Talks starting with A
- A
- A Horizontal Transfer from Bacteria to Fungi Enhances Fungal Pathogenicity
- A "molecular sled" activates the adenovirus proteinase and carries it along tens of thousands of base pairs of viral DNA via one-dimensional diffusion to locate its substrates
- A 'perpetuum motion of third type' in theories violating the weak energy condition
- A 'proton ratchet' couples the membrane potential to protein secretion (and perhaps also mitochondrial protein import)
- A (rough) pathwise approach to some SPDEs
- A (slightly) new look at the backbone
- A 2020 vision of Biology: the present and future of microscopy-based functional genomics
- A 21st-century biologist looks at Sir Isaac Newton
- A 2D-2P multiscale semi-Lagrangian algorithm for fast electron transport in the relativistic Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation
- A 3D cell model for developmental biology: Using gastruloids to study early developmental events
- A 3D View of the Dark Universe: illuminating intergalactic gas with fluorescent Lyman-alpha emission
- A 4d-2d correspondence for Sicilian quivers
- A 4x4 Matrix Wiener-Hopf in Metal Forming
- A 60 Year International History of Antarctic Subglacial Lake Exploration
- A 6d interpretation of 3d gravity
- A 7 Parameter Curved Shell Positional Fem Formulation For Geometrical Non-Linear Dynamics
- A 99%+ Accurate Battery-free RFID Real-Time Tracking Technology
- A ‘fair chance’? The Catholic Irish Brigade and the British government, 1793-98.
- A ‘military’ rule of law and the politics of the exception in colonial Punjab, 1849-1870
- A “KLEVER” probe of the ISM properties in high redshift galaxies with multi-band KMOS observations
- A “scaffold” protein mediates accuracy, fidelity and robustness of a cell fate decision
- A back door to blow-up: Inviscid regularization for the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
- A Backward Particle Interpretation of Feynman-Kac Formulae
- A backward particle interpretation of Feynman-Kac formulae with applications to filtering and smoothing problems
- A backwards book? Authorship, eugenics, and the evolution of R.A. Fisher's The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection
- A Baker Function for Laplacian Growth and Phase Transitions
- A Baker Function for Laplacian Growth and Phase Transitions
- A basic set for the alternating group
- A basis of the Gelfand-Graev algebra of a Chevalley group
- A battle for mitochondrial DNA transmission
- A Bayesian Adaptive Design with Biomarkers for Targeted Therapies and Some Commentary on Adaptive Designs
- A Bayesian approach for extracting galaxy clusters from SZ & weak lensing data-sets
- A Bayesian approach to identifying routes of infectious disease transmission in hospital settings
- A Bayesian approach to inferring the phylogenetic structure of microbial communities: the case of a seasonal Antarctic lake
- A Bayesian approach to internal models
- A Bayesian approach to language learning
- A Bayesian Approach to Learning the Structure of Human Languages
- A Bayesian Approach to Molecular Communication
- A Bayesian approach to multicanonical Markov chain Monte Carlo
- A Bayesian approach to parameter identification in Turing systems
- A Bayesian Approach to Testing for Uniformity
- A Bayesian Composite Gaussian Process Model and its Application
- A Bayesian Composite Gaussian Process Model and its Application
- A Bayesian Composite Gaussian Process Model and its Application
- A Bayesian dose-escalation procedure for phase I/II clinical trials
- A Bayesian method for non-Gaussian autoregressive quantile function time series models
- A Bayesian method for non-Gaussian autoregressive quantile function time series models
- A Bayesian model that links microarray mRNA measurements to mass spectrometry protein measurements
- A Bayesian model-based approach to finding cell-type level associations in heterogeneous methylation samples
- A Bayesian model‐free approach to combination therapy phase I trials using censored time‐to‐toxicity data
- A Bayesian network for glass evidence evaluation at activity level: a novel approach to model the background distribution
- A Bayesian nonparametric approach for the rare type problem
- A Bayesian nonparametric approach to testing for dependence between random variables
- A Bayesian nonparametric model for sparse dynamic networks
- A Bayesian nonrandom walk through the world of the queues
- A Bayesian nonrandom walk through the world of the queues
- A Bayesian ordination method for 16S microbiome profiling data
- A Bayesian ordination method for 16S microbiome profiling data
- A Bayesian ordination method for 16S microbiome profiling data
- A Bayesian Partitioning Approach to Duplicate Detection and Record Linkage
- A Bayesian Perspective on Generalization and SGD
- A Bayesian reassessment of nearest-neighbour classification
- A Bayesian revolution in spectral analysis
- A Bayesian synthesis of evidence for estimating HIV prevalence and incidence
- A Bayesian Treatment for Uncertainty -- and its application in health care
- A Bayesian Unfolding Method Applied to the PAMELA Experiment
- A Bayesian Wavelet-Based Multidimensional Deconvolution With Sub-Band Emphasis
- A BayeSN Analysis of the SN Ia Trio of Siblings in NGC 3147
- A Beautiful Line
- A Beautiful Mind
- A Beautiful Mind - An Evening Talk
- A Beautiful Mind Tuesday - An Interactive Talk
- A beep in the dark: 120 years of midwife toads in Great Britain
- A Beginner's Guide to Chimpanzee Chasing
- A behavioural approach to play in mechanical networks
- A Beilinson-Bernstein Theorem for p-adic analytic quantum groups
- A Benefits Management Approach to Reduce the Risk of IT Project Failures
- A Better Future for Food - A talk by Ann Mitchell
- A Better Future through Art - A talk by Hilary Cox Condron
- A better picture of the bacteria nucleoid organization
- A Better Start: ‘what works’ to improve nutrition in 0-3 year olds
- A Better Tomorrow: Community Trust Can Protect Low-Income Groups From Myopic Decisions
- A biased random walk through models of biological movement
- A biblical masterpiece of storytelling and its interpretation
- A Bigger and Faster Bitcoin: an Analysis of High-Rate Bitcoin Transaction Processing
- A bijection between subgraphs and orientations based on the combinatorics of the Tutte polynomial
- A bijection for covered maps on orientable surfaces
- A binocular contribution to perceived speed of self-motion perception.
- A Biodiverse City
- A biogeochemical framework for physical oceanographers interested in ocean carbon storage
- A biogeochemical framework for physical oceanographers interested in ocean carbon storage
- A biography of Tor - a cultural and technological history of power, privacy, and global politics at the internet's core
- A bioinformatic strategy for allele-specific RNA expression for distant tomato crosses
- A biologically informed hylomorphism
- A biomedical engineer’s perspective on traumatic injury of the living brain.
- A biophysical hypothesis for the initiation of spontaneous ALS
- A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Children's Adjustment to Adoption
- A bipartite transcription factor module controls bundle sheath preferential expression in Arabidopsis
- A bipolar seesaw in Atlantic deep-water ventilation: Wally was right
- A Bird in the Hand: Stone Curlew Conservation
- A Bird's Eye View: Egg Pattern Mimicry by the Common Cuckoo
- A bird's-eye view of forest ecosystems
- A bird's-eye view of the natural world: monitoring forests from aircraft
- A birthday paradox for Markov chains, with an optimal bound for collision in the Pollard Rho algorithm for discrete logarithm
- A bistable transcriptional switch modulated by signalling drives the choice between embryonic and extraembryonic cell fate
- A Bit of Himself: British Male-authored Abortion Narratives from Waste to Alfie
- A Bit of Network Information Theory
- A black hole uniqueness theorem
- A blueprint for cell fate: Network biology applied to stem cell engineering
- A bold hypothesis about pursuit
- A booster dose enhances immunogenicity of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 in aged mice
- A Bosonic Model of Quantum Holography
- A botanical tour in Paris: botany, amateurship and communities of knowledge
- A botanist on Mull
- A Bound on Expected Stock Returns
- A bound on the quantum value of all compiled nonlocal games
- A boundary element formulation for stress concentration problems in the context of couple-stress elasticity
- A Bourdiesian analysis of songwriting habitus
- A brain inspired electronic learning machine
- A brain-machine interface for locomotion driven by subspace dynamics
- A bridge between music education and sustainable development: An investigation of music-based ESD practices at Key Stage 3 in England
- A bridge built using differential equations in automorphic forms
- A Bridge to Freedom
- A brief (pre)history of perfectoid spaces
- A brief discussion about weak measurements
- A brief history of "PUS". Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Public Understanding of Science
- A brief history of fractal aesthetics
- A brief history of fungi on plants
- A Brief History of NHS Politics 1948-2030
- A brief history of the HBLB equine influenza surveillance programme
- A Brief History of the Staircase in England
- A brief introduction to AlAs quantum wells
- A brief introduction to algebraic groups: their subgroup structure and representation theory
- A brief introduction to causal inference
- A brief introduction to Lorentzian Geometry, general relativity and black holes
- A brief introduction to neuropsychological tests
- A Brief Introduction to Quasiparticles in Frustrated Magnets
- A brief introduction to the etale fundamental group and to the Galois action
- A brief overview of models of sea ice rheology
- A brief overview of models of sea ice rheology
- A brief overview of PDEs on graphs
- A Brief Overview of Procedural Generation
- A brief summary of 20 years of research into random dynamic systems
- A British Army Officer and Caesar's Bridge across the Rhine
- A BUG’S LIFE: Creeping and Crawling through Children’s Literature
- A Business Case for Nuclear Energy - Panel Discussion
- A C4 protein that may represent a novel kinase-dephosphorylase
- A cabinet of natural history: the long-lost Paston collection
- A Calculus of Privacy?
- A California Yankee in King Arthur's Court (with apologies to Mark Twain), or why a molecular neurobiologist landed in HPS
- A call to action:Planning to mark 100 years of John Dewey's 'Democracy and Education'
- A call to arms: re-displaying the Armoury
- A call to arms: Redisplaying the Armoury
- A call-by-value realizability model for PML
- A Cambridge Design and Innovation Syllabus
- A Cambridge vaccine, targeting SARS-CoV-2 variants and related Coronaviruses
- A canonical brain computation: from mechanism to purpose
- A canonical foliation for the bubblesheet singularities of geometric flows
- A canonical global positioning system for Calabi Yau manifolds
- A Canonical Local Representation of Binding
- A Capital Appetite: The Political Economy of UK Sugar Consumption
- A capital charge for operational risk: utopia or not
- A Capture model for moving individuals
- A CarbonFirst Approach for Decarbonizing Cloud Computing
- A Career In Ethical Hacking
- A Career in Hydrogeology
- A Career in Oil and Gas Consulting
- A Career in Tax Disputes?
- A Caribbean Vacay: Sun, Sand, Sea and Volcanoes?! An introduction into volcanic outreach in the Eastern Caribbean
- A Case for Astrobiology
- A case for attribution: the Emma Darwin portrait
- A Case for using Trend Filtering over Splines
- A case of Rasamsonia Argillacea pyelonephritis in a German Shepherd dog
- A case of the dynamical André-Oort conjecture
- A case of unusual transmissible venereal tumour
- A Case Report of Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis and Heart Failure in a Pregnant Mare
- A case study of AI education in high schools in the Tema district of Ghana
- A case study of early common law litigation: the use (and abuse) of the assize of mort d’ancester c. 1194-1230
- A Catch of Transits - Exoplanet Diversity As Revealed by Transiting Systems.
- A categorical approach to loops, neardomains and nearfields
- A categorical perspective on type refinement systems
- A categorical semantics for neural networks
- A categorical view of classical lambda calculus
- A categorical view of conditional expectation
- A category O for quantum Arens-Michael envelopes.
- A Cathedral of Trees: Investigating Christianity and Spirituality in Anne of Green Gables
- A Causal Diagram Approach to Evidence Synthesis
- A cautionary case of casual causality – Diagnosing (a)causality in the EFT of gravity
- A Caveat for Applied Holography
- A celebration of women in astronomy
- A central limit theorem in the framework of the Thompson group F
- A centrifuge investigation of two different soil-structure systems with rocking and sliding on dense sand
- A century of the proton: from Rutherford to Higgs
- A Certain Idea of Britain: Writing the political history of one's own country in one's own times
- A Changing Landscape: Securing The Internet of Things (IoT)
- A characterisation of the congruence biframe
- A characterisation of the Gaussian free field
- A characterization of forward utility functions
- A Cheater’s Guide to Linkage Design
- A chemical approach to understanding cell division
- A chemical biology approach to the modulation of cell fate and cell state
- A chemical engineer's perspective on systems biology illustrated by a model-based analysis of eukaryotic protein synthesis
- A chemical industry perspective on engineering biology
- A chemical perspective on electron correlation in transition metal complexes
- A chemical survey of planets in our galaxy
- A chemical survey of planets in our galaxy
- A Chemicogenetic approach to DNA repair implicates TORC2 and actin in survival of DNA breaks
- A child's eye view of the insect world
- A city of future past: urban planning and urban construction in northeast China after the Communist Revolution
- A class number formula for Picard modular surfaces
- A class of fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes mixed with a Gamma distribution
- A class of quantum field states inside the `physical corner of Hilbert space'
- A class of singularity of arbitrary pairs and log canonicalizations
- A class of stochastic partial differential equations driven by a fractional noise
- A Class of Three-Level Designs for Definitive Screening in the Presence of Second-Order Effects
- A Classical Analog to Entanglement Reversibility
- A classical Perron method for existence of smooth solutions to boundary value and obstacle problems for boundary-degenerate elliptic operators via holomorphic m
- A Classical-Quantum Correspondence
- A classification of real-line group actions with faithful Connes--Takesaki modules on hyperfinite factors
- A classification of some 3-Calabi-Yau algebras
- A clean sweep for dust in Nearby Galaxies with Herschel
- A climate risk analysis for Earth's forests in the 21st century
- A Clinical Perspective on Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering
- A Clinical research project, the positives and the pitfalls?
- A clockwork green: understanding the plant circadian clock and its outputs
- A close look at fast cold gas in the halo of a z > 6 QSO
- A close look at states of matter, from the familiar to the novel
- A close look at the master regulators: imaging phytohormones at high-resolution in vivo
- A close up on two aspects of LSW formation
- A closed formula for the Kronecker coefficients
- A Closed-Form Transition Density Expansion for Elliptic and Hypo-Elliptic SDEs
- A closer look at testimony: Scope, challenges, and consequences
- A Clue to the Mystery of Dark Matter: Direct Searches with LZ and XLZD
- A cluster of Aromanian varieties in North-Western Greece
- A cluster-randomised cross-over trial
- A clustering analysis of structural heterogeneity in supercooled liquids
- A co-volume scheme for the nonlinear shallow water equations on non-orthogonal grid
- A coalgebraist in Weierstrass country
- A coarse-grained perspective on water's dielectric response at interfaces
- A cocoon of meaning. Person-Time-Place-Occasion Symbolism in Kimono
- A cognitive neuropsychological account of antidepressant drug action
- A Collapsible Approach to Higher Order Verification
- A collecting princess and a collectable dwarf: alternative Grand Tours from the Polish perspective
- A Color-Independent Approach to Galaxy and Quasar Evolution through Absorption Spectroscopy
- A Combinatorial Prediction Market for the US Elections
- A combined experimental and computational approach to study protein aggregation
- A Comedy Evening with Laurence Clark
- A comedy of the commons: Toward sustainable use of the Louisiana public oyster grounds
- A Comet's Tale
- A common model of representational and connectivity spaces in human cortex
- A Communication Characterization of Splash-2 and Parsec
- A Communications Medium for the 21st Century : Towards Open Public Display Networks
- A compact entanglement distillery
- A compactification for the moduli stack of bundles on a surface
- A comparative analysis of payday lending in America and Britain, 1900-1930s
- A comparative history of national accounting in India and the USSR
- A Comparative Study on the Loss Functions for Image Enhancement Networks
- A Comparison of Approximate Bayesian Computation and Stochastic Calibration for Spatio-Temporal Models of High-Frequency Rainfall Patterns
- A Comparison of Approximate Bayesian Computation and Stochastic Calibration for Spatio-Temporal Models of High-Frequency Rainfall Patterns
- A comparison of background correction methods for two-colour microarrays
- A comparison of Pattern Recognition Receptor requirement for human and horse strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae
- A Comparison of Shared-Memory Parallel Programming Models for Accelerating Sparse Linear Algebra Kernels: OpenMP vs SYCL
- A comparison of some recent task-centric parallel programming models
- A comparison of systemic lidocaine and brachial plexus blockade for rabbits undergoing orthopaedic surgery
- A comparison of three Bayesian approaches for constructing model robust designs
- A comparison of three modern filesystems
- A Comparison of VTLN and Gender-Dependent Models
- A compilation of research and thoughts on the future of sea ice models.
- A complete set of rotationally and translationally invariant features based on a generalization of the bispectrum to non-commutative groups
- A completeness proof for bisimulation in the pi-calculus using Isabelle
- A completeness study on a class of Lax pairs
- A Complex Interpolation Approach to Quantum Information
- A Complexity Class Based on Comparator Circuits
- A complexity dichtomy for partition functions with mixed signs
- A compositional account of Herbrand's theorem via concurrent games
- A compositional approach to scalable statistical modelling and computation
- A compositional approach to scalable statistical modelling and computation
- A comprehensive climate history of the last 800,000 years and its application to ecological modelling
- A comprehensive model analysis of the UK atmospheric composition and air-surface exchange of pollutants
- A comprehensive study of ionised outflows in X-rays in active galactic nuclei (AGN)
- A Comprehensive Study of the Extremist Narratives and the Role of Alternative Social Networks that Facilitate Radical Discourse
- A Compressing Translation from Propositional Resolution to Natural Deduction
- A computational approach to understanding motivational symptoms in depression
- A computational method for left adjointness
- A computational model for macroscale simulations of moving contact lines
- A Computational Model of Infant Speech Development
- A Computational Theory of Visual Attention to Time, Space, and Features
- A computer-checked proof of the Odd Order theorem
- A Computing Project that has been running for 50 years
- A Concentration Inequality based methodology for Sparse Covariance Estimation
- A Concentration Inequality for Product Spaces
- A concentration interval for the Lasso
- A concentration interval for the Lasso
- A conceptual model of ocean heat uptake under climate change
- A conclusive test of cold dark matter
- A conclusive test of cold dark matter
- A Concurrent Logical Relation
- A Conditional Dependence Measure with Applications to Undirected Graphical Models
- A conic approach to entangled-assisted graph parameters
- A Conjecture from 1986 about splittings of groups: its statement, potential generalizations, and Martin Dunwoody's proof
- A conjecture of Colliot-Thelene in the case of the exceptional groups
- A Connectomic Hypothesis for the Hominization of the Brain
- A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow water equations on staggered grids
- A conservative level-set based method for multi-components problems on fixed grids
- A consistency estimate for Kac's model of elastic collisions in a dilute gas
- A consistent and robust measurement of the thermal state of the IGM at 2<z<4 with a large sample of Lyman-alpha forest spectra
- A consistent view on normal star-forming galaxies from z~2 to 8 from multi-wavelength observations and SED modelling
- A Constitutive Model for Locally Drained Shear Bands in Globally Undrained Dense Sand
- A constrained approach to the simulation and analysis of stochastic multiscale chemical kinetics
- A Constraint-Programming Framework For Bounded Program Verification
- A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions
- A construction of limiting solutions of Hitchin's equations
- A construction of Witt complexes via residual complexes.
- A construction on strong homotopy algebras.
- A constructive approach to geometric algebra
- A Constructive Approach to Secure-Channel Protocols
- A Consulting Wind Engineer's Perspective: Looking Back and Forward
- A contagious cause: the search for cancer viruses and the growth of American biomedicine
- A contemporary chronicle of ocean wave / sea ice interaction research: context, models, delusions and impacts
- A continuation passing translation for functional session types
- A Continuity Approach to Galaxy Evolution
- A continuous analog of the binary Darboux transformation for the KdV equation
- A continuous random operator associated with the H^{2|2} model
- A continuum model of epithelial spreading
- A continuum theory for the fractures in brittle and ductile solids
- A Control Systems Perspective on Supercapacitor Modelling and Design
- A control theoretic approach to the linear Boltzmann equation
- A controlled environment: phytotrons, Cold War life science, and the making of the experimental plant
- A Conversation between Professor Dame Athene Donald and Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell
- A conversation on his life and work with Prof David Spiegelhalter
- A conversation on the Georgian political crisis
- A Conversation with Adam Thorpe
- A Conversation with Boris Akunin – Russia: Its Past, Present and Future
- A conversation with Phil Zimmermann
- A conversation with Shabana Azmi (actor, activist and parliamentarian) and Javed Akhtar (screenwriter, lyricist, activist and parliamentarian)
- A convex analysis approach to hybrid binary-continuous optimal control problems
- A core brain system in human intelligence
- A Core Quantitative Coeffect Calculus
- A Core Quantitative Coeffect Calculus
- A Cosmic Microscope for the Preheating Era
- A cotangent complex formalism via integral model structures
- A counter to the adaptationist narrative: the importance of "entropy" and population size in evolution
- A counterexample to the first Zassenhaus conjecture
- A couple of efficient prediction models for underground railway-induced vibrations
- A couple of things I’ve learned about algebraically universal categories
- A crisis of financialisation: Fragmentation of banking and Eurozone break-up
- A critical drift-diffusion equation: intermittent behavior
- A Critical Look at Quasilinear Theory
- A critical look at the impact of e-assessment on education
- A Critical look at the One-Laptop-Per-Child Programme in developing countries
- A Critical Point for Science?
- A Critical Point for Science?
- A Critique of Marginality (Medieval Art Seminar)
- A critique of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing
- A Cross-Entropy Based Method to Analyse Iterative Decoding
- A Crossroad between Statistical Mechanics, PDE-Theory, Neural Networks and Machine Learning
- A Crowd of One: Changing perspectives with scale in animal welfare
- A crowdsourced approach for mobile sensing: How distributed data mining meets mobile devices
- A crystal structure based study of NhaA, a Na+/H+ antiporter with orthologues from bacteria to human
- A cubical Rips Construction
- A CUEN LECTURE – wind energy turns to bamboo
- A Cultural History of the Russian Language – talk by Prof Simon Franklin marking the 25th anniversary of CamRuSS
- A curious variational property of classical minimal surfaces
- A curved Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the discrete cube
- A custom-designed microfluidic model allows production of biologically-relevant occlusive thrombi in vitro
- A Cyber Security Lab: from teaching, to a security evaluation platform, to a novel configuration management paradigm?
- A dangerous conversation: Staging British History
- A data scientific perspective on arithmetic
- A data-derived approach to initialise densities in DFT
- A data-driven approach to advancing cognitive neuroscience
- A Data-Driven Edge-Preserving D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography
- A Data-Driven Market Simulator for Small Data Environments
- A Data-Free, Universal Prior Distribution for Syntactic Structures
- A database of foreign exchange deals
- A day at the races: some common 'illusions' in gambling behaviour
- A day in the life of a patent attorney
- A day in the life of an adsorbate: Observing dynamics in an open quantum system
- A day in the life of government cybersecurity
- A Day in the Life: Bede Sheppard from Human Rights Watch
- A Deadly Game of “Tag”: Insect Aerial Predation as a Model for Sensorimotor Processing
- A Decade of IoT Standard Communication Protocols
- A Decade of Thrill
- A Decade of Ubiquitous Computing Research in Mental Health
- A Decadent Metaphysics: Fin-de-siècle Anxiety and the Cultural Contexts of Early Modernism
- A decision-theoretic framework for active cognition
- A decomposition of northern polar external magnetic fields using the method of Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates using Vibrational Raman and Single-Molecule FRET
- A deep dive into Multicore OCaml garbage collector
- A Deep Dive into the Genome of Hypoxic Tumours
- A Deep Embedding of a Decidable Fragment of Separation Logic in HOL
- A deep glimpse of the near-infrared sky
- A deep radius valley revealed by Kepler short cadence observations
- A Deep Ritz method with r-adaptivity for solving Partial Differential Equations
- A deep-time perspective on macroecology
- A Defence of Mathematical Modelling in Economics
- A delicate alliance: aid agencies and the media in Britain since the 1960s
- A Deligne complex for Artin monoids
- A Deligne complex for Artin monoids
- A demonstration of 'excess death plots' using Cancer Registry data
- A demonstration of the Indefinite Information System (IdIS) concept attached to a Warehouse Management System
- A Denotational Approach to Release/Acquire Concurrency
- A dependence theorem for free groups
- A Derivation of Models for Aerosol/Spray Flows
- A derivation of the third law of thermodynamics
- A Des Res in the Landscape
- A design analysis framework for base-isolated buildings against ground-borne vibration
- A Design Approach to Understanding Academia-Industry Collaboration
- A Design Tool for Micro-Architected Adhesive Joints
- A Destiny Beyond Death?
- A detailed analysis of how locks and physical security become vulnerable to attack
- A detailed look at tail-anchored membrane protein targeting - from metazoans to plants to protists
- A deterministic least squares approach for simultaneous input and state estimation
- A Deuring criterion for abelian varieties
- A Deuring criterion for abelian varieties
- A developmental-cognitive perspective on the impact of adolescent social media use
- A diachronic analytical study of table wares from the site of Sagalassos (SW Anatolia) from Hellenistic to Early Medieval times: preliminary results
- A diachronic perspective on the temporality of the Greek infinitive
- A diagrammatic approach to Ocneanu cells
- A different perspective on wave-ice interaction research
- A differentiability criterion in terms of harmonic functions
- A diffusion limit for a model of interacting spins/queues with log-linear interaction
- A diffusion description of the random matrix hard edge
- A Diffusion Model of Vibrational Energy Flow in Large Structures
- A Digital Architecture for Adaptive Cities
- A Digital Architecture for Future Cities
- A Digital Architecture for Future Cities
- A Digital Twin for Controlling Industrial Processes
- A Direct Coupling Coherent Quantum Observer
- A Dirty-slate Approach to Routing Scalability
- A Disciplined Eye
- A discourse of ‘we’: gendered subjectivities and caregiving in UK ‘stay-at-home-dads’
- A discrete system from the recurrence coefficients of 2-variable elliptic orthogonal polynomials
- A discussion on AI ethics
- A discussion on Art, Duality and M-theory
- A discussion on Probabilistic AI, Large Models, and AI in Industry
- A Distributed Intelligent System for Warehouse Operations Management
- A distributed, hierarchical and recurrent model of choice
- A disturbing FABLE of mergers, feedback, turbulence, and mass biases in simulated galaxy clusters
- A Division in PIN-Mediated Auxin Patterning During Organ Initiation in Grasses
- A DNA methylation atlas of normal human cell types
- A DNA methylation reader complex that enhances gene transcription
- A documentary on Tuareg art and poetry for the 3rd millennium
- A domain theory for statistical probabilistic programming
- A domain-decomposition-based model reduction method for convection-diffusion equations with random coefficients
- A domino theory of disease
- A double Myers-Perry black hole in five dimensions
- A draft map of the mouse pluripotent stem cell spatial proteome
- A DRE-based e-voting scheme
- A Drosophila Model for the role of ApoE in Alzheimer’s Disease
- A Drosophila Model for the role of ApoE in Alzheimer’s Disease.
- A Dual Rift Model for the Opening of the NE Atlantic
- A duality theoretic view on limits of finite structures
- A Dusty Origin for the Correlation Between Protoplanetary Disc Accretion Rates and Dust Masses
- A dynamic discrete dislocation plasticity study of plastic relaxation phenomena in shock loading
- A dynamic journey into the HIV cycle in primary macrophages
- A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: the PI-LAB experiment at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and a global perspective
- A dynamic plate base at the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the PI-LAB experiment
- A Dynamic Political Stakeholder Theory Model of Firms' Response Strategies Towards Marginalized Stakeholders
- A dynamic view of fMRI connectivity: Frequency dependent cortical hubs and network integration in the human brain.
- A dynamical approach to lattice Yang-Mills
- A dynamical mechanism for Southern Hemisphere climate change due to the ozone hole
- A dynamical system of the WR model in 1D
- A dynamical transition in oscillating crystals
- A factorization of constant object functors
- A failure criterion embracing concrete ductility in earthquake structures
- A Falsifiable Solution of the Cosmological Constant and Coincidence Problems
- A Farm for the Future - Film and Discussion
- A fast algorithm with minimax optimal guarantees for topic models with an unknown number of topics
- A Fast and Practical Software Packet Scheduling Architecture
- A Fast and Well-Conditioned Spectral Method
- A Fast Decoder for Joint Word Segmentation and POS-Tagging using a Single Discriminative Model
- A fast high order algorithm for multiple scattering from large configurations of scatterers
- A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets
- A fat Szemerédi-Trotter theorem, and Inverse 2D Kakeya theorems
- A feast of languages: multilingualism in neuro-typical and atypical populations
- A feature-capturing PINN for Stokes interface problems
- A few elements of numerical analysis for PDEs with random coefficients of lognormal type
- A few evolutionary myths
- A few lessons that I learnt about interprocedural program analyses
- A few minutes of microgravity with the BBC science correspondent Jonathan Amos
- A few topics related to long-term time-dependent deformations of concrete
- A Field-test of Basic Empirical Bayes and Bayes Methodologies: In-Season Prediction of Baseball Batting Averages
- A fifty-year brief analysis of nature conservation in Malaysia and pointers for future approaches
- A fine balance: Self-renewal and differentiation of single stem cells amidst tumour heterogeneity
- A fine-tuning-free formulation of 4d N=4 super Yang-Mills
- A finger on the pulse of regeneration
- A First Glimpse Of Webb's Revolution For Our Understanding Of Galaxy Formation
- A First Look at the Internet Usage Context of Indigenous U.S. Populations
- A first principles look at accretion and planet formation
- A first step to something better than Equivalent Linearisation
- A flexibility result in high-dimensional contact topology
- A flexible evolutionary toolkit for neural development
- A Flexible Integrated System for the Conceptual Design of Space System
- A flexible regression approach using GAMLSS
- A Flight of Adaptive Optics; EAGLE, CANARY and CHOUGH
- A Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Model for Multiphase Flows
- A fly's-eye view of epithelial polarity
- A Force for Bad: U.S. military aid, isomorphism and military power in Egypt, Jordan and Bahrain
- A forecast for high winds and clouds: Exoplanet atmospheres at low and high resolution
- A Formal Approach to Generalisations of Monads
- A Formal Causal Interpretation of the Case-Crossover Design
- A formal language for formal category theory
- A Formal Semantic Analysis of Gesture
- A formal subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch
- A Formulation and Theory for Delay Guarantees in Wireless Networks
- A forward genetic approach to elucidate the microRNA and chromatin silencing pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- A forward genetic screen for Arabidopsis gene(s) that control meiotic recombination
- A Fossil Feast: 31 December 1853, Sydenham Park, London
- A four-field mixed finite element method for the Biot model and its solution algorithms
- A Four-moment Portfolio Strategy for Emerging Equity Markets
- A fractional generalisation of the Dirichlet distribution
- A fractional inpainting model based on the vector-valued Cahn-Hilliard equation
- A Fractional Stochastic Gompertz-Type Model Induced By Bernstein Functions
- A Framework for Accelerating Climate-Relevant Technology Development
- A framework for analysing product information traceability
- A framework for asset criticality assessment
- A Framework for Automatically Enforcing Privacy Policies
- A Framework for Data Collection and Management for IoT
- A Framework for Data Collection and Management for IoT
- A Framework for Decentralised Combinatorial Auctions with Applications to Subadditive Bidders
- A Framework for Elastic Shape Analysis of Objects
- A framework for emergentism(s)
- A framework for extensible event-based middleware
- A framework for imperfectly observed networks
- A Framework for Implementing Value-Based Approach in Asset Management
- A Framework for Incremental Modelling and Verification of On-Chip Protocols and Its Application to PCI Express
- A framework for measuring biodiversity impacts of land use change
- A framework for parameterizing eddy potential vorticity fluxes
- A framework for probing gravity and dark energy on cosmological scales
- A framework for rethinking development in China
- A Framework for Specification, Prototyping, and Reasoning
- A Framework for the Analysis of Mix-Based Steganographic File Systems
- A framework for the continuous Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation
- A Framework for the Development of Computable Error Bounds for Finite Element Approximations
- A framework for understanding energy pile behaviour
- A Framework study of the NF-kB signalling pathway
- A Framework to Present Bayesian Networks to Domain Experts and Potential Users
- A Free Digital Society
- A free-discontinuity approach to inverse problems
- A Frequentist Perspective on the EnKF for Parameter Estimation
- a fresh perspective on Haiti
- A Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Uniform Electron Gas
- A full-tensor approach for parameterising oceanic eddy tracer transport
- A Fully Integrated, Printed, Self-Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Node for Engine and Motor Condition Monitoring
- A fully self-consistent multi-layered model of Jupiter
- A fully-covariant natural ultraviolet cutoff in inflationary spacetimes
- A function of the time: the Cavendish Society and its postprandial proceedings
- A functional interpretation of type theory
- A functional perspective on Information Measures
- A functioning neuroanatomy of autism
- A funny turn in the brain: fMRI on jokes
- A fusion power plant — why not
- A Future for Urban Design
- A future zero carbon built environment?
- A Galois connection for operations and relations
- A Galois D-groupoid for q-difference equations
- A game for a neutral approach to provability in MALL
- A gapless 1D spin liquid as a critical point between fragile Kondo insulators
- A gauge theoretic approach to Einstein 4-manifolds.
- A gauge theoretic approach to the anti-self-dual Einstein equations
- A Gaussian approximation potential for metals
- A genealogical approach to studying asexuality
- A general backflow transformation
- A General Filter-Function Approach to Noise Filtering in Open-Loop Quantum Control
- A general framework for structure-preserving particle approximations to Vlasov-Maxwell equations
- A general framework on singularity
- A general introduction to ropes of engineering applications
- A general Jastrow factor
- A general method to determine sampling windows for nonlinear mixed effects models
- A general parametrization of galaxy bias
- A general subtraction scheme for NNLO computations in perturbative QCD
- A general talk on the history of the Institute
- A general test of the Copernican Principle
- A generalisation of closed unbounded sets
- A generalisation of Heegner Points?
- A generalization of Fisher's exact test: rock-paper-scissors and friendly ghosts
- A generalization of Stirling numbers and distribution of phylogenetic trees
- A generalization of the off-diagonal Ramsey numbers
- A generalization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra from restricted quantum sl2
- A generating function for higher Floer products and infinite-dimensional integrable systems
- A generative network model of neurodevelopment
- A Generative Shape-Compositional Framework to Synthesise Populations of Virtual Heart Chimaeras
- A generic non-specific mechanism for the clustering of DNA and chromosome binding proteins
- A genetic approach to understanding the molecular basis of auditory function
- A genome-wide association study for paroxysmal dyskinesia in the Norwich Terrier breed of dog
- A genome-wide screen for developmental regulators of airway maturation regulators in Drosophila
- A genomic Odyssey of predicting drug response: is Ulysses home yet?
- A genomic survey of the machineries that control & link cell shape, microtubules & cell cycle progression
- A gentle and structured introduction to machine learning
- A gentle introduction to Categorical Logic
- A gentle introduction to overconvergent modular forms
- A gentle introduction to the physics of graphene (mini-course 1)
- A gentle introduction to the physics of graphene (mini-course 2)
- A geochemical approach for provenancing mortar raw materials: a case study from Sagalassos
- A geochemical journey in time: on the track of uranium and nickel
- A geochemical test of the Snowball Earth hypothesis.
- A geological perspective on climate change: forcings, feedbacks and tipping points.
- A geology graduate 10 years on
- A geometric approach to constructing conformal nets
- A geometric approach to Ramsey numbers
- A geometric bound for F-term inflation
- A geometric characterization of toric varieties
- A geometric invariant measuring the deviation from Kerr data
- A geometric perspective on learning theory and algorithms
- A geometric theory for wave propagation in cardiac tissue
- A Geometric Theory of Program Testing.
- A Geometrical Perspective on Deep Neural Networks
- A geometry of non-geometric fluxes
- A giant cloud of hydrogen escaping a Neptune-mass exoplanet
- A giant molecular halo around a z ∼ 2 quasar
- A Gibbs Sampler for Phrasal Synchronous Grammar Induction
- A Glance at the Exotic Quantum Liquids and Solids of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
- A glimpse of the mathematics of Bill Tutte, the greatest codebreaker of WWII
- A glimpse into the atomic structure of plant photosystem I - 3.5 billion years of perfection
- A Glimpse into the lives of 'Leprosy' and Hansens disease sufferers through time
- A global approach to equivariant homotopy theory
- A Global Civics: Do we need one? What would it entail?
- A Global Conjuncture of Belonging? Autochthony and Its Different Trajectories since the Post-Cold War Moment
- A Global Learning Crisis - Using tablets to get one billion children reading
- A Global Maghreb: Crossroads, Borderlands, and Frontiers
- A global map of human gene expression
- A global research and innovation powerhouse: the role for our leading institutions
- A global stability analysis of tonal noise in the flow around an aerofoil: instability and receptivity mechanisms
- A global survey of host, aquatic, and soil microbiomes reveals ecological properties shared between bacterial and fungal generalists
- A Global Value Chain Approach to Emerging Market Catch-up
- A Golden Age of Asteroseismology with Kepler
- A Good Educational Read - Professor Andrew Pollard
- A Good Educational Read - Professor John MacBeath
- A Good Educational Read - Professor Madeleine Arnot
- A Good Educational Read - Mary James in conversation with Sue Swaffield
- A Good Educational Read - Maurice Galton in conversation with John MacBeath
- A Good Educational Read - Neil Mercer in conversation with John MacBeath
- A Good Man or a Good Citizen? Aristotelian Politics and the Italian Renaissance Courts
- A good match: gender and the physiology of love in 18th-century Spain
- A google maps for biology: single cell genetic characterization goes spatial
- A Gordon-Litherland form for ribbon surfaces
- A Gothic Realism? Rereading the Classic Russian Novel
- A governance perspective on urban modelling and "city digital twins" (CDT's)
- A gradient flow approach to quantization of measures
- A Graph Meta-analytical Approach to Compensatory Activations in Schizophrenia
- A Graph of All Mathematics
- A Graph-Based Framework for Structured Prediction Tasks in Sanskrit
- A graph-theoretic approach to quantum correlations and the exclusivity principle
- A Graphical Model Approach to Eyewitness Identification Data
- A Grassmann algebra related to spanning forests
- A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant
- A grazing reflection on some canonical problems in diffraction theory and their investigators
- A great leap forward: 1930s depression and US economic growth
- A Green New Deal: Climate Change Mitigation as an Economic Stimulus
- A ground state for cancer’
- A ground-based view on exoplanet atmospheres
- A group theoretic approach for finding the ring of integers of a number field.
- A group-theoretic question arising in Typed set theory
- A growth model for fish competing through their ranks
- A growth-fragmentation found in the cone excursions of Brownian motion (and in the quantum disc)
- A guide to one-to-one fermion–qubit mappings
- A Guide to Using GPUs for General Signal Processing
- A guiding torch at the poles: key roles of the centrosome during asymmetric cell division
- A gut feeling about glucagon
- A half-integral weight multiplier system on SU(2,1)
- A Hamiltonian Dysthe equation for deep-water gravity waves with constant vorticity
- A Hard Ionizing Spectrum in Ly-alpha Emitters: Implications for the Ionizing Output of Early Star-Forming Galaxies
- A Hausdorff-measure BEM for acoustic scattering by fractal screens - part 1
- A Hausdorff-measure BEM for acoustic scattering by fractal screens - part 2
- A Hausman Test for the Presence of Market Microstructure Noise in High Frequency Data
- A Healthy Body - 'Going into the Depths' - Series of Talks
- A Healthy Mind
- A Healthy Mind - 'Going into the Depths' - Series of Talks
- A Healthy Society - 'Going into the Depths' - Series of Talks
- A heat-flow approach to some multilinear inequalities in analysis
- A Heirarchy of Mendler style Iteration/Recursion Combinators: taming recursive types with negative occurrences
- A Heisenberg Miscellany
- A helpful way to think about multi-model ensembles and the actual climate
- A Hermitian K-group via geometry
- A Heuristic and Hybrid Hash-based Approach to Fast Lookup
- A heuristic introduction to the applications of Wiener-Hopf factorisation in random processes
- A heuristic introduction to the applications of Wiener-Hopf factorisation in random processes
- A hidden quantum group for pure partition functions of multiple SLEs
- A hidden quantum group for pure partition functions of multiple SLEs
- A Hierarchical Multiscale Model for Evolving Discontinuities in Heterogeneous Solids
- A Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model based on Pitman-Yor Processes
- A Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model based on Pitman-Yor Processes
- A hierarchical Bayesian model for smoothed population indices: applications to wader populations in Japan
- A hierarchical, multimodal, movement model for assembling the tracks of animal daily activity routines
- A high order cell centred Lagrangian Godunov scheme for cylindrical geometry
- A high performance emergency braking system for heavy goods vehicles
- A High Resolution View of Exoplanet Atmospheres
- A High-dimensional Convergence Theorem for U-statistics with Applications to Kernel-based Testing
- A High-Level Perspective on Computational Design Research
- A high-order and conservative particle-mesh algorithm for advection-dominated flows
- A High-Order Unstaggered Finite-Volume Approach for Atmospheric Numerical Modeling
- A high-probability mixing time bound for Gibbs sampling from log-smooth strongly log-concave distributions
- A higher order resolvent positive scheme for fractional derivatives on bounded domains
- A highly adaptive three dimensional hybrid vortex method for inviscid flows
- A highly sensitive approach to determine replication kinetics of influenza type A viruses by plaque assay
- A histone marks embryonic differentiation and acts as an epigenetic barrier to reprogramming
- A histone tail: Pre-messenger RNA splicing and the coordinated control of gene expression
- A historian as petitioner: Ghulam Husain Khan Tabataba’i and the late Mughal context for colonial state-formation in eighteenth century India
- A historical law of large numbers for the Marcus-Lushnikov process
- A historical law of large numbers for the Marcus-Lushnikov process
- A Historical View on Language Ecology and Language Planning
- A histories perspective on characterising quantum correlations
- A history of a tenth of a second
- A history of Centre for Family Research: Beginnings and the early years,1966 - 1977
- A History of Death Taxes
- A History of Lambda Calculus
- A History of Non-Sustainable Integration: High-Speed Rail, Europeanisation, and the Failure of the "Nordic Triangle", 1985-2005
- A history of seeing sound: From medieval phonetics to high-speed photography
- A History of the Great Central Railway (Heritage)
- A History of the World in One Cathedral
- A History of Virtualisation in Operating Systems.
- A Hitchhiker's guide to Complex Geometry: Pablo Morales
- A Hitchhiker's guide to Complex Geometry: Pablo Morales
- A Hitchhiker's guide to Shimura Varieties
- A holistic approach to the history of the mathematical sciences in Islamicate societies
- A holographic model of the Kondo effect
- A holographic quantization scheme in gravity
- A holographic view of the very early universe
- A homogenization result in the gradient theory of phase transitions
- A homogenization result in the gradient theory of phase transitions
- A Hubble diagram for quasars
- A human protein atlas
- A human-oriented term rewriting system
- A Humean alternative on what there is
- A humid corridor across the Sahara for the migration "Out of Africa" of early modern humans 120,000 years ago.
- A hundred years of visualizing molecules
- A Hybrid Block Bootstrap For Sample Quantiles Under Weak Dependence
- A Hybrid Block Bootstrap For Sample Quantiles Under Weak Dependence
- A hybrid model for plastic card fraud detection systems
- A hybrid model to test mechanical cues driving cell migration in angiogenesis
- A hypergraph regularity method for generalised Turán problems
- A hyperplasticity framework for efficient modelling of cyclic loading ratcheting
- A job out of this world: my research and journey as a space scientist
- A joint part- and pixel-wise approach to human pose estimation
- A Joint Segmentation/Registration Model and Deformation-Informed PCA
- A joint species modelling approach to understand animal-plant interactions
- A Journey Around Saturn, its Rings and Moons
- A journey from kinetic transport models to fractional-diffusion-advection equations
- A journey in (geo)science communication (Sedgwick Club Conference)
- A Journey in the World of Molecules
- A journey into Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- A journey into interdisciplinary research
- A Journey into Rap Studies: from London’s hip-hop scenes to grimey Englishness
- A journey through a sub-Antarctic island fjord from glacier retreat to fisheries management
- A Journey through Time: Revisiting the Landfalls of Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle
- A Judicial Perspective On UK Tax Tribunals
- A just green transformation for the developing world: What Earth4All means for most of the world's people
- A JVM for the Barrelfish Operating System
- A Killer In Search of a Trial: Criminal Lunacy in the British Empire
- A kinetic description of the strong interaction regime in a FitzHug-Nagumo neural network.
- A Kinetic Reaction Model: Decay to Equilibrium and Macroscopic Limit
- A kinetic theory view of mean field games and applications to economics
- A KPZ formula for SLE and Brownian motion
- A KPZ formula for SLE and Brownian motion
- A Lab of One's Own: Science & Suffrage in World War One
- A lab of one’s own: science & suffrage in the First World War
- A Lab of One’s Own: science and suffrage in WWI
- A Label-free Microfluidic Assay to study drug diffusion through lipid membranes
- A laboratory approach of Hydro-elastic waves
- A Lagrangian analysis of the seasonal and interannual variability in Greenland precipitation sources
- A Lagrangian Computational Method for Viscoelastic Flow:
Simulations of inkjet printing & particle migration in 3D viscoelastic flow
- A Lagrangian view of scalar transport and mixing
- A Land of Conspiracy: Geopolitics and Imagination in Colonial North Africa
- A Landau collision integral solver with adaptivity on emerging architectures
- A landmark acquisition by Nicolas Poussin
- A landmark acquisition by Nicolas Poussin
- A Landmarking Approach for the Dynamic Scheduling of Cardiovascular Risk Assessments
- A language extension for provably safe exception handling
- A Language for Mathematics
- A Language for Type-Safe Web Programming
- A language in the image of the nation: language and national identity in Greece since the eighteenth century
- A large deviation principle for stochastic waves
- A large-deviation approach to passive scalar advection, diffusion and reaction
- A large-eddy pathway to turbulent drag reduction at high Reynolds numbers
- A large-scale dynamo via MRI-driven alpha Omega dynamo in binary neutron star mergers
- A Lay Person's Path Towards Awakening
- A Lefschetz (1,1) theorem for singular varieties
- A legal perspective on open data: balancing risks and opportunities in open projects
- A Lensed View of Low-Mass Dark Matter Structures
- A level line of the massive Gaussian free field
- A Li-Yau type inequality for free boundary surfaces with respect to the unit ball
- A Liar and a Copycat: Nonverbal Coordination Increases with Lie Difficulty
- A Licence to Kill? Middle Palaeolithic Subsistence in Britain and Europe
- A Lie algebraic classification of continuous-time Markov models
- A life in science: from academia to industry and back.
- A Life of Kindness (in-person talk)
- A life-course investigation of influences on physical inactivity stability and change: findings from the 1958 British Birth Cohort
- A Life-Time of Stochastic Self-Organisation - 1977 - 2007
- A LifeCycle Model for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage
- A lifelong project in clay: Virtues of Unity
- A Light Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
- A Light Touch on Nanostructures: Femtonewton Force Sensing and Nanometric Spatial Resolution
- A line from Dante
- A line in the plane and the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group
- A line-breaking construction of the stable trees
- A linearised hybrid FE-SEA method for built-up structures with nonlinear joints under random loading
- A linearised Hybrid FE-SEA method for nonlinear structures under random loading
- A link between lambda calculus and maps
- A linkage principle for diagrammatic Soergel bimodules
- A Liquid Helium Waveguided Terahertz and Optical Microphotoluminescence Setup
- A literary history of medicine: the world's earliest history of medicine, composed in Syria by the physician and poet Ibn Abi Usaybi'ah (d. 1270)
- A Live, Multiple-Representation Probabilistic Programming Environment for Novices
- A living cemetery: the flora & fauna of Mill Road Cemetery
- A local analog of the Grothendieck conjecture for higher local fields
- A local analog of the Grothendieck conjectures
- A local analog of the Grothendieck conjectures
- A Local History
- A local weak limit approach to the study of graphical data
- A Local Wheeler-DeWitt Measure for the String Landscape
- A lockdown perspective on cosmic tensions
- A log PSS map with applications to Lagrangian embedding questions
- A logarithmic approach to linear series
- A Logic of Reachable Patterns in Linked Data-Structures
- A logical approach to data provenance.
- A logically Cartesian, adaptively refined two-patch sphere grid for modeling transport in the atmosphere
- A logicians approach to Network Coding
- A longitudinal study on the effect of testosterone and estradiol on empathy and systemizing (EQ-SQ): from amniotic fluid to adolescence.
- A Look at Partial Projections for Regression onto Text
- A Look at Single Mothers and Employment in Europe
- A Look at the Consequences of Internet Censorship Through an ISP Lens
- A Look at the Consequences of Internet Censorship Through an ISP Lens
- A Look at the Planck Cosmology Results
- A look back at 'Biometrician Versus Mendelian: A Controversy and its Explanation' (1974)
- A look back over JUNIPER consortium’s first year
- A Look Inside Hominins: New Insight on the Hobbit (LB1), Broken Hill and La Ferrassie
- A Look Into Galaxy Morphologies with Machine Learning
- A look into generalised stability
- A look into generalised stability
- A look into social network dynamics
- A look into the cell’s warehouse with metabolomics
- A Look into the Fascinating World of Matrix Computations
- A Look Into Youtube - The World's Largest Video Site
- A Lost Man Will Reach Home, but a Lost Bird Will be Lost Forever
- A lot of hot air: gas in volcanic eruptions
- A love story for the Medici? The story of Cupid and Psyche on Florentine Renaissance wedding chests
- A machine learning approach for causal structure estimation in high dimensions
- A Machine Learning Approach for Efficient Traffic Classification
- A machine learning approach for identifying the sensitivity of chlorophyll-a to nutrient concentration in the global ocean
- A Machine Learning Framework for High-Dimensional Mean Field Games and Optimal Control
- A machine-learned potential for the phase-change-memory material, Ge-Sb-Te
- A machine-learning based model of non-Newtonian hydrodynamics with molecular fidelity
- A macroscopic limit for an ecology model.
