Talks starting with O
- O the noise, noise, Noise, NOISE!
- O(N) DFT+U with ONETEP - Towards a linear-scaling ab initio treatment of local correlation effects
- Oakland 2014 summary
- Oaxaca
- Obama in Power
- Obesity and insulin resistance: Lessons from human genetics
- Obesity and Modern Humans - Diet, lifestyle or simply in our genes?
- Obesity and the Brain: What's happening with food Addiction?
- Obesity Biomarker Discovery
- Obesity in the Universe: Why Did Early-Type Galaxies Grow in Size
- Obesity in the Universe: Why Did Early-Type Galaxies Grow in Size
- Obesity Prevention: The role of evidence in the policy cycle
- Obesity-related alterations in beta-cell function and heterogeneity of metabolic function in obesity and in response to weight loss
- Obesity: from genes to behaviour
- Object clitics across linguistic modules in a crosslinguistic perspective
- Object Data Driven Discovery
- Object Data Driven Discovery
- Object handling session
- Object handling session
- Object handling session
- Object handling sessions
- Object Oriented Convex Optimization with CVXPY
- Object oriented data analysis
- Object-Attribute Models
- Object-Centric 3D Perception
- Objective Aesthetics? The relation of global image statistics to beauty ratings in visual art
- Objective assessment of depression and its improvement
- Objective consequentialism, criteria of rightness and ignorance
- Objectively subjective: assessing GCSE Drama, GCSE Expressive Arts and A Level Performance Studies
- Objects in Motion: Material Culture in Transition
- Objects interacting with solidification fronts: from materials science to geophysics and biology
- Objects of History: with Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum
- Objects or Data: Alternative interaction models to OOP
- Objects: From the Excavation Site to Storage: Archaeological Objects in Transit.
- Oblique coherent structures in plane Couette flow
- Oblique transition in separated high-speed flows
- Obscenity and the Politics of Moral Regulation in China and Singapore, 1919-1937
- Obscured AGN across cosmic time
- Obscured star formation at high-z; What do we know, what do we not know?
- Observability of nonlinear filtering problems and the filter stability
- Observability of planets during their formation in circumstellar disks
- Observability, Identification and Lie Symmetries in Structural Health Monitoring Problems
- Observation and Intervention Incentives in Causal Influence Diagrams: Towards an Understanding of Powerful Machine Learning Systems
- Observation and Non-Observation of Vortex Matter Phase Transitions in Niobium
- Observation of a distinct surface molecular orientation in films of a high mobility conjugated polymer
- Observation of breathers and their interactions from solitary-cnoidal-like wave interactions
- Observation of fractional ac Josephson effect: the signature of Majorana particles
- Observation of phononic frequency combs in micromechanical resonator
- Observation of photon antibunching from a potential SAW-driven single-photon source
- Observation of Pines' Demon in Sr2RuO4 with Momentum-Resolved EELS
- Observation of Soliton Gases in optical fibers and deep water tank experiments
- Observation of universal dynamics in the recovery of single cells to stress
- Observation skill and personal safety – workshop
- Observational Abstraction
- Observational and Theoretical 21-cm Cosmology
- Observational constraints on mantle melt transport
- Observational constraints on the likelihood of 26Al in planet-forming environments
- Observational evidence for anisotropic solar wind turbulence on fluid and kinetic scales
- Observational evidence for grain growth
- Observational Evidence of Changes in the Brewer-Dobson Circulation
- Observational evidence of cosmological coupling in black holes
- Observational Keynote 1: Geomagnetic Field Observations - Knowns and Other Things
- Observational Keynote 2: Observing and Understanding Flows and Magnetic Fields in the Sun
- Observational Probes of Dark Energy
- Observational properties of feebly interacting dark matter
- Observations
- Observations and impacts of sea ice fracture: from ecosystems to eddies
- Observations and modelling of active region loops and flares
- Observations and modelling of the effects of aerosols on the anvil outflow from deep tropical convection.
- Observations and Simulations of Borneo Vortex
- Observations from the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
- Observations from the Edge of Beauty ~ an Arts-Science Collaboration
- Observations of a mathematician running a wet-lab: decades of pharmacology, MICs, efflux pumps, drug interactions and antibiotic resistance in the context of models and genomics
- Observations of Arctic sea ice floe size distribution: conceptional consideration and model evaluation
- Observations of exozodiacal disks
- Observations of kinetic feedback in radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) hosts
- Observations of outer extrasolar planets
- Observations of stellar oscillations induced by hot Jupiters
- Observations of the 0.7 anomaly in p-type quantum point contacts (SP Workshop)
- Observations of the innermost regions around accreting black holes
- Observations of the solar corona: a journey from the past to the future
- Observations on Haiti Earthquake of 12 January 2010
- Observed delayed onset of turbulence due to shear instability in the ocean
- Observed non-gaussianity in the CMB
- Observed Relationships between Size Measures of the Internet or Is the Internet really just a star network after all?
- Observing and simulating the reionization period of the Universe.
- Observing atmospheric transport and mixing using the world's smallest controllable balloon
- Observing Cosmic String Loops With Gravitational Lensing Surveys
- Observing holographic superconductivity in the laboratory
- Observing Iceberg Melt in a Greenland Fjord
- Observing mean Ekman currents in Drake Passage
- Observing ongoing planet formation
- Observing Quasars that Switch Off. And back On again: What we are learning, and still don't understand, about the active central engines.
- Observing String Inflation
- Observing the behavior of individual crustacean zooplankton using optics and acoustics.
- Observing the CMB from Space and from a Balloon
- Observing the Cosmic Web in Lyman-α Emission
- Observing the Darkness
- Observing the formation of individual galactic halos at z~3
- Observing the inflationary reheating
- Observing the light of the distant Universe
- Observing the solar corona on the 11th of July 2012
- Observing the Southern Ocean carbon cycle with autonomous floats
- Obstacle problems in unbounded domains and related issues
- Obstacle type problems : An overview and some recent results
- Obstacle type problems : An overview and some recent results
- Obstacles to Wearable Computing
- Obstructing isotopies between surfaces in four-manifolds
- Obstructions in the Deformation Theory of Pasting Diagrams: Shrestha's Polygonal Method.
- Obstructions to exact contact embeddings of unit cotangent bundles
- Obstructions to homotopy sections of curves over number fields
- OCaml Labs Meeting
- OCaml Labs Meeting
- OCaml Labs Meeting
- OCaml Labs Meeting
- OCaml Meetup/Hacking
- OCaml-Java: blending OCaml & Java
- Occam's razor and modelling ecological complexity
- Occupation and Changing Environments in Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Libya: Micromorphology and the Haua Fteah
- Occupation Uncertainty Relations
- Occupational structure of late Imperial China, 1738-1899
- Occupational structures and the composition of the rich in pre-industrial Italy
- Occupational Structures in the Republic of Venice (1780–1790)
- Occupational Structures of Ottoman Cities in Mid-Nineteenth Century: Regional Differentiation or Cohesion?
- Ocean Acidification: the other CO2 problem
- Ocean boundary layer turbulence
- Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR): potential, progress, and challenges
- Ocean Circulation and Dynamics
- Ocean forcing of ice sheet change in West Antarctica
- Ocean forcing of ice sheet change in West Antarctica
- Ocean Heat and Hot air (with apologies to David MacKay)
- Ocean heat uptake, the stratification of the Southern Ocean, and the ACC
- Ocean iron-fertilisation by volcanic ash
- Ocean mixing and the Meridional Overturning Circulation: the Southern Ocean crossroads
- Ocean modelling from the Ross to the Tasman Sea
- Ocean observations beneath the floating tongue of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica: tales from an autonomous yellow submarine and its friends.
- Ocean Plastics
- Ocean processes at the Antarctic continental slope
- Ocean Ridge Perspectives on Mantle Heterogeneity
- Ocean turbulence, fronts, and the timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom
- Ocean water masses reveal the geographic pattern of water cycle change
- Ocean Wave Measurements: The Challenges and Consequences for the Wave Energy Industry
- Ocean wave propagation in the marginal ice zone: On the transition from consolidated to broken ice covers
- Ocean, ice, and the spherical cow
- Ocean/sea-ice interactions at the floe scale: regimes of sea-ice floe melt
- Ocean’s response to the stochastic atmospheric forcing
- Oceanic and atmospheric controls on decadal melt variability in the Amundsen Sea
- Oceanic Ecotopia, (De) colonizing the South; China’s First Encounter with Antarctica, 1882-1906
- Oceanic Navigation and European Domination of the World
- Oceanic variability of the Amundsen Sea and its importance for Antarctic ice shelves
- Oceanography in Arctic fjords
- Oceanography to fish population genetics: multidisciplinary studies with numerical models
- Oceans, Climate Change and Christianity: The Earth's Story and God's Story
- OCRobotics
- Octonionic Instantons
- Octonions and the Leech lattice
- Octopus: Old Friends Through the Looking Glass
- Ocular Canine Herpesvirus-1 Infections: Recurrent Disease Triggers and Treatments
- Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Infectious Disease
- Odd distances in colourings of the plane
- Odd dynamics of living chiral crystals
- Odd elasticity in soft active solids
- Odd elasticity in soft active solids
- Odd Times for Triplet Pairing
- Oddities of QMC with the 1D electron gas
- ODE and PDE Based Modelling of Biological Transportation Networks
- ODE and PDE Based Modelling of Biological Transportation Networks
- ODE and PDE Based Modelling of Biological Transportation Networks
- Odesa in the times of revolution, war and reforms
- Odorant space: From chemistry to physiology
- Odyssey 2030: The Future of Research and Publishing – Cambridge Festival of Ideas
- Oesophageal cancer
- Of Apes and Tools: Insights into the Evolution of Technology
- Of Apples and Butterflies: Determinism, Chaos and the Great Interconnectedness of Everything
- Of bees and men
- Of bounces and bangs: how much do we know about our universe beginning
- Of cats and men: Studying feline biliary tract disease’
- Of Cats, Cathedrals and Crusaders: Rethinking Approaches to ‘Heritage’ through Representations of Restoration in Cyprus
- Of elephants and men
- Of flies and men: synaptic and metabolic alterations in ALS.
- Of flies and men: synaptic and metabolic alterations in ALS.
- Of Form and Function: Assembly of Visual Circuits in Vertebrates
- Of Informants and Archaeologists: Knowledge and Power in 19th-Century Explorations of the Peruvian pre-Hispanic Past
- Of Its Time and of Its Place
- Of Knots and Blocks: Dwelling in Smooth Space
- Of Machines and Men
- Of Maggots and Memory
- Of men and beasts, parasite-altered transmembrane transport
- Of Men and their Demons: Masculinity in Dostoevskii's Besy
- Of mice and men and Tasmanian devils; assembling reference genomes from single cells.
- Of Mice, Men (and Dogs). Lessons from the Study of Autoimmune Responses to Red Blood Cells
- Of mice, men, and microscopes: Watching the brain dynamics of motor control at the cellular scale in behaving subjects
- Of novel MAMPs and DAMPs: Discovery of novel inflammatory pathways mediated by innate immunity
- Of Odour Plumes and Synchrotrons: Structure and Function of Neural Circuits
- Of operator algebras and operator spaces
- Of rarity, honesty and usefulness: Pierre Pomet and the issue of choosing drugs in Paris by 1700
- Of reindeer and whale: Courbet cave input for the understanding of Magdalenian hunters-gatherers’ mobility in south-western France
- Of vertices, voxels and bones: the geometric exploration of our skeleton
- Of wasps in wigs and gnatter with gnats: how insects made Alice in Wonderland
- Of water flumes, waxy walls and toilet bowls: trapping strategies of carnivorous pitcher plants
- Of women and birds: the nesting instinct in pregnancy in the 20th century
- Of worms, germs and men: a role for the gut microbiota in helminth-induced suppression of inflammation
- Ofb Workshop
- Off the beaten track (Part 3)
- Off the reservation: how indigenous bodies became big data
- Off-Market Block Trades, Transparency and Information Efficiency: New Evidence from Futures Markets
- Off-the-shelf models of chromosomal translocations and using antibody fragments as cancer drug surrogates
- Office for Rail & Road (ORR)
- Office holding, social status and stability in a small town, 1661-1861
- Official prescriptive texts in Republican Italy : a diaphasic koiné ?
- Offline Reinforcement Learning
- Offloading Java to Graphics Processors
- Offshore oil and gas projects in Azerbaijan
- Offshore oil, unruly icebergs, and the war against unpredictability in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Offshore Structural EngineeringHow to design an offshore structure for the “Perils of the Sea”
- Offshore Transmission Auctions
- Offshore Wind Farm Construction
- Offshoring as a way of undermining the Commons?
- Offspring sex ratio bias in meerkats (or a lack thereof).
- OFLOPS: An Open Framework for OpenFlow Switch Evaluation
- Ofsted, accountability and assessment
- OGLE optical depth towards the LMC.
- Oh Grandfather, give me power over my enemies! Aspects of Kiowa Warfare in the Nineteenth Century
- Oh no, not another time-scale!
- Oh the noise, noise, Noise, NOISE! Taking the clicks and scratches out of audio recordings
- Oh Union, what are thou?
- OH! The places you’ll go: Protein hydroxylation and its role in physiology and disease
- Oh-my-god particles
- Oi! Scientology! Church Of Fear roadshow.
- Oil and water don't mix: a view inside the scientific response to BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
- Oil Palm & the Environment: Good Crop, Bad Crop
- Oil palm: what’s true and what’s to do?
- Oil Palms, Alkenes, SCIs and Ozone: New measurement approaches to sidestep atmospheric chemical complexity
- Oil Prices and the Global Economy: Is It Different This Time Around?
- Oil Sands in Canada
- Oil spill detection and prediction in the Mediterranean Sea
- Oil, Sugar and Failed Revolution in the City of the Sun God: Empowering Heritage and Community in Si Thep Thailand
- Oilfield Redevelopment
- Oisin Comes Home: Yeats as Inheritor
- Oja's algorithm for sparse PCA
- OK Computer - teaching machines to write music
- Okounkov bodies, moment maps and geodesics of Kahler metrics
- Okounkov's conjecture via BPS Lie algebras
- Old and New in Constructive Field Theory
- Old and new results on stationary tessellations
- Old conflicts and new frontiers: the historic origins of the challenge to connectivity in Myanmar's borderlands
- Old Habits Die Hard. A Critique of Recent Christian Statements on Israel
- Old Kingdom Buhen in Context: Egyptian-Nubian Interactions in the Mid-Third Millennium BCE
- Old Masters Fit for the Future: Conversation with Wim Pijbes and Emilie Gordenker
- Old Norse Kennings: 'gátur skalda' (the riddles of the skalds)?
- Old results and new questions on the rapid decay property
- Old Ships in New Bottles: Eric Jarosinski (@Neinquarterly) on Academia and Social Media
- Old Solvents: New solutions?
