The Hele-Shaw flow and the moduli of holomorphic discs
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Julius Ross, Cambridge
Wednesday 30 January 2013, 16:00-17:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ivan Smith.
The Hele-Shaw Flow is a model for describing the propagation of
fluid in a cell consisting of two parallel plates separated by a small
gap. This model has been intensely studied for over a century, and is a
paradigm for understanding more complicated systems such as the flow of
water in porous media, melting of ice and models of tumor growth.
In this talk I will discuss how this flow fits into the more general
framework of “inverse potential theory” through the idea of complex
moments. I will then discuss joint work with David Witt Nystrom that
connects to the moduli space of holomorphic discs with boundary in a
totally real manifold. Using this we prove a number of short time
existence/uniqueness results for the flow, including the case of the Hele
Shaw flow with varying permeability starting from a smooth Jordan domain,
and for the Hele Shaw flow starting from a single point.
This talk is part of the Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar series.
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