- A magnesium-inhibitable conductance hyperpolarises the resting membrane potential of the human erythroleukemia cell line
- A magnetic world: understanding the lodestone in the early modern Iberian empires
- A MAIT cell journey, from Salmonella to COVID
- A MAIT cell journey, from Salmonella to COVID
- A manifesto for the 'how' question (and for things) in social science
- A map in the mind
- A Mapping of Resource-rich Precolonial Territories: How do Economic Resources Influence Voting Patterns in Postcolonial Ghana?
- A marginal sampler for σ-Stable Poisson-Kingman mixture models
- A marine biogenic source of atmospherically relevant ice nucleating particles
- A market for green patents? Analysis of ownership changes in environmental technologies from Spain
- A Markov chain for certain triple systems
- A Markov model of a limit order book: thresholds, recurrence, and trading strategies
- A Markov Process associated to the noncutoff Boltzmann Equation
- A martingale approach for the elephant random walk with stops and the Ewens-Pitman process
- A Martingale framework for trust
- A Martingale Framework for Trust
- A mass formula for mod p Galois representations
- A Match Made in Heaven: Materials Science and Archaeology in the studies of Invention and Innovation of the Earliest Eurasian Metallurgy
- A Match Made in...Middlesbrough? Migration and the Marriage Market in the Late Nineteenth Century
- A material history of 16th-century astronomy?
- A MathComp Library tour
- A Mathematical Look at the Olympics
- A Mathematical Modelling of Snowflakes
- A mathematical theory of deep neural networks
- A mathematical theory of semantic development in deep neural networks
- A Mathematician’s Journey into Biology: Collaboration, Creativity & Opportunities
- A mathematician’s odyssey into the world of granular flows: From microscopic considerations to a continuum theory
- A matrix algebra for graphical statistical models
- A Matrix Model for Black Hole Thermalization
- A matter of life and death: The struggle for Ugandan gay rights
- A matter of size: molecular basis and diagnostic approach to inherited macrothrombocytopenia
- A maximal function for families of Hilbert transforms along homogeneous curves
- A maximum entropy approach to preposition and determiner selection
- A Maximum Entropy Perspective on Spectral Dimensionality Reduction
- A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle model for the drift and deformation of sea ice
- A mean field limit for networks of Integrate and Fire neurons.
- A mean-field game model for management of distributed storages for the power system
- A measurable version of the Lovász Local Lemma
- A Measurement of ZZ Production with the ATLAS Detector
- A Mechanical Basis of Morphogenesis
- A Mechanical Origin in Cooperative Transport
- A mechanism for magnetic field reversals
- A mechanism for the flexibility of prefrontal cortex
- A medley of geometry, optimal transport, and machine learning
- A Mellin-Barnes Approach to Scattering in de Sitter Space
- A memory of hunger? Effects of early-life adversity on adult foraging decisions.
- A meta analysis of cardiac cell models
- A meta-analysis of public available 16S datasets reveals new insights into interactions between gut microbiome and parasites
- A metagenomic approach for identifying the host of AMR genes in a fecal microbiome
- A metamorphosis of three-dimensional wave structure in transitional and turbulent boundary layers
- A methodology for integrating production scheduling, maintenance planning and quality control of manufacturing systems
- A Methodology to Study Morphological Changes in Sclerotic Arteries, and Related Biomechanical Modelling and Simulation
- A metric and geometry for heterotic moduli
- A Michelangelo discovery: Project update and conclusions
- A Michelangelo discovery: Project update and conclusions
- A Micro-Historical Approach to Global China: The Daily Life of Europeans in Beijing in the Long 18th Century
- A microfluidic diffusion chamber for the analysis of soft biological matter
- A microscale view of mixing and overturning across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- A Mighty Collector: Matthew Parker’s Printed Books
- A mirror symmetry conjecture
- A mirror-symmetric approach to Kostant's quantum Toda lattice
- A missing data approach to data-driven filtering and control
- A Mixed Origin of the Milky Way's Thick Disk
- A mobile approach to IoT spectrum monitoring in Smart Cambridge
- A mobile context monitoring platform for PAN-scale dynamic mobile computing environments
- A mockery of justice: the practice of colonial law in the lower courts of the Burma Delta, c.1900
- A mod p theta correspondence
- A mod-p generalization of the CHSH game
- A model for all genomes - the role of transcription factories
- A model for all genomes: the role of RNA polymerases fixed in factories
- A model for controlled force transmission in the cytoskeleton
- A model for super El Ninos
- A model for the evolution of an order book
- A model for the quasi-static crack growth in hydraulic fracture
- A Model Invariance Problem in Homotopy Type Theory
- A model of an insect in pitcher plant's digestive fluid
- A model of blood flow in curved arteries
- A Model of General Intelligence
- A Model of Local Adaptation
- A model of muon anomalies
- A model order reduction technique applied to mid-frequency acoustics
- A model-independent method and a model-dependent result in direct dark matter detection
- A Model-Learner Pattern for Bayesian Reasoning
- A modern perspective on auxiliary particle filters
- A Modern View of Quasars in the LSST Era
- A modified least action principle allowing mass concentrations for the early universe reconstruction problem
- A modular approach to formalising combinatorial structures
- A modular architecture for Unicode text compression
- A modular formalisation of finite group theory
- A Modular Integration of SAT/SMT Solvers to Coq through Proof Witnesses
- A molecular approach to the bioenergetics of sulfate reduction
- A molecular basis of innate and learned behavior
- A molecular biologist’s view of evolution plus the latest twists and turns in bacterial behavior
- A molecular deep field
- A molecular genetic perspective on speech and language
- A Molecular Geneticist's Strategy for Understanding the Fly Brain
- A Molecular Mechanism for Toughening and Strengthening Waterborne Nanocomposites
- A molecular model for the electroclinic effect in nematic liquid crystals
- A molecular perspective of water structure at metal surfaces
- A molecular-level description of the oxygen evolution reaction using in situ spectroscopy
- A monad for full ground reference cells
- A Monadgerie
- A monadic approach to automated reasoning for Bluespec SystemVerilog
- A monotone operator approach to SDEs with additive noise in the Young regime.
- A Monte Carlo method to sample a Stratification
- A more Automated Statistician
- A More Exotic Asymptotic Zoo: New Stokes Lines, Virtual Turning Points and the Higher Order Stokes Phenomenon
- A More General Pandora Rule?
- A motif present in multiple C4 genes is necessary for mesophyll specificity
- A motivic Weil height machine for curves
- A mould discarded: abortion and class in 1930s rhetoric and fiction
- A moving mask hypothesis to select physically relevant microstructures
- A multi-'omics graph convolutional network analysis for prediction of cancer survival
- A multi-dimensional Birkhoff theorem for Tonelli Hamiltonian flows
- A multi-function approach to passivity-based control: The linear case.
- A multi-function approach to passivity-based control: The linear case.
- A multi-moment constrained finite volume model for non-hydrostatic atmospheric dynamics
- A Multi-Resolution Modeling Approach for Global Ocean Modeling
- A multi-scale exploration of supermassive black holes in the multi-messenger era
- A multi-scale framework to model dry foam dynamics
- A multi-scale modeling approach for simulating urbanization in a metropolitan region
- A multi-scale view of the Epoch of Reionisation (Kavli Science Focus Meeting)
- A multidimensional perspective on immune-mediated diseases: using genetic feature engineering to study shared risk factors in a reduced dimension space
- A multidimensional proteomics approach for studying cell transformation and cancer biology
- A multifractal SLE_kappa(rho) boundary spectrum
- A multilevel time integrator for computing longwave shallow water flows at low Froude numbers
- A Multilinear Algebraic Semantics for Natural Language
- A multiphysics model to predict periventricular white matter hyperintensity growth during healthy brain aging
- A multiscale modelling strategy for virtual design of metallic alloys
- A multiscale modelling strategy for virtual design of metallic alloys
- A Multiscale modelling strategy for virtual design of metallic alloys - MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM
- A multisystemic model of rhythm development: Disentangling phonology and prosody in a cross-linguistic study
- A Muse Analysis of a Brightly Lensed Galaxy at z~5
- A Museum for Heritage and Culture at Aba Island, Sudan
- A musical gift for Horace Barlow on his ninetieth birthday
- A Muslim Conspiracy in Colonial South India: Wahhabis in the Deccan, 1830-40
- A Mutual Information Maximization Perspective of Language Representation Learning
- A Mystery in Finite Groups of Even Order
- A Mystery Solved: Why Lis1 ans NudE are important for dynein mediated nuclear migration
- A National Approach to DLT - Dutch Blockchain Coalition
- A National Approach to DLT - Dutch Blockchain Coalition
- A national grid fit for the future
- A Natural History of Cambridge
- A natural history of evil
- A Natural History of Sentience
- A natural notion of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with applications to simulated annealing
- A Natural Philosophy of Fortune. Apropos of Economic Theologies of Events, Luck and Vitality
- A Negative Correlation Strategy for Bracketing in Difference-in-Differences
- A neo-Kaldorian approach to structural change and economic growth
- A NERC Perspective on Landscape Decisions
- A nested particle filter for online Bayesian parameter estimation in state-space systems
- A network analysis approach for characterising the spatiotemporal dynamics of semantic networks in the brain
- A network epidemic model with preventive rewiring: comparative analysis of the initial phase
- A network of invariant solutions underlying spatio-temporal patterns in inclined layer convection
- A Network of Macrophages Supports Mitochondrial Homeostasis in the Heart
- A Network Operator’s Perspective on Incidents & Abnormal Service Behaviours
- A Network Theory of Multidimensional Power
- A Network View on Interbank Liquidity
- A neural basis for distinguishing imagination and reality in the human brain
- A neural mechanism for decision-making, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bound
- A Neural Mechanism of Decision Making, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bound.
- A Neuromuscular Model for Driver Simulation
- A never ending journey. Singularities, slip, substrates and structure: challenges of modelling the moving contact line problem
- A new
- A new accretion disc instability and measuring the inner torque of a relativistic disc
- A new age in town building
- A new angle on crutch design: towards an open standard
- A New Approach for 3D hydrogel printing; and a Study of Single-Cell Microfibre Interaction Dynamics
- A New Approach for Parameter Estimation in Complex Epidemiological Models
- A new approach for the Toledo invariant
- A new approach of strain localization within thin planar bands in porous ductile solids
- A New Approach to Asymmetric Lewis Acid Catalysis
- A new approach to behaviour change with lessons for the illegal wildlife trade
- A New Approach to Campbell's Experimental Designs: From Research Designs to Design Elements
- A new approach to cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and large scale structure
- A new approach to E-banking
- A new approach to implement sigma coordinate in a numerical model
- A new approach to oscillating flows
- A new approach to prove von Neumann inequalities
- A New Approach to Regularity and Singularity of PDEs Including 3-D Navier Stokes Equation
- A new approach to small-molecule drug development
- A new approach to the Brownian web
- A new approach to understanding eye design
- A New Approach to Water Security - Communicating the Underlying Fundamentals of Water Security and the Challenge of Managing Ignorance: How the Concept of Virtual Water Helps
- A new chemiluminescent technique for ozone observations
- A new class of maneuverable robots for Inspection and Mapping of complex networks of gas and water pipes
- A new class of remyelination inhibitors: Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans
- A new classification of topological defects
- A new coefficient of correlation
- A new combinatorial method for calculating the moments of Lévy area
- A New Concept for Axion Dark Matter Detection
- A new concept for high strain rate testing of materials based on the use of inertial forces
- A New Consciousness
- A New Consciousness
- A New Consciousness - An interactive series of talks
- A New Consciousness - An interactive series of talks
- A New Consciousness - An interactive series of talks
- A New Consciousness Course
- A New Consciousness Course
- A New Consciousness Online Zoom Course
- A New Consciousness Online Zoom Course
- A New Consciousness Online Zoom Course
- A new constitutive model for viscoplastic porous media
- A new continuum rheological model for the deformation and drift of sea ice
- A new convection scheme for exoplanet atmospheres
- A new convex reformulation and approximation hierarchy for polynomial optimisation
- A New Covariant Entropy Bond from Cauchy Slice Holography
- A New Dataset and Method for Automatically Grading ESOL Texts
- A new definition of influences of Boolean functions
- A new distributed algorithm for nonconvex network flow problems with convergence guarantees
- A New Era of Open-Source System-on-Chip Design
- A new ethos and the religious mutation in the Roman Empire
- A new exhibit in the planetary zoo: Hot, rotating rocky planets
- A new extended discrete KP hierarchy and its solutions
- A new extension of QM/MM methods: the adaptive buffered-force QM/MM method
- A new finite element shallow water model on the sphere: Model setup, grid refinement, and boundary separation
- A new force awakens: comparative approach to tissue morphogenesis in insects
- A new generation of beam, plate and shell models in the theory of structures
- A new generation of multi-dimensional stellar structure models
- A New Generation of Superconducting Detector Technology for Submillimetre-wave and FIR Astrophysics
- A new GM-CSF dependent pathway in inflammation
- A new grammar of Spanish. Unity and variation.
- A new history of the interwar Bank of England
- A New History of Work in Early Modern England: Gender, Tasks and Occupations
- A new home: asylum, immigration and exile in today’s Britain
- A new inference approach for respondent driven sampling
- A new invariant of G2 structures
- A New Kind of Protein-DNA Interaction in Replication Termination
- A New Kind of Protein-DNA Interaction in Replication Termination
- A new Lagrangian approach to modelling geophysical and astrophysical flows
- A new light on the biosciences
- A new look at clap-sweep-fling: did Lighthill get it right?
- A new look at eye design
- A new look at gating: selective integration of sensory signals through network dynamics
- A new look at good old Parton Evolution
- A new look at multiple scattering in the presence of porous materials
- A new look at permutation groups of simple diagonal type
- A New Look at the Sagittarius Stream
- A new look at type IIB flux vacua via numerical methods
- A new mathematical framework for optimal choice of actions
- A new MCMC hybrid scheme for Poisson-Kingman Bayesian Nonparametric mixture models
- A new method for age-dating the formation of bars in disc galaxies
- A New Method of Determining Black Hole Spin and Accretion Disk Properties for Supermassive and Stellar-mass Black Holes
- A new metric on kernel matrices with applications to matrix means
- A new mixing of Hartree-Fock and local density-functional theories
- A New Mode of Decadal Variability in the Pacific Ventilated Thermocline and its Influence on Global Warming
- A new model for chemical weathering of continental interiors and its implications for Earth's climate evolution
- A New Model of Health and Illness (in-person talk)
- A new model of musical hierarchy
- A new model of strongly nonlinear lattices
- A new monarchy for a new Commonwealth - monarchy and the consequences of Republican India
- A new non-viral, non-toxic DNA minivector for basic and clinical research: how basic DNA topology research opened doors for gene therapy
- A new norm related to the Gowers U^3 norm
- A New Normal Form for Thompson's Group F
- A new open and flexible way to test next-generation (OpenFlow) switches
- A new packet filtering technique
- A New Paradigm for Old Galaxies?
- A new paradigm in wind flow modelling
- A new paradigm to uncover regions involved in parsing language into constituent structure
- A new payment rule for package auctions
- A new perspective from Information Theory on genetic sequences
- A new perspective on the Habitable Zone: a smooth function of stellar and planetary properties
- A new perspective on the role of public investment in sanitation and mortality decline in urban England 1870-1911
- A new perspective on the Universe in the era of multi-messenger astronomy
- A new phase in structural biology
- A new phenotype for an old mouse: A critical role for inflammation near axotomized cell bodies in the neuronal response to injury.
- A new player in the orchestra of cell growth: SREBP activity is regulated by mTORC1 and contributes to the regulation of cell and organ size
- A new point of view on (crystalline) mean curvature flows
- A new predictive model of radiated tyre noise
- A new probability inequality and some optimal concentration results
- A new proof of the density Hales-Jewett theorem
- A new proof of the lattice property of the Tamari order
- A new proposal for the mechanism of protein translocation
- A new recurrences based technique for detecting robust extrema in long temperature records
- A new relaxation of differential privacy - A part of Women in Data Science (WiDS)
- A New Robust Convex Selective Image Segmentation Model in 2D and 3D
- A New Robust Convex Selective Image Segmentation Model in 2D and 3D
- A new software tool for the visualization, annotation, and segmentation of biomedical images
- A new spin on GW theory
- A New Stochastic Model for the Boundary Layer Clouds and Stratocumulus Phase Transition Regimes: Open Cells, Closed Cells, and Convective Rolls
- A new sustainable way of life - the sine qua non of human development ? CANCELLED
- A new take on arithmetic universes.
- A New Technique for Mapping the Distribution of Substructure in Clusters of Galaxies
- A new theory of the city
- A new theory of the universe
- A new theory of the universe
- A new tool against illegal logging - Book launch
- A New Tunnel Excavation Method for Reducing Blasting-Induced Vibration and Damaged Zone – Precutting of Tunnel Perimeter Using Abrasive Waterzet
- A new type of SO(10) grand unified family models
- A new type of stochastic dependence revealed in gene expression data.
- A new verified compiler backend for CakeML
- A new view of the Sun from the Hinode mission.
- A new view on arthropod limb evolution
- A New Vision
- A New Vision Course
- A New Vision Course
- A New Vision for Core Router Architectures
- A new wave-to-wire wave-energy model: from variational principle to compatible space-time discretisation
- A new wave-to-wire wave-energy model: from variational principle to compatible space-time discretisation
- A New Way of Making Silver: Experiments in Medieval Islamic Metallurgy based on the Manuscript of Al-Hamdani
- A new way to collect population level cognitive data?
- A new way to defend the value free ideal for science
- A new, analysis-based, change of measure for tandem queues
- A NICER view of neutron stars
- A nilpotent variant cdh-topology
- A Ninth-Century Insular 't'? Statistical Palaeography at Work
- A non-abelian conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type
- A non-abelian Kummer congruence for L-functions of CM elliptic curves
- A Non-Abelian Self-Dual Gauge Theory in 5+1 Dimensions
- A non-abelian Stickelberger Theorem
- A non-abelian Verdier's hypercovering theorem
- A Non-Conflictual Pathway of Change by the Marginalized: Interstitial Positioning and Logic Integration
- A Non-Equilibrium Transport Sampler
- A non-hydrostatic three dimensional finite volume icosahedral model
- A non-linear lower bound for planar epsilon-nets
- A non-perturbative method for gravitational potential calculations within heterogeneous and aspherical planets
- A non-perturbative view of the cosmological bootstrap
- A Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjecture for Varieties over Finite Fields
- A nonlinear approach to generalized sampling
- A nonlinear discretization theory with applications to meshfree methods
- A nonlocal mean curvature flow arising in contour regularization
- A nonparametric problem for stochastic PDEs
- A normative account of episodic memory in online learning over open model spaces
- A not so elementary Higgs
- A note on the F-measure for evaluating record linkage algorithms (and classification methods and information retrieval systems)
- A novel (pre-)metric for causal graphs
- A Novel Application of Information Theory in Heart Sound Signal Analysis for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis
- A novel approach to cosmological observables: the observer 3-cylinder formalism
- A novel approach to marginal emissions factors: Evidence from the UK and Italy
- A novel approach to multidomain modeling of electrical conduction in cardiac tissue
- A novel approach to producing a Universal Influenza Vaccine
- A novel approach to worm control: Helminth-microbiota interactions in thoroughbred broodmares
- A novel approximate Bayesian inference method for compartmental models in epidemiology using Stan
- A novel axial pattern skin flap based on the cranial cutaneous branch of the saphenous artery in dogs
- A Novel Bioinspired Variable Stiffness Design Concept - Bridging the gap between Soft and Traditional Robotics
- A novel biophysical method for the study of tethered signalling reactions
- A novel carotenoid-derived molecule functions in periodic root branching
- A novel clinical diagnostic tool to quantify brachycephalic airway function: Discrimination between clinically affected and unaffected French bulldogs
- A novel derivation of the gravitational cusp anomalous dimension
- A novel developmental model of episodic-like memory in laboratory rodents
- A novel emulation-based algorithm for likelihood-free model calibration
- A novel framework for electron and phonon transport predictions from first-principles
- A novel framework for modelling ERP/ERF data
- A novel gradient forming mechanism for the PLT gradient mantains stable root zonation dynamics during fast tropic responses
- A novel innate immune antagonist function in influenza A virus?
- A novel mechanism of selective inhibition of Glycine receptors observed by Cryo-EM | Controlling and combining signal activation for adhesion and receptor bridging
- A novel mechanism of stress response antagonism by viral accessory proteins
- A Novel Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ST5 Clone in Asia
- A novel method to quantify the impact of weather on Lyme disease
- A novel parametrically excited vibration energy harvester
- A novel regulator of shoot stem cell proliferation in Arabidopsis
- A novel role for phage P22’s scaffolding protein: triggering portal ring oligomerization and incorporation during procapsid assembly
- A novel satellite mission concept for upper air water vapour, aerosol and cloud observations using Integrated Path Differential Absorption LiDAR Limb Sounding
- A novel type of proteasome condensates that can target toxic protein aggregates
- A novel, efficient, scalable and easy-to-use cryptographic key management solution for wireless sensor networks
- A Nuclear-norm Model for Multi-Frame Super-resolution Reconstruction
- A numerical analysis perspective on neural networks
- A numerical and asymptotic study in the complex plane of blow-up solutions of a semilinear parabolic PDE
- A Numerical Scheme for the Quantum Boltzmann Equation Efficient in the Fluid Regime
- A Numerical Treatment for a Class of Multi-term Time Fractional Advection Diffusion Equations
- A one-shot family tree of quantum protocols
- A Pacific 'Heart of Darkness'? Colonial policing and violent crime in New Caledonia, Fiji and Vanuatu
- A Pact With Reason
- A pain in the neck; meningococcal meningitis in Africa
- A painter’s portrait: William Nicholson by Augustus John
- A Palaeontological view of the modern climate and biodiversity crisis
- A paleoclimate perspective on the (in)stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- A panoramic view of infrared singularities
- A Paradigm Shift in Paris [Leverhulme Lectures in Philosophy]
- A Paradoxical Resolution of a Paradox from the History of the History of Computing.
- A parallel multirate time-stepping strategy for ocean modelling
- A parallel perspective of the dynamics of biological reactive systems
- A parametric approach to modeling changes in general health and cognition: developing a stochastic model of aging
- A parametrization of unipotent representations
- A particle approximation for quasi-neutral plasma
- A particle filter for Bayesian sequential design
- A particle model for Wasserstein type diffusion
- A particle physicist's experience at the NASA Frontier Development Lab
- A parton picture of de Sitter space during slow-roll inflation
- A passion for pottery: a photographer’s dream job
- A Path to Memory-Safety Standardization
- A pathwise approach to relativistic diffusions
- A Pattern Science
- A Patterned Past? Framing and keying in history textbooks
- A Pause in Peripheral Perspectives: Sergei Diaghilev’s 1898 Exhibition of Russian and Finnish Art
- A PDE construction of the Euclidean $\Phi^4_3$ quantum field theory
- A Peculiar Haze, a Sulphuric Smell, and Bloodred Sunsets: The Effects of the 1783-1784 Laki Eruption on Europe
- A Pedagogy of Abundance - new teaching models for a digital age
- A peek into the future of our cities: inventing and developing for the future
- A Pensioner’s View of Cosmic Tensions
- A Peplum Century: from 'Maciste' (1914) to 'Spartacus' (2011)
- A periodic mixing mechanism in stratified turbulent Taylor-Couette flow
- A personal choice - Cacti and Succulents
- A Personal Odyssey Amongst Trypanosomes, Scientists and Biological Questions
- A Personal View on Global Optimisation
- A Pessimist's Guide to Indirect Dark Matter Detection
- A phase field approach for shape optimization in fluids
- A phase field approach to cell motility
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phase-field model for ferroelectrics with general kinetics
- A phenomenological constitutive theory for polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics based on orientation distribution functions
- A phenomenological exploration of physics beyond the Standard Model
- A philosopher of science looks at medicine: do we 'need some large, simple randomized trials'?
- A philosophy for geology: Charles Lyell and the uniformity of nature
- A philosophy on mathematics and modelling: what can computational models do?
- A Photonic Chip-to-chip Network for C3D
- A photonic cluster state machine gun
- A phylodynamics pipeline for pathogen sequence data
- A phylogenetic approach to cultural evolution: kinship, social organisation and cultural group selection
- A phylogenetic definition of structure and further animations on the sequence space
- A physical basis for the timing properties of X-ray binaries
- A physical model for wheezing in lungs
- A physical model of wave–ice interactions and theory for wave transfer into the MIZ
- A Physical Treatment of AGN Feedback
- A physicist's approach to high-dimensional inference
- A physicist's spin on data science
- A physicists perspective on osteoarthritis: From hydration lubrication to gene regulation
- A physiological basis to agronomic development
- A Pilot Survey of Stellar Tidal Streams in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
- A pinch of salt: Halogen cycling through the solid Earth
- A Pint of Knowledge: Cell division: Better to make it than break it
- A Pint of Knowledge: The Chemistry of Peptides: "small proteins" fighting "big diseases"
- A pioneering imaging approach to arbuscule development in rice
- A pious home? Italian Renaissance devotional jewellery and amulets
- A place of one's own in mathematics
- A placemaker’s guide to building community
- A plague from on high? Comets, disease and meteorology in late medieval England
- A Plan to Prove Broué's Conjecture
- A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii
- A platform for simulating multi-behavioral mode animal movement over complex landscapes
- A platform for studying treatment resistant schizophrenia: CPFT clozapine clinic experience
- A playful introduction to categories of games
- A Playful Introduction to Some Modern Geometry
- A plethora of exotic Stein manifolds
- A Poetry Performance
- A Poetry Performance with Isobel Dixon and Phillippa Yaa de Villiers
- A Poetry Performance with John Agard
- A poetry reading by Polina Barskova
- A Poisson Process Model for Monte Carlo
- A Polanyian Feminism?
- A polarised calculus of delimited control
- A political ecology of horse breeding in early modern Spain and Spanish colonial America
- A political history of apolitical science
- A Polya Urn Document Language Model for Information Retrieval
- A polyfold lab report
- A polynomial expansion for Brownian motion and the associated fluctuation process
- A POPLmark retrospective: Using proof assistants in programming language research
- A Population Approach to System Design
- A Population Approach to System Design
- A population-finding design with non-parametric Bayesian response model
- A poroelastic model for mechanochemical waves and pattern formation in Physarum polycephalum
- A porous viscoelastic model for wave attenuation in ice-covered seas
- A portrait of Malaysian Khazanah as a Sovereign Development Fund by Mr Mokhtar
- A positive Bondi--type mass in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
- A Positive Mind: Getting The Best Out Of Yourself
- A Positive Psychological Approach to weight loss.
- A Positive Recurrent Reflecting Brownian Motion with Divergent Fluid Path
- A posteriori error analysis for discretisations of time-fractional subdiffusion problems
- A posteriori error estimation for discontinuous Galerkin methods on general meshes and adaptivity
- A Postgenomic Perspective on Sex and Gender
- A postgenomic quilt: how endophenotypes came to revolutionize the meaning of genetic difference
- A potential mechanism for a singularity in the Euler Equations
- A potted history of scaled down bioprocessing
- A powerful methodology for analyzing correlated high dimensional data with factor models
- A practical introduction to MESH
- A pre-peanut history of food allergy
- A precise high-dimensional asymptotic theory for Adaboost
- A Precision-Click Method for Multiple-Choice Problems
- A predictive grouping maintenance strategy for bridge networks
- A predictive model for instabilities in sands.
- A predictive model of leptogenesis
- A Predictive Study of Bayesian Nonparametric Regression Models
- A Preliminary Simulation of Convections and Airflows Using An Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Finite-Element Model Fluidity-Atmosphere
- A Prescription for Play: Why play fosters social and cognitive development
- A presentation about Kazakhstan
- A primal dual method for inverse problems in MRI with non-linear forward operators
- A Primer in Machine Learning
- A Primer on Datasets for Movement Ecology
- A primer on DNA origami and why molecular biologists might care
- A primer on Functional Data Analysis for speech research
- A primer on relating Age, Brain and Cognition: As easy as “ABC”?
- A priorconditioned LSQR algorithm for linear ill-posed problems with edge-preserving regularization
- A Priori Error Analysis for Solving High Dimensional Elliptic PDEs Based on Neural Networks
- A priori estimates in the energy space for the Chern-Simons-Schrödinger system
- A Priori Physicalism (or what to say about Mary)
- A prirori estimates for the relativistic free boundary Euler equations in physical vacuum
- A probabilistic approach to almost-periodicity in additive combinatorics
- A probabilistic approach to Carne's boun
- A probabilistic approach to Carne's bound
- A Probabilistic Framework for Modeling Cross-Lingual Semantic Similarity (out of and in Context) Based on Latent Cross-Lingual Concepts
- A Probabilistic View of the LLM Residual Stream
- A Probabilistic View of the LLM Residual Stream
- A Probe-Goal Approach to Parametric Differences in Nominal Phrases
- A problem for a material surface attached to the boundary of an elastic semi-plane
- A problem for determining the structural features of experience: a pessimistic meta-induction
- A problem of Erdos and Sos on 3-graphs
- A process for total information risk management
- A processual perspective on biology
- A Profunctorial Finiteness Semantics
- A Programming Language for Biology
- A Prolog-assisted search for simple Lie algebras
- A Promise Is A Promise: The Effect Of Commitment Devices On Computer Security Intentions
- A Promised Land in Texas
- A promising semantics for relaxed-memory concurrency
- A Prompt Gamma-Ray Detection System for 3D Range Verification in Proton Beam Therapy
- A proof of De Concini-Kac-Procesi conjecture and Lusztig's partition
- A proof of Donaldson's Theorem
- A proof of Harris-type theorems based on semigroup arguments
- A Proof Pattern in Algebra
- A Proof Pattern in Algebra
- A proof rule for multi-threaded programs
- A Proper Mapping Theorem for coadmissible D-cap-modules
- A proposal for the CFT dual for superstrings on ADS3 at the string radius.
- A Proposal on Evaluation Measures for RTE
- A proposed research project on the Occitan language movement
- A proposed research project on the Occitan language movement
- A Protein phosphatase 1/protein phosphatase 2A relay controls mitotic progression
- A proteomic method for characterising local protein clusters on the plasma membrane
- A Proto Inverse Szemerédi–Trotter Theorem
- A proxy-constrained history of 20th century atmospheric circulation in the Amundsen Sea and implications for glacier retreat
- A pseudospectral method for surface Navier–Stokes equations
- A Psychological Vaccine Against Misinformation
- A Public Health Needs Assessment for Trauma East: A Decade After Its Establishment
- A Public Lecture Presented by Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance: The Rise of Peer-To-Peer Lending and the Story of RateSetter
- A Publisher's perspective on the Future of Academic Publishing in the Digital Era
- A puzzle in $B\to D^{+*}{\pi,K}$ decays: is it New Physics?
- A Python package for dynamics and vibration measurements and analysis
- A QED Coherence Model for Surface Nanobubbles
- A QMC study of the homogeneous electron gas
- A Quadratic Bound for Subset Sums
- A Qualitative Study of Gender and Class Negotiations of White Working-Class Boys and their Educational Experience
- A quantitative biodiversity theory in the lab: r, K, niches, trade-offs, bacteria ignoring the competitive exclusion principle…and antimicrobials.
- A quantitative characterisation method of cellular, porous and granular structures
- A quantitative relationship between interseismic strain and long-term uplift in northern Chile
- A quantitative version of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem
- A quantitative view of gene expression levels
- A quantitative view of gene expression levels and epigenetic modifications
- A quantitative view of gene expression levels in T helper cells
- A Quantitative, Theoretical Framework for Understanding Mammalian Sleep
- A quantum computing algorithm to speed up Metropolis sampling
- A quantum generalization of the Hammersley-Clifford theorem
- A Quantum Graph Approach to Metamaterial Design
- A quantum light-emitting diode for the standard telecom window around 1,550 nm
- A quantum portrait of the visible Universe
- A Quantum Search Decoder for Natural Language Processing
- A Quest for New Reactions. Some Interesting Perspectives for Organic Synthesis
- A Quest for the Perfect Picture: Challenges and Research Opportunities
- A Quest Towards Understanding the Challenges of Spoken Content Retrieval
- A question of balance? Thinking about sexual health in medieval Europe
- A Queue with Multiple Stable Regions
- A quick tour through dynamic programming
- A quick way to learn a mixture of exponentially many linear models
- A Quiet Media Revolution? Mediatization, altered media geographies and insurgent citizen tactics
- A rampage around my greenhouse
- A Ramsey Characterisation of Eventually Perioidic Words
- A random walk around soluble group theory
- A random walk proof of Kirchhoff's matrix tree theorem
- A random walk through accreting black holes
- A random walk through Julia
- A random walk through open data and more
- A Range of Methods for Electricity Consumption Forecasting
- A rate-limiting process: T cell activation from a single-cell perspective
- A rather English view of schwa in the clitic pronouns of French
- A rational approach to evidence-based decision making in education policy
- A Rational Hilbert-Mumford Theorem
- A rational reconstruction of homogeneous meta-programming
- A rationale for levels – the European Qualifications Framework
- A real-life gift? The practical application of increased perceptual capacity in autism.
- A reassessment of plant foods in Neanderthal diets
- A recent subglacial volcanic eruption in West Antarctica
- A reciprocation-based economy for multiple services in P2P grids
- A reconsideration of Domesday population densities in the Cambridgeshire fenland
- A recursive formula for plethysm coefficients and some applications
- A reduction of the theta(pc) problem to a correlation inequality.
- A reductionist approach to cardiovascular disease: Inorganic nitrate to nitrite to NO
- A redundant mode of bristle patterning in Drosophila mediated by post-transcriptional repression of achaete-scute
- A refinement of the state monad
- A regenerative approach to glass façade design with a focus on end-of-life challenges
- A regime diagram for ocean geostrophic turbulence
- A regime view of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Atlantic jetstream variability
- A regime-based perspective on variability of the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude jet
- A related Burnside problem
- A relationship-based approach to the verification of multi-object invariants
- A relative tensor product of rational full conformal field theories
- A religious Stroop effect? Searching for attentional biases in religious cognition
- A remark on the abundance conjecture
- A remark on the Euler equations of hydrodynamics
- A remarkable representation of the Clifford group
- A remarkable set of contemplations
- A research platform for Acoustic Wave Sensors
- A resolved view of z>6 quasar host galaxies
- A Respectable Living and Women’s Work, England, 1270-1860
- A restricted nonlinear approach to modeling wall-bounded turbulent flow
- A result of existence and uniqueness for the Allen-Cahn equation with singular potentials and dynamic boundary conditions
- A Resurgence of Negativity
- A resurrected scenario: single gain and massive loss of nitrogen-fixing root nodules
- A retelling of the Quantum Mechanics story
- A Retrospective Likelihood Approach for Efficient Integration of Multiple Omics and Non-Omics Factors in Case – Control Association Studies of Complex Diseases
- A Retrospective on the 2014 NeurIPS Experiment
- A Return to Normalcy? Joe Biden and Donald Trump in Chinese Media.
- A reversible theory of entanglement and its relation to the second law
- A review of 2016: wildlife and more - a personal perspective
- A review of anti-CD20 targeted therapeutics in canine lymphoma'
- A review of high-eccentricity migration mechanisms
- A review of structure-searching methods
- A Review of the 750 GeV Di-Photon Excess
- A review of the evidence on the advantages of using honey as a topical treatment of wounds and their relationship in clinical practice
- A review of the Run 1 diboson excesses at the LHC
- A revision theory for type-free probability
- A Revolution in Thought? How hemisphere theory helps us understand the metacrisis
- A Reynolds-robust preconditioner for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes equations
- A Reynolds-robust preconditioner for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes equations
- A Riemannian approach to large scale constrained least squares with symmetries
- A right to enjoy culture in face of climate change: Implications for climate migrants
- A rigid analytic approach to Hyodo-Kato theory
- A rigid or elastic plate floating on the free surface of a viscous film: a coupled free boundary and fluid-structure interaction problem
- A rigorous approach to networking: TCP, from implementation to protocol to service
- A Ringel-Hall type construction of vertex algebras
- A Risk-Utility Balancing Approach to Generate Synthetic Microdata
- A roadmap of the brain: Modules, gradients and systems
- A roadmap of the brain: Modules, gradients and systems
- A roadmap of the brain: Modules, gradients and systems
- A roadmap of the brain: Modules, gradients and systems
- A robust and adaptive estimator for regression I
- A robust and adaptive estimator for regression II
- A robust and scalable approach to Bayesian doubly-intractable problems
- A robust discretization technique for three dimensional Helmholtz problems
- A robust statistical estimation of the basic parameters of single stellar populations.
- A robustness-based approach to systems-oriented drug design
- A role for actin in mitochondrial division: effects across two membranes
- A role for circadian rhythms in maintaining neuronal properties
- A role for Dystrophin and Dystroglycan in the regulation of intercellular signaling during crossvein development
- A role for hippocampal LTP in memory: it’s not all associative!
- A role for inositol hexakisphosphate in the maintenance of basal resistance to pathogens in plants
- A role for structured noise in developmental pattern refinement
- A role for the e-portfolio in educating the professional musician (not the music teacher)
- A role for the sodium channel beta 3 subunit in clustering the heart-specific sodium channel Nav1.5: Structural and functional implications.
- A role for vaccines in helping meet the Sustainable Development Goals
- A role of spectral turbulence simulations in developing HPC systems
- A Roman ‘folk model’ of courage: animus and metaphor
- A Roman ‘Swiss Army Knife’
- A Roman engineer’s tales
- A rose by any other name
- A rough analytic view on (some) anomalous diffusions
- A rough describtion of local sets of bounded type for the Gaussian free field
- A rough guide to the Aldous-Hoover representation theorem for exchangeable arrays
- A rule based approach to Development
- A Run on the Bank of the Person: A crisis in London's informal credit market, 1761
- A Runge approximation theorem for pseudoholomorphic curves
- A Runtime System for Software Lock Elision
- A Scalable Approach for Managing Unstructured Information
- A scalable approach to the design of large networks
- A scalable approach to the stability of power networks
- A scalable platform for IoT & analytics by SAS or, how researchers & start-ups can avoid reinventing the wheel
- A scaling approach to record linkage
- A Scaling Framework for the Many Flows Asymptotic, through Large Deviations.
- A scaling limit from Euler to Navier-Stokes equations with random perturbation
- A scattering theory construction of dynamical solitons
- A Scattering Theory for Linearised Gravity on the Exterior of the Schwarzschild Black Hole
- A scattering theory for the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations
- A Scattering Theory for the Teukolsky Equations on the Schwarzschild Black Hole
- A Scenario Decomposition Method for Stochastic Unit Commitment Problems
- A science in translation: homoeopathy in colonial Bengal
- A scientific approach to international development: the case of mass media in Africa (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- A scientific approach to the nature of ethics
- A scientific life; E.K. Janaki Ammal and the patriarchy of science in the nineteenth and twentieth century
- A scientific toy for red-blooded boys: the Gilbert chemistry set and non-journalistic popularization of science
- A Scientist in Parliament
- A scientist’s guide to the art of radiation therapy & Neurosurgery for the Oncologist
- A scientist’s guide to the art of radiation therapy & Neurosurgery for the Oncologist
- A scientists guide to the art of radiation therapy and Neurosurgery for the oncologist
- A scientists guide to the art of radiation therapy & Neurosurgery for the oncologist
- A scientists guide to the art of radiation therapy & Neurosurgery for the Oncologist
- A screening of filmmaker Lucia Yandoli's new short, 'Love Letter', with Q&A
- A sea ice model with wave-ice interactions on a moving mesh
- A search for a latent genetic variable: Important or out of date?
- A Search for Dark Matter Annihilation in Newly Discovered Dwarf Galaxies
- A search for diboson resonances at ATLAS using boson-tagged jets
- A Second Charter: Imagining a Renewed United Nations
- A second order multi scale model for image texture analysis
- A Second-Order Positivity Preserving Central-Upwind Scheme for Chemotaxis and Haptotaxis Models
- A Security Architecture for Wireless Medical Sensor Networks
- A Seed-driven Bottom-up Machine Learning Framework for Extracting Relations of Various Complexity
- A selective and biased choice of techniques for building a distributed data store
- A self-sustaining process theory consonant with the singular nature of turbulent wall flows
- A Semantics for Counterfactuals in Quantum Causal Models
- A semantics knowledge commons for climate change
- A semi-analytic approach for structure formation in modified gravity
- A semi-implicit, semi-Lagrangian, p-adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin method for the rotating shallow water equations
- A Semi-Lagrangian Discontinuous Galerkin (SLDG) Conservative Transport Scheme on the Cubed-Sphere
- A Semiconductor Photon Sorter
- A semidefinite programming hierarchy for geometric packing problems
- A semiparametric model for heterogeneous panel data with fixed effects
- A Sensory World: novel sensor technologies and applications
- A sequence of well-conditioned polynomials
- A sequence of well-conditioned polynomials
- A Ser/Thr receptor-like kinase, Ark1, is required to maintain arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in rice
- A set up for the cathegorical Langlands Correspondence
- A shag in Madingley and a porpoise at Earith: the 'Fauna Cantabrigiensis' of the Rev Leonard Jenyns (1800-1893)
- A shallow-water theory of annular sections of cold astrophysical disks
- A Shareholder Lawsuit in Fourteenth-Century Toulouse
- A sharp counterexample to local existence of low regularity solutions to Einstein's equations in wave coordinates
- A sharp strong maximum principle for singular minimal hypersurfaces
- A sharper view of Pal 5's tails: Discovery of stream perturbations with a novel non-parametric technique
- A sheaf-theoretic approach to the contextuality of cluster states
- A sheep lung model for evaluation of aerosol gene therapy for cystic fibrosis.
- A short history of jihād in the Islamic west: justifiable war on a religious frontier
- A Short History of Plate Tectonics
- A short history of the microscope
- A short introduction into multi-particle Anderson localization (a mini-course)
- A short introduction into multi-particle Anderson localization (a mini-course)
- A short introduction into multi-particle Anderson localization (a mini-course)
- A Short Introduction to Diffusion Processes and Ito Calculus
- A short introduction to hydrodynamic limits
- A short introduction to mean-field limits for many-particle and multi-agent systems
- A short introduction to mean-field limits for many-particle and multi-agent systems
- A Short Overview of Orthogonal Arrays
- A short story on summability, ideals, and stable Kneser hypergraphs
- A Short Summer Course in: Optimisation (1)
- A Short Summer Course in: Optimisation (2)
- A short-lived but memorable style: Lapita Pottery in Vanuatu (NOTE: Unusual time)
- A shuffle product formula for generalized iterated integrals
- A signal to noise paradox in climate prediction
- A signal-to-noise analysis of phylogeny estimation by neighbour-joining
- A signature-based algorithm for solving an inverse problem with discretely observed trajectories of rough differential equations
- A silent servant of natural knowledge: the herbarium of 'The Flying Monk' Brother Cyprian
- A simple dynamical model of gravity drainage of brine from growing sea ice
- A simple dynamical model of sudden stratospheric warmings
- A simple holographic model of nonlinear conductivity
- A simple introduction to multiple scattering and homogenization
- A simple introduction to multiple scattering and homogenization
- A Simple Model Coupling Moisture and Large-Scale Dynamics in the Tropical Troposphere
- A simple model for a complex world
- A simple model for solar iso-rotation contours
- A simple model of molecular conduction and a new use for characteristic polynomials
- A simple model of the interaction between tropisms and perceptions
- A simple proof with effective bounds for the Kobayashi conjecture on generic hyperbolicity.
- A simple prover in the browser
- A simple resummation method for cluster expansions
- A Simple System for Morphogenetic Engineering
- A simple trace formula for algebraic modular forms
- A simplified view of neuroplasticity, neuroimmunomodulation and neurotransmission effects induced by psychedelics
- A Single Day's Debauch: Venereal Disease and the Formalisation of Medicine in early nineteenth century India
- A singular view of DNA transactions
- A sixth sense: the development and evolution of vertebrate electroreceptors
- A Sleepy Start
- A slice of Raspberry Pi
- A slice of vacua
- A slim grip on reality: Linking source memory and psychosis
- A slim grip on reality? Linking source memory and psychosis
- A slim grip on reality? Linking source memory and psychosis.
- A slim grip on reality? The role of anterior prefrontal cortex in source recollection
- A Slippery Signifier: Sea Ice in the Norwegian National Imaginary
- A sluggish random walk with subdiffusive spread
- A Small Problem? The Bioethics of Nanotechnology
- A small RNA-based innate immune system guards the integrity of germ cell genomes
- A smörgåsbord of data on the inhibitory control of memory: Connectivity- and meta-analyses
- A Soap-Film Mobius Strip Changes Topology with a Twist Singularity
- A social and cultural history of early modern keywords and concepts
- A social construction of health
- A Social History of Keynesian Full Employment in Australia, 1936-75
- A Socio-Cultural Interpretation of Bahamian Urban Architecture and Artifact
- A Socio-Technical Approach to Safety and Risk Management
- A sociology of algorithms: high-frequency trading and the shaping of markets
- A Sociotechnical Audit: Assessing Police use of Facial Recognition
- A Socratic method for validation of measurement-based networking research
- A soft matter perspective on protein self-assembly
- A Software Engineer's Approach to Agent-Based Modelling
- A solid state conceptualization of information transfer from gene to message to protein
- A soliton gas versus a soliton
- A solution of the Gaussian optimizer conjecture
- A Song of Ice and Fire: the Fate of Planetary Systems After Stellar Death
- A sound idea: engineering phonons to convert heat into electricity
- A spacetime tensor network for AdS3/CFT2
- A Spark in the Cloud: Iterative and Interactive Cluster Computing
- A Sparse Regularity Lemma
- A Sparse, Flexible Framework with Confidence Measure Based on the Relevance Vector Machine
- A spatial cloaking framework based on range search for nearest neighbor search
- A Spatial Modeling Approach for Linguistic Object Data: Analysing dialect sound variations across Great-Britain
- A Spatial Stochastic Model of Cell Polarization
- A spatiotemporal malignant cell trajectory underlies tumour heterogeneity in glioblastoma
- A Special Collection of Traveling Waves for the Kawahara Equation
- A special set of QDG talks
- A spectrum of physics-informed machine learning approaches for problems in structural dynamics
- A spectrum of sociability: Discussing social attention, social cognition and social behaviours in Williams syndrome and autism
- A spin on the proton for seeking nucleon structure
- A Sri Lankan evening in conjunction with the University Language Centre
- A stability theorem for approximate representations
- A Stability Theorem for Maximal K_{r+1}-free graphs
- A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite abelian groups
- A stable discretization for the simulation of two-phase flow
- A Stable Learning Framework
- A Stable Learning Framework
- A stable treatment of conservative thermodynamic variables for semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian dynamical cores
- A stacky approach to graded unipotent quotients
- A Standard Document Score for Information Retrieval
- A standard test case suite for two-dimensional linear transport on the sphere
- A Standard-Enabled Workflow for Synthetic Biology
- A state-operator correspondence for nonlocal operators
- A State-Space Perspective on Modelling and Inference for Online Skill Rating
- A statesman and a scholar: Hans Georg Herwart von Hohenburg as a critic and patron of Johannes Kepler
- A statistical approach to Multifield Inflation: Many-field perturbations beyond Slow-Roll
- A statistical emulator for HadCM3
- A statistical framework for the adaptive management of epidemiological interventions
- A statistical framework for the analysis of ChIP-Seq data
- A statistical mechanical apporach for the computation of the climatic response to general forcing
- A statistical mechanics approach to stochastic parametrizations
- A statistical perspective on sparse regularization and geometric modelling
- A statistical-mechanic approach to machine learning towards XAI
- A Step Beyond The State Of The Art Robust Model Predictive Control Synthesis Methods
- A Step Towards Dynamic Modeling of Asset Criticality
- A Stitch in Time: The molecular Basis of DNA repair
- A Stitch in Time: The molecular Basis of DNA repair
- A stochastic approach to constructive QFT
- A stochastic Arctic sea ice model
- A stochastic Burgers equation: Bringing together chaos expansion, embedding theorems, and Catalan numbers
- A stochastic min-driven coalescence process and its hydrodynamical limit
- A stochastic model for cell repolarisation: it’s a question of noise
- A stochastic model for understanding PIN polarity in isolated cells
- A stochastic model of antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei
- A stochastic model of antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei
- A stochastic model of coupled enzymatic degradation
- A stochastic reactor model for simulating direct injection HCCI engines
- A stochastic story of two receptors and two ligands
- A stone to be seen: Kwanlin Dün and the 1869 US total solar eclipse expedition
- A story in shells
- A story of shell design optimizations
- A Straightforward and Efficient Approach for Enhancing Energetics within the Framework of Density-Corrected Density Functional Theory
- A strange afterlife: Pierre Berault and the meaning of Aristotelianism in the late seventeenth century
- A strategic-relational analysis of foreign policy: evidence from the Italian case
- A stratospheric link between sea ice variability and European weather
- A Stringy Mechanism for A Small Cosmological Constant
- A Strip Search for Wide Halo Binary Stars.
