Talks starting with N
- N things I learned trying to do formal methods in industry
- n-bit words in HOL
- N-body Degravitation
- N-body simulation of later star planetary formation: comparing to observations
- N-flation and No-boundary measure
- N-grams
- N-groups, 3' groups and fusion systems
- N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: New Applications in Materials Chemistry
- N. Takahashi's 3 Conjectures
- N=2 super Yang-Mills and the Geometry of Magnetic Monopoles
- NAACL practice talks
- Nabro Volcano, Eritrea
- NAD as a building block in natural product biosynthesis
- Naiad: a system for incremental, iterative and interactive parallel computation
- Naiad: A Timely Dataflow System
- Naiad: Iterative and Incremental Data-Parallelism using Differential Dataflow
- Naija Content
- Naive OCR?
- Naked Diplomacy: Power and statecraft in the digital age: book launch and presentation by Tom Fletcher, CMG
- Namibia 2007: Extreme plant-hunting
- Nancy Reid: “Fisher’s Contributions to mathematical statistics”
- Nano Ambassadors-What it has done for us. What it can do for you. Exploring the power of the nanoscale
- Nano Comes to Life: How nanotechnology ushers physics into biology, transforming medicine, and perhaps even the future of computing
- Nano Innovation Seminar Series
- Nano Innovation Seminar Series- Dr Alex Shard- NPL
- Nano Innovation Seminar Series- Prof Charles Smith- Cavendish-Kinetics Ltd and Cambridge Lab on Chip Ltd- 14 November 2018
- Nano Material Strategies For Thermal Cooling
- Nano-enabled intracellular delivery systems: Smart Reagents to Clinical Therapeutics
- Nano-Ferroelectric Materials and Devices
- Nano-hydrodynamics : investigating boundary flows with surface forces experiments
- Nano-Impulse-Maxwell Innovation Seminar Series
- Nano-Impulse-Maxwell Innovation Seminar Series- Prof Henning Sirringhaus- Hitachi Professor of Electron Device Physics
- Nano-mechanics: Atom resolved AFM and Nanoimprint Lithography
- Nano-optics of complex media
- Nano-particle polymer composites
- Nano-particles in Proto-Planetary Discs
- Nano-photonics for better detection of toxic molecules in air
- Nano-scale pathfinders: how kinesins move along the microtubule
- Nano-sized architectures: folding, metal coordination and assembly
- Nano-Spintronic Devices
- Nano-structural and chemical characterisation of supported noble metal catalysts using Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques
- Nano-Structuring Surfaces by Templated Assembly
- Nano-wires and islands - the structure of rare earth silicides on silicon surfaces
- Nanocapillaries: Cheap and Safe Nanotech
- Nanocarbon and Metal Aerogels as Multifunctional, Porous Support Materials in Adsorption and Catalysis
- Nanoceramics Synthesis and Discovery; Clean, Fast and Controllable Methods
- Nanocomposite Oxides for Enhanced Functionality
- Nanocrystal Quantum Dots: From the Flask to Photonic Devices
- Nanocrystalline Metal Oxide Semiconductor Electrodes for Photoelectrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Devices
- Nanocrystals: past - present – future
- Nanocrystals: Past-Present-Future
- Nanodiamond measurement and Raman spectroscopy of cancer cells
- Nanoelectronics and Quantum Computing
- Nanoethics
- Nanofluidics
- Nanofluidics and Fluid Transport on Excitable Surfaces
- Nanofluidics and Fluid Transport on Excitable Surfaces
- Nanohardness of high purity Cu (111) single crystals: The effect of indenter load and prior plastic strain
- Nanohardness of high purity Cu (111) single crystals: The effect of indenter load and prior plastic strain
- Nanohardness of High Purity Single Crystals of Cu (111) and Polycrystalline Cu: The Effect of Indenter Load
- Nanoimprint lithography for application in polymer electronics
- Nanoimprinting Functional Polymers
- Nanoindentation of virus capsids
- Nanomagnetism: from green computing to cancer therapy
- Nanomanufacturing Paradigms for Sustainable Large-Area Electronics
- Nanomaterials Design for Electrochemical Technologies: Batteries and Electrocatalysts
- Nanomaterials Design for Electrochemical Technologies: Batteries and ElectrocatalystsTitle to be confirmed
- Nanomaterials Design for Energy and Environment
- Nanomaterials Design for Energy and Environment
- Nanomechanical Oscillators: from Thermodynamics to Pattern Formation
- Nanomechanical Property Measurements for Sub-10 nm Thick Solid Films with Application in Magnetic Storage
- Nanomechanics of coatings for electronic and optical applications
- Nanomechanics of materials used in flexible electronics
- Nanomechanics of self-assembled protein filaments
- Nanomechanics with graphene drums
- Nanomedicine-based strategies for biliary and pancreatic cancers
- Nanooptics with fast electrons
- Nanoparticle based analysis of biomolecules, cells and tissue
- Nanoparticle Shape: Effects and Modeling
- Nanoparticle-based electrodes for sustainable energy
- Nanoparticles in Sandstone Groundwaters
- Nanophotonic approaches to investigate the spatiotemporal organization of biological membranes
- Nanophotonic approaches to investigate the spatiotemporal organization of biological membranes
- Nanophotonic Lab-On-A-Chip Biosensors For Ultrasensitive And Early Diagnostics
- Nanophotonics Approaches For Terahertz Detection
- Nanophotonics: from Michael Faraday to single molecule sensing
- Nanophotonics: where is it headed
- Nanoplasmonic analysis of extracellular vesicles for cancer diagnostics
- Nanoplasmonics: Classical oscillator physics at the nanoscale
- Nanopore Sequencing: a technology talk
- Nanopores for Biological and Soft-Matter Physics
- Nanoporous Hybrid Electrochromic Materials
- Nanoporous Solids: The Confluence of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysis.
- Nanosatellites for Quantum Science and Profit
- Nanoscale and non linear mechanics in insect hearing
- Nanoscale Assembly And Chemical Modification Of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials
- Nanoscale chemical imaging by soft X-ray spectro-microscopy and spectro-ptychography
- Nanoscale Engineering
- Nanoscale Engineering of Plasmonic Materials for Biosensing and Bioimaging
- Nanoscale organisation and dynamics of molecules and ions at the interface with solids in solution
- Nanoscale patterning of HOPG surfaces
- Nanoscale Spectroscopy with Optical Antennas
- Nanoscale Studies of Hybrid Solar Cells
- Nanoscale Tools for the Silencing of Genes in the Brain
- Nanoscience galore: hybrid and nanoscale optoelectronics
- Nanosized Clusters with Main Group elements as Ligands
- Nanostructure characterization of planar biomimetic membranes with neutron reflectometry
- Nanostructured solar cells
- Nanostructured steel: the challenge of manufacture
- Nanostructured-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (NERS) for Surface Science and Molecular Electronics
- Nanostructures And Novel Materials For Silicon Nanophotonics
- Nanostructures for Energy and Sustainability
- Nanostructures for Energy Conversion: From Metal Oxides to Electroactive Covalent Organic Frameworks
- Nanostructures for tuning of optical properties: Light and matter wave applications
- Nanostructures Prepared from Self-Assembly of Pillararene-Based Macrocyclic Amphiphiles and Supramolecular Amphiphiles
- Nanotechnologies for Mobile Devices
- Nanotechnology and 'upstream' public engagement: Articulating the controversy potential of a 'technology-in-the-making'?
- Nanotechnology And Its Convergence
- Nanotechnology and potential risk: Challenges to measuring exposure to engineered nanomaterials
- Nanotechnology and precautionary risk management
- Nanotechnology For Information Technology, Bio-Technology And Environment
- Nanotechnology for Medicine
- Nanotechnology for Medicine
- Nanotechnology for the Oilfield
- Nanotechnology in healthcare: turning science fiction into science fact
- Nanotechnology of magnetic minerals
- Nanotechnology: challenging chips and crime
- Nanotechnology: Challenging chips and crime
- Nanotechnology: Driving The Future Of Organ Development
- Nanotechnology: Science or Fiction?
- Nanotechonolgy, Biology, and Sustainability: Intersections with Gold Nanocrystals
- Nanotextured Transparent Semiconductor Oxides for Energy Conversion
- Nanotools and materials assembled from DNA
- Nanotopographical (and other nano stuff) control of mesenchymal stem cell mechanotransduction and fate
- Nanotube Based Photonics
- Nanotube Photonics
- Nanotubes and Synapses in Immune Cell Biology
- Nanotubes/Graphene transparent conductors
- Nanovoid Irradiation Hardening in Metals: A Mesoscale Perspective".
- Nanowires for Future Electronics
- Nanowires: from Materials Science to Physics and Device Applications
- Nanowires: Small but mighty building blocks for efficient electronics
- Napoleon's Things: Furniture, Law, and the Question of History in Imperial France, 1804-1814
- Narcissistic Skyrmions
- naRNA is a canonical neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) component and novel inflammation-amplifying composite DAMP
- naRNA is a canonical neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) component and novel inflammation-amplifying composite DAMP
- Narration as Action: Temporalities of Migration
- Narrative and the Making of US National Security
- Narrative energy in children's literature
- Narratives and Authenticity: Concentration Camp Sites in The Netherlands
- Narratives in Greek mathematics?
- Narratives of Violence: Historicizing Representations of Child Combatants in African Conflict, c. 1980-2010
- Narratives shape cognitive representations of immigrants and immigration-policy preferences
- Narrow graded Lie algebras
- Narrowing Precipitation Uncertainty over High Mountain Asia with Probabilistic Machine Learning
- Narrowing the difficulty gap for the Celis-Dennis-Tapia problem
- NASA International Space Station
- Nascent chain folding on the ribosome by NMR spectroscopy
- Nash and the degree heuristic in network games: An online experiment
- Nash Equilibrium, Bekic's Lemma and Bar Recursion
- Natasha Wheatley (Sydney), 'Living and Dying in International Law: Austria-Hungary in the Legal History of Decolonization'
- Nathan the Wise in the Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
- Nathan the Wise in the Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
- Nathan the Wise in the Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
- Nathan the Wise in the Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
- Nathanson Heights in Finite Vector Spaces
- NatHistCam
- NatHistFest: 100th Conversazione
- NatHistFest: 100th Conversazione
- NatHistFest: 100th Conversazione
- NatHistFest: 104th Conversazione
- NatHistFest: 104th Conversazione
- NatHistFest: 105th Conversazione - Day 1
- NatHistFest: 105th Conversazione - Day 2
- NatHistFest: the 99th Conversazione and exhibition on the wonders of the natural world.
- NatHistFest: the 99th Conversazione and exhibition on the wonders of the natural world.
- National air quality monitoring network and model forecast in China: current status, perspectives and challenges
- National and Regional Institutional Dynamics in the Aftermath of Non-Traditional Security Crises in Southeast Asia. What role for the EU?
- National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences: Computational Modelling Services
- National crises, viewed in the light of personal crises
- National Curriculum Wars
- National Fiscal Policy Discipline in Common Currency Areas: Do Enforceable Rules Exist?
- National Geographic Explorers
- National Grids: Some twentieth-century cartographies of energy production and transmission
- National Infrastructure Commission
- National innovation systems and the external constraint on growth: A theoretical approach with empirical evidence.
- National narratives, politics and historiography: A Franco-British comparison
- National qualifications, frameworks and learning: A case study of the Unified National Test (UNT) in Kazakhstan
- National Quantum Keynote
- National Quantum Keynote
- National Security - how much secrecy does the State need?
- National Security reassessed: new threats, new solutions.
- National types: the transatlantic publication and reception of Crania Americana (1839)
- National Value Capture in Modern Industrial Systems: Insights for Policy Development
- National wealth or national poverty? Economic statistics, citizenship and the emergence of Indian democracy
- National Young Mathematicians Award
- Nationalism and Archaeology: German Archaeologists and Peruvian Memory Culture around 1900; 2nd title tbc
- Nationalism, development and ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka
- Nationalism, Monarchy and Kaiser Wilhelm II in Norway, 1889-1914
- Nationality, Alienage and Early International Rights
- Nationwide HLA frequency and Network based viral host prediction.
- Native ambient mass spectrometry: Latest developments for in situ protein analysis
- Native Authorities and Infrastructural Investments in Colonial Africa: The Electrification of Nigerian Towns, 1910-1950
- Native oysters: conserving a commercially fished species
- Native speaker and learner language data in Applied Linguistics: what's next?
- Native Spirit Film Festival - Greenlandic Inuit Films
- Native-exotic species richness relationships in Mountain Beech forest understorey, New Zealand
- Native-izing Therapies: shamanic healing and the value of homeland connection in Mongolia
- NATO in the 21st Century
- NATO, Eastern Europe, and US Policy
- Natura Urbana (film and discussion)
- Natural and engineered redox signaling relays inside and outside mitochondria
- Natural and forced behaviour of the Pacific Walker Circulation over the past 800 years
- Natural and not so natural Products: From Bed Bug Communication to New Strategies for Drug Synthesis
- Natural Beekeeping (Bees for Bees Sake)
- Natural Catastrophes: New Methods For Efficient Risk and Uncertainty Modelling, New Open Modelling Tools and New Sources Of Data
- Natural Complexity Programme group meeting
- Natural Complexity: Data and Theory in Dialogue
- Natural Conjugate Gradient Learning for Fixed-Form Variational Bayes
- Natural Cooperation
- Natural disasters and memorials in India and Sri Lanka
- Natural Experiments in NLP and Where to Find Them
- Natural Experiments in NLP and Where to Find Them
- Natural Fibres in Construction - Innovative Applications and Processes
- Natural gains or capital down the drain? The debate over the draining of the Haarlemmermeer
- Natural Geometry
- Natural hair past & present
- Natural hair past & present
- Natural hazards in a warming world: exploring the big questions
- Natural hazards in a warming world: landslides, volcanoes, and cryospheric hazards in the 21st century
- Natural Heavy Supersymmetry
- Natural history and the antiquarian
- Natural history as national history: post-19th century historiography of appeals to nature to establish symbols of Baltic nationalism
- Natural history collections and parasitology - links with veterinary research
- Natural History from Above
- Natural History in Traditional China, a tale of text and illustration (传统中国的博物学:文本和图像的历史)
- Natural history of childhood leukaemia
- Natural history on the move: John Ray's continental travels, 1663–1666
- Natural history or psychology? Reading expressions and being read in Darwin's science of interdependence
- Natural history, chemistry and the mysteries of vegetation in the 18th century
- Natural Hybridization in Heliconius Butterflies and the Role of Hybridization in Biological Diversification
- Natural Interactions & Computing for Global Development at MSR India
- Natural iron fertilization of productive Antarctic shelf waters
- Natural Justice: Soil Science and Criminal Investigations
- Natural killer cell dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Natural killer cell dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Natural Killer cells and their function against virus-infected cells
- Natural Language and Artificial Intelligence
- Natural Language Generation in the Wild
- Natural Language Interpretation in Dialogue Systems
- Natural Language meets Control Theory
- Natural Language Parsing -- for what purpose?
- Natural Language Processing and online health reports (or OMG U got flu?)
- Natural Language Processing for Health
- Natural Language Processing for Text-to-Speech Synthesis
- Natural Language Understanding and Generation with Abstract Meaning Representation
- Natural Law: God's Law in our Hearts
- Natural Materials for Musical Instruments
- Natural mathematical language for the computer
- Natural Monoid Structures and Uniform Pro-p Groups
- Natural neural networks: structure, dynamics and computation
- Natural Population Analysis
- Natural purposes, Kantian analogies and environmental ethics
- Natural Resources and the ideas of a ‘good life’, poverty and justice in a Mexican fishing community
- Natural selection at SNP and Copy Number Variation in the human genome
- Natural statistics and human perception of shape and gloss
- Natural Structural Colours - Scientific Attempts to Copy Them
- Natural swarms in 3.99 dimension
- Natural swarms in 3.99 dimensions
- Natural user interface and machine perception of gestures
- Natural variability of faults and earthquakes over a range of temporal scales, and the implications for seismic hazard
- Natural variation in Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis
- Natural Ventilation
- Natural Ventilation and Low Energy Buildings
- Natural ventilation of double-skin facades, Energy Implications of Stratification
- Naturality of Heegaard Floer homology
- Naturally occurring micro reactors: phase separation as a regulated strategy for compartmentalisation in cells.
- Nature & Frequency of antimicrobial resistance plasmid transfer in E. coli
- Nature and the space of reasons
- Nature Conservation: where have we come from, where are we now, and where are we going?