- Old specimens, new tricks? The Cambridge University Herbarium: what a million dead plants can tell us about the world today
- Old thoughts on elliptic curves, BSD, and algebraic cycles
- Older People as a focus for Inclusive Design
- Oleksii Matsedonskyi - Reassessing the window for electroweak baryogenesis
- Olfactory specialist D. sechellia avoids costly appetitive learning
- Olga Tokarczuk: Writing Polish Identity
- Oligarchs or custodians? Large-scale landholding in late Victorian and Edwardian England
- Oligodendrogenesis from the adult brain stem cell niche
- Oligodendroglia during development and disease: insights from single-cell and spatial epigenomics
- Oligodendroglia during development and disease: insights from single-cell and spatial epigenomics
- Oligomerization-deoligomerization synthetic strategy and cucurbituril
- Oliver Fischer - Sterile neutrinos at colliders and beyond
- Olivetti, the Marshall Plan, and European growth, 1947-1950
- Olympic sensor systems
- OME’s Bio-Formats, OMERO & IDR: Open Tools for Image Data & Metadata Access & Publishing @ Scale
- Omega-categories in terms of chain complexes
- Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
- Omics approaches reveal how chemistry governs the biology of cystic fibrosis lung infections
- Omnidirectional Relay in Wireless Networks
- On $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules for Lubin-Tate extensions
- On (global) unique continuation properties of the fractional discrete Laplacian
- On (k.l)-leaf powers
- On (pre) dualization, dense embeddings of convex sets, and applications in image processing
- On 2-elementary K3 surfaces and string dualities
- On 3N colored points in a plane
- On a central puzzle in philosophical catoptrics
- On a collection of techniques to model first-passage processes with discrete space-time variables
- On a conjecture of Serre
- On a conjecture of Voisin
- On a cylindrical scanning modality in three-dimensional Compton scatter tomography
- On a first-order primal-dual algorithm with applications to convex problems in computer vision
- On a fish's eye development in 3D
- On a generalization of Perrin-Riou's conjecture on Kato's zeta elements
- On a generalization of the Bardos-Tartar conjecture for nonlinear dissipative PDEs
- On a generalization of the Bardos-Tartar conjecture for nonlinear dissipative PDEs
- On a Generalization of the Revision-theoretic Approach to Strategic Rationality
- On a Greenlees spectral sequence
- On a Heath-Jarrow-Morton approach for stock options
- On a mean field model for knowledge growth
- On a Method to Predict Extreme Events
- On a mixed singular/switching control problem with multiple regimes
- On a Model for the Growth of Tree Stems and Vines
- On a new e-Voting scheme
- On a nonlinear parabolic problem arising in the quantum diffusive description of a degenerate fermion gas
- On a Peculiar Lacuna in the Historiography of Non-Archimedean Mathematics: The Case of Giuseppe Veronese (1854-1917)
- On a perceptron version of the Generalized Random Energy Model
- On a probabilistic approach to the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system
- On a problem of Erdős on similar copies of sequences in measurable sets
- On a problem of J.E. Littlewood on flat polynomials
- On a Quantum Construction for Classical Space-Times: Palatial Twistor Theory
- On a question of Babai and Sós, a model theoretic approach
- On a question posed by G.I. Taylor.
- On a recent proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein-null dust system
- On a room with underfloor air supply
- On a simple model of deposition
- On a skew stable Lévy process (Lecture 3)
- On a slippery slope
- On a Stochastic Zeldovich-Burgers model for the condensation of planets out of a protosolar nebula
- On a theory of Dirac operators for rational Cherednik algebras
- On a thermodynamically consistent Stefan problem with variable surface energy
- On a variant of almost axisymmetric flows
- On a well-tempered diffusion
- On a Wiener-Hopf plus Mellin operator arising in the theory of Levy processes
- On a Wiener-Hopf plus Mellin operator arising in the theory of Levy processes
- On accelerated numerical schemes for nonlinear filtering.
- On accounting for quasi-brittle fiber damage in computational homogenization of UD-composites
- On acoustic-gravity waves in arctic zones with elastic ice-sheets
- On activity level propositions addressing the actor or activity
- On acylindricity of outer automorphism group of non-solvable Baumlag-Solitar groups
- On adaptation of false discovery rate
- On adaptive nonparametric inference
- On Agent Failures in Totally Balanced Cooperative Games
- On allegories and vanities, and the connections between science, art and collecting in the Spanish Baroque culture
- On an Elo-type ranking model
- On an old problem of Erdős
- On an old problem of Erdős
- On an optimal biharmonic solver
- On anisotropic diffusion equations for label propagation
- On anonymisation and discrimination
- On applications of Empirical Bayes approaches to the Normal Means problem
- On applications of Empirical Bayes approaches to the Normal Means problem
- On approximate Wiener-Hopf factorization of 2 × 2 matrices
- On approximation of special oscillating series of quantum theory
- On arithmetically defined hyperbolic manifolds and their Betti numbers
- On Artin representations and nearly ordinary Hecke algebras over totally real fields
- On asymptotic exchangeability and graph evolution
- On asymptotic gradient flow structures of PDE models with excluded volume effects
- On asymptotic theory for multivariate GARCH models
- On Automatic Quantitative Verification of Biological Systems
- On automatically analyzing learner language: Interpreting form and meaning in context
- On ‘Rethinking Modern Economics’: Twenty or so common myths
- On Basing One-Way Functions on NP-Hardness
- On Bayes-Nash implementation of combinatorial auctions: structure and efficiency
- On Bayes-Nash implementation of combinatorial auctions: structure and efficiency
- On Bayes-Nash implementation of combinatorial auctions: structure and efficiency
- On being a "barang": Experiences of interviewing fishermen in Cambodia and Indonesia
- On Bernstein's proof of the meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series
- On Bernstein-Markov Property for Multivariate Polynomials
- On bilinearity of Whitehead products in Homotopy Type Theory
- On blocks with few irreducible characters
- On both the presence and absence of interface splash singularities for the Euler equations - Oxbridge PDE Days
- On bound states of the light-cone AdS5 x S5 superstring
- On boundary effect for zero viscosity limit of solutions of Navier-Stokes
- On bounded velocity/bounded vorticity solutions to the incompressible 2D Euler equations
- On branch groups
- On branching of analytic functions in 2D complex space
- On branching of analytic functions in 2D complex space
- On bright pattern of flakes in flow visualization
- On Categorifications of Non-Integer Quivers
- On Character in Music
- On chemical and synaptic brains and the evolution of nervous systems
- On Choosing a Physically Meaningful Topological Classification for Non-Hermitian Systems
- On Choosing Priors
- On choosing the mass matrix for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- On classes of planar maps with $lpha$-orientations having geometric interpretations
- On Classical Tractability of Quantum Schur Sampling
- On classicality of overconvergent p-adic automorphic forms
- On classification of Poisson vertex algebras
- On classification of terminal fano 3-folds
- On colored link homologies
- On colored link homologies
- On combinatorial testing problems
- On Composite Quantum Hypothesis Testing
- On Composite Quantum Hypothesis Testing
- On computational barriers in data science and the paradoxes of deep learning
- On computational inversion with metrics from optimal transport
- On Computational Power of Classical and Quantum Branching Programs
- On computational strategies for fluid-structure interaction: Why some algorithms fail?
- On computing with 'probabilities' modulo k
- On conceptual engineering in psychiatry: is it time to eliminate or reappropriate the category of psychiatric disorder?
- On conductivity measures for the Anderson model
- On conjectures of Higman and Alperin
- On connections between orthogonal arrays and D-optimal designs for certain generalized linear models with group effects
- On contact-line dynamics with mass transfer
- On continued fraction expansion of potential counterexamples II
- On continued fraction expansion of potential counterexamples to mixed Littlewood conjecture.
- On convergence to obliquely reflected Brownian motion in the quarter plane
- On Convex Finite-Dimensional Variational Methods in Imaging Sciences, and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
- On Convex Hulls of Stable Random Walks
- On Cox rings and quiver flag varieties (Lecture 1)
- On Cox rings and quiver flag varieties (Lecture 2)
- On creative learning: researching in children's homes using arts-based methods
- On critical level representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras
- On curvature-guided image filtering and its applications to structure+texture image decomposition
- On D-terms, inflation and strings
- On dangerous ground: understanding earthquake induced soil liquefaction
- On depth and the local Langlands correspondence
- On describing mean flow dynamics in wall turbulence
- On designing robust cost functions – applications to pattern analysis
- On determinations of the strong coupling constant from hadronic data
- On diagonal group actions, trees and continued fractions in positive characteristic
- On Different Distances Between Distributions and Generative Adversarial Networks
- On diffuse-interface models for two-phase flow with different mass densities: thermodynamic consistency, simulations, and numerical analysis
- On diffusion-based generative models and their error bounds: The log-concave case with full convergence estimates
- On disconnected reductive groups
- On Disconnection, random walks, random interlacements, and the Gaussian free field
- On discovery in catalysis
- On distributed Bayesian computation
- On distributed probabilistic strategies
- On distribution of zeros of polynomials approximating exponential type entire functions
- On effective slip for an upper convected Maxwell fluid
- On embeddings of finite subsets of lp
- On energy and momentum transfer to deformable structures from underwater explosions and air blast
- On energy and momentum transfer to fully clamped flexible structures in underwater explosions and air blast
- On Energy Conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager Conjecture
- On Energy Conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager Conjecture
- On Energy Conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager Conjecture
- On enstrophy dissipation in 2D turbulence
- On entanglement in higher spin theories
- On Equality
- On equivalence between Popescu-Rohrlich boxes and random access codes
- On Escaping or Not Escaping Solitude. Persian Tales of Turtles and Pearls
- On estimating covariances between many assets with histories of highly variable length
- On Estimation of Unnormalized Density Models
- On Eulerian/Lagrangian Quantum Fluids and Bohmian Measures
- On exact optimal sampling designs for processes with a product covariance structure
- On exact scaling log-infinitely divisible cascades
- On exchangeable random partitions, permutations and fragmentation trees
- On exotic Lagrangian tori in the complex projective plane
- On explicit and exact solutions of the Wiener-Hopf factorization problem for some matrix functions
- On explicit and exact solutions of the Wiener-Hopf factorization problem for some matrix functions
- On explicit factorization of piecewise constant matrix functions
- On explicit factorization of piecewise constant matrix functions
- On extension of the formalism MPDFA and its application to the analyses of DNS 4096$^3$ conducted by Kaneda and Ishihara
- On extension of the formalism MPDFA and its application to the analyses of DNS 4096$^3$ conducted by Kaneda and Ishihara
- On Extinction and De-extinction
- On Extinction: Natural and unnatural disappearances from the old whaling stations of Antarctica to the Inuit camps of the Arctic
- On Factors Affecting the Usage and Adoption of a Nation-wide TV Streaming Service
- On Faith and Citizenship
- On feedback control of switches and oscillators based on dominance theory
- On Feeding the Masses: The Politics of Regulatory Failure in China
- On filtering equations with non-specified initial data
- On finitarily approximable groups
- On finite presentation for the tame fundamental group
- On fixed points and phase transitions in five dimensions
- On fluctuations of eigenvalues of random band matrices
- On fluctuations, dissipation and diffusion in external potentials
- On fluctuations, dissipation and diffusion in external potentials
- On folles, swageurs and other ambiançeurs; popular culture and queer extraversion in urban Congo
- On Form and Function in Board Games
- On formation of multiple zonal jets in the ocean
- On fractional Wirtinger derivatives for complex analysis
- On fully nonlinear conformally invariant equations - Oxbridge PDE Days
- On fundamental groups of tensor product II_1 factors
- On Fusion categories, gradings, and representations of Hopf algebras
- On fusion rules for the general linear and orthosymplectic supergroup
- On gaps and bands of quasi-periodic operators
- On gauging symmetry of modular categories
- On geometric incidences
- On geometric incidences
- On geometrical concepts, proofs and understanding in pure and applied mathematics
- On gradient estimates for random walks in time-dependent random environments
- On gradient structures for Markov chains and reaction-diffusion systems
- On Gradient-Based Optimization: Accelerated, Stochastic and Nonconvex
- On Graphs Defined by Some Systems of Equations
- On graphs whose chromatic polynomials have no zeros in (1,2)
- On Gray Scale Features-Based Image Classification of Textural Type Continuous Objects
- On Grobner bases of Elimination and Toric Ideals describing Maximum Entropy models
- On Gromov's theorem on groups of polynominal growth and related topics
- On Gromov–Thurston polyhedra
- On groups of finite upper rank
- On growth and flow: bacterial biofilms in porous environments
- On growth and form: gastrulation and axis formation by stem cells in the Amniote embryo
- On Growth and Form: Gastrulation and Stem Cells Driving Axis Formation in Amniotes
- On Hairdos, Polynomials, and the Shape of the Universe
- On heavy tails propagation in an Integrate and Fire Network
- On helical multiscale characterisation of homogeneous turbulence
- On High Power Laser Physics
- On historical language dictionaries and language boundaries
- On hitting times and fastest strong stationary times for birth-and-death chains and other skip-free chains
- On how expert witnesses can give useful Bayesian analyses of complex criminal cases
- On humanitarian-speak & its four great horses: how to ride them
- On ideal equal convergence
- On Image Quality Assessment for Deep Learning in Medical Imaging
- On Implicit Image Differentiation and Filtering
- On impossible changes and borrowings: the Final-Over-Final-Constraint
- On incompressible two-phase flows with phase transitions
- On indefinite damping and gyroscopic stabilization
- On Independent Samples along the Langevin Dynamics and Algorithm
- On infinite connected real networks without cycles, their dynamical systems and pseudorandom and random real sequences
- On infinite torsion subgroups of CAT(0) groups
- On Instabilities of Deep Learning in Image Reconstruction - Part I
- On Instabilities of Deep Learning in Image Reconstruction - Part I
- On Instabilities of Deep Learning in Image Reconstruction - Part II
- On Instabilities of Deep Learning in Image Reconstruction - Part II
- On integrability of the Hirota-Kimura (bilinear) discretizations of integrable quadratic vector fields
- On integral and finite Fourier transforms of continuous q-Hermite polynomials
- On integration over the supermoduli space of curved. A joint work with with Giovanni Felder and Alexander Polishchuk
- On Intuition: Machine Learning and Posthuman Ethics
- On invariants of contact structures
- On inverting the VMPC one-way function
- On kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions of the Vicsek dynamics
- On kinetic equations describing tokamak plasmas
- On kink clusters for scalar fields in dimension 1+1.
- On KL divergence and beyond
- On Kolmogorov's idea of universality in turbulence - a study by DNS
- On L-packets for classical groups
- On Lagrangian approach to stochastic Navier-Stokes and Euler equations
- On Large Scale Inverse Problems that Cannot be solved
- On Latent Change Model Choice in Longitudinal Studies
- On lattice gas models associated with reaction-diffusion equations
- On lattice models and finite fields
- On Lévy-driven Loewner Evolutions
- On Learning Geometric Invariances from Data
- On Learning Latent Models with Multi-Instance Weak Supervision
- On Level Spacings for Jacobi Operators
- On linear and nonlinear wave-ship interactions
- On long term regularity of water wave models
- On loss of form in cancer growth
- On Low Dimensional Random Projections and Similarity Search
- On Lusztig's Classification of Irreducible Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type
- On l^2-Betti numbers and their analogues in positive characteristic
- On magnetic pseudodifferential operators with coefficients in C*-algebras.
- On main conjectures in non-commutative Iwasawa theory and related conjectures
- On malaria, mitochondria, membrane proteins & mice - Developing and employing advanced experimental genetic approaches to study Plasmodium host switching
- On Mapper - a graphical analysis of high dimensional data
- On mass-critical stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equation
- On mean-field theory of Anderson localisation
- On measurement-assisted Rabi oscillation
- On minimal models for certain varieties
- On Minimal-Point Designs
- On minimum reversible entanglement generating sets
- On mixture models in high-dimensional testing for the detection of differential gene expression
- On modal definability of first-order formulas with many free variables and its application to conjunctive query answering in description logics
- On model theory, noncommutative geometry and topoi
- On modeling dispatchable loads in grid operation: the good, the bad and the ugly
- On Modelling Isolated Systems in General Relativity
- On momentum methods and acceleration in stochastic optimization
- On money, debt and morality: Before Smith, Smith, After Smith
- On Mori dream spaces
- On Mori fibre spaces of dimension 4 and their automorphism group
- On motor intelligence for soft robots
- On Multipath Routing Games
- On multiple L-functions and their p-adic analogues
- On multiple zeta-star values
- On Non-Scattering Waves and Inhomogeneities
- On non-smooth functions of Wiener-Hopf operators
- On Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions
- On normalization for the typed λ-calculus
- On Not Writing Poetry at the Brasserie Lipp
- On Nucleic Acid Feedback Controllers
- On Oliver's p-group conjecture
- On one myth in Germanic linguistics: the origin of Germanic adjective declensions
- On operator-splitting methods to solve the stochastic incompressible Stokes equations
- On optimal ranking in crowd-sourcing problems in several scenarios
- On optimal sampling in off-the-grid sparse regularisation.