- A stronger bound for linear 3-LCC
- A strongly polynomial algorithm for the minimum-cost generalized flow problem
- A structural and functional imaging study of autism and its extended phenotype
- A structural approach to polyglutamine diseases
- A structural approach to polyglutamine diseases
- A Structural Model of Portfolio Default Risk with Stochastic Time
- A structural proof of the soundness of rely/guarantee rules
- A Structured Vector Space Model for Word Meaning in Context
- A struggle for the Soviet future: the birth of scientific forecasting in the Soviet Union
- A Study of Bluetooth Low Energy Performance for Human Proximity Detection in the Workplace
- A Study of Certain Models of Synaptic Plasticity in the Cerebellum and Neocortex
- A study of coupled MEMS resonators/oscillators
- A study of nearby radio AGN in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- A Study of Pathological Lesions in European badgers (Meles meles) with and without mycobacteriosis in England
- A study of recent techniques to estimate the difficulty of exam questions from text
- A study of specific language impairment and autistic spectrum disorders : a linguistic continuum or discrete conditions?
- A study of the entanglement in polymer melts
- A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based Approaches
- A stylish story of carpel evolution.
- A subdiffusive tumour growth model with fractional time derivative
- A subject-based approach to impersonal constructions
- A Subpolynomial-time Algorithm for the Free Energy of One-dimensional Quantum Systems in the Thermodynamic Limit
- A Success Story of Collaboration Between Academia and Industry in the Field of Wave Energy
- A Sugar-based Shadow Detector for Optimal Photosynthesis Efficiency- A Role for the Plant Heterotrimeric G Protein Complex
- A summary of the reproducibility initiative for SC21
- A Summer Perambulation of the College Grounds: Its Flowers and Trees, Their History and Natural History
- A super-resolved look at synthetic nanomaterials
- A superpopulation treatment to case-control data analysis
- A superpopulation treatment to case-control data analysis
- A superpopulation treatment to case-control data analysis
- A supersymmetric model for quantum diffusion in 3d
- A Surplus of Ambition: Can Europe Solve its Debt Problems by Running Primary Surpluses?
- A surprising epistemic advantage of accommodation over prediction
- A Survey of Classical and Real-Time Verification
- A Survey of Results for Deletion Channels and Related Synchronization Channels
- A survey on random walks on groups
- A Sustainable Future- The Leadership Challenge of our Time
- A sustainable technology strategy for engineers
- A Swampland Tour, From Global Symmetries to Axion Physics
- A Swiss Structures seminar from FlexLab
- A Sybil-proof one-hop DHT
- A symmetry called CP
- A symmetry-based top-down approach to the Standard Model flavor puzzle
- A symplastic, not a simplistic, path: new insights into the role and structural properties of the plasmodesmata cell wall
- A Syntactic View of Computational Adequacy
- A synthesis of Antarctic ice-ocean boundary observations from the underwater vehicle Icefin
- A synthetic biology approach to harness the regulatory potential of miRNAs in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- A Synthetic Version of Lie's Second Theorem
- A System description with many levels of detail: The Hierarchic Contact & Channel Model
- A System Dynamics approach to model carbon assimilation in plants that exhibit Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM)
- A system equilibrates if diagonalizing its hamiltonian is difficult
- A system integration route towards resonant MEMS sensing
- A System of Conservative Regridding for Ice / Atmosphere Coupling in a GCM
- A system of cooperative security for the Internet and 5G
- A system of PDEs modelling noisy grid cells
- A system-biology investigation of heat shock protein regulated gene networks: mathematical models, predictions and laboratory experiments
- A system-biology investigation of heat shock protein regulated gene networks: mathematical models, predictions and laboratory experiments
- A system-wide quantitative map of RNA subcellular re-localization in response to UPR activation
- A systematic exploration of magnetized winds solutions in protoplanetary discs
- A systematic screen for protein–lipid interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- A Systemic Indicator for the Size of Shadow Banking
- A systems approach to analysing host and parasite in murine trypanosomiasis
- A systems approach to cellular shape and motion
- A systems approach to recovery of function
- A Systems Approach to Sustainability Transformation: science-based and stakeholders co-designed solution pathways
- A systems biology approach to identify perturbed processes driving cancer
- A systems view of the cancer cell: from missing genetic variability to combination therapy
- A systems-scale dynamic analysis of complex biology systems
- A Table Top View of E8xE8 Heterotic Strings
- A tale of a Syrian city at war: destruction, resilience and memory in Homs
- A Tale of Circumgalactic Gas: Large and Small scales
- A tale of four theories
- A tale of multiple alloys: modelling metalurgical practices in the Eastern Highlands of Columbia (AD600-1600)
- A tale of one city: A sociophonetic study of 100+ years of Glaswegian vernacular
- A tale of P-matrices and TripleSpinners - the unreasonable effectiveness of structured models in nonlinear embeddings
- A tale of sleepless flies and ninna nanna. How Drosophila changes what we know about sleep.
- A tale of swirling layers and twisting columns
- A Tale of T9
- A tale of Terror and Erebus: international collaboration and competition in the search for Franklin’s lost expedition
- A tale of three orogens: seismological insights into lithospheric processes in Eastern Canada
- A Tale of Two (Bronze Age) Settlements: interpreting the faunal remains from development-led excavations
- A Tale of Two Crises: COVID-19 and Machine Learning Reproducibility
- A Tale of Two Energies: a Story of Hyperbolic PDEs
- A Tale of Two Epochs: Galaxy Formation at z=6 and Today
- A Tale of Two Internet (In)Security Problems
- A tale of two norms.
- A tale of two paradigms, with remarks on unconscious assumptions
- A Tale of Two Parsers: investigating and combining graph-based and transition-based dependency parsing using beam-search
- A Tale of Two Phosphatases: The Control of Inflammation via Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation of Tristetraprolin
- A Tale of Two Plumes – Magmatism and Mantle convection beneath the African Plate
- A tale of two price-lists: economic topography and colonial governance in the context of the Royal Greenland Trading Company
- A Tale of Two Regions: The Living Landscapes of Jordan and Oman in the Bronze Age
- A Tale of Two Therapies – The immunomodulatory effect of combining cabozantinib and anti-PD1 in experimental models of HCC
- A tale of two viruses: HIV-1 and HIV-2 Gag synthesis, trafficking and assembly
- A Tale of Vertebrae: A time travel to the origin of South American snake diversity
- A talk about some Very Good Dogs
- A talk about XenoTiny
- A talk by Dr Antonio Rodrigues
- A talk in two parts: (1) AI Neuroscience: How much do deep neural networks understand about the images they classify? (2) Robots that can adapt like animals.
- A talk of two distinct parts: 1) a parametric empirical Bayesian approach to integration of fMRI, EEG and MEG data, 2) prediction error in episodic memory encoding
- A Talk on Paradoxes
- A tangled problem: the structure,function and folding of knotted proteins
- A Task Analysis Tool for Estimating Exclusion from Work Tasks during Inclusive Design
- A Taste for Virtue: Eighteenth-Century Epicureanism and Rousseau's Political Thought
- A taste of teaching: D&T and Sciences
- A technique to solve some isomonodromy deformation problems, with applications
- A technique to solve some isomonodromy deformation problems, with applications
- A TEM and SAXS/USAXS study of particle growth of a mesoporous silica
- A temple to marble: The Main Entrance landing restoration and new displays
- A ten-dimensional action for non-geometric fluxes
- A Tensor Spectral Approach to Learning Mixed Membership Community Models
- A test
- A theorem of Kontsevich on graph complexes and some applications in topology
- A Theoretical Analysis of Crowdsourced Content Curation
- A Theoretical Analysis of Liquid Sheet Fragmentation: Mechanisms and Dynamics
- A theoretical analysis of pricing mechanisms and broker's decisions for real-time balancing in sustainable regional electricity markets
- A theoretical and methodological discussion of nested sampling
- A theoretical approach to investigate how boundaries are shaped in developing tissues
- A theory for Hebbian Learning in recurrent E-I networks
- A Theory of Indirection via Approximation
- A Theory of Proxy Advice when Investors Have Social Goals
- A theory of social balance
- A Theory of the Meridional Overturning Circulation of the Ocean
- A theory of the b-function in positive characteristic
- A theory of what Background Independence is, with GR and Kendall's Shape Theory as examples
- A thermal quench induces spatial inhomogeneities in a holographic superconductor
- A thermo-hydro-mechanical stress-strain framework for modelling the performance of clay barriers in deep geological repositories for radioactive waste
- A Third Path: Corporatism in Brazil and Portugal
- A thorny question: tinkering to evolve a novel mode of plant stem cell arrest
- A three-dimensional approach to community turnover: Pleistocene extinctions, abrupt climate change, and (dis)equilibrium dynamics
- A Three-Dimensional Finite-Volume Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Modle (NIM)
- A three-dimensional small-deformation theory for electrohydrodynamics of dielectric drops
- A Tiered Guide to Communicating Modelling, Not Models
- A tiny introduction to realizability
- A tissue engineering approach for fracture healing after radiation therapy treatment
- A tool for verification: A decompiler from ARM to HOL
- A tool of developmental biology for understanding tumorigenesis
- A toolkit for manufacturing an artificial cell, from scratch: microfluidics, membrane design, and biomolecular engineering
- A Top-Down Model for Lifshitz Holography
- A topological link between spectral and scattering theory
- A topological transition in the XY model
- A topos-theoretic approach to Stone-type dualities
- A Total Evidence Analysis of Ruminant Systematics
- A touch of non-linearity: mesoscale swimmers and active matter in fluids
- A tour in (formalised) type theory
- A tour of Erdős problems
- A tour of Erdős problems
- A tour of the MaZe for classical modeling of supercapacitors
- A trace formula in complex Chern-Simons theory and a puzzle
- A tractable hybrid DDN-POMDP approach to affective dialogue modeling for probabilistic frame-based dialogue systems
- A Trail of Research from Opium to Vitamin B12
- A trans-disciplinary and community-driven database to unravel subduction zone initiation
- A transdiagnostic data-driven study of children’s behaviour and the functional connectome
- A transferable active-learning strategy for reactive molecular force fields
- A Transiting Extrasolar Ring System around the Substellar Companion J1407b
- A transition metal chemist's view of C-H and C-F bond activation
- A transmissible RNA pathway in honey bees
- A transmissible RNA pathway in honeybees
- A transportation approach to random matrices.
- A trick of the light? Development, function and evolution of plant nanostructures that influence animal behaviour
- A Trillion Trees - A trillion reasons to thrive!
- A trio of Antarctic climate variability and meteorology studies
- A trip down long short-term memory lane
- A trip to the Galapagos islands
- A Triple Model Reduction for Data-Driven Large-Scale Inverse Problems in High Dimensional Parameter Spaces
- A tropical and logarithmic study of Milnor fibers
- A tropical approach to effective cones
- A tropical descendent Landau-Ginzburg potential for P2
- A tropical Monge-Ampere equation with applications to the SYZ conjecture
- A tropical version of Donagi's n-gonal construction
- A tumoral stromal cell that mediates immune suppression
- A Turbulent World (...and what happens if you spin it)
- A tutorial introduction to Agda
- A tutorial introduction to the PVS proof assistant
- A tutorial on constructions of finite complexes with specified cohomology (after Steve Mitchell and Jeff Smith)
- A Tutorial on Probabilistic Programming
- A twisting story - a gene that determines chirality in snails
- A twistorial approach to string theory
- A two cities theorem for the parabolic Anderson model
- A two dimensional approach for measuring surface phonons using helium spin echo
- A two prover one round game with strong soundness
- A two-complex-variables approach to the right-angled no-contrast penetrable wedge diffraction problem
- A two-day dip into the EBI’s data resources: Understanding your data
- A two-layer cluster analysis framework for urban studies -- A case study of domestic gas consumption patterns in the Greater London Area
- A Two-stage Image Segmentation Method using a Convex Variant of the Mumford-Shah Model and Thresholding
- A Two-Stage Model for Planning Energy Investment under Uncertainty
- A Ubiquitin-winnowing machine: Is there ubiquitin chain selection upstream to the proteasome?
- A Ubiquitous Abstract Machine
- A Unified Framework for Stochastic Optimization in Energy
- A unified graph-theoretic framework for free-fermion solubility
- A unified model of class invariant verification frameworks
- A unified nonlinear stochastic time series analysis for climate science
- A unified theory of exact coherent structures and roughness effects in shear flows
- A unified view towards diagonal arguments
- A uniform perturbative result for the Boltzmann equation
- A unifying model for computational objects
- A unifying paradigm for bringing together multimodal data and physics using information field theory
- A unifying theory of branching morphogenesis
- A unique CACL research seminar involving music, fine art and storytelling...
- A Unique Point of View, or how the Hindu View of Life has helped India to Survive
- A Universal Approach to Optimise the Folding and stability of Pre-fusion-Closed Viral Enveloped Trimers
- A universal correction to higher spin entanglement entropy
- A universal method for the study of transformable waves in metamaterials.
- A universal probabilistic spike count model reveals ongoing modulation of neural variability in head direction cell activity in mice
- A universal robustness to spatio-temporal variation in pattern formation
- A V HILL Lecture – The Protected Brain: Neurogenesis Under Stress
- A V HILL LECTURE Pain: Why does it exist, how does it work and how can we more effectively treat it?
- A V HILL LECTURE - Cardiac Arrest: From Genes to Mechanisms to Mind
- A V Hill Lecture - Kings and Queens of the Mountain: Studies of Extreme Physiology in Himalayan Sherpas
- A V HILL LECTURE - Oxygen sensing: from worms to people and genes to drugs
- A V Hill LECTURE - Recent controversies in evolutionary theory
- A V HILL LECTURE - Science and the quiet art revisited
- A V HILL LECTURE - Systems level in vivo modelling of vertebrate physiology and pharmacology
- A V HILL LECTURE - The cortex and the hand of the primate: a special relationship
- A V Hill Lecture - The Rewarded Brain
- A V HILL LECTURE - Vaccines: from science to policy
- A variant of an estimate by Minami
- A variational approach for modelling and simulating electrical circuits
- A variational approach to mean field games with control on the acceleration
- A variational approach to nonlinear and interacting diffusions
- A variational approach to Phi^4_3
- A Variational Characterization of the Catenoid
- A variational eigenvalue solver on a quantum processor
- A Variational Multiscale Stabilized Finite Element Method to solve the Euler Equations for Nonhydrostatic Stratified Benchmarks
- A variational perspective on wrinkling due to geometric incompatibility
- A variational perspective on wrinkling due to geometric incompatibility
- A vast, thin plane of corotating dwarf galaxies orbiting the Andromeda galaxy
- A Verifiable, Executable SLR Parser
- A Verified Bignum Implementation in x86-64 Machine Code
- A Verified CompCert Front-End for a Memory Model supporting Pointer Arithmetic and Uninitialised Data
- A Verified Compiler for Probability Density Functions
- A version of Vorst's conjecture in positive and mixed characteristic
- A Very British History: British-Bangladeshis
- A Very British History: British-Bangladeshis
- A Very Fine Swan Indeed: Art, science and the unfeathered bird
- A very gentle introduction to categorification
- A very high accretion rate active galaxy case study and a new large sample
- A very short introduction to Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)
- A vessel wall progenitor cell niche underpins endogenous vascular regeneration
- A video-plankton and microstructure profiler for the exploration of in situ connections between zooplankton and turbulence
- A View from Nine Wells
- A view of technological change through the magic lantern in Japan
- A View of the Dark Web through the Lens of NLP and Language Modeling
- A View of UK Rail – A ROSCO Perspective
- A viscoelastic model for wave propagation in the marginal ice zone
- A vision of the universe: The Astronomicum Caesarium of 1540
- A visit to De Hogeweyk: What can we learn from the Dutch dementia village in developing a model to reduce disability in dementia?
- A Visit with Poet Dmitry Vodennikov
- A Visual Introduction to Collective Animal Behavior
- A Visual Programming Language for building Artificial Biochemistries in Haskell
- A vitamin B12 dependent mutualism between a microalga Lobomonas rostrata and a rhizobium – Mesorhizobium loti
- A voyage from bulk via thin film and nanoparticles to surface magnetism
- A walk through medieval Cambridge: the top ten secrets their skeletons tell
- A wall-crossing formula for universal Brill-Noether classes
- A war over water: the contestation of river environments in medieval and early modern England
- A wave equation based Kirchhoff operator and its inverse
- A wave-by-wave study of particle dynamics in the surf zone
- A wavelet method for modelling and despiking motion artifacts in fMRI time series
- A Way Point on the Road to Dynamic Adaptivity: Early Results from Multi-Resolution Atmosphere and Ocean Models
- A weak convergence viewpoint on invertible coarse-graining
- A Weak Gravity Theorem
- A Weak Law for Moments of Pairwise-Stable Networks
- A Weakly-supervised Approach to Argumentative Zoning of Scientific Documents
- A web of entanglements: following East African cowries across land and oceans (18th-19th century)
- A Wegner estimate and localisation for alloy-type models with sign-changing exponentially decaying single-site potentials
- A Weighted Spectrum Metric for Comparison of Internet Topologies
- A Weighting Based Adversarial Approach to Fairness in Machine Learning
- A Westerbork blind HI survey of the Coma cluster: first results
- A Whirlwind tour of Gaussian process models and applications
- A Whitehead theorem for periodic homotopy groups?
- A whole-genome scan for canine blindness: an extra locus modifies the onset.
- A window on deep geological time: exceptional fossils studied using new methods
- A window on suffering: using qualitative research to study practices surrounding palliative sedation for refractory symptoms
- A window on the biology of behaviour: insights from syndromes of genetic origin
- A window to the past: Does adult ornamental plumage reveal early life environments?
- A winter's tale - shellfishing in the Stone Age
- A Wobbly Path: Looking for answers on Cervical Spondylomyelopathy
- A World Elsewhere
- A World From a Sheet of Paper
- A World of Goods: Ecology and Commodity Production in Europe’s Empires
- A World Order without Superpowers: Decentered Globalism
- A wrinkle in Coleman-de Luccia
- A year in the life of the minutiae in a changing Arctic Ocean
- A Zero-carbon Economy With Nuclear Energy
- A Zero-carbon Economy With Nuclear Energy
- A zero-item personality test? Predicting personality traits from social media data
- A Zoroastrian Vision
- A* Sampling
- A-priori quasilinear modeling and beyond
- A-Star Sampling Review
- A-Z of A/B testing.
- A.F. Harrold: The Imaginary - a story about the power of imagination
- A.I. in Cancer
- A1 Experiments in genomics and proteomics
- A1 Experiments in genomics and proteomics
- A2 Computer Experiments
- A2 Computer Experiments
- A2 Computer Experiments
- A3 Clinical Trials
- A3 Clinical Trials
- A3 Clinical Trials
- AAAS - Exploring the Cancer Genome
- AAAS/Science Lecture - Reaping the Benefits of Crop Science Research
- AAAS/Science members and friends event - Reprogramming the Genetic Code
- AAG Lent 2023 Seminar 1 - Engendering Sustainable Cultural Heritage Preservation in Nigeria: Surkur Cultural Landscape as Case Study
- AAG Lent 2023 Seminar 2 - Decolonisation of Archaeological Heritage Management in Zimbabwe: Legal Frameworks and Practices
- AAG Lent 2023 Seminar 3 - Bantu Expansion: A Migration and more Questions
- AAG Lent 2023 Seminar 4 - Coffee Production and Consumption: Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives from Southwest Ethiopia
- Aaron Klug Memorial Symposium
- Ab initio chemical potentials
- Ab initio study of phosphorus anode for lithium and sodium-ion batteries
- Ab Initio Theory of Exciton Transport from the Ballistic to Diffusive Regimes
- Ab initio thermodynamics with the help of machine learning
- Ab initio thermodynamics with the help of machine learning
- Ab initio thermodynamics with the help of machine learning
- Ab Initio: Data Science in Industry: Trials and Tribulations
- Ab Initio: IoT: High Volume Data Processing from catflaps to consoles
- Ab Initio: Processing High Volume IoT Data
- Ab Initio: Traversing the abstraction layers: an introduction to graph programming
- Ab-initio simulation of water and its ions
- Ab-Initio Study of High Permittivity Phase Stabilization in HfSiO
- abacus
- Abaelard on The Structure of Substance
- Abaelard's theory of enthymematic inference
- Abandoning a medical career for sex, conflict, and violence
- Abandoning Prenex Clausal Normal Form in QBF Solving
- ABAQUS I - An Introduction
- ABAQUS I - An Introduction
- ABAQUS I - An Introduction
- ABAQUS I - An Introduction
- ABAQUS I - An Introduction
- ABAQUS II - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS II - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS II - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS II - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS II - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS III - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS III - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS III - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS III - Advanced Use
- ABAQUS III - Advanced Use
- ABC and other challenges in computational statistics
- ABC methods for Bayesian model choice
- ABC of DLD: Supporting children's communication in school
- ABC Transporters involved in phytohormone transport
- ABC-Testing
- AbDiffuser: Full-Atom Generation of In Vitro Functioning Antibodies
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm – just another form of atherosclerosis?
- Abel-Jacobi isomorphism for one-cycles on the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve
- Abel-Jacobi map, integral Hodge classes and decomposition of the diagonal
- Abelian and non-Abelian discrete symmetries in models of flavour
- Abelian and non-Abelian Hopfions in all odd dimensions
- Abelian Sandpiles and Abelian Networks
- Abelian sandpiles on infinite graphs
- Abelian solutions of difference equations
- Abelian Vortices on Kahler Manifolds
- Abellio Greater Anglia
- Aberrant chromatin programming in AML
- Aberrant circuitry underlying olfaction in the face of severe olfactory bulb degeneration"
- Aberrant Rho GTPase activation and signaling in cancer development
- Aberrant Ubiquitin Networks in B cell malignancies
- Abhishek Upadhyay - Signatures (4 'R's) of biological life: Reproduction, Replication, Respiration & Rhythms
- Abiotic chemical cycling on earth and beyond
- Abiotic Ozone in the Observable Atmospheres of Venus-like Planets
- ABIs, linkers and other animals
- Ablation - and maybe growth - at the base of floating ice sheets
- Ablation -and maybe growth - at the base of floating ice sheets
- Abnormalities in cultural knowledge in autism: a link between behaviour and cognition?
- Aboriginal body shape and clothing, and the Tasmanian problem(s)
- About charge effects and depletion zones: Interactions of proteins in solution and with interfaces
- About charge effects and depletion zones: Interactions of proteins in solution and with interfaces
- About fluctuating many-body systems with nonreciprocal interactions
- About higher graph manifolds
- About new constraints induced by additive manufacturing technologies on the shape optimization process
- About new constraints induced by additive manufacturing technologies on the shape optimization process
- About plane periodic waves of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- About random objects in the continuum
- About Sandwich Proteins, their sequences and structures, and about many other things
- About small jumps of Lévy processes: approximations and estimation
- About small jumps of Lévy processes: approximations and estimation
- About the (in)security of CAPTCHAs
- About the categorical strong rationality conjecture for flopping curves
- About the FK-Potts relation in the continuous CLE setup, and its connection to the Gaussian Free Field
- About the Future of Gaia (& Humanity) - Panel Discussion
- About the importance of molybdenum for life
- About wave and Schrödinger equations in the exterior of many strictly convex obstacles
- About Zero Multiplied By Zero.
- abraCARDabra: understanding carding forums
- Abrasive Wear of Nano-structured Steel: Does Hardness Matter?
- Abrupt changes in the Earth's climate system: opportunities and challenges for change-point detection.
- Abrupt CO2 release to the atmosphere under glacial and early interglacial climate conditions
- Absence of normal transport in an interacting disordered spin chain
- Absences in the Imperial War Museum, 1917-2017
- Absolute continuity returns: potentials that are periodic in some directions only
- Absolute instability and ill-posedness of compressible flow over a deformable boundary
- Absolute Instability in Rocket Engines
- Absolute measures of effectiveness
- Absolute negative mobility of an active tracer in a crowded environment
- Absolute on the rocks?: Participial concord in Roman Egypt
- Absolute Pacific Plate Motions and the Evolution of the Hawaii-Emperor Seamount Chain
- Absolute pitch training for adults: How effective is the “Melody Triggers” method?
- Absolute Pitch: Genetics & Perception
- Absolute robustness in deterministic and stochastic chemical reaction networks
- Absolute zero: a history of 400 years of thermodynamics
- Absolute zero: a history of 400 years of thermodynamics
- Absolute Zero: meeting the UK’s legal commitment to zero emissions in 30 years time
- Absolute/convective instability in fuel injection
- Absolutely Continuous Self Similar Measures
- Absolutely dilatable module maps
- Absolutely Maximally Entangled States In Quantum Error Correction and Holography
- Absorbing conditions for dispersive equations
- Absorbing phase transitions in systems with mediated interactions: a mean-field viewpoint
- Absorption and accretion properties of local Active Galactic Nuclei
- Absorption energy decay rates show peptide phosphate bonding structures
- Absorption/emission of solitons by an integrable boundary in the nonlinear Schrödinger model
- Abstract aspects of commutativity
- Abstract Diagrammatic Reasoning with Multiplex Graph Networks
- Abstract Interpretation for Liveness using Metric Spaces
- Abstract Interpretation for Liveness using Metric Spaces
- Abstract nested Hoare triples for modular specification of safety and liveness properties of the I/O behaviour of programs
- Abstract quotients of compact groups
- Abstract Regular Polytopes
- Abstract separation algebra
- Abstract Sobriety and Equilogical Spaces
- Abstract Submissions: Flash Talks
- Abstract Submissions: Poster Session
- Abstract Systems and Sheaves
- Abstract versions of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, and dualities for algebraic categories
- Abstraction and Analogy: The Keys to Robust Artificial Intelligence
- Abstraction and Invariance for Algebraically Indexed Types
- Abstraction in Mathematics
- Abstractions in Satisfiability Solvers
- Abu Dhabi Louvre
- Abundant phased siRNAs in plant reproductive organs
- ABWR Seminar
- ABWR Seminar
- Academia vs. Industry
- Academic Citizenship and the Future University
- Academic CV Workshop
- Academic Enterprise, Public Engagement and Online Media
- Academic Internships event!
- Academic Introduction - DLT Technology: The Hype and the Reality
- Academic Introduction - DLT Technology: The Hype and the Reality
- Academic Research and Personal Data
- Academic Research Talk - DLT for Trusted Archives of Digital Public Records and other Computer Vision Applications
- Academic Research Talk - DLT for Trusted Archives of Digital Public Records and other Computer Vision Applications
- Academic Research Talk - Foundations of Distributed Ledgers: Principles for a Secure by Design Global IT Infrastructure
- Academic Research Talk - Foundations of Distributed Ledgers: Principles for a Secure by Design Global IT Infrastructure
- Academic self-concept in inclusive secondary settings: Why it matters
- Academic state-of-the-art of Data Linkage
- Academic Trade Unionism and the Union Democracy Movement in the U.S
- Academic Writing
- Academic-Industry Consortia - The case of STIM (Strategic Technology & Innovation Management)
- Academics Under Attack: Turkey and Egypt
- ACAT1/SOAT1 as a therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease
- Acausality in Massive Gravity: Problems and (Attempted) Solutions
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerate lunchtime seminar series
- Accelerated Bayesian inference in cosmology
- Accelerated black holes in anti-de Sitter Universe
- Accelerated Consensus via Min-Sum Splitting
- Accelerated Free-Form Model Discovery of Interpretable Models using Small Data
- Accelerated numerical schemes for stochastic partial differential equations
- Accelerated optimization on manifolds
- Accelerated photoacoustic imaging
- Accelerated substitution rates in non-coding sequence: Gene duplication, transcription factor binding site turnover and biased gene conversion.
- Accelerated Synthesis of Modified Proteins via Novel Ligation Technologies
- Accelerating Chemistry & Biology: Intelligent Microfluidics
- Accelerating computation of SVM and DNN by binary approximation
- Accelerating discrete element method (DEM) simulations in LAMMPS
- Accelerating drug discovery with the power of microscopy & AI
- Accelerating energy and low-carbon transitions
- Accelerating Generative AI on Custom Hardware Accelerators - Challenges and Opportunities
- Accelerating innovations in materials science into the clinic
- Accelerating interfacial flow simulations by breaching the capillary-time step constraint
- Accelerating large DFT calculations using auxiliary density functionals
- Accelerating linear-scaling DFT: Differential geometry meets electronic structure theory
- Accelerating localisation microscopy
- Accelerating Machine Learning on Arm
- Accelerating Materials Science through High-throughput First Principles Computations and Machine Learning
- Accelerating the control of bovine TB in developing countries
- Accelerating the control of bovine Tuberculosis in developing countries
- Accelerating the energy transition: The power sector
- Accelerating time averaging by adding a Lie derivative of an auxiliary function
- Accelerating Universes in String Theory via Field Redefinition
- Accelerating vaccine and immunotherapy development for cancer, infectious diseases and type 1 diabetes
- Accelerating vaccine development: from COVID-19 to the future
- Acceleration in reaction-diffusion equations
- Acceleration of alternating minimisations for quadratic + nonsmooth problems
- Acceleration of scientific computing using graphics hardware
- Acceleration of tropical cyclogenesis by self-aggregation feedbacks
- Accelerator: A data-parallel DSL for programming heterogonous systems
- Accent and identity in `English as a lingua franca'-communication
- Accent of birth? Linking phonological variation to attitudes and identities on the Scottish/English border
- Accentuate the negative: anomalous thermal expansion in cyanide frameworks
- Access to and learning outcomes from early childhood education: equity considerations for refugees and non-refugees in Uganda
- Access to Medicines
- Access: Scaling up Action
- Accessibility of partially acylindrical actions
- Accessible Reasoning with Diagrams: Ontology Debugging
- Accessing Qikiqtaruk in a changing Arctic: Using immersive virtual reality for community engagement
- Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF)
- Accommodating magnitude and rate-limits in model reference adaptive control systems
- Accommodation and Comfort in Head-Mounted Displays
- Account for climate chaos
- Accountable AI-based Software in Complex Sociotechnical Context
- Accountable Systems and Google Maps
- Accounting for Arrival-Rate Uncertainty in Call-Center Scheduling
- Accounting for Carbon Emissions - Flows, scopes and data
- Accounting for Noise and Singularities in Bayesian Calibration Methods for Global 21-cm Cosmology Experiments
- Accounting for non-Markovian behavioural switching in state-space models of animal movement
- Accounting for Parameter Uncertainty in Two-Stage Designs for Phase II Dose-Response Studies
- Accounting for prior immunity and evolutionary uncertainty when vaccinating against influenza and other antigenically variable pathogens
- Accounting for uncertainty when using computer models as decision-support tools in energy system planning
- Accounting for User Behaviour in Security
- Accounting for women: account books, petty commerce and re-thinking the transition to capitalism
- Accretion Disks, Winds And Jets in Tidal Disruption Events
- Accretion of the Earth and formation of the core
- Accretion onto Black Hole Binaries: New insights from 3D-GRMHD simulations
- Accretion within the innermost stable circular orbit of Kerr black holes
- Accumulation of complex eigenvalues for a class of indefinite Sturm-Liouville operators
- Accuracy and efficiency comparisons at the Newton Institute and beyond: a discussion session
- Accuracy Controlled Schemes for the Neutron Transport Equation
- Accuracy enhancement and filtering of discontinuous Galerkin solutions: Theory, computation and applications
- Accuracy of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin simulations
- Accuracy of codon reading by transfer RNAs
- Accuracy-first epistemology
- Accurate and efficient calculation of electronic energies through explicitly-correlated wave functions
- Accurate CO2-CH4 Dispersion Measurements in Sandstones for Enhanced Gas Recovery Simulations
- Accurate Decision making during protein biogenesis
- Accurate Diffusion Estimation From Simulation and the Impacts on Temperature Dependent Modelling
- Accurate dynamics from self-consistent memory in stochastic chemical reactions with small copy numbers
- Accurate Effective Hamiltonians via Unitary Flow in Floquet space
- Accurate emulators for large-scale computer experiments
- Accurate Geometry Drawing with Tangibles
- Accurate Reaction-Diffusion Operator Splitting on Tetrahedral Meshes for Parallel Stochastic Molecular Simulations
- Achievable Geometries in Flexible Near to Net Shape Ring Rolling
- Achieving Consistent Low Latency for Wireless Real-Time Communications with the Shortest Control Loop
- Achieving Excellence from Within: The Promise and Perils of Self-Regulation
- Achieving High Data Rates in a Distributed MIMO System
- Achieving High Data Rates in Distributed MIMO Systems
- Achieving new reactivity and selectivity using transition metal catalysis
- Achieving Redox Signalling specificity through Spatiotemporal and Chemical approaches
- Achieving sustainable productivity in agriculture through beneficial microbial associations.
- Achieving the Full Potential of State Machine Replication: High Throughput, Low Latency, Constant Availability
- Achieving the Optimal Convergence Rate in Stochastic Optimisation
- Achieving the Optimal Convergence Rate in Stochastic Optimisation
- Achieving the Optimal Convergence Rate in Stochastic Optimisation
- Achieving Verified Robustness to Adversarial NLP Inputs
- Achilles’ Horses, Twombly’s War: Monuments, Mourning, and Mars
- Achlioptas processes and truncated stochastic coalescence
- Acid fallout: the 1980s US scientific and political debates on the atmospheric transport of sulphur dioxide
- Acknowledging Equality
- ACL2-Based Verification of NoC Communication Infrastructures
- ACM CSCW'16 Trip Report
- ACMP: Allen-Cahn Message Passing with Attractive and Repulsive Forces for Graph Neural Networks
- Acoustic biosensors for point-of-care diagnosis
- Acoustic biosensors for point-of-care diagnosis
- Acoustic classification of New World bats based on phylogenetic and ecological constraints on call design
- Acoustic classification of New World bats based on phylogenetic and ecological constraints on call design
- Acoustic design of layered media
- Acoustic Emission Data Analysis in Concrete Fatigue and Fracture: An Entropic Perspective
- Acoustic evaluation of material parameters, stresses, and strains in biological soft solids
- Acoustic Factorisation for Robust Speech Recognition
- Acoustic Fingerprinting and Music Identification
- Acoustic imaging of oceanic circulation
- Acoustic nonlinearity parameter tomography as an inverse coefficient problem for a nonlinear wave equation
- Acoustic problems, Wiener-Hopf method and rational approximation
- Acoustic radiation force and its biomedical applications
- Acoustic regularities in infant-directed speech and song across cultures
- Acoustic resonances and trapped modes in unbounded domains
- Acoustic resonators for gravimetric sensing
- Acoustic Resonators for Interfacial Sensing
- Acoustic scattering by coaxial cylinders with lined walls.
- Acoustic scattering by coaxial cylinders with lined walls.
- Acoustic scattering in shear flow
- Acoustic scattering in swirling flow
- Acoustic wave diffraction by a doubly periodic quarter square lattice
- Acoustic wave diffraction by a doubly periodic quarter square lattice
- Acoustic Wave Physics and Electrochemistry: Some Surprising Opportunities
- Acoustic Wave Propagation and Scattering in the Pipe with Uncertainties
- Acoustic Wave Propagation by Small Bodies and Applications
- Acoustic Wave Sensors For Healthcare Applications
- Acoustic waves propagation in disordered media : Influence of spatial correlations on coherent wave
- Acoustic-vortical-entropic generations and their influences on thermoacoustic instability in a nonuniform-radius combustor with moving flame front
- Acoustical Analysis of Flat Panel Speakers
- Acoustical Spacetime Geometry and Shock Formation
- Acoustics and architecture
- Acoustics and vibration of everyday things
- Acoustics by the sea with BBC Coast
- Acoustics in 'real life'
- Acoustics in 'real life'
- Acoustics of a simple holographic model with momentum relaxation
- Acoustics of musical instruments - why is a saxophone like a violin?
- Acoustics of the banjo
- Acousto-Optic Imaging and Related Inverse Problems
- Acquiring music information: An incidental learning approach
- Acquiring Ontological Relationships from Wikipedia Using RMRS
- Acquiring Sense Tagged Examples using Relevance Feedback
- Acquiring syntactic and semantic transformations in question answering
- Acquiring temporal meanings without tense morphology: the case of L2 Mandarin Chinese
- Acquiring Verb Argument Structure from the Input Distribution: An Artificial Language Study
- Acquisition and consolidation of perceptual learning
- Acquisition of the syntax-discourse interface in English and Russian speakers’ L2 Chinese wh-questions
- Across a Crowded Room: Identifying Novel Biological Mechanisms Induced by Small Molecule Anticancer Heterocyclic Compounds
- Across the Oceans: Emigration from Cumberland and Westmorland Before 1914
- Across the Pond: An Update on Health Privacy and Health Data Security. How are American patients faring?
- ACS project presentations
- Act III: Fantastic Beasts and How to Fly Them
- Act of State and the Limits of Adjudication
- Act Up and Out: Do We Still Need Gay Politics?
- Actin + oocyte: Old love - new affairs
- Actin cortex mechanics in animal cell morphogenesis
- Actin filament dynamics and response to flow
- Actin, pseudopods, and chemotaxis - cell biological and computational modelling approaches to cellular navigation
- Actin-myosin cytoskeleton regulation in cell migration and tissue homeostasis
- Acting up and acting out: encountering children in a longitudinal study of mothering
- Acting, Artifice, and the Political Sphere in Eighteenth-Century French Thought
- Action and Language
- Action decisions in health and Parkinson’s disease
- Action dimension and L^2 Cohomology
- Action on Packaging: How the Co-op made all its own brand packaging recyclable.
- Action Recognition from Landmark Data
- Action Research as a Strategy for Teacher Development
- Action Stations!
- Activated surface diffusion with interaction adsorbates
- Activation and differentiation of human ILC3
- Activation and evasion of pattern recognition receptor signalling by paramyxoviruses
- Activation and inhibition of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase family of enzymes
- Activation of endogeneous neural stem cells for the prevention of age related cognitive decline
- Activation of innate immune sensors by viruses and self: DNA's identity crisis?
- Activation of innate immune sensors by viruses and self: DNA's identity crisis?
- Activation of NLRC4 by Salmonella flagellin
- Activation of Protein Kinases by the HSP90 Molecular Chaperone System
- Activation-induced proteome re-modelling in B cells and the role of mTORC1
- Active and driven liquid crystals
- Active and Partially-Supervised Learning
- Active and Passive Immunization against Infectious Disease
- Active Antagonism: Fluid dynamics of conflict
- Active Antagonism: Fluid dynamics of conflict
- Active anti-diffusion in the nonreciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model
- Active bacterial suspensions: from individual effort to team work
- Active biological flows
- Active biological flows inside cells
- Active biomolecular condensates on membranes
- Active Brownian Motion with Directional Reversals
- Active Brownian Particles and chemotaxis
- Active Brownian Particles and chemotaxis
- Active Brownian Particles and Chemotaxis
- Active Cell Mechanics
- Active Cell Mechanics
- Active colloids that mix and mingle
- Active Compound Droplets
- Active control of aircraft cabin noise and other topics
- Active control of automotive road noise
- Active Control of Coupled Structural-Acoustic Systems
- Active control of falling liquid films using a hierarchical model approach
- Active control of liquid film flows: beyond reduced-order models
- Active Elastic Membranes
- Active Elasticity in non-reciprocal robotic metamaterials
- Active Emulsions
- Active faulting and tectonics of the Tien Shan
- Active flows in three-dimensional cell aggregates
- Active Forces and Flow for Cellular Polarization
- Active Galactic Nuclei: the powerful cores of the most luminous galaxies
- Active Galaxies and the Amateur
- Active Galaxies in Cosmic X-ray Surveys: The Ecology of Distant AGNs
- Active Glassy behaviour in Plant Cells
- Active hard spheres in infinitely many dimensions
- Active Hydraulics
- Active Hydraulics
- Active Hydraulics
- Active Learning
- Active Learning
- Active Learning and Experimental Design
- Active Learning Literature Survey
- Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes
- Active light-driven microfluidic components made of soft smart materials
- Active liquid crystals and the origins of cellular locomotion
- Active liquid-liquid phase separation and interfaces
- Active Machine Learning: From Theory to Practice
- Active Matter and Transport in Living Cells
- Active matter in inhomogeneous environments
- Active matter under control: Insights from Response Theory
- Active matter under control: insights from response theory
- Active motion: under external fields and collective dynamics
- Active nematics and topological defects
- Active nematics on surfaces: from droplet motility and scission to active wetting
- Active noise control: what's the best you can do?
- Active particles in complex fluids
- Active Particles Learning Functionalities
- Active Particles Learning Functionalities
- Active particles powered by Quincke rotation in a bulk fluid
- Active Pedestrian Safety: from Research to Reality
- Active Phase Separation
- Active plate tectonics in the Paleoarchean
- Active polymers in complex environments
- Active privilege management using publish/subscribe
- Active Remodelling of the Actin Cytoskeleton
- Active Rheology and Stiffening Control of cementitious materials
- Active Safety of Long Combination Vehicles
- Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization
- Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization
- Active self-organization of the actin cytoskeleton driven by molecular motors
- Active Sensing and Brain oscillations
- Active Solids
- Active Solids
- Active Steering Off-Highway
- Active Steering Off-Highway
- Active steering off-road for long combination vehicles
- Active Steering: Is It Safe?
- Active stresses and mechanics of intra/extracellular networks
- Active Subspace Methods in Theory and Practice
- Active Subspace Techniques to Construct Surrogate Models for Complex Physical and Biological Models
- Active surfaces with tunable adhesion
- Active Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases: A Fresh Push to Identify Reservoir Hosts
- Active tectonics and geomorphology
- Active THz Polarization Modulators
- Active trapping of microswimmers in a foam
- Active turbulence
- Active versus passive bundling, irreversible entrapment by rollers, and fundamental solutions to the Stokes equations
- Active vertex model(s) for epithelial cell sheets
- Active visual category learning
- Active visual category learning
- Activin signaling and the regulation of Drosophila metabolism, body size and appendage scaling
- Activism and Collective Practice
- Activism and scholarship: Fahamu's role in shaping knowledge production in Africa
- Activism, State Surveillance and the Repression of Politics
- Activities and priorities in fields linked to drug and drug delivery device development.
- Activities during February half term
- Activity – Chauffeured Punting Tour
- Activity dependent myelination: a mechanism for learning and regeneration?
- Activity dependent neuron-glia interaction
- Activity in the multiple demand network during word and pseudoword reading: Domain general or domain specific?
- Activity induced phase separation
- Activity recognition in naturalistic environments
- Activity-dependent communication between axons and glia by non-vesicular release of neurotransmitter
- Activity-Dependent Training after Human Spinal Cord Injury
- Activity-Driven Memory and Plasticity of Networks
- Activity-induced interactions and collective response in model active matter
- Actomyosin driven tension at compartment boundaries orients cell divisions independently of cell shape in vivo
- ACTPol results and prospects for CMB S4
- Acts of Love: Life and Art in the Cantos Eleven of the Commedia: Inferno XI, Purgatorio XI, Paradiso XI
- Acupuncture in Veterinary Medicine
- Acute Deficit Disorder: Cause, Treatment and Cure
- Acute mental health care - evidence and directions
- Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: Molecular Pathogenesis, Prognostication and Targeted therapy (Brian Huntly)
- Acute myeloid leukemia is associated with a poorer prognosis than acute undifferentiated leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the dog
- Acute portal hypertension during liver lobectomy in a dog - a rare, but fatal complication
- Acyclic Monte Carlo: where sequential Monte Carlo meets renormalisation
- Ad-ab boundaries: Organisers of plant development
- AD-associated variants identified by whole exome sequencing
- Ad-auctions: where game theory meets machine learning and computer science
- Ad-auctions: where game theory meets machine learning and computer sciences
- Ad-hoc Seminar: Commodities as Collateral
- Ada Lovelace Day Talk and Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
- Ada Lovelace Workshop
- Adam Afriyie - Science and Election
- Adam and the Apes?: European creationism and public understanding of Human Evolution
- Adam Rutherford: “Control: the dark history and troubling present of eugenics”
- Adam Smith Lecture in Political Economy
- Adam Smith Lecture in Political Economy
- Adam Winthrop: history as resource
- Adam Zagajewski: An Evening of Poetry
- ADAM8 in Allergic Airway Inflammation and Asthma
- Adamantios Korais and the dilemmas of liberal nationalism
- Adams before Adnams
- Adams operations on the Green ring of a finite group
- Adano: Sicily, occupation literature and the American century
- Adaptation and Change
- Adaptation and Control in Enterprise Language Technology
- Adaptation and its genetic basis in plants
- Adaptation for life on land – remodelling the pharynx in development and evolution
- Adaptation in continuous populations with migration and genetic drift
- Adaptation in log-concave density estimation
- Adaptation in log-concave density estimation
- Adaptation in Multivariate Log-Concave Density Estimation
- Adaptation in Multivariate Log-Concave Density Estimation
- Adaptation in Multivariate Log-Concave Density Estimation
- Adaptation in some shape-constrained regression problems
- Adaptation in Theory and in Practice
- Adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to growth as a biofilm
- Adaptation of Visual Cues to Social Attention
- Adaptation Produces Change-Salience
- Adaptation to the environment in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Adaptation, coding and Bayesian computations in single neurons and neural populations
- Adaptation: How individuals adapt
- Adaptations and Illustrations of Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy
- Adaptations mediated by a mitochondrial UPR
- Adaptations of Antarctic Marine Animals and Changing Environments
- Adapting _The Waves_ into performance.
- Adapting a bacterial enzyme for gene therapy in the central nervous system.
- Adapting and assembling components using Cake, a language of interface relations
- Adapting Cities and Their Infrastructure to Global Change: An Integrated Modelling Approach to Understand Risks and Tradeoffs
- Adapting shoot morphology to seasons and climates
- Adapting the Fokas transform method to solve certain fractional PDEs
- Adapting the Fokas transform method to solve certain fractional PDEs
- Adapting the Fokas transform method to solve certain fractional PDEs
- Adapting to extrauterine life and beyond: AMPK coordinates breathing and oxygen supply
- Adapting to life: Ocean ecosystem modelling using an unstructured and adaptive mesh ocean model
- Adapting to unfolded protein load in the endoplasmic reticulum
- Adapting to workplace technological change over the long run: Evidence from US longitudinal data
- Adaptive algorithms for Stratified Sampling Monte Carlo
- Adaptive and maladaptive effects of glucocorticoids in adipose tissue
- Adaptive and Move Making Auxiliary Cuts for Binary Pairwise Energies
- Adaptive and process-based explanations in the study of parent-offspring communication: experiments with hand-raised house sparrow nestlings and game theoretical modelling
- Adaptive and Resource-Efficient Rural Area Networks
- Adaptive and robust nonparametric Bayesian contraction rates for discretely observed compound Poisson processes
- Adaptive and stochastic algorithms for piecewise constant EIT and DC resistivity problems with many measurements
- Adaptive auditory cortical coding of speech
- Adaptive brain computations for perceptual decisions
- Adaptive closed loop control: from reflexes to planning
- Adaptive Codes for flexible behaviour in the human brain.
- Adaptive Coding in the Auditory System
- Adaptive coding mechanisms in children with autism: lessons from development
- Adaptive Colloids and Topological Solitons Enabled by Nematic Elastomers
- Adaptive computations for flexible cognition in the human brain
- Adaptive Confidence Bands for Shape-Restricted Regression in Multi-dimension using Multiscale Tests
- Adaptive Confidence Bands for Shape-Restricted Regression in Multi-dimension using Multiscale Tests
- Adaptive constructive processes and the future of memory
- Adaptive delayed-acceptance pseudo-marginal random walk Metropolis
- Adaptive design and control
- Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Inundation Modelling
- Adaptive Dose Finding Designs in the Presence Of Model Uncertainty
- Adaptive dose-finding designs to identify multiple doses that achieve multiple response targets
- Adaptive dose-finding with power control
- Adaptive Dose-Ranging Designs with Two Efficacy Endpoints
- Adaptive estimation of functionals under sparsity
- Adaptive estimation of the copula correlation matrix for semiparametic elliptical copulas
- Adaptive estimation of the rank of the regression coefficient matrix
- Adaptive evolution and concentrations in parabolic PDEs
- Adaptive evolution of meiosis in response to whole genome duplication and habitat
- Adaptive evolution of meiosis in response to whole genome duplication and habitat
- Adaptive evolution of voltage-gated sodium channels: stories from electric fish, scorpions and mice
- Adaptive face-coding mechanisms in typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder.
