Talks starting with R
- R&D at Fermilab: Accelerators Towards Precision Neutrino Experiments and Quantum Sensors of the “Dark” Sector
- R&D in a global science company: How things works
- R&D in Control & Optimization in ABB Corporate Research
- R&D in TCS and the strengthening of its Academia collaborations
- R&D Management Conference - From Science to Society - Innovation and Value Creation
- R&D Trends and Innovation in the Nuclear Company Framatome
- r-adaptivity, deep learning and optimal transport
- R-Cloud Demonstration
- R-loop coupled chromatin silencing at Arabidopsis FLC
- R-loops: unusual RNA/DNA structures and their role in health and disease
- R.A. Fisher Exhibition
- R.A. Fisher: a faith fit for eugenics
- R101 Airship Disaster Revisited
- R101 Airship Disaster Revisited
- R=T theorems for residually reducible Galois representations
- RA250 at the Fitz: academicians celebrating 250 years of the Royal Academy
- RAAG subgroups of RAAGs
- Rab protein evolution and the history of the eukaryotic endomembrane system
- Rabbit Holes, Backwaters, Hidden Treasures, and Locked Doors: the Curious Buisness of Editing Children's Classics.
- RAC1 mutations in human neurodevelopmental disorders
- Race and gender in the scientific institution: Basic history and analysis.
- Race and population: fertility theories and the status of demography, 1920s–1960s
- Race Awareness - Open Session (1st session)
- Race Awareness - Open Session (2nd session)
- Race Man: The Jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas
- Race, Representation and Visibility
- Race, science and literary studies in the 21st century
- Race, scientific racism and genetics
- Race: Greek Sculpture and 'Stuffed Natives' at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Defining the Classical Body in 1850s London
- Rachel Auerbach, Cultural Genocide and a New Conception of Victims’ Testimonies
- Rachell Sanchez-Rivera: "The histories and legacies of eugenics and its intersections with 'race', class, disability, and gender"
- Racial Rhetoric and Fast Track Land Reform in Zimbabwe, 2000 to 2001
- Racial Segregation and the Maintenance of Leprosy Sufferers from the International Settlement of Shanghai, c.1900-1945
- Racing our solar car in Australia 2017
- Racism, education and international development
- Radar Imaging from Geosynchronous Orbit: back to Radar 101
- Radar Instrumentation for Polar Research: Status and Future
- Rademacher Expansions for False and Mock Modular Forms
- Radial basis functions for solving partial differential equations
- Radial electric field in full-f gyrokinetic simulations
- Radial SLE martingale-observables
- Radial turbine mistuning
- Radial velocities and proper motions: doing better
- Radial Velocity Survey for Planets around Young stars (RVSPY): A transiting warm super-Jovian planet around HD 114082
- Radially-polarised cell behaviours drive tube budding from an epithelium
- Radiating Butterflies
- Radiating Butterflies
- Radiation and restoration: saving the American chestnut tree in the Atomic Age
- Radiation beyond the soft approximation
- Radiation by a Dielectric Wedge
- Radiation damage in metals and polymers
- Radiation damage, He diffusion, and thermochronology of zircon; Shergottite Martian meteorites: volcanic or impact melts?
- Radiation feedback in high and low mass star and planet formation
- Radiation from an accelerated sponge
- Radiation from Global Topological Strings using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Radiation mechanism of Fast Radio Bursts
- Radiation therapy in companion animal neoplasia
- Radiation thermo-chemical models of protoplanetary disks
- Radiation transfer experiments using high-power lasers
- Radiation-Dominated Black Hole Accretion Flows
- Radiation-induced bowel damage: let's put right what is wrong
- Radiative heating of the tropical lower stratosphere under climate change
- Radiative instability of stratified shear flows
- Radiative transfer in exoplanetary atmospheres
- Radiative Transfer in Exoplanetary Atmospheres
- Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres: A Monte Carlo algorithm and application to phase curves
- Radiative Transfer Models of Dusty Evolving Galaxies
- Radical Art in Cambridge
- Radical Atheism: Jean Meslier in Context
- Radical Complexity & Bounded Rationality
- Radical Dons and Student Revolutionaries: Cambridge and the Global Student Revolts, 1968-1974
- Radical Hope: Embracing Optimism in Uncertain Times (in-person talk)
- Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society
- Radical Sisters: Four Victorian Women
- Radical Translation: Analytic Philosophy in America
- Radical uncertainty in subsurface science: How do we make decisions?
- Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: Trends, Drivers, Solutions
- Radio 4: a very British history
- Radio 4: A Very British History
- Radio AGN with the LOFAR all-sky survey
- Radio and Political Change: Everyday Life Listening in Morocco
- Radio Aspects of the Home Area Network for Smart Metering
- Radio Cosmology — a new window on the Universe"
- Radio observations of exoplanets and their host stars
- Radio observations of extra-galactic transients with the AMI-LA telescope
- Radio Protocol Vulnerabilities in 5G Networks
- Radio Relics: Unique probes of galaxy cluster mergers
- Radioactive waste disposal and the issues it raises
- Radiocarbon as a carbon cycle tracer in the 21st century
- Radiocarbon dating and conspiracy theories
- Radiogenomics and Quantitative Image Analysis for Cancer Research
- Radiogenomics: Data integration for Cancer Medicine
- Radiomics Approaches for Predicting Treatment Efficacy and Drug Toxicities in Lung Cancer
- Radiomics Approaches for Predicting Treatment Efficacy and Drug Toxicities in Lung Cancer
- Radiotherapy
- Radiotherapy for benign disease - challenges of estimating risks of malignancy
- Radiotherapy in management of cancer
- Radiotherapy in the management of cancer
- Radiotherapy of the pituitary macrotumours, a comparison of two protocols
- Radon Numbers for Trees
- RAF Bomber Command Pathfinder Force
- Rafael Moneo and the Problem of the Arbitrary
- Rage Against the Dying of the Light: old supernovae teach us new tricks
- Rage against the Machine: Individuals in the British Empire
- Rahel Bailie: The Content Strategy Paradox
- Raia Hadsell, Google DeepMind (by Women in Engineering, Women@CL)
- Raiders of the lost ark: an introduction into the practical archaeology of knowledge at the collections of the University of Basel
- Rail corrugation: a problem solved?
- Rail Executive - DfT
- Railroad Expansion, Local Shocks and Individual Opportunities: Evidence from Nineteenth Century America
- Railway Decarbonisation Technologies: Energy-efficient Train Operation and Renewable Traction Power Networks
- Railway Fares and Financing Debate
- Railway induced ground vibrations: hybrid predictions combining experimental measurements and numerical models
- Railway vehicle-based monitoring of rail roughness to control noise and vibration
- Railways and population: spatial interactions
- Railways Down Under - Around the World in 80 Trains
- Railways, divergence, and structural change in nineteenth-century England and Wales
- Railyway vibration: from track to nearby buildings
- Rainbow Crossings: Safe Spaces for LGBT+ at Home and Abroad
- Rainbow Group Part II project presentations
- Rainbow Group Part II project presentations
- Rainbow Group Part II Student Project Presentations
- Rainbow group update
- Rainbows and caustics
- Raising awareness and sisterhood: do we still need 1960s' tools for 21st century social change?
- Raising Computational Throughput and Energy Efficiency by Synthesizing Software into FPGA Hardware
- Raising Languages from the Dead: Recent Efforts to Revitalize Australian Aboriginal Languages
- Raising multilingual autistic children: challenges and opportunities
- Raising multilingual autistic children: Challenges and opportunities
- Raising productivity in arable agriculture: The roles of NIAB and agronomic change
- Raising the Colorado Plateau – tales from xenoliths and petrological modeling
- Raising the shield: How cell migration changes got the turtle its shell (NOTE UNUSUAL TIME)
- Raising the whale: defining zoology at Cambridge
- Raj Niti vs Dharma Niti in colonial North India: some perspectives on the Hindu Widows Right of Maintenance Bill of 1933
- Raj to Republic: Queen Victoria and Indian nationalism, 1901-1947
- Raja Yoga Intensive Course
- Raja Yoga Intensive Course
- Raja Yoga Intensive Course
- Raja Yoga Intensive Course
- Raja Yoga Meditation and Philosophy - Weekend Retreat
- Ralph Tailor's Summer: a scrivener, his city, and the plague
- Ralph-Johan Back
- Raman And IR Spectroscopy Of Graphene Molecules And Polyynes
- Raman Scattering In Graphene, Dirac Semimetals And Other Topological Systems
- Raman Spectroscopy - Any Use for Organic Electronics?
- Raman spectroscopy analysis of Cultural Heritage Materials
- Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes under pressure
- Raman Spectroscopy Of Graphene With Ultrafast Laser Excitation
- Ramanujan cubical complexes and non-residually finite groups in dimensions three and higher
- Ramanujan Graphs and Finite Free Convolutions of Polynomials
- Ramble through my greenhouse and Automation
- Rambling in NE Mexico
- Ramboll Whitbybird: Careers Presentation
- Rami Ghannam, Professor of Electronics at University of Glasgow.
- RAMP VSG (copy)
- Ramsey Determinacy of adversarial Gowers games
- Ramsey goodness
- Ramsey problems in directed graphs
- Ramsey theory in topological dynamics
- Ramsey theory on homogeneous structures
- Ramsey theory: searching for order in chaos
- Random 3-manifolds with boundary
- Random attractors for stochastic Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domains
- Random Batch Methods for Interacting Particle Systems and Consensus-based Global Non-convex Optimization in High-dimensional Machine Learning (copy)
- Random Caching Based Transmission in Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks
- Random cascade measures and self-similar structures
- Random Cell Migration on Linear Tracks and Networks
- Random Cell Migration on Linear Tracks and Networks
- Random cluster dynamics for the Ising model is rapidly mixing
- Random colorings
- Random Dirichlet series arising from records
- Random even graphs and the Ising model
- Random explorations of materials space
- Random Feature Expansions for Deep Gaussian Processes
- Random feature neural networks learn Black-Scholes type PDEs without curse of dimensionality
- Random Features for Kernel Approximation
- Random Fields: Modeling and Identification
- Random Financial Networks and Locally Treelike Independence
- Random forests
- Random Fraction of a Biased Sample: old models and a new one
- Random Function Classes for Machine Learning
- Random Function Classes for Machine Learning
- Random generation without CFSG
- Random geodesics for the corner growth model
- Random geometric graphs for modelling the pore system in fibre-based materials
- Random Graph Asymptotics for Treatment Effect Estimation under Network Interference
- Random graphs and applications to Coxeter groups
- Random graphs from a minor-closed class
- Random graphs on the hyperbolic plane
- Random groups with fixed relator lengths
- Random growth models with half space geometry
- Random lattice triangulations
- Random local algorithms from the graph limits perspective
- Random loop models and quantum spin systems
- Random loop models and quantum spin systems
- Random loop models with links to quantaum spin systems
- Random matrices
- Random matrices and Riemann zeros
- Random matrices and something
- Random matrices at high temperature
- Random matrices, free fermions and extreme value statistics
- Random matrices, random solitons, and random rational functions, and soliton gasses
- Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law
- Random matrix models, integrable lattices and thermodynamic limit
- Random measures on the Brownian path with prescribed expectation
- Random Medium Access Control algorithms, an asymptotic approach
- Random movement of mesoscale eddies in the global ocean
- Random networks with nonlinear preferential attachment
- Random operators: many body problems I
- Random operators: many body problems II
- Random operators: many body problems III
- Random operators: many body problems IV
- Random operators: many body problems V
- Random operators: many body problems VI
- Random operators: multiscale analysis I
- Random operators: multiscale analysis II
- Random operators: multiscale analysis III
- Random operators: multiscale analysis IV
- Random operators: multiscale analysis V
- Random operators: multiscale analysis VI
- Random operators: multiscale analysis VII
- Random operators: multiscale analysis VIII
- Random packing of rods and spheres
- Random partial orders and random linear extensions
- Random periodic sampling patterns for shift-invariant spaces
- Random Periodic Solutions of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- Random planar curves and conformal invariance
- Random Planar Maps 1
- Random Planar Maps 2
- Random Planar Maps 3
- Random Planar Maps 4
- Random Planar Maps 5
- Random Planar Maps 6
- Random Planar Maps 7
- Random Planted Forest: a directly interpretable tree ensemble
- Random Polytopes
- Random projection ensemble classification
- Random randomly coloured graphs
- Random Records and Cuttings in Split Trees
- Random rigidity in the free group
- Random rigidity in the free group
- Random sampling versus active learning algorithms for machine learning potentials of quantum liquid water
- Random Schrödinger operator on fractals
- Random search - lessons from model potentials
- Random searching: shining a light on structure space
- Random sections of ellipsoids and the power of random information
- Random Sorting Networks
- Random sphere packings/Thermo-responsive polymers in porous media
- Random stable maps : geometry and percolation
- Random Subgraphs of some Distance Graphs
- Random Subgraphs of some Distance Graphs
- Random surfaces and Liouville quantum gravity
- Random Surfaces and Quantum Loewner Evolution
- Random thoughts
- Random time series analysis and extreme wave events
- Random Toeplitz matrices
- Random tournaments
- Random trees conditioned on the number of vertices and leaves
- Random trees constructed by aggregation
- Random triangular Burnside groups
- Random vibration and the second law of thermodynamics
- Random vibration of cylindrical roller bearings with distributed faults
- Random Walk in a Queueing-Network Environment and Related Problems
- Random walk isomorphism theorems for a new type of spin system
- Random walk models of network formation
- Random walk models of networks: modeling and inferring complex dependence
- Random walk on hyperbolic unimodular triangulations and circle packing
- Random walk on p-adic flag varieties
- Random walk on random planar maps I
- Random walk on random planar maps II
- Random walk on random planar maps III
- Random walk on the simple symmetric exclusion process
- Random Walk on the symmetric Exclusion process
- Random walks and fractional Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation
- Random walks in linear groups
- Random walks in quasi 1D random environments
- Random walks in random environment in the sub-ballistic regime: ageing and localization
- Random walks on decorated Galton-Watson trees
- Random walks on groups and the Kaimanovich-Vershik conjecture
- Random Walks on Groups: Shuffling Cards and the Cutoff Phenomenon
- Random Walks on Hyperbolic Space
- Random walks on quasi 1D lattices and biophysical applications
- Random walks on random symmetric groups.
- Random walks, self-reinforcement and neurons
- Random warping functions for function/curve registration
- Random-matrix theory of topological states of matter
- Random-Set Theory and its Applications to Wireless Communications
- Randomised algorithms for the maximum clique problem
- Randomised computation
- Randomised dimensionality reduction for persistent homology
- Randomised Load Balancing For Networks
- Randomised testing of a microprocessor model using SMT-solver state generation
- Randomization for small clinical trials
- Randomization, Regularization and Covariate Balance in Response-Adaptive Designs for Clinical Trials
- Randomized algorithms for the approximation of matrices
- Randomized benchmarking on the Clifford group and beyond
- Randomized Language Models via Perfect Hash Functions
- Randomized Strategies and Prospect Theory in a Dynamic Context
- Randomized tree ensembles: output kernels and variable importances
- Randomly perturbed and damped KdV
- Randomness and God in the Biochemical Context
- Randomness as a resource for design
- Randomness in classical and quantum dynamics
- Randomness in Modelling of Fluid Motion
- Randomness, the Continuum and Reality
- Range characterization of spherical Radon transforms and unique continuation property
- Range Minimum Query & Lowest Common Ancestor
- Rank 2 Amalgams and Fusion Systems
- Rank gradient and cost of groups
- Rank gradient in profinite groups
- Rank gradient, cost, and simplicial volume
- Rank r DT theory from rank 1
- Rank two Brill-Noether theory and the birational geometry of the moduli space of curves
- Rank-Based Independence Testing in Near Linear Time
- RANK: Large-Scale Inference with Graphical Nonlinear Knockoffs
- Ranked tree shapes, shuffles, and a new test for neutrality
- Rankin-Cohen algebras and commutative associative sl_2-algebras
- Ranking algorithms on directed configuration networks
- Ranking algorithms on directed random networks
- Ranking Digital Right Project
- Ranking Digital Rights Project
- Ranking from pairwise comparisons using Seriation
- Ranking the information content of distance measures through the information imbalance
- Ranks of elliptic curves over function fields
- Ranks of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over number fields
- Ranks of quadratic twists of elliptic curves (Please note change in time)
- Rao-Blackwellized Particle Smoothing for Conditionally Linear Gaussian Models (NOTICE CHANGED TIME!)
- Rape Crisis, responding to sexual violence
- Rapid 3D Bioprinting for Precision Tissue Engineering
- Rapid and efficient production and oxidation of hydrogen by air-sensitive metalloenzymes: electrochemistry, mechanisms and implications for life and energy
- Rapid and slow responses of the climate system to ocean diapycnal turbulent mixing
- Rapid auxin responses get their due, and other hormone tales
- Rapid changes or gradual transitions? Holocene climate and its impact on societies
- Rapid convergence to quasi-stationary states for the 2D Navier-Stokes equation
- Rapid decarbonisation of the NHS
- Rapid discovery and chemical synthesis of proteins
- Rapid Discovery of Novel Materials by Coordinate-free Coarse Graining using Wyckoff Representations
- Rapid evolution of mammalian genomes and transcriptomes
- Rapid evolution of the RNA polymerase 3 transcriptome in mammals
- Rapid Healing of Thermal Cracks in Ice
- Rapid host-pathogen co-evolution following a severe emerging infectious outbreak
- Rapid Identification of Bacteria and AMR Directly from Clinical Samples Using Mass Spectrometry
- Rapid Identification of cyclic peptide inhibitors of protein-protein interactions
- Rapid in-house CSF analysis utilising sedimentation direct from the spinal needle’
- Rapid laundering of deep-ocean waters in an abyssal boundary current
- Rapid loss of immunity is necessary to explain historical cholera epidemics
- Rapid microbial evolution: From the lab to the clinic and back again.
- Rapid mixing of Gibbs sampling on graphs that are sparse on average
- Rapid physical weathering in the Arctic and impacts on modern atmosphere CO2
- Rapid radio follow-up of GRBs with the Arcminute Microkelvin Image
- Rapid Reports
- Rapid Reports
- Rapid sea-level rise in the Antarctic Shelf Sea in response to increased glacial discharge
- Rapid temperature fluctuations in the early Iceland plume revealed by olivine-spinel and melt thermometry
- Rapidly deployable TDMA mesh network with application to disaster management
- Rapidly Forming Haloes as a Route to Massive Black Holes
- Rapportive, Martin Kleppman
- Rare B decays at LHCb
- Rare B-meson decays to muons at the LHCb experiment
- Rare books and Anglo-Irish collecting in nineteenth century Cambridge
- Rare decays of B mesons to purely-muonic final states
- Rare decays of B mesons to purely-muonic final states
- Rare decays of B mesons to purely-muonic final states
- Rare Diseases, equity and social justice in contemporary UK healthcare
- Rare Event Simulation for Processes with Light Tailed Increments
- Rare Event Simulation for Processes with Light Tailed Increments
- Rare event simulation for stochastics networks
- Rare event simulation for the ruin problem with investments via importance sampling and duality
- Rare events and phase transitions in reaction-diffusion systems
- Rare events and the flipping of genetic switches
- Rare events and the transition to turbulence
- Rare Events Methods, Reaction Coordinates, and Useful Rate Theories
- Rare events, negative measure dimensions and return time statistics
- Rare Metabolic Disorders: detection, research, management and treatment
- Rare neutral current decays of b quarks at LHCb
- Rare variant analysis in large-scale association and sequencing studies
- Rare Views of Ordinary and Extraordinary Galaxies
- RAREsummit23
- RASA2 is a Novel Tumor Suppressor in Melanoma
- Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Imaging
- Raspberry Pi, the story so far
- Rate Adaptation Games in Wireless LANs: Nash Equilibrium and Price of Anarchy
- Rate and pattern of evolutionary change in the gut microbiota as revealed by a commensal bacteria
- Rate estimates for total variation distance
- Rate of convergence for random homogenization of fully nonlinear equations
- Rate of Convergence to Equilibrium for a Model describing Fibre Lay-down Processes on a Moving Conveyor Belt
- Rate, temperature and their coupled effects on the deformation process of polycarbonate and its composite
- Rate-1 Zero-Knowledge Proofs from One-Way Functions
- Rate-dependent tipping points - a comparative approach
- Rate-distortion theory of neural coding and its implications for working memory
- Rates and Mechanisms of turbulent mixing in the west Antarctic.
- Rates of convergence for tensor denoising
- Rates of convergence in the entropic central limit theorem
- Rates of convergence to stationarity with multiplicative noise: from stochastic reflection to denoising diffusions in generative modelling.
- Rates of Ocean Acidification: linked to Oceanic Extinction Patterns?
- Rather more than Thirty-Nine Steps: the life of John Buchan
- Rather more than Thirty-Nine Steps: the life of John Buchan
- Rating Companies on Responsible Sourcing: Data Sprint
- Ratings of Animal Personality as a Tool for Improving the Breeding, Management and Welfare of Zoo Animals
- Ratio measurements at ATLAS: More sensitivity to constrain Parton Distributions
- Rational and p-local motivic homotopy theory
- Rational Belief Polarisation: A Bayesian Network Model of Bias Attributions
- Rational Build-up of Structural Complexity in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanostructures
- Rational curves and birational contractions on hyperkahler manifolds
- Rational curves on Calabi-Yau threefolds with special divisors.
