Talks starting with P
- P Values and replication: the problem is not what you think
- P Values and replication: the problem is not what you think
- p'-branching for symmetric groups
- p-adic cohomology over local fields of characteristic p
- P-adic distributions, p-adic integrals
- P-adic distributions, p-adic integrals, part II
- P-adic families of automorphic forms
- p-adic Geometric Langlands
- p-adic group rings and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture
- p-adic Hodge theory and Chow groups of Calabi-Yau 3-folds
- p-adic Hodge theory for open varieties.
- p-adic Hodge theory in rigid analytic families
- p-adic integrals and rational points on families of curves
- P-adic L-functions for GL(3)
- p-adic L-functions via higher Hida theory
- p-adic multiple zeta values and motivic Galois groups of mixed Tate motives
- p-adic semistable representations and generalization of the Shafarevich conjecture
- p-adic Strings at Finite Temperature
- p-adic unlikely intersections and rational points on curves
- p-adically completed cohomology and the p-adic Langlands program
- p-arithmetic cohomology and p-adic automorphic forms
- p-arithmetic cohomology and p-adic automorphic forms
- P-functors and cyclic covers
- P-hacking: its costs and when it is warranted
- P-p-p-problems with penguins- how population genetics and tagging studies can reveal the cryptic ecology of penguins.
- P-values for computer-intensive classifiers
- P1/HC-ProR-suppressed HEN1 > activity affects in vivo miRNA-AGO1 loading and triggering autophagic AGO1 degradation
- p38 SAPK signaling protects the Drosophila larval hindgut against chronic stress
- P4-NetFPGA
- P4Debug: A Framework for Debugging Programmable Data Planes
- p53-based cancer therapy: potential & limitations
- p73 regulates cancer cell survival and metabolism
- PA Consulting: Applications of AR/VR
- PA Consulting: Exploiting emerging technologies
- Paallavvik Island and the search for Earth's primitive water
- Pablo Pelegrin, Title: Sensing low intracellular potassium by NLRP3: clues on NLRP3 inflammasome activation. and Gloria Lopez-castejon, Title: Posttranslational regulation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
- PAC learning
- Pacific Shoguns: Japan’s Attempt to Open the Pacific, 1600-1625
- Pacific Shoguns: Japan’s Attempt to Open the Pacific, 1600-1625
- Package Borne Transmission
- Packaging and Publishing your Python code
- Packaging Python
- Packaging the genome: chromatin, DNA architecture and the role of proteins
- Packet data mobility management in Wireless Cellular Networks
- Packets of diffusing particles exhibit universal exponential tails
- Packing dominoes and other shapes
- Packing Liquid Crystal Domains
- Packing Liquid Crystal Domains
- Packing of wires in cavities and growing surfaces
- Packing problems, phyllotaxis and Fibonacci numbers
- Packing properties of Hexapod particles
- Packing Spheres Randomly
- Padé approximations on Riemann Surfaces and applications
- Paediatric Cancer Programme Meeting Feb 2020
- Paediatric Cancer Programme Meeting June 2019
- Paediatric Cancer Programme Meeting Nov 2019
- Paediatric infectious diseases: inborn errors of immunity
- Paediatric Malignancies
- Paediatric malignancies
- Paediatric malignancies - an overview
- Paediatric malignancies: an overview
- Paediatric malignancies: an overview
- Pagan attitudes: Christianity observed in the second century CE
- Pain and Lessons from the Naked Mole-Rat
- Pain and physiological processes in sixteenth-century medical texts from Mexico and Spain
- Pain and swelling, suffering and love: the NGF story
- Pain Assessment
- Pain assessment and pain scoring
- Pain processing - what the brain tells the spinal cord
- Painless Parse Errors
- Painless Parse Errors
- Painlevé and Heun functions from Liouville conformal blocks
- Painlevé I and exact WKB: studying Stokes phenomenon analytically and numerically
- Painlevé monodromy: geometry and quantization
- Painlevé Paradox for Oblique Impact of Rigid Body with Friction
- Painleve Equations - Nonlinear Special Functions I
- Painleve Equations - Nonlinear Special Functions I
- Painleve Equations - Nonlinear Special Functions II
- Painleve Equations - Nonlinear Special Functions II
- Painleve Equations - Nonlinear Special Functions III
- Painleve Equations - Nonlinear Special Functions III
- Paint and mud: cracks in drying dispersions
- Paint Your Own Rock Art
- Paint-on antimicrobial bandages: a new approach for veterinary wound management
- Painting and narrative in France, from Poussin to Gauguin
- Painting in 3D: Structural Colour in Nature
- Painting on glass: from recipes to magic lanterns, a contribution to conservation and the history of knowledge
- Painting Passion: The Martyrdom Medallions in the Sainte-Chapelle
- Painting the Valleys
- Pair Trading — Cointegration or Lack of It
- Pair-rule patterning in Drosophila: how does it work, and what does it tell us about short-germ segmentation
- Pairing symmetry and dominant band in Sr2RuO4
- Pairing-based succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments
- Pairings and functional equations over the GL_2-extension
- Pairwise Sums in the Reals
- Pakistan's Member of the National Assembly (MNA), Shafqat Mahmood, visits Cambridge University
- Pakistan's unpredictable political scene: an informative talk
- Palaeoecological Insights into the Causes and Consequences of Mid-Late Quaternary Megafauna Extinction in Asia and Australia
- Palaeoenvironmental change and stability at Shanidar Cave: The evidence from the micromammals
- Palaeontology and the tree of life
- Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteome
- Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteome
- Palaeoproteomics in Archaeology: Recent Applications and Future Directions
- Palaeozoic evolution of the north-central margin of the Proto Andes
- Palantir - Privacy and Civil Liberties (PCL) & Machine Learning
- Palantir and PCL (Privacy & Civil Liberties)
- Palantir: P101 + Responding to COVID-19
- PaLEnTIR: a Parametric Level Set-based Approach to Image Reconstruction and Restoration
- Paleo-climatic time series: statistics and dynamics
- Paleoceanographic reconstruction of the Upper Cretaceous oil shale sequence in Israel
- Paleoceanography at intermediate water depth in the Subtropical Western North Pacific Ocean near the Kuroshio Current over the last 1 My (Sites U1436 and U1437) using stable isotopes and foraminifer assemblages (including taphonomy) . IODP Expedition 350
- Paleoceanography on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula (ODP site 1101) during the last 1Myr
- Paleocene–Eocene climate and carbon cycle: tales from the 'boring background'
- Palestinian Refugees: gendered and intergenerational narratives of displacement and return
- Palladio’s Palazzo Della Torre, Verona, 1551
- Pan-European efforts to unionize survey interviewers in the 1970s
- Panacea's daughters: gentlewomen healers and experiential knowledge in early modern Germany
- Panagrolaimus davidi, an Antarctic nematode model for the survival of extreme environmental stress
- Pancreatic Cancer - The clinical challenge; Why the microenvironment matters during progression and treatment
- Pancreatic cancer - the clinical challenge; Why the microenvironment matters during pancreatic cancer progression and treatment
- Pancreatic Cancer: Cachexia, Systemic Metabolism, Immunity and Occult Metastases
- Pancreatic Cancer: Challenges, Models and Therapeutic Opportunities
- Pancreatic cancer: Genetic models to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
- Pancreatic islet microenvironment
- Pancyclicity of highly connected graphs
- PANDA: a tool for lowering carbon in structural design
- Pandaemonium Continued: Will the Greek Financial Crisis Undermine the Euro?
- Pandemic Recovery, the SDGs and the Law
- Pandemic scholarship: Hobbes's translation of Thucydides' 'Plague of Athens'
- Pandemic! Where do new infections come from?
- Pandemonium in the Planetary Graveyard
- Pandia: comprehensive contention-sensitive thread placement
- Pandora: exploring galaxy formation with radiation, magnetic fields and cosmic rays
- Panel
- Panel
- Panel
- Panel
- Panel
- Panel ‘2013 German Elections’
- Panel “What’s left? The European left beyond the Third Way”
- Panel chaired by Natarajan Shankar (SRI International)
- Panel comparisons: Challenor, Ginsbourger, Nobile, Teckentrup and Beck
- Panel comparisons: Challenor, Ginsbourger, Nobile, Teckentrup and Beck
- Panel Debate: Climate change control strategies: Top-down or bottom-up?
- Panel Debate: Does scientific autonomy harm society?
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion (questions submitted via slido and asked by chair)
- Panel Discussion - 'Slavery and its Legacies at Cambridge'
- Panel Discussion - can we/should we do 100% Renewables?
- Panel Discussion and Book Launch - Penal Censure: Engagements Within and Beyond Desert Theory
- Panel Discussion and Q&A
- Panel Discussion and Questions
- Panel Discussion and Questions
- Panel Discussion and Questions
- Panel Discussion and Questions
- Panel Discussion and Wrap-Up
- Panel Discussion – Future of Games in Pakistani Industry and Higher Education
- Panel Discussion on "The Transmission of Information
- Panel Discussion on "The Transmission of Information": Case Study and Comparison
- Panel Discussion on ENERGY
- Panel discussion on IPCC 1.5 deg C special report
- Panel discussion on IPCC special reports
- Panel Discussion on the UK Climate Bill
- Panel Discussion Session
- Panel Discussion, Questions and Answers
- Panel Discussion, Questions and Answers
- Panel Discussion, Questions and Answers
- Panel Discussion: "State Sovereignty and Individual Rights"
- Panel discussion: "Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?"
- Panel Discussion: 'State Sovreignty and Individual Rights'
- Panel Discussion: Climate Change Is Now
- Panel Discussion: Crime, Human Rights and Police-Community Relations: Law Enforcement in Post-Colonial Worlds
- Panel Discussion: Embedding Black History and Archaeology in British schools
- Panel Discussion: Future Directions for DOE
- Panel Discussion: Introduction from Panellists
- Panel Discussion: Managing COVID-19 - Behavioural Insights From the Global South
- Panel Discussion: Practicality of Applications from Research Programme Topics: Computational Aspects. Statistical Aspects. Privacy and Confidentiality. Research Applications. Industry/Government Applications
- Panel Discussion: Questions and Discussion
- Panel Discussion: Science and Politics
- Panel Discussion: Spatial Networks and Geographical Transmission of Ideas
- Panel discussion: Syria's humanitarian challenges: options from the ground, policy and academia
- Panel discussion: The Future of Science Policy and Research Funding
- Panel Discussions - Questions, Next Steps and Wrap-Up
- Panel on 'Contested Sovereignty: Order and Revolution in 19th Century Italy'
- Panel on future directions for Big Proof
- Panel on future directions for Big Proof
- Panel on sexual harassment in UK higher education institutions
- Panel on the Politics of Wellbeing
- Panel on the US Elections
- Panel Session and Discussion
- Panel session on new frontiers
- Panel session. Cynthia Rudin, Manuela Veloso, Isaac Kohane, Aleksander Madry, Hannah Fry
- Panel session: Navigating a career in mathematics
- Panel: Challenges When Interfacing Physical Experiments and Computer Models
- Panel: Cultural Transmission in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia
- Panel: Embedding Communication in the Mathematical Science Community in a Systematic Way (Chair: Julia Gog (University of Cambridge))
- Panel: Exploration in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia
- Panel: Input uncertainty and experimental robustness
- Panel: Mapping the Black Hole - Documenting the Landscape of Evidence for Successful Communication
- Panel: What's Next for Planetary Health Research?
- Pankaj Mishra, 'Age of Anger' book launch & panel with Christopher Clark, Faisal Devji & Gary Gerstle
- Panoramic Light Sheet Microscopy
- Panos Karnezis in conversation
- Pantastic archaeology in the northern Namib Sand Sea
- Paolo Amore
- Paolo Sorrentino's Il divo: Politics, Performativity, Post-Realism
- Papal-Imperial Relations and the Crusade under Honorius III (1216-1227)
- Paper Trails: Mathematical Collaborations in Newton's Archive.
- Papers with Code and the automatic extraction of results from papers
- Papillomavirus sabotage of epithelial growth and differentiation pathways: New targets for intervention?
- Papuan pasts: genetic evidence so far
- Papyrus BM EA 87512: Always Look on the Bright Side of Wife? [Glanville Lecture 2019]
- Para-CR geometry and curves
- Parabolic and Hyperbolic Unimodular maps
- Parabolic and Hyperbolic Unimodular maps
- Parabolic induction and extensions
- Parabolic induction for Affine Kac-Moody algebras
- Parabolic methods in kinetic equations
- Parabolic methods in kinetic equations 2
- Parabolic subgroups of two-dimensional Artin groups and systolic-by-function complexes
- Parabolic systems with rough initial data
- Parabolic systems with rough initial data
- Paracelsus' Chickens - Strange Tales from the History of Chemistry
- Paracoccus denitrificans oxidative phosphorylation, retentions, gains, losses, and lessons en route to mitochondria
- Paradiastole and Civil War in Ancient Greek and Roman Thought
- Paradigm shift of Manufacturing in China and its impact on climate change
- Paradigm shifts of the Solar Dynamo
- Paradigms Lost: Archaeologists, Historians and the 'Islamic City'
- Paradigms of the interaction effects in Fermi surface topological reconstruction
- Paradise Lost? How the Internet has changed
- Paradoxes observed in the Engineering Design Practice
- Paradoxes of multilingualism in public policy in conjunction with the launching of Cambridge Masterclass Series on Multilingualism, Education and Language Policy
- Paradoxes of the Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Paradoxical Decompositions and Colouring Rules
- Paradoxical Decompositions and Colouring Rules
- Parafoveal perception of emotional scenes: Evidence from oculomotor biases and affective priming
- Parahoric bundles and parabolic bundles
- Parakeet: A Continuous Speech Recognition System for Mobile Touch-Screen Devices
- Parallel Assertions for Debugging Parallel Programs
- Parallel computation of vortex tube reconnection using graphics card and vortex particle methods
- Parallel Coordinates: Visual Multidimensional Geometry and its Applications
- Parallel dendritic processing and hippocampal spatial representations
- Parallel evolution of neural microexons in insects and vertebrates
- Parallel External Memory Model for Multicore Architectures
- Parallel I/O and HDF5
- Parallel Inference and Learning with Deep Structured Distributions
- Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Parallel Plenary Session (Zoom Breakout room) - Trustworthy Communication
- Parallel Plenary Session (Zoom Breakout room) - Communicating Mathematics
- Parallel Plenary Session (Zoom Breakout room) Misinformation
- Parallel Processing in the Mammalian Retina
- Parallel programming using NVIDIA CUDA
- Parallel Programming: Introduction to MPI
- Parallel publics: an Indian history of democracy
- Parallel Reality Displays
- Parallel reverse genetic screening in mutant human cells using transcriptomics.
- Parallel Universes, Parallel Processing: Using expired weather forecasts to supply up to 10 000 years of weather data (on an HPC cluster)
- Parallelingualism. What can Nordic language policy learn from its past?
- Parallelization and Software Concepts for Tsunami Simulation on Dynamically Adaptive Triangular Grids
- Parameter and Functional Estimation in Semiparametric Models
- Parameter determination for Energy Balance Climate Models with memory
- Parameter Estimation for Rough Differential Equations
- Parameter estimation in deep learning architectures: Two new insights.
- Parameter estimation in parametric pdes
- Parameter estimation in parametric pdes
- Parameter estimation in parametric pdes
- Parameter inference, model error and the goals of calibration
- Parameter inference, model error and the goals of calibration
- Parameter Search and Robustness Analysis from Temporal Logic Specifications in Biochemical Reaction Networks
- Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning for Audio and Speech Processing
- Parameterisation of small-scale random forcing in β-plane turbulence
- Parameterisations of Heterogeneous Atmospheric Reactions: Recent work of the IUPAC Kinetics Data Evaluation Panel
- Parameterised Proof Complexity
- Parameterising melt at the base of Antarctic ice shelves with a feedforward neural network
- Parameterized algebraic theories and computational effects
- Parameterized Complexity of DPLL Search Procedures
- Parameterized Complexity of some Problems in Concurrency and Verification
- Parameterizing interaction of disparate scales: selective decay by Casimir dissipation in fluids
- Parametric Bandits, Query Learning, and the Haystack Dimension
- Parametric Groebner basis computations and elimination
- Parametric representation in shape optimization
- Parametric representation of non commutative quantum field theory
- Parametric resurgence in practice
- Parametrised homotopy theory via symmetric retractive spectra
- Parametrising general linear cosmological perturbations
- Parametrising proton structure for LHC Monte Carlo simulations
- Paramutation in tomato
- Paranoia and social mistrust in UK and Hong Kong children
- Paranoia: Advances in understanding and treatment
- Paranoia: My life understanding and treating extreme mistrust
- Paranoia: The 21st Century Fear
- Paranoid Masculinities: Conspiracy Theory in Mark Twain's Fiction
- Paranoid Style and Memoro-Politics. Making sense of the South African controversy on AIDS
- Paraphrastic Language Models / Structured SVMs for ASR
- Pararetroviruses (EPRV)-Derived 22nt sRNAs & Their Role In DICER2-Mediated Viral Immunity In Tomato Hybrids
- Parasite infection dynamics and the pathogenesis of Chagas disease and visceral leishmaniasis
- Parasite modulation of autoimmune diseases
- Parasite-induced suppression of inflammation - a role for the gut microbiota?
- Parasite-induced swarming behaviour in Artemia spp.
- Parasites in Past Civilisations
- Parasites on the move. Travelling pets and parasite control.
- Parasites, people and policy: Infectious diseases and millenium development goals.
- Parasitic infection 2016
- Parasitic nematode microRNAs- finding a function
- Parasitic plants
- Parasitic plants
- Parasitic worms, IgE, immunity and allergy
- Parasitism, family conflict & success in a North Atlantic seabird
- Pardon my French! Exploring the myths and realities of Second Language Education in Canada
- Pareidolia and Cave Art: Integrating Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understand the Cognitive Mechanisms Behind the Emergence of Palaeolithic Art
- Parent politics in education: is there a bias towards inclusion?
- Parent-teen attachment informed observational measure and intervention for adolescents at high-risk for aggressive behaviour.
- Parental care in burying beetles
- Parental care: an evolutionary case of “use it or lose it”
- Parenting and the intergenerational transmission of inequality
- Parenting practices and psychological well-being in midlife: life course associations among women in the 1946 British birth cohort study
- Parents and Children doing Homework: Cycles of Self-Regulated Learning
- Parents as Partners: A couple relationship approach to strengthening families
- Parents in Court: the role of family advocacy
- Pareto Optimality in Coalition Formation
- Parietal cortex and action space
- Paris, climate and surrealism: how numbers reveal an alternate reality
- PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema
- Parity conjecture for abelian varieties
- Parity in positive characteristic
- Parity of ranks of abelian surfaces
- Parity of ranks of elliptic curves
- Parity of ranks of elliptic curves I
- Parity of ranks of elliptic curves II
- Parity of Selmer ranks in quadratic twist families
- Parity of the rank of an elliptic curve
- Parking
- Parkinson's Disease, dopamine and spatial span
- Parkinson's Rehabilitation using interactive Dance Technology
- Parkinson’s Rehabilitation using Interactive Dance Technology
- ParkSense: A Smartphone Based Sensing System For On-Street Parking
- Parliament and the Law
- Parliament and the Public in the 1620s: Reassessing Conrad Russell
- Parodia and Notocactus
- Parp mutations protect from mitochondrial toxicity in Alzheimer’s disease
- Parsimonious BFA when the number of factors is unknown
- Parsing Images the UCLA Way
- Parsing Jazz: Harmonic Analysis of Music Using Combinatory Categorial Grammar
- Parsing the stream of behaviour
- Part A: Humanitarian Work Psychology: Addressing Global Concerns through the Science of Work; Part B: Examining the Five Factor Model of Personality across Twenty-Seven Countries: The Influence of Development and Culture
- Part A: Non-parametric image optimization & Part B: Crowdsourcing gaze data collection
- Part Detection and Species Identification
- Part I: Iterative Solvers and Preconditioners for solving large sparse linear systems
- Part Ib Computer Science Group Project Presentations
- Part Ib Group Project Presentations
- Part Ib Group Project Presentations
- Part II Project Presentations
- Part II Project Presentations
- Part II Student Presentations
- Part II Student Presentations (Part II)
- Part II: Iterative Solvers and Preconditioners for solving large sparse linear systems
- Part IIB Poster Presentations
- Part IIB Poster Presentations
- Part III Event: CMS Research in the UK Afternoon
- Part III Presentations
- Part III Project Talks
- Part III Project Talks
- Part III Project talks
- Part III Project Talks
- Part III Project talks
- Part III Project talks
- Part III projects
- Part III projects: Approximating a Haskell stack trace/Language and compiler for heterogenous parallelism
- Part III Reports
- Part III Seminars
- Part III Seminars
- Part III Seminars
- Part III Seminars (Algebra and Geometry)
- Part III Seminars (Algebraic Geometry)
- Part III Seminars (Category Theory and Logic)
- Part III Seminars (Combinatorics)
- Part III Seminars (Fluids)
- Part III Seminars (Probability and Operational Research)
- Part III Seminars (Set Theory and Number Theory)
- Part III Seminars (Statistics and Related)
- Part III Seminars (Theoretical Physics 1)
- Part III Seminars (Theoretical Physics 2)
- Part III Seminars (Theoretical Physics 3)
- Part III student talks
- Part III students
- Part-based Tracking with Cascaded Regression of Neighbours
- Partial associativity and rough approximate groups
- Partial Differential Equations meet Deep Learning: Beating the Curse of Dimensionality
- Partial G-structures and partial Cartan geometries
- Partial groups and higher Segal conditions
- Partial identification in instrumental variables
- Partial integro-differential equation models for the spatial spread and evolutionary dynamics of heterogeneous cell populations
- Partial least squares for dependent data
- Partial least squares for dependent data
- Partial linear spaces with symmetry
- Partial Melting Above the Mantle Transition Zone
- Partial Okounkov bodies and toric geometry
- Partial Okounkov bodies and toric geometry
- Partial shuffles by lazy swaps
- Partial sum process of orthogonal series as rough process
- Partial sums of excursions along random geodesics.
- Partially local hidden variable models do not exist
- Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs)
- Partially positive line bundles
- Partially smoothed information measures
- Participating in Victorian natural history through the illustrated periodical
- Participative multilingual identity education: Theory, evidence and impact of the ‘We Are Multilingual’ Campaign
- Participatory approaches to encourage responsible use of antibiotics in livestock
- Participatory Creativity in Education: unpacking and problematising the whole process
- Participatory development of a drinking water testing system
- Participatory Methods for the Assessment of the Ownership Status of Free-Roaming Dogs in Bali, Indonesia, for Disease Control and Animal Welfare
- Participatory Sonic Arts: Experiences from Rio and Belfast (jointly organized by the City Seminar)
- Particle acceleration and the role of pressure anisotropy in a multi-island reconnection
- Particle acceleration in relativistic magnetospheres
- Particle Detectors - High Energy / Nuclear Energy
- Particle displacements by swimming organisms
- Particle dynamics for rare event estimation with PDE-based models
- Particle Engineering: Role of Surface Chemistry
- Particle entrainment into avalanches: Driven by pore pressures?
- Particle Filtering in High-dimensions
- Particle Filtering in High-dimensions
- Particle Filtering in High-dimensions
- Particle filtering subject to interaction constraints
- Particle filters and curse of dimensionality
- Particle filters and curse of dimensionality
- Particle filters for infinite-dimensional systems: combining localization and optimal transportation
- Particle filters in highly nonlinear high-dimensional systems
- Particle Flow for Near-perfect Sampling in Static and Dynamic Contexts
- Particle flux in the deep Sargasso Sea: Insights from the Oceanic Flux Program time series
- Particle Hunting at CERN
- Particle islands and archipelagos: some large sample theory
- Particle laden thin films: theory and experiment
- Particle Learning
- Particle methods for geophysical flow on the sphere
- Particle Physics & CERN
- Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model with X-ray Studies of Galaxy Clusters
- Particle Physics For All
- Particle Physics for All
- Particle Plumes in Cross Winds - Going to Extremes
- Particle production during Axion Inflation
- Particle representations and limit theorems for stochastic partial differential equations
- Particle size segregation and spontaneous levee formation in geophysical mass flows
- Particle spectra of non-minimal supersymmetric models
- Particle suspension from Rouse to Turbidty Currents, and back again
- Particle Swarm Optimisation
- Particle systems and the hydro limit of the Ginzburg–Landau model
- Particle systems and the hydro-dynamical limit of the Ginzburg-Landau model
- Particle Tracking Microrheology Around the Sol-Gel Transition
- Particle tracking to elucidate cell surface receptor motion and signalling
- Particle trajectories beneath irrotational travelling water waves
- Particle-Laden Flows in Rotating Drums: The Silent Secrets
- Particle-Turbulence interactions in multi-component mixtures: Cloud microphysical implications
- Particle–Wave Association on a Fluid Interface
- Particles -- are they 4-manifolds?
- Particles and droplets in Foams - A simulation approach
- Particles and fluids
- Particles and fluids
- Particles and mixing in turbulent plumes and fountains
- Particles and the Universe
- Particles in Membranes
- Particular Surprises: Faces, Cries and Transfiguration. Inferno XXXII, Purgatorio XXXII, Paradiso XXXII
- Particulars of particulates
- Particulate and Granular Magnetism
- Partition algebras and Deligne's category Rep(S_t)
- Partition function of N=(2,2) gauge theories on S^2 and vortices
- Partition function on Hopf surfaces and supersymmetric Casimir energy
- Partition Regularity in the Rationals
- Partition Regularity in the Rationals (POSTPONED)
- Partition Relation for linear Orders without the Axiom of Choice
- Partition Relation Perspectives
- Partition: politics, memory and experience
- Partition: politics, memory and experience
- Partition: politics, memory and experience
- Partition: politics, memory and experience
- Partition: politics, memory and experience
- Partition: politics, memory and identity
- Partition: politics, memory and identity
- Partitioning coloured graphs into monochromatic cycles
- Partitioning of water fluxes across the Himalayas
- Partitioning Well-Clustered Graphs: Spectral Clustering Works!
- Partitions, matrix models, and geometry
- Partner and conquer: The journey of Echion's superfast charging battery from lab to market
- Partner-driven Environmental Sensing: Co-design with Indigenous Ojibwe Scientists
- Partnership and power in research writing: voice and representation in physical and virtual worlds
- Partnerships and collaborations in developing a collection of new songs for children
- Partnerships in Mining: Stories, Emotions, and the Quest for Stable Relationships in the Greenlandic Mining Sector
- Parton Distribution Functions for LHC Physics
- Parton Distributions in the Higgs Boson Era
- Parton distributions with LHC data
- Parton Evolution Beyond Current Paradigms
- Party
- Party Politics, Capital Mobilization and the Rise of ‘Small Boys’ Capitalists in Ghana’s Fourth Republic
- Party-cle Physics: The CERN Summer School
- PAS 2050: The BSI/Defra/Carbon Trust Specification for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Products and Services
- Pass Go and collect $200: how slot machines are advancing the state of the art in computer go AI
- Passages from discrete to continuous systems allowing for fracture, external forces and heterogeneities
- Passages from discrete to continuous systems allowing for fracture, external forces and heterogeneities
- Passenger Discomfort during Longitudinal Vehicle Motion
- Passenger discomfort during longitudinal vehicle motion
- Passenger Focus
- Passing the Buck to the Wealthier
- Passion, Energy and Matter: Godard's Gestures
- Passive and active tracer flows: Regional-scale mixing and laboratory-scale instabilities
- Passive brain tumour visualisation during surgery using computer vision
- Passive cooperative behavior in striated acto-myosin systems
- Passive diffusion of helical bacteria
- Passive mechanical network synthesis
- Passive Particle in An Active Bath: Can We Tell It Is Out Of Equilibrium?
- Passive tracer in a flow corresponding to two dimensional stochastic Navier--Stokes equations
- Passive ventilation in multi-storey buildings - a dimensionless design approach
- Passive, nanoengineered anti-icing: An experimental perspective
- Passivity-based control of underactuated surgical robots
- Past Abrupt Climate Change and Freshwater Forcing: What do we know?
- Past and Prospective Transitions in the UK Gas Industry – Some Interdisciplinary Insights
- Past and prospective transitions in the UK gas industry – some interdisciplinary insights
- Past and the Present of Israeli Occupation of Palestine
- Past as Prelude: Polish-Ukrainian Relations for the Twenty-First Century
- Past changes in the marine carbon cycle
- Past Climates and Modern Histories: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- Past ice sheet evolution: West Antarctica during warm climate intervals
- Past unlimited: the canal of Zabita Khan
- Past, present and future of Drosophila Research
- Past, Present and Future of Wireless Networking
- Past, present, and future of orangutan conservation
- Past, present, and future of semiempirical methods
- Pastoral modernism: the flying machine's arrival over the English countryside
- Patagonia
- Patagonia
- Patagonian Afrikaans: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- Patching and the completed homology of locally symmetric spaces.
- Patchy colloids: a simple model for complex fluids
- Patent Search: a challenging problem for IR and NL
- Patent strategies of Japenese firms
- Patenting in an Entrepreneurial Region during the Great Depression: The Case of Cleveland, Ohio
- Patents in theory and in practice
- Patents, powders, profits: the background to and legal significance of the patent infringement trial Nobel's Explosives Co. v Anderson (1894)
- Patents, Universities And Corporations In The GrapheneFlatland: Who Owns Graphene's Electronic Future?
