Talks starting with M
- M-branes and loop spaces
- M-branes and String structures
- M-estimation strategies for the ranking problem
- M-estimation, noisy optimization and user-level local privacy
- M-theory compactifications on exceptional holonomy manifolds
- M-theory dualities and generalised geometry
- M-theory implications for phenomenology, including Higgs physics and superpartners
- M. Phil Presentations II. Financial and Business History
- M.Phil Presentations I. Economics, Politics and Policy
- M101-OT: a massive stellar merger in the Pinwheel Galaxy
- m1A modification of nuclear- and mitochondria-encoded mRNA: Rare, dynamic and potent
- M2/M5 systems and 5d SYM
- M5 branes and 2d (0,2) theories
- M5-branes
- M52 – Britain’s wartime supersonic project
- M87 and its globular cluster system
- Macaronesian memories: the succulents of the Canary Isles, Madeira, and Morocco
- Machian Dynamics: The End of Time?
- Machiavelli confronts 21st century digital technology
- Machine Arguing: From Data and Rules to Argumentation Frameworks
- Machine Arguing: From Data and Rules to Argumentation Frameworks
- Machine learned force fields and potential energy surfaces
- Machine Learned Priors for Nonsmooth Conductivities in D-bar Reconstructions of 2D EIT Data
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning - the future of particle physics?
- Machine Learning - the future of particle physics?
- Machine learning an interatomic potential without (much) human effort
- Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence Techniques for Biomedical Image Analysis
- Machine Learning and Finite Elements
- Machine learning and formal verification in mathematics
- Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence – MPhil Student Presentations
- Machine Learning and Order Book Dynamics
- Machine Learning and String theory
- Machine Learning and the Future of Drug Discovery
- Machine learning and the University
- Machine learning and theorem proving
- Machine Learning and Weather Forecasting, a Marriage of Pragmatism?
- Machine learning application to ground based exoplanet surveys
- Machine Learning Applications / Challenges in Natural Language Parsing
- Machine learning applications in genetic regulation and cancer
- Machine Learning Approaches for Deformable Image Registration
- Machine Learning Approaches to Assessing Future Flood & Storm Risk
- Machine Learning Approaches to Assessing Future Flood Risk
- Machine learning approximations in finite volume methods
- Machine learning as an assay for high-dimensional biology
- Machine learning assisted accurate potential energy surfaces generation
- Machine learning assisted evidence synthesis to support evidence-based policy on climate change
- Machine Learning at the Extreme Edge - an Open Platform Approach
- Machine learning at the Met Office
- Machine learning based approaches for decision & control under uncertainties (in electric power systems)
- Machine learning clustering technique applied to X-ray diffraction patterns to distinguish alloy substitutions
- Machine Learning Course (4F13)
- Machine Learning Course (4F13)
- Machine Learning demystified: ask the right questions
- Machine learning detects terminal singularities
- Machine Learning enhanced Bayesian Workflows for Galaxies
- Machine Learning for Accelerated MR Image Reconstruction
- Machine learning for auditory neuroscience
- Machine Learning for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation
- Machine Learning for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation
- Machine learning for evaluating the drivers of variability in Arctic sea-ice motion
- Machine learning for genetics and health: key challenges and an ongoing search for solutions.
- Machine Learning for high-energy physics and the Higgs ML challenge
- Machine Learning for Interactive Theorem Proving: Revisit, Reuse and Recycle your Proofs
- Machine Learning for medical Image Analysis
- Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis
- Machine Learning for medical Image Analysis
- Machine learning for medicine: Predicting, pre-empting and treating disease
- Machine learning for medicine: Predicting, pre-empting and treating disease
- Machine learning for molecular design of plasmonic nanosystems
- Machine Learning for Molecular Spectra and Solvent Effects
- Machine learning for nanoporous materials design
- Machine learning for network inference
- Machine learning for predictive condensed-phase quantum chemistry: clusters, ice and liquid water
- Machine Learning for Predictive Prognostic Trajectories in Dementia
- Machine Learning for Predictive Prognostic Trajectories in Dementia
- Machine Learning for Quantitative Finance: A collaboration between the Cambridge Machine Learning Group and Cambridge Capital Management
- Machine Learning for Quantum Computing
- Machine Learning for Radio Frequency Applications
- Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with Examples in Fluid Mechanics
- Machine Learning for Sounds
- Machine Learning for Stochastic Parametrisation
- Machine learning for Stringy theory: Calabi--Yau & G_2 manifolds
- Machine Learning for the benefit of Engineering
- Machine Learning for the dynamical systems approach to turbulence
- Machine Learning for the Materials World
- Machine Learning for the Sciences: Towards Understanding
- Machine Learning for Uncertainty Quantification in Earth-System Modelling
- Machine Learning for Weather Prediction
- Machine Learning for WLAN Positioning
- Machine Learning Force Field for Organic Liquids: EC/EMC Binary Solvent
- Machine Learning Here and Now
- Machine Learning in Academia vs. Industry: Tech-to-problem fit on 3 example projects
- Machine Learning in an Exchange Environment
- Machine Learning in Chemical Reaction Space
- Machine Learning in Climate Action
- Machine Learning in context of Computer Security
- Machine Learning in Healthcare
- Machine learning in healthcare: Interpretability, explainability and trustworthiness
- Machine Learning in Healthcare: New role not eye roll
- Machine learning in materials design, oil exploration, and beyond
- Machine Learning in Radiology
- Machine Learning in Speech Recognition
- Machine Learning in Structural Dynamics
- Machine Learning Industry & Academic Perspectives
- Machine Learning Integrability in 1D and 2D Models of Gravity
- Machine Learning Journal Club: "Assessing Approximations for Gaussian Process Classification"
- Machine Learning Journal Club: "Dependent Gaussian Processes"
- Machine Learning Journal Club: "Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning"
- Machine Learning Journal Club: "Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning"
- Machine Learning Journal Club: "Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning"
- Machine Learning Journal Club: "Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs"
- Machine Learning Journal Club: Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning Chapter VIII
- Machine Learning Markets
- Machine Learning Meetup
- Machine learning methods for heterogeneous catalysis
- Machine Learning Methods for Monaural Sound Source Separation
- Machine Learning Methods for the Detection and Prediction of Transmembrane Beta-Barrel Proteins in Prokariotes
- Machine learning methods for the study of animal groups on the move
- Machine Learning Methods for Uncovering cis-Regulatory Modules
- Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks
- Machine learning potentials always extrapolate, it does not matter
- Machine learning potentials for molecular liquids
- Machine Learning RCC - Bayesian Agglomerative Clustering with Coalescents, Teh, Daumé and Roy, NIPS 2007
- Machine Learning Reading Group in Engineering Department
- Machine Learning Sasakian and G2 Topology on Contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds
- Machine Learning Solutions to the Yang Baxter Equation
- Machine Learning Systems Design
- Machine Learning Techniques for 3D Registration with Images
- Machine Learning techniques in computer vision applications
- Machine learning the proton structure
- Machine learning tools for large tomographic inverse problems with limited training data
- Machine learning with biomedical ontologies: applications in precision health
- Machine learning workshop
- Machine learning, social learning and self-driving cars
- Machine Learning-based prediction Methods
- Machine learning: applications to cancer
- Machine learning: applications to cancer
- Machine learning: applications to cancer
- Machine Learning: What Is It, and What Is It Good For?
- Machine like functions at the molecular level
- Machine Theory of Mind
- Machine Translation with LSTMs
- Machine-learning building-block-flow model for large-eddy simulation
- Machine-learning interatomic potentials as computational technology
- Machine-learning quantum gravity : a generative discrete geometry and neural polytopes
- Machine-learning Sasakian and G2 topology on contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds
- Machine-learning-driven advances in modelling amorphous solids
- Machine-learning-enabled discovery of extreme chemistry
- Machinery for making coated vesicles
- Machines and Markets: The Island Matching Engine and the Inversion of Finance
- Machines Learning Human Minds
- Machines made out of words: Inaugural lecture with Professor John Gardner
- Machines that can read lips
- Machines that see
- Machines that See, Powered by Probability
- Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture 2017
- Mackey functors in equivariant homotopy theory
- Maclaurin Spheroids: Does Rapid Rotation of a Star Change Its Tidal Response?
- Macro Risks and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
- Macroalgae Cultivation for Ocean CDR: An Idealized Numerical Study
- Macrocyclized extended peptides: Inhibiting the substrate-recognition domain of tankyrase
- Macroecology of the oceans
- Macromolecular Engineering by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
- Macromolecular interactions that control chromosome stability and cancer predisposition
- Macromolecular Self-Assembly through Cucurbit[8]uril Ternary Complexes
- Macromolecular trafficking pathways in trypanosomes: Roles in virulence, drug sensitivity and evolutionary insights
- Macrophage lectins and the antifungal response
- Macrophage migration and chemotaxis in Drosophila embryos
- Macrophage migration and death pathways in TB pathogenesis
- Macrophage migration and death pathways in TB pathogenesis
- Macrophage regulation of tumor responses to anticancer therapies
- Macrophage-derived extracellular succinate licenses neural stem cells to suppress chronic neuroinflammation
- Macrophages in many guises in atherosclerosis progression and regression
- Macrophages Into Tumor Hypoxic Areas: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
- Macrophages, type 2 immunity and tissue repair: Learning from helminths
- Macros in Clojure
- Macroscopic behaviour in a two-species exclusion process via the method of matched asymptotics
- Macroscopic bundles of vortex rings in superfluid helium
- Macroscopic Fluctuations in Interacting Particle Systems
- Macroscopic limit of nonequilibrium stochastic (thermo)dynamics
- Macroscopic limits and decay to equilibrium for kinetic equations with relaxation collision kernels and mass conservation
- Macroscopic loops in the loop O(n) model
- Macroscopic Materials Assembled from Nanoparticle Superlattices
- Macroscopic model of droplet collisions in a gaseous medium
- Macroscopic Self-Assembly and Self-Healing through Molecular Recognition
- Macroscopic theory for head-on binary droplet collisions in a gaseous medium
- Macroscopic Thermalization for Highly Degenerate Hamiltonians
- Mad dogs and Englishmen
- Mad women and mad-doctors
- Madagascan vegetation: an introduction to its richness
- Madagascar
- Madagascar - land of lemurs
- Madagascar Revisited
- Made in the shade: light signals, phytochromes and plant development
- Madingley Lecture: Brexit, animal health, welfare, superbugs and superfarms
- Madonnas & Miracles: The inside story
- Magdalene College Investec Lecture in Business
- Magdalene Festival of Change
- Magdalene Festival of Change
- Magdalene Festival of Change
- Magdalene Festival of Change
- Magdalene Festival of Change
- Magellan looks at Venus
- Magic and the History of Science
- Magic bullets
- Magic mirrors and magic windows
- Magic Squares
- Magic Squares
- Magic-State Distillation in All Prime Dimensions Using Quantum Reed-Muller Codes
- MagicSolver - App discovery software
- MAGIS-100: Large Baseline Atom Interferometery Systematics and their Mitigation
- Magma as Soft Matter
- Magma chamber processes during crystallization of mafic layered intrusions
- Magma chamber processes in ferrobasaltic layered intrusions
- Magma cracking through the lithosphere
- Magma generation and extraction beneath mid-ocean ridges and oceanic hotspots
- Magma intrusive rates and the growth of melt reservoirs and magma chambers
- Magma mixing in channels and chambers under Iceland: Observations in dire need of models
- Magma ocean Influence on early atmosphere composition and mass
- Magma overpressure and its importance for eruption triggering and explosivity
- Magma storage, eruption and outgassing during volcanic eruptions - from space
- Magma transport, storage and eruption at Kilauea Volcano
- Magmatic flare ups along continental margin arcs: evidence from the Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia
- Magmatic Mushes and the Behaviour of Volatiles at Skuggafjoll in the Eastern Volcanic Zone of Iceland
- Magmatic processes and parental melt compositions of kimberlites: the Majuagaa kimberlite (southern Western Greenland)
- Magmatism and Dynamic Topography in America and Brazil
- Magmatism and Dynamic Topography Of Libya
- Magmatism and volcanism on Io: Understanding the interiors of lava-worlds
- Magmatism Significantly Alters the Thermal Structure of Subduction Zones
- MAGNATM, a novel single molecule platform to analyze genetic variation and epigenetic modifications on native RNA and DNA molecules
- Magnesium alloys microstructures: coupling experiments and simulations
- Magnetars life cycle: birth, evolution and death
- Magnetars, the most extreme neutron stars. Multiwavelenght emissions
- Magnetic activity in protoplanetary discs
- Magnetic bags and black holes
- Magnetic braids, Hamiltonian action and selective decay
- Magnetic buoyancy instabilities in the solar tachocline
- Magnetic defects in Yang-Mills theories
- Magnetic effects in core collapse supernovae
- Magnetic field amplification in protoneutron stars
- Magnetic Field Based Finite Element Method for Liquid Metal Batteries Modeling with Discontinuous Electric Potential Distributions
- Magnetic field switchbacks and velocity spikes in the near-Sun solar wind: Parker Solar Probe first results and links to possible Solar sources
- Magnetic field topology and electric current formation in plasma
- Magnetic field-induced anisotropy in specific heat and transport properties of unconventional superconductors.
- Magnetic fields and the Galactic star formation rate
- Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe -- Chiral Effects and Topology
- Magnetic fields measured by asteroseismolgy in the cores of red giant stars
- Magnetic frustration and ferroelectricity
- Magnetic Helicity
- Magnetic low temperature cooling
- Magnetic low temperature cooling
- Magnetic Materials in Medicine: Applications in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment of Disease
- Magnetic Materials: Where are the limits?
- Magnetic microscopy of meteorites: probing the magnetic state of the early solar system
- Magnetic Monopoles
- Magnetic monopoles in spin ice
- Magnetic monopoles in spin ice
- Magnetic nanoparticle antibody conjugates of cancer therapy
- Magnetic oscillations in holographic liquids
- Magnetic Perspective on the Interior of Saturn (Invited speaker)
- Magnetic relaxation, current sheets, and structure formation in an extremely tenuous fluid medium
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fluid Flows: Current Capabilities and Emerging Opportunities
- Magnetic resonance in physics and engineering: Dynamics of solids and fluids
- Magnetic resonance microscopy
- Magnetic Resonance on Two Scales for Research into Cell Cycle and Stroke
- Magnetic resonance studies of catalysts and catalytic processes
- Magnetic Rossby waves in the Earth's core
- Magnetic Skyrmions at critical coupling
- Magnetic skyrmions in spherical thin films
- Magnetic skyrmions in spherical thin films
- Magnetic Targeting of Nanoparticle Labelled Gene Therapy Vectors
- Magnetic van der Waals Materials: Potentials and Applications
- Magnetic versus dielectric pairing in cuprate superconductors
- Magnetic vortex rings
- Magnetic wells in dimension two and three
- Magnetic-field Induced Pair Density Wave State in the Cuprate Vortex Halo
- Magnetised clouds in the Galactic corona: Fuel for future star formation?
- Magnetised shearing box simulations with temperature-dependent resistivity.
- Magnetism of solar-like and intermediate-mass stars: numerical experiments
- Magnetism under Pressure with Synchrotron Radiation
- Magnetism Under Pressure: Using Diamonds to Study Quantum Matter
- Magnetized fingering convection
- Magneto-Inductive Sensors - and How to See Small Magnetic Fields
- Magneto-optic tweezers and their application in soft mater research
- Magneto-optical detection of the orbital Hall effect in a light metal Ti
- Magneto-optical probes shed light on the unconventional transport and magnetism of Eu – based semi-metals
- Magneto-Optics And Plasmonics Of Graphene On SiC
- Magneto-Optics of Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Nano-Particles in Nematics
- Magneto-transport through graphene nanoribbons : numerical simulations
- Magnetohydrodynamic shallow-water turbulence on the sphere
- Magnetorheological elastomers: from micro-deformation mechanisms to macroscopic instabilities and applications
- Magnetorotational instability-driven dynamos at low magnetic Prandtl numbers
- Magnetospheric accretion flows in X-ray pulsars
- Magnetospheric Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets
- Magnetotelluric studies on volcanic islands: an example from the Azores islands
- Magnetotransport of pyrochlore spin ice Sm2Ir2O7 across the pressure-induced quantum-critical phase boundary
- Magnetricity and Magnetic Monopoles
- Magnificent and Beggar Land: Angola Since the Civil War
- Magnificent and Beggar Land: Angola since the Civil War
- Magnificent pas de deux: Spindle orientation in yeast - ACT I
- Magnificent pas de deux: spindle orientation in yeast - ACT I
- Magnitude homology
- Magnonic Opportunities for Novel Computing Hardware and Software Architectures
- Magnus and Fer Expansions in the numerical solution of Sturm--Liouville Problems: a new approach via 'streamers'
- Mahatma Gandhi's Political Thought
- Mahler Measure and Weber's Class Number Problem
- Mahler volumes and normalised volumes of singularities
- Mahler volumes and normalised volumes of singularities
- Mail Models: Knowledge Practices and Postal Standardisation in Nineteenth-Century India
- Main conjectures in Iwasawa theory
- Main poster session with finger buffet and refreshments
- Maintaining and enhancing marital quality: preliminary findings of an examination of the mechanisms by which marriages become more or less satisfactory over the first four years
- Maintaining diversity while maximising affinity - IL-21 and the balancing act of B cell selection
- Maintaining oneself in early modern England
- Maintenance Optimisation
- Maintenance optimisation of complex engineering assets
- Maintenance Optimization for Complex Assets
- Maize acclimation to changing light quality
- Major glial changes in the human aging brain: from RNA to cells
- Major macro-socioeconomic driving forces of China’s mortality decline in recent decades
- Major Transitions in Evolution: When’s the Next One?
- Majorama representations of groups
- Majorana Fermions in Condensed Matter 1
- Majorana Fermions in Condensed Matter 2
- Majorana metals and quantum spin liquids
- Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable
- Make a book of it - Binding Journals
- Make Switches Simple Again!
- Make Switches Simple Again!
- Make your career matter [Cambridge]: A workshop by 80,000 hours
- Make your career matter: A workshop by 80,000 hours
- Make your career matter: A workshop by 80,000 hours
- Make your career matter: career workshop with Effective Altruism
- Make your career matter: career workshop with Effective Altruism
- Make Your Mind Your Friend Course
- Make Your Mind Your Friend Course
- Make Your Mind Your Friend Course
- Make Your Mind Your Friend Course
- Make Your Mind Your Friend Course
- Make-or-Buy Versus Make-and-Sell: The Trade-off between Economics of Scale and Specialisation
- Makeshift Modernity: DIY, Craft and the Virtuous Homemaker in New Soviet Housing of the 1960s
- Makeshift Modernity: DIY, Craft and the Virtuous Homemaker in New Soviet Housing of the 1960s
- Making 'Dopamine Movies' of Cigarette Smoking in the PET Scanner. Finding differences between Men and Women Smokers
- Making a "Spreadsheet" for Artists
- Making a broader impact with polar research
- Making a broader impact with polar research
- Making a Crowdsourced Task Attractive: Measuring Workers Pre-task Interactions
- Making a deposit: bridging the gap between theory and experiment in the evaporating colloidal droplets
- Making a difference across the globe
- Making a fetus grow and the consequences of getting it wrong
- Making a modern central bank: the Bank of England 1979–2003
- Making a name in mid-century mathematics: individuals, institutions and the open secret of Nicolas Bourbaki
- Making a pore: Signaling and transcription-factor control of stomatal development
- Making a splash: from concept to product with fluid mechanics
- Making Affordable Nuclear
- Making an apical-lateral border in epithelial cells
- Making an effort to listen: mechanical amplification by myosin molecules and ion channels in hair cells of the inner ear
- Making and br(e)aking CD effector/memory responses
- Making and keeping a shell: the challenges of changing oceans
- Making and remaking: the technology and restoration of the Lansdowne Relief
- Making and trading iron in the Swahili world: an archaeometallurgical study of iron production technologies in coastal Tanzania
- Making and Using Medicines better using a data science approach
- Making and Using Ultra-High Power and Ultra-Short Pulse Lasers
- Making archaeological knowledge
- Making bamboo a high tech material for large wind turbine blades
- Making Better Privacy Decisions in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
- Making bonds by breaking bonds: An unconventional approach to making molecules
- Making Business Decisions under Uncertainty
- Making Business Decisions under Uncertainty
- Making Business Decisions under Uncertainty
- Making by making strange: Defamiliarization and the design of domestic technologies
- Making Changes: Developing An Entrepreneurial Mind Set
- Making circles out of lines: A view of the evolving relationship between academia and language communities
- Making Class at Home; Domestic Service and Class Formation in Post-Colonial Zambia
- Making Computer Science more Social: Speed Dating and the History of Science
- Making concurrency functional
- Making contact with supersymmetric AdS5 solutions
- Making Cultural Heritage Mobile: Challenges and Possibilities: Open Lecture
- Making Decisions without Values
- Making difference: queer activism and anthropological theory
- Making DLT Happen
- Making DLT Happen
- Making do with less: optimal wrapping of liquid droplets with ultrathin sheets.
- Making Doctors Better
- Making Electricity Transmission Smarter
- Making electronic paper
- Making Faces: Universal Inverse Design of Thin Nematic Elastomer Surfaces
- Making Faces: Universal Inverse Design of Thin Nematic Elastomer Surfaces
- Making fish oils in the field: metabolic engineering the omega-3 LC-PUFA pathway into transgenic plants for enhanced animal and human nutrition
- Making Fortune, a business magazine during the Great Depression.
- Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary
- Making Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Backwards and Sideways
- Making HIV epitopes - antigen processing and CTL responses
- Making it Count: Looking Forward to a Life in Mathematics
- Making Knowledge Visible
- Making Large Language Models Safe: A Case Study of Llama2
- Making light from the dark universe
- Making livings: the economic worlds of Wallace and Darwin
- Making love, making gender, making babies in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s
- Making Machines Listen
- Making Middleboxes Someone Else's Problem: Network Processing as a Cloud Service
- Making money in the early Middle Ages
- Making money work for good
- Making Money: The art, science and entrepreneurship of Matthew Boulton (1728 – 1809)
- Making more out of meat in eighteenth-century Paris
- Making motor neurons in the zebrafish spinal cord
- Making NanoMachines move
- Making nanotechnology work for developing countries
- Making neurons outside the stem cell niche
- Making neurons outside the stem cell niche
- Making New Medicines - Academia, Biotech or Big Pharma?
- Making new molecules
- Making new motor neurons in the spinal cord of zebrafish
- Making News Soviet: Changing Visions of Soviet Information after Stalin, 1953-1970
- Making OpenCL simple with Haskell
- Making PCI safer, insights from NICOR
- Making peace with the Earth
- Making Picturebooks: What an Artist Brings
- Making planets from small grains and big data
- Making planets from small grains and big data
- Making Plastics Fantastic (again)
- Making pregnancy public in seventeenth-century England
- Making production: The journey through an artwork
- Making Progress Toward Sustainable Societies in the Context of Global Climate Change
- Making Prophecies with Decision Predicates
- Making Python Fast: Using Hardware-Software Co-design to Address Inefficiencies in Dynamic Language Runtimes
- Making quantum chemistry work for metals
- Making quantum chemistry work for metals
- Making Reactive Programs Function
- Making Reactive Programs Function
- Making Real-World Multi-Robot Systems More Practical
- Making Refuge: Academics at Risk
- Making Refuge: Calais and Cambridge
- Making Refuge: Cambridge & the Refugee Crisis
- Making Refuge: Flight
- Making Refuge: Issam Kourbaj
- Making Refuge: Scripture and Refugee Relief
- Making Robots Public: News Coverage of Artificial Intelligence in the United Kingdom
- Making rubber gloves
- Making science work for health: Gala dinner
- Making science work for health: translating genomics
- Making semiconducting polymers - the long and the short of it
- Making sense of 20 billion data points a day
- Making sense of art and science
- Making Sense of Data - A Research Agenda
- Making sense of Human Microbiome Data
- Making sense of linked electronic health records: examples from cardiovascular and psychiatric research
- Making sense of making sense: A microgenetic multiple case study of five students’ developing conceptual compounds related to physics
- Making Sense of Medieval Alchemy
- Making sense of pandemic dynamics
- Making sense of scents, the mammalian olfactory system
- Making sense of school autonomy: the case of Kazakhstan
- Making sense of sewage
- Making sense of sewage: a multi-omics approach
- Making Sense of the Universe with Supercomputers
- Making sense of the Whipple Museum’s Muggletonian astronomical prints
- Making sense of the world of scents
- Making sense of time in the Human mind
- Making sense of unsteady separation on a wing
- Making Sense of William Cecil
- Making similar embryos with divergent genomes
- Making Smart Decisions in Systems Design: How to Engineer Decisions in a Connected World?
- Making Smarter Artificial Muscles
- Making something out of nothing: Tracing the story of a medieval manuscript at Cambridge University Library
- Making Southern Theory: Gender research in South Africa
- Making Space for the Future: Imagining the Smart Nation in Singapore
- Making system composition flexible, automatic, safe, practical (but not necessarily all at the same time)
- Making the case for EU Membership: British Influence, YEM Cambridge and the CU European Society
- Making the cornea spiral: Constructing quantitative simulations of epithelial cell sheets
- Making the invisible visible: the hidden history of families, schools, civil rights, media and science in the production of learning disabilities
- Making the invisible visible: The nm scale perspective
- Making the market: trading securities at the Bank of England during the late eighteenth century
- Making the Most of Cambridge Network Membership - Lunchtime Seminar
- Making the Most of Massive Clusters
- Making the most of our assessment data
- Making the most of our minds
- Making the most of your intellectual property
- Making the most of your Intellectual Property – Introduction to Cambridge Enterprise”
- Making the most of your PhD; now and in your career
- Making the Phantasm Real: Pan-Islamism in Early Twentieth-Century Indian Thought
- Making the right connections: graft formation in Arabidopsis
- Making the sky searchable: large scale astronomical pattern recognition
- Making the tiniest machines
- Making the World's Scientific Information (More) Organized, Accessible, and Usable
- Making truth or masking lies: the triumph of the Conards
- Making viral gene therapy vectors
- Making Waves and Sea to Shore Images inspired by the sea across five centuries, from the Fitzwilliam Museum and Kettle’s Yard
- Making Waves in the Core of the Earth
- Making waves on the "mathematical canal"
- Making your Applications Smarter Through Machine Learning APIs
- Making your mark on the world: Jolien Veldwijk and her active involvement in peace-building processes in war-torn countries
- Making your work ODA-able: refocussing science for official development assistance
- Making, breaking and directing polarity during neural lumen formation and neurogenesis in the zebrafish embryo
- MAL: linking the actin cytoskeleton to transcriptional regulation
- MAL: linking the actin cytoskeleton to transcriptional regulation
- Malamud's extension of the Gauss-Lucas theorem
- MaLARea: a Metasystem for Automated Reasoning in Large Theories
- Malaria - algae that kill
- Malaria and Salmonella: tolerance versus resistance
- Malaria and the colonial frontier in Manchuria, 1905–1940s
- Malaria Immunology and Vaccination
- Malaria Vector Control: Research, Economics and Policy
- Malaria: from science to action
- Malaria’s Time Keeping
- Malaysia's Islamization Programme Gone Full Circle: Comparisons with Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia
- Malcev completion and Betti fundamental group of P^1 minus 3 points
- Male consumer culture in nineteenth-century Oxford
- Male germline epigenetic priming for future development
- Mali-Azawad: history, present, immediate future
- Malleability in Modern Cryptography
- Malliavin calculus for non-adapted SPDEs
- Malnutrition and Poverty Traps
- Malnutrition in resource-poor settings: finding simple solutions to complex problems
- Malory's Magic Book: King Arthur in Children's Literature
- Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
- Malthus and the Doctrine of Utility
- Malthus and the South Sea
- Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Children's Evaluations of Disclosing an Adult's Wrongdoing
- Malware analysis with multiple features
- Malware Analysis with Tree Automata Inference
- Mammalian phylogenomics and evolution: where are we and what is next?
- Mammalian phylogeny reveals recent diversi cation rate shifts
- Mammalian Synthetic Biology – Biomolecular Circuits as Medicine
- Mammals and milk
- Mammatus clouds and sedimentation instabilities - Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- Managed by an Algorithm? The rise of “on-demand working” and the “gig economy”
- Management and Multiple Identities
- Management of Antarctic baleen whales amid past exploitation, current problems, emerging threats and complex marine ecosystems
- Management of Aural Haematoma in dogs in UK general practice’
- Management of Earthquake Risk
- Management of energy storage theme. Stan Zachary (Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities), Chris Llewellyn Smith (Oxford University), Tom Bransden (National Grid ESO) and Iain Staffell (Imperial College).
- Management of Energy Systems
- Management of mitochondrial proteins: sort or destroy
- Management of Software Projects
- Management of Software Projects
- Management of Software Projects
- Management of ureteral papilloma in a horse.
- Management skills, Office Politics and the Engineer Stereotype
- Managing air traffic disruptions through strategic prioritization
- Managing Air Traffic Disruptions Through Strategic Prioritization
- Managing and implementing effective internal assessments
- Managing Cherry Hinton Brook: balancing wildlife, recreation and public access
- Managing China's Rise
- Managing Climate and Weather Variability in Energy System Design
- Managing complexity of Weather and Climate Code with diversity of skills and workflows
- Managing demand and maintaining quality in emergency medicine: a view from the US on clinically efficacious flow
- Managing Disabled Staff
- Managing ground risks and reducing costs for offshore wind foundations
- Managing Information Risks
- Managing Innovation: an oxymoron?
- Managing Landscapes Change - using Metric, Descriptive and Experiental Data
- Managing Mental Health, Anxiety and Stress
- Managing Mind and Emotions - An Interactive Talk
- Managing Model Risk in Banking
- Managing participation and relationships in the field
- Managing practices in turbulent environments
- Managing Privacy Trade-Offs in the Internet
- Managing Privacy Tradeoffs in the Internet
- Managing relationships with customers: are your systems up to it?
- Managing research data in your institution - division of labour and utilising national resources.
- Managing reserves for tomorrow's climate: the impacts of temperature and habitat on butterflies
- Managing the global land resource
- Managing the Network with Merlin
- Managing the Risks from Natural Catastrophes: Are We Making Progress?
- Managing the risks of regional climate change using knowledge action networks
- Managing the River Cam: balancing the needs of river users and the environment
- Managing the tensions: CANCELLED
- Managing the tensions: Developing housing policy in an era of economic restraint
- Managing urban land markets in the public interest
- Managing Women with Mental Heath Problems in the Perinatal Period– Practice and Prescribing
- Managing Women with Mental Heath Problems in the Perinatal Period– Practice and Prescribing
- Managing your Digital Information: Workshop (for PhD students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Managing your home heating
- Managing Your Online Presence
- Managing your online presence
- Managing Your Research Data
- Managing your research data effectively and working reproducibly for beginners
- Man’s Station in the Universe: A Scientist’s Spiritual Journey
- Manchester Urban Pioneer Perspective: Planning for Nature in Urban Environments
- Manchester Urban Pioneer Perspective: Planning for Nature in Urban Environments
- Mandarin Chinese Reflexive 'ziji' in L2 acquisition and L1 Attrition
- Mandatory
- Mandatory Madness: Colonial Psychiatry and British Mandate Palestine, 1920-48
- Mandeville and the problem of political hypocrisy
- Manet: Sex and/or beer
- Mangetoelectric Coupling Via Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Manifest Sharing with Session Types
- Manifestations of monopole physics in spin ice materials
- Manifold correspondence: a signal processing perspective
- Manifold Data Analysis with Applications to High-Resolution 3D Imaging
- Manifold Data Analysis with Applications to High-Resolution 3D Imaging
- Manifold-based geometric design and finite element simulation
- Manifolds
- Manin matrices and quantum spin models
- Manin's conjecture for a non-singular quartic del Pezzo surface
- Manipulating and Patterning Molecules With a Nanopipette
- Manipulating droplets on lubricant impregnated surfaces
- Manipulating light at the nanoscale with plasmonics
- Manipulating microdroplets in microfluidic devices as a tool
towards high-throughput biology
- Manipulating plant cell wall polysaccharide synthesis to understand cell wall architecture
- Manipulating plant cell wall polysaccharide synthesis to understand cell wall architecture for biorefining and bioenergy
- Manipulating quantum fluids of light in semiconductor microcavities
- Manipulating single electrons in silicon quantum dots
- Manipulating Structure through Digital Notation
- Manipulation of Multiphase Materials for Touch-less Nanobiotechnology: A Pyrofluidic Platform
- Manipulative female cuckoos exploit host fear of predators
- Mann, Music and Me
- Mantle convection, plumes and dynamic topography - case studies from the North Atlantic and West Antarctica
- Mantle convection, plumes and dynamic topography - case studies from the North Atlantic and West Antarctica [Rescheduled to online]
- Mantle Melting: the achievements, promise, and limits of thermodynamics
- Mantle Mixing/Unmixing vs. Long-term plate motion history: A new constraint from joint analysis of forward and backward scattering waves.
- Mantle seismic imaging from top to bottom: subduction dynamics, transition zone topography and core-mantle boundary anisotropy
- Manuel Morales Alvarado - Towards DGLAP evolution equations in the SMEFT
- Manuel Scherf on "The evolution and prevalence of Earth-like Habitats in the Galaxy"
- Manufacture of Active Implants and Surgical Instruments
- Manufacture of Low Cost Semiconductor Tunnelling Devices
- Manufacturing - the vital capability for effective innovation
- Manufacturing Analytics - The role of Big Data in the Future of Manufacturing
- Manufacturing and information management research at Loughborough University
- Manufacturing by droplet deposition
- Manufacturing Difference: Swiss Institutional Responses to Intimate Partner Violence
- Manufacturing Flexible Displays
- Manufacturing of designed nanomaterials
- Manx as a Partial Pidgin and Language Ecology in the Isle of Man
- Many Criteria Decision Making in Control and Systems Design
- Many Groups at Once!
