Talks starting with J
- J M Keynes Fellowship Fund Lectures
- J M Keynes Fellowship Fund Lectures 2019
- J-holomorphic foliations and embeddings of polydisks
- j-invariant and Borcherds Phi-function
- J. G. A. Pocock and the Idea of the 'Cambridge School' in the History of Political Thought
- J. R. Seeley Lecture: I The Politics of the Human
- J. R. Seeley Lecture: II 'The abstract nakedness of being nothing but human'
- J. R. Seeley Lecture: III Dignity and Equality
- J. R. Seeley Lecture: IV Why we are not posthuman
- Jack Szostak: Topic TBA
- Jacob Morgan - Two-dimensional simulations of coarsening wet foams with bubble deformation
- Jacobi Matrices and Central Limit Theorems in Random Matrix Theory
- Jacobi Matrices and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
- Jacqueline Wilson at the Festival of Ideas
- JADES census of broad line AGN and their hosts
- Jaguar Land Rover - Technology Trends and Future Direction
- Jak/Stat regulates dpp transcription in support cells to maintain Drosophila ovarian niche
- JAK2 mutations and myeloproliferative disorders – gain of function, loss of control
- Jake Meyer Mountaineering Talk
- James Bartholomew at Clare Politics
- James Bryce and the concepts of constitution
- James Cuninghame – 'a learned and most industrious promoter of natural philosophy'
- James Meade Lecture
- James Mill on the French Revolution
- James Moore - The top quark legacy of the LHC Run II for PDF and SMEFT analyses
- James Moore - The dark side of the proton
- James Naughtie at Clare Politics
- James Watt (1736-1819): The Power to Change the World
- James Webb Space Telescope Day
- Jamie: "A biomechanical switch regulates the transition towards homeostasis in oesophageal epithelium" Ben: "Integrating pattern formation and cell movements in our understanding of morphogenesis"
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: Lunch
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: Wine Reception: Isaac Newton Institute
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: A survey of the work of Jan Saxl
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: Exceptional Polynomials and Generation by Conjugates
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: Fifty years around Jan: Some history and some mathematics
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: On a result of Rodgers and Saxl
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: Representations and tensor product growth
- Jan Saxl Memorial Day: The pleasure of working with Jan Saxl
- Jan Swammerdam's visions of nature
- Jan Vermeer's images of scientists and Pascal's "esprit de finesse": art, philosophy and science in the Dutch Golden Age
- Jan Wagner Bilingual Poetry Reading
- Jane Dobson – Teaching Guide
- Jane Heffernan - York University Toronto
- Jane Squire's early modern adventures: 'I see not why I should confine myself to needles, cards, and dice'
- Jane Squire, the lone woman of the longitude: gender and religion in early modern science
- Jane Street careers presentation
- Jane Street: OCaml and Python; Getting the Best of Both Worlds
- Jane Street: One Log to Rule Them All - How to Keep State Straight in Distributed System
- Jane Street: One log to rule them all – How to keep state straight in distributed systems
- Jane Street: Why Ocaml?
- Janis-Newman generation technique
- Japan and its Arctic identity: Forming a narrative about the region
- Japan and the Politics of the Nobel Prize
- Japan Railway East - London Office
- Japanese Corporate Governance Reform: Reinvigorating Corporate Japan?
- Japanese Language Education and the Impact of Testing
- Japanese Language Model
- Japanese Society New Year Party
- Japanese two year olds use morphosyntax to learn verb meanings
- JARIC - The Eyes that guide the Talons
- Jaroslav and the Taste for Folkloric Performances in Socialist Mongolia: an Ideal–Type Inspired from Fictional Literature
- Jasiek Mela: Polish Explorer and Philanthropist
- Jasiek Mela: Polish Explorer and Philanthropist
- Jasmonates from top to bottom – functions in development and biotic interactions of plants
- JASP: Bayesian hypothesis testing without tears
- Java
- Java
- Java
- Java
- Java
- Java - an introduction
- Java: an introduction to the language
- Jaws 5: The Beginning
- Jökulhlaup impact on sub- and englacial environments: examples from southern Iceland
- Jörn Coers, Title: IFN-inducible GTPases as regulators of the non-canonical inflammasome and Eva Frickel Title: GBP1 as a gatekeeper of host cell death
- JBS Haldane on the role of disease in evolution (1949): sickle cell anaemia, ecology, evolutionary medicine, and feeding the world
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS Presentations
- JCTS tlks
- Jean André Peyssonnel and the coral island
- Jean Bodin, oeconomics and politics
- Jeanne Masoero: Idea into Object- Artist's Talk
- Jeffrey Sachs: Brexit, Trump and the Future of the World Economy followed by open-discussion.