- Paternal MHC linked to uterine vascular remodelling and feto-placental growth
- Paternalism and the politics of “toll corn” in early modern England
- Paternalism, Freedom, and Hope in the Fight Against Poverty
- Paternalism, Freedom, and Hope in the Fight Against Poverty
- Paternity testing and other inference about relationships from DNA mixtures
- Path coupling without contraction
- Path integral-based Bayesian inference of bond energy and mobility
- Path integrals and p-adic L-functions
- Path integrals and the universe
- Path large deviations for kinetic theories: beyond the Boltzmann, the Landau, and the Balescu—Lenard—Guernsey kinetic equations
- Path large deviations for kinetic theories: beyond the Boltzmann, the Landau, the Balescu—Lenard—Guernsey, and the weak turbulence kinetic equations + Rare event dynamics applied to climate models
- Path of Least Resistance versus Expert Creativity
- Path Signature Example Notebooks
- Path-complete Lyapunov techniques: when Algebra and Combinatorics meet in Control
- Path-space Information Metrics and Variational Inference for Non-equilibrium Coarse-grained Systems
- Path-space information metrics for uncertainty quantification and coarse-graining of molecular systems
- PathFinder: a toolbox for oscillatory integrals by deforming into the complex plane
- Pathfinding for 10k agents
- PathGrid: automating the analysis of Tissue Micro Arrays utilising astronomy image analysis techniques
- Pathobiology of antitrypsin deficiency and the serpinopathies
- Pathogen Evolution
- Pathogen Genome Sequencing at the Sanger Institute
- Pathogen phylodynamics: from historical epidemics to contemporary outbreaks
- Pathogenesis of Prion Diseases
- Pathogenic autoantibodies in neurological diseases: balancing family and opportunities over 40(+) years
- Pathogenic vs. Reversible Amyloid & Inhibition of Aggregation
- Pathogens in the Pub
- Pathogens in the Pub
- Pathogens through space and time - Lessons from high-throughput screening for ancient pathogen DNA
- Pathological behaviours of single progenitor model defy inference techniques
- Pathological Lives: on the cosmopolitics of losing self-assurance
- Pathological vs Reversible Amyloid
- Pathological vs Reversible Amyloid
- Pathology 2015
- Pathology and preparations at the Great Windmill Street School
- Pathology, pragmatic trials and population health data science to prevent vascular ageing
- Pathophysiology of Autoimmune Disease
- Pathophysiology of feline diabetes mellitus
- Paths to Discovery in Radio Astronomy - Prediction and Serendipity
- Paths to Discovery in Radio Astronomy – Prediction and Serendipity
- Pathway Analysis of Glioblastoma Tissue After Preoperative Treatment with the EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Gefitinib – A Phase “0 Trial”
- Pathway to study molecular oxygen in exoplanet atmosphere with FIOS
- Pathways forward from psychiatric genetics
- Pathways of boundary mixing in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current revealed by a tracer release experiment.
- Pathways of inflammation and tissue remodelling in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: lessons from human arthritis
- Pathways of protein quality control in the cytosol
- Pathways to Equilibria, Pretty Pictures and Diagrams (PPAD)
- Pathways to healthy urban living
- Pathways to Impact: Public Engagement Lunch
- Pathways to zero energy at home - A talk by Nicola Terry
- Pathwise Regularisation of McKean-Vlasov problems
- Patient
- Patient Presentation - ALS
- Patient Presentation - MS
- Patient reported outcome measures are different
- Patient-past based precision medicine: multi-morbidities in a life-course perspective
- Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in Autism Research: State of the Field and Future Directions
- Patient-specific Biomechanical Modelling in the Development of Cardiovascular Disease
- Patient-specific, organ-scale forecasting of prostate cancer growth in active surveillance
- Patients as Consumers and the Personalisation of Medicine (Reading Group)
- Patients as Consumers and the Personalisation of Medicine (Reading Group)
- Patients as Partners in Cancer Research
- Patients or Passports?: The NHS and the hostile environment
- Patients, Expertise and New Markets (Roundtable)
- Patrick Shipman - Title TBC
- Pattern Formation and Turing Pattern in Developing Cell Systems
- Pattern formation and positional information in development
- Pattern formation by turbulent cascades
- Pattern formation in confined nematic systems: the interplay between geometry, anisotropy and singularities
- Pattern formation in permafrost
- Pattern formation in polariton condensates
- Pattern formation of a nonlocal, anisotropic interaction model
- Pattern Formation outside of Equilbrium as a Template for Drug Delivery Vehicles
- Pattern recognition in neuroimaging
- Pattern Recognition Receptor signalling in infection and sterile inflammation
- Pattern recognition receptors as therapeutic targets for infectious and inflammatory disease.
- Pattern recognition receptors: From the cell surface to endosomal trafficking
- Pattern Recognition Receptors: therapeutic targets for allergic as well as infectious disease?
- Pattern signatures of spatial and object-based attention in the dorsal and ventral visual streams
- Patterned ground stories: wars, disasters and ice sheets
- Patterned segregation: Order out of complexity
- Patterning and encoding tissue shape with genes and mechanics
- Patterning embryos with oscillations
- Patterning ensembles of mouse ES cells: the embryo redux
- Patterning of Colloidal Particles via Infrared Radiation-Assisted Evaporative Lithography
- Patterning of nonlocal transport models in biology: the impact of spatial dimension
- Patterning of the anterior non-segmented part of the insect head
- Patterning the Arabidopsis leaf
- Patterning the fish inner ear: development and evolution
- Patterning, waves and synchronization in cilia arrays
- Patterns and flows: from turbulence to morphogenesis
- Patterns and Parameters
- Patterns and Szemerédi phenomena in random fractals
- Patterns as Signs
- Patterns in active fluids
- Patterns in Polarisable Elastic Active Layers
- Patterns of bacterial colonies
- Patterns of co-existing order parameters and universal escapeway to the magnetic quantum critical point
- Patterns of Dynamic Topography on Earth
- Patterns of female employment in the Pays de Caux and the Perche, 1792-1901
- Patterns of live poultry exposure and implications for avian influenza transmission to humans in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Patterns of manorial office holding at late medieval and early modern Little Downham, 1300-1600
- Patterns of medical practice in urban and rural England, c.1500–1720: a case-study of the South West
- Patterns of migration in late-medieval England
- Patterns of purifying selection and adaptive evolution in SARS-CoV-2
- Patterns of seismic anisotropy and mantle flow around convergent margins: predictions from 3D geodynamic modelling and implications for the interpretation of seismic tomographies
- Patterns of stem and progenitor cell fate in adult tissues
- Patterns of stem and progenitor cell fate in adult tissues
- Patterns of stem and progenitor cell fate in adult tissues
- Patterns of stem and progenitor cell fate in adult tissues
- Patterns of tetrapod diversification on land (and possible explanations)
- Patterns of vulnerability in pregnancy and early childhood: Measurement, interactions, effect moderation and random coefficients in latent variable models
- Patterns underlying the mitochondrial life cycle
- Paucity of rational points on fibrations with multiple fibres
- Paul B Rimmer on Prebiotic Fitness Landscapes
- Paul Bergen: Ordered export of proteins to build a bacterial cell surface nanomachine
- Paul Dirac and the Religion of Mathematical Beauty
- Paul Dirac: Britain's Einstein
- Paul Ginsborg on "Recent Italian Politics in Historical Perspective"
- Paul Klee notebooks: form and mathematics
- Paul Murdin prize award ceremony
- Paul Sagar (King’s), "A Question of Sympathy"
- Paul Sinha: Queering the Pitch - Can openly gay men ever be truly accepted in sport ?
- Paulo Teixeira - Bidisperse Tilings of the Plane
- Pauper inventories and the material lives of the English poor, c.1680-1834
- Pave the road to land: evolution of water-conducting cells in land plants
- Paving an enlightened path to anyons and quantum computation
- Paving bicycling’s path to redemption in the future of active travel
- Paving the way for large-scale quantum computation
- Pax Economica: Left-Wing Visions of a Free Trade World
- Pax genes and neurogenic placode identity
- Pax Technica: the implications of the Internet of Things
- Paxos: How can we all agree?
- Paying Attention to Efficiency: LLM Deployment on Mobile and Edge Devices
- Paying for Improved Electricity Services in Developing Countries: Any Role for Previous Mitigation Action
- Payment System Security - Attacks and Defences
- PBX 9502 detonation propagation
- PC Software Download
- PCC: Re-architecting Congestion Control for Consistent High Performance
- PCE - Adaptation
- PCE - Data Assimilation
- PCE - Model Error
- PCF-GAN and beyond: High-Fidelity Generative Models for Synthetic Time Series Generation
- PCF-GAN: generating sequential data via the characteristic function of measures on the path space
- PCF-GAN: generating sequential data via the characteristic function of measures on the path space
- PCF: keeping it real
- PCU Twitter workshop
- PDBe - Bringing Structure to Biology
- PDE Analysis of a Model for Chemotactic Active Particles
- PDE continuum limits for prediction with expert advice
- PDE uniqueness and random perturbations
- PDE-based Algorithms for Convolution Neural Network
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains I
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains I
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains II
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains II
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains III
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains III
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains IV
- PDEs in Complex and Evolving Domains IV
- PDEs with Uncertain Inputs: Basics
- Pdf from lattice
- PDFs and the relation to LHC and Higgs Physics
- PDI and oxidative protein folding: conformations, dynamics and substrate interactions
- Pdr5—a tale of ATP, drugs, and promiscuity
- PDRA Talks: Nuclear envelope integrity in health and disease | A role for the proton
- Peace and Prosperity
- Peace education and psychosocial support for children affected by war: A case study from Syria and Lebanon
- Peace-Building work in VSO: learning on methods, approaches and tools
- Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention
- Peak Youth: the end of the beginning
- Peanut Allergies
- Pearl mussels: ecology, threats and prospects
- Peasant farmers and their workers in medieval England
- Peat, Points, and Pots: The Cultural and Ecological Dynamics of Neolithisation in Belgium
- Peatbogs
- Peatland hydrology and carbon cycling
- Pebble Accretion and Formation of TRAPPIST 1
- PechaKucha - SciSoc Edition!
- Peculiar modules
- Peculiar velocity surveys for cosmology: recent results and future plans
- Pedagogies and methodologies of organisational learning in Kazakhstan: The case of NIS partner schools
- Pedagogy and the vernacular in medieval astronomy
- Pedagogy as Transformation: Intersections between Narrative and Embodiment
- PEDAL Inaugural Research Seminar - Play & Learning in Finnish Education Policy & Practice
- Pedestrian detection and tracking
- Pedestrian dynamics: from mathematical modeling to simulations
- Pedestrianism Redefined: Paving the Way to Smarter Cities
- Pediatric infectious diseases: inborn errors of immunity?
- Peeling adhesive tape: A case study for understanding the effective properties of heterogenous materials
- Peeling adhesive tape: A case study for understanding the effective properties of heterogenous materials
- Peer Coaching For All
- Peer Dragnet: Tool for Analyzing Peer's Route Announcements and their Impact
- Peer Relationships among 7th Graders at International Schools – Friendship and Separation
- Peer Review and Citation Analysis in Physical Review Letters: An Editor's Perspective
- Peer to peer social networking for disaster relief - Introducing Crowd Aid Exchange
- Peer-to-Peer Energy Markets: Understanding the Values of Collective and Community Trading
- Peer-to-Peer File Systems Challenges
- Peer-to-peer network topologies and anonymity
- Peer-to-peer Networking
- Peering into the interiors of Earth-like planets
- PeerSoN: Privacy-Preserving P2P Social Networks
- Pelican: A Building Block for Exascale Cold Data Storage
- Pembroke BT Annual Lecture: "Unleashing the Power of Creativity"
- Pembroke College - BT Lecture: What is Data Science, what do Data Scientists do, and how can we have a Science of Data?
- Pembroke College Chapel: who built it, and why?
- Pembroke College Natural Sciences Dinner
- Pembroke College William Pitt seminar - Geopolitics: crisis and change
- Pembroke College William Pitt Seminar: the future of the World in four objects
- Pembroke graduates present: synaesthesia, synthetic cell transduction, the next century of energy and finding the cure for cancer
- Pembroke Now!
- Pembroke-BT Annual Lecture - Cybersecurity: Privacy vs Public Interes
- Pembroke-BT Annual Lecture: "Innovation and the Speed of Life"
- Pembroke-BT Annual Lecture: Cyber Security - at what cost?
- Pen and Paper Programming: How to write code in an interview
- Penalized empirical risk minimization and sparse recovery problems
- Penalized optimal design for dose finding
- Pencils of quadrics and period index questions for hyperelliptic curves
- Penguins to Polar Bears
- Penny-Pinching Pedagogy: desperately seeking the ‘authentic thrifter’
- Pensions Roadshow (Addenbrooke's)
- Pensions Roadshow (Christ's College)
- Pensions Roadshow (Downing Site)
- Pensions Roadshow (Hills Road)
- Pensions Roadshow (New Museums Site)
- Pensions Roadshow (Sidgwick Site)
- Pensions Roadshow (West Cambridge)
- Penumbral Moonshine: Relations and Implications 1
- Penumbral Moonshine: Relations and Implications 2
- People & Places Reading Group: Experts, Politicians, Labs and Media in Late 20th-Century Palaeoanthropological Knowledge Production
- People and Ideas in Movement: The Role of the Backed-bladelets Based Lithic Complexes in the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Economy of North Africa
- People and Permacuture: Creating synergetic productive groups with Looby Macnamara
- People and Pots: Use and Collection of Islamic Ceramics
- People Matter Week Launch Event
- People Power for Nature
- People Power: Polish Solidarity and the Ukrainian Revolution
- People with Autism Spectrum Conditions make more consistent decisions
- People's vital minimum: canteens and nutrition science in industrial China
- People, pathogens and parks: ecosystem health research in Tanzania
- People, places, and peers - fertility trajectories in Derbyshire, 1881-1911.
- People, places, politics and science in the historical geographies of Halley Bay, 1956-present
- People, plants and the forest over the last 50,000 years in Borneo: evidence from plant microfossil studies
- People’s homes: Span in the twenty-first century
- People’s power: democracy on three continents and an island
- PEPSI: Privacy-Enhanced Participatory Sensing Infrastructure
- Peptide aptamers as precision tools for dissecting signaling pathways: application to Nerve Growth Factor signaling
- Peptide Design in Nanoscience and Synthetic Biology
- Peptide-based immunotherapy for coeliac disease
- Peptides as drugs and tools to study biological systems
- Perceived inequality and the strive for standardization
- Perceiving and Remembering Objects and Faces
- Perceiving and representing voice identity: effects of taker variability and listener familiarity
- Perceiving grammatical regularities
- Perceiving is Believing: Bayesian inference in unexpected places.
- Perception and belief in psychosis
- Perception and learning in autism
- Perception and production of speech - a view from functional imaging
- Perception and Species Interactions
- Perception as a closed-loop convergence process
- Perception by "Patterns" in the Brain
- Perception Model for people with Visual Impairments
- Perception of motion blur during eye movement
- Perception of pitch by normally hearing and hearing-impaired people
- Perception of Visual Space
- Perception, action and uncertainty
- Perception, Plasticity and Prediction: how the brain learns from experience
- Perception-Driven Optimization: A New Frontier for Scaling Internet Applications
- Perceptions of health in Roman Spain: preliminary research on the archaeological material from the Province
- Perceptions of population in England c.1550 to 1750
- Perceptions of property - does our industry undersell itself?
- Perceptions of quality teaching in Rwandan secondary schools
- Perceptual and cognitive changes induced by decoded fMRI neurofeedback
- Perceptual and cognitive changes induced by decoded fMRI neurofeedback
- Perceptual decision-making: models of the decision-making process and formulation of uncertainty
- Perceptual Display: Apparent Enhancement of Scene Detail and Depth
- Perceptual knowledge and discrimination (work in progress)
- Perceptual learning across saccades: Feature but not location specific
- Perceptual Learning and Face Recognition
- Perceptual learning: Improving letter recognition and reading speed
- Perceptual Organization of Shape
- Perceptual Quality Assessment of NeRF and Neural View Synthesis Methods for Front-Facing Views
- Perceptual Studies of Violin Sound Quality
- Perceptual wronging and perceptual injustice
- Perceptually motivated playout delay adaptation algorithm for VoIP network
- Percolation and Random Walks
- Percolation for level-sets of Gaussian free fields on metric graphs
- Percolation for the Gaussian free field on the cable system
- Percolation games
- Percolation of finite clusters
- Percolation of random interlacements under small intensities
- Percolation on hyperbolic groups
- Percolation on polygon configurations
- Percolation through isoperimetry
- Percolation, long-range correlations and critical exponents on transient graphs
- Percolation: Connecting the Dots
- Percolation: the bunkbed conjecture on the complete graph
- Percy Smith: the self-creation of an amateur scientist and filmmaker
- Perfect bounce in quantum cosmology
- Perfect parallel scaling for quantum Monte Carlo on hundreds of thousands of cores
- Perfect parallel scaling for quantum Monte Carlo on hundreds of thousands of cores
- Perfect toposes and infinitesimal weak generation
- Perfect Zero-Knowledge PCPs for #P
- Perfecting your interview skills: 4 Steps to Career Success - CamAWiSE WiSE-UP series
- Performance and Cognition: Medicine, Mask, and Simulation
- Performance and fields of action in Mycenaean mortuary practices
- Performance and Implementation Aspects of Nonlinear Filtering
- Performance and its Objects: From Collective to Collection
- Performance and modelling of the oscillating piston flowmeter
- Performance and scaling improvements for CASTEP
- Performance and Talk with Joanna MacGregor
- Performance Comparisons of Hard Logic, Programmable Soft Logic, and Instruction Set Architectures
- Performance Contracts for Software Network Functions
- Performance Data Recorders
- Performance Improvement in Paper Making using Model Predictive Control
- Performance in the age of Cloud Computing
- Performance limitations of networked systems with information constraints
- Performance Monitoring and Condition Assessment of Bridges Using Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks
- Performance Monitoring in Service Provider Networks
- Performance of drains in earthquake-induced liquefaction mitigation under new and existing buildings
- Performance of Lightly Trafficked Roads
- Performance of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations: Current Legal Issues
- Performance optimization of 2.0-2.6 mm metamorphic InGaAs photodetectors
- Performance Optimizations for Compiler-based Error Detection Methodologies
- Performance Philosophy
- Performance Verification and Optimal Synthesis of Embedded Optimization-Based Controllers
- Performance, Power and Place of the Hustle Economy in Nairobi, Kenya
- Performance-based design in geotechnical engineering
- Performance-Based Design of Geotechnical Structures: Recent Advances
- Performance-driven TCO evaluation for decision-making support in physical asset management
- Performance-grammar correspondences and the typology of complex sentences
- Performances in psychiatric hospitals: a social psychological perspective
- Performing and mediating science on television
- Performing computation with DNA
- Performing Confession in Indie Music: William Fitzsimmons and 'The Sparrow and the Crow'
- Performing expert witness work
- Performing Memory: Current Trends in Contemporary Russian Documentary Theatre.
- Performing Memory: Current Trends in Contemporary Russian Documentary Theatre.
- Performing Social and Classroom Integration Through Musical Rhythm: Theory, Practice and Improvisation
- Performing the Public Sphere
- Performing Wonders: Cine-Variety and Spectacular Entertainments
- Peridynamic Modelling of Ice Fracture
- Peridynamic modelling of materials and structures
- Perimenopause/Menopause Support Group
- Perimenopause/Menopause Support Group
- Perimenopause/Menopause Support Group
- Perimenopause/Menopause Support Group
- Perineuronal net (PNN): an exoskeleton for neurons
- Period and pattern in the embryo
- Period and pattern in the embryo
- Periodic and double periodic waves in NLS: existence and stability
- Periodic and quasiperiodic vortex shedding in the wake of a rotating sphere
- Periodic and quasiperiodic vortex shedding in the wake of a rotating sphere
- Periodic automorphisms of semisimple Lie algebras
- Periodic auxetics: a geometric approach
- Periodic Fibre Devices: Photonic Applications in All-Optical Wavelength-Conversion and Pulse Shaping, and Fibre Lasers
- Periodic incremental markings in the enamel of cynodonts and mammaliaforms: the origin of mammalian growth patterns
- Periodic monopoles and solitons on the cylinder
- Periodic operators: the method of gauge transform I
- Periodic operators: the method of gauge transform II
- Periodic operators: the method of gauge transform III
- Periodic operators: the method of gauge transform IV
- Periodic operators: the method of gauge transform V
- Periodic operators: the method of gauge transform VI
- Periodic points and topological restriction homology
- Periodic reductions of integrable lattice equations; the staircase method
- Periodic simple tilings as models for monodisperse foams
- Periodic spectral problem for the massless Dirac operator
- Periodic Trends in Adsorption Energies around the Single-Atom Alloy Active Site
- Periodicities in trees associated with the classification of p-groups by width, rank and obliquity
- Periodicities of T-systems and Y-systems
- Periodicities of T-systems and Y-systems
- Periodicity for finite-dimensional selfinjective algebras
- Periodicity, complexity and shifts.
- Periods
- Periods in the classical and super setting
- Periods of modular forms and relations in the fundamental Lie algebra of Universal Mixed Elliptic Motives
- Periods of Tate motives, examples, Galois side
- Periods, cohomology of algebraic varieties and beyond - 1
- Periods, cohomology of algebraic varieties and beyond - 2
- Periods, cohomology of algebraic varieties and beyond - 3
- Periods, the meromorphic 3D-index and the Turaev--Viro invariant
- Perioperative Communication and Decision Making: A social science perspective
- Peripheral Modernisms in Greece and Argentina: the cases of Borges, Cavafy, Kalokyris and Kyriakidis
- Peripheral Pain Mechanisms
- Peripheral remyelination of the CNS
- Perky "Canada" Has Own Privacy Governance, Laws
- Permaculture - an introduction
- Permeability of fault zones and how it changes over time
- Permeable reactive barrier for groundwater remediation
- Permutation Groups
- Permutation groups and coverings of curves
- Permutation groups and regular semigroups
- Permutation groups and relational complexity
- Permutation groups, Mock modular forms, K3 surfaces and Moonshine (I)
- Permutation groups, Mock modular forms, K3 surfaces and Moonshine (III)
- Permutation-invariant covariance regularisation in high dimensions
- Permutations and polynomial factorisation
- Perovskite nanocrystals: tuneable future for display industry
- Perovskite Solar Cells - New Opportunities and Challenges
- Perovskite Solar Cells: Printing the future of photovoltaics
- Perpetual Computing: Technologies for Banishing Batteries
- Perpetual Computing: Technologies for Banishing Batteries
- Persecuting the wolf in medieval Europe: a question of religion or politics
- Persistence and control of bTB in Great Britain
- Persistence and the control of bovine tuberculosis in Great Britain
- Persistence in Solar Physics
- Persistence of long-range-dependence under data compression
- Persistence: alternative proofs of some results of Greenshtein and Ritov
- Persistent asymptomatic malaria in the dry season: host control or parasite ploy?
- Persistent Content-based Information Dissemination in Hybrid Vehicular Networks
- Persistent effects of early genetic and environmental factors on pancreatic islet maturation and function
- Persistent holes in shear thickened fluids
- Persistent Infectious Diseases - Viruses and how we live with them
- Persistent pneumococcal colonisation: Dynamics, genomic diversity and evolution
- Persistent Topics - How persons shape language that is about to stay.
- Persister Cells and the Search for Sterilizing Antibiotics
- Person identification and speech recognition in human communication
- Personal Data Stores the Route to Data Independence, Portability, Trust and Seamless Services
- Personal Data Stores: A new approach to control online privacy
- Personal Data Trusts
- Personal data: digital personhood
- Personal data: freedom and rights
- Personal data: Industry and Markets
- Personal data: Innovation and Analytics
- Personal Genomics
- Personal Genomics
- Personal Identity and Resurrection: Early Modern Philosophical Perspectives
- Personal Principles and the Political Game
- Personal Program Analysis
- Personal Program Analysis
- Personalised Cancer Medicine. How do we get there?
- Personalised electromechanical model of the heart for the prediction of the acute effects of cardiac resynchronisation therapy
- Personalised healthcare: making the most of genomics
- Personalised Marketing using Machine Learning: How Embedding it in a Business is Harder than Building it
- Personalised mental health monitoring
- Personalised Recommendations in E-Commerce
- Personalised Treatments: Precision Medicine Beyond Prediction
- Personalised Treatments: Precision Medicine Beyond Prediction
- Personalising Crutch Geometries through Bayesian Optimisation
- Personality Assessment in Juvenile Guide Dogs: Methods and Application
- Personality differences predict connectivity in emotional regulation networks
- Personality differences predict connectivity in emotional regulation networks.
- Personality Neuroscience: looking for the neurological roots of individual differences in behavioural traits
- Personality Perception of Robot Avatar Teleoperators
- Personality Reconsidered: Personal Projects, Free Traits and the Shape of a Life
- Personality Reconsidered: Personal Projects, Free Traits and the Shape of a Life
- Personality targeting and message framing of arguments for Brexit. Can a little psychology make a political campaign more persuasive?
- Personality, Agency and Chance in Educational Policy Making
- Personality, family and charisma: the case of Venizelos
- Personalization of electromechanical models of the heart
- Personalized medicine initiative at Gustave Roussy
- Personalizing interventions in autism: Research considerations that can inform practice
- Personhood, the State, and the International Community in the Thought of Charles Malik
- Perspective broadening training with depressed individuals in remission
- Perspective taking during communication
- Perspective taking during language comprehension
- Perspective-neutral approach to quantum frame covariance
- Perspectives and Retrospectives in Rich and Nonlinear Tomography
- Perspectives for Discovering New Physics at the LHC
- Perspectives in Chemistry: From Supramolecular Chemistry towards Adaptive Chemistry
- Perspectives in Nano Information Processing
- Perspectives in Nano Information Processing
- Perspectives in Nano Information Processing
- Perspectives into history of mathematical biology and modeling in 20th century
- Perspectives Of Ultrafast Electron Scattering Techniques
- Perspectives On Audio: Information vs Data; Fidelity vs Resolution
- Perspectives on Designing Optimal User Interfaces
- Perspectives on Designing Optimal User Interfaces
- Perspectives on Designing Optimal User Interfaces
- Perspectives on Digital Twins
- Perspectives on Existentialism: Panel Discussion
- Perspectives on Free Boundaries
- Perspectives on Holographic Quantum Error Correction
- Perspectives on Information Causality
- Perspectives on market designs for low carbon economies
- Perspectives on the surface reactivity of actinides
- Perspectives on the Umayyad Empire: West Eurasia and North Africa in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries
- Perspectives on user needs for academic, government and commercial data
- Perspectives on Women’s Political Participation and Role in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding
- Perturbation Analysis of LEAFY in the Floral Transition Network of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Perturbation Biology of Cancer Cells
- Perturbation biology: data-driven executable models of cellular processes and the design of combination therapy
- Perturbation of growth factor receptor signalling by the hepatitis C virus NS5A protein
- Perturbation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in Epstein-Barr virus infection and oncogenesis
- Perturbation, Noise, and Averaged Dynamics
- Perturbations of Fefferman spaces over (almost) CR manifolds
- Perturbations of the Lorentz Gas via Spectral Methods
- Perturbations of Weyl sums, and uniform distribution mod 1
- Perturbative Cross Sections at N3LO - Bernhard Mistlberger
- Perturbative gauge theory and gravity with cosmological constant
- Perturbative gravity and gauge theory at null infinity
- Perturbative QFT in D = 4
- Perturbative regimes for deterministic dynamics of a diluted gas of hard spheres
- Perturbative study of the transfer matrix on the string worldsheet in AdS$_5$xS$^5$
- Perturbative tools in the LHC era
- Perturbed random walks and a skew Brownian motion (Lecture 2)
- Peru, from coast to the Andes
- Perutz Lecture 2016
- Perutz Lecture 2021: The coming of age of de novo protein design
- Perutz Lecture 2023: Decoding the protein dance
- Perutz Lecture- How synapses work: Architecture and mechanism of neurotransmitter receptors and transporters
- Perutz LMB Seminar Series: How our chromosomes are replicated
- Perutz LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- Pervasive Eye Tracking - Opportunities and Challenges
- Pervasive Messaging and Location-aware applications
- Pervasive messaging and location-aware applications
- Pervasive Sensing for Lifestyle Monitoring and Urban Applications
- Perverse sheaves and modular representation theory
- Perverse sheaves on affine Grassmanians and geometry of the dual group
- Perylene-Based Poly(N-Heterocycles): Organic Semiconductors, Biological Fluorescence Probes and Building Blocks for Molecular Surface Networks
- PESGB Seminar Series: An Arendtian perspective on inclusive education: towards a reimagined vocabulary
- PESGB Seminar: Towards a Pedagogy of Expression and of Understanding
- PET for pet
- PET tracers for Tau
- PET/MR: a new modality for molecular imaging
- PET/MR: a new modality for molecular imaging
- Petal Epidermal Patterning and Pollinator Attraction
- Petal Surface Structures & Pollinator Attraction
- Peter Abaelard and the Development of Logic
- Peter Alexander
- Peter Alexander
- Peter Brennan of Perdika Press
- Peter Latham (Department for Transport)
- Peter Lilley - Why isn't poverty history (after $1 trillion of aid)?
- Peter Lipton Memorial Conference
- Peter Pan Pachyderms? What a doomed experiment to reintroduce elephants taught us about animal cultures
- Peter Paul Rubens and the bird of paradise: natural knowledge and painting in 17th-century Europe
- Peter Pedalled: a Pembroke postgrad cycles around the world!
- Peter Rich: Learnt in Translation
- Peter Whittle Colloquium
- Peterhouse Graduate Symposium
- Petrean Chemistry, Euler, and the Bridges of Koenigsberg
- Petri nets as semi-quantitative modeling method to explore systems behavior of disease-related pathways
- Petri-nets as an Intermediate Representation for Heterogeneous Architectures
- Petri-nets as an Intermediate Representation for Heterogeneous Architectures
- Petrophysics
- PETs, POTs, and pitfalls: rethinking the protection of users against machine learning
- PETs, pseudogroup actions, and renormalisation
- Pfaffian lattice and Hydrodynamic chains
- Pfaffian systems and the fundamental theorem of surface theory
- Pfam: 1000 families (and counting) for the molecular biologist
- Pfizer Chemical and Biological Synthesis and Catalysis Symposium
- Pfizer Graduate Symposium and talk
- Pfizer Neusentis Graduate and Young Academics Symposium
- PGDE event: Roundtable discussion at Enterprise Tuesday
- PGDE Info Session: Why should entrepreneurs invest in their skills?
- PGL(2)-invariants of collections of torsion points of elliptic curves
- Phage display: a new tool for the discovery of novel antimicrobial therapy options
- Phage Sf6 ejection mechanisms
- Phage-host interactions at single-cell resolution
- Phages and CRISPR-Cas in the classroom
- Phages and derived enzymes to control bacterial biofilms
- Phagocytosis: modelling immune cells eating bugs
- Phanerozoic seawater chemistry: Using Monte Carlo to to quantify calcium, magnesium and sulfate concentrations
- PHANTOM: A Parallel Architecture for Practical Oblivious Computation
- Pharmaceutical Companies: Friends or Foes?