- Nature Inspired Manufacturing Workshop
- Nature Inspired Manufacturing Workshop
- Nature of the Metalization Transition in Solid Hydrogen
- Nature or Nurture? Does early childhood development predict mental illness in adulthood?
- Nature or Nurture?: Probing External Feedback on Young Stars in W3
- Nature recovery - A talk by Tony Juniper
- Nature risk, restoration and capital allocation: How using data, ML & AI to understand and measure the value of natural capital for investors can positively influence the world around us - at scale
- Nature teaching on the blackboard: visual learning in early twentieth-century English school science
- Nature v. nurture: dissecting the tumour ecosystem
- Nature's glass: half-full or half-empty?
- Nature's glass: half-full or half-empty?
- Nature's Mimics: Adventures in Ligation and Polymerisation
- Nature's Mimics: Adventures in Ligation and Polymerisation
- Nature's Optics and our Understanding of Light
- Nature's Secrets for Uncertain Times
- Nature's Sovereignty: The Indus Basin and India's Partition
- Nature, Climate & Land: Research Seminar on Law and Policy
- Nature, culture and philosophy
- Nature, Design and Digital Production
- Nature, nurture or neither? Some Hippocratic generations of difference
- Nature, the Artful Modeller (versus Nature the Fastidious Bureaucrat)
- Nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithms for generating optimal experimental designs
- Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms for Generating Optimal Experimental Designs
- Nature’s emerging principles for organising space, time, energy and matter in architecture.
- Nature’s engines – powering life
- Naturekind: More-than-human communication, ecology and the politics of science and policy
- Nausea in New York: The FBI and CIA vs Sartre and Camus
- Navier-Stokes Equation with Levy Noise: Stochastic Analysis and Control
- Navier-Stokes equations on a rotating sphere
- Navier-Stokes is Wrong at Sub-Kolmogorov Scales and Why It Matters
- Navigating by Touch: Haptic Monte Carlo Localisation for a Legged Robot
- Navigating Culture: Early Modern Navigational Instruments as Cultural Artefacts
- Navigating in a 3-d world
- Navigating in a Chiral Landscape
- Navigating Our Way to Understanding Avian Magnetoreception – from Electron Hole Recombination Reactions to Chemical Amplification Pathways
- Navigating Privacy Risks in Language Models
- Navigating the BCC-B2 Refractory Alloy space: Stability and thermal processing with Ru-B2 precipitates
- Navigating the Future: Upcoming EU AI Regulation and its Potential Impact on the Field
- Navigating the ILC Transcriptional Landscape
- Navigating the maze: transport through intracellular tubule networks
- Navigating the music industry: explorations in creativity, technology and law
- Navigating the Science Inside Reckitt: A Journey to Consumer Delight
- Navigating the World of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO): An Offshore Perspective
- Navigating through tissue mazes: how leukocytes find their way to functional destinations
- Navigating two way traffic: Investigating the collective movement of ant trails
- Navigation and collision avoidance for aircraft and cars
- Navigation on the microscale - how cells can sense the direction of external gradients
- Navigational guidance systems in the human brain
- Nazi Atrocities, Soviet Justice, and International Law
- Na_x Co O_2: What's going on at high doping
- Néron models of generalized Jacobians
- NB Postponed to Easter Term:The most massive black holes in the early universe
- NCN2
- nD BIM+AR: n-Dimensional Building Information and Augmented Reality Models for Automated Construction Performance Monitoring
- NDM-1 carbapenemases and more
- Neanderthal Genomics
- Neanderthal Genomics
- Neanderthal interbreeding: fact or fiction?
- Neanderthal Legacy: Genes, cultures and archaeological sites
- Neanderthal life and death in Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan
- Neanderthal Pathology – Evidence of an Atypical Human Hunter-Gatherer?
- Neapolitans and Sicilians in the British Navy, c.1780 – c.1815
- Near Boltzmann-Gibbs measure preserving stochastic variational integrator
- Near fields, rays, and multipoles
- Near fields, rays, and multipoles (copy)
- Near horizon optical geometry and universal properties of black holes
- Near horizon symmetries of extremal black holes
- Near integrable systems
- Near Resonance Approximation of Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations
- Near-atomistic Modeling of Chromatin – Leveraging Computational Advances to Uncover Mechanistic Insights
- Near-critical scaling limits
- Near-equilibrium and Transcription-driven Phase Separation of DNA Liquids
- Near-extremal black holes at late times, backreacted
- Near-Field And Ultrafast Optical Microscopy Of Carbon Nanotubes And Graphene
- Near-Field Electrospinning of Biomimetic Niche
- Near-Field Raman Scattering in One Dimensional Systems
- Near-horizon geometries in supergravities with hidden symmetry
- Near-inertial waves and turbulence in the winter Gulf Stream
- Near-optimal integration of evidence for decision-making in the rat.
- Near-shore wave-vortex interactions and rip currents
- Near-Surface Crystallization And Phase Behavior In Polymers
- Near-term quantum algorithms
- Near-wall turbulence intensity scales as inverse of ln Re_tau, if bounded
- Nearby Galaxies as Revealed by the Herschel Space Observatory
- Nearby motivic sheaves of weighted equivariant functions
- Nearly 100 Years After General Relativity: Was Einstein Right? - An Answer by a Radio Astronomer
- Nearly Isostatic Periodic Lattices
- Nearly Kaehler manifolds and G_2-instantons
- Nearly time-periodic water waves
- Nebular emission line ratios in z~2-3 star-forming galaxies: exploring the impact of ionization, excitation, and abundance patterns
- Necessity is the Mother of Invention: the Emergence of the Reluctant Entrepreneur in Rural Ethiopia
- Necrophagia, DaNGeRous indigestion and immunity to cancer
- Need and Nature of a New Scientific Revolution
- Need for high-speed imaging for studying spindle orientation and positioning mechanisms in human cells
- Needle in a haystack: Distinguishing planets from false positives and red noise with the Next Generation Transit Survey
- Needle in a Haystack: Searching for Farming Pathways in Central Asia
- Needles in a haystack: Tracking down the genetic cause of rare diseases.
- Nef cones of Hilbert schemes of points via Bridgeland stability
- Nef line bundles over finite fields
- Negation and negative concord in Greek: evidence for a tripartite 'cycle' for negative indefinites
- Negative Concord in the history of German
- Negative Concord inside DP
- Negative controls in causal inference
- Negative Curvature
- Negative curvature and rigidity for von Neumann algebras
- Negative dependence and zeros of multivariate polynomials I
- Negative dependence and zeros of multivariate polynomials II
- Negative dependence and zeros of multivariate polynomials III
- Negative dependence and zeros of multivariate polynomials IV
- Negative effective viscosity in strongly stratified turbulence
- Negative effective viscosity in strongly stratified turbulence
- Negative eigenvalues of two-dimensional Schroedinger operators
- Negative imaginary systems theory: An introduction
- Negative immersions for one-relator groups
- Negative immersions of one-relator groups
- Negative Long-Term Impact of School Bullying: Synthesizing Data from Longitudinal Studies
- Negative modes and the thermodynamics of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes
- Negative Probabilities, Fine's Theorem and Quantum Histories
- Negative refractive indices and metamaterials
- Negative Thermal Expansion, Phonons, and Neutron Scattering
- Negative Value Property
- Negative viscosity, baroclinic heat flux and beta-plane jets
- Negativities, entanglement structures of qubit systems and holography
- Neglected tropical diseases
- Negotiated Concept(ion)s: Narratives of Artificial Insemination, 1945-1960
- Negotiating 'applied science' in the early 1930s: new media, new discourses, new ideology
- Negotiating Architectural Quality Within the Current Context: The Work of SWA
- Negotiating Education: The First School for Aboriginal Children and the Diplomatic World of Colonial New South Wales, 1814-1822
- Negotiating Gendered Space on Japanese Commuter Trains with Dr. Brigitte Steger
- Negotiating history: contingency, canonicity and case studies
- Negotiating masculinity: hermaphrodites and sexual difference in Early Modern France
- Negotiating social and political righteousness through the myth of Don Juan in early twentieth-century Spain
- Negotiating Space on the Right: Everyday Politics of Israeli Zionist Settler Women in the Southern West Bank, Palestine
- Negotiating varied proficiency levels in Lingua Franca English
- Negotiating wages for verbs: The valency approach and argument structure constructions
- Negotiation & Conflict Resolution
- Negotiations of Gender, Sexuality and Intimacy in Trans People's Partnerships
- Nehemiah Grew, collector, curator, and cataloguer of plants
- Neighbourhood change in suburban and ex-urban areas in the Paris metropolitan region: Property-level data and the neighbourhood problem(s) (1996-2012)
- Neighbourhood Components Analysis
- Neighbourhood matching creates realistic surrogate temporal networks
- Neighbourhood, city and region: social networks on the margins of late medieval London
- Neither crystalline nor amorphous: Disorder, microstructure and transport in organic semiconductors.
- Neither finance nor pharma -- life as an industrial statistician. To be followed by an introduction to the Royal Statistical Society
- Neither Finance nor pharma--life as an industrial statistician
- Nektar++: an open-source spectral/hp element frameworks
- Nelder-Mead Optimization
- Nelder-Mead Optimization
- Nelson Mandela: Romantic Hero, Tragic Hero Returning Mandela to Black History - Co-hosted with the Critical Theory and Practice Series
- Nelson the Hero and British Masculinities 200 Years On
- Nematic colloidal micro-motors powered by light
- Nematic colloidal micro-motors powered by light
- Nematic Pattern Formation on 2D Polygons - a Landau de Gennes study
- Nematic Pattern Formation on 2D Polygons - a Landau de Gennes study
- Nematics: how do they wet ?
- Neo-adjuvant radiochemotherapy in breast cancer
- Neo-Gricean pragmatics: From anaphora through the Square of Opposition to relationship breakdown
- Neo-Paleyan evolution
- Neo4j: GenAI with LLMs and Knowledge Graphs
- Neogene terrestrial environment of Antarctica
- Neoliberal trajectories of urban planning and development: the case of Poland
- Neoliberalism and the environment revisited: The North American Free Trade Agreement and the US-Mexico border 20 years on
- Neoliberalism's Literary Rhythms: Engaging with Canonical Texts to Vanquish the Market Myth
- Neoliberalism, Socialism, and the Politics of Knowledge
- Neoliberalism: the theory and the empirics
- Neonatal diabetes: From Gene to Therapy
- Neonatal Diabetes: From Molecule to Therapy
- Neonatal hypoxia, hippocampal damage and episodic memory impairment: A causal sequence?
- Neonatal White Matter Injury: Unexpected Mechanisms of Glial-Mediated Regeneration and Repair
- Neonates and neoliberalism in contemporary British history
- Nepal and the Himalayas on film: from the British Raj onwards
- Nepal Study Day 2011
- Nephology -- towards a scientific method for cloud computing
- NERC Presentation - Pathways to Impact
- Neron models and the log Picard space
- Nervous system variability and robustness from cellular feedback control
- Nested Bethe ansatz for spin chains
- Nested Kernel: An Operating System Architecture for Intra-Kernel Privilege Separation
- Nested patterns in large-scale automotive supply networks
- Nested sampling for bulk systems
- Nested Sampling for Motif Discovery
- Nested sampling with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Nesting statistics in the O(n) loop model on random lattices
- Nesting statistics in the O(n) loop model on random lattices
- Nesting Transactions: Why and What Do We Need?
- Net Neutrality. A realistic dream or an expired reality?
- Net zero: incentives and institutions
- Netalyzr: Network Measurement as a Network Security Problem
- NetCheck: Network Diagnoses from Blackbox Traces
- Netcraft wokshop
- Netcraft: Credit card skimming for fun and profit
- Netflix and Recommender Systems
- NetFPGA: An open platform for high-speed data processing
- NetFPGA: The Flexible Open-Source Networking Platform
- Nethermind: Zero-knowledge proofs. From theory to practice in less than 40 years
- Netmap: a novel framework for high speed packet I/O
- Netrin and the art of myelin maintenence: CNS paranodal organization requires DCC and netrin-1".
- Nets and Nests: Accelerated Bayesian Inference for Astrophysics
- NetSci Conference - Discussion
- Network Alignment and Matching
- Network Analysis in Retail
- Network analysis of large-scale human neuroimaging data
- Network Anomaly Detection
- Network approaches to psychopathology: An overview
- Network Architecture Research Considerations Or The Internet Conspiracy
- Network Biology
- Network biology of cancer
- Network Biology: Insights into the organisation of biological systems at different scales
- Network change point detection
- Network Coding for the Multiple Access Channel
- Network Coding: An introduction to network coding and random linear codes
- Network cognition and individual behaviour
- Network Design and Defence
- Network driven sampling; a critical threshold for design effects
- Network Economics seminar / Diffusion and Cascading Behavior in Random Networks
- Network effects in the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders
- Network Features in AI Applications
- Network Features in Criminal Applications
- Network Flows and Non-Linear Discrete Total Variation Evolutions
- Network Formation in the Presence of Contagious Risk
- Network function in human cerebral organoids as a platform for mechanistic and therapeutic advances in cognitive disorders
- Network Function Virtualization and its Application to Improve the Architecture and Protocols of Future Cellular Networks
- Network Hygiene, Incentives, and Regulation: Deployment of Source Address Validation in the Internet
- Network inference in genomics
- Network information theoretic results for classical-quantum channels in the information spectrum setting
- Network Landscapes: Sound, Space and Subjectivity
- Network measurement: past and future
- Network Models with Dynamic Vertex Sets
- Network morphology to store memories
- Network origins of the brain’s synergistic informational architecture
- Network Representation Using Graph Root Distributions
- Network Research of the International Technical Alliance
- Network rewiring measures for explaininability – from biology to deep learning
- Network Risk and Key Players: A Structural Analysis of Interbank Liquidity
- Network science and network medicine: New strategies for understanding and treating the biological basis of mental ill-health
- Network Science and Telecommunications
- Network Security Monitoring
- Network structure and central clearing in the CDS market
- Network structures in green-emitting InGaN/GaN quantum wells
- Network Time Series
- Network Verification for Azure Reliability
- Network-aware approach for energy assets planning (operation & maintenance) and control
- Network-based approaches towards studying context-specific cell signalling
- Network-Based Ranking Systems in Paired Comparisons.
- Network-Design Sensitivity Analysis
- Networked information processing and privacy in Japan
- Networked Systems in the Era of Programmable Dataplanes
- Networked Systems Research Update
- Networking and Drinks Reception
- Networking and Drinks Reception
- Networking and Drinks Reception
- Networking and Poster Session
- Networking Event - Cambridge Social Ventures
- Networking Event 2009
- Networking Reception
- Networking Reception
- Networking Reception
- Networking Reception with Interactive Session (Chair: Timandra Harkness)
- Networking the Self-assembled Cages
- Networking to charisma or inspiring to centrality? Comparing models of how leaders affect team performance
- Networking—the key to success… especially in the brain.
- Networks and Resilience – The impact of connectivity on ancient societies
- Networks as Big Data
- Networks as signals: Extraction of dynamical network structures
- Networks for Species to Survive Climate Change
- Networks for Species to Survive Climate Change
- Networks in action: the crucial role of dynamics in networks neuroscience
- Networks in Natural Language Processing
- Networks of alternative splicing regulation in cancer
- Networks of Common Asset Holdings: Aggregation and Measures of Vulnerability
- Networks of curves evolving by curvature in the plane
- Networks of non-equilibrium condensates for global optimisation of spin Hamiltonians
- Networks of Nonsmooth Oscillators & Applications in Neuroscience
- Networks of Representation: The Right to Be Forgotten
- Networks, Dynamic Factors, and the Volatility Analysis of High-Dimensional Financial Series
- Networks, resilience and complexity
- Networks, subnetworks and macroprudential capital requirements
- Networks, topologies and generalised musical spaces
- Networks: Contagion and Resilience
- Neural Adaptation Underlies Escalation in Dishonesty
- Neural and cognitive architectures for human metacognition
- Neural and mechanical mechanisms of multifunctionality
- Neural and Vascular Biomarkers for Non-invasive Bedside Assessment of Cerebral Autoregulatory Health.
- Neural Architecture Search - a gateway to AutoML
- Neural architectures for feature binding and retro-cue effects in visual working memory
- Neural Attention
- Neural Belief Tracker: Data-Driven Dialogue State Tracking using Semantically Specialised Vector Spaces
- Neural Cells and Substrate Mechanics: A Biomedical View
- Neural circuit mechanisms of learning and attentional task-switching during visually-guided behaviour in mice
- Neural circuits co-ordinating sleep, feeding and reward
- Neural Circuits Controlling Innate Behavior
- Neural Circuits Controlling Innate Behavior
- Neural Circuits for rapid perceptual decisions under uncertainty
- Neural circuits for visually-guided decision making in mice.