- On or Off? Interpreting episodic tremor during the Fagradalsfjall eruption 2021
- On origins
- On Over-fitting in Model Selection and Subsequent Selection Bias in Performance Evaluation
- On Overparametrization in Variational Methods
- On p-permutation modules
- On Parallel Repetition of PCPs
- On password-based key exchange
- On phylogenetic classification
- On Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for approximating PDEs
- On Picture Language
- On plectic conjectures in positive and mixed characteristic
- On plethysms and Sylow branching coefficients
- On pluralism in psychiatry
- On Political Responsibility in Post-Revolutionary Times: Kant and Constant’s Debate on Lying
- On possessives in different varieties of Portuguese
- On Precessional Dynamos
- On primes dividing the discriminant of genus 3 curves
- On privacy amplification, lossy compression, and their duality to channel coding
- On profinite properties of 3-manifolds.
- On profinite properties of free-by-cyclic groups
- On projective integration schemes for single and multiple species gases
- On proof of the Erdos-Sos conjecture
- On Proofs of Equality as Paths
- On Quantitative Software Verification
- On quasimorphisms arising from equivariant moment maps
- On Ramsey-like theorems on the rationals and the Rado graph
- On reading Bernoulli’s Ars conjectandi 1713
- On real Hamiltonian forms of affine Toda field theories
- On realizing homology classes by maps of restricted complexity
- On reasonable doubt
- On recent developments in quantum zero-error information theory
- On recent work on faultless disagreement
- On Reduced Order Models for Jointed Structures
- On referring and reference resolution in a second language
- On refracted stochastic processes and the analysis of insurance risk
- On regularity properties of a class of Hamiltonian-Jacobi-Bellman equations
- On regularity properties of solutions to hysteresis-type problems.
- On relating strong type theories and set theories
- On Renormalization Group Flows in Four Dimensions
- On ResNet type neural network architectures and their stability properties
- On resonances, amplitudes and the UV completion of gravity
- On Restriction of Characters to Sylow Subgroups
- On resurging a bore-soliton-splash rogue wave
- On rigidity in II1 factor framework
- On rivers of wind: Lila Majumdar, Indian children's literature, and utopia
- On RoCK blocks and Broue’s Conjecture for double covers of symmetric groups
- On rough PDEs
- On running a school in difficult times
- On Scalable Shape Analysis
- On Scale and Conformal Invariance in Four Dimensions
- On self-Mullineux and self-conjugate partitions
- On sensing what is not there
- On Sharpness for Fusion Systems
- On Shinichi Mochizuki's IUT theory (a colloquium style talk)
- On short time existence of the network flow.
- On simple finite subgroups in the Cremona group of rank 3
- On singular Brascamp Lieb integrals
- On singular Brascamp Lieb integrals
- On Siu's Approach to Abundance Conjecture
- On social and phonological level in French: a transnational perspective
- On solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson-Landau equations for slowly varying in space initial data
- On solutions to the eikonal equation with finite entropy production
- On solutions to the eikonal equation with finite entropy production
- On solving an isospectral flow
- On solving an isospectral flow
- On some degenerate Eisenstein series - at Moller Centre
- On some fully nonlinear elliptic equations
- On some fully nonlinear elliptic equations
- On some interpretations of fractional-order operators
- On some linear and non-linear inverse problems related to Painlevé functions
- On some local-to-global phenomena for abelian varieties
- On some lower bounds for Kolmogorov widths
- On some meta-materials with micro-resonators and their effective equations
- On some multifractal models
- On some multifractal models
- On some multifractal models (copy)
- On some results concerning approximation by analytic functions and their applications
- On some segmental and prosodic intricacies of `foreign accent'
- On some theorems on the restriction of operator to coordinate subspace
- On some theorems on the restriction of operator to coordinate subspace
- On some unlikely intersections for values and orbits of rational functions
- On some variational problems and L1-estimates
- On sparsity and overcompleteness in image models
- On Sparsity and Overcompleteness in Image Models
- On special function positive solutions of the first discrete Painlevé hierarchy
- On spectral convergence bounds and the undecidability of control problems
- On spectral theory of soliton and breather gases for integrable equations
- On spectral theory of soliton gases for integrable equations, Part 1: Brief introduction. Part 1
- On spectral theory of soliton gases for integrable equations, Part 2: Recent developments
- On stability for the direct scattering problem and its applications to cloaking
- On Stability of Steady Transonic Shocks in Supersonic Flow around a Wedge
- On star-symmetric polynomials with classical behaviour
- On Statistical Learning for Individualized Decision Making with Complex Data
- On statistical models associated with acyclic directed mixed graphs
- On Storing and Retrieving (coded) Data in Mobile P2P Networks
- On stratified path sampling of the thermodynamic integral: computing Bayes factors for nonlinear ODE models of biochemical pathways
- On stratified path sampling of the thermodynamic integral: computing Bayes factors for nonlinear ODE models of biochemical pathways
- On stratified path sampling of the thermodynamic integral: computing Bayes factors for nonlinear ODE models of biochemical pathways
- On structure preserving H-infinity optimal control
- On structure-preserving particle-in-cell methods for the Vlasov-Maxwell equations
- On sub-Riemannian diffusion bridges
- On subgroups of right-angled Artin groups
- On Sudakov's type decompositions of transference plans with norm costs
- On sufficient conditions for implementing the functional approach
- On sums of sets
- On sumsets of convex sets
- On super Plucker embedding and cluster algebras
- On Superposition, Interference and Feynman paths
- On surface and internal ring waves on currents: dispersive hydrodynamics in 3D
- On symplectic hypersurfaces
- On symplectic stabilisations and mapping classes
- On syntactic and semantic complexity classes
- On Synthesis of Verification Tools
- On Talagrand's convolution conjecture in Gaussian space
- On Telescopes and Cuckoo Clocks
- On tensor completion via nuclear norm minimization
- On the (actual) origin of species through the lens of hybridization.
- On the (in)security of widely-used RFID access control systems
- On the (Local) Lifting Property
- On the (un)reasonable (in)effectiveness of mathematics in biology: Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- On the 2-point problem for the Lagrange-Euler equation
- On the 750 GeV di-photon anomaly
- On the abelian fundamental group scheme of a family of varieties
- On the accuracy of numerically computed vibration models
- On the AGN Origin of Gravitational Wave Sources observed by LIGO/VIRGO
- On the Algebraic Solutions of the Painlev\'e-III (D$_7$) Equation
- On the analogy between Galois and fundamental groups.
- On the Analysis of Ellipsoid Approximation of Nested Sampling
- On the antiquity of speech and language: did the Neandertals talk and why would it matter?
- On the approximation of quadratic forms and sparse matrix products
- On the Assessment and Design of Compressed Structures
- On the Asymptotic behavior of a log gas in the bulk scaling limit in the presence of a varying external potential
- On the automorphy of 2-dimensional potentially semistable deformation rings of $G_{Q_p}$
- On the Beaming of Gluonic Fields at Strong Coupling
- On the Benjamin-Feir instability
- On the Bethe approximation
- On the binary linear ordering
- On the biomechanical properties of guard cells
- On the birational p-adic section conjecture
- On the birth – and possible death of – fossil capital.
- On the Bloch—Kato conjecture for genus 2 Siegel modular forms
- On the bright side: new developments in Marine Cloud Brightening technology
- On the Buckling of Elastic Rings by External Confinement
- On the Calculus underlying Donaldson-Thomas theory
- On the canonical bundle formula in positive characteristic
- On the cartography of the clause in Old Celtic
- On the Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Rings of Polynomial Invariants
- On the Cauchy problem for the homogebeous Boltzmann-Nordheim equation for bosons
- On the Cayley--Hamilton Theorem
- On the chain rule in Goodwillie calculus
- On the characterisation of shock-induced sliding along multi-material interfaces
- On the Chebotarev invariant of a finite group
- On the Chow group and the motive of a commutative algebraic group
- On the Chow group and the motive of a commutative algebraic group
- On the Chow group of zero-cycles on K3 surfaces
- On the Chow ring of holomorphic symplectic varieties
- On the chromatic number of a sparse random hypergraph
- On the class of perfectly null sets and its transitive version
- On the Classification of holomorphic vertex operator algebras of central charge 24
- On the classification of p-groups by coclass: results and open problems
- On the climate change conversation
- On the CNF complexity of graphs with no K_{2,2}'s
- On the cohomology of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds
- On the combinatorial cuspidalizations and the faithfulness of the outer Galois representations of hyperbolic curves
- On the compactness of the linearized Boltzmann operator for mixtures
- On the complex cascade and the complex branching Brownian motion
- On the Complexity of the Quartet Challenge
- On the composite Higgs: the effect of massive gluon partners, and does the whole framework really make sense anyway?
- On the Computational and Statistical Interface and "Big Data"
- On the Computational Content of the Minimal-Bad-Sequence Argument
- On the Consistency of Supervised Learning with Missing Values
- On the construction of analytic almost-sharp fronts for SQG
- On the Construction of Monopoles
- On the construction of monopoles
- On the continuity of SLE(k) curves in k and their behavior at the tip
- On the contractivity of Hilbert-Schmidt distance under open quantum dynamics
- On the convergence of Adaptive sequential Monte Carlo Methods
- On the convergence of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm and other irreversible MCMC methods
- On the crack inverse problem for pressure waves in half-space
- On the creation and evolution of quantum knots and links
- On the critical path to implant backdoors and the effectiveness of potential mitigation techniques: Learnings from XZ
- On the cubic instability in the Q-tensor theory of nematics
- On the decoupling of supersymmetry breaking in stabilised type IIB compactifications.
- On the deduction of chemical reaction rate constants from measurements of time series of concentration
- On the degree of regular quantum graphs
- On the denominators of Young's seminormal basis
- On the derivation of the Boltzmann equation : irreversibility and fluctuations
- On the design of tissue engineering oriented in vitro platforms for cancer ex vivo screening
- On the design of tissue engineering oriented in vitro platforms for cancer ex vivo screening
- On the determination of polyhedral interfaces from boundary measurements
- On the development and calibration of an in vitro platform to investigate the response of stem cells over a wide range of pressure and strain rate
- On the development of an accurate clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter
- On the Development of an Ensemble Data Assimilation and Forecasting System for the Red Sea
- On the diameters of p-groups
- On the Disappointment of Revolutions
- On the discrimination of quantum measurements
- On the discrimination of quantum measurements
- On the distribution of reflexive and reciprocal markers in Italian, Serbian and English
- On the Distribution of the Adaptive LASSO Estimator
- On the dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture
- On the Dynamical Stability of Weakly-Collisional Plasmas with Thermal and Composition Gradients
- On the dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in experiments and the real world
- On the dynamics of rapidly oscillating (Ap) stars
- On the dynamics of the recurrence $x_{n + 1} = f(x _n)/x_{n-1}$
- On the edge of colonialism: navigating history and commerce in the Asian fiction of Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)
- On the effect of fluid injection on seismic and aseismic fault slip
- On the Effect of Nanostructure in Interfacial Phenomena: Fundamental Science and Application in Biology
- On the Effectiveness of Generating Adversarial Examples for Evading Blackbox Malware Classifiers
- On the efficient implementation of large round-robin arbiters
- On the elastic-brittle versus ductile fracture of lattice materials
- On the elusivity of softwired clusters
- On the energetics of turbulent mixing in stratified fluids
- On the energy critical Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations
- On the enumeration of random maps with three tight boundaries and its probabilistic consequences
- On the Equations of Motion of Crystal Dislocations
- On the Equivalence of TCM Encoders
- On the estimation of causal associations with a binary outcome
- On the Evolution of Reward Signals: A Computational Just-So Story
- On the Evolutionary History of Metastatic Cancer
- On the evolutionary origins of morality
- On the existence of certain generalized quadrangles
- On the existence of ghosts
- On the existence of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds
- On the existence of Lagrangians with special properties
- On the existence of weak solutions of the Perona-Malik equation
- On the expressive language of info-graphic statics: analysis and design methods
- On the expressive power of user-defined effects: effect handlers, monadic reflection, delimited control
- On the extended KdV equation and near-identity transformations for strain waves
- On the feasibilty of mapping rare earth element deposits using remote sensing
- On the Fluid Limits of a Resource Sharing Algorithm with Logarithmic Weights
- On the folding of elastic rods
- On the Forecasting Performance of Macroeconomic Fundamentals on Exchange Rate Movements
- On the Formation and Evolution of Rifts in Ice Shelves
- On the formation of atmospheric jets
- On the Formulation of Deterministic Epidemic Models
- On the fractional NLSE and its applications to nonlinear optics
- On the Frequency Following Response, a measure of phase locking in the auditory brainstem
- On the Fukaya category of a Fano hypersurface in projective space
- On the fully nonlinear 2D Peskin problem
- On the function of Georg von Wergenthin as ‘reflector figure’ in Arthur Schnitzler’s novel Der Weg ins Freie
- On the function of PRDM15, a member of the PRDM family of transcriptional regulators, in development and lymphomagenesis
- On the Functional Representation of Abstract Clones
- On the fundamental understanding of distributed computation
- On the Games Neurons Play (in Visual Cortex)
- On the gap between local recovery guarantees in structured compressed sensing and oracle estimates
- On the gap between local recovery guarantees in structured compressed sensing and oracle estimates
- On the gaps in the spectrum of the periodic Maxwell operator
- On the generation of waves by turbulent wind
- On the Generic Cantor Spectrum problem
- On the generic vanishing theorem
- On the geometry of discrete and continuous random planar maps
- On the geometry of discrete and continuous random planar maps
- On the geometry of maximum entropy problems
- On the geometry of some Hyperkaehler manifolds
- On the geometry of the Hodge-Tate period morphism
- On the Gibbs states of the Ising and Potts models
- On the global financial crises, macroeconomic slowdown and "exit strategies"
- On the global regularity of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and other relevant geophysical models
- On the Global Topology of G2 Moduli Spaces
- On the Graph Isomorphism Problem: Breaking the Bounded Eigenvalue Multiplicity Barrier
- On the graph limit approach to random regular graphs
- On the Greenfield-Wallach and Katok conjectures
- On the Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg Conjecture
- On the hardness of inferring Phylogenies from triplet-dissimilarities
- On the high energy scattering and absorption of strings by D-branes
- On the higher rank Donaldson-Thomas theory of points
- On the Hochschild cohomology of finite group algebras
- On the HOMFLY invariant of algebraic knots
- On the Homogeneity of the Spectrum for Quasi-Periodic Schroedinger Operators
- On the homotopy type of p-subgroup posets
- On the Hopf Schur group of a field
- On the horizon instability of an extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole
- On the hypocoercivity of some PDMP-Monte Carlo algorithms
- On the impact of debasilectalization in language documentation: insights from the "missing Spanish creoles"
- On the importance of heavy fields during inflation
- On the importance of the COSMO polarization charge density for the quantification of molecular interactions in liquid phases
- On the incompressible limit for tumour growth models including convective effects
- On the incompressible limit for tumour growth models including convective effects
- On the Indian origins of Nationalism
- On the inductive construction of the p-adic zeta functions in non-commutative Iwasawa theory
- On the infinite dimension limit of invariant measures and solutions of Zeitlin's 2D Euler equations
- On the Insecurity of PLC Systems
- On the integrability of symplectic Monge-Ampere equations.
