Talks starting with E
- E&D Consultative Forum Open Meeting and Equal Pay Briefing
- e-Health for Development: using technology to improve healthcare for the world's poor
- e-MERLIN: Scientific opportunities and commissioning update
- e-MERLIN: Scientific Opportunities and Commissioning Update
- E. coli and the Game of Clones
- E. coli chemotaxis, free and near surface swimming
- E. P. Thompson, Judith Shklar and the Implications of 'Antipolitics'
- E.solo and E.pluribus: two new experimental organisms
- e3nn: A modular PyTorch framework for Euclidean Neural Networks
- E4bp4 and NK cells
- EA: Cambridge Garden Party
- EA: Cambridge Launch Event
- EADS Innovation Works, THE SPIRIT OF INNOVATION. Introduction to EADS Innovation Works UK
- EAGLE, An instrument for the European Extremely Large Telescope
- Ear reconstruction for microtia
- Earable Computing: Ear-worn Systems for Healthcare Applications
- Earl Temple at the Admiralty: Naval Administration and Politics under the Pitt-Devonshire Ministry, 1756-7
- Early adversity, brain development, and risk/resilience for mental health across development
- Early AMI cluster targets using the red-sequence method
- Early Cancer Institute Annual Symposium
- Early Cancer Institute Annual Symposium 2024
- Early Cancer Institute seminar series: Dr Jeremy Clark, UEA
- Early Cancer Institute seminar series: Dr Jeremy Clark, UEA
- Early Cancer Institute seminar series: Dr Raheleh Rahbari, Sanger Institute
- Early Cancer Institute seminar series: Dr Tom Bird, Beatson Institute
- Early Cancer Institute seminar series: Somatic evolution during ageing and carcinogenesis
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Dr Calum Gabbutt, Imperial College London & the Institute of Cancer Research
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Dr Michael Cook, Our Future Health
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Dr Mireia Crispin
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Dr Mireia Crispin
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Dr Mireia Crispin
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Prof Robert Rintoul
- Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Prof Utkan Demirci, Department of Radiology at Stanford University School of Medicine and the Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection Electrical Engineering (by courtesy).
- Early cancer trials
- Early Career Conversations for Women
- Early Career Funding in Academia
- Early Career Immunology Journal Club
- Early career research and fieldwork
- Early Career Researcher Engagement
- Early Career Researcher Networking Event and Travel Showcase
- Early Career Researchers - Elevator Pitches
- Early Career Researchers - Elevator Pitches
- Early Career Teacher Experiences of Science-Religion Encounters in the Classroom: Towards a Shared Understanding of Purpose?
- Early Careers Event
- Early Careers Symposium
- Early ceramic technologies and traditions in the Edom Lowlands Region of southern Jordan: a diachronic perspective
- Early constipation predicts faster dementia onset in Parkinson’s disease
- Early Days of Chemical Engineering at Cambridge
- Early detection and treatment of lethal prostate cancer.
- Early Detection multidisciplinary networking series event 2: Panel discussion
- Early Detection multidisciplinary networking series event 3: Mr Grant Stewart & Professor Russel Cowburn
- Early detection of cancer: learning from the oesophagus, or how long is a piece of string?
- Early detection of dementia in Parkinson's disease patients
- Early detection of lung cancer – multidisciplinary challenges and opportunities
- Early developmental program shapes colony morphology in bacteria
- Early developmental program shapes colony morphology in bacteria
- Early Earth Dynamos (Invited speaker)
- Early East Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth Recorded in the Landscape of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains
- Early Environments and Cortical-Subcortical Circuit Development
- Early events in Arabidopsis bud activation
- Early events in B cell activation: from single molecules to living tissue
- Early Evolution of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs: A consistent scenario based on episodic accretion?
- Early farming pathways: recent work on the archaeology and genetics of barley and broomcorn millet
- Early Fire: Integral or Add-On in Human Evolution?
- Early food production and human-animal relations: Isotopic insights into Neolithic social reconfiguration in the Near East
- Early galaxy formation processes: clues from Near-Field Cosmology
- Early galaxy formation processes: clues from Near-Field Cosmology
- Early Hobbes
- Early intracellular Abeta amyloid pathology and its relevance to Alzheimer's therapeutics
- Early Judaeo-Persian as an Ethnolect on the Middle Eastern Scene, and the Judaeo-Persian Formulae on the Kollam Plates
- Early Latin to Neo-Latin: Festus and Scaliger
- Early life experience and childhood cognitive ability
- Early Life Microbiomes and Long-Term Health
- Early life programming of energy balance
- Early life social behaviour and learning in juvenile Hihi
- Early Life Undernutrition Alters Cardiac Muscle Development Resulting in Reduced Physical Activity Engagement and Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Early linguistic access: rapid, parallel and automatic?
- Early mammalian development and its regulation
- Early markers of disease in Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Early Medieval Transitions: An isotopic perspective on change and social complexity
- Early Modern Colour Woodcuts (They Existed!) in their International Context (They had One!)
- Early modern history of data and epistemology of form
- Early onset depressions: Can neuroscience aid clinical decision making?
- Early phase clinical trials in Cambridge
- Early phase neuroplasticity induced by transcranial ultrasound stimulation
- Early r-process enrichment in globular clusters
- Early results from the CoRoT exoplanet programme
- Early results from the SMILES project - observations and models
- Early Science with the Murchison Widefield Array
- Early Soviet cinema, trauma and the psychoneuroses of revolution
- Early stage cancer clinical trials
- Early Terrestrial Animals
- Early Universe
- Early Warning System for Sepsis Detection Using Signature-Based Machine Learning Models
- Early-Modern Iberian Empires and the Scientific Revolution
- Early-modern investigations on the nature of tarantism from Tommaso Campanella to Antonio Vallisneri
- Early-modern maps in mirror image
- Early-type galaxies: the last 12 billion years
- Earnshaw's Theorem in Electrostatics
- Earphones: The Next Significant Platform after Smartphones
- Earth Day 2022 - How to save our planet: Developing win-win solutions
- Earth history’s largest carbon isotopic shift: Constraints on the origin and timing of the Cryogenian Trezona d13C anomaly
- Earth hunger: Global integration and the need for strangers
- Earth hunger: Global integration and the need for strangers
- Earth imaging - a developing picture
- Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Natural Hazard Risk Assessment
- Earth Observation Research Workshop
- Earth Reflections
- Earth Systems Palaeobiology: using climate models to better understand the habitats of marine animals through geologic time
- Earth's Climate Evolution
- Earth's inner core: hemispheres, anisotropy and rotation
- Earth's inner core: Revealing the anisotropy behind complex waveforms
- Earth’s past, present, and future climate
- Earthquake distribution patterns in Africa
- Earthquake Effects on Critical Infrastructure
- Earthquake ground-motion assessment and rupture behaviours of induced seismicity from deep geothermal production
- Earthquake Induced Soil Liquefaction: Symptoms and Cures
- Earthquake Science and Vulnerability in Asia
- Earthquakes and civil strife: the ideology of unjust rule and ruptures in the natural order in twelfth-century Irish and English historical sources
- Earthquakes in a laboratory by squeezing a 3 m rock
- Earthquakes of the Silk Road
- Earthquakes triggered by seismic waves
- Earthquakes, the end of the world, and perspectives on the Last Judgment (1686–1756)
- EarthTalk
- EarthTalk
- East Anglian large-scale county maps of the eighteenth century: what can we learn from a digital analysis?
- East Anglian orchard biodiversity
- East European Memory Research Group
- East London Genes & Health: Population Genomic Medicine in British South Asians
- East of Andes: resonances and continuities in 500 years of Uwa self-defence
- East of when, post where? 'Eastern Europeanness' and travelling racial imaginaries
- East West Railway Company - Oxford to Cambridge Varsity Line for the 21st Century
- East-West dialogues: World Economic History Congresses and the legacies of the Cold War
- East-West dialogues: World Economic History Congresses and the legacies of the Cold War
- Easter 2018 SynBio Forum: Chris Voigt and Somenath Bakshi
- Easter special: chickens, eggs, and the origin of life
- Easter Talklets: Agnieszka and Lorena
- Easter Term Poster Session
- Easter vacation Statistics Clinic
- Eastern Cape
- Eastern Orthodox Identity in Western Europe
- Eating and drinking as a medieval peasant. Innovations in table manners in late medieval rural Valencia
- Eating and over-eating: a cognitive perspective
- Eating and Racing
- Eating and Walking - how cells manage their energy budget during migration and invasion
- Eating disorders in the classroom: Designing and testing a new universal prevention programme for secondary schools
- Eating Local: The Key to Food Security?
- Eating to win: How sportsmen used health foods, and vice versa, from 1890 to the Great War.
- Eating with animals, eating animals, and eating like animals: scientific nutrition and cross-species methods in the 20th century
- Eating your mitochondria: why, when and where?
- Eavesdropping at Scale: Shifting the Threat Model in Satellite Broadband
- Eavesdropping near field contactless payments: A quantitative analysis
- Eben Kenah - Ohio State University
- EBEX: Measuring B modes from a balloon
- Ebola and beyond: Interlaced inequalities, unsustainabilities and insecurities in a global development era
- Ebola Wave Spread and Gorilla Vaccination
- Ebola!
- Ebola: Ape Man Hunts Bat Virus
- Ebola: Response, vaccines, survivors and sequencingon
- EC Funding Presentations
- Ecce Homo: Nietzsche on the Philosophic Life
- Eccentric planets & Debris disks Interactions: Mean-motion resonances, Exocomets, and Exozodis
- Eccentricities and Stellar Obliquities in Hot and Warm Jupiter Systems with External Perturbers
- Ecclesiastical Liberty in Early Stuart England
- Ecdysozoan phylogeny and the origins of crustacean complexity: new data from the Cambrian fossil record
- ECFP: At the Interface of Academia and Industry
- ECFP: At the Interface of Academia and Industry
- Echinocereus
- Echinocereus
- Echinoderm embryos to model epithelial morphogenesis: from cell biology to evo-devo
- Echo mapping the gravitational potential well of black holes
- Echoes on the map: unveiling the auditory history of late Ottoman Istanbul through digital cartography
- ECI Seminar: Dr Manuel Collado, Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela
- Eclecticism and tolerance in the religions pantheon of ancient Angkor
- Eclipsing binary star science in the era of massive photometric surveys for transiting exoplanets
- Eco Racing talk
- Eco-Renovation Question Time
- Ecobuild Conference 2010
- Ecocriticism of the Global South
- Ecological design and planning
- Ecological drivers of hunter-gatherer lithic technology from the Middle and Later Stone Age in Central Africa
- Ecological factors of attraction and causal explanation in cultural attractor theory
- Ecological genomics from metagenomic data?
- Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language learning and processing
- Ecological networks and global change
- Ecological niche modeling and infectious disease
- Ecological Transactions go Bonk.
- Ecology and Conservation of the Lesser Kestrel in Portugal
- Ecology and emergence of bat-borne viruses
- Ecology and Evolution of Plant and Fungal Viruses
- Ecology, Applied and Otherwise, of Phage-Biofilm Interactions
- Ecology, Cross-Species Emergence and Control of Vampire Bat Rabies
- Ecomachines: Designing the Cars of the Future
- Ecomorphological diversification and origins of major clades in early mammal evolution
- Ecomorphology Rekindled: bovids as palaecological indicators.
- Econometric Modelling of Climate Change with Implications for Climate Policies
- Econometrics of Intraday Electricity Prices
- Econometrics of Intraday Electricity Prices
- Economic Adjustment and Political Transformation in Europe and the United States (Alcuin Lecture 2019)
- Economic and Behavioural Influences in the Market for Sustainable Aviation (Judge Business School, S2.03)
- Economic and epidemic optima for control of immunising infections
- Economic and welfare effects of UK energy tax reform
- Economic Assessments of Vaccines; Challenges for Modelling
- Economic Crisis and the Crisis of Economics: Ongoing Developments in Mainstream Economics and What They Signify.
- Economic Development
- Economic Development and Design
- Economic development and structural change since 1700. New evidence in a global perspective
- Economic dispatch in Chinese electricity system: benefits, challenges, and possible solutions
- Economic Epidemiology
- Economic Evaluation of Membrane Reactor Technology Options Integrated into IGCC Power Plants with CO2 Capture
- Economic Globalisation in the late First Millennium (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Economic History for Economists: Why?
- Economic irrationality is optimal during noisy decision-making
- Economic Law & Histories of Economic Life
- Economic Model Predictive Control: basic theory and future directions
- Economic MPC and the role of exponential turnpike properties
- Economic Narratives: How Bimetallism and Bitcoin Went Viral
- Economic orthodoxy and barriers to the low-carbon economy
- Economic Policy in Asset and Deflation Cycles.
- Economic Theory: Consistency and Rhetoric?
- Economic Thought and the Victorian Individual: Examining Narratives of Daily Life
- Economical brain networks
- Economical elimination of cycles in the torus
- Economics for a Finite Planet
- Economics of LNG export contracts flexibility: a quantitative approach
- Economics of LNG export contracts flexibility: a quantitative approach
- Economics of architectural change: resistance to distributed denial of service attacks
- Economics of BitTorrent Communities
- Economics of Cancer Medicines
- Economics of small reactors: From a series of one-off projects to a program of production-engineered systems
- Economics: The User's Guide BOOK LAUNCH Ha Joon CHANG
- Economizing Desire: The Sibling (in) Law
- Econophysics: The Future of Economics
- EcoSan: A New Philosophy of 'Waste'?
- Ecosystem decay in Amazonian forest fragments
- Ecosystem functioning in miniature
- Ecosystem order and political rupture in the Arctic
- Ecosystem Relocation on Snowball Earth: polar-alpine ancestry of the modern surface biosphere
- Ecosystem: Discussion
- Ecosystem: BedRock
- Ecosystem: CertiKOS approaches
- Ecosystem: Introduction
- Ecosystem: RefinedC
- Ecosystem: seL4 approaches
- Ecosystem: VeriFast
- Ecosystem: VST
- ECR fellowship opportunities.
- ECR Meet, Greet and Talks 17 February
- ECR Meet, Greet and Talks 17 March
- ECR Poster Session: Thomas Paine Study Centre Foyer
- ECR Presentations
- ECR Presentations
- ECR Presentations
- ECS business plan for the next financial year
- ECTOPIC SEMINAR: Projecto PalNiassa: New fossils from Mozambique
- ECTOPIC SEMINAR: Regulation and developmental role of the hypoxia response machinery in Drosophila
- Ecuador, birds, bugs and butterflies
- Ed Hinton -Injection of a fluid into a confined aquifer with a vertical gradient of permeability. Alex Gutai - Formation and eruption of silicic magmas by crustal melting.
- EDC clinic
- EDC clinic
- EDC clinic
- EdD Conference June 2019 - Close to Practice Research
- Eddies and circulation: lessons from oceans, atmospheres and the GFD lab
- Eddies, jets, meanders and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Eddington Lecture 2023: The Grand Challenge Questions of Solar Wind Physics
- Eddington Lecture: A chemical survey of planets in our galaxy
- Eddington Lecture: Galaxies Viewed as Collections of Individual Stars
- Eddington Lecture: The turbulent environment of planet formation
- Eddy diffusivities in the Southern Ocean
- Eddy-Mean Flow Interactions in Western Boundary Current Jets: An Observationally-Driven Theoretical Study
- EDF R&D: creating value today and preparing for tomorrow
- Edge Computing through Distributed Trust and Programmable Privacy
- Edge exchangeability: a new foundation for modeling network data
- Edge network opens the door of heterogeneous network federation
- Edge Preserving Besov Priors
- Edge reinforced random walks, Vertex reinforced jump process, and the SuSy hyperbolic sigma model (I)
- Edge theories in tensor network states
- Edge trajectories in boundary layer flows
- Edge universality in interacting topological insulators
- Edge- and vertex-reinforced random walks with super-linear reinforcement on infinite graphs
- Edge-anchored micromachined disk resonator for gyroscopic application
- Edge-Decompositions of Graphs
- Edge-decompositions of graphs with high minimum degree
- Edge-exchangeable graphs, sparsity, and power laws
- Edge-reinforced random walk on a two-dimensional graph
- EDI in mathematical epidemiology
- EDI in mathematical epidemiology - Discussion
- EDI Matters at the IoA
- EDI Seminar: Dignity at Work Policy and Code of Behaviour
- Edit-R CRISPR-Cas9 tools for functional genomics discovery
- Editing early-modern astronomical diagrams
- Editor's Tips for Publishing in the Journal of Archaeological Science
- Edmund Burke and the French Revolution before the Reflections
- Edmund Selous: birdwatching and interpreting animal behaviour in Britain, 1900
- EDSAC Reborn: A computer detective story
- EDSAC: The World's First Practical Electronic Digital Computer
- Eduardo Machicado - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Educating for Diversity and Social Justice
- Educating for Peace and Reconciliation: In conversation with Dr. H.B. Danesh
- Educating Lawyers and Forensic Scientists about Probability and Statistics
- Educating Teachers in Developing World Contexts: The imperative for radical reform
- Educating Therapies? The School, the Clinic and Psychopathologisation
- Education 2.0: How genetics informs us about cognitive development, learning, and achievement
- Education and Empire in Africa 1890-1940: how liberals in the system impacted on policy, practice and development
- Education and Skills
- Education and the transformation of young women's lives: Commonwealth perspectives
- Education Beyond Dispute: An exploration of the work of Stafford Beer in relation to Teaching and Learning
- Education Conflict and Peace in Colombia: international seminar and workshop
- Education for all? – from South Bank to Georgia State
- Education for social justice: framing an agenda for disability research and action in the Global South
- Education for Sustainable Development and Health Education in Times of Reform
- Education in Africa
- Education in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments - Roundtable and Networking Event
- Education in Countries Emerging from Conflict in Africa
- Education in Inuit communities in Canada
- Education in the time of Novel Coronavirus - a joint event with University of Tokyo
- Education of children with disabilities in low income countries: using evidence from research in Sightsavers education programmes
- Education of Climate Change at Cambridge & Beyond
- Education Policy Series: Over-qualification and skills mismatch in the graduate labour market
- Education Policy Series: Seminar with Lee Elliot Major, Sutton Trust
- Education Reform or Permanent Revolution?
- Education, research and international collaboration in Central Asia
- Education: The Evolutionary Engine of Civilisation
- EDUCATIONAL AIMS AND VALUES THROUGH ARCHITECTURE: Revisiting radical pasts to make space for broader visions of education
- EDUCATIONAL AIMS AND VALUES THROUGH ARCHITECTURE: Revisiting radical pasts to make space for broader visions of education
- EDUCATIONAL AIMS AND VALUES THROUGH ARCHITECTURE: Revisiting radical pasts to make space for broader visions of education
- Educational changes under the coalition
- Educational Failure and Working Class White Children in Britain
- Educational interventions: Challenging the limitations of traditional fidelity of implementation
- Educational Leadership in Romanian Upper-Secondary Schools: Evidence from
- Educational Outcomes of Students with Special Educational Needs in the United Kingdom
- Educational Research Collaboration with Cambridge University Press
- Edward Hinton - Capillary trapping of CO2 in aquifers with vertically varying permeability and Chris Howland - Mixing in forced stratified turbulence
- Edward Yang's Yi Yi
- Edwina Currie: Lies, damned lies and politicians
- EED Book Launch
- EEFIT mission to the Sichuan earthquake
- EEG and MEG Correlates of Recollection, Familiarity, and Priming
- EEG evidence for successful voluntary suppression of conscious recollection
- EESCN question time - stem cell special
- Eetu Loisa - TBA
- Effect Algebroids
- Effect Handlers for WebAssembly: Sam Lindley
- Effect of bond in the development length of CFRP pretensioned beams
- Effect of disorder on positive shot noise cross-correlations in superconducting hybrids
- Effect of elevated inorganic carbon on cytosolic anion homeostasis: nitrate efflux in seagrasses
- Effect of Extreme Nanoconfinement on Polymer Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Mechanics
- Effect of Extreme Nanoconfinement on Polymer Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Mechanics
- Effect of fibres on wet foams
- Effect of flow on nematic fluctuations in a slab
- Effect of Head Motion on Resting State Functional Connectivity
- Effect of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia genes on presynaptic calcium handling
- Effect of heterogeneities in geophysical flows
- Effect of inclined soil layers on vibration from underground railways
- Effect of Internet censorship on user behavior
- Effect of nutrients on microglial function
- Effect of ocean variability on the Greenland Ice Sheet in the 20th and 21st centuries
- Effect of optical feedback on Quantum Cascade Lasers
- Effect of partial melting on seismic velocity and attenuation: Polycrystal anelasticity at near-solidus temperatures
- Effect of plastron deformation on the wake of super-hydrophobic spheres
- Effect of prenatal testosterone exposure on language development in early childhood.
- Effect of prospective motion correction on fMRI data/ Task-positive activity in the task-negative default-mode network
- Effect of room acoustics on speech intelligibility under noise between native and non-native listeners
- Effect of the rotation and tidal dissipation history of stars on the evolution of close-in planets
- Effect of uncertainties in ice loading on design of Arctic installations
- Effecting principled improvement in STEM education: A research-informed dialogic-teaching approach to early secondary-school mathematics and science: the pedagogical design and field trial of the epiSTEMe intervention
- Effective Actions Workshop
- Effective approximate solution for a scalar Wiener-Hopf problem
- Effective behaviour of critical-contrast PDEs: micro-resonances, frequency conversion, and time dispersive properties.
- Effective bisector estimate for PSL(2,C) with applications to circle packings
- Effective boundary conditions at a regularly microstructured wall
- Effective bounds on S-integral preperiodic points for polynomials
- Effective Conference Presentations and Networking
- Effective constitutive relations and variational principles for waves in composites
- Effective constitutive relations for waves in composites and metamaterials
- Effective diffusion for nonlinear reactive flows in strong convection regime
- Effective Environmentalism: Symposium with Humanitas Visiting Professor in Sustainability Studies
- Effective equidistribution for twisted averages of the horocycle flow
- Effective field measurements and spin torque dynamics in magnetic nanostuctures
- Effective Field Theories for heavy and light new physics.
- Effective field theories for topological insulators via functional bosonization
- Effective Field Theory in Cosmology
- Effective Higgs Interactions at the LHC
- Effective holographic theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems
- Effective Intergroup Relations in Experimental and Field Settings
- Effective Intergroup Relations in Experimental and Field Settings
- Effective inversion of the attenuated X-ray transform associated with a connection.
- Effective irrationality measures via Thue's Fundamentaltheorem and hypergeometric functions
- Effective log geometry
- Effective log geometry
- Effective phonons for finite-temperature Raman spectroscopy from first principles: GaN and BaZrS3
- Effective policy to address the UK's STEM gap: education, immigration and women in science
- Effective proof of the theorem of André on the complex multiplication points on curves
- Effective Properties of Doubly Periodic Media
- Effective quasimorphisms on right-angled Artin groups
- Effective results on the size and structure of sumsets
- Effective Rheology and Wave Propagation in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Effective Secrecy: Reliability, Confusion and Stealth
- Effective Stateless Model Checking for C/C++ Concurrency
- Effective Use of Machine Learning in Astrophysics
- Effective viscosity of active suspensions
- Effective ways of solving some PDEs with complicated Boundary Conditions on Unbounded domains
- Effective-one-body waveform modeling of coalescing compact binaries: status and perspectives
- Effectivity questions in the Cremona group
- Effector differentiation during development of the memory CD8+ T cell
- Effects as sessions, sessions as effects
- Effects of adverse pressure gradient on the structure of turbulent boundary layers
- Effects of alignment on CO2 emissions from the construction and use phases of highway infrastructure
- Effects of alpha-effect fluctuations on simple nonlinear dynamo models
- Effects of crowdedness on planetary systems containing planets on wide orbits
- Effects of Current Flow in the Global Circuit on Winter Storm Vorticity and Polar Surface Pressures
- Effects of disfluencies in speech on listeners
- Effects of Dynamical Evolution of Giant Planets on Survival of Terrestrial Planets
- Effects of Environmental Parameters on the Isomerisation of Azobenzene
- Effects of exogeneous perturbations on protein systems: Eliciting mechanisms with molecular simulations
- Effects of floral surface structures on colour and pollinator behaviour
- Effects of fluctuating light on photosynthesis and stomatal behaviour: impacts on carbon gain and water use efficiency
- Effects of G-quadruplexes on transcription
- Effects of ignoring clustered data structures in factor analysis and item response theory
- Effects of Influenza Immune History on Responses to Influenza Vaccines
- Effects of large-scale energy dissipation in geostrophic turbulence
- Effects of litter manipulation on fine root dynamics in lowland tropical forest in Panama
- Effects of long term free air ozone fumigation on the cytokinin content of mature beech
- Effects of long-term exposure to FFAs on pancreatic islet function: Is there such an effect as glucolipotoxicity?
- Effects of microscale features on the macroscale dynamics of swimming suspensions
- Effects of natural convection on thermal explosions in a closed vessel
- Effects of ocean surface gravity waves: on turbulence, climate, and frontogenesis
- Effects of parental imprisonment on children: A four year update
- Effects of primordial black holes on early star formation
- Effects of small but finite viscosity, diffusivity and mean-field gradients on small-scale statistics
- Effects of social capital on risks of outcome-based contracts from the supplier's perspective
- Effects of soft interaction and non-isothermal boundary upon long-time dynamics of rarefied gas
- Effects of source heterogeneity on segmentation and melt production at mid-ocean ridges
- Effects of subduction geometry on mountain building and volcanism in Japan
- Effects of Submesoscale Turbulence on Reactive Tracers in the Upper Ocean
- Effects of sugarcane on the Cerrado biodiversity: land use change, habitat loss and greenhouse gas emissions
- Effects of surface chemistry on epidermal stem cell differentiation
- Effects of tau mutations on human IPSC-derived neurons.
- Effects of three-dimensional geometry and radial electric field on ITG turbulence and zonal flows
- Effects of Timing on Users' Agency during Mixed Initiative Interactions
- Effects of Titin truncations on the heart in health, populations and cardiomyopathy patients
- Effects of turbulence on flame ignition and extinction processes
- Effects of turbulence on the ignition of flames.