- Neural Circuits Involved in Kicking and Jumping in Locusts and Crickets
- Neural circuits of C. elegans olfactory behavior and plasticity
- Neural circuits underlying operant learning in larval zebrafish.
- Neural Code Comprehension: A Learnable Representation of Code Semantics
- Neural competition accounts for differences in recognising and learning spoken words and pseudoword
- Neural control of innate behaviors and internal states
- Neural correlates of visual-tactile awareness in neglect
- Neural dynamics of an extended frontal lobe network in goal-subgoal problem solving
- Neural dynamics of natural speech perception via natural language processing (nlp) models
- Neural dynamics of working memory
- Neural dynamics of working memory
- Neural entrainment to higher-level features of speech reflects the discrete nature of perception in the auditory system
- Neural Equivariant Interatomic Potentials
- Neural Fields for Embedded Variational Problems in Imaging
- Neural foundations of spoken language: word learning and ambiguity resolution
- Neural functional theory for inhomogeneous (non-)equilibrium fluids
- Neural Implants - Development and Application
- Neural induction requires simultaneous inhibition of both Smad1 and Smad2 signals during gastrulation
- Neural information processing during behavior and sleep
- Neural likelihood-free inference
- Neural mechanisms and individual differences in the removal of information from working memory
- Neural mechanisms of attention and cognitive control in the human brain: Evidence from TMS
- Neural mechanisms of behavioral switches
- Neural mechanisms of domain-general inhibitory control
- Neural mechanisms of foraging and decision making
- Neural mechanisms of model-based planning in the rat
- Neural mechanisms of proprioception and motor control in Drosophila
- Neural mechanisms of sequence learning
- Neural mechanisms of sky compass orientation in the desert locust (NOTE LATE START 17:00)
- Neural mechanisms of social learning and cognitive imitation
- Neural mechanisms of spatial and episodic memory
- Neural mechanisms supporting the development of visual perception
- Neural Network Approximations for Calabi-Yau Metrics
- Neural network models as mechanistic explanations of brain information processing
- Neural network models of free recall and spatial navigation
- Neural network potentials in theory and practice
- Neural network quantum states, from lattice models to quantum chemistry and quantum computing
- Neural Network Verification as a Programming Language Challenge
- Neural Network-based Score Estimation in Diffusion Models: Optimization and Generalization
- Neural Networking Approximation Properties
- Neural Networks
- Neural networks and interfaces: theoretical considerations and practical solutions
- Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing
- Neural Networks for Genomic Variant Calling
- Neural Networks for High-Dimensional Tabular Biomedical Datasets
- Neural networks for nonlinear modeling of dynamic systems: Design problems
- Neural Networks From A Continuum Perspective
- Neural networks to model probability densities in quantum chromodynamics
- Neural networks underlying episode generation for fertility control
- Neural Networks with Euclidean Symmetry for Physical Sciences
- Neural ODE Processes
- Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
- neural phase codes
- Neural prediction error distinguishes perception and misperception of speech
- Neural Processes
- Neural Processing of Naturalistic Features by the Hoverfly Visual System
- Neural Processing of Optic Flow in the Fly
- Neural progenitors and neural tube defects.
- Neural representation of complex space
- Neural representation of complex space
- Neural representations of learned spatial behaviours
- Neural representations of uncertainty: the right tool for the right job
- Neural Sequence Models for Mathematical Reasoning
- Neural Sheaf Diffusion: A Topological Perspective on Heterophily and Oversmoothing in GNNs
- Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities
- Neural simulation on diverse computational hardware
- Neural Spiking — Branching vs. Poisson Dynamic
- Neural stem cell-based therapies and inflammatory neurological syndromes
- Neural stem cells encounters with immunity in the adult brain
- Neural substrates of distorted cognition in gambling addiction
- Neural surrogates for digital twins
- Neural synchrony through gaze in adult-infant dyads
- Neural systems for attention and perceptual decisions
- Neural systems for learning to read: Combining artificial language learning paradigms with fMRI
- Neural systems for navigation
- Neural Systems for Navigation
- Neural systems of reinforcement for drug addiction: from impulsive actions to compulsive habits.
- Neural Tangent Kernel
- Neural Tangent Kernel
- Neural text generation from rich semantic representations
- Neural Thermodynamic Integration: Free Energy estimation with ML-potentials
- Neural vulnerability mechanisms underlying stimulant addiction
- Neurally-inspired Computing
- Neuregulin - neurotransmitter interactions in the control of myelination.
- Neuregulin induces a switch to NMDA receptor dependent myelination by oligodendrocytes.
- Neuro Topic
- Neuro-empire: rise of a medical-scientific discipline in modern Japan
- Neuro-oncology Seminar April 2021
- Neuro-oncology Seminar Jan 2020
- Neuro-oncology Seminar Jan 2021
- Neuro-oncology Seminar Jan 2022
- Neuro-oncology Seminar June 2019
- Neuro-oncology Seminar Oct 2019
- Neuro-oncology Seminar Oct 2020
- Neuro-oncology Seminar Oct 2021
- Neuro-Symbolic Deep Natural Language Understanding
- Neuroanatomical Sex Differences in the Human Brain: Maps, Mechanisms and Meanings
- Neurobiological and psychological mechanisms underlying impulsivity and drug abuse vulnerability
- Neurobiological basis of music and dance skills
- Neurobiological landscapes for language evolution and variation
- Neuroblastoma- Disordered Developmental Programs Contribute to Tumorigenesis
- Neurochemical Analysis of Brain Function in Behaviour and Disease
- Neurochemical control of aggression - insights from crickets
- Neurocognitive ageing within the Lothian Birth Cohorts
- Neurocognitive and clinical effects of ADHD medication - implications for the treatment of ADHD in adults
- Neurocognitive and social-affective development in adolescence
- Neurocognitive dynamics in the transition from wakefulness to sleep: EEG and TMS/EEG studies
- Neurocognitive mechanisms supporting fear conditioning: effects of anxiety
- Neurocognitive plasticity in the aging brain
- Neurocognitive psychometrics of intelligence
- Neurocognitive universals in types of morphological process?
- Neurocomputational basis of anxiety
- Neurocomputational basis of social learning and decision-making
- Neurocomputational basis of social learning and decision-making
- NeuroCOVID: Epidemiology, biomarkers, and pathophysiology
- Neurodegeneration and Plasticity in Alzheimers Models
- Neurodegeneration and repair in a novel human organoid neuraxis model
- Neurodegeneration, membrane traffic and BMP signaling in Drosophila.
- Neurodevelopment disorders of genetic origin – what can we learn?
- Neurodevelopment in global contexts: early brain markers of memory development from infant cohorts in the UK and The Gambia
- Neurodevelopmental basis of social and non-social processing differences in children with autism
- Neurodevelopmental risk assessment in the COVID-19 Mother Baby Outcomes (COMBO) Initiative at Columbia University
- Neurodevelopmental risk assessment in the COVID-19 Mother Baby Outcomes (COMBO) Initiative at Columbia University
- Neuroethical issues in cognitive enhancement and neuroimaging
- Neuroethical Issues in Cognitive Enhancement and Neuroimaging
- Neuroevolution & NEAT
- Neuroevolutionary approaches to generating increasingly intelligent behaviours in virtual creatures / (simulated) robots
- Neurofeedback using real-time fMRI: implementation and results
- Neurofibromatosis: identification of therapies for peripheral nervous system tumors targeting RAS-GTP and Purinergic signalling
- Neurogenesis and its bearing on lophotrochozoan phylogeny and bodyplan evolution
- Neurogenesis Under Stress
- Neurogenic transcription factors in development and cancer
- Neurogenic/gliogenic niches in the adult brain; the social life of a neural stem cell.
- Neuroimaging endophenotype research in autism: The Cambridge Family Study of Autism
- Neuroimaging for Precision Neuro-Oncology
- Neuroimaging of ADHD and related disorders
- Neuroimaging of ADHD: disorder-specificity and medication effects
- Neuroimaging of the emergence of cognition in infants and its clinical applications
- Neuroimaging of the non-human primate brain
- Neuroimaging studies in pathological gambling; similarities and differences with alcohol dependence
- Neuroimaging studies of binocular vision: States, traits, debates.
- Neuroimaging with MRI: combining physics and physiology to assess brain function
- Neuroimaging with MRI: combining physics and physiology to assess brain function
- Neuroimaging with MRI: combining physics and physiology to assess brain function.
- Neuroimaging with MRI: combining physics and physiology to assess brain function.
- Neuroimaging with MRI: combining physics and physiology to understand brain function
- Neuroimaging with MRI: combining physics and physiology to understand brain function
- Neuroimmune interactions in early development and the biological embedding of health disparities
- Neuroimmune signalling at and across brain borders regulating neuronal fate
- Neuroinflammation in autism
- Neurological changes in early stage Huntington’s disease
- Neurological Problems
- Neurological Studies of Rewards Processing In Major Depression
- Neuromarketing and HCI/Interaction Design
- Neuromarketing and HCI/Interaction Design
- Neuromarketing and HCI/Interaction Design
- Neuromarketing and HCI/Interaction Design
- Neuromechanical models of locomotion: from biology to robotics
- Neuromechanics in Regeneration and Development
- NeuroMechanics of Movement: A Spinal Motor Neuron Centric View
- Neuromorphic control
- Neuromorphic sensing and computing in today’s AI landscape
- Neuron-glia signalling mechanisms regulating brain development, homeostasis and pathological cascades
- Neuron-glia signalling mechanisms regulating brain development, homeostasis and pathological cascades
- Neuron-glia synapses: a new and independent communication channel in the brain?
- Neuronal computation underlying inferential reasoning in humans and mice
- Neuronal connectivity and functional output in cerebral organoids.
- Neuronal correlates of behavioral plasticity in social insect brains - approaching the next level of detail
- Neuronal Current Decomposition via Vector Surface Ellipsoidal Harmonics
- Neuronal death in prion diseases: towards the mechanism.
- Neuronal Differentiation and Mechanosensory Transduction in C. elegans.
- Neuronal excitability is controlled by pH - but the pH of what?
- Neuronal Groups and their Role in Hearing
- Neuronal heterogeneity and plasticity in the olfactory bulb
- Neuronal Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Modulating Axon Growth After Spinal Cord Injury in Young and Aged Mice
- Neuronal mechanisms for perceptual organization
- Neuronal networks of mental calculation: Evidence from fMRI data
- Neuronal networks of mental calculation: Evidence from fMRI data
- Neuronal plasticity: from synapses to the axon initial segment
- Neuronal processing of continuous sensory streams
- Neuronal signals for multi-component choice options in orbitofrontal cortex
- Neuronal signals for reward risk and formal economic utility
- Neurons feel the force
- Neurons Feel the Force
- Neurons feel the force ‐ Mechanosensitivity in the nervous system
- Neurons Put Out the Trash: A Novel Facet of Proteostasis and Mitochondrial Quality Control
- Neurons without batteries: Dissecting cell type-specific neuronal contribution to mitochondrial disease
- Neurons, Fake News, DNA and your iPhone: The Mathematics of Information
- Neuropeptidergic signalling in the anterior nervous system of Platynereis larvae and evolution of neurosecretory brain centers
- Neuropeptides, sexually dimorphic neurons, and male aggression
- Neuropharmacology of visual attention in visual cortex
- Neuropharmacology of visual attention in visual cortex
- Neurophysiological indices of morphosyntactic processing in native speakers and bilinguals
- Neurophysiology of speech act processing
- Neuroplacentology
- Neuroplasticity in visual development, deprivation, and sight rescue
- Neuroprediction and the law
- Neuropsychiatric symptoms in neurodegenerative disease
- Neuropsychiatry in the 21st Century: Cognitive Enhancement and Biomarkers
- Neuropsychological and biological studies of Borderline Personality Disorder
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: building bridges or falling between two stools?
- Neuropsychology of Gambling Addiction
- Neuropsychology of Gambling Addiction
- Neuroscience & Creativity: Insights from Unnatural Bedfellows
- Neuroscience and Society
- Neuroscience and the law
- Neuroscience informed treatments for anxiety and depression
- Neuroscience of digital distractions
- Neuroscience without neurons: Bodies without brains and other musings in science
- Neurosemantics and Neuropragmatics Reading Group (Week ONE)
- Neurosemantics/Neuropragmatics Reading Group II
- Neurotalks: Lifelong Brain Development
- Neurotransduction mechanism via GPCRs: alpha helix, the smallest spring in nature?”
- Neurotransmitter receptor gradients: gateways for subcortical routing of cortex-wide dynamics during cognition
- Neurotransmitter signaling to oligodendrocytes
- Neurotransmitter signalling to oligodendrocytes and their precursors: its role in oligodendrocyte development and white matter disease
- Neurotransmitter signalling to Oligodendrocytes in Health & Disease
- Neurotransmitter signalling to oligodendrocytes in health and disease
- Neurotransmitter spillover modulates neuronal information transmission
- Neurotransmitter transporters: from ligand-based to systems chemical biology approaches
- Neurovascular Interactions: Mechanisms, Imaging, Therapeutics
- Neutral Atom Microscopy: Science and Applications
- Neutralino Dark Matter in the (N)MSSM: Direct/Indirect Detection and Collider Searches
- Neutrino Interferometry for High-Precision New Physics Search with IceCube
- Neutrino Masses & Phenomenological Aspects in the L-violating MSSM
- Neutrino Masses before and after Planck
- Neutrino masses in supersymmetry with R-parity violation
- Neutrino oscillation
- Neutrino Oscillation with the T2K Experiment: Recent Results and Beyond
- Neutrino Oscillation: The Long and the Short of It
- Neutrino Oscillation: The Long and the Short of It
- Neutrino physics: Ghostly particles whose behaviour has cosmic consequences
- Neutrino-less double beta decay and lepton number violating processes
- Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay at SNO+
- Neutrinos - ghost particles of the cosmos
- Neutrinos / The Physics of Music
- Neutrinos and the Flavour Problem
- Neutrinos from Tokai to Kamioka: Oscillations, Interactions and the search for CP-Violation
- Neutrinos in Seven Questions
- Neutrinos in Seven Questions
- Neutrinos: a portal to new physics beyond the Standard Model
- Neutrinos: Ghostly Shapeshifters
- Neutron scattering studies of ferromagnetic superconductor UGe2 under pressure
- Neutron scattering studies of quantum magnets’"
- Neutron spin echo and reflectivity (at OFFSPEC)
- Neutron star mergers: past, present and future
- Neutron stars as gravitational-wave sources: dense matter and stellar mass
- Neutron stars as gravity laboratories
- Neutron stars: beyond-ordinary stellar objects
- Neutron-star mergers and numerical relativity
- Neutrophil extracellular traps
- Neutrophil transformation in cancer
- Neutrophil transmigration in vivo: Modes, mechanisms and pathogenesis
- Neutrophil transmigration in vivo: Mechanisms, dynamics and pathogenesis
- Neutrophil-Mediated Effects at the Blood Brain Barrier Following Chronic Stress
- Neutrophils in the regulation of inflammation
- Neutrophils in vascular inflammation – from physiology to intervention
- Nevada
- NeVAE: A Deep Generative Model for Molecular Graphs
- Nevanlinna theory and difference Painleve equations
- Never Again! Rock Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League
- New Observational Insights into Cosmic Reionization
- New 'low-cost' electronic structure methods for large systems
- New 1D models for localisation in slender structures
- New Advances in Face Recognition
- New advances in the development and testing of green cleaning materials for cultural artefacts
- New and emerging applications of 'adaptive' speech synthesis'
- New Anion Receptors and Transporters
- New antibiotics from ribosomally synthesized post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs)
- New Applications for Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes
- New Applications of the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
- New approach to designing experiments with correlated observations
- New Approaches and New Results in the Radiocarbon Dating of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition in Europe
- New Approaches for Inference on Optimal Treatment Regimes
- New Approaches for Studying the Physics of Challenging Materials
- New Approaches for Studying the Physics of Challenging Materials
- New approaches for understanding macroscale brain network development
- New approaches in reconstructing the oxygen isotopic composition of the ocean over Earth history
- New approaches to axonal regeneration in the central and peripheral nervous system
- New approaches to Bayesian asymptotics
- New Approaches to Biomedical Data Modelling: An Introductory Tutorial
- New Approaches to Characterise the Surface and Bulk Compositions of Picolitre Droplets
- New Approaches to Conformation Dynamics of Biomolecules
- New approaches to coupling the thermodynamics and geodynamics of mantle melting
- New approaches to imaging angiogenesis and oxidaative stress in living systems
- New approaches to imaging angiogenesis and oxidative stress in living systems.
