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The Trade-Sustainable Development Nexus

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Stefanie Ullmann.

The new generation of trade agreements does not only aim at eliminating/reducing tariff barriers. These agreements also include substantive sustainable development (that is labour and environmental) obligations. Based on the example of recent European Union trade agreements, the presentation will discuss what does it mean and why does it matter, from a legal perspective, to insert labour standards in trade agreements.

About the speaker: Julien Miéral is a Darwin PhD Candidate in Law. He focusses his research on the sustainable development (labour and environmental) provisions in the trade agreements of the European Union. Julien previously worked as a Policy Assistant at the European Commission (Directorate-General for Trade) (2020-21), as Head of Industry, Innovation and Legal Affairs at the Embassy of France in Germany (2015-18) and as Economic Attaché at the Embassy of France in Vietnam (2012-2014).

This talk is part of the Darwin College Humanities and Social Sciences Seminars series.

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