Talks starting with B
- B cells, Antibodies and Atherosclerosis
- B lymphocyte regulation of inflammation and autoimmunity
- B modes: component separation using Gibbs sampling in the context of the SPIDER experiment
- B physics: the next generation
- b->c semileptonic decays and phenomenology
- B-arrestin modulation of GPCR function in Alzheimer's Disease
- B-cells in Salmonella infections: Paradoxical findings that have revealed interesting stories
- B-physics anomalies: Model building attempts
- b-stability and blow-ups
- B1 Multi-stratum experiments
- B1 Multi-stratum experiments
- B1 Multi-stratum experiments
- B2 Optimal design for linear and non-linear models
- B2 Optimal design for linear and non-linear models
- B3 Multi-tiered experiments
- B3 Multi-tiered experiments
- B3 Multi-tiered experiments
- Babbage Lecture Series with Indro Mukerjee, CEO of Innovate UK
- Babbage Lecture Series: Lord Sainsbury of Turville
- Babel -- a modular routing protocol
- Baboon Metaphysics
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - "Control of B cell immunity and leukemia by the transcription factor Pax5"
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - "Mass Spectrometry - from plasma proteins to mitochondrial membranes"
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - "Regulating p53 and beyond: from cell death to sudden death"
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Antisense-mediated chromatin silencing
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Different mechanisms define lncRNA and protein coding gene transcription units in mammalian cells
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Elucidating new ways to target downstream of KRAS mutation in colorectal cancer : metabolic and microenvironment targets
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Endoplasmic reticulum turnover via selective autophagy
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Genome regulation during developmental transitions: New views of old questions
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - MeCP2 and the causes of Rett syndrome
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Selective autophagy receptors and LIR-ATG8 interactions in autophagy
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Title to be confirmed
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Title to be confirmed
- Babraham Distinguished Lecture - Understanding cellular dynamics in mammalian skin
- Babraham Distinguished Seminar - Lipid switches in cell physiology: From nutrient signals to disease
- Babraham Lecture - Cellular responses to DNA damage: from mechanistic insights to applications in cancer therapy
- Babraham Lecture - Controlling the killers: from genes to membranes
- Babraham Lecture - Deciphering the gene regulation network in human germline cells at single-cell & single base resolution
- Babraham Lecture - Pathology from the Molecular Scale on Up
- Babraham Lecture - Ras proteins as therapeutics targets
- Babraham Lecture - The Remote Control of Gene Expression
- Babraham Lecture - Understanding how the p53 onco-suppressor gene works: hints from the P2X7 ATP receptor
- Baby Blues and BBC Television: Postpartum psychosis narratives, stigma and support in 1970s Britain
- Baby making in a complex marriage: the stirpiculture experiment at the Oneida Community 1869-1879
- Baby Skyrme models without a potential term
- BAC: open sesame! to CMV biology
- Bachmann Europe "All Trains Great and Small"
- Back from the future : The second chance in the past of aller + infinitive
- Back in the Stone Age
- Back is forward, distance is proximity: the ultimate unity of Dante's spiritual cosmos. Inferno XXXI, Purgatorio XXXI, Paradiso XXXI
- Back on the Agenda? Industrial Policy revisited Conference
- Back to basics: Trace metal evidence for a more alkaline glacial ocean
- Back to Black: an Impossible Problem?
- Back to Normal – Box-Cox Transformations in Cosmology
- Back to Propellers: An Introduction to Open Rotors
- Back to the Beginning in Cosmology and Experimental Radio Astronomy
- Back to the Bronze Age: Sharpening up on Bronze Metallurgy
- Back to The Future: Cell tracing assays to study developmental events in a vertebrate embryo
- Back to the Future: Ice Cores and Climate Science
- Back to the future: memories for making predictions and decisions
- Back to the future? Climate clues from a past warm time interval
- Backdoors always backfire
- Backdoors in Machine Learning Models
- Background and uses of guided ultrasonics
- Background to these Discussions
- Backprop through the Void: Optimizing Control Variates for Black-Box Gradient Estimation.
- Backtrack Search in Permutation Groups
- Backward Analysis via Over-Approximate Abstraction and Under-Approximate Subtraction
- Backward control of adjuncts in Ancient Greek
- Bacteria as Active Colloids
- Bacteria foraging in a turbulent ocean
- Bacteria: self-motile liquid crystals?
- Bacteria: self-motile liquid crystals?
- Bacterial actin: plasmid segregation by ParMRC
- Bacterial chemotaxis
- Bacterial chemotaxis: using computer models to unravel mechanism
- Bacterial condensates under stress
- Bacterial control of their viral parasites through altruistic suicide
- Bacterial flagellar filaments: smart structure, smart protein
- Bacterial lipid trafficking and outer membrane homeostasis
- Bacterial LLPS droplets protect mRNA during stress
- Bacterial magneto-convection
- Bacterial migration in porous media and the new biological statistical physics that describes it
- Bacterial movement by run and tumble: models, patterns, pathways, scales
- Bacterial Pathogeneie
- Bacterial recognition in Drosophila: new readings of the old gospel
- Bacterial Small RNA Networks and Their Roles in horizontal gene transfer
- Bacterial strategies to build and insert Fe-S clusters into proteins
- Bacterial swarming in Pseudomonas A.: socio-microbiology or hydrodynamics?
- Bacterial transport in dilute and porous environments
- Bacterial Turbulence: A comparison with its fluid-turbulence counterpart
- Bacterial warfare: the Type VI secretion system of Serratia marcescens
- Bacteriophage 2016
- Bacteriophage translocation across epithelial cells provides a mechanism for phage to penetrate the body
- Bacteriophage; the future cure to treat antibiotic resistant bacteria in Egypt
- Bad men, good men, and loving women: Gender Constructions in the UK’s Online Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Campaign
- Bad metals
- Bad Moves: How decision making goes wrong and the ethics of smart drugs’
- Bad Traffic Big Data?
- Badger culling to control bovine TB - its potential role in a science-led policy
- Badgers in Cambridgeshire
- Baggy bounds checking
- Baggy Bounds Checking: An Efficient and Backwards-Compatible Defense against Out-of-Bounds Errors
- BAICE Thematic Forum, Education, Disability & Development
- Bail-ins and Bail-outs: Incentives, Connectivity, and Systemic Stability
- Baja California
- Baking bread without flour: Why Government computing is so broken and how universities can help fix it
- Balance model for equatorial long waves
- Balance of Mind and Body Through Meditation
- Balance relations for rotating fluid flow
- Balanced Allocations : Balls into Bins
- Balanced Allocations: The Power of Choice versus Noise
- Balanced embedding of degenerating Abelian varieties
- Balanced semisimple filtrations for tilting modules
- Balancing a ball on a moving vertical wall covered in viscous fluid
- Balancing accuracy and efficiency of electronic structure simulations: Academic developments vs. industrial applications
- Balancing acts in the control of plant cell reprogramming
- Balancing BMP and TGFβ signaling to maintain cardiac homeostasis and reduce fibrosis: where PAH and HHT meet
- Balancing cell potency and specification in stem cells and in the early embryo
- Balancing conservation and development in the Brazilian Amazon: do win-win solutions really exist?
- Balancing Economic Development and Ecological Responsibility
- Balancing forces during mitosis: from molecular motors up to tissue mechanics
- Balancing Performance and Acceptability in Real-World Automated Dietary Monitoring
- Balancing self-renewal and differentiation in the Drosophila nervous system
- Balancing the Evidence: the Role of Judgement in Health Policy Decisions
- Balancing the expected and the surprising in geometric patterns: an investigation inspired by Bridget Riley's early Op art
- Balancing the Grid through Distributed Control of Flexible Loads
- Balancing the Grid through Distributed Control of Flexible Loads
- Ball Average Characterizations of Function Spaces
- Ballistic and blast response of structural materials: lessons from architecting materials
- Ballistic electrons on the hexagonal Fermi surface of PdCoO2
- Ballistic transport in Saturn's rings
- Balls into Bins: A Sequential Resource Allocation Problem
- Balls-into-Bins via Local Search
- BAMBI: Combining Neural Networks and Nested Sampling for Rapid Bayesian Analysis
- Bamboo as a full-fledged structural material – progress, challenges and observations
- Bamboo structures
- Bamboo wind turbine blades raise spirits in China
- bananarama through the ages
- Bananas, bandits and biology on the high seas
- Band Gap Control in Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers via Lewis Acids
- Band-resolved analysis of linear and nonlinear optical properties
- Bandaging beams
- Banded Iron Formation and Ancient Life
- Banded Matrices and Fast Inverses
- Bandit algorithms for power consumption control
- Bandit Optimisation with Large Strategy Sets: Theory and Applications
- Bandits with Switching Costs: T^{2/3} Regret
- Bandlimited Intensity Modulation
- Bandwidth Efficient and Rate-Matched Low-Density Parity-Check Coded Modulation
- Bangs and stinks: Ede's 'Youth's Laboratories' and the smell of useful knowledge
- Bank credit rating changes, capital structure adjustments and lending
- Bank Credit Risk Networks: Evidence from the Eurozone Crisis
- Bank Intermediation and Consumer Bankruptcy
- Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy
- Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks
- Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity: I
- Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity: II
- Bank sampling: a practical proposal for sampling from isolated maxima with the Metropolis algorithm
- Bankers, boys, nurses and waiters: reflections on working on work
- Banking and Risk
- Banking in China and the Media
- Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship
- Banks, Bunkers, and Backup: Securing Crop Diversity from the Cold War through the Internet Age
- Baptism and Essence
- Bar Code Scanning -- An Inverse Problem for Words
- Barbara Hepworth
- Barbara Sherwood Lollar on the Hidden Biogeosphere
- Barbara Stocking: Leadership - From Oxfam to a Cambridge College
- Barbary Newton: An Absentee Slave-Owner in Late Seventeenth-Century England
- Barcoded influenza viruses
- Bardi Documentation for Preservation and Revitalisation
- Barnum, Bache and Poe: the forging of science in the Antebellum US
- Barocaloric materials for zero-carbon heating and cooling
- Baroclinic Adjustment Revisited: in Atmospheric and Laboratory Models of Rotating Stratified Flows
- Baroclinic instability in protoplanetary discs
- Baron de Lancey Lecture 2019 - Dr Imogen Goold: 'Should parents have the final say on the medical treatment of their children?'
- Baron Ver Heyden De Lancey Medico-Legal Lecture 2015: 'Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Dying: The Position in The Netherlands'
- Baroness Lawrence in conversation with Dame Barbara Stocking
- Baroness Smith of Newnham: The Future of Lifelong Learning
- Baroness Worthington
- Barred from work in Scottish prisons, data science to the rescue: discoveries about drugs-related deaths and women via record linkage - A part of Women in Data Science (WiDS)
- Barred galaxies in ΛCDM: Uncovering the formation history and dark matter content of Milky Way-type galaxies
- Barren structures and badly behaved monads on the category of sets.
- Barrett's oesophagus as a model for early cancer detection/treatment
- Barrett's oesophagus as model for early cancer detection/treatment
- Barrier coverage in thin strips
- Barrier Invariants : a Shared State Abstraction for Data-dependent GPU Kernels >
- Barrier-Aware Warp Scheduling for Throughput Processors
- Barriers to Faith
- Barycentric subspace analysis for sets of unlabeled graphs
- Baryogenesis and Dark Matter from B Mesons
- Baryonic Feedback: the Impact of Galaxy Formation Physics on Cosmology
- Baryons & Cosmology
- Baryons as Solitons in Holographic QCD
- BAS work in the Arctic
- Basal conditions of terrestrial ice sheets
- Basal control on fast glacier flow
- Basal lubrication of ice sheets
- Basal Sexual Strategies: Sexual differentiation, haploid-diploid transitions, and uniparental inheritance of organelle genome
- Base Editing and Prime Editing: Precise Gene Correction Without Double-Strand DNA Breaks
- Base loci of big and nef line bundles on irreducible symplectic varieties
- Base manifolds for fibrations of projective holomorphic-symplectic manifolds
- Base point freeness and singularities in the minimal model program in positive characteristic
- Base sizes of almost quasisimple groups and Pyber's conjecture
- Base sizes of permutation groups
- Base sizes of permutation groups: an encore
- Base-isolation for controlling ground-borne vibration in buildings
- Base-two permutation groups and applications
- Basement Design and Construction Problems at Oxford Westgate
- Bases for primitive diagonal groups
- Bases of primitive diagonal groups
- Basic algorithms in the representation theory of finite groups and algebras
- Basic Aspects of Profinite Groups
- Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory
- Basic number representations and their neural basis
- Basic Principles: Audiences & Speaking and Presenting
- Basic probabilistic issues in the Sciences and in Forensics (hopefully) clarified by a Toy Experiment modelled by a Bayesian Network
- Basic Sets and Perfect Isometries
- Basic Statistics
- Basic statistics
- Basic Statistics Reading Group
- Basic Statistics Reading Group
- Basic Statistics Reading Group
- Basic Website Design and Development
- Basics of the Cell Cycle
- Basis properties of the Haar system in various function spaces
- Basis properties of the Haar system in various function spaces
- Basis sets in Banach spaces
- Basit Bir Deneme Yapılacak
- Basophils in immune responses against helminths and allergens
- Basque and French: Ethnicity, Culture, and Geography in Basque Political Thought (1780s-1850s)
- Bat-borne zoonoses in reservoir and livestock hosts
- Batch sequential experimental designs for computer experiments
- Batchelor lecture 1: Forces when moving in a granular medium: stirring, drilling and segregation
- Batchelor lecture 2: An active granular medium at the origin of the sensitivity of plants to gravity
- Batchelor lecture 2: An active granular medium at the origin of the sensitivity of plants to gravity
- Bathing, bloodletting and bed-rest in the high medieval monastery
- Bathymetric controls on deep water flow and modification on the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf, as measured by ocean gliders
- Bats and Emerging Infectious Diseases: conflicting priorities between conservation and public health?
- Bats and viruses: enemies or friends?
