University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Friday GR Seminar > The Gravity Dual of Boundary Causality

The Gravity Dual of Boundary Causality

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In gauge/gravity duality, points which are not causally related on the boundary cannot be causally related through the bulk; this is the statement of boundary causality. By the Gao-Wald theorem, the averaged null energy condition in the bulk is sufficient to ensure this property. Here I’ll proceed in the converse direction by derving a necessary as well as sufficient condition for the preservation of boundary causality under perturbative (quantum or stringy) corrections to the bulk. The resulting condition is a (background-dependent) constraint on the amount by which light cones can “open” over all null bulk geodesics. I’ll show that this constraint is weaker than the averaged null energy condition, and thus weaker than the assumptions of the Gao-Wald theorem.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.

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