Talks starting with V
- V+jets Ratios and the Search for New Physics in ATLAS
- V-Dem: measuring democracy
- V1: Predicting the near future on the basis of the recent past
- Vacancy localisation in the square dimer model, statistics of geodesic in large quadrangulations
- Vaccination against the brown stomach worm, Teladorsagia circumcincta, followed by parasite challenge, induces inconsistent modifications in gut microbiota composition of lambs
- Vaccine Antigen Delivery: new approaches to vaccine development
- Vaccine delivery systems for the future
- Vaccine Development in the Year 2100
- Vaccines 2014
- Vaccines for Notorious Zoonotic Viruses
- Vaccines for notorious Zoonotic Viruses
- Vaccinia Virus and the Eradication of Smallpox
- Vaccinia virus has evolved the Bcl-2 family of proteins to thwart the host innate immune system.
- Vaccinia virus induces a cytoplasmic DNA damage response to facilitate replication
- Vaccinia virus protein 169 modulates host protein synthesis and affects virulence
- Vacuum Decay by Topological Solitons
- Vacuum Destabilisation by Dense Astrophysical Objects
- Vacuum insulation
- Vacuum stability and phase transitions: A rich source for fascinating math, physics and phenomenology
- Vacuum states in hydrodynamic models.
- Vacuuming the Atlantic, Paepalology and getting things ‘wrong, wrong, wrong!’ – pollen tales from the archives
- Valence Changes and Structural Distortions in 'Charge Ordered' Manganites Quantified by Atomic-Scale Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Valentine’s Day for people with multiple sclerosis: promoting brain repair through remyelination
- Valiant's theory
- Valiants Shift problem: A reduction to a problem about graph guessing games
- Valid inference from non-ignorable network sampling mechanisms
- Validated Numerics Techniques for Singular Integrals
- Validating approximate Bayesian computation on posterior convergence
- Validating Degree-Based Topology Generators
- Validating Machine Learning Models Visually with Zegami
- Validating QBF Validity in HOL4
- Validating SAT Refutations
- Validating the turbidite approach to paleoseismology using observations from the Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, New Zealand
- Validation & testing of novel therapeutic targets to treat osteosarcoma
- Validation of EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance
- Validation of lumbosacral neuroforaminal distraction in dogs using a novel intervertebral spacer - a cadaveric pilot study
- Validation of Prediction Uncertainty in Computational Chemistry
- Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Software for Complex DNA samples: The Promulgation of Industry Standards
- Validity and non-validity of the NLS approximation for the water wave problem - Recent developments and open problems
- Validity of the Boltzmann equation: short range potentials and beyond
- Validity theory and validation: never the twain shall meet?
- Validity unpacked
- Validity: does the assessment ‘do what it says on the tin’?
- Valuation Compressions in Combinatorial Auctions
- Valuation of floating price contract formulae for financial renewable PPAs
- Valuation Theory and Extensions of Pluri-canonical Sections
- Valuative characterization of multiplier ideals
- Value Added Diplomacy? The European External Action Service and the EU Member States.
- Value and confidence signals in the human brain - implications for decision making?
- Value creation in closed loop supply chains and the role of information management
- Value From Hedonic Experience and Engagement
- Value generalization during human avoidance learning
- Value Improvement Model for Repetitive Processes
- Value in Morality and Politics
- Value in Product Development
- Value Mapping and Tapping in Industrial Symbiosis
- Value of Humanitarian Technology at the Base of the Pyramid
- Value of information for maintenance decisions
- Value of Information in Asset Management
- Value of Sensing
- Value of sensing
- Value Ordering Heuristics for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction
- Value Propagation: A Graphical Model for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
- Value Uncaptured Perspective for Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- Value-based asset management decisions: analyses of empirical data for prioritization of investments in electricity networks
- Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Valued-based Healthcare and Healthcare Supply Chains
- Values in science and classifying the chemical elements
- Values taken by pairs of quadratc forms
- Valuing environmental damages caused by large oil spills: Lessons learned from the Prestige oil spill
- Valuing health
- Valuing Information using Prediction Markets
- Valuing nature for better environmental decision-making: A collaborative toolkit for real-world conservation
- Valuing Storage and Demand-Side Management
- Valuing the Human Body by Discounting Labor Capacity: Evidence from Industrial Injury Cases in China
- Van Der Waals Bonding In Layered Systems
- Van der Waals heterostructure devices
- Van der waals interactions in acenes and C60
- Van Der Waerdan's Theorem
- Van Dyck and Reynolds: Two giants of portraiture
- Van Kampen's Theorem: classic, directed & generalized
- Vandermonde with Arnoldi
- Vanishing Class Sizes
- Vanishing Elements In Groups
- Vanishing negative K-theory and bounded t-structures
- Vanishing or non-vanishing of kappa_2
- Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds
- Vanishing theorems for Siegel modular varieties of infinite Gamma_1-level
- Vanishing theorems on globally F-regular varieties
- Vanishing Voices and the Politics of Language Policy: Reflections on long-term fieldwork in the Himalayas
- Variability and drivers of the subpolar Southern Ocean circulation from satellite altimetry
- Variability and Robustness in Neuronal Networks
- Variability and trend in the Brewer-Dobson circulation
- Variability and trends of drifter pathways near the Antarctic Peninsula and potential ecological impacts
- Variability in melt extrusion at silicic volcanoes
- Variability in the cellular response to death receptor ligands
- Variability in visual processing between and within individuals
- Variability of eddy-mean flow interactions in atmospheric storm tracks and an application to the ACC.
