Talks starting with G
- g = 2 hyperelliptic curve invariants, Siegel modular functions and applications
- G I Taylor Lecture - Explaining the flow of elastic liquids
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Fluctuations in the life of a cell: maintaining order amidst disorder
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Fracking - shale gas extraction and protecting buildings from tunnelling subsidence
- G I Taylor Lecture - How metals can fall apart: Vision, observation and G I Taylor
- G I Taylor Lecture - Life in Moving Fluids
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Making Nanoscience and Nanotechnology useful
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Stirring Tails of Evolution
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - The influence of GI Taylor: granular collapses, viscous gravity currents, explosive eruptions and chemical gardens
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - The Silent Flight of the Owl
- G I Taylor Lecture - title to be confirmed
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Understanding the physics of molecular motors
- G I Taylor Lecture - Using light to orchestrate the assembly of self-propelled particles into microfluidic devices
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Waves in the airways: a carpet of microscopic rowers keeps us alive
- G I Taylor Lecture - When is a structure a musical instrument? Percussion instruments and other musical oddities
- G I TAYLOR LECTURE – Some wrinkles in Gauss’ Theorem: Mathematics of everyday objects from Pizza to Umbrellas and Parachutes
- G L Brown prize lecture: "And the beat goes on. The cardiac conduction system: the wiring of the heart"
- G protein signaling in photoreceptors
- G protein-coupled neurotransmitter signalling in oligodendrocyte lineage
- G-bundles on elliptic curves and quantum groups
- G-quadruplex Nucleic Acids: Non-coding Elements with Function?
- G-quadruplex: the DNA quadruple helix
- G-Research Coding Challenge 2016
- G-valued flat deformations and local models
- G.H. Hardy: The leading mathematician in England
- G.K. Batchelor Lecture: Optimizing Low Reynolds Number Locomotion
- G1.9+0.3 : the youngest known galactic supernova remnant
- G2-instantons and Seiberg-Witten monopoles
- G5a: the geology, origin and celebrity of Shap Granite.
- G7’s 100 Days Mission for Vaccines
- G7s 100 Days Mission for Diagnostics
- G: A high-level packet processing language with a high-speed FPGA-based implementation
- GA Approaches to Synthetic data
- GABA relates to functional connectivity changes and retention in visuomotor adaptation
- GABA-A receptor subtypes controlling pain and itch
- Gadgeteer
- Gaia
- Gaia - one billion objects in 3+ dimensions
- Gaia - the Milky way census
- Gaia - the mission and first science
- Gaia Alerts: A flare from stellar tidal disruption
- Gaia satellite / 3D map of the galaxy
- Gaia's first data release: the galactic census begins (Cambridge Science Festival 2017)
- Gaia: ESA's next big astrophysics mission
- Gain from Multiple Measurements: Measurement Diversity and Resource Allocation
- Gain of the apical complex, and loss of a plastid: organelle function and evolution in apicomplexan and related parasites
- Gain-of-function JAK2 mutations in the human myeloproliferative disorders
- Gained in translation
- Gaining control: The effects of cognitive training on emotion regulation
- Gaining Insights into the Uncultured Microbial World by Computational Metagenome Analysis
- Gains and Gainers on Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans and Slave-Based Commodities: Towards a Global Approach
- Gait changes in the motility of Euglena gracilis: theory and experiments on flagellar swimming and metaboly
- Gala Dinner
- Galactic Archaeology with GCD+
- Galactic Archaeology with Globular Clusters
- Galactic Archaeology with Globular Clusters: does a chemical link exist between globular clusters and their host galaxies
- Galactic archaeology with stellar streams
- Galactic Archeology
- Galactic Archeology - past, present, and future
- Galactic Astroarchaeology: Constraints on Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
- Galactic Collisions
- Galactic cosmic ray environment for young stars and planets
- Galactic Flows: Penetrating Inflows, Escaping Outflows, and Gas Recycling
- Galactic Outflows at Redshifts z = 2 -3: Watching `Feedback' in Action.
- Galactic Plane HI Surveys, Real and Imagined
- Galactic Structure and Dynamics: Disc and Halo
- Galactic Winds and the Circumgalactic Medium
- Galactic Winds over Cosmic Time
- Galactic Winds: Implications for Models of Galaxy Evolution
- Galaxies discussion group cancelled. Speaker is ill.
- Galaxies growing up: Constant gas mass and thick discs
- Galaxies in the first billion years: probing cosmic dawn
- Galaxies in the first billion years: the z = 6 - 12 Universe
- Galaxies in the Reionization Era
- Galaxies lacking dark matter in the LCDM paradigm
- Galaxies Under the Cosmic Microscope
- Galaxies Viewed as Collections of Individual Stars
- Galaxies Without Dark Matter
- Galaxy alignments in the cosmological context
- Galaxy assembly in 2<z<6.5 from the VUDS survey
- Galaxy Bimodality and Post-Starburst Galaxies
- Galaxy Cluster Evolution over the Past 10 Billion Years
- Galaxy cluster structure and central mass limits in a self-interactive dark matter halo
- Galaxy clusters as hydrodynamics laboratories
- Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes
- Galaxy clusters at sub-millimeter wavelengths
- Galaxy Evolution in 3-D
- Galaxy Evolution in 3-D
- Galaxy Evolution in 3-D (Eddington Lecture)
- Galaxy evolution in our own backyard: The view with the Pan-Andromeda Archeological Survey
- Galaxy evolution in proto-clusters
- Galaxy evolution in the era of large-scale galaxy surveys
- Galaxy evolution triggered by interactions
- Galaxy Evolution with KMOS
- Galaxy Formation and evolution
- Galaxy Formation and Evolution in the Next Decade
- Galaxy formation and evolution: the far-IR/sub-mm view
- Galaxy Formation at its Most Active Phase: streams from the cosmic web, violent disk instability, blue and red nuggets, and black-hole growth
- Galaxy formation from a computational perspective
- Galaxy Formation in Separate Universes
- Galaxy formation in the first 2 billion years
- Galaxy formation on a moving mesh
- Galaxy formation simulations: "subgrid" vs physics
- Galaxy Formation with SPARC: Tully-Fisher, Core-Cusp, Stellar Feedback, and a variety of insights from the local Universe
- Galaxy growth in 1 and 2D: 1st results from the CALIFA survey
- Galaxy kinematics within the cosmic web
- Galaxy luminosity function and Tully-Fisher relation: reconciled at last
- Galaxy Surveys: More Than Dark Energy
- Galaxy-halo connection in current CMB cross-correlation science
- Gale Force: Offshore Wind Power - 2011 CUEN Annual Conference
- Galilean conformal and superconformal symmetries.
- Galilean Genesis: An Alternative to inflation
- Galilean Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions
- Galileo's arguments with the Church (a revisionist view) (7/8)
- Galileo's background as an engineer (1)
- Galileo's early career, Pisa and Padua (3/8)
- Galileo, now famous, returns to Florence, fails to persuade natural philosophers (5/8)
- Galileon Dualities and Beyond
- Galisonian logic devices as affordances for decolonizing archaeology
- Gallery Lunchtime Talk - tour of the Kettle's Yard house by current exhibitor
- Gallery Talk - "Traitor Painters: Art and Espionage in Cornwall"
- Gallery Talk - Chewy Cosmos Thingly Time: exhibition tour
- Gallery Talk - Constantin Brancusi by Sebastiano Barassi
- Gallery Talk - Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Drawings
- Gallery Talk - MISCHIEF: Lucia Nogueira exhibition tour
- Gallery Talk - Naum Gabo by Sebastiano Barassi
- Gallery Talk - Painters and Naturalists at War
- Gallery Talk - Von Ribbentrop, Wallis and the Daughters of Radon
- Gallia Graeca: mapping the linguistic landscape of Southern Gaul
- Gallium Nitride LEDs: How can they save energy, purify water, improve our health (and be made here in the UK)
- Galois action on units of rings of integers
- Galois characteristics of local fields
- Galois extensions in motivic homotopy theory
- Galois extensions, a fairy tale
- Galois Representations for the general symplectic group
- Galois theories for difference equations I. (Tutorial)
- Galois theories for difference equations II. (Tutorial)
- Galois theory for nonlinear difference equations
- Galois theory of q-difference in the roots of unity
- Gambling and the Brain
- Gambling and the brain
- Game comonads, FVM theorems, and bilinear maps
- Game of Life in Slater determinant space
- Game of Tropes: Exploring the Placebo Effect in Computational Creativity
- Game of Zones: The Quest for Influence in Europe's Neighbourhood
- Game Playing Meets Game Theory: Strategic Learning from Simulated Play
- Game Semantics for Interface Middleweight Java
- Game Theory and Anti-Microbial Resistance – Examining the Global Response to AMR
- Game theory for Security: Key Algorithmic Principles, Deployed Systems, Lessons Learned
- Game theory, distributional reinforcement learning, control and verification
- Game theory: What really happens
- Game-theoretic logic learning in scientific domains
- Game-theoretical approaches in microbiology
- Games Animals Play
- Games for the Brain
- Games in Sports
- Games of Pursuit and Evasion
- Games, Learning and Markets Workshop
- Gaming at War: Military Aesthetics and Videogame Culture
- Gaming the System for Privacy
- Gaming with Death
- Gamma Chains priors for audio processing
- Gamma convergence of the Levy-Lieb to the Thomas-Fermi density functional
- Gamma measurements at LHCb
- Gamma ray bursts central machine as magnetically driven collapsar model.
- Gamma Ray Bursts in the Era of Rapid Followup
- Gamma-convergence of the Discrete Internal Energy and Application to Gradient Flows
- Gamma-grey noise and gamma-grey Brownian motion
- Gandhi’s Realism: Means and Ends in Politics: Symposium & Lecture
- GAON: General-purpose Application Offload to Near-Network Processors
- Gap Distributions, Homogeneous Dynamics, and Random Lattices
- GAP potential for tungsten
- Gapped and gapless phases of frustration-free spin-1/2 chains
- Gaps between jets at the LHC
- Gaps between primes
- GAPSTI Lectureship in Medical Therapeutics - candidates seminars
- Garbage in, garbage out? A history of representations of computers in popular media
- Garden Tour of Wolfson College
- Gardening like gentlemen? Constructing the nurseryman in early eighteenth-century London
- Gardens in ink: engraved title-pages of botanical treatises from 1450 to 1700
- Gardens of the Western Cape
- Gareth Alexander - Chiral Mechanics and Odd Elasticity
- Gareth Davies: How Black Suffering Became Visible: The Racial Politics of Gulf Hurricanes Since 1945
- Gareth Marlow's retirement drinks
- Gareth Stedman Jones: Karl Marx and American Politics - The New York Tribune Years
- Garga's knowledge of the crow (vāyasavidyā) and the beginnings of South Asian ornithology
- Garnir relations and Dyck tilings
- Garvoturbulent planetesimal formation - state and prospects of the field
- Gary Gesrtle Inaugural Lecture: "Liberty and Coercion: Writing the History of the American State
- Gas & Gunboats in the Eastern Mediterranean: The next conflict at Europe's doorstep?
- Gas - An (Un)Conventional Pathway towards our Energy Future? - CUEN Annual Energy Conference
- Gas and trace metal emissions at basaltic volcanoes: New advances using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- Gas Cylinder Vibration Characterisation
- Gas dynamics in outer regions of protoplanetary disk
- Gas flows as fuel for star formation in distant galaxies: a spotlight on strong absorption line systems
- Gas in Debris Discs: Achievements and Future Directions
- Gas in young debris disks
- Gas resources of the Upper Bowland Shale
- Gas, Glass & Light: 25 Years of Photonic Crystal Fibres
- Gas-bubble electrophoresis - an unresolved discrepancy between theory and experiments
- Gas-liquid displacement flow under a confined elastic slab
- Gas Supply Security in Central and Eastern Europe
- Gasterias in Habitat
- Gastro-oeophageal reflux in dog during anaesthesia.
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gastruloids: a pluripotent stem cell-based model of early mammalian development
- Gate-dependent spin-orbit coupling in multi-electron carbon nanotubes
- Gated/Gating Community: The Settlements Complex in the West Bank
- GateKeeper: Making Streaming Overlays Bandwidth Aware
- Gatekeepers of the Greenland icesheet: The international politics of knowledge production on climate change
- Gates Annual Lecture: Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO (2009-2017): Why Heritage Matters.
- Gates Cambridge Annual Lecture 2023: Brain Food: How your subconscious brain controls your appetite, weight and growth - Professors Stephen O’Rahilly and Sadaf Farooqi .
- Gates Cambridge Annual Lecture 2024: A global turning point: how to escape the permacrisis
- Gates Cambridge Annual Lecture 2024: A global turning point: how to escape the permacrisis
- Gates Cambridge Annual Lecture 2024: A global turning point: how to escape the permacrisis
- Gates Cambridge Annual Lecture 2024: A global turning point: how to escape the permacrisis
- Gates Grand Challenge: development of a universal influenza vaccine at the Laboratory of Viral Zoonotics
- Gates Internal Symposium: Social Science and the Scientific Method
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway Advisory Board Confirmed
- Gateway 10th Anniversary - CONFIRMED
- Gateway Advisory Board
- Gateway Advisory Board
- Gateway Advisory Board (copy) (copy)
- Gateway OfB MWS
- Gateway OfB MWS
- Gateway RAMP
- Gateway RAMP Final Dissemination
- Gateway RAMP Final Dissemination
- Gateway RAMP Final Dissemination
- Gateway Soft Matter
- Gateway Soft Matter
- Gateway Soft Matter
- Gateway- CCIMI
- Gateway- CCIMI
- Gateways to paradise: twin towers in early Chinese art
- Gating Mechanisms and drug modulation in Pentameric Ligand-gated Ion Channels: Insights from Cryo-EM
- Gating Transition of Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
- Gaudier-Brzeska and the Birth of Modern Sculpture
- Gaudier-Brzeska: apostle of Vorticism
- Gaudier-Brzeska: from drawing to sculpture
- Gauge boson fusion processes at the LHC
- Gauge Boson Ratios and New Physics in ATLAS - POSTPONED
- Gauge dependence and the Standard Model vacuum stability
- Gauge equivalence in inverse stationary transport
- Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Networks on Manifolds
- Gauge fluxes and M5-instantons in F-theory and their Type IIB duals
- Gauge origami and Oh-Thomas virtual cycles
- Gauge theory duality from M-theory and topological vertex
- Gauge theory on G2–manifolds
- Gauge theory webs in coordinate space
- Gauge theory, calibrated geometry and exceptional structures
- Gauge threshold corrections for local string models
- Gauge-Gravity Duality and Condensed Matter Physics
- Gauge-gravity duality beyond thermal equilibrium
- Gauged linear sigma model for the AdS$_5$xS$^5$ superstring
- Gauss maps for simultaneous approximation
- Gaussian Approximation and Output Analysis for High-Dimensional MCMC
- Gaussian Approximation Potential for Metals
- Gaussian Approximation Potentials at work: from silicon to water
- Gaussian Approximation Potentials: quantum mechanical accuracy without electrons
- Gaussian Approximations and Bootstrap with p >> n.