- Effects off free-stream turbulence intensity and length scale on disturbance growth on an airfoil and its relation to optimal perturbations
- Effects triggered by singular solutions in the collapse of non-spherical bubbles
- Efficiency and Stability of a Financial Architecture with Too-Interconnected-to-Fail Institutions
- Efficiency and Transferability of Neural Networks
- Efficiency by Construction
- Efficiency in the interaction of light and matter: from nano-quantum optics to nanobiophotonics
- Efficiency of adaptive mesh algorithms
- Efficiency of Markets with Hydroelectricity
- Efficiency of Planetesimal Ablation in Jovian Envelopes
- Efficiency of Stochastic Simulations
- Efficiency of the Dojima rice futures market in Tokugawa-period Japan
- Efficiency, Irreversibility, and Tipping Points in Climate Dynamics
- Efficiency, sufficiency, growth: which way to a low carbon society?
- Efficiency=Geometry? Decoding the DNA of prediction in gauge, gravity, and effective field theories.
- Efficient Advert Assignment
- Efficient advert assignment
- Efficient Algorithms for Approximating Quantum Partition Functions
- Efficient algorithms for convolutions based on contour integral methods
- Efficient and Correct Stencil Computations via Pattern Matching and Type Checking
- Efficient and intuitive modelling of electromagnetic nanoresonators and complex metasurfaces
- Efficient and Parsimonious Agnostic Active Learning
- Efficient and Stable Schemes for 2D Forward-and-Backward Diffusion
- Efficient Batch-microfabricated Hardware for Miniaturized Spacecraft
- Efficient Bayesian analysis of multiple changepoint models
- Efficient Bayesian inference for mechanistic modelling with high-throughput data
- Efficient Bayesian inference of multi-scale network structures
- Efficient Bayesian Model Comparison with Differential Equations: a Population MCMC Approach via the Thermodynamic Integral
- Efficient Bayesian Model Comparison with Differential Equations: a Population MCMC Approach via the Thermodynamic Integral
- Efficient Bayesian Segmentation of DNA data
- Efficient Bayesian Task-Level Transfer Learning
- Efficient calculation of the absolute molecular entropy with DFT and extended tight-binding methods
- Efficient cloud operations via job-migration and pricing
- Efficient coding of a complex goal-directed behaviour in mouse medial frontal cortex
- Efficient colour representation in digital systems
- Efficient communication with buttons: an update on Button Dasher
- Efficient computer interfaces using continuous gestures, language models, and speech
- Efficient computer interfaces using continuous gestures, language models, and speech; Probabilistic methods for interpreting electronic ink
- Efficient Constitutive Model for Crash Analysis of Mineral-filled Polymers
- Efficient Constrained Inference and Structured Neural Networks for Semantic Role Labeling
- Efficient construction of optimal designs for stochastic kinetic models
- Efficient construction of overlap assemblies using suffix array based methods
- Efficient Cryptography for the Next Generation Secure Cloud
- Efficient cytokine detection: The Way Forward – 3rd July 2009
- Efficient Data Structures for Nonlinear Video Processing
- Efficient decoders for qudit topological codes
- Efficient Decoding with Generative Score-Spaces Using the Expectation Semiring
- Efficient derivatives pricing before Black, Scholes and Merton: evidence from the interwar London Metals Exchange
- Efficient entropy-based detection of change-points in streaming data
- Efficient evaluation of tree-level and one-loop amplitudes
- Efficient factorisation of the nonlocal van der Waals density functional
- Efficient finite difference schemes for highly oscillatory linear ODE
- Efficient high-order accurate boundary integral solvers for complicated three dimensional geometries
- Efficient implementation of Markov chain Monte Carlo when using an unbiased likelihood estimator
- Efficient implementation of Markov chain Monte Carlo when using an unbiased likelihood estimator
- Efficient Implementation of Physical Random Bit Sources
- Efficient important sampling for a feed-forward network
- Efficient Inference and Learning with Intractable Posteriors? Yes, Please.
- Efficient Lattice Rescoring Using Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
- Efficient Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis
- Efficient Machine Learning with High Order and Combinatorial Structures
- Efficient maximum a posterior (MAP) inference for computer vision and beyond
- Efficient MCMC for Continuous Time Discrete State Systems
- Efficient mixing in stratified flows: Rayleigh-Taylor instability within a stable stratification
- Efficient mixing in stratified flows: Rayleigh-Taylor instability within a stable stratification, experiments and computation.
- Efficient Modelling of Record Linked Data
- Efficient Monte Carlo for high excursions of Gaussian random fields
- Efficient multi-task Gaussian process models for genome-wide association studies
- Efficient multivariate entropy estimation via k-nearest neighbour distances
- Efficient Network-wide Flow Record Generation
- Efficient Node Discovery in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- Efficient non-parametric estimation of compound Poisson processes.
- Efficient numerical Methods For Variational inpainting models
- Efficient Online Detection of Changes in Data Streams: The FOCuS Algorithm
- Efficient Photonic Coding: a Considered Revision
- Efficient Preconditioning of Laplacian Matrices for Computer Graphics
- Efficient priors for self-supervised learning: application and theories
- Efficient Probabilistic Model Personalization Integrating Uncertainty on Data and Parameters: Application to Eikonal-Diffusion Models in Cardiac Electrophysiolo
- Efficient programming
- Efficient Quantification of Left Ventricular Function During the Full Cardiac Cycle Using a Characteristic Deformation Model
- Efficient Quantification of Left Ventricular Function During the Full Cardiac Cycle Using a Characteristic Deformation Model
- Efficient Quantum Computation with linear optics
- Efficient quantum Gibbs samplers
- Efficient Quantum Monte Carlo Energies for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Efficient Range Querying in Distributed Games
- Efficient regularization of functional map computations
- Efficient Relaying for Cognitive Radios
- Efficient Sampling with Kernel Herding
- Efficient sensory encoding predicts robust averaging
- Efficient Sequential Monte Carlo Inference for Kingman's Coalescent
- Efficient Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Reaction Networks
- Efficient Smooth Projective Hash Functions and Applications
- Efficient space-variant deconvolution
- Efficient sparse recovery with no assumption on the dictionary
- Efficient stochastic optimal control for navigation and motor planning
- Efficient Structured Prediction on Long Texts
- Efficient study designs
- Efficient Template Attacks
- Efficient tools for parameterizing cardiac action potential models and for generating populations of models
- Efficient tools for parameterizing cardiac action potential models and for generating populations of models
- Efficient use of population genome sequencing data
- Efficient Verification of ElGamal Ciphertext Shuffles
- Efficiently Processing Graph-Based Representations of Images and Objects
- Efimov Physics in Cold Atoms and Beyond
- EFT thinking applied to 2d gravity
- EFT-land for cosmology
- efwefd
- Eggertsbók: Texts and Contexts
- Ego. She go. We all have to go!
- Egocentric and allocentric representations in cortical structures
- EGU talks
- Egypt and Turkey: Academics under attack
- Egypt and Ugarit: Globalization Beyond Connectivities
- Egypt Study Trip
- Egypt's Contentious Media: Transnational Dimensions
- Egyptian afterlife texts and ancient Christian Apocrypha
- Egyptian coffins: Exploring the painter’s craft
- Egyptian concepts of cosmogony and the origin of philosophy
- Egyptian Modern Art: Women Artists by Nazli Madkour
- Ehrenfest Simulations of Radiation Damage in Metals
- Ehrenfeucht Principles in Set Theory
- EHT movies and fluctuations in astrophysical disks
- Eicke Latz (Institute of Innate Immunity, University of Bonn) and Russell Vance (University of California, Berkeley)
- eIF3a cooperates with sequences 5' of uORF1 to promote resumption of scanning by post-termination ribosomes for reinitiation on GCN4 mRNA
- Eigencones and Levi movability
- Eigenmodes of simple elastic waveguides:shear correction, bending-torsion coupling, and aeroelasticity
- Eigenstructure in high dimensional random effects models
- Eigenvalue concentration bounds for multi-particle Hamiltonians
- Eigenvalue estimates for magnetic Laplacians on Riemannian manifolds
- Eigenvalue multiplicities in representations of simple algebraic groups
- Eigenvalue statistics for a class of non-self-adjoint operators under random perturbations
- Eigenvalue statistics for random CMV matrices
- Eigenvalue statistics for random CMV matrices
- Eigenvalue statistics for random Schrodinger operators
- Eigenvalue statistics for the discrete and continuous Anderson model
- Eigenvalues of rotations and braids in spherical fusion categories
- Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on convex poygons
- Eigenvalues of the Schroedinger operator on infinite combinatorial and quantum graphs
- Eigenvalues, multiplicities and graphs
- Eigenvarieties for non-cuspidal Siegel modular forms
- Eigenvectors and actions of algebraic groups
- Eigenvectors and spectral measure of random regular graphs of fixed degree
- Eight Open Problems
- Eighteenth Epigenetic Club Seminar
- Eighth Annual Symposium of the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute
- Eigth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Eileen Cooper RA in conversation with Dr Meredith Hale
- Einasto-Like Profile from Finite Temperature Scalar Field Dark Matter
- Einstein equation coupled with positive mass scalar field, global-in-time existence
- Einstein geometry and conformal field theory
- Einstein on the beach: fluid flow on a curved space
- Einstein structures on manifolds and orbifolds
- Einstein's signature in cosmological large-scale structure
- Einstein's Universe
- Einstein's Universe: Cosmological structure formation in numerical relativity
- Einstein’s 1913 Vienna Lecture: Modeling Gravitational Theory on Electrodynamics
- Einstein’s Brane
- Eisenstein cohomology and number theory
- Eisenstein Series and Ensemble Averages in Holography
- Eisenstein's Ivan: Sensory Thinking from Machiavelli to Disney
- Eisenstein's Ivan: Sensory Thinking from Machiavelli to Disney
- EIT reconstruction using virtual X-rays and machine learning
- Ekman boundary layers for highly rotating fluids over a bumpy topography
- Ekta Chaubey - Scattering amplitudes with masses
- El contacto del arabe con el iberorromance. Los arabismos en la historia del español.
- El Niño 2015/16: the kid is back
- El Niño and El Padre: a deep equatorial Pacific thermocline during the Pliocene warm period
- El Niño: what on earth will happen next?
- El voseo en español: situacion actual y historia.
- Elaine Scarry (Harvard, US): 'The Floor of the World'
- Elastic anomalies and acoustic dissipation associated with phase transitions in minerals
- Elastic Granular Flows: Recent Observations
- Elastic instabilities in soft solids
- Elastic Mechanism – Exploring the Effects of Elastic Deformation on Kinematic Motion in Mechanisms, and Squashing a doughnut – analysis of tape ring flattening
- Elastic moduli of 3-dimensional numerical systems of spheres: comparison with experiments and role of the displacement fluctuations
- Elastic response of a sheet-shelf system near the grounding line
- Elastic response of an ice sheet-ice shelf system near the grounding line
- Elastic snap-through: from the Venus flytrap to jumping popper toys
- Elastic viscous fingering
- Elastic wedge diffraction, with applications to non-destructive evaluation
- Elastic wedge diffraction, with applications to non-destructive evaluation
- Elastic-turbulence simulations: a cautionary tale
- Elastic-turbulence simulations: a cautionary tale
- Elastica Fantastica - wrinkling, blistering, stretching and sticking of elastic sheets
- Elasticity and (dis)orders in networks and cellular patterns
- Elasticity and (dis)orders in networks and cellular patterns
- Elasticity and fluid mechanics of lipid tethers
- Elasticity and Response in Mechanical Topological Lattices
- Elasticity and Response in Mechanical Topological Lattices
- Elasticity as the basis of allosteric interactions in DNA and membranes
- Elastocapillary dynamics: Pattern forming and the role of evaporation
- Elastocapillary flows
- Elastocapillary singularities in creasing & wetting
- Elastoplastic view of the mechanical response and dynamics of glassy materials
- Elections and the Media
- Electoral intrigue, ethnic politics and the vibrancy of the Kenyan public sphere
- Electra as modern Greek survivor: the reception of the tragic heroine in the poetry of Yannis Ritsos
- Electric & hybrid leisure aircraft
- Electric and Hybrid Powered Aircraft – making energy go further
- Electric buses - can they really compete on the front line?
- Electric field induced ferromagnetic phase transition in semiconductors and metals
- Electric Heating and Angular Momentum Transport in Laminar Models of Protoplanetary Disks
- Electric Power Distribution in the World: Today and Tomorrow
- Electrical And Mechanical Resonance Modes In Suspended Graphene Devices
- Electrical and Optical Properties of Hole Spin Storage Devices Based on InGaAs Self-assembled Quantum Dots
- Electrical contacts between three-dimensional metals and two-dimensional semiconductors
- Electrical control of magnetism and orbital reconstruction in oxide bilayers
- Electrical impedance tomography - Very old and not-so-new
- Electrical neuroimaging for understanding decision making and developing patient machine interfaces
- Electrical neuroimaging for understanding decision making and developing patient machine interfaces
- Electrical noise in the aquarium environment: effects on the behaviour of the black ghost knife fish, Apteronotus albifrons
- Electrical signalling in a wounded plant
- Electrical Streaming Potential Generated by Two-Phase Flow
- Electrical tomography imaging in pharmaceutical processes
- Electrical transport and optical properties of carbon nanotubes probed by in situ and cross-correlated experiments
- Electrically controlled nano and micro actuation in a memristive switching device with on-chip gas encapsulation
- Electricity and crystallography: the history and philosophy of Curie's Principle
- Electricity demand forecasting and bidding via data-driven inverse optimization
- Electricity Dispatch and Pricing using Agent Decision Rules
- Electricity in liquid foams
- Electricity liberalisation in the UK – the end is nigh
- Electricity market design and the impact of decarbonisation
- Electricity market design: Signalling efficient location and operation
- Electricity market reform and development in China
- Electricity Market Reform and Development in China
- Electricity Market Reform in the UK
- Electricity market reform to enhance the energy market pricing mechanism: observations from PJM
- Electricity markets in resource-rich countries of the MENA: Adapting for the transition era
- Electrified film flow over topography
- Electrified Interfaces: One Hundred Years of the Poisson-Boltzmann Theory and More
- Electrochemical and mechanical modeling of lithium-ion batteries
- Electrochemical and Microfluidic Devices for Efficient Biofluid Interfaces on the Skin
- Electrochemical detection in nanochannels: a new single-molecule technique
- Electrochemical Experiments Involving Conducting Polymers
- Electrochemical formation of responsive hydrogel films for bioanalytics
- Electrochemical gating: a unique tool for controlling the electronic properties of thin films and 2d materials
- Electrochemical Ion Sensors: From the State-of-the-Art to Current Challenges and Opportunities
- Electrochemical Technology for the Low Carbon Transition
- Electrochemistry In Microfluidic Environments
- Electrochemistry in the molten state: from sustainable metal extraction to materials fundamentals
- Electrochemo-poromechanical interactions: the case of ionic polymer metal composites
- Electroconducting Biomaterials For The Treatment Of Spinal Cord Injury
- Electrodeposition with Bitrex
- Electrogenic photosynthetic microorganisms: harnessing solar energy in bio-photovoltaic (BPV) systems
- Electrohydrodynamic control of multi-fluid systems at small scales
- Electrokinetic instability in the plane Poiseuille flow
- Electrolysis: What Textbooks Don’t Tell Us
- Electrolysis: What Textbooks Don’t Tell Us
- Electrolyte and water transport by the Drosophila midgut
- Electromagnetic eavesdropping on computers
- Electromagnetic homogenization with the strong-property-fluctuation theory
- Electromagnetic mediums with a double light cone structure
- Electromagnetic metasurfaces – from butterflies to battleships
- Electromagnetic Response Of Graphene And Semiconductor Low-Dimensional Electron Systems
- Electromagnetic surfaces from butterflies to battleships
- Electromagnetic Surges
- Electromagnetism and Black Holes
- Electromechanical Properties of Graphene Membranes
- Electron Acceleration in the Radiation Belts of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn
- Electron and nuclear spin qubits based on donors in silicon (Prof. John J. L. Morton, University College London)
- Electron beam stabilisation for a synchrotron: An example of the control of spatio-temporal systems
- Electron Catalysis
- Electron confinement in graphene quantum dots
- Electron Correlation and Coupling with Phonon in the Rhombohedral Stacked Graphene
- Electron cryomicroscopy of biological structures: overcoming the barriers to further progress.
- Electron cryomicroscopy of enveloped viruses
- Electron diffractive imaging of extended objects
- Electron doping of samarium nickelate from first principles
- Electron gases of many flavours
- Electron Hydrodynamics in Graphene: Fundamentals and Application
- Electron Microscopy – Electromagnetic Frontiers
- Electron microscopy studies of protein aggregation and disaggregation
- Electron Microscopy: a Key Technique to Help Save Energy and Carbon Emissions
- Electron Quantum Optics in Quantum Hall Edge Channels
- Electron Spin Injection and Transport in Semiconductors
- Electron Tomography - Challenges and Opportunities for 3D Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis
- Electron Tomography and Multi-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
- Electron Tomography for novel nanostructures
- Electron transport across interfaces
- Electron transport in disordered two-dimensional materials
- Electron Transport, Acceleration and Loss in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Electron Tunnelling through Rigid Molecular Wire Anchored between Nanogap Electrodes and on Metal Surface (SP Workshop)
- Electron Waves Unveil the Microcosmos
- Electron Waves Unveil the Microcosmos
- Electron-phonon and phonon-electron coupling
- Electron-phonon contribution to the photoemission kink in cuprate superconductors
- Electron-phonon coupling and the vibrational averaging over proton-orderings in ice
- Electron-Phonon Coupling In Layered Atomic Structures
- Electron-Positron Pair Creation in a Nonlinear Dirac Model
- Electronic Analogue Computers
- Electronic and optical properties of 2d atomic InSe crystals
- Electronic coherence and recoherence in pigment protein complexes: The fundamental role of non-equilibrium vibrational structures
- Electronic Energy Transfer/Migration & Biomacromolecular Structure
- Electronic excitations in conjugated materials: "Un peu de tout"
- Electronic friction and excitations in molecule-surface interactions
- Electronic health records: which is worse, the UK system or the US System?
- Electronic Impurity Doping of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals
- Electronic mail
- Electronic Music: An Introduction
- Electronic Properties and Growth Dynamics of Graphene Layers
- Electronic recording of genealogical data
- Electronic Structure Aided Drug Discovery
- Electronic structure and computational design of hybrid lead-iodide perovskites
- Electronic structure and impact
- Electronic structure in real space: optimised local orbitals for linear scaling, band structure and polarisation
- Electronic Structure of Niobium Pentoxide-derived Crystallographic Shear Phases
- Electronic Structure of Niobium Pentoxide-derived Crystallographic Shear Phases
- Electronic Structure of Novel Topological Materials Studied by ARPES
- Electronic Tissue Technologies for Interfacting Cells, Nerves and Brains
- Electronic transport and the origin of Urbach tails in amorphous silicon
- Electronic Warfare
- Electronic-structure challenges in biomimetic catalysis
- Electronically Driven Major-Reversal with No Major Field
- Electronics for remote monitoring of assets
- Electronics from Molecules
- Electronics on the brain
- Electronics on the Brain
- Electronics on the brain
- Electronics on the Brain
- Electronics Revolution
- driving pivotal change in Computer Science
- Electronics to biology and back: mistakes I've made in my career so far
- Electrons and holes in double-gate SiO2-Si-SiO2 quantum wells: transport and drag resistance studies
- Electrons in a spin: the physics of gadgets
- Electrons in bilayer graphene
- Electrons in novel materials, water, and their interplay
- Electrons in the family
- Electrons in Two Dimensions: Models for Graphene
- Electrons on the Magnetic Quantum Roundabout - Measuring Fermi Surfaces and Band Renormalisation in Correlated Materials
- Electrophysiological evidence for the enhanced allocation of spatial attention to threat in anxious individuals
- Electrophysiology of autocrine and paracrine NMDA receptor signalling in invasive mouse pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour cells
- Electroreception: A “Sixth Sense”
- Electroreception: A “Sixth Sense”
- Electrostatic effects in nanoscale ferroelectrics
- Electrostatic effects in nanoscale ferroelectrics
- Electrostatic interactions between macromolecules in the weak and strong coupling limit
- Electrostatic manipulation of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) and interface fluctuation GaAs/AlAs QDs (IF-QDs) by focused laser assisted diffusion of Manganese interstitial ions in GaAs/AlAs/GaMnAs resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) structures
- Electrostatic, polarisation and redox effects in oxide nano-structures
- Electroweak measurements and measurement of the W boson mass with the LHCb detector
- Electroweak physics in the forward region
- Electroweak production measurements in the forward region
- Elegant Security - Stephen Bonner
- Element Fractionation by the Ponderomotive Force
- Element Fractionation by the Ponderomotive Force
- Element Fractionation by the Ponderomotive Force
- Element Fractionation by the Ponderomotive Force
- Element orders and Sylow structure
- Element pollution at the highest observable redshifts
- Elemental, immunochemical and Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) analyses to characterize diagenetic alteration patterns and map collagen in ancient skeletal remains
- Elementary embeddings for category theory
- Elementary embeddings of the universe for category theory
- Elementary excitations for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
- Elementary Excitations in Amorphous Materials
- Elementary Higgs, pseudo-Goldstone or dilaton?
- Elementary problems of computational significance
- Elementary Real Analysis
- Elementary statistical models for nematic transitions in liquid-crystalline systems
- Elementary wave mechanics and pilot waves, with nice examples.
- Elementary? Where's Sherlock when you need him?
- Elements of a Networked Urbanism
- Elements of finite order in the Cremona group over perfect fields
- Elephants and emperors: Elephants in Indian painting and culture
- Elevate and Celebrate: Marking Inner Space's 24th Birthday with Joyful Inner Awakening (in person)
- Elevator Pitch Practice session
- Elevator Pitch Q&A
- Elevator Pitch Summary
- Elevator pitches
- Eleventh Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Eleventh William Pitt Seminar: A Higher Purpose: the role of universities in C21st Britain
- Elfdalian, a divergent Nordic dialect now and throughout the ages
- Elicitation for Aggregation
- Eliminating A/A'-positions
- Eliminating encoded meaning: implications for a pragmatic theory of utterance processing.
- Eliminating Network Protocol Vulnerabilities Through Abstraction and Systems Language Design
- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons: An Impossible Dream?
- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons: An Impossible Dream?
- Eliminating single-use plastics: driving organisational change and implementing sustainability priorities
- Elimination of cervical cancer by 2050: Reality or wishful thinking
- Elimination of Cervical Cancer by 2050: reality or wishful thinking
- Elimination of Extremes of Wealth and Poverty
- Elisabeth Vellacott
- ELISPOT technology: The latest tricks
- Elite paternalism and exotic drug demand in early modern France: the case of the Marquis de Louvois and quinquina, circa 1685
- Elite women and the agricultural landscape
- Eliza in America (Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840)
- Elizabeth Bowen's Writing of the Second World War
- Elizabeth Bowen's Writings of the Second World War
- Elizabeth von Arnim and Virginia Woolf: Love, Marriage, Expiation
- Elizabethan England: a monarchical republic
- Elizabethan vortices
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: Eve Also Delved: Gendering Economic History (1)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: Eve Also Delved: Gendering Economic History (2)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: Eve Also Delved: Gendering Economic History (3)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: Eve Also Delved: Gendering Economic History (4)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: From the 18th to the 21st Century: A Perspective on 250 years of British Economic Growth (1)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: From the 18th to the 21st Century: A Perspective on 250 years of British Economic Growth (2)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: From the 18th to the 21st Century: A Perspective on 250 years of British Economic Growth (3)
- Ellen McArthur Lecture: From the 18th to the 21st Century: A Perspective on 250 years of British Economic Growth (4)
- Elliott West: Coincidence and Empire: The United States and the Pacific
- Ellipsis in Brazilian Portuguese and South American Spanish
- Ellipsis, Dialogue Modelling, and the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface
- Ellipsoid Localisation Microscopy
- Elliptic Curves
- Elliptic curves over real quadratic fields are modular
- Elliptic equations in open subsets of infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces
- Elliptic finite-band potentials of a non-self-adjoint Zakharov-Shabat operator.
- Elliptic Grothendieck-Teichmueller theory
- Elliptic hypergeometric integrals, superconformal indices and duality
- Elliptic KZB equations via the universal vector extension
- Elliptic Schubert calculus
- Elliptic stochastic quantisation
- Elliptic surfaces and Brauer-Manin obstructions
- Elliptical billiards and Poncelet trajectories
- Elliptical instability in planetary and stellar fluid interiors
- Ellipticals lensed by ellipticals: 10 billion years of growth
- Ellipticity and modularity in integrable systems, and N=1*
- Eloisa Berman-Arévalo - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- ELPEC Lunchtime Seminar: Understanding Teacher Retention
- ELRIG Networking Event at AstraZeneca
- ELRIG Networking Event: Artificial Intelligence in drug discovery
- Elucidating and re-wiring gene regulatory networks mediating plant defence
- Elucidating inter-species interactions in microbial communities using metabolic models
- Elucidating molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration with CRISPR-based functional genomics
- Elucidating molecular mechanisms on and off the pathway to amyloid deposition
- Elucidating stress signalling response pathways in Arabidopsis and crops
- Elucidating the structural and molecular basis of alpha-synuclein toxicity in Parkinson's disease and related synuleinopathies
- Elucidation of cyclin A function in the human cell cycle through proteomics
- Elucidation of oncogenic B cell receptor signaling
- Elusive problems in extremal graph theory
- EM-based connectomics of motion detection pathways in the lobula of Drosophila melanogaster
- Emacs vs. VI, and other holy wars
- email list
- Email Spam Detection and Filtering: Keeping Your Mailbox Clean
- Emancipation, Contemporary Art and Collaborative Drawing in a Primary School
- Embarrassing Diseases
- Embedded Agency
- Embedded carbon prices, border carbon adjustment and patterns of trade
- Embedded Optimization for Optimal Control of Mechatronic Systems
- Embedding and continuity envelopes of Besov-type spaces
- Embedding effect systems in Haskell
- Embedding experimental data in vibro-acoustic experimental models: laboratory and industry case studies
- Embedding music and music therapy in care pathways for people with dementia in the 21st century
- Embedding Musical Codes into an Interactive Piano Composition
- Embedding of PSL(2,q) in exceptional groups of Lie type
- Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space
- Embedding spanning structures in random and pseudorandom graphs
- Embedding structures with distortion
- Embedding symplectic balls into four-dimensional tori - Cancelled
- Embedding the Menopause in Medical Training
- Embedding theorems for (regular) Mal'tsev categories
- Embedding theorems for tree-free groups
- Embedding theorems, torsion, and quotients for groups.