- Variability of Southern Ocean mode and intermediate waters during the late 20th and early 21st centuries: The view from Drake Passage
- Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon during the past 6000 years
- Variability of the polar stratospheric vortex and its impact on surface climate patterns
- Variability of the winter stratosphere: the sudden stratospheric warming of 2009
- Variable Agreement in French: A Study of Grammatical and Social Variation
- Variable clustering: optimal bounds and a convex approach
- Variable concord in French: prescriptivism and language use
- Variable elimination and graph reduction: towards an efficient g-formula for causal DAGs
- Variable epigenetic silencing of the repeat genome: implications for non-genetic inheritance
- Variable magmatism at mid-ocean ridges
- Variable metric methods
- Variable pricing and the cost of renewable energy
- Variable resolution and uniform second and third Order approximation order
- Variable resolution experiments using CAM's spectral finite element dynamical core
- Variable selection and classification with large-scale presence only data
- Variable selection in very high dimensional regression and classification
- Variable selection in very high dimensional regression and classification
- Variables: Coordinating research with elementary classroom realities
- Variance in Policy Gradient methods and Learning Sequential Latent Variable Models
- Variance reduction in stochastic homogenization using antithetic variables
- Variant antigen families in the genomes of Laveranian Plasmodium species
- Variation and change in the Southern Ocean eco-system
- Variation in British Sign Language
- Variation in measures and markers of timeliness of diagnosis in cancer
- Variation in moraicity in Japanese text-setting
- Variation in response to intruder scent cues in meerkats
- Variation independent parametrizations
- Variation of Iwasawa invariants in residually reducible Hida families
- Variation of the Nazarov-Sodin constant for random plane waves and arithmetic random waves
- Variation under functoriality of geometrically-motivated classes of archimedean representations
- Variation won't give the ghost up: verb-particle constructions in and out of grammar
- Variational Approach to KPZ Equation: Myths-Busting and Some Results
- Variational Autoencoders
- Variational autoencoders with latent graphical models
- Variational Bayes and Beyond: Foundations of Scalable Bayesian Inference
- Variational Bayes as Surrogate Regression
- Variational Bayes In Private Settings
- Variational Bayesian Mixtures of Gaussians
- Variational constructions of minimal surfaces
- Variational discretizations of gauge field theories using group-equivariant interpolation spaces
- Variational discretizations of gauge field theories using group-equivariant interpolation spaces
- Variational existence and stability theory for hydroelastic solitary waves
- Variational formulations for dissipative systems
- Variational formulations for dissipative systems
- Variational free energy and the brain
- Variational Gaussian wave packets revisited
- Variational Gaussian wave packets revisited
- Variational Gibbs Sampling
- Variational Hodge conjecture and Hodge loci
- Variational inference and exponential families
- Variational Inference for Non-Conjugate Models
- Variational inference for partially observed diffusion processes
- Variational inference for some models with Polya-Gamma latent variables and Gaussian process priors
- Variational Inference in Gaussian Processes for non-linear time series
- Variational inference in graphical models: The view from the marginal polytope
- Variational Inference with Bayes Net Fragments for Beat Tracking and Rhythm Recognition
- Variational Mean Field Games
- Variational methods for a singular SPDE yielding the universality of the magnetisation ripple
- Variational Methods for Medical Ultrasound Imaging
- Variational Methods for the Solution of Inverse Problems
- Variational Methods in 3+Dimensional Biomedical Imaging
- Variational Methods in images processing, integro-differential equations and applications to histology and MR imaging
- Variational Methods to Image Segmentation
- Variational Models for Image Restoration with Applications in Deformable Registration
- Variational Multiscale Approaches to Turbulence Modeling in the framework High Order Discretizations of Fluid Flow
- Variational principle for discrete 2d integrable systems
- Variational principle for lattice models with long-range interactions
- Variational principles for discrete maps
- Variational Principles for Mirror Descent and Mirror Langevin Dynamics
- Variational principles for water waves beyond perturbations
- Variational Problems with Linear Growth
- Variational Relaxations of the Image Partitioning Problem - Models, Optimization and Optimality
- Variational Smoothing in Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
- Variational systems on the variational bicomplex
- Variational systems on the variational bicomplex
- Variational Water Waves: on Continuum and Discrete Modelling, and Experimental Validation
- Variational, Hamiltonian and Symplectic Perspectives on Acceleration
- Variations in genetic and phenotypic diversity during breast cancer progression.
- Variations of K-moduli for del Pezzo surfaces
- Variations of K-moduli for del Pezzo surfaces
- Variations on Gehring’s lemma
- Variations on the Expected Improvement
- Varieties of minimal rational tangents and associated geometric substructures.
- Varieties of Representation
- Varieties of tacit knowledge
- Varieties of technologies for S&T-based innovation: an analysis of emerging synthetic biology R&D priorities
- Varieties of theory in modern America
- Varieties under cut and paste
- Various Approaches to an Averaging Process in General Relativity
- Various questions in generalized Landau-Zener problem
- Various speakers
- Varnish -- programming like it is 2008
- Varsity Event
- Varves and tephras in the palaeoclimate record of the Dead Sea
- Varying constants? Evidence for and against from quasar absorption lines
- Vascular aging (tbc)
- Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Diagnostic Advances
- Vascular disease modelling using iPS: new insights into Marfan Syndrome
- Vascular disease modelling using iPS: new insights into Marfan Syndrome
- Vascular endothelial wound healing and its regulation by substrate topography
- Vascular PET: From Imaging of Inflammation to Receptor Imaging
- Vascular regulation of lung regeneration and fibrosis
- Vascularization patterns and fluid flow in growing tumours
- Vaticle: Type theory as the unifying foundation for modern databases
- Víctimas de su propia natura: escarmiento, maltrato y castigo a la mujer en la literatura medieval
- vbmfihumi ut
- VCAM1, brain ageing, and the 'vampire hypothesis'
- Veblen and Instincts Reconsidered
- Vector Autoregressive based Network Models
- Vector boson + jets at NLO
- Vector Boson scattering at the LHC (Theory)
- Vector bundles and coherent systems on nodal curves
- Vector Bundles and Moduli Stabilization in Heterotic Theories
- Vector bundles on metric graphs
- Vector bundles on the algebraic 5-sphere and punctured affine 3-space
- Vector Carleman boundary value problem with two shifts in a strip and a dynamic problem of a power-law graded half-plane
- Vector Carleman boundary value problem with two shifts in a strip and a dynamic problem of a power-law graded half-plane
- Vector Commitments with Efficient Protocols for Privacy-preserving Smart Billing Applications
- Vector fields and moduli of canonically polarized surfaces in positive characteristic.
