Talks starting with U
- U(n) Spectral Covers from Decomposition
- U-Th-Pb isotopes in continental mantle roots: Tracing lithospheric metasomatism, melting and anthropogenic contamination
- U8 DISCUSSION FORUM:'Big Business and Governance in Developing Countries'
- U8 Information Evening
- Ubiquitin - How a small protein regulates complex signalling cascades
- Ubiquitin / proteasome mediated protein degradation
- Ubiquitin flips the anaphase switch
- Ubiquitin signalling in immunity and inflammation - Working on the chain gang
- Ubiquitin signalling networks
- Ubiquitin-mediated regulation of innate immune signaling during influenza virus infection
- Ubiquitin/proteasome mediated protein degradation
- Ubiquitination, membrane-trafficking and the anti-trypanosomal action of apolipoprotein-L1
- Ubiquitous Sensing with Light
- Ubiquitous Tracking for Distributed Mixed Reality Environments
- UBT Smart City: The Convergence Platform for Entrepreneurial Place-Based, Smart, Self-Sustained, Innovation-based, Ecosystems
- Ubx controls Notch/ Numb dependent cell fate decisions in the embryonic CNS of Drosophila
- UC hierarchy and monodromy preserving deformations
- UCP2 regulates the oxidation of glucose and glutamine by exporting C4 metabolites out of mitochondria
- Uffink's "Can the maximum entropy principle be explained as a consistency requirement?"
- Uffink's "Can the maximum entropy principle be explained as a consistency requirement?"
- Uhlenbeck-Donaldson compactification for framed sheaves
- UIS Website Creation and Hosting Services: Current Offerings and Future Direction
- Ujamaa socialism, the Vietnam war, and the end of the Prague Spring: Cold War interventions and Tanzania’s ‘1968’
- Ujamaa: from 1960s Tanzania to 21st century Europe
- UK 7T travelling-head study: pilot results
- UK Ash Dieback: Quantifying the Risk of Airborne Spore Incursion
- UK Autophagy Network seminar - “Molecular Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy”
- UK Biobank and cardiovascular magnetic resonance: opportunities and challenges
- UK Biobank: new insights into metabolomics and coronary heart disease risk /// democratising access to large scale genomic and phenotypic data for discovery science
- UK Carbon, Capture and Storage Policies
- UK Clean Air policies
- UK Climate Change Committee report
- UK Energy Innovation Policy: Has the Government got it right?
- UK Energy Price Crisis: A Panel Discussion - Cambridge Festival 2022
- UK Experience & Expectations and Living & Investing in London Forum
- UK Government Policy on
Science and Technology Post-2015
- UK Graduate Modelling Camp – Mentor and Mentee perspectives
- UK Heat Transition
- UK Housing Policy: Putting Carbon to the Fore?
- UK MoD Ignition Studies Towards Large Calibre Gun System Applications
- UK Molecular plant-microbe-insect interactions
- UK-India Food Supply Chains
- UK-Israeli SYNERGY-funded meeting - Targeting the bad guys: exploring ways to improve the selectivity of antimicrobial agents in multi-species environments
- UK-Israeli SYNERGY-funded meeting - Targeting the bad guys: exploring ways to improve the selectivity of antimicrobial agents in multi-species environments
- UK retailers and climate change: The role of partnership in climate strategies
- UKCA: NOT the United Kingdom Cheerleading Association
- UKIRT, NASA, and Lockheed Martin: The Missing Satellite Orbital Debris Problem
- Ukraine and the Challenges of International Law - Annexation, Aggression, Cyber Warfare
- Ukraine's Education Policy under a Foucauldian Gaze
- Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion
- Ukrainian, Russian, and Rusyn on the Western Periphery
- UKRI Funding Opportunities
- UKRI Tackling Infections (Virtual Talk)
- UK~IRC's Innovation Summit - Tuesday 7th December
- Ulrich Christensen
- Ulrich Christensen
- Ultra high accuracy (UAIM) superresolution microscopy of biological samples: How ugly images give better results than pretty ones
- Ultra Low-Rate Accretion onto Single White Dwarfs via Metal-Dominated Disks of Dust and Gas
- Ultra-chaos: statistics instability and crisis of reproducibility
- Ultra-deep sequencing of mixed virus populations
- Ultra-Fast Activity and Market Quality
- Ultra-fast Atomic Force Microscopy for Biology and Soft Matter – “a short ride in a fast machine”
- Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: A New kind of Telescope
- Ultra-high energy neutrino events at IceCube: Implications for the Standard Model and Beyond
- Ultra-high Field (7T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cambridge
- Ultra-High Resolution Atmospheric Modeling Using Cut Cells
- Ultra-Low Loss Si3N4 Integration Platform for Passive and Active Components for Next Generation Photonic Integrated Circuits
- Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Marriage: a study in modern kinship
- Ultra-slow Relaxation inducedby Hadamard Fractional Calculus
- Ultra-strong, light-weight conducting cables from carbon nanotubes
- Ultra-wideband Phased Array Antennas for Low-Frequency Radio Astronomy
- ULTRACAM observations of binary stars
- Ultracold Atomic Gases: The Coldest Stuff in the Universe
- Ultracold Atoms
- Ultracold atoms and fermionic simulations
- Ultracold atoms in optical lattices – a versatile quantum simulator for many-body physics
- Ultracold Bose soup: where few-body meets many-body physics
- Ultracold dipolar gases with quantum Monte Carlo
- Ultracold Quantum Gases
- Ultracold RbCs Molecules: Robust Storage Qubits and Rotationally Magic Traps
- Ultraconserved nonsense
- Ultrafast and low barrier motions in the photoreactions of the Green Fluorescent Protein
- Ultrafast Broadband Spectroscopy of Bilayer Graphene
- Ultrafast charge transfer in pyridine on Cu(110)
- Ultrafast diffusion at the onset of 2D growth: O/Ru(0001) and S/Ni(111)
- Ultrafast Digital Holography for Observation of Transient Events
- Ultrafast Dynamics with X-ray Eyes
- Ultrafast Fiber Laser Technologies For Telecom And Sensing Applications
- Ultrafast Fiber Lasers Enabled by Nanotubes and Graphene
- Ultrafast infra-red spectroscopy as a probe of chemical reaction mechanisms.
- Ultrafast laser writing of integrated waveguides toward quantum sources
- Ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization and generation of THz radiation bursts
- Ultrafast Nano-Optics With Atomically Thin Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
- Ultrafast Nonlinear Spectroscopy
- Ultrafast optical manipulation of magnetic materials
- Ultrafast optical spectroscopy: from new tools to insights into printable photovoltaic materials
- Ultrafast Solid-State Lasers: Hitting Harder and Faster
- Ultrafast spectroscopy, microscopy, and nanoscopy in optoelectronic materials
- Ultrafilters without p-point quotients
- Ultrafilters, ultraproducts and ultracategories
- Ultralimits of maximal representations
- Ultrametric subsets with large Hausdorff dimension
- Ultraproducts and the Atiyah conjecture
- Ultrasonic Actuation in Microfluidics for Particle Handling, Sorting and Droplet Formation
- Ultrasonic gas mixture analysis for Cherenkov Refractometry and coolant leak hunting in silicon trackers.
- Ultrasonic wave transport in strongly scattering resonant suspensions
- Ultrasonics
- Ultrasonography and photogrammetry: new approaches to the study of manta rays ecology
- Ultrasound for Medical Therapeutic Applications
- Ultrasound for the brain: new tools for reading and writing in the neural circuits
- Ultrathin Carbon Coatings For Future Magnetic Data Systems
- UltraWire Open Day Workshop - First Ever Development of New Generation of Ultra Performance Copper Conductor
- Umbrella Man: Appeasement and Neville Chamberlain eighty years after Munich
- Umbrella Sampling with Laser Tweezers: Measurement of the Pair Potential of Charged Colloidal Stars
- UMC Discussion Session
- Umut Simsekli Compressible neural networks via injecting heavy-tailed noise part 1
- Un-Computing: Shaking off the ‘Computer’ Baggage
- Un-mixing the Ocean: Double-Diffusion, Ice Shelves and Arctic Eddies
- Un-Righteous Neutrality: Theodore Roosevelt and the Great War, 1914-1917
- UN: necessary, or UNnecessary? -Beyond scarcity: power, poverty and the global water crisis
- Unattended music, cognition, and the experimental paradigm: the 'background-ness' of background music
- Unbalanced exchange flow and the natural ventilation of buildings
- Unbalanced Optimal Transport
- Unbelievable! How to Address the Crisis of Trust in Reliable, Accurate Sources of News and Information
- Unbiased approximations of products of expectations
- Unbiased Elimination of Negative Weights in Monte Carlo Samples
- Unbiased Estimation of the Eigenvalues of Large Implicit Matrices
- Unbiased Genetic Screening to find Modifiers of Mitochondria in Neurons
- Unbiased Set-Estimation of Heterogeneous Causal Effects
- Unbiased Shifts for Brownian Motion
- Unbiased shifts of Brownian Motion
- Unbounded Dependency Recovery for Parser Evaluation
- Unbounded-depth hierarchical Pitman-Yor processes
- Uncapping the Southern Ocean: evidence for a physical/dynamical barrier in the Southern Ocean and its role in glacial-interglacial CO2 variability
- Uncertain Climate: Risk in the Media
- Uncertain Date, Uncertain Place: Interpreting the History of Jewish Communities in the Byzantine Empire using Geographical Information Systems
- Uncertain Origins and Idiosyncratic Styles: Some Interpretive Dilemmas in the Old English Bede
- Uncertainties and Modelling in the Management of Coronary Heart Disease
- Uncertainties in estimates of the aerosol radiative effects – Efficiency of primary and secondary aerosols.
- Uncertainties of electron/positron cosmic ray fluxes
- Uncertainty analysis for complex systems modelled by computer simulators
- Uncertainty and behavioural control: Episodes, actions and habits
- Uncertainty and Learning in Spoken Human-Computer Dialogue
- Uncertainty and sustainability in geo-engineering.
