University of Cambridge > > Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers  > Teaching using a proof assistant and controlled natural language

Teaching using a proof assistant and controlled natural language

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Anand Rao Tadipatri.

I will report on the way I use Lean to teach first year math undergrads in Orsay. The main unusual thing is the use of a controlled natural language input syntax designed to make it easier to transfer proving skills from the computer to paper. This will also be the opportunity to take a brief look at what meta-programming in Lean looks like, and maybe inspire you to build new things using this framework.


WATCH ONLINE HERE : Meeting ID: 370 771 279 261 Passcode: iCo7a5

This talk is part of the Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers series.

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