- Gaussian Approximations for Binary Gaussian Process Classification, and Hidden Topic Markov Models
- Gaussian beams and geometric aspects of Inverse problems
- Gaussian beams on Lorentzian manifolds
- Gaussian distribution of squarefree and B-free numbers in short intervals
- Gaussian distributions in symmetric spaces: novel tools for statistical learning with covariance matrices
- Gaussian Free Field 1
- Gaussian Free Field 2
- Gaussian Free Field 3
- Gaussian Free Field 4
- Gaussian Free Field 5
- Gaussian Free Field 7
- Gaussian Latent Tree Models and their Statistics. -Thomas Marge (statslab)
- Gaussian mixture transition models for identification of slow processes in molecular kinetics
- Gaussian models for fast synthesis and inpainting of microtextures
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 1
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 2
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 3
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 4
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 5
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 6
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 6
- Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 7
- Gaussian multiplicative chaos measures, Painlevé equations, and conformal blocks
- Gaussian Particle Implementations of Probability Hypothesis Density Filters
- Gaussian Process Density Sampler
- Gaussian process emulation
- Gaussian process functional regression model for curve prediction and clustering
- Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
- Gaussian Process models for solving ODEs
- Gaussian Process Optimization in the Bandit Setting: No Regret and Experimental Design
- Gaussian Process Product Models
- Gaussian process regression in inverse problems and Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Gaussian process regression on graphs
- Gaussian process tools for exoplanet detection and characterisation
- Gaussian Processes and Physical stellar properties
- Gaussian Processes at the Helm(holtz): A more fluid model for ocean currents
- Gaussian Processes for Active Data Selection, Faults, Changepoints and Sensor Selection
- Gaussian processes for inferring latent functions in complex data models
- Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
- Gaussian Processes for Systematic Mitigation for Global 21-cm Cosmology Experiments
- Gaussian Processes I have Known
- Gaussian Processes on Graphs via Spectral Kernel Learning
- Gaussian processes, spectral analysis kernels and optimal transport
- Gaussian quantum resource theories
- Gaussian vectors, half-spaces, and convexity
- GausSN: Bayesian Time Delay Estimation for Strongly Lensed Supernovae
- Gay Barcelona during the Franco Era: Invisibility and persecution before liberation?
- Gay Debate: This House Believes that the Path to Success is Straight
- Gaze and Locomotion in Natural Terrains
- Gál type GCD sums and extreme values of the Riemann zeta function
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
- Gödel, Escher, Mahler: love-hate dynamics in ecological networks
- GB Smart Meter Programme - Network Operator Use of Electricity Consumption Data
- GDDS Reading Group --Fieldworking on the Romeyka (Hellenic varieties) of Pontus
- GDGTs as a Temperature Proxy in Antarctic Lakes: Reconstructing Holocene Climate in Yanou Lake, King George Island
- GDPR and the lost generation of innovative apps
- GE Hitachi's Advanced Technology
- Gearset - Continuous Delivery in Practice
- Gearset: Continuous Delivery in Practice
- Gearset: Lessons from life as a junior software engineer
- GEF project summary
- Gelation phenomena in cluster-cluster aggregation
- Gelen, and then rationalist medicine and Christian healers. Oops.
- Geminates and 'super-geminates' in Cypriot Greek
- Gemini-South Project Study on Abell 3827
- Gen-Oja: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Streaming Generalized Eigenvector Computation
- GenBench -- State-of-the-art generalisation research in NLP
- GenCast: Diffusion-based ensemble forecasting for medium-range weather (or: How to ruin a numerical weather forecaster’s Christmas)
- Gender 'Hostility' Rape, And The Hate Crime Paradigm
- Gender and 20th century Antarctic fieldwork: Constructing and dismantling the 'ice ceiling'
- Gender and Absentee Slave-ownership in the Late 18th and early 19th Century Britain
- Gender and Classical Reception
- Gender and generation in premodern Europe
- Gender and Parenting Culture: Intensive Fatherhood?
- Gender and the Colonial Labour Market in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1980
- Gender and the politics of the 'white working class': A feminist history of Brexit Britain
- Gender and Work in Early Modern Sweden
- Gender Bias in Machine Translation Systems
- Gender Conflicts on the Shopfloor. Barcelona Women at Chocolates Amatller (1890-1914)
- Gender Construction and its Negotiation in the Course of Second Language Learning
- Gender differences in citation, progression, and mentorship, in academic computing and maths
- Gender differences in question-asking at academic seminars
- Gender diversity in corporate boards: Evidence from a natural experiment
- Gender Equality and Diversity Seminar
- Gender equality in academia: why and how
- Gender Equality in Science – Pathways to Success
- Gender Equality Law and Policy for 15 or for 27? Lessons from the Post-Communist Czech Republic
- Gender Equity in Academia: Why and How
- Gender Fluidity: Progress and Pushbacks in the UK Today
- GENDER FLUIDITY: Progress and pushbacks in the UK today
- Gender HCI
- Gender in Medicine: is there benefit or harm in sexless healthcare?
- Gender inequality and change in stature in India during the Twentieth Century
- Gender, Nationalism and Citizenship in Anti-Authoritarian Protests in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine
- Gender, Obedience, and Religious Experience: The Virgin Mary in a world after Kant
- Gender, sexuality and illness in early modern exorcism
- Gender, UN Peacebuilding and the Politics of Space
- Gender: In the Field: Relations and Relationships in the History of Archaeology
- Gender: In the Field: Relations and Relationships in the History of Archaeology
- Gender: morpho-syntax, semantics and beyond
- Gendered and visual politics in South Asia
- Gendered and visual politics in South Asia
- Gendered Detection: Crime Fiction and Modern Narrative
- Gendered politics in the visual representation of South Asia
- Gendered politics in the visual representation of South Asia
- Gendered politics in the visual representation of South Asia
- Gendered politics in the visual representation of South Asia
- Gendered politics in the visual representation of South Asia
- Gendered violence in South Asia: the politics of knowledge and practice
- Gendering Decryption - Decrypting Gender
- Gendering Renaissance medicine: vicarious menstruation and anomalous bleeding
- Gendering the City: Partition and post-colonial negotiations in South Asia
- Gendering the Early Modern Witch-Craze
- Gene Activated Matrices for Bone Regeneration
- Gene and Genome Regulation in Early Fruit Fly Neurogenesis.
- Gene cluster genesis, diversification and decay in animal evolution.
- Gene duplication and ion channel evolution in weakly electric fish
- Gene eating
- Gene eating
- Gene Expression Changes in a zebrafish model of drug dependancy
- Gene expression divergence in mammalian speciation
- Gene expression divergence recapitulates the developmental hourglass model.
- Gene Networks and Natural Selection
- Gene Parker’s Science
- Gene punctuation in eukaryotes: roles of R-loops, gene loops and co-transcriptional cleavage in controlling transcription
- Gene punctuation: multiple roles of transcriptional termination in regulating eukaryotic gene expression
- Gene re-usages constrained the evolvability of the animal body plan?
- Gene regulation from a distance
- Gene regulation in the context of variability in DNA sequence and structure
- Gene regulatory complexity in chordate neural patterning
- Gene Regulatory Network Guidance of Cellular Identity Choice: Stem Cells to T Cell
- Gene Regulatory Network Inference: A Kernel-Based Learning Approach
- Gene Regulatory Networks for Vertebrate Mesoderm Specification
- Gene silencing in plant development and disease resistance: lessons from tomato
- Gene targeting therapies – what does the future hold for neurological disorders?
- Gene therapy for glaucoma
- Gene therapy for inherited diseases
- Gene Therapy in Duchenne Cardiomyopathy
- Gene to landscape: cross-disciplinary and translational research to deliver higher crop yields with lower environmental impact
- Gene transcription: from molecular movies to regulatory systems
- Gene-based vaccines to combat bacterial diseases, hurdles and opportunities
- Gene-drug interaction screens in cancer
- Gene-environment interplay and implications for family research
- Gene-lifestyle interaction in type 2 diabetes
- Genealogies with recombination in spatial population genetics
- General Artificial Intelligence: The Great Failure of Computer Science (& The Impending Success of Geology)
- General Bayesian updating and model misspecification
- General Bispectrum Estimation
- General coordinate invariance and conformal invariance in nonrelativistic physics: Unitary Fermi gas
- General Discussion
- General Discussion Session
- General Discussions - CHAIR Philip Dawid
- General Gauge Mediation in 5D and application to ISS models
- General methodology of dealing with uncertainty in applied mechanics
- General Practice in Crisis: is there a positive future? IN-PERSON
- General probabilistic theories on arbitrary causal structures
- General properties of Bogoliubov transformations
- General purpose technologies and economic growth: Electrical diffusion in the manufacturing centre before WWII
- General Reinforcement Learning
- General Relativity: One Block at a Time
- General Relativity: One Block at a Time
- General rogue waves of infinite order: exact properties, asymptotic behavior, and effective numerical computation
- General Sobolev metrics on the manifold of all Riemannian metrics
- General solution of the braneworld with Schwarzschild ansatz
- General spectral properties of ergodic operators I
- General spectral properties of ergodic operators II
- General spectral properties of ergodic operators III
- General Strassen type results for partial sum processes in Euclidean space
- General teacher-student learning for automatic speech recognition
- General theory of Specht modules for Hecke algebras
- General theory of the Kanzaki force field: static and dynamic models of dislocations and other extended defects
- General Thompson’s Enharmonic Guitar
- General Truthfulness Characterizations Via Convex Analysis
- General vs. geometrical reaction coordinates on QM and QM/MM surfaces
- General-purpose representation learning from words to sentences
- Generalisation for Adaptive Data Analysis
- Generalisation of the tetragonal construction
- Generalisation of the Wiener-Hopf pole removal method and application to n by n matrix functions
- Generalisation of the Wiener-Hopf pole removal method and application to n by n matrix functions
- Generalisations of the Heilmann-Lieb theorem, with proofs
- Generalised additive models for electricity demand forecasting : Matteo Fasiolo
- Generalised additive models for electricity demand forecasting : Matteo Fasiolo
- Generalised braid category
- Generalised Characteristic Length for Reinforced Concrete Beams
- Generalised cluster categories from n-Calabi-Yau triples
- Generalised Continua with Applications in Solid Mechanics
- Generalised Eichler-Shimura relations and cohomology of (some) Shimura varieties
- Generalised Euler characteristics of finitely presented groups
- Generalised gaussian process functional regression model
- Generalised Geometry and Dorfman Brackets
- Generalised Geometry for non-relativistic backgrounds
- Generalised Geometry: Double the Fun
- Generalised hydrodynamics of the KdV soliton gas.
- Generalised Killing-Yano Symmetry and Supergravity Black Holes
- Generalised Knight Tours
- Generalised Lagrangian Mean: formulation and computation
- Generalised Langevin dynamics for movement data analysis
- Generalised Multinomial Logit with Posterior Analysis: Exploring Willingness-to-Pay for Grid Resilience
- Generalised Particle Filters with Gaussian Mixtures
- Generalised Polynomial Functors: Theory and Applications
- Generalised Radon Transforms
- Generalised Sampling Approximation Theorems
- Generalised small-x double log resummation
- Generalised surface quasi-geostrophic equations: asymptotics and numerics
- Generalised thin-plate splines and multiquadrics/inverse-multiquadrics as radial basis functions for approximation
- Generalised Tutte polynomials
- Generalised Unitarity of One-Loop Amplitudes
- Generalising Lawvere theories to an axiomatically defined base
- Generalising Stickelberger: Annihilators (and more) for class groups of number fields
- Generalising the functor of points approach
- Generalists and specialists: a new view of how MHC class I molecules protect against disease
- Generalization and Informativeness of Conformal Prediction
- Generalization bounds for Langevin SDEs driven by stable processes
- Generalization bounds for Langevin SDEs driven by stable processes
- Generalization Bounds via Online Learning
- Generalization in Learning
- Generalization vs Specialization in Computer Vision for Ecology
- Generalizations of self-reciprocal polynomials
- Generalizations of the Heilmann-Lieb Theorem -- with Proofs
- Generalized additive modelling of hydrological sample extremes
- Generalized angular momentum and twistors
- Generalized Bestvina-Brady groups and their applications
- Generalized confomal structure, chaos and SYK
- Generalized Eigenfunction, Singularity Expansion and Time-Dependent Wave Scattering
- Generalized Energy Based Models
- Generalized estimating equations for censored data
- Generalized Fast Marching Method and applications
- Generalized Fleming-Viot Processes with Mutations
- Generalized Fractional Ostrowski and Grüss type inequalities involving several Banach algebra valued functions
- Generalized Gauss and Expectation Inequalities via Semidefinite Programming
- Generalized Gelfand-Graev representations for finite groups of Lie type
- Generalized geometry and M-theory
- Generalized global symmetries and dissipative magnetohydrodynamics
- Generalized Grain Cluster Method for Multiscale Modelling of Microstructures
- Generalized hydrodynamics and the classical Toda chain
- Generalized Kernel Two-Sample Tests
- Generalized Langevin Equations from MD simulations
- Generalized Large Scale Semigeostrophic Equations: geometric structure and global well-posedness
- Generalized Macdonald-Ruijsenaars systems and Double Affine Hecke Algebras
- Generalized Multifractality of Whole-Plane SLE
- Generalized Multilevel Functional Regression
- Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems with Application to Spot Markets with Gas Transport
- Generalized Nash equilibrium seeking under partial information
- Generalized one-dimensional forest fire model
- Generalized quantum measurements
- Generalized quark-antiquark potential of N=4 SYM at weak and strong coupling
- Generalized Rankine -- Hugoniot relations for shocks in dispersive media
- Generalized sampling and infinite-dimensional compressed sensing
- Generalized sampling and infinite-dimensional compressed sensing
- Generalized Sampling and Infinite-Dimensional Compressed Sensing
- Generalized Schrodinger bridges in stochastic thermodynamics
- Generalized Sidon sets
- Generalized Sliced-Wasserstein Distances
- Generalized Solitary Waves In Karpman Equations: Effects Of Discretization
- Generalized spin representations
- Generalized structures of ten-dimensional supersymmetric solutions
- Generalized sum-product phenomenon and group configurations
- Generalized Tanaka prolongation and its applications
- Generalized torsion elements and bi-orderability of 3-manifold groups
- Generalized-ensemble algorithms: efficient conformational sampling techniques for biomolecular simulations
- Generalizing a question of Gromov, Part I
- Generalizing a question of Gromov, Part II
- Generalizing Bestvina-Brady groups using branched covers
- Generalizing Convolutions for Deep Learning
- Generalizing Database Architecture
- Generalizing Dependency Features for Opinion Mining
- Generalizing the Reynolds number from turbulence to Self Organized Criticality and ecosystems
- Generating a group by coset representatives
- Generating and Classifying Turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensates
- Generating and Quantifying Structure in Granular and Cellular Structures
- Generating appropriate referring expressions in news summaries
- Generating Bayesian networks in Forensic Science An example from crime linkage
- Generating Code by Learning
- Generating Curvature Perturbations before the Big Bang
- Generating data-informed cellular consensus maps as exemplified for the human myeloid cell compartment
- Generating Evidence from Vetcompass for Practice: Survival of dogs with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease
- Generating Experimental Anomalous Trajectories with Controlled Statistics
- Generating finite classical groups by elements with large fixed point spaces
- Generating flexible data infrastructures for mouse and human studies
- Generating Gradual Typing Systems with the Gradualizer
- Generating human kidney tissue from pluripotent stem cells
- Generating Immunity to an Immunosupressive Virus: The HIV Vaccine Conundrum
- Generating left ventricle cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells using mouse instructions
- Generating neuronal diversity: stochastic or deterministic choices
- Generating new physics models from machine learning
- Generating order from chaos: harnessing noise and heterogeneity in the evolution of robust developmental patterning
- Generating order out of (pseudo)chaos during vertebrate retinal lamination
- Generating partially synthetic data to protect confidentiality in survey microdata
- Generating random regular graphs quickly.