- Uncertainty at Scale: How CS Hinders Climate Research
- Uncertainty in Energy Markets: Modelling our Energy Future
- Uncertainty in Mathematical Modelling of Weather and Climate, with Possible Application to Pandemics
- Uncertainty in the prediction of drug-induced arrhythmogenic risk assessed by a multi-dimensional hazard map
- Uncertainty in the prediction of drug-induced arrhythmogenic risk assessed by a multi-dimensional hazard map
- Uncertainty is hope: towards a unified foundation of gradual typing
- Uncertainty Logic
- Uncertainty Management During the Design of Advanced Aero Engines
- Uncertainty Management in a complex engineering environment
- Uncertainty on Ice
- Uncertainty principles and spectral analysis of Schroedinger operators
- Uncertainty Quanti cation in CT pulmonary angiography
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Communication for Chemical and Biological Hazard Response
- Uncertainty quantification and data assimilation
- Uncertainty quantification and data assimilation
- Uncertainty Quantification and Emulation In Cardio-Mechanic And Cardio-Vascular Modelling
- Uncertainty quantification for complex simulators using emulation
- Uncertainty Quantification for Compressor Blade Aerodynamics
- Uncertainty quantification for Geo-spatial process
- Uncertainty quantification for Geo-spatial process
- Uncertainty quantification for kinetic equations of emergent phenomena
- Uncertainty quantification for partial differential equations: going beyond Monte Carlo
- Uncertainty Quantification for Vibration Isolation
- Uncertainty Quantification from a Mathematical Perspective
- Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Projections Used to Inform Adaptation
- Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Models - A Statistical Perspective
- Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Flow Physics
- Uncertainty quantification in demography: Challenges and possible solutions
- Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems
- Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems
- Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems
- Uncertainty quantification in kinetic equations
- Uncertainty Quantification in the Parameterization of Cardiac Action Potential Models Through the Singular Value Decomposition
- Uncertainty Quantification in the Parameterization of Cardiac Action Potential Models Through the Singular Value Decomposition
- Uncertainty Quantification in Thermofluids: Key Tools, Applications and Perspectives
- Uncertainty Quantification of geochemical and mechanical compaction in layered sedimentary basins
- Uncertainty Quantification of geochemical and mechanical compaction in layered sedimentary basins
- Uncertainty Quantification of Inclusion Boundaries
- Uncertainty Quantification of Inclusion Boundaries in the Context of X-ray Tomography
- Uncertainty quantification of numerical experiments: Several issues in industrial applications
- Uncertainty Quantification with Multi-Level and Multi-Index methods
- Uncertainty Quantification with Multi-Level and Multi-Index methods
- Uncertainty relations and Wegner estimates for random breather potentials
- Uncertainty Relations for Mesoscopic Coherent Light
- Uncertainty, Nature, and God: A Transcendental Approach to Science, Religion, and Public Policy
- Uncertainty-Aware Numerical Solutions of ODEs by Bayesian Filtering
- Uncivil War: The British Army and the Troubles, 1966–1975 (Dr Huw Bennett)
- Uncomfortable Histories: working to decolonise the Sedgwick Museum
- Uncomfortable images and spatial periodicity in nature, in art, and in text
- Unconcious Bias talk
- Unconditional Hardness of Approximation
- Unconference
- Unconference
- Unconference
- Unconference
- Unconquerable Strongholds? An Alternative View on Medieval Siege Warfare
- Unconscious Bias
- Unconstrained smooth minimization
- Unconventional Computing by Cnoidal Waves Collision
- Unconventional computing with liquid light
- Unconventional Electron Microscopy
- Unconventional Electronics. Materials and Interfaces
- Unconventional noise and aging experiments in manganites and superconductors
- Unconventional Order in some Framework Materials
- Unconventional phase transitions and correlated dynamics in frustrated systems
- Unconventional superconductivity and quadrupolar-density- wave phases in the locally noncentrosymmetric compound CeRh2As2
- Unconventional Superconductivity and Quantum Criticality in CeCoIn5
- Unconventional Superconductivity in Quantum-Dot Systems
- Uncountably many maximal-closed subgroups of Sym(N) via reducts of Henson digraphs
- Uncoupled isotonic regression via minimum Wasserstein deconvolution
- Uncoupling the processes of development
- Uncoupling the processes of development
- Uncovering and Differentiating Network Structures
- Uncovering Blue Diffuse Dwarf Galaxies
- Uncovering Buried Biological Interfaces
- Uncovering design principles of bacterial biochemical networks and biofilm self-organization
- Uncovering Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies in the Era of JWST Studies
- Uncovering fatigue damage development in unidirectional composites using x-ray computed tomography
- Uncovering hidden new physics patterns at high-energy colliders with probabilistic models
- Uncovering hidden scales – AI-driven, Bayesian imaging and monitoring of subwavelength microstructures with finite-frequency waves
- Uncovering Long-Period Transiting Exoplanets with TESS and CHEOPS
- Uncovering Mechanisms of Cell-type-specific Gene Expression in Rice
- Uncovering new abilities of RNA silencing suppressors from viruses of the Potyviridae family
- Uncovering Novel GPCR Pathways for the Treatment of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
- Uncovering signaling differences between normal and transformed hepatocytes using cell-specific pathway models
- Uncovering the ancient central Milky Way with the Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS)
- Uncovering the Epoch of Reionization
- Uncovering the genomic landscape of speciation through population-level resequencing of two Aquilegia species
- Uncovering the Glass Cliff
- Uncovering the Glass Cliff: Women's leadership roles in times of crisis
- Uncovering the mechanisms of Protein O-Glycosylation
- Uncovering the nature of dark matter with stellar streams in the Milky Way
- Uncovering the neural basis of behavior in C. elegans: theory, behavioral analysis, and calcium imaging
- Uncovering the physical origin of quasi-periodic oscillations from black hole X-ray binaries
- Uncovering the Reionization Epoch
- Uncovering the role of Alzheimer’s disease risk genes using stem cells and human brains
- Uncovering the role of centrioles and cilia in signal transduction and metabolism
- Uncovering the role of regulatory T cells in tissue regeneration
- Uncovering the role of the vertebrate gut microbiota in the pathophysiology of schistosomiasis mansoni
- Uncovering the role of Tyrosine Kinase 2 in Monogenic IBD
- Uncovering the Secrets of Rumor Spreading
- Undecidability in geometry and topology
- Undecidability in number theory
- Undecidability in Quantum Physics: Hilbert’s Second and Sixth Problems Meet
- Undecidability of propositional separation logic and its neighbours
- Undecidability of the spectral gap
- Undecidability of the spectral gap
- Undecidability of the Spectral Gap in One Dimension
- Undecidability of the spectral gap in rotationally symmetric Hamiltonians
- Under Pressure: probing the quantum world under extreme conditions
- Under pressure: quasi-high pressure effects in nano-pores
- Under the covers? Commerce, condoms and consumers in Britain, 1860–1960
- Under the Geological Rug: Leakage and Mixing in Carbon Sequestration
- Under the geological rug: The fluid dynamics of CO2 sequestration
- Under the geological rug: The fluid dynamics of CO2 sequestration
- Under the Physical Geography Parasol: Climate and History
- Under the rainbow : understanding how plants build microscopic structures to produce iridescence
- Under the Surface: X-ray Imaging in the British Museum
- Under the Volcano: Geological Fieldwork in East Greenland
- Under the volcano: geological fieldwork in East Greenland
- Underexplored frontiers: modelling the archaeological potential in maritime contexts. Utility, challenges and misconceptions
- Undergraduate CV Clinic
- Undergraduate event
- Undergraduate Interview Skills
- Undergraduate Revision Session for CST
- Underground CO2 Storage: using monitoring and prediction to prove the concept
- Underground laboratories for geological disposal research
- Underground printing during the English Civil War, 1646-1666
- Underlying dynamics of glacial millennial-scale climate transitions derived from ice-core data
- Underlying large-scale structures in transitional pipe flow
- Undermining Myc: Mitochondria Hold the Key
- Underreporting of animal bite cases in Nepal
- Undersampling in physical imaging inverse problems
- Undersampling Raster Scans in Spectromicroscopy for reduced dose and faster measurements
- Understand and tune application-level GPU performance using NVIDIA Nsight Systems
- Understand and tune application-level GPU performance using NVIDIA Nsight Systems
- Understanding & Exploiting the NKT cell:CD1d System in Cancer and Other Diseases
- Understanding (Dis)honesty.
- Understanding (some of) the Arctic Ocean: The Pacific Inflow via the Bering Strait - change, implications and using GRACE data to solve the 60-yr old riddle of what drives it.
- Understanding 20th century surface temperature variability
- Understanding 20th century surface temperature variability
- Understanding 3HeSE measurements of pentacene surface diffusion via computer simulation
- Understanding Aboriginal-constructed landscapes in SE Australia, the impact of colonisation, and implications for land management under changing climate
- Understanding acceptability judgments: grammar or processing?
- Understanding actions.
- Understanding actomyosin contractility and force propagation within the zebrafish neural tube: an optogenetic approach
- Understanding age-related changes in tendon: a pathway to maintaining health into old age
- Understanding Agency and Timing in Mixed-Initiative Interaction
- Understanding alga-microbe symbiosis
- Understanding all value being exchanged between businesses in service ecosystems
- Understanding alloreactive T cell targeting of leukaemia for therapeutic application
- Understanding and Addressing the Performance Gap
- Understanding and Automating Counterspeech
- Understanding and believing
- Understanding and conserving biodiversity in a changing world
- Understanding and controlling cell death
- Understanding and Developing Inorganic Lubricant Additives
- Understanding and encouraging energy efficient home renovations
- Understanding and engineering biological networks using timelapse microfluidic microscopy
- Understanding and engineering salinity tolerance in crop plants
- Understanding and Estimating Physical Parameters in Electric Motors using Mathematical Modelling
- Understanding and exploiting self-assembly in liquid crystals on multiple length scales
- Understanding and exploiting the propagation of seismic surface waves in the heterogeneous earth.
- Understanding and Fighting Malicious Activity on Online Social Networks
- Understanding and Improving Device Access Complexity
- Understanding and improving regulation of photosynthesis
- Understanding and Improving the Efficiency of Failure Resilience for Big Data Frameworks
- Understanding and intercepting somatic clonal evolution in blood
- Understanding and interpreting climate model ensembles
- Understanding and managing conspiracy beliefs
- Understanding and manipulating antibiotic production in actinomycetes
- Understanding and manipulating cell fate
- Understanding and manipulating CNS remyelination - in mouse, man and zebrafish.
- Understanding and manipulating monolayers of 1D and 2D conjugated polymers
- Understanding and manipulating the T-cell response to peptide-MHC
- Understanding and Manipulating Transcription Factor Networks
- Understanding and Mitigating the Impacts of Natural Catastrophes: Models, Uncertainties and Applications
- Understanding and modelling activity-induced distortions in the absorption lines of Sun-like stars
- Understanding and optimizing human motor learning
- Understanding and overcoming drug resistance in tuberculosis
- Understanding and reducing Southern Ocean biases in the HadGEM3 coupled climate model
- Understanding and Repurposing Cytochrome Biowires – Learning from Electric Bacteria
- Understanding and targeting the ovarian cancer microenvironment
- Understanding and treating autism: a dual approach based on the Neuroarcheology concept
- Understanding and tuning the surface chemistry of perovskite oxides to activate oxygen exchange and water splitting
- Understanding and using the tropopause: trends and characterization
- Understanding and using the tropopause: trends and characterization
- Understanding and Verifying Javascript Programs.
- Understanding Anger - An interactive talk
- Understanding Angiogenesis through Modeling and Asymptotics
- Understanding anomalous thermal expansion and negative thermal expansion
- Understanding aortic smooth muscle cell dysfunction in ageing and disease
- Understanding apathy: what happens when the Rev. Bayes plays Angry Birds
- Understanding Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Through User Need
- Understanding atmospheric dynamics in the laboratory
- Understanding Audio and Video at Google
- Understanding Battery Function - New Metrologies, New Chemistries and New Insights
- Understanding Biology from the Atomistic Scale
- Understanding Biology from the Sequence Data of Uncultured Organisms
- Understanding biotic interactions in the wine yeast community
- Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions
- Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder: A Mentalization based treatment Approach
- Understanding bounce solutions
- Understanding Bridge Condition – Remote Monitoring and Visual Inspection
- Understanding Building Energy Performance with Urban Data Analytics
- Understanding cell alignment: from two interacting cells to collective behaviour
- Understanding Cell Mechanics: From Axonal Instabilities To Oscillating Fibroblasts
- Understanding cell shape: reconstituting actin polymerisation at the membrane-cytosol interface
- Understanding cellular and molecular pathways of human preterm brain injury
- Understanding Cellular Heterogeneity
- Understanding cellular heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer
- Understanding cellular oxygen sensing mechanisms: adventures of a physician in discovery science.