- Pharmaceutical nanotechnology and the control of in vivo drug transport
- Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Diagnostics
- Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modelling to Translate Cardiovascular Pharmacology from Preclinical Findings to the Clinic in Drug Development
- Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modelling to Translate Cardiovascular Pharmacology from Preclinical Findings to the Clinic in Drug Development
- Pharmacological inhibition of protein aggregation within liquid condensates
- Pharmacology Postdoctoral Researcher Talks
- Pharmacology Seminar Series: Developing More Effective Pharmacological Treatments for Chronic Pain
- Pharmacology Seminar Series: Dr Florian Merkle, title TBC
- Pharmacology Seminar Series: Dr Maria Maiarú, title TBC
- Pharmacology Seminar Series: Human Pain Genetics
- Pharmacology Seminar Series: Lipid Nanoparticles that Enable the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and Gene Therapies
- Pharmacology Seminar Series: Title TBC
- Pharmacology Seminar Series:Dr Alecia-Jane Twigger, title TBC
- Pharmacology Seminar Series:Dr James Reading, title TBC
- Phase analysis of quantum oscillations in graphite
- Phase behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins and implications for specificity in DNA binding
- Phase behaviour in mixtures of unixial hard particles: biaxiality and confinement
- Phase contrast/retrieval as a quantitative link to the physics of nano-materials
- Phase Correction for ALMA: Adaptive Optics in the Submillimetre
- Phase delay of open channels in strongly scattering materials
- Phase diagram of the interacting Majorana chain model
- Phase diagrams from first principles using Gaussian Approximation Potentials
- Phase engineered two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for electrochemistry
- Phase engineered two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for electrochemistry
- Phase field model for ice growth
- Phase field modelling of crack propagation
- Phase field modelling of drops in electric fields
- Phase field modelling of microstructure evolution
- Phase field models for two-fluid systems
- Phase II Clinical Trial Designs: Then and Now
- Phase II/III clinical trials: Recent developments in methodology for trial design and analysis
- Phase mixing estimates in kinetic theory 1
- Phase mixing estimates in kinetic theory 2
- Phase reconstruction for time domain structural responses
- Phase retrieval and phaseless inverse scattering with background information
- Phase Separation as a Stress Survival Strategy: Stress Protection by Translation Factor Condensates
- Phase separation as an organizing principle in biology and disease
- Phase separation kinetics of active particles
- Phase separation modeling and chromatin reconstruction
- Phase separation of +TIP-networks regulates microtubule dynamics
- Phase structure of N=4 SYM and Gravity in AdS
- Phase Transition and Ergodicity Breaking During Avian Foraging
- Phase Transition and Ergodicity Breaking During Avian Foraging
- Phase Transition for Random Walks on Graphs with Added Weighted Random Matching
- Phase transition in a non-Markovian animal exploration model with preferential returns
- Phase transition in activated random walk model
- Phase transition in loop percolation
- Phase transition in the Integrated Density of States of the Anderson model arising from a supersymmetric sigma model
- Phase transition problems involving minimal surfaces
- Phase transitions and cluster expansions I
- Phase transitions and cluster expansions II
- Phase transitions and cluster expansions III
- Phase Transitions and Computational Complexity
- Phase transitions and large deviations in geophysical fluid dynamics
- Phase transitions and solitons in self-propelled particles: kinetic theory and diagrammatic approach
- Phase transitions far from equilibrium in wet granular matter
- Phase transitions for dilute particle systems with potentials of Lennard-Jones type
- Phase transitions from unconventional vortices in spinor Bose condensates
- Phase transitions in biopolymers: statistical mechanics of interacting loops
- Phase transitions in early development
- Phase Transitions in Geophysical Turbulence
- Phase Transitions in Geophysical Turbulence
- Phase Transitions in Geophysical Turbulence (copy)
- Phase transitions in highly constrained spin systems:
Ordering from the Coulomb phase.
- Phase transitions in nanostructures
- Phase transitions in non-Abelian string nets
- Phase transitions in persistent and run-and-tumble walks
- Phase Transitions in the Arctic Climate System
- Phase transitions in the semicontinuous limit of a quantum spin chain
- Phase transitions in the spin and charge coupled EuTiO3
- Phase Transitions of Charged Scalars and White Dwarf Stars
- Phase transitions of Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems - 1
- Phase transitions of Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems - 2
- Phase transitions of Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems - 3
- Phase transitions of the graphical representations of the Ising model
- Phase transitions on community detectability for various types of stochastic block models
- Phase transitions, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, and uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for weakly interacting diffusions
- Phase-Change And Carbon Materials For Resistive Memories And Computational Processing
- Phase-contrast THz-CT for non-destructive testing
- Phase-coupling Resting-State Networks (RSNs) from human intra-cranial recordings comprise functionally related, spatially contiguous regions
- Phase-phenomena in probabilistic theories
- Phase-phenomena in probabilistic theories
- Phase-resolved spectroscopy of the discs and the jets in the Galactic microquasar SS433
- Phase-shifted gene-activity oscillations during embryo development - a real-time imaging approach.
- Phase-synchronization of tropical variability in global climate model simulations of the recent past
- Phaseless super-resolution using masks
- PHASER workshop
- Phases and semantics
- Phases of Itinerant Matter 1
- Phases of Itinerant Matter 2
- Phases of Itinerant Matter 3
- Phases of passive and active matter in two dimensions
- Phasevarions of bacterial pathogens: shedding new light on old enemies
- Phasing SNPs and sequences
- PhD and post-doc speed talks
- PhD Colloquium at the Department of Architecture
- PhD event
- PhD Event
- PhD Event
- PhD in Algebra
- PhD in Geometry
- PhD in Geometry (for Part IIIs)
- PhD Information Evening
- PhD Information Event
- PhD Information Event
- PhD or no PhD?
- PhD or no PhD?
- PhD or not PhD?
- PhD or NoT?
- PhD Research Talks - Sakshi Ghai and Cecilie Steenbuch Traberg
- PhD Showcase
- PhD showcase
- PhD Showcase
- PhD Student Seminars
- PhD students' talks
- PhD Triangle: Research Day (Cambridge--LSE--Essex)
- Phenology in a temperate forest: relationships between carbohydrate supply and water limitation
- Phenology in the Botanic Garden
- Phenomena in cold exciton gases
- Phenomenological Heterotic Theory: Standard Models, the Renormalization Group and All That
- Phenomenological investigations of Olympic exclusions: longitudinal and comparative ethnography across two Olympic cities
- Phenomenological Targets for String Model Builders
- Phenomenology of bottom-initiated processes at the LHC
- Phenomenology of D-branes at toric singularities
- Phenomenology of dark energy and modified gravity
- Phenomenology of Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons and their ongoing searches at the LHC
- Phenomenology of vector-like quarks
- Phenomics of stomata and WUE in bioenergy sorghum
- Phenotype-based approaches to rare disease diagnostics and discovery in the 100,000 Genomes Project & Whole genome sequencing in suspected mitochondrial disorders
- Phenotypes, Faith and Phages: Bacterial Team Building for Attack and Defence.
- Phenotypes, Fossils, and the Reach of Microevolution
- Phenotypic changes induced by stress and developmental reprogramming in plants Plant host-pathogen coevolution and exploring local adaptation of an Arabidopsis thaliana complex Resistance gene locus
- Phenotypic heterogeneity in bacterial stress response
- Phenotypic Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Variants
- Phenotyping gliding motility in glass cells
- Phenotyping iPS-CM's with light
- Phenotyping is an F-word: crop research in Fields, on Farms, with Farmers
- Pheromones and Sex: Success of the Smelliest?
- PHIL BATY (Deputy Editor, Times Higher Education) 'Identifying the World’s Best Universities: the Development of the TES - QS World University Rankings'
- Phil Clarke (MSF; founder ): "Satellites and Human Rights: Sniffing out the truth in Darfur and South Sudan"
- Phil Torres: When Did We Realize That We Could Die Out? A Look at the Origin and Evolution of the Idea of Human Extinction
- Philip Cowley
- Philipp Schönhöfer
- Philipp Spillmann - Anomalies and Life in the Universe
- Philippe Descola - The Making of Images: An Anthropological Perspective
- Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: The Emergence and Evolution of a Power Elite
- Philippine Studies in St. Petersburg
- Philologie als Friedrich Schlegels Begriff der „Poesie”
- Philology, mythology and geology in colonial India
- Philosemitism, Antisemitism, Colonialism? Zionism and the British Empire
- Philosopher, Mystic, Social Reformer, Promulgator of Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1844–1921) in Biography and Three Short Stories
- Philosophical Approaches to Uncertainty and its Measurement
- Philosophical Beliefs: How do they affect the study and workplace?
- Philosophical Foundations of Aharonov-Bohm-"type" Phenomena
- Philosophical History in Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought
- Philosophical issues in research funding allocation
- Philosophy and Classic Psychedelics: An Overview of Some Emerging Themes
- Philosophy and Public Policy after Piketty
- Philosophy for anatomists: Francis Glisson and the peculiar fits of irritable matter
- Philosophy of Evolution
- Philosophy on the move: mind and body in Stanley Cavell's work
- Philosophy, Fiction, and Videogames
- Phishing tips and techniques: tackle, rigging, and how and when to phish
- Phi^4 kinks on a wormhole spacetime
- Phlogiston revisited: an argument for scientific pluralism
- Phones, foreigners and the fluctuating digital divide in Southern Mozambique
- Phonetic and phonological aspects of gemination in Lebanese Arabic
- Phonetic differences between function and content words affect intelligibility.
- Phonetic differences between function and content words affect intelligibility.
- Phonetics from blog to book
- Phonetics vs. phonology in Huave consonant-vowel interactions
- Phonetics/phonology research cluster workshop on speech rhythm
- Phonological Acquisition and Theory Construction
- Phonological and Morphological Processes in Reading and Reading Acquisition
- Phonological domains in morphology and syntax: evidence from Huave
- Phonological Representations and the Chimeric Behavior of Glides
- Phonological Variation, Perceptual Salience and Identity: The Regional French of Béarn
- Phonon anomalies in superconductors studied by Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Phonon assisted luminescence in hexagonal Boron Nitride
- Phonon renormalisation and electron-phonon coupling in doped single- and bi-layer graphene
- Phonon–mediated non-equilibrium interactions between mesoscopic devices
- Phononics: Structural dynamics of materials and implications to fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and beyond
- Phononics: Structural dynamics of materials and implications to fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and beyond
- Phonons and Optical Transitions of Identified Semiconducting and Metallic Nanotubes
- Phonons for high-throughput phase diagram prediction from ephemeral data-derived potentials
- Phonons in Graphene and Nanotubes
- Phonons, Excitons And Exciton-Phonon Interactions In 2d Materials By Resonance Raman Scattering
- Phonotactics with[awt] rules: the learnability of a simple, unnatural pattern in English
- Phosphatidylserine exposure in sickle cells
- Phosphatidylserine signaling in developmental synaptic pruning
- Phosphine and Photochemistry on Venus
- Phosphine in the Clouds of Venus
- Phosphorous pathways in Deep Time / Atmospheric Fingerprints of Volcanism
- Phosphorus mineral evolution and prebiotic chemistry
- Phosphorus mineral evolution and prebiotic chemistry (part 2)
- Phosphorylation-mediated signalling – a new era?
- Phosphorylation-regulated assembly of DNA Damage Response systems
- Photenote user study results
- Photo-elastomers (**joint talk with I-CAMP)
- Photo-induced superconductivity and other stories
- Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging
- Photoacoustic Imaging with Focused Illumination
- Photoacoustic Tomography
- Photoacoustic Tomography with Total Variation Regularisation
- Photoacoustic tomography: progress and open problems
- Photoacoustic Tomography: Ultrasonically Breaking through the Optical Diffusion Limit
- Photoacoustic Tomography: Ultrasonically Breaking through the Optical Diffusion Limit
- Photochromics meet Organic Electronics: a Novel Generation of Functional Materials and Interfaces
- Photoenzymatic Catalysis - Using Light to Reveal New Enzyme Functions
- Photoevaporation from Exoplanet Atmospheres: Understanding the Role of Stellar Winds and Considering Water-rich Atmospheres
- Photographing Cambridge
- Photographing Plants
- Photographing quantum particles in superconductors
- Photographing Shenzhen or Shenzhen-transformation of Modern China / Children of Tibet
- Photographing the Wonders of the Insect World
- Photography and Photo Editing
- Photography and the art of science in nineteenth-century India
- Photography, Travel Writing and nineteenth-century Rome
- Photoinduced charge separation and solar energy conversion in mesoscopic systems
- Photoinduced deformation of crosslinked liquid crystal polymers: from ultraviolet to near-infrared light
- Photometric constraints on white dwarfs and the identification of extreme objects
- Photometric follow-up of transit surveys detections
- Photometric quasars and primordial non-Gaussianity
- Photometric redshifts for high-z quasars in the era of LSST
- Photometric Studies of the Ultra-Faint Dwarfs
- Photon Anti-bunching
- Photon Mapping
- Photon Upconversion by Triplet Energy Migration in Molecular Assemblies
- Photonex London: Advances in photonic tools and techniques for the Life Sciences, Academic Conference and Exhibition, UCL 9th April
- Photonex London: Advances in photonic tools and techniques for the Life Sciences, Academic Conference and Exhibition, UCL 9th April
- Photonic and microfluidic approaches for bioanalytical applications
- Photonic Crystal and Hyper-uniform THz QCL lasers
- Photonic Crystals - why the holes ? (Prof. Thomas F. Krauss FRSE, University of York)
- Photonic Crystals And Photonic Molecules At Telecom Wavelengths
- Photonic crystals: new fabrication tricks for tricky optical materials
- Photonic Doppler velocimetry: The easy way to measure particle velocity
- Photonic Liquid Crystal Fiber Interferometer
- Photonic Nanostructures and materials for lasing and switching applications
- Photonic Quantum Information Science and Technologies
- Photonic quantum information science and technologies
- Photonic Quantum Simulators: Mimicking Condensed Matter Physics using Photons
- Photonic topological anomalies
- Photonic topological insulators and pseudomagnetism
- Photonic, Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications of Sorted Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes
- Photonic-chip-based soliton microcombs
- Photonics Beyond 1550nm
- Photonics for Computing: from Optical Interconnects to Neuromorphic Architectures
- Photonics in Nature
- Photonics, Enabling the Next Revolutions
- Photons in the cloud: communicating and storing data
- Photons, dust, and honeybees
- Photopharmacology: Towards Light-Controlled Therapy
- Photophysics and Opto-electronics of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids
- Photophysics of molecular materials for photovoltaics
- Photophysics of Strongly Confined Multiexcitons from the Perspective of Lasing and Solar Energy Conversion
- Photoplethysmography signal processing
- Photorefractive effect and two beam energy exchange in hybrid liquid crystal cells
- Photorhabdus asymbiotica: the bioluminescent bacteria with a dark secret
- Photosynthesis on an electrode
- Photosynthetic entrainment of the Arabidopsis circadian clock
- Photosynthetic water oxidation - the substrates view
- Phototactic swimming of multicellular microalgae
- Phototransduction in Drosophila.
- PhreeqC tutorial session
- PhrenCam
- PhrenCam
- PhrenCam
- PhrenCam
- Phyllotaxis, pushed pattern fronts and optimal packing
- Phyllotaxis: Crystallography under rotation-dilation, mode of growth or detachment. A foam ruled by T1
- Phylodynamic inference - accounting for the interaction of evolutionary and ecological processes
- Phylodynamics of HIV-1 infection and escape from neutralizing antibodies
- Phylogenetic approaches to language history and diversity
- Phylogenetic combinatorics: analysing branching patterns in evolutionary trees
- Phylogenetic hypothesis of the Oleeae tribe (Oleaceae)
Diversification and molecular evolution patterns in plastid and nuclear ribosomal DNA
- Phylogenetic Inference of Multidomain Evolution
- Phylogenetic models and algebra
- Phylogenetic models and the origins of chloroplasts
- Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes - tracing the origins of the epidemic
- Phylogenetic networks
- Phylogenetic Relationships Shed Light on SARS-CoV-2 Evolution and Transmission Dynamics
- Phylogenetic shadowing guided by the cycling transcriptomes of two distantly related Brassicaeae species reveals the atlas of cis-regulatory elements of daytime-specific and daytime-unspecific pathways
- Phylogenetic trees and k-dissimilarity maps
- Phylogenetics 101, or how to get a time-stamped phylogeny: a tutorial
- Phylogenetics of medieval manuscripts
- Phylogenies from DArTs: A stochastic Dollo proces with censored data
- Phylogenomic analysis of tobacco; identifying the genes selected during domestication
- Phylogeography reveals South Africa's hidden vertebrate diversity
- Physarum Polycephalum Percolation as a Paradigm for Topological Phase Transitions in Transportation Networks
- Physic and divinity: the case of Dr John Downes (1626–1694)
- Physical Descriptions of the Cytoskeleton
- Physical activity and brain health: are we any closer to give practical advice?
- Physical and Chemical Sensors based on Functional Nanomaterials
- Physical aspects of collective cell migration
- Physical Aspects of Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellularity
- Physical aspects of evolutionary transitions to multicellularity
- Physical Aspects of Multicellular Behaviour
- Physical Attacks on PIN Entry Devices
- Physical Chemistry Graduate Seminar
- Physical Chemistry Graduate Seminars
- Physical computations are idealisations
- Physical Conditions in Damped Lyman alpha Systems
- Physical constraints can encode bacterial promoter regulatory logic
- Physical controls on the location and initiation of a regular phytoplankton bloom north of the Crozet Plateau
- Physical description of mitotic spindle orientation during cell division
- Physical descriptions of active biological matter 1
- Physical descriptions of active biological matter 2
- Physical descriptions of active biological matter 3
- Physical ecology of swimming in plankton
- Physical effects on water impact
- Physical Foundations And Perspectives For Epitaxial Silicene And Silicon Nanosheets
- Physical Insights into Protein Aggregation
- Physical Internet: concept and performance
- Physical interpretation of the Wigner rotations and its implications to relativistic quantum information
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physical Layer Network coding for Next Generation Wireless Broadband Networks
- Physical Layer of UHF RFID Systems
- Physical Limitations on Energy Supply
- Physical limits of cell migration
- Physical Limits of Terahertz Plasma Field Effect Transistor Detectors
- Physical Limnology: A review
- Physical Manifestations of Evolution, Regularity and Chaos In and Around Our Galaxy
- Physical Manifestations of Evolution, Regularity and Chaos In and Around Our Galaxy
- Physical methods applied to study signaling in single macrophage cells
- Physical Model of Contractile Ring Initiation in Dividing Cells
- Physical Modeling of Critical Infrastructure Systems Subjected to Natural Hazards
- Physical models to predict the evolution of viruses and bacteria
- Physical Networks Become What They Learn
- Physical Networks Become What They Learn
- Physical oceanography of a sub-Antarctic island fjord from observations and modelling
- Physical Perspectives on Modern Computation
- Physical principles in biological sensing and signalling
- Physical principles in sensing and signalling
- Physical principles of controlling condensates by reactions
- Physical principles of sensory transduction
- Physical properties of metal organic frameworks
- Physical properties of p-wave holographic superconductors
- Physical Properties of Partially Molten Rocks from Microtomography Experiments and Digital Rock Physics
- Physical properties of the double Kerr solution
- Physical RIG, Internal Speakers
- Physical RIG, Internal Speakers
- Physical RIG, Internal Speakers
- Physical security and side channel attacks in Arm based SoCs
- Physical views of bacterial cells: size regulation in E.Coli
- Physically constrained machine learning: from single-particle Hamiltonians to electronic excitations
- Physically Intelligent Robots at the Milli/Microscale
- Physically Situated Spoken Language Interaction: Opportunities and Challenges
- Physicians as Scientists: Abnormal eye movement seen in the clinic can teach us how the brain works
- Physico-chemical biology in practice, 1920s–1930s
- Physico-chemical properties of colloids, their interaction with cells, and some applications
- Physicochemical hydrodynamics of droplets in inkjet printing
- Physics and Complexity : An Overview
- Physics and Complexity : Examples
- Physics and Complexity : Methodologies
- Physics and mathematics of marbling
- Physics and Technology of Nanodiamond: Large Area Growth and Devices
- Physics and the designs of brains
- Physics at the kitchen
- Physics aware machine learning in engineering
- Physics aware machine learning in engineering
- Physics Dimensions in Sage
- Physics for Sustainable Development
- Physics in (Federated) Deep Neural Networks and Beyond: A Parametric Perspective
- Physics in Context: Challenges in Providing the World's Energy
- Physics in Finsler space-times
- Physics in innovation consultancy
- Physics in non-archimedean space-time
- Physics in non-archimedean space-time
- Physics In The Movies
- Physics in the Nervous System
- Physics in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Physics in the oil and gas industry
- Physics in the Science of Social Systems
- Physics inspired multi-agent models: application to sensor data fusion and cyber-physical systems control.
- Physics Meets Biology: How Cells Control Their shape and Why It Matters
- Physics of blastocyst morphogenesis
- Physics of charm on the lattice
- Physics of entangled polymers: from chromosome territories to melts of rings
- Physics of grain growth in protoplanetary discs
- Physics of Living Matter
- Physics of Living Matter
- Physics of Living Matter 3
- Physics of Living Matter 4 (day1)
- Physics of Living Matter 4 (day2)
- Physics of Living Matter II 15th and 16th November 2007
- Physics of mantle melting: two-phase flow, variable matrix viscosity and density effects
- Physics of Moduli Space Dynamics of Solitons
- Physics of morphogenesis
- Physics of Mulitcellularity
- Physics of Multicellularity
- Physics of Novel Materials
- Physics of Sports
- Physics of Structure Formation in Living Systems
- Physics of Surfing
- Physics of the Everyday
- Physics of the Everyday
- Physics of the Impossible #1: The Origin of Quantum Mechanics
- Physics of the Impossible #2: Particule Zoo
- Physics of the Impossible #3: Time Evolution, Spacetime and General Relativity
- Physics of Velocity and Magnetic Shears in Toroidal Geometries
- Physics Part III presentations
- Physics with photons in ATLAS: Standard Model and beyond
- Physics Without Borders
- Physics, Anthropology and the Cultural History of Mechanics, 1870-1930
- Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology, from the Schrodinger Equation.
- Physics, Chemistry,Materials Science and Biology from the Schrodinger Equation
- Physics, development, and evolution of avian structural colors
- Physics, nanotechnology and the future of medicine and biology
- Physics-aware data-driven approaches for time prediction
- Physics-Based Human Motion Models for Animation and Tracking
- Physics-based modeling of deformable robots for real-time simulation and control
- Physics-based optimisers
- Physics-based uncertainty quantification of Reynolds-averaged-Navier-Stokes models for turbulent flows and scalar transport
- Physics-constrained Emulators
- Physics-constrained Emulators
- Physics-enhanced velocimetry (PEV) for joint reconstruction and segmentation of noisy Flow-MRI images
- Physics-enhancing machine learning strategies for friction force evaluation
- Physics-informed Neural Networks for Simultaneous Surrogate Modelling and Aerodynamic Optimization
- Physics-Integrated Hybrid Modeling in Cardiac Digital Twins
- Physics-Integrated Hybrid Modeling in Cardiac Digital Twins
- Physio-pathology of mitochondrial complex III assembly
- Physiognomy in the Realist Novel
- Physiological and pathological plasticity in identified hippocampal inhibitory interneurons
- Physiological and pharmacological activation of AMP-activated protein kinase
- Physiological consequences of a common POMC mutation in dogs
- Physiological effects of four-stranded G-quadruplex DNA
- Physiological Imaging in Acute Stroke: CT perfusion and beyond
- Physiological sensing in personal informatics systems: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Physiological Society Lecture and event - Unveiling plaque for Lord Adrian
- Physiological, humanised mouse models for neurodegenerative disease
- Physiologically Based Brain Modeling and Verification: Theory, Experimental Tests, and New Directions.
- Physiology and pathology of the higher brain function: insights from intracranial EEG recordings
- Physiology of the human heart: Do we really know it?
- Physiomimetics: generating functional membranes for buildings (lessons from the ventilation systems of African fungus-growing termites)
- Physique and morphological integration in human long bone variation: A 3D laser scan approach
- Phyt or Blight
- Phytate mediated basal resistance in plants
- Phytic acid and plant defence responses
- Phytoplankton membrane transport: The big physiological and evolutionary secrets of small cells
- Pi-CAPM: The Classical CAPM with Probability Weighting and Skewed Assets
- PI3K as a pulling force for cell cycle progression
- PI3K delta-RAC2 axis controls phagosomal NADPH oxidase activity in dendritic cells and maintains gut immunity and tolerance
- PI3K in Immunity, Infection and Cancer
- PI3K in lymphocyte development and activation
- PI3Kd coordinates transcriptional, epigenetic and metabolic changes to promote effector CD8+ T cells at the expense of central memory
- Pianos, guitars and double decays
- Picard-Vessiot extensions with specified Galois group
- Pick your poison: insecticides and locust control in colonial Kenya
- Picking on locks: early security, cybersecurity, and the sophisticated criminal trope.
- Picking the wrong hotel & other stories: wartime research on contested territories
- Pickwick in the Trenches: Dickens and Dickensians in the Great War
- Pico prototype
- Pico: user authentication for Internet of Things
- Picosecond scale measurement for nanosecond scale networks
- Picrites and ferropicrites from Etendeka, Namibia: Mantle source and crustal emplacement in a continental flood basalt setting
- Picrites and ferropicrites from Etendeka, Namibia: Mantle source and crustal emplacement in a continental flood basalt setting
- Picrites and ferropicrites from Etendeka, Namibia: Mantle source and crustal emplacement in a continental flood basalt setting
- PICSAT: A space mission dedicated to the transit of Beta Pictoris b
- Picturability and the mathematical ideals of knowledge: Leibniz versus Newton
- Picture perfect: from golden rules to golden boys
- Picturebooks in Progress
- Pictures and Picture Groups, Lecture 3: Pro-pictures and associated Pro-groups
- Pictures and Picture Groups, Lecture II, More on Picture Groups for Valued Quivers & Cubical Structures of Cluster Morphism Categories
- Pictures of data: improving scientific illustrations
- Pictures of data: methods for improving scientific illustrations
- Pictures of data: methods of improving scientific illustration
- Pictures of data: methods of improving scientific illustration
- Pictures of data: methods of improving scientific illustration
- Pictures of data: methods of improving scientific illustration
- Pictures of data: methods of improving scientific illustration
- Picturing Anafi as it was? Photographs and memories
- Picturing Identities: A Participatory Visual Project with Young Italian migrants to the UK
- Picturing points: geometric imagination in the first English translations of Euclid's Elements
- Picturing Prometheus
- Picturing the Heart in 2020
- Picturing the unusual: medical photography as an 'experimental system'
- Picturing the world, fashioning the self: Marcus zum Lamm collects naturalia in Calvinist Heidelberg
- Picturing what cannot be seen: Visualising sound within 19th-century acoustics
- PID Controllers
- PIE alignment change and the emergence of the thematic conjugation: Two sides of the same diachronic coin?
- Piecewise deterministic generative models
- Piecewise deterministic Markov processes and efficiency gains through exact subsampling for MCMC
- Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes for transdimensional sampling from flexible Bayesian survival models
- Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo for latent variable models : a case study
- Piecing together the 19th-century Lisbon zoological collections through catalogue lists, specimen tags and paper slips
- Pierced or perforated: Using 3D models to differentiate anthropogenic piercing from natural perforations in shells
- Pierre Gassendi and monocular vision
- Piety, diligence and learning: knowledge of American naturalia in Abraham Hill's commonplace books
- Piezoelectric Materials: Science, Business and Legislation
- Piezoelectric nanogenerators: Power solutions for autonomous devices
- Piezoelectric Polymer Nanowires For Energy Harvesting Applications
- Pig Impacts: Comparing Costs of Contrasting Livestock Systems How do Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Antimicrobial Use and Animal Welfare of UK and Brazilian Pig Production vary with Yield?
- Pigs, Politics and Petroleum: Development, disruptive politics and disjunctures in Papua New Guinea's extractive sector
- Pile base resistance in layered soils)
- Pile Design by Performance - Fact or Friction?
- Pile foundations in laterally spreading soil: mechanisms of response and guidance for design
- Piled foundations under live loads or in earthquakes
- Piled-foundation dynamics: considering inertial and underground railway loadings
- Piles and puddles in the deep mantle
- Pilgrims, art and the ladder to heaven at the monastery of St Catherine at Sinai
- Pilkington
- Pilkington Glass
- Pillar-Shaped Macrocyclic Compounds "Pillar[n]arenes": from Simple Molecular Receptors to Bulk Supramolecular Assemblies
- Pillow and Mirror: Absence as Subjectivity
- Pilot data with the CRIS system
- Pilot waves and the classical limit. Derivation and justification of the theory.
- Pilot-wave theory and quantum fields
- Pimsner legacy
- Pin(2)-equivariant Floer homology and homology cobordism
- Ping Pong on CAT(0) cube complexes
- Pinning and disorder relevance for the lattice Gaussian free field
- Pinning and disorder relevance for the lattice Gaussian free field
- Pinning of Fermionic occupation numbers
- Pinning-depinning transition in Random Polymers
- Pinpointing sources of the 2009 influenza pandemic in the United States using a gravity model
- PINs and Knots: Auxin-transport mediated patterning in the grasses
- Pins, Tacks, and Slinks: Proposals for patching PKI on the web
- Pint of knowledge. Documentary: MARAGATERIA: A COR(E)OGRAPHY
- Pint of Knowledge: Realistic illumination in movies and videogames
- Pint of Paediatric Science - November event
- Pioneer Colonists and Indigenous Response: Resistance and Collaboration
- Pious labour: Islam, artisanship, and technology in colonial India
- Pipe dreams
- Pipeline uplift resistance in cohesionless soils: a physical-modelling oriented approach
- Piranesi in the Valley of the Uncanny
- piRNA-mediated regulation of transposon alternative splicing in soma and germline
- Pitch Development - facilitated groups
- Pitch matching between acoustic and electric hearing: what cochlear implant scientists can learn from Christopher Poulton
- Pitch perception: New approaches to classic questions
- Pitch@Palace Biotech Boot Camp
- Pituitary hypoplasia and decreased GnRH neurogenesis in Sox2-deficient Mice
- Pixel-based Beamforming for Ultrasonic Imaging
- Pixels detectors in particle physics and beyond
- Pizza & AI April 2019
- Pizza & AI February 19
- Pizza & AI January 2019
- Pizza & AI June 2019
- PKPD modelling to optimize dose-escalation trials in Oncology
- PLACE and Children's Literature Centre Book Launch
- PLACE Research Group Book Launch
- Placenta: The epigenetics behind the forgotten organ
- Placental adaptation: the role of fetal nutrient demand
- Placental Biology Course 2024
- Placental evolution, structure and function.
- Placental hormones and bacterias: partners in crime in the regulation of fetal growth
- Placental macrophages and how they fight Listeria monocytogenes infection.
