Talks starting with H
- H-alpha/FUV Ratios in Resolved Star Forming Region Populations
- H-Infinity Clustering
- H-projective geometry and Kahler metrics of high degree of mobility.
- H-projective geometry: an overview
- H0 tension and the effects of local structure
- H2O in melt inclusions - what can we learn?
- Haar characterization of Besov spaces beyond unconditionality
- Haar Graph Pooling
- Habitability in the Solar System
- Habitability of terrestrial planets: study with 1D and 3D climate models
- Habitability of Terrestrial-Mass Planets in the Habitable Zone of Red Dwarfs
- Habitat associations of British butterflies and their foodplants: implications for conservation
- Habitual Sophia? Retaining one’s ability to learn from within aach lay-professional encounter
- Hack the Lab
- Hack the Lab
- Hack the Lab: data visualisation
- Hack: Deep dreaming of a white Christmas
- Hackathon / Zeeland challenge
- HackerRank workshop
- Hacking is not random: a case-control study of webserver-compromise risk
- Hacking the Code of Life
- Hacking the gene expression machinery for genome defense
- Hacking the germline : how paralogs bend the rules of gene expression
- Hadamard instability and the emergence of localized states in dynamic plasticity
- Hadean, pre-biotic Photosynthesis and Enzyme-like Heterogeneous Catalysts: Mimicking a state we do not know
- Hadoop and applications in the life sciences
- Hadron resonances from QCD
- Hadron structure in lattice QCD
- Hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD
- Hadronization: Concepts and Models
- Haematopoietic stem cell-niche interactions change during ageing and age-related myeloproliferative disorders
- Haematopoietic Stem Cells
- Haemodynamics and endothelial phenotype heterogeneity
- Hagedorn wavepackets in phase space
- Hair braiding demos
- Hair braiding demos
- Hairodynamics
- Hairpin-induced gene silencing in Arabidopsis
- Haiti Earthquake of 12 January 2010
- Haldane relation for interacting dimers
- Half Term
- Half Vortices in Exciton Polariton Condensates
- Half-Composite Higgs: a UV completion to the SM?
- Half-day Workshop on the "Evolution of Tense, Aspect and Mood in the History of Greek"
- Half-Life: A mysterious tale of neutrinos and spies
- Halfway to Rota's basis conjecture
- Halide perovskites for next-generation photovoltaics and lighting
- Halide Perovskites for Sustainable Optoelectronic Devices: from energy to healthcare
- Hall algebras and Fukaya categories
- Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History
- Hall Viscosity in Quantum Systems with Discrete Symmetry
- Halley VI – Life in the Freezer
- Hallmarks of Cancer: Applications to Cancer Medicine?
- Hallowe'en Film Night
- Halo clustering for precision cosmology
- Halo: From Haskell to Logic through Denotational Semantics
- Halocarbons in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology: New opportunities and challenges
- Halogen bonding and Crystal Engineering
- Halogen Bonding and Metal Ion Coordination in Supramolecular Complexes
- Halogen chemistry in the troposphere: From aerosol particles to volcanic plumes.
- Halpha filaments in Massive Ellipticals: the roles played by Turbulence and type Ia Supernovae
- Halting Problem and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
- Hamilton cycles in highly symmetric graphs
- Hamilton Cycles in Random Cayley Graphs
- Hamilton spheres in 3-uniform hypergraphs
- Hamiltonian balance models: derivation, structure, and analysis
- Hamiltonian dynamics of degenerate quartets of deep-water waves
- Hamiltonian group actions on symplectic 6-manifolds
- Hamiltonian models for the propagation of irrotational surface gravity waves over a variable bottom
- Hamiltonian models in plasma physics and their discretization
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Hierarchical Models
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on Homogeneous Manifolds for QCD and Statistics.
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo vs. event-chain Monte Carlo: Synopsis, benchmarks, prospects
- Hamiltonian shocks
- Hamiltonian Structure of the Water Wave Equations
- Hamiltonian Theory of Fractional Chern Bands
- Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark: How development has disappeared from today’s ‘development’ discourse
- Hammers and Model Finders, and Beyond
- Hammersmith Flyover – What is the problem?
- Hamming-space Voronoi cells of convolutional codes (with an application)
- Hanbury Brown-Twiss, Hong-Ou-Mandel, and other landmarks in quantum optics: from photons to atoms
- Hand that Rocks - Women's History Tours at the Sedgwick Museum – In person tour
- Hand that Rocks - Women's History Tours at the Sedgwick Museum – In person tour
- Hand that Rocks Women's History tour at the Sedgwick Museum
- Hand that Rocks Women's History tour at the Sedgwick Museum
- Hand Tracking on HoloLens 2
- Handbuchwissenschaft, or: how big books maintain knowledge in the twentieth-century life sciences
- Handedness and speech: Investigating behavioural characteristics of hemispheric asymmetry
- Handedness: The Other Uniquely Human Trait?
- Handles and Homotopies
- Handling identifier error rate variation in data linkage of large administrative data sources
- Handling missingness in cognitive variables using multiple imputation
- Handling Multitude of Nash Equilibria in Voting Games
- Handling Sparsity via the Horseshoe
- Handling temporal variation of unknown characteristics in streaming data analysis.
- Hands free writing (and more) - Dasher and Nomon
- Hands Off My Genes: The ethics and implications of personal genome sequencing
- Hands-free writing
- Hands-free writing
- Hands-on Cambridge Maths Circle workshop: Algorithms
- Hands-on Generative Programming: Write an Interpreter, Build a Compiler.
- Hands-On Maths Fair
- Hands-on tutorial on R
- Hanging gardens and divisors from Adinkras
- Hankel structured low rank matrix completion
- Hans Richter
- Hansa Market, Cyberbunker, and Encrochat: The Security Practices of Organized Crime
- Hao Wu, Title: Speck”tacular inflammasomes: a glimpse into NLRP1 and NLRP3 regulation and Jenny Ting, Title: Innate immune receptors: crosstalk with adaptive immunity and the microbiota.
- Haplogroup context is a key element to deciding if an mtDNA variant is a mutation or population polymorphism, complete study of mitochondrial tRNA’s across multiple taxa
- Haploid Genetic Screens in Human Cells
- Haploid Genetic Screens in Human Cells to Identify Disease-relevant Genes
- Haplotype sharing and time to common ancestor: resolving various genetics problems including the studies of rare variants and disease susceptibility variants
- Happiness and heartbreak
- Happiness and Sustainability
- Happiness, Global Catastrophe, and the National Assembly for Wales
- Happiness, Serenity and Emancipation
- Happy Danes
- Happy Families and Their Relatives
- Happy...the movie
- Haptics, Tactile Sensing and Dexterous Manipulation and Teleoperation with the End-User in Mind
- Hard and soft elasticity of polydomain liquid crystal elastomers
- Hard and soft packing in the molecular organization of liquid crystals
- Hard and soft packing in the molecular organization of liquid crystals
- Hard core effects in mean field theories
- Hard decisions do not cause a 2dB power loss
- Hard Jets and Higgs Bosons
- Hard limits on robust control over delayed and quantized communications
- Hard Multi-Jet Predictions using High Energy Factorisation
- Hard tautologies
- Hard truths, Sacred cows and Animal Spirits - making nature count in fashion supply chains
- Hard-core configurations on Z^2 and other lattices
- Hardening Bloom Filter PPRL by modifying identifier encodings
- Hardening effects in metals
- Harder's reduction theory for S-arithmetic groups over global function fields
- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Computations on FPGAs
- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Convergence Rates for Least-Squares Regression
- Harder-Narasimhan filtrations for quiver representations from the point of view of TDA
- Harder-Narasimhan Filtrations of Persistence Modules
- Harder-Narasimhan stratifications for decorated principal bundles
- Hardness magnification near state-of-the-art lower bounds
- Hardness-induced elastic, plastic, cracking observations
- Hardware and Software Fingerprinting of Mobile Devices
- Hardware Datapath: For Machine Learning and Beyond
- Hardware defences against side channel and invasive attacks
- Hardware Efficient Machine Learning
- Hardware for Neural Networks
- Hardware multithreading
- Hardware Neural Network Accelerators
- Hardware Protection for Trusted Software
- Hardware security in nanometer CMOS
- Hardware security: trends and pitfalls of the past decade
- Hardware-conscious data processing systems
- Hardwick Wood, past and present
- Hardy inequalities for the Landau equation
- Harmonic Analysis on Uniformly Rectifiable Sets and Applications to Complex Analysis of a Single and Several Variables
- Harmonic and stochastic wavepackets in jets
- Harmonic Balance Method applied to vibration of aircraft engine in the presence of contact nonlinearities
- Harmonic maps and cluster coordinates
- Harmonic R-matrices for Scattering Amplitudes and Spectral Regularization
- Harmonic weak Maass forms
- Harmonizing energy planning and market mechanisms to ensure supply adequacy in electricity markets
- Harmony of color and kinematics - from trees to loops
- Harnack inequality for diffusion semigroups with non-constant difussion coefficients
- Harnack's inequality for the inhomogeneous $p(x)-$laplace equation
- Harnessing AI and Robotics for Materials Discovery
- Harnessing AI and Robotics for Materials Discovery
- Harnessing cancer patients’ own immune system to control disease.
- Harnessing cold atoms to empower quantum technologies
- Harnessing Computing for Societal Challenges – the Importance of Multiphase Flows
- Harnessing cytomegaloviral immune evasion for vaccine development
- Harnessing d-Block Chemistry for Stereoselective Synthesis
- Harnessing evolution for making new medicines
- Harnessing Genetic Dependencies in Cancer Therapy
- Harnessing helpful heterogeneity in healing at the humeral head: The mechanics of the rotator cuff and its surgical repair
- Harnessing Machine Intelligence for Planetary-level Climate Action
- Harnessing machine learning to promote health equity – the Health Equity Evidence Centre
- Harnessing naturally randomized transcription to infer regulatory relationships among genes
- Harnessing non-smooth dynamics for self-propelled gastrointestinal endoscopies with vibro-impact capsules
- Harnessing quantum mechanics to predict the properties of materials
- Harnessing sexual and asexual seed formation for increased seed yield
- Harnessing Shape Fluctuations to Probe the Mechanics of Stress Granules in Live Cells
- Harnessing social networks for HIV surveillance
- Harnessing the Interactions of Ultrasound Waves and Acoustic Cavitation With Biological Tissue for Non-Invasive Therapy and Drug Delivery
- Harnessing the Overconfidence of the Crowd: A Theory of SPACs
- Harnessing the Potential of High-throughput Confocal Microscopy - Multi-dimensional and Multi-modal Analysis
- Harnessing the power of genetics and genomics to drive drug discovery
- Harnessing the Power of Non-Covalent Interactions for Organocatalysis
- Harnessing the Power of the Brain with Metal-Oxide
- Harnessing the principles of cellular resilience for therapeutics
- Harnessing the Quantum World
- Harnessing the quantum world — can lab experiments become practical technologies?
- Harnessing the Ring of Fire: Assessing the Impacts of Development Financing on Geothermal Development in Indonesia and the Philippines
- Harnessing the Wonders of the Microbial World to Solve Environmental Problems
- Harnessing Visual Studio Code for Your Research
- Harnessing wave-power in open seas
- HARPS-3 and a Terra Hunting Experiment at the INT
- HARPS-N Observes the Sun as a star
- Harrisonomastix: dismantling the connection between experimental religion and experimental science in early modern England
- Harrold-Odell Country Park
- Harvesting ambient vibration: the smarter infrastructure
- Harvesting DNA: genetics, archaeology and agriculture.
- Harvesting Proxies: The ecological niche for rice in Yayoi period Japan via multi-proxy species distribution modelling
- Harvesting the Sun: using AI to design better materials for energy
- Harvesting the Wisdom of Crowds
- Harvesting toads in South Africa for pregnancy testing in Britain
- Has neuroscience abolished free will (or even criminal responsibility)
- Has the Leopard Changed Its Spots? Is a New Biology Emerging?
- Has the user finished speaking?
- Hashing
- Haskell is Not Not ML
- Haskelly things
- Hasn’t the time come for some brave new thinking on food management?
- Hasse invariants and the I-adic cohomology of unitary Shimura varieties
- Hasse principle for Kummer varieties (joint work with Yonatan Harpaz)
- Hasse principle for simply connected groups - Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- Hasting-Levitov Type Growth Processes with Random Particles
- Hastings-Levitov planar aggregation
- Hat Club - An Introduction to Space Elevators
- Hat Club - Neglected Diseases of Neglected Populations
- Hat Club - The Mystery of our Genetic Makeup
- Hat Club - What does 'Class' Mean?
- Hausdorff dimension estimates for bounded orbits on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups
- Hausdorff dimension of oscillatory motions for the 3-body problem
- Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum of the almost Mathieu operator
- Hausdorff Medal Award
- Hausdorff Medal Lecture
- Have Glue, Will Travel!
- Have I got path for you...?
- Have we Achieved Artificial Intelligence
- Have we Achieved Artificial Intelligence
- Have we Achieved Artificial Intelligence
- Have you heard the northern lights? Science and re-enchantment in 19th-century Arctic exploration
- Have you heard... Outreach for Research Software Engineering
- Have you seen this homology class??
- Having a closer look at Multiword Expressions
- Having a Voice in Your Group: Field Experiments on Behavioral and Attitudinal Changes
- Having the Courage of your Convictions (in-person talk)
- Having the courage to be creative: making links between creativity, the sharing economy and gender identity
- Hawkes process as models for some genomic data
- Hawking radiation of various black holes: influence of the magnetic field and of Gauss-Bonnet corrections
- Hawking-like radiation and “temperature” in gravitational scattering beyond the Planck scale
- Haworthias in habitat
- Haxl: Efficient Data-fetching for Free
- Hayek, Emergence and Social Order
- Hazardous Earth: How our planet is trying to kill us
- HCI perspectives on security
- HDL cholesterol in cancer and wasting syndrome
- HDL Code Generation from MATLAB and Simulink
- HDRUK Transforming Data for Trials infrastructure programme
- HE@Cam seminar: The Cambridge Bioscience Impact Study
- HE@Cam Seminar: Anna Heath - Value of Sample Information as a Tool for Clinical Trial Design
- HE@Cam seminar: Christian Hill - Patient Access Scheme, Managed Access Agreement and their influence on the approval trends of new medicines, devices and diagnostics
- HE@Cam Seminar: Christian Hill - Patient Access Scheme, Managed Access Agreements and their influence on the approval trends on new medicines, devices and diagnostics
- HE@Cam Seminar: Christian Léonard - Social Preferences as an Alternative to Cost-Utility Analysis
- HE@Cam Seminar: John Buckell - Smokers’ cigarette choices and risk perceptions: Experimental evidence on US adults
- HE@Cam seminar: Mark Connolly - The public economics consequences of health and investments in healthcare
- HE@Cam Seminar: Tray Brown - Building a Discrete Event Simulation to Determine the Cost-Effectiveness of Treatments for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- HE@Cam Seminar: Will Dunlop - Benefits, Challenges and Potential Strategies of Open Source Health Economic Models
- HE@Cam: Michael Laxy - Implementing lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetes in US Medicaid beneficiaries: cost-effectiveness, budgetary impact and health equity impact
- HE@Cam: Padraig Dixon - The causal effect of BMI on inpatient hospital costs: Mendelian Randomization analysis of the UK Biobank cohort
- HE@Cam: Peter Morten - New therapies, new methods: the use of novel survival analysis methods for I-O therapies
- Head gardeners: the forgotten heroes of horticulture
- Head Motion and Resting State fMRI Journal Club
- Head-on collision of vortex rings
- Headless Heart or Heartless Head: How wise is refugee resettlement?
- Healing and Renewal: Embracing the Energies of Mid-Year Transformation (in-person)
- Healing the body with new materials
- Healing the Subconscious - An Interactive Talk
- Healing Words: Hagiographic Evidence for Medieval Medical Practices
- Health & Society
- Health and disease: beyond naturalism and normativism
- Health and nutrition among the Maya
- Health and Policy Research in Africa: Gathering opinions using interactive radio and SMS in East Africa
- Health and wellbeing in sexual minority people - Inaugural lecture with Prof Catherine Meads
- Health and Wholeness - An Evening Talk
- Health as an asset: estimating the causal effects of health conditions and health behaviours on social and economic outcomes using Mendelian randomization
- Health economic evaluation: what can it do for me?
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: Are next generation sequencing technologies affordable? A cost-effectiveness analysis of a cancer panel versus single gene testing
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: Does walking or cycling to work improve psychological wellbeing? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: Is it cost-effective to screen women for abdominal aortic aneurysm? Results from the Screening Women for AAA (SWAN) project
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: NICE Technology Appraisal Process and Challenges to Decision Makers
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: On the Management of Population Immunity
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: Social Health Insurance and Treatment-Seeking Behaviour - Evidence from the Chinese New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: Wealth, Marriage and Sex Selection.
- Health Economics @ Cambridge seminar: Why is socioeconomic disadvantage associated with obesity?
- Health Emergencies, Resource Allocation and Individual Health Security
- Health foods in late Victorian advertising and popular culture: Ladies! Improve your man!
