Talks starting with I
- I (want to) know what you did last summer!
- I am not a statue!: Aristotelian Anthropology's Inner Demons
- I Am, Therefore I Buy - Measuring How Personality Influences Consumer Preferences in a Digital Age
- I And You: Documentary As Encounter
- I can see what you think: The mental image revealed by gaze tracking
- I Can't Get No Satisfaction: Drug Discovery in the 21st Century
- I did a data comparison on the world model that predicted collapse. Here’s what I found.
- I don't believe in Climate Change
- I got it from Agnes: modelling epidemics on networks
- I JUST LISTENED TO HALF A MILLION PEOPLE: Reflections on how to write a Human Development Report
- I know what you did last summer
- I know what you did last Summer
- I know what you did last Summer
- I know what you did last Summer
- I know what you did last summer (2)
- I know what you did last summer Pt3 version
- I know what you did last summer...
- I know what you did last summer...
- I remember, therefore I forget: bringing memory inhibition to life using the SenseCam
- I saw, I unsaw, I resaw: how we access and make use of unconscious knowledge about verbal roots
- I solemnly swear that I am up to... automatic parallelisation
- I spy with my MRI....
- I still know what you did last summer...
- I think, therefore I am: A combined cognitive-learning approach to adolescent anxiety, aches and pains.
- I'd map that! Perspectives on the power of mapping from linguistics to physics.
- I'm stuck. I'm trapped. I can't take it anymore! Perspectives on managing pressure and surviving your job and your life.
- I'm the repro man: a rant and some incremental improvements on reproducibility in systems research
- I(FIB)F: Iterated Bloom Filters for Routing in Named Data Networks
- I) A homogenization model for particulate composites; II) Spherical indentation of poroelastic layers
- I, the Presenter: The Making of TV History
- I-factorial quantum torsors and Heisenberg algebras of quantized enveloping type
- i-teams
- i2®©: Investigative & Interpretative Radiochemistry - The basis of Nuclear Forensic Science
- i2®©: Investigative & Interpretative Radiochemistry – The development of nuclear forensic science
- Iain Couzins interview
- Ian Hodder - The Force and Flows of Things
- Ian Patterson and Rod Mengham, poets
- Iberian Islam: A bioarchaeological investigation of emerging Islamic identity in Andalucia
- IBM Innovation Day Trip
- IBM on Big Data
- IBM research in Africa : an overview of the projects helping to build Africa's future and career opportunities for mathematicians
- IBM Watson from Jeopardy! to Healthcare. Could a quiz-show winning computer advise your doctor?
- IBM Watson from Jeopardy! to Healthcare: could a quiz-show winning computer advise your doctor?
- iBox: Internet in a Box
- IBPSA England Event
- Ibsen's women - on and off the stage
- Ibsen's Women- On and Off the Stage
- IC3 Modulo Theories via Implicit Predicate Abstraction
- iCAP-TSO, a program logic for the TSO relaxed memory model
- ICASSP poster practice session
- ICASSP presentations
- ICASSP presentations
- Ice
- Ice accretion on aircraft
- Ice and High Water - the Contribution of Polar Ice to Present and Future Sea-Level Rise
- Ice and Ice cream
- Ice and Ice Cream
- Ice and Surface Chemistry in Space
- Ice Core Forum: Andrea Spolaor and Delia Segato
- Ice cores and aerosols: Past atmospheric chemistry from new generation, continuous ice core analyses
- Ice cores and climate: how long is an interglacial?
- Ice cores and climate: Patterns and causes of change
- Ice cores and interglacials
- Ice cores and tree-rings give a new slant on the great plagues of history
- Ice cores, climate and interglacials
- Ice cores: development of time scales and some applications
- Ice edge failure process
- Ice from Above: Our Place in Space
- Ice ice baby, under pressure: Ice-ocean interactions in and around ice shelves
- Ice melt driven by the ocean - Two process studies on the physics of ice-ocean interactions based on observations from NE Greenland and the central Arctic Ocean
- Ice melting in salty water: layering and non-monotonic dependence on the mean salinity
- Ice sheet, atmosphere, and ocean dynamics in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica – past reconstruction and future course.
- Ice sheets and sea level in a changing climate
- Ice sheets, glaciers and sea-level rise: a perspective from the 5th Assessment Report by the IPCC
- Ice shelf dynamics / The effect of channel boundaries on the flow of gravity currents in a porous medium
- Ice shelf-ocean interactions: self-organisation and instability
- Ice Shelves: Antarctica’s Gatekeepers
- Ice Stream Tides
- Ice streams: fantastic beasts and how to model them
- Ice surfaces – Surface energies and proton-ordering
- Ice Templated Structures for Regenerative Medicine
- Ice, Fire, and Holy Water. Inferno XXXIII-XXXIV, Purgatorio XXXIII, Paradiso XXXIII
- Ice, mud, and models: how paleo data assimilation is helping illuminate our geologic past
- Ice- not just H2O: The Chemistry of Ice Cores
- Ice-atmosphere-ocean interactions around Greenland
- Ice-geographies: Race, Indigeneity, and Coloniality
- Ice-induced vibrations in offshore structures: coupled dynamic ice-structure interactions over multiple scales
- Ice-induced vibrations of offshore structures: physics of the process, modelling and remaining challenges
- Ice-ocean interactions in Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord
- Ice-shelf buttressing, the marine-ice sheet instability, and the sensitivity of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, to ocean conditions
- Ice-structure interaction in the Sakhalin-II (Sea of Okhotsk) and Kashagan (NE Caspian) project
- Icebergs and Oil in the North Atlantic, Reframing Human Relationships with Ice
- Icebreakers
- IceCube: seeing the high energy universe
- Iced: Europe's Frigid Reception of the Tea Party
- Iceland: small country, big hazards! TALK CANCELLED
- Icelandic language and culture training application
- Icequakes! Microseismic investigation of basal dynamics in Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Icequakes! Microseismicity in Rutford Ice Stream
- Icing requirements and challenges for the aerospace community
- ICM Seminar Series #1 Whole Genome Sequencing in Oncology
- ICON-IAP: A non-hydrostatic global model designed for energetic consistency
- Icons of evolution and charges of fraud
- Icons of evolution: from alleged forgeries to textbook illustrations
- ICRAR: A New Radio Astronomy Venture
- ICT and Climate Change
- ICT for Inclusive Education: Possibilities in Kazakhstan
- ICT4Agriculture in developing countries: Innovation and "the last mile"
- ICT4D finale: 'Participation, Technology and Development'
- Icy alteration on Mars: Glacial alteration of volcanic terrains
- Icy Humanities: A Collaborative Symposium
- Ideal vs Reality? The Ideal of the Breadwinner-Homemaker Household in Industrializing Regions in the Netherlands, ca. 1890
- Idealization, abstraction and the ontic view of explanation
- Ideals
- Ideas about the role of cortical oscillations in speech perception and production
- Ideas for the FireBox Software Stack
- Identifiability conditions for partially-observed Markov chains
- Identification & characterization of CML23 and CML24 in Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock
- Identification and characterisation of triacylglycerol biosynthesis genes in Phaeodactylum tricornutum
- Identification and characterization of interaction sites with MD simulations of mixed solvents – Application to non-standard targets
- Identification and expression of putative antimicrobial molecules from gastrointestinal nematode excretory-secretory products
- Identification and Investigation of Cyber Risk Hotspots in a Large Computer Network
- Identification and model reduction of complex network systems
- Identification and production of putative antimicrobial peptides from the Black Soldier Fly
- Identification and Targeting of Hypoxia Tolerance Mechanisms - from critters to cancer
- Identification and validation of a driver model with neuromuscular dynamics
- Identification In Missing Data Models Represented By Directed Acyclic Graphs
- Identification of 20 novel breast cancer fusion genes using genome-wide massively parallel paired-end sequencing
- Identification of a model of driver steering behaviour based on human sensory dynamics
- Identification of a model of driver steering behaviour based on human sensory dynamics
- Identification of a novel protein complex essential for erythrocyte invasion by human-infective malaria parasites
- Identification of a suppressor of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis in rice
- Identification of Active Species and Mechanistic Pathways in the Enantioselective Catalysis with 3d Transition Metal Pincer Complexes
- Identification of Active Species and Reaction Pathways in Molecular Catalysis: Recent Case Histories
- Identification of ADP-ribosyl cyclase in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Identification of ADPR cyclase in Arabidopsis
- Identification of an ancient basal system for bacterial chromosome origin unwinding
- Identification of ancient silks using proteomics and immunoassays
- Identification of ancient silks using proteomics and immunoassays
- Identification of cavities in a nonlinear model arising from cardiac electrophysiology
- Identification of circadian mutants with an altered response to nicotinamide
- Identification of damping for vibrating structures from stochastic response
- Identification of dynamical subpopulations, optimal experiment design and more
- Identification of effectors from Rhizophagus irregularis and their role in arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis establishment.
- Identification of enriched regions in ChIP-seq and whole-genome sequencing data
- Identification of genetic modifiers of prion replication and neurotoxicity
- Identification of inflammatory factors that promote myelination
- Identification of micro-RNAs in fungal species
- Identification of non-linearities in transport-diffusion models of crowded motion
- Identification of novel antibiotic resistance mechanisms in Klebsiella pneumoniae using machine learning
- Identification of novel cellular factors regulating Vaccinia virus replication
- Identification of Potential CCM Candidates in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Identification of regulators and targets of circadian calcium signalling
- Identification of Regulatory Networks in HSCs and Their Immediate Progeny via Integrated Proteome, Transcriptome, and DNA Methylome Analysis
- Identification of structure-conserving correlated motions in the β-sheet of ubiquitin
- Identification of the blood perfusion coefficient
- Identification, Bioinformatics Analyses, and Expression of Immunoreactive Antigens of Mycoplasma haemofelis
- Identifying and characterising RNA viruses in publicly available high throughput sequencing data
- Identifying and Preventing Careless Survey Responses
- Identifying and responding to crisis after vaccination
- Identifying and responding to crisis after vaccination
- Identifying Cointegration by Eigenanalysis
- Identifying degradation patterns of Li-ion batteries from impedance spectroscopy using machine learning
- Identifying degradation patterns of lithium ion batteries from impedance spectroscopy using machine learning
- Identifying deletions and duplications from PCR data
- Identifying Direct and Indirect effects
- Identifying direct deforestation drivers in sub-Saharan Africa using deep learning and high-resolution satellite imagery
- Identifying Foodways in Early Modern Ireland using a Multi-Isotope Approach: Preliminary Results of the 'FoodCult' Project
- Identifying future-proof science
- Identifying genes involved in host resistance/susceptibility to Glasser's Disease
- Identifying informative distance measures in high-dimensional feature spaces
- Identifying key drivers of item variance in your questionnaire data: an introduction to Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Identifying Lateral Transfers with Neighbor-Nets
- Identifying mechanisms of, and countermeasures to, muscle decline in ageing
- Identifying microRNAs conditioning strong plant anti-aphid resistance
- Identifying molecular determinants of C4 photosynthesis
- Identifying new gene regulating networks in immune cells
- Identifying novel boundaries within cognitive architecture via repetition suppression brain imaging
- Identifying Novel Regulators of the TLR4 Response through Iterative and Integrative Analysis of Genome-wide Studies
- Identifying novel therapies for breast cancer using Independent Component Analysis
- Identifying PCNA Interactors in Human Cells
- Identifying Peer Effects through Randomized Trials in Networks
- Identifying performance limits for active noise reduction in nonlinear systems
- Identifying periosteal new bone formation (PNBF) in fetal and infant individuals to explore health and wellbeing in past societies.
- Identifying Perpetrators with Distinctive Features
- Identifying Phylogenies: extending the notion of unique
- Identifying poorly functioning cochlear implant channels
- Identifying Rossby wave packets using local finite amplitude wave activity
- Identifying separated time scales in stochastic models of reaction networks
- Identifying separated time scales in stochastic models of reaction networks
- Identifying sources of variation in biochemical networks
- Identifying Squirrel Poop
- Identifying temperature perception mutants of Arabidopsis
- Identifying the boundaries of validity theory: what’s in and what’s out?
- Identifying the genetic variants responsible for rare diseases
- Identifying the nature, causes and consequences of youth depression trajectories in population cohorts
- Identifying the network of bactericidal interactions between mycobacterial respiratory chain complexes to develop fast-acting drugs for tuberculosis
- Identifying the Network of Selectively Vulnerable Neurons Associated With Symptom Onset in Alzheimer¹s Disease.
- Identifying therapeutic opportunities in the metabolic crosstalk between the tumour and the host
- Identifying topological chaos using set-oriented methods
- Identifying true positive associations in genome-wide association studies
- Identikits in detail
- Identities for fully packed loop configurations and semistandard tableaux
- Identity and Language in Early Iceland
- Identity and the Construction of Security
- Identity and the histories of Archaeology and fieldwork
- Identity construction and self-presentation on WhatsApp profile statuses: What does our status say about us?
- Identity in Change/Svalbard Futures - with an introduction to the Svalbard Social Science Initiative
- Identity Politics and Trade Policy
- Identity Problems
- Identity Theft and the Mobile Device
- Identity types in Algebraic Model Structures
- identity variables for face recognition: from distance based methods to probabilistic inference
- Identity, aspirations and motivation in musicians
- Identity-based and inter-domain password authenticated key exchange for pervasive systems
- Identyfying Critical Incidents: A Context for Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Development
- Ideological Ends of British Imperialism: Decolonisation and the ‘Federal Moment’
- Ideology-Free Politics: A Bottom-Up Approach
- Ideophone patterns across Kiranti languages (Eastern Nepal),
- Idiosynchrony: Using naturalistic stimuli to draw out individual differences in brain and behavior
- Idiot! by Oscar K. & Dorte Karrebæk
- IDLA and the Abelian property
- Idols, Commodities and Islam
- IDP Estimation
- Idris --- Systems Programming Meets Full Dependent Types
- Idris 2: Type Driven Development of Idris
- Idylls and oaks: Carl Wilhelm Kolbe's prints after Gessner
- IEEE Distinguished Lecture: Spin Conversion Phenomena in Spintronics
- Ieso - digital health
- IET Cambridge Chairman’s Address: Challenges in Electronic Design for 2020
- IET Cambridge Innovation Lecture 2008: 'Graphene - Beyond Silicon’
- IET Cambridge Prestige Lecture - Raspberry Pi
- IET Cambridge Prestige Lecture 2008: Biomedical Diagnostics - Trends & Opportunities
- IET Cambridge Younger Members' Workshop
- IET Innovation Lecture: Manufacturing Applications of Modern High Power Lasers: question of time and space and the
- IET One-Day Seminar: Power Efficient Electronics - Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
- IET Prestige Lecture - Bloodhound SSC
- IET Prestige Lecture - Pushing back the boundaries of computer science
- IET Prestige Lecture: Advanced Materials and 3D Printing for the Regeneration of Human tissues
- IET Professional Registration Event
- IET Seminar: All power is theft: Innovative power management
- IET/BCS talk: The Internet - Where it came from & where it is going
- If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Does It Cause a Fire?
- If Bayesian inference is rational, what is approximate inference?
- If Donald Rumsfeld were a scientist
- If I can do it, so can you!
- If I knew then what I know now: disabled people reflect on their careers
- If I only had a brane
- If it ain't broke, break it: using large scale RNAi gene knock-down screening in human cells to determine gene function.
- If our fate is written in our genes- Do we really want to know?
- If quantum mechanics were more non-local it would violate the uncertainty principle
- If religion is so dangerous, what should we do with believers?
- If technology was the answer, what was the question? Digitisation and digital engagement with scientific collections
- If the fittest never arrive, then they can't survive: on the topology of evolutionary search.
- If walls could talk: the evolution and adaptations of plant and algal cell walls
- If we build it, will they come? The role of amenities in attracting migrants to Chinese cities
- If you build it, will they come? Mobilising online communities for research
- If you don't have data you're just another person with an opinion
- If you're conscious and you know it, squeeze your hand: detecting awareness in the vegetative state
- IfM Briefing: Developing industrial capabilities - for companies and countries
- IfM Goes Nano
- IFMA Student Project Presentation
- IFN-inducible GTPases and the art of self defense
- IFU Observations of high redshift Ultraluminous Infra-red Galaxies
- IgA-mediated enchained growth mediates protection and modulates bacterial evolution in the intestinal lumen
- iGEM Team 2011
- IgH Class switching, Translocations, and Lymphoma
- IGM Reionization and 21 cm line observations
- IGM-galaxy cross-correlations during reionization
- Ignite 2009: Fast-tracking innovation
- Ignite 2010
- Ignite 2011: 3rd July to 8th July
- Ignite 2015
- Ignite 2016 - Fast-tracking innovation to commercial reality
- Ignite 2017 Application Deadline
- Ignite@Reload
- Ignored Arab Christian Voices: Contextual Theology in the Era of Colonial Modernity
- Igusa class polynomials
- Igusa quartic and and Wiman-Edge sextics
- III Pint of Knowledge
- III-IV Semiconductors
- IIT Intern Student Project Presentations
- Ikaaġvik Sikukun: Bridging the Scientific and Indigenous Communities to Study Sea Ice Change in Arctic Alaska
- IL-22 and inflammatory bowel disease – hunting the wolf in sheep’s clothing
- IL-22 and NRROS in host defense and inflammation
- IL-25 (IL-17E) and IL-17A in the regulation of type-2 immunity and asthma
- ILC : Detector and Physics
- ILC2 regulation of tissue-localised immunity... and beyond
- Ill communication: tuning the vertebrate segmentation clock
- Ill-posedness of truncated series models for water waves
- Illiberal democracy: Poland, Hungary and the rule of law in Europe
- Illicit printing in the English Revolution, 1643-46
- Illiquidty Component of Credit Risk
- Illness, Body and Mind Workshop
- Illness, gods and healing in Greek-ruled Egypt, 332-30 BC
- illuminating active fault zones through correlation of optical satellite imagery
- Illuminating Antimatter: the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment at CERN
- Illuminating diverse RNA silencing pathways using the Arabidopsis Argonautes
- Illuminating Gender in the Early Modern Urban Space of Edo: A study on Edo Meisho Zue
- Illuminating mechanisms of mammalian morphogenesis
- Illuminating mouse cortical activity maps using genetically encoded voltage indicators
- Illuminating the Big Questions in Science and Society
- Illuminating the Dark Universe with quasar-induced Ly-alpha emission
- Illuminating the microanatomical positioning and function of dendritic cells in vivo
- Illuminating the origins of complex life: Spatial analysis of Ediacaran ecosystems
- Illuminating the start of complex life: Statistical analyses of Ediacaran communities
- Illusions in the real world
- Illusions of exactness: counting Scotland's population before 1801
- Illusory multisensory interactions in synaesthesia
- Illustrating Enlightenment science: women at the margins in 18th-century France
- iLocater: Breaking the 1m/s radial velocity precision barrier
- Image analysis for cancer treatment
- Image analysis of four-dimensional data from fluorescence microscopy
- Image Analysis Tools
- Image Analysis Tools
- Image Analysis Tools
- Image Analysis Tools
- Image Analysis Tools
- Image Analysis Tools
- Image analysis tools for cancer biology: how could we make it better?
- Image and physiological data fusion for cardiac biophysical modelling
- Image Classification Using a Background Prior
- Image Enhancement
- Image Guided Triggered Drug Delivery
- Image Processing and Computer Vision with MATLAB and Simulink
- Image Processing for Fluorescence Microscopy
- Image reconstruction from axially asymmetrically truncated cone beam projections
- Image Reconstruction from Rotating Apertures
- Image Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging: Dynamic and spectral imaging
- Image Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging: Introduction and overview part 1
- Image Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging: Introduction and overview part 2
- Image Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging: Motion correction in dynamic imaging
- Image Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging: Multimodality imaging
- Image Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging: Variational regularization methods
- Image Registration, Data Fusion, Motion Correction
- Image representation for synthesis and recognition using multilinear algebra
- Image Segmentation: Breaking it down
- Image superresolution
- Image Visualization and Restoration by Curvature Motions
- Image, Nation and Islam in the films of Manoel de Oliveira
- Image-based high strain rate testing of materials
- Image-based inference of mechanics underlying epithelial morphogenesis
- Image-based quantitative morphology with geometrical models
- Image-specific Fine-tuning and Uncertainty Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation
- Image-specific Fine-tuning and Uncertainty Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation
- Image-triage, Brain Computer Interaction and Deception Detection using EEG
- Images and letters: the colourful world of painted Greek vase-inscriptions
- Images and representations of the Habsburg dynasty in the English public sphere, 1710-1713
- Images as artefacts: film, photography and repatriation in Kenya
- Images as Sets of Locally Weighted Features
- Images between worlds: Egypt and Mesopotamia in the fourth millennium BC
- Images from the dawn of science - Observing the origins of modern microscopy
- Images of Care and Dying with Claire Henry and Prof Sarah Cooper
- Images of Care and Dying with Drs Stephen Barclay and Steven Eastwood
- Images of Care and Dying with Prof Bee Wee and Dr Anna Elsner
- Images of Care and Dying with Profs Jane Maher, Bill Noble & Emma Wilson
- Images of Care and Dying with Rev Dr Derek Fraser and Nicola Stockley
- Images of Galois representations in Hida families
- Images of mathematics/realities of mathematics in AI
- Images of women in the ancient world
- Imagin(in)g the breast: mammography and breast cancer in the context of South-North American exchanges
- Imaginary and Sociology of the Boko Haram Insurgency
- Imaginary Engines: Lovelace, Babbage and the Analytical Engine.
- Imaginary Interfaces: Interacting Spatially Without Visual Feedback
- Imagination and mathematics in economic modelling
- Imagination and Nature in Late Scholasticism
- Imagination and Reason, Method and Mourning in Freudian Psychoanalysis
- Imagination: the door to identity
- Imaginative Influences: Wollstonecraft on Sterne and Sendak on Blake
- Imaginative reinforcement learning
- IMAGINATOR: A proof of concept trial of an intervention for young people who self harm
- IMAGINE ... Working Together on Technology Solutions for Developing Countries
- IMAGINE IF! Business Idea Accelerator Programme Launch Event
- Imagined Civities
- Imagined experiments: molecular modelling and make-believe
- Imagined pleasures: The cognitive psychology of desire
- Imaging and sub-wavelength measurements in scattering media
- Imaging & Mathematics Network Meeting - Lent term
- Imaging & Mathematics Network Meeting - Michaelmas
- Imaging and characterising the protein aggregates associated with neurodegenerative diseases
- Imaging and reconstructing mouse development at the cellular level using light-sheet microscopy
- Imaging and Spectral Studies on Solar White Light Flare
- Imaging and stimulating adaptive brain plasticity
- Imaging and Stimulating adaptive brain plasticity
- Imaging and stimulating learning and recovery in the human motor system
- Imaging and targeting cancer; the multitasking Focal Adhesion Kinase controls cancer cell polarization and immune evasion
- Imaging axonal degeneration and regeneration
- Imaging Ballistic Trajectory in High Mobility Graphene Sample Using Scanning Gate Microscopy
- Imaging biology in the cancer patient
- Imaging biology in the cancer patient
- Imaging biology in the cancer patient (K. Brindle)
- Imaging biology in the cancer patient - new ways to guide treatment. (Towards the Star Trek Tri-corder)
- Imaging biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease: the technical and regulatory challenges of global deployment
- Imaging biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease: the technical and regulatory challenges of global deployment
- Imaging Brawny Mice and Hypercarnivorous Canids: Applications of CT and MRI for Soft & Hard Tissues
- Imaging Bulk Heterostructure Blends, Carrier Dynamics and Fluctuations in Bulk Heterostructure Blends and Ferroelectric Polymer Transistors.
- Imaging Bulk Heterostructure Blends, Carrier Dynamics and Fluctuations in Bulk Heterostructure Blends and Ferroelectric Polymer Transistors.
- Imaging calcium flux and localization of single IP3 receptor channels in intact cells
- Imaging Cancer
- Imaging cancer invasion and pluripotency
- Imaging Cancer Invasion and Therapy Failure
- Imaging cancer metabolism - Out of the lab and into the clinic
- Imaging changes in neurodegenerative disease
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging Clinic
- Imaging contemporary subglacial landscapes: detailed geophysical surveys of Antarctic ice streams
- Imaging data from next-generation radio interferometric telescopes with compressive sensing
- Imaging Earth’s interior with adjoint tomography based on 3D global seismic wave simulations
- Imaging embryonic morphogenesis
- Imaging experience dependent structural plasticity
- Imaging gene activity in living cells.
- Imaging heart development and function in zebrafish
- Imaging in an era of multi-scale neuroscience: challenges and opportunities
- Imaging in Medicine - More than just pictures
- Imaging in the follow-up of low grade Gliomas
- Imaging inflammation and wound repair in situ
- Imaging liver cancer
- Imaging lysosomal homeostasis and autophagy
- Imaging materials structure and bonding using coherent and incoherent electron imaging
- Imaging metabolism using hyperpolarized 13C-labelled cell substrates
- Imaging metallic deposits using ambient seismic noise
- Imaging Methods in Tumour Therapy
- Imaging molecules and atoms in motions and reactions by HR-(S)TEM
- Imaging Moving Wet Stuff: An Introduction to Seismic Oceanography
- Imaging Neuronal and Behavioural Activity in the Freely Moving Animal: What are they looking at?
- Imaging Neuronal and Behavioural Activity in the Freely Moving Animal: What are they looking at?
- Imaging neurulation in the zebrafish embryo
- Imaging neutrophilic inflammation in vivo: what we can learn from studies in zebrafish
- Imaging of dust and molecular gas in high-redshift galaxies
- Imaging of T cell migration in slices of murine lymph nodes and human tumors
- Imaging organic aerosols
- Imaging pH in vivo
- Imaging plus X: Data-driven Models of Neurological Disease Progression
- Imaging seismic velocities (and density?) beneath the Eastern Mediterranean using waveform tomography
- Imaging spatio-temporal MAPK signaling dynamics in the epithelium
- Imaging spatio-temporal MAPK signalling dynamics in the epithelium
- Imaging structural performance
- Imaging Structure and Function in Biological Systems
- Imaging Structure and Function in Biological Systems
- Imaging sub-cellular pH dynamics: from synapse to acinus.