- Batteries beyond Power Supplies
- Batteries Included! The IPEMU battery-powered train
- Batteries, Dynamos, and All That
- Battery operated by ferromagnetic resonance
- Battery-Free, Low-Cost Sensing with RFIDs
- Battle Blood
- Battle of the Sciences Panel Debate
- Bawls, balls and brains: primate vocal communication and the evolution of speech
- Baxter equations for super Yang-Mills theories
- Baxterising using conserved currents
- Bayes and empirical-Bayes multiplicity adjustment in the variable-selection problem
- Bayes and the Blame Game: What I learned from presenting Bayesian reasoning in criminal cases
- Bayes in the age of intelligent machines
- Bayes Nets for the evaluation of testimony
- Bayes, not Naive: Security Bounds on Website Fingerprinting Defenses
- Bayes-optimal estimation in generalized linear models
- Bayesian Adaptive Design for State-space Models with Covariates
- Bayesian Adaptive Inference and Adaptive Training
- Bayesian Adaptive Randomisation Revisited
- Bayesian Agglomerative Clustering with Coalescents
- Bayesian Alignment of Unlabelled Marked Point Sets Using Random Fields
- Bayesian analyses of galaxy surveys
- Bayesian analysis and computation for convex inverse problems: theory, methods, and algorithms
- Bayesian Analysis approaches for meta-analysis of Genetic Association data
- Bayesian analysis of Bianchi VII_h signatures in the CMB - CANCELLED
- Bayesian analysis of complex biological systems
- Bayesian analysis of object data using Top Space and Quotient Space models
- Bayesian and structural integration of background evidence in the design, analysis and interpretation of clinical trial data
- Bayesian approach and Naturalness in MSSM forecast for the LHC
- Bayesian approaches for wind gust and quantitative precipitation forecasting
- Bayesian approaches to autonomous Bayesian real-time learning
- Bayesian approaches to Phase I clinical trials: methodological and practical aspects
- Bayesian approximation for physical inverse problems
- Bayesian Argumentation in the Real World
- Bayesian Calibration of Computer Model Ensembles
- Bayesian calibration, history matching and model discrepancy
- Bayesian calibration, history matching and model discrepancy
- Bayesian canonical correlation analysis
- Bayesian Clustering with the Dirichlet-Process Prior
- Bayesian Computation Without Tears: Probabilistic Programming and Universal Stochastic Inference
- Bayesian coresets
- Bayesian Cosmological Parameter Inference from Supernovae Type Ia data
- Bayesian deep learning
- Bayesian Deep Learning for Galaxy Classification
- Bayesian Deep Learning to Predict Air Pollution & Personalized Air Pollution Monitoring and Health Management
- Bayesian discovery of mechanics and signaling during collective cell migration
- Bayesian dynamic modelling of network flows
- Bayesian enrichment strategies for randomized discontinuation trials
- Bayesian ERGMs -- computational and modelling challenges
- Bayesian estimation for multi-object systems
- Bayesian estimation of neuronal connectivity from MEA recordings
- Bayesian estimation of the mean response in a missing data model
- Bayesian evidence synthesis to estimate progression of human papillomavirus
- Bayesian experimental design for percolation and other random graph models
- Bayesian experimental design for stochastic dynamical models
- Bayesian explanationism
- Bayesian factorization of multiple data sources
- Bayesian feature tracking and head pose estimation
- Bayesian Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral images
- Bayesian Game Tree Search with an Application to the Game of Go
- Bayesian Gaussian process models for multi-sensor time-series prediction
- Bayesian Generative Adversarial Networks
- Bayesian Generative Adversarial Networks
- Bayesian head pose estimation
- Bayesian Hierarchical Community Discovery
- Bayesian hierarchical models and recent computational development using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation, with applications to pre-implantation genetic screening in IVF
- Bayesian imaging with deep generative priors
- Bayesian Inductive Programming
- Bayesian inference accounts for a novel psychophysical effect in face perception
- Bayesian Inference and its Applications
- Bayesian inference and machine learning in cosmology and particle physics
- Bayesian inference and primary visual cortex: An introduction
- Bayesian Inference and Traffic Analysis
- Bayesian inference for compartmented epidemiological models with imperfect surveillance
- Bayesian Inference for Diffusions using Data Augmentation MCMC
- Bayesian inference for exponential random graphs
- Bayesian inference for exponential random graphs - POSTPONED DUE TO TRAVEL DIFFICULTIES
- Bayesian inference for integer-valued Lévy processes with Non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck volatility modelling
- Bayesian Inference for Intractable Simulators: Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Era of Machine Learning
- Bayesian inference for mapping society's use of materials
- Bayesian inference for Markov processes with application to biochemical network dynamics
- Bayesian inference for sparsely observed diffusions
- Bayesian inference for stochastic epidemic models in structured populations based on final outcome data
- Bayesian inference in continuous time jump processes
- Bayesian inference in infinite dimensions
- Bayesian Inference in Networks of Queues
- Bayesian inference of a non-local proliferation model
- Bayesian inference of genetic epistasis in case-control studies
- Bayesian Inference of Transmission Fidelity Rates of DNA Methylation Patterns
- Bayesian Inference using Generative Models
- Bayesian Inference with Kernels
- Bayesian Inference with Kernels
- Bayesian Inference with Kernels
- Bayesian inference with probabilistic population codes
- Bayesian integration in sensorimotor learning
- Bayesian intelligent structural health monitoring
- Bayesian Inverse Problems with Denoising Diffusion Prior
- Bayesian inversion for tomography through machine learning
- Bayesian learning and competitive price formation in insurance markets
- Bayesian Learning Approaches for Speech Recognition
- Bayesian Learning for Visual Inference
- Bayesian learning of visual chunks by human observers
- Bayesian Machine Learning for Controlling Autonomous Systems
- Bayesian Machine Learning for Controlling Autonomous Systems
- Bayesian meta-analysis of genetic association studies using Stata
- Bayesian Methods for Networks
- Bayesian Methods in Cosmology
- Bayesian methods in cosmology
- Bayesian model calibration for generalized linear models: An application in radiation transport
- Bayesian model calibration for generalized linear models: An application in radiation transport
- Bayesian Model Determination for Multivariate Ordinal and Binary Data
- Bayesian modeling for high-level real nursing activity recognition using accelerometers
- Bayesian modeling of networks in complex business intelligence problems
- Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease using Gaussian copula graphical models
- Bayesian modelling of the interaction between long- and short-term memory
- Bayesian Models for Dependency Parsing Using Pitman-Yor Priors
- Bayesian monitoring for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
- Bayesian network structure learning from uncertain interventions
- Bayesian networks for probing complex biological and biology-adjacent systems
- Bayesian networks for the evaluation of evidence when attributing paintings to painters
- Bayesian networks: challenges and opportunities in the law
- Bayesian Neural Networks
- Bayesian non-parametric analysis of diffusions
- Bayesian non-parametric models for parsing and translation
- Bayesian nonparametric dynamic-clustering and genetic imputation
- Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the intensities in multivariate Hawkes processes
- Bayesian nonparametric latent feature models
- Bayesian nonparametric latent feature models
- Bayesian nonparametric methods for non-exchangeable data
- Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Models
- Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Power Disaggregation
- Bayesian nonparametrics with heterogeneous data
- Bayesian nonparametrics: Dependency and Constraint Modeling
- Bayesian Nonparametrics: Latent Feature and Prediction Models, and Efficient Inference
- Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection
- Bayesian optimal design for Gaussian process model
- Bayesian optimal design for Gaussian process model
- Bayesian optimal design for ordinary differential equation models with application in biological science
- Bayesian optimisation in many dimensions with bespoke probabilistic programs
- Bayesian optimisation of nonlinear and imperfect structures
- Bayesian optimization / Gaussian Process Bandits
- Bayesian Optimization for Accelerated Exploration of Chemical Space
- Bayesian Optimization for Probabilistic Programs
- Bayesian optimization: A framework for optimal computational effort for experimental design
- Bayesian Pattern Ranking for Move Prediction in the Game of Go
- Bayesian periodicity detection
- Bayesian Poisson Tensor Decomposition for International Relations
- Bayesian preconditioning for truncated Krylov subspace regularization with an application to Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
- Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Methods
- Bayesian probabilistic numerical methods
- Bayesian probabilistic numerical methods
- Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Methods
- Bayesian Quadrature for Multiple Related Integrals
- Bayesian Quadrature for Multiple Related Integrals
- Bayesian Quadrature for Prediction and Optimisation
- Bayesian Quadrature for Prediction and Optimisation
- Bayesian quadrature, energy minimization and kernel herding for space filling design
- Bayesian quadrature, energy minimization and kernel herding for space filling design
- Bayesian Ranking
- Bayesian real-time epidemic monitoring of Covid-19
- Bayesian reconstruction of a spatially heterogeneous epidemic: Characterising the geographic spread of 2009 A/H1N1pdm infection in England
- Bayesian reconstruction of free energy profiles from umbrella samples
- Bayesian regression and classification with multivariate sparsifying priors
- Bayesian regression models for complex spatially or serially correlated functional data
- Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
- Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
- Bayesian Reinforcement Learning in Continuous POMDPs
- Bayesian seismology of the solar atmosphere
- Bayesian Selection of Regularisation Parameters: Theory, Methods and Algorithms
- Bayesian semiparametrics with Gaussian process priors
- Bayesian sequential design in matrix factorisation models
- Bayesian sequential experiment design for quantum tomography
- Bayesian Sets
- Bayesian State-Space Modelling on High-Performance Hardware Using LibBi
- Bayesian statistical methods at the LHC (and elsewhere)
- Bayesian tangent space inference for stochastic epidemiological models
- Bayesian Theory of Mind: Modeling Joint Belief-Desire Attribution
- Bayesian time-tree priors
- Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Differential Equations
- Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Alloy Modelling and Design
- Bayesian variable selection in generalized linear models under cost constraints
- Bayesian Word Sense Induction
- Bayesians turn to Experts for Advice!
- Bayesians turn to experts for advice!
- Bazarkh - A documentary about Chechenya
- BBB study - Brachycephalic Breathing Brain
- BBC Arena at 40 - the past, present and future of public service broadcasting
- BBC Pandemic, Haslemere Edition: Evaluating epidemic dynamics using fine-scale interpersonal distance data from mobile phones
- BBC Pandemic, National Edition
- BBSRC Presentation - Pathways to Impact
- BCJ duality, the double copy and the soft limit
- BCS-BEC crossover and polaron-to-molecule transition in strongly interacting Fermi gases.
- Bdelloid rotifers: unveiling the mystery of an evolutionary scandal
- Be careful what you wish for: the issues and politics of generating a potentially human-to-human transmissible bird flu virus
- Be careful what you wish for? A laboratory evolved H5N1 bird flu virus that can potentially transmit among humans
- Be safe but starve, or eat but be eaten: how small decisions about risk have big consequences
- Be The Change Cambridge
- BEACH domain containing proteins
- Beacon Salon # 15 Meno, by Plato: Can Excellence be Taught?
- Beacon Salon # 16 What is Technology? Martin Heidegger’s essay “The Question Concerning Technology”
- Beacon Salon # 17 Advice on writing style: EJR’s recommended reading list to achieve better writing
- Beacon Salon # 18 Immanuel Kant: The Critique of Pure Reason (by a NatSci, for NatScis)
- Beacon Salon # 19 In case of power failure or AI rebellion: Slide Rules and how to use them
- Beacon Salon # 8 The Dawn of the Antibiotic Age
- Beacon Salon #7 Imaging Far and Wide
- Beale, Bennett, Scoresby (and Melville!): a 'natural' history of cetology
- Beam Sampling for Infinite Hidden Markov Models
- Bearing Witness: Collaborative Archaeology in a Settler Colonial Context
- Bears, Bulls and Boers: Market Making and Southern African Mining Finance, 1894-1899
- Beat the AI: Investigating Adversarial Human Annotations for Reading Comprehension
- Beating Malaria 2015
- Beating the Curse of Dimensionality: A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Neural Networks and Parametric PDEs
- Beating the Curse of Dimensionality: A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Neural Networks and Parametric PDEs
- Beating the Diffraction Limit in Thermoacoustic Range Verification During Particle Therapy : theory and experimental reality
- Beating the odds: growing biobusinesses today
- Beating Word Soup
- Beating your final boss battle, or presenting with confidence and style (easy mode)
- Beating your final boss battle, or presenting with confidence and style (tough mode)
- Beatrix Potter: Defying the Enemy
- Beats Matter: Educational, Therapeutic and Cross-Cultural Applications of Hip Hop Beat Making and Culture
- Beautiful Burials, Beautiful Skulls: The Aesthetics (and Ethics) of the Egyptian Mummy
- Beautiful CP Violation: Looking for cracks in the Standard Model
- Beautiful Experiments in Chemistry
- Beauty & Attraction: in the eyes of the beholder
- Beauty & Happiness: Chinese perspectives
- Beauty & The Grotesque
- Beauty & Truth
- Beauty and war
- Beauty, truth and understanding
- Beauville surfaces and groups
- Beavers, brains, behaviour: the natural histories of 1950s psychiatry
- BEC-BCS crossover in ultracold atoms using quantum Monte Carlo (2 years later...)
- Because we are worth it! On new vision of gender roles in advertising
- Becket: Tragicomic Vision
- Becoming a skilled comprehender: causes and consequences
- Becoming a Viking:Processes of Identification with the Remote Past
- Becoming bilingual in transport & health to put research into practice
- Bed and Sofa (1927)
- Bedford & Milton Keynes Waterway
- Bedrock Rivers
- Bedrock: A Software Development Ecosystem Inside a Proof Assistant
- Bedside to bench and back again, a path to translational pain research?
- BEE3: Revitalizing Computer Architecture Research
- BEEF: Bayesian Error Estimate Functionals
- Beefing up science: British Bovril, bulging biceps and nutrition science
- Beers and Careers: Cambridge Engineering Network Event
- Beers and Careers: Cambridge Engineering Network Event
- Bees' colour vision: lessons from understanding visual capabilities and cognition possible with the mini brain.
- Beetle Collections of Leonard Jenyns and Charles Darwin
- Beetles in a haystack: collecting insects via the eighteenth‐century British slave trade
- Before East was East: British Pakistani Cinema in the 1980s
- Before Gallipoli there was Homer – the Classics and the Dardanelles Campaign of 1915
- Before pixels
- Before Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: Medieval Rus and a World of Diversity
- Before the big bang of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA): 250 years of astronomy in South Africa
- Before the Caliphate – A Critical Historical Inquiry on the Origins of the Islamic Polity
- Before the Silk Road - Food Globalisation in Prehistory
- Before the Silk Road: tracing the earliest East West contacts
- Before Trump: the neoliberal–illiberal alliance of the IMF and WTO with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
- Befriending Inner Fear
- Befriending the Orphan Stream
- Beginning of term introductory meeting
- Behavior and the Dynamics of Epidemics
- Behavior of canonical divisors under purely inseparable base change
- Behavior of the spectrum of the periodic Schrodinger operators near the edges of the gaps
- Behavioral Decision Making in Interdependent Security Games
- Behavioral Drivers of Routing Decisions: Evidence from Restaurant Table Assignment
- Behavioral Network Formation
- Behavioral, Neuropsychological, and Computational Perspectives on Sensorimotor Learning
- Behavioral, Neuropsychological, and Computational Perspectives on Sensorimotor Learning
- Behaviour and Energy Use
- Behaviour and Health Research Unit (BHRU) Annual Lecture - Tackling Childhood Obesity: Are we doing enough?
- Behaviour and Production Implications of Fostering Methods on Ewes and Their Lambs
- Behaviour and Reasoning Description Language
- Behaviour Change and the Role of NGOs
- Behaviour Change by Design Annual Lecture 2018
- Behaviour Change by Design Annual Lecture 2019: Why Don’t We Stick with Behaviour Change?
- Behaviour near the extinction time in stable fragmentation processes
- Behaviour of As-welded and Grouted Tubular X-joints Subjected to In-Plane Bending
- Behaviour of Hilbert compression for groups, under group constructions
- Behaviour of Neanderthals in Kulna Cave (Czech Republic) and Bojnice III open-air site (Slovakia)
- Behaviour of structures under extreme dynamic loadings: Characterisation and modelling
- Behavioural and imaging investigations of spatial exploration or awareness in patients with unilateral neglect
- Behavioural and mechanical heterogeneities underpin cell migration essential for mouse anterior patterning
- Behavioural and Neural Dynamics of Learning in Social Interaction
- Behavioural and Neural Dynamics of Learning in Social Interaction
- Behavioural and physiological approaches to evaluate the effects of transport on the welfare of farm animals
- Behavioural Ecology
- Behavioural Ecology
- Behavioural Economics and Public Policy
- Behavioural flexibility and problem solving in an invasive bird
- Behavioural flexibility in birds and beyond
- Behavioural Insights Meet Conservation Science: Steering Human Behaviour to Protect The Environment
- Behavioural insights-based policies for the energy transition
- Behavioural mechanisms limiting cheating behaviour in the cleaner wrasse Labroides bicolor
- Behavioural Nudge or Technological Fudge?
- Behavioural phenotypes of children born preterm: what we know and future research avenues
- Behavioural Science and Security: Informing Evidence-based Policy and Practice
- Behavioural Science around Policy Incentives to Reduce Energy Consumption
- Behavioural science around policy incentives to reduce energy consumption
- Behavioural Studies at Sanquin and Beyond
- Behavioural Susceptibility to the 'obesogenc environment': gene-environment interactions in the obesity epidemic
- Behaviours of wh-words in English speakers’ L2 Chinese wh-questions: variability at different L2 interfaces.
- Behind every good man: women's production and reproduction in the Hadza hunter-gatherers
- Behind Marx’s “hidden abode”: toward a gender-sensitive conception of capitalism
- Behind the app: perspectives on fairness and sustainability from the gig economy
- Behind the Dust with the Herschel Space Observatory - the history of star formation in the Universe
- Behind the math: interview with Yuri Manin
- Behind the scenes at the exhibition: Creating COLOUR
- Behind the Scenes at the Museum of Zoology - FULL
- Behind the Scenes of China's Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions
- Behind the Scenes of Science Broadcasting: How science TV and radio programmes are made and how you can get involved.
- Behind The Treasury's Doors
- Being a Good Neighbour: Cell Cycle, Metabolism and Cell Fate in the Drosophila Testis.
- Being a SAP CV Scheme Mentor
- Being an I: Cognitive and Neurobiological processes of “Self” models
- Being and Becoming in Ancient Philosophy: Panel Discussion
- Being Different: what difference does diversity make?
- Being Ever Ready - An Interactive Talk - The Call of Time Series
- Being human, being Homo sapiens
- Being modern in Britain: Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth
- Being non-binary: gender assignment in Old High German
- Being on the way: Parmenides and the poetics of proof
- Being successful while being yourself – play to your strengths instead of playing a role
- Being the change: the Aam Aadmi Party and the politics of curative democracy
- Being Vladimir Berkovich
- Being Your Best You (in-person talk)
- Belief and statistical evidence
- Belief and Truth in Hypothesised Behaviours
- Belief in Science & Belief in God: A Scientist’s Perspective on “New Atheism”
- Belief in Science & Belief in God: A Scientist’s Perspective on “New Atheism”
- Belief propagation guided decimation for random k-SAT
- Believing by Numbers
- Believing in Binford: Going Beyond the 5 Foot Excavation Unit to Reconstruct Mesolithic Settlement Patterns in Western Scotland
- Bell nonlocality from bound entanglement
- Bell-based Quantum Key Distribution
- Bell’s Theorem, Clifford’s Algebra, and Einstein’s Reality
- Bellringing: Demonstration and Explanation
- Below the Surface of the Non-Local Bayesian Image Denoising Method
- Belowground Microbial Community Responses to Climate Change: Resistance, Resilience, and Alternative States
- Ben and Winifred Nicolson in Winter
- Ben Nicholson and William Scott
- Ben Nicholson's prints and textiles
- Ben Tutolo on Mars Geochemistry
- Benares Beginnings: Print modernity, book entrepreneurs and cross-cultural ventures in a colonial metropolis.
- Bench to Board: A Path to Biotech Leadership With Prof. Chris Lowe and Mr. Andrew Sandham
- Benchmark Comparisons of Deterministic, Monte Carlo and Finite Element Methods for 3D Reactor Physics Modeling of Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor
- Benchmark results on the stability of an uncontrolled bicycle
- Benchmarking and developing models for molecule-surface potential energy surfaces. The difficulties and opportunities arising from experimental data which is too detailed and too sensitive
- Benchmarking and evaluation in contemporary machine learning
- Benchmarking with ReFrame
- Benchmarking, Optimisation and Co-Design of Computer Systems: From Classical to Quantum
- Benchmarking, Optimisation and Co-Design of Computer Systems: From Classical to Quantum
- Bending and buckling of slender viscous threads/Fracturing of an elastic porous rock
- Bending modes, elastic constants and mechanical stability of graphitic systems
- Bending the not so simple mind of the fruit fly
- Bending the not so simple mind of the fruit fly
- Benedicto K.M. Kiwanuka, Theological Imagination and the Making of Constitutional Discourse in Colonial Uganda: A Global Intellectual History
- Benefits and limitations of hearing aids
- Benefits and Shortcomings of Assistance
- Benefits of the collective: how the group protects individual members in costly decisions
- Benefits of the collective: how the group protects individual members in costly decisions
- Benefits of the collective: how the group protects individual members in costly decisions
- Benefits of the collective: how the group protects individual members in costly decisions
- Benign Intracranial Hypertension
- Benign Overfitting in Linear and Nonlinear Settings
- Benjamini-Schramm convergence of arithmetic orbifolds.
