University of Cambridge > > HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar > Towards efficient evaluation of LHC constraints on supersymmetric models

Towards efficient evaluation of LHC constraints on supersymmetric models

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Damien George.

ATLAS and CMS have conducted many SUSY searches and placed a limit on the SUSY parameter space. However their constraints can be applied only on specific models or simplified models. I would like to discuss difficulties and limitations to interpret their analyses in generic SUSY parameter space and propose an efficient method to derive the constraints. Based on this method I will introduce two softwares, ATOM and Fastlim, to assist in deriving the LHC constraint on an arbitrary SUSY model.

This talk is part of the HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar series.

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