- Rational curves on varieties with big (anti)-canonical bundle
- Rational design of protein aggregation
- Rational enchantments: Conspiracy theories between secular scepticism and religious salvation
- Rational equivariant cohomology theories, Hasse squares, and rigidity of derived categories
- Rational homotopy theory of automorphisms of highly connected manifolds
- Rational homotopy theory of automorphisms of manifolds
- Rational homotopy theory of the little n-disks operads
- Rational investment behaviour on manorial estates – Grain storage in the Rhineland area and Westphalia (18th & 19th century)
- Rational material selection in product design
- Rational Metallodrug Development: Novel Pharmacophores and Mode of Action Investigations
- Rational models for automorphisms of fiber bundles
- Rational points on log Fano threefolds over a finite field
- Rational Proofs
- Rational solutions of three integrable equations and applications to rogue waves
- Rational Structures on Automorphic Representations and an Automorphic Analogue of Deligne's Conjecture
- Rational vaccine design – dreams, genes and reality
- Rationality in extraordinary science
- Rationality of blocks of quasi-simple finite groups
- Rationality of MUMs and 2-functions
- Rationality Questions for Finite Reductive Groups
- Rationalizing discrimination
- Rationally connected threefolds and symplectic geometry
- Rationally Inequivalent Points on Generic Hypersurfaces
- Rationally isotropic quadratic spaces are locally isotropic
- RATIONING OFF THE NHS: Do Smokers and the Obese Deserve Second-Class Healthcare?
- Raven – attacks and countermeasures
- Raving in the classroom: DJing, MCing and the value of the 'dex' for low-achieving and disaffected boys
- Ray tracing approximations to the acoustic propagation in weakly nonlinear regime with applications in HIFU
- Ray transforms acting on 2D m-tensor fields
- Rayleigh and Mie scattering
- Rayleigh-Taylor driven mixing
- Raymarching
- Raymond and Beverley Sackler Distinguished Lecture
- Raymond Aron and the Origins of the "End of Ideology"
- Raymond Aron, Jimmy Carter and the Neoconservative Origins of the Critique of International Human Rights
- Rays and Bayes - the variational approach to phase retrieval
- RB collaborators in cancer
- RCC Cinderella comes of age
- RCC Planning Meeting
- RDFox — A Modern Materialisation-Based RDF System
- Re-building the diseased retina with stem cells
- Re-Constructing Illuminated Manuscripts and Paintings
- Re-contextualizing the hippocampus
- Re-enacting past experiments: how and why
- Re-enacting past experiments: how and why
- Re-enacting past experiments: how and why
- Re-engineering the scholarly journal
- Re-entry and fibrillation in an electro-mechanical model of the human ventricles
- Re-entry vehicles for future space missions
- Re-generating the principles of appendage regeneration in the single-cell era
- Re-imagining intercultural approaches to Pedagogy - CIAN Forum 4
- Re-imagining the Boko Haram sect as a purveyor of public services in northern Nigeria
- Re-Inventing the Wheel
- Re-membering Philologia: the past, present and future of an academic practice
- Re-recording the political value of murder in India 1860-1900
- Re-staging Stalinism: 'Golyi Korol’' at the Sovremennik theatre.
- Re-thinking class identities in post-war Britain
- Re-thinking cognitive training research
- Re-thinking controls on the East Australian Current's eddy shedding and mean poleward extent
- Re-thinking food at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, central Anatolia
- Re-thinking the boundaries of dendrochronology
- Re-thinking the origins of the British public debt, 1643-1742
- Re-wilding: putting natural processes back on track
- Re/Fram/ing Geography: Fridtjof Nansen at the Royal Geographical Society c.1888-1914
- Re: Ethics and Welfare
- Reablement - Social investment in long-term care
- Reach coding nirvana with test-driven development
- REACH: Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen
- Reaching for the Holy Grail of Modern Global Seismology: New insights into the centre of the Earth from the detection of J waves
- Reaching for the Sun
- Reaching Out: how to engage young people with computer science
- Reaching reliable agreement in an unreliable world
- Reaching reliable agreement in an unreliable world
- Reacting plumes and growing icicles: two experiments
- Reaction Design and Catalysis with Aromatic Ions
- Reaction diffusion and collective behavior in the self-organisation of the mitotic spindle
- Reaction rates for nearest-neighbor reactions in the reaction-diffusion master equation
- Reaction-diffusion as active matter
- Reaction-diffusion as active matter
- Reaction-infiltration Instability in Partially Molten Mantle
- Reactions to Neo-Nazi violence in Russia
- Reactions, Diffusion and Volume Exclusion in a Heterogeneous System of Interacting Particles
- Reactivating developmental mechanisms to regenerate the heart
- Reactivation in biological and artificial neural networks
- Reactivation in the human brain connects the past with the present
- Reactive melt migration and the evolution of mid-ocean ridge basalt
- Reactive melt transport in the mantle
- Reactive metal powders
- Reactive metal powders
- Reactive MgO cement concrete
- Reactive nitrogen in the environment: Single plume, landscape and UK-scale assessment methods
- Reactive Probabilistic Programming and Semi-Symbolic Inference
- Reactive Steels: - the making of calm welds
- Reactive symplectite formation as tracers of late-stage liquids: Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland
- Reactive Synthesis tutorial
- Reactive transport in a partially molten system with binary solid solution
- Reactive Transport in Aqueous Geochemistry: Theory, Experiments, and Applications
- Reactive-infiltration instabilities in fractures and porous rock
- Reactors, reactors, everywhere: chemical engineering, chemical gardens, and the origin of life
- Read Less, Learn More: Extracting Key News Themes
- Reading Across Confessional Lines: Jewish Readership of Muslim Sufi Poetry in Cairo, 1171-1250
- Reading and discussing Human Evolution
- Reading and Panel Discussion with Emilia Smechowski
- Reading and Remembering Michael O'Brien
- Reading and Writing Genomes in 3D: The CTCF code and how to hack it
- Reading Between the Lines: the worlds of linear B
- Reading by Kai Weyand
- Reading by Undine Zimmer - in German
- Reading charcoal: Using HEP detectors to decipher papirii
- Reading colonial photography: the publication and reception of A Phrenologist Amongst the Todas (1873)
- Reading Epigenetic Marks: Downstream of DNA Methylation and Beyond
- Reading from "Gegen die Welt"
- Reading group
- Reading group
- Reading Group
- Reading Group
- Reading group
- Reading Group - Network Applications of Bloom Filters: A Survey
- Reading Group - Sinfonia: a new paradigm for building scalable distributed systems
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapter 12
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapter 13
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapter 14
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapter 4
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapter 9
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapters 1-3
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapters 10-11
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapters 5-6
- Reading Group on Principles of Neural Design - Chapters 7-8
- Reading Group Special Edition: ACL/EMNLP Review
- Reading Group: "Learning to Predict by the Methods of Temporal Differences"
- Reading group: Bayesian inference via search
- Reading group: Image recognition with convolutional and residual nets
- Reading Group: Language
- Reading group: Revisiting the Sequential Programming Model for the Multicore Era
- Reading group: Sequence modeling with recurrent and recursive nets
- Reading group: Underpinning techniques of most widely used DNN architectures
- Reading Hegel in the Twenty-First Century
- Reading Kafka Cognitively
- Reading modern hands: identity and human types from palmistry to genetics
- Reading our own emotions: How good are we?
- Reading Ovid in Medieval Wales
- Reading practices in Early Christianity and the individualisation process
- Reading Ritual in The Waves
- Reading Rivière in early modern England: tracing early modern epistemic itineraries
- Reading Roman history in the early middle ages
- Reading Scenes: A Hierarchical View on Attentional Guidance in Real-World Environments
- Reading the (mitochondrial) signals to understand tissue-specific pathology
- Reading the (neu)runes: methods for analysing large population recordings, and applications to motor control
- Reading the human genome: the reconstruction of the past
- Reading User Intentions: Predictive and Proactive Multimodal Interfaces
- Reading Vesalius 700 times: the problem of generation and the reception history of De humani corporis fabrica
- reading-group: Divergence measures and message passing
- reading-group: Expectation Propagation
- reading-group: Interpolating Between Types and Tokens by Estimating Power-Law Generators
- reading-group: TD-Gammon
- Ready reckoners and the UK roadmaps
- Ready Steady Cook (book): Cooking up a psychometric treat in 20 minutes - live, hot and tasty!
- Real and apparent time: evidence from language change across the lifespan
- Real and apparent time: evidence from language change across the lifespan
- Real bundle gerbes
- REAL Centre PhD Seminar
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar Series: Aliya Khalid and Seema Nath
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar Series: Rebecca Gordon and Lauren Marston
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar Series: Sahar Shah and Janice Kim
- REAL Centre PhD Student Seminar Series: Stephen Bayley and Asma Zubairi
- REAL Centre seminar series in association with ELPEC
- REAL Centre seminar series: Lisa Walker and Maria Khwaja
- Real change happens in general relativity, even in Hamiltonian form
- Real cubings
- Real cubings
- Real flows have corners: Side-wall effects on shock-induced separation
- Real forms of complex embeddings of maximal reductive Lie algebras in semisimple Lie algebras
- Real homotopy theory
- Real life investigations of Sustainability Conundrums: Drawing together Human Behaviour and Living Lab approaches
- Real Men in the Second Century: Establishing a Christian Identity
- Real Processors for Real-time
- Real Readers Reading Series Two: Engaging with literature through game design
- Real Readers Reading Series Two: PhD research into reading: work in progress
- Real Readers Reading Series Two: Re-thinking the teaching of reading: Beyond the 'ph' word
- Real Readers Reading Series Two: Stacking stories of classrooms in a virtual world: investigating the complexity of literacies
- Real Readers Reading: Child studies and children's literature in a settler society: Collaborating with Indigenous communities across disciplines in Southern Alberta
- Real space calculation of response functions using non-diagonal supercells
- Real time confinement following a quench to a non-integrable model
- Real time control with lots of humans in the loop
- Real time dynamic modelling of a marine riser
- Real time engine emissions measurement and impact on local air quality [IMechE]
- Real time measurement of marine riser stresses
- Real time modelling of swine influenza in the UK.
- Real Time Optical Probes of Phase Transitions in Nanoscale Materials
- Real Time Real Estate Management for Smart Buildings
- Real Time Tomography X-Ray Imaging System - Geometry Calibration by Optimisation
- Real versus Realistically Rendered Ground Truth: Can we use Computer Graphics for Performance Evaluation?
- Real Wages and the Family: Adjusting Real Wages to Changing Demography in Pre-Modern England
- Real wages and the household: Quantifying the economy of makeshifts of the poor in 18th-century England
- Real wages and wages in reality: Lessons from a Swedish royal stud farm
- Real world lessons from building a search engine for ecommerce
- Real zeros of chromatic and flow polynomials
- Real zeros of chromatic and flow polynomials
- Real-time & offline modelling
- Real-Time and Interactive Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Real-Time and Real Trustworthiness: Timing Analysis of a Protected OS Kernel
- Real-Time Bayesian GSM Buzz Removal
- Real-time Computer Graphics: An overview of popular approaches and techniques
- Real-time dynamics by quantum Monte Carlo
- Real-time fMRI
- Real-time Genomics and One Health – The River Cam and novel pathogen surveillance technology
- Real-time Graphics and the Challenge of Photorealism
- Real-time monitoring of global CO2 emissions during COVID-19 pandemic
- Real-time Monitoring of the Underground for Researchers, Industry and the Public
- Real-Time Monitoring to Inform the Construction of Large-Diameter Caissons
- Real-time Ocean Simulation and Rendering for Console Game
- Real-time operation of micro-grids
- Real-time PCR Training Course
- Real-time photometric monitoring with Gaia Science Alerts
- Real-time pipelines for SKA — Progress and challenges
- Real-time Subspace Methods for Hamiltonian Eigenvalue Estimation on Quantum Hardware
- Real-time verification with bigraphs with sharing
- Real-time Wildlife Monitoring
- Real-world Challenges In Electronic Systems: Pulling Through Innovation And Making Things Work
- Realisation: Susan Aldworth and Jane Dixon in discussion
- Realising the full potential of single particle cryomicroscopy
- Realising the potential of sensing
- Realising the SKYLON Spaceplane
- Realising your potential at an early stage
- Realism and technocracy: a working hypothesis
- Realism Tamed or Liberalism Betrayed? The Dystopic Liberal Imagination in Political Thought
- Realism, Discourse and Practice: the case of Ronald Coase
- Realism, Discourse and Practice: the case of Ronald Coase
- Realistic Adversarial Machine Learning
- Realistic error bounds for asymptotic expansions via integral representations
- Realistic quantum-enhanced phase estimation
- Realities of online banking fraud
- Reality and representation: Mark Catesby's natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands and the epistemological limits of pictorial illustration
- Reality Check: NLP in the era of Large Language Models
- Reality for the life of a human being (Talk on Zen Buddhism)
- Realizability and Parametricity in Pure Type Systems: An application
- Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types
- Realization of squeezing of single photons and a dynamic squeezing gate
- Realizing a new paradigm in human genetics guided drug discovery
- Realizing Device Performance From Functional Inks In Advance Technology Manufacturing
- Realizing representations in fusion systems
- Realizing Touchless Interaction in the Operating Theatre
- Realizing Touchless Interaction in the Operating Theatre
- Reanalysing old agent-based models of the evolution of human social behaviour
- Reanalysis of KiDS-1000 cosmic shear using MetaCalibration
- Reanalyzing ungrammatical sentences: Evidence from eye movements, speeded grammaticality judgments, and MEG
- Reaping the Benefits of Partial SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks
- Reaping the Benefits of Partial SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks
- Rearchitecting Kubernetes for the Edge
- Reason and religion: debates in colonial India
- Reason in action: a Kantian view of norms
- Reason of State beyond the Canon: Political Argument and Calculation in early Stuart Projects
- Reason, passion and genius in linguistic thought from the Neo-Epicureans to the Saussure brothers
- Reasonable names and reasonable terms for Bacteria and Archaea
- Reasoning About Client Side Web Programs
- Reasoning about Code Pointers (Separation Logic for Higher-Order Store)
- Reasoning about concurrent stochastic systems
- Reasoning about Eventual Consistency
- Reasoning about GADT Pattern Matching in Haskell
- Reasoning about Linear Systems
- Reasoning about postselection and complexity
- Reasoning about Software Safety Integrity and Assurance
- Reasoning about well-being: between psychometrics and philosophy
- Reasoning above ISA specifications, for arbitrary and known code
- Reasoning beyond data-race freedom
- Reasoning by equivalence: the start of proof in elementary education
- Reasoning in non-wellfounded logics
- Reasoning rats and clever kids: The role of reasoning in human and animal causal learning
- Reasoning with Kan fillings about Morse reductions
- Reasoning: neural underpinnings, development, and plasticity
- Reasons to rebel: Revisiting the 1980s
- Reassembling Babel: Translation and its Legacies in Singapore and Malaysia 1920-65
- Reassessing the Evidence for Time Variability in the Atmosphere of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7b
- Rebekka Reinhard: 'The Art of Failure'
- Rebel Lives, photographs from inside the Lord's Resistance Army
- Rebellion Defense: Agent-based modeling (ABM) and Mesa
- Rebellious bodies, faithful minds? Religion and gender identity
- Rebels Conference 2019
- Rebooting the Global Financial System by Bankrupting the Bad Banks
- Rebricking frames and bases
- Rebuilding Britain
- Rebuilding Britain through Modernist Children's books
- Rebuilding collections and reconstructing science: using materiality of the du Bois Herbarium to understand early modern botany
- Rebuilding Lives, Redefining Spaces: Women in Post Colonial Delhi, 1947-1980
- Rebuilding mathematics with topology
- Rebuilding spatial awareness following stroke, can home-based training help?
- Rebuilding the Colossus of the Modern World
- REC8-cohesin and chromatin state orchestrate Arabidopsis meiotic recombination
- Recalculating equality: data, race and environmental health models in 19th-century West Africa
- Recall of MPs
- Recalled into stalk and leaves: the many methods and meanings of early modern palingenesis
- Recap on the previous day
- Recap on the previous day
- Recapitulating ancestral mammalian incisor dentitions through disruption of NF-kB and Wnt signalling in the mouse
- Recapturing pluripotency: links between cellular reprogramming and breast cancer heterogenity
- Recasting regulatory and institutional arrangements in Northern Ireland - conflicts of theory and practice?
- Receiver function observations of mantle discontinuities
- Receiving you, Loud and Clear - Digital radio, and its future in the UK
- Recent Advance in High-dimensional Changepoint Problems
- Recent advancements in global biodiversity scenarios
- Recent advancements in volume-preserving numerical methods for the numerical solution of divergence-free ODEs
- Recent advances in algorithms for long term integrations of planetary systems
- Recent advances in gestational trophoblastic disease
- Recent advances in granular rheology and possible applications to large scale sea ice dynamics
- Recent advances in high resolution cryo-EM structure determination
- Recent advances in image reconstruction for ultrasound computed tomography
- Recent Advances in Information Processing
- Recent advances in knowledge of the kinetics and mechanism of Criegee Intermediates as tropospheric oxidizing species
- Recent advances in lattice materials
- Recent Advances in Machine Learning
- Recent Advances in Molecular and Cellular Pathology
- Recent Advances in Molecular and Cellular Pathology
- Recent Advances in Molecular and Cellular Pathology
- Recent Advances in Optical Datacommunication Systems
- Recent Advances in Particle Based Simulation Methods
- Recent advances in quantum annealing and outlook on its potential in statistics
- Recent advances in quantum annealing and outlook on its potential in statistics
- Recent Advances in Scanning Electrochemical Microscopic Analysis and Visualization
- Recent Advances in Sensor Technologies for Mobile Healthcare - Prof Chris Lowe
- Recent Advances in Sheep Lameness Management and Beliefs of Veterinarians and Farmers
- Recent Advances in Solid State Batteries and Beyond Li Technologies - Challenges for Fundamental Science
- Recent advances in specimen preparation and manipulation technology for SEM/FIB and TEM
- Recent advances in Statistical Machine Learning for problems in Applied Mechanics
- Recent Advances in Strain Gradient Plasticity Theory
- Recent advances in the area of asymmetric hydrogenation
- Recent advances in the modelling of ttW at the LHC
- Recent advances in the molecular diagnosis of canine and feline lymphoma
- Recent advances in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of feline corona virus infections.
- Recent advances in the quarter-plane problem using functions of two complex variables
- Recent advances in the quarter-plane problem using functions of two complex variables
- Recent advances in the study of convergence to equilibrium for the Becker-Doring equations.
- Recent Advances in Tunnelling Technology – Potential for Cambridge Underground Transport?
- Recent advances of Computational Quasiconformal Geometry in Imaging, Graphics and Visions
- Recent advances on preconditioning for BEM on complex geometries.
- Recent advances: Nanotechnology in...
- Recent Adventures in Palaeolithic India: The 2008 Field Season
- Recent and Future Ancient DNA Studies on Woolly Mammoth
- Recent Antarctic Climate Change
- Recent Antarctic climate change
- Recent applications of a rigorous renormalisation group method to critical phenomena
- Recent applications of a rigorous renormalisation group method to critical phenomena
- Recent applications of quantitative stability to convergence to equilibrium
- Recent applications of spatial point processes to multiple-object tracking
- Recent applications of sub 20meV monochromated STEM-EELS: from phonons to core losses in real and momentum space
- Recent applications of the DiPerna-Lions theory
- Recent approaches to the fitting or learning of interatomic potentials for molecules and materials
- Recent ATLAS Results
- Recent Changes in Antarctic Sea Ice
- Recent Changes in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Recent changes in the modal system of English
- Recent Changes of Korean Government's Strategy on back-end fuel cycle and the changing course of a University Laboratory
- Recent CMS Results
- Recent contributions of algebraic geometry and representation theory to complexity theory
- Recent developments and debates in East Asian monsoon palaeoclimatology
- Recent developments and research challenges in data linkage
- Recent Developments at Arecibo - Scientific and Administrative
- Recent developments in adaptive clinical trials to account for individual and collective ethics
- Recent Developments in Bayesian Deep Learning
- Recent Developments in Centrifuge Modelling at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Recent developments in computing the quantum entropy of supersymmetric black holes and exact holography
- Recent developments in conformal bootstrap
- Recent developments in diffusion MRI analysis methods.
- Recent developments in EU energy and climate policy
- Recent Developments in Fluid-structure Interaction based on the Work of D G Crighton
- Recent Developments In Frequency Selective Structures For Long Wavelengths
- Recent developments in galaxy spectral modelling
- Recent developments in jet clustering
- Recent Developments in Micro-hydrodynamics based on the Work of G K Batchelor
- Recent Developments in Moonshine: Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- Recent Developments in N=4 Yang-Mills Scattering Amplitudes
- Recent developments in plasma aerodynamics
- Recent Developments in Spectral Theory of Focusing NLS Soliton Gases: Average Densities, Fluxes and Periodic Gases
- Recent developments in stratified turbulence
- Recent developments in the chemical senses: a tutorial for visual and auditory scientists
- Recent developments in the research of ancient Egyptian copper metallurgy
- Recent Developments in the Study of Single-Index Type Models
- Recent developments in variational quantum algorithms
- Recent developments of Herwig7
- Recent Developments on 3D Instabilities for Rotating Boundary Layer Flows
- Recent developments on Riemann solvers and application to very complex hyperbolic systems
- Recent disturbance and recovery of terrestrial arctic and boreal ecosystems
- Recent dynamics and biomass carbon balance in the Amazon forests - what on earth is going on?
- Recent dynamo results in DNS of stably stratified stars
- Recent Excavations at Lynford Quarry
- Recent excess in Dark Matter Indirect Detection and possible interpretations
- Recent experiences with the equine influenza epidemic in Australia
- Recent fieldwork over Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica
- Recent findings on isochronous and integrable dynamical systems: can they somehow be extended to discrete-time evolutions?
- Recent fluctuations in magma supply to Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi
- Recent Forays in Methods Development and Complex Molecule Synthesis
- Recent four- and five-loop results in QCD
- Recent Insights Into Diagonal Stability
- Recent insights into remote fear memory attenuation
- Recent Investigations into the Stone Age site of Isimila, Tanzania
- Recent investigations of debris flow behaviour using an experimental flume.