- Embedding with auxiliary particles for strongly correlated materials
- Embeddings and topological rigidity
- Embeddings, entanglement, and percolation
- Embeddings, operads, graph-complexes
- Embezzlement of entanglement
- Embezzlement of entanglement and the classification of von Neumann algebras
- EMBL-EBI Genotype and Phenotype Resources
- Emblematic alchemy: Michael Maier's Atalanta fugiens (1617/18)
- Embodied and situated moods
- Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Building brain and body together in bio-inspired robots
- Embodied Cognition
- Embodied energy as an environmental impact indicators for geotechnical infrastructures.
- Embodied intelligence: How the body shapes the way robots behave
- Embodied knowledge: riding Ottoman horses in Renaissance Italy
- Embodied Morality
- Embodied motherhood/genetic fatherhood: British South Asian women's perceptions of using donated gametes in assisted conception
- Embodied perception between life and death: The animate/inanimate-distinction in action and language perception
- Embodied Technology: To be (biomimetic) or not to be?
- Embodiment and the Sciences of the Mind
- Embodiment of Marginalisation: What human and textual archives can tell us about the lived experience of South Africa's oppressed
- Embodying Historical Consciousness: Teaching History Through Drama
- Embodying Suicidal Emotions, 1700-1850
- Embrace, Adapt or Eschew? Developing Country Responses to Global Banking Standards
- Embracing Chance in your Career Planning
- Embracing Change: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Growth (in-person)
- Embracing Complexity: A Drosophila Approach To Cancer Therapeutics
- Embracing Complexity: A Fly-to-Bedside Approach to Cancer Therapies
- Embracing Low Inertia for Power System Frequency Control: A Dynamic Droop Approach
- Embracing Low Inertia for Power System Frequency Control: A Dynamic Droop Approach
- Embracing Simplicity: Letting Go of Materialism for Inner Abundance (in-person)
- Embracing the Mosaic: Crafting Collaborative Arts-based Research for Critical Resilience
- Embracing the Volatility of AWS Spot Fleet
- Embracing Ubiquitous Technology to Complement, Scale, and Extend Traditional Healthcare
- Embracing uncertainty: developing methods that take advantage of it
- Embryo environment restricts the developmental plasticity of epiblast precursors
- Embryo genesis: how a handful of scientists produced an American origin story
- Embryo-scale reverse genetics at single cell resolution reveals lineage-specific modules underlying cranial development
- Embryonic enigmas: geminin regulation and function in stem cells
- Embryonic patterning with an oscillating cell population
- Embryonic Stem Cells: Capture of the Ground State
- Embryos and Ancestors
- EMC Metrological Issues Relevant to SKA Demonstrator (MeerKAT)
- Emergence and Control in UK Energy Democratisation
- Emergence and reduction combined in infinite systems
- Emergence in complexity science
- Emergence in Physics: Life, the Universe and the Nature of Reality
- Emergence in Solid State Physics
- Emergence of (linguistic) communication through multi-agent interactions
- Emergence of a left-right symmetric body plan during embryonic development
- Emergence of a novel correlated-electron metal in a 2D electron gas
- Emergence of Apparent Horizon in General Relativity
- Emergence of flows and tridimensional structures in active cell monolayers
- Emergence of heavy tails in homogenised stochastic gradient descent
- Emergence of heavy tails in homogenised stochastic gradient descent
- Emergence of HIV drug resistance during combinational therapy.
- Emergence of order in random languages
- Emergence of order in random languages
- Emergence of order in random languages
- Emergence of phytoplankton patchiness at small scales in mild turbulence
- Emergence of power law in martensite microstructure of shape memory alloy
- Emergence of power law in martensite microstructure of shape memory alloy
- Emergence of regularity in large graphs
- Emergence of Spatial Structure in Growing Bacterial Biofilms and its Implications for Evolution
- Emergence of stochastic quasi-classical wavefunction of the Universe from the third quantization procedure
- Emergence of Symmetry in Planar Probability
- Emergence of the EU Corporate Lending Network
- Emergence of topological phases in lithium under pressure
- Emergence, Top Down Causation and Reductionism
- Emergency Department Reimbursement -- An application of yardstick competition for service systems
- Emergent Area Laws from Entangled Matrices
- Emergent Behavior resulting from Incorporating Cellular Uncertainty as Spatial Heterogeneity
- Emergent Behavior resulting from Incorporating Cellular Uncertainty as Spatial Heterogeneity
- Emergent Behaviours in Cardiac Dynamics
- Emergent Black Hole Dynamics in Critical Floquet Systems
- Emergent chance (jointly authored with Marcus Pivato)
- Emergent chirality in charge ordered materials
- Emergent Coarsening Dynamics and Scaling Laws via the Principle of Maximum Dissipation
- Emergent collective properties in inertial active matter
- Emergent Communication through Negotiation
- Emergent Constraints on Earth System Sensitivities
- Emergent Coulombic criticality and Kibble-Zurek scaling in a topological magnet
- Emergent dynamics of the second-order nonlinear consensus model with bonding feedback controls
- Emergent Education in the Homogenised World: The Significance of Integrating Indigenous Knowledge, Cultural Practices and Skills towards Future Education in India
- Emergent Failures and Cascades in Power Grids: A Large Deviations Approach
- Emergent gauge fields, fractionalised quasiparticles and dynamical fractals
- Emergent geometry from strongly coupled quantum dynamics
- Emergent hydrodynamics of soliton gases in integrable systems: INI-RIMS Collaboration
- Emergent IR dual 2d CFTs in charged AdS5 black holes
- Emergent Many-body Interactions in Amorphous Solids
- Emergent mesoscale correlations in active solids
- Emergent mesoscale correlations in active solids
- Emergent Multi-Agent Communication: The story so far
- Emergent oscillations during cellular directional decision-making on junctions
- Emergent parabolic scaling of nano-faceting crystal growth
- Emergent phases in constrained random networks
- Emergent phases in tuneable quantum materials
- Emergent phenomena in the BiS2 family of superconductors from first principles
- Emergent Phenomena in the Control Age
- Emergent properties in biological macromolecular assemblies
- Emergent Spatiotemporal Communication Patterns in Insect Swarms
- Emergent spin-orbit coupling and rotating skyrmions: INI-RIMS Collaboration.
- Emergent structure from spin models on cubic graphs ensembles
- Emergent symmetries in large N gauge theories
- Emergent Syntax: a new (unifying) perspective
- Emergent topological phenomena in strained pyrochlore iridate thin films
- Emerging applications of homogeneous flows: From discrete mathematics to statistical physics
- Emerging Clean Technology Industries in the United States
- Emerging complexities in the recovery of Canadian lakes from acidification: the influence of climate change, metal toxicity and Ca decline
- Emerging Concepts in Cancer Biology: Merging Glycobiology and Nanotechnology
- Emerging Concepts in Particle and Photon Beams
- Emerging Disease Analysis: Preparedeness and Response
- Emerging Diseases: The Culture of Viruses
- Emerging Economies During and After the Great Recession
- Emerging Energy Materials: Electrified Heating and Wood
- Emerging epidemics on networks
- Emerging fractal structure in freezing of brine
- Emerging Geopolitical Trends in the Middle East - A Lecture by Ghayth Armanazi
- Emerging Human coronavirus virulence and protection
- Emerging Infections
- Emerging patterns of phoretic active matter: from crystalline solids to active turbulence
- Emerging patterns of phoretic active matter: from crystalline solids to active turbulence
- Emerging Quantum Technologies
- Emerging roles of class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase in human disease
- Emerging solar cell technologies: a microscopist's view
- Emerging symmetries and condensates in inverse cascades
- Emerging therapeutic strategies for treating the first molecular disease
- Emerging topics in computational epigenomics
- Emerging virus infections and novel intervention strategies
- Emerging virus spillover - overcoming the entry-barrier
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.
- EMI in Francophone Cameroon: What can we learn from victims of English?
- Emilian Parau
- Emily Bell in Conversation with Mary Beard
- Emily Chappell: how a London cycle courier took on the world
- Emission line mapping of galaxies at high resolution: optical radioastronomy
- Emission Line Properties of High-Redshift Galaxies: Predictions of Lya, Infrared, and Nebular Lines for ALMA and JWST
- Emissions and Chemistry of air pollution in London and Beijing: a tale of two cities.
- Emissions constraint: global leadership in social disruption?
- Emissions trading, energy efficiency, and the law of unintended consequences
- Emiway Bantai Music Career
- EML webinar Liquid crystal elastomers
- EML webinar Liquid crystal elastomers
- Emma Hart: Remaking the Public Good in the American Marketplace during the Early Republic
- Emmy Noether Society Networking Garden Party
- Emotion
- Emotion
- Emotion and emotion regulation; application in mental health disorders
- Emotion and memory
- Emotion and Memory: Explorations of the Amygdala.
- Emotion and mental imagery: from experiments to therapeutic applications
- Emotion and mental imagery: from experiments to therapeutic applications
- Emotion effects on memory and conceptual priming
- Emotion from brain identity
- Emotion Processing and Intervention in Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Emotion recognition in human-computer interaction
- Emotion recognition without awareness and visual cortex: functional and anatomical mechanisms
- Emotion, Cognition, and “Rational” Embodiment.
- Emotion, value and the tyranny of choice
- Emotional and cognitive empathy: from heritability to neurotransmitters
- Emotional and intelligent robots: reality or fiction?
- Emotional awareness, rational action, and self-knowledge
- Emotional cripple: Tech-legal considerations of emotion detection
- Emotional Diplomacy: Official Emotion on the International Stage and in Peace Negotiations
- Emotional disorders and mental imagery
- Emotional Health - An Interactive Talk
- Emotional Health - Evening Talk as part of the 'Quality of Life' Series
- Emotional self regulation in Borderline Personality Disorder
- Emotions and Identity: Migrant Students and Their Butterflies
- Emotions and Social Decisions: An Interpersonal Perspective
- Emotions in Prison: using metaphor to explore feelings, order and control
- Emotions, Intuitions and Morality
- Empathetic Creativity: The Product of Empathetic Attunement
- Empathic disequilibrium – a novel conceptualization of the role of empathy in psychopathology and beyond
- Empathizing with Robots
- Empathy and Justice in the Era of the Financial Crisis
- Empathy – from shared affect to self-other distinction
- Empathy during infancy: Assessment, development, parenting predictors, and developmental outcomes.
- Empathy: Perspectives from Psychiatry
- Empire & Maritime Legal History
- Empire and Histories of Criminal Law
- Empire and legal universalisms in the eighteenth century
- Empire and nature in New Zealand: theologies of nature and natural theologies, 1830-1920 (based on joint research with John Stenhouse)
- Empire and Sovereignty in "Democracies of the East"
- Empire in Mesopotamia… Felled by Dust?
- Empire of inequality: the politics of taxation in the French colonial empire, 1900-1950s
- Empire, Freedom and Violence: Theories of Political Pluralism and Dante's Monarchy
- Empire: Displayed Peoples, Empire and Anthropology in the Metropole
- Empires of Acclimatisation (Domestication Practices across History)
- Empires of the Steppes: The Nomadic Tribes Who Shaped Civilisation
- Empirical and physical modeling of equilibrium beach shoreline changes
- Empirical efficiency maximisation: improved locally efficient covariate adjustment
- Empirical entropy, minimax regret and minimax risk
- Empirical evidence in privacy economics
- Empirical likelihood with a growing number of parameters
- Empirical Measure and Small Noise Asymptotics under Large Deviation Scaling for Interacting Diffusions
- Empirical modelling the cracking strength of concrete: A unified approach
- Empirical Models of Galaxy Formation - Constraints and Predictions
- Empirical pseudopotentials?
- Empirical Results on Morphological Convergence in English
- Empirical risk minimization for heavy-tailed losses
- Empirical support for DNA match probabilities
- Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition
- Employing Caenorhabditis elegans based models to explore the contribution to virulence of tRNA gene-associated genomic islands in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Employing Complex Datasets for More Effective Decision-Making in Drug Development
- Employing Psycholinguistics to Understand Decoding in Probabilistic Language Generators
- Employing RAM2-mediated root resistance against a leaf pathogen
- Empower Your Essence: Cultivating Inner Strength and Dignity (in-person talk)
- Empower Your Essence: Cultivating Inner Strength and Dignity (in-person)
- Empowering all Students to Improve the World
- Empowering Family Research
- Empowering Family Research
- Empowering Ourselves to be Heard
- Empowering parents to foster children's early executive function development, in two different contexts
- Empowering T Cell Therapy through Stemness and Mitochondria
- Empowering the Angel of the House: How What Katy Did Promotes the Child's Voice
- Empty symplectic manifolds
- Emu: Rapid Prototyping of Networking Services
- Emulating complex codes: The implications of using separable covariance functions
- Emulating Early Computers
- Emulating God's playfulness: Johannes Kepler's serious jokes
- Emulating the Nonlinear Matter Power Spectrum for the Universe
- Emulation and Uncertainty Quantification in Cardiac Modelling
- Emulation of random output (stochastic) models: theory and application
- Emulators for forecasting and UQ of natural hazards
- Emulsification and stabilisation of oil in water in presence of a polysaccharide, chitosan
- Emulsion Phase Inversion
- Emulsion stabilized by proteins – surfactant-covered drops or capsules?
- Enablers of Scale Up in the Process Industry
- Enabling Collective Synergies: From Design of Social Telepresence Interfaces to Analysis of Shared Mobility Systems
- Enabling community participation through teacher leadership
- Enabling Connected Cars through Named Data.
- Enabling discovery by in-cell structural biology
- Enabling efficient and intelligent embedded systems for the next generation of human healthcare and well-being
- Enabling Fast, Robust, and Personalized Federated Learning
- Enabling Genome Biology with the Illumina HiSeq 2000 System TALK IS CANCELLED
- Enabling high-dimensional uncertainty quantification for cardiac electrophysiology via multifidelity techniques
- Enabling high-dimensional uncertainty quantification for cardiac electrophysiology via multifidelity techniques
- Enabling independence and managing risk in a residential care home
- Enabling Insight - from Intimation to Innovation
- Enabling intelligent management of the environment
- Enabling Materials, Advanced Processes And Integration Strategies For Graphene-Based Flexible Electronics
- Enabling Runtime Monitoring on Multicores for Performance and Reliability
- Enabling secure inter-domain interoperability through attribute conversion
- Enabling System-Wide Isolation for Trusted Execution Environments
- Enabling the Internet of Things - IoT Penetrate the Base of Pyramid in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Enabling the sustainable production of our most coveted chemicals through improved catalysis
- Enacting Scales of Difference: Dermatology and Melanin Sciences as Liberationist Tools in the 21st Century
- Enantioselective C-H Functionalization; Applications in Organic Synthesis
- Enantioselective Lewis Base Catalysis using Isothioureas
- Encapsulating Matter, from inert to alive: design and applications.
- Encapsulation by microcapsules
- Encapsulation of 1D crystals inside carbon nanotubes
- Encapsulation of inhibitors for Down-well applications/Adventures of salty water droplets in oil
- Encapsulation of microorganisms in colloidosomes / Encapsulation of Inhibitors for Down-well Applications
- Enceladus - a miniature, active ice-world
- Enchanted Galapagos
- Enchantments in the Arabian Nights, or, The Life of the Jinn
- Enclave-Aware Compartmentalization and Secure Sharing with Sirius
- ENCODE: Understanding our genome
- Encoding and decoding morphogen gradients
- Encoding and Decoding of Molecular Information in Distributed Cellular Systems with Feedback Control
- Encoding D-Bus protocol state machines for testing client implementations
- Encoding phylogenetic trees with weighted quartets
- Encoding the Bethe ansatz in ordinary differential equations
- Encore by Numbers: importing very large data volumes from a variety of messy sources
- Encounter-driven fragmentation in irradiated self-gravitating discs
- Encountering Aristotle's Masterpiece, or how to find a racy book about reproduction
- Encountering Ayahuasca in the devil's paradise: Amazonian science and Victorian violence in the nineteenth century
- Encountering Hellenism (Roundtable Discussion)
- Encounters at a medical ward in Sweden – professionals' experiences explored through applied drama
- Encounters with Diversity: Children’s and Adults’ Friendships across Social Class and Ethnic Difference
- Encounters: Rethinking ‘equality and diversity’ in Plant Sciences
- Encouraging Mathematical Creativity - Teacher Inspiration Day
- Encouraging Mathematical Creativity: Teacher Inspiration Day
- End
- End
- End
- End
- End extensions of models of subsystems of ZF
- End of Internship Talk: F# Type Providers: DBpedia and the Combinator Framework
- End of Term Gathering , Friday 1st December
- End of term Polar social gathering
- End of term Polar social gathering
- End point of the ultraspinning instability and weak cosmic censorship
- End User Perspective: Personal Finance
- End-time regularity theorem for Brakke flow
- End-to-End Congestion Control via Endpoint-Centric, Wireless Physical-Layer Capacity Measurements
- End-to-end contextual speech recognition with Tree-constrained pointer generator
- End-to-end encryption: Behind the scenes
- End-to-end learning of CNN features in in discrete optimization models for motion and stereo
- End-to-End Performance Isolation through Virtual Datacenters
- End-user programmers need first-class software engineering tools
- Endangered Ancestors: Language Shift and the Loss of Theodiversity in Tribal India
- Endangered language maintenance and revitalisation: issues of ‘authenticity and ‘correctness’ (with reference to varieties of French).
- Endangered languages in contact: Domari in its ethnographic and cultural context
- Endangered languages, cultures and ecosystems: The case of Modern South Arabian
- Endemicity or Elimination
- Ending AIDS: Past, Present and Yet to Come
- Ending Deadly Conflict: A Naïve Dream?
- Ending Mass Atrocity crimes: A Hopeless Dream
- Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes: A Hopeless Dream?
- Ending the Deadly Conflict: A Naive Dream?
- Endocrine Clinico-Pathological Conference
- Endocytosis and sorting along the axonal retrograde pathway
- Endodermal cell responses and size control regulate lateral root formation
- Endodermal contribution to orofacial structures in non-teleost fishes: How ancient is the pre-oral gut?
- Endogenous and exogenous causes of demographic and evolutionary change in human history and prehistory
- Endogenous and immunological mechanisms of musculoskeletal pain
- Endogenous Formaldehyde as a driver for clonal haematopoiesis and in pervasive DNA base adduction
- Endogenous mRNA localization in living yeast
- Endogenous network topology in the interbank lending market
- Endogenous opioids, dopamine & appetite behaviour
- Endogenous Pararetroviruses Regulate Gene Expression in Hybrids
- Endogenous retroviruses, evolution and modern civilization
- Endomagnetics: Making magnets work in healthcare
- Endometrial regulation of human embryo implantation and placental development in health and disease?
- Endomorphism rings of some Young modules
- Endomorphisms and automorphisms of the 2-adic ring C*-algebra Q_2
- Endomorphisms of Gelfand-Graev representations
- Endomorphisms of generic models of classifying toposes
- Endophenotypes for Drug Addiction
- Endoplasmic reticulum hosts the activities of plant microRNAs
- Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Intestinal Inflammation
- Endoplasmic reticulum stress response in the Drosophila model for Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Endosomal clathrin drives actin accumulation at the immunological synapse"
- Endosymbiosis, genome mosaicism, and the evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes
- Endotoxin-Induced Ordering Transitions in Liquid Crystalline Droplets
- Endotrivial modules
- Endotrivial modules for the quaternion group and iterated Jokers in chromatic homotopy theory
- Endowed with an Extra Sense: Mathematics and Evolution
- EndRE: An End-System Redundancy Elimination Service for Enterprise Traffic
- Ends and coends (AKA "Cowedges: Endgame")
- Ends Middles Beginnings
- Ends of groups and related invariants
- Endurance of germinal centers in absence of Tfh cells
- Enduring love? Un/settling coupledom in the 21st Century
- Enduring Structures, Patterns of Change: ‘English’ Landscapes in the Northern Atlantic, 1000-1800CE
- Energetic constraints on the evolution of life
- Energetic feedback on chromatin state defines a system-wide reset point
- Energetic phenomena in an underwater environment
- Energetic signatures of tropical rainband biases & shifts in CMIP6
- Energetics now and future trends
- Energetics of Nanoparticles and Implications for Earth and Environmental Science
- Energetics of the sperm flagellum
- Energetics of the sperm flagellum
- Energetics of vertical dispersion in simple and double-diffusive turbulent stratified fluids
- Energetics under limiting light: a useful tool to study C4 photosynthesis
- Energy absorption by rapidly driven chaotic systems
- Energy absorption of foams with non-linear variation in cross-sectional area under stationary impact BD
- Energy absorption with time-dependent RMT Hamiltonians: quantum interference effects
- Energy and Climate Governance
- Energy and enstrophy cascades in numerical models
- Energy and Environmental Flows in Sanitation
- Energy and Life
- Energy and life
- Energy and Matter at the Origin of Life
- Energy and matter at the origin of life
- Energy and matter at the origin of life
- Energy and matter at the origin of life – and why it matters
- Energy and momentum pathways in the marginal ice zone
- Energy and Sustainability
- Energy and the English industrial revolution
- Energy and the industrial revolution: opening Pandora's box
- Energy as Syntax - an attempt at a thermodynamical framework for combinatorial molecular networks
- Energy balance for acoustic scattering on a cascade of flat plates
- Energy balance for weak solutions of the 2D Incompressible Euler equations.
- Energy balance for weak solutions of the 2D Incompressible Euler equations.
- Energy barriers and cell migration in densely packed tissues
- Energy Based Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Energy Networks
- Energy cascade in turbulent flows: quantifying effects of Reynolds number and local and nonlocal interactions
- Energy cascades in rotating and stratified turbulence
- Energy cascades in the atmosphere and in a simple shallow-water model
- Energy cascades in the baroclinic ocean wind-driven double gyre problem
- Energy Conservation for Fluid Equations
- Energy consumption from dwellings : do we understand it?
- Energy Consumption in the UK Non-Domestic Building Stock
- Energy Consumption using Coupled Colloidal Clusters
- Energy Debugging in Smartphones
- Energy Debugging in Smartphones
- Energy diffusion from relativistic spontaneous localization.
- Energy driven pattern formation in a non-local Cahn-Hilliard energy
- Energy driven pattern formation in a non-local Ginzburg-Landau/Cahn-Hilliard energy
- Energy Efficiency and Financing Mechanisms for Retrofitting Commercial Buildings
- Energy efficiency and house prices: Is there a link?
- Energy efficiency and rebound effect in road transport: Applications to the cases of Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe
- Energy efficiency and the design of brains
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- Energy Efficiency in Warehouse-Scale Computers
- Energy efficiency opportunities from heat pumps
- Energy Efficient Cities
- Energy Efficient Cities
- Energy Efficient Cities
- Energy Efficient Cities
- Energy Efficient Cities - An Integrated Approach to Achieving Low Carbon
- Energy Efficient Compilation of Irregular Task-Parallel Loops
- Energy Efficient Computing System - Research in NICS CAD Tsinghua
- Energy efficient computing: A quest from devices to architectures
- Energy Efficient Edge AI using Ensembles and Hyperdimensional Computing
- Energy Efficient Electronics; Searching for the milli-Volt Switch
- Energy efficient magnetic cooling technology
- Energy estimates about black holes
- Energy exchanges in open quantum systems, applied to quasi-free fermions.
- Energy Flow in Interconnected Systems
- Energy flows in buildings
- Energy for the future: Plugging the decline in energy supply, a gap too big?
- Energy Functionals: Choices and Consequences For Medical Image Segmentation
- Energy Gaps in Graphene Nanoribbons, Graphene and Bilayer Graphene
- Energy Harvesting For Wireless Electronics
- Energy harvesting from railway slab-tracks
- Energy in a Post-Brexit UK
- Energy landscape and band-structure tuning in realistic MoS2/MoSe2 heterostructures
- Energy landscape of multivariate time series data
- Energy Landscapes of Biomolecules
- Energy Landscapes of clusters, glasses, and biomolecules
- Energy Landscapes of Variational Quantum Algorithms
- Energy landscapes: from molecules to machine learning
- Energy levels and wave functions of Bloch electrons in rational and irrational magnetic fields
- Energy Mega-Projects
- Energy methods for the geodesic X-ray transform
- Energy Minimization with Label Costs and Applications in Multi-Model Fitting
- Energy minimizing maps with free boundaries
- Energy of cutoff functions and heat kernel upper bounds
- Energy Options and Gender Empowerment
- Energy partitioning and shear resistance evolution during earthquake sequences in experiments with simulated quartz gouge
- Energy peaks and future progress on the top quark mass measurement
- Energy plans that add up
- Energy Policies: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Energy Policy and the Power Sector in the Long Run
- Energy Policy: Road to Net Zero
- Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex plane
- Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex plane
- Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex plane (copy)
- Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex plane (copy)
- Energy Project Finance : Oil & Gas
- Energy release rate in hydraulic fracture: Can we neglect an impact of the hydraulically induced shear stress?
- Energy resolved neutron imaging and strain tomography
- Energy Retrofit
- Energy saving when manufacturing high value castings
- Energy scattering in weakly non-linear systems
- Energy Security and UK Energy Policy
- Energy Spectrum for Buoyancy-Driven Turbulence
- Energy Spectrum of buoyancy-driven turbulence
- Energy Storage
- Energy Storage and Conversion: Using Local Structural Probes to Understand and Optimise Function of Battery and Fuel Cell Materials
- Energy Storage and Decarbonised Energy Systems
- Energy Storage and Decarbonised Energy Systems
- Energy storage in acquifers
- Energy storage in acquifers
- Energy storage: Probing ion dynamics at the nanoscale in supercapacitors
- Energy storage: Understanding supercapacitors for improving them
- Energy system decarbonisation: informing reform of energy market and regulatory framework
- Energy Systems Modeling and Controls
- Energy transfer and quantum effects on rate processes
- Energy Transitions in the 20th Century
- Energy Transitions in the 20th Century
- Energy Transitions: Slow Transformations and Difficult Substitutions
- Energy Use in the UK Housing Stock: Are Housing Energy Targets Achievable? At What Cost?