- New approaches to modeling technological evolution
- New approaches to Neolithic tomb art in Europe: recent research in Ireland and Sardinia
- New approaches to old problems: controlling pathogenic protozoan parasites of poultry
- New approaches to target metabolite and oxygen sensing pathways
- New approaches to the clinical management of cervical cancer
- New Approaches to Understanding and Preventing Neurodegenerative Diseases
- New Approaches to Understanding and Preventing Neurodegenerative Diseases
- New arylation strategies in synthesis’
- New Avenues for Quantum Simulations In- and Out-of-equilibrium
- New averaging results motivated by climate models: fat tails, oscillations, and tipping
- New Beginnings - New Me
- New Beginnings: How to Mystify through Elucidation in Medieval Grail Romance.
- New bioinformatic resources for taxonomic assignment of metagenomic NGS data: BioMaS, ITSoneDB and SARMA
- New biological insights from single molecule experiments
- New Bond Activations at Transition Metal Centers: Fundamental Studies and Applications to Catalysis
- New Book Evening
- New Bounds for the hard-core model on the square lattice
- New bounds towards the Erdős-Gallai cycle decomposition conjecture
- New brain cells for old - neurogenesis in the adult brain: what happens and does it matter?
- New Breath: regenerative medicine of the airways
- New Buddhist Nationalism in Sri Lanka and Myanmar
- New Build with Fibre Reinforced Polymer Shapes and Systems
- New bulk phases of alumina from random searches
- New Calabi-Yau Manifolds from Genetic Algorithms
- New Catalysis Concepts
- New Challenges in Describing Digital Music
- New Challenges in the physics of high temperature superconductors
- New CIE colorimetry for HDR and WCG imaging applications
- New Classes of Second-Order Equivalent-Estimation Split-Plot Designs
- New complete metrics with holonomy G_2
- New Concepts for the Direct Conversion of Heat to Electricity
- New concepts in host-pathogen interactions: lessons from Listeria
- New Concepts in Nanoplasmonics
- New conservation laws of helical flows
- New constraints from IRIS on the origin of the white-light emission in solar flares
- New Constraints on Dark Energy from Photometrically Classified Type Ia Supernovae and the Foundation Supernova Survey
- New constraints on extensions of the standard cosmological model
- New constraints on interacting dark energy and modified gravity models from Planck+Constraints on Dark Radiation and Dark Energy
- New constraints on Lyman-α opacity with a sample of 62 quasars at z > 5.7
- New Constraints on the IGM Neutral Fraction at z=6-7
- New copulae from an order-statistics approach
- New correlations in Material Arrest and Failure: Insight from Colloidal Glasses
- New de Finetti theorems and the quantum PCP conjecture
- New Detector Technology for Astronomy
- New Detectors for measuring probability current flow of an atomic-scale electron beam
- New developments in atom detectors for molecular beam experiments
- New Developments in Climate Observations
- New developments in compound specific analysis of ancient biomolecules in archaeology
- New Developments in Machine Intelligence
- New Developments in Optical Imaging
- New Developments in Processing of Hollow Fibre Membranes for Separation Processes
- New Developments in Shell Stability- https://harvard.zoom.us/j/271079684
- New Developments in Social Protection - Professor Maxine Molyneux
- New Developments in Turbulence Modelling for Industrial Needs
- New Developments In Welding Powersource Technology
- New diagnostic criteria for dementia: the role of biomarkers
- New dimensions of antiviral immunity in insects.
- New direction in elastic instability and turbulence in straight channel viscoelastic flow
- New Directions for Light Dark Matter
- New Directions for Navigation
- New directions for neuroimaging genetics studies: a molecular biological perspective
- New Directions for Organic Spintronics
- New directions for random search
- New Directions in Anonymization: Permutation Paradigm, Verifiability by Subjects and Intruders, Transparency to Users
- New directions in autism early detection, biomarker discovery and understanding heterogeneity using eye tracking and brain imaging
- New directions in autism early detection, biomarker discovery and understanding heterogeneity using eye tracking and brain imaging
- New Directions in Coastal and Underwater Geoarchaeology.
- New directions in liquid crystals
- New Directions in Ni-catalyzed Cross Coupling
- New Directions in the Fractalization, Quantization, and Revival of Dispersive Systems
- New discoveries about ageing in C. elegans
- New Discretization of Complex Analysis
- New discretization of complex analysis
- New discretization of complex analysis and completely integrable systems
- New Discretization of GL(n) connections
- New DNA approaches to understanding Late-Quaternary and recent biodiversity changes – potential and problems
- NEW drugs from OLD pathways - Teaching Nature New Tricks
- New Dynamic AFM Methods for Biological Systems
- New Earths, Newer Animals: Repairing Nature's Oversight
- New Educational Governance in Post-Socialist Education Space: Examining the (Side)Effects of International Comparisons, Benchmarking, and Best Practices
- New Effects in Vortex Resistivity and Pinning in Optimally Doped YBa2Cu3O6+x
- New equations for inextensible sheets with applications to Moebius strips and helical nanoribbons
- New Era in Russian Politics: Mayoral Campaign of Alexey Navalny
- New estimates of tropical ice age temperature
- New estimates on child labour and education in England and Wales (1870-1914
- New evidence and model for the early medieval "Adventus Saxonum"
- New evidence for autobiographical memory-based intervention into depression
- New Evidence for Modified Gravity
- New evidence on consumers’ willingness to pay for privacy
- New Evidence on the First Financial Bubble
- New examples of groups of intermediate growth
- New Experimental Techniques for Exploring Crystallization Pathways and Structural Properties of Solids
- New experiments to measure the evolution of the Universe
- New Fabric-Formed Shells
- New facts on classical and quantum N=8 supergravity
- New families of decomposable Specht modules
- New family forms: Implications for parenting and child development
- New fields in the strong gravity regime
- New finite volume based tracer transport schemes for the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM-SE)
- New Foundations: the story of a large formalisation project
- New framework for carbon offsets in global drylands
- New framework for carbon offsets in global drylands
- New frontiers for Linear Temporal Logic
- New Frontiers in Astrophysics: A KICC Perspective
- New Frontiers in Astrophysics: A KICC Perspective
- New Frontiers in Biocatalytic C-H Functionalization
- New Frontiers in Exoplanet Characterization
- New Frontiers in Gestural Interaction
- New frontiers in LHC discovery strategies
- New frontiers in PDF determinations: NNPDF3.1
- New Frontiers in PKA Signaling
- New Frontiers in Robotics - ONE DAY MEETING
- New Frontiers in Sensing for Infrastructure Management
- New frontiers in strongly lensed supernova studies with JWST and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory
- New Frontiers in Submillimetre-Wave and Far-Infrared Atmospheric Science Workshop
- New frontiers in transient astrophysics: gravitational-wave multi-messenger sources and r-process nucleosynthesis
- New Frontiers: Reworking the International History of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Borderlands - a round table discussion to be chaired by Professor Magnus Marsden, University of Sussex. Title tbc
- New functional surfaces: from science to application
- New functional surfaces: from science to application
- New functionality and low power: opportunities for post-CMOS devices
- New Functions for Glial Cells: From Soft Guideposts for Neuronal Migration to Living Light Guides in the Retina
- New generation X-ray diffraction: technology and applications
- New genes involved in deafness from large-scale mouse screens
- New Genetic Codes
- New Geopolitical Perspectives on Natural Gas Supply to Europe—Lessons from four Long-Term Scenarios
- New Gods: Religious Change in Britain since the 1980s
- New Governance and the European Union: An Empirical and Conceptual Critique
- New hardware enabling new user experiences
- New harmonic-measure distribution functions of simply connected and multiply connected planar domains
- New horizons for piano: historic women composers who wrote for the keyboard and how to reintroduce their work into piano education
- New Horizons in Black Hole Physics and Holography
- New Horizons in Microarchitectured Materials
- New Horizons in Quantum Criticality
- New Horizons of the Domestication of Crop Plants
- New Horizons to the Pluto System: Exploring the Frontier of our Solar System
- New Horizons: Cultivating Inner Spring (in-person talk)
- New hyperfinite subfactors with infinite depth
- New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology. Dark Matters: WIMPs and Axions
- New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology. Diquarks: Reforming Hadron Spectroscopy
- New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology: Unification, Supersymmetry, and the Family Problem
- New Ideas on Mechanisms of Angular Momentum Transport and Variability in Boundary Layers of Accretion Disks
- New ideas on the organization of neural circuitry
- New Innovative Idea on Bio Medical Research
- New insight from CryoSat-2 sea ice thickness for sea ice modelling
- New Insight into the Cause(s) of Prostate Cancer
- New insights at ultra-low temperatures: superconductivity and nuclear-electronic quantum criticality
- New Insights in Immunopsychiatry (Provisional Title)
- New insights into aneuploidy in mammalian oocytes
- New insights into anti-brane backreaction
- New insights into bone marrow biology
- New insights into cell transforming mechanisms of HTLV-1 Tax using mouse models
- New insights into cellular organisation and cell division of Trypanosoma brucei using cellular electron tomography and serial block face SEM.
- New insights into cellular organisation and cell division of Trypanosoma brucei using cellular electron tomography and serial block face SEM.
- New insights into cerebellar disorders
- New insights into clinical implications of cardiovascular ageing
- New insights into clinical implications of cardiovascular ageing
- New insights into early Cenozoic glaciation: Eocene-Oligocene climate records from IODP Exp. 318, Wilkes Land, Antarctica
- New Insights into Famous Tsunamis
- New insights into historical plagues using GIS analysis: towards a retrodiagnosis of the unknown 1705 epidemic in Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône, South of France)
- New insights into HIV replication and spread in T cells
- New insights into malaria parasite egress from its host erythrocyte
- New insights into neurogenic hypertension
- New insights into old parasites - Plasmodium malariae, P. ovale spp and the mysterious process of host transition.
- New insights into past methane cycle changes from ice cores
- New Insights into Proteasome Function: From Protein Degradation to Cancer Therapy
- New Insights into Shade Avoidance and Gene Expression Evolution in Arabidopsis and Tomato
- New Insights into Starch Metabolism in Arabidopsis and Other Plants
- New insights into the dissolution process of a controlled drug release polymeric matrix revealed by quantitative ultra-fast MRI
- New insights into the Fanconi Anaemia Tumour Suppressor Pathway from Slime mould to Mice
- New Insights into the Mechanisms and Selectivity of Protein Degradation by the Proteasome Pathway
- New insights into the psychopharmacology of cognitive flexibility
- New insights into the role of the chromatin associated factor ATRX
- New insights on old questions concerning Quaternary northern hemisphere glaciation
- New insights on the Middle Stone Age of Eastern Africa
- New interaction effects in semiconductor quantum wires
- New introductions
- New issues of visibility and self censorship in migrants’ use of social media
- New Jet Wisdom
- New Jurassic Dinosaurs from the Gobi Desert of Western China
- New kinds of software for new kinds of science
- New knotted solutions of Maxwell's equations
- New languages for live coding
- New leaders, new rules: an immersive workshop for aspiring leaders
- New Life for Old Data: An Overview of the Clinical Trial Data Sharing Environment
- New light on an old quarrel? French and the dynamic paradigm
- New light on Descartes's philosophical starting-point: an unknown manuscript of the Rules for the Direction of the Mind
- New manuscript evidence for medieval Latin bestiary ownership and use
- New materials and devices for interfacing with the nervous system
- New Materials for a New Age
- New Materials for Phosphorescent OLEDs and Polymer Photovoltaics
- New materials for regenerative medicine applications
- New mechanisms of inflammasome activation
- New mechanisms regulating cytotoxic responses.
- New Media Musicianship: Inspiring practices and implications for music and arts education
- New Media|Alternative Politics: Communications technologies and political change in the Middle East and Africa
- New method of rearrangement for systems of Vlasov-Poisson's type
- New methods for estimating language evolution
- New methods for genetic analysis
- New Methods for Identifying Lyman Continuum Leakers and Reionization-Epoch Analogues
- New methods for left exact localizations of topoi
- New methods for noninvasive brain imaging and stimulation
- New methods for old bones – Reconstructing fossil evolution and palaeobiology using new technologies
- New Methods for Sampling and Estimation in Communications Networks
- New methods for solving high degree polynomial equations that have multiple roots
- New Methods for Teaching Music Composition
- New Methods in Bayesian Optimization for Machine Learning
- New methods of detecting violated phylogenetic assumptions: Implications on comparative genomics
- New methods of identifying fast-evolving sites in aligned sequence data
- New methods of structural design for large, expressive architectural forms
- New Methods, Old Materials: the application of modern scientific technique to the biological material from the Cardo V sewer in Herculaneum
- New micro-machines, new materials
- New mitochondrial mechanisms of degenerative diseases
- New models for highly deformable structures
- New models of human hearing via machine learning
- New Motifs Blocks for Molecular Recognition: From DNA Bases and Protein-Surfaces to a-Helices and b-Sheets
- New Multistep methods
- New music notation - design discussion
- New N=1 dualities from contracting orientifolds
- New Native Nanodiscs for Membrane-Protein Biophysics
- New Neanderthal discoveries at Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan
- New Newtonian Alchemy: Turning Noise into Signal
- New non-elliptic methods in the analysis of the Laplacian on conformally compact (asymptotically hyperbolic) spaces
- New nonsymmetric gravity-capillary solitary waves and related problems
- New Norwegian Architecture: Inge Hareide/Kima Arkitektur
- New Nuclear in the UK
- New numerical scheme and simulations for undulations in smectic A liquid crystals
- New numerical scheme and simulations for undulations in smectic A liquid crystals
- New observational tests of the LCDM (with pesky baryons) paradigm
- New observations in flavour physics and their implications Beyond the Standard Model
- New opportunities and challenges for electron microscopy
- New opportunities for medical research
- New opportunities through the combination of FRP and timber
- New paradigms in complex networks science: time dependence, networks of networks, spatial features, multiplexity
- New parallels in Hittite and Sumerian praise of the Sun
- New Particles in Old Materials - Hunting Majorana Fermions in Quantum Spin Liquids
- New Pathways of Tumour Agiogenesis and Hypoxia Response
- New perspectives on cochlear nerve degeneration in acquired sensorineural hearing loss
- New Perspectives on Family Friendly Working
- New Perspectives on Galaxy Evolution
- New Perspectives on Linkages between Ozone Depletion and Climate Change
- New perspectives on ocean interior turbulent mixing
- New perspectives on the Breuil-Mézard conjecture
- New perspectives on the Great Exhibition
- New perspectives on the Riemann Hypothesis
- New Phases of N=4 SYM
- New PhD students introductions - Cambridge Volcanology
- New Phenomena in Driven Quantum Systems
- New Photovoltaic and Plasmonic Avenues to Amplify Light Matter Interaction at the Atomic Scale
- New physics and tau g − 2 using LHC heavy ion collisions
- New Physics at LHCb
- New physics at the TeV scale: extra Higgses and WIMP Dark Matter
- New physics from loop corrections during inflation
- New physiological findings in human brain stimulation: why most claims to cognitive enhancement are probably false.
- New post/ job? Excel in your first 90 days: 4 Steps to Career Success - CamAWiSE WiSE-UP series
- New presentations for R. Thompson’s group V
- New probabilistic methods for inference of natural selection on regulatory sequences in the human genome
- New procedures and innovations for analytical development of Biopharmaceuticals
- New Progressive Collapse Rules
- New projects in human-data interaction
- New properties of entropy and their consequences
- New prospects in numerical relativity
- New prospects in numerical relativity
- New proteomic insights into Malaria erythrocyte interactions
- New quantum states of matter - or - What does a spin liquid look like?
- New Questions from Old Hands: Outlines of human representation in the Palaeolithic
- New reagents and reactions for Organic Synthesis
- New reasoning techniques for monoidal algebras
- New regimes and phase transitions in channeled granular flows
- New regularity results and long time behavior of pathwise (stochastic) Hamilton-Jacobi equations
- New renormalons from analytic trans-series: Lessons from the Bethe ansatz
- New Research on Medieval Sino-African Relationships.