- Recent irreversible retreat of Pine Island Glacier caused by changes in ocean forcing
- Recent measurements using 3He spin-echo spectroscopy: Bound state resonances
- Recent measurements using 3He spin-echo spectroscopy: Surface dynamics
- Recent observations of mesoscale structures in intense cyclones
- Recent Pan-European advances in harmonising evaluative reporting in forensic science: scope, principles and pending challenges
- Recent perspectives in the science of granular matter
- Recent political situation in Armenia
- Recent progress
- Recent progress and future outlook for kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection
- Recent progress and open questions in G2-geometry
- Recent progress at Quantum Computing and Devices Laboratories
- Recent Progress in 3d Gauge Theories
- Recent progress in circuit QED
- Recent progress in electron cryomicroscopy
- Recent progress in imaging the subsurface structure of Mars by Zhurong rover radar
- Recent progress in linear scaling DFT: Molecular dynamics, basis sets and applications
- Recent progress in mathematical epidemiology and some future needs
- Recent Progress in Matrix Functions
- Recent Progress In Mode-locked Solid State Lasers
- Recent progress in multi-type WR models
- Recent progress in phylogenetic combinatorics
- Recent progress in the first-principles quantum Monte Carlo: New algorithms in the all-electron calculations and a workflow system for QMC optimizations
- Recent progress in the geometric rigidity of thin domains
- Recent progress in the geometric rigidity of thin domains
- Recent progress in the spectral theory of first order elliptic systems
- Recent progress in understanding driver-vehicle dynamics
- Recent progress on emergent quantum electrodynamics in dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ice
- Recent Progress on Multi-State Perfect Phylogeny (Compatibility) Problems
- Recent progress on questions of Nemirovsky and Sturmfels
- Recent progress on statistical methods for LHC physics
- Recent progress on the explicit inversion of geodesic X-ray transforms
- Recent progress on the formal degree conjecture
- Recent progress on the Fried conjecture
- Recent progress on the hard sphere model
- Recent progress on the KLS conjecture and Eldan’s stochastic localization scheme
- Recent progress on wave kinetic theory
- Recent Reform and Issues in Mathematics Curriculum in China
- Recent research updates
- Recent results and open problems on many-body localization
- Recent results and prospects of charm physics at LHCb
- Recent Results from Cassini
- Recent results from CDF and prospects for a measurement of charged lepton violation at J-PARC
- Recent results from Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment and their implication on the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
- Recent Results from the ATLAS Experiment in Searches with Tau Lepton Final States
- Recent Results from the CDF Experiment (POSTPONED UNTIL MICHAELMAS TERM)
- Recent results from the T2K experiment on CP violation in the lepton sector
- Recent results in 87Rb box trap
- Recent results in single top physics
- Recent results on Bayesian image recovery
- Recent Results on Multiply Monotone Radial Functions
- Recent Results on Saturn's Rings from Cassini
- Recent results on the arithmetic of Darmon points on abelian varieties
- Recent results on the classical simulation of quantum circuits
- Recent results on the edit distance of graphs
- Recent Results on Weakly Self-Avoiding fractional Brownian Motion
- Recent scoping studies in evidence based decision making against complex backgrounds
- Recent scoping studies in evidence based decision making against complex backgrounds
- Recent shelf-slope studies in the Arctic Ocean: observations and modeling
- Recent star formation in early-type galaxies: insights from rest-frame UV photometry
- Recent studies of symmetric instability in the ocean
- Recent tests of lepton flavour universality at LHCb
- Recent Tevatron Results
- Recent Theoretical Advances in the Control of Quantum Continuous Variables
- Recent Theoretical Developments in Optimal Control
- Recent theory developments in simulations for heavy flavour processes at the LHC
- Recent topics in flavour phenomenology
- Recent trends in New Testament scholarship and their impact on the study of Jewish-Christian relations
- Recent Trends In Ultrafast Lasers And Frequency Combs
- Recent updates to the WHO classification of tumours
- Recent updates to the WHO classification of tumours
- Recent Work in Acoustic Modelling at Google
- Recent work of Nigel Kalton
- Recent work on POMDP-based dialog systems at AT&T
- Recent work on self assembly of discrete structures and on catalysis by nanoscopic gold
- Recent work on the Erdos-Hajnal Conjecture
- Recent Works on Continuous Multi-Label Optimization
- Reception
- Receptor usage and the pathogenicity of the felid lentiviruses
- Receptor-recruitment by a natively disordered protein
- Recharging the Planet: New Approaches for Optimizing the Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Fuel Cells
- Recharging the Planet: New Approaches for Optimizing the Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Fuel Cells
- Recipes for Success: Paleoethnobotanical Evidence for Women’s Wealth through Root Processing on the Canadian Plateau
- Reciprocal constructions using conic sections & Poncelet duality
- Reciprocal imprinting produces sex differences in autistic spectrum traits
- Reciprocity for Valuations of Theta Functions
- Reciprocity maps and Selmer groups
- Reclaiming conversation: our new silent spring in a digital age
- Reclaiming South Georgia
- Reclaiming South Georgia from its rats: the story so far
- Reclaiming Sustainability - a talk based on the book ‘Sustainability: a cultural history’, by Ulrich Grober
- Recoding Regulation - Synthetic Expansions of Plant Metabolism
- Recognising abelian Sylow subgroups in finite groups
- Recognising and addressing the trauma-related mental health needs of young people in care
- Recognising Arabic Handwriting
- Recognising books made in Cambridge: a University Library bookbindings project
- Recognising Persons by their Iris Patterns: Technology, Anonymity, and the Liberal State [BlueSci / CUSP]
- Recognising sincerity in Aleppo: the role of emotion and heritage In cultivating trust networks before the conflict
- Recognising the Other: religion and society in pre-modern North India
- Recognition and prediction of biological motion
- Recognition of "self": receptor-ligand interactions and signalling networks that trigger Programmed Cell Death in self-incompatible Papaver pollen
- Recognition of intent in infant-directed singing? Another look at music and universality
- Recognition of realistic auditory-visual objects: animal sounds are special
- Recognition of the amyloid precursor protein by human γ-secretase
- Recognition of transcription factor binding sites with variable order Bayesian networks
- Recognizing graphs formed by spatial random processes
- Recognizing the role and function of home-based knowledges and practices: Lessons from Latino (im)migrant families in the US.
- ReCollection: Kettle's Yard Oral History Project
- Recombinant adeno-associated virus for therapeutic gene delivery: 30 million years in the making.
- Recombination distributions and epigenetic information
- Recombination for Innovation: How evolving complementarities between established and emerging multinational firms are shaping global value chains
- Recombination-dependent completion of DNA replication at fragile site loci
- Recombinatorial cloning tools for probing Staphylococcus aureus
- Recommendation Systems
- Recommendations for improving care and support in advanced COPD - Cambridge
- Recommendations for improving communication related factors in engineering design teams: a literature review
- Recommender systems
- Recommender systems
- Recommending Investors for Crowdfunding Projects
- Recommending relevant citations using CoreSC and Argumentative Zoning
- Recommending Social Events from Mobile Phone Location Data
- Reconceptualising conditionals
- Reconceptualising decarbonisation: Understanding UK industrial decarbonisation through the lens of megaprojects
- Reconciliation in Rwanda with Prof Jean Pierre Dusingizemungu, President of Ibuka
- Reconciling ‘extremist ideals’ with ‘mundane politics’: Islamic jurisprudence and teleological discourse in Hezbollah’s quiescent resistance
- Reconciling Bayesian Regularization And Total Variation Regularization - CCIMI colloquium
- Reconciling centennial-scale climate variation during the last millennium in reconstructions and simulations
- Reconciling conservation and development
- Reconciling conservation and development at the forest agricultural nexus: insights from the forested tropics
- Reconciling Gene Trees in the Presence of Incomplete Lineage Sorting and Hybridization
- Reconciling macroscopic olivine grain growth with the microscopic physical properties of the intergranular medium
- Reconciling scales in global seismology
- Reconciling Temporalities in Relating Different Worlds
- Reconciling the discordance between Mendelian randomization studies and the results of recent cardiovascular outcome trials
- Reconciling the opposing effects of neurobiological evidence on criminal sentencing judgments
- Reconfigurable assemblies of active, auto-chemotactic gels
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Wireless: From Conventional Optimisation to Autonomous Learning
- Reconfigurable self-assembly through chiral control of interfacial tension
- Reconfigurable soft active matter: From liquid crystal skyrmions to nanoswimmers and ultrasound-powered microspinners
- Reconfigurable surfaces with controlled stretching and shearing: from biological templates to engineering devices
- Reconfigurable surfaces with controlled stretching and shearing: from biological templates to engineering devices
- Reconfiguration and healing of contractile microtissues
- Reconfiguration of Accident-and-Emergency Facilities in England
- Reconfiguring Farmer Producer Supply Systems Through Digital Platforms
- Reconfiguring National Identities in East Germany and Poland, 1945–1970
- Reconnection of superfluid vortex bundles
- Reconsidering Modernism: the exile poems of Giannis Ritsos
- Reconsidering Papez circuit and memory: Is it all about the anatomy?
- Reconsidering population inference from a prevalence perspective
- Reconsidering recent estimates of the occupational structure of late fourteenth century England
- Reconsidering Relativistic Causality
- Reconsidering the "Third Rome": The Origin of Russian Messianism in the Work of Nikolai Berdiaev
- Reconsidering the Anglo-German Naval Arms Race: Merely a Sideshow?
- Reconsidering the relationship between personality and politics
- Reconsidering the relationship between personality and politics
- Reconsidering the Renaissance: the case of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
- Reconsolidation-based approaches for the treatment of mental health disorders
- Reconsolidation-based treatments for mental health disorders: are we nearly there yet?
- Reconsolidation: a long way from crabs to humans
- Reconstitution and understanding of mammalian oogenesis
- Reconstructed star-formation histories in MaNGA galaxies: Dependence on host galaxy properties and radial trends
- Reconstructing a deep time Earth system: The penultimate ice house
- Reconstructing a large subset of a point set in R from random sparse distance information
- Reconstructing Aerosol Cycling in the Earth’s Deep Past: The Case of Dust
- Reconstructing brain evolution, one cell at the time
- Reconstructing brain evolution, one cell at the time
- Reconstructing brain evolution, one cell at the time
- Reconstructing CO2 change on 100 to 100 million year timescales
- Reconstructing deep ocean circulation pathway and strength using sediment dispersion
- Reconstructing evolving signalling networks by hidden Markov nested effects models
- Reconstructing Highly Accelerated Dynamic MR Data using Spatio-Temporal ICTGV Regularisation
- Reconstructing humanity’s ghosts: genetic evidence for interbreeding among archaic humans
- Reconstructing humanity’s ghosts: genetic evidence for interbreeding among archaic humans
- Reconstructing Identity
- Reconstructing late Middle Pleistocene human environments using evidence from land and freshwater molluscs
- Reconstructing leaf morphogenesis using two-dimensional shape analysis
- Reconstructing levels of volcanism in the late Pleistocene
- Reconstructing life histories for data limited populations
- Reconstructing lineage histories of individual cells in mice and blood cancers
- Reconstructing Milton's Library: or, What does the Munby Fellow do?
- Reconstructing multilingualism in ancient societies
- Reconstructing Noah's ark in the 17th-century Dutch Republic
- Reconstructing Past Abrupt Climate Change in Patagonia
- Reconstructing phonological change in Latin: reductionist versus structural diachronic explanations
- Reconstructing post-marital residence with strontium isotopes in the Later Stone Age in northern Malawi
- Reconstructing post-marital residence with strontium isotopes in the Later Stone Age in northern Malawi
- Reconstructing Ritual Action Patterns from Archaeological Remains: The Case of the Tomb of Djehutinakht at Dayr al-Barsha
- Reconstructing syntactic change in a not recently written language: the case of negation in Palestinian Arabic
- Reconstructing the Bacterial Cell Factory
- Reconstructing the burial ritual in the monumental Early Iron Age tumulus of Eberdingen-Hochdorf (Baden-Württemberg)
- Reconstructing the Earth's Climate using the Sulfur Cycle
- Reconstructing the evolutionary history of tumours
- Reconstructing the extent, timing and palaeoclimatic significance of Quaternary glaciations in the Mediterranean region
- Reconstructing the hominin tree
- Reconstructing the human maternal-fetal interface during early pregnancy using single cell transcriptomics
- Reconstructing the Palembang royal library
- Reconstructing the thymus microenvironment: implications for tissue engineering
- Reconstructing the US City in an Era of National Consolidation, 1848-1877
- Reconstructing the water surface from pressure measurements
- Reconstructing Tissue Architecture by Single Cell Genomics
- Reconstructing Yeoman Communities in Early Modern Kent
- Reconstruction and Applications of Collective Storylines from Web Photo Collections
- Reconstruction methods for sparse-data tomography
- Reconstruction Methods in Transmission Electron Tomography
- Reconstruction of certain phylogenetic networks from the genomes at leaves
- Reconstruction of generic anisotropic stiffness tensors from partial data around one polarization
- Reconstruction of Optical Vector-fields with Applications in Endoscopic Imaging
- Reconstruction of Optical Vector-fields with Applications in Endoscopic Imaging
- Reconstruction of past atmospheric aerosol load and composition (organic and inorganic): The case of the European aerosol since 1920 inferred from Alpine ice cores, and prospective for various polar ice cores.
- Reconstruction of the Atlantic bipolar seesaw during the last deglaciation
- Reconstruction of the Dark Energy Equation of State and the Primordial Power Spectrum P(k)
- Reconstruction of the neutrino mass as a function of redshift
- Reconstruction of tomographic images from limited-angular-range data
- Reconstruction problems in rich tomography I.
- Reconstruction scheme for active thermography
- Reconstructions in the exhibition Sharpening Perceptions
- Recontextualizing the George Brown Collection through creative ceramics
- Record dynamics in spin glasses, superconductors and biological evolution.
- Record linkage for epidemiology of less common vascular diseases: the first large-scale prospective study of aortic stenosis
- Record linkage with complete-count historical census data
- Record of abrupt changes of last climate cycle in European glacial dust deposits
- Recording the history of the Cretan War (1645-1669): an overview
- Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia in the past hundreds to thousands of years
- RECOUP Doctoral Seminar
- ReCover: Meet the Artist
- ReCover: Meet the Artist
- ReCover: Meet the Artist
- Recovering a local field from its Galois group
- Recovering a stochastic process from super-resolution noisy ensembles of single particle trajectories
- Recovering DNA and proteins from ancient books to explore livestock management and craft
- Recovering past dynamics from a computer model: inversion of a vegetation model for paleoclimate reconstruction
- Recovering the spacetime metric from a holographic theory of gravity
- Recovering the structure of edge-on debris disks non-parametrically
- Recovery after attack: 1960s radioecology and shifting conceptions of humans as agents of ecosystem change
- Recovery and purification of biosynthetic products: Downstream processing for the 21st century
- Recovery from aphasia after stroke – from network to therapy
- Recovery maps in quantum thermodynamics
- Recovery of Compressible Seismic Signals from Multichannel Samples
- Recreating a Steam Locomotive - The Power of a B17
- Recreating ancient everyday life within the Museum
- Recreating first steps of Life using non-equilibrium settings
- Recreating the Basics of Life by Bottom-Up Construction of a Cell
- Recreating Time Series from Allan Deviation
- Recruitment fair
- Recruitment fair
- Recruitment Fair
- Recruitment Fair
- Recruitment of constabulary labour in colonial Bengal 1861-1900
- Rect Function in Nonlinear Optics: Topological Control of Extreme Waves and Quantum Peregrine Solitons
- Rectification of randomly forced flows
- Recurrence and Transience of Multidimensional Elephant Random Walks
- Recurrence of a thymoma in a cat with metastatic spread
- Recurrence of planar graph limits
- Recurrence of planar graph limits
- Recurrence of planar graph limits
- Recurrence of the vertex-reinforced jump process in two dimensions
- Recurrence on infinite cyclic coverings
- Recurrence on infinite cyclic coverings - CANCELLED
- Recurrence properties for quantum dynamics
- Recurrent activity supports the construction of meaningful object
- Recurrent Continuous Translation Models
- Recurrent problems in spinal-cord and cerebellar circuits
- Recurrent random walks in random and quasi-periodic environments on a strip
- Recursive CRFs for Scalable Vision
- Recursive Deep Learning for Modeling Semantic Compositionality
- Recursive parameter estimation procedures
- Recursive splicing regulates use of poison exons within long neuronal genes
- Recursive triangulations and fragmentation theory
- Recursive triangulations and fragmentation theory
- Recursively patchworking real algebraic hypersurfaces with asymptotically large Betti numbers
- Recycling MMGKS for Large Scale Dynamic and Streaming Data
- Recycling Multilayer Films
- Recycling solutions of Helmholtz equation using Wiener-Hopf technique
- Recycling solutions of Helmholtz equation using Wiener-Hopf technique
- Red blood cell mechanics & malaria
- Red Spirals and Voorwerpen: Exploring the Galaxy Zoo
- Red Sprites : film night
- Red teaming privacy-preserving systems using AI
- Red vs. Yellow: Genetics of carotenoid coloration in weaverbirds
- Red, White and Brown: Gingerbread Recipes in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century British Recipe Books
- REDD: a good idea, impossible to implement?
- Rede Lecture for 2009–10 on The Two Cultures Fifty Years On
- Redefine Statistical Significance
- Redefining (my) archaeological practice through queer lenses
- Redefining environmental security: post-conflict vulnerability forecasting
- Redefining Equality
- Redefining metastasis: what we know and where we are going
- Redefining microglia states in health and disease
- Redefining the Churg-Strauss syndrome through genetics
- Redefining the narrative in contemporary educational discourse
- Redirected to Rob Nowak, LR12
- Redirecting innate immune mechanisms against aggregated proteins
- Redox active species in liquid water compared to charged defects in solid oxides
- Redox and metabolic oscillations in the clockwork
- Redox and ROS Signaling During Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress
- Redox chemistry of diamond
- Redox sensing and communication, synchronizing two genomes in response to light
- Redox-dependent modulation of haemostasis and vascular function by amyloid peptide beta: a new interpretation of the vascular component of dementia.
- Redrawing the Boundaries of Citizenship in the First World War
- Redrawing the Dinosaur family tree
- Reduced Atmospheres of Post-Impact Worlds
- Reduced Basis and Stochastic Collocation Methods
- Reduced Basis Solvers for Stochastic Galerkin Matrix Equations
- Reduced Basis Solvers for Stochastic Galerkin Matrix Equations
- Reduced cortical neuron models: Experiment and theory
- Reduced El Niño–Southern Oscillation during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Reduced Isotonic Regression
- Reduced kernel rules for classification
- Reduced models of circadian clock networks
- Reduced order modeling for uncertainty quantification in cardiac electrophysiology
- Reduced order modeling for uncertainty quantification in cardiac electrophysiology
- Reduced order modeling inversion: From Calderón problem to SAR imaging
- Reduced Order Models for Parameterized Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Shock Reconstruction
- Reduced order models for spectral domain inversion: embedding into the continuous problem and generation of internal data.*
- Reduced overturning and abyssal ventilation in the Australian Antarctic Basin
- Reduced plug-in rules for learning
- Reduced top-down modulation in autism: The role of prior knowledge in spontaneous attention, memory, and social perception
- Reduced-order transport models for energy and the environment
- Reducibility and Computational Lower Bounds for Problems with Planted Sparse Structure
- Reducing Aerofoil Noise by Modifying Leading Edges
- Reducing agricultural reliance on inorganic fertilisers
- Reducing emission-driven ozone uncertainties in climate and air-quality models using machine learning
- Reducing Energy Consumption in Paper Making using Advanced Process Control and Optimisation
- Reducing Genetic Abnormalities in Embryos
- Reducing Lameness in Dairy Cows
- Reducing Leading Edge Noise Using Gaussian Superposition
- Reducing Metadata Leakage from Encrypted Files and Communication
- Reducing the Expected Runtime of Grover Search
- Reducing the Expected Runtime of Grover Search
- Reducing Trailing Edge Noise Using Turbulent Boundary Layer Spectrum Models
- Reducing UK Meat Consumption: The Promise of Targeting Decision Contexts
- Reducing uncertainties in Antarctic ice sheet mass loss projections.
- Reducing wind turbine noise by using poroelastic materials
- Reduction of Aeroengine Tonal Noise using Scattering from a Multi-Segmented Liner
- Reduction of cuspidal characters of finite reductive groups
- Reduction of dynatomic curves
- Reduction of order for discrete systems
- Reduction of turbulent wall-friction by rotating discs
- Reduction Theorems for Generalised Block Fusion Systems
- Reduction Theorems for global-local Conjectures
- Reductionism in Ethics
- Reductionism in Ethics
- Reductions of (2+1) and (3+1) Dimensional Kadomtsev- Petviashvili Type Equations and Dispersive Shock Waves
- Reductions of local Galois representations arising from Hilbert modular forms
- Reductions with reduced supersymmetry using generalized geometry
- Reductive pairs arising from representations
- Redundancy in Deep Neural Networks and Its Impacts to Hardware Accelerator Design
- Redxo-active anilines: From switchable surfactants to tuneable gas capture
- REE and trace-element compositions of fertile peridotites from the South Patagonian lithosphere
- Reevaluating the WIMP Miracle
- Reexamination of non-hydrostatic formulations using the hydrostatic-pressure based co-ordinates
- REF2021 Open Access Workshop
- Refashioning women: dress, science and the female body in late nineteenth-century Britain
- Reference failure: why worry?
