Talks starting with F
- F# Tutorial
- F-15E Strike Eagle from a Maintenance Engineer's Perspective
- F-16 : Ready for the Future
- F-singularities and alterations
- F-theory and G-flux
- F-theory on singular spaces
- FAAM Flying Meteorological Laboratory
- Façade impulse: towards intelligent and satisfactory resource-efficient buildings
- Faber-Krahn inequalities for the principal eigenvalue of second order elliptic operators
- Fabrication and Applications of Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube Structures
- Fabrication And Characterization Of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: From Basic Research To Industrialization
- Fabrication, assembly and propulsion of artificial microswimmers and nanorobotic systems
- Fabrizio Caola - Three-loop scattering amplitudes in QCD
- Face and feeling: Examining the role of facial feedback in emotional feeling
- Face Anonymity-Perceptibility Paradigm and an Application in Online Dating Industry
- Face Learning in People with Developmental Prosopagnosia and “Super-Recognisers"
- Face perception and functional pathways in the temporal lobe
- Face space in the primate visual system
- Face to Face with Israeli Apartheid - A Talk by Ben White
- Face to Face, Brain to Brain: Exploring the Mechanisms of Dyadic Social Interactions
- Facebook and privacy
- Facebook and privacy
- Facebook and Privacy: The Balancing Act of Personality, Gender, and Relationship Currency
- Facebook as a Research Tool for the Social Sciences
- Facebook – Crush Your Coding Workshop
- Facebook Eating the World: Syposium
- Facebook Platform ruined my life
- Faces, Attention and Tangible Interfaces
- Facets of Information Theory
- Facets of Order in Liquid Crystalline Vesicles
- Facial Analysis for Lie Detection
- Facial expressions and moral transgressions: What can facial affect tell us about moral judgments?
- Facial Expressions as a Welfare Measure in Laboratory Primates
- Facial masculinisation in the autism spectrum
- Facial masculinisation in the autism spectrum
- Facilitated Discussion
- Facilitated Discussion and Next Steps
- Facilitated Discussion and Next Steps
- Facilitated Panel Discussion and Questions
- Facilitating HIV /AIDS ‘Empowerment’ Programmes within Traditional Authority Structures: Experiences from southern Africa
- Facilitating non-verbal communication with robots: synthesis and perception with applications for clinical communication
- Facing facts: the great Tichborne trials and the rise of modern visual evidence
- Facing life-threatening physical illness – a patient's perspective
- Facing the epidemics of hate speech.
- Facing the MUSIC: towards a robust and flexible research code for stellar hydrodynamics
- Facing up to rising sea levels: Retreat? Defend? Attack?
- Fact or FABLE: predictions for SMBH merger rates from cosmological simulations
- Fact-checking as a conversation: an AI perspective
- Faction and Blood: Silencing the 'Inner' City in Veronica Roth's Divergent
- Factor Analysis with a Mixture of Gaussian Factors, with Application to Separation of the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Factor demand and factor returns
- Factor Graph Transforms
- Factored Shapes and Appearances for Parts-based Object Understanding AND Transformation Equivariant Boltzmann Machines
- Factorial design discussion - Steve Gilmour
- Factorial mixture of Gaussians and the marginal independence model
- Factorial switching linear dynamical systems for physiological condition monitoring
- Factorisation and Subtraction beyond NLO
- Factorisation for non-symmetric operators and exponential H-theorems
- Factorised world-sheet scattering in near-flat AdS$_5$xS$^5$
- Factorising AMR generation through syntax
- Factorization across entangling surfaces in JT and related models
- Factorization and QFT
- Factorization homology (1)
- Factorization homology (2)
- Factorization homology of topological manifolds
- Factorization in Some Interesting Integral Domains
- Factorization of Matrix Functions
- Factorizing Theoretical Uncertainties from LHC Higgs Coupling Measurements
- Factors Affecting ASR Model Self-Training
- Factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis for lung and colorectal cancer: results from a prospective cohort study
- Factors contributing to transmissibility
- Factors in analysis : Freeware solutions
- Factors in probability and ergodic theory
- Factors influencing children’s ability to follow spoken instructions
- Factors influencing the acquisition of CD8+ T cell effector function
- Factors influencing the acquisition of CD8+ T cell effector function
- Factors that influence the sex difference in young children's physical aggression
- Factory families: textile work and women’s life courses in late nineteenth-century Derbyshire
- Faculty of Education Gender Studies Reading Group
- Faculty of Mathematics Fortran Course
- Fade from Red: Screening in the Cold-War Ex-Enemy 1990-2005.
- Fade from Red: Screening in the Cold-War Ex-Enemy 1990-2005.
- Fading and Filling-in
- Failing to expect the unexpected: The neural and behavioural consequences of degraded predictive coding
- Failing to expect the unexpected: The neural and behavioural consequences of degraded predictive coding
- Failing with Style: Why and How we Should Encourage Humans to Fail with Highly Capable Systems
- Failings in hierarchies of evidence for controversial health-policy decisions
- Failings in hierarchies of evidence for controversial health-policy decisions
- Failure analysis of semiconductor lasers
- Failure criteria and plan strain collapse
- Failure criteria and plane strain collapse
- Failure mechanism in thermal barrier coatings
- Failure Mode of Bubble Rafts under Tension
- Failure Modes of Variational Autoencoders and Their Effects on Downstream Tasks
- Failure of a pre-cracked epoxy sandwich layer in shear
- Failure of Unique Factorization and Gauss Composition
- Failure stories - FUN Cambridge
- Failure to recruit lymph node resident cDC1 results in poorly functional anti-tumour CD8 T cell responses
- Failures of density functional theory for strongly correlated systems using density-matrix renormalization group
- Failures of the Forcing Theorem
- Faint substructure revealed by RR Lyraes in Stripe 82
- Fair charge heuristics for dynamic resource allocation --- a queueing example
- Fair Data Adaptation with Quantile Preservation
- Fair Data Adaptation with Quantile Preservation
- Fair Quotation and Fair Use: Appropriation Art, Data-mining, and Google Books
- Fair Sharing across Generations in 2027
- Fair testing in Web 2.0 – where psychometricians’ and candidates’ interests meet
- Fairness Evaluation in Generative NLP
- Fairness for Sequential Decision Making Algorithms
- Fairness in AI
- Fairness, trust & reciprocity: insights from decision neuroscience
- Fairtrade Panel Discussion
- FairWild: collecting and trading wild-collected products sustainably
- Fairy Tales
- Fairy Tales
- Fairy Tales
- Fairy Tales
- Fairy Tales
- Fairy Tales
- Faith and education: an uneasy partnership
- Faith and Feathers: Human Rights, Conservation and Mission
- Faith and Finance in the Early Modern World: The capital market of Manila and the financing of the Pacific Trade, 1668-1820
- Faith and Peace
- Faith and Politics: The Spiritual Journeys of Amy Kirby Post, An Antebellum Radical
- Faith in the Special Relationship: Strategic Implications of US-UK Alignment—and Divergence—on Religion
- Faith, politics and peace in Northern Ireland
- Faithful Reproduction of Network Experiments
- Faithfulness of highest weight modules for Iwasawa algebras
- Fake News
- Fake Pheromones: GM Pest Control
- Falkon: fast and optimal kernel method for large scale machine learning
- Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics
- Falling clouds and jets of particles
- Falling clouds and jets of particles
- Falling glass: The post-fracture performance of glass in buildings
- False Flags, True Lies: Science and Recycled Photography in Conspiracy Theories after 9/11
- False Twins dealing with their pasts: Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Burundi
- Familial thrombocytopenias with predisposition to leukemia: RUNX1 targets
- Familiarity and recall in rats: memory for objects and events
- Families Created Through Surrogacy: Is There Cause For Concern?
- Families of Drinfeld modular forms for GL(N)
- Families of p-adic L-functions
- Families of permutations with a forbidden intersection
- Families with few k-chains
- Family 3-5 and δ-invariant of polarized del Pezzo surfaces.
- Family conflict, legal strategies, and women’s litigation in early modern Scotland
- Family Estrangement: What do we know about the breakdown of relationships between family members?
- Family Estrangement: what do we know about the breakdown of relationships between family members?
- Family Floer cohomology
- Family Friendly Opening
- Family Fun
- Family influences on the health risk behaviours and well-being of African American adolescents
- Family reading and praying in the Italian Renaissance home
- Family relations and normalising women in the field
- Family snaps: doing family, home and mothering with photographs
- Family structure and the admission of children to the workhouse in post-famine Ireland
- Family Structure, Governance, and Family Firm Performance - a Configurational and Set-theoretic Approach
- Family Ties Network - Addenbrooke's
- Family Ties Network - Central Cambridge
- Family Ties Network - West Cambridge
- Family tree decomposition of cosmological correlators
- Family-based study of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Family-based study of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Fan Vaults
- FANcy nucleases that cut chromosome instability and disease
- Fancy some PIMMS? Or want to stay SLIMM? Memory theories worthy of their acronyms?
- Fano 3-folds with 1-dimentional K-moduli.
- Fano 3-space and symmetrisation of quad-equations
- Fano manifolds of high index and the cone conjecture
- Fans Unfolded: Conserving the Lennox-Boyd collection
- Fantastic Fibre-Optics! Applications of distributed acoustic sensing in glaciology [Rescheduled to online]
- Fantastic ML x Biology Problems and Where to Find Them
- Fantastic Plastic: Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polymers
- Fantastical pottery creatures by Andrew Hull
- Fantasy and the Anthropocene
- Far beyond the back of the brain
- Far from the Caliph's gaze: being Ahmadi Muslim in the holy city of Qadian
- Far Horizons: Challenges and Successes for Environmental Remote Sensing
- Far-from-equilibrium magnetic suspensions: nontrivial dynamic patterns and self-assembled swimmers
- Far-from-passive Passive Margins: How gravity tectonics generates structures in deep water (and why they matter...)
- Far-infrared emission from AGN and why this changes everything
- Far-IR/Submm Missions of the Future: Scientific and Technology Challenges
- Far-IR/Submm Missions of the Future: Scientific and Technology Challenges
- Faraday Lunchtime Research Seminar
- Faraday Lunchtime Research Seminar
- Faraday Lunchtime Research Seminar
- Faraday Tomography for the Square Kilometre Array
- Faraday's Lines of Force as Strings: from Gauss' Law to the Arrow of Time
- Faraday-CiS Puclic Lecture
- Faraday-CiS Puclic Lecture
- Farce at the Frontier: Making and unmaking the borders of North-Western British India
- Farewell Downton Abbey, adieu primogeniture and entail: Britain’s brief encounter with forced heirship in the mid-1830s
- Farewell to content
- FARIMA modeling of solar flare activity from empirical time series of soft X-ray solar emission
- FaRM: Fast Remote Memory
- FaRM: Fast Remote Memory
- Farming and biodiversity in India - Title TBC
- Farming and the future of forest biodiversity in Ghana
- Farming by numbers: multi-proxy analyses of Anglo-Saxon agriculture
- Farming for Ecosystem Services: A New Paradigm for Intensive Agriculture
- Farming of Bones: Ethics in Bioarcheology - conversations with indigenous communities and other stakeholders with respect to Holocene Era human remains in Trinidad and Tobago
- Farming of Bones: Ethics in Bioarchaeology - a conversation with Myesha Jemison around the study and treatment of indigenous human remains
- Farming of the future: Alternative options for agriculture & conservation
- Farming of the future: Alternative options for agriculture & conservation
- Fascin Protrusions in ECM-Cytoskeletal Networking and Metastasis
- Fascism & Porridge: Health, Fitness, and the Ideas of Sven Olov Lindholm
- Fascism and Democracy Today: What Use is the Study of History in the Current Crisis?
- FASER: Commissioning of a not-so-large LHC experiment in search for new physics in far corner
- Fashion as Transnational Feminist Methodology for African Studies
- Fashion from street to screen: 50 years of influence on our public appearance
- Fashion in bloom: exploring the presence of artificial flowers in the credit records of an 18th-century French fashion merchant
- Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
- Fashionable intelligence: popular experiences of galvanism and the Regency newspaper press
- Fashioning Designer Genes: Will Gene Editing Make Us Fitter?
- Fast Aggressive Trading
- Fast algorithms for matrix completion and compressed sensing
- Fast and accurate analysis of metagenomic data
- Fast and Efficient Deployment of Security Defenses via Microcode Customization
- Fast and Furious? - Debris Discs in the beta Pic Moving Group
- Fast and Guaranteed Learning of Overlapping Communities via Tensor Methods
- Fast and Reliable Online Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval
- Fast and stable rational approximation of generalized hypergeometric functions
- Fast approximation on the real line
- Fast approximation on the real line
- Fast Bayesian Boolean Matrix Factorisation
- Fast Boundary Element solvers in the frequency domain to simulate coupled acoustic-elastic problems in the time domain. Application to the simulation of underwater explosions
- Fast CMB maps simulations and spectrum estimations
- Fast computation of steady surface gravity waves
- Fast cortical mapping: a potential mechanism that supports novel word-picture associations in healthy adults
- Fast cosmological parameter estimation using neural networks
- Fast cryo-EM sample preparation: Recent developments and applications
- Fast Crystal Clocks, at the Speed of Magma Ascent
- Fast differential inner-core rotation questioned by body-wave studies
- Fast diffusion, a theory between Analysis, Physics and Geometry
- Fast Fashion: Slowing it down
- Fast flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid through a slowly varying contraction
- Fast Forward 2010/11 Final Study School
- Fast Forward 2010/11 Final Study School
- Fast Forward 2010/11 Final Study School
- Fast Forward 2010/11 Final Study School
- Fast Forward 2010/11 Final Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Forward Study School
- Fast Gaussian process learning for regression, semi-supervised classification, and multiway analysis
- Fast hybrid tempered ensemble transform filter for Bayesian elliptical problems
- Fast low-rank estimation by projected gradient descent: Statistical and algorithmic guarantees
- Fast magnetic reconnection in a plasmoid-dominated MHD regime
- Fast Mobile Text Entry using Gestures and Speech
- Fast Models : How dynamic translation fits into ARM's story
- Fast navigation with icosahedral golden gates
- Fast noise learning via nonlinear PDE constrained optimization
- Fast nonlinear EIT pulmonary imaging of pediatric patients
- Fast Radio Bursts
- Fast Reactive Brownian Dynamics
- Fast Room Temperature Detection of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers with Graphene Loaded Plasmonic Antenna (SP Workshop)
- Fast run-time type checking for whole programs
- Fast runners and lazy couch potatoes – the spectrum of migrating immune cells
- Fast scattering-matrix solver using augmented partial factorization
- Fast Scramblers - Black Holes and Quantum Information
- Fast simplicial finite elements via Bernstein polynomials
- Fast Tagging of Pollinator Field Videos with Convolutional Tsetlin Machines
- Fast Terahertz Optoelectronic Amplitude Modulator Based on Plasmonic Metamaterial Antenna Arrays and Graphene (SP Workshop)
- Fast track to the North? HS2 and the politics of regional development in the UK
- Fast track to the North? HS2 and the politics of regional development in the UK
- Fast transient brain states
- Fast validation of LDA classifiers for cross-validation and permutation testing + new MVPA toolbox
- Fast Variational Inference in the Conjugate Exponential Family
- Fast Variational Inference in the Conjugate Exponential Family
- Fast wins in n-in-a-row games
- Fast yet Simple Natural-Gradient Variational Inference in Complex Models
- Faster and timing-attack resistant AES-GCM
- Faster C++
- Faster C++
- Faster C++
- Faster C++
- Faster Matlab
- Faster Matlab
- Faster Matlab
- Faster Matlab
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster Matlab scripts
- Faster than the blink of an eye: the jump of the insect
- Faster than the speed of BOLD: what can we gain from ultra-fast multiband fMRI?
- Faster than the speed of sound - The M52 -the worlds first supersonic aircraft
- Fastest Convergence for Reinforcement Learning
- FastFabric: Scaling Hyperledger Fabric to 20,000 Transactions per Second
- FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement
- Fat fish are a forest product
- Fatal Attraction: Magnetic Mysteries of the Enlightenment
- Fatal fate - a gas cloud on its way towards Galactic Center black hole
- Fate determination of retinal neurons: Lineage relationships and the inhibitory master switch Ptf1a
- Fate mapping of precursor cells following CNS demyelination
- Fate mapping reveals Origin and Dynamics of lymph node Follicular Dendritic Cells
- Fate restriction and multipotency in retinal stem cells
- Fate versus free will; how does the environment shape early tumour survival?
- Fate, Risks and Remediation of Emerging Contaminants of Selected European Rivers and Future COVID-19-Related Challenges
- Fates of mitochondrial proteins.
- Fathers and Sons; Masculinity, Intergenerational Shifts and Routes of Becoming
- Fathers, Infants and Family Leave Policies: International Perspectives and Policy Impact
- Fathoming Finds and Observing Objects
- Fatih Akin's film "Auf der anderen Seite"
- Fault Diagnosis
- Fault friction and behaviour
- Fault Line in the Chinese Social Security System
- Fault Rocks and Permeability in the Upper Crust
- Fault tolerant systems
- Fault-diagnostic Process and Fault-data Management for Locomotive System
- Fault-tolerant control - is it possible?
- Fault-Tolerant Predictive Control: A Gaussian Process Model Based Approach
- Faults in a poroelastic solid: Towards understanding the complex coupling of slip and pore-pressure changes
- Favourite distances in high dimensions
- Favourite Mesembs
- Favourites of the High Desert
- Féichín of Fore, Connacht and Pictland? Evidence for the cult of a midlands saint
- FBSA Annual Summit
- FBSA Panel Discussion: Energy Security and Climate Change
- FDCSP+ fibroblasts predict response to cancer immunotherapy
- FDE2 Organiser talks - Non-existence of solutions to fractional stochastic heat equations
- FDR's First Hundred Days...and Obama's
- Fear and Attachment
- Fear and Democracy: Reflections on Security and Freedom
- Fear and Fascination: The Marvels of Rome in a Middle English Poem
- Fear conditioning deficits in Conduct Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome: Implications for amygdala-based accounts of developmental psychopathology
- FEAR HOUR - The Hallowe'en themed beer hour!
- Fear the Fork! Why we should all care about our analytical garden of forking paths
- Fear, Anger and Credit. On Bank Robberies and Loan Conditions
- Fear, Violence, and the Making of British Power in India
- Fearful Brains in an Anxious World
- Fearful Brains in an Anxious World
- Fearful Symmetry: Allomorphy, Synchrony, Diachrony
- Fearful Symmetry: Allomorphy, Synchrony, Diachrony
- Feasibility of Acousto-Electric Tomography?
- Feasibility of Wind & Solar Energy Systems for Large Geographic Domains
- Feast, famine, and function: Towards imaging nutrient micro-environments and their impact on immunity.
- Feast, famine, and function: Towards imaging nutrient micro-environments and their impact on immunity.
- FEAST: Consuming Children - A roundtable discussion on food in children's literature
- Feathering Instability in Spiral Arms
- Feathers, fossils and homology
- Feature allocations, probability functions, and paintboxes
- Feature Extraction Method of Eye Detection / HOWTO: Sleep Detection
- Feature learning and normalization layers
- Feature Learning from Videos
- Feature sharing in agreement? Evidence from Latin nominalized participles
- Feature tracking with full posteriors
- Features and Usefulness of High-Order Multicomponent Glassy Alloys
- Features disambiguation in the comprehension and production of children's complex structure
- Features of Gaia DR3 Spectroscopic Binaries: Tidal circularization of main-sequence stars
- Features of holographic non-relativistic theories
- FEC killed the cut-through switch
- Federated Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in Smart Critical Infrastructure
- Federated Deep Learning in Clinical Applications
- FEEC 4 GR?
- FEEC 4 GR?
- Feedback
- Feedback and review from CHI conference
- Feedback and Robustness in Population Dynamics
- Feedback Computability
- Feedback Control and the Arrow of Time
- Feedback control of a turbulent bluff body wake for efficient drag reduction
- Feedback control of cell division
- Feedback control of mitosis
- Feedback control of the anaphase-telophase transition.