- Bennett Institute for Public Policy Annual Conference 2022
- Benoy Kumar Sarkar – interwar internationalism, geopolitics, totalitarianism
- Bent and squeezed: how plants feel deformation
- Bentham as Conspiracy Theorist
- Benthic foraminiferal assemblages as proxies of paleoceanographic changes across Pleistocene glacial terminations in the NE Atlantic
- Beond Microdata: Synthetic tweets
- Berkovich approach to degenerations of hyper-Kähler varieties
- BerlusconItaly's Immor(t)ality
- Bernardino Gomes' quest for 'local knowledge': ipecacuanha in Brazil around 1800
- Bernat Capdevila - Inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays and CKM matrix determinations: challenges and theoretical framework(s).
- Bernd Westermeyer: ‘Schule Schloss Salem and Kurt Hahn’s Educational Legacy – Outdated or Model for the 21st Century?’
- Berndt Hauptkorn: 'The Business of Luxury'
- Bernoulli convolutions for algebraic parameters
- Bernoulli Numbers, Congruences and Modular Forms
- Bernstein - von Mises Theorems for general functionals
- Bernstein series of enhanced Langlands parameters
- Bernstorff Reconsidered
- Berossos and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- Berry's connection, Kahler geometry and the Nahm construction of monopoles
- Berry's phase, supersymmetry and D-branes
- Bertie Gregory The New Face of Nat Geo
- Bertrand Ducloue - High-energy resummation with vector bosons and next-to-leading logarithms
- Besides Empire and Nation: Other Geographies, Other Times
- Besov Priors for Bayesian Inverse problems
- Bespoke Crystals: Using Bio-Inspired Approaches to Generate Crystals with Target Properties
- Bespoke microlenses for high-efficiency light-gathering applications
- Bessel S(P)DEs : a story of renormalization
- Best Multimedia Software
- Best of CHI 2006
- Best of ICLR
- Best of ICLR 2020
- Best of NeurIPS
- Best Papers from ICML 2020
- Best Practice Event: Fostering the spirit of enterprise through cross-campus practitioner-led courses
- Best Seat in the House: viewing Greek history through its theatre
- Beta oxidation in signalling and development. What plants can teach us about yeast and animals
- Beta Pictoris: a laboratory of planetary system formation... and of planetary systems investigation.
- Beta Pictoris: a proxy for the study of planetary system formation
- Beta-hairpin motifs of amyloidogenic IDP
- Beta-hairpin motifs of amyloidogenic IDPs
- Beta-plane jet variability: mechanisms and relevance to atmosphere and ocean
- Betrayal, Distrust, and Rationality: Smart Counter-Collusion Contracts for Verifiable Cloud Computing
- Better Data Science, Better Decisions
- Better early-stage design decisions and advanced building control for climate change mitigation
- Better Good-Turing probability estimation
- Better Looking, Better Living, Better Loving
- Better management of co-morbid major depression in patients with chronic medical conditions
- Better multiple sequence alignment by being phylogeny-aware, and better base calling from next-generation sequencers
- Better Strategies for Data Collection in Sensor Networks
- Better Than Lewis Hamilton - But Not Yet
- Better than Net Zero: the world built on graphene and powered by hydrogen
- Better the bug you know? – Basic bioscience underpinning infection control
- Better together……MEDI0382 a novel combination biologic drug for Type 2 diabetes (POSTPONED)
- Better use of climate models with data science?
- Betti numbers of random real hypersurfaces
- Between a rock and a hard place - resistance evolution and genetic incompatibility in plants.
- Between Africa and Asia: palaeoanthropological research across the Red Sea
- Between ‘modernisation’ and ‘transition’: the discourse of the Serbian 2001 civic education policy
- Between bazaar logics and the commodity fetish: notes on Trademark Law in Colonial India
- Between Britain & India: The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be; or, Déjà Vu?
- Between Britain and Brunei: James Brooke and the suppression of piracy
- Between Economic Pragmatism and the 'Civilising Mission': Making a Case for the Domestic Electrification of Southern Nigeria, 1930 to 1960
- Between Empire and Europe: Transnational Alternatives in the British Historiography of the Twentieth Century
- Between Lassalle and Chernyshevsky: Marx and the Aftermath of 1848
- Between Lassalle and Chernyshevsky: Marx and the Aftermath of 1848
- Between law and astronomy: Kepler, Galileo and the uses of witnessing
- Between life and death: A dual function for the mitochondrial F-ATP synthase
- Between local and global: the challenges arising from becoming a World Heritage site
- Between Marketisation and Social Protection
- Between Pan-Americanism and Intervention: The Quest for a Pan-American Legal Order and the Foundations of US Hegemony in the Americas, 1898-1933
- Between pleasure and pain in conducting a research process. Reflections on a journey of ‘learning by writing’
- Between Privilege and Property: Four Conceptions of Copyright in Late-Qing China
- Between quasigeostrophic and stratified turbulence
- Between rock and a hard place: soil, the ambiguous material
- Between Russia and Germany: Poland and the Shifting European Order
- Between Scylla and Charybdis: the sensitivity of the obstetric dilemma to short- and long-term ecological trends
- Between Streets and Schools: An Investigation About Dropout Students And Their Path Towards Educational Inclusion In Brazil
- Between the Moral and Market Economy: Rebel Taxation as a Technology of Governance
- Between the sheets: rigid nilpotent elements in modular Lie algebras
- Between tolerance and vigilance - host-microbial homeostasis at the intestinal epithelium
- Between tradition and linguistic reality: the riddle of Macedonian
- Between universalism and regionalism: Nakai Takenoshin's research on colonial Korean plants and Japanese universal systematics
- Between Virtue and Necessity: Reason of State in the Spanish Monarchy, ca 1590-1650
- Betweenness reals: How to do Dedekind cuts when you don't know which way is up
- Betwen the Farebox and the Ballot Box
- Beveridge calling: The social insurance and allied services and the Mediterranean welfare model, 1942-1950s
- Beyond 'polite science': middling women and the thirst for natural knowledge in the late eighteenth century
- Beyond Academia
- Beyond acceleration: time, narratives, and the design of multiple worlds
- Beyond “Asian Values”: A Reassessment of Western and Asian Perspectives on Human Rights
- Beyond Bali: Status and Prospects for International Cooperation
- Beyond Big Buttons - addressing the real needs of older mobile phone users
- Beyond Blow-Up for Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire neuronal models: numerical approach to the "plateau" state
- Beyond Broué's conjecture
- Beyond Campus: Industry Expert Seminar - Enhancing the sustainability of the food system through SEEDesignTM
- Beyond cancer genetics: dissecting the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation in leukaemia.
- Beyond chromatin: Histones as developmental regulators in Drosophila
- Beyond Clicktivism: New Models for Exposing Human Rights Violations in the Digital Age
- Beyond Coherent Structures
- Beyond Conformal Prediction: Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Machine Learning Tasks
- Beyond correspondence: realism for realistic people
- Beyond crazy: Rationality, irrationality, and conspiracy theory
- Beyond effective diffusivity -- dispersion in the large deviation regime
- Beyond Einstein
- Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics : the Dynamical Phase Transition
- Beyond Facts: The Problem of Framing in Assessing What is True
- Beyond Features: Dense and Direct Methods for 3D Reconstruction and Visual SLAM
- Beyond film. The many birthdays of the digital age: scanning, 3D and Klimt's 'Nuda Veritas' remixed
- Beyond Flatland: A Geometric Take on Matching Methods for Treatment Effect Estimation & Efficient World Models with Context-Aware Tokenization
- Beyond GDP, Beyond Numbers: Bhutan’s Journey Towards Gross National Happiness
- Beyond genomes: new insights into the trypanosome-tsetse interactions
- Beyond Good and Evil: Thinking with Moderates in Early Modern England
- Beyond i.i.d. in Information Theory Workshop - 8th January - 11th January
- Beyond i.i.d. in quantum information theory
- Beyond institutional theory - the partial organization of markets and organizations
- Beyond Keyword Search: Discovering Relevant Scientific Literature
- Beyond knowledge-building: Research infrastructure, technology, and the practice of Arctic (in)security
- Beyond Listening: The Evolution of Earables in Health and Wellbeing Monitoring
- Beyond localization. What brain imaging can tell us
- Beyond Localization: What Brain Imaging Can Tell Us
- Beyond mean climate change: Using paleoclimate archives to better constrain climate variability.
- Beyond Mindless Labeling: *Really* Leveraging Humans to Build Intelligent Machines
- Beyond Money: Willingness to Pay for GHG Emissions Reductions.
- Beyond multilingualism: Heteroglossia and social diversity
- Beyond Nano: Manipulating Matter at the Single Bond Limit
- Beyond New Atheism: Different Types of Nonreligion in Contemporary Britain
- Beyond Optimality: New Trends in Network Optimization
- Beyond perturbation theory in inflation
- Beyond Polarity: Towards A Multi-Discipline Intermediate Language with Sharing
- Beyond Profit 2013-14 Launch Event featuring John Bird, the founder of The Big Issue
- Beyond recognition: The application of biological anthropology to identification of the more recently deceased
- Beyond religion in India and Pakistan: gender and caste, borders and boundaries
- Beyond Research Excellence
- Beyond revolutions: the use of ICTs for political mobilization and participation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Beyond rocket surgery: Building a culture of user engagement
- Beyond Romance: Love, knowledge and fragility in contemporary french women's writing
- Beyond slip circle constructions: the cohesion limit of a polycrystal
- Beyond socialist realism: political aesthetics in the German Democratic Republic
- Beyond status: rethinking the meaning of stone tools in Mesolithic burials
- Beyond Sublime: Antarctic art since WWII
- Beyond symmetry and asymmetry: Complexity and the stability of ecological networks
- Beyond the 'Jungle': Exploring the ephemerality of encampment in Calais
- Beyond the Academy: Working with Think Tanks and Polling Organisations to Reach a Wider Audience
- Beyond the age of fishes: assembling the other half of vertebrate diversity
- Beyond the autopsy: Pathology saving lives in bowel cancer
- Beyond the “empathy machine“: rethinking the role of digital realities in creating social change
- Beyond the battlefield – New Frontiers in Cancer Research
- Beyond the Big Bang
- Beyond the Chemical Cemetery: in situ X-ray Characterisation of Structural Changes in Solids
- Beyond the Conventional Transistor: Silicon and Carbon Nanoelectronics
- Beyond the Curie transition: new mechanisms and material microstructures for magnetic cooling
- Beyond the Decolonial: Critical Muslim Geographies
- Beyond The Digital Delusion: A Case for Lossy Preservation
- Beyond the Energy Frontier: the changing eras of LHCb
- Beyond the forbidden best-sellers of pre-Revolutionary France
- Beyond the fundamental group
- Beyond the Higgs boson - the search for new physics at the LHC
- Beyond the Hoermander condition
- Beyond the infinite: Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Professor Lecture
- Beyond the local approximation: wave-function based correlated methods for solids
- Beyond the Mundane
- Beyond the Nuclear Family: An Evolutionary Perspective on Family and Fertility
- Beyond the Piece of Cardboard: Learning to Adjust Photographs
- Beyond the pit latrine - developing new tools for organic waste management in the global south
- Beyond the quantum
- Beyond the rainbow: understanding the multiscale mechanisms of petal patterning
- Beyond the reference genome: inference using prior knowledge of the diversity of a species.
- Beyond the scores: Clues to neurophsychological disorders from the things patients say and do
- Beyond the Standard Model fits
- Beyond the Standard Model fits
- Beyond the stellar-halo mass relation: links between the dark matter halo and galaxy size and the total globular cluster population.
- Beyond the van Hove time scale
- Beyond Tree Level Inflation
- Beyond truth-as-correspondence: realism for realistic people
- Beyond unitarity: new on-shell representations for loop amplitudes
- Beyond Utopia: Thomas More as Political Thinker?’
- Beyond VEGF: vascular signaling targets for therapeutic manipulation
- Beyond VLS: In-situ Probes for Nano-crystal Formation
- Beyond Weiser’s Vision of Ubiquitous Computing
- Beyond Words: Multimodal Encounters in Translation (Conference, 5-6 July)
- Beyond X-Stream
- Beyond-Nearest-Neighbour Metamaterials
- BGG Reciprocity respects Loewy structure
- BGP security and where BGPSEC is heading
- BG_2 vs the Joker
- BHF Alumni Programme overview
- BHRU Annual Lecture 2016 - Electronic cigarettes: a disruptive technology?
- Bi nanolines on Si (001)
- Bi-Invariants of 3-Manifold Surface Algebras
- Bi-Toughened Glass
- Bialgebras and modal logic
- Bianchi (hyper-)cubes and a geometric unification of the Hirota and Miwa equations
- Bianchi identities for non-geometric fluxes from Palatini-Lovelock-Cartan gravity
- Bianchi models revisited
- Bias in AI
- Bias-Free Bispectrum Estimation for Optical Interferometry
- Biased Random Walks among random conductances
- Biases and uncertainty in multi-model climate projections
- Biasing experimental settings to maximise empirical phenomena: the good, the bad, and the ugly
- Bible Translation
- BICEP2: Implications for inflation and Planck in Talks
- Bicommutant categories
- Bidirectional typing is not just an implementation technique
- Bidisperse granular collapses
- Biduals and finiteness conditions
- Bifurcation Analysis of Active Filament Models
- Bifurcation phenomena in the flow through a sudden expansion in a circular pipe
- Bifurcation problems for structured population dynamics models
- Bifurcation structure and stability of families of two-dimensional vortex pairs
- Bifurcation theory in the context of nonlinear steady water waves
- Bifurcations and control of bubbles in Hele-Shaw channels
- Bifurcations and control of propagating bubbles in Hele-Shaw channels
- Bifurcations and control of propagating bubbles in Hele-Shaw channels
- Bifurcations and control of propagating bubbles in Hele-Shaw channels
- Bifurcations in the flow along pipes and channels
- Big and small history in the Genizah: how necessary is the Cairo Genizah to writing the history of the Medieval Mediterranean?
- Big Conjectures
- Big Data & Microsoft Office: How Office uses Big Data to understand Usage, Errors and Reliability
- Big Data - Drinking from the Firehose
- Big Data Analysis
- Big data analytics for non-technical end-users. Erik Tromp, UnderstandLing.
- Big Data Analytics with All-or-Nothing Parallel Jobs
- Big Data and Dark Silicon: Taming Two IT Inflection Points on a Collision Course
- Big Data and Fine Details: The Importance of Qualitative Approaches in the Study of Social Media and Political Phenomena
- Big Data and Machine Learning
- Big Data and the Obesity Epidemic
- Big Data Challenges in the Performance of Large IP Networks
- Big data for gender equality: digital records of gendered interests are associated with state-level gender equality in the US
- Big Data for Urban Analytics and Land Use Planning
- Big Data in Biology: Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare and Research
- Big data in genetic epidemiology: adventures in time and space
- Big Data in Medicine: Exemplars and Opportunities in Data Science
- Big Data in Small Packages: Material Simulation on Quantum Computers
- Big data integration: challenges and new approaches
- Big Data Meets Geo-Computation: Combining Research Reproducibility and Processing Efficiency in High-performance Computing
- Big Data Psychometrics
- Big data solutions to mapping typical and atypical development
- Big data, local data and global change
- Big Dream Documentary Screening and Q&A Panel
- Big Freeze art festival launch and European premier of Polar Self Portraits_2
- Big Freeze Festival - screening of films by Inuit Directors
- Big Numbers
- Big open problems: a discussion session
- Big Proof and Education (coordinated by Jeremy Avigad)
- Big Questions in Exoplanetary Science
- Big Sister Little Sister - Undergraduate meal
- Big Sister Little Sister Formal Hall
- Big space telescopes to search for life on other planets
- Big Steps Toward Small Worlds: Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization in the 2020s and Beyond
- Big Tent or Freak Show? The American Conservative Movement
- Big Tent or Freakshow? The American Conservative Movement
- Big Trees for Big Problems
- Big/Little Sister - Joint Postgraduate & Undergraduate Event
- Big/Little Sister - Mixed Postgraduate & Undergraduate Event
- Big/Little Sister - Postgraduate Event
- Big/Little Sister - Summer Event
- Big/Little Sister - Undergraduate Event
- BIG; a new EZH2 associated protein which selectively directs H3K27me2 in embryonic stem cells
- Bigger Picture Talk with Dr Saied Dardour
- Bigger Picture Talk with Prof. Alvaro Mata
- Bigger Picture Talk with Prof. Gregory Patience
- Bigger Picture Talk with Professor Maya Kaelberer
- Bigger Picture Talk with Professor Paul Fennell
- Bigger Picture Talks - Can You Hear the Shape of a Crystal?
