University of Cambridge > > The Kavli Lectures > The Millimetre Sky from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope

The Millimetre Sky from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steven Brereton.

I will show new maps of the sky using data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, and describe how they are advancing our knowledge of cosmology, through a refined measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background, as well as providing a new window on the millimetre sky. I will show how the data let us weigh in on the LCDM cosmological model, while also providing a sample of thousands of galaxy clusters, and revealing invisible mass and the distribution of gas around groups of galaxies. These new arcminute-resolution maps of the sky, and future refinements with next-generation observations, promise to not only test cosmology but also teach us about the Galactic interstellar medium, blazars, and the transient millimetre sky.

This talk is part of the The Kavli Lectures series.

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