- Feedback control of vibration in aircraft and in the ear
- Feedback control of vibration in aircraft and in the ear
- Feedback Control with Fractional Operators: Classical and Modern Control Approaches
- Feedback cross-regulation between TDP-43 and paraspeckles promotes efficient exit from plutipotency
- Feedback Forms
- Feedback Forms
- Feedback from Accreting Black Holes: The Importance of Momentum Driving
- Feedback on Challenges
- Feedback stabilization of Autonomous Systems via Deep Neural Network Approximation
- Feedback Trading and the Optimal Choice of Price Impact (provisional title)
- Feedback, Lineages and Cancer Therapy
- Feedback, winds and galaxy evolution
- Feedback-based online algorithms for time-varying optimization: theory and applications in power systems
- Feedback-regulated star formation and reionisation
- Feedbacks between early animal evolution and global geochemical cycles
- Feedbacks between deformation and melts in the upper mantle
- Feedforward and Feedback Control of Boundary Layer Streaks Induced by Freestream Turbulence
- Feedforward and feedback interactions during prediction and attention
- Feeding and feedback from little monsters: black holes in dwarf galaxies
- Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: The bioarchaeology of an 'agricultural revolution’
- Feeding Britain: should this rich country feed itself more or rely on others’ land and labour?
- Feeding Seven Billion - Biotechnology, Intellectual Property and Twenty First Century Crops
- Feeding the world without costing the eart: How can agriculture and biodiversity coexist?
- Feeding your genes: The impact of nitrogen availability on gene and genome sequence evolution
- Feeling and Influencing Active Intracellular Polymer Networks with Light
- Feeling good, doing good: The potential of positive self-directed emotions to motivate prosociality
- Feeling in Seeing is Believing : Experimenting with the Visceral Dimension of Visual Politics (When News are Fake)
- Feeling Revolution: Cinema and the Emancipation of the Soviet Senses
- Feeling the Squeeze: The Effect of Birth Spacing on Infant and Child Mortality during the Demographic Transition
- Feeling untouched: space, emotions and untouchability
- Feeling, Being Felt and the Relational Origins of Mind Knowledge
- Feldberg Foundation Prize Lecture: "Formation of ribonucleoprotein particles and their nuclear export through nuclear pore complexes
- Feldberg Prize Lecture: Biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins in eukaryotes
- Feldberg Prize Lecture: The mitochondrial machinery for transport and assembly of proteins
- Feline cholangiopathies – A search for an immune-mediated aetiology
- Felix Kahlhoefer - From picoseconds to teraseconds: The lifetime frontier of particle physics
- Felix Sainsbury-Martinez on Cometary Impacts on Exoplanets
- Felix Weil, the Improbable Marxist Patron
- Felixstowe Academy Y9/10 Maths Enrichment Day
- Felixstowe Academy Year 9 Enrichment Day
- Felons’ possessions and English living standards, 1370-1600
- Female employment in the nineteenth century censuses: Methods, pitfalls, and prostitutes
- Female employment, occupational structure, and industrialisation in comparative perspective
- Female Genital Cutting - What should I know?
- Female labourers in early nineteenth-century rural Flanders. What's in a name?
- Female Sexuality as Capacity and Power? Re-Conceptualizing Sexualities in Africa
- Femincam: Celebrating Women in Electronic Materials
- Feminism and the Abomination of Violence
- Feminism in Israel: Spotlight on the Israeli multicultural rifts
- Feminism, Motherhood and Eugenics in pre-WWI Berlin; or: How to promote reform through literary writing?
- Feminism, pluralist democracy and agonistic politics
- Feminism, Religion, and Women’s Rights
- Feminist and queer in Russia: from art to scholarship
- Feminist Art History in 1944? Re-introducing Helen Rosenau’s brilliant war-time study
- Feminist Classics revisited 2
- Feminist Classics Revisited IV: Book Launch
- Feminist Classics Revisited symposium: Ann Oakley's Sex, Gender and Society
- Feminist Classics Revisited VI: Nature, Culture and Gender (1980)
- Feminist Debates Over NRTs Revisited: or, whatever happened to FINRRAGE?
- Feminist Tales of the Italian Resistance
- Feminists Researching Gendered Childhoods: Generative Entanglements
- Femtosecond Laser Microstructuring and Modification of Transparent Materials
- Femtosecond Membrane-Protein Nanodiffraction using a Hard X-Ray Laser
- Fences and Stability in Weak Memory Models
- Fencing off Go: Liveness and Safety for Channel-based Programming
- Fenland Flora
- Fens Maps and Moore's Mapp (1658)
- Ferguson's 1973 paper on the Dirichlet process
- Fermi surface topology and topological numbers in conductivity of normal metals
- Fermi-surface and volume-collapse transitions in heavy fermions and pnictide superconductors
- Fermion Creation by Cosmic Perturbations at 1-loop
- Fermion pairs and loners under the microscope
- Fermionic quantization of knot solitons
- Fermionic spinon and holon statistics in the pyrochlore quantum spin liquid
- Fermionic T-duality
- Fermionic T-duality
- Fermionic T-duality from a spacetime perspective
- Fermions coupled to Hopf Solitons
- Fermions in two dimensions
- Ferroelectrc Random Access Memories
- Ferroelectrc Random Access Memories
- Ferroelectric nanocomposites for enhanced photovoltaic and photoelectrocatalytic solar energy conversion
- Ferroelectric Random Access Memories
- Ferromagnetic and superconducting nanostructures grown by Focused Electron/Ion Beam Induced Deposition
- Ferromagnetic fibre networks and their possible application for magneto-mechanical stimulation of bone growth
- Ferronematic and ferroelectric liquid crystal colloids
- Fertility Marketing and "Consumer Self-Spectacularisation"
- Fertility responses to short-term economic stress: Price volatility and wealth shocks in a pre-transitional settler colony
- Fertility, Gender and the Family in Twentieth-Century East Africa
- Feshbach-Schur RG for the Anderson Model
- Festival of Ideas - British Movement in the Middle East: 60 years since the Suez Crisis
- Festival of Ideas - Moving the Tipping Point
- Festival of Ideas An exploration of contemporary French identity through Art and Poetry
- Festival of Ideas: "An End to Inequality?"
- Festival of Ideas: "Change on the global stage: what makes an 'International community'?"
- Festival of Ideas: "Educating for sustainable peace in a turbulent world"
- Festival of Ideas: "Rethinking Governance"
- Festival of Ideas: From the Selfish Me to the Selfless Self
- Festival of Ideas: The Gathering Sound
- Festival of Ideas: Young people: What is our identity?
- Festival of Science: The sixth sense of the oncologist. How doctors can find cancer earlier and why you may not necessarily want to know.
- Festival of Science: The sixth sense of the oncologist. How doctors can find cancer earlier and why you may not necessarily want to know.
- Festival of Wellbeing
- Festival Preview Night #2
- Festival Preview Night #2
- Festive Serenity: Experiencing the Inner Celebration (in-person talk)
- Festive Winter Games Night
- Fetal Origins of Heart and Vascular Disease: The Role of Xanthine Oxidase
- Fetal testosterone in mind
- Feudalism in the Medieval West: ‘The Tyranny of a Construct’
- Feynman problems for the Klein-Gordon and wave equation
- FF Blackman Memorial Lecture in Plant Physiology
- FGRS Varsity Grudge Match: Part One - A Tale of Two Great French Thinkers (Cixous versus Rousseau)
- FGRS: Lent Term 1
- FGRS: Lent Term 3
- FIB SEM/(ESEM) for Polymers
- FIB/SEM 3D applications: a progress report
- Fiber-optic sensing and its application to structural monitoring
- Fibonacci phyllotaxis in plants and algae, a biological convergence with a physical origin
- Fibrant symplectic homology and the nearby Lagrangian conjecture
- Fibration categories and models for higher categories
- Fibrational Parametricity
- Fibrations and Adjointness
- Fibrations with few rational points
- Fibre based laser technology - taking basic research into application and forming a multi million pound business
- Fibre Inflation: Observable Gravity Waves from IIB String Compactifications
- Fibre Integrated High Power Supercontinua
- Fibre Waviness Defects in Composite Materials
- Fibre-Optic Strain Sensing: A Game Changer for (Urban) Seismic Surveying
- Fibre-reinforced fluids: from plant cells to extracellular matrix
- Fibril fragmentation in amyloid assembly and cytotoxicity - When size matters
- Fibrillar protein self-assembly from a materials science and biomedical point of view
- Fibroblastic reticular cells as anti-inflammatory agents: pre-clinical proof-of-principle
- Fiction and Reality of Mobility in Africa
- Fiction as History
- Fiction, Emotion and Imagination
- Fiction, emotion and imagination at the Festival of Ideas
- Fictions of continuity: time in lieu of place in Cavafy's poetry
- Fidelities in the spin-boson model
- Fidelity and Resolution in Undersampled Physical Imaging
- Fidelity and Target Location During Homologous Recombination
- Fidgets, Scoundrels and Mummy's Boys: Performing Masculinity in the Victorian House of Commons
- Field cancerization and recurrence in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Field control of many-body phases in frustrated moiré bilayers
- Field emitters at atomic scale: Insights from density functional theory
- Field experiments reveal the scope of social learning in vervet monkeys
- Field investigation of dyke emplacement mechanics: a case study on the Isle of Rum
- Field observations of the hydraulic jump phenomenon in turbidite deposits of the Tabernas Basin, Spain
- Field Operational Tests of Advanced Driver Support Systems
- Field Performance, Centrifuge Modelling and Numerical Analysis of Induced Trench Rigid Culverts
- Field programmable parallel computing in signal and image processing - is application development too hard and what can be done about it?
- Field Social Psychology
- Field Social Psychology
- Field studies of high Arctic glacial methane seeps
- Field theoretic cluster expansions and the Brydges-Kennedy forest sum formula
- Field theoretic methods in polymer stat mech
- Field theories of active matter
- Field trials for a cooler planet: sea, sky, and ice
- Field-induced p-wave Superconductivity in Mesoscopic Systems
- Fields of definition of Fukaya categories of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces
- Fields with automorphism and measure
- Fieldwork and Family
- Fieldwork event
- Fieldwork in Afghanistan - A Personal Reflection
- Fieldwork in context: challenges and opportunities
- Fieldwork on Semitic Languages
- Fieldwork, Access, and (Dis)Embodiment: On An Ethic of Not Going There
- Fieldwork: A Dendrochronologist's perspective of Science, Life and Adventure
- Fifteen Years of Field Robotics in Australia
- Fifteenth Epigenetic Club Seminar
- Fifth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Fifth Force Constraints from Galaxy-Scale Tests
- Fifth forces in and around galaxies
- Fifty shapes of maize
- Fifty Years of 'An Economic History of West Africa'
- Fifty Years of Family Change in Ghana (West Africa)
- Fifty Years of Wild Chimpanzee Tool Use: Where Do We Stand?
- Fight-or-Flight Responses in Bacterial Biofilms
- Fighting Bad Information with AI
- Fighting Blindness in the Developing World
- Fighting climate change using plants: It takes a global village to solve a global problem
- Fighting Diseases at the Gates Foundation
- Fighting Misinformation in Science Communication with NLP
- Fighting online crime
- Fighting Plagues in Southwest China: A case study in the history of science
- Fighting the First World War
- Fighting to apply ergonomics to automotive design
- Fighting to reclaim the city in the Middle East: emerging publics and theatres of violence
- Fighting Total War : A View from the Ground
- Fighting Total War: A View from the Ground
- Fighting trypanosomiasis with snake venom toxins
- Figuring Out the Rules: Molecular Self-Assembly
- Figuring War
- Filaments in the Interstellar Plasma Probed by Pulsar Scintillation
- Filaments of the Bacterial Cytoskeleton
- Filial violence across the lifecourse
- Filling box flows in porous media
- Filling in the Blanks: Network Structure and Interbank Contagion
- Filling in the Map: Understanding Arctic Ocean mixing rates, mechanisms and space-time geography from ocean observations
- Filling the polar data gap with harmonic functions
- Filling the sensory gap in Big Data.
- Filling the Void or Showing the Love? How Romantic Rejection vs. Acceptance Affects Men’s and Women’s Willingness-to-Pay for Conspicuous Goods
- Filling the Void: How to find new antibiotics
- Filling Tomorrow's Pipeline - A discussion with Dr Martin Mackay, President of Pfizer Global Research and Development
- Film - Out at Lunch
- Film - Tarnation
- Film and audio editing Workshop
- Film and Audio Team Meeting
- Film and Discussion Night: Brazilian Drug Gangs Warfare Night
- Film and Discussion Night: France's Wars of Decolonisation
- Film and Discussion Night: Germany and Russia 1242-1939
- Film and Discussion Night: Naval Warfare
- Film and Discussion Night: The First World War
- Film and Discussion: Special Agents in the 1970s’
- Film and Discussion: The Soviet Army in Afghanistan
- Film and philosophy in contemporary France
- Film Counter-Culture: Underground Cinema in London, 1963-7
- Film Counter-Culture: Underground Cinema in London, 1963-7
- Film critic Anthony Lane on Jean Renoir's 'Partie de campagne' and Maupassant
- FILM NIGHT - Planet of the Apes (1968)
- Film of the 1948 International Genetics Congress, Stockholm
- Film premiere and directors Q&A: C’è un soffio di vita soltanto / A breath of life (2022)
- Film premiere: European premiere of Pantanal
- Film Screening - Out at Lunch
- Film screening 'Chauka, please tell us the time' and Q&A
- Film screening - 3 Deewarein (Three Walls)
- Film screening - Salaam Bombay!
- Film screening - Shatranj ke khiladi ("The Chess Players")
- Film Screening and Discussion: "The Happening" (2008)
- Film Screening of Footballization
- Film Screening UNSEEN ENEMY with the director Janet Tobias
- Film Screening: Director Marlen Khutsiev presents 'I AM TWENTY' (Mne 20 let, 1964)
- Film Screening: "Everything is Illuminated" (dir. Liev Schreiber, 2005)
- Film Screening: "On The Bride's Side" + Discussion with Director
- Film Screening: "On The Bride's Side" + Discussion with Director
- Film Screening: "The Danube Exodus" (dir. Peter Forgacs, 1998)
- Film Screening: "The Lives of Others" (dir. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006)
- Film Screening: 'Justice for Sergei'
- Film screening: 'Red Ant Dream', followed by Q & A session with the Director
- Film Screening: 'The Way He Looks' (Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho)
- Film Screening: Come and See (USSR 1985)
- Film Screening: Director Marlen Khutsiev presents 'IT WAS THE MONTH OF MAY' (Byl mesiats mai, 1970)
- Film Screening: Director Marlen Khutsiev presents 'JULY RAIN' (Iulskii dozhd', 1966)
- Film Screening: Halley during the IGY
- Film screening: Horseshoe base and Halley's first year
- Film Screening: La Reine Margot (1994)
- Film Screening: One Word of Truth & CamRuSS’ AMG
- Film Screening: Paths of Glory (1957)
- Film Screening: Pure Clean Water
- Film Screening: Reverse (dir. Borys Lankosz)
- Film screening: The Art of Integration
- Film Screening: The Battle of Algiers (1966)
- Film screening: Things of the Aimless Wanderer
- Film Screening: VISAGE (dir. Tsai Ming Liang, 2009)
- Film screening: Where the clouds end
- Film screenting - Quarter 4/11
- Film, conflict, representation: a discussion with Milcho Manchevski
- Film-making
- FILM: Kira Muratova's ETERNAL HOMECOMING (Ukraine, 2012, in Russian with English subtitles), Screening & Discussion
- Film: 'Pinjar' (Chandra Prakash Dwivedi, 2003)
- Film: 'Shatranj Ke Khilari' (Satyajit Ray, 1977)
- Film: Brokering News by Umesh Aggarwal
- FILM: De rouille et d'os
- FILM: I've Loved You So Long (Il y a longtemps que je t'aime)
- Film: In Transition 2.0 and birthday celebration
- FILM: The Elephant Man
- FILM: What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
- Filming Fore, shooting scientists: medical research and documentary film
- Filming the Phantoms of Berlin
- Filming War
- FIlmmaker Marlen Khutsiev in Conversation: Not Yet Evening...
- Filmmaker Phillip Warnell: ‘The beast with two backs: mutuality, exchange and transfiguration between animals’
- Filter Design with Secrecy Constraints
- Filtering and Smoothing in Non-linear Dynamical Systems using Quadrature Expectation Propagation (EP)
- Filtering feedback in an internship: Perceptions of trainees and mentors
- Filtering noise in quantum systems
- Filtering of Noisy Time-Series Data
- Filtering of wave equation in high dimension
- Filtering partially observed chaotic deterministic dynamical systems
- Filtering the Heegaard Floer contact invariant
- Filtering the Heegaard-Floer contact invariant
- Filtrations and test-configurations
- Fin Allen - A recipe for Cation-bridging and David Broussault - Metal doped silica beads, a promising system for environmental and biological application?
- Final Higgs results from the Tevatron
- Final IfM Buns Talk of this Term: Zhaohui Wu on Cultural Embeddedness in Supply Network
- Final Presentations
- Final Presentations
- Final Questions
- Final Questions
- Final Questions
- Final Remarks
- Final Remarks and Close
- Final Remarks and Close
- Final steps in the long journey of neurosecretory vesicles: a tale of actin Myosins and PIP2
- Final Year PhD Talks (by Hugh Ryan and Francesca Firth)
- Finance and Economic Growth in a Balance of Payments Constrained Growth Model
- Finance and regional growth in Britain, 1870-1913
- Finance and the real economy.
- Financeclap
- Financial Cycles with Heterogeneous Intermediaries
- Financial Frictions and Pollution Abatement Over the Life Cycle of Firms
- Financial Innovation and Backward Stochastic Difference Equations
- Financial intermediaries in the theory of money
- Financial Liberalisation: Past, Present and Future
- Financial Market Data, disruption issues and risk mitigation
- Financial Market History: Reflections on the Past for Investors Today
- Financial market implications of monetary policy coordination
- Financial markets with uncertain volatility
- Financial Modelling with 2-EPT Levy Processes
- Financial Networks and Contagion
- Financial Networks, Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Policy
- Financial Problems tractable to Machine Learning Methods
- Financial Restructuring and Resolution of Banks
- Financial Risk And Network Theory Conference
- Financial Sector Health Since 2007: A Comparative Analysis of the United States, Europe and Asia
- Financial Technology: Algorithmic Trading and Social Media Analytics
- Financialisation, Assetisation or Rentiership? A Comparative Analysis of Capital Accumulation Strategies in the Pharmaceutical and Diagnostics Industries.
- Financially Constrained Arbitrage and Cross-Market Contagion
- Financing and Resolving Banking Groups (joint with Albert Banal-Estanol and Julian Kolm)
- Financing Energy Innovation
- Financing Forests: A Credible Approach towards Halting Tropical Deforestation
- Financing the African colonial state: fiscal capacity building and forced labor
- Find out more about dementia
- Finding "the field" and following "the thing": reflecting on more-than-human research close to home
- Finding a Home for Modern in Cambodia: Preserving Phnom Penh's Olympic Stadium and the New Khmer Architecture
- Finding a needle in a haystack: Genome-wide analyses of anthelmintic resistance in helminths of livestock
- Finding a Rough Path through Disruptive Innovation in Mental Health
- Finding alternatives: when circumstances suddenly change
- Finding an Analogy
- Finding An Unexpected Order to Galaxy Structure
- Finding and characterizing small exoplanets
- Finding and hiding the seed
- Finding and interpreting new physics at the LHC
- Finding best paths in difficult conditions
- Finding cancer drivers in mouse, man and dog
- Finding connections across space, time, and disciplines: Space and Antarctica
- Finding difference in kinship and gender in the European Neolithic: Posthumanist approaches to biomolecular data
- Finding distinguished metrics on manifolds
- Finding drugs: Russia and the early modern global medicines trade, 1550–1750
- Finding extraterrestrial life using ground-based high-dispersion spectroscopy
- Finding favour in the heavens and earth: Georg Stadius, Johannes Kepler and the composition of astrological calendars in early modern Graz
- Finding Freedom in Independence: Exploring the Spirituality of Self-Reliance (in-person)
- Finding Hidden Order with your Cell Phone
- Finding Inner Peace amidst Chaos: Techniques to Stay Calm in Daily Life (in-person)
- Finding interesting clusters using Bayesian data fusion
- Finding Knowledge
- Finding life on Earth-like exoplanets from its imprint on atmospheric composition
- Finding love: Intercellular communication during plant reproduction
- Finding low-dimensional structure in high-dimensional data
- Finding meaning in English writing
- Finding medicine where you least expect it
- Finding Music for Piers Plowman: a Post Modernist perspective on a Medieval Epic
- Finding needles in the neural haystack: unsupervised analyses of noisy data
- Finding new radicals and new electronic states in complex environments
- Finding our way around routing algebras
- Finding our way in the cloud: engineering the shared experience
- Finding our way in the cloud: engineering the shared experience
- Finding our way in the world: the effect of landscape structure and wayfinding on the pattern of hominid dispersals.