- Bigger Picture Talks @ CEB - One And One Isn’t Always Two - The Arithmetic of Carbon
- Bigger Picture Talks @ CEB - From Molecular Photovoltaics to Perovskite Solar Cells
- Bigger Picture Talks @ CEB - New genetic therapies for Huntington's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases?
- Bigger Picture Talks at CEB with Constantin Coussios: Engineering Tomorrow's Cancer Therapies
- Bigger Picture Talks at CEB with Professor Martin Green: How cheap can solar photovoltaics become?
- Bigger Picture Talks at CEB with Professor Susan Daniel: Regulation of the coronavirus fusion peptide interaction with the host membrane and its impact on viral infectivity
- Bigger Picture Talks at CEB: Greening energy - a big engineering challenge, Angelo Amorelli, bp
- Bigger Picture Talks at CEB: Marianne Ellis 'Cultured meat as a protein alternative'
- Bigger Picture Talks with Lorenzo Di Michele: Synthetic cells - microrobots with life-like behaviours
- Bigger Picture Talks with Professor Andy Woods: On decarbonising heating systems
- Bigger Picture Talks with Professor Chihaya Adachi: The past, present and future prospects of OLEDs
- Bigger Picture Talks, Prof Yvonne Perrie: Designing delivery systems for mRNA vaccines
- Biggest Challenges for Kotlin: Interoperability and Tooling
- Bigness and modularity lifting
- BigPay: Building a South-East Asian Neobank
- BigPay: Event Based Architecture at BigPay
- Bijecting the BKT Transition
- Bilayer nickelate La3Ni2O7: interlayer electronic correlations and high-Tc superconductivity
- Bilevel Optimisation in Automated Regularisation Parameter Selection in Image Processing
- Bilinear Inverse Problems: How much does structure help? (Leverhulme Lecture)
- Bilinearization and soliton solutions for the ABS list
- Bilingual Brains
- Bilingualism and Biliteracy in Oscan South Italy?
- Bilingualism in the community: Code-switching and grammars in contact
- Bilinguals' experience of emotional meaning in music and language
- Bilinguals’ Emotion and Language: An Exploratory Study of Korean-English Bilinguals’ Experience of and Verbal Expression of Shame through Multiple Case Studies
- Bill and Ech. A short story about sex chromosomes.
- Billiard on nilmanifolds and other stories
- Billy Boyle, Owlstone
- Billy Kahora: In Conversation
- Bimetallism, Bitcoin, Marx, Keynes, and Other Examples
- Binary groups
- Binary Orbital Evolution in Gas Discs and Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
- Binary Stars as Probes of Dark Substructure
- Binary Stars: How Crime Shapes Insurance and Insurance Shapes Crime
- Binder removal and defect formation during debinding of ceramic cores
- Binding site similarity, small- molecule similarity and binding profiles
- Binding Studies on CB[6] with a Series of 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids
- Binding temporary information in working memory: A role for an episodic buffer?
- Binding without folding: Extreme disorder and dynamics in a high-affinity protein complex
- BindingDB
- Binge on Binary Search
- Binham in Norfolk and its North Sea network in the early Anglo-Saxon period
- Binocular vision and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Binocular vision and the control of hand movements
- Bio Analyser Systems: An introduction to the principles and engineering of equipment to analyse biological samples
- Bio- and Micromechanics group – An Introduction
- Bio-behavioral Synchrony and the Cross-Generation Transmission of Social Adaptation and Psychopathology
- Bio-electromechanical interfaces and sensors based on functional nanomaterials
- Bio-inspired aerofoil adaptations for the reduction of turbulence interaction noise
- Bio-inspired control of pressure fluctuations and trailing edge noise
- Bio-Inspired Crystal Growth
- Bio-Inspired Growth of Crystals: Hydrogels and Self-Assembled Monolayers
- Bio-inspired Hybrid Materials for Solar Fuel Synthesis
- Bio-inspired Materials: Applications in Tissue Engineering and Nanotechnology
- Bio-inspired nanomaterials for sensing and regenerative medicine
- Bio-inspired Photonics: from nature to applications
- Bio-inspired small scale manufacturing by self-assembly and self-folding
- Bio-inspired Soft Robotics: Turning Soft Materials into Intelligent Machines
- Bio-mass Pyrolysis - a cog in the changing energy and chemicals economy
- Bio-mechanical testing - how can an engineer help?
- Bio-Photovoltaic (BPV) devices: wiring photosynthetic material
- Bio-soil Interaction and Engineering: Microbial Carbonate Precipitation
- Bio-structural Analogues in Architecture
- Bioactive glasses and their hybrids as scaffolds for regenerative medicine
- BioAnth Seminar Series PhD research presentations
- Biobanking 2014
- Biobanking 2016
- Biobanking sample and data management: Automation and best practice
- BioBeat15: Translating genomics into biobusiness
- BioCaster 2.0: Online text analysis for early alerting of disease outbreaks
- Biochar impact on soil processes and as additive in soil remediation
- Biochemical hydrodynamics of protein solutions with high pressure relaxation kinetics
- Biochemical logic for extreme metabolic specialization driving division of labor within clonal cell communities
- Biochemical network reconstruction from data
- Biochemical Society Early Career Lecture: Structure and specificity of deubiquitinases
- Biochemistry in new phases: chemical consequences of liquid phase separation
- Biochemistry in new phases: chemical consequences of liquid phase separation
- Biocompatible Virucidal Materials as Broad Spectrum Antivirals
- Biocomputing workshop
- Biodegradable Plastic Production
- Biodiesel Production: Different Aspects of the Process
- Biodiversity after forty years of human re-colonization in the Amazon forest
- Biodiversity and Drug Discovery
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in European forests
- Biodiversity and endangered species: Rethinking the balance of nature
- Biodiversity and Geology in Peru
- Biodiversity and Livestock Producer Acceptance of Genomics: Evidence From Three Producer Surveys In Canada
- Biodiversity conservation and the Green Economy: complementary or competing objectives? Can we have both, and what do we need to know?
- Biodiversity conservation within a REDD+ framework: case of victoria-anepahan ranges in Palawan Islands, Philippines
- Biodiversity hanging by a thread: assessing the importance of fungal hyphae in maintaining rainforest biodiversity
- Biodiversity loss: Mechanisms and consequences
- Biodiversity of the Hobson's Brook corridor
- Biodiversity offsets and the journey to No Net Loss.
- Bioelectrocatalysis in porous electrodes: The local environment may be more basic (and complex) than it appears
- Bioelectronic tools to study the gut-brain axis
- Bioelectronics: The interface of biology and electronics (Now In 3D)
- Bioengineered ECM-Based Constructs as a tool for Composite Tissue Fabrication
- Bioengineering
- Bioengineering and Biofabrication for Cardiovascular Research
- Bioengineering and the skin. Transdermal technologies for drug delivery and clinical monitoring.
- Bioengineering approach to atherosclerosis and aneurysm rupture and clinical implications
- Bioengineering Conference
- Bioengineering conference: Innovation through convergence
- Bioengineering human liver organoids using induced-pluripotent stem cells in 3D hydrogel
- Bioethics: Are Biologists Opening Pandora’s Box?
- Biofabrication and material interfaces for life science applications
- Biofabrication techniques for vascular graft and network
- Biofabrication Technologies for the Mimicry of Hierarchical Tissues
- Biofuelling the future?
- Biofuels
- Biofuels, indirect land use change and greenhouse gas emissions: A perfect storm of incomplete science and irresolvable politics?
- Biofuels: Challenges and Solutions
- Biofunctionalised Nanotools for New Materials Design
- Biofunctionalised Nanotools for New Materials Design
- Biogenesis and function of circular RNAs (circRNAs).
- Biogenesis and regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus
- Biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins in eukaryotes: Mitochondria, mitoses, mechanisms, DNA maintenance, and maladies
- Biogenesis of mitochondrial membrane protein complexes
- Biogenic light induced tuneable photonic crystals
- Biogenic light induced tuneable photonic crystals
- Biographical medicine: London consultants explain disease
- Bioimaging across scale: from cells to embryos
- Bioimaging using atomic force microscopy
- Bioinformatic analysis of T-cell antigen receptors as a novel diagnostic test for coeliac disease/ gluten sensitivity
- Bioinformatic analysis of T-cell antigen receptors as a novel diagnostic test for coeliac disease/ gluten sensitivity
- Bioinformatic analysis of T-cell antigen receptors as a novel diagnostic test for coeliac disease/ gluten sensitivity
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics - Security and Privacy
- Bioinformatics and VPH: friends or foes?
- Bioinformatics to support cancer therapeutics
- Bioinspired adhesive coacervates.
- Bioinspired materials and devices
- Bioinspired Nano- and Microstructured Surfaces: From Analysis and Replication to Applications
- Bioinspired Nucleophilic Fluorination with Alkali Metal Fluoride and Beyond
- Bioinspired soft composites and functional materials using self-assembly
- Biological and bio-inspired locomotion at small scales
- Biological and bio-inspired locomotion at small scales - MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM
- Biological and bio-inspired locomotion at small scales - Mechanics Colloquium
- Biological and bio-inspired locomotion at small scales.
- Biological and bio-inspired motility at microscopic scales: locomotion by shape control
- Biological and Clinical features of high grade serous ovarian cancer
- Biological and Clinical Features of High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
- Biological and clinical features of high grade serous ovarian cancer
- Biological and Clinical features of high grade serous ovarian cancer
- Biological and clinical insights from genome-wide association studies of cancer
- Biological approaches to the treatment of musculoskeletal injury with cell therapies.
- Biological collectives
- Biological Computation: The Machinery of the Cell - Nobel Laureate Talk
- Biological Databases: More than just stamp collections.
- Biological diversity among modern human populations
- Biological drug development in Biotech and Big Pharma
- Biological energy transduction in action - deciphering the molecular mechanism of the remarkable Complex I
- Biological Engineering of Plant Systems
- Biological Fibrous Networks
- Biological Image Analysis Made Easy
- Biological insights from cryo-EM studies of complex macromolecular assemblies in transcription initiation and microtubule dynamics
- Biological insights into mutagenesis through modern sequencing technologies
- Biological lessons from presurgical studies of breast cancer
- Biological Materials and Mechanics: An overview
- Biological materials and mechanics: An overview
- Biological Photonics: Controlling the Flow of Colour
- Biological photovoltaic systems
- Biological precursors of the number sense
- Biological Reductionism: Does it describe life or Life?
- Biological Systems as Communication Networks
- Biologically inspired de novo protein structure prediction
- Biologically realistic mean-field models of neuronal populations
- Biology and bioengineering tools in the treatment of H2020 age-related diseases
- Biology and bioengineering tools in the treatment of H2020 age-related diseases
- Biology and Language 2007: An EMBL-EBI Science & Society Symposium
- Biology and the Arguments of Utility by Prof. Arthur Robson
- Biology and the Meaning of Life
- Biology from First Principles?
- Biology from the Arkansas Ozarks: we're milking data from armadillos
- Biology in five dimensions - the evolution of development
- Biology of Regenerative Medicines Conference
- Biology, Mathematics and Quantum Information: A symposium in memory of Graeme Mitchison
- Bioluminescence Under Stress
- Biomagnetic Sensing Workshop
- Biomaker 2020/21 Final Showcase
- Biomarker discovery: Driving technologies
- Biomarker Studies in Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
- Biomarker-based Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Targeted Agent Development - Implementation and Lessons Learned from the BATTLE Trial
- Biomarkers and Ageing
- Biomarkers for a successful pregnancy
- Biomarkers for Personalised Health Care: Need, development and use.
- Biomarkers for renal disease in dogs
- Biomarkers from Dynamic Images - Approaches and Challenges
- Biomass and Black Carbon particles over Peninsular India: How are they affecting precipitation over the region?
- Biomass Community Heating and the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive)
- Biomaterial Scaffolds
- Biomaterial Strategies at the Neural Electronics-Tissue Interface
- Biomaterials for tissue engineering
- Biomechanical analysis of a novel veterinary crimpless, knotless suture anchor system
- Biomechanical analysis of stalk failure in maize
- Biomechanical Imaging in Tissue - Using Time Dependent Data
- Biomechanical Imaging, Tissue Microstructure and Pathology
- Biomechanical Problems of Load Transport: How Grass-Cutting Ants Avoid Falling Over
- Biomechanics can provide a new perspective on microbiology
- Biomechanics of cancer cells and bacteria using atomic force microscope and modelling
- Biomechanics of epithelial sheet movements (in Drosophila)
- Biomechanics of the cytoskeleton: cell contractility and mechanosensitivity of cell adhesion
- Biomedical applications of computer stuff
- Biomedical engineering strategies for neural repair
- Biomedical Engineering: problem solving using clinical and biomedical applications
- Biomedical Fluid Mechanics: applications in urology and regenerative medicine
- Biomedical Image Search
- Biomedical photoacoustic imaging for the clinical and life sciences
- Biomedical photoacoustic imaging for the clinical and life sciences
- Biomedical Physics: A Close-Up of Cancer
- Biomedical Sensing: from the bench to the bedside
- Biomedical Text Mining: Structuring the Unstructured
- Biomedicine in the age of generative AI
- Biomimetic Functional Materials Based on Self-Organization of Polymers
- Biomimetic inspired joining of composite and metal structures
- Biomimetic Organocatalysis: From Concepts to Applications
- Biomimetic routes to colloidal self-assembly
- Biomimetic self-assembly of block copolymers: polypeptide-based vesicle as synthetic model of viral capsid
- Biomimetic surface engineering: manufacturing functional surfaces using digital processing technologies
- Biomimetic surface engineering: manufacturing functional surfaces using digital processing technologies
- Biomimetic techniques for flow control
- Biomimetic vascular self-healing systems for cementitious materials
- Biomimetic, bioinspired and biosynthetic catalysts for water-splitting
- Biomimetics : Surface and subsurface structures for adhesion
- Biomimetics of Fibrillar Adhesive Systems/Using principles of intrinsic motivation in inclusive design of ICT for the ageing population
- Biomimetics: from nature to applications - ONE DAY MEETING
- Biomimicry - Development of Sustainable Design
- Biomimicry with Synthetic Receptors: Self-Assembly and Molecular Recognition
- Biomineralisation and boron proxies: the possible, the impossible and the likely
- Biomineralization of nacre
- Biomoelcular Condensates 2.0 Symposium
- Biomolecular adsorption at a silicon/water interface driven by water-structure effects
- Biomolecular Calorimetry
- Biomolecular condensates and their implications for neurodegenerative disease
- Biomolecular condensates at the nexus of cellular stress, disease and aging
- Biomolecular Design Space and Intellectual Property
- Biomolecular interactions in crowded cellular environments
- Biomolecular machines on and of DNA
- Biomolecular self-assemblies by solid-state NMR: functional amyloids and bacterial filaments
- Biomolecular thermodynamics and calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular thermodynamics and calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular Thermodynamics and Calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular thermodynamics and Calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular Thermodynamics and Calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular thermodynamics and Calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular Thermodynamics and Calorimetry (ITC)
- Biomolecular transport through the nuclear pore complex
- Biomolecules at work -Observations at the Nanoscale
- Biomolecules at work: Observations at the Nanoscale
- Biomolecules in accelerated fracture healing
- Biomolecules in Tissue Engineering
- Bionanoscience
- Bionanoscience for Innovative Global Healthcare Research & Technology (BIGHEART)
- BioNLP 2009 event detection task
- BioNLP Research at Google
- Biophysical Complexities of Polyglutamine Aggregation
- Biophysical force regulation in cell migration
- Biophysical insights into protein aggregation
- Biophysical methods in small molecule drug discovery
- Biophysical Studies of the Nervous System
- Biophysics in Drug Discovery
- Biophysics of behaviourally defined neurocircuits
- Biophysics of Molecular Motors
- Biophysics of the inner ear and beyond
- Biophysics of wiring the brain
- Bioplastics for a Sustainable Future
- Biopolymers for photonics - painting opals with water and light
- Biopolymers: not the solution... yet or ever?
- Bioprinting with Microgel Materials
- Bioprocess miniaturization: Development and optimisation
- Biorthogonality, step-indexing and compiler correctness
- Biosafety in a World Without Walls- Talk with Todd Kuiken
- BIOSCIENCE AND INDUSTRY Q&A SESSION: A personal perspective about life in the Bioscience Industry.
- Biosensing using quartz crystal microbalance
- Biosensing With Field-Effect Devices
- Biosensor Technologies
- Biosensor Technologies (Biacore SPR, Switchsense, Octet)
- Biosensor Technologies (Biacore SPR, Switchsense, Octet)
- Biosensor Technologies (Biacore SPR, Switchsense, Octet)
- Biosensors for point of use applications
- Biosensors; Past Present and Future: The role of materials over the past two decades - With a look to the future
- Biosimilars to Biobetters - the paths forward
- BioSoc AGM
- BioSoc Freshers' Squash
- BioSoc Internship Event
- BioSoc Squash!