- Understanding Chromosomal Instability and Exploiting it for Cancer Therapy
- Understanding climate model biases in Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude variability.
- Understanding conflicting results in the speech perception literature: methodologies, problems and findings regarding cognitive contributions
- Understanding contemporary change in West Antarctica: Insights from a higher order ice sheet model with dynamic subglacial processes
- Understanding Corrosion through Interface Characterisation
- Understanding Cost Pass-Through when Prices are Dispersed
- Understanding counterfactuals
- Understanding COVID-19 Transmission Mechanisms and Uncertainties
- Understanding Cyberattack as an Instrument of U.S. Policy
- Understanding Dementia - Master of St John's College
- Understanding development – A computational morphodynamics approach
- Understanding DNA Replication with Nanopore Sequencing, Deep Learning, and Mathematical Modelling
- Understanding domestication in the genomic era
- Understanding drivers of Arctic sea ice loss through analysis of observations and models
- Understanding dynamic crack growth in structured systems with the Wiener-Hopf technique: Lecture 1
- Understanding dynamic crack growth in structured systems with the Wiener-Hopf technique: Lecture 1
- Understanding dynamic crack growth in structured systems with the Wiener-Hopf technique: Lecture 2
- Understanding dynamic crack growth in structured systems with the Wiener-Hopf technique: Lecture 2
- Understanding Earth System responses during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Understanding Eimeria population, genetic and antigenic diversity to improve control against coccidiosis
- Understanding Ellipsis: Corpus, Annotation, Theory
- Understanding English Coinage c. 900-c. 973: Local, National and International
- Understanding Environmental Risk Perceptions: Climate Change, Energy Choices and Public Engagement with Science
- Understanding estrogen receptor-mediated gene regulation in breast cancer
- Understanding Event Processes in Natural Language
- Understanding Fallism
- Understanding flowers and their pollinators: The role of petal texture in the pollination of wild tobaccos
- Understanding fluid dynamics for climate using reduced models
- Understanding force balance in numerical models of the Geodynamo
- Understanding fronto-polar function: An intracranial EEG study of flexibility in human decision-making
- Understanding galactic morphology using cosmological simulations with controlled initial conditions
- Understanding generative learning in the individual brain
- Understanding generative learning in the individual brain
- Understanding genetic interaction networks
- Understanding genetics of type 1 diabetes: from common to rare disease variants
- Understanding genome regulation during seed germination
- Understanding Giant Planets
- Understanding glass transition on the basis of elastic interactions in a liquid
- Understanding global patterns of mesoscale eddy properties and diffusivities
- Understanding GP Referral Styles
- Understanding growing plant tissues through image analysis and hybrid multilevel models.
- Understanding Historic Buildings – Case Studies from King’s College Chapel and the Glasgow School of Art
- Understanding How Cell Movements Direct Early Mouse Embryogenesis
- Understanding how flowering plants build communication devices on their petals
- Understanding how people think through means and ends: An introduction to laddering
- Understanding How Star Formation Proceeds in the Perseus and Ophiuchus Molecular Clouds
- Understanding human adaptation from modern and ancient DNA sequences
- Understanding human injury from under vehicle explosions
- Understanding human life history variation: sleep patterns, personality traits, relationship status, and hormone
- Understanding Humans - Serendipity and Anthropology
- Understanding Implicit Bias
- Understanding in ancient and modern Number Theory
- Understanding Inequalities: new thinking for public policy
- Understanding Intense Star Formation through Observations and Modelling
- Understanding interacting many-particle systems: accurate theories for liquids and electronic excitations in solids
- Understanding Intra-day and Inter-day Variation in LIBS
- Understanding ionic liquids: From the electronic structure up
- Understanding Land Use Change and Supporting Landscape Decision Making
- Understanding Land Use Change and Supporting Landscape Decision Making
- Understanding landscapes: the challenge of East Anglia
- Understanding linear programming and the simplex algorithm
- Understanding Liouville quantum gravity through two square subdivision models
- Understanding liquids and glass transition on the basis of elastic interactions
- Understanding liver regeneration -message from a simple organ
- Understanding locust phase-shift.
- Understanding long-term spatio-temporal ecological changes in degraded peatlands to inform restoration
- Understanding longitudinal risk factor analysis in asymptomatic disease - a role for artificial datasets?
- Understanding Macao University’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Social Networking Sites for English Language Learning: A Mixed-Methods Study
- Understanding mannan biosynthesis: a key target for biofuel production.
- Understanding Marriage in Modern Britain
- Understanding mechanisms and targets of malaria immunity to advance vaccine development
- Understanding mechanisms of anxiety: combining experimental psychology and genomics
- Understanding mechanisms of long-range gene regulation.
- Understanding Mechanisms of Microenvironment-Mediated Therapy Resistance
- Understanding Mechanisms of Sterile Inflammation
- Understanding metabolism for ecological and environmental purposes
- Understanding microglial dynamics from development to age-related neurological diseases
- Understanding model diversity in CMIP5 projections of westerly winds over the Southern Ocean
- Understanding Modern Phishing
- Understanding morphogenesis and wall mechanics in brown algae
- Understanding multihazard in a warming world: landslides and cryospheric hazards in the 21st Century
- Understanding Multiprocessors: Science, Craft, Engineering, or Mathematics?
- Understanding music in the age of machine learning
- Understanding Myc transcription
- Understanding Myc Transcription
- Understanding Myc Transcription
- Understanding natural acquired malaria immunity or what malaria understands about the immune system that immunologists don’t
- Understanding nodulation for engineering nitrogen fixing cereals
- Understanding Non-Literacy as a Barrier to Mobile Phone Communication
- Understanding other culture: some reflections in relation to China and the West
- Understanding Our Global Workplace (Academic and Contract Research Staff)
- Understanding Our Global Workplace (Assistant Staff)
- Understanding Our Global Workplace (Contract Researchers/Post-Docs)
- Understanding our Mind - An Evening Talk
- Understanding parasites in fish mariculture
- Understanding Parkinson's
- Understanding Parkinson's Disease at the Molecular Level
- Understanding Patterns of Capability Loss Among Elderly Users
- Understanding PCIe performance for end host networking
- Understanding People Understanding Technology
- Understanding physician behaviour: the relationship between intrinsic motivation, team-working and quality improvement
- Understanding Planet Formation by Studying the Evolution of Hot Neptunes and Super-Earths
- Understanding plant development - a computational morphodynamics approach
- Understanding plant root developmental plasticity using cell type-specific genomics
- Understanding POWER Multiprocessors
- Understanding Privacy-Related Questions on Stack Overflow
- Understanding protein function through multiple models of structure: barriers to integration
- Understanding radicalisation
- Understanding recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate
- Understanding regulatory systems and mechanisms of genetic interactions: from yeast to pediatric cancer
- Understanding Relationships
- Understanding Response & Resistance Mechanisms to Targeted Therapy
- Understanding Risk Lunchtime Seminar Series: The Modern History of US Corporate Governance
- Understanding RNA virus evolution: from sequence to information
- Understanding SAR of the apelins and how it impacts patho-physiology
- Understanding scam victims: Seven principles for systems security
- Understanding shape and traction of adherent cells
- Understanding shear instabilities in terms of wave interactions
- Understanding Solar Coronal EUV and X-Ray Emission: Comparing MHD
- Understanding somatic and germline cancer mutations at the structural level using biomolecular simulations and graph theory
- Understanding Source Code using Natural Language and Graph Neural Networks
- Understanding speech with an ageing brain: perception, cognition, and compensation
- Understanding strongly correlated quantum materials using embedded dynamical mean-field theory
- Understanding Student Engagement: An Exploration of Students’ Schooling Experiences in Lebanese Schools
- Understanding sulfur isotopes in modern and ancient marine sediments: From the microbial to the global scale
- Understanding superconductivity in spin ladders: new tools and a hard climb!
- Understanding surfactant behaviour to reduce friction in motor vehicles and Why don't we bleed to death? Morphology, gelation and drying in droplets of human blood: tracking advective evolution
- Understanding synaptic input in OPCs and other CNS cells using optogenetics
- Understanding Systems
- Understanding T cell: B cell interactions through studies of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome
- Understanding Tensegrity with an Energy Function
- Understanding The Adverse Health Effects of Air Pollution One Particle at a Time
- Understanding the ageing brain: linking cognitive and neural (Workshop)
- Understanding the ageing brain: linking cognitive and neural change across the lifespan
- Understanding the Biotechnology Industry
- Understanding The Buckling of Cylindrical Shells
- Understanding the cancer genome base-by-base
- Understanding the cancer genome base-by-base
- Understanding the carbon isotope record during early Paleogene greenhouse conditions
- Understanding the causes of variation in nucleotide diversity across the genome
- Understanding the CD28-CTLA-4 pathway from a ligand perspective
- Understanding the CD28-CTLA-4 pathway from a ligand perspective
- Understanding the Characteristics of Design Leaders in the Fashion Retail Industry
- Understanding the chemistry of ageing and disease in the extracellular matrix
- Understanding the chemistry of ageing and disease in the extracellular matrix
- Understanding the circumstances surrounding Late Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions in Australia
- Understanding the Complexity of Eukaryotic Cells: Triumphs of Fungal Genetics
- Understanding the Concept of a Reflective Surface: Can Sheep Extend Their Egocentric Spatial Map?
- Understanding the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
- Understanding the Defect via Ramification Theory
- Understanding the dynamic soil-structure interaction between buildings and nearby underground railway tunnels
- Understanding the dynamic soil-structure interaction between buildings and nearby underground railway tunnels
- Understanding the early evolution of stellar and planetary systems
- Understanding the effects of repetition on belief
- Understanding the effects of traffic light signal time changes on air pollution – an in-depth study in London
- Understanding the electric double-layer from molecular dynamics
- Understanding the emergence of neural population dynamics underlying behaviour
- Understanding the epoch of reionization with Lyman-alpha emitters
- Understanding the escalation of corporate corruption
- Understanding the evolution of developmental mechanisms: the role of non-coding RNAs in Hox gene regulation
- Understanding the Evolution of Seed Plant Reproductive Adaptations Through a Fern
- Understanding the forgetful and apathetic brain
- Understanding the function dimension of language endangerment with specific evidence from Runyakitara
- Understanding the genetics of autism from the genetics of related traits
- Understanding the Global Imbalance from the Perspective of Outsourcing Activities to China
- Understanding the host range barriers in influenza
- Understanding the Iceland mantle plume: Imaging deep Earth processes with seismic waves
- Understanding the Immune Correlates of protection from Ebola Sudan in survivors
- Understanding the impact of microbial interactions on early-life microbiome dynamics
- Understanding the inattentive and impulsive brain
- Understanding the initial stages of planet-driven gap formation
- Understanding the knapper: what can the biface manufacturing process tell us about hominin behaviour
- Understanding the Lambda Calculus: 40 Years in the Dark
- Understanding the Link Between 3D Gene Structure and Transcription by Computer Simulations
- Understanding the Lithosphere
- Understanding the loss landscapes of large neural networks: scaling, generalization, and robustness
- Understanding the mechanical cell wall: Towards a mechano-molecular framework of cell and tissue growth in plants
- Understanding the mechanism of chromosome segregation: lessons from diversity
- Understanding the mechanism of restraint in edge restrained reinforced concrete walls
- Understanding the mechanisms of membrane proteins involved in drug and lipid transport
- Understanding the Mexican and Turkish political economy through the systems of technical training in the automotive industry.
