduced Order Modeling for Complex Multi-scale, Multi-physics Problems
- Trump, Episode II: The Imperial Presidency Strikes Back
- Truncated stochastic approximation with moving bounds
- Truncation guidelines for deepwater mooring lines
- Trust & Technology Initiative 2019 Symposium
- Trust & Technology Initiative Launch
- Trust & Technology Initiative summer garden party
- Trust and Inequality in Late Medieval England
- Trust and Internet Technology
- Trust and Mistrust on the Internet
- Trust and Power in the Art Market: A Machiavellian World?"
- Trust and Safety: Data and the Business of Trust-Making
- Trust in Networks and Collaborating Networked Systems
- Trust in the fallible: lessons from uncertainty management in the environmental sciences
- Trust, Religion, and Tribalism: Reflections on the Sociological Data from the Balkans
- Trust, Time and Truth
- Trustable Hardware as a TOCTOU Problem: Overview and Potential Remedies
- Trusted Autonomous Systems: Verification Meets Falsification
- Trusts and Controls in Engineering Design Adaptation
- Trustworthiness at the Border
- Trustworthiness, moral epistemic-duties, and public health guidance: the case of wildfire smoke
- Trustworthy AI
- Trustworthy and Accountable Function-as-a-Service using Intel SGX
- Trustworthy and Responsible Machine Learning
- Trustworthy Digital Identity - Systems Architecture
- Trustworthy Just-In-Time Compilers with Symbolic Meta-Execution
- Trustworthy Medical Device Software
- Truth and artists’ intention
- Truth AND consequences
- Truth be Told? Debating the Human Rights records of Exiled Liberation Movements in Southern Africa
- Truth conditions at scale, and beyond
- Truth, lies and poetry: Kalvos, Solomos and the War of Independence
- Truth, Untruth and the Moment of Indwelling. Inferno XXIX, Purgatorio XXIX, Paradiso XXIX
- Truth: is it dead, living but endangered, or was it always an illusion?
- Trying to catch up with Gibbs: How simulators run into problems that Gibbs had already solved
- Trying to decipher normality by looking at the extremes
- Trying to make sense of all that nonsense (-mediated mRNA decay)
- Trying to quantify Gromov's non-squeezing theorem
- Trypanosoma brucei as a model for flagellar assembly
- Trypanosoma brucei: sex, drugs and RNA
- Trypanosome Cell Shape - high order assembly of the cytoskeleton and definition of surface membrane domains.
- Trypanosome glycoproteins and the translation of basic research
- Tsunamis in Natural Bays and Deepwater Mooring Dynamics
- tt+X experimental overview
- TTbar-deformed conformal field theories out of equilibrium
- TTH Cambridge Presents: GM Policy in Developing Regions: Yielding Much?
- Tthe use of viscosity measurements on CMT fluid to detect bovine mastitis
- TTT Poster Session
- TTT Poster Session
- TU Dortmund - research on supply chains and data management (including the industrial dataspace initiative)
- Tube formation during C. elegans vulval development: Linking cell fate with morphogenesis
- Tuberculosis Treatment Dicta from the Zebrafish
- Tuberculosis, Cancer & Gout: Archaeolgical evidence of disease from Medieval Cambridge
- Tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria - a journey from genomics and virulence to improved vaccines.
- Tudor Portraits: Icon or Mask
- Tudor Renaissance Monuments Deconstructed and Reconstructed: 3D Laser scanning and the Tombs of the Dukes of Norfolk
- Tudor Statecraft and Contemporary Politics
- Tug-of-war games and PDEs
- Tulips, Toxic Derivatives and Economic Contagion: What you need to know about the financial crisis
- Tumor cell metastasis: Modeling the long and treacherous journey in the circulation and escape at the metastatic site
- Tumor genomes shed light into somatic mutational processes and cancer vulnerabilities
- Tumor initiation through aberrant differentiation
- Tumor-derived glucocorticoids as a novel immune escape mechanism
- Tumor-derived glucocorticoids as a novel immune escape mechanism
- Tumour pathology, structure and nomenclature
- Tumour pathology, structure and nomenclature
- Tumour pathology, structure and nomenclature
- Tumour Metabolism
- Tumour metabolism
- Tumour natural history, structure and nomenclature
- Tumour natural history, structure and nomenclature
- Tumour natural history, structure and nomenclature (lecture/demonstration)
- Tumour natural history, structure and nomenclature (lecture/demonstration)
- Tumour structure and nomenclature
- Tumour structure and nomenclature
- Tumour structure and nomenclature
- Tumour structure and nomenclature
- Tumour suppressor and tumour maintenance genes
- Tumour suppressor mechanisms and cellular senescence
- Tumour suppressors 1 and 2
- Tumour Suppressors 1 and 2
- Tumour suppressors mechanisms and cellular senescence
- Tumour-immune interactions - the devil is in the detail!