- Health Impacts of Economic Inequalities
- Health in Africa Workshop, panel on "Health and new Information and Communication Technologies"
- Health knowledge and its gatekeepers: exchanges of knowledge between Tsimshian and Euro-Canadian missionaries in nineteenth-century British Columbia
- Health Monitoring with Wireless Sensors and Machine Learning
- Health records, privacy and social networks
- Health resilience and weather changes in Germany, 1890-1913
- Health status and health care utilization among transition-age youth and adults on the autism spectrum
- Health Technologies KTN: working together to accelerate innovation in healthcare
- Health vs economy": a false choice of pandemic modelling
- Health, height and intelligence in history: surveying the British population through the 20th century
- Health, Lifestyle and Social Interaction in North Chilean Prehistory: morphological insights from the living and the dead
- Healthcare and welfare in contemporary Kenya
- Healthcare Biotechnology
- Healthcare data research
- Healthcare Design Toolkit - helping engineer better healthcare
- Healthcare in conflict
- Healthcare SIG: Personalised medicine - the challenges and opportunities of the $500 genome'
- Healthy Ageing and Social Capital
- Healthy Cities from the Bottom Up: A Human-centred Approach to Urban and Transport Planning
- Healthy Country, Healthy People
- Healthy eating: Emulsion microstructure engineering for salt or sugar reduction
- Healthy futures: genomics and beyond
- Healthy mind, healthy life - Spirituality in Daily Life series
- Healthy neurocognitive aging with big data: A multivariate dive into Biobank (N=500,000)
- Healthy, humours and paintings
- Healthy, humours and paintings
- Hearing and seeing things that are not there: Quantifying brain structure related to hallucinations
- Hearing loss and hearing aids
- Hearing loss and hearing aids
- Hearing research in Cambridge: the present and future
- Hearing Voices: Theology, Psychiatry and the Lived Experience of Hearing Voices
- Hearing with a cochlear implant: The perception of sound intensity
- Hearing Your Genes Evolve
- Hearing, seeing and talking Pain
- Hearsay, gossip, misapprehension: Alfred Newton's second-hand histories of extinction
- Heart and brain
- Heart and minds: The hidden impacts on emotion and memory
- Heart development and ageing
- Heart Disease Link to Developmental Hypoxia and Oxidative Stress
- Heart Disease Link to Fetal Hypoxia and Oxidative Stress
- Heart of Darkness - Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe
- Heart valve tissue engineering
- Heart-brain interactions in emotion and memory
- Hearth-side socioeconomics, hunting and paleoecology during the late Lower Paleolithic at Qesem Cave, Israel and Mode 2.5? Technological diversity in the eastern Mediterranean from MIS 7-11
- Heat and freshwater transport in the vicinity of the Antarctic shelf
- Heat kernel for reflected diffusion and extension property on uniform domains
- Heat kernels in graphs: A journey from random walks to geometry, and back
- Heat Pump Choices
- Heat Pumps for Energy Conservation
- Heat released from the depths of the Arctic Ocean: polar amplification and possible bifurcations
- Heat Rises: 100 Years of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection (Rouse Ball Lecture)
- Heat Transfer Enhancement using Porous Media: effect of local-thermal non-equilibrium condition and thermal radiation
- Heat transfer in a chemically reactive fluid across exponentially stretching vertical surface with transverse magnetic field in unsteady porous medium
- Heat transport in asymptotic limits of thermal convection
- Heat Transport in Holographic Field Theories
- Heat Transport in Lateral Spin Valve
- Heat Transport in Quantum Materials
- Heat transport in rapidly rotating turbulent convection
- Heat Transport Measurements in Electronic Quantum Channels
- Heated snowballs, Batman! a.k.a. Interior and atmospheric structures of hot watery super-Earths
- Heating and breakdown of adiabaticity in Floquet systems through many-body resonances
- Heating and Maintaining of Active Region Cores
- Heating of the solar corona by nanoflares: Speculative past, quantitative present and uncertain future
- Heating the solar corona by nanoflares triggered by a kink instability
- Heating up atmospheres: optical high-resolution spectroscopy of hot gas giants
- Heaven and Earth are within one's grasp: the healer's body-as-technology in classical Chinese medicine
- Heavens and Earth: An Empirical Approach to Knowledge Across Cultures– gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- Heavily Obscured AGN, a radio vs X-ray challenge
- Heavy atom diffraction in scattering from surfaces
- Heavy Dark Matter Through the Higgs Portal
- Heavy elements in red giant stars
- Heavy elements in red giant stars
- Heavy fermion superconductivity of a new transuranium compound NpPd5Al2
- Heavy Flavour Physics
- Heavy Lifting: Leveraging Machine Learning to Measure the Masses of Supermassive Black Holes
- Heavy metal parasite: The role of iron in Toxoplasma gondii
- Heavy mice and lighter things: developing models of extracellular matrix in health and ageing
- Heavy mice and lighter things: how chemistry gives insight into how biological tissues work
- Heavy neutralinos and dark matter
- Heavy physics contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay from QCD
- Heavy quark fragmentation and its application to top-pair events with B-hadrons
- Heavy quark fragmentation: why, how, and where to?
- Heavy Quark Production in Soft Collinear Effective Theory
- Heavy quark spectroscopy and accurate predictions of b-baryon masses
- Heavy quasiparticles in Yb compounds: The Renormalized Band approach
- Heavy Rainfalls in a Desert(ed) City – a climate-archaeological case study from Naga, Sudan
- Heavy Stable Isotopes in Marine Geochemistry - Insights from Cadmium
- Heavy Tail Phenomenon in Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Heavy Tail Phenomenon in Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Heavy Vehicle Steering for Long Combination Vehicles - Part 2: Demonstration
- Heavy Vehicle Steering for Long Combination Vehicles - Part 1: Talk
- Heavy Vehicle Steering for Long Combination Vehicles - Part 2: Demonstration
- Heavy vehicle tyre wear: Measurement and Improvement
- Heavy-tailed compound renewal and L\'evy processes with negative drift: maxima over random time intervals
- Heavy-tailed compound renewal and L\'evy processes with negative drift: maxima over random time intervals
- Heavy-tailed phenomenon in SGD, multiplicative noise, Stable Levy processes and related SDEs, basic geometric measure theory and fractal geometry
- Hebrew Open Classes
- Hebrew Ulpan
- Hecke algebras at roots of unity
- Hecke algebras at roots of unity
- Hecke algebras at roots of unity
- Hecke operator and CFTs
- Hecke orbits on Shimura varieties of Hodge type
- Hecke orbits on Shimura varieties of Hodge type
- Hector Rail & GB Railfreight (GBRf) with John Smith
- Hedgehog black holes and the deconfinement transition
- Hedgehog signaling in regeneration and disease
- Hedgehog signalling and cell polarity in killer lymphocytes
- Hedgehog signalling and myogenesis in the zebrafish
- Hedgehog signalling in immune cells
- Hedgehog signalling in T-cell differentiation
- Hedging Against Uncertainty via Multiple Diverse Predictions
- Hedging under arbitrage
- Hedonism and Well-Being
- Heegaard Floer and Embedded Contact homology, an introduction
- Heegaard Floer correction terms, semigroups, and plane cuspidal curves
- Heegner divisors and L-functions of weak Maass forms
- HEGAC: Higher efficiency gas assisted laser cutting
- Hegel and Italian Political Thought
- Hegel and the sea. International trade in Hegel's political philosophy
- Hegemony and its discontents: translating Gramsci with Dalit Subalterns
- Height and relational complexity for finite permutation groups
- Height function delocalisation on cubic planar graphs
- Height gaps of planar Brownian motion and Brownian loop soup
- Height of units and the cyclotomic Z_p-extension of Q
- Height pairings for algebraic cycles. Biextensions, generalized cross-ratios, Tamagawa numbers, and the Birch and Swinnerton Dyer conjecture
- Height zero characters in principal blocks
- Heilbronn and QALGO quantum algorithms meeting 2016
- Heilbronn and QALGO quantum algorithms meeting 2016
- Heilbronn and QALGO quantum algorithms meeting 2016
- Heilbronn Quantum Algorithms Meeting 2018
- Heisenberg spin chains by separation of variables: recent advances
- Hele-Shaw type free boundary problems as nonlinear fractional heat equations
- Helen Christianson, Credit Suisse
- Helen Moss: kid power! Children versus adults in junior detective fiction
- Helical correlations and unbroken symmetry in FCC-stacked triangular Ising antiferromagnets
- Helical flows, conservation laws and symmetries
- Helical Organization of Tropical Cyclones
- Helically Coiled Carbon Nanotubes
- Helices under the microscope: What geometry can tells us about the bundling and tangling of bacterial flagella
- Helicity cascade in atmospheric boundary layers: a way to break symmetries at all scales
- Helicity in differential topology
- Helicity in dispersive continuum mechanics
- Helicity, cohomology, and configuration spaces
- Helicity, Reconnection and Seifert Surfaces
- Heliconical cholesteric liquid crystals: self-assembled tunable photonic bandgap materials - 1
- Heliconical cholesteric liquid crystals: self-assembled tunable photonic bandgap materials - 2
- Heliconical cholesteric liquid crystals: self-assembled tunable photonic bandgap materials - 3
- Heliconical cholesteric liquid crystals: self-assembled tunable photonic bandgap materials - 4
- Heliconius butterflies: How do bird predators perceive them?
- Heliconius colour patterns: from gene expression to speciation ecology
- Heliconius/Passiflora chemistry
- Helimedicine and pre-hospital care
- Helioseismology
- Helium Mixing in Quasi-global Simulations of the Intracluster Medium
- Helium Spin-Echo: A Flexible Tool for Studying Nanoscale Processes at Surfaces
- Helium Stars, Heavy Metals, High Velocities and Explosions
- Helium Stars, Heavy Metals, High Velocities and Explosions
- Hellenistic mouldmade bowls from Thessaly: a comprehensive study of old and new material
- Hello From the Other Side: The Cutting Edge of Skeletal Reconstruction in Human Medicine’
- Hello my name is... Have you seen my sensors?
- Hello World: How to be human in the age of the machine
- Helminth parasites - masters of the immune system
- Helminth parasites of humans: past, present and future
- Helminth-associated changes in composition of the faecal microbiota of a Sri Lankan community
- Helminth-induced suppression of inflammation – a role for the gut microbiota?
- Helmut Schmidt, Harold Wilson, and the British Renegotiation of EC-Membership, 1974-5
- Help for your company to get investment (or finance) ready
- Help! I Need To Find Stuff For My Project Now!
- Help! I need to find stuff for my project now!
- Help! I need to find stuff for my project now!
- Help! I need to find stuff for my project now!
- Help! I need to find stuff for my project now! (Repeat session)
- Help! I need to find stuff for my project now! (Repeat session)
- Help! Liquid Crystal Device Physicist Without Mathematical Skill Seeks Solutions to Various Problems
- Help! Liquid Crystal Device Physicist Without Mathematical Skill Seeks Solutions to Various Problems
- Helping 10% of the people to read and write better
- Helping divorced fathers help their children
- Helping the police with their enquiries
- Helping translate PoP’s to Products: Traversing the valley
- Helping You Lose Weight with Dinner Tips & More
- Helsing: Title to be confirmed
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology
- Hematopoietic stem cell formation in the embryo
- Hemispheric asymmetetries in viewpoint-dependent and viewpoint-invariant priming
- Hemispheric lateralisation for auditory processing – does the brainstem play a role?
- Hemodynamics and multi-scale spatial endothelial phenotypes
- Henri Breuil and the Imagination of Prehistory in Southern Africa
- Henri Gaudier-Brzeska's Drawings
- Henry Mayo, Dr Johnson and the Toleration Act
- Henry Moore
- Henry Moore’s Hill Arches
- Henslow Fellows Lectures - Resolving the early record of animal evolution: Insights from the enigmatic Ediacaran Biota
- HEP Journal Club
- HEP Journal Club
- Hepatic Leptospiral Infections without Prominent Renal Involvement
- Hepatitis B virus cccDNA regulation and spatial nuclear organization
- HER2 and EGFR: Signalling mechanisms and next generation cancer therapies
- Heraldic Bookplates
- Heraldry and ceremonial in Holy Roman Empire
- Heraldry in Ely Cathedral
- Heraldry walking tour
- Herbal remedy to Pharmaceutical - the story of botany and medicine
- Herbal remedy to Pharmaceutical - the story of Botany and Medicine
- Herbal Science
- Hercules and the aesthetics of exhaustion
- Hercules: The thinking person’s superhero
- Herd Induced by Uninformed Traders in Efficient Financial Markets
- Herding Cats: Turbulence in Spacetime
- Herding Nulls – and other C# stories from the future
- Herding or a '3rd way to learn'
- Here Happily Have we assembled
- Herecy Corner at Skeptics in the Pub
- Hereditary spastic paraplegia, BMP signaling, and axonal degeneration in Drosophila
- Heredity under the microscope
- HERG potassium channels: Friend or Foe
- Heritage and Sustainable Development
- Heritage as a value in crisis situations
- Heritage grammars and linguistic complexity: A view from grammatical gender
- Heritage in the making: dealing with legacies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
- Heritage Quest: An Archaeological Survey of the Veluwe based on Data Science and Citizen Science
- Hermann Helmholtz on vortex motion
- Hermann Lotze and Local Sign
- HerMES
- Hermes: Clustering Users in Large-Scale E-mail Services
- Hermitian complexity of real ideals
- Hermitian K-theory for Waldhausen infinity categories with genuine duality
- Hermitian K-theory of stable infinity categories
- Heroes and Villains: Understanding Jihad
- Heronian Friezes
- Herophilus of Chalcedon on the soul and the nervous system
- Herpesviruses: endemic but not a plague
- Herschel and Future Far Infrared Space Astronomy Missions
- Herschel Observations of Dust, Star Formation and Dark Matter from z=0 to z=5
- Herz--Schur multipliers and approximation properties
- Herz-Schur multipliers of dynamical systems
- Hesselink stratification of nullcones and base change
- Hessian-based Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms
- Hetero-atomization of Bi-metals Ultrathin Nanostructure and Their Electro-catalytic Performance
- Heteroatomic Single-Wall Nanotubes: Atomic Configuration, Structural and Physical Properties Studies via TEM
- Heterochrony and developmental system drift as the forces shaping spiralian development
- Heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in cell populations
- Heterogeneity in Cognitive Aging
- Heterogeneity in hearing loss and its impact on development of treatments
- Heterogeneity in lahars and debris flows
- Heterogeneity in the biology of developmental disorders
- Heterogeneity of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations: implications for ageing and regeneration
- Heterogeneous anomalous transport in cellular and molecular biology
- Heterogeneous effects of performance pay with market competition: Evidence from a randomized field experiment
- Heterogeneous Liquid-solid Fluidisation Behaviour in Drinking Water Softening Reactors
- Heterogeneous Proofs: Spider Diagrams meet Higher-Order Provers
- Heterogenous Chemistry and The Possibility for Life in the Clouds of Venus
- Heterojunction Control of Organic & Hybrid Photovoltaic Semiconductor Devices
- Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Robust Structural Change Detection
- Heteroskedastic PCA: Algorithm, Optimality, and Applications
- Heterotic bundles on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Heterotic Computing
- Heterotic Line Bundle Models in Four Dimensions
- Heterotic moduli space via linear sigma models
- Heterotypic Amyloid Interactions and their Impact on Amyloid Assembly
- Heuristics and its Hazards
- Heuristics of control: Habitization, fragmentation, memoization and pruning
- HF radar remote sensing of the marginal ice zone and other interesting places
- HF=ECH via open book decompositions
- HGV-Cyclist collision avoidance
- HGV-Cyclist collision avoidance
- Hh signalling and the anti-tumour immune response: biology and new treatment opportunities
- Hh signalling and the anti-tumour immune response: biology and new treatment opportunities
- Hh signalling and the anti-tumour immune response: biology and new treatment opportunities
- Hh signalling and the anti-tumour immune response: biology and new treatment opportunities
- HHarmony in Bb — the present and future of ATLAS DiHiggs(4b) searches
- HHH Gong Show - Algebraic cobordism categories
- HHH Gong Show - Non-commutative rational spectra and marked configuration spaces
- HHH Gong Show - On beyond Chouinard
- HHH Gong Show - Small Picard groups
- Hida theory over some Shimura varieties without ordinary locus.
- Hidden Ancestor Graphs with Assortative Vertex Attributes
- Hidden Citizens: Space, place and rights in India and Pakistan, 1947-1952
- Hidden Common Cause Relations in Relational Learning
- Hidden conformal symmetry of gluon amplitudes and Wilson loops
- Hidden GeV-scale interactions of quarks and dark matter
- Hidden in plain sight: early ecology as visual science
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Researching Community/ Complementary Languages Schools
- Hidden in rock and frozen in time
- Hidden in rock and frozen in time
- Hidden Markets: Designing Efficient but Simple Electronic Markets
- Hidden music: The mystery of early Chinese bronze vessels with bells
- Hidden Order of Cooper Pairs in a Striped Cuprate at High Magnetic Fields (SP and QM)
- Hidden problems in the global wind industry
- Hidden Signposts of Plant Development
- Hidden Spacetime and M-branes
- Hidden structures in a model of many-body quantum chaos
- Hidden Structures in the Gravitational S-Matrix
- Hidden symmetries of higher-dimensional rotating black holes.