- Understanding the Mind
- Understanding the Mind Talk Series - Exploring States of Mind
- Understanding the Mind Talk Series - Having a Clear Mind
- Understanding the Mind Talk Series - The Subconscious Mind
- Understanding the minds of others: A psycholinguistic approach to Theory of Mind
- Understanding the molecular and cellular nature of undifferentiated stem cell 'states'
- Understanding the molecular basis for drug and nutrient transport across the membrane.
- Understanding the molecular principles of protein misfolding.
- Understanding the neuronal control of ageing and proteostasis
- Understanding the neuropharmacology of addiction – is it informing pharmacotherapy?
- Understanding the origin of matter in the universe: the neutrino approach
- Understanding the Origins of Aggressive Cancers
- Understanding the Peculiarities of Metallic Bonding
- Understanding the properties and impacts of multicomponent atmospheric aerosol
- Understanding the relationship between land use regulation and housing markets in Sydney
- Understanding the Risk Factors for Lassa Virus Transmission
- Understanding the Risk of China’s Local Government Debts and Its Linkage with Property Markets
- Understanding the Role of Chemistry in the Monomer-to-Monomer Recycling of Circular Polymers
- Understanding the role of Chloride in Corrosion: DFT, TEM and Morphological Instabilities
- Understanding the role of hydrophysiology in adaptive diversification in the Bromeliaceae
- Understanding the role of the extracellular matrix: from elasticity to viscoelasticity
- Understanding the role of unselfishness in the provision of public goods: An application to climate change
- Understanding the Soul - the Invisible Traveller
- Understanding the Soul - The Invisible Traveller Course
- Understanding the Soul - The Invisible Traveller Course
- Understanding the Source Coding Theorem: A Talk on Shannon’s Entropy
- Understanding the stars in our search for another Earth
- Understanding the structure-function relationships in asymmetric stem cell division
- Understanding the structure-function relationships in asymmetric stem cell division
- Understanding the substance use of autistic adults: a mixed methods approach
- Understanding the transition from suicidal thoughts to suicidal attempts
- Understanding the Transition of Public Universities to Institutional Autonomy in Kazakhstan
- Understanding the Weaponization of the Web via Data-Driven Analysis
- Understanding the Wind Energy Industry
- Understanding the Wind Energy Industry – Dr Jim Platts
- Understanding Transcription in Plants
- Understanding Transcriptional Cross-regulation Between Hormone Response Pathways
- Understanding Transcriptional Regulation of C4 Photosynthesis
- Understanding Tubular Groups
- Understanding tumour heterogeneity in glioblastoma
- Understanding Uncertainties: an extensive survey of theoretical uncertainty estimates for perturbative observables
- Understanding uncertainty
- Understanding uncertainty in climate model components
- Understanding uncertainty via statistical analysis of a global aerosol model
- Understanding uncertainty via statistical analysis of a global aerosol model
- Understanding Unconscious Bias: Session 1
- Understanding Unconscious Bias: Session 2
- Understanding Urban Events with CrowdSourced Data
- Understanding Value for Sustainability
- Understanding variability and temporal trends in biosphere-atmosphere CO2 exchange through integrating models with data
- Understanding variation in mRNA processing with RNA sequencing
- Understanding Video and Audio at Google
- Understanding vulnerability and related outcomes in autism using genetics
- Understanding wildfire propagation: an experimental study of parameters affecting Firebrand Transport
- Understanding wind-mode feedback in the X-ray brightest AGN
- Understanding Word Embeddings
- Understanding wreath products and invariable generation
- Understanding zeolites through the structural mechanics of infinite frameworks
- Understanding, Characterizing, and Detecting Facebook Like Farms
- Understanding/engineering cell and community metabolism
- Understanding the Processes that Drive Surface Temperature Variability
- Understating the role of small RNAs in gene regulatory networks
- Underwater granular flows
- Underwater noise under ice conditions: from the ice chorus to the environmental challenge
- Underwriting empire: the introduction of marine insurance to India and China during the Imperial Meridian
- Undoped 2D Electron systems as a tool for optimising MBE growth (SP Workshop)
- Une approche glottonomique de la vitalité du cauchois: modèle et méthode
- Une approche glottonomique de la vitalité du cauchois: modèle et méthode
- Unearthing structure and complexity in human and great ape evolution
- UNESCO Clubs and Centers for Youth: Successful Case Studies in Tesla Project
- Unexpected and confusing Pics
- Unexpected coding capacities in the influenza A virus genome
- Unexpected complex dynamics of cellular transcriptional response
- Unexpected diversity of resistance mutations to helicase/primase inhibitors in Herpes viruses.
- Unexpected dynamics of resistance to helicase primase herpesvirus antivirals
- Unexpected roles for phosphatases and export factors in mRNA polyadenylation
- Unfaking the fake Selmer group
- UNFCCC CISDL Workshop on the Implementation of the Paris Agreement: Investment & Oceans
- Unfinity Categories
- Unfolding Opportunities - Design and Engineering at Brompton
- Unfolding pathways of endoplasmic reticulum stress response and apoptosis in Drosophilia
- Unfriendly Partitions
- Uni-axial Negative Thermal Expansion in Layered Perovskites
- Unicorn hunting? Ontologies and collecting in early 19th-century South Africa
- Unification and Progress in Modern Theoretical Physics
- Unification in theoretical physics
- Unification of type II theories in extended field theory
- Unification of Type IIA and IIB Supergravities
- Unification, Supersymmetry, and the Family Problem
- Unified Description of Charge-Carrier Mobilities in Disordered Semiconducting Polymers
- Unified invariants of homology 3-spheres
- Unified Multiscale Operational Weather Forecasting at the Canadian Meteorological Centre
- Unified thermodynamic uncertainty relations in linear response
- Uniform accuracy of implicit-explicit methods for stiff hyperbolic relaxation systems and kinetic equations
- Uniform Bounds for Non-negativity of the Diffusion Game
- Uniform distribution and algorithmic randomness
- Uniform entropic continuity bounds via majorization flow
- Uniform Ergodicity of the Iterated Conditional SMC and Geometric Ergodicity of Particle Gibbs samplers
- Uniform exponential growth for groups acting on CAT(0) square complexes
- Uniform irreducibility of Galois action on the l-primary part of Abelian 3-folds of Picard type
- Uniform Kan fibrations from scratch
- Uniform limit theorems for wavelet density estimators
- Uniform limit theorems for wavelet density estimators
- Uniform numerical-asymptotics for integrable systems via Riemann–Hilbert problems
- Uniform pertubation analysis of eigenspaces and its applications to Community Detection, Ranking and Beyond
- Uniform rates of Glivenko-Cantelli convergence and their use in Bayesian inference
- Uniform Spectral Gaps and Paradoxical Decompositions: the Affine Plane
- Uniformities for commuting maps
- Uniformity norms on L^{infty} and applications
- Uniformity of the late points of the random walk on the discrete torus
- Uniformizing surfaces with conical singularities
- Uniformly rational varieties
- Uniformly recurrent subgroups and rigidity of non-free minimal actions
- Uniformly third Order conserving Schems on Polygonal Grids
- Unifying accretion and ejection in black hole X-ray binaries
- Unifying accretion and ejection in black hole X-ray binaries
- Unifying gate-synthesis and magic state distillation
- Unifying logic and probability: A "New Dawn" for Artificial Intelligence?
- Unifying the notion of objectivity
- Unifying theories: some lessons from the Cartwright-Smith exchange
- Unifying typical entanglement and coin tossing: on randomization in probabilistic theories
- Unified study of glass and jamming rheology in soft particle systems
- Unik: A platform for automating unikernel compilation and deployment
- Unikernels and Beyond: the future of application containers in the cloud
- Unikernels: from science experiment to industry
- Unikernels: Library Operating Systems for the Cloud
- Unilever
- Unilever
- UniMath - its present and its future.
- Unimodular JT gravity and de Sitter quantum cosmology
- Union Debt Management
- Union in the Strike
- Union's Role in Strike Resolution in China
- Unions, intersections and a one shot quantum joint typicality lemma
- Uniparental expression of PolIV-dependent siRNAs in developing endosperm of Arabidopsis
- Unipotent and nilpotent elements in classical groups
- Unipotent and nilpotent elements in simple algebraic groups
- Unipotent elements in irreducible representations of simple algebraic groups
- Unipotent flows on infinite volume manifolds
- Unique Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S.
- Unique continuation from infinity for linear waves
- Unique geotechnical issues in the Dead Sea region
- Unique Humanity: We Journey; We Sing; We Make & Trade
- Unique Identification of Products: A Technology Survey
- Unique isotopic fingerprint during anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Unique World Leading 99%+ Accurate Passive RFID Real-Time Tracking
- Uniqueness and support theorems for analytic double fibration transforms
- Uniqueness due to noise for a dyadic model of turbulence
- Uniqueness of extremal black holes in de Sitter
- Uniqueness of ground states for nonlinear equations with fractional Laplacians
- Uniqueness of Lagrangian self-expanders
- Uniqueness of Malliavin—Kontsevich—Suhov measures
- Uniqueness of pre-images of quantum marginals
- Uniqueness of Regular Exact Borel Subalgebras
- Uniqueness of shock waves under small perturbations for the Isentropic Euler Equations
- Uniqueness of shock waves under small perturbations for the Isentropic Euler Equations
- Uniqueness of shock waves under small perturbations for the Isentropic Euler Equations
- Uniqueness of the contact structure approximating a foliation
- Uniqueness of the Leray-Hopf solution for a dyadic model
- Uniqueness of the solution to the 2D Vlasov-Navier-Stokes system
- Uniqueness of the welding problem for SLE and LQG
- Unisingular irreducible representations of finite groups of Lie type in the natural characteristic
- Unit groups are confusing
- Unitarity and fuzzball complementarity: Alice fuzzes but may not even know it!
- Unitarity bounds for inflation
- Unitary ensemble and Riemann-Hilbert problem
- Unitary Fermi gas, unitary Bose gas: theory and experiments
- Unitary matrix models, free fermions, and the giant graviton expansion
- Unitary operators, empirical processes and goodness of fit problem in R^d
- Unitary representations of reflection groups and their deformations.