- Energy use in the University of Cambridge
- Energy vs materials availability. Equivalent or different?
- Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability: a necessity as the mother of many inventions
- Energy, efficiency and economic growth in Europe: The long view, 1850-2000
- Energy, entropy and the physics of deep learning
- Energy-Based Models
- Energy-conserving equivariant GNN predictions of stiffness for lattice materials
- Energy-Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centers
- Energy-efficient wireless communications
- Energy-Optimal Signaling using the Example of Optical Communication
- Energy-parity from a bicomplex algebra
- Energy-Quality Scalable Adaptive VLSI Circuits and Systems – The Way towards the Next 10X Energy Reduction
- Energy: Stakes and challenges of sustainable Electrochemical storage
- Enforcement: The Conundrum at the Heart of Animal Welfare Policy
- Enforcing employment rights in the UK: the experiences of EU-8 migrant workers
- Enforcing topological constraints in energy-based image segmentation
- Engaged Ethics: How We Learned to Roll Up Our Sleeves
- Engagement in different contexts: What enables or restricts the Artist Teacher?
- Engagement with business- What are the barriers to use of climate data, where should future research be taken?
- Engaging Citizens in Questions of Health and Data Privacy
- Engaging custodians of coloniality in archaeology: an African experience
- Engaging Educators in the Open Learning Revolution
- Engaging Fathers in Perinatal Mental Health Research: Why and How
- Engaging Indigenous Communities in Malaysia: Snapshots of Culture, Genomics and Health
- Engaging mechanisms of negative B cell selection to overcome drug-resistance in leukaemia
- Engaging Multilinguality: Language, Identity and National Cohesion in Ukraine
- Engaging primary (K-5) computing teachers in culturally relevant pedagogy through professional development
- Engaging stakeholders about the science of climate change
- Engaging with architectural heritage in a changing climate: Views from academia and practice
- Engaging with Industry - what to say, how to say it and who to say it to
- Engaging with policymakers: modelling of the optimal investments into environmental maintenance, abatement, and adaptation for long-term climate policies
- Engelbert Stockhammer - 'Explaining the Euro Crisis: Current Account Imbalances, Credit Booms and Economic Policy in Different Economic Paradigms'
- Engine Downsizing for Fuel Efficiency - UltraBoost Project
- Engine oil additives
- Engineered growth factor microenvironments for regenerative medicine
- Engineered growth factor microenvironments for regenerative medicine
- Engineered growth factor microenvironments for regenerative medicine - MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM
- Engineered Nanoparticles: the Bionano Interface in a Biological Environment
- Engineered neural networks as self-organised computational substrates in the healthy and lesioned CNS
- Engineered protein pores as components of soft micromachines
- Engineered protein pores in nanotechnology and single-enzyme studies
- Engineered proteins as tools for assembly of functional structures and materials
- Engineered Quantum Systems (Prof. Gerard J. Milburn, The University of Queensland)
- Engineered Therapeutics to Reprogram the Tumour Microenvironment
- Engineering a Bio-Inspired Bone Marrow Biomicry: Applications to Precision Medicine
- Engineering a CDN: The Challenges of Building and Scaling to 100 Million Monthly Requests
- Engineering a low carbon future for the UK
- Engineering a Market: Concepts and Research on the HAT
- Engineering a million pregnancies: the development of DuoFertility
- Engineering Advances in Measuring and Using Speech Production Information
- Engineering and Control of Biological circuits: from yeast to mammalian cells
- Engineering and mathematics in the late 16th century (2/8)
- Engineering and medicine: Opportunities in type 1 diabetes
- Engineering at Microsoft Research - Open Evening
- Engineering better healthcare
- Engineering Bioinspired Molecular Networks and Synthetic Cells
- Engineering biology – where science meets imagination
- Engineering biomaterials: Innovation with wood, hemp and silk
- Engineering Bubbles for Targeted Imaging and Therapy
- Engineering cellular systems
- Engineering challenges in Antarctica
- Engineering Challenges in the Antarctic
- Engineering Challenges of Realising Fusion Power
- Engineering crops for resistance to disease and tolerance of environmental stress
- Engineering design challenges – timber structures and an upside down car
- Engineering epithelial organoid development
- Engineering Failure
- Engineering flies.
- Engineering for a Low Carbon Future: challenges and opportunities
- Engineering for an extreme environment
- Engineering for the Climate: what if clouds could be more reflective?
- Engineering for the Climate: what if engineering could cool the planet?
- Engineering for the Climate: what if GHGs could be captured?
- Engineering for the Climate: what if we could make more ice?
- Engineering Functional Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration
- Engineering Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency
- Engineering fundamentals of energy efficiency
- Engineering Genetic Circuits
- Engineering Genetic Circuits
- Engineering genomes and proteomes as foundational biotechnology for translational research
- Engineering Graduate Employability: an international comparison study
- Engineering High Speed 1
- Engineering Hilbert's Nullstellensatz for Combinatorial Problems
- Engineering Holographic Graphene
- Engineering Immunity: T cell-driven immunotherapy and the future of medicine
- Engineering in America's Cup
- Engineering in Antarctica - A Summer in the Field - 2007-2008
- Engineering in Ice
- Engineering in Sediments
- Engineering in the cryosphere
- Engineering Innovation Connections
- Engineering interfacial flows and instabilities in solidifying liquids
- Engineering large, multipurpose microprocessor specifications (using the x86-64 architecture as a case study)
- Engineering living systems: from genetic circuits to microbial communities
- Engineering Meiosis and Recombination to Unlock Genetic Diversity
- Engineering mesoporous titania for solid-state dye-sensitised solar cells
- Engineering microenvironments to control cell fate and behaviour
- Engineering microenvironments to control cell fate and behaviour
- Engineering mitochondrial DNA in the mouse germline using designer nuclease technology
- Engineering model-based systems to monitor and steer subclonal dynamics
- Engineering models to analyze tumor-stroma interactions and their relevance to cancer progression and therapy
- Engineering morphology in plants and microbes
- Engineering Multicellular Self-Organisation
- Engineering Nitrogen Storage Capacity of Plant to Improve Drought Tolerance
- Engineering NLR immune receptors to combat rice blast disease
- Engineering post-translational regulation of ion channels: basic mechanisms to translation
- Engineering Privacy for Small Groups
- Engineering quantum coherence in the integer quantum Hall effect
- Engineering riboswitches to enable rational control of transgene expression
- Engineering Software to Last
- Engineering solutions for heart valve disease using computational modelling and simulation
- Engineering strategies for tuning cell surface receptor signalling
- Engineering structure and response of soft materials with DNA-mediated interactions
- Engineering surfaces for icing and impact: do we need to go beyond interfaces?
- Engineering the CCTV Tower
- Engineering the future by leveraging digital technologies
- Engineering the Future of Medicine
- Engineering the Future: an open evening for women in engineering
- Engineering the Future: Engineering in Artificial Intelligence at Microsoft Research Cambridge
- Engineering the Nitrogen Symbiosis for Africa (ENSA): Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and its Nutrient Regulation in Barley
- Engineering the patient-provider experience
- Engineering the QR5 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
- Engineering therapeutic T cells
- Engineering tissue morphogenesis in vitro
- Engineering with Droplets
- Engineering with uncertain load regimes and strange materials – the story of aerospace and nuclear safety critical components
- Engineering-Driven Statistical Adjustment and Calibration
- Engineers Without Borders
- Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
- Engineers Without Borders: Renewable Energy Solutions for the Developing World (TED-style Talk)
- English as a Lingua Franca: Past, Present, and (Possible) Future
- English ‘Clinics’: An Ethnographic Exploration of Spoken English Training Centres in Bangalore, India
- English Beginnings Caribbean Roots - Story of a New Muslim Community in East Anglia
- English Beginnings Caribbean Roots - Story of a New Muslim Community in East Anglia
- English dialects: geographical perceptions, language regard and listener reactions
- English Living Standards and Mortality since the Middle Ages
- English Living Standards and Mortality since the Middle Ages
- English medium education in basic and higher education: lessons learned from across the globe
- English prices 1170-1750
- English Print Culture and the Question of Cromwellian Kingship
- English Republicanism in Transnational Context: Edmund Ludlow’s Protestant Network in Seventeenth-Century Switzerland
- English Royal Representation in Colonial Contexts
- English visitors to Vesuvius and Solfatara in the early seventeenth century
- Enhanced binding due to the quantized radiation field
- Enhanced Decision Making in Drug Discovery
- Enhanced Diffusion of Tracers in Microswimmer Suspensions: ``Bacteria Never Swim Alone"
- Enhanced dissipation and Taylor dispersion in higher-dimensional parallel shear flows
- Enhanced Dissipation and Transition Threshold for the Poiseuille Flow on $\mathcal{T}\times\mathcal{R}$
- Enhanced Free Energy Based Structure Prediction in Materials Science
- Enhanced Methods for Diagnosing Pharmacometric Models: Random Sampling from Conditional Distributions
- Enhanced Methods for Diagnosing Pharmacometric Models: Random Sampling from Conditional Distributions
- Enhanced model-based experiment design techniques for parameter identification in complex dynamic systems under uncertainty
- Enhanced Reactivity in Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Enhanced structural evolution in the dynamic plasticity of fcc metals
- Enhanced Superconductivity near an exciton-driven structural phase transition.
- Enhanced Texture-Based Terrain Synthesis on Graphics Hardware
- Enhanced turbulent mixing driven by wind shear alignment in the ocean
- ENHANCEMENT IN SPORT - Faster, Higher, Stronger, Yet?
- Enhancement of Superconductivity by Anderson Localization
- Enhancers as regulatory hubs in mammalian embryogenesis and human congenital disease
- Enhancers get ERKed around by chromatin remodellers during lineage commitment
- Enhancing automated analysis of marine soundscapes using ecoacoustic indices and machine learning
- Enhancing Climate Prediction with Knowledge-Infused Deep Learning Models
- Enhancing confidence in volcanic ash forecasts
- Enhancing dimensionality of in-vitro GPCR drug discovery
- Enhancing Diversity in Clinical Trials: A Touch of Humanity
- Enhancing DL-ROMs through mathematical and physical knowledge
- Enhancing fMRI Reconstruction by Means of the ICBTV-Regularisation Combined with Suitable Subsampling Strategies and Temporal Smoothing
- Enhancing immune responses by targeting vaccine antigens to Clec9A on dendritic cells"
- Enhancing Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation with Non-Convex Bregman Iteration
- Enhancing Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation with Non-Convex Bregman Iteration
- Enhancing Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation with Non-Convex Bregman Iteration
- Enhancing materials design using microscopy and modelling
- Enhancing Network Structure to Increase Resilience and Survivability
- Enhancing NLP with Knowledge: Ontology-Based Information Retrieval for Handwritten Text
- Enhancing plasticity to restore function in CNS disorders
- Enhancing recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli
- Enhancing Reduced-order Models Using Insights from Nonlinear Modal Interactions
- Enhancing Rubisco Catalysis Improves Plant Growth
- Enhancing Signature-based Collaborative Spam Detection
- Enhancing single-molecule detection with DNA origami nanostructures
- Enhancing single-molecule detection with DNA origami nanostructures
- Enhancing Stochastic Kriging Metamodels with Stochastic Gradient Estimators
- Enhancing the Brain and Wellbeing in Health and Disease
- Enhancing the CD8 T cell response by RAE-1 gamma expressed in a herpesvirus vector – not only NKG2D
- Enhancing the impact of the Department's Research - so how does the Department's Fourth Theme work
- Enhancing thymus function to improve T-cell immunity in the aged
- Enhancing Verilog
- Enid MacRobbie Women in Science Lecture
- ENIGMA at 10: What have we learned from a decade of large scale collaborative meta-analysis in neuroimaging
- Enigmas of Erebus: observations of an active lava lake
- Enjoying the sun – Macromolecular machines involved in DNA damage detection and repair
- Enlightenment Scepticism and the Conditions for Political Stability
- Enlightenment science in Surat? Interpreting the collections of Anquetil de Briancourt and family (1773–1779)
- Enlightenment Theory of Rights
- Enlightenment, Empire and Thomas Pennant's Practices of Natural History
- Ennola duality for representations of finite reductive groups
- Enquiry-based Interdisciplinary Learning in Engineering Practice
- Enriched categories for optimal transport
- Enriched Internal Categories
- Enriched mantle domains reveal the role of recycled oceanic crust in the solid Earth oxygen cycle
- Enriched simulations in computational mechanics
- Enriching Collections: Recent acquisitions of prints and drawings 2009 – 2019
- Enriching Electronic Textbooks
- Enrichment of categories of algebras and coalgebras
- Enriques surface fibrations with non-algebraic integral Hodge classes
- ENS Special Event - "Big data and structured patterns" & "Bayesian networks in crime evidence analysis"
- ENS talk series - "Disclosure Risk in Sample Microdata"
- ENS talk series - "Some highlights of a career in Stochastic Modelling"
- Ensemble average waves in random materials of any geometry
- Ensemble Inference Methods for Models with Noisy and Expensive Likelihoods
- Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning
- Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning
- Ensemble timing: a theoretical model and practical demo of a virtual ensemble training tool
- Ensembles for Discovery of Compact Structures and Learning Back-propagation Forests.
- Ensembles of stochastic Lagrangian trajectories and the variability of the turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere
- Enslaved in France: household colonialism, adolescents of African descent, and everyday practices of race making in the Old Regime
- ENSO modes of the equatorial Pacific Ocean in observations and CMIP5 models
- ENSO teleconnections to the Southern Hemisphere and impacts on weather systems
- Ensuring comparability in a diverse and unregulated qualifications market
- Ensuring data are Understood
- Ensuring Energy Efficient Buildings
- Ensuring Medical Device Safety on the U.S. Market: Building a Better Surveillance System
- Ensuring monotonicity in emulation
- Ensuring monotonicity in emulation
- Ensuring monotonicity in emulation
- Ensuring Precise Duplication of Chromosomal DNA
- Ensuring the adequacy of future energy systems
- Entangled histories: Archaeology, modern politics, and heritage in Vietnam
- Entangled histories: enactivism, representationalism and Frederic Bartlett
- Entangled Lives - Exploring plant biology through the fungal lens.
- Entangled Lives: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our Futures
- Entangled materialities and new global histories from southern Africa
- Entangled photons on-demand from a single quantum dot
- Entanglement and fidelity in topological superconductors
- Entanglement and Geometry in 2d CFT
- Entanglement and Quantum Gate Processes in the One-Dimensional Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
- Entanglement can increase asymptotic rates of zero-error classical communication over classical channels
- Entanglement Enhanced Intensity Interferometry
- Entanglement entropy and higher derivative Gravity
- Entanglement entropy and negativity in quantum field theories.
- Entanglement entropy and the F theorem
- Entanglement entropy in higher spin theories
- Entanglement entropy of free fermions
- Entanglement fluctuation theorems
- Entanglement in a qubit-qubit-tardigrade system
- Entanglement in Extremal Reissner-Nordstrom AdS
- Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory
- Entanglement in the disordered XY spin chain and open problems for random block operators
- Entanglement in the quantum Hall matrix model
- Entanglement of disjoint intervals in CFT: entropies and negativity
- Entanglement Rényi entropies from Ballistic Fluctuations Theory: the free fermionic case
- Entanglement recycling and generalized teleportation
- Entanglement spectra: A novel spectroscopic tool to investigate quantum many body wave functions
- Entanglement, renormalization, and holography
- Entanglement-assisted communication of classical and quantum information
- Entering the Anthropocene: Has humankind already fallen over the edge?
- Entering the ecological age
- Entering the Soul Niche
- Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) the next generation
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08 - A real opportunity to business
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08 - Funding the Food Chain with Lord Bilimoria
- Enterprise Tuesday 2007/08 - Increasing the Odds
- Enterprise Tuesday 2008/09 - Motivation
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/10 - Big Visions
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/10 - Building a Dream Team
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/10 - Getting Investment
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/10 - Increasing the Odds
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/10 - Making It Happen
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/10 - Recognising Opportunities
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010 - A real opportunity to business
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010 - Learn how to pitch your ideas
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010 - Rapid Business Growth
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010 - Special debate (part of 'Silicon Valley Comes to Cambridge' programme)
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010 - Understanding customers' needs
- Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010 - Why entrepreneurship is a real option
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Building a dream team
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Capturing Value
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Early stage to growth - being lean, mean and generous
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Gathering Resources
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Getting investment and understanding funding methods
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Increasing the odds
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Learning how to pitch your ideas
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Making it happen
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Making the dream come true
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Recognising opportunities
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: The choice for entrepreneurship
- Enterprise Tuesday 2010/2011: Which customer and why does it matter?
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012 - 2013: Spotting Market Needs
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012-2013: Creating Star Teams
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012-2013: Funding your vision and plans (Angel Panel)
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012-2013: Mindsets and Motivations
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012-2013: Recognising Opportunities
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012-2013: Serendipity or Hard Work
- Enterprise Tuesday 2012/2013: Growing Your Venture
- Enterprise Tuesday 2013-2014 - Recognising Opportunities
- Enterprise Tuesday 2013/2014 - Mindsets and Motivations
- Enterprise Tuesday 2013/2014 - Spotting Future Needs
- Enterprise Tuesday 2013/2014 - The right place at the right time
- Enterprise Tuesday 2014 - Vision meets reality
- Enterprise Tuesday 2014/2015 - Growing the business: where process and spirit come together
- Enterprise Tuesday 2014/2015: Building billion dollar companies
- Enterprise Tuesday 2014/2015: Forget Venture Capital! Get Customers To Fund You
- Enterprise Tuesday 2015-2016 - Boldness in Business: The Guts to Start, Grow, Adapt & Survive as an Entrepreneur
- Enterprise Tuesday 2015-2016 - Frugal Innovation: How to do More (and Better) with Less
- Enterprise Tuesday 2015: Leading Globally - The importance of diversity and creativity
- Enterprise Tuesday 2015: Make It Brilliant & They Will Come
- Enterprise Tuesday 2015: Rough diamonds pitch for your support
- Enterprise Tuesday 2016-2017: Beating the odds, flexibility and pivoting
- Enterprise Tuesday 2016-2017: Building a dream team
- Enterprise Tuesday 2016-2017: Laying the foundation for creativity early
- Enterprise Tuesday 2016-2017: Leveraging resources and social capital
- Enterprise Tuesday 2016: Making Vision a Reality
- Enterprise Tuesday 2016: Where Do You Go after You Build a Global Standard?
- Enterprise Tuesday 2017-2018: It's All About the People - Pulling Together and Managing the Dream Team
- Enterprise Tuesday 2017: incubating for disruption
- Enterprise Tuesday 2017: Joining the dots
- Enterprise Tuesday 2017: rough diamonds pitch for your support
- Enterprise Tuesday: Building resilience in entrepreneurship – why investing and developing your resilience can be a key predictor of success
- Enterprise Tuesday: Quantum – ready or not
- Enterprise Tuesday: Traveling the Road of Business & Philanthropy
- Enterprisers - 31st May to 3rd June 2011
- Enterprisers - ESRC January 2008
- Enterprisers - ESRC January 2008
- Enterprisers - Jan 2009
- Enterprisers – developing entrepreneurial effectiveness, competence and skills
- Enterprisers for Cambridge Postgrads - 26th to 29th May 2009
- Enterprisers for postgrads and postdocs at Cambridge
- Enterprisers in Cambridge
- EnterpriseWISE – Making WISE women more enterprising
- Enterprising Women - 15th of March
- Enthusiasm and Motivation By Delwar Hossain Sayeedi
- Entrainment across a turbulent/turbulent interface
- Entrepreneurial Debate 08
- Entrepreneurial Firm Acquisition: Mapping Seller Expectations
- Entrepreneurial Postodcs of Cambridge (Introducing EPOC & the new Postdoc Business Plan competition)
- Entrepreneurial Vision and Motivation
- Entrepreneurs and superheroes: relational ambiguity in a Bangladesh social enterprise
- Entrepreneurs: Nano start-ups
- Entrepreneurship - Lessons learned from theoryand practice
- Entrepreneurship Best Practice panel: Entrepreneurship Best Practice Lessons for Middle East and North Africa
- Entrepreneurship for a Zero Carbon Society
- Entrepreneurship in Cambridge for early-career life scientists
- Entrepreneurship Revealed: Building Game Changing Businesses
- Entropic graphs for high-dimensional data analysis
- Entropic Independence and Optimal Sampling from Combinatorial Distributions
- Entropies and equilibria for many-particle systems
- Entropy Accumulation
- Entropy Accumulation: The Theorem and a Conjecture
- Entropy and data compression (I)
- Entropy and data compression (II)
- Entropy and data compression (III)
- Entropy and data compression (IV)
- Entropy and H theorem: The mathematical legacy of Ludwig Boltzmann
- Entropy and H theorem: The mathematical legacy of Ludwig Boltzmann
- Entropy as an ordering force
- Entropy cascade in 2D-2V Vlasov-hybrid electrostatic model
- Entropy contraction of GNS-symmetric quantum channels
- Entropy contraction of the Gibbs sampler under log-concavity
- Entropy creation and black hole spin down in GRBs from rotating black holes
- Entropy descriptors and Entropy Stabilized Oxides
- Entropy in aerosol agglomeration
- Entropy in Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Entropy in general physical theories
- Entropy is inevitable
- Entropy numbers of finite-dimensional Lorentz space embeddings
- Entropy of a correlation matrix and (in)fidelity between several quantum states
- Entropy of the Sum of Discrete Random Variables - revisited
- Entropy production in active matter with aligning interactions
- Entropy production of an active particle in a box and a generalized Archimedes principle in active fluids
- Entropy Rate of Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks
- Entropy transfer processes in kinetic plasma turbulence and zonal flows
- Entrust: Is Quantum Computing really a threat to Security Systems?
- Entrust: Leighton-Micali Signatures
- Enumeration and asymptotics of random walks and maps
- Enumeration of curves in abelian surfaces
- Enumeration of spanning subgraphs with degree constraints
- Enumeration of the degree sequences of non-separable graphs and connected graphs
- Enumerative geometry on compactified Jacobians
- Enumerative Geometry via Homological Algebra
- Enumerative Stalling and the Precarious Production of Value in Mongolia
- Enviro-ethnoarchaeology and archaeology: scientific approaches in archaeology utilising an ethnoarchaeological approach.
- Environing technologies – shaping, seeing, sense-making
- Environment control of T cell function
- Environment Dependent Dark Sector
- Environment Enrichment, Striatal Maturation and Behaviour
- Environment specific control of immune reactivity: lessons from studying mucosal immune responses in man
- Environmental and climatic effects of volcanic aerosol: past, present and future
- Environmental and climatic effects of volcanic aerosol: past, present and future
- Environmental and Energy Applications of Graphene Oxide Nanoarchitectures
- Environmental and Hydrologic Change in the West Baray, Angkor (Cambodia)
- Environmental challenges to the implementation of ceramic composites in gas turbines
- Environmental Citizenship
- Environmental controls on mineral-associated permafrost organic carbon fate
- Environmental diversity of Architecture
- Environmental Domination and the Politics of Eco-Emancipation
- Environmental drivers of tropical peat swamp forest vegetation patterns
- Environmental Education and Eco-Behaviours
- Environmental effects of sulfur emitted by large-scale flood lava eruptions
- Environmental effects on developmental progression and growth in Drosophila
- Environmental Enteropathy in Tanzania & Pakistan: Biomarker Field Investigations and Intestinal Tissue Analysis in Infants with Growth Faltering
- Environmental exposures shape the immune system early in life
- Environmental implications of buildings equipped with wireless internet
- Environmental knowledge and economic interaction: pastoralism in north-west Europe, 1350-1850
- Environmental melancholia
- Environmental physiology
- Environmental Problems are Human Problems: insights from the behavioural sciences
- Environmental Protection in the Arctic Ocean
- Environmental sensing by blood cells
- Environmental shocks and demographic consequences in England: 1280-1325 and 1580-1640 compared
- Environmental shocks and demographic consequences in England: 1280-1325 and 1580-1640 compared
- Environmental stress, cryptic variation and innovation in the simplest molecular systems
- Environmental superstatistics
- Environmentally informed material choice: strategies, tools, data and difficulties
- Environments: a problem for the bio-statistical theory of health
- Envisioning and Preparing for Total War
- Envisioning and Preparing for Total War
- Envisioning Decolonial Futures Through Archaeology
- Envisioning Decolonial Futures Through Archaeology
- Envisioning other Russias: artist talk and conversation with Victoria Lomasko
- Enzian: A Research Computer for Rack-Scale and Datacenter Computing
- Enzymatic computing
- Enzyme Activation through Ligand Binding
- Enzyme catalysis from linear-scaling DFT: application to chorismate mutase
- Enzyme Catalysis, Inhibition & Resistance: A Design Perspective
- Enzyme dynamics, conformations and catalysis
- Enzyme Engineering
- Enzyme-based antibacterials against skin infections
- Enzyme-based antibacterials against skin infections.
- Enzyme-based antibacterials against skin infections.
- EO centre seminar with Professor Clement Atzberger
- Epac2, from protein to in vivo function: implications for neurodevelopmental disorders
- Ephemeral Matter
- Ephrin and netrin synergy in spinal motor neuron axon guidance
- Epidemic models with ‘time since infection’
- Epidemic simulation and scenario planning: Gavin Shaddick, Nick Malleson
- Epidemic Streaming: the story so far
- Epidemics in networks
- Epidemics on networks
- Epidemics on networks
- Epidemics on Networks
- Epidemics practice talks
- Epidemics, evolution and collapsing bridges
- Epidemiological Impacts of the NHS Covid-19 App
- Epidemiological models for a Respondent Driven Sample
- Epidemiological perspectives on the cardiovascular disease epidemic
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology and control in Hong Kong
- Epidemiology and modelling to support the routine infant immunisation programme in England
- Epidemiology and modelling to support the routine infant immunisation programme in England
- Epidemiology of canine lymphoma in first opinion practice
- Epidemiology of High Blood Pressure
- Epidemiology of High Blood Pressure.
- Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer
- Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer
- Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer
- Epigenetic Regulatory Complexes in Development and Cancer
- Epigenetic and genetic 11p15 defects and human growth disorders
- Epigenetic and genome architecture dynamics from ES cells to terminal cardiac and neuronal differentiation
- Epigenetic asymmetry in plant gametes
- Epigenetic cancer conspirators: DNA methylation, non-coding RNA and chromatin loops
- Epigenetic changes arising from acute depletion of the tumour suppressor ARID1A
- Epigenetic conservation of vertebrate gene regulatory elements
- Epigenetic contribution to transgenerational inheritance
- Epigenetic contribution to transgenerational inheritance.
- Epigenetic control of cardiac hypertrophy
- Epigenetic control of cellular reprogramming in Arabidopsis
- Epigenetic control of genome function - physiology development and neuroscience of genomic imprinting in mouse
- Epigenetic control of malignant melanoma
- Epigenetic enzymes
- Epigenetic examination of heterosis in tomato
- Epigenetic influences on food intake, physical activity and glucose sensing.
- Epigenetic Inheritance
- Epigenetic inheritance and parent-of-origin effects
- Epigenetic inheritance and reprogramming in the mammalian germline
- Epigenetic inheritance in mammals
- Epigenetic Inheritance: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
- Epigenetic Innovation in Pharmacology
- Epigenetic mechanisms in mammalian neurogenesis
- Epigenetic memory over geological timescales
- Epigenetic microglial memory of peripheral inflammation shapes neurological disease
- Epigenetic pathways in human health and disease
- Epigenetic priming of embryonic cell lineages in the mammalian epiblast
- Epigenetic profiling reveals mechanisms of microglial reprogramming in models of Alzheimer’s disease pathology
- Epigenetic regulation by trxG and PcG in Arabidopsis
- Epigenetic regulation of antibody production and the formation of B cell memory to acute and chronic infections
- Epigenetic regulation of gene expression: basic mechanisms & links to the metabolic syndrome
- Epigenetic regulation of tissue growth in Drosophila.
- Epigenetic Regulation of Vascular Ageing and Calcification
- Epigenetic regulation, heterochromatin and anti-fungal resistance
- Epigenetic remodeling of meiotic crossover frequency in Arabidopsis DNA methyltransferase mutants
- Epigenetic remodelling enables adult liver regeneration and organoid formation
- Epigenetic reprogramming during sexual reproduction in plants
- Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian development
- Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian development
- Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian development
- Epigenetic Reprogramming in Plant Germlines
- Epigenetic reprogramming in the mouse germ line: the repair connection
- Epigenetic reprogramming in the mouse germ line: what have we learnt?
- Epigenetic reprogramming in transplanted nuclei
- Epigenetic resetting during human germline development
- Epigenetic signatures of stem-cell identity - CANCELLED
- Epigenetic variation across generations: mechanisms and consequences of DNA methylation in Arabidopsis
- Epigenetics - New regulators of gene expression
- Epigenetics - Why DNA Is Not Your Destiny
- Epigenetics and chromosomes
- Epigenetics and genome dynamics: what can we learn from ciliates?
- Epigenetics and genome plasticity in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans
- Epigenetics and microRNA
- Epigenetics and schistosome development and infection success
- Epigenetics and the enigma of histone 3 lysine 4 methylation
- Epigenetics and transgenerational inheritance
- Epigenetics of cancer
- Epigenetics, Ageing and Cancer
- Epigenetics, brain development and behaviour
- Epigenetics, Obesity and Metabolism
- Epigenetics: A Code upon a Code?
- Epigenetics: closing remarks and discussion
- Epigenetics: One Genome, Multiple Phenotypes
- EPIGENETICS: Overview of the agenda
- EPIGENETICS: Welcome and Introductions
- Epigenome Function: from molecular mechanisms to intergenerational inheritance
- Epigenomic pathways in cancer and in cancer immunotherapy
- Epigenomic Signatures of Neuronal Diversity in the Mammalian Brain
- Epigenomics and cancer risk factors
- Epigenomics: insights from population studies
- Epigenomics: When high-throughput sequencing met epigenetics
- Epimorphisms and Acyclic Types in Univalent Mathematics
- Epiphanies in Glass
- Episcopal Authority and Revenue before 1180
- Episodes, actions and abstractions in lexical learning
- Episodic deformation and long-term shear zone activity [Rescheduled to online]
- Episodic Memory: Some stimulating findings
- Episodic Propagation of the 2014 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun Dike Intrusion and Caldera subsidence during the following sustained eruption
- epiSTEME dissemination event
- Epistemic ascent and curriculum design
- Epistemic bunkers
- Epistemic engagement, aesthetic value and scientific practice
- Epistemic Exclusion in Climate Science: Why We Grow the Wrong Trees in the Wrong Places
- Epistemic humility
- Epistemic responsibility and scientific authorship
- Epistemic risk and public health science
- Epistemology and the Dance Archive in Colonial Central Kenya
- Epistemology, Ontology, What's that got to do with...Social Work, Medicine,
- Epitaxial and site controlled growth of InP nanowires by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy.
- Epitaxial Graphene on SiC(0001): Growth, Electronic Structure, and Interface Engineering
- Epitaxy and Interface Magnetism for Device Applications
- Epithelia tissue as a collection of interacting deformable objects
- Epithelial and immune cell dynamics in non-traditional models of mammary postnatal development
- Epithelial and immune cell dynamics in non-traditional models of mammary postnatal development
- Epithelial endoplasmic reticulum stress drives intestinal immune responses
- Epithelial endoplasmic reticulum stress drives intestinal immune responses
- Epithelial mechanics from the bottom up
- Epithelial Morphogenesis: from cell to tissue dynamics
- Epithelial Physiology: facts, fantasies and fun
- Epithelial repair in Drosophila
- Epithelial tissue as an Active Solid
- Epithelial-mesenchymal cell plasticity during normal development and cancer progression
- Epitomes And Epitexts
- Epitomic representation of natural signals
- Epo's impact on exercise performance
- Epo's impact on exercise performance
- EPO: from doping to depression research
- EPOC meets Impulse: Discuss with Impulse mentors when it is the best time to join Impulse
- Epoxide-Opening Cascades
- EPR spectroscopy of transition metal clusters and clusters-of-clusters
- Epsilon-factors for the period determinants
- EPSRC Visit - Early Career and Impact Sessions
- EPSRC Centre overview
- EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Strategy
- EPSRC Hub in Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare: Research and Partnerships Activity
- EPSRC Hub in Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare: Research and Partnerships Activity
- EPSRC Presentation - Why "Impact" Matters
- EPSRC Presentation - Why "Impact" Matters
- EPSRC: Funding Opportunities and Challenges
- Equal Opportunities on Ice: Sex discrimination legislation and British Antarctic science
- Equal Opportunities on Ice: Sex discrimination legislation and British Antarctic science
- Equal Pay and the Gender Divide
- Equality and Diversity Essentials
- Equality and Diversity Seminar
- Equality before the law, irrespective of language and culture?
- Equality condition for the data processing inequality of the quantum relative entropy
- Equality for Women = Prosperity for All
- Equality in the physical sciences - challenges and opportunities
- Equality Saturation in a Real-World Machine Learning Compiler
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion roundtable event
- Equality4Success - "My life in science seminar"
- Equality4Success - "My life in science seminar"
- Equality4Success Bitesize Seminar "HeLa100: the history and ethics of HeLa cells"
- Equating
- Equating and item banking with the Rasch model
- Equation-free approach to deriving effective macroscopic equations for complex interacting systems
- Equation-free modeling and computation for complex/multiscale systems
- Equational theories project: metatheorems and how to formalise them
- Equations for Everyday Life
- Equations in groups
- Equations in periodic groups
- Equations in virtually nilpotent groups
- Equideductive logic and CCCs with subspaces
- Equidimensionality of characteristic varieties over Cherednik algebras
- Equidistribution and reciprocity in number theory
- Equidistribution of almost primes represented by binary forms
- Equidistribution of divergent orbits in the space of lattices
- Equilateral sets in normed spaces
- Equilibria configurations for epitaxial crystal growth with adatoms
- Equilibrium and nonequilibrium description of negative temperature states in a one-dimensional lattice using a wave kinetic approach
- Equilibrium configurations of elastic torus knots (n,2)
- Equilibrium distributions of simple biochemical reaction systems for time-scale separation in stochastic reaction networks
- Equilibrium Semantics: Toward a Comprehensive Account of Meaning
- Equilibrium state of quasi-geostrophic point vortices
- Equilibrium states of vortex points and vortex sheets
- Equilibrium: fact or fiction?
- Equilogical spaces and algebras for a double-power monad
- Equine induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) as an alternative source of obtaining chondrocytes
- Equine Rotavirus Diarrhoea in Neonates: Situation in Argentina and optimisation of prevention and therapeutic methods
- Equine saddle pressure studies - from the digital age to the iron age.
- Equines in Developing Countries – What are Their Welfare Issues and How Can They Be Addressed?
- Equipoise Cheese and Wine evening
- Equities, Exchanges and the Real Economy
- Equivalence of prospective and retrospective likelihood methods in case-control studies
- Equivalence of the fractional Fokker-Planck and subordinated Langevin equations
- Equivalences of Mirror Constructions
- Equivalent notions of rank for manifolds of non-positive curvature and for mapping class groups of surfaces
- Equivalent theories of liquid crystals
- Equivariance and Symmetries in CNNs
- Equivariant D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
- Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology, Kan we build it?
- Equivariant Floer homotopy via Morse-Bott theory
- Equivariant Higher Dixmier-Douady Theory for Circle Actions
- Equivariant higher twisted K-theory
- Equivariant Imaging: Unsupervised Learning in Inverse Problems
- Equivariant Lagrangian branes and representations
- Equivariant Localization in Supergravity
- Equivariant multiplicities via representations of quantum affine algebras
- Equivariant N-centered representations for atomistic machine learning
- Equivariant normal forms via the Moser trick
- Equivariant normal forms via the Moser trick
- Equivariant Thom spectra
- ER stress and mitochondria
- Eran Tal - Measurement in Science (Afternoon Tea)
- Erasing Memories
- Erasmus Darwin: Poet of Progress
- ERC ARCTIC CULT Launch Presentation
- ERC Equipoise Careers Talk
- ERC Equipoise Wine & Cheese Evening 2015
- Erdős covering systems
- Erebus
- Erebus volcano, Antarctica: eruption dynamics and atmospheric impacts
- Erebus volcano, Antarctica: The southernmost active volcano in the world from the inside out
- Erebus volcano: from mantle to atmosphere
- Ergodic and non-ergodic many-body dynamics in strongly nonlinear lattices
- Ergodic measures for Markov semigroups
- Ergodic properties and localization for Delone-Anderson models
- Ergodic states on type III_1 factors and ergodic actions
- Ergodic Stochastic Differential Equations and Sampling: A numerical analysis perspective
- Ergodic theorems along polynomials: from combinatorial applications to challenges for physicists
- Ergodic theorems, spectral gap, and counting lattice points
- Ergodic theory and strong randomness notions
- Ergodicity Breaking in Area-Restricted Search of Avian Predators
- Ergodicity of a stress release point process seismic model with aftershocks
- Ergodicity of stochastic curve shortening flow
- Eric and Elena
- Eric Gill, Inscription
- Eric Williams and William Forbes: Copper, colonies, and the industrial revolution
- Ericksen-Leslie theory for nematic liquid crystals and its developments
- Erika de Castro & Luca Livraghi
- Eriskay: a programming language based on game semantics.
- Ernst Leitz of Wetzlar: Helping the persecuted during the Nazi years
- Erosion of thermal barrier coatings
- eROSITA: a global view of the hot Universe
- Erosive Wear Resistance of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composites
- Erotic Literature: Adaptation and Translation in Europe and Asia
- Erotokritos into music
- ERP and fMRI correlates of object and word recognition
- ERP evidence for unconcious priming of inhibitory control.
- ERP evidence of reduced perceptual filtering predicts superior visual search in individuals with high levels of autistic traits.
- Error Approximation and Minimum Bayes Risk Acoustic Model Estimation
- Error cancellation in atomisation and chemical-reaction energies
- Error Correcting Codes
- Error Estimates for Gaussian Beam Superposition
- Error Exponent Analysis in Quantum Shannon Theory
- Error of finite basis expansions in time-dependent calculations of atom-laser interaction
- Error-Aware Probabilistic Parsing
- Errors and questionable judgments in analysts’ DCF models
- Errors, Exploits, and Espionage - A tour of software vulnerabilities and their real-world impact
- Erudite medicine in the vernacular: the early modern translations of Celsus' De medicina
- Eruption dynamics of pantellerites: Insights using x-ray tomography & The Origin of Messinian Evaporates in the Sorbas Basin
- Eruptions, Emissions and Enigmas: from fuming volcanic vents to mass extinction events
- ESA HydroGNSS Scout – A Small Satellite Mission Sensing Climate Variables using GNSS Reflectometry
- Escape from Biology: Highlighting the Differences Between the Agricultural Revolution and the Birth of the Modern World
- Escape from Colditz
- Escape from pluripotency
- Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
- Escape of mass in positive characteristics
- Escaping from silver fetters. Virtuous and vicious interactions between the real and the paper economy
- Escaping Mendel’s laws: Epigenetic insights from the sulfurea paramutation in Solanum Lycopersicum.
- Escaping North Korea
- Escaping the 'Thucydides Trap': How subjective perceptions of a US-China power transition shape intergroup mis/trust and emotions, and American China policy preferences, An experimental analysis
- Escaping the fossil fuel trap – functional characterisation of microalgal diacylglycerol acyltransferases
- Escaping to infinity
- ESF-IMCOAST: a European South American integrated study of coastal climate change at King-George Island
- esfMRI: Signal propagation and studies of connectivity
- ESG: A Fundamental Critique
- ESGI Preview
- ESO/VLT observations of exoplanet transmission and emission spectra
- ESRC funded Enterprisers - 11th to 14th January 2010
- Essence and Existence from Antiquity to Modernity: Panel Discussion
- Essential Characteristics of Successful Business Models
- Essential dimension in algebra
- Essential dimension of homogeneous forms
- Essential Expansion is Forceable
- Essential Expert Advice for all Start-Up Entrepreneurs
- Essential head genes in the giant PhiKZ-related phages
- Essential Life Skills (in-person talk)
- Essential role of lymph node stroma in orchestrating efficient immune responses
- Essential spanning forests on periodic planar graphs
- Essential spectra and black hole modes for inhomogeneous, anisotropic dissipative Maxwell and Drude-Lorentz systems
- Establishing a scientific fact from complex evidence: the earth's variable rotation
- Establishing a structure-function relationship between biomolecular condensates and protein degradation
- Establishing an open science foundation for data-driven modeling of mechanobiological systems
- Establishing and manipulating pluripotency in the early embryo
- Establishing Anti-Ageing Medicines
- Establishing baseline emissions rates for REDD+
- Establishing benchmark data sets for further development of unsupervised binning tools
- Establishing Complexity of Problems Parameterized Above Average
- Establishing CRISPRi in Campylobacter jejuni
- Establishing distribution, habitat and landscape-use of the Andean bear
- Establishing hPSC-derived Schwann cells for modeling metabolic disorders of the PNS
- Establishing the molecular basis of the persistence of immunological memory
- Establishing the role of social interaction in the transmission of tuberculosis in wild meerkats
- Establishment and exploitation of experimentally inducible sexual development of malaria parasites
- Establishment of positional and orientational order in auditory epithelia through junctional force patterning
- Estimate on commutator of the Laplacian and Leray projection operators and application to Navier-Stokes equation in bounded domain
- Estimates of life expectancy for compensation after injury
- Estimating a covariance function from fragments of functional data
- Estimating a directional trend from noisy directional data
- Estimating a response parameter in missing data models with high-dimensional covariates
- Estimating acclimation temperatures at the assemblage level in the marine environment: towards macrophysiology
- Estimating across-site PAC, delays, and complex network properties under source mixing
- Estimating and Exploiting Potential Parallelism by Source-level Dependence Profiling
- Estimating and managing suicide risks
- Estimating baseline trends and regional emissions from surface observations
- Estimating efficiency and lengthscales of stratified mixing events from limited measurements
- Estimating energy savings and models of energy consumption in domestic buildings
- Estimating entropy rates with confidence intervals
- Estimating Food Waste Produced by the Public Sector
- Estimating HLA associated selection in HIV-1: The Great Escape.
- Estimating incidence and prevalence of viral infections from phylogenies.
- Estimating Isoform-Specific Gene Expression Using Paired-End RNA-Seq
- Estimating low-rank matrices via approximate message passing
- Estimating multipartite entanglement with few local measurements
- Estimating multiple fractional seasonal long-memory parameter
- Estimating network edge probabilities by neighborhood smoothing
- Estimating ocean circulation and mixing: A contourwise view
- Estimating operational loading conditions from wave measurements using Kalman filters
- Estimating representational dissimilarity measures
- Estimating sparse additive auto-regressive network models
- Estimating the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination: target trial emulation using linked electronic health record data.
- Estimating the global burden of disease attributable to excess sodium within the GBD2010 study
- Estimating the global greenhouse gas mitigation potential of industrial symbiosis
- Estimating the heterogeneity distribution of willingness-to-pay using individualized choice sets
- Estimating the impact of school closure on influenza transmission from sentinel data
- Estimating the impact of school reopening on the COVID-19 dynamics in Indiana, USA and Bogotá, Colombia.
- Estimating the number of communities in a network
- Estimating the Pen Trajectories of Handwritten Static Scripts using Hidden Markov Models
- Estimating trace-suspect match probabilities in forensics for singleton Y-STR haplotypes using coalescent theory
- Estimating ultra-large phylogenies and alignments
- Estimating Uncertainty in Ground Vibration using the Thin-Layer Method
- Estimating uplift rate histories from longitudinal river profile
- Estimating whole brain dynamics using spectral clustering
- Estimating whole brain dynamics using spectral clustering
- Estimating within-host viral genetic diversity from next-generation sequencing data
- Estimation - SEJ - Phillip Dawid and Will Probert
- Estimation and variable selection with Lasso and Dantzig Selector in the high-dimensional regression model
- Estimation in the Ising blockmodel
- Estimation of a 2D Fourier integral for the quarter-plane diffraction problem
- Estimation of Causal Effects in Network-Dependent Observational Data
- Estimation of continuum models for (active) soft materials and data-driven coarse-graining
- Estimation of Individualised Treatment Effects in Clinical Trials
- Estimation of Large Covariance Matrix
- Estimation of large volatility matrix for high-frequency financial data
- Estimation of linear operators from scattered impulse responses
- Estimation of Low-Rank Matrices via Approximate Message Passing
- Estimation of Noisy Diffusions
- Estimation of non-normalized statistical models using score matching
- Estimation of nonlinear functionals: recent results and open problems
- Estimation of Single-cell and Tissue Perturbation Effect in Spatial Transcriptomics via Spatial Causal Disentanglement
- Estimation of the Lévy measure: statistical inverse problem and Donsker Theorem
- Estimation of the relative risk and risk difference
- Estimation of time to pregnancy from current duration data
- Estimation with Incomplete State Information in the Smart Grid
- Estimation, Identification and control of cell populations
- Estimator selection: methods and calibration
- Estradiol feedback on the reproductive neuroendocrine system
- Estrogen receptor and its role in transcription and breast cancer
- Ether: the multiple lives of a resilient concept
- Ethernet Evolution from 1990 to Today
- Ethical Concepts and Dilemmas in Emergency Treatment of Farm Animals
- Ethical considerations for responsible design
- Ethical Dilemmas in Veterinary Anaesthesia
- Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change
- Ethical Impact Through Film: Joanna Natasegara
- Ethical implications of ageing research
- Ethical issues
- Ethical issues encountered in assisted conception
- Ethical issues in genomic research and practice: the Sanger Institute Deciphering Developmental Disorders project as a case study
- Ethical Issues in Network Measurement
- Ethical issues posed by cluster randomized trials in health research
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Cognitive Models of Autism
- Ethicronics: From West Cambridge to Market Square: An upgrade for software answering hardware (security) challenges?
- Ethics and Aesthetics of Epidemiological Photography
- Ethics and Energy
- Ethics and Energy
- Ethics and grammar: some problems in the analysis of French clitics
- Ethics and the challenge of crises
- Ethics at the end of life
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 1: An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 1: An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 2: Financial Mathematics and Modelling
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 2: Financial Mathematics and Modelling
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 7: Psychology 101: How to survive as a mathematician at work
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 7: Psychology 101: How to survive as a mathematician at work
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 7: Psychology 101: How to survive as a mathematician at work
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 8: Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 8: Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?
- Ethics for the working mathematician, discussion 8: Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 1: An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 1: An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 2: Financial Mathematics and Modelling
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 2: Financial mathematics and modelling.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 7: Psychology 101 - how to survive as a mathematician at work.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 7: Psychology 101: How to survive as a mathematician at work
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 8: Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?
- Ethics for the working mathematician, lecture 8: Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 10: Mathematicians being leaders.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 11: Winning with mathematics
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 12: Going back to the start.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 1: An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 1: An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 1: Keep calm and carry on.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 2: Financial Mathematics and Modelling
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 2: Financial Mathematics and Modelling
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 2: Financial Mathematics and Modelling
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 2: The allure of mathematics.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 3: Cryptography, surveillance and privacy
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 3: Doing your job.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 4: Fairness and impartiality in algorithms and AI
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 4: Mathematicians trying to help.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 5: Mathematical precision.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 5: Regulation, accountability, and the law
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 6: Understanding the behaviour of the mathematical community
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 7: Psychology 101: How to survive as a mathematician at work
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 7: Psychology 101: How to survive as a mathematician at work
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 7: The impartiality of mathematics.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, Seminar 8: Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 8: Standing on the shoulders of giants.
- Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 9 CANCELLED
- Ethics in Archaeology: In conversation with indigenous communities and other stakeholders with respect to studying Holocene - Era materials in the Caribbean
- Ethics in Mathematics and Society: Problems and Perspectives
- Ethics in Mathematics at Cambridge - 9 years on
- Ethics in Mathematics: a discussion with Lord Martin Rees
- Ethics of archaeology: a post-Soviet (Central Asian) experience
- Ethics of Big Data in practice: Administrative data
- Ethics of Big Data in practice: Inside an Ethics Committee
- Ethics of Big Data in practice: Patient record linkage in hospitals
- Ethics of Big Data in practice: Social media research
- Ethics of Energy - Cambridge Festival 2022
- Ethics of War
- Ethics on the front line: climate engineering and community engagement in the Arctic
- Ethics, Integrity and Good Practice in ML
- Ethics, risk and public works: models of optimal risk reduction
- Ethnic Conflict and Political Legitimacy in Burma
- Ethnic differences in mental health: does race matter?
- Ethnographic collecting and the despotism of Joseph Banks
- Ethnography: Understanding natural interaction with our communication technologies
- Ethnography: Understanding natural interaction with our communication technologies
- Ethnography: Understanding natural interaction with our communication technologies
- Ethnolinguistic identities and language revitalisation in small society: the case of the Faeroe Isles
- Etingof - Kazhdan quantization of Lie bialgebras I
- Etingof - Kazhdan quantization of Lie bialgebras II
- Etiologic studies of gastrointestinal cancers: opportunities & implications
- EU AI Act: A firsthand perspective
- EU and state-building in the Western Balkans
- EU Careers: new briefing session on Monday 3rd March 4-5pm
- EU Horizon 2020
- EU Life Lecture - Spontaneous protein crystallization as a driver of immunity
- EU Life Lecture - "Genomic approaches to study chromosome architecture and function"
- EU LIFE Lecture - "Histone Chaperones Maintain Cell Fates and Antagonize Reprogramming in C. elegans and Human Cells"
- EU Life Lecture - “Rembrandt: Remodelling the brain in intellectual disability”
- EU Life Lecture - “The interplay between neuronal activity and actin dynamics in synaptic tagging and capture”
- EU Life Lecture - Temporal scaling of C. elegans Ageing
- EU LIFE Lecture - Title to be confirmed
- EU LIFE Lecture - Title to be confirmed
- EU opportunities for young researchers
- EU Policing and Organised Crime
- Euan Furness on "Drivers of the Shuram isotope excursion: biology, geology, and chemistry at the origin of animal life."
- Euclid space mission: a cosmological challenge for the next 15 years
- Euclidean quantum supergravity
- Euclidean Ramsey Theory
- Eugenic sterilization in California: from demographic analysis to digital storytelling
- Eukaryotic cell division and its origins
- Eukaryotic chemoattractant gradient sensing: microfluidic experiments and theory
- Eukaryotic chemotaxis - how amoebae use non-equilibrium physics to figure out where to go
- EULAG-MHD: Simulation of the global solar dynamo
- Euler characteristic of Selmer groups over global function fields
- Euler characteristics for complexes of graphs
- Euler characteristics of fine Selmer groups
- Euler characteristics of soluble Iwasawa algebras
- Euler characteristics, K-theory and Iwasawa algebras
- Euler system with a polytropic equation of state as a vanishing viscosity limit
- Euler systems and deformation of Galois representations
- Euler systems and the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
- Euler systems for modular forms
- Euler's elasticas and their applications to DNA, nucleosomes and chromatin fibers
- Euler's summation of the factorial series and a class of continued fractions
- Euler's summation of the factorial series and a class of continued fractions
- Eulerian and Lagrangian Observability of Point Vortex Flows
- Eulerian dispersive shock waves and instabilities
- Euphorbias in South Africa
- Euro-American abolitionism in the African mirror
- Europe as a Small Power
- Europe as Metaphor and Metonymy in Relation to the History of Russia
- Europe East and West: Film, History, and Mourning: Screening Yella (2007)
- Europe East and West: Film, History, and Mourning: Seminar - Death and The Fräulein: Christian Petzold's Yella
- Europe in the global rise of reproductive rights: abortion and transnational feminisms (1960s–80s)
- Europe's cartographic 'Arcticulation' of the North: The use of maps in official European and national Arctic policies.