- New results about black hole feedback in galaxy clusters
- New Results from the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: Missing Baryons, AGN, and Reionization
- New Results from the Event Horizon Telescope
- New results from the zCOSMOS galaxy redshift survey
- New results in higher rank Brill-Noether theory
- New results on euclidean monopole metrics
- New results on galaxy clusters from the eROSITA early data release
- New Results on Galaxy Mergers: Galaxy Formation, Cosmology, and Gravitational Waves
- New Results on Massive Gravity
- New results on Rademacher Fourier and Taylor series
- New results on spectra of multi-particle Schrödinger operators with random potentials.
- New results on the perturbed remnants of binary black hole mergers
- New results on the Sagittarius Stream in Stripe 82.
- New results on wind driven waves and negative tsunami waves at coastlines
- New Role of Manufacturing Science &Technology toward Value Creation
- New roles for Golgi-derived PI(4)P-containing vesicles in mitochondrial division
- New Roles for Lysine Methylation Signaling in Epigenetic and Cancer Regulation
- New Russian Politics and Protests: A Roundtable on the Eve of the Presidential Election
- New Scientist talk by Graham Lawton
- New seminar series: the challenges of experimental government
- New SHAPEs of retroviral RNAs
- New Skins for an Old Ceremony: The Conformal Bootstrap and the Ising Model
- New solutions of Laplace Tidal Equations over a sphere
- New solvable discrete-time many-body problems featuring several arbitrary parameters
- New Space & the CubeSat Revolution
- New Stereoselective Higher-Order Rhodium-Catalyzed Carbocyclizations Reactions for Total Synthesis
- New Strategies for the Rapid Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogues and the Total Synthesis of the Antimitotic Natural Product Eleutherobin
- New Strategies for the Synthesis of Glycopeptides and Glycoproteins
- New Strong Dynamics for EWSB and DM
- New studies on the g-factors of 1D holes on GaAs quantum point contacts
- New substructure in the phase-space of the Milky Way with Gaia
- New Superconformal Field Theories From Wrapped Branes
- New Supramolecular Strategies in Transition Metal Catalysis
- New Supramolecular Strategies in Transition Metal Catalysis
- New taphonomic and archaeological perspectives on bone accumulators: the bearded vulture
- New Technologies for the Synthesis, Semi-Synthesis and Biosynthesis of Modified Peptides and Proteins
- New Technologies in Bioseparations and Biosensing from Engineered Multi-domain Self-modifying Proteins
- New technologies to characterize bacterial two-component systems and repurpose them as sensors for synthetic biology applications
- New Technology Can Transform Low-cost Microscopy
- New technology: the answer to climate change?
- New Term! Introductions and Welcome
- New therapies for genetic disease
- New Thinking about Statistical Inference and its Application to Climate Prediction
- New time for Security Group Friday meetings
- New Tools for Protein Expression Employing P.Pastoris
- New tools to simulate strongly correlated systems
- New tools to understand and protect the biosphere
- New transport properties of holographic superfluids
- New trends in cardiac valve and cardiovascular modelling
- New trends in Immuno-Oncology - towards personalised cancer treatment
- New tricks for Rac and Rho, even after 30 years
- New two-sample tests based on adjacency
- New two-sample tests based on adjacency
- New understanding of collective modes and thermodynamics of the liquid state
- New understanding of liquid thermodynamics and supercritical state
- New understanding of liquid thermodynamics, viscosity and its lower bounds
- New understanding of liquid thermodynamics, viscosity and its lower bounds
- New understanding of liquid thermodynamics, viscosity and its lower bounds
- New Uniform Diameter Bounds in Pro-p Groups
- New User Stories: Making and Knowing with Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France.
- NEW VENUE - BLOCK 14 IDA DARWIN Molecular and cellular signature of neuronal cells affected by genetic and environmental factors of major mental illnesses
- New Visual Methodologies in Teaching Modern South Asian History
- New wine in old bottles? Change and continuity in form-function relationships
- New work at Nimrud
- New work with RNase P: regulation in HeLa cells and therapeutic tools
- New World Discovery in the Era of Gaia and PLATO
- New World Disorder: how should the international community best respond?
- New Worlds and Life in the Universe
- New York City's affordable housing plan under Mayor De Blasio and the limits of local initiative in making housing affordable
- New, Intelligent Systems for Disease Surveillance and Diagnosis
- Newest Results in Newest Vertex Bisection
- Newest Results in Newest Vertex Bisection
- Newnham MCR Screening: The Mortal Storm
- News and views of Falklands geology
- News from POLARBEAR
- News from RAVE
- News from the CALM Clinic: a dimensional approach to children's problems in Attention, Learning and Memory
- News from the Large Hadron Collider
- News from the Negev Desert (Israel): a New Perspective on the Role of Nubian and Centripetal Levallois Knapping Modes in the Middle Palaeolithic of the Levant
- News from the RNA World
- News on Variational Regularization of Inverse Problems
- News Trading and Speed
- Newspapers, Readers and the “Managed Public Sphere” during the Soviet Sixties
- Newton and the apple tree -from Lincolnshire to Bariloche and back
- Newton Okounkov Bodies and Positivity of Line Bundles
- Newton's chronology and the tradition of universal history
- Newton's Finger
- Newton's Inheritance: Natural Science in Seventeenth-Century Trinity
- Newton's laws and epistemic amplification
- Newton's Method and Localization
- Newton's Method for Finding Roots of Complex Polynomials: Complex Dynamics Between Combinatorics and Numerical Analysis
- Newton's methodology meets Humean supervenience about laws of nature
- Newton-Cartan geometry and the quantum Hall effect
- Newton-Okounkov bodies and asymptotic invariants of divisors
- Newtonian Cosmology and Voids
- Newtonian politics
- Newtonian vegetables and perceptive plants
- Next DLP: Cyber Security Talk - Well that's expensively weird - A deep dive into cloud incident response
- Next generation approaches to understanding the regulation of steroid hormone response
- Next generation computing for next generation sequencing
- Next Generation Dynamic Spectrum Networks
- Next generation electron detectors for TEM: an introduction
- Next Generation Genome Engineering using CompoZr Zinc Finger Nucleases
- Next Generation Gravimetric Biosensing Using FBARs
- Next Generation Imaging 2019
- Next generation initiators
- Next Generation Lighting from Research to Manufacture - IMechE talk and visit
- Next Generation Radio Arrays for Geospace Science
- Next Generation Researchers - Elevator Pitches
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day Keynote 1: Computational issues in ancient genomics
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day Keynote 2: Dark matter and the dark arts
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day Workshop 1: Data Production
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day Workshop 2: Alignment
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day Workshop 3: Assembly / Structural variation
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day Workshop 4: Counting and comparing
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day: Drinks & Flip Chart Session
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day: Future Steps
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day: Lunch & Flip Chart Session
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day: Registration
- Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Day: Tea & Coffee
- Next generation sequencing facilitates the interpretation of the human genome.
- Next generation surveys in the Rubin-LSST era (Kavli Science Focus Meeting)
- Next generation sustainability at the University of British Columbia
- Next Seminar TBA
- Next Steps
- Next Steps
- Next Steps
- Next Steps and Close
- Next Steps and Close
- Next Steps and Close
- Next Steps and Close
- Next Steps and Wrap Up
- Next Wave of Telco´s Innovation
- Next-Gen Building Energy Modeling: How AI Fuels Digital Twin Solutions
- Next-generation atlases of the human brain – how relevant for cognitive research?
- Next-generation computer-memory technology: crossover between physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering
- Next-generation data-parallel dataflow systems
- Next-Generation Methods In Preclinical Obesity Research
- Next-Generation Sequencing to Discover Prognostic Marker for Prostate Cancer: Algorithms and Candidates
- Next-Generation Smart Grid: Completely Autonomous Power Systems (CAPS)
- Next-Generation Solar Photovoltaics
- NextGen Research: Enabling distributed teams of experts and the engaged public to solve complex biomedical problems
- NEXTorr: A novel route to compact, high performance pumping in UHV-XHV vacuum systems
- Nexus Analysis: A Natural Fit for Linguistic Ethnography
- Neyman-Pearson Classification
- NF-kB oscillation mediates inflammatory response of macrophage
- nfluence of molecular weight and solvent quality on the microstructure and charge transfer properties of thin films of the n-type polymer P(NDI2OD-T2)
- NGN Presents: Comparing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems - UK and India
- NGOs, Activism and Human rights: an analysis of HIV , mental illness and stigma in South Africa
- NGS Sequence Assembly for Metagenomic Data
- NGS techniques for challenging RNA sample types
- Ni partitioning between olivine and silicate melts, and insights into Hawaiian petrogenesis
- Nicholas Norton Nicols and his maps of Mindanao
- Nicholas Rodd - Echos of the Early Universe in Axion Haloscopes
- Nico Gubernari - Probing the Standard Model with rare B-Meson Decays
- Nicola Mingotti - BP Institute, Martin Lippert - BP Institute, Neeraja Bhamidipati - BP Institute
- Nicolas Bourbaki and the concept of mathematical structure
- Nidhi Rohit Bangera on ''Production of false-positive Biosignatures on Hot Gas Giants''
- Niel Hens - a modelling perspective on the Covid 19 coronavirus outbreak in Belgium
- Niels Krebs Ovesen: His legacy in Physical Modelling
- Nietzsche's Perfect State
- Nietzsche: Divine Madness
- Nigel Beavor, Jacobs engineer
- Nigel Walker Lecture – Sen and Sensibility: Women, crime and sentencing
- Nigeria, British Economic Interests and the Sterling Guarantee Agreement
- Night Life: Derek Jarman and the 80's New Underground Film Scene
- Night Vision: exploring the infrared universe
- Night-purging multi-storey buildings
- Nightmare Series Lecture 2: The "Big Freeze" - exploring the consequences of a Russian "zero gas" supply disruption
- Nigrolstriatal Degeneration in Early-Stage Pakinson’s Disease Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and 18F-DTBZ PET: a Pilot Study
- NIHR CLAHRC CP Open Meeting
- NIHR Public Health Research Programme Applicants Workshop
- Nikita Simonov - Stability in Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities
- Nilpotent approximate groups
- Nilpotent approximate groups
- Nilpotent approximate groups
- Nilpotent Lie groups: Fourier inversion and prime ideals
- Nilpotent subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras, some unexpected torsion
- NIME '08 Conference Report
- Nina Ansary: 'Persepolis' and Women's Rights in Iran
- Nine Dots Prize Book Launch
- Nine evolutionary myths: The closing of the Darwinian mind?
- Nineteenth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Ninth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Nipping Cancer in the Bud – the HPV story
- Nipple shields: A novel system to deliver drugs and nutrients to breastfeeding infants
- NIPS 2009 highlights
- NIPS 2017 Highlights
- NIPS Highlight Session
- NIPS Highlights
- NIPS Offline Conference
- NIPS presentations
- NIPS presentations
- Nischarin, a novel tumor suppressor of breast cancer
- Nischarin, a novel tumor suppressor of breast cancer
- Nitpicking C++ Concurrency
- Nitrate, hypoxia and mitochondria: the secrets of Sherpa success? - Dr Andrew Murray
- Nitric Oxide controls a switch between degenerative and regenerative phases of developmental neuronal remodelling
- Nitric Oxide controls a switch between degenerative and regenerative phases of developmental neuronal remodelling
- Nitric Oxide controls a switch between degenerative and regenerative phases of developmental neuronal remodelling
- Nitric Oxide in Host-Bacterial Interactions
- Nitride Quantum Light Sources
- Nitrogen and oxygen isotopic constraints on the budget of NOx and nitrate in polar regions
- Nivat's Conjecture and expansive dynamics
- NixOS: Pros and cons of truly reproducible builds
- NK cells and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.
- NK Cells in reproduction, transplantation and cancer
- NLFFF modeling of a circular-ribbon flare
- NLIP 2024 Social: Meet New PhD Students
- NLO QCD corrections to diphoton-plus-jet production through gluon fusion at the LHC
- NLO+PS matching and multijet merging at NLO
- NLP for Science: Advances and Challenges
- NLP in the clinical domain - data, approaches and considerations
- NLP Reading Group: Learning Continuous Phrase Representations and Syntactic Parsing with Recursive Neural Networks
- NLP Reading Group: Measuring Distributional Similarity in Context
- NLP, the perfect social (media) science?
- NLR: A large gene family with big ambitions
- NLRP3 inflammasome activation in neurodegenerative disease
- NLS on domains
- NMDA receptors: diversity molecular mechanisms and synaptic regulation.
- NMDA receptors: diversity, molecular mechanisms and synaptic regulation.
- NMR atomic-resolution structures of amyloids
- NMR based investigation of protein molten globule states
- NMR Inspired Perspectives on Enzymology: The Role of Dimer Asymmetry and Protomer Dynamics in Enzyme Catalysis
- NMR of Vacancies: Defect Structures and Mobility in Doped Perovskites and Related Phases
- NMR spectroscopy to study dynamics with applications to immunology and neurodegeneration
- NMR studies of a helical 7-transmembrane receptor
- NMR studies of displacement propagators in rocks and related porous media
- NMR Studies of DNA Aligned in DMPC/DHPC/CS Bicelle Mixtures
- NMR studies of protein-protein interactions involved in chromatin structure
- NMR Toolkit for studying biomolecular folding
- NMT Analysis: The Trade-Off Between Source and Target, and (a Bit of) the Training Process
- NNLO + Strings
- NNLO event generation for top pair production at the LHC
- No Babbage Seminar today owing to the Wheeler Lecture
- No Bullard seminar
- No Bullard seminar
- No Bullard seminar
- No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance
- No cosmology lunch - bank holiday
- No Dollar Too Dark: Free Trade, Piracy, Privateering and Illegal Slave Trading in the Northeast Caribbean, Early 19th Century
- No Fixed Abode: Avoiding IP Address Blocking to Circumvent Censorship
- No Galaxies Discussion Group
- No general structure
- No Going Back! What next for women today?
- No Going Back: The Scientific and Political Ethics of Ecological Novelty
- No interpretation of probability
- No lecture
- No Lecture as Royal Society of Chemistry Meeting
- No Littering!
- No Longer the One-Child Family: Parenting and Sibling Relationships in China
- No Mott Colloquium this week
- No Olympus without Ares: security expressions of first-class global citizenship
- No One to Blame, but... : Fear and Failure in Securing Large Organisations
- No Physicist is an Island: Looking for TeV Physics in a peV Transition
- No really, it is: 'water' and 'H2O'
- No resonant tunneling in the landscape
- No Russian Spring?
- No seminar
- No Seminar
- No seminar
- No seminar
- No seminar
- No Seminar
- No Seminar
- No Seminar
- No Seminar
- No Seminar
- No seminar (Bank Holiday)
- No seminar (GGSE in Southampton)
- No seminar (GGSE in UCL)
- NO SEMINAR (MSRI workshop on Discrete Rigidity Phenomena)
- No Seminar (postponed)
- No Seminar (postponed)
- No seminar because of the UK Particle Cosmology Network meeting
- No seminar scheduled
- No seminar this week
- No Seminar Today
- No Spring Chicken: Quantifying the Lifespan of Exploits in IoT Malware Using Static and Dynamic Analysis
- No Strain, No Gain?: Lessons in Catalysis
- No such thing as society? Learning from AI in the street.
- no talk
- No Talk
- no talk (GGSE at UCL)
- no talk (special seminar instead)
- no talk at all...
- No talk on this day. Talk on May 9th.
- No talk organized as yet.
- No Talk scheduled
- No Talk scheduled
- No talk scheduled
- No talk scheduled (no room)
- No Talk This Week
- No talk this week
- No talk this week
- NO TEA TALK (Peter Lawrence Symposium)
- No Topic Yet
- No Topic Yet
- No Voice? Child Collaborators and the Co-Produced Picture Book
- No Wednesday Seminar today!
- No, rien de rien... Regretted purchases in the UK and their implications for environmental policy
- No-flux boundary conditions for one-sided Lévy processes
- No-Go Theorems for Distributive Laws
- No-Horizon Physics on the Horizon? Phenomenology of Black Hole Microstates
- No-regret Dynamics for Multi-agent Learning
- No-Scale Supergravity Inflation
- No-three-in-a-line problems
- No-Transmission Principle in Holography
- Noah Mitchell - Mapping the Mechanics and Dynamics of Gut Morphogenesis; Stefan Harmansa - Shaping Growing Tissues by Basement Membrane Mechanics
- Noah’s Grandsons and the Elephant: Functions of Pseudepigraphic Writing in Persianate South Asia
- Nobel Laureate Lectures live, week starting June 30 2008
- Nobel Laureate Lectures live, week starting June 30 2008
- Nobel Laureate Talk - John Walker
- Nobu Kayagaki, Title: NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture – the final cataclysmic event in lytic cell death, and Clare Bryant, Title: Evolutionary loss of inflammasomes in mink and other carnivora: the consequences for zoonotic infections.