- Vector fields on noncompact manifolds
- Vector Gaussian Processes
- Vector Genomics and the Malaria Cell Atlas
- Vector Riemann-Hilbert problems: methods of Riemann surfaces and automorphic and hypergeometric functions
- Vector-based 3D Graphic Statics: Designing spatial structures in static equilibrium using form, force, and topological diagrams
- Vector-borne helminths of zoonotic concern in Europe: emerging or neglected?
- Vector-host interactions and innate immunity in hematopoietic stem cell gene engineering
- Vector-like fermions in Composite Higgs Models
- Vectorial metric compactification of symmetric spaces and affine buildings
- Vectors of Empire: mosquitoes in British India and beyond, 1900-1940
- VEdge_Detector: A tool for automated coastal vegetation edge detection using very deep convolutional neural networks
- VEdge_Detector: A tool for automated coastal vegetation edge detection using very deep convolutional neural networks
- Veering Dehn Surgery
- Vegetation responses to rapid climate change – Danian evidence of a potential future
- Vehicle based monitoring of rail roughness to control railway noise and vibration
- Vehicle dynamics testing in winter conditions
- Vehicle exhaust nanoparticles: sources and control.
- Vehicle testing of cab suspension
- Vehicle-bridge interaction in railways: forward and inverse applications
- Vehicles in Christian Petzold’s "Wolfsburg"
- Vehicular App Development: Opportunities and Challenges
- Vehicular Sensing
- Velocity Dispersions and Dark Matter Limits in Globular Clusters
- Velocity Variations from Ambient Noise Interferometry at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Velocity-Modulation Control of Electron-Wave Propagation in Graphene
- Velocity-pressure correlation in Navier--Stokes flows and the problem of global regularity
- Vena Cava Retrievable Filters
- Venereology at the Polyclinic, 1899-1914
- Venereology at the Polyclinic, 1899-1914.
- Venezuela - a BCSS digital presentation
- Veni, vidi, virion: new conquests of hepatitis C virus
- Veni, vidi, virion: new conquests of hepatitis C virus
- Venice - sustainability and the impacts of the flood protection barriers
- Venom
- Ventilation as Part of the Safe Reestablishment of Indoor Spaces
- Ventilation: Is it just a lot of hot air
- Ventricular Remodeling: Population Variation in Congenital Heart Disease and Data Uncertainty in Systems Mechanobiology
- Ventricular Remodeling: Population Variation in Congenital Heart Disease and Data Uncertainty in Systems Mechanobiology
- Venture Capital - Supporting Technological Innovation
- Venture capital and the high technology market in Israel: How tiny Israel with no natural resources generates more technology start-ups then all of Western Europe combined
- Venture Capital, Patents and Innovation
- Venture Capital, Risk and the Business of Global Climate Change - A Global View
- Venture Capital: Supporting Technological Innovation
- Venture Creation Weekend: Connected devices and wearable tech
- Venture Creation Weekend: Genomics - Encoding the future
- Venture Creation Weekend: Innovation in Food Security 15-17 March
- Verasco, a formally verified C static analyzer
- Verb combinations in English and Dutch: continuity or change
- Verb morphology and the centrality of aspect
- Verbal Nouns as a-categorial roots
- Verbal picturing and aesthetic experience in natural history, 1650–1720
- Verifiable robustness of neural networks in autonomous vehicles.
- Verification Across Intellectual Property Boundaries
- Verification and Synthesis by Sciduction
- Verification Based on Algebra and Automated Deduction
- Verification for free: using K to build a theorem prover for any language
- Verification of Control Laws Using Formal Methods
- Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems: Temporal Properties and Airplane Collision Avoidance
- Verification of fine-grain concurrency: Separation Logic for Floyd assertions in Petri nets.