- Biosphere-atmosphere interactions in Earth System Models
- Biostabilisation of mammalian cells
- Biostatistics for chronic diseases
- Biostatistics: successes, challenges and opportunities
- Biotechnological artefacts and the in vivo/in vitro problem
- Biotechnological Exploitation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Biotechnology and biophysical phenotypes: the physics of pluripotency and differentiation
- Biotechnology meets Breeding in Baker's Yeast
- BioTherapeutics 2013
- Biotransformation: learning Nature's art of unmaking drugs to sustainably make new drugs
- Biotrash: medical garbage in India
- Biowire Workshop (Day 1/2)
- Biowire Workshop (Day 2/2)
- BiPhased Antenna Technology demonstration
- Bipolar outflows and circumstellar discs around evolved stars
- Birational automorphisms, log canonical thresholds and Kahler-Einstein metrics
- Birational boundedness of rationally connected Calabi--Yau 3-folds
- Birational classification of universal Jacobians over the moduli space of curves
- Birational geometry of exceptional sets in Manin's conjecture
- Birational geometry of moduli of sheaves on K3s via wall-crossing
- Birational geometry of M_g
- Birational Maps of Severi-Brauer Surfaces, with Applications to Cremona Groups of Higher Rank
- Birationally rigid varieties
- Bird Island Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions: 2010 studies and future work
- Bird sounds and machine learning
- Bird tango
- Bird vision and egg mimicry by cuckoos
- Birds and People
- Birds in trees
- Birds made of stone
- Birds of a feather or opposites attract - effects in network modelling
- Birds of paradise and collecting Eden: mythogenesis in Renaissance natural history
- Birds with sexy genes: Avian pigmentation gene evolution in relation to sexual selection
- Birdsong - what's all the noise about?
- Birefringence measurements in calcite and sapphire under shock compression
- Birkhoff normal forms for the equations of water waves
- Birman-Hilden theory for reducible 3-manifolds
- Birrell's distributed reference listing revisited
- Birth and Death Markov processes in spatial ecology
- Birth, fate, and Roman futures
- Birth-and-death Markov processes in spatial ecology
- Birthday Inequalities, Hard Spheres, and Independent Sets
- Biset functors defined on categories
- Biset functors for categories
- Bishop in the Dock: the sedition trial of James Liston
- Bisimulation and Model-Checking for Partial Order Models of Concurrency
- Bismarck to No Effect: Fertility Decline and the Introduction of Social Insurance in Prussia
- Bismash Products and Group Algebras
- Bispectral quantum KZ equations and their solutions
- Bispectrality and separation of variables in multiparticle hypergeometric systems
- Bistable microstructures under electrostatic loading
- Bisulfite-free, Base-resolution, and Quantitative Sequencing of Cytosine Modifications
- Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Systems with Quantized Soft-Out Demodulators
- Bitcoin as a currency
- Bitcoin as a source of verifiable public randomness
- Bitcoin – Design Demystified
- Bitcoin: A Full Employment Act for security engineers?
- Bitcoin: How to design a peer-to-peer currency
- Bitcoin: the good, the bad, and the ugly!
- Bits and particles: Spin-glass analogies and beyond
- Bits with soul
- Bivariant and Dynamical Versions of the Cuntz Semigroup
- Black and British Migration
- Black British Voices Project: the final report
- Black Culinary Resistance in the French Caribbean during the Slavery Era
- Black eugenics and the politics of reproduction
- Black Funnels and Black Droplets
- Black funnels and droplets
- Black Hole binaries probing Dark Energy
- Black hole bombs
- Black Hole Bound States in AdS3
- Black hole collapse in large-c CFT
- Black Hole Collisions
- Black Hole Entropy for Higher Curvature Gravity with Higher Spin Fields
- Black Hole Entropy form Soft Hair
- Black Hole Entropy Function
- Black hole experiments: Testing effective field theories in curved spacetimes
- Black Hole Hair
- Black hole informatics
- Black hole instabilities and local Penrose inequalities
- Black hole microstate counting and its macroscopic counterpart
- Black hole thermodynamics from N = 4 SYM: perturbations beyond supersymmetry and extremality
- Black hole thermodynamics revisited
- Black holes and discrete symmetry
- Black Holes and Higher Derivatives in Gravity
- Black Holes and Scalar Hair
- Black holes and stars as particle detectors
- Black Holes and the Structure of Spacetime
- Black Holes and Thermoelectric Transport
- Black holes as gravity laboratories
- Black holes as lumps of fluid
- Black holes as lumps of fluid
- Black holes as particles accelerators
- Black holes at the Large Hadron Collider?
- Black Holes at Work
- Black Holes for Massive Gravitons
- Black holes in F-theory
- Black holes in globular clusters
- Black holes in higher dimensional supergravities
- Black holes in higher dimensions
- Black holes without spacelike singularities
- Black holes, Einstein's gravity and rocket science!
- Black holes, fundamental information destruction, and conservation laws
- Black holes, galaxies and the Nobel Prize
- Black Holes, Holograms and Hard Problems
- Black holes, instantons on toric singularities, and q-deformed
- Black holes, TTbar deformed conformal field theory, and weak gravity
- Black Holes: A History
- Black Holes: The most extreme physics laboratories in the Universe
- Black holes: weather and landscape
- Black in Geography - 7 March at 4pm GMT: Decolonial posturing and unethical citational politics
- Black in Geography - Geographers as Insurgent Scholars 18 November at 4pm GMT
- Black in Geography - Mobilities Across Boundaries
- Black in Geography Friday 22 October 4pm BST Black History Month Panel: Centring Blackness through Access and Research Practice
- Black in Geography Pat Noxolo Talk - 12th March 1-2pm
- Black in Geography Talk 7 May, 1-2pm
- BLACK IN GEOGRAPHY X RACE TALKS: Green Violence, Abolition Geographies and Black Repair
- Black in Geography: Blackness and Policing
- Black Management History & Social Entrepreneurship: embracing an African philosophy of cooperation
- Black Mathematics in Cambridge
- Black Networks after Emancipation: Evidence from Reconstruction and the Great Migration
- Black Racial Stereotypes and Victim Blaming: Implications for Media Coverage and Criminal Proceedings in Cases of Police Violence against Racial and Ethnic Minorities
- Black Spot, Black Death, Black Pearl: The Tales of Bacterial Effectors
- Black Sun -- An Evening with Melancholia
- Black-hole binaries in scalar Gauss-Bonnet gravity
- Black-hole binary inspiral and merger in scalar tensor theory of gravity
- Black-hole jets and accretion
- Black-hole waves at a conical tip of negative material
- Black-holes / TBC
- Blackhole Thermodynamics
- Blandford-Znajek jets in galaxy formation simulations
- Blast response of laminated glass: an investigation of the post-fracture response with low temperature bending tests and gas gun impact tests
- Blaxploitation: the Music
- Blaxploitation: the Music
- blblblb
- BlenX, a language based approach for modelling biological systems
- BLG model and M5-branes
- Blimp1 and IRF4 are jointly required for the differentiation of effector regulatory T cells
- Blind Backdoors in Deep Learning
- Blind sparsity constrained inverse problems in volumetric imaging
- Blinded by science
- Blindly Measuring the Hubble Constant
- Blindly Measuring the Hubble Constant (Again!)
- Blindspots: Or, is it ethical for white people to study Africa'
- Bliss-Dasher -- Efficient semantic writing with any muscle
- Blissfully Ignorant: The Rôle of State Financial and Managerial Assistance in the Decline of the British Shipbuilding Industry, 1945-1980
- Blissymbolics
- Blissymbolics - The Emergence of a Written Language
- Bloch Decomposition-Based Gaussian Beam Method for the Schrodinger equation with Periodic Potentials
- Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field
- Bloch-Kato conjecture for Asai representation
- Bloch-Kato Conjectures and Rational Points on Curves
- Block copolymer directed self-assembly for lithographic applications
- Block designs for non-normal data via conditional and marginal models
- Block designs for non-normal data via conditional and marginal models
- Block Scaled Diagonal Dominance for Applications in Control Theory and Optimisation
- Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the Bisicles Ice Sheet Model
- Block-structured AMR algorithms for complex hyperbolic applications
- Blockchain & crypto: A legal view
- Blockchain by Human Centred Design
- Blockchain by Human Centred Design
- Blockchain Technology
- Blockchain technology and its potential application to supply chain traceability
- Blocks and decomposition numbers for the Brauer algebra
- Blocks in the asymmetric simple exclusion process
- Blocks in the asymmetric simple exclusion process
- Blocks of finite group algebras I
- Blocks of finite group algebras II
- Blocks of the general linear supergroup
- blogIT: Electronic Chronicling and Analysis of Contact Center Operations (Maja) and Time-lapse Photography as an Assistive Tool (Greg)
- BlogLearn: A Framework for Analytics over Corporate Blogs
- Blogs – the new wisdom of crowds?
- Blood Brain Barrier breakdown in Neurodegeneration
- Blood Earth Project; screening of award-winning short film followed by spoken word and discussion with Taru Dalmia
- Blood flow and cardiac mechanics in the left ventricle
- Blood in Motion: The Physics of Blood Flow
- Blood is thicker than water
- Blood pH
- Blood pressure measurement: the mystery of inferring arterial pressure from outside of the body
- Blood Sculptures
- Blood villains and heros
- Blood will tell? Constructions of the 'vampire problem' in the eighteenth century
- Blood, Breath, Seeds and Song: Fertile Wounds in Dante's Commedia
- Blood-brain barrier an armed guard in the brain
- Blood-stage malaria vaccine development: the impact of vaccine platform and timing of booster dosing
- Bloodhound SSC - 1000mph car
- Bloodhound Supersonic Car
- Bloodlines of the British
- Bloom filters
- Bloom Filters and Tries (a comparison)
- Bloom Filters, Related Data Structures, and their Applications
- Bloom Filters, Related Data Structures, and their Applications
- Bloomberg Engineering: Terminal Showcase & Cup Cake Challenge
- Bloomberg Lab Hangout & Cup Cake Challenge
- Bloomberg's On-Campus! Terminal Showcase & Cup Cake Challenge!
- Bloomberg: Apache Cassandra: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
- Bloomberg: Software Design Dilemmas: Choices We Make In a System With Over Two Million Hits A Day
- Bloomberg: Trading Programs - How the finance industry has become so complex that today's products are similar to programs
- Blossoming trees and the scaling limit of maps
- Blossoming trees and the scaling limit of maps
- Blotto On Facebook: The Effect of Social Relations On Strategic Interaction
- Blotto On Facebook: The Effect of Social Relations On Strategic Interaction
- Blow-up criteria for an SPDE model of chemotaxis Speaker: Avi Mayorcas
- Blow-up criteria for an SPDE model of chemotaxis Speaker: Avi Mayorcas
- Blow-up criteria for an SPDE model of chemotaxis Speaker: Avi Mayorcas
- Blow-up in multidimensional aggregation equations
- Blow-up in PDES and how to compute it
- Blow-up in PDES and how to compute it
- Blow-up of arbitrarily rough critical Besov norms at any Navier-Stokes singularity
- Blowing a fuse and the dynamic double helix
- Blowing in the Wind
- Blowing snow and bromine explosion- a model study
- Blowing up extremal Poincaré type manifolds
- Blown away: relative velocities and the first galaxies
- Blowup for the supercritical cubic wave equation
- Blowup in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
- Blue light sensing in plants and bacteria: all you need is a little LOV
- Blue Phase Liquid Crystals & Their Potential for Astronomy
- Blue skies to ground truth: Machine learning for Kinect human motion capture
- Blueprint: The DNA revolution and a lifespan approach to psychological traits
- BlueSci Production with Lara Moss
- BlueSci Public Lecture with Prof. Sir Martin Rees
- BlueSci Squash / Issue 13 Launch Party - POSTPONED!!!
- BlueSci Workshop on Film
- Bluestockings
- Bluetongue virus structure and replication
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- Bluetooth Simple Pairing: public key cryptography in adhoc wireless systems
- Blurring boundaries: Aging and memory for movies
- Blyth abandoned: sound science or flawed policy?
- BmEA Cambridge Centre - Inaugural Lecture - Recent Advances in Sensor Technologies for Mobile Healthcare
- BmEA Camrbdige Centre - Spring 2016 lecture - Clinical Engineering - Inside Out Innovation
- BMS Symmetry in Three Dimensions
- Board Diversity and Rare Disasters Risk Insurance
- Bob Edwards: The Early Years
- Bob Groves - I'm Glovin' It and Alex Routh - How do LEA proteins operate?
- Bob Harper - Principles of Programming Languages at CMU
- Bob Marshall-Andrews
- Bobby Reiner (HME) - IHME covid19 model
- Bodhisattva's Practice in the Humanistic World
- Bodies diverged: cross-cultural translation of physiological knowledge in early modern Eurasia
- Bodies interacting with and through fluids
- Bodies of Violence: Theorizing Embodied Subjects in International Relations
- Bodies, Wrecks and Relics: Turner’s ‘Trafalgar’ paintings
- Bodies-in-Space: a crash course in non-verbal group interaction
- Body ownership and agency illusions in immersive virtual reality - a tool for change
- Body Part Recognition: Making Kinect Robust
- Body Part Recognition: Making Kinect Robust
- Body Sensor Networks: Can we use them? - Architecture proposal for resource abstraction
- Body temperature controlled kinase activity: from rhythmic alternative splicing in mammals to sex determination in reptiles.
- Body weight regulation and brown adipose tissue: can this fat make you thinner?
- Boeing 787 vs. Airbus 380
- Boeing research and technology
- Bogie Damage: Train or Track?
- Bogoliubov Excitations of dilute Bose-Einstein Condensates
- Bogoliubov spectrum of interacting Bose gases
- Bohmian metaphysics : the implicate order and other arcana
- Bohr and nil-Bohr sets
- Boiling it down: Chinese tea in the first Dutch medical journal, 1680–1688
- BOLD & Non-BOLD Contrasts in Human fMRI
- Bold Steps: Fireside chat with Dr Saleyha Ahsan
- Bolivia
- Bolivia
- Bollywood Dance Workout
- Boltzmann equation and heat conduction
- Boltzmann Equation with a Large Potential in a Periodic Box
- Boltzmann flows in a general framework: from the classical, to gas mixtures, to polyatomic gases - Part 2
- Boltzmann flows in a general framework: from the classical, to gas mixtures, to polyatomic gases Part 1
- Boltzmann Generators and Stochastic Normalizing Flows
- Boltzmann to Landau from the Gradient Flow Perspective
- Boltzmann-Gibbs measures associated with log-correlated Gaussian fields
- Bombay and its hinterlands: the economic integration of the Princely States in western India, 1845-1870
- Bombs away: The Dambusters bounce back - The reconstruction of Barnes Wallis' bouncing bomb
- Bond Percolation on Isoradial Graphs
- Bond-Orientational Order in Metallic and Colloidal Glasses Measured by Limited-Volume Electron and X-ray Diffraction
- Bonding at screw dislocations in b.c.c. metals studied by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- Bone marrow environment and platelet production
- Bones of Contention: Piecing together the puzzle of fossil hominin long bones
- Bonfires with a Bang. Spectacular Chemistry Demonstration Lecture
- Bongartz Completion Via C-Vectors
- Bonsai: Reactive Tools for Data Science
- Boogie: A Modular Reusable Verifier for Object-Oriented Programs.
- Book Event: Meet the Authors
- Book history betwixt-and-between: Peter Pan in Cambridge University Library's Tower Collection
- Book launch 'Taken for a Ride: Grounding Neoliberalism, Precarious Labour, and Public Transport in an African Metropolis'
- Book Launch - "Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Investigation, Documentation and Accountability" (Oxford University Press, 2019)
- Book Launch – 'Canguilhem'
- Book Launch – 'Making the World Global: US Universities & the Production of the Global Imaginary'
- Book Launch – 'The Transforming Power of Cultural Rights: A Promising Law and Humanities Approach'
- Book Launch – Nikola Tesla and the Electrical Future
- Book Launch – The Right to Science: Then and Now
- Book Launch Celebration Monday 16h June 2014.
- Book Launch of 'Cool it' - bestselling author Bjorn Lomborg's latest release
- Book launch with Nanjala Nyabola - in conversation with Dr Duncan Omanga (CGHR)
- Book Launch! Capturing News, Capturing Democracy: Trump and the Voice of America
- Book Launch: "Arbitrary States: Social Control and Modern Authoritarianism in Museveni's Uganda"
- Book launch: 'United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics'
- Book Launch: A Common Wealth of Learning: Millennium Development Goals Revisited
- Book Launch: ‘When Peace Kills Politics: International Intervention and Unending Wars in the Sudans’, by Sharath Srinivasan.
- Book Launch: “Transforming Rwanda: Challenges on the Road to Reconstruction”
- Book launch: Christian-Jewish Relations, 1000-1300. Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom
- Book Launch: From Tongue To Text
- Book launch: Inventing Greenland – Designing an Arctic Nation
- Book Launch: Mobility Economies in Europe's Borderlands: Migrants' Journeys through Libya and the Mediterranean
- Book Launch: Operation Idris: Inside the British Administration of Cyrenaica and Libya, 1942-52 by Richard Synge
- Book Launch: Reflective Teaching in Schools, 4th edition by Andrew Pollard & colleagues
- Book Launch: Reforming or Re-inventing Schools? Key issues in school and system reform.
- Book launch: Reinventing Schools, Reforming Teaching: from political visions to classroom reality
- Book launch: Reinventing Schools, Reforming Teaching: from political visions to classroom reality
- Book launch: Security: Dialogue across Disciplines, Philippe Bourbeau
- BOOK LAUNCH: Studying Arctic Fields: Cultures, Practices, and Environmental Sciences
- BOOK LAUNCH: The Edinburgh Companion to Children's Literature
- Book launch: The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World (Severine Autesserre, Barnard College- Columbia University).