- Generating realistic personal data for data linkage research
- Generating sampling patterns in MRI
- Generating Sequences of Finite Groups
- Generating Sequences of Finite Groups
- Generating the Fuel of Life
- Generatio: medieval debates about procreation, heredity and 'bioethics'
- Generation adequacy in future power systems
- Generation and network investment in electricity markets: using multilevel optimization to assess the role of the market design
- Generation and network investment in electricity markets: using multilevel optimization to assess the role of the market design
- Generation and random generation: from simple groups to maximal subgroups
- Generation and recombination of charges in multicomponent polymer layers
- Generation Covid-19: Should the fetus be worried?
- Generation COVID: A Longitudinal Insight into the Impact of the Pandemic
- Generation from wind and waves - power for the future or a misguided fad?
- Generation of Derived Categories for Groups Lying in Kropholler's Hierarchy
- Generation of Electrical Power from Wind and Waves
- Generation of finite simple groups
- Generation of Geometric Digital Twins of Rail Infrastructure
- Generation of Provably Correct Curvilinear Meshes
- Generation of quick flood events by a groundwater flow
- Generation of random dynamical systems for SPDE with nonlinear noise.
- Generation of Referring Expressions: Evaluating some standard algorithms
- Generation of stable monoclonal antibody-producing human memory B cells by genetic programming
- Generation of wave motion in fluid with inhomogeneous ice cover
- Generation problems in Wilson type groups
- Generation, demons and disease: rethinking gender in the Denham exorcisms, 1585–86
- Generations of entanglement between superconducting qubits using sidebands in Circuit QED
- Generations: Three prints, in colour
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative AI for Science
- Generative AI in Chemical Process Engineering
- Generative AI in Industry: Current Utility and Emerging Trends
- Generative AI in programming education: Bridging the gap from school to what lies ahead
- Generative and Usage-based Approaches for First Language Acquisition: Evidence from L1A of Cypriot-Greek clitics
- Generative face models for image understanding
- Generative hyperplasticity with physics-informed probabilistic diffusion fields
- Generative Language Model, Deepfake, and Fake News 2.0: Scenarios and Implications
- Generative machine learning to model cellular perturbations
- Generative Medical Image Segmentation Using Distance Transforms
- Generative Model in Remote Sensing: the role and applications of radiative transfer models in the optical spectral domain for environmental studies
- Generative model-based super resolution and quality control for cardiac segmentation
- Generative Modeling by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution
- Generative Modelling Under Differential Privacy
- Generative Modelling Under Differential Privacy
- Generative models as efficient surrogates for molecular dynamics simulations
- Generative models for audio and music processing
- Generative models for few-shot prediction tasks
- Generative Models for Shape and Appearance
- Generative Politics: Youth, Mobilization and the State
- Generative probabilistic programming: applications and new ideas
- Generative Speech Separation based on Pitch Information
- Generators and relations for Soergel bimodules
- Generic Automorphisms of a Hrushovski construction
- Generic Computational Models
- Generic free surface singularities
- Generic pattern unification: a categorical approach
- Generic Programming
- Generic speech acts and social kinds
- Generic String/M theory Predictions for Particle Physics and Dark Matter
- Genes against beans: favism, malaria and nationalism in the Middle East
- Genes and biomarkers in coronary heart disease
- Genes and Cells that Influence the Lifespan of C. elegans
- Genes and environment in adolescent attachment: a challenge to the received wisdom?
- Genes and suicidal behaviour
- Genes for common obesity - what have we learned from genome-wide association studies so far ?
- Genes gone wild: Experimental evolution meets synthetic biology
- Genes into Geometry: Imaging for mouse phenotyping
- Genes lost and found: Comparative developmental genetics in Brachypodium and Arabidopsis
- Genes regulating ageing and the quest for immortality
- Genes, cells and pathways - Post GWAS
- Geneses. How frequently does life emerge?
- Genesis of coherent structures through an interactive bypass transition process
- Genetic adaptation to pathogens and the environment in humans and other primates
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic analysis of a conserved protein reveals an important role in Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion of the host red blood cell
- Genetic analysis of neurodegenerative disease
- Genetic analysis of Parkinson disease; from fruit flies to moving mitochondria
- Genetic analysis of the effect of circadian clock genes on yield components in wheat (T. aestivum)
- Genetic analysis of transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils
- Genetic and developmental basis of morphological variation in cichlid fishes
- Genetic and environment influences on the development and treatment of anxiety.
- Genetic and environmental factors determine the stability of gene silencing in Arabidopsis
- Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Development and Treatment of Anxiety
- Genetic and epigenetic alterations in patients with congenital heart disease
- Genetic and epigenetic control of mobilomes : exploring the diversity of extrachromosomal circular DNA in plants
- Genetic and epigenetic diversity of maize: A plant breeding perspective
- Genetic and Proteomic Approaches to Viral Evasion
- Genetic and stable isotope studies on a top marine predator, the killer whale
- Genetic and vascular risk factors of lacunar stroke and its subtypes
- Genetic approaches to metabolic disease
- Genetic approaches to understand and manipulate retinal circuit function
- Genetic Architecture and Evolution of Human Pigmentation
- Genetic Architecture of Leukaemia
- Genetic association studies to find common disease susceptibility alleles
- Genetic association studies to find common disease susceptibility alleles
- Genetic basis for immunoglobulin repertoire diversity and plasma cell differentiation
- Genetic basis of group dynamics in Drosophila
- Genetic code expansion in vivo: making proteins with novel properties
- Genetic complexity in MPN and MDS/MPN
- Genetic connections between neurodevelopment, autism & schizophrenia
- Genetic control of brain development in Drosophila.
- Genetic control of tissue growth and form in Drosophila
- Genetic control of vascular development in plants
- Genetic correlates of phenotypic heterogeneity in autism
- Genetic determinism and four-letter words: how unique are unique genomes?
- Genetic differentiation of linguistic groups in Asia: sex, selection or isolation by distance?
- Genetic dissection of cell death and signalling between endosperm and embryo during seed development
- Genetic dissection of emotion circuits in flies and mice - Francis Crick Lecture 2011
- Genetic dissection of Polarization Vision Circuitry in Drosophila
- Genetic dissection of the ß-barrel assembly machine in Gram-negative bacteria
- Genetic Dissection of the Fly Visual Course Control
- Genetic Dissection of the Homeostatic Signaling: Systems that Stabilize Neural Function
- Genetic diversity, global phylogeography and seasonality of the planktonic foraminifera G. bulloides: implication for palaeoproxies
- Genetic Engineering of Hematopoiesis to treat inherited diseases and cancer
- Genetic events underpinning squamous lung cancer
- Genetic factors controlling meiotic crossover: Lessons from natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Genetic features controlling the specific expression of developmental genes
- Genetic immunodeficiencies of innate responses
- Genetic instability - observation and concepts
- Genetic Instability and Cancer Suppression
- Genetic investigation of longitudinal phenotypes in cognition
- Genetic Investigations into Progressive Retinal Atrophy in the Lhasa Apso dog
- Genetic Investigations of Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Multiple Breeds of Dog
- Genetic Leverage: A Quantitative Measure of Evolvability
- Genetic linkage and reproductive isolation in Heliconius butterflies
- Genetic modifiers and microenvironmental control of tumor invasiveness
- Genetic modifiers in Huntington’s disease: an expanding tale
- Genetic monitoring and single stock assessment of the New Zealand subantarctic southern right whale
- Genetic network interactions and cancer susceptibility
- Genetic partitioning of stress and its space-time variability
- Genetic Perspectives on Indigenous Ancestry in the Caribbean
- Genetic Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease
- Genetic regulation of musculoskeletal development in zebrafish
- Genetic screening of the human kinome identifies a cellular signalling network predictive of brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease & Circadian abnormality in Alzheimer's disease: insights from animal models
- Genetic Screens in Embryonic Stem Cells
- Genetic Screens in Embryonic Stem Cells
- Genetic Shaping of Cells and Tissues.
- Genetic Specification of Neuronal Circuitry: How Are Different Types of Neurons Made in the Vertebrate Spinal Cord?
- Genetic studies in Drosophila identify a novel pathologic mechanism for Parkinson disease.
- Genetic studies of epigenetic clocks in different species
- Genetic studies of paroxysmal dyskinesia in the dog
- Genetic susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis in UK cattle
- Genetic susceptibility to radiation-induced toxicity
- Genetic Testing in the Clinic for the APOE gene: A Cautionary Tale
- Genetic testing: Truth or Dare?
- Genetic variants that modify breast cancer risk in women who carry a BRCA2 mutation
- Genetic variation in Salmonella Typhi
- Genetic variation of symbiosis-associated phosphate transporter (PHT1) genes in maize
- Genetic variation, selection and mutagenesis in a transmissible cancer
- Genetic, molecular and physiological mechanisms involved in human obesity-lessons from animal models
- Genetical genomics of diabetes and obesity phenotypes
- Genetically ethnic? Medicine, heredity and immigration in post-war Britain
- Genetically modified galaxies
- Genetically Modified Mechanostats: Implications for Skeletal Competence Bone Remodelling, Repair and Replacement?
- Genetics & Longevity: Life lessons from the naked mole-rat
- Genetics and physiology of growth in Drosophila
- Genetics and Environment Induce Loss of FoxP3+ Regulatory T cell Function in Autoimmunity
- Genetics and Evolution of Transmissible Cancers in Dogs and Tasmanian Devils
- Genetics and lifestyle factors in obesity
- Genetics and therapy of AML: role of mutations in the epigenetic machinery
- Genetics for drug discovery, going beyond target ID
- Genetics in Africa
- Genetics of a transmissible facial tumour in the Tasmanian devil (2 talks, same title)
- Genetics of Autism
- Genetics of cardiovascular disease and associated conditions: past, present and future.
- Genetics of obesity: How are genes shaping us
- Genetics of speciation in Petunia
- Genetics-based drug discovery: Some stories from the frontline
- GENIE plan for global tunes for future Long baseline experiments
- Genius in History: A Public Conversation
- Genocide & ethnic violence: designing a sustainable peace
- Genocide and the ridiculous: Frances Hardinge, Gullstruck Island, and writing the horrific for children.
- Genome architecture and chromatin regulation in C. elegans
- Genome Architecture Mapping: discovering 3D genome topology in rare cell types
- Genome Campus Single Cell Seminar: scRNA-seq and Automation + Interactive data visualization + Benchmarking batch effect removal tools"
- Genome diversity and evolution of DNA methylation genome in the human genome.
- Genome embedded ribonucleotides activate cGAS/STING-dependent inflammation
- Genome evolution and the control of transposons during germline development in Drosophila
- Genome evolution as seen from each of its genes: what "phylomes" can tell us about newly-sequenced species
- Genome Informatics at the Sanger Institute
- Genome Instability and Cancer: lessons from analysis of Bloom's syndrome
- Genome manipulation
- Genome plasticity and genetic exchange in parasites causing human leishmaniasis
- Genome re-sequencing reveals narrow islands of divergence among radiating butterflies.
- Genome regulation by ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling and phase-separation
- Genome regulation by long noncoding RNAs
- Genome regulation by Polycomb proteins, between epigenetic inheritance and dynamic gene regulation
- Genome regulation: a sequence-gazer's view.
- Genome remodelling in Streptococcus pyogenes
- Genome scale nucleosome organisation
- Genome scans in breast and prostate cancer - what have we learned & where next?
- Genome secrets: Unmasking intervertebral disc disease in Miniature Dachshunds
- Genome sequencing of Leishmania donovani clinical lines reveals dynamic phylogenetic variation
- Genome sequencing of transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils
- Genome sequencing paves the way for precision medicine in the NHS: the Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) point of view
- Genome size reduction in the pig pathogen Streptococcus suis
- Genome stability and instability during repair of a broken chromosome
- Genome transcription: from moleculesto systems
- Genome Wide Association Studies for Cancer- How Do We Use the Results?
- Genome- and species-wide analysis of sequence variation and its functional consequences
- Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Re-Purposing: a new golden age for DNA microarrays?
- Genome-wide analysis of AID activity and AID-mediated translocations in B lymphocytes
- Genome-wide analysis of protein-DNA interactions
- Genome-wide analysis of protein-DNA interactions
- Genome-wide approaches to study alternative splicing using RNA-seq data
- Genome-wide approaches to the identification and characterization of JAK/STAT pathways regulators in Drosophila and Human systems.
- Genome-wide Association Analysis of Blood Smear Imaging Phenotypes
- Genome-wide Association Studies in Stroke and Related Phenotypes
- Genome-Wide Association Studies on Infection and the Non-Coding Human Genome
- Genome-wide association studies: in search of common and low frequency variants in complex traits
- Genome-wide association studies: Lessons from studying a large clinical cohort
- Genome-wide association study of drought tolerance in A.thaliana
- Genome-wide characteristics of sequence coverage by next-generation sequencing: how does this impact interpretation?
- Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in stem cells and cancer
- Genome-wide epistasis in bacteria, new statistical tools and fresh biological insight
- Genome-wide loss-of-function screening using the CRISPR-Cas9 system
- Genome-wide mapping of DNA rearrangements in single cells using DNA template strand sequencing
- Genome-wide RNAi and HCS Microscopy approaches to dissect membrane traffic pathways
- Genome-wide transcriptional control of blood cell type identity
- Genomes, Structural Biology and Drug Discovery: What Can Academia Contribute?
- Genomic analyses of the evolution and loss of distyly in Linum reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level
- Genomic and cellular integration of bacterial endosymbionts into host cells
- Genomic and digital pathology approaches to elucidate cancer dormancy
- Genomic and epidemiological surveillance of Zika and yellow fever virus: lessons from Brazil
- Genomic Approaches to Cancer
- Genomic encoding of shape in ascidian embryos
- Genomic epidemiology of bacterial antimicrobial resistance across the One Health spectrum
- Genomic epidemiology of E. coli isolates from Pakistan
- Genomic Imprinting and Cancer
- Genomic Imprinting and Cancer
- Genomic imprinting: a model for the epigenetic control of genome function
- Genomic insights about the prenatal origins of behavioral disorders
- Genomic Materials Design: Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
- Genomic principles for feedback regulation of metabolism
- Genomic principles for feedback regulation of metabolism
- Genomic rearrangements in Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour
- Genomic Regulatory Network Models for Developing Blood Stem Cells
- Genomic Scope of Adaptive Mutations in the Face of Environmental Challenges
- Genomic technologies
- Genomic technologies
- Genomically Humanised Mouse Models For ALS Research
- Genomics and development of the myriapod Strigamia maritima: an outgroup for comparison with insects and crustaceans
- Genomics and evolution of two transmissible cancers in the endangered Tasmanian Devil
- Genomics and Evolutionary Genetics Club
- Genomics and the industrialisation of medical tests, 1980–2000
- Genomics approaches for analysing therapeutic bacteriophages
- Genomics approaches for the investigation of gene regulation.
- Genomics for precision oncology: How hard can it be?
- Genomics in the NHS: are we there yet?