- Europe's New Security Architecture from a Transatlantic and Eurasian Perspective
- European budgetary politics, a Parliamentary Paradox?
- European building activity in times of crisis, 13th-17th centuries
- European Colonialism: The Emergence of the Concept of "Sustainable Development" 1900-1939
- European Crisis Conference, 14-15 June, Newnham College
- European Defence-Industrial Cooperation: Theory and Practice
- European Elections Debate
- European Genome Phenome Archive
- European Industrial Energy Intensity: The Role of Innovation 1995-2009
- European Initiatives for Mathematics in the Global South
- European integration and immigration policy, French and British experiences, 1976-1992
- European Legal Dialogues
- European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica: 800,000 years of climate and environmental change from ice cores
- European Research Group meeting
- European Security Governance and Civilian Crisis Management
- European Union Accession Events and the Timing of FDI Location: Do Actions Speak Louder than Words?
- European Union: Is There a Future?
- Europeanizing Territoriality – Towards Soft Spaces
- Europe’s Energy Security in the wake of TTIP and Brexit - A Legal Perspective
- Europe’s Energy Security in the Wake of TTIP and Brexit:-A Legal Perspective
- Europe’s Energy Security in the Wake of TTIP and Brexit:-A Legal Perspective
- Eurostar with Philippe Mouly
- Eurosys 2017 Trip Report
- Euthanasia of Aged Horses
- Eva Figes' "Journey to Nowhere"
- Evading ageing: Mitochondrial and proteostatic adaptations in oocytes
- Evading problems of IRD in palaeocurrent estimation: Glacial to Recent changes in flows around Greenland
- Evaluating an Entrepreneurial Idea
- Evaluating anthropogenic environmental changes from the north and south coasts of Greenland
- Evaluating Centering for Information Ordering using Corpora
- Evaluating CO2 as a primary driver of Mesozoic climate change
- Evaluating cochlear implants using the STRIPES test
- Evaluating Cosmic Dawn
- Evaluating Data Linkage: Creating longitudinal synthetic data to provide a gold-standard linked dataset
- Evaluating Deep Generative Models on Out-of-Distribution Inputs
- Evaluating dynamical systems hypotheses for pattern generation in motor cortex
- Evaluating ex-situ conservation of threatened plants in the botanic garden network
- Evaluating Healthcare Improvements: Has Pay for Performance been successful in the NHS?
- Evaluating Large Language Models as Model Systems for Language
- Evaluating modules in molecular networks in light of annotation bias
- Evaluating music creativity through an assessment rubric
- Evaluating numerical methods by using asymptotic limit solutions
- Evaluating Peterborough's no cold calling initiative using space-time Bayesian hierarchical modelling
- Evaluating probabilistic forecasts - beyond proper skill scores
- Evaluating probabilistic forecasts - beyond proper skill scores
- Evaluating probabilistic forecasts - beyond proper skill scores
- Evaluating survey designs for inference of Plasmodium falciparum malaria prevalence
- Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment: Built Cultural Heritage Case
- Evaluating the costs and benefits of future rewards: neuropsychological and neurochemical investigations in frontal and dopaminergic circuits
- Evaluating the goodness of fit between a phylogenetic model and an alignment
- Evaluating the Optical Depth of HII Regions and Starburst Galaxies
- Evaluating the skill of seasonal forecasts of sea ice in the Southern Ocean: insights from the SIPN South project 2017-2022
- Evaluating the wild Brauer group
- Evaluating Update- and Reconciliation Policies for Master/Slave Replicas: A Simulation Model
- Evaluating user interface systems research
- Evaluating User-Adaptive Systems: Lessons from Experiences with a Personalized Meeting Scheduling Assistant
- Evaluating winding numbers through Cauchy indices in Isabelle/HOL
- Evaluating worth and status in early modern England
- Evaluation Metrics and Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval
- Evaluation metrics for distributed source solutions
- Evaluation of a pre-tied ligature loop for canine total lung lobectomy
- Evaluation of a salivary urea test strip method for use in dogs.
- Evaluation of an Elastic-Decohesive Rheology for Sea Ice
- Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies
- Evaluation of financial risks implicit in the EU’s national energy and climate plans
- Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridisation for the detection of bacterial pathogens in liver biopsy samples from dogs with idiopathic chronic hepatitis
- Evaluation of forensic DNA profiles while accounting for one and two repeat less and two repeat more stutters
- Evaluation of GWAS hits as prospect targets for drug therapy: the CAD/MI case
- Evaluation of haematology scatter plots as a method of predicting blood film abnormalities'
- Evaluation of Lexogen Quantseq for gene expression profiling of novel compounds in drug discovery
- Evaluation of mass fixing schemes for the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS)
- Evaluation of network analysis as a tool to predict the spatial spread of bovine mastitis between UK dairy herds"
- Evaluation of Network Resilience and Survivability: Analysis, Simulation, Tools, and Experimentation
- Evaluation of novel urinary screening tests for feline chronic kidney disease
- Evaluation of Semantic Answer Similarity Metrics
- Evaluation of serum C-reactive protein in 26 dogs with Meningoencephalomyelitis of Unknown Origin
- Evaluation of the association between myoclonus and cervical intervertebral disc disease in dogs
- Evaluation of the tumour bed biopsy technique in canine and feline oncologic surgery
- Evaluation of US energy programme on clean energy startups
- Evaluation of US energy programme on clean energy startups
- Evaluation of Whole-Body Barometric Plethysmography in BOAS patients while sleeping’
- Evaluation strategies for monadic computations
- Evanescent ergosurfaces and ambipolar hyperkähler metrics
- Evaporation and deposition of colloidal droplets on an inclined substrate
- Evaporation and the growth of frostflowers
- Evaporation dynamics of respiratory-like droplets and their implications on virus infectivity
- Evaporation of inclined drops: from experiments to theory
- Evaporative fractionation of volatile stable isotopes and their bearing on the origin of the Moon
- Evasive Higgs Maneuvers at the LHC
- Eve's Byte of the Apple
- Eve's mistakes? Islamic feminism and the pursuit of female religious authority in contemporary India
- Eve, Uncovered - Sequencing the human X-chromosome
- Even Faster VM Networking with Virtual Passthrough
- Even observables change in Hamiltonian general relativity
- Even physicists use group theory!
- Evening social and poster session
- Evening talk & Film screening: savage messiah
- Evening Talk: Modern Art and Dance
- Evening Talk: Modern Art wrestling and sport
- Evening visit to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
- Event cancelled
- EVENT CANCELLED: Syria series: 'Dealing with the so-called Islamic State: a policy insider view'
- Event Correlation with Algebraic Effects
- Event Extraction from Biomedical Texts by Trimming Dependency Graphs
- EVENT POSTPONED: Exploiting the cell's quality control machinery for therapeutic benefit
- EVENT POSTPONED: Functional genomics approaches to guide cancer drug discovery
- Event Processing – the next generation
- Event Related Potential (ERP) studies of autism
- Event simulation for collider experiments at unprecedented precision
- Event structure semantics of the pi-calculus
- Event structures for dummies
- Event Triggered Monitoring of Traffic Clusters
- Event-chain algorithms: taming randomness in Monte Carlo methods through irreversibility, factorization and lifting
- Event-Driven Database Information Sharing
- Event-related potentials of subliminal priming in the light of conscious experience: a reevaluation of empirical findings
- Event-shape variables and alpha_s determinations using the ATLAS detector
- Event-triggered sampling for state estimation
- Ever-Mechanising the Ever-Expanding WebAssembly specification
- Every bit counts
- Every Body Matters: Using Action Research to Work Towards Injury Prevention and Health Promotion in Young Musicians
- Every flat surface is Birkhoff and Osceledets generic in almost every direction: Clay Mathematics Institute Senior Scholar Lecture
- Every Man's Fluid Mechanics
- Every Man's Fluid Mechanics
- Every picture tells a story: Using children’s drawings in educational research
- Every Prime Number has Property B
- Every tweet counts: How statistical content analysis of social networks can improve our knowledge of citizens' preferences. An application to France and US presidential elections and EU leaders' popularity
- Everybody's A Fly On The Wall Now: New Technology and Editorial Control in Documentary, History and News Programmes
- Everyday Democracy: A World for and by the People
- Everything about stuff
- Everything Everywhere All at Once: Holographic Entropy Inequalities, the Topology of Error Correction, Black Holes, Cubohemioctahedron, and (maybe) the Toric Code
- Everything from nothing
- Everything from Nothing, or How our Universe was Made
- Everything from nothing: how our universe was made
- Everything from nothing: how our universe was made
- Everything is illuminated: candles, funerals and sensuous technology in 18th-century London
- Everything Keeps Changing! Lessons from COVID-19 about Surveillance and Diagnostics (Virtual Talk)
- Everything you always wanted to know about potassium
- Everything you need to know about Open Research but are afraid to ask!
- Everything you need to know about Rare Earth Metals - W&JS talk
- Everything you wanted to know about Critical Heat Flux but were afraid to ask - TALK POSTPONED
- Everything you wanted to know about haem proteins, but were afraid to ask!
- Everything's a Kan extension
- EVi (An Amazon Company) Tech Talk - Answering any question, in any language, in one second or less
- Evidence and policy in public health: reflections from Public Health England
- Evidence based policy making: How can government be an intelligent user of science?
- Evidence Based Teaching and Training
- Evidence for a Cosmic Battery
- Evidence for a significant contribution of rare bright sources to the ionising UV background at z~ 5.6-5.8
- Evidence for enhanced Antarctic climate variability during the last interglacial period
- Evidence for finite dissipation during vortex reconnection
- Evidence for Gaseous Halos Around AGN at Cosmic Noon from ALMA CO(3-2) Observations
- Evidence for Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons
- Evidence for intrinsic charm quarks in the proton
- Evidence for Long distance transport
- Evidence for miRNA-mediated transcriptome regulation in the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma mansoni
- Evidence for Rotating Milky Way Halo Stellar Populations
- Evidence for sedentism before the onset of agriculture during the Epipalaeolithic in Northwest Africa?
- Evidence for synchronization in the global earthquake catalog
- Evidence for the Black Hole event horizon
- Evidence for the influence of nuclear architecture in shaping the organisation of genes in eukaryotic chromosomes
- Evidence for unresolved point sources in the GeV gamma-ray excess
- Evidence for, and implications of, a grounded ice sheet in the Central North Sea during the Pleistocene
- Evidence is all you need: Nested Sampling for particle physics
- Evidence of glassy phases in large interacting ecosystems with demographic noise
- Evidence of non-random mutation rates suggests a risk management strategy for bacterial evolution
- Evidence of outer planet migration in the orbital distribution of the Kuiper belt objects
- Evidence of planet engulfment in post-main sequence stars
- Evidence suggesting a non-canonical role for the Plasmodium falciparum AP2 adapter protein m subunit, a known modulator of artemisinin susceptibility.
- Evidence that sub-cellular oscillators may time and execute organelle biogenesis
- Evidence-based control of canine rabies: a critical review of population density reduction.
- Evidence-based Health Policy: Beating the recession without succumbing to austerity
- Evidence-based interventions for weight management: where have we been and where are we going?
- Evidence-Based Policy: Doing it Better
- Evidence-based treatment of compulsivity: existing practice and new directions
- Evidence-based Veterinary medicine – so what?
- EviHunter: Identifying Digital Forensic Artifacts from Android Apps/Devices via Static & Dynamic Analysis + Android™ App Forensic Artifacts Database
- Evil on the Internet
- Evilicious: Why we evolved a taste for being bad
- Evo-Devo and 'Typological Thinking': An Exculpation
- Evo-devo and neo-Darwinism: hostility, synergy or indifference?
- Evo-devo and the bristle patterning of flies: attempting targeted transfer of gene regulatory regions between species
- Evo-devo in cartilaginous fishes - teeth, scales and the cartilaginous skeleton of the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula
- Evo-devo in the tropics
- Evo-devo of vertebrate cartilage and oropharyngeal skeleton
- Evo-devo origami: using carnivorous plants to understand 3D morphogenesis
- EvoDevo of marine macro- and meiofauna invertebrates
- Evolution algorithms
- Evolution and adaptation of HIV virulence
- Evolution and Behaviour
- Evolution and climate in the Cenozoic oceans
- Evolution and Conservation of Biodiversity
- Evolution and coordination of the mitochondrial protein synthesis machinery
- Evolution and development of early land plant rooting systems
- Evolution and development of morphology among populations and between species of Drosophila
- Evolution and development of the deuterostome pharynx: insight from sharks and hemichordate worms
- Evolution and Development of the vertebrate nervous system: from lampreys to humans
- Evolution and development of vertebral regionalization in fishes
- Evolution and Diversity of MIXTA-like genes
- Evolution and dynamics of transcription factor repertoires
- Evolution and Dynamics of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks
- Evolution and effects of ecosystem engineers through the Phanerozoic
- Evolution and emergence of a novel human pathogen
- Evolution and Engineering of Plant-Microbe Symbioses
- Evolution and epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil
- Evolution and extinction in Western Australian trilobites
- Evolution and regulation of developmental plasticity: body size and pigmentation in Drosophila
- Evolution applied to extraterrestrials
- Evolution by Design? Re-Evaluating the Darwin-Gray Exchange on the Compatibility of Purpose and Evolution
- Evolution From Malaria to Manuscripts
- Evolution in the giant marine reptiles of the Mesozoic
- Evolution lecture : Darwin's Dilemma - The Burgess Shale and The Cambrian Explosion
- Evolution of animal body axes: insights from the oral-aboral axis of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis
- Evolution of Anisotropy in Olivine Polycrystals
- Evolution of Bacterial Genomic Networks
- Evolution of baryons in the high-redshift Universe
- Evolution of Biological Complexity
- Evolution of Biological Complexity
- Evolution of Biological Complexity
- Evolution of biological complexity and multicellular phototaxis
- Evolution of Bird Colour in a Tetrahedral Colour Space
- Evolution of body axes in Eumetazoa: what can we learn from Cnidaria?
- Evolution of C4 grasses: from genes to globe
- Evolution of Cell-Cell Adhesion, and New Insight into Mechanisms in Animals
- Evolution of cellular networks: from interactions to phenotypes
- Evolution of Cerebral Cortical Development
- Evolution of Cerebral Cortical Development
- Evolution of Chloroplasts
- Evolution of clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils
- Evolution of clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian Devils
- Evolution of color and motion vision
- Evolution of developmental gene expression programs
- Evolution of dinosaur respiratory systems and what it might mean
- Evolution of disease susceptibility - how ancient mosquitoes can ruin your life
- Evolution of dorsoventral patterning in the honeybee Apis mellifera and the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
- Evolution of Dynamic Support in Madagascar and Africa through the Cenozoic Era
- Evolution of extraembryonic tissue and segmentation mechanisms in flies (Diptera)
- Evolution of eye development in Astyanax blind cavefish
- Evolution of Functionality of Porous Coordination Polymers
- Evolution of Galaxy Structure in the rest-NIR as revealed by JWST/NIRCam: What changes and what doesn't?
- Evolution of gastrulation in flies
- Evolution of Gaussian wave packets in the presence of losses and gains
- Evolution of gene content in cellular organisms, viruses and in the Last Universal Common Ancestor
- Evolution of Intracratonic Basins
- Evolution of life - ONE DAY MEETING
- Evolution of limb and fin regeneration
- Evolution of magneto-viscoelastic materials
- Evolution of magneto-viscoelastic materials
- Evolution of Massive Galaxies
- Evolution of massive galaxies and the onset of the red sequence
- Evolution of microstructure and the critical state of granular materials
- Evolution of Mobile Network Infrastructure
- Evolution of Morphogenesis: the case of cephalic furrow
- Evolution of morphological patterns and sexual behaviors in Drosophila
- Evolution of multicellularity
- Evolution of Musical Scales
- Evolution of Neogene Dynamic Topography in Africa and Madagascar
- Evolution of neurons and neuropeptides in early animal lineages
- Evolution of nutrient co-limitation in microbial communities
- Evolution of ocean temperature and ice volume from the Mid Pleistocene Climate Transition
- Evolution of Photoreceptors in Multicellular Animals
- Evolution of plant breeding systems: Male form and function in the nightshade family.
- Evolution of plant pathogens in response to host resistance
- Evolution of Plastic Liquid Crystal Technology for Large Area Applications
- Evolution of post-translational networks
- Evolution of Segmental Patterning: Molecular Mechanisms of Segmentation in Spiders
- Evolution of sensory-driven behaviours in blind cavefish
- Evolution of sequence-specific anti-silencing by transposable elements in Arabidopsis
- Evolution of sleep and genomic imprinting: mouse, neanderthal and homo sapiens
- Evolution of the Animal Face: from Principles to Mechanisms
- Evolution of the ‘beetle daisy’ petal spot: Insights from gene characterisation, development and population genetics
- Evolution of the central nervous system in animals: a cell type comparative approach
- Evolution of the Earth
- Evolution of the Eye
- Evolution of the leading edge vortex over an accelerating rotating wing
- Evolution of the Middle Ear
- Evolution of the miRNA-mediated RNA silencing pathway: the plant that wanted to be an animal
- Evolution of the molecular basis of thermotolerance, focussing on the embryos of an invasive marine invertebrate
- Evolution of the Pathological process underlying sporadic Parkinson's Disease
- Evolution of the Solar System
- Evolution of the Stellar Initial Mass Function over the Past 10 Gyr
- Evolution of the tetrapod tympanic ear
- Evolution of the UV luminosity function of AGN out to redshift 7
- Evolution of Ukrainian Media since Independence
- Evolution of Vertebrate Developmental Pathways
- Evolution of vertebrate photoreception and retinoid cycle: Clues from the eye transcriptome of basal vertebrates
- Evolution of viral host ranges through alterations of receptor binding - canine and feline parvovirus capsid interactions with host transferrin receptors and antibodies.
- Evolution of vitamin B12 auxotrophy determined by methionine synthase isoform
- Evolution of volatile liquid films and droplets in the lubrication regime
- Evolution on Islands: insights from silvereyes of the southwest Pacific
- Evolution on the Wing
- Evolution while you wait: population genetic modelling of rapid evolutionary processes
- Evolution, Darwin, Dinosaurs and the Bible
- Evolution, development and function of flower patterns
- Evolution, function and control of diverse products from microRNA loci
- Evolution, genomics and mode of action of long noncoding RNAs in mammalian cells
- Evolution, sex/gender and sociolinguistics
- Evolution: where would we be without viruses
- Evolutionary analysis on barcode NGS swine influenza virus data
- Evolutionary and demographic genetics of polymorphic sexual systems in plants
- Evolutionary Computation
- Evolutionary computation: optimization and inference
- Evolutionary convergence of cell specific gene expression in independent lineages of C4 grasses
- Evolutionary crystal structure prediction as a tool in materials design
- Evolutionary divergence in the initiation of translation
- Evolutionary dynamics and adaptive benefits of emergency and modular rearrangements of protein domains
- Evolutionary dynamics in a continuous public goods game
- Evolutionary dynamics of Equine Influenza Virus.
- Evolutionary dynamics of innovation
- Evolutionary dynamics on phenotype landscapes: where are the constraints?
- Evolutionary ecology of microbial virulence: cooperation, defection and infection.
- Evolutionary genetics
- Evolutionary Genetics Journal Club
- Evolutionary genetics of mito-nuclear cooperation, fitness and disease in Drosophila
- Evolutionary Genetics of Visual Preferences: Beauty, Brains and Butterfly Diversity
- Evolutionary History of the Antarctic Flora
- Evolutionary hypotheses and early human development: findings from the Wirral Child Health and Development Study
- Evolutionary Implications of COVID-19 Vaccination Policies: Linking Within- and Between-Host
- Evolutionary legacies on ecosystem function and implications for global change: new insights from spectral biology
- Evolutionary Map of the Universe
- Evolutionary perspectives on language and music from a contemporary hunter-gatherer's point of view
- Evolutionary perspectives on maternal investment - from conception (or not) onward
- Evolutionary perspectives on sex differences in behaviour
- Evolutionary population synthesis models.
- Evolutionary Signatures of Strand Specific Mutagenic Processes
- Evolutionary Software Repair
- Evolutionary strata on young mating-type chromosomes despite the lack of sexual antagonism.
- Evolutionary strategies to prevent protein aggregation
- Evolutionary transitions to multicellularity in colonial algae
- Evolution’s Bite: Dental evidence for the diets of our distant ancestors
- Evolutions of the Cambridge Phenomenon
- Evolvable Manufacturing Processes and Systems – Towards Open, Adaptable and Context-Aware
- Evolving a big brain: developmental evolution of the vertebrate cerebellum
- Evolving a formal language standard
- Evolving a language in and for the real world
- Evolving communities with individual preferences
- Evolving Concepts of Planetary Habitability from Earth Analogue Environments
- Evolving Evolutionary Psychiatry and Explaining Neurodiversity
- Evolving houses, demanding practices: A case of rising electricity consumption of the middle class in Pakistan
- Evolving houses, demanding practices: A case of rising electricity consumption of the middle class in Pakistan
- Evolving mechanisms of Pattern Generation: Segmentation in Animals
- Evolving robotic ecosystems in real hardware
- Evolving technologies for liver targeted gene and cell therapies.
- EWB Talk: “Why am I here?”
- EWB-Cam Placement and Research Talk - Earthquake Reconstruction and Micro-hydropower in Peru
- EWB-Cam Placement Talk - Enhanced wood burning cook stoves in rural El Salvador
- EWB-Cam Placement Talk - Enhanced wood burning cook stoves in rural El Salvador
- EWB-Cam Placement Talk - Mapping Informal Settlements in Pune, India.
- EWB-Cam Research Project - Energy for Rural Healthcare Centres and School Sanitation Solutions in Bhutan
- EWB-Cam Research Project - Solar Lanterns in Kenya
- Ex Oriente Lux: the legacy of Lukács, Mannheim and Hauser
- Ex post: The investment performance of collectible stamps 1865-2008
- Ex-infinity
- Exact and Approximate Bayesian Estimation of Deconvolution-type Inverse Problems
- Exact and approximate solutions for spatial stochastic models of biochemical systems
- Exact Bayesian Inference for Big Data: Single- and Multi-Core Approaches
- Exact Bayesian inference for change point models with application to genomics
- Exact Calabi-Yau structures and disjoint Lagrangian spheres
- Exact completion for fibration categories
- Exact decomposition of energy fluxes in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Exact Density-Functional Potentials for Time-Dependent Quasiparticles
- Exact dynamics and hydrophobicity in constrained circuits: classical and quantum Floquet East models
- Exact enumeration of plane partitions and rhombus tilings
- Exact exchange-correlation kernels for optical spectra
- Exact formulas on Gaussian multiplicative chaos and Liouville theory
- Exact Gravitational Wave Signatures from Colliding Extreme Black Holes
- Exact Lagrangian immersions with one double point
- Exact Learning
- Exact many-body dynamics in quantum circuits via space-time duality
- Exact pairs for the ideal of the $K$-trivial sequences
in the Turing degrees
- Exact phylodynamics via structured Markov genealogy processes
- Exact quantum algorithms
- Exact results for degree growth of lattice equations and their signature over finite fields
- Exact Results for Strongly Confined Hard-core Disks
- Exact results for twist operators in planar N=4 SYM
- Exact results in AdS/CFT from localization
- Exact results in supersymmetric gauge theories
- Exact Sampling for Multivariate Diffusions
- Exact simulation
- Exact simulation of the Wright-Fisher diffusion
- Exact simulation-based Bayesian inference for epidemic models
- Exact solutions in the 2-dimensional viscoelastic channel flow
- Exact solutions to the total generalised variation minimisation problem
- Exactly m-Coloured Graphs
- Exactness and Approximation of the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm
- Examining child language brokering in schools: Developing guidance for good practice
- Examining Forest Exploitation in Province and Empire from the (Archaeological) Ground, Up
- Examining Galaxy Formation and Evolution with the Milky Way and its Massive Satellites
- Examining glacial-interglacial climate changes by water isotope modelling efforts
- Examining morphological processing in word recognition using MEG
- Examining Raft's behaviour during partial network failures
- Examining Region-Specific Third-Party Web Tracking Services
- Examining the molecular basis of speciation through flavonoid-tinted glasses
- Examining the possibility of AI Affect in reinforcement learning systems
- Examining the rate of UK energy transition: a national model of zero emissions infrastructure deployment
- Examining trans-regulators in Leishmania parasite gene regulation
- Examining transmission blockade of Plasmodium
- Examining West African systems of response to limited outbreaks of unfamiliar pathogens: a case study of a cryptic encephalitis outbreak in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana
- Examples of "control" in research and teaching at Physics
- Examples of Boolean modelling in plant development
- Examples of Failure in Full Reference Image Quality Assessment for Medical Imaging
- Examples of fluid-structure interactions in biology
- Examples of motivic spectra
- Examples of non-algebraic classes in the Brown-Peterson tower
- Examples of perverse sheaves of categories
- Examples of Synergy Leading to Innovations in Materials Science
- Examples of tropical-to-Lagrangian correspondence
- Examples, Molecules, and Methods for Super-Resolution Imaging in Cells with Single Molecules
- Excavating a provincial capital of the Assyrian Empire: the Ziyaret Tepe Archaeological Project
- Excavating the archive: expectant heirs in the Chancery decree rolls, 1596-1640
- Excavating the Earliest Upper Palaeolithic at Beedings
- Excavation Management and Organization
- Excavation: Living with the Ancient Romans: Past and Present in Eighteenth-Century Encounters with Herculaneum and Pompeii
- Excavations at Northstowe
- Excel Formulae: a PL perspective
- Excellent Timekeeping
- EXCELling with COVID-19 data
- except me - I don't get any
- except me - I don't get any
- Exceptional collections on Grassmannians of classical groups
- Exceptional collections, and the Neron-Severi lattice for surfaces
- Exceptional field theory and half-maximal consistent truncations
- Exceptional Flux Compactifications
- Exceptional Geometry in Seven Dimensions
- Exceptional loci in A_g
- Exceptional orthogonal polynomials
- Exceptional preservation in tropical settings: A glimpse into the fossil record of northern South America
- Exceptional primes of abelian varieties
- Exceptional singularities
- Exceptional Symmetries
- Exceptional times of the critical Erdős-Rényi graph
- Exceptional zeroes, first conjectures
- Exceptionally simple PDE and G_2
- Excess Folding for Transient Random Walks, Simple or Branching
- Exchange and Dynamic Correlation
- Exchange House and the Broadgate Development over London's Liverpool Street Station
- Exchange of debris between planetary systems
- Exchange, antisymmetry, and Pauli repulsion
- Exchange-diffusion Monte Carlo
- Exchangeability
- Exchangeable constructions of countable structures
- Exchangeable random variables and the
statistics of large graphs and hypergraphs
- Exchanging staff between industry and academia – enhancing and embedding research
- Excitable behaviors
- Excitable systems in cell populations
- Excitation delocalisation dynamics in conjugated molecular materials.