- Finding Patterns in Genes and Proteins
- Finding Patterns in Genes and Proteins
- Finding primes deterministically
- Finding Religion in American Foreign Policy: The case of Franklin Roosevelt
- Finding Shared Causal Variants Between Diseases
- Finding Signals in Twitter with ML/NLP at Bloomberg
- Finding space to swing a pendulum: the Board of Longitude and 19th-century geodesy, weights and measures
- Finding Sparse Cuts Locally Using Evolving Sets and the anatomy of random graphs
- Finding Target-Disease-Drug evidences from Literature and supporting curators. Please note: the details of this talk have changed
- Finding the balance: agriculture, biodiversity, and ecosystem services
- Finding the balance: agriculture, biodiversity, and ecosystem services
- Finding the correct pairing partner during meiosis: events inside and outside the nucleus
- Finding the first galaxies with a magnifying GLASS
- Finding the genetic cause behind facultative parthenogenesis in Drosophila
- Finding the halo: a separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelion
- Finding the Needle in a Haystack and From Bathtubs to Pipes
- Finding the optimal nets for self-folding Kirigami
- Finding the past: Medieval Coin Finds at the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Finding the past: Medieval coin finds at the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Finding the past: Medieval Coin Finds at the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Finding the perfect horizontal discretisation: a discussion session
- Finding the Remains of Murdered Haloes and Galaxies: The Streams Going Notts Comparison Study
- Finding the right path: How do multidomain proteins avoid misfolding, and how can women avoid the pitfalls in their scientific career paths?
- Finding three-term arithmetic progressions in dense sets of integers
- Finding translations in unordered text using multilingual sentence representations
- Finding W H Hudson — the writer who came to Britain to save birds
- Finding W H Hudson — the writer who came to Britain to save birds
- Finding Ways to Understand Growth Kinetics
- Finding what is invisible through computation
- Finding women's 'everyday health': testimonies and experiences
- Finding women's 'everyday health': testimonies and experiences
- Finding Your Feet: Returning To Work After Family Leave
- Finding your way in research-based consultancy
- Findings from Studies of Virtual Reality Sketching
- Findings in a heartbeat
- Fine compactified universal Jacobians and their cohomology
- Fine properties of absolutely continuous spectra of 1D quasiperiodic operators
- Fine properties of functions of bounded variation
- Fine-grained concurrency with separation logic
- Fine-grained differences and similarities in meanings
- Fine-grained sentiment analysis in text and multi-party conversation
- Fine-scale ocean processes in the basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves
- Fine-tuning BMP signaling during cell fate specification
- Fingerprint Analysis: Parametric and Nonparametric Models
- Fingerprint matching
- Fingerprints of past carbon cycle-climate changes in the Bern3D model
- Fingerprints of the Early Universe
- Fingers and Fractures: Instabilities in Viscoplastic Fluid Films
- Fingers, bulges and wrinkles - some contact line problems
- Fingers, fins and faces: the role of fossils in documenting the assembly of modern bodyplans
- Finish
- Finish
- Finish
- Finish
- Finish
- Finish
- Finish & Drinks/Networking Reception (Posters)
- Finitary and Infinitary Mathematics, Regularity and the Crossover Between Combinatorics and Analysis
- Finite blocklength converse bounds for quantum channels
- Finite difference formulas and numerical contour integration in the complex plane
- Finite difference resistivity modeling on unstructured grids with large conductivity contrasts
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus - 1
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus - 1
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus - 2
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus - 2
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus - 3
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus - 3
- Finite element exterior calculus - 4
- Finite element exterior calculus - 4
- Finite element exterior calculus framework for geophysical fluid dynamics
- Finite element exterior calculus framework for geophysical fluid dynamics
- Finite element method for nonlinear free surfaces water waves
- Finite element methods for Hamiltonian PDEs
- Finite element methods for Hamiltonian PDEs
- Finite element methods in geometric integration
- Finite element modelling of growing microtubules
- Finite element modelling of hot compression testing of titanium alloys
- Finite Element Modelling of Thermal Piles and Walls
- Finite element spaces of differential forms
- Finite energy and negative helicity dissipation from reconnection in large domains.
- Finite Entanglement Entropy in String Theory
- Finite field methods in Feynman integral reduction program Kira
- Finite generation of section rings in algebraic geometry
- Finite generation of section rings in algebraic geometry
- Finite groups, black box groups, algebraic groups
- Finite momentum at string endpoints
- Finite multiple zeta values
- Finite mutation type in presence of coefficients
- Finite permutation groups: applications to transformation semigroups and synchronization
- Finite permutation groups: the landscape post-CFSG
- Finite primitive groups
- Finite range decomposition of free fields
- Finite reductive groups and their irreducible characters - 1
- Finite reductive groups and their irreducible characters - 2
- Finite reflection groups and graph norms
- Finite Singular Orbit Modules for Algebraic Groups
- Finite Singular Orbit Modules for Algebraic Groups
- Finite subgroups of special linear groups, with arithmetic applications
- Finite subgroups of the Nottingham group and Katz-Gabber covers
- Finite time blowup of complex-valued solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equations
- Finite time singularities for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations
- Finite Volume Methods for Wave Propagation in Elastic and Poroelastic Materials
- Finite W-algebras and their representations
- Finite W-algebras and their representations
- Finite-dimensional representations constructed from random walks
- Finite-Reynolds number effects and interfacial phenomena due to solid particles
- Finite-State Mutual Dimension
- Finite-state polynomial computation
- Finite-volume transport schemes for Voronoi (hexagonal) meshes
- Finitely generated simple left orderable groups, commutator width and orderable monsters
- Finiteness conditions for classifying spaces for the family of virtually cyclic subgroups.
- Finiteness properties of simple groups
- Fiona Millar at Clare Politics
- Fire and Water are Good Servants, But Bad Masters
- Fire behavior of concrete elements built and prestressed with internal CFRP reinforcement
- Fire design of concrete structures
- Fire in the Blood with Dr Yusuf Hamied
- Fire on Earth: an intimate history
- Fire sales, endogenous risk and price-mediated contagion
- Fire sales: Good deals or price of low quality?
- Fire, Culture, and Society: Excavations at the MIS 11 site of Barnham, Suffolk
- Fire, Fields and Fertilizer: Exploring the Origins of Amazonian Landscapes
- Fire, tractors and health in the Amazon: a cost-benefit analysis of fire policy
- Fire-Sale Spillovers and Systemic Risk
- Firebreaks and Risk-Shifting in Financial Networks
- Firecracker microVMs - How to Securely Run Thousands of Workloads on a Single Host
- Fireside chat with Diane Coyle: Cogs and Monsters
- Fireside chat with Prof. Ali Khademhosseini
- Fireworks & Waterworks - Spectacular Chemistry Demonstration Lecture
- Firing up the genome
- Firmament: fast, centralized cluster scheduling at scale
- First 21cm Results from HERA Phase I
- First a war then a dance: How sensory organs take shape
- First and second variation of domain functionals and applications to problems with Robin boundary conditions.
- First Bolashak Educational Forum: Contemporary changes in Kazakhstan’s education system
- First cosmology results from Planck
- First Dark Matter Search Results from the Large Underground Xenon Detector
- First Data with the Atlas Experiment
- First ENFIN Advanced course on methods for protein function prediction at the EBI
- First extra-galactic results from ALMA
- First Footsteps: the Colonisation of Land
- First Global Food Security Seminar for post-doctoral and graduate researchers - Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- First Impressions on the State of Cellular Data Connectivity in India
- First in human evaluation of CDK9 inhibition with KB-0742 in solid tumors
- First integrals for solutions of the conformal Mercator equation
- First Intestinal Epithelial Research Symposium
- First light on Thumper
- First Médecins Sans Frontières talk of the year!
- First Neutrino Oscillation Results from T2K.
- First observational tests of eternal inflation
- First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation
- First observations of the molecular gas reservoirs of large disk galaxies at z~1.5
- First order insulator-metal transition at the LaAlO3 / SrTiO3 interface
- First order rigidity of higher rank arithmetic lattices (note the nonstandard day)
- First passage percolation for random interlacements
- First passage percolation in hostile environment (on hyperbolic graphs)
- First power spectrum results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
- First principles simulations of water-solid interfaces and the initial stages of ice nucleation
- First Results from ALICE
- First Results From CHAOS: The Chemical Abundances Of Spirals Project
- First results from MaNGA
- First results from the Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite (CHEOPS)
- First results from the LBTI
- First results from the QUaD CMB polarisation experiment
- First Results from the T2K Experiment
- First results from the THESAN radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of the Epoch of Reionization
- First science results of the ExoGRAVITY Large Program
- First session of the French Department Ciné-Club: 'Le grand voyage', by Ismaël Ferroukhi
- First Step toward Neural Machine Translation
- First steps in experimentally exploring human visual and auditory development in utero
- First steps in experimentally exploring human visual and auditory development in utero
- First steps in manipulating cell wall polysaccharide synthesis: functional and industrial implications
- First steps in synthetic guarded domain theory: step-indexing in the topos of trees
- First Symposium for Invisible People
- First Workshop: Student Presentations
- First Year Graduate Student Seminars I
- First Year Graduate Student Seminars II
- First Year PhD DIAL presentations
- First Year PhD DIAL Talk
- First year PhD presentations
- First Year Student Talks
- First Year Student Talks
- First Year Student Talks
- First Year Student Talks
- First Year Student Talks
- First Year Talks
- First-order methods for large scale optimisation problems - Additional large-scale algorithms
- First-order methods for large scale optimisation problems - Convex analysis
- First-order methods for large scale optimisation problems - Convex optimization problems and optimality
- First-order methods for large scale optimisation problems - Modern first-order methods for structured convex problems
- First-order Proofs Without Syntax
- First-passage time to clear the way for receptor-ligand binding in a crowded environment
- First-person Hyperlapse Videos
- First-principles anharmonic calculations and the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect
- First-principles dynamics applied to energy materials
- First-principles investigation into surfaces of lithium-ion battery silicon anodes
- First-principles Investigation of Solid Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Batteries (ASSBs)
- First-principles Materials Applications and Design to Nonlinear Optical Crystals
- First-principles NMR study for Ge-O-Ge angle in vitreous GeO2
- First-principles non-equilibrium transport simulation to nano-electronics devices: Topological super-lattice PCM and HfOx ReRAM cells
- First-Principles Search for Battery Electrodes
- First-principles studies of recombination mechanisms in light emitters
- First-principles study of a positron immersed in an electron gas
- First-principles study of a quasicrystalline molecular material
- First-Principles Study of Frequency-Dependent Resonant Raman Scattering
- First-year research presentations
- Fiscal reform in Britain and Germany since 1945
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over supported cobalt catalysts
- Fish and flowers: Roman mosaic glass plaques
- Fish in early Anglo-Saxon art
- Fish Inside-out
- Fish, Fungus, and Filaments: Cellular Interactions in a Diversity of Systems
- Fishermen, fossils and flints: varied approaches to targeting and investigating submerged Palaeolithic archaeology in the North Sea
- Fishing and conservation in the Southern Ocean: methodological challenges with stakeholders’ interviews
- Fishing for mechanisms of genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis
- Fishing for the genetic basis of skeletal evolution and disease
- Fishing rights and financial capitalism in the Arctic: From common property to private ownership assets
- Fission yeast interphase microtubules: self-sufficient and self-centred!
- Fit for purpose: the right model for the right robotic task
- Fit for this world - cellular properties are set during critical periods of development
- Fitness Meets Fitness: The Evolution and Genetics of Evolutionary and Physical Fitness in Humans
- Fitness selection in the early mouse embryo: how differences in mitochondrial activity trigger cell competition
- Fits to top data in the SMEFT
- Fitting and Comparison of Models of Radio Spectra
- Fitting for health: steel-trusses in the enlightened economy of healthcare
- Fitting Hierarchical Models in Large-Scale Recommender Systems
- Fitting HMMs with the open-source Software R
- Fitting Latent Variable Models for Paired Comparisons and Ranking Studies - An Application of Optimal Design Theory
- Fitting pieces and further puzzles - What 'nobody' can tell about the evolution of arthropod neurogenesis
- Fitting the Fermi line with neutralino dark matter
- Fitzbillies is Dead! Long Live Fitzbillies!
- Five Books That Changed Our View of the Universe
- Five Challenges for Spatial Epidemic Models
- Five energy plans for Britain
- Five Lessons From My PhD
- Five machine learning research topics at Oxford CS
- Five Sources of Biases and Ethical Issues in NLP, and What to Do about Them
- Five star American Habitats
- Five things about the cold forearc mantle wedge
- Five things an Engineer should know about Intellectual Property
- Five ways that viruses use to enter the animal cell
- Five weeks that changed the world: Darwin and the Galapagos
- Five-Dimensional Path Integrals for Six-Dimensional SCFTs
- Fixed point theorems for holomorphic maps on Teichmueller spaces and beyond
- Fixed points of group homomorphisms and the Post Correspondence Problem
- Fixed-energy harmonic functions
- Fixed-order predictions for top-quark pair production and decay at the LHC
- Fixed-point tensor network construction for rational conformal field theory
- Fixity and Flow: The Patterning of History in Inferno XIV, Purgatorio XIV, Paradiso XIV
- Flagellar motor adaptation, flagellar filament growth
- Flagellated bacterial motility in polymer solutions
- Flagpoles anyone? Causal and explanatory asymmetries
- Flame Resistant Foams Exploiting 2d Materials
- Flares Stirring Up Planet Formation
- Flash Introductions
- Flash Podium Talk Microsoft
- Flash talks by poster presenters
- Flashbacks and flash-forwards: Imagery and emotion in psychopathology
- FlashBlade: Hardware and Software Co-design
- Flashing Flexodomains and Electroconvection Rolls in a Nematic Liquid Crystal
- Flat bands: an obstruction or a resource?
- Flat extensions of principal connections and the Chern—Simons 3-form
- Flat surfaces and dynamics in moduli spaces of curves
- Flat-sky angular power spectrum revisited
- Flatness and Completion Revisited
- Flatness implies smoothness for the porous medium equation
- Flatness properties of p-adic Banach modules
- Flattening the Curve: Mechanoperception in Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
- Flavivirus assembly and maturation process
- Flavivirus sensing and signalling
- Flavor and high-pT implications of B-physics anomalies
- Flavor violation in SUSY
- Flavored Axion Models
- Flavorful Higgs bosons and the muon g-2 - Stefania Gori
- Flavour Anomalies-Collider Interplay
- Flavour Anomalies-Collider Interplay
- Flavour constraints on flavourless new physics
- Flavour on the lattice
- Flavour Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
- Flavour Violation in Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking
- Flexibility in carbon emissions trading: "when, where, how" and "why"?
- Flexibility markets for electricity in Great Britain
- Flexibility premium of emissions permits
- Flexibility-Enabling Contracts in Electricity Markets
- Flexible and Stretchable Electronics: Make Way for Wearables.
- Flexible coding of object images and words in visual and multiple-demand cortex
- Flexible constrained de Finetti reductions and parallel repetition of multi-player non-local games
- Flexible Covariance estimation in Gaussian Graphical models
- Flexible deep learning for heterogeneous clinical time series
- Flexible Electronics Based On Polycrystalline Silicon And Integration Technologies For Smart Electronic Systems
- Flexible mental computations through regulation of cortical dynamics
- Flexible Metal Forming: A Mathematical Perspective
- Flexible middleware for road traffic sensor data
- Flexible multiple testing using closed testing and Simes
- Flexible Multiple Testing with All-Resolutions Inference
- Flexible Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Sensing Applications
- Flexible Paxos
- Flexible Paxos: Reaching agreement without majorities
- Flexible redistribution in the language network
- Flexible representation of task-relevant information in frontoparietal cortex
- Flexible Small Cell Green Networks: Breaking the Spectral Efficiency Barrier
- Flexible Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators And Sensors
- Flexible tubes conveying fluid: geometric modeling, stability, and variational integrators
- Flexoelectricity from first principles
- Flexural Mechanics of Creases in Thin Metallic Strips
- Flexural Mechanics of Subduction
- Flexural wave scattering in plates
- Flexural Waves and Cracks in Plates
- Flexure-Based Precision Mechanisms
- Flicking dynamics of monotrichous bacteria
- Flies and cameras in times of economic crisis.
- Flies, bees, aphids and frogs: what can this menagerie tell us about the evolution of developmental processes?
- Flight measurements of lightning produced NOx during the ACTIVE campaign
- Flight of the fruit fly
- Flight of the Warped Penguins
- Flight, flow and gaze control: Design principles of fly stabilization reflexes
- Flint & Neill
- Floatation of Underground Structures in Liquefiable Soils
- Floating elastic and viscous sheets: fluid-solid and fluid-fluid interactions during wrinkling and buckling
- Floating wind turbine dynamics
- Floating with Surface Tension: From Archimedes to Keller
- Floe size and ice thickness distributions
- Floer cohomology and pencils of quadrics
- Floer cohomology of Lagrangian spheres in symplectic manifolds with vanishing first Chern class
- Floer cohomology of Lagrangian spheres in symplectic manifolds with vanishing first Chern class
- Floer cohomology on the universal cover and Audin's conjecture
- Floer homology and covering spaces
- Floer homology and hyperkaehler geometry
- Floer homology and the triangulation conjecture
- Floer Homology of Lagrangian Intersections
- Floer homology, group orders, and taut foliations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Floer simple manifolds and L-space intervals
- Floer theoretically essential tori in rational blowdowns
- Flood inundation prediction
- Floppy symmetries of derived categories
- Floral quartets link flower development and evolution
- Floreana: Rebirth of an island in the Galapagos
- Flourishing: from science to policy
- Flow and Arrest of Very Dense Suspensions
- Flow and decay of an arctic glacier revealed by airborne laser profiling
- Flow and reaction of carbon dioxide stored in saline aquifers
- Flow and transport in the human placenta: a story with a twist
- Flow Around Transonic Aircraft Blister Fairings
- Flow control using Galerkin projection and system identification
- Flow cytometry
- Flow cytometry
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow cytometry Congress
- Flow Cytometry: from immunodiagnostics to chemical biology
- Flow decomposition and aerodynamic noise generation
- Flow dynamics of confined ice shelves
- Flow dynamics of marine ice sheets
- Flow equations for Hamiltonians
- Flow in 3D collapsible tubes - theory and computational studies of self-excited oscillations
- Flow instabilities in complex fluids
- Flow matching, stochastic interpolants and everything in between
- Flow mechanisms in tight shales: Insights from microseismicity
- Flow of an aqueous foam through a two-dimensional porous medium: structure-dynamics couplings
- Flow of rivers through lakes
- Flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current through Drake Passage: Glacial versus Holocene
- Flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Origins and glacial-interglacial shifts
- Flow regimes and the large-scale control of atmospheric turbulence.