- On the interaction between submesoscales and turbulence: from theory to application
- On the interaction of defects in lattices
- On the interaction of helical structures within bundles of bacterial flagella
- On the interaction of turbulence, waves and mean flows in geophysical fluids
- On the interactions between our industrial system and the natural system
- On the interplay between a group and its (category of) representations
- On the interpretation of frequency effects in comprehension and production.
- On the intersection of critical percolation clusters and Branching random walks in high dimension
- On the inverse problem for isometry groups of norms
- On the Inverse Problem of Seismic Imaging: A Mathematical View on Full Waveform Inversion
- On the inverse scattering method for integrable PDEs on graphs
- On the inversion of computable functions
- On the inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes equations
- On the inviscid limit for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
- On the Iwasawa Main conjecture for abelian varieties over function fields
- On the K-moduli space of 4 qubits
- On the K-moduli space of 4 qubits
- On the K-stability of polarized varieties
- On the K-theory of pullbacks
- On the KdV shock problem
- On the large-scale structure of two-dimensional turbulence
- On the length scale, robustness and manufacturability in topology optimization
- On the linearity of finitely presented groups and its connection to the existence of good geometric actions
- On the local existence of C^1 solutions for the initial value problem of the 1D linear hyperbolic system of conservation laws
- On the local mod p representation attached to a modular form
- On the local Tamagawa number conjecture and functional equations of Euler systems
- On the local well-posedness of Horndeski theories
- On the localization-delocalization critical line for the random copolymer
- On the logarithmic Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem
- On the Long Run Volatility of Stocks
- On the long time stability of travelling wave for the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equations
- On the lookout for peculiar stars: Diagnostics/classification of spectra in large spectroscopic surveys
- On the Maier-Saupe theory of Nematic liquid crystals
- On the Margins: Slovak Roma Children Negotiating Language and Education in Sheffield
- On the Massless Electron Limit for a Multispecies Kinetic System with External Magnetic Field
- On the Massless Electron Limit for a Multispecies Kinetic System with External Magnetic Field
- On the Mathematical Analysis of Thick Fluids
- On the maximal number of 3-term progressions modulo p
- On the Mechanics of the Golf Swing
- On the Microrheology of Microgels
- On the minimax principle for eigenvalues of Dirac operator with Coulombic singularities
- On the Mis-use of Dark Matter detectors
- On the mixing time of random conjugacy walks
- On the mode of multivariate mixtures — recent developments and open problems
- On the modular interpretation of the Nagaraj-Seshadri locus
- On the modularity of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields
- On the moduli part in the canonical bundle formula
- On the moduli space of log K-polystable pairs formed by a hypersurface and a hyperplane section.
- On the moment map for smooth and discrete Hamiltonian systems
- On the moment measure conjecture
- On the monodromy of the Hitchin connection.
- On the monotonicity of entropy in the discrete entropic central limit theorem
- On the monotonicity of the speed of biased random walk on a Galton-Watson tree without leaves
- On the morphology and vulnerability of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease
- On the motivations and challenges of affiliates involved in cybercrime
- On the Mott formula for the low frequency conductivity: a review
- On the movements and value of research data
- On the multidimensionality of natural language semantics and the myth of conventional implicature
- On the Multiscale Mechanics of Plasticity and Damage in Magnesium
- On the Musiela SPDE with Levy noise
- On the nature of friction in
a stratified rotating fluid
- On the nature of heterotachy
- On the nature of intermittency in a turbulent von Kármán flow
- On the nature of mathematical joy
- On the nature of syntactic variation
- On the Nature of the Glass Transition
- On the neural language of the cerebellum
- On the Neural Machinery for Face Processing
- On the non-commutative main conjecture for totally real number fields
- On the non-computability of conscious thinking
- On the non-linear deformations of high-spin gauge symmetries
- On the non-linear stability of Kerr de Sitter spacetimes
- On the noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjecture for CM-elliptic curves
- On the nonexistence of moralometers
- On the Nonlinear Dynamics of Collective Decision-Making in Nature and Design
- On the nonparametric Bernstein-von Mises phenomenon
- On the null origin of the ambitwistor string
- On the null string origin of the ambitwistor string
- On the number of conjugacy classes of a finite group
- On the number of level sets of smooth Gaussian fields
- On the number of minimal models of a smooth variety of general type
- On the numerical integration of the Landau equation
- On the numerical solution of first-kind Volterra integral equations with highly oscillatory kernels
- On the numerical solution of Riemann--Hilbert problems with theta-function asymptotics
- On the onset of modulation instability in JONSWAP sea states
- On the Operational Theory of the CPS-Calculus
- On the opposite reaction of wall-bounded laminar and turbulent flow to slow perturbations
- On the optimality of the neighbour-joining algorithm
- On the ordering of some nonreversible Markov chain and Markov process Monte Carlo methods
- On the origin of animals, and the invention of the modern biosphere
- On the Origin of Neutrino Mass and Experimental Searches
- On the origin of RNA and peptide synthesis: clues from biology and prebiotic chemistry
- On the origin of the hydraulic jump in a thin liquid film
- On the origin of the hydraulic jump in a thin liquid film
- On the origin of the vorticity alignment in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence
- On the origin of the vorticity alignment in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence
- On the Origins of Life: A Chemist’s perspective
- On the origins of mycorrhizal symbioses
- On the p-adic Langlands programme for GL(2) F II: (phi, Gamma)-modules over barmathbb F p and tensor induction
- On the p-adic Langlands programme for GL(2)F III: Qp-locally analytic representations of GL(2)F and crystalline representations
- On the p-adic Langlands programme for GL(2)F IV: The Hodge filtration and speculation on extra components
- On the p-adic Langlands programme for GL2(F) I: Construction of representation of GL(2)F over bar F p
- On the p-adic Littlewood conjecture for quadratics
- On the p-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves with CM by the ring of integers of Q(√−3)
- On the partial indices of piecewise constant matrix functions
- On the partial indices of piecewise constant matrix functions
- On the passage from nonlinear to linearized viscoelasticity
- On the past and future of applied exponential asymptotics
- On the peeling process of random planar maps
- On the Performance of Iterative Demapping and Decoding Techniques over Quasi-Static Fading Channels
- On the phonetics and phonology of English H* and L+H* pitch accents
- On the physical meaning and consequences of the loop IR divergences in global dS
- On the physical spectra of primordial perturbations from inflation
- On the pitfalls and traps of programming languages
- On the plasmonic properties of nano-structured metal-dielectric materials
- On the pole dynamics of solutions of integrable PDEs.
- On the political use of physiognomy around 1500
- On the possibility of "quick solutions " to persistent problems of student' learning in mathematics
- On the possibility of outsider understanding: a conversation
- On the power of techniques for defeating code reuse attacks + some retrospective reflection on the DARPA CRASH program
- On the Practical cost of Grover for AES Key Recovery
- On the Privacy and Security of the Ultrasound Ecosystem
- On the probabilistic–deterministic transition involved in a fragmentation process of brittle materials
- On the production of high-porosity metallic solids
- On the proof of Serre's conjecture
- On the proof of Serre’s conjecture
- On the propagation of non-isothermal gravity currents in an inclined porous layer / Propulsion in Stokes flow
- On the quantum capacity of the qubit depolarizing channel
- On the quantum KKL theorem and related inequalities
- On the Quaternary Structure of Macromolecular Protein Complexes in the Absence of Bulk Solvent
- On the quenching of star formation in observed and simulated central galaxies: Evidence for the role of integrated AGN feedback
- On the radius of Gaussian free field excursion clusters
- On the Range of a Random Walk In a Torus
- On the rate of convergence of nonlinear filters when the observation processes converge
- On the rebound: could energy efficiency improvements backfire?
- On the Reception of Christian Thomasius's Political Thought in Protestant Northern Germany
- On the regularity of Lagrangian trajectories in the 3D Navier-Stokes flow
- On the regularity of the Boltzmann equation in bounded domains - Oxbridge PDE Days
- On the relation between continuous and combinatorial cohesion
- On the Relation between Optimal Transport and Schroedinger Bridges: A Control Perspective
- On the relation between the solar dynamo and the meridional circulation of the Sun (Contributed speaker)
- On the relation of random unitary matrices and zeta function zeros
- On the relations between implied and spot volatilities
- On the Relative Strength of Industrial Linkages and Spillovers in Plant Location: Evidence for British Inward FDI, 1985-2007.
- On the relevance of cortico-spinal synchrony for motor control
- On the relevance of Reynolds stresses in linear analyses of turbulent flows
- On the Replica Symmetric Regime of the SK Model
- On the reported death of the MACHO era
- On the representation and subgroup growth of F_p[[t]]-analytic profinite groups
- On the residual finiteness of outer automorphism groups
- On the Right of Refusal: Decolonizing Archaeology and Equitable Practices
- On the rigidity of convex billiards
- On the Rigorous Evaluation of Stochastic Approaches to Power Systems Operations
- On the Road to Hell : Sovereignty Reconfigured
- On the Road to Hell: Sovereignty Reconfigured
- On the Road to Quantum Technologies
- On the road to traction - lessons learned in the startup world
- On the robustness of gradient-based MCMC algorithms
- On the robustness of morphogenesis
- On the role of excess energy on free charge generation and recombination in polymer:fullerene blends
- On the role of imitation in learning to pronounce
- On the role of Myc in transcriptional control: Selective gene regulation or general amplification?
- On the Role of Nitrogen Oxides in Acclimatization/Adaptation to Hypoxia
- On the role of probability in modelling financial markets
- On the role of the Southern Ocean in modulating (past) climate variability
- On the Sample Complexity of Learning with Geometric Stability
- On the section conjecture for universal curves over function fields
- On the secure connectivity of wireless sensor networks
- On the set of L-space surgeries for links
- On the set-copositive cone.
- On the shameful conjecture
- On the shameful conjecture
- On the Shoulders of Eastern Giants: the forgotten contribution of the medieval physicists
- On the shoulders of giants: the cosmology of giant gravitons
- On the singularities of moduli spaces of principal bundles
- On the size of subsets of F_p^n without p distinct elements summing to zero
- On the size of the Navier-Stokes singular set
- On the slice-ribbon conjecture for Montesinos knots
- On the small cancellation geometry of certain graph products of groups
- On the social scientific value of transactional data
- On the socially optimal rate for the cost of capital in low-carbon electricity generation
- On the solution of recursive domain equations
- On the specification of leaf dorsiventrality
- On the spectrum of the Klein-Gordon equation
- On the spin history of Earth
- On the Stability and Control of Unicycles
- On the Stability and the Uniform Propagation of Chaos Properties of Ensemble Kalman-Bucy Filters
- On the stability of conservative discontinuous Galerkin/Hermite spectral methods for the Vlasov-Poisson system
- On the stability of file-sharing systems
- On the stability of flow-aware CSMA
- On the stability properties of self-gravitating systems
- On the stabilization of breather -type solutions of the damped higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- On the statistical behavior of the Riemann zeta function
- On the Statistical Estimation of the Preferential Attachment Network Model
- On the sticky particle solutions to the pressureless Euler system in general dimension
- On the stochastic Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard equation
- On the Strength of Owicki-Gries for Resources
- On the strongly bounded Turing degrees of the computably enumerable sets
- On the Structural Biochemical Mechanism of Synaptic Neurotransmission in the Brain
- On the structural controllability of networks of linear systems
- On the structure and relations of Selmer groups
- On the structure and strength of singularities: Inextendibility results for Lorentzian manifolds
- On the structure of random coordinate projections
- On the structure-function uncertainties of proteins
- On the Structure-Mechanical Property Relationships of Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Framework Materials: Nanoindentation, High-Pressure Crystallography and Computational Studies
- On the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow
- On the support of extremal martingale measures with given marginals: the countable case
- On the task-dependency and flexibility of bimanual coordination
- On the Taxonomy of Holographic Fermi/Non-Fermi Liquids
- On the terminal motion of sliding/spinning discs
- On the Theory of Higher Subtopoi
- On the theory of the optical stretcher
- On the thermodynamics of moving bodies
- On the three compactifications of Siegel space
- On the time discretization of kinetic equations in stiff regimes
- On the Toda lattice with random matrix initial data
- On the Topic of Jets
- On the topological Hochschild homology of Johnson-Wilson spectra
- On the topology of black holes
- On the topology of complex magnetic fields of the Sun and the magnetosphere
- On the toxicity of the amyloid beta peptide
- On the Tradeoff between Economic Efficiency and Strategyproofness in Randomized Social Choice
- On the transonic limit of the Gross–Pitaevskii equation
- On the trial against Italian seismologists following the l'Aquila earthquake - facts, questions, consequences? A discussion session
- On the twist: Chirality at surfaces
- On the Two-fold Role of Logic Constraints in Deep Learning
- On the typology of indefinites: Neo-Aristotelian prolegomena
- On the typology of indefinites: Neo-Aristotelian prolegomena
- On the uniform ergodicity of the particle Gibbs sampler
- On the Unique Games Conjecture
- On the uniqueness of extremal vacuum black holes and integrability of minimal supergravity
- On the uniqueness of graphical mean curvature flow
- On the Universal Transformation of Data-Driven Models to Control Systems
- On the Universal Transformation of Data-Driven Models to Control Systems
- On the use of deep learning techniques for decoding animal movement data
- On the use of machine learning to detect shocks in road vehicle vibration signals
- On the use of magnetic nanoparticles in medicine
- On the use of non-local priors for joint high-dimensional estimation and selection
- On the use of Ruelle's formalism in response theory
- On the Use of Typing for Static Logical Verification: RCF and Refinement Types
- On the usefulness of predicates
- On the validity of shallow-water models of fluid flow
- On the validity of the super-particle approximation of planetesimals in simulations of gravitational collapse
- On the valuations of p-adic L-values
- On the value of the creative imagination in the arts and in the sciences
- On the Vices and Virtues of Conspiracy Theories
- On the vortex-wave system
- On the way from molecular cloud to solar system: New insights into the earliest stages of low-mass protostars
- On the Way to an SZ Survey
- On the way to the limit: finite epsilon effects in oscillatory fluid dynamics and their numerical approximation with time-parallel methods
- On the well-posedness of Lovelock and Horndeski theories of gravity
- On the width of wqos
- On the Wiener-Hopf technique and its applications in science and engineering: Lecture 1
- On the Wiener-Hopf technique and its applications in science and engineering: Lecture 1
- On the Wiener-Hopf technique and its applications in science and engineering: Lecture 2
- On the Wiener-Hopf technique and its applications in science and engineering: Lecture 2
- On the Wiener-Hopf technique and its applications in science and engineering: Lecture 2
- On the Wiener-Hopf technique and its applications in science and engineering: Lecture 2
- On the wing: Morphological variation in the osteology of Anatidae (excluding Anserinae) of the Levant
- On the wrapped Fukaya category of the 4-punctured sphere
- On the zeros of independence and open set polynomials
- On thermodynamics of stationary states of diffusive systems Coauthors L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, C. Landim
- On time delivery - the challenge of intracellular transport logistics
- On Time Integration and the Use of Clebsch Variables in Shallow Water Equations
- On Tornado Dynamics
- On trade and teleology: the role of commercial relations in Kant's philosophy of history
- On traffic modeling and the Braess paradox
- On Transplanckian Excursions in de Sitter Space
- On travelling wave solutions for systems modelling chemotaxis
- On tunnel number one knots with lens space surgeries
- On Tupaia Street: the travels of artefacts from Cook's first voyage
- On twistor geometry and black hole perturbation theory
- On two models for non-instantaneous binary alignment collisions
- On two problems for a random Schroedinger equation
- On two problems on Boolean algebras and finitely additive measures
- On two-parameter instanton-type solutions of Painlev\'e equations and their analytic interpretation --- A review of the exact WKB analysis for Painlev\'e equations
- On tyre blowouts and overheating brakes towards safer trucks
- On User Availability Prediction And Network Applications
- On validators for psychiatric categories
- On varieties of globally F-regular type
- On Varieties of Symmetric Monoidal Closed Categories and Dependency of Categorical Diagrams.