- Places and Practices in Victorian Egyptology: ‘Armchair Archaeology’ at Tell el-Yahudiyeh, 1870-1880
- Places of Amnesia: The Inside and the Outside. Can the Human Body be a Place of Amnesia?
- Places of Amnesia: Unintentional Revelations. Rescuing the Past, Obliquely.
- Places: Land, Landscapes and Memoryscapes
- Placing a laboratory: botanical buildings in Cambridge around 1900
- Placing BETs on hold in AML
- Placing Halley research station in the history of UK Antarctic science, 1960 to present
- Placing the dead in 18th century European metropolis: institutions, economy, beliefs
- Placing the wandering mind in context: Dispelling three myths about the daydreaming state
- Placing trust in photographs – photography and the illustrated press
- Plagiarism in Higher Education: is there a postcode lottery?
- Plagiarism in Science
- Plague and plantations: science, extraction, and global connections in Mauritius, 1899–1933
- Plague strikes back: The Pestis Secunda of 1361–62 and its demographic consequences in England and Wales
- Plagues & Economic Collapse
- Plagues & History
- Plagues & Medicine
- Plagues & Metaphor
- Plagues and Peoples revisited: new insights into historical patterns of infectious disease transmission, impact and control
- Plagues, Populations & Survival
- Plan Bee: Ensuring the Future of Pollination
- Plan for the rest of the week
- Planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations and the Hastings-Levitov models
- Planar and outer membrane polarity in the Arabidopsis root epidermis
- Planar cell polarity: a large or small part of animal development?
- Planar cell polarity: From cell biology to human disease
- Planar Cell Polarity: pointing towards the right direction
- Planar collapse of a granular column: experiments and discrete element simulations
- Planar gluon amplitudes/Wilson loop duality in N=4 SYM
- Planar graphs and rational homology 4-balls
- Planar lattices do not recover from forest fires
- Planar lattices do not recover from forest fires
- Planar lattices do not recover from forest fires
- Planar maps, circle patterns, conformal point processes and 2D gravity
- Planar maps, circle patterns, conformal point processes and 2D gravity
- Planar Organic Electronic Nanodevices
- Planar Photonics meta-materials: spectral selectivity, "invisible metals", magnetic mirrors, chirality, asymmetric transmission and nano-focusing
- Planck and the Optical Depth to Reionization
- Planck CMB delensing
- Planck Early Results on the Galaxy
- Planck Early Science
- Planck Stars: theory and observations
- Plane wave decomposition for discrete diffraction problems
- Plane wave decomposition for discrete diffraction problems
- Plane wave decompositions: general notes
- Plane wave decompositions: general notes
- PlanEAT: Dinner and a Movie
- Planet formation and evolution in binary star systems
- Planet formation and evolution: origin of the diversity of planetary systems
- Planet formation by pebble accretion
- Planet formation in binary systems
- Planet formation in circumbinary systems
- Planet formation in the lab: liquid impacts as analogs for planetary collisions
- Planet Formation Journal Club
- Planet formation theory in the era of ALMA and Kepler
- Planet formation: facts, beliefs and predictions
- Planet Hunting
- Planet Migration and System Coupling
- Planet Migration in Nearly Laminar Disks
- Planet migration with gravitationally unstable gaps
- Planet Nine: To Be or Not To Be
- Planet scattering, eccentricity excitation and the long-term evolution of planetary systems
- Planet-centred AI for responsible foresights and targeted technological design
- Planet-disk interaction and orbital evolution
- Planetary Astrochemistry
- Planetary bearing defects in wind-turbine gearboxes
- Planetary computing to help balance opportunity costs of human actions on wildlife
- Planetary debris at white dwarfs
- Planetary defence and disasters from space
- Planetary Dynamo Simulations: Force Balances and Numerical Approaches (Keynote speaker)
- Planetary geology and the long-term scientific benefits of space resources
- Planetary Intelligence: Better Decisions for Business and Planet
- Planetary landscapes
- Planetary Magnetic Fields: Observational Insights and Challenges (Keynote speaker)
- Planetary microbes: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, the agency and the politics of microbes, 1840s–1850s
- Planetary Perspectives
- Planetary prediction services for society
- Planetary rings
- Planetary seismology: from InSight Mission to Mars to Upcoming Lunar Missions
- Planetary system architecture from planet-planet and planetesimal scattering
- Planetary systems as ordered sequences
- Planetary systems in the making: interactions between multiple planets and their parent disc
- Planetary Urbanization and the Right to the City
- Planetary wave propagation and breaking between the eddy-driven and subtropical jets
- Planet–disk interaction in radiative disks
- Planetesimal Dynamics in Protoplanetary Discs with Dead Zones
- Planetesimal formation: numerical modeling of particle growth, settling, and collective gas-grain interactions
- Planets in a Bottle: The Role of Laboratory Experiments in the Search for Life
- Planets in binaries
- Planets Within and Around Binary Stars: Extremophiles of Planet Formation
- Planets, asteroids and dust around nearby stars
- Planets, comets, dust.. or aliens… around KIC8462852
- Plankton Blinders: navigating turbulence with limited information
- Planning a 100% Renewable Electricity System
- Planning a Peaceful Global Revolution
- Planning and Decision-making for UK Landscapes - Systems Research Programme and 25 Year Environment Plan
- Planning and Decision-making for UK Landscapes - Systems Research Programme and 25 Year Environment Plan
- Planning and Economic Studies Section of the IAEA
- Planning and Ethics: Should planners be returning to their roots?
- Planning Chiltern Railways
- Planning for affordable Housing: Theories and practices in Lisbon, London and Copenhagen
- Planning for Survival in the Cold War
- Planning for sustainable urbanisation in China: a community perspective
- Planning for the next generation of UK nuclear power plants
- Planning for the next generation of UK nuclear power plants
- Planning for the next generation of UK nuclear power plants
- Planning Future Cities - Overcoming Barriers to Information Modelling
- Planning Future Cities - Overcoming Barriers to Information Modelling
- Planning in an age of climate and energy uncertainty
- Planning meeting
- Planning Meeting + PI Presentations
- Planning meeting for new test cases and comparisons: a discussion session
- Plans of London buildings drawn c.1450-1720
- Plant - microbe interactions: when evolution joins the party
- Plant Based Diets, Obesity, and Health Beneftis
- Plant Bioelectronics and Plant Biohybrids
- Plant cell biology: endocytosis and cell signalling
- Plant Collecting in Kyrgyzstan
- Plant cytoskeletons
- Plant development in complex environments
- Plant Developmental Plasticity: How and Why?
- Plant intracellular immune receptors; diversity, deployment and dissection
- Plant lodging and sap ascent
- Plant membrane transport
- Plant Metabolic Clusters – From Genetics to Genomics
- Plant Metabolomics- an update
- Plant morphology: an interplay between passive mechanics and active growth
- Plant Organs Regeneration: Measuring and Modelling Self‐Organization
- Plant Organs Regeneration: Measuring Self-Organisation
- Plant pathogen effectors as probes to elucidate plant processes
- Plant pathogen effectors as probes to elucidate plant processes
- Plant pathogens manipulate host microbiota to promote disease development
- Plant Physiology and Development From a Cut Flower Supplier Perspective
- Plant protection in France and Germany from the 1930s to the 1950s: the case of the Colorado potato beetle
- Plant puzzle cell shape is an adaptation to a developmental constraint based on mechanical stress and isotropic growth
- Plant reprogramming using DNA binding domains with custom sequence specificity
- Plant resources and the economics of power in Viking Age Scotland and Norway
- Plant Sciences Departmental Seminar
- Plant Sciences Departmental Seminar
- Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars - date to be found
- Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars - date to be found
- Plant Sciences PostDoc talk
- Plant Sciences PostDoc talk
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar
- Plant Sciences Seminar: Plant health
- Plant Sciences Teaching: Inspiration, Innovation and Investigation
- Plant steroids act as Decision-Making molecules at the interface of growth and defences
- Plant surface texture: investigating R2R3 MYB subgroup 9 gene function in Marchantia and Nicotiana
- Plant water-use efficiency and optimisation: From minutes to millennia
- Plant-induced weathering and climate change: Insight from non-traditional stable isotopes
- Plantations, Violence, and the Monopoly Form
- Plants and animals of the Western Cape
- Plants and animals of the Western Cape (part 2)
- Plants and their uses (medicinal & otherwise)
- Plants in Pits? An investigation into phytolith remains from the village of Burj, northwest India, looking at how past urbanisation may have affected the plant assemblage.
- Plants of the Richtersveld
- Plants perceive quinones via receptor-like kinases
- Plants. They're not just green animals!
- PlaqueTec Limited
- PLaR Flexible Displays-from Idea to Product in a Changing World
- Plasma Analogy and non-Abelian Braiding Statistics in Ising-type Quantum Hall States
- Plasma and thermal mass spectrometers in the department
- Plasma heating and particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection in solar and stellar flares
- Plasma membrane electron transport in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Plasma membrane transition temperature reflects the activation state in macrophage cells
- Plasma physics in the light of Galilean invariance
- Plasma Protein Purification System - plasma fractionation by affinity chromatography
- Plasma Spray and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings
- Plasmid addiction and toxin-antitoxin systems : paradigms for the study
- Plasmodesmata Cell Walls
- Plasmodesmata mediated cell-to-cell transport during Arabidopsis embryogenesis
- Plasmon-induced DNA damage?
- Plasmonic and Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
- Plasmonic Magnesium Nanoparticles
- Plasmonic Mathematics
- Plasmonic Mathematics
- Plasmonic nanobiosensors: From therapeutic drug monitoring to optophysiology of live cells
- Plasmonics in the sub-nanometre and quantum domains
- Plasmonics in the sub-nanometre and quantum domains (Prof. Jeremy J. Baumberg FRS, University of Cambridge)
- Plasmonics with metal nanoparticles
- Plastic brains for flexible decisions
- Plastic Electronics
- Plastic Electronics
- Plastic Electronics
- Plastic Fantastic
- Plastic history, caste and the government of things in modern India
- Plastic in the Food Chain: Can we do without it?
- Plastic packaging: a lifecycle view
- Plastic processes for shaping particulates
- Plastic T cells: from mechanism to prediction in childhood arthritis
- Plasticity and Evolution of Body Size and Shape
- Plasticity of Cancer Cells : Lessons from Glioblastoma
- Plasticity of neuron to astrocyte signalling in the cerebellum
- Plasticity of neuron-glial communication in the cerebellum
- Plasticity of sex pheromone detection in male moths: modulation of behaviour and central nervous processing
- Plasticity of the cerebral cortex: when, how, why?
- Plasticity of the cerebral cortex: when, how, why?
- Plasticity, Regeneration and Repair of Spinal Cord Injury
- Plastics in the Ocean: Challenges and Solutions
- Plastik: Dense objects, racialised worlds, and black holes
- Plate arrays as water wave metamaterials
- Platelet death signalling in thrombosis and thrombocytopenia
- Platelet Store-operated Ca2+ entry: The NCX trips up the TRP
- Platelets: biogenesis, ballooning and biorepair
- Platelets: Our Human Velcro in Health and Disease
- Platform strategy – how to win with platforms
- Platform Technologies for Stem Cell Research
- Platforms and Applications for "Big and Fast" Data Analytics
- Platforms and Displacement as Design Strategy
- Platinum Genomes
- PLATO - Hunting for Habitable 'Earths' in the 2020's
- Plato's Legacy and the Problem of Myth in Political Thought
- PLATO: an autonomous, diesel/solar powered, station for astronomy and atmospheric science at Dome A
- PLATO: the habitable zone explorer
- Plato’s cube and the natural geometry of fragmentation
- Platonic polygonal complexes
- Play & Current Neuroscience Research - Dr Lindsey Russo
- Play it on the Edge - the Fun, the Risks, and the Lessons
- Play Like A Girl
- Play, games and autism
- Play, self-regulation & early childhood education: what does research say?
- Play: A window into children's social worlds
- Playability of bowed string instruments
- Playboys, Shirkers and Baby-killers: the darker side of 'helpers' in meerkat societies
- Player 2 has entered the game - ways of working towards open science
- Playing Geogames to foster educational goals? :Evidence from three projects in biodiversity, environmental and nutrition/consumer education
- Playing God: who should regulate reproductive medicine?
- Playing in the Grey Area of Proofs
- Playing on the Page: the role of the sketchbook in illustrating books for children
- Playing ping-pong with single electrons
- Playing Ping-pong with Single Electrons
- Playing ping-pong with single electrons
- Playing with dice: two unusual use cases for experimental randomisation in fMRI
- Playing with Fire - Parties and Political Violence in Kenya and India
- Playing with fire: Ice core biomass burning records from four continents
- Playing with magnetic chains: from self-buckling to self-assembly
- Playing with Patterns via VisualPDE
- Playing with PDEs: research, teaching, and knowledge exchange with Visual PDE
- Playing with perovskites - tuning physics through chemical control
- Playing with things: The Moche sex pots
- Pleading for justice, voicing dissent and dancing around the law in post-1922 Greece
- PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF LOCATION Imaging neuroinflammation in psychosis using PET: challenges and future directions
- Pleasurable Kingdom: Animals and the nature of feeling good
- Pleasure, Intimacy and Queer Archives
- Pleasures and perils of family-based natural history in early modern Europe
- Pleasures of the brain: Investigating anhedonia with whole-brain computational connectomics
- Plectic cohomology of Shimura varieties
- Plectic weight filtration on Hilbert modular varieties
- Pledge Panel
- Pleistocene and Holocene in Murchisonforden area, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard.
- Pleistocene Fleuve Manche palaeoriver discharges : Response to glacial oscillations and climate changes
- Pleistocene glacial cycles: interactions amongst ice, volcanism, and atmospheric CO2.
- Plenary - Catch up on Challenges
- Plenary - Catch up on Challenges
- Plenary - Catchup on Challenges and New Group Formation (if necessary)
- Plenary - DASA: Finding and Funding Exploitable Innovation for a Safer Future
- Plenary and discussion
- Plenary and Finish
- Plenary and Finish
- Plenary and Finish
- Plenary – Catch-up on Challenges and New Groups Formations
- Plenary Lecture
- PLENARY LECTURE - Nowcasting and Forecasting of COVID -19 pandemic in England
- Plenary Lecture 10: Absence of the interface splash singularity for the two-fluid Euler equations
- Plenary Lecture 10: Feedback between microevolution and community structure
- Plenary Lecture 10: Phylogeny and functionality in anaerobic microbial communities: making sense of metabolite outputs and population dynamics
- Plenary Lecture 10: tba
- Plenary Lecture 11: Numerical simulation of endocytosis
- Plenary Lecture 11: The evolution of groups and microbial collectives
- Plenary Lecture 11: The good the bad and the irrelevant. Sequential analyses of the sputum microbiome in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Plenary Lecture 12: Determining the microbial population dynamics of anaerobic digestion using metagenomics
- Plenary Lecture 12: Slamming in flexible-channel flows
- Plenary Lecture 12: The causes and consequences of metabolic specialization
- Plenary Lecture 12: The paradox of nitrification in acid soils and lessons for microbial community ecology
- Plenary Lecture 13 (teleconference): tba
- Plenary Lecture 13: Shock Reflection, von Neumann conjectures, and free boundary problems
- Plenary Lecture 13: Variability and Alternative Community States in Microbial Communities
- Plenary Lecture 14: Development and Evolution in Environmental Biofilms
- Plenary Lecture 14: Ecosystems Biology: from data to control of microbial communities
- Plenary Lecture 14: Free boundary problems for mechanical models of tumor growth
- Plenary Lecture 15: Can bioenergetics tell us more about microbial ecosystems activity than community identity?
- Plenary Lecture 15: Geomicrobial kinetics: bridging the gap between laboratory and nature
- Plenary Lecture 16: Collective Functionality Through Microbial Individuality
- Plenary Lecture 16: Managing microbial communities in anaerobic membrane bioreactors
- Plenary Lecture 17: Micro-scale biological interactions shape microbial community dynamics on marine particles
- Plenary Lecture 1: Contingency and convergence in microbial population dynamics
- Plenary Lecture 1: Engineering syntrophic exchange in synthetic microbial communities
- Plenary Lecture 1: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Ecological Communities
- Plenary Lecture 1: Understanding bacterial communication and cooperation: combinatorial quorum-sensing
- Plenary Lecture 2: Cancer-like overgrowths and genomic regulatory design in microbes
- Plenary Lecture 2: Cooperation and competition in microbial communities
- Plenary Lecture 2: tba
- Plenary Lecture 2: Theoretical principles of virus-host population dynamics
- Plenary Lecture 3: Are simple models more general?
- Plenary Lecture 3: Bacterial interactions in synthetic communities and in the wild
- Plenary Lecture 3: Free Boundaries and Fluid Mixing at the Micro Level
- Plenary Lecture 3: Individual-level models, demographic stochasticity and spatio-temporal variations in microbial populations
- Plenary Lecture 4: Biofilms, particularly Biofilm Models
- Plenary Lecture 4: Modeling Ocean Viruses: From Infections to Ecosystems
- Plenary Lecture 4: Phage and Origins of the Immune System
- Plenary Lecture 5: Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling: Theory and Application
- Plenary Lecture 5: Engineering microbial community architecture to set community metabolism
- Plenary Lecture 5: Neutral models on island chains: biodiversity measures, and the 'everything is everywhere' problem.
- Plenary Lecture 5: Obstacle problems in geometric evolutions
- Plenary Lecture 5: Survival of the unfit - how demographic noise can create suboptimal species
- Plenary Lecture 6: Ecology and the evolution of multicellularity
- Plenary Lecture 6: Metabolic conflicts drive multi-scale organization of microbial activities
- Plenary Lecture 6: Mixed and Hierarchical Utilization of Carbon Substrates by Bacteria
- Plenary Lecture 6: On Boltzmann-type and Free Boundary Models for Price Formation
- Plenary Lecture 7: Double obstacle phase field approach for an elliptic inverse problem with discontinuous coefficients
- Plenary Lecture 7: Lignocellulose degradation by enriched microbial consortia from cow rumen and termite gut
- Plenary Lecture 7: Mathematics of social behavior
- Plenary Lecture 7: Numerical modelling, an interdisciplinary bridge in studying microbial biofilms
- Plenary Lecture 7: Spatio-temporal dynamics of microbial ecosystem metabolism
- Plenary Lecture 8: Algal-bacterial consortia and evolution of mutualism
- Plenary Lecture 8: An Economic Framework of Microbial Trade
- Plenary Lecture 8: Game theory for modelling microbial communities
- Plenary Lecture 8: Interfaces arising from solid phase transformations
- Plenary Lecture 8: Towards a predictive framework for microbial community dynamics in drinking water systems
- Plenary Lecture 9: Curvature flow on graphs for large data classification
- Plenary Lecture 9: Structure and functions of the bacterial phyllosphere microbiota
- Plenary Lecture 9: tba
- PLENARY TALK - Computational Epidemiology at the time of COVID 19 - Alessandro Vespingani (Northeastern)
- PLENARY TALK - COVID-19: RAMP Task 7. Environmental and aerosol transmission
- PLENARY TALK - Spatial modelling of early-phase COVID-19 epidemic in Norway
- PLENARY TALK - Transmission dynamic models for COVID-19:policy and beyond
- Plenary Talk: A wave turbulence approach to anomalous conduction in the FPUT chain
- Plenary talk: From the Riemann problem to the focusing catastrophe: observations in nonlinear optics
- Plenary Talk: From wave turbulence to integrable turbulence and soliton gas
- Plenary Talk: Mode-2 solitary waves in 3-layer flows
- Plenary talk: Primary thermalisation mechanism of Early Universe observed from Faraday-wave scattering on liquid-liquid interfaces
- Plenary Talk: Single versus double interlacing in random tiling models
- Plenary Talk: TBC
- Plenary Talk: TBC
- Plenary Talk: The two hydrodynamic scales of the Toda lattice
- Plethysms: permutations, polynomial representations and Schur functions
- PlgCirMap: A MATLAB toolbox for computing the conformal maps from polygonal multiply connected domains onto circular domains
- PlgCirMap: A MATLAB toolbox for computing the conformal maps from polygonal multiply connected domains onto circular domains
- PLM5 Day 2
- Plots against Russia: Conspiracy, Sincerity, and Propaganda
- Ploughs, plant remains and place names: yes, there *is* some evidence for Anglo-Saxon farming, and what it tells us
- Plug into the Supercloud
- Plug-and-Play Operation of Microgrids
- Plug-and-Play Synthesis and Computation of Predictive Controllers
- Pluggable Type System with Optional Runtime Monitoring of Type Errors
- Pluginizing Internet Protocols
- Plume dispersion in non-neutrally-stratified boundary layers
- Plume dynamics associated with volcanism: atmospheric flows; submarine flows and lake eruptions
- Plumes and turbulent transport
- Plundervolt: How a Little Bit of Undervolting Can Create a Lot of Trouble
- Plural Logic and its uses
- Pluralism about actual causation
- Pluralism and monism in design fixation research
- Pluralistic Alignment through Personalized Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
- Pluricanonical linear systems on varieties
- Plurilingualism and Assessment (with reference to the new Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Companion Volume)
- Pluripotency and the early embryo: overriding development for production of embryonic stem cells
- Pluripotency at the multicellular level
- Pluripotency, Etc.
- Pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular development and disease: the new "patient"?
- Pluripotent Stem Cells: Medical Dream or Ethical Nightmare?
- Plutarch the Elizabethan: Shakespeare's formative influence on Plutarch
- Pluto, Sentinel of the Outer Solar System
- Plutonium solid solubility and radiation damage in xenotime (YPO4)
- PMP lunchtime seminars 1
- PMP lunchtime seminars 2
- PMP lunchtime seminars 3
- PMP lunchtime seminars 4
- PMP lunchtime seminars 4
- PMP lunchtime seminars 5
- Poaching and sedition in thirteenth century England
- Pockets of Faith: Institutional Change in the Church of England
- POD-DL-ROM: a comprehensive deep learning-based approach to reduced order modeling of nonlinear time-dependent parametrized PDEs
- Poems after Poussin
- Poetic electrons: Ted Hughes and the mayfly
- Poetic Injustice - Writings on Resistance and Palestine
- Poetic Machines: On Art and Artificial Creativity in Literature
- Poetry and Education: "If I should have a daughter..."
- Poetry and Soviet literary politics in the early 1930s: Mandelstam’s Verses on Russian Poetry (1932)
- Poetry under Pressure. Findings from a small-scale research project on poetry teaching .
- Poetry under Pressure: Findings from a small-scale research project on poetry teaching
- Poetry with Finuala Dowling
- Poetry, Drama and the Cromwellian Atlantic
- Poetry, Mores, and Laws: Herder's response to Montesquieu
- Poetry’s Role in Leningrad Samizdat
- Pohlmeyer reduction for AdS5 x S5 superstring
- Poincaré´s homology sphere
- Poincare duality groups and actions on trees
- Poincare families and line bundles on moduli stacks of G-bundles
- Point correspondences in the functional map framework
- Point defects in alumina
- Point of No Return: Kabila, Rwanda and the Internal Dynamics of Africa's Great War
- Point Process Intensity Estimation with GP's
- Point-Contact Andreev-Reflection Spectroscopy In Low-dimensional Superconducting Systems
- Point-Line Problems
- Point-of-Care Testing: Challenge and Opportunity in Resource-Limited Settings
- Pointed Majid algebras
- Pointer Safety and Graph Grammars
- Pointless Tainting? Evaluating the practicality of pointer tainting
- Points in Almost General Position
- Points on spheres and their orthogonal lattices
- Points-To and Alias Analysis -- the precision vs efficiency dilemma
- Pointwise estimates and regularity for the parabolic obstacle problem
- Poirot — a concurrency sleuth
- Poiseuille and thermal transpiration flows of a highly rarefied gas
- Poison trials, panaceas and proof: debates about testing and testimony in early modern European medicine
- Poisoned Chalice: The Taliban, Al-Qaeda and the Globalised Jihad
- Poisons, Plants and Palaeolithic hunters
- Poisson and Hochschild cohomology and the semiclassical limit
- Poisson brackets arising in Teichmuller theory and isomonodromic deformations
- Poisson geometry and deformations of Hilbert schemes
- Poisson geometry of directed networks and integrable lattices
- Poisson modules
- Poisson Processes
- Poisson Processes: Applications in Machine Learning
- Poisson structures on Fano manifolds
- Poisson-FOCuS: An Efficient Online Method for Detecting Count Bursts with Application to Gamma Ray Burst Detection
- Poisson-Lie interpretation of a case of the Ruijsenaars duality
- Poking and wrinkling of shells and sheets
- Poking Brains: the Mechanics of Neural Development
- Pol IV in Tomato
- Poland and the Future of the Eurozone
- Poland and Ukraine: Passages to Democracy
- Poland, Europe, Freedom: A Personal Reflection on the Last 40 Years
- Polar Coding - review and new results
- Polar Coding for Applications
- Polar Exploration and the 'Spectral Turn' in the Humanities
- Polar Fluctuations Lead to Extensile Nematic Behaviour in Confluent Tissues
- Polar low formation: ambient environments and the role of moisture
- Polar maps and their histories: reflections on the changing fortunes of cosmography
- Polar maps and their histories: reflections on the changing fortunes of cosmography
- Polar Ocean: the dead end of plastic debris
- Polar Oceans PhD Student talks
- Polar Operations – the support behind the science
- Polar Opposites: American and Norwegian voices in the exploration of Franz Josef Land
- Polar order in liquids
- Polar Ozone – open issues and first results from RECONCILE
- Polar ozone loss
- Polar Research at Cambridge: Research updates and group synergies
- Polar Research at Cambridge: Research updates and group synergies
- Polar sea ice variability derived from ice cores: The Bromine approach
- Polar Social Sciences Workshop - Planning Discussion
- Polar Social Sciences Workshop - Welcome Back
- Polar Social Sciences Workshop - Welcome Back
- POLAR SOCIAL SCIENCES WORKSHOP: The Anxiety of Ice: Visualizing Climate Change and Arctic Moving Images
- Polar Stay and Plays - Museum Openings for under 5s
- Polar Upper Ocean Dynamics: Waves, Eddies, Turbulence, Spectra, Modelling
- POLAR2018: Conversations and outcomes
- POLAR2018: Conversations and outcomes
- Polari - a Very Queer Code
- Polarimetry with the GMRT at 610 MHz
- Polarisation anisotropy of the upper mantle
- Polarisation in classical realisability and delimited control
- Polarisation problems
- Polarised endomorphisms on projective varieties
- Polarised Fermi Gases.
- Polarised trafficking during asymmetric cell division
- Polariton Bose-Einstein condensation: Theoretical analysis in terms of a two-component weakly-interacting Bose gas
- Polariton Graph Optimisers
- Polarity at the immunological synapse
- Polarity at the immunological synapse
- Polarity reversal during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
- Polarization and spatial coherence of light in disordered media
- Polarization as an indicator of intrinsic alignment in radio weak lensing
- Polarization for arbitrary alphabet sizes
- Polarization of ciliated node cells along the anterior-posterior axis by graded expression of Wnts and their inhibitors
- Polarization tests of large scale CMB temperature anomalies - a last stand before Planck
- Polarized endosome dynamics during asymmetric cell division
- Polarized endosome dynamics during asymmetric cell division
- Polarized H-alpha Emission from Supernova Remnant Shock Waves Efficiently Accelerating Cosmic Rays
- Polarized neutron imaging
- Polarons: from models to materials to quantum simulation
- Police responses to young people’s experiences of cyberstalking
- Policies for an Environmentally Sustainable Economy
- Policies for Reducing Personal Carbon
- Policies to navigate climate change
- Policies to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis
- Policing Empires: Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the US
- Policing in Britain
- Policing in Cambridgeshire: The Inside Story
- Policing with Human Rights - promoting peaceful and inclusive societies
- Policy and government engagement panel
- Policy and Politics: synergy or dysergy?
- Policy and Politics: synergy or dysergy?
- Policy approaches to the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in England
- Policy considerations for the continual advancement of space activity in the XXI century
- Policy Evaluation with Temporal Differences
- Policy focus session: How the scientific community responds to emergencies -- lessons from the pandemic (5 minute presentations from each of 5-6 panel members followed by a panel discussion.)
- Policy Informatics for Co-evolving Socio-technical Networks: Issues in Believability and Usefulness
- Policy Mobilities and Education Policy Research
- Policy of No Policy: Disability and Technology Translation Dilemmas in Uganda
- Policy Talk - Decision Making for UK Landscapes - Opportunities for Systems Research in Policy Development
- Policy Theme
- Policy-Making in EU Security and Defense: An Institutional Perspective
- Policy-Making, Religion and Conflict-Prone Settings in the US and EU
- Policy/international perspective - Mathematical modelling and use of wastewater surveillance data to support New Zealand’s Covid-19 response
- Policymaking: why it matters to us, how it works, what to do
- Policymaking: why it matters to us, how it works, what to do
- POLIS Department Seminar - Data Shadows and Digital Divisions of Labour: Who Creates and Controls the Digital City?
