The Early Development of Joking and Pretending
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Johanna M Lukate.
Tea and coffee are served before this seminar for attendees from 12.30pm onwards in the Nick Macintosh Seminar Room on the 2nd floor.
The early development of humour has been largely ignored. However, it is an important area of development, allowing infants and toddlers to learn that people can intentionally break conventions, and allowing toddlers to break conventions themselves. In this talk, I will discuss research showing that social cues help infants and toddlers develop their understanding of humour. I will also demonstrate that young children not only appreciate humour, but also produce their own, novel humour. Finally, I will show that pretending, another important aspect of development, allowing toddlers to think in terms of representations, is distinct from joking. I will suggest that joking and pretending have different purposes and roles in development.
This talk is part of the Social Psychology Seminar Series (SPSS) series.
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