- Jennifer Lee: A personal selection
- Jenny Bangham: “Blood, race and transfusion: Fisher’s work with the wartime Galton Serum Unit”
- Jens Winkelmann - Columnar Structures of Spheres - Fundamentals and Applications
- Jeremy Wulff: Universal Polymer Crosslinkers: Synthesis, Structure–Function Relationships, and Applications in Materials Science
- Jerrold Levinson on 'Ain't that a Shame: Shame in General, and Shame in Music'.
- Jerusalem and the Cotswolds: the British discovery of the Holy City
- Jespersen’s Cycle in German from the phonological perspective of syllable and word languages
- Jesuits and Eunuchs in Late Ming China
- Jesus and Muhammad in Islam
- Jesus College's Media Society Presents: Terence Davies
- Jesus in the Eyes of Four Billion – Lord ROWAN WILLIAMS and Paul Williams
- Jesus in your heart: Why personal relationships with God can increase both cardiovascular health and coalitional aggression
- Jesus Loves Evolution: Perspectives on Science/Religion Compatibility
- Jesus, Darwin and Ashley Montagu
- Jet definitions and data
- Jet dynamics in topographically-forced shallow-water planetary atmospheres
- Jet Flow in a Rotating Fluid
- Jet formation and transport in baroclinic turbulence with simple topography
- Jet formation in decaying two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere
- Jet Noise and its Reduction
- Jet noise from first principles
- Jet noise from first principles
- Jet noise modelling
- Jet noise modelling
- Jet Origins and Structure for New Physics Searches with ATLAS
- Jet Production at High Energy Colliders
- Jet Propulsion: Advancing the performance and understanding of hadronic objects in ATLAS for Run 3
- Jet quenching in the light of perturbative QCD
- Jet Regimes and the Predictability of Euro-Atlantic Weather
- Jet substructure and top-taggers for highly boosted tops
- Jet Vetoes and Azimuthal Decorrelation at ATLAS
- Jet-edge interaction tones
- Jet-ISM Interactions in Radio Quiet AGN
- Jets and molecular outflows: cause and effect?
- Jets and plumes in Earth system: how they ascend
- Jets and turbulence in Jupiter's weather layer
- Jets for the LHC and beyond
- Jets, vortices and eddy fluxes in baroclinic turbulence
- Jewellers, travellers and the classification of gems, c. 1600–1800
- Jewish Education in England: A Nineteenth-Century Perspective
- Jewish Financiers in the City of London: Reality and Rhetoric, 1830 – 1914
- Jewish Life in Poland Today
- Jewish Memory in Contemporary Poland
- Jewish-Christian Relations
- Jews in Viennese low-brow culture
- Jihad: Meaning and Misappropriation of a Quranic Concept
- Jill Lepore: The Rise and Fall of the Fact
- JNK signalling in stem cells and cancer
- Jo Cox Lecture Series: Save the Children
- Jo Evans title and abstract tba
- Jo Evans title and abstract tba
- Jo Evans title and abstract tba
- Jo Whitehead on Why Good People Do Dumb Things
- Joachim Wtewael and the human body
- Job interviews
- Jockeying for position: defining Streptococcus equi gene essentiality in the horse
- Joe Keller and the Courant Institute 1970-71: Beginning a Mathematical Journey
- Joe Spencer Memorial Lectures
- Johann Lafer: 'Von Koch zur Marke'
- John A. Thompson: Why Did the United States Assume a Global Role?