- Book Launch: The International Handbook of Leadership for Learning
- Book launch: The Workers' Movement and Egypt's Long Revolution
- Book launch: Why Comrades Go To War
- Book Sale
- Book Sale
- Book sale
- Book signing: The Worst Journey in the World, A New Graphic Novel Adaptation
- BOOK TALK - Yellow Star, Red Star: Holocaust Remembrance after Communism
- Book talk: Women and Power in Africa - Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing
- Books on the Bookshelves: A Short History of the Book in Early Modern Japan
- Books, botany and the organisation of nature in 18th-century Cambridge
- Books, Botany and the Understanding of Nature in Eighteenth-Century Cambridge
- Books: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Books: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Bookshelf faulting and rotations in the north Iceland volcanic rift segments
- Boolean Relation Theory
- Boom! Headshot!
- Booming Sand Dunes: An Example of Wave Propagation Through a Granular Material
- Boosted Jets in searches for New Physics
- Boosting functional recovery in the optic nerve
- Boosting in Location Space
- Boosting in the presence of outliers: adaptive classification with non-convex loss functions
- Boosting kernel estimates
- Boosting stop searches with boosted di-boson
- Boosting Verification by Automatic Tuning of Decision Procedures
- Boosting your Brain:Cognitive Enhancement and Neuroethics
- Bootes 1 - Measuring very early chemical evolution, and (almost) the first stars
- Bootes dwarf spheroidal kinematics: Techniques and first results from high precision multi-epoch radial velocity measurements
- Bootstrap Percolation and Algebra
- Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained spin models: critical lengths and mixing time scales
- Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained spin models: critical time scales
- Bootstrap Percolation in the Hypercube
- Bootstrap percolation in two dimensions: recent progress and open problems
- Bootstrap percolation with recovery
- Bootstrap Percolation: Frivolous Questions and Daunting Problems
- Bootstrapped Inference for Degree Distributions in Large Sparse Networks
- Bootstrapping cluster analysis: assessing the reliability of conclusions
- Bootstrapping compilers / self-hosting compilers
- Bootstrapping divergence weighted independence graphs
- Bootstrapping Inflationary Fluctuations
- Bootstrapping university-industry consortia: the Strategic Technology & Innovation Management(STIM)programme
- Borates as electrodes for lithium and magnesium-ion batteries
- Border crossings - mapping UK discussions about partition at the 75th anniversary of 1947
- Border Detention and Asylum in France
- Border Town: Tharros and the Roman Frontier in Sardinia
- Border-Making: State-Building and Geopolitics
- Bordered via curves and train tracks I
- Bordered via curves and train tracks II
- Borderlands of the EU: The Spanish Enclave of Ceuta in Morocco
- BORDERSCAPE: Egyptian state formation and the changing socio-spatial landscape of the First Nile Cataract region in the 4th and 3rd millennia BCE
- Bordism of projective space bundles and geometric applications
- Bored & frustrated? Your ego might be depleted
- Borel Local Lemma
- Borel Matchings and equidecompositions
- Borel regulator, zeta-motives and moduli of abelian varieties (tropical or otherwise)
- Borges: After the Classics
- Born Criminals? Social and ethical implications of research into biomarkers, development and criminality
- Born Global: Rethinking Language Policy for 21st Century Britain
- Born on the wrong planet? Using forum postings to test hypotheses about special interests and religious beliefs of autistic spectrum young adults
- Boron based dynamic bonding: an emerging construction tool for Chemical Biology
- Boron isotopes as pH proxy: a critical evaluation
- Boron Nitride Nanotubes
- Boron Nitride Nanotubes
- Boron Reagents in the Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds
- Boronic acid based materials for carbohydrate detection
- Bose Einstein Condensation of Polaritons
- Bose Fermi Dualities in 3 spacetime dimensions
- Bose Waveguide Technology
- Bose-Einstein condensation and probabilistic methods for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Bose-Einstein condensation of semiconductor excitons: 50 years later, at last!
- Boson-Sampling in the light of sample complexity
- Bosonic dualities in the Bethe ansatz
- Bosonic Excitations in Holographic Quantum Liquids
- Bosons in Synthetic Gauge Fields
- Botanising in Cambridgeshire and North East England
- Botany, empire, religion and collecting in early nineteenth-century north India
- Bots at the Gate - The Human Rights Impacts of New Technologies on Migration
- Bots on Twitter
- Bott periodicity in Algebra
- Bott’s residue formula in A1-enumerative geometry
- Bottlenecks, diversity and phase variation during infection; the pneumococcal model.
- Bottom Up Modelling of Liquid Crystals and Device Applications
- Bottom Up Modelling of Liquid Crystals and Device Applications
- Bottom-quark mass effects in bbH production
- Bottom-Up Meets Top-Down for Complex yet Well-Ordered Surface Patterns
- Bottom-up Robotics - Emerging Intelligence in Materials
- Bottom-up: from neutrino mixing to physics at the Planck scale
- Bought and Sold: Women and the Global Market
- Bouncing droplets: at a macroscopic scale, a wave/particle duality of a kind
- Bound Analysis of Imperative Programs with the Size-change Abstraction
- Bound states of 2D electrons induced by the spin-orbit interaction
- Bound-state soliton gas as a limit of adiabatically growing integrable turbulence
- Boundaries and Moebius Geometry
- Boundaries of hyperbolic groups
- Boundaries, Modules and Symplectic Duality
- Boundary and lens rigidity and tensor tomography
- Boundary conditions in MRI and Dynamo Experiments
- Boundary Description of Microstates of the Non-Supersymmetric Two-Dimensional Black Hole
- Boundary distance: volume and geodesic ray transform
- Boundary driven lattice gas with long jumps
- Boundary element and spectral methods for water waves
- Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance
- Boundary hypoelliptic regularization in kinetic equations
- Boundary integrals, slender bodies and a deforming gel microswimmer
- Boundary kernels for dissipative systems
- Boundary Layer Dynamics and Deep Ocean Mixing in Mid-Atlantic Ridge Canyons
- Boundary layer transition by discrete and continuous modes
- Boundary layer transition by discrete and continuous modes
- Boundary layer turbulence below ice shelves in the shear-dominated regime
- Boundary layers and Biominerals
- Boundary layers and fluid limits of the Boltzmann equation in domains with boundary
- Boundary layers and free surfaces in fluid mechanics
- Boundary Layers in Horizontal Convection
- Boundary layers in turbulent convection at vertical walls
- Boundary Measures and Natural Time Parameterization for SLE
- Boundary partitions in trees and dimers
- Boundary Recovery of Anisotropic Electromagnetic Parameters for Time Harmonic Maxwell's Equations
- Boundary Scan. From Connection Testing to On-silicon Toolkits
- Boundary Singularities Produced by the Motion of Soap Films
- Boundary Upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water by Topographic Turbulence
- Boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear PDEs: a new, unified approach
- Boundary value problems on a finite interval, fractalisation and revivals
- Boundary value problems on a finite interval, fractalisation and revivals
- Boundary-layer transition - combining asymptotic receptivity analysis and stability calculations
- Boundary-layer transition on slender vs broad rotating cones.
- Boundary-reducing surgeries and bridge number
- Boundary-roughness effects in nematic liquid crystals
- Bounded cohomology and combinatorial volume forms
- Bounded cohomology and Higgs bundles
- Bounded cohomology of acylindrically hyperbolic groups via hyperbolically embedded subgroups
- Bounded Control that Preserves System Stability and its Applications
- Bounded degree and planar spectra
- Bounded gaps between primes (Special Lecture)
- Bounded gaps between primes: The latest developments from a combinatorial perspective
- Bounded groups of birational automorphisms
- Boundedness and decay of scalar waves on Kerr black hole spacetimes
- Boundedness and moduli of K-stable Calabi--Yau fibrations over curves
- Boundedness of foliations
- Boundedness properties of linear systems and Fano varieties
- Bounding Betti numbers of real hypersurfaces near the tropical limit
- Bounding chromatic roots of series parallel graphs in terms of maxmaxflow
- Bounding cohomology
- Bounding genera of singular surfaces
- Bounding global aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
- Bounding Rational Analysis: Constraints on the Approach to Optimality
- Bounding the residual finiteness of free groups
- Bounding time averages
- Bounds for sets lacking x,x+y,x+y^2
- Bounds for the diameters of orbital graphs of affine groups
- Bounds for the error of sampling discretization and discretization in Orlicz spaces
- Bounds for the greatest common divisor of u-1 and v-1, for S-units u, v, and applications
- Bounds for the numner of matchings in regular graphs
- Bounds on heat transport for convection driven by internal heating
- Bounds on mixing efficiency and Richardson number in stably stratified turbulent shear flow
- Bounds on mixing norms for advection diffusion equations in the whole space via Fourier splitting and decay characters
- Bounds on proof size and distributive encryption
- Bounds on proof size in security verification
- Bounds on the size of the convex hull of planar Brownian motion and related inverse processes
- Bovine TB and Badgers - the science behind the controversy
- Bovine TB: A Black and White Issue?
- Bow shock phenomena in the Cold Spray process
- Bowed-string transients: a challenging nonlinear oscillation problem
- Boxes with false bottoms? The challenge presented by abstract key words in English
- BP 3rd Years PhD Talks
- BP 3rd Years PhD Talks
- BP Applications/Interview Skills Workshop
- BP Day
- BP Day
- BP Day
- BP Day 2014
- BP Keynote Lecture: "Multiscale-Multimodal Imaging: Shining a light on materials behaviour”
- BP Keynote Lecture: Developing and applying new tools to understand how materials for Li and “beyond-Li” battery and supercapacitor technologies function
- BP KEYNOTE LECTURE: Importance of C-O Bond Activation for CO2/COUtilization - An Approach to Energy Conversion and Storage
- BP Sustainability Lecture 2021
- BP, 57th Statistical Review
- BP, Colombia, Oil & Ethics
- BPI End of Term Seminar
- BPI Research Colloquia
- BPI Research Colloquia
- BPI Research Colloquium:
- BPI Speakers
- BPI Student Seminar - CANCELLED
- BPS invariant from non Archimedean integrals
- BPS Invariants of Rational Surfaces
- BPS modularity on Calabi-Yau threefolds
- BPS Quivers and N=2 superconformal theories
- BPS states in the Minahan-Nemeschansky E6 theory
- BPS states of M5-brane on T^3
- BPS states, Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Hitchin pairs
- BPS states, knots and quivers
- Bracelets are theta functions
- Brachycephalic dogs: There is plenty of bad news. So is there any good news?
- Brachyspira hampsonii: discovery of a novel porcine spirochaete causing mucohaemorrhagic colitis
- Bradford Hill seminar - Is perfection the enemy of good? Challenges and opportunities for building the evidence-base to inform sexual and reproductive health policy and practice
- Bradford Hill Seminar - Social justice and health equity
- Bradford Hill Seminar - Social justice and health equity – Professor Sir Michael Marmot
- Bradford Hill seminar - Tweeting through the storm: how to use social media during a pandemic
- Bradford Hill Seminar – Designing efficient clinical trials during a pandemic
- Bradford Hill Seminar – Driving sustainable improvements in patient outcomes through point of care patient outcome measurement and clinical benchmarking
- Bradford Hill Seminar – Tackling Bias and Inequities in Health and Genomic Data
- Bradford Hill Seminar – Tackling Bias and Inequities in Health and Genomic Data
- Bradford Hill Seminar – Tackling Bias and Inequities in Health and Genomic Data
- Bradford Hill Seminar – Tweeting through the storm: how to use social media during a pandemic
- Bradford Hill Seminar – What are the Policy Levers for Impact on Health and Sustainability?
- Bradford University’s Ecoversity journey: barriers and breakthroughs
- Bradley-Terry models for pair-comparison networks: Structure and scalability
- Braess's paradox
- Bragg Diffraction Imaging Analysis of Crystal Defects in GaN Substrates - Comparison of the growth method and the seed approach
- Bragg, Perutz and Kendrew and the Origins of Molecular Biology
- Bragg, Perutz and Kendrew: The Origins of Molecular Biology
- Brahms’s Concert Arrangements of Cantatas by J S Bach: Research Report and Performance
- Braid groups and representations of symmetric groups
- Braid groups and their 2-representations
- Braid monodromy, orderings, and transverse invariants
- Braiding Groups of Homeomorphisms of the Cantor Set
- Braids and the Grothendieck-Teichmuller Group
- Braids, Cosimplicial Identities, Spreadability, Subfactors
- Brain age prediction using diffusion MRI data
- Brain algorithmics: reverse engineering dynamic information processing in brain networks from EEG/MEG time series
- Brain algorithmics: reverse engineering dynamic information processing in brain networks from EEG/MEG time series
- Brain and behavioural correlates of action-perception deficits in autism
- Brain and behavioural impacts of early life adversity
- Brain and Decisions: Unitary or Dual Systems?
- Brain and Serum profile of the African Giant Rat brain (Cricetomys gambianus) after natural exposure to heavy metal environmental pollution in the Nigerian Niger Delta
- Brain cancer
- Brain charts for the human lifespan
- Brain charts for the human lifespan
- Brain charts for the human lifespan.
- Brain Circuits and Achieving Excellence (A Student Event)
- Brain circuits that govern sleep and wakefulness
- Brain Computer Music Interfacing for Meditation
- Brain connectivity in autism, measured using source-space magnetoencephalography.
- Brain control of appetite and body weight
- Brain control: new developments in neurofeedback and neuromodulation
- Brain Dynamics and Flexible Behaviors
- Brain dynamics and flexible behaviors
- Brain dynamics during tactile discrimination behavior
- Brain Friendly Learning
- Brain function for communication: Cross-species comparisons
- Brain geometry and dynamics
- Brain hypoconnectivity as a potential endophenotype of autism
- Brain imaging and the nosology of "childhood psychoses"
- Brain imaging findings in BPD
- Brain imaging in dementias—we report what we see but is what we see the truth?
- Brain imaging studies of memory for when events occurred
- Brain maps for space
- Brain Maturation and the Emergence of Depressive Symptoms: Evidence from Neuroimaging
- Brain mechanisms for ultra-rapid visual categorisation
- Brain mechanisms of flexible cognitive control
- Brain mechanisms underlying the subjective experience of remembering
- Brain network dynamics in neurodevelopment
- Brain neurons switch each other into pacemaker mode to drive locomotion
- Brain organoids to study development and function
- Brain power: how the brain's energy supply determines its cognitive power, and the consequences of energy supply failure in grey & white matter disease
- Brain power: where does it come form and how is it used.
- Brain power: where does it come form and how is it used.
- Brain power: Where does it come from and how is it used?
- Brain Power: Where does it come from and how is it used?
- Brain rhythms in Parkinson’s: from bench to bedside and back again
- Brain State Control by Closed-Loop Environmental Feedback
- Brain studying brain: the neuro disciplines in the early Cold War
- Brain tumours: demographics, presentation, diagnosis, treatment
- Brain-Based Values
- Brain-computer interfaces: applications in communication, mental-state monitoring, and perception
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and pattern separation in the hippocampus
- BrainNet: Using Brain (and Corpus) Data to Investigate Conceptual Knowledge
- Brains growing on the tree of life. A phylogenetic approach to brain structure & function
- Brains, Science, and Human Nature
- Brains, Science, and Human Nature
- Brainstorming Session
- Brainwashing the cybernetic subject: The Ipcress File and fantasies of interrogation in the 1960s
- Brake actuated steering of heavy good vehicles
- Brake or turn? The pitfalls of driving on floating ice
- Brake-actuated Axle Steering
- Brake-actuated axle steering for articulated heavy goods vehicles
- Brake-actuated steering of heavy good vehicles
- Branch and Bound reconstruction of Balanced Minimum Evolution optimal trees
- Branch Consistency or how to design a version controlled database
- Branch members: interesting plants
- Branched covers of quasipositive links and L-spaces
- Branching Brownian Motion in a Bounded Domain
- Branching Brownian motion in a strip: Survival near criticality
- Branching Brownian motion in an inhomogeneous breeding potentia - CANCELLED
- Branching Brownian motion with selection
- Branching Brownian motion, the Brownian net and selection in spatially structured populations
- Branching capacity of a random walk
- Branching morphogenesis (talk held in small lecture theatre at the cavendish not the INI)
- Branching morphogenesis of the lung: tales of the sculptor and the sculpture
- Branching Out Seminar Series: Lewis Dartnell - 'Astrobiology and Science Writing'
- Branching out!
- Branching particle systems with selection
- Branching processes with competition by pruning of Levy trees
- Branching-Selection Processes
- Brand Antarctica: Advertising and the South
- Brand Objects and Gradual Contracts
- Brane deformations in supergravity
- Brane tilings, M2-branes and Chern-Simons theories
- Brane-Inspired Inflation in Supergravity
- Branes and symmetries for N=3 SCFTs
- Branes and wrapping rules
- Branes, strings and boojums; topological defects in helium-3 and the cosmos
- Brascamp-Lieb inequality and Wiener integrals for centred Bessel processes
- Brassinosteroids, stem cell development and the power of Modulate Quiescence in Plants
- Brauer algebras with parameter two.