- Many Molyneux Questions
- Many ways to make ends meet: orchestration of DNA double-strand break repair processes by the NHEJ pathway
- Many Women, Many Feminisms: Varied Responses to Violence against Women
- Many-body Chaos in Thermalised Fluids
- Many-body effects on electron-phonon coupling
- Many-Body Excitations in One-Dimensional Electron Systems (SP Workshop)
- Many-body interaction effects in Dirac-Weyl semimetals
- Many-body localization: a macroscopic quantum phenomena in highly excited states
- Many-body localization: How quantum dynamics wins against thermodynamics
- Many-Body Perturbation Theory: The GW Approximation
- Many-body physics with arrays of individual Rydberg atoms
- Many-body state preparation and quantum simulation with cold atoms
- Many-Core Computing Workshop
- Many-dimensional Modal Logics
- Many-electron quantum simulation of matter: insight from exact time-dependent real-space model systems
- Mao Zeng - Gravitational waves and multi-loop scattering amplitudes
- Mao-lana Bhashani in Mao’s China: Islamic socialism and subaltern internationalism in Asia
- Maoist Rectification during Wartime
- MAP estimators and posterior consistency for Bayesian inverse problems with exponential priors
- Map of a nation: the early Ordnance Survey and the politics of British landscape
- Map-reduce as a Programming Model for Custom Computing Machines
- Map3k4 and Sry in mammalian sex determination
- MAPK networks in Arabidopsis cell fate decisions: should I stay or should I go?
- Mapping a non-linear Luttinger Liquid using 1D-2D magnetotunelling spectroscopy
- Mapping a viral interactome
- Mapping accreting black holes using X-ray variability
- Mapping affective decisions in depression using reinforcement learning tools
- Mapping Aleppo: interpreting cultural geographies before the Syrian conflict
- Mapping and characterizing enigmatic habitats in the last great wilderness on Earth
- Mapping and modelling the variation in strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault
- Mapping and risk in healthcare
- Mapping cancer origins
- Mapping college geology; history of building stone use in Cambridge
- Mapping consecration in twelfth-century Italy and beyond
- Mapping dark and luminous matter with cosmological simulations
- Mapping developmental paths to neurodevelopmental conditions.
- Mapping DNA replication stress in parasites and cancer cells with long-read sequencing and AI
- Mapping during the Irish plantations, c.1580-1640
- Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow (MESH)
- Mapping Epithermal Gold Deposits on the Island of Milos, Greece, using an integrated Spectral Reflectance and Spectral Emissivity Dataset
- Mapping European Seabed Habitats
- Mapping facial gestures to control cursors and switches
- Mapping Gene Regulatory Networks in Arabidopsis and Tomato Roots
- Mapping grief: a conceptual framework for understanding the diverse spatialities of death, mourning and remembrance
- Mapping grout lines in images to enable automated visual inspection of masonry arch bridges
- Mapping Health: Why, How, Considering what ...
- Mapping higher-order olfactory connectivity using two-photon optogenetics
- Mapping human pluripotency during pre- and peri-implantation development using single cell transcriptional analysis.
- Mapping imperial edges: the French & the British in Southeast Asia, 1885-1914
- Mapping intercultural arts research - CIAN Forum 1
- Mapping laboratory reports for molecular genetic testing to the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS)
- Mapping lensed quasars: accretion discs, broad line regions, and outflows
- Mapping Linguistic Endangerment: The UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
- Mapping main and interacting QTLs within the arabidopsis multiparent RIL (AMPRIL) population
- Mapping mantle flow with seismic anisotropy: a seismo-geodynamics approach
- Mapping Mass Across The Sky: CMB Lensing, Past and Future
- Mapping metazoan gene regulatory networks to understand transcription factor function in health and disease
- Mapping Methane in the Arctic
- Mapping Methane in the Arctic
- Mapping Mobile Broadband Access
- Mapping Morphogenesis
- Mapping Morphogenesis
- Mapping Morphogenesis
- Mapping Neural Networks in the Fly
- Mapping of Mechanical Properties of Central Nervous System Tissue
- Mapping our Galaxy with Gaia DR2 and beyond
- Mapping out the Toyota supply network: The emergence of resilience
- Mapping overlapping, dynamic brain networks from resting-state FMRI
- Mapping Phase Diagrams by Atomistic Simulation
- Mapping plant diversity across the scales
- Mapping plant diversity across the scales
- Mapping quantitative traits in mice and plants
- Mapping regulatory variation in human cells
- Mapping Seismic Tomography into Earth Structure: Implications for Dynamic Topography, Lithospheric Stability and Sea-Level Reconstructions
- Mapping shared markers for a childhood liver disease across a Polynesian population
- Mapping Slush and Ponded Meltwater across Antarctic Ice Shelves using Supervised Classification
- Mapping stromal heterogeneity and immunosuppression in breast cancer
- Mapping Swiss German: Creating a Dialect Atlas in the Digital Age
- Mapping Synthetic Genetic Interaction Networks by High-throughput RNAi
- Mapping the Circumgalactic Medium and Intergalactic Medium through Lya and MgII Emission
- Mapping the core-mantle boundary
- Mapping the Dust Properties in Nearby Galaxies: What's new under the eye of Herschel
- Mapping the Earth's Gravitational Field
- Mapping the functional interaction network of mammalian ER-associated degradation
- Mapping the Gaps! How do we Fill in the Information Missing from Tree Inventories?
- Mapping the Gaps! How do we Fill in the Information Missing from Tree Inventories?
- Mapping the genetic and cellular basis of atherosclerosis using single cell sequencing and functional genomics
- Mapping the Geography of Cybercrime - findings from an expert survey
- Mapping the Heavens: radical scientific ideas that reveal the cosmos
- Mapping the hot Universe: the first six months of operations of eROSITA on SRG
- Mapping the human brain with high spatiotemporal resolution
- Mapping the Jews of Byzantium
- Mapping the land use of Britain: 80 years of innovation
- Mapping the medical marketplace: early modern Welsh practitioners and medical retail
- Mapping the Miasma’. The geographies of a forgotten contagion: Ireland and the 1832 cholera epidemic
- MApping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH): A New Survey of High-Redshift Protoclusters
- Mapping the parts of higher level cortex
- Mapping the rapid changes in mammalian genome regulation
- Mapping the research landscape: citations, bibliometrics and all that
- Mapping the SMEFT to UV models for four-fermion operators
- Mapping the sub-cellular proteome
- Mapping the sub-cellular proteome
- Mapping the sub-cellular proteome
- Mapping the sub-cellular proteome
- Mapping the sub-cellular proteome
- Mapping the sub-cellular proteome
- Mapping the Universe at 21 cm
- Mapping the Universe with Lensing and Spectroscopic Redshift Surveys
- Mapping the z>2 Cosmic Web Using the 3D Ly-a Forest
- Mapping tips tricks and tales
- Mapping tumor heterogeneity and developmental trajectories using 40 markers at single cell resolution:
- Mapping tumours in 4D – Spatially and temporally resolved genomics
- Mapping urban spatial practices and cultures of dissent in Lahore and London
- Mapping Variation in Humans and Yeast
- MapReduce
- MapReduce: Processing Big Data
- Maps and graphs on surfaces
- Maps and graphs on surfaces
- Maps and seafarers in the English Channel (eighteenth century)
- Maps between mapping class groups and their subgroups
- Maps between spherical group algebras
- Maps that made history: the map collections of Leiden University Library
- Maps, meridians and missions: Christopher Maire, SJ (1697–1767), an English cartographer in continental Europe
- Marangoni flows and instabilities during drying
- Marangoni flows in jets
- Marangoni flows in jets
- Maratha Naval Challenges to European Proto-Empire in the Early Eighteenth Century
- Marc Laflamme on "Ediacaran Endgame: The Rise of Complex Life"
- Marc Lipsitch
- March of the Penguins
- Marchantia polymorpha: A model for developmental biology and a novel chassis for synthetic biology
- Marching with the Times: Numbers and Temporalities in 1960s Ghana
- Marcion and Christian perceptions of the Jews
- Marcus du Sautoy - Finding Moonshine
- Marcus Marci Von Kronland (1595–1667) on the embryo's ensoulment?
- MaRF: Representing Mars as Neural Radiance Fields
- Margaret Fountaine: the life and works of a rather ordinary Victorian lepidopterist
- Margaret Jacobs: Reconciling Native American and Twentieth Century American History
- Margaret MacDonald's 1937 pragmatism
- Margaret Mead as a mid-20th century public intellectual
- Margarida Hermida, Topic TBA
- Margin- and Evidence-Based Approaches for EEG Signal Classification
- Marginal and joint space representations within ABC, and the issue of bias
- Marginal copula scores for multivariate foecasting evaluation
- Marginal copula scores for multivariate foecasting evaluation
- Marginal Entropies for Causal Inference and Quantum Non-Locality
- Marginal gains for Tokyo 2020: Modelling, simulating and optimising track cyclists
- Marginal Ice Zone Evolution due to Wave-Induced Breaking
- Marginal Models for Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical Data
- Marginal stability of explosive volcanic columns
- Marginal zone lymphoma: a paradigm of oncogenic cooperation between genetic changes and antigenic drive
- Marginalia in the 'bible' of pollen analysis
- Marginality, Connectivity, and Long-Term Settlement History on Polyaigos: The Largest 'Uninhabited' Island in the Aegean
- Marginals and Malice
- Margining with Multiple Central Counterparties
- Margins and Institutions: New Curatorial Strategies
- Mariages a la Parisienne: Cohabiting couples in Parise during the inter-war period
- Marianne Majerus Gardens Talk
- Marie-Jeanne Rossignol: The Atlantic World of Anthony Benezet
- Mariinsky Post as a Meeting Place: Affective Encounters and Ethnographic Records
- Marilyn Strathern: Gifts money cannot buy
- Marina Cermeno - Novel signatures of leptophilic dark matter from the centre of galaxies
- Marine biogeochemistry along the Northern Antarctic Peninsula
- Marine Ice in Larsen Ice Shelf
- Marine Ice Sheets
- Marine Life Needed By People Is Declining Fast, But Can We Do Anything About It?
- Marine Microfluidics: Chemotaxis and Gyrotaxis in the Ocean
- Marine Riser Analysis for Deep-water Drilling
- Marine sedimentary carbon cycling
- Marine Seismic to Climate Models: Using streamer data to understand ocean currents
- Marine terminating glaciers within Elmer/Ice: model and applications
- Marissa McBride (Imperial) - Lessons from structured expert elicitation using the IDEA protocol
- Marital failures: glimpsing the margins of marriage in Greece
- Maritime Borderlands, Conflict, and the Law
- mark Clark - win more creative business
- Mark Eaglen - Infrastructures of the Interspatial Interlacer and other tales...
- Mark Equal Pay Day 2017 with the Women's Staff Network
- Mark Thurston - CEO of High Speed 2 (HS2)
- Mark Warner Memorial Recital, Music Room, Leckhampton House, Corpus Christi College
- Mark Whitehead
- Marked based operation & control of emerging distribution systems for electricity as complex systems
- Marked bases and Hilbert schemes of points
- Market and regulatory design for renewables dominated systems
- Market Design Considerations for Scarcity Pricing: A Stochastic Equilibrium Framework
- Market design for flexible distribution networks
- Market diversity under Central Clearing
- Market Power and Price Discrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables Regulation
- Market Power and Spatial Arbitrage between Interconnected Gas Hubs
- Market power in the Irish electricity capacity market
- Market Procyclicality and Systemic Risk
- Market Reactions to Securitization Retained Interest Impairments during the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008: Are Implicit Guarantees Worth the Paper They're Not Written On?
- Market Socialism and Community Rating in Health Insurance
- Market transparency through a common data platform: evidence from Nord Pool
- Marketing the Women Writer in Sixteenth-Century Italy
- Markets and Merchants in early China
- Markets and Merchants in early China’
- Markets and pre-industrial economic growth: Iraq, Italy and the Low Countries 6th-18th centuries
- Markets caught in the headlights
- Marking progression in second language production: EAL pupils’ use of spoken and written English
- Marking the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor: How the US created the UN to win the war and the implications for IR
- Marking the Bicentenary of Dostoevsky's Birth – A talk by V. Dimitriev (in Russian): On the Structure of the Idea in Dostoevsky's Works
- Marking the Centenary of Academician Andrei Sakharov: Panel discussion (in English and Russian) – Friday, 21 May at 19:00 (BST)
- Markov categories: towards a syntax for probability
- Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Gaussian processes
- Markov chain Monte Carlo on Riemann manifolds
- Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability
- Markov models of protein evolution: Lets get real!
- Markov process models for time-varying networks
- Markov Random Fields for Classification in High Dimensional Spaces with Application to fMRI Analysis
- Markov Random Fields for Classification in High Dimensional Spaces with Application to fMRI Analysis
- Markov-type inequalities and extreme zeros of orthogonal polynomials
- Markov-type inequalities and extreme zeros of orthogonal polynomials
- Markovian approximation for Brownian particles driven by coloured noise
- Marks of Time - private view 23rd Nov
- Markus: From its origins to the modern metabolic network. Jakob: Overcoming the yeast ‘petite’ phenotype: Insights into metabolic adaptations to mitochondrial genome loss
- MARLeME: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model Extraction Library
- Marriage, mourning and martyrdom: the history of an 18th-century English bed-sheet
- Marrick Braam - The Space of Chemical Complexity in Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Mars
- Mars
- Mars
- Mars Globes and the Canal Controversy
- Mars InSight: Geophysical investigations on another planet
- Mars: Red Planet? Blue Planet? What has the Curiosity Rover Revealed?
- Marshall - one hundred years in Cambridge
- Marshall and the Nature of Modern Economics
- Marshall Lecture - Market Design When Resource Allocation is NP-Hard -Prof Paul Milgrom
- Marshall Lecture - Market Design When Resource Allocation is NP-Hard by Prof Paul Milgrom
- Marshall Lecture 2015
- Marshall Lectures 2017 Professor Thomas Piketty
- Marshall Lectures Professor Thomas Piketty
- Marshall Society Inaugural Conference The Road Ahead: Visions for the Emerging World and Poverty
- Martensitic transformations in TRIP-assisted carbon steels
- Martian Deserts on Earth
- Martin Bell at Clare Politics
- Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 47st Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures
- Martin Gwynne - Isoperimetric bubbles with density
- Martin Roth: »Widerrede!«
- Martingale calculus and a maximal inequality for supermartingales
- Martingale calculus and a maximal inequality for supermartingales
- Martingales and Multiplicative Functions
- Martingdale solution to equations for different type fluids of grade two driven by random force of levy type
- Marton's Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture
- Maru: A joint project with ATI and Imperial
- Marvellous Mammillarias
- Marvellous Margaret Mahy: A Tribute
- Marvelous mathematical models
- Marvels of bacterial flagella
- Marvels of bacterial flagella
- Marx and empire
- Marx, Arendt and the Temporalities of Revolution
- Marxism and the Black Struggle
- Mary and the Jews: Myth and meaning in the medieval Jewish-Christian encounter
- Mary Buckley in Conversation with Katrina Ffrench
- Mary in Christian-Muslim Relations
- Mary Read and Anne Bonny: two eighteenth-century pirates
- Maryland equation, renormalization formulas and mimimal meromorphic solutions to difference equations
- Marzipan for all
- Masculinities / Femininities in Education
- Masculinity and cuckoldry in early modern English litigation records
- MASIN: Airborne Meteorological Science in BAS
- Masked Bacteria in a Petri Dish: How to Wield the Fisher Equation without Sweat
- Masking Diffusion Models for Discrete Data
- Masonry made sexy again: High level research, professional practice and innovation
- Mass and spin measurement with m_T2 at hadron colliders
- Mass Calibration of Galaxy Clusters using CMB lensing measurements.
- Mass chains with passive interconnection: complex iterative maps and scalability
- Mass Determination of Dark Matter at Hadron Colliders
- Mass extinctions and community structure through the Phanerozoic
- Mass extinctions and other evolutionary myths
- Mass Fabrication of Micro/Nano Dual-scale Structures and its Applications in Energy Harvesting
- Mass renormalization in (super)string theory
- Mass spectrometric analysis of lipid signalling in cancer
- Mass spectrometry
- Mass spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Mass spectrometry and structure, dynamics and function of the small heat shock proteins
- Mass Spectrometry Applications available in the LMB
- Mass spectrometry for determination of protein quaternary structrure?
- Mass spectrometry for lipodomics and biomarker discovery
- Mass spectrometry imaging - seeing the unseen
- Mass Spectrometry Imaging in Drug Discovery: The Challenges and Opportunities for Molecular Imaging from Single Cells, Preclinical Models and Through to Intraoperatively
- Mass Spectrometry in Structural Biology
- Mass spectrometry: A powerful tool for the biosciences
- Mass spectrometry: From ribosomes to receptors
- Mass Spectrometry: Proteomics Applications
- Mass Spectrometry: Structural Proteomics in the LMB
- Mass transport by vortex motions
- Mass transport principle and circle packing
- Mass transport through Europa’s ice shell and the habitability of Europa’s internal ocean
- Mass-loss from evolved stars: morphology and effect of metallicity
- Mass-Loss Rates in Galactic Outflows
- Mass-Observation's May the Twelfth (1937) as utopian sociology
- Masses and velocities in the Local Group
- Massive Black Holes and Galaxies
- Massive Black Holes and Galaxies
- Massive black holes in galactic centres
- Massive galaxy growth from 3D studies
- Massive Molecular Outflows and Negative Feedback in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
- Massive Nanocrystalline Metals
- Massive Neutrinos and Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe
- Massive outflows of cold gas and their role in the baryon cycle of galaxies
- Massive primordial black holes: observational consequences and constraints
- Massive Stars - From the VLT to the E-ELT
- Massive stars, a strong case for cosmic marriage
- Massive volcanism, evaporite deposition, and the chemical evolution of the Early Cretaceous ocean
- Massively Parallel Advanced Monte Carlo Methods on Many-Core Processors
- Massively Parallel Hardware Security Platform
- Massively Parallel Hardware Security Platform
- Massively Parallel Processor Array: an FPGA Replacement?
- Massively parallel sequencing and analysis of allergy-causing parasites
- Massively parallel sequencing and analysis of allergy-causing parasites
- Mast cells - versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions: focus on cancer
- Master Classes in Documentary Filmmaking
- Master Classes in Documentary Filmmaking
- Master's Talk (TBA)
- Masterclass I - Ferroelectrics
- Masterclass II - The Modern Theory of Polarization
- Masterclass III - How to Calculate Ferroelectric Polarization
- Masterclass with Angela Hewitt
- Masterclass with Arjun Appadurai (NYU/Berlin)
- Masterclass with Film Director Mitko Panov
- Masterclass: An introduction to distal tephrochronology and cryptotephra methods
- MASTERCLASS: Case study research in applied linguistics: What can case studies of L2 learners tell us?
- Masterclass: conformal mapping
- Masterclass: contour integrals
- Masterclass: oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems
- Masterclass: polynomial and rational approximation
- Masterclass: Programming in Maple: an extended example using Bohemians
- Masterclass: The Computer Algebra System Maple, in 2019
- Mastering the time in music performance (and elsewhere): Reconnecting with the past, feeling the future and enjoying the present
- Mastering Uncertainty
- Mastodon migrations and mysteries
- MATAR (2023) film screening and Q&A with Director Hassan Akkad
- Matching asymptotic charges using Friedrich's cylinder at spatial infinity
- Matching Lymphocyte Metabolism and Migration
- Matching Markets and Market Design
- Matching models across length scales
- Matching NLO QCD computations to parton shower simulations
- Matching Numbers of Hypergraphs
- Matching Quantiles Estimation
- Matching the Nagy-Soper parton shower at next-to-leading order
- Matchings and Loose Cycles in the Semirandom Hypergraph Model
- Matchings and packings in graphs, k-graphs and k-systems
- Matchings and rank for random diluted graphs
- Matchings in random bipartite graphs
- Matchings on large diluted graphs : The cavity method at positive temperature.
- Materia Medica and its Study in History of China (历史中的本草与本草学)
- Material and device engineering: Two converging routes to improve the efficiency of polymer solar cells
- Material and Polymer using Olefin Metathesis
- Material Culture Hub Research update event
- Material culture in the Second Intermediate Period: Some results and work in progress
- Material instabilities and architected materials
- Material matters: the brain knows the binocular statistics of gloss
- Material modification at Megabar pressures with ultrashort laser pulses
- Material point method and applications in geotechnical engineering
- Material Point Method to Simulate Fluidisation Problems
- Material production in a net zero system: An overview
- Material properties and higher-order structure of the cell nucleus define new stem cell phenotypes
- Material properties of functional amyloids
- Material substitutions in historical perspective: the cases of the British Substitutes and Vegetable Drugs Committees during World War Two
- Material, Energy and Climate Change
- Materiality of Early Modern Optical Instruments
- Materials and Components for Flexible and Stretchable Transducers
- Materials and Components for Flexible and Stretchable Transducers
- Materials and construction of a 20km tall pipe
- Materials and devices for electrochemical water splitting: a fresh look at some old catalysts and some new(er) catalysts for old applications
- Materials and devices for flexible electronics
- Materials and Devices for Interfacing with the Brain
- Materials and Meromorphic Differentials
- Materials and Sustainable Technology
- Materials beyond the periodic table: a high-throughput structure prediction study
- Materials beyond the periodic table: a high-throughput structure prediction study
- Materials Challenges for Rolls Royce
- Materials Challenges for Rolls Royce
- Materials Chemistry and Climate Change
- Materials Chemistry to Mimic Living Matter
- Materials Design using Ab Initio Random Structure Searching
- Materials Development for Fusion Energy
- Materials Discovery for Energy and Chemicals Decarbonization
- Materials discovery: the systematic prediction of new classes of organic non-linear optical materials
- Materials drivers for the 21st century and the role of electron microscopy
- Materials for Medical Engineering
- Materials for Regenerative Medicine
- Materials for Regenerative Medicine
- Materials from Colloidal Particles using Optical Fields
- Materials from Colloidal Particles using Optical Fields
- Materials from Mathematics
- Materials Information: from testing machines to drug-eluting stents
- Materials modeling using modern computers: from the Earth’s core simulations towards accelerated knowledge-based materials design
- Materials Science Research at the ISL
- Materials Structure Prediction from First Principles
- Materials Synthesis and Interface Catalysis Using the Molecular Precursor Approach
- Materials Systems in a Zero-Emission World
- Materials, architectures and physics of printed solar cells
- Materials, Membranes and Motivations for Research
- Maternal care and the epigenetic regulation of gene expression and neuroendocrine function
- Maternal cognitions and behaviours following preterm deliveries
- Maternal effects in Speckled Wood butterflies: an eco-evo-devo approach
- Maternal effects on meerkat social trajectories
- Maternal health in pregnancy: a window into the future?
- Maternal Love and the Great War
- Maternal or fetal diagnostics? Practices of ultrasound imaging in Norway, 1970-1995
- Maternal vitamin D status and childhood body composition
- Math for AI Safety
- Math to Medicines: Accelerating Drug Discovery, Development and Repositioning using Clinical Trial Data Mining and Machine Intelligence
- Math, Money, Politics, Corruption: A Conversation with Karel Janeček
- Math-in-Industry activities in OCIAM (and beyond)
- Mathemagic with a Deck of Cards
- Mathematica: Graphics (Self paced)
- Mathematical analysis of a super-rotating shear layer in MHD
- Mathematical analysis of equatorial waves
- Mathematical and computational modelling of tropical storms and incipient hurricanes
- Mathematical and computational modelling of tumour growth and spread
- Mathematical and evolutionary approaches to cancer
- Mathematical and evolutionary approaches to cancer
- Mathematical and evolutionary approaches to cancer
- Mathematical and practical security problems not directly related to cryptography
- Mathematical applications of little string theory
- Mathematical approaches for virtual art restoration
- Mathematical Approaches to Toys
- Mathematical aspects of collective dynamics and self-organization
- Mathematical biology: the trickiest branch of mathematics?
- Mathematical Challenges - Group Discussion
- Mathematical Challenges - Group Discussion
- Mathematical Challenges in Defence and Security
- Mathematical Challenges in Modelling Wave Scattering in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Algorithms - overview talk
- Mathematical Computational Approaches to Understanding Microbial Communities
- Mathematical culture in Elizabethan England
- Mathematical driver model with a Gaussian Process internal model to represent learning behaviour
- Mathematical fictions and mathematicians’ choices
- Mathematical Foundations of Deep Learning: Potential, Limitations, and Future Directions
- Mathematical Image Analysis for Cancer Research
- Mathematical image enhancement in medicine, forensics and the arts
- Mathematical Innovations for Drug Design
- Mathematical Innovations for Drug Design
- Mathematical Knowledge at Scale
- Mathematical model and stability analysis for an inverse problem in light sheet fluorescence microscopy
- Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Incommensurate 2D Materials - 1
- Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Incommensurate 2D Materials - 2
- Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Incommensurate 2D Materials - 3
- Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Incommensurate 2D Materials - 4
- Mathematical Modeling for Medicine, Sports, and the Environment
- Mathematical modeling of cellular nano machines
- Mathematical modeling of heterogeneity in solid tumors: Emergent patterns of metabolism in colon cancer
- Mathematical Modeling of Optical Coherence Tomography
- Mathematical Modeling of the Cellular Cytoskeleton.
- Mathematical Modelling and Ideology in the Economics Academy: competing explanations of the failings of the modern discipline?
- Mathematical modelling at different stages of an infectious disease outbreak
- Mathematical modelling for medicine, sports, and the environment
- Mathematical Modelling in Early Drug Discovery
- Mathematical modelling of a cereal killer: Modelling plant cell invasion by the rice blast fungus
- Mathematical Modelling of Arbovirus Outbreak Dynamics in Fiji
- Mathematical modelling of directed cell migration
- Mathematical modelling of future energy systems
- Mathematical modelling of rapid evolutionary processes
- Mathematical Modelling of Salmonella Within-Host Dynamics
- Mathematical modelling of solid tumour growth, and preliminary studies of the associated free energy changes
- Mathematical Modelling of Stenting in Blood Vessels
- Mathematical Modelling of Stenting in Blood Vessels
- Mathematical modelling of the citrus disease Huanglongbing
- Mathematical modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic: using a range of simple and complex models to get the most out of the available data
- Mathematical modelling of the immune response to influenza
- Mathematical Modelling of Tissue Growth in a Perfusion Bioreactor
- Mathematical modelling of tubular structures for applications in nanotechnology
- Mathematical modelling on remotely-sensed dynamics of marine primary producers
- Mathematical Modelling to Support Design and Roll out of Vaccine Programmes
- Mathematical Modelling with Applications to Transport and Energy Networks
- Mathematical Models and Planning of Urban Infrastructure Networks
- Mathematical models for climate change
- Mathematical Models for Evaporating Sessile Droplets
- Mathematical models for microstructured optical fibre (MOF) fabrication
- Mathematical Models for the Control of Infectious Diseases With Vaccines
- Mathematical models of cellular locomotion
- Mathematical Models of Microcolony Formation in Bacteria
- Mathematical models of rumour spreading in complex social networks
- Mathematical models of signaling networks and their application to disease
- Mathematical models of the evolution and epidemiology of drifting influenza
- Mathematical Models of Tumour Dormancy
- Mathematical Paths: How do you become a mathematician?
- Mathematical prediction of a driver's subjective assessment of vehicle dynamics
- Mathematical problems of the Q-tensor theory of nematics
- Mathematical problems relating to the Zenithal Bistable Device
- Mathematical structures in QFT: between functional analysis and geometry
- Mathematical Study of Certain Geophysical Models: Global Regularity and Finite-time Blowup Results
- Mathematical study of the nonrelativistic limit of a relativistic mean-field model for nucleons
- Mathematical Thinking: Fast and Slow
- Mathematically Structuring Programming Languages
- Mathematically Structuring Programming Languages
- Mathematicians I Have Known
- Mathematics and Children in Care
- Mathematics and Life Drawing
- Mathematics and physiology
- Mathematics and Science Writing researcher development workshop
- Mathematics and Smallpox
- Mathematics at the intersection of quantum and gravity
- Mathematics at Work V: Finance and Friends
- Mathematics can make my medical imaging faster and prettier – but should it?
- Mathematics can make my MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Faster and Prettier - but Should it?
- Mathematics Education in China
- Mathematics for mechanistic biology and drug discovery
- Mathematics in education
- Mathematics is Everywhere
- Mathematics of Complex Systems
- Mathematics of Crime
- Mathematics of Deep Learning: Some Open Problems
- Mathematics of Electron Microscope Tomography
- Mathematics of Information: the Next Frontier
- Mathematics of John Thompson Conference on Finite Groups and related topics
- Mathematics of John Thompson Conference on Finite Groups and related topics
- Mathematics of movement: integrating conceptual and quantitative approaches in animal ecology and cell biology
- Mathematics of Movement: Single and Collective Cell Migration
- Mathematics of Self-Healing Materials with Exchangeable Bonds
- Mathematics of Self-Healing Materials with Exchangeable Bonds
- Mathematics of the Faraday Cage
- Mathematics of Turbulent Flows: A Million Dollars Problem!
- Mathematics vs Dementia
- Mathematics without Apologies
- Mathematics-informed neural network for 2x2 matrix factorisation and a new Wiener-Hopf model for aeroengine noise radiation
- Mathematics-informed neural network for 2x2 matrix factorisation and a new Wiener-Hopf model for aeroengine noise radiation
- Mathematics: A Gateway for Defence Innovation
- Mathematizing C++ Concurrency
- Mathias and Set Theory
- Maths and the Arts
- Maths for Wetropolis flood demonstrator and a graphical cost-effectiveness tool for flood-mitigation schemes
- Maths HPC User Gathering (with an overview for new starters)
- Maths in the City
- Maths in the Courtroom
- Maths in the Oil and Gas Industry Seminar
- Maths Inspiration show
- Maths problems in Engineering - handling infinity
- Maths Public Open Day information session - get involved!
- Maths versus AI
- Maths versus pandemics: the COVID-19 story
- Maths vs COVID-19: calling in the cavalry!
- Maths, Arts and Games for Digital Natives: Paradox Structures, Impossible Forms and Visual Illusions in Experience-Centered Mathematics Education
- Maths, disease and the British landscape: informing UK government policy through epidemiological models
- Maths, Engineering and Industry
- MathWorks: Embedded AI: Deploying deep learning models for industrial applications
- Mathworks: MATLAB and NVIDIA Docker: A Complete AI Solution, Where You Need It, in an Instant
- Mathworks: MATLAB and NVIDIA Docker: A Complete AI Solution, Where You Need It, in an Instant
- Mating systems, hybridization, polyploidy, and continuing evolution in Senecio (ragworts) and Sorbus (whitebeams)
- MATLAB Academic Tour 2012
- MATLAB and NVIDIA Docker: A Complete AI Solution, Where You Need It, in an Instant
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- Matlab by Example
- MATLAB for Solving Optimisation Problems in Industry
- Matlab: an introduction
- MATLAB: Basics
- MATLAB: Basics
- Matricellular Elasticity and Nuclear Rigidification with Epigenetic implications
- Matrix coefficients of finite groups
- Matrix completion in network analysis
- Matrix Concentration and Free Probability
- Matrix Concentration Inequalities via the Method of Exchangeable Pairs
- Matrix Dyson equation and random matrices with correlations
- Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage – Better (polymeric) materials for Better biology
- Matrix Factorization and Relational Learning
- Matrix Inequalities with Matrix Unknowns
- Matrix Means for Signed and Multilayer Graph Clustering
- Matrix Means, Distances, Kernels, and Geometric Optimization
- Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in synaptic plasticity
- Matrix models for beta-ensembles
- Matrix models, duality and spontaneous SUSY breaking in 3D QFT
- Matrix Models, Orthogonal Polynomials and Symmetric Freud weights
- Matrix models; asymptotics, transesseries, theta functions and all that
- Matrix orthogonal polynomials and group representations
- Matrix Suprema & Compressive Sensing
- Matrix/Element: Turning Matrix into a Peer-to-peer mesh network for decentralised communication with BLE
- Matroids with nine elements
- MatterGen: a generative model for inorganic materials design
- Matters of gravity: testing modified gravity in the Solar system
- Matteusz: "Insights into the mechanism and evolution of glial ensheathment" Renske: "Evolution of selfish multicellularity: changes in gene regulation at the origin of multicellularity"
- Matthew D'Ancona at Clare Politics
- Matthew Parker: history as archive
- Matthew Parris
- Matthew Price - BBC Radio 4 Chief Correspondent
- Maturational aspects of auditory ERP
- Maturational constraints on L2 Acquisition : Do they exist and are they relevant to early L2 instruction
- Maturing the heart: implications for disease modelling, drug discovery & regenerative medicine
- Mau Mau: The Face of International Terrorism in the 1950's in the Contemporary Perspective'
- Maulik-Okounkov Lie algebras and BPS Lie algebras
- Max Edling: Peace Pact and Nation: The U.S. Constitution as a Federal Treaty
- Max Perutz Lecture 2012: Defective DNA strand break repair, genome instability and cancer
- Max Perutz Lecture 2014: C. elegans surveillance of conserved cellular components to detect and defend pathogen attacks, real or imagined
- Max Perutz Lecture 2022: Therapeutic Opportunities in Glycoscience
- Max Perutz Lecture 2025: Title TBC
- Max Perutz Lecture- Antisense transcription and epigenetic switching
- Max Perutz Lecture-On clocks and tuners: cyanobacterial strategies to thrive in a dynamic environment Erin K. O’Shea, Harvard University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Max Perutz Lecture: Five ways that viruses use to enter the animal cell
- Max Weber and some intellectual consequences of the war
- Max Weber's Political Thought and the First World War
- Maxima of logarithmically correlated fields
- Maxima, minima and sum statistics of a family of correlated variables
- Maximal and Variational Fourier Restriction Theory
- Maximal clades in random binary search trees
- Maximal couplings and geometry
- Maximal entropy random walk
- Maximal flat extensions and DeMorganization of locales
- Maximal inequality for high-dimensional cubes
- Maximal mixing efficiency
- Maximal percolation time in bootstrap percolation
- Maximal subgroups of exceptional groups of Lie type
- Maximal subgroups of low-dimensional classical groups
- Maximally-localised Wannier functions as building blocks of electronic structure
- Maximising achievement for all: being dyslexia wise
- Maximising home delivery
- Maximising nestedness in bipartite graphs
- Maximising Publications From Your Research
- Maximising the impact of CAR T cell therapy for acute leukaemia
- Maximising the number of induced cycles
- Maximising urban freight: Does size matter?
- Maximizing Efficiency and Economy of Storage Balance for 100% Renewable Power Supply
- Maximizing output power in a cantilevered piezoelectric vibration energy harvester by electrode design
- Maximum and coupling of the sine-Gordon field
- Maximum entropy and diffuse vibro-acoustic wavefields
- Maximum Entropy – an introduction with application to random dynamics systems
- Maximum entropy production and climate modelling: an overview of theory and applications
- Maximum Entropy Reasoning: From Cosmological Likelihood Functions to Quantum Field Theory
- Maximum entropy, uniform measure
- Maximum finite depth waves: breaking, kinematics and particle drift
- Maximum Inequality and Maximum Regularity of SPDEs driven by jump processes
- Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density
- Maximum-Likelihood Biases in PSF and Model-Fitting Photometry
- Maxwell Talk: The Best of All Possible Worlds
- Maxwell's Demon and the Nuclear Pore Complex
- Maxwell-Rankine-Minkowski Reciprocal Diagrams (or How to design a structure by tilting it into the fourth dimension)
- May the force (of gravity) be with you: general relativity, black holes and beyond
- Maya ruins, volcanoes and the colonial state in 18th-century Central America
- Mayalee Dancing Girl, the East India Company, and the Sambhar Salt Lake Affair 1835-42
- Mayer polytopes and divided differences
- Maynard Keynes and his Whaling Adventure.
