University of Cambridge > > British Antarctic Survey > The ecology of a melting glacier: biotic feedbacks upon surface melt rates and biogeochemical significance.

The ecology of a melting glacier: biotic feedbacks upon surface melt rates and biogeochemical significance.

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Glacial and ice sheet surfaces support microbial foodwebs that are far more active than hitherto realised. Here I will describe these foodwebs and how their activity impacts upon biogeochemical conditions and the melt rate of the ice surface. Particular attention will be given to Svalbard and Greenland, because contrasting glacier mass balance conditions here enable us to consider how these ecosystems might switch from net sources to net sinks of atmospheric CO2 . Finally, the coupling of supraglacial ecosystems with their neighbouring marine and terrestrial counterparts will be explored.

This talk is part of the British Antarctic Survey series.

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