- Excitation of acousto-electric vibrations in a GaAs lattice
- Excitation of Bloch waves at the edge of a crystal
- Excited state calculations and theoretical spectroscopy of complex nanomaterials using Linear-Scaling Density Functional Theory
- Excited State NonAdiabatic Molecular Dynamics in dendrimers: crossings, energy funneling and state-specific vibrations
- Excited states properties of materials from many-body perturbation theory
- Excited states, symmetry breaking, and multiple solutions in electronic structure theory
- Excited-state calculations in FCIQMC
- Excited-state calculations in FCIQMC
- Exciting caves around the world: trips and discoveries by Cambridge University Caving Club members in the past year
- Exciton Condensation
- Exciton condensation in quantum Hall bilayers: disorder and transport
- Exciton delocalization dynamics in self-assembled pi-conjugated molecular materials
- Exciton migration and quenching in polymer-based optoelectronic devices
- Exciton optics, dynamics and transport in layered perovskites
- Exciton Superfluid and Ferromagnetic Superconductivity in Graphene
- Excitonic Light Management for Solar Cells beyond Shockley-Queisser
- Excitonic Solar Cells: New Approaches to Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion
- Excitons and Symmetry: Studying Structural Effects on Complex Excited-State Phenomena in 2D and Molecular Crystals
- Excitons in Flatland: Exploring and Manipulating Many-body Effects on the Optical Excitations in Quasi-2D Materials
- Excitons in Nanotube Bundles
- Excitons in Nanotubes
- Excluded but not Defeated: The Constructive Resilience of Bahá’ís in Iran in Light of Education Denial
- Excluded volume and order in a system of Brownian needles
- Exclusive Film Show on: Innovation and the Fate of Nations
- Exclusive Pólya Urns and their applications
- Exclusive Pólya Urns and their applications
- Exclusive Physics at the Tevatron and the LHC
- exclusive screening of a the latest film by Jon Sanders followed by a talk with the director himself
- Exclusive screening of award-winning film Sugarcane
- Excursion theory for a finite-state Markov process
- Excursions and paleointensity: Integration of magnetic and oxygen isotope stratigraphies
- Excursions for Brownian motion -- POSTPONED
- Excursions of Brownian motion and some applications
- Excursions on permutationally invariant high dimensional potential energy surfaces
- Excuse My Extrusion
- Executable Biology: Successes and Challenges
- Executable Biology: Successes and Challenges
- Executable Biology: Towards Computer Programs that Mimic Life
- Executable Heart: Computational Models and Methods for Detecting
- Executable Knowledge for Molecular Systems Biology
- Executable Separation Logic Specifications in CN
- Executable specification of a production hypervisor: hypercalls and TLB management discipline
- Executable Strategies for Cellular Decision Making
- Executable Strategies for Cellular Decision Making
- Executing C, C++ and Fortran Efficiently on the Java Virtual Machine via LLVM IR
- Executive control and decision making in the human prefrontal cortex
- Executive control and its disorders
- Executive Education for Engineers (tbc)
- Executive function in children with reading difficulties
- Executive functions and linguistic competence: insights from bilingualism
- Executive Functions and Prefrontal Cortex: Genetic and Neurochemical Influences, Gender Differences, and Novel Methods to Help Children Become Masters of their Own Behavior
- Executive functions during abstract problem solving
- Executive Functions Masterclass with Prof Adele Diamond
- Executive functions of the prefrontal cortex: theoretical and methodological issues from converging cross-species studies
- Executive functions: fractures, fractionation, and repair
- Executive Privilege Reaffirmed? Patterns in Parliamentary Scrutiny of the CFSP and CSDP
- Executive processes in high functioning autism: Patterns of performance in a multiple case series.
- Executive Summary
- Exercise for Parkinson's Disease
- Exercise intolerance in PAH: more than just the lungs!
- Exercise-associated Neuroprotective Pathways in CNS Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Exercise: a good tool for weight management
- Exhaust After-treatment Catalysis
- Exhibiting Ice Age Cambridge
- Exhibiting imperial entanglements in science museums
- Exhibiting South Asia: panel discussion
- Exhibition and extinction: the display of nature and the development of conservation
- Exhibition and extinction: the display of nature and the development of conservation
- Exhibition and extinction: the display of nature and the development of conservation
- Exhibition of Student Design Projects
- Exhibition of Student Design Projects
- Exhibition opening- War in Raqqa: Rhetoric versus Reality
- Exhibition Talk - Lecture on Birdsong
- Exhibition Tour – Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery
- Exhibition Tour – Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery
- Exhibition Tour – Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery
- Exhibition: Leonardo da Vinci 500 Years On: Visions of Future Imaginaries
- Exhumation, Pathology and Genetics are Basic Ingredients to Reconstruct the Spanish Influenza of 1918
- Exile politics and French influence in the British-Egyptian Raj, 1910-1930
- Existence and lower order properties of certain non-variational Plateau problems in General Relativity
- Existence and Qualitative Properties of Grounds States to the Choquard-Type Equations
- Existence and uniqness of solution to the Lifshitz-Slyozov system with monomers spatial diffusion
- Existence and uniqueness of minimal blow up solutions to an inhomogeneous mass critical NLS
- Existence and uniqueness of the Liouville quantum gravity metric for γ ∈ (0, 2)
- Existence and uniqueness of the radial hedgehog in Landau-de Gennes model
- Existence of global strong solution for compressible Navier Stokes equations in one dimension with for degenerate viscosity coefficients
- Existence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein/Weinstein domains
- Existence of the Grossencharacter
- Existence of topological moduli spaces
- Existence results in interfacial flows with kinetic undercooling regularization in a time-dependent gap Hele-Shaw cell
- Existence results in interfacial flows with kinetic undercooling regularization in a time-dependent gap Hele-Shaw cell
- Existential quantifiers and polarity in L2 interlanguage: applying the Feature Reassembly Hypothesis
- Existential Risk
- Exit measures for random walks in random environments
- Exit sets for vector valued GFF and interplay with planar O(N) models
- Exit Times and Extremes of Fractional Brownian motion and Spectrally Negative Levy Processes
- Exit Times and Extremes of Fractional Brownian motion and Spectrally Negative Levy Processes
- Exit times and persistence of solitons for a stochastic Korteweg-de Vries Equation
- Exit Wave Restoration: Methods and Applications
- Exlusionary Rhetoric- Expansionist Policies? Reflections on the Italian Centre-Right Immigration Approaches
- Exo-zodi - the evolution of dust in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars
- Exocometary gas in debris disks
- Exocomets and their effect on inner planet atmospheres
- Exodromy and endodromy
- ExoMars Rover – Engineering for the Red Planet
- Exome sequencing in mitochondrial disorders as a tool to advance our understanding of mitochondrial physiology
- Exome sequencing in the paediatric mitochondrial clinic
- Exome Sequencing Methods
- Exome Sequencing Methods
- Exome Sequencing Methods
- Exonephology: 3D simulations of cloud formation and evolution in hot Jupiter atmospheres.
- Exoplanet atmospheres at high spectral resolution
- Exoplanet discussion session
- Exoplanet Dynamics and Statistics
- Exoplanet group introduction
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Journal Club
- Exoplanet Science, the way forward
- Exoplanet transit light-curve modelling
- Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Theory and Simulation
- Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Theory and Simulation
- Exoplanetary Science: The HARPS-N@TNG Opportunity
- Exoplaneteer Introduction
- Exoplanets & asteroseismology: how to tame a star?
- Exoplanets and Bright Stars with the Kepler-2 Mission
- Exoplanets and the nature of other worlds
- Exoplanets and the Nature of Other Worlds
- Exoplanets and the Quest of "Universal Life"
- Exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life
- Exoplanets from WASP to PLATO
- Exoplanets in the Galactic Context
- Exoplanets, Aliens and God
- Exoplanets, on the Hunt for Universal Life
- Exoplanets, on the hunt of Universal life
- Exorcising your data demons! An introduction to Research Data Management (RDM)
- Exosomal KLF2-induced microRNAs: implications for treatment of pulmonary hypertension
- Exotic and excited meson spectroscopy and radiative transitions from lattice QCD
- Exotic behavior of hexagonal patterns in Faraday surface waves
- Exotic Branes and 3D Supergravity
- Exotic defect structures in a strongly confined chiral liquid crystal
- Exotic Diseases Course, 26-28 June 2006
- Exotic electronic behaviour in nanostructured films
- Exotic Hadrons with Heavy Quarks
- Exotic Hadrons with hidden Charm
- Exotic Lagrangian tori in Grassmannians
- Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groups
- Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groups
- Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groups
- Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groups
- Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groups
- Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groups
- Exotic mammals in the Antarctic region
- Exotic monotone Lagrangian tori
- Exotic negatively curved manifolds and their symmetries
- Exotic ordered structures of a thin film of a chiral liquid crystal
- Exotic ordered structures of a thin film of a chiral liquid crystal
- Exotic physical properties of matter studied by simulation
- Exotic Stein manifolds
- Exozodiacal clouds - the local environment of habitable planets
- Expander Graphs
- Expander graphs based on GRH and some cryptographic applications
- Expander graphs from Cayley graphs of groups where every generating set works
- Expander graphs from Cayley graphs of groups where every generating set works
- Expanders and word maps.
- Expanders via actions on manifolds
- Expanders, Beauville surfaces and buildings
- Expanders, Ramanujan graphs and random lifts
- Expanding large global solutions of the compressible Euler equations
- Expanding neurobiological models of adolescence - threat learning, extinction and cortical plasticity
- Expanding Precision Medicine along Clinical Pathways with AI Powered Decision -Support
- Expanding Precision Medicine along Clinical Pathways with AI Powered Decision -Support
- Expanding Search on Networks
- Expanding services in a digital world. Research Data Management at Cambridge University Library.
- Expanding the borders of Multimodal Graph Learning with Sheaf Neural Networks
- Expanding the central dogma
- Expanding the Critical Intensity of Random Connection Models
- Expanding the Genetic Code to Address Biomedical Challenges
- Expanding the one-host one-pathogen framework: implications for disease emergence and wildlife health
- Expanding the topological insulator horizon
- Expanding the universe of protein structure and function by design
- Expansion in the group of affine transformations
- Expansion methods for medical imaging
- Expansion of cold atomic gases in the presence of disorder
- Expansion of small sets in graphs
- Expansion potentials for exact far-from-equilibrium spreading of energy in the XXZ model
- Expansion properties of linear groups
- Expansions of real numbers in non-integer bases: arithmetic, combinatorics and dynamics
- Expect the unexpected from Higgs boson physics
- Expectation Consistent Approximate Inference
- Expectation Propagation
- Expectation Propagation -- Experimental Design for the Sparse Linear M
- Expectation Propagation for POMDP Spoken Dialogue Models
- Expectation Propagation in Sparse Linear Models with Spike and Slab Priors
- Expectation Propagation, Experimental Design for the Sparse Linear Model
- Expectations of Inflation, Monetary Policy & the Term Structure of Interest Rates
- Expectations vs. Reality: Lessons learned from Working on Toxic Content Detection in NLP
- Expected Returns and Risk in the Stock Market
- Expecting misleading evidence
- Experience and challenges of applying Bayesian methods in food safety risk assessments
- Experience and problems with compiling data parallel languages
- Experience Cambridge Day
- Experience Dependent Mechanisms of Visual System Development
- Experience dependent plasticity for pitch in the human brainstem
- Experience in founding Cambridge Glycoscience
- Experience in Ireland
- Experience Islam: The Exhibition
- Experience Mapping: Insight, Empathy and Business Buy-In
- Experience of Motherhood for Autistic Women
- Experience-dependent plasticity as revealed by fMRI
- Experience-related changes in the adult auditory system
- Experiences and challenges of setting up biobanks and biobanking networks
- Experiences and sustainability in mining
- Experiences as an e-counting election observer
- Experiences Creating Chromebook
- Experiences of a female lawyer in Kuwait
- Experiences of Designing and Deploying Intelligent Sensor Nodes in Construction Sites
- Experiences with a smoothed terrain-following vertical coordinate in MPAS
- Experiences with DLT within the UK Government, and Perspectives on Future Potential
- Experiences with Isabelle/HOL: Formalising Real Algebraic Geometry
- Experiencing Republican Texts
- Experiencing the Inner Wonder - Music and Meditation
- Experiential Learning, Ecological Literacy and Sustainable Design Training
- Experimental and CFD modelling investigations of dense gas-solid fluidized beds
- Experimental and computational approaches to implicit learning of musical structure
- Experimental and Kinetic theory based Numerical Study of Multiphase Solid-gas Flow
- Experimental and modelling investigations of turbulent and laminar multiphase flows
- Experimental and neuroimaging studies of memory for trauma and PTSD
- Experimental and numerical study of detonation reaction zones
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Use of Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing Technology for Sinkhole Detection
- Experimental and Speculative Natural Philosophy
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of human sperm swimming
- Experimental and Theoretical Modeling of Internal Tide Generation
- Experimental Annotation of the Human Genome
- Experimental Archaeometallurgy
- Experimental cancer genetics
- Experimental cancer medicine at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute
- Experimental characterisation of a friction damper
- Experimental constraints on melt distribution and its effect on the rheology and seismic properties of polycrystalline olivine
- Experimental Continuation of Nonlinear Structures
- Experimental Democracy
- Experimental Design for Inverse Modelling: From Real to Virtual and Back
- Experimental Design for Inverse Modelling: From Real to Virtual and Back
- Experimental Design for Prediction of Physical System Means Using Calibrated Computer Simulators
- Experimental Design for Prediction of Physical System Means Using Calibrated Computer Simulators
- Experimental design in computer experiments: review and recent research
- Experimental designs for estimating variance components
- Experimental designs for estimating variance components
- Experimental detection of large-scale flow structures in Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- Experimental evidence for preschoolers’ mastery of topics
- Experimental evolution in cancer cell lines
- Experimental evolution reveals rapid streamlining of vitamin metabolism in chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Experimental Exploration of Earth’s Mantle
- Experimental insights into the gravity-driven flows and mixing in layered porous media
- Experimental insights on the coupling between oceanic internal tides and lee waves
- Experimental insights on volcanic ash as a reactive agent in the environment
- Experimental investigation of concrete under multiaxial compression and elevated temperatures
- Experimental investigation of soliton gases in shallow water experiments in 1D and 2D
- Experimental investigations on the interpretation of scalar terms
- Experimental manipulation of the epidermis to study normal and cancer stem cells and The GIST of GISTS (Gastrointestinal Stromal tumours)
- Experimental Medicine Imaging in Pharmaceutical Research - GSK clinical imaging overview and opportunities for collaboration
- Experimental modelling of the Fluid Dynamics of Magma Chambers / Buoyancy induced Taylor dispersion
- Experimental modelling of waves in ice cover
- Experimental nonlinear waves along a torus of fluid
- Experimental Particle Physics, CERN, and the Large Hadron Collider
- Experimental Quantum Teleportation
- Experimental realisation of a quantum dot energy harvester (SP Workshop)
- Experimental reconstruction of the bronze life-cast lizard of the Renaissance
- Experimental religion and experimental natural philosophy in early modern England
- Experimental results on the dynamics of tracers and inertial particles in highly turbulent flows
- Experimental status of exotic spectroscopy (and thoughts on the future)
- Experimental studies and simulations of factors that power and steer mitotic spindle movements
- Experimental Studies of Black Holes: Status & Prospects
- Experimental Studies of Pathogen Adaptation to Host Immunity and Vaccination
- Experimental Studies of Social Intelligence in Chimpanzees
- Experimental study of creep flows and precursors to failure in granular material
- Experimental study of polycrystal anelasticity for seismological application
- Experimental Study of Suction and Vortex Generators for Supersonic Inlet Flow Control
- Experimental study of turbulent multiphase flows: inertial particles, collisions and bubble dynamics
- Experimental study on dead water resistance of ice floe in a two-layer fluid
- Experimental tests of the theory that V1 creates a bottom-up visual saliency map for attentional guidance
- Experimental unsaturated soil mechanics: Multi-physics and multi-scale outlooks
- Experimental validations of various aspects of the wave-induced mean flow for surface gravity wave groups
- Experimental work on the wave-ice interaction in a laboratory tank
- Experimentally Quantifying Patterns in Microbial Eukaryote Populations
- Experiments ad theory for anomalous waves induced by abrupt depth changes
- Experiments and evidence: can non-profits learn from science?
- Experiments and Modelling on the Flow Patterns of Cohesive Granular Materials in Spouted Beds
- Experiments for Enzyme Kinetic Models
- Experiments in description: Victorian physics and the natural history of electricity
- Experiments in multidisciplinary materials research
- Experiments in multidisciplinary materials research
- Experiments in Tunnel-Soil-Structure Interaction
- Experiments on buoyancy-driven coastal currents: a perspective from someone who doesn't do experiments
- Experiments on cytoskeletal and “Recombinase” motors
- Experiments on Mixing in Gravity Currents / Characterisation of Flux Sensitivity to Uncertainty in Porous Media
- Experiments on the collision of mode-1 and mode-2 internal-solitary-like waves
- Experiments with Bispectra
- Experiments with Concurrent Kleene Algebra
- Experiments with dynamic networks of virtual routers
- Experiments with dynamic networks of virtual routers
- Experiments with high explosives
- Experiments with internal solitary waves in stratified fluids
- Experiments with mode 2-type internal solitary waves
- Experiments with Non-parametric Topic Models
- Experiments with tangles of quantized vortex lines in superfluid 4He in the T=0 limit
- Experiments with the iterated stockholder atoms procedure in intermolecular interaction models
- Experiments with ultracold Li and cold Cs atoms
- Experiments with WORHP and Ant Colony Optimisation for Solving large-scale mixed-integer Problems
- Experiments, quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics of high pressure hydrogen
- EXPERT JUDGEMENT - Welcome from David Abrahams (INI Director)
- Expertise as perspectives in dialogue
- Expertise or perspectives in dialogue? The role of lived experience in the mental health context
- Expertise, endorsement and enlightenment: the trials and tribulations of health foods in late eighteenth-century Paris
- Expertise-dependent hub and axis reorganization of functional brain networks during meditation state.
- Experts at play: Understanding and designing for expert skill
- Explainability in Machine Learning
- Explaining climate policy outcomes in the United States and China
- Explaining External Asset Allocation: A Multi-Country Model with Preference Heterogeneity
- Explaining Geotechnical Risks
- Explaining House Price Dynamics: Isolating the Role of Non-Fundamentals
- Explaining how similar two faces look, using deep convolutional networks and optimised stimuli
- Explaining Irrationality – a Biological Perspective
- Explaining mathematics using formalized mathematics
- Explaining Neural Networks: Post-hoc and Natural Language Explanations
- Explaining Non-Linear Classifier Decisions with application to Deep Learning
- Explaining regional mental health prescriptions in England through deprivation and aggregate personality profiles
- Explaining the age pattern of immunity to seasonal influenza
- Explaining the Broadband Absorbance of Melanins
- Explaining the recent 'hiatus' in global warming: models, measurement and media
- Explaining the reduction in ovarian cancer mortality 1977 to 2014
- Explaining variations in responses to cannabis: molecular findings of CB1-5HT2A heteromers in humans
- Explaining work-life conflict of men and women: disentanling the impact of national contexts
- Explanation
- Explanation in neuroscience
- Explanations for medical artificial intelligence
- Explanatory abstractions
- Explanatory directionality
- Explicit and exact solutions concerning the Atlantic Circumpolar Current with variable density in spherical coordinates
- Explicit and implicit microion representations of dispersions of oppositely charged nanoparticles: expectations and surprises
- Explicit Chabauty over Number Fields
- Explicit de Sitter Vacua for Global Strong Models with Chiral Matter
- Explicit descent setups
- Explicit error bounds for randomized Smolyak algorithms and an application to infinite-dimensional integration
- Explicit Euclidean Sections, Codes over the Reals and Expanders
- Explicit filtering large eddy simulation for turbulent flows
- Explicit integral representations of the relaxation of non-local energies for structured deformations
- Explicit integral representations of the relaxation of non-local energies for structured deformations
- Explicit inversion formulas for normal operators of momentum ray transforms
- Explicit Local Reciprocity
- Explicit local reciprocity for tame extensions
- Explicit Moduli for Closed Genus 2 Surfaces
- Explicit solutions for structural analysis of discretized structures with uncertain but bounded parameters
- Explicit Stabilisation for Rely-Guarantee reasoning
- Explicit stabilised Runge-Kutta methods and their application to Bayesian inverse problems
- Exploding Myths: The Fall of Singapore
- Exploding plants: Nature's weapons of mass reproduction
- Exploding stars and catastrophic collisions
- Exploding Wolf-Rayet Stars
- Exploding, weeping and reversible phase transformations in ceramics
- Exploding, weeping and reversible phase transformations in ceramics
- Exploding, weeping and reversible phase transformations in ceramics
- Exploding, weeping and reversible phase transformations in ceramics
- Exploding, weeping and reversible phase transformations in ceramics
- Exploitation as Cooperation
- Exploitation of Alternative, Non-rodent Models to Assess the Toxicity of Nanomaterials.
- Exploitation of fundamental and biomedical functions of clathrin-independent endocytosis
- Exploitation of nanoscale particles for DNA analysis and detection
- Exploitation of Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects for Spintronic Devices
- Exploiting (Commercial) Hot-Spots for Device-to-Device Communication
- Exploiting anisotropy in Gaussian process emulation"
- Exploiting Asymptotic Structure for Resolution Enhancement in Physical Imaging Systems
- Exploiting B cells and humoral immunity to treat atherosclerosis and hepatic inflammation
- Exploiting Bacteria to Battle Cancer
- Exploiting Bacteriophage for rapid detection of Mycobacteria
- Exploiting bacteriophages for bioscience, biotechnology and medicine
- Exploiting bacteriophages for bioscience, biotechnology and medicine
- Exploiting cancer stem cells for the identification of mediators involved in brain tumorigenesis
- Exploiting Channel Diversity in White Spaces
- Exploiting concurrency vulnerabilities in system call wrappers
- Exploiting Cowpea mosaic virus in bio- and nano-technology: 101 things to do with a plant virus
- Exploiting Cryptic Biosynthetic Pathways in Microorganisms
- Exploiting divergent biology of two fission yeasts to understand membrane function
- Exploiting entropy to enhance toughness in polymer gels with reversible crosslinks
- Exploiting entropy to enhance toughness in polymer gels with reversible crosslinks
- Exploiting Large Corpora for Parsing
- Exploiting locality: large-scale first-principles simulations of nanostructures
- Exploiting Mathematics to Address Challenges in Regenerative Medicine and Medical Device Design
- Exploiting natural variation to identify genes that impact nutritional seed traits
- Exploiting neural nonlinearity and temporal smoothing to measure the brain’s response to electrical stimulation
- Exploiting non-Markovian Bio-Processes within BlenX
- Exploiting nuclear envelope dysfunction in progeria syndromes to identify new therapeutic targets for ageing
- Exploiting nuclear envelope dysfunction in progeria syndromes to identify new therapeutic targets for ageing
- Exploiting nuclear envelope dysfunction in progeria syndromes to identify new therapeutic targets for ageing
- Exploiting nuclear envelope dysfunction in progeria to identify new therapeutic targets for ageing
- Exploiting Online Games
- Exploiting probabilistic user interface design in virtual and augmented reality
- Exploiting Query Logs to Build Adaptive Domain Models for Search and Navigation
- Exploiting relationships between Foulkes modules
- Exploiting relativity in quantum technologies and how a macroscopic clock can make you younger
- Exploiting replication deficiencies to illuminate HIV:host interactions
- Exploiting Scaffold Proteins to Generate Diverse I/O Dynamics in MAPK Pathways
- Exploiting senescence and anoikis in function-based oncogenomic screens
- Exploiting shape anisotropy for binary magnetic memories
- Exploiting single-cell fluctuations
- Exploiting Sparsity in Semidefinite and Sum of Squares Programming
- Exploiting spatial features in the analysis of ChIP- and BS-Seq data
- Exploiting Statistical Hardness for Increased Privacy in Wireless Systems
- Exploiting Structural Indeterminacy:Free-form unreinforced stone shells
- Exploiting Structure for Scalable Design and Verification of Complex Systems
- Exploiting synthetic communities for cultivation of microalgae
- Exploiting Temporal Complex Network Metrics in Mobile Malware Containment
- Exploiting the crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pathway for sustainable bioenergy production in a changing climate
- Exploiting the Empires of Others: Reflections towards a Model of European Colonial Exploitation
- Exploiting the extracellular matrix to understand plant stress-adaptive responses
- Exploiting the host: viral co-option of RNA modification and decay pathways
- Exploiting the Immune System to Fight Alzheimer’s
- Exploiting the Structure of Human Mobility for Opportunistic Networks
- Exploiting Variable Impedance for Robotics: Mimic or Optimize?
- Exploration and exploitation of the Arctic: hunters and trappers, whalers and sealers
- Exploration and learning of free energy landscapes of molecular crystals and oligopeptides
- Exploration and learning of free energy landscapes of molecular crystals and oligopeptides
- Exploration Geology, and Looking for Lithium in the UK
- Exploration of a simple model for ice ages
- Exploration of Cooperative Asymmetric Catalysts Toward Efficient Synthesis of Therapeutics
- Exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility in Multinational Companies within the Food Industry
- Exploration, Celebrity and the Making of a Transnational Hero: Fridtjof Nansen and the Fram Expedition
- Exploration, Empire, and a Revolution in the Natural History of the Pacific, 1769-1840
- Explorations in Adiabatic Quantum Optimisation (Dr. Joachim Wabnig, Nokia Research Centre, Cambridge)
- Explorations in computing motion and their implications for motion processing in monkey and man.
