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The Cambridge Post-UN Summit Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health

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The Humanitarian Centre, in partnership with the the Centre for Science and Policy and the Cambridge Institute for Public Health, invites you to

The Cambridge Post-UN Summit Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health

How can the UK appropriately and sustainably contribute to the prevention and treatment of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Disorders in the developing world?

Friday, 20 January 2012

9:30am to 5:15pm*

Clare College, University of Cambridge

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The 2011 UN Summit on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) was a tremendous opportunity to bring the world’s attention to the global burden of death, disability and poverty caused by noncommunicable diseases. The Cambridge Post-UN Summit Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH) seeks to capitalise on the momentum and energy the Summit created around noncommunicable diseases, and put forth realistic agendas for further UK research, action and policy on noncommunicable diseases and mental health in the developing world.

Key speakers include:

Dr Richard Smith, Director of the Ovations initiative to combat chronic disease in the developing world, previous editor of the British Medical Journal
Dr Ann Keeling, Chair of the NCD Alliance and CEO of the International Diabetes Federation
Professor Nick Wareham, Director of the MRC Epidemiology Unit and co-Director of the Institute of Metabolic Science
Dr Robert Doubleday, Head of Research, Centre for Science and Policy
Mike Davies, OBE, Head of Programme Development, CBM-UK.

Conference Sessions will include:

Critical reviews of the outcomes of the UN Summit on Noncommunicable Diseases
Short- and long-term strategies for addressing gaps in prevention, treatment, policy and ‘public awareness’ on noncommunicable diseases and mental health (NMH) in developing countries
Highlights from a growing number of successful ‘linking’ and ‘capacity-building’ programmes, which assist individuals and organisations in the developing world to strengthen their own sustainable NMH research, treatment and care programmes
Different models of partnership to advance best practices and policies on NMH research, interventions, treatment and care—including multidisciplinary, multisectoral and multinational partnerships
Dissemination of Conference outcomes to Parliamentarians and Policy-Makers, on 31 January, at a reception in the Jubilee Room, House of Commons

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