- Imaging surfaces with atoms
- Imaging Surfaces with Atoms: How, Why and When?
- Imaging techniques and novel tools for early detection and intervention
- Imaging Technologies for the Developing Brain
- Imaging the amorous in a multi-sensory space of the Cinema
- Imaging the Arctic
- Imaging the contractile engine under the hood of cells
- Imaging the cytoskeleton – re-defining a biological entity with fluorescent antibodies
- Imaging the Deep Sky
- Imaging the Developmental Mechanics of the Heart
- Imaging the dynamic nature of emotional memory
- Imaging the First Events in T-Cell Activation
- Imaging the interface between craving and cognition in opiate users
- Imaging the locus coeruleus in Parkinsonian disorders
- Imaging the Molecular Pathology of Alzheimer’s disease
- Imaging the relationship between structure, function and behaviour in the human brain
- Imaging the signals and events that shape embryonic development
- Imaging Thick Samples with Coherent X-rays
- Imaging through a scattering medium by speckle intensity correlations
- Imaging through optical fibres
- Imaging through optical fibres
- Imaging to Enhance the Treatments and Understanding of Atrial Arrhythmias
- Imaging Tools To Reverse Engineer The Brain
- Imaging Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Imaging tumour responses to treatment
- Imaging using reciprocity principles: extended images, multiple scattering and nonlinear inversion
- Imaging vascular inflammation in atherosclerosis using SST2 PET
- Imaging voice-specific responses in auditory areas
- Imaging Whales from Space
- Imaging with atoms
- Imaging with correlations
- Imaging with low photon counts and high background noise
- Imaging Without Bulk
- Imagining a digital future in nuclear new build
- Imagining “Society” in Immigrant Integration Expertise
- Imagining Biblically? The Bible, Creativity and Literary Knowledge
- Imagining Community in the Suburbs: Space, Pedagogy and Power
- Imagining Doha
- Imagining ill bodies: the Basel Mission doctors and images from the Gold Coast, 1885–1914
- Imagining India, decolonising l'Inde francaise, 1947-1954
- Imagining negative emission technologies: looking to the recent past and present to contemplate futures
- Imagining other people
- Imagining the Holy Land in Anglo-Saxon Times
- Imagining the holy land in the Italian Renaissance home
- Imagining the Transnational Character of "1968" - Reassessing the Importance of Global Developments in Shaping Austrian and West German Protestors
- Imagining the Transnational Character of ‘1968’ - Reassessing the Importance of Global Developments in Shaping Austrian and West German Protestors
- Imagining the Ukrainian Body: Intersections of Nationalism and Sexuality in Contemporary Ukraine
- IMC Tech Talk
- IMC Trading: High Frequency Trading: how to (not) become Warren Buffet
- IMC Trading: Trading, A Story Of Reddit And Nanoseconds
- IMechE/IET Joint Lecture:- Engineering a million pregnancies - the development of DuoFertility
- IMEX methods for fast-wave slow-wave problems
- IMFAR 2008 conference jottings
- IMFAR Practice Talks
- IMFAR Practice Talks Pt 1
- IMFAR Practice Talks Pt 2
- Imitation as innovation: recasting the history of technology in modern Korea
- Imitation in Early Social and Cognitive Development
- Imitation learning for language generation
- Imitation learning for structured prediction
- Imitation learning, zero-shot learning and automated fact checking
- Imitation learning, zero-shot learning and automated fact checking
- Imitation, democratic leadership, and collective intelligence in groups of sheep.
- Imitation, Participation, and the Transformation of Identity in Paul's Practical Theology
- Immanuel Kant’s Sparrow: High level acoustic communication in songbirds and humans
- Immersive Visual Analytics: Interacting With Data in the Virtual Reality (VR)
- Immigrant Access in the Affordable Care Act: Legacies of the Confederacy
- Immigrant Labor and the Racialized Differentiation of Disposability During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Immigration and Freedom
- Immigration and the Big Society
- Immigration Policy in Italy
- Immigration policy-making beyond 'Western liberal democracies'
- Immittance Spectroscopy of Ferroelectrics
- Immittance Spectroscopy of Ferroelectrics
- Immobilisation of nuclear and toxic wastes by vitrification
- Immune cell and microbiome niches of the healthy colon
- Immune cell and microbiome niches of the healthy colon
- Immune Cell Synapses and nanotubes
- Immune cell transdifferentiation
- Immune disease GWAS variants converge on regulation of cd4 T cell activation
- Immune Dysregulation in Cardiovascular Disease: From Novel Mechanisms to Therapeutic Targeting
- Immune evasion and metastasis in colorectal cancer
- Immune evasion by the meningococcus: the competition hots up
- Immune imprinting and implications for next-generation influenza and coronavirus vaccines
- Immune modulation via C-type lectins
- Immune origins of sex differences in the brain
- Immune Regulation in Inflammation and Cancer
- Immune regulation in the intestine: a balancing act between effector and regulatory T cells
- Immune regulation of vertebrate regeneration
- Immune regulatory functions of group 2 innate lymphoid cells in health and disease
- Immune Tolerance and Autoimmune Disease
- Immune-metabolic interaction in Drosophila.
- Immune-microbe interaction in human newborns
- Immune-microbe interaction in human newborns
- Immune/inflammatory mechanisms in stroke
- Immunglobulin enhancers and AID targeting during class switch recombination
- Immunity activation and execution in plants: a biochemical perspective
- Immunity and virulence in experimental malaria
- Immunity to acute and persistent virus infections with aging
- Immunity to gut nematodes: from resistance to susceptibility
- Immunity to self co-generates regulatory T cells
- Immunity to Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Immuno-oncology – current activities and future opportunities
- Immunogenetics of Human Disease
- Immunogenicity of a trivalent vaccine candidate against Lassa fever, Ebola and Marburg virus
- Immunological analysis of chloroplast-derived HIV-1 antigens
- Immunological implications of substrate stiffness
- Immunology of the human biliary tract: from basic mechanisms to a single gene causing disease
- Immunology of the human biliary tract: from basic mechanisms to a single gene causing disease
- Immunology of the thymus: Cellular and molecular aspects
- Immunometabolims taught by patients
- Immunophenotyping for classifying canine multicentric lymphoma: is it a useful tool for prognosis and treatment?
- Immunosuppression for Parkinson's disease - a new therapeutic strategy?
- Immunotherapy for Human Papillomavirus Infections
- Immunotherapy of established disease caused by high risk Human Papilloma Virus
- Immunotherapy: A piece of the puzzle for treating brain cancer
- Impact and coalescence of ink-jet drops
- Impact Cratering: From Microstructure to Mass Extinction
- Impact cratering: Shock physics on a planetary scale
- Impact Dynamics in Granular Matter: Ejection and Penetration Processes
- Impact Evaluation of Protected Areas: what do we know about impacts, moderators and mechanisms?
- Impact Investing
- Impact noise in randomly vibrating structures
- Impact of a boiling liquid
- Impact of a high SUSY scale in the MSSM and beyond
- Impact of a liquid on itself
- Impact of an axisymmetric magnetic field on gravity waves in rapidly rotating stars
- Impact of boundaries on ocean vortex patch dynamics
- Impact of cancer- and stroma-cell-derived lysosomal proteases on cancer invasion and metastasis
- Impact of COVID-19 on our Built Environment and Infrastructure
- Impact of Covid19 on Climate
- Impact of Diversity on Social Cohesion: Implications of Positive and Negative Intergroup Contact
- Impact of genetic factors on extinction risk and implications for conservation management in New Zealand.
- Impact of information availability on maintenance decisions
- Impact of initialising sea ice forecasts using CryoSat-2 thickness observations for seasonal sea ice prediction with the Met Office GloSea system
- Impact of logging in a Bornean peat swamp forest
- Impact of Lya pressure on metal-poor dwarf galaxies
- Impact of mode localization on coupled one-dimensional MEMS resonator arrays in oscillator circuits
- Impact of multiple modes on the black-hole superradiant instability
- Impact of Observing Lepton Number Violation on Models of Baryogenesis
- Impact of payments for environmental services in developing countries: institutional and behavioural perspectives
- Impact of primordial magnetic fields on matter power spectrum
- Impact of radiative feedback on the dynamics and formation of low-mass protoplanets
- Impact of Recent Climate Change on Montane Mammals and Birds
- Impact of Social Mapping in OpenStreetMap
- Impact of Social Mapping in OpenStreetMap
- Impact of supercooled droplets on nanoengineered surfaces
- Impact of surface wave mixing on sea ice and mixed layer depth
- Impact of the Boundary Exchange on the Element Cycle
- Impact of the Boundary Exchange on the Element Cycle
- Impact of the hydraulically induced shear stress on hydraulic fracture
- Impact of thermal inheritance on rifting: insight from analytical and thermo-mechanical models
- Impact of Transmission in Dose-Response Experiments
- Impact of wind on dynamics of turbulent buoyant plumes
- Impact on Policy and Policy on Impact: the role of the Centre for Science and Policy
- Impact on Thin Elastic Sheets
- Impact onto ice floe
- Impact perforation of polymers and polymer-metal laminates
- Impact response of polymer-metal laminates
- Impact Statements with Impact, Support Letters that Support: ‘Grantsmanship’ tips for selling your industry partnerships and ‘pathways-to-impact’
- Impacting Medicine with Microfluidic Innovations: Advancing Medicine and Diagnostics
- Impacting Medicine with Microfluidics & Nanotechnology: Advancing Diagnostics and Medicine
- Impacts and experiences of psychiatric diagnosis: The case of autism
- Impacts and fragmentation in liquid-liquid systems: Planet formation in the lab
- Impacts from highly nonlinear waves on walls and substructures of wind turbines
- Impacts of a Disappearing Arctic Sea Cover
- Impacts of a Disappearing Artic Sea Cover
- Impacts of Climate Change on Contaminated Land and Containment Systems
- Impacts of Depositional Environments on δ34S Records: Rethinking Stratigraphic Trends and Geobiological Interpretations
- Impacts of different transport modes on the global atmosphere: present and future.
- Impacts of Heating on Passive and Active Biomechanics of Cells
- Impacts of ocean waves on the Polar Sea Ice and Oceans
- Impacts of rising CO2 on harmful cyanobacterial blooms
- Impacts of Socio-economic Determinants of Coronavirus: Lessons Learned and Future Resilience for UK Policy/Health
- Impacts of surface-derived meltwater on ice motion in Greenland and the Antarctic Peninsula
- Impacts of tropical UTLS ozone feedback on surface climate change projections
- Impacts, ice growth and related modelling
- Impatient and patient capital: housing and democracy
- Imperial empiricism and the decline of the Raj: Caste, religion and official anthropology in the early twentieth century
- Imperial Germany, Pax Britannica, and the Political Economy of the Gold Standard, 1871-1914
- Imperial Imaginaries and the Making of Modernity (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Imperial Modernism and the contested landscape of mandatory Palestine
- Imperial portraits of Yuan Emperors
- Imperial Power Structure as a World Historical Approach to Empires and Imperial Systems
- Imperial War and Democratic Peace: The Great War, Britishness, and Empire in Canadian Political Thought, 1914-1919
- Imperialism, Palestine and the Arab revolutions
- Imperialisms and racial capitalism in South-East Europe: A conversation about ‘White Enclosures’ by Piro Rexhepi
- Impingement of a plume on a rigid boundary
- Implementation of active steering on a multiple trailer long combination vehicle
- Implementation of analog arithmetic division for control of reserve utilization in plants
- Implementation of Distributed Prognostics on DIAL machines using Deep Neural Networks
- Implementation of ISE for the micro-threaded model in LEON3 SPARC
- Implementation of persistent arrays
- Implementation of risk stratified breast cancer screening: Lessons learned from the PERSPECTIVE I&I Project
- Implementation of System-Wide Reduced Carbon Emissions Solutions
- Implementation of viscoelastic Hopkinson bars and their application to the testing of soft materials
- Implementing (Multiple) Monte Carlo Tests
- Implementing a Distributed Event Processing Network
- Implementing corporate lean programs in global networks
- Implementing open innovation: lessons from multi-national companies
- Implementing Propensity Score Matching with Network Data: The effect of GATT on bilateral trade
- Implementing the SBUS Middleware for Sensor Data
- Implementing whole genome sequencing in clinical practice
- Implications and molecular mechanisms of MOK, a new signaling kinase in neurodegenerative neuroinflammation
- Implications for Design
- Implications from the ratio of surface tension to bulk modulus and nearest neighbour distance, for planar surfaces
- Implications of Fukushima for future design and manufacture of nuclear power plant
- Implications of Holocene cryptotephra records in North America
- Implications of Holocene cryptotephra records in North America
- Implications of LHC Searches on Constrained Supersymmetric Models
- Implications of Quaternary sea-level variability for the debate on Messinian Mediterranean lower evaporite cycles
- Implications of recent genetic findings for the understanding and treatment of schizophrenia
- Implications of the Leadership for Learning (LfL) for Teacher Education in Ghana: Training, retraining and retaining
- Implicit and explicit learning of syntactic rules
- Implicit Compressibility of Overparametrized Neural Networks Trained with Heavy-Tailed SGD
- Implicit learning in Music
- Implicit particle methods for high dimensional highly nonlinear systems
- Implicit Regularization for Optimal Sparse Recovery
- Implicit Representation Networks
- Implicit simulations of stellar interiors
- Implicit theism in self-reported atheists
- Importance of Adaptive Speed in Modeling Collective Movement
- Importance of Fluctuations in Light on Plant Photosynthetic Acclimation
- Importance of Innovation in Engineering
- Importance of pets to students
- Importance of studying cognitive ageing in everyday life: Findings from diary studies of everyday memory failures
- Importance sampling type estimators based on approximate marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo and exact approximation
- Importance Sampling with Particle Flows
- Important Chemistry in Cold Dark Places
- Impossible objects? Towards a history of modern sleep and dream research
- Impoverishing development? Institution-building in Colonial Punjab (1849-1947)
- Imprecise credences and the probabilistic liar
- Impredicative encodings in HoTT
- Impressed upon the countenance: knowledge and visibility in Lavaterian physiognomy
- Impressionist Watercolours, Drawings and Prints
- Imprimitive irreducible representations of groups of Lie type
- Imprinted genes regulating energy homeostasis
- Imprinted genes, brain and behaviour
- Imprinting primes learning: thyroid hormone a determining factor for the critical period
- Imprinting: Adiposity and Pregnancy
- Imprints of the Standard Model in the Sky?
- Improbable appendages: deer antler renewal as a unique case of mammalian regeneration
- Improved assessment of the statistical stability of turbulent flows using extended Orr-Sommerfeld stability analysis
- Improved bounds for sampling colorings of sparse random graphs
- Improved bounds on cluster expansion of the abstract polymer model (via the Penrose identity)
- Improved conditional approximations of the population Fisher information matrix
- Improved determination of |V_{cs}| from precision lattice QCD calculation of D to K semileptonic decay form factors
- Improved fibre product properties using foam-based forming process
- Improved Information Search and Extraction from the Fruit Fly Genomics Literature
- Improved lower bounds for Szemeredi’s theorem.
- Improved lower bounds for Szemeredi’s theorem.
- Improved measurement of the electron EDM
- Improved mismatched cell transplants for cancer immunotherapy
- Improved Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Estimation using Transfer Learning
- Improved patient safety by better alarm systems: How to get the device designers off the fence?
- Improved Prior Models for Physics-Driven Digital Twins
- Improved ReaxFF for Large-Scale Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Improved single-electron pumping with surface acoustic waves in ZnO/GaAs systems
- Improved solutions for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) control
- Improved statistical estimation of impact sensitivity
- Improved Sustainability in Paper Making using Advanced Process Control
- Improvement of Dirichlet's Theorem and homogeneous dynamics
- Improvements to variational Bayesian inference
- Improving & Better Understanding Word Vector Representations
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – a Primary Care Perspective
- Improving access to treatments for childhood anxiety disorders
- Improving anharmonic vibrational calculations from first principles
- Improving ARMA-GARCH Forecasting
- Improving Cache Performance while Mitigating Software Side-Channel Attacks
- Improving cancer survival through molecular imaging
- Improving cognition
- Improving Communication in Engineering Through Mixed Reality
- Improving Communication in Engineering Through Mixed Reality
- Improving Content Delivery Networks by Tracking Geographic Social Cascades
- Improving Diagnosis in the Era of Electronic Health Records
- Improving Emissions Modeling for Future Air Transport Systems
- Improving eye gaze controlled car dashboard using simulated annealing
- Improving Generative Adversarial Networks using Game Theory and Statistics
- Improving Grammaticality in Statistical Sentence Generation
- Improving Heavy Vehicle Emergency Braking Systems
- Improving human well-being on a resource-limited planet - can we do it?
- Improving Immunohistochemistry - 2010
- Improving industrial energy efficiency through technology, process and behaviour innovation - policy applications of research
- Improving laser-driven flyer performance
- Improving learning with noisy labels in two possibile scenarios.
- Improving Literature-based Discovery with Neural Networks
- Improving mental health by training the suppression of unwanted thoughts
- Improving Model Robustness for Natural Language Inference
- Improving models of ocean turbulence with data-driven methods
- Improving models of ocean turbulence with data-driven methods
- Improving nutrition care processes in hospitals: the Canadian experience.
- Improving Oil Recovery Using Controlled Salinity Waterflooding
- Improving on Nature: Biotechnology and the Ethics of Animal Enhancement
- Improving Openness and Reproducibility of Scientific Research
- Improving our knowledge on planetary systems using dynamics
- Improving paper-and-pencil measures of God representations
- Improving patient reported outcome measures for use in primary care
- Improving pollination in the field bean Vicia faba
- Improving practice through partnerships between universities and practitioners: Experiences in the UK and USA
- Improving Primary Teacher Education: A Malawi Case
- Improving Quality of Experience for Video Users in Cellular Networks
- Improving Quality of Experience for Video Users in Cellular Networks
- Improving Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Matrix Multiplication Using Graph Collision
- Improving Road Freight Vehicles - David Cebon
- Improving Scientific Publishing
- Improving shear velocity maps using surface waves - polarisation and the great circle path
- Improving speech perception with cochlear implants by optimizing the electrode-to-neuron interface and by using machine learning to reduce background noise
- Improving Speech Translation with Linguistically-Informed Representations
- Improving Standards in real-time PCR
- Improving Standards in Real-Time PCR
- Improving techniques and technology for cellular and molecular pathology
- Improving the Aggregation in Graph Networks: can nodes understand their neighbourhood?
- Improving the braking performance of heavy goods vehicles
- Improving the definition of multiple demand cortex
- Improving the efficiency of individualized designs for the mixed logit model by including covariates
- Improving the energy model of stereo matching algorithms
- Improving the Flexibility and Robustness of Derivative-Free Optimization Solvers
- Improving the Impact of Smartphone Apps
- Improving the pollination of the field bean (Vicia faba L.)
- Improving the Power of eQTL Studies by accounting for non-genetic Factors
- Improving the Prediction of In vivo Drug Activity
- Improving the Regional Specificity of CNS Drugs by Targeting Accessory Proteins: AMPA receptor modulators selective for TARP-gamma8
- Improving the relationships between researchers and Indigenous rights holders in the Arctic - What needs to change in funding?
- Improving the use of contact studies in infectious disease modelling
- Improving Time-of-Flight Range Data Quality
- Improving Tor using a TCP-over-DTLS Tunnel
- Improving tropical cyclone representation in general circulation models through the use of variable resolution
- Improving uniformity of potato crops
- Improving uniformity of potato crops
- Improving Waterflood Oil Recovery: Understanding the Habitat and Targetting Recovery of Remaining Oil
- Improving wheat for processing and nutrition
- Improving with age? A multisensory lecture on wine chemistry
- Improving Xen Security through Disaggregation
- Improvisation as a way of knowing
- Improvisation in the Round
- Improvising Mozart
- Impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease
- Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease
- Impulse Control of a Linear Diffusion: an Explicitly Solvable Problem
- Impulse meets Cambridge University researchers
- Impulse of vortex knots from diagram projections
- Impulsive antisocial sensation seeking in healthy subjects: Effects on cognitive processes
- Impulsive gravitational waves
- Impulsive heating of solar flare ribbons above 10 MK
- Impulsiveness and its pathology
- Impulsivity and compulsivtiy; Neural substrates and neuropsychiatric implications.
- Impulsivity and compulsivtiy; Neural substrates and neuropsychiatric implications.
- Impulsivity and neurocognitive functioning in substance addiction
- Impurities In Nanodiamonds
- In Aeternum vive: preparing for a generation of Centenarians
- In Africa: Fossil hunting for human ancestors (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- In all ways that matter, women count!
- In an age of 'fake news' and dodgy data, can we communicate statistical evidence impartially?
- In and Out and In-between: isotopic studies of humans of known diets.
- In and Out of the Host Cells: the Apicomplexa Way
- In awe of Brownian motion
- In Conversation with Darren Henley, CEO Arts Council England
- In Conversation with Dr Sofia Marques da Silva, University of Portugal: The civic identities of the lost generation in border, interior and rural regions of Portugal – what can one ethnographic and online study tell us?
- In Conversation with Effie Kanyua: Director of PR & Communications, Hearst UK
- In Conversation with... Andrew Tucker
- In conversation with...Dame Stella Rimington
- In Conversation with...Dr Celia Roberts, author of Messenger of Sex
- In Conversation with...Hisham Matar
- In Conversation with...Hisham Matar
- In Conversation with...Margaret Heffernan
- In Conversation with...Margaret Heffernan
- In Conversation with...Professor Karen O'Brien author of Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain
- In conversation: 2 on 3 dimensions
- In Conversation: Cultures of Enchantment
- In Conversation: Interventions and Looking Afresh
- In conversation: Richard Leakey FRS on Kenyan politics, African politics
- In Conversation: Spirituality and Technology
- In Conversation: Sport and Gender
- In Conversation: Sport and Gender
- In defence of dimensions
- In Defense of Simplex’ Worst-Case Behavior
- In Defense of Software Testing & On Techniques for Continuous Testing
- In defense of the medical model of obesity
- In Defense of the West? West-German Strategic Thought and the Idea of a European Army, 1950-70
- In Discussion at the Unlock Cafe - Our Natural Nature (In person)
- In Everest’s footsteps: surveying the legacies of the Great Trigonometrical Survey in India
- In Focus seminar with Sahika Inal: Organic Electronics for Disease Diagnostics
- In Focus seminars at CEB: Eleni Stavrinidou Linköping University
- In Focus: Alfred Wallis
- In Focus: Elisabeth Vellacott
- In Focus: Helen Frankenthaler
- In Focus: Italo Valenti
- In Focus: Lucie Rie
- In Focus: Mario Sironi
- In from the Margins: Indigenous communities and women in post-crisis scenarios
- In His Veins the Blood of Kings: Thucydides in the Renaissance
- In Hobbes's Wake: Theorising Agency and Language in International Politics
- In Machines We Trust? Cloud computing, ambient intelligence and robotics
- In Machines We Trust? Cloud computing, ambient intelligence and robotics
- In My Blood It Runs: Film Screening and Panel Discussion
- In Our Lifetime! AI, Robotics, and Global Collaboration for Aging Research and Drug Discovery
- In place of the usual scientific seminar Clare Bryant will be giving her Inaugural Lecture: 'From infection to allergy: a tail of specks, spots, hooves and whiskers'
- In Praise of Shadows: Installations and Archives
- In praise of the inexact, the inelegant and the unassuming
- In pursuit of a broad spectrum antiviral: High resolution structures of antiviral targets in the calnexin cycle
- In pursuit of optimal building performance: B-bem & Post Occupancy Evaluation
- In Pursuit of Structure: Why a little randomness (almost) always helps
- In Pursuit of the Missing Premise in First Order Logic
- In quest for a non-formal G_2 manifold
- In search for red giants' internal magnetic field
- In search for the cognitive foundations of Euclidean geometry
- In Search for the Next Magic Stone
- In search of amethysts, black gold and yellow gold
- In search of a general model to predict the group size distribution for mobile foragers
- In search of a universal (measuring) bialgebra of endomorphisms of a set and what has this got to do with Littlemann paths?
- In search of ancient cultivated soils in north and south China
- In search of biaxial fluid phase in mixtures of rod and plate like molecules
- In Search of Democratic Architecture -Towards a Working Thesis on the Public Good as the Ethical Basis of Architectural Practice
- In Search of Doctors, Donors and Daddies: Lesbian Reproductive Decision-Making
- In search of England: war in the countryside, 1930-1960
- In search of genetic modifiers of protein misfolding neurodegenerative disease
- In Search of Invisible Energy Policy
- In search of mechanisms: Ecological approaches to the evolution of hominin behaviour
- In search of personal meaning in a file of 3.3 billion DNA letters
- In Search of Soviet Islam: Religion, Citizenship, and Nationality in Soviet Central Asia
- In search of stardust – the discovery of cosmic dust on rooftops
- In search of stardust: the discovery of cosmic dust on rooftops
- In search of strongly stratified turbulence
- In search of the brain's wiring
- In Search of the Erhu Melody
- In search of the holy grail
- In Search of the Last Common Ancestor: Recent Findings from Wild Chimpanzees
- In search of the lost semi-colon: Greek poetry set to music (and how to read it)
- In search of the molecules of memory - ANNUAL LECTURE
- In Search of the Perfect Voting System
- In search of the Planet of the Apes: Catarrhine evolution and diversity during the Miocene of East Africa
- In search of the pythagorean tensor
- In search of the snow leopard in Ladakh, in winter
- In Search of Truth - In-Person talk and book launch
- In Search of Wild Tulips
- In silico chemical design: on dodging scientific nihilism while chasing the holy grail of a safe chemical
- In Silico Drug discovery and molecular library focusing
- In silico microswimmers propelled by helical flagella: Modeling, Simulations & Analysis
- In Silico Models and Digital Twins in Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Treatment
- In silico trials using human cardiac electromechanical modelling, simulation and big data
- In silico trials using human cardiac electromechanical modelling, simulation and big data
- In situ detection of fluid movement in Antarctic land-fast sea ice
- In situ experiments in the ESEM - a challenge for both the scientist and the engineer
- In situ glacial geophysical investigations of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
- In Situ Hybridisation Symposium 2013
- In Situ Hybridisation Symposium 2013
- In situ mineral carbonation (and hydration) in peridotite for CO2 capture and storage (and geodynamics)
- In Situ Self-Assembly of Conjugated Polymers
- In situ synchrotron X-ray characterisation of microstructure formation during solidification of Al-based alloys
- In situ Synthesis and Characterization of Catalysts and Nanostructured Materials
- In Solidarity: Rethinking Political Friendship
- In Solidarity: Rethinking Political Friendship | Followed by an open dialogue on resisting the right after Trump
- In support of ontic view of quantum states
- In the age of the metaverse, metadata is even more important
- In the Beginning (Almost) was University College: Cambridge's New Graduate Colleges in the 1960s
- In the Beginning (Almost) was University College: Cambridge's New Graduate Colleges in the 1960s
- In the beginning God created tensor, ... then matter, ... then speech
- In the beginning it was dark: Hydrothermal vents and the origin of life (real microbes)
- In the Belly of the Beeb
- In the big debates about land use, whose voices count?
