The structure of cubespaces attached to minimal distal dynamical systems
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Yonatan Gutman (IHES)
Friday 24 February 2012, 16:00-17:00
MR15, CMS.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ben Green.
Cubespaces were recently introduced by Camarena and B. Szegedy. These
are compact spaces X together with closed collections of “cubes”
‘C(X)\subset X{2^{n}}, n=1,2,.... verifying some natural
We investigate cubespaces induced by minimal dynamical
topological systems $(G,X)$ where $G$ is Abelian. Szegedy-Camarena’s
Decomposition Theorem furnishes us with a natural family of canonical
factors $(G,X_{k})$, $k=1,2,\ldots$. These factors turn out to be
multiple principlal bundles.We show that under the assumption that all
fibers are Lie groups $(G,X_{k})$ is a nilsystem, i.e. arising from a
quotient of a nilpotent Lie group.This enable us to give simplified
proofs to some of the results obtained by Host-Kra-Maass in order to
characterize nilsequences internally.
This talk is part of the Discrete Analysis Seminar series.
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