- FLOW the documentary - screening
- Flow through and around groups of bodies
- Flow, failure and friction during volcanic eruptions
- Flow, fracture and modelled stability of the Larsen C ice shelf
- Flow-Aware Allocation for On-Chip Networks
- Flow-induced aggregation and clogging in a microfluidic channel following a Buchwald-Hartwig amination reaction
- Flow-Induced “Shish-kebab” Formation: A New-Scenario of Kinetic Pathways forEntangled Polymer Solutions
- Flow-induced Coordinates for Transient Advection-Diffusion Equations with Multiple Scales
- Flow-induced states in channel-confined nematics
- Flow-induced states in channel-confined nematics
- Flow-mediated synchronization of swimmers and rotors at the micron scale
- Flow-structure interaction at the micro-scale
- Flower development: from morphodynamics to morphomechanics.
- Flowers of the Brecklands
- Flowers of the Brecklands
- Flowers of the Crown in English Legal Thought
- Flowers of the Crown in English Legal Thought
- Flows and fluxes in cell nanodomains and open collaborations
- Flows and matchings for P2P systems
- Flows close to patterned, slippery surfaces
- Flows close to patterned, slippery surfaces
- Flows driven by rough paths
- Flows generated by stochastic differential equations with reflection
- Flows in flexible-walled channels and airways
- FlowWatcher: Preventing Data Disclosure Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
- FluBot
- Fluctuating hydrodynamics of spin chains 1
- Fluctuating hydrodynamics of spin chains 2
- Fluctuating hydrodynamics of spin chains 3
- Fluctuation bounds for O'Connell-Yor type systems
- Fluctuation dynamo in collisionless and weakly collisional, magnetized plasmas
- Fluctuation Electron Microscopy of Amorphous Materials: The Twinkle in the Microscopist's Eye.
- Fluctuation induced forces: The critical Casimir effect
- Fluctuation induced forces: The critical Casimir effect
- Fluctuation results for Hastings-Levitov planar growth
- Fluctuation results for the outer domain of Hastings-Levitov clusters
- Fluctuation-driven first order transition in the chiral magnet MnSi
- Fluctuation-induced pair density wave in itinerant ferromagnets
- Fluctuations and growth of the magnitude of the Dirichlet determinants of Anderson Model at all disorders
- Fluctuations and nonlinear elasticity of nematic elastomers
- Fluctuations and Structure at Active Interfaces
- Fluctuations and Structure at Active Interfaces
- Fluctuations in stochastic systems with memory
- Fluctuations in the life of a cell: maintaining order amidst disorder
- Fluctuations in the number of level set components of planar Gaussian fields
- Fluctuations of the Rate of Entropy Production in Active Matter Models
- Fluid and solid mechanics in active cellular processes
- Fluid Characterization using Guided Waves
- Fluid deformation of the solid Earth: Bending and breaking rock and ice
- Fluid dynamic approaches to modelling bacterial biofilms growth
- Fluid Dynamic Gauging in Annular geometries
- Fluid dynamical modelling of transient mantle convective processes
- Fluid dynamical studies of multicellular colonial algae
- Fluid dynamics and development of orientational polarity in multiciliated tissues
- Fluid dynamics for neutron star mergers: variations, simulations and fluctuations
- Fluid Dynamics in Developmental Biology
- Fluid dynamics in superhydrophobic channels structured with micro scale grooves
- Fluid dynamics of bacterial biofilms
- Fluid dynamics of bacterial turbulence
- Fluid dynamics of carbon dioxide sequestration
- Fluid dynamics of flapping wings associated with change of domain topology
- Fluid Dynamics of Left-Right Symmetry-Breaking in Vertebrates
- Fluid dynamics of marine ice sheets
- Fluid Dynamics of Na-Zn Liquid Metal Batteries
- Fluid Dynamics of Volcanic Ash Transport
- Fluid entrainment by individual microswimmers.
- Fluid flocks with inertia
- Fluid flocks with inertia
- Fluid Flow and Fouling in Falling Film Evaporators
- Fluid flow down a fibre
- Fluid mechanical modelling of carbon dioxide sequestration
- Fluid mechanical processes during geological sequestration of carbon dioxide
- Fluid mechanics and biological development
- Fluid mechanics of carbon dioxide sequestration
- Fluid Mechanics of Flow in the Upper Airways
- Fluid Mechanics of Soft Robots and Actuators
- Fluid mechanics of the eye
- Fluid mixing in ideal systems and large--scale oceans
- Fluid models of free energy cascade dynamics
- Fluid models of swarming behavior
- Fluid Physics of Ice-Covered Oceans
- Fluid Speciation and Solubility of Aragonite under Subduction Zones Conditions
- Fluid structure interaction of a microcapsule in flow
- Fluid structure interactions of a microcapsule in flow: when numerical modeling meet experiments
- Fluid Times: The Acceleration of Business, Government, and Society in Germany, 1850-80
- Fluid Turbulence and Statistical Physics: Novel Links and Fresh Directions
- Fluid-boundary interaction: confinement effects, stratification and transport
- Fluid-dynamical basis of the embryonic development of left right asymmetry in vertebrates
- Fluid-Gravity Duality at a Cutoff Surface
- Fluid-mechanical models of ice-sheet sliding and dynamics
- Fluid-Solid interaction with flow: Do sound absorbers in aircraft engines generate turbulence?
- Fluid-solid interactions: from instabilities to energy harvesting
- Fluid-structure interaction in underwater blast
- Fluid-structure interactions of compliant wings
- Fluid-structure interactions of membrane wings
- Fluid/gravity at finite "r"
- Fluid: towards transparent, self‐explanatory research outputs
- Fluidic Optics: Using Liquids To Sculpt Light
- Fluidics of sitting, depinning, sliding and running drops
- Fluids with attitude
- Fluorescence imaging on the micro- and the nanoscale
- Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) – from data acquisition to results interpretation
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscale thermophoresis
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and Microscale thermophoresis
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and Microscale thermophoresis
- Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscale Thermophoresis
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and Microscale thermophoresis
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscale thermophoresis (MST)
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and Microscale Thermophoresis (MST)
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and Microscale thermophoresis (MST)
- Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscale Thermophoresis (MST)
- Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent Labelling and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent labelling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- Fluorescent nanoscopy: Principles and recents advancements
- Fluorescent Nucleoside Analogues with New Properties for Biophysics
- Fluorine as Key Element in buckyball chemistry and C-F bond activation
- Fluorogen Switch
- Fluorogenetic interrogation of chromatin position effects
- Fluorogenetic Interrogation of Chromatin Position Effects
- Fluorogenetic interrogation of epigenetic pathways
- Fluscape
- FluTrailMap: Disease prevention on farms: understanding the socio-ecological factors influencing the use of biosecurity on poultry farms in the UK
- Flux emergence and solar dynamic events
- Flux Large Deviations
- Flux Quantization in F-theory and Freed-Witten Anomaly
- Flux-sensing by kinase/transporter pairs – need-based activation of antibiotic resistance
- Flux: Elegant Machine Learning with Julia
- Flux: Parian unpacked
- Fluxbrane Inflation
- Fluxbrane Inflation and Moduli Stabilisation
- Fluxed M5-instantons in F-theory
- Fluxes and charges in de Sitter
- Fluxes and Warping in F-theory
- Fluxes, geometries and non-geometries
- Flybrid Systems
- Flybrid Systems
- Flying 300 underwater Planes and other Oil Industry Innovations
- Flying Around Cambridge
- Flying Captured Enemy Aircraft in WWII
- Flying high: a Drosophila model of mammalian prion disease
- Flying round the world in a light aircraft
- Flying through volcanic umbrella clouds
- Flying WW1 Aircraft - Roger Bailey, Shuttleworth Collection
- FlyMine, InterMine and databases for biology.
- fMRI and multivariate analyses of neuroimaging in healthy participants
- fMRI brain activity patterns in real-time: From basic research to clinical applications
- fMRI of color signals in human visual cortex
- fMRI vs. Electrophysiology in Humans
- fMRI across the lifespan: is it good enough to be BOLD?
- FMSP Y10 Enrichment Day
- FMSP Y12 Problem Solving day
- FMSP Year 10 Enrichment Day
- fNIRS shines a light on early atypical brain responses in autism
- Foam flow in porous media
- Foam Fractionation of Biosurfactants
- Focalisation and Classical Realisability
- Focus Association with ONLY
- Focus Group Seminar on Digital Divide
- Focus on American Children's Literature mini-symposium
- Focus on Cambridge start-ups from ideaSpace
- Focused and global methods to characterize protein complex (re)organization in perturbed systems
- Focused attention in the frontal and parietal cortex: Task episodes, variable binding and cognitive load
- Focusing and proof search
- Focusing of Electron Flow and Veselago Lens for Electrons in Graphene PN Junctions
- Focusing on mitochondria with super-resolution microscopy
- Focusing on Pattern Matching
- Focussed Information Criteria for Model Selection and Model Averaging
- Focussed model selection and model averaging for the Cox regression model
- Focussing on the peripheral: grounding lines, coastal stress-boundaries, and the inside-out ice sheet.
- Foetal Behaviour and Development
- Fokas diagonalization
- Fokker-Planck models for Bose-Einstein particles
- Fokker-Planck-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning --- A Physics-Constrained Approach to Markov Decision Process Models of Cell Dynamics
- Folded self-dual geometry
- Folded Shell Structures
- Folding a Protein: Nature’s Origami
- Folding in the Skyrme Model
- Folding of cell monolayers – inversion in the green algae Volvox sp.
- Folding tape springs and “tapered” springs
- Folding the universe, from molecular to galactic scale origami
- Folding within deep-marine deposits: large contorted rafts and small convolutions
- Foliations and rational curves in positive characteristic
- Foliations on 3-manifolds I
- Foliations on 3-manifolds II
- Foliations on 3-manifolds III
- Foliations techniques in positive characteristic
- Folic acid between science, policy and the market: mainstreaming pre-conceptional vitamins in the 1980s and '90s
- Folktales, languages and genes: the plot thickens
- Follicular dendritic cells: A key player in the pathogenesis of foot and mouth disease virus?
- Follow the leader: Modeling collective cancer invasion
- Follow the measures: conceptualization, measurement and interdisciplinarity in the science of empathy
- Follow your heart? Investigating the influence of bodily feedback on decision-making and emotion experience
- Follow-up TPLO radiography: ‘belts and braces’ or a victim of tradition?
- Following Function in Real Time: New Methods for Studying Structure and Dynamics in Batteries and Supercapacitors
- Following Function in Real Time: Towards the Next Generation of Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells for Transport and Grid Applications
- Following in the footsteps of Christ: text and context in the Vita Mildrethae
- Following light across the Universe (to test gravity and do other stuff)
- Following Meso/Microstructural Evolution in Three Dimensions by X-ray Microtomography
- FoMSF/CUGH film night: "Living in Emergency"
- Food allergen-sensitized CCR9+ lymphocytes enhance airways allergic inflammation in mice
- Food Allergy 2016
- Food and Climate Change
- Food and Climate Change
- Food and Cultural History
- Food as Expression
- Food Detectives - Some curious cases with a chemical twist
- Food For a Greener Future Conference
- Food for Thought Panel Talk: Why can't we keep our children healthy?
- Food for Thought: 'The Air Quality and Climate Tradeoffs in Road Transportation.’
- Food for Thought: ‘Carbon Foot-Printing’
- Food for Thought: ‘Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Organisms’
- Food for Thought: ‘Transitions to Climate Change Resilient Cities’
- Food for Thought: Ecosystem Services & Sustainable Land Use Practices in Social-Ecological Systems
- Food for thought: Edible explorations of volcanic processes
- Food for thought: nutrients and neural stem cells in Drosophila
- Food for thought: visceral control of nutritional decisions in Drosophila
- Food for Votes? Comparing Welfare Politics in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh
- Food futures: what does “sustainable” look like?
- Food in the Future: Plankton Pie or Carrot Cake?
- Food marketing regulation and childhood obesity prevention
- Food Prices, Maternal and Child Health, and Resilience in India: A Quasi-Natural Experiment
- Food production and dietary ethics: the perspectives of an amateur charcutier.
- Food safety – flexible approaches to production and official controls
- Food service by the book in early modern Europe
- Food Supply Chains: in collaboration with Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
- Food Webs, and how they got that way
- Food webs, subsistence and changing culture: the development of early farming communities in north China
- Food, drink and bodies in-between in the colonial space: culinary (re-)encounters at the Pietist Protestant Mission in Tranquebar, c.1700–1730
- Food, fair weather and fields: fundamental change in Anglo-Saxon England
- Food, Power and Society
- Food-Water-Energy Nexus Session with Benny Dembitzer and UNISUL
- Food-Water-Energy Nexus Workshop
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus: Wonderful Virus – Dreadful Disease
- Football analyzed as a complex system
- Footprints in the secret garden – Awarding Bodies’ engagement with the curriculum
- Footprints of high dimensionality in ecology
- For better or worse: Applications of the transfer matrix approach for analysing axial and torsional vibration
- For better or worse: The role of social identity in the Pandemic
- For heaven's sake Stanley! Stanley Spencer in the Fitzwilliam Museum
- For ML and With ML: The New Normal in System Design
- For Richer Pore: Porous Molecules and Materials Through Supramolecular Chemistry
- For the Love of Humanity: the World Tribunal on Iraq
- Foraging decisions in C.elegans
- Foraging ecology, distribution and individual specialisation of brown skuas
- foraging: from nature to molecule
- Foraminifera as bioindicators of marine environments
- Forams! Time, evolution, climate
- Forbidden bipartite configurations in subsets of finite groups
- Forbidden line diagnostics of photoevaporative disc winds
- Forbidden submatrices
- Forbidden submatrices and forbidden subposets
- Forbidden vector-valued intersections
- Force Balance in Dynamos Driven by Rotating Convection
- Force correlations in disordered systems and this year’s Nobel prize in physics
- Force feedback foot pedals
- Force feedback foot pedals
- Force feedback footpedals
- Force generation at dynamic microtubule ends
- Force generation in the lamellipod of crawling cells
- Force sensing across different length scales - from cell biology to orthopaedic surgery
- Force sensing protein complexes in the developing animal
- Forced hyperbolic systems and self-sustained shock waves
- Forced Mode Oscillations of Phospholid Vesicles
- Forces and Regulation for Cell Sheet Movements in Dorsal Closure
- Forces controlling protein interactions: theory and experiment
- Forces for electronic excited states: An implementation of TD-DFT in CASTEP
- Forces from fluctuations in and out of equilibrium (in QED and Active Matter)
- Forces in TDDFT with a moving basis set
- Forcing failures of covering in HOD
- Forcing quasirandomness in graphs
- Forcing the truth of a weak form of Schanuel's conjecture
- Forcing tumor initiation and progression
- Forcing with large continuum
- Forcing, regularity properties and the axiom of choice
- Forecast Skill and Predictability of observed Atlantic sea surface temperatures
- Forecasting additionality of REDD+ projects using regional carbon loss patterns
- Forecasting electricity consumption by aggregating forecasts
- Forecasting electricity consumption by aggregating forecasts
- Forecasting risks from invasive pests like locusts affecting staple food crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Forecasting volcanic hazards with uncertainty: is it over? is it safe?
- Forecasting volcanic hazards with uncertainty: is it over? is it safe?
- Forecasts and Control: Theory and Practice.
- Foreign Aid: Is it helping?
- Foreign exchange (FX) and interest rates in the middle ages
- Foreign policy, fear, and civil society
- Foreign Reformed Churches and England’s Second Reformation, 1636–62
- Foreign-born migrants in the Integrated Census Microdata, 1851-1911
- Forensic analysis of eccentrically braced frame fracture in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake: Multi-scale simulations, tests, and findings.
- Forensic databases: size, completeness, usefulness
- Forensic Ecology: How do we get answers to questions? How do we present them to the court?
- Forensic explosives analysis
- Forensic Forums 2013
- Forensic Forums 2014
- Forensic Genetics: application to crime scene investigation and the identification of human remains.
- Forensic Genomics:Kin Privacy, Driftnets and Other Open Questions
- Forensic Geology - Hero or Villain?
- Forensic investigations in engineering design
- Forensic Investigations to locate and identify the missing
- Forensic material technology
- Foreseeing Space Weather
- Foresight and Fiction
- Foresight and Self-Control
- Foresight in Ancient Civilisations
- Foresight in Ancient Mesopotamia
- Foresight in Journalism
- Foresight in Music
- Foresight in Scientific Method
- Forest biomass mapping and monitoring with NASA Lidars
- Forest fire processes and near-critical percolation with heavy-tailed impurities
- Forest fires and coagulation-deletion processes
- Forest-root formulas in statistical physics
- Forgetful Worms: Modelling the Basis of Alzheimer's Disease
- Forgetting Architecture
- Forgetting Architecture
- Forgetting fear - the neural mechanism underlying fear memories
- Forging a Community: The EU's House of European History
- Forgotten Soldiers: The Experience of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in the First World War, 1915-1918
- Forks and Factories: Coordination and control of mammalian DNA replication
- Form and function during early heart development
- Form and Shape for Lighting Virtual Worlds
- Form and Structure
- Form and Structure
- Form Matters: Catalysis with "Butterflies"
- Form Without Formwork: Novel Tile Vaults
- Form, flow, deformation, and transport in the embryonic lung
- Formal Dinner at Christ's College
- Formal Dinner at Corpus Christi College
- Formal Dinner at Emmanuel College
- Formal Dinner at Murray Edwards College
- Formal Dinner at Selwyn College
- Formal Dinner at Sidney Sussex College
- Formal Dinner, Murray Edward
- Formal Foundations for Provably Safe Web Components
- Formal Foundations for Translational Separation Logic Verifiers
- Formal mathematics and natural language
- Formal Methods for Critical Systems
- Formal Methods for Cyber Security
- Formal Methods in Synthetic Biology
- Formal poster session
- Formal syntactic theory in the current NLP landscape
- Formal verification approach to modelling biochemical systems
- Formal Verification of Financial Algorithms, Progress and Prospects
- Formal Wasm: Discussion
- Formal Wasm: Discussion and final comments from all
- Formal Wasm: Lightning Talks
- Formal Wasm: Wasm 2.0 and Beyond
- Formal Wasm: Wasm GC extension
- Formal Wasm: Wasm with capability types
- Formal Wasm: WasmCert Isabelle and WasmCert-Coq
- Formalisation of the Balog–Szemerédi–Gowers Theorem in Isabelle/HOL
- Formalised Mathematics: Obstacles and Achievements
- Formalised Mathematics: Obstacles and Achievements
- Formalising (part of) the Diagonal Ramsey Paper
- Formalising and Analysing Transactional Consistency Models
- Formalising Erdős and Larson: Ordinal Partition Theory
- Formalising modular forms, Eisenstein series and the modularity conjecture in Lean
- Formalising modular forms, Eisenstein series and the statement of the modularity conjecture in Lean
- Formalising the role of Collaborative Talk in Drama Research
- Formalising Theory of Combinatorial Optimisation
- Formalising Turán's Graph Theorem in Isabelle/HOL
- Formality of symplectic mapping tori
- Formality, obstructions to formality, and a key argument in the proof of the formality conjecture I
- Formality, obstructions to formality, and a key argument in the proof of the formality conjecture II
- Formalization of diagram chasing as a first-order logic in Coq
- Formalizing algebraic number theory, recent progress and future challenges
- Formalizing Domains, Ultrametric Spaces and Semantics of Programming Languages
- Formalizing General Calculi with Binders in Rewriting Logic
- Formalizing the change of variables formula for integrals in mathlib
- Formalizing the divided power envelope in Lean
- Formally Specifying ABIs using Realistic Realizability
- Formally Verifed Numerical Methods
- Formally Verified Approximations of Definite Integrals
- Formally Verified Security Micro Policies
- Formation and activation of ovarian follicles using germline stem cells
- Formation and disease relevance of axonal endoplasmic reticulum, a "neuron within a neuron”.