- Brauer and Lusztig
- Brauer height zero conjecture for 2-blocks of maximal defect
- Brauer Relations and Mackey Functors
- Brauer's Main Theorems
- Brauer--Manin obstruction and integral points
- Brave new future: a realistic ELSI of ectogestation
- BRE Structural Testing and Investigation
- Bread, beer and bugs: How biologists unravel the molecular machinery of life
- BREAD: Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break
- Break into a Hacker’s Mind
- Break into a hacker’s mind
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups
- Break-out Groups Continued
- Break-out Groups Continued
- Break-out Groups continued
- Break-out Groups Continued
- Break-out Groups Continued
- Break-out Groups Continued (Room Stays Open Until 8pm)
- Break-Out Rooms - Questions and Discussion
- Break-out Sessions (Part 1)
- Break-out sessions (part 2)
- Break-out sessions (part 2)
- Break-out Sessions (part 3)
- Break-out Sessions (part 3)
- Breakdown of linear response in the presence of bifurcations
- Breakdown of smoothness for the Muskat problem
- Breakfast
- Breakfast
- Breakfast meeting: Cancer from an evolutionary perspective
- Breakfast meeting: Development, validation and potential clinical uses of cancer risk prediction models
- Breakfast meeting: Dr Mona Shehata
- Breakfast meeting: Dr Oshaani Abeyakoon
- Breakfast meeting: Screening and pre-invasive GI disease from a surgical perspective
- Breakfast meeting: Stem cell subversion, myeloproliferative neoplasms and the earliest stages of cancer
- Breakfast Networking: Funding for Innovative SMEs
- Breakfast Networking: The future of 5G inside buildings in the UK
- BREAKING THE SILENCE – Where you draw the line?
- Breaking Abbe's barrier: diffraction-unlimited resolution in far-field optical microscopy
- Breaking Aleppo: Facts and Fictions of the Conflict
- Breaking and Making the Internet
- Breaking Barriers: Innovations in Bio-Social Research DAY 1
- Breaking Barriers: Innovations in Bio-Social Research DAY 2
- Breaking Card: Reverse-Engineering the Smart-Card Application Protocol Data Unit
- Breaking Card: Reverse-Engineering the Smart-Card Application Protocol Data Unit
- Breaking Down Leadership Stereotypes and Increasing Visibility of Women Postdocs: Stepwide, a Local Initiative
- Breaking down the (cell) walls: simplifying xylan in Arabidopsis
- Breaking for Commercials: Characterizing Mobile Advertising
- Breaking Habits & Going For Green: a Carbon Conversations Taster Session
- Breaking Pattern of Ice Cover during its Collision with Ship/Offshore Structures
- Breaking Rules: Motivation and Morality in Intimate Partner Violence
- Breaking symmetry in the brain - from genes to circuits
- Breaking the activity barrier in exoplanet radial-velocity surveys through solar investigations at HARPS-N
- Breaking the barrier: CSF-producing choroid plexus organoids model pathogen and drug entry to the brain
- Breaking the Chains - challenging human rights violations towards the mentally ill
- Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality with Convex Neural Networks
- Breaking the Mass-Anisotropy Degeneracy in the Milky Way Halo
- Breaking the Protein Amino Acid Code (aka the Code of Life)
- Breaking the red limit: photosynthesis in far-red light
- Breaking the Resolution Limit in Light Microscopy
- Breaking the silence - brain-computer interfaces for communication in locked-in patients
- Breaking the silence: defense and counter-defense in antiviral RNA silencing pathways of insects.
- Breaking the species barrier to allow hybridization of C3 and C4 cereals
- Breaking up is hard to do: how a dynamic protein nanomachine drives bacterial cell division
- Breakout groups around research innovation and need clusters identified during panel discussions
- Breakout groups around research innovation and need clusters identified during panel discussions
- Breakout Rooms - Discussion on Day 2 Talks
- Breakout Rooms - Discussion on Day 3 Talks
- Breakout Session - Inference theme
- Breakout Session - Inference theme
- Breakout Session - Policy Theme
- Breakout Session - Policy Theme
- Breakout Session - Policy Theme
- Breakout Sessions - Exploring Research Areas and Connections:
- Breakthrough Credit and Insurance for Farmers using Remote Sensing and AI
- Breast and cervical cancer awareness in Sub-Saharan Africa: the AWACAN study
- Breast Cancer
- Breast cancer
- Breast cancer - demographics, presentation, diagnosis and patient pathway
- Breast Cancer – demographics, presentation, diagnosis and patient pathway
- Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and the Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis
- Breast Cancer- demographics, presentation, diagnosis and patient pathway
- Breast cancer- tackling 10 diseases
- Breast Cancer- The Biology Behind the Silent Killer
- Breast cancer: demographics, presentation, diagnosis & patient pathway
- Breast cancer: origins and evolution
- Breast Imaging research in Cambridge
- Breathers and their descendants
- Breathing new life into old fossils: microCT analyses of fossil hominin teeth AND The hand of Australopithecus sediba: Handier than Homo habilis?
- Breathing problems and management
- Breathing Solids: from Human Hair to Designer Nanoporous Materials
- Breckland, birds and conservation
- Breeding and Building Molecules to Spy on Cells and Disease Processes
- Bregman distances in frequentist inverse problems
- Bregman Divergences and Machine Learning
- Bregmanized (Higher Order) Total Variation and its Application in PET
- Brest-Litovsk and the Making of Modern Ukraine and Russia
- Brett Frischmann: Re-Engineering Humanity
- BRETT WIGDORTZ (Founder and CEO, Teach First) 'Addressing Educational Disadvantage – Measuring the Impact?'
- Breuil--Mézard conjectures for central division algebras
- Brexit and Beyond: Prospects for China's Financial Centers under Global Uncertainty
- Brexit and Conspiracy Theories
- Brexit and the Future of UK-EU climate change and energy cooperation
- Brexit as a Revolution
- Brexit does not mean Brexit
- Brexit: consequences for the EU
- Brexit: What happens and where do we go from here?
- Brian Ward: The Beatles' White (Photograph) Album: Race, Class and Gender in Miami Beach, 1964
- Bribery, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
- Brick and tile making in Athens, Greece, during 20th century
- Brick Tunnel Randomization, Overcoming Inconvenient Allocation Ratio
- Brick-by-brick stabilizing the Biaxial Nematic Phase
- Bricks in West Cambridgeshire
- Bridge Designs for Modeling Systems with Small Error Variance
- Bridge Simulation and Metric Estimation on Lie Groups and Orbit Spaces
- Bridgeland stability conditions and Fourier-Mukai transforms
- Bridgeland stability conditions on Triangulated categories (Lecture 1)
- Bridgeland stability conditions on Triangulated categories (Lecture 2)
- Bridges between lattice models, representation theory and number theory
- Bridges or walls: a cooperative or competitive planet?
- Bridget Riley in conversation with Paul Moorhouse
- Bridging a Path to Discourse: Muslims and Jews in Dialogue
- Bridging brain and cognition: A multilayer network analysis of brain structural covariance and general intelligence in a developmental sample of struggling learners
- Bridging cell-cell contact and cell fate in the early mouse embryo
- Bridging Crumb-mediated polarity and Hippo-mediated growth by Spectrin-bound PP2A
- Bridging DNA methylation dynamics and electronic health records to understand the non-coding genome
- Bridging Engineering and Education: Technologies for Enhanced Training Experiences
- Bridging Formal Methods in Computer Science for Scientific Computing and Cognitive Science Modelling Tasks
- Bridging Galaxy Evolution Across Cosmic Time With the CLASSY Survey
- Bridging Integrator 1 (BIN1) a major player in the ultrastructure dependent pathophysiology of heart failure?
- Bridging Length Scales in Electrolyte Transport Theory via the Onsager Framework
- Bridging Molecular and Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis Through Graphite Conjugation
- Bridging Neural and Computational Viewpoints on Perceptual Decision Making
- Bridging Research & Policy: An Introduction to Centre for Science & Policy
- Bridging the Discrete and the Continuous in Reasoning about Programs
- Bridging the gap between data-driven and mechanistic modelling: the latent force model approach
- Bridging the gap between networking and end-host computing
- Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice of Internet Routing
- Bridging the gap in innovation and tech transfer in developing countries: Camnexus - a personal journey from Biotech to IoT
- Bridging the Gap: Computational Biology and Trafficking of MHC Class I
- Bridging the gap: Gaussian Approximation Potential
- Bridging the gap: towards a unified treatment of energy-momentum at infinity
- Bridging the Gap: writing commentaries on the Dead Sea scrolls in the 21st century
- Bridging the gaps in translational medicine
- Bridging the Physical-Digital Divide
- Bridging the scales near the contact line 1
- Bridging the scales near the contact line 2
- Bridging the scales near the contact line 3
- Bridging the Tenant-Provider Gap in Cloud Services
- Brief Sensory Deprivation Triggers Cell Type-Specific Structural and Functional Plasticity in Olfactory Bulb Neurons
- Brief temporal buffering of successive visual inputs
- Briefing about CCA for Part III students
- Bright Club
- Bright Club
- Bright Club
- Bright Club Frontiers
- Bright Club: Bodies
- Bright Club: Life
- BrightClub: Beginnings
- Brightening clouds for regional cooling
- Brighter Thinking: eNRICHing Mathematics Education at KS4 (teacher professional development Day 1)
- Brill-Noether theory for vector bundles with fixed determinant
- Brine Fluxes from Sea Ice
- Brine rejection from sea ice
- Bring your Papers!
- Bringing ancient grains to life: Tutankhamen, Egyptomania and modernist enchantment in interwar Britain
- Bringing BigBrain to Cambridge
- Bringing computer vision to the masses
- Bringing Digital World to life, bringing print to life: telling my story
- Bringing electrostatics to light: Electrometry probes a new dimension at the molecular scale
- Bringing Entrepreneurship to the Arts
- Bringing genetics, digital health, and therapies to the neurodevelopmental clinic
- Bringing Intelligence at the Edges to Accommodate Diversity in the Internet
- Bringing Intelligence to the End User | Microsoft Research
- Bringing network coding into the network
- Bringing our Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole and its Environs into Focus with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
- Bringing Personality Theory Back to Life: On Persons-in-Context, Idiographic Strategies, and Lazarus
- Bringing physical reasoning into statistical practice in forecast verification on S2S timescales
- Bringing Pol Pot's Henchmen to Justice: An Insider's View of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Tribunal
- Bringing Rcd4 into the limelight - A forgotten member of the Drosophila centriolar inventory
- Bringing the Ancestors Home: how Cambridge collections can support repatriation using osteobiographies
- Bringing the Masses Back In: Explaining Spontaneous Uprisings from the French Revolution to Black Lives Matter
- Bringing the science back into scientific realism
- Bringing the Web up to Speed with WebAssembly
- Bringing together energy and water: a useful Nexus or just another network?
- Bringing together family planning and parasite control: Cold War collaborations between Japan and South Korea
- Bringing Trust to Carbon Credits Through Computer Science
- Bringing up the body: psychology and embodiment in the 20th century
- Bringing your strengths to work
- Britain after Brexit: How to redesign the UK's role in sustainable development
- Britain and the ambiguity of Greek sovereignty since 1832
- Britain and the Continent: two thousand years of unpredictability
- Britain in Europe, 1973–1975: From Hope to Uncertainty
- Britain's Anglo-Indians: the invisibility of assimilation
- Britain's economy from the banking crisis to Brexit
- Britain's Hidden Marine Life
- Britain's wars with France, 1793-1815 and their contribution to the consolidation of the Industrial Revolution
- Britain, Jamaica and the modern global financial order, 1800-50
- Britain, Modernity and the Change of Historical Consciousness in Korea, 1960-2000
- Britain’s building stock: a carbon challenge
- Britains Muslim Convert Community - Screening with Director Q and A
- British 'sexology' and the uses of the past
- British Algebraic Geometry meeting (BrAG)
- British Algebraic Geometry meeting (BrAG)
- British Algebraic Geometry meeting (BrAG)
- British attitudes to the postwar West German 'economic miracle'
- British Constructions of Indigenous Piracy in the Eastern Arabian Sea
- British Demography, c.1850-c.2000. How and Why was Scotland Different?
- British Economic Growth, 1300-1850
- British Geriatrics Society East Anglia Region Summer Meeting 2018 incorporating the 11th SAFE Community-Hospital MDT Interface Meeting
- British Insurance and the Spanish Civil War
- British intelligence and Britain's end of empire in Africa
- British Intelligence and the 1916 Mediation Mission of Colonel Edward House
- British Intelligence in the North and Baltic Seas, 1807-10
- British Politics Seminar: "Does the environment still matter in the age of Trump?"
- British Politics Seminar: “Wales, the UK and the EU”
- British Politics Seminar: the Coalition Government with Lynne Featherstone
- British Politics Seminar: UK Foreign Policy
- British Science Association Media Fellowship - the inside scoop on how science gets reported at The Guardian
- British Scientific Intelligence during the Second World War: Preparing for Hitler's Secret Weapons
- British Signals Intelligence on the Establishment of the Soviet Bloc
- British South Asians during wartime and decolonisation
- Brittle Fracture
- Broad community development of the Unified Forecast System, using the WAVEWATCH III™ wind model as an example
- Broadcasting past and future
- Broadening Engineering Design Education: Civil Engineering and Beyond
- Broadening Engineering Design Education:Civil Engineering and Beyond
- Broader Horizons and a Narrower Focus: Expanding the capability and applicability of 3D electron microscopy
- Broadly reactive antibodies against malaria variant antigens
- Broadly reactive antibodies against malaria variant antigens
- Brody curves and mean dimension
- Broken Genius: The Rise and Fall of William Shockley, Creator of the Electronic Age
- Broken ray transforms for twisted geodesics on surfaces
- Bromium: Task isolation through hardware-assisted virtualization
- Brood Parasitism
- Brooks, Melting Snow, River of Light. Inferno XXX, Purgatorio XXX, Paradiso XXX
- Brotherhood:Masculinity and the German Peasants' war 1524-6
- Brown dwarfs and their disks: new results and old problems
- Brown-Comenetz dual of some K(2)-local spectrum
- Brownian bugs and the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation
- Brownian excursions, conformal loop ensembles and critical Liouville quantum gravity
- Brownian Fork-Join Queues
- Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifolds and Riemann surfaces
- Brownian motion pictures
- Brownian particles in nonequilibrium baths
- Brownian polymers
- Browsing with the enemy: a German view
- Brunelleschi and more: Domes in Florence
- Brunet-Derrida particle systems, free boundary problems and Wiener-Hopf equations
- Bruno Latour: "A Procedure to Reset Modernity: the Limits of a Method"
- Brussels revisited: Public affairs in a radically changing political reality
- Bryan Makin - Five decades of growing plants
- Bryozoan, Cordylophora and sponge biofouling in UK water treatment works
- BSM Primary effects
- BSO_2n as an extension of BO_2n by BSp_2n
- BSU Seminar: "A Bayesian framework for incorporating exposure uncertainty into health analyses with application to air pollution and stillbirth"
- BSU Seminar: "A new frequentist implementation of the Daniels and Hughes bivariate meta-analysis model for surrogate outcomes"
- BSU Seminar: "Bayesian latent multi-state modelling for longitudinal health trajectories"
- BSU Seminar: "Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of multivariate time series"
- BSU Seminar: "Causal machine learning for biomarker subgroup discovery in randomised trials".
- BSU Seminar: "Challenges in risk prediction using routinely collected health data"
- BSU Seminar: "Derivative-Based Neural Modelling of Cumulative Distribution Functions for Survival Analysis"
- BSU Seminar: "Design and Inference for Enrichment Trials with a Continuous Biomarker"
- BSU Seminar: "Dynamic survival analysis: modelling the hazard function via ordinary differential equations"
- BSU Seminar: "Genome-wide genetic models for association, heritability analyses and prediction"
- BSU Seminar: "Graphical and summary diagnostics for node level adequacy in Bayesian hierarchical models"
- BSU Seminar: "Graphical and summary diagnostics for node level adequacy in Bayesian hierarchical models"
- BSU Seminar: "Harnessing Extra Randomness: Replicability, Flexibility and Causality"
- BSU Seminar: "Hyper-Localization and Predictive Modeling of Rapid Lung Function Decline in Cystic Fibrosis"
- BSU Seminar: "Information theory in dose-finding trials"
- BSU Seminar: "Making all pairwise comparisons in multi-arm clinical trials without control treatment"
- BSU Seminar: "Making predictions under intervention to avoid causal blind spots in treatment decisions"
- BSU Seminar: "Mass spectrometry-based proteomics: challenges and opportunities"
- BSU Seminar: "Optimal bootstrapping with dependent data"
- BSU Seminar: "Personalized Decision-Making for Infectious Disease Control: Causal Inference and Complex Dependence"
- BSU Seminar: "Probabilistic approaches for optimal sequential feature acquisition"
- BSU Seminar: "Probabilistic approaches for optimal sequential feature acquisition"
- BSU Seminar: "Semiparametric posterior corrections"
- BSU Seminar: "Sparse Hamiltonian Flows (or: Bayesian Coresets Without all the Fuss)"
- BSU Seminar: "Statistical approaches for differential analyses on transcriptomics data"
- BSU Seminar: "Statistical modelling for state-of-the-art gene editing experiments"
- BSU Seminar: "The HealthGap study: Using linked administrative data to understand cardiovascular health of Indigenous people living in Victoria, Australia"
- BSU Seminar: "The HealthGap study: Using linked administrative data to understand cardiovascular health of Indigenous people living in Victoria, Australia"
- BSU Seminar: "The Topological Properties of the Protein Universe"
- BSU Seminar: "Uncertainty Quantification in the Digital Medicine Era"
- BSU Seminar: "Unravelling the mechanisms and decision-making logic of biological systems"
- BSU Seminar: "Using Gaussian processes to model branching dynamics from single-cell data" (provisional)
- BSU Seminar: "Using Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data to Investigate the Causal Effect of Salvage Therapy after Prostatectomy"
- BSU Seminar: 'Bayesian analysis of diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models with application to COVID-19'
- BSU Seminar: 'Bayesian Covariance Structure Modelling of Clinical Trial Data'
- BSU Seminar: 'Covariate Adjustment in Randomized Experiments with Incomplete Covariate and Outcome Data'
- BSU Seminar: 'Detecting National, Regional and Global Changes in Terror Activity'
- BSU Seminar: 'Double soft-thresholded model for multi-group scalar on vector-valued image regression'
- BSU Seminar: 'From Data to Decisions: Causal Inference Motivated by Policy Questions'
- BSU Seminar: 'Methods for Bayesian optimal design of experiments, with application in biological science’
- BSU Seminar: 'Modelling the response to vaccine in non-human primates to define SARS-CoV-2 mechanistic correlates of protection'
- BSU Seminar: 'Phases of research for statistical methods’
- BSU Seminar: 'Some advances and applications of robust gradient-based Markov chain Monte Carlo'
- BSU Seminar: “Bayesian adaptive designs for Phase III trials”
- BSU Seminar: “Bayesian behavioural-change epidemic models: is your population alarmed?”