- Genomics of radiation responses and radiosensitivity
- Genomics of speciation and adaptation in the Lake Malawi cichlid fish radiation
- Genomics of transcription factor redundancy
- Genomics one cell at a time
- Genomics Research at EBI: Challenges in Statistical Scaling
- Genomics Seminar
- Genomics, Society and Policies
- Genomics, Structural Biology and Making New Medicines: An Opportunity for Academia to Contribute
- Genomics: From Humans to the Environment
- Genotype imputation
- Genotype-phenotype maps: from abstract models to protein structure and plant development
- Genotype-phenotype maps: which way to slice the pie?
- Genotype-Phenotype Relations in Human Genomics
- Genotypic Variability and the Quantitative Proteotype
- Genotypic variation in maize influences rates of soil organic matter mineralisation and gross nitrification
- Genres of prediction: astrology between Sanskrit and Hindi print in colonial north India
- Gent McWilliams parametrisation
- Genus 0 correspondence theorem for relative Gromov-Witten invariants of P^1
- Genus zero maps, quivers, and Bott Periodicity
- Genus, Numerics and Architectural Level Optimisation
- Geo-replicated storage with scalable deferred update replication
- Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement
- Geo-Vibrations, Dynamics, and Directional Effects
- Geoarchaeological Approaches to Social Space in Prehistoric Western Cyprus
- Geoarchaeological evidence for climate change in Ancient Egypt
- Geoarchaeological insights into the start of crop cultivation in the Dutch wetlands
- Geoarchaeological Investigation in the Al Marj Basin, Libya
- Geoarchaeological Investigations of the Late Glacial-Holocene in Pali Aike and Tierra del Fuego, Chile
- Geocentric or Heliocentric models of the Cosmos? It’s the Physics, stupid.
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Records of Atmospheric Photochemistry
- Geochemical fluxes to the oceans from rivers: why they are wrong and consequences for marine geochemical budgets
- Geochronology of a major new Pleistocene sequence at Kilombe Kenya: from the Oldowan to Middle Stone Age
- Geodesic currents and counting problems
- Geodesic flows: Mixing, zeta functions and resonances
- Geodesic Information Flows: Information propagation and its application to segmentation, fusion and data synthesis
- Geodesic methods for Biomedical Image Segmentation
- Geodesic Methods for Interactive Image Segmentation using Finsler metrics
- Geodesic networks in the Sphere
- Geodesic stars in Brownian geometry
- Geodesics and Hidden Symmetries of Doubly-Spinning Black Rings
- Geodesics between algebraic models via Berkovich geometry
- Geodesics in Brownian surfaces
- Geodesics in the Brownian map: Strong confluence and geometric structure
- Geodynamic of rifted margins: pre-rift inheritance and post-rift movements
- Geodynamics and Two-Phase Flow: A Computational Perspective
- Geoengineering Mini Symposium.
- Geoengineering Project
- Geoengineering the Climate: Professor John Shepherd
- Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance & Uncertainty: the Royal Society study
- Geoff Marshall and Vicki Pipe, All The Stations
- Geoff Mulgan: 'Big ideas and little evidence? Reflections on thinktanks of the past, present and future'
- Geoff Travis: Life in the Music Industry
- Geographic and temporal risk assessment of an outbreak of African Horse Sickness in Great Britain for a range of control measures.
- Geographic data in support of public policy: The example of a housing age and type survey for planning
- Geographic Locality of Interest in Online Video Consumption
- Geographical perspectives on personality and wellbeing
- Geographically-localised coastal-trapped waves
- Geographies of Archaeological Knowledge: A Critical View of the Relationship between Spanish and British Archaeology in the Twentieth Century
- Geographies of Health Reading Group Session 5: Geographies of the life-course: Migration and the transition to adulthood
- Geographies of knowledge in ancient and modern Iraq: the Nahrein Network and the intellectual infrastructure of heritage
- Geographies of knowledge in Assyria and Babylonia, c.800–200 BC
- Geographies of Regulation: Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the Empire
- Geographies of Russia: Lecture by Alexander Chernokulsky “Climate Change in Russia”
- Geographies of Sexual Risk: Rethinking the Ontology of Migration through a Case Study of Epidemiological Research
- Geography and Google: because everything happens somewhere
- Geohazards in On-shore Energy Projects
- Geohazards: Death by Corruption
- Geolocated Datasets for Urban Science
- Geological Carbon Storage: Geological challenges
- Geological deluge and snowball Earth
- Geological Histories of Earth and Mars
- Geological Mapping of British Antarctic Territory
- Geological mapping: from maps to models
- Geological materials under extreme conditions
- Geological storage of CO2; lessons learned from Australia's CO2CRC Otway Project
- Geologists make great Reservoir Engineers
- Geology 50 years ago
- Geology in Antarctica through the ages
- Geology, caves, and original architecture: ideas of origins and early nineteenth-century geology
- Geology, resources and sovereignty: the ongoing effort to map Arctic Canada
- Geomagnetic variation and reversals from
low order dynamo models
- Geomechnical study of hydrate-bearing sediments with turbidite formation and hydrate heterogeneity
- Geometric Algorithms for Linear Independent Component Analysis
- Geometric Analysis in General Relativity
- Geometric Analysis on Singular Spaces
- Geometric and Discrete Element Modelling of Vaulted Masonry Structures
- Geometric approach to modelling complex fluids 1
- Geometric approach to modelling complex fluids 1
- Geometric approach to modelling complex fluids 2
- Geometric approach to modelling complex fluids 2
- Geometric approach to the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence
- Geometric approach to the lower estimates of the supremum of some random processes
- Geometric approaches to water waves and free surface flows - 4
- Geometric approximate group theory
- Geometric aspects of Statistical Learning Theory
- Geometric aspects of the Aubry set
- Geometric Characterizations of Kerr-de Sitter and Related Metrics in All Dimensions
- Geometric compatibility, quasiconvexity and phase transitions
- Geometric compatibility: from simple mathematics to complex materials, structures and mechanics
- Geometric consequences of effective algebraic homotopy
- Geometric controls on the propagation and leakage of CO2 in geological aquifers
- Geometric Deep Learning: Grids, Graphs, Groups, Geodesics, and Gauges
- Geometric descriptions of the Loewner energy
- Geometric design, multiscale modelling and simulation of woven fabric membranes
- Geometric feedback on the Antarctic ice shelf melting by 2200
- Geometric flexibility in sodalite frameworks
- Geometric Frustration and Modulated Phases in Liquid Crystals
- Geometric function theory and vortex motion: the role of connections
- Geometric function theory and vortex motion: the role of connections
- Geometric Gaussian Processes: Viacheslav Borovitskiy, ETH Zürich
- Geometric graph-based Methods for High Dimensional Data
- Geometric Graph-Based Methods for High Dimensional Data
- Geometric Graph-Based Methods for High Dimensional Data
- Geometric Graph-Based Methods for High Dimensional Data
- Geometric graph-based methods for high dimensional data
- Geometric Group Theory - Introductory lunchtime talk
- Geometric induction for algebraic supergroups
- Geometric integration of Vlasov equations and long time behavior
- Geometric Invariant Theory - I
- Geometric Invariant Theory - II
- Geometric Invariant Theory - III
- Geometric Invariant Theory - IV
- Geometric Invariant Theory and Moduli Problems
- Geometric invariant theory for graded unipotent group actions and applications
- Geometric invariant theory for non-reductive group actions, moment maps and jet differentials
- Geometric invariant theory: reductive and non-reductive (Lecture 1)
- Geometric invariant theory: reductive and non-reductive (Lecture 2)
- Geometric invariant theory: reductive and non-reductive (Lecture 3)
- Geometric invariant theory: reductive and non-reductive (Lecture 4)
- Geometric invariant theory: reductive and non-reductive (Lecture 5)
- Geometric inverse problems
- Geometric L-packets of toral supercuspidal representations
- Geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory
- Geometric MCMC for infinite-dimensional Bayesian Inverse Problems
- Geometric MCMC for infinite-dimensional inverse problems
- Geometric Mechanics & Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions short course - day 1
- Geometric Mechanics & Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions short course - day 2
- Geometric Mechanics & Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions short course - day 3
- Geometric Mechanics & Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions short course - day 4
- Geometric Mechanics & Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions short course - day 5
- Geometric Methods for the Approximation of High-Dimensional Data Sets and High-Dimensional Dynamical Systems
- Geometric models for twisted K-homology
- Geometric Models of Shape
- Geometric models of twisted K-homology
- Geometric morphisms between relizability toposes
- Geometric morphisms of Realizability Toposes
- Geometric neural diffusion processes Emile Mathieu
- Geometric Numerical Integration for Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Optimisation
- Geometric numerical integration of differential equations
- Geometric numerical methods for confined Langevin dynamics
- Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation, Control and Optimisation
- Geometric PDE
- Geometric properties of Kahan's method
- Geometric realisations of the mapping class group
- Geometric responses of Quantum Hall systems. Bulk and boundary.
- Geometric results on linear actions of reductive Lie groups for applications to homogeneous dynamics
- Geometric Selection Theorems
- Geometric Structure for Brascamp Leib Inequalities
- Geometric Structure of graph Laplacian embeddings
- Geometric Thinking in Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Geometric Topology of Liquid Crystal Textures: Chirality and Bend
- Geometric Topology of Liquid Crystal Textures: Chirality and Bend
- Geometric Whitney problem: reconstruction of a manifold from a point cloud
- Geometrical Aspects of Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellularity
- Geometrical aspects of hydrophobic hydration
- Geometrical Description of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
- Geometrical destabilization of heavy scalar fields during inflation
- Geometrical Growth Models for Computational Anatomy
- Geometrical Interpretation of Vortices
- Geometrically engineering topological energy-splitters and supernetworks
- Geometrically frustrated assembly: Limits of self-limitation
- Geometrisation of Markov Numbers
- Geometrization of chromatic homotopy theory
- Geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence
- Geometrizing rates of convergence under local differential privacy
- Geometry and analysis models for generative design
- Geometry and assembly at fluid boundaries - 1
- Geometry and assembly at fluid boundaries - 2
- Geometry and assembly at fluid boundaries - 3
- Geometry and assembly at fluid boundaries - 4
- Geometry and Connectedness of Heterotic String Compactifications with Fluxes
- Geometry and large N limits in Quantum Hall effect.
- Geometry and learning in 3D correspondence problems
- Geometry and mechanics of liquid crystal elastomers
- Geometry and probability in perception and action
- Geometry and rheology of epithelial monolayers
- Geometry and spectrum of random hyperbolic surfaces
- Geometry and symmetries of homogeneous kinematical spacetimes.
- Geometry and Topology in Gravitational Lensing
- Geometry and Topology of 3-dimensional spaces
- Geometry and Topology of Neural Network Optimization
- Geometry and topology of the zero set of monochromatic random waves
- Geometry and topology of the zero set of monochromatic random waves
- Geometry as Compression
- Geometry in DIS
- Geometry in Our Universe
- Geometry of Defaults
- Geometry of double field theory
- Geometry of finite quotients of groups
- Geometry of finite quotients of groups.
- Geometry of large random planar maps with a prescribed degree sequence
- Geometry of mapping class groups
- Geometry of nonequilibrium interacting reaction networks
- Geometry of population coding in large and transcriptomically-identified cortical populations
- Geometry of random groups
- Geometry of Sparse Representations
- Geometry of stable pairs
- Geometry of Synthesis: Semantics-directed hardware compilation
- Geometry of the double ramification cycle
- Geometry of the exotic nilpotent cone
- Geometry of the moduli space of abelian differentials
- Geometry of universal unfoldings and development: a case study after Corson and Siggia and discussion
- Geometry Preserving Regularisation Methods in Medical Image Reconstruction
- Geometry, Particle Physics and singular G2-manifolds
- Geometry-induced complexity in internal two-phase flows
- Geophysical analysis of basalt flows penetrated by the Brugdan and William boreholes on the Faroes shelf
- Geophysical evidence for highly focused fluid flow in sedimentary basins
- Geophysical flows on Earth and Mars
- Geophysical observations on Larsen C Ice Shelf: characterising stability after Iceberg A68
- Geophysical surveys of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica: implications for in-situ exploration
- Geophysical Turbulence: Thoughts from a Practical Theoretician
- Geophysics in Antarctica
- Geopolitics and European Business: The New German Question
- Geopolitics and the world population problem: 1920s and 1930s
- Georg Joseph Kamel (1661–1706): a Jesuit pharmacist in Manila at the borderlines of erudition and empiricism
- Georg Joseph Kamel (1661–1706): natural knowledge in transit between the Philippines and Europe
- George Church - Resurrecting Genes from Ancient and Diverse Ecosystems and Applications in Our Future
- George Eliot and the Religion of Favourable Chance
- George Fitzgerald
- George Howard Darwin and the ‘Public’ Understanding of Nature
- Georges Méliès Night
- Geoscience in Context: A clean energy future isn't set in stone
- Geoscience in Context: Tackling the diversity crisis in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Geosensor Networks: State of the Art
- Geospatial Analysis and Forecasting of Bacterial Meningitis Outbreaks in Africa
- Geotechnical aspects of Energy Piles
- Geotechnical Aspects of the Canterbury Earthquake Series
- Geotechnical Aspects of the One New Change Development, London
- Geotechnical behavior of the energy piles
- Geotechnical considerations and impacts on the operational railway
- Geotechnical Design of Gravity Support Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering over the past 50 years
- Geotechnical Engineering Research Priorities at the National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Geotechnics in the Water Sector
- Geothermal power in Australia
- Gerd Buchdahl, Kantian philosopher of science
- Gerd Schroeder Turk - Title TBC
- Gerhard Polt Visiting - Special Presentation
- Gerison Lansdown (UNICEF): Children's Rights; Implications and Impact
- Germ Cell Tumours (GCTs) of Young People: Clinical and Biological Approaches
- German émigré scientists and engineers and aeronautics in India
- German competition and the fashioning of British protectionism in the 1920s
- German expatriate art historians and the writing of Indian art history
- German Mathematicians and Cryptology during WWII
- German Sexology and the Art of Literary Evidence
- German Silver Diplomacy and the Emergence of the Classical Gold Standard, 1871-1892
- Germanic clause structure and the OV/VO difference
- Germinal centres and plasma cells - regulating the beginning and the end of the B cell response to antigen
- Germline genetic predictors of prognosis in breast cancer
- Germline: The eternal link between all generations
- Gestalt switches in the prize paper: inspiration for, but not an instance of, chaos
- Gestational diseases and disorders in pregnancy: prevention, identification, treatment and control
- Gestational diseases and disorders in pregnancy: prevention, identification, treatment and control
- Gestural Input on a Desk-Sized Display
- Gesture Recognition Using the Signature Features
- Gesture, language and thought
- Get Fat Before You Fly: Carry-over Effects and Reproductive Success in An Arctic-nesting Migratory Bird
- Get It Done! On Developing a Workload Model for Event-Based Middleware
- Get registered - Upgrade your membership event - IMechE
- Get registered with the IMechE - Upgrade your membership event
- Get started! & Writing about anything for anyone
- Get writing & Go to press!