- Formation and Disruption of Star Clusters
- Formation and evolution of galaxies across the cosmic epochs
- Formation and evolution of stellar clusters: the E-MOSAICS simulations
- Formation and regulation of filopodia
- Formation and structure of spacelike singularities for spherically symmetric Einstein-matter systems
- Formation and Transformation of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Formation of Asteroids: A Simple Mechanical Model for Complicated Shapes
- Formation of compact systems of super-Earths via dynamical instabilities and giant impacts
- Formation of dense cores in a turbulent molecular cloud
- Formation of heavy-element rich giant planets
- Formation of large-scale vortices in rotating convection
- Formation of large-scale zonal flows in two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere
- Formation of Merging Compact Binaries
- Formation of Multiple Zonal Jets in the Ocean
- Formation of nuclear disks and orbital decay of supermassive black holes in galaxy mergers
- Formation of Planets via Collisional Growth in Turbulent Disks
- Formation of Regular Satellites from Ancient Massive Rings in the Solar System
- Formation of solution-processed organic semiconductor thin films for electronic and photovoltaic applications
- Formation of structures around HII regions: Ionization feedback from massive stars
- Formation of Terrestrial Planets from Protoplanets
- Formation of trapped surfaces in general relativity
- Formation, Breakup and Coalescence of Droplets
- Formation, survival, and destruction of vortices in accretion disks
- Formation, survival, and detectability of planets beyond 100AU
- Formation, Evolution and Radiation of Magnetized Accretion Disks around Black Holes
- Former UN Assistant Secretary-General
- Forming Beliefs: information seeking, avoidance & integration in the human brain
- Forming massive seed black holes by direct collapse
- Forming planetary cores without magma oceans: an alternative view from in-situ tomographic imaging at extreme conditions
- Forming planetesimals in solar and extrasolar nebulae
- Forms Affect Meaning: Pauses and Pitches in Early Modern Texts
- Forms and Flows of Ferrofluids
- Forms and Patterns of Viscous and Elastic Threads
- Forms in Olympic Games
- Formula Student - presenting Full Blue Racing's 2016 design
- Formula Student - views from a judge and competitors
- Formulating Optimal Policies using Behavioural Models
- Formulating protein behaviour in nanospace: Key to rational glue screening
- Formulating Weak Lensing From Boltzmann Equation
- Formulation Improvements for Critical Collapse
- Formulations of community detection in terms of total variation and surface tension
- Forth Demain Discussion
- Forth Demain Discussion
- Fortifying the Bosphorus and Dardanelles: Ottoman Measures against the Russian Threat
- Fortitude: Spinoza on living in the light of our knowledge
- Fortran 77: It's really C with none of the safeguards
- Fortran: Converting Old To Modern Fortran
- Fortran: Converting Old To Modern Fortran
- Fortran: Introduction to Modern Fortran - Booking required
- Fortran: Introduction to Modern Fortran for Programmers
- Fortuin-Kastelyn type representations for Threshold Gaussian and Stable Vectors: aka Divide and Color processes (joint work with Malin Palö Forsström)
- Fortunes of urban fullers in fourteenth-century England
- Forty years of food
- Forum on Geopolitics: The Geopolitics of Ukraine - a public lecture by Yulia Osmalovska
- Forward and Backward – Cardiac Arrhythmia and the Public Health
- Forward and Deferred Rendering
- Forward and inverse homogenization of cellular metamaterials
- Forward and inverse homogenization of cellular metamaterials
- Forward and reverse genetic identification of mutants linking [Ca2+]cyt to the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock
- Forward and reverse genetics of memory T lymphocytes
- Forward genetic screening using patient CML cells identifies IKAROS as a myeloid tumour suppressor
- Forward heavy quark production and the structure of the proton
- Forward looking / open problems session
- Forward looking / open problems session continued
- Forward Smoothing and Online EM in changepoint systems
- Forward Smoothing using Sequential Monte Carlo with Application to Recursive Parameter Estimation
- Forza, Halo, Xbox Live: The magic of research in products
- FOSDEM 2017 Conference Report
- Fossil Fuel Hydrogen: Technical, Economic and Environmental Potential
- Fossil fuel power generation and carbon dioxide emission
- Fossil imprint of a powerful flare at the Galactic Centre along the Magellanic Stream
- Fossil imprints of past core dynamics
- Fossil pollen and algae reveal Antarctica’s climate as the dinosaurs died out 66 million years ago
- Fossils and phylogeny: a waste of time?
- Fossils in the Fayum: biogeography and colonial palaeontology in the 1900s
- Foster Talk - "Integrating structural and functional approaches to decipher AMPA receptor signaling in synaptic transmission and plasticity"
- Foster Talk - CANCELLED - Redox Oscillations in the Circadian Clockwork
- FOSTER TALK - Decoding the visual cortex
- Foster Talk - Dr Rachel Tribe "How to expect the unexpected. Prediction and prevention of preterm birth" Physiology Lecture Theatre
- Foster Talk: "Self-assembly of the mammalian embryo in vitro" Professor Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz
- Foster Talk: Professor Wolfram Schultz "How my brain is getting me the best reward"
- Foster Talks: Professor Bill Harris "Promises of a polychrome retina redux: partial fulfilment with spectrum of fates"
- Fostering accuracy in modelling materials and molecular complexes with quantum Monte Carlo
- Fostering Ethics: Islam, Adoption and the Care of Children
- Foucault and Shakespeare: Ceremony, Theatre, Politics
- Foula: Edge of the World
- Foula: Edge of the World
- Fouling Behaviour of Food Fats
- Fouling in heat exchangers of crude distillation units
- Foundations and derivations of the popular molecular theories of nematics including Maier-Saupe, Onsager and Density functional ones
- Foundations of Garbled Circuits
- Foundations of Neuromechanical Systems Biology: Combining engineering, biology, and mathematics to understand how we move
- Foundations of Nonparametric Bayesian Methods (Part I)
- Foundations of Nonparametric Bayesian Methods (Part II)
- Foundations of Nonparametric Bayesian Methods (Part III)
- Foundations of the American century: the Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations in the rise of American Power
- Founding And Financing A Deep-Technology Busines
- Founding the science of ethnology: James Cowles Prichard and his 'Researches into the physical history of man'
- Foundling Hospital Children and their Employment, c. 1750-1850: Some Preliminary Findings
- Fountains and their fluxes
- Four arguments against the reaction-diffusion master equation (and one in its favour).
- Four fundamental frameworks of foresight
- Four Generations of Neural Network Potentials
- Four Key Words: Making Autism Research Work for Women
- Four legs good: ancient animal genomics and the Near Eastern origins of cattle, sheep and goat.
- Four Manifolds and two complexes with finite fundamental group
- Four million years of back pain
- Four perspectives on the numerical solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems
- Four point functions of higher weight operators in the AdS/CFT Correspondence
- Four-Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect with Ultracold Atoms
- Four-dimensional quasi-Einstein manifolds
- Fourier analysis of multiplicative functions and a combinatorial application.
- Fourier based statistics for irregular spaced spatial data: with an application to testing for spatial stationarity.
- Fourier coefficients of Automorphic forms
- Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms and applications
- Fourier Neural Differential Equations for Learning Quantum Field Theories
- Fourier series on triangles and tetrahedra
- Fourier transform on certain hyperkahler fourfolds
- Fourier transform: from abelian schemes to Hitchin systems I
- Fourier transform: from abelian schemes to Hitchin systems II
- Fourier transform: from abelian schemes to Hitchin systems III
- Fourier transforms and solving linear equations
- Fourier-Mukai transforms and applications
- Fourplay with DNA: I-tetraplexes and structural DNA nanotechnology
- Fourteenth Epigenetic Club Seminar
- Fourteenth William Pitt Seminar: "Affording the Arts: The cost of Culture"
- Fourth Cambridge International Super8 Film Festival
- Fourth Cambridge International Super8 Film Festival
- Fourth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Fourth SynTech Annual Symposium - Student talks
- Fourth William Pitt Seminar: "A Blueprint for survival"
- Fourth workshop: Research Outreach & Public Engagement
- Fowling things up for avian flu - transgenic intervention as an approach to combatting influenza infection in livestock.
- Fox's son, they slept five, imitation of people: Kuikuro numerals and counting
- Fox's son, they slept five, imitation of people: Kuikuro numerals and counting
- FOXP2 as a molecular window into speech and language
- Foxp3: evolution, pregnancy, therapy
- FPGA Implementations of High-bandwidth and Low-Latency Machine Learning based on Online Kernel Methods
- FPGA's NoC Freedom: You bought it, so why not use it
- FPGAs? What are they good for?
- Fpm and Stdlib: Recent developments in the Fortran Ecosystem
- Fraïssé's construction from a topos-theoretic perspective
- Fracking in the US vs. Europe
- Fracking the fjords: Earthquakes and glacial erosion, with some additional thoughts about stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Fractal and Intersection Properties of Lévy Processes: a Potential-Theoretic Approach
- Fractal based observables to probe jet substructure of quarks and gluons
- Fractal patterns in music
- Fractal superconductivity near localization threshold
- Fractal Timing: Improving Life Support Devices by the Addition of Biological Noise
- Fractality and intermittency in non-homogeneous environmental flows
- Fractality and multifractality of Markov processes
- Fractalkine signalling in the primary olfactory pathway: Mediating life after death
- Fractals & Chaos
- Fractals, failure and lightweight structures
- Fractals, Failure and Lightweight Structures
- Fractional Boundary Value Problems
- Fractional calculus approach for viscoelasticity at the sol-gel transition: application to sol-gel materials and biogels
- Fractional calculus in control applications
- Fractional characteristic functions and fractional moments
- Fractional decompositions of dense graphs
- Fractional Differential Equations Arising from Stochastic Dynamical Systems
- Fractional diffusion limit of a linear kinetic transport equation in a bounded domain
- Fractional diffusion limits for Vlasov-Lévy-Fokker-Planck equations
- Fractional diffusion of cold atoms in optical lattices
- Fractional diffusion of variable order and anomalous aggregation phenomenon
- Fractional diffusion-advection-asymmetry equation
- Fractional forward-backward systems of Banach-space valued HJB and McKean-Vlasov equations arising in fractional mean-field games
- Fractional Order Derivatives Regularization: Models, Algorithms and Applications
- Fractional transport processes: search, tempering, and data analysis
- Fractional-order differentiation meets generalized probabilities
- Fractional-order PID Control
- Fractional-variable-order digital controller design and tuning for automatic voltage regulator system
- Fractionalised excitations in spin ice materials
- Fractionating the human frontoparietal cortex: Combining meta-analytic and real-time optimization approaches
- Fractionation effects in turbidity currents
- Fractons and D-branes
- Fracture and Adhesion Strength of Carbon Nanotubes,Space Elevator Cables, Geckos and Spiderman Suits
- Fracture and fatigue in additively manufactured alloys
- Fracture by a million impacts: Erosion of polycrystalline diamond at temperatures up to 600 ˚C
- Fracture in living epithelial monolayers
- Fracture Mechanics Applied To Ice Ih
- Fracture Mechanics for Bitumen and Bituminous Mixtures
- Fracture Mechanics of Asphalt Mixes
- Fracture mechanics of biological protein materials: Robustness, strength and adaptability
- Fracture mechanics of brittle lattice materials
- Fracture mechanics with Steigmann-Ogden surface energy
- Fracture mechanics, quantum mechanics and fractal geometry applied to brittle materials
- Fracture of warm ice
- Fracture Propagation and Fracture Energy in FRP Plate Debonding from RC Beams
- Fractured bones: Trauma Analysis in Forensic Anthropology
- Fracturing of geomaterials
- Fragile Memories for Fleeting Percepts
- Fragile Memories for Fleeting Percepts
- Fragile minds in a scary world: trauma and post traumatic stress in very young children
- Fragile Web: what next for nature?
- Fragility and metastability of polar flocks
- Fragility of time-reversal symmetry protected topological phases
- Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of Potent and Selective CYP121 Inhibitors for Tuberculosis
- Fragmentation
- Fragmentation and melting of the seasonal sea ice cover
- Fragmentation and Unity: Psychoanalytical adaptations of the Hippolytus
- Fragmentation Functions of Light Charged Hadrons
- Fragmentations with erasure
- Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process in Dogs: Benchside to Bedside
- Fragments of approximate counting
- Fragments of the sacred: the Material Culture of the Early Medieval Church
- FragStats
- FragStats
- Frailty, inflammatory correlates on neuromuscular and immune systems
- Framed BPS states, moduli dynamics, and wall-crossing
- Framework for Construction of Caricature Chemical Reaction Systems
- Framework for Design Research in Health and Care Services
- Framework Materials: Fascinating Properties
- Frameworks for causal inference
- Frameworks for segmentation, classification, and nonstationary image processing with applications to disease assessment
- Framing Death: The Martyrdom Paintings in the Sainte-Chapelle (Medieval Art Seminar)
- Framing Narratives: Muslims & the Media
- Framing the Austerity Debate
- Framing the nuclear: the psychology of British governmental nuclear decision making
- Francais d'ailleurs, the pluricentricity of French identities
- France and its Migrants Today: Facts, Fictions and Lies
- France’s Nuclear Energy Transition: Turning Points in National Policy and Innovation
- Francis Bacon and the art-nature distinction
- Francis Bacon on Peace and the 1604 Treaty of London
- Francis Crick Lecture 2014: Prions Causing Neurodegeneration: A Unifying Etiology and the Quest for Therapeutics
- Francis Crick Lecture 2024: Neuronal circuits for body movements - In Person Only
- Francis Crick's place in history
- Francis Galton, measurement, psychometrics and social progress
- Francois Chatelet and the Spatial Turn in French Postwar Thought
- Frank Anscombe and Cambridge in the 1940's and 50's
- Frank Ball - University of Nottingham
- Frank Whittle - the Man who Shrank the World
- Frank-Wolfe optimization insights in machine learning
- Frankenstein 2.0: Structure + Pattern + Movement = LIFE?
- Frankl-Rodl-Type Theorems for Codes and Permutations
- Franklin’s lost expedition: Scurvy, cannibalism and death in the arctic
- Frantz Fanon on Race, Recognition, and Revolution: A Re-examination
- Fraud, sorcery and medicine in the 1540s: the double life of Gregory Wisdom
- Frazer-Nash Consultancy: Careers talk
- Frazil-ice dynamics in mixed layers and sub-ice-shelf plumes
- Frechet-Stein algebras and D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
- Fred Hoyle's manifold contributions: A personal view
- Fred Hoyle: Cosmology and controversy
- Fred Hoyle: Man of Many Ideas
- Fred Simmons: Topic TBA
- Fredholm factorization of Wiener-Hopf equations (presented by Guido Lombardi)
- Fredholm factorization of Wiener-Hopf equations (presented by Guido Lombardi)
- Free Afternoon
- Free afternoon
- Free Afternoon
- Free Afternoon
- Free Afternoon
- Free Afternoon
- Free Afternoon
- Free Afternoon and Posters
- Free Badminton Session
- Free Boundaries and Price Formation in Economic Markets
- Free boundaries in fractional filtration equations
- Free boundary limit and rate of convergence for tumour growth models with a drift
- Free Boundary Problem related to Euler-Poisson system
- Free Boundary Problems from a Model for Receptor-Ligand Dynamics
- Free Boundary Problems in Biology and Medicine
- Free boundary problems in glacial hydrology
- Free Boundary Problems in Models for Bacterial Biofilms
- Free Boundary Problems in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
- Free Boundary Problems in Transonic Flow: Introudction I
- Free Boundary Problems in Transonic Flow: Introudction II
- Free boundary regularity in the parabolic Signorini problem
- Free Boundary Value Problems in Contact Mechanics
- Free Boundary-Value Problems for Liquid Crystals
- Free Commutative Monoids in Homotopy Type Theory
- Free compression norms and Lp norms
- Free curves on varieties
- Free energies, discrete Hamiltonians and two scale convergence in statistical mechanics.
- Free energy according to Poincare' and Landau
- Free Energy Calculations with ONETEP: the pKa of phenol
- Free energy methods for computer-aided drug design
- Free Energy methods to study complex biological phenomena
- Free entropy dimension and the orthogonal free quantum groups
- Free entropy dimensions and sub factors
- Free evening event: The Science of Sporting Success
- Free groups and the Axiom of Choice
- Free monads in double categories
- Free products in AQFT
- Free Programme/Sightseeing
- Free Programme/Sightseeing
- Free Programme/Sightseeing
- Free Programme/Sightseeing
- Free Programme/Sightseeing
- Free randomness can be amplified
- Free resolutions from opposite Schubert varieties in minuscule homogeneous spaces
- Free Session
- Free Software and Communism
- Free Software and Your Freedom
- Free speech and seditious libel: James Gillray and the crisis of Revolution
- Free subgroups of linear groups and diophantine heights
- Free Surface Nanoflows
- Free surface Stokes flows with surface tension
- Free Time
- Free Time
- Free versus locally free Kleinian groups.
- Free webinar - Total information risk management - making the business case for data quality programmes
- Free-boundary problems, singularities and exponential asymptotics
- Free-breathing 3D whole-heart coronary MR angiography: motion-resolved and nonrigid motion-corrected reconstruction methods
- Free-by-cyclic groups and deficiency
- Free-by-cyclic groups and trees
- Free-Form Gesture Passwords: Security, Memorability, Usability
- Free-loading, racketeering and murder: a day in the life of cowbirds
- Free-stream coherent structures: using asymptotic methods to understand the structure underpinning turbulent boundary-layer flows
- FreeBSD support for Stanford NetFPGA
- Freedom and Fragmentation; Images of Independence, Decolonisation and Partition from the Centre of South Asian Studies aRchive
- Freedom and the Internet
- Freedom from Waste Thoughts
- Freedom Issues for Web Sites
- Freedom to Innovate: Addressing Student Legal Risks at MIT and Queen Mary's Entrepreneurship and Cyberlaw Clinics
- Freedom Without Equality: Liberated Africans in the Indian Ocean World
- Freedom, Slavery and Empire in Machiavelli's 'Discourses on Livy'
- Freedom, Slavery, and Empire in Machiavelli’s Discourses on Livy
- Freedom, Technology and Terror
- Freedom, the common good and the rule of law: Lippman and Hayek on economic planning
- Freeform carbon nanotube structures: Fabrication and applications
- Freeform interactions and disrupted displays
- Freezing
- Freezing a rivulet
- Freezing a rivulet
- Freezing colloidal suspensions: Periodic ice-banding
- Freezing Colloidal Suspensions: Periodic Ice-banding
- Freezing impact
- Freezing impacts
- Freezing of cluster solids and the Gibbs phase rule
- Freezing of drops
- Freezing transition in a problem of Anderson localisation
- Freezing Transition in Decaying Burgers Turbulence and Random Matrix Dualities
- Freezing Transition, Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices, and the Riemann Zeta-Function
- Freightliner Ltd
- French adjectival liaison: evidence for underlying representations
- French cine-club : Godard Vivre sa vie / It's my life
- French cine-club : Tell no one
- French cine-club : Truffaut The Bride Wore Black
- French cine-club Beauty and the beast by Cocteau
- French cine-club Lent Term
- French cineclub : *Le Père Noël est une ordure / Father Christmas is a bastard*
- French cineclub : *The Taste of Others*
- French cineclub : La folie des grandeurs (Delusions of Grandeur)
- French Cineclub: Le diner de cons (The Dinner Game) 1998 (English Subs)
- French Impressions: The re-display of the 19th-century collections
- French in Canada: Ontario and Quebec compared
- French occupational structure and labour productivity: what can new estimates tell us about the pace and nature of French industrialisation?