- POLIS Department Seminar - More Integration, Less Federation: The European Integration of Core State Powers
- POLIS Department Seminar - Rising Powers and State Transformation: The Case of China
- POLIS Department Seminar - The Reconfiguration of the State
- POLIS Department Seminar: Patronage Explanations for the Survival of International Organizations
- POLIS Department Seminar: When war is oikonomia by other means
- Polish Britain: Multilingualism and Diaspora Community
- Polish Independence Day - Chopin Piano Recital by Piotr Pawlak
- Polish Political Thought in the Twentieth Century and Today
- Polish Science Café: Neuroscience, Linguistics, and Applied Mathematics
- Polite and excrement labour? Sanitary services in London c.1650–c.1830
- Politeness and the ethical force of natural history
- Political Bodies, Gender and Race
- Political Change and the Politics of Small Things
- Political Ecology: meeting travellers along the way
- Political Economics Workshop
- Political Economy of Public Health: Network Showcase 2016
- Political engagement, profession and socialist economics in fin-de-siècle Europe
- Political Geology: Active Stratigraphies and the Making of Life
- Political leadership and public administration in a post-democratic and populist age
- Political Polarisation 2.0: Insights from Psychology & Computational Social Science
- Political Polarization, Social Norms, and Sorting: An Agent-based Social Sampling Model
- Political Policing in Uganda: Surveillance, Mobilisation and Police-NRM Party nexus
- Political radicalism and scientific discovery: the Cambridge Biotheoretical Gathering, 1932-1937
- Political regimes and the rural economies of ancient Greek communities
- Political Science and Political Thought
- Political Science before Hobbes: the Aristotelian tradition
- Political Theory and Real Politics in the Age of the Internet
- Political Theory for the Real World
- Political Thought, Time and History: An International Conference
- Political Thought, Time and History: An International Conference
- Political Transition in Myanmar (Burma)
- Political, Philosophical and Economic Assumptions behind my research
- Politically engaged children's literature and its potential ability to modify the world
- Politics and Biology
- Politics and New German Auteur Cinema (tbc)
- Politics and Policy
- Politics and political ecology of charcoal in Uganda
- Politics and Political Ecology of Charcoal in Uganda
- Politics and Salus Populi: Hobbes and the Sovereign as Physician of the State
- Politics and the Media: A Case of British Exceptionalism
- Politics and The Sacred
- Politics Gone Missing
- Politics in Common in the Digital Age
- Politics of Hybridisation (Domestication Practices across History)
- Politics of international administration of post-conflict societies
- Politics of Internet Security
- Politics, Development & Coercion
- Politics, Preferences and Permutations: Probabilistic Reasoning with Rankings
- Politics, the State and the Limits of Oil-Led Development in Uganda and Ghana
- Pollen tube growth: of male gametophytes and the need for models
- Pollinator Conservation – and your Lawn
- Pollockian Mechanics: Painting with Viscous Jets
- Polluted Bootstrap Percolation
- Polluted White Dwarfs: Constraints on the Origin and Geology of Exoplanetary Material
- Polluted White Dwarfs: Insights into Ancient Exo-Planetary Systems
- Polluted White Dwarfs: Insights Regarding Exo-Planetary Systems
- Polluted White Dwarfs: the dead stars that swallow dead planets
- Pollution and wildlife – practical problems for nature conservation in England
- Poly AI: Architecting Human-Sounding Voice Assistants
- Polyaromatic Nanocapsules: from Strategic Synthesis to Host Functions
- Polychromatic colouring and cover-decomposition problems in the plane
- Polychromy? ... It’s all Greek to me!
- Polycomb complexes co-associate with a specific RNA polymerase II variant in ES cells
- Polycomb-mediated selfrenewal of young (and aged?) hematopoietic stem cells
- Polyelectrolyte multilayer microcapsules as a novel biomimetic system
- Polyester-based synthetic information oligomers
- Polyglutamine and neurodegeneration
- Polygonal combinatorics for algebraic cycles
- Polylogarithmic Cuts of Models of Weak Arithmetic
- Polylogarithms, Multiple Zeta Values and Superstring Amplitudes
- Polymer and hybrid nanostructures for applications in organic solar cells investigated with advanced x-ray techniques
- Polymer Assisted Condensation: How polymers can control and localize liquid-liquid phase separation
- Polymer bioelectronics: Devices, tissue engineering and therapeutics
- Polymer brushes: conformation and adhesion
- Polymer crystallisation
- Polymer Electrolytes
- Polymer enhanced oil recovery; soft matter physics to explain an industrial question
- Polymer Modelling of the 4D Epigenome
- Polymer models of cellular nucleus dynamics
- Polymer Opals; Generating Bulk-Scale Packing Ordering in Nanomaterials Using Shear-Assembly in Viscoelastic Media
- Polymer Physics and DNA Topology
- Polymer physics of metabolically active isolated nuclei
- Polymer pinning with sparse disorder
- Polymer sequencing by molecular machines: Towards a single molecule sequencing method for polysaccharides
- Polymer Slab Waveguides For Cubic Nonlinear Optics
- Polymer solar cells
- Polymer Solar Cells
- Polymer Solar Cells: From structure-property-relations to module fabrication
- Polymer stretching in random flows
- Polymer Supports for Solid-Phase Organic Chemistry Reactors
- Polymer-Based Nanogenerators: Small Power, Big Impact
- Polymer-based Optoelectronic Devices with Interlayers
- Polymeric and nanocomposite membrane for gas separation
- Polymeric building blocks for supramolecular complexation with cucurbit[8]uril
- Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Materials- and Biosciences
- Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Materials- and Biosciences
- Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Materials- and Biosciences
- Polymerization Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Synthesis under Nanoconfinement
- Polymers for nanotechnology
- Polymers in motion
- Polymers through protein pores: single-molecule experiments with nucleic acids, polypeptides and polysaccharides
- Polymers: Experimental Evidence
- Polymorphic attacks against sequence-based software birthmarks
- Polymorphic Subtyping with Polarisation: ∀ ± ∃
- Polymorphism in organic and inorganic solids
- Polymorphism, subtyping and type inference in MLsub
- Polynomia - A new approach to variation in language planning
- Polynomia in Sardinia and Corsica: A case study
- Polynomial and Analytic Functors and Monads, revisited.
- Polynomial Approximation and Interpolation with Exponential Weights: New Results and Applications
- Polynomial approximation of high-dimensional functions on irregular domains
- Polynomial approximation of high-dimensional functions on irregular domains
- Polynomial approximation via compressed sensing of high-dimensional functions on lower sets
- Polynomial Chaos Expansions - Basics
- Polynomial configurations in sets of positive upper density
- Polynomial configurations in the primes
- Polynomial formulae for theta functions on Jacobians
- Polynomial Functors
- Polynomial functors
- Polynomial functors
- Polynomial functors and algebraic K-theory
- Polynomial Functors and the Dialectics interpretation
- Polynomial functors on free groups
- Polynomial invariants of graph maps and applications to Out(Fn) and Mod(Sgn)
- Polynomial Learning of Distribution Families
- Polynomial maps, Witt vectors and Real THH
- Polynomial models of type theory
- Polynomial Optimisation and Semidefinite Programming
- Polynomial Pick forms for affine spheres, real projective polygons, and surface group representations in PSL(3,R).
- Polynomial sequences in groups and their projections on nilmanifolds
- Polynomial solutions of differential-difference equations
- Polynomial systems and Weyl multiplier
- Polynomial time guarantees for sampling based posterior inference
- Polynomial-time Nielsen--Thurston type recognition
- Polynomial-time Nielsen--Thurston type recognition
- Polynomial-time perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs
- Polynomial-time proofs that groups are hyperbolic
- Polynomial-Time Pseudodeterministic Construction of Primes
- Polynomials in Combinatorics and Topology
- Polynomials in Discrete Mathematics
- Polynyas / Internal Wave Attractors: Focussing without sloping boundaries
- Polyploidy and epigenetics
- Polyrotaxanes and Supramolecular Catalysis
- Polysemy: Pragmatics and Linguistic Conventions
- Polytope invariants of groups and manifolds
- POMDP-based dialogue manager adaptation to extended domains
- Pompeii and Herculaneum: does the past have a future?
- Pony: Co-Designing a Type System and a Runtime
- Poor Relief and Community in Elizabethan Hadleigh
- pop-cosmos: Comprehensive Forward Modelling of Photometric Galaxy Survey Data
- Pop-up! Unveiling 3D worlds from paper
- POPL PC workshop
- Popper meets machine learning - How falsificationism can guide the design of AI solutions
- Popular Culture and the 'Holocaust by Bullets'
- Popular Culture in Afghanistan: From Militant Anthems to Lullabies and Sufi Chanting
- Popular Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East
- Popular Sentiment and Constitutional Problems in the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake: Self-Defense Forces, the Imperial System and Democracy
- Popular Understanding of Statistics and its Impacts on the Law
- Popularizing evolution: biographies and books for children
- Populating 19th century Siam: war/capture/resettlement versus the recruitment of free labour in a southeast Asian demographic system
- Populating a post-extinction world: the resurgence of vertebrate diversity in the early Carboniferous
- Populating our Universe after inflation
- Populating the Palaeolithic: Palaeodemography and the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Transition in South-Western France
- Population and poverty in pre-famine Ireland
- Population biology and the implicit scientific backing of the 'Human Biodiversity' movement
- Population dynamics and black spots on the Sun: Rothschild Lecture
- Population Dynamics in Meerkats
- Population genetic models of evolution
- Population Genetics of Greenlanders Evolution and Genetic Adaptation to Climate
- Population genomics of bacterial pathogens
- Population genomics of human gene expression
- Population growth and female status in 19th century Southeast Asia: evidence from parish-level data for the Philippines
- Population III stars: effects of UV radiation, baryon-dark matter streaming velocity, and redshift
- Population Inference for Functional Brain Connectivity
- Population level study of the influence of planetesimal fragmentation on planet formation
- Population Medicine - Group Discussion
- Population Medicine - Group Discussion
- Population Statistics of Planet and Brown Dwarf Formation via Gravitational Instability
- Population structure and effects of consanguinity on complex disease in British South Asians
- Population structure and effects of consanguinity on complex disease in British South Asians
- Population structure and evolution of virulence in plant viruses
- Population thinking, statistical autonomy, and Biology's First Law
- Population-based analysis of genome structural variation using broad, highly parallel population sequencing
- Population-wave propagation in quasilinear reaction diffusion
- Populations in statistical genetics: what are they, and how can we infer them from whole genome data?
- Populations in statistical genetics: what are they, and how can we infer them from whole genome data?
- Populism and Central Bank Independence
- Populism and/as Nationalism: ideas, sentiment and the nation
- Populism: What led to the rise of the New Right?
- Porcelain
- Porcine maternal infanticide: a model for puerperal psychosis in humans
- Pore Network Modelling for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Pore-scale controls on core formation in planetesimals
- Poro-Inelastic Filtration coupled to Stokes Flow
- Porous ceramics by controlled solidification of (colloidal) suspensions
- Porous Cities: Rangoon, Penang and Bangkok as Inter-Cultural Sites
- Porous Multilayers: Novel Multifunctional Optical Materials for Applications
- Porous nitride semiconductors for novel light sources
- Porous Scaffolds for Osteoarticular Tissue Repair
- Porphyrin-based molecular wires: versatile new pi-systems
- Porphyrins In Discrete Metal-Mediated Assemblies
- Porridge, Peas, and Pizzas: An Exploration of Food in Fairy Tales
- Port-based teleportation performance for teleporting large quantum systems
- Port-based teleportation stretching of adaptive protocols and conditional channel simulation
- Port-Hamiltonian Systems
- Port-Hamiltonian Systems
- Portable : Flexible : Architecture
- Portfolio Careers in STEMM
- Portfolio Choice with Model Misspecification: A Foundation for Alpha and Beta Portfolios
- Portholme Meadow, Brampton: history and natural history intertwined
- Porting the astrophysical fluid dynamics application PROMPI to GPU
- Portrait of a spark: William Armstrong's photographs of electricity (1897)
- Portraits of other worlds on a red background: Characterising transiting exoplanets in the presence of stellar activity and correlated noise
- Ports and Power: Excavation a Dynastic Capital of the Indian Ocean
- Portuguese Text Simplification for Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
- Pose and Pathsoformel in Aby Warburg's Bilderatlas
- Poseurs, tricksters and loafers - how to recognize them among your participants?
- Position tomography and seismic inversion
- Position-Based Quantum Cryptography: Impossibility and Constructions
- Positional cues in the anterior-posterior axis of the Drosophila ventral nerve cord
- Positional information by differential endocytosis splits auxin response to drive Arabidopsis root meristem growth
- Positional information theory
- Positionality and fieldwork
- Positioning and identification systems with wearable and infrastructure sensors
- Positioning the Intellectual: Žižek as a Sociological Phenomenon
- Positioning the nucleus for cell migration and muscle fiber function
- Positive definite kernels for deterministic and stochastic approximations of (invariant) functions
- Positive definite kernels for deterministic and stochastic approximations of (invariant) functions
- Positive Externalities, Negative Externalities, and Optimal Scale
- Positive Externalities, Negative Externalities, and Optimal Scale
- Positive feedback in galaxies
- Positive psychology and positive education
- Positive psychology and positive education: Old wine in new bottles?
- Positive scalar curvature metrics on manifolds with fibred singularities
- Positive Semidefinite Rank of Polytopes
- Positive Thinking and Meditation
- Positive Thinking in a Nutshell (in-person)
- Positively disruptive. Nanotechnology and the future of biology and medicine (from a physicist perspective)
- Positivism in Science
- Positivity bounds on effective field theories
- Positivity Constraints on Lorentz-breaking EFTs
- Positivity in EFTs with spontaneously broken boosts
- Positivity is undecidable in products of free algebras
- Positivity, Monotonicity, and Consensus on Lie Groups
- Possibilities and limitations of understanding
- Possibility of Bianchi VII_h signatures in the CMB
- Possibility of Hot Superconductivity in Charged Graphene
- Possible clues that some gas giants form with 1 AU of their star
- Possible Hints for Supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider
- Possible impacts of a future Grand Solar Minimum on surface climate
- Possible intertial range dynamics in strongly stratified flows
- Possible thermal controls on the seismic-aseismic transition in intraplate regions: Can the mantle have significant long-term strength?
- Possible thermal controls on the seismic-aseismic transition in intraplate regions: Can the mantle have significant long-term strength?
- Possible Turán Densities
- Possible Variation of Fundamental Constants: the impact of recently uncovered systematic errors
- Post nubes lux: Aerospace propulsion ("after darkness light")
- Post Quantum Cryptography - Widening the Search
- Post Quantum Cryptography in Networks
- Post tensioning for structural innovation: an overlooked perspective
- Post-adoption Contact between Adoptive and Birth Families: What Mater for Identity Development?
- Post-Arab Spring Tunis: Materialising Revolution in the City
- Post-blast explosive residue: Morphological, chemical and computational studies
- Post-bureaucratic Public Services: Future Capabilities
- Post-classical memories: modern Greek attitudes to Antiquity
- Post-conflict Economic Development: the Practical Dilemmas Facing International Development Agencies and Multi-national Corporations
- Post-Cotunnite phase of TeO2
- Post-dissident Liberalism as Politics and Culture: East-Central Europe after 1989
- Post-doc seminar: Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition
- Post-doc talks
- Post-encoding persistence of encoding states strengthens individual memories, reorganizes those experiences based on shared features and biases the fate of new memories
- Post-Fisherian Experimentation: from Physical to Virtual
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Post-Kantian Perfectionism
- Post-lactational mammary regression: The molecular switch to irreversible destruction.
- Post-main sequence thermal evolution of planetesimals: Implications on white dwarf pollutants
- Post-Modern Narratives and Pre-Modern Devotion: the Icon of the Three-Handed Mother of God among the Slavs, Dr Elena Boeck
- Post-NIPS Highlight session
- Post-Publication Sharing: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Post-Publication Sharing: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Post-Publication Sharing: Publishing your Research Effectively (for STEM PhD Students)
- Post-seismic Deformation and Fault Mechanics at Bam, Iran
- Post-Seismic Deformation Following Deep Earthquakes
- Post-selected Classical Query Complexity
- Post-selection confidence intervals and confidence curves
- Post-selection technique for quantum channels with applications to quantum cryptography
- Post-Silicon Validation: New Frontiers for Formal Verification Research
- Post-Slavery Societies Workshop
- Post-transcriptional control of gene expression - its role in disease
- Post-transcriptional control of gene expression in brain development and cancer
- Post-transcriptional control of inflammation
- Post-transcriptional control of T cell differentiation
- Post-transcriptional gene dysregulation in human asthma as determined by Frac-seq.
- Post-transcriptional gene expression control networks in trypanosomes
- Post-transcriptional mechanisms that time development
- Post-transcriptional regulation of human mitochondrial gene expression
- Post-transcriptional RNA processing in the remnant chloroplast of the malaria parasite Plasmodium
- Post-translational modification of proteins as a regulatory mechanism in the nuclear VSG-ES body
- Post-translational regulation of division versus differentiation in the embryonic nervous system.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Post-truth politics and the US Presidential Election: implications for journalism and society
- Post-war Memory Politics in Germany and Britain
- Post-war Politics in Southern Europe
- Post-Yugoslav Spaces, Yugoslav Reappearances
- Postcapitalism
- Postcapitalist practices of communing and a performative politics of assemblage
- Postcards to the Planet: Join our pop up event as part of the University Festival, we will be inviting you to send a postcard to our changing planet. Draw an image, write or record a message or take a photo.
- PostCog: A “Search Engine” Enabling Interdisciplinary Research into Underground Forums at Scale
- Postcolonial perspectives on urban epidemiology
- Postcolonial Trauma: the aesthetic prescriptions of Gordon Bennett's art
- Postdoc Business Plan Competition 2019 Launch Night
- Postdoc Forum
- Postdoc talks
- Postdoc talks
- Postdoc talks
- Postdoc/JRF seminars
- Postdoctoral Researcher Talks
- Postdoctoral Symposium Welcome
- Poster Blitz
- Poster Blitz I
- Poster display tactics as photographic arguments
- Poster Lightening Round
- Poster Lightening Round
- Poster Lightening Round
- Poster Lightening Round
- Poster Pitch
- Poster pitch session
- Poster pitch session
- Poster Presentations
- Poster presentations
- Poster Presentations and Discussion
- Poster Preview (All Poster Presenters)
- Poster Prize and Final Remarks
- Poster Prize and Final Remarks
- Poster Prize and Final Remarks
- Poster Prize and Final Remarks
- Poster Prize and Final Remarks
- Poster Prize Presentation
- Poster Prize Presentation
- Poster Prize Presentation
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster session
- Poster session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster session
- Poster Session
- Poster Session & Coffee Break
- Poster Session + Reception
- Poster Session I
- Poster session I
- Poster Session II
- Poster session II
- Poster slam
- Posterior concentration for Bayesian regression trees and their ensembles
- Posterior contraction rates for potentially nonlinear inverse problems
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters
- Posters and Networking At INI and in Gathertown
- Posters session 1
- Posters session 2
- Posters session 3
- Posters session 4
- Posters, Networking and Drinks Reception
- Postfeminism and Italian Cinema
- Postgraduate Conference, “Remembering Violence and Violent Memory”
- Postgraduate CV Clinic
- Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship Creativity Workshop: What’s the big idea?!
- Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship webinar
- Postgraduate event
- Postgraduate Interview Skills
- Postgraduate mini conference
- Postgraduate psychiatry training - present and future
- Postgraduate Student Committee Talk, 'From Academia to industry'
- Postmarxism, Radical Democracy, and the Machiavellian Moment
- Postnatal ontogeny of the cranial base in modern humans and chimpanzees
- Postnikov stability for complexes
- Postponed
- POSTPONED (until August) Welcome back meeting - plant display and social evening
- POSTPONED - Acoustics in the 'real world' - POSTPONED
- POSTPONED - Annual General Meeting
- Postponed - Bradford Hill Seminar – Tweeting through the storm: how to use social media during a pandemic
- POSTPONED - Cdk12 maintains the axon initial segment through actin remodelling
- POSTPONED - Computation, Cognition and Language at RCEAL
- POSTPONED - Evidence-based treatment of compulsivity: existing practice and new directions
- POSTPONED - Improving models of ocean turbulence with data-driven methods
- Postponed - Protecting the Environment
- Postponed - talk will be presented as physical lecture when Department returns - date provisional (The therapeutic utility of inhibiting the lectin pathway of complement activation .....
- POSTPONED - Towards a trustworthy Computing Infrastructure
- POSTPONED DUE TO ILLNESS: Inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays and CKM matrix determinations: challenges and theoretical framework(s)
- POSTPONED How safe are statins?
- POSTPONED till next week!!!! Work in progress: Making efficient use of language models for theorem proving
- Postponed to 2017 - new date tbc
- POSTPONED Training Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- POSTPONED | "The Future of the Professions"
- Postponed! - The Importance of doing research during outbreaks caused by emerging infections
- POSTPONED! Economic policies for a post neoliberal world
- POSTPONED*Drivers of Morphological complexity: a Cnidarian Perspective
- POSTPONED: Book launch: The Horn of Africa, State Formation and Decay
- POSTPONED: Chaperone networks coping with protein aggregates and amyloids
- Postponed: Conflict-Sensitive Education (CSE) Training Seminar
- POSTPONED: CSER Public Lecture: Nick Robins: New frontiers for sustainable finance: priorities for action in 2020
- POSTPONED: Energy and Life
- POSTPONED: Interpretable Neural-Symbolic Concept Reasoning
- POSTPONED: Late Antiquity’s Library: Re-assessing the Classical Canon in the Age of Synesius
- POSTPONED: Lunchtime Talk: Amanda Brock (Trustable Sofrware)
- POSTPONED: Neuro-oncology Seminar April 2020
- POSTPONED: Occupational structures and the composition of the rich in pre-industrial Italy
- POSTPONED: Pierced or perforated: Using 3D models to differentiate anthropogenic piercing from natural perforations in shells
- POSTPONED: Social Power and Mental Health: Evolving Research Through Lived Experience (25-26 March 2020)
- Postponed: Text mining for public health reviews (The Robot Analyst)
- Postsynaptic phosphorylation networks
- Posttranscriptional regulation of mitochondrial gene expression
- Postulating monotonicity in nonparametric Bayesian regression
- Potassium channel and Calcium signalling in Drosophila learning
- Potassium channel diversity at the synaptic interface: Fast EPSCs and delayed rectification
- Potato mop-top virus co-opts the HIPP26 drought stress sensor for long distance movement
- Potential automorphy of n dimensional Galois representations
- Potential automorphy of \hat{G}-local systems
- Potential benefits of cultivar mixtures
- Potential capacity of quantum channels
- Potential effects of transposable element activation throughout tomato development
- Potential Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural Networks
- Potential lifestyle strategies to reduce locomotor impairment during aging: Evidence from longitudinal studies in rats
- Potential modularity of residual representations
- Potential new pathways in modelling sea ice phenomena coming from the analysis of multiscale solids with defects
- Potential of Deep Geothermal Energy at City Scale
- Potential theory for nonreversible dynamics and corrections to the hydrodynamical limit
- Potential theory on Wiener space revisited
- Potential Vorticity: A Diagnostic Tool for General Circulation Models
- Potentials and Challenges of Developing Ecosystem-Based Co-management: A Case Study From the Swedish West Coast
- Potentiation of stem cell competence by the F-box protein LCR
- Pots, deception and beauty
- Potters’ Genealogies of Practice in the Congo Basin? Retracing Social Learning and Trans-Generational Training Networks through the past two-and-a-half Millennia
- Pottery and Plaster technologies and traditions from the Neolithic site of Makri, Thrace, Greece
- Potts model, O(n) non-linear sigma-models and spanning forests
- Poultry behaviour and welfare: problems and (some) solutions
- Poverty and Climate: A Conversation
- Poverty, Old Age and Outdoor Relief in Late-Victorian England
- Power after Carbon
- Power allocation in delay-limited wireless channels
- Power allocation in delay-limited wireless channels
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis
- Power analysis attacks
- Power and Fault Analysis Resistance in Hardware through Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Power and governance in the digital games industry supply chains
- Power and resistance in sculpture in the aftermath of WWI
- Power Electronics - A Mechanical Engineering Problem
- Power Electronics in Energy Conversion - Latest Advances
- Power for the People: how materials science can save the world
- Power from the Sun; The Advent of Mesoscopic Solar Cells
- Power in Place: The Role of Statue Dedication and Other Forms of Display in Ancient Egyptian Social Control
- Power law rheology of complex fluids
- Power laws in dislocation plasticity
- Power sector reform and industrial development in Indian states
- Power System Modeling
- Power System Operation
- Power to Choose: How the energy choices people make will change their lives.
- Power to the people - the neighbourhood planning revolution
- Power to the People – Creating Markets for Supply Security Based on Consumer Choice
- Power, authority, and community participation in primary health-care centres: contrasting evidence from health facility committees in South Kivu (DR Congo) and Burundi
- Power, Promise, Politics: The Pineapple from Columbus to Del Monte (20-21 February)
- Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life
- Powered by Cambridge: Devices, data and interDisciplinarity
- Powerful and deceptive Feynman diagrammatic series
- Powerful and efficient energy harvester with resonant-tunneling quantum dots (SP Workshop)
- Powering galactic superwinds with small-scale AGN winds
- Powering Stellar Magnetism: Energy Transfers in Convective Dynamo of Sun-like Stars
- Poxvirus Entry and Uncoating
- Poxvirus Entry and Uncoating
- PP and P'P' precursor observations of the mantle transition zone
- PP2A-B55 inhibitors Arpp19 and ENSA define the cell cycle program by controlling the temporal pattern of protein phosphorylation
- PPT entanglement in symmetric states
- Practical Abstractions for Dynamic and Parallel Software
- Practical and information-theoretic limitations in high-dimensional inference
- Practical and Specialised NLP Solutions: The Case of Social Media
- Practical Application of Simulation in the Drug Discovery Industry
- Practical Applications of Memristive Technologies - Beyond Memory
- Practical Bayesian modelling: Populism, polls, and petitions.
- Practical Boogie (on the example of VCC)
- Practical Challenges in Portfolio Construction
- Practical Competition Policy Implications of Digital Platforms: Taking Schumpeter Seriously (Departmental Seminar)
- Practical Decisions in Neural Network Design
- Practical distance computation in the space of phylogenetic trees
- Practical Dynamic Software Updating for C
- Practical Edge Computing for Mobile X Reality
- Practical Functional Oxide Thin Films for Electronic Devices
- Practical Implementation of Bayesian Inverse problems in the context of Civil Engineering
- Practical intentions, action schemas, and strategic control in skill
- Practical issues for stochastic optimisation in Imaging
- Practical judgement: a Kantian perspective
- Practical Linguistic Steganography using Contextual Synonym Substitution and Vertex Colour Coding
- Practical Linguistic Steganography using Synonym Substitution
- Practical Machine Learning at Facebook. Examples and Lessons Learnt.
- Practical Methods for Shared Decision Making in Human-Robot Teaming
- Practical non-classical information processing
- Practical performance models for complex, popular applications
- Practical Power Estimation for fMRI
- Practical progress and research challenges in wireless technology.
- Practical quantum tokens without quantum memories: towards a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration
- Practical reasoning and inference
- Practical Reasoning with Proofs and Types
- Practical Statically-checked Deterministic Parallelism
- Practical Statically-checked Deterministic Parallelism
- Practical Steps to Addressing Unconscious / Implicit Bias
- Practical Techniques for Auto-Active Verification
- Practical Type Systems
- Practical web application security
- Practically Making the Philosophers' Stone: Recreating Alchemical Experiments
- Practice and technique in the twentieth-century natural history museum
- Practice presentations for BAAP meeting
- Practice presentations for BAAP meeting
- Practice Talk for AIES 2018
- Practice talks
- Practice-Driven Cryptographic Theory
- Practices, rules and motivation
- Practices, techniques and productions of a brass founder in a 15th century Brussels workshop
- Practising gender: Men's experiences of transition to first-time fatherhood
- Practising What You Preach? Some View Points on Product Development
- Practitioner Series: Comfort Ero
- Practitioner Series: JONATHAN COHEN (Exec Director, Conciliation Resources)
- Practitioner Series: Young Alumni Practitioners Working in Health & Humanitarian Response
- Practitioners, products and promotion: the medical trade catalogue and professional ethics in Britain, 1880–1914
- Pragmatic me, pragmatic you: the development of informativeness from a speaker's and a comprehender's perspective
- Pragmatic me, pragmatic you: the development of informativeness from a speaker's and a comprehender's perspective.
- Pragmatics and Cognitive Science
- Pragmatics reading group
- Pragmatism and Morality - Climate Change Festival Closing Ceremony
- Pragmatism and the possibility of (no) naturalistic metaphysics
- Pragmatist coherence as the source of truth and reality
- Prandtl number dependence of MRI-driven transport : new results and future prospects
- PRaVDA project for Proton Computed Tomography
- Prayerbook Anglicanism
- Praying Like A Woman
- Pre CDC talk
- Pre- and postsynaptic NMDA receptors in neocortical synaptic plasticity
- Pre-Christian Typologies in Greece and Rome
- Pre-degenerative deficits in dopamine transmission in an alpha-synuclein mouse model of Parkinson’s disease: the role of lipids and the dopamine transporter
- Pre-Dinner Lecture: Forensic Science from the point of view of a Scientific Adviser to Government
- Pre-emptive vaccine updates and immunity management: A new strategy for vaccinating against influenza viruses
- Pre-Gatsby Workshop
- Pre-holography
- Pre-industrial changes in atmospheric methane: is it possible to differentiate between changes in sources and changes in sinks?
- Pre-melting in the Earth's inner core
- Pre-modelling via BART
- Pre-Processing for Approximate Bayesian Computation in Image Analysis
- Pre-Publication Considerations: Publishing your Research Effectively (for STEM PhD Students)
- Pre-registration: The pros and cons.
- Pre-sheaves of spaces and the Grothendieck construction in higher geometry
- Pre-training Molecular Graph Representation with 3D Geometry
- Preadamites on Ambon in the 1680s
- Prebiotic Chemistry on Other Worlds
- Precarious lives: inequalities in health through the lens of the filmmaker
- Precautionary Saving and Aggregate Demand
- Precessing flows: from geophysics to bioreactors
- Precession Electron Diffraction in the Transmission Electron Microscope
- Precipitation changes in the Amazon Basin during the last 240 ka
- Precise asymptotics for infinite dimensional Ito-Lyons maps of Brownian rough paths
- Precise Genome Engineering to Empower Drug Discovery
- Precise measurement of the fs/fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of B0s decay branching fractions
- Precise moment and tail estimates for Rademacher series in terms of weak parameters
- Precise predictions for jet vetoed cross sections at the LHC
- Precise QCD predictions for Higgs boson pair production
- Precision and exploration in assembling neural circuits
- Precision and exploration in assembling neural circuits
- Precision and Plasticity in Animal Transcription
- Precision B Physics in the LHC Era
- Precision big bang nucleosynthesis with improved Helium-4 predictions
- Precision calculations for high-pT
dark matter searches
- Precision Cancer Prevention: Trying to use Genomics to Save Lives
- Precision in EFT studies for top quark and Higgs physics
- Precision Medicine - Transforming Healthcare
- Precision Medicine With Zibotentan in Microvascular Angina (PRIZE)
- Precision metagenomic analysis in personalised medicine and birth cohort studies
- Precision metagenomic analysis in personalised medicine and birth cohort studies
- Precision Microbiome Science Enables Best in Class Therapeutics
- Precision of Disorders Detection
- Precision oncology: a philosophical perspective
- Precision physics and the LHC
- Precision Physics with Polarised W-bosons at the LHC
- Precision physics: the new LHC frontier
- Precision physics: the road to discoveries at the LHC
- Precision Seismology: From Source to Plate Boundary Scales
- Precision Under Pressure: The Growing Role of Formal Specifications in Shaping the Nuclear Industry's Future
- Precision-dissipation trade-off for driven stochastic systems
- Preclinical and Clinical Animal Models in Translational Orthopaedic Research
- Preclinical and Clinical Studies of Immunotherapy in Type 1 diabetes
- Preclinical and Clinical Studies of Immunotherapy in Type 1 diabetes
- Preclinical Development of Orally Inhaled Drug Products (OIDPs) - Are Animal Models Predictive Or Shall We Move Towards In Vitro Non-Animal Models? by Dr Dania Movia
- PRECOG: PREdiction Conditioned On Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings
- Preconditioned and accelerated Douglas-Rachford algorithms for the solution of variational imaging problems
- Preconditioned learning rates for continual learning
- Preconditioners for models of coupled magma/mantle dynamics
- Preconditioning the Helmholtz equation using rapidly oscillating functions
- Predation In The Cambrian
- Predatory Cooperation: Racial Capitalism and the Taxation of Cross-Border Transactions
- Predefined or Random? Investigating the site of daughter centriole formation on the mother centriole using live two-colour fluorescence microscopy.