- Maze Generation Algorithms
- Maze Generation and Solving Algorithms
- Müller glia on the move during retinal regeneration.
- McDonald Annual Lecture 2016 - Human migration and mega faunal extinctions
- MCM Box Modelling of the OP3 Aircraft Campaign
- MCMC for doubly-intractable distributions
- MCMC for doubly-intractable distributions
- MCMC for non-linear state space models using ensembles of latent sequences
- MCMC Importance Sampling via Moreau-Yosida Envelopes
- McMenemy Seminar: Carbon Nanotubes – The Material Of The Future
- MCMs in Screening for Common Cancers
- McMule -- QED Corrections for Low-Energy Experiments
- MCore: Towards a Multi-Resolution Non-Hydrostatic Finite-Volume Dynamical Core
- MD Simulations with Chemical Accuracy – Alkane Reactivity in Acidic Zeolites
- MD5crypt and GBDE: observations of a non-union cryptographer
- MDL Reading Group
- MDL Reading Group
- MDL Reading Group
- MDL Reading Group - Overparameterized neural networks implement associative memory
- MDL Reading Group
- MDM2 Splicing Control: a rheostat for p53 activity
- MDR cartography: Visualisation of multidrug resistance phenotypes in Streptococcus suis'
- ME embeddings for groups
- Mean curvature flow for spacelike surfaces, holomorphic discs and the Caratheodory Conjecture.
- Mean Curvature in the Sphere
- Mean Dimension & Jaworski-type Theorems
- Mean Ethoxylation and Tail Length Modulate Salt Curves of Mixed Ionic Surfactant Formulations
- Mean Field Approximation of PDEs -- a Case Study of 2D Fluids
- Mean Field Equilibria of Dynamic Auctions with Learning
- Mean Field Equilibria of Dynamic Auctions with Learning
- Mean Field Game of Mutual Holding and systemic risk
- Mean Field Games and Applications in Economics and Finance I
- Mean Field Games and Applications in Economics and Finance II
- Mean Field Games and Applications in Economics and Finance III
- Mean Field Games and the Control of Large Scale Systems: An Overview
- Mean field limits for weakly interacting diffusions: phase transitions, multiscale analysis, metastability and inference
- Mean field limits of spatially structured Hawkes processes
- Mean Field Methods for Stochastic Dynamics
- Mean field theory in Inverse Problems: from Bayesian inference to overparameterization of networks
- Mean Field Theory of NN (postponed to March 2022)
- Mean Field Theory of NNs
- Mean flow and fluctuations in two opposing limits of quasi-geostrophic flow
- Mean flows and large-scale vortices in rotating convection
- Mean string field theory
- Mean-field crossbridge dynamics break down in frustration
- Mean-field limit and large deviation for chemical reaction kinetics from Hamiltonian viewpoint and upwind scheme
- Mean-field Markov Decision process with common noise and randomized controls: convergence rate and applications to targeted advertising
- Mean-Field Models in Biology and Engineering
- Meaning in their Making: a Socio-Technical Approach to the Study of Pavlovian Art
- Meaning making between socially anxious mothers and their children regarding starting school
- Meaning negotiation through synchronous computer-mediated-communication (SCMC) in task-based language learning in China
- Meaningful Music, Unmediated Sound: An Evolutionary History
- Meaningful Music, Unmediated Sound: An Evolutionary History
- Measurable circle squaring
- Measure of the spectrum of the extended Harper's model
- Measure-valued solutions to the generalized Aw-Rascle system
- Measured Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Measured with Ceremonies
- Measurement and analysis of epithelial stem cell dynamics
- Measurement and control of electron wavepackets from a single-electron source (SP Workshop)
- Measurement automation for additive manufacturing using computer vision
- Measurement error and the problem of quantity individuation
- Measurement error modelling through SEM: Applications in epidemiology and health
- Measurement error modelling through SEM: Applications in epidemiology and health
- Measurement in Accounts: Fair Value and the Credit Crunch
- Measurement of coronary artery stiffness
- Measurement of evoked spinal cord potentials in normal dogs and dogs
- Measurement of Influence Factors in a Decision Making Process: An Application of Conjoint Analysis
- Measurement of jets with SISCone and anti-kt algorithms with data from the OPAL experiment at LEP
- Measurement of local magnetic properties of devices with transmission electron microscopy
- Measurement of mechanical properties of diamond via solid particle erosion
- Measurement of Oil Derived Components in an Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust
- Measurement of the dipole in the cross-correlation function of galaxies
- Measurement of the neutral D meson mixing parameters at the BaBar experiment
- Measurement of the Pion Charge-Exchange Differential Cross Section on Argon with the ProtoDUNE Detector
- Measurement of the Thermal Spectum from Horizon by Stimulated Emission
- Measurement of the turbulent diffusivity of a magnetic field: the Turbulent Angstrom Method and the Method of Oscillatory Sines
- Measurement process in superconducting flux qubit
- Measurement Theme Journal Club
- Measurement Theme Journal Club
- Measurement Traceability and New Measurement Modalities
- Measurement uncertainties in neutron and gamma-ray imaging for proton range monitoring
- Measurement, Assessment and Modelling of Heavy Goods Vehicle Energy Consumption
- Measurement, Assessment and Prediction of Energy Consumption of Heavy Goods Vehicles.
- Measurement, Assessment and Prediction of Energy Consumption of Heavy Goods Vehicles
- Measurement, Assessment and Prediction of Energy Consumption of Heavy Goods Vehicles
- Measurement, Correlation, and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics
- Measurement-based classical computation: Classifying the computational power of entangled states
- Measurement-dependent Noisy Search: An Information Acquisition Approach
- Measurements and gyrokinetic simulations of electron transport in NSTX
- Measurements and modelling of turbulent transport on Tore Supra
- Measurements in vivo: the fluid mechanics of insects in flight
- Measurements of angular distance and momentum ratio distributions in three-jet and Z + two-jet final states in pp collisions
- Measurements of Black Hole Spin via X-ray Continuum Fitting
- Measurements of CMB polarization with BOOMERanG
- Measurements of electron temperature fluctuations on DIII-D
- Measurements of Neutral Current Pion Production by Neutrinos at 1 GeV with SciBooNE
- Measurements of Neutrino Oscillations by MINOS and MINOS+
- Measurements of OH and HO2 in the Tropics
- Measurements of roughness noise
- Measures for capturing coverage of genetic variation in a population
- Measures of auditory streaming
- Measures of Relative Complexity
- Measures of Utility for Synthetic Data
- Measures on graphs and a Kazhdan’s theorem
- Measures on the space of CKM matrices
- Measures on Transitions for Cosmology in the Landscape
- Measuring adiabatic contraction in SINGS galaxies
- Measuring and allocating systemic risk
- Measuring and Analyzing Online Advertising
- Measuring and avoiding side effects using relative reachability
- Measuring and characterising inhomogeneous, anisotropic turbulent cascades and jet formation from observations of Jupiter and Saturn
- Measuring and Modeling the coordination of cilia: from collective waves in the brain to information processing?
- Measuring and Modeling the Dynamics of Developmental Decisions in Single Cells
- Measuring and Modelling Mobility Behaviour in the Context of COVID-19 - From Buildings to Countries
- Measuring and modelling the development of ordered nerve connections
- Measuring and Monitoring Surface Melting on an Antarctic Ice Shelf
- Measuring and predicting complexity
- Measuring and Tackling the Wastes in Supply Chain
- Measuring attention in rodent models of schizophrenia
- Measuring avian species abundance with bioacoustics and machine learning
- Measuring axon diameters with diffusion MRI and other tales
- Measuring ‘quality’ in early education – determining whether pre-schools can support children to become better learners
- Measuring Black Hole Spin
- Measuring Black Hole Spin
- Measuring Causal Effects of Data Statistics on Language Model Predictions
- Measuring chaos: ongoing chromosomal instability in cancer through the lens of single-cell DNA sequencing
- Measuring conceptual understanding quickly and reliably
- Measuring consciousness: From behaviour to neurophysiology
- Measuring consciousness: Relating behavioural and neurophysiological approaches
- Measuring Cryptocurrency Fraud
- Measuring dependence with local Gaussian correlation: Theory and applications.
- Measuring Designing: Design Cognitiometrics, Physiometrics & Neurometrics
- Measuring Distances in the Universe with Strong Gravitational Lenses
- Measuring electron temperatures using X-ray spectroscopy
- Measuring emissions by satellite to support the Paris Agreement
- Measuring Ethnicity in the NHS
- Measuring g(r) by test-particle insertion
- Measuring Game Temperature With UCT-Monte Carlo
- Measuring gas emissions at the 2018 Leilani Estates eruption, Kilauea
- Measuring Healthcare Quality: A Robust Healthcare Quality Index (HQI) Based on the Generalized Maximum Entropy Formulation
- Measuring housing prices over the long run (correctly) – an index for Dublin 1900-2015
- Measuring Immigrant Crime in London: The Irish 1801-1820
- Measuring interacting electrons in low dimensional systems: spin-charge separation and 'replicas & tbd
- Measuring Intermolecular Forces in Biology
- Measuring kinase activity and proteolysis in mitosis
- Measuring landscape resilience: tephra, soil and spatial patterns
- Measuring microns on rails: can we really do it and if so, how?
- Measuring mobility outside the laboratory with digital health technology: are we there yet?
- Measuring National Well-Being – what matters to you?
- Measuring new particle masses at the LHC
- Measuring Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone in the Atmosphere
- Measuring Ocean Mixing
- Measuring one-way loss with GRE encapsulated multicast probing
- Measuring orbital eccentricity using asteroseismology: small planets in Kepler multi-planet systems have low eccentricities
- Measuring osmotic modulation of synaptic responses
- Measuring Performance of Likelihood-Ratio-Based Evidence Evaluation Methods
- Measuring phonon behaviour with electron diffraction
- Measuring photon-assisted shot noise in capacitively-coupled quantum point contacts
- Measuring protected area performance - Large vertebrate population declines in Africa's protected areas
- Measuring Quantum Geometry Fluctuations with Interferometers
- Measuring real estate investment performance: A European comparison of different approaches
- Measuring rich clubs on weighted networks: definitions and random controls
- Measuring rodent affect: Rethinking taste aversion and (some) models of psychiatric disorder."
- Measuring Safety Perceptions of Neighborhoods with Human-centered Geospatial Data Science
- Measuring Sample Discrepancy with Diffusions
- Measuring sample quality with diffusions
- Measuring Science process skills objectively in a Malaysian context
- Measuring shape change by registration
- Measuring Skills in Europe
- Measuring Small-scale Tropical Forest Disturbance with GEDI
- Measuring soil pressure: An application for determining Ko of granular soils
- Measuring Stellar Radial Velocities
- Measuring Systemic Illiquidity and Optimal Policy Options: A Dynamic Approach
- Measuring the Bs mixing phase at LHCb
- Measuring the dark universe - astrophysical contamination on all scales
- Measuring the distortion of time with large-scale structure
- Measuring the Earth: A Slice of Medieval Mathematics
- Measuring the Expansion of the Universe
- Measuring the Expansion of the Universe
- Measuring the galaxy bias, gravity and sigma8 using the bispectrum
- Measuring the impact of climate change on within-country income inequality
- Measuring the Impact of Social Relationships: The Value of 'Oneness'
- Measuring the inner accretion disk in X-ray binaries
- Measuring the liquid structure of condensates in live cells
- Measuring the magnetic properties of materials using defects in diamond
- Measuring the timing and noise of bacteriophage infection steps
- Measuring the timing and noise of bacteriophage infection steps
- Measuring the timing and noise of bacteriophage infection steps
- Measuring the Top Quark Mass at the LHC with Applications to New Physics
- Measuring the Universe with a 10^26 inch ruler
- Measuring theory of mind in late childhood
- Measuring theory of mind in late childhood
- Measuring unconscious response tendencies in adults and children
- Measuring Urban Social Diversity Using Interconnected Geo-Social Networks
- Measuring vibration with a laser
- Measuring within-tumour diversity as a universal biomarker for cancer prognosis
- Meat and Potatoes: Changing Diets for Changing Times? (Cambridge Festival of Ideas)
- Meat to Mittens: a short history of survival science and extreme physiology in the Arctic and Antarctic regions
- Meat under the saddle: diet, subsistence and identity in early medieval Hungary
- Meat, milk and plant oils: characterising products in Early Bronze Age pottery from the Oman Peninsula through lipid residue analysis
- Mechanical and Metabolic Cell-Cell Interactions governing Biofilm Formation
- Mechanical Atom Manipulation: Towards a Matter Compiler
- Mechanical behaviors of collective cell assemblies during migration and extrusion.
- Mechanical Behaviour of Cells on Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
- Mechanical behaviour of particulate polymer composites
- Mechanical behaviour of the lower limb under high strain rates
- Mechanical brain: The force of dendritic spine synapses for memory and cognition
- Mechanical brain: The force of dendritic spine synapses for memory and cognition
- Mechanical Characterization of Structural Biological Tissues
- Mechanical control of seed morphogenesis
- Mechanical coupling between engineered and biological material systems
- Mechanical energy conservation in turbulent jets and plumes: entrainment relations and unsteadiness
- Mechanical factors underlying aortic stiffness, aneurysms and dissections
- Mechanical force guided cell migration in early embryonic development
- Mechanical forces driving zebrafish epiboly
- Mechanical forces in B cell activation
- Mechanical Frustration of Phase Separation in the Cell Nucleus by Chromatin
- Mechanical manipulation of single molecules in nanopores
- Mechanical metamaterials: Does toughness characterise fracture?
- Mechanical performance of wall structures in 3D printing processes: theory, design tools and experiments
- Mechanical pre-patterning as a general mechanism in early morphogenesis
- Mechanical properties of cells or cell components on the micro- and nanometer scale
- Mechanical properties of electrospun nanofibres
- Mechanical properties of highly particle-filled composites
- Mechanical Property of the Red Blood Cell Membrane using Optical Tweezers
- Mechanical regulation of morphogenesis at the shoot apex
- Mechanical regulation of plant cell shape
- Mechanical regulation of the cytoskeleton
- Mechanical response of unsaturated expansive soil
- Mechanical scaling in blood platelets
- Mechanical signals in plant morphogenesis
- Mechanical steering compensators for high-performance motorcycles
- Mechanical study of the C. elegans worm locomotion. From soft matter to biomimetics
- Mechanical study of the C. elegans worm locomotion. From soft matter to biomimetics.
- Mechanical Systems In The Quantum Regime: Cavity Optomechanics
- Mechanically Programmable Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuators
- Mechanically verified LISP interpreters
- Mechanically-grown morphogenesis of Voronoi-type materials
- Mechanically-instructive Scaffolds to Steer Tissue Regeneration: Merging Mechaniobiology with Biofabrication
- Mechanically-instructive Scaffolds to Steer Tissue Regeneration: Merging Mechaniobiology with Biofabrication
- Mechanically-instructive Scaffolds to Steer Tissue Regeneration: Merging Mechaniobiology with Biofabrication
- Mechanics affecting the ballistic limit of thin metal plates
- Mechanics and design of lightweight structures
- Mechanics and Design of Next-Generation Protective Overlayers for Extreme Environments
- Mechanics and dynamics of cell to cell adhesion in plants
- Mechanics and Evolution of Cell Sheet Folding – Embryonic Inversion in the micro-alga Volvox
- Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics of Shape-shifting Multicellular Choanoflagellates
- Mechanics and growth of tissues
- Mechanics and mechanisms of tube morphogenesis
- Mechanics and patterning combine to orient cell divisions in a planar polarised epithelium
- Mechanics and polarity in cell motility
- Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Nematic Shape Equations
- Mechanics Colloquia
- Mechanics Colloquium - Title tbc
- MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM Bacterial falgellar filaments: Smart structure, smart protein
- MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM. Inversion and perversion in biomechanics: from microscopic anisotropy to macroscopic chirality.
- Mechanics Colloquium: 'Modelling non-symmetry of collagen fibre dispersion in the elasticity of arterial wall tissue'
- Mechanics dictates the differentiation switch in the heart: how to choose between the muscle and blood vessel?
- Mechanics in neuronal development
- Mechanics in the nervous system: avoiding the hard way
- Mechanics meets biology
- Mechanics meets the brain: forcing neurons on the right path
- Mechanics of a Volvox Embryo Turning Itself Inside Out
- Mechanics of Architected Materials Across Length and Time Scales
- Mechanics of Architected Materials Across Length and Time Scales
- Mechanics of Architected Materials Across Length and Time Scales
- Mechanics of Architected Materials Across Length and Time Scales
- Mechanics of blastocyst morphogenesis
- Mechanics of cell division by the actomyosin contractile ring
- Mechanics of embryonic self-organization
- Mechanics of epithelial migration, growth and folding
- Mechanics of Hydrogen diffusion and embrittlement
- Mechanics of motility at microscopic scales
- Mechanics Of Nanocomposites
- Mechanics of Plant and Fungal Movements: Traps, Slingshots, and Catapults
- Mechanics of Polymer Brushes
- Mechanics of skin and fat
- Mechanics of Soft Composites: The Interplay between Geometrical Structuring and Large Deformation to Achieve Novel Behavior
- Mechanics of soft membranes and interfaces: anisotropy; nonlinearity; buckling
- Mechanics of Stretchable Electronics
- Mechanics of Stretchable Electronics
- Mechanics of Tip Growth Morphogenesis - 20 Years Later
- Mechanics, Additive Manufacture, and Characterisation of Lattice Biostructures
- Mechanics, Materials and Design Graduate Conference
- Mechanising First-Order Logic: Technology, Decidability and Applications
- Mechanism and function of stochastic pulse regulation
- Mechanism and Models of Stomata/Mesophyll Form and Function
- Mechanism and Regulation of miRNA-mediated Repression in Mammalian Cells including Retinal Photoreceptors
- Mechanism design for Cloud Computing and Crowdsourcing
- Mechanism Design without Money via Stable Matching
- Mechanism design: dealing with interdependencies among agents.
- Mechanism of action of strigolactone
- Mechanism of alpha-synuclein toxicity in Parkinson's disease.
- Mechanism of epidermal maintenance of mice and men
- Mechanism of microtubule plus-end tracking by EB1 and CLIP-170 elucidated by in vitro reconstitution
- Mechanism of neural differentiation
- Mechanism of phototaxis in Platynereis larvae and the origin of visual eyes
- Mechanism of premature cracking in jointed plain concrete pavements
- Mechanism of PS (Phosphatidylserine) exposure in red blood cells from patients with sickle cell disease: A role for Piezo1?
- Mechanism of Rok planar polarisation at tissue boundaries during morphogenesis
- Mechanism of synchronization of human airway cilia
- Mechanism of transformation of neural stem cells by fusion onco-proteins.
- Mechanism regulating neural differentiation
- Mechanism-based therapy of stroke
- Mechanisms Against Climate Change
- Mechanisms and anatomy of selective attention in multi-target environments
- Mechanisms and consequences of pancreatic cancer stromal evolution
- Mechanisms and Evolution of Transcriptional Control in Mammals
- Mechanisms and mechanics of morphogenesis
- Mechanisms and natural kinds
- Mechanisms and regulation of centrosome biogenesis
- Mechanisms and regulation of DNA recombination during meiosis
- Mechanisms and roles of transmissible RNA
- Mechanisms by which broccoli can potentiate endogenous protection against stroke
- Mechanisms conferring seasonal flowering responses in annual and perennial plants
- Mechanisms controlling cell fate specification of pluripotent stem cells
- Mechanisms controlling gene expression in hypoxia and inflammation
- Mechanisms controlling homeostasis in mammalian epidermis
- Mechanisms controlling primary germ layers specification in human
- Mechanisms for encoding integrated calcium signatures in plants
- Mechanisms for energy conservation in Onsager supercritical fluids
- Mechanisms for Model Scale Landing Gear Noise Generation
- Mechanisms for the land/sea warming contrast exhibited by simulations of climate change
- Mechanisms for the Selective Degradation of Ubiquitinated Proteins by the 26S Proteasome
- Mechanisms generating bundle sheath-specificity in C3 and C4 plants
- Mechanisms generating robustness in plant organ size and shape
- Mechanisms Governing the Fidelity of Chromosome Segregation
- Mechanisms in disorders of energy balance
- Mechanisms in non-native speech perception
- Mechanisms in Nucleocytoplasmic Transport
- Mechanisms matter: understanding and optimizing drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis
- Mechanisms of Aging
- Mechanisms of Axon Growth and Regeneration
- Mechanisms of cargo selection in clathrin-coated vesicle formation
- Mechanisms of cellular programming and reprogramming
- Mechanisms of centriole assembly
- Mechanisms of centriole assembly
- Mechanisms of centrosome assembly and their implications for cellular organisation
- Mechanisms of Chromatin Remodeling Machines: Different or the Same?
- Mechanisms of danger sensing by the NLRP3 inflammasome
- Mechanisms of distal axon degeneration and neuroprotection in peripheral neuropathies
- Mechanisms of DNA replication
- Mechanisms of dynamic cytoskeletal organization in growing plant cells
- Mechanisms of englacial conduit formation and their implications for subglacial recharge
- Mechanisms of environmental and within host survival of the food borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni
- Mechanisms of epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian development
- Mechanisms of Episodic continental growth in the early Earth
- Mechanisms of Estrogen Receptor Transcription in Breast Cancer
- Mechanisms of filopodia regulation
- Mechanisms of forgetting
- Mechanisms of forgetting
- Mechanisms of forgetting
- Mechanisms of formation of a Mesospheric Inversion Layer and Subsequent Elevated Stratopause Associated with the 2019 Stratospheric Sudden Warming
- Mechanisms of Hedgehog signalling in Drosophila epithelia
- Mechanisms of Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
- Mechanisms of imitation: insights from typical and autistic cognition
- Mechanisms of immune decline and strategies for enhancing immunity during ageing.
- Mechanisms of immune-metabolic interaction in infection
- Mechanisms of influenza A virus modulation of host membrane trafficking
- Mechanisms of innate and adaptive T cell help to B cells during infection and immunity
- Mechanisms of intervertebral disc calcification and its clinical implications in dogs
- Mechanisms of leading edge protrusion in interstitial migration
- Mechanisms of lineage specification in human embryos
- Mechanisms of Liver injury within the Gut-Liver-Axis
- Mechanisms of lymphomagenesis: Developmental origins of a paediatric cancer
- Mechanisms of membrane protein biogenesis
- Mechanisms of memory revaluation in Drosophila
- Mechanisms of microbial elemental sulfur reduction at the community, cellular and enzymatic levels
- Mechanisms of morphogenesis in early embryos
- Mechanisms of neuron-glia interations in the vivo using transgenic mouse models and 2P-imaging
- Mechanisms of NSC differentiation: from Coagulation to Immunomodulation
- Mechanisms of object recognition in humans, primates and deep neuronal networks
- Mechanisms of ocean heat uptake in coupled climate models
- Mechanisms of organismal stress resistance in C. elegans
- Mechanisms of protein transport in eukaryotic cells
- Mechanisms of Regulating Epidermal Stem Cell Fate
- Mechanisms of Regulation of the histone demethylase LSD1/CoREST complex: from SUMOylation to miRNAs
- Mechanisms of remembering: separation, replay, and integration in the human brain
- Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity - in health and disease
- Mechanisms of Transcriptional Repression during Development.
- Mechanisms of transmembrane transport: towards structures of membrane protein drug targets
- Mechanisms of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylenes subjected to ballistic impact
- Mechanisms of Wnt signal transduction
- Mechanisms of working memory training: not plasticity, but routines and fine-tuning
- Mechanisms of zygotic genome activation and spatial chromatin organization in totipotent mouse embryos
- Mechanisms regulating neural differentiation
- Mechanisms regulating spatial distribution of cerebellar Purkinje cell dendrites
- Mechanisms regulating trophoblast development in the human placenta
- Mechanisms regulating tumor heterogeneity
- Mechanisms that synchronize the Drosophila circadian clock with the environment
- Mechanisms to medicines in neurodegeneration
- Mechanisms Undelying Limb Regeneration in as Adult Vertebrate
- Mechanisms underlying colour pattern variation within and between species of cichlid fishes
- Mechanisms underlying generalisation in word learning
- Mechanisms underlying host-microbiota relationships in the vertebrate intestine
- Mechanisms underlying repetition suppression in the face and body-processing network: all effects are not created equal
- Mechanisms underlying the developmental origins of health and disease
- Mechanisms underlying the developmental origins of health and disease
- Mechanisms, functions and uses of OTU domain deubiquitinases
- Mechanistic and structural studies on thiamin biosynthetic enzymes
- Mechanistic basis of epigenetic switching and memory
- Mechanistic design, understanding, and multicatalysis in the development of catalytic chemical processes
- Mechanistic details of phosphoinositide-mediated endosomal sorting
- Mechanistic insight into protein complexes that regulate mRNA polyA tails
- Mechanistic insights from genome-wide association studies of reproductive traits
- Mechanistic insights into polyketide antibiotic biosynthesis in Gram-negative bacteria
- Mechanistic insights into the mRNA poly(A) tail machinery and DNA repair
- Mechanistic model development to characterise drug effects on platelets over time in pharmaceutical research.
- Mechanistic studies of purinergic signaling in plants
- Mechanistic Understanding of Language Models in Arithmetic Reasoning and Code Generation
- Mechanistically evaluating the local Bloch wave approximation in graded arrays of vertical barriers
- Mechanistically Playful Metals
- Mechanizing Theories in Twelf: A Tutorial (Part 1)
- Mechanizing Theories in Twelf: A Tutorial (Part 2)
- Mechanizing Theories in Twelf: A Tutorial (Part 3)
- Mechanizing war and medicine: rationalized fracture care in World War I
- Mechano-chemical active feedback generates convergence extension in epithelial tissue
- Mechano-chemical feedbacks in plant regeneration
- Mechano-eco-evo of the Common Dandelion: What the Notorious Weed Tells Us About Plant Dispersal Strategies
- Mechano-responsive nano-textured hydrogels
- Mechano-responsive nano-textured hydrogels
- Mechanobiology of cell shape control
- Mechanobiology of Cells and Extracellular Matrices
- Mechanocaloric Materials for Environmentally Friendly Refrigeration
- Mechanocellular models of epithelial morphogenesis
- Mechanoresponsive Materials and Self-Healing Systems
- Mechanosensing and endosomal traffic – new vulnerabilities in breast cancer
- Mechanosensing in cancer fuels agressiveness
- Mechanosensing in the pancreatic cancer microenvironment
- Mechanotransductive activation of mesoderm invagination triggered by stochastic apex cell pulsations in early Drosophila embryos
- MeCP2 in the brain and beyond: from biology to disease
- Media Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: David vs. Goliath, Gaza, September 2000
- Media influences in contemporary Rwandan dance performances
- Media landscape in Twitter: A world of new conventions and political diversity
- Media landscape in Twitter: A world of new conventions and political diversity
- Media Reading Group
- MedIAN (Medical Image Analysis Network) - Collaborating Across Disciplines
- Median spaces and spaces with thin triangles.
- Mediated Panel Discussion
- Mediated Panel Discussion
- Mediated Panel Discussion
- Mediated Panel Discussion
- Mediated Panel Discussion
- Mediatek: 5G – Life beyond the Smartphone
- MediaTek: Title to be confirmed
- Mediating Voice: Writing Letters to Address the Public at a Local Radio Station in Mopti, Mali
- Mediators of the sex difference in aggression: An evolutionary approach
- Medical Curiosities of the Freak Show Era
- Medical Curiosities of the Freak Show Era
- Medical Device Design and Development for combination products, a focus on real world examples
- Medical diagnoses through geomancy in medieval and early modern Europe
- Medical discourse and scientific thought-styles: what changes and what remains constant
- Medical Engineering at TWI (talk and visit)
- Medical heritage as cultural property: pan-African politics and global IP precedents in the 1960s and 1970s
- Medical Image Computing - The role of computer science in clinical routine
- Medical Image Registration Using Graphical Processing Units
- Medical Imaging Challenges
- Medical Justice
- Medical knowledge and enlightened war: British and French military medicine in the eighteenth century
- Medical Leadership
- Medical Materials
- Medical Morphometry using Computational Quasiconformal Geometry
- Medical Research Council Conference on Biostatistics
- Medical statistics: A little bit of history
- Medicine 101 - How to be a Casualty Doctor
- Medicine and learned magic in the late middle ages
- Medicine in and around Dunhuang: preliminary assessment of ancient transmissions of medical knowledge along the Silk Road
- Medicine workers in the mountains: upland gatherers in the Min River Valley and China's natural medicinal products trade, 1890–1960
- Medicine, astrology, alchemy and magic in early modern England
- Medicine, astrology, alchemy and magic in early modern England
- Medicine, Modernity and the German Jews
- Medienforum "Die Zukunft des Journalismus"
- Medienforum "Journalismus und Digitalisierung"
- Medieval Art in East Anglia Symposium
- Medieval Crises, with Campbell, Dyer, & Hatcher
- Medieval English Peasants and Culture
- Medieval medicine and leprosy: new insights from dental calculus analysis
- Medieval super-attractions: a meeting of the physical & mental
- Medieval textiles and the Portable Antiquities Scheme: a handmaiden’s yarn
- Meditation and Monasticism: Making the Ascetic Self in Thailand
- Meditation and Positive Thinking
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation Course
- Meditation: An ancient practice that helps us cope with stress from the modern world
- Medium Access Control, Fairness and Phase Transitions in Multihop Wireless Networks
- Medium Access using Queues
- Medium of instruction policy and multilingual pupils’ experience of learning to read and write in primary school in Cameroon
- Medium- and particle-shape effects on electric double layers
- Medium- and particle-shape effects on electric double layers
- MEDSIN TALK: Maddi Cassell - "Why is there so much stigma about mental illness?"
- MEDSIN TALK: Sir Andy Haines - Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Meet CUSP/BlueSci at Freshers Fair!
- Meet Rainbow
- Meet the Authors
- Meet the Authors
- Meet the Champions...Disability
- Meet the Chaplains
- Meet the Curator
- Meet the Editors of Forum of Mathematics
- Meet the Funder! Data sharing in policy and practice with Cancer Research UK
- Meet The Gender Champions
- Meet the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship Director in London
- Meet the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship Director in London
- Meet… Medicines Discovery Catapult
- Meeting - Sam Powell
- Meeting Cancelled - Science and the Futures of Medicine - One Day meeting
- Meeting Marlon - travels in Brazil
- Meeting nature halfway: Georg Forster, mining, and the aesthetics of artifice
- Meeting of the Interest Group on Formal Mathematics: Fine-grained mathematical dependencies in the Mizar proof assistant
- Meeting of the Interest Group on Formal Mathematics: Fine-grained mathematical dependencies in the Mizar proof assistant
- Meeting on Testing and Verification for Computational Science
- Meeting the Challenge of Net Zero after COP29
- Meeting the challenges of cancer through nanotechnology.
- Meeting the challenges of change in assessment systems: A Maltese perspective
- Meeting with CL System Administration
- Meeting with organisers of the free boundary problems
- Meeting with organisers of the free boundary problems
- Meeting with Polish novelist Dorota Masłowska
- MEG in older controls: counterparts of 1) semantic & episodic memory & 2) speech perception
- Mega-Structures of the Middle Ages: The Construction of Religious Buildings in Europe and Asia, c. 1000-1500
- MegaMenger and Cambridge Maths Circle
- Megan Hunter 'in Conversation' with Mary Buckley
- Megaoesophagus: A Clinical Sign of Underlying Neurological Disease
- Melancholy Journeys and Postmemory in the Films of Ruth Beckermann
- Melancholy, Sex, and Bloodsuckers: A History of Lord Byron's
- Melanoma and the translational cycle of innovation in cancer therapeutics
- Melanoma: Genetics, UV and immune-response
- MELL in a free compact closure
- Melocactus and Discocactus
- MeLock
- Melt generation and extraction from the Mantle
- Melt migration at mid-ocean ridges: A tale in three acts
- Melt Production in the Mantle due to Deglaciation in Iceland
- Melt transport in the mantle: constraints from field observations and ideas for future work
- Melt transport in the mantle: constraints from field observations and ideas for future work
- Melt-induced weakening of the lithosphere: theory, numerical implementation and geodynamic implications
- Melting above the (nominally) anhydrous solidus controls the location of volcanic arcs
- Melting and mixing at the submarine termini of tidewater glaciers
- Melting at the marine termini of glaciers and ice sheets: insights from a simple plume model
- Melting ice - rising seas: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment
- Melting in the deep mantle
- Melting of Recycled Polyolefins in Corotating Twin-screw Extruders
- Melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: What is the role of anthropogenic forcing?
- Melting of wall-mounted ice in flowing water
- Melting Scrap Metal in an Induction Furnace
- Meltwater feedbacks on ice-sheet dynamics
- Melville Lecture 1: Stimuli-Responsive Smart Soft Materials abricated under Nonequilibrated Conditions
- Melville Lecture 2023: “Chirality-Complexity Relations for Nanostructures”
- Melville Lecture 2023: “Topometric Design of Self-Assembled Biomimetic Composites”
- Melville Lecture 2: Rational Strategy for Chain-Growth Supramolecular Polymerization
- Melville Lecturer 2011 - Development of New Routes to Benign Polymeric Materials
- Melville Lecturer: 2nd-6th May
- Melville Lectures "Breakable and self-assembled materials: Synthesis and applications"
- Melville Lectures 2019 "Luminescent complexes: assemblies, sensing, towards artificial virus"
- Melville Lectures 2019 - "Luminescent complexes: assemblies, sensing, towards artificial virus"
- Melville Mini-symposium: Assembly of nano-polysaccharides and plant polyaromatics at interfaces
- Melville Mini-symposium: Programming materials with classical conditioning algorithms
- Melville Mini-symposium: Wood Hemicelluloses: Molecular Structure and Interactions in Woody Tissues
- Melville Seminar : Broad-spectrum antiviral materials
- Member of the Family or Barbarian at the Gate? Russia and the West, by Sir Tony Brenton followed by Q&As – Friday, 6 November, 19:00.