- Adaptive Filters
- Adaptive Gaussian Processes on Graphs via Spectral Graph Wavelets
- Adaptive grid generation with application to data assimilation-with Chiara Piccolo
- Adaptive Group Sparsity Using the Ordered Weighted l1 Regularizer
- Adaptive High-order Finite Volume Discretizations on Spherical Thin Shells
- Adaptive Importance Sampling for accelerating the minimization of tail risks
- Adaptive Importance Sampling for accelerating the minimization of tail risks
- Adaptive Intrusive Methods for Forward UQ in PDE Models
- Adaptive Langevin Algorithms for Canonical Sampling with Noisy Forces in Scale-bridging Molecular Dynamics
- Adaptive laser fabrication for future photonic technologies
- Adaptive Learning on Time Series: Method and Financial Applications
- Adaptive MCMC and Bayesian time-frequency analysis
- Adaptive memory and its temporal dynamics
- Adaptive mesh method in the Met Office variational data assimilation system
- Adaptive Model Reduction for High-Speed Flows
- Adaptive Monte Carlo Methods for Simulation and Optimization
- Adaptive Monte Carlo on multivariate binary sampling spaces
- Adaptive movement strategies in cyclic games during an epidemic
- Adaptive Multilevel Stochastic Collocation Method for Randomized Elliptic PDEs
- Adaptive multiscale discontinuous Galerkin methods for multiphase morphodynamics
- Adaptive Networks and Bio-Inspired Cognition
- Adaptive nonparametric credible balls
- Adaptive Numerical Simulation of Idealized Cyclones
- Adaptive Phototaxis and Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellularity
- Adaptive Piecewise Polynomial Estimation via Trend Filtering
- Adaptive posterior contraction
- Adaptive probabilistic ODE solvers without adaptive memory requirements
- Adaptive QM/MM simulations for reactions in solution
- Adaptive regularization of convolution type equations in anisotropic spaces with fractional order of smoothness
- Adaptive Resolution of Information Flow Constraints
- Adaptive Runtime Verification
- Adaptive Sensing and Information
- Adaptive sparse grids to reduce noise in numerical simulations of kinetic plasmas
- Adaptive Spectral Estimation for Nonstationary Time Series
- Adaptive Stochastic Galerkin Approximation
- Adaptive Stochastic Galerkin Finite Element Approximation for Elliptic PDEs with Random Coefficients
- Adaptive stochastic trajectory modelling of transport in geophysical flows
- Adaptive Structures: Infinitely Stiff, Extremely Slender, Ultra-Light Weight
- Adaptive time-frequency detection and filtering for imaging in strongly heterogeneous background media
- Adaptive Tokenization and Memory in Foundation Models
- Adaptivity and optimal transport
- Adaptivity and optimal transport
- Adaptivity in Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEs
- Adaptivity in Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEs
- Addenbrooke's Annual Lecture and Reception - Dr Susan Robinson on 'A Matter of Life or Death'
- Addenbrookes Access Road, Cambridge
- ADDI Neurodegeneration Meeting, Jason Gestwicki Plenary Lecture - Role of Chaperones In Tau Proteostasis
- Addictive Number Theory
- Adding a dimension to embryogenesis: the role of auxin in cell division
- Adding a piece to the leaf epidermis puzzle: towards a better understanding of cell shape acquisition
- Adding damping to structures
- Adding functionality to machine-learning potentials: going beyond accuracy and speed
- Adding Integers
- Adding new dimensions to invitro models of stroke and cSVD
- Adding Red to the Black Atlantic: the Industrial Workers of Africa's and International Socialist League's black revolutionary syndicalists and the South Africa Native National Congress's 1917-1920 radicalisation
- Adding Security Activities to Agile
- Adding Security Activities to Agile
- Adding the time dimension to our large-scale glacier inversions: goals, challenges, and early work
- Adding to the census: using Medical Officer of Health Reports to further our understanding of child mortality inequalities in early twentieth century London
- Adding turbulent convection to geostrophic circulation: insights into ocean heat transport
- Addison's Empire. Whig conceptions of empire in the early eighteenth century
- Addition, multiplication, and why they don’t get along
- Additive Energy Channels
- Additive Manufacturing of Biomechanically Tailored Meshes for Compliant Wearable and Implantable
- Additive manufacturing of energetic materials
- Additive Models for Quantile Regression: Model Selection and Confidence Bandaids
- Additive triples of permutations
- Additivity of entropic uncertainty relations
- Addressing Addenbrooke’s Critical Challenges: Two Perspectives, One Goal
- Addressing anamolous diffusion of turbulent flows using fractional derivatives
- Addressing anamolous diffusion of turbulent flows using fractional derivatives
- Addressing anamolous diffusion of turbulent flows using fractional derivatives
- Addressing Ego in Psychology (online talk)
- Addressing Health: Morbidity, mortality and occupational health in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office
- Addressing health: sickness and retirement in the Victorian Post Office
- Addressing Imbalance in Object Detection
- Addressing non-linearity in PDE-constrained inverse problems
- Addressing nutrition challenges in developing countries – seed funding competition and interdisciplinary workshop
- Addressing the Carbon Footprint of Computational Science
- Addressing the Challenges of Feeding the World Sustainably
- Addressing the Challenges of Feeding the World Sustainably
- Addressing the Missing AGN Problem
- Addressing the Scalability of Ethernet with MOOSE
- Addressing the wheat yield plateau
- Adelic equidistribution and property (tau)
- Adelic models for Noetherian model categories (joint work with John Greenlees)
- Adelic representations of elliptic type
- Adenylyl cyclases – an evolving story
- ADER high-order schemes for evolutionary PDEs
- ADF: Amsterdam Density Functional, Developments and Applications
- Adherens junctions, mechanotransduction and intra-epithelial communication
- Adhesion and cytoskeleton dynamics in cell migration and pluripotency
- Adhesion of Volcanic Ashes in Gas Turbines and Potential Effects on Thermal Barrier Coatings
- Adhesion of Volcanic Ashes in Gas Turbines and Potential Effects on Thermal Barrier Coatings
- Adhesion of Volcanic Ashes in Gas Turbines and Potential Effects on Thermal Barrier Coatings
- Adhesion Strength Diversity in Brain Tumours
- Adhesion-regulated junction slippage controls cell intercalation dynamics in an Apposed-Cortex Adhesion Model
- Adhesive properties of polymer bonded explosive constituents: An experimental, analytical and computational approach
- Adhesive properties of polymer bonded explosive constituents: An experimental, analytical and computational approach
- Adiabatic approximation in studies of mean motion resonances in celestial mechanics
- Adiabatic description of piezoelectricity
- Adiabatic evolution of the Carter constant at resonance due to radiation reaction
- Adiabatic reaction forces in mesoscopic systems
- Adiabatic transport through interacting quantum dots
- Adipose tissue from surgical waste to valuable source of mesenchymal stem cells: Bone tissue engineering prospective.
- Adipose tissue in health and disease: If, when, why, what, how much have you got?
- Adipose tissue inflammation and ceramide
- Adjective modification in compositional distributional semantics
- Adjoint dimension of foliations
- Adjoint Models: what are they and why are they useful
- Adjoint-based data assimilation for compressible and reactive flows
- Adjointness in Foundations: an introduction to Hyperdoctrines
- Adjunctions between fibrations
- Adjunctions induced by Kan Extensions between Grothendieck Toposes
- Adjusting accordingly: prefrontal areas updating valuations for objects and actions
- Adjusting network dynamics to cognitive demands: dopaminergic control of cortical activity regimes
- Adjusting the valves: fate and flexibility in stomatal development
- ADJUVANT UK: A UK Prognostic Model for Early Breast Cancer that includes Mode of Detection
- Administrative Structure and Change at Syon Abbey
- Admissibility of solutions of discrete dynamical systems
- Admitting more tenants with tail latency SLOs
- ADMM for Exploiting Structure in MPC Problems
- Adolescence: rhetoric, representations, realities discussion (2)
- Adolescence: rhetoric, representations, realities discussion (1) Lost Youth in the Global City: Class, Culture and the Urban Imaginary
- Adolescence: rhetoric, representations, realities discussion (3)
- Adolescence: rhetoric, representations, realities discussion (4)
- Adolescence: rhetoric, representations, realities discussion (5)
- Adolescent brain development as a window of social-affective opportunities
- Adolescent vulnerability for mood and anxiety problems: the role of brain maturation and social changes.
- Adolescent Well-being and School Experiences: a problematic relationship?
- Adolf Loos, Architecturelessness, and Architectural Art
- Adoption of Graphene Materials in Medicine
- Adoption: Recovery After Initial Adversity
- Adoptive T Cell Therapy of Cancer
- Adrian Christmas Lecture: Wiring the Brain and Local Translation
- Adrian Lecture Cancelled
- Adrian Seminar - "Circuit principles of memory-based behaviour choice".
- Adrian Seminar - "Computational model of rapid learning in hippocampus".
- Adrian Seminar - "Probing computations in neural circuits using single-neuron perturbations"
- Adrian Seminar - "Probing the molecular basis of extreme physiology using African mole-rats"
- Adrian Seminar - "The neuromodulatory connectome: wired and wireless networks".
- Adrian Seminar - title to be confirmed
- Adrian Seminar - title to be confirmed - Concetta Morrane, University of Pisa, Italy
- Adrian Seminar Series - Annual Lecture "How Do You Feel? Ion channels that sense mechanical force"
- Adrian Seminar Series - ANNUAL LECTURE - "Transforming thought into action using bidirectional brain-machine interfaces
- Adrian Seminar: Ensemble coding in amygdala circuits
- Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience - ANNUAL LECTURE Rachel Wilson "Neural correlates of orienting behaviors and latent action biases"
- AdS Black Holes and Their Microstates
- AdS/Ricci-flat correspondence
- AdS4 black holes and 3d gauge theories
- AdS4/CFT3 and Quasi-localization of Gravity
- Adsorption and Reactions on Interstellar Dust Grains
- Adsorption Processes on Metal- Organic Frameworks. A Combination of Experimental Techniques and Molecular Simulation
- Adsorption-induced stresses and variations of permeability in coal seams during CO2 storage or CH4 production
- Adult age differences in social cognition
- Adult CNS progenitors: reversing the ravages of ageing
- Adult CNS progenitors: reversing the ravages of ageing
- Adult hippocampal neurogenesis in health and disease
- Adult neurogenesis modulates the hippocampus-dependent period of fear memory
- Adult neurogenesis: From molecular mechanisms towards tools for brain repair
- Adult neuropsychological models cannot be generalised to neurodevelopmental disorders
- Adult stem cell fate: a laboratory for statistical physics
- Adult stem cells and biomaterials for the treatment of CNS injury
- Adult stem cells: from concepts to reality
- Adults' Expression of Voluntary and Caused Motion Events in Chinese and in English
- Advanced Amorphous Carbon-Based Surfaces
- Advanced artificial agents intervene in the provision of reward
- Advanced digital drop control: Managing the mechanical forces when printing for new material and device development
- Advanced Diploma in Entrepreneurship
- Advanced echocardiographic imaging techniques and their clinical application in heart disease in dogs
- Advanced Electron Microscopy for Nanomaterials
- Advanced epitaxy of the group IV (Si-Ge-C-Sn) semiconductors
- Advanced functional materials manufacturability
- Advanced Gaussian Process approximation methods
- Advanced Graph-based and Transition-based Dependency Parsing Approaches and Recent Trends towards Joint Syntactic and Morphologic Disambiguation
- Advanced HMMs for Ecological Data
- Advanced Hydride Research for Energy Device Application
- Advanced Image Reconstruction and Denoising- Bregmanized (Higher Order) Total Variation and Application in PET
- Advanced Lecture (U. of Cambridge): Analysis of electrodiffusion in dendritic spines for synaptic transmission
- Advanced Lecture 1 (Part II): Narrow escape theory, first passage time to a small hole: analytical theory of chemical reactions
- Advanced Lecture1 (Part I): Narrow escape theory, first passage time to a small hole and applications to modelling cell biology processes
- Advanced light-matter interactions in optofluidic waveguides
- Advanced LIGO: Gravitational-wave astronomy and binary neutron stars
- Advanced Literacy Skills: Textual Competences for a New Age
- Advanced Manufacturing By Printing
- Advanced materials modeling using extended Hubbard functionals
- Advanced materials modeling using extended Hubbard functionals
- Advanced MCMC Methods
- Advanced Membrane Bioartificial Systems for the Development of Tissues and Organs
- Advanced Monte Carlo Methods and Variational Inference
- Advanced neutron diffraction for functional materials
- Advanced NMR Applications
- Advanced NMR applications
- Advanced NMR applications
- Advanced NMR applications
- Advanced NMR applications
- Advanced NMR Applications
- Advanced NMR applications
- Advanced NMR applications
- Advanced Physical Layer Techniques for Wireless Multihop Networks
- Advanced polarized light microscopy for mapping molecular orientation
- Advanced Raman Spectroscopy and Emerging Applications
- Advanced Reactor Technology and Recent R&D in AMEC
- Advanced resonant characterization of MEMS devices
- Advanced Scientific Programming in Python
- Advanced Simulation and Approximation Techniques for Stochastic Linear Dynamic Analysis
- Advanced Structural Characterisation Techniques for Amorphous Materials
- Advanced Structural Characterisation Techniques for Amorphous Materials: Case Study of Rare-earth Phosphate Glasses
- Advanced Techniques - Stories, Jokes and Magic
- Advanced Techniques for Privacy-Preserving Linking of Multiple Large Databases
- Advanced theories of two-phase flow in deformable porous media, including fluid-fluid interfaces
- Advanced Tissue Biofabrication
- Advanced Woundcare: Major Trauma
- Advancements in Hybrid Iterative Methods for Inverse Problems
- Advances in Bayesian Latent Factor Modelling: The Incredible Shrinking Model
- Advances in Breast Cancer: From Molecular Science to Patients in the Clinic
- Advances in fMRI Data Acquisition Techniques
- Advances in Laser Based Manufacturing – Prof Bill O’Neill
- Advances in machine learning for molecules
- Advances in MDCT of the pancreas
- Advances in non-surgical treatment for cervix cancer
- Advances in nonlinear geoscientific experimental and survey design
- Advances in Phononic Frequency Combs
- Advances in protein structure determination using NMR chemical shifts.
- Advances in Proto-Basque Reconstruction and The Proto-Indo-European-Euskarian Hypothesis
- Advances in realistic materials modeling with the DFT+DMFT approach
- Advances in Robust Deformable Object Alignment
- Advances in Rotor Aeromechanics: Experiments & CFD
- Advances in sequencing and mapping technology and multi-locus single molecule PCR
- Advances in Shell Buckling: theory, experiments, localization and shock-sensitivity
- Advances in Shell Buckling: theory, experiments, localization and shock-sensitivity
- Advances in simulating wave propagation in complex media: applications to rotational seismology and scattering
- Advances in Soils/Water Modelling & AI
- Advances in Stroke Medicine: Blood Vessels, Brains, and Beyond
- Advances in supervised Learning of Visual Features
- Advances in supervised Learning of Visual Features
- Advances in supervised Learning of Visual Features
- Advances in the Design and Operation of Artificial Arms
- Advances in the Understanding of Seismicity induced by Natural Gas Production
- Advances in Three Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display
- Advances in Three Dimensional Sensing, Visualization, and Displays
- Advances on the Multi-spacecraft Studies of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Sun-Earth System
- Advances, challenges, and new initiatives in veterinary clinical microbiology
- Advancing Arctic sea ice probabilistic predictive capability from sub-seasonal to decadal (S2D) using the Regional Arctic System Model
- Advancing Construction: Pursuing Integrated Teams through Procurement, Organization, and Technology
- Advancing Creativities Research: Making Connections across Diverse Settings
- Advancing Formal Methods: A Front Row Seat
- Advancing immunotherapies through in vivo Imaging
- Advancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI
- Advancing Medicine through Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Advancing the Frontiers of Metagenomic Science
- Advancing the Functional Utility of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers at the Nexus of Computation, Materials Processing, and Chemistry
- Advantages of travelling by tube - explorations of fungal networks
- Advection enhanced diffusion processes
- Adventures in Flatland
- Adventures in 2D Land
- Adventures in anisotropy at the base of the mantle: New constraints on deep mantle dynamics
- Adventures in Antarctica: Travelogue ad Fieldwork from Thwaites Glacier
- Adventures in catalytic nanospace: Resolving surface phenomena at the atomic scale
- Adventures in conjugate addition chemistry: from alkene hydroacylation to protein bioconjugation
- Adventures in Emulation
- Adventures in Inflammation Research
- Adventures in Little Data
- Adventures in Mexico
- Adventures in Organometallic Catalysis - Computation and Experiment
- Adventures in Specification Based Testing
- Adventures in structural variation and evolution in cancer
- Adventures in the Arctic
- Adventures in Viral Immunology: Translating DRiPs
- Adventures in XML updates
- Adventures with Dusty Discs
- Adversarial attacks against reinforcement learning agents
- Adversarial Attacks and Instabilities of Neural Networks
- Adversarial Explanations - You Shouldn't Trust Me: Learning Models Which Conceal Unfairness From Multiple Explanation Methods
- Adversarial generation of gene expression data
- Adversarial Machine Learning
- Adversarial Machine Learning
- Adversarial Option Pricing: How Robust is Black-Scholes?
- Adversarial Risk Analysis: A Smallpox Example
- Adverse future outcomes of children involved in school bullying: Synthesizing data from longitudinal studies.
- Advertising the Future in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
- Advijsen, old and new: the life span of VOC natural-historical information within the Dutch East Indies
- AEC tameness from large cardinals via category theory
- Aeolian dune development and migration dynamics: field insights from a terrestrial laser scanner
- Aerial Biospheres
- Aerial Biospheres
- Aero-acoustic design and optimisation of the advanced open rotor for aircraft propulsion
- Aeroacoustic scattering problems in turbomachines
- Aeroacoustics and aerodynamics of quiet owl flight
- Aeroacoustics of Cyclone Separators
- Aeroacoustics of cyclone separators
- Aerobic Oxidation Reactions for Organic Chemical Synthesis
- Aerodynamic noise generation due to the scattering of jet instability waves
- Aerodynamics as a Team Sport
- Aerodynamics of bodies with wide recirculating wake
- Aerosols and Ancient History in Arctic and Alpine Ice
- Aerosols and clouds in the UKCA across time and space
- Aerothermodynamic Layout of a Scramjet Propulsion System for Space Transportation Systems: The Research Group GRK1095/1 - Structure and Achievements
- Aesthetic Reasons and Living With Ourselves
- Aesthetic Sensibility & Creativity in Education: through the experience of an arts integrated project
- Aestheticodes: Beautiful Interaction
- Aesthetics as Intrinsic to Sustainable Design: Architectural Education Projects From Around the World
- Aesthetics in science
- Aesthetics of architecture and geology in Britain during the first half of the nineteenth century
- AF Cambridge CineClub - Le soleil assassiné, by Abdelkrim Balhoul
- Affairs of Humanity: Arguing for Humanitarian Intervention in Eighteenth-Century Europe
- Affect & Decision-Making in Health and Disease
- Affect and empiricism in the early modern Arctic
- Affective computing for assessing treatments in psychiatry
- Affective computing: problems, reactions and intentions
- Affective Driver Monitoring Systems
- Affective empathy and the feeling of sympathy in 5-year-olds
- Affective Life of Hierarchies
- Affective Matter: Programmable wearable materials for health and wellbeing
- Affective Patterns in (Serious) Game Design
- Affective Technology
- Affective Technology
- Affine actions, cohomology and hyperbolicity
- Affine algebra
- Affine balance: algebraic spacetime functionalism as a guide to identifying spacetime
- Affine centralizer algebras
- Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and Generalized affine Springer fibers
- Affine Gelfand-Tsetlin bases and affine Laumon spaces
- Affine Group Schemes
- Affine Invariant Ensemble Transform Methods to improve predictive uncertainty in neural networks
- Affinity Propagation and Hierarchical Beta Processes
- Affinoid Duflo theorem for primitive ideals with trivial central character
- Affordances for web based diagnostic assessment
- AFM-IR, when AFM meets infrared spectroscopy
- AFM-Raman-SNOM and Tip Enhanced Raman imaging studies of modern nanostructures
- Africa and the discourse of inventiveness: Deep Historical and Archaeological Perspectives
- Africa Over Coffee: Journey to Entrepreneurship with Shingai Mutasa¬
- Africa Over Coffee: Spotlight on the Nigerian elections
- Africa Uprising: Popular Protest and Political Change (book launch)
- Africa's digital communications revolution: Valuing new voices in African public spheres
- Africa's peacemakers: Nobel peace laureates of African descent
- Africa's Voices Project
- Africa's Voices' 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
- Africa, race and the most expensive vaccine yet: stakes of hepatitis B immunisation research in Senegal and the Gambia
- Africa: Just rewards or just resilient
- Africa’s Voices: Reflections on a pilot study using mobile phones and interactive radio to survey public opinion in Africa
- African headrests, hair combs and hair
- African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability
- African Merchants in Lagos: An Exploration in Entrepreneurial History
- African natural products
- African roots of the dinosaur family tree
- African Society of Cambridge University - Security in the Congo: Pathways Forward
- African swine fever virus mechanisms for evading host defences and application to vaccine development
- African trypanosomes: avoiding your host and self-cleaning plasma membranes
- African Warrior-Queen: Njinga of Ndongo, Netflix, and the Dawn of History on the ‘Dark Continent'
- African-based education research- what do we know?
- Afro picks and hot iron combs modern black hair styling
- Afro-descendants on the Move: Archaeologies of Afro-Atlantic Secondary and Reverse Diasporas
- After a century of failure, time now to put science at the heart of drug and alcohol policy
- After Bin Laden - Sir Richard Dearlove
- After Blue Labour? State and Democarcy on the British Left
- After Blue Labour? State and Democracy on the British Left
- After Brexit: The Future of Poles in the UK
- After Climategate and Cancun; What Next for Climate Science?
- After Cook: Joseph Banks and his travelling natures, 1787–1810
- After Independence: India and Pakistan
- After Independence: India and Pakistan
- After Independence: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- After Independence: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- After Independence: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- After Independence: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- After Independence: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- After Math: Reasoning, Computing, and Proof in the Postwar United States (via Skype)
- After Philhellenism: perceptions of the modern Greeks among the Victorian intellectual elite
- After the end of disease: looking past the epidemic narrative
- After the End: Psychoanalysis in the Ashes of History
- After the king of beasts: the embodied histories of elephant hunting in mid-nineteenth century Ceylon
- After the Moon
- After the PhD: Navigating Academia as a Post-Doc
- After-ISIS: the future of Raqqa and Northern Syria
- Afternoon Break
- Afternoon of short talks by 2nd-year research students
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon Tea
- Afternoon Tea and Coffee
- Afternoon Tea and Coffee
- Afternoon Tea and Poster Session
- Afternoon Tea and posters
- Against brain reorganisation. Perspectives from individuals with congenital and acquired hand loss
- Against Pointillisme about Geometry and about Mechanics
- Against PP extraposition in nominals
- Against presence empiricism
- Against Qualia
- Against the grain; Modeling seed growth control as an mechano-sensitive incoherent feedforward loop.
- Agaves
- Agda: a practical tutorial
- AGE IMMUNE: do bats hold the secret of extended longevity?
- Age of iron, age of gold: the Thirty Years War, the German reformed diaspora, and the golden age of the Dutch universities
- Age old issues, new challenges, and emerging methods for psychological science
- Age-dependent regenerative mechanisms in the brain
- Age-related and individual differences in the time-course and information content of early face brain activity
- Ageing 2016
- Ageing and age-associated mutations in human haematopoietic stem cells
- Ageing in Harmony: Music’s Impact on Health & Well-being in Older Adults
- Ageing Management and R&D in support of Long Term operation of the UK AGR Nuclear Fleet
- Ageing Neuroscience Day
- Ageing on the Autism Spectrum
- Ageing Population and Elderly Care in Sri Lanka
- Ageing Rates in Meerkats
- Ageing, memory and altered cortical recruitment
- Ageing: What is it? Clues from C. elegans
- Agency and Neo-Liberalism
- Agency Conflicts, Macroeconomic Risk, and Asset Prices
- Agent Based Modelling
- Agent based Modelling for Urban Health Impact Assessment
- Agent-Based Simulation of Maritime Customs Processes
- Agent-environment interactions in arbitrary dimensions: a unifying analytic framework to model diffusion with inert spatial heterogeneities
- Aggradation, incision and lateral migration of alluvial rivers
- Aggregated Security Monitoring in 10GB networks
- Aggregating Minds
- Aggregating regularly varying vectors: phenomena of a few large jumps
- Aggregating regularly varying vectors: phenomena of a few large jumps
- Aggregation and Coalescence I
- Aggregation and Coalescence II
- Aggregation and Coalescence III
- Aggregation and mean-field for ferrofluid monolayers
- Aggregation of Aromatic Short Peptides into Viscoelastic Nanotube Networks
- Aggregation of bacteria by chemotaxis: mathematical and numerical analysis
- Aggregation of Gap Junctions
- Aggregation of Particles in Stochastic Flows
- Aggregation of tau and alpha-synuclein: towards a therapeutic target in neurodegenerative diseases
- Aggregation-pattern due to repulsive-aggregating interaction potentials
- Aggregators and the News Industry: Charging for Access to Content
- Aggression, Expediency and the defence of Parliament
- Aggressive breast tumors show altered lipid metabolism
- Agile and UX, where are we at?
- Agile Development Methodologies
- Agilent Genomics - Lunch & Learn Seminar
- Aging and cancer: The impact of DNA damage
- Aging, Intelligence, and Slowing of Thought
- Agland
- Agland
- AGM and Hustings
- AGM and Hustings
- AGM and Hustings
- AGM and Hustings
- AGM and Jurassic Park(!) Film Night
- AGN -- Host Galaxy Relations and their Evolution
- AGN -- Host Galaxy Relations and their Evolution
- AGN and Star Formation Feedback in Galaxies throughout the Cosmic Times
- AGN Coronae in the NuSTAR Era
- AGN feedback in a multi-phase medium
- AGN Feedback in Dwarf Galaxies
- AGN feedback on the magnetic fields of the intra-galactic medium
- AGN Feedback: How a central black hole can control a galaxy
- AGN in Clumpy DisCs (ACDC): How does ISM structure shape multiphase outflows?
- AGN jet feedback on a moving mesh: cocoon inflation, gas flows and turbulence
- AGN revisited: from dwarf galaxies to new black hole accretion models
- AGN Space Densities and the FR Dichotomy
- Agnes Martin
- Agnes Martin
- Agreement and the new relativism (work in progress)
- Agreement Resolution from an Optimality Theory Perspective
- Agricultural adaptation and crop diversity: How developing countries can adjust to climate change
- Agricultural Robotics
- Agricultural science and the Development Commission: the Olby account revisited
- Agricultural trials and wildlife
- Agriculture before Yangshao: a Geoarchaeological Survey of Lost Agrarian Diversity in North China
- Agrofuels and the risk of ecosystem collapse
- AGU practice talks
- AGU practice talks
- Aharonov meets Spekkens: What do quantum paradoxes tell us about the nature of reality?
- Ahead of the curve - Development of the Sulaiman fold thrust belt
- Ahmed Paul Keeler: A Journey to Islam [Explore Islam Week]
- AI & Arbitration: A Compatible Marriage?
- AI + Pizza October 2018
- AI + Pizza September 2018
- AI + Science: An opportunity to strengthen the African scientific landscape
- AI and (Cognitive) Neuroscience. Jiri Cevora, Chief Data Scientist, Illumr.
- AI and Big Data for Social Good: From Covid Infection Study to Drug Repurposing for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
- AI and Healthcare Open Evening at Microsoft Research
- AI and Human Rights
- AI and Science: An Opportunity To Strengthen the African Scientific Landscape
- AI and the changing nature of work (a Cambridge Network event)
- AI and the Limits to Growth
- AI – More than just computers
- AI Control
- AI Designed Granular Materials for Industrial Applications
- AI Education in Finland: technology for the 'AI generation'
- AI Engineering as Design Engineering: Creating User-Centric AI Systems
- AI Ethics and Engagement with Children and Young People
- AI Ethics: Big tech and its influence on academic research
- AI Extenders: The Ethical and Societal Implications of Humans Cognitively Extended by AI
- AI for Astronomy in the SKA Era
- AI for Better Patient Outcomes
- AI for Environmental Risks CDT SHOWCASE 2021
- AI for identifying therapeutic targets, biomarkers and drug repositioning opportunities
- AI for Inclusive Finance
- AI for physics & physics for AI
- AI for Polar Route and Mission Planning
- AI for Science: An Oral Report from a Recent Dagstuhl Workshop
- AI for Sound
- AI for Sound
- AI Hardware and Real-World AI
- AI in Board Games 2: The Settlers of Catan
- AI in Criminal Justice
- AI in Graphics
- AI in Healthcare: Understanding Superbugs.
- AI in Medical Imaging Research Seminar – Cathal McCague – "Stop rolling the DSC! - A new framework for assessing the clinical utility of segmentation algorithms"
- AI in Medical Imaging Research Seminar – Nikita Sushentsev – "Time-series Radiomics: top or flop? - A new framework for longitudinal medical image analysis"
- AI in Medicine Seminar Series
- AI in Medicine Seminar Series
- AI in Medicine Seminar Series
- AI in MRI: Hope or Hype?
- AI Meets Cancer
- AI Narratives
- AI needs to serve people, science, and society
- AI Powered Multi-Modal Cardiac Data Analysis: Towards to Cardiac Digital Twins for Personalized Healthcare
- AI Powered Multi-Modal Cardiac Data Analysis: Towards to Cardiac Digital Twins for Personalized Healthcare
- AI Safety
- AI Safety Gridworlds: Is my agent 'safe'?
- AI Safety via Debate
- AI x Mathematics
- AI's Gender Problem: A Modernist Perspective
- AI+Pizza April 2018
- AI+Pizza February 2018
- AI+Pizza January 2018
- AI+Pizza July 2018
- AI+Pizza June 2018
- AI, Data Science & Mechanism Design in Sub-Saharan Africa
- AI, Robotics and Religion Reading Group, Faculty of Divinity
- AI-driven Automated Image Analysis of Biological Data
- AI-driven Audio and "Earables" for Healthcare
- AI-guided solutions for early detection of neurodegenerative disorders
- AI-Math Reading Group: Neural Tangent Kernel
- AI-Math: Exact Solutions of a Deep Linear Network
- AI-Math: Geometry of NN's parameter spaces
- AI-Math: Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models
- AI-Refined Radiative Transfer Modelling to Retrieve Biophysical Variables in Forests
- AI/Computing: Alloys for Flow Modeling and Control
- AI/ML in Chemical Development
- AI/Scientific Computing: Alloys for Complex system modeling and control
- AI4ER annual showcase
- AI4ER special student session - Literature review knowledge exchange
- AI4ER-CEDSG group meeting
- AI4ER-CEDSG group meeting
- AI4ER-CEDSG group meeting
- AI4ER-CEDSG group meeting: Machine Learning Approaches to Assessing Future Flood Risk
- AI: How it works, and why it could be working against us
- AI: the model is simple until proven otherwise
- AIDS and the Naz Project: British Asian AIDS activism in the nineties
- Aina & Alemayehu: the ‘Difficult Birth’ of Inclusive Fantasy Fiction for Youth
- AION and AEDGE: Search for gravitational waves with atom interferometry
- AION: Probing fundamental physics with atom interferometry
- AIoT for Safer, Healthier, and Smarter Environments
- Air pollution and climate change in the UK: A future perspective and open questions
- Air Pollution and Human Health (APHH) in a Chinese Megacity (Beijing): campaign overview
- Air pollution and human health. Lessons learnt and challenges ahead.
- Air Power in the Second World War: A War Winner?
- Air quality, ozone layer depletion and chemistry-climate interactions - measurements and modelling
- Air Transportation 'Factory': Processes, Challenges and Methods
- Air, Ice, and Water: Combining Models and Observations to Understand Antarctic Ice Sheet-Climate Interactions
- Air-sea exchange of trace gases
- Air-sea exchange variability and its atmosphere/ocean model resolution-dependence in HadGEM3.
- Air-Sea fluxes and the Atlantic Overturning Circulation
- Air-sea interactions and the thermohaline circulation
- Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Infections: Beyond COVID-19
- Aircraft Operations with the British Antarctic Survey
- Airway Problems and Management
- Airways infections – from ecological insights to clinical benefit
- Aitken Lecture: "Shaken but not stirred: mathematics in earthquakes"
- AITKEN PUBLIC LECTURE - Shaken but not stirred: using mathematics in earthquakes
- Ajtai's Completeness Theorem for Nonstandard Finite Structures
- Akilesh Verma title and abstract tba
- Akilesh Verma title and abstract tba
- Akilesh Verma title and abstract tba
- ALADDIN current progress
- Alain de Botton on The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work
- Alan Grafen: “Fisher’s legacy in Darwinian biology”
- Alan Rusbridger: The Power of the Press, the Power of the People
- Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine
- Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine
- Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine
- Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine
- Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine
- Alan Turing as a computer designer
- Alan Turing: the creative power of mathematics
- Alastair Campbell: Journalism and democracy: grounds for optimism in the face of the future?
- Alastair Campbell: Why journalism, and why it matters in a world in flux
- Albert Atserias, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Microsoft Research Lectures
- Albert Luthuli's Private Struggle: Reconciling Non-Violence and Sabotage in the Revolutionary Struggle for a Multiracial, Democratic South Africa
- ALC G2 manifolds
- Alchemy and natural history
- Alchemy as 'practical exegesis' in early-modern England
- Alcohol CVD Generation of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Future Chirality Control
- Alcuin Lecture 2013, Is there a future for the European Union - and with Britain in it?
- Alcuin Lecture 2016: Global Britain? The future of British trade after Brexit with Greg Hands, MP
- Alcuin Lecture 2018- Brexit: What happened and where do we go from here?
- Alcuin Lecture 2018- Brexit: What happened and where do we go from here?
- Alejandro Paredes on Numerical modeling of radiation-induced reactions
- Alemtuzumab: “fixing” multiple sclerosis and causing autoimmunity
- Alertme.com - implementing wireless home security 2.0
- Alertme.com: developing a ZigBee connected home product
- Alertness Modulates spatial attention: Evidence from EEG Analysis
- Alessio Maiezza - Renormalons and Resurgence applied to the QCD
- Alex Aylward: “On reading a book of two halves: A long history of The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection”
- Alex Hopkins Lecture - ‘Is the Milky Way Special?’ Professor Chris Lintott
- Alex Routh - Conformation of Organic Friction Modifiers under shear and Jerome Neufeld - Storing CO2 in geological complexities
- Alexander Ogg (1811-65): surveyor, farmer and gold prospector, Aberdeenshire and New Zealand
- Alexander polynomials for tangles
- Alexander-Conway polynomial, milnor numbers, and the Pfaffian matrix-tree theorem
- Alexandra Drysdale
- Alexandrine Medicine - dead bodies!
- Alexandrov Theorem Revisited
- Alfred Dubs Lecture: race, corporate “sovereigns” and corporate borders
- Alfred Wallis
- Alfred Wallis: an illustrated lecture
- Alfvén wave driven heating of the Solar chromosphere
- Alfven wave phase-mixing in flows: why over-dense solar coronal open magnetic field structures are cool?
- ALG and ALH spaces
- Algae Around the World Symposium
- Algae calcium
- Algae for energy and industrial biotechnology
- Algae for Food – enhancing nutritional value and reducing waste
- Algae, bacteria and B vitamins
- Algal biodiesel – challenging cell walls
- Algal Phototaxis and the Evolution of Multicellularity
- Algal Phototaxis and the Evolution of Multicellularity
- Algal-bacterial consortia: towards the commercialisation of microalgae for industrial biotechnology
- Algal-bacterial interactions at a distance
- Algebra and geometry of Somos sequences
- Algebra of Parameterised Graphs
- Algebra PhD event
- Algebra unifies Calculi of programming
- Algebra unifies Calculi of programming
- Algebra-valued models of set theory
- Algebraic and Geometric Ideas in Discrete Optimisation I
- Algebraic and Geometric Ideas in Discrete Optimisation II
- Algebraic and Geometric Ideas in Discrete Optimisation III
- Algebraic aspects of chromatic roots
- Algebraic aspects of chromatic roots
- Algebraic aspects of the AdS/CFT S matrix
- Algebraic cycles and fibrations
- Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory I
- Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory II
- Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory III
- Algebraic cycles on threefolds fibered over a curve by surfaces with
geometric genus zero
- Algebraic ER=EPR and complexity transfer
- Algebraic Foundations to Effect-Dependent Optimisations
- Algebraic function based Banach space valued ordinary and fractional neural network approximations
- Algebraic Geometry - Introductory lunchtime talk
- Algebraic groups
- Algebraic Groups and Finite Dimensional Algebras
- Algebraic K-theory and exact Lagrangians in cotangent bundles
- Algebraic K-theory of monoid algebras
- Algebraic methods for parameter-free analysis of biochemical networks
- Algebraic methods in computer vision and automatic generation of efficient algebraic solvers
- Algebraic models for rational equivariant commutative ring spectra
- Algebraic Morava K-theory and algebraic groups
- Algebraic numbers/chromatic roots working group
- Algebraic Principles for Program Verification and Refinement Tools
- Algebraic Routing (Part 1)
- Algebraic Routing (Part 2)
- Algebraic Routing (Part 3)
- Algebraic Set Theory
- Algebraic structures, Chern numbers and Minimal Model Program
- Algebraic surfaces and hyperbolic geometry
- Algebraic theories and computational effects
- Algebraic Theories over Nominal Sets
- Algebraic Topology and Modular Forms
- Algebraic Torsion in Higher-dimensional contact manifolds
- Algebraic type theory
- Algebraically coherent categories: definition, examples and basic properties
- Algebraically hyperbolic groups
- Algebraically special spacetimes in higher dimensions
- Algebras, automorphisms, and extensions of quadratic fusion categories
- Algorithm design for large-scale phylogenetic analysis
- Algorithm design for reinforcement learning and optimisation
- Algorithm design for reinforcement learning and optimisation
- Algorithmic Approaches to Statistical Estimation under Structural Constraints
- Algorithmic Barriers from Phase Transitions
- Algorithmic Barriers from Phase Transitions
- Algorithmic classification of surface homeomorphisms
- Algorithmic diagnosis and the problem of statistical evidence
- Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) Beyond Back Propagation
- Algorithmic differentiation of diffusion Monte Carlo
- Algorithmic Fairness and Individual Probabilities
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design.
- Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design.
- Algorithmic Glass Ceiling in Social Networks
- Algorithmic Glass Ceiling in Social Networks
- Algorithmic Governance: Theory and Practice
- Algorithmic Investigation of Large Biological Data sets
- Algorithmic Market Design: Spectrum Sales and BitTorrent Communities
- Algorithmic Music Composition
- Algorithmic Musical Composition in the Style of J. S. Bach
- Algorithmic randomness and stochastic selection function
- Algorithmic stability for heavy-tailed SGD
- Algorithmic stability for heavy-tailed SGD
- Algorithmic study of elliptic modular graph forms
- Algorithmic Trading for Data Scientists
- Algorithmic Trading with Learning: Informed versus Uninformed
- Algorithms and bounds for group testing
- Algorithms and complexity I
- Algorithms and complexity II
- Algorithms and computations with Bridgeland stability conditions
- Algorithms and the criminal justice system: promises and challenges in deployment and research
- Algorithms as Mechanisms: The Price of Anarchy of Relax and Round
- Algorithms for matrix groups over infinite fields
- Algorithms for matrix groups over infinite fields
- Algorithms for matrix groups: success, failure, challenge
- Algorithms for Understanding Motor Cortical Processing and Neural Prosthetic Systems
- Algorithms on Strings
- Algorithms: Lecture 1
- Algorithms: Lecture 1
- Algorithms: Lecture 10
- Algorithms: Lecture 11
- Algorithms: Lecture 12
- Algorithms: Lecture 13
- Algorithms: Lecture 14
- Algorithms: Lecture 15
- Algorithms: Lecture 16
- Algorithms: Lecture 2
- Algorithms: Lecture 3
- Algorithms: Lecture 4
- Algorithms: Lecture 5
- Algorithms: Lecture 6
- Algorithms: Lecture 7
- Algorithms: Lecture 8
- Algorithms: Lecture 9
- Alhazen's Perspectiva legacy in science and art
- Ali Al-Sharafi’s Oeuvre as Something Other Than Simply Local or Global - Sonja Brentjes [gloknos lecture]
- Alias Detection and Spectral Correction for Locally Stationary Time Series
- Alice Hibbert-Ware: Nature Study and the Little Owl Food Enquiry (1936-7)
- Alice, Bob, and Eve in Quantumland
- Alien movements across space and time: non-randomness in bird introductions
- Alien: Covenant
- Aliens and useful knowledge: Kant's "Natural History and Theory of the Heavens"
- Align or Die: The Short and Brutish Lives of Plant Cortical Micrutubules
- Aligning Actions with Values: Living a Purpose-Driven Life (in person)
- Alignment, Elongation, and Directed Migration of Cells on Textured Surfaces
- ALK Hunting in Colorado - new drugs for lung cancer's new diseases
- Alkaloid biosynthesis and engineering
- Alkis Seraphim Lecture - Exploiting the defective wiring of cancer cells for the development of targeted therapies.
- Alkis Seraphim Lecture 2018 - PI 3-Kinase and Cancer Metabolism
- Alkis Seraphim Memorial Lecture, "Serine metabolism in cancer – new therapeutic possibilities?"
- Alkyl chain length independent hole mobility in poly(3-alkylthiophene)s via morphological control with nanofibres
- All a matter of timing - starting-up a location-tracking company in Cambridge
- All about stress in plants, from oxidative stress to programmed cell death.
- All About That Bayes: Making Inference from Data
- All about Xen
- All cells are born equal, but some are more equal than others
- All Compounded Things are Subject to Decay: an Archaeology of Tibetan Buddhism
- All day seminar: Parallel Computing Everywhere
- All definable sets of reals are Ramsey: at what axiomatic cost?
- All finitely generated 3-manifold groups are Grothendieck rigid
- All for One and One for All: Decoupling IP in the Connection from the Endhost Communication.
- All for one and one for all: single-cell properties in the service of circuit-level computations
- All Good Things Must Bend: the Energetics of DNA Shape and Flexibility in Biological Assemblies
- All kinds of JNK: How one kinase can be an oncogene, tumour suppressor and apoptotic mediator
- All Models are Uncertain
- All models are wrong and yours are useless: making clinical prediction models impactful for patients
- All Participant Catch Up
- All Participant Catch Up
- All Participant Catch Up (Zoom)
- All Participant Catch Up (Zoom)
- All paths lead to rain: The social construction of a water crisis in India
- All possible perspectives: a defence of Eddington's selective subjectivism
- All singing, all dancing, all sitting – design of the modern stadium
- All singing, all dancing, all sitting – design of the modern stadium
- All Talk and No Conversation? Methodological Preconditions of An Interdisciplinary Forensic Science
- All things bright and beautiful: The science of biological colour
- All things bright and beautiful; structural colour in biological systems
- All Things Data
- All To Play For: How sport can reboot our future
- All virtue, war and honour? On the early phase of Latin literature and the evolution of a concept of play in republican Rome
- All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: The rise of computational creativity
- ALL WELCOME! A genome search for maternal factors conferring resistance to hypoxia-associated fetal growth restriction: update from the Andes
- ALL WELCOME! Horses, camels, giraffe and elephants: they are big and they breed in their own funny ways
- All Welcome! Models and modelling approaches for pregnancy research
- ALL WELCOME! The placental renin-angiotensis system: an old system with a new look
- All work and no play
- All you ever wanted to know about Part II Projects
- All-at-once versus reduced formulations of inverse problems
- All-atom Monte Carlo approach to protein dynamics and interactions
- All-day reading of To the Lighthouse
- All-day Reading of _The Waves_
- All-electron quantum Monte Carlo using Slater-type orbitals
- All-Garnet Heteroepitaxial Photonic Crystals: Towards Magneto-Optic Lasing Media
- All-Optical Networks
- All-photonic quantum networks
- All-resolutions inference for brain imaging
- All-to-all broadcast coded slotted ALOHA for V2V communications
- Allele specific expression analysis using high throughput DNA sequencing
- Allele specific expression design using short read DNA sequencing and application to the genetics of autoimmune disorders
- Allelic Expression Imbalance in CTVT
- Allelic-Specific analysis for pooled ChIP-Seq data
- Alliance of Net Contributors? The British Budgetary Question - Germany and the UK in the EC
- Allocation processes and Storage
- Allochthonous languages, Brazilian Zeeuws, and Dummy Auxiliaries
- Allosteric and genetic modulation of brain inhibition
- Allosteric regulation and biased signaling at class B GPCRs
- Alloy design against fatigue?
- ALMA studies of submm galaxies
- Almighty Physicians and Autonomous Adults: the 1970s women's health movement.
- Almost Absolute Zero: the story of laser cooling and trapping
- Almost all extremal black holes in AdS are singular
- Almost always blue trees and bar induction
- Almost Quantum Theory
- Almost quantum theory: classical theories with a constraint on knowledge
- Almost sure multifractal spectrum of SLE
- Almost-prime k-tuples
- Almost-unsupervised multilingual sentiment analysis
- Along the coast of Southern Peru
- Alore: Making dynamic languages simpler
- Alpaca Orthopaedics - Confirming the 'Design by Committee' theory
- Alpha beta and gamma delta T cell recognition of transformed self via novel antigenic targets
- Alpha sub-grid scale models of turbulence and inviscid regularization
- Alpha-actinin dynamically anchors PSD-95 and AMPARs at postsynaptic sites
- Alpha-actinin dynamically anchors PSD-95 and AMPARs at postsynaptic sites
- Alpha-Beta Pruning Explored, Extended and Verified
- Alpha-Gal glycotopes as effective glycovaccines and chemotherapy biomarkers in Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)
- Alpha-induction for bi-unitary connections
- Alpha-Stable Poisson-Kingman Processes: Some Applications and Methodologies
- Alpha-synuclein and protein aggregation
- Alpha-Uranium and Its Superconductivity
- Alphafold2 at the LMB - Use and Applications
- AlphaFold3 Open-Source, Chai-1 and Boltz-1 for protein structure predictions : Discussion and Mini-Workshop
- Alphavirus induced inflammatory disease: new insights into disease mechanisms and therapeutic approaches
- alpha_s from lattice QCD
- Alterations of brain function in pre-dementia Alzheimer’s disease: implications for early diagnosis
- Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder
- Altered senses and excited brains: investigating the neural basis of autism
- Altered States of Consciousness: Linking Mind and Brain Through Neuroimaging
- Alternate Twentieth-Century Biotechnologies (Domestication Practices across History)
- Alternating knots with unknotting number one
- Alternating Projection, Ptychographic Imaging and connection graph Laplacian
- Alternating projections for phase retrieval with random sensing vectors
- Alternating proximal gradient descent for nonconvex regularised problems with multiconvex coupling terms
- Alternating quotients of right-angled Artin groups
- Alternating quotients of right-angled Artin groups
- Alternative approaches to reconstruction
- Alternative boundary conditions for Lifshitz holography
- Alternative Cell Death Pathways in Antiviral Host Defense
- Alternative Database Technologies - and what they can offer to Cancer Registration
- Alternative formulations for full waveform inversion
- Alternative means of harnessing solar energy
- Alternative Memory Technologies to DRAM and SRAM (for on-chip cache design)
- Alternative meristems: mapping the expression landscape of transcription factor in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
- Alternative notations and personal information management
- Alternative plastics, grass and worms
- Alternative Railway Traction for the UK Network (Debate)
- Alternative respiratory enzymes: a route to therapy for mitochondrial disorders
- Alternative sanctions for juvenile criminal hackers: The evaluation of the Dutch “Hack_Right” intervention
- Alternative security mechanisms for WiFi networks
- Alternative spatialities for a global city
- Alternative splicing in the human transcriptome: Functional and structural influence on proteins
- Alternative Splicing in Tumors: Detection and Interpretation
- Alternative splicing: widespread fine-tuning regulatory process or costly errors?
- Alternative splicing: widespread fine-tuning regulatory process or costly errors?
- Alternatives to citizenship at the end of empire: princes, subjects and mass migration
- Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
- Altruism and relatedness in microbial populations
- Alumni Festival 2014: Africa's Digital Communications Revolution
- Alumni in Industry Day
- Alumni in Industry Day
- Alumni Medal Ceremony and Talk
- Alumni Seminar
- Alwaan: The colours of Islam
- Alwaan: The Colours of Islam
- Always on guard: p53 dynamics in single living cells
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Alzheimer's disease and yoghurt - a physicist's exploration of proteins
- Alzheimer's disease: the greatest healthcare threat for the ageing population
- Alzheimer's disease: the history of a working title
- Alzheimer's Research UK East Network Public Meeting 2022
- Alzheimer's Research UK East Network Public Meeting 2023
- Alzheimer's Research UK East Network Public Talk
- Alzheimer's Research UK East Network Scientific Meeting 2020 - Day 1
- Alzheimer's Research UK East Network Scientific Meeting 2020 - Day 2
- Alzheimer's talks
- Alzheimer’s Disease: Addressing a Twenty-First Century Plague
- Alzheimer’s Disease: The story so far
- Alzheimers disease immunology & molecular mimicry: The potato virus Y protein binds to the Amyloid Beta Protein
- Amalgamation
- Amandine Gay in conversation with Sophie Marie Niang
- Amapiano Music
- Amateurs and pros(e): growing pains in twentieth century natural history publishing
- Amazing puzzles: a preserved ability in Semantic Dementia?
- Amazing TRP channels: from Aristotle´s five senses to TRPpathies
- Amazon
- Amazon Alexa
- Amazon Alexa Tech Talk
- Amazon Alexa: building AI at scale
- Amazon UK: Tech Talk
- Amazonia 1492: Pristine forest or cultural parkland?
- Ambedkar in his time and ours
- Ambidexterity in the T(n)-Local Stable Homotopy Theory
- Ambient Health Intelligence: Sensing from your Watch to your Fridge
- Ambiguities in the DNA testing; progressive retinal atrophy in dachshund dogs
- Ambiguity aversion and the expected cost of rare energy disasters: An application to nuclear power accidents
- Ambiguous Venice: Britten's final opera
- Ambition and Decorum: Women's Entry into the Professions in Belle Époque France
- Ambitious Value Learning
- Ambitoric Kaehler surfaces
- Ambitwistor strings at null infinity
- Amenability of automata groups
- Amenability, cellular automata and group-graded rings
- Amenable groups and Noetherian group rings
- Amenable open covers of right-angled Artin groups
- American and British Intelligence and the Yom Kippur War of 1973
- American Conspiracy Theories
- American History Seminar
- American History Seminar
- American History Seminar
- American History Seminar
- American History Seminar
- American History Seminar
- American Jewry, 1918: the Heart of a Colonial Diaspora?