- On various sum-product inequalities
- On very effective hermitian K-theory
- On vibration damping in low carbon steel for Caribbean Steel Pans
- On volumes along subvarieties of line bundles with nonnegative Iitaka dimension
- On wall-ice accretion or melting in shear flow
- On water waves with angled crests
- On waves in certain lattices and formulating `canonical' questions
- On weak and measure-valued solutions to compressible Euler and similar systems
- On weak solutions to the stationary incompressible Euler equations
- On white: Porcelain stories from the Fitzwilliam
- On wide subcategories
- On Witten - Kontsevich tau-function and its generalisations
- On writing a population history of india
- On zonal steady solutions to the 2d Euler equations
- On `hard stars' in general relativity
- On-line Active Reward Learning for Policy Optimisation in Spoken Dialogue Systems
- On-line estimation of an optimal treatment allocation strategy for the control of white-nose syndrome in ba
- On-line processing of articles and clitics by Greek children with SLI
- On-line recognition of handwritten equations in a nutshell
- On-Shell Diagrams for N = 8 Supergravity Amplitudes
- On-shell techniques for the standard-model EFTs
- On-the-fly garbage collection: issues and opportunities
- Once again about the parallel between stratification and rotation in hydrodynamics and between both and external magnetic field in MHD
- Once Broken, Hard to Mend: Structural Inheritance and the Quakes that Shake Our World
- Once Upon a Time a Gene - Standing on the Shoulders of Molecular Giants
- Once you get a taste for it...
- Oncogene-like addiction to aneuploidy in human cancers
- Oncogene-like induction of cellular invasion from centrosome amplification
- Oncogenes
- Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Oncogenes and Tumour Metabolism
- Oncogenes and tumour suppressors (signalling and pathways)
- Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressors 1 & 2
- Oncological imaging: 1: Introduction and non-radionuclide techniques; 2: Radionuclide techniques
- Oncological Imaging: i. Introduction & Non-radionuclide techniques ii. Radionuclide techniques
- Oncological imaging: introduction and non-radionuclide techniques
- Oncological Imaging: introduction and non-radionuclide techniques & radionuclide techniques
- Oncotripsy: Selective ablation of cancer cells through tuned low-intensity pulsed ultrasound
- One
- One Bad Argument for Civic Virtue, and One Good One
- One Belt One Road's domestic politics and policy narratives: A top-down approach?
- One Bit is Not Enough: The Benefit of Reference Analysis in Virtual Memory Management
- One bubble, two bubbles, three bubbles, four... the physics of bubbles and how to eavesdrop on a breaking wave
- One China, Two Sudans? Sovereignty, self-determination and the 'referendum for freedom'
- ONE DAY MEETING - Emotions in an age of communication
- ONE DAY MEETING - Geometry in Science
- ONE DAY MEETING - Pluripotency, reprogramming and stem cells
- One day meeting on vision and neuroscience
- One Health and the future of the Veterinary Profession
- One Health In Action in the Caribbean
- One health, many challenges no silver bullet.
- One Hierarchy Spawns Another: Graph Deconstructions and the Complexity Classification of Conjunctive Queries
- One hour with NGI (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute): ‘Inside NGI’ and ‘Assessing Risk - what can it tell us’
- One Hundred Terms of the Early Modern British History Seminar + Summer Drinks Party
- One hundred years of change in Mambila religion
- One hundred years of rehabilitation: how far have we come and how far still to go?
- One Law for All
- One Loop Integrands for Scattering Amplitudes from the Riemann Sphere
- One Medicine: Comparative Aspects of Research and Clinical Diagnosis in Allergic Disease
- One Model to Rule Them All: towards unifying magnetic braking in binary and single star systems
- One of many possible introductions to symplectic geometry
- One of the many relationships between mantle petrology and atmospheric chemistry: The case of nitrogen.
- One old and one new metabolic target to treat ovarian and breast cancer
- One Planet
- One Planet Living
- One Primitive for all, all for one: Enabling Dynamic Datacenter Load Balancing
- One Protocol to Rule Them All? On Securing Interoperable Messaging
- One spiral to rule them all: and in the darkness bind them
- One step beyond: Halo statistics from the excursion set theory with correlated steps
- One third of life's diversity
- One void, many voids, Swiss Cheese and no Dark Energy
- One way cuts in oriented graphs
- One Year After Brexit: The UK General Election and the Future of Europe
- One year on: LIGO and the detection of gravitational waves from binary black holes
- One-arm probability for the metric Gaussian free field in low dimensions
- One-day Colloquium on 'German Philhellenism'
- One-day meeting on visual perception in memory of Professor C. R. Cavonius
- One-dimensional boson flow between weakly couple reservoirs
- One-Dimensional Higher Inductive Types
- One-dimensional representations of W-algebras
- One-dimensional solutions of M-theory
- One-Loop Calculation of the Oblique S Parameter in Higgsless Electroweak Models
- One-Loop Renormalization and the S-matrix
- One-Loop Soft Theorems via Dual Superconformal Symmetry
- One-out-of-m spacetime-constrained oblivious transfer
- One-pass Tableaux for Computation Tree Logic
- One-seed, two-seed, three-seed? Reassessing ancient theories of generation
- One-sex, two-sex, them and us? Changing sex and challenging 'Making Sex'
- One-shot entropies from thermodynamics
- One-shot Learning of Surrogates in PDE-constrained Optimization Under Uncertainty
- One-sided discretization inequalities and sampling recovery
- One-size-fits-all? Evo-Devo of petal patterning in Hibiscus flowers
- One-to-one pedagogy: exploring supervisory practices in music research training
- One-world versus many: evolution, probability, decision theory and
scientific confirmation
- oneAPI OpenMP Workshop
- ONETEP-PBSA: Application to G-quadruplex DNA stability
- ONLINE Agrarian Relations: Towards an Epistemology of Land (18-19 May 2020)
- Online and offline human brain mapping with intracranial EEG
- Online Expectation-Maximisation
- Online inference and prediction for infectious diseases: a case study in Avian Influenza
- Online Learning and Online Convex Optimisation
- ONLINE LECTURE - title to be confirmed
- Online Machine Learning Methods - Streams of Financially Important News.
- Online Meta-Learning
- Online nonparametric regression with adversarial data
- Online Personality Trends in Love and Friends - A Big-Five Facebook Study
- Online Reputation Management: Estimating the Impact of Management Responses on Consumer Reviews
- Online Retreat
- Online Robust Principal Components Analysis
- Online Sanjeevani Retreat
- Online Sanjeevani Retreat
- Online Sanjeevani Retreat
- Online Science with Matt Brown
- Online seminar – Algorithmic pricing and competition: Empirical evidence from the German retail gasoline market
- Online seminar – Bond returns and the trading of large mutual funds
- Online seminar – How do acquisitions affect the mental health of employees?
- Online seminar – Price transparency, media and informative advertising
- Online seminar – Search frictions and efficiency in decentralised transport markets
- Online seminar – The value of information in competitive markets: The impact of big data on small and medium enterprises
- Online seminar – Value creation in shareholder activism
- Online seminar: ‘Structural variation in anaplastic astrocytoma highlights therapeutic opportunities’
- ONLINE seminar: Functional genomics approaches to guide cancer drug discovery
- ONLINE seminar: Mechanisms of estrogen receptor activity in breast cancer
- ONLINE seminar: Myelin regeneration in the CNS: reversing the ravages of time
- ONLINE seminar: Single-cell transcriptomics analysis of SARS-CoV-2 entry factors
- Online Social Networks and Applications: a Measurement Perspective
- Online Space Complexity
- Online temporally adaptive parameter estimation with applications to streaming data analysis.
- ONLINE WEBINAR - Aircraft Electrification
- Online Webinar - Hybrid Diesel and Battery Powered Trains
- Online Webinar - Next Generation Solutions for Electrical Grid Monitoring
- ONLINE WEBINAR - NVIDIA Powers the AI Revolution
- Online Webinar - Re-Engineering The Microscope
- Online Webinar - Renewable Energy. How to Balance the Electric Grid
- ONLINE WEBINAR - The Breath Biopsy® Platform
- ONLINE WEBINAR - There is more than a cat in the Schroedinger box: a Python.
- ONLINE WEBINAR - Vertical Aerospace
- ONLINE WEBINAR - What's So Interesting about 5G?
- Online Workshop - Impact and Influence in the Workplace
- Online workshop - Productivity, Confidence & Work/Life Balance workshop
- Online-Learned Neural Network Chemical Solver for Stable, Fast, and Long-Term Global Simulations of Atmospheric Chemistry
- Only predict? Conscious experience, and the scope and limits of predictive processing
- Onobrychis viciifolia a natural alternative to ivermectin
- Onsager Principle - A Principle Useful for Solving Industrial Problems
- Onsager Principle -A useful principle in soft matter dynamics -
- Onsager's Conjecture and Turbulent Dissipation
- Onsager's Variational Principle in Soft Matter Dynamics
- Onset of cavitation in compressible, isotropic, hyperelastic solids
- Onset of thermal convection at low Ekman and Prandtl numbers by an hybrid approach
- Onset of unsteadiness in aero-engine intakes at incidence
- Ontic structural realism and economics: the unwanted gift
- Ontogeny, modularity, and morphological diversity of the mammal skull
- Ontological Aspects of the Fair Trade Debate
- Ontological Aspects of the Fair Trade Debate
- Ontologies and Values
- Ontologies for Biologists – The Promise and the Reality
- Ontology Learning for Portuguese
- Onward Migration and Heritage Languages: The Case of 'New Italians' in England
- OPCML in Tumour Gene Therapy in Ovarian Cancer
- OPdA Lunchtime Publishing Sessions 1: What do journal editors actually do?
- OPdA Lunchtime Publishing Sessions 2: Editorial decision-making for books: navigating peer review and market appeal
- OPDA perception and signalling - a novel plant regulatory network
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open access publishing: a pioneer’s perspective.
- Open Access Week 2017: Helping Researchers Publish in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- Open Access Week 2017: Helping Researchers Publish in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Open Access: A Forum
- Open Access: HEFCE announcement and implications for the next REF
- Open Afternoon for MPhil in Computational Biology
- Open Afternoon for MPhil in Computational Biology
- Open Afternoon for MPhil in Computational Biology
- Open Afternoon for MPhil in Computational Biology
- Open Afternoon for MPhil in Computational Biology
- Open afternoon: part time Masters in Educational Leadership and School Improvement
- Open Archives: Exploring the history of the Museum of Cambridge and Kettle's Yard
- Open as a Tool to Change Ecosystems
- Open Brainstorming Session: Reconstructing an Iron Age burial ritual. Kurgan 4, Early Saka-Scythian burial complex -Eleke Sazy, Kazakhstan
- Open Cambridge Talks- All Change: Transport in & Around Cambridge,1900-2011
- Open Cambridge Talks-What Cambridge Wore-
- Open Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem through the Lens of the Netflix CDN
- Open Data and Reproducibility
- Open Data and the Future of Science
- Open Data Sharing - A Practical Guide
- Open Data: what it means for future research
- Open Day at the Institute of Continuing Education
- Open Day at the Retreat Venue - Topic: Stress Free Living
- Open Discussion
- Open Discussion
- Open Discussion
- Open Discussion and Questions
- Open Discussion and Questions
- Open Discussion and Soft Launch of a CambRidge Community
- Open Discussion Sessions
- Open Evening for Women in Engineering
- Open Event: FlexEnable and flexible electronics
- Open for Business Day
- Open Forum
- Open Forum: Developing and Designing Research with ‘Vulnerable’ Groups
- Open Hardware, Software, Internet, Jobs
- Open Innovation - the future of scientific software engineering?
- Open Innovation – Introducing Shell Ideas360
- Open Innovation Consultation: A Tactical Approach to Crowdsourcing Ideas
- Open Innovation Forum Food & FMCG Pitching Event
- Open Innovation Forum Food & FMCG Pitching Event Wednesday - 23 November 2016
- Open Innovation Workshop: Framework & Strategy for Your Innovation Process
- Open Innovation Workshop: Ideation & Team Creativity
- Open IP in Emerging and Developing Economies
- Open Issues in Build Systems
- Open Lecture with Cardinal Koch and Lord Sacks
- Open maps and their uses in concurrency models
- Open Meeting - Computing and IT at DPMMS and DAMTP
- Open Meeting : Upgrade of Linux desktops to SL6
- Open Meeting for Early Career Researchers – 19 March 2014
- Open Meeting: 'Growth capital - vital oxygen for the innovation economy'
- Open Microscope
- Open mirror symmetry for Landau-Ginzburg models
- Open Networks Project - Laying the foundations of a Smart Grid in GB
- Open Networks Project - Laying the foundations of a Smart Grid in GB
- Open Panel Discussion Chair: Robin Ball
- Open Panel Discussion: Predictive Materials Modelling for Materials Design and Discovery
- Open Panel Discussion: Predictive Materials Modelling in the Aerospace and High Value Manufacturing Sectors
- Open Panel Discussion: Predictive Materials Modelling in the Energy Sector
- Open Problem Session
- Open Problem Session
- Open Problem/Discussion: Biased random walks on random networks: How space heterogeneity impacts transport properties
- Open problem/Discussion: Dictyostelium swarms: an example of active biological fluids?
- Open problem/Discussion: Inferring collective behavior in a wild bat swarm from audio-visual data
- Open Problem/Discussion: Modelling cell turnover in the intestinal crypt niche: the role of Paneth and Paneth-like cells
- Open Problem/Discussion: Outer Laplace problem in a sector geometry
- Open problem/Discussion: Time and spatial pattern formation: a unifying framework
- Open problem: Modelling the collective migration of astrocytes
- Open problem: Random following of advices in ants’
- Open problems
- Open Problems for Literary Text Generation in the WASP System
- Open problems in connecting individual states with collective dynamics
- Open problems in Iwasawa algebras
- Open Problems in Noisy Quantum Metrology
- Open problems in stochastic cell biology: information transfer, macromolecular crowding, and filament simulation
- Open Problems, I
- Open Problems, II
- Open Problems, III
- Open Q&A session for potential applicants to PPD Counselling Diploma
- Open quantum random walks
- Open questions in turbulent stratified mixing: Do we even know what we do not know?
- Open questions on modelling environmental influences on collective cell behaviour
- Open Rehearsal with Alfred Brendel and Szymanowski Quartet
- Open Science at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
- Open Science workflows for psychology research with children in educational settings.
- Open scientific data: how the UK Polar Data Centre supports open science using FAIR data principles
- Open session
- Open Source and NLP
- Open source – 19th C. capitalism re-invented ?
- Open Source Network Tester on NetFPGA-SUME Platform
- Open Source Quantum Computing
- Open source research software project life cycles: understanding project maturity successes, and challenge events
- Open source wireless instruments for real-time field glaciology
- Open string axions and the flavor problem
- Open System Categorical Quantum Semantics in Natural Language Processing
- Open Technology Workshop and Biomaker Fayre 2017
- Open to Possibility: Pioneers who Promoted Women in Math and Science
- Open tools in Marchantia for plant bioengineering work and as a platform for elucidating morphogenesis
- Open Vocabulary Confusion Networks for Speech Recognition
- Open your Mind
- OPEN ZOOM MEETING - session 3 follow up dicussions - Chair William Probert
- Open-ended inorganic nanotubes: band-gap and bands-engineering of a photo-catalyst
- Open-Endedness and General Intelligence
- Open-ocean convection becoming less intense in the Greenland and Iceland Seas
- OpenCoffee Cambridge - Inaugural event
- OpenCon
- OpenCon 2016 Cambridge
- OpenCon Cambridge
- OpenConCam 2017
- OpenFlow-based Migration and Management of the TouIX IXP
- OpenFOAM: Numerical Simulation in Computational Continuum Mechanics
- OpenFOAM: Object-Oriented Software in Computational Continuum Mechanics
- OpenFold: Lessons learned and insights gained from rebuilding and retraining AlphaFold2.
