University of Cambridge > > Craik Club > The wonder of hue: the non-monotonic contribution of S-cones to blueness

The wonder of hue: the non-monotonic contribution of S-cones to blueness

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact John Mollon.

One of the fundamental problems in colour vision research is to understand how the signals from the 3 cone classes encode hue. The prevailing view has been that each cone type monotonically contributes to hue sensation on each spectrally opponent dimension. However, complete description of the machinery is not yet available, and an increasing number of reports indicate cone signal behaviours that violate the classical opponent model. I will describe my work on the nonmonotonic contribution of the S-cone signal to perceived blueness, and its possible implications for the circuitry of the early chromatic pathways.

This talk is part of the Craik Club series.

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