- Hidden Tales with Mark Wells - talk and family activities
- hidden test
- Hidden topological order in 1D Bose insulators
- Hidden variables, hidden states and hidden nonlocality: the in-equivalence of entanglement and nonlocality
- Hidden voices: censorship through omission
- Hidden Youth?: The Sociality of Young People "Withdrawn" in the Bedroom in a Digital Age
- Hidden-sector current-current correlators in holographic gauge mediation
- Hidden: how African trypanosomes remain transmissible
- Hide and Seek With Natural Supersymmetry
- Hide and seek: medieval creatures on the manuscript page
- Hide and Seek: Searching for planets around young active stars
- Hiding in Plain Sight: Putin's Wars & the Power of Open Source
- Hiding on an Ethernet
- Hierachical self-assembly of carbon based 2D nanostructured architectures: processing, manipulation and functions
- Hierarch, democracy and political responsibility in northern india
- Hierarchical Bayesian inference in networks of spiking neurons
- Hierarchical Bayesian inference in the visual cortex
- Hierarchical Bayesian models for audio and music processing
- Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube Structures and their Applications
- Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Models for Time Series Data
- Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
- Hierarchical Evolutionary Stochastic Search with Adaptive Proposals
- Hierarchical hyperbolicity
- Hierarchical Low Rank Tensors
- Hierarchical mechanisms of face processing
- Hierarchical Models for Knowledge Transfer in Industrial Fleets
- Hierarchical modularity in functional fMRI networks
- Hierarchical modularity in human fMRI brain networks
- Hierarchical Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning through Communicative Actions for Human-Robot Collaboration
- Hierarchical Neural Computations in Decision, Action, and Belief
- Hierarchical Neurodevelopment: Patterns, Plasticity, and Implications for Mood Psychopathology
- Hierarchical optimisation and equilibrium problems in electricity systems: challenges and status quo
- Hierarchical parcel-swapping (HiPS) representation of turbulent flow & mixing
- Hierarchical Passage Retrieval
- Hierarchical probabilistic forecasting of electricity demand with smart meter data : Souhaib Ben Taieb
- Hierarchical probabilistic forecasting of electricity demand with smart meter data : Souhaib Ben Taieb
- Hierarchical processing across dual stream architecture in the primate cortex
- Hierarchical Robust Performance Analysis of Uncertain Large Scale Systems
- Hierarchical self-assembly in aqueous media
- Hierarchical star cluster assembly boosts intermediate-mass black hole formation
- Hierarchical Statistical Semantic Realization for Minimal Recursion Semantics
- Hierarchical Structuring of Carbon Nanotubes
- Hierarchical structuring of micro and nanoparticles for Li-ion battery electrodes
- Hierarchical transition modes of biological systems are evolvable
- Hierarchically hyperbolic groups: an introduction
- Hierarchically structured semiconductors for solar-driven water splitting applications
- Hierarchies and nets for separable states
- Hierarchies and nets for separable states
- Hierarchies, Lowerarchies, Anarchies, and Plutarchies: Historical Perspectives of Composably Layered High-Assurance Architectures
- Hierarchies, Lowerarchies, Anarchies, and Plutarchies: Historical Perspectives of Composably Layered High-Assurance Architectures
- Hierarchy from time evolution
- Hierarchy of modes in an interacting system
- Hieroglyphic Luwian masterclass
- HIF1 versus HIF2: how macrophages use hypoxic response to regulate nitric oxide
- HIFs, mitochondria and cardioprotection
- Higgs and Flavour Portals to the Dark Sector
- Higgs Boson
- Higgs Boson self-coupling measurements at the LHC
- Higgs Boson(s) in the NMSSM
- Higgs bundles and Hermitian symmetric spaces
- Higgs bundles and quaternionic geometry
- Higgs bundles for the non-compact dual of the unitary group
- Higgs bundles, spectral data, and fiber products of curves
- Higgs inflation at the critical point
- Higgs inflation vs BICEP
- Higgs mass in heavy-SUSY scenarios
- Higgs physics at hadron colliders
- Higgs pseudo-observables
- Higgs Vortices and Black Hole Hair
- Higgs xi-inflation for the 125--126 GeV Higgs
- High 3He/4He in proto-Iceland plume basalts: implications for the deep Earth
- High Assurance Smart Cards for Multinational Coalitions and Other Applications of National Security
- High Commissioner for Canada to the UK, Mr Gordon Campbell, to speak on 'Canada in a Changing World'
- High definition immune profiling of antigen-specific T cells: implications for disease pathogenesis and vaccine design
- High Dimensional Approximation via Sparse Occupancy Trees
- High Dimensional Approximation via Sparse Occupancy Trees
- High Dimensional Changepoint Estimation via Sparse Projection
- High dimensional data and latent confounding I
- High dimensional data and latent confounding II
- High dimensional inference in bioinformatics and genomics
- High dimensional inference in bioinformatics and genomics
- High Dimensional Influence Measure
- High dimensional sparse approximation of elliptic PDEs with lognormal coefficients
- High Dimensional Stochastic Regression with Latent Factors,Endogeneity and Nonlinearity
- High Dimensions
- High Efficiency III-V Solar Cells: past, present and future
- High Efficiency Photovoltaics: How can we approach the 87% thermodynamic limit?
- High efficiency, low emissions: Power generation on the road to thermotopia
- High energy asymptotics of the integrated density of states of almost periodic pseudo-differential operators
- High Energy Atmospheric Ionisation and Clouds
- High energy particles and atmospheric electricity
- High Energy Resummation for Jet Processes at the LHC
- High energy X-ray scattering and imaging, complementary techniques for material science
- High Frequency Asymptotics for the Limit Order Book
- High frequency criteria for Boolean functions (with an application to percolation)
- High Frequency Dynamic Nuclear Polarization β-Amyloid, Membranes and the Magic Angle
- High frequency homogenization and asymptotics for waveguides
- High frequency micro structure in futures markets
- High frequency movement data provides insight into animal interactions
- High Frequency Response of a Vibrating Body
- High frequency statistics of semimartingales
- High frequency variability and microstructure bias
- High frequency vibration analysis of smoothly inhomogeneous systems
- High Impact Research
- High level language processing mechanisms in the human brain
- High Level Output Strategy
- High magnetic fields: A tool for studying strongly correlated systems
- High mobility soluble polyacene–dielectric polymer formulations - a facile approach to large area printed electronics
- High Modernism and Local State: Neighbourhood Reconstruction in Post-Maoist China
- High or Low Sensitivity to Policy - What Should we Aim for?
- High or Low Sensitivity to Policy - What Should we Aim for?
- High order convergence of the PML method for periodic surface scattering problems
- High order correlations and what we can learn about the solution for many body problems from experiment
- High order moment scaling laws in wall-bounded turbulent shear flows and beyond
- High Order Polygonal Grids and Cut Cells (Polynomial degree 2 or 3)
- High Performance Computing: Use of large CPU grids, GPUs and supercomputers for financial computation.
- High Performance Ordered Nanostructured Membranes from Block Copolymers
- High Pressure Random Structure Searching on the Fe-C System
- High pressure solubility of sulfate minerals in high density and low density water
- High pressure structure searching: calcium oxides under mantle conditions
- High pressure study of a quasi one dimensional two band conductor
- High pressure synthesis, structural and physical properties of the new A-site ordered double perovskite oxides CaCu3Fe4O12 and (Ca,Y)Cu3Co4O12
- High Rayleigh number convection in a porous medium
- High redshift galaxies: how well do numerical simulations capture their physical properties ?
- High redshift Gamma Ray Bursts
- High resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere modelling
- High resolution electron microscopy of superalloys
- High resolution imaging and characterisation of a simple plant system: Marchantia polymorpha
- High Resolution Micro-electro-mechanical resonant tilt sensor
- High resolution modelling of the seasonal evolution of surface water storage on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- High resolution models of genome regulatory events
- High resolution models: understanding tropical convection and transport through the tropical tropopause layer.
- High Resolution Optical and SAR Satellite Image Processing for Disaster Management using Hierarchical MRFs
- High Resolution Retinal Imaging in the Rodent Eye: Part 2
- High Resolution Stabilised Spectrographs and HARVY
- High Rise Engineering - Innovation and the future
- High Scale Inflation and Low Scale Supersymmetry
- High School Regulatory Environment and Student Disengagement
- High science: hill stations and modern astrophysics
- High security locks: illusion or reality
- High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Imaging of Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis Accessory Proteins in Arabidopsis
- High Speed Two: Engine for Growth
- High Speed VCSELs And Optical Interconnects
- High spin at low temperatures
- High stakes gambling: How E coli bet with their lives
- High strain rate deformation response of titanium for aerospace gas turbines
- High strain rate properties of shape memory alloys
- High temperature creep of superalloys: discrete dislocation plasticity modelling
- High temperature performance of MEMS vibration energy harvesters
- High temperature performance of MEMS vibration energy harvesters
- High Temperature Superconductors
- High temperature superconductors from fundamental science to hybrid electric aircraft
- High temperature superfluidity in double bilayer graphene and in electron-hole bilayers: comparison with diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo results
- High Throughput Approaches to Biological Signalling Processes
- High Throughput Bayesian Optimisation
- High throughput DNA sequencing to study the genetic architecture of rare developmental disorders
- High-Assurance Algorithmic Trading
- High-content microscopy: big-data biology goes spatio-temporal
- High-contrast approximation for penetrable wedge diffraction
- High-contrast approximation for penetrable wedge diffraction
- High-density Arrays of Nanotube and Graphene Devices:Directed Assembly and Rapid Characterization
- High-density hard-core configurations on a triangular lattice
- High-density Reservoir Networks in Semiarid Northeastern Brazil
- High-Dimensional Bayesian Geostatistics
- High-dimensional causal inference
- High-Dimensional Collocation for Lognormal Diffusion Problems
- High-Dimensional Collocation for Lognormal Diffusion Problems
- High-Dimensional Covariance Structure Estimation
- High-dimensional data analytics using low-dimensional models in power systems
- High-dimensional data and the Lasso
- High-dimensional dynamics of generalization error in neural networks: implications for experience replay
- High-Dimensional Incremental Divisive Clustering under Population Drift
- High-Dimensional Mixture Models For Unsupervised Image Denoising (HDMI)
- High-Dimensional Online Changepoint Detection
- High-dimensional sign tests for the direction of a skewed single-spiked distribution
- High-dimensional statistics
- High-Dimensional Time Series Segmentation Via Factor-Adjusted Vector Autoregressive Modelling
- High-dimensional Time Series Segmentation via Factor-adjusted Vector Autoregressive Modelling
- High-dimensional variable selection
- High-dimensional variable selection via sure independence screening
- High-dimensional variable selection when features are sparse
- High-dimensional variable selection when features are sparse
- High-Energy Limit of Mass-Suppressed Amplitudes in Gauge Theories
- High-energy particle acceleration in active galaxies
- High-frequency fluctuations in Antarctic Bottom Water transport driven by Southern Ocean winds
- High-frequency homogenization for imperfect interfaces and dispersive media
- High-frequency scattering by polygons and wedges via the complex-scaled half-space matching method
- High-frequency scattering by spheres and cylinders
- High-frequency self-excited oscillations in flow through elastic-walled tubes
- High-Frequency Vertically-Oriented Graphene Electrical Double Layer Capacitors
- High-impact entrepreneurship for the circular economy
- High-K Gate Dielectrics on Si, Ge, and GaAs
- High-latitude climate sensitivity in a greenhouse world: lessons from the Eocene
- High-latitude Southern Ocean carbon sink enhanced by seasonal sea-ice feedbacks during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
- High-level development and debugging of FPGA-based network programs
- High-level Languages for Low-level Systems
- High-Level Separation Logic for Low-Level Code
- High-Mg benthic foraminifera Miliolacea: a new proxy for temperature and carbonate ion saturation of ocean bottom waters
- High-mobility Graphene From Chemical Vapor Deposition On Reusable Copper
- High-order algorithms for time- and frequency-domain wave propagation models
- High-order Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the numerical modelling of earthquake ground motion
- High-order Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the numerical modelling of earthquake ground motion
- High-order splitting for the Vlasov-Poisson equation
- High-performance Artificial Intelligence. Scaling DL on Supercomputers.
- High-Performance Computing Applied to Computational Intelligence in Systems Biology and Genome Analysis
- High-performance Computing to Support Wind Energy Research
- High-Performance Processing with Field-Programmable Logic
- High-Performance Processing with Field-Programmable Logic
- High-power lasers and the extreme conditions that they can produce
- High-precision cosmology and the nature of dark matter
- High-precision measurement of the W boson mass with the CDF II detector
- High-redshift clusters in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey
- High-resolution binding specificity profiles of transcription factors and cis regulatory codes in DNA
- High-resolution finite volume methods and multidimensional wave-propagation algorithms
- High-resolution identification of active gene regulatory elements
- High-resolution isotope analyses of hominin teeth: how do we interpret these new sources of data?
- High-resolution modelling of polar climates using the regional climate model RACMO2.3
- High-Resolution PM2.5 Mapping Across Malaysia Using Multi-Satellite Data and Machine Learning Techniques
- High-resolution Remote Sensing Summer Arctic Sea Ice Observations for Improved Prediction
- High-resolution Spectroscopy of Thermal Emission from Exoplanets
- High-risk strategies, suicidality and the meaning of p
- High-sensitivity superconducting detectors for mm/submm/THz astronomy
- High-SNR Asymptotics of Mutual Information for Discrete Constellations
- High-speed homeoboxes and wayward worms
- High-stakes testing at the school/university interface: experiences from the former socialist states of central and eastern Europe
- High-Strain Rate Studies
- High-temperature Superconductivity in Hydrides at High Pressures
- High-Temperature Superconductors: From Broken Symmetries to the Power Grid
- High-throughput Applications for Heterogeneous Catalysts
- High-throughput calculation of phase diagrams with nested sampling
- High-throughput cancer cell line screening: a tool for discovery
- High-throughput Cancer Cell line Screens: Linking Drug Response to Molecular Signatures
- High-Throughput Chemistry and Biology in Segmented Flows
- High-throughput collective animal behavior studies and their connections to artificial systems
- High-throughput computational thermodynamics: a unique insight into the potential energy surface
- High-throughput determination of protein stability and refolding in microtiter plates
- High-throughput Digital Brain Atlasing for Model Systems: Worm, Fly, Mouse, and Human
- High-Throughput Energy Materials Discovery
- High-Throughput Fragment-Based Drug Discovery at Diamond Synchrotron Robots can do much of the work to screen in FBDD!
- High-Throughput Production of Human Proteins for Structural and Functional Studies
- High-throughput, Multiscale modelling approaches for understanding bacterial signalling
- High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole
- High-volume AI models in production in the delivery sector
- High-z AGN Studies with the Subaru Telescope
- Higher Algebra in Computer Science
- Higher arithmetic Chow groups.
- Higher categorical foundations of Giraud's non-abelian cohomology
- Higher Categorical Structures, Type-Theoretically
- Higher categories and algebraic K-theory (1)
- Higher categories and algebraic K-theory (2)
- Higher categories and algebraic K-theory (3)
- Higher categories and algebraic K-theory (4)
- Higher categories of higher categories
- Higher Class Field Theory in Positive Characteristic
- Higher Coleman Theory
- Higher derivative with constraints: exorcising Ostrogradski's ghost.
- Higher descents on an elliptic curve with a rational 2-torsion point
- Higher dimensional black holes
- Higher dimensional extensions and the Kan property for simplicial objects
- Higher dimensional gravity, bubbles, and new puzzles for AdS/CFT
- Higher Dimensions - Professor Imre Leader (DPMMS)
- Higher Education and China’s Global Rise: A Neo-Tributary Perspective
- Higher Education in America and Britain: Trans-Atlantic Lessons from the New York Commission on Higher Education
- Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates - the Field as a Minefield
- Higher Education Reform & Development: The case of Kazakhstan
- Higher education reform in Lithuania: marketisation and administration versus democratisation?
- Higher genus knot contact homology and recursion for the colored HOMFLY polynomial
- Higher Genus Polylogarithms
- Higher gradient integrability for $\sigma$-harmonic maps in dimension two
- Higher gradient integrability for σ-harmonic maps in dimension two
- Higher height paining and extensions of mixed Hodge structures.
- Higher Hida theory
- Higher level Schur - Weyl duality
- Higher local constants, local global principles and the Langlands correspondence for GL(n)
- Higher local constants, local global principles, and the Langlands correspondence for GL(n)
- Higher monoidal monomorphisms
- Higher multiplicity in minimal varieties
- Higher norms of vorticity applied to the intermittency and blow-up problems in the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler equations
- Higher Order Actions in Deny-Guarantee
- Higher order convergent trial methods for Bernoulli's free boundary problem
- Higher order Fourier Analysis
- Higher Order Fused Regularization for Supervised Learning with Grouped Parameters
- Higher Order Learning for Classification in Emergency Situations
- Higher order reactive programming
- Higher order topological invariants from the Chern-Simons action
- Higher preprojective algebras and higher zigzag algebras
- Higher preprojective algebras and superpotentials
- Higher representations of Lie algebras
- Higher representations of Lie algebras
- Higher representations of Lie algebras
- Higher representations of Lie algebras
- Higher representations of Lie algebras
- Higher representations: geometry and tensor structures
- Higher Scissors Congruence of Manifolds
- Higher Segal spaces (1)
- Higher Segal spaces (2)
- Higher Spin Gravity and 2d CFTs
- Higher Spin Holography: a new perspective on black holes and locality
- Higher spin symmetry and its breaking in CFTs
- Higher spins from Nambu-Chern-Simons theory
- Higher string topology
- Higher Sugawara operators and the classical W-algebra for gl n
- Higher Teichmueller theory: from PSL(2,R) to other Lie groups
- Higher Teichmuller Theory and Thermodynamical Formalism
- Higher THH of Z/p^m with reduced coefficients
- Higher twisted K-theory a la Dadarlat and Pennig
- Higher-dimensional automata, C*-algebras and buildings
- Higher-kinded programming in ML
- Higher-Order Algebraic Effects and Handlers
- Higher-order algebraic theories and relative monads
- Higher-order denoising of medical tensor images
- Higher-order influence function
- Higher-order singletons and partially massless fields
- Higher-order stochastic integration through cubic stratification
- Higher-order total variation for oscillating patterns
- Higher-rank Bohr sets and multiplicative diophantine approximation
- highest currency in the world
- Highest currency in the world
- Highlighted lecture 1 - Iterative methods in inverse obstacle scattering revisited
- Highlighted lecture 2 - Stability of Inverse Problems and related Topics from Differential Geometry
- Highlighted lecture 3 - Inverse Problems in Biomedical Imaging
- Highlighting industry collaborations in Plant Sciences
- Highlights from the 2016 European Guidelines of CVD prevention: What is new?
- Highlights from the “Deciphering the Mechanisms of Developmental Disorders (DMDD) consortium” – novel insights into gene function during embryogenesis
- Highlights from the dawn of million-star spectroscopy
- Highlights of Mexico
- Highly connected manifolds in dimensions larger than 248
- Highly connected subgraphs in sparse graphs
- Highly Efficient Organic Devices
- Highly Energy Efficient Key-value Store for In-network Computing
- Highly Entangled States With Almost No Secrecy
- Highly magnetic neutron stars: bewildering astrophysical laboratories and cosmological tools
- Highly Oscillatory Quadrature
- Highly Porous Polymeric Materials - the Hole Truth and Nothing But!
- Highly Supersymmetric Solutions
- Highly Sustainable Concrete Structures, doing more with less
- Highly-Smooth Zero-th Order Online Optimization
- Highs and Lows - The tectonic evolution of the Canadian Arctic Islands
- Highs and lows of the South Atlantic
- Highways and byways in the history of high rate mechanical testing
- High_Value Business Models Symposium
- Hijacking the Golgi: insights into the mechanism of Orthobunyavirus assembly in mammalian cells
- Hikes across the desert
- Hilary Powell's research
- Hilbert categories and quantum logic
- Hilbert complexes
- Hilbert schemes of singular plane curves and HOMFLY homology of their links
- Hilbert sixth problem
- Hilbert space compression of groups and dimension growth
- Hilbert space embedding of probability distributions
- Hilbert Space Embedding of Probability Measures: Theory and Applications
- Hilbert's 14th problem and Verlinde type formulas for rings of invariant polynomials
- Hilbert's Thirteenth problem and moduli of abelian varieties.