- Nocturnal Chemistry in the Troposphere: Laboratory and Field Studies.
- NOD2-dependent autophagy and Crohn's disease
- Nodal curves and ALE spaces
- Nodal curves old and new
- Nodal degeneration of hyperbolic metrics and application to Weil-Petersson metric on the moduli space
- Nodal length fluctuations for arithmetic random waves.
- Noether's bound for finite group actions
- Noether, Bruhat, Morawetz
- Noise and periodic patterns of morphogenesis in phyllotaxis.
- Noise and signal integration in cell cycle control
- Noise and the two-thirds power law
- Noise Attenuation during the Development of Spatial Pattern
- Noise effects and non-Markovianity in an otherwise perfect transfer protocol
- Noise estimation by PDE-constrained optimisation
- Noise in audio and electronics
- Noise in knowledge: How do we study variability in cognitive development?
- Noise in the central nervous system
- Noise sensitivity in bootstrap percolation
- Noise sensitivity of Boolean functions
- NOISE SOLUTION - Improving life chances through Dubstep? Prove it!
- Noise, Fluctuation, and Response in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Noise-Aware Differentially Private Synthetic Data
- Noise-generated mixed-mode oscillations
- Noise-induced phenomena in nonlinear systems and their control
- Noisy and dynamic gene regulation in Arabidopsis
- Noisy decoding by shallow circuit with parities: classical and quantum
- Noisy Rational Bubbles
- Noisy stress responses and their fitness consequences for C. elegans
- Noisy, sparse, nonlinear: Navigating the Bermuda Triangle of physical inference with deep filtering
- Nomic truth approximation by revising models and postulates in the light of increasing evidence
- Nominal applications of the classifying space of the finitary permutation group
- Nominal terms and one-and-a-half level Curry-Howard
- Nominalism in the social sciences: promises and pitfalls
- Non abelian p-adic L-functions and Eisenstein series of unitary groups
- Non coding RNA and normal botany
- Non equilibrium holography
- Non existence and strong ill-posedness in $C^k$ and Sobolev spaces for SQG
- Non invasive deep brain stimulation via temporally interfering electric fields
- Non invasive detection of tissue specific cell death via methylation patterns of circulating DNA
- Non Invasive Respiratory Function Assessment and Radiographic Skull Measurements in Brachycephalic Dogs
- Non linear problems involving non local diffusions
- Non lithium based technologies: walking on the sodium side
- Non polynomial approximations of wave problems
- Non Relativistic Quantum Gravity
- Non Relativistic Quantum Gravity
- Non Relativistic Quantum Gravity
- Non Relativistic Quantum Gravity
- Non Relativistic Quantum Gravity
- Non semisimple TQFTs from quantum sl(2)
- Non stick surfaces and self motile particles: some old and new problems in colloid physics
- Non- Perturbative Corrections to the Hypermultiplet Moduli Space in Type
II String Theories: A Review of the Status of a Problem
- Non-Abelian black holes and microstate geometries
- Non-Abelian black holes and microstate geometries
- Non-abelian discrete gauge symmetries in string theory
- Non-Abelian Quantum Hall States: Matrix Models and More
- Non-abelian Stark-type conjectures
- Non-Adiabatic Processes at the Gas-Solid Interface
- Non-antibiotic Strategies to Prevent and Control Respiratory Bacterial Infections in Swine
- Non-apical mitoses contribute to cell delamination during mouse gastrulation
- Non-archimedean integration on quotients
- Non-arithmetic lattices
- Non-asymptotic bounds for forward processes in denoising diffusions: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is optimal
- Non-asymptotic control of a kernel 2-sample test
- Non-asymptotic variable identification via the Lasso and the elastic net
- Non-BPS Black Hole Microstate Geometries
- Non-canonical cross-presentation: what is it and when does it work?”
- Non-catalytic roles for the maintenance methyltransferase, XDnmt1, in development and disease
- Non-cell-autonomous regulation of cell reprogramming: how to be an active bystander
- Non-central moderate deviations for compound fractional Poisson processes
- Non-classical immune response regulates stress during hypertrophy
- Non-classical means for regulating small G-proteins
- Non-coding genome function in pancreatic islets and diabetes
- Non-coding RNAs in head and neck cancer, Proteolytic regulation of synaptic development, Systematic circadian disruption in human cancer
- Non-coding solutions to developmental challenges
- Non-collapsing Spacing-filling Designs for Bounded Regions
- Non-commutative Dunkl operators
- Non-commutative invariant theory
- Non-commutative methods in deformation theory of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces.
- Non-commutative q-expansions
- Non-commutative/non-associative geometry and effective actions of non-geometric string backgrounds
- Non-compactness of initial data sets in high dimensions.
- Non-conservation of the valley density and its implications for the observation of the valley Hall effect
- Non-contrast Enhanced MRI in Central Nervous System
- Non-conventional polymer composite materials: expanding the design envelope of aerospace structures
- Non-convex Optimisation Using the Polyak-Łojasiewicz Inequality
- Non-Covalent Chemistry
- Non-covalent interactions: insight into solvation, bio-molecular structure and drug action
- Non-covalent Peptide Assembly: The latest Results
- Non-diffusive spread of White-nose syndrome caused by spatial heterogeneities and climate
- Non-double-couple sources: Real mechanisms or modelling artefacts?
- Non-equilibrium Condensation Process in a Holographic Superconductor
- Non-Equilibrium Criticality in Eternal Inflation
- Non-equilibrium dynamics of open quantum system
- Non-equilibrium effects in superconducting thin films probed by time-domain THz spectroscopy.
- Non-Equilibrium Fermi Gas as a Riemann Hilbert Problem
- Non-equilibrium fluctuations and mechanics of active gels and living cells
- Non-equilibrium fluctuations for the slow boundary symmetric exclusion
- Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems, lecture 1
- Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems, lecture 1
- Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems, lecture 3
- Non-equilibrium phase separation with reactions
- Non-equilibrium phase transition in the nucleus of a living cell
- Non-equilibrium phase transitions in complex systems
- Non-equilibrium processes from an ab-initio perspective: generalized Hedin's equations and ultra-fast processes in paradigmatic materials
- Non-equilibrium steady states in many-body quantum systems
- Non-Equilibrium Transport at Quantum Critical Points
- Non-equilibrium turbulence scalings and self-similarity in turbulent planar jets
- Non-European Newspaper Culture in Kenya: Mumenyereri, the Daily Chronicle and the Colonial Times, 1945-51
- Non-existence of time-periodic vacuum spacetimes in general relativity
- Non-extensive condensation in reinforced branching processes
- Non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in nearly ferromagnetic metals: a new fixed point
- Non-Gaussian gravitational waves from inflation
- Non-Gaussian Statistics of Cosmic Microwave Background Secondary Anisotropies: Signals and Primordial Contaminants
- Non-Gaussianities in Multi-Field Inflation
- Non-Gaussianities in Single Field Inflation
- Non-Gaussianity after Planck
- Non-Gaussianity after Planck
- Non-Gaussianity and random diffusivity models
- Non-Gaussianity as a Particle Detector
- Non-Gaussianity from multi-field inflation
- Non-Gaussianity from preheating
- Non-gaussianity in general single field inflation - The Trispectrum
- Non-Gaussianity in multi-field DBI inflation
- Non-Gaussianity in N-body simulations of large scale structures
- Non-Gaussianity of superhorizon curvature perturbations beyond delta N formalism
- Non-genetic inheritance of phenotype in mammals
- Non-geometric fluxes in higher dimensions: I
- Non-geometric fluxes in higher dimensions: II
- Non-Hamiltonian quantum mechanics: some simple ideas
- Non-Han bodies: anthropology, visuality and biopower in China's southwest borderland during the second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945)
- Non-Hausdorff Manifolds: Trick or Treat?
- Non-Hermitian Anderson model on a strip: properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
- Non-Hermitian dispersive hydrodynamics
- Non-Hermitian symmetry-protected topological band theory
- Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics in protoplanetary disks
- Non-ignorable missing data in parametric survival models
- Non-integrable KdV-like models: solitons, breathers, compactons and rogue waves
- Non-Interactive Verifiable Computation
- Non-invasive analysis of paintings and other cultural heritage objects
- Non-linear dynamics and the (in)stability of AdS
- Non-linear dynamics and the (in)stability of AdS
- Non-linear dynamics and the (in)stability of AdS
- Non-Linear Force-Free Models of the Sun's Magnetic Field
- Non-linear generalisation of the May-Wigner instability transition (joint work with Yan Fyodorov)
- Non-linear kinetic theory of drift-tearing modes in magnetised plasmas
- Non-linear oscillations of hydrodynamic tori: One ring to rule them all...
- Non-linear parametrically excited systems
- Non-linear perspectives of health and disease in Indian medicine (Ayurveda): possible role of NMR
- Non-linear response of two dimensional crystals and layered materials
- Non-linear stability of Kerr-de Sitter black holes
- Non-linear stability of Schwarzschild-AdS for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Klein-Gordon system
- Non-linear structure formation in modified gravity models
- Non-linear structure formation in non-standard cosmological models
- Non-linear trajectories with simultaneous space integration and auto-regressive predictors in Semi-Lagrangian integration
- Non-linearities in the analytical hierarchy
- Non-literal model interpretations
- Non-local (integro)-differential models for living agents’ dynamics
- Non-local birth-death processes
- Non-local Colloidal Diffusiophoresis in Crossed Salt Gradients: An 'action at a distance' Effect Predicted by the Nernst-Planck Equations
- Non-local Colloidal Diffusiophoresis in Crossed Salt Gradients: An 'action at a distance' Effect Predicted by the Nernst-Planck Equations
- Non-local density functional theory
- Non-local differential operators in probability - Kirk Lecture
- Non-local Pearson diffusions
- Non-Local Rheology
- Non-local Schrödinger operators with eigenvalues at the spectral edge
- Non-Locality Beyond Quantum Theory
- Non-Markovian and nonlinear quantum input-output response analysis
- Non-Markovian gene expression
- Non-Markovian models of collective motion
- Non-Markovian walks and nonlinear reaction-transport equations
- Non-melanoma skin cancer:- estimating the size of the elephant in the NHS room
- Non-melanoma skin cancer:- estimating the size of the elephant in the NHS room
- Non-melanoma skin cancers: the tip of the iceberg
- Non-monotone absorbing state phase transitions
- Non-monotonic rate-and-state friction: consequences of the physics of friction on earthquake mechanics
- Non-multiplicative TQFTs and diagrammatic categorifications of the polynomial ring
- Non-Native Species: The good, the bad and the ugly
- Non-negative matrix factorization with Gaussian process priors
- Non-Neutralino LSPs in mSUGRA with R-Parity Violation and their Signatures at Hadron Colliders
- Non-Newtonian fluids: applications of Orlicz spaces in the theory of nonlinear PDE
- Non-parametric Bayesian Chromatin State Segmentation
- Non-parametric Bayesian Method and Maximum-A-Posteriori Inference in Statistical Machine Translation
- Non-Parametric Conditional Random Fields in Computer Vision and Image Processing
- Non-parametric density estimation
- Non-parametric estimation of HARDI diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging data
- Non-parametric mixture models
- Non-parametric regression with observations at imprecise times: Bayesian radiocarbon calibration
- Non-periodic homogenization for seismic forward and inverse problems
- Non-Perturbative Gauge-Higgs Unification
- Non-perturbative hyperkahler manifolds
- Non-perturbative quantum geometry, resurgence and BPS structures
- Non-perturbative tails from multifield inflation
- Non-perturbative Topological String on Compact Calabi-Yau 3-folds
- Non-pharmaceutical interventions and heterogeneous transmission effects
- Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)
- Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)
- Non-proximal linear random walks on the torus
- Non-racism and Toxic Interaction Theory in Mental Health Practice: Professional responsibility in the light of systemic racism
- Non-radiative processes in organic semiconductors"
- Non-radiative processes in organic semiconductors"
- Non-reciprocal frustration physics
- Non-reciprocal Multifarious Self-organization
- Non-reciprocal pattern formation of conserved fields
- Non-reciprocal phase transitions
- Non-reciprocity permits novel dynamics in stochastic topological systems
- Non-reductive automorphism groups, the Loewy filtration and K-stability
- Non-reductive GIT in action: hyperbolicity and enumerative geometry
- Non-redundant Control of Rice Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis by two Phosphate Transporters
- Non-Relativistic Scale Anomalies and Geometry
- Non-relativistic twistor theory and Newton--Cartan geometry
- Non-reversible lifts of reversible diffusion processes and relaxation times
- Non-Rigid Photometric Stereo with Colored Lights
- Non-semisimple link and 3-manifold invariants: on algebraically strong invariants
- Non-separability does not relieve the problem of Bell's theorem
- Non-smooth horizons in Kerr black hole mergers
- Non-Smooth-Norm Image Reconstruction from Noisy Data
- Non-solvable Galois number fields ramified at 2, 3 and 5 only
- Non-Spherically Symmetric Collapse in Asymptotically AdS Spacetimes
- Non-stationary and deep Gaussian processes
- Non-stationary functional time series: an application to electricity supply and demand
- Non-stationary Network Modelling by Particle Filtering: case of Gene Interaction Networks
- Non-Stationary predictors for land use change into the future
- Non-Stationary predictors for land use change into the future
- Non-stop real-time data delivery at Yelp
- Non-stringy approaches to quantum gravity: a brief survey
- Non-suicidal self-injury: an important transdiagnostic symptom cluster?
- Non-thermal effects of terahertz radiation on gene expression in mouse stem cells
- Non-Traditional Modelling
- Non-traditional Students in Elite Universities: Examining their Experiences and Support Systems
- Non-transitive sets of dice
- Non-uniqueness of instabilities in free-surface flows
- Non-uniqueness of Leray solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations
- Non-Uniqueness Phenomena for the Incompressible Euler Equations
- Non-univalent solutions of the Polubarinova-Galin equation
- Non-Viral Based Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 Therapeutics Against Osteoarthritis in Canines
- Nonabelian action of M5-branes
- Nonabelian Hodge Theory for klt varieties, the Miyaoka-Yau inequality and quasi-étale uniformisation
- Nonabelian Poincare Duality
- Nonadditive entropies and thermodynamics - Black holes and other applications
- Noncoding genome transcription
- Noncollinear magnetism and spin-orbit coupling
- Noncommutative deformations of curves and spherical twists
- Noncommutative geometry and its relation to General Relativity
- Noncommutative Quantum Cosmology and Black Holes
- Noncommutative Riemann hypothesis
- Noncommutative toric geometry
- Nonconnective animated rings and affine stacks
- Nonconscious processes in goals and their pursuit
- Noncovalent Nanostructures in Aqueous Medium: Robust yet Adaptive
- Noncytotoxic immune control of cytomegalovirus by killer cell proteases
- Nondegeneracy in the Obstacle Problem with a Degenerate Force Term
- Nondegeneracy of solution to degenerate obstacle problem.
- Nondeterminism: many questions and (maybe) some answers
- Nondiffusive turbulent mixing in surface oceanic boundary layers
- None
- Nonequilibrium dynamics in the Hubbard model
- Nonequilibrium generation of information in copolymerization processes
- Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering
- Nonequilibrium response, relaxation and the t-mixing condition
- Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics approach to turbulence
- Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of climate variability: modelling issues and applications to data assimilation techniques
- Nonequilibrium steady state for harmonically-confined active particles
- Nonequilibrium: from heat conduction, to turbulence (to life): Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow lecture
- Nongenetic mechanisms of tumor evolution and therapy resistance
- Nonholonomic simple modules over enveloping algebras
- Nonhuman episodic memory, scepticism and psychological kinds
- Noninvasive cancer genomics
- Nonlinear Acoustics in a Slowly Varying Duct
- Nonlinear Acoustics in Brass Instruments
- Nonlinear advection-diffusion equations: some methods for an L^\infty bound, uniqueness and asymptotic dynamics
- Nonlinear balanced truncation model reduction for control
- Nonlinear breathers with crystalline symmetries
- Nonlinear Coherence: reversing the problem
- Nonlinear Consensus and Formation Control for Switching Topologies
- Nonlinear Conservation Laws and Divergence-Measure Fields
- Nonlinear Cross-Diffusion Models for Size Exclusion
- Nonlinear damped spatially periodic breathers and the emergence of soliton-like rogue waves
- Nonlinear dendritic processing in-vitro and in-vivo
- Nonlinear development and acoustic radiation of instability waves/coherent structures in transitional/turbulent free shear flows
- Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
- Nonlinear dynamics and condition monitoring in rotating machines
- Nonlinear dynamics in microelectromechanical systems
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Distorted Astrophysical Discs: Warps and All
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Learning
- Nonlinear dynamics of slipping flows
- Nonlinear dynamics of trapped waves on currents
- Nonlinear Eigenanalysis of sparsity-promoting regularisation operators
- Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for nonhomegenous differential operators
- Nonlinear elasticity and image processing
- Nonlinear Elasticity and Rheological Behavior in Dense Tissues
- Nonlinear elliptic equations with absorption.