- John Adams and the Abbé de Mably in the Shadow of Revolution
- John Aston: “Fisher in the age of data science”
- John Aubrey, My Own Life, an experiment in biography
- John Bell and the nature of Reality
- John Bird on Social Entrepreneurs
- John Brande Trend: The Life of a Scholar Gypsy
- John Caius: history as argument
- John Clare: The Nature of Writing
- John Davey and Denise Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
- John Donne's Metaphysical Portrait
- John Donne's Metaphysical Portrait
- John Graunt and the health of children in mid-17th-century London
- John Harrison: After 50 Trips to Antarctica
- John Ioannidis visits
- John Kendrew Lecture - Harnessing actin dynamics for endocytic trafficking events
- John Kendrew Lecture 2012: Harnessing actin dynamics for endocytic trafficking events
- John Kendrew Lecture 2013: Noncoding RNAs: with a viral twist
- John Kendrew Lecture 2014: Birth and Future of Multi-Scale Modeling of Macromolecules
- John Kendrew Lecture 2025: Title TBC
- John Locke and Slavery
- John Locke and the third Earl of Shaftesbury: the Disintegration of a Friendship
- John Locke in liberal memory
- John Milton as a Theorist of Liberty
- John Milton as a Theorist of Liberty
- John Piper: His Place in British Art and in Cambridge
- John Ray and Francis Willughby herborising around the lighthouse in Genoa in March 1664
- John Rentoul: Reconsidering the Blair Governments
- John Skilling's "The Calculus of Rational Inference"
- John Smart Senior’s miniature self-portrait on loan to the Fitzwilliam Museum
- John Stuart Mill on Universal History
- John Stuart Mill, Imperial Rule, and Freedom of Speech
- John von Neumann, Alan Turing and the origins of cellular automata
- John Wallis Workshop
- Join i-Teams for the Easter Term - Apply by March 4th
- Join i-Teams for the Lent Term - Apply by December 1st
- Join i-Teams for the Michaelmas Term 2011 – Apply by 24th September
- Join i-Teams for the Michaelmas Term – Apply by 23 September
- Joinads: a retargetable control-flow construct for reactive, parallel and concurrent programming
- Joined Up Thinking
- Joining the hemispheres: A potter's response to the Korean Full Moon Jar in the British Museum
- Joinings of higher rank diagonalizable actions
- Joint A* Syntactic and Semantic Parsing for CCG
- Joint action: Bodies and Minds Acting Together
- Joint Algorithm/Architecture Design of Communication Systems
- Joint and Individual Variation Explained (JIVE)
- Joint CSER/CEENRG webinar with Dr Luca Mavelli
- Joint determinants of prefrontal ageing: Selective frontal grey and white matter differentially mediate age-related changes in fluid intelligence and multitasking
- Joint distribution of spins and applications
- Joint EBI/ Cambridge University Research Symposium
- Joint Gaussian Process-Density Mixtures
- Joint Hypermobility: insights from bench to bedside
- Joint IET/I Mech E - beers and careers event
- Joint imaging and calibration using non-convex optimization
- Joint IMechE /IET event - Building Britain's Most Powerful Steam Locomotive.
- Joint imputation and estimation of haplotype transition probabilities
- Joint LDPC Decoding and Timing Recovery Using Code Constraint Feedback
- Joint Lecture with Dynamics of Suspensions, Gels, Cells and Tissues (CFMW01)
- Joint Lecture with Dynamics of Suspensions, Gels, Cells and Tissues (CFMW01)
- Joint modelling of competing risks of drug withdrawal and quality of life in epilepsy trials.
- Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction for Dynamic X-ray Tomography
- Joint optimization of preventive maintenance plan, production schedule and quality control policy in a discrete manufacturing plant
- Joint OWASP Cambridge Chapter& KPMG LLP – Security Seminar
- Joint Reconstruction-Segmentation with Graph PDEs
- Joint Research Centre: Science and Policy - the view from inside the European Commission
- Joint Russgrad/GGRS seminar on Königsberg / Kaliningrad
- Joint screening: Réponse de Femmes (Agnès Varda) and Quand les femmes s’en mêlent (Paule Zajdermann)
- Joint Source-Channel Coding with Fading Channel and Side Information
- Joint spectral radius and joint spectrum
- Joint talks on technology for mental health interventions
- Joint Volume Reconstruction and Orientation Estimation in Cryo-EM Imaging
- JOINT WITH NETWORKS (OR) SEMINAR SERIES:A Survey of Results for Deletion Channels and Related Synchronization Channels
- Joint Workshop on Image Processing in Medicine
- Joint-sparse recovery for high-dimensional parametric PDEs
- Joint-sparse recovery for high-dimensional parametric PDEs
- Joint-talk by the Ambassador of Syria and Director of CAABU
- Jointly Learning Syntax and Semantics
- Jointly optimal design of Phase II and Phase III clinical trials: an over-arching approach
- Joking relationships in West Africa (Senegal): from scientific canonisation to political instrumentalisations
- Jon Elster's Sour Grapes
- Jonah Peter: Building the Molecules of Life on Ocean Worlds
- Jonathan Bell: Rethinking the "Straight State": Welfare Politics, Health Care, and Public Policy in the Shadow of AIDS
- Jonathan Derbyshire: "Varieties of secularism: Religion and the public sphere"
- Jonathan Hermann - The impact of top-quark modelling on the exclusion limits in tt+DM searches at the LHC
- Jonathan Jiang on Climate and Exoplanets
- Jonathan Selinger - Title TBC
- Jones-Temperley-Lieb Algebras from the viewpoint of noncommutative probability
- Jordan decomposition for the Alperin-McKay conjecture
- Jordan property for diffeomorphism groups
- Jordan's theorem on finite linear groups and its approximate Analogues
- Joseph Banks, Georg Forster and the Publication of Nature in the Age of Revolutions
- Joseph Banks: science, culture and the remaking of the Indo-Pacific world
- Joseph Joseph, by Richard Joseph
- Joseph Rotblat: physics, the Bomb and some consequences
- Joss Garman from Plane Stupid: Why the green movement is taking to the streets
- Journal Club
- Journal Club
- Journal Club "Searching for memories, Sudoku, implicit check-bits, and the iterative use of not-always-correct rapid neural computation"
- Journal Club - Bridging Matching, Regression, and Weighting as Math Programs for Causal Inference
- Journal Club - Interventional Causal Representation Learning
- Journal Club Talk | The Particle Swarm - Explosion, Stability, and Convergence
- Journal Club: "A Bayesian Analysis of Projective Incidence"
- Journal Club: "Clustering appearance and shape by learning jigsaws"
- Journal Club: "Document language models, query models, and risk minimization for information retrieval"
- Journal Club: "Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks"
- Journal Club: A Neural Probabilistic Language Model
- Journal Club: Dirty paper coding and applications
- Journal Club: Human-specific loss of regulatory DNA and the evolution of human-specific traits
- Journal club: Incorporating Electronic Information into Machine Learning Potential Energy Surfaces via Approaching the Ground-State Electronic Energy as a Function of Atom-Based Electronic Populations
- Journal club: Measurement integration under inconsistency for robust tracking
- JOURNAL CLUB: microRNAs reveal the interrelationships of hagfish, lampreys, and gnathostomes and the nature of the ancestral vertebrate
- Journal Club: Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels
- Journal Club: Molecular Evolution of a Y Chromosome to Autosome Gene Duplication in Drosophila
- Journal Club: Separable Effects for Competing Events
- Journal Club: The Dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
- Journal club: Uncertainty Quantification Using Neural Networks for Molecular Property Prediction
- Journal Club: Y-Chromosomal Variation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights Into the History of Niger-Congo Groups. Mol Biol Evol 28(3): 1255-1269
- Journalism and News Media (6-7 February 2020)
- Journals: Publishing your Research Effectively (for PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Journey of Droplet through various spatio-temporal scales
- Journey of Droplet through various spatio-temporal scales
- Journey to Islam: Reverts Panel
- Journey to Islam: Reverts Panel
- Journey to the centre of the earthquake (Sedgwick Club Conference)
- Journey to the Centre of the earthquake: how does damage affect earthquake source properties?