- American Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War World: The Case of Bosnia
- American States of Nature: The Origins of Independence
- AMI Observations of Galaxy Clusters
- AMI Observations of Galaxy Clusters
- AMiBA: First-Year Results for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
- Amid the Villus Film Showing and Q&A
- Amilcar Cabral and Amartya Sen: Capability, Freedom and Resistance
- Amine-Functionalised Metal-Organic Frameworks as Next Generation Adsorbents for CO2 Capture
- Amino acid patterns for protein folding
- Amino Acid Promoted Ullman Reactions and their Applications in Organic Synthesis
- Amino acid sensing: the elF2a signalling in the control of biological functions
- Amino acid transporters and nutrient-sensing mechanisms
- Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: Possible Origins and Molecular Mechanisms Leading to the Evolution of Enhanced Catalytic Activity, Specificity, and Allostery
- Ammonium nitrate: Safe oxidizer or dangerous explosive
- AMOC – scratch the ‘surface’ and get to the ‘bottom’
- Amorphous Al2O3 from Atomic Layer Deposition
- Amorphous calcium carbonate stabilization and alternative crystal growth mechanisms - lessons from leaves
- Amorphous Carbon and Graphene for Advanced Memory Applications
- Amorphous semiconductors - a good random network is hard to get
- Amorphous solids from the glass transition to 1 Kelvin
- AMPA/NMDA receptors in hippocampal pyramidal cells and left-right asymmetry of CA3-CA1 synaptic connections
- Amphibian conservation and midwife toads in Cambridge
- Amphibian Evolution through Deep Time: Fossils, Genes and Regeneration
- AmphiBot and Salamandra robotica: four generations of modular amphibious and swimming robots
- Amphioxus immunity provides the ancestral form and inner workings of vertebrates immune system
- Amphioxus provides unexpected insight into evolutionary processes
- Amphioxus: an unusual model gives insight into chordate development and regeneration
- Amphipathic Nature of Graphene Flakes
- Amphiphide Monolayers to study interfacial interactions
- Amphiphide Monolayers to study interfacial interactions
- Amphiphilic surfactants as model additives for engine friction reduction and Michael Sargent - Battery Thermal Management Fluids and Systems
- AMPK - a sensor of cellular energy and glucose availability, and a key interface between mitochondria and their host cell
- AMPK phosphorylation of FNIP1 dictates the kinetics of lysosome and mitochondrial biogenesis
- Ample subschemes
- Ample subvarieties and a conjecture of Hartshorne
- Amplification and dialogue as mechanisms for safe advanced AI
- Amplification of superkicks in black-hole binaries through orbital eccentricity
- Amplified stochastic oscillations
- Amplitude and phase variation of point processes
- Amplitude and phase variation of point processes
- Amplitude and phase variation of point processes
- Amplitude Bootstrap and Double Copy in (Anti) de-Sitter space
- Amplitudes and number theory
- Amplitudes and Wilson loops in N=4 SYM in special kinematics
- Amplitudes and Wilson loops in twistor space
- Amplitudes for Fivebranes
- Amplitudes using pure spinors
- Amplitudes’ Positivity in Gravitational Theories, and the Weak Gravity Conjecture
- AMPNet: Asynchronous Model-Parallel Training for Dynamic Neural Networks
- AMR surveillance for public health
- Amulet and Auracle: Wearable Platforms for mHealth Research
- Amundsen and Scott: Lives Explored
- Amygdala and PFC encode different associative structures and their connectivity helps predict subclinical variation in mental well-being
- Amyloid oligomers : precursors, competitors or inhibitors of fibril formation
- Amyloid-β ‘seeds’ in old vials of growth hormone
- Amyloids from the origin to the end of life
- An "unlinked" Floer homology, and Poincaré surfaces.
- An 'After the PhD' Panel: Navigating Academia as a Post-Doc
- An 'Age of the Crisis of Man'? 'Human Personality' in British Social Thought, 1910-1973
- An 'Ashby map' for selecting musical strings
- An 'Historical Mafia': The U.C.D.-Peterhouse Connection
- An 'Uber for Electricity': Institutional Theory and Practice for a Regulated Industry in a Technologically Dynamic Environment
- An 18,000-year old Crime Scene Investigation
- An 8.2ka event style outburst flood during MIS 5e
- An a priori model of biased perceptual choice
- An ab initio approach for exciton-photon interactions in molecular crystals
- An ab initio study of the Little-Parks effect
- An Abelian-Higgs vortex on a compact hyperbolic surface
- An abstract framework for a non-perturbative renormalisation
- An Achilles heel of oncogenic beta-catenin revealed through small molecule inhibition of its interaction with BCL9
- An ACL2 Tutorial
- An ACL2-based x86-ISA Specification
- An activity theory approach to affordance
- An adaptive backtracking strategy for non-smooth composite optimisation problems
- An Adaptive Inverse Scale Space Method for Compressed Sensing
- An adaptive numerical method for multi-scale problems arising in phase-field modelling of solidification
- An adaptive optimal design with a small fixed stage-one sample size
- An adaptive QM/MM molecular dynamics scheme for reactions in solution
- An adaptive QM/MM molecular dynamics scheme for reactions in solutions
- An Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithm For Bayesian Mixture Analysis
- An Additivity Theorem for cobordism categories, with applications to Hermitian K-theory
- An Adjoint Method for the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation
- An African orient? West Africans in World War Two India, 1943-1947
- An afternoon of Mathematics and Biology
- An Afternoon of Talks and Discussion – Palestinian Embroidery: A Living Tradition
- An Afternoon of Talks by 2nd Year Students
- An Afternoon of Talks by Second Year Students
- An afternoon of talks exploring the links between classical information theory, probability, statistics and their quantum counterparts.
- An Afternoon with Bill Browder
- An afternoon with Nancy Campbell and The Library of Ice
- An aged view of schizophrenia
- An agent, not a mole: Assessing the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
- An Agglomeration-Based, Massively Parallel Non-Overlapping Additive Schwarz Preconditioner for High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Polytopic Grids
- An AI tool for Dementia.
- An algebraic approach to residually nilpotency
- An algebraic classification of entangled states
- An Algebraic Combinatorial Approach to Opetopic Structure
- An algebraic slice in the coadjoint action of the Borel
- An algebraic theory of type-and-effect systems
- An Algebraic Variety Related to Tau-Tilting Theory
- An algebraist's introduction to spectral sequences
- An algorithm for the denoising of cosmic strings in CMB data
- An algorithm to construct dihedral axial algebras
- An algorithm to segment count data using a binomial negative model
- An Algorithmic Metatheorem for Directed Treewidth
- An Algorithmic Method for Identifying Swiss Cheese Manifolds
- An alkaline world: a new assessment of the global chemical climate for PM2.5 formation and nitrogen and sulphur deposition
- An ALMA view of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionisation
- An alternative approach in teaching preschool: Drama and its effect on teachers
- An alternative interpretation of gravity anomaly from Hawking radiation
- An alternative look at force balances in geodynamo simulations (Invited speaker)
- An alternative NLO subtraction scheme using Nagy Soper Dipoles
- An alternative proof of the Shannon-McMillan theorem for ergodic quantum lattice systems
- An Alternative to the Infernal Combustion engine.? - Modern Fuel Cells
- An Amber Spyglass: X-ray observations as a probe of axion-like particles
- An ambient vibration-based bridge scour monitoring system
- An analogue of the curve complex for a right-angled Artin group.
- An analogue of the curve complex for Garside groups
- An analogue of the Dipper-James basis for the symplectic Schur algebra
- An analogue of the Milnor conjecture for the de Rham-Witt complex in characteristic 2
- An analogue of Washington's Theorem for elliptic curves with complex multiplication
- An Analysis of Energy-Efficient Road Transport
- An analysis of implicit samplers in the small-noise limit
- An analysis of instantaneous velocity of mitotic microtubules following the loss of MARK2/Par1
- An analysis of the noise schedule for score-based generative models
- An analysis of the threats of the consumer spyware industry
- An analytic construction of dihedral ALF gravitational instantons
- An analytic inequality and some random applications
- An analytic model of a star cluster evolution in a galactic tidal field
- An analytic model of surface waveguide discontinuities using the Wiener-Hopf method
- An Analytic Solution for Gust-Cascade Interaction Noise Including Effects of Realistic Aerofoil Geometry
- An analytical and experimental investigation of rocking isolation for earthquake-resilient design
- An analytical approach to a model of spin interactions in quartic wells
- An analytical approach to the design of acoustic meta-materials and meta-surfaces
- An analytical approach to the effective properties of two-dimensional random and periodic composites; designing acoustic meta-materials
- An analytical framework for metachronal coordination in cilia
- An Anatomy of Event Studies: Hypothetical Experiments, Exact Decomposition, and Weighting Diagnostics
- An ancient DNA perspective on virus evolution
- An ancient ecospecies of Helicobacter pylori found in Indigenous populations and animal adapted lineages
- An ancient immunoreceptor educates maternal natural killer cells to optimise reproduction
- An ancient origin for contemporary chronic disease risk in South Asia?
- An ancient regulatory network sets the position of the forebrain in chordates
- An android application for freight vehicle in-service monitoring
- An Angry Warning: Pareto and Elite Circulation
- An animal-oriented perspective on the Neolithic transition in the Dutch wetlands
- An anisotropic elastic-decohesive constitutive relation for sea ice
- An Anisotropic Interaction Model for Simulating Fingerprints
- An anisotropic, non-singular early universe model leading to a realistic cosmology
- An anisotropic, non-singular early universe model leading to a realistic cosmology
- An annual cycle of long lived stratospheric gases from MIPAS
- An Antique Land
- An APC centric view of Viral haemorrhagic fever
- An aperitivo of efforts against harming online contents: propaganda, hate speech, spam
- An App for Tree Trunk Diameter Estimation from Coarse Optical Depth Maps
- An application of HDP And IBP for stream-based action recognition and high dimensional data
- An Application of Mixing Times to Fibreoptic Networks
- An application of Model Theory to Real Algebraic Geometry
- An application of T-duality to K-theory
- An appraisal of scientific reasoning as therapy in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- An apprenticeship in theory: rethinking Darwin's debt to Lyell
- An approach for constructing SRB-measures for chaotic attractors
- An Approach to Large Scale Computing of Problems form Science and Technology
- An Approach to Performance Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Event-Based Systems
- An Approach to the BKL Conjecture
- An approach to the four colour theorem via Donaldson- Floer theory
- An Approximate Differentiable Renderer
- An Approximate Form of Sidorenko's Conjecture
- An Approximate Shapley-Folkman Theorem.
- An approximate version of Jackson's conjecture
- An archaeogenetic pilot study on diversity and domestication in the tuber crop taro
- An archaeological perspective on trade and travel in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
- An area law for the entropy of low-energy states
- An arithmetic count of rational plane curves
- An arithmetic refinement of homological mirror symmetry for the 2-torus
- An article evolving: Contact-induced or language-internal change?
- An Artist's Impression
- An Arts and Crafts jeweller: The life and work of Fred Partridge (1877-1945)
- An as-if model of economic decision making
- An assessment of individual learning abilities and their phenotypic traits in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)
- An Assessment of Progress to Decarbonize Antarctic Stations
- An assessment of the potential uses of tympanometry in small animal
- An astronomer in Antarctica
- An astronomer in Antarctica
- An Asymptotic Local-Global Principle for Integral Kleinian Sphere Packings
- An Asymptotic Matching Problem in Braginskii Magnetohydrodynamics
- An asymptotic minors property for ranks of higher-dimensional tensors
- An asymptotic preserving scheme for a kinetic equation describing propagation phenomena
- An asymptotic preserving scheme for kinetic models with singular limit
- An atlas of human thymic development reveals single cell dynamics of TCR repertoire formation
- An auditory thread: music, sleep, brain stimulation, and neuroplasticity
- An auto-ethnographic account of a hitchhiking journey from Gateshead to Poland
- An Auto-Ethnographic Approach to Analysing George Crumb’s Five Piano Pieces
- An Automated Computer Vision System for Damage Detection and Monitoring in Tunnel Inspection
- An Automated Statistician which learns Bayesian nonparametric models of time series data
- An automorphism of a model of set theory that moves a countable ordinal down but does not move any natural number down
- An AUV underneath the ‘Doomsday glacier’: Revealing pathways and modification of warm water flowing beneath Thwaites ice shelf, West Antarctica
- An Averaging Problem in Modified Gravity Theories
- An axisymmetric problem for a nano-sized material surface on a boundary of an elastic semi-space
- An ‘Audience with Emmy Award winner, Nic Benns
- An early hematopoietic progenitor contributes endothelial cells to organ vasculature
- An ecological approach to antimicrobial resistance: genes, hosts, and populations
- An ecological perspective on the beginnings of cereal management in southwest Asia
- An Ecology of Mind A Daughter’s Portrait of Gregory Bateson
- An EdF perspective with a focus on nuclear development in the UK
- An Editor’s Guide to Effective Science Communication
- An effect for bilingualism on ADHD trait levels in the general child population
- An effective classification of Borel Wadge classes
- An effective criterion for a stable factorisation of a strictly nonsingular 2 × 2 matrix functions. Utilisation of the ExactMPF package
- An effective criterion for a stable factorisation of a strictly nonsingular 2 × 2 matrix functions. Utilisation of the ExactMPF package
- An effective criterion for periodicity of l-adic continued fractions
- An Effective Field Theory Approach to Cosmic Acceleration
- An effective field theory for gravitating spinning objects in the PN scheme
- An Effective Finite Difference Approach for Optical Beam Propagations
- An effective microscopic description of black brane thermodynamics
- An efficiency theory of complexity and related phenomena
- An efficient alternative to the complete matched-pairs design for assessing non-inferiority of a new diagnostic test
- An efficient kernel product for automatic differentiation libraries, with applications to measure transport
- An Efficient Solver for string and regular expression constraints
- An efficient test for product states
- An eigensystem approach to Anderson localization
- An eigensystem approach to Anderson localization, part II
- An Einstein-Hilbert approach to the Donaldson-Futaki Invariant
- An elementary approach to Breuil's classification of finite flat p-group schemes
- An elementary approach to unitary representations of the Thompson group F
- An elementary proof of existence and uniqueness for the Euler flow in uniformly localized Yudovich spaces
- An Embedding of Abstract Separation Logic in HOL
- An emerging new view on planet formation and protostellar accretion
- An Empirical Analysis of Phishing Attack and Defense
- An Empirical Bayesian Method for Video Denoising
- An empirical measure of attribution risk (for fully synthetic data)
- An Empirical Study of Lifelong Learning on Mobile Applications
- An empirical study of the effect of sequence alignment on phylogenetic analysis
- An energy landscape study highlights the well engineered thermodynamics of collagen.
- An Energy-Efficient Patchable Accelerator For Post-Silicon Engineering Changes
- An engineering approach to aversive learning.
- An enhanced data interpretation methodology for the distributed fiber optic sensing technology
- An enhancement of equivalent linearisation: The continuation
- An enhancer-centric approach to understanding gene regulation within the heterogeneous vasculature:Novel roles for SOXF,SMAD and MEF2 factors
- An Enlightenment tradition of characterising and caricaturing science and scientists: why words (and nerds) matter.
- An enquiry into the motivational trajectory of Chinese learners in learning a third language (L3) from the identity perceptive
- An ensemble approach to improved prediction from multitype data
- An ensemble approach to improved prediction from multitype data
- An entrepreneurial journey into precision medicine
- An entropic functional on families of random variables from theoretical biology
- An Entropy-Based Model for Hierarchical Learning
- An Environmental Case for Nuclear Energy? Talk and kick-off meeting
- An epidemic of dreaming on Naxos in 1930: antecedents and consequences
- An Epidemiologist’s View of Obesity Prevention Research
- An equivalent barotropic view of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- An equivariant computation of tmf
- An Error-Correcting Keyboard
- An essential role for interferon epsilon in gonococcal infection
- An estimate of sea ice and deep water production in Antarctic coastal polynyas
- An Euler-Kolyvagin system machinery of rank r
- An Evaluation of four global reanalysis products using in-situ observations in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- An evaluation of integrated zooming and scrolling on small screens
- An Evaluation of procedures to Assess Cognitive Effort in Malingering of Memory
- An Evaluation of Protected Area Policies in the European Union
- An even lighter QCD axion
- An evening of Festive Games & Networking 2020 - ALL Welcome!
- An evening of poetry and music marking Marina Tsvetaeva’s 130th anniversary
- An Evening of Spirituality
- An Evening of Spirituality
- An Evening with Artist Anthony Green
- An evening with Ayesha Hazarika
- An evening with Lemn Sissay
- An Evening with Michael Foale
- An Evening with Simprints Technology - Biometrics & Beneficiary Identification
- An Evening with the Art Historians
- An Evening with WANG DAN
- An event-based description of the heat-flux time series in an atmospheric boundary layer
- An evidence based strategy for preventing obesity and type 2 diabetes
- An Evolutionary Approach to Experimental Design for Combinatorial Optimization
- An Evolutionary Change for China’s Policy to Attract Foreign Investment--from the Market Access Initiated in China’s Free Trade Zones
- An evolutionary perspective on why health inequalities exist.
- An evolutionary perspective to systems and synthetic biology: From cellular networks to microbial communities
- An exact algorithm for computing the geodesic distance between phylogenetic trees
- An exact analogue of the Hatano-Nelson model for continuous systems
- An exact analytical solution for gravity wave expansion of the compressible, non-hydrostatic Euler equations on the sphere
- An exact, efficient, and flexible representation of statistical models for DNA profiles
- An Exchange about Doctoral Study and Didactic Research
- An Executable Model of the JVM in Coq
- An expanding picture of Criegee intermediate tropospheric chemistry
- An experience of early stage science entrepreneurship
- An experimental analysis of the effect of Quantitative Easing
- An Experimental and Modelling Approach to Understanding Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Structures
- An Experimental and Phenomenological dissection of heavy quark decays into light leptons
- An experimental and theoretical investigation into the small strain stiffness of clays
- An experimental approach for the validation and development of Group Interaction Modelling for polymer properties
- An experimental approach for the validation and development of Group Interaction Modelling for polymer properties
- An experimental assay of the genotype to phenotype connection.
- An experimental exploration of the properties of random frequency response functions
- An Experimental Investigation of Flow Control for Supersonic Inlets
- An Experimental Test of Gravity's Role in Quantum State Reduction
- An Explanation of Unfree Labour
- An Explanation of Unfree Labour
- An explicit construction of the complex of variational calculus and Lie conformal algebra cohomology
- An exploration of grain growth & deformation in zirconium
- An exploration of the interaction between design and dynamic simulation
- An exponential integrator for the 4D-Vlasov-Poisson system with strong magnetic field
- An Extended-Self, Games and Conflict Resolution Today
- An extensor tree theorem and a Tutte identity for graphs with distinguished port edges
- An extinct coastal Sami musical tradition – How, when and why?
- An Eye Below Zero
- An Eye for Stress
- An fMRI study of prior emotion processing on subsequent cognitive performance: relevance for psychiatric disorders
- An FX trading system using adaptive reinforcement learning
- An FX trading system using adaptive reinforcement learning
- An ideal limit for the performance of large wind farms
- An idealized Weddell Gyre and its extreme sensitivity to resolution
- An identity on class numbers of cubic rings
- An IDyOM Tutorial: Modelling Auditory Expectations
- An Illusion of Complicity: terrorism and the illegal ivory trade in East Africa
- An impossible method? Agreeing to disagree about comparison in anthropology
- An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Quantum Max-Cut
- An in-depth look at Deep Learning in Digital Media
- An Incentive Mechanism to Decongest Road Traffic
- An inclusive approach to the networking of knowledge about education in Southern contexts: the role of EENET
- An Inclusive Design perspective on modern Automotive Human Machine Interfaces
- An Inconvenient Truth
- An Indo-Persian history-cum-memoir: the illustration of history at the intersection of India, Iran and Central Asia
- An Industrially Useful Prover
- An Industry Perspective on Managing Flexibility
- An inequality for Tutte polynomials
- An infalling observer and the black hole information paradox in AdS/CFT
- An informal talk on some volcanic flow problems
- An information-centric transport protocol
- An informational derivation of Quantum Theory
- An ingenious gadget from a Greek musical theorist's workshop
- An inheritance of loss: private debt to public charity in princely Mysore
- An Innovation Odyssey – from Basic Research to the World’s Fastest-selling Consumer Electronics Product
- An innovative sterilization device for safe surgery
- An inorganic antioxidant in a living system impacting atmospheric and marine chemistry: Iodide in seaweeds (kelp)
- An Instability in Variational Methods for Learning Topic Models
- An institutional strategy to improve the trustworthiness, usefulness, and ethics of biomedical research
- An integrable Lorentz-breaking deformation of 2d CFTs
- An integral structure on rigid cohomology
- An Integrated Approach to Modelling the Direct and Indirect Impacts of Heatwaves in London
- An Integrated Multiscale Framework for Performing Design and Analysis of Composite and Smart Structures
- An integrated structural biology approach to flower development
- An integrative systems genetic analysis of mammalian lipid metabolism
- An intellectual history of the universal basic income
- An Inter-Comparison of Icosahedral Climate Models on the G8 Call: ICOMEX Project
- An interacting particle system related to the quantum Toda chain
- An interaction between the Trk and EphA tyrosine kinase families controls retinotectal topography
- An interactive production approach to emotion perception in music
- An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Proto-Korean-Japanese Hypothesis
- An interdisciplinary approach for decarbonising the built environment
- An interesting paper
- An interesting preprint
- An Interference Model of Visual Working Memory
- An intermediate state in glutamate receptor activation: structure and mechanism
- An internal model principle for consensus in heterogeneous multi-agent systems
- An International Symposium on the Cinema of Ihor Savchenko: Day One
- An International Symposium on the Cinema of Ihor Savchenko: Day Two
- An interplay between the p-parts of the Tate-Shafarevich group
- An interpolating distance between Wasserstein and Fisher-Rao
- An Intimate History of Evolution
- An intracellular organization of extracellular information
- An intro to publish/subscribe for distributed information systems
- An introduction into the hydrodynamics of active polar gels - part 1
- An introduction into the hydrodynamics of active polar gels - part 2
- An Introduction to 'Inverse Problems'
- An introduction to active noise reduction
- An introduction to active noise reduction
- An introduction to adversarial attacks and defences
- An Introduction to Analogue Computing
- An introduction to Anderson localisation: a tutorial for the non-specialist
- An introduction to Applied Analysis
- An introduction to Asteroseismology of cool stars
- An Introduction to Bayesian Networks
- An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
- An Introduction to being a Science & Engineering Ambassador
- An Introduction to Beko R&D and how Sensors are Integral to the Smart Home
- An introduction to bi-level programming in control
- An Introduction to Bioinformatics
- An Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy
- An introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces
- An Introduction to Bryophytes (Mosses and Liverworts)
- An Introduction to Business Modelling
- An introduction to business modelling - a guide for postdocs
- An introduction to business modelling - a guide for postdocs
- An Introduction to Classifying Toposes
- An Introduction to Cluster Categories of Type A
- An introduction to clustering and the expectation maximisation algorithm Part 1
- An introduction to clustering and the expectation maximisation algorithm Part 2
- An introduction to Cold Climate Engineering with focus on ice-induced vibrations and experimental testing
- An Introduction to Computerised Tomographic Imaging
- An introduction to concentration of measure
- An introduction to counts-of-counts data
- An Introduction to Crowdfunding to Finance your Research or Business
- An Introduction to DARPA Funding
- An Introduction to Data and Commercialisation
- An introduction to descent calculations on elliptic curves. -Jiali Yan (dpmms).
- An introduction to diagram algebras
- An introduction to discrete approximate subgroups of Lie groups
- An Introduction to Dynamic Causal Inference and Multi-state Modelling in Longitudinal Data
- An introduction to dynamic critical phenomena and cluster algorithms
- An Introduction to Economic Models of Population-Resource Dynamics with Systems Analysis
- An Introduction to Econophysics
- An introduction to EMV
- An Introduction to Enrichment in a Monoidal Category
- An introduction to ethics in mathematics and why it is important
- An Introduction to Federated Learning and its Applications in Medicine
- An Introduction to Fibred Categories
- An introduction to Floer simple manifolds, taut foliations and a possible connection between them
- An introduction to Floer theory
- An introduction to Forensic Voice Comparison
- An Introduction to Free Boundary Problems in MHD
- An introduction to games programming
- An introduction to gauge theories for probabilists: Part I
- An introduction to gauge theories for probabilists: Part II
- An introduction to gauge theories for probabilists: Part III
- An Introduction to Generalized Ensemble MCMC for Machine Learning
- An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models
- An Introduction to High-Dimensional Problems, Sparsity and Oracle Inequalities
- an Introduction to History Matching
- An Introduction to Hypermedia Diagramming for Engineering Design and Research
- An Introduction to infinite matroids
- An introduction to information-theoretic Bayesian Optimisation
- An introduction to K-stability
- An introduction to knot contact homology
- An Introduction to LaTeX
- An Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects (LME) models
- An introduction to locally presentable categories
- An Introduction to Machine Learning in AstraZeneca
- An Introduction to Majorana Theory
- An introduction to Martin-Löf Type Theory
- An introduction to modular representation theory
- An introduction to Molecular Gastronomy - Why do we like some foods and hate others ?
- An Introduction to Network Science Day 1
- An Introduction to Network Science Day 2
- An Introduction to Neural Networks
- An Introduction to No-Arbitrage Pricing
- An Introduction to Non-parametric Bayesian Methods
- An introduction to Open Research (for PhD students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- An introduction to open source
- An introduction to Origins of the Afro Comb exhibition
- An Introduction to PAC-Bayes
- An introduction to Persistent Homology
- An introduction to pi-calculus
- An introduction to pilot-wave theory
- An introduction to polynomial chaos and its applications
- An Introduction to Post-Keynesianism
- An Introduction to Price Indices
- An introduction to program verification with F*
- An Introduction to Publication Fraud
- An introduction to Pulse-relational Rhythm Theory
- An Introduction to Quantum Filtering: The alternative history of quantum trajectories
- An Introduction to Randomized Algorithms for Matrix Computations
- An introduction to real trees and pretrees
- An introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- An Introduction to Relational Learning
- An introduction to Ricci solitons
- An introduction to Rinocloud a new data sharing hub
- An introduction to rough paths
- An Introduction to S-money
- An Introduction to Secure Hash Algorithms
- An introduction to sequential Monte Carlo methods
- An Introduction to Simple Markov Models
- An introduction to spatial graph theory
- An introduction to Spin^c structures
- An Introduction to Statistical Inference, Data Modelling & Pattern Recogntion
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory
- An introduction to sutured Floer homology
- An introduction to SYZ mirror symmetry for hypersurfaces
- An introduction to the collection of Sir Ivor and Lady Batchelor, and the exhibition Collecting and Giving
- An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method
- An introduction to the COSMOS application: An online social-media analytic tool for collecting, analysing and visualising Twitter data
- An introduction to the Dr John Shakeshaft collection of British studio pottery
- An introduction to the DVRG
- An Introduction to the DVRG
- An Introduction to the DVRG
- An introduction to the DVRG
- An Introduction to the Dynamics and Vibration Research Group
- An Introduction to the Dynamics and Vibration Research Group
- An Introduction to the Dynamics and Vibration Research Group
- An introduction to the Fitzwilliam Museum’s sampler collection
- An introduction to the Kettle’s Yard display Beauty and Balance
- An introduction to the Langlands Program
- An introduction to the Langlands programme 1: Classical class field theory
- An introduction to the Langlands programme 2: L-functions for GL(n)
- An introduction to the Langlands programme 3: Langlands Programme for GL(n)
- An introduction to the LMMP in positive characteristic
- An Introduction to the Mantle Convection Community Project ASPECT
- An Introduction to the Mechanics of the Lasso
- An introduction to the Mondrian Process
- An introduction to the Royal Statistical Society
- An Introduction to the Stellar Pops Group
- An introduction to the systems neuroscience of memory
- An introduction to the theory of Kimberlites.
- An introduction to the theory of localities
- An introduction to the VA One software package: coupling the finite element method and statistical energy analysis
- An introduction to the variational principles and Poisson brackets for complex fluids
- An Introduction to the Vista Hemisphere Survey
- An introduction to time-parallel methods
- An introduction to time-parallel methods
- An introduction to topological coHochschild homology
- An Introduction to Toposes
- An Introduction to Transcriptomics
- An Introduction to Transformer Neural Processes
- An introduction to turbulence: a tutorial for the non-specialist
- An Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification
- An Introduction to Variational Methods for Approximate Inference in Graphical Models
- An introduction to variational methods for incomplete-data problems
- An Introduction to Weighted Limits.
- An Introduction to Wireless Sensor Systems
- An introduction to ZnO nanowires for hybrid solar cells
- An Invariance Principle for a Random Walk Among Moving Traps
- An invariance principle for the 2d weakly self-repelling Brownian polymer
- An invariant manifold in molecular dynamics - Oxbridge PDE Days
- An invasive species as a biofilter to improve water quality: using the bad guys for good.
- An inverse problem for elastic dislocations
- An inverse problem for the p-Laplacian
- An inverse theorem for the Gowers U^3 norm relative to quadratic level sets
- An inverted social contract. Development, political authoritarianism and the production of marginality in inner city Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- An investigation into Chinese cybercrime and the underground economy in comparison with the West
- An investigation into hepatocyte expression and prognostic significance of senescence marker p21 in canine chronic hepatitis
- An investigation into islet cell area in different dog breeds: do boxer dogs have bigger islets than other breeds?
- An investigation into the effectiveness of patch repairs to restore impact properties of CFRPs for aerostructure application
- An investigation into the neural basis of self- and other-referential thoughts
- An Investigation of Change Impact Analysis
- An investigation of mecC Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) on Dairy Farms
- An investigation of polysystemic immune-mediated disease in the English Cocker Spaniel
- An investigation of proportionally fair ramp metering
- An investigation of proportionally fair ramp metering
- An Investigation of the Structure-Function Relationship in Human Cervical Tissue
- An Invigorating End to the Ice Age: Cultural Transmission, Adaptation and Innovation Among Hunter-Gatherers of Postglacial Europe
- An invitation to "classic" multiple orthogonal polynomials
- An Invitation to Celestial Amplitudes
- An Invitation to Nominal Domain Theory
- An invitation to univalent foundations of mathematics
- An Ising-like Model for Protein Folding
- An Isoprene Mechanism Intercomparison
- An Italian bank and its international and local credit networks: Filippo Borromei & company of Bruges and London in the 1430s
- An Iterative Approach to Solving N by N Matrix Wiener-Hopf Equations
- An LFG analysis of the Latin reflexive
- An M-dwarf Companion to an early F-type Star in a very young system
- An NMR spectroscopic menage a trois - three tales about protein structure, folding, dynamics and metabolic context
- An Objective Measure of Network Resilience
- An octonionic construction of the group $^2\mathrm{E}_6(q)$.
- An Older Special Function meets a (Slightly) Newer One
- An Online Allocation Mechanism with Pre-Commitment and its Application to Electric Vehicle Charging
- An open discussion with all participants on how to promote truly cross-disciplinary Programmes at the Newton Institute
- An open Lunchtime Seminar led by teachers who have been awarded Steve Sinnott Fellowships
- An Operation Sequence Model for Explainable Neural Machine Translation
- An operator-theoretic approach to nonamenable percolation
- An optimal adiabatic quantum query algorithm
- An Optimal Control Approach to Covid-19
- An Optimal Selling Strategy Based on Predicting the Ultimate Maximum Price
- An optimal transient growth of small perturbations in thin gaseous discs
- An optimal transport formulation of the Einstein equations of general relativity
- An optimal unrestricted learning procedure
- An optimization framework for adaptive PDE solutions applied to fluid dynamics
- An Optimization-based Approach to Safe and Efficient Learning-based Control
- An optogenetic on/off switch to decipher mechanisms of cardiac remuscularisation
- An organic artificial synapse for low-energy neuromorphic computing
- An outgassing atmosphere on the Earth-size planet GJ 1132b
- An outline of how manifolds relate to algebraic K-theory
- An outline of Thomas Young's contribution to Structural Theory
- An overdetermined Free Boundary Problem with non constant boundary conditions
- An Overview of AI Alignment
- An overview of Bayesian filtering and its applications to neuronal data
- An Overview of Blockchain Security
- An overview of bordered Floer homology
- An Overview of C++20
- An overview of covariance operators in Hilbert space, and their applications
- An Overview of Cryogenic Carbon Capture™: Theory, Field Tests, and Commercial Potential
- An overview of current carbon capture and storage options
- An Overview of Differential Privacy, Membership Inference Attacks, and Federated Learning
- An overview of functional data analysis with an application facial motion modelling
- An overview of molecular imaging: from macroscopic to microscopic level
- An overview of nominal algebra, lattice, representation and dualities for computer science foundations
- An overview of Non-Reductive Geometric Invariant Theory and its applications
- An Overview of Plant Structural Colour
- An Overview of Probabilistic Latent Variable Models
- An overview of protein phase behavior
- An overview of Research and Robotics at Google Deepmind
- An Overview of Rolls-Royce SMR.
- An overview of shape-constrained estimation problems
- An overview of some mathematics in seismic inversion
- An Overview of Stochastic Finite Element Methods for PDE Models with Uncertain Inputs
- An overview of the assembly results
- An overview of the binning results
- An Overview of the CakeML verified compiler and some new challenges
- An overview of the CASS group at Imperial
- An overview of the DARPA CRASH research programme
- An Overview of the Flix Programming Language
- An overview of the Flyspeck project
- An overview of the IRIS mission
- An overview of the not-so-distant future of psychology and cognitive neuroscience: Replication, preregistration, data sharing, open peer review and more
- An Overview of the Oseen-Frank elastic model and some symmetry aspects of the Straley Mean-Field model for Biaxial Nematic liquid crystals
- An overview of the profiling results
- An overview of the Smart Flow project
- An overview of the two-phase-flow equations for magma dynamics
- An overview of topological crystalline phases, defect physics and novel Floquet systems
- An overview of vulnerability research and exploitation
- An overview on Allard's regularity theorem
- An overview on Approximate Bayesian Computation
- An Overview on Bigraphs, Their Applications, and Future Research Directions
- An overview on the theory of jets ejected after the collapse of cavities and on the skating of drops over gas or vapour layers
- An ovine arthritis model down under.
- An SPDE with the laws of Levy processes as its invariant measures
- An SU(3) variant of instanton homology for webs
- An Ultra-sensitive Polymer Composite Cantilever Technology for Disposable Bio-chemical Sensing Applications
- An underground photocatalytic reactor for in-situ remediation of organic contaminants in groundwater
- An unexpected journey : from mathematics to patent law
- An unexpected role for RNA in the recognition of DNA by the innate immune system
- An unexpected role of the plastidial NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase in chloroplast development
- An unpublished map of Jerusalem at the British Library: observations on its place in the history of cartography
- An unstable hybrid - dissolving the metaethical puzzle
- An Unstable Representability Criterion
- An unusual patient: quantifying 3D deformation around analogue magma intrusions by using X-ray Computed Tomography
- An update model of the Arabidopsis circadian clock
- An update of PRACTICAL consortium projects
- An update on CARET’s activities
- An update on holography of information
- An update on progress for the Autism Centre of Excellence
- An Update on Progress with AMI
- An update on the RAVE survey
- An Update on the Zwicky Transient Facility
- An Updated Threat Model for Security Ceremonies
- An updated view on the properties of the first galaxies from the first JWST observations
- An Upsilon-like invariant from Khovanov-Rozansky homology
- An Urban Metabolism Approach to Modelling the Resource Performance of Cities
- An-Chang Shi - Title TBC
- Anabelian geometry I
- Anabelian geometry II
- Anabelian geometry III
- Anabelian geometry IV
- Anabelian geometry IX
- Anabelian geometry V
- Anabelian geometry VI
- Anabelian geometry VII
- Anabelian geometry VIII
- Anabelian geometry X
- Anabelian geometry XI
- Anabelian geometry XII
- Anaerobic Digestion: From Waste to Energy
- Anaesthesia and theatre scheduling - what's new
- Analog Digital Belief Propagation (ADBP) and multistage decoding with a hard decoding stage
- Analog vs. Digital Epsilons: Implementation Considerations for Differential Privacy
- Analogies between superfluid helium Three and the Universe
- Analogue or digital? Bursty or Poissonian? Dissecting the fundamentals of transcriptional regulation
- Analyses and Diagnostics based on Nanomechanics
- Analyses of dynamic fault propagation in discrete structures
- Analyses of dynamic fault propagation in discrete structures
- Analyses of Single-cell RNA-seq Data using Community Detection
- Analysing effects of short- and long-term uncertainty on capacity expansion in European electricity markets
- Analysing Abstraction in English & Taiwanese Secondary Mathematics Textbooks
- Analysing Abstraction in English and Taiwanese Secondary Mathematics Textbooks
- Analysing and communicating uncertainty
- Analysing biological information processing with mechanistic modular models
- Analysing card shuffling via coupling
- Analysing co-installability of software components
- Analysing Cortical Organisation and its Relation to Cognition through Machine Learning
- Analysing Cortical Organisation and its Relation to Cognition through Machine Learning
- Analysing Daily Behaviours with Large-Scale Smartphone Data.
- Analysing data with fake lepton backgrounds
- Analysing gibberellin expression dynamics with the GPS1 biosensor
- Analysing Goedel’s T by means of ordinal assignment and collapsing
- Analysing interfaces in multilayer films using STEM-EELS
- Analysing Intersectionality as Heuristic and Theory
- Analysing Memorisation in Classification and Translation through Localisation and Cartography
- Analysing Musical Audio
- Analysing neuronal networks using communicating automata
- Analysing protein kinase activity and proteolysis in dividing cells
- Analysing systems for social justice in music education
- Analysing the current-voltage response of bulk heterojunction solar cells
- Analysing the immunity profile of group A meningococcus in Ghana
- Analysing the molecular motions that underlie polarization and cell division in early embryos Part 1
- Analysing the molecular motions that underlie polarization and cell division in early embryos Part 2
- Analysing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in vivo by upgrading in vitro data based on mathematical modelling
- Analysing the transcriptome of cells: computational challenges and applications of single cell RNA-sequencing
- Analysis and Application of Advanced Algorithm for Aeronautical Flows
- Analysis and Applications of Deep Cascade Learning
- Analysis and applications of structural-prior-based total variation regularization for inverse problems
- Analysis and Classification of Android Malware
- Analysis and computation of Navier–Stokes equation in bounded domains
- Analysis and control of an E.coli cross-feeding consortium on an automated experimental platform
- Analysis and design of materials with machine learning: from probabilistic methods to quantum computing opportunities
- Analysis and Forecasting of Locally Stationary Time Series
- Analysis and interpretation of single molecule force spectroscopy experiments
- Analysis and perturbation of cell behaviours controlling gastrulation in the chick embryo
- Analysis and stability of bentcore liquid crystal fibers
- Analysis by synthesis for interpretable image collection analysis
- Analysis methods and utility measures
- Analysis Not Therapy: Speaking Out
- Analysis of a large cancer gene screen in myelodysplastic syndromes
- Analysis of a model for amorphous surface growth
- Analysis of a Model for Foam Improved Oil Recovery
- Analysis of a rapid sea-ice retreat event in the Bellingshausen Sea
- Analysis of a rotationally constrained convection model
- Analysis of a stochastic branching recursion related to the Anderson transition
- Analysis of an interacting particle scheme for rare event estimation
- Analysis of Antibody Sequence and Structure
- Analysis of atomic orbital basis sets from the projection of plane-wave results
- Analysis of autophagy regulation: Discussion of recent research and new technologies
- Analysis of Biochemical Networks in Bioinformatics
- Analysis of cell movement in early embryos.
- Analysis of Channel Coding for Redundant Sources
- Analysis of chemotaxis models
- Analysis of chevron patterns using gamma convergence
- Analysis of clouds and cloud-aerosol interactions with satellite data and general circulation models
- Analysis of complex phenotypes in genomics
- Analysis of coupled atomistic/continuum models for solids
- Analysis of coupled phase-field models describing damage phenomena
- Analysis of Dynamics of Doi-Onsager Phase Transition
- Analysis of early events after DNA damage in living cells; the HP1 paradigm
- Analysis of Ensemble Kalman Inversion
- Analysis of fractional-order functional differential equations with multiple delays
- Analysis of Genetics linked EHR data: Understanding Selection Bias and Phenotyping Error
- Analysis of graphs using diffusion processes and random walks (a random walk through spectral graph theory)
- Analysis of grid imprinting on geodesical spherical icosahedral grids
- Analysis of Kinesin-1 function during Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis
- Analysis of lipid combustion residues from herbivore and carnivore dung. An experimental approach.
- Analysis of Local Stability and Global Dynamics of Heavy-Tailed SGDs
- Analysis of Longitudinal Data
- Analysis of malaria parasite adaptation as a basis for vaccine design
- Analysis of metrics for large graphs via approximate Bayesian computation with application in higher order graphs
- Analysis of Monte Carlo estimators for parametric sensitivities in stochastic chemical kinetics
- Analysis of morphogenesis of the adult abdominal epidermis of Drosophila by 4D microscopy
- Analysis of Multimodal Streamed Data in Workplaces for Better Health and Safety Decision-Making - Opportunities and Challenges
- Analysis of Networks via the Sparse β-Model
- Analysis of Networks with Missing Data with Application to the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
- Analysis of Nonlinear Equations in the Power Grid
- Analysis of Novel Domain Wall Types in Ferromagnetic Nanostructures
- Analysis of Oceanic and Tropical Atmospheric with Moisture Models: Global Regularity, Finite-time Blowup and Singular Limit Behavior
- Analysis of oversampled collocation methods for wave scattering problems
- Analysis of p-Laplacian Regularization in Semi-Supervised Learning
- Analysis of Parkinson's disease genes using Drosophila: mitophagy and axonal transport
- Analysis of PDEs - Introductory lunchtime talk
- Analysis of Quantum Boolean Functions and Applications
- Analysis of quantum N-body type problems
- Analysis of regularized inversion of data corrupted by white Gaussian noise
- Analysis of signal transduction pathways involved in cancer and control of blood pressure
- Analysis of snow and aerosols deposition variability over High Mountain Asia and other major high mountain ranges
- Analysis of some nonlinear PDEs from multi-scale geophysical applications
- Analysis of some nonlinear PDEs from multi-scale geophysical applications
- Analysis of spatio-temporal changes in the ecological niches of major domesticated crops in China: application of Species Distribution Modelling'
- Analysis of Spatio-temporal Representations for Robust Footstep Recognition with Deep Residual Neural Networks
- Analysis of Sprouty2 in human prostate carcinogenesis
- Analysis of stochastic polymer models and reconstruction of chromatin organization in cell nucleus
- Analysis of subdwarfs in Stripe 82: Investigation into kinematic substucture.
- Analysis of synaptic connectivity and function in the cerebellum in vivo
- Analysis of the Adaptive Iterative Bregman Algorithm
- Analysis of the C. reinhardtii THI4 riboswitch expression platform
- Analysis of the call group structure in the BT call records dataset
- Analysis of the effects of geometry and cross-diffusion in pattern formation
- Analysis of time series observed on networks
- Analysis of trial electronic prescriptions data – preliminary findings
- Analysis of wave dispersion and localised wave forms in chiral elastic waveguides subjected to gravity
- Analysis of whole cancer genomes
- Analysis on the Orr-Sommerfeld Equations for MHD
- Analysis recasting for fun and profit
- Analysis, Synchronization and Scheduling Challenges in X10
- Analytic and algebraic aspects of moduli problems
- Analytic and topological aspects of Menger curvatures for curves and submanifolds
- Analytic continuation of Hilbert modular forms and applications to modularity
- Analytic continuation on some unitary Shimura varieties
- Analytic functions in Bernoulli percolation
- Analytic geometry as relative algebraic geometry
- Analytic information theory and beyond
- Analytic inversion of restricted conical Radon transforms
- Analytic Mode-Matching at an Exceptional Point
- Analytic pro-p groups over pro-p domains - an introduction
- Analytic quasiperiodic matrix cocycles: continuity and quantization of the Lyapunov exponents
- Analytic results for two-loop five-particle amplitudes
- Analytic results for two-loop five-particle amplitudes
- Analytic Results on a Decentralized Combinatorial Auction
- Analytic solutions for flows through cascades
- Analytic structure of cosmological correlators
- Analytic two-loop multi-scale scattering amplitudes in QCD
- Analytical and Combinatorial Problems via Probability
- Analytical and Combinatorial Problems via Probability
- Analytical and computational methods for l_1 and total variation minimization (with applications in Image Inpainting and Compressed Sensing)
- Analytical Chemical Techniques for past and present climate studies
- Analytical descriptions of atomic-scale surface dynamics
- Analytical homogenization estimates for the transient and steady-state response of elasto-viscoplastic polycrystals
- Analytical Methods for certain Medical Imaging Techniques
- Analytical Models for Formation Flight and Ground Effect
- Analytical Sociology and Computational Social Science
- Analytical solutions of dynamic fracture and friction at the atomic scale
- Analytical solutions of dynamic fracture and friction at the atomic scale
- Analytical solutions, duality and symmetry in constrained control and estimation
- Analytical study of Pavlov equation
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC)
- Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC)
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC)
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC)
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC)
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC)
- Analyticity of the pressure of the hard-sphere gas
- Analytics and Forecasting for Renewable Energy Generation
- Analytics and Forecasting for Renewable Energy Generation
- Analytics on Graphs with a Trillion Edges
- Analyzing and Abstracting Scans of Man-made Environments
- Analyzing and Summarizing Movies using Turning Points
- Analyzing artificial neural networks to understand the brain
- Analyzing artificial neural networks to understand the brain
- Analyzing evolvability with an exact network algebra
- Analyzing Identities and Institutions in Central Asia within a Postcolonial Framework
- Analyzing Orientation Relationships with MTEX
- Analyzing the effect of noise on various models of Circadian Clock and Cell Cycle coupling
- Analyzing the Effects of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining on Agriculture for Policy Action; Evidence from Prestea Mining Region, Ghana
- Analyzing the electronic structure of molecules using Continuous Symmetry Measures
- Analyzing the Impacts of Extreme Heat on Buildings
- Anaphora resolution in young and not-so-young adults: the role of language experience and cognitive skills
- Anatomical dissection as a performance practice
- Anatomical politics and urban transformation in Vienna, 1848–1945
- Anatomist holds model embryo: interpreting a marble portrait from 1900
- Anatomy museum on the move
- Anatomy of a Revolution: Maoism in Telengana and the Indian State, 1948-51
- Anatomy of ice cores: continuous-flow chemical analysis of polar ice cores
- Anatomy's photography: objectivity, showmanship and the reinvention of the anatomical image, 1861–1913
- Ancestral Recombination Graphs for Missing and Removable Data
- Ancestral Sight
- Anchor regression
- Ancient Astronomy in South America
- Ancient Bioinvasions: Can We Improve Evidentiary Standards for Species Introduction Research in Archaeology?
- Ancient bones, current issues: marine bioarchaeology as historical ecology
- Ancient Chinese Mathematics in Action: The Mathematics and Politics of Inspiration
- Ancient Chinese mathematics in action: Wu Wen-Tsun's ethnic historicism after the Cultural Revolution
- Ancient Divination Text: Useful for a Modern Scholar?
- Ancient DNA and cultural transmission
- Ancient DNA studies of early modern humans and late Neanderthals
- Ancient DNA, extinction, domestication and the cost of modern farming
- Ancient genome reveals continuity in East Asia over the last 9,000 years
- Ancient genome reveals continuity in East Asia over the last 9,000 years
- Ancient genomic history and adaptation of human populations in Africa
- Ancient Greek warfare beyond the Phalanx
- Ancient Hints for a Modern Method of Studying Consciousness
- Ancient Historians in Context: The Curious Case of Diodorus
- Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo
- Ancient hybridization fuels rapid cichlid fish adaptive radiations
- Ancient lives, new discoveries: eight mummies, eight lives, eight stories
- Ancient pathogen genomics: what we learn from historical diseases
- Ancient Problems Today
- Ancient sites, modern eyesores? The transformation of the city of Athens in English-language accounts (c. 1945-2005)
- Ancient solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in half-space.
- Ancient tears and laughter: Some visual clues
- Ancient Vaults
- Ancient volcanic activity on the Moon: input from the Chinese Chang’e 5 mission
- Ancient Wisdom in Early Arabic Advice Literature
- Ancient Wisdom in the Age of the New Philosophy: Scholarship and ‘Rational Religion’ 1650–1700
- Ancilla-driven quantum computation and Landauer's erasure principle
- Ancilla-Driven Quantum Computation and Twisted Graph States
- Ancillary service to the grid from deferrable loads: the case for intelligent pool pumps in Florida
- ANCS 2018 Trip Report
- And now for something completely different – when engineers did maths and mathematicians talked to God
- And we thought organic MIS devices were simple structures!
- Anderson localisation and sub-diffusion for the nonlinear Schrodinger equtation: results and puzzles
- Anderson localisation for the nonlinear Schroedinger Equation (NLSE): results and puzzles
- Anderson localisation in the presence of interactions in BEC
- Anderson localisation: phenomenology and mathematics (1)
- Anderson localisation: phenomenology and mathematics (2)
- Anderson localisation: phenomenology and mathematics (4)
- Anderson localization and electron-electron interaction
- Anderson localization in 2D systems : from Schrodinger to Dirac stochastic equations
- Anderson localization in a multi-dimensional deterministic disorder I
- Anderson localization in a multi-dimensional deterministic disorder II
- Anderson localization, topology, and interaction
- Anderson localization: from theoretical aspects to applications in QCD and cold atoms
- Anderson transition at 2D growth-rate for the Anderson model on antitrees with normalized edge weights
- Anderson transitions: recent developments
- Andrea Banfi - Jet observables at all orders in QCD
- Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy of the Pure and Cd-doped Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5: Detecting Order Parameter Symmetry and Competing Phases
- Andrej Dvornik & Constance Mahony - KiDS-1000: Combined halo-model cosmology constraints from galaxy abundance, galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing - featuring beyond-linear halo bias
- Andrew Adonis at Clare Politics
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2011 - by Professor Brian Greene
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2012
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2012 - On the Shoulders of Eastern Giants: The Forgotten Contribution of Medieval Physicists
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2013
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2015: Colour, New Dimensions and the Geometry of Physics
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2018
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2023
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lecture 2024
- Andrew Chamblin Memorial Lectures
- Andrew Kennedy
- Andrew Marr and Jackie Ashley in Conversation with Sarah Smith (Scotland Editor, BBC)
- Andrew Pontzen at Cambridge Skeptics in the Pub
- Andrew R. Graybill: For the Sake of the Common Happiness: The Taos Revolt of 1847 and the Limits of U.S. Conquest
- Andrew Rashbass, CEO of The Economist Group, on 'Media Trends'
- Andrew Robinson on "Vital Signs: What has Semiotics to do with the Origins of Life?"
