University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > The suitability of the effective wavefield as a tool to predict wave attenuation over long distances

The suitability of the effective wavefield as a tool to predict wave attenuation over long distances

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SIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena

Ocean surface waves attenuate with distance travelled into the sea-ice covered ocean. This is reminiscent of the wave localisation phenomenon, which occurs in many branches of wave science. For an incident wave train propagating into a rough (randomly disordered) medium, wave localisation refers to exponential attenuation (on average) of the wave train in the rough medium. This talk is motivated by seeking efficient ways to calculate the attenuation rate as a function of the incident wave properties (frequency) and the properties of the given medium, including the statistical properties of the disorder. Effective media theory is an appealing way to approach the problem, as it provides analytical insight, circumventing the need to compute individual wave fields repeatedly for different realisations of the disorder, as well providing the opportunity for elegant mathematical analysis. I will present the theory alongside corresponding results and discuss the applicability of effective media theory for making predictions of wave attenuation over long distances.   This is joint work with L. G. Bennetts (Adelaide) and S. Rupprecht (Augsburg).

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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