- French Revolutionary Providence
- French revolutionary thought and the early Third Republic
- French vs. British nuclear power
- Frequency and Time Domain Connections for Linear Wave Scattering
- Frequency and triggers of huge underwater landslides - and their relationship to climate change and sediment delivery from ice streams
- Frequency domain analysis of linear and nonlinear structures
- Frequency domain reduced order models for gravitational waves from aligned-spin black-hole binaries
- Frequency domain tools for the analysis of Lur'e feedback dominant systems
- Frequency Downshifting: A Dispersive Whitham Perspective
- Frequency-Domain Waveform Inversion for Ultrasound Tomography
- Frequent Hearses: The Archaeology of Funeral Ritual in Early Iron Age West-Central Europe
- Frequent job changes can signal poor work attitude and reduce employability
- Frequentist coverage and adaptation of nonparametric Bayesian credible sets
- Frequentist coverage of adaptive nonparametric Bayesian credible sets
- Fresh Brew: Exploring Science, Social Impact, & the Third Wave of Coffee
- Fresh perspectives on the origins of major animal groups: insights from the late Ediacaran of Namibia
- Freshers' Fair
- Freshers' Picnic
- Freshers' Squash
- Freshers' Squash
- Freshers’ Squash
- Freshwater forcing and abrupt climate change: insights from high-resolution models
- Freud weights and their q-analogues
- Freud, Classics and Cryptomnesia
- Freud, Russell and Wittgenstein: 'therapeutic positivism', psychoanalysis and the origins of analytic philosophy in Cambridge
- Freudenthal triple classification of 3-qubit entanglement
- Freyd's models for the independence of AC as classifying toposes
- Friction behavior of Organic Friction Modifiers: an experimental and numerical approach
- Friction between people and fabrics
- Friction damping in structural dynamics: from fundamental understanding to physics-based machine learning identification
- Friction experiments and modelling for vibration-induced oscillation problems
- Friction in the Machine: How Fluid Processes Allow Optimal Human-Computer Interaction
- Friction induced sound
- Friction of Sea Ice
- Friction stir spot welding and ultrasonic welding
- Frictional fluid dynamics and viscously stable pattern formation
- Frictional hysteresis in granular avalanches
- Frictional hysteresis in granular avalanches
- Friday 3 November - no seminar today
- Friday 3 November - no seminar today
- Friday 3 November - no seminar today
- Friday night at the movies: Fluorescence, lasers and 4D
- Friday Prayers and Sermon
- Friday Sermon
- Friday Sermon
- Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen and his "Diary of a Man in Despair": a conservative rebel in Hitler's Germany
- Friedrich von Gentz, the Congress of Vienna, and the problem of Perpetual Peace
- Friends and Countrymen: The London private banker and eighteenth-century society
- Friends at the ends: a dynamic protein network controls the fate of microtubule tips
- Friends or Foes: Sibling Relationships in Middle Childhood
- Friends, Enemies, Kin: Constructing Kinship Webs and Situational Kinship Networks in Medieval Eastern Europe
- Friendship and equality
- Friendship and Happiness Debate
- Frieze patterns and tilings
- Frobenius algebras and surfaces
- Frobenius algebras from CFT
- Frobenius constants for families of elliptic curves
- Frobenius elements in Galois groups
- Frobenius groups
- Frobenius manifolds and isomonodromic families of connections
- Frobenius manifolds, TQFT’s and a class of elliptic solutions
- Frobenius modules for groups of Lie type
- Frobenius splittings on T-varieties.
- Frogs in space: physiological research into metric relationships and laws of nature
- Fröhlich electron-phonon coupling from first principles: theory and applications
- From 'altruism' to solidarity: Funding feminist movements
- From 'clap-trap and flummery' to 'scope and methods' – the Royal Geographical Society's lantern-slide lectures, c.1886–1924
- From 'Nairobi East' to 'Little Mogadishu'; Migration and Diaspora in the History of Nairobi's Eastleigh Estate
- From 'RUN' to 'HELP': Anatolian, Core Indo-European and the chronology of a semantic shift
- From 1822 Until Today - Technology of Photography
- From 9/11 to 2012: Using Computer Simulations to Model Mass Evacuations from Infrastructure Failures
- From a 'state theory of learning' to accountable autonomy: how can it be achieved?
- From a childhood in India to solving the structure of the machine that reads the genetic code”
- From a face to its category via a few information states in the brain
- From a pragmatic weight management intervention to bariatric surgery
- From a steady plume to periodic puffs during confined carbon dioxide dissolution
- From a world record to saving lives
- From abecedaria to ABC. The history of the illustrated alphabet
- From Academic to Medical Writer
- From active liquids to active solids: a tale of criticality, phase transitions and phase separations
- From active surfaces to evo-devo-mechanobiology
- From AdS to BEC (dynamics in spatially confined Hamiltonian systems)
- From Alexander to Alfred - the Greats
- From almost optimal algorithms to logics for complexity classes via listings and a halting problem
- From an Exiled Teenager to a Leading Statesman: A Profile of China's New Leader
- From Analysis Method to Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers
- From ancient Greece to the dark net: one archaeologist's life after Cambridge
- From angel food to vegetable diets: medicalizing the feminine appetite in the British 18th century
- From animism to speculation: representations of geopower among the Dene of Tulita, Northwest Territories, Canada
- From another lens: An anthropological perspective on cancer and care in the UK.
- From Antarctica to East Anglia: interpreting environmental signals in mosses
- From antibody inventions to start-up companies and blockbuster therapeutics
- From apical organs to the bilaterian forebrain: Duplication and divergence of neural circuits in central nervous system evolution
- From approximate cone factorizations to approximate lifts of polytopes
- From Arctic statehood to self: State personnel’s articulations of Arctic identity in Norway, Iceland, and Canada
- From Armadillos to Abscisic Acid
- From Artificial to Awakened Intelligence (in person talk)
- From associators to the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture I (after Alekseev-Torossian)
- From associators to the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture II (after Alekseev-Enriquez-Torossian)
- From Asymmetric stem cell division to tissue engineering.
- From Atomic Environments to Meso-scale Structures. Mapping Complexity in Materials.
- From Atoms to Planets: Understanding Planetary Magnetic Records Using Nanoscale Microscopy
- From atoms to planets: Understanding planetary magnetic records using nanoscale technology
- From authenticism to alethism: against McCarroll on observer memory
- From Automated Currency Validation to Protein Fold Recognition: Probabilistic Multi-class Multi-kernel Learning
- From automorphic Lie Algebras to discrete integrable systems
- From ‘Do Not Touch’ signs to barriers: can we successfully provide access without compromising preservation principles?
- From ‘Protectors of Public Health’ to ‘Facilitators of Biomedical Innovation’: Drivers and Impacts of Trends in Pharmaceutical Regulation in the United States and European Union since 1992
- From ‘robbed in antiquity’ to archaeothanatological recognition and recording of secondary interventions in inhumation burials. Cases from early medieval Europe.
- From ‘strangers’ to an ‘indigenous people’: the case of the Mbororo in Cameroon
- From “Enemies of the Cross” To “Brethren in Faith”: Empire, Decolonization, and the Curious End of Europe’s Religious Wars
- From “Music for the Banal” to “The Listening Museum”; An examination of listening through found objects and site-specific work
- From “teaching” to “learning”: E-learning has changed the focus of music education. The current situation and the development of digital music education trends in mainland China
- From “The Limits to Growth” to “Earth for All” – the long global perspective
- From babbling brooks to boiling kettles
- From Babylon to the Big Bang
- From background to foreground: what wallpaper can tell us about the history of buildings
- From bacteria to collective motion in heterogeneous media
- From Bacterial Targets to Antibacterial Leads: Structure Guided Navigation
- From balls and springs to colonies and tissues’
- From base change to better care in diabetes
- From batch effects and randomness to personalised stratified medicine
- From Batch to Flow: Advancing Synthetic Organic Chemistry through Technological Innovation
- From bed to bench side: bringing machine learning to day-to-day clinical practice
- From beer tapping to volcanic eruptions: the physics of mass transfer
- From Bench to Bedside: The Application of Differential Protein Networks on Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Trials with Targetted Therapies
- From Bench to Books: writing science books for children
- From Bench to Patients; Decanoic/Octanoic Acid & Brain Energy Metabolism
- From benchmark-centric to human-centric: deep learning methods in the formalisation of mathematics
- From benchside to clinic: the rise of monoclonal antibodies in healthcare
- From Bibles to Bloody Knickers: A Herstory of Jewish Women's Comics
- From Big Data to banality of evil : toward an epistemological approach to ethics in Internet Era
- From Big Data to Big Decisions
- From bilingual language acquisition to theories of diachronic change.
- From binary anionic P4 analogs to ternary intermetalloid clusters
- From bio-inspired systems for nanoelectronics to physico-inspired tools to study bio-systems
- From bio-inspired systems for nanoelectronics to physico-inspired tools to study bio-systems
- From biographical research to the concept of the Pedagogical Self: looking at educational theories from a self-psychological perspective
- From Bioinformatics to Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials: Targeting Tumour Metabolism To Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells
- From Black Holes to Holographic Spacetime: Rothschild Lecture
- From Blogroll to Payroll: how self-publishing can advance your career
- From blood to genomic variants: deciphering the genome of patients with rare disorders
- From Boltzmann to Euler: Hilbert's 6 th Problem Revisited - Oxbridge PDE Days
- From Boltzmann to Euler: Hilbert's 6th problem revisited.
- From Boolean to Quantitative Methods in Formal Verification
- From Bose Einstein condensates to numerical weather predictions: A numerical point of view
- From Bounded to Unbounded Proofs of Correctness
- From Boyne to Boston: Aspects of Irish Jacobite Poetry
- From brain descriptions to brain explanations
- From Branching to Banking – The Maths behind Credit Derivatives
- From Bubbles to Cells
- From bud set to bud break: molecular regulators of winter dormancy in trees
- From building blocks to systems: where do we go next?
- From C to Proton Sea: Bjorken-x Dependence of the Parton Distribution Functions
- From C60 to C1000000: A review on carbon nanotube growth
- From Cable Street to beyond the tree house: Inclusion as a singular approach to educational development
- From calcium imaging to spikes, using sequential Monte Carlo methods
- From Cambridge Classicists to Japanese Code Breakers: How the British trained wartime Japanese linguists
- From Cambridge to Athens: The Benaki Museum collection of Chinese ceramics
- From Cambridge to Cuzco and back again: 4000 years of environmental history from the heart of the Inca Empire
- From Cameralism to nineteenth-century socialism: Lorenz Stein's idea of a science of society
- From carpets and ethnography to asylum in the Caucasus
- From CATAM to Quantum
- From cavitation in soft matter and erosion on hard matter
- From cell dynamics to robust tissue folding
- From cell mechanics to tissue morphogenesis
- From Cell Signaling to Function in Large-Scale Neural Networks
- From cell-specific genome expression to specific cell fate determination
- From cells to embryo: the magic of gastrulation
- From cells to embryo: the magic of gastrulation
- From Cells to Seizures: Intrinsic Changes in Sodium Channel Expression and Activity in Epilepsy
- From Cellular Microbiology to Cell Physics investigating host cell response to infection
- From certified languages to their certified implementations
- From Chaos to Clarity: Finding Balance in a Fast-Paced World (in-person talk)
- From characters to quantum (super) spin chains via fusion
- From Chemical Engineer to Consultant
- From Circuit Designs for Multi-body Interactions in Quantum Annealers to Embedding Schemes for Satisfiability Problems
- From Classical to Quantum: Uniform Continuity Bounds on Entropies in Infinite Dimensions
- From Climate Racism to Climate Justice: Decolonising Divestment Panel
- From Clinic to Computation: Understanding Emergent Dynamics in AF Using Cardiac Models, AI and UQ
- From Clinic to Computation: Understanding Emergent Dynamics in AF Using Cardiac Models, AI and UQ
- From Clone to Clinic- oilseed based bio-pharmaceutical production
- From cluster algebras to representation theory and back
- From coarse-grained models of fibril formation to atomistic details of potential inhibitors
- From Coding the Genome to Algorithms Decoding Life
- From cognitive neuroscience to the clinic: Translational concerns for mental health research
- From Communicating Machines to Graphical Choreographies
- From concept to completion - a Frank Stella Sculpture
- From conceptual to computational harmonic analysis and back
- From Confinement to Composites: Bio-inspired Crystallisation
- From conflict to compassion: the transformation of human society
- From conformal to Einstein gravity on twistor space
- From conformational chaos to robust regulation: the structure and function of a multi-enzyme machine from RNA metabolism
- From Connectome to Computation Through the Genomic Bottleneck
- From continental rifting to conjugate margins: insights from analogue and numerical models
- From Cook to Cousteau: the many lives of coral reefs
- From correlation functions to Wilson loops and amplitudes
- From cortical inhibition and excitation to cognitive enhancement
- From Courts, Studios to Bazaars: A Visual History of the Tawa’if in colonial North India, late 18th to early 20th centuries
- From courtyards to communal civil society: a study of the mahalla, courtyard clubs, and the institution of ?gap' in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
- From Cradle to Grave: Laboratory Modelling of Internal Tides
- From craft to mass production? Design, manufacture and patents for artificial limbs, 1890–1925
- From Critical Signal Detection to Reflected Brownian Motions
- From crypto verif specifications to computationally secure implementations of protocols
- From Cryptographer's Cryptography to Engineer's Crypto
- From Crystal Optics to Dirac Operators--A Spectral Theory
- From cures to courts of justice: medical encounters, the issue of generation, and social order in early modern Spain
- From curing to sensing using microwave energy
- From curiosity to treasure: Mr Selden's map of China
- From Cyprus to Central Asia: Revisiting the spread of glaze technologies
- From dark matter to beauty: the hunt for new physics at the LHC
- From data to bench to bedside - prognostic markers and therapeutic targets in breast cancer
- From data to knowledge
- From deep learning to the dark universe
- From deep past to future horizons: the practical role of wetland archaeology in peatland restoration
- From Democrats to Kings: the brutal dawn of a new world
- From depth to local depth : a focus on centrality
- From Design experiments to innovation at scale: potential and challenges for research in mathematics education.
- From deterministic finite automata to infinite games
- From detonators to nuclear tests – scaling-law determination of explosion source signatures
- From development to deep time: the macroevolutionary consequences of phenotypic integration in living and extinct tetrapods
- From differential equations to deep learning for image processing
- From discovery science to industrial application: Materials discovery and molecular engineering of porous materials
- From discrete differential geometry to the classification of discrete integrable systems
- From discrete elements to continuum fields - sea ice dynamics and rheology in the marginal ice zone
- From disorder relevance to the 2d Stochastic Heat Equation.
- From Drinfeld-Sokolov bihamiltonian structures to Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds
- From driving to trafficking: the developing view of the user in computer systems design
- From dry to wet granular media
- From dust to dust: the shrouds of stellar birth and death
- From dust to planets: The ALMA and VLA view of planet formation
- From dyfunction of the PINK1/Parkin pathway to Parkinson’s disease
- From Early Roots to Current Thoughts
- From ears to brain (and back): Imaging the brain computations for sound analysis.
- From Ecosystem Services to Extinction Rebellion: why and how should we value wildlife?
- From effective medium to double-zero-index materials
- From Einstein to the Large Hadron Collider
- From emotion in the control of action to emotional meaning - a suggested evolutionary trajectory
- From Empire to Empire Windrush and Beyond: Publishing and the Black British Child
- From Empire to Globalisation: Jean Gottmann's Political Geographies
- From endemicity to demise - Malaria in Denmark ca. 1800-1900
- From Epic Bards to Pop Stars in North-East Siberia: Song as Patriotic Education
- From Epistemicide to Global Knowledge: Reconstructing a Decolonised Academy – gloknos Annual Lecture
- From Euler to Poincare
- From Fear to Freedom: Overcoming Mental Barriers (in-person talk)
- From Feynman Amplitudes to multiple L-values
- From Fingertips to RAP: getting statistics into public health policy and practice
- From first in man to advanced preclinical trials and then back: bridging the gap in cardiovascular translation
- From Flash Boys to MiFID II: An Introduction to the Regulation of Algorithmic & High Frequency Trading
- From Flat Fluidics for Physiological Applications to Phase Transitions in Biological Membranes
- From fly embryos to single molecule studies: elucidating molecular mechanisms of cytoplasmic mRNA transport
- From Fog to Smog: A Literary Journey
- From Foliations to Contact Structures
- From Formal to Actual Fibrations
- From Foulkes modules to the decomposition matrix of the symmetric groups
- From Fragments and Hot-Spots to Novel Lead Structures
- From Fruit Flies to Human Cancer
- From Fruit Flies to Human Cancer
- From full stopping to transparency in a holographic model of heavy ion collisions
- From Furs to Fabergé: Gifts, Diplomacy and British-Russian Artistic Relations
- From gas to stars in galaxies
- From gas turbulence to planets: the formation of rocky planets at the dead-zone inner edge.
- From geek-dream to mass-market: Will privacy-preserving technologies ever be adopted?
- From Gene Networks to Tissue Engineering: Computational Models of Pattern Formation
- From gene regulation to cancer - arginine methylation makes its mark
- From genes to behaviour: insights from people with neurodevelopmental syndromes associated with intellectual disabilities
- From genes to neural circuits, how C. elegans generates its behaviour.
- From genes to shape: notions from the study of the Drosophila tracheal system
- From genomes to genealogies: mapping the history of humans and their genetic variation using ancient and modern genomes
- From Genomes to the Diversity of Life
- From Gilead to Peru: balsam in late Renaissance medicine and alchemy
- From global to local state in game semantics via the sequoid
- From Goethe to Macaques: What auctions can teach us about decision making
- From Gold Plate to Silver Plate? Changes to the Scientific Procedures Act
- From Graduate Supervisee to Graduate Supervisor
- From Grand Tour to Deshbhraman: railways and changing attitudes to travel in colonial India
- From Graphon to Graphex: Models and Estimators for Sparse Networks using Exchangeable Random Measures
- From Graspable Interfaces and Computer Games to Mobile phones and Sensors: My research past and present
- From gravitropism to dynamical posture control: proprioception in plants
- From Gross-Pitaevskii to KdV and KP
- From guilt to shame? Ordinary Germans and the Third Reich in contemporary film
- From Gutenberg to the digital age: the challenges and opportunities of inkjet printing
- From Habit to Addiction: A Slippery Slope?
- From Haloes to Galaxies
- From hard grains to soft bubbles - response and flow of materials near the jamming point
- From heat stress metabolite perturbations in fruitflies to in vitro Amyloid beta – Congo Red interactions, all by NMR
- From Herding Sheep to Herding Cats: Balancing Compliance and Innovation in the Modular Age of the Internet
- From here to Hydrogen (talk cancelled)
- From Hidden Dissent to Open Renegotiation and Contestation: Local Actors Interacting with Agrarian Modernisation in Rural Rwanda
- From hidden dissent to open renegotiation and contestation: Local actors interacting with agrarian modernisation in rural Rwanda
- From high dynamic range to perceptual realism
- From Holonic Systems to Human-Integrated Systems
- From hops biotechnology to the study of conical cells
- From hot Jupiters to cool earths
- From Human Affect and Personality to Social Robots: Affective and Social Signal Processing
- From human tissue to single cell analysis by Raman spectroscopy
- From hunter-gathering to farming: evolutionary inference of demography and natural selection
- From idea to podcast (Session 2)
- From idea to podcast (session 3)
- From idea to podcast (session 4)
- From idea to podcast (session 6)
- From idea to podcast (session 7)
- From idea to podcast (session 8)
- From idea to podcast. (Session 1)
- From Idea to Startup
- From ideas to models: spatial approaches to the Nuragic landscapes of Sardinia
- From impulsivity to compulsivity: cross-species studies in humans and other animals relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders
- From impulsivity to compulsivity: cross-species studies in humans and other animals relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders.