- Explorations in structural and functional compensation: Examples from aphasia and dyslexia
- Explorations in the Grid Computing Jungle
- Explorations of N- and O-linked Glycosylation on Extracellular and Intracellular Cell Surfaces
- Explorations of Science in Cyber Security
- Explorative 3D imaging
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exploratory Search and Trend Detection
- Exploratory Study of Teacher Identity in Changing Times: In search of frameworks and definitions
- Explore Islam & Muslim Culture
- Explore Islam & Muslim Culture - Cambridge Mosque Open Day
- Explore Islam & Muslim Culture Exhibition - The Qur'an Healing & Mercy For Mankind
- Explore Islam and Muslim Culture
- Explore Islam week: Food and its Spiritual Dimensions
- Explore Islam Week: What happens next? The Spiritual Afterlife in Islam
- Explore the science of personality research
- Exploring Accreting Black Holes with X-ray Reflection and Reverberation.
- Exploring AI to Program and Network Chemical Reactor Systems: Towards Novel Molecular and Chemical Systems Discovery
- Exploring amorphous graphene with machine-learned atomic energies
- Exploring an unchartered route across the inner mitochondrial membrane
- Exploring analogies between bubble clusters and particle clusters
- Exploring and exploiting chromosome repair and segregation mechanisms in cancer
- Exploring and Exploiting the Diversity of Secretory Routes in Mammalian Cells
- Exploring and Exploiting the RNA World in Plants and Animals
- Exploring Antarctic Lichen Biodiversity
- Exploring Arctic Frontiers in a Changed Climate
- Exploring attributes of resilience: robustness, adaptability and transformation in East Anglian farmer narratives
- Exploring black hole–neutron star mergers through numerical relativity
- Exploring bubbling AdS: going beyond the 1/2 BPS sector
- Exploring cell heterogeneity in health and disease using single-cell proteomics and transcriptomics
- Exploring Cell-to-Cell Connectivity in C4 Photosynthesis
- Exploring Central Africa's Lithium Pegmatites: Geology, Resource Potential, and Geopolitical context
- Exploring changes in exposure to glaciovolcanic hazard
- Exploring chemical reactions through automation and machine learning
- Exploring chemical reactivity in the age of automation and ML
- Exploring Chemical Space with Random Matrix Theory
- Exploring chemico-biological interactions using connectivity mapping
- Exploring cognition across cultures: Insights for testing world-wide navigation
- Exploring compartmentalisation hypotheses with SOAAP
- Exploring Compression and the Aesthetics of Creativity
- Exploring Compression and the Aesthetics of Creativity
- Exploring controls on the distribution of sulfur-loving elements in Icelandic magmas
- Exploring dietary behaviours, narratives and attitudes in Cambridge colleges
- Exploring disease mechanisms in a novel group of neurological diseases caused by mutations in the RNA exosome
- Exploring early galaxy evolution in the JWST-era with novel statistical and machine learning techniques
- Exploring early galaxy evolution with gamma-ray bursts
- Exploring early hominin subsistence behaviour with agent-based modelling
- Exploring Earth's snowy regions with satellites and data science
- Exploring Earth's snowy regions with satellites and data science
- Exploring embodiment mechanisms using expertise
- Exploring embodiment mechanisms using expertise
- Exploring epistasis maps of cellular processes
- Exploring Feedback Comment Generation for Language Learners
- Exploring female arts students’ transitions from studying to working in the arts and how students can help eradicate abuse in the arts
- Exploring fermionic T-duality
- Exploring free-energy landscapes
- Exploring fundamental limits in future grids with mathematics, computation and data-based methods
- Exploring fundamental limits in future grids with mathematics, computation and data-based methods
- Exploring graphs using parallel rotor walks
- Exploring graphs using parallel rotor walks
- Exploring Gravitational forces via thought experiments
- Exploring gravity wave characteristics over the Southern Andes, Antarctic Peninsula, and South Georgia Island
- Exploring healthcare staff responses to patient complaints
- Exploring healthcare staff responses to patient complaints
- Exploring healthcare staff responses to patient complaints
- Exploring host-tumour metabolic interactions using Drosophila
- Exploring Inner Light: Awakening the Divine Spark Within You (in-person)
- Exploring Interaction Methods for Industrial Visual Analytics in Virtual Reality: Industrial Case Studies
- Exploring Internet services mis-configuration at scale
- Exploring Irregular Posteriors of Geophysical Digital Twins
- Exploring John Woodward's scientific writing in his catalogues of fossils (1728, 1729)
- Exploring language learning through communication: How far is task repetition repetition?
- Exploring lipid metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei and finding a plethora of drug targets
- Exploring lipid metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei and finding a plethora of drug targets
- Exploring Many-Body Quantum Physics with Ultracold Atoms
- Exploring Martian Geology for Signs for the Potential for Life
- Exploring microcircuit properties for memory, from rodents to the human brain
- Exploring mock-juror evidence interpretation and belief updating within a probability framework
- Exploring molecular mechanisms in biological energy conversion
- Exploring Moonshine in String Theory
- Exploring neighbourhood dynamics: the case of Old Babylonian (2nd millennium BC) ceramics from Chagar Bazar, Syria
- Exploring neural correlates of object formation in Auditory Cortex
- Exploring new physics in the Top quark sector with the Compact Muon Solenoid
- Exploring new roles for ER-mitochondria organelle contacts in neurons
- Exploring novel (bio)molecular spaces by design – a dialogue between representation and generation
- Exploring ODE model uncertainty via diffusions, with application to physiological processes
- Exploring overlapping cognition in music making
- Exploring PhoSfomes: from basic biology to drug discovery
- Exploring Planets Orbiting Nearby Stars
- Exploring practices between the arts, sciences, and humanities
- Exploring Properties of Normal Multimodal Logics in Simple Type Theory with LEO-II
- Exploring Quantum Phases of Matter on Quantum Processors
- Exploring radar data of ice sheets by means of numerical modelling
- Exploring rail futures using scenarios: experience and potential
- Exploring random maps: slicing, peeling and layering - 1
- Exploring random maps: slicing, peeling and layering - 2
- Exploring random maps: slicing, peeling and layering - 3
- Exploring Ras Super-family Proteins : A Chemical Biology Approach
- Exploring self-injury in autism spectrum conditions
- Exploring Sites of Galaxy Formation: Large Lya Nebulae at redshift 2-3
- Exploring soft matter with DNA
- Exploring sources of gravity waves in the southern winter stratosphere using 3-D satellite observations and backwards ray-tracing
- Exploring String Axions with Astrophysics & Cosmology
- Exploring structural phase transitions in nanofriction
- Exploring Superconductivity under High Pressure
- Exploring Supermassive Black Holes and their Host Galaxies Magnified by Cosmic Lenses
- Exploring systems of low-mass planets with CHEOPS
- Exploring technological variability in pre-Hispanic painted pottery from Nariño, Colombia
- Exploring Technological Variability in the Lower Palaeolithic: A Multi-Scalar Approach
- Exploring Technological Variability in the Lower Palaeolithic: A Multi-Scalar Approach
- Exploring Technological Variability in the Lower Palaeolithic: A Multi-Scalar Approach
- Exploring terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU) development using non-traditional models
- Exploring the ABJM Plasma
- Exploring the Analgesic Effect of Social Power on Empathy for Pain
- Exploring the application of Inclusive Design to the improvement of healthcare services
- Exploring the binary Lennard-Jones system with high throughput structure prediction and speeding up time to ground state
- Exploring the BTZ bulk with boundary conformal blocks
- Exploring the building blocks of matter with leptons
- Exploring the causes of regulatory variation in humans
- Exploring the Challenges of Mobile on Device Sensing Based Health Diagnostics.
- Exploring the Cold Universe: From Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei, Interstellar to Circumgalactic Media at z ~ 5 - 7
- Exploring the connections between teacher effectiveness, self-efficacy, wellbeing and stress
- Exploring the Contours of African Sexualities: Statutory, Customary and Religious Laws
- Exploring the controls on earthquakes and tectonics; from the plains of India to the greatest mountain range on Earth
- Exploring the cross-linguistic transfer of second language writing strategies
- Exploring the data-driven world: Teaching AI and ML from a data-centric perspective
- Exploring the Dawn of Cosmic Structure with the 21cm Line
- Exploring the Dawn of Cosmic Structure with the 21cm Line
- Exploring the depths of drilling dynamics
- Exploring the dynamics of network optimisation
- Exploring the dynamics of stem cell maintenance in the shoot apical meristem through computational models
- Exploring the early Universe with super radio-telescopes: HERA and SKA
- Exploring the edge of the Universe with ALMA
- Exploring the evolutionary relationships and the reaction chemistry in a family of crucial biosynthetic aldolases
- Exploring the Expansion and Evolution of Devil Facial Tumour Disease Across Tasmania
- Exploring the Extreme Climates of Giant Planets
- Exploring the final events in eukaryotic cell division
- Exploring the First Light And Reionisation Epoch
- Exploring the folding energy landscape of a series of design consensus TPR proteins
- Exploring the Galaxy's alpha-element abundances and globular cluster populations with hydrodynamic simulations
- Exploring the genetic and environmental causes of behaviours characteristic of autistic spectrum conditions
- Exploring the genetic toolkit for pattern formation and diversification in butterfly wings
- Exploring the genetics of the extinct Darwin’s ground sloth (Mylodon darwinii) population from Cueva del Milodón, Chile
- Exploring the hair follicle as an unconventional, but highly instructive tool for neuroendocrine research
- Exploring the History of Mars by Robot: Curiosity's Adventures in Gale Crater
- Exploring the human connectome
- Exploring the human connectome
- Exploring the Human Connectome: The Rich and Famous
- Exploring the Hydrothermal Evolution of Ocean Crust using Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Exploring the IGM at the End of Reionization
- Exploring the Impact of One Health Approaches on Canine Rabies Vaccination Efforts Globally
- Exploring the impact of the Ukwazana Programme - the first structural HIV prevention programme for Men who have Sex with Men in Africa
- Exploring the implications of online assemblies
- Exploring the infrared properties of gluons and ghosts
- Exploring the Intersection Seam: Insights into Photochemical Properties
- Exploring the intimacy between bats and viruses: the evolution and function of bat antiviral IFITM proteins
- Exploring the key drivers of Quaternary hydroclimate change in Africa with models and palaeodata
- Exploring the lifetime frontier: the MATHUSLA detector proposal
- Exploring the Limits of Computational Models with Digital Twins in Photoacoustic Imaging
- Exploring the Linear Subspace Hypothesis in Gender Bias Mitigation
- Exploring the Link between Innovation and Impact
- Exploring the mechanisms of haematopoietic lineage progression at the single-cell level
- Exploring the Mechanisms of Associative Plasticity within and between Hippocampal Areas CA1 and CA2
- Exploring the mechanisms of haematopoietic lineage progression at the single-cell level
- Exploring the Mind and Brain – Improving cognition and mental health
- Exploring the Natural World: an Orchestral Concert
- Exploring the ordered states of the multi-phase superconductor CeRh2As2
- Exploring the origin of leaves
- Exploring the origin of leaves
- Exploring the outer solar system with space robots
- Exploring the outer solar system with space robots
- Exploring the Pollution Haven Hypothesis in China: Evidence from Clean Air Policy
- Exploring the regulatory universe of Retinoblastoma function in DNA damage response
- Exploring the relationship between attention and short-term memory
- Exploring the Relationship between Extinction Risk and Skewed Adult Sex Ratios
- Exploring the Relationship between International Supply Network Configuration and Policy: Interventions, Influences and Capabilities
- Exploring the relationship between organic PV performance to bulk and surface morphology: A joint morphological and charge transport modelling approach
- Exploring the Role of Executive Functions in School Achievement
- Exploring the role of immune system as a primary driver of pathology in the mitochondrial disease Leigh syndrome
- Exploring the role of ion channels in cancer using executable modelling
- Exploring the role of lighting, pattern and habitat geometry on animal behaviour, evolution and conservation
- Exploring the role of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease
- Exploring the role of the human cerebellum across functional domains
- Exploring the role of the tumour microenvironment: what do other cells do?
- Exploring the role of the tumour microenvironment: what do the other cells do?
- Exploring the Sagittarius luminosity profile using simulations
- Exploring the sea: Computational acoustics and sonar mapping in the 21st century
- Exploring the seafloor: the rock record of hydrothermal fluid circulation
- Exploring the Starburst-AGN Connection on 10pc scales with Adaptive Optics
- Exploring the Static Semantics of the Standard ML Core Language
- Exploring the structural basis of DNA repair and RNA degradation by the PI3K-like kinases (PIKKs) using EM
- Exploring the tension between nature and the Standard Model: the muon anomalous magnetic moment
- Exploring the Topology of Patterns.
- Exploring the Transient Universe in the era of LSST
- Exploring the translation of research into classroom practice: Tracking the development of 14- to 16-year-olds’ understandings of genetics and inheritance
- Exploring the two pathways to fear: Daleks and Parents
- Exploring the underconnectivity theory of autism using independent component analysis
- Exploring the Underlying Dynamics of Industry Emergence: The Wind Energy Sector in Britain and Spain from the 1970s to the 2000s
- Exploring the Universe in a grain of sand
- Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves: LIGO and Beyond
- Exploring the Unknown with Higgs Boson Pairs
- Exploring the vibrational properties of anharmonic crystals
- Exploring the vortex melting transition in cuprate superconductor YBCO
- Exploring the Web Frontier
- Exploring the world with high angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD)
- Exploring Thermal Transport via Gauge-Gravity Duality and Hydrodynamics
- Exploring transcriptional regulatory elements using functional genomics strategies
- Exploring transition and turbulence in shear flows via nonlinear optimization
- Exploring underutilised plants and fungi from Colombia to boost its bioeconomy
- Exploring Universal Extra-Dimensions at the LHC
- Exploring Upper Palaeolithic Plant Foods at the Site of Dolní Vĕstonice II using Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Exploring variation in neural crest development among East African cichlid fishes
- Exploring volcanoes in Central Iceland as Analogs for Planetary Environments
- Exploring What Works in Science Communication; Experiments and Evidence
- Exploring wind instruments through simulation
- Exploring young children's understanding of their own peer-directed behaviour at school
- Exploring young people's artistic worlds
- Explosive and Degassing volcanic eruptions: natural analogues with relevance for geoengineering schemes
- Explosive Fluid Instability and Fusion Performance
- Explosive interactions of granular media with structures
- Explosive Percolation is Continuous
- Explosive Science
- Explosive Science
- Explosive seed dispersal
- Explosive volcanism: a materials catastrophe
- Explosive volcanism: a materials catastrophe
- Exponentiable Toposes
- Exponential asymptotics for nonlinear waves in particle chains using numerical analytic continuation
- Exponential asymptotics for PDEs
- Exponential Asymptotics for Physical Applications
- Exponential Asymptotics for Physical Applications
- Exponential Asymptotics for Physical Applications
- Exponential asymptotics for the equatorial Kelvin wave and the higher-order Stokes phenomenon
- Exponential asymptotics in applied mathematics
- Exponential Conditional Volatility Models
- Exponential Convergence to Equilibrium and Hypocoercivity
- Exponential Convergence to the Maxwell Distribution For Some Class of Boltzmann Equations
- Exponential Decay of the Power Spectrum and Finite Dimensionality for Solutions of the Three Dimensional Primitive Equations
- Exponential dynamical localization in N-particle Anderson models on graphs with long-range interaction via Fractional Moment Analysis
- Exponential Family Embeddings
- Exponential growth in two-dimensional topological fluid dynamics
- Exponential inequalities and local independence graphs to unravel functional neuronal connectivity
- Exponential Lower Bounds for Solving Infinitary Payoff Games and Linear Programs
- Exponential maps in Kahler geometry
- Exponential mixing for random flows
- Exponential Patterns in Arithmetic Ramsey Theory
- Exponential stability and stabilization of fractional stochastic degenerate evolution equations in a Hilbert space.
- Exponential tractability of weighted tensor product problems
- Exposing 'the private life of John Bull'? Sex and the popular press in post-war Britain
- Exposing Fine-grain Concurrency in Sequential code with a Dataflow Compiler IR
- Expression and function of spider Wnt genes
- Expression homeostasis during DNA replication
- Expression of happiness and sadness in human and chimpanzee infants
- Expression of pluripotency factors in lung cancer – new opportunities for therapy?
- Expression of segment polarity genes in brachiopods supports a non-segmental ancestral role of engrailed for bilaterians
- Expression of vitamin B12 enzymes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast
- ExPRESSion RePRESSion: Expert panel on international efforts to protect journalists at risk
- Expression, Purification and Screening of Antimicrobial Peptides from Hermetia illucens
- Expressions and body movements as communication and implications for language origins theories
- Expressiveness and Separation on Mixed Choice Multiparty Session Types
- Expressiveness of real-time temporal logics
- Extended ß-Triketone Derivatives: Versatile Building Blocks for Metallosupramolecular Chemistry and Crystal Engineering
- Extended ensemble Monte Carlo
- Extended Goodstein sequences
- Extended HVS Parser
- Extended MHD models for black hole accretion
- Extended multivariate generalised linear and non-linear mixed effect models
- Extended Period Mapping - Clay Lecturer
- Extended Poisson-Kac theory: A unifying framework for stochastic processes with finite propagation velocity
- Extended Tight-Binding Methods – Development, Application, and Future Directions
- Extending a Surface Realizer to Generate Coherent Discourse
- Extending deforestation
- Extending group actions on metric spaces
- Extending our knowledge into the Past: The rescue, reanalysis and accessibility of historic plankton data from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1951
- Extending Plants - a novel method to understand the mechanics of development
- Extending the Affinity Propagation Model
- Extending the bandwidth of technology supported learning
- Extending the leading direct dark matter searches to lighter particles
- Extending the life of gas turbines by fitting new controllers
- Extending the Limits of Extreme Spark-Ignition Engine Downsizing – The Ultraboost Project
- Extending the perturbation theory of spacetimes to higher dimensions
- Extending the Range of the Glassy State: Novel properties and applications exploiting non-crystallinity
- Extending the Range of the Glassy State: novel properties and applications exploiting non-crystallinity
- Extending the Syllogistic
- Extensile-Contractile Phase Separation in Dry and Wet Active Nematic Vertex Models
- Extensile-Contractile Phase Separation in Dry and Wet Active Nematic Vertex Models
- Extension of a suspended soap film: a two-step process
- Extension of Eigenvector-based Acoustic Propagation Methods to Real Aeroengine Duct Geometries
- Extension of Eigenvector-based Acoustic Propagation Methods to Real Aeroengine Duct Geometries
- Extension of Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings' acoustic analogy to turbomachinery cascade noise prediction with swirl
- Extension theorems for differential forms and applications
- Extensional rewriting with sums
- Extensional rheometry of inhomogeneous thickener solutions for coating applications
- Extensions in Jacobian algebras via punctured skein relations
- Extensions of Grothendieck's theorem on principal bundles over the projective line
- Extensions of tempered representations and R-groups
- Exterior algebras and local mirror symmetry
- Exterior Shape Calculus
- Exterior Shape Calculus
- External DLA on a spanning-tree-weighted random planar map
- Externalisation of aminophospholipids in red blood cells from patients with sickle cell disease
- Extinction time for the weaker of two competing SIS epidemics
- Extinction: a natural change?
- Extinctions under environmental noise
- Extra Seminar: Naked Black Hole Firewalls
- Extra Thursday Seminar: Multi-observable thermochemical tomography
- Extra zeroes, conjecture about order of vanishing, signs
- Extra zeroes, conjecture about order of vanishing, signs, Part II
- Extra-illustrating natural history in early modern England
- Extracellular Calcium as a first messenger in the control of Axon and Dendrite Growth
- Extracellular chaperones and their role in the disposal of misfolded proteins from extracellular spaces
- Extracellular Matrix Proteins in CNS remyelination - functional redundancy and clinical relevance.
- Extracellular matrix remodelling by lead chick cranial neural crest cells is a major determinant of robust collective migration
- Extracellular Vesicles as Key Mediators of Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Extracellular vesicles at the cross-line between basic science and clinical translation?
- Extracting a certified OCaml library from Coq.
- Extracting and constraining scalar-only couplings in generic BSM theories
- Extracting and Querying Probabilistic Information in BayesStore
- Extracting cosmological information from current and forthcoming galaxy surveys
- Extracting cosmological information from weak lensing bispectrum
- Extracting Hidden Hierarchies in Complex Spatial Biological and Physical Networks
- Extracting meaning from text
- Extracting more from biotelemetry data: inferring social Interactions and their nature from spatial proximity
- Extracting non-Gaussian information from the Large-Scale Structure
- Extracting policy relevant findings from air pollution monitoring networks
- Extracting Real-Time Quantities from Euclidean Field Theory
- Extracting scattering and resonance properties from the lattice
- Extracting spatiotemporal patterns from data with dynamics-adapted kernels
- Extracting the exotic: global chymical medicine in the seventeenth century
- Extracting the most from collider data with deep learning
- Extracting the Semantic Signature of Malware, Metamorphic Viruses and Worms
- Extracting the Universe from the Wave Function
- Extracting trends and correlations from noisy environmental data
- Extracting Universal Representations of Cognition from fMRI mega-analyses
- Extracting Unknown Keys from Unknown Algorithms Encrypting Unknown Fixed Messages and Returning no Results
- Extraction and classification of cellular and genetic phenotypes from automated microscopy data
- Extraction and classification of cellular and genetic phenotypes from automated microscopy data
- Extragalactic Fast X-ray Transients
- Extraordinary Electromagnetic Wave Properties of Stealthy Hyperuniform Composite Media
- Extraordinary Mechanics in Structures
- Extraordinary phenotypes of hybrids are influenced by epigenetics and small silencing RNAs
- Extraordinary possibilities for concrete structures
- Extrapolating from 50 years of dislocation imaging: Reaching into the core
- Extrapolating turbulence to higher Re
- Extrasolar Storms: Mapping Cloud Cover and Atmospheric Dynamics in Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets
- Extrema counts of 3D density fields as a new test of primordial non-Gaussianity
- Extremal (super-)conformal field theories
- Extremal and local statistics for gradient field models
- Extremal black hole formation as a critical phenomenon
- Extremal chiral ring states in AdS/CFT are described by free fermions
- Extremal Coefficients in the HOMFLY polynomial
- Extremal elements in Lie algebras and 3-transpositions
- Extremal graphs and graph limits
- Extremal Laurent polynomials and Fano manifolds
- Extremal problems for cycles in graphs
- Extremality of Gibbs measure for colorings on trees
- Extreme Ageing
- Extreme change in sulfide concentrations near the Bosporus Inlet (Black Sea) during the Little Ice Age tracked using molybdenum isotopes
- Extreme Classification: A New Paradigm for Ranking & Recommendation
- Extreme conservation - living and working in Antarctica
- Extreme deformation of complex fluid interfaces
- Extreme Environments and Dynamic Morphology: Anticipating and harnessing evolving structure-property relationships
- Extreme Events and How to Live with Them
- Extreme Events in Finance and Geophysics. What Geophysics could teach Central Bankers
- Extreme Events in the Climate System – A statistical physics perspective
- Extreme events, tail statistics, and large deviation theory in fluid flows
- Extreme events: model selection and the value of data
- Extreme Massive Stars
- Extreme Mechanics of Marginal Matter
- Extreme mechanics of soft materials for merging human-machine intelligence
- Extreme morphogenetic canalization of ascidian embryonic development
- Extreme Natural Hazards
- Extreme pattern of genetic diversity in humans
- Extreme Politics
- Extreme rainfall event in December 2021 over Peninsular Malaysia
- Extreme Rowing
- Extreme scaling in turbulence simulations: challenges and opportunities for the research community
- Extreme Science
- Extreme sculpture: Politics and monuments in Germany 1918 -1945
- Extreme sea waves in the coastal zone
- Extreme temperatures in the Antarctic
- Extreme Threats - GL Brown Prize Lecture 2015, The Physiological Society
- Extreme value and sum statistics of a family of correlated variables
- Extreme value theory for randomly perturbed systems: getting the local dimensions
- Extreme values for deterministic and random dynamical systems
- Extreme Weather
- Extreme weather events and water security as emerging challenges for global society: How can we use deep machine learning, topological data analysis and causal time series analysis to study weather phenomena in large climate datasets?
- Extremely Complex Problems in Metallurgy
- Extremely Low Frequency meteor detection
- Extremely metal poor stars in the Galactic bulge
- Extremely metal-poor galaxies: Chemical laboratories of the early universe
- Extremes as indicators of critical transitions
- Extremes in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications
- Extremes of Random Coding Error Exponents
- Extremes of the Universe
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Defects in Colloidal Photonic Crystals
- Extrinsic forces and cell shape changes in gastrulation
- Extrinsic regulation of haematopoietic stem cell self
- Extruding opals and other stories: The Self-assembly of NanoMaterials for Light
- Extrusion of industrial pastes: A health warning
- Eye gaze controlled interface design for automotive, aviation and assistive products
- Eye Gaze Tracking
- Eye get it! What eye-movements can tell us about language processing in autism spectrum disorder
- Eye movements for sampling and calibrating visual information
- Eye tracking and syntactic processing in children with Williams Syndrome
- Eye Tracking with Consumer Hardware
- Eye-Tracking in Virtual Reality
- Eyes of the Ancestor: ‘returning’ photographs to an Indian village
- Eyes on the City: Harnessing Visual AI for Public Space Analysis
- Eyespots and scents on butterfly wings
- E_6 and the arithmetic of some non-hyperelliptic curves
- E_r model structures
- 電車の中の居眠り― 車内空間とジェンダーを考察する ―
- 骊乾人与罗马军团—— 一个遥远的传说 (Liqian, a 2000-Year-Old Puzzle — Lost Roman Legion In Ancient China?)
- 跟著音樂動!身體律動與音樂的關聯 & 重庆“唱读讲传”红色活动中参与者的“创造性顺从”