- Andrew Turnbull at Clare Politics
- Androgen and gender development
- Android application for freight vehicle in-service monitoring
- Android application for heavy vehicle monitoring
- Android security: Protecting users, a billion at a time
- Android: Mobile, Wearable and IoT devices - Designing Global, Scalable Systems
- Andy Cooper, Managing Director of CrossCountry
- Anelastic and viscoelastic behaviour of microstructured rocks and minerals: implications for the planet
- Angela Leighton, poet
- Angels, Entrepreneurship, and Employment Dynamics: Evidence from Investor Accreditation Rules
- Angie Butler: The Quest for Frank Wild
- Angiogenesis imaging for human drug development: decision making tools or decorations?
- Angiogenesis imaging for human drug development: for decision making or decoration?
- Angle-Resonant Stimulated Polariton Amplifier
- Anglican Eirenicon: A Proposal Tending to Make Peace
- Anglican; Particle MCMC inference for Probabilistic Programs
- Anglo-American productivity differentials once again
- Anglo-French Cultural Transmission: the case of John Locke and the Huguenots
- Anglo-German Victims of The Great War: The Troublesome Case of Sir Edgar Speyer
- Anglo-Ottoman encounter in the Age of the Beloveds
- Anglo-Saxon Sources of the Theological Windows at Canterbury Cathedral
- Anglophone Southeast Asian Literature and Transnational Aesthetics
- Angular momentum inequalities
- Angular momentum of early type galaxies based on extended kinematics
- Angular momentum transport and dynamos in magnetised rotating stratified systems
- Angular momentum transport in electrically-conducting fluids
- Angular momentum transport in stars: new theoretical advances and challenges
- Angus Low’s 3rd equation; serendipity in research
- Anharmonic acoustic technique for biosensing
- Anharmonic and quantum effects in (bio)organic systems with first-principles accuracy
- Anharmonic phonon properties: electron-phonon coupling and stress
- Anharmonic vibrations and the neutral vacancy in diamond and silicon
- Anharmonicity in periodic systems
- anhedonia
- Anhedonia and Adolescent Depression
- Anhedonia and Adolescent Depression
- Animacy properties of words and expectation modulate ERP components
- Animacy, definiteness and case in Asia Minor Greek
- Animal Behaviour
- Animal Behaviour
- Animal ethics versus environmental ethics
- Animal Foresight: Can Western Scrub-jays Plan for the Future?
- Animal Husbandry Practices between 450 BC-300 AD in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: Studying the Change in Cattle Size through Osteometric and Molecular Analysis
- Animal magnetic orientation
- Animal material resources at Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria): bone tools, personal ornaments, and human behaviour during the Initial Upper Palaeolithic.
- Animal Migration
- Animal models of episodic memory
- Animal Models of Progression in MS
- Animal Movement Monitoring: Equipment Development, Field Experiences, Data Analysis, and Models
- Animal movement with self-interaction via multiple memories
- Animal sentience and human values
- Animal-borne sensors and the Global Ocean Observing System
- Animals and ourselves
- Animals in medical experiments in the Middle Ages
- Animals, ancestors and plants: Shaping genders in the more-than-human worlds of Bronze Age Northern Europe
- Animated Space: Ash Amin and Filip De Boeck in Conversation
- Anion Supramolecular Chemistry: Sensing and Materials
- Anionic phospholipids across scales: from plasma membrane nanodomains to plant development
- Anisotropic Dipolar Interactions in Indirect Exciton Bilayers
- Anisotropic gravitational wave background from preheating
- Anisotropic machine learning representations for coarse-graining
- Anisotropic Nonlinear PDE Models in Biology
- Anisotropic odd viscosity in chiral active fluids
- Anisotropic pressure and acceleration spectra in uniform shear flow
- Anisotropic Pressures in Contracting Universes
- Anisotropic sea ice mechanics
- Anisotropic sea ice mechanics
- Anisotropic travel time/scattering problems and tensor tomography
- Anisotropies in the GW sky at pulsar timing arrays
- Anisotropy, designing of the texture and mechanical properties of metal alloys
- Anja Butter - Unfolding unbinned differential cross section measurements
- Anna Wolkenhauer - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Anne Ferguson-Smith: “Epigenetic variation within and across generations”
- Annealing Between Distributions by Averaging Moments
- Annelies Mortier - Extrasolar Planets and their Stars
- Annexin function in stress signalling
- Anniversary Reflections on COVID 19: Five Years Since Lockdown
- Annotating Genericity: How Do Humans Decide?- A Case Study in Ontology Extraction
- Annotation and identification of potentially functional lncRNAs
- Annotation of Chemical Named Entities
- Announcement of String Pheno 2013
- Annual CCHSR Lecture - Future Directions for the National Health Service with Simon Stevens
- Annual Cheese and Wine Evening - hosted by Equipoise
- Annual Chemical Safety Review
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione: Cambridge's oldest celebration of citizen science!
- Annual Conversazione: Cambridge’s oldest celebration of citizen science!
- Annual Conversazione: Cambridge’s oldest celebration of citizen science!
- Annual Conversazione: Cambridge’s oldest celebration of citizen science!
- ANNUAL DAVID JAMES SEMINAR DNA graffiti: Mutation patterns in human DNA and how to use them in medicine
- Annual Earth Sciences Chemical Safety Review
- Annual Gender Symposium: Gender and Scales of Empowerment
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting 2024
- Annual General Meeting 2025
- Annual General Meeting of the CURC
- Annual Heritage Fair
- Annual Hopkins Seminar 2018 - Targeted Antisense Therapeutics for Modulation of Splicing or NMD
- Annual International Women's Day Lecture: The Gender Agenda
- Annual Kenneth Craik lecture - Decisions, outcomes and emotion
- Annual Keynes Lecture, Faculty of Economics
- Annual Keynote (title TBC)
- ANNUAL LECTURE: Cell types as windows into brain function and treatment
- ANNUAL LECTURE: Saving the Synapse in Development and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Annual LGBT HM Lecture: Trans People: Flashback and Backlash
- Annual Meeting
- Annual Monitoring of Forest AGB over a Period of 10 years Using SSL-derived Representations from Optical Time Series
- Annual Open Consultations: Are We Making Progress? 12-2pm
- Annual Open Consultations: Are We Making Progress? 5.15-7.15pm
- Annual open meeting
- Annual Photo Competition
- Annual Presentation of Student Projects
- Annual Race Equality Lecture
- Annual Race Equality Lecture 2014
- Annual Race Equality Lecture 2021: Understanding Inequality Through an Intersectional Lens: The Case of Covid in the US
- Annual Safety Talk (SP Workshop)
- Annual Safety Talk on Using the SP Cleanroom
- Annual Schroeder Lecture: "You have to change your life"? The Ethics of Reading and German Studies
- Annual Symposium
- Annual WiSETI Lecture 2018
- Annual WiSETI Lecture: Do You Have to be a Genius to be an Astrophysicist?
- Annual WiSETI Lecture: Finding the Right Balance
- Annual WiSETI Lecture: Growing organs and other small challenges
- Annual WiSETI Lecture: The Adolescent Brain
- Annual, seasonal & diurnal dynamics at the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- Annular Khovanov-Lee homology, Braids, and Cobordisms
- Annular Khovanov-Lee theory and representation theory
- Annular Khovanov-Lee theory of braid closures and braided surfaces
- Anoikis and cell signalling in response to matrix attachment
- Anomalies and Remnant Symmetries in Heterotic Constructions
- Anomalies and transport: from the quark gluon plasma to Weyl semi-metals on a superstring
- Anomalies in leptons plus jets in the last run of the lhc and new physics
- Anomalous diffusion and non-exponential relaxation of random walks with reinforcement
- Anomalous Diffusion and Random Encounters in Biological Fluids
- Anomalous Diffusion and Random Encounters in Living Systems
- Anomalous diffusion from parsecs to micrometers
- Anomalous diffusion in biological membranes and their mathematical description
- Anomalous Diffusion in the Atmosphere
- Anomalous Diffusion in the Atmosphere
- Anomalous diffusion is everywhere but where?
- Anomalous Diffusion limit of a fractional kinetic Fokker-Planck equation in a bounded domain with specular reflection on the boundary
- Anomalous diffusions and time fractional differential equations
- Anomalous dimensions at strong coupling: NNLO and beyond
- Anomalous dimensions of local operators and Pomeron in N=4 SUSY
- Anomalous dispersion interactions between semiconducting wires
- Anomalous Distillation of Metrological Quantum Information
- Anomalous dynamics of snap-through instabilities
- Anomalous dynamics of snap-through instabilities
- Anomalous electron-(magneto)phonon interaction in doped LaOFeAs
- Anomalous energy transport in PFU-beta chain
- Anomalous fluctuation relations
- Anomalous hydrodynamics in two dimensions
- Anomalous Liquids
- Anomalous momentum diffusion of strongly interacting bosons in optical lattices
- Anomalous propagators and the particle-particle channel of correlation
- Anomalous scaling regimes for one-dimensional random walks
- Anomalous super-diffusion from interactions
- Anomalous thermal relaxation of physical systems
- Anomalous thermal relaxation on dense graphs with Metropolis-Hastings dynamics
- Anomalous toughness of elastic micro-architected solids
- Anomalously localized states in the one-dimensional Anderson localization model at E=0
- Anomaly Detection in Radio Astronomy Data
- Anomaly Detection in Radio Astronomy Data
- Anomaly Detection in the Field
- Anomaly Detection in the Field
- Anomaly-free Froggatt-Nielsen models of flavor
- Anomaly-induced charges from Skyrme model
- Anonymisation and the Five Safes
- Anonymisation Risk and Privacy
- Anonymity in Cryptocurrencies
- Anonymity in the wild: Mixes on unstructured networks
- Anonymity properties of stored or transmitted data taken from Bluetooth scans
- Anonymity via networks of mixes
- Anonymization of high-dimensional datasets
- Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval
- Anosov flows, foliations, and their classificaiton
- Another approach to analytic number theory
- Another characterization of nilpotent blocks
- Another look at pilot wave theory
- Another look at simple reflections
- Another proof of the failure of a higher forcing axiom
- Another proof of the Jayne-Rogers theorem
- Another step on geometric morphometrics: applications on material culture
- Another take on frac(king): the triumph of the frock coat and the lounge suit
- another trial
- Another viewpoint on cartesian theories
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- Anoxia, methanogenesis, and uniformitarianism
- Answering ‘The Soap Makers Complaint': John Lilburne, George Thompson, and the Committee for Regulating the Excise
- Answers to Parmenidies III: Plato
- Answers without questions: the emergence of fragments in child English and Greek
- Ant search - Non-Markovian and indirectly coordinated
- Antagonistic effects of ionising radiation in cell competition
- Antagonistic inflammatory phenotypes dictate tumor fate and response to immunotherapy.
- Antagonistic microbial community processes demarcate different pulmonary exacerbation types in Cystic Fibrosis
- Antagonistic motor protein dynamics in contractile ring structures
- Antarctic and Arctic temperature trends
- Antarctic Art: Creative Journeys
- Antarctic Atmospheric Rivers in Present and Future Climates
- Antarctic Bottom Water in CMIP5 models: characteristics, formation, evolution
- Antarctic Building and Dwelling: the Poetics of the 'Wide, White Page'
- Antarctic climate of the last 115,000 years from ice cores
- Antarctic climate of the last 115,000 years from ice cores
- Antarctic Coastal Polynyas: Do Measurements of Winter Processes give clues to modeling Improvements and better model fidelity?
- Antarctic elevation change from satellite radar altimetry
- Antarctic Engineering
- Antarctic Engineering
- Antarctic Engineering
- Antarctic Fossil Forests: Attack of the Insects
- Antarctic Heritage and International Relations: Commemorating the Ross Sea Party
- Antarctic krill: a saga of science, industry and ice
- Antarctic landfast sea ice
- Antarctic Life On The Brink... With A Drink!
- Antarctic Meteorological Data at the British Antarctic Survey
- Antarctic Mosaic: Integrating Science and History in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- Antarctic Research in the Anthropocene
- Antarctic Science and Policy Advice in a Changing World
- Antarctic sea ice sensitivity to the orographic gravity wave drag in a fully coupled climate model
- Antarctic sea-ice and the global climate
- Antarctic sea-ice control on glacial and modern deep-ocean circulation and carbon storage
- Antarctic snow algae blooms – analysing community function from microscopes to satellites
- Antarctic subglacial hydrology
- Antarctic subglacial hydrology and topography
- Antarctic summer sea-ice variability reconstructed from novel biological archives
- Antarctica by proxy - The maintenance of ASTEP: gesture and temporality of a Concordia telescope.
- Antarctica by Proxy : an Anthropological Exploration of the Values of Antarctica’s Scientific Data.
- ANTARCTICA DAY Inaugural Lecture
- Antarctica in contemporary fiction
- Antarctica in contemporary fiction
- Antarctica in contemporary fiction
- Antarctica is not one thing
- Antarctica Revealed and the Dawn of Modern Antarctic Science
- Antarctica, Ozone and Change: some links between environmental concerns
- Antarctica:Isolated Continent
- Antenatal affairs: discourses of pregnancy and the unborn c.1900
- Antennas for light and their applications in classical optics
- Anterior cingulate cortex signals the need to control intrusive thoughts during motivated forgetting
- Anterior Insula and Prospect Theory
- Anterior-posterior axis specification in the mammalian embryo
- Anthony Coulls (National Railway Museum)
- Anthony Seldon
- Anthropogenic and natural alterations of shallow groundwater temperatures
- Anthropological engineering and hominin dietary ecology
- Anthropological Engineering: The Interface of two Dissimilar Disciplines
- Anthropological field work in 'mixed race' Aboriginal communities in Australia, 1940–65
- Anthropology beyond Empires: Samuel Stanhope Smith and the Reconfiguration of the Atlantic World
- Anthropology in the Russian Language : A Panel Discussion
- Anthropology, mass graves and the politics of the dead
- Anthropomorphism: the madness in the method
- Anti-Africanism in Twentieth-Century Dominican Republic'
- Anti-aliasing Techniques for Real-time Graphics Applications
- Anti-branes in Klebanov-Strassler: to be or not to be?
- Anti-cancer drugs for transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils
- Anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
- Anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
- Anti-diffusion in active turbulence
- Anti-diffusion in active turbulence
- Anti-Diffusion in an Algae-Bacteria Microcosm: Photosynthesis, Chemotaxis, and Expulsion
- Anti-diffusive phenomena in active matter
- Anti-diffusive transport of angular momentum and super-rotation in planetary atmospheres
- Anti-Gravity
- Anti-malware software and trusting trust
- Anti-obesity drug validation and discovery using human neuronal models
- Anti-Psychiatry Revisited
- Anti-racist education: history, theory, practice
- Anti-racist praxis in the digital age: Everyday Resistance against the Prison-Industrial Complex (PIC)
- Anti-racist praxis in the digital age: Everyday Resistance against the Prison-Industrial Complex (PIC)
- Anti-scarring therapies for ocular fibrosis
- Anti-surveillance: Can Applied Cryptography, Law Enforcement, and Formal Methods be Friends?
- Anti-terrorism and the mutating dynamics of power
- Anti-War Poetry Evening – online
- Antibiotic Awareness Week
- Antibiotic discovery – where do we go from here…..?
- Antibiotic resistance and antibiotic alternatives: Looking towards the future
- Antibiotic resistance: The search for novel Lipoteichoic acid Synthase inhibitors
- Antibiotic resistance: when two worlds collide!
- Antibiotic-induced gene expression noise and cross-protection at the single-cell level
- Antibiotics are no substitute for good hygiene - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; the importance of hospital cleanliness and practices
- Antibiotics as drivers of bacteria-plasmid network structure
- Antibiotics, 75 years on - New antibiotics, using genes cloned from Streptomyces species
- Antibodies against Ebola and Lassa: A Global Collaboration
- Antibodies and their peptide mimics as pharmaceutical drugs
- Antibodies by design: from drug development to brain drug delivery
- Antibodies inside cells
- Antibodies meet the atheroma plaque: perspectives and puzzles
- Antibodies Vs Alzheimer's
- antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) in vaccinated healthcare workers
- Antibody Drug Conjugates 2013
- Antibody Mediated Protection Against SARS-CoV-2 If we have it, will it last?
- Antibody Responses in Dengue and Zika Infection
- Antibody-mediated graft rejection - a cytotopic therapeutic approach
- Antibody-mediated protection against Salmonella infections.
- Anticancer Discovery from Simple and Complex Compounds
- Anticanonical divisors and curve classes on Fano manifolds
- Anticipation as a strategy during simultaneous interpreting from German into English
- Anticipations of the ocean: technological futures of the Cold War ocean
- Anticoncentration in Ramsey graphs and a proof of the Erdos-McKay conjecture
- Anticyclotomic Euler systems for conjugate self-dual representations of GL(2n)
- Anticyclotomic p-adic heights on elliptic curves
- Antideuterons: what's the fuss?
- Antigenic variation among dengue viruses
- Antigenicity of the HPV major capsid protein
- Antihypertensive medication in normotensive elderly patients: a way forward in the prevention of dementia?
- Antikernel: a decentralized secure hardware-software operating system architecture
- Antimicrobial Peptides: New challenges for Science and Medicine
- Antimicrobial tolerance encoded by temperate bacteriophages’
- Antinous and Death in the Nile
- Antipriming: the other side of priming
- Antiquities in Post-Conflict Somaliland
- Antiquities, archaeology and the public
- Antiquities, past, and present: the Tradescant Collection and its rarities
- Antisemitism in the anonymous Renaissance dialogue Viaje de Turquía
- Antisemitism in the anonymous Renaissance dialogue Viaje de Turquía
- Antisocial behaviour in young people: Identifying risk pathways
- Antitrypsin deficiency and the serpinopathies
- Antitrypsin deficiency and the serpinopathies
- Antiviral Immunity against dengue and Zika viruses in Aedes mosquitoes
- Antivirals, still many viruses to go
- Antony Sheriff, CEO, McLaren Automotive : What future for cars?
- Ants: ecology, behaviour and importance
- Anubis
- Anvil: building web apps in a browser using Python
- Anxiety, Profusion and the Nineteenth-Century Natural History Object
- Anxious individuals have difficulty learning the causal statistics of aversive environments
- AnyLogic seminar and demonstration
- Anyons
- AnyOpt: Predicting and Optimizing IP Anycast Performance
- Anzere: replication policy scaling for personal storage networks
- AO Global Data – revolutionising medical data collection, enabling outcome reporting and evidence-based medical decision making.
- Aortic disease in Marfan syndrome: new molecular drivers and therapeutic targets (postponed from Nov 21)
- AP2-type transcription factors regulate stem cell fate in the moss Physcomitrella patens
- Apartheid Science and American Capitalism from Black-Scholes to the DotCom Boom
- Apathy and Anhedonia in Adult and Adolescent Cannabis Users and Controls Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
- Apathy and Depression in Small Vessel Disease
- Apathy and impulsivity in neurological disease – cause, effect and treatment
- APC/C-Vihar regulates centrosome activity and stability in the Drosophila germline
- Ape Research in Indonesia - Marrying Science with Conservation
- Apela/Toddler, a novel Apelin receptor ligand essential during embryogenesis
- Aperiodic hierarchical conformal tilings: random at the ends?
- Aphorisms and Fragments: A Metaphilosophical Discussion on Form
- ApoE, Ab and Alzheimer’s disease: From test tube to transgenic mice
- Apollo at 50 - and the next giant leap for human kind
- Apollonian vision and polar projections: some reflections on cosmography, instruments and empire
- Apoptosis and Cancer
- Apoptosis and Cancer
- Apothecaries and native materia medica in early colonial Lima, Peru
- App-based contact tracing: epidemiological rationale and current perspectives
- Appearance and Physical Reality
- Appearance of turbulence in the Euler limit with Boundary effects
- Appearances of Gender
- Appell Integral transform as a tool to prove martingale properties via fractional derivative
- Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée - Language variability: a major challenge for natural language applications
- Apple, App Tracking Transparency, and the Hidden Costs of More Privacy
- Apples and Apples, or Apples and Oranges? Comparing the EU-ETS and the Western Climate Initiative cap and trade schemes
- Applicability of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) for Soil Treatment
- Application of the Wiener-Hopf approach to incorrectly posed BVP of plane elasticity
- Application of the Wiener-Hopf approach to incorrectly posed BVP of plane elasticity
- Application of (mixed) Ax-Schanuel to counting rational points on curves
- Application of Advanced Mathematical Topics to FX e-Trading
- Application of advanced NMR techniques to agrochemical systems
- Application of Airy beam light sheet microscopy to examine early neurodevelopmental structures in 3D hiPSC-derived human cortical spheroids
- Application of bacteriophages in commercial broiler houses- results and population dynamics in field trials
- Application of Bayesian model averaging and population Monte Carlo to inference from metagenomic mixture
- Application of CFT to spin chains and the Fractional quantum Hall wave functions on the lattice.
- Application of compressed sensing to biomolecular NMR spectroscopy
- Application of Deep Learning on Reducing Uncertainty in the Atrial Structure from Contrast-enhanced MRIs
- Application of Deep Learning on Reducing Uncertainty in the Atrial Structure from Contrast-enhanced MRIs
- Application of Focused Ion Beam in Micro and Nano Fabrication
- Application of Informatics within Unilever
- Application of Machine Learning to Granular Processes
- Application of majorization theory to quantum communication
- Application of microbial community models to human gut bacteria – challenges and insights
- Application of model-based designs in drug development
- Application of Monte Carlo estimators for the fast, efficient calculation of complex option Greeks in the presence of stochastic volatility
- Application of normalising flows to hierarchical Bayesian inference
- Application of Persistent Homology to Biological Networks
- Application of robust non-linear predictive control to simulating the control behaviour of a racing driver
- Application of robust nonlinear model predictive control to simulating the control behaviour of a racing driver
- Application of Se stable isotopes: From microbial redox reactions to environmental cycling of Se
- Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to simulate multi fluid flows with large density differences and application to mixing of paints
- Application of statistical mechanics to the modeling of potential vorticity or density mixing
- Application of Structural Mechanics to Proteins
- Application of Systems Biology Approaches to Study Cell Signalling and Transcription
- Application of the combined SPH and DEM techniques to simulate realistic Beer
- Application of the London Protocol (a systems analysis of clinical incidents) to anaesthesia's little pink book
- Application of the new observational method framework on deep excavation retaining wall design in London Clay
- Application of two novel magnesia-based binders in Stabilisation/Solidification treatment systems.
- Application of Work Domain Analysis in healthcare: An example from analysing medication errors in care homes
- Application Research on the Ultraviolet Hyperspectral Environmental Monitoring Instrument (EMI) onboard GF-5 Satellite in Polar Regions
- Application to McKenzie model (1)
- Application to McKenzie model (2)
- Applications and extensions. Short Course: Higher order regularisation in imaging - Lecture 3
- Applications for Synthetic Biology in Industrial Biotechnology
- Applications of a Markov mapping theorem
- Applications of approximate inference and experimental design for sparse (generalised) linear models
- Applications of arithmetic holonomicity theorems
- Applications of Arnold's variational principle to the stability of vortices in ideal and viscous flows
- Applications of Bernstein polynomials in Statistics
- Applications of cellular E_2-algebras
- Applications of Change-Points Methods in Brain Signal and Image Analysis
- Applications of computational algebraic geometry in physics
- Applications of Concentration of Measure to Functional Data Analysis
- Applications of convolutional neural networks to turbulence
- Applications of deep learning in Bayesian inversion
- Applications of Diamond and Diamond-Like Carbon in MEMS
- Applications of Discourse Structure for Spoken Dialogue Systems
- Applications of Discrete Harmonic Analysis, Probabilistic Method and Linear Algebra in Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Kernelization
- Applications of Finite Model Theory in Graph Isomorphism Testing and Propositional Proof Complexity
- Applications of Generative Adversarial Networks in Environmental Data Science
- Applications of geospatial data and methods in environmental epidemiology
- Applications of gravitational lensing
- Applications of Hamiltonian particle-mesh methods for atmospheric modelling
- Applications of High Frequency Methods in Aeronautics: status and needs
- Applications of IceNet AI sea ice forecasts for Arctic wildlife conservation
- Applications of Image Registration
- Applications of Image Registration
- Applications of Item Response Theory (IRT)
- Applications of laser diagnostics to turbulent premixed flames
- Applications of Lexicographic Semirings in Speech and Language Processing
- Applications of linear and nonlinear optimisation in the electricity sector
- Applications of Machine Learning in Lattice QCD
- Applications of Maths in the Oil and Gas Industry, BP Lecture
- Applications of MetiTarski in the Verification of Control and Hybrid Systems
- Applications of models of the Gaudin type to condensed matter physics
- Applications of Multiple Wave Scattering: Antennas, Diffusion and Energy Harvesting
- Applications of NMR: How to integrate NMR into your structural biology projects
- Applications of NMR: How to integrate NMR into your structural biology projects
- Applications of non-reductive groups in Quantum Information Theory
- Applications of numerical algebraic geometry
- Applications of numerical inverse and direct scattering transform in integrable turbulence studies
- Applications of optimization and optimal control to some fundamental problems in mathematical fluid dynamics
- Applications of physical science to biological systems: droplets and fragments
- Applications of Pink's theorem to the study of linear pro-p groups over local fields of positive characteristic
- Applications of proofs to network security
- Applications of pulsed field gradient NMR techniques to study diffusion in porous media
- Applications of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) in Model Informed Drug Development (MIDD)
- Applications of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) in Model Informed Drug Development (MIDD)
- Applications of the (4+3) cycloaddition of Epoxy Enolsilanes to the synthesis of cortistatin A and himandrine
- Applications of the adjoint method to post-glacial sea level change
- Applications of the classification of 2-groups by coclass
- Applications of the Gaussian Beam approximation to black hole spacetimes
- Applications of the Hybrid Approach to Modelling Diffuse Wave Fields
- Applications of the inverse scattering transform in non-integrable systems
- Applications of Thin Orbits
- Applications of Timepix technology for Beam Instrumentation at CERN
- Applications of uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for cardiovascular models
- Applications of uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for cardiovascular models
- Applications-oriented experiment design for dynamical systems
- Applicative functors
- Applied and not-yet-applied
- Applied artificial intelligence to cosmological data analysis
- Applied CAMD in Development of Adsorbents for Extraction of Uranium from Seawater
- Applied computational chemistry in organic synthesis
- Applied Machine Learning in Finance
- Applied Probabilistic Algorithms for Big Data Analysis
- Applied Probabilistic Algorithms for Big Data Analysis
- Applying a multiscale approach to Meroe’s archaeometallurgical remains
- Applying adjoint methods to the glacial isostatic adjustment inverse problem
- Applying Category Theory to Complex Systems Theory: Ehresmann's and Vanbremeersch's Memory Evolutive Systems
- Applying Category Theory to conceptual questions in the foundations of Geometric Algebra
- Applying conformal mapping and exponential asymptotics to study translating bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell
- Applying conformal mapping and exponential asymptotics to study translating bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell
- Applying constructive analysis and topology in game theory
- Applying deep convolutional neural networks to medical imaging data
- Applying for Academic Positions
- Applying for Clinical Psychology Training & Clinical Psychology Training at UEA
- Applying for Clinical Research Funds: Some guidance on how make a good clinical research funding application
- Applying for Large Research Grants
- Applying for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships: A Successful Applicant's Perspective
- Applying game theory to cybersecurity problems
- Applying Kelvin’s circulation theorem in climate science
- Applying Machine Learning for Characterizing Life-Cycle Based Toxicity Impacts
- Applying Machine Learning to Heuristic Selection in an Automated Theorem Prover
- Applying network science to political problems. A conceptual and analytical framework for understanding and predicting corruption risks in business-political networks
- Applying Nonlinear Dynamics in Medicine to Understand Cardiac Arrhythmias and Epilepsy
- Applying Pervasive Positioning for Crowd Behavior Recognition and Eco-Feedback
- Applying principles of item response theory to produce efficient ultra-short form questionnaires
- Applying science and engineering in healthcare – successes and failures
- Applying Selling Skills for Researchers
- Applying Sustainability in Universities
- Applying system metabolism to improve synthetic metabolism
- Applying the POWHEG method to top-pair production and decay at the ILC
- Appointment with death: Cellular interplay during mammary gland involution and tumourigenesis
- Apposition Extraction and Named Entity Linking
- Approaches to Alchemy (the history of~)
- Approaches to and biomarkers of transplantation tolerance
- Approaches to avoiding negative side effects
- Approaches to chromatic splitting
- Approaches to enforce fiduciary duties of corporate officers: Civil remedies or criminal penalties? - from the perspective of comparative law
- Approaches to modelling organic/inorganic interfaces, with an example of a Tetracene/Metal halide perovskite interface
- Approaches to Modelling Urban Land Use Change in Response to Residential and other Pressures
- Approaches to Modelling Urban Land Use Change in Response to Residential and other Pressures
- Approaches to Moral and Religious Education in Eastern Europe
- Approaches to Multiscale Modelling of Complex Systems
- Approaches to our two greatest challenges in AIDS research - Making effective vaccines and understanding then eliminating HIV reservoirs
- Approaches to Sampling and Inference for Bayesian Nonparametrics
- Approaches to statistical modeling of network data
- Approaches to wearable microfluidic sensor devices for real-time patient monitoring and personalised well-being.
- Approaching a 2nd Edition of An Economic History of West Africa
- Approaching a 2nd Edition of An Economic History of West Africa'
- Approaching biology discretely
- Approaching Kelly's Conjecture
- Approaching protein dynamics in the post-genome era
- Approaching Sensorimotor Learning from Another Angle: How Cognitive Strategies Shape Skill Acquisition
- Approaching the physical limits of high-resolution electron cryomicroscopy
- Approximate actions and Ulam stability
- Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and particle MCMC for calibrating computer models
- Approximate Bayesian Computation and Complex network models
- Approximate Bayesian Computation and the fossil record
- Approximate Bayesian Computation for evolution in a test tube
- Approximate Bayesian Computation for inference on population history using molecular markers
- Approximate Bayesian Computation for model selection
- Approximate Bayesian Inference for Large Scale Inverse Problems: A Computational Viewpoint
- Approximate Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes
- Approximate boundary conditions for thin boundary layers in time domain aeroacoustics
- Approximate Computing
- Approximate Cross Validation for Large Data and High Dimensions
- Approximate Descriptions of Brownian Particles Driven by Weakly Coloured Noise
- Approximate equivalence of measure-preserving actions
- Approximate Filters and Feedback Control for Quantum States
- Approximate fixed points of classical and quantum channels and robustness theory of quantum Markov chains
- Approximate genealogical inference
- Approximate groups
- Approximate groups and projective geometries.
- Approximate groups: an introduction
- Approximate groups: basic definitions, structure theorem and geometric consequences
- Approximate groups: nilprogressions and the structure theorem.
- Approximate groups: structure theorem for special classes of groups
- Approximate Inference for the Loss-Calibrated Bayesian
- Approximate Inference for the Loss-Calibrated Bayesian
- Approximate kernel embeddings of distributions
- Approximate kernel embeddings of distributions
- Approximate lattices in amenable groups
- Approximate marginalization of uninteresting unknowns in inverse problems
- Approximate Message Passing Algorithms
- Approximate nonlinear filtering with a neural network
- Approximate Ramsey properties of Matrices
- Approximate randomized benchmarking for finite groups
- Approximate Smoothing and Parameter Estimation in High-Dimensional State-Space Models
- Approximate solutions to Wiener-Hopf equations via the implicit quadrature scheme
- Approximate solutions to Wiener-Hopf equations via the implicit quadrature scheme
- Approximate Sparsity Recovery from Noisy Compressed Sensing
- Approximating conditional distributions
- Approximating Costly Functions using Gaussian Processes
- Approximating Costly Functions using Gaussian Processes
- Approximating Data
- Approximating hyperbolic lattices by cubulations
- Approximating Labelled Markov Processes by Averaging
- Approximating large dynamic systems using reduced-order models
- Approximating partial differential equations without boundary conditions
- Approximating Probability Distributions (I)-(II): Monte Carlo Methods and Variational Inference
- Approximating Probability Distributions (IV): Variational Methods
- Approximating simple locally compact groups by their dense subgroups
- Approximating Sobolev mappings between Riemannian manifolds
- Approximating The Hierarchical Dirichelet Distribution
- Approximating the Kullback-Leibler Divergence Between GMMs
- Approximation by Log-Concave Distributions
- Approximation by Log-Concave Distributions
- Approximation by plane waves
- Approximation in Domain Theory and some related Category Theory
- Approximation in Stochastic Scheduling
- Approximation methods in statistical learning theory
- Approximation of continuous problems in Fourier Analysis by finite dimensional ones: The setting of the Banach Gelfand Triple
- Approximation of continuous problems in Fourier Analysis by finite dimensional ones: The setting of the Banach Gelfand Triple
- Approximation of eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations: examples and counterexamples
- Approximation of eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations: examples and counterexamples
- Approximation of functional spatial regression models using bivariate splines
- Approximation of Harmonic Maps and Wave Maps
- Approximation of Harmonic Maps and Wave Maps
- Approximation of Hilbert complexes
- Approximation of quasi-potentials and exit problems for multidimensional RDE's with noise
- Approximation of Ridge Functions and Sparse Additive Models
- Approximation of the Fisher information and design in nonlinear mixed effects models
- Approximation of the individual Fisher information matrix and its use in design of population PK/PD studies
- Approximation on the Cantor set and other related fractals
- Approximation strategies for structure learning in Bayesian networks
- Approximation Theory for a Rational Orthogonal Basis on the Real Line
- Approximation via Deep Neural Networks
- Approximation via Deep Neural Networks
- Approximations for Markov chain models
- Approximations of infinite groups
- Approximations of pseudo-differential flows
- Approximations of the Restless Bandit Problem
- Apptimistic research: Studying well-being and behaviour change using sensor data from mobile phone apps
- Après Paris: Exploring the shadow of COP21
- APS DFD - no seminar
- APS DFD practice talks
- APS DFD San Francisco
- APS practice talks
- APS-DFD - no seminar
- Aquaglyceroporins in kinetoplastid parasites have diverse roles in drug uptake and sensitivity
- Aquaplanet and stationary wave monsoons
- Aquatic Alien Invasions: Teleportation or Transportation?
- Aquatic carbon concentrating mechanisms as a source of genes for improving terrestrial C3 photosynthesis
- Aqueous Catalysis: From Fundamental Water Oxidation to the Commercialisation of Hydrothermal Biomass Upgrading
- AR Identification of Latent Graphical Models
- Arabian Tribalisms in Late Antiquity: Re-evaluating the Poetic Evidence
- Arabic Language Ideology - A Case of Language Anxiety?
- Arabidopsis natural variation: QTL, genes and 'omics'
- Arabization and the Social Sciences in Algeria: Language, Pan-Arabism, and Nation-Building
- Arabo-Persian texts as a vehicle for transmission of medical knowledge in late medieval and early modern China
- Arakelov-Green's functions for polarized dynamical systems
- Arborescent knots, mutants - current status on their invariants
- Arbuscular mycorrhiza development and function
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, mycoheterotrophic plants, and long-term fertilisation in a tropical forest
- Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, mycoheterotrophic plants, and long-term organic and inorganic fertilisation in a lowland tropical forest
- Arc stress: a novel mechanism for epithelial bending
- ARC39.1 Launch Event & Keynote: Entangled or Entrapped; Human Induced Changes to the Beetle Fauna of the UK
- Arcadia Seminar: 18th May 2010. “Collect, Protect, Connect: From Digital Himalaya to the World Oral Literature Project”, Dr Mark Turin
- Archaeological Context in Motion: Egyptian Field Sites and the World's Museums, 1880-1930
- Archaeological insights into the 8.2 ka event
- Archaeological Mysteries
- Archaeological Science and Repatriation: collaboration and connection
- Archaeological textiles and what we can learn from them
- Archaeology and Discovering the Food of the Past
- Archaeology and genetics in Oceania: the history of humans and their crops in the Pacific
- Archaeology and the Common Good: Developing a Network for Integrated Landscape Research
- Archaeology and the trade of the port of Suakin, Sudan
- Archaeology of unipotent radicals
- Archaeology within a unified science of cultural evolution
- Archaeology, (Absence) Heritage and the Capitalocene Bog
- Archaeology, ancient DNA and the changing nature of the horse-human relationship in Prehistory
- Archaeology, Hybrid Knowledge and Community Engagement in Africa: Thoughts on Decolonizing Practice
- Archaic Lending or Precocious Financialization? Spanish American Finance to 1800
- Archbishop Matthew Parker, patron of bookbinding
- Archbishop Vincent Nichols "Reflections on Jewish-Christian Relations Today"
- Archeology, Collecting and Scientific Exploration in the 'Pacification of Araucania', Chile, c. 1850s-1910s
- Archimedeans Talk: Eating and Racing
- Archimedeans Talk: Graph Complexes
- Archimedeans Talk: Using Maths to Clean the Ocean
- Archimedeans Undergraduate Symposium
- Archimedeans x ENS Talk: Searching for Modifications to Gravity
- Architect Owen Jones, the Alhambra, and The Grammar of Ornament
- Architected Materials Beyond the Laboratory: harnessing self-architecture and exploring extreme conditions
- Architecting Citywide Ubiquitous Wi-Fi Access
- Architectural Design between Ethics and Aesthetics
- Architectural fluid mechanics: From simplified models to low energy buildings
- Architectural Heritage or Awful Houses?
- Architectural Impacts of the Silicon Performance Wall
- Architectural Issues in the Design of Model Predictive Control: From Centralized to Distributed
- ARCHITECTURAL PLANNING IN ASSYRIA - according to the royal inscriptions, state archives and omen series
- Architectural Projections: BRAZIL + Introductory Talk
- Architectural Projections: GHOST IN THE SHELL + Introductory Talk
- Architectural Projections: KOYAANISQATSI + Introductory Talk
- Architectural Projections: LOST IN TRANSLATION + Introductory Talk
- Architectural Projections: REAR WINDOW + Introductory Talk
- Architecture & Composition of the Australian Lithosphere – Perspectives from Mantle Xenoliths & Receiver Functions
- Architecture & Design in Medieval Morocco: the building strategies of the Marinid sultans
- Architecture & Education: Methodologies for investigating loose ends and ongoing stories
- Architecture and Displacement
- Architecture and Education: two-footed stories of exploration
- Architecture and simulation of hydraulic regenerative braking
- Architecture and Spaces of Healing
- Architecture and the English economy, 1200-1500: a new history of the parish church over the longue durée
- Architecture characterisation of fibre network materials. MIcro-computed tomography and image analysis
- Architecture for Resilience - surviving earthquakes, tornadoes, fire and floods.
- Architecture Support for Accelerator-Center Architectures
- Architecture, Geo-Politics and Scientific Knowledge
- Architectures and built environments in the Polar Regions
- Architectures and built environments in the Polar Regions
- Architectures for large-scale continuous data management
- Architectures for Practical Client-Side Security
- Architectures of Law: Courts, Space and Legal Legitimacy
- Archival Methods Forum
- Archiving Arctic ecologies in the early twentieth century: the field and its archival prostheses
- ARCIMBOLDO, an ab initio approach to MR phasing
- Arcs as an effective model
- Arctic and Antarctic aerosol size distributions
- Arctic and Antarctic research at Cambridge: Polar Social Sciences Workshop planning
- Arctic and Antarctic research at Cambridge: Polar Social Sciences Workshop planning
- Arctic architecture and design
- Arctic architecture and design
- Arctic coastal communities and increasing shipping activities: local impacts and adaptive responses
- Arctic Energy Before Petroleum: Or, What Whales Can Tell Us About Writing History
- Arctic family day
- Arctic Freshwater Storage and Export in CMIP6 Models
- Arctic Maritime International Law
- Arctic Museum Cultures: A Critical Perspective on Heritage Practices in/about the North
- Arctic natures as cultural artefact: Biogeography, materiality, and intimacy in an ornithological study collection
- Arctic Research Seminar
- Arctic sea ice : trends, stability and variability
- Arctic sea ice and climate change
- Arctic sea ice thickness
- Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Change
- Arctic sovereignty and museum collections
- Arctic sovereignty and museum collections
- Arctic Transitions: The Beaufort Gyre’s Diffusive Staircase
- Arctic Visible: Picturing Indigenous Communities in the Nineteenth-Century Western Arctic
- Arduino and Genuino Hardware Programming
- Are (human and other) animals rational?
- Are academics intellectuals?: a reading of Edward Said
- Are adaptive simulations more accurate than uniform simulations?
- Are all inequalities in heart disease unfair?
- Are animals aware of their own mortality?
- Are Animals Musical?
- Are auditory sensory behaviours associated with ASD a consequence of atypical low-level auditory processing?
- Are auditory sensory behaviours associated with ASD a consequence of atypical low-level auditory processing?
- Are Britain’s Structures for Government Still Fit for Purpose?
- Are Bulges and Disks Real? *** Seminar cancelled ***
- Are Carbon Nanotubes the Future for Electronics?
- Are CMOS image sensors (and CCDs) dinosaurs?
- Are confluent cell layers extensile or contractile?
- Are constructs really that important?
- Are coral reef fishes at risk or resilient to climate change?
- Are deterministic nanomachines viable? - A simulation study of energy dissipation in carbon nanotube-based devices.
- Are digital media good for children? The cognitive neuroscience of early technology exposure
- Are economists getting climate dynamics right and does it matter?
- Are epigenetic proteins the next great therapeutic opportunity?
- Are epiphytes important in oil palm plantations?
- Are fetuses ever awake, do they have memories, do they dream - and why do we care to know?
- Are Foreign Investors Locusts? The Long-Term Effects of Foreign Institutional Ownership
- Are free groups of different rank bi-invariantly quasi-isometric?
- Are geodesic metric spaces determined by their Morse boundaries?
- Are Haemostasis and Thrombus Formation Regulated by Platelet Subpopulations? (Focus on Nitric Oxide Signalling)
- Are Hartree–Fock atoms too small or too large?
- Are herbal medicines and products safe for consumption?
- Are hospital admissions for people with palliative care needs avoidable and unwanted?
- Are imitation and the 'mirror system' products of associative learning?
- Are Karakoram glacier surges linked with climate?
- Are linearised models good enough for modelling floating offshore wind turbines
- Are Machine Learning Systems Unethical?
- Are my genes to blame when my jeans don’t fit?
- Are net-zero proposals feasible?
- Are Normal People Sane?
- Are oligodendrocyte progenitors in the adult brain generating oligodendrocytes? In vivo approaches to understand precursor cells outside the neurogenic niches
- Are our genes to blame when our jeans don't fit?
- Are palaeobiodiversity patterns more apparent than real?
- Are plant cells balloons? A biomechanical perspective on plant cell growth.
- Are Poles at home in the UK? A Public Forum on Immigration
- Are Political Parties Fit for Purpose?
- Are quasicrystals the future of metamaterial waveguides?
- Are rapid ice losses in Greenland caused by atmosphere or ocean?
- Are Revolutions Justified?
- Are right-half plane zeros necessary for inverse response? It depends…
- Are RNA granules liquid organelles? Regulation of P granule dynamics by intrinsically-disordered proteins
- Are Sensor Networks a first step towards the Diamond Age?
- Are Sensor Networks a first step towards the Diamond Age?
- Are Serial Acquirers Born or Made
- Are smartphone messaging apps and traditional telecommunication services substitute goods?
- Are star lawyers also better lawyers?
- Are the brains of patients with borderline personality disorder different from those of healthy people? Evidence from functional MRI studies.
- Are the fractal skeletons the explanation for the plankton paradox and narrowing of arteries due to cell trapping in a disturbed blood flow?
- Are the origins of mental health programmed prenatally?
- Are there additional laws of black hole thermodynamics?
- Are there Lewis conventions?
- Are there limits to evolution? (Conference 25 & 26 September 2014)
- Are there multiple memory systems? A new theoretical framework for implicit and explicit memory.
- Are there needles in a (moving) haystack? Adaptive sensing for detection and estimation of static and dynamically evolving signals
- Are there solutions for plastic degradation in protein sequence space?
- Are there too many high-z protoclusters?
- Are there Underlying Principles of Protein Evolution? Reconsidering Law and Purpose in Biology
- Are treelines responding to climate change?
- Are viscoelastic flows under control or out of control?
- Are we able to solve the puzzle of Crohn’s disease using metagenomic analysis of the gut mucosa microbiome and virome – advances in using next generation sequencing
- Are we alone in the Universe?
- Are We Alone?
- Are we any closer to understanding and treating tinnitus?
- Are we bearing the fruits of the personalized 'omics revolution?
- Are we in the dark about light? Deriving optical properties from molecular structure
- Are we living in the matrix?
- Are we on the Road to Collapse?
- Are we on the road to real equality?
- Are We Ready? - A Climate and Consciousness Event
- Are we star dust or nuclear waste? Astronomy lecture
- Are we stuck with the current Internet Protocol (IP)? (And does it matter if we are?)
- Are we tackling the causes of global warming effectively?
- Are we the storytelling apes: great ape gesture and beyond
- Are Women Better Taxpayers Than Men?
- Are you interested in the Pharmaceutical industry as a profession after graduation?
- Are you losing Structures in Distributional Vectors? Smoothed Distributed Tree Kernels and the Convolution Conjecture
- Are you presenting the complete story? Data integration in mixed methods research
- Are you ready for a food revolution?
- Are you your brain?
- Are your genes to blame when your jeans don't fit?
- Are Your Selfies Carbon-Neutral? Human Rights and the Environmental Impact of Digital Technology
- Area Coordinated Disease Control: Tools, methods and collaborations targeting PRRS in the US
- Area minimizing surfaces in mean convex 3-manifolds
- Area-Minimizing Surfaces in Asymptotically Flat Three Manifolds
- AREVA Strategy in the new Nuclear Context
- AREVA Strategy in the new Nuclear Context
- ARF Reading Group
- ARIA is coming to Cambridge
- ARIADNE: bringing a game changing optical readout to two phase LAr TPCs
- Aristotelian Ancient Constitutionalism in Stuart Ireland: Substance, the Four Causes and Politics
- Aristotelian Logic for Engineers
- Aristotle on Perceptual Content
- Aristotle on physics, mathematics, astronomy
- Aristotle, projectiles and guns
- Arithmetic and Dynamics on Markoff-Hurwitz Varieties
- Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces
- Arithmetic and topological problems in universal monodromy representation of Galois-Teichmueller groups
- Arithmetic complexity and the sum of squares problem (I)
- Arithmetic complexity and the sum of squares problem (II)
- Arithmetic cycles on moduli spaces of abelian varieties
- Arithmetic D-modules and locally analytic representations
- Arithmetic Geometry - Introductory lunchtime talk
- Arithmetic invariants of Eisenstein type arising from fundamental groups of once punctured elliptic curves
- Arithmetic moduli of Enriques Surfaces
- Arithmetic of CM curves over abelian extensions
- Arithmetic of Dehn surgery points
- Arithmetic of rational points and zero-cycles on Kummer varieties
- Arithmetic statistics via graded Lie algebras
- Arithmetic theory of q-difference equations
- Arithmetic throughout history
- Arithmetic, combinatorial, and dynamic properties of sequences of integers
- Arizona Byways
- Arm relaxed systems semantics
- Armchair science
- Armourers and Brasiers Cambridge Forum
- Armourers and Brasiers Cambridge Forum 2009
- Armourers and Brasiers' Cambridge Forum
- Armourers and Brasiers' Cambridge Forum 2022
- Arms Races in Nature: Cuckoos vs. Hosts
- Arnoud De Meyer on Winning the Innovation Game
- Aromatic foldamer based protein mimicry and recognition
- Aromatic foldamers: mastering molecular shape
- Aromatic interactions in simple and complex liquids
- Aron’s political antinomies and the constitution of international order.
- Around a big mapping class group
- Around the Cone Conjecture
- Around the definability of mad families
- Around the Kronecker - Gromov-Witten correspondence
- Around the volume conjecture: quantum invariants and modular forms
- Around the world by bike
- Around the World in 1209, Cambridge's Anniversary Year
- Around the world in 605 State energy agreements
- Around unbalanced optimal transport: fluid dynamic, growth model, applications.
- Arousing of Mindfulness for the Work of Insight
- Arp's Sculptural Concretions
- ARPP21 mutations reveal the role of RNA granule dysfunction in ALS and FTD
- Arrangement and Hierarchy of Polyhedral Units in Tilt Grain Boundaries
- Arrayed CRISPR screening for phenotypic discovery at the Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory (FGSL)
- Arrays of evaporating non-circular droplets
- Arrested and developing embryos as a source for stem cells
- Arrested bubble 'rise' in a narrow tube
- Arrested development. Stomatal patterning during embryogenesis and the developmental blocks that prevent progress.
- Arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the isolated perfused hypokalemic murine heart
- Arriva CrossCountry Trains
- Arriva Rail North
- Arriva Trains Wales by Tom Joyner
- Arrival and coffee
- Arrival, Settlement and Relationality: the Child in Film
- Arrivals and departures: how Arf family G proteins organise membrane traffic at the Golgi
- Arrow of time and entropy production in active fluctuations
- Arrow of time and entropy production in active fluctuations
- Arsenic Levels in Drinking Waters of Emet-Kütahya – Turkey and its Relation to Arsenic Bearing Minerals in Borate Deposits.