- Verification of Fortran Codes
- Verification of Imperative Programs Through Characteristic Formulae
- Verification of infinite-state programs
- Verification of Microarchitectural Refinements in Rule-based Systems
- Verification of Quantum Mechanics
- Verification of Quantum Programs
- Verification of quantum protocols using Coq
- Verificatum -- An efficient and provably secure mix-net
- Verified Characteristic Formulae for CakeML
- Verified Learning autonomy - Susmit Jha
- Verified Machine Learning
- Verified Machine Learning
- Verified Probabilistic Reachability in Parametric Hybrid Systems: Theory and Tool Implementation
- Verified Programming in Agda
- Verified Secure Routing
- Verified Software Toolchains: Foundational verification of C programs using VST
- Verified Software Toolchains: CN: A separation logic refinement type system for C
- Verified Software Toolchains: Fiat-Cryptography
- Verified Software Toolchains: Islaris: Verification of Machine Code Against Authoritative ISA Semantics
- Verified Software Toolchains: Separation is all you need - Foundations for Modular Verification of Realistic Concurrent Programs
- Verified Software Toolchains: Towards algebraic foundations for alignment
- Verifyable random bit generation
- Verifying a Concurrent Hypervisor in C++
- Verifying a Virtualization Stack at BedRock Systems
- Verifying an Operating System Kernel
- Verifying Concurrent Programs with Relaxed Conflict Detection
- Verifying Concurrent Search Structure Templates
- Verifying Constant-Time Implementations
- Verifying Crypto Protocols Written in C
- Verifying global stability of fluid flows despite transient growth of energy
- Verifying malloc using RGSep and 'Explicit Stabilisation'
- Verifying Object-Invariants in Spec#
- Verifying spatial properties of stencil computations
- Verifying stability of approximate explicit MPC
- Verlinde formulas on surfaces
- VerLoc: Verifiable Localization in Decentralized Systems
- Verma modules for Iwasawa algebras are faithful
- Verma modules of Iwasawa algebras are faithful
- Veronesean representations of Moufang planes
- Versatile And Scalable Approaches To Assembling Nanocarbons
- Versatile ‘Quantum Multiplexing’ for Nanoelectronic Applications
- Versatility and dynamics of transcriptional responses to Notch
- Verse Texts as Evidence for Linguistic Change: the Case of Medieval French.
- Verse: Specification, Testing, and Verification for the Working Software Engineer
- Version Control Software
- Version control with Subversion
- Versions of injectivity and extension theorems
- Versions of Quantum Oblivious Transfer
- Vertebrate EvoDevo and Genomics (CANCELLED)
- Vertebrate Limb Patterning and Morphogenesis
- Vertex algebra and Lie algebra structures on the homology of moduli spaces
- Vertex Algebras I
- Vertex Algebras II
- Vertex Operator Algebras from Calabi-Yau Geometries
- Vertex Sparsifiers and Lipschitz Extendability
- Vertex sparsifiers: New results from old techniques (and some open questions)
- Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process and a Hyperbolic Spin Model on the Regular Tree: Infinite-Order Transition and an Intermediate Phase
- Vertical dispersion by stratified turbulence
- Vertices of high degree in the preferential attachment tree
- Very deep convolutional neural networks for speech recognition
- Very high speed networking in VMs and bare metal
- Very high speed networking in VMs and bare metal
- Very Large Parameter Problems
- Very narrow lasers to measure wide lines: Frequency comb-referenced determination of pressure broadening, narrowing and shifts for remote sensing
- Very precise radial velocities with high-resolution spectrographs
- Very varied.
- Very-large scale motions in the atmospheric surface layer
- Vesicle bionanotechnology and biophysics: from hybrid lipid-copolymer systems to anticancer peptides
- Vessel - Film Screening on Abortion Activism with Dr. Rebecca Gomperts
- Vest up! Working with St John's Medical Response Team
- Vestigial order in quantum materials
- Vet School Postdocs and PhD students: Have you thought about your career?
- Veterinary epidemiology: where mathematical modellers , biologists, animal scientists, and veterinarians (should) meet
- Veterinary implementation of Transoesophageal Doppler technology
- Vets and Animal Research - 5 short talks
- VHHs for the prevention and control of Campylobacter spp
- VHI Seminar: Is Just War Theory still relevant in the 21st Century?
- VHL tumor suppressor mechanisms: from maintenance of the primary cilium to promotion of error-free mitosis
- Vibe checks and red teaming: why ML researchers are increasingly reverting to manual evaluation
- Vibrant Visions
- Vibrating cables & flapping flags: classical fluid-solid instabilities or energy sources ?
- Vibrating cables & flapping flags: classical fluid-solid instabilities or energy sources?
- Vibration analysis for energy harvesting
- Vibration and acoustics of everyday things
- Vibration and Acoustics of Everyday Things
- Vibration based Structural Health Monitoring: from Bridges to Wind Turbines
- Vibration based structural health monitoring: from Bridges to Wind Turbines
- Vibration Control Using Periodic Structural Building Blocks
- Vibration energy harvesting
- Vibration of Bell Towers - a New Approach
- Vibration of irregular structures: can we find uses for nonlinearity?
- Vibration of Piled Foundations - a Fast Running Model
- Vibration performance of London's Millennium footbridge
- Vibration performance of London's Millennium footbridge
- Vibration-based monitoring of soil properties during compaction
- Vibrational coherence spectroscopy applied to biomimetic molecular photoswitches
- Vibrational spectroscopy for cell differentiation and imaging
- Vibrations analysis and dynamic balancing
- Vibrations induced by railway traffic: prediction and measurement
- Vibrations on the spherical “Earth”: towards density constraints through non-perturbative normal mode calculations
- Vibro-acoustic modelling for active noise control purposes
- Vibro-acoustics of the violin
- Vibroacoustics research and development at wave6
- Vice President of Caterpillar
- Victimisation and mental health problems in young children
- Victimisation and mental health problems in young children.
- Victims: Figures of Violence, Embodiments of Trauma
- Victoria's secret: science and the monarchy
- Victorian desire and the classical body
- Victorian palaeontology and serial publication
- Victorian Tourists and Climbers in the Alps: Sinking the Sublime
- Victory over our genes? Epigenetics: what it is, and what it's not
- Video Analytics and Information Extraction
- Video colorization by a variational approach
- View of the Cancer Epigenome from Biological and Translational Perspectives
- Viewing Climate Signals through an AI Lens
- Viewing the dusty Universe
- Viewing the Universe
- Viewpoints on Homology
- Views of the entrainment and mixing by turbulent plumes from following the plume and conditioning on its structure
- Views of War, 1914 and 1939
- Vigorous ice shelf-ocean interactions: zooming in on the Pine Island case
- Vijay Rathinam, Title: Noncanonical Sensing of LPS: Mechanisms and Outcomes. and Thiru Kanneganti, Title: Targeting PANoptosis for the Treatment of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases.