- Getting a grip on reality: A role for medial prefrontal cortex in source recollection
- Getting a Grip on the Grid: Physics in Electrical Power Systems
- Getting better UX work: Designing your UX portfolio
- GETTING BY: Young People and work - Hafez Ghanem, VP for Africa, World Bank
- Getting close to the brightest black holes with NICER
- Getting electrons to talk to one another
- Getting from A to 'Beyond': Telling the Story of Icelandic Boat Graves through Mineralised Wood Remains
- Getting from the computer to real world materials faster with machine learning
- Getting Good Sleep (in-person talk)
- Getting higher network performance on MirageOS
- Getting In Early - the Challenge of Effective Early Intervention
- Getting in Shape: in vivo and in silico studies of tissue mechanics in growth control
- Getting in the access loop: Enabling more health researchers in Africa to publish effectively
- Getting into shape: new insights into morphological patterning from the Drosophila wing
- Getting it Right the Second Time: Recognition of Spoken Corrections
- Getting more from your markers; statistical cleaning of genetic data
- Getting more solutions from solitons: a limit approach
- Getting Organized at the Nanoscale with Liquid Crystals
- Getting Organized at the Nanoscale with Liquid Crystals
- Getting Out: Exit Strategies and Transitions
- Getting published in a high impact journal
- Getting ready for an exciting journey – From inventor to innovator
- Getting Ready for the Quantum Age: Quantum Technologies and Business Model Innovation
- Getting recognition for your own research
- Getting started in deep sky observing
- Getting the Biggest Buck for the Bang: Conservation Management of Deer in New Zealand
- Getting the car up the mountain - Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
- Getting the gist: experience and expectation in the interpretation of novel compound nouns
- Getting the gist: memory confusability in young and older people
- Getting the most out of carbon sp2 and sp3 materials in sensing applications
- Getting the most out of CryoMeas (SP Workshop)
- Getting Things Right in a Noisy Milieu: Stochastic Models of Cell Cycle Dynamics in Budding Yeast and Bacteria
- Getting Through: Communicating Complex Information
- Getting to Grips with Technology
- Getting to grips with the metabolic network of Arabidopsis
- Getting to grips with the problem of serial order in memory
- Getting to know British reptiles
- Getting to Know You : Occupation and Information
- Getting to Know You: Occupation and Information
- Getting to know you: The acquisition of new face representations is impaired in autism
- Getting to the bottom of the Drosophila posterior
- Getting to the root of developmental networks
- Getting to the root of symbiotic nodule developments in legumes
- Getting to the root of the Gamburtsev Mountains: enigma hidden beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Getting Under Europa’s Skin
- Getting under the skin: How do plants generate and maintain an effective epidermis?
- Getting Your Work Published in Top Psychology Journals: Insights from 20+ Years of Editorial Experience
- Getting Your Work Published in Top Psychology Journals: Insights from 20+ Years of Editorial Experience
- GFF with SLE and KPZ
- GfGD-Sedgwick Talk
- GGSE at Warwick
- Ghost Imaging
- Ghost in a Shell. Scenarios and the world-making of Royal Dutch Shell
- Ghost Rats: Afterlives of Eradication on Lord Howe Island
- Ghostly Galaxies: exploring the universe with the Dragonfly Telescope
- Ghosts of Women Past
- Giacomo Marocco (virtual) - TBA
- Giant impacts and planetary evolution
- Giant Impacts and Planetary Evolution
- Giant leaps and long excursions: fluctuation mechanisms in systems with long-range memory
- Giant Orbital Magnetism of Graphene
- Giant planet formation in radially structured discs
- Giant Power: energy technology and the long history of post-truth
- Giant response of weakly driven systems
- Giant sharp magnetoelectric switching in multiferroic epitaxial La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 on BaTiO3
- Giant suppression of thermal Hall effect in SrTiO3 by isotopic substitution
- Giant Volcanic Intrusions
- Giants and national identity in early modern Europe
- GIBBON: General-purpose Information-Based Bayesian OptimisatioN
- Gibbs elasticity effect in foam shear flows: a non quasi-static 2D numerical simulation
- Gibbs ensembles of nonintersecting paths, and determinantal processes
- Gibbs Ensembles of Partitions: from limit shapes to hydrodynamic limits
- Gibbs Ensembles of Partitions: from limit shapes to hydrodynamic limits
- Gibbs measures of nonlinear Schrodinger equations as limits of many-body quantum states in dimension d <= 3
- Gideon Mantell, Thomas Hardy, and the politics of geological knowledge
- Gifted Education and the Process of Educational Change: post-Soviet Kazakhstan
- Gigahertz quantized charge pumping
- Gilded Stories: Unearthing the Significance of Indus Ornamentation
- Gilding the Lily: The Evolution and Development of Specialized Petal Cell Types
- Gilding the lily: understanding angiosperm diversity through petal evolution and development
- Gill arch serial homology and the origin of jawed vertebrates
- Gill arch serial homology and the origin of jawed vertebrates
- Gillian Beer on Lewis Carroll
- Gillian Beer on Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway
- GIMAP5 and cell survival – questions and more questions
- Ginger as storied matter: decolonisation and display in Amgueddfa Cymru's Economic Botany collection
- Ginzburg-Landau vortices driven by Landau-Lifshitz equation
- Giovanni Belzoni and the allure of Egypt
- Girardian "mimetic desire" and imitation in Thomas Mann's "Doctor Faustus"
- Girls, girls, girls: The importance of (modern) bodies in envisaged Viking Age social experience
- Girth of random Cayley graphs
- Giry and the Machine
- GIS, Cartograms and Cellular Automata Modelling of Animal Disease
- GIS-ANN scenario building model of alternative futures. A contribution for a spatial decision support system
- GIT for linear systems of hypersurfaces
- GIT for linear systems of hypersurfaces
- GitHub Essentials for Researchers
- GitHub, testing and Travis
- Give a Man a Fish: From Patriarchal Productionism to the Politics of Distribution in Southern Africa (and Beyond)
- Give me Inspiration! the Paradigm Shift with Dr Helen Czerski
- Give me Inspiration! The Paradigm Shift with Professor Dame Janet Thornton
- Give me your wealthy: immigration policy in late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century England
- Give us the tools, and we will finish the job
- Give your company a boost - free taster and network session
- Givental action is gauge symmetry in a homotopy Lie algebra
- Giving 10%: discussions with those who do it
- Giving 10%: discussions with those who do it
- Giving a good presentation
- Giving and Faith
- Giving and Faith, Religion and Altruism, with Fran Day
- Giving appropriate feedback to primary school children
- Giving Comics Back to Children
- Giving conference talks
- Giving of ourselves
- Giving proteins addresses
- Giving the Gift of Offence: How Far Can you go in Speaking the Unspeakable?
- Giving the Sign: Katherine Mansfield
- Giving wildlife an edge on the Middle Level waterways
- Giving Without Sacrifice: Income, Happiness, and the Low Cost of Charity
- GKM-Theory for cyclic quiver Grassmannians
- GL Brown Lecture: Calcium in the heart: from physiology to disease
- Glacial Chronologies Spanning the Past 450 ka Around the Margins of the Southern North Sea and implications for the age of the Strait of Dover
- Glacial Cycles and Carbon Dioxide: A conceptual model
- Glacial Fractures: An Environmental Art History of Sioqqap Sermia, Greenland
- Glacial landsystems: modern polar and alpine analogues for Quaternary palaeoglaciology
- Glacial-Interglacial backgrounds determine millennial-scale climate activity
- Glacier outburst floods: spatial and temporal evolution
- Glacier Retreat and the Oceans: A view from Patagonia
- Glaciers on Mars
- Glaciers, weathering and isotopes
- Glaciers: from the Kilimanjaro ice fields to the IPCC
- Glaciovolcanic sequences and reconstructing past Antarctic ice sheets
- Glanville Lecture 2017/18: The Book of Exodus and the Invention of Religion
- Glass figures: a role for complex cells in visual processing?
- Glass figures: a role for complex cells in visual processing?
- Glass-like aging and ordered fiber growth in protein condensation
- Glassy Dynamics and Jamming in Dense Persistent Active Matter
- Glassy dynamics, spinodal fluctuations, and nucleation in suspensions of colloidal hard rods and plates
- Glauber Gluons and Multiple Parton Interactions
- GLEAM: The Galactic and Extragalactic All-Sky MWA Survey
- GLEAM: The Galactic and Extragalactic All-Sky MWA Survey
- Glenda Gilmore: 'The Mystery That is Left Out of History': Romare Bearden's Art and the Search for an African American Past
- Glial cell differentiation and function in Drosophila
- Glial cell physics in CNS functioning
- Glial cell transplants to promote axonal regeneration
- Glial cells generate neurons - mechanisms of neurogenesis and neuronal repair
- Glial contribution to motor neuron degeneration in models of ALS
- Gliding through history
- Glimpses of quantum mechanics in biology
- Glioblastoma - From Molecular Analysis to Clinical Treatment
- Glioblastoma response to standard treatment stratifies patients into two responder subtypes, creating the potential for precision medicine
- Glioblastoma: Tales of Stem Cell Reprogramming and Transdifferentiation
- GLMs and GLMMs in the analysis of randomized experiments
- GLMs and GLMMs in the analysis of randomized experiments
- Global (Un)Civil Society, Transformismo and Education: Diagnosis and Prognosis
- Global 3D model of mantle attenuation using seismic normal modes and surface waves
- Global actuarial science in the making of the universal healthcare system in the Republic of China, 1935–2010
- Global analysis of convective instabilities in nonparallel flows
- Global and Blow-up patterns of the Cauchy problem of a fourth-order thin film equation
- Global and local instabilities in the wake of a sphere
- Global Anomalies on the Hilbert Space
- Global areal foliations of spacetimes with toroidal or hyperbolic symmetry
- Global Arenas and Local Contexts: South Asian Revolutionary Networks during the Interwar Period
- Global asymptotic analysis of the Painleve equations: The Isomonodromy-Riemann-Hilbert approach
- Global attractors for 3D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
- Global bifurcation for steady gravity water waves with constant vorticity and critical layers
- Global bifurcation of steady gravity water waves with constant vorticity
- Global Bifurcation of Steady Gravity Water Waves with Critical Layers
- Global Capitalism and its Critics: Discussion Group
- Global capitalism and the paradoxical strengths of advanced nations
- Global Challenges in Ex Situ Plant Conservation
- Global change and life on Earth: reciprocal effects in a walk from genes to biosphere
- Global change: some thoughts on climate, atmospheric composition and air quality
- Global Christianity and the transformation of Dalits in Colonial and Postcolonial Kerala
- Global Christianity and the Transformation of the Emotional World of Dalits: A Critical Reading of the Missionary Writings
- Global Classics? (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Global climate change mitigation under the COVID-19 new normal
- Global Context of Energy Crisis
- Global cyber security governance
- Global Darwin
- Global dimension and completions
- Global e-Commerce – Breaking Barriers to Inclusivity
- Global Earth Science and Sustainability
- Global Economic Development and the Anthropocene
- Global Economic Governance: the role of the G20 and international institutions
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Four | gloknos Research Group
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session One | gloknos Research Group
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Three | gloknos Research Group
- Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Two | gloknos Research Group
- Global Estimates of Marine Nitrogen Fixation based on a Non-Redfield Inverse Model
- Global estimates of transmission intensity and short-term forecasts during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges, impacts and implications for the future
- Global Ethics & Religion Forum -International Symposium
- Global existence and collisions for certain configurations of nearly parallel vortex filaments
- Global existence and convergence of smooth solutions to Yang-Mills gradient flow over compact four-manifolds
- Global existence for the incompressible Euler equation with free surface
- Global existence versus blow-up for the 2D Smoluchowski-Poisson model
- Global Farmland: The New Institutional Real Estate Asset Class?
- Global Food Security - Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives
- Global Food Security Cambridge Symposium 2015
- Global free-boundary regularity for the Signorini problem
- Global Gametes: Reproductive 'Tourism' and Islamic Bioethics in the High-tech Middle East
- Global Governance and Grand Corruption: The International Politics and Policy of Looted Wealth
- Global Harmonisation of Health Data for Research: pipe dream or possible?
- Global Health Hack Day
- Global health leadership and action: what makes a difference?
- Global Health Life Raft Debate
- Global health partnerships work together to combat Neglected tropical Diseases in Africa
- Global High Resolution Modelling of Ocean and Climate
- Global history from an Islamic angle
- Global hydrostatic approximation of hyperbolic Navier-Stokes system with small Gevrey class 2 data
- Global Ice Fracture Experiments at Spitsbergen and Its Impact on Numerical Simulation of Ice Actions
- Global Investment In The 21st Century....And How Sustainability Is Shaping It
- Global Langlands correspondence
- Global LGBT+ Rights: A Conversation with Stuart Milk
- Global mantle structure from multiple-frequency body-wave tomography
- Global MAP-Optimality by Shrinking the Combinatorial Search Area with Convex Relaxation
- Global Medical Humanities: Exploring the ‘Milieu’
- Global Methane, Project MOYA, and the UK’s Net Zero target
- Global MHD simulations of ejections of magnetic flux ropes
- Global microRNA level regulation of EGFR-driven cell-cycle protein network in breast cancer
- Global minimization for the Chan-Vese model
- Global Minimizers of a Large Class of Anisotropic Attractive-Repulsive Interaction Energies in 2D
- Global model explainability via aggregation
- Global modelling of tropospheric halogens and their impacts on air quality and climate
- Global models for atmospheric new particle formation from the CERN CLOUD experiment
- Global Models of Mammal Distribution
- Global Networks of Violence Symposium
- Global networks of Zionist extremism, 1937-48
- Global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for the massive and massless Einstein--Vlasov systems
- Global Observations of Deep Tectonic Tremor
- Global optimisation of atomistic structure with evolutionary algorithms and reinforcement learning
- Global Optimisation Problems in Space Engineering
- Global Optimisation White Paper
- Global optimization studies of atomic clusters
- Global outlook for nuclear
- Global Pandemic Response, Public Health and Sustainability
- Global Parallel Computation, Networks and Geometry
- Global perspectives on teaching AI ethics
- Global polynomial optimization with Moment Matrices and Border Basis
- Global Poverty and ICTs: What Cambridge can do to change the world
- Global prescriptions, local adaptations: South Asia, the WHO and the global programme to eradicate smallpox
- Global Priorities in Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
- Global Realisations of Local Specifications
- Global regularity estimates for the Boltzmann equation without cut-off
- Global Sensitivity Analysis to Support Model Calibration, Evaluation, Uncertainty Propagation and Robust Decision-making: a Toolbox for Access to Methods and Workflows
- Global shear instabilities in flames and their effect on the response to acoustic forcing.
- Global Stability of Compressible Flow About a Swept Parabolic Body
- Global stability of Minkowski space for Einstein equations with massive scalar fields
- Global stability of the Boltzmann equation nearby equilibrium
- GLOBAL STRATEGIES TO PREVENT VIOLENCE - The Role of the World Health Organization
- Global Strategy of Multinational Corporations
- Global strong solution and decay of Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann in bounded domains
- Global structure of spherically symmetric charged scalar field spacetimes
- Global studies of the host-pathogen interface using physical and genetic interaction mapping
- Global synchronisation on weighted simplicial complexes
- Global testing for dependent Bernoullis
- Global tidal dissipation estimates using a simple analytical tool
- Global trade in food and agriculture and the risk of non-communicable diseases in low and middle income countries
- Global vegetation responses to deer: ecosystem changes and recovery
- Global Video Conference on the Copenhagen Treaty
- Global Views of Mammalian Development
- Global violence: is early prevention an effective way forward?