- In the footsteps of Professor Lidenbrock: a geochemical journey to the centre of the Earth
- In the footsteps of Professor Lidenbrock: a geochemical journey to the centre of the Earth
- In the Looking Glass of Education: Music in the School Curriculum—When Two Worlds Meet
- In the same vein: the hepatitis B vaccine and America's dirty blood
- In the shadow of Mt Kailash: The politics of visual constructions in a trans-boundary cultural landscapes
- In the steps of the crusaders: heritage, poltiics, experience
- In the trenches of systems medicine: Genomic risk scores and new biomarkers
- In the Wake of War - "Getting Out: Exit Strategies and Transitions"
- In the Wake of War workshop 2: Rebuilding structures
- In Through the Out Door: Exploring the Possibility of Late Pleistocene Back Migration from Arabia into Africa
- In vitro and in vivo single molecule studies of chromosome replication and segregation
- In vitro assessments for the effect of artificial buffer systems and autologous plasma on K-Cl cotransporter in low-potassium sheep red blood
- In vitro bioelectronic models of the gut-brain axis
- In vitro blood vessel model to study cancer extravasation
- In vitro communities of nasal bacteria as a model for studying community dynamics and intervention
- In vitro preparation of biocompatible, biodegradable polymer coatings.
- In vitro Reconstruction of Neuronal Networks
- In vivo 2-photon imaging of axonal microlesions in the adult brain
- In vivo analysis of calcium dynamics in Arabidopsis: tools and applications
- In vivo Analysis of Gene Regulatory Network in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
- In vivo analysis of morphogenesis in cultured imaginal discs: A new role for Myosin II
- In vivo calcium imaging during zebrafish somite and muscle
- In vivo Evidence of Reduced Integrity of the Grey-White Matter Boundary in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- In vivo exploration of biomolecular condensates in early Drosophila development
- In vivo function-based genomic approaches for cancer drug target discovery
- In vivo functional screens for modelling cancer initiation and progression
- In vivo functional screens for modelling cancer initiation and progression
- In vivo functional screens for modelling cancer initiation and progression
- In vivo imaging of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells interacting with their niche(s)
- in vivo models
- In vivo models
- In vivo protein crystallization: conditions, principles and future perspectives
- In vivo quantitative proteomics to study skin cancer progression
- In Vivo Real Time Control and Imaging of Brain Circuits
- In vivo studies of cellular and subcellular mechanisms that build the vertebrate brain
- In Vivo studies with Optical Tweezers
- In-cell NMR for real-time studies of protein-ligand interactions in human cells
- In-depth crypto attacks: "It always takes two bugs"
- In-ear Intelligence - From Sensing To Deployment
- In-Network Computing: Your network just got a lot smarter
- In-Network Machine Learning for Market Prediction Using Limit Order Books
- In-Person Workshop: Developing planetary health research in Cambridge
- In-Silico Experiments to Unravel the Complexity of Engineering Interfaces
- In-situ formation by gravitational instability
- In-situ Liquid TEM: Imaging Iron Corrosion
- In-situ Monitoring of Photocatalytic Processes within Optofluidic Hollow-Core Fibre Microreactors using Various Spectroscopic Techniques
- In-situ TEM sample-management solutions Workshop (by DENSsolutions and LOT Quantum Design)
- In-situ visualization of AMR datasets with ParaView Catalyst and Intel OSPRay
- Inaccessible cardinals and accessible categories
- Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial
- Inaudible Stories. German Prisoner Narratives After 1945
- Inaugural 'India in the Global Age' Series Lecture, Dr Shashi Tharoor, 'Empire, Brexit and the Commonwealth'
- Inaugural CAIS Lecture - Professor Lawrence Paulson FRS on Automated Theorem Proving
- Inaugural CSIC Lecture: The New Normal for Natural Disasters
- Inaugural Dinner with President
- Inaugural Lecture - 'Wid mi riddim / wid mi rime....wid mi own sense a time' (Linton Kwesi Johnson)
- Inaugural Lecture - Teacher learning and student learning: are they related?
- Inaugural Lecture - The importance of number: the future of quantitative methods in education research
- Inaugural Lecture by Dr Hannah Hasenberger
- Inaugural Lecture by Dr Max van Wyk de Vries
- Inaugural Lecture by Prof Marc Macias-Fauria
- Inaugural Lecture: "Blink, and you miss it"
- Inaugural Lecture: 'Leadership: its genealogy, configuration and trajectory'
- Inaugural Lecture: 'The Power of Language: Literacy, (mis)communication and oppression in literature for young readers'
- Inaugural lecture: When was Medieval Philosophy?
- Inaugural Lecture: Where would we be without counterfactuals?
- Inaugural Lecture:Islam and Science in Modern Egypt
- Inaugural Xchanging German Lecture
- Inauguration of Christian Doppler Laboratory for Systainable SynGas Chemistry
- Incentive Mechanisms for User-Provided Networks
- Incentives and how to design them
- Incentives, Regulation and Analysis for Investments in ISO Markets
- Incentivizing Participation in Resource-sharing Networks
- Incest and Folk Dancing - Two Things to Avoid
- Incest and Folk-Dancing: Two things to avoid.
- Inching towards strange metallic holography
- Incidence Analysis of the Restoration and Hanoverian Excise: A Case Study of the Brewing Industry
- Incidence Analysis of the Restoration and Hanoverian Excise: Assessing Contemporary Claims for Back Shifting, Forward Shifting and Substitution Effects
- Incidence of post-anaesthetic respiratory complications and their risk factors in 199 dogs undergoing surgery for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome
- Incidences, Intersections and Covers
- Incident Response as a Lawyers' Service
- Incidental learning of word order regularities: How abstract and how implicit?
- Incipient Jespersen's Cycle: the (non-) grammaticalisation of new negative markers
- Inclination analysis can yield early-warning signals of economic recessions
- Inclined exchanges: shocking gravity currents
- Inclined Layers the Quick Way
- Including Aviation in the EU ETS
- Including future uncertainty in economic projection models
- Including sex and gender in (bio)medical research design
- Inclusion of mountain wave-induced cooling for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds over the Antarctic Peninsula in a chemistry climate model
- Inclusive Design
- Inclusive Design
- Inclusive Design - Making it Happen
- Inclusive Design and an Inclusive Passenger Experience Centre (IPEC) - what could this mean for CUED
- Inclusive Design in the Car Industry
- Inclusive Design Tools, Work at the Engineering Design Centre
- Inclusive Design with Tacit Knowledge: The Image Schema Approach
- Inclusive Education in the Global South? The case of Colombia, South America.
- Inclusive fitness, group selection and human sociality
- Inclusive Human Computer Interaction - from Indian farmers to Eurofighter Typhoon pilots
- Incoherence and virtual fibering of free-by-free groups.
- Incoherent transport in clean quantum critical metals
- Income Inequality around the Year Zero: Quantitative Insights from Chinese Literary Sources
- Income Inequality in Imperial Austria, 1911
- Incoming.tv - Improving User Experience of Mobile Video through predictive prefetching
- Incompatible European Partners? Cultural Predisposition and Household Financial Behaviour
- Incomplete Contracting and AI Alignment
- Incomplete lineage sorting: consistent phylogeny estimation from multiple loci
- Incomplete resection of primary site anal sac adenocarcinoma - is Radiotherapy helpful?
- Incomprehensible Comprehensibility of the Universe
- Incomprehensible? Inexpressible? Inconceivable? The very idea of inter-subject comparability
- Incompressibility and Next-Block Pseudoentropy
- Incompressible limit of a mechanical models for tissue growth
- Incompressible surfaces in closed locally symmetric manifolds
- Incongruent counterparts, orientation, and higher geometry
- Incorporating biological information into network inference using structured shrinkage
- Incorporating Domain-Specific Knowledge in Learning Control using Multiple Dynamics Models
- Incorporating Economic Data into Optimal Vaccine Models
- Incorporating Flexibility in Antibody-Antigen Interaction Prediction
- Incorporating Geometric Features in the PiP-Model for Subway Induced Vibrations
- Incorporating Geostrophic Wind Information for Improved Space-Time Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting and Power System Dispatch.
- Incorporating heat transfers into models of building ventilation
- Incorporating Life into Philosophy: Dilthey, Bergson and Heidegger
- Incorporating Meaning into Fundamental Physics
- Incorporating pharmacokinetic information in phase I studies in small populations
- Incorporating Prior Biological Knowledge into Genetic Association Studies
- Incorporating prior information into global search for improved structure prediction
- Incorporating Structure into NLP Models with Graph Neural Networks
- Incorporating uncertainty in distance-matrix phylogenetic reconstruction
- Incorporating uncertainty into the optimal development of disease control measures
- Incorporation of electronic quantum effects in molecular simulations: Applications of QM/MM Models in Solution Chemistry
- Incorporation of Neptunium into Alteration Products of UO2 Spent Nuclear Fuel
- Incorporation of Neptunium into Alteration Products of UO2 Spent Nuclear Fuel
- Increased autism diagnosis in the UK
- Increased methylation variation across cancer types
- Increasing autism awareness and autism service provision in Ethiopia: the HEAT+ project
- Increasing crop productivity by engineering an alternative photorespiration pathway
- Increasing Crop Productivity Sustainably by Bioengineering Improved Photosynthetic Efficiency
- Increasing functional versatility of proteins by regulated unfolding and exposing disordered regions
- Increasing Openness and Reproducibility in Research
- Increasing Sequences of Integer Triples
- Increasing the acceptance of High Performance Concrete Prestressed with CFRP
- Increasing the metallicity of metal-poor stars in the Galaxy by accretion from the ISM
- Increasing the rice bundle sheath chloroplast compartment by manipulating brassinosteroid signalling
- Incredible Ears
- Incremental Accumulation of Linguistic Context in Artificial and Biological Neural Networks
- Incremental adaptation of speech recognition based on macroscopic time evolution system
- Incremental Modelling and Verification of the PCI Express Transaction and Data-Link Layers
- Incremental Modelling and Verification of the PCI Express Transaction and Data-Link Layers
- Incremental Neuroevolution of Reactive and Deliberative 3D Agents
- Incremental Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Incremental Sheet Forming
- Incrementality xor currency for monotone fixed points
- Incretin secretion - small currents matter.
- IND1, a Fe-S protein involved in respiratory complex I biogenesis. From Arabidopsis gametogenesis defects to patients with mitochondrial myopathies
- Indebted: Student Finance, Social Speculation, and the Future of the US Family
- Indecent exposure: replication, sex and survival with unprotected telomeres
- Indecent science: religion, science and movie censorship, 1930–1968
- Indecomposable characters of infinite dimensional groups associated with operator algebras
- Indecomposable tilting modules for the blob algebra
- Indefinite theta functions-- Theory and Applications
- Indentation of a viscoelastic half-space
- Indentations of plastic layers
- Indentification and early warning of climate tipping points
- Independent sets in hypergraphs
- Independent sets, lattice gases and the Loavsz Local Lemma
- Indestructible remarkable cardinals
- Indeterminate1: transcriptional and metabolite changes associated with the autonomous floral transition in maize
- Indeterminism and Decoherence in Standard Quantum Theory
- Index and ETF arbitrage
- Index of Suspicion: Predicting Cancer from Prescriptions
- Index of varieties over Henselian fields
- Index theory on end-periodic manifolds
- Index-energy estimates for Yang-Mills connections and Einstein metrics
- Indexed containers and initial algebras for polynomial endofunctors
- Indexicality, Sensuousness and Intimacy in Film
- India and the First World War: Images, Words, Songs
- India today and the politics of happiness
- India Untouched - Documentary produced by an Indian NGO on the SOCIAL EXCLUSION of the lower castes (Dalits) in India
- India's development cooperation: managing transitions, opportunities, challenges and uncertainties in the decade ahead
- India-Asia collision, tectonics of the Himalaya and implications for building the Tibetan Plateau
- India-Greater Central Asia Linkages
- India/Bombay/IIT
- India: An idiosycratic democracy
- Indian citizenship: a century of disagreement
- Indian democracy in the 70th year of independence: understanding the 2017 Uttar Pradesh elections. A round-table discussion
- Indian indigo in Central Asia: interactions between the global and the local
- Indian Monsoon: Trends, Rhythms and Thresholds since Eocene
- Indian Parliamentary Democracy
- Indian plague maps and the colonial urban
- Indiana Jones in bloomers: The remarkable story of Agnes Smith Lewis, bible hunter and benefactor
- Indigenous & Archaeological Futures: Creating Equity through Community-Based Storytelling with Grand Ronde
- Indigenous Data Sovereignty - Tahu Kukutai [gloknos lecture]
- Indigenous Film: Native Spirit Film Festival screenings at the Polar Museum
- Indigenous Knowledge Claims
- Indigenous sovereignty and environmental protection in the Arctic
- Indigenous Sovereignty beyond Nations
- INDIN conference presentations
- Indirect Hamiltonian Estimation and Restricted Control
- Indirect reconstruction of IC engine cylinder pressure
- Indirect signatures of life in the alluvial stratigraphic record
- Indistinguishability in Counting Logics and the Complexity of Semi-Algebraic Proofs
- Individual and Allele specific chromatin: discovery and consequences
- Individual and Collective Behaviour In Suspensions Of Swimming Micro-Organisms
- Individual animal level risk factors for bovine tuberculosis in Great Britain
- Individual cell studies of microalgae – evaluating stochasticity within populations
- Individual complexion and personalized care in medieval medicine
- Individual Differences in (Dietary) Decision Making and Its Control: Connecting the Brain and Gut to Improve our Understanding of Behavior
- Individual differences in emotional responsivity
- Individual Differences in Executive Function: Implications for the memory profile in autism
- Individual Differences In Fear Attenuation And Social Transfer Of Knowledge
- Individual Differences In Fear Attenuation And Social Transfer Of Knowledge
- Individual differences in human perception
- Individual differences in native language attainment (with implications for language acquisition)
- Individual differences in visual short term memory
- Individual Differential Privacy
- Individual dynamic predictions using landmarking and joint modelling: validation of estimators and robustness assessment
- Individual object representation in individual people
- Individual object representations in individual people
- Individual Prediction in Prostate Cancer Studies Using a Joint Longitudinal-Survival Model
- Individual risk: does it exist?
- Individual variation in female orgasmic capacity: pre-natal androgen, sociosexuality and the menstrual cycle
- Individual, local, global: finding our voice and place as researchers, now and into the future
- Individual-based modelling of the metabolic regulation of the interaction between T cells and cancer cells
- Individualised Language in the Big Data Era
- Individuals are different: Implications on the design of experiments
- Indo-European and Iranian layers of Armenian vocabulary: the case of month names
- Indonesia, Alfred Wallace and Krakatoa
- Indoor airborne disease transmission: fluid dynamical modelling and mitigation strategies
- Indra's Pearls: Geometry and Symmetry
- Induced C*-hulls for *-algebras
- Induced Earthquakes in The Netherlands – Impact on Society and Research Results
- Induced epigenetic variation and its impact on Arabidopsis phenotype
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Production and Utility in Regenerative Medicine
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Production and Utility in Regenerative Medicine and Other Applications
- Induced Poset Saturation
- Induced Poset Saturation
- Induced posets
- Induced stress due to focused ion beam milling and minimum feature sizes
- Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number
- Induced subgraphs of induced subgraphs of large chromatic number
- Induced Subgraphs of Ramsey Graphs
- Inducements to technical innovation in the British Industrial Revolution: markets, materiality and the invention of the spinning jenny
- Inducing Amnesia through Executive Control
- Inducing amnesia through hippocampal modulation
- Inducing amnesia through hippocampal modulation
- Inducing and Breaking Tolerogenic Dendritic Cell Function
- Inducing Meaning from Text
- Inducing Synchronous Grammars for Machine Translation
- Induction of a transmissible tau pathology by traumatic brain injury
- Inductive local-global conditions and generalized Harish-Chandra theory
- Inductive Logic Programming
- Inductive Logic Programming and Kernel methods
- Inductive-recursive definitions
- Indus Identity and Material Culture: rural ceramic production in Bronze Age northwest India
- Industrial Applications of Low Frequency Ultrasound
- Industrial Asset and Maintenance Management in the Smart Factory: challenges and opportunities
- Industrial Challenges of the Agriculture Sector
- Industrial development paths from an evolutionary perspective: the Chinese case, 1998-2013
- Industrial Energy Efficiency with Automation
- Industrial examples on traditional and non-traditional techniques for sludge treatment
- Industrial Mathematics workshop - day 1
- Industrial Mathematics workshop - day 2
- Industrial Mathematics workshop - day 3
- Industrial NLP Applications of Machine Learning in Different Domains
- Industrial Panel (MathWorks, Microsoft, Nvidia)
- Industrial Policy and (Clean) Growth
- Industrial pollution and politics in France: the great shift, 1750–1830
- Industrial strategy and manufacturing strategy: resource allocation and the role of value chains
- Industrial Strength Total Failure
- Industrial sustainability - a key manufacturing paradigm
- Industrial Use of a Mechanical Theorem Prover
- Industrialisation of a Biotech Process - a Multidisciplinary Approach
- Industrialisation, Economic Development, the Industrial Revolution and Occupational Structure in England and Wales 1500 – 1911 (with some extension back to 1381 and forward to 2011)
- Industrialisation, inter-sectoral linkage and occupational structure: Britain, Germany and Japan, c.1850-1935
- Industrialisation, Urbanisation, and China’s Sustainable Growth
- Industrialization in the Habsburg Empire: A spatial analysis
- Industrialization, labour conflict, and the role of state and trade unions in Vietnam
- Industry Day
- Industry Lecture: Smartbell
- Industry meets emerging science 2
- Industry of Anonymity: Inside the Business of Cybercrime
- Industry Talk: The Electricity System Operator Perspective
- Inefficient retail electricity tariffs: Welfare losses and implications for distributed energy resource deployment
- Inelastic neutron scattering and µSR investigations of an anisotropic hybridization gap in the Kondo insulators: CeT2Al10 (T=Fe, Ru and Os)
- Inelastic proton-proton cross section at 13 TeV
- Inequalities for the Ranks of Quantum States
- INEQUALITIES IN HEALTH - A talk by Professor Scambler
- Inequalities of Duffin-Schaeffer type in the complex plane
- Inequalities on projected volumes
- Inequality and Democratization: An Elite-Competition Approach
- Inequality and slow economic growth in the West: what does sex have to do with it?
- Inequality and social mobility in medieval England
- Inequality in education: England's Civil Injustice
- Inequality, Liberalization and Financialisation: Panel Evidence at the Sub-National Scale
- Inequality, real-time economics and future pandemics
- Inequality, real-time economics and his thoughts about learning from this pandemic for future pandemics
- Inertia drives concentration-wave turbulence in swimmer suspensions
- Inertia-gravity-wave generation: a geometric-optics approach
- Inertial instability in rotating and stratified flow
- Inertial primal dual splitting methods
- Inessential Brown-Peterson homology and bordism of elementary abelian groups
- Inexact computer model calibration: Concerns, controversy, credibility, and confidence
- Inexact computer model calibration: Concerns, controversy, credibility, and confidence
- Inextensibility constraints for 3D reconstruction of deformable objects
- Infant Disorganised Attachment: A reassessment of the concept and new research findings
- Infants’ learning & development: How can we influence them?
- Infecting under the radar: lentiviral evasion of DNA sensing
- Infection and Autoimmunity: co‐habitation may be a good thing
- Infection and imagination: Robert Koch and tropical medicine
- Infection and Vaccine Induced T-cell Responses to SARS-CoV-2 in Healthcare Workers and Immunodeficient Persons
- Infection dispersal in buildings
- Infection of macrophages by S. Typhimurium: a study of dynamics and mechanical aspects
- Infection pathways
- Infection Transmission among Rodents during a Random Walk: Exact Model Calculations
- Infection- and Vaccine-induced Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 and Other Human Coronaviruses.
- Infections and development of Type 1 diabetes in NOD mice: dogmas, paradoxes and new facts
- Infectious diseases in the changing landscape of public health
- Infer.NET
- Infer.NET and probabilistic programming
- Infera - a Bayesian team-ranking program from 1996
- Inference about inference: pragmatics and stylistic analysis
- Inference algorithms for probabilistic graphical models
- Inference and large-scale structure in networks
- Inference and Learning in the Anglican Probabilistic Programming System
- Inference and optimal design for percolation and random graph models
- Inference as Learning
- Inference for binary Markov random fields without tears (or MCMC).
- Inference for complex DNA profiles
- Inference for eigenstructure of high-dimensional covariance matrices
- Inference for eigenstructure of high-dimensional covariance matrices
- Inference for eigenstructure of high-dimensional covariance matrices
- Inference for infinite mixture models and Gaussian Process mixtures of experts using simple approximate MAP Inference
- Inference for multiple change-points in time series via likelihood ratio scan statistics
- Inference for nonlinear dynamical systems, with applications to the ecology of infectious diseases.
- Inference for stochastic models
- Inference for the mode of a log-concave density: a likelihood ratio test and confidence intervals
- Inference for the mode of a log-concave density: a likelihood ratio test and confidence intervals
- Inference from Evolving Populations: Agriculture
- Inference from Motion Capture Data
- Inference from trees: Cybersecurity
- Inference in Bayesian Networks using Dynamic Discretisation
- Inference in Gaussian Process models
- Inference in generative models using the Wasserstein distance
- Inference in Models with Latent Hierarchies
- Inference in non-linear dynamical systems -- a machine learning perspective
- Inference in Stochastic Processes
- Inference in the infinite relational model
- Inference of a partially observed kinetic Ising model
- Inference of epidemiological dynamics using sequence data: application to influenza
- Inference of size dependence of transcription parameters from single cell data using multi-scale models of gene expression
- Inference of sparse structural equation models from static data
- Inference platform for Ancestry Informative Markers
- Inference theme
- Inference theme - Comparing inferences from stochastic and deterministic models
- Inference theme - Emulation-based inference for complex spatial infectious disease models
- Inference theme - Inference of the case fatality risk at the beginning of an epidemic: a state-space model perspective and a robust particle filter
- Inference to the best explanation and paradigms
- Inference with approximate likelihoods
- Inference, emulation and uncertainty quantification in cardiac mechanics
- Inference, emulation and uncertainty quantification in cardiac mechanics
- Inferences of mantle viscosity based on ice age datasets
- Inferior temporal categoricality not accounted for by visual features
- Inferno I, Purgatorio I, Paradiso I
- Inferno II, Purgatorio II, Paradiso II
- Inferno III, Purgatorio III, Paradiso III
- Inferno IV, Purgatorio IV, Paradiso IV
- Inferno V, Purgatorio V, Paradiso V
- Inferno VI, Purgatorio VI, Paradiso VI
- Inferno VII, Purgatorio VII, Paradiso VII
- Inferno VIII, Purgatorio VIII, Paradiso VIII
- Inferno XV, Purgatorio XV, Paradiso XV
- Inferno XVI, Purgatorio XVI, Paradiso XVI
- Inferno XVII, Purgatorio XVII, Paradiso XVII
- Inferno XXI, Purgatorio XXI, Paradiso XXI
- Inferno XXII, Purgatorio XXII, Paradiso XXII
- Inferno XXIII, Purgatorio XXIII, Paradiso XXIII
- Inferno XXIV, Purgatorio XXIV, Paradiso XXIV
- Inferno XXV, Purgatorio XXV, Paradiso XXV
- Inferno XXVI, Purgatorio XXVI, Paradiso XXVI
- Inferotemporal cortex and face recognition learning
- Inferring a Deep Time Evolutionary Anatomical Context of Primates and Hominoids
- Inferring and changing selection in somatic mosaics
- Inferring building properties from temperature data
- Inferring Cancer Evolution
- Inferring causal mediators from omics data in the context of genetic and environmental variations
- Inferring causality in the atmosphere - constraining aerosol-cloud interactions from observations
- Inferring causation from time series with perspectives in Earth system sciences
- Inferring change points in signal levels through deterministic minimization of a generalized global functional
- Inferring community structure and dynamics from wild tortoise data.