- Vikings in shades: navigating by skylight polarization
- Village identity papers and the production of moral homelands in Uganda
- Vindolanda uncovered – the early forts and foundation of a frontier and its changing people
- Vinothan Manoharan - Title TBC
- Viola-Jones Real-time Face Detection
- Violence against Women in Feminist Re-Readings of Marx in Socialist Contexts
- Violence and conflict in Lagos: 1939 – 1945
- Violence in Video Games
- Violent Culture/Cultural Violence - One Day Graduate Conference
- Violent quenching: fast multiphase gas outflows from post-starburst galaxies
- Violent Reverberations: The Politics of History in César Aira’s 'Ema, la cautiva' (Ema, the Captive)
- Violent wave motion due to impact
- Violin Research with Jim Woodhouse, and Commercial Technology Development
- VIPERS: an unprecedented view of large-scale structure and galaxy properties at
0.5 < z < 1.2
- Viral and cellular membrane fusion proteins: tracking common origins
- Viral assembly
- Viral DNA polymerase inhibitors: drug resistance among herpesviruses and poxviruses
- Viral down regulation of cell surface receptors
- Viral evolution on sub-phylogenetic timescales
- Viral geometry as a key to understanding viral infections
- Viral infection dynamics in transplant recipients undergoing immunosuppression
- Viral infections in the immunocompromised host
- Viral manipulation of information transfer in biology: structural and functional insights
- Viral Oncology
- Viral Oncology
- Viral Oncology
- Viral Oncology
- Viral Processes by Random Walks on Random Graphs
- Viral Vectored Vaccines against Influenza
- Virgin birth crosses the Atlantic: Jacques Loeb's experiments on artificial parthenogenesis in the British press, 1900–06
- Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield
- Virginia Woolf and Musical Performance
- Virginia Woolf and Roger Fry: Looking at the Carpet from the Wrong Side
- Virginia Woolf's 'frock consciousness'
- Virginia Woolf's Lost 1931 Sketches
- Virginia Woolf's The Years
- Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse
- Virginia Woolf: The Curator’s perspective
- VIRI Easter Lunch on Responsible Research & Innovation
- Virial inversion and microscopic derivation of density functionals
- Virial inversion and microscopic derivation of density functionals
- Virtual bargaining as a micro-foundation for communication
- Virtual Barriers for Horizontal Buoyancy-driven Flows
- Virtual BSU Seminar: "A flexible sensitivity analysis for sample selection bias"
- Virtual BSU seminar: "NanoSplicer: Accurate identification of splice junctions using Oxford Nanopore sequencing"
- Virtual BSU Seminar: "Using Variational Bayes for fast inference in large longitudinal datasets”
- Virtual BSU Seminar: "Variable Selection and Prioritization in Bayesian Machine Learning Methods"
- Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Assumption-lean inference for generalised linear model parameters'
- Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Confidence intervals for policy evaluation in adaptive experiments’
- Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Parameterizing Causal Marginal Models'
- Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Stochastic treatment interventions in causal survival analysis'
- Virtual BSU Seminar: “Methodological Advances in Risk Prediction"
- Virtual classes, Quot schemes and stable quotients
- Virtual classification of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and applications
- Virtual Conversation: Calculating Trust
- Virtual Conversation: Central European Science in Perspective
- Virtual Conversation: Citizen Science
- Virtual Conversation: Histories of Medicine for the 21st Century
- Virtual Conversation: Legacies of Early Modern Colonial Science
- Virtual Conversation: Pandemic and Policy
- Virtual Cosmology with Superfluid 3He
- Virtual Drivers for Two-Wheeled Vehicles
- Virtual Fossils and the Herefordshire Lagerstatte
- Virtual Lunchtime Talk - Civil Servants and Social Media: A minefield or the new frontier?
- Virtual machines should be invisible (and might be augmented)
- Virtual Materials Testing
- Virtual motives of Hilbert schemes of threefolds
- Virtual Parliaments, Engaged Citizens - webinar
- Virtual Prototyping, Virtual Platforms, and System Simulation for Embedded System and Software Development
- Virtual reality to facilitate multi-sensory molecular simulation and design: from quantum chemistry to ligand-protein binding
- Virtual Seminar: 'Adapting Real-World Experimentation To Balance Enhancement of User Experiences with Statistically Robust Scientific Discovery'
- Virtual Seminar: 'Bayesian pyramids: Identifying interpretable deep structure underlying high-dimensional data’
- Virtual Seminar: 'Probabilistic models of transcriptomic dysregulation in human genetic disease'
- Virtual Seminar: 'PROGRESS in sample size calculations for clinical prediction model research'
- Virtual Seminar: 'Statistical Inference with M-Estimators on Bandit Data’
- Virtual Seminar: 'Using auxiliary variables in mediation analysis to address unmeasured confounding'
- Virtual Seminar: ‘Score driven modeling of spatio-temporal data’
- Virtual Seminar: ‘The DURATIONS design: a practical trial design to optimise treatment duration’
- Virtual Seminar: “Delayed-acceptance Sequential Monte Carlo”
- Virtual Seminar: “Including expert knowledge in genomic selection through intuitive tree-based joint priors”
- Virtual Testing of Manufacturing Architectures
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Conquer Stage Fright: Perform with confidence
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Garden or desert: the contradictions of policy and practice in school music education
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Learning to jazz improvise
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Learning, Collaborating and Making Music Online: An Exploration of Possibilities
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Relationship between one-to-one teaching, mentoring and coaching
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: The Singing Impresario: The Art of Commissioning Music
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Topic about music in basic education (TBA)
- Virtual Webinar! series 7: Ways of Creatively ‘Me-searching’ and ‘Re-searching’ as Practitioner-based and Practice-based Researchers
- Virtual-move Parallel Tempering
- Virtualisation in the Network
- Virtualising IfM Auotmation lab: VR demo
- Virtualizing existing industrial faciltiies
- Virtually Saving the Planet
- Virtually unipotent elements of 3-manifold groups
- Virtue and Virility: Images of Male Sexuality in Early Nineteenth-Century France
- Virtue displaced: Gender, space, and self in Stockholm in 1719
- Virtue of certified programming with decision procedures
- Virtues in a Virtual World: An Ancient Solution for a Modern Problem
- Virus accumulation and movement in non-transgenic and transgenic Nicotiana species
- Virus Host Shifts
- Virus-mediated interactions between aphids and beans
- Viruses and the circadian clock: Rhythms, replication and pathogenesis
- Viruses as gene therapy vectors
- Viruses as Resources. Transnational research on AIDS and the neo-liberal moment in Cameroon
- Viruses that infect bacteria - a cure for 'superbugs'?