- Predication and specification in the syntax of cleft sentences
- Predictability and Unpredictability in nutrient-cycling microbial ecosystems
- Predictability and unpredictability in the dynamics of nutrient-cycling microbial ecosystems
- Predictability of extreme events in dynamical systems: A case study of the Lorenz 84 model
- Predictability of midlatitude weather: Butterflies, error growth and AI models
- Predictable and Dependable Low-power Wireless Networks
- Predictably terminating computations
- Predicting 3D Volume and Depth from a Single View
- Predicting 3D Volume and Depth from a Single View
- Predicting an Adversarys Courses of Action from Sparse Observations
- Predicting and Analysing Online User Behaviour with Natural Language Processing
- Predicting and designing the self-assembly of colloidal particles: a computer game
- Predicting and exploiting mechanism within protein interaction networks
- Predicting antibiotic resistance evolution
- Predicting brake squeal? New results on dynamic friction
- Predicting Cerebrovascular Events with Carotid Imaging
- Predicting Cerebrovascular Events with Carotid Imaging
- Predicting chemical reactions in chaotic laminar flows
- Predicting Crystal Nucleation: A New Twist to an Old Story
- Predicting dental macroevolution from development: what happened to microevolution?
- Predicting extreme heat waves using rare event simulations and deep neural networks
- Predicting Faults in Heterogeneous, Federated Distributed Systems
- Predicting global dynamics of microbial communities from the molecular properties of cell-cell interactions
- Predicting health and wealth performance within cities using network models
- Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns
- Predicting in vivo metabolic vulnerabilities in Streptococcus suis using metabolic models
- Predicting Internal Shocks in Vibrating Structures
- Predicting Intra-Day Load Profiles under Time-Of-Use Tariffs Using Smart Meter Data
- Predicting Judicial Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights
- Predicting language outcome and recovery after stroke (PLORAS)
- Predicting Long Runout Landslides
- Predicting material properties with the help of machine learning
- Predicting microbial interactions
- Predicting Missing Transverse Energy Distributions at the LHC
- Predicting Mobile User Location through Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
- Predicting Molecular Properties: the Role of Data Visualisation and Feature Selection
- Predicting Mortality and Length of Stay with Patient Graph Representation Learning
- Predicting Nonlinear Vibration Response Under Combined Harmonic and Random Excitation
- Predicting outcome for psychotic disorders, using brain connectivity and transcribed speech data
- Predicting outcomes for patients with dementia requiring psychiatric inpatient care
- Predicting pain and pain modulation from fMRI activity
- Predicting progress in PECS use by children with autism
- Predicting protein condensation from sequence: new and widespread roles for condensates in physiology and disease
- Predicting protein-peptide and protein-chemical interactions using biological networks
- Predicting Psychology from Social Media Data
- Predicting recurrence of prostate cancer: a Bayesian approach
- Predicting Rich Linguistic Structure with Neural Networks
- Predicting Risk of Serious Mental Disorders Within Adolescent Psychiatry Services – Results From Nationwide Register-Based Studies
- Predicting RNA genes
- Predicting structure and dynamics in molecular crystals: towards computation-led characterisation and design of materials
- Predicting subglacial lake locations and meltwater drainage pathways in Antarctica, Greenland and North America
- Predicting surface structures from first principles
- Predicting Text Readability and Reading Comprehension from Reading Interactions
- Predicting the atomic structure of interfaces and extended defects using Ab Initio Random Structure Searching
- Predicting the effect of mutations on protein-protein interactions
- Predicting the Folding Behavior of Proteins with a Simple Statistical Model: from qualitative to quantitative descriptions
- Predicting the future: the role of the cerebellum and the basal ganglia
- Predicting the impact of agricultural management on fat deposition and grazing damage by white-fronted geese
- Predicting the interfacial properties of the perovskite oxide SrTiO3
- Predicting the Past: Filling in the Gaps of the Palaeontological Record
- Predicting the pleiotropic effects of circadian timing, from clock gene expression to biomass.
- Predicting the response distribution of friction-damped gas turbines
- Predicting the shock of complex systems
- Predicting thrusting sequences and in-situ stress states by optimization
- Predicting Transitions far from Equilibrium
- Predicting viral envelope escape using single genome amplification and sequencing.
- Predicting, resolutions and the topological representation of operators on Banach spaces C(K)
- Prediction and Flight Result of Deployment Dynamics of Spinning Solar
- Prediction and its application to mechanical properties
- Prediction and medicine
- Prediction and mitigation of railway induced vibration in the built environment
- Prediction error, causal learning and the delusional state
- Prediction of Bearing Skidding in Wind Turbine Gearboxes
- Prediction of drag for rough wall boundary layer flows
- Prediction of Mortality in Older People, and Individualized Healthspan-Promoting Interventions
- Prediction of NMR J-coupling in condensed matter
- Prediction of the free-surface elevation for rotational water waves using the recovery of pressure at the bed
- Prediction of the response of a tropospheric climate to weak perturbations
- Prediction Strategies without Loss
- Prediction, Predestination and the Limits of Perception: Inferno XX, Purgatorio XX, Paradiso XX
- Prediction-Led Discovery of Functional Molecular Organic Crystals
- Predictions from multiple-field inflation
- Predictive analytic modelling in clinical trials (patient recruitment, randomization and drug supply)
- Predictive and invertible models of sediment geochemistry from catchment to continental scales
- Predictive Coarse-Graining
- Predictive coding in the brain in health and disease - how intracranial EEG helps validate non-invasive in vivo methods
- Predictive control of mechatronic systems
- Predictive control of mechatronic systems
- Predictive Engineering of Cell Fate
- Predictive Interaction using the Delphian Desktop
- Predictive Manufacturing: Statistical Data mining for manufacturing data
- Predictive Modeling Approaches to Gene Regulation
- Predictive modeling of hydrogen assisted cracking – a Micromechanics conquest
- Predictive modelling of phase-separation: computer-guided engineering of protein condensation
- Predictive Models for Microarchitectural Adaptation
- Predictive models of bacterial response and the evolution of resistance to antibiotics
- Predictive models of plant cell division and expansion
- Predictive Multiscale Modeling for Decision Support in Design of Hierarchical Alloy Systems
- Predictive oscillations in speech perception
- Predictive Uncertainty in Deep Learning
- Predictive Uncertainty in Deep Learning
- Predictive vulnerability markers of compulsive cocaine self-administration assessed by neuroimaging across the lifespan
- Predictors of listening comprehension skills in bilingual children
- Preeclampsia and the risk of cardiovascular disease in later life
- Preeclampsia research and follow-up in Utrecht
- Preference Alignment, with Reference Mismatch, and without Reference Models
- Prefix and plain Kolmogorov complexity characterizations of 2-randomness: simple proofs
- Prefrontal contributions to dynamic cognitive control
- Prefrontal cortex and representation of task relevant information
- Prefrontal cortex and top-down control: ablation studies
- Prefrontal cortex and top-down control: ablation studies
- Prefrontal neuronal activities reflecting capacity constraints and emergent flexibility of cognition in varying-load working memory tasks
- Pregnancy and Childbirth: Discussing current academic research and clinical expertise to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
- Pregnancy centre stage, please: Contesting the erasure of pregnant bodies from workplace space
- Pregnancy testing and the 1930s controversy over the hormonal placenta
- Pregnancy testing before DIY: rethinking the patient-doctor-laboratory relationship
- Pregnancy, pathology and public morals: making antenatal care in early twentieth-century Edinburgh
- Preheating on curved field-space manifolds
- Prehistoric cannibalism: why such a fuss?
- Prehistoric Lakeshore Settlements of the Alpine Region and the Balkans Six Millennia of Human History Preserved in Lakes and Wetlands
- Prehistoric Land-Use History and Food Production in Early Agricultural Societies
- Prehistory of the Eastern European Plain
- Prehistory of the Upper Jordan River - the First Million Years
- Prehistory of the Upper Jordan River – the first Million Years
- Prehistory: Agriculture and the Societal Imaginary (Global Imaginaries through the Ages)
- Prejudice is Affect: Divorcing Prejudice from Propositional Representations?
- Preliminary assessment of wind climate fluctuations and use of dynamical systems theory for resource assessment
- Premelting phenomena and rock fracturing/Sector flow of viscous gravity currents
- Premembering Perception
- PREMIER: PRobabilistic Error-correction using Markov Inference in Errored Reads
- Prenatal Origins of Heart Disease: The Role of Hypoxia and Oxidative Stress
- Prenatal Testing, Women and Risk: discussion with Dr Ilana Lowy on her new book
- Preparation and Properties of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals
- Prepare Final Presentations
- Prepare Presentation
- Preparing for a life that’s not just code
- Preparing for doomsday: vulnerability and the contemporary history of genebanking, 1970–2008
- Preparing for Family Leave - Workshop
- Preparing for Family Leave Workshop
- Preparing for JWST with HST/COS spectroscopy of Pox 186: a local analogue of z > 6 galaxies
- Preparing for our futures: what do YOU think?
- Preparing for the Future - An Interactive Talk - The Call of Time Series
- Preparing for the next pandemic: a computationally designed, future-proofed pan-H5 haemagglutinin nanoparticle vaccine
- Preparing teachers for early learning in Sub Saharan African
- Preparing the soil of motivation and lifelong learning in education systems
- Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs
- Preparing topological states on a quantum computer
- Preparing Your Research for Publication
- Preprojective algebras and Calabi-Yau algebras
- Prequential Statistics
- Prequential Statistics
- Preregistration: When great ideas meet reality (can we avoid the hiccups?)
- Presbyterians, Congregationalists and the Struggle for Parish Reform, 1640–42
- Prescribing childlessness: advice on infertility before in-vitro fertilisation in Britain, 1950-1980
- Prescribing step counts in type 2 diabetes and hypertension:Results of the Step Monitoring to improve ARTERial health trial
- Present and Future Far Infrared Extragalactic Astronomy: Herschel and Beyond
- Present And Perspectives of 1d Carbon Atomic Wires
- Present Chemistry
- Present day anthropogenic climate forcings: The impact of including Earth System interactions
- Present status and future prospects for the Higgs boson
- Presentation and progression of memory deficits in Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Presentation by past PhD students on the experience of completing a PhD in Cambridge
- Presentation invariants of groups
- Presentation invariants of groups
- Presentation of Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics
- Presentation of Challenges
- Presentation of Challenges and Questions
- Presentation of Challenges and Questions
- Presentation of simple groups of Ree type
- Presentation of Thesis Projects
- Presentation on "Ararat"
- Presentation on "Everything is Illuminated"
- Presentation on "Everything is Illuminated"
- Presentation on "Okraina"
- Presentation on "Svolochi" / "Bastards"
- Presentation on "The Danube Exodus"
- Presentation on "The Lives of Others"
- Presentation on 'Reverse' by Dr. Matilda Mroz - Europe East and West: Film, History and Mourning Seminar
- Presentation Practice
- Presentation skills
- Presentation: Challenge 1 - Statistical Framework for Utilisation of Modelled Data for Tropical Cyclones
- Presentation: Challenge 2 - Identification of Coherent Weather Features in Three Dimensions
- Presentation: Challenge 2. Modelling Sewer Networks
- Presentation: Challenge 3 - Validating Convective-Scale Rainfall Forecasts and Estimating their Uncertainty
- Presentation: Challenge 3. Estimating Flood Probability Using Historical Data
- Presentation: Challenge 4. Making Decisions Using Uncertain Forecasts
- Presentation: Challenge 5. Understanding Rainfall Patterns
- Presentation: Challenge 6 - Dealing with Spatial Rainfall Distribution in Flood Forecasts
- Presentations by candidates for the Departmental Communications Manager position - Day 1
- Presentations by candidates for the Departmental Communications Manager position - Day 2
- Presentations for Brin’s higher-dimensional Thompson groups nV
- Presentations of Challenges
- Presentations of Challenges continued
- Presentations of finite groups and cohomology
- Presentations of part II projects
- Presentations on breakouts
- Presentations on breakouts
- Presentations on Challenges
- Presentations on Progress
- Presentations on Work in Progress in Screen Media
- Presenting a list of free, large-scale psychological datasets: research and teaching opportunities and examples about pro-environmental behaviour
- Presenting Hawk-Eye’s Skeletrack: Our machine learning approach to building a real time skeletal tracking system for sports, and how we're using it to shape the future of fan engagement
- Presenting the History of Science & Technology
- Preservation of Burgess-Shale-type fossils: implications for early animal evolution
- Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer
- Preservation of very old climate records in ice cores from Allan Hills, Antarctica
- Preservation under Substructures modulo Bounded Cores
- Preserve the old, but know the new
- Preserving a Violent Past: Politics and the Transmission of the Saga of Icelanders
- Preserving and restoring gut barrier function
- Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age: From Specialist Access to Widespread Public Use
- Preserving food naturally - A talk by Meg Clarke and Jacky Sutton-Adam
- Preserving quantum coherence of spins in the presence of noises
- Preserving scientific heritage: collaborating with scientists
- Preserving the forgotten: Fox Talbot’s interest in the antique – and what it has to do with photography
- Preserving What Was Lost: Endangered Languages of Yazd’s Religious Minorities Zoroastrians and Jews and Their Vernacular Heritage
- Presheaf models of type theory
- Presheaves and free cocompletion
- Presheaves and free cocompletion (part 2)
- Presheaves seen as freely added colimits: an algorithmic approach
- Presidential Address and AGM
- Presidential Address on “Garden ecology”, and AGM
- Presidential Address, and Annual General Meeting
- Press and curl: Imitating or embracing fashion
- Press Seminar: In the Name of the People
- Pressing Concerns: Urartian Wine Production Equipment
- Pressing FIRE on the most powerful laser in the world
- Pressing FIRE on the most powerful laser in the world
- Pressing On: New Trends in African Publishing (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Pressure and forces in active matter
- Pressure and singularities
- Pressure Regularity for Weak Solutions of the Euler Equations in the Presence of Boundaries
- Pressure ridges and their role in the Arctic Ocean energy budget
- Pressure, Rate, and Temperature Effects on Mechanical Properties in Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
- Pressure-driven occlusive flow of a confined red blood cell
- Pressure-driven turbulent puff in a pipe
- Pressure-induced metallisation / superconductivity of hydrogen-dominant materials
- Pressure-induced structural transformations in nanomaterials: a linear-scaling DFT investigation
- Pressure-sensitive paint and miniature cameras: A glimpse into commercial wind tunnel testing
- Pressures produced when penguins pooh
- Prestellar cores in the ALMA era
- Prestige Lecture: The Dependability of Complex Socio-technical Systems
- Prestressing in Coventry Cathedral
- Presuppositions vs. implicatures: what reaction times really tell us
- Pretence and creativity during childhood and beyond
- Pretending to be a computer
- Preterite/periphrasis interchange in Old English
- Preterm infants build different brains
- Pretzel knots with unknotting number one
- Prevalence of Meningococcal Carriage by Age in the African Meningitis Belt
- Prevelance of and Association between Obesity and Vitamin D
- Preventative Maintenance for Aged Short-Span Steel Railway Bridges in Japan
- Preventing Alzheimer’s disease: prospects and challenges
- Preventing deaths from cervical cancer in Uganda: cultural perspectives
- Preventing Fairness Gerrymandering: Auditing and Learning for Subgroup Fairness
- Preventing memory error exploits with WIT
- Preventing Poor Children Becoming Poor Adults
- Preventing the next pandemic
- Preventing Violent Attacks on Education in Afghanistan: Considering the Role of Community-Based Schools
- Prevention is Better than Cure: closing lecture by the Vice Chancellor
- Prevention Not Cure: A “focussed deterrence” policing approach to stop serious and organised crime from happening
- Prevention of cancer
- Prevention of immune pathology by specialized regulatory cell subsets
- Prevention of mental illness in the adolescent years
- Prevention of Playing Related Injuries in a Specialist Music School: Using Action Research to Change Policy and Practice
- Price dynamics in limit order markets: a multi-scale stochastic model and its hydrodynamic limit
- Price Mechanisms for Distributed Control Synthesis
- Price's law on nonstationary spacetimes
- Prices of peers: identifying endogenous price effects between real assets
- Pricing, Competition, and Routing in Relay Networks
- Prikry type sequences: a composition of interconnected results
- Primary accretion of large planetesimals from chondrule size particles
- Primary Care Unit Away Day for Unit members
- Primary insulin signalling disorders – molecular insights and physiological conundrums
- Primary liver tumor organoids: a new pre-clinical model for drug sensitivity analysis
- Primary liver tumor organoids: a new pre-clinical model for drug sensitivity analysis
- Primary M.Ed. January Conference Keynote Lecture
- Primary Mathematics Leaders' Day
- Primary Mathematics Teachers: Working with the new curriculum
- Primate brain evolution: brain size, neural systems and behaviour
- Primate responses to death: insights into death awareness
- Primate stone tool use for paleoanthropologists
- Primate tourism: opportunities and challenges
- Prime divisors and the number of conjugacy classes of finite groups
- Prime graphs, simple groups and Goldbach's conjecture.
- Prime ideals in Iwasawa algebras
- Prime Jewellery
- Prime number models, large gaps, prime k-tuples and the square-root sieve
- Prime numbers and patterns of zeros of the Riemann Zeta function
- Primes with pre-assigned digits
- Primes, Polynomials and Random Matrices
- Priming the Immune System to Provoke Checkpoints: The Path to Maintaining the Immunotherapy Momentum
- Priming: fine-tuning of plant innate immunity
- Primo Levi’s Lesson: a Bridge between Chemistry and Literature
- Primordial and secondary non-Gaussianity in the CMB
- Primordial Black Holes - Positivist Perspective and Quantum Quiddity
- Primordial black holes and stochastic inflation beyond slow roll
- Primordial black holes in the dark ages
- Primordial black holes in the dark matter halo of our Galaxy
- Primordial Deuterium and the Cosmic Density of Baryons
- Primordial Magnetism in CMB B-modes
- Primordial non-Gaussianities and Quasi-Single Field Inflation
- Primordial non-Gaussianities from inflationary models : what, why and how?
- Primordial non-Gaussianities from string theory: multifield inflation with non-standard actions
- Primordial Non-Gaussianity and New Physics on the Horizon
- Primordial non-Gaussianity from inflation
- Primordial Planetesimals of the Solar System
- Primordial Star Formation
- Princely education in India in the age of colonialism: the education of Maharaja Sayaji Rao III of Baroda, 1875-81
- Principal bundles - I
- Principal bundles - II
- Principal Component Analysis
- Principal component analysis for learning tree tensor networks
- Principal component analysis for learning tree tensor networks
- Principal components analysis in tree space
- Principal components analysis in tree space
- Principal investigators, do you know how to fulfil your health and safety responsibilities.
- Principal Investigators, do you know how to fulfil your health and safety responsibilities?
- Principal Nested Shape Space Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Data
- Principal series types for p-adic general linear groups
- Principal series types for p-adic general linear groups
- Principals as Literacy Leaders in Primary and Secondary School Contexts
- Principia and the air-pump: the social and political roots of Newton's science
- Principia Mathematica anniversary symposium
- Principle of galois theory.
- Principled Hybrids of Generative and Discriminative Models
- Principles and applications of refinement types
- Principles and classification of protein structure
- Principles and Techniques of Automatic Differentiation
- Principles for a Better World: "Consultation: A consensus-based approach to decision-making"
- Principles for a Better World: "Could there be a spiritual solution to our economic problems?"
- Principles for a Better World: "Spiritual education: Is there more to learning than what schools teach us?"
- Principles for a Better World: "Universal peace: Unachievable or inevitable?"
- Principles for Response-Adaptive Randomization
- Principles of biochemical computations at criticality
- Principles of Functional Craniology in Paleoneurology and Evolutionary Neuroanatomy
- Principles of Humanoid Locomotion Control
- Principles of intensive human neuroimaging
- Principles of learning in distributed neural networks
- Principles of Loop Quantum Gravity
- Principles of lossless adjustable one-ports
- Principles of Protein Structural Ensembles Determination
- Principles of Protein Structural Ensembles Determination
- Principles of skin regeneration, repair and cancer by live imaging
- Principles of triple oxygen isotope geochemistry
- Principles, pluralism and 'moral experts': reassessing the history of bioethics
- Print Culture, Poetry and Social Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Sri Lanka
- Print Journalism and the Digital Word
- Print Media in the Colonial World
- Printable Electronics And Heterogeneous System Integration For Intelligent Paper And Package Applications
- Printed And Flexible Electronics: The Pathway To The Internet Of Everything
- Printed and Plastic Electronics
- Printed circuits: ink-jet printing and its applications in organic electronics
- Printed Circuits: Ink-Jet Printing and its Applications in Organic Electronics
- Printed electronics - from lab to pilot
- Printed Electronics Devices
- Printed illustration and error in early modern England
- Printed Mesh Materials with Locally Tailored Elasticity for Compliant Wearable and Implantable Devices
- Printing micro/nano fibres: from the shape to functions
- Printing the craft beer revolution - Tonejet
- Printing, Ink Systems And Processes
- Printing, publishing and circulating books across Joseph Banks's empire
- Prion propagation and its wider relevance in neurodegeneration
- Prion propagation and neurotoxicity
- Prion Protein Biophysics Through the Lens of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation: A Tale of an Intrinsically Disordered Tail
- Prion-mediated control of fungal phenotypes
- Prions Hi-jack TNTs for Intercellular transfer
- Prior knowledge, expectations and the perception of speech
- Prior Probability and the Presumption of Innocence
- Prioritising Diversity in School Choice
- Prioritization of mutations in coding and noncoding regions of the human genome using machine learning approaches
- Prison and Its Alternatives
- Prisoners of the State
- Privacy and HCISec: Notes From The Front
- Privacy and Identity - System Engineering and the Database State
- Privacy and Integrity of Remote Storage and Computation
- Privacy and Tabloid Journalism in the UK: A shifting landscape
- Privacy for Bayesian modelling
- Privacy Implications of Public Listings on Social Networks
- Privacy in Advertising: Not all Adware is Badware
- Privacy in Advertising: Not all Adware is Badware
- Privacy in Deniable Anonymous Concurrent Authentication with Setup is Impossible: Do we Care?
- Privacy in mobility measurements
- Privacy preserving censorship
- Privacy preserving data mining in distributed databases
- Privacy Preserving Interactive Record Linkage (PPIRL)
- Privacy Preserving Machine Learning: A Human Imperative?
- Privacy Preserving Machine Learning: A Human Imperative?
- Privacy Preserving Probabilistic Record Linkage
- Privacy preserving smart-metering
- Privacy Properties of Discrete Diffusion Models
- Privacy Properties of Discrete Diffusion Models
- Privacy Risks and Solutions in Financial Services and Telco
- Privacy Trading in the Apps and IoT Age: Markets and Computation
- Privacy with Synthetic Data: Applications and Developments
- Privacy with Synthetic Data: Applications and Developments
- Privacy, public interest and the future of healthcare research
- Privacy-Preserving 802.11 Access-Point Discovery
- Privacy-preserving datagram delivery for ubiquitous systems
- Privacy/Proxy/Perfidy – what criminals (and others) put in domain whois
- Private contributions and the regional scope of public good provision: How donation experiments can inform public policy
- Private Data Analysis over Large Populations
- Private evening tour of Cambridge University Botanic Garden
- Private evening tour of Cambridge University Botanic Garden
- Private evening tour of Cambridge University Botanic Garden - FULLY BOOKED
- Private evening tour of Cambridge University Botanic Garden - NOW FULLY BOOKED
- Private Renting Amongst Young Families in England and Wales, 2001-2011
- Private science and public morals: the diary of a late-Victorian teratologist
- Private Statistics and Their Applications to Distributed Learning: Tools and Challenges
- Privatisation of the NHS
- Prize Award and Close
- Prize lecture: What do we Think we are Doing?
- Pro Bono Publico: James Ashley, Punch, and the Alcoholic Drinks Trade in Eighteenth-Century London
- Pro-active Knowledge Discovery
- Pro-Diluvian: Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery in Information-Centric Networking
- Proactive Fraud Management over Financial Data Streams
- Proactive Resilience Revisited: Resisting Intrusions means more than Byzantine Fault Tolerance
- Prob Numerics 5 ch 11-13
- Probabalistic Inference for solving (PO)MDPs
- Probabilistic actual causation
- Probabilistic Amplitude and Frequency Demodulation
- Probabilistic and Deep Models for 3D Reconstruction
- Probabilistic and dynamical aspects of Hamiltonian PDEs
- Probabilistic and Statistical Tools 1
- Probabilistic and Statistical Tools 2
- Probabilistic anonymisation of microdatasets and models for analysis
- Probabilistic approaches to understanding bird conversations
- Probabilistic aspects of multi-element systems failure
- Probabilistic aspects of spacelike singularities in General Relativity
- Probabilistic assessment of low frequency floors due to human locomotion
- Probabilistic automated alloy development
- Probabilistic Calibration of Personalised Heart Models from Sparse and Noisy Measurements
- Probabilistic causal network modelling of Southern Hemisphere eddy-driven jet long-range predictability in spring-to-summer
- Probabilistic computing applications: BayesDB and stochastic digital circuits
- Probabilistic computing for Bayesian inference
- Probabilistic computing: computation as universal stochastic inference, not deterministic calculation
- Probabilistic definition of the perturbative theoretical uncertainty from missing higher orders
- Probabilistic derivation of the linear Boltzmann equation
- Probabilistic detection and tracking of icebergs in the Amundsen Sea Embayment from synthetic aperture radar
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
- Probabilistic ergative case in the languages of Manang (Nepal)
- Probabilistic Euler Scheme for Fractional Conservational Laws
- Probabilistic Expert Systems for Handling Artifacts in Complex DNA Mixtures
- Probabilistic Expert Systems for Handling Artifacts in Complex DNA Mixtures
- Probabilistic feature tracking with non-probabilistic techniques
- Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics and Its Implications on Ice
- Probabilistic global well-posedness of the energy-critical defocusing nonlinear wave equation bellow the energy space
- Probabilistic Graph Models for Debugging Software
- Probabilistic Graphical Models in Microsoft's Online Services: TrueSkill, AdPredictor, and Matchbox
- Probabilistic graphical models in the assessment of socio-economic and environmental impacts of community deployed energy interventions
- Probabilistic inference in Physics illustrated with a toy model
- Probabilistic Interpolation of Uncertain Local Activation Times
- Probabilistic Interpolation of Uncertain Local Activation Times
- Probabilistic languages for inference
- Probabilistic Latent Tensor Factorisation
- Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (with Applications)
- Probabilistic Line Searches for Stochastic Optimisation.
- Probabilistic machine learning as an algorithmic interface to weather model and environmental data
- Probabilistic Machine Learning for East US Storm Surges
- Probabilistic machine learning for knowledge extraction from videos and text
- Probabilistic machine learning methods for uncertainty quantification and decision-making
- Probabilistic machine learning: foundations and frontiers
- Probabilistic matrix factorization for reconstruction of missing data
- Probabilistic Matrix Factorization/Deep Belief Nets
- Probabilistic methods for biomolecular structure simulations
- Probabilistic methods for interpreting electronic ink
- Probabilistic Methods in Cancer Biology
- Probabilistic model checking at the nanoscale: from molecular signalling to molecular walkers
- Probabilistic model for cancer immunoediting
- Probabilistic modeling for position and orientation estimation using inertial sensors
- Probabilistic modelling of time-frequency representations with application to music signals
- Probabilistic models for time-series with different underlying dynamics regimes with application to robot imitation learning
- Probabilistic models of human sensorimotor control
- Probabilistic Numerical Computation: A New Concept?
- Probabilistic Numerics
- Probabilistic Numerics - a snapshot of an emerging community
- Probabilistic Numerics Reading group 2
- Probabilistic numerics: treating numerical computation as learning, or; it's Bayes all the way down
- Probabilistic Programming and Probabilistic Databases for Large-scale Knowledge-base Construction
- Probabilistic programming for experimental design
- Probabilistic Programming; Ways Forward
- Probabilistic programs and the computability and complexity of Bayesian reasoning
- Probabilistic Record Linkage and Deduplication after Indexing, Blocking, and Filtering
- Probabilistic refinement of cellular pathway models.
- Probabilistic Reliability Management for Electric Power Systems Operation
- Probabilistic representation for the solutions of generalized fractional equations and generalized operator-valued Mittag-Leffler functions
- Probabilistic representation of a generalised porous media type equation: non-degenerate and degenerate cases
- Probabilistic representation of quantum correlation
- Probabilistic sensitivity using Fisher information and its symplectic eigenvalue decomposition
- Probabilistic synapses
- Probabilistic Techniques in Mathematical Phylogenetics
- Probabilistic theories with purification
- Probabilistic Typology
- Probabilistic User Interface Design Strategies for Mixed Reality Applications
- Probabilistic weather forecasting: scientific research and commercial application
- Probabilities, Complexities and Game Semantics
- Probability and Prejudice: Bridging the Gap Between Machine Learning and Programming Languages
- Probability and Prejudice: Bridging the Gap Between Machine Learning and Programming Languages
- Probability Estimation over Large Alphabets
- Probability paradigms in Uncertainty Quantification
- Probability through Problems: new resources for schools - launch event
- Probability, Why and How
- Probabilizing Parking Functions
- Probablistic methods I
- Probablistic methods II
- Probably intersecting families
- Probate records as a source of occupational information
- Probing and Rescuing Dysfunctional Brain Circuits in Depression
- Probing Bio-Molecular Reaction and Motion
- Probing charge carriers in carbon materials with optical pulses
- Probing charge carriers in carbon materials with optical pulses
- Probing Chemistry at the Ångström-Scale via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
- Probing convection and magnetic dynamos deep within stars
- Probing Cosmic Dawn with the first galaxies
- Probing Cosmic Dawn with the most distant galaxies
- Probing CP Violation with Kinematic Reconstruction at the LHC
- Probing CP violation with neutrinos: the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and much more
- Probing dark energy with colliders
- Probing dark matter and the expansion history of the Universe with Lyman-alpha in absorption
- Probing dark matter and the expansion history of the Universe with Lyman-alpha in absorption
- Probing density-stratified turbulence and mixing using simultaneous volumetric Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)
- Probing dynamic assembly and conformational changes of GPCR signalling complexes using bioluminescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer approaches.
