University of Cambridge > >  Mathematics Education Research Group (MERG)  > To measure is to know –learning progressions in scientific inquiry

To measure is to know –learning progressions in scientific inquiry

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Refreshments available from 4.15pm

Modelling and assessing the development of learning competencies, such as problem solving, is currently promoted as the basis for decision-making in the educational system (e.g., Klieme, Leutner, & Kenk, 2010) in Germany, particular in the area of secondary education, both at school level as well as for higher education, e.g. science teacher education. Of particular importance are skills in Scientific Inquiry, understood, for example, as a part of problem solving competencies or as a component of teachers’ professional knowledge (see e.g., Baumert & Kunter, 2006). Consequently, research in science education has to provide reliable and valid data for this fundamental development of the educational system.

Two approaches of the Chemistry Education Group at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will illustrate theories, methods and instruments used by my group in the field of knowledge acquisition in science. In the first example we investigate school pupils at the age of 15 and look in detail at similarities and differences in scientific inquiry between chemistry and biology. The second study deals with students at university level. Here we are focusing in different university systems and different “pathways” at university (e.g. bachelor of science vs. joint honours science/education).

This talk is part of the Mathematics Education Research Group (MERG) series.

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