University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars > Three-dimensional simulations of protoplanetary disks with varied thermodynamics; from gravitational instability to planet migration

Three-dimensional simulations of protoplanetary disks with varied thermodynamics; from gravitational instability to planet migration

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Zoe M. Leinhardt.

I will describe the results of state-of-the art 3D simulations of self-gravitating protoplanetary disks. I will show how gravitational instability and the eventual direct fragmentation of the disk into giant planets is strongly dependent on the thermodynamics in the disks. The focus will be on SPH simulations with flux-limited diffusion. I will then describe the results of a large code comparison for self-gravitating disks which produced the first adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations of these systems. A novel calculation of possible core formation and envelope enrichment in giant planets formed by disk instability will also be presented. Finally, I will show the first results of new SPH simulations in which the 3D interaction between a Jupiter-sized planet and a disk is studied taking into account fully self-consistent dynamics, self-gravity and radiative transfer. Migration and accretion appear to be both reduced compared compared to isothermal simulations, and the structure of the circumplanetary disk is also affected, with important implications for the formation of satellites of giant planets.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars series.

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