- Unitization effects on memory
- Univalent Completion
- Univalent polymorphism
- Univalent type theory and modular formalisation of mathematics
- Univalent Universes of Sets
- Universal Adversarial Perturbations: Fooling Deep Networks with a Single Image
- Universal Artificial Intelligence, and Probability Monads
- Universal Basic Income in Historical Perspective
- Universal Bayesian Agents: Theory and Applications
- Universal Bayesian Agents: Theory and Applications
- Universal Blind Quantum Computation with Weak Coherent Pulses
- Universal central extensions in peri-abelian categories
- Universal character of perturbation growth in near-wall turbulence
- Universal Cutoff for Exclusion with Reservoirs
- Universal Darwinism: A Health Check at Forty
- Universal description of dispersive shock waves
- Universal Diffusion and the Butterfly Effect
- Universal distribution of the number of minima for random walks and Lévy flights
- Universal exfoliation of 2D materials
- Universal formulae in Lie algebras and Chern-Simons theory
- Universal geometric tensor categories
- Universal graphs
- Universal graphs and their variations
- Universal L2-torsion for free-by-cyclic groups
- Universal laws and architectures: theory and lessons from brains, nets, hearts, bugs, grids, flows, and zombies
- Universal laws, architectures, and behaviors of robust, evolvable networks
- Universal mechanisms mediating the early response of plant roots to environmental stresses
- Universal NHS healthcare: has the pandemic changed the promise?
- Universal non-linear conductivity near to an itinerant-electron quantum critical point
- Universal non-linear conductivity near to an itinerant-electron quantum critical point
- Universal patterns of stem and progenitor cell fate in adult tissue
- Universal phenomena in strongly coupled gauge theories and gravity
- Universal points in the asymptotic spectrum of tensors
- Universal properties of quantum gravity
- Universal Properties: a categorical look at undergraduate algebra and topology
- Universal Quantum Hamiltonians
- Universal Remedy - An Evening Talk
- Universal sampling discretization of integral norms and sparse sampling recovery
- Universal scaling properties of holographic cohesive phases
- Universal statistics for directed polymers and the KPZ equation from the replica Bethe Ansatz
- Universal survival probability for a d-dimensional run-and-tumble particle
- Universal survival probability of a run-and-tumble particle in d-dimensions
- Universal Weil cohomology
- Universality
- Universality and Computation
- Universality and RSW for inhomogeneous bond percolation
- Universality Conjectures for Activated Random Walk
- Universality for bootstrap percolation
- Universality for critical cellular automata in d dimensions
- Universality for groups
- Universality for Self-organized Criticality
- Universality for Wigner random matrices
- Universality in Active Matter
- Universality in numerical analysis. Cyber algorithms
- Universality in solid state physics and Constructive Renormalization Group
- Universality in string interactions
- Universality in the clonal dynamics in developing tissues
- Universality of directed polymers in the intermediate disorder regime
- Universality of High-Order Rogue Waves
- Universalizing the Promise of Empire
- Universes for category theory
- University Challenge : Conservators versus Collections
- University credentials and labour market skills in post-Soviet Tajikistan
- University Lectureship in Computational Neuroscience candidate talks
- University LGBT+ History Month Lecture
- University Library tour : 200 years of the Cambridge Philisophical Society
- University Mental Health Day
- University of Cambridge HPS MPhil Flash Talks
- University Staff Carol Service
- University-Industry Interactions and Research in Construction at IIT, Madras
- University-School partnerships for quality initial teacher education: Are pre-service teachers’ mentoring needs met?
- Unix: Building, Installing and Running Software
- Unix: Building, Installing and Running Software
- Unix: Building, Installing and Running Software
- Unix: Introduction to the Command Line Interface
- Unix: Introduction to the Command Line Interface
- Unix: Introduction to the Command Line Interface
- Unix: Introduction to the Command Line Interface (Self-paced)
- Unix: Introduction to the Command Line Interface (Self-paced)
- Unix: Simple Shell Scripting for Scientists
- Unknowable God and knowable women: gender of piety in the Mala Poetics of Malabar
- Unknowns of energy concentrating phenomena
- Unlawful Killings in Africa: Launch of a CGHR Study for the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
- Unleash Your Inner Company
- Unleashed – Why Young Men Use Dogs to Give Themselves Status
- Unleashing Feedback in Galaxy Formation
- Unleashing the power of genomics in the clinic
- Unleashing your inner maker
- Unlikely disasters: pandemics, prevention and public health
- Unlikely Intersections in certain families of abelian varieties and the polynomial Pell equation
- Unlikely intersections in families of abelian varieties and some polynomial Diophantine equations
- Unlikely intersections in Shimura varieties and abelian varieties
- Unlinking and unknottedness of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds
- Unlock the value of unstructured data in EAM – Unstructured Data Analysis
- Unlocking Deep Learning for Graphs
- Unlocking Joy: A Panel Discussion on the Science of Happiness (in-person)
- Unlocking lncRNA functions using an arrayed CRISPRi screening platform with cellular and molecular phenotyping
- Unlocking medical questions with a developmental biology key
- Unlocking plant intercellular channels: towards a mechanistic understanding of cell wall regulation around plasmodesmata
- Unlocking Pluripotency
- Unlocking safe reprogamming with deep learning
- Unlocking Safe Reprogramming with Deep Learning
- Unlocking the Potential of Lithium Thiophosphate: Atomistic Insights on its Surface Reactivity
- Unlocking the potential of synthetic biology to enhance human health
- Unlocking the power of cell therapy to reverse disease
- Unlocking the Power of Data-Centric Acceleration for Modern Applications
- Unlocking The Secret and Breaking The Cycle: Exploring Menstrual Taboos in Contemporary Jordan
- Unlocking the secrets of medicinal crops: from artemisinin to morphine, why are plants still better than bugs at making these drugs?
- Unlocking the secrets of scarless wound healing and appendage regeneration
- Unlocking the secrets of slow slip using next-generation seismic experiments and IODP drilling at the north Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand
- Unlocking the Wisdom of Silence: Practising Stillness in a Noisy World (in-person)
- Unmanned Air Systems - the Future of Aerial Combat & Parcels Delivery?
- Unmanned Detection and Quantification of Emissions from Industrial Facilities - Iain Cooper
- Unmanned Helicopter Flight: Learning for Control from Multiple Demonstrations
- Unmanned: America's Drone Wars
- Unmasking hidden systems with NGTS
- Unmasking Philosophers’ Fiction: First-Person Reference, Monster Operators, and the Indexical/Nonindexical Distinction
- Unmixing the Ocean: Double Diffusion and Turbulence in Polar Oceans
- Unnatural Complexity: Towards Achievable Aims for Complicated Simulation Models in Applications with Data (Weather-like) and those without (Climate-like)
- Unnatural Selection: evolution at the hand of man
- Unnecessary sleep: opium, the trial of Ann, and the therapeutic dilemma of slavery
- Unobtrusive Smartphone-based Mobile Health Systems: Experiences with Biological Rhythm Monitoring
- Unoriented D-brane instantons
- Unorthodox Interactions at Work
- Unpacking a Timesheet: Formalisation and Representation
- Unpacking Colonial Ties: Self-determination in Inuit Nunangat, Canada
- Unpacking Nature from Nurture: Understanding how Family Processes Affect Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Unpacking the Beauty Premium: A multidimensional and evolutionary exploration of the impact of physical attractiveness on social and economic outcomes
- Unpacking UK’s New AI Action Plan: Ambition versus Reality
- Unparticles and strongly correlated electron matter
- Unpatchable: Living with a Vulnerable Implanted Device
- Unpicking the local structure of adsorbate molecules on surfaces atom by atom
- Unpicking the phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity underlying autism
- Unpopular justice: law and the inexpediency of culture in north India
- Unprecedented Flow Failures of Ground during the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake, Indonesia
- Unpredictability and chance in science and technology
- Unpredictability and Chance in Scientific Progress
- Unravel buried soft interfaces: From lipid bilayers to responsive polymer brushes
- Unraveling a Transcriptional Network Involved in Maize Domestication
- Unraveling Ancient Technology: A New Approach for Measuring Complexity
- Unraveling chromatin dynamics during development
- Unraveling faunal shifts and biogeographical patterns in Holocene Northeastern Africa and the Levant
- Unraveling hagfish slime
- Unraveling mechanisms of human-specific brain development and evolution using organoids
- Unraveling the dynamics of living systems: what can noisy trajectories teach us?
- Unraveling the hidden microbial world of the river Cam.
- Unraveling the molecular evolution of betalain-producing enzymes to boost their industrial application
- Unraveling the mysteries of the human placenta using ‘omics tools
- Unraveling the Photophysical Properties of Organic Semiconductors
- Unraveling the role of astroglial perisynaptic nanodomains in synaptic strength and memory
- Unravelling 3-dimensional growth in plants
- Unravelling cancer cell signalling networks and screening for novel drug targets
- Unravelling Cosmic Acceleration with Gravitational Waves and Large-Scale Structure
- Unravelling Disability’s DNA: Experience and Identity in a Genomic Age
- Unravelling early host intestinal epithelia interactions with whipworms.
- Unravelling electronic processes and phenomena in organic materials through polymer scientists’ tools
- Unravelling geochemical zoning in subduction zone garnet: ubiquitous patterns = ubiquitous process?
- Unravelling Hidden Abilities Encoded in the Structure of DNA
- Unravelling human ancestry: Exploring Palaeolithic technological shifts through laboratory experimental replication and archaeological insights
- Unravelling magma-water interaction in an oceanic core complex with full-waveform imaging and numerical modelling
- Unravelling mysterious interactions between viruses and antibodies: molecular mechanisms and importance in vaccination
- Unravelling the 50 year old Ph1 puzzle in wheat
- Unravelling the calcium machinery responsible for the nucleoplasmic calcium oscillation in legume symbioses
- Unravelling the complexity of the geometry and nucleation phase of Apennininc extensional systems: the case of the 2009 MW 6.1 L’Aquila normal fault system (Central Italy).
- Unravelling the Echo Canyon deposit: Explosive-effusive transitional volcanism, Ascension Island, South Atlantic - Insights from the field and the lab
- Unravelling the effects of turbulence: Vanishing tip vortices, scattering waves, and enhanced gas transfer
- Unravelling the evolutionary forces that shape the B12 requirements of algae
- Unravelling the genetic risk factors in disease
- Unravelling the Innovation Mystery
- Unravelling the legacy of 7000 years of metal pollution in south-eastern Europe
- Unravelling the legacy of 7000 years of metal pollution in south-eastern Europe
- Unravelling the Mechanics of MAX Phases: Investigating Deformation and Failure Mechanisms in Single and Polycrystalline Structures
- Unravelling the molecular mechanism of petal spot initiation in sexually deceptive South African daisy Gorteria diffusa.