- Reference for Representationalists
- Reference-free analysis of genetic variation
- Referential choice in bilingual and monolingual children: the role of perceptual and discourse competitors
- Referential intentions and minimal semantics
- Refined and enhanced FFT techniques, with applications to pricing barrier options and their sensitivities
- Refined curve counting on algebraic surfaces
- Refined curve counting on surfaces
- Refined error analysis, eigenvalue problems; exterior calculus
- Refined eruptive history of Mount Pelée volcano and implications for tephra fallout hazard in Martinique
- Refined Harder-Narasimhan filtrations in moduli theory
- Refined Iwasawa theory in the elliptic curve case
- Refined nonparametric methods for genomic inference
- Refined sheaf counting on local K3 surfaces
- Refined Structure Theorems in Additive Combinatorics
- Refined tropical curve counting with descendants
- Refinement of Two Fundamental Tools in Information Theory
- Refinements in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
- Refinements of the Bruhat decomposition and structure constants of Hecke algebras of finite Chevally groups
- Refining Generalized Entropy
- Reflecting on Reflecting Diffusions
- Reflecting together on Researching Southern Contexts
- Reflecting together on Researching Southern Contexts
- Reflection methods for user-friendly submodular optimization
- Reflection numbers of some combinatorial and topological properties
- Reflection on Java Security and Its Practical Impacts
- Reflection on Java Security and Its Practical Impacts
- Reflection Positivity which plays an important role in QFT and statistical mechanics.
- Reflection Positivity: Something Old and Something New
- Reflection seismic investigations of the Beaufort Sea margin, Arctic Ocean: Variable history of Quaternary ice-sheet advance
- Reflection Symmetry in Higher Dimensional Black Hole Spacetimes
- Reflection without Remorse: Revealing a hidden sequence to speed up monadic reflection
- Reflections from African Activists on Human Rights and Transitional Justice
- Reflections from Practice
- Reflections in the Mirror of the World: Visual Literacy in the Somme le Roi, 1294-1331 (Medieval Art Seminar)
- Reflections on "Reflections on Cambridge"
- Reflections on a career as a professional statistician and the increasing value of the role of professional bodies
- Reflections on Analysis and Authorship in Polar Worlds
- Reflections on Code-Reuse Attacks and Defenses
- Reflections on Communicating Government Statistics for a Public Audience
- Reflections on Darwin 2009: a discussion
- Reflections on Ethics and Cryptography
- Reflections on F-theory Phenomenology
- Reflections on Inequality, Respect, and Love in the Political Writings of Mary Wollstonecraft
- Reflections on Jewish-Christian relations today
- Reflections on merging the digital and the physical
- Reflections on Random Forests
- Reflections on re-treading Darwin's 'gigantic blunder' in Glen Roy
- Reflections on Structured Catalysts and Reactors
- Reflections on the 2011 nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi
- Reflections on the Afterlife of Modernity's Dead Things: Moving Images and Cultural History
- Reflections on the Geodynamo
- Reflections on the growth of the Cambridge high tech business cluster and future challenges
- Reflections on the Kenyan Elections - A Panel Discussion
- Reflections on the Long-term Use of an Experimental Digital Signage System
- Reflections on the Russian Revolution
- Reflections on Time and Power
- Reflex dynamics: help or hindrance in steering a car
- Reflexivity and Hochschild Cohomology
- Reform at Scale: The Centre of Excellence Programme of Teacher Development in Kazakhstan
- Reform Of Electrical Power Systems By Using Power Electronics
- Reforming Law to deal with banking crises
- Reforming Naples/how to use a network: Vesuvius and savants in the two kingdoms of Sicily
- Reforming renewables support mechanisms
- Reforming teaching: a social cognitive perspective
- Reforming the Chinese Electricity System: A Review of the Market Reform Pilot in Guangdong
- Reforming the Economics Curriculum
- Reforming the European Court of Auditors: the challenges of financial accountability in the EU
- Reforming the police from the 'Inside out'
- Reformulation of elasticity theory for liquid crystals and liquid membranes
- Reframing African Studies through Languages and Translation: Overcoming Barricades to Knowledge and Knowledge Management
- Reframing Cancer as an Acute Condition
- Reframing the conservation of polar bears in Svalbard
- Reframing the conservation of polar bears in Svalbard
- Refreezing the Arctic
- Refreshment break
- Refreshment Break
- Refreshment Break
- Refreshment Break
- Refreshment break
- Refreshment Break (Group Formation)
- Refugees and Migration
- Refugees and the urban poor: A comparative ethnography of informality and politics
- Refugees and the Urban Poor: Marginality, Control, and Politics in Two Palestinian Enclaves
- Refugees Welcome: The "Riace Model" and its Mayor
- Refurbishing the Rijksmuseum: Open Lecture by Wim Pijbes
- Regaining Relevancy: Making the Economic Case for Planning
- Regalism and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Naples
- Regency in Sixteenth-Century Scotland
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative Antioxdant Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticles
- Regenerative braking of articulated trailers
- Regenerative braking of heavy goods vehicles
- Regenerative Braking of Trailers
- Regenerative medicine solutions for orthopaedic problems
- Regenerative Neuroimmunology - a stem cell perspective
- Regenerative Neuroimmunology: a neural stem cell perspective’
- Regime change in volcanic systems
- Regime criminality and transitional justice in reunited Germany, 1989-2004
- Regime-dependent modelling of extremes in the extra-tropical atmospheric circulation
- Regimentation. Proof/Discipline, and Military Influence in 19th Century Archaeology
- Regimes of global atmospheric circulation
- Regimes of polymer behaviour in DoD ink-jetting
- Regimes of work precarity. Workers' uncertainty in France during the postwar economic boom
- Region-specific regulation of neurogenesis by mir-9
- Regional Climate Change Impact Assessments, Knowledge Action Networks, and the Cambridge/UCSD Global Water Initiative
- Regional Climate Intervention Technologies – a View from Downunder
- Regional Differences in Well-Being in the United States and in Great Britain
- Regional financialisation and convergence
- Regional Historiography Workshop
- Regional Historiography Workshop 2
- Regional Historiography Workshop 3
- Regional identity and state formation in the ancient world: the case of Epirus
- Regional Man-land Relationship in the Northern Chinese Frontier in History
- Regional modelling of ocean processes in the Bellingshausen Sea
- Regional Practices in an Interconnected World: Middle Islamic Ceramics (1000-1500CE) from the Erbil Plain
- Regional School Commissioners and England’s school system: state-funded but developed and managed in private?
- Regional School Commissioners and England’s school system: state-funded but developed and managed in private?
- Regional Variation of GDP per Head within China, 1080-1850: Implications for the Great Divergence Debate
- Register-based Reproductive Epidemiology: Examples from Denmark- A Whole Nation of a Cohort
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration and Lunch - (Zoom meeting room opens 12:25)
- Registration and morning coffee
- Registration and morning coffee
- Registration and morning coffee
- Registration and morning coffee
- Registration and Tea/Coffee
- Registration and welcome talk
- Registration at CIMR reception
- Registration Desk Opens
- Registration in the Julian Study Centre
- Registration of Brain Tumour Morphology: where we are going now with Glioblastoma and other tumour types"
- Registration, tea and coffee
- Registration, tea and coffee
- Registration, Tea and Coffee
- Registry Studies in Organ Donation and Transplantation
- Regression discontinuity design
- Regression with Dependent Functional Errors-in-Predictors
- Regression with Dependent Functional Errors-in-Predictors
- Regression with Dependent Functional Errors-in-Predictors
- Regret Bounds for Gaussian Process Bandit Problems
- Regret-regression for optimal dynamic treatment allocation, without and with missing data
- Regret-regression for optimal dynamic treatment regimes
- Regrow with the flow: Mechanosensation in the regenerating zebrafish spinal cord
- Regular change and lexical diffusion in phonological development
- Regular Colloquium not scheduled
- Regular Irrational Subdivisions and Common Refinements
- Regular orbits of Sym(n) and Alt(n) on irreducible representations
- Regular orbits of symmetric groups
- Regular session
- Regular session
- Regular, exact, and PERs categories
- Regularisation by Krylov methods
- Regularisation by non-standard Krylov methods
- Regularisation, homomorphisms and irreducible Specht modules
- Regularised body-ordered Permutation-Invariant Polynomials (aPIP) for Materials
- Regularised estimation of high dimensional covariance matrices
- Regularity for group cohomology with twisted coefficients
- Regularity near the axis for axially symmetric stationary electro-vacuum spacetimes
- Regularity of free boundaries in anisotropic capillarity problems and the validity of Young's law
- Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle Type Problems - 1
- Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle Type Problems - 2
- Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle Type Problems - 3
- Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle Type Problems - 4
- Regularity of Gaussian processes in a geometric framework
- Regularity of higher codimension minimal currents
- Regularity of interfaces in phase transitions via obstacle problems
- Regularity of Lipschitz Solutions to the Minimal Surface Equation
- Regularity of local minimizers of the interaction energy via obstacle problems.
- Regularity of minimal submanifolds and mean curvature flows meeting along a common free boundary
- Regularity of optima transport maps and applications
- Regularity of SLE: Precise variation and modulus of continuity
- Regularity of subsolutions in discrete weak KAM theory
- Regularity of the Boltzmann Equation in Bounded Domains
- Regularity of the Einstein equations at future null infinity
- Regularity of the Mumford-Shah minimizers at the crack-tip
- Regularity of the SLE(4) uniformizing map and the SLE(8) trace
- Regularity of Turbulence: where do we stand?
- Regularity results for parabolic stochastic PDEs .
- Regularity results for semicalibrated currents
- Regularity results for SPDE in square function spaces
- Regularity structures: Reconstruction and Integration - part 1
- Regularity structures: Reconstruction and Integration - part 2
- Regularity structures: Reconstruction and Integration - part 3
- Regularity structures: Reconstruction and Integration - part 4
- Regularity Theorems for Minimal Two-Valued Graphs.
- Regularity theory for branched stable hypersurfaces
- Regularity theory for knot energies
- Regularity theory for knot energies
- Regularity theory for non linear singular integral operators based on De Giorgi techniques
- Regularity theory for non linear singular integral operators based on De Giorgi techniques II
- Regularity Theory of Energy Minimising Maps
- Regularity, complexity, and approximability of electronic wavefunctions
- Regularization of Inverse Problems with Large Noise
- Regularization of inverse problems: convergence analysis, new applications
- Regularization of pseudo-automorphisms
- Regularized linear autoencoders, the Morse theory of loss, and backprop in the brain
- Regularized Optimal Transport and Applications
- Regularized theta lifts and currents on products of Shimura curves
- Regulated export of specific mRNAs from the cell nucleus
- Regulating gene expression in 3D: a view from Drosophila embryogenesis
- Regulating Global Capitalism
- Regulating haemogenic and angiogenic sprouting from the dorsal aorta
- Regulating Innovation: Policy-Making in Reproductive Technologies
- Regulating needs: Exploring the role of insulin-like growth factor-2 in materno-fetal resource allocation and its importance for development, physiology and disease
- Regulating synaptic strength: Integrins and homeostatic mechanisms
- Regulating the actin cytoskeleton during Drosophila oogenesis
- Regulating the balance of cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation through the viral GPCR US28
- Regulating the Commercial Determinants of Health: Could strategic litigation be an effective way forward?
- Regulating the financial network: the agenda for structural reform
- Regulating the immune response to alloantigens
- Regulating the regulators: controlling transcription factor and chromatin modifier function during cell differentiation
- Regulating the use of mitochondrial transfer
- Regulation and Service Provision in Dynamic Oligopoly: Evidence from Mobile Telecommunications
- Regulation of actin assembly and mechanotransduction in cell-matrix adhesion complexes: a biochemical study of the talin-vinculin complex
- Regulation of ageing by DAF-16/FOXO, its cofactors, and the chromatin landscape.
- Regulation of Akt by the Sin1-mTOR complex in lymphocytes
- Regulation of Ant Foraging as a Closed-Loop Excitable System
- Regulation of B cell responses by distinct populations of T cells
- Regulation of bi-layered epithelial architecture: Insights from developing zebrafish
- Regulation of calcium signalling in malaria parasites
- Regulation of Cell-Type Specific Regulatory Programs in the Sea Anemone Nematostella vectensis
- Regulation of cellular differentiation by RNA 3' end modifications
- Regulation of cellular populations in space and time
- Regulation of cellulose synthesis - the cytoskeleton, trafficking and beyond
- Regulation of chromatin organization and epigenetic modifications in embryonic stem cells
- Regulation of CNS remyelination
- Regulation of complex I amount: molecular mechanism
- Regulation of craving: From neural mechanisms to intervention development
- Regulation of dendritic arbor growth and synapse formation in embryonic motorneurons of Drosophila
- Regulation of DNA repair by monoubiquitin signals
- Regulation of Dpp signalling in Drosophila
- Regulation of early receptor kinase-mediated innate immune signalling
- Regulation of epidermal homeostasis by extracellular stimuli
- Regulation of form in multicellular choanoflagellates and the evolutionary cell biology of morphogenesis
- Regulation of gene expression and genome organisation
- Regulation of gene expression during the awakening of the zygotic genome
- Regulation of gene expression during the growth curve of procyclic Trypanosoma brucei
- Regulation of gene expression in C4 metabolism
- Regulation of hepatitis C virus by liver-specific microRNA-122
- Regulation of immune responses to pancreas-expressed antigens: role of CTLA-4
- Regulation of inflammation, lipids and atherosclerosis by tribbles
- Regulation of lymphocyte development and activation by RNA binding proteins and non-coding RNA
- Regulation of microRNA biogenesis and function
- Regulation of microRNA expression during virus infection.
- Regulation of mitochondrial function by stearic acid
- Regulation of mRNA translation and decay
- Regulation of mucosal macrophage function by the microbiota,
- Regulation of natural killer cell activity in solid tumours
- Regulation of neural and intestinal stem cell differentiation
- Regulation of Neural precursors proliferation in the postnatal subventricular Zone
- Regulation of neural stem cell fates in the Drosophila optic lobe
- Regulation of neuronal growth in a developing motor system – a Drosophila dendrite perspective
- Regulation of Neuroprotective and antioxidant pathways by Synaptic activity
- Regulation of neutrophil function by the interplay between oxygen and metabolite sensing pathways
- Regulation of NMDA receptor activity in substantia nigra dopamine neurons
- Regulation of Notch signalling by the endosomal pathway.
- Regulation of organelle biogenesis at the endoplasmic reticulum
- Regulation of p53-dependent gene expression in vivo
- Regulation of Phyllotaxis by Auxin Transport Proteins
- Regulation of physiology via a dietary lipid metabolite.
- Regulation of placental nutrient transport: Research from rural Gambia
- Regulation of pre-mRNA splicing fidelity by the Nineteen Complex
- Regulation of progenitor cells in adult lung and in lung cancer
- Regulation of proteasome function in normal and disease states
- Regulation of Protein Degradation in Cancer and Effect on Tumor Immunity
- Regulation of PSEUDORESPONSE REGULATOR 7 expression by sucrose in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Regulation of PSEUDORESPONSE REGULATOR7 by photosynthetically derived sugars in Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Regulation of self-renewal in cancer stem cells
- Regulation of spindle orientation and neural stem cell fate in the Drosophila optic lobe
- Regulation of stem cell fate by niche-derived factors and forces.
- Regulation of the carbon concentrating mechanism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by CO2 and light
- Regulation of the positional stability of neurons: why you need glia
- Regulation of the positional stability of neurons: why you need glia
- Regulation of the proteasome and the dynamics of multiubiquitin chains
- Regulation of thiamine biosynthesis by riboswitches
- Regulation of thiamine biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Regulation of thiamine metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Regulation of topographic order in the developing nervous system through dynamic cell adhesion
- Regulation of Transcription by DNA Binding Small Molecules
- Regulation of transcription through histone demethylation
- Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis by N-cadherin: implications for atherosclerotic plaque stability
- Regulation of vitamin B1 metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Regulator maps and Iwasawa theory over Zp^2 extensions
- Regulators and the plectic polylogarithm
- Regulators in function fields arithmetic
- Regulators of canonical extensions
- Regulators of gliding and oscillatory spindle movements in human cells
- Regulators of Muscle Stem Cell Fate and Function
- Regulators of synapse formation in C. elegans
- Regulators, some 'complement'ary stories
- Regulatory Aspects of Adaptive Clinical Trial Designs: Perspectives from Scientific Advice to Marketing Authorisation Applications
- Regulatory B cells in health and in disease
- Regulatory B cells: Novel faces and mechanisms
- Regulatory cells in autoimmunity event: Analysing and moderating function
- Regulatory evolution and the diversification of pigmentation patterns in Drosophila
- Regulatory evolution by transcription-factor duplication
- Regulatory Genomics: From Basic Biology to Disease Mechanisms and Ageing
- Regulatory logic for cell specification during early embryogenesis
- Regulatory mechanisms of ciliary protein transport through Ccrk-Mak/Ick kinase signaling in retinal photoreceptor cells
- Regulatory networks controlling carpel (and petal) development
- Regulatory principles in human development and evolution
- Regulatory Programme and Evolution Underlying the Development of Echinoderm Skelton
- Regulatory regimes for diagnostic devices
- Regulatory RNA
- Regulatory role of ribosomes in plant development
- Rehabilitating and Maintaining Golden-Cheeked Gibbons (Nomascus gabriellae) and Pygmy Loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) Confiscated from the Illegal Wildlife Trade in South Vietnam
- Rehabilitation for neuro patients in Mexico
- Rehearsal - Performing the Everyday
- Rehearsal and the development of verbal short-term memory
- Rehearsing the state: the governance practices of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile
- Reidun Twarock - Science Café - Title TBC
- Reifenberg's Topological Disk Theorem
- Reigniting Innovation in the Hardware Industry
- Reimagining climate change education in formal school settings
- Reimagining Modernism, Mapping the Contemporary: Critical Perspectives on Transnationality in Art
- Reimagining Museum Collecting & Collections in Natural History: A Decolonial Perspective
- Reimagining Urban Energy: Policy Implications of Bidirectional Electric Vehicles, Solar Energy, and Work-from-Home Trends
- Reimann problems for gas dynamics with moisture and droplets
- Reinforced Concrete Crack Analysis
- Reinforced concrete design in Arup: slender walls and strut-and-tie models
- Reinforced concrete half-joint structures - or why playing Tetris is not always good for structural engineers
- Reinforced elastomeric materials at large strains
- Reinforced Galton-Watson processes.
- Reinforced Random Walk and a Supersymmetric Spin System on the Tree
- Reinforced Random Walk and a Supersymmetric Spin System on the Tree
- Reinforcement Learning
- Reinforcement Learning and Learning-guided Search for Generalizability for Multi-agent Mobility Systems
- Reinforcement Learning and Learning-guided Search for Generalizability for Multi-agent Mobility Systems
- Reinforcement Learning at Huawei: Robustness, Safety, and Efficiency
- Reinforcement Learning for 3D Molecular Design
- Reinforcement learning in AI systems and in the brain
- Reinforcement learning in disease and disorder
- Reinforcement learning with a corrupted reward function
- Reinforcement, learning, and cognitive control
- Reinforcement-Learning based numerical approaches for the conformal bootstrap
- Reinhard Gehlen, British Intelligence, and Communist Subversion, c. 1945-62
- Reinhard Höhler - Title TBC
- Reinhart Koselleck Symposium
- Reinterpreting A Black Past: Historical archaeology in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Reinterpreting A Black Past: Historical archaeology in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Reinventing China: from the perspective of the Olympics
- Reinventing Education
- Reinventing Energy Storage in 2D: Nanosheets and Exfoliated Materials
- Reinventing EU diplomacy? EU foreign policy post-Lisbon
- Reinventing European Research and Innovation for the Information Age
- Reinventing infectious disease: antibiotic resistance and drug development at the Bayer Company, 1940–1980
- Reinventing the wheel: what is the purpose of a proof?
- Reinventing, Rethinking, and Representing Menopause
- Reinventing, Rethinking, and Representing Menopause: Beyond the Interdisciplinary Paradigm
- Reionization after Planck
- Reionizing the Universe: A Brief History of Baryons and the Cosmic Web
- Rejuvenation biotechnology: applying regenerative medicine to aging
- Rejuvenation biotechnology: why age may soon cease to mean aging
- Rekeyable Ideal Cipher from a Few Random Oracles
- Relamination, delamination and tadpole zones: Formation of lower continental crust by density sorting of buoyant arc lavas and plutons
- Relating atmospheric CO2 levels to biogeochemical processes
- Relating black holes and quantum information via quantum field theory: Computational Complexity and AdS/CFT
- Relating brain and behaviour in Drosophila
- Relating Brain and Behaviour in Drosophila
- Relating mind and brain: can brain activity predict perceptual experience?
- Relating Native Language Typology to Foreign Language Usage
- Relating non-locality and device-independent randomness
- Relating structure and function: Diffusion and modularity in the human connectome
- Relating the diversity of firing rates to the dimension of variability in recurrent networks
- Relating Two Semantics of Locally Scoped Names
- Relation between the geometry of sign clusters of the 2D GFF and its Wick powers
- Relational databases versus relational models
- Relational knowledge in vector spaces
- Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs.
- Relational parametricity for computational effects.
- Relational Programming in miniKanren
- Relational Rule, Trust and Automation
- Relational-Realizational Syntax: An Architecture for Describing and Parsing Rich Morphosyntactic Descriptions
- Relationalism in Political and Social Analysis: Promises, Problems and Prospects
- Relations and Predictions in Brains and Machines
- Relations between class numbers in Galois extensions of number fields
- Relations between multi-zeta values and Grothendieck-Teichmueller theory
- Relationship between sea ice deformation and rheology
- Relationships Advice: Custody of a Troubled Teenager
- Relationships between assistance dogs and people with physical disabilities: background details and problems encountered
- Relationships between assistance dogs and people with physical disabilities: background details and problems encountered
- Relationships between assistance dogs and people with physical disabilities: background details and problems encountered
- Relationships between slow slip, megathrust locking, seismicity, and structure at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand
- Relationships between Structure, Dynamics and Catalytic Activity at Solid Surfaces
- Relationships in Gromov-Witten Theory using Givental's Formalism
- Relative étale slices and cohomology of moduli spaces
- Relative cluster categories and Higgs categories with infinite-dimensional morphism spaces.