- Tumour-stroma Interactions in Breast Cancer
- Tumours induce immune cell-mediated steroid biosynthesis to evade immunity.
- Tunability and self-organisation of quantum matter
- Tunable Functional Magnetic Skyrmions at Room Temperature
- Tunable mesoporous Bragg reflectors for sensing and light harvesting based on block-copolymer self-assembly
- Tunable photostriction of halide perovskites controlled by light: Light-induced lattice expansion or light-induced lattice contraction?
- Tunable Static Inference for Generic Universe Types
- Tuned passive control of combustion instabilities
- Tuning Computer Systems with Structured Bayesian Optimization
- Tuning dimensionality, magnetism and conduction in van-der-Waals Mott insulators FeP(S,Se)3
- Tuning hierarchical structures with multiple hydrogen bonding interactions
- Tuning into nature in interwar Britain: biology and natural history on the BBC
- Tuning of genome expression and energy metabolism during cellular proliferation, quiescence and ageing
- Tuning out knowledge: radio interface design in interwar Britain
- Tuning Properties and Functionality in the Modulated Self-Assembly of Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Tuning Protein Aggregation Pathways by Charges
- Tuning protein biogenesis at the level of translation: probing dimensionality beyond the linear sequence of mRNA
- Tuning stellar cores from gravity modes detected in CoRoT and Kepler data of various types of stars
- Tuning the Caulobacter crescentus DNA damage response through the toxin-antitoxin system HigBA and its co-encoded transcription factor HigC
- Tuning the parameters of random particulate materials
- Tunneling and Zero-Point Energy Effects in Multidimensional Hydrogen Transfer Reactions
- Tunneling electroconductivity of Bose condensates
- Tunnelling and Imaginary Time:Instantons
- Tunnelling effects on bored piles in clay
- Tunnelling in sand and its effect on pipelines and piles
- Tunnelling Under Cities, Advances in Research and Practice
- Tunnelling under London - Keeping Big Ben Upright
- Tunnels and deep excavations for transport infrastructure, advances in research and practice.
- Turan densities for daisies and hypercubes
- Turbine Blade Cooling Systems: Improving The Design Process
- Turbine Wheel Mistuning
- Turbine wheel mistuning
- Turbinicarpus and Allied Genera
- Turbocharger mistuning
- Turbochargers. The answer to power, economy, emissions and more!
- Turbocharging Rack-Scale In-Memory Computing with Scale-Out NUMA
- Turbocharging Serverless Research with vHive
- Turbofan noise detection and control studies by the Wiener-Hopf Technique
- Turbofan noise detection and control studies by the Wiener-Hopf Technique
- Turbomachinery aeroacoustics
- Turbophoresis of heavy inertial particles in statistically homogeneous flow
- Turbulence Acceleration - Dynamo mechanism by transport flow
- Turbulence and Dust Dynamics in Protoplanetary Disks with Vertical Shear Instability
- Turbulence and dynamo driven by tides and libration in planetary cores
- Turbulence and energetics in Jupiter's atmosphere
- Turbulence Beneath the Larsen C Ice Shelf
- Turbulence characteristics of non-neutral/ non-stationary flows in the atmospheric surface layer
- Turbulence driven by tides in planetary cores: wave turbulence vs. geostrophic turbulence
- Turbulence in Forced Stratified Exchange Flows
- Turbulence in four dimensions
- Turbulence in stably stratified flows: energy spectra, intermittent bursts and helicity dynamics
- Turbulence in stratified shear flow
- Turbulence modelling for large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Turbulence over complex walls
- Turbulence over drag-reducing, anisotropically permeable substrates
- Turbulence over rough/textured walls does not obey Navier-Stokes equations
- Turbulence over textured surfaces
- Turbulence profiling beneath sea ice in McMurdo Sound with particular attention to topographic and cryographic effects
- Turbulence still surprises: explorations using a 1D model
- Turbulence structures and the effect of control
- Turbulence subject to a strong background rotation
- Turbulence Transition in Pipe Flow
- Turbulence transition in shear flows: coherent structures, edge states and all that
- Turbulence, mixing, and blooms at ocean fronts
- Turbulence, pebbles and planetesimals : the origin of minor bodies in the Solar System
- Turbulence, Periodic Orbits and Koopman Analysis
- Turbulence, Periodic Orbits and Koopman analysis
- Turbulence-mean-flow interactions: lessons from local 2D turbulence
- Turbulent convection in accretion discs
- Turbulent convection in Antarctic Subglacial Lakes
- Turbulent convection, penetration and waves in stellar interiors: the challenges of multi-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations
- Turbulent dynamics of pipe flows captured in a reduced model
- Turbulent flow over canopies
- Turbulent flows of particles and bubbles : applications to microbe transport, deep sea mining and bubble-driven mixing
- Turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces
- Turbulent fluid dynamics at the margins of rotational and stratified control
- Turbulent fountains: classification and scaling arguments
- Turbulent heat transfer in wall-bounded flows
- Turbulent instability of anti-de Sitter spacetime
- Turbulent jets with off-source heating
- Turbulent leakage in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Turbulent melting of a glacier front using high resolution simulations
- Turbulent miscible fountains - height, rhythm and scales.
- Turbulent mixing of an initially linear stable stratification in Taylor-Couette flow
- Turbulent mixing regimes in stratified shear flow
- Turbulent plumes and jets with time-dependent source conditions
- Turbulent plumes in the Southern Ocean
- Turbulent plumes with heterogeneous chemical reaction
- Turbulent solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation : a link between the scattering theory and the Arnold diffusion
- Turbulent Structure Detection in Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities.
- Turbulent Taylor Couette Flow
- Turbulent transport and mixing of oceanic sea salt aerosol over the Indian sub-continent: Cloud microphysical and geo-engineering implications
- Turbulent transport of momentum and scalars in geophysical flows
- Turbulent vertical line plumes: entrainment and detrainment
- Turbulent vortex rings
- Turbulent vorticity and helicity in stratified atmospheric boundary layer
- Turbulent zonal jets: self-organization and wave-mean flow interactions
- Turbulent-laminar banded patterns: modeling and Lagrangian particle tracking
- Turbulent-laminar patterns II
- Turbulent-laminar patterns in plane Couette flow
- Turing and Darwin: Saving the environment by combining computation and human insight
- Turing foams and active foams
- Turing Patterns and Animal Markings
- Turing patterns on the move: from the dynamics of neural cells to animal movement
- Turing revisited: the chemo-mechanical bases of morphogenesis in soft living matter
- Turing Tar-Pits
- Turing Test for Smart Materials
- Turing, the King Cheetah, and the dreams of cavemen
- Turk Talk: Gavin Turk Talks to Jennifer Saint and Mark Wallinger
- Turk Talk: Gavin Turk Talks to Louisa Buck and Charlotte Higgins
- Turkish Delights: Exploring the Ottoman Ceramic Collection
- Turkish-Armenian Relations. Facing History: Denial as a Security Concept
- Turn-taking, language processing and the evolution of language
- Turner, Goya and Cornelius in 1816
- Turning biological morphology into numbers
- Turning Cavitands into Materials
- Turning cells inside out: how epithelial cells polarise and why this goes wrong in cancer
- Turning LMB Science into a Half a Billion Dollar Business
- Turning over phytate: enzymic and structural perspectives
- Turning Points in Programming
- Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials and Surface Chemistry
- Turning Problems into Data: Methodological Reflections on an Ethnographic Study of Male Infertility
- Turning solar systems into extrasolar planetary systems
- Turning South London Orange
- Turning Up the Dial: the Evolution of a Cybercrime Market Through Set-up, Stable, and Covid-19 Eras
- Turning up the heat on Snowball Earth
- Tutorial A: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences I (non-spatial models)
- Tutorial A: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences I (non-spatial models)
- Tutorial A: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences I (non-spatial models)
- Tutorial A: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences I (non-spatial models)
- Tutorial B: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences II (spatial models)
- Tutorial B: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences II (spatial models)
- Tutorial B: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences II (spatial models)
- Tutorial B: Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences II (spatial models)
- Tutorial C: Narrow escape theory, first passage time to a small hole and applications to modelling cell biology processes
- Tutorial on Data Driven Computation
- Tutorial on Monte Carlo methods
- Tutorial: FBA and FBA-based modelling of communities
- Tutorial: Mapping the space of materials and molecules
- Tutorial: Metagenomics analyses
- Tutorial: Spatial and ODE modelling of communities
- Tutorial: Stochastic/statistical modelling of communities
- Tutte Centenary Conference
- Tuuut... Puff. Tuuut... Puff. Unconscious patients learn to respond after tuut
- TV and industry panel. ‘Behind the Scenes: Looking at Careers in Film and TV’
- TV Audio Technology in Roku
- Tverberg's theorem - problems and results
- Tverberg's theorem - problems and results
- Tweaking the Hinge and Caps: Testing a Model of the Organization of the Gnathostome Skull
- Tweeting Teachers – Does Social Capital play a Role in Twitter Conversations among Teachers?