- Unravelling the neural processes underlying visual awareness
- Unravelling the Principles of Morphogenesis — Theory & Experiments
- Unravelling the Secrets of the Brain, Cell by Cell, with New Analytical Techniques
- Unravelling the visual system of a bacterium
- Unravelling the whipworm niche at the host intestinal epithelia
- Unravelling Urban Craft Networks in New Kingdom Egypt: Challenges and Opportunities
- Unreal wages: Long-run standards of living and the ‘golden age’ of the fifteenth century
- Unrecorded history: what genomes tell us about ancestry and admixture
- Unreliable organizers: Canalization and robustness in C. elegans vulva development
- Unrolling Lists
- Unruly Speech: Displacement and the Politics of Transgression
- Unsafe at Any Speed? Self-Driving Networks without Self-Crashing Networks
- Unsaturated Soil and the Cone Penetration Test
- Unsaturated soil mechanics - Critical review of physical foundations
- Unsaturated soil mechanics - Critical review of physical foundations
- Unsocial Medicine: exploring intersections between livestock health epidemiology and local knowledge networks
- Unsolved mysteries of fundamental physics
- Unsound ordinals
- Unsound Ordinals
- Unstable Bundles and Twisted Brill-Noether Theor
- Unsteadiness of Shock Wave / Turbulent Boundary Layer Interactions
- Unsteady aerodynamics in large-disturbance flows: Gust encounters and maneuvering wings
- Unsteady and Transient applications of Pressure-Sensitive Paint
- Unsteady flow of yield stress materials
- Unsteady hydrodynamics in 3D
- Unsteady plumes and explosive volcanism
- Unsteady Turbulence Cascades
- Unsteady turbulent jets and plumes
- Unsteady Turbulent Plumes and Volcanoes
- Unstoppable Transformations: Rural to Urban Migration and the Chinese Patriarchy
- Unstructured Mesh Generation and Its Applications
- Unstructured meshes and adaptivity for 3D multi-scale ocean modelling
- Unstructured proteins: cellular complexity and human diseases
- Unsupervised attention-guided atom-mapping
- Unsupervised Classification of Convective Organisation with Deep Learning
- Unsupervised classification of experimental shadowgraphs of sheared stratified turbulence
- Unsupervised Cluster Matching for Relational Data
- Unsupervised cross-lingual representation learning
- Unsupervised domain adaptation for human activity recognition
- Unsupervised Entailment Detection between Dependency Graph Fragments
- Unsupervised Grammar Induction
- Unsupervised Iceberg Detection in Satellite Images Using Recurrent Principal Component Analysis
- Unsupervised Learning from Users' Error Correction in Speech Dictation
- Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Schemas and their Participants
- Unsupervised Learning with Latent Variable Models
- Unsupervised Learning with Latent Variable Models
- Unsupervised Learning-enabled Analysis in Electron Microscopy.
- Unsupervised Machine Learning and Band Topology
- Unsupervised Machine Learning and Linguistics
- Unsupervised Many-to-many Object Matching
- Unsupervised Models for Coreference Resolution
- Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Log-Linear Models
- Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for Morphological Segmentation
- Unsupervised Question Answering
- Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation Using Spectral Clustering
- Unsupervised Risk Estimation with only Structural Assumptions
- Unsupervised Speech Disentanglement for Speech Style Transfer
- Unsynchronized Visual Communication
- Untangling aerosol-cloud interactions with machine learning
- Untangling Alzheimer's disease
- Untangling Interactive Systems
- Untangling Prehistory: Lake Dwellings and the Making of Archaeology in the Late 19th Century
- Untangling the cognitive, behavioural and environmental ingredients for academic achievement
- Untangling the inter-organ communication network
- Untangling the US Mortgage Crisis: Sorting out the key causes
- Untangling the Web by tracking our trackers
- Untitled
- Untouchability as systemic violence
- Untwisting the pure spinor formalism
- Unusual appearances of run and tumble particles
- Unusual magnetoresistance in Ge-Au alloys for low temperature thermometry
- Unusual mechanical properties of protein gels and glasses
- Unusual NMR experiments using home-made and open-resource systems
- Unusual phase diagrams in ferroelectric crystals
- Unusual properties of turbulent convection and dynamos in spherical shells
- Unusual properties of turbulent convection and dynamos in spherical shells
- Unusual questions/ extraordinary answers
- Unusual techniques for an unusual volcano: monitoring at Ol Doinyo Lengai
- Unusual volcanic tsunamis caused by trapdoor faulting at submarine calderas
- Unveiling Bounded Confidence Dynamics in Sheaf Neural Networks
- Unveiling cloudy exoplanets: from Hubble to JWST
- Unveiling cosmic dawn
- Unveiling Data Generation in the Lab: Decoding the Stratified Inclined Duct (SID) Experiment
- Unveiling molecular gas and dust from the optical spectra of galaxies
- Unveiling novel phase and properties of water through confinement
- Unveiling the abstract format of mnemonic representations
- Unveiling the Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Re-ionization with Radio Observations
- Unveiling the Diversity-Stability Bound in Large Ecological Communities
- Unveiling the Diversity-Stability Bound in Large Ecological Communities
- Unveiling the glacial and landscape evolution of West Antarctica: subglacial insights from ice-penetrating radar and satellite imagery
- Unveiling the hidden lives of stars
- Unveiling the high redshift Universe with deep spectroscopy
- Unveiling the High-frequency Radio Sky with the AT20G Survey
- Unveiling the Interstellar Medium in High-Redshift Galaxies
- Unveiling the Intrinsic Mass Step of Type Ia Supernovae
- Unveiling the ionising properties of galaxies at the Epoch of Reionisation with NIRCam
- Unveiling the ionising properties of galaxies at the Epoch of Reionisation with NIRCam
- Unveiling the Low Surface Brightness Universe: a CFHT and Euclid perspective
- Unveiling the role of dust on planetary migration
- Unveiling the Secrets of High-Performance Datacenters
- Unveiling the secrets of Jupiter with the Juno mission
- Unveiling the small rocky planets with HARPS-N
- Unveiling the world? Aerial photographs and the social sciences in interwar France
- Unweaving The Lexical Rainbow: Grounding Linguistic Creativity in Perceptual Semantics
- Unwinding the circadian clock with systems biology
- Unwinding the Gelfand—Cetlin toric degeneration on the mirror
- Unwirings and exponentiability in categories of multicategories
- Unwirings and exponentiability.
- Up Hill and Down Dale: The trials and triumphs of research and research training in music and music education
- Up in the Air, Down Under – Atmospheric Research in Wollongong, Australia
- Up our street
- Up the down escalator: Formation and exhumation of (ultra) high pressure rocks
- Upcoming BIOMASS Earth Explorer 7 mission: concept and validation challenges
- Upcycling Structural Design – new developments
- Update IfM
- Update in Regenerative Medicine Strategies for Lung Diseases and Critical Illnesses
- Update on 2020 Projects
- Update on Centre for Technology Management projects on 3D printing / additive manufacturing
- Update on ECT
- Update on nonlinear potential theory
- Update on novel human astrovirus replication and disease
- Update on Research Ethics and Storage of materials
- Update on the CGLSS Project I
- Update on the CGLSS Project II
- Update on the QUAD results, and the status of QUIET
- Update Tolerance in Uniform Spanning Forests
- Updated angular analysis of the decay B0→K*0(→K+π−)µ+µ−
- Updated angular analysis of the decay B0→K*0(→K+π−)µ+µ−
- Updates and opportunities offered by whole genome sequencing on the Cambridge Biomedical Research Campus
- Updates on Krylov complexity: Modular Hamiltonian evolution and QCD.
- Updates on the large scale geometry of asymptotically flat manifolds
- Updating The Two Signal theory of T cell Activation with a Cellular Calculus
- Upgrading Fortran source code using automatic refactoring
- Upheaval behaviour of buried pipelines
- Uplift Histories From River Profiles: Examples From Africa and the Colorado Plateau
- Uplifting 5D SYM to 6D and M5-branes
- Uplifting Massive Graphs from Minkowski to de Sitter
- Uplifting the Self, Uplifting Society - Presentations and a Panel Discussion
- Uplifting the vacuum in Heterotic M theory
- Upper and lower bounds for the spatially homogeneous Landau equation for Maxwellian molecules
- Upper bound on the slope of a steady water wave
- Upper bounds on Reidemeister moves
- Upper bounds on superfluid stiffness and superconducting critical temperature - applications to flat bands, FeSe/STO, cold atoms and connections to quantum geometry
- Upper limit of wind farm power generation and wind extractability
- Upper mantle thermochemical heterogeneity from coupled geophysical–petrological inversion of terrestrial and satellite data
- Upper mantle thermochemical heterogeneity from coupled geophysical–petrological inversion of terrestrial and satellite data
- Upper water variability in the subpolar North Atlantic
- Uprising in the Middle East: Interfaith Aspects
- Upscaling Building Semantics to Address Urban Sustainability and Resilience Scenarios
- Upscaling of network models for porous media
- Upscaling of the wave equation in permeable materials with active inner sources
- Upside Down and Inside Out: The Biomechanics of Cell Sheet Folding
- Upside down and inside out: the biomechanics of cell sheet folding
- Upside-Down and Inside-Out: The Biomechanics of Cell Sheet Folding
- Upstairs-Downstairs- The Gut Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Brain and Behaviour
- UQ in earth sciences: applications and challenges
- UQ in Modelling of Fusion Power Plants for the UK National Grid
- UQ perspectives on approximate Bayesian computation (ABC)
- UQ: does it require efficient linear algebra?
- UQ: does it require efficient linear algebra?
- UQ: does it require efficient linear algebra?
- Uranium isotope ratios as redox sensors : Toward a predictive understanding
- Uranium Sandwiches: Activating Small Molecules with Uranium Petalene and Cyclooctatetraene Complexes
- Urban Air Quality: An Increasing Challenge for Public Health
- Urban borehole surveys and the origins of the Roman Forum
- Urban change and rural continuity in gender ideologies and practices
- Urban Climate Risks Under Global Warming
- Urban Democracy by Design?
- Urban Dictionary Embeddings for Slang NLP Applications
- Urban Driving with Conditional Imitation Learning
- Urban Flooding Mitigation
- Urban Futures in the North - A Collective Imagination of an Arctic Borderland
- Urban governance as labour rights: The case of transport workers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Urban metabolism and flood protection infrastructure in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Urban Metabolism at MIT
- Urban metabolism redux
- Urban Microclimate and human-biometeorology
- Urban Microclimate Studies - Numerical and Experimental
- Urban modernity: reconsidering Paris from 1852 to 1914
- Urban Morphology and Design Theory: open up from the inside out
- URBAN RESILIENCE - addressing risk and uncertainty in rapidly growing cities in the developing world
- Urban Social Media Demographics
- Urban Technologies: Feeling your emotions
- Urban trees: how do they affect air quality?
- Urban tunneling - the challenges of creating underground space in historic cities
- Urban Visual Intelligence: Studying Cities with AI and Street-level Imagery
- Urban wealth modelling: individual effects analysis of planning and design
- Urban*: Crowdsourcing for the good of London
- Urbanization and Land Use Policy in China
- Urdu migrant literati and Lahore's culture
- UREC Research Ethics Talks 2017: Ethical and legal challenges in dealing with personal data
- Urinary Sphincter Mechanism Incompetence (USMI) treated with Static Hydraulic Urethral Sphincter (SHUS), complications and long-term outcome in female dogs
- Urological cancer detection and technology innovation: opportunities and challenges.
- US Ambassador Matthew Barzun speaks to POLIS and Clare Politics
- US Cybersecurity in International Relations: the manifold renderings of security
- US Midterm Elections: Domestic and International Implications
- US National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: from Regan to Trump
- Usable Programming Language Design in Industry and Academia
- Usage of FPGA for Passive Network Monitoring
- USB Type-C: How hard is it to pick two resistors?