- Relative commutator theory and the associator of loops
- Relative contribution from comets and carbonaceous asteroids to the Earth's volatile budget
- Relative entropies and entanglement monotones
- Relative Entropy and Fisher Information
- Relative Entropy Coding for Learned Data Compression
- Relative entropy method and lattice continuum limit in elasticity
- Relative entropy method applied to the stability of shocks for systems of conservation laws
- Relative Entropy of Entanglement and Restricted Measurements
- Relative equilibria of point vortices. (Aref Memorial Lecture)
- Relative Fourier-Mukai transforms for Weierstrass fibrations, abelian schemes and Fano fibrations
- Relative kappa-classes
- Relative Malt'sev and Relative Goursat Categories
- Relative meaning
- Relative representations enable zero-shot latent space communication
- Relative spherical objects and spherical fibrations
- Relativistic Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton Accretion
- Relativistic Collisions and Reflections
- Relativistic effects in full-sky gravitational lensing
- Relativistic effects in weak gravitational lensing
- Relativistic Electron Fluid Dynamics In Graphene And Its Implications For The Detection Of Terahertz Light
- Relativistic fluid flows
- Relativistic jets from black holes: connections to gravitational waves and neutrinos
- Relativistic stochastic processes
- Relativity, microphysics, and the senses of the sciences
- Relativity, Quantum Theory and Cryptography
- Relaxation and memory effects in a granular packing undergoing compaction
- Relaxation generated by nonlinear instabilities: heating and particle acceleration in the solar corona
- Relaxation of braided magnetic and vorticity fields
- Relaxation to Equilibrium and Emergence of Long-range Order in a Two-Dimensional Quantum Vortex Gas
- Relaxation without dissipation for plasmas and galactic dynamics
- Relaxation Workshop
- Relaxations of Graph Isomorphism
- Relaxed-Memory Concurrency and Verified Compilation
- Relaxed-Memory Concurrency and Verified Compilation / Mathematizing C++0x concurrency
- Relaxing Trust and Liquidity Constraints to Enhance Weather Insurance Uptake: a Randomized Control Trial in Ethiopia
- Releasing scalar fields: cosmological simulations beyond the static approximation
- Releasing the Commons: Rethinking the Futures of the Commons
- Releasing Your Potential
- Relevance Forcing: More Interpretable Neural Networks through Prior Knowledge
- Relevant populations and data
- Reliability
- Reliability analysis of complex structures using the hybrid FE-SEA method
- Reliability Analysis of Offshore Structures in Spreading Seas
- Reliability and validity
- Reliability function near the zero error capacity
- Reliability modeling and maintenance policy for multi-component systems
- Reliability of classical and classical-quantum channels
- Reliable evidence: Auditability by typing
- Reliable methods for plain text information hiding
- Reliable neuronal logic devices from patterned hippocampal cultures.
- Reliable Transmission in Broadcast Networks
- Relic density and SUSY GUT models with non-universal gaugino masses
- Relief Stocks in Early Modern Holland
- Religion and Belief in Education
- Religion and Humour: The Islamic Feast of Sacrifice in Egyptian Cartoons
- Religion and International Relations after 9/11: Increased Cooperation or More Conflict?
- Religion and Policy-Making in Post-Conflict Situations
- Religion and self-regulation
- Religion and the emergence of differentiated cognition
- Religion and the Politics of Race in 1960s London: Transnational Liberation Networks and Theologies of Resistance
- Religion and Violence in Early Modern Naples
- Religion in the aftermath of conflict
- Religion Reading Group
- Religion, Culture & Mental Health: Jewish & Protestant Views on Alcoholism
- Religion, revelry and resistance in Jacobean Lancashire
- Religion, Trade and Chinese Merchants in East Africa
- Religion-State Relations in Comparative Perspective. How much Religion can Democracy take?
- Religious and Scientific Belief
- Religious communities as communities of knowledge
- Religious freedom and public order: fundamental-rights lawfare and the construction of majoritarian national identities in Pakistan and Malaysia
- Religious Freedom in a secular society
- Religious Leaders and Conflict Transformation: A Discussion
- Religious Leaders and Conflict Transformation: A Discussion
- Religious peace-builders and the European Union
- Religious Rhetoric in the Chronicle Accounts of the Anglo-Scottish Wars: The Chronicle of Lanercost and the 'National Crusade'
- Religious Violence and the Peace of Christendom in 18th Century British America
- Relocating Human Origins - What if Adam lived in the forest?
- Relocating urban asylum: forced migration and the revanchist production of marginality
- Remaking our future: a radically different approach
- Remapping and place naming in 'Beautiful Dachau'
- Remapping attention
- Remapping the cognitive and neural profiles of children who struggle at school
- Remarks about imaging and predictive modeling in geophysics and environmental sciences
- Remarks on 2D inverse cascade turbulence
- Remarks on Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein quantum Boltzmann type equations
- Remarks on Joachim Jungius's work method in botany: Ficus indica in his letters, notes, garden and Isagoge Phytoscopica
- Remarks on Navier-Stokes and Euler equations in the context of turbulence
- Remarks on non-abelian duality
- Remarks on polycrystalline microstructure
- Remarks on punctual local connectedness
- Remarks on the discretizations of the perimeter
- Remarks on the discretizations of the perimeter
- Remarks on the Lefschetz standard conjecture for hyperkahler varieties
- Remarks on the long-time dynamics of 2D Euler
- Remember Tiananmen: Past, Present and the Way Forward
- Remembering and forgetting a prince in exile: Myngoon Min in Myanmar and Vietnam
- Remembering Bhagat Singh in Cambridge - and his political relevance in South Asia.
- Remembering complex events
- Remembering Professor David Newland
- Remembering the dead: The art of stelae in Egypt’s First Intermediate Period
- Remembering the mammillary bodies: the importance of wider networks for memory
- Remembering the Rebellion against Juvenal of Jerusalem: aristocratic patronage and ‘anti-Chalcedonian’ violence in Palestine (451-453)
- Remembering the Second Chechen War: The Evolution of Collective Memory in Chechen Refugee Populations of Georgia
- Remembering, Rereading, and Reviewing the Canon: the case of The Secret Garden
- Reminiscences
- Remodeling of Mitochondria during Microbial Infection
- Remodeling of the erythroid proteome
- Remodeling root cells for AM symbiosis’
- Remodeling the prepartum cervix: do macrophages open the gate for parturition?
- Remodelling of membrane compartments
- Remote control of cell signalling using chemogenetics
- Remote control: How do apicomplexan parasites regulate proteins beyond their own boundaries?
- Remote ischemic conditioning- signal transduction and clinical translation
- Remote Sensing
- Remote sensing and computer vision – just analysis of images from different sensors?
- Remote sensing enables monitoring life above and under water
- Remote sensing for the built environment
- Remote Sensing of Glacial Hazards in the Mountains
- Remote sensing of Greenland tidewater glaciers
- Remote sensing of melt and fracture on Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctica
- Remote sensing of the impact of land change to climate and ecosystem services in tropical highland-lowland ecosystem in Taita Hills, Kenya
- Renaissance eugenics
- Renal CPC
- Renationalisation of the Railways. A CU Railway Club Public Debate.
- René Char in Translation
- Rendering Eyes for Eye-Tracking
- Rendezvous: A search engine for binary code
- Rene Poncelet - HighTEA
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy Focus: Calculating the Carbon Content of Power Imports
- Renewable Energy in Data Centres
- Renewable energy in India - opportunities and challenges
- Renewable Energy: Back of the Envelope Calculations
- Renewable power generation: geothermal and solar thermal systems
- Renewables as Reserve Providers; Turning a Challenge into an Opportunity
- Renewal processes related to general fractional operators
- Renewed investigation of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene sequence from Kisese II rockshelter, Tanzania, and the Middle to Later Stone Age Transition in Eastern Africa
- Renormalisation and log-Sobolev inequalities
- Renormalisation Group Analysis of a gradient model with nonconvex interaction
- Renormalisation group and critical phenomena - 1
- Renormalisation group and critical phenomena - 2
- Renormalisation group and critical phenomena - 3
- Renormalisation group and critical phenomena - 4
- Renormalisation group and machine learning: the Wavelet-Conditional RG
- Renormalisation Group Method in Fluid Dynamics
- Renormalisation in regularity structures - part 1
- Renormalisation in regularity structures - part 2
- Renormalisation in regularity structures - part 3
- Renormalisation in regularity structures - part 4
- Renormalisation in Regularity Structures: Part 2
- Renormalisation in Regularity Structures: Part I
- Renormalization Group analysis of scalar field theories out of equilibrium
- Renormalization of phi^4 theory at six loops
- Renormalization-group effects in dark-matter direct detection
- Renormalized quantum BV operator and observables in gauge theories and gravity
- Renormalized relaxed Lagrangian solutions for SG in physical space
- Renormalized volume on the Teichmuller space of punctured Riemann surfaces
- Renormalizing stress tensor two-point functions
- Renunciation in the path of Enlightenment
- Renyi relative entropies and noncommutative L_p-spaces
- Renyi relative entropies in quantum information theory
- Reopening of Schools
- Reordering South African Townships
- Reorientating learning for career relevance: Leadership development and professional identities
- Reorientations of polarity fields during the generation of 3D outgrowths
- Repair of interrrupted fibre connections and circuits after spinal cord and brain injury
- Repair Scheduling in Wireless Distributed Storage with D2D Communication
- Repairing DNA damage in developing germ cells
- Repairing DNA lesions: making the right choice at the right time
- Repairing offshore wind turbine blades
- Repairing offshore wind turbine blades
- Repairing the Dawlish sea wall - Why it failed and how it was fixed
- Reparameterizing Bayesian PCA using Householder transformations to break the rotational symmetry.
- Reparative inflammation in remyelination
- Repeat Proteins:Versatile frameworks for understanding and engineering protein structure and function
- Repeatable execution, and why operating systems should support it
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated measures and mixed model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated measures and mixed model ANOVA
- Repeated measures and mixed model ANOVA
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Repeated Motif Hierarchical Stochastic Blockmodels
- Repeller or attractor? Selecting the dynamical model of shear flow turbulence
- Repetition and Difference: The Dissemination of Photography
- Repetition suppression and face memory in the neurotypical and autistic population
- Repetitive Behavior and Restricted Interests: Developmental, Genetic, and Neural Correlates
- Replace your exploit-ridden firmware with a Linux Kernel
- Replacing Copper with Light - The Prospects for Photonic PCBs - IET Cambridge Prestige Lecture 2009
- Replacing lectures with videos in the Computer Science Tripos
- Replacing pathologists with next generation diagnostics: use of artificial intelligence to analyse image and DNA sequencing data
- Replenishing the end: Structural mechanism of human telomerase
- Replicating RNA with RNA
- Replication Fork Dynamics - In Vivo Analysis of PCNA-interacting Proteins
- Replication or exploration? Sequential design for stochastic simulation experiments
- Replication or exploration? Sequential design for stochastic simulation experiments
- Replication restart and mechanisms of replication-associated genome rearrangement
- Reply: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cyber Security
- Reply: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cyber Security
- Reply: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cyber Security
- Reply: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cyber Security
- Reply: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cyber Security
- Reply: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cyber Security
- Report from a Meeting on Far-IR Interferometry in Space
- Report from Apple WWDC07
- Report on a pre-workshop on analysing a murder case
- Report on ACM IUI 2010 and IEEE IHCI 2010
- Report-back on ACL2010
- Reported Falsehood: Mendacious Messengers in 17th Century French Comedy
- Reporting and writing on EU Affairs in times of crisis
- Reporting back from breakout groups and synthesis of innovations and needs
- Reporting back from breakout groups and synthesis of innovations and needs
- Reporting back from breakout groups on gaps and priorities for future research
- Reporting Egypt’s Revolution: Journalism on the Frontline
- Reporting from Extreme Environments
- Reporting on Modern Day Slavery
- Reporting on Modern Day Slavery
- Reporting on Modern Day Slavery
- Reporting Racism at Cambridge
- Representation and computation in visual working memory
- Representation and predictive modeling of complex biomolecular datasets
- Representation and the Fall
- Representation and the Fall
- Representation Learning and Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs and Natural Language
- Representation Learning for Text Retrieval: Learning and Pretraining Strategies for Dense Retrieval
- Representation Learning from Stoichiometry
- Representation Learning on Graphs
- Representation of harmonic functions with respect to subordinate Brownian motion
- Representation of motor skills in cortical networks
- Representation of visual features, objects, actions and scenes in the human brain
- Representation Theory - Introductory lunchtime talk
- Representation theory and the Coulomb branch
- Representation theory of diagram algebras
- Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 1)
- Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 2)
- Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 3)
- Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 4)
- Representation Theory of the General Linear Group
- Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactors
- Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactors
- Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactors
- Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactors
- Representation theory, fusion systems and cohomology
- Representation theory, fusion systems and cohomology
- Representation zeta functions
- Representation zeta functions of compact p-adic Lie groups and arithmetic groups
- Representation, optimization and generalization properties of deep neural networks
- Representational dynamics: object responses in monkey inferior temporal cortex
- Representational geometry modelling
- Representational practices and the ethics of natural history, 1650–1720
- Representational Similarity Analysis Methods Day
- Representationalism and pragmatism
- Representations and partition function zeros of the Potts model with and without boundaries
- Representations and subgroups of SL(4), with applications to physics
- Representations and Unipotent Classes
- Representations of Achilles in medieval and early modern Greek literature
- Representations of finite W-algebras associated to classical Lie algebras
- Representations of Galois groups and Algebraic K-theory of fields
- Representations of GL_2 and p-adic Symmetric Spaces
- Representations of Grief and Mourning in modern European and American cinema
- Representations of Meaning
- Representations of p-adic groups
- Representations of p-adic groups
- Representations of p-adic groups via geometric invariant theory
- Representations of pseudo-reductive groups
- Representations of Quantum Groups
- Representations of reduced enveloping algebras for gl_n and restricted Yangians
- Representations of smooth surfaces for analysis and manufacture
- Representations of surface groups and Higgs bundles - I
- Representations of surface groups and Higgs bundles - II
- Representations of surface groups and Higgs bundles - III
- Representations of the past, present and future of Intercommunal Relations in Cyprus: A social-psychological analysis of the Cyprus issue
- Representer theorems and convex optimization
- Representer theorems and convex optimization
- Representer theorems for ill-posed inverse problems: Tikhonov vs. generalized total-variation regularization
- Representing and explaining: the eikonic conception of explanation
- Representing and Querying Large-scale Uncertainty
- Representing conditional independence in probabilistic programming
- Representing Data Collections for Analysis and Transformation
- Representing Disasters In Museums
- Representing Fermions on Quantum Computers: From Algebra to Circuits
- Representing many-body wave functions using Gaussian processes
- Representing microbial communities in Earth system models
- Representing microbial communities in Earth system models
- Representing potential energy surfaces with neural networks
- Representing Same-Sex Parents: non-traditional families?
- Representing the small scale sea-ice dynamics within the ECCC forecast systems
- Representing The Solution Operator For The Navier-Stokes Equation
- Representing uncertainty in numerical climate models
- Representing Vacancy: Absence as Memory
- Representing words for NLP (An introduction to Semantic Vector Space Models and GloVe)
- Reproducibility and transparency indicators across diverse scientific fields
- Reproducibility in action: improving open research in the life and social sciences
- Reproducible Research
- Reproducing Black Hole physics in fluids
- Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Non-parametric Statistics
- Reproducing unexpected LGM ice-stream retreat behaviour in a dynamic numerical model of Marguerite Bay, Antarctica
- Reproduction and religion: paediatrics and devotion to the Christ Child in the Central Middle Ages
- Reproduction of National Identity: Norway's New National Library
- Reproductive health summit 2016
- Reproductive justice in the climate crisis - Seminar One
- Reproductive justice in the climate crisis - Seminar Three
- Reproductive justice in the climate crisis - Seminar Two
- Reproductive organ development in the mouse
- Reproductive regimes in apartheid South Africa
- Reproductive Rights Movements in Spain, 1970s-1980s
- Reprogramming and plasticity of epigenetic regulation
- Reprogramming and Printing DNA Nanostructures
- Reprogramming Animal Development
- Reprogramming Biological Systems: Engineering Biology Forum
- Reprogramming Genetic Code
- Reprogramming human cells - from academia to scale up (Cafe Synthetique)
- Reprogramming of human somatic cells to pluripotency using defined factors
- Reprogramming plant cells for endosymbiotic infection
- Reprogramming roots for fungal symbiosis
- Reprogramming the code of life
- Reprogramming the Genetic Code
- Reprogramming the Genetic Code
- Reprogramming the genetic code
- Reprogramming the Genetic Code
- Reprogramming the Genetic Code (joint event with BioSoc)
- Republic and Mixed Government: Machiavelli and Aristotle
- Republicanism and Empire in Britain and France 1763-1815
- Repurposing Known Drugs as Inhibitors of the Store-Operated Calcium Entry Pathway
- Requirement handling in medical equipment design
- Requirements Elicitation in NHS Service Design: facilitation and participation
- Requirements in Application Development
- Resampling methods for networks
- RESCHEDULED - The Devil's in the Detail: Designing Instruments, Incentives and Institutions for Stewardship Initiatives on Private Land
- RESCHEDULED to 20th Feb: GPUVerify: a modular verifier for GPU kernels
- Rescheduled: Cell surface fluctuations regulate early embryonic lineage sorting
- Rescheduled: Cosmic Concordance or Tension: Cosmology from combined lensing and clustering observations with KiDS and BOSS
- RESCHEDULED: ERC Equipoise careers presentation
- Rescuing homeless tsunami victims by law
- Rescuing mitochondria in peril under oxidative stress
- Rescuing Religion from Obsolescence? John Templeton on Science and Religion
- Rescuing Rhino
- Rescuing Sebastiano del Piombo’s Adoration of the Shepherds
- Research & Engineering in AI: the view from both perspectives
- Research Activities for the EPSRC Centre for Ultra Precision Technologies
- Research activities in the Machining Group of Politecnico di Torino
- Research activities on Eco-Design of Buildings and Infrastructure at ParisTech
- Research and development of new vibro-acoustic methods in the commerical software wave6
- Research and Governance Needs in the Age of an Accessible Arctic
- Research and Learning in Context: Methodological Issues when Taking a Socio Cognitive Approach
- Research and practice in content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
- Research Areas
- Research at Behavioural Insights Team
- Research at Deltares Geo-engineering and Simulation of the tractive performance of Mars Rover wheels on loose sand
- Research at the NUS Interactive Multimedia Lab
- Research at the University of South Australia
- Research at TU Dortmund in Supply Net Order Management
- Research Avenues for Net-Zero Carbon Cloud Datacenters
- Research Centres – their care and feeding
- Research Challenges and Solutions for IOT/CPS
- Research Challenges in Applying Control to Wheel-Rail Contact Problems
- Research Challenges in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Research Collaborations outside of academia
- Research Conference and Showcase - Research and Practice: Making the connections
- Research Council Perspective - Overview and Priorities
- Research Council Perspective - Overview and Priorities
- Research Data Management: Workshop (For GSLS PhD students)
- Research Data Management: Workshop (for STEM PhD students)
- Research Ecosystems, Cognitive Bias and Incentives
- Research Ethics
- Research Ethics: an application journey
- Research frontiers and new therapeutic strategies in pancreatic cancer
- Research Funding Roadshow
- Research Funding Roadshow 2008
- Research Group: 'Convening citizen engagement: why mediation matters for audience participation in interactive broadcast shows'
- Research Group: 'Governing the slums: Lessons from Kenya and Rwanda'
- Research Group: Framing Peace: The case of conciliatory radio programming in Burundi and Uganda
- Research Group: Human rights and South-South Development Cooperation: reflections on the "rising powers" as international development actors
- Research Group: Increasing Citizen Demand for Good Government in Kenya
- Research Group: Rethinking the Role of Ideology in Atrocities
- Research Group: The Kenyan Elections of 2013: A triumph of democracy?
- Research Group: When the state kills, the boundaries of state responsibilities and the right to life
- Research in a digital age - experience from The National Archives
- Research in deserts and mountains with mathematics on my mind
- Research in Forensic Mass Grave Victim Identification
- Research in psychiatry at a time of therapeutic optimism
- Research in the Goldman group: pandemic-scale phylogenetics, and optimizing new sequencing technologies
- Research in the Laboratory for Scientific Computing
- Research in the Semiconductor Physics Group at the Cavendish Laboratory
- Research integrity: strengthening research culture, research practice and research reproducibility
- Research Involving Animals Containing Human Material
- Research methods in action: how do researchers use the CRAS (Complexity-Resources-Abstractness and Strategy) framework and Kelly’s Repertory Grid (KRG) technique in assessment research studies?
- Research of the new Computer Vision and Mulitmodal Computing at MPI Sarrbruecken
- Research on InP-based SWIR optoelectronic materials and devices
- Research opportunities and problems in scalable social networking analysis
- Research overview: capability-based information management and application to VIPr project
- Research platforms for RF and communications
- Research Process, Methodologies and Methods – An Overview
- Research Proposal Process
- Research relationships for impact: A donor perspective
- Research Roadmaps for Landscape Decision Making
- Research Roadmaps for Landscape Decision Making
- Research Showcase - Centre for Risk Studies
- Research Showcase - Centre for Risk Studies
- Research Showcase - Centre for Risk Studies
- Research Showcase: Human-Centred Computing and Human-Machine Interaction
- Research Software Engineering in the Arts and Humanities : a community-driven approach
- Research Sponsors Roadshow
- Research student presentations
- Research Student presentations
- Research Students Presentations
- Research Students’ Seminars
- Research Students’ Seminars
- Research Students’ Seminars
- Research Students’ Seminars
- Research Students’ Seminars
- Research Students’ Seminars
- Research to Industrialization
- Research Towards Future Mobile Communication Solutions
- Research Unbundling and Market Liquidity: Evidence from MiFID II
- Research Update: 'Burial assemblages as art: another way at looking at the dead?' and 'The Harpham Villa Landscape Project'
- Research Updates
- Research with Geo-Social Network Data
- Research, reintroductions and welfare: how zoo researchers can be involved in conservation
- Research- informed curriculum design
- ResearchBud.com - a new way to order products in SP
- Researches on ground-borne vibration at the University of Nottingham
- Researching bureaucratic spaces: the crucial role of ‘facilitators’
- Researching Education in Post-conflict, Post-socialist, Ethnically Divided, and Politically Unstable Societies
- Researching Fascism and War Veterans: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
- Researching fundamentalism and xenophobia: A religious schema approach
- Researching Global Labour Movements: Where do Digital Methods Fit in?
