University of Cambridge > > IET Cambridge Network - Lectures > The tidal stream power industry

The tidal stream power industry

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Tim Wilkinson.

Tea is served from 6pm

The main theme of this talk is to put the tidal stream power industry into a clearer light, applying both common – and uncommon – sense into the reasoning behind the selection of weird and wonderful technologies available. Also, to address and exploit the need for deep understanding of the effect of turbulence on tidal devices and energy extraction limits from tidal arrays.

Following on from his PhD, Tom was brought on as Chief Technical Officer for Green-Tide, developing the concept design toward a firm product, aimed at solving a number of technical difficulties currently being experienced by the industry and reducing the cost of tidal stream energy production. He has recently moved to start his own venture, Ocean Array Systems Ltd.

This talk is part of the IET Cambridge Network - Lectures series.

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