- From indigenous panaceas to global drugs, or, how the Philippine plant igasud became the St Ignatius bean (c.1670–1750)
- From Individuals to Populations – Using Individual Level Mobility and Contact Data in Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- From Industry to Academia – How resilient are structural systems to highly transient loading conditions
- From Infinite to Finite Programs: Explicit Error Bounds with Applications to Approximate Dynamic Programming
- From Integration to Confrontation: Economic Globalization, Power Convergence, and International Conflict
- From internal waves to turbulence in a stably stratified fluid
- From intuitionism to synthetic homotopy theory
- From invasion to egress: analysis of the blood-stage malaria cycle
- From invasion to egress: analysis of the blood-stage malaria cycle
- From IP management to machine learning and audio diagnostics – highlights of interdisciplinary response to the pandemic
- From Irish to Muslim threats: Evaluating the impact of counter-terrorism in multi-ethnic Britain
- From iron cores to estuaries: the interaction of environmental flows with their transported particles
- From isolated, deformable cells to living tissues: a unified description
- From its origins to the modern metabolic network
- From Kepler's optics to Spinoza's politics: Descartes' turn to the passions
- From Keynesian consensus to 'sado-monetarism': UK monetary policy from devaluation to Mrs Thatcher
- From Kiiking to Kuzmak
- From known to unknown? Investigating Pleistocene landscapes at Happisburgh’
- From KP/UC hierarchies to Painleve equations
- From Lab to Start-up - Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Optics and Photonics
- From Lagrangian tori to Helices via string theory on Gorenstein toric singularities
- From Lasers to Bose-Einstein condensates
- From linear programming to statistics: Fast algorithms for sampling based on interior point methods
- From Lithium Batteries to Perovskite Solar Cells: Atomic-Scale Insights into Energy Materials
- From Little Things Big Things Grow: Tracing the Milky Way’s Assembly History
- From logic programming to coalgebra; from coalagebra to coalgebraic logic programming
- From low-cost to high efficiency inorganic photovoltaics
- From Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain
- From Machine Learning Parameterization to Full Model Emulation
- From mad cows to mini brains
- From magnets to stigma: multiple approaches to tackle the challenges of cutaneous leishmaniasis
- From manifest image to Musgrave's problem: some comments on van Fraassen's epistemology
- From Mara Poet to Nobel Laureate: On Modern Chinese Literary Culture
- From Mars to Multiverse
- From Mars to the Multiverse
- From Mars to the Multiverse
- From Mars to the Multiverse
- From Materials to Cosmology: Studying the early universe under the microscope
- From matrix product operator algebras to quantum groups
- From maximal to minimal supersymmetry in string loop amplitudes
- From mazes to meadows: understanding movement through spatial cognition
- From mechanisms to treatment, in disorders of frontotemporal lobar degeneration
- From Medical Images to Digital Twins: Technological and Translational Challenges
- From Medical Images to Digital Twins: Technological and Translational Challenges
- From Medical Images to Virtual Physiological Humans
- From melt in the pores to volcanic eruption: Links between tectonics and magmatism
- From memory: Nigel Hall, sculpture and drawing
- From Mercantilism to Macroeconomics
- From mesoderm mechanotransductive evolutionary origins to tumourogenic mechanical induction
- From mice to molecules: the genetic basis of adaptation
- From micro to macro in the physics and biology of sea ice
- From microscopic dynamics to macroscopic equations. Scaling limits for the Lorentz gas
- From microscopic to macroscopic descriptions of cell migration on growing domains
- From microscopy images to mechanical models of tissues and back
- From Milesius to Niall of the Nine Hostages: Genetic insights into Irish Origins
- From Mind to Turing to Mind
- From Mississippi to Cambridge: Marie Battle Singer, Britain's first Black psychoanalyst
- From Mixing Time to Sample Complexity: Elucidating the Design Space of Score-Based Losses
- From Models to Observations: A Case Study for the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf
- From Modulation of Neurons and Small Networks to Climate Change
- From molecular dynamics to Brownian dynamics
- From molecular hooks to self organised complex nanostructures
- From molecular self-association to novel weapons in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
- From Molecular Switches to Carbon Nanotubes in the Search of New Materials
- From molecular symmetry to order parameters
- From molecules to maladies: TNF superfamily cytokines in autoimmune and inflammatory disease
- From molecules to materials: new catalysts for artificial photosynthesis
- From Molecules to Microelectrode Arrays: Using Electrochemistry to Solve Problems of Structure and Location
- From molecules to recurrent visual hallucinations: multimodal imaging and computational modelling of Dementia with Lewy bodies
- From morphology to syntax or the other way around: Re-thinking the directionality of change in historical syntax
- From Mortgage Holders to Slum Landlords: Compensated Emancipation and the Building of Cape Town, 1830s-1840s
- From motion capture of interacting hands to video based rendering.
- From Mtera to Microhydro: Tracking the Development of Tanzania’s Electricity Sector
- From MTV to Mecca – Kristiane Backer
- From Multi-omic Data to Whole Brain Modelling in Brain Disorders
- From Nanotube-Based Thermal Motors to Graphene in the High-Current Limit
- From Nation-States to Member States: European Integration and State Transformation
- From nation-states to member states: European integration as state transformation
- From natural histories to man-made futures: the origins and ends of R.A. Fisher's Darwinism
- From Natural Language to Bayesian Networks (and back again)
- From Networks to Function – Computational Models of Organogenesis
- From Neural Fields to the Clinical Field in Epilepsy
- From Neural Fields to the Clinical Field in Epilepsy
- From neurons and sunflowers to elephant trunks: the fascinating dynamics of smart active filaments
- From new dynamically self-assembling materials to chemical reactivities in confined environments
- From Newton's law to many-particle systems - Rothschild Lecture
- From noise in jets and wind turbines to relativity
- From non-living to living with beads and springs
- From nonlinear elasticity to complex analysis
- From Novel Fuels to NanoParticle Formation: a Multiscale Computational Approach
- From Nuclear Fuels to CO2 Activation at Uranium Complexes - Chemistry Between Phobia & Enthusiasm
- From Nuclear Transfer to Nuclear Reprogramming
- From nuclear transfer to prospects for cell replacement therapy
- From nuclear transfer to prospects for cell replacement therapy: The origins and future of pluripotency and cellular reprogramming
- From Old Jew to New Jew and Back Again: The Metamorphosis of Israeli Masculinity in the Twentieth Century
- From Olympic rowing to gunwale bobbing: Wave drag and wave thrust phenomena
- From one socio-ecological status quo to another: the 14th century as tipping point
- From one to many: how animals develop from a single cell
- From open source and open data to “open computation”: a climate science perspective
- From Ordered Nanowires to Controlled Solid State Reactions
- From Ornstein's non-inequalities to rank-one convexity
- From Orthogonal Grassmanian to Three-algebra
- From our own correspondent: BBC Stories
- From Pandemic to Endemicity: Is Behavior Over or Underweighted in Modeling the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- From parametric optimization to optimal experimental design: A new perspective in the context of partial differential equations
- From Parish to Neighbourhood Planning in England
- From Pascal and ML to Perl and VB: Software Engineering in Postmodernity
- From passive to interactive (multimodal) language learning
- From pathology to function: the many faces of fibrillation
- From pathology to function: the many faces of fibrillation
- From pattern formation of cell-division proteins in shaped bacteria towards bottom up assembly of a synthetic divisome
- From perception to conception: object processing in the ventral stream
- From Perovskites to Nanotubes: Novel Materials for High Performance Solar Cells
- From personalised medicine to decision-making for emergency care: Role of smart devices and analytics
- From Petite Chimie to industrial chemistry: insecticides in France from the Old Regime to the Industrial Revolution (1750–1830)
- From phase diagrams to jet engines and fusion reactors
- From PhD to Lecturer: Course Design and Delivery
- From PhD to Product Management
- From Phonon- Backaction and -Interference in Quantum Dot Circuits to the Single Phonon Detector
- From Physics to Machine Learning: opportunities in the Artificial Intelligence revolution
- From Physics to Plant Sciences
- From Pixels to Cats and Dogs: Vision in Humans and Computers
- From pixels to physics: the promise of large cosmological surveys
- From pixels to robust cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey
- From planar quantum mechanics to planar quantum field theory
- From Planets to Universes
- From plankton to policy in the polar oceans: The role of science in mitigating climate change
- From plant to painting - the journey of making a botanical painting
- From plant-pathogen interactions to plant-microbe communities
- From Plato to Quarks and Back
- From Polymers to Biology and Beyond
- From Polynomia to Pluricentric Standardisation: Standardising Language (or not) in Southern France
- From Polyoxometalate-based building blocks to Functional Nanoclusters, Frameworks and Self-Fabricating Materials
- From Pose Estimation to Fine Grained Activity Recognition
- From prediction error to psychosis: towards a translational neuroscience of Delusions.
- From Pressure to Play: Discovering the Game of Life (in-person talk)
- From Pressure to Play: Discovering the Game of Life (online talk)
- From Private Set Intersection to Private Record Linkage
- From product to service categories: new business models in publishing
- From production to dissipation of Reynolds stress in the turbulent channel flows at high Re
- From program analysis research to industrial programming language development
- From Program Logics to Program Analyses And Back
- From protein networks to disease mechanisms
- From proteins to plants: Using algorithmic information theory to study biological evolution and development
- From pustulent penises to death by celibacy: thinking about sexual health in medieval Europe
- From QED to X-Logic, following the lead of Leibniz
- From Qing China to Carmen's Tobacco Factory: Chinese Export Embroideries
- From Quantum Black Holes to Number Theory
- From quantum critical magnets to superconductivity in graphite intercalates
- From Quantum Field Theory to particle physics: the Standard Model
- From Quantum Scattering Amplitudes to Gravitational Waves
- From quantum to ultra-discrete integrable systems: the six-vertex model and the Takahashi-Satsuma cellular automaton
- From quantum tunneling in a topology-changing fermionic bath to topological quantum superpositions
- From Quarks to Quantum Gravity
- From quasiclassics to nested Bethe ansatze
- From Query to Sequential Computation: A New Approach
- From quivers to hyperkahler manifolds: a construction of Gaiotto, Moore, and Neitzke
- From radical cascades to metal-free C-H couplings: New methods for target synthesis
- From rainbow to mass gap: Resurgence and Lefschetz thimbles at work
- From Ransom to Circumcision: the Changing Politics of Military Captivity in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire
- From rarity to clarity: gamma/delta T cells in cancer
- From rarity to clarity: gamma/delta T cells in cancer
- From rats to robot navigation and beyond
- From Real to Virtual: Reconstructing and Recognizing the Built Infrastructure for Automating Construction, Assessment and Maintenance
- From Rebel Movement to Political Party: UNITA's Social Engagement in Post-War Angola
- From rebel movement to political party: UNITA's social engagement in post-war Angola
- From Redemption to Revolution: junk art and black power in 1960s California
- From reductionism towards integration: systems biology as a scientific social movement
- From reindeer antlers to tea light candles: Multiple users at the Sámi offering places
- From Research Setting to Parents: The Role of Parent Social Networks in the Choices they Make about Interventions for their Child with ASD
- From research to operation - development of a space weather forecast system
- From research to practice in working memory: The challenges of making a difference
- From reward to Punishment and Invigoration to Inhibition
- From Rigidity to Resilience: How Rigidity Percolation Transitions Shape Collagenous Tissue Function in Health and Disease
- From Risk Management to Resilience in Coping with Natural Catastrophes in Asia - the Vietnam Case
- From Robotics to Patient Care
- From rocks to RNA: Reconstructiong pathways in animal ontogeny and evolution
- From Rome to Armenia: The medieval western ‘Armenian’ stretch of the Silk Road in the light of East-West cultural exchanges, trade, missions, colonies and arts
- From royalism to the mystical body of Christ: The interwar revolution in French Catholic political theology
- From RPC to Web Apps: Trends in Client-Server Systems
- From rustics to savants: the uses of indigenous materia medica in colonial New Spain
- From Schools to Universities: The role of different education settings on COVID-19 transmission and the impact of different interventions
- From Science to Manufacturing: Enabling advanced semiconductor technology development
- From Science to Manufacturing: Enabling advanced semiconductor technology development
- From Science to Supermarket - Where does all the knowledge go?
- From science to technology: the interaction between senses during the development and the creation of new rehabilitation devices.
- From scientific instruments to musical instruments: the tuning fork, metronome and siren
- From Scilly Bee to Common Nighthawk, the Birds and Wildlife of the Isles of Scilly
- From SCT luminosity to compressed SUSY
- From sea cells to sea shells
- From Sea to Shining Sea: The Future of American Education in a post-federalist era.
- From secret war-time mission to world-class polar research institute – 73 years of the British Antarctic Survey
- From Seeds to Monsters: Supermassive Black Holes Over Cosmic Time
- From Self Build to Passivhaus
- From Sensation to Conception: Theoretical Perspectives on Multisensory Perception and Cross-Modal Transfer
- From Sensor Idea to Sensor Sales - a case study
- From Sensory Perception to Foraging Decision Making, the Bat's Point of View
- From Separation Logic to Systems Code
- From settler ecologies to ecologies otherwise? The possibilities and limitations of inclusive conservation in northern Kenya
- From shaggy to dickkopf; deconvoluting the amyloid cascade in Alzheimer’s disease (and some thoughts on why mice don’t get dementia but killer whales should)
- From Signaling to Movement - Mathematical and Computational Problems in Cell Motility
- From Signals to chromatin germ layer specification in mouse
- From Signals to Chromatin: Germ layer specification in mouse
- From simple particle models to PDE dynamics
- From single to multi-chromophore architectures
- From Sinners to Saints: How Redemption Narratives Motivate Prosocial Consumer Behaviors
- From situation to cognition --- A discovery process
- From sky to sea: modelling the production and movement of meltwater through ice sheets and glaciers
- From socio-economic change to evolving ritual and cosmology in Early Bronze Age Cyprus
- From sodium pump to calcium pump - going round in circles?
- From Solar Noise to Cosmic Noise to Radio Astronomy: Australian contributions to opening a new window to the Universe
- From solar systems to the observed extrasolar planets: the potential of perturbing stars
- From solitons to magnons via transverse field in an Ising magnet
- From Sommerfeld diffraction problems to operator factorisation: Lecture 1
- From Sommerfeld diffraction problems to operator factorisation: Lecture 1
- From Sommerfeld diffraction problems to operator factorisation: Lecture 2
- From Sommerfeld diffraction problems to operator factorisation: Lecture 2
- From Sommerfeld diffraction problems to operator factorisation: Lecture 3
- From Sommerfeld diffraction problems to operator factorisation: Lecture 3
- From spatial learning to machine learning: an unsupervised approach with applications to behavioral science
- From Speculative to Sustainable Finance: Can Markets do Good?
- From splines to the index theorem
- From SPS [PPSIS] to The House of Commons: Social Science, Evidence and Policy
- From standardization to welfare: the origins of the '3 Rs' approach to managing laboratory animals
- From Starburst Galaxies to Galaxy Formation: Results from Hubble Space Telescope
- From start to finish: Emerging functions of the N-end rule pathway of proteolysis in plants
- From Start-Up to Scale-Up: a fireside chat with Jon Reynolds, CEO and Co-Founder of SwiftKey
- From state to society, through sacred history: Hobbes and Spinoza
- From static structures to molecular movies: pushing the boundaries of X-ray Crystallography
- From statistical estimation to well localized frames, via heat kernel
- From strings to branes and beyond
- From stripes to blood flow: cell fates of the lateral plate.
- From structure to stomach; the use of thermal imaging methods to characterise pharmaceutical dosage forms
- From student of politics to international Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- From Suez to Sudan: UN Peacekeeping in Africa
- From sulfonium salts to samarium catalysis: new radical chemistry for synthesis
- From superfamilies to families
- From suppression of fingering to wrinkly fingers under elastic membranes
- From Surface Chemistry to Heterogeneous Catalysis
- From surprise to curiosity during music listening
- From Surviving to Thriving: Unlocking Your Potential for Mental Well-Being (online event)
- From Symbols to Icons: The return of resemblance in the cognitive neuroscience revolution
- From TDEs and GRBs to supernovae - Redback: A Bayesian inference software package for electromagnetic transients
- From teddies in space to a soft landing on Mars
- From Terra Nullius to Terra Incognita and Back: Israeli Architect in Africa 1956-1973
- From the “Jet Set” to intrigue: bossa nova and the 1960s international spy thriller
- From the Big to the Small: Big Data and Compound-Specific Isotopes to Understand Pleistocene Ecology
- From the biological self to psychological self
- From the Blitz to Bin Laden: how Londoners respond to adversity
- From the compressible Navier-Stokes equations to the primitive equations
- From the courtroom to the courtyard - the public life of personal law in post-independence India
- From the critical Ising model to spanning trees
- From the d'Alembert paradox to the 1984 Kato criteria via the 1941 1/3 Kolmogorov law and the 1949 Onsager conjecture.
- From the deuteron to the beauteron
- From the dynamics of a hydraulic jump to the the asymmetric character of stellar explosions
- From the Dynamics of Spacetime to the Formation of Heavy Elements: Learning About the Universe with Gravitational Waves.
- From the exotic to the everyday: Changing attitudes to the pineapple
- From the Feminine to Feminism: Women in Islamic Thought and Literature
- From the first stars to the first galaxies
- From the ground up: Spatialized Practices of La Tène communities in the Paris Region
- From the GUI to ChatGPT: a historical sketch of HCI research agendas and their applicability today
- From the IGM to galaxy clusters: Recent progress in the hydrodynamical modelling of cosmic structures
- From the individual to the collective: changing ideas of complexion in the Italian health-advice literature of the long 16th century
- From the Information Extraction Pipeline to Global Models, and Back
- From the Inside: The Story of the Berlin Republic, told by its Prisoners
- From the laboratory to the market: how the results of scientific research are transformed into products on the market
- From the margins of the Third Pole: the geopolitics of cryosphere in Tajikistan
- From the mesoscopic to microscopic scale in random matrix theory
- From the Nuts and Bolts of Synthetic Biology to Engineering New Genomes
- From the olfactory cocktail party to markerless tracking
- From the order of vanishing of $L$-function of elliptic curves to the universal main conjecture for eigencuspforms and back
- From the Origins of Twistor Theory to Bi-Twistors and Curved Space-Times
- From the Pill to the Pen: an autobiography by Professor Carl Djerassi
- From the positive Grassmannian to shallow water waves, via soliton solutions to the KP equation
- From the possibility to the certainty of a supermassive black hole
- From the relaxion to the hierarchion, a biased overview
- From the subduction megathrust to the mantle wedge and slab - what does the Chilean margin have to teach us?
- From the twistor action to amplitudes, Wilson loops, dlogs and dilogs
- From the whole CNS to defined brain nuclei to neurotransmitter cell type-specific circuits: Using mouse genetics to dissect CRF-dependent mechanisms driving stress-induced emotional behaviour
- From theoretical chemistry to integrated drug discover platforms. Methods and applications
- From theory to practice: A tactile and digital approach to daylighting in architecture
- From Theory to Reality: Ultrasonic Characterisation of Complex Materials
- From Thesis to Book: One Author’s Journey
- From threads to events through classical program transformations
- From three-dimensional weavings to swollen corneocytes
- From Timber Engineering (via Reliability) to Structural Sensing
- From time to time: problems in the conversion of calendars, especially for the history of ancient mathematical astronomy
- From Time to Time: Problems in the Conversion of Calendars, Especially for the History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy
- From time to time: structuring temporality in advanced L2 discourse
- From TLS to secure websites: the HTTPS landmine
- From top to bottom: using surface velocity variations to look below glaciers
- From Topological Insulators to Majorana Fermions
- From total positivity to quantum algebras
- From trajectories to models: data-driven approaches to decipher the dynamics of living systems
- From translation equivalence to cross-linguistic comparability
- From transseries to singularities in Painleve I and beyond
- From tribal centre to royal monastery: new perspectives on the changing biography of Anglo-Saxon central places from Lyminge, Kent
- From tuning curves to behaviour
- From Twistors to celestial symmetries and their AdS deformations
- From Twistors to Scattering Amplitudes
- From ultracold atoms to ultracold molecules. Prospects for novel physics
- From unhealthy lands to foyers of endemicity: malaria's place in the medical geography of French West Africa, ca.1880–1920
- From Uniformity to Disunity: The Dissenters’ Private Academies, 1662–1714
- From Unikernels to Nabla Containers
- From unlimited to situated: A reappraisal of children’s ‘potential’
- From untied to united: the power of one
- From untouched to untouchable: the history and politics of naming
- From vacuum tunnelling to quantum transport: Recent developments and new opportunities in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
- From Valentino to Viagra: tango, representation and musical Latinamericanism
- From vesicles to responsive artificial tissues
- From virtual screening to mode of action analysis: How computers can help chemical biology and drug discovery
- From Virtual Wires to Healing Exercises: Challenges in Building Dedicated VR Solutions
- From Visible to Infrared Emitters 2D Nanoplatelets
- From Visible to Invisible: Tunisia's Gendered Democracy Paradox
- From visual representation of space to schemas in the primate hippocampus
- From Visualisation of Data to Structural Bionformatics of Identification of Function
- From Vulnerable Plaque to Vulnerable Brain: Understanding the Role of Inflammation in Vascular Health, Stroke, and Cerebrovascular Disease
- From Waste to Wealth using Green Chemistry
- From Watt to Tesla and Gates - And You Think That IP Doesn't Matter?