- Viruses: Elegance in Their Simplicity, or Simply Bad News Wrapped in Protein?
- Viruses: New Foes and Old Friends
- Visage (dir. Tsai Ming-Liang, 2009)
- Visceral inputs, brain dynamics and subjectivity
- Visceral Neurons in Drosophila: What the Fly's Rear End Can Tell Us About the Brain
- Visco-plastic lubrication: from theory to application
- Visco-plastic lubrication: from theory to application
- Viscoelastic Effects in Embryology
- Viscoplastic Droplets
- Viscoplastic model of mountain building
- Viscosity and conductivity in general theories of gravity
- Viscosity and macromolecular crowding affects size-dependent protein diffusion and conformation in the mitochondrial matrix
- Viscosity of bacterial suspensions: experiment and theory
- Viscous fingering
- Viscous flows in channel geometries
- Viscous flows in channel geometries
- Viscous Gravity Currents
- Viscous peeling of an elastic sheet
- Viscous Peeling of an Elastic Sheet
- Visibility of magnetic flux emergence on the Sun
- Visibility of Tate-Shafarevich groups in abelian surfaces and abelian threefolds
- Visible labour? Productive forces and imaginaries of participation in European insect studies, ca. 1680–1830
- Visibly Invisible in Rwanda: An Exploratory Study of the Educational Experiences of Rwanda's Rural Disabled Youth
- Vision
- Vision
- Vision and Dreams in Painting
- Vision and Dreams in Painting
- Vision based articulation angle sensing for heavy goods vehicle
- Vision for reading
- Vision Journal Club: A new law of human perception
- Vision Journal Club: Adaptation without plasticity
- Vision Journal Club: Apthorp et al
- Vision Journal Club: Attention modulates perception of visual space
- Vision Journal Club: Attentional rythyms across eye movements
- Vision Journal Club: Bryne & Crawford (2010)
- Vision Journal Club: Chen & Crawford
- Vision Journal Club: Conceptual grid cells
- Vision Journal Club: Contextual feedback to V1
- Vision Journal Club: Correlation detection as a general mechanism for multisensory integration
- Vision Journal Club: Ehinger et al
- Vision Journal Club: feedforward vs back in figure ground segmentation
- Vision Journal Club: Greenwood et al
- Vision Journal Club: Hagura et al
- Vision Journal Club: How blinking affects your gaze direction
- Vision Journal Club: Jonikaitis & Deubel
- Vision Journal Club: Jurjut et al 2017
- Vision Journal Club: Kolasinski et al "Mechanisms of GABA"
- Vision Journal Club: modelling serial dependence
- Vision Journal Club: Opposite Effects of Recent History on Perception and Decision
- Vision Journal Club: optimal introspection
- Vision Journal Club: Perceptual cycles reveal the rate at which our vision samples the world
- Vision Journal Club: Perceptual learning changes specialisation of visual cortex
- Vision Journal Club: Pre-saccadic perceptual changes
- Vision Journal Club: Saccade preparation enhances sensory turning
- Vision Journal Club: Saccade-confounded image statistics
- Vision Journal Club: Serial dependence promotes object permanence
- Vision Journal Club: Souza & Oberauer (2017)
- Vision Journal Club: Spatiotopic updating across eye movements
- Vision Journal Club: The Uniformity Illusion
- Vision Journal Club: Van der Burg et al (2015)
- Vision Journal Club: Wolff et al
- Vision Journal Club: Wutz et al
- Vision Journal Club: Yates et al
- Vision Journal Club: Ye et al.
- Vision Night: Just Love Michaelmas
- Vision of Future Technology
- Vision Science Journal Club: van den Hurk, van Baelen and Op de Beeck
- Vision, decision and navigation in mouse parietal cortex
- Vision, decision and navigation in mouse parietal cortex
- Vision, Decision, and Navigation in Mouse Parietal Cortex
- Vision-Based approach for Bridge Strike Prevention (London Underground)
- Vision-Based Over-Height Vehicle Detection
- Vision-based sensing of human activities and reflectance analysis
- Visions
- Visions of Power
- Visions of Tutankhamun: the Modern History of an Ancient King
- Visions of useful nature in late-colonial Central America (c. 1770–1821)
- Visions of Vengeance: Tracking the Father through New Hollywood Cinema
- Visit and talk by Jay McClelland: "Some thoughts on the differences between human and machine intelligence"
- Visit to Ely Cathedral and Evensong
- Visit to the University Herbarium
- Visit to the University Herbarium, Cambridge University Botanic Garden
- Visiting African Fellows Research Showcase (in association with Hughes Hall, Cambridge)
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase (Hughes Hall/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase (Hughes Hall/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase (in association with Hughes Hall)
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase (in association with Hughes Hall)
- Visiting African Fellows' Research Showcase (in association with Hughes Hall)
- Visiting Lecturer: Patrick Bahners from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- Vistas in Proof-oriented Programming: F*, Everest, and Beyond
- Visual Analytics for Evaluation of Value Impact in Engineering Design.
