University of Cambridge > > WORLDVIEWS: Latin American Art and the Decolonial Turn > The Poetics of Abya Yala: Towards a Non-Colonial History of Contemporary Art

The Poetics of Abya Yala: Towards a Non-Colonial History of Contemporary Art

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Sofia Gotti .

Conference: WORLDVIEWS : Latin American Art and the Decolonial Turn

Join us for the second live session of the conference which brings together contributions from scholars, curators and artists to discuss how decoloniality acts as a frame of reference in the study of Latin American Art.

Session Abstract: The Poetics of Abya Yala For the Kuna people Abya Yala refers to a land of great vitality, a blooming land. The term has been widely used since the “2nd Continental Summit of Indigenous People and Nationalities from the Abya Yala” as a political leitmotif which refers to the continental land commonly known as America. In putting together scholarly research, artistic knowledge and community experiences, The Poetics of Abya Yala looks at the intricacies of a temporalisation of indigenous art that challenges the teleology of western art history. The panel will explore indigenous creation rooted in material culture; from the complexities of textile traditions to the depths of cosmological abstraction and spirituality, defending Indigenous Contemporary Art as an interruption of Neoliberal multiculturalist desire.

Chair: Pablo José Ramirez (Tate Modern) Keynote: Boaventura de Sousa Santos (University of Coimbra) Speakers: Cristian Vargas Paillahueque (Universidad de Chile); Venuca Evanán (artist); Lena Geuer (TU Dresden); Bernardo Oyarzun (artist); Brenda Vega (17 Instituto de Estudios).

For more information and to register for the live sessions, please visit: To register please visit:

Please note all contributions to the conference are available to view freely online, apart from keynote addresses and roundtable discussions that will be held live.

Worldviews is convened by Dr Sofia Gotti (The University of Cambridge) and Dr Michael Asbury (UAL). It is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, The Centre for Visual Culture at the University of Cambridge and the Centre for Transnational Art, Identity, Nation and University of the Arts London.

This talk is part of the WORLDVIEWS: Latin American Art and the Decolonial Turn series.

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