- Hilbert-Huang transform - A new method of analyzing unsteady, nonlinear turbulent flow data
- Hilbert-Schmidt operators vs. elliptic Calogero-Moser type systems
- Hill Arches and other works by Henry Moore at the Fitz
- Hillary Clinton, Siamese cats and HIV: defects in transport of proteins within a cell
- Hillsborough: a long festering scar on the conscience of the nation Technical and societal aspects of the disaster
- Hilma af Klint: Painter and Revolutionary Mystic
- Himalaya: from mountains to drilling in the Bengal fan
- Hindley-Milner type inference
- Hindrances to Meditation
- Hindu nationalist training camps and the Indian diaspora
- Hingshe hoy?
- Hinkley Point C - breaking new ground for UK nuclear energy
- Hinkley Point C – a template for the future of nuclear new build
- Hinsley Memorial Lecture
- Hints and Principles for Computer System Design
- Hints of the fourth planet around upsilon Andromedae
- Hints on integrability in the Wilsonian/holographic renormalization group
- Hippocampal function: Re-considering configural memory
- Hippocampal interneuron types specifically related to complex behaviours
- Hippocampal LTP and Psychiatry: The Prime Suspect
- Hippocampal network dynamics underpinning the emergence and persistence of spatial memories
- Hippocampal rhythms
- Hippocratic bodies: Castas and temperament in the New Spain
- hIPPYlib-MUQ: A Bayesian Inference Software Framework for Integration of Data with Complex Predictive Models under Uncertainty
- Hiring and Managing a Team
- Hiroshima: under the bomb 70 years on
- His and Hers Engineering
- HiSPARC : A school-based cosmic ray detector
- Histogram tomography
- Histograms, Graph Limits, and the Asymptotic Behavior of Large Networks
- Histone deacetylation in oligodendrocyte development and demyelinating disease
- Histone demethylation at CpG islands
- Histone modification changes upon DNA damage
- Histone variants are essential for transmission of epigenetic information
- Histopathology 2014: Advances in research and techniques
- Histopathology: Advances in research and techniques
- Historia Literaria in the Field: German Academics and the Search for the Dutch Underground, 1690-1720
- Historian as detective: the search for Darwin's predecessors
- Historical and contemporary perspectives of the nutrition transition
- Historical and future changes of sea ice mass budget for Arctic pack ice and marginal ice zone
- Historical backdrop, leading to the alpha-effect --- its origins and limitations (Keynote speaker)
- Historical ecology and changes in Jomon landscape practice: examples from northeastern Japan
- Historical fiction as anthropological technique: in the mind of an enslaved Melanesian
- Historical Landmarks and national history: The case of Kazakhstan
- Historical Landmarks and national history: The case of Kazakhstan
- Historical life cycle reconstruction by indexing
- Historical linguistics reading group
- Historical perspective on epigenetics
- Historical sociolinguistics and the transmission of language change
- Historical time, primitive peoples and the abyss of race: conceptions of temporality in German anthropology and folklore studies (1850s–1930s)
- Historicising Islamic Extremism in the Punjab
- Historicising the French Revolution in the Third Republic: the case of Ernest Lavisse
- Historicisms and counter-historicisms in the seventeenth century
- Historicizing Social Justice: Labour, Rights and Power in 20th-century Central Europe
- Histories of Antarctica
- Histories of Capitalism: the View from Offshore
- Histories of International Law, History within International Law: Questions of Method
- Histories of Thought and Comparative Political Theory: The Thesis of 'Chinese Origins for Western Knowledge,' 1860-1895
- Historiography
- Historiography
- History . Society . Urban Energy - PhD Colloquium 2010 in Architecture
- History and Conspiracy
- History and philosophy of biology: new perspectives?
- History and philosophy of regulatory science: the case of pharmaceuticals
- History and the Financial Crisis
- History in Context: The 2008 US Presidential Election
- History in the schools: Past, present and Future
- History is a rehearsal of the future: How Russia’s past defines its perspectives and how it still can change
- History is fiction: the bibliography of a marriage
- History of Female Scholarship in Islam
- History of Cryptography
- History of Forests
- History of S&T need an oil bath: oil, scarcity and technoscience in the 1970s
- History of Science : Gaiters and gunpowder - the extraordinary story of Richard Watson, professor of chemistry and bishop.
- History of Statistics (up to ~1900)
- History talk about Joan of Arc
- History talk about Napoleon III
- History, status, and future perspectives of glueballs
- Hit/lead finding/optimization against different antibacterial/oncology targets
- Hitachi - Cambridge Seminar "Physics for Sustainable Technology"
- Hitachi Rail in Europe - on track to success
- Hitchhikers guide to machine learning
- Hitchin Equations on R^2 and Z^2
- Hitchin' a ride: how herpesviruses modulate host-cell membrane trafficking
- Hitchin's self-duality equation and limiting configurations
- Hitler and the Have Nots
- Hitler's biography
- Hitomi and the X-ray spectrum of the Perseus Cluster
- Hitting a Natural Higgs in SUSY
- Hitting the target but missing the point
- Hitting Times for Maker-Breaker Games
- HIV and Cell Autonomous Innate Immunity: Going under the radar
- HIV and the "dirty" other: Living with a spoiled identity
- HIV and the Naked Ape
- HIV assembly - is it the plasma membrane after all?
- HIV Prevention: New Strategies for a Changing Epidemic?
- HIV-1 Infection, Type-1 Interferon and Viral Restriction
- HIV-1 restriction by SAMHD1
- HIV-1 vectors: How can you convert a pathogen to a therapeutic vehicle?
- HIV-related mortality past and present
- HIV/AIDS and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
- HIV/AIDS: Science & Myth
- HMG-D, Tramtrack and Chromatin Structure
- HMMs for controlling dynamical systems
- HMMs for Protein Sequencing from Mass Spectrometry Data
- HNN extensions and linear groups
- Ho-Kei Chan - Confinement-induced Columnar Crystals: A Route to New Architecture in the Scientific World
- Hobbes (and Weber) on the Jury
- Hobbes and Sexual Desire
- Hobbes Leviathan
- Hobbes on People and Multitude: Context and Argument
- Hobbes on the Definition of a Legal Sphere
- Hochas and minimal toposes
- Hochschild Cohomology and support varieties
- Hochschild homology for Green functors
- Hodge polynomials of the moduli space of SL (2,C) - character varieties
- Hodge structures through Topological Quantum Field Theory
- Hodge theory for curves
- Hodge theory of Calabi-Yau fibrations
- Hodge theory, Mumford-Tate groups
- Hofer geometry at large
- Hofmeyr and modern human origins.
- Hold for EHT OfB
- Holding up half the sky? Female scholars and their contributions to Chinese archaeology
- Holes in higher Teichmuller theory
- Holidays beyond earth, the future of space tourism
- Holistic Characterization of Small Planets with the Magellan-TESS Survey
- Holistic GC: Coordinating Garbage Collection across Rack-scale Systems
- Hollow vortices
- Holly Lovegrove: Mitosis in Motion: Cell division during collective cell migration; Leo Otsuki: Puzzling out tissue regeneration.
- Hollywood Cinema and the Freeway
- Holocaust Denial: A Flat Earth Theory or a Clear and Present Danger?
- Holocaust Memorial Day - Tales from Northwest African Vichy Camps: Educating Through Graphic Memoir
- Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture: Inclusion and refugees in the UK: global challenges, local responses
- Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture: Torn From Home
- Holocaust Memorial Day: The Power of Words: Public Debate in the Context of Human Rights and Freedom of Speech
- Holocaust memorialisation as a case study in Jewish/non-Jewish relations
- Holocene palaeoclimate reconstruction from a varved lake in East Anglia
- Holographic aspects of gravity in four and three dimensions
- Holographic Baryons
- Holographic codes and critical lattice theories
- Holographic complexity beyond proposals
- Holographic Conductivity
- Holographic description of boundary and interface CFTs
- Holographic entanglement plateaux
- Holographic Fermi Surfaces: The view from the top down
- Holographic flavor transport
- Holographic hydrodynamics on non-conformal field theories
- Holographic phase space: c-functions and black holes as renormalization group flows
- Holographic Projection
- Holographic properties of Chern-Simons states and quantum information
- Holographic quantum information and quantum gravity - a discussion
- Holographic Quantum Quench and Critical Points
- Holographic Sensors and Smartphone Applications in Point-of-Care Testing
- Holographic Superconductors
- Holographic Technologies
- Holographic thermal correlators from supersymmetric instantons.
- Holographic Thermodynamics of Accelerating Black Holes
- Holographic three-point functions for short operators
- Holographic turbulence
- Holographic tutorial
- Holographic two-component superfluids
- Holographic Uhlmann Holonomy and the Entanglement Wedge Symplectic Form
- Holographic visualisation of inkjet drops
- Holography and quantum info: from novel probes of bulk matter to complexity of quantum fields
- Holography and the Celestial Sphere
- Holography and the self-tuning of the cosmological constant
- Holography for Cosmology
- Holography for non-relativistic CFTs
- Holography of Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theories and applications to Condensed Matter Systems
- Holography of mass-deformed M2-branes
- Holography without Strings
- Holography without translational symmetry
- Holography, Black Holes and Siegel paramodular forms
- Holomorphic actions of Lattices on projective threefolds
- Holomorphic anomaly equations for the Hilbert schemes of points of K3 surfaces
- Holomorphic blocks in 3 dimensions
- Holomorphic blocks in 3 dimensions
- Holomorphic curves and symplectic rigidity
- Holomorphic curves in Symplectic Topology
- Holonic Control and Intelligent Products
- Holonic Control and Intelligent Products
- Holonomic D-modules, b-functions, and coadmissibility
- Holonomy perturbations and irreducible SL(2,C)-representations of homology 3-spheres
- Holonomy reduction for split-signature conformal 4-manifolds
- Home and homelessness in 19th-century prose
- Home automation for the elderly or disabled
- HOME the movie - screening
- Home Truths: Supporting Success And Making A Difference To Women In Science
- Homelessness and the Migrant Domestic Worker
- HomeMaestro: Order from Chaos in Home Networks
- Homeobox genes, genome organization and animal evolution
- Homeoboxes build the nervous system
- Homeopathy – science fact or science fiction? (at Cambridge Science Festival)
- Homeostatic growth in the Drosophila intestine
- Homeostatic Modulation of Neural Function: From Phenomenology to Molecular Design
- Homer's 'Battle of the Frogs and Mice' and the Meaning of Parody
- Homer's Deep
- Homerton Changemaker Lecture; Embracing Change by Sue Wilkinson (former CEO of The Reading Agency)
- Homerton CIG Series: PLANET BOWIE: Multiple creativities in practice
- HOMFLY-PT homology
- Homi Bhabha in Conversation
- Hominin behavioural dynamics in the insular rainforests of eastern Wallacea
- Hominine origins in Europe: encephalization and orthogrady.
- Hominoid ancestral population sizes and human-chimpanzee speciation
- Homo Cyberneticus: Neurocognitive embodiment of artificial limbs
- Homo heuristicus: Why biased minds make better inferences
- Homo naledi, a new homini species from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa
- Homo sapiens evolution through the Asian lens
- Homoclinic snaking and the emergence of localised patterns beyond all asymptotic orders
- Homogeneous dynamics, unitary representations, and Diophantine exponents
- Homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives
- Homogeneous M2 duals
- Homogeneous Spectrum for Limit-Periodic Operators
- Homogeneous three-dimensional rotating flows, intertial waves and turbulence
- Homogenisation and a Wiener-Hopf formulation for a scattering problem around a semi-infinite elastic structured duct
- Homogenisation and a Wiener-Hopf formulation for a scattering problem around a semi-infinite elastic structured duct
- Homogenisation Approach for Acoustic Metamaterials with a Soft Matrix
- Homogenisation for PDEs
- Homogenisation for topology optimisation of periodic materials
- Homogenisation of a semilinear stochastic evolution problem in a perforated domain
- Homogenisation of Composite Materials Using Complex Analysis Techniques
- Homogenisation of Composite Materials Using Complex Analysis Techniques
- Homogenisation of resonators via a two-scale transform, and generalisations
- Homogenization and transport in confined structures for applications in nano-sensors
- Homogenization methods (1)
- Homogenization methods (2)
- Homogenization methods (3)
- Homogenization methods (4)
- Homogenization methods for metamaterials: An introduction
- Homogenization of convolution type non-local operators
- Homogenization of operators with quasi-periodic coefficients
- Homogenization of quasi-periodic photonic crystals: The cut-and-project multiple scale method
- Homogenization with non-separated scales and high contrast
- Homological algebra as a stable homotopy theory
- Homological algebra by pictures
- Homological Berglund-Hübsch mirror symmetry for curves
- Homological comparison of crepant resolutions and smooth ambient spaces
- Homological filling functions and the word problem
- Homological finiteness Bredon properties for groups
- Homological finiteness conditions for totally disconnected locally compact groups
- Homological mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in projective space
- Homological Mirror Symmetry, Gaps and Spectra
- Homological representations for families of groups
- Homological stability for Artin monoids
- Homological stability for Temperley-Lieb algebras
- Homological Stability of Moduli Spaces of High Dimensional Manifolds
- Homological Stability of Moduli Spaces of High Dimensional Manifolds
- Homological stability of moduli spaces via E_k-algebras
- Homologous recombination is very rare or absent in human influenza virus.
- Homology and Fixed Points
- Homology of curves and surfaces in closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Homology of monoids with coefficients in group completion
- Homology of Picture Groups of Type An
- Homology stability for symmetric diffeomorphisms and their mapping classes
- Homology vs cohomology
- Homomorphic Encryption from Ring Learning with Errors
- Homomorphism Indistinguishability: Characterisations, Closure, Complexity
- Homomorphisms between Specht modules of KLR algebras
- Homotopical aspects of type theory
- Homotopical ideas in the theory of knots
- Homotopical Lagrangian Monodromy
- Homotopy (Pre-)Derivators of Cofibration Categories and Quasi-Categories
- Homotopy algebras
- Homotopy automorphisms of operads in topological spaces (mini-course)
- Homotopy Cobordism Categories
- Homotopy equivalence and simple homotopy equivalence of manifolds
- Homotopy invariance in string topology
- Homotopy of codimension one foliations on 3-manifolds
- Homotopy self-equivalences of manifolds
- Homotopy theory and the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature
- Homotopy theory with C*-categories
- Homotopy type of the free factor complex
- Homotopy type theory and algebraic weak factorization systems
- Homotopy Type Theory and the Structure Identity Principle
- Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations of Mathematics I
- Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations of Mathematics II
- Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations of Mathematics III
- Homotopy type theory and weak factorization systems
- Homotopy Type Theory in Agda
- Homotopy Type Theory in Lean
- Honda's Journey to Sustainable Mobility, from Hybrid to Fuel Cell
- Honey; is it just for toast? A look at honey in the treatment of complex wounds.
- Hong Kong, London, and the Offshore Renminbi: International Financial Centres and China’s Financial Transnationalization
- Hong-Ou-Mandel effect under partial time reversal: a destructive interference effect in the amplification of light
- Honorary Fellows Lecture - Cosmic extinction - the far future of our Universe
- HONORARY FELLOWS LECTURE - Every breath you take and every move you make - understanding cellular oxygen sensing mechanisms
- HONORARY FELLOWS LECTURE - Evolution in action: Materials, Design and Sustainability
- HONORARY FELLOWS LECTURE - Molecules against cancer or for long-term memory storage
- HONORARY FELLOWS LECTURE - Seeing is believing: how a Century after its discovery, Bragg's Law allows us to peer into molecules that read the information in our genes
- Honorary Fellows Lecture - Should we trust statistics?
- HONORARY FELLOWS LECTURE - The Youthful Spirit of Mathematics
- Honorary Fellows Lecture - Using electron microscopy to understand the molecules of life
- HONORARY FELLOWS LECTURE - What is epigenetics? And is it important?
- HONORARY FELLOWS PRIZE LECTURE - Controlling the Cell Cycle
- HONORARY FELLOWS PRIZE LECTURE - Could computers understand their own programs?
- HONORARY FELLOWS PRIZE LECTURE - Our cosmic environment
- HONORARY FELLOWS PRIZE LECTURE - Towards a silent aircraft
- Honorary MZVs and modular forms
- Hook-up probabilities for conformal loop ensembles
- Hoopl: modular library for dataflow analysis/transformation
- Hop, skip and jump - muscles are not just for running
- Hope in Politics
- Hopf algebras and 3-categories
- Hopf algebras and duality
- Hopf algebras of small Gelfand-Kirillov dimension
- Hopf and Skyrme Solitons
- Hopf and Skyrme Solitons
- Hopf Formulae for TOR
- Hopf monads and Eilenberg-Moore completions
- Hopfield barriers: following the energy in cellular information processing
- Hopping Across Boundaries
- Hopping Across Boundaries
- Horizon 2020 Opportunities in Big Data
- Horizon instability of an extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black hole
- Horizon Scanning of SARS-CoV-2 with Pango Lineages
- Horizon Seminar – ‘Energy: What Does the Future Hold?’
- Horizon Seminar – ‘Foodomics? Why we Eat, What we Eat, and What's New on the Menu'
- Horizon Seminar – ‘Live Long and Prosper? Ageing in the 21st Century’
- Horizon2020 Information Meeting for members of Energy@Cambridge
- HORIZON: Reproductive Health
- Horizon’s Adventures in CRISPR land
- Horizons and Tunneling in the Euclidean False Vacuum
- Horizontal & vertical categorification: from monoids to bicategories
- Horizontal convection and blast furnaces
- Horizontal film drainage: soap film elasticity, lubrication equation, line tension and instability
- Horizontal staircase formation in ocean fronts via symmetric instability-- a transport barrier or blender?
- Horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance drives multi-species population level epidemics
- Horizontal transfer of mitochodria in cancer.
- Hormesis in Neural Plasticity and Neurological Disorders
- Hormonal control of growth and patterning in the plant embryo
- Hormonal control of shoot branching
- Hormonal networks in plant development: Fundamentally simple?
- Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis
- Hornby Model Railways
- Horse and Buggy Genius: Anti-Modernity and the Old Colony Mennonite Diaspora in the Americas, a recent history.
- Horse Tales: Writing the Equine in Children’s Literature
- Horses for courses in intrauterine programming
- Hospital Electronic Health Records Data- an opportunity for Ageing Research?
- Host Age-dependent Evolution of a Plant RNA Virus
- Host cell ion channels as new anti-viral targets?
- Host cell/virus interactions in the late stages of the HIV life cycle
- Host determinants of HTLV-1 integration
- Host immune responses in models of pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage and acute respiratory infection
- Host matrix-pathogen interactions and redox sensing; tandem beta-zippers and "inside-out" protein-protein recognition.
- Host protection, autoinflammation and cell death: the NLRP3 inflammasome
- Host response to micobacterium abscessus
- Host-induced gene silencing vs RNA silencing suppressors - another battleground in host-pathogen arms race
- Host-Microbiota Interactions Shaping Health and Disease
- Host-parasite arms races in bird colour space
- Host-pathogen interactions: a biochemist's perspective
- Host-Tumor Interactions in Interleukin-6 Associated Cancer Cachexia
- Hostile Take-Over: A Political History of the Colour Red
- Hostility, Loyalty and Change: What is the Future for Muslims in the West?
- Hot Jupiters with Companions: Results of the Long-term CORALIE Survey
- Hot or Not: Fingerprinting hosts through clock skew
- Hot or Not: Revealing Hidden Services by their Clock Skew
- Hot scatterers and tracers for the transfer of heat in collisional dynamics
- Hot Spots of Crime: Where, When and Why?
- Hot Water Drilling 101 – How to drill through an ice shelf
- Hot, Dust-Obscured Galaxies
- Hot-Jupiter Atmospheric Flow Modelling: Some Updates
- HOTCUS Post-Graduate Conference: Contesting Power: Rights, Justice, and Dissent in America and Beyond
- Hotspots of Disease Resistance Evolution in Plants
- Houghton Hall: Three centuries of privacy and display
- House of the Dead: Siberian Exile under the Tsars
- Household and plague in early modern Italy
- Household movement and changes in residential structure
- Household Transmission of SARS-COV-2: Insights from a Population-based Serological Survey
- Households and farms - clump models in epidemiology.
- Housing Booms and the Return to Salient Fundamentals
- Housing Markets and the Globalisation of Generational Inequalities
- Housing Pathways of Young People Towards 2020
- Housing the poor in Latin America: changing attitudes towards urban informality
- HovercRaft: Achieving Scalability and Fault-tolerance for microsecond-scale Datacenter Services
- Hovering black holes
- How 'Special' is the Anglo-American Special Relationship?
- How (in)secure is it to surf the internet with your browser?
- How (not) to do (areal) phonological typology
- How (Not) To Draw Contemporary Insights From The History of Political Thought
- How (not) to give a talk
- How (Not) To Give A Talk
- How (Not) To Give A Talk
- How (Not) To give A Talk
- How (not) to read Kafka from a Jewish cultural studies perspective
- How (not) to read the advertisements of oculists: records, testimonies and the strategy of personal encounters in the early 18th century
- How (Not) To Write Literary Biography: The Case of Michael Arlen
- How a Broader Appreciation of ‘Value’ Can Contribute to Better Policy Making
- How a ledger became a central bank: a monetary history of the Bank of Amsterdam.
- How a non-Fermi liquid can emerge at a metal-insulator transition
- How a Positive Tipping Point Cascade in Power, Transport and Heating Can Accelerate the Low Carbon Transition
- How a recurrent circuit of Poisson spiking neurons is able to implement sampling-based inference
- How acute stress impairs self-control in goal-directed choice: Behavioral and neural evidence
- How AI Development is Shaped by Science Fiction Narratives
- How amyloid pathology induces a long pathological cellular response in the Alzheimer’s brain
- How and when did the first Chinese crops arrive in Europe?
- How and why cells switch off clathrin-mediated endocytosis during mitosis
- How and why desert ants learn habitual routes
- How and why do reproductive cheats like cuckoo finches lay such diverse eggs?
- How and why does an extra sex chromosome affect neurodevelopment?
- How and why would you do data science in health?
- How antipsychotic medications work - from receptors to response
- How archaeological evidence bites back: putting old data to work in new ways
- How archaeologists resolve the inductive risk argument
- How are Chromosomes Held Together
- How Are Geochemical Reactions in Aquifers Connected to Climate Change Mitigation?
- How are practitioners dealing with the issues now?
- How are red and blue quasars different?
- How are the Water Voles doing?
- How are the Water Voles doing?
- How are the Water Voles doing?
- How are the Water Voles doing?
- How are we going to manage actual code and coding? Ie plansfor Phase 2 Code. Coding standards etc. A discussion session
- How Ascl1 regulates neuroblastoma proliferation and differentiation
- How atoms became real
- How attention and sound quality affect how well we understand and remember speech
- How autonomous are social scientific explanations?
- How autonomous are social scientific explanations?
- How ´European´ is the European Security and Defense Policy? Parliamentary Oversight of the EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta
- How bacteria escape from elimination by the host's complement system
- How bees find the right flowers
- How Behaviour Develops by Dr Karen Adolph
- How Best to Explore Chemical Space for Bioactive Molecular Discovery
- How Big is Infinity?
- How bilingualism modulates the neural mechanisms of selective attention
- How Biomolecular Simulations of Molecules Can Help Us Understand What Matters
- How biotrophic fungi manipulate their hosts: new functions of effectors
- How bleak was the environment of early modern humans? examining the chemistry of Central European loess
- How Boltzmann statistics govern a river's shape
- How C. elegans navigate their environment
- How Cambridge Enterprise can help maximise the impact of your research
- How can academic centres perform Covid testing? Lessons from the Crick Institute
- How can AI be used for Social Good? Lessons from Africa’s Voices Foundation
- How can data science help us do better environmental science?
- How Can Education Promote Social Cohesion? The case of Lebanon
- How can energies be aligned in ab initio electronic transport calculations?
- How can host immunity shape parasite evolution?
- How can lead poisoning of California Condors be prevented?
- How can mice using iPads help cure Alzheimer's disease?
- How Can NLP Help Cure Cancer?
- How Can One Measure Sodium In Cells, Tissues, and In Vivo?
- How can Public Health England's data be used to protect and improve the public's health through its secondary use for research, audit and service evaluation?
- How can public interest journalism hold algorithms to account? The challenges of transparency in the digital age
- How can researchers better engage with national and global policymaking?
- How can researchers better engage with national and global policymaking?
- How can social sciences be used to explore how communities think and feel about volcanic risk and to better inform disaster risk management?
- How can speech technologies support learners to improve their skills of speaking, listen-ing, conversation and more?
- How Can the Behavioral Sciences Inform the Climate Crisis Response?
- How can the immune system be regulated?
- How can the invasive Asian clam help us tackle freshwater pollution?
- How can Trustzone help with securing microservice-oriented apps?
- How can UK policy regulating the energy efficient retrofit of the thermal envelope of buildings and the regulation of conservation be reconciled to deliver energy efficient buildings while maintaining cultural heritage?
- How can usage-based SLA invigorate language education?
- How can Waste Management and Recovery Play a Greater Role in the Circular Economy Metrics of Reuse, Recycle, Reduce?
- How can we adapt DNA microarray technology to measure proteins?
- How can we avoid disabling mathematics learners?
- How can we benefit from autism theories?
- How can we deal with herding and other behaviourial issues?
- How can we empower women, and protect children, caught up in war?
- How can we encourage kindness? A perspective from evolutionary biology
- How can we ensemble geophysical models better?
- How can we help animals the most? With Toni Shephard
- How can we homologize holobionts, and whose lineage matters?
- How can we improve outcome from Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia?
- How can we keep climate change and peak oil high up the political agenda?
- How can we learn mathematical structures of physical systems? String compactifications as a tool
- How can we learn mathematical structures?
- How can we make trustworthy AI?
- How Can We Measure Reactions to Product Designs?
- How can we model complex ecosystems with stochastic interactions between individuals at different spatial and temporal scales? Some case studies
- How can we reduce illegal activity in Africa's protected areas?
- How can we save the endangered Giant Ibis?
- How can we see biomolecular structure and dynamics by measuring side-chain chemical shifts?
- How can we study differentiated access and silent exclusion schooling patterns in Delhi under India's Right to Education Act?
- How can we talk about the world? Likely cosmology in Platos Timaeus
- How can we treat visceral pain?
- How can we use digital pens in a collaborative environment?
- How Can You Be Simple Without Being Simplistic? – Writing for The General Public
- How can you trust formally verified software?
- How can your research influence policy? Event for Post-Docs & Early Career Researchers
- How carcimomas become aggressive
- How Cell and Tissue Geometry Influences Morphogenesis
- How cell walls mechanically control growth
- How cells defend their cytosol against bacteria: Ubiquitylation of LPS and other tricks
- How cells defend their cytosol against bacteria: Ubiquitylation of LPS and other tricks
- How cells defend their cytosol against baterial attack
- How cells integrate chemical and mechanical cues during cell migration in vivo
- How cells manage ribosome collisions
- How cells regulate the dynamics of chromatin patterns
- How children break into language and become interesting talkers within 3 years.
- How children's cognitive abilities vary: methods for understanding individual differences
- How children's cognitive abilities vary: methods for understanding individual differences
- How children's cognitive abilities vary: methods for understanding individual differences
- How chromatin is spatially reorganised during zygotic reprogramming to totipotency
- How Churchill Waged War
- How cilia signal
- How close are these distributions? A brief introduction to statistical distances and divergences.
- How close are we to a forgetting pill?
- How cold is dark matter?
- How common are extrasolar late heavy bombardments?
- How competition for light and wind resistance shape tree forms
- How complex can this be? Let me introduce you to the Haft Paykar, a narrative poem composed in Persian by the giant poet Nizami of Ganja (12th C. AD)
- How complex interactions between chemotactic cells and attractants drive cancer spread and allow cells to solve mazes
- How computerized assessment may transform measurement in mental health
- How constraints and chirality guide self-organisation in living systems
- How Could a Robot be Racist? Evaluating Bias in Artificial Intelligence
- How could blockchain disrupt the democratic landscape?
- How could education systems research prompt a change to how DFIS works on education
- How COVID-19 changes the way protected areas impact local communities
- How CRISPR/Cas9 Finds and Cleaves?
- How cryo-EM is revolutionising structural biology
- How curiosity turned into Science?
- How deep should one go to get the inertial range right?
- How Democracy Ends: Thinking the Unthinkable
- How developmental origin determines microcircuit function in the hippocampus.
- How did Dmitrii Mendeleev make his predictions?
- How did Racism and Anti-Semitism become Mental Illnesses? — From Freud’s Vienna to Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
- How did we get here? Reconstructing the genome of our ancient vertebrate ancestor.
- How different are male and female fly brains?
- How Dirty Icebergs Melt
- How disordered is a pile of marbles? Numerical techniques to quantify disorder.
- How DNSSEC secures DNS
- How do aerofoils work?
- How do African states think about heritage? Historical and ethnographic views from southern Africa
- How do animals detect sensory stimuli? Experiments in photoreceptors, pain-sensitive receptors and magneto-receptors
- How do antidepressants work?
- How do autophagosomes form and grow?
- How do bacteria control their shape during cell elongation?
- How do betalains evolved? Consequences of a de-regulated enzyme in Caryophyllales
- How do capsid binding retrovirus restriction factors recognise their targets?
- How do Cell Walls Drive Growth and Development
- How do cells acquire drug resistance mutations?
- How do cells coordinate entry to mitosis?
- How do cells establish and maintain sister chromatid cohesion?
- How do Climate Models Gain and Exercise Authority?
- How do context and attention affect S-cone signals in human V1?
- How do democracies change?
- How Do Doctors Make Decisions?
- How do dolphins adapt and adapt?
- How do Elementary Teachers manage to teach serious Mathematics to all students
- How do enhancers and promoters interact and what are the consequences ?
- How do examiners reach judgements?
- How do forces transmitted from a cell's environment affect DNA organization?
- How do GPs Understand Diagnostic Tests?
- How do grasses grow?
- How Do Green Buildings Perform After They Are Occupied?
- How do hot Jupiters migrate?
- How do Housing Markets Respond to the Threat of Sea Level Rise?
- How do human mathematicians avoid big searches?
- How do I analyse for …..??? Special Session on analytical techniques available in Department of Earth Sciences. Suitable for research students and post-docs.
- How do I get a job offer? - Graduate and internship applications and interview workshop
- How do I know my GPU or multicore floating point computations are correct?
- How do individuals with autism reason about the physical world?
- How do infants learn from us? Investigating the neural mechanisms involved in infants' social learning
- How do insects generate fast and powerful movements?
- How do listeners use their past experience to improve access to word meanings?
- How do maternal NK cells affect reproductive success?
- How do melts change texture and anisotropy of mantle rocks
- How Do Mindreaders Model Minds?
- How do miRNAs silence gene expression?
- How do miRNAs work?
- How do mitochondrial DNA mutations arise and cause neurological disease?
- How do older people cope with infections and can we do anything to help?
- How do our brains form maps of the world?
- How do planets generate their magnetic fields?
- How do plant roots sense water availability?
- How do plant viruses affect plant-pollinator interactions?
- How do plants sense temperature?
- How do policies influence food systems?
- How do predators use social information about defended prey?
- How do receptor tyrosine phosphatases signal?
- How Do Rocks React to Outbursts from the Sun?
- How do signals from the body shape our actions (and our inactions)? Plus, a discussion on how we can green neuroscience
- How do stylistic features “work” in news texts about a violent event that took place abroad? A cross-cultural case study.
- How do T cells read antigen affinity? Implications for tolerance and autoimmunity
- How do trypanosomes express just one VSG at a time?
- How do tumour cells adapt and acquire resistance to targeted protein kinase inhibitors?
- How do users develop trust in ehealth services?
- How do waves create ‘sausages’, ‘pancakes’ and ‘cannellonis’ from ‘spaghetti’ turbulence?
- How do we Communicate Potential Treatment Harm to the Public: Lessons from a Public Involvement Meeting
- How do we End Poverty Cost-Effectively?: Rachel Glennerster
- How do we estimate the number of current and past injecting drug users?
- How do we evaluate scenario models in the context of public health action
- How Do We Know What to Design?
- How do we learn about life on Earth billions of years ago?
- How do we learn to read? An artificial orthography paradigm
- How do we measure quality in higher education?
- How Do We Measure the Impact of Asymptomatic Testing in the UK?
- How do we model global plant physiology? A case study of leaf phenology
- How do we obtain large non-gaussianities in the cosmic microwave background?
- How do we perceive motion direction?
- How do we program the home? Gender, attention investment, and the psychology of programming at home.
- How do we really bring vision correction to those that need it in the Developing World?
- How Do We Teach "Difficult" Concepts to Undergraduate Students?
- How do you *really* know what the temperature is?
- How do you build a wall? Using live cell single molecule microscopy to investigate physical principles of bacterial cell wall remodelling
- How do you convince an A.I. to 'do the right thing'?
- How do you dream whilst living with uncertainty - Artist Robert Ssempijja in conversation with Professor Helen Mason
- How do you know that water is H2O?
- How do you know when you’re right? – On hallucinations, the limits of trustworthy AI, and the power of ‘I don't know’
- How do you like 'Likes'? (and some other cool projects from the Psychometrics Centre)
- How do you solve a problem like the NHS? The art of the possible.
- How do you turn a quantum computer into a product?
- How do young brains mature? UCHANGE design, techniques and some early results
- How does a black hole heat up a galaxy?
- How does a constable cognize? Notes for a social history of police power in colonial Bengal
- How Does A Firm’s Default Risk Affect Its Expected
- How Does A Synthetic Antiviral Developed For Influenza Virus Inhibit Other Viruses?
- How does an alga become a parasite?
- How does an industrial reviewer assess a grant bid?
- How does attentional control matter? Mechanisms and developmental dynamics
- How does breaking detailed balance accelerate convergence to equilibrium?
- How does cancer become an infectious disease?
- How does centralspindlin form microtubule bundles and accumulate on them during cytokinesis.
- How does CGRP activate its receptor? An odyssey of a family B G-protein coupled receptor
- How Does Chemistry Help In New Developments In Graphene Preparation And Functionalization?
- How does complexity arise from molecular interaction?
- How does contact lead to change? The development of negation in three languages of North Africa
- How does CTLA-4 control T cell activation? A story of Treg and regular Ts
- How does early brain organization promote language acquisition in humans?
- How does energy efficiency shape the organization of brains?
- How does exposure to prenatal cortisol affect foraging success in meerkats?
- How does functional neuroimaging inform cognitive theory?
- How does functional neuroimaging inform cognitive theory?
- How does Government surveillance affect perceived online privacy/security and online information disclosure?
- How does HSV1 exploit endocytosis?
- How does industry view academic research and collaboration?
- How does Knowledge about Climate Change Affect Biodiversity Conservation Policy-making and Practice in England? AND Technology Use in Cypriot Primary Music Education: Examining Teachers’ Thinking and Practice
- How does macroprudential regulation change bank credit supply?
- How does one teach creativity?
- How does post adoption birth family contact work out over time? Findings from a longitudinal study
- How does process tracing work?
- How does recent linguistic experience result in a retuning of lexical-semantic representations?
- How does science interface with policy
- How does smell turn into behaviour?
- How does the African trypanosome control expression of its Variant Surface Glycoprotein coat?
- How does the brain generate movement? A neural population view
- How does the brain learn to read words and name objects? Evidence from artificial language learning and fMRI
- How does the cytoskeleton regulate cell shape during morphogenesis?
- How does the data assimilation method in the Northern Hemisphere affect the representation of mid-Holocene climate?
- How does the Earth recover from extreme climate perturbations?
- How does the human brain recognize faces?
- How does the Internet work?
- How does the Internet work?
- How does the kinetochore orchestrate a functional checkpoint signal?
- How does very deep convection hydrate the stratosphere? Results from a Giga-LES of Hector the Convector
- How does War end? The Problem of Victory (and Defeat)
- How dogs and breeds influenced Darwin
- How dynein and its co-factors at the kinetochore ensure chromosome segregation fidelity.