- Members' Christmas Evening and AGM
- Members' Christmas Evening and Annual General Meeting
- Members' enthusiasms
- Members' Evening
- Members' Evening
- Members' Open Forum
- Members' Slides
- Members' Slides
- Members' Slides
- Members' slides (or digital presentations!)
- Members' talks/slides/presentations
- Membrane activation of the adaptor complex AP2 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis
- Membrane association of the Arabidopsis ARF exchange factor GNOM involves interaction of conserved domains
- Membrane biology in plant-microbe interactions
- Membrane machines for bacterial virulence, drug resistance and motility.
- Membrane Matrix Models and non-perturbative tests of gauge/gravity
- Membrane protein folding, the regulation of membrane function and construction of synthetic membrane modules
- Membrane proteins - the lipid connection
- Membrane proteins at work: Mhp1 and the human Histamin receptor H1
- Membrane shapes and dynamics driven by curved active proteins
- Membrane Technologies Toward Resolving the Energy-Water Nexus
- Membrane Trafficking in Trypanosomes
- Membrane-associated charge and the cardiac electrical field
- Membrane-cytoskeleton mechanical crosstalk during phagocytosis
- Mementos, Memento Mori, and More: Digital Assets across the Human Lifespan
- Memorial Event for Alexander 'Sandy' Fraser
- Memories are made of this
- Memories in the Skolt Sámi Area of the Arctic: Notes from a Visiting Artist
- Memories of Ashura: A photographic essay from Zanzibar before and after the Revolution
- Memories of Tomorrow: Do Animals Remember the Past and Plan for the Future?
- Memory
- Memory and learning in the age of digital distractions
- Memory and Masculinity in the Work of Ocean Vuong
- Memory and Masculinity in the Work of Ocean Vuong
- Memory and Masculinity in the Work of Ocean Vuong
- Memory and Memorialisation
- Memory and the Brain: Past, Present and Future
- Memory and the Brain: Past, Present and Future
- Memory codes and their transformation in bee brain
- Memory Consolidation: Synaptic tagging and mental schemas
- Memory consolidation: the impact of novelty and prior knowledge
- Memory control deficits in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Memory Deficits associated with selective hippocampal atrophy
- Memory Effects
- Memory effects in soft matter
- Memory may hide dissipation in active baths
- Memory model parametric compositional symbolic execution
- Memory rehabilitation using SenseCam
- Memory Research in Autism: Past Achievements and Prospects for the Future
- Memory safety with exceptions and linear types
- Memory, Cosmology and Materiality in Prehistoric Malta
- Memory, learning, and control of cognitive representations
- Memory, Miniaturization, and the Transformative Energy of Fairy Tales
- Memory, Work, and the Significance of Communist Heritage in Post-Socialist Albania
- Memory-preserving equilibration after a quantum quench in a 1d critical model
- Memory: what is it good for?
- Memristors
- Memristors: The Future of Computer Memory and Neuromorphic Circuits?
- MEMS based acoustic microscopy
- MEMS Based Mechanical AGC for Oscillator circuits
- MEMS Biosensors and their potential for improving healthcare
- MEMS for precision sensing
- MEMS Laser Scanners and Display Applications
- MEMS mode-localized resonant sensors based on three weakly coupled resonators
- MEMS Particulate Sensors
- Men & Women before God [Explore Islam Week]
- Men and depression: the relevance of masculinity?
- Men and Masculinities in International Relations Research
- Men as allies - approaching equality together
- men need help too
- Men of eminence: science, photography and biography in the self-fashioning of Robert Hunt in 19th-century England
- Men's daily and annual wages in early modern Sweden
- Men, Masculinity and Maternity: Fathers’ experiences of childbirth in Britain from the 1950’s to the present
- Men, maternity and moral residue: negotiating the moral demands of the transition to first time fatherhood
- Men’s unemployment and job opportunities for women: an analysis of the 1834 Poor Law Report
- Mendel the fraud? A social history of truth in genetics
- Mendeleev's Gift to Everyone (including you and me)
- Mendeley Workshop
- Mendelian Randomisation for Causal Inference in Epidemiology
- Mendelian Randomization: the next ten years?
- Mending broken hearts with neural crest cells
- Mending Broken Hearts: replacing damaged cardiac muscle; the MAGIC programme
- Menstrual time and the blood of stigmata: Catherine Cadiere and Father Girard, an 18th-century menstrual cause célèbre
- Mental Capacity Conundrums: Putting the Law in Context
- Mental Health
- Mental health and ageing
- Mental health and mental imagery: from experimental psychopathology to treatment innovation
- Mental health and stigma
- Mental health and well-being in the time of Covid-19
- Mental Health First Aid
- Mental health problems in young children victims of bullying: the neglected role of families
- Mental health risk and resilience after child adversity
- Mental Health Without Well-being
- Mental health, austerity and economics
- Mental Health, Self-Care and Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversity (GSRD)
- Mental illness and cognitive impairment in central and late medieval Normandy: attitudes and responses
- Mental imagery and emotion in psychopathology
- Mental imagery in bipolar disorder: experimental psychopathology and early treatment development
- Mental Poker
- Mental programs and the frontal lobe
- Mental programs and the frontal lobe
- Mental Time Travel: Theme and Variations
- Mental Wellbeing During Fieldwork - A Potential Barrier to Broader Diversity in Geosciences and Related Disciplines
- Mentalising, Epistemic Trust and Attachment: Changing Theories and their Practice Implications
- Mentalization Based Therapy - Sate of the Art
- Mentoring Workshop
- Mentorship for Formal Methods
- MEP and planetary climates: insights from a two-box climate model containing atmospheric dynamics
- MEP David McAllister on 'The UK and Germany – Active Partners in Europe'
- Mer
- Merchant Storage Investment in a Restructured Electricity Industry
- Merchants of Culture: the Making of Bestsellers
- Merchants of Enlightenment: making knowledge move between England and Sweden, 1700–72
- Merck Lecture day 7th November 2022
- Merck Lectureship Talk 1 - Seeing the Light With Polymers
- Merck Lectureship Talk 2 - Pericyclic Reactions in the Synthesis of Medium Ring Ether and Piperidine Alkaloids of Biological Importance
- Merck Lectureship Talk 3 - Probing Intracellular Signalling Processes with Phosphatidyl Inositol Polyphosphates .
- Merck, Sharp & Dohme Lecture
- Mercury: Geology of the sun's innermost planet
- Mercury: Geology of the sun's innermost planet
- Merger-induced galaxy transformations in the ARTEMIS simulations
- MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS in the industry Is There Life After the Financial Crash or Do We Need a Defibrillator?
- Merging black holes in nuclear star clusters
- Merging cellular biochemical models using physicochemically rigorous rules
- Merging neutron stars, kilonovae and the origin of the heavy chemical elements
- Merging Oceans, Dividing Continents: Thoughts on the Intellectual History of Portuguese Imperial Expansion
- Merging Quantum Chemistry and Machine Learning for More Accurate Computational Models
- Mermaids, Cables and the Deep Sea: the telegraphic imagery in the 19th century
- Merons, bimerons and skyrmions in α-Fe2O3: from cosmology to spintronics
- Mersey Gateway
- Mertens' Theorem for S- integer Dynamical Systems
- Mesembryanthemums
- Mesembs - Actual and Digital
- Mesh Networks
- Meshless quadrature for curved domains
- Meso-science and modernism: work at the Royal Society Mond Laboratory, 1933–1972
- Mesoderm formation and Pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells: the role of Brachyury
- Mesoderm formation in vertebrates - Identifying transcriptional targets of No tail in zebrafish
- Meson interactions at large Nc
- Mesons as open strings in holographic QCD
- Mesons in the (Dymarsky-)Kuperstein-Sonnenschein holographic models
- Mesophyll conductance: a route to improve wheat photosynthesis.
- Mesopotamia under Saddam: archaeology in Iraq 1969-1989
- Mesoscale fMRI and electrophysiology in human visual cortex
- Mesoscale imaging in disordered systems: soft matter physics in hard matter
- Mesoscale variability in the Weddell Sea: gliders, drifters and models
- Mesoscopic events in living cells: insights from bacterial chemotaxis
- Mesoscopic Solar Cells And Solar Fuels
- Mesoscopic structures of fMRI networks
- Mesoscopic Systems: Synthesis, Interactions and Analysis
- Mesoscopic thermocouples
- Mesoscopic to macroscopic behaviour of particulate composites: Experimental and numerical aspects
- Mesothelioma: a disease of our time
- Message ends: How alternative polyadenylation of mRNAs affects plant gene expression and development
- Message Passing
- Message Passing In Centralized Database
- Message-Aware Graph Attention Networks for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Path Planning
- Message-passing inference on graphical models
- Messaging Mars and the dead: technology and fiction in Britain, 1900–1939
- Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, And Why
- Messing with Insects' Minds: The Sneaky World of Plant Viruses
- Messing with the Future (or the Art of Continuations)
- Mestizo genomics: race mixture, nation and science in Latin America
- MET Long Project Presentations
- Met Office AI strategy
- MET Project Presentations
- Meta Modelling and Deploying Machine Learning Software
- Meta Modelling and Deploying Machine Learning Software
- Meta Programming and You
- Meta-analytic evidence of differential prefrontal and early sensory cortex activity during non-social sensory perception in autism
- Meta-Bayesian Analysis
- Meta-chiroptical effects: a new twist on a fundamental concept
- Meta-Interpretive Learning and Program Induction
- Meta-interpretive learning logic programs
- Meta-interpretive learning logic programs
- Meta-learning Adaptive Deep Kernel Gaussian Processes for Molecular Property Prediction and Optimization
- Meta-learning with Neural Processes
- Meta-learning with Neural Processes
- Meta-monuments: storytelling, collaboration and the proxy-wars of public art
- Meta-morphogenesis: Evolution of Mechanisms for Producing Minds
- Meta-Morphogenesis: Evolution of mechanisms for producing minds
- Meta-Programming
- Meta-Reductions
- Meta-reinforcement learning
- Metabolic adaptation to high altitude hypoxia.
- Metabolic control of myeloid cell function
- Metabolic control of myeloid cell function in chronic central nervous system inflammation
- Metabolic control of T cell function
- Metabolic cooperation in a synthetic yeast community
- Metabolic disorder, global health and ‘noncommunicable’ disease in Malawi
- Metabolic dysregulation & skeletal muscle insulin resistance: Implications for nutrition & ageing
- Metabolic interactions in microbial communities
- Metabolic neurocircuits: Early exposures and environmental influences
- Metabolic Rate in Seabirds – Influences, Limits & Consequences
- Metabolic regulation of the stress response and the cancer cell's Warburg effect
- Metabolic Reprogramming in Microgravity 3D Spheroids
- Metabolic rewiring drives invasion and metastasis in mammary carcinoma
- Metabolic Symbiosis in Breast Cancer: New Targets for Drug Discovery
- Metabolic Symbiosis in Breast Cancer: New Targets for Drug Discovery
- Metabolic synthetic lethality as a new strategy for cancer therapy
- Metabolic, Filmic, and Genetic Accounts of Time in Embryonic Life
- Metabolically driven latent space learning for gene expression data. A journey through manifolds and Pareto fronts
- Metabolism and cancer: why should we care?
- Metabolism and Embryo Health
- Metabolism, oxygen and cancer
- Metabolite damage and its repair or pre-emption
- Metabolomics 2016
- Metabolomics meets Phylogenetics
- Metabolomics of Neurodegeneration
- Metabolomics: Applications and impact in animal health and husbandry
- Metachronal coordination in cilia carpets
- Metacognition of internally-generated processes
- Metacognitive control of reinforcement learning and causal inference
- Metacontrol: The Yin and Yang of cognitive control
- MetaCoq: verified meta-theory at scale for a certified proof assistant
- Metadata Management
- Metadynamics
- Metagenome, metatranscriptome and single cell genome sequencing of biogas-producing microbial communities from production-scale biogas plants
- Metagenome, metatranscriptome and single cell genome sequencing of biogas-producing microbial communities from production-scale biogas plants
- Metagenomic assembly and characterisation of viral signatures with MetaCortex
- Metagenomics at Second Genome
- Metagenomics at Second Genome
- Metal cofactor assembly in chloroplasts
- Metal Complexes as Diagnostics and Therapeutics
- Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
- Metal Oxide Clusters Capped with Organic Ligands: Formation and Building Blocks for Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials
- Metal Pad Roll Instability in Two or Three Layers of Liquid Metals
- Metal to metal transitions
- Metal to metal transitions (Joint TCM/QM seminar)
- Metal-containing organic cages and macrocycles with open/close feature
- Metal-mediated molecular traps and junctions: a computational design
- Metal-Organic Frameworks as Tunable Platforms for Gas Storage and Catalysis
- Metal-organic frameworks for chemistry and medicine - Can we design them?
- Metal-Organic Nontrivial Molecules: From Structure to Application
- Metallic glasses
- Metallic Glasses: Order in Disorder
- Metallic Glasses: record-breaking properties for alloys from parvenus in the world of glasses
- Metallic hydrogen
- Metallic metabolism in Toxoplasma gondii
- Metallicity Gradients in Star-Forming Galaxies using SAMI and TYPHOON
- Metallonitrene/Alkyne Metathesis and Beyond: Transition Metal Catalyzed Oxidative Amination for Organic Synthesis
- Metallopolyynes and Metallophosphors: Multifunctional Materials with Emerging Applications in Optical Devices
- Metallopolyynes and Metallophosphors: Multifunctional Materials with Emerging Applications in Optical Devices RSC Chemistry of the Transition Metals Award Lecture 2010
- Metallurgy and Chinese civilisation: an historical overview
- Metals, dust and galaxy formation in the early universe
- Metamagnetism and Quantum Criticality in Sr3Ru2O7
- Metamaterial based devices for imaging, sensing and biological applications in the terahertz frequency range
- Metamaterials and Spanwise Varying Porosity
- Metamaterials and the Science of Invisibility
- Metamaterials and the Science of Invisibility
- Metamaterials for therapeutic ultrasound applications
- Metamessages of denial
- Metamodels and the Bootstrap for Input Model Uncertainty Analysis
- Metamorphic architected materials for dynamic application
- Metamorphic fluid flux and me OR When I came to terms with being a raving mad person
- Metaphor
- Metaphor in language, thought, and communication
- Metaphors for Language and Creative Writing in Herta Müller
- Metaphors for the twistor theory of the future.
- Metaphors in scientific practice: how they function, how they sometimes get entrenched, and how to evaluate them
- Metaphors, markets and marks: the general qualifications market and its deregulation
- Metaphors, similarities and inferences
- Metaphysics as Communing with the Unknown: Crossing between Emanuel Levinas and Karl Jaspers
- Metaplasia and carcinogenesis in stratified epithelia: the role of chronic inflammation
- Metaplectic Whittaker Functions and Quantum Groups at Roots of Unity
- Metaprogramming with Dependent Type Theory
- Metastability and Monte Carlo Methods for Multiscale Problems
- Metastability of magnetohydrodynamic atmospheres and their relaxation
- Metastability, rare events and sampling problems in molecular dynamics
- Metastable dynamics: rare events in cell biology
- Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking
- Metastasis
- Metastasis
- Metastasis latency: new molecular insights
- Metastatic Stem Cells, TGF-beta signalling and poor-prognosis in CRC
- MetaSurfacing with the Surface: experience with integrated research environments
- Meteorite paleomagnetism: Constraints on planetary migration and the formation of the first solids
- Meteorite paleomagnetism: Constraints on the rearrangement of the planets and the formation of the first solids
- Meteorological Research at UNIS, Svalbard
- Methane
- Methane and the Paris Agreement
- Methane in the Earth System Symposium
- Methane Leakage and the Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Natural Gas
- Methane plumes from the seafloor of West Spitsbergen: do they come from dissociation of methane hydrate caused by global warming?
- Methanogenic Communities
- Methanogenic Communities
- Method for Reconstruction of Electrical Properties Inside Human Bodies using MRI
- Method for Reconstruction of Electrical Properties Inside Human Bodies using MRI
- Method of reduction of dimensionality in contact mechanics
- Methodism and the world church
- Methodism: a movement for the people, by the people
- Methodists: A people born in song
- Methodological advances in creating time sensitive sensors from language and heterogeneous user generated content
- Methodological approaches to the ‘classification’ of African languages: ‘good science’ vs ‘bad science’
- Methodological Challenges in the Pursuit of the Tree of Life
- Methodological Diversity and Theoretical Integration (the example of Design Fixation)
- Methodological Diversity in Design Fixation Research
- Methodological Remarks on the History of Political Thought in the Islamic World
- Methodologies in Comparing Ancient Greek and Early Chinese Thought
- Methodology and application of optimal input design for parameter estimation
- Methodology and application of optimal input design for parameter estimation
- Methodology and the visual image
- Methods and Interactive Tools for Exploring the Semantics of Essentially Contested Concepts
- Methods and Math in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Methods and math in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Methods and math in cognitive neuroscience
- Methods and mechanisms of motion dazzle
- Methods for dealing with sparse and incomplete environmental datasets
- Methods for detecting graph based change points for fMRI and financial data
- Methods for finding rational points
- Methods for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in the Transportation Sector
- Methods for inferring the end of infectious disease outbreaks
- Methods for information transfer within populations of structures
- Methods for interactive medical imaging
- Methods for Koszul duality
- Methods for Lossless Data Compression
- Methods for modelling animal paths, an overview
- Methods for rapid 3D fluorescence microscopy
- Methods for the Periodically Correlated Random Processes: Estimation, Decomposition, Modelling
- Methods for visualizing high dimensional data
- Methods In Cognitive Neuroscience Day
- Methods in decision theory for conservation research
- Methods of Boundary Homogenisation in the Problems of Laplacian Transport
- Methods of time series analysis for climate tipping points
- Methods to model and segment novel metabolic imaging in humans
- METIS: Exploring mobile phone sensing offloading for efficiently supporting social sensing applications
- MetiTarski: An Automatic Theorem Prover for Real-Valued Special Functions
- Metric Algebra
- Metric Approximation of Set-Valued Functions
- Metric approximation of set-valued functions by integral operators
- Metric Diophantine approximation: the well approximable theory on manifolds
- Metric Gluing of Quantum Surfaces
- Metric invariants from curvature-like inequalities
- Metric mechanics and differential geometry in complex matter 2
- Metric properties of spaces of stability conditions
- Metric spaces and synthetic differential geometry
- Metrics on Multi-labeled Trees: Interrelationships and Diameter Bounds
- Metrics on quantum channels: issues, fixes, applications
- Metrics with conic singularities and applications
- Metrisability of Painleve equations, and Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type
- Metrized Deep Learning: Fast & Scalable Training
- Metrology – a small pool with wide reach.
- Metropole of the mind: phrenology and the making of a global science, 1815-1923
- Metropolis Adjusted Langevin Trajectories: a robust alternative to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Metropolis dynamics of mean-field spin glasses
- Metropolis-Coupled MCMC for Nested Sampling
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for Bayesian inference in Hilbert spaces
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for Bayesian inference in Hilbert spaces
- Mexican blind cavefish as a model system for micro evolutionary research
- Mexican Chocolate and Chinese Cups: Trade and Artisanal Knowledge in the Early Modern World
- Mexican Cinema - Del olvido al no me acuerdo: Juan I forgot, I Don't Remember (1999)
- Mexican Cinema - Flor Silvestre (1943)
- Mexican Cinema - La sombra del caudillo: (Shadow of the Caudillo) 1960
- Mexican Cinema - Reed: México Insurgente (1973)
- Mexican Cinema- El Principio (1973)
- Mexican Cinema- La Escondida (1956)
- Mexican Cinema- La ley de Herodes: Herod's Law (1999)
- Mexican Cinema- Los de abajo: The Underdogs (1939)
- Mexican science at the crossroads of French imperialism and Maximilian's empire (1864–1867)
- Mexico (in 3D)
- Mexico - Giants and Gems
- Mexico 2020
- Mexico Part 2
- Mexico with Anton Höfer
- MHC-determined resistance to a herpes virus: some new pictures of peptide motifs for class I and TAP molecules
- MHC-independent thymocyte selection, is it possible?
- MHD equilibria in toroidal geometries
- MHD instabilites in dilute astrophysical plasmas
- MHD instabilites in dilute astrophysical plasmas
- MHD turbulence and state changes in compact X-ray sources
- MHD turbulence in shear flows and Keplerian disks – specific anisotropy of nonlinear processes, active modes, dynamical balances and sustenance
- MHV amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills and Wilson loops
- MI5 and counter-terrorism in the early Cold War
- Michael Alexander Gage and the mapping of Liverpool, 1828–1836
- Michael Engel - Packing Aspects when
Self-Assembling Spheres
- Michael Grade, Michael Grade, Chairman of Pinewood Shepperton Film Studios Plc, Ocado Plc and James Grant Group Ltd
- Michael Greenberg - Teaching Discrete Mathematics to Early Undergraduates using Coq
- Michael Grosse-Brömer: “Zwischen Trump, Brexit und Bundestagswahl: Deutschland und Europa im Wahljahr 2017”
- Michael Hamburger - Ein englischer Dichter aus Deutschland (Documentary) Germany, 2009
- Michael Heneka (University of Bonn, DZNE) and Etienne Meunier (IPBS University of Toulouse)
- Michael Kazin: War Against War: The American Fight for Peace
- Michael Moore - Can Random Packings of Spheres be Hyperuniform?
- Michael Oakeshott and the Idea of Totalitarianism
- Michael Plant asks ‘Where are all the Happy People?’
- Michael Term Lecture 1
- Michael Weber, University of Twente; Microsoft Research Lectures
- Michaelmas Debate: This House Believes Austerity Economics Has Failed
- Michaelmas Talklets: Sian and Siana
- Michaelmas Term Lecture
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 1
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 2
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 2
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 3
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 3
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 4
- Michaelmas Term Lecture 4
- Mickelsson algebras and irreducible representations of Yangians
- Micp from micro to macro: towards bio-inspired geotechnics
- Micro Air Vehicles
- Micro and Macro Predictions for Epidemics Spreading in Networks
- Micro and Nano voltammetric studies: A numerial approach
- Micro Electron Diffraction in a Cryo Electron Microscope: A powerful tool for protein and small molecule structure determination
- Micro Squares, Connections and the Lie Bracket of Vector Fields
- Micro-architectural modelling and verification of an x86 micro-processor
- Micro-bioreactors
- Micro-capsule motion in a steady planar flow
- Micro-electro-mechanical resonant tile sensor
- Micro-Electro-Mechanical Resonators for Signal Processing
- Micro-engineering for the fabrication of specific living neuron circuits
- Micro-fabricated chemical sensors
- Micro-Finance Innovation for Financial Inclusion in Developing Economies
- Micro-heterogeneous ThO2-UO2 Duplex Fuel: Wizardry of Thorium for Long Life SMR
- Micro-level Language Policy and Planning: Levels, Agency and Structure (Cambridge Masterclass in Multilingualism, Education and Language Policy 2019-2020)
- Micro-macro generalized polynomial chaos techniques for kinetic equations
- Micro-macro-interactions and transport processes of dense particle systems
- Micro-Policies: A Framework for Tag-Based Security Monitors
- Micro-Policies: A Framework for Tag-Based Security Monitors
- Micro-Policies: A Framework for Tag-Based Security Monitors
- Micro-RNAs, oscillations and neural progenitor maintenance
- Micro-teaching and self-evaluation
- Microalgal bioluminescence - a complex response to viscoelastic membane deformation
- Microarchitectured materials: the role of topology and length scale
- Microarray- and deep sequencing-based profiling approaches: the technological evolution continues…
- Microarrays and molecular biology: beyond gene expression profiling
- Microarrays to identify human Th1 and Th2-specific effector molecules
- Microbe smiths: engineering microbial control in 20th-century Japan
- Microbes as medicines: the emergence of live biotherapeutics
- Microbes play a central role in a plant's solutions to ecological problems
- Microbial activity beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet: impacts beyond the ice margin?
- Microbial Bioenergy Production
- Microbial biofilm dispersal: Ecology, mechanisms and translational medicine
- Microbial communities and the structure-function twins
- Microbial Communities in Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments.
- Microbial Community Networks in the Human Microbiome
- Microbial consortia - a way forward for the commercialisation of microalgae for industrial biotechnology?
- Microbial Dysbiosis - A Personal Care Perspective
- Microbial Fuel Cells
- Microbial lipids and their application to study ancient microbiomes and environments
- Microbial Metabolic Innovation: A Constraint On The Early Animal Fossil Record?
- Microbial nitrogen cycling networks in the changing ocean
- Microbial pathogen effectors modulate plant development and plant-insect interactions
- Microbial responses to warming and their impact on carbon stocks
- Microbial spatial self-organization and the spread of plasmid-encoded functional novelty
- Microbial versus metabolic inflammation: fine-tuning inflammasomes via a GTPase
- Microbiological Responses and Population-Adaptation to Chemical Stress
- Microbiology and bugs in sub-Saharan Africa: elephant in the room? (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Microbiome, Metagenomics and High-dimensional Compositional Data Analysis
- Microbiota-host interplay in the intestine and its impact on health and disease
- Microbots: Propulsion and Control
- Microcapillary films
- Microcapsules with liquid cores and solid shells for pressure-release applications
- Microcephaly genes & the evolution of primate brain size
- Microcephaly genes and primate brain size evolution
- MicroCT from zoology to pathology
- Microdroplets in Action Symposium
- Microdroplets in Microfluidics: Towards Emulsion Crystals
- Microeconomic Modeling of Incentives for Managed Overlays
- Microenvironmental effects of apoptosis in vivo and in vitro: uncovering a "new biology" of cell death?
- Microevolutionary analysis of metagenomic data
- Microextrusion - process innovation to product application
- Microextrusion - process innovation to product application
- Microfabricated acoustic biosensors for detections of clinical biosensors
- Microfabricated acoustic sensors for biosensing
- Microfabricated Probes for Internal Detection of Magnetic Resonance Signals
- Microfabricated Probes for Internal Detection of Magnetic Resonance Signals
- Microfabrication technology for the engineering of 3D cell laden microgels for cell culture and tissue engineering
- Microfluidic assembly of functional hydrogel particles
- Microfluidic Integration Aspects of MEMS Bio-chemical Sensors
- Microfluidic methods to study single cells and peptide-membrane interactions
- Microfluidic Single-Cell Manipulation and Analysis
- Microfluidic techniques to study the biophysics of nanoscale processes
- Microfluidic-based Acoustic MicroBubble (AMB) Biosensor
- Microfluidics and Chitosan
- Microfluidics for high-performances bio-assays
- Microfluidics in Biology
- Microfluidics of cytoplasmic streaming
- Microfluidics, biomimetic channels, networks and self assembly
- Microfluidics-based acoustic microbubble biosensor
- Microfluidics: a tool for discovery and development
- Microfossil and model constraints on the global climate during the Cambrian ‘explosion’
- Microfossils for macroevolution: planktonic foraminifera, the Court Jester and the Red Queen
- Microgenesis and the Constructive Mind in Movement
- Microglia and astrocyte involvement in synapse loss in Alzheimer’s disease
- Microglia as modulators of CNS inflammation
- Microglia at the interface of chronic neurodegeneration and systemic inflammation
- Microglia in health and disease
- Microglia in Neurodegeneration
- Microglia shape neuro-vascular responses via compartment-specific mechanisms
- Microglia-mediated synapse loss in neurodegeneration: novel roles for TDP-43
- Microglial and myeloid mechanisms of resilience and repair in cerebrovascular disease
- Microglial control of synaptic and neuronal network activity
- Microglial extracellular vesicles
- Microglial function and dysfunction of TREM2 and ABI3, two major risk factors for late onset Alzheimer’s disease
- Microglial function and dysfunction of TREM2 and ABI3, two major risk factors for late onset Alzheimer’s disease
- Microglial function and dysfunction of TREM2 and ABI3, two major risk factors for late onset Alzheimer’s disease
- Microglial immunophenotype in the human brain
- Microglial states and nomenclature
- Microgravity for volcano monitoring and research
- Microimplants as neural interfaces in bioelectronics medicine
- Microlensing Studies in Crowded Fields
- Microlocal analysis & inverse problems
- Microlocal analysis methods in synthetic aperture radar imaging
- Microlocal Analysis of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
- Microlocal Analysis of Borehole Seismic Data
- Microlocal properties of novel Ellipsoidal and hyperbolic Radon transforms
- Microlocal properties of scattering matrices
- Microlocal theory of sheaves and symplectic geometry
- Micromechanical Modelling at High Temperature - A Personal Perspective
- Micromechanical modelling of the mechanical behaviour of semi‐crystalline polymers
- Micromechanical Resonators for Measuring Charge
- Micromechanics models for soft solids composite materials
- Micromechanics of metallic and graphene (nano-)foams
- Micromechanics of near-ideal polymer networks
- Micromechanics of sea ice frictional slip from test basin scale experiments
- Microorganism billiards
- Microphase separation driven transitions in macromolecular liquid crystals by computer simulations
- Microplastics from geologists' perspective
- Microplates, magmatism and movement, reconciling geological and geophysical observations to provide a new model of the Jurassic breakup of Gondwana
- Microreactors
- Microrheology of cell differentiation, activation and phagocytosis
- MicroRNA regulation in B cell fate
- MicroRNA silencing and the interplay between inflammation and angiogenesis
- MicroRNAs and other regulatory RNAs
- MicroRNAs as circulating biomarkers in cancer
- MicroRNAs as circulating biomarkers in cancer
- microRNAs, circular RNAs, and micropeptides
- Microscale motility: challenges, opportunities, ecological considerations
- Microscopes, telescopes or kaleidoscopes? Using digital quantitative methods to explore patterns and textures in a literary corpus
- Microscopic characterization of organic thin films for appliactions in organic electronics
- Microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau functional
- Microscopic Mechanism of Thermally Induced Ordered-Disordered Phase transitions in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Revealed via Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning Techniques
- Microscopic origin of excess wings in the relaxation spectra of deeply supercooled liquids
- Microscopic Origin of the 0.7-Anomaly in Quantum Point Contacts
- Microscopic origin of the entropy of black holes in general relativity
- Microscopic Origins of the Weak Scale and the Power Spectrum of the LHC
- Microscopic theories of active particle systems and their entropy production
- Microscopic theory of dielectric and mechanical response of disordered materials
- Microscopy at the cutting edge - Engineering Biology Forum
- Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials XV
- Microseismicity and Tomography of Askja Central Volcano, Iceland
- Microsignalosomes: Spatially Resolved Receptor-Signalling
- Microsoft & the Future of Education Technology & Learning
- Microsoft Academic Search
- Microsoft Cambridge AI Pizza Event on 25th April
- Microsoft Distinguished Research Lecture - Laws of Programming with Concurrency
- Microsoft Distinguished Research Lecture Series - Technological Innovation in Healthcare
- Microsoft Distinguished Research Lecture: Toward Causal Machine Learning
- Microsoft Distinguished Research Lecture: What are the Prospects for Automatic Theorem Proving?
- Microsoft Research Connections and Cloud Computing for Science
- Microsoft Research Summer School Posters session 1
- Microsoft Research Summer School Posters session 2
- Microsoft Research Summer School Posters session 3
- Microsoft talk -- cancelled
- Microsoft Workshop *(Gold Sponsor MIUA)
- Microsoft: Quantum Computing
- Microsporidia: diverse, opportunistic and pervasive pathogens
- Microstructurally-guided modeling of hard magnetorheological elastomers
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ball Milled Nanocrystalline Copper Reinforced by Nano Alumina
- Microstructure control in metal additive manufacturing: a LEGO analogy
- Microstructure for continuous and localised intrinsic curvature creation – “strong” micromechanics
- Microstructure Imaging with Diffusion MRI
- Microstructure imaging with MRI, data-driven disease progression modelling, and other topics at UCL-CMIC
- Microstructure matters: why smaller is often (but not always) stronger
- Microstructure Of Organic Semiconductors Controlled By Solution Processing For Plastic Electronic Devices
- Microstructure Theme Journal Club
- Microstructure Theme Journal Club
- Microstructures in Layered Intrusions – What Can They Tell Us? (Evidence from the Sept Iles intrusion, Quebec, Canada)
- Microstructures in martensites: Scaling regimes and optimal domain shapes
- Microstructures in SMA: Rigidity, Non-Rigidity and Simulations
- Microswimmers, nanoswimmers and microfluidic mixers: The role of hydrodynamic interactions and fluctuations
- Microsystems for manipulating and measuring cells
- Microtechnologies for biomolecular complex analysis and cryo-microscopy
- Microtesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A New Clinical Modality?
- Microtribology of biological and bio-inspired surfaces
- Microtubule array patterning in the axially growing hypocotyl cell
- Microtubule assemblers
- Microtubule dynamics and organization in the acentriolar Arabidopsis cell
- Microtubule Modulation of Myocyte Mechanics
- Microtubule Rings
- Microtubules need actin's help in large oocytes, to collect chromosomes and to break the nuclear envelope
- Microtubules: a template for nanomaterial assembly and transport
- Microtubules: boring polymers or the Achilles heel of cancer?
- Microwave remote sensing of volcanic ash clouds.
- Microwaves and phonons in 1D transmission lines: Giant Cross-Kerr effect, QND Photon Detection and Giant Atoms
- Mid-Frequency Dynamic Analysis using Wave Based Approaches
- Mid-Late Pleistocene human evolution in Eurasia
- Mid-level Likelihoods and Constraints for 3D Scene Interpretation
- Middle Miocene Expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Triggered by pCO2 decline
- Middle Pleistocene Tephrochronology in the Ethiopian Rift: implications for the paleoanthropological and paleoclimatic records
- Middle Way - the path towards Awakening
- Middle-income trap or uneven and dependent inclusion in the East Asian Productive order? the case of Vietnam AND Factory work, dormitory regimes and the making of a transient workforce under FDI-led industrialization in Vietnam: the case of Thang Long Ind
- Middleware to Support Model Coupling in Landscape Decision Making
- Middleware to Support Model Coupling in Landscape Decision Making
- MIDI: What it is and how it changed the world of music
- Midline shift diagnosed on brain MRI is a prognostic factor for survival time in dogs with structural brain disease
- Midwifery practices and the fate of mothers and infants in late eighteenth-century Denmark
- Might Financial Cryptography Kill Financial Innovation? - The Curious Case of EMV
- Migrant Knowledge, Early Modern and Beyond: an event at the Crossroads
- Migrant miners and empires: the social technology of tin mining in the age of global trade
- Migrants in winter: how do ecological conditions in Africa affect the individual success of trans-Saharan migratory birds?
- Migrating and interacting solid particles in a Brinkman fluid
- Migration and fusion of perceptual content – premorbid susceptibility to Allochiria, neglect and extinction?