- Inferring decision rules from evidence, choice, and reaction times
- Inferring final state properties from LIGO-Virgo observations of black-hole and neutron-star binaries
- Inferring forest stand structure from LiDAR remote sensing data
- Inferring forest stand structure from LiDAR remote sensing data
- Inferring from negative analogies: lessons on analogical reasoning from clinical medical practice
- Inferring gene-gene associations and gene networks beyond standard statistical models
- Inferring genotype-phenotype relationships from (meta-)genomes
- Inferring Interests from Mobility and Social Interactions
- Inferring intracellular mechanics from active and passive measurements
- Inferring mechanisms of gene regulation from patterns of evolutionary divergence
- Inferring Mixed Viral Populations
- Inferring Mycobacterium bovis transmission between cattle and badgers using the RBCT sampling framework
- Inferring neural circuit mechanisms that underlie memory storage and decision making in the human brain
- Inferring neural tuning from visual aftereffects
- Inferring neutron star properties with gravitational waves from binary mergers
- Inferring past current contributions to the deep Atlantic using Nd isotope records
- Inferring rapidly-varying big data time series--from deconvolution to a new form of time series model
- Inferring regulatory networks from transcriptomic data using gaussian graphical models
- Inferring Risks of Coronavirus Transmission from Community Household Data
- Inferring Signaling Pathway Topologies from Multiple Perturbation Measurements of Specific Biochemical Species : A model-based approach
- Inferring the evolution of skeletal gracility in hominins and extant mammals
- Inferring the Evolutionary History of Cancers: Statistical Methods and Applications
- Inferring the hazard rate in change point models
- Inferring the magnetic field vector in chromospheric structures: the diagnostic potential of the He 1083nm triplet
- Inferring the spatial dynamics of dengue in southeast Asia
- Inferring the subsurface flow of Antarctic ice from satellite observations and other challenges for ice sheet prediction
- Inferring Uncertainties in Computational Anatomy
- Inferring Uncertainties in Computational Anatomy
- Inferring universal properties of critical fields from dragged colloids
- Infertility – the making of a modern experience, Germany 1870–1930
- Infiltrator and Indicator? Understanding the Intricacies of the Cuckoo Bumblebee Lifecycle
- Infimal convolution of Total Generalized Variation functionals for spatio-temporal regularization of image sequences
- Infinitary methods in finite model theory
- Infinite densities for Lévy walks
- Infinite and finite spacetimes
- Infinite and finite state spaces
- Infinite chess: the mate-in-n problem is decidable and the omega-one of chess
- Infinite computations and spacetime
- Infinite dimensional spectral computations and linear algebra: Extending the QR algorithm to infinite dimensions
- Infinite ICA and Information Retrieval
- Infinite loop space machines and TQFTs
- Infinite loop spaces and positive scalar curvature
- Infinite loop spaces and positive scalar curvature
- Infinite loop spaces and positive scalar curvature in the presence of a fundamental group
- Infinite Maker-Breaker games
- Infinite Matroids and Pushdown Automata on Infinite Words
- Infinite monochromatic exponential patterns
- Infinite multiple relational models for complex networks
- Infinite Networks with Varying Topology - A Mean-Field Approach
- Infinite Phase Space and the Two-Headed Arrow of Time
- Infinite primitive permutation groups and embeddings of profinite groups as open maximal subgroups
- Infinite staircases in symplectic embedding capacity functions
- Infinite Structured Explicit Duration Hidden Markov Models
- Infinite sumsets in sets with positive density
- Infinite time blow-up for the 3D energy critical heat equation in bounded domains
- Infinite-Dimensional Diffusion Models
- Infinite-Dimensional Diffusion Models for Function Spaces
- Infinite-dimensional holography: bulk reconstruction, relative entropy, and operator algebra
- Infinite-dimensional linear algebra and spectral problems
- Infinite-dimensional paracontrolled distributions: the Burgers generator
- Infinite-Dimensional Symmetries of Two-Dimensional Coset Models Coupled to Gravity
- Infinite-State System Verification via Tree Automata
- Infinitely Edge-Connected Graphs
- Infinitely many conservation laws for the discrete KdV equation
- Infinitesimal braid and the Lie algebra of (the prounipotent version of) GT
- Infinitesimal models of theories
- Infinitesimal probabilities
- Infinitesimal Rigidity and Graph Clustering across Time-scales: Coarse-graining biomolecular assemblies from the bottom-up
- Infinities of age and size (including global topology issues) (i)
- Infinities of age and size (including global topology issues) (ii)
- Infinity
- Infinity categories and infinity operads
- Infinity Computing: Practical computations with numerical infinities and infinitesimals
- Infinity-norm optimal perturbations in a 2D channel flow
- Inflamed Depression
- Inflammation and Cancer: Reprogramming the immune microenvironment as an anti-cancer therapeutic strategy
- Inflammation and Immunity in Schizophrenia and Depression: from mechanisms to therapeutics
- Inflammation and mental health: questions of causality
- Inflammation in repair and cancer
- Inflammation in vaccines and infection: it’s (even) more complex than we think
- Inflammation, brain networks and mental health: some questions of causality
- Inflammation, brain networks and mental health: some questions of causality
- Inflammation, metabolism, ageing and cancer: Dangerous Liaisons
- Inflammation-driven angiogenesis - organ fibrosis & the extracellular matrix
- Inflammatory niches shape alveolar regeneration
- Inflammatory skin disease and Cancer: Functions of AP-1 (Fos/Jun) in mice and humans
- Inflation after Planck 2015
- Inflation after Planck and BICEP/Keck
- Inflation and conformal symmetry
- Inflation and Post-Inflation in String Cosmology
- Inflation and the multiverse
- Inflation from Magnetic Drift
- Inflation via Einstein-Cartan theory
- Inflectional Economy
- Inflight printing of micro/nano fibres: from harvesting acoustic energy to detecting cell movement
- Influence and the role of the expert
- Influence and the role of the expert
- Influence Dynamics: China’s Strategies in Central Asia amidst Sinophilia and Sinophobia
- Influence Functions
- Influence of an Electric Field on the Behaviour of Polymer Blends
- Influence of anisotropic rheology of columnar ice on wave propagation and bearing capacity
- Influence of antidepressants on craniofacial development
- Influence of Aspect Ratio on Dynamic Stall of a Finite Wing
- Influence of chemical reactions on buoyancy-driven fingering in porous media
- Influence of Conjugacy Class sizes on Sylow Subgroups
- Influence of external shear and strain on baroclinic vortex alignment
- Influence of facial expressions on attention to gaze in autism: Neural correlates and development
- Influence of gravity on atomic interferometers
- Influence of heavy modes on perturbations in multiple field inflation
- Influence of large Sulfur Bacteria on the Geochemistry of Coastal Sediments
- Influence of laterial variations in the mantle on the geodynamo
- Influence of mantle melting on cooling and volatile cycling
- Influence of metamorphism and partial melting on creating LCT-enriched granitic melts
- Influence of noise and time delay on the collective behavior of self-propelled particles system
- Influence of observations of total solar eclipses on cultures in old times
- Influence of particle shape on extrusion processes
- Influence of r-resonance information on speech intelligibility for native and non-native English speakers of different ages
- Influence of Stellar UV Environment on Detecting Biosignatures and Pre-Biosignatures in the Atmospheres of Earth-like Planets Around Other Stars
- Influence of strain gradients on the deformation of strain-softening material
- Influence of the Glass Transition on the Liquid-gas Spinodal Decomposition
- Influence of topology in coarse-graining of polymer solutions
- Influence of vaccine on the evolution of Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
- Influence Policing: Mapping the Rise of Strategic Communications and Digital Behaviour Change within UK Law Enforcement and Security Services
- Influences and Boolean functions representations
- Influences of Melt Water from Sea Ice/Ice Shelf in Polar Oceans
- Influences of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Ionosphere
- Influences on the use of clay tablets: a view from LBA Cyprus
- Influencing axon regeneration after spinal cord injury
- Influencing Control : Jawboning in Risk Arbitrage
- Influencing Folding and Structure of Large RNAs by Metal Ions: Moving from Bulk to the Single Molecule Level
- Influencing Science Policy: Headlines Alone Are Not Enough
- Influential Pictures and Images in the Development of Science
- Influenza pandemics: past and future
- Influenza virus membrane glycoproteins in virus replication and variation
- Influenza virus-host cell interactions
- Influenza's one-way ticket: the global migration of seasonal A(H3N2) viruses
- Influenza, robots and libraries: Understanding the influenza polymerase via directed evolution and structural biology
- Info session: How to get involved in schools' outreach day
- Informal discussion
- Informal Discussion and Poster session
- Informal discussion and posters
- Informal discussion on "Small and Large Challenges in Engineering the Biosphere"
- Informal discussion on FPGA core distribution
- Informal discussion session on generalised geometry
- Informal Meeting on Oxide Heterostructures
- Informal Planning Discussion: The Roots of Global Civil Society Conference October 2009
- Informal Revenue Generation and the State
- Informal seminar - TBA
- INFORMAL SEMINAR: Development and maturation of the respiratory system in Drosophila
- Informal talk about Wassenaar and/or work at our lab
- Informal talks
- Informal Tutorial: Haskell's Type Classes and Type Families
- Informal urban citizenship in Buenos Aires: migration, informality and visions for a just city
- Informal workshop on groups, orbits and bifurcation
- Informal workshop on groups, orbits and bifurcation II
- Informal workshop on Groups, Orbits and Bifurcation III
- Informal workshop on shear flow
- Informal workshop on shear flow
- Informatics-based approaches to natural products discovery in an age of reisolation
- Information & Proposal Writing Course for EC FP7 Marie Curie fellowships & Initial Training Networks
- Information and Communications Technology for Development: Current Trajectories
- Information and Decision-Making
- Information and Disparities in Health Care Quality: Evidence from GP Choice in England
- Information and Energy Optimization in the Fly Visual System
- Information and Entropy Flow in Stochastic Control
- Information and Intelligence
- Information and Stigma in Household Bankruptcy Decisions
- Information Asymmetries in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions: How Swoopo Makes Bank
- Information asymmetries in price controls and emerging issues in electricity distribution
- Information bottleneck
- Information bounds for inverse problems with application to deconvolution and Lévy models
- Information causality
- Information channels and biomarkers of disease
- Information Consumption on Social Media: Efficiency, Trust, and Divisiveness
- Information Efficacy of a Dynamic Synapse
- Information Extraction from Airborne Radio-Echo Sounding: Basal Properties and Crystal Orientation Fabric of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Information Flows in Cooperative Networked Control Systems
- Information Fusion for Remote Sensing Satellite Networks
- Information Futureproofing for Infrastructure
- Information gathering and impulsivity
- Information Geometry: From Divergence Functions to Geometric Structures
- Information in adaptive optimal design with emphasis on the two stage case
- Information in Two Stage Adaptive Design
- Information integration, Granger causality and measuring conscious level.
- Information Management in Banking Crises
- Information maturity for uncertainty handling in collaborative engineering design
- Information Measures in Selected Learning Problems
- Information networks, truth and value.
- Information Networks: Evidence from Illegal Insider Trading Tips
- Information processing in small gene regulatory networks and cascades
- Information quality research at the University of South Australia
- Information Requirements
- Information Retrieval
- Information Retrieval
- Information Retrieval based Program Synthesis
- Information scrambling and quantum advantage in quantum simulation
- Information scrambling: a path-integral perspective
- Information Searches by Chinese Vehicle Engineers in Design Development
- Information Session for new Student Group 2019/20 members and coordinator
- Information sources and methods for better quality and safer healthcare service design; towards a more integrated approach
- Information Spreading in Social Networks
- Information Spreading on Networks
- Information storage in DNA
- Information Storage on DNA
- Information Technology at Credit Suisse
- Information theoretic model selection in clustering
- Information theoretic view on Privacy preservation
- Information Theory Colloquium
- Information Theory of Wireless Networks: Approximate Max-Flow Min-Cut
- Information Theory, Codes, and Compression
- Information transfer from biological to analog microcircuits
- Information Visualization
- Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery (A Few Places Now Available!)
- Information, Anonymity, and Proof
- Information, Big Data and Performance Measurement
- Information, Big Data and Performance Measurement
- Information, Intelligence, and the New Wars
- Information-based methods in dynamic learning
- Information-driven modelling of biomolecular complexes.
- Information-Energy trade-offs in spiking and graded cells
- Information-flow tracking for web technologies
- Information-Greedy Global Optimisation
- Information-Theoretic Bounded Rationality
- Information-Theoretic Bounded Rationality
- Information-theoretic bounds and phase transitions in community detection and high-dimensional clustering
- Information-Theoretic Extensions of the Shannon-Nyquist Sampling Theorem
- Information-theoretic formulation of causality, modeling and control of turbulence
- Information-theoretic perspectives on learning algorithms
- Information-theoretic perspectives on learning algorithms
- Information-theoretic perspectives on learning algorithms
- Information-theoretic problems in astrophysics.
- Information-Theoretic Security in Wireless Networks: From Theory to Practice
- Information-theoretic techniques and context-tree methods for time series
- Informational masking of speech produced by speech-like sounds without linguistic content
- Informativeness, familiarity and the modulation of perceptual biases
- Informed matter: The confluence of information processes and material science
- Informed Trading by Advisor Banks? A look at options holdings ahead of mergers
- Informers Up Close: Why Do People Report Others to Secret Police?
- Informing immunisation policy for meningitis vaccines in UK and Africa using mathematical models
- Informing more sustainable development of the oil palm industry
- Informing policy via dynamic models: Cholera in Haiti
- Infralimbic cortex melanocortin 4 receptor mediates food intake behavior and executive function
- Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of organic light-emitting diodes and field-effect transistors
- Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of organic light-emitting diodes and field-effect transistors
- Infrared Astronomy at NASA Ames Research Centre in the late 1980s, KAO to SOFIA
- Infrared Finite Cross Sections and S-matrix elements
- Infrared interferometry with ESO's VLTI: what it can do for you
- Infrared long-baseline interferometry
- Infrared renormalons in top-mass sensitive observables and kinematic distributions at the LHC
- Infrared Single-Photon Detection With Superconducting Nanowires Devices
- Infrared singularities and subtraction schemes: the Torino method at NNLO
- Infrared Spectra at Coupled Cluster Accuracy from Neural Network Representation
- Infrared thermography for temperature and velocity measurements in gas flows
- Infrastructural Fear: or When Climate Change Isn’t an Allegory
- Infrastructure as techno-politics of differentiation: social effects of the Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya
- Infrastructures of Exposure - Toxicity, Temporality and Political Economies in Africa and Beyond
- Infusing Structure and Knowledge Into Biomedical AI Algorithms
- Infusing Structure and Knowledge into Biomedical AI Algorithms
- Ingenuity in the gallery
- Inherent Inconsistency of EU Energy Policymaking
- Inherent Inconsistency of EU Energy Policymaking
- Inherent mosaicism and extensive mutation of human placentas
- Inherent variability in the kinetics of amyloid fibril formation
- Inherit the Wind - Free film screening!
- Inheritance and adaptation within the family environment
- Inheritance of H3-H4 and H2A-H2B modifications / variants across DNA replication and mitosis
- Inheritance Taxation
- Inherited lithospheric structures control arc-continent collisional heterogeneity: insights from seismic imaging
- Inherited susceptibility to cancer
- Inhibiting RNA-protein interactions with branched peptide boronic acids
- Inhibition and adaptationin the outer retina - Intiguing synaptic mechanisms with unexpected molecular players
- Inhibition and Odour discrimination in mice
- Inhibition of EGF receptor signalling: The Discovery of AZD9291
- Inhibition of innate immunity by vaccinia virus
- Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Biomimetic Approaches
- Inhibition of the Interferon Response in Human Dendritic Cells by HIV-1
- Inhibitors of innate immunity from vaccinia virus
- Inhibitory activities of short linear motifs underlie Hox interactome specificity in vivo.
- Inhibitory control of dopaminergic neurons - dendrites, soma and axons
- Inhomogeneity and anisotropy in planetary turbulence: zonostrophy and beyond?
- Inhomogeneous exclusion processes and the efficiency of mRNA translation
- Inhomogeneous mixing of ocean tracers at fronts: Implications for energy fluxes and biogeochemistry
- Inhomogeneous multiplicative Littlewood conjecture and logarithmic savings
- Inhomogeneous quenches and arctic curves in fermionic systems
- Inhospitable: early signalling events during cereal symbiosis
- INI Director's Briefing
- INI Director's Welcome
- INI Welcome Talk
- INI-RIMS joint seminar: Regulatory mechanism for sperm chemotaxis and flagellar motility
- INI-RIMS joint seminar: The multi-target problem on Cartesian, hexagonal and triangular lattices in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments
- Inigo Jones and the Architecture of Temperance
- Initial Break-out Group Discussions
- Initial Break-out Group Discussions
- Initial organising meeting
- Initial results from the new IR camera for COAST
- Initial states in integrable quantum field theory quenches from an integral equation hierarchy
- Initial Value Problem and Vortex Sheets: Analysis and Computation
- Initial-boundary value problems for Boussinesq-type systems
- Initial-boundary value problems for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in one and two dimensions
- Initiation and progression of leukemia – lessons from Down Syndrome
- Initiation of a composite volcano: The complex beginnings of the long-lived Dunedin Volcano, New Zealand
- Initiation of a composite volcano: The complex beginnings of the long-lived Dunedin Volcano, New Zealand
- Initiation of Centrosome separation in G2 phase requires concerted actio of Plk1, Aurora A kinase and Eg5, but occurs independently of Cdk1
- Initiation systems and novel explosives for laser flyer initiation
- Initiatives for women mathematicians (UKRC/INI/LMS)
- Injectable therapeutic vascularized micro-tissues engineered using sacrificial hydrogels
- Injecting Logical Background Knowledge into Embeddings for Relation Extraction
- Injection, migration, and pressure dissipation in layered aquifer systems
- Injection-driven deformation of a soft granular material
- Injective Hulls of Trivial Modules
- Injective Hulls of Trivial Modules
- Injective modules over Noetherian rings
- Injective Resolutions and Noetherian Rings
- Ink drop coalescence and imbibition: dynamics and impacts on printing quality
- Ink jet in Cambridge (and everywhere else)
- Ink, Paper, Brass and Glass: Marine Charts and Charting in the Nineteenth Century
- Ink-jet printing in micro-manufacturing: opportunities and limitations
- Ink-Jet Printing Of Graphene And 2d-Materials: A New Platform For Cheap, Flexible And Transparent Electronics
- Inkjet fluid Motion
- Inkjet printing of complex fluids
- Inkjet Printing of Functional fluids: Opportunities and Challenges
- Inkjet Printing of Functional Materials: from nanoparticles to microelectronic devices
- Inkjet printing technology: from a droplet to sensors, circuits and artificial tissues
- Inkjet-based manufacturing printable organic lasers
- Inland thinning of West Antarctic Ice Sheet steered along subglacial rifts
- Innate and adaptive γδ T cells
- Innate and adaptive γδ T cells
- Innate and adaptive γδ T cells.
- Innate Genetics and the Tumour Microenvironment Cooperate to Drive Prostate Cancer Aggression
- Innate immune cell decision making; understanding the mechanisms that trigger inflammation
- Innate Immune mechanisms of DNA detection
- Innate Immune Sensing and Signaling of Cytosolic DNA and RNA
- Innate immune training resulting from malaria
- Innate immunity in chronic neurodegenerative disease
- Innate Immunity: The first line of defence
- Innate Lymphoid Cells: An Emerging Family of Immune Effectors
- Innate Lymphoid Cells: New Players in Immune Defense and Tissue Homeostasis
- Innate regulation of dendritic cell function
- Innate responses in acute HIV-1 infection
- Innate signals regulating the Th1 cell life cycle
- Inner and outer wellbeing: A double perspective on the processing of thoughts and environment
- InnerEye: Democratising Medical Imaging AI
- Innovating Technologies for the Poorest 2 Billion
- Innovating to sustainability
- Innovation and competition: the breakup of IG Farben
- Innovation and Refinement in Wristwatch Technology
- Innovation and Reform in Language Teaching: Legacies from the Past
- Innovation and Technology Transfer in Anaerobic Digestion
- Innovation and the Cambridge Cluster: Past, present and future.
- Innovation Begins at Home
- Innovation for global health; spinning out, and spinning in, a social enterprise at the University
- Innovation for Resilience and/or Social Development
- Innovation Forum 2016 - Leaders Conference
- Innovation in Building Form: Design in the Digital Era
- Innovation In Cambridge Engineering – How To Foster It?
- Innovation in Cambridge Engineering – how to foster it?
- Innovation in façade engineering
- Innovation in India: A Threat to the West
- Innovation in Internet of Hearable Things: Smart Health, CyberSecurity and Beyond
- Innovation in Nuclear Energy
- Innovation in Practise
- Innovation in Suspension Thermal Spray and Cold Spray: Building Ceramics from Liquid Feedstock & Metals Without Melting
- Innovation in synthetic methodology through use of flow
- Innovation in the Synthesis of Complex Pharmaceutical Compounds
- Innovation in the Synthesis of Complex Pharmaceutical Compounds
- Innovation in the UK Electricity Supply Industry: whose innovation?
- Innovation Leaders Conference
- Innovation Lecture: Making Digital Copies of the 3D World
- Innovation management by global health entrepreneurs
- Innovation Opportunities And Manufacturing Challenges For Flexible Electronics And Smart Systems Integration
- Innovation Policy and Place: A Critical Assessment
- Innovation Policy Seminar: Made in China 2025 and Innovation
- Innovation Seminar Talk: Academic innovation turned start-up company
- Innovation Seminar Talk: Adding value by taking material away? The Porotech story
- Innovation Seminar Talk: From cancer diagnostics to anti-ageing skincare
- Innovation Seminar Talk: The Entrepreneurial journey from deep science to a billion market product
- Innovation System Foresight
- Innovation Systems of Smart Cities: International Practices and Policy Implications
- Innovation, Competitive Advantage and the Productivity Puzzle
- Innovation, Conservation and Repurposing in Root Cell Type Development
- Innovation, Globalization and the Sustainability of the European Model(s)
- Innovation, Social Connections, and the Boundary of the Firm
- Innovations and Challenges in Digital Healthcare - an Industry Perspective
- Innovations and Challenges in Digital Healthcare - an Industry Perspective
- Innovations from Grassroots Organizations in Meeting Unmet Social Needs in China Today
- Innovations in Drug Delivery by Supramolecular Design
- Innovations in Multifunctional Materials and Composites through Additive Manufacturing and Nanoengineering
- Innovations in Nuclear Energy
- Innovations in Renewable Energies
- Innovations in Systems Modelling: Processes, Facilities and Infrastructure
- Innovations to Tackle COVID19 Pandemic in South Asia
- Innovative Approaches for Improving Surgical Quality
- Innovative approaches to mindfulness and new applications in the clinical field
- Innovative behaviour in the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa – implications for modern human evolution.
- Innovative design criteria for piled foundations of wind turbines
- Innovative Energy Models for a Sustainable Future
- Innovative engineering: From the Antikythera Mechanism to the Square Kilometer Array
- Innovative higher criticism for detecting sparse signals in correlated noise
- Innovative Human-Centred Development Approaches: Learn How the UN is Engaging Youth in Peace Building and Development.
- Innovative materials for permeable reactive barriers
- Innovative Music Production Approaches Empowered by Internet of Things Technologies
- Innovative nuclear fission concepts for sustainable energy production
- Innovative pathways to impact: Exploring IPOW’s hybrid approaches to research and practice in the field of art and peace building
- Innovative Soil Mix Technology Constructed Low Permeability Barriers for Environmental Applications
- Innovative statistical approaches for studies in anti-infective drug combination development
- Inoculating Against Misinformation: On the Motivated Cognition of Facts and Expertise
- Inoculating Against Misinformation: On the Motivated Cognition of Facts and Expertise
- Inofrugal UK 2019
- Inorganic 2nd Yr PhD Student Talks
- Inositol hexakisphosphate, a key factor controlling plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses
- Inositol Pyrophosphate Nutrient Signaling Networks In Plants
- Inositol: evolution's favourite molecule?
- Inpainting, Segmentation and Free Discontinuity
- Input allocation using dynamics: theory and applications
- Input Issues and General Bilingualism Effects in the Grammatical Outcomes of Heritage Speaker Bilinguals
- Input Issues and General Bilingualism Effects in the Grammatical Outcomes of Heritage Speaker Bilinguals: Evidence from Spanish and Portuguese
- Input Uncertainty: Examples and Philosophies
- Input-output analysis, model reduction and flow control applied to the Blasius boundary layer
- Input-Output Controllability Analysis and Control Structure Selection
- Input-Output Device Modelling for Quantum Information Systems
- Input-to-State Stability for complex dynamics: From global to almost global… and back
- Inquiries into the Historic Ventilation System of the Palace of Westminster, 1837-1924
- Insanity, divine madness and prophecy in Jung's self-experimentation
- Insect biodiversity in Cambridge – rare species in our urban meadows
- Insect biomechanics - from sticky feet to broken legs and ruptured wings
- Insect Conservation: conserving the little things that run the world
- Insect conservation: conserving the little things that run the world
- Insect conservation: conserving the little things that run the world.
- Insect flight: from Newton's to Neurons
- Insect gut feelings: development and function of visceral neurons in Drosophila
- Insect Pest Control: overcoming the problems?
- Insect Pest Control: overcoming the problems?
- Insect-based biomass valorisation: using Hermetia illucens to convert waste into food & medicine
- Insects and the infrastructure of Empire: tropical agriculture and biological control in early 20th-century Hawai'i
- Insects at the extreme: midges, beetles, DNA and physiology in the Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic regions.
- Insects in Flight
- Insects in Flight
- Insects: saving the small things that run the world
- Insecure processing of cookies in modern web applications and browsers
- Insecurity & Inequality in Academia: The New Normal?
- Insecurity and Innovation: From bugs to borgs
- Insecurity Engineering in Locks
- Insensitive, maximum stable allocations converge to proportional fairness
- Insensitive, maximum stable allocations converge to proportional fairness
- Insensitivity results for the limit of a multi-class queueing network
- Insertion in normal numbers
- Inside a Collapsing Bubble: Sonochemistry and Sonoluminescence
- Inside and Outside Liquidity.
- Inside Out: Inferno XIX, Purgatorio XIX, Paradiso XIX
- Inside Snowden’s suitcase
- Inside Thatcher's monetarism experiment - the promise, the failure, the legacy
- Inside the beast: GHC’s intermediate lambda language
- Inside the Final Black Hole from Black Hole Collisions
- Inside the Final Black Hole from Black Hole Collisions
- Inside the Macclesfield Psalter
- Inside the refurbished Dutch Gallery: The shape of things to come
- Inside-out growth in the early Universe: a core in a vigorously star-forming disc
- Inside-out growth in the Early Universe: a core in a vigorously star-forming disc
- Inside-Out Planet Formation
- Inside-out: How emotions are perceived in the face
- Insight into ion channel biophysics via computer simulations
- Insight into the creep behaviour of soils using Discrete Element Method
- Insight into the fire spalling behaviour of concrete and challenges of its experimental assessment.