- How E.coli organizes and segregates its chromosome
- How Early Christian Storytellers Exercised Creative License when Telling Tales about Jesus
- How Elastic Flow Instabilities Increase Oil Recovery
- How electron cryomicroscopy is revolutionising structural biology
- How Electrophysiological Rhythms Shape Language
- How end binding proteins recognise growing microtubule ends: from molecular structure to network functioning
- How Engineering Designers Retrieve Information
- How English Libel Law Threatens Science
- How English Native Speakers Learn to Express Caused Motion in French
- How epithelial cells polarise and why this goes wrong in cancer
- How Equality Created Poverty: Japanese Wealth Distribution and Living Standards 1600-1870
- How evolution of mt-rRNA drives transformation of mitoribosomes
- How expert engineering teams use disciplines of innovation
- How failed is North Korea, James Pearson
- How far do activated random walkers spread from a single source?
- How far have we come in giving our NLU systems common sense?
- How Fast Can Usain Bolt Run?
- How fast can we burn?
- How fast do ice shelves melt?
- How feasible is DNA as a long-term digital storage system?
- How feedback shapes the galaxy stellar mass function
- How filament assembly dynamics can power the crawling motion of amoeboid cells
- How filopodia locally protrude from cell plasma membrane
- How Fish Swam Across the Green Sahara: Implications for the Peopling of the Desert and the ‘Out of Africa’ Hypothesis
- How Focused Flexibility Maximizes the Thrust Production of Flapping Wings
- How Focused Flexibility Maximizes the Thrust Production of Flapping Wings
- How form shapes function; from sensory neurones to the organisation of the primate cortex
- How formal reasoning enables the detection of microarchitectural side channels
- How frequently does the Hasse principle fail?
- How galaxies acquire their mass and angular momentum at high redshift
- How galaxies form stars
- How genetic polymorphism shapes meiotic crossover frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana
- How Germany and the EU can manage without Russian gas this winter
- How good are the shallow water equations for modelling high-speed flows with a front?
- How Good is Damped Molecular Dynamics as a Method for Simulating Radiation Damage in Metals?
- How good is random information compared to optimal information?
- How good is random information compared to optimal information?
- How good is your classifier? Revisiting the role of evaluation metrics in machine learning
- How Google Tests Software
- How governing has become harder-- the increasing external, and self-imposed constraints on governments
- How graduate students came to Cambridge
- How grammar comes about (and how we discover it)
- How habits become compulsions? Investigating habit perseveration in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
- How Hard is Competition for Rank?
- How HCI Interprets the Probes
- How health beliefs influence the symptom experience and treatment decisions at menopause
- How helicity helps create finite dissipation without singularities.
- How high and how fast? Improving future predictions of long-term sea-level rise through studying the Last Interglacial
- How Hilbert met Isabelle: Proof Between Generations
- How hippocampal memory shapes, and is shaped by, attention
- How hot is that butterfly? Conserving butterflies under climate change
- How humans build models of the world through temporal contingencies
- How Humans Hear
- How hypervelocity stars constrain the Galactic Centre
- How I became stuck in Layered Materials: From Origins of Life, to Drugs to Renewable Energy
- How I got into the mitochondrion
- How I got sued by Facebook
- How IBM creates consulting offerings: The example of Smarter Cities
- How IBM creates consulting offerings: The example of Smarter Cities
- How ice sheets collapse: a lesson from the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- How important is sea ice divergence?
- How important was silk along the Silk Roads?
- How impossible is it to reconcile quantum logic with classical logic?
- How independent of semantics are phonology and syntax? Evidence from Semantic Dementia
- How India Became Democratic: Comparative Perspectives (Panel discussion led by Gary Gerstle and Tim Harper)
- How Infants Learn Language Using Speech Rhythm and Neuronal Oscillations
- How innate immune cells adapt to environment and function: diverse tales of mitochondria
- How insurers learned to stop worrying and love regulation: a City insurance man’s view of how the insurance market discovered the world of Basel and became a key risk partner for banks.
- How is star formation in galaxies quenched?
- How is Association Cortico-Cortical Circuit Construction Compromised in a Genetic Neurodevelopmental Disorder?
- How is continuous experience transformed into discrete memories?
- How is genome DNA compacted into a mitotic chromosome?
- How is Haskell tackling the multicore problem?
- How is Human Social Cognition Special?
- How is Human Social Cognition Special?
- How is limb size controlled during development and repair? New approaches for an old question
- How is mtDNA transcription regulated?
- How is Small different from Big?
- How is the scientific method doing?
- How is vegetative maturation coordinated between the shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia?
- How is visual perception biased
- How is War directed? The Problem of Strategy
- How is War fought? The Problem of War's changing Character
- How Islam has Elevated the Status of Women – Sarah Joseph
- How isotropic is the Universe?
- How it happened
- How it's Made: The Brain
- How Jupiter's gas-driven migration shaped the inner Solar System
- How knowledge of the three-dimensional structures of proteins can be used to design the cancer drugs of the future
- How language variation contributes to reading difficulties and “achievement gaps”
- How languages signal highlights using mismatches as methodology
- How LGBT Debates have been Crafted in Uganda
- How like begets like: lessons from RNA silencing in C.elegans
- How Likely is Contagion in Financial Networks?
- How listeners track the changing statistics of rapidly unfolding auditory scenes – evidence from brain imaging and pupillometry
- How Listeria sense the environment-to-host transition via PrfA
- How little we know about geological carbon storage
- How Long Does It Take to Find Happiness?
- How long does take to change? A review of the timelines for innovation in the power sector and other technologies and the implications for power market design and policy
- How Long is a Foot? The Size of the Ships on China's 15th-Century Maritime Expeditions
- How long is a foot? The size of the ships on China's 15th-century maritime expeditions
- How Long Will My Client Live? Quantum in Person Injury Litigation
- How loud is an arithmetic drum?
- How low can SUSY go? Matching, monojets and compressed spectra.
- How Machine Learning and Auction Theory Power Facebook Advertising
- How Machine Learning can assist Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Discovery
- How mammals respond to changing environments, from leopards to devils
- How many butterflies are there in the Western Palaearctic?
- How many characters are needed to recontruct the true tree?
- How many cortical weighting functions does your brain use to see?
- How many irreducible polynomials are there with 0-1 coefficients?
- How many languages were spoken in the ancient world?
- How many oceans are there really? Using Lagrangian ocean dynamics to study climate, marine ecosystems and plastic accumulation
- How many real roots does a random matrix have?
- How Many Shuffles to Randomize a Deck of Cards?
- How many stem cells can you fit in a stem cell niche?
- How many subgroups are there in a finite group?
- How Many Universes Are There?
- How mathematical, physical and physiological modelling can improve the resolution of Positron Emission Tomography?
- How mathematicians can help save the world from the next pandemic.
- How mathematics helps structuring climate discussions - Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- How medical data infrastructures materialize oppression
- How memory guides perception
- How memory guides value-based decisions
- How microbial communities drove the evolution of the genetic code more than 3.8 billion years ago
- How microglia shape synapse homeostasis
- How microglia shape synapse homeostasis
- How might Social Ontology help Economics and the rest of Social Science?
- How might we protect the wages of the weak?
- How Misinformation Creators (Ab)use Generative AI Tools
- How mixed is the ocean mixed layer?
- How modifications to proteins lead to Parkinson's Disease
- How molecules constrain networks
- How moral is bioethics?
- How morphology affects photophysics and performance in polymer solar cells
- How much (robust) cosmological information can we obtain from galaxy clustering?
- How much calcium does caffeine release from the endoplasmic reticulum in a large snail neurone?
- HOW MUCH CAN ONE SEE BY (JUST) LOOKING: the case with Heterochromatin Protein 1
- How much do we know about the problem of global regularity for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes and Euler equations?
- How much does it cost to save nature?
- How Much Energy Is Required to Send One Bit Reliably over the Poisson Channel with Feedback?
- How much information is required to reconstruct a QFT spectrum?
- How much linguistics is needed for NLP?
- How much more efficient can aircraft propulsion be?
- How much of a problem is glue ear for dogs? An electrodiagnostic study of their hearing.
- How much patience do you have ? Complexity issues in nonlinear optimization
- How much pluralism?
- How much power is available in a random vibration?
- How much should we believe correlations between Arctic cyclones and sea ice extent?
- How much venereal disease was there in England's modern demographic history?
- How much water is subducted into the lower mantle? Evidence from transition zone anisotropy
- How musical is Homo Sapiens? Investigating perceptual and emotional components of musicality
- How mycobacteria subvert mitochondrial biology to casue TB
- How nature "designs" elastic polymers
- How nature might influence nurture
- How nervous systems are designed to be energy efficient
- How new deep-sea observations change turbidity current models
- How non-Markovian stochastic processes and probability ridges help us understand space use in wild animals
- How not to hit pedestrians if you're a self driving car
- How not to write a convection parameterisation code?
- How often do cervical nerve roots contrast enhance on MRI independent of a specific lesion?
- How on Earth? Welcome to a Post-Growth, Not-For-Profit World
- How One Cell Eats Another - Physical Principles in Phagocytosis
- How organisms shape themselves: using geometric morphometrics for understanding evolution and development
- How oscillating collapsible tubes extract energy from a viscous flow
- How ought we to structure research so as to make progress in understanding ice interaction?
- How our Botanic Gardens Work (and how they can work for you)
- How Parallel is My Computer?
- How Paranoia Affects Social Cognition and Behaviour
- How parasites adapt their shape to different hosts
- How People Really Make Medical Decisions: The Problem of the Patient
- How perception informs urgent saccadic choices: halting, acceleration, and deceleration
- How permeable is the tropopause ? - Simulations with the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS)
- How phospholipases C modulate membrane properties...and viceversa
- How physical and chemical forces shape flows on Earth: from submarine hydrothermal vents to the Fukushima nuclear cloud
- How physical systems can learn by themselves: Kirk Lecture
- How physics can be applied to biological problems
- How Pillar 1 redraws the the global tax base map: a look at the march toward consensus
- How PINK1- and Parkin-mediated Mitophagy Prevents Neurodegeneration
- How planets grow by pebble accretion
- How planets grow by pebble accretion
- How plant cells measure themselves, and why it matters
- How plants feel gravity: a granular flow problem?
- How Plants Grow: Chemical and Physical Interactions Create Developmental Patterns
- How Plants Grow: New Principles of Development from Live Imaging and Computational Modelling
- How plants survive the night
- How plasmids cope with noise in the bacterial cell
- How polar maps changed the way we view the World
- How Power Affects Those Who Possess it: Activation, Wanting and Goal Seeking Approach Motivation
- How Prediction Errors and Schemas Shape our Memories.
- How Predictive Are Multiscale Materials' Simulations?
- How PROTACs work: why the ternary complex matters and how it impacts degrader design
- How provably secure are cryptographic primitives used in practice
- How psychology lost its drive: the establishment of child psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital, 1923-1938
- How Quantum Physics Democratised Music: A Meditation on Physics and Technology
- How quantum physics democratized music
- How quasi-steady is the modulation of near-wall turbulence by large-scale structures?
- How rare is our Solar System? Probing the formation and evolution of planetary systems
- How rational are we?
- How reciprocity renders networks irrelevant for cooperation in social dilemmas
- How religion has changed in Britain since the 1980s, and what it means for policy
- How Repeatable is Brake Squeal?
- How repeatable is evolution? The genetics of parallel architectural evolution in Brassicaceae
- How representing multiple objects (and features) as an ensemble enhances higher-level visual cognition
- How Risk is Communicated in the Insurance Industry
- How Robust is Inflation to Inhomogenous Initial Conditions?
- How safe is underground nuclear waste storage in claystones?
- How Salmonella reprogrammes a host kinase to drive macrophage polarisation
- How Satan smote Job: The molecular cause of the hyper IgE syndrome - Are th17 cells really the bad guys?
- How satellite imagery is transforming conservation science
- How Science Really Works, and Why It Matters
- How search uses Machine Learning
- How secure is my messaging protocol for clinical communication?
- How Sex Offenders Groom Minors on the Internet
- How Sharding is Accomplished in MongoDB
- How sharp is the Bottom Boundary of the Oceanic Plate? And why it matters
- How should scientists quantify academic value?
- How should the UK govern itself in the time of Brexit?
- How should we assess whether a medical device is safe? What are the possible comparators?
- How should we calibrate?
- How should we interpret Y-chromosome evidence?
- How should we think about Information Technology and Social Change? Towards a material-spatial aesthetics of technology use
- How silence became 'outdated': secrecy, anonymity and artificial insemination by donor, 1950s–1990s
- How smart does your profile image look? Estimating intelligence from social network profile images
- How space constrains evolution: lessons from bacteria and bacteriophage
- How Statistics is changing the world
- How stellar birth environment influences planet formation
- How storm develops as the wind blows
- How Stressed Can Stabled Horses Be? The Development of a Behaviour Stress Scale to Assess the Welfare of Stabled Horses
- How studying responses to Salmonella provides insights into the biology of B and T cells
- How super-Earths migrate in low-turbulence radiative disks
- How Supermassive Black Holes Affect Their Host Galaxies
- How supermassive black holes talk to their host galaxies
- How symmetries influence the flexibility of frameworks
- How symmetries influence the flexibility of frameworks
- How Technology Impacts our Lives
- How technology spillovers contribute to clean energy innovation
- How the application of information quality management can be a powerful enabler of positive business change in asset-intensive businesses
- How the brain decides where and when to look
- How the brain exploits binaural hearing: more than just two bites of the cherry
- How the brain makes decisions
- How the brain uses information from face and voice to recognize other people
- How the breakdown of Meckel’s cartilage offers clues to mammalian evolution
- How the camel lost its hump: Tales from the study of semantic disorders
- How the cortex gets its shape
- How the Cultural Revolution still shapes China
- How the double helix was really discovered, and what Rosalind Franklin thought about it
- How the East was won: travels of cereals in Eurasia
- How the elephant grabs with its trunk
- How the environment shapes health-behaviours
- How the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) works in different European contexts
- How the fetal period became part of the life course: birth cohort studies and prenatal development from the 1960s to the present
- How the fly got its sexy legs: the origin and evolution of Drosophila sex combs
- How the genome folds
- How the Geometry of the Cell Boundary Couples Cellular Blebbing and Actin Based Protrusions
- How the Global Fund revolutionised the fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria: What worked, what didn’t, and what next? - Humanitarian Centre Annual Lecture
- How the Harvard archives reveal that William James was a highly skilled hypnotist
- How the INO80 and PBAF chromatin remodelling complexes function to maintain genome stability
- How the jay bird got its stripes: what nanotechnology and photonics can learn from biology.
- How the Media Promote the Public Misunderstanding of Science
- How the nutrient status of the plant controls its engagement with microorganisms
- How the sins of your grandparents affect your health
- How the strength of the inductive bias affects the generalization performance of interpolators
- How the Titanic Tragedy transformed Trinity: Turbulence Theory and Taylor in the Teens
- How the tubercle bacillus reprograms host immunity to cause tuberculosis
- How things are adding up: The neural dynamics of arithmetic problem solving as revealed by fMRI and EEG-MEG
- How Thorium Could Save the Planet
- How tissues orchestrate growth and morphogenesis – lessons from the vertebrate retina
- How To - An Evening with Randall Monroe
- How to accurately measure spin-orbit angles in planetary systems
- How to Apply Machine Learning to Number Theory
- How to Apply Machine Learning to Number Theory
- How to assess influence: Wu Wen-Tsun's work in measure, number and weight
- How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Essay Writings?
- How to avoid falling onto the spikes of copyright
- How to be a Quantum Realist
- How to be a solid yet more fluid than a fluid?
- How to be an anti-racist ally
- How to become a Member of Parliament? Pathways to the House of Commons and the Deutscher Bundestag
- How to best use TDDFT in Ehrenfest dynamics
- How to Blog as an Academic, and Why You Should
- How to break quasi-geostrophic turbulence
- How to Break the Internet
- How to Break the Internet - Network Security - Simon Chatterjee
- How to Breed Better Politicians
- How to Breed Better Politicians
- How to bridge the gaps between conservation science and practice
- How To Build A Better Research Design through Stakeholder Engagement
- How to build a bridal chamber: development of the thalamus
- How to build a deep-tech start-up
- How to build a flower: Transformation in plant reproductive development
- How to build a high-impact startup
- How to Build a Neuron: establishing spatial identity in a structurally complex cell
- How to Build a Planet - Ingredients -- with Martin Suttle
- How to Build a Planet in Three Easy Steps!
- How to build a primate: Towards a synthetic model of primate embryogenesis
- How to build a primate: Towards a synthetic model of primate embryogenesis
- How to build an animal: combining cell cleavage and cell fate to understand annelid development
- How to Build an Automatic Statistician
- How to Build an Exchange
- How to Build Mathematical Models
- How to Build Products Users Love, Part I
- How to bury CO2 underground and make sure that it does not escape
- How to Call for Help
- How to capture actual carbon data of infrastructure more intelligently? A standardised data model perspective
- How to carve nature across the joints without abandoning Kripke-Putnam semantics
- How to Catch an AI Liar: Lie Detection in Black-Box LLMs by Asking Unrelated Questions
- How to change your fate - The control of flowering time in plants
- How to choose the best twins
- How to climb a billion dimensional hill using a coin and a compass and count the steps before departure
- How to collaborate with climate modellers from a data scientist perspective: examples of application in unsupervised clustering and model tuning
- How to commercialise your idea/research
- How to Compute in the Presence of Leakage
- How to compute spectral properties of operators on Hilbert spaces with error control
- How to compute torus link homology
- How to conduct an experiment using z-Tree
- How to Conduct your own Predictive Simulations of Biomechanical Models
- How to construct a rigid analytic quantum sl_2
- How to Control our Mood (in-person talk)
- How to control pest insects such as mosquitoes by releasing lots more of them!
- How to control respiration: hydroxylation, hypoxia, and HIF
- How to control structure and rheology of particle-laden interfaces
- How to convince structural design engineers to accept rocking foundations to resist dynamic loads
- How to cook an undigestable program with lots of LOLZ? [Esoteric programming languages]
- How to count organisms
- How to create a religion: What does it really take to explain (and therefore understand) a religious ritual act?