- Visual Analytics for High-Dimensional Data Exploration and Engineering Design
- Visual and Audiovisual Perception in Adults with Autism
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- Visual Anthropology and Contemporary South Asian History
- Visual Attention Without Visual Awareness
- Visual Capabilities: What do graphic designers want to see?
- Visual categorization of simple stimuli
- Visual cognition
- Visual communication between human and dog from different comparative perspectives
- Visual Computing for Next-Generation Display and Imaging
- Visual constructions of South Asian society in film.
- Visual cortical architecture and subjective perception
- Visual Cortical Placticity
- Visual culture masterclass – Arctic Expedition Photography: Critical Perspectives, Inuit Returns
- Visual Digital Twins of Forests
- Visual discrimination of interacting human agents
- Visual experience, topology and the perception of art
- Visual Exploration of Longitudinal Oncology Data - CANCELLED
- Visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease - imbalances in top-down vs. bottom up information processing
- Visual information processing and its role in fly and cephalopod behaviour.
- Visual Infrastructures: Lunchtime film screening
- Visual Infrastructures: Lunchtime film screening
- Visual Infrastructures: Lunchtime Film Screenings
- Visual Infrastructures: Lunchtime Film Screenings
- Visual Infrastructures: Lunchtime Film Screenings
- Visual learning and attention in mice: behavioural strategies and neural circuit change
- Visual learning: Babies, bodies and machines
- Visual Narratives of `Fierce`Goddesses and `Brave` Historical Women
- Visual nonlinearities
- Visual organisation of heavenly knowledge in the 16th and 17th centuries
- Visual perception and heterogeneity in the autism phenotype
- Visual perceptual learning: A new perspective
- Visual Perspective Biases Autobiographical Remembering
- Visual search and mining of large scale image collections
- Visual Search: Applications and Computational Modelling
- Visual selection in the mouse: behavioural and cortical mechanisms
- Visual semantics and visual cognition
- Visual semantics and visual cognition
- Visual sensing and awareness for heavy goods vehicles
- Visual sensing of articulation angle
- Visual sensing of articulation angle
- Visual sensitivity explained
- Visual Signal Processing Algorithms in Post Production
- Visual STS
- Visual systems biology: design, understand, organize
- Visual Texts
- Visual Texts
- Visual tools in seventeenth-century medical education
- Visual, Interactive, and Explainable Human-AI Collaboration
- Visualisation and 'Pretty Pictures': Maths - entropy, self-similarity and the fundamental imaging equation
- Visualisation and Analysis of Dynamic Electromagnetic Brain Activity based on MEG Measurements
- Visualisation and Modelling of Plant Morphogenesis
- Visualising and analysing immune priming and infection in real time in vivo
- Visualising chromatin for the study of genome organisation and regulation
- Visualising energy landscapes using stochastic neighbour embedding
- Visualising Genome Folding Dynamics in Mammalian Cells - Theory and Experiments
- Visualising mRNA in a developing tissue
- Visualising phenotypic and genomic relationships with DECIPHER - A community endeavour to map the Clinical Genome
- Visualising Uncertainty
- Visualization and Numerical Modeling of Localized Mixing by Self-Interacting Internal Wave Beams
- Visualization of Chemical Space for Medicinal Chemists
- Visualization of low-level Gene Expression and Biomarker Localization within Tissue: Applications of RNAscope® and BaseScope
- Visualization of prebiotic chemistry
- Visualize gene expression and genetic variants in the central and peripheral nervous systems with the RNAscope technology
- Visualizing and controlling the cell cycle machinery in single cells
- Visualizing and suppressing interfacial recombination for high efficiency large area pin-perovskite solar cells
- Visualizing and Understanding Recurrent Networks
- Visualizing Complex Electronic Quantum Matter
- Visualizing Induced Fluid Flows around a Sphere in Isotropic and Nematic Liquids
- Visualizing internal representations from behavioral and brain imaging data
- Visualizing Landau Orbits, Quantum Hall Nematics, and Topological Edge Modes
- Visualizing Myddosome assembly and the induction of IL-1 receptor signalling
- Visualizing Quantum Matter
- Visualizing rare conformational states of proteins by solution NMR
- Visualizing Spatial Single-Cell Data with Vitessce
- Visualizing Stresses in Colloidal Gel Strands Upon Failure
- Visualizing the geography of diseases in China, 1870s–1920s
- Visualizing vesicle and virus budding by electron microscopy
- Visuomotor behavior in naturalistic tasks: from receptive fields to value functions
- Visuospatial working memory as a fundamental component of the eye movement system.
- Visuospatial working memory as a fundamental component of the eye movement system.
- Vital Entanglements: Bodies in the Age of the Anthropocene
- Vital Responder - Monitoring Stress among First Responder Professionals
- Vitamin D and tuberculosis
- Vitamin D3, Natural Immunity, and lessons from the Covid-19 Disaster
- Vittoria Colizza ( INSERM) - Infection control in facilities
- VivaCity2020: an overview of the urban design decision-making process
- Vivisection by storytelling: the experimental novel in the late 19th century
- VMC sampling efficiency
- VO-OV alternations and information structure in North Sami
- Vocabulary: Principles and Practice
- Vocal biomarkers for minimally disruptive clinical research: how to get there?