- Art & Authenticity - Science in the fight against art forgery
- Art and Architecture in Nazi Germany
- Art and Design in the Future University
- Art and Education Graduate conference
- Art and Elevation: Distance and History Painting in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Britain
- Art and Migration
- Art and Politics in Britain
- Art and simulation in philosophy
- Art and topology
- Art as a type of knowing: an art-archaeology experiment
- Art Direction Vs The Web
- Art for the new society: Russian art in the service of the Revolution
- Art in aid of science
- Art in Context: Two portraits by Bartel Beham
- Art in Isolation, live panel discussion with Q&A
- Art in Mind: Evaluating the impact of participatory arts on improved mental wellbeing
- Art in pain: On modernist representational aesthetics in Gide's 'Les Faux-Monnayeurs' and Valle-Inclán's 'Tirano Banderas'
- Art of Achieving Success
- Art of Being Creative
- Art of Learning
- Art Of the State | Art Of the State | Valahol Európában (Somewhere in Europe) Géza von Radványi Hungary, 1947
- Art Of the State | Daleka Cesta (Distant Journey) by Alfred Radok (Czechoslovakia 1949)
- Art Of the State | Kamennyi tsvetok (The Stone Flower) by Aleksandr Ptushko (USSR 1946)
- Art Of the State | Kanal (Canal) by Andrej Wajda (Poland 1959)
- Art Of the State | Ostatni Etap (The Last Stage) by Wanda Jakubioska (Poland 1948)
- Art Of the State | Rotation (Wolfgang Staudte, GDR 1949)
- Art Of the State | Slavica, Vjekoslav Afric (Yugoslavia, 1947)
- Art of Transformation
- Art on film: When movement stops
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art Speak
- Art&Science Closure event
- Art&Science, a SRUK initiative
- Art, Education and the Built Environment.
- Art, Empire, and Revolution: the Lives of Constance and Casimir Markievicz
- Art, outreach, and pattern formation
- Art, Translanguage, and Gendered Learnings in Pedagogical Setting: A New Approach to Learn 'with' Migrant Women in London
- Arterial redox signalling in the control of bood pressure under inflammatory conditions
- Artery: racial ecologies in fluvial Columbia
- Artful foams: in memoriam Cyril Stanley Smith
- Arthropod biodiversity in Irish agricultural grasslands: results from the Ag-Biota Project
- Arthur packets for p-adic groups and the wavefront set
- Arthur Schnitzler's "Professor Bernhardi" - An Austrian Dreyfus-Affair on the Stage
- Arthur's multiplicity formula for automorphic representations of certain inner forms of special orthogonal and symplectic groups
- Arthur's theory of automorphic forms on classical groups (a survey)
- Arthur-Selberg Trace Formula and Endoscopy
- Articulated heavy goods vehicles in combined braking and cornering manoeuvres - vehicle testing and results
- Articulating Must Farm: an iterative and mootable archaeological survey methodology
- Articulating the Intrinsic Value of Chemistry
- Articulatory contributions to speech perception
- Artifical photosynthesis: fuels and pharmaceuticals from using solar power
- Artificial ‘un-intelligence’: the future we do not want may already be here
- Artificial black holes
- Artificial Cells in Picoliter Droplets
- Artificial creation of human beings - Three cultural prototypes: Goethe's Homunculus, Shelley's Monster and Huxley's creatures in the Brave New World.
- Artificial evolution of the resistance gene, Rx, to enhance activation sensitivity in a broad recognition background
- Artificial evolution strategy for pet reconstruction
- Artificial Happiness and Machine Unintelligence
- Artificial Happiness and Machine Unintelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and dispute resolution: does technology improve the way we solve our conflicts?
- Artificial Intelligence for identifying novel therapeutic targets, biomarkers and drug repositioning opportunities
- Artificial Intelligence for identifying novel therapeutic targets, biomarkers and drug repositioning opportunities
- Artificial intelligence for identifying novel therapeutic targets, biomarkers and drug repositioning opportunities.
- Artificial Intelligence for Multimodal Data Integration in Oncology
- Artificial intelligence for prediction of genetic alterations directly from histology images
- Artificial Intelligence in Cancer
- Artificial intelligence in combinatorial game design
- Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Computational Biology: Current Status, Successes, and Pitfalls
- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- Artificial Intelligence in Opthalmology
- Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Where Does It Stand and Where Is It Going?
- Artificial Intelligence in the Medical World: ECONIB - Automated Brain Tumour Perfusion Analysis
- Artificial intelligence is propped up by undervalued human labor: tips for doing well and doing good with applicable mathematics
- Artificial intelligence policy as a contact sport
- Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Sustainability (Sustainable Development Forum)
- Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Sustainability Confe, Rodolfo Rosini, panel: “Disruption of Industries”
- Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Sustainability, Alex Housley: “Ethical AI development?”
- Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Sustainability; “Future of Education in both developed and emerging countries”
- Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Sustainability; “Looking towards 2050”
- Artificial Life
- Artificial Magnetic Materials and Chiral Spin Textures (Prof. Robert L. Stamps, University of Glasgow)
- Artificial Microscopic Cilia: Fabrication and Dynamic Behaviour
- Artificial nacre with vertically bridged tablets by ambient solution processing
- Artificial neurons meet real neurons: pattern selectivity in V4 via deep learning
- Artificial Photosynthesis With Molecular Catalysts Integrated In Nanostructured Materials
- Artificial photosynthesis: From bio-inspired H2-evolving catalysts to photoelectrode materials
- Artificial photosynthesis—From catalysts to devices for water splitting
- Artillery in 15th century battles: evidence and thoughts from the recent discovery of the Battle of Bosworth
- Artist Animators
- Artist Animators
- Artist in Conversation
- Artist in Focus: Alfred Wallis: Ships and Boats
- Artist in Focus: Alfred Wallis: Ships and Boats
- Artist in Focus: Alfred Wallis: Ships and Boats
- Artist in Focus: Introduction to Alfred Wallis
- Artist in Focus: Introduction to Alfred Wallis
- Artist in Focus: Introduction to Alfred Wallis
- Artist Unknown: Stories from the University of Cambridge Museums and Collections
- Artist’s Pigments: All there in black and white
- Artistic Representations
- Artistic Representations
- Artists and the Definition of Art
- Artists as film-makers - three Indian artists
- Artists as futurists? On the history of durability in art and the making of the future
- Artists in Momentary Momentum
- Artists Witnessing War
- Arts & Ecology
- Arts and humanities and life in the universe
- Arts Education in Singapore and Hong Kong - a Cultural Management Perspective
- Arts in and as Research: A Kaleidoscope Series of Arts-Based Research Practices and Installations
- Arts in the National Curriculum: decisions, tensions and uncertainties
- arty politics, capital mobilization and the rise of ‘small boys’ capitalists in Ghana’s Fourth Republic
- Arup Associates and Unified Design - the new University of Cambridge Sports Centre
- As caste hierarchies wane: explaining inter-caste violence, accommodations and stalemates in rural India
- As if by Magic...... Spectacular Chemistry Demonstration Lecture
- As small as a grain of barley: the Bourbon state and the caesarean operation in New Spain, 1771–1810s
- As-is Modelling of Infrastructure Assets
- Ascending plumes and descending thermals: aspects of convection in the atmosphere
- Ascl1 control of neural stem cell homeostasis in the developing and adult brain
- Asclepiadaceae
- Ash Colloquium
- Ash, Ice, Mud: Tephras and Rapid Climate Changes
- Ashby Lecture 2012: 'In the Eye of the Storm: Journalists under Fire'
- Asia's Broken Foreland: Faulting and earthquakes in Kazakhstan
- Asian Cancer Genomics and its Clinical Implications
- ASIF: Coupled Data Turns Unimodal Models to Multimodal Without Training
- Ask a Monk: How to break obstacles in life and move forward
- Ask not what you can do for outreach but instead what outreach can do for you!
- Ask Questions from a Forest Monk
- Asking the Audience: exploring museum visitors' responses to classical antiquities
- Asking the Audience: using museological theory and visitor studies techniques to explore museum visitors' responses to classical antiquities
- Asking the plant about what's important in plant-herbivore interactions
- Asking your mother: race, gender and positionality in remote oral history interviews
- Aspect in Armenian
- Aspect Markers in Chinese and Their Behaviours in L2 Chinese Grammars
- Aspect of High Dimensional Energy Modelling and Forecasting
- Aspect of High Dimensional Energy Modelling and Forecasting
- Aspects of adaptive Galerkin FE for stochastic direct and inverse problems
- Aspects of adaptive Galerkin FE for stochastic direct and inverse problems
- Aspects of Advection-Diffusion-Reaction mechanisms of relevance to decontamination
- Aspects of adversarial and defensive psychology in complex settings
- Aspects of Adversarial and Defensive Psychology in Complex Settings – Part Two
- Aspects of Agrarian Change in South Staffordshire: A Case Study of Kingswinford, 1650 to 1750
- Aspects of Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading
- Aspects of animal ethics
- Aspects of bacterial persistence
- Aspects of Berry phase in QFT
- Aspects of colour use in ancient Egyptian funerary manuscripts: Monumentalisation and Intermediality
- Aspects of Definiteness in Ancient Greek
- Aspects of Gauge-Strings Duality
- Aspects of generalizing the concept of strong measure zero
- Aspects of high energy gravitational scattering
- Aspects of higher spin AdS(3)/CFT(2)
- Aspects of Holographic Fermions
- Aspects of Indirect Democracy in Ancient Greece, in particular in Aristotle's Politics
- Aspects of Iron Age Burial Customs in the Hegau Region (Southwest Germany)/ A hotspot of the Early Bronze Age – Aschheim and Kirchheim b. München (Upper Bavaria): a multi-phase settlement site with a nearby cemetery
- Aspects of mathematically modelling street gang violence in Los Angeles
- Aspects of Modelling Human Sperm Motility
- Aspects of modern and postmodern Greek fictional biography in the 20th century
- Aspects of my formal development work
- Aspects of Non-Canonical Inflation
- Aspects of non-standard cosmology: galactic satellites
- Aspects of Nonlinear Dynamics
- Aspects of prosody and language in autism
- Aspects of prosody and language in autism
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: A hard look at soft supersymmetry
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: Conformal Partial Waves
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: Conformal Symmetry in Four Dimensions and Beyond
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: Division Algebras in Field Theory
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: Holography vs Hamiltonian Dynamics
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: How many is different?
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: NNPDF
- Aspects of Quantum Field Theory: Surprises in QFT in Curved Space
- Aspects of R-Parity Violation
- Aspects of science, technology and government
- Aspects of science, technology and government
- Aspects of the earliest AD pathology and the NGF metabolic deregulation
- Aspects of the quasicentral modulus
- Aspects of turbulent convection beyond Rayleigh and Bénard
- Aspects of Vector Like Confinement
- Aspects of warped extra-dimensional models
- Asperger Syndrome : Talents, disabilities and mental health
- Asperger syndrome and the interbrain
- Asperger's biostratigraphy and the price of fish
- Aspirations for Hospital Care and the Emerging Cancer Epidemic in Kenya
- Assassination, Abduction and Normalisation: Historical Mythologies and Misrepresentation in Post-War South Korea-Japan Relations
- Assassins inside us: how to wield an immunological synapse
- Assay validation why bother ?
- Assembling and breaking: competitive interactions between polymer, drug and cyclodextrin
- Assembling and recombining the Arabidopsis centromeres
- Assembly and Dynamics of Uber Complex RNPs
- Assembly and function of K11-linked ubiquitin chains
- Assembly and function of motor circuits for automatic and goal oriented movements
- Assembly in the Algebraic K-theory of Lawvere Theories
- Assembly Line Synthesis
- Assembly nanomachines at the outer membrane
- Assembly of embryonic and extra-embryonic stem cells to mimic embryogenesis in vitro
- Assertions for Distributed Systems
- Assessing Antarctica's contribution to global sea level rise over the next century: progress made within the EU ice2se project
- Assessing Citizenship in schools. Are we measuring the unmeasurable?
- Assessing climate uncertainty: models, meaning and methods
- Assessing complexity: A cultural historical activity theory analysis.
- Assessing Dimensions of Perceived Visual Aesthetics of Web Sites
- Assessing economic freedom in historical perspective: the experience of OECD countries
- Assessing Evidentiary Value in Fire Debris Analysis
- Assessing high-dimensional latent variable models
- Assessing high-dimensional latent variable models
- Assessing high-dimensional latent variable models
- Assessing Impact and Mitigation of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Vulnerable Settings
- Assessing Implications of the Deployment of Sustainable Flight in the UK
- Assessing indirect business risk from climate change
- Assessing Information Risks in Engineering Asset Management
- Assessing language-specific capabilities of LLMs: Lessons from Swedish NLP
- Assessing Measures of Order Flow Toxicity and Early Warning Signals for Market Turbulence
- Assessing Personal Development Planning (PDP) – ideas and issues
- Assessing Potential Benefits of Increased Gas-Electric Coordination by Stochastic Optimization
- Assessing Re-identification Risk in Sample Microdata
- Assessing responses to cancer therapy using molecular imaging magnetic resonance methods
- Assessing responses to cancer therapy using molecular imaging magnetic resonance methods
- Assessing scientific theories
- Assessing seasonal predictability from stratospheric variability in a seasonal prediction system
- Assessing Severe Nuclear Accident Risks – The ‘NREFS’ Project
- Assessing simulator uncertainty using evaluations from several different simulators
- Assessing spatial risk of Anthrax in Uganda using ecological niche modeling
- Assessing stem cell function and differentiation state with global, physical phenotypes
- Assessing surrogacy using linear mixed models and the surrogate threshold effect
- Assessing teleconnection pathways with causal inference techniques
- Assessing the advocacy: ‘Attachment Parenting’ and ‘Attachment Theo
- Assessing the Collective Dynamics of Motile Cilia in Cultures of Human Airway Cells
- Assessing the contribution of hydrogen-deformation interactions to hydrogen-induced intergranular fracture in nickel-base alloys
- Assessing the Customer Value-in-Use of integrated Products and Services
- Assessing the double burden of malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons from the Birth to Twenty Plus (Bt20+) cohort
- Assessing the dynamic value of energy mix diversity: an options analysis approach
- Assessing the effects of statistical dependencies on neural population coding in the visual pathway
- Assessing the Efficiencies of Optimal Discrete Choice Experiments in the Presence of Respondent Fatigue
- Assessing the effusion rate of lava flows from thermal remote-sensing: theoretical and experimental studies of the spreading and cooling of viscous gravity currents
- Assessing the energy, water and land nexus in China
- Assessing the Envirnmental Sustainability of Reactive Magnesia and its Production
- Assessing the factors influencing the land acquisition and site selection
- Assessing the finite-dimensionality of functional data
- Assessing the finite-dimensionality of functional data
- Assessing the Impact of Drought on Tropical Forests using GEDI
- Assessing the impact of Holocene climate, sea level, and sea ice change on the Ardley Island penguin colony
- Assessing the Impact of Open IP in Emerging Technologies
- Assessing the impacts of the introduction of South Africa’s tax on sugar-sweetened beverages
- Assessing the Legacy of former Korean President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Kim Dae-Jung
- Assessing the limits of phylogenomics: can too much data be a bad thing?
- Assessing the locomotor behaviour of early humans using biomechanical modelling
- Assessing the longwave radiative effect of Saharan dust using
- Assessing the probability that a positive report is false: an approach for molecular epidemiology studies.
- Assessing the risk and impacts of Pre-Construction Delay in Hydropower Projects
- Assessing the Risk of Hypothetical Windstorms, Considering Extremes and Climate Change
- Assessing the role of cross modal information in high level perception: enhancements and constraints.
- Assessing the Roles of Parallelism versus Convergence in the Evolution of Floral Diversity
- Assessing the threat of zoonotic spill over of paramyxoviruses from an urban African fruit bat population
- Assessing the Value of Carbon Capture and Storage
- Assessing the vulnerability of the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctic Ice Sheet to future changes
- Assessing the welfare of rats during carbon dioxide euthanasia
- Assessment and education
- Assessment and remediation of 19th Century Rail Structures
- Assessment for Higher Education entry: admissions testing
- Assessment of Approximate Methods for Anharmonic Free Energies
- Assessment of Attitudes towards Animal Welfare within Veterinary Education
- Assessment of data completeness in the National Cancer Registry and the impact on the production of Cancer Survival Statistics
- Assessment of lithospheric controls on Mesozoic volcanism in Mongolia
- Assessment of Major Air Pollutants in the Tropical Urban Environment of Kuala Lumpur
- Assessment of mode coupling effects in surface wave tomography
- Assessment of oscillation feature in sub-shelf melting from idealized coupled ice sheet ocean models
- Assessment of pain in sheep
- Assessment of Positive Emotional States in Companion-Owned Dogs
- Assessment of Price-Based Demand Response Policies in the Residential Electricity Sector by Agent-Based Modeling
- Assessment of randomization procedures based on single sequences under selection bias
- Assessment of Trend in Recurrent Event Processes
- Assessment Policy and Music Education: Perspectives from North America
- Assessment reform in schools and colleges
- Assessment systems in service of the public
- Asset Allocation and Returns in the Portfolios of the Wealthy
- Asset correlation and network fragility: How should we intervene?
- Asset Management Decisions and Performance Measurement
- Asset price bubbles and econometrics
- Asset Transfer Measurement Rules
- Assets valuation: Practices and Challenges in China's Transitional Period/中国资产价值评估:实践与挑战
- Assigning prosodic prominence in the English 'noun-noun'
- Assigning responsibility for the ‘right to die’: moral and legal ambiguity in the regulation of assisted dying
- Assisting control room operators with artificial intelligence : Antoine Marot
- Assisting control room operators with artificial intelligence : Antoine Marot
- Assisting family carers in palliative care: challenges and evidence based strategies
- Assisting in the response to the COVID19 pandemic using internet data, Dr Elad Yom-Tov - MSR Cambridge, Lecture Series
- Association of liver histopathology with clinical and portovenographic findings in dogs receiving surgical treatment for single congenital portosystemic shunts.
- Association schemes, permutation groups and their products
- Associations and dissociations in prefrontal cortex
- Associations between brain interoceptive network dysconnectivity and heightened peripheral inflammation in depression
- Associations between Urban Form and Mortality Rates in Great Britain
- Associative algebras and conformal field theories
- Associative Memories
- Associative neural memories and oscillatory operation
- Associative neural memories and oscillatory operation
- Associative theories of goal-directed behaviour: a case for animal-human translational models
- Associative theories of goal-directed behaviour: a case for animal-human translational models
- Associativity in topology
- Associators and representations of braids
- Assorted topics
- Assume Dark Matter exists. How big is the smallest halo?
- Assuming a purely sinusoidal input force......
- Assumption-lean Inference for Generalised Linear Model Parameters
- Assuring better clinical practice; when (not) to redesign
- Asteroid Deflection
- Asteroids formed big
- Asteroseismic inferences in red giant internal magnetic fields
- Asteroseismology (Title TBA)
- Asteroseismology as a tool for astrophysics: from the deep interiors of stars to the evolution of the Milky Way
- Asteroseismology: A New Keplerian Revolution
- Asteroseismology: Results from Kepler and TESS
- AstraZeneca Oncology Bioinformatics case studies and the skill sets we value
- astro-ph discussion: CLASH: Three Strongly Lensed Images of a Candidate z ~ 11 Galaxy (http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.3663)
- Astrobiology
- Astrobiology: the search for life on other worlds
- Astrobiology:The hunt for alien life
- Astrochemistry and star formation: a fertile link
- Astrochemistry beyond the Milky Way
- Astrocytes and the regulation of energy homeostasis
- Astrocytic decline and paralysis, rather than reactivity, contribute to brain ageing and age-dependent neurodegenerative diseases.
- Astrocytic glutamine release and the maintenance of glutamatergic neurotransmission
- AstroGrid: Creating a place for astronomical science
- Astrometric planet search around the faintest and the brightest stars
- Astrometry Lost and Regained
- Astronomical Image Recognition
- Astronomy and Space Geodesy Projects at the National Geographic Institute of Spain
- Astronomy in the era of the LSST: understanding our universe a bit at a time
- Astronomy lecture: Gaia - the first 3D census of the Milky Way
- Astronomy: A Subject on the Cusp
- Astrophysical (and geophysical) fluid mechanics via direct statistical simulation
- Astrophysical bias of Type Ia Supernovae and the Hubble Constant Tension
- Astrophysical Implications of Strong CP Violation
- Astrophysical probes of fundamental physics
- Astrophysical searches for varying constants
- Astrophysical signatures on the LISA data stream from Massive Black Hole Binaries
- Astrophysics and Cosmology of Large-Volume String Compactifications
- Astrophysics and Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters: the Role of Simulations
- Astrophysics with the first gravitational-wave events: from supernova asymmetries to multiple black-hole generations
- Astrostatistics and Astro-Machine Learning (Kavli Science Focus Meeting)
- Astrostatistics and Astro-Machine Learning (Kavli Science Focus Meeting)
- Asylum in France, Part II
- Asylum Monologues
- Asylum Monologues
- Asymmetric Belief Formation (or why humans discount bad news)
- Asymmetric cell division and germline immortality
- Asymmetric Dark Matter
- Asymmetric Dark Matter
- Asymmetric graphs with quantum symmetry
- Asymmetric Immune control by Foxp3+ regulatory T cells
- Asymmetric inertial instability
- Asymmetric nonlinear flexural waves
- Asymmetric nuclear division in neural stem cells generates sibling nuclei that differ in size, envelope composition, and chromatin organization
- Asymmetric optical nonlinear pulses
- Asymmetric orbifolds and quaternionic automorphic functions
- Asymmetric Organocatalysis – Challenges and Innovations
- Asymmetric Radical Transformations (Arts) via a Copper-catalyzed Radical Relay
- Asymmetric Risk and Fuel Neutrality in Capacity Markets
- Asymmetric Synthesis of Nitrogen Heterocycles using Sulfinimines
- Asymmetries in the intonation system of the Maastricht dialect of Limburgian
- Asymmetry in Drosophila neuroblasts: centrosomes & mRNA.
- Asymptotic analysis by averaging methods, for PDEs with stiff transport terms
- Asymptotic Analysis of Deep Residual Networks
- Asymptotic analysis of discrete semi-classical orthogonal polynomials
- Asymptotic analysis of dynamic problems for elastic media with clusters of small inclusions
- Asymptotic Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion systems
- Asymptotic analysis of Riemann Hilbert Problems using q calculus
- Asymptotic analysis of solitons: examples and open problems
- Asymptotic Approximations for High-Frequency Sound Generated by Aerofoils in Flow
- Asymptotic behavior in the Cucker-Smale model with short range communication weights
- Asymptotic behaviors and special solutions of the Euler system
- Asymptotic behaviour and functional limit theorems for a time changed Wiener process
- Asymptotic behaviour of a sine-kernel determinant in the theory of the log-gas and random matrices
- Asymptotic behaviour of diffusing and self-attracting particles
- Asymptotic behaviour of near-critical branching Brownian motion
- Asymptotic Cones
- Asymptotic coupling
- Asymptotic curvature of moduli spaces for Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Asymptotic enumeration of contingency tables
- Asymptotic equivalence and sufficiency for volatility estimation under microstructure noise
- Asymptotic expansions for entropy distances in limit theorems
- Asymptotic Growth of Torsion Homology of Arithmetic Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
- Asymptotic higher ergodic invariants of magnetic lines
- Asymptotic Inference for Eigenstructure of Large Covariance Matrices
- Asymptotic methods for resonator arrays
- Asymptotic modeling of composite materials with thin coatings by using complex variables
- Asymptotic normality of certain transformation averages
- Asymptotic normality of fringe subtrees in conditioned Galton--Watson trees
- Asymptotic performance of port-based teleportation
- Asymptotic pointwise estimates of fundamental solution for time fractional equations with convolution kernels
- Asymptotic problems for stochastic processes and differential equations
- Asymptotic Properties of Recursive Maximum Likelihood Estimation in State-Space Models
- Asymptotic properties of the small data solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell system
- Asymptotic results for families of power series distributions
- Asymptotic results for some nonlinear pdes in the complex plane
- Asymptotic safety in the f(R) approximation
- Asymptotic safety in the spotlight
- Asymptotic shape of the concave majorant of a Lévy process
- Asymptotic spreading in general heterogeneous media
- Asymptotic stability of Chern-Simons vortices
- Asymptotic stability of solitons in 1D dispersive problems
- Asymptotic theory and numerical simulation of resonant flow in a librating oblate spheroid
- Asymptotic theory for acoustic instability of premixed combustion
- Asymptotic zero distribution of generalized hypergeometric polynomials
- Asymptotic zero distribution of generalized hypergeometric polynomials
- Asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank approximations to the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck system
- Asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank discretization of kinetic plasma models (copy)
- Asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank discretization of kinetic plasma models (copy) (copy)
- Asymptotic-preserving schemes for some kinetic equations
- Asymptotically (anti) de Sitter Black Holes and Wormholes with a Self Interacting Scalar Field in Four Dimensions
- Asymptotically CAT(0) metrics and applications
- Asymptotically Conic Calabi-Yau Manifolds
- Asymptotically safe quantum gravity and matter
- Asymptotics and compactification of monopole moduli space
- Asymptotics beyond all orders: the devil's invention?
- Asymptotics for 2D critical and near-critical first-passage percolation
- Asymptotics for ABC algorithms
- Asymptotics for In-Sample Density Forecasting
- Asymptotics for Nonlinear ODEs: The Stokes Phenomenon, Borel Summation and Transseries
- Asymptotics for the wave equation on black hole spacetimes
- Asymptotics of a Particle-Free Layer in a Sheared Suspension
- Asymptotics of Approximate Bayesian Computation
- Asymptotics of discrete Painlevé equations
- Asymptotics of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues for Large Structured Random Matrices
- Asymptotics of Fredholm determinants associated with higher dimensional kernels
- Asymptotics of hyperboilic, Weil-Peterssen and Takhtajan-Zograf metrics
- Asymptotics of Landau-de Gennes theory
- Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials with Respect to Varying Complex Weights
- Asymptotics of radiation fields in asymptotically Minkowski spaces
- Asymptotics of stationary points of a non-local Ginzburg-Landau energy - Oxbridge PDE Days
- Asymptotics of the spectral norms of some interesting matrix sequences
- Async in Visual Basic and C# - worth the Await!
- Asynchronized Concurrency: The Secret to Scaling Concurrent Search Data Structures
- Asynchronous Computation
- Asynchronous Convergence of Policy-Rich Distributed Bellman-Ford Routing Protocols
- Asynchronous Fixed Points
- Asynchrony, Ordering, and Protocols
- At both ends of the spectrum: Chromatic bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the hypergraph normalized Laplacian
- At both ends of the spectrum: Chromatic bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian
- At home and at sea in an infinite universe: Newtonian and Machian theories of motion
- At Home in a Diaspora City: Urban Domesticities and Domestic Urbanism
- At Home With Strangers: Urban Life and the Moral Force of Nationalism
- At Moller Institute: On Siegel-Weil identities
- At Moller Institute: The arithmetic of families of Calabi-Yau manifolds: black holes and modularity
- At Moller Institute: The truth and more about what comes after Cappelli-Itzykson-Zuber's A-D-E
- At risk mental states; update on ARMS and results from CAMEO studies
- At the cliff's edge: world heritage, conflict and Preah Vihear
- At the Cutting Edge of Transformations in Gender Relations in Zambia
- At the cutting-edge: proteolysis at membranes
- At the Edge of Reactivity: Exploring the Dynamics of Fluid-Mineral Interactions
- At the limits of China: frontiers, borders, and political geography in early modern Sino-Western cartographic exchanges
- At the Moller Institute: Indefinite Theta Series
- Athena
- Athena SWAN - My Life in science Seminar "There’s more to academia than research, you know"
- Athena SWAN - My Life in Science Seminar - "An alternative route to an independent research career"
- Athena SWAN Good Practice Workshop
- Athena SWAN Network Event - Focus on Postdocs
- Athena SWAN Network Event: Changing Culture
- Athena SWAN Network Event: Men as Champions for Change
- Athena SWAN Network with Polly Arnold
- Athena SWAN Presentation
- Athena SWAN Surgery
- Athena SWAN Surgery
- Athena SWAN Surgery
- Athena Swan: Equality & Diversity in science
- Athena SWAN: SMART Action Planning
- Athena SWAN: Supporting Professional and Support Staff
- AthenaSWAN and an Inclusive Workplace for Academics in Archaeology and Anthropology
- Atherosclerosis Imaging: from MRI, VH-IVUS to Biomechanical Analysis - Looking beyond luminal stenosis
- Atiyah Floer conjecture
- Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean Turbulence
- ATLAS lifts the Cup: Discovery of a New Milky Way satellite in Crater
- ATLAS Trigger Level Analysis
- ATLAS, silicon detectors, and long-lived particles
- ATM Security 2008 Conference
- Atmospheres and Interiors of Extrasolar Planets
- Atmospheres of Earth and Icy planets
- Atmospheric & Oceanic Applications of Eulerian and Lagrangian Transport Modelling
- Atmospheric Aerosols: Their Effect on Climate and on Human Health
- Atmospheric bromine: its natural sources and effects on atmospheric chemsitry
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Biochemistry of Venus and Venus-like Exoplanet
- Atmospheric collapse on tidally locked rocky planets
- Atmospheric complexity or scale by scale simplicity?
- Atmospheric dispersion in cities
- Atmospheric dynamics of tide-locked exoplanets
- Atmospheric flow over South Georgia and the impacts on regional climate
- Atmospheric Reactions of Peroxy Radicals – Key Intermediates in Ozone Formation and Loss
- Atmospheric research from the molecular to city scale
- Atmospheric response to marginal-ice-zone drag parameterisation
- Atmospheric Responses to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Atmospheric Retrieval
- Atmospheric science and policy - the challenge of making them consistent
- Atmospheric sensing using ultra-sensitive spectroscopy
- Atmospheric spectra of hot exoplanets
- Atmospheric Structure Revealed by Refraction of Routine Radio Transmissions from Civil Aircraft.
- Atmospheric Tides: Current understanding and issues
- Atmospheric-interior connection of super-earths and sub-neptunes
- Atmospherically significant reactions of Criegee intermediates
- Atom Chips: A Vision for Quantum Information
- Atom Economic Transformations Catalysed by Low-Valent Cobalt Complexes
- Atom probe tomography and applications in oxidation and corrosion of metals
- Atom-dimer and dimer-dimer scattering in fermionic mixtures near a narrow Feshbach resonance
- Atomic Cluster Expansion: A framework for fast and accurate ML force fields
- Atomic Data for Astrophysics
- Atomic energy and Britain's position in the world, 1954–56
- Atomic espionage: J-resolved NMR spectroscopy
- Atomic force microscopy and force spectroscopy of membrane proteins - Joint seminar with Nanoscience
- Atomic Junction: The Road to Nuclear Power (documentary film, 30 mins)
- Atomic scale characterization, by means of electron microscopy techniques, of Ruthenium catalysts supported on cerium and zirconim mixed oxides
- Atomic scale investigations of alloy structures
- Atomic Structure of Nanoparticles and Their Surfaces
- Atomic Structures of Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials
- Atomic toposes and countable categoricity
- Atomic-resolution studies of materials by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy
- Atomic-Scale Dynamic Observations of Grain Boundary and Surface Phenomena
- Atomically Thin MoS2: A Two Dimensional Semiconductor Beyond Graphene
- Atomicity Abstractions in Relaxed Memory Architectures
- Atomism and quantization
- Atomism and quantization
- Atomistic Insights into the Tribological Properties of Diamond and Diamond-Like Carbon
- Atomistic Machine Learning between Physics and Data
- Atomistic modelling of excited states and luminescence in sodium silicate glass
- Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of cyanobiphenyls: A test bench for liquid crystal theories
- Atomistic studies of interfacial failure in optical multilayer coatings
- Atomistically inspired origami
- Atoms for peace (and war): the Italian nuclear programme during the Cold War
- Atoms for Peace (and War): the Italian Nuclear Programme During the Cold War
- Atoms Interlinked by Light: Programmable Interactions and Entanglement
- Atoms on the move: deformation-induced trace element redistribution in zircon
- ATP-sensitive K channels and Neonatal Diabetes - from Molecule to New Therapy and Beyond
- Atria-specific upregulation of microRNA-31 depletes dystrophin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and leads to electrical remodelling in human atrial fibrillation
- Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke: Mechanistic Insights from Big Data
- ATRIUM's Asset Management Software
- Attaching shortest vectors to lattice points and applications
- Attachment Across the Life-Span
- Attachment through Childhood: A longitudinal study from age 1 to age 18
- Attachment, Uptake and Cytosol Penetration: How non-enveloped viruses enter the cell
- Attack Strategies & the Simplicity of Hacking
- Attacking and Fixing the Bitcoin Network
- Attacking health: The end of International Humanitarian Law?
- Attacks and defenses in decentralised botnets
- Attacks on real-world wireless sensor networks
- Attasi ND systems, polynomial system solving and algebraic optimization
- Attempting to reverse the irreversible in quantum physics
- Attention effects in a neuronal model of the language cortex
- Attention filters for features
- Attention Forcing: Improving attention-based sequence-to-sequence models
- Attention in autism: Evidence from change blindness studies
- Attention in sequence-to-sequence models
- Attention modifies the weights of competing stimulus sources during integrated visual decision making
- Attention to faces in autism: An ERP study
- Attention, Distraction and Cognitive Control under Load
- Attention, perception, and neural response: testing the limits
- Attentional bias and craving in substance use
- Attentional competition during memory encoding and retrieval
- Attentional episodes and cognitive control
- Attentional modulation of visual motion processing: Space, feature and objects
- Attentive learning: Understanding mechanisms by studying outcomes, risk and protective factors
- Attenuation and velocity structure of the Earth's inner core
- Attitudes to body image, at the Festival of Ideas
- Attitudes to teacher involvement in change: Some Australian and other Commonwealth country data
- Attitudes towards French and English in Montreal: implications for language policy and planning
- Attitudinal Influences on Moral Judgments
- Attoscience, Nobel 2023, and Quantum Simulators
- Attraction explained: The science of how we form relationships
- Attraction of bacteria to algae: finding your partner in a microbial world
- Attraction to and repulsion from patches on the hypersphere and hyperplane for isotropic d-dimensional α-stable processes with index in α ∈ (0, 1] and d ≥ 2
- Attractive and Repulse Interactions in Dense Nematics
- Attractor flow trees and scattering diagrams
- Attractor reconstruction of active stellar light curves
- Attractors for SPDE driven by an FBM and nontrival multiplicative noise
- Attribution of recent climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula: a synthesis of ACES science
- Atypical gaze processing in autism; a neural deficit or difference?
- Atypical heterochromatin controls telomere maintenance
- Atypical late-time singular regimes accurately diagnosed in stagnation-point-type solutions of 3D Euler flows
- Atypical neurogenesis and E/I precursor imbalance in autism iPSCs
- Atypical Neurogenesis in Autism
- Atypical visual integration in autism
- Atypicality, complexity and module varieties for classical Lie superalgebras
- Auction Design via Optimal Transportation
- Auctioning based Coordinated TV White Space Spectrum Sharing for Home Networks
- Audio recording a lecture
- Audio signal indexing : Application to drum signal separation and transcription
- Audio-Visual Learning: Challenges and New Approaches
- Audio/Video R&D at Google
- AudioMoth: A case study in developing low-cost open-source conservation technology
- Audiovisual Discrimination Between Laughter and Speech
- Auditory processing in singing and walking crickets
- Auditory processing, language impairment and developmental dyslexia
- Auditory processing: From illusions to the musical brain
- Auditory processing: From illusions to the musical brain
- Auditory working memory and long-term memory in humans
- Augmented bundles - I
- Augmented bundles - II
- Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Re-Enchantment
- Augmenting Markets with Mechanisms
- Augmenting physics-based models through Scientific Machine Learning methods in Computational Cardiology
- Aura: A Programming Language with Authorization and Audit
- Aurora A kinase and RPS14: new players in the myeloproliferative neoplasms
- Aurora B kinase regulates chromosome architecture and chromosome segregation
- Aurora kinase A: from basic biology to PROTAC-mediated Targeted Protein Degradation
- Auslander regularity for completed rings of p-adic differential operators
- Auslander-Reiten Components of Brauer Graph Algebras
- Austerity And Protest: The Cases of Portugal and Spain During The Great Recession
- Austerity in MCM - Land : Cutting the computational Budget
- Austerity, free trade, and the deficit: the mid 19th century origins of a British obsession
- Australian Art Orchestra & The Young Wägilak Group Present Crossing Roper Bar : An Interactive Performance & Discussion of Improvisation as Transcultural Process
- Australian Art Orchestra & The Young Wägilak Group Present Crossing Roper Bar : An Interactive Performance & Discussion of Improvisation as Transcultural Process
- Australian HFC, PFC and SF6 emissions: atmospheric verification
- Australopithecus from Sterkfontein Caves (South Africa): An evolutionary species?
- Authenticated Encryption, The CAESAR Project, and a SoC Crypto Peripheral
- Authenticating nature: situating photographic trust in the late nineteenth century scientific periodical press
- Authentication protocols based on human interaction in security pervasive computing
- Author and readers: the making of the early modern Greek Physiologos
- Author Meets Critics: North Pole: Nature and Culture
- Author-Meets-Readers: Theory and Explanation in Geography
- Authoring in the Fluidic group of projects
- Authority after Emergency Rule
- Authority and confirmation bias in academic conversations
- Authority waterfalls: an anti-realist model of research impact
- Authority, autonomy and selfhood in Islamic education - a philosophical approach
- Authority, Expertise and Race in the South African TRC
- Authority: Some Fables
- Authorship and mathematical skills between artisans and scholars: the geometries of Sébastien Le Clerc (1637–1714)
- Autism and Emotion: Perspectives from Affective Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, and Computer Vision.
- Autism and Human Cognitive Diversity, from Physiology to Psychology to Pedagogy
- Autism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - an examination of a co-occurrence of conditions
- Autism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - an examination of a co-occurrence of conditions
- Autism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - an examination of a co-occurrence of conditions
- Autism and sex/gender: why does it matter?
- Autism and the criminal justice system
- Autism and the Criminal Justice System: Achieving Best Evidence
- Autism Imaging & Genetics
- Autism in Children's Fiction
- Autism in DSM-5 (and beyond)
- Autism prevalence, social deprivation and access to services in England: A big data approach
- Autism Research for Autistic Flourishing
- Autism Spectrum characteristics and their relationship to brain structure and function in the typical population
- Autism Spectrum condition
- Autism Spectrum condition
- Autism-CHIME: Can music therapy support autistic children’s communication skills or anxiety?
- Autism-CHIME: Can music therapy support autistic children’s communication skills or anxiety?
- Autism: what has genetics taught us?
- Autism: what the genes tell us
- Autistic Friendships
- Autistic Friendships
- Autitouch: Supporting autism diagnosis with multitouch
- Auto-ID Labs activities
- Auto-id Labs and Block chain activity
- Auto-populating ontologies: Data-extraction beyond single properties with ChemDataExtractor 2.0 and TableDataExtractor
- Auto2 prover in Isabelle
- Autobiographical memory in autism
- Autobiography and the crafting of identity in 20th-century American medicine
- Autocorrelation and Pinwheels in Primary Visual Cortex’
- Autocrats at the Cutting Edge: China, Innovation, and the Global Balance of Power
- Autoencoders
- Autoencoders and Causality in the Light of Drug Repurposing for COVID-19
- Autoimmune encephalitis for psychiatrists
- Autoimmunity to LAMP-2: a case for molecular mimicry in vasculitis
- Autoimmunity: malaria, evolution and augury
- Automated Analysis of Probabilistic Programs
- Automated and Human Proofs in General Mathematics: An Initial Comparison
- Automated and Semi-Automated bug finding for Fortran
- Automated as-built modelling using machine learning
- Automated Augmented Conjugate Inference for Gaussian Processes
- Automated building structural design?
- Automated cardiovascular material model discovery
- Automated cardiovascular material model discovery
- Automated computational modelling: Application to multiphysics problems
- Automated detection of cryptocurrency investment scams at scale
- Automated discovery of material models
- Automated Error Diagnosis Using Abductive Inference
- Automated Experimentation: Beyond Deployment and Execution
- Automated Fact-Checking of Climate Change Claims with Large Language Models
- Automated Fact-Checking of Climate Change Claims with Large Language Models
- Automated Full-Stack Memory Model Verification with the Check suite
- Automated functional program verification using fixpoint fusion
- Automated Identification of Collective Variables for Polymeric systems from Molecular Dynamics Data
- Automated image analysis for high-throughput cell-based microscopy assays with R and Bioconductor
- Automated Liquid Handling
- Automated Liquid Handling
- Automated Measures for Assessment of Prosody in Autism
- Automated modelling of industrial plants
- Automated parallel adjoints for model differentiation, optimisation and stability analysis
- Automated parallel adjoints for model differentiation, optimisation and stability analysis
- Automated Pavement Condition Monitoring
- Automated Progress Monitoring Using Augmented Reality
- Automated Quality Control of Chest X-Ray Images
- Automated Quality Control of Chest X-rays
- Automated Reasoning and AI for Large Formal Mathematics
- Automated Reasoning at AWS, and Applications in Cryptography
- Automated Stellar Spectra Parametrisation for Galactic Archaelogy
- Automated theorem proving in first-order logic: from superposition to instantiation
- Automated Zone Design as an Aid to Effective Anonymisation
- Automatic Analysis of Affect and Personality Analysis in Multiperson Settings
- Automatic Analysis of Scratch-pad Memory Code for Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
- Automatic analysis of variance for orthogonal plot structures
- Automatic Assessment Systems for the Spoken CALL Shared Tasks
- Automatic Chemical Design
- Automatic complexity: a computable measure of irregularity
- Automatic control: The tradeoff between habit and instruction in go/no-go and stop tasks
- Automatic customization of transparency mode and audio equalization in ear buds
- Automatic Detecting Billion $ Coding Errors with Static Program Analysis
- Automatic Differentiation - Part One: A Revisionist History and the State of the Art
- Automatic Differentiation - Part Two: AD meets SDG and PLT
- Automatic differentiation and machine learning
- Automatic DifferentiationPart One: A Revisionist History and the State of the Art
- Automatic Discovery of Patterns in Media Content
- Automatic edge detection in the chebfun system
- Automatic Evaluation of Linguistic Quality in Multi-Document Summarization
- Automatic generation of the kernel integrity monitor and how to protect the integrity monitor itself
- Automatic human behaviour understanding
- Automatic Humour Detection
- Automatic Identification and Parallelisation of General Reduction Operations
- Automatic Identification of Samples in Hip-Hop Music via Deep Metric Learning and an Artificial Dataset
- Automatic insertion of useful log points in production programs
- Automatic Lexical Acquisition from the CHILDES Database
- Automatic Metaphor Interpretation as a Paraphrasing Task
- Automatic NLO calculations with GoSam
- Automatic operational modal analysis: Challenges and applications to historical structures and infrastructures
- Automatic Outlier Rectification via Optimal Transport
- Automatic Outlier Rectification via Optimal Transport
- Automatic Planning and Scheduling of Multi-Gravity Assist Transfers with Deep Space Manoeuvres
- Automatic Proof for Theorems On Transcendental Functions
- Automatic proof of SPARK verification conditions
- Automatic proof of SPARK verification conditions
- Automatic Quality Assessment of Cardiac MRI
- Automatic Quality Assessment of Cardiac MRI
- Automatic Recognition of Human Affect and Social Signals
- Automatic reduction of differential semantics for protein-protein interaction networks, by abstract interpretation
- Automatic Rule-Based Generation of Items for Intelligence Tests and Probability Word Problems
- Automatic satellite monitoring of East Greenland's calving glacier fronts: seasonal signals and southern retreat
- Automatic Selection of Recognition Errors by Respeaking the Intended Text
- Automatic SIMD vectorization for Haskell
- Automatic speech act identification in business emails
- Automatic Speech Recognition in a State-of-Flux
- Automatic termination proofs for software
- Automatic Verification of BitVector Identities in SSA-Based Compiler IRs
- Automatic Visual Recognition in Natural, Medical, and 3D Imagery
- Automatically comparing memory consistency models
- Automatically Dismantling Online Dating Fraud
- Automating proof by induction in Isabelle/HOL using domain-specific languages
- Automating reasoning tasks for separation logic
- Automating Separation Logic Reasoning
- Automating stochastic gradient methods with adaptive batch sizes
- Automating the Archive: From Card Catalogues to Computer Bots
- Automation and how it can help you
- Automation for Interactive Theorem Provers
- Automation for the circular economy in the built environment
- Automerge: A New Foundation for Collaboration Software
- Automerge: Concurrently Editable Data Structures in JavaScript
- Automorphic forms
- Automorphic forms and representation theory, I
- Automorphic forms and representation theory, II
- Automorphic forms and representation theory, III
- Automorphic forms and the p-adic Langlands correspondence
- Automorphic forms mod p on the Z_p-extension of Q, a direct construction of base change, and Iwasawa theory
- Automorphic forms on SL(3) and higher rank groups
- Automorphic forms, Galois representations
- Automorphic induction for radicial p-extensions
- Automorphic Lie algebras and corresponding integrable systems
- Automorphic properties of combinatorial generating functions
- Automorphic properties of string theory amplitudes in various dimensions
- Automorphic representations of prescribed type
- Automorphic String Amplitudes
- Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures with stationary weak independence relations
- Automorphism groups of positive entropy of normal projective varieties
- Automorphism orbits of groups and the Monster
- Automorphisms of free and surface groups and their fixed points
- Automorphisms of free groups, hairy graphs and modular forms
- Automorphisms of models of set theory
- Automorphisms of noncompact surfaces
- Automorphisms of noncompact surfaces
- Automorphisms of the little d-discs operad
- Automorphy Lifting with Ĝ-adequate image
- Automorphy of Hecke modules from geometry
- Automotive Acoustics and Software over the Air
- Automotive Control Using Non-Linear System Models With Uncertainty
- Autonomous Agents under Operational Closure
- Autonomous driving: a mathematical perspective
- Autonomous engines driven by active matter
- Autonomous learning of multimodal internal models for robots using multiple sources of information
- Autonomous research machines: Self-optimizing new chemistry
- Autonomous reversing of articulated vehicles
- Autonomous reversing of multiply-articulated heavy vehicles
- Autonomy and ontology: freedom in Kant and Heidegger
- Autonomy in Medical Ethics
- Autophagic cell death through Dictyostelium eyes
- Autophagy - selectivity and pathophysiology
- Autophagy and neurodegeneration
- Autophagy and neurodegenerative diseases
- Autophagy in cell death and cancer - issues we need to digest
- Autophagy in neurodegeneration
- Autophagy in the hematopoitic system
- Autophagy roles in Immunity
- Autophagy upregulation - a possible therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative conditions like Huntington's disease
- Autophagy, a guardian against neurodegeneration
- Autophagy: molecular machinery and role in diseases
- Autoreducibility for NEXP
- Autoregressive Diffusion Models
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Autumn Cactus and Succulent Show
- Autumn Seminar Series
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- Auxiliary Functions for Bounded Time Averages
- Auxin - an universal synchronizer in plants and beyond.
- Auxin signalling and transport in leaf venation
- Auxin, glucosinolates, and drought tolerance: What's the connection?
- Auxin, glucosinolates, and drought tolerance: What's the connection?
- Auxin, self-organisation and the colonial nature of plants
- Availability growth in the operation of offshore wind turbines
- Avenues Of Metrology With Quantum Dots
- Avenues of Metrology with Quantum Dotsors
- Avenues to Active Shape Control in Nematic Solid Sheets
- Average derivative projection pursuit regression
- Average Ranks of Elliptic Curves After p-Extension
- Averages of Characteristic Polynomials from Classical Groups and L-functions
- Averaging Robertson-Walker Cosmologies
- Averaging inhomogeneities in scalar-tensor cosmology
- Averaging to Higher Depth Mock Modular Forms
- Aversive cognition: inference, learning and control of aversive states in the human brain
- Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas
- Avian 'Flu - The origin of SARS and the impact of avian influenza H5N1 upon mammals and wild birds
- Avian influenza in China: Epidemiology, Control Strategies and Problems
- Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC): hidden genetic diversity in an economical important poultry pathogen
- Avian-inspired Wing Morphing for Small UAV
- Aviation and climate
- Avoid the unmanageable, manage the unavoidable: Adaptive management of climate change
- Avoid the Unmanageable, Manage the Unavoidable: Can we infer from today’s changes and climate models what tomorrow’s world might look like?
- Avoid the unmanageable, manage the unavoidable: Sea level rise, coastal cities, and wetlands
- Avoid the unmanageable, manage the unavoidable: Why and how we will have to adapt?