- How to cultivate The magnificence of the Mind/body potential
- How to deal with humanitarian crises: in conversation with the Rt Hon Sir Stephen O'Brien
- How to decipher fracture surfaces and crackling noise
- How to Define Enormous Positive Integers
- How to Deploy Psychometrics Successfully in an Organisation
- How to describe inhomogeneous quantum systems in one dimension with (conformal) field theory: lessons from non-interacting Fermi gases
- How to Design a 21st Century Economy - with Kate Raworth
- How to Design a Better New? Product and Service Design Examples from Healthcare and Nano Material Industry
- How to design a climate ensemble
- How to design a programming language
- How to design an Offshore Structure for the Installation Phase
- How to design good experiments and analyse the results
- How to destroy a book
- How to develop a cumulus parameterization logically and consistently
- How to divide prize money?
- How to do a Systems PhD
- How to Do Good Better. Meet William MacAskill
- How to do macroeconomics in an age of uncertainty: Methodology & Theory (Lecture 1)
- How to do Resistance with Words: Nationalism, Afrocentrism and Oratory in Abidjan's Street Parliaments
- How To Do Things With Tunes: Alexander Pope and the prosodic intelligence
- How to do virtually everything with the Met Office Unified Model
- How to do virtually everything with the Met Office Unified Model
- How to effectively engage with the non-GungHo Met O people. A discussion session
- How to Enhance Value to Historic Context Through Contemporary Interventions
- How to extract a spectrum from hydrodynamic equations
- How to fake auxiliary input
- How to find an American looter: journey into a new methodology
- How to find an exoplanet from your sofa
- How to find half the local unitary invariants of pure qubit states
- How to Find Your Ideal Career Path and How to Prepare For It: Perspectives of a PhD Student
- How to fix a broken heart?
- How to Fold Every Protein: (Mission Accomplished?)
- How to force unsupervised neural networks to discover the right representation of images
- How to form a rare-earth rich carbonatite, and why that might be a good thing
- How to frack into and out of trouble
- How to Fuck
- How to get money from industry and Research Councils
- How to get on with your weedy neighbours? A study of root to root interactions between wheat and black grass
- How to get rid of carbon dioxide and make sure it does not pop back out
- How to get the best from mentoring - as a mentor and mentee
- How to get the Euclid data out of Euclid?
- How to Get the Most Out of Modern Peer Review
- How to give a great research talk
- How to give a great research talk
- How to give a great research talk
- How to Give a Great Research Talk
- How to give a great research talk
- How to give a great research talk
- How to give good talks
- How to give good talks
- How to give good talks
- How to give good talks
- How to give good talks
- How to give good talks
- How to give great presentations when you hate giving presentations!
- How to Give Great Presentations, When You Hate Giving Presentations
- How to Give Great Presentations, When You Hate Giving Presentations
- How to help stakeholders of socio-technical systems understand resilience
- How to hunt a submarine
- How to Hunt a Submarine
- How to hunt for dark matter: telescopes, lab experiments, colliders, and putting it all together.
- How to identify knots
- How to implement an encryption system badly: InfoSec lessons from WW2
- How to improve performance of ad-hoc networks?
- How to improve your chance of a winning bid – with Red Team reviews
- How to initialise a second class particle?
- How to integrate DWI-MR in Head and Neck Lesions
- How to keep women (and men) in science
- How to keep women (and men) in science
- How to keep your secrets secret
- How to kill your rivals: Inter-microbial competition mediated by the Type VI secretion system
- How to know Africa(s) in an age of youth hybridity
- How to Land on the Moon: The Apollo Guidance Computer
- How to lead a happy life in the midst of uncertainty
- How to learn and use a language
- How to Live in Low Energy Architecture
- How to make a cool supercomputer
- How to make a nationalised railway work? Jonathan Tyler presents.
- How to Make a Test Tube Baby
- How to Make a Test Tube Baby
- How to Make Ad Hoc Proof Automation Less Ad Hoc
- How to Make an Atom-Mirror: Preparation of Si(111)-(1x1)H surfaces on ultrathin crystals
- How to make Auto-tune? Harmonic Audio Pitch Detection and Correction
- How to make E8 gravy with an OXO cube
- How to make good scientific figures
- How to make good scientific figures
- How to make good scientific figures
- How to make good scientific figures
- How to make good scientific figures
- How to make good scientific figures
- How to make or break an axon: the roles and regulation of neuronal microtubules
- How to make planets: physical and chemical processes in protoplanetary discs
- How to make polymers as strong as steel – and also more environmentally friendly
- How to make your research reproducible (5 selfish reasons to work reproducibly)
- How to manage your supervisor
- How to Measure Facial Behaviour in Animals Using FACS
- How to measure God: Innovations in the experimental investigation of religious cognition
- How to Measure Large Deviation Functions of Dynamical Quantities
- How to measure social mixing?
- How to measure the spin of a black hole
- How to Measure, Visualise and Interpret Performance Portability
- How to model black hole physics in cosmological simulations?
- How to obtain quantitative hypocoercivity estimates by using Harris-type theorems
- How to overcome barriers to improving data quality in health inequalities work
- How to overwrite an instinct: neural circuits for learning to suppress fear responses
- How to Parameterize a Positive-definite Matrix
- How to Partition Resources and Eliminate (Most) OS Abstractions for Fast I/O
- How to Pay Attention: Learning to Transfer Knowledge between Sentences and Tokens
- How to pitch your idea in two minutes flat
- How to Play Unique Games Against a Semi-Random Adversary
- How To Prepare A Polished Conference Poster
- How To Prepare A Polished Conference Poster
- How to present a poster at an international conference
- How to present a poster at an international conference
- How to Present Your Research to Sponsors When You have Unwanted Results
- How to produce a Ricci Flow via Cheeger-Gromoll exhaustion
- How to produce energy from geostructures
- how to program
- How to Protect your Data by Eliminating Trusted Storage Infrastructure
- How to prove Fermat's Last Theorem
- How to prove that a communications protocol stack is up to the job
- How to quantify energy landscapes of solids
- How to Quench a Dwarf Galaxy: The Impact of Reionization on Cosmic Structure
- How to quickly generate a nice hyperbolic element
- How to Raise Money
- How to read a children's book and why
- How to read the Confessions of Augustine
- HOW TO RECOGNISE WHEN ALCOHOL IS A PROBLEM - When you’re Immersed in an Alcohol-loving Society
- How to recognize a conformally Einstein metric
- How to Reconstruct a Medieval Battle - The Case Study of Forbie (1244)
- How to rediscover a medical secret in eighteenth-century France: the lost recipe of the Chevalier de Guiller's powder febrifuge
- How to reduce body size: dimorphic development of the bone-eating Osedax (Annelida)
- How to Render Stuff with OpenGL
- How to replace random walk representations in models that don't have one?
- How to Reset Mindfully in the Holidays
- How to review a technical paper
- How to run the world: conceptions of imperial rule between republicanism and technocracy’
- How to run through walls: bubble collisions and a new mechanism for bubble nucleation
- How to sail across the English Channel in the Middle Ages
- How to save energy at home
- How to say 'I love you' in Greenlandic: An Arctic Alphabet
- How to see movement: visual experience in early nineteenth-century physics
- How to see, measure and capture the arts experience
- How to see, measure and capture the arts experience
- How to Share Research Data + Tour of CERN with Higgs Boson Physicist
- How to simulate our Universe?
- How to Snowboard on Mars?
- How to Solve a Linear Equation?
- How to solve a problem by making it harder.
- How to solve Ax=b when A is really big: applications in solid mechanics and geophysics
- How to sound intelligent: The sociophonetics of non-native speaker accents of English
- How to spend it: Luxury and display in Veronese’s Hermes, Herse and Aglauros
- How to spot a Daisy
- How to start a procentriole
- How to stop bad data driving out the good in an age of misuse, misleadingness and misinformation
- How to strangle a fly
- How to study animal minds
- How to study fire
- How to talk about your feelings: The peculiar relationship between words and emotions
- How to teach a computer to recognize digits
- How to teach Fourier analysis to a large library of formalised mathematics
- How to tell a story - Turning exposition into narrative
- How to Think about God the Creator Today
- How to tinker a haltere instead of a wing: probing downstream targets of Hox genes in Drosophila
- How to train your boyfriend: Integrating evolutionary psychology and behaviourist learning theory
- How to transition into a new career: advice is welcome
- How to Turn Your Idea into a Commercial Success
- How to Understand Molecular Transport through Channels: The Role of Interactions
- How to untie it-translocation of a knotted protein through a pore
- How To Upgrade A Hardware Trigger
- How to use particle filtering methods to solve numerical optimization problems ?
- How to use simulation studies in understanding and evaluating statistical methods
- How to use the power of social media for good?
- How to Vaccinate the Masses? Safety, compulsion, and the success of vaccination policy in nineteenth-century Britain
- How to version control your scientific code using Git and GitHub
- How to veto anonymously under surveillance?
- How to weigh a dinosaur
- How to Win a Nobel Prize
- How to Win a Nobel Prize: The Secret of Cell Division
- How to Win a Nobel Prize: The Secret of Cell Division
- How to win an election using Kneser Graph colourings
- How to win an election using Kneser Graph colourings
- How to work with other geographically dispersed people
- How to write a business plan - a guide for postdocs
- How to write a business plan: A guide for postdocs
- How to write a Fellowship proposal
- How to write a great research paper
- How to write a great research paper
- How to write a great research paper
- How to Write a Great Research Paper
- How to write a great research paper
- How to write a great research paper
- How to write a successful grant application
- How to Write Bug-Free Code - A Live Demonstration
- How to Write Essays
- How to write good papers
- How to write good papers
- How to write good papers
- How to write good papers
- How to write good papers
- How to write the history of the Persian Empire
- How to Write Your First Stage Business Plan
- How to… balance study/career and children
- How topological features of supply network affect disruption absorption and recovery? An agent-based approach.
- How Topology Reveals Structure in Biology
- How toxins help us to understand cell function
- How transcription factors deal with nucleosomes
- How trees defy gravity: conceptual and historical remarks on the theory of the ascent of sap
- How Tuberculosis senses and responds to the host to achieve infection.
- How undecidable are HyperLTL and HyperCTL*?
- How unsteady winds can fuel phytoplankton blooms at fronts in the upper ocean
- How US science moved west: Boulder, Colorado and the development of US space sciences in mid-20th century America
- How use of SSRI impacts placenta and mammary gland development
- How useful is quantilization for mitigating specification-gaming?
- How UV sensitive is inflation?
- How variable clones build an invariant retina
- How volcanism controls the interiors of lava-worlds
- How vulnerable is reindeer herding in the European Arctic?
- How was power shared in colonial Africa? Taxation and representation in the British empire
- How was the genetic code cracked?
- How water wets metal surfaces
- How Watson Learns Superhuman Jeopardy! Strategies
- How we achieve tolerance for our mothers: Evidence for a layered Immune System in Humans
- How we become musically sophisticated: A gap in the literature and a new research perspective
- How we build a parameterisation scheme: illustrated by Langmuir turbulence in the ocean mixed layer
- How we come to experience that we own our body
- How We got here
- How we know what not to think (3pm start)
- How We Make a Billion Antibodies: Genetics and Epigenetics
- How we manage to manage 'knowledge': using computational infrastructures in semantic systems biology
- How we prove Fermat's Last Theorem these days
- How we remember and how we forget
- How we use Iwasawa algebras in number theory
- How were maps produced? A look at old and new surveying methods
- How Were Saints Translated? The Case for Westminster Abbey
- How wide and how tall? Genome Wide Association Studies in debate, from height to educational attainment and back
- How will AI impact “the year of elections”?
- How will Brexit affect UK life online?
- How will climate change affect volcanic plume rise and aerosol cycle?
- How will the storm tracks change? High resolution studies of the future of extratropical storm tracks
- How Wind Shapes Tree Architecture
- How would human drivers react to the collision avoidance system?
- How your mobile phone works
- Howards End (PG): adaptation from literature to film at the Festival of Ideas
- How Does Time‐based Pricing Change Consumersʹ Behaviour of Using Electricity? Modelling Demand Side Management with Smart Keypad Prepayment Metering in Northern Ireland via Agent‐Based Approach
- Hox Genes Collinearity by Long Range Regulation in Mammals
- Hox targets in Drosophila
- HP Hampden - More than a Restoration
- HP: Click Happens: Using Hypervisors for threat containment
- HP: Title tbc
- HPV vaccines - are they doing their job?
- HPV vaccines - will they do their job?
- HPV vaccines – are they doing their job?
- HPV vaccines where to next?
- HPV: the reason why sex was a carcinogen.
- HST Transiting Hot Jupiter Atmospheric Survey: The Dawn of Comparative Exoplanet Atmospheres
- HSV1 and apolipoprotein E: a dangerous liaison for Alzheimer’s and several diseases of known infectious cause
- HSV1 and apolipoprotein E: a dangerous liaison for Alzheimer’s and several diseases of known infectious cause
- html5 - imagination, meet implementation
- Huawei: Pangloss+: a novel Markov chain adaptive prefetcher
- Huawei: Rethinking memory subsystem design
- Hub Location Problem Concerning Multiple Service Levels
- Hubris syndrome – an acquired personality disorder?
- Hubs of brain functional networks are radically reorganized in comatose patients
- Hudson-70 - the first circumnavigation of the Americas 1969-70 and some of its Arctic discoveries
- Huge formulas for simple special functions
- Hugo Drochon (CRASSH): "Nietzsche's critique of democracy”
- Hugo Mercier - "Not Born Yesterday"
- Huicholes Talk and Documentary Film Screening
- Human (and) Nature from Latin America to the Middle East: Panel Discussion
- Human action selection under threat: computing adaptive behaviour
- Human airways epithelial cells and other ‘synchronised’ tales
- Human and mouse mononuclear phagocyte networks: a tale of two species?
- Human and the divine in the age of AI (online dialogue)
- Human Anxieties, Bovine Solutions: Political Subtexts of Native Cattle Conservation in Northeastern Siberia
- Human Art and Natural Beauty in eighteenth-century Microscopy
- Human autoimmune disease: learning from models
- Human Behavior Classification with Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields
- Human brain chimeroids as avatars to study inter-individual variation in brain development and disease
- Human Brain Development Modelled in a Dish
- Human brain functional genomics and the mechanisms underlying genetic risk for schizophrenia
- Human brain networks from functional MRI
- Human Capital Disclosures
- Human Cell Atlas: Mapping the human body one cell at a time
- Human cerebral cortex development and disease in stem cell systems
- Human cerebral cortex: Cytoarchitectonics, segregation of function and transmitter receptors
- Human Cerebral Cortex: Cytoarchitectonics, Segregation of Function and Transmitter Receptors
- Human cognitive neuroscience and how it is taught
- Human cognitive neuroscience and how it is taught
- Human cognitive neuroscience and how it is taught
- Human computer interaction in autism research
- Human Computing and Crowdsourcing in Search
- Human Contact Networks
- Human control of the Radiation Belts. Protecting satellites from "terrorists" with nuclear weapons
- Human Curiosities of the Freak Show Era
- Human cytomegalovirus and its obsession with Natural Killer cells
- Human disease in a dish: modelling premature aging and neurological disorders using induced pluripotent stem cells
- Human DNA replication in a test tube
- Human driving, vehicle dynamics and machine learning
- Human Embryos: A History in Series
- Human embryos: a visual history
- Human evolution - a multi-disciplinary challenge
- Human evolution and the environment of evolutionary adaptedness.
- Human evolution in action: How collaborating with Africans provides genetic and biological insights in maternal health disparities (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Human Evolution in the Garden of Eden
- Human evolution: new approaches, new questions
- Human Evolution: what can be known?
- Human Expertise in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- Human factors and missed solutions to WWII Enigma design weaknesses
- Human factors in Internet Fraud
- Human fetal cortex tissue models to understand human brain development and injury
- Human fetal immunology: New insights on fetal mononuclear phagocytes and their contribution to prenatal immune suppression
- Human Genetics Aided Discovery of a New Metabolic Hormone
- Human genetics and the blood transfusion services: circulating records, samples and expertise, 1939–1945
- Human hypothalamic neurons for studying obesity and its relevance to neurodegeneration
- Human Immune organoids for investigating interactions and mechanisms in autoimmunity, vaccination and infection
- Human Immunity – one cell at a time
- Human inborn errors of immunity: revealing key mechanisms of antiviral immunity
- Human inositol polyphosphate multikinase regulates transcript-selective nuclear mRNA export to preserve genome integrity
- Human intestinal epithelial organoids – translational tools to investigate epigenetic regulation in health, development and disease
- Human Judgement and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
- Human lung organoid models of lung development and disease
- Human medial temporal theta oscillations in learned fear and schizophrenia
- Human memory: insights from the past and challenges for the future
- Human memory: new insights and fresh challenges
- Human Metabolic Disease: Lessons from the extremes.
- Human Metamorphosis - An Interactive Talk
- Human Mobility Characterization from Cellular Network Data
- Human Mobility Characterization from Cellular Network Data
- Human nature as capacities in Hobbes's political theory
- Human nature: from theory to practice
- Human neuroscience in the wild
- Human obesity and insulin resistance: lessons from genetics
- Human obesity: a heritable neurobehavioural disorder
- Human obesity: insights from extreme phenotypes
- Human object-similarity judgments reflect and transcend IT categorical object representations
- Human olfaction at the intersection of language, culture and biology
- Human olfaction at the intersection of language, culture and biology
- Human Origins
- Human pain channelopathies
- Human Papillomavirus Life-Cycle Regulation and Association with Cancer
- Human Papillomaviruses: From Infectious Entry to Malignancy
- Human perception of transient longitudinal vehicle motion
- Human perceptions of urban density
- Human Phenotype Ontology
- Human Planet: Making a Serious Message Popular
- Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: Journey to the Clinic
- Human pseudogenes
- Human Regulator of TElomere Length Helicase 1 (RTEL1) couples nuclear envelope stability and functions to genome replication
- Human Religion: Concern and Clarity in One Darwin Sentence
- Human remains from Pompeii. Excavation, research and valorisation
- Human Remains from Pompeii. Excavation, research and valorisation
- Human Rights
- Human Rights and Academic Freedom
- Human Rights and African Airwaves: Mediating Equality on the Chichewa Radio
- Human Rights and Democracy in Burma
- Human Rights and Practice: February 2012 Crisis in the Maldives, with Dr. Farahanaz Faizal, Fmr High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
- Human rights and the emerging role of whistle-blowers in democracies
- Human Rights education and the Palestinian Authority Security Services
- Human rights in employment: Definitions, applications, and future prospects
- Human Rights in Islam
- Human Rights Obligations of Multinational Corporations in Weak States
- Human Rights Pedagogy and the Politics of Humanitarianism
- Human Sarcomas - Prostate and Bladder Cancers
- Human schistosomiasis: a journey from immune responses to control & elimination
- Human Security, Food and International Order, 1918-1939
- Human Spc34R detects the kinetochore-tubulin interface and regulates microtubule lifetime to preserve genomic stability
- Human speech and language: Separable neurobiological substrates
- Human stem cell models of Alzheimer's disease initiation and progression
- Human Stem Cells: Therapeutic and Research Potential
- Human Supervisory Control Issues in Complex, Time-critical Systems
- Human time vs. mouse time with recapitulated systems.