- Migration and Infectious Diseases
- Migration in Science
- Migration of a solid and arbitrarily-shaped particle in a Brinkman medium
- Migration of binary stars in the Galactic center
- Migration of low mass planets in fully radiative and stellar irradiated discs
- Migration of neuronal and immune cells in forebrain wiring
- Migration of Populations via Marriages in the Past
- Migration of snowlines through the planet-forming discs
- Migration Systems, Pioneers and the Role of Agency
- Migration Systems, Pioneers and the Role of Agency
- Migration, multiculturalism and acculturation: Indian diaspora in the UK
- Migration, war and deserted landscapes: The end of the La Tène culture in southwest Germany and its significance for the Gallic War in the 1st century BC
- Migrations and City Distribution: The Case of Oasis of Bukhara as a model
- Miguel Crispim Romao - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Collider and Beyond the Standard Model Physics
- Mike Atherton: Beyond the Polar Bear
- Mikhalkin’s curve-counting formula for P^2
- Mild introduction to Geometric Measure Theory
- Militant intellectuals against the literary establishment: Giorgos Kotzioulas and Giannis Skarimbas (1935-1952)
- Military falcons
- Military History Working Group Seminar
- Military in post-crisis scenarios
- Military labour and the Company state in India, 1780-1830
- Military landscapes and secret science: mythical and empirical histories of the Suffolk coast
- Milk or wine: does software security improve with age?
- Milky Way satellites in Cold and Warm dark matter
- Millennial scale variability in the oxygen minimum zone off Baja California inferred by elemental composition over the past 70 kyr
- Millimetre-wave cosmology today and technology for the future
- Milne and the Dawn of the Theory of Stellar Structure
- Milner Institute and STORM Therapeutics Seminar
- Milner Seminar - April 2024
- Milner Seminar - December 2023
- Milner Seminar - February 2024
- Milner Seminar - June 2024
- Milner Seminar January 2025 - Focus on the microbiome in disease
- Milner Seminar November 2024: Focus on Immuno-oncology
- Milner Seminar September 2024 - Focus on respiratory disease
- Milner Seminar Series - September 2021
- Milner Seminar Series - April 2022
- Milner Seminar Series - April 2023
- Milner Seminar Series - February 2023
- Milner Seminar Series - January 2022
- Milner Seminar Series - January 2023
- Milner Seminar Series - March 2023
- Milner Seminar Series - May 2022
- Milner Seminar Series - May 2023
- Milner Seminar Series - November 2021
- Milner Seminar Series - November 2022
- Milner Seminar Series - October 2022
- Milner Seminar Series: PROTEINi-based perturbation screening for new target discovery
- Milner Seminars - Focus on Disease Models
- Milner Special Seminar - Jeong Hun Kim
- Milner Special Seminar - Professor Soojin Ryu
- Milner Special Seminar - Professor Sun Kim
- Milner Therapeutics Hybrid Symposium
- Milner Therapeutics Symposium 2023
- Milnor fiber complexes and some representations
- Milstein Lecture 2011: How the endoplasmic reticulum gets into shape
- Milstein Lecture 2012: How do we sense microbes? From LPS, TNF, and the TLRs.
- Milstein Lecture 2013: Sorting out protein traffic: Ubiquitin-mediated endocytosis and a membrane protien’s final ESCRT
- Milstein Lecture 2014: Unfolded Protein Response in Health and Disease
- Milstein Lecture 2021: Organoids to model human diseases
- Milstein Lecture 2022 - mRNA Cancer Vaccines
- Milstein Lecture 2022 - Project Lightspeed – The discovery of the first Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine
- Milstein Lecture 2023: Understanding the Hox timer by Using mammalian Pseudo-Embryos
- Milstein Lecture- Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission
- Milstein Lecture-Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase and Cancer Metabolism
- Milstein Lecture: Title TBC
- Milstein LMB Seminar Series: Stem Cells in Silence, Action and Cancer
- Milton and ‘the best criticism of any work’
- Milton as Muse
- Milton on Tragedy: Law, Hypallage and Participation
- Milton's angels
- Milton: Poetry vs. Prose
- Milton’s Singularity
- Mimetic Semi-implicit Solution of the Shallow Water Equations on Hexagonal-Icosahedral and Cubed-Sphere Grids
- Mimicking animal adhesion in the lab
- Mimicking biological ion channels using DNA origami
- Mimicking cell-surface machinery with bespoke DNA nanostructures
- Mimicking of the process of human erythropoiesis using in vitro culture; studies on red blood cell membrane assembly and also use of 3D scaffolds
- MIMO Systems: Myths & Realities
- Min-max methods and the Willmore conjecture
- Min-max Theory and Geometry
- Min-max theory and the energy of links
- Min-max theory in geometry and topology
- Min-max, phase transitions and minimal hypersurfaces.
- Mind & World for Humans & Machines
- Mind and Matter: The World as "Representation" in Quantum Theory
- MIND and Mental Health
- Mind and Wellbeing - An Evening Talk
- Mind Hacking – How magicians exploit psychological biases and limitations
- Mind Meets Machine: Social Cues Integration in Crossmodal Human-Robot Interaction
- Mind Network Spring 2016
- Mind reading by machine learning: a doubly Bayesian method for inferring mental representations
- Mind reading by machine learning: an ideal observer based analysis of cognitive scientific experiments
- Mind the Gap
- Mind the Gap (phase): kinase signalling cascades in mitotic control in fission yeast.
- Mind the gap: bridging innovation’s supply and demand in the AI era
- Mind the Gap: Nanotechnology for Molecular Sensing and Nanomedicine
- Mind the Gap: Pay Gaps at Cambridge
- Mind the gap: Science broadcasting and public engagement
- Mind the Gap: The Difference between US and European Loan Rates
- Mind the Map - Modelling Sustainability of Urban Crowd-Sourcing
- Mind your Ps and Qs: a contrastive account of testimonial inference to the best explanation
- Mind-dependence and realism about the mind
- Mind-reading machines
- Mindful of AI: Language, Technology and Mental Health
- Mindful Ways to Well-Being - an introduction to theory and practice
- Mindfulness and the Brain
- Mindfulness BEYOND Stress Reduction
- Mindfulness in Everyday Life
- Mindfulness in Everyday Life
- Mindfulness meditation training for mental health promotion: the good, the bad and the ugly
- Mindfulness training for mental health promotion
- Mindfulness Training: Effects on Psychological Distress and Immune Cell Activation Patterns
- Mindfulness Workshop
- Minding object category increases category distinctness of response patterns in ventral temporal cortex
- Minding the Gap - the art of bridge design.
- Minding the Gap: African Conflict Management in a Time of Change
- Mindlines and the status of clinical knowledge-in-practice-in-context
- Minds Like Ours: An Approach to Artificial Intelligence Risk
- Mineral and Glass Surface Reactivity: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Mineral cloud and hydrocarbon haze particles for the JWST target WASP-43b
- Mineral magnetism and palaeoclimate
- Mineral Separation by Froth Flotation: Research Tools and Techniques
- Mineralogical Controls on Earth's Climate
- Mineralogy, Stratigraphy and Practical Geology: Shifting tensions in the Geological Society of London, 1807-1840
- MINFLUX nanoscopy and related matters
- Mini Autumn Show
- Mini Autumn Show
- Mini Autumn Show
- Mini Colloquium on Itinerant Electron Ferromagnetic Superconductors and Related Materials - Chair and Discussion Lead: Malte Grosche
- Mini Course - Random interlacements and the Gaussian free field
- Mini Course - Random interlacements and the Gaussian free field
- Mini Course - Random interlacements and the Gaussian free field
- Mini course on proof theory (Part 1)
- Mini course on proof theory (Part 2)
- Mini course on proof theory (Part 3)
- Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 1 - Fractal lattices. The Sierpinski lattice as a typical example. Random walks on these lattices.
- Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 2 - Spectral theory on the above-mentioned lattices. Spectral dimension
- Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 3 - Schrödinger operator on the Sierpinski lattice with random potential (Anderson model). Cluster expansion on the resolvent. Localization theorem
- Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 4: Hierarchical models. Dyson lattice and the spectrum of the corresponding Laplacian.
- Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 5 Continuous hierarchical models. Localization theorem for the class of the random potentials of the finite rank.
- Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 6: Airy hierarchical model and its random perturbations.
- Mini Symposium on Lesson Study in Mathematics Education
- Mini Symposium: On Laboratory Observations of Turbidites: Traction and Yielding.
- Mini-course on Geometric Functional Inequalities for Markov Chains
- Mini-Course on Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks
- mini-course: An introduction to supersymmetry and the vertex-reinforced jump process
- mini-course: An introduction to supersymmetry and the vertex-reinforced jump process
- Mini-workshop: "Interaction of Modality and Negation in Greek and beyond"
- Miniguts: A System to Understand Intestinal Pathologies
- Minimal and Ancestral Genomes
- Minimal and invariable generation of finite groups and a conjecture of Pyber
- Minimal dense C*-embedded sublocales
- Minimal Discrete Energy and Maximal Polarization
- Minimal Fusion Systems
- Minimal Graphs in Arbitrary Codimension
- Minimal Injective Resolutions of FBN rings
- Minimal Lagrangian connections on compact surfaces
- Minimal model of motile bacteria with birth-death: deterministic solution and entropy production
- Minimal models for chaotic quantum dynamics in spatially extended many-body systems
- Minimal models for rational functions in a dynamical setting
- Minimal models of self-assembly and protein crystallization in vivo
- Minimal models of symplectic quotient singularities
- Minimal parameter implicit solvent model for electronic structure calculations
- Minimal Perfect Hashing: hash tables with no collisions
- Minimal pragmatic content
- Minimal projective bundle dimension and K-stability
- Minimal projective bundle dimension and K-stability
- Minimal seeds for subcritical dynamos (Invited speaker)
- Minimal seeds for turbulent bands in channel flow
- Minimal slopes and singular solutions for complex Hessian equations
- Minimal surfaces and mean curvature flow
- Minimal surfaces in AdS and Polygonal Wilson loops
- Minimal surfaces in semiclassical gravity
- Minimal TCB Code Execution
- Minimal tori in S^{3} and the Lawson conjecture
- Minimal Walking Technicolor on the Lattice
- Minimal Walking Technicolor: Dark matter and LHC signatures
- Minimal weights of mod p Galois representations
- Minimally Invasive Aspects of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Minimally invasive sampling for the proteomic analysis of archaeological and museum objects
- Minimally Parametric Constraints on P(k) from Lyman-alpha
- Minimax adaptive estimation in nonparametric Hidden Markov Models
- Minimax Crossover Designs
- Minimax estimation of smooth densities in Wasserstein distance
- Minimax lower bound using Assouad's method
- Minimax Lower Bounds
- Minimisation of sparse higher-order energies for large-scale problems in imaging
- Minimising a relaxed Willmore functional for graphs subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions
- Minimising the Number of Triangles
- Minimization of curvature dependent functional.
- Minimizers and blowup in relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory
- Minimizing interacting energies
- Minimum Action Method for nonequilibrium phase transitions
- Minimum common supergraphs and haplotype networks
- Minimum degree stability and locally colourable graphs
- Minimum Description Length
- Minimum L1-norm interpolators: Precise asymptotics and multiple descent
- Minimum L1-norm interpolators: Precise asymptotics and multiple descent
- Minimum saturated families of sets
- Minimum Seeking for Unstable Unmodeled Systems
- Minimum thickness of a gas or vapour layer beneath an impacting drop onto a solid substrate
- Minimum.... or Maximum Cities?
- Mining differential correlation
- Mining ecologies: socio-natural landscapes of extraction and knowledge in the early modern period
- Mining for meaning in electronic health records; deep semantic normalisation for precision medicine and discovery.
- Mining higher-order triadic interactions
- Mining Human Proofs from Machine Proofs
- Mining Large-Scale Internet Data to Find Stealthy Abuse
- Mining Perturbation Theory: Resurgence-Inspired Extrapolation and Analytic Continuation
- Mining Public Transport Usage for Personalised Intelligent Transport Systems
- Mining Revolts and Protestant Preaching in Sixteenth-Century Royal Hungary.
- Mining RNA-seq Data For Insights into Intron Splicing and Recycling
- Mining scientific diagrams for semantic information
- Mining scientific diagrams for semantic information
- Mining the Archive of Formal Proofs
- Mining the medicinal plant treasures of a biodiversity hotspot using biotechnological tools
- Mining the root causes, driver mutations snd therapeutic opportunities from recalcitrant cancers
- Mining the Social Web: A series of statistical NLP case studies
- Mining viral datasets
- Mining, protest and social activism in Central Asia
- Mining, waste and environmental thought on the Central African Copperbelt, 1950-2000'
- Minkowski, Lyapunov, and Bellman: Inequalities and Equations for Stability and Optimal Control
- MiNLO: Multiscale improved NLO
- MIP models for phylenetic reconstruction under minimum evolution
- Mir-BFT: Robust Scaling of Classical BFT
- Mirabilite and salinity dynamics in sea ice brines
- Mirabolic D-modules
- Miracles and the Devotional Renaissance in Italy, Dr Mary Laven
- MirageOS: compiling a functional cloud
- miRNA and mRNA gene expression profiling on a new highly sensitive microarray platform
- MiRNA-containing gene regulatory networks in development
- Mirror symmetry and cluster algebra
- Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras
- Mirror symmetry beyond Calabi-Yau
- Mirror symmetry for affine Calabi-Yaus
- Mirror symmetry for affine hypersurfaces
- Mirror symmetry for Fano surfaces via scattering and tropical curves
- Mirror Symmetry for Grassmannians.
- Mirror symmetry for homogeneous varieties.
- Mirror symmetry for P^2 and tropical
- Mirror Symmetry for Rank 2 Cluster Varieties
- Mirror symmetry without localisation
- Mirror symmetry without localization.
- Mirror symmetry, integrable systems and the Gopakumar--Vafa correspondence for Clifford--Klein 3-manifolds
- Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality, and the Hitchin system
- Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality, and the Hitchin system
- Mirror-touch: A remarkable form of synaesthesia
- Mirrors of the Johnson-Kollár series
- Mirrors to punctured surfaces
- MIS 7, the "Ebbsfleet Interglacial": sub-stage structure and recognition in the UK record
- MIS 7, The "Ebbsfleet Interglacial": sub-stage structure and recognition in the UK record
- Mis-wired: Studying the link between brain network development and functional deficits
- Misalignments, precession and shadows in protoplanetary discs
- Miscellaneous gossip
- Miscible flow in porous media
- Misconduct in academic publication: how big is the problem and how can researchers avoid it?
- Miseq Seminar
- Misexpression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in Arabidopsis and tobacco leaves
- Misfolding of proteins with polyglutamine expansion is facilitated by proteosomal chaperones
- Misinformation and Epidemics
- Misinformation and the distinct psychologies of believing and sharing
- Misinformation in the Digital Age: A Panel
- Misinformation: Subjective beliefs, Source credibility, and Social Networks
- Misinformation: Will it get better or worse and what can we do about it?
- Misinterpretation of the origins and composition of staging data and its impact on colorectal cancer survival - A demonstration of the vital importance of cancer registration
- Misleading meta-objectives and hidden incentives for distributional shift
- MISM Conference Overview Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Mismatched Decoding
- Misreading and language change: a foray into cognitive historical linguistics?
- Misreporting and Feedback Effect
- Missing dark matter in dwarf galaxies?
- Missing friars: rethinking late medieval medicine
- Missing friars: rethinking late medieval medicine
- Missing Greens: the historiography of British environmental consciousness 1900-1980
- Missing methane: Tracing anthropogenic methane emissions from space
- Missing mixing in the ocean mixed layer
- Missing mutations in cancer analyses
- Mission impossible: metagenomic assembly
- Mission in India
- Mission Possible: Defeating the silent killer
- Mission to China With reference to the ‘Wedgwood’ vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Misspecified Recovery
- MIT Media Lab's Information Ecology Group
- Mitigating Gender Bias in Morphologically Rich Languages
- Mitigating mitochondrial mutational meltdown
- Mitigating mitochondrial mutational meltdown: can we save the species?
- Mitigating the effects of methane and manure: A small insight into reducing emissions in UK agriculture
- Mitigating the Risks Of COVID-19 Resurgence in the UK In The Autumn 2021 With Vaccination and Test-Trace-Isolate Strategies
- Mitigating zoonotic risk from bats in rural Kenya
- Mitigation against Natural Disasters: Does Dynamic Capability Matter?
- Mito-nuclear interactions and mitochondrial replacement therapy: an evolutionary perspective
- Mitochatting - new insights into mitochondrial contact sites uncovered from systematic analysis of contact site proteomes
- Mitochondria and acute oxygen sensing by arterial chemoreceptors
- Mitochondria and Cancer - lessons learned dissecting cellular and molecular interactions
- Mitochondria and Cancer: Metabolites and Beyond
- Mitochondria and Hypoxia Signalling
- Mitochondria and Hypoxia Signalling
- Mitochondria and hypoxia/HIF signalling
- Mitochondria and the cytoskeleton – matters of life and death in the face of stress
- Mitochondria at work: Regulation of skeletal muscle mitochondria function during exercise
- Mitochondria dynamics and metabolism regulate species-specific features of human brain development
- Mitochondria Tansfer: a 25 Year Project
- Mitochondria, ROS and yeast ageing
- Mitochondria-associated ER membranes are immunometabolic hubs that orchestrate the rapid recall response of CD8 T cells
- Mitochondria-targeted Delivery Systems
- Mitochondria: portrait of an inflammatory killer
- Mitochondrial adaptation to high altitude hypoxia
- Mitochondrial biogenesis: dynamic complexes for a dynamic organelle
- Mitochondrial complex I assembly; regulating the metabolic regulator
- Mitochondrial Disease in Australian Children – genomics, epidemiology and functional validation
- Mitochondrial disease research at Queen Square - past, present and future
- Mitochondrial DNA maintenance in non-standard model systems
- Mitochondrial DNA mutations in cancer – passive bystanders or active participants?
- Mitochondrial DNA reveals patterns of global expansion, selection and recombination in a canine transmissible cancer
- Mitochondrial dynamics fine-tunes T cell exhaustion.
- Mitochondrial dynamics in muscle physiopathology
- Mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration
- Mitochondrial dysfunction and signalling in the nervous system
- Mitochondrial evolution: genome vs proteome
- Mitochondrial FAS - from respiratory deficient yeast to cardiomyopathic mice
- Mitochondrial fusion in neural stem cell differentiation in Drosophila development
- Mitochondrial gene expression in humans: a tale of two tails
- Mitochondrial genome variation: a female perspective in human evolution
- Mitochondrial membrane musings
- Mitochondrial Na+ import by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCLX regulates the electron transport chain and ROS production
- Mitochondrial optic neuropathies and beyond: the common theme of mitochondrial dynamics and mechanistic insights
- Mitochondrial optic neuropathies as a multifaced model for neurodegeneration
- Mitochondrial optic neuropathies as a multifaceted model for neurodegeneration: a reappraisal
- Mitochondrial oxidative signaling in T cell activation: role for Warburg effect and a new ADP-dependent glucokinase
- Mitochondrial Proteases and Neurodegeneration
- Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species: Signals or Stresses?
- Mitochondrial remodelling during embryonal cancer stem cell differentiation
- Mitochondrial transcription and its regulation
- Mitochondrial translation is required for sustained killing by cytotoxic T cells
- Mitochondrial vesicles in immunology and evolution
- Mitophagy: what, where, when and why
- Mitosis and Meiosis in live mammalian cells: From genome wide RNAi profiling to homologous chromosome segregation
- Mitotic Chromosome Condensation and Segregation
- Mitotic entry following a DNA damage-induced arrest
- Mitotic kinases and phosphatases work together to shape the right response.
- Mitotic rewiring on evolutionary timescales
- Mittimatalik Arnait Miqsuqtuit Collective and the Art of Sealskin Sewing
- Mix & Match, two tools that can help you create better experiments
- Mix technology-enhanced learning and behavioral approaches with Nao the robot.
- Mix-net cryptoeconomics: Rebooting privacy-preserving communications as incentive-driven collaborative projects
- Mixed active-passive suspensions: from particle entrainment to demixing
- Mixed boundary value problems for slow viscous flows: transform methods and applications
- Mixed boundary-value problems (tutorial)
- Mixed Effects Model on Functional Manifolds / Sampling Directed Networks
- Mixed Effects Model on Functional Manifolds / Sampling Directed Networks
- Mixed effects models with covariates perturbed for SDC
- Mixed Finite Elements: a discussion session
- Mixed Gevrey Asymptotics
- Mixed graded structures for the K-theory of Azumaya algebras
- Mixed Hodge structures on homotopy groups
- Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Distributed Energy Resource Planning
- Mixed linear / non-linear codes for frame synchronization
- Mixed memories of occupation: The social impact of the Italian occupation of the Greek island of Syros, 1941-43
- Mixed Methods for Two-Phase Darcy-Stokes Mixtures of Partially Melted Materials with Regions of Zero Porosity
- Mixed order and multirate variational integrators for the simulation of dynamics on different time scales
- Mixed order and multirate variational integrators for the simulation of dynamics on different time scales
- Mixed presence collaboration on tabletop interfaces
- Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to W and Z production and their impact on W mass measurements at the LHC
- Mixed quadratic categories
- Mixed state entanglement: bounds, computation and optimal ensembles
- Mixed UG and PG event
- Mixed UG and PG event
- Mixed up by Buoyancy
- Mixed-Integer Fractional Programming: Models, Algorithms, and Applications in Process Operations, Energy Systems, and Sustainability
- Mixer Sessions and Posters
- Mixing 101
- Mixing and CP violation in open-charmed beauty decays
- Mixing and cut-off for random walks on finite fields and random polynomials
- Mixing and phytoplankton dynamics in Antarctica's coastal seas
- Mixing and stratification within the plume of the Changjiang River estuary, East China Sea: a numerical study
- Mixing and the spectrum of the advection-diffusion operator
- Mixing and transport of warm waters on the West Antarctic Peninsula shelf
- Mixing and vorticity staircases in 2-d fluid flows
- Mixing apples and oranges: Integrating Bayesian confirmation and classification algorithms to combine incompatible, high dimensional data
- Mixing apples and oranges: Integrating Bayesian confirmation and classification algorithms to combine incompatible, high dimensional data
- Mixing at high Richardson number
- Mixing at the fringes of a rapidly melting Antarctic ice shelf
- Mixing at the fringes of a rapidly melting Antarctic ice shelf
- Mixing by Eddies
- Mixing by turbulent plumes
- MIXING CHEMICALS AND CHARACTERS: The craft of writing science-based fiction
- Mixing dynamics in pulsed fuel jets
- Mixing efficiency in run-down gravity currents
- Mixing finite and infinite structure
- Mixing hot and cold with sound
- Mixing in bubble trains and bubble plumes
- Mixing in confined flows
- Mixing in oceanic (and laboratory) overflows
- Mixing in stratified fluids
- Mixing in stratified fluids: More questions than answers
- Mixing induced in oceanic overflows and dense gravity currents: a new entrainment parameterization
- Mixing lightning with water to get the most out of aluminium
- Mixing mitosis and meiosis in Drosophila
- Mixing of a stable linear density stratification in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow
- Mixing pathways in forced stratified turbulence
- Mixing Realities
- Mixing the Ocean
- Mixing time for the non-babktracking random walk on random graphs with communities
- Mixing time of random walk on dynamical random cluster
- Mixing time of random walk on dynamical random cluster
- Mixing times are hitting times of large sets
- Mixing times for the open ASEP
- Mixing times for the TASEP on the circle
- Mixing times of exclusion processes on regular graphs
- Mixing times of Markov chains
- Mixing up archaic and modern: What is the current evidence for Neanderthal and modern human admixture, and what would it mean?
- Mixing, jet sharpening and angular momentum in shallow atmospheres
- Mixing, stopping, coupling, lifting, and other keys to the second Monte Carlo revolution
- Mixing-time and cut-off window for the exclusion process on 1-dimensional graphs
- Mixture Models and the EM Algorithm
- Mixture of Mixture Designs: Optimisation of Laundry Formulations
- Mixtures or Alternation? Assessing Fungicide Anti-Resistance Strategies
- MK-7602: A Promising Breakthrough in Antimalarial Invention from an Efficient Academia/Industry Collaboration
- ML education for K-12: emerging trajectories
- ML for wearables and healthcare interventions
- ML-guided Materials Discovery
- ML-MIX: A Package for Seamless Spatial Potential Mixing Inside LAMMPS
- MLDG: Generative models
- MLE-Struct: Bethe Learning of Graphical Models
- MMV - OFb
- MMV discussions
- MMV/SPL/USM synergies and open discussion
- MMV/SPL/USM synergies and open discussion
- MMV/SPL/USM synergies and open discussion
- Moana: A Case for a Global Information Network
- Mobicom Rehearsal Day
- Mobile ad-hoc networks
- Mobile Agent Electronic Triage Tag
- Mobile Application Development at Bloomberg
- Mobile Apps and Machine Learning for Improving Healthcare
- Mobile Content-Sharing Applications
- Mobile elements, polydactyl proteins and the making of human-specific transcriptional networks
- Mobile elements, polydactyl proteins and the species-specificity of human biology
- Mobile geometric graphs: detection, coverage and percolation
- Mobile Knowledges before the Classics (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Mobile Learning, Creativity and Schools - a New Zealand perspective
- Mobile malware prevention using temporal information
- Mobile media, community identity and contested histories in Ireland
- Mobile Micro- and Nano-Instruments
- Mobile Phone Positioning: Improving GPS Performance
- Mobile phones as sensors
- Mobile phones based continuous sensing systems
- Mobile Sensing - technologies, applications, and services
- Mobile Sensing at the Service of Mental Well-being: a Large-Scale Longitudinal Study
- Mobile silencing RNAs
- Mobile Social Networks and Context-Awareness: Usage, Privacy and a Solution to Texting While Driving?
- Mobile Software Engineering - Characteristics and Challenges
- Mobile Technologies for Education: The experience in the developing world
- Mobile technology: allocating spectrum and promoting competition
- Mobile user testing approaches, what’s the difference?
- Mobile Wireless Networked Controlled Systems: Control Issues
- Mobilisable strength design for retaining walls and introduction of software PROWD
- Mobilising the geeks: Bringing science back to the centre of policy
- Mobility Systems and their Futures
- Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Topology Control and Dynamic Thermal Ratings
- Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Topology Control and Dynamic Thermal Ratings
- Mobilizing terrestrial primary production into aquatic food webs
- MobiRate: Making Mobile Raters Stick to their Word
- Mock interview
- Mock Modular Forms and Applications I
- Mock Modular Forms and Applications II
- Mock Modular Forms and Applications III
- Mock modular forms as Z-invariants
- Mod p Langlands correspondences for quaternion algebras
- mod p^n congruences between modular forms
- Mod-Phi Convergence: precise asymptotics and local limit theorems for dependent random variables: IV
- Mod-Phi Convergence: precise asymptotics and local limit theorems for dependent random variables: III
- Modal logics of the generic multiverse
- Modal method for multiple scattering in heterogeneous and disordered media
- Modal stability analysis of plane Poiseuille flow with electric charge
- Modal testing of large civil structures in operational conditions
- Modal theory of astronomical phased arrays
- Modalities and HoTT
- Modality in decision theory
- Modality-general and modality-specific processes in hallucinations
- Mode localization: A new avenue for micromechanical sensor design
- Mode-matching methods for sound waves in lined ducts with flow
- Model Abstraction Methodology for Temporal Behavior Analysis of Multiscale Biological Systems
- Model and estimator selection for density estimation with L2-loss
- Model Based Calibration and Imaging for Phased Array Radio Telescopes
- Model based deep learning: Applications to imaging and communications
- Model based system configuration and tasteful hardware
- Model Based Target Identification from Expression Data
- Model Biological Membranes: Flow of inclusions, Bending, Phase transitions in the bilayer.
- Model building and moduli stabilisation in Calabi-Yau orientifold compactifications with branes at singularities
- Model Categories
- Model categories and tilting modules for algebraic groups
- Model category structures for equivariant spectra
- Model category theory and quantum gravity
- Model Checking Disjoint-Paths Logic on Topological-Minor-Free Graph Classes
- Model Checking for Modal Intuitionistic Dependence Logic
- Model Checking: Accelerating Statistical Model Checking for COVID19
- Model Checking: Using Model Checking Tools to Triage the Severity of Security Bugs in Xen Hypervisor
- Model Checking: Around verification: Explaining specifications and outputs of the model checker.
- Model Checking: Model Checking for Hardware Design: Where do we stand?
- Model checking: Neural Termination Analysis
- Model Checking: Parameter Synthesis in Probabilistic Models
- Model Checking: Reasoning about Parameterized Loop Programs sans Loop Invariants
- Model Checking: SMT-Based Software Model Checking
- Model Chemistry, theoretical calculations and recent advances in understanding the chemistry of nitrogenase
- Model coupling in land system science
- Model coupling in land system science
- Model criticism in complex Bayesian evidence synthesis for infectious disease models
- Model development and parameter estimation: the relationship between model structure, model parameter and available data
- Model Discrepancy
- Model Discrepancy
- Model Discrepancy - Part 2
- Model Discrepancy - Part 2
- Model Driven Development in the Cloud
- Model extraction for clinical decision support systems
- Model free Deep Hedging
- Model free variable selection via sufficient dimension reduction
- Model Order Reduction by Congruency Training in Simulations of Cardiac Mechanics
- Model Order Reduction by Congruency Training in Simulations of Cardiac Mechanics
- Model order reduction for complex systems
- Model order reduction for complex systems
- Model Order Reduction in the Multi-Scale Materials Setting
- Model predictions of wave overwash extent into the marginal ice zone
- Model Predictive Control Design and Implementation for Spacecraft Rendezvous
- Model Predictive Control for changing operation conditions
- Model Reduction by Moment Matching at Poles for Linear and Nonlinear Systems
- Model reduction in direct statistical simulation of fluids
- Model resolution versus ensemble size: optimizing the trade-off for finite computing resources
- Model selection and model order adaptation for clustering
- Model selection and sharp asymptotic minimaxity
- Model selection for estimation of causal parameters
- Model Selection in High-Dimensional Misspecified Models
- Model selection with Lasso-Zero and a robust extension with an application to the problem of missing covariates
- Model selection, model frames, and scientific interpretation
- Model selection, model frames, and scientific interpretation
- Model species Daphnia: A Genome for the Environment
- Model structures and derived functors, minus homotopy
- Model systems to study embryonic patterning.
- Model theoretic tools for deciding boundedness of fixed points
- Model theory and difference equations I. (Tutorial)
- Model theory and difference equations II. (Tutorial)
- Model Theory and the Semantics of Natural Languages
- Model uncertainty - and the consequences of ignoring it
- Model uncertainty - and the consequences of ignoring it
- Model uncertainty in turbulent fluid dynamics
- Model uncertainty in weather and climate models: Stochastic and multi-physics representations
- Model(er) coupling in integrated modelling platforms
- Model(er) coupling in integrated modelling platforms
- Model-based base-calling and de novo error correction algorithms for short-read sequencing
- Model-based cluster analysis for structured data
- Model-based Dependability Analysis & System Architecture Optimisation Using HiP-HOPS:
- Model-Based Design: a New Landscape for Embedded Systems Development
- Model-based EM Source Separation and Localization in Reverberant Mixtures
- Model-based EM Source Separation and Localization in Reverberant Mixtures
- Model-based explanation of cellular response
- Model-Based Hand Tracking with Texture, Shading and Self-occlusions
- Model-Based Prediction Augmented with Sensing Techniques for Battery Management Systems
- Model-based sufficient dimension reduction for regression
- Model-comparison games with algebraic rules
- Model-free and model-based methods for estimating neural timescales
- Model-Free Data-Driven Mechanics: A tutorial
- Model-Free Data-Driven Science: Cutting out the Middleman
- Model-independent precision constraints on physics beyond the standard model
- Model-independent Reionization constraints with Fast Radio Bursts
- Model-robust designs for quantile regression
- Model-X and doubly robust conditional independence testing
- Modeling a non-linear EPSPs integration site in dendrites and its impact on computational capacities
- Modeling a Practical Combination of Delimited Continuations, Exceptions, Dynamic-Wind Guards, Dynamic Binding, and Stack Inspection
- Modeling a single-site spring-like hypothesis for Fe-mediated N2 reduction
- Modeling adaptive processes: vascular remodeling
- Modeling allele-specific expression from RNA-seq data
- Modeling and analysis of chromonic liquid crystal condensates
- Modeling and analysis of chromonic liquid crystal condensates
- Modeling and Evaluating Information Retrieval Results
- Modeling and measuring the cosmic density PDF
- Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Networks using Egocentrically-Sampled Data
- Modeling and simulations for two-phase flows at solid surfaces
- Modeling and Simulations of Carbon-Based Nano Transistors
- Modeling and stochastic analysis of autoregulation of the Krox20 transcription factor driving cellular diversification and hindbrain patterning
- Modeling and topological data analysis of pattern formation in fish skin
- Modeling and understanding of Quaternary climate cycles
- Modeling APL pathogenesis through therapy response
- Modeling Arctic melt ponds
- Modeling at the policy interface: moving forward with lessons learned
- Modeling ‘The Dawn of Everything’: how simulating a complex yesterday might (or might not) help us with a complicated tomorrow
- Modeling C. elegans: The Open Worm Project
- Modeling cancer evolution from genomic data
- Modeling cardiac growth and remodeling
- Modeling chromatin fibre folding for human embryonic stem cells and cancer cells
- Modeling Collective Cell Migration: Clusters and Monolayers
- Modeling Confounding by Half-Sibling Regression
- Modeling crossmodal attention in humanoid robots for HRI in complex social scenarios
- Modeling crossmodal attention in humanoid robots for HRI in complex social scenarios
- Modeling Crowdsourcing Systems: Design and Analysis of Incentive and Reputation Systems
- Modeling cytoskeletal systems.