- Nonlinear features of flexural-gravity waves
- Nonlinear Fibre Optics: From Continuous Waves to Femtosecond Pulses
- Nonlinear filtering algorithms based on averaging over characteristics and on the innovation approach.
- Nonlinear flexural and capillary-gravity waves
- Nonlinear Fourier Analysis of Shallow Water Rogue Waves Measured in the Southern North Sea
- Nonlinear Fourier transform and electrical impedance tomography
- Nonlinear fractional diffusion equations. Two problems with free boundaries
- Nonlinear hydroelastic waves and related flows
- Nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws: diffusive-dispersive limits
- Nonlinear ICA using temporal structure: a principled framework for unsupervised deep learning
- Nonlinear ICA using temporal structure: a principled framework for unsupervised deep learning
- Nonlinear Ice sheet/liquid interaction due to an obstruction
- Nonlinear integrate and fire neuron models, part II: existence, uniqueness, and asymptotics
- Nonlinear integrate and fire neuron models: analysis and numerics
- Nonlinear interaction of high power laser beams with plasmas
- Nonlinear interaction of the self-sustaining process in the near-wall region of wall-bounded turbulence
- Nonlinear interaction of the self-sustaining process in the near-wall region of wall-bounded turbulence
- Nonlinear interaction of the self-sustaining process in the near-wall region of wall-bounded turbulence
- Nonlinear interaction of tidal flows in the convective envelopes of low-mass stars or giant gaseous planets
- Nonlinear localization and regularity of solutions of Brinkman-Forchheimer type equations
- Nonlinear massive gravity and Cosmology
- Nonlinear mechanics and design of prestressed stayed columns
- Nonlinear modelling for active noise control applications in vehicles
- Nonlinear Models for Matrix Completion
- Nonlinear motion control
- Nonlinear motion separation via untrained generator networks with disentangled latent space variables and applications to cardiac MRI
- Nonlinear non-local Fokker-Planck equations modelling networks of integrate and fire neurons at the mesoscopic scale
- Nonlinear nonmodal stability theory
- Nonlinear numerical modeling of impact loads of ship sections and floating ice
- Nonlinear Observers with a Contracting Riemannian Distance
- Nonlinear optimization method for the estimation of neural activation patterns in users of cochlear implants
- Nonlinear optomechanical measurement of mechanical motion
- Nonlinear PDEs of Mixed Elliptic-Hyperbolic Type: Analysis and Applications
- Nonlinear peristaltic waves: the python's bitter pill to swallow
- Nonlinear plasma waves as sources of axion-like particles
- Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs
- Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs
- Nonlinear real arithmetic and delta-satisfiability
- Nonlinear resonance and excitability in interconnected systems
- Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems (continued)
- Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems (continued)
- Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems: History, Results and Questions
- Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with trapping potentials in higher dimensions
- Nonlinear Seismic Response and Vulnerability of Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames
- Nonlinear Semidefinite Optimization I
- Nonlinear Semidefinite Optimization II
- Nonlinear Shrinkage Estimation in Quadratic Inference Function Analysis for Correlated Data
- Nonlinear Shrinkage Estimation in Quadratic Inference Function Analysis for Correlated Data
- Nonlinear shrinkage of Eigenvalues in Integrated Covolatility Matrix for Portfolio Allocation in High Frequency Data
- Nonlinear spectral analysis - beyond the convex case
- Nonlinear stability of Einstein-matter models near the big bang singularity
- Nonlinear stability of extremal Reissner–Nordström black holes in spherical symmetry
- Nonlinear Stability of Multilayer Shear Flows
- Nonlinear stochastic time series analysis for sea ice and climate
- Nonlinear stochastic wave equations I
- Nonlinear stochastic wave equations II
- Nonlinear surface waves at finite depth with and without surface cover
- Nonlinear thermoacoustics: Flames on the edge of chaos
- Nonlinear thermoacoustics: flames on the edge of chaos
- Nonlinear Tomography
- Nonlinear transitional mechanisms in boundary layers: a frequency domain approach
- Nonlinear vibration: Experiments ≠ Simulations
- Nonlinear wave equations on time dependent inhomogeneous backgrounds
- Nonlinear wave equations on time dependent inhomogeneous backgrounds
- Nonlinear Waves in Granular Crystals: Modeling, Analysis, Computations and Experiments
- Nonlinear waves on the surface of a fluid covered by a viscoelastic sheet
- Nonlinearities, tipping points and regime shifts
- Nonlinearities, tipping points and regime shifts
- Nonlinearity Engineering In Photonics: From Mode-Locked Lasers To Nonlinear Laser Lithography
- Nonlinearity in musical instruments
- Nonlinearity in musical instruments
- Nonlinearity in structural dynamics: when does it matter?
- Nonlinearity management in optics and granular media
- Nonlinearity, interactions and Anderson localisation
- Nonlocal aggregation models for biological movement.
- Nonlocal Aggregation-Diffusion Equations: fast diffusion and partial concentration
- Nonlocal evolution equations (Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow lecture)
- Nonlocal Formulations, Inverse Problems, & Conservation Laws for Water Waves
- Nonlocal games involving quantum graphs
- Nonlocal gradients and fractional PDE
- Nonlocal interaction PDEs with nonlinear diffusion
- Nonlocal Particle Systems with Wasserstein Interaction
- Nonlocal problems of p-laplacian type
- Nonlocal quadratic forms with visibility constraint (joint work with Moritz Kassmann)
- Nonlocal quadratic forms with visibility constraint (joint work with Moritz Kassmann)
- Nonlocal quadratic forms with visibility constraint (joint work with Moritz Kassmann)
- Nonlocal regional operators and the corresponding stochastic processes
- Nonlocality and dynamic fracture: Are multiscale models the answer in dynamic fracture?
- Nonlocality, relativistic spacetime and quantum equilibrium
- Nonmonotonic flow curves and shear banding in granular flows
- Nonparametric Bayes for support boundary recovery
- Nonparametric Bayesian Learning of Switching Dynamical Systems
- Nonparametric Bayesian Methods: Models, Algorithms, and Applications (Lecture 1)
- Nonparametric Bayesian Methods: Models, Algorithms, and Applications (Lecture 2)
- Nonparametric Bayesian Natural Language Model Domain Adaptation: A Hierarchical, Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Language Model
- Nonparametric Bayesian times series models: infinite HMMs and beyond
- Nonparametric Bayesian Word Discovery by Robots: Introduction to Symbol Emergence in Robotics
- Nonparametric change-point detection with sparse alternatives
- Nonparametric classification with missing data
- Nonparametric cluster analysis: estimating the cluster tree of a density
- Nonparametric estimation of a log-concave density
- Nonparametric Estimation of Diffusions in the Low-Frequency Setting
- Nonparametric estimation of s-concave and log-concave densities: an alternative to maximum likelihood
- Nonparametric estimation of the division rate of a size-structured population
- Nonparametric estimation under shape constraints
- Nonparametric Generative Modeling via Optimal Transport and Diffusions with Provable Guarantees
- Nonparametric inference for networks of queues
- Nonparametric inference for networks of queues
- Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation
- Nonparametric maximum likelihood methods for binary response models with random coefficients
- Nonparametric regression for locally stationary time series
- Nonparametrics for networks
- Nonpositive curvature is not coarsely universal
- Nonreciprocal Phase Transitions
- Nonsmooth optimization based on piecewise linearization
- Nonsmooth Optimization put to good use in energy problems
- Nonsmooth Optimization put to good use in energy problems
- Nonstandard Analysis: a new way to compute
- Nonstandard complete class theorems
- Nonstandard Methods in Ramsey Theory
- Nonstationary Gaussian process emulators with covariance mixtures
- Nonstationary Gaussian process emulators with covariance mixtures
- Nonuniform Generalized Sampling
- Nonuniform mixing: filters, swimmers, and floaters
- Nonuniqueness for some stochastic PDE
- Nonvanishing and a canonical bundle formula in positive characteristic
- Nonverbal Communication and Autism
- Norm convergence of nonconventional ergodic averages
- Norm Estimation, Precision Sampling, and Rademacher Type
- Norm-Resolvent Convergence in Perforated Domains
- Normal and abnormal face processing in humans
- Normal and leukaemic (AML) human stem/progenitor cells
- Normal and neoplastic stem cells
- Normal Approximation and Concentration for Functions of Sample Covariance Operators
- Normal approximation for a random elliptic PDE
- Normal clinical visual function in individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Normal mode sensitivity to structure in Earth’s D’’ layer and CMB topography: What we can and cannot see
- Normal numbers and fractal measures
- Normal State of Highly Polarized Fermi Gases: Full Many-Body Treatment
- Normal subgroups of mapping class groups
- Normal subgroups of the multiplicative group of a finite dimensional division algebra, and valuations
- Normal-mode studies of the Earth's inner core
- Normality and Differentiability
- Normalization in the integral models of Shimura varieties of Hodge (abelian) type
- Normalizing colour vision
- Norms are like colours: naturalism and the constitutively perspectival
- Norms Resistance in European Foreign Policy: The Case of the European External Action Service
- Norms, action ... - Talk Cancelled
- Nornalizing Flows for cosmology applications
- Norovirus: epidemiology, evolution and identification of variants
- North American Girls' Literature
- North American Late Pleistocene mammalian extinctions: was it murder or climatic mayhem?
- North Atlantic annually resolved temperatures for the last millennium: the Arctica islandica record.
- North Atlantic Oscillation: teleconnections, mechanisms and long range predictability
- North Atlantic variability and its link to European climate and history over the last 3000 years
- North to the Future
- North-eastern Neo-Aramaic narrative techniques and their areal parallels (Kurdish and Arabic)
- North-eastern Neo-Aramaic: Endangered communities and languages in contact
- North-West Saharan Holocene rainfall driven by interhemispheric temperature differences (with climatic and archaeological considerations)
- Northcote W Thomas and Northern Edo history
- Northern Antarctic Peninsula: a marine climate hotspot of rapid changes on ecosystems and ocean dynamics
- Northern Chad: anarchy and social cohesion, or neither?
- Northern Harvests: Hunting, Fishing and Long-term Economic Cycles in the Medieval North
- Northern Jounryes: widllife trade and the medieval Arctic
- Northernmost Antarctic Peninsula glacial and climate changes
- Northwest Amazonian multi-lingualism: the past, present and future of a unique system
- Norwegian Architecture?
- Norwegian Romani - the 'languageness' of a Para-Romani variety
- Nostalgia as a social support repository: The role of attachment-related avoidance
- Nostalgic pasts, nostalgic futures: poetry, politics and north Indian Muslim identity, 1850-1950
- Not 'just a GP'
- Not a jet all the way: discovery prospects using substructure
- Not all computations are effective methods
- Not all hopes for new physics die immediately
- Not all that is repetitive is a clock; Elucidating early steps of lateral root formation
- Not all visitors welcome at this summer’s Olympics: managing neurological EHV-1 at equine events
- Not Being Kantian about Moral Justification
- Not born Yesterday: Why humans are less gullible than we think
- Not even wrong
- Not even wrong. Why does nobody like pilot-wave theory?
- Not for me: on the external function of guilt
- Not just a pretty flower- an ancestral function for LEAFY in shoot development of non-seed vascular plants
- Not just an affair of the heart: A look at ERG channels and Kv7 channels in
- Not just knots: on the role of materiality in Andean khipus
- Not Just Old Bones: The Birth of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology in the UK
- Not just Pi in the sky: low-tech solutions for social innovation
- Not Maggie's fault? The Thatcher government and the reemergence of global finance
- Not Mammoth Steaks Again?!
- Not One but Many: Reckoning with Universalism from the Margins
- Not Our Mother's Movement: Historical Amnesia and the Attenuated Legacies of U.S. Feminism
- Not so naive Bayesian classification
- Not so rough paths
- Not so Slow: Do Galactic Bars Slow Down?
- Not Talking But Thinking: Democratic Deliberation in Classical Athens
- Not too big and not too small – Bicycle peptides for precision targeted therapies
- Not Too Early, But Just Right! - Unleashing the power of science in early childhood
- Not Yet Finding Third Generation Supersymmetry
- Not-knowing about the aetiology of cervical cancer: a puzzle about absence of evidence
- Notch and Wnt Signaling: From Hematopoeitic Stem Cells to Leukemia
- Notch Deficiency in the Skin: From Inflammation to Cancer
- NOTE TIME! 1-2pm! Cryptic Neoproterozoic mountain building events around the margin of Rodinia
- NOTE:TIME CHANGE: 3-4pm: Learning from transits: evolutions & compositions of giant exoplanets
- Notes on Notes: The musicology of performance
- Notes on security breaches
- Notes on the (live) synthesis of music
- Notes on the Synthesis of Music
- Notes on the Synthesis of Music
- Notes on the Synthesis of Music
- Notes on the verbal domain in Meadow Mari
- Nothing About Us Without Us: The Transformative Power of Participatory and Reflexive Research
- Nothing Pithy
- Noun noun constructions in English
- Novae and Supernovae: Intimate Connections
- Novel Algorithms to Solve Hard Network Problems
- Novel analytical methods to investigate correspondences between brain areas in different primate species
- Novel antibacterial copper nanoparticles
- Novel applications of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analyses: rock, ice and nanoparticles
- Novel applications of non-traditional stable isotopes to studying near-equilibrium geochemical kinetics with applications to carbon removal and storage
- Novel approaches for vaccine design: Bypassing Treg activity enhances T cell-mediated immunity
- Novel approaches to Hydrogen, CO2 Conversion and Ammonia to reduce carbon emissions
- Novel Architectural Glass Connections
- Novel assays shows that coronary artery disease patients have heightened procoagulant potential and implicates the Cyclophilin D dependent necrosis pathway
- Novel Biomaterials and Technology for use in Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering
- Novel Calcium Phosphate Nano-Probes for the Intestinal Immune System
- Novel complex fast ion conductors: challenges for crystallographers and spectroscopists!
- Novel Conjugated Materials for Fission, Fusion and Reverse Intersystem Crossing
- Novel connections between anti-viral innate immunity and metabolism: A Systems Biology Approach
- Novel crosstalk between the ER stress and TLR signaling pathway
- Novel designs and waveguides in terahertz quantum cascade lasers
- Novel Digital Health Approaches to Early Autism Screening
- Novel Digital Health Approaches to Early Autism Screening
- Novel ecoinformatic approaches to help monitor and solve the biodiversity crisis
- Novel electron microscopy approaches to probe cell-substrate interactions
- Novel energetic materials based on intermetallic reactions
- Novel exact and asymptotic series with error functions, for a function involved in diffraction theory: the incomplete Bessel function
- Novel exact and asymptotic series with error functions, for a function involved in diffraction theory: the incomplete Bessel function
- Novel Experiments in Superfluid Helium-3 at Ultralow Temperatures
- Novel Facts
- Novel functions for IgG in modulating immune highways and DC trafficking
- Novel geometries from supersymmetric near-horizon solutions
- Novel Group-dynamics Approaches to Physical Activity Promotion Across the Lifespan
- Novel Group-dynamics Approaches to Physical Activity Promotion Across the Lifespan
- Novel imaging of cancer: Exciting and detecting new contrast
- Novel in-situ chemical oxidation for soil remediation
- Novel insights into assembly and allosteric regulation of AMPA receptors
- Novel insights into HIV assembly and maturation
- Novel insights into substrate recognition and targeting of mRNA to nonsense-mediated decay
- Novel insights into the molecular mechanism of α-synuclein amyloid formation - The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors
- Novel interferometric and Deep Learning approach to Black Hole Imaging
- Novel light-harvesting materials: pie-in-the-sky versus state-of-the-art
- Novel Liquid Laminated Glass Connections
- Novel manufacturing approaches to improving Li and Na ion batteries
- Novel materials and fabrication paradigms for plastic micro & nano-scale electronics
- Novel materials for high temperature structural applications
- Novel mechanisms connecting innate immunity, microbiota and lipid metabolism: potential therapeutic approaches for atherosclerosis?