- Global Warming
- Global warming and flood defence - new challenges for geotechnical engineering
- Global Warming and the Melting of the Arctic Ice
- Global Warming in the Arctic
- Global Warming in the Arctic
- Global Water Initiative
- Global well-posedness and decay for the viscous surface wave problem without surface tension
- Global, non-hydrostatic, cloud-permitting, medium-range forecasts using the spectral transform method: progress and challenges
- Globalisation along the Back Roads
- Globalisation and Crisis Conference
- Globalisation and the Energy Industry - Simon Henry, Chief Financial Officer of Royal Dutch Shell
- Globalisation in Deep Time: Postdisciplinary Lessons from the ‘Palaeolithic’
- Globalisation on the Margins: Education and Post-Socialist Transformations in Central Asia
- Globalising Urban Histories: Interdisciplinary approaches to politics, material cultures and ideologies in world cities
- Globalization - Now and Then
- Globalization and Gametes: Reproductive Tourism, Islamic Bioethics, and Middle Eastern Modernity
- Globalization and Music Education
- Globalizing Minds: Rhetoric and Realities in International Schools
- Globalizing music education and the international music education community
- Globally coherent forms are reflected in global V1 patterns, but fMRI orientation decoding does not require either
- Globally Optimizing Graph Partitioning Problems Using Message Passing
- Globally regular instability of 3-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime
- Globally Significant CO2 Emissions From Katla, a Subglacial Volcano in Iceland
- Globular clusters are not small galaxies
- Globular: Higher categories, the easy way
- Glocalizing Medicine in the Canton/Hong Kong Region in Late Qing China (1840-1911)
- gloknos Annual Lecture Series in conjunction with the CSAS Seminar Series: In the Bay of Bengal: modelling empire, globe and self
- Glory and Agony: Isaac's Sacrifice and National Narrative
- GLOW Conference 2018
- GLSM descriptions of heterotic compactification spaces
- GluA3-containing AMPA receptors are crucial for cerebellar LTP and motor learning
- Glucagon like peptide-1 receptor - a possible role for beta cell physiology in susceptibility to autoimmune diabetes
- Glucose monitoring for diabetes
- Glucose-sensing in the lateral hypothalamus
- Gluing asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau threefolds: or, how seven dimensions are easier than six
- Gluing constructions for special Lagrangian cones
- Gluing models of type theory
- Gluing theorems and power series
- Gluons and Euclidean Gravity on the Lattice
- Gluons, Spin Chains and Spiky Strings
- Glutamate receptors: from single molecules to physiology
- Glutamate, GABA and the neurobiology of reward conditioning
- Glutamate, Spikes, and White Matter Disease
- Glutamine and its role in synaptic physiology
- Glutamine Metabolism and mTOR Signaling in Cell Growth Regulation
- Glutathione-dependent blood flow regulation by astrocytes
- Glycoengineering of poultry vaccines’
- Glycoprotein VI in atrial fibrillation and thrombus formation
- GM Crops - There are a lot of them About!
- GMOs: beginnings, advancements, new opportunities and public perceptions.
- Gnostic units and the cerebral bus
- GNSS for monitoring the earth system: earthquake and volcano deformation, ionospheric tsunami, tropospheric water vapour, sea-level rise, and so much more!
- Go East: Sovereignty Question in IR Revisited
- Go forth and multiply! Imperatives in mathematical proofs
- Go forth and multiply?
- Go with the flow: Fluid dynamics in industry and the environment.
- Goal-directed action: Using animal learning paradigms to study human behaviour.
- Goals vs Utility Functions
- Goats, Sugar and Golf: sustainability and the Cretan landscape
- Goble Strategy position of China
- God is a Quantum Field Theorist
- God or Multiverse?
- God, as you know, is a Trinity man, but is She a mathmo?
- God, king, and geometry: Cauchy's reactionary rigour
- God, Sex and the Challenge of Globalisation
- Godard, Gesture and the Sacred
- Gods, Devils & Alcohol - their influence in chemical nomenclature
- Gods, Devils and Alcohol
- Gods, Devils and Alcohol - Their Influence in Chemical Nomenclature
- Gods, Devils and Alcohol - their influence in chemical nomenclature
- Gods, Devils, and Alcohol - their influence in chemical nomenclature
- Gods, Moneylenders and Anthropologists: Three Raj Gond Worlds in the Twentieth Century
- Goethe's last poetry: the creative interaction of past and present
- Goethe's later works: art, memory, identity
- Goethe's Marriages
- Going 3D: expansion, differentiation and migration of adult human stem cells in 3D cell culture systems.
- Going beyond ‘market versus state’: ideological struggles in explaining the existence and longevity of the 1922 Grain Futures Act
- Going beyond emissions reduction – Climate Repair
- Going beyond public health nutrition: healthy and environmentally sustainable food choices
- Going beyond rigidity in tensor categories
- Going for Gold
- Going for strength: The development of carbon nanotube fibres and fibre composites
- Going green with black: On Biomass, Carbon and Clean Energy
- Going Hybrid - An introduction to Scala
- Going Negative: The Legal, Institutional, and Political Case for Negative Interest Rates at the U.S. Federal Reserve
- Going out on a limb to study mechanisms controlling organ size and proportions
- Going round in circles: development of the zebrafish vestibular system
- Going Underground: The Past, Present and Future of Tunnelling and Underground Space
- Going with the flow: Visually guided flight and navigation in honeybees
- Going with the flow: modelling the distribution and life history of Antarctic krill
- Goings on in the engine room: How the hidden layer of our mind connects with the future of the planet
- Goji: a tool to generate OCaml bindings of JavaScript libraries
- Gold from the Great Steppe: new discoveries that changed the course of a regional museum
- Golden Rice... Coming soon
- Golden-i, a head-mounted computer
- Goldilocks and the two ERKs; signalling in the ‘sweet spot’ underpins resistance to ERK pathway inhibitors
- Goldman Sachs - Quantitative Finance and AI
- Goldman Sachs: Banking with Bots – Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Goldsmithing in Hierarchical and Heterarchical Iron Age Steppe Societies
- Goldsmiths' Seminar Series: Unique properties of Ultra-Long Carbon Nano Tube (ULCNT) that can open new opportunities in the world of materials
- Golyshev-Zagier Second Paper
- Gone fishing. Machine-learning guided discovery from public data.
- Gone To Pot: How did Beck Row consume so much Roman Pottery?
- Gong Show
- Good City Process
- Good Companions and Fellow-boozers: Alehouses and Good Fellowship in Early Modern England
- Good COP, bad COP: first reflections on COP29
- Good COP, bad COP: first reflections on COP29
- Good Daylighting and Compliance – Pulling in the Same Direction?
- Good enough to eat? Preparing ceramic fake food for the Feast & Fast exhibition
- Good locally testable codes
- Good moduli space of $A_r$-stable curves
- Good Mood Food: Eating for Optimum Mental Health
- Good night and good luck: the role of sleep in dementia
- Good Night, Great Morning: The Path to Quality Sleep (in-person)
- Good Night, Great Morning: The Path to Quality Sleep (online talk)
- Good parenting: an evidence-based perspective at the Festival of Ideas
- Good practices in rural landscapes: J. Entrican and the rediscovery of indigenous medicine in colonial Burma
- Good Reporting of Epidemic Models: Mathematics, Statistics and Uncertainty. EPIFORGE 2020.
- Good Science: Great Radio
- good talk
- Good things come in threes: the interface dynamics of drops impacting onto a different liquid
- Good, and Not So Good, Experiences in Dealing with the Media
- Goodness of fit of logistic models for random graphs
- Goodness-of-fit tests for noisy directional data
- Goodwillie Calculus
- Google maps and improper Poisson line processes
- Google matrix of social and brain networks
- Google MP? How the Internet is Challenging our Notions of Political Power
- Google products you might not know about
- Google Translate
- Google's Approach to Building Relationships with Universities: Presentation and Talk by Dr David J Harper
- Google's Transformer: A Novelty to Language Understanding
- Google, Crowds and Mobs
- Google: The Life of a Software Engineer
- Gordon Marsden MP: The Future of Lifelong Learning
- Gorilla Society: investigating cooperation, territoriality and social support in our evolutionary cousins
- Gorillas In The House of Light: London Zoo and the Modernist Project
- Gothic Encounters? Architectural History, Phenomenology and the Gothic Church
- Gotta Go Fast: Futhark - A Data-Parallel Purely Functional Language and its Optimising GPGPU Compiler
- Gotzmann's persistence theorem for smooth projective toric varieties
- Gould's Menagerie
- Governance and Smart Policing in Kerala, India: Towards a Kerala Model of Algorithmic Governance?
- Governance in Anglo-Saxon England through the lens of common rights
- Governance of and by paper: natural history and the Dutch Empire in Southeast Asia, 1800–1850
- Governing America: John Locke in the 1690s
- Governing European public health nutrition policies – the role of harmonisation
- Governing Events: Emergencies and the Fragile Promise of the State
- Governing for happiness: Mark Abrams, the Central Statistical Office and the development of subjective social indicators
- Governing through Gaia: modulating earth systems to deliver metabolic repair
- Government and student unions are in the pocket of the alcohol industry
- Government Guarantees and Financial Stability
- Government Quality and Foreign Investment in the European Regions
- Government responses to post-crisis scenarios
- Gown to Kevlar and Back Again: Reflections on Academia, the Military and the Outside World
- Gowns, squares, and bulldogs: Proctors and Constables in the University of Cambridge
- GP commissioning for Mental Health (postponed from last term)
- GPCRs: From thermostabilisation to X-ray structures and Drug discovery
- GPGPUs: The explosive area of innovation for 3D visualization and computation
- gprMax: open-source software for computational electrodynamics
- GPS jamming & interference (workshop report)
- GPstruct: Bayesian non-parametric structured prediction model
- GPU programming: bugs, pitfalls and the importance of correctness in biomedical and scientific applications
- GPU-accelerated Quantum ESPRESSO: between performance, correctness and sustainability
- GPU-mediated direct-memory-access attacks in a smart phone
- GPUs in Atomistic Modelling
- GR interpretation of Newtonian simulations for structure formation
- Grace Note - a talk by artist ATTA KWAMI
- Grad moment method for dilute granular gases of inelastic Maxwell molecules
- Graded arrays for spatial frequency separation and amplification of water waves
- Graded levels of Schwann cell c-Jun in vivo determines effects on development, remyelination and tumorigenesis
- Graded Lie algebras and representations of p-adic groups
- Graded linearisations for linear algebraic group actions
- Graded q-Schur algebras
- Graded Tambara functors
- Graded version of tensoring with finite dimensional representations
- Gradient damage models and brittle fracture: crack nucleation and complex patterns
- Gradient dynamics formulations of thin film equations
- Gradient flows and randomised thresholding: sparse inversion and classification
- Gradient flows of the entropy for finite Markov chains
- Gradient formula for the beta function of 2d quantum field theory
- Gradient methods for huge-scale optimization problems
- Gradient methods for huge-scale optimization problems
- Gradient systems: overview and recent results
- Gradient-augmented supervised learning of feedback control laws for high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics
- Gradient-based Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Gradient-based Hyperparameter Optimisation
- Gradient-based hyperparameter optimization through reversible learning
- Gradient-free perimeter approximation for topology optimization and domain partitioning
- Gradient-free perimeter approximation for topology optimization and domain partitioning
- Gradients of thalamocortical connectivity
- Graduality and Parametricity - Together again for the first time, for the second time
- Graduate Careers evening
- Graduate Conference
- Graduate Conference
- Graduate Conference: The Roots of Global Civil Society
- Graduate Conference: The Roots of Global Civil Society
- Graduate Entrepreneur: Idea to Success in the Sphere of Education
- Graduate lecture series on atmospheric radiation Lecture 1
- Graduate lecture series on atmospheric radiation Lecture 2
- Graduate lecture series on atmospheric radiation Lecture 4
- Graduate lecture series on atmospheric radiation Lecture 5
- Graduate Presentations I
- Graduate Presentations II
- Graduate Reading Group Series: ‘Challenges to European Unity’
- Graduate Seminar
- Graduate Student Seminar
- Graduate Student Projects
- Graduate Student Seminars
- Graduate Student Seminars
- Graduate Student Seminars
- Graduate Studies Open Day
- Graduate Symposium plus Successful Drug Discovery and Development at Pfizer: Thanks to Organic Synthesis
- Graduate Women's Network
- Graduate work in progress: Screen Media seminar with Lauri Kitsnik and Alice Allen
- Graduate Workshop on Ethnographic Approaches in Asian Heritage Studies
- Grady Nia Project: Assessing and Treating Abused, Suicidal Women
- Graeco-Arabic science in medieval Jewish culture: evidence from the Cambridge Genizah collections
- Graham Hall
- Graham Storey Lecture 2011 - The Levers of Fiction
- Graham van Goffrier - The future of nuclear matrix elements for 0νββ decay
- Grahame, Ruskin and the Medieval Worlds of The Wind in the Willows
- Grain boundaries in strontium titanate
- Grain size and rheology as a control for melt transport beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Grains adventures in protoplanetary discs
- Grains of truth: rethinking past agriculture through stable isotope and geometric morphometric approaches
- Grains of truth: rethinking past agriculture through stable isotope and geometric morphometric approaches (remove)
- Grains, interfaces and size effects in metal forming
- GRAKN.AI: The hyper-relational database for knowledge-oriented systems
- Gram-scale explosions to inform numerical modelling and FREM development
- Grammar as a Maturationally Controlled Behavior: Minimality in language Development and Impairment
- Grammar Rules, Language Academy Drools, Kawaii Kewlz!!!! - What Happens to a Language When Written on the Internet
- Grammar Variational Autoencoder
- Grammar, pragmatics and referential interpretation in English
- Grammatical case marking: forms and functions
- Grammatical error correction using hybrid systems and type filtering
- Grammatical innovations in Multicultural London English
- Grammatical innovations in Multicultural London English
- Grammatical vs. concrete use of cases in ancient Indo-European languages
- Grammaticalization as analogically driven change
- Grand Challenge in Service Summit
- Grand Challenge-Led Open Innovation - Roundtable Discussion
- Grand challenges facing scientists and Nature
- Grand challenges in computing
- Grand Challenges in Probabilistic Climate Prediction
- Grand Discussion
- GRAND OPENING of the Physics of Medicine Building
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds
- Grand Rounds (Cardiology): 'Lidocaine for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias: the good, the bad, and the ugly'
- Grand Rounds (Oncology): 'Allergic to mast cells'
- GRAND ROUNDS - "A particularly severe stick injury"
- GRAND ROUNDS - "A challenging case of pyothorax and pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis in a cat"
- Grand Rounds - "To TEG or not to TEG - That was the question?"
- GRAND ROUNDS - 'A potpourri of clinical research'
- Grand Rounds - 'Complications following thyroidectomy in a dog'
- GRAND ROUNDS - 'Foreign bodies and septic abdomens'
- GRAND ROUNDS - 'To control reproduction is to control the future'
- Grand Rounds - 'To stage or not to Stage? That is the question!'
- Grand Rounds - A case of Ehrlichia Encephalitis
- GRAND ROUNDS - A challenging case of recurrent dyspnoea in a cat - 1 symptom, 4 causes?
- GRAND ROUNDS - A Donkey Dilemma
- GRAND ROUNDS - An interesting case of jaundice in a cow - comparative pathology
- Grand Rounds - An unusual bone lesion in a dog
- Grand Rounds - ‘A tale of TCC’
- GRAND ROUNDS - ‘Pip the Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever: a chronic diarrhea case’
- GRAND ROUNDS - ‘The curious case of Trixie Reay’
- Grand Rounds - Breaking down barriers to clinical research
- GRAND ROUNDS - Choroid plexus carcinoma? Needed like a hole in the head!