- Modeling data network sessions
- Modeling domain-narrowing phonological change
- Modeling dorsal closure during embryonic development of the fruit fly
- Modeling Ductile Fracture Toughness and Fracture Surface Roughness
- Modeling Ductile Fracture Toughness and Fracture Surface Roughness
- Modeling Ductile Fracture Toughness and Fracture Surface Roughness
- Modeling Financial Systemic Risk- the Network Effect and the Market Liquidity Effect
- Modeling GBA1-associated Parkinson's disease using engineered pluripotent stem cells
- Modeling Genetic Documents Written by DNA
- Modeling H-alpha emission in galaxies: insights into star formation and time variability
- Modeling human brain development and evolution in cerebral organoids
- Modeling human mobility for infectious disease epidemiology across spatial scales
- Modeling human sensorimotor control for better control of surgical robots
- Modeling Land-Ice Retreat, Ice-Ocean Interactions and Sea-Level Rise in the Community Earth System Model
- Modeling Large-Scale Aggregation Mechanisms of Beta-lactoglobulin Protein
- Modeling Large-scale Aggregation Mechanisms of Beta-lactoglobulin Protein
- Modeling large-scale structure: symbiosis of simulations and theory
- Modeling Light for View Synthesis
- Modeling longitudinal observations with excess zeros and measurement error, with application to nutritional epidemiology
- Modeling macro-porosity of ridged sea ice in basin-scale models
- Modeling malignant growth in Drosophila
- Modeling Minimal Residual Disease and Acquired Cancer Drug Resistance in vitro
- Modeling Moscow: Life, Architecture, and the Composite Shot in Soviet Films of the 1930s
- Modeling Multi-component Liquid Crystal Systems
- Modeling Natural Sounds with Gaussian Modulation Cascade Processes
- Modeling networks when data is missing or sampled
- Modeling non-familial colon cancer susceptibility in mice
- Modeling non-familial colon cancer susceptibility in mice
- Modeling ocean eddies in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Modeling of cardiac Ischemia in human myocytes and tissue including spatiotemporal electrophysiological variations
- Modeling of Cell Movement on Adhesive Substrates
- Modeling of cemented granular aggregates - Application to the hardness of wheat endosperm
- Modeling of Fibrous Tissues Considering the Microstructure
- Modeling of Graphene-Based Photonic Devices
- Modeling of ice failure processes by using discrete element method
- Modeling of magneto-rotational stellar evolution and the first application
- Modeling of Materials with Flexible Nanoplatelets with Complex Variables
- Modeling of MEG and EEG: from Surface Mapping to Multimodal Imaging
- Modeling of Sound Transmission Through Aircraft Sidewalls
- Modeling of Sound Transmission Through Aircraft Sidewalls
- Modeling of unresolved scales with data-inferred stochastic processes
- Modeling Physical Limits of Migrations
- Modeling plant cells in 3D
- Modeling Protein Aggregation
- Modeling relationships between food intakes and health-related outcomes: zero-inflated data subject to measurement error
- Modeling sea ice for climate research and short-term forecasting
- Modeling Semantic Containment and Exclusion in Natural Language Inference
- Modeling shape transformations in liquid crystal elastomers: a machine learning approach to inverse design
- Modeling Sm-A LCEs with defects
- Modeling Social Agents
- Modeling spatial nonstationarity and inference for exceedances in environmental applications.
- Modeling stem cell differentiation on multiple scales
- Modeling stem cell population dynamics in the C. elegans germline
- Modeling subpopulations in a forensic DNA database using a latent variable approach
- Modeling swelling kinetics and transport in hydrogels using mesoscale simulations
- Modeling text with Dirichlet compound multinomial distributions
- Modeling the Circumgalactic Medium
- Modeling the Dynamics of Online Learning Activity
- Modeling the dynamics of social networks and continuous actor attributes
- Modeling the Evolution of Neurophysiological Signals
- Modeling the Evolutionary Dynamics of CRISPR spacers
- Modeling the formation of giant planet cores
- Modeling the Genome: A view by a physicist
- Modeling the human functional connectome.
- Modeling the mechanics of cellular expansion
- Modeling the N400 brain potential as change in a probabilistic representation of meaning
- Modeling the oxidation of supported clusters in nanocatalysis and nanotribology by density functional theory
- Modeling the Physical Multi-Phase Interactions of HNO3 Between Snow and Air on the Antarctic Plateau (Dome C) and coast (Halley)
- Modeling the sub-grid side of galaxy formation
- Modeling the UV Spectra of Magnetic Massive Stars
- Modeling the waves and interactions of capillary surfers
- Modeling traffic jam and growth process of neurons using isogeometric analysis and physics-informed neural network
- Modeling Tumorigenesis and Drug Resistance in Three Dimensions
- Modeling User Experience in Games: Lessons Learned
- Modeling van der Waals interactions in molecules and materials
- Modeling volcano-tectonic interactions in a youthful continental rift: the East African Rift System
- Modeling with Bounded Partition Functions
- Modeling zoonotic emergence: Nipah virus, epidemic enhancement, and general trends
- Modeling, analysis and simulation for degenerate dipolar quantum gas
- Modeling, Quantifying, and Limiting Adversary Knowledge
- Modeling, Specifying, and Verifying X86 Hardware and Software
- Modelisation of periodic meta-surfaces in 3 dimensions
- Modelled centennial ocean warming in the Amundsen Sea driven by thermodynamic atmospheric changes, not winds
- Modelling
- Modelling brain and skull morphogenesis
- Modelling 100 percent renewable electricity
- Modelling a Community's Health and Mobility Patterns with Mobile Phone Data
- Modelling a Driver's Steering Control
- Modelling a planar bistable device on different scales
- Modelling active cell intercalations in Drosophila axis extension
- Modelling active matter by active lattice gases : exact hydrodynamic description and phase transitions
- Modelling Airborne Viral Transmission in Enclosed Settings and Comparing Mitigations
- Modelling airborne viral transmission in enclosed settings and comparing mitigations
- Modelling an imperfect driver
- Modelling and algorithms for energy system investment planning under uncertainty
- Modelling and analysis of electrical circuits with memristors for neuromorphic computing applications
- Modelling and analysis of the reorientation dynamics of phototactic biflagellates
- Modelling and Assessing the Impacts of Intercropping, as a Sustainable Farming Practice, on Food Security, Air Quality, and Public Health
- Modelling and characterization of amperometric enzyme biosensors
- Modelling and evaluation of a biomethane truck
- Modelling and Forecasting of Network Time Series
- Modelling and Handling Seams in Wide-Area Sensor Networks
- Modelling and improving (hybrid) bulk heterojunction solar cells
- Modelling and Interpreting Non-LTE Emission from Isolated Solar Structures
- Modelling and interpreting pulsations of rapidly rotating stars
- Modelling and observations of molecules in discs around young stars
- Modelling and optimisation of liquid crystal lenses
- Modelling and Predicting the Time-varying Volatility Risk Premium: a Bayesian Non-Gaussian State Space Approach
- Modelling and Simulation for Medical Devices: When Can we Trust a Computational Model?
- Modelling and Simulation for Medical Devices: When Can we Trust a Computational Model?
- Modelling and simulation of biological systems with COPASI
- Modelling and simulation of cell motility with surface finite elements
- Modelling and simulation of elastic cells in flow
- Modelling and Targeting the Tumour Microenvironment of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
- Modelling and visualising large and complex datasets to guide active travel policies: a case study from the Propensity to Cycle Tool
- Modelling Approaches to Address Sea Ice Complexity
- Modelling Approaches to Urban Energy Systems: Optimization, Simulation, and More
- Modelling Aspects of Solid Tumour Growth
- Modelling Astrophysics Data for Discovery, Classification and Precise Measurement
- Modelling Astrophysics Data for Discovery, Classification and Precise Measurements
- Modelling at the border of experimental and theoretical practice in physics
- Modelling atmospheric CO2 and O2 evolution over Earth history
- Modelling Autistic Neurons by Cellular Reprogramming. “A Dishful of an Autistic Brain”
- Modelling avian influenza outbreak risk in the Australian chicken industry
- Modelling bet-hedging: A link between cancer and the emergence of multicellularity
- Modelling Biochemical Pathways
- Modelling Biochemical Pathways
- Modelling Biochemical Pathways with Stochastic Process Algebra
- Modelling bluetongue virus transmission between farms
- Modelling Brittle Failure of Ice
- Modelling C. elegans pharynx
- Modelling cardiovascular and metabolic disease using transgenic zebrafish
- Modelling cell migration and adhesion during development
- Modelling cell polarity and movement using catastrophe theory
- Modelling cellular gene expression via neural networks and bipartite graphs
- Modelling Cellular Reaction-Diffusion Kinetics
- Modelling Challenges in Nuclear Fusion
- Modelling Challenges in Segmentation of Lung Images in Presence of Missing Data
- Modelling changes in the global methane hydrate inventory
- Modelling Chemical Kinetics in a non-Markovian environment
- Modelling coarsening in wet foams using the bubble model
- Modelling collective cell dynamics using active matter physics
- Modelling collective movement: my experiences at the INI
- Modelling collective whale navigation and migration
- Modelling community structure in the Italian Parliament: a penalized inference approach
- Modelling competing Legal Arguments using Bayesian Model Comparison and Averaging
- Modelling Complex Behaviours in Rodents
- Modelling conformational changes of proteins
- Modelling contrast matching across luminance levels [practice talk]
- Modelling Coronal Mass Ejections -- Where Do We Stand?
- Modelling correlated motion in heterogeneous environments and in confinement
- Modelling cortical gain in autism (without neuroimaging)
- Modelling coupled ice-ocean interactions in the Amundsen Sea
- Modelling COVID-19 Infection Dynamics and the Effectiveness of NPIs in Northern Ireland
- Modelling cross-shelf heat transport along the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Modelling Cu(I) based p-type semiconducting oxides
- Modelling customer behaviour using machine learning techniques
- Modelling Dementia
- Modelling discontinuities in simulator output using Voronoi tessellations
- Modelling disorder in nuclear related materials
- Modelling Dispersal of Aerosols in Buildings
- Modelling displacive and diffusive transformations during heat treatment of steels
- Modelling DNA organisation by DNA-binding proteins: the bridging-induced attraction and chromatin reconstitution
- Modelling DNA organisation by DNA-binding proteins: the bridging-induced attraction and chromatin reconstitution
- Modelling donor organ allocation in lung transplantation
- Modelling Driver-Vehicle Interactive Steering
- Modelling drops on micropatterned surfaces
- Modelling drying and particle formation in spray towers
- Modelling dynamics of the marginal ice zone, including combined collisional and EVP rheology
- Modelling early human cell fate decisions using pluripotent stem cells
- Modelling ecological systems under environmental change.
- Modelling effects of activity on the collective cell behaviour of epithelial tissues
- Modelling electric motors
- Modelling electricity day-ahead prices by multivariate Levy semistationary processes
- Modelling electrode heterogeneity in lithium-ion batteries
- Modelling Electronic Processes at Heterojunctions: from Molecules to Perovskites
- Modelling emergence of multicellularity
- Modelling energy dissipation at surfaces
- Modelling entrainment and surface processes in atmospheric flows over rural and urban boundary layers.
- Modelling Epidemics
- Modelling Epidemics on Realistic Landscapes.
- Modelling epidemics: mixing patterns, changing behaviour, and swine flu
- Modelling equine influenza
- Modelling Every Body - How computer vision, machine learning, 3D modelling and graphics help people shop with confidence online.
- Modelling Financial Uncertainty for Regulated Insurance Companies: the Case of Equity Risk
- Modelling Flexibility for Future Networks
- Modelling Flow in Low Field NMR Relaxometry
- Modelling for SARS-CoV2 - what can we learn from China? Questions and discussions
- Modelling fungicide resistance management strategies
- Modelling GA dynamics in growing plant organs
- Modelling Galaxies
- Modelling geophysical fluid dynamics with anisotropic adaptive mesh methods
- Modelling gonadotrophin-releasing hormone signalling: dynamics, noise and reliability
- Modelling grain growth in polycrystals
- Modelling health gain and cost (savings) from prevention: tobacco tax and food taxes and subsidies
- Modelling health scores with the multivariate skew normal
- Modelling heterogeneity in gene expression using the matrix-variate normal distribution
- Modelling homotopy types by internal categories
- Modelling Hopf solitons with elastic rods
- Modelling human motion with Gaussian processes
- Modelling ice-ocean interaction at Greenland’s tidewater glaciers
- Modelling in support of policy negotiations for increasing food production whilst maintaining hydrological ecosystem services in the Andes
- Modelling in systems genetics: computational approaches for discovering disease networks
- Modelling infectious disease transmission potential as a function of human behaviour
- Modelling isocyanic acid (HNCO): Tropospheric distribution, budget, and identification of regions with potential health impacts
- Modelling Jets in Solar Coronal hole regions
- Modelling laminar flow over curved substrates as a prelude to turbulent flows
- Modelling land use dynamics and responses to climate variability in late antique Basel, Switzerland
- Modelling large deformation problems in geotechnics (MPM)
- Modelling Large Scale Epidemiological Modelling of Infectious Tree Disease
- Modelling Large- and Small-Scale Brain Networks
- Modelling large-scale influences in near-wall turbulence
- Modelling Life - How Quantum Mechanics can Help us Understand Biology
- Modelling localised convective motions in sunspot umbrae
- Modelling Low Reynolds Number Swimming Near a Wall
- Modelling Macro Ecological Patterns: Neutral Theory and Beyond
- Modelling macroecological patterns: Neutral theory and beyond
- Modelling magma migration through the continental lithosphere: the importance of multiple pulses and channelized flow.
- Modelling marine aerosol, airborne microplastics and rocket launches
- Modelling mechanical cues for cell-to-cell communication
- Modelling Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Fibres
- Modelling mechanics of the cell nucleus
- Modelling melt, water routing and the filling and drainage of lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Modelling melt, water routing and the filling and drainage of lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Modelling meltwater plumes from tidewater glaciers
- Modelling Microtube Driven Invasion of Glioma
- Modelling mini black holes
- Modelling Misperception of Public Support for Climate Policy: a Networks Approach
- Modelling mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: mitophagy, calcium and beyond
- Modelling motion from 1888 to 2008: How far have we come?
- Modelling multi-path routing problems
- Modelling multicellular mechanics in root growth
- Modelling multivariate nonstationarity
- Modelling Nature: Representation in Philosophy and Sociology of Science
- Modelling Needs Related to Case Studies in the Sanitary Engineering Sector
- Modelling Network Data
- Modelling Network Data
- Modelling noisy concentration gradients in developmental biology
- Modelling non-classical mechanisms of crystal nucleation and growth
- Modelling Non-Linearities in a MEMS Square Wave Oscillator
- Modelling non-symmetry of collagen fibre dispersion in the elasticity of arterial wall tissue
- Modelling non-symmetry of collagen fibre dispersion in the elasticity of arterial wall tissue
- Modelling Notch-mediated cellular decision making
- Modelling ocean connectivity and future change at the Antarctic margins
- Modelling of adiabatic transport: pumped charge quantization and beyond
- Modelling of Clinical Imaging
- Modelling of Clinical Imaging
- Modelling of Complex Energy Materials with Machine Learning
- Modelling of deuterium chemistry in star-forming regions
- Modelling of deuterium chemistry in star-forming regions
- Modelling of Explosively Driven Fragmentation Metals
- Modelling of explosively driven fragmentation of metals
- Modelling of Floating-Slab Tracks with Discontinuous Slabs in Underground Railway Tunnels
- Modelling of forced and natural wetting on uniform and non-uniform surfaces
- Modelling of friction induced vibration
- Modelling of Geo-structures Subject to Climate Forcing
- Modelling of HCCI Engine
- Modelling of Indirect Combustion Noise
- Modelling of Mobile Sensor Applications
- Modelling of polyelectrolyte thin films for fuel cell applications
- Modelling of primary processes in Drosophila phototransduction
- Modelling of the yeast protein translation machinery
- Modelling of train induced vibration (MOTIV)
- Modelling of train induced vibrations
- Modelling of wetted granular media
- Modelling Optimal Foliar Exposure of Crop Protection Products
- Modelling optimal intervention strategies for animal diseases in data poor settings
- Modelling orchestration
- Modelling Parkinson's with iPS cells and transgenic human ES cells.
- Modelling Particle Motion within Rotating Cylinders
- Modelling physical mechanisms driving tissue self-organisation in the mammalian embryo with subcellular elements.
- Modelling physiological and pathological glia-neuron interactions in cerebral organoids
- Modelling planar bistable devices: from Q-tensor to director models
- Modelling Pollock egg counts from the western Gulf of Alaska by a zero-inflated Bayesian hierarchical space-time model
- Modelling porosity and the prediction of trailing edge noise
- Modelling problems posed to the electricity system planner and operator by wind power
- Modelling proteins using coarse-grained techniques
- Modelling protrusion phenotypes and the force velocity relation to motile cells
- Modelling QM-accurate physical phenomena in alloys and polymers using Atomic Cluster Expansion (ACE) & Hyperactive Learning (HAL)
- Modelling Quality Properties of Systems
- Modelling Quantum Mechanics with Machine Learning: Interatomic Potentials with Error Bars
- Modelling ratcheting caused by cyclic loading: Application to offshore wind foundation design
- Modelling Reciprocating Relationships with Hawkes Processes
- Modelling Relative Survival: Flexible Parametric Models and the Estimation of Net and Crude Mortality
- Modelling reverse flow dynamic stall on high advance ratio rotors
- Modelling Risks in Financial Markets: Asset Return Correlations and Market Risk
- Modelling road networks in the Amazon
- Modelling salt fingering staircases in 1 dimension
- Modelling sea ice dynamics using brittle dynamics: impact in pack ice and marginal ice zones
- Modelling seasonal acceleration of land terminating sectors of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin
- Modelling Self-Assembled Polymer Composites
- Modelling Self-Organisation
- Modelling semiflexible chains, filaments, and their networks
- Modelling Smectic Liquid Crystal Elastomers
- Modelling social structure and infectious disease: transmission, control and equity
- Modelling Solution Chemistry
- Modelling Some of the Environmental Impacts of a Hydrogen Economy
- Modelling soot and carbon nanotube formation
- Modelling speech perception: mistakes and distrusts
- Modelling stochastic die-out and re-introduction of meningococcal serogroup A in Ghana
- Modelling storage systems in future energy networks
- Modelling stratified turbulence in the ocean interior
- Modelling subglacial hydrology
- Modelling Submesoscale Dynamics: A new parameterization for symmetric instability
- Modelling supermassive black holes: accretion, spin evolution, jets and winds
- Modelling syntactico-semantic composition for natural language understanding and generation
- Modelling synthesis and catalytic applications of doped AIPOs
- Modelling synthesis and catalytic applications of doped AlPOs
- Modelling synucleinopathy in mouse
- Modelling tendon and ligament non-linear elasticity
- Modelling Th1/Th17 inflammation at mucosal surfaces using an intestinal protozoan parasite
- Modelling the 21 cm signal during the epoch of reionization
- Modelling the association between patient characteristics and the change over time in a disease measure using observational cohort data
- Modelling the behaviour of multiscale cellular materials
- Modelling the best evidence
- Modelling the bioenergetics and foraging behaviours of albatrosses
- Modelling the biological control of crop disease
- Modelling the breakup and coalescence of bubbles
- Modelling the brittle to granular transition in sea ice
- Modelling the capability of military hospitals
- Modelling the combustion synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles
- Modelling the Control of Fungal Crop Disease: Challenging traditional assumptions
- Modelling the corrosion of steel infrastructure in marine environments for long-term reliability assessment
- Modelling the cost of cancer: understanding inter-relationships between types of care
- Modelling the creep deformation of engineering alloys for energy applications at different scales
- Modelling the Drosophila pair-rule gene system
- Modelling the Dynamics and Hazards from Volcanic Mudflows and Flash Floods
- Modelling the effects of sensory conflicts on drivers' control of a vehicle
- Modelling the Emission from Winds from Photoevaporating Protoplanetary Discs
- Modelling the evolution and spread of immune escape in HIV infections
- Modelling the evolution of mass and spin of supermassive black holes with hydrodynamical simulations
- Modelling the evolution of developmental processes
- Modelling the growth and transmission of infectious disease by linking epidemiology and population genetics
- Modelling the growth of laccoliths: Static and dynamic fluid-driven fracturing of adhered elastica
- Modelling the growth of plant cells and tissues
- Modelling the Growth of Tyndall Stars
- Modelling the Heterogenous Growth of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Modelling the hidden world of protein activities
- Modelling the human brain: Psychometric and neurodevelopmental perspectives
- Modelling the Human Eye: A look at statistical and machine learning techniques
- Modelling the impact of Covid-19 on meningococcal disease
- Modelling the impact of host galaxy dust on type Ia supernova distance measurements
- Modelling the Impact of MenAfriVac in the African Meningitis Belt
- Modelling the impact of MenAfriVac in the African meningitis belt
- Modelling the impact of policy incentives on global CO2 emissions from passenger cars and motorcycles with a dynamic model of technological change
- Modelling the imperfect driver
- Modelling the implementation of routine varicella vaccination in the UK
- Modelling the interactions of circadian clocks with physiology in plants
- Modelling the interactions of near-inertial waves and vortical motion in the ocean
- Modelling the Internal Structures of Hycean Worlds
- Modelling the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle: How sensitive are past climates?
- Modelling the living world?
- Modelling the magnetars quiescent spectra
- Modelling the management of HIV testing and counselling in a developing country.
- Modelling the Milky Way with Gaia DR1 and beyond
- Modelling the pathological long-range regulatory effects of structural variation with patient-specific hiPSC
- Modelling the perfect racing driver - Planetary bearing defects in wind-turbine gearboxes
- Modelling the Persistence of Disease: Chance, Determinism and Genetics
- Modelling the plumbing of ice sheets
- Modelling the pore solution of PC-blended cements
- Modelling the Quiet Sun Photospheric Magnetic Field
- Modelling the reduction of installed jet noise by using swept trailing edges
- Modelling the Response of Ice to Subglacial Flooding
- Modelling the response of ice to subglacial flooding
- Modelling the Risk of Climate Change with Dr Chris Hope
- Modelling the Risks of Climate Change
- Modelling the Risks of Climate Change
- Modelling the Risks of Climate Change - Dr. Chris Hope
- Modelling the risks of measles outbreaks near elimination
- Modelling the shock induced failure of printed circuit boards
- Modelling the spatial and temporal patterns of anthrax risk across Kenya and Uganda using a Bayesian approach
- Modelling the Spatial Temporal Dynamics of Small Monomeric G Proteins
- Modelling the steering interaction between driver and vehicle active steering controller
- Modelling the Tidal Interaction of the Magellanic Clouds
- Modelling the transcriptional response to ER signalling in breast cancer cells
- Modelling the transmission of Clostridium difficile in hospitals
- Modelling the vertebrate melanocyte - how exactly do neural crest cells go black?
- Modelling the way mathematics is actually done
- Modelling the zonal winds of the giant planets
- Modelling Theme Journal Club
- Modelling Theme Journal Club
- Modelling Thorne-Zytkow Objects
- Modelling to inform policy making: experience from Indonesia
- Modelling topological materials at finite temperature
- Modelling trajectories in statistical speech synthesis
- Modelling two-time velocity correlations for prediction of both Lagrangian and Eulerian statistics
- Modelling user interfaces for special needs
- Modelling User-Product Interaction
- Modelling vaccine escape in a population
- Modelling Vibrio colonae colony formation
- Modelling virus infections in the context of cancer therapies (and other diseases)
- Modelling Volatility Surfaces - Dimension Reduction Techniques to Extract Structure from Option Price Data
- Modelling Water in Acidic Zeolites with Chemical Accuracy
- Modelling water wave attenuation through random fields of ice floes: Is scattering the answer?
- Modelling water wave overwash of ice floes
- Modelling Wave Propagation, Scattering, and Attenuation in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Modelling wave run-up and sediment transport
- Modelling wave-ice interactions
- Modelling with Stochastic Differential Equations
- Modelling, Sensing and Visualising within the Life-cycle of Civil Infrastructure
- Modelling, simulating and verifying DNA strand displacement systems
- Models and Capacity Bounds for Optical Fibre Channels
- Models and inference for temporal Gaussian processes
- Models for $(\infty,n)$-categories with discreteness conditions
- Models for baseline and treatment effects in meta-analysis
- Models for interface motion a random environment
- Models for Quantum Dots Accounting for Coupled Effects and Nonlinear Strain
- Models for self-similarity and disclinations in martensite
- Models for tetrapod joint patterning: why does a finger have three knuckles?
- Models for Vaccination in the UK : what do models tell us about targeting, timing and impact?
- Models in Wound Healing: Scar Tissue and Contraction
- Models of collaboration: Artistic interventions in a fifteenth-century Book of Hours
- Models of convective exchange between lava lakes and magma chambers
- Models of crustal flow in the India-Asia collision zone
- Models of disease
- Models of hydrothermal convection in mid-ocean ridges
- Models of information in structural biology
- Models of large-scale real-life networks
- Models of low-Reynolds-number swimmers and colloidal particles in confined domains
- Models of Metaphor in NLP
- Models of Microtubule Acetylation
- Models of Modified Gauge Mediation
- Models of multi-scale and multi-phase sea ice thermodynamics
- Models of neurological disease
- Models of polymer unfolding under constant force
- Models of the antibody response to malaria infection and vaccination in African children
- Models of the germinal centre reaction
- Models that prove their own correctness
- Models to approach disease- Parkinson's Disease
- Models to study breast cancer, invasion and the instability of the differentiated state
- Models, model lists, model spaces and predictive optimality
- Models, models everywhere and not a one to want: some reflections on costing availability as an advanced service
- Models, Uncertainty and Design
- Moderate and Large Deviation Analysis for C-Q Channels
- Moderated discussion: Differential privacy: strategies, benefits and limitations
- Moderated discussion: Differential privacy: strategies, benefits and limitations
- Moderated discussion: Heavy tails and clipping: benefits and difficulties.
- Modern advances in likelihood ratio inference
- Modern Answers for a Classic Question: Sex Differences in General Intelligence?
- Modern applications of classical number theory
- Modern Approaches to Parsing
- Modern Bayesian Experimental Design
- Modern Bayesian machine learning methods and their application to finance and econometrics
- Modern Bayesian Record Linkage: Some Recent Developments and Open Challenges
- Modern Cache Prefetching and Page Size Aware Cache Prefetching
- Modern Challenges in Coupled Quantum-Continuum Modelling and Control of Closed and Dissipative Systems
- Modern Challenges in Therapeutic Protein Production
- Modern cryptography for non-cryptographers
- Modern Deep Learning through Bayesian Eyes
- Modern developments in (q-) Painlevé equations from topological string theory: Kirk Lecture
- Modern event generation for the LHC: Features and caveats of Sherpa
- Modern Greek and the Classical Tradition: misclassifications and misnomers
- Modern Greek in the 11th century
- Modern Greek variations on the myth of Helen
- Modern Himalayan erosion: a geochemical approach of river transport
- Modern historiography of applied mathematics: content, methodology, deficits
- Modern human adaptations to Pleistocene rainforest: the archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak, Borneo
- Modern Korea: two perspectives on its extraordinary ascent
- Modern Medicinal Chemistry in the Hit to Lead Arena
- Modern microwave radios and antennas
- Modern Molecular Science and How It Is Changing Our Life
- Modern Multi-Level Partitioning for Block-Based IC Design and Machine Learning
- Modern Neural Networks: the Hinton Camp
- Modern Outrage and the Perversion of Punishment
- Modern Reflections on Ancient Greek and Chinese Science and Culture(对古希腊与中国的科学文化的现代反思)
- Modern Software Engineering in Practice
- Modern South Arabian
- Modern synthetic biology. Darwin from the atom up
- Modern Times 1
- Modern Times 2
- Modern Times 3
- Modern Times 4
- Modern Times: Work, play and Afro-diasporic rhythms, from Moreau de Saint-Méry to Siegfried Kracauer
- Modern trends in dynamo theory
- Modernise or Die
- Modernism and Belief
- Modernism and Masculinity: Art and Politics in Fascist Italy
- Modernist aesthetics, Marxist science
- Modernist Materials Synthesis: Finding Thermodynamic Shortcuts with Hyperdimensional Chemistry
- Modernizing Multilateralism
- Modes of Collective Cell Migration on 2- and 3-D Substrata
- Modes of listening: How what we see greatly impacts what we hear
- Modes of posterior measure for Bayesian inverse problems with a class of non-Gaussian priors
- Modes of posterior measure for Bayesian inverse problems with a class of non-Gaussian priors
- Modes, Ambidexterity and Chromatic homotopy.
- Modifiable early life risk factors for childhood obesity – evaluating the potential for prevention
- Modification of α-synuclein for inhibition of nucleation and elongation of amyloid fibrils
- Modification of Polymer/Polymer Interfaces Using Block Copolymers and Microgel Particles
- Modified error estimates for discrete variational derivative methods
- Modified error estimates for discrete variational derivative methods
- Modified Gravity makes Galaxies Brighter
- Modified nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids for medicinal chemistry and chemical biology
- Modified RNA and grammer education for the naive immune system
- Modified Sequential Fully Implicit Scheme for Compositional Flow Simulation
- Modified small RNA regulate chromosome dosage and segregation
- Modified small RNA regulate chromosome dosage and segregation
- Modified starch polymers and blends for packaging, industrial and biomedical applications
- Modular Algorithm Analysis
- Modular and Compositional Transfer Learning
- Modular bootstrap for compact Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Modular completions
- Modular design of low energy buildings
- Modular forms
- Modular forms and black holes in N=4 string theories
- Modular forms and Galois representations
- Modular forms and Galois representations for imaginary quadratic fields
- Modular forms and p-adic L-functions
- Modular Forms for Genus Three
- Modular forms of half-integral weight on G_2
- Modular forms of negative weight
- Modular invariants for group-theoretical modular data
- Modular linear differential operators and their classification
- Modular Macros for OCaml
- Modular Reasoning for Deterministic Parallelism
- Modular reasoning for modular concurrency
- Modular Relaxed Dependencies in Weak Memory Concurrency
- Modular Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type
- Modular representations of gl_n
- Modular representations of Lie algebras
- Modular representations of p-adic groups and the Jacquet—Langlands correspondence
- Modular symbols, class numbers, and the high-dimensional cohomology of SL_n(O_K)
- Modular symbols: definition, functional equation, connection to complex L-functions
- Modularity and maturation of brain networks in childhood-onset schizophrenia
- Modularity and resurgence in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- Modularity and the Fermat Equation over Real Quadratic Fields
- Modularity lifting theorems
- Modularity of Calabi-Yau Varieties
- Modularity of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields
- Modularity of Galois representations
- Modularity, criticality and evolvability of a developmental GRN
- Modularity, old and new
- Modularity, polyrhythms, and what robotics and control may yet learn from the brain
- Modularity: What, why and how
- Modulated Bayesian Optimisation
- Modulated Fourier expansions and the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem
- Modulated Fourier expansions for the long-time analysis of Hamiltonian PDEs
- Modulated plane wave methods for Helmholtz problems in heterogeneous media
- Modulated Waves in Electrodynamics and Optics. Historical Perspective
- Modulating developmental signals allows establishment of cultures of expanded potential stem cells
- Modulating drug taking and drug seeking through TAAR1 activation
- Modulating Mutagenesis in Cancer
- Modulation equations revisited
- Modulation Instability of undular bores in Whitham-Boussinesq systems and revealing characteristics of Stokes wave trains and solitary waves associated with these systems.
- Modulation methods
- Modulation of Astroglial Lipocalin 2 Expression with RNA Nanotherapeutics
- Modulation Of Attention By Ascending Projections
- Modulation of emotion: A computational and real-time functional MRI approach
- Modulation of future sea ice loss by ocean heat transport
- Modulation of immune response by vitamin D: studies from lab to labrador
- Modulation of short surface waves by long internal waves
- Modulation of THz Metamaterials Using Graphene Surface Plasmons
- Modulation of Water Waves
- Modulation of Water Waves
- Modulation spectrum-based approach to high-quality statistical parametric speech synthesis
- Modulation theory in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates: the ferromagnetic paradigm
- Modulational Stability for Equations of Whitham Type
- Module categories and subfactors from quantum groups
- Module categories over tensor categories: some structures and some applications I
- Module categories over tensor categories: some structures and some applications II
- Modules of equivariant Eilenberg--MacLane spectra
- Moduli and periods of elliptic surfaces
- Moduli Dependence of M5-instantons in F-theory
- Moduli in derived categories
- Moduli of abelian varieties with Iwahori level structure
- Moduli of abelian varieties, curves, and points in the plane
- Moduli of Gorenstein Q-homology fake projective planes
- Moduli of local systems on Deligne-Mumford stacks
- Moduli of mod p Galois representations
- Moduli of plane sheaves supported on curves of low multiplicity
- Moduli of sheaves and strange duality
- Moduli of singular curves via non-reductive GIT
- Moduli of Symplectic Maximal Representations
- Moduli of vortices and Grassmann manifolds
- Moduli space of periodic monopoles and Hitchin equations on a cylinder
- Moduli spaces and elliptic difference equations
- Moduli spaces and physics
- Moduli spaces of abelian varieties with Iwahori level structure
- Moduli spaces of curves, curve complexes
- Moduli Spaces of Doubly-periodic Monopoles
- Moduli Spaces of Gorenstein Quasi-Homogenous Surface Singularities
- Moduli spaces of holomorphic differentials
- Moduli spaces of locally homogeneous geometric structures
- Moduli Spaces of Manifolds
- Moduli spaces of principal bundles on chains of projective lines
- Moduli spaces of reducible 3-manifolds
- Moduli spaces of slope-semistable coherent sheaves.
- Moduli spaces of twisted k-differentials and Pixton's cycle
- Moduli Stabilisation for Chiral Global Models
- Moduli Stabilisation SUSY Breaking in IIB String Theory
- Moduli theory, stability of fibrations and optimal symplectic connections
- Modulus stabilization and hierarchy problem in warped braneworld models
- MOFA: a principled framework for the unsupervised integration of multi-omics data
- Mogadishu Lost Moderns
- Moggi's Monads
- Mohammad Farhat on the Earth and the Moon
- Mohammad Saadatfar - Title TBC
- Moiré superlattices in twisted bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
- Moist potential vorticity inversion: a nonlinear PDE from atmospheric dynamics with free boundaries
- Molecular adsorption and strained graphene on boron nitride
- Molecular Adsorption at Metal and Metal Oxide Surfaces: From Corrosion to Catalysis via Functional Biomaterials
- Molecular alchemy: How to make one cell type into another
- Molecular alchemy: How to make one cell type into another
- Molecular analysis of potato tuber dormancy
- Molecular Analysis of Resin: an organic aterial on artefacts frm Oceania
- Molecular and atomistic simulations of liquid crystals
- Molecular and Cellular Architecture of Social Behavior Circuits in the Mouse
- Molecular and cellular basis of disease initiation in myeloproliferative neoplasms
- Molecular and cellular mechanisms for cold sensing'
- Molecular and cellular mechanisms for memory allocation in neuronal networks
- Molecular and computational aspects of neuronal motility
- Molecular and evolutionary processes generating variation in gene expression
- Molecular and Fabrication Strategies for Small-Molecule Solution- Processed Organic Solar Cells with Record Efficiencies.