- Insight into the Kinetics of Oligomer Formation During Amyloidosis
- Insight into the molecular mechanism of extracellular matrix calcification in the vasculature from NMR spectroscopy and electron microscopy
- Insight into the synthesis and processing of narrow band gap organic semiconducting polymers for solar cell fabricationTitle to be confirmed
- Insight, Attention and Error
- InsightMedi and its Quest to Analyse the Largest Database of Medical Images: Challenges, Benefits and Collaborations
- Insights for the role of tumour-related inflammation and stem cells in Drosophila
- Insights and strategies during sensorimotor learning
- Insights from a model of breast tumor heterogeneity
- Insights from Expert Software Design Practice
- Insights from laboratory experiments with boundary mixing
- Insights from mapping Greenland’s supraglacial lakes at unprecedented temporal and spatial scales
- Insights from minimal simulations of rough-wall turbulence
- Insights from novel primary data on the Qatar SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: reinfection, infection severity and fatality rates, and herd immunity - Speaker - Laith Jamal Abu Raddad
- Insights from numerical simulations of the dissipative Euler flow
- Insights from oxytocin administration and fMRI studies in high functioning youth with ASD
- Insights from Physical Chemistry into the Aerosol Route for Respiratory Disease Transmission
- Insights from quantum field theory and AdS/CFT for machine learning
- Insights from the extremes of Type 1 Diabetes
- Insights in heterogeneous catalysis mechanisms from DFT calculations
- Insights into cancer from rare diseases
- Insights into cortical organisation and neurodevelopment from a genome wide association study (GWAS) of 2,347 structural cortical phenotypes
- Insights Into Data Science
- Insights into disorder
- Insights into Galaxy Evolution, Dark Matter and Dark Energy from Strong Lensing
- Insights into human biology from patterns of genetic variation
- Insights into human brain development, evolution and disease from stem cell systems
- Insights into ligand recognition and desensitization from the x-ray structure of a nicotinic receptor
- Insights into mammalian hematopoiesis from comparative functional genomic
- Insights into mechanisms of protein biosynthesis from structural and functional studies
- Insights into mechanosensitive ion channels
- Insights into mitochondrial disease using polymerase gamma disease as a paradigm
- Insights into non-linear structure evolution from controlled linear initial conditions
- Insights into optimal and natural language from deaf and hearing children of deaf parents
- Insights into rodent models of NAFLD from an analysis of 4000 papers.
- Insights into Routing on Service Addresses (ROSA)
- Insights into sea ice physics from assimilating the sea ice thickness distribution
- Insights into the dynamics of Hybrid Methods through a range of biological examples. A hands on approach
- Insights into the geodetic signature of continental hydrology
- Insights into the logarithmic accuracy of parton showers
- Insights into the mechanism of hind limb initiation in Xenopus laevis
- Insights into the mineralogy of the lower mantle using comparisons between global seismic tomography and geodynamic models [Rescheduled to online]
- Insights into the moecular basis of of neurodegenerative disease.
- Insights into the molecular basis of myelodysplastic syndrome
- Insights into the pathogenicity of Haemophilus parasuis; implications in diagnosis and control
- Insights into the secretion machine of virulence factors in apicomplexan parasites
- Insights into unfolded protein states and GPCR function by solution NMR
- Insights on the Rise of China
- InSitu visualisation for large simulations
- Insomnia in the Access or How to Curb Access Network Related Energy Consumption
- Inspecting the early secretory pathway with whole-cell, volumetric FIB-SEM in fed and starved cells
- Inspirals of point particles into black holes and two timescale expansions
- Inspiration of Taiji: Can Audio Benefit Healthcare for Diagnosis and Treatment?
- Inspiration on design fixation
- Inspiration on design fixation
- Inspirational Women in Engineering talk series: Raia Hadsell, DeepMind
- Inspire project
- Inspired by Nature: Renewable 21st century fuels from water and sunlight
- Inspiring Research through Industrial Collaboration: Engagement in practice – lessons from the coalface
- Inspiring Social Transformation - From Soviet Decay to a National Health Service for Ukraine
- Insta-Glam: Smartphone Apps and Beauty Surveillance
- Instabilities and ill-posedness for the magnetogeostrophic equation
- Instabilities and layering around floating vortices in rotating stratified fluids
- Instabilities and pattern formation on the pore scale
- Instabilities and the remarkable survivability of AGN jets.
- Instabilities in Deep Learning
- Instabilities in economic network models: Is perfect rationality dynamically stable?
- Instabilities in Elastic Layers
- Instabilities in free surface flows
- Instabilities in free surface flows
- Instabilities in kirigami structures
- Instabilities in Liquid Crystal Elastomers
- Instabilities in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluids: a long story
- Instabilities in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluids: a long story
- Instabilities in the homogeneous cooling of gas-solid flows
- Instabilities in variable-property flows, and the continuous spectrum
- Instabilities of a columnar vortex in a stratified fluid
- Instabilities of internal gravity wave beams: insignts from experimental and analytical approaches
- Instabilities of Liquid Surfaces: Rayleigh meets Nanoscience
- Instabilities of two-layer shallow-water flows with vertical shear in the rotating annulus
- Instability and age effects at the lexicon-syntax interface
- Instability and new phases of higher-dimensional rotating black holes.
- Instability associated with internal solitary waves
- Instability by weak precession of the flow in a rotating sphere
- Instability mechanism and vortex disruption in magnetohydrodynamic shear flows
- Instability of a two-layer density front in a rotating stratified fluid
- Instability of a viscous particle plume
- Instability of extreme black holes
- Instability of Flow over a Surface
- Instability of infinitely many stationary solutions of the su(2) Yang-Mills fields on the exterior of the Schwarzschild black holes
- Instability of stretched and twisted soap films in a cylinder
- Instability of supersymmetric microstate geometries
- Instability of uniform micro-organism suspensions revisited
- Instability to elastic turbulence; freezing soft particles; confined viscous flows
- Instability waves as a source of noise
- Instability, mixing and fragmentation in planetary collisions
- Instability-induced nonlinear dynamics in solids and structures: from snapping structures to ferroelectric switching
- Instadeep: Diverse applications of AI in industry
- Installation effects due to pile jacking in sand
- Instance-based Evaluation of Entailment Rule Acquisition
- Instantaneous filling of the vacuum for the Boltzmann equation
- Instantaneous Mapping of Excitonic Transport in Biomimetic Systems by Multi-dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy
- Instanton and Bow Moduli Spaces
- Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories
- Instanton Floer homology, the Alexander polynomial, and moduli spaces of rank 2 stable vector bundles
- Instanton Solutions from Abelian Sinh-Gordon and Tzitzeica Vortices.
- Instanton/Sphaleron processes in hadronic, heavy ion collisions and cosmology
- Instantons and M5-branes
- Instantons from Branes and Higgs Vacua in N=1 Theories
- Instantons, moduli, and the ADHM construction
- Instigating a Dialogue on Principles for Socially-Just Schooling
- Institutional and Private Capital Flows into International Farmland
- Institutional Diets in Sixteenth-Century Ireland
- Institutions and Economic Development: Theory, History, and Policy
- Institutions and their Discontents: Rethinking Economic Development in South Asia
- Institutions for housing supply, and their effects
- Institutions, Deficits or Wars, on the determinants of the borrowing costs of the British government: 1688-1850 and beyond
- Instructional signals for classical eyeblink conditioning
- Instructions for race-making: skull collecting at Edinburgh University's Natural History Museum
- Instrument and Sample Optimisation for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)
- Instrument and Sample Optimisation for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)
- Instrumentalism for historians and philosophers
- Instrumentation and measurements in high Reynolds number flows
- Instrumentation and structures in Antarctica
- Instruments, Images, and Anchors
- Insulating Solid Walls
- Insulating the wild. Culture-Nature relationship through the lens of Antarctic Architecture
- Insulators and silencers in Drosophila development
- Insulators on InGaAs
- Insulators on InGaAs
- Insulin and cortisol levels in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts.
- Insulin fibril formation: nucleation mechanisms and morphologies
- Insulin-like peptide signaling in renal tubules of Drosophila is under control of stress-induced release of tachykinin-related peptide
- Insulin/IGF-1 stimulates PERIOD protein synthesis to communicate feeding time to the mammalian circadian clock
- Insuring Women's Futures
- Intact and Impaired Cognitive Control Processes in Schizophrenia
- Integer distance sets
- Integer symmetric matrices and Lehmer's problem
- Integer symmetric matrices with spectral radius at most 2.019
- Integer valued polynomials and fast equdistribution in number fields
- Integrability and action-angle variables for eccentric, spinning black-hole binaries in post-Newtonian theory
- Integrability and supersymmetry in quantum optics
- Integrability and the Conformal Field Theory of the Higgs branch
- Integrability and the Geroch Group
- Integrability conditions for difference equations
- Integrability for the full planar spectrum of AdS/CFT
- Integrability of a deterministic cellular automaton driven by stochastic boundaries
- Integrability of discrete systems over finite fields
- Integrability of the conformal loop ensemble
- Integrability, chaos and thermalization in a collection of hard rods
- Integrability, Medical Imaging and Boundary Value Problems
- Integrable Boundary Scattering in AdS3/CFT2
- Integrable deformations of AdS3 x S3 x M4 strings
- Integrable discretizations of integrable nonlinear differential equations with hodograph transformations
- Integrable dispersionless PDEs in multidimensions: rigorous aspects of the Cauchy problem, wave breaking and exact implicit solutions.
- Integrable fluctuations in random growth
- Integrable maps which preserve functions with symmetries
- Integrable PDEs and Miura invariants
- Integrable reductions of the KP-Whitham modulation system
- Integrable refactorization systems and Yang-Baxter maps
- Integrable self-adaptive mesh method for the Camassa-Holm and short pulse equations
- Integrable systems and difference equations (Tutorial)
- Integrable systems and differential equations
- Integrable systems associated to submanifolds in Grassmanians
- Integrable Systems in 4+2 Dimensions and their Reduction to 3+1 Dimensions
- Integrable systems in gravity: a Riemann-Hilbert approach
- Integrable Systems in Multidimensions
- Integrable systems of the intermediate long wave type in 2 + 1 dimensions
- Integrable systems, Mirror Symmetry and Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- Integrable tops, separation of variables and Stasheff polytopes
- Integral endotrivial modules
- Integral equations and boundary element methods for rough surface scattering
- Integral equations for cluster expansion sums of polymer models with (soft) repulsion
- Integral Galois representations
- Integral models for eigenvarieties
- Integral norm discretization and related problems
- Integral norm discretization and related problems
- Integral Quadratic Constraint Theorem: A topological separation approach
- Integral quadratic constraints for asynchronous sampled-data links
- Integral-Preserving Integrators
- Integrality in analytically continued Chern-Simons theory
- Integrality of instanton numbers
- Integrality of p-adic L-functions in characteristic p
- Integrals over unitary groups, maps on surfaces, and Euler characteristics
- Integrate your residuals while solving dynamic optimization problems
- Integrated analyses on the plasters and mortars of the Nea Paphos theater (Cyprus)
- Integrated analysis of memory phase dynamic in Drosophila
- Integrated Circuits in Plants
- Integrated Coursework
- Integrated Design for Manufacture and Assembly (IDfMA)- Modular building design process
- Integrated Design Optimisation of Gas Turbine Compression Systems
- Integrated Disease Models that Account for Behavioural Factors / Progress since the 9 Challenges paper
- Integrated epigenomics reveal dysregulated chromatin landscapes in aged hematopoietic stem cells underlying aberrant transcription
- Integrated epigenomics reveal dysregulated chromatin landscapes in aged hematopoietic stem cells underlying aberrant transcription
- Integrated geometric modelling and computational analysis using distance fields
- Integrated geometric modelling and finite element analysis on non-conforming grids
- Integrated geometric modelling and finite element analysis on non-conforming grids
- Integrated Modelling of Landscapes to Understand Cross-sectoral Interactions, Synergies and Trade-offs under Scenarios of Environmental Change
- Integrated models of cytoskeleton driven morphogenetic processes
- Integrated Offshore Wind Farm Design: Optimising Micrositing and Cable Layout Simultaneously
- Integrated PET/MR: research and clinical application
- Integrated Photon-Counting Technologies: CMOS And Beyond
- Integrated processes of induced cellular migration and immune mediated effects in herpesvirus cell-to-cell transmission
- Integrated processes of induced cellular migration and immune mediated effects in herpesvirus cell-to-cell transmission
- Integrated Quantum Photonics
- Integrated Quantum Photonics
- Integrated Sensor Using CMOS (Prof. David R. S. Cumming, University of Glasgow)
- Integrated Solutions in Cancer Genomics
- Integrated Spin model with global inhibition for decision making
- Integrated structural biology of gene transcription
- Integrating analog and digital modes of gene expression
- Integrating approaches to semantic memory and cognitive control
- Integrating artificial intelligence and data technology into user research to improve design efficiency
- Integrating biological data: new opportunities and road ahead
- Integrating Chemical and Biological Data for Drug Discovery
- Integrating Chemical and Biological Data for Drug Discovery
- Integrating Combinatorial Solvers and Neural Models
- Integrating complex genomic datasets and high-throughput cancer cell line screens: linking drug response to molecular signatures
- Integrating Costs into Priorities for Conservation Planning in a Biodiversity Hotspot
- Integrating Databases and Publish/Subscribe
- Integrating diverse data sets to improve causal inference
- Integrating Economics and System Dynamics Approaches for Modeling an Ecological-Economic System
- Integrating Elastic and Viscous Properties of Ice for Ocean Wave Propagation
- Integrating Electronics Into Printing Technology
- Integrating fluid mechanical models into global heart function
- Integrating Genomics and Multi-omics at Population Scale for Disease Insights
- Integrating Human and Mouse phenotype data
- Integrating Human Cognition with Natural Language Processing
- Integrating hydroponics into our cities
- Integrating Imaging and Computational Modelling to Gain Therapeutic Insights for Cancer
- Integrating Knowledge Management into Business Processes
- Integrating machine learning and quantum chemistry with fully differentiable quantum chemistry
- Integrating northern and southern hemisphere stalagmites: what they can tell us about tropical climate dynamics and civilization collapse at the 4.2 kyr event
- Integrating Observations and Models to Better Understand a Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Integrating Photogrammetry and Computer Vision into the study of Glacier Change
- Integrating phylogenetics, ecology and evo-devo to understand the origin of plant species: the role of spur length evolution in speciation of the genus Linaria
- Integrating protein, RNA and RBP localisation maps
- Integrating Radiomics and Explainable Methods: Paving the Way for Transparent and Interpretable Medical Imaging Analysis
- Integrating Scale Out and Fault Tolerance in Stream Processing using Operator State Management
- Integrating Scale Out and Fault Tolerance in Stream Processing using Operator State Management
- Integrating social and institutional vulnerabilities into volcanic risk scenarios: A case study at Nevado Cayambe, Ecuador
- Integrating Social Science into Animal Welfare Research – Insights into Human Perceptions of Dairy Cattle and Equine Welfare
- Integrating viral epidemiology and evolution
- Integrating Voluntary and Policy-Induced Behaviours into Models
- Integration in Morphological Structures: how it affects evolution and how it evolves
- Integration Of AFM With Optical Techniques For Advanced Sample Characterisation
- Integration of Cell Growth and Cell Metabolism by Myc
- Integration of differential graded manifolds
- Integration of european balancing markets under transmission constraints: Modelling and analysis of cross border balancing mechanism
- Integration of functional genomics and pathway information to elucidate deregulation of signal transduction and drugs' mode of action
- Integration of ideas and methods of Kolmogorov Complexity and classical mathematical statistics
- Integration of Intravascular Imaging and Biomathematical Modelling in the Assessment of Coronary Atherosclerosis
- Integration of Intravascular Imaging and Biomathematical Modelling in the Assessment of Coronary Atherosclerosis
- Integration of quantum dot light sources (SP Workshop)
- Integration of RNA- and ChIP-sequencing reveals two major gene expression levels in metazoa
- Integration of the mentalizing and mirror neuron systems in reflective representations of the self and others
- Integration of Typed and Untyped Code in a Scripting Language
- Integration on the Surreals
- Integration Strategies for Ultra Low Power Flexible Electronics
- Integration Strategies for Ultra Low Power Flexible Electronics
- Integration-by-parts identities and multi-loop QCD amplitudes
- Integration-by-parts reductions from algebraic geometry
- Integrative analysis if environmental sequences
- Integrative and systems approaches to osmoregulation in insects (and people)
- Integrative approaches to study cardiac activity in intact tissue
- Integrative evolutionary biology: a need for interdisciplinary studies of development, ecology and population genetics
- Integrative models of heart function in health and disease
- Integrative multilevel modular approach to modeling the cardiac physiome
- Integrative Network Biology and Cellular Information Processing
- Integrative Neuromodulation: from biomarker identification to optimizing neuromodulation
- Integrative Structural Biology
- Integrins and immune function
- Integrins: force-responsive connectors for morphogenesis
- Integrity assessment of nuclear plate-type fuel assemblies by a single point free response measurement
- Intellectual and psychiatric outcomes in adult survivors of an early childhood cerebellar tumour
- Intellectual Debt and the Death of the Programmer
- Intellectual disability of known genetic origin - new journeys toward the unexpected
- Intellectual Geography: Territorial Fragmentation and Intellectual Activity in the Holy Roman Empire
- Intellectual Property (IP) workshop: “Leveraging IP in a Globalised World”
- Intellectual Property at Microsoft
- Intellectual Property Strategies for Service and Support
- Intellectual Property: Not a Banana. IP for Scientists and Engineers
- Intellectual Refuge and Shelter from Persecution: the Role of Universities in the Current Migration Crisis
- Intellectual Societies: Intimacy and Knowledge in the 19th Century
- Intellectuals, oil, and violence
- Intelligence and ageing: contributions from the Scottish Mental Survey follow-up studies
- Intelligence and Security in a Digital Age
- Intelligence and surveillance in modern society
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Intelligence and the Frontal lobes
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Intelligence Night
- Intelligence, a recipe
- Intelligent hearing tests using Gaussian Processes
- Intelligent Location-Privacy Preserving Mechanisms
- Intelligent Nanomaterials - Will It Answer Energy Problems?? And What Policies Will Make Them Attractive For Commercialisation.
- Intelligent Neuroimaging for Precision Neuro-oncology
- Intelligent Polymers.... just add water
- Intelligent Processing for Future Communication Networks
- Intelligent Product: From initial ideas towards real solutions connected to the market
- Intelligent Self-Driving Vehicles
- Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments
- Intelligent Systems for Characters, Creatures and Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Intelligent Systems for Safer, Healthier, and Sustainable Living
- Intelligent Systems of the People, by the People, for the People
- Intelligent Thread-Level Speculation
- Intelligently Aiding Human-Guided Correction of Speech Recognition
- Intelligentsia of Nano-Architected Hierarchical Materials
- Intelligible design: the origin and visualization of species
- Intelligible Machine Learning Models for HealthCare
- Intense nutrient upwelling and PV mixing in oceanic anti-cyclones caused by submesoscale instabilities
- Intensification of West African agriculture: socio-economic processes and gender-influenced patterns in bird distribution.
- Intensified shelf break exchange through submarine canyons: upwelling, internal tides, and turbidity currents
- Intensified-Process Integration at All Scales – flow reactor networks and end-to-end intensified chemical plants
- Intensified-Process Integration at All Scales: flow reactor networks and end-to-end intensified chemical plants
- Intensifying European Military Cooperation: New Opportunities
- Intensity effects in the standard model and beyond
- Intensive blood pressure control and cerebral blood flow in small vessel disease
- Intensive kinship and violence against women
- Intensive Parenting Alone: Negotiating the Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood as a Single Mother by Choice
- Intentional control over mnemonic awareness
- Inter-annual variability and predictability of Arctic summer sea ice - review of previous years with focus on summer 2017
- Inter-domain communication in home healthcare environments
- Inter-domain Deep Gaussian Processes
- Inter-domain rendezvous
- Inter-firm Cooperation among Manufacturing Firms
- Inter-organellar interactions - known unknowns in metabolic engineering of membrane-spanning pathways in plants
- Interacting Hopf monoids: the algebra of signal flow diagrams
- Interacting membranes in M-theory
- Interacting Particle Langevin Algorithm
- Interacting Persistent Random Walkers
- Interacting plumes in a rotating environment: The special case of a single plume and The dynamical system of mixing layers
- Interacting Quantum Field Theory on a Causal Set
- Interacting SLE paths
- Interacting with instabilities: Nonlinearity in structural engineering
- Interacting with Protein Interactions
- Interacting with your supervisor
- Interacting without Touch.
- Interacting-Particle Reaction-Diffusion Simulations: Endocytosis
- Interaction + Graphics: Four Lectures By Computer Laboratory Visitors
- Interaction behaviour of pipeline and clay seabed
- Interaction between concrete pavements and vehicles
- Interaction between exoplanets and the winds of their host stars
- Interaction between fast tides and convection
- Interaction between fast tides and convection with application to giant planets and solar type stars
- Interaction between gaseous halogen oxides and other radical families
- Interaction between humans and with robot
- Interaction between inclined massive planets and circumstellar discs
- Interaction between kinetic and macroscopic equations in the doxa of control theory.
- Interaction between Planetary Wave and Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere
- Interaction between stellar magnetic field, circumstellar disks and close-in planetary companions
- Interaction design with aspects of cognitive psychology
- Interaction driven spatial patterning in microbial communities
- Interaction Dynamics of Singular Wave Fronts Computed by Particle Methods
- Interaction instability of localization in quasiperiodic systems
- Interaction Of Carbon With Molten Salts And Ionic Liquids
- Interaction of impulsive gravitational waves and related low-regularity problems in General Relativity
- Interaction of in-plane waves with a structured penetrable line defect in an elastic lattice
- Interaction of in-plane waves with a structured penetrable line defect in an elastic lattice
- Interaction of Mechanical Ventilation and Natural Convection
- Interaction of multi-scales for fluids in fast rotation
- Interaction of natural convection and chemical kinetics
- Interaction of phonons and Dirac fermions on the surface of Bi2Se3: A strong Kohn anomaly
- Interaction of plant cell wall matrix polysaccharides with bacterial cellulose
- Interaction of turbulent flow with complex roughness topographies
- Interaction of wave with a body floating on a wide polynya
- Interaction statistics of movement models with home-ranging behavior
- Interaction with the Virtual World
- Interactions among metabolic disease, brain microstructure and cognition
- Interactions and Pathways
- Interactions and self assembly of heavy colloids on cross-linked polymer networks soft surfaces
- Interactions between a cell signalling pathway and a haematopoietic transcriptional network
- Interactions between fish hosts and trypanosomes: How to say NO
- Interactions between form and meaning in language processing
- Interactions between health and economic impact in pandemics: from data to decisions
- Interactions between home-ranging animals
- Interactions between memory, perception and semantics: Insights from amnesia and semantic dementia
- Interactions between moderate-to-large molecules with reference quantum mechanical methods
- Interactions between near-inertial waves and mesoscale flow in the ocean
- Interactions between phase change and boundary layer structure
- Interactions between planets, their protoplanetary disc and their star
- Interactions between Polymorphic Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors and Polymorphic MHC class I ligands
- Interactions between private and public long-term contracts for renewable energy
- Interactions between proteins and between organisms
- Interactions between stem cells and their niche in mammalian epidermis
- Interactions between stratospheric ozone and climate change in the Arctic
- Interactions between Supermassive Black Holes and Hot Atmospheres in (Early type) Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters
- Interactions between the OH radical and atmospheric gases
- Interactions of a gasdynamic type. Two significant multidimensional examples of a constructive and classifying approach
- Interactions of Cancer Stem Cells with their Niches are Essential for Breast Cancer Metastasis
- Interactions of cells with extracellular matrix
- Interactions of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibition with DNA damage in the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer
- Interactive and Intuitive Appearance Design
- Interactive Codes for File Synchronization
- Interactive Configuration Problems
- Interactive Data Mining - Towards Mixed Initiative Approaches
- Interactive matting
- Interactive music technology - demo session
- Interactive Parallel Coordinates in CAM
- Interactive proofs for verifying (quantum) learning and testing
- Interactive Session
- Interactive software studio
- Interactive theorem proving with Isabelle: aiming for the boundaries
- Interactive theorem proving with Isabelle: computer assisted reasoning
- Interactive workshop on our new Exclusion Calculator
- Interactive workshop with Goldman Sachs
- Interactome Networks and Human Disease
- Interannual variability in Pacific Subantarctic Mode Water formation regions
- Interannual variability in the tropical lower stratosphere
- Interannual variability of sea ice in the Greenland Sea: 1860-2007
- Interareal pathways in the primate cortex
- Interband Optical Excitations in Graphene Pump-Probe Spectroscopy And Photodetection
- Intercellular adhesion regulates cell competition in epithelia
- Intercellular signalling and intracellular transport during axis specification in Drosophila
- Intercity dynamics of Influenza in Australia
- Interconnections in Financial Markets - Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
- Interconnections on the Meroitic Frontier: Griffith’s work at Faras and the legacy of early-20th-century archaeology in Sudan
- Interconnectivity between volume transports through Arctic straits
- Interconversion of Light and Electricity in Molecular Semiconductors
- Intercultural Competencies and Leadership
- Intercultural Relations in the late Middle Kingdom in Egypt (1820-1720 BC)
- Interdependence and Predictability of Human Mobility and Social Interactions
- Interdependence and Predictability of Human Mobility and Social Interactions
- Interdependencies Among Factors Influencing Communication in Product Development
- Interdisciplinarity in Environmental Research - some reflections
- Interdisciplinarity in Science
- Interdisciplinarity Rules! A radical re-appraisal of the countryside of Roman Italy (200 BC - AD 100)
- Interdisciplinary polar social sciences and humanities at Cambridge
- Interdisciplinary polar social sciences and humanities at Cambridge
- Interdisciplinary social science and humanities perspectives on climate change in the Arctic
- Interest Group in Formal Mathematics: Natural Language Proof Checking - The Naproche System
- Interest vs. Frugality in Adam Smith's Theory of Capital Formation
- Interested in Nuclear Energy and Fuel?