- Novel mechanisms of clinical drug resistance in ovarian cancer
- Novel Mechanisms of Dysregulated Endothelium in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
- Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and neural repair
- Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and neural repair
- Novel mechanisms of platelet production and clearance
- Novel mechanisms that induce or control IL-1-driven inflammation and immune dysfunction
- Novel Methods for Data Integration in Bioinformatics
- Novel Methods for Determining the Evolution of Turbulence in the Surface Boundary Layer
- Novel Methods for Streaming Data
- Novel Methods for Streaming Data
- Novel Methods of Engineering and Characterizing Carbon Materials for Sustainable Applications
- Novel Mitochondrial Mechanisms for Cardiometabolic Disease
- Novel Modelling Strategies for Masonry Structures
- Novel Modes of Cellular Communication: From Specialized Ribosomes to Signaling Filopodia
- Novel Modes of Cellular Communication: From Specialized Ribosomes to Signaling Filopodia
- Novel molecular switches for optical research on living cells
- Novel multi-functional lightweight armour
- Novel Nanostructured Hydride Composites: Hydrogen Storage Materials for Zero-Emission Car
- Novel Phases of Elemental Sulfur under Extreme Compression
- Novel photodetection schemes using 2d materials.
- Novel Photonics for the Biomedical Sciences
- Novel Photovoltaic Technologies For Improved Energy Harvesting
- Novel polymer recycling processes on a local scale
- Novel polymer recycling processes on a local scale
- Novel prenatal diagnostics and their impact in Asian countries
- Novel prenatal diagnostics and their impact in Asian countries
- Novel primate model to study the neurobiological mechanisms underlying genetic variation associated with affective behaviour
- Novel processing and 3D correlative imaging of electrodes for batteries
- Novel protein-based vaccine technologies to tackle global health threats
- Novel proteins encoded by genomes of vector-borne dsRNA viruses and their involvement in innate immune modulation both in the arthropod vector and mammalian host
- Novel proteins that orchestrate starch granule formation in plants
- Novel quantum phases on Kondo lattices due to quantum criticality and geometrical frustraton
- Novel Regulation of the Pulmonary Endothelium
- Novel Regulatory Mechanisms of Bone Marrow Homeostasis
- Novel results in N=4 Super Yang-Mills with classical gauge groups
- Novel technologies to study lipid metabolism and physiological functions
- Novel technologies to uncover neural algorithms of intelligence
- Novel time series models for the simulation of wind speed fields in GB
- Novel tools for colloidal characterisation
- Novel Types of Organic Electronic Materials: Polyselenophenes and Oligofurans
- Novel Uses of Shipping Data in Commodity Markets
- Novel Ways of Describing Complex Fluid Flow: Curvature, Topology, and Stretching Fields
- Novelist Megan Hunter 'in conversation' with Mary Buckley
- Novelty and developmental systems drift in embryos of flies
- Novelty and the Emergence of the Western Global in the Early Sixteenth Century – gloknos Lecture
- November SkillsFest
- Novi Quadrianto
- Now for the Hard Part: Building State Capability for Implementation as the Frontier Development Issue’
- Now, Sometime, Never? Equality for Women in Science
- Nowhere Boy - Film Screening
- NP search problems: Complexity and reducibilities
- NP search problems: Provability and reducibilities
- NP-hardness of decoding quantum error correction codes
- NPA Hierarchy for Quantum Isomorphism and Homomorphism Indistinguishability
- NPI-licensing in the subjunctive-like 'da'-clauses in Serbian
- NQT Inspiration Day
- NQT Inspiration Day
- NQT Inspiration Day 2015
- NQT Teacher Inspiration Day
- NQT Teacher Inspiration Day - Primary
- NQT Teacher Inspiration Day - Secondary
- NRICH & Cambridge Maths Hub conference for Cambridgeshire schools
- NRICH NQT Teacher Inspiration Day
- NRICH STEM Teacher Inspiration Day
- NRICH/PRIMAS Teacher Inspiration Day
- NRxx Method for Boltzmann-BGK Equation
- nShield HSMs
- Nubo Influo - Developing a Computational Approach to Understanding Online Influence
- Nuclear actin and nuclear actin-binding protein as new players in embryonic development and reprogramming
- Nuclear architecture dictates HIV-1 integration into a subset of active genes at the nuclear periphery
- Nuclear architecture in zebrafish: Cajal bodies are required for life and splicing during embryogenesis
- Nuclear Business Case
- Nuclear Business Case
- Nuclear control of viral persistence: The Herpes simplex virus type 1 latency paradigm
- Nuclear control of viral persistence: The Herpes simplex virus type 1 latency paradigm
- Nuclear Disarmament Panel Discussion
- Nuclear Energy and Net Zero
- Nuclear Energy and Non-Proliferation and Safeguards
- Nuclear Energy and Waste
- Nuclear Energy for Climate
- Nuclear Energy, Radiation and the Environment
- Nuclear fission and fusion
- Nuclear force from string theory
- Nuclear fuel manufacture at Westinghouse Springfields past, present and future
- Nuclear fuel manufacture at Westinghouse Springfields past, present and future
- Nuclear fuel manufacture at Westinghouse Springfields past, present and future
- Nuclear Fusion and the Hydrogen Economy
- Nuclear Fusion as a Global Energy Source? Work at UKAEA Culham Laboratory and elsewhere to harness fusion energy
- Nuclear fusion technology
- Nuclear Medicine: Radiopharmaceuticals Needed
- Nuclear New Build Industrial Challenges - A Rolls-Royce Perspective
- Nuclear norm methods for frequency domain system identification
- Nuclear Polarizability: the Sleeping Beauty of Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear policy in the enlarged European Union
- Nuclear Power and Climate Change - Can Either Save the Other?
- Nuclear Power and the Mob: Extortion and Social Capital in Japan
- Nuclear Power – What else?
- Nuclear power in the light of climate change
- Nuclear Power, Political Power and Tony Blair
- Nuclear power: the ultimate kettle?
- Nuclear quantum effects, path integrals and coloured noise
- Nuclear Reactors - New Build, Future Designs and Novel Applications
- Nuclear Receptors and their roles in transcription and breast cancer
- Nuclear Receptors and their roles in transcription and breast cancer
- Nuclear renaissance - myth or reality?
- Nuclear reprogramming
- Nuclear reprogramming
- Nuclear Reprogramming: Prospects for Cell Replacement
- Nuclear Safety
- Nuclear structural networks: The hardware for regulation of gene expression and stem cell fate
- Nuclear Structure and Skyrme's Interaction
- Nuclear technologies for Health
- Nuclear Technology Special Interest Group Student Webinar
- Nuclear Threat Reduction - reverse side of the coin to the Nuclear Deterrent
- Nuclear Threat Reduction - reverse side of the coin to the Nuclear Weapons programme
- Nuclear topology organisation and cell cycle regulation of the first transcription in the embryo
- Nuclear Trafficking
- Nuclear Trafficking and Maxwell's Daemon
- Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Materials Research at the University of Cambridge: Fundamental and Applied
- Nuclear Weapons and the Global Sustainability Agenda: time to abandon traditional forms of Sovereignty?
- Nuclear weapons proliferation, the west and Pakistan
- NUCLEAR: CLEAR OR UNCLEAR? - CUEN Annual Conference 2012
- Nuclear: Game Changer or Portfolio Changer?
- Nucleation and growth in the Ising model at very low temperatures (joint work with Francesco Manzo, Roma)
- Nucleation and growth of insulin fibrils in bulk solution and at hydrophobic polystyrene surfaces
- Nucleation and Hyperuniformity in Active Phase Separation
- Nucleation and Hyperuniformity in Active Phase Separation
- Nucleation pathways in partially disordered lattice models
- Nucleation, Heritability and Dynamics of Specialized Chromatin Domains
- Nucleic acid structures - predicting formation and function
- Nucleic Acid-Modified Nanostructures as Programmable Atom Equivalents: Forging a New Periodic Table
- Nucleic-Acid based therapeutics: how to use mechanistic information to ensure "safe-by-design"
- Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Machinery and Pathways: Cell Cycle Regulation and Stress Response
- Nucleon charges and probing novel CP violation via neutron EDM
- Nucleon matrix elements from lattice QCD
- Nucleosomal Asymmetry Shapes Histone Mark Binding at Bivalent Domains
- Nucleosynthesis yields and chemodynamical simulations of galaxies
- nuCSI: Neutrinos Leave No Shadows
- Nudge+: how to incorporate reflection into behavioural public policy
- Nudge+: how to incorporate reflection into behavioural public policy
- Nudges, Norms, and Comfort Food: Tiny interventions to get kids to eat vegetables and astronauts to eat anything
- Nudging Public Policy
- Nuisance parameters
- Null Geodesics and the Generalisation of the Optical Metric
- Null Infinity
- Null objects and markedness in L1 acquisition
- Null singularities and the strong cosmic censorship conjecture in general relativity
- Null surgery on knots in L-spaces
- Number Play
- Number theoretic applications of the theory of types for p-adic groups
- Number theoretic consequences of Ramsey theoretic principles
- Number theory and classification of integrable systems
- Number Theory and Dynamics Conference 2019
- Number, probability and community: the Duckworth-Lewis-Stern data model, Monte Carlo simulations and counterfactual futures in cricket
- Numbers are weapons: a self-defence guide
- Numbers are weapons: a self-defence guide
- Numbers, not adjectives - a rough guide to the sustainable energy problem
- Numeracy and the Media: is it a Lost Cause?
- Numeracy, Mathematical Education and the Popularization of Science
- Numerical Algebraic Geometry: A New Perspective on String and Gauge Theories
- Numerical analyses of Runge-Kutta IMEX schemes for use in atmospheric models
- Numerical Analysis for the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
- Numerical analysis for the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
- Numerical analysis of instrumentation in aeroengines
- Numerical and analytical study of an asymptotic equation for deformation of vortex lattices
- Numerical and asymptotic solutions of vertical continuous casting with and without superheat
- Numerical and linear equivalence of divisors in birational geometry
- Numerical approach to structure, folding and aggregation of proteins
- Numerical approaches for investigating the chaotic behavior of nonlinear disordered lattice models
- Numerical approximation of phase-field models for multiphase flow
- Numerical approximations of a tractable mathematical model for tissue growth
- Numerical Computation of Hausdorff Dimension
- Numerical Computation of Hausdorff Dimension
- Numerical computation of water waves with discontinuous vorticity
- Numerical Design of Pathways for Addressable Self-assembly
- Numerical evidence for the Birch Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
- Numerical evidence for the equivariant Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
- Numerical evolution of 5D asymptotically AdS spacetimes
- Numerical exploration of a forward-backward diffusion equation
- Numerical General Relativity
- Numerical General Relativity
- Numerical Generatingfunctionology: Counting with Toeplitz Determinants, Hayman-Admissibility, and the Wiener-Hopf-Factorization
- Numerical Integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method
- Numerical Integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method
- Numerical Inverse Scattering for the KdV Equation Revisited
- Numerical Investigation of Geomechanics on Methane Hydrate-bearing Sediments
- Numerical Investigations of the Properties of Nonlinear Free Surface Flows
- Numerical issues in semidefinite and convex conic optimization
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- Numerical Methods for (Quasi)Variational Inequalities - Part I
- Numerical Methods for (Quasi)Variational Inequalities - Part II
- Numerical Methods for CT Reconstruction with Unknown Geometry Parameters
- Numerical methods for high frequency wave scattering
- Numerical methods for large bilayer bending problems
- Numerical methods for mixed boundary value problems in diffraction and homogenization theory
- Numerical Methods for Stochastic Networks
- Numerical Modeling of Anisotropy in London Clay
- Numerical modeling of observed solar eruptions
- Numerical Modelling of Submarine Run-out
- Numerical modelling of the respiratory system.
- Numerical modelling of two HMX-based plastic-bonded explosives at the mesoscale
- Numerical models for dam-break flows at the intitial stage
- Numerical Multi-loop Computations: HJ and HH production at the LHC
- Numerical optimal control of electrorheological fluids
- Numerical preservation of local conservation laws
- Numerical preservation of local conservation laws
- Numerical Reasoning in Natural Language Processing
- numerical relativity beyond astrophysics: new challenges and new dynamics
- numerical relativity beyond astrophysics: new challenges and new dynamics
- Numerical Relativity of Spontaneous Scalarization
- Numerical simulation of condensed-phase explosives
- Numerical simulation of drop deformation in viscoelastic shear flow
- Numerical simulation of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- Numerical Simulation of pile driving
- Numerical Simulation of the Acoustic Radiation from Distributed Mode Loudspeakers
- Numerical simulation of the clap-fling-sweep of hovering insects
- Numerical simulation of the dynamics of a sailing boat
- Numerical simulation of the Filchner overflow
- Numerical simulation of two-phase chemically-active flows
- Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Free Surface Flows
- Numerical Simulation of Wave Loads on Static Offshore Structures
- Numerical Simulations of Deflagration to Detonation Transitions
- Numerical simulations of high-speed droplet splashing
- Numerical Simulations with a Three-Dimensional Spectral Element Model
- Numerical Solution Methods for the Heart and the Circulation
- Numerical Solution Methods for the Heart and the Circulation
- Numerical solution of matrix Wiener-Hopf problems via a Riemann-Hilbert formulation
- Numerical solution of matrix Wiener–Hopf problems via a Riemann–Hilbert formulation
- Numerical solution of partial differential equations with random coefficients: a stochastic finite element approach
- Numerical solution of Riemann–Hilbert problems, Painlevé transcendentals, oscillatory integrals and oscillatory ODEs
- Numerical Solution of Sturm-Liouville Problems via Fer Streamers
- Numerical Solution of the Advection Equation on Unstructured Spherical Grids with Logarithmic Reconstruction
- Numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation with a posteriori error bounds
- Numerical spectral synthesis of soliton and breather gas
- Numerical spectral synthesis of soliton and breather gases
- Numerical stability in hard and infrared regions in OpenLoops2
- Numerical steepest descent for singular and oscillatory integrals
- Numerical studies of droplet impacting and splashing.
- Numerical study of 3D Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence
- Numerical Study of DSWs in Korteweg-de Vries and nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- Numerical study of interfacial flows for environmental and industrial applications
- Numerical study of quantitative inverse wave problems in visco-acoustic and visco-elastic media
- Numerical study of solitary wave attenuation in a fragmented ice sheet
- Numerical study of solitary waves under continuous or fragmented ice plates
- Numerical study of the formation and growth of soot particles in combustion devices
- Numerical treatment of charged particle dynamics in a magnetic field
- Numerical-relativity-informed effective-one-body model for black-hole–neutron-star mergers with higher modes and spin precession
- Numerically Grounded Language Models
- Numerically Solving Diffusion Control and Queueing Control Problems Based on Neural Networks
- Numerically solving the Schrodinger equation with exponential splittings
- Numerically validating effective waves in random media
- Numerics of the inelastic Boltzmann equation
- Numerics of waveform inversion for seismic data
- Numerous inputs contribute to the genetic regulation of tomato fruit ripening
- Nunataks: historical phytogeography and botanical nation building in 1930s Québec
- Nursing Turing's Child: How to Grow Communication-based Intelligent Machines
- Nurturing a political economy for a sustainable future: technology, innovation, and science
- Nurturing Healthy Relationships - An Interactive Talk
- Nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics: the effects of leaf litter manipulation in a tropical lowland forest in Panama
- Nutrient sensing in the central brain of Drosophila larvae controls feeding behavior
- Nutrition and cancer prevention
- Nutrition and cancer: prevention, management and policy
- Nutrition and Emotions: Unveiling the Connection (in-person talk)
- Nutrition and Emotions: Unveiling the Connection (online talk)
- Nutrition and Mental Health
- Nutrition sensing pathways regulate transmission of mutant mitochondrial genomes
- Nutrition Training Seminar Series - ageing
- Nutrition Training Seminar Series - Developmental & Early Stage Nutrition
- Nutrition Training Seminar Series - growth
- Nutrition Training Seminar Series - Malnutrition
- Nutrition Training Seminar Series - non-communicable diseases
- Nutrition: The Investment Of A Lifetime
- Nutritional Metabolomics - Making the pieces fit
- Nutritional programming by maternal over-nutrition: a developing obesity crisis.
- Nutritional Psychiatry: recent advances in evidence for diet and nutrition for mental and brain health
- nyc school calendar
- Nyu academic calendar
- N^3 and junctions in 6-dimensional (2,0) theories
- N^3 and Junctions in 6D (2,0) Theories
- N_2-dominated leptogenesis