University of Cambridge > > Ibero-Romance Linguistics Seminars > The Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish Dialectology

The Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish Dialectology

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Ioanna Sitaridou.

Unlike most major European countries, Spain has not benefited from a linguistic atlas survey covering the whole continuum of varieties spoken in its territory. Just such an undertaking was projected from the beginning of the XX century, and the field surveys completed for the major Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula, but most of the data has never been published. Although there have been regional atlases covering parts of the same territory, the data from the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica constitute the only survey which covers the whole peninsula with a uniform questionnaire and methodology.

This talk is part of the Ibero-Romance Linguistics Seminars series.

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