Talks starting with W
- W$^*$-Bundles and Continuous Families of Subfactors
- W(h)ither Language Diversity? The Perspective of Linguanomics
- W-assisted top-charge asymmetry at the LHC
- W-Tech 2009
- W.B. Carpenter and the wonder of microscopy
- W.T. Tutte – Codebreaker and Mathematician
- Wage labour and living standards in early modern England: evidence from Lancashire, 1580-1620
- Wage levels, gender and domestic service in England, 1650-1850
- Wages and labour relations in the Middle Ages: It's not (all) about the money
- Waiting and resting brain states in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- waiting for CR UK Cambridge Research Institute opening
- Waiting for Emancipation: The Prospects for Liberal Revolution and a Human Economy in Africa
- Wake effects in the ocean - from dolphins to CTDs via western boundary currents
- Wakefulness, locomotion, and navigation: a look from visual cortex
- Wakehurst Ecosystem Observatory: monitoring long term biodiversity trends with Kew’s Nature Unlocked programme
- Walk for Tabita - Sponsored Walk for International Women's Day
- Walking as a problem of the nineteenth century
- Walking grains, rolling colloids and swimming droplets: How universal active matter really is?
- Walking on broken glass: investigating magmatic processes in explosive and effusive rhyolitic eruptions
- Walking on sunshine: What is the evidence for the effects of walking on mental health?
- Walking response of crickets depends on surface structure of the substrate
- Walking with sticky feet: biomechanics of surface attachments in insects
- Walking, Weakly First-Order Phase Transitions, and Complex CFTs
- Wall crossing for quasimaps and representations of symmetric groups
- Wall crossing morphisms for moduli of stable pairs
- Wall turbulence drag reduction in the era of machine learning--From optimized distributed actuation to automated reduced-order modeling
- Wall turbulence: from surface roughness to surface slip
- Wall turbulence: from the laboratory to the atmosphere
- Wall-bounded turbulence and the many faces of surface roughness
- Wall-bounded turbulence is not due to the wall
- Wall-bounded turbulence: Experiments and perspectives
- Wall-crossing of the motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- Wall-crossing, dilogarithm identities and the QK/HK correspondence
- Wall-crossing, easy and smooth
- Wall-E or Terminator? The past, present and future of Machine Learning
- Wallace Stevens: Melodics of *Harmonium*
- Wallachia Before Europe: the 1848 Revolution on the European Stage
- Wallah Je Te Jure Screening + Q&A
- Walled States, Waning Sovereignty
- Wally: Bridging he CPU Education-Implementation Gap
- Walruses in uniform: researching the history of the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Wandering down the path to path homology
- Wandlebury: People, Nature and Heritage
- WANDs in higher-dimensional gravity
- Want Effective Security Solutions? Let's Re-Think The Design Approach
- Want to be an academic? Learn How to track your Impact!
- Want to stop fake news? Become a fake news tycoon!
- Wanting your own words: writing in the first person about sexuality and feminism
- War and peace at the mucosal interface in the gut
- War and Society
- War and trade in West Africa, 1750-1775
- War in chimpanzees, hunter-gatherers and complex societies
- War is the Health of Advertising,. US Admen in the World Wars
- War on Lambda: fighting the cosmological constant problem
- War on universities? Knowledge production, neoliberalism, and critique
- War Without Americans: the real challenge for the European Council on Defence
- War, censorship and propaganda: does it work?
- War, COVID-19 and the national debt
- War, COVID-19 and the national debt.
- War, Ethics and Peacebuilding in the Former Yugoslavia
- War, Finance and Diplomacy: Gerson von Bleichröder and the Path to German Economic Unification
- War, Ideology and State Formation in Early Modern England
- War, peace and political representation: An analysis of popular political thinking in Burundi (1993-2015)
- Warburg caught in a TRAP? The mitochondrial chaperone TRAP1 and neoplastic transformation
- Warfare in Eastern Nigeria during the first decades of the Twentieth Century
- Warfare in Transition: Late Roman Britain to Early Anglo-Saxon England
- Waring's problem with restricted digits.