- Researching impact in an educational assessment context
- Researching LGBTQ+ Issues: Building Community
- Researching Music and Psychology in Education: How would you approach it?
- Researching or reproducing 'race'? Problematising racialised difference in a British primary school.
- Researching otherwise: some reflections on the decolonisation of research practice (and production of knowledge), beyond extractivism and epistemicide
- Researching Public Opinion and Political Accountability: Broadcasting and New Media in Contemporary African Context
- Researching reading spaces
- Researching social problems: Putting the cart before the horse?
- Researching tax from four Copenhagen Business School scholars
- Researching the History of Home-Based Education in England and British Columbia, Canada
- Researching the impact of recent foreign language policy initiatives on provision and practice in schools in England
- Researching the possible effects of the New Poor Law of 1834 on the health of the population of England and Wales
- Researching the school environment: Children and school architecture in Denmark 1814-2014
- Researching youth moralities: New sociological direction or moribund dead-end?
- Resequencing Delay Analysis of ARQ Protocols over Parallel Channels
- reserved (tbc)
- Reserved for CambPlants
- Reservoir architectures of flood basalt systems - a 3D Reservoir architectures of interlava systems - a 3D photogrammetric study of Eocene cliff sections, Faroe Islands
- Residential construction activity in OECD economies
- Residual deficiency and one relator quotients of triangle groups
- Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Robust and verified Koopmanism for nonlinear dynamical systems
- Residual optionality in L1 syntax: effects of delayed onset of acquisition
- Residual Permutation Test for High-Dimensional Regression Coefficient Testing
- Residual properties of graphs of p-groups
- Residual stresses: their role in structural integrity assessment and advanced techniques for their analysis
- Residually Stressed Elastic Solids
- Resilience and sustainability of infrastructure slopes and embankments
- Resilience Assets
- Resilience of biodiversity and ecosystem services to environmental change
- Resilience Reimagined: Adapting to Change with Flexibility and Strength (in-person talk)
- Resilience, regulation, and adaptation - British children's first school experiences
- Resilience: a multi-stakeholder perspective
- Resilience: Structures of success, failure and influence in publicly funded arts institutions and a volunteer-run social network
- Resiliency aspects of security protocols
- Resiliency of Fluctuating Layered Ordered States - A Reduced Model
- Resilient and Reconfigurable Systems: Integration of Data Mining and Process Mining to Simulate Factory-of-the-Future and Hospital-of-the-Future
- Resilient Futures
- Resilient Machine Learning: A Systems-Security Perspective
- Resistance and Madness
- Resistance and Memory
- Resistance and Personality
- Resistance and Solidarity
- Resistance to Helminths: Location, Immunity and Modulation.
- Resistance to Trump: Some (research-led) predictions
- Resistive memory devices and their role in future computing systems
- Resistive Pulse Technique for Sensing of Nanocolloids
- Resistivity of Metal Oxides
- Resolute sets and initial segment complexity
- Resolution algorithm in characteristic zero and its possible extension to positive characteristic
- Resolution and contrast in optical astronomy - Future possibilities for exoplanet imaging
- Resolution independent topography: from cut cells to thin walls and porous barriers
- Resolution of singularities on the Lubin-Tate tower
- Resolution-dependent self-scaling physical parameterizations and numerical closures
- Resolution: New Insights from Modular Symmetry in Conformal Field Theory
- Resolved debris disks around young main sequence stars eta Tel and HR4796A: tracing planets in the dust
- Resolvent estimates for high-contrast elliptic problems with periodic coefficients
- Resolvent-based estimation and control of turbulent shear flows
- Resolvent-inspired flow control of turbulent flows
- Resolving AGN in the SAMI Galaxy Survey
- Resolving AGN tori in the mid-infrared: a new unbiased probe of intrinsic accretion power
- Resolving Conflicts: The Genetic Control of Plant Morphogenesis
- Resolving Consensus
- Resolving inductive definitions with binders
- Resolving isolated singularities of Kahler constant scalar curvature compact and ALE orbifolds
- Resolving super-rotation of the Earth's inner core using hemispherical seismic velocity and attenuation structure
- Resolving the cascade bottleneck in vortex-line turbulence
- Resolving the Cosmic IR Background with BLAST
- Resolving the flow around black holes
- Resolving the impact of outflows and small-scale structure in the CGM with TNG50
- Resolving the Tevatron top quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry puzzle
- Resonance and Entrainment in the Synchronous Reproduction of Musical Pulse: Developments in Childhood
- Resonance capture
- Resonance curves of finite-amplitude gravity waves in shallow-water limit
- Resonance for loop homology of spheres
- Resonance free strips for normally hyperbolic trapped sets
- Resonances and streaming of an Armoured Microbubble
- Resonances as a record of planetary migration
- Resonances in coupled-channel scattering from lattice QCD
- Resonances in coupled-channel scattering from QCD
- Resonances on asymptotically flat spacetimes
- Resonances, genericity and rational normal forms: The KillBill theory
- Resonant acoustic mixing processing studies of energetic materials
- Resonant dispersive shock waves in nonlinear optics and shallow water waves
- Resonant Level Hybridized with Luttinger Liquid
- Resonant non-Gaussianity
- Resonant phenomena in the wave dynamics in the presence of boundaries in GFD
- Resonant resurgent asymptotics from quantum field theory
- Resonant spaces for volume preserving Anosov flows
- Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: characterisation of elastic and anelastic behaviour of metals, ceramics and functional oxides associated with ferroic, multiferroic and normal-superconductor phase transitions
- Resource Allocation for Next Generation of Radio Access Networks: how effective are my schedulers?
- Resource Allocation for Statistical Estimation
- Resource criticality
- Resource discussion and development, stimulated by Chiodo talk
- Resource discussion and development, stimulated by Dumbaugh talk
- Resource discussion and development, stimulated by Hudeček talk
- Resource discussion and development, stimulated by Tucker talk
- Resource Efficiency: delivering future energy and material services with less environmental impact.
- Resource efficiency: what are the limits?
- Resource Futures in Cities
- Resource Management in Programming Languages
- Resource robustness and discrimination of physical processes
- Resource Sensitive Synchronisation Inference by Abduction
- Resource Sharing, Organization, and Databases
- Resource theories of knowledge and applications to thermodynamics
- Resource theory of quantum channels
- Resource-aware auxin signalling in Arabidopsis?
- Resource-limited mobile sensor routing for parameter estimation of distributed systems
- Resource-oriented programming with graded modal types
- Resources & Production
- Respectable banking: the search for stability in London’s money and credit markets since 1695
- Respiratory Health and Smoking Science Summit 2016
- Respiratory Medicine CPC
- Respiratory physiology, experiment and Everest, from ghastly kitchens to gasping lungs
- Respiratory Problems
- Respiratory Responses To Temperature By Ectomycorrhizal Fungi
- Respondent-Driven Sampling of Hidden Populations
- Responding to Darwin: The Reverend Thomas Stebbing (1835-1926), clergyman, naturalist and apologist
- Responding to Suffering: Research, Practice and Policy Agenda for Palliative Care for Children and Young People
- Responding to the Challenges of Wind Variability
- Response inhibition and control: an exploration of compulsivity
- Response learning contributions to priming and repetition suppression.
- Response of piled buildings to the construction of deep excavations
- Response of piled foundations in liquefiable soils
- Response of terrestrial aridity to global warming
- Response of the human gut and saliva microbiome to urbanisation in Cameroon
- Response-adaptive dose-finding under model uncertainty
- Response-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: from myths to practical considerations
- Response-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: from myths to practical considerations
- Responsible Futures: A twenty-first century university
- Responsible Research and Innovation Lunch- Lent 2018
- Responsible sourcing of metals – geologists help get it right from the start!
- Responsive Hydrogels: perspectives, modelling, and ongoing efforts
- RESTART simulation of non-Markovian queuing networks
- Resting State fMRI & Recent Advances
- Resting-State fMRI Pre-processing and Denoising
- Resting-state functional connectivity: Principles and applications in cognitive neuroscience
- Restitution curve splitting as a mechanism for the bifurcation to alternans
- Restless engrams: the origin of continually reconfiguring neural representations
- Restoration at landscape scale to address environmental risk
- Restoration of images with blur and noise - effective models for known and unknown blurs
- Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools
- Restorative Practice in Schools: Where next?
- Restoring communication with intracortical brain-computer interfaces
- Restoring executive control in drug addiction through the disruption on memories
- Restoring habitat for the Iberian lynx
- Restoring Leviathan? The Kenyan Supreme Court, Constitutional Transformation and the Presidential Election of 2013
- Restoring Profanity: Applying Mathematics to Digital Image Restoration
- Restoring Trust in Finance?
- Restriction categories as enriched categories
- Restriction of enveloped virus particle release by tetherin/CD317
- Restriction of the felid retroviruses by BST2/tetherin
- Restriction of zoonotic viruses by bat Interferon-Induced Transmembrane Proteins
- Restriction theorems for Hankel operators
- Restriction theory related to Waring's problem
- Restrictive Parenting and the Unintended Consequences of Moral Prohibitions
- Results from the world’s largest trial of the 4-Day Week: imagining the future of work
- Results of beamline testing at the MROI
- Results of portovenography are related to outcome in dogs receiving surgical treatment for single congenital portosystemic shunts’
- Results of the COHERENT experiment
- Results of the IoA’s Annual EDI, Wellbeing & Culture Survey 2020
- Resummation for Squark and Gluino production
- Resumption and the Design of Grammar
- Resurgence and 1/N Expansion in Integrable Field Theories
- Resurgence and novel solitons in eta-deformed principal chiral models
- Resurgence and Partial Theta Series
- Resurgence and relativistic hydrodynamics: looking ahead
- Resurgence and the Picard-Lefschetz decomposition of 2-dimensional deformed Yang-Mills theory
- Resurgence at work in the principal chiral model
- Resurgence in Differential Equations, and Effective Summation Methods
- Resurgence in QFT -renormalon, phase transition and more-
- Resurgence in the 2d O(N) sigma-models
- Resurgence Matches Isomonodromy: Painlevé Equations and 2 Dimensional Quantum (Super)Gravity
- Resurgence of the cusp anomalous dimension
- Resurgence of the Schrodinger equation and of lacunary series
- Resurgence, BPS structures and topological string S-duality
- Resurgent Analysis in Quantum Theories: Perturbative Theory and Beyond
- Resurgent ZZ and FZZT branes in minimal strings and JT gravity
- Resurrection of a gas disk from exocometary ices in the 23 Myr-old beta Pictoris system
- Retarded motile active matter
- Rethink and Arise!
- Rethinking (South) Asian Studies: Spaces and Inter-linkages
- Rethinking about Data Processing in the SKA Era
- Rethinking Academic Recruitment: Exploring the Potential of Narrative CVs
- Rethinking antisemitism in the Origins of Totalitarianism and Dialectic of Enlightenment
- Rethinking Auto-Parallelisation
- Rethinking China’s Path of Industrialization – The Role of State and Institutions
- Rethinking Churchill and the Second World War
- Rethinking colonial violence
- Rethinking Comparative Syntax
- Rethinking costs of mitigation
- Rethinking Development from the Ethics of Care
- Rethinking Energy and the Environment: Insights from Behavioural Economics
- Rethinking file systems
- Rethinking food reward
- Rethinking generation in the late 18th century: the concept of 'reproduction'
- Rethinking health, disease and modernity: a view from the farm, c.1930–70
- Rethinking how we regulate Big Tech
- Rethinking industrial patronage of academic research in the early Cold War
- Rethinking Information and Space in Ubiquitous Computing
- Rethinking Internet Traffic Management: From Multiple Decompositions to a Practical Protocol
- Rethinking Law and Religion. Towards a Legal Anthropology of Late Antiquity
- Rethinking Marine Hydrocarbon Biogeochemistry with a Biological Source
- Rethinking Materials Discovery with Generative Models
- Rethinking mechanisms of stomatal response to temperature, drought and VPD
- Rethinking Path Dependence: Beyond Lock-in to Evolution
- Rethinking power: new conceptions of power for a better world
- Rethinking private property rights, Microfinance and other development FADS
- Rethinking public health using behavioural science - Behavioural Insights Team
- Rethinking Research Objectives for the 21st Century
- Rethinking Resilient Healthcare Systems in Contexts of Conflict in Uganda
- Rethinking Resistance in Microsociological Analytics
- Rethinking rotation in the Peripatetic Mechanica
- Rethinking sex and the brain beyond the binary: Mosaic brains in a multi-dimensional space
- Rethinking Social Econonmy
- Rethinking State-Machine Replication for Multicore Architectures
- Rethinking State-Machine Replication for Multicore Architectures
- Rethinking Storage and Networking in Next Generation Racks
- Rethinking the Church of England's response to the Holocaust
- Rethinking the control architecture of the Internet
- Rethinking the Crisis: The case for a Pluralist approach to Economics
- Rethinking the development of constitutive relations
- Rethinking the dynamics of financial networks
- Rethinking the earliest Silver Pennies
- Rethinking the Emergence of the English
- Rethinking the migration period at the order of the late Roman Empire: A multi-proxy biomolecular approach
- Rethinking the one-sex body: sex, gender and medicine in the medieval world
- Rethinking the one-sex body: sex, gender and medicine in the medieval world
- Rethinking the QCD axion
- Rethinking the Quantified Self to make personal data engaging and useful
- Rethinking the Realities of the Spotless Mind
- Rethinking the Relationship Between Economics and Geopolitics
- Rethinking the Ripples
- Rethinking the Role of Politics in French Intellectual History
- Rethinking the role of tokenization in the NLP pipeline
- Rethinking the scope of REDD+ : Carbon stocks or triple wins?
- Rethinking the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
- Rethinking the Stack for Distributed Runtime Systems
- Rethinking the synthesis period in evolutionary studies, 1930s and 1940s
- Rethinking the Tropics: a Brazilian contribution to the debate
- Rethinking the Virtual: Towards Digital Decolonisation in the Scott Polar Research Institute
- Rethinking university learning spaces: students as generators of knowledge
- Rethinking volcanism from a trans-crustal perspective
- Rethinking Weak Instruments with a focus on the Multiple Risk Factors Setting
- Rethinking Weber's 'Politics'
- Reticulated tubes: effective elastic properties and actuation response
- Retinal mechanisms of non-image-forming vision
- Retinal motion statistics during natural locomotion
- Retinoic acid: An immune morphogen?
- Retinoic acid: An immune morphogen?
- Retracing the evolution of stress tolerance in plants and animals
- Retranslating Chaves Nogales into Spanish or an Act of Ventriloquy: A Case Study Through Corpus Frequency Analysis
- Retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet; landforms, sediments, dates and the BRITICE-CHRONO project
- Retrieval Augmented NLP
- Retrieval of initial planetary disk properties and the Radius Valley of Steam, Photoevaporation and Migration
- Retrieving Design Rationale for Re-use in New Designs
- Retrieving the atmospheric properties of cloudy directly imaged planets
- Retro and Rota – a tale of two viruses
- RetroBridge: Modeling Retrosynthesis with Markov Bridges
- Retrocausality - what would it take?
- Retrocausality – what would it take?
- Retrofitting Purity with Comonads and Capabilities
- Retrospective evaluation of albuminocytological dissociation (ACD) and survival in dogs
- Retrospective evaluation of masitinib and prednisolone compared to masitinib alone in canine mast cell tumours.
- Retrospective pilot study to investigate the correlation between biochemical and histopathological evidence of liver disease in horses.
- Retroviral induced pulmonary adenocarcinoma originates from infection of lung alveolar progenitors
- Retroviruses and innate/intrinsic evasion
- Return from Family Leave - Workshop
- Return of Chinese Cultural Relics Taken from the First Opium War to the end of Japanese Occupation (1840-1945)
- Return to the High Value Manufacturing Landscape
- Returning to Growth after the Crisis: an Historical Perspective
- Reuniting the antipodes: bringing together Nonstandard Analysis and Constructive Analysis
- Reused coffins from ancient Egypt: Tomb robbery or recycling of materials?
- Reusing legacy device drivers in an L4-based microkernel environment
- Revanchist sanitisation or coercive care?: The use of enforcement and conditionality to combat street homelessness and street culture
- Revealed in the Hayley Papers: Literary, artistic and domestic gossip from late 18th and early 19th century cultural life
- Revealing (negative) AGN feedback through broad wings of CO emission lines
- Revealing disease ecology from historical records over the last seven centuries
- Revealing Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models through Self-Consistency
- Revealing information - or not - in financial trading
- Revealing mitochondrial function by reading mtDNA mutation patterns
- Revealing Multiple-planet Architectures with the ExoStriker toolbox
- Revealing my purpose - Spirituality in Daily Life series
- Revealing the Antarctic continent with recent aerogeophysical exploration
- Revealing the charge carrier dynamics in metal halide perovskites using time-resolved microwave conductivity
- Revealing the physical drivers of galaxy kinematic structure with SAMI
- Revealing the properties of the interstellar medium of nearby galaxies from near-IR to submm observations
- Revealing the roots of volcanism: magma transport in the convecting mantle
- Revealing the Spatial Pattern of Brain Hemodynamic Sensitivity to Healthy Aging through Sparse Dynamic Causal Model
- Revealing the tales of post-Viking migration between UK and Denmark through 1 million personal genomes
- Revenue Models for Off-Grid Energy Access at the Bottom of the Pyramid
- Reverence or Irreverence? Perceptions of classical rabbinic scriptural interpretation in Jewish and Christian traditions
- Reverse Engineering a PDE from an Image Inpainting Algorithm
- Reverse engineering cell mechanics
- Reverse Engineering Malware
- Reverse Engineering of Design Principles using Biased Dynamics
- Reverse engineering the brain: what photons and electrons can tell us about thought.
- Reverse Engineering the Forces that Drive Embryogenesis
- Reverse Engineering the Human Visual System with Networks of Spiking Neurons
- Reverse Phenotyping: Towards an integrated (epi)genomic approach to complex phenotypes and common disease.
- Reverse Thinking: First Image Analysis then Immunostaining Protocol
- Reverse-engineering Egyptian blue production – technical ceramics and workshop organization
- Reversibility and self-organisation in non-Brownian suspensions
- Reversibility of Definable Relations
- Reversible Catalysis in Redox Matrices
- Reversible computing
- Reversible Control of NON-Volatile Magnetic Memory Using Soft Materials: Liquid-Crystalline Elastomer Nanocomposites
- Reversible jump MCMC
- Reversing chip design for hardware security characterization
- Reversing Long Combination Vehicles
- Reversing long combination vehicles
- Reversing on long combination vehicles
- Reversing the slump: reshaping a rare Egyptian mummy case
- Review - formation of terrestrial planets: the basic dynamical model
- Review - gravitational instabilities and the formation of gas giant planets
- Review - models of protoplanetary disks
- Review - protostellar disk observations
- Review - there and back again: the making and destruction of dusty planetesimals
- Review of basic probability theory
- Review of Current Approaches for Medical/ Health Linked Data and Challenges
- Review of Current Approaches for Socio-Economic Linked Data and Challenges
- Review of May Workshop/Setting the Scene
- Review of recent LHCb results
- Review of Results
- Review of Results
- Review of the field: Coupling fluctuations in channel behaviour at the cellular level to tissue
- Review of the field: Modelling electrical activation in the heart
- Review of the mechanical properties of diamond
- Review Talk: SUSY breaking in realistic model building
- Reviewing a roadmap for adaptive atmospheric modeling
- Reviewing Cybercrime; Epistemology, Political Economy and Models
- Reviewing Early Rome Through New Approaches
- Reviewing England’s National Curriculum
- Reviewing the Criminal Law's Guiding and Evaluative Functions
- Reviewing the impact of changes in the assessment of GCSEs
- Revised LOFAR upper limits on the 21-cm signal power spectrum at z ≈ 9 . 1
- Revising the British Past in some Fifteenth-Century Genealogical Rolls
- Revising the cosmos: Edition sequences in Victorian scientific publishing
- Revision control with git
- Revision control with git
- Revision Event for Part IA
- Revisit singularity formation for the inviscid primitive equations
- Revisiting AGN accretion disks: Black hole spin and growth rate
- Revisiting and re-evaluating rumour stance classification
- Revisiting black-hole perturbation theory: the hyperboloidal slice approach
- Revisiting contact-induced change in creole languages
- Revisiting delay-based TCP, and implementing 'stateless' TCP for HTTP servers
- Revisiting early Jewish-Christian relations
- Revisiting Jeffery orbits: the importance of shape for micro-organism transport
- Revisiting Levy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses, bumblebees and deer
- Revisiting Meiji Japan's economic miracle: the structural and regional dimensions of productivity growth (1874-1909)
- Revisiting optimal scaling of Metropolis-Hastings methods
- Revisiting relaxation in globular clusters
- Revisiting several problems and algorithms in Continuous Location with l_p norms
- Revisiting Soot Oxidation
- Revisiting the classification of the finite simple group
- Revisiting the Economics of Privacy: Population Statistics and Confidentiality Protection as Public Goods
- Revisiting the Foundations of Ice shelf Basal Melt Parameterisations for Stably Stratified Ice-Ocean Boundary Layers
- Revisiting The Ghost Of Old Jeffrey: Supernatural Encounters & Emotions In Eighteenth-Century England
- Revisiting the Mendelian revolution
- Revisiting the Myth of Nuclear Deterrence: A Wake-up Call for Proliferation Optimists
- Revisiting the North/South Binary: Towards a Thirding Lens
- Revisiting the Optimality of Word Lengths
- Revisiting the question how many characters are needed to reconstruct the true tree
- Revisiting the Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources with LOFAR
- Revisiting the Urban Graveyard Debate: An analysis of mortality differences between natives and migrants in North-Western European port cities: Antwerp, Rotterdam and Stockholm, 1850-1930
- Revisiting Vinogradoff’s interpretation of Bracton: why was a servus not a slave?
