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Tensor Network Techniques and systems out of equilibrium

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QIMW01 - Quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium

Co-authors: mari carmen banuls (MPQ), matt Hastings (Microsoft), Hyungwon Kim (Rutgers), David Huse (Princeton), Nicola Pancotti (MPQ)

Tensor networks can efficiently describe many-body quantum systems with local interactions in thermal equilibrium. Howevever, as a consequence of the violation of the area law, they cannot describe their dynamics, in general. Still, they may provide useful information about several physical aspects of many-body systems out of equilibrium. In this talk I will mention few of the applications of tensor networks realted to that problem: the computation of quasi-constants of motion, and the characterization of many-body localized states.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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