- From weak to strong coupling in ABJM theory
- From weather forecasting to climate prediction: solving the technical and scientific challenges
- From Well-defined Macromonomers to Sterically-stabilised Latexes to Pickering Emulsions to Colloidosomes: Exerting Control over Multiple Length Scales
- From Womb to the World: Foetal sensory abilities and their post-birth effects
- From words to literature in structural proteomics
- From World History to World Literature: China, the South, and the Global 1960s
- From World3 to modelling financial implications of global energy crisis
- From yard sticks to 3D fields in a turbulent world
- From yeast to human patients - a powerful discovery platform for neurodegenerative diseases
- From zeolite nets to (meta-) stable ice structures: a theoretical study
- From \infty to 0: Entropy production of spatially-varying population dynamics under coarse-graining
- Front propagation in reaction-dispersal systems
- Frontal deficits in Parkinson’s disease and Frontotemporal dementia
- Frontier Thinking: Designing Next Generation User Experiences
- Frontier Urbanism in Contested Jerusalem
- Frontiers in a Changing World: Global Challenges, Inner Transformations
- Frontiers in applications of machine learning
- Frontiers in applications of machine learning
- Frontiers in applications of machine learning
- Frontiers in Biophysics and Chemical Biology symposium
- Frontiers in Named Entity Recognition and Linking
- Frontiers in paediatric cancer research
- Frontiers in paediatric cancer research
- Frontiers in paediatric cancer research
- Frontiers in paediatric cancer research
- Frontiers in paediatric cancer research
- Frontiers of Geothermobarometry
- Frontiers of Life in Antarctica
- Frontiers of Nano-Bio-Computing
- Frontiers of Operations
- Frontiers of quantum gravity
- Frontiers of scanning probe microscopy
- Frontiers of Scientific Knowledge in South Africa, Global Science, National Horizons
- Fronto-amygdala mechanisms underlying emotion regulation
- Fronto-subcortical Circuits in Cognition & Emotion: Modulation by Serotonin, Dopamine and Glutamate
- Fronto-temporal dementia not all it seems
- Frontotemporal dementia – a neuropsychiatric perspective
- Frontotemporal dementia – challenges, opportunities, progress
- Fronts and Frontogenesis
- Fronts and frontogenesis: a generalised model
- Frozen in Time: ice cores and climate
- Frozen percolation
- Frucht theorem for finite quantum groups
- Fructose as a survival signal: Implications for cancer and obesity
- Frugal Innovation for the Developing World
- Frugal Innovation: How to Do More (and Better) with Less
- Frugal Procurement Auction Design
- Frugality in set-system auctions
- Frustrated Lewis Pair Chemistry: New Avenues in Synthesis and Metal-free Catalysis
- Frustratingly easy domain adaptation
- Frustration and Correlations in Stacked Triangular Lattice Ising Antiferromagnets
- Frustration meets topology: from C>1 fractional Chern insulators to tilted Weyl semimetals
- FSCL: homogeneous programming and execution for heterogeneous platforms
- FSL-MRS as an alternative to MRspa for 1H MRS processing
- FsLab: Doing data science with F#
- Fuel cells and hydrogen – moving towards a low carbon economy
- Fuel optimal driving in traffic
- Fuel Placement and Evaporation for Prefilming Airblast Atomisers at Gas Turbine Conditions
- Fueling the fires within: TNF-family receptors in autoimmunity and autoinflammation
- Fuels and drivers of smouldering brain disease
- Fukaya categories of Stein manifolds
- Fukaya categories of the torus and Dehn surgery on 3-manifolds
- Fukaya-Seidel categories and gauge theory
- Fukushima and the law
- Fukushima and the law
- Fukushima and the Law
- Fukushima Daiichi, Why? - A Personal Journey
- Fukushima What went wrong?
- Full Abstraction for PCF with Names
- Full field measurement technique enabling the discovery of new materials laws
- Full Waveform Inversion in Laplace Domain
- Full-field optical metrology
- Full-field optical metrology
- Full-scale Measurement of Japanese icebreaker Shirase in Antarctic Sea Ice – Relationship between Ship Structural Response and Ice Conditions
- Full-stack CFD on AWS
- Full-waveform inversion for exploration-seismic land near-surface characterization
- Full-waveform inversion for ground penetrating radar via ensemble Kalman inversion
- Full-waveform inversion of the near surface
- Full-waveform LiDAR and Scalability of Forests Plots
- Fully Abstract Models of Call-by-Value Languages, à la O'Hearn & Riecke
- Fully Abstract Models of Call-by-Value Languages, à la O'Hearn & Riecke
- Fully Abstract Models of Call-by-Value Languages, à la O'Hearn & Riecke
- FULLY BOOKED - Andrew Haldane, Chief Economist, Bank of England
- FULLY BOOKED Architecture, Music and Acoustics in Renaissance Venice FULLY BOOKED
- Fully dispersive nonlinear model equations for hydroelastic waves
- Fully general Cauchy evolution of asymptotically AdS spacetimes: the non-linear instability of Kerr-AdS
- Fully Homomorphic Encryption
- Fully in-Place Functional Programming
- Fully polarimetric multi-aspect 3D InISAR
- Fully Quantum (Bio)Molecular Simulations: Dream or Reality?
- Fully Stochastic Reconstruction Methods in Coupled Physics Imaging
- Fumarate hydratase and renal cancer: oncometabolites and beyond
- FUN Cambridge - Celebrating failure - first edition
- Fun With Extra Dimensions
- Fun with F#: Solving complex problems with simple code
- Fun with Flags
- Fun with flags
- Fun with Floats: Symbolic execution of floating point programs
- Fun with Gaussian measures
- Fun with LHC physics
- Fun With SunSPOTs
- Function and regulation of the PTEN tumour suppressor in neurons: from axon guidance to soma size control
- Function Approximation in MDPs
- Function estimation on large graphs with missing data
- Function of chromatin structure in host adaptation and development in Trypanosoma brucei
- Function of diverse transcriptional coactivators in animal cells
- Function of the B-cell receptor in malignancies
- Function Space Diffusion for Video Modeling
- Function spaces and liquid crystals
- Function spaces meet material science: Orlicz-Sobolev nematic elastomers
- Function spaces meet material science: Orlicz-Sobolev nematic elastomers
- Function without structure: the role of intrinsically disordered proteins in stress tolerance
- Function-Based Access Control
- Functional Amphiphilic Block Copolymers prepared via Ring Opening metathesis Polymerization
- Functional amyloid in bacteria
- Functional analytic preliminaries
- Functional and neural bases of eye gaze perception
- Functional and structural studies of the Interferon-inducible protein, Viperin
- Functional annotation of GWAS hits
- Functional architectonics of local masking in three dimensions
- Functional brain imaging as a physiolgical method
- Functional breast cancer genomics: from basic biology to clinical application
- Functional breast cancer genomics: from basic biology to clinical application
- Functional changes in cells detected with an optical stretcher
- Functional Conjugated Polymers: Towards New Materials for Biomedical Applications
- Functional connectivity changes in the ageing brain
- Functional consequence of extinctions: from the Miocene to the Anthropocene
- Functional depth and quantiles
- Functional digital twinning for in silico phenotyping and therapy response prediction: applications of the novel CircAdapt framework
- Functional digital twinning for in silico phenotyping and therapy response prediction: applications of the novel CircAdapt framework
- Functional dissection of 3'UTR and RNA cis-regulatory elements by CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering
- Functional dissection of the genomic enhancer landscapes controlling pleiotropic gene expression and mammalian heart development
- Functional Distributional Semantics
- Functional Distributional Semantics: Learning Linguistically Informed Representations from a Precisely Annotated Corpus
- Functional Energy Materials
- Functional equations in the theory of positively ramified extensions
- Functional evolution of Hox proteins: Regulating the balance between pluripotency and differentiation
- Functional first programming in an information-rich world
- Functional first programming in an information-rich world
- Functional genetics of PTPN22, a shared autoimmunity gene
- Functional genomic approaches to stem cell biology
- Functional genomic landscapes by gene disruption and parallel sequencing connect genes to human disease
- Functional genomic screens and AI: a key partnership for successful therapeutic development
- Functional genomics and AI: super sleuths in the search for new therapies
- Functional genomics and molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Functional genomics and the forest of life
- Functional genomics approaches to identify targetable dependencies in cancer cells.
- Functional genomics for schistosomes: approaches to interrogate host-parasite interaction, and schistosomiasis-associated diseases.
- Functional genomics of cardiomyopathies
- Functional genomics of salinity tolerance in plants
- Functional Genomics to Study Cancer
- Functional Genomics: Phenotypic screening of large gene sets to identify novel genes that regulate axon growth and branching.
- Functional heterogeneity of tissue-resident lymphocytes
- Functional Hydrogen-Bonded Helical Nanotubes
- Functional imaging as a guide for systemic treatment of cancer: from mouse to man
- Functional imaging in stroke
- Functional imaging of cortical connectivity in normal brain and neurodegenerative disease
- Functional Imaging via Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy and Speckle-Based Methods
- Functional inequalities and the study of the speed of decoherence of an open quantum system
- Functional inequalities in Sobolev spaces: From isocapacitary estimates to Littlewood-Paley theory
- Functional Integrals for Bose-Fermi Systems
- Functional Integrated Plastic Systems
- Functional interactions between components involved in alphavirus regulation
- Functional interactions of frontal cortex during action selection and attentional selection
- Functional interfaces in organic electronic devices
- Functional Languages and Financial Models: an Insight into Graph Programming
- Functional links between splicing and transcription
- Functional Macroevolution of Transcription Factors in Land Plants
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- Functional materials using metathesis initiators
- Functional Materials: Exploiting Dynamic Self-Assembly At Interfaces
- Functional materials: Exploiting dynamic self-assembly at interfaces
- Functional methods for the design of shiftable and steerable wavelet transforms
- Functional Models for Time Varying Random Objects
- Functional Modules: How do we get them and what good are they?
- Functional MRI across the lifespan: challenges and perspectives
- Functional MRI studies of memory and ageing
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional nanomaterials for energy harvesting and sensing
- Functional Nanomaterials via Crystallization-Driven "Living Self-Assembly"
- Functional Nanoparticles: A Pathway to Low Viscosity Nanofluids, High Graft Density Polymers and Other Fun Things
- Functional nanoporous materials from reactive block copolymers
- Functional Nanoscale and Hierarchical Materials by Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly
- Functional Nanostructures and Sensors by Self-Assembly
- Functional neurological disorders, cognition and mild traumatic brain injury
- Functional neurological disorders, cognition and mild traumatic brain injury
- Functional neurological disorders, cognition and mild traumatic brain injury
- Functional Neurological Symptoms
- Functional nuclear organization of the genome: from cell populations to single cell analyses
- Functional preferences of domain-general brain regions during executive function tasks
- Functional Programming
- Functional Programming for the Data Centre
- Functional Programming in a Stateful World
- Functional Programming with an Incremental Datalog
- Functional Programming with an Incremental Datalog
- Functional programming with monads combined with comonads
- Functional protein architectures defining presynaptic active zones
- Functional Protein Fibrils in the Fight Against Pathogens
- Functional redundancy of Drosophila melanogaster SoxB proteins in central nervous system development
- Functional regression and additive models
- Functional regression on manifold with contamination
- Functional regression on manifold with contamination
- Functional Respiratory Imaging: The Story of a Growing Child
- Functional Simulation in a Neural Theory of Language
- Functional specialisation within rostral prefrontal cortex
- Functional studies of genetic variation using precision genome editing
- Functional study of CROWN ROOTLESS1, a AS2/LOB-domain protein essential for crown root development in rice.
- Functional time series approach for inference on multifractional partial pseudodifferential equations
- Functional transcendence and equidistribution
- Functional uniform prior distributions for nonlinear regression
- Functional variation in the human genome: lessons from the transcriptome
- Functional-integral equations and diffraction by a truncated wedge
- Functional-integral equations and diffraction by a truncated wedge
- Functionalised nanoparticles and SERS for bioanalysis
- Functionalities induced by symmetry breaking
- Functionalization and Heteroleptic Assembly of Coordination Cages
- Functionalized Antibodies
- Functionalized cucurbiturils and their applications
- Functionalized semiconductor nanocrystals for photonic applications
- Functionally layered concrete production, analysis and design challenges
- Functions and numbers in quantum field theory
- Functions defined by power series
- Functions for some evolutionarily conserved transcription regulators in rice inflorescence and flower development
- Functions of bounded variation and derivative-based regularisation. Short Course: Higher order regularisation in imaging - Lecture 1
- Functions of Dynamin A, Myosin IB and WASH in phagolysosome biogenesis, and the Exocyst in kiss-and-run exocytosis in Dictyostelium
- Functions of Electrical Junctions in the Thalamocortical System
- Functions of the primate amygdala in decision-making and social cognition
- Functions with no critical points
- Functions, mechanisms and evolution of genomic imprinting
- Functoriality
- Functoriality of modified realizability
- Functoriality of the Canonical Fractional Galois Ideal
- Fundamental and beyond-standard-model physics from CMB-electron scattering
- Fundamental Barriers in Optimisation, Statistics, and Signal Processing
- Fundamental Challenges to Investment in Sustainable Energy in Transition Economies
- Fundamental concepts in convex analysis
- Fundamental cosmology from astronomical observations: constraints on dark energy, non-gaussianity and inflation
- Fundamental Fallacies of Finance
- Fundamental Frequency and the Production of Intonation in SSBE
- Fundamental groups of CW-complexes from different points of view
- Fundamental lemma and Hitchin fibration
- Fundamental lemma and Hitchin fibration : the SL(2) case
- Fundamental Limitations on Adversarial Robustness
- Fundamental Limitations on Adversarial Robustness
- Fundamental limits in structured PCA, and how to reach them
- Fundamental limits of deep generative neural networks
- Fundamental limits of generative AI
- Fundamental Limits of Learning with Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks
- Fundamental limits of short-packet wireless communications
- Fundamental limits on Correlated Catalytic State Transformations
- Fundamental Limits on Invertebrate Vision
- Fundamental limits on the suppression of molecular fluctuations
- Fundamental limits to transcriptional regulatory control
- Fundamental Limits to Volcanic Cooling and its Implications for Past Climate on Earth
- Fundamental Physics and Cosmology using Gravitational Wave Observations
- Fundamental physics in field electron emission
- Fundamental principles during the egg-to-embryo transition
- Fundamental principles of cognition, which might apply across several cognitive domains
- Fundamental Principles of Reproducibility
- Fundamental Structures of M(brane) Theory
- Fundamental Study of Grouting in Sand
- Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing under Transaction costs and Model uncertainty
- Fundamentals and applications of complex phase behaviour from a molecular perspective
- Fundamentals and Recent Advances in Controlled Radical Polymerization
- Fundamentals of thermodynamics (and a bit of quantum mechanics)
- Funded! The World of Grant Applications
- Funding a Design Research Cluster
- Funding liquidity from a regulatory perspective
- Funding opportunities for mathematicians
- Funding the Party: what to do about corporate political donations
- Funerals in early modern England
- Fungal Foray
- Fungi and Woodland History
- Fungi in ecosystem nutrient cycles
- Fungi in history
- Fur seal: secrets in their faeces
- Furkan Ozturk - Magnetic Fields and Solving the Chirality Problem
- Furniture at the Fitz: New arrivals
- Further elements of Condor and CamGrid
- Further Examples of Bridgeland Stable Moduli Spaces
- Further Thoughts on the Undivided Past
- Further Topics in Ray Tracing
- FUS overexpression leads to cytoskeletal, organelle and cellular homeostasis perturbations
- FUSEing PolyBlaze: enabling heterogeneous multicore research
- Fusing modern art and science: Marian Dale Scott, Hans Selye, and the visualisation of life
- Fusion and Individualized Fusion Learning from Diverse Data Sources by Confidence Distribution
- Fusion and Individualized Fusion Learning from Diverse Data Sources by Confidence Distribution
- Fusion challenges in light of new build experience
- Fusion Energy: the outstanding physics problems
- Fusion Energy: When?
- Fusion is coming: Recent achievements and activities in the nuclear fusion
- Fusion of Relativistic Vortices in Josephson Arrays
- Fusion Power - within our grasp?
- Fusion Power and the Engineering Challenge
- Fusion Power and the Engineering Challenge
- Fusion Power: Sometime/Never, or This Year/Next Year?
- Fusion system, p-completed classifying spaces, loops, (co)singularity categories
- Fusion systems and finite simple groups
- Fusion systems on maximal class p-groups
- Fusion systems over $p$-groups with an extraspecial subgroup of index $p$
- Fusion systems with Benson-Solomon components
- Fusion systems, localities and the classification of finite simple groups
- Fusion: The Technical Challenges
- Future Challenges and Directions in Airborne Radar Sensing
- Future Challenges and Directions in Airborne Radar Sensing
- Future Challenges for Data Analytics for Energy Management
- Future Challenges for Data Analytics for Energy Management
- Future Challenges for Scaling Big Data at the National Grid
- Future Challenges in Computation - Energy and Performance
- Future Cities Research
- Future Climate - the IMechE UK Energy Plan for 2050
- Future cosmology from arcminute CMB data
- Future Debates: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Future Debates: The Secrets of Your Genome
- Future developments in healthcare – does cancer lead the way?
- Future Directions in Neuromorphic Computing
- Future directions in structural dynamics
- Future directions panel
- Future directions panel
- Future electron imaging detectors for radiation sensitive samples
- Future Energy Needs and Engineering Reality
- Future Energy Needs And Engineering Reality
- Future Energy Systems Challenges - a Distribution Operator Perspective
- Future Farming – Technologists’ Fantasy or Grower Game‐Changer?
- Future focus of CAMI challenges
- Future High Energy Electron-Proton Scattering: The LHeC Project
- Future High Energy Electron-Proton Scattering: The LHeC Project [Postponed]
- Future innovations in virtualization technology
- Future LSS survey and Inflation models
- Future Manufacturing
- Future methane, OH, and their uncertainties.
- Future non-linear stability of cosmological models with power-law inflation
- Future of district heating: opportunities vs. challenges
- Future of electricity markets with distribution network constraints
- Future of finance, at the Festival of Ideas
- Future of Games in Engineering Education
- Future of Manufacturing - an insight into the UK Government
- Future of medicines development: capabilities and how industry is evolving and interacting with academia and the NHS
- Future of Sustainable Development in South Asia
- Future perspectives of metal compounds in cancer therapy
- Future Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Prof Hassassian, Palestinian UK Ambassador
- Future prospects for LHCb
- Future Technologies in Downstream Processing
- Future technology: machine learning using memristors networks
- Future technology: machine learning using memristors networks
- Future Transportation Fuels: A Vision of a Viable Negative CO2 Energy Economy
- Future-proofing the Fens
- Future-proofing the Fens
- Futures
- Fuzziness in function and evolution of proteins
- Fuzzy Optimisation of Reverse Logistics Networks
- Fuzzy Protein Theory
- Fuzzy thinking: single neuron variation in RNA state space
- F^o: Lightweight Linear F