- Revisting the Savanna Hypothesis
- Revitalisation of Sardinian: corpus and status planning
- Revitalising Jèrriais: The Norman Language of Jersey
- Revitalising Kanyen’kéha (Mohawk)
- Revitalizing Louisiana Creole
- Revivals and Entanglement Propagation after a Quantum Quench
- Reviving a Higher Consciousness: A week long immersive retreat
- Reviving analytical philosophy of history
- Reviving Sati’s corpse: the invocation of the Shakti Pithas in modern and contemporary politics
- Reviving the Royal Society in the early eighteenth century
- Revolution and Charisma in the Thought of Max Weber
- Revolution and Literature: Volodymyr Vynnychenko's Responses to the Ukrainian Revolution of 1918-1920
- Revolution and religion in Myanmar
- Revolution and the Cult of the Leader
- Revolution by Natural Selection: a radical history of life from inside our cells
- RevolutioN Trains
- Revolution, Bond Markets, and the Chinese Maritime Customs Service
- Revolutionary History
- Revolutionary Republicanism: Robespierre, Condorcet, Grouchy
- Revolutionizing Greek Tragedy in Cuba
- Revolutionizing Medicine through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Revolutions that made the earth
- Revolutions, counterrevolutions, and (un)making of order in Europe: the case of Ukraine
- Reward and choice
- Reward and uncertainty
- Reward Inference by Prefrontal and Striatal neurons and their interaction
- Reward Modelling
- Reward processing in the addicted brain: Sex, drugs and genes
- Reward Sharing for Mixnets
- Rewarding strength, discounting weakness: combining information from multiple climate simulators
- Rewilding and the Future of HNV Species – does restoring flood disturbance recreate suitable habitat for HNV species?
- Rewilding big and small
- Rewilding big and small
- Rewiring cell fate decisions to uncover MAPK specificity in the stomatal lineage
- Rewiring of mTORC1-autophagy pathways in senescence and melanoma
- Rewiring photosynthesis for power and fuel generation
- Rewiring the injured Spinal cord
- Rewriting the bureaucratic colonial imagination in the preparation for India's first elections
- Rewriting the Rules? Non-monogamies and other adventures in non-normative relationships
- Rewriting the tale of deep-ocean upwelling
- Reynolds stress fluctuation properties in the inertial sublayer of canonical turbulent wall-flows
- Reynolds-stress-constrained subgrid-scale stress model for large eddy simulation of wall bounded turbulent flow
- Reynolds-stress-constrained subgrid-scale stress model for large eddy simulation of wall bounded turbulent flow
- RF and Microwave Characterization of Nanotubes and Graphene
- Rfam 13.0: The genome-centric sequence database
- RFI from the sky; unintended electromagnetic radiation from satellite constellations
- RFID in Manufacturing: Lessons from Six Case Studies
- RFID technology in hospital environments: A case study
- Rheology and Processing of Pharmaceutical Pastes
- Rheology and segregation of a heterogeneous cohesive granular material
- Rheology and Stability
- Rheology of Confined Granular Systems: Shearing, Creeping and Friction Weakening
- Rheology of Core Cross-Linked Star Polymers
- Rheology of Marine Sponge Tissue Reveals Anisotropic Mechanics & Tuned Dynamics
- Rheology of marmite
- Rheology of Mitotic Cells
- Rheology of the deep subduction interface and its role in influencing short term seismic style and long-term subduction dynamics.
- Rheology of Viscoelastic Suspensions of Rigid Spheres
- Rhetoric and standardization in Milgram's obedience experiments
- Rho GTPase signalling and cancer metastasis
- Rho GTPase signalling in tumour invasion
- Rho GTPases in pulmonary vascular remodelling
- Rhubarb Hour @ Biomedical Postdoc Centre (06/06)
- Rhubarb Hour @ Biomedical Postdoc Centre (08/05)
- Rhubarb Hour @ Biomedical Postdoc Centre (23/05)
- Rhubarb Hour @ Biomedical Postdoc Centre (25/04)
- Rhubarb Hour @ Biomedical Postdoc Centre (31/07)
- Rhys Jones: Temporal Claustrophobia at the Continental Congress, 1774-1776
- Rhythm perception in musicians and non-musicians: auditory-motor network modulations
- Rhythm: A personal act of 'knowing'
- Rhythmic Analysis of Musical Recordings
- Ribbon Curling
- Ribbon Graphs and Mirror Symmetry
- Ribbon Proofs for Separation Logic
- Ribbon proofs for separation logic
- Ribbon Turbulence
- Riblets drag reduction and rough-wall heat transfer according to minimal channels
- Ribosome profiling and virus infection
- Ribosome profiling and virus infection
- Ribosome profiling and virus infection
- Ricci curvature in generalized geometries
- Ricci curvature of Finsler manifolds, towards applications in the geometry of Banach spaces
- Ricci flow and its applications to Numerical General Relativity
- Ricci flow and the determinant of the Laplacian on non-compact surfaces
- Ricci flow as an algorithm to numerically construct black hole metrics
- Ricci flow of nuts and bolts
- Ricci flow, braneworld black holes and N=4 super Yang Mills on Schwarzschild
- Ricci solitons
- Ricci Yang-Mills flow
- Ricci-flat manifolds and a spinorial flow
- Rich and non-rich tomography with the Core Imaging Library
- Rich clubs and control benefits: A resource-based perspective on core-periphery structures in complex networks
- Rich Component Analysis
- Rich semantic representations for detailed visual recognition
- Richard Anslow on Impacts and Prebiotic Chemistry
- Richard Bancroft, the Making of an arch anti-puritan
- Richard Bentley and the Rhetorical Rethinking of Paradise Lost
- Richard Durbin: “Population genetic variation, inferred and observed”
- Richard Goode: Piano Masterclass
- Richard Hakluyt’s ‘Political Economy’: the Blessings of Exchange
- Richard Horton (The Lancet Cheif Editor): Scientific Publishing
- Richard III: Wounds, Weapons and Armour
- Richard III: Wounds, Weapons and Armour -CANCELLED DUE TO SPEAKER'S ILLNESS
- Richard III: loyal brother or murderous king? Special lecture by the Minister of State, author, and historian, Chris Skidmore.
- Richard M. Dawkins - a pioneer in the field of Modern Greek folktales
- Richard Mott & Seung Yeon Lee: BPI Research Colloquium
- Richard Sorrell: a Singular Artist - a talk to mark the opening of this exhibition at Wolfson College
- Richard Thurnwald and the Politics of Expropriated Ethnographica in the Post-war Pacific
- Richardson number-dependent bounds on buoyancy flux
- Richness of the human connectome: linking micro and macro connectivity
- Rick Anslow & Tereza Constantinou on Icy Moons
- Riddle of the Sphinx: Sphingolipid glycosylation - a possible role in plant immunity?
- Riddle posed by computer (6): The Computer Generation of Cryptic Crossword Clues
- Rieffel deformation, tempered distributions and the Gabor wavefront set
- Riemann problems for nonlinear dispersive PDE
- Riemann-Hilbert Approach to the Elastodynamic Equation. Quarter Plane. Connection formulae between the Rayleigh waves along vertical and horizontal parts of the border.
- Riemann-Hilbert Approach to the Elastodynamic Equation. Quarter Plane. Connection formulae between the Rayleigh waves along vertical and horizontal parts of the border.
- Riemann-Hilbert problems of the theory of automorphic functions and inverse problems of elasticity and cavitating flow for multiply connected domains
- Riemannian Diffeomorphic Mapping and Some Applications
- Riemannian Gradient Flows in Shape Analysis
- Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- RiffStream#Cambridge - ‘Concept to Customer: Connecting Partners and Catalysing Investment’ workshop
- Rift initiation in a continental setting: the western Balkan peridotites
- RIG-1, MDA5, and other PRR pathways that regulate immunity against RNA viruses
- RIG-I-like receptors: assembly, action and clearance of the signalosome.
- Right Hand-Left Hand: On the Origins of asymmetry in vertebrates
- Right on Red: The Wrong Turn for U.S. Education
- Right to Information & Accountability: New Challenges in the Digital Era
- Right-Wing Populists in Power and Periphery
- Righteously Bellicose: The Mental Habits of Religious Violence
- Rights in Roman Republican Thought
- Rigid and flexible properties of group automorphisms
- Rigid Blocks for Masonry with an application to open-well spiral stairs
- Rigid Graphs for Adaptive Networks, with Data
- Rigid meromorphic cocycles and p-adic variations of modular forms
- Rigid, dried, and trapped active colloidal matter
- Rigid-foldable quadrilateral creased papers and its application on approximating a target surface
- Rigidity and Flexibility for Handlebody Groups
- Rigidity comes with age: biomechanical models of tip growth
- Rigidity for automorphisms of projective surfaces
- Rigidity of Gradient Shrinking Ricci Solitons
- Rigidity of the extremal Kerr-Newman horizon
- Rigidity of tilting modules
- Rigidity of tilting modules
- Rigidity Percolation and Frictional Jamming
- Rigidity theorems for 3-manifolds with positive scalar curvature
- Rigidity Theory and Some Applications
- Rigidity transitions of complex fluids under deformation
- Rigorous Analysis of a Randomised Number Field Sieve
- Rigorous Asymptotics of the KdV Steplike Solutions
- Rigorous bounds on Einstein--Maxwell theory and the Black Hole Weak Gravity Conjecture
- Rigorous computation of invariant measures and Lyapunov exponents
- Rigorous Justification of the Hydrostatic Approximation from the Navier-Stokes Equations to the Primitive Equations
- Rigorous results for a population model with selection
- Rigorous results on first-passage times for surface-mediated diffusion
- Rigorous techniques for 1D systems (1)
- Rinderpest to Rinderpast - the global eradication of a major animal disease
- Ring constructions and generation of the unbounded derived module category
- Ring polymer molecular dynamics: New quantum dynamical method for calculating chemical reaction rates
- Ring Theoretic Properties of Affinoid PD-Weyl Algebras
- Ringdown amplitudes in extreme mass ratio inspiral
- Ringel duality of Schur algebras
- Ringel-Hall algebras and applications to moduli - I
- Ringel-Hall algebras and applications to moduli - II
- Ringel-Hall algebras and applications to moduli - III
- Rinocloud
- Rintaro Hiraide: Characterisation of species specific aspect of the porcine interferon response
- RIP kinases and caspase-8 and innate immune responses to bacteria
- RIP: A Remix Manifesto - film screening and panel discussion
- Ripa's stability conditions and lack of balance in continuously stratified flows
- Ripping up the Rule Book in Formula One
- Ripple: A C++ cross-GPU optimizing framework
- Ripples from the dark side of the universe
- Ripples from the Dark Side of the Universe
- Ripples on icicles and stalactites
- RISC Instructions for Capability Acceleration
- RISC-V: A Free and Open Instruction Set Architecture
- Riser response reconstruction using an inhomogeneous waveguide model
- Rising China and Global Justice
- Rising Powers and Global Order
- Rising Powers and Global Order
- Risk Analytics Workshop with ProbabilityManagement.org
- Risk and (Human-induced) Climate Change
- Risk and Government: The architectonics of blame-avoidance
- Risk and Humanities
- Risk and Natural Catastrophes
- Risk and Optimization in Future Network Planning
- Risk and resilience of global supply chains: A study of food product safety in a cross-border supply chains
- Risk and Resilience: Promoting Adolescent Online Safety and Privacy through Human-Centered Computing
- Risk and reward in momentum trading strategies
- Risk and Ruin
- Risk and the Brain: The neural basis of decision making under uncertainty
- Risk and uncertainty in radiotherapy. Why I am the weakest link?
- Risk aversion and the long run
- Risk aversion in LP models of investment in electricity plants
- Risk factors for adolescent violence across cultures: comparing data from Ghana with the Cambridge Study in Delinquency Development and the Pittsburgh Youth Study
- Risk factors for persistence of bovine tuberculosis in cattle herds.
- Risk factors for temporary tracheostomy tube placement in dogs undergoing BOAS surgery
- Risk in Prisons
- Risk Literacy: How to Make Sense of Statistical Evidence
- Risk management and contingent claim valuation in life insurance
- Risk Management—the Revealing Hand
- Risk measurement and quantitative risk management
- Risk of long-distance airborne spread of infectious plant diseases
- Risk prediction for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases
- Risk premium and stochastic equilibrium in generation capacity expansion models
- Risk taking, learning, and strategy choice: experiments with humans, bees, and sparrows
- Risk Writers Event Series: Mastering Operational Risk
- Risk, Security and Terrorism
- Risk, Threat & Detection
- Risk, uncertainty and feedback: How and what we learn from observing the outcome of our choices
- Risk, Uncertainty and Regulation
- Risk-Based Pricing and Default in Subprime Credit Card Markets
- Risk-conscious Decision-making for Assessment of Building Energy Performance
- Risk-conscious Decision-making for Assessment of Building Energy Performance
- Risk: Science and the Media
- Risk: Trying to quantify our uncertainty
- Risked equilibrium and resource adequacy in electricity markets
- Risks and Benefits of Gain-of-function Pathogen Research
- Risks to Facilities and Industrial Control Systems
- Risks, Emotions & Decisions
- Risky Capacity Equilibrium Models for Risk Averse Investment Equilibria with Incomplete Markets
- Risky sex data: precision medicine, big data and the ossification of a sex binary
- Rites of Passage: Exile and Return in Pictorial Narratives Featuring the Sacraments
- Rites of Passage: sexual knowledge in Cate Shortland’s “Lore”, 2012
- Ritual murder and the Historian: William of Norwich, Thomas of Monmouth and their Legacies
- Ritual, Community, and Conflict
- Rituals and recipes: food, religion and politics in ancient China
- Rival theories of the aerofoil: 1909-1926
- River Ice Breakup
- Riverlane: Title to be confirmed
- Rivers and Rituals: The Sacred Landscape of the Fiora Valley
- Rivers in the Rock Record: From Utah to Wales
- Rivos Founder's Talk: Why RIsc-V? Why Open Source? Why is Architecture back?
- RNA Aggregation in Neurodegenerative Disease
- RNA aptamers as novel tools to study virus biology
- RNA as the computational engine for human development and gene-environment interactions
- RNA Based Mechanism in genetic and epigenetic regulation
- RNA based therapies for neurological and muscle disease
- RNA Biology of Plant Embryos
- RNA cap regulation in cell function and fate decisions
- RNA catalysis: sophisticated biochemistry by a simple biopolymer
- RNA Collaborative Seminar Series special event
- RNA Collaborative Seminar Series special event
- RNA communication between pathogens and their hosts.
- RNA Controls DNA in the Human Cell Nucleus
- RNA degradation and polyadenylation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- RNA editing in plant organelles: Correlation between editing sites and protein three-dimensional structures
- RNA encodes condensate material properties
- RNA Genomics in Health and Disease
- RNA interference as an antiviral immunity in mammals
- RNA Length has a non-trivial effect in the stability of biomoelecular condensates formed by RNA-binding proteins
- RNA maps pave the way for a better understanding of splicing regulation
- RNA methylation as a new epigenetic mark in cancer
- RNA methylation in development and disease
- RNA methylation in development and disease
- RNA modification detection and functional analysis by mass spectrometry and deep sequencing
- RNA Polymerase III Gene Transcription In Health And Disease: Unveiling The Molecular Mechanisms by Integrated Structural Biology
- RNA regulation during development and evolution
- RNA Regulatory Networks Help Propagate the Effects of Genetic Alterations
- RNA Sequencing Overview
- RNA Silencing in Plant and Animal Biotechnology
- RNA silencing in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- RNA Structure, Catalysis and the Origin of Lfe
- RNA structuromics: In vitro, in vivo and in silico
- RNA uridyl transferases TUT4/7-mediated control on tumour fitness
- RNA virus evolution in vitro and in vivo: Monitoring and predicting evolutionary trajectories
- RNA viruses: comparative genomics and gene expression mechanisms
- RNA-based guidance in axons
- RNA-binding proteins step into the host-virus battlefront
- RNA-binding proteins, metabolism and a new role for the genome?
- RNA: self vs non-self
- RNA: the fourth dimension in evolution or how nurture could influence nature?
- RNAi Functional Analysis of Drug Resistance Pathways
- RNAi libraries for high throughput phenotyping and drug resistance screening in the African trypanosome
- RNAi-based molecular computing for cancer cell detection
- RNAssist : A Novel Reagent for Biological Sample Fixation and Biomolecule Stabilisation
- RNP granules in health and disease (via Zoom)
- RO(G)-coefficient ring of constant Mackey functor via duality
- Road layout in the KPZ class
- Road Pricing Policies in the UK
- Road to Future Roads: Carbon Data Ontology
- Road traffic, the button model, and internet protocols
- Road transport data and their uses
- Roadmap 5: Booster Vaccines and Long-Term Projection
- Roadmap to 2050
- Roadmapping for agile strategy - linking technology to business objectives
- Roadmapping to build buy-in from Industrial Partners
- Roads, vehicles, tyres, racing and rubber friction
- Roald Amundsen, the Attainment of the South Pole, and the End of the Age of Discovery
- ROAR: Increasing the Flexibility and Performance of Distributed Search
- Rob Holden, High Speed 1 Chairman
- Rob Kusner - Title TBC
- Robert Falcon Scott: the Tasmanian links and an appreciation.
- Robert Frisk
- Robert Hamilton Lang and the decipherment of Cypro-Syllabic
- Robert Hanson on Prediction Markets
- Robert Mugabe... what happened?
- Robert Plomin: Blueprint - How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
- Robert Proctor: "Why did Big Tobacco love (and fund) eugenicists like RA Fisher?"
- Robert Szafron - Uncertainty of perturbative QCD predictions
- Robert von Heusinger: 'The Euro Crisis: The Errors of Germany'
- Robin Hanson on prediction markets
- Robin L. Einhorn: The Long View of American Tax Politics
- Robin Schuermann - NNLO Photon Fragmentation in Antenna Subtraction
- Robin Thompson (EpiEstim)
- Robin Wordsworth on "‘Life beyond planetary gravity wells"
- RoboCert: A Formal Specification Notation for Robotic Software
- Robot Development for the Dismounted Soldier
- Robot football: The challenges of artificial intelligence and learning
- Robot-assisted therapy for autism
- Robotic Approaches in Locomotor Biology
- Robotic Driverless Vehicle Testing (and life after CUED)
- Robotic Manipulation of Complex Deformable Linear Objects
- Robotic Metamaterials: Additive Fabrication for Multi-materials and Multi-functionalities
- Robotic Surgery
- Robotics and Sensing for Sustainable Crop Production
- Robotics and Space Engineering in Tohoku University
- Robotics in Agriculture
- Robotics Science for Smart Cars and Lifelong Infrastructure-Free Navigation
- Robots learning on the move: deep learning from lots of demonstration
- Robots, Satellites, Planes, Ships and Models - The next generation of ocean submesoscale studies
- Robust adaptation of integrator snippet sampling algorithms
- Robust and Frugal Mechanisms for Hiring a Team
- Robust and online learning with the BOA algorithm : Olivier Wintenberger
- Robust and online learning with the BOA algorithm : Olivier Wintenberger
- Robust Associative memory
- Robust brain functional connectivity network estimation
- Robust calibration of models in finance
- Robust Characterization of Quantum Processes
- Robust code development with MATLAB
- Robust Deep Learning Under Distribution Shift
- Robust density estimation and model selection for the L1 loss : Applications to shape-constrained density estimation.
- Robust Distance Queries on Massive Networks
- Robust Empirical Bayes for Gaussian Processes
- Robust Engineering of Correlations and Symmetries on Quantum Networks
- Robust estimation of structural similarity networks in the brain.