- Vocal Tract Transfer Function Estimation Using Factor Analyzed
Trajectory Hidden Markov Model
- Vocational assessment – valid and manageable?
- Vocational studies in school – does it matter if I’m a girl and if I’m poor?
- Voice processing in autism
- Voice quality and forensic speaker identification
- Voice, Subjectivity and the Politics of Democratic Claim-Making
- Voice-Prosody and Technologies to Give Voice to Endangered Languages: an Irish Perspective
- Voices and Power: Academic-Activism and Writing from Anywhere Real (here, from Global East)
- Vojta's generalized abc conjecture for algebraic tori over function fields
- Volatile geochemistry of volcanic eruptions
- Volatile recycling at the Lesser Antilles subduction zone
- Volatiles in Earth’s mantle: primordial or subducted? Insights from new generation nitrogen and sulfur isotope systematics
- Volcanic activity along the enigmatic South Sandwich arc
- Volcanic applications for understanding the evolution of human behavior in East Africa
- Volcanic Caves
- Volcanic Crystal Clocks and CO2: Transforming our Prospects for Predicting Huge Eruptions
- Volcanic crystals as archives of pre-eruptive processes
- Volcanic eruptions, climate and humans: How lessons from the past can help us to prepare for the future
- Volcanic eruptions: causes and consequences
- Volcanic mercury and plant mutagenesis during the end-Permian mass extinction
- Volcanic-Magmatic Interplays on Mid-Ocean Ridge Construction and Petrogenesis
- Volcano geodesy and plate boundary deformation in Iceland
- Volcano hunting in Papua New Guinea
- Volcano seismology: listening to the heartbeat of volcanoes
- Volcano watching: weapons of ash eruption.
- Volcanoes and Boundary Issues in International Law
- Volcanoes and Boundary Issues in International Law
- Volcanoes and Explosions
- Volcanoes and other things that go boom... applications of muon tomography
- Volcanoes and their lovers: a brief and biased history of volcanology
- Volcanoes where the Earth rips apart: basaltic processes in the Ethiopian Rift
- Volcanology Applied to Emergencies
- Volition and Agency
- Volition and Agency
- Volk against Kaste: Non-Democratic Popular Sovereignty in Nazi Germany
- Volta’s battery: electrochemistry, but not as we know it
- Voltage imaging reveals the dynamic electrical signatures of human breast cancer cells
- Voltage Mapping in Subcellular Nanodomains Using Electro-diffusion Modelling
- Voltage-gated proton channels influence BCR signalling in normal and malignant B cells
- Volterra Integral Equations of the First Kind with Jump Discontinuous Kernels
- Volterra stochastic games with time change
- Volume growth, random walks and electric resistance in vertex-transitive graphs
- Volume of Fluid methods for the study of droplet impact and atomization
- Volume-preserving integrators
- Volumetric Imaging
- Volumetric measurement of a thin CO2 layer at the Sleipner Field, North Sea
- Voluntourism? Gap Year / Crap Year?
- Volusia-county-school-calendar
- Vom Musentempel zur Schule der Empathie? Das Museum als eine Institution des Erinnerns und Gedenkens
- Von der Stabilität zur Unsicherheit. Reflexionen über das gegenwärtige Deutschland
- Von Hugel Institute Conference on Catholic Social Teaching and the Big Society
- von-Kàrmàn Sodium Dynamos: focus on latest results
- Voronoi Games in the Hypercube
- Vortex Dynamics and Turbulence in Confined Quantum Gases
- Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus
- Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus
- Vortex filament solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes solutions
- Vortex filaments for Euler equations
- Vortex Gaudier-Brzeska
- Vortex knots in a Bose-Einstein condensate
- Vortex Nucleation from Foils: Water vs. Superfluid
- Vortex Patch Solutions of the 2D Euler Equations
- Vortex ring induced mixing of a sharp interface
- Vortex ring interaction with a particle layer
- Vortex rings
- Vortex rings
- Vortex simulations of 2D turbulence in confined domains
- Vortex Sound Models: Passive noise control
- Vortex splitting in the stratosphere by sub planetary-scale cyclogenesis in the troposphere, and some other thoughts about the dynamics of stratospheric sudden warmings
- Vortex stretching as a mechanism for quantum kinetic energy decay
- Vortex waves in deep water: Lagrange approach
- Vortex-wave interactions/self-sustained processes in shear flows
- Vortical dynamo in turbulent multiphase flows
- Vortical sources on the walls of rotating containers: a model for oceanic outflows
- Vortices and jets in geophysical flows
- Vortices and Polynomials
- Vortices and the BKT transition in regions of competing order
- Vortices and Vermas (and other applications of 3d gauge theory to geometric representation theory
- Vortices in non-equilibrium condensates
- Vortices in Unconventional Superfluids
- Vortices on Surfaces of Small Curvature
- Vortices on Surfaces of Small Curvature
- Vortices terminated by Monopoles
- Vortices, non-relativistic field theory and the Quantum Hall Effect
- Vortices, rogue waves and polynomials
- Vorticies from low-mass planet formation in "transition discs”
- Vorticity Balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage
- Vorton solutions in 2D and 3D
- Vortons and their stability
- Votagle programmable multi-band band-pass/band-stop filter based on single MEM device
- Voting systems
- Vowel-lenition in Cypriot Greek and its implications for consonant-vowel coarticulation
- Voyage to Alpha Centauri: degradation, creation and detection of cavity mode entanglement due to motion.
- VR in Cinema and TV
- VSG identity and structural integrity determine growth rate of bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei
- Vulnerable Banks
- Vulnerable Left Periphery: Why there is no other alternative to change
- Vulnerable Road-User Detection and Tracking