- Warm dark matter as a solution to the small scale crisis: New constraints from high redshift Lyman-α forest data
- Warm Homes Mill Road
- Warm periods of the past
- Warnings from the Inland Ice
- Warnings Unheeded: 25 Years of Planar Cell Polarity and Convergent Extension
- Warped AdS3 black holes: classical stability and quantum field theory
- Warped and twisted discs in close binary systems
- Warped Conformal Field Theory and Non-AdS holography
- Warped disks revisited
- Warped Mixture Models for Meaningful Clustering and Bayesian Manifold Learning
- Warped string excitations at the Tevatron and the LHC
- Warps, bending waves and corrugations in the Milky Way
- Warranty - The Visible Cost of Failure
- Warsaw Rising Museum
- Was Domar Right? The Second Serfdom in Early Modern Bohemia
- Was geology the first science to inject history into the natural world?
- Was Spain under Franco Fascist? Juan Linz and his Critics on the Nature of the Franco Regime
- Was the Cat in the Hat Black?: The Hidden Racism of Children’s Literature, and the Need for Diverse Books
- Was the evolution of the modern human brain the result of social or environmental pressures?
- Was there Anything Before the Big Bang? Possibly!
- Was Venus ever habitable?
- Washboard road
- Washboard Road: The dynamics of granular ripples
- Wasserstein Convergence of Empirical Measures on Unbounded Manifolds
- Wasserstein distances and its Applications
- Wasserstein Embeddings in the Deep Learning Era
- Wasserstein GANs Work Because They Fail (to Approximate the Wasserstein Distance)
- Wasserstein Natural Gradients for Reinforcement Learning
- Waste Not, Want Not: Why Rarefying Microbiome Data is not an optimal normalization procedure
- Waste, value and radioactive excess in Africa
- Wataching Molecules in Action
- Watching and modelling limb development
- Watching brain circuitry in action: two-photon imaging of neural activity
- Watching Individual Proteins Working on Single Molecules of DNA: from Biophysics to Cancer
- Watching living matter. -Advanced microscopy.
- Watching molecules one-by-one: in vivo and in vitro single-molecule studies of molecular machines that replicate and segregate chromosomes
- Watching Paint Dry
- Watching paint dry: Evaporation mediated self-assembly of nanoparticles
- Watching proteins fold and unfold one at a time. How physics can teach us lessons about biology
- Watching single molecules
- Watching single molecules
- Watching Single Molecules
- Watching Single Molecules
- Watching Single Molecules
- Watching Stars Explode: Observing Supernova Neutrinos with Hyper-Kamiokande & SNEWS 2.0
- Water and Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics in Aqueous Solutions
- Water and Sanitation in Poverty Alleviation in India and South Africa
- Water and Sustainability - An Industrial Perspective
- Water and the Origins of Life
- Water and the Origins of Life
- Water clusters, ice and liquid: Improving ab initio energetics
- Water Engineering in Pakistan - Sam Jewers
- Water flows in carbon nanochannels: from quantum friction to carbon memories
- Water injection aided jacked piles
- Water pathways in the Southern Ocean from Lagrangian particles
- Water pearls
- Water Photolysis in Biology: Photosystem II
- Water Sensitive Urban Design for Cities of the Future
- Water that does not wet hands
- Water transport in boron nitride nanotube membranes
- Water Vapour Radiometry at ALMA: Properties of the Atmosphere and First Tests of Phase Correction
- Water vapour sorption kinetics of natural materials and the relationship to the micromechanical behaviour of the cell wal
- Water vapour sorption kinetics of natural materials and the relationship to the micromechanical behaviour of the cell wall
- Water Wave Interaction with Floating Piezoelectric Plates
- Water Wave Interaction with Floating Piezoelectric Plates
- Water waves over highly disordered bottoms
- Water waves: Theory, computations and applications
- Water, health and sustainable development
- Water, politics and health across the Bay of Bengal
- Water-column nutrient fluxes along the continental margin of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone
- Water-rock reactions and the search for life
- Water-wave diffraction and dissipation by floating or submerged poro-elastic plates
- Water-wave forcing on submerged plates
- Water-wave forcing on submerged plates
- Water-wave interaction with submerged elastic or poroelastic plates
- Water: Commodity or human right?
- Waterfalls around Protostars
- Watering plants, drying specimens: the Calcutta Botanical Garden and its fraught relationship with moisture (c.1864–c.1900)
- Waterloo: the first NATO operation?
- Watson Watt Lecture - 'The Virtuous Circle of Radar and Communications'
- Watts up with the ultimate 'green' aircraft?
