University of Cambridge > > Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group > The properties of silicate glass relevant to their use in ballistics applications

The properties of silicate glass relevant to their use in ballistics applications

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen Walley.

The aim of this talk is to give an introduction to the literature on the use of silicate glasses in ballistics applications. The applications that will be discussed include optically transparent windows (where their amorphous nature, appropriate band gap, hardness and cheapness make them ideal window materials) as well as layers in opaque armours designed to be resistant to shaped charges. In the latter application, their increase in volume (bulking) on fracture disrupts the shaped charge jet. Other topics that will be covered include low-velocity damage by windborne debris, liquid and solid impact, dynamic methods of testing (Hopkinson pressure bar, Taylor impact, and plate impact shock loading), and constitutive models. The use of glass as a shaped charge material will also be presented.

This talk is part of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group series.

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