- OpenHSM: An Open key life cycle protocol for Public Key Infrastructure's Hardware Security Modules
- Opening
- Opening
- Opening a new window on the universe through long-baseline atom interferometry
- Opening a window on primate and afrotherian evolution: new early Tertiary mammals from Algeria and Tunisia
- Opening Ceremony
- OPENING CEREMONY with our patron Hilary Bevan Jones and Q&A with actor Tom Hollander.
- Opening Comments
- Opening Comments
- Opening Comments
- Opening Comments
- Opening Comments
- Opening doors and boosting energy: cellular programs that enable macrophage tissue infiltration.
- Opening Flies’ Ears and Head-Heart
- Opening locks by bumping in five seconds or less: is it really a threat to physical security?
- Opening loops into trees: the loop-tree duality at work
- Opening of 'The Royal Academy at Wolfson'
- Opening of exhibition Women of Mathematics
- Opening of the Conscious Access Workshop
- Opening of the Workshop
- Opening Our Eyes to What's Possible
- Opening Remarks
- Opening Remarks
- Opening remarks, Danny Feltham
- Opening the black box of the common-law legal regime: contrasts in the development of corporate law in Britain and the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
- Opening the black box: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) modelling in Antarctica
- Opening the Infrared Treasure Chest with JWST
- Opening the West with Japanese mermaid mummies: ningyo in the making of the theory of evolution
- Opening up the black box of score estimation
- Opening up the stem cell niche for human and mouse hematopoietic stem cells
- Openness and Deference: The Role of Awe in Scientific and Religious Practice
- OpenPiton
- OpenPlant Forum, Downing College, Cambridge, 24-26 July 2017
- OpenPlant Fund – apply by 30 June 2017
- OpenStreetMap and CycleStreets: collaborative map-making and cartography in the age of the internet
- Opera Group Internal Meeting
- Opera Group Roundtable Meeting
- Operads
- Operads and their (bi)modules in topology
- Operads as polynomial 2-monads
- Operads with homological stability and infinite loop space structures
- Operads: exercise session
- Operads: definition, examples and first properties
- Operads: exercise session
- Operads: exercise session
- Operating System Internals
- Operation ELLAMY - The RAF in Libya 2011
- Operation of Ships in Icy Waters at High Speed
- OPERATION PIED PIPER! The Wartime Evacuation of Schoolchildren from London and Berlin 1938-46
- Operation Turtle Dove
- Operational calculus for the Riemann--Liouville fractional derivative with respect to a function and its applications
- Operational Media: Functional Design Trends Online
- Operational Refinement of Image Processing (ORIP)
- Operational Research in healthcare: what can we learn from design approaches?
- Operationalising archaeological taxonomies using cultural evolutionary approaches – and why it matters
- Operations on Hochschild complexes, revisited
- Operator algebraic approach to topological phases
- Operator algebraic subregion duality for Klein-Gordon fields in anti-de Sitter space
- Operator Algebras
- Operator Algebras
- Operator Algebras
- Operator Algebras
- Operator Algebras
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory
- Operator Algebras in rigid C*-tensor categories
- Operator algebras in rigid C*-tensor categories, part II
- Operator algebras on L^p spaces
- Operator Algebras Tutorial
- Operator Algebras Tutorial
- Operator error estimates for homogenization of elliptic systems with periodic coefficients
- Operator norm convergence for sequence of matrices and application to QIT
- Operator preconditioning for multiple scattering – An application oriented guide
- Operator Systems, Tsirelson's Conjectures and Quantum Chromatic Numbers
- Opers
- OPG and TRAIL are novel therapeutic targets in pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Ophiolite insights into the oxygen isotope composition of the Cambrian ocean
- Ophiolite paradoxes
- Ophiolite perspectives on oceanic mantle compositional heterogeneity
- Ophthalmic Characterization and Aberration Correction Using Adaptive Optics
- Opimisation of Coverage by NLP Techniques
- Opitmal Capital requirements over the Business and Financial Cycles
- Opium’s Empire in the Nineteenth Century
- Oppenheim conjecture and related problems
- Opportunistic Mobile Sensor Data Collection with SCAR
- Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Multiple Users: Learning under Competition
- Opportunistic Storage Maintenance (SOSP’15)
- Opportunities and Challenges in Generative Adversarial Networks: Looking beyond the Hype
- Opportunities and Challenges in Multi-Model, Multi-Dimensional Image Analysis for Drug Discovery
- Opportunities and Challenges in Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording
- Opportunities and Challenges of using Smartphones for Health Monitoring and Intervention
- Opportunities and Lessons in Chemistry and Biology Stemming from an Investment in Total Synthesis
- Opportunities for Cognitive Neuroimaging at 7T
- Opportunities for Knowledge Management in Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Opportunities for Novel Actuators in Surgical Robotics
- Opportunities, Risks and Challenges in Paradise: Educational Issues for the Future in Antigua and Barbuda
- Opportunity Peterborough’s Role in the Development of a Sustainable City
- Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Mixtures at the Air/Water Interface: The Dominance of Non-equilibrium Effects
- Oppression & Revolution: A Symposium in honour of Juliet Mitchell’s retirement from the University of Cambridge
- Ops meeting
- Ops Meeting
- Ops meeting
- Ops Meeting
- Ops Meeting
- Ops Meeting
- Ops Meeting
- Optical angular momentum and some applications
- Optical characterisation of mode-locked Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
- Optical clock with a single trapped ion
- Optical Coherence Tomography for Heritage Science
- Optical Coherence Tomography for Pharmaceutical Coatings and Coping with the Raw Data Nightmare
- Optical Communications for Data Centres and High Performance Computing
- Optical compensation of Liquid Crystal Displays
- Optical Conductivity from a Holographic Lattice
- Optical control and characterisation of aerosol particles
- Optical control of hydrodynamic flows in cells and embryos
- Optical control of T-cell signalling dynamics
- Optical excitations in layered semiconductors - the case of BiI3
- Optical Fibre Communication From Suburban To Submarine Networks
- Optical Fibres in Oil and Gas; Monitoring at the Speed of Light.
- Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds
- Optical force and torque on a spheroid: Generalized Lorenz Mie Theory
- Optical image processing for the future...
- Optical Imaging in Cancer and Radiobiology
- Optical Interconnect - Tutorial and Initial Thoughts
- Optical Interferometry
- Optical Interferometry and Adaptive Optics: False Friends?
- Optical Mark Recognition using commodity hardware
- Optical metamaterials - bending the laws of physics
- Optical micromanipulation and quantifying Images
- Optical Microsystems and Applications in Biosensing and Thermal Imaging
- Optical monitoring of cerebral metabolism: from newborn brain injury to dementia
- Optical monitoring of cerebral metabolism: from seizures to dogs
- Optical Networking for Australian research & the SKA
- Optical properties and structure of C8S3 aggregates
- Optical properties of exotic epitaxial nanostructures with respect to nanophotonic applications
- Optical properties of III – V semiconductor nanostructures
- Optical Pumping of Atomic Rubidium
- Optical seismology
- Optical Spectroscopy of Electron States in Gallium Arsenide Nanostructures
- Optical Stochatic Cooling of Electrons -- Maxwell's Demon goes optical!
- Optical structures and algebraic speciality of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions
- Optical super-resolution microscopy for bacterial spore coat structure determination
- Optical superresolutioin microscopy of molecular mechanisms of disease
- Optical superresolution microscopy of molecular mechanisms of disease
- Optical techniques for characterising shock ejecta
- Optical Trapping of Micro- and Nano-Particles
- Optical Tweezers
- Optical Wave Turbulence in Fibre Lasers
- Optical-fiber-based simultaneous parallel monitoring of resonant cantilever sensors in liquids
- Optically controlled formation and transport of drops in microfluidic channels
- Optically driven domain wall motion in dilute magnetic semiconductor
- Optically enhanced position-locked power analysis
- Optically interrogated biosensors in microfludics /"Anharmonic Acoustic Technique for Detection of Surface-bound Particles"
- Optically-assisted interrogation of cells
- Optics and art
- Optics In Flatland
- Optics of the Retina
- Optimal algorithms for smooth and strongly convex distributed optimization in networks
- Optimal algorithms for state estimation using reduced models
- Optimal algorithms for state estimation using reduced models
- Optimal Ambiguity Resolution
- Optimal and efficient learning with random features
- Optimal approaches with Zig
- Optimal approximation of infinite-dimensional, Banach-valued, holomorphic functions from i.i.d. samples
- Optimal Approximation with Sparsely Connected Deep Neural Networks
- Optimal Asset Allocation with Factor Models for Large Portfolios
- Optimal Bayes estimators for block models
- Optimal Bayesian experimental design: focused objectives and observation selection strategies
- Optimal Bayesian experimental design: focused objectives and observation selection strategies
- Optimal collective coordinate in low-energy nuclear reactions
- Optimal Communication in Teams
- Optimal Confidence for Monte Carlo Integration of Smooth Functions
- Optimal Consistent Segregation
- Optimal control and duality for estimation problems: results and open problems
- Optimal control and optimal sampling: A statistical physics perspective.
- Optimal control and optimisation of chemotherapy treatments
- Optimal control and the geometry of integrable systems
- Optimal control and the geometry of integrable systems
- Optimal control as a new spectroscopic tool.
- Optimal Control behind the Passive Dynamic Walking?
- Optimal control of ballistic movements in a thalamo-cortical circuit model
- Optimal control of epidemics
- Optimal Control of Manufacturing Systems
- Optimal control of SIR epidemics in interconnected regions
- Optimal control of variational inequalities arising in flow of viscoplastic materials
- Optimal control of variational inequalities arising in flow of viscoplastic materials
- Optimal control of wave energy converters
- Optimal Control with Noisy Time
- Optimal cooperation in large wireless networks
- Optimal Covariance Change Point Detection in High Dimension
- Optimal cross-over designs for full interaction models
- Optimal crossover designs with interactions between treatments and experimental units
- Optimal data combination in seamless Phase II/III clinical trials
- Optimal design and analysis procedures in two stage trials with a binary endpoint
- Optimal Design and Operation under Uncertainty: Application to Polymerization Processes
- Optimal design and parameter estimation for population PK/PD models
- Optimal design and pattern formation in odd active solids
- Optimal design and pattern formation in odd active solids
- Optimal design and properties of correlated processes with semicontinuous covariance
- Optimal design for inverse problems
- Optimal Design for Item Response Theory Models
- Optimal design for the estimation of population location parameters in nonlinear mixed effects models
- Optimal Design in Large-Scale Inversion - From Compressive to Comprehensive Sensing
- Optimal design of catalytic reactors and structured catalysts
- Optimal design of clinical trials in Alzheimer's disease
- Optimal design of experiments
- Optimal Design of Experiments on Connected Units with Application to Social Networks
- Optimal design of experiments with very low average replication
- Optimal design of multi-component fractured media
- Optimal design problems
- Optimal design problems
- Optimal Design under Heteroscedasticity for Gaussian Process Emulators with replicated observations
- Optimal designs and geometries
- Optimal designs for 2^k experiments with binary response
- Optimal designs for correlated observations
- Optimal designs for discrete choice experiments in the presence of many attributes
- Optimal designs, matrix polynomials and random matrices
- Optimal Detection of a Hidden Target
- Optimal dimension-reduced calibration and the terminal case for spatial models
- Optimal Diophantine Exponents and the Spectral Decomposition
- Optimal Disease Eradication in Sympatric Metapopulations
- Optimal dispatch of heterogeneous batteries to maximise security of supply
- Optimal Electricity Demand Response Contracting
- Optimal encoding and decoding in sensory populations
- Optimal energy growth in current sheets
- Optimal error bounds in stochastic homogenization
- Optimal estimation of quantum Markov chains using coherent absorbers and displaced-null measurements
- Optimal excitation of Atlantic ocean variability and implications for predictability
- Optimal experiment design for open and closed loop identification
- Optimal experimental design for nonlinear systems: Application to microbial kinetics identification
- Optimal experimental design for stochastic population models
- Optimal experimental designs for stochastic processes whose covariance is a function of the mean
- Optimal filtering and the dual process
- Optimal flows on random graphs
- Optimal foraging strategies can be learned and outperform Lévy walks
- Optimal Gateway Selection in VoIP
- Optimal hedging of variance derivatives
- Optimal honeycomb structures
- Optimal input signals for parameter estimation in distributed-parameter systems
- Optimal integration of top-down and bottom-up uncertainty in humans, monkeys, and neural networks
- Optimal investment and contingent claim valuation under temporary price impacts and margin requirements
- Optimal kernel choice for kernel hypothesis testing
- Optimal leader-following consensus of fractional opinion formation models
- Optimal Learning
- Optimal Link Prediction with Matrix Logistic Regression
- Optimal location problems with routing cost
- Optimal locomotion of microorganisms
- Optimal model-based design for experiments: some new objective and constraint formulations
- Optimal Newton-type methods for nonconvex smooth optimization
- Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibrium
- Optimal partitions for first eigenvalue; numerical approximations and related problems
- Optimal paths to transition in a duct
- Optimal Payments in Dominant-Strategy Mechanisms
- Optimal prediction from relevant components
- Optimal prediction of Markov chains without mixing conditions
- Optimal prediction of Markov chains without mixing conditions
- Optimal probabilistic storage and retrieval of unitary channels
- Optimal probing for packet networks through Design of Experiments for Markov Chains
- Optimal proposal densities for particle filters
- Optimal proposal densities for particle filters
- Optimal Pulse Design in Quantum Control: An Ensemble Control Perspective
- Optimal quantum measurements and applications in cryptographic tasks
- Optimal queue-size scaling in switched networks
- Optimal rates for independence testing via U-statistic permutation tests
- Optimal realisations
- Optimal reconstruction of functions from their truncated power series at a point
- Optimal Recovery from Data of PDEs with Incomplete Information
- Optimal recovery in the uniform norm
- Optimal recovery using wavelet trees
- Optimal Regularity and the Free Boundary in the Parabolic Signorini Problem
- Optimal Reinforcement Learning for Gaussian Systems
- Optimal resetting Brownian bridge
- Optimal Resistor Networks
- Optimal resistor networks and their relevance to incomplete block designs
- Optimal rope racking: what many physicists "know" (and some mathematicians believe)
- Optimal sampling for approximation on general domains
- Optimal sampling for approximation on general domains
- Optimal sampling: from linear to nonlinear approximation
- Optimal scaling of the random walk Metropolis
- Optimal score estimation via empirical Bayes smoothing
- Optimal Shrinkage Estimation in Heteroscedastic Hierarchical Models
- Optimal Skorokhod embeddings with applications to pricing and hedging of double barrier options
- Optimal Spreading Sequences for Chaos-Based Communication Systems; Using CSK as a Case Study
- Optimal Steady-State Control with Application to Secondary Frequency Control of Power Systems
- Optimal Steady-State Control with Application to Secondary Frequency Control of Power Systems
- Optimal stirring for maximal mixing (NB: Batchelor Lecture)
- Optimal stirring for passive scalar mixing
- Optimal stopping of a Hilbert space valued diffusion
- Optimal storage, investment and management under uncertainty - It is costly to avoid outages!