- Probing Electronic Excitations In Graphene By Raman spectroscopy
- Probing Exoplanet Atmospheres: Challenges with Observations and Data Analysis
- Probing galactic growth through the study of Low Surface Brightness tidal features
- Probing gene control at the molecular stage
- Probing higher spin black holes
- Probing human brain evolution in a dish
- Probing Into the Crust Through eastern Scotland: Seismological constraints on the Highland Boundary Fault
- Probing intracellular physicochemical environments at the nanoscale, one molecule at a time
- Probing ISM Physics at High-Redshift with Simulations and Local Analogues
- Probing lateral variations in Earth’s mantle viscosity across timescales
- Probing Li:ion batteries with fibre-optic Raman spectroscopy to support transport electrification
- Probing liquid crystal elastomers with light
- Probing Magnetocaloric Effect in Magnetic Topological Insulator
- Probing many-body physics with cold atoms: The Higgs boson and quantum hexatic order.
- Probing matter waves with a dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensate: new experiments with an atom laser
- Probing mechanisms of neutrinoless double beta decay at the LHC
- Probing micro-mechanical deformation behaviour with high resolution electron backscatter diffraction.
- Probing microstructure in pharmaceutical solids using terahertz radiation
- Probing mitotic spindle defects that arise in cells lacking the spindle checkpoint kinase TAO1
- Probing molecular excitons with ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy
- Probing molecular interactions in mineralised tissues
- Probing morphology, electronic structure, and triplet routes: the case for time-resolved EPR in organic electronics
- Probing myosin dynamics
- Probing Nanostructures and Optoelectronic Properties of BHJ Solar Cells by conductive AFM
- Probing nanostructures and optoelectronic properties of plastic solar cells by scanning probe microscopy
- Probing neutron stars
- Probing New Physics & the Standard Model with Neutrinos
- Probing Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Energy Materials with Extreme Spatio-Temporal Resolution
- Probing non-minimal Dark Matter and neutrino properties with forthcoming Large Scale Structure surveys
- Probing Nuclear Superfluidity With Neutron Stars
- Probing Palaeoproxy Prudence: Insights from Synchrotrons.
- Probing physics beyond the Standard Model with neutrinos
- Probing Planetary Formation at the Angular Resolution Frontier
- Probing Primary Photoinduced Events In Biomolecules With Tunable Few-Optical-Cycle Light Pulses
- Probing Primordial Non-Gaussianity with the Topology of CMB and Large-Scale Structure
- Probing protein-ligand recognition mechanisms with isothermal titration calorimetry
- Probing proteome foldedness and conformational changes under proteostasis stresses
- Probing Quantum Speedup in D-Wave Two
- Probing Quantum Transport in CVD Graphene (SP Workshop)
- Probing reionization with radiative transfer simulations
- Probing reionization with the Lyman-alpha forest and the CMB
- Probing Soft Structures
- Probing strongly coupled gauge theories with AdS/CFT: The violation of the shear viscosity to entropy bound
- Probing Structure and Mechanics: from Nanoscopic Virus Squeezers up to Cell/System-Sized Beds of Nails
- Probing surface structure and interactions of ionic liquids
- Probing the astrophysics and particle physics of WIMPs with direct detection experiments
- Probing the basis of neuronal branching
- Probing the Cosmic Information in Early and Late Universe Physics
- Probing the coupling between holes and nuclear spins in GaAs using a Landau level diode
- Probing the Dark Sector of the Vacuum Using Cavities, Atoms and Lasers
- Probing the Dark Side of the Universe with Gravitational Waves
- Probing the dark universe with CMB lensing
- Probing the dark Universe with DES and beyond
- Probing the dynamics of chronic disease using stable isotopes and mass spectrometry
- Probing the dynamics of gravity with gravitational wave detections
- Probing the early evolution of stellar and planetary systems
- Probing the Early Universe with Axion Physics
- Probing the Early Universe with Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- Probing the Early Universe with Spider: a CMB Polarimeter
- Probing the early Universe with the oldest stars in the Milky Way
- Probing the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes using microscopy
- Probing the electroweak phase transition at the LHC (and beyond)
- Probing the emergence of structure during the Epoch of Reionization with Lyman-alpha emitters
- Probing the epoch of galaxy assembly with MUSE
- Probing the Epoch of Reionization with Lyman Alpha Emitting Galaxies
- Probing the HB/FP area for the CMSSM with Yukawa Quasi-Unification conditions
- Probing the High Redshift Universe with Inter-Stellar Scintillation at 5 GHz
- Probing the Inflationary Field Content with Primordial Gravitational Waves and more
- Probing the Innermost Dusty Accretion in AGN Tori with Infrared Interferometry
- Probing the intergalactic medium and dark matter with the Lyman-alpha forest
- Probing the internal structure of polymer brushes
- Probing the JmjC domain-containing histone demethylase family
- Probing the limits of gate-based charge sensing
- Probing the M Dwarf Cosmic Shoreline with JWST
- Probing the mass assembly of galaxies with ultra-deep imaging
- Probing the mechanical properties of surfaces, polymer layers and cells with an atomic force microscope
- Probing the mechanics of growth of a bacterial microcolony
- Probing the mechanisms of learning and memory at the single-neuron level in humans
- Probing the Metal Content and Star-Formation Efficiency of Neutral Gas at High Redshifts
- Probing the metallicity and ionization state of the circumgalactic medium at z~6 and beyond
- Probing the molecular and cellular basis of developmental morphogenesis
- Probing the molecular and cellular basis of developmental morphogenesis
- Probing the nano-structure of polymer-fullerene blends
- Probing the Nature of Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Ketones Catalyzed by Transitional Metal Bifunctional Catalysts
- Probing the nature of cosmic acceleration with galaxy redshift distortions
- Probing the neural processes that underlie biased perceptual decisions by humans and monkeys
- Probing the neutrino mass: latest results from KATRIN
- Probing the Origin of Black Hole Binary Mergers with Gravitational Wave Modulations
- Probing the Physics of Inflation
- Probing the Polar Oceans
- Probing the Post to Early Stage of Cosmic Reionization using JWST and Subaru
- Probing the Procrastinating Brain
- Probing the production and escape of ionizing photons in the epoch of reionization with JWST
- Probing the Properties of Soft Matter by Optimally Designed Nonequilibrium Experiments
- Probing the Quantum Coherent Behaviour of Gravity
- Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma - recent results from ALICE at the LHC
- Probing the rate limitation of a cancer driver mutation
- Probing the Reionization Epoch with High Redshift Galaxies
- Probing the structure of organic-inorganic biocomposites
- Probing the temporal power-law characteristics of the global atmospheric circulation
- Probing the thermal state of the intergalactic medium at z > 5 with the transmission spikes in high-resolution Lyα forest spectra
- Probing the Unfolded Protein Response with small molecules
- Probing thin liquid films at the nanometer scale
- Probing transition zone seismic discontinuities: composition/mixing stratification near the stagnant slab
- Probing Visual System Organization after Injury with fMRI
- Probing Young Stars at high resolution : disks, outflows and binaries
- Problem 1: Lipid Raft Formation
- Problem 2: Extraction of Sugar from Shredded Cane
- Problem 3: Mathematical Modelling of Blenders and Food Processors – How to Make the Perfect Smoothie
- Problem 4: Assessing Different Extraction Methods for Pectin from Fruit Waste: A Sustainable Approach
- Problem 5: Transport Optimisation in the Steel Industry
- Problem gambling, near-misses, and the brain reward system
- Problematic Politics: is the notion of human rights imperialistic?
- Problematising 'Design Thinking'
- Problematising Space: Caring for People
- Problematizing The Ebola Virus Disease in the Mano River Basin: Sierra Leone Health Infrastructure on the Eve of Ebola
- Problems and surprises in geometric mechanics
- Problems for the Clairvoyant Demon
- Problems in Cryptographic Standards and Implementations
- Problems in Very Viscous Convection
- Problems of Convergence in Infinite Dimensions
- Problems related to defects in nematic liquid crystals
- Problems with (our) galaxy formation simulations and some new angles
- Problems with Combining Models in Absence of Uncertainty Quantification
- Problems with formative and summative assessment: can a theory of pedagogy help?
- Problems with large scale primordial magnetic fields
- Problems with phonemes
- Problems, solutions, and their co-evolution in design and elsewhere
- Process control and supply chain optimisation
- Process control and supply chain optimisation
- Process Design in Healthcare: Two Case Studies
- Process Drama as Creative Pedagogy - A Workshop in Imagination
- Process Engineering seminar: Solar to Chemical Energy Conversion, Professor Joel Ager
- Process Envelopes for and Biodegradation within Stabilised/Solidified Contaminated Soil
- Process Envelopes for and Biodegradation within Stabilised/Solidified Contaminated Soils
- Process intensification technologies at ExxonMobil: Reverse-Flow Reforming, and On-Board Fuel Separation
- Process isolation for cloud computing using commodity operating systems
- Process or cultural relativism in prehistory?
- Process Systems Engineering from an industrial and academic perspective
- Process, Pragmatism and Critical Realism
- Process-based Modelling of Socio-ecological Systems
- Processes affecting climate model projections of stratospheric water vapour
- Processes controlling the flux of Circumpolar Deep Water onto Antarctic Shelves.
- Processes involved in remembering future intentions: Automatic or controlled?
- Processes Theme Journal Club
- Processes Theme Journal Club
- Processing and Characterization of SiC MEMS, Nanowires and Graphene
- Processing and Electron Probing One Dimensional Nanostructures
- Processing and Storage Within Neurons
- Processing Geographic Language
- Processing lexical complexity in Polish
- Processing Multi-Constituent Units during Reading: Non-alphabetic languages, word segmentation, and serialism and parallelism in oculomotor control
- Processing of Gd-Ba-Cu-O single grain superconductors for high field applications
- Processing of ices in protoplanetary disks: why chemistry matters when making planets
- Processing quantum information with relativistic motion of atoms
- Processing textures in the spectral total-variation domain
- Processing the Transcriptome and Epitranscriptome: Message Ends
- Processors for the Data Center and Cloud of the Future
- Procollagen quality control at ER exit sites
- Procrustes Analysis of Covariance Operators and Optimal Transport of Gaussian Processes
- Procrustes Analysis of Covariance Operators and Optimal Transport of Gaussian Processes
- Procrustes methods for projective shape
- Procrustes methods for projective shape
- Procrustes methods for projective shape
- Proctor's Mars: new astronomy and new journalism in Britain in the 1870s and 1880s
- Producing a nudged version of the UKCA
- Producing bounds on turbulence
- Producing carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from natural gas: can fossil fuels assist the energy transition?
- Producing Islamic Reform: Media Practices and the Construction of Religious Authority in Niger
- Producing Smart Pareto Sets for Multi-Objective Topology Optimisation Problems
- Product decompositions of finite simple groups
- Product Design, Liability, and Insecurity Engineering
- Product forms in Neural Networks, G-Networks and Chemical Systems
- Product Intelligence in Intermodal Transportation: The Dynamic Routing Problem
- Product Intelligence: Theory and Practice
- Product Management in small technology companies
- Product mixing and product-free sets in the alternating group
- Product realization: Scaling a prototype to a million devices
- Product structures in Floer homology
- Product-mixing in compact Lie groups
- Production and Consumption in Early Modern Berkshire, 1650-1750
- Production and maintenance of the trypanosome cell surface coat
- Production and processing of tense morphology in English successive bilingual children
- Production and Trade of Olive Oil during the Roman Period
- Production of functional molecules from waste terpenes with the aid of data-driven statistical methods
- Production of hydrogen from coal
- Production of microcapsules using microfluidics for self-healing in construction materials.
- Production Process Group Seminar - "Design of a laser system for high power spatial phase modulation"
- Production Processes Group - “Control System for Ultra Precision Processing”
- Production Processes Group - "Evidence of print gap airflow affecting web printing quality"
- Production Processes Group - "Trying to predict an instability: implementing filament breakup theory"
- Production Processes Group - “Precision Glass Microstructure Fabrication Using Ultrafast Laser Induced Chemical Etching”
- Production Processes Group Seminar
- Production Processes Group Seminar
- Production Processes Group Seminar
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Advanced water filtration platforms based on hierarchically structured carbon nanotubes."
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "10 years of inkjet"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "A Pathway from Research to Manufacturing"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Acoustic damping in steel"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Advances in understanding inkjet fluids and jetting"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "An introduction to the Oyen Lab and the challenges of gel metrology"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Application of photonics in ultra precision manufacturing"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Battery recycling and sustainability"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Better Understanding of a Carbon Nanotube Furnace Through Chemical Analysis"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Carbon Footprint in the Cement Industry: Performance Variation and its Causes"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Carbon nanotube bundles as vertical and horizontal interconnections in microelectronics"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Continuous manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and opportunities for inkjet printing"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Design and Synthesis of 3D Carbon Nanotube Microparticles for the Organized Assembly of High Performance Materials"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Development of a nano-Newton impulse balance
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Drop Impact on to Moving Liquid Pools "
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Evanescent Field Optical Tweezing for Synchrotron X-Ray Crystallography"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Femtosecond laser processing graphene"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Generation of biocompatible and stable microparticles from the breakup of high viscosity alginate jets"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Investigating current problems in InkJet."
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Jetting behaviours (or phenomena) found (or observed) in aqueous inkjet systems."
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Leonardo da Vinci's studies of friction."
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Mechanochemistry of biological and synthetic polymers"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Microscale liquid engineering - New surfaces by droplet control and capture."
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "Modelling and simulation of mechanochemistry in fluid flows."
- Production Processes Group Seminar - "NanoManufacturing @ IfM"
- Production Processes Group Seminar - 'Advanced nanostructures for Li ion Batteries.
- Production Processes Group Seminar - 'Manufacturing at twice the speed: limits to DoD inkjet printing'
- Production Processes Group Seminar - 'Re-thinking biosensors for resource-limited settings'
- Production Processes Group Seminar - 'Sustainable wind energy systems'
- Production Processes Group Seminar - Laser assisted plasma processing
- Production Processes Group Seminar - Photonic sorting of aligned crystalline carbon nanotube textiles.
- Production Processes Group Seminar - Printed smart plastic system
- Production Processes Group Seminar - Project BiognostiX: Inkjet printing biosensors and microfluidic controls
- Production Processes Group Seminar - The cement industry and its carbon footprint
- Production Processes Group Seminar - The use of ultrafast laser annealing to drive the removal of ion beam implanted gallium
- Production Processes Group Seminar - Will offshore wind become economic?
- Production Processes Seminar - "Continuous manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and opportunities for inkjet printing"
- Production Processes Seminar - 'Control of Residual Stress and Failure Mechanisms for cold spray (CS) and laser assisted cold spray (LCS)''
- Production Processes Seminar - 'Multiple beam powder bed fusion additive manufacture'
- Production Workshop
- Productive parallel programming with Unified Parallel C
- Productivity and dissolved oxygen controls on the Southern Ocean deep-sea benthos during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
- Products of conception and the order of nature in Danish natural philosophy and medicine, c.1650-1800
- Products of conjugacy classes in finite groups
- Products of K-moduli spaces
- Prof Andrew Lever - Getting Intimate With HIV
- Prof Bas Teusink - Title To Be Confirmed
- Prof Charlotte Deane - Computationally designing therapeutic antibodies - building from the natural immune repertoire
- Prof Chris Rapley (UCL): Polar Climates
- Prof Daniele Leonori talk (Title TBC)
- Prof David Dunne: From Art School to Worms
- Prof David Spiegelhalter in conversation with Prof Baruch Fischhoff
- Prof Gabriel Waksman - Structural and molecular biology of bacterial Type IV Secretion Systems
- Prof Gareth Jones on Leading Clever People
- Prof Gloria Rudenko - How does the African trypanosome generate phenomenal levels of VSG coat expression?
- Prof Harold Ellis - 61 Years In The NHS: An Old Surgeon Looks Back
- Prof Huw Davies talk 1st November 2022
- Prof Kate Jones (UCL): Biodiversity & Conservation
- Prof Kate Jones (UCL): Biodiversity & Conservation
- Prof Kevin Warwick - Cyborg Experiments
- Prof Murray Shanahan: Artificial Intelligence
- Prof Nicola Clayton - Do Animals Make Shopping Lists?
- Prof Norman Davies: Beneath Another Sky: A Global Journey Into History
- Prof Paul Sternberg - LINKIN, a novel adhesion protein, is necessary for collective cell migration
- Prof Peter Davidson: Reflections on the Geodynamo
- Prof Rebecca Fitzgerald: Charting the life history of oesophageal adenocarcinoma and application to earlier diagnosis
- Prof Song Tan - TBC
- Prof Stephen Belcher: Met Office Chief Scientist
- Prof Steve Jones: Ecological Genetics
- Prof Tom Thompson - Diversity of receptor signaling mechanisms within the TGFβ family
- Prof. Anthony Hollander - Claudia's Tracha and other Stem Cell Stories
- Prof. David Colquhoun - Science in an Age of Endarkenment
- Prof. George Efstathiou – The Birth of the Universe
- Prof. Jeremy Chittenden - Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Prof. John Beddington - Title TBC
- Prof. Nieng Yan - Title tbc
- Prof. Paul Bloom: "The Pleasures of Suffering"
- Prof. Robert Nowak, University of Wisconsin; MSR Lectures
- Prof. Roger Dale on ‘What are we to make of Global Citizenship Education?'
- Prof. Rupert Sheldrake - Morphic Resonance, Collective Momory, and the Habits of Nature
- Prof. Sir Richard Evans: 'History and Holocaust Denial: a Trial and a Film'
- Prof. Tim Palmer - Climate Change in a Chaotic World. How certain can we be?
- Professional ethics, medical professionals and the famine of 1932–1933 in Soviet Ukraine
- Professional Identity Across Borders: Teachers Working With Other Teachers
- Professional Registration Workshop
- Professor Ananda Chakrabarty on 'Bioengineering Bugs'
- Professor Andy Woods
- Professor Awen Gallimore, Co-Director of Systems Immunity Research Institute, Cardiff University
- Professor Bjorn Basberg: Two Strategies - C.A.Larsen and Chr. Christensen: a comparative analysis of two Antarctic Entrepreneurs
- Professor Bruno Latour: The Modes of Existence project: an exercise in collective inquiry and digital humanities
- Professor CHRISTOPHER COLCLOUGH (founding Director, UNESCO's Global Monitoring Report) 'Education for All at Mid-Term: Can it be Achieved by 2015?'
- Professor Dame Athene Margaret Donald: "Different ways to reach out"
- Professor Dame Carol Robinson - Changes of State and Mind
- Professor Danny Dorling: "Geography and Inequality- Is there a problem, and are we part of it?"
- Professor Erwin Peterman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Single-molecule tracking of transmembrane proteins in the chemosensory cilia of C. elegans
- Professor Halina Parafianowicz Lectures
- Professor Herbert Huppert FRS - title TBC
- Professor Jamie Peck – ‘Beyond the neoliberal zombieland’
- Professor Janet Currie Additional Lecture (Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture 2020)
- Professor Jerry Ericksen interviewed by John Ball. A film of a recent interview of Jerry Ericksen will be shown.
- Professor Jones will host a number of speakers
- Professor Juliet Mitchell: 'in my heart there was a kind of fighting' (Hamlet): some thoughts on warring and war
- Professor Junying Yuan, Harvard Medical School (Cellular Medicine Series) on 'Regulated cell death: from apoptosis to necroptosis' Host: David Rubinsztein
- Professor KATHLEEN McCARTNEY (Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education) 'Whether the Environment Matters More for Children in Poverty'
- Professor Klaus Dodds - CANCELLED
- Professor Liam Grover - title TBC
- Professor Lynn Staeheli: "Producing Citizenship - Cosmopolitanism & the Citizenship Industry"
- Professor Marie Ohman - Editing of Non-coding RNA in the Brain of Mice and Men
- Professor Marilyn Strathern: Taking care of a concept: anthropological reflections on the assisted society
- Professor Martin Rees: The Idea of the University
- Professor MICK WATERS (former Director of Curriculum, QCA) 'Making Learning Matter: a Relevant Curriculum for the Modern Age'
- Professor Nigel Thrift
- Professor Onora O'Neill: The Idea of the University
- Professor PAMELA MUNN (President, British Educational Research Association) 'Does Educational Research Make a Difference to Policy and Practice?'
- Professor Paul Kubes, Cumming School of Medicine
- Professor Peter Kivy on 'Joking Morality'
- Professor Peter Strohschneider, President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, will give the 2014 D.H. Green Lecture
- Professor Randy Read - title to be comfirmed
- Professor Rebecca Katz on the future of global health security
- Professor Sarah Whatmore: The Nature/Culture Divide
- Professor Simon Szreter: The Idea of the University
- Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz: The Idea of the University
- Professor Stefan Collini: The Very Idea of the University
- Professor Steven Ley's 70th Birthday Symposium
- Professor Stuart Elden
- Professor Vanessa's performing wonders:
- Professorship of Information and Communications Candidate Talks - Title TBC
- Professorship of Information and Communications Candidate Talks - Title TBC
- Profile likelihood analysis for a stochastic model of diffusion in heterogeneous media
- Profiling and understanding Ras variant biology
- Profiling HPC applications
- Profiling Massive Black Holes through Stellar Tidal Disruption
- Profiling the signalling networks in blood platelets by multiparameter flow cytometry
- Profiling the Subclonal Copy Number Architecture from Whole Genome Sequencing of Heterogeneous Tumours
- Profiling women of faith in leadership
- Profinite braid groups; first appearance of GT
- Profinite completions, curvature, and decision problems
- Profinite Recognition of Amalgamated Factors
- Profinite rigidity among free-by-(finite cyclic) groups
- Profinite rigidity and hyperbolic triangle groups
- Profinitely Rigid Seifert Fibered Spaces and Grothendieck’s Problem
- Profitable Labour? Learning Disability and Labour Markets in Modern Britain
- Profunctors - An Introduction
- Profunctors and coends
- Progess with test cases: a discussion session
- Program Design: Building Applications out of Several Programs
- Program Design: Building Applications out of Several Programs
- Program Design: Building Applications out of Several Programs
- Program Verification and Synthesis over Predicate Abstraction
- Program Verification Using Cyclic Proof
- Program Verification: a 70+-Year History
- Programmable biology for diagnostics: impacting global health and development
- Programmable biology in the test tube
- Programmable Cell Extracts: A New Biomanufacturing Paradigm
- Programmable data plane
- Programmable Emulsions By Design
- Programmable Kernel Abstractions Wanted for Fun (and Profit)!
- Programmable Logic Core Based Post-Silicon Debug For SoCs
- Programmable Self-Assembled DNA-Based Autonomous Molecular Devices
- Programmable, Hardware-Based Routing and Scheduling
- Programmatic access in Java: webservices & work flows
- Programmatic access in Perl: webservices & work flows
- Programmatic Access to Proteomics Resources
- Programme structure and orientation
- Programmed axon death: from animal models into human disease
- Programmed DNA elimination in insects
- Programmed evolution: Using asexual gene drives to sculpt tumor populations and combat genetic diversity
- Programmed Inequality: The consequences of gender-bias in the British computer industry.
- Programmed Inequality: The consequences of gender-bias in the British computer industry.
- Programming and Proving with Concurrent Resources
- Programming and Proving with Fine-Grained Concurrent Resources
- Programming and reprogramming to the trophoblast lineage
- Programming Approximate Systems
- Programming Cells: Computing with DNA
- Programming Computers Without Processors
- Programming for Mamba
- Programming for the Planet: the challenges of repeatable and reproducible computing for enviromental sciences
- Programming in Haskell
- Programming in Haskell
- Programming languages for humans
- Programming languages for synthetic biological systems
- Programming Languages Masala
- Programming Languages, Treated Formally
- Programming models for the Barrelfish multi-kernel operating system
- Programming nanoparticle assembly’
- Programming Obesity: Central and Peripheral Contributors
- Programming phase behavior in multicomponent biopolymer solutions
- Programming Robotic Agents: A Multi-tasking Teleo-Reactive Approach
- Programming the blood & cardiovascular system in Xenopus & zebrafish embryos
- Programming The Parallelism Zoo
- Programming with Comonads and Codo Notation
- Programming with Monads
- Programming with monads
- Programming with monads and graded monads
- Programming-Language Techniques for Secure Cryptography
- Programs in context
- Programs that takes hours to run
- Programs that takes hours to run
- Programs that takes hours to run
- Programs that takes hours to run
- Progress and Challenges in Large-Scale and Translational Neuroimaging Projects
- Progress and Eschatology in British Antislavery Thought
- Progress and future prospects of resolving the animal tree of life in the era of genomics
- Progress and Research Gaps in Spatial/Temporal Scaling and Coupling of Models to Support Landscape Decisions
- Progress and Research Gaps in Spatial/Temporal Scaling and Coupling of Models to Support Landscape Decisions
- Progress and Science with the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer
- Progress Apama 3.0 - Delivering an event-based development platform
- Progress in dS/CFT
- Progress in making organic solar cells highly efficient and stable
- Progress in making organic solar cells highly efficient and stable
- Progress in multi-loop integrand reduction methods
- Progress in prostate cancer and the androgen receptor
- Progress in Radial Basis Function Methods: Adaptive Vortex-RBF Methods for the Sphere and Other Advances
- Progress in the pipeline: cholera, politics and the waterworks revolution in Germany.
- Progress on development of a microfluidic robot scientist
- Progress on Ferromagnetic Molecular Thin Films
- Progress on long-distance singularities in gauge theory scattering amplitudes
- Progress on the connection between spectral embedding and network models used by the probability, statistics and machine-learning communities
- Progress Report on Leo-II, an Automatic Theorem Prover for Higher-Order Logic
- Progress Report Presentations
- Progress Report Presentations
- Progress Toward a Synthesis of Phomactin A
- Progress towards the presymptomatic detection of Alzheimer's disease; results from the AIBL study" - AIBL stands for Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle.
- Progress Towards Understanding Generalization in Deep Learning
- Progress towards understanding the glacier debris cover anomaly in High Mountain Asia
- Progress towards understanding the glacier debris cover anomaly in High Mountain Asia
- Progress with #Dasher, a Continuous Gesture IDE
- Progress with strong lenses from CASSOWARY
- Progress with test cases: a discussion session
- Progress with test cases: a discussion session
- Progress with test cases: a discussion session
- Progressing from gene discovery to the biology of autism
- Progressive laws, Regressive practice? Gender, land and productivity in India
- Project Ernestine: Validating a GOMS analysis for predicting and explaining real-world performance
- Project Everest: towards a verified TLS ecosystem
- Project InnerEye - Medical Imaging AI to Empower Clinicians
- Project InnerEye - Medical Imaging AI to Empower Clinicians
- Project Malmo: turning Minecraft into a testbed for the future of AI
- Project Management
- Project management by and for RSEs
- Project Management Under Uncertainty
- Project Sound
- Project talk
- Projectable Horava-Lifshitz gravity in a nutshell
- Projected variational inference for high-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems
- Projectile Fusion A new challenge in applied computational science and engineering
- Projecting multiscale processes and an approach to clustering of directed networks
- Projection Induces Exponential Complexity in Quantum Control
- Projection-operator formalism, BBGKY hierarchy, and kinetic equations. Part 2
- Projection-operator formalism, BBGKY hierarchy, and kinetic equations. Part I
- Projective and Telescopic Projective Integration for Kinetic Mixtures
- Projective and Telescopic Projective Integration for Kinetic Mixtures
- Projective bundle formula for derived cobordism
- Projective Limits of Bayes Equations
- Projective Planes and the Magic Square
- Projective Span of Wall Manifolds
- Projective Structure in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
- Projective twists in a plumbing configuration of projective spaces
- Projective, Optical, and Path Geometries
- Projectively induced Kaehler metrics and related issues
- Projectivity of good moduli spaces of vector bundles on stacky curves
- Projects and Medical Devices within the NHS
- Projects in manuscript conservation
- Prolegomena to a real-time sociolinguistic study of 'modern RP': varieties, social practice and language change-in-progress
- Promises and Challenges in Trustworthy Machine Learning Deployment, with a Criminal Justice Case Study
- Promising ARMv8/RISC-V relaxed memory
- Promoting axon regeneration in the damaged CNS
- Promoting educational development: lessons with the Index for Inclusion locally and internationally
- Promoting Inclusive Employment Practice for Disabled Staff
- Promoting location privacy... one lie at a time
- Promoting mental health in the early years: Identifying the golden threads of effective parenting programmes
- Promoting Modern Art in Post-War Germany, 1945-1962
- Promoting multilingual literacy and reader identity:Global Storybooks and open technology
- Promoting myelin regeneration in the injured brain.
- Promoting Psychological Health Among Adolescents and Adults on the Autism Spectrum
- Prompt Signals and Displaced Vertices in the NMSSM
- Prompt Signals and Displaced Vertices in the NMSSM
- Prompt Signals and Displaced Vertices in the NMSSM
- Proof Archeology: Historical Mathematics from an Interactive Theorem Proving Standpoint
- Proof Assistants: From Symbolic Logic To Real Mathematics?
- Proof at AWS
- Proof by Picture
- Proof complexity and search problems
- Proof complexity generators
- Proof complexity of circuit lower bounds
- Proof Complexity of Paris-Harrington Tautologies
- Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton decomposition conjectures
- Proof of the Caratheodory Conjecture by mean curvature flow
- Proof of the Deligne conjecture after McClure-Smith
- Proof of the zig-zag conjecture
- Proof Synthesis with Free Extensions in Intensional Type Theory
- Proof-of-concept of multi-electron-beam system
- Proof-oriented Programming: Foundations, Systems, & AI
- Proof-producing decompilation and compilation
- Proofs and Computations
- Proofs for the People
- Proofs from God's Notebook
- Proofs on Inductive Predicates in Why3
- Proofs, refutations and heuristics: historical and essentialist standpoints in Lakatos's philosophy of mathematics
- Proofs: From a Complexity Theoretic Perspective
- Propaganda porcelain: The mirror of the Russian revolution and its consequences
- Propagating fluctuations in 2-dimensions: a new numerical model for stochastic accretion disc simulations
- Propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves in the solar atmosphere
- Propagation
- Propagation and blocking for reaction-diffusion equations in non homogeneous media.