- Interested in Nuclear Energy Innovation?
- Interested in Nuclear for Climate?
- Interested in Nuclear for Health?
- Interested in Postgraduate study?
- Interesting Dynamics interplay with Symmetry, Topology and Entropy
- Interesting Results in Recursion Theory, and their Applications to Decision Problems in Groups
- Interesting THINGS: First Results from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey
- Interface Chemistry for Organic Electronics and Opto-electronics.
- Interface effects in two-phase phase physics
- Interface heterogeneity and metal plating in lithium metal and anode-free batteries
- Interface singularities for the Euler equations
- Interface singularities for the Euler equations.
- Interface structures between fluorite and perovskite materials
- Interfaces and mixing in CO2 sequestration
- Interfaces with singularities: understanding phase transitions in nematic liquid crystals
- Interfaces, Films and Membranes: Soft Matter Physics in 2 Dimensions
- Interfacial Effects in Microflows: Different Models vs Experiments
- Interfacial Engineering For Graphene Synthesis
- Interfacial Flows in the Presence of Additives
- Interfacial flows with surfactants
- Interfacial materials and interface structure prediction: an ab initio random structure searching approach
- Interfacial mixing by horizontal vortices and shear turbulence
- Interfacial motion in flexo- and order-electric switching between nematic filled states
- Interfacial Network Geometry
- Interfacial structural conformations of proteins and DNA fragments
- Interfacial Studies on a Charged Surface in Oil by Contact Angle Measurements / Natural ventilation of an enclosed space driven by periodic gusting of wind
- Interfacial tensions and interfaces in active phase separation
- Interfacial tensions and interfaces in active phase separation
- Interfacial waves under horizontal electric fields: Hamiltonian structure and bifurcation of solitary waves
- Interfacing and improving proof tools
- Interfacing Compliant Electrodes with the Nervous System
- Interfacing Neurons With Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Impact On Neuronal Signaling
- Interfacing Spins with Photons for Quantum Simulation and Quantum Control
- Interfacing with the brain using organic electronics
- Interference and memory capacity limitations
- Interference effects in the production of wh-questions in early Italian
- Interference Pumping Effect and Natural Detectors for Gravitational Waves
- Interferometric measurements of the 21-cm signal with SKA
- Interferometric measurements of the 21-cm signal with the SKA
- Interferometric scattering microscopy: From high-speed nanometry to ultra-sensitive label-free imaging
- Interferon Induced Guanylate Binding Proteins (GBPs) Mediate Immunity Against Intracellular Pathogens“
- Interferons, paramyxoviruses and host cell interactions: molecular mechanisms and biological consequences
- Interfuel Substitution and Industrial Electricity Demand in UK Manufacturing Sector
- Intergalactic Globular Clusters in the Coma Cluster
- Intergalactic medium in the era of precision cosmology
- Intergenerational mobility in post-liberalisation India
- Intergenerational transmission of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric traits and conditions
- Interglacials of the last 800,000 years
- Interim Monitoring of Clinical Trials: Decision Theory, Dynamic Programming and Optimal Stopping
- Interindividual variation of brain and cognition
- Interlaced spaces: the importance of fieldwork and presence on crop conservation histories
- Interleaved scope for games and automata
- Interlocking directorates in Irish companies using bipartite networks: a latent space approach
- Intermediality and “synmediality” in video art: Robert Cahen and Pierre Boulez
- Intermediary Financing without Commitment
- Intermediary Leverage Cycles and Financial Stability
- Intermediary Leverage Cycles and Financial Stability
- Intermediate steps of the respirasome assembly pathway: Gaining insight into the structural interdependences among respiratory chain complexes
- Intermediated Exchange: Theory and Experiments
- Intermediation and Systemic Risk in the Repo Market
- Intermediation and Voluntary Exposure to Counterparty Risk
- Intermetallic Compounds – Materials for a Knowledge-Based Development in Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Intermittency and Dissipation in Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- Intermittency and scaling of passive scalar convected by isotropic steady turbulence under the uniform mean scalar gradient
- Intermittency in imperfect multiplicative cascades
- Intermittency in the interstellar medium
- Intermittency in turbulence and the 3D Navier-Stokes regularity problem - virtual talk
- Intermittency properties in a hyperbolic Anderson model
- Intermittent non-linear systems with noise. A derivation from first principles.
- Intermolecular Coulombic Decay and Ultrafast Energy Transfer
- Intermolecular interactions using perturbation theory
- Intermolecular Protein Interactions in Addressing Formulation Challenges in Next Generation Biopharmaceuticals
- Internal algebra classifiers and their applications
- Internal arguments disguised as external arguments: Lessons from an active alignment system
- Internal Bodily Sensations, Emotion, and Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Internal BPI Seminars
- Internal BPI Student Seminars
- Internal BPI Welcome Seminars
- Internal categories, generalised multicategories and operads
- Internal Category Theory
- Internal Displacement in Cyprus and childhood: The view from genetic social psychology
- Internal Gravity Waves in Massive Stars
- Internal homotopy theory via classical completeness
- Internal IEEF Single slide seminar
- Internal kinematics of Gaia DR3 wide binaries
- Internal Language of Higher Categories
- Internal migration in England and Wales, 1851-1911: the where, when, why and how
- Internal migration: distance, direction and determinants in England and Wales, 1851-1911. Fresh insights from the Census
- Internal models and the neural control of prey interception
- Internal Preprint Seminar
- Internal Preprint Seminar
- Internal Preprint Seminar
- Internal Preprint Seminar: A Deuring criterion for abelian varieties
- Internal Preprint Seminar: Congruences of Elliptic Curves with Small Conductor
- Internal Preprint Seminar: The Taylor-Wiles method
- Internal selective attention under the microsaccade scope
- Internal Solitary Waves and their interaction with sea ice
- Internal solitary waves in shallow water
- Internal stresses show elastic behaviour of a dynamic cell sheet
- Internal structures and compositions of giant (exo)planets: From CoRoT to Juno
- Internal student talks
- Internal Student talks - see abstracts
- Internal thoracic artery – caudal epigastric artery as a collateral pathway in a dog with chronic aortic occlusion
- Internal tide generation from surface tide/geostrophic Eddy interactions
- Internal transport barriers in JET and the impact of magnetic ripple and plasma rotation
- Internal wave attractors
- Internal wave beams: Transport and attractors.
- Internal wave packet tunnelling across a thermohaline staircase
- Internal wave recipes? Identifying the optimal mix of multi-scale shear and convection in wave-breaking events.
- Internal wave-induced mean flow
- Internal waves and stratified turbulence in the nearshore coastal ocean
- Internally-driven inertial waves in geodynamo simulations
- International and Regional Approaches to Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Africa: The Cases of Zimbabwe and the DRC
- International comparative analysis of housing and Land Use Planning
- International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC) - 2016
- International Criminal Law, War Crimes, and the Politics of the Past
- International currencies past, present and future: two views from economic history
- International design scoreboard:where the UK ranks and why it matters
- International development - How innovation, resilience and manufacturing can alleviate poverty and progress sustainability
- International Development Course 7th May
- International Development- Where is the Evidence?
- International environmental governance
- International forum for mass grave victim identification
- International Interfaces
- International Knowledge Management Trust
- International Law's Objects: A Conversation
- International Legal Constraints on Energy Transitions
- International Mediation as the Management of Complexity
- International operations management in Brazilian multinationals: contributions to theory and practice
- International operations networks from the emerging country multinationals
- International Paretianism: a palatable response to climate change?
- International Security After the War on Terror: What are the Key Challenges?
- International Security and Non-proliferation
- International Snowballing and the Multi-Sited Research of Diplomats
- International Space Station: Off the Earth, For the Earth
- International Spillovers and Carbon Pricing Policies
- International Standardization and the Commercialization of Nanotechnology
- International Stress Awareness Week 1-5 November 2021
- International Surface Temperature Initiative
- International symposium - Ethnographies of disease stratification: Understanding novel clinical practices and their social consequences in contemporary cancer care
- International Tax Avoidance and the Principal Purpose Test
- International Teacher Leadership (ITL) seminar
- International Women's Day at the IoA
- International Women's Day Celebration 2016
- International Women's Day event: Better the balance, better the world
- International Women's Day Film Screening - Peace Unveiled
- International Women's Day Lecture 2018: Press for Progress by Being an Active Bystander
- International Women's Day Lecture: A Question of Honour
- International Women's Day Panel: New Research on Gender in the Global South
- International Workshop on Tractability; 5-6 July 2010
- Internationalisation of Emerging Country Multinational Corporations
- Internationalising educational development: bulls in china shops and spontaneous and principled partnerships
- Internationalism and the Black Movement in Britain
- Internet Censorship and How It Is Resisted
- Internet censorship and Tor
- Internet Communication Technologies Guarding the Truth in 2013-14 Ukraine
- Internet Connectivity in the Global South: Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Internet evolution and misleading networking myths
- Internet measurements in Africa
- Internet Monitoring at Scale
- Internet of Everything – From Molecules to the Universe
- Internet Optometry: Assessing the Broken Glasses in Internet Reachability
- Internet Search: Dynamic Stochastic Games, Options and more…
- Internet Transparency
- Internet Voting: Threat or Menace
- Internetworking with DTN
- Interneuron specification in the zebrafish spinal cord
- Internship Event
- Internship Event
- Internship Information Event
- Internships uncovered...
- Interoperability in a Scripted World
- Interoperability on the Internet of Things
- Interoperation of Lucid's Dataflow paradigm and Object-orientation with a Coalgebraic Semantics
- Interpersonal Dynamics in Learning Across the Lifespan
- Interpersonal Synchrony and Perceptions of Moral Character
- Interpersonal Synchrony and Perceptions of Moral Character
- Interpersonal trust during childhood: psychosocial adjustment and culture
- Interplay between cellular senescence and reprogramming during tissue repair
- Interplay between condensation and amyloid formation
- Interplay between emergent collective behaviour and the underlying dynamic network of interactions: from animal groups to liquid water
- Interplay between geometry and topology in models of collective dynamics
- Interplay Between Intrachain and Interchain Interactions in Semiconducting Polymers: “Jekyll-Hyde” Behavior in Common Emissive Polymers
- Interplay Between Intrachain and Interchain Interactions in Semiconducting Polymers: “Jekyll-Hyde” Behavior in Common Emissive Polymers
- Interplay between Mathematics and Physics
- Interplay between the dividing cell and its neighbours temporally and spatially regulates adherens junction formation during cytokinesis in epithelial tissue.
- Interplay between tissue tension and tumor immunity
- Interplay between vegetation and land-atmosphere coupling
- Interplay of core and recycled crust signals in mantle plumes: the coupled geodynamics of He and W
- Interplay of Diffusivity and Reactivity in Organic Aerosol Ageing
- Interplay of disorder and interactions in 1d cold fermi gases
- Interplay of Ecological and Evolutionary Processes in Infectious Disease Dynamics: Antimicrobial Resistance and Immune Escape
- Interpolating the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence - an example of p-adic Langlands functoriality
- Interpolation between Hartree-Fock and Müller functional: Continuity and existence of a minimiser
- Interpolation between standard and anomalous diffusion of energy
- Interpolation of Deterministic Simulator Outputs using a Gaussian Process Model
- Interpolation of point spread functions using anisotropic diffusion equations
- Interpretability - the myth, questions, and some answers
- Interpretability in Machine Learning
- Interpretability in Machine Learning: What it means, How we're getting there
- Interpretability in NLP: Moving Beyond Vision
- Interpretable and interactive machine learning
- Interpretable Deep Learning
- Interpretable Machine Learning
- Interpretable machine learning for critical evaluation of scientific ML models - the case of reaction prediction
- Interpretable Machine Learning for Science
- Interpretable Model-Independent Detection of New Physics Signals
- Interpretable Models for Prediction on Networks with Cohesion
- Interpretable Multi-hop Question Answering
- Interpretable Neural Networks for Computer Vision: Clinical Decisions that are Computer-Aided, not Automated
- Interpretable Neural-Symbolic Concept Reasoning
- Interpretable Quantum AI, Efficient, and Scalable
- Interpretable representation learning for speech and audio signals
- Interpretation and modelling with super-resolution microscopy
- Interpretation of large-scale randomised evidence
- Interpretation of quasiparticle scattering measurements in $^3$He-B: a three dimensional numerical analysis
- Interpretation of the Altshuler Andreev saddle point
- Interpretation of the Calculus of Constructions in dictoses
- Interpretation, Implementation and Instrumentalisation of Europen Spatial Planning in Austria and Finland
- Interpretations, Conceptualisations and Actualisations of A-level English Literature: A Case Study
- Interpretative research in education: an invitation to an open discussion
- Interpreters for Free
- Interpreting (chemical) forensic evidence in a Bayesian framework: a multidisciplinary task
- Interpreting ALMA observations of the ISM in a normal galaxy at z=7.1
- Interpreting and Controlling Intermediate Representations in Large Language Models
- Interpreting Bach on the Piano
- Interpreting data-driven forecast systems - do they behave in physically sensible ways?
- Interpreting definite and bare plurals across different contexts: experimental evidence from adult mono- and bilingual Greek speakers
- Interpreting Document Collections Using Topic Models
- Interpreting Early Middle English Spelling: Anachronism and historical orthography
- Interpreting environmental signals from Antarctic peat cores
- Interpreting Evolution: Darwin, Nietzsche, & Teilhard de Chardin
- Interpreting LHC data using the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
- Interpreting LHC data using the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
- Interpreting Multimodal Communication Scenes
- Interpreting recent changes in atmospheric methane using satellite observations of gravity
- Interpreting results from analysis with big data: examples from epidemiology
- Interpreting the French Revolution with Germaine de Staël
- Interpreting the influence of air mass origin on the atmospheric composition of long term measurement stations
- Interpreting the record of photosynthesis on the early Earth
- Interpreting variants in the genomic era and utility of IPSC derived retinal cells and optic cups to explore mechanisms of disease and potential therapies for retinal degenerations
- Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis: Resurrecting the Classical Call Strings Method
- Interracial relationships and the 'brown baby' problem: black GIs, white women and their mixed race offspring in World War II Britain
- Interrelations between security and the zero-carbon energy transition in the Finnish and Norwegian Arctic
- Interrogating effector T cell signalling and function in hypoxic environments
- Interrogating spatial patterns in lung cancer using topological data analysis
- Interrogating T cell signalling and effector function in hypoxic environments
- Interrogating the Architecture of Cancer Genomes
- Interrogating the prehistory of Caesarean section
- Intersecting Families of Permutations
- Intersection of the traces of two independent walks in high dimensions
- Intersection sizes of linear subspaces with the hypercube
- Intersection Theory and Feynman Integrals
- Intersection theory on the moduli spaces of r-spin discs
- Intersectional Feminism for a fairer 2027
- Intersectionality in past populations: Examining frailty at the intersections of identities
- Intersections and embeddings of self-similar sets
- Intersections of branching random walks in 8 dimensions
- Intersections of the adaptive immune response and statistical physics
- Intersections of the irreducible components of the Emerton-Gee stack for GL2
- Interspecies Iceland: more-than-human geographies, genealogies and family histories
- Interspecies interactions determine growth dynamics of biopolymer degrading populations in microbial communities.
- Interspeech practice session
- Interspeech presentations
- Interspeech presentations
- Interstellar scintillation – near and far
- Interstitial sodium and it relevance to salt-sensitive hypertension
- Intersubband polaritons in photonic crystal cavities
- Intertissue crosstalk: Regulation of organismal proteostasis by transcellular chaperone signaling
- Intervals in the Hales-Jewett theorem. -Eero Raty (dpmms).
- Intervention choices, what are the issues
- Interventionist causation and the placement problem
- Interventions
- Interventions in Accelerated Aging
- Intervertebral disc disease in dogs: evidence based or defensive medicine?
- Interviewing for Research
- Intestinal Absorption of Food Additive Nanoparticles and Microparticles by Human Volunteers
- Intestinal cancer models and stem cell biology
- Intestinal cancer models and stem cell biology
- Intimacy and Inequality; Conceptualising Care Labour in Kenya
- Intimate Fatherhood: fragile, risky or resilient?
- Intimate Histories: Creole Families in Colonial Malaya
- Intimate Relations: Human Evolution and Climatic Change
- Intimate violence: age of consent controversies in colonial Bengal
- Intimate violence: age of consent controversies in the age of Nationalism
- Intimate voices of empire: women and letter writing in eighteenth century India
- Into Deep Water; The Hybrid Modelling of Offshore Systems
- Into the Blue: New Insights on Submerged Mesolithic Landscapes
- Into the Mountains: The Extraordinary True Story of Survival in the Andes and its Aftermath
- Into the void: bridging the gap between risk genes and psychiatric phenotypes.
- Into Thin Air: the Hypoxia / Inflammation axis
- Into thin air: the impact of hypoxia on immunity and inflammation.
- Into thin air; regulation of inflammatory gene expression by hypoxia
- Intolerant bodies: on biological individuality and writing with scientists
- Intra- and intermolecular potential energy surfaces derived from ab initio data by machine learning
- Intra-abdominal pressures in horses
- Intra-Core Loop-Task Accelerators for Task-Based Parallel Programs
- Intra-Disk Parallelism: A Green Storage Solution for Data Centers
- Intra-Disk Parallelism: A Green Storage Solution for Data Centers
- Intra-slab seismicity: an under-appreciated source of seismic hazard
- Intra-tumour heterogeneity and genomic rearrangements in solid cancers.
- Intra-tumour heterogeneity in human glioblastoma.
- Intrabodies for Huntington's and Parkinson's disease therapeutics
- Intracellular antibodies: in the wrong place, at the right time
- Intracellular function and motor properties of myosin VI
- Intracellular Immunity: neutralizing viruses inside infected cells
- Intracellular mechanisms of axonal growth and regeneration
- Intracellular metabolite transport in C3 and C4 plants
- Intracellular Protein Transport in Plants
- Intracellular signaling processes and cell decisions using stochastic algorithms
- Intracellular signalling in a molecular jungle: insights from bacterial chemotaxis
- Intracellular Transport in Drosophila Oocytes
- Intracluster light in distant proto-clusters
- Intracratonic Basins of Australia
- Intraday ecology of electronic limit order market: empirical evidence and multiscale modelling
- Intramural structure of coronary arteries and transmural distribution of coronary blood flow
- Intraneural neuroprostheses to understand and restore sensory, motor, and autonomic neural functions
- Intraneuronal AB triggers neurodegeneration: New evidence from Transgenic Alzheimer Mouse Models
- Intraoperative molecular imaging
- Intraoperative Molecular Imaging in Cancer Surgery
- Intraplate faults and Australian earthquakes
- Intravascular imaging of atherosclerosis
- Intravital Imaging – Applications and Image Analysis/ Information session on Borysiewicz Biomedical Sciences Fellowships
- Intravital Immunology - Imaging lymphocyte activation and effector function in vivo
- Intricate structure of a nonlocal Lasry-Lions type problem
- Intrinsic Alignments of Disk Galaxies
- Intrinsic Alignments of Galaxies
- Intrinsic and extrinsic controls on axon regeneration and plasticity.
- Intrinsic and extrinsic determinants of pancreatic cancer stem cells
- Intrinsic and extrinsic determinants of pancreatic cancer stem cells
- Intrinsic and extrinsic regulators of myelination
- Intrinsic biophysical diversity and connectivity of neuronal circuits
- Intrinsic guiding-center dynamics: towards gyro-center reduction in Maxwell-Vlasov algebra
- Intrinsic Inhomogeneities in the Strongly Correlated Electron System CeNi1-xCux
- Intrinsic Langevin dynamics of rigid inclusions on curved surfaces
- Intrinsic rigidity of extremal horizons
- Intrinsic rigidity of extremal horizons and black hole uniqueness
- Intrinsic Un-manufacturability In Nanoelectronics
- Intrinsic wavelet regression for curves and surfaces of Hermitian positive definite matrices
- Intrinsic wavelet regression for curves and surfaces of Hermitian positive definite matrices
- Intrinsic, Stretch Reflex, and Cognitive Contributors to Driver Steering Torque
- Intrinsically irregular spiking in a class of cortical inhibitory interneuron
- Intrinsically Motivating Teachers;STIR's use of Data Driven Insight to Iterate, Pivot and (where necessary) Fail Fast
- Intrinsically Unstructured Proteins: Regulation and Disease
- Intro talk: Emergence of Willis constitutive coupling in elastodynamic heterogeneous media
- Intro talk: More than 60 years of Anderson Localization, and counting...
- Intro talk: Wave propagation in disordered materials: effects of structural correlations and non-linearities
- Intro talk: Wave propagation in random media: Gaussian and non-Gaussian wave fluctuations
- Intro talk: Wave Transport in Disordered Media: Effective Medium and the Intermediate Frequency Regime
- Intro to the theta correspondence I
- Intro to the theta correspondence II
- Intro to the theta correspondence III
- Introducing "Zomia": Site of the Last Great Enclosure Movement of (relatively) Stateless Peoples in Mountainous Southeast Asia
- Introducing ACEpotentials.jl
- Introducing Azahar: the blooming of non-thermal physics in galaxy formation
- Introducing Caesar: an attempt to calculate the properties of crystals at finite temperatures using self-consistent anharmonic phonons without running out of computing time
- Introducing Deising Rationale Editor (DRed) and its new features
- Introducing Effective Altruism: TED Talk Viewing and Giving Game
- Introducing narrative assessment for learners with high needs: A CHAT analysis of a professional development initiative that simultaneously initiates and impedes change
- Introducing new methods for modelling energy and emissions from the English residential sector: combining energy efficiency, behaviour and environmental variables to improve long term projections
- Introducing parametric uncertainty within the hybrid FE-SEA method
- Introducing quantum nuclear effects in the calculation of structural properties of crystals
- Introducing the Cambridge Connectome Consortium
- Introducing the Cambridge Migration Research Forum (CAMMIGRES): An Event for New Graduates
- Introducing the Centre for Climate Repair
- Introducing the Computer Architecture Group
- Introducing the Corpus of Dutch English: Background and methodological insights
- Introducing the High Performance Computing Service: a computing resource for researchers
- Introducing the Neuro Optics Lab: developing novel optical techniques to monitor the brain
- Introducing the New JOM (Journal of Operations Management)
- Introducing the Propensity to Cycle Tool and explaining the new health impact calculation methods
- Introducing Tikigaq - Living with the Whale in the Arctic
- Introducing Topological Quantum Chemistry and Topological Materials Data Base
- Introducing X-MAN – The Model Cancer Patient
- Introducing Zebra Speech: from bleep-blop streaming to concurrent speech segregation
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction & Outline and Summary of INI Research Programme
- Introduction and goals
- Introduction and layout of the talks
- Introduction and Overview
- Introduction and overview, Mark Birkin
- Introduction and Welcome
- Introduction by Chris Breward & Camp Rules
- Introduction by Chris Breward & Camp Rules
- Introduction MedIAN (Medical Image Analysis Network)
- Introduction MedIAN (Medical Image Analysis Network)
- Introduction of a Portable and Automated On-Line Instrument to Measure Health-Relevant Aerosol-Bound Reactive Oxygen Species
- Introduction of new PhD students
- Introduction to 'Three Tales'
- Introduction to 'Three Tales'
- Introduction to 'Three Tales'
- Introduction to 3D Printing and 3D Printing applications
- Introduction to a motivic point of view on the cohomology of moduli spaces of bundles on curves
- Introduction to adaptive estimation
- Introduction to Advanced Equipment
- Introduction to AI in First Person Shooter games
- Introduction to anabelian geometry
- Introduction to ARC Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale
- Introduction to Bayesian contraction rates
- Introduction to beekeeping
- Introduction to biolmolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR
- Introduction to Biomolecular NMR and NMR in Ligand Screening
- Introduction to Blockchain
- Introduction to cancer in Cambridge (BP) followed by Cell cycle and checkpoints (AP)
- Introduction to Catastrophe Theory with Applications to Biology and the Social Sciences
- Introduction to chemotherapy: role of Kaplan Meier curves in clinical cancer research
- Introduction to Chileno Spanish
- Introduction to Chromatic Homotopy Theory
- Introduction to coding and information theories and the noisy-channel coding theorem
- Introduction to Condor and CamGrid
- Introduction to Conformal Bootstrap
- Introduction to continuous fields of C*-algebras and their topological invariants (Part 1)
- Introduction to continuous fields of C*-algebras and their topological invariants (Part 2)
- Introduction to continuous fields of C*-algebras and their topological invariants (Part 3)
- Introduction to convex optimization and iterative methods
- Introduction to Coxeter groups
- Introduction to Data Center Computing
- Introduction to Data Center Computing
- Introduction to Day 2
- Introduction to Density Functional Theory of Liquid Crystals
- Introduction to Density Functional Theory of Liquid Crystals II
- Introduction to derived categories and stability conditions - I
- Introduction to derived categories and stability conditions - II
- Introduction to derived categories and stability conditions - III
- Introduction to derived categories and stability conditions - IV
- Introduction to derived categories and stability conditions - V
- Introduction to deterministic multiple scattering
- Introduction to deterministic multiple scattering
- Introduction to deterministic multiple scattering
- Introduction to Dialogue Systems
- Introduction to differential privacy
- Introduction to diffusion models
- Introduction to Direct Fidelity Estimation
- Introduction to DNSSEC
- Introduction to DVRG
- Introduction to DVRG
- Introduction to DVRG
- Introduction to DVRG
- Introduction to Dynamics and Vibration Research Group
- Introduction to early detection and tumour development
- Introduction to Elevator Pitches
- Introduction to Elevator Pitches
- Introduction to Elevator Pitches
- Introduction to Elevator Pitches
- Introduction to energy deep dive fortnight, and decision support for complex systems. Chris Dent (University of Edinburgh), Mark Enzer (Mott Macdonald) and Jim Smith (Warwick University).