- Twelth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Twente turbulent Taylor-Couette facility and its connection to Rayleigh-Benard
- Twentieth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Twenty Chickens for a Saddle
- Twenty years of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies
- Twenty-first Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Twenty-second Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Twenty-third Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Twilight of the Scientific Age
- Twin peaks
- Twins: White-Glove Approach for BFT Testing
- Twist & Shout: Maximal Enstrophy Production
in the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations
- Twist neutrality and topological aspects of nucleosomal DNA
- Twist to the M-ax(is): A New Moiré Platform Based on M-Point Twisting
- Twisted cohomology and Soergel bimodules
- Twisted Darboux transformation and quasideterminant solutions of a super KdV equation
- Twisted derived equivalences and string theory dualities with B-field
- Twisted equivariant D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
- Twisted factorizations and multiple cluster structures in simple Lie groups
- Twisted holography in AdS3/CFT2
- Twisted orbital integrals and irreducible components of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties
- Twisted paths in Euclidean groups: Keeping track of total orientation while traversing DNA
- Twisted topological tangles: or the knot theory of knitting
- Twisted topological tangles: or the knot theory of knitting
- Twisted tori and (new) string vacua
- Twisted tori and flux backgrounds of type II and heterotic string theory
- Twisted, not bitter
- Twisting Structures
- Twistor analysis of a parabola
- Twistor approach to string compactifications
- Twistor construction of Coulomb branches
- Twistor fishnets
- Twistor geometry of a pair of second order ODEs.
- Twistor Methods for Scattering Amplitudes
- Twistor spaces and Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- Twistor spaces for Spin(7) manifolds
- Twistor surfaces
- Twistor-Strings, Grassmannians and Leading Singularities
- Twistors and conformal theories from six dimensions
- Twistors and horospheres
- Twistors and Quantum Non-Locality
- Twistors for anti-de Sitter physics
- Twistors, Massive Particles and Hidden Supersymmetries
- Twistors, quasi-Fuchsian 3-Manifolds, and almost-Kaehler geometry
- Twists of surfaces
- Twists, categorification, and hyperKähler manifolds
- Twists, numerical examples, comparison to classical modular symbols
- Twists, turns and radio lensing
- Twitter bots
- Twitter bots
- Twitter evolution: Birdsong, speech and language
- Twitter, Demographics and Emotions: Inferring Perceived User Properties from Emotional Tone and User-Environment Emotional Contrast
- Two 2-traces
- Two alternatives to particle dark matter?
- Two amusing problems in geometry and topology
- Two and half liquid crystal motors
- Two and three dimensional diffusion processes with helical persistence
- Two Approximate Sampling Methods for Bayesian Deep Learning
- Two betting strategies that predict all compressible sequences
- Two boundary Braid groups, Hecke algebras and tantalizer algebras
- Two brains in action: Neural mechanisms in frontal and paietal cortex of monkeys
- Two carbon capture and storage talks
- Two cars for the second century of Aston Martin: V12 Vantage S and Vanquish Volante
- Two Centenaries - the Wilson Cloud Chamber and the Discovery of Cosmic Rays”
- Two centrosome proteins with roles in ciliogenesis
- Two cortical systems for memory-guided behaviour
- Two cotensors in one
- Two countries at birth: The century that co-created Canada and the United States
- Two cultures: can policy makers and academic institutions ever work together effectively?