- Journey to the Centre of Translation: In Situ Visualisation and Characterisation of Compartmentalised Protein Synthesis in Cells and Tissues
- Journeys into mechanisms of airways inflammation
- Joy of Meditation- Day Retreat
- Joys and Trials in Multiscale Simulations using Particles
- JP Morgan Technology Showcase
- JPMorgan Technology Showcase
- JSC September Meeting
- JSI - JVM SecDb Integration
- JSJ decompositions
- JSJ decompositions of groups
- Judaeo-Masonic-Bolshevik Conspiracy in Spain 1931-36
- Judaism, Christianity, and the problem of categories
- Judge Business School Health and Biotech Special Interest Group Dinner
- Judging Nudging: Can Nudging Improve Population Health?
- Judicious partitions of hypergraphs
- Judith Butler: Understanding Society
- Judy Chicago and the Vision of Love in the Song of Songs
- Judy Chicago: Voices from the Song of Songs
- Jugaad Innovation: A Frugal, Flexible and Inclusive Way to Grow
- Jugaad Innovation: the implications for South Asia
- Juggling School-Research partnerships: funding, methodologies, accountability and impact.
- Juggling with IPTV… or A GMPLS infrastructure for a better multicast IPTV network
- Jules Macome on Philosophy of Origins of Life Research
- Julia Guarneri Book Launch: Newsprint Metropolis: City Papers and the Making of Modern Americans
- Julia Hornle and Findlay Stark: Internet Jurisdiction, Extraterritoriality and Law Enforcement: Unclaimed Territories in the Cloud - where are the Limits to Internet Jurisdiction?
- Julia Muenzener: Viral subversion of host cell membrane trafficking
- Julia: A Fast Dynamic Language for Technical Computing
- Julia: Introduction and new developments
- Julian Huppert: A Trinity Life in Science and Politics
- Julian Huxley’s Reproductive Futures
- Julien Salort - Local investigation of turbulent thermal flows
- Julius Bissier
- Jump Telegraph Processes and a Volatility Smile
- Jumping of the nef cone for Fano varieties
- Jumping to Delusions - how the brain takes dangerous shortcuts
- Jumping Twistor Spaces, and folded hyper-Kahler manifolds.
- Jumping without slipping: spiders need sticky feet for take-off
- Jumps, twists & reflections in integrable field theories
- Junctional Remodelling in Vascular Morphogenesis
- JUNE - an individual based model
- Jung – A traumatised man
- Jungius and Leibniz on textiles and texture in the 17th century
- Jungles, genomes and butterflies: exploring the evolution, behaviour, ecology and wing patterns of tropical butterflies
- Junior Clinical Training Scholar Presentations
- Junior Clinical Training Scholar talks
- Junior Clinical Training Scholar talks
- Junior Clinical Training Scholar talks
- Junior Clinical Training Scholars Presentations
- Juniper Seminar Series - Household transmission models of COVID-19 from community data over time in England
- Juntas, stability and isoperimetric inequalities in the symmetric group
- Jupiter and its Climatic Cycles
- Jupiter and JUNO
- Jupiter's unearthly jets: a new idealised model
- Just a little out of the ordinary
- Just As Quare As You Wanna Be: On Afrofuturism as Cultural Aesthetic and Method for Liberating Black Bodies
- Just As Quare As You Wanna Be: On Afrofuturism as Cultural Aesthetic and Method for Liberating Black Bodies
- Just because you’re small doesn’t mean biodiversity isn’t important! – Importance of phytoplankton diversity for the global carbon cycle
- Just energy transition and sustainable development goals
- Just how closely should textbooks link to public examinations?
- Just how do the poor chickens survive all those pathogens?
- Just How Does One Make Formula One More Exciting?
- Just How Does One Make Formula One More Exciting?
- Just How Does One Make Formula One More Exciting?
- Just how unique are humans anyway?
- Just listen they're scared: The application of hostage negotiation in everyday life.
- Just print me another computer, will you? - The world of plastic electronics
- Justice and automated match officiating
- Justice as Lived Experience
- Justice Without Ethics
- Justice, Order and Anarchy: The International Political Theory of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
- Justifying inequality: peasants in medieval ideology
- Justifying Republican Freedom: On a Difference Between Pettit and Skinner
- Justinian and the Imperial Office
- JWST - an unexpected wait to peer at primeval galaxies
- JWST and MOONS: the future of multi-object NIR spectroscopy
- JWST reveals galaxy mergers driving Lyman-alpha emission at z >7
- JWST view of star formation in local galaxies