- Use and development of OpenFOAM-based solvers for nuclear reactor analysis
- Use and reuse of Information extraction and other computational approaches to cuneiform text
- Use and reuse of Information extraction and other computational approaches to cuneiform text
- Use of a novel haemostatic sponge following alarvestibuloplasty in French Bull Dogs
- Use of a supramolecular switch to move colloids along a surface
- Use of airborne lidar to model vegetation structure and plant species composition of Mediterranean oak forests
- Use of cell-context-specific molecular interaction maps to identify master regulators of malignant transformations
- Use of cellular barcoding to track the clonal evolution in Ewing's Sarcoma cells
- Use of computational techniques from particle physics to improve radiotherapy treatment of cancer
- Use of expanded bed adsorption to purify flavonoids from Ginkgo. biloba leaves
- Use of FLOW cytometery for diagnosing and staging of round cell tumours
- Use of GIS in Ecosystem services and terrain analysis
- Use of grass seed resources c. 31 ka by modern humans at the Haua Fteah cave, northeast Libya
- Use of historical information to supplement a future study: opportunity and difficulty
- Use of Linguistic Information and Reordering Strategies for Ngram-
based Statistical Machine Translation
- Use of low dose biophotonics therapy for wound management
- Use of mesoporous materials to overcome reactant incompatibility and for homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
- Use of miRNA Expression Profiles in Classification and Prognosis of Canine Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- Use of miRNA Expression Profiles in Classification and Prognosis of Canine Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- Use of novel technologies to explore effective ways to improve population diets: policy-relevant research from New Zealand
- Use of Recommender Systems for Industrial Data Management
- Use of surgery in breast cancer treatment
- Use of temporal information in radar classification
- Use of the ‘anti-asthma drug' salbutamol in myasthenia
- Use of the Clinical Skills Centre
- Use of the semi-geostrophic model in understanding large-scale atmosphere and ocean flows
- Use of ultrasound and magnetic particles in targeted therapy
- Use phase signals to promote lifetime extension for desktop PCs
- Use, Storage and Disposal of Medicines at Home
- Use, war, and commercial society. Changing paradigms of human relations with animals in the early modern law of nature and of nations
- Use, war, and commercial society. Changing paradigms of human relations with animals in the early modern law of nature and of nations
- Useful books: reading vernacular regimens in 16th-century England
- Useful Computation with Coincidence Detection
- Useful Idiots: On the Democratic Virtues of Conspiracy Theories
- Useful signals from motor cortex
- User Centred Systems for Adaptive and Responsive Built Environments
- User choice of PINs and passphrases
- User interface design with matrix algebra.
- User Involvement and User Data: A Framework to Help Designers to Select Appropriate Methods
- User Manipulation in Recommender Systems
- User Modelling in HCI
- User Privacy Concerns and Preferences in Smart Buildings
- User-centric Composable Services for Data Analytics: SOSP17 Poster Presentation
- User-generated content mining: From collective disease rates to individual demographics
- User-level networking: The hard problems
- Ushnish Sengupta, Listening for instabilities with probabilistic machine learning
- Using 'big data' to explore household and family structures in England and Wales in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
- Using 2nd generation sequencing for delineating relationships between the genome, epigenome, transcriptome and proteome
- Using a convergence of clinical and cognitive neuroscience methods: The case study of semantic cognition
- Using a convergence of clinical and cognitive neuroscience methods: The case study of semantic cognition
- Using a GLM with spatial random effects to model fractures in antarctic iceshelves
- Using a Market Simulator to Develop High-Frequency Execution Algorithms
- Using a new coincident XPS and Raman spectroscopy system for more comprehensive carbon nanomaterials analysis
- Using a new model to understand C4 gene regulation
- Using action research in information systems design to address change: a South African health information systems case study
- Using adjoints to efficiently train a digital twin of air pollution in Kampala
- Using administrative data linkage to create electronic birth cohorts: opportunities and challenges
- Using Agda to Explore Path-Oriented Models of Type Theory
- Using AI to Accelerate Evidence Synthesis and Decision Support to Save Biodiversity
- Using AI to Discover Dual-purpose Therapeutics Targeting Aging and Disease at the same time
- Using and Developing the Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem)
- Using Architected Materials to Enable Novel Properties
- Using Arctic ice mass balance buoys for model evaluation
- Using Artificial Intelligence for Policy Outcome Prediction
- Using arts and creativity to generate engagement in a PRU, integrating technology and cross curricular opportunities
- Using association-based genetics to understand basic biology
- Using Atomic Force Microscopy to solve biological problems?
- Using ‘omics to generate new insights into insulin-regulate glucose transport and insulin resistance & Don't drown your cells – considering oxygen tension in cell culture
- Using Babylonian gods to sell cod liver oil: Henry Wellcome and medical interest in Assyriology around 1900
- Using bacterial pathogens to explore immunity and development in the nematode C. elegans
- Using barcoding to understand British Collembola (Springtails)
- Using basic science to develop psychological treatments for depression
- Using Bayes Nets for Reasoning with Evidence: Real Life Examples
- Using Bayes to get the most out of null results
- Using Bayesian analysis in randomised phase II clinical trials to determine the worth of proceeding to phase III
- Using Bayesian Network Inference to Examine Zooplankton Ecology and Herring Interactions in the Irish Sea
- Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze What Experts Need to Know (and When they Know Too Much)
- Using Bayesian Networks to Quantify Digital Forensic Evidence and Hypotheses
- Using Berry's phase to detect the Unruh effect at lower accelerations
- Using bespoke fluorescence microscopy to study the soft matter of living cells at the single molecule level
- Using big data to rethink the way we study social determinants of health
- Using biological networks to derive pan-cancer biomarkers
- Using biological ontologies in databases: where do GO terms come from?
- Using body and surface waves to constrain the structure of the mantle beneath Tibet
- Using Bourdieu to analyse school choice and parental participation strategies in Pakistan: On perilous methodological ground?
- Using Brain Imaging to Evaluate Nutritional Intervention Strategies in Resource Poor Settings
- Using brain organoids to understand cell fate
- Using Brazilian Bamboo
- Using breathing acoustics and breathing pattern for automated predictions of asthma status
- Using Building Information Modelling to Develop Buildable Façade Designs
- Using C. elegans as a model for neurodegenerative diseases
- Using C. elegans to learn principles of eukaryotic chromatin regulation
- Using Chain Event Graphs to Address Asymmetric Evidence in Legal Reasoning
- Using Chemical Tools to Elucidate the Molecular Mechanism of Malaria Infection and Develop a Malaria Vaccine
- Using Cheops to push beyond TESS’s orbital period barrier
- Using Citations to Generate surveys of Scientific Paradigms
- Using CO2 to Your Advantage
- Using Computational Fluid Dynamics ‘in real life’ processes
- Using confinement and chemotaxis to separate motile active suspensions
- Using confinement and chemotaxis to separate motile active suspensions
- Using consumers to protect labour standards
- Using Context and Insight for the Analysis of LittleData?
- Using ConvNets, MALIS and crowd-sourcing to map the retinal connectome
- Using Critical Slowing Down to suggest statistical indicators of disease emergence and elimination
- Using cryo-EM to unravel bunyavirus native RNPs and endosomal K+ requirement during entry
- Using cutting edge inference methods in a crisis and how we can progress towards more flexible model-based inference in disease response
- Using Data and AI to Deliver a Fully Sustainable Global Energy System
- Using Data for Insight in the media
- Using Data in Healthcare: Policy and Practice
- Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter Recovery
- Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter Recovery
- Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter Recovery
- Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter Recovery
- Using Data to Improve Decision Making in a Complex World
- Using deep learning and graph theory to determine biomolecular structures in cryoEM images
- Using deep learning for precipitation nowcasting applications
- Using Deep Learning to Count Albatrosses from Space
- Using DEM to model ice sheets and structures
- Using Differential Privacy to Control False Discovery in Adaptive Data Analysis
- Using digital tools to foster learning
- Using DLAs to study the physical conditions of gas in high redshift galaxies
- Using DNA to Assemble Molecular Electronic Devices
- Using DOAS to study tropospheric chemistry: From volcanoes to airports
- Using Drosophila melanogaster for dissecting the role of Golgi trafficking in cytokinesis and human diseases
- Using Drosophila models to decipher rare and common neurological disorders
- Using Drosophila to understand mitochondrial biology and mechanisms of neurodegeneration
- Using dynamic models to understand continental deformation
- Using dynamical systems tools to incorporate active sensing into models of collective motion
- Using ecology to unlock the secrets of early animal evolution
- Using electron microscopy to study mitochondrial ribosomes
- Using ensemble meteorological datasets to overcome limitations in a Bayesian volcanic ash inverse modelling system
- Using Entropy in Materials Design
- Using Everyday Routines as a Resource for Understanding Behaviors and Making Recommendations
- Using Evidence to Impact Public Policy
- Using evolutionary algorithms to study individual differences in facial emotion perception
- Using evolutionary sequence variation to build predictive models of protein structure and function.
- Using evolutionary sequence variation to make inferences about protein structure and function
- Using evolutionary sequence variation to make inferences about protein structure and function
- Using evolutionary sequence variation to make inferences about protein structure and function
- Using experimental data to enhance and extend vibroacoustic prediction models: a study case
- Using experimental evolution to understand adaptation from standing genetic variation.