- Two Days in the Life of the DNS Anycast Root Servers
- Two Dimensional Coherent Infra-Red Spectroscopy for the measurement of vibration-vibration coupling, and its application to the study of protein composition, dynamics, structure and function
- Two Dimensional Dielectrics
- Two dimensional Lawvere Theories
- Two dimensional tank test on jet grouting processes
- Two emergent biophysical phenomena motivated by Turing and Jeffery
- Two Erdős problems on lacunary sequences: chromatic number and Diophantine approximation
- Two examples of beyond all-orders asymptotics in diffraction and homogenisation
- Two Extensions of Ramsey's Theorem
- Two fairly recent approximations of Walsh’s spider process
- Two for One - Twinning in cattle
- Two for One: Diffusion Models and Force Fields for Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics
- Two for the price of one: twinning – the ultimate regeneration
- Two generations of Many-Core Computational Arrays
- Two Generic Predictions Concerning Dark Matter
- Two Important Roles for AI in Weather/Climate Prediction
- Two lessons from bench to bedside: Why do we need to feed our gut with IL10 and a surprising role of antibodies in the innate immune defence to Candida
- Two Manifestations of the Failure of General Relativity
- Two models for infinity-operads
- Two modes of Myelination
- Two network scale challenges:Constructing and fitting hierarchical block models and fitting large block models using the mean field method
- Two new problems in congestion control: MAC3, and restless bandits
- Two new results on random matrices
- Two new vortex liquids
- Two partially ordered sets arising from nilpotent orbits
- Two pathways to self-harm in adolescence
- Two penetration-specific RXLR effectors from Phytophthora parasitica interfere with plant development and hormone physiology
- Two phase buoyant plumes in stratified systems
- Two photon ca2+ imaging of synapse-astrocyte communication in the adult hippocampus and in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease
- Two predictions from physics relevant to metric and analytic aspects of moduli spaces
- Two Problems for Strengths of Anti-Individualism (On Confusion, Conflation, and Mental Causation)
- Two problems in the analysis of tone-melody matching in tone language singing
- Two problems with variational expectation maximisation for time-series models
- Two puzzles in the statistical physics of life (and a small step towards studying one of them)
- Two puzzles posed by the Zapiola anticyclone
- Two questions of shape
- Two recent discoveries: The Double Pulsar and Transient Neutron Stars
- Two results on the stabiliser formalism
- Two robust semi-supervised learning algorithms for natural language processing
- Two routes to silent meanings
- Two Sides of the Same Crime
- Two signals converge on a nerve cell’s path: The interplay between chemical and mechanical signals in the developing brain
- Two simple modified-gravity models: K-mouflage and Goldstone (ultra-local) models.
- Two skeletons in a cellular cupboard
- Two Software-Based Models of Thread Level Speculation
- Two soliton solutions to the gravitational Hartree equation
- Two Souls of Revolution, The Seventh Annual Cambridge Vsesvit Evening
- Two sovereign masters: pain, pleasure and utility from Bentham to Skinner
- Two stories on Ostwald ripnening in microfluidic devices
- Two tales from the Bushveld: The tapped liquid shift effect - an inconvenient truth; and The pyroxenite marker - evidence for slow mixing in a stratified dish-shaped magma chamber
- Two talks on Ice-Ocean interaction in East Antarctica
- Two talks on visual analytics
- Two theoretical approaches to nanostructured interfaces
- Two Theses on the Afghan Woman: Samira and Hana Makhmalbaf Filming Agheleh Farahmand
- Two Things Evolution Can Tell Us About Metabolic Engineering
- Two topics in subsurface CO2 storage – Field scale flow modelling, and evaluating the feasibility of scaling up deployment to climate relevant scales
- Two transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils
- Two transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils
- Two Trials: Law and Memory after Argentina’s Dictatorship
- Two two categories of algebras and corresponding categories of coalgebras and their relationship with measuring coalgebras and comodules.