- BSU Seminar: “Biomarker discovery through statistical signal processing and Bayesian modelling on large-scale quantitative proteomics data”
- BSU Seminar: “Biomarker discovery through statistical signal processing and Bayesian modelling on large-scale quantitative proteomics data”
- BSU Seminar: “Building Representative Matched Samples with Multi-valued Treatments in Large Observational Studies”
- BSU Seminar: “Cox-process representation and inference for stochastic reaction-diffusion processes”
- BSU Seminar: “Estimation in two-stage adaptive threshold enrichment clinical trials”
- BSU Seminar: “Exchangeable Random Measures for Sparse and Modular Graphs with Overlapping Communities”
- BSU Seminar: “How to obtain valid tests and confidence intervals for treatment effects after confounder selection”
- BSU Seminar: “How to obtain valid tests and confidence intervals for treatment effects after confounder selection”
- BSU Seminar: “Optimal design of First in Human trials via dynamic programming”
- BSU Seminar: “Optimal Feature Selection using model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning”
- BSU Seminar: “Optimising the discovery and development of gene silencing drugs with genetics and genomics”
- BSU Seminar: “Quasi Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods”
- BSU Seminar: “Sample size considerations for the design clinical trials – quantifying the target difference and the target no-difference”
- BSU Seminar: “Sample size considerations for the design clinical trials – quantifying the target difference and the target no-difference”
- BSU Seminar: “Statistical approaches to viral sequence data; their evolutionary and clinical applications”
- BSU Seminar: “Statistical learning for drug screening in personalized cancer therapy”
- BSU Seminar: “Unsupervised substructure discovery in mass spectrometry metabolomics data”
- BSU Seminar: “Unsupervised substructure discovery in mass spectrometry metabolomics data”
- BSU Seminar: “Using Electronic Health Records for Scientific Research: Promises and Perils”
- BSU virtual seminar: "Assessing batch effects and their implications in single cell RNA sequencing experiments"
- BSU Virtual Seminar: 'A Simulation-Free Approach To Assessing the Performance of the Continual Reassessment Method'
- BSU Virtual Seminar: “Estimating treatment effects from adaptive clinical trials”
- BSU Virtual Seminar: “Group Testing in Structured and Dynamic Networks”
- BT Pembroke lecture 2020: Black swan or new normal? The changing face of managing during COVID-19
- Btrfs
- btrfs
- Bubble dynamics in two extreme confinements: oscillations in micro-channels and cavitation in trees
- Bubble instabilities in rigid and flexible vessels
- Bubbles / Laser Physics
- Bubbles and Bangs - How gases get out of magma and what happens when they don't
- Bubbles and bangs: sensing volcanic emissions
- Bubbles and Bangs: Volatile Controls on Magma Fragmentation
- Bubbles and bifurcations: nonlinear dynamics in multiphase flows
- Bubbles in micro- and nanofluidics
- Bubbles of nothing, the quantum creation of Universes, and the fastest decay in the landscape
- Bubbles-Particles-Capsules-Fibres at all scales!
- Bubbling analysis for closed and free boundary minimal hypersurfaces
- Bubbly jets and particle-laden fountains in confined and unconfined spaces
- Bubbly media as a playground for multiple scattering
- BubR1 acetylation: a molecular switch modulating APC/C activity
- Buckling and wrinkling of elastic plates: theory and experiment
- Buckling instabilities in chaining bacterial colonies
- Buckling instabilities in chaining bacterial colonies (talk held in Department of Engineering not the INI)
- Buckling of a fast drying drop of particle suspension
- Buckling of elastic plates: theory and experiment
- Buckling of Hopf solitons
- Buckling of protein film with finite shear properties
- Buckling of Spherical Shells Revisited
- Buckling of viscoelastic protein films
- Buddha's Path in Practice: an end in itself or a means to a better world
- Buddhism and Donation: Rock-cut Monasteries of the Western Ghats
- Buddhism in 21st Century Cambridge
- Buddhism talk on Silent Illumination
- Buddhist Talk and Q&A by Ajahn Jayasaro
- Buddhist Talk on the 'Noble Eightfold Path'
- Buddhist Talk: The Noble Eightfold Path--Sila and Samadhi
- Buddhist way of life and contentment with limited resources
- Budget-Limited Parametric Estimation for Expensive Black Box Engineering Models
- Bufferbloat
- Bufferbloat and RED
- Buffering genetic variation in populations
- Buffering genetic variation in populations
- Buffon and Martinet's Natural History of Birds (1765-1783): text, images and collections
- Bugs 'n Steel Afloat and On Shore
- Bugs, Bites and Parasites
- Build the future: Design concrete with machine learning
- Builders of the vision
- Building & running your own web 2.0 service: experience from a local startup
- Building a bigger brain: genetic bases for the evolution of the human neocortex
- Building a Climate System Laboratory: Modelling the climate system.
- Building a Collaborative Network to target Neurodegeneration using Fragment Based Drug Design
- Building a community model for robustness and extensibility
- Building a conceptual model of the oceanic overturning circulation
- Building a Culture of Research Integrity
- Building a Cyber eco-system
- Building a dark matter wind chime
- Building a Demographic Profile of Foreign Seamen in the British Navy, 1793-1815
- Building a Global Civilisation
- Building a Mitotic Chromosome: The Complete Parts List
- Building a movement for effective giving
- Building a national Congenital Anomaly and Rare Disease Registration Service
- Building a network model for metallic foams
- Building a Platform for Cell Division
- Building a quantum computer with neutral atoms
- Building a remyelination trial in pediatric MS
- Building a Secure Bank
- Building a secure bank from the ground up
- Building a sense of direction – from perception to cognition
- Building a Start-up from Cam’lab Research
- Building a Trading System (How we really do it…)
- Building a wall: Genetics of exine formation in Arabidopsis pollen
- Building a World Civilisation
- Building a young brain on Old shoulders: A story on the most primitive ventricular brain
- Building abstractions in Language Development
- Building advanced neuromuscular organoids to study human development and disease
- Building Algorithms for FPGAs
- Building an 18 core ARM chip multiprocessor for neuronal simulation
- Building an Enduring Start-up - Lessons for Entrepreneurs
- Building and Breaking Epithelial tubes: an Optogenetic approach
- Building and Breaking the Neural Tube
- Building and maintaining memory: transcriptional repressors and chromatin modifiers in plant developmental switches
- Building and optimising finite-time adiabatic processes in stochastic thermodynamics
- Building and optimising finite-time adiabatic processes in stochastic thermodynamics
- Building and using the Finnish Internet Parsebank
- Building anti-de Sitter spacetimes
- Building asymmetry in the brain - from genes to circuits
- Building authority: botanical workers in the British Empire, 1770s to the 1820s
- Building Back Better: Natural Capital Accounting for a Green Recovery
- Building Bankomat: Cash dispensers and the development of on-line, real-time networks in Britain and Sweden, c.1965-1985
- Building Barrios and seeking sexual rights: women’s activism in Spain from the 1950s to the 1980s
- Building better brains: the ethics of cognitive and affective enhancement
- Building Better Questionnaires with Probabilistic Modelling
- Building blocks of buildings
- Building Blocks of Nanoscale Electronics
- Building blocks of the flavourful SMEFT RG
- Building blocks towards modeling the physical world: analysis, geometry, computer arithmetics
- Building Bonds with Boron
- Building Brains
- Building Bridges between Genes, Brains and Language
- Building bridges between genes, brains and language.
- Building Bridges in Medical Sciences
- Building Bridges in Medical Sciences
- Building Britain's Most Powerful Steam Locomotive
- Building Business in the Sunshine
- Building Certifiably Safe and Correct Large-scale Autonomous Systems
- Building closed ideals in L(L_1) using discretization
- Building Community Through Diversity in Music Education
- Building cortical networks: from molecules to function
- Building detailed cardiac electrophysiological models from high-resolution images
- Building distributed financial trading systems (Part 1)
- Building distributed financial trading systems (Part 2)
- Building Energy Performance for Refurbishment – Baselines, Monitoring and Benchmarks
- Building Energy Performance: The Human Factor
- Building Enzian: a research computer
- Building Enzymes with New Function - Professor Anthony Green
- Building Fast and Maintainable Software for Multi-Scale Evo-Devo Simulations
- Building Flexible High-Performance Key-Value Systems
- Building Flexible High-Performance Key-Value Systems
- Building For Scale: How and Why Stripe Built Sorbet, a Type Checker for Ruby
- Building from bottom up: Fabrication of novel materials using designer self-assembling peptides
- Building from bottom up: Fabrication of novel materials using designer self-assembling peptides
- Building Gordian links
- Building industrial academic collaborations; managing the relationship
- Building Information Modelling: 2016 and Beyond
- Building integrated agriculture - a physics-based simulation approach for optimisation of environmental conditions
- Building integrin adhesions in development and evolution
- Building intuition about coherence
- Building knowledge of the natural world: the historical and contemporary contributions of citizen science within the UK
- Building location-based services
- Building Machines that Learn from Examples of Complicated Things
- Building Models of Black Hole Variability.
- Building Models of Juvenile Salmon Demography
- Building modern dataflow systems
- Building Neural Representations of Habits
- Building New Materials On A Silicon Nanophotonics Platform For Applications From Visible To Mid Infrared
- Building on Springs: Towards a Performance-Based Design Approach for Controlling Groundborne Vibration
- Building organs – emergence of form and fate through local force imbalance
- Building patterning-dependent chromatin states during development.
- Building planets and the ingredients for life between the stars
- Building planets: what sets their composition?
- Building plant bodies from hair
- Building proteins de novo: better, faster, fitter
- Building Radical Spaces of Resilience: The sanctuary movement in the US
- Building Relativistic Jets
- Building resilience through drone-based strategies for volcano monitoring
- Building Rocky Worlds
- Building Secure Systems On and For Social Networks
- Building Secure Systems On and For Social Networks
- Building Small, Fast and Hot Si Spin Qubits
- Building software that makes sense: how to write for user interfaces
- Building sophisticated and reproducible neuroimaging pipelines with NiPyPe
- Building sophisticated and reproducible neuroimaging pipelines with NiPyPe
- Building stable tensegrities for engineering applications
- Building Stones of Cambridge. Geology walking tour. - Fully Booked!
- Building Stones of Cambridge: A walking tour around the historic city centre
- Building Stones of Cambridge: Geology walking tour.
- Building stronger teams for better UX
- Building synthetic cells using DNA nanotechnology (Postdoc Meet n Greet)
- Building the Field of Planetary Health in the Philippines and Southeast Asia: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned
- Building the human lungs: lessons from organoids
- Building the human lungs: lessons from organoids
- Building the mammalian hypothalamus:from cells to circuits
- Building the news search engine
- Building the next generation climate model
- Building the UK’s Nuclear Future: Seismic Challenges
- Building the vertebrate skull
- Building tissue mechanics into novel types of multi-scale models
- Building Trusted Systems with Protected Modules
- Building trustworthy multi-party systems in the cloud (without handling over the keys to the kingdom)
- Building understanding from the ground up: hierarchical modelling of the climate system
- Building ventilation and applications in practice
- Building Wikipedia legacies: BAME Women in STEMM
- Building with DNA: From understanding to redesign of molecular machines
- Building World Class Life Science Businesses – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Building your best day: combining compositional analysis and optimisation theory
- Building your life-support system; a new paradigm for human placental development
- Building your social media presence workshop
- Buildings and Bad Weather: Lessons Learned from Interdisciplinary Research
- Buildings and C*-algebras
- Buildings, surfaces and quaternions
- Buildings, surfaces and superrigidity
- Built Environment
- Built environment and violent crime: An environmental audit approach using Google Street View
- Bulk acoustic mode micromechanical resonators
- Bulk and interface doping of organic semiconductors
- Bulk condensation driven by an interface: anti-diffusion in active granular matter
- Bulk condensation driven by an interface: anti-diffusion in active granular matter
- Bulk condensation from interfacial activity
- Bulk diffusion in alumina: solving the corundum conundrum
- Bulk geometry from colors
- Bulk High Temperature Superconductors for High Field Engineering Applications
- Bulk reconstruction of metrics with a compact space asymptotically
- Bulk scaling limit of the Laguerre ensemble
- Bulk Superconductors - Ready for Applications?
- Bulk, Melt Processed (RE)BCO Superconductors for High Field Applications
- Bulk-boundary correspondence for vacuum asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetimes
- Bulk-boundary correspondence in quantum chains
- Bulk-boundary correspondence of topological insulators
- Bulk-edge correspondence of one-dimensional quantum walks
- Bullard Lightning Talks
- Bullard Research Symposium
- Bullion or specie? The role of Spanish American silver coins in Europe and Asia throughout the 18th century
- Bullseye! Understanding the mechanisms of petal patterning
- Bullying & Cyberbullying: protective factors and effective interventions
- Bumblebees' floral preferences are shaped by rapid valuation of sensory nectar properties
- Bumblebees' floral preferences are shaped by rapid valuation of sensory nectar properties
- Bump attractors and waves in networks of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons
- Bumping attacks: the affordable way of obtaining chip secrets
- Bumps and Ramps in the Glacial CO2 Record
- Bumpy Black Holes and Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals
- Bumpy Metrics for Minimal Submanifolds
- Bundle methods and its application in machine learning
- Bundle sheath leakiness in C4 crops
- Bundles of generalized theta functions on abelian surfaces
- Bundles of rank 2 with 4 sections on curves
- Bundles over Nearly-Kahler Homogeneous Spaces in Heterotic String Theory with Flux
- Bundles with fiberwise negatively curved metrics
- Bunkers and other risk assessments: (im-)material calculations of military and natural disasters
- Buoyancy and chemical effects in geophysics
- Buoyancy flux, upwelling, and closure of ocean meridional overturning circulation
- Buoyancy-driven flows and mixing: an energetics perspective
- Buoyancy-induced turbulent mixing in a narrow vertical channel / Seasonal heat storage in porous media
- Bureaucracy and Moral Agency: Practices of the Self at the Frontlines of Public Service
- Burgers Equation with Affine Noise: Stability and Dynamics
- Burj Khalifa (Dubai)
- Burma to Myanmar
- Burma: The Slow Death of a Nation
- Burning Ice: Art, Science & Climate Change
- Burns holography
- Burstiness and Correlations Affect Spreading on Temporal Networks
- Burying the Violent Ones: Radical Funerals in France's Early Third Republic
- Bush, Bench and Bedside: Nutrition Research in Rural Gambia (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Bushmen of the Southern Kalahari: the puzzle of what is real
- Business and politics in late medieval Iberia: mercantile elites in the Kingdom of Aragon (1380-1430)
- Business Basics
- Business Ecosystem (BE) Exploration and its Impacts on Operations Management
- Business Evolution and a Holistic Response
- Business Groups and the Incorporation of Firm-specific Shocks into Stock Prices
- Business Intelligence
- Business Lecture: Graphene. Reinvented. A talk by Paragraf and IDTechEx
- Business Lecture: Prof Nigel Slater, Prof of Chemical Engineering, Dept for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Business Lecture: What next for AI and machine learning?
- Business Model and its Innovation (tbc)
- Business Model Evolution: A Systems Perspective
- Business model innovation for sustainable development: Lessons from off-grid energy in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Business Models and Technological Innovation
- Business rates pooling
- Business-Government Ties: lessons from China
- Business-oriented Solutions for Resource Recovery and Reuse at Scale in Developing Countries
- Busy Periods in Fluid Queues with Multiple Emptying Input States
- But is it poetry?: Comparing children’s poetry and adult poetry through the work of Charles Causley.
- But why the moduli space of curves?
- Butter Oil and Derived Lipid-Formulations for Delivery Of Poorly Soluble Small Drug Molecules
- Butterfly Genetics
- Butterfly resampling - convergence and central limit theorems for particle filters with constrained interactions
- Buyer beware: robustness analyses in theoretical economics
- Buying Private Data without Verification
- Buying Stuff in Hospitals (OR Inefficiencies and risks in medical device purchasing practice)
- BV functions in separable Hilbert spaces
- By Virtue of Necessity: Reason of State in the Spanish Monarchy
- BYOB – Organising Appropriate Gatherings in the Lymph Node
- Bypassing the brave new world: reporting transgenic mice in the early 1980s
- Bypassing the energy functional in density functional theory: Direct calculation of electronic energies from conditional probability densities
- Byron's war: the politics of the Greek Revolution (1823-1824)
- Byte Night Cambridge
- Byu academic calendar
- Byu academic calendar
- Byu academic calendar
- B_c decays from highly improved staggered quarks and NRQCD