University of Cambridge > > IOP East Anglia Branch Applied Physics Seminars > The Diamond Light Source

The Diamond Light Source

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Clarke.

Joint IET/I Mech E/IoP Event. Registration:

Diamond Light Source is the UK’s synchrotron, harnessing the power of electrons to produce bright light that scientists can use to study anything from fossils to jet engines, materials to viruses, vaccines and chemicals. A joint venture between the Science and Technology Facilities Council and the Welcome Trust, the synchrotron is used by over 7000 researchers. This talk will explain the technology employed within the facility and the science applications that are enabled through the use of the synchrotron.

Professor Andrew Harrison was appointed CEO of Diamond Light Source in 2013. He was previously Director General of the ‘Institut Laue-Langevin’ neutron source in Grenoble, France. He is Professor of Solid State Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh and founding Director of their Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions

Joint IET /I Mech E/IoP Event.

This talk is part of the IOP East Anglia Branch Applied Physics Seminars series.

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