University of Cambridge > > Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group > Towards extracting high strain rate constitutive relations using impact nanoindentation and finite elements

Towards extracting high strain rate constitutive relations using impact nanoindentation and finite elements

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A procedure is described for determining high strain rate constitutive relations using impact nanoindentation and finite elements. The proposed methodolgy involves a series of iterative finite element computations to find best-fit parameters for measured indentation data (including load- and time- displacement curves and measured residual indent shapes). There is a particular emphasis on the sensitivity of the predictions to various constitutive relations, while the effects of friction, anisotropy and boundary conditions are discussed. The suitability of this approach (i.e. the developed procedures and algorithms) are highlighted here using copper test specimens.

This talk is part of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group series.

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