- Optimal Sup-norm Rates and Uniform Inference on Nonlinear Functionals of Nonparametric IV Regression
- Optimal transient growth and very large scale structures in turbulent boundary layers
- Optimal transport and control of active drops
- Optimal Transport and Deep Generative Models
- Optimal transport and mesh adaptivity for global atmospheric modelling
- Optimal Transport for Learning Chaotic Dynamics via Invariant Measures
- Optimal Transport Metrics
- Optimal transport of a Brownian particle through a medium with memory effects
- Optimal transport, mean field games and gradient flows
- Optimal Transport-Based Total Variation for Functional Lifting and Q-Ball Imaging
- Optimal Transport: Fast Probabilistic Approximation with Exact Solvers
- Optimal Transportation and Ricci curvature for Lorentzian manifolds
- Optimal transportation in geometry
- Optimal transportation in geometry
- Optimal Treatment of an SIS Disease with Two Strains
- Optimal Uncertainty Quantification
- Optimal Weighted Least Squares Methods for High Dimensional Approximation and Estimation.
- Optimal Weighted Least Squares Methods for High Dimensional Approximation and Estimation.
- Optimal Weighted Least Squares Methods for High Dimensional Approximation and Estimation.
- Optimal weighted nearest neighbour classifiers
- Optimal-Performance Next-Generation (Datacenter) Networks
- Optimality among optimals: decision making from neurobiological ‘noisy’ signals within the cortico-basal-ganglia system
- Optimality and irrationality in human decision-making
- Optimisation
- Optimisation and complexity for Gibbs samplers for hierarchical and crossed-effect models
- Optimisation and Evolution of Networks
- Optimisation at Bath
- Optimisation methods for Bayesian inference: Application to high dimensional inverse problems
- Optimisation of a beam-splitter coating for an infra-red beam combiner
- Optimisation of a recombinant vaccine to control parasitic nematodes
- Optimisation of chiral structures for micro-scale propulsion
- Optimisation of Launch Ascent Trajectories
- Optimisation of multi-functional, responsive and energy-efficient glazing facades
- Optimisation of Niger Delta Soils as Road Construction Materials
- Optimisation Training for Industry (Physical)
- Optimisation Training for Industry (Physical)
- Optimisation Training for Industry (Virtual)
- Optimisation Training for Industry (Virtual)
- Optimisation with respect to Qualitative Objectives
- Optimisation: Formulations, Algorithms and Applications (…but no algebraic spaghetti) Part 1
- Optimisation: Formulations, Algorithms and Applications (…but no algebraic spaghetti) Part 2
- Optimised Digital Fountain Codes for Medium Blocklengths
- Optimising Embodied Carbon of Concrete Floors
- Optimising eyewitness testimony by matching witness chronotype and time of interview
- Optimising fresh produce quality monitoring and analysis
- Optimising Functional Programming Languages
- Optimising High Value Manufacturing (HVM)
- Optimising Maintenance of Multi-Component Systems with Continuous State Degradation Interactions
- Optimising Phase Transitions in Scalar Field Theories
- Optimising phylogenetic diversity across two trees
- Optimising polynomials over the simplex
- Optimising polynomials over the simplex
- Optimising seismometer installations
- Optimising star-convex functions
- Optimising stoichiometries using ab initio random structure searching
- Optimising Sustainable Energy with Functional Programming
- Optimising the allocation of participants in a two-stage randomised experiment to estimate selection, preference and treatment effects
- Optimising the carbonation of reactive-magnesia cement based porous blocks
- Optimising the definition of MR-based lung imaging biomarkers
- Optimising the design of text using simple algorithms
- Optimising the image optimisers via nonlinear PDE constrained optimisation - Oxbridge PDE Days
- Optimism in the Executive Team: Corporate Asset Transactions and Stock Performance
- Optimization
- Optimization
- Optimization and risk assessment of tall reinforced concrete buildings
- Optimization for Multiscale Material Design
- Optimization for Multiscale Material Design
- Optimization for Pixel Labeling Problems With Structured Layout
- Optimization meets Statistics: Fast global convergence for high-dimensional statistical recovery
- Optimization Methods for Accelerator Mapping and Hardware Design Space Exploration
- Optimization of bodies with locally periodic microstructure by varying the shape, the topology and the periodicity pattern
- Optimization of bodies with locally periodic microstructure by varying the shape, the topology and the periodicity pattern
- Optimization of control pulses in frequency space
- Optimization of ionic conductivity in doped ceria
- Optimization over Polynomials for Analysis of Polynomial Vector Fields
- Optimization over violable constraints in linguistic performance
- Optimization problems for multiplicative functions
- Optimization under Uncertainty: Understanding the Correlation Gap
- Optimization with expensive and uncertain data – challenges and improvements
- Optimization-based Conservative Transport on the Sphere
- Optimization-based flow analysis
- Optimization-based flow analysis
- Optimization-based Sensitivity Analysis for Unmeasured Confounding using Partial Correlations
- Optimization-in-the-loop AI for energy and climate
- Optimizations in a formally verified compiler
- Optimize nutrients dynamic in litters to enhance yields and sustainability of traditional cocoa agroforests in a climate change context in Southern Bahia, Brazil
- Optimized CRISPR/Cas tools for efficient germ line and somatic genome engineering in Drosophila
- Optimizing Similarity Functions in Various Pattern Recognition Problems
- Optimizing building energy retrofits over multiple investment periods and under economic uncertainty: How government decarbonization targets can affect individual building decisions
- Optimizing Combination Therapy under a Bivariate Weibull Distribution with Application to Toxicity and Efficacy Responses
- Optimizing endurance performance is an intellectual exercise
- Optimizing liquid-solid slip in nanofluidic systems
- Optimizing Locomotion: From Biology to Robotics
- Optimizing multi-layered networks with long range dependent traffic
- Optimizing network connectivity for vehicles
- Optimizing Placement of Services for Real Time Communication
- Optimizing Quantum Hardware Resources with Classical Stochastic Methods
- Optimizing sampling and free energy estimation with normalizing flows
- Optimizing scalar transport using branching flows
- Optimizing Search Strategies Using Memory
- Optimizing Shift Selection in Multilevel Monte Carlo for Disconnected Diagrams in Lattice QCD
- Optimizing spatial resolution and minimizing beam damage in TEM and EELS
- Optimizing the Concentration and Bolus of a Drug Delivered by Continuous Infusion
- Optimizing the diffusion for sampling with overdamped Langevin dynamics
- Optimizing the elastic response of 3-d printed materials
- Optimizing the elastic response of 3-d printed materials
- Optimizing the optimizers - what is the right image and data model?
- Optimum designs for transform-both-sides nonlinear mixed effects model in the presence of covariates
- Optimum resource allocation in MIMO systems: An information theoretic-estimation theoretic approach
- OptimUS: an open-source Python library for 3D acoustic wave propagation
- Opting In and Spinning Out: Find out how Cambridge Enterprise can help you commercialise your ideas
- Opting Out of the European Union: Diplomacy, Sovereignty and European Integration
- Option Replication and Valuation in Illiquid Markets
- Options for in-focus phase contrast provided by additional relay optics
- OptiTrust: Producing Trustworthy High-Performance Code via Source-to-Source Transformation
- Optiver: From Instant to Eternity: Challenges in Data Engineering
- Optiver: Machine learning in trading: Let’s build a quantitative trading strategy
- OptiWISE: Combining Sampling and Instrumentation for Granular CPI Analysis
- Optmisation and Evolution of Networks
- Optoelectronic Processes in Organic Materials
- Optoelectronics In Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystals
- Optofluidic hollow-core photonic crystal fibre
- Optofluidic Tools to Study Antibiotic Resistance
- Optogenetic control of neuronal function, and molecular analysis of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor associated proteins in Caenorhabditis elegens
- Optogenetics and Other Neural Circuit Analysis Tools
- Optogenetics: development and application
- OPUS - Keep track of your research data
- Opus Anglicanum and the Steeple Aston Cope
- Opus Francigenum and the demographics of Rayonnant Architecture in Paris (Medieval Art Seminar)
- Oracle Variational Inference
- Oral fluid testing in pigs: the potential of novel collective sampling methods to detect low prevalence and subclinical diseases
- Oral history
- Oral malignancies in dogs - can histopathological features explain differential radiosensitivity between SCC and FSA?
- Oral session 1
- Oral Session 2
- Oral Session 3
- Oral Session 4
- Oral Session 5
- Oral Session 6
- Oral Session 7
- Oral Session 8
- Oral Session 9
- Oral Traditions of the Inugguit of North-West Greenland
- Orange Revolution in Ukraine: democracy or velvet restoration?
- Orange Revolution in Ukraine: Democracy or Velvet Restoration?
- Orbifold Diagrams, Dimer Quivers and Associated Categories
- Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone
- Orbit counting for automorphisms of finite combinatorial rank
- Orbit recovery from invariants
- Orbit-coherence in permutation groups
- Orbital alignment and mass segregation in galactic nuclei via Vector Resonant Relaxation
- Orbital Angular Momentum and Spectral Flow in Two Dimensional Chiral Superfluids
- Orbital chromatic and flow polynomials
- Orbital chromatic and flow polynomials
- Orbital Circularization of Binaries with Resonance Locking from Stellar Evolution
- Orbital degeneracy loci and applications
- Orbital dependent backflow transformations
- Orbital forcing of Late Pleistocene climate variability - From the global monsoon to glacial terminations
- Orbital forcing of western Antarctic Peninsula Holocene climate
- Orbital interactions between strongly confined fermions
- Orbital Torus Imaging: Using elemental abundances to map orbital structure and mass in the Galactic disc
- Orbital wobbles, ice sheets, CO2, and the deep sea: a model-informed perspective on the ocean’s role in Quaternary climate.
- Orbital-dependent scattering in Sr2RuO4 and FeSe probed by uniaxial stress
- Orbitronics in Silicon (Prof. Gabriel Aeppli FRS, London Centre for Nanotechnology)
- Orbits and globular cluster cores
- Orchestrated crime: the high yield investment fraud ecosystem
- Orchestration of Rotavirus Replication and Capsid Assembly
- ORCHID: Human-agent collectives for disaster response and the smart grid
- ORCHID: Human-agent collectives for disaster response and the smart grid
- Order and object: constructing collections in late 18th-century France
- Order at the mesoscale: Turbulent convection in horizontally extended domains
- Order disorder transitions in the regulation of transcription: biomedical implications
- Order out of chaos - how does membrane traffic help organise the cell?
- Order Picking Strategies for Intelligent Warehouse Operations
- Order Projects and Resistance in the Global Political System: A Framework for International Relations History with Case (1851-67)
- Order statistics and Mallat--Zeitouni problem
- Order tensors of equilibrium phases
- Order types of chains of Borel sets and Baire functions
- Order! A tale of money, intrigue, and specifications.
- Order, Disorder, Flexibility, Function
- Order-disorder in trajectory space and the glass transition
- Order-theoretic properties of the Skorokhod reflection mapping.
- Ordered and disordered motion in dense active materials
- Ordered Exponential (OE) equation as an alternative to the Wiener-Hopf method
- Ordered Exponential (OE) equation as an alternative to the Wiener-Hopf method
- Ordered polymer microstructures through templating water droplet rafts
- Ordering Compassion: Humanitarianism and the Rules-based Order
- Ordering random variables and racing prime numbers
- Ordering the Syrian Displacement: Dispossession and the Power of Documents
- Ordinal Strength of Logic-Enriched Type Theories
- Ordinals
- Ordinary representations and locally analytic socle for GL_n(Q_p)
- Ordinary seamen, bodily knowledge and Royal Navy sex crimes trials, 1688–1783
- Ore, slag and inclusion: measuring variability in the direct process and assessing its implications for provenancing iron using the SI method
- Ores for Development? Local Effects of Central African Copper Mining in Comparative Perspective (1910 to 2000)
- Orford Ness: landscape of war and science
- Organ morphogenesis: Cell movement and communication in liver development
- Organelle-specific subcellular delivery using miothcondria-penetrating peptides
- Organic magnetoresistance – Search for the perfect defect
- Organic Aerosol: A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma
- Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere: From Birmingham to Borneo
- Organic aerosols in the atmosphere: composition and reactivity.
- Organic and Bio-Organic Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Devices
- ORGANIC AND HYBRID SOLAR CELLS -from structural to functional control using novel material and device concepts -
- Organic Bio-Electronic systems: from tissue engineering to drug discovery
- Organic Bioelectronic Interfaces Based on Crystalline PEDOT:PSS Films, Microfibers, and Fibrillar Hydrogel
- Organic Bioelectronics
- Organic bioelectronics: addressing the interface challange
- Organic carbon export from temperate forested hillslopes
- Organic electronic devices characterized with NEXAFS Microscopy and Resonant Soft X-Ray Reflectivity
- Organic Electronic Ion Pumps for Medical Applications
- Organic Electronics
- Organic Electronics & Science in Industry
- Organic Electronics for Monitoring and Hosting of 3D Cell Biology Models
- Organic Electronics: a story of science and technology
- Organic electronics: Applied nanotechnology
- Organic Forms
- Organic Host Materials for Highly Efficient Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
- Organic Monolayers, Networks, Electrochemistry: A Toolbox for the Nanoscale?
- Organic Nanowires and Nanotubes:Novel Building Blocks for Nanoscale Electronics and Photonics
- Organic Opto-Electronics: A materials scientist point of view
- Organic Optoelectronic Devices for Neuromodulation Applications
- Organic Photoredox Catalysis: Methods and Mechanistic Insight
- Organic Photovoltaics with Efficient Hole Extraction based on Hybrid Carbon Nanotube Networks
- Organic Semiconductor Devices and Related Nanostructures
- Organic Semiconductor-polymer Dielectric Nanocomposites: Influence of the Guest-host Interactions on OFET Characteristics
- Organic semiconductors for electronics, sensors and photovoltaics
- Organic Semiconductors: Modeling the Charge Transport
- Organic Solar Cells: Cross-sectional Imaging and Polymer Characterisation
- Organisation and Regulation of DNA supercoiling domains in Mammalian Chromatin.
- Organisation of membrane transport by microtubule motors and plus tracking proteins
- Organisations + Change: Lessons for Sustainability?
- Organiser Introduction
- Organiser Introduction
- Organiser Welcome
- Organiser Welcome
- Organiser Welcome Talk
- Organiser's Introduction
- Organisers' welcome
- Organising Microtubules in Space and Time
- Organising your thesis
- Organismal design and causation in social evolution
- Organismal Proteostasis: Collapse in Aging and Rejuvenation Approaches
- Organismal Proteostasis: Molecular Strategies for Proteome Protection in Health and Disease
- Organisms, autonomy and division of labour
- Organization of Midbrain Serotonin System
- Organizational meeting
- Organizational meeting
- Organizational Principles of the Locomotor Network of Drosophila Melanogaster
- Organizing circuits and biological behaviors
- Organizing knowledge: The interplay between texts and images in medieval compilation manuscripts
- Organogenesis during planarian regeneration
- Organoid models for human picornaviruses: from gut to brain
- Organoid systems to study the maternal-fetal dialogue of early pregnancy
- Organoids - making organs in a dish
- Organoids and clonal analysis to study cell community interactions during pancreas development
- Organoids – how can they shed light on immune-mediated development and disease?
- Organoids: closing the gap between in vitro & in vivo models
- Organometallic f-Element Chemistry and the Importance of Questioning Scientific Assumptions
- Organometallic Reaction Chemistry and Catalysis in the Solid-State
- Orientalism/ Occidentalism: Egyptian Art of the Twentieth Century by Nazli Madkour
- Orientalism: Said and After (Joint Graduate Workshop Symposium)
- Orientation mixing in active suspensions
- Orientational and hydrodynamic motions in chiral liquid crystalline films induced by transmembrane flow
- Orientational order, synchronization and defect turbulence in arrays of active microfluidic rotors
- Orientational ordering and self-organisation of nanoparticles in liquid crystal and polymer nanocomposites
- Orientational ordering and self-organisation of nanoparticles in liquid crystal and polymer nanocomposites
- Orientations of Hypergraphs and Sparse Ramsey Theory
- Orientations old and new
- Oriented and nonoriented director fields for liquid crystals
- Oriented Temperley-Lieb algebras and $p$-Kazhdan-Lusztig theory
- Orientifolds and new N=1 Dualities
- Origami Mechanisms
- Origin and application of the pressure-area relationship in ice loads on ships
- Origin and early evolution of vertebrates
- Origin and evolution of eukaryotic genomes and organelles
- Origin and evolution of novel microRNAs.