- Propagation and confinement of elastic waves in a random distribution of pillars
- Propagation and localisation of waves in highly heterogeneous elastic composites
- Propagation front of biological populations with kinetic equations
- Propagation II
- Propagation of an MJO signal into the stratosphere and high latitudes in observations and a model.
- Propagation of chaos towards Navier-Stokes for stochastic system of 2D vortices
- Propagation of Complex Fracture
- Propagation of light through the retina
- Propagation of monokinetic measures with rough momentum profiles
- Propagation of partial randomness
- Propagation of Rumour Through a Social Network
- Propagation of the internal tide from a continental shelf: laboratory and numerical experiments
- Propagation of Uncertainty
- Propagation of Very Low Frequency Emissions from Lightning
- Propeller integration experiments in DNW and TU Delft
- Propeller noise - the problem of ingested turbulence
- Propeller Structure Induced in Saturn's Rings by Embedded Moonlets
- Propensities and pragmatism
- Proper local scoring rules
- Proper Statistical Sampling in Isothermal-Isobaric Discrete-Time Molecular Dynamics
- Proper, equivariant, and stable!
- Proper-Motion Studies of Galactic Globular Clusters
- Properly stratified quotients of quiver Hecke algebras in type A
- Properties and applications of diamond
- Properties and applications of sustainable reactive magnesia cements
- Properties of dark subhaloes from gaps in tidal streams
- Properties of direct-spun carbon nanotubes mat and their composites
- Properties of Empire: Contests over the Commons on Newfoundland’s French Shore, 1763-1783
- Properties Of Graphene And Graphene Derivatives
- Properties of Kuiper Belt Objects from Lightcurve Analysis
- Properties of Latent Variable Network Models
- Properties of Particle Fluxes in Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
- Properties of regularisation operators in learning theory
- Properties of the atmospheric response to tropical heating estimated from the fluctuation dissipation theorem
- Properties of the central velocity dispersion and half-light radius in dwarf spheroidals
- Properties of the gradient squared of the Gaussian free field
- Properties of the Higgs boson: A decade of Higgs measurements with the ATLAS detector
- Properties of the interfaces in the multyphase regimes
- Properties of the minimal U(1)_B-L extension of the SM
- Properties of the spiral structure in M51 as seen in CO J=3-2, and an
overview of ALMA Science Verification
- Property (T) and approximate conjugacy of actions
- Property and Portfolios: Spaces of Finance in Nineteenth-century France
- Property, debt, and women’s economic agency in 18th-century Austria
- Prophage control of the host phenotype
- Prophet Muhammad - Example for The East & The West
- Prophylactic HPV Vaccines: Where are we now!
- Proportional Fairness and its Relationship to Multi-class Queueing Networks
- Proposal for a New Unified Mathematical Society - Presidential Consultation Visit
- Propositional calculus and the nature of reality
- Proprietes galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques
- Proprietes galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques
- Proprietes galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques
- Proprietes galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques
- Prosecuting women: a comparative perspective on crime and gender before the Dutch criminal courts, c. 1600-1810
- Prosocial Motivation Increases Framing Bias in Risky Decisions for Others
- Prosocial motivation, learning and intentions: age-related changes and neural mechanisms
- Prosocial motivation, learning and intentions: age-related changes and neural mechanisms
- Prosody and Language-Speech Pathology
- Prosody transfer evaluation and temporal prosody control in speech synthesis
- ProSpecPy: Streamlining FTIR Spectroscopy Data Processing
- Prospecting and bioprospecting on Russia's Central Asian cotton frontier, 1880s - 1916
- Prospecting for Metals in the Extreme Outer Discs of Galaxies
- Prospective coding by spiking neurons
- Prospective Elementary Teachers' Beliefs about Mathematical Problem Solving: Comparisons between Cyprus and England
- Prospective memory and prefrontal cortex: Evidence from neuroimaging and computational modelling
- Prospective translational research in clinical trials
- Prospective translational research in clinical trials
- Prospects and Obstacles affecting Cell Replacement in Humans
- Prospects for All-Weather Microwave Radiance Assimilation
- Prospects for detecting biomarkers in exoplanetary impact ejecta
- Prospects for economic CCS using mineral carbonation
- Prospects for Floer homotopy theory
- Prospects for gene therapy for primary immunodeficiency
- Prospects for Interfaith Harmony: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Poland
- Prospects for NNLO measurements using jets at the LHC
- Prospects for Peace
- Prospects for Primary Prevention: obesity prevention interventions across pregnancy and early life
- Prospects for studying how high-intensity compression waves cause damage in human blast injuries
- Prospects for the Detection of Solar Neutrinos in DARWIN via Elastic Electron Scattering
- Prospects of gravitational-wave and multi-messenger astronomy with Advanced LIGO
- Prospects of Peirce
- Prostacyclin and nitric oxide in vascular biology
- Prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer imaging: from cell to man
- PROTAC-mediated Protein Degradation: A New Therapeutic Modality
- PROTAC-mediated Protein Degradation: A New Therapeutic Modality
- PROTAC-mediated Protein Degradation: A New Therapeutic Modality
- Protean geographies: Plants, politics and postcolonialism in South Africa
- Protease-mediated protein processing and the "forgotten" co-translational alpha-N-acetylation revealed by positional proteomics
- Protecting Analog Sensor Security
- Protecting Distributed Applications Through Software Diversity and Renewability
- Protecting encrypted cookies from compression side-channel attacks
- Protecting Immortality: Germ line Development in Drosophila
- Protecting online games
- Protecting privacy on the Internet: background, research, and practice
- Protecting Programs During Resource Retrieval
- Protecting Programs During Resource Retrieval
- Protecting the Environment: Criminal Law and the European Union
- Protecting the planet for our children and other species
- Protecting trees in South Cambridgeshire
- Protecting your website from hackers
- Protection against self-oxidation by copper oxygenases
- Protection, restoration and expansion of the world's woodlands as Nature-based Solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises: how can computer science help?
- Protection-Shopping among Empires: Suspended Sovereignty in the Cocos-Keeling Islands
- Protective and harmful immunity to respiratory challenge
- Protein aggregation: teasing out generalities
- Protein allostery as an illustration of an ensemble approach towards understanding biological function
- Protein Assisted Assembly of Carbon Nanotube into Functional Materials - joint with Nanoscience
- Protein binding affinities from first principles
- Protein complexes subjected to tandem mass spectrometry reveal allosteric binding partners
- Protein Crystallisation
- Protein Crystallization
- Protein design to understand natural proteins and to create useful new ones
- Protein Disorder in Assembly and Regulation of Macromolecular Machines
- Protein dynamics and amyloid formation: two sides of the same coin
- Protein dynamics and amyloid formation: two sides of the same coin
- Protein dynamics and molecular recognition
- Protein dynamics illuminated by studies of bacterial behaviour
- Protein Evolution in Sequence Landscapes - From Data to Models and Back
- Protein folding - going in the right direction
- Protein Folding Homeostasis
- Protein folding homeostasis and prion-like propagation of protein aggregation in neurodegenerative disease
- Protein folding homeostasis and prion-like propagation of protein aggregation in neurodegenerative disease
- Protein folding homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum: tuning a chaperone
- Protein Folding, Evolution and Interactions Symposium
- Protein Folding, Evolution and Interactions Symposium
- Protein Folding, Evolution and Interactions Symposium
- Protein folding, misfolding and disease
- Protein folding, misfolding, disease and cancer
- Protein Folding. Misfolding and disease.
- Protein folding: a theoretical view
- Protein generation and fitness optimization
- Protein genetic architecture is simple, and epistasis can facilitate the evolution of new functions
- Protein import into chloroplasts and its regulation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system
- Protein interactions
- Protein Intrinsic Disorder and Cell Signalling
- Protein Kinase Regulation by the HSP90 Molecular Chaperone System
- Protein kinases and signalling networks in glucose homeostasis.
- Protein labeling for microscopy
- Protein labeling for microscopy and fluorescence studies
- Protein labeling for microscopy and fluorescence studies
- Protein labelling for microscopy and fluorescence studies
- Protein Mechanics
- Protein misfolding and aggregation, from test tube to disease
- Protein Misfolding and Cancer: the Tumour Suppressor p53
- Protein misfolding and disaggregation by chaperones
- Protein misfolding and oxidative stress: potential roles for molecular chaperones
- Protein misfolding and oxidative stress: potential roles for molecular chaperones
- Protein Misfolding Diseases. The Structural Determinants of Protein Misfolded Oligomers Responsible for Toxicity and the Mechanism through which Toxicity is Mediated
- Protein misfolding in Alzheimer's disease: a neuroscientist takes lessons in biophysics
- Protein misfolding: Influence of the cellular environment
- Protein phase transition: from biology towards new protein materials
- Protein Phase Transitions
- Protein phase transitions in health and disease
- Protein phosphatases regulating malaria parasite development
- Protein quality control in stress management and regulation
- Protein Sequence Variations involved in disease - a structural perspective
- Protein Structure Bioinformatics as One Tool to Improve Human Health
- Protein Structure Bioinformatics as One Tool to Improve Human Health
- Protein structure bioinformatics as one tool to improve human health
- Protein structure determination from NMR chemical shifts
- Protein structure determination using NMR chemical shifts
- Protein structure determination using X-ray lasers
- Protein synthesis regulation and metabolic switches during stem cell differentiation in Drosophila
- Protein synthesis regulation and metabolic switches during stem cell differentiation in Drosophila
- Protein synthesis; Which RNAs? Which ribosomes?
- Protein targeting within the chloroplast: a cell-biological view of starch biosynthesis
- Protein-Ligand Binding by Free Energy Simulations: Issues, Successes and Failures
- Protein-Ligand Binding by Free Energy Simulations: Issues, Successes and Failures
- Protein-RNA recognition and dynamics in the regulation of gene expression
- Protein/Lipid Interactions in Membranes via Multiscale Simulations
- Proteinases and Cancer
- Proteinases and cancer
- Proteins and Pathways Involved in Tumorigenicity
- Proteins that license DNA replication (Laskey) Clinical exploitation of proteins that license DNA replication (Coleman)
- Proteins, Crystals and mechanisms
- Proteolysis and life cycle progression in trypanosomatids
- Proteome homeostasis and protein aggregation in ALS
- Proteomic analysis of cell state transitions
- Proteomic and cell biological approaches to the study of clathrin in a vertebrate conditional knockout cell-line
- Proteomic exploration of the scope, dynamics, and stoichiometry of lysine acetylation
- Proteomic mapping of the mitochondrion of Toxoplasma gondii
- Proteomics analysis of organelle membrane proteins in Arabidopsis
- Proteomics as a tool in data driven systems biology
- Proteomics data analysis
- Proteomics in cell signaling and cancer research
- Proteomics to the rescue: new approaches to study motor neuron disease
- Proteostasis function and disfunction: the folding machines that maintain proteome health
- Proteotoxic stress, p53 and cell competition: mechanisms and impact on tissue colonisation
- Protest, Inc: The Corporatization of Activism
- Protoadditive functors and abstract Galois groups
- Protocells - between chemistry and biology
- ProtoDUNE: prototyping the ultimate medium–high energy (MeV – GeV) neutrino detector
- Protograph Design for Spatially Coupled Codes over the Block-Fading Channel
- Proton and Nuclear Structure from the Standard Model
- Proton structure in the precision LHC era
- Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Organic Synthesis
- Protonic Electrochemical Synapses for Energy-Efficient Brain-Inspired Computing
- Protoplanetary disc structure & planet formation signatures resolved with interferometry
- Protoplanetary disc: what can we learn by combining theory and observations?
- Protoplanetary Discs
- Protoplanetary migration in turbulent isothermal disks
- Protostars and discs: Low-mass star formation in a magnetised medium
- Prototyping a Sparse-Aperture, Segmented, Parabolic Primary Mirror Telescope for SUPERSHARP
- Prototyping the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
- Provable representation learning in deep learning
- Provably convergent quasistatic dynamics for mean-field two-player zero-sum games
- Provably Robust Score-Based Diffusion Posterior Sampling for Plug-and-Play Image Reconstruction
- Provably Safe Certification for Machine Learning Models under Adversarial Attacks
- Provably-Correct Neurosymbolic Controllers for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
- Providing Science Advice to the Government
- Providing water services that last in Timor Leste
- Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan : an Examination of the Problems of integrating the Military, Political and Development Dimensions with Reference to the US Experience in Vietnam
- Proving a negative: what is the gas/dust ratio in protoplanetary disks?
- Proving a negative? How important was sexual abstinence during the fertility decline?
- Proving conditional termination
- Proving Correctness of Secret Sharing Protocols using the Inductive Method
- Proving Equivalences Between Prolog Semantics in Coq
- Proving homological stability of families of groups
- Proving Inequalities with Deep Learning
- Proving Information Flow Security for Concurrent Programs
- Proving Liveness Properties of Non-blocking Data Structures
- Proving program termination
- Proving program termination (Part 1)
- Proving program termination (Part 2)
- Proving program termination (Part 3)
- Proving recursive programs terminating
- Proving safety of asynchronous multi-core programs
- Proving slow mixing with fault lines and fat contours
- Proving Termination of Heap-Manipulating Java Programs
- Proving that programs eventually do something good
- Proving that programs eventually do something good
- Proving the Correctness of Abstract Concurrency Control and Recovery
- Proving theorems inside sparse random sets
- Provision of effective mental health services to sexual and gender minorities – Results from a systematic review of the literature (1980 – 2013
- Provisional knowledge
- Provisional Title - A Life in Science : from academia to industry to political decision making and back
- Provisional title: "Percentage study weights in meta-analysis and meta-regression"
- Provisional: Christmas Quiz
- Provisional: Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- Provisional: Productivity Applications
- Provisional: Workflow processing
- Provocation and imagination: reading Brazilian Children's literature
- PROVOCATIONS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND TECHNOLOGY: a manifesto for scholarship and practice
- Proximity Coherence for Chip Multiprocessors: A communication-centric cache coherency protocol extension
- Proxy Voting and the Rise of ESG
- PrP post-translational modifications determine prion disease outcome
- Prudent and quasi-prudent self-avoiding walks and polygons
- Pruning and grafting syntactic trees for cross-lingual transfer tasks
- Pruning Wiener–Hopf Equations: From Pole Removal to Branch Removal
- Prussia’s East India Companies of the 1750s: Transnational Networks, Capital, and States in Europe’s Early Modern Expansion
- Prussian Palimpsests: The Architectural and Urban Legacy of Prussia in the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1961
- Prussian Palimpsests: The Architectural and Urban Legacy of Prussia in the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1961
- Prym varieties and Brill-Noether theory
- Prym varieties of triple coverings
- Prym varieties of triple coverings
- PSA-NCAM and regeneration
- Pseudo reductive groups over GF(x)
- Pseudo-Points and State-Space Gaussian Processes
- Pseudofossils and the Search for Life on Mars
- Pseudoψence
- Pseudoψence
- Pseudolattices, del Pezzo surfaces, and fibrations over discs.
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa population behaviour during chronic infections
- Pseudopotentials for a dipolar ultracold atomic gas
- Pseudopotentials in cold atoms
- Pseudopotentials reach for the stars
- Pseudorandom permutations, unitaries, and more
- Pseudorandomness and random quantum circuits in different geometries
- Pseudorepresentations and the Eisenstein ideal
- Pseudospectra and finite sections - A survey on the Banach space case
- Pseudospintronics in Graphene
- Pseudotype viruses - applications and troubleshooting
- Pseudotype viruses - applications and troubleshooting
- PSI : a Private data Sharing Interface
- Psilocybin in mental healthcare: what we have learnt and where we are going
- PSIRP: Information-centric Networking
- PSLP: Padded SLP Automatic Vectorization
- Psycharis: the conflict between the neogrammarian linguist and the language reformer
- Psyche: Journey to a Metallic World
- Psychedelic birth: bodies, boundaries and consciousness in the 1970s
- Psychedelic Relationship Enhancement
- Psychedelics and the Living Planet
- Psychedelics, non-neuro normality and anomalous experience
- Psychiatric case registers - the next generation?
- Psychiatric disorders, dimensions, hierarchies, states or traits? How can we determine the right ontology for research and practice?
- Psychiatry – Medicine’s Secret Weapon
- Psychoacoustic experiments with virtual violins
- Psychological correlates of smoking, drinking and drug-taking use and dependency from a large online sample
- Psychological effects of interpersonal entrainment
- Psychological effects of wrongful conviction and imprisonment
- Psychological essentialism and the concept of the soul
- Psychological factors in the epidemiology of disease
- Psychological identification and numerical identity: the unlikely connection
- Psychological Inoculation Against Misinformation
- Psychological Intergroup Interventions: The Motivation Challenge
- Psychological mechanisms and functions of 5-HT and SSRIs in potential therapeutic change: Lessons from the serotonergic modulation of action selection, learning, affect, and social cognition
- Psychological outcomes in parents of children diagnosed with disorders of sex development (DSD)
- Psychological predictors of risky online behaviour: The cases of online piracy and privacy
- Psychology and design
- Psychology and Medicine: Critical friendship or uncomfortable bedfellows?
- Psychology and Suicidal Behaviour
- Psychology of malware warnings
- Psychometric application of bifactor modelling for multidimensional mental health phenotype: a population based genotype‐trait association study
- Psychometric properties of Childhood Autism Spectrum Test
- Psychometric Scaling of TID2013 Dataset
- Psychometric Test Construction
- Psychometric validation as theory avoidance
- Psychometrics ancient and modern: From Classical Test Theory to Item Response Theory
- Psychometrics at the University of Cambridge
- Psychometrics in Context
- Psychopathology and plasticity of the social brain: From emotion regulation to empathy and theory of mind
- Psychosis and cognition over life course
- Psychosis and cognition over the life course
- Psychosis and cognition over the life course.
- Psychosocial function, legal involvement and violence in mental disorder
- Psychotic Experiences in Cambridge: Revisiting the Gold Mine
- PT-symmetric quantum mechanics: Physics off the real axis
- Ptbp1 post-transcriptional action is essential for the formation of germinal centre B cells and the generation of high affinity antibodies.
- PTEN phosphatase-independent maintenance of apical membrane integrity during colorectal glandular morphogenesis.
- PTPmesh: Data Center Network Latency Measurements Using PTP
- PTSD AND CHILDREN (ONE DAY WORKSHOP-participants will need to register)
- PTSD in children and adolescents: How cognitive mechanisms shape early responses to trauma
- PTSD in children and adolescents: How cognitive mechanisms shape early responses to trauma
- Ptycho! Image processing diffraction patterns
- Ptychography
- Ptychotomographic imaging of nano-materials at I13-1 Diamond Light Source
- Pub talk: Expression dynamics and positional information during Drosophila segment patterning
- Pub tutorial: Machine Learning for ‘Genomical Data’
- Pub tutorial: New Approaches in Protein Science — Theory & Experiments
- Pub tutorial: Real-time control of a genetic toggle switch
- Puberty: explaining bodily changes in sex education (1900-1980)
- Public Acceptability of Data Science: Context and Consequences
- Public Attitudes toward Health Care Provision in China
- Public communication of science in the media
- Public construction procurement before regulation: A case study from Sweden
- Public debate in Global Food Security: The Right To Food
- Public Debt as a valuable asset for globalised finance
- Public Engagement Activities around Patients’ Experiences within Institutions (Roundtable)
- Public Engagement and social media
- Public Engagement in the 21st Century: Blogging and Social Media
- Public Engagement in the 21st Century: Engaging the Media
- Public Engagement in the 21st Century: Online Video
- Public Engagement in the 21st Century: Podcasts and Online Audio
- Public Engagement in the 21st Century: Working with Schools
- Public Engagement Masterclass
- Public Engagement: Shaping Research through Dialogue
- Public Event: The Methodology and Ethics of Targeting
- Public Guest Seminar - 'Drug policy constellations: the role of power and morality in the making of drug policy in the UK’
- Public Guest Seminar - Influence Policing: Digital Nudges and ‘Policing the Polycrisis’ in UK Preventative Law Enforcement
- Public Guest Seminar - Institutionalising Forgiveness : Interpersonal Ideas in Criminal Justice
- Public Guest Seminar - The Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice – A Paradigm Shift
- Public Guest Seminar - What (or who) has changed? Reflections on ‘revisiting’ an English Town
- Public health psychology and chronic disease intervention in Africa: translating theory into practice
- Public innovation: can innovation methods help solve social challenges?
- Public Involvement in Mathematical and Economic Modelling
- Public knowledge: Lessons from public dialogues commissioned by the RCUK
- Public Lecture - Christians, Climate and Our Culture
- Public Lecture: Bourdieu Race and the Penal System
- Public Lecture: Can we save nature by selling it?
- Public Lecture: Development of social behaviour in children from infancy: neurobiological, relational and situational interactions
- Public Lecture: In Praise of Floods: homo sapiens and rivers
- Public lecture: The fugitives - blackness as urban method
- Public lecture: Unpackable Shapes and the Reinhardt Problem
- Public opinion and the twenty-point programme during the Indian Emergency, 1975-77
- Public participation in environmental decisions: Europe and Latin America in comparative perspective
- Public Perception Towards Nuclear Risk in the UK: Implications For Nuclear Safety Emergency Governance (with David Reiner)
- Public perceptions of genetic research and autism
- Public Policy
- Public Policy Lecture: Inside the Nudge Unit, how small changes can make a big difference
- Public Policy Research Seminar: 'Being a Special Adviser (SPAD)'
- Public Policy Research Seminar: 'Policy, Politics and Morality in the Regulation of Gambling: the UK Experience'
- Public Policy Research Seminar: 'Skills and Techniques of an NGO'
- Public Policy Research Seminar: 'Using Research to Influence Government Policy'
- Public Policy Research Seminar: ‘What’s Wrong with the British Constitution? Implications of the Scottish and EU Referendum Votes’
- Public Policy Research Seminar: Doing Development Differently
- Public Policy Seminar: A Strategy for the UK Steel Industry
- Public Policy Seminar: Criminal. Why people do bad things. Edit Event
- Public Policy Seminar: Inequality and Education Policy
- Public Policy Seminar: The Politics of Fiscal Squeeze over Time in the UK - Eternal Verities or a Changing Game?
- Public private parks: the soft privatization of London’s parks and green spaces
- Public Private Partnerships and the implications for educating youth from poor communities: a vew from South Asia
- Public School Heraldry
- Public Sector Research Project Talk - GCHQ/University of Southampton Research Project on Privacy
- Public Space and the Demand for Recognition: Lawful and Unlawful Assembly and the ‘Conditions of Listening’ in Indian History
- Public talk: Duncan Watts - The Myth of Common Sense: Why Everything That Seems Obvious Isn't
- Public understanding of risk (discussion)
- Public-Private Partnership: Best Practices and Lessons from India
- Publicness’ at the League of Nations: Petitions and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s Advocacy on Minority Questions
- PUBLISH OR PERISH? Thoughts gleaned from the editorial board of Gender and Education
- Publish/Subscribe for Large-Scale Social Interaction: Design, Analysis and Resource Provisioning
- Publishing in Communications Biology and other journals in the Nature Portfolio
- Publishing in Nature
- Publishing in Nature journals
- Publishing in the Nature Group
- Publishing in Top-Tier Journals in Management Research
- Publishing practices around 1600: the case of the Antwerp publisher Jan Moretus I
- Publishing your work in Nature Human Behaviour and other Nature portfolio journals
- PUEO and Ultra High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy
- Pulling an Insect's Legs and Wings: Selected Evo-Devo Stories
- Pulling apart G_2-manifolds
- Pulling away from science, epistemic self-reliance, and the tale of Thabo Mbeki
- Pulling Oneself Up By One's Bootstraps in Theoretical Physics
- Pulmonary hypertension; what’s so special about the lung?
- Pulsar Timing Arrays: The Next Window to Open on the Gravitational-Wave Universe
- Pulsars - 42 Years On
- Pulsars and Extreme Physics
- Pulsars: A Marvellous Serendipity
- Pulsars: precision tools for understanding the Universe
- Pulsating active matter
- Pulsating active matter
- Pulsating active systems
- Pulse and Surge Generation by the GnRH Neuronal Network for Fertility
- Pulsed Laser Deposition of Nanostructured Oxides for Sensing, Biotechnology and Photovoltaics
- Pulsed power driven shock physics experiments at Imperial College
- Pumping iron to save the planet?
- Puncture mechanics of soft solids: A theoretical perspective
- Puncture mechanics of soft solids: A theoretical perspective
- Punishing bodies: image and ambiguity in the Lydian-Phrygian 'confession stelae'
- Punishment and Revenge
- Punishment with Communication Sustains Altruistic Cooperation Across Generations
- Puns and pea-shooters: play, words, and plays on words in John Ayrton Paris's 'Philosophy in Sport Made Science in Earnest' (1827)
- Puppets, Ingenuity and the Arts of Cognition: a performance and talk with Stephen Mottram in conversation with Terence Cave
- Pups and personality: Individual variation in helping behaviour in cooperative meerkats
- Purchasing Medical Devices in Hospitals Safely
- Purchasing Paradise: gardens in the English economy, 1660-1815
- Pure and Applied Focal Conics
- Pure Mathematics in Crisis
- Pure Mathematics in Industry: What kind of mathematicians for the challenges of the future ?
- Pure point spectrum in the regime of zero Lyapunov exponents
- Pure state separable transformations which are not possible via LOCC & coarse-gaining of entanglement classes
- Pure Symmetric Automorphisms of Free Groups
- Purely elastic instability in free shear layers and its relation to elastic turbulence
- Purely-elastic flow instabilities, elastic turbulence and an engineering application
- Purifications of multipartite states: limitations, constructive methods and some connections to other fields
- Purine nucleoside phosphorylases in plants
- Purinergic control of inflammation and cell death
- Purinergic control of inflammation and cell death
- Purity & Impurity Across Anthropology, Psychology & Religious Studies: Contaminating Disciplines
- Purity for the Brauer group
- Purity in tensor-triangular geometry
- Pursuing Justice in Africa
- Push versus Pull-Based Loop Fusion in Query Engines
- Pushing around, trying to stay normal and positive
- Pushing Healthcare Frontiers: AI-Driven Breakthroughs in Healthcare
- Pushing JavaScript Performance
- Pushing the boundaries of episodic memory: Representation and segmentation of naturalistic events by cortico-hippocampal networks
- Pushing the Boundaries of Foams and Emulsions
- Pushing the Boundaries of Foams and Emulsions
- Pushing the Boundaries of Lithium-Ion Batteries through Nanotechnology
- Pushing the boundaries of the black hole binary parameter space: recent results from LIGO
- Pushing the Envelope – Advancing Atmospheric Observations using Aerial Robotics
- Pushing the Environmental Boundaries of Architecture: Three Recent Projects
- Pushing the frontiers of gravitational encounters and collisionless dynamics
- Pushing the innovation envelope – technical challenges for the renewable industries
- Pushing the Limit of Mobile Sensing: Smart Healthcare in the Age of AioT
- Pushing the limits of analytical electron microscopy with data science
- Pushing the limits of exoplanet discovery via direct imaging with deep learning
- Pushing the Limits of Localization and Capacity in Today's Wi-Fi Networks
- Pushy Guests: Donor ES cells impede host epiblast specification in 8-cell stage chimeras by spatial crowding and FGF4 signaling
- Pushy guests: interrogating cell-fate specification in the early embryo through chimeras and computation
- Put-call Symmetry
- Putin, Russia and the West, with documentary makers Brian Lapping and Norma Percy
- Putin, Russia and the West, with documentary makers Brian Lapping and Norma Percy
- Putin’s Use of Russian History
- Putlocker
- Putting life into numbers – how statistical science has transformed health care
- Putting 3D Bioprinting to Tissue and Tissue Model Fabrication
- Putting brakes on star formation in central galaxies
- Putting emotions into context
- Putting Feelings into Healing
- Putting Feminist New Materialism to work through affective methodologies in early childhood research
- Putting Feminist New Materialism to work through affective methodologies in early childhood research
- Putting heads together: Origins of skulls recovered from the River Thames
- Putting health and wellbeing evidence into policy
- Putting Infinity on the Grid
- Putting Infinity on the Grid
- Putting It Out There – Press Releases and Working With the Media
- Putting life into numbers - how statistical science has transformed health care
- Putting Linguistics into Speech Recognition: The Regulus Grammar Compiler
- Putting Machinima in (or out of) Cinema: A Roundtable on Films made in Virtual Worlds
- Putting people before projects: Everything THAT nature communications paper got wrong about scientific success and mentorship
- Putting resilience at the heart of the development agenda
- Putting SMEFT Fits to Work: Lessons from Matching Simple Models
- Putting Some Language Back Into Language Modelling
- Putting Structure into a Structured Product
- Putting Sylvia in her place: Ashton-Warner and progressive education in New Zealand, 1928-1958
- Putting the Balance back in diet: the nutritional geometry of metabolic health and ageing
- Putting the brakes on anti-viral innate immune signaling
- Putting the flowers of Fenland on the map
- Putting The Men into Mental Health
- Putting the pieces together: Canadian ginseng and botanical expertise in the French Regency
- Putting the spotlight on the Molecular Choreography of Viral RNAs
- Putting the thrill back into computing at school
- Putting things in perspective: multiscale integration of stomatal development
- Putting wireless signal security in a system security context
- Puzzles, Progress and Possible Directions for Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
- Puzzling with Paper: Maths and Paper Folding (Cambridge Science Festival)
- PWRficient Techniques for Today & Questions for Tomorrow
- Pyber's base size conjecture
- Pydantic: A Package for Picky Python Programmers
- PYNQ - Enabling Software Engineers to Program Heterogeneous, Reconfigurable SoCs
- Pyomechanics: Biomechanical modelling and optimising human movements
- Pyramid sensor based wavefront correction in Astronomy and Ophthalmology
- Pyrenoid formation and impact on photosynthetic supply side energetics in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Pyrenoid formation is associated with RuBisCO small subunit alpha-helices in Chlamydomonas
- Pyro-Electrohydrodynamic Platform For Controlling Multiphase Materials At The Nanoscale: From Optofluidics To Ink-Jet Printing
- Pyrocast: A Machine Learning Pipeline to Forecast Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) clouds
- PyRoss project
- Pyruvate kinase M2 and cancer metabolism
- Pythagoras Never Existed. You Have Been Lied to, and All School Maths is False
- Python
- Python
- Python - an introduction
- Python - Supplementary info for beginners
- Python for beginners
- Python for beginners
- Python Tools for software development
- Python: An introduction to the language
- P_6 violating mSUGRA at the LHC