- Two types of success: epistemic exchange and societal impact in extra-academic research collaborations
- Two vector Wiener-Hopf equations with 2x2 kernels containing oscillatory terms
- Two vector Wiener-Hopf equations with 2x2 kernels containing oscillatory terms
- Two views of linguistic science and its data
- Two views on the relation between causality and probability
- Two visions from Turing: Universality and the power of constraining resources
- Two ways of arriving at the truth
- Two ways to get superluminal neutrinos but not enough to explain OPERA
- Two- and three-dimensional effects in spatial and temporal evolution of water waves excited by wind and generated mechanically
- Two-component Camassa-Holm system and its reductions
- Two-dimensional algebra and origami
- Two-dimensional colloidal systems in optical and magnetic fields
- Two-dimensional electron systems in ultra-pure GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
- Two-Dimensional Kinematics and Dynamical Modelling of SLACS Lenses: Insights from Deep MUSE Observations
- Two-dimensional models of Martin-Löf type theory
- Two-dimensional spectroscopy from the visible to the ultraviolet
- Two-dimensional turbulence inside a strong vortex
- Two-dimensional turbulence on a bounded domain
– the role of angular momentum
- Two-dimensional Valence Bond Solid (AKLT) states from t2g electrons
- Two-Level Type Theory
- Two-loop Integrands from the Riemann Sphere
- Two-message quantum interactive proofs and the quantum separability problem
- Two-parameter Scaling for 2D Electrons
- Two-periodic weighted dominos and the sine-Gordon field at the free fermion point
- Two-phase flow and heat transfer in micro-channels
- Two-phase flow in strombolian volcanic conduits
- Two-phase gravity currents containing a finite volume of fluid
- Two-phase gravity currents in carbon dioxide sequestration / Miscible viscous fingering induced by a simple chemical reaction
- Two-phase-flow dynamics in ice sheets
- Two-point microrheology and its application to biological materials
- Two-sample testing of high-dimensional linear regression coefficients via complementary sketching
- Two-sample testing of high-dimensional linear regression coefficients via complementary sketching
- Two-scale 'micro-resonant' homogenisation of periodic (and some ergodic) problems
- Two-stage Stochastic Programming with Linearly Bi-parameterized Quadratic Recourse
- Two-Stage/Three-Stage Method for Image Segmentation
- Two-step, Nerve-tap, Tanglefoot: Tapdance Typologies in Cinema
- Two-Terminal Interactive Source Coding for Function Computation with Remote Sources
- Two-timescale analysis of stratified turbulence, potential vorticity, and statistical mechanics
- Tying Knots in Wavefunctions
- Tying up syntactic loose ends: hwæt/huat-clauses in Old English and Old Saxon
- Type (re)construction from values
- Type 1 Diabetes research, before and after association studies
- Type Ia supernova siblings and the Zwicky Transient Facility
- Type Ia Supernovae
- Type Ia Supernovae standardisation with the ZTF SN Ia DR2 sample
- Type Ia supernovae: Constraining thermonuclear explosion physics with machine learning
- Type II and F-theory Instanton Effects
- Type Refinement in the Abstract
- Type theoretic approaches to semistrictness
- Type theory and higher categories
- Type Theory and Regular Completions
- Type VI Secretion System: structure, function and dynamics of a multicomponent nanomachine that is evolutionarily related to a contractile phage tail
- Type VI Secretion System: structure, function and dynamics of a multicomponent nanomachine that is evolutionarily related to a contractile phage tail
- Type-Checking and Type-Error Reporting
- Typed functional probabilistic programming: ready for practical use?
- Typed realizability for first-order classical analysis
- Types and Safety of Lock-free Data Structures
- Types are calling conventions
- Types are weak ω-groupoids
- Types of Greek interference in Latin medical translations
- Types-To-Sets and Types-to-PERs Relativization in Higher-Order Logic
- TypeScript: JavaScript development at scale
- Typesetting with TeX and LaTeX
- Typesetting with TeX and LaTeX
- Typical behaviour of extremes of chaotic dynamical systems for general observables
- Typical error exponents
- Typological Diversity in NLP: What, Why and a Way Forward
- Typological Feature Prediction and Blinding for Cross-Lingual NLP
- Tyre wear modelling of multi-axle trucks