- Molecular and functional imaging of cancer
- Molecular and pharmacological regulation of cell mitophagy
- Molecular approaches to understanding California sea lion disease patterns
- Molecular Architecture of the novel RNA binding protein Rrp47 and its role in Exosome-Mediated RNA Processing and Surveillance
- Molecular arms race between host and parasite leads to evolution of robustness against gene loss in signaling networks
- Molecular aspects of the transition from reconsolidation to extinction of fear memory
- Molecular assembly lines for drug biosynthesis
- Molecular bases and function of cellular heterogeneity in development
- Molecular basis for activation of Spätzle in dorsoventral patterning and innate immunity
- Molecular basis of development and degeneration of sensory hair cells in deafness
- Molecular basis of mitochondrial DNA replication in mammalian cells
- Molecular basis of Salmonella Enteritidis contamination of eggs: role of very-high molecular weight O-Antigen
- Molecular Beam Epitaxial overgrowth on pre-patterned substrates
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy in the Semiconductor Physics Group (SP Workshop)
- Molecular Biological and Molecular Genetic studies of the Mechanisms Underlying Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's Disease
- Molecular Biology of Prion Infections
- Molecular biomarkers for seabird age estimation
- Molecular bionics: copying Nature to control Nature
- Molecular bonsai and synthetic virology: How a new class of RNA virus-based vectors can enable rapid reprogramming of plants
- Molecular breeding of medicinal crops and discoveries along the way
- Molecular catalysis for the reduction of CO2 with Fe complexes
- Molecular Chaperone Functions in Protein Folding and Quality Control
- Molecular characterization of the Flagellar Pocket Collar cytoskeletal of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei
- Molecular Chocolate Box
- Molecular choreography: Towards the engineering of antibody behaviour.
- Molecular cloning
- Molecular Clouds: Turbulence, Magnetic Fields, and Spiral Structure
- Molecular control of axon pathfinding in the visual system
- Molecular control of cellular collectives
- Molecular control of flowering-time and vernalization
- Molecular control of visual cortical plasticity
- Molecular convergence in the evolution of betalains
- Molecular Deformation of Polycarbonate: from Atomistic to Continuum Characterization
- Molecular design approaches to organic semiconductors
- Molecular Determinants of Bluetongue Virus Pathogenesis
- Molecular determinants of the pyrenoid and carbon concentrating mechanism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Molecular dissection and targeting of epigenetic machinery in AML stem cells
- Molecular dissection approaches to study diseased tissues
- Molecular dissection of CLE signaling pathways in Arabidopsis
- Molecular DNA Devices in Living Systems
- Molecular Doping of Graphene
- Molecular Dynamics
- Molecular dynamics at nanometric length-scales
- Molecular dynamics at nanometric length-scales
- Molecular Dynamics in Living Cells
- Molecular dynamics modelling of biomaterials interfaces
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymers and Polymer Brushes
- Molecular dynamics simulations of protein-surface interactions
- Molecular dynamics with linear scaling density functional theory: the CONQUEST code
- Molecular Electronics for Chemical Sensors
- Molecular electronics from thin films to single molecules
- Molecular engineering for sustainable energy applications
- Molecular engineering for sustainable energy applications
- Molecular epidemiology studies of a major TB outbreak
- Molecular evolution and host-adaptation of Mannheimia haemolytica
- Molecular evolution of stochastic switching
- Molecular evolution of stochastic switching
- Molecular excited states and QMC
- Molecular flexibility and recognition in proteins and nucleic acids
- Molecular Flexibility in Cryo Electron Microscopy
- Molecular fluid dynamics for multi-phase flows
- Molecular gas and star formation across the Hubble time
- Molecular Gas, Star Formation and Galaxy Dynamics from z=2.5-0
- Molecular Gastronomy, The Science of Taste and Flavour
- Molecular Genetic Dissection of Psychiatric Phenotypes and Treatment Response
- Molecular genetics of autistic: the arbuscular mycorrhizal mutant of maize
- Molecular genetics of MALT lymphoma: application in diagnosis and prognosis (Prof Ming Du), tbc (Prof Robert Marcus)
- Molecular heterogeneity of breast cancer - biological and clinical implications
- Molecular identification of Bluetongue virus, and recent vaccination successes in northern Europe
- Molecular Imaging for the Improved Visualization and Treatment of Cancer
- Molecular imaging of cancer: understanding chemotherapy response and resistance.
- Molecular Imaging of Disease
- Molecular imaging of tumor progression at the tumor/stromal boundary
- Molecular imaging using hyperpolarised carbon-13
- Molecular Informatics for Drug Discovery
- Molecular information for organic chemistry
- Molecular information for organic chemistry
- Molecular insights into abiotic and biotic factors shaping diatom ecophysiology and signalling
- Molecular insights into GABA-A receptor pharmacology
- Molecular insights into the ecology, epidemiology and evolution of bat rabies.
- Molecular insights into the evolutionary history of plants in Antarctica
- Molecular layers, thin films and coatings - Applications of coatings
- Molecular Mechanism of T-cell Exhaustion
- Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic approaches to childhood mitochondrial diseases
- Molecular Mechanisms in cytotoxicity by SLAM family receptors
- Molecular mechanisms linking brain response to peripheral inflammation
- Molecular mechanisms of activity dependent plasticity in the cerebellar cortex
- Molecular Mechanisms of Axon Branching and Synoptogenicsm in Fly and Frog CNS
- Molecular mechanisms of biomineralisation in sponges and molluscs and their relevance to the Cambrian explosion
- Molecular mechanisms of cardiomyopathies in patients with severe non-ischemic heart failure
- Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Senescence in Cancer and Ageing
- Molecular mechanisms of chromosome folding
- Molecular mechanisms of complement activation and regulation
- Molecular mechanisms of human T helper cell differentiation to functionally distinct subsets
- Molecular mechanisms of MADS-domain transcription factor function- an integrated approach
- Molecular mechanisms of Mediator complex recruitment by transcription factors.
- Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial genetic disease
- Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration and Therapeutic Intervention
- Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration and therapeutic intervention
- Molecular mechanisms of phenotypic variation and evolvability
- Molecular mechanisms of reversible infantile mitochondrial diseases
- Molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle insulin resistance
- Molecular mechanisms of synapse degeneration in prion and Alzheimer's disease
- Molecular mechanisms of the Polycomb/trithorax system
- Molecular mechanisms of Wnt signalling
- Molecular mechanisms that link inflammation and cancer
- Molecular medicines for the lysosome
- Molecular Memories
- Molecular Model Solutions
- Molecular modeling of liquid crystal elastomers
- Molecular Modelling of Anaesthetics
- Molecular Motors and Switches at Surfaces
- Molecular motors at work
- Molecular Nanostructures and Sensors by Self-Assembly
- Molecular Nanostructures with Unusual Electronic and Optical Properties
- Molecular neuroendocrinology: how the brain builds its peptidergic sprinkler systems.
- Molecular Organisation: Working with Molecules on the Nanoscale
- Molecular organizations in the bulk and close to surfaces
- Molecular Origin of Capacity Fade in Sodium Ion Batteries
- Molecular Origin of K13 Revisited
- Molecular pathogenesis of Streptococcus suis
- Molecular perspectives of adaptations to challenges of polar environment
- Molecular Pharming
- Molecular Pharming - recent progress in manufacturing medicines in plants
- Molecular Pharming gets a green thumbs up
- Molecular Photosynthesis: Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On
- Molecular Photosynthesis: Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On
- Molecular Programming
- Molecular programming
- Molecular programming – moving from electronic computation to molecular systems
- Molecular regulation and morphological development of petal spot evolution
- Molecular regulation of receptor-mediated mitochondrial autophagy and its role in aging related diseases
- Molecular regulation of skeletal muscle stem cells in distinct cell states
- Molecular regulation of Wallerian axonal degeneration
- Molecular Sensing With Supercontinuum Radiation Generated In Photonic Crystal Fibres
- Molecular Sex - How Sperm Binds to the Egg at the Atomic Level
- Molecular Sex - How Sperm Binds to the Egg at the Atomic Level
- Molecular Signals in and from Parasitic Plants
- Molecular Simulations in Structure-Based Drug Design
- Molecular simulations of crystallization of halide perovskites
- Molecular simulations of the E. coli cell wall: successes and challenges
- Molecular simulations to predict evolutions of properties of clays with moisture? A comparison with experiments on thin clay films
- Molecular Soup* with a twist : from Displays to Lasers for Holography (*Self-Organised Uniaxial Photonics)
- Molecular Spectroscopy for Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Molecular strategies for monitoring and controlling mitochondria
- Molecular strategies to increase robustness of organic semiconductor thin films for application in photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical devices
- Molecular Studies in Vascular Dementia
- Molecular studies of meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis thaliana and Triticum aestivum
- Molecular subclasses in canine osteosarcoma and mammary cancer
- Molecular Systems Architecture: from Complexity to Function
- Molecular Systems Architectures
- Molecular tectonics: from building blocks to crystals
- Molecular tools for detection and control of Streptococcus suis infection in pigs
- Molecular Tools for Imaging and Controlling Complex Biological Systems
- Molecular tools for the macroalgae
- Molecular traits of cell type-specific reactivity in neuroinflammation
- Molecular Understanding, Design and Development of Zwitterionic-based Biomaterials
- Molecular vibrations of water predict global distributions of phototrophic organisms in lakes and oceans
- Molecular viscoelasticity of complex topology polymers: from molecular form to flows
- Molecular wiring of a mitochondrial translation feedback loop
- Molecules and Computers
- Molecules and mechanisms of olfactory-mediated behaviour
- Molecules and nanostructures for solar energy conversion
- Molecules and spins for quantum technologies (Prof. G. A. D. Briggs, University of Oxford)
- Molecules in star- and planet-forming regions: from ice cold to steaming hot
- Molecules of Cognition
- Molecules of Murder
- Molecules of Murder
- Molecules of touch and taste sensation
- Molecules regulating adipocyte development and function as causes and cures for metabolic disease
- Molly Geidel: Mid-Century Liberalism and the Development Film
- Molotov’s Magic Lantern: A Journey in Russian History
- Molten Earth: Magma in the Deep Mantle
- Molten Earth: Magma in the Deep Mantle
- Moment estimates implied by modified log-Sobolev inequalities
- Moment explosions and long-term behaviour of affine stochastic volatility models
- Moment map and convex function
- Moment matching for latent variable models: from ICA to LDA and CCA
- Moment methods for Vlasov equation
- Moment relaxations for the global resolution of optimal control problems
- Moment transport equations for non-Gaussianity
- Moments and SDP for multiobjective linear programming
- Moments estimates for the discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations with diffusion
- Moments of crisis – volcanic eruptions, environmental impacts and societal change in the northern European past
- Moments of measures on compact polyhedra, weighted triangulations, integral transforms, and multisymmetric polynomials.
- Moments of partition functions of 2D Gaussian polymers in the weak disorder regime
- Momentum balance in toroidal plasmas
- Momentum budget in the Arctic: Atmosphere - Ice - Ocean
- Momentum effects on focusing in one-dimensional systems
- Momentum space entanglement and renormalization in quantum field theory
- Momentum-resonant tunnelling in carbon nanotube networks
- Monadic Constraint Programming
- Monadic modalities
- Monadic Program Slicing
- Monads
- Monads and Comonads
- Monads and Lenses
- Monads and the semantics of effects
- Monads, comonads and resource-limited computation
- monads/comonads and their role in describing the use of resources
- Monads: Simple AND Usable
- Monarch butterfly migration: from behavior to genes
- Monarchy and Modernity since 1500
- Monarchy Asserted: The Conservative Cromwellians and the Restoration
- Monastery Chanting and Reconstruction: Social Reproduction of Manangi Trade Diaspora
- Monaural Acoustical Scene Analysis through Harmonic-Temporal Clustering of the Power Spectrum
- MOND and TeVeS Modified Gravity: Testing the Theories
- Mondrian Processes
- Monetary policies and practices: money, popular politics and state formation in early modern Europe
- Monetary policy and financial repression in Britain, 1951-59
- Monetary Policy and Financial Stability. The Future directions for the UK's housing and mortgage markets
- Monetary Sovereignty, Currency Hierarchy and Economic Policy Autonomy
- Money buys happiness when spending fits our personality
- Money buys happiness when spending fits our personality
- Money, myths and man-eaters
- Money: a Treasury-centric view
- Monge ampere based moving mesh methods with applications to numerical weather prediction
- Monge Ampere equations and grid alignment in mesh generation
- Monitoring and Assessment of Historic Masonry Railway Bridges
- Monitoring and Fault-tolerant Control for Large-Scale Interconnected Systems
- Monitoring and Management of the Endangered Cape Mountain Zebra
- Monitoring and Modelling of Cast Iron Tunnel Linings
- Monitoring and Numerical Modelling of a Deep Circular Excavation
- Monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and reasons for vaccine acceptance in Finland between 2020 and 2021
- Monitoring of hemorrhagic stroke using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)
- Monitoring of Tunnels Using Digital Image Correlation Technique
- Monitoring on a Shoestring / Comparing Agent-based Control Architectures For Next Generation Telecommunication Network Infrastructures
- Monitoring protein synthesis one codon at a time through ribosome profiling
- Monitoring scour at bridge foundations
- Monitoring Secretive Startups
- Monitoring single ion transporters at work: proton-driven rotation in FoF1-ATP synthase and domain swapping in P-type ATPase
- Monitoring spent nuclear fuel repositories with passive gamma emission tomography
- Monitoring systemic risk: indicators and data requirements
- Monitoring the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Monitoring the microscopic water distribution in soft solids with multidimensional NMR relaxometry
- Monitoring the progress of our Training
- Monitoring the world's volcanoes from space
- Monitoring Upper Extremity Activity to Track Rehabilitation Progress following Spinal Cord Injury²
- Monitoring volcanic gas emissions: from innovation to operational application
- Monkeys and modernity in colonial Myanmar
- Monkeys on Trees: A Bayesian Approach to Inferring Primate Divergence Times
- Mono-monostatic bodies: the story of the Gömböc
- Monoamines and mechanosensory behaviour in C. elegans
- Monochromatic cycle partitions
- Monochromatic Infinite Sumsets
- Monochromatic products and sums in N and Q
- Monochromatic products and sums in N and Q
- Monochromatic Sums and Products over the Rationals
- Monochromatic tight cycle partition for 3-graphs
- Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
- Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
- Monocytes, macrophages & DCs development pathways that specify functions
- Monodromies of ramified random coverings and geometry on partitions
- Monodromy groups of rational functions
- Monodromy, flops and deformations
- Monogamy, entanglement and deep hidden variables
- Monogenetic Volcanism: A Window into Mantle Heterogeneity and Magmatic Processes
- Monogenic Causes of Stroke: Bridging the Gaps with Next Generation Sequencing
- Monogenic Pain Disorders
- Monoidal Categories (and much more!)
- Monoidal Categories And More
- Monolingual and multilingual, explicit and latent vector representations of meaning
- Monolingual bilinguals? Exploring Greek-Latin code switching with Fronto and friends
- Monolithic Polymers: Innovations in Stationary Phase Technology for Separation Science
- Monopole correlations in holographically flavored liquids
- Monopole-Fermion Scattering is Weird.
- Monopoles in R³
- Monopoles on circle bundles
- Monopoles on the product of a surface and the circle
- Monopoles, instantons and polytopes
- Monopoly Menace: The Rise and Fall of ‘Cartel Capitalism’ in Western Europe, 1918-1957
- Monopoly through Oligopoly – Modern Competition Law
- Monotone Lagrangian tori in C^n and CP^n
- Monotone-light factorisation systems
- Monotonicity and phase transition for the edge-reinforced random walk
- Monotonicity formulas in linear and nonlinear potential theory
- Monsieur Desprez’s monster
- Monster groups acting on CAT(0) spaces
- Monsters and Me
- Monsters in the Universe: New Insight into Black Holes
- Monstrous deliveries: fetal anomalies and the making of facts in nineteenth-century obstetrics
- Monte Carlo adjusted profile likelihood, with applications to spatiotemporal and phylodynamic inference.
- Monte Carlo Approaches to Game Playing
- Monte Carlo Estimation of the Solution of Fractional Partial Differential Equations
- Monte Carlo experiments in computer Go
- Monte Carlo Gradient Estimation in Machine Learning
- Monte Carlo guided Diffusion for Bayesian linear inverse problems
- Monte Carlo Inference for Alpha-Stable Processes
- Monte Carlo Integration and Generation with Neural Nets
- Monte Carlo is Bayesian
- Monte Carlo methods for $L_q$ approximation on periodic Sobolev spaces with mixed smoothness
- Monte Carlo methods in cosmology
- Monte Carlo on Rails: The Random Ray Method of Neutron Transport
- Monte Carlo or bust: megadimensional sampling and the CMB
- Monte Carlo PHD Filtering
- Monte Carlo sampling with integrator snippets
- Monte Carlo simulations and Onsager density functional theory of hard particle liquid crystal models
- Monte Carlo without rejection
- Montesquieu and Machiavelli: Appropriation and Critique
- Montgomery: A dramatic change in the law on patient consent?
- Monuments, memory and misinterpretation: the temple of Zeus, or throne of Bilqis, in Athens
- Monumo: Engineering Simulation and Design: New Opportunities for Computer Science
- Monumo: Reinventing Electric Motors
- Mood markers in morphology and beyond
- Mood, memory & clinical depression
- Moonshot Thinking to Unleash Innovation, Dr Pablo Rodriguez - Telefonica Alpha: MSR Cambridge, Lecture Series
- Moor “culture” in independent Ceylon: the 1940s establishment of the Moors Islamic Cultural Home
- Moore Factorization Systems
- Moore's Law: Where are we, where are we heading, and where is the end?
- Moose: an open platform for software analysis
- Moral Challenges of New Reproductive Technologies
- Moral Externalities: Globalisation, Human Rights, and the Demand for Multinational Responsibility
- Moral Identity and Brand Anthropomorphism
- Moral Knowledge, Moral Sensitivity and Moral Education
- Moral Philosophy and the Dissenting Academies, 1660-1860
- Moral Philosophy for Elves
- Moral Psychology Interdisciplinary Conference
- Moral Sciences Club
- Moral virtue and self-control
- Morality - The Vehicle to Enlightenment
- Morality and Efficacy of Criminal Law (in America) – An Advocate’s View
- Morality in the Body: Influences of Bodily Experience on Moral Judgments and Decisions
- Morality, Freedom, and the State
- Morals and taboos in cyberspace: Do we play by the same rules?
- Morava K-theory and Hamiltonian loops
- Morava K-theory of infinite groups and Euler characteristic
- Morbidity among working-class men and women in early-twentieth century Sweden
- Morbilliviruses persistence in the CNS
- Mordell 2022 - 100 years of elliptic curves
- Mordell-Weil generators for cubic surfaces
- Mordell–Weil groups of elliptic curves — beyond ranks
- More about the slice filtration and slice spectral sequence
- More Bang for your Buck – formulation and characterisation of explosive materials
- More conjectures, numerical and theoretical evidence
- More Diversity = Better Science: International Women’s Day 2017
- More from galaxies on a moving mesh
- More fun than a barrel of monkeys
- More is different - Quantum Many-Body physics in Optical Lattices
- More is different: Many-body physics with ultracold atoms.
- More like apes than angels: natural history and the political economy of David Hume and Adam Smith
- More like apes than angels: natural history and the political economy of David Hume and Adam Smith
- more medicine: hellenistic medics and Greeks and Romans, and Galen.
- More models, more problems?
- More NIPS highlights
- More on composition methods: error estimation and pseudo-symmetry
- More on composition methods: error estimation and pseudo-symmetry
- More on Iitaka conjecture in char p
- More on the parity conjecture
- More or Less Editorial Decisions
- More precise predictions of future polar winter warming
- More Python for beginners
- More random results from structure searching
- More Randomness from the Same Qubits
- More than a blocked pipe: the role of carotid atheroma inflammation in stroke severity and recovery.
- More the bystanders: Learning how microglia eliminate synapses in the Alzheimer brain
- More the bystanders: Learning how microglia eliminate synapses in the Alzheimer brain
- More tricks of the trade for ML descriptions of atomistic systems
- Morello - Arm's research prototype using Capabilities
- Morgan Llwyd's astrology and its contexts
- Mori fibre spaces for $3$-folds in positive characteristic
- Mori theory and Foliations
- Morning Break
- Morning coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning coffee
- Morning coffee
- Morning coffee
- Morning coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee
- Morning Coffee and Registration
- Morning Tea and Coffee
- Morphing Aircraft Structure: Topology Optimization
- Morphing and shape control: some lessons from the motility of unicellular organisms
- Morphing and shape control: from mechanobiology to engineering
- Morphing Engineering Structures
- Morphisms for Combinatorial Optimization
- Morpho-phonological Processing in the Human Brain
- Morphodynamics of cohesive objects
- Morphodynamics of lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Morphoelasticity and the Geometry of Growth
- Morphogen transport and gradient formation
- Morphogenesis and cell ordering in bacterial biofilms
- Morphogenesis and Molecular Regulation of Colour Patterning in Natural Populations
- Morphogenesis is stressful - The challenges of measuring tension in a 3D dynamic cell sheet
- Morphogenesis of conjugated polymers by epitaxy: from highly oriented films to nano-structured hybrid materials and shish-kebab fibers
- Morphogenesis of the adult abdominal epidermis of Drosophila: A matter of constriction and migration
- Morphogenesis of the mouse and human embryo beyond implantation
- Morphogenesis of Thin Growing Tissues
- Morphogenetic control of cellular differentiation during gastrulation
- Morphogenetic mechanisms underlying germinal and somatic fate acquisition in maize anthers
- Morphogenetic models: from genetic regulatory networks to phenotypes
- Morphologic and Geochemical Evolution of the Submarine Kermadec – Tonga Arc
- Morphological and molecular evolution of the arthropod nervous system: new insights from studies on the waterflea Daphnia magna
- Morphological and palaeoecological perspectives on baboon evolution
- Morphological characteristics of Medieval Code Switching
- Morphological complexity in Skolt Saami, an endangered Finno-Ugric language
- Morphological Computation - A Potential Solution for the Control Problem in Soft Robotics
- Morphological Contrasts in German Child Language and Child Directed Speech
- Morphological decomposition based on the analysis of orthography
- Morphological structure in visual word recognition
- Morphologically Computing Soft Robots toward Self-Organizing Machines
- Morphologically dependent galaxy quenching and the role of AGN feedback
- Morphology and composition control of solution deposited, mixed halide perovskite solar cells
- Morphology and optical properties of flame-made nanoparticles
- Morphology in rapidly rotating planetary cores
- Morphophonological issues in the development of Huave language revitalisation materials
- Morphosyntactic and pragmatic abilities in different populations of language learners
- Morphosyntactic complexity: a typology of lexical splits
- Morphosyntactic conditioning in phonology: the case of pronominal clitics in European Portuguese
- Morrey sequence spaces
- Morris Animal Foundation: Grant funding opportunities and access to the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study
- Morse 2-functions and trisections of 4-manifolds
- Morse homology on infinite dimensional manifolds and Lorentzian geodesics
- Morse Structures on Open Books
- Morse theory and the moduli space of flat connections over a nonorientable surface
- MorseTheory(On.Point) vs (MorseTheory.On)Point
- Mortal active filaments & cell division
- Mortality decline in eighteenth century London: new evidence from burials by cause, age and burial cost from the sextons' books of St Martin in the Fields
- Mortality decline in eighteenth-century London: new evidence from burials by cause, age and burial cost from the sexton's books of St Martin in the Fields
- Mortality in English market towns during the 'parish register era', c1550 - c1825
- Mortality in the century of apartheid, 1940-1970: spatial and racial inequalities in mortality and doctors during the antibiotic transition.
- Mortars, exotic drugs, and a battle for expertise: Verona 1561–1566
- Moses, Jesus and Muhammad: Brothers in Faith
- Moses, Jesus and Muhammad: Brothers in Faith
- Moses, Jesus and Muhummad: One Message
- Moskvachylyk: On the Ethics of "Illegality" in Migrant Moscow
- Mosquitoes in the Cambridgeshire Fens: past, present and future
- Most cardiovascular risk prediction equations need to be updated or replaced
- Most cardiovascular risk prediction equations need to be updated or replaced
- Mosul and Beyond: The Middle East After ISIS
- Moth - Prof Matthew Gandy BOOK LAUNCH
- Moth Trapping in Cambridge
- Mother Nature Knows Best: Making Heat-Stable Vaccines
- Mother of God: A History of the Virgin Mary
- Mother-Daughter relations in Chodorow and Irigaray
- Motherhood and War: A panel discussion on gender and armed conflict
- Mothering for Schooling in the Mid Twentieth Century Australian Women’s Weekly
- Mothers & Daughters: a psychoanalytical perspective
- Mothers with severe mental illness: Keeping the baby in mind
- Mothers' depressive symptoms and young children's problem behaviours: The roles of executive function and emotion regulation
- Moths
- motifNet: Deep learning for system identification of regulatory networks
- Motifs in International Banking Networks
- Motile bacteria in giant unilamellar vesicles: A cautionary tale
- Motile behavior of bacteria: some physics that E. coli knows
- Motile behaviour and evolution of bacteria in antibiotic landscapes
- Motile cilia - understanding the origin of collective dynamics
- Motility and Invasion of apicomplexan parasites: What do we know?
- Motility induced elongation of the vertebrate embryo
- Motility, Mixing, and Multicellularity
- Motion by mean curvature from interacting particle systems
- Motion Commotion: Using Hidden Markov Models in Gesture Recognition
- Motion events in bilingual first language acquisition: the impact of typology on crosslinguistic interactions
- Motion filtering: Marshalling, steering and sorting
- Motion in the fossil record: Reconstructing dinosaur limb kinematics from fossil footprints
- Motion of complex singularities and Hamiltonian integrability of surface dynamics
- Motion of quantum vortices in trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates
- Motion of rigid bodies inside a viscous fluid
- Motion of the cello bridge
- Motion of uni-flagellated bacteria at interfaces and in complex media
- Motion of vortices with buoyancy
- Motion Perception - from visual arts to neural processing
- Motion processing in autism: atypical bounded integration
- Motion sensitive circuits in the retina
- Motion Tracking
- Motion, monodromy and asymptotics: Rothschild Lecture
- Motivated forgetting: Insights from patients with focal brain lesions
- Motivated rejection of (climate) science: causes, tools and effects
- Motivated visual cognition: How rewards affect visual attention and memory
- Motivating Future Interconnects: A Differential Measurement Analysis of PCI Latency
- Motivating Future Interconnects: A Differential Measurement Analysis of PCI Latency
- Motivating language learners: the role of assessment
- Motivation and executive control in human prefrontal cortex
- Motivation for this group, Goodhart's Law
- Motivation in Action - from decision neuroscience to neurorehabilitation
- Motivational persistence in multiple language learning: Identities, vision, and goal self-concordance (Cambridge Distinguished Lecture on Second Language Learning and Teaching 2021-2022)
- Motivational Processing, Mesolimbic and mesostriatal function in Psychosis.
- Motivations for speaker intervention in phonetic implementation: Meanings and forms
- Motives with modulus over a base
- Motivic classes of curvilinear Hilbert schemes
- Motivic cohomology of singular varieties
- Motivic Ctau-modules and Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres
- Motivic degree zero Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- Motivic Donaldson-Thomas theory of the conifold
- Motivic Euler characteristics and the Motivic Segal-Becker Theorem
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - I
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - II
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - III
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - IV
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - V
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - VI
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - VII
- Motivic fundamental groups and diophantine geometry - VIII
- Motivic Hochschild homology
- Motivic homotopy and motivic cohomology.
- Motivic infinite loop spaces and Hilbert schemes
- Motivic integration for Artin stacks
- Motivic invariants of birational maps
- Motivic multiple zeta values and Galois coaction
- Motivic normed spectra and Tambara functors
- Motivic Superstring Amplitudes
- Motivic tt-geometry
- Motor action in semiflexible networks
- Motor Augmentation: The Brain's Journey Beyond Biological Boundaries
- Motor circuit dysfunction in a Drosophila model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Motor Control
- Motor control
- Motor cortex and perception - from speech to laughter
- Motor cortex circuits for learned movements
- Motor learning and the cerebellum: more of those blinking bunnies
- Motor neuron degeneration and legs at odd angles
- Motor Skills Learning for Robotics
- Motor systems plasticity
- Motors, rulers and clocks in chromosome segregation.
- Mott MacDonald - careers
- Mott physics, sign structure, and high-TC superconductivity
- Moulded like wax, modelled in clay: votive offerings, swaddling and the making of infants in Hellenistic Italy
- Moulding history for a video game story
- Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Mount St. Helens: a 40-yr perspective on the 18 May 1980 eruption and its impact on volcano science
- Mountain Media: Theologies of the Present in Northern Pakistan
- Mountain Messages: Knowledge, Values, and Decision Making in the Himalayas
- Mountain ranges as viscous gravity currents
- Mountaineering in a changing climate
- Mountainous effects: Alpine space and Victorian lady climbers
- Mountains to Deserts: Insights from Garnet
- Mountains, Exploration, Education, Rich Media and Design
- Mountains, rivers and forests: the colonial mapping of southeast Asia, between observation and vernacular cartography in the 19th century
- Mountains, Valleys and Volumetric Maximisation
- Mourre estimate for non-local Schrödinger operators
- Mouse Genome Informatics Database: Phenotypes and Phenotype Ontology
- Mouse Hox gene enhancers analysed in cell culture; and some proposals on the significance of Hox gene collinearity
- Mouse Model for Cancer Biology
- Mouse molecular genetic studies of axon degeneration
- Move in the Right Direction: What phonetic variation can tell us about phonological representations
- Move, multiply, and measure cold gas around galaxies
- MOVED TO 28 JUNE 2018 It takes two to tango:platelet collagen receptor GPVI-dimer in thrombosis and clinical implications
- Movement behaviours and cognitive development in early childhood: Evidence, insights and interventions from South Africa
- Movement Data for Analysing Behaviour during the Pandemic
- Movement expressivity analysis in affective computers: from recognition to expression of emotion
- Movement of British macro-moths through fragmented agricultural landscapes
- Movers and stayers: populations, movement and measurement in historical demography
- Movie Screening From Sudan to Argentina, followed by dicusssion with producer Ricardo Preve
- Movievilla
- Moving a Museum
- Moving around Monuments: Construction and Experience of Social/Sacred Space in Later Medieval England
- Moving Atoms for Energy-Efficient Data Storage
- Moving beyond one-size-fits-all: Exploring patterns of physical activity and sedentary behaviour across the lifespan
- Moving beyond screening via generative machine learning models
- Moving beyond stellar activity limitations to detect other Earths
- Moving beyond traditional notions of educational processes - the contribution of Charles S. Peirce
- Moving boundary problems in cell biology
- Moving boundary value problems in the dynamics of structures
- Moving boundary value problems in the dynamics of structures
- Moving Colours
- Moving Energy through Time: Storage and Demand Side Response
- Moving Energy through Time: Storage and Demand Side Response
- Moving Experiences: Children's Literate Lives in a Mobile Ecology
- Moving flavour physics forward
- Moving Forward with Stem Cell Therapy
- Moving frames and Noether's theorem
- Moving frames and the calculus of variations: analytical and numerical solutions up to dimension 2
- Moving from diversity to inclusion - with Dawn Bonfield MBE
- Moving from equity to justice in computing instruction for youth
- Moving in a dynamically changing free energy landscape: strain, heterostructure and optical control of the correlation-driven metal-insulator transition
- Moving interfaces in solids: from conservative lattice models to macroscopic dissipation
- Moving loads on ice road: a universal bifurcation mechanism arising from progressive hydroelastic waves
- Moving mesh methods in Firedrake
- Moving microdroplets: Techniques for manipulating picolitre droplets in microchannels
- MOVING MITOCHONDRIA: Mitochondrial horizontal transfer in a transmissible cancer
- Moving objects in a scattering medium: a wavefront-shaping approach
- Moving on from the PhD: Microsoft, Research, and China
- Moving on from Weiser's Vision of Calm Computing: engaging UbiComp experiences
- Moving pictures, moving stories: photographs, films and interviews from the end of the Raj
- Moving pictures, moving stories: what archive films reveal
- Moving pictures: Mathematical reconstruction of painting
- Moving Pictures: Mathematical Reconstruction of Paintings
- Moving stem cell discoveries into translation
- Moving through disorder: collective trapping, collective escaping and sub-diffusion
- Moving to low carbon energy provision – do we have a choice?
- Moving towards a Circular Economy
- Moving towards Human-like reasoning in AI assistants
- Moving WSN Programming Abstractions into the Real World
- Moving-mesh finite element modeling of ocean circulation near ice shelf grounding lines
- Moyal quantized twistor spaces and dispersive integrable systems
- Mozart and three Emperors
- MPhil Discussion Group
- MPhil dissertation workshop
- MPhil in Computational Biology - Student Project Presentations
- MPhil in Computational Biology - Student Project Presentations
- MPhil in Computational Biology Open Afternoon
- MPhil in Computational Biology Open Day
- MPhil in Digital Humanities: information session for applicants
- MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence Research Review
- MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence Research Review
- MPhil Presentations
- MPhil Presentations
- MPhil Presentations
- MPhil Presentations
- MPhil Presentations Part I
- MPhil Presentations Part II
- MPhil Presentations: (1) An investigation of the Join Calculus Abstract Machine (2) Ownership in Object-Oriented Languages
- MPI in TROVE: calculating high temperature line lists for large polyatomic molecules
- MR Elastography: A New Quantitative Imaging Biomarker
- MR imaging and biomechanical analysis: the assessment of carotid atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability
- MR imaging of genitourinary emergencies
- Mr Keynes and the Moderns
- Mr Wobbles
- Mr. Woodcroft and the Value of English Patents, 1617-1841
- MRAO at 50: Observing the Origin and Evolution of the Universe from Cambridge
- MRC Biostatistics Unit's 11th Annual Armitage Lecture and Workshop
- MRC Centenary Lecture: Putting life into numbers - how statistical science has transformed health care
- MRC Centenary Lecture: Failings in hierarchies of evidence for controversial health-policy decisions
- MRC Centenary Lecture: Numbers are weapons: a self defence guide
- MRC Centenary Lecture: What's happening to the world?