- Introduction to Exoplanet Atmospheres: Observations, Models, and Current Issues
- Introduction to Exotic Gardening
- Introduction to E_n-operads and little discs operads (mini-course)
- Introduction to Feminist Economics and issues of Gender in the Economy
- Introduction to Finite Element Methods using Jupyter Notebooks
- Introduction to Flow Categories (Part I)
- Introduction to Flow Categories (Part II)
- Introduction to Flow Cytometry
- Introduction to Flow Cytometry
- Introduction to Food Security
- Introduction to Fractional Calculus - Part 1
- Introduction to Fractional Calculus - Part 2
- Introduction to Fundamental Theravadin Buddhist trainings
- Introduction to Fundamental Theravadin Buddhist Trainings (Part 2) - Dhamma
- Introduction to Fusion Systems
- Introduction to fusion systems-I
- Introduction to fusion systems-II
- Introduction to game semantics for programming languages
- Introduction to GANs
- Introduction to Gaussian processes and Modulated Bayesian Optmisation
- Introduction to Generative Models
- Introduction to Generative Models
- Introduction to Generative Models
- Introduction to Generative Models
- Introduction to Geometric Algebra
- Introduction to Geometry and Topology at DPMMS
- Introduction to GungHo Computational Science week: a discussion session
- Introduction to homological stability
- Introduction to Huawei Technologies
- Introduction to IFM's Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory
- Introduction to Imaging and Data Integration With an Update from LCMH
- Introduction to Imaging Fluid Flows with Application to Viscous Fingering
- Introduction to Inclusion: getting more comfortable with the uncomfortable
- Introduction to information theory
- Introduction to intellectual property
- Introduction to Intellectual Property
- Introduction to Islam
- Introduction to Item Response Theory
- Introduction to Iwasawa algebras
- Introduction to K-stability
- Introduction to Lagrangian Floer theory
- Introduction to Lie groups and algebras - 1
- Introduction to Lie groups and algebras - 1
- Introduction to Lie groups and algebras - 2
- Introduction to Lie groups and algebras - 2
- Introduction to light microscopy
- Introduction to Light Microscopy
- Introduction to light microscopy
- Introduction to light microscopy
- Introduction to Light Microscopy
- Introduction to Light Microscopy
- Introduction to light microscopy and confocal microscopy
- Introduction to Light Microscopy and FRET
- Introduction to light microscopy and FRET
- Introduction to light microscopy and FRET
- Introduction to liquid crystal continuum theory: statics and dynamics
- Introduction to liquid crystal continuum theory: statics and dynamics
- Introduction to LoRaWAN
- Introduction to Lubin-Tate theory
- Introduction to Madonnas and Miracles
- Introduction to Market Making
- Introduction to Marxist Political Economy
- Introduction to Medical Image Processing using MATLAB
- Introduction to MILS and the LynuxWorks Separation Kernel
- Introduction to moduli of varieties - I: Generalities on moduli spaces of varieties
- Introduction to moduli of varieties - II: Stable toric and semiabelic varieties
- Introduction to moduli of varieties - III: Weighted hyperplane arrangements
- Introduction to moduli of varieties - IV: Surfaces of general type related to abelian varieties and hyperplane arrangements
- Introduction to moduli of varieties - V: Surfaces of general type: the general case
- Introduction to Mokken scaling
- Introduction to Motivic Homotopy Theory I: Motivic Spaces
- Introduction to Motivic Homotopy Theory II: Motivic Spectra
- Introduction to Motivic Homotopy Theory III: Highlights and Applications
- Introduction to Multi-Touch Technology and Microsoft Surface
- Introduction to Multiobjective Optimisation using Evolutionary Algorithms
- Introduction to non commutative field theory
- Introduction to p-dg 2-representation theory
- Introduction to periodic operators I
- Introduction to periodic operators II
- Introduction to periodic operators III
- Introduction to periodic operators IV
- Introduction to periodic operators V
- Introduction to periodic operators VI
- Introduction to persistent Floer homology
- Introduction to PHaSS for new students and members of staff
- Introduction to Physics of Living Matter Symposium 6
- Introduction to Polynomial Optimization
- Introduction to programming with OpenGL
- Introduction to Public Engagement
- Introduction to Quantum Channels
- Introduction to Quantum Graphs
- Introduction to Quantum Linear Systems
- Introduction to quantum logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
- Introduction to Quantum Stochastic Calculus
- Introduction to Radar Imaging
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - Online on Zoom
- Introduction to Rasch
- Introduction to research data management and the data champion initiative
- Introduction to RNAcentral, a non-coding RNA sequence database
- Introduction to SAR tomography
- Introduction to Sea Ice Climate Models
- Introduction to semi-abelian categories
- Introduction to Separation Logic
- Introduction to Service Engineering - a modeling method and CAD tool for service
- Introduction to Sign Language
- Introduction to simplicial homotopy theory
- Introduction to Sony and its Academic Engagement Models
- Introduction to species and combinatorial equations
- Introduction to spectral theory (1)
- Introduction to spectral theory (2)
- Introduction to spectral theory (3)
- Introduction to spectral theory (4)
- Introduction to spectral theory (5)
- Introduction to stacks - I
- Introduction to stacks - II
- Introduction to stacks - III
- Introduction to stacks - IV
- Introduction to statistical learning theory, SGD, neural networks
- Introduction to statistical learning theory, SGD, neural networks
- Introduction to Stochastic Analysis
- Introduction to Stochastic Analysis
- Introduction to Stochastic Analysis
- Introduction to Stochastic Modeling and MCMC methods
- Introduction to string diagrams
- Introduction to subfactor theory
- Introduction to subfactor theory
- Introduction to subfactor theory
- Introduction to subfactor theory
- Introduction to supermatrix techniques (4)
- Introduction to supermatrix techniques (5)
- Introduction to supermatrix techniques (6)
- Introduction to Symplectic Cohomology and Applications
- Introduction to the 3 Challenges
- Introduction to the biology of metastasis
- Introduction to the biology of metastasis
- Introduction to the biology of metastasis
- Introduction to the biology of metastasis
- Introduction to the biology of metastasis
- Introduction to the Deep Dive, High Level Challenges and Hawk TA1 Benchmark - Tim Rogers and Lizzy Cross
- Introduction to the DVRG
- Introduction to the DVRO and MEMS group
- Introduction to the Dynamics and Vibration Research Group and poster session
- Introduction to the early detection of cancer and novel interventions
- Introduction to the EPSRC Centres
- Introduction to the EPSRC Centres
- Introduction to the Farrell-Jones conjecture
- Introduction to the Gaussian Free Field
- Introduction to the Institute and some thoughts on energy transition
- Introduction to the JUNIPER consortium
- Introduction to the Luminex 200-Instrument: Procarta Immunoassays and Quantigene Plex
- Introduction to the Minimal Model Program
- Introduction to the Modelling of Forces in Biological Tissues
- Introduction to the physics and modelling of electro- and magnetoencephalography
- Introduction to the Rainbow Group
- Introduction to the Rainbow Group
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group - 1
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group - 2
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group - 3
- Introduction to the Renormalisation Group - 4
- Introduction to the Study Group
- Introduction to the term’s reading seminar on A. Willi Origins of the Greek Verb
- Introduction to the three discussion topics and group formation
- Introduction to the Topics
- Introduction to the U.S. Academic Job Market
- Introduction to the Undergraduate Certificate in the Principle and Practice of Assessment
- Introduction to the University HPC system (Cumulus)
- Introduction to the Workshop and Programme
- Introduction to the Workshop and Programme
- Introduction to the Workshop and Programme
- Introduction to the Workshop and Programme
- Introduction to topological phases
- Introduction to Topological Phases of Matter
- Introduction to Transformational Life Coaching
- Introduction to Transformers and N-grams
- Introduction to UQ - An Overview of the Challenges Posed by Complex Spatio-Temporal Epidemic Models to inform policy (lessons learned so far)
- Introduction to wave6, a CAE software for vibro-acoustic
- Introduction to Wikidata
- Introduction to workshop by organisers
- Introduction: Challenge 2. Modelling Sewer Networks
- Introduction: Challenge 3. Estimating Flood Probability Using Historical Data
- Introduction: Coronary vascular fluid dynamics
- Introduction: Excitation and contraction
- Introduction: Sub-cellular modelling
- Introduction: topological preliminaries
- Introductions
- Introductions
- Introductions
- Introductions
- Introductions
- Introductions
- Introductions and setting the scene
- Introductiory Meeting
- Introductory Competitive Programming Workshop
- Introductory Journal Club Meeting - Tau filament structures
- Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Algebraic Geometry in the wild
- Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Algebraic Topology
- Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry
- Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Bestvina--Brady Morse theory
- Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Introduction to Profinite Groups
- Introductory Lunchtime Talk - Variations on a theme: Symplectic Geometry from Hamilton to Floer
- Introductory Meeting
- Introductory Meeting
- Introductory Meeting
- Introductory remarks on the Local Geometric Langlands Correspondence
- Introductory Session
- Introductory Talk and Discussion
- Introductory talk: on my past, current and forthcoming research activities
- Introductory talks
- Introenumerable sets and the cototal enumeration degrees
- Intrusive emotional memories: a special form of memory
- Intrusive gravity currents and the solitary wave lifecycle in a cylindrical geometry
- Intrusive LIPs: Petrological Interpretation of Deep Crustal Cumulate Bodies beneath Oceanic Hotspot Provinces
- Intrusive Thoughts and Cognitive Functioning following Potentially Traumatic Events: From Hurricanes to Maltreatment, Injury, and Chronic Illness
- Intuition and affect in decision-making
- Intuitionistic logic
- Inuit pastoralism in South Greenland: Navigating the spectrum from wild to domestic herds in an era of rapid Arctic change
- Inuit Piqutingit: What Belongs to Inuit [Film Screening]
- Inuktitut in the Archive: Early insights from research into 19th century writing about Inuktitut
- Invariable generation and totally deranged elements of simple groups
- Invariable generation of finite classical groups
- Invariable generation of finite simple groups by two elements of prime or prime power order
- Invariance of IDS under Darboux transformation and its application
- Invariance of the restricted p-power in Hochschild cohomology of degree 1
- Invariance Principle and Local Limit Theorem for the Random Conductance Model
- Invariance principle for random walk in time-dependent balanced random environment
- Invariance principle for the random Lorentz gas beyond the [Boltzmann-Grad / Gallavotti-Spohn] limit
- Invariance principles for local times in regenerative settings.
- Invariance under reflecting temperature to negative values
- Invariant Coordinate Selection revisited: Fisher Symmetry and Symmetric Component Analysis
- Invariant forms on minuscule representations
- Invariant geometric structures for group actions and the Zimmer program
- Invariant Gibbs measures for the defocusing NLS on the real line
- Invariant Kalman Filtering
- Invariant Kalman filtering
- Invariant measure and flow associated to the Phi4-quantum field model on the three-dimensional torus
- Invariant measure of the stochastic Allen-Cahn equation: the regime of small noise and large system size
- Invariant measures for some Hamiltonian PDEs
- Invariant measures for stochastic evolution equations in M-type 2 Banach spaces
- Invariant measures of the infinite Atlas model: domains of attraction, extremality, and equilibrium fluctuations
- Invariant NKT cell receptors: innate-type recognition with an adaptive gear
- Invariant Rings of p-groups
- Invariant solutions and visualization of dynamics in plane Couette flow
- Invariant theory of graded Lie algebras in arbitrary characteristic
- Invariant theory: a useful tool for equivariant dynamics and the mathematics of liquid crystals
- Invariants for linear difference and q-difference equations I. (Tutorial)
- Invariants for linear difference and q-difference equations II. (Tutorial)
- Invariants of maximal tori of Chevalley groups in some of their representations
- Invariants of Random Knots
- Invariants of Specht Modules
- Invariants, symmetries and divergences
- Invasion of red blood cells by malaria
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
- Invasion, unification, and the tangled relationship of Haiti and Santo Domingo 1820-22
- Inventing 'Heterosexuality' Through Ethnographic Knowledge Production: Tradition of Premarital Sleeping Together in Ukraine(XIX-the beginning of XX century), Dr Maria Mayerchyk
- Inventing a literary past: the first two surveys of Modern Greek literature
- Inventing apparatus and processes
- Inventing Phoenicia? The Levantine Coast and Geographical Perception in the Ancient World
- Inventing the User: EDSAC in context
- Inventorying the Rhone: the scientific travels of Claude Jourdan collecting for the Natural History Museum of Lyon, 1834–1869
- Inverse boundary problems for nonlinear elliptic PDE
- Inverse consistency and global convergence of ResNets
- Inverse Design of Architected Materials: From Mechanics-Based Methods to Data-Driven Methods
- Inverse design of discrete mechanical metamaterials
- Inverse design of discrete mechanical metamaterials
- Inverse design of multiscale structures and meta-materials by topology optimization and dehomogenization
- Inverse Design of Simple Liquids using Machine Learning and the Ornstein-Zernike Equation
- Inverse Eigenvalue Problems via Quadratic Isospectral Flows
- Inverse energy cascade in turbulent 2D fluid of light
- Inverse energy cascade, the Rhines scale, and large-scale circulations on giant planets and in the terrestrial oceans
- Inverse estimation of fibre reinforced soft tissue of human gallbladder wall
- Inverse Game Theory
- Inverse mapping the neuronal substrates of face categorizations
- Inverse optimal transport
- Inverse probability weighting with missing predictors of missingness or treatment assignment
- Inverse problem for systems in 2 dimension
- Inverse problems for non-linear partial differential equations and applications in tomography
- Inverse problems for nonlocal PDEs with applications to quantum optics
- Inverse problems for the potential form wave equation in an annulus
- Inverse problems for wave propagation in heterogeneous media
- Inverse problems in Adaptiv Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes
- Inverse problems in fluid dynamics for enhanced velocimetry
- Inverse Problems in Optical Tomography
- Inverse problems in seismology with a view to the mantle
- Inverse Problems in the Prediction of Reservoir Petroleum Properties using Multiple Kernel Learning
- Inverse Problems meet Deep Learning: Optimal Hybrid Methods
- Inverse reinforcement learning for modeling micro-turn taking
- Inverse Scale Space Decomposition
- Inverse scattering for the Camassa-Holm hierarchy
- Inverse scattering from cusp on generalized arithmetic surfaces
- Inverse Source Problems of Active Sound Control for Composite Domains
- Inverse theorem for the Gowers U(4) norm
- Inversion formulae for the cosh-weighted Hilbert transform
- Inversion formulae for the cosh-weighted Hilbert transform
- Inversion of Guided Wave Scattering For Measuring Corrosion in Pipes and Plates
- Inversion of waves and current profiles using X-band radar in coastal zone
- Inversion: Reverse Engineering the Earth
- Inverting Entomological Growth Curves Using Functional Data Analysis
- Inverting the central limit theorem
- Inverting the Pareto Boundary: Bayes linear decision support with a soft constraint
- Inverting the Pareto Boundary: Bayes linear decision support with a soft constraint
- Investigate the response of light weight structures to dynamic loading of sands
- Investigating $kG$-modules using nilpotent operators
- Investigating a mechanism for epiallele establishment in plants.
- Investigating aspects of algal-bacterial symbiosis
- Investigating Bias in Full Blood Count Data
- Investigating biodiversity responses to climate change: the benefits of hindsight
- Investigating BOAS in different brachycephalic breeds
- Investigating category-selectivity in the temporal lobe using using fMRI and single-unit recordings
- Investigating changes to phytoplankton patterns in the Southern Ocean using the evaluative satellite product Zeu, validated by instrumented southern elephant seals.
- Investigating Charge and Vorticity in the Cooper Pair Transistor using RF Reflectometry (SP Workshop)
- Investigating Cognition using CANTAB
- Investigating cognitive mechanisms in major depressive disorder using novel translational animal models
- Investigating Collaboration around the TableTop
- Investigating cortico-cortical plasticity in motor brain control regions in young and older adults.
- Investigating cultures of community energy
- Investigating Cultures of Community Energy
- Investigating Defective Anatase Surfaces Using Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory
- Investigating directed phase couplings from multivariate EEG/MEG time series
- Investigating discrepancy in computer model predictions
- Investigating Disorder in Solids using NMR Spectroscopy, Isotopic Enrichment and First-Principles Calculations
- investigating Disorder in Solids: Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and First-Principles Calculations
- Investigating drug-induced effects on cardiac electrophysiological function: from ion channels to the ECG
- Investigating early hominid life history
- Investigating early warning signals and the structure and emergence of collaborations with a large-scale online experiment
- Investigating Earth's deep mantle buoyancy and frequency dependent behavior using Earth tides
- Investigating effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on hearing and auditory streaming
- Investigating effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on hearing and auditory streaming
- Investigating endothelial redox signalling using in vivo cardiovascular models
- Investigating enteric virus-host interactions in human intestinal organoids
- Investigating forest dynamics and functioning in response to disturbances through individual-based modeling
- Investigating future changes in the volume budget of the Arctic sea ice in a coupled climate model
- Investigating galactic outflows with MaNGA
- Investigating Group A rotaviruses in farm animals in Ghana
- Investigating heat shock signalling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Investigating how Neanderthal’s subsistence was affected by MIS3 climatic oscillations and the arrival of AMH
- Investigating how schizophrenia risk genes impact brain function and cognition
- Investigating human blood development at the single-cell level
- Investigating Human Foetal Blood Development at the Single-Cell Level
- Investigating incretin hormone secretion by single cell dynamic fluorescence imaging.
- Investigating individual differences in outcomes for cochlear implantees
- Investigating Individual Differences in political networks on Twitter
- Investigating key effectors downstream of APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) deletion in vivo
- Investigating lung destruction in tuberculosis to identify new diagnostic markers and therapeutic approaches
- Investigating Magnetic Roughness by Neutron and X-ray Scattering
- Investigating Magnetic Roughness by Neutron and X-ray Scattering
- Investigating mechanisms of synaptic dysfunction in an organotypic slice culture model of Alzheimer's disease
- Investigating Models of Metastasis in Human and Canine Musculoskeletal Cancers
- Investigating movement and metabolism in social insects
- Investigating nuclear reprogramming of the mammalian inactive X chromosome by somatic cell nuclear transfer to Xenopus laevis oocytes
- Investigating obfuscation using quantum homomorphic encryption
- Investigating object and feature processing in human audition
- Investigating plastic yielding across the strain rates
- Investigating pnictogen surfaces via HAS: The effect of electron-hole excitations on measured vibronic modes
- Investigating Pure Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid 3He and a Means of Directly Inferring the Turbulent Energy Content
- Investigating quantum matter with cold atomic gases
- Investigating Quantum Transport in 1-D and 0-D Nano Devices
- Investigating Reading Attitudes in Lebanon
- Investigating reading in low I.Q. children
- Investigating recollection in autism spectrum disorder
- Investigating rhythmic expectation using sound lateralization and auditory averaging tasks
- Investigating rock anchorage failure at major road cut in Wales
- Investigating seismic anisotropy in the Central Mediterranean
- Investigating Sensory Prediction in Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Investigating single molecule transport at micro- and nanometre scales
- Investigating Southern Hemisphere stratospheric ozone change and associated impacts on dynamics and climate
- Investigating stem cell differentiation and positional signaling in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea
- Investigating temperature signalling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Investigating the Afro-Arabian rift system with passive seismology
- Investigating the assembly of task sets
- Investigating the biology of DEXI – a novel candidate gene in autoimmunity
- Investigating the biology of plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
- Investigating the biology of plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
- Investigating the cell biology of invasive growth by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
- Investigating the clinical features of casino-based gambling and its neurobiology
- Investigating the clinical features of casino-based gambling and its neurobiology
- Investigating the composition of comets using ground-based optical observations
- Investigating the composition of planets formed by Gravitational Instability
- Investigating the consequences of age-linked gene expression changes
- Investigating the cyclic behaviour of clays using a kinematic hardening soil model
- Investigating the diversification of RNA silencing pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Investigating the earthquake cycle and crustal deformation using space geodesy
- Investigating the evolution and development of body plans and body parts in arthropods
- Investigating the Family in the post-Soviet Context
- Investigating the fibrillisation pathway of TTR105-115 : a model amyloidogenic system
- Investigating the firing properties of motoneurones with dynamic clamp and modelling
- Investigating the Functional Anatomy of Motion Processing Pathways in the Human Brain
- Investigating the fundamental circuit pathology in schizophrenia using computational modelling of brain imaging data
- Investigating the immune interactions of liposomes - unravelling direct and indirect effects on complex systems.
- Investigating the impact of quasar feedback on the central kiloparsec of galaxies
- Investigating the interaction of Radiotherapy & Temozolomidefor Glioblastoma
- Investigating the interdependencies between DNN architectures and optimisation methods for Large Vocabulary Speech Continuous Speech Recognition
- Investigating the lymphoid stress-surveillance response
- Investigating the machinery of bacterial transmembrane transport
- Investigating the molecular bases of plant quantitative disease resistance using Arabidopsis natural variation
- Investigating the Molecular Driving Forces of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
- Investigating the motion of particles within gas-solid fluidised beds using MRI and PIV
- Investigating the O3-induced Ca2+ signalling pathway in Arabidopsis
- Investigating the Origin of Nanostructures on Flowers
- Investigating the pathogenesis of microvascular and macrovascular complications in Type 1 Diabetes: The FinnDianne Study
- Investigating the Policies of New Academic Structure for Secondary Education in Hong Kong
- Investigating the potential costs and benefits of immunisation against neonatal GBS disease in the UK
- Investigating the potential costs and benefits of immunisation against neonatal GBS disease in the UK
- Investigating the propagation and spreading of protein aggregates in C. elegans
- Investigating the radial structure of exoKuiper belts
- Investigating the Relationship between Musical Training and Mathematical Thinking in Children: A School-based Experiment
- Investigating the residual visual pathways following damage to primary visual cortex
- Investigating the role of affective force on design thinking
- Investigating the role of cognition for speech-in-noise listening
- Investigating the role of cognition for speech-in-noise listening
- Investigating the role of glycosylation in Toxoplasma gondii protein homeostasis
- Investigating the role of Influenza virus neuraminidase activity on the host immune response
- Investigating the role of mitochondrial metabolism during central nervous system development
- Investigating the role of RNA-protein complexes mediating host-pathogen interactions during viral replication
- Investigating the role of sugar metabolism in controlling fate specification during gastrulation
- Investigating the role of the protein TDP-43 in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using a Drosophila model
- Investigating the role of the small RNA binding protein, Hfq, in virulence and secondary metabolite production in Serratia sp. ATCC 39006
- Investigating the Spread of Disease at the Landscape Scale
- Investigating the stability of Antarctica’s ice shelves
- Investigating the Star-Planet Connection with Precision Spectroscopy
- Investigating the warm absorber and X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516 with XMM-Newton
- Investigating vibration dynamics of cross-coupled MEMS resonators for reduced motional resistance
- Investigation into appropriate statistical models for the analysis and visualisation of data captured in clinical trials using wearable sensors
- Investigation of a novel iron-uptake system in Staphylococcus aureus
- Investigation of a Random Walk on a Dynamical Random Graph
- Investigation of antibiotic resistance in a bovin mastitis pathogen
- Investigation of dressing phase at strong coupling
- Investigation of genetic risk factors in canine hormone dependent diabetes
- Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Onion Epidermal Tissue by ESEM
- Investigation of mechanical properties of onion epidermal tissue by ESEM
- Investigation of methods used to measure the passive transfer of immunity to neonatal calves
- Investigation of multilingual speech-to-text systems for use in spoken term detection
- Investigation of multivalent glycan interactions on functional surfaces
- Investigation of natural modifiers of meiotic crossover frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Investigation of phenomena at solid-liquid Interfaces with Atomic Force Microscopy: from adsorption of ions to nanoparticles-membrane fusion
- Investigation of priming effects on associative memory
- Investigation of signalling networks involved in transformation by Ras Oncogenes
- Investigation of some electrostatic effects in aircraft fuel systems
- Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of Minute competition in Drosophila
- Investigation of the relationship between the BOLD response and cortical oscillatory dynamics using MEG and fMRI
- Investigation of the sequential aspects of concurrent speech perception using Zebra Speech
- Investigation on the operations of a multiplexed charge-locking device
- Investigations into the formation and re-activation of memory B cells
- Investigations of Rutford Ice Stream using DELORES (the BAS DEep-LOoking Radio-Echo Sounder)
- Investigations of the Radio Source Population at High Frequencies
- Investigations on the Archaeology of the Upper Pleistocene in Spain
- Investigations to determine causal molecules in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
- Investigative Interviewing of Children
- Investing and Stopping, and Firms, Banks and Households
- Investment and maternal strategies in cooperative breeders
- Investment Arbitration and EU Law
- Investment in Generation and Network-Capacity
- Investment Prioritisation for Roadway Network Maintenance
- Investment Strategies for the 21st Century
- Investments that make our homes greener: the role of regulation
- Investor Confidence and Portfolio Dynamics
- Inviscid dissipation of balanced flow by topography
- Inviscid Limits for the Stochastic Navier Stokes Equations and Related Systems
- Inviscid two-dimensional turbulence
- Invisibility Cloaks, Transformation Optics, Liquid Crystals and General Relativity.