- Using Fair DHTs for Location Aware Service Discovery
- Using Fine-resolution Contact Tracing Data to Understand Population-scale Social Mixing Patterns and Infection Dynamics
- Using fluid variational variables to obtain new analytic solutions with nonzero helicity
- Using Formal Methods to keep Unsafe Rust in Check
- Using frequency-tagged stimuli and EEG to measure selective attention
- Using functional imaging to understand pathological and pharmacological alterations in consciousness
- Using galaxies to study supernovae and supernovae to study galaxies
- Using Galileons as an Alternative to Inflation
- Using Games to Teach Ethics - Rethinking Concepts and Design
- Using generative AI to create personalised Parson's Problems and explanations
- Using genetics to personalize melanoma therapy
- Using genomes and networks to catch cancer early
- Using genomics to diagnose helminths in poo
- Using genomics to enrich our knowledge of the human gut microbiome
- Using Geometry in Engineering
- Using GPS, corals and historical earthquakes to understand the earthquakes in Sumatra
- Using gradient descent for optimization and learning
- Using Helioseismology to Infer the Sun's Meridional Flow
- Using high-resolution daily ICEYE SAR interferometry to map magma conduits formation in the shallow crust
- Using high-resolution model to explore the behaviour of mixed-phase cold-air outbreak clouds
- Using human genetics to define a spectrum of axon vulnerability
- Using human genome variation to study history and cellular function
- Using Human Studies in Health Research
- Using IFU data to disentangle the starburst-AGN connection
- Using immunoregulatory networks to instruct therapeutic interventions in human Chagas disease and leishmaniasis in Brazil
- Using In-Zoo Science to Help Manage the Animal Collection at Chester Zoo
- Using inaudible high-frequency sound to verify device proximity
- Using inaudible high-frequency sound to verify device proximity
- Using Inclusive Design to Focus on User Experience (UX)
- Using international study series and meta-analytic research syntheses to scope pedagogical development aimed at improving student attitude and achievement in school mathematics and science
- Using iteration to solve n by n matrix Wiener-Hopf equations involving exponential factors with numerical implementation
- Using iteration to solve n by n matrix Wiener-Hopf equations involving exponential factors with numerical implementation
- Using Jet Substructure in High Multiplicity Searches
- Using knowledge fusion to map avian influenza H5N1 in East and Southeast Asia
- Using large dataset analysis to reveal temperature and light dependent changes in clock network topology
- Using large-scale simulation for the national assessment of Fibre-To-The-Premises and 5G deployment
- Using LNA enhanced oligonucleotides for elucidating microRNA and RNA functions
- Using local additivity to find examples of superadditivity of quantum channels
- Using Low-cost, Research-led, Decentralised Networks to Increase Access to High Quality Microspatial Data on Building Stocks, and the Built and Natural Infrastructure
- Using Machine Learning to Accelerate Treatment Workflows in Radiation Oncology
- Using Machine Learning to Improve Protected Area Management
- Using machine learning to make maps of stem cell differentiation
- Using machine learning to make skillful predictions of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation
- Using maps and GPS
- Using Mathematics and Machine Learning for Cyber Security
- Using Mathematics in my Journey to Deserts and Mountains
- Using maths and computer science to understand customer behaviour and deliver relevant services
- Using maths to clean-up our oceans - Dr Thomas Crawford
- Using Maths to Decode the Universe
- Using MATLAB to optimise industrial operations: a case study of barge container ship routing
- Using metagenomics to identify emerging viral pathogens, and RNA silencing to combat them
- Using metaphorical representations to discern young learners’ beliefs about foreign language learning
- Using metatranscriptomics to make global predictions: The impact of temperature on marine phytoplankton resource allocation and metabolism
- Using microfluidics to ask other peoples questions in biology
- Using microseismicity to track magma movement at Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Using Microwell Array Technology to Probe Chemistry and Biology at Their Fundamental Limits
- Using model active tissues containing active chromatin to test multi-scale hypotheses in cellular collectives
- Using Modern C++ - stepping up to C++14/17
- Using Mouse Models to Understand Metastatic Spread and Tumour Heterogeneity
- Using multi-site ethnography for educational research
- Using multidimensional complex analysis to estimate double Fourier-like integrals arising in diffraction theory
- Using multiscale in-silico models of the heart for optimisation of anti-arrhythmia therapies
- Using multiwavelength variability properties to infer the structure of AGN
- Using nano-mechanics to explore biological function
- Using NanoBiT® Technology to Study Protein-Protein Interactions in Living Cells
- Using narratives to understand human conscious experience
- Using narratives to understand human conscious experience
- Using Nd isotopes to distinguishing between deep current and detrital input changes to the NE Atlantic
- Using Neural Networks to Generate Image Captions
- Using neuronal models to capture burst and glide motion and leadership in fish
- Using next generation sequencing to delineate novel chamber-specific molecular mechanisms in different aetiologies of human heart failure
- Using nitrogen isotopes to constrain the age of the air extracted from antarctic ice cores
- Using non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to interact with brain activity and associated functions: brain oscillations as promising targets?
- Using Novel Data Sources to Model Commodity Markets
- Using Nudges to improve financial decision-making.
- Using Numbers to Understand the World
- Using Numerical Simulations to Reveal the Origins of the Statistical Properties of Stars
- Using old weather forecasts for a fresh perspective on renewable energy systems
- Using online experiments to optimise electricity customer communications
- Using Ontology to Classify Members of a Protein Family
- Using Open Data and Crowdsourcing to develop CycleStreets
- Using optimised fMRI to investigate prediction errors in the human midbrain
- Using Optimization to Reveal Scaling Laws in Turbulent Flows
- Using orbits to probe ultra-light dark matter
- Using organic chemistry to probe the limits of interventionism
- Using organoids to reveal what sets the human brain apart
- Using our Galactic center supermassive black hole Sgr A* as a testbed for theories of accretion
- Using outbreak games to learn about real outbreaks
- Using outbred genetics to explore Drosophilia development
- Using Papaver somniferum (opium poppy) to study the evolution of flower development
- Using past decadal temperature changes to understand present and future climate
- Using Pathogen Effectors to Investigate Host Plant Resistance Mechanisms
- Using patient experiences to improve care: maternal and neonatal health in Kenya
- Using phosphoproteomics to study context-specific signalling
- Using polluted white dwarfs to understand the bulk composition of exo-planetary material
- Using Post Occupancy and Building Performance Evaluation based Approach for Retrofitting Deprived Community Housing in the UK
- Using preconditioning to speed up computations for travelling waves under ice in 3D
- Using Processor Hardware Counters in Picking the Optimal Work-Stealing Policy
- Using Program Behaviour to Exploit Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures
- Using protein side-chain dynamics to probe enzymatic function and regulation
- Using Proteins to Prepare Functional Polymeric Nanomaterials
- Using public-key cryptography in practice
- Using public-key cryptography in practice
- Using Python Packages - and interfacing
- Using Q Methodology to Investigate Singaporean Teachers’ Conceptions and Practices of Classroom Assessment
- Using quantile regression and dynamic survival analysis to study the time course of the lexical processing of complex words
- Using quantum mechanics to detect Stonehenge
- Using R for Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Easier than it seems
- Using radar to measure and monitor the rate of melting at the base of ice shelves
- Using random linear network coding in dynamic storage environments
- Using Rasch Analysis in Neurological and Community Rehabilitation - The SARDINE Project (Secondary Analysis of Routine Data in Neurorehab Evaluations)
- Using RAVE and TGAS to understand each other, and the Galaxy
- Using reason and evidence to do the most good
- Using redox mediators for Li-O2 and Li-S batteries and Li recycling
- Using Revision Control - an introduction
- Using RNA-based approaches to identify and characterise cancer genes
- Using routine data to estimate disease recurrence
- Using SAT Solvers for Cryptographic Problems
- Using SAT Solvers for Cryptographic Problems
- Using scanning probes to fabricate and characterise nanoscale donor devices in silicon
- Using scRNAseq to understand malaria parasite development and evolution
- Using sea-ice deformation fields to constrain the mechanical strength parameters of geophysical sea ice
- Using sediment archives from glacial fjords to reconstruct past glacier and ocean variability
- Using Self-Organising Maps to understand non-linear cloud-circulation couplings
- Using selfish genes to reduce malaria
- Using side information for prediction
- Using Sidekick to Define the Role of Apical Vertices in Morphogenesis
- Using Signatures to Predict Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Progression
- Using simple models and rigorous mathematics to improve operational atmosphere and ocean modelling
- Using simple process models to examine Arctic Ocean dynamics under a changing climate
- Using Simulation for Additive Manufacturing Designing and Process Simulation
- Using simulations to investigate the mechanical properties of peptidoglycan
- Using single-cell technologies and planarians to study stem cells, their differentiation and their evolution
- Using single-cell transcriptomics to examine T helper cell fate decisions in vivo
- Using Social Media Data for Research: The Ethical Challenges
- Using Social Media to Investigate Linguistic Variation and Change
- Using Sound to Study the Behaviour of Wild Wolves, Coyotes and Jackals
- Using SSL to create useful representations from corrupted spectral-temporal data for applications in agriculture
- Using star clusters to probe the star formation histories of galaxies: problems and solutions
- Using stem cell technology to combat age-related neurodegenerative diseases
- Using Storage to Control Uncertainty in Power Systems
- Using Stories in Speech and Language Therapy for Individuals who have Social Communication Needs
- Using structure to assign function in bacterial biosynthesis
- Using summarized data in Mendelian randomization
- Using sunlight to save the earth
- Using sunlight-activated photo-catalysts to disinfect water
- Using super-resolution microscopy to watch immune cells kill
- Using switchable genetically engineered mice to model cancer therapies
- Using SYCL kernels for Finite Element assembly
- Using synthetic biology in algae for the production of designer lipids
- Using synthetic biology to understand pattern-forming gene regulatory networks and their evolution
- Using synthetic observations to inform sampling strategies of ocean physics, biogeochemistry, and biology
- Using tagged seals to evaluate the MODIS record: can perturbations to the base of the Southern Ocean food web be detected in 12 years of data?
- Using the Analytical Power of Surface Science for “New” Challenges
- Using the auxin-inducible degron in yeast to understand the spliceosome cycle
- Using the Cambridge ARM model to verify the concrete machine code of seL4
- Using the Ekman 60 Faces Test to Detect Emotion Recognition Deficit in Brain Injury Patients
- Using the formalism of inverse problem in the theory of integrable models
- Using the Git revision control system
- Using the Green Agenda as a Proxy for Good Architecture
- Using the internal language of toposes in algebraic geometry
- Using the internet for psychological research and clinical trials
- Using the Land-Ocean Transition to understand coastal landscapes
- Using the LIKWID tool suite
- Using the Magellanic Clouds to understand the interaction of galaxies
- Using the marmoset prefontal cortex to understand psychiatric symptoms: schizophrenia and hippocampal-prefrontal circuitry
- Using the Milky Way as a template for understanding star formation in extreme environments across cosmological timescales
- Using the OpenJDK to investigate covariance in Java
- Using the planning system as an asset for the design process
- Using the Proteome Discoverer to Interogate your Data
- Using the Unified Transform (Fokas method) for acoustic scattering problems
- Using theoretical frameworks to inform research tools in an international development setting
- Using thermal probes for analysis and characterisation of materials on a micro and nano scale
- Using three-dimensional chromatin structure to understand autoimmune disease mechanisms
- Using time-resolved genetic data to study the evolution of drug resistance.
- Using topic models to help cure cancer
- Using transcriptomic analysis to understand C4 in wetland conditions.
- Using transformed domains to sparsify Gaussian Processes
- Using transformed domains to sparsify Gaussian Processes
- Using transformed domains to sparsify Gaussian Processes
- Using Triangulation in Qualitative Research in Times of Mixed Methods
- Using Truth to find Beauty: Measuring CP-violation in b-hadron decays using top quarks collected by the ATLAS detector
- Using Twitter for Research
- Using Twitter for research
- Using Twitter for research
- Using underwater robots to observe the rapidly melting Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
- Using unsupervised learning to discover how convective clouds form and evolve
- Using velocity fields in evaluating urban traffic congestion via sparse public transport data and crowedsourced maps
- Using viral loads to improve COVID-19 surveillance
- Using visual images and interactive workshops to engage with maternity staff - Changing hearts and minds?
- Using wearable-derived cardiac signals to predict cardiovascular events
- Using wearables & AI to transform our understanding of health
- Using wearables and mobile health devices in healthcare and research
- Using whole-brain connectomics to reveal circuit principles relevant to olfaction and instinctual behaviours
- Using zebrafish models to identify novel alleles affecting human behaviour- a proof of principle study using smoking as an example.
- Utah
- Uterine transplants; the latest new families
- Utilising Genetically Sensitive Research Designs to Examine Family Relationship Influences on Childhood Psychopathology
- Utilising probability distributions in Earth observations
- Utility and pitfals of dose ranging trials with multiple study objectives: fixed or adaptive
- Utility Regulation, Domestic Consumers and Affordability: Current Debates in the Light of Economic History
- Utilizing single-cell molecular biology to interrogate hematopoietic dysregulation
- Utilizing Supramolecular Chemistry in Polymeric Systems: A Route to Dynamic, Adaptive Materials
- Utopian Ambitions in the High Arctic at Resolute Bay
- Utrumne est Ornatum: Space, Scale and Scaling as structural constraints in some recent compositions
- Utterberry: Data and Data Sustainability
- UX design, mobile phones and saving eyesight
- UX Lightning Talks
- UX Lightning Talks
- UX London Redux