- Robust Estimation of the Self-similarity Parameter in Network Traffic
- Robust Estimation via Robust Gradient Estimation
- Robust Gaussian Process Regression and Applications
- Robust inference for intractable likelihood models using kernel divergences
- Robust inference with the knockoff filter
- Robust language acquisition – It just Zipf’s right along
- Robust machine learning for causal inference in health care
- Robust Matrix Completion
- Robust microarray experiments by design: a multiphase framework
- Robust Model Predictive Control with Waysets
- Robust Models of Mouse Movement on Dynamic Web Search Results Pages
- Robust monitoring of CAPM portfolios beta
- Robust multilingual syntactic parsing
- Robust Networks
- Robust Networks
- Robust principle component analysis based four-dimensional computed tomography
- Robust quantum computers
- Robust Quantum Control for Quantum Information Systems
- Robust ranking, constrained ranking and rank aggregation via eigenvector and semidefinite programming synchronization
- Robust Self testing and Non-locality
- Robust Spatial Temporal Forecasting
- Robust speech processing on multi-talker mixed speech
- Robust speech recognition / Towards better probabilistic models of speech - a discussion
- Robust stability analysis of linear time-varying feedback systems
- Robust statistical decisions under model misspecification by re-weighted Monte Carlo samplers
- Robust Statistics: An Overview and Some Questions
- Robust tuning of epigenetic memory by resource competition
- Robust vs realistic: interpolating between model-specific and model-free settings for pricing and hedging
- Robustness and Accuracy of Deep End-to-End Networks for Inverse Problems
- Robustness and dynamics of natural direct reprogramming
- Robustness and Geometry of Deep Neural Networks
- Robustness and Geometry of Deep Neural Networks
- Robustness and model reduction of dominant systems
- Robustness and scaling in early development: the “distal pinning” mechanism
- Robustness of Molecular Detections Using High-Resolution Transmission Spectroscopy
- RoCK blocks
- RoCK blocks for double covers of symmetric groups
- Rock guitar in 11 dimensions
- Rock legends: naming planets
- Rock legends: naming planets
- Rock records: when two are better than one
- Rock, paper, patents: between intellectual property and embodied knowledge
- Rock, Paper, Semantics: How aliens and origami inform our understanding of lithics and language evolution
- Rocking Isolation for bridges and buildings: analysis, experiments, and new concepts to minimize permanent deformation
- Rocking the boat: The physics of kayaks, canoes and rowing
- Rocks and Stones: Geology in the Built Environment
- Rocky Mountain High: Economic Privilege in Campaigns Against Multinational Mining in the 1970s
- Rocky planet atmospheres in the solar system and beyond
- Rogue and Shock Waves within the Framework of Weakly Nonlinear Evolution Equations - Applicability and Limitations
- Rogue Judges - Rebels or Reformers? The Case of Sir Henry McCardie
- Rogue states: altered dimensionality of neural circuit activity in Fragile-X mice
- Rogue Waves
- Roku: Engineering Smart TVs for fun and profit
- Roku: The Challenges of Motion Detection and Object Detection on Edge Cameras in the Home
- Roku: Title to be confirmed
- Roland and his Enemies: a look into the scholarly debate on La Chanson de Roland, 1830-1900
- Roland the Hero
- Roland the Hero
- Role and dynamics of cytoskeletal actin bundles
- Role Models: research models to answer policy questions
- Role of Adenovirus 36 in the Global Obesity Epidemic
- Role of AGN in galaxy evolution in z~3-11 with Deep JWST spectroscopy
- Role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in immune responses
- Role of astrocytes in CNS inflammation
- Role of astrocytes in the control of CNS inflammation
- Role of biomarkers to guide prognosis and therapy of oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Role of Business in Responding to Climate Change Risks and Opportunities
- Role of Ca2+ in rotavirus entry, assembly and the pathogenesis of diarrhoea
- Role of cellular senescence in cancer and ageing: therapeutic opportunities
- Role of cellular senescence in cancer and ageing: therapeutic opportunities
- Role of cellular senescence in cancer and ageing: therapeutic opportunities
- Role of cellular senescence in cancer and ageing: therapeutic opportunities
- Role of cellular senescence in cancer and ageing: therapeutic opportunities
- Role of chemical and hydrodynamic interactions in determining the phase separation of active colloids
- Role of computer simulations in understanding surface processes
- Role of Cytomegalovirus miRNAs in Virus Pathogenicity
- Role of Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency Gene Networks and Epigenetic Control Mechanisms in Control of SMC Plasticity In Development, Tissue Repair, and Disease
- Role of Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency Gene Networks and Epigenetic Control Mechanisms in Control of SMC Plasticity In Development, Tissue Repair, and Disease
- Role of extracellular vesicles in helminth-host interactions: From immunomodulation to vaccine development
- Role of H3K27me3-mediated genomic imprinting in development and somatic cell nuclear transfer reprogramming
- Role of H4K16AC in regulation of vertebrate genome
- Role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factors and Hepcidin in Iron Homeostasis
- Role of intrinsic Flexibility in Protein Regulatory Mechanisms
- Role of Intrinsic Flexibility in Protein Regulatory Mechanisms
- Role of ISG15 in poxvirus infection in macrophages
- Role of long noncoding RNAs in hematopoiesis
- Role of Material and Manufacturing in service properties of nuclear components
- Role of Mechanics in Coordination of Cell Behaviour in Plants
- Role of mechano-gated ion channels in epithelial tissue morphogenesis
- Role of medial prefrontal cortex serotonin 2A receptors in recognition memory in rodents
- Role of Mediator in Transcription Control
- Role of microglia in myelin repair
- Role of microRNAs in axonal development and neuronal connectivity
- Role of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase cascade during light and submergence signaling in plants
- Role of Morphology in Organic Thermoelectric Materials
- Role of NCOA4 protein in controlling DNA replication
- Role of neuromesodermal progenitors in axial elongation.
- Role of Phase Transformation on Shock Compression Behavior of Iron
- Role of phytic acid in plant defence responses
- Role of primate amygdala neurons in economic decision-making
- Role of RNA chaperons in segment assortment and RNA packaging of dsRNA viruses
- Role of stress fluctuations in dense granular flows
- Role of sugar in Ca2+ signalling pathways in the Arabidopsis circadian clock
- Role of the apicoplast in the membrane biogenesis of Apicomplexa: make, assemble and give
- Role of the c-Myc-target gene Misu (NSun2) in regulating epidermal stem cell fate and its implications for cancer
- Role of the endosomal network in cell and tissue organization
- Role of the human origin recognition complex ORC in DNA replication
- Role of the IgE-FceRI axis in cancer immune-surveillance
- Role of the IgE-FceRI axis in cancer immune-surveillance
- Role of the Tropical Pacific in Millennial-Scale Climate Events
- Role of Tissue Factor in Hemostasis and Thrombosis
- Role of uterine natural killer cells and macrophages in spiral artery remodeling in early human pregnancy
- Roles and mechanisms of the drivers of reprogramming
- Roles and regulation of signalling through phospholipases D
- Roles and regulation of signalling through phospholipases D
- Roles of ADAM family metalloproteases in cardiovascular development
- Roles of cytoskeleton in hippocampal synaptic plasticity
- Roles of feedback regulation of signaling in kidney and brain development
- Roles of miRNAs in animal development
- Roles of PD-1 and PD-L1 in regulating T cell activation and tolerance
- Roles of receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMPs) in receptor biology, physiology and disease
- Roles of sperm factors in the nuclear reprogramming.
- Roles of splicing in plant reproductive development
- Roles of TCR signal strength and duration in driving T cell development, differentiation and function
- Roll Back Malaria's Precursor? Malaria Control's Place in Public Health Policy in French West Africa 1890-1940
- Roll waves and their analogues: dynamics and coarsening
- Roll-To-Roll Printing For Electronic And Biomedical Applications
- Rollercoaster Cosmology
- Rollercoaster Design
- Rolling optimisation in natural gas markets
- Rolling out energy efficiency for homes and community buildings
- Rolling up the history of a science: Greek musical theorists on their predecessors
- Rolls Royce - careers
- Rolls Royce: Careers
- Roman Arbury and Sylvia Plath
- Roman Law between Scholasticism and Humanism
- Roman Liberty
- Roman Mining Technology in Britain
- Romanesque Bodies: The nave capitals at Vézelay
- Romanian meadows, their problems and conservation
- Romantic Liberalism in Southern Europe, c. 1820-1850
- Romanticism and the Experience of Experiment
- Romanticism, aesthetics and violence in natural history
- Ron Deibert and David Runciman on Reclaiming the Internet for Civil Society
- Ronald Fisher's 1934 likelihood and inference paper
- Ronald Ross and Hilda Hudson: a surprising collaboration on the mathematical theory of epidemics
- Ronald Searle, Cambridge, and caricature
- Rook Relief - Keeping Intelligent Animals Happy in Captivity
- Room Left Open For Continued Networking
- Room set up for WHTW02 group work
- Room Temperature Single-Molecule Magnets for Quantum Computing: Serendipity or Design?
- Rooms of their Own: Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West and Eddy Sackville-West
- Root and community inference on Markovian models of networks
- Root Cause Analysis
- Root cause analysis for locomotives
- Root damage and immune responses at cellular resolution
- Root development
- Root finding in TC^0 and open induction
- Root Growth: fixed processes, flexible boundaries
- Root microbiome assembly: the search for host modulation factors
- Root systems and canonical algebras
- Roots and Branches & 60th Anniversary Meeting
- Roots of the Concept of the Anarch in the Weimar-era Writing of Ernst Jünger
- Rormix, Cloud Energy Management Products
- ROS produced via Reverse Electron Transport at respiratory complex I regulates mitochondrial turnover and lifespan
- Rosalind Franklin Seminar: Transcriptional networks during development - dissecting the logics
- Rose Cersonsky
- ROSETTA-Ice: a new framework for understanding the Ross Ice Shelf
- Rosie Wilby: the science of sex at CB2
- Rossby waves in the Ocean: Theoretical advances and recent satellite observations
- Rotating Paint Catenaries : Pollock's technique explained
- Rotating Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- Rotating shells, non-spherical gravitational collapse and cosmic censorship
- Rotating turbulence
- Rotation and zonal flows in stellarators
- Rotation Invariant Householder Parameterization for Bayesian PCA
- Rotation numbers and ziggurats
- Rotational orientation effects in gas-surface collisions
- Rotationally constrained waves in Earth's core
- Rotationally Invariant First passage percolation - Scaling and Chaos
- Rotavirus Calciomics: An Opera in Several Acts
- Rotavirus vaccination: How modeling can help us understand impact
- Roth numbers: Upper, lower bounds, and related constructions
- Roth's theorem on arithmetic progressions
- Rothera Time Series and the Dutch Collaboration
- Rothera, environmental change and you
- Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: Admitting Uncertainty: On the Role of Probability in Finance
- Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: Disordered systems and related spectra
- Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: Metamaterials: composite materials with striking properties
- Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: Metamaterials: composite materials with striking properties
- Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: Optimality of Algorithms for Approximation/Computation
- Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: Optimality of Algorithms for Approximation/Computation
- Rothschild Lecture: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and geometric integration
- Rothschild Lecture: Commuting Sets in Groups and Algebras
- Rothschild Lecture: From Quantum Entanglement to Future Data-Driven Engineering
- Rothschild Lecture: Higher algebra and arithmetic - Monday 8th October 2018
- Rothschild Lecture: Random rubber bands
- Rothschild Lecture: So many dynamos: order from chaos in astrophysical fluid dynamics
- Rothschild Lecture: The mathematical universe behind deep neural networks
- Rothschild Lecture: The miracle of tomography
- Rothschild Lecture: What do we agree on when we disagree? Forward contracts with private forecasts
- Rothschild Lecture: What do we agree on when we disagree? Forward contracts with private forecasts
- Rothschild Lecture: Causality, Invariance and Robustness
- Rothschild Lecture: Causality, Invariance and Robustness
- Rothschild Lecture: Classification of von Neumann algebras
- Rothschild Lecture: Elliptic curves associated to two-loop graphs (Feynman diagrams)
- Rothschild Lecture: Extraordinary waves and math: from beaches to photonics
- Rothschild Lecture: From Small Data to Big Data and Back: Statistics and Data Science
- Rothschild Lecture: Helping Doctors and Patients Make Sense of Health Statistics
- Rothschild Lecture: Large-scale sea ice modeling: societal needs and community development
- Rothschild Lecture: Mathematics for data-driven modeling - The science of crystal balls
- Rothschild Lecture: Pseudo Deterministic Algorithms and Applications to Cryptography
- Rothschild lecture: Superoscillations and weak measurement
- Rothschild Lecture: Tensor Random Fields in Mechanics
- Rothschild Lecture: The Geometry of Decision-Making
- Rothschild Lecture: The Hawaiian Plume: What do Surface Observables Tell Us?
- Rothschild Lecture: The Legacy of Rudolph Kalman
- Rothschild Lecture: The Legacy of Rudolph Kalman
- Rothschild Lecture: The Promise of Differential Privacy
- Rothschild Lecture: When data driven reduced order modeling meets full waveform inversion
- Rothschild Public Lecture- Refugee mathematicians from Nazi Germany with an emphasis on the U.K
- Rothschild Public Lecture: Inertia, Turbulence and the Concentration Field in Active Fluids
- Rothschild Public Lecture: On Archimedes' Principle
- Rothschild Public Lecture: Title TBC
- Rothschild Visiting Professor - Mathematical analysis of peer to peer communication networks
- Rothshild Lecture: Tayloring the tails of Taylor dispersion and other “singular” fluid tales
- Rough Guide to Being an Entrepreneur
- Rough guide to being an entrepreneur
- Rough guide to being an entrepreneur
- Rough guide to being an entrepreneur
- Rough guide to being an entrepreneur
- Rough path stability of SPDEs arising in non-linear filtering and beyond
- Rough paths
- Rough Paths - Streamed Data
- Rough Paths and more scalable data science
- Rough Science
- Rough solutions of Einstein vacuum equations in CMCSH gauge
- Rough solutions of the 3-D compressible Euler equations
- Rough-and-ready proof reconstruction
- Rough-Ribbed Surfaces to Mitigate Losses in High Lift Low-Pressure Turbines
- Round Table
- Round Table
- Round Table - Initial term meeting
- Round Table - Start of Year
- Round Table and Interaction Between Industry and Academia
- Round Table and Interaction Between Industry and Academia. Conclusions.
- Round Table Discussion
- Round table discussion: Soft Matter for Health
- Round Table Discussion: The Future of Adaptive Active Matter
- Round Table Discussion: The Future of Adaptive Active Matter
- Round table one: meet the professor sessions (PIs and BRC PIs)
- Round table two: meet the professors sessions (PIs and BRC PIs)
- Roundheads versus Cavaliers: Assessing the Impact of Quantitative Easing
- Roundheads versus Cavaliers: Assessing the Impact of Quantitative Easing (working title)
- Rounding Markov Chains and Iterative Load-Balancing Schemes
- Roundtable and Town Hall meeting on Service research
- Roundtable discussion
- Roundtable Discussion
- Roundtable discussion of "The Lion's Share: Inequality and the Rise of the Fiscal State in Preindustrial Europe" (2019)
- Roundtable discussion on "Gender in Polar Research"
- Roundtable discussion on 'Intersectionality and International Polar Research'
- Roundtable discussion on ‘Decolonising the Polar Library: Moving forward’
- Roundtable discussion on “Off the beaten track? Critical approaches to exploration studies”
- Roundtable discussion on Myths of meritocracy, friendship and "fun work": Performative informality in North American archaeological communities
- Roundtable discussion: Conducting Research in a Pandemic
- Roundtable discussion: Current events in the Arctic and Antarctic
- Roundtable discussion: Current events in the Arctic and Antarctic
- Roundtable discussion: Interdisciplinary social science and humanities perspectives on climate change in the Arctic
- Roundtable on 'Hegel and Italian Political Thought: The Practice of Ideas, 1832-1900'
- Roundtable on Capitalism: The Story Behind the Word
- Roundtable on Hegel's World Revolutions
- Roundtable on In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy
- Roundtable on Jessica Patterson’s (Cambridge) Book, 'Religion, Enlightenment and Empire'
- Roundtable on Jonah Miller’s book on Gender and Policing in Early Modern England (2023)
- Roundtable: Digital Publics and Counterpublics in Africa
- Roundtable: Doing European History in the UK
- Roundtable: Max Skjönsberg, "The Persistence of Party"
- Rouse Ball Lecture
- Rousseau's JULIE: The Unread Best-Seller of the Eighteenth Century
- Rousseau's Second Discourse: Between Stoicism and Epicureanism
- Route of H5N1 infection in ferrets affects pathogenesis and severity of disease
- RouteBricks: Exploiting Parallelism to Scale Software Routers
- Routed quantum circuits
- Routes and Interconnectivity: An Internet Trend and an Architectural Proposal
- Routes to dissipation in the atmosphere and in the oceans
- Routes to forgetting unwanted memories (and worrying future thoughts)
- Routes to Market Introduction for a Promising Imaging Biomarker
- Routing and Network Coding on Lines, Stars, and Rings
- Routing and Staffing to Incentivize Servers in Many-Server Systems
- Routing Fairness in Chord: Analysis and Enhancement
- Routing Games with Elastic Traffic
- Routing in Equilibrium
- Routing the Future: Bootstrapping Internet Innovation
- Routledge Lecture in Philosophy
- Routledge Lecture in Philosophy: Acting and Thinking Together
- Routledge Lecture in Philosophy: Arguing about Torture
- Routledge Lecture in Philosophy: Ethics for Communication in a Digital Age
- Routledge Lecture in Philosophy: Responsibility, Moral and Otherwise
- Row products of random matrices
- Row the Amazon
- Roxane Noël: John of Salisbury on Education and Human Flourishing
- ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY PUBLIC LECTURE: David Papineau - The Power of Team Reasoning
- Royal Justice, Society and Economy in Medieval England: Evidence from Derbyshire
- Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination
- Royal Relics, Blood and Faith: The Painting of 'Doubting Thomas' in Westminster Abbey
- Royal Statistical Society’s Statistical Ambassadors Programme
- Royalty in the Mountains: Russian Tsars Visiting the Caucasus
- Royce training: Introduction to the Bruker Wafer-Scale AFM
- RPV and long lived SUSY
- RPV and long lived SUSY
- RR Lyraes are really cool
- RR-Myb related transcription factors, novel regulators of chloroplast biogenesis
- RS Peters Memorial Lecture Series - Unsettling knowledge: irony and education
- RSA/Hub event: What does Cambridge need to become a successful future city?
- RSC award lecture - joint with Inorganic Chemistry
- RSC Award Lecture: Title TBC
- RSC Easterfield Award Winner Lecture
- RSC Faraday Lecture
- RSC Lecture
- RSC Organic Symposium at the University of Cambridge
- RSC Prizewinner Seminar - "Linking structure and properties in complex quantum materials"
- RSC Prizewinner's seminar - From the Digitisation of Matter to Chemical Cybernetics
- RSC Prizewinner's seminar: Self-assembed coordination cages: host-guest chemistry and functional behaviour
- RSC Prizewinner's Talk: Microfluidics and engineered biomembranes as enabling technologies in synthetic cell design
- Rubber-stamping the global colour line: Respectability and Migrant Associations in South Africa c. 1900-1950
- Rubbery and curvy electronics for seamless integration with humans. https://eng-cam.zoom.us/j/83780588985?pwd=c2t4S3VWNFJIak5SUWVxNFlIT3A0UT09
- Rubella modeling
- Rubik's Planet; Global Consequences of Nanoscale Phenomena
- Rubisco activity and the response of crop leaf photosynthesis to shade
- Rubisco: no substitution for the pyrenoid in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Ruby on Rails and Test-Driven Development
- Rudi Rahn - The azimuthal decorrelation in V+jet production and the Winner-Takes-All axis
- Rule Control Of Teleo-Reactive, Multi-Tasking, Communicating Robotic Agents
- Rulers, clocks and common sense: metrology as a key to Wittgenstein's On Certainty
- Rules of engagement: molecular arms races between host and viral genomes
- Rules, associations and inhibitory control: fMRI, patient and oculomotor studies of the frontal lobe
- Ruling out non-collapsed singularities in Riemannian 4-manifolds via the symplectic geometry of their twistor spaces
- Rumors, cascades and word of mouth: observing virality on Facebook
- Rumour Has It: Rumour Adoption in Conflict-Affected Areas
- Rumours, Diseases and Drugs: Tackling Textual Data for Knowledge Discovery in Health
- Run-time behavioural models for error detection, fault diagnosis, and self-recovery
- Runga-Kutta convolution quadrature: convergence theory and applications to time-domain BIE of acoustic scattering
- Runge-Kutta IMEX schemes for HEVI and semi-implicit simulations
- Runic Germanic: A reading seminar
- Running dynamic algorithms on static hardware
- Running NFV Service Chains at the True Speed of the Underlying Hardware
- Running Out of Energy? The Future of the UK’s Electricity Supply.
- Running the CSC network
- Running the Race: The Life Course and Protestant Piety in Early Modern Britain
- Running workshops with industry: An example and a discussion
- Rupture, Invasion and inflammatory destruction of the intestinal epithelium by Shigella: War and Peace at mucosal surface
- Rupture-resistant filter cakes for wellbore strengthening - Nikzad Falahati and Simulator of underground water flow and transport processes - Jan Hybs
- Rurality, Indigeneity and the Alaska Income Tax, 1949-1980
- Rushing to analyse Golgi-dependent trafficking in mammalian cells
- Ruskin and the Idea of a Museum
- Russia & Central Asia: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
- Russia : the Mafia State
- Russia and EU External Relations: in from the cold or out into nothing?
- Russia and Europe: An Insoluble Problem?
- Russia and Europe: an insoluble problem?
- Russia and Europe: an insoluble problem?
- Russia's Cold War
- Russia's Libertine Century: Trediakovskii's 'Voyage to the Island of Love' and Cultural Change from Peter I to Catherine II
- Russia-EU Relations (2008-2016): Realism, Complex or Fragile Interdependence?
- Russian Higher Education and the Post-Soviet Transition
- Russian Poetry of the Second World War, a talk by Dr Maria Bloshteyn with poetry readings in Russian and English and Q&As - Thursday, 22 Oct, 19:00
- Russian Theatre and Russian Actors on the British Stage: A Conversation with Declan Donnellan (Artistic Director Cheek by Jowl, and Chekhov International Theatre Festival
- Russian-European natural gas pipelines
- Rust Belt Ruins
- Rust for Systems Development
- Rust Verification
- Rust verification
- Rust verification
- Rust Verification
- rust-vmm: Building the Virtualization Stack of the Future
- Rust: first impressions and rough guide
- Rutgers academic calendar
- RVP Lecture: From modular forms to finite groups
- RVP lecture: Langlands' functoriality viewed as a kind of function theoretic Poisson formula problem
- RXR signalling and regulation in oligodendorcyte lineage cells
- RyR2 Calcium Release Channels in Cardiac Arrhythmia - Deciphering Mechanisms and Controversies.
- R^2 dark energy in the laboratory