- Human Trafficking Seminar with Ajeet Singh, Founder of Guria
- Human type I interferonopathies
- Human Values and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Human Wellbeing, Justice, Climate Action and the road to COP26
- Human Wellbeing, Justice, Climate Action and the road to COP26
- Human-animal relations in the Neolithic Balkans
- Human-Data Interaction - Big Data/Digital Humanities Seminar
- Human-insect relations and material culture in Western Alaska
- Human-like Computing: The importance of explanation in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Human-like singing and talking machines: flexible speech synthesis in karaoke, anime, smart phones, video games, digital signage, TV and radio programs, etc.
- Human-producible Adversarial Examples
- Human-wildlife cooperation: Honeyguides et al.
- Humane automation: the political economy of working with -- rather than against -- machines
- Humanising AI
- Humanising Criminal Law? BECCARIA and The Challenges of Law Reform
- Humanising genetics: changing practices, emotions and identities of clinical genetics in the late 20th century
- Humanising Online Pedagogy: technology, attention and education
- Humanitarian Centre Annual Lecture
- Humanitarian Centre Annual Lecture 2014
- Humanitarian Centre Garden Party 2014
- Humanitarian Centre Networking Event
- Humanitarian Technologies
- Humanitarianism at Sea: the politics of search and rescue in the central mediterranean
- Humanities and Sicence "diluting the limits"
- Humanities Research: How to question and complicate everything
- Humanity's Greatest Threats - and How You Can Help Tackle Them
- Humanity, terrorism, and terrorist wars
- Humans + Automation: Greater than the sum of the parts
- Humans as the new geology
- HUMANS DON'T SCALE: The Future of the Internet of Things
- Humans think through and with materials. So what?
- Humid Power : High efficiency gas turbines for power generation
- Humility and the (P)arts of Art: Inferno X, Purgatorio X, Paradiso X
- Humility in population health science: lessons for fostering an elder-supportive 'culture of health' after the pandemic
- Humility, Hope and Holiness: Exploration in the Psychology of Character Strengths
- Humoral immunity in the lung; spatiotemporal regulation of resident memory B cell responses to infection with influenza virus
- Humour and the Strengthening of the Frame in 'Le Chastoiement d'un Père à son fils'
- Humour in Science
- Humours, spirits and souls: aetiology and therapeutics in medieval Islam
- Humpback and minke whale density distributions in the Southern Ocean: relationships with the sea ice edge
- Hungarian Innovation Roadhsow
- Hunger-driven motivational state competition
- Hungry black holes - tidal disruption of stars in the nuclei of galaxies in OGLE and Gaia surveys.
- Hungry for the Word! Starvation as Sacrifice Among Scottish Christian Fishermen
- Hungry microglia: Microglial neurotoxicity in inflammation, stroke and neurodegeneration
- Huns and Romans: relationships between pastoral and agricultural populations on the late Roman frontier
- Hunter, Cauchy Rabbit, and Optimal Kakeya Sets
- Hunter-gatherer societies in the Basque crossroads: current issues
- Hunting active faults in rapid erosional environments
- Hunting down the Black Swan: Correlation, Contagion & Endogenous Risk in Financial Markets
- Hunting foot-and-mouth disease virus
- Hunting for cacti in the caribbean
- Hunting for Chameleons
- Hunting for Dark Matter in a gold mine
- Hunting for dinner in the ice age
- Hunting for Extra Dimensions and Black Holes at the LHC
- Hunting for Meteorites in Antarctica and Australia
- Hunting for Meteorites in Antartica and Australia
- Hunting for new particles with ATLAS at the Large Hadron Collider
- Hunting for terrestrial planets transiting the most nearby very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
- Hunting for the Elusive Waves Created by Black Holes and Neutron Stars
- Hunting for tigers: which uncertainties matter?
- Hunting for tigers: which uncertainties matter?
- Hunting for viral packaging signals
- Hunting for viral packaging signals
- Hunting light dark sectors at colliders and fixed target experiments
- Hunting Monsters
- Hunting Planet Formation in the Act: Theory, Observation, and Machine Learning
- Hunting Stone Age hunters and herders: a southern African perspective
- Hunting the Hedgehog - the Mojave Way
- Hunting the phoenix: an alchemical detective story
- Hunting the Silent Killer: Investigating Chagas disease in a murine model
- Hunting ultra high energy neutrinos with the ANITA experiment
- Huntington's Disease
- HuR vs. TTP: Who is really the Master Regulator of CD4+ T cell Differentiation?
- Hurdles and solutions in automatic 3D tracking of microtubule-end associated comets
- Hurricane Andrew strikes again
- Hurricane dynamics: on the role of Vortex Rossby Waves (VRWs)
- Hurricane Katrina - A Study of Geosystems in Crisis
- Hurricane Katrina's long-term effects on New Orleans and US Gulf Coast
- Hurricane Simulator
- Hurwitz stable and self-interlacing orthogonal polynomials.
- Hush, here comes an aircraft! - The Silent Aircraft Initiative
- Hustings
- Hybrid basal motion of the Greenlandic Ice Sheet (and also probably some Antarctic glaciers).
- Hybrid binary rewriting for memory access instrumentation
- Hybrid book forum - Juan's book Taxis vs Uber: Courts, Markets, and Technology in Buenos Aires
- Hybrid Carbon Nanomaterials For Functional Films
- Hybrid cellular Potts modeling of cell-extracellular matrix interactions driving cell shape, cell migration and collective cell behavior
- Hybrid Closure Modeling with Laminar to Turbulent Transition
- Hybrid density functionals for accurate semiconductor band gaps
- Hybrid DTN-MANET routing in Highly Dynamic Ad-hoc networks
- Hybrid functional devices based on graphene
- Hybrid Images of Political Power: The Role of Iconographic Narratives in the Ethiopian Court (1880-1935)
- Hybrid Inclusion Complex (HIC) and its Key Role in Constructing New Polymeric Materials
- Hybrid inflation along waterfall trajectories
- Hybrid Inverse Problems and Internal Functionals
- Hybrid methods for electromagnetic problems
- Hybrid Mimulus Flowers Attract A New Pollinator
- Hybrid Modelling of Interatomic Forces (Physics+Data+Mathematics)
- Hybrid modelling of stochastic chemical kinetics
- Hybrid modelling of stochastic chemical kinetics
- Hybrid Modelling of Violin Acoustics
- Hybrid molecular materials for water splitting applications
- Hybrid Multi-Modal Fusion for Heterogeneous Biomedical Data
- Hybrid Nanomaterial Platforms For Improved Performance In Sensing And Solar Harnessing
- Hybrid networks in tomato
- Hybrid neutron and gamma-ray detection and imaging for range monitoring in proton therapy – The NOVO project
- Hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary element methods for high frequency scattering by multiple obstacles
- Hybrid of Generative and Discriminative Models
- Hybrid or chimera? Reinterpreting the botanical exchange of William Bateson and Erwin Baur
- Hybrid pixel detectors - from hunting the Higgs Boson to medical X-ray imaging
- Hybrid quantum optomechanics: a single spin coupled to a nano-oscillator
- Hybrid Summary Statistics: Telling Neural Networks where to look
- Hybrid Verification for Rust
- Hybrid-networks: Elements of Hierarchy in Transnational Advocacy Networks Alexandra Bocse, PhD Candidate, POLIS
- Hybridisation in non-binary trees
- Hybridity, Breed, and Wildness
- Hybrids of generative and discriminative models
- Hybrids of Generative and Discriminative Models (Cont)
- Hyde Park: a history through trees
- Hyde Park: a history through trees
- Hydra, a model for deciphering the principles of stem cells and regeneration
- HyDRA: A New Paradigm for Atmospheric Retrieval of Exoplanets
- Hydrated peridotite as a sink for boron: implications for mantle heterogeneity and arc volcanism
- Hydraulic fracturing of artificially generated soft sandstones
- Hydraulic modelling for regenerative braking
- Hydraulic reconstruction of the 1818 Giétro Glacial Lake outburst flood
- Hydro-environmental processes of Poyang Lake subject to engineering control
- Hydrocarbon exploration trends – is the past the key to the future?
- Hydrodynamic Alignment with Pressure
- Hydrodynamic and Structural Analysis of a Floating Vessel
- Hydrodynamic assembly of out of equilibrium colloids
- Hydrodynamic Black Holes
- Hydrodynamic Coordination at Low Reynolds Number
- Hydrodynamic coordination of bacterial motions: from bundles to biomixing
- Hydrodynamic coupling and synchronization of oscillators at micrometric scales
- Hydrodynamic description of the actin cortex
- Hydrodynamic description of thin nematic films
- Hydrodynamic diffuse interface models for Helfrich and mean curvature flow and their application to cells in fluid environment
- Hydrodynamic Hamiltonians of active two-dimensional fluids
- Hydrodynamic Hamiltonians of active two-dimensional fluids
- Hydrodynamic instabilities of stratified-rotating shear flows
- Hydrodynamic instabilties and modern artistic painting
- Hydrodynamic interactions and Brownian forces in suspensions: Coarse-graining over time and length-scales
- Hydrodynamic interactions in narrow channels
- Hydrodynamic interactions: from Brownian motion to swimming bacteria
- Hydrodynamic limit for a disordered harmonic chain
- Hydrodynamic Limits of Boltzmann Equation with Boundary Effects
- Hydrodynamic modes of resuspension
- Hydrodynamic simulation of multicellular embryo invagination and its biological predictions
- Hydrodynamic simulations of rotating and non-rotating black holes
- Hydrodynamic singularities in soft matter flows
- Hydrodynamic studies with optical tweezers
- Hydrodynamic Theory of Coating
- Hydrodynamic turbulence as a problem in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Hydrodynamical instabilities in free boundary problems
- Hydrodynamical limits for the fractional diffusion/Stokes equation
- Hydrodynamical simulations of protoplanetary disks including irradiation of stellar photons. I. Resolution study for vertical shear instability
- Hydrodynamics and Gravity
- Hydrodynamics and phase behaviour of active suspensions
- Hydrodynamics and Rheology of active filament solutions
- Hydrodynamics beyond hydrodynamics
- Hydrodynamics for the partial exclusion process in random environment
- Hydrodynamics of active defects
- Hydrodynamics of an elastic swimmer at low Reynolds number
- Hydrodynamics of bacteria
- Hydrodynamics of Copepod Attacks and Escapes
- Hydrodynamics of nematic liquid crystal models in statistical thermodynamics
- Hydrodynamics, macroscopic fluctuations and long-range correlations
- Hydrodynamization and asymptotics: the early to late times in relativistic hydrodynamics
- Hydroelastic waves and their interaction with structures
- Hydroelastic waves propagating in ice channel
- Hydrofracture Propagation from Supraglacial Lake Drainage
- Hydrogel Microrheology - Measuring Heterogeneity on the Micron Scale
- Hydrogel-Actuated Integrated Responsive Systems (HAIRS): Moving Towards Adaptive Materials
- Hydrogen as a tracer of cosmic structures: fundamental physics and astrophysical aspects
- Hydrogen – the second best option – taking a whole system view
- Hydrogen bond adsorption chromatography for the separation of polyphenols exemplified by the purification of active components in traditional Chinese medicine
- Hydrogen Bonded Networks at Metal Surfaces: Molecular Orientation and Overlayer Interactions
- Hydrogen bonding structure and ultrafast dynamics of bulk, interfacial, and confined water
- Hydrogen embrittlement in steels
- Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array
- Hydrogen fuel cells
- Hydrogen induced fast fracture
- hydrogen production from a photosynthetically driven semi-biological device
- Hydrogen Storage and Carbon Dioxide Capture in Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Hydrogen uptake and diffusion – implications for evaluating resistance to hydrogen embrittlement
- Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
- Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
- Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
- Hydrogen-Electric Propulsion for a Clean Aviation Future
- Hydrogen: Its Role in the UK Economy
- Hydrogen: Will it become the energy vector of choice for UK transport and heating?
- Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
- Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
- Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
- Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
- Hydrogeology: why is it important?
- Hydrological networks and flow of the Greenland ice sheet
- Hydrological networks and flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Overview of the RESPONDER project
- Hydrological networks and flow of the Greenland ice sheets
- Hydromapping and spherical vision systems
- Hydrophobin: a protein out of the ordinary
- Hydrothermal sediments are a source of water column Fe and Mn in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
- Hydrovoltaics: from energy to Intelligence
- Hydrovoltaics: new ways of harvesting electricity from water
- Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 treatment: cardiac safety
- Hyenas and minervas: women, science and history
- Hymenoptera, sex and innovation? Reflections on chimpanzee culture
- Hyper and structural Markov laws for graphical models
- Hyper-converged infrastructure
- Hyper-Lagrangians and Joyce structures
- Hyperanalytic Denoising
- Hyperarithmetical categoricity and abelian groups
- Hyperblock Scheduling for Verified High-Level Synthesis
- Hyperbolic features of two-dimensional Artin groups
- Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups, property (T) and finite simple quotients
- Hyperbolic geometry in liquid crystalline interfaces
- Hyperbolic geometry: what it is and where it leads.
- Hyperbolic groups and their subgroups
- Hyperbolic groups with boundary an n-dimensional Sierpinski space
- Hyperbolic Hubbard-Stratonovich transformations
- Hyperbolic inverse problems and exact controllability
- Hyperbolic inverse problems on a Riemannian manifold
- Hyperbolic monopoles and pluricomplex geometry
- Hyperbolic polynomials, interlacers and sums of squares
- Hyperbolic Striping on Triply-Periodic Minimal Surfaces
- Hyperbolic subgroups of type FP_2(Ring)
- Hyperbolic vortices from holomorphic maps
- Hyperbolicity and boundary conditions.
- Hyperbolicity and boundary conditions.
- Hyperbolicity of moduli spaces and Hodge theory
- Hyperbolicity of symmetric powers via Nevanlinna theory
- Hypercalcaemia in typical and atypical hypoadrenocorticism in dogs; prevalence, breed association and suggested aetiology
- Hyperclass Forcing in Morse Kelley Set Theory
- Hypercomputation
- Hypercovers and factorisation systems in higher categories
- HyperDex: A Consistent, Fault-tolerant, Searchable NoSQL Store
- Hyperelliptic curves and planar 2-loop Feynman graphs
- Hypergraph containers and list colourings
- Hypergraph Factorisation for Multi-Tissue Gene Expression Imputation
- Hypergraph Ramsey numbers
- Hypergraph Saturation Irregularities
- Hypergraphs do jump
- Hypergraphs for Team Formation and Constrained Combinatorial Optimization
- Hypergraphs Networks: The Key to Unlocking Alzheimer's Diagnosis and Prognosis
- Hypergroup orbifolds of vertex operator algebras
- Hyperinsulinemia as a causal factor in obesity, insulin resistance and aging
- HyperKaehler metrics with circle action
- Hyperkahler Sigma Model and Field Theory on Gibbons-Hawking Spaces
- Hypernetwork approach to generating 3D objects
- Hyperplane arrangements and Stopping times
- Hyperplanes all over the place
- Hyperplanes all over the place
- Hyperplasticity
- Hyperpolygons and moduli spaces of parabolic Higgs bundles
- Hypersensitivity to low intensity fearful faces in autism when fixation is constrained to the eyes
- Hypersonic foldable Aeroshell for THermal protection using ORigami (HATHOR): heat shield architecture for 21st century space missions
- Hyperspectral imaging - a flexible tool for tissue characterization
- Hyperspectral imaging of exciton dynamics in individual carbon nanotubes controlled by high magnetic fields
- Hyperspectral in vivo fluorescence imaging with multi wavelength LED excitation
- Hypersurfaces and the Weil conjectures
- Hypersymplectic structures on 4-manifolds and the G2 Laplacian flow
- Hypertension, Left Ventricular Remodelling and Heart Failure in Black Africans
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Unraveling Its Variability, Mimics, and Predictors
- Hyperuniformity: Why? How? What?
- Hypervisor Scheduler Enhancement Using OS-Hardware Interactions
- Hyping the Grimms' Tales
- Hypo-elliptic Diffusions on Graphs
- Hypocoercivity for some linear kinetic equations with a boundary
- Hypocrisy, Sociability and Virtue: Mandeville vs Shaftesbury
- Hypoelliptic SPDEs and ergodicity
- Hyponormal quantization of planar domains
- Hyponormal quantization of planar domains
- Hypothalamic control of body weight: the role of protein degradation systems in a high-fat diet-induced obesity model
- Hypothesis testing and estimation in a group sequential phase II/III clinical trial
- Hypoxia and adipocyte/preadipocyte function - adipokines and beyond
- Hypoxia and metabolism in cancer
- Hypoxia, Fetal Growth and Early Origins of Heart Disease: The Andean Curse on the Conquistadors
- Hypoxia, HIFs and cancer
- Hypoxia, HIFs and cancer
- Hypoxic response as a central element of physiology
- HypOxyResp Network Research in Progress Meeting
- HypOxyResp Network Research in Progress Meeting
- HypOxyResp Network Research Meeting
- HyWay: Enabling Mingling in the Hybrid World
- H^3 and twisted K-theory for compact Lie groups
- H_0 revisited
- H_{4g-6}(M_g)