- MRC Epidemiology / CEDAR Seminar: Dr Audrey de Nazelle
- MRC Epidemiology / CEDAR Seminar: Dr Dafna Merom
- MRC Epidemiology / CEDAR Seminar: Dr Derek Yach
- MRC Epidemiology / CEDAR Seminar: Dr Janis Baird & Dr Christina Vogel
- MRC Epidemiology / CEDAR Seminar: Dr Jennifer Badham & Dr Ruth Hunter
- MRC Epidemiology / CEDAR Seminar: Prof Atul Singhal
- MRI and MRS in cancer research and cancer treatment
- MRI and MRS in cancer research and treatment
- MRI biomarkers for neurodegenerative brain diseases
- MRI channel flows in accretion disks
- MRI findings in cats with acromegaly.
- MRI in large animals: a new imaging model
- MRI measurements of chemical composition and temperature in trickle bed reactors
- MRI of canine incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle
- MRI screening for women at high risk of breast cancer: from genetically based biological differences to tumour growth rate
- MRI studies of chemical reactors
- MRI studies of controlled release pharmaceutical delivery systems
- MRI turbulence in protoplanetary disks: accretion & outflows
- MRI velocimetry studies of multiphase systems
- MRI-based Modelling of Traumatic Brain Injury
- MRI: How can we help each other?
- mRNA condensation fluidizes the cytoplasm
- mRNA localisation at the neuromuscular junction
- mRNA quality control: How do cells recognize and degrade aberrant mRNAs?
- mRNA stability is substantially dictated by the action of the ribosome
- mRNA translational control in oogenesis and early embryogenesis.
- mRNA-tRNA translocation intermediates by cryo-EM: a look at the free-energy landscape from a single sample.
- MSc Student Presentations
- MscS-Like Mechanosensitive Ion Channels as Modular Sensors and Reporters of Membrane Tension
- MSD Lecture title TBC
- MSD lecture: Abi Doyle
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: Mutual Information for Computer Experiments (MICE): design, optimization, and data assimilation: applications to tsunami hazard
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: Mutual Information for Computer Experiments (MICE): design, optimization, and data assimilation: applications to tsunami hazard
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: Mutual Information for Computer Experiments (MICE): design, optimization, and data assimilation: applications to tsunami hazard
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: Simulation-based Bayesian experimental design for computationally intensive models
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: Simulation-based Bayesian experimental design for computationally intensive models
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: Simulation-based Bayesian experimental design for computationally intensive models
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: The war against bias: experimental design for big data
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: The war against bias: experimental design for big data
- MSG Design of Experiments Seminar Series: The war against bias: experimental design for big data
- MSR Cambridge Cloud Talk Series; Structured light: seeing less to see more in optical microscopy
- MSR-Lecture: Gaussian Processes for Pattern Discovery, Speaker: Andrew Wilson
- MSR-Lecture: Generative Models of Images of Objects
- MSSM Parameters from Orbifold GUTs
- MSSM4G scenario
- MSSM: muon g-2, dark matter and cosmology
- Mt Erebus, Antarctica; Understanding the world's southernmost active volcano
- mTOR signaling and cancer: basic science meets translational research
- mTOR signaling in growth and metabolism
- mTORC1 signaling coordinates different POMC neurons subpopulations to regulate feeding
- mTORC1, inter-organ communication and adaptation of lipid metabolism during catch-up growth of the long bones
- mu-ordinary Hasse invariants and the canonical filtration of a p-divisible group
- Much Ado About Nothing
- Much More than Antibodies
- Much Still to Do in Compiler Verification (A Perspective from the CakeML Project)
- Mucosal dendritic cell-epithelial cell cross-talk
- Mud Forensics - Assessing Geological Risks
- Mud wrestling: modelling shear-thinning and thixotropic fluid flow
- Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
- Mukluks on the Snow: Supporting CryoSat
- Mulitispectral imaging to uncover the organelle interactome
- Mulitple zeta values III
- Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory (MRAO) Tour * 10:30am - 12noon
- Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory (MRAO) Tour * 2:00pm - 3:30pm
- Multi Physics Modelling for Automotive Control Development
- Multi-Agent Graph Learning-Based Optimization and its Applications to Computer Networks
- Multi-agent learning: Implicit regularization and order-optimal gossip
- Multi-agent learning: Implicit regularization and order-optimal gossip
- Multi-agent learning: Implicit regularization and order-optimal gossip
- Multi-agent paradoxes in quantum theory & Discovering physical principles with neural networks(2 mini talks)
- Multi-Agent Simulation and Learning in TorchRL
- Multi-Agent Systems in Practice: Two Examples
- Multi-Asset Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium with Contingent Claims
- Multi-Asset Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium with Contingent Claims
- Multi-band Image Super-resolution
- Multi-channel MEG measurements with a wearable OPM system
- Multi-core programming with automatic parallelisation
- Multi-criteria optimization of sustainable Timber-Concrete-Composite floor systems
- Multi-dimensional Jordan chain and Navier-Stokes equation
- Multi-dimensional metric approximation by primitive points
- Multi-directional simple shear response of soils
- Multi-directional simple shear response of soils
- Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation for Planetary Entry, Descent and Landing System Design
- Multi-fidelity machine learning models for improved high-throughput screening predictions
- Multi-fidelity Simulation Modelling in Optimization of a Submarine Propulsion System
- Multi-field coupling strategies for large scale problems involving multi-fracturing solids and particulate media
- Multi-field Inflation and Hyperbolic Geometry
- Multi-field inflationary trajectories with a fast-turn feature
- Multi-functional applications of graphene related materials in cementitious composites
- Multi-Hazard Modelling of Dual Row Retaining Walls
- Multi-Head Explainer: A General Framework to Improve Explainability in CNNs and Transformers
- Multi-Head State Space Model for Sequence Modeling
- Multi-host, multi-parasite dynamics
- Multi-Index Stochastic Collocation (MISC) for Elliptic PDEs with random data
- Multi-key Homomorphic Encryption and Applications
- Multi-Label Learning with Millions of Categories
- Multi-Label Learning with Millions of Categories & Generalized Multiple Kernel Learning with a Million Kernels
- Multi-layer structure of turbulent boundary layer and its application to engineering model construction
- Multi-legged running in the real world: how do cockroaches, dogs, and horses handle different surfaces?
- Multi-level characterisation of cell types in Platynereis
- Multi-level methods for problems in random vibrations
- Multi-level Monte Carlo: adaptive algorithms and distribution estimation
- Multi-material structural topology optimization using phase field methods
- Multi-messenger cosmology: A new frontier
- Multi-messenger study of the Milky Way with LISA, Gaia and LSST
- Multi-Modal Hypergraph Diffusion Networks for Alzheimer Classification
- Multi-modal Image Processing: Data Models, Algorithms, and Applications
- Multi-modal nested sampling and astronomical data analysis
- Multi-model and model structural uncertainty quantification with applications to climate science
- Multi-Moment ADER-Taylor Methods for Systems of Conservation Laws with Source Terms in One Dimension
- Multi-object tracking with representations of the symmetric group
- Multi-objective optimisation algorithms to predict gene expression in biological models
- Multi-objective optimisation of high-performance facades
- Multi-omics analysis of in vivo human immune response to malaria
- Multi-organ FGF crosstalk orchestrates the construction of the water conserving cryptonephridial complex in a beetle
- Multi-parameter observations from coastal waters to the deepest trenches: challenges studying the carbon system with optode technology
- Multi-parameter regularisation for solving inverse problems of unmixing problems: theoretical and practical aspects
- Multi-partite subspaces containing no non-local information
- Multi-phase AGN feedback on pc and kpc scales.
- Multi-phase AGN feedback on pc and kpc scales.
- Multi-phase fluids in and around Volcanoes: Challenges and current state-of-the-art
- Multi-physics heart modelling: exploiting computational power to deliver better therapies, faster
- Multi-physics heart modelling: exploiting computational power to deliver better therapies, faster
- Multi-physics Inverse Problems and Internal Functionals
- Multi-purpose Black-Phosphorus/hBN heterostructures
- Multi-relational Organization of Large-scale Social Networks in an Online World
- Multi-scale algorithms for simple fluids
- Multi-scale analysis of low carbon energy systems
- Multi-Scale and Risc Averse Stochastic Shape Optimization
- Multi-Scale and Risc Averse Stochastic Shape Optimization
- Multi-Scale Characterization of Materials under Extreme Conditions
- Multi-scale computational-experimental analysis of the mechanics of interfaces
- Multi-scale computational-experimental analysis of the mechanics of interfaces
- Multi-scale cross-attention transformer encoder for event classification
- Multi-scale energy transfers in the near wake of a model wind turbine
- Multi-scale Mechanics in Tendon: Understanding Structure-Function Optimisation
- Multi-scale methods and the determination of Representative Volumes in Solid
- Multi-scale modeling of Arctic sea ice and floes
- Multi-scale modeling of Arctic sea ice: Toward a kinetic theory viewpoint
- Multi-scale modeling of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in the normal and failing heart
- Multi-scale modelling of organic photovoltaic materials: from molecules to devices
- Multi-scale modelling of shallow granular flows
- Multi-scale modelling of stochastic gene expression
- Multi-scale models of organogenesis: Limb bud development
- Multi-scale multi-physics approaches for forecasting weather and climate variability
- Multi-scale observations of ocean circulation in the Atlantic
- Multi-scale state-space dynamics of near-wall turbulence
- Multi-scale studies on Drosophila transcription factors
- Multi-scale studies on transcription factors
- Multi-scale turbulence, electron transport, and zonal flows in DIII-D
- Multi-scale volume imaging in animal models of disease
- Multi-scale/multi-field turbulence measurements to test gyrokinetic simulation predictions on the DIII-D tokamak
- Multi-sensor geophysical constraints on crustal melt in the central Andes at a so-called zombie volcano: the PLUTONS project
- Multi-strain transmission dynamics of Johne's disease in commercial dairy farms
- Multi-Stream Inflation
- Multi-Target Bayes Filtering with Random Finite Sets
- Multi-Target Data-Parallel Programming with Accelerator for GPUs, Multicore Processors and FPGAs
- Multi-tasking for MR Image Enhancement:From Acceleration to Motion Correction
- Multi-tissue tectonics enable self-assembly of the vertebrate body axis
- Multi-view Learning of Speech Feature Spaces
- Multi-wavelength constraints of galaxy evolution and AGN driven feedback
- Multi-year drought storylines for Europe and North America from an iteratively perturbed global climate model
- multicanonical sampling
- Multicategories
- Multicellular and extracellular matrix dynamics underlying skin morphogenesis.
- Multicellular coordination in context
- Multicellular genes in unicellular lineages- how comparative genomics is modifying our view on metazoan origins
- Multicellular synthetic biology: Understanding the design principles of intercellular communication
- Multicentric calculus: polynomial as a new variable
- Multicolour Ramsey Numbers of Odd Cycles
- Multicomponent approaches to organic synthesis and chemical biology
- Multicomponent Block Polymers for Templating and Separations
- Multicomponent High-Entropy Cantor Alloys
- Multicomponent Skyrmion lattices and their excitations
- Multicultural London English: the rise of a new phonological variety?
- Multiculturalism in Poland-Lithuania, 1569-1795
- Multidimensional fluorescence imaging in living cells
- Multidimensional IRT models and their applications to psychological testing
- Multidimensional Microscopy
- Multidimensional modelling of granulation
- Multidimensional modelling of hot exoplanets with coupled fluid dynamics, radiative transfer and chemistry
- Multidimensional proteomics and genetic analysis reveal condensin's function in vertebrate mitotic chromosomes
- Multidimensional radar imaging of ground moving targets
- Multidimensional sampling-type operators in the spaces of functions of bounded variation
- Multidimensional scaling
- Multidimensional Super-resolution Imaging
- Multidimensional Super-resolution Imaging.
- Multidimensional Super-resolution Imaging.
- Multidisciplinary and Multiple Objective Topology Optimisation for Fluid-Structure Interactions
- Multidisciplinary investigations on three rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps: legacies and future perspectives
- Multidisciplinary networkinging: Dr David Kent & Dr Thierry Savin
- Multiethnolects as contact languages: the case for the Jamaican influence in London
- Multifidelity Monte Carlo estimation with adaptive low-fidelity models
- Multifidelity Monte Carlo estimation with adaptive low-fidelity models
- Multifractal analysis of path regularity of Lévy-type processes
- Multifractality and additive stochastic processes
- Multifunctional Micro and Nanoencapsulation technology with remote controlled delivery and release of various cargos
- Multifunctional Polymer Films and Coatings
- Multifunctional Polymer Films and Coatings
- Multifunctionality of Liquid-filled Porous Materials: From Encryption to Anti-Fouling
- Multifunctions computing sequentially discontinuous multifunctions
- Multigraphs with two weighted colours
- Multigrid method for density functional theory
- Multilayer abstractions for PDEs
- Multilayer Networks and Applications
- Multilayer networks: Structure and Function
- Multilayered dielectric elastomer actuators for soft robotics
- Multilayered dielectric elastomer actuators for soft robotics
- Multilepton and multiphoton signatures of supersymmetry at the LHC
- Multilevel Analysis: Application in Large Scale Assessments
- Multilevel and Multi-Fidelity Methods
- Multilevel and Multi-Fidelity Methods
- Multilevel and Multi-Fidelity Methods
- Multilevel Emulation and History Matching of EAGLE: an expensive hydrodynamical Galaxy formation simulation.
- Multilevel Emulation and History Matching of EAGLE: an expensive hydrodynamical Galaxy formation simulation.
- Multilevel estimators in Bayesian Inversion and Optimization
- Multilevel methods with importance sampling for Bayesian experimental design
- Multilevel methods with importance sampling for Bayesian experimental design
- Multilevel methods with importance sampling for Bayesian experimental design
- Multilevel Monte Carlo methods
- Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods
- Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods with Smoothing
- Multilevel Monte Carlo simulation for scale-separated systems
- Multilevel Nested Simulation for Efficient Risk Estimation
- Multilevel sequential Monte Carlo Samplers.
- Multilevel time integrators for large-scale atmospheric flows
- Multilinear hyperquiver representations
- Multilinear Kakeya type inequalities and factorization
- Multilingual (Con)figurations: Catalan and Ukrainian in dialogue
- Multilingual Autoregressive Entity Linking
- Multilingual Identities and Heterogeneous Language Ideologies in the New Latino Diaspora
- Multilingual Image Description with Neural Sequence Models
- Multilingual Models for Distributed Semantics
- Multilingual NLP via Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings
- Multilingual practices and attitudes among university students in Europe and the US: implications for the teaching of languages
- Multilingual socialization: Negotiating multiple languages, identities, ideologies, and practices
- Multilingualism in foreign language learning: students' and teachers' perspectives in the Norwegian context
- Multimedia lecture with director Davor Rostuhar
- Multimetallic Functional Nanomaterials: From Reconfigurable Plasmonics to Catalysts
- Multimodal Affective Inference for Driver Monitoring
- Multimodal AI for Radiology Applications
- Multimodal contribution to spatial navigation and reward expectation
- Multimodal Driver Displays
- Multimodal driver displays, autonomous car handovers, and inclusiveness
- Multimodal Gaze-Supported Interaction
- Multimodal hypersensitivity in individuals with autism spectrum conditions
- Multimodal imaging and stimulation approaches to study motor learning
- Multimodal Imaging of Carotid Atherosclerosis and the Neurovascular Interface in Cerebrovascular Disease
- Multimodal Inference and Assistance for Effortless XR Interaction
- Multimodal natural language processing: when text is not enough
- Multimodal neuroimaging of the human visual system: Linking cortical oscillatory dynamics to haemodynamic responses, neurotransmitters and behaviour
- Multimodal Signal Sensing and Synthesis: Advancing Medical Robotics
- MULTIMODAL VIDEO ANALYSIS: Is Play a form of learning?
- Multimodality advanced imaging
- Multimodality Image Registration
- Multimodality Image Registration
- Multimodality in Education
- Multimode Multiple Scattering in Soft Media
- Multiomics elucidates transcriptional gene regulation
- Multiparametric MRI of the vasculature: applications to therapy monitoring of gliomas
- Multiparticle Composites in Density-Imbalanced Quantum Fluids
- Multipartite SLOCC and LOCC transformations
- Multiparty session types and their application in large distributed systems
- Multiparty Session Types Meet Communicating Automata
- Multipath TCP
- Multipath? What multipath? Positioning and communication using low frequency magneto-induction
- Multiphase Aspects of Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Multiphase dynamics near a single vortex, and its relevance to turbulence
- Multiphase experiments in the biological sciences
- Multiphase Flow in Crustal Magmatic Processes
- Multiphase Flow in Pipes
- Multiphase flow in porous media from the micron to kilometre scale
- Multiphase Hele-Shaw Flows: from Beaches to Dredgers
- Multiphase mass transfer in convective systems with a particular reference to natural and urban aerosols
- Multiphase modelling of biological tissue growth
- Multiphase modelling of cell-induced gel contraction
- Multiphase Plumes and Jets : Experiments, models and applications
- Multiphase Transport Phenomena and Energy Process Intensification
- Multiphase transport, flirting with the limits of continuum models
- Multiphoton, FRET and light sheet microscopy
- Multiple activity-dependent mechanisms control visual system development
- Multiple burdens of malnutrition among Maya families in Yucatan and how language (Spanish vs Mayan) impact health outcomes
- Multiple change point estimation based on moving sum statistics
- Multiple change-point estimation in high-dimensional Gaussian graphical models
- Multiple change-point estimation in high-dimensional Gaussian graphical models
- Multiple cluster scattering and other approaches for modelling and optimization of large wave energy parks
- Multiple components configurations in continuous stellar dynamics
- Multiple Crossings: Black Biographies in the Dutch Atlantic
- Multiple Crossings: Black Biographies in the Dutch Atlantic
- Multiple Data Sources, Missing and Biased Data
- Multiple Dedekind Zeta Functions
- Multiple Description Coding
- Multiple forecasting based on time series PCAs
- Multiple forecasting based on time series PCAs
- Multiple Instance Learning for Natural Language Tasks
- Multiple L-functions of modular forms
- Multiple macroevolutionary routes to becoming a biodiversity hotspot
- Multiple mechanisms limit meiotic crossovers
- Multiple mouse reference genomes defines subspecies specific haplotypes and novel coding sequences
- Multiple mouse reference genomes defines subspecies specific haplotypes and novel coding sequences
- Multiple orthogonal polynomials in random matrix theory
- Multiple planar bubbles
- Multiple polylogarithms and Feynman integrals
- Multiple polylogarithms, and Zagier's Conjecture revisited
- Multiple Random Walks
- Multiple random walks in random regular graphs
- Multiple Rank-1 Lattices as Sampling Schemes for Approximation
- Multiple scales and exponentials
- Multiple scattering analysis of the localization of flexural waves in thin elastic plates
- Multiple Scattering in Acoustics: an Everyday Occurrence in Sonar
- Multiple Scattering Theory in Industrial Application for Silencer Design
- Multiple Sclerosis Genetics - light at the end of the tunnel
- Multiple sclerosis viewed from a tissue energy perspective
- Multiple sclerosis, depleting lymphocytes and autoimmunity
- Multiple sclerosis: a mitochondrial disease
- Multiple Sclerosis: from inflammation to neurodegeneration
- Multiple sclerosis: functional genetics
- Multiple SLEs, discrete interfaces, and crossing probabilities
- Multiple spatial frames for immersive working memory
- Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on S oxidation processes in modern and ancient ecosystems
- Multiple Zeta Values
- Multiple zeta values 1
- Multiple zeta values and deformation quantization
- Multiple zeta values and quasi-symmetric functions
- Multiple zeta values II
- Multiple zeta values IV
- Multiple zeta values V
- Multiple zeta values VI
- Multiple Zeta Values: discussion session
- Multiplex Network Approach to the Analysis of (Offline and Online) Social Ties
- Multiplex networks
- Multiplexed assays for studying immunologic diseases
- Multiplexed protein detection using solid-state nanopores
- Multiplexer on the 0.7 anomaly in quantum point contacts (SP Workshop)
- Multiplication, not multifarious
- Multiplicative algorithms for computing D-optimal experimental designs with linear constraints on the design weights
- Multiplicative Functions
- Multiplicative functions (and pretentions)
- Multiplicative functions (Kuwait Lecture)
- Multiplicative properties of higher regulators via current transforms
- Multiplicative properties of sumsets and multiplicative properties of shifted sets
- Multiplicative Update Methods and Semidefinite Programming
- Multiplicativity of completely bounded p-norms implies a strong converse for entanglement-assisted capacity
- Multiplicities of representations of compact Lie groups, qualitative properties and some computations
- Multiplicity one and Breuil--Kisin cohomology of Shimura curves.
- Multiplicity-free characters of the finite classical groups
- Multiplicity-free representations of the classical groups
- Multipliers method for Spectral Theory
- Multiply robust estimation of statistical interaction parameters
- Multiply-Charged Vortices in Nonconservative Quantum Hydrodynamics. -Sam Alperin (damtp).
- Multiply-creased shell structures
- Multipoint Correlators in Multifield Cosmology: formal structure and applications
- Multipoint measurements of correlation in complex systems
- Multipoint measurements of correlation in complex systems
- Multipotency and Cell Fate decision on the Epigenetic Landscape: From Metaphor to Molecules and Mathematical Model
- Multipotency and cell fate decisions: Three neglected principles towards understanding the epigenetic landscape
- Multiprotein assemblies, structural biology and drug discovery: Gaining selectivity through allostery
- Multiquark Hadron Spectroscopy
- Multireference State Preparation and Quantum Computed Moments in InQuanto
- Multiresolution Matrix Factorization
- Multiresolution Mesh Rendering Engine - Practicalities and Performance
- Multiresolution network models
- Multiresolution shape and topology optimisation of shells and solids
- Multiscale analyses of tissue growth and front propagation
- Multiscale Analysis of Bayesian CART
- Multiscale analysis of sea ice - a partially melted, polycrystalline composite material
- Multiscale analysis of sea ice - a partially melted, polycrystalline composite material
- Multiscale and multiphysics modelling in wood
- Multiscale approaches for hierarchical biological materials
- Multiscale approaches to modelling vascular tumour growth
- Multiscale approaches to sub-picosecond heat driven magnetism reversal
- Multiscale Atomistic Simulation for Dry and Wet Systems
- Multiscale Bounded Variation Regularization
- Multiscale Bounded Variation Regularization
- Multiscale Cell Based Modelling of Tissues
- Multiscale Change Point Inference
- Multiscale design strategies for the progressive failure of architected materials and structures – Focus on interface cracking
- Multiscale dynamics in zebrafish gastrulation
- Multiscale Fluid Models with Convected Microstructure
- Multiscale imaging of cell entry and innate immune recognition of enveloped RNA viruses
- Multiscale inverse problem, from Schroedinger to Newton to Boltzmann
- Multiscale liquid crystal order in biological tissues
- Multiscale mechanical linkage elongates tissues in development
- Multiscale mechanics and cohesive-surface models
- Multiscale mechanics and cohesive-surface models
- Multiscale methods and microswimmer models
- Multiscale methods and recursion in data science
- Multiscale methods and recursion in data science
- Multiscale Methods for the Analysis of Dynamic Graphs
- Multiscale Modeling of Axonal Cytoskeleton Dynamics in Disease
- Multiscale modeling of neocortex: the microcircuitry canon from above and below
- Multiscale Modeling of Thermal, Electrical And Mechanical Properties of Nanotube-Polymer Composites
- Multiscale modelling and analysis of biomechanics of plant tissues
- Multiscale Modelling of Behaviour-induced Critical Regimes During Epidemics
- Multiscale modelling of brittle fracture in oxides and semiconductors
- Multiscale modelling of catalytic nanoparticles for CNT synthesis
- Multiscale Modelling of Chromatin Nanostructure and its Epigenetic Regulation
- Multiscale modelling of collective behaviour: insights, challenges, and future perspectives
- Multiscale Modelling of Granular Flows
- Multiscale modelling of liquid-like chromatin organisation
- Multiscale modelling of materials: Computing, data science and uncertainty quantification
- Multiscale Modelling of Nonwoven Fabrics
- Multiscale Models for New Antibiotic Technologies
- Multiscale network neuroscience: linking cells, networks and symptoms in brain disease
- Multiscale ocean simulations with FESOM
- Multiscale phenomena in Fluid Mixing: from Droplets to Ocean Dynamics
- Multiscale physics-based strategies to address parameter uncertainty in crystal plasticity
- Multiscale reductions and integrability on the lattice
- Multiscale simulation of brittle fracture in oxides and semiconductors
- Multiscale Simulations for Soft Matter: Applications and New Developments
- Multiscale Simulations of Mechanical Properties: From General Issues to Fracture and Friction
- Multiscale Simulations of Patchy Particle Systems Combining Molecular Dynamics, Path Sampling and Green’s Function Reaction Dynamics
- Multiscale spectral viscosity discretization methods for the Navier-Stokes equations or, another explicit filtering turbulence model, or another tweak of Smagor
- Multiscale Systems for Flow and Transport
- Multiscale vortex structure in the regime of incipient hurricanes
- Multiscaling, intermittency and large deviation in limit theorems for superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes
- Multischolar
- Multisensory integration in the cortical hierarchy
- Multispecies settlement in Palestine: the problem of infertility and the wonders of urine
- Multispectral Imaging for Early Cancer Detection
- Multistability in cardiac tissue
- Multistable morphing structures
- Multistable structures - from energy trapping to morphing.
- Multistatic SAR imaging and coherence
- Multistep methods for hyperbolic systems with relaxation and optimal control problems.
- Multitask Learning
- Multitask Machine Learning of Collective Variables for Enhanced Sampling of Rare Events
- Multitrophic metabolism underlies plant-nematode interactions
- Multivalency and Selective Binding
- Multivalent binding and selectivity in molecular targeting, recognition and activation
- Multivalent interactions as a source of specificity and regulation in RNP assembly
- Multivariable adjunctions and mates
- Multivariable Control in 40 Minutes
- Multivariable Tutte and transition polynomials
- Multivariant gradient assemblies of oligomers and polymers on flat surfaces
- Multivariate Analysis of Performance Parameters for Gas Turbine Health Monitoring Purposes
- Multivariate bias corrections of climate simulations: A personal (methodological) view
- Multivariate Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs: A measure transportation approach
- Multivariate Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs: A measure transportation approach
- Multivariate Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs: A measure transportation approach
- Multivariate intensity estimation via hyperbolic wavelet selection
- Multivariate pattern approaches to gaze perception
- Multivariate Pólya-Schur theory and applications
- Multivariate polynomial quadrature via feature selection
- Multivariate power laws in a preferential attachment network model; model calibration
- Multivariate Visualisation and Searches for a Z’ decaying to Leptons at CMS
- Multivariate Visualisation and Searches for Lepton Jets at CMS
- Multiword Expressions and Compositionality Detection: Giving Word Embeddings a Hard Time
- Multizeta values and associators in genus zero and one
- Mumford-Tate groups and the classification of Hodge structures
- Mums, Dads, Donors and Surrogates - How the law determines parenthood
- Muon g−2 and Δα connection
- Muonic Force Behind Flavour Anomalies - Peter Stangl
- Mural cells in vascular disease
- Murder at London Zoo: Race, Masculinity and Empire
- Murdin Prize Ceremony -- Constraining Beyond the Standard Model Physics with X-ray telescopes: Tightest constraints on low-mass Axion Like Particles with Chandra observations of H1821+643
- Murdin Prize Ceremony -- Inward and outward migration of massive planets: moving towards a stalling radius
- Murdin Prize Ceremony -- Proposed energy-metabolisms cannot explain the atmospheric chemistry of Venus
- Murine Norovirus and its influence on Salmonella
- Murmurations in arithmetic
- Murphy's Law and the Large Hadron Collider
- Museums at Night
- Mushy sea ice: from the Arctic to the outer solar system
- Music & Maths - with Marcus Du Sautoy and the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra
- Music Access for the Disabled
- Music and Creativity II: Elaborate displays
- Music and Creativity III: Composing in the age of diversity
- Music and technology studies: from the Moog synthesizer to ACIDplanet.com
- Music and the Brain - Forming and Connecting Memories
- Music as Communication: An Evolutionary Story
- Music education technology in/for the digital era: implications for teacher training and research
- Music first: hunter-gatherers and the evolution of language
- Music of falling paper
- Music Recommender Systems
- Music therapy for adults in psychiatry in the 21st century: case work and research
- Music therapy, depression and frontal brain activity
- Music to Politics: The remaining answer to the current challenges of coexistence?
- Music to your ears
- Music video
- Music, architecture and acoustics in Renaissance Venice: recreating lost sound-scapes
- Music, Architecture and Acoustics in Renaissance Venice: Recreating Lost Soundscapes
- Music, Architecture and Acoustics in Renaissance Venice: Recreating Lost Soundscapes
- Music, History, and Memory among Jewish Displaced Persons after the Holocaust
- Music, Movies, Media
- Music, Rhythm and Developmental Dyslexia.
- Music, Rhythm and Developmental Dyslexia. (POSTPONED)
- Musical bodies. Performing musical instruments and self-fashioning in 18th-century France
- Musical groove: body-movement, pleasure and embodied cognition
- Musical Learning as Social Reconstruction. Music and Origin in the Eyes of Immigrant Parents
- Musical Thinking: A Multi-Dimensional Model and Taxonomy
- Musicians without borders
- Musicians, Tazkiras, and the Scattering of Mughal Delhi: where music went after Muhammad Shah
- Musilanguage in the Cradle
- Musing on implementing semigroup representation theory and software integration
- Musings on radiation impedance
- Musketeer: all for one, one for all in data processing systems
- Muslim Marriage in Western Courts : Lost in Transplantation
- Muslims under Nazi Rule, 1941-1945
- Muslims under Nazi rule, 1941-1945
- Muster Rolls and Polynomial Functions: A Historical and Statistical Study of Mid-Eighteenth-Century Hapsburg Armies
- Mutable mobiles: the circulation of botanical maps between Humboldtian Germany and Victorian Britain
- Mutant p53 Enhances Receptor Recycling to Promote Invasion and Metastasis
- Mutate everything: mapping the energetic and allosteric landscapes of proteins at scale
- Mutation-free cells prevent transmission of mtDNA disease and enable new treatment options
- Mutation-guided insights in Wnt signalling alterations in cancer
- Mutational heterogeneity in promoter regions in melanoma
- Mutational processes in the human genome
- Mutational signatures: From bytes to bedside
- Mutations and Card Shuffling
- Mutations in Epigenetic Modifiers in Myeloid Malignancies
- Mutual viral host interactions controlling cellular and viral gene expression programs
- Mutualising the Market: Could the 'Big Society' transform business and finance?
- Mutualising the Market: Could the 'Big Society' transform business and finance?
- Mutually beneficial contingent claims in incomplete markets
- Mutually Supported Elements in Space Structures
- MV polytopes and components of quiver varieties
- MVPA special session
- MWC 297: a young high-mass star rotating at critical velocity
- My 50 Year Adventure With Carbon
- My background and nonlinear vibration of thin structure elements
- My Carbon Footprint
- My ceramic practice, and Moon Jars for the 21st century
- My Experiences with Mammillarias
- My Family Care: Supporting Parents and Carers @ Cambridge
- My fascination with punishment - it's to do with the fronto-striatal system honest...
- My First Year as a Graduate: Arup AT+R
- My Fisher: Memories of R.A. Fisher by his last student
- My Journey in Statistics by Prof. Kantilal Mardia
- My Journey to Islam
- My Life in Academia (Department of Biochemistry Post Graduate Committee)
- My Life in Science Seminar
- My Life in Science Seminar
- My Life in Science Seminar - In a straight line - with a few bends
- My Life in Science Seminar “Publishing in Science: an Inside Look"
- My Life in Science Seminar: Determination in life, science and cells
- My Life in Science Webinar: Gut feelings
- My meandering path within the lands of science and faith
- My part in the discovery of the black hole in Cygnus X-1
- My past 22 years at Cambridge
- My place: Exploring children’s place-related identities through reading and writing
- My Refugee Family in Exile
- My science - my faith - Christianity
- My science - my faith - Hinduism
- My science - my faith - Islam
- My secret life with Prp45.... by Pol II (the coupling of transcription & splicing)
- My Secure Bank - Morgan Stanley
- My summer was better than yours...
- My View on the Key Research Questions for Synthetic Data
- My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container
- myb gene determinants of air chamber formation in Marchantia polymorpha
- MYC and Metabolic Vulnerabilities of Cancer
- Myc inhibition has a dramatic therapeutic impact in diverse mouse models of cancer
- MYC Oncoproteins act as Epigenetic Modifiers
- Myc-based strategies for new cancer therapies
- Mychael Barratt in conversation with Jane Stobart
- Mycobacterial disease in Drosophila: old signals, new biology
- Mycobacterial structural biology and prospects for drug development in academia
- Mycobacterial virulence vs. macrophage metabolism in the TB granuloma
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome economization for pathogenesis: “More from less for more”
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection Detection
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection Prevention
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection Treatment
- Mycorrhizal fungal power- harnessing photosynthate and transforming the Earth
- Myelin Disposal
- Myelin Disposal
- Myelin plasticity is required for opioid reward
- Myelin regeneration - from gene therapy to energy metabolism
- Myelin regeneration - from gene therapy to energy metabolism
- Myelin regeneration - from gene therapy to energy metabolism
- Myelin turnover, maintenance and disease: Insight from electron microscopy and 3D imaging by FIB-SEM
- Myelin turnover, maintenance and disease: Insight from electron microscopy and 3D imaging by FIB-SEM
- Myelin turnover, maintenance and disease: Insight from electron microscopy and 3D imaging by FIB-SEM
- Myelin, movement and motor skills
- Myelination - the developmental pattern in the mouse neocortex and its role in learning
- Myelination in development and learning
- Myelination: another form of brain plasticity
- Myeloid Cell Dynamics in Type 2 immunity: insights from tissue-dwelling nematodes
- Myokymia and neuromyotonia in Jack Russell Terriers
- Myosin II integrates signals from different cell growth pathways to maintain epithelial polarity
- MyPersonality: how to utilize social networks for social research
- mySociety Meetup
- Mysteries in the superconductivity of Sr2RuO4
- Mysteries of Modern Physics
- Mysteries of the solar chromosphere explored using the high-resolution observations
- Mysterious duality
- Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts
- Mysterious goings-on around Antarctica
- Mystery / Surprise End of Term Screening
- Mysticeti: Low-Latency DAG Consensus with Fast Commit Path
- Mysticism and politics; some thoughts about St Teresa of Avila
- Myth and Reality: Trans-National Violence and Minority Communities
- Myth, Misogyny, and Magic: Mansplaining Medea in the Middle Ages
- Mythologizing popular scientists: the cult of Feynman and the image of Sagan
- Myths and realities of food consumption and cuisine in Ancient Greece
- Myths, bears, monsters and muddles – leading and learning with stories.