The beauty of bootstrapping and the joy of JIT
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“GeomLab is a simple functional language that we use at Oxford to help school students explore computer programming in a functional language with graphics. Recently, I have been working on a faster implementation that is based on compiling dynamically to code for the Java virtual machine. The project has become self-hosting, in that most of the GeomLab compiler is now written in its own language and compiles itself. The message of this talk is that using the JVM as a target makes it an easy and pleasant task to implement a programming language with reasonable performance, and better fun than ever as a personal programming project. Since GeomLab is open source, it can provide a springboard for your own experiments.”
Admission free to CUCaTS members, £2 otherwise. Membership may also be bought at the door. As usual refreshments will be served 15 minutes before the start of the talk.
This talk is part of the Cambridge University Computing and Technology Society (CUCaTS) series.
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