- Avoiding AI's "Moore's Law": Why we are building a ladder to the moon
- Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change
- Avoiding designed-in errors in interactive medical devices
- Avoiding small subgraphs in Achlioptas processes
- Avos: Looking back 15 years: the technological changes leading to the Zoom Cat Lawyer
- Avulsion mechanics and patterns in deep marine channel levee systems
- aw534's List
- Awakening Dreaming Beauties: Language Reclamation and Social Wellbeing
- AWARE: Human & Social Context For Wellbeing
- Awareness of the Special and General Relativity, and the Local and General Physical Reality
- Awareness of the Special and General Relativity, and the Local and General Physical Reality
- Awkward biopolitics: osprey conservation, pesticides and biosecurity on Speyside, 1963-1968
- Ax's theorem for additive power series
- Axel Voigt
- Axi-symmetric spread of a viscous fluid over a shallow ocean and the dynamics of grounding lines
- Axial anomalies in Weyl semimetals
- Axial Discs on Homogeneous Lagrangians
- Axial homologies re-examined: a common ground plan at the base of Eumetazoa
- Axial Seamount as a unique laboratory to study how stress changes affect earthquake occurrence
- AXIOM Beyond Encryption
- Axiom of Determinacy II
- Axiom of Determinacy III
- Axiomatic Concurrency Semantics for Full-Scale ARMv8-A using Symbolic Execution
- Axiomatic information thermodynamics
- Axiomatization of Interventional Probability Distributions
- Axion Cosmology and the Lightest DM Candidate
- Axion superradiance in rotating neutron stars
- Axions, Inflation and the Anthropic Principle
- Axis specification in Drosophila: mRNA transport and translational control
- Axisymmetric Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations
- Axiverse Strings
- Axon and dendrite geography predict the specificity of synaptic connections in a functioning spinal cord network
- Axon guidance and local RNA-based mechanisms of directional steering
- Axon guidance molecules: from neuron to glia
- Axon-Oligodendrocyte interactions in demyelinating disease
- Axons, ions and injury: why synaptic machinery is present in your white matter and what it means for your chances during stroke
- Aylwyn Scally: “Chance and ancestry in human genetics”
- Aynouk Tan presents: 'the real me', how the fashion industry has shaped our daily reality
- Ayutthaya in Asian history from the 13th to 18th century
- Aztec botany and natural history in the 16th century (1552–1580)
- Azurite and Cristal: new tools for integration-by-parts reductions
- Coproduction of Mathematical Models
- Lightning Session – What else are people doing to gather evidence? What do you need/want? (Chair: Luke Davis (Isaac Newton Institute))
- Reflections on Building the Mathsci-comm Community
- Improving the identification of cardiometabolic risk in early psychosis
- ‘365 WITHOUT 377’
- ‘5 things I wish I’d known last year’: A Mentoring and Networking Event
- ‘A divine kinde of rhetoricke’: Godly Preaching and the Rhetorical Tradition
- ‘A Global Moment: The Circulation of East African Cowries across Land and Oceans (18th-19th Century)’
- ‘A History of Rubber Production in Africa’
- ‘A novel role for RNA-binding E3 ubiquitin ligases in the regulation of mRNA decay’
- ‘A peculiar survey … for our peculiar purpose’: founding the Ordnance Survey of Ireland
- ‘A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words’: Visually Assigned Meaning and Meta-Narratives of the Global Financial Crisis
- ‘A tale of cities; the differing challenges of antimicrobial resistance in Ho Chi Minh City and Kathmandu’
- ‘A tangible perpetuity’: some thoughts on early photography in Burma, India, and Sri Lanka
- ‘A Taste for Mocha: Competing for the Coffee Trade in the Eighteenth Century’
- ‘A wild lion through the window’ – Reflections on studios in Cambridge and Ahmedebad
- ‘Accelerating the translation of mutational signatures'
- ‘Achieving the WHO goal of “25 by 25” – The challenge for CVD prevention’
- ‘African Entrepreneurship: the Fetish of Personal Responsibility’
- ‘After building the roof, what do you put under it? - Building a library in a village school in rural Cambodia ‘
- ‘Airbus A400M Flight Test Programme’
- ‘Allorecognition – only relevant for transplantation?’
- ‘Alterations of the Polycomb machinery in cancers’
- ‘An insider look at public policy development'
- ‘An insider look at public policy development'
- ‘Archaeology and Language’ by James Clackson
- ‘Arts-based’ and ‘STEAMed’ research approaches: Intersections of interdisciplinary research with visual and performing intercultural arts practices
- ‘“Being an Islander”: art and identity of the large Mediterranean Islands’, or, can museums really contribute to research in social sciences?
- ‘“It goes like this”: agency and the rhetoric of classical music performance’
- ‘“Like Olive Shoots Around Your Table”: Locating the Early Modern Infant’
- ‘“Rivers of Blood”: Illustrating Violence and Virtue in Russia’s Early Modern Empire
- ‘Bio terror and the next global security threats’
- ‘Bread, Freedom and Social Justice’: Organised Workers and Mass Mobilizations in the Arab World, Europe and Latin America
- ‘Breath of Life: Making the Most of Life’s Ups and Downs’
- ‘Breeding and Building Molecules to Spy on Cells and Disease Processes’
- ‘Cell Plasticity in Colon Carcinogenesis’
- ‘Cell types in the mouse brain as revealed by single-cell RNA-seq.’
- ‘Cellular Plasticity in Cancer: driving force and therapeutic target’
- ‘Chinese media concepts in a historical perspective’.
- ‘Chinese printed illustrations around 1600: additional notes on Xixiang ji and Pipa ji’.
- ‘Choices in public policy: evidence, fairness and the art of the possible’
- ‘Christopher Hill and the Crisis of Bourgeois Culture in the 1930s’
- ‘Class-work’ in the elite institutions of higher education
- ‘CLL – from chemotherapy to targeted kinase inhibition’
- ‘Cluster headache: novel approaches to phylogenetic clustering’
- ‘Combine and conquer: critical pre-clinical and clinical aspects of targeted anti-cancer drugs’
- ‘Combining omics data and biological knowledge to understand and treat cancer’
- ‘Computational analysis of small RNA function in animals.’
- ‘Computational Methods for Visualization, Simulation, and Restoration Microscopy Data’
- ‘Consumer Experiences in Post-Colonial Zimbabwe: Trends and Developments, 1980 to 2023’
- ‘Corbynomics': What Next?
- ‘Counterfeit commonwealthsmen’? The tactics of the 'crypto-royalists' during Richard Cromwell's Parliament
- ‘Crafty Catholic children abroad in every quarter and coast’: The engagement of children in the practice of Catholicism in England, c. 1560–1660
- ‘Cross-Cultural Trade and the Slave Ship the Bonne Société: Baskets of Goods, Diverse Sellers, and Time Pressure on the African Coast’
- ‘Dead Bodies, Living Organs: What Pathologists Really Do’
- ‘Deafness in Early Modern England’
- ‘Dealing with the Media’ with Don Powell (CamAWiSE event)
- ‘Deciding when to visit the GP with cancer symptoms: the Goldilocks Zone differs in England, Denmark and Sweden’
- ‘Development of Intelligent Power Control Units for Next-Generation High-Speed EMU Traction System’
- ‘Developmental programming of cognitive impairment in adulthood: role of chronic fetal hypoxia and oxidative stress’
- ‘Diglossia, Bidialectalism, or Bilingualism? Portuguese as a Foreign Language in the Classroom’
- ‘Dissecting the fibrotic niche of human liver cirrhosis using single cell transcriptomics’
- ‘Doing’ comparative research in South Asia: Positionality, postcolonial cities and the making of urban place
- ‘East African Grain Markets in Long-Run Perspective, c. 1900-2020’
- ‘Elite Persistence in Sierra Leone: What Can Names Tell Us?’
- ‘Estate Reconstitution’ and the Separation of Town and Countryside: the case of Kent’s rural-urban fringe, 1577-1914
- ‘EU budget financing: good investment or too little to make a difference?’
- ‘Executable Disease Networks: Reconstruction, Topology, Dynamics’
- ‘Exploring and exploiting aberrant self-fate programs in leukemia’
- ‘Facing the Pressures of Internationalisation and Securitisation: National Governments as the Weaker Actors?’
- ‘Fetal tolerance and anti-viral immunity at the maternal-fetal interface in human pregnancy’
- ‘Fine-tuning cell mechanics at the onset of collective cell motion’
- ‘For a little amusement’: A Brutal Look at Leisure in Early Modern Indo-Danish Relations
- ‘For with perfect balance, all would be well’ - Why balance is so integral to the works at Kettle’s Yard
- ‘French theories of language in 18th-century Berlin: reception and transformation’
- ‘From Oil Shocks to Structural Adjustment in Two African Beverage-Crop Economies: Ghana and Kenya Compared, 1973-1983’
- ‘Genetic predisposition to cancer’
- ‘Genetic predisposition to cancer’
- ‘Genome-wide Association Studies: Hype and Reality’.
- ‘Geographies of Radical Difference’
- ‘Giving it back - restitution, repatriation and the deconstruction of the world museum’
- ‘History and Future Outlook of the Belt and Road'
- ‘History, memory and stigma: Filming India's 'criminal'/denotified tribes in western India’
- ‘Horizon Europe – research and innovation funding for the construction and built environment sector’.
- ‘How many long mirrors?’: Reflecting on the arrival of women at Pembroke
- ‘How to make a bigger supernova’ and ‘Optical interferometry: Because sometimes a 40-meter telescope just isn’t big enough’.
- ‘I can get that song out of your head: Decoding perceptual representations with retinotopic and tonotopic maps.’
- ‘I’m sad that it is gone’: Teachers’ views on teaching the nature of science at key stage 4
- ‘Immunological memory of ILC2s’
- ‘Immunosenescence: A product of the environment?’
- ‘In Search of the Roots of the East Asian Miracle: The role of colonialism and extraction’
- ‘Indigenous’ avant la lettre. The Origin and Livelihoods of the Sámi in European Scholarly Thought 1930-1960
- ‘Industrialisation and the Changing Mortality Environment in an English Community, c. 1600-1684’
- ‘Infertility in History: Approaches, Perspectives, Experiences’
- ‘Instituting Molecular Precision in Localised Prostate Cancer - A Cure for All?’
- ‘Intercultural citizenship’ – a purpose for foreign language education?
- ‘Inventing Phoenicia? The Levantine Coast and Geographical Perception in the Ancient World’.
- ‘Know all men whom this may concerne...’. The Protestation returns and early modern social and economic history
- ‘Language Policy and National Politics: Reflections on the Rise of Israeli "New Right" and erasing Arabic as an Official Language’
- ‘Leading’ Europe’s Foreign Policy? Britain, Germany and the CFSP
- ‘Les Anglais apprendront à boire’: how the successes and failures of French wine in nineteenth-century England were seen from France
- ‘Life and works of Roald Dahl’ An informal talk by Jane Branfield, archivist for the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre
- ‘Light-weight impact and blast resistant materials’
- ‘Living Standards in Angola, 1760-1975’
- ‘Lost in translation’? Interpreting the language of international and intra-national education policy transfer
- ‘Machine-learning in chemistry from the bottom up’
- ‘Make in India’: A New Paradigm for Manufacturing in India
- ‘Making Energy Efficiency Your Business’
- ‘Mammary epithelial cell fate and tumour initiation at the single cell resolution’
- ‘Meetings with Machines’ - Architecture, Health and the Tyranny of 'Standards'
- ‘Microfinance 3.0: Traditions and Trends for Maximising Financial Inclusion'
- ‘Mixing It Up: A Blended Approach to Practice-based Research Training in Music’
- ‘Money, Imperial Sterling, and Colonial Economy-Building’
- ‘Multi-dimensional cancer-immune cell interaction during metastasis’
- ‘Multiscale simulations of membrane proteins and their interactions’
- ‘Murderous pity?’ Active euthanasia in early modern medicine and society
- ‘My Desire is to be the Possessor of all the Best Books in this World of Struggle’: Respectability and Literary Materialism in Colonial Ibadan
- ‘Never a frivolity’: children’s literature, fashion and dress.
- ‘New Powers: How to become one and how to manage them’
- ‘Next-Generation Biopsies in Gastrointestinal Cancers’
- ‘No longer the dismal science: the contribution of health economics to health gains in the developing world’ by Professor Dame Anne Mills
- ‘No Smiling Please’: Northcote Thomas’ ethnographic portraits of southern Nigeria
- ‘Non-coding RNA - new roles for old players’
- ‘Novel dual-action combination therapy enhances angiogenesis whilst reducing tumour growth and spread’
- ‘Of epidemics and intangibility: sensing violence in a Brazilian world heritage site’
- ‘Oral pathobiont Porphyromonas gingivalis promotes arthritis by perturbing resolution responses and gut barrier function’
- ‘Pax Economica: Left-Wing Visions of a Free Trade World’
- ‘Performance as translation and translation as performance’
- ‘Performance’ (presentations followed by a panel discussion)
- ‘Personalized choices: redrawing the boundaries of families and everyday life under neoliberal reform in Japan’
- ‘Peter Pan and the Mind of J. M. Barrie. An Exploration of Cognition and Consciousness.’
- ‘Pfizer Chemical and Biological Synthesis and Catalysis Symposium 2015’ (students from both the Biological and Synthetic RIGS will be interested in this Symposium)
- ‘Political Polarisation in the English Civil War: A Digital Humanities Approach’
- ‘Politics of Memory: Reshaping Cultural and “Physical” Landscapes in Contemporary Ukraine'
- ‘Possible Dreams: Paulo Freire and Utopian Education’
- ‘Powers of War: Fighting, Knowledge, and Critique’
- ‘Prefab Politics: The rise and fall of Zambia's donor-built reform coalition’
- ‘Prefab Politics: The rise and fall of Zambia's donor-built reform coalition’
- ‘Profit factory’ and ‘bathroom break’: How to analyse compounds and how to predict their emergence
- ‘Quelle émotion, quelle sensation!’: Listening for the Past in Eastern Paris, 1931
- ‘Raising Capital to Raise Crops: Slave Emancipation and Agricultural Output in the Cape Colony’
- ‘Reflecting on Reflection’: An exploration of trainers’ perceptions of reflective practice in Kazakhstan
- ‘Religion and Scottish Military Experience, c.1690–1763’
- ‘Restless bodies, buried texts: Sikorski, The General, and the archive’
- ‘Rewilding’ later prehistory: Archaeological wildlife and its role in current nature recovery
- ‘Rising Powers in the Western Imagination’
- ‘Role of lysosomes in cellular adaptation to stress’
- ‘Rural Capitalism and Income Inequality in Colonial Africa: Trends and Transitions’
- ‘Scifest Africa’ - South Africa’s National Science Festival (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- ‘Second language listening comprehension in England: strategy instruction and teacher understanding’
- ‘Seeing is believing: imaging Ca2+-signalling events in living cells’
- ‘SLAVERY IS STILL ALIVE’ - Black Power and slavery in Britain 1967-72
- ‘Smashing the Glass Ceiling: How to Make the Workplace More Inclusive for Women’
- ‘Soviet’ in the memories and teachers’ professional beliefs in Kazakhstan: points for reflection for reformers, international consultants and practitioners
- ‘Spaghetti sandwich’ micro-structure of very high Reynolds number turbulence - not quite Kolmogorov
- ‘Spaghetti sandwich’ micro-structure of very high Reynolds number turbulence - not quite Kolmogorov
- ‘Statebuilding and the subject: tolerance, appropriation and resistance in Mozambique’
- ‘Syria, Salisbury and savings lives at war: what next for foreign policy and humanitarian intervention?’ Book launch and panel discussion with Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, Sir Stephen O'Brien and Sir Christopher Greenwood
- ‘Taiwan's Mainlanders' identity crisis and adaptation under the Presidency of Chen Shui-bian’.
- ‘Ted Hughes: Ecopoet and Environmentalist’
- ‘Th’emprenting of hir consolacioun’: persuasive speech and resistant listeners in ‘The Franklin’s Tale’
- ‘The American tributary system in international politics’
- ‘The Bear Trap? The Prelude to the Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan, 1978/79’
- ‘The decolonisation of African states. Taxation and expenditure in former French Africa, 1900-2020’
- ‘The development of school-based Learning Study and Stenhouse’s idea of the Teacher as Researcher.’
- ‘The dog days’: rabies in England, 1830–1860
- ‘The End of Humanity’ Film Screening and Panel Discussion
- ‘The Fall: the end of Honecker’ – screening of film (90m, subtitled), followed by discussion with director Eric Friedler
- ‘The Feeling of Self-Affirmation’: Individualism in 1980s Youth Styles in the Two Germanys
- ‘The First Emperor's tomb and Sima Qian - an archaeological inquiry’.
- ‘The Future of Sustainable Food’ - panel discussion organised by the Geography Green Impact team
- ‘The Gentle Art of Teaching: Camus, Taoism and Education’
- ‘The Glorious Revolution that Wasn’t: Rural Elite Conflict and Demand for Democratization in Khedival Egypt’ (Co-authored with Allison Spencer Hartnett)
- ‘The Growth of Internet Services and Energy Demand – Is there a Limit’
- ‘The History of Authenticity: aka the 19th-century Western origins of the “original”'
- ‘The interaction between state-building and nation-building in fragmented societies: lessons from Melanesia’
- ‘The interaction between state-building and nation-building in fragmented societies: lessons from Melanesia’
- ‘The Invisible Enemy’: Fighting Plague in Renaissance Italy
- ‘The Macroeconomic Impact of Liberal Economic Policies in the UK’ Report Launch
- ‘The Other Classical Past: Germans and Romans 1800-1819’
- ‘The Politics of Nation-building: Making Co-nationals, Refugees and Minorities’
- ‘The Power of Words: A Critical Investigation of the Language of Security’
- ‘The present and future of primary care big data research’
- ‘The recent debate on an EU criminal policy and the challenges related to a criminal law-centred model’
- ‘The return of the sacred in politics’
- ‘The Right to do what one wants’: Ancient democratic conception of freedom and its reception in Plato and the Stoics
- ‘The role of Mre11 in DNA double strand break repair - myth and facts’
- ‘The Rothschild tobacco business in the nineteenth century: the interplay between finance and commodities’
- ‘The Season of Spiritual Warfare’: Fasting in early modern Europe
- ‘The Triumph of Democracy and the Eclipse of the West’
- ‘The Uruk Phenomenon’: Ceramic Variation and Cultural Connections in the 4th Millennium BCE in the Zagros Foothills
- ‘The weather within’; 9 Bio-climatic designs
- ‘They Should Do It Themselves’: Settler Affect and Indigenous Sovereignty on Alaska’s North Slope
- ‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in't’. Landscapes and Identities: the case of the English Landscape c. 1500 BC – AD 1086
- ‘Tidal wetlands in a changing world: self-organization, sustainability and coastal defence value’
- ‘To dig and to delve and to drive away hunger’: peasants and the intensification of English agriculture, 1000-1300
- ‘To Perceive Ideas shooting, expanding and maturing’: The Educational Philosophy of Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840)
- ‘Towards a History of Natural Disasters in China: the Case of Linfen county (Shanxi)’
- ‘Tracking metabolic reprogramming in cancers with PI3K/Akt activation’
- ‘Trade (mark) wars, 1860-1920: sweatshops, the retail trade and the meaning of trade marks.’
- ‘Transparency’ from Transgression to Common Sense
- ‘Triumph of the Real: From The Communist Manifesto to Jason Bourne’
- ‘Un pezzo … di una grandissima serietà e con una grandissima emozione … e con elementi totalmente bruti’: aesthetic and socio-political considerations and the failure of their integration in Mauricio Kagel’s work post-1968
- ‘Uncovering new “lnc's” in mitosis : an RNA perspective.’
- ‘Unsound’ Minds and Broken Bodies: The Detention of ‘Hardcore’ Mau Mau Women at Kamiti and Gitamayu Detention Camp
- ‘Viking' Audiences and Agents: Analyzing display to interpret the social significance of free-standing human imagery in Scandinavia, AD 500-1200
- ‘Vinorelbine In Mesothelioma trial: the rationale’
- ‘Viral and host contributions to cervical carcinogenesis’
- ‘Voice, Deliberation and Efficacy’: Social Media and the Politics of Devolution in Kenya
- ‘Voluntary’ sterilisation and the Indian Emergency, 1975-77
- ‘Watching’ atoms move on atomic length and time scales with helium spin echo
- ‘We are tax-paying citizens, we deserve attention’: Karachi’s upper-middle class and the politics of governance
- ‘We were film-minded’: Media-ting the London Blitz in the fiction of William Sansom, Henry Green and Patrick Hamilton
- ‘What colour is Signy Island?’
- ‘What have we got to sell?’: creating and communicating an inspiring fundraising story -- a workshop with Sir Clive Gillinson and friends
- ‘What is “Global Britain”? Brexit and Britain's World Role’
- ‘What is Contemporary Art – and How Did We Get Here?’
- ‘What is meant by this system?’ Charles Darwin and the visual re-ordering of nature
- ‘Where next for Academic Primary Care?’
- ‘Who is Guarding the Guardians? Patterns of Government Accountability in Bulgaria, Germany and Russia’
- ‘Why is patient safety so hard?’
- ‘Why should one care about European Parliament's elections in the post-Brexit European Union?’
- ‘Why Standard Naming and Pixel-based Contouring/Voluming are important to research in the radiation Oncology area’
- ‘Women use our Strength in the House’; Savings Clubs and Social Mobility In South Africa
- ‘Women’, ‘Lads’ and ‘Copers’: Household, community, and the divisions of labour at the Derbyshire lead mines, c.1736-1765
- ‘Worms, fish, cats and dogs’-Insights in to the pathogenesis of polycystic kidney diseases
- ‘Writing from the Mouth’ Arguments over Literacy and Discipline in the Early South African Nazaretha Church
- ‘Xenotransplantation: pigs in space?’
- ‘Ye attainment of Learning, & increase in Knowledge’: Seventeenth-century study directives and the uses of Roman history
- ‘You need three generations to nurture an elite student’: Mainland Chinese students in a Hong Kong university
- ’Demand Driven Democratisation – the work of the UN Democracy Fund’
- ’I can feel the mafia but I can’t see it’: the anthropological imagination of criminal justice magistrates in western Sicily
- ’Seeing early cancer in a new light’
- “ A powerful methodology for detecting health consequences from any treatment: test cases of suspected toxins, mutations, MHC, pharmaceuticals and diet”
- “ Structure and composition of hepatitis C virus: novel insights into virus-host interactions required for propagation of infection”.
- “ Zero Stiffness Large Deflection Meso/Micro Structures”
- “A Career in the Food and Drink Industry - Sweet Success and travelling the World to find the perfect Pint”
- “A cellular perspective on sensory-organ regeneration in the zebrafish”
- “A cellular response pathway to viroporin induced aberrant neutrality”
- “A core neural circuit mechanism of decision making”.
- “A genetic study of type 2 diabetes - fine mapping, targeted sequencing and subsequent functional analyses”
- “A glimpse into the future …. By considering the past. The challenges, the opportunities – and our consciences”
- “A Mild Despotism, Tempered by Sugar”: the Rise of the Overseer State in Britain’s Post-Slavery Empire
- “A Mild Despotism, Tempered by Sugar”: the Rise of the Overseer State in Britain’s Post-Slavery Empire
- “A New Way To See It”: Volunteering in Central Africa
- “A novel role at organelle contacts for protrudin, a protein that promotes axonal regeneration”
- “A Study of Forest Management in a Post-Soviet Context: The Case of Tajikistan”
- “A Temporal Sojourn in the World” - Natalie Babbitt’s Tuck Everlasting and Heidegger’s Care
- “Accelerated vaccine and immunotherapy discovery and development: case studies in infectious diseases and cancer"
- “Accurate in-silico predictions can halve costs for experimental ADME Tox studies”
- “Adrenal causes of hypertension: genetic solutions for channelling conundra.”
- “Advances in head and neck radiotherapy”
- “Agency in adolescence: young people constructing their own adolescence”
- “Ambient Mass Spectrometry in Neuroscience: From spatial biology to neurosurgery”
- “An ill wind blows some good”
- “Are Toll-like receptors and inflammasomes therapeutic targets for neuroinflammation?”
- “Art/Conflict 2 x Zones: Ireland and the Basque Country”
- “Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Sustainability” conference featuring Martin Rees, AI startups and facilitators
- “Aspects of the Greek Crisis and their articulation within the European context”
- “Astrophysicist - Speaker of the Parliament”
- “Atomic pathology of neurodegenerative diseases by cryo-EM of amyloid filaments”
- “Auditory processing in a "simple" nervous system: Lessons learned from crickets”.
- “Autoantibodies, receptors and ion channels in stiff person syndromes”
- “Autoimmunity versus anti-tumour Immunity: the flip sides of CD8 T cell responses”
- “Axoptosis: Mechanisms for coordinating axonal degeneration”
- “‘Enough with excuses!”: The Brussels and Paris attacks and the dilemmas of public anthropology’
- “B cell diversity in neuroinflammation”
- “B cell selection in germinal centres”
- “BACH 2 basics : from transcription factor to T cell biology”
- “Bats and rats and emerging infectious diseases”
- “BCL6, MYC and the Germinal Centre Reaction: What are we ‘MIZ’-sing?”
- “Beauty and desire in Erotokritos”
- “Beyond proteinopathies, in vivo clinical markers for inflammation and synaptic loss in frontotemporal lobar degeneration”
- “Biology in balance: human diploid genome integrity, gene dosage & genomic medicine”
- “Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease in clinical routine - a pretty Swedish perspective”
- “Biostatistician behind bars: by design and on trial”
- “Branches of an imaginary marimba”: The force of syncretism in contemporary art
- “Breaking Through” - Insights from Black and Minority Ethnic Leaders
- “Breast MRI by the Shutter-Speed Method: Elimination of Unnecessary Breast Biopsies"
- “British Awareness of Russian Culture over Three Centuries: From the ‘Discovery’ of Russia to the End of the Crimean War (1553-1856)” with Professor Anthony Cross
- “Build me a portal” …transforming Home Office Digital delivery
- “Building States and Markets: Enterprise Development in Central Asia”
- “Building the cognitive map - integration of metric and non-metric inputs by entorhinal and hippocampal neurons”.
- “Buro Happold – Innovations and SMART Solutions”
- “Can we block axon degeneration in disease?”
- “Cannot believe have not realised this before”: subject omission in present-day written English
- “Capturing process: In silico, in laboratorio, and all the messy in-between”
- “Careers in the post-genomic Age for Engineers and Scientists”
- “Cause and effect in biology revisited”
- “CD45 and TIM-1: unique targets for induction of regulatory T and B cells in transplant tolerance"
- “CDD’s new Research Strategy”
- “Cell Entry and Innate Immune Recognition of enveloped RNA Viruses”
- “Changing attitudes and teaching strategies in music education classrooms to bring out the best in our students and teachers”
- “Chemical genetic approaches for elucidating PARP function in cells”
- “Colour vision in flies”
- “Compartmentalized intrathecal inflammation in multiple sclerosis as driver of disease progression: from neuropathology to clinical correlates”
- “Complement in Alzheimer’s Disease”
- “Computational neurology”
- “Coordination of heterochromatin by Np95/Uhrf1”
- “Creating New In-Roads for Cancer-Specific T Cells”
- “Crystal structure prediction of multicomponent systems” (Katarzyna Hejczyk) “Investigation into the oxidation of methane on Pd{100}” (Alan Massey)
- “Cu-Catalysed Reactions: Asymmetric Catalysis, Carbohydrate Derivatisations, and C-H Functionalization”
- “Cytomegalovirus I presume?” – Betaherpesvirus infections in HIV-‐infected and -‐exposed Zambian children
- “Daily Life in Moscow Following the Collapse of Communism”: An illustrated talk with Robert Stephenson
- “Data Driven Molecular Design & Discovery”
- “Decoding diabetes genes”
- “Dependence of visual evoked potentials on discrimination task difficulty and stimulus presentation time”
- “Developing quantitative methods for studying social transmission in the field”
- “Development and Manufacture of an Affinity Filter for the Removal of vCJD from Blood and Blood-Derived Products”
- “Development of new antibiotics by targeting essential enzymes in bacteria: structure-based design and simulation studies”
- “Diabetes in Childhood: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
- “Disease mechanisms in cancer: the leukaemia paradigm”
- “Disorganised Attachment: A Lens on Self-Dysregulation and Health”
- “Dissecting mutation patterns in human stem cells to study processes that cause cancer”
- “Dissecting the membrane dynamics of amyloid oligomers at a single molecule level”
- “Distinctive gene expression distribution in microglia and astrocytes in relation to distance from plaques in NLF knockin mice, where differences are undetectable in bulk RNAseq.”
- “Do I look fat in these genes?”
- “Doing more” to keep children safe online – why the tech sector can only do so much
- “Drug Development in Obstructive Lung Disease: why it is hard and how we can make progress"
- “Drugs, Deceptions & Disasters – the challenge of poor quality essential medicines”
- “Editing the genome of human induced pluripotent stem cells”
- “EGFR Mutation Screening in NSCLC”
- “Elucidating the role of GIP receptor agonism in the therapeutic efficacy of Tirzepatide”
- “Embryonic Stem Cells: Capture of a Ground State”
- “End-to-end multi-speaker neural TTS with LLM-based prosody prediction”
- “Energy Matters: Programming axonal mitochondrial maintenance and bioenergetics to power neural regeneration”
- “Energy Matters: Programming axonal mitochondrial maintenance and bioenergetics to power neural regeneration”
- “Energy, water, food and the nine billion."
- “Enhancing Insight into Neurodegenerative Disease-Associated Genes via Long-Read RNA-Sequencing”
- “Erotokritos and the Cypriot Canzoniere”
- “Evolution & Dynamics of Protein Complexes”
- “Exercise: a good tool for weight management?”
- “Extended multivariate generalised linear and non-linear mixed effect models”
- “Facing the impact of dementia globally with a focus on translational studies to reduce risk”
- “Facing the music: An investigation of musicians’ physical and mental responses”
- “Fingerprints of the Early Universe”
- “Focus on the Individual; The importance of chromosome-specific biology in generating aneuploidy patterns in cancer”
- “Fraternal Relations: Idioms of Kinship and Modes of Cooperation in Mongolian-Soviet trans-border Resource Governance”
- “From Autophagy to ESCRTs to Vesicular Coats: Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Scission and Remodeling”
- “From Cells to Seizures: Intrinsic Changes in Sodium Channel Expression and Activity in Epilepsy.”
- “From Single Neuron Activity to Visual Cognition: A Bridge Too Far?”
- “From text to image: Erotokritos illustrated (18th-20th centuries)”
- “From Your Sister’s Things…” Clothing Pins and Women’s Economic Agency across Early Second Millennium Anatolia and Assyria
- “Function and plasticity of human Innate Lymphoid Cells”
- “Functional heterogeneity of human mononuclear phagocytes in health and disease”
- “Functional transcriptomics in neurodegenerative disorders”
- “Gagarin, Zvyozdochka and Prime Minister Macmillan: the Build-up to and Aftermath of the First Human Spaceflight” with Doug Millard
- “Gene Therapy and beyond – hopes and challenges in therapy development for neurological disorders”
- “Genes, Sex and SLE”
- “Genetic analysis of a somatically acquired trait: immunological self-tolerance ”
- “Genetically” Modifying the Chemistry of Non-aqueous Lithium-air Batteries to Make It Closer to Reality
- “Gestational metabolic disease: molecular approaches to understanding aetiology, complications and treatment”
- “Getting a flavour for New Physics at LHCb”
- “Getting a flavour for New Physics at LHCb”
- “Getting in and out of mitosis”
- “Glucose, Diabetes and the Brain"
- “Gods refusing to die: from Plutarch to Pound, via Wilde, Cavafy, Palamas and Seferis”
- “Greasepaint, glamour and Gropius”: modern architecture in the heyday of regional Rep, 1945-75
- “Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell (ILC2) and T cell co-development in the embryonic thymus – The role of the transcription factor RORa”
- “Guns and grammars, or the remarkable adventures of Romanos Nikiforou”
- “Harnessing Natural Killer cells against cancer”
- “HERITAGE and FUTURE Cities: Lessons from the PAST for Sustainable FUTURE”
- “Herpes and dementia: the enemy within”
- “Holding back the years”: Understanding why women are becoming older first-time mothers.
- “Holy Water in the ICU: Steroids and secondary infections in COVID-19" & “Gene therapy in HAE”
- “Host Determinants of Cancer Immunity. Killing cancer with a gut instinct.”
- “How can I be a Management Consultant when I have no Experience?”
- “How does melanopsin help us to see?“
- “How does natural selection shape development?”
- “How experience changes the circuitry of the brain”.
- “HOW I BECAME BELARUSIAN”: Nationalism and Conversion at the Time of Late Authoritarianism
- “How leukocytes adapt their function to changes in local inflammation”
- “How mitochondria control immune T cell killing"
- “How much T cell immunity is sufficient? - Lessons from primary immunodeficiencies”
- “How oncogenes reprogramme inflammation”
- “How to build a retina”
- “Human gene variants influencing programmed axon death”.
- “Human Obesity: Science vs Stigma”,
- “Human Towers for Democracy:” The Use of Cultural Performances for Catalan Nation Building and Independence
- “Humanitarian Action from a non-Western perspective within United Nations Multilateralism”
- “Humanity in the Tech-driven Future: Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for Human-centric Innovation.”
- “Hydrogen sulfide: more than an annoyance in wine fermentation?”
- “I want to tell you a joke. Are you ready?” – Implementing automated pun generation for children with complex communication needs.
- “I’m not European at all. Eurika.” Natalia Goncharova: Her Art and Times. Talk by Dr Natalia Budanova.
- “Identifying and evaluating personalised treatment recommendations”
- “If only they could talk” – the role of a vet in Parliament
- “Imaging Biomarkers in Cancer”
- “Imaging the immune system”
- “Immunity to exogenous and endogenous retroviruses”
- “In Situ Signatures of Apoptotic Cell Recognition”
- “In vivo and in vitro imaging of leukocyte responses during inflammation”
- “Inconvenient Truths” talk by Jennifer Antill – author of Small Acts of Kindness, a tale of the first Russian Revolution
- “Inducing mtDNA alterations in mouse dopaminergic neurons to study if and how they contribute to Parkinsons disease like phenotype”
- “Infection, Inflammasomes and Autophagy”
- “Inflammasomes at the crossroads of innate and cell-autonomous immunity”
- “Inflammation control by Inflammasomes”
- “Inflammation-driven Disruption of Iron Homeostasis In Parkinson’s Disease”
- “Innovations in Modern Cable Stayed and Long Span Bridges”
- “Intensity modulated radiotherapy for children’s tumours and estimation of the carcinogenic risk”
- “Interfaith relations, scriptural reasoning, and theories of deliberative democracy” (title to be confirmed).
- “Interferon-induced GBPs assemble non-canonical inflammasomes on cytosolic bacteria"
- “Intermediation in Financial Networks” (tbc)
- “International Liquidity Shocks, the Real Economy, and Social Unrest: China, 1931-1935”
- “iPS Proteomes in Health and Disease"
- “Irreproducibility of Bioscience Research: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Therapy.”
- “IT FROM BIT” How does information shape the structures in the universe?
- “It’s how you think, not what you think about”: a Career Spent at Interfaces
- “It’s like they’re speaking a different language!” Investigating an accidental resistance to school mathematics reform
- “Ivanovo – the ‘Russian Manchester’, and the Story of Printed Textiles in Russia”, a talk by Pamela Smith – Thursday, 24 June at 19:00 (BST)
- “Joint variational inference for genetic association studies with multiple outcomes”
- “Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus Latent Nuclear Antigen (LANA): multiple facets of latent replication”
- “Killing cancers without killing the patient”
- “Knowledge and War: Paper Technologies in Early Modern Empires” - gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- “Kornaros’s Erofili”
- “Lab on chip” – microfluidics, organ on chip and biomimetic channel networks
- “Language and music, national identity and Orthodoxy: the ‘Destitute Dervish’ by Alexandros Papadiamantis”
- “Language and Silence in Religious and Continental Philosophy”.
- “LAT signalling pathology: a T-cell dependent, B cell autoimmune condition without T-cell self-reactivity"
- “Learning and the development of musical expertise”
- “Learning from Data in Single-Cell Transcriptomics”
- “Learning takes place”: how youth from one low-income neighbourhood in Cape Town, South African learn through dialogue in different places
- “Learning Through Crowdfunding”
- “Leave me Alone – Simply Let Me Teach”: An exploration of teacher professionalism in Kyrgyzstan
- “Legg Calve Perthes disease – an opportunity to prevent blindness?” & “The lows among the highs”
- “Leveraging transcriptomics to understand neurodegeneration”
- “Light and colour: experiments and theory”
- “Looking at Safety in NASA: Lessons to Learn”
- “Love at First Light”
- “M like Mother”: A Social Grammar of Assisted Reproduction in Iranian Infertility Clinics
- “Machine Learning and Gravitational Waves”.
- “Macromolecular interactions in the control of chromosome instability”
- “Managing Safety in high– hazard industries”
- “Managing Technical Uncertainty and Risk to generate Business Value”
- “Manipulating T cell signalling to improve anti-tumour immunity”
- “Manipulating the dynamics of ubiquitin and histones in cells to create new antigens for MHC class I antigen presentation”
- “Map plasticity and synthetic lethality in oncogenic PI3K signals with T cell leukemia”
- “Marking to Market: Stochastic interest rate modelling”.
- “Mechanisms of MYC-driven genome instability”
- “Mechanisms of Prion and PolyQ Misfolding”
- “Meet-the-author” ARF reading group
- “Meet-the-author” ARF reading group
- “Meis2 activation by Kdm2b-containing complexes”
- “Membrane dynamics of GABA-A receptors and the tuning of synaptic inhibition”
- “Memory output from the Germinal Centre. A second level of selection?”
- “Mind the gut: environmental influences on intestinal inflammation and homeostasis”
- “Misfolded proteins: Prion-like propagation and potential cure.”
- “Misinformation, pseudoscience and the unhealthy commodity industries”
- “Mobile elements, polydactyl proteins and the species-specificity of human biology”
- “Modeling synaptic plasticity across multiple time scales”.
- “Modelling aspects of tumour growth and progression”
- “Modulating Tregs in Cancer and Autoimmunity”
- “Modulating Tregs in Cancer and Autoimmunity”
- “Molecular and genetic mechanisms of neuron-glia interactions”
- “Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission"
- “More Devils than Men”? The Truth about Culloden, 1746
- “Motivating Medics: Pay ‘em or Flay ‘em?”
- “Motor learning and music teaching”
- “Multi-survey cosmology: opportunities in the systematics-limited regime”
- “Multiple levels of control for E4bp4/Nfil3 in NK cell development”
- “Musical Lifespans And The Complexities of Adult Learning”
- “My humping” the Prime Minister: sound-image power play in podcast politics of Singapore
- “Myelin's highway to the axon and implications for axonal support”
- “Myelinated axon formation, health and function”
- “Myth-history: Venice, Crete and Erotokritos”
- “Nanomedicines for HIV”
- “National provisions for International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights implementation”
- “Neuronal plasticity: from synapses to the axon initial segment.”
- “New approaches to understanding and preventing neurodegenerative diseases”
- “New Developments in Molecular Imaging of Prostate Cancer”
- “New Developments in Molecular Imaging of Prostate Cancer”
- “New Insights into the Mechanisms and Selectivity of Protein Degradation by the Proteasome Pathway”
- “New mechanisms of inflammasome activation and autoinflammatory disease”
- “Next generation association studies for complex traits"
- “Nociception and pain in early life: the emergence of endogenous control systems”.
- “NOD2 function and the molecular architecture of intestinal inflammation”
- “Noise and the accurate determination of microbial diversity from pyrosequencing data”
- “Not Enough Salt”: An Exploratory Study on Indian Diasporic Students and Their Perceptions of Food in Cambridge
- “Novel signalling pathways controlling T cell adhesion and migration”
- “Nucleic acid sensing by innate immune receptors”
- “Nutrient-sensing pathways and ageing.”
- “Oh, to be seventeen again: IL-17 receptor signaling in fungal immunity and autoimmunity”
- “Olfaction as a model for brain organization: from Adrian to the present”.
- “On Brains and Vessels: How perivascular fibroblasts contribute to ALS neurodegeneration”
- “On the Edge: Life Along the Russia-China Border”
- “On the Epidemic of Financial Crises” (tbc)
- “Optimizing Image Guided Radiotherapy for Patient Benefit”
- “Otherworld” - Giving Applications a Chance to Survive OS Kernel Crashes
- “Paradigm changes produced by targeted agents in Phase I trials in Oncology. Case studies of a TFbeta inhibitor and a Sonic Hedgehog inhibitor”
- “Peptides in solution, aggregates, and membranes: 2DIR spectroscopy as a probe of structure and function.”
- “Personality and social learning in wild baboons”
- “Personalized Medicine in Oncology: The Dutch experience”
- “Physical chemistry and searching for a cure for sickle cell disease”
- “Play and creativity”
- “Political Economy and Public Health. Or…how political institutions, the political environment, and the economic system will kill you…dead!”
- “PowellSnakes”, a Bayesian methodology for detecting compact sources: An application to Planck data
- “Powers of two (flagella)"
- “Precision Mass Measurement: ωcyclotron is not qB/m, does E=mc2?”
- “Prescribing safety in a world of multimorbidity and polypharmacy”
- “Presynaptic dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders”
- “Primary Antibody Defects: Insights and Surprises”
- “Programmable” Ecosystems: Engineered Environments for the Study of Biosystems Development
- “Protecting and regenerating the diseased nervous system: Lessons from development”
- “Prototyping architecture – integrated design practices”
- “Psychedelics: how do they work?”
- “Public Interest in Television” the Investec Lecture in Business, by Michael Grade
- “Pursuing precision in PBC”
- “Pursuing the wrong problem: the history of public health policy to reduce health inequalities in the United Kingdom”
- “Quantitative assays to measure human B lymphocyte health”
- “Quantum Tops: probing the fundamentals of nature with its heaviest particle”.
- “Race and Politics in American Political History”
- “Regulation of actin dynamics in cancer cell migration”
- “Remaking our future: how only a radically different approach will solve the challenges of our times.”
- “Rescuing T Cell Function in Nutrient Restricted Environments”
- “Resistance is Futile”: Reading Science Fiction Alongside Ubiquitous Computing
- “Rex Metallorum/King of Metals”: Golden treasures in princely collections in the 16th and 17th-centuries
- “Rincell-1: first-in-human, pluripotent stem cell-based therapy for hearing loss”
- “Russian Language: Between the Past and the Future,” a lecture by Evgeny Vodolazkin (in Russian) – Friday, 4 June at 19:00 (BST)
- “Scientific publishing at JEM: What, How and Why”
- “Seismic Retrofit of Rocking Structures”
- “Sensing the enemy within: Innate immune detection of intracellular pathogens”
- “Shaping Cells and Tissues: from Embryonic Development to Synthetic Biology”
- “Shear Plasticity in Practice”
- “Shenzhen Meets Cambridge”
- “Sickness behaviour and depression: an updated model of peripheral central immune interactions”
- “Sir Hubert Wilkins – Forgotten Hero?”
- “Siri, did I leave the oven on?” Experience Design for the Connected Home
- “So, you think you can bring your innovation to a big company and they’ll be interested……”
- “Soap cost a dollar”: Jostling with minds in economic contexts
- “Sociological Perspectives on Civil Society: the Central Asian Post-Socialist Model”
- “Some of your father's miserable Yankee notions": Racial anxieties in Annie Fellows Johnston's The Little Colonel
- “SORD and open access for academics to chemical reaction data”
- “Squeezing the most out of ridge”
- “Standing up” for young children’s health: How sedentary are young children, what factors may influence sedentariness and what can be done to reduce it?
- “Statistical opportunities and challenges in observational health data: Addressing missingness using two-phase sampling for nonresponse: methods and benefits"
- “Stay in your shell, that will be of use to you:” The miniature shell collection in Petronella Brandt’s dollhouse
- “Steel and the circular economy”
- “Stratified Medicine in Cancer Therapy - a practical guide”
- “Structural behaviour and beyond-code design of buildings against extreme events”
- “Structural disorder and induced folding within the replicative complex of measles virus: experimental assessment and functional implications”.
- “Structural maintenance of chromosome complexes differentially compact mitotic chromosomes according to genomic context”
- “Structure and dynamics of globular and disordered proteins from Residual Dipolar Couplings”
- “Structure and Mechanisms of LINE-1 retrotransposons: an Emerging Cancer Target”
- “Swimming in a Sea of Oestrogens": The Production and Reproduction of Sex/Gender in Chinese Toxicology
- “Switching and Interlocking: a computational look at genome regulation”
- “Symmetry breaking and self-organisation in mouse development”
- “T cell immunity during dengue virus infection”
- “Target site recognition of Hox transcription factors by means of rapid, “trial-and-error” interactions with chromatin.”
- “Targeting astrocytes to protect the brain in Vascular Cognitive Impairment”
- “Targeting Protease Signaling in Atherothrombosis and NASH with Cell-Penetrating Pepducins”
- “Targetting Tribbles 2 pseudokinase with drugs”
- “Taxing Capital Appreciation for Fairer Taxation, Constitutions and a Comprehensive Tax Base”
- “TB pathogenesis: subversion by small molecules”
- “Teach Yourself Citizenship!” Elections in Kenya, 1957-63
- “Teaching Sustainability to Chemical Engineering students”
- “Technology Management in a large integrated Oil Company”
- “Ten rules for the presentation and interpretation of data in publications”
- “TGF-beta/Dpp signalling in epithelial morphogenesis and cell death”
- “The all ‘A’s: ageing, Alzheimer, autophagy, AI, and an ‘A’ compound in brain health and longevity”
- “The AML Genome(s): Mutations in Four Dimensions”
- “The AML Genome(s): Mutations in Four Dimensions”
- “The Biology of IL-6 and Strategies of Blockade”
- “The Builder’s Plan and the Engineer’s Blueprint”: Schemes of Work in Key Stage 3 History
- “The crystallisation of organic molecules – a challenge to theory and experiment”
- “The Economics of Elevated Weekend Hospital Mortality”
- “The Evolution of High-Frequency Radio Astronomy”
- “The Future of Truth: identity and politics in the age of fake news”
- “The Golden Age of the Oil and Gas Industry is here to Stay”
- “The identification of patients who benefit from targeted therapy in renal cancer”
- “The implications of positive psychology for education”
- “The Kazakh Spring”
- “The Kids are Not All Right: LGBT+ Student Lives beyond the Happy Normal and the Suicidal Exception”
- “The Molecular basis of pain”
- “The Molecular Recognition Toolbox”
- “The mosquito immune response against malaria parasites”
- “The neuroscience of drug addiction and related disorders”
- “The Nuclear Matrix Protein Matrin3 Regulates Splicing and Forms Overlapping Networks with PTB”
- “The poetics of plants in Erotokritos and Panoria”
- “The Political Economy of Nutrition in the 18th Century” - gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- “The Program of Futures Imagination and Creativity in Education” in Taiwan:Initiatives and Perceived Impact
- “The psychological skills of music performance: The missing link in the training of performing artists”
- “The Road to Afghanistan”
- “The Robot will see you now.” Has the time for surgical robots arrived?
- “The role of tertiary lymphoid structures and dendritic cell vaccines in ovarian cancer therapy”
- “The role of the human insula in decision and response monitoring during working memory revealed by iEEG” and "Gender bias in academia: time for action”
- “The role of the intestinal microbiome in allo HCT”
- “The Spliceosome in Health and Disease”
- “The Village Of Billionaires: An Examination Of The Paradox Of Relative Poverty”
- “The xyz algorithm for fast interaction search in high-dimensional data”
- “Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Complications of Diabetes Mellitus “
- “Thinking in common”: A community of creativity
- “This evening a masterpiece is being given”: concert programme collections in the University Library
- “This Noble Repository”: a Fitzwilliam Museum for its third century?
- “This object has been temporarily removed”
- “Thou shalt not translate”: the 1901 Gospel Riots in Athens
- “Thoughts on the interaction of different memory systems: evidence from semantic dementia”
- “TissueFAXS Cytometry - A Tool for Precision Medicine: Automated Analysis of Single Cells and the Cellular Microenvironment”
- “To Bee or not to be?” From questions about a viral disease to lessons regarding a transmissible RNA silencing pathway in honeybees
- “To Illuminate this Proverbial Dark Continent”: Lighting Infrastructure and the South African Night, 1860-1976
- “To switch, or not to switch: how the brain answers the question”.
- “Tools for studying variation in the dark genome”
- “Topology in materials science”
- “Towards a quantitative assessment of amyloid formation in vitro and in vivo by mulitparametric fluorescence microscopy”
- “Tragedy was not our business”: Individual emotional experience and the Terra Nova Expedition
- “Transformative music engagement: Making music learning matter”
- “Translational applications of human brain charts: from clinical to population neuroscience”
- “Translational applications of human brain charts: from clinical to population neuroscience”
- “Transmission and Transformation of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong: From School Education to Professional Training”
- “Truncated tau as a model of human tauopathy”
- “Tumour suppression or tumour promotion – the two faces of p53”
- “Understanding protein aggregation in bacteria”
- “Unexpected physiologic role of alpha-synuclein Serine-129 phosphorylation”
- “Using immunodeficiencies to understand the cell biology of killer lymphocytes”
- “Variability in Psychological Reactivity: Vulnerability, Differential Susceptibility, or Vantage Sensitivity?”
- “Voltage-gated calcium channel 2 subunits: involvement in calcium channel trafficking, function and disease"
- “We Can Do Better Than That”: Social Role Valorization, Education, and Design
- “We Hanoverians are all so glad to be half-English”: Hanover and the legacy of the Anglo-Hanoverian Personal Union, 1866-1918
- “We were shaped by space”: An archaeological perspective of presence, identity and the materiality of Black life
- “What are nice scholars like us doing in a place like this? Academic journals now in comparative education”
- “What can we do to accelerate the discovery of new medicines for patients?”
- “What Can We Learn from Ignorance? Arctic Energy Frontiers, Environmental Regimes, and Indigenous Rights Movements Since the 1970s”
- “What goes round comes round” Making wind turbines from renewable materials
- “What lessons can we learn from transcriptional evolution in cancer research?”
- “When a man is tired of London...”: The politics, pressures and practicalities of working for the Mayors of London
- “When is fair sharing optimal?”
- “Whims and drolleries”: Silver in the 17th-century
- “Why are rods more sensitive than cones?”
- “Why Determining Pathogenicity in the Age of Precision Medicine, will Require More than Analyzing Genomic Sequences”
- “You’re never left alone:” the use of digital technologies in domestic abuse
- エックス線で探る宇宙の大規模構造
- ロボットは生物から何を学んできたか?
- ∞-type theories and coherence problems
- Étale $\pi_1$ and GAGA
- β-lactam resistance in mec gene negative Staphylococcus aureus
- Huntington´s disease and autophagy - insights from human and mouse model systems
- Quantum geometry from the quantisation of gravitational boundary modes on a null surface