- Invisibility of Defects in Chiral and Mirror Symmetric Acoustic Networks
- Invisible Children: THE RESCUE
- Invisible dust - art and science ventures in air pollution, health and climate change
- Invisible Etruscans. A study on rural landscape and settlement organisation during the urbanisation of Etruria (7th - 5th centuries BC)
- Invisible gardeners? The role of Scottish botanic gardeners in knowledge creation and exchange in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century
- Invisible Lives: Thinking critically about transgender issues
- Invisible Matters and Dark Ecologies: Exposure, Ethics and Art-Anthropology in Post-Disaster Japan
- Invisible Residents: You and your 100 trillion bacteria
- Invited speaker: Evidence for recurrent asymmetries in the geomagnetic field on millennial timescales
- Invited speaker: Inference and simulation of large-scale core flow
- Invited speaker: MC Waves in Numerical Dynamos
- Invited speaker: Numerical modeling of inertial modes in the Sun
- Invited speaker: Observations of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range
- Invited speaker: Simulating Polarity Reversals of the Geodynamo
- Invited speaker: Solar Tachocline Confinement by a Dynamo with Deep Extent
- Invited speaker: Spectropolarimetric constraints on the dynamos of low-mass stars
- Invited speaker: Stable stratification in planetary interiors: constraints coming from the magnetic field
- Invited speaker: Wave turbulence in solar and stellar winds
- Invited speaker: Waves in the Earth’s core: analysis based on a quasi-geostrophic approach
- Invoicing and Pricing-to-market: Evidence from UK Exports/Imports Transactions
- Invoicing and Pricing-to-market: Evidence from UK Exports/Imports Transactions
- Involutive Heegaard Floer homology and new correction terms
- Involvement of subregions of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory and strategy implementation
- Involvement of subregions of prefrontal cortex in strategy implementation and episodic memory
- IoA/Beijing Partnership: Next Steps
- IoA/KICC Open Day
- Iodine compounds in polar regions and their relevance to regional aerosol & climate.
- Iodine status in the UK and implications for fetal brain development.
- IOFlow: A Software-Defined Storage Architecture
- Ion Channels as Targets for CNS Disease
- Ion channels: Structure, modulation, and unconventional approaches
- Ion CT image acquisition and reconstruction
- Ion migration in halide perovskites
- Ion Torrent in Metagenomics
- Ion Transport in Perovskites
- Ionic Liquids Confined to Thin Films: Structure and Lubricity
- Ionic Liquids: Applications in the Chemical-, Electro- and Bio- Sciences
- Ionic Liquids: Applications in the Chemical-, Electro- and Bio- Sciences
- Ionic Solutions Of 2d Materials
- Ionomer Design Principles for Ion-Conducting Energy Materials
- Ionotropic Glutamate receptors and GABAA receptors; from protein structure to neuronal circuits
- Ions and molecules in membranes and nanochannels: modelling and development of new materials
- Ions at Aqueous Interfaces: From Water Surface to Hydrated Proteins
- Ions: the neglected carriers in organic electronics
- Ios: Why work when you can delegate?
- IoT is passé – what next?
- IoT is passé – what next?
- IoT Network behaviour and dependency
- IoT Observatory: technological, legal and ethical challenges
- IP challenges for manufacturing firms in emerging technologies
- IP3 receptor clustering: when togetherness redefines individuality
- IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report Discussion Meeting
- IPCC Climate Change 2014: Key Findings on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability in Asia and the Role of the Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology
- IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: what have we learned, and where do we go next?
- iPhones and Dysons: using fluid dynamics to tailor technology
- IPLU Coffee Meeting
- IPv6
- IPv6
- IPv6 over LPWAN: when 6LoWPAN is too heavy for (long range) IoT links!
- IPv6 Transition and IPv4 address sharing mechanisms
- IPv6: the basics
- IQ Gains in the 21st Century
- IQ, language and adaptive behaviour in autism: myths, legends and epidemiological evidence
- IR Spectroscopic Tracers for Galaxy Evolution Studies: the Spitzer/Herschel database
- IR thermography and heat flux measurements in high enthalpy hypersonic flows
- Ira Katznelson: Pitt Inaugural: 'As God Rules the Universe': Reflections on the State in Early America
- Iranian Aurignacian: The 2008 Research Season
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration: A Separation: Nader and Simin (Dir. Asghar Farhadi, 2011)
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration: Bashu, The Little Stranger, Iran 1986
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration: The Hidden Half (Dir. Tahmineh Milani, 2001)
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration: The May Lady (Dir. Rakhshan Bani Etemad, 1998)
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration: The Mirror (Dir. Jafar Panahi, Iran 1997)
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration:Ten (Dir. Abbas Kiarostami, 2002)
- Iranian Cinema: Gender, Nation and Narration:Three Women (Dir. Manijeh Hekmat, 2008)
- Iraq after ISIS
- Iraq's Climate, the Rise of Complex Societies, and Lessons for the Future
- Iraq: A Decade of New Governance
- Ireland and the Great War of 1914-1918: the case for Irish unity
- Ireland’s Antarctic Explorers
- iRhom pseudoproteases as metabolic regulators
- Iridescence as Camouflage
- Irish barding poetry, c.1600
- Irish language policy from its beginnings to the 20-year strategy - An assessment
- Iron Age (1100-300BC) in Oman and the United Arab Emirates: a discussion on the ceramics and columned halls
- Iron Age Aftermath. The 1st century AD mass depositions of human remains at Lake Mossø, Alken, Denmark
- Iron catalysed cyclotrimerisation: Reactions of alkynes and phosphaalkynes
- Iron Curtains: Gates, Suburbs and Privatization of Space in the Post-socialist City
- Iron holds the whale
- Iron in the Bowels of Cancer
- Iron powers adaptive immunity
- Iron, fire, steel and rust. Ferrous technology in pre-Roman Iberia: framing the problem
- Iron-sulphur cluster assembly factors in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- IRONModel: robust performance models in the wild
- Irradiated brown dwarfs: Providing insights into exoplanet atmospheres
- Irrationality proofs, moduli spaces, and dinner parties
- Irreducible finite dimensional representations of W-algebras
- Irreducible rational curves in a K3 surface
- Irreducible representations of partially transposed permutation operators with applications to quantum information problems
- Irreducible restrictions of representations of symmetric and alternating groups
- Irreducible restrictions of representations of symmetric and alternating groups
- Irreducible subgroups of algebraic groups
- Irregular transport and loss of regularity for transport equations
- Irreligious experiences: Preliminary empirical findings
- Irreversibility and active matter: from microscopic models to field theories
- Irreversibility and information flows in the presence of nonreciprocity and time delay
- Is a free market good for Entrepreneurship?
- Is a Grand Unified Earth System Science possible? And if so, what might it look like? My best GUESS.
- Is a Grand Unified Earth System Science possible? And if so, what might it look like? My best GUESS.
- Is a new wave of climate change litigation underway? A comparative analysis of the latest legal trends
- Is a random polynomial irreducible?
- Is achieving no net loss of a globally rare species achievable for a mining project in the Caucasus global biodiversity hotspot possible?
- Is AI generated art really art?
- Is all stopping the same? Assessing inhibition in action control
- Is an educational transformation necessary and imminent?
- Is asymptotic extremal graph theory of dense graphs trivial?
- Is Austerity a Necessity?
- Is Austerity Good for our Health?
- Is Bell violation a necessary resource for non-trivial measurement-based computation?
- Is black the new green? The potential role of biochar in climate change mitigation
- Is brain cancer a stem cell disease?
- Is Canine Tail-Chasing Really That Funny? Insights from YouTube
- Is Carbon Storage safe? Insights from the >400,000 year old Green River natural analogue , Utah
- Is ChatGPT adequate for decision-making?
- Is chytrid fungus, a global scourge of amphibians, having an effect on the UK's rarest amphibian?
- Is classical physics deterministic? - Professor Mihalis Dafermos (DPMMS)
- Is Content Publishing in BitTorrent Altruistic or Profit-Driven?
- Is data assimilation relevant to climate research?
- Is Demand Side Response a Woman’s Work? Gender Dynamics
- Is Demand Side Response a woman’s work? Gender dynamics in a field trial of smart meters and Time of Use tariffs in east London.
- Is Dementia Preventable?
- Is Democracy Conspiratorial?: Koselleck, Furet, and the Debate on the French Revolution
- Is depression caused by a hyperactive habenula?
- Is Design Research?
- Is dispersion a stabilizing or destabilizing mechanism? Some examples in fluid mechanics
- Is early life stress good or bad? About the (mal)adaptive effects of maternal deprivation on hippocampus structure and function.
- Is economic volatility detrimental to global sustainability?
- Is Electricity Storage in Hot Water?
- Is Empathy Important for Morality?
- Is equilibrium overrated? Processing of optical materials at finite time scales
- Is Ethiopia Africa's break-out developmental state?
- Is Europe Christian?
- Is every java program a unikernel? An introduction to IncludeOS' design and foundations
- Is evidence enough? How academics can influence policy. Dr Ellen Flint, Department for Work and Pensions
- Is evolution predictable?
- Is French a language without accents after all?
- Is French Law Different from English Law?
- Is Gender Equality Possible Under Capitalism?
- Is geostrophic turbulence relevant for tropospheric dynamics?
- Is German wage policy destroying the Euro?
- Is God Merciful?
- Is Gown making Town Poorer
- Is history science?
- Is HIV short-sighted? Insights from a multistrain nested model
- Is housing growth ever inclusive growth? Evidence from England 1981-2011
- Is human evolution a big deal? Major, minor and mosaic transitions in our evolutionary past.
- Is Human Evolution Over?
- Is it a bird, is it a plane? No.... it's a Wildlife Trust drone.
- Is it a superconductor or is it a black hole?
- Is It Ethical to Keep Exotic Pets?
- Is it one's cup of tea? Early-modern experimentation on tea as materia medica
- Is it Possible to Always be Truly Happy?
- Is it possible to break the World Land speed record again?
- Is it possible track and predict the Huntington's disease progression?
- Is it really a model for Western Europe? Understanding the political and religious realities of ancient Greece
- Is it the pits?: an introduction to schizophrenia's past, present and future
- Is it Time to Ditch GDP?
- Is it time to re-evaluate fatty acids as biomarkers?
- Is it too early to stand up? Has the epidemiological evidence for sitting and health changed?
- Is life impossible? Information, sex and the origin of complex organisms
- Is linguistics useful?: From Wittgenstein to meaning, brain, and questions about how to treat language-impaired stroke patients
- Is Lovelock's theory a classical theory of gravity?
- Is Multiplication Commutative?
- Is music the most important thing we ever did? (Part II)
- Is MWST invariant under time reversal - what has that got to do with foods.
- Is my model too complex? Evaluating model formulation using model reduction
- Is NHST a QRP?
- Is Nietzsche's On Truth and Lies In A Non-Moral Sense a Work of Fiction or a Work of Philosophy
- Is Obesity a Choice?
- Is Our Universe Metastable, Stable, Critical ... ?
- Is Our Universe the Remnant of Chiral Anomaly in Inflation?
- Is Peer Review a Process in Ruins?: The Politics Behind Getting Your Paper Published
- Is personality a lame excuse in horses?
- Is Physics the foundation of science?
- Is Resolution the End of Inflammation? Nope! There is more, lots more….
- Is Rift Valley fever disease endemic in Uganda? Lessons from livestock abortions surveillance study
- Is schizophrenia a frontotemporal dementia?
- Is science 'Western' science?
- Is sea ice modeling rocket science?
- Is SMEFT enough?
- Is smell a quantum phenomenon ?
- Is Social Media Making us Lonely?
- Is social transmission critical for the spread of low fertility norms? The case of contraceptive uptake in rural Ethiopia
- Is spacetime a material?
- Is specific language impairment a procedural learning deficit?
- Is SSL provably secure ?
- Is teleportation a (quantum) mystery?
- Is Teleportation a (quantum) mystery?
- Is that really helping? Critical analysis of breastfeeding support in the UK from an evolutionary perspective
- Is the "Hidden Electronic Order" in the Cuprates neither Hidden nor Ordered?
- Is the All-There-Is all there is? Intimations of our place in the cosmos
- Is the Atlantic overturning circulation on the brink of collapse?
- Is the bacterial accessory genome adaptive?
- Is the brain in a critical state?
- Is the British Civil Service an endangered species?
- Is the category 'D(eterminer)' really part of the human language faculty?
- Is the child the father of the political man?
- Is the cingulate cortex a useful biomarker of Autism pathology? Task-free and task-based approaches.
- Is the code in ferret V1 a 'sparse code'?
- Is the coefficient of restitution energentically consistent?
- Is the Cold Spot in the CMB a Texture?
- Is the COVID-19 pandemic really causing mental illness?
- Is the crystallisation of pharmaceutical molecules controlled by thermodynamics or kinetics?
- Is the dream of interfaith dialogue dead?
- Is the Earth Rare?
- Is the Earth Rare?
- Is the Earth Rare?
- Is the Electron Round and are the Constants Constant?
- Is the Era of Growth Miracles Over?”
- Is the FEM error smaller away from the scatterer than near it for high-frequency Helmholtz problems with trapping?
- Is the Feynman Path Integral Complex Enough?
- Is the Future in the Past? What does it mean to Anticipate the Future?
- Is the Future of Electronics Packaging in 3D Printing
- Is the Gaussian distribution "Normal"?: Signal processing with alpha-stable distributions
- Is the genetic code optimal?
- Is the Hidden Electronic Order in the Cuprates neither Hidden nor Ordered?
- Is the homunculus `aware' of sensory adaptation?
- Is the increase of Southern Ocean winds, and SAM, caused by the ozone hole rather than by increased greenhouse gases?
- Is the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect from super-structures still a problem for LambdaCDM?
- Is the law of the jungle sustainable for the Internet?
- Is the mid-latitude winter storm frequency predictable?
- Is the Milky Way Special?
- Is the NHS safe? Statistical analysis and healthcare regulation
- Is the non-discrete side of locally compact groups more tractable?
- Is the Operating System the Right Place to Address Mobile Phone Security?
- Is the pessimistic induction valid?
- Is the price right? The feasibility and effectiveness of food pricing strategies to stimulate healthy eating
- Is the Revisionist View of the Industrial Revolution up for Revision?
- Is the Right to Education (India) an Inclusive Act?
- Is The Rise of Cloud Storage, Cloud Computing and Social Networks a Consequence of a Failed OS (Operating System) Design?
- Is the Standard Model breaking down in flavour physics?
- Is the tendency for all living systems to do work universal?
- Is the tendency for all living systems to do work universal?
- Is the theory of neutral evolution right?
- Is the UN still relevant in a networked world?
- Is the West losing its power? at the Festival of Ideas
- Is the world becoming more religious?
- Is theory of mind necessary for teaching
- Is there a conflict between science and religion?
- Is There A Developmental State in Rwanda?
- Is there a Lack of Incentives to Invest in Energy Efficient Buildings?
- Is there a limit to tomato yield?
- Is there a Newtonian equation for modelling the movements of biological organisms?
- Is there a Regional French of Normandy?
- Is there a republican model of democracy?
- Is there a role for sRNAs in C4 Photosynthesis?
- Is there an axis of evil in the sky?
- Is There Another World?
- Is there any problem with nationalism? Some remarks about the Basque Nationalist Party's ideas in Spain
- Is there any reason why we should do design as research in Cambridge?
- Is there anybody out there? Reconstructing large-scale prehistoric population dynamics and migration processes
- Is there anyone out there who really is interested in the speaker?
- Is there Enough for All of Us? Global Growth, Climate Change and Food Security
- Is there life elsewhere in the Solar System?
- Is there or was there Life on Mars: Exploring Mars
- Is there really a link between Genius and Madness?
- Is there room for a Dark Matter interpretation of the WMAP/Planck Haze?
- Is there solid-on-solid contact in a sphere-wall collision in a viscous fluid?
- Is Trypanosoma brucei gambiense becoming a lab parasite?
- Is Venice UNESCO World Heritage Site sustainable?
- Is water H20?
- Is Water H20?
- Is Water H20?
- Is water H2O?
- Is wood a material?
- Is Work-Life Balance a Myth?
- ISA specification in Sail
- Isaac Kohane. Active human-machine interactions necessary for interpretability
- Isaac Newton's architectural drawings of the Temple of Solomon
- Isaac Newton's scientific method
- Isaac Physics & STEM SMART event - Impacting physics education and admissions
- Isaac Van Amburgh the lion tamer: spectacle, education and natural history in Britain, 1825–1872
- Isabella’s wish: patronage and production of Northern Netherlandish altarpieces (c.1520)
- Ising model for melt ponds on Arctic sea ice
- Ising spin model for active particles making directional decision-making
- Ising spin model for directional decision-making on the move
- ISIS and the battle for the heart of the Middle East: Towards a non-state theory of war
- Islam and Democracy in Southeast Asia: Reform and Challenge
- Islam and the West: Clash of Civilizations?
- Islam and Violence: Muslim responses to terrorism
- Islam and Women
- Islam in Modernity: Overcoming Barriers Between Faiths
- Islam in the Public Sphere – Idris Tawfiq
- Islam Introduced
- Islam Introduced
- Islam Introduced
- Islam vs. Islamism: Is there a difference?
- Islam, the State and its Discontent in Iran
- Islam, Toleration and the Enlightenment
- Islam: A Religion of Peace or A Religion of War - Exposing The Concept of Jihad
- Islamic Banking & Finance – A Myth or A Reality?
- Islamic Finance & Taxation
- Islamic science, cultural difference and colonization
- Islamicate Territorial Imaginations: Maps, Birds, and Related Machinations - Karen C Pinto [gloknos lecture]
- Islamism: the last man-made ideology
- Islamophobia and securitization. Religion, ethnicity and the female voice
- Island Conquerors: the population dynamics and management of invasive rats on islands
- Islanded: the British Empire and Sri Lanka
- Islands in the Body Politick: Britain’s Political Constitution and the Conundrum of Colonial Governance in the 21st Century
- Islands of stability and recurrence times in AdS
- ISM modelling in cosmological simulations; a critical study
- ISMM 49 International Manufacturing Study Tours
- ISMM International Manufacturing Study Tour in Turkey
- ISMM International Manufacturing Study Tours
- ISMM Research Conference
- ISMM Research Conference
- ISMM research project talks
- ISMM Student Project Presentations
- ISMRM highlights
- Isobe-Kakinuma model for water waves as a higher order shallow water approximation
- Isobel Hutchison’s Arctic Quest
- Isoforms of PI 3-kinase: signalling and biological roles
- Isogeometric analysis for subdivision solids
- Isolate and Assimilate: Settler Colonialism in the Canadian Arctic (a bipolar perspective)
- Isolated branches in the phylogeny of Platyhelminthes
- Isolated hypersurface singularities and symplectic geometry
- Isolating Invisible Dynamics in the Design of Robust Hybrid Internal Models
- Isolating Untrusted Extensions in a Multiserver Operating System
- Isolation and Trapping using Optical Tweezers
- Isolation of atomic mechanisms – the choreographer at play
- Isolation of atomic mechanisms – the choreographer at play
- Isomonodromic Deformations and Tau Functions
- Isomonodromic tau functions, the constructive approach to conformal maps, and black holes.
- Isomonodromic tau functions, the constructive approach to conformal maps, and black holes.
- Isomonodromy and integrability
- Isomonodromy and the accessory parameter problem for conformal maps
- Isomonodromy via twistor theory
- Isomorphism theorems and the sign cluster geometry of the Gaussian free field
- Isomorphism theorems, random walks, and spin systems.
- Isomorphism, derivations, and Lie representations
- Isomorphisms of affine Schur algebras
- Isomorphisms of types in the presence of higher-order references
- Isoperimetric functions and Bestvina-Brady groups
- Isoperimetric inequalities and free discontinuity problems
- Isoperimetric Inequalities and Geometric Flows
- Isoperimetric inequalities on RN with respect to homogeneous weights
- Isoperimetry in integer lattices
- Isospectral Flows and Inverse Eigenvalue Problems
- Isospin Breaking Corrections to the Hadronic Vacuum Polarisation on the Lattice
- Isotonic regression in general dimensions
- Isotonic regression in general dimensions
- Isotonic regression in general dimensions
- Isotonic regression in general dimensions
- Isotonic Subgroup Selection
- Isotope analyses of biological apatites: inflated expectations or disillusionment
- Isotope analysis for migration and diet during the crusades
- Isotope fractionation in nitrous oxide and CFC-12 reflects stratospheric chemistry and transport rates
- Isotope ratios in transiting and directly-imaged exoplanetary atmospheres
- Isotope tracing, flux analysis and the metabolic phenotypes of transformed cells
- Isotopes in volcanic emissions: links to Earth’s ancient past and not-so-distant future
- Isotopic approaches of diet during early medieval times: Examples from Mediterranean France
- Isotopic composition of samples returned from the Ryugu and Bennu asteroids - insights into the initial composition of the solar protoplanetary disk
- Isotopologue ratios in exoplanet atmospheres
- Isotropic-polar phase transition in an amphiphilic fluid
- Isotropising anisotropic cyclic cosmologies
- Isovariant homotopy theory
- ISR in SUSY processes: impact on mass reconstruction
- Israel and Antisemitism
- Israel and the two state solution
- Israeli Film Club
- Issues and controversies in life course epidemiology
- Issues in Flux Balance Analysis
- Issues in fuel supply and utilisation
- Issues in Interpreting Cluster-Based Permutation Tests
- Issues in Question Writing | non-residential course [CPD]
- Issues in Research Funding Allocation
- Issues of Gender, Publicity and the late-Victorian Urban Landscape in George Du Maurier's Trilby (1894)
- Issues of scale and uncertainty in landscape scale data products
- Issues of scale and uncertainty in landscape scale data products
- Issues of transnational environmental law and risk regulation
- Issues on modeling river ice dynamics
- Issues on radar altimetry of sea ice
- Issues with using CVEs, CWE classification, and associated resources to perform system security evaluations
- Istanbul and the Grassroots: urban transformation and urban social movements
- It is hard to be strongly faithful
- It is rocket science!
- It Keeps Me Seeking: The Invitation from Science, Philosophy and Religion
- It might have been like this? Experimental archaeology: Making, understanding, storytelling
- It might have been like this? Experimental archaeology: Making, understanding, storytelling
- It takes a village: targeting the non-cancerous neighbours to fight pancreatic cancer
- It takes a village: the life and legacy of Henry Thomas Soppitt (1858–1899)
- It takes two to tango: Hormones and transcription factors in shoot meristem control
- It takes two to tango: The cerrebellum simplified into two types of modules with two encoding schemes
- It takes two to tango:platelet collagen receptor GPVI-dimer in thrombosis and clinical implications
- It's a dog's life - or is it? The health and welfare of dogs owned by homeless people
- It's a Gas!
- It's all about monoids! Algebras, coalgebras and Hopf algebras from a conceptual viewpoint.
- It's Damn Hard to Decentralise the Web
- It's dangerous to go alone, take this - using Twitter for research
- It's great but I never use it: Why IT systems fail at user-level
- It's not (all) --rocket-- atmospheric science
- It's Not A Sprint – Milestones Along My Career As A Scientist
- It's Not All About The Science
- It's not me, it's the data! A study of the difficulties of analysing EU subsidy data
- It's not only the dark web: Distributed surface web marketplaces
- It's O(1) compaction length to Cambridge: successes and challenges for magma dynamics since McKenzie (1984)
- It's Okay To Be Gay, And Black, And A Mum!
- It's the Network Dummy: Exhuming the reticular theory while shoveling a little dirt on the neuron doctrine
- It's the thought that counts: neural mechanisms of Theory of Mind in typical development and in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- It's tough at low Reynolds number: Making miniature robots that swim
- Itai Einav - Compacting dry and wet crunchy matter
- Itakura-Saito nonnegative factorizations of the power spectrogram for music signal decomposition
- Italian Diplomacy and trans-Atlantic Relations
- Italian Policy of Food Safety: Modern Challenges
- Italian Renaissance objects handling session
- Italian, Male and Fascist. Rethinking Italian citizenship during the Fascist regime
- Italic religious dedications: between local traditions and Graeco-Roman influences
- Italo Valenti
- Italo Valenti
- It’s about time
- It’s all about context: How the auditory system helps us notice change
- It’s all giving and taking: money and its (societal) values in the course of time
- It’s biocultural all the way down: Understanding the Pleistocene hominin niche
- It’s magnetic resonance – but not as you know it
- It’s not easy being green: exploring the use of green pigments and mixtures in manuscript illumination
- It’s not MPC! An Explicit Reference Governor for the supervision of constrained nonlinear systems
- It’s sink or skim: when solid bodies meet liquid layers
- iTeams Programme
- Item and test evaluation
- Iterated barycentric subdivision and steerable semigroups of SL_n(R)
- Iterated dynamical maps on a quantum computer
- Iterated integrals and de Rham fundamental group of P^1 minus 3 points
- Iterated integrals of modular forms and rational points on elliptic curves
- Iterated Kinks
- Iterated weak enrichments
- Iterating the algebraic étale-Brauer set
- Iterative active learning for the rapid discovery of best-in-class multispecific antibody therapeutics
- Iterative Algorithms
- Iterative algorithms and Sherali-Adams linear programming relaxations of graph isomorphism
- Iterative Development: the Lowest Common Ancestor Problem
- Iterative Learning Control --- Past, Present, and Future
- Iterative methods for coupled flow and geomechanics problems
- Iterative methods for solving linear inverse problems with neural network coders
- Iteratively Re-weighted Flexible Krylov Methods for Inverse Problems
- Iteratively Reweighted FGMRES and FLSQR for sparse reconstruction
- Its A Hot Beach Summer
- Its Form Will Follow Your Performance
- Its good to talk ........using stories to reach minorities
- Ivan Chai and King Crabs
- Ivo Andric and the Dynamic Aspects of the Balkan Cultural Identity
- Iwahori-Hecke algebras and measures for split Kac-Moody groups
- Iwasawa algebras and D-modules
- Iwasawa theory : ONLINE
- Iwasawa theory for modular forms at supersingular primes
- Iwasawa theory for modular forms at supersingular primes
- Iwasawa theory for supersingular primes: for a larger class of abelian varieties and multi-variable Iwasawa theory
- Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves over p-adic Lie extensions of dimension greater than 1 - I
- Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves over p-adic Lie extensions of dimension greater than 1 - II
- Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves over p-adic Lie extensions of dimension greater than 1 - III
- Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves over p-adic Lie extensions of dimension greater than 1 - IV
- Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves with complex multiplication
- Iwasawa theory, special values of L-functions, and regulators, I.
- Iwasawa's Theorem
- IWD 2022 - Bias in Science: an inspirational talk on bias mitigation
- IWD community event with poetry and performances
- IWD: Gender Equality, Cambridge and Me! Past to Present
- IX: A Protected Dataplane Operating System for High Throughput and Low Latency
- α-Synuclein: amyloid inclusions and supra-fibrillar structures
- γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a plant signalling molecule