- Origin and evolution of the alternation of generations in land plants
- Origin and properties of adult neural stem cells in the zebrafish brain: role of Notch signaling
- Origin of coherence dynamics in biological complexes
- Origin of developmental plasticity in basal chordates
- Origin of large electromechanical coupling in relaxor ferroelectrics
- Origin of Native Americans: a paradigmatic case in human population studies
- Origin of the Earth and Moon
- Origin of the Mt Kinabalu granite, Borneo: Melt evolution, emplacement and tectonic implications for SE Asia
- Original Curve: Reshaping of archaeal cells
- Originals, Copies and Fakes: The Visual Culture of Heritage
- Origins and clonal evolution of childhood leukaemia
- Origins and consequences of (epi)genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana and its relatives
- Origins and consequences of gene dosage mutations in cancer
- Origins and Demographics of Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Sized Planets
- Origins and dispersals: the archaeobotany of early farming
- Origins and organization of synapse complexity
- Origins and organization of synapse complexity
- Origins of and solutions for conspiracy beliefs
- Origins of and solutions for conspiracy beliefs
- Origins of genetics on the early Earth
- Origins of Hot and Warm Jupiters from the Stellar Obliquity Distribution
- Origins of Human Prosociality
- Origins of life chemistry - reconciling the iron-sulfur and the RNA worlds
- Origins of Life Research: A New Nexus for Natural Theology?
- Origins of Life Systems Chemistry
- Origins of Life Systems Chemistry
- Origins of Mediterranean flora
- Origins of Stars, Planets, and Life; Galactic and Infrared Astronomy
- Origins of Super-Earths in Inner Solar Systems
- Origins of the Afro comb Project: 6000 years of African combs
- Ornamentation, Attraction and Sexual Behaviour
- Ornithobacterium hominis: investigating a 'bird bacterium' found in the respiratory tract of humans
- Orogenesis - CO2 source or sink? Insight from quantification of fossil organic carbon weathering rates in Taiwan
- Orr Lecture: Sir Harrison Birtwistle in interview with Richard Causton
- Orthogonal and symplectic parabolic bundles
- Orthogonal Array-Based Latin Hypercube Designs for Planning Experiments in Biomedical Research
- Orthogonal G-Spectra I
- Orthogonal G-Spectra II
- Orthogonal group and adjoints
- Orthogonal nearly Latin hypercubes
- Orthogonal non-Gaussianities from DBI Galileon inflation
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Symmetric Sextic Freud weights
- Orthogonal polynomials I
- Orthogonal polynomials II
- Orthogonal polynomials V
- Orthogonal polynomials VI
- Orthogonal polynomials VII
- Orthogonal polynomials VIII
- Orthogonal systems with a skew-symmetric differentiation matrix
- Orthogonality and Factorization Systems
- Orthogonality conditions and stability in the Stefan problem with surface tension
- Orthogonality of the Mobius function to zero-entropy flows
- Orthogonality, reflective subcategories and factorization systems.
- Orthographic standardization: etymology and beyond
- Orthography, <ει>? Spellings in Papyri, Uncials, and Tyndale House’s *The New Testament in its Original Greek*
- Orthologous networks in biological systems
- Orthopaedic sports injuries - can humans help horses?
- OS Design for Modern Hardware
- Oscar Wilde in Prison
- Oscillating facets
- Oscillation Analysis of Some Hybrid Dynamical Systems of Transmission Pipelines
- Oscillations and Neural Syntax
- Oscillations in fluid dynamics
- Oscillations in stratified, bubbly magma and long-period volcanic seismicity at Kilauea, Hawaii AND The role of magmatic lithospheric thickening on arc front migration
- Oscillations in the primordial bispectrum
- Oscillations vs. relaxation in galactic dynamics
- Oscillations vs. relaxation in galactic dynamics (Cancelled)
- Oscillations, Phase-of-firing Coding and STDP: An Efficient Learning Scheme (Journal club)
- Oscillators and sychronisation in circadian rhythms
- Oscillatory diffusion equation
- Oscillatory dynamics in the hippocampus: a model system to study information routing in the brain
- Oscillatory Flow Mixing
- Oscillatory systems with three separated timescales
- Oscillons after Inflation
- Osculating paths and oscillating tableaux
- OSDB: Turning the Tables on Kernel Data
- osl-ephys: A Python toolbox for the analysis of electrophysiology data
- Osmosis beyond van't Hoff: molecular views, osmotic diodes and energy harvesting
- Osmotic Self-Propulsion
- OSQP: An Operator Splitting Solver for Quadratic Programs
- Osseointegration, approaching 1,000 cases.
- Ossification of the cartilages of the foot
- Osteoarchaeology in India: Present and Future Perspective
- Osteoclasts and bone formation at material surfaces
- Osteomorphology and origins of sheep/goats domestication in China
- Osteoporosis genetics: from markers to function
- Other Correspondents' business
- Other People's Pain: Narratives of Trauma and the Question of Ethics
- Other Radical Traditions: Brazilian geographers between exile and military dictatorship
- Otters – in Cambridgeshire
- Otters in Cambridgeshire
- Otto von Bismarck: Time, Power and the German State
- Ottoman Links Across the Indian Ocean
- Ottoman Women in Cartoons (1870-1911)
- Oued Beht (Morocco): New light on the later prehistoric dynamics of Mediterranean Africa
- Our Active Sun
- Our archaeal origins
- Our archael ancestry: cell division from arhaea to eukaryotes
- Our Astrochemical Origins
- Our daily glazes: revisiting how and why glazed ceramics become a popular household item since the medieval times
- Our Dynamic Sun
- Our Dynamic Sun
- Our experiences: Why Polar Research needs to be accessible
- Our first choices: decoding cellular signals during developmental transitions
- Our Fluid Earth
- Our Fragile Planet - A Christian Perspective: Are We Breaking The Rainbow?
- Our Home on Native Land: Adapting and Readapting Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie
- Our House is on fire…
- Our journey towards mouse models of mitochondrial DNA disease
- Our ocean in motion: How currents carry plankton, and how that affects palaeoproxy reconstructions
- Our Place in the Cosmos
- Our Quantum World: How Quantum Technologies will Shape the Future - One Day Meeting
- Our Quantum World: How Quantum Tehnologies Will Shape the Future - One day meeting
- Our Realms of Existence: An exploration of the biology and psychology of life
- Our shared destinies within the planet’s boundaries
- Our Software Systems Are Vulnerable. Imagine a World Where They're Not.
- Our Treatment of Ourselves and Nature: Equity Within and Across the Generations
- Our Twitter Profiles, Our Selves: Personality and Use of Language
- Our Universe and Others (Maxwell Lecture)
- OUR VIRTUAL SELVES: How do we behave on the web?
- Our Ways: Toolmaking and the Origins of Normative Cognition
- OUROBOROS (2011) and ON THIS ISLAND (2012)
- Ourpath
- Out in the Field with the Remaining Speakers of Neo-Aramaic in Northern Iraq
- Out of Africa: former Colonial Officials and objects of colonial memory
- Out of Africa: Results from the H.E.S.S. Telescopes
- Out of equilibrium dynamics and a unifying view on many-body localisation
- Out of Equilibrium Dynamics of Thin Polymer Films – The Effects of Spin Coating
- Out of equilibrium quantum criticality and holography
- Out of Scope, Out of Mind: Expanding Frontiers for Fairness Paradigms in ML
- Out of Sight: Out of Mind: The Hidden Application of Complex Analyses
- Out of Sight: Out of Mind: The Hidden Application of Complex Analyses
- Out of the Shadows, and Towards a New World: The Congress of Black Writers at 50"
- Out-of-equilibrium Dynamics of Integrable Models in the Presence of Unstable Quasiparticles
- Out-of-equilibrium fluxes shape the self-organization of turbulence with local interactions
- Out-of-equilibrium physics: lessons from transasymptotics, resurgence and dynamical systems
- Out-of-Equilibrium Transport Measurements Through Nanopores Reveals Velocity Fluctuations
- Out-of-Equilibrium Transport Measurements Through Nanopores Reveals Velocity Fluctuations
- Out-of-plane charge transport anomalies in layered transition metal dichalcogenides
- Outcome and Complications Associated with Cholecystoenterostomy Surgery in Dogs and Cats
- Outcome and Future directions on the Mathematics of Movement - Introduction
- Outcomes following explantation of pancarpal, pantarsal and partial tarsal arthrodesis plates
- Outer disc evolution
- Outer Solar System formation and evolution
- Outflows from starburst and AGN
- Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme
- Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme
- Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme
- Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme
- Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme
- Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme - Mathematics of Energy Systems
- Outlining an investigation into flows in lakes and reservoirs / Propagation and dissipation of Kelvin waves in the tropical tropopause layer
- Outlining the Proof of the Kervaire Invariant Theorem
- Outrage, hurt and ‘neo-Hindutva’: anti-M F Husain protests in India and beyond
- Outreach activities
- Outreach and transition from school to university: Turning inspiration into empowerment
- Outreach chemotherapy programme
- Outside influence: the effects of the star-forming environment on planet formation
- Outsmarting the liars: Towards a cognitive lie detection approach
- Outsourcing Asylum and Border Enforcement in the Asia-Pacific: The Experiences of the Republic of Nauru
- Outsourcing cognition to the external environment: Cognitive offloading, value-based decision making, and metacognition
- Outstanding Puzzles for Predictive Coding Explanations of Delusions
- Outstanding Shortcomings and Challenges For This Deep Dive - Tim Rogers and Lizzy Cross
- Outward migration from inner regions
- Ovarian cancer
- Ovarian Cancer in Transition
- Over and under: melt ponds refreezing and under-ice ponds
- Over the Counter Markets (1)
- Over the Counter Markets (2)
- Over the Influence: Lecture by Mellon CDI Visiting Fellow Marjorie Garber
- Overall properties of fibre-reinforced composites with anisotropic constituents, piezoelectric properties and rhombic symmetry via the two scales homogenization method
- Overcoming Bottlenecks in Plant Gene Editing
- Overcoming challenges to sustainable heat using physics-informed machine learning
- Overcoming childlessness: (in)fertility in early modern North India
- Overcoming Chromatin Barriers to Elicit Cell Fate Changes
- Overcoming discretization issues for nonlinear eigenvalue problems using complex analysis and infinite-dimensional numerical linear algebra!
- Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Tools for Inner Healing and Peace (in-person)
- Overcoming obstacles: a collective microbial solution to a shared problem
- Overcoming peak water: moving to sustainability
- Overcoming the design and construction challenges for the Crossrail Canary Wharf station
- Overcoming the Terahertz Gap Using High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+Mesa Devices as Emitters
- Overcoming Weak Expectations
- Overconvergent modular forms and perfectoid Shimura curves
- Overfeeding induced hypophagia:Its not leptin
- Overlapping Clusters and 4th-year Projects
- Overlapping Intervals for Predicting Insurance Risk
- Overlapping Sovereignties and the Politics of Legal Pluralism in Mozambique
- Overlooked and Undiagnosed: The female expression of the autistic phenotype
- Overlooked wildlife
- Overlooked wildlife, or, Why are there so many species?
- Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq
- Oversampling and Donoho–Logan type theorems in model spaces
- Overseeing the secret state: a symposium on the draft Investigatory Powers Bill
- Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon
- Overtrawlability and Mechanical Damage of Pipe-in-pipe System
- Overturning ideas: Using the mean state of the ocean to understand its role in transient climate change
- Overturning Magma Chambers
- Overview and Q&A of Topping's recommendations on the grace to cut off ties to fossil fuel companies
- Overview and Status of the 2x2 NDLAr Demonstrator: A Pixel-Based LArTPC Prototype for the DUNE Near Detector
- Overview of Alternative Technology Expansion & Its funding
- Overview of ARM TrustZone
- Overview of ATLAS jet measurements
- Overview of ATLAS top physics
- Overview of cancer theoretical framework
- Overview of cancer theoretical framework
- Overview of cancer theoretical framework
- Overview of Computations of Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics in Liquid Metal Batteries
- Overview of Control Systems Research at the Rolls-Royce Control and Systems University Technology Centre.
- Overview of dense self-assembled collagen materials for tissue engineering and morphogenesis studies
- Overview of Digital Phenotyping: Concepts, Data, Methods, and Applications
- Overview of heavy-tailed large deviations approach to characterisation of global dynamics of SGD
- Overview of long-term health, reproduction and genetic research on Namibia cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
- Overview of Planck 2014 Cosmological Results **Note Change of Date**
- Overview of quark gluon tagging
- Overview of Research Process
- Overview of Speech Technology Research at CUED
- Overview of statistical shape models for cardiac image analysis and modeling
- Overview of Subspace Methods for estimating Sinusoidals
- Overview of the Cavendish Microscopy Facilities
- Overview of the core ideas in cancer research
- Overview of the core ideas in cancer research
- Overview of the core ideas in cancer research
- Overview of the core ideas in cancer research
- Overview of the MEMS group
- Overview Of The Microscopy Suite
- Overview of the Programme: Outreach and Accomplishments
- Overview of the territory of Vetulonia during the Etruscan period: from 9th to 4th century B.C.
- Overview of the UK Quantum Technologies Landscape
- Overview of two-dimensional electron gases based on the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface- Dr Thomas Fix -Device Materials Group
- Overview of: Measuring the non-compositionality of multiword expressions. [best paper award at COLING]
- Overviews of other MLC workshops
- Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma: a large animal model for lung cancer
- Oviparous chondrichthyans as emerging models of vertebrate development
- Owl - an augmented password-authenticated key exchange protocol
- Owl - Project Summary and Future Plans
- Owl-inspired mechanisms of turbulence noise reduction
- Owl-inspired mechanisms of turbulence noise reduction
- Owl: OCaml Scientific and Engineering Computing
- Owl: Zoo System
- Owlstone Medical
- Owning up to the Past: The KMT's Role in the War Against Japan and the Impact on CCP Legitimacy
- Oxbridge PDE Conference 23 & 24 March 2023
- Oxbridge PDE Conference 23 & 24 March 2023
- Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference
- Oxidant-Activated PKGIα and Adaptation to Pulmonary Hypertension
- Oxidation catalysis imparted by donor-flexible ligands
- Oxidative Stress Defences in Cancer
- Oxidative stress, ROS and free radicals - using nitroxide antioxidants for detection and protection
- Oxidised cosmic acceleration
- OxPDE conference, day 1
- OxPDE conference, day 2
- Oxygen and the red cell
- Oxygen distribution in Earth's core
- Oxygen kinetics in exercise, A.V.Hill revisited
- Oxygen Sensing and Molecular Genetics
- Oxygen-isotope records of the Early Holocene climate of Europe
- Oxygen-vacancy-induced charge carrier in n-type interface of LaAlO3 overlayer on SrTiO3 (001): interface vs bulk doping carrier
- Ozone Depletion: Science and Scientific Assessments
- Ozone forcing of the coupled climate in the Southern Hemisphere
- Ozone forcing of the coupled climate in the Southern Hemisphere
- Ozone forcing of the coupled climate in the Southern Hemisphere
- Ozone Secrets: Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Martian Atmosphere
- Ozone-alkene reactions: The role of trees in atmospheric chemistry