- GRAND ROUNDS - Controversies in the management of Hepatic encephalopathy'
- GRAND ROUNDS - Hypercalcaemia and myoclonus in a dog with poorly differentiated lymphoproliferative neoplasia
- Grand Rounds - Hypercalcaemia in a cat with concurrent CKD previously treated for hyperthyroidism with Iodine -131
- Grand Rounds - Just because it’s a dachshund it’s not always a disc!
- GRAND ROUNDS - Kennels Calamity
- Grand Rounds - Medicine - The Textbook Addisonian?
- Grand Rounds - Multiple infectious diseases in an untravelled dog: True or False?
- Grand Rounds - Neurology
- Grand Rounds - Oncology
- Grand Rounds - QICG
- Grand Rounds - QICG/Vetsafe
- Grand Rounds - Soft Tissue
- GRAND ROUNDS - Suspected canine systemic lupus erythematosus
- GRAND ROUNDS - The challenging case of Lucie - a Westie.
- GRAND ROUNDS - title tbc
- Grand Rounds - Title to be confirmed
- GRAND ROUNDS - To cut, or not to cut, that is the question
- GRAND ROUNDS -‘MRI evaluation of the periphery of sarcomas - a small case series’
- GRAND ROUNDS -The Basset Hound that (nearly) caught us out
- GRAND ROUNDS Anaesthesia
- GRAND ROUNDS Clinical pathology.
- GRAND ROUNDS- A Pancreatic Challenge in a Jack Russell Terrier
- Grand Rounds: A difficult case of prostatic disease in the dog
- Grand Rounds: "An unusual presentation of histiocytic sarcoma in a Flat-coated Retriever"
- GRAND ROUNDS: "Becky...The case that kept on giving"
- Grand Rounds: "An unusual anal sac adenocarcinoma", led by Jon Hall with Ed Ives, Heike Rudorf, Angie Rupp and Jane Dobson in support.
- GRAND ROUNDS: 'An update on MRSA transmission in the Veterinary Hospital' -Mark Holmes. 'How to fix a Broken Herart' - James Warland
- Grand Rounds: 'Believe nothing that you hear and only half what you see - an interesting ear lesion'
- Grand Rounds: ‘Blindness in wasting sheep’
- GRAND ROUNDS: ‘Dancing eye syndrome in an adult English Springer Spaniel’ - Ed Ives; ‘Management of porto-systemic shunts’ - Andrew Murdoch
- GRAND ROUNDS: ‘The horse which shed tears of blood'
- GRAND ROUNDS: ‘When pattern recognition lets you down!’
- Grand Rounds: Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial stewardship at the QVSH: whose job is it, anyway?
- GRAND ROUNDS: Disseminated granulomatous inflammation in a Siamese cat
- GRAND ROUNDS: Fad diets and broken hearts: the link between diet and DCM in dogs
- Grand Rounds: From back pain to paralysis; what should we do with those discs?
- GRAND ROUNDS: In place of usual Grand Rounds will be 'The 40 week final year: discussion', Chaired by Alun Williams
- GRAND ROUNDS: Neurotoxicoses: a short case series
- GRAND ROUNDS: Ventricular tachycardia in the dog. To treat or not to treat?
- Grandmother cells in the human brain?
- Granite and Ice Cream: ‘Meltamorphism' and Crystal Growth at (Relatively) Low Temperatures
- Grantacæstir to Grontbricg: Did Offa of Mercia build the bridge at Cambridge?
- Granular Aggregation at Interfaces
- Granular and particle-laden flow: Novel approaches and applications to address grand challenges
- Granular avalanches in fluids
- Granular collapse in rotational environments
- Granular collapses: in theory, in the lab. , over land and into the oceans
- Granular flow around an obstacle
- Granular flow visualization using nuclear imaging
- Granular Flows
- Granular Flows
- Granular flows down inclines - can they be modeled using kinetic theory?
- Granular materials with even circuits: Ball-bearings and dry quicksand
- Granular mechanics: current theoretical framework and some applications
- Granular research in extremes- from sand dunes in the desert to snow avalanches in the mountains
- Granular Segregation as a Critical Phenomenon
- Granular segregation in driven binary monolayers
- Granular segregation in dunes and avalanches
- Granular segregation in nature
- Granular Systems: Aggregation and Deformation
- Granular texture and quasi-static rheology of granular materials
- Granular texture and quasi-static rheology of granular materials
- Granular/liquid flow in a conical centrifuge
- Granulite facies metamorphism and melting: the message from the metabasites
- Graph AI
- Graph algorithms for more efficient inference in 1st-order and higher-order MRF's
- Graph classes with given 3-connected components: asymptotic counting and critical phenomena
- Graph complexes I
- Graph complexes II
- Graph Convolutional Networks for Atomic Structures
- Graph Convolutional Networks for Natural Language Processing and Relational Modeling
- Graph Convolutional Neural Networks: The Mystery of Generalization
- Graph decomposition for community identification and covariance constraints
- Graph Edge Colouring Problems Arising from Optical Network Design
- Graph Games & Communication Complexity
- Graph isomorphism in quasi-polynomial (classical) time
- Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time I. -- Local Certificates
- Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time I. -- Local Certificates
- Graph Isomorphism: Quantum Ideas
- Graph Kernels for Data Mining
- Graph Legendrians and SL2 local systems
- Graph limits and entropy
- Graph limits for threshold graphs and interval graphs
- Graph Methods for Manifold-valued Data
- Graph neural network approach for decentralized multi-robot coordination
- Graph Neural Networks
- Graph Neural Networks for Biomedical Data
- Graph Neural Networks for Biomedical Data
- Graph Neural Networks for Geometric Graphs
- Graph Neural Networks for Knowledge Base Question Answering
- Graph Neural Networks for skillful weather forecasting
- Graph Neural Networks through the lens of algebraic topology, differential geometry, and PDEs
- Graph Neural Networks through the lens of algebraic topology, differential geometry, and PDEs
- Graph Neural Networks Use Graphs When They Shouldn’t
- Graph polynomials from an algebraic point of view
- Graph Representation Learning under Uncertainty (WIP)
- Graph Total Variation for Inverse Problems with Highly Correlated Designs
- Graph Total Variation for Inverse Problems with Highly Correlated Designs
- Graph Transformation Method for Calculating Waiting Times in Markov Chains
- Graph-Based Change-Point Detection
- Graph-Based Methods for Large-Scale Multilingual Knowledge Integration
- Graph-Based Reasoning in Separation Logic for Fun and Profit
- Graph-based Statistical Causality and Decision Making
- Graph-Codes
- Graph-Guided Banding for Covariance Estimation
- GraphChi and GraphChi-DB: large-scale graph computation on just a PC
- Graphene - relativity at a pencil stroke
- Graphene and 2D Materials – The Long Road towards Commercialisation
- Graphene And Carbon Nanotubes Logic Gates And Memories
- Graphene and evidence for duality in quantum Hall systems
- Graphene and Nanotube Solutions
- Graphene Based Electronic And Optoelectronic Devices For High-Frequency Applications
- Graphene Biosensors
- Graphene constrictions and quantum dots
- Graphene Devices For High Frequency Applications
- Graphene Devices: Technology and Applications
- Graphene electronics and optoelectronics
- Graphene Electronics In Biomedical Applications
- Graphene For Antenna System Applications In The Terahertz Frequency Range
- Graphene For Antennas And EM Passive Devices From Microwave To Terahertz
- Graphene for Large Scale Integration, Photodetectors and Interconnects
- Graphene For Satellites
- Graphene For Satellites Thermal Control
- Graphene for sensing applications
- Graphene for ultrafast lasers
- Graphene Future Emerging Technology
- Graphene Growth & Applications
- Graphene Growth and Applications
- Graphene Heterostructures: Electronic Properties And Prospects For Applications
- Graphene Nanoelectromechanical Systems
- Graphene Plasmonics: Nanoemitters, Waveguides And Solitons
- Graphene, Carbon Nanomembranes And Their Heterostructures By Processing Organic Monolayers
- Graphene-Based Fast Electronics And Optoelectronics
- Graphene-Based Materials
- Graphene-Based Nano-Electronics
- Graphene-Based Quantum Hall Effect Devices
- Graphene-Enabled Optoelectronics At Visible Wavelengths
- Graphene/BN Heterostructures
- Graphene: A Future Emerging Technology
- Graphene: from point defects to tunable twins
- Graphene: Materials in the Flatland
- Graphene: Science in the Flatland
- Graphene: the good, the bad, and the beauty
- Graphene: When a Crystal Goes Flexible
- Graphic Statics as a Legendre Transform
- Graphical Combinator Programming
- Graphical communication of variability, risk and uncertainty
- Graphical Conjunctive Queries
- Graphical Conjunctive Queries
- Graphical Data and Data Graphics in R
- Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries
- Graphical linear algebra and applications
- Graphical modelling for gene set analysis
- Graphical Models
- Graphical Models and Discrete Optimization in Biomedical Imaging: Theory and Applications
- Graphical Models for Bandit Problems
- Graphical models for causal reasoning in epidemiology
- Graphical models for extremes
- Graphical Nonlinear System Analysis
- Graphical partitions
- Graphical passwords: some recent results
- Graphical Reasoning in Symmetric Monoidal Categories
- Graphical representations and cluster algorithms
- Graphics and Interaction related Part II Project Presentations
- Graphics in Printed and Film Media
- Graphics libraries at CUED
- Graphics libraries at CUED
- Graphics libraries at CUED
- Graphics related Part II Project Presentations
- Graphics Workshop
- Graphons and Graphexes as Limits of Sparse Graphs: Part I
- Graphons and Graphexes as Limits of Sparse Graphs: Part II
- Graphons and Machine Learning: Modeling and Estimation of Sparse Massive Networks - Part I
- Graphons and Machine Learning: Modeling and Estimation of Sparse Massive Networks - Part II
- Graphons, Tao's regularity and difference polynomials
- Graphs and Charts - A brief introduction to a graph database representation of cancer registry data and the HDI pathway visualisation tool that uses it
- Graphs and matroids I
- Graphs and matroids II
- Graphs and matroids III
- Graphs and matroids IV
- Graphs as Electrical Networks
- Graphs in locally 2-connected spaces
- Graphs with forbidden induced subgraphs
- Graphs with lots of symmetry - a local perspective
- Grappa: Scale-out Performance on Commodity Hardware for Irregular Applications
- Grasping ‘Everyday Justice’: An Ethnographic Approach
- Grass Cell Walls: Investigating the Molecular Mechanism of (1,3;1,4)-β- Glucan Biosynthesis etcetera
- Grasses bite back! The role of silicon-based defences in the interactions between plants and herbivores
- Grasses bite back: Silica as an anti-herbivore defence
- Grassmannians and Period Mappings in Derived Algebraic Geometry
- Graves, grains and grievances: how quantifying archaeological data can help us trace urban dynamics against their global context
- Graves, grains and grievances: how quantifying archaeological data can help us trace urban dynamics against their global context (Joint with Garrod)
- Gravitation from Entanglement
- Gravitation, Condensation, Deuteration, Star Formation (or how to piece together the chemical and physical influences thereof!)
- Gravitational Collapse for Newtonian Stars
- Gravitational collapse in AdS
- Gravitational collapse simulations on null cones
- Gravitational Collider Physics
- Gravitational edge mode for 2D gravity
- Gravitational effects upon topology changing transitions
- Gravitational Instabilities in Protoplanetary Discs: A Vanishing Act
- Gravitational instabilities in protostellar discs
- Gravitational Instability in Irradiated Protoplanetary Discs
- Gravitational instability in planet forming discs – a kinematical perspective
- Gravitational Instability in Protostellar Discs
- Gravitational instantons old and new
- Gravitational lenses
- Gravitational Lensing
- Gravitational lensing
- Gravitational lensing and the assembly history of galaxy clusters - POSTPONED
- Gravitational lensing H0 tension from ultralight axion galactic cores
- Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves
- Gravitational Memory Charges of Supertranslation and Superrotation on Rindler Horizon
- Gravitational Observatories
- Gravitational Regge bounds (CANCELLED)
- Gravitational Settling in Turbulent Flows: Water Droplets, Ice Crystals and Filaments
- Gravitational solutions, quivers and AdS/CFT
- Gravitational wave astronomy - status and next steps
- Gravitational Wave Astrophysics of Compact Binaries
- Gravitational Wave Astrophysics: the Shape of Things to Come
- Gravitational wave bursts from cosmic strings with junctions
- Gravitational Wave Decay into Dark Energy
- Gravitational wave detections as probes of strong gravity
- Gravitational wave extraction in higher dimensional numerical relativity
- Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?
- Gravitational wave probes of new physics
- Gravitational wave science - observations and a forward look
- Gravitational wave searches - status and plans
- Gravitational wave sources as cosmological distance probes
- Gravitational Wave Update
- Gravitational Waves
- Gravitational waves and fundamental physics
- Gravitational Waves and the Death-Spiral of Compact Binaries
- Gravitational waves and the two-body problem in general relativity
- Gravitational Waves from Axion Stars
- Gravitational waves from density perturbations
- Gravitational waves from first order phase transitions
- Gravitational waves from inflation
- Gravitational waves from phase transitions in the early universe
- Gravitational Waves from Preheating: The Effect of Many Fields
- Gravitational Waves from Reheating and Phase Transitions after Inflation
- Gravitational waves via Kerr/CFT
- Gravitational waves, from zero to hero: an update on LIGO-Virgo science
- Gravitational waves: a new window on the universe
- Gravitational Waves: A New Window onto the Universe
- Gravitational Waves: reviewing the discovery and its implications
- Gravitational waves: space-time mavericks in the cosmos.
- Gravitational-Wave Asteroseismology with f-Mode Dynamic Tides in Compact Binary Inspirals
- Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics: Progress and Puzzles
- Gravitational-wave data analysis with numerical relativity simulations of boson star mergers
- Gravitational-Wave Detectors above 10Hz: Weber Bars, LIGO, GEO, VIRGO, TAMA, LCGT, and Einstein Telescope
- Gravitational-Wave Detectors Below 10Hz: LISA, Pulsar Timing Arrays, CMB Polarization, Atom Interferometers, and the Big Bang Observer
- Gravitational-wave generation beyond General Relativity
- Gravitino dark matter and a high reheating temperature.
