Turbulent plumes in the Southern Ocean
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Paul Holland (BAS)
Tuesday 15 February 2011, 13:00-14:00
CMS, MR15.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Doris Allen.
The talk will discuss results from reduced-equation modelling of two cases of buoyancy-driven plumes important to the Southern Ocean. The first case is of dense shelf waters spilling over the continental shelf break and descending into the abyss to form Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). Recent observations have highlighted the important effects of tides on such plumes, and a reduced model suggests that it is the effect of tides on the supply of shelf waters, rather than variable mixing of the plume as it descends, that is most important in modulating the formation of AABW . The second case is of buoyant meltwater plumes rising up the base of glacial ice shelves. The meltwater freezes as it rises, and recent observations and reduced modelling show that this process may be responsible for stabilising rifts and crevasses in Larsen C Ice Shelf, strengthening it against the climate-change-driven collapse that has befallen its neighbours.
This talk is part of the Informal Theoretical Geophysics Lunchtime Seminars (DAMTP) series.
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