- Gravitinos - here, there and everywhere
- Gravito-inertial modes in a differentially-rotating spherical shell and applications to stellar physics
- Graviton time-delay in Lovelock gravity
- Gravity & Hydrodynamics
- Gravity - Capillary Solitary Waves and Lumps
- Gravity and seismic measurements using vibrating beam MEMs accelerometers
- Gravity and string theory in general spacetime signature
- Gravity as a diffeomorphism invariant SU(2) gauge theory
- Gravity as a double copy of gauge theory
- Gravity as gauge theory squared: from amplitudes to black holes
- Gravity current head formation and microbreaking in shallow water dam break flows with friction
- Gravity driven intrusions in stratified fluids
- Gravity duals of supersymmetric gauge theories on curved manifolds
- Gravity wave activity in the lower stratosphere above Rothera and the Falkland Islands
- Gravity waves from braney strings
- Gravity waves in GCMs: Implementation and Variability
- Gravity, Aether and Cosmology
- Gravity-driven flows and mixing in layered porous media
- Gravity-driven flows of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media
- Gravity-driven flows of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media
- Gravity-driven granular flows confined in a channel
- Gravity: An Emergent Perspective
- Gravure contact printing and charge injection and transport studies of polymer LEDs and FETs
- Grünthal, Nikolai Hartmann and Schichtenlehre: instituting brain anatomy in a 1950s Swiss psychiatric hospital
- GRB 090423 at z=8.23 - probing the extremely distant universe with GRBs
- GRB host galaxies to explore galaxy formation and evolution, from the local universe to very high redshift
- Great ape origins of intentional understanding
- Great Apes at the Interface: Chimpanzee Flexibility in Dynamic Anthropogenic Habitats
- Great Balls of Fire
- Great Fen: progress on the peat
- Great healthcare in a complex world: It's you AND the system
- Great Ideas of Computing Science: from Aristotle to Euclid
- Great Northern and Govia Thameslink Railway
- Greater Cambridge – Past Developments and Future Prospects
- Greco-Roman Views on Indian Philosophers
- Greece & Rome at the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Greece and Britain in Women's Literary Imagination, 1913-2013
- Greece and China: Some Comparative Experiences
- Greece and China: Why Some Comparisons Make More Difference than Others
- Greece and the eurozone crisis- one crisis, two narratives
- Greedy algorithms for optimal measurements selection in state estimation using reduced models
- Greedy algorithms for optimal measurements selection in state estimation using reduced models
- Greedy algorithms in reduced modeling
- Greedy genes: the role of appetite in genetic susceptibility to obesity
- Greek democracy: ancient and modern
- Greek disguised as Romance? Interpreting language convergence and divergence in terms of parameter hierarchies
- Greek film studies today: in search of identity
- Greek in Egypt, a heavyweight minority language
- Greek in Italy: Is Language Always Important to Identity?
- Greek Onomastics: between Lexicon and Poetic Phraseology
- Greek relative clauses: Homer and his speakers
- Greek tragedy and film genre: the cases of Michael Cacoyannis and Woody Allen
- Greek-Turkish language contacts in the Ottoman Empire: ways of verbal integration
- Green Algorithms, Green DiSC and GREENER principles: making computational science more environmentally sustainable
- Green beef and purple ham - chemical colours in Victorian food
- Green buildings: the effects of non-adiabatic boundaries on natural ventilation
- Green Cache
- Green Certification in the Hotel Sector? Does it actually reduce global CO2 emissions?
- Green Custard Ltd
- Green Custard Ltd: Innovating at pace in IoT
- Green Energy - Can The Books Balance? / Chaos
- Green Explosives: Saving the environment, one war at a time…
- Green Frontiers
- Green Great Britain: How can we lead the world in low-carbon growth
- Green IPTV
- Green knights, green men and green children: colour symbolism and the supernatural in the Middle Ages
- Green Labs Workshop @ Plant Sciences
- Green light effects on plant growth and development
- Green Logistics
- Green Measures for Nonlocal Diffusion Equations
- Green Research in Cambridge
- Green to Gold - From academic curiosity to a Multi $Bn Business Opportunity!
- Green Vehicles
- Green's function asymptotic behavior near a non-degenerate spectral edge of a periodic operator
- Green's function estimates and the Poisson equation.
- Green's function in swirling flow
- Green's function of pressure in both free space and a duct
- Green's functions: from physics to analysis
- Green’s function for initial-boundary value problem.
- GreenBRIDGE 2012 Symposium Summary
- GreenBRIDGE Presents Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Behaviour, Management, and Controls
- GreenBRIDGE Presents Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Feasibility and Costing
- GreenBRIDGE Presents Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Green Building Technologies
- GreenBRIDGE Presents Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Heritage and Planning
- GreenBRIDGE Presents: Engagement and Outreach for Green Building Projects
- GreenBRIDGE Society Presents a Special Event: Post Durban Panel Discussion
- GreenBRIDGE Society Presents: Energy Consumption in the UK Non-Domestic Building Stock
- GreenBRIDGE Society Presents: Promoting Sustainability Through Knowledge Exchange
- Greenhouse Algae: The Calcifying Phytoplankton during Cenozoic Warm Climates
- Greenhouse-icehouse shifts and the evolution of latitudinal diversity gradients
- Greening up the Cavendish and the University: the Maxwell Centre as a test case
- Greeniversity is coming to Cambridge
- Greenland Geopolitics in the light of renewed American attention
- Greenland Ice Sheet motion, ice-ocean interactions, and other ambitions to understand the cryosphere
- Greg Cooke on 3D Rocky Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Gregory & Virginia Chaitin: "Von Neumann on biology and life as evolving software?"
- Gregory Grason - Title TBC
- Grenfell Tower - One Year On
- Grid cells and spatial representation in the entorhinal cortex
- Grid cells get back to the memory game
- Grid Turbulence: How Important are Initial Conditions?
- Grid-based simulations for misaligned disks and disk breaking
- Grid-friendly Energy Community Coordination for Reducing Grid Reinforcement Needs
- Grid-Scale Electrical Energy Storage: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Grip, Slip, petals and pollinators
- Groebli solution for three magnetic vortices
- Gromov-Hausdorff limit of smooth projective varieties
- Gromov-Witten invariants and point constraints
- Gromov-Witten Invariants and Quantum Cohomology
- Gromov-Witten invariants in Algebraic Geometry
- Gromov-Witten invariants of blowups
- Gromov-Witten theory and the tautological ring
- Groove Radio: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Personalized Playlist Generation
- Groovy Worms: The Locomotion of Worms in Non-Newtonian Media
- Grothendieck topologies and Grothendieck quantales
- Grothendieck's Section Conjecture and zero-cycles on varieties
- Grothendieck-Teichmuller Groups in the Combinatorial Anabelian Geometry
- Grotius on natural law and supererogation
- Ground movements induced by deep excavation: Physical and analytical models
- Ground rules for flexible leaf development
- Ground state properties of graphene in Hartree-Fock theory
- Ground States and Singular Vectors of Convex Variational Regularization Methods
- Ground States for Diffusion Dominated Free Energies with Logarithmic Interaction
- Ground truthing satellite measurements of SO2 degassing from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Ground-based detection of gravitational waves from intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals
- Grounded cognition and computer science conceptual understanding in young children
- Groundhog or Hound Dog? Is it time for arts impact evaluation to get a bit more rock and roll?
- Grounding ethnography - or ambivalent knowledge productions through qualitative data
- Grounding knowledge in the brain’s modal systems
- Groundwater control for construction
- Groundwork for a Humean theory of ideal laws
- Group actions on C*-algebras and obstruction theory
- Group actions on quasi-median graphs and acylindrical hyperbolicity
- Group actions on schemes and homotopy types
- Group actions on spaces with a distinguished geodesic structure
- Group Activity
- Group Activity
- Group Activity
- Group B streptococcus infections
- Group behavior: The case of galaxies
- Group cohomology
- Group covariance functions for Gaussian process metamodels with categorical inputs
- Group covariance functions for Gaussian process metamodels with categorical inputs
- Group cubization
- Group Discussion - What I Wish I Had Known Earlier in My Research Career
- Group Discussion: ‘Beyond the hype: navigating the social implications of AI for conservation’ by Chris Sandbrook, University of Cambridge
- Group Discussions
- Group Discussions (Continuation of Group Discussion and Preparation of Presentations)
- Group Discussions (Continuation of Group Discussion)
- Group discussions continued
- Group Discussions continued/preparation for Feedback Session
- Group distance
- Group Formation
- Group formations: surgeons and artists in Victorian group portraiture
- Group generators and relations, and making balls of triangles
- Group Identity and Social Histories in the Neolithic of Borneo
- Group Identity in One-shot and Repeated Coalition Formation Games
- Group invariance and computational sufficiency
- Group Leaders feedback on groups and discussions
- Group Leaders Feedback on Groups and Discussions
- Group Leaders Feedback on Three Industry Groups
- Group Leaders Feedback on Three Industry Groups
- Group Meeting/Subgroup Formation (Sococo)
- Group photo
- Group photo and coffee break
- Group photo and Morning Coffee
- Group Photo and Morning Coffee
- Group Photo, Morning Coffee and Posters
- Group Photo: Group Photo: New Science Block steps
- Group Presentation 1
- Group Presentation 1
- Group Presentation 2
- Group Presentation 2
- Group Presentation 3
- Group Presentation 3
- Group Presentation 4
- Group Presentation 4
- Group Presentation 5
- Group Presentation 5
- Group Processes and Local Network Dynamics
- Group Project Presentations
- Group representations and quantum information theory
- Group sensor scheduling for parameter estimation of random-effects distributed systems
- Group Theory and Machine Learning
- Group Theory Of Phonons In Layered Crystals
- Group Theory, Geometry and Representation Theory: Abel Prize 2008
- Group Theory, Geometry and Representation Theory: Abel Prize 2008 - day 1
- Group Theory, Geometry and Representation Theory: Abel Prize 2008 - day 2
- Group Theory, Geometry and Representation Theory: Abel Prize 2008 - day 3
- Group Walk Random Graphs
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group Work
- Group work
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group Work (Sococo)
- Group-Managed Real Options
- Grouping strategies for denoising
- Groups acting improperly on cube complexes
- Groups acting on trees: representation theory and operator algebras
- Groups acting properly on (products of) hyperbolic graphs
- Groups actions on dendrites
- Groups and graphs: applications of quasirandomness
- Groups of diffeomorphisms and shape spaces
- Groups with lots of p-local subgroups of characteristic p.
- Grout (or the story of how my coauthor stopped me from naming things)
- Grover's algorithm, databases and quantum machine learning
- Growing Biosensors from Cambridge
- Growing Enterprises Through a Technology Upgrading Strategy – The Case of Singapore's GET-UP Program as an Alternative Mode of Technology Transfer
- Growing older in yesterdays world
- Growing supermassive black holes with a little help from their friends
- Growing up in Multi-Ethnic Britain: A study of British South Asian and White families living in the UK
- Growing Up Musical: A Day In The Life Of A Family
- Growing Up Pleistocene: Finding the children of Upper Palaeolithic Europe
- Growing Wearable Technology: Fashion and Synthetic Biology
- Growing Your Startup & Breaking Free
- Growth and development during hominid evolution
- Growth and electronic band structure of crystalline organic films
- Growth and form of the gut
- Growth and form of the gut
- Growth and Form: From Stalactites to Ponytails
- Growth and mechanics of tissues: Rothschild Lecture
- Growth and size regulation in development and disease
- Growth and subgroups of Out(F_n).
- Growth coordination in Drosophila
- Growth estimates and diameter bounds for classical Chevalley groups
- Growth exponent for loop-erased random walk in 3 dimensions
- Growth in groups and CFSG-free proofs
- Growth in groups: an approach via incidence
- Growth in SL_3
- Growth mechanisms and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene
- Growth of class numbers of unipotent groups
- Growth Of Graphene Single Crystals And Graphene/hBN
- Growth of p-Selmer groups of elliptic curves in cyclic extensions
- Growth of thin fingers in Laplacian and Poisson fields
- Growth of thin fingers in Laplacian and Poisson fields
- Growth process and structure of refrozen cracks in sea ice
- Growth regulation of ribosome biogenesis in yeast: what's inside the black box?
- Growth results for linear algebraic groups
- Growth spurting baby galaxies
- Growth under automorphisms of hyperbolic groups
- Growth, Form and Patterning in Development
- Growth: Cognitive Linguistics, Psychology, and Adolescent Literature
- GSA Capital: Navigating Quantitative Investment: Technology and research in GSA and the challenges of staying competitive in today's markets
- GSA Capital: Staying Competitive
- GSA Capital: Staying Competitive
- GSA Capital: Technology in a quant trading firm: how innovation helps stay competitive in today's markets
- GScan’s industrial tracker system for the muon tomography applications
- GSCUED Careers Evening 2009
- GSEF Talk - 'Education Success Story in Georgia'
- GSEF Talk - 'The Challenges of Development in Fragile States: Experiences from Haiti'
- GSEF Talk - ‘“The best lack all conviction…”: A Personal Tour of the British Educational Landscape in 2012’
- GSEF Talk - ‘Education & Our Global Future’
- GSEF Talk - ‘Educational Issues in Jamaica’
- GSEF Talk - ‘Is Education Effective in Tackling Collective Corruption in Thailand?’
- GSEF Talk - ‘Secrets behind Finland's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment ) Success’
- GSHP application for Heating and Cooling at City Scale: Study on the City of Westminster
- GSI / Environmental Law seminar - Richard Buxton Law
- GSI Research Seminar Series - Climate change and Migration
- GSI Research Seminar Series - Ethical Consumption vs. Sustainable consumption
- GSI Research Seminar Series - Operationalising resilience: linking the conceptual and practical for a more sustainable world
- GSI Research Seminar Series - Professor Tim O'Riordan - 'Redefining Sustainability in a Post Austerity Britain'
- GSI Research Seminar Series - When and how will human society collapse?
- GSI Seminar - Using stories in energy research: Snapshots of three approaches
- GSK Consumer Healthcare: Present and Future areas of interest
- Guard against temptation: team reasoning and the role of intentions in exercising willpower
- Guerrilla warfare as sampling: Amílcar Cabral, African independence and the writing of transnational history of science
- Guessing Program Annotations with Probabilistic Inference
- Guesswork: System, Science, and the Advancement of Knowledge
- Guest desorption and rearrangement in a metal-cyanide framework
- Guest Public Thursday Seminar with Professor Joseph Murray
- Guidance mechanisms in collective cell migration
- Guide dogs for the sighted: the role of canis familiaris in constructing images of Victorian town and country
- Guided by curvature: A theoretical model of cellular shape dynamics and motility, coupling curvature and activity
- Guided Self-Assembly for Smart Scalable Systems : Optofluidic Maskless Lithography, Railed Microfluidics and Encoded Particles
- Guided Tour of Cambridge University Botanic Garden
- Guided Tour of Great St Mary's Church - 1:00pm
- Guided Tour of Great St Mary's Church - 1:00pm
- Guided Tour of Great St Mary's Church - 1:30pm
- Guided Tour of Great St Mary's Church - 1:30pm
- Guidelines for the technical study of bronze sculpture: How scientists, archaeologists, conservators, craftsmen, curators and art historians come together to synthetize their skills.
- Guiding energy policy with research: insights from a Norwegian think tank
- Guiding the design of base-isolated buildings
- GUILD: GUidance for Information about Linked Datasets
- Gulf Stream physical characteristics from remote sensing and neural networks
- Gull and Skilling's "The Maximum Entropy Method"
- Gunnar Nilsson, Professor of Experimental Allergy Research, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet
- Gunpowder, treason and plot: policing political violence in Constantinople and Alexandria, 1918-1923
- Gunter is sixty something
- Gurdon Institute mini-Symposium
- Gurus, Experts, Idiots and the Modalities of Debate
- Gut induced vascular plasticity drives stem cell adaptation during intestinal regeneration
- Gut microbiome, cognitive function and brain structure: a multi-omics integration analysis
- Gut microbiota affects skin wound healing of mice by activating immune-endocrine-brain axis elements
- Gut Microbiota Confers Protection Against Malaria
- Gut, germs and genes: the role of the microflora in intestinal oncogenesis
- Gynaecological fragments in a pragmatic archbishop's handbook: the Old English 'Formation of the Foetus' in context
- Gyration Stability for Projective Planes
- Gyroid Solar Cells Using ALD
- Gyroid-structured functional materials via deposition into self-assembled copolymer templates
- Gyrokinetic energy conservation laws
- Gyrokinetic statistical absolute equilibrium and turbulence
- Gyrokinetics outside of tokamaks
- Gyrotactic focussing by swimming micro-organisms in three-dimensional flows
- G_2 conifolds
- G_2 geometry and twistor theory