- Wave activity, eddy diffusivity, and jet variability
- Wave breaking
- Wave breaking
- Wave breaking and ill-posedness of the perturbation theory for water waves
- Wave Breaking in Undular Bores
- Wave Crest Statistics - the occurence of freak or rogue waves
- Wave envelope estimates in Fourier restriction theory
- Wave interaction with an infinite cascade of non-overlapping blades
- Wave jumps in shallow water hydrodynamics
- Wave loading on rock lighthouses
- Wave localisation in high-contrast media
- Wave motion and beaming in 2D periodic structures
- Wave patterns beneath an ice cover
- Wave patterns generated by large-amplitude rogue waves and their universal character
- Wave Phenomena during Embryonic Patterning
- Wave propagation and scattering in polycrystalline media and applications to ultrasonic characterization
- Wave propagation in complex media: Branching, chimeras and machine learning predictions
- Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media with quasi-Trefftz methods
- Wave propagation in non-homogeneous semilinear reaction-diffusion
- Wave propagation in periodic media and dispersive effects
- Wave propagation in unbounded periodic media
- Wave propagation in unbounded periodic media
- Wave propagation in unbounded quasiperiodic media
- Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Materials over Water
- Wave scattering by cracks in ice sheets
- Wave scattering in periodic, quasi-periodic and graded structures
- Wave transmission and resonances on periodic temporal interfaces
- Wave transport through (not quite) disordered waveguides
- Wave turbulence in homogeneous Bose gases
- Wave Turbulence: solved and open problems
- Wave-equation based inversion with constraints
- Wave-induced liquefaction of silt seabed in drum centrifuge - CANCELLED
- Wave-structure interactions: new observations and industrial applications
- Wave-turbulence interaction in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
- Waveform inversion with a data driven estimate of the internal wave
- Wavefront-shaped light propagation: beyond the diffusion picture
- Wavefunction expansions in the solid state: New approaches to reach the thermodynamic limit
- Wavefunctions and local models in F-theory
- Wavefunctions of symmetry protected topological phases and conformal field theories
- WaveHoltz: Wave Based Iterative Scheme for Helmholtz Problems
- Wavelength agile laser sensor for high-speed and ultra-sensitive detection
- Wavelet building blocks for dynamic adaptivity : application to shallow-water equations on a hexagonal C-grid
- Wavelet decomposition of integral operators: application to real-time l1-l2 deconvolution
- Wavelet Scattering Regression of Quantum Chemical Energies
- Wavelet-based Bayesian Estimation of Long Memory Models - an Application to fMRI Data
- Wavelet-based estimation of the long memory parameter in Gaussian non-gappy and gappy time series
- Wavelet-based Segmentation on the Sphere and the Application of MCMC Method in Radio Interferometry
- Wavelets and Differential Operators: From Fractals to Marr's Primal Sketch
- Wavelets on the sphere: new methodologies and cosmological applications
- Wavelets, the Dual Tree and the Hilbert Transform -- from compression to
image analysis via shift invariance
- Waves and flows on a coral reef beach and in the adjoining lagoon
- Waves and fluctuations associated with local instabilities in the solar wind
- Waves and moving loads along frozen channels
- Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Corona
- Waves and turbulence
- Waves and turbulence in sustained stratified shear flows
- Waves and wave-driven flows on coral reefs
- Waves in gyro-elastic structures: modelling and applications- Alexander and Natasha Movchan
- Waves in heterogeneous pre-stressed nonlinear composites, with resultant predictions of effective macroscopic response and constitutive behaviour
- Waves in heterogeneous pre-stressed nonlinear composites, with resultant predictions of effective macroscopic response and constitutive behaviour
- Waves on Microstate Geometries
- Waves over periodic topographies
- Waves, ice and ocean in the future projections of the Arctic and Southern oceans
- Waves, oscillatory double integrals, and multidimensional complex analysis
- Waves, oscillatory double integrals, and multidimensional complex analysis
- Waves, turbulence and large-scale flows in mixed convective-stably-stratified fluids
- Wavespeed selection in non-homogeneous reaction diffusion
- Wax walls: a way to buffer temperature variations, keep us comfy, and save energy
- Wax, wood and narrative: the miraculous culture of Renaissance Italy
- Wayfinding through the Human Genome
- Ways of branchmaking
- Ways of Seeing: Kettle's Yard and The Fitzwilliam Museum's 20thC art collections
- Ways of worldfaking
- Ways of worldfaking
- We Are All Interconnected
- We are not starving: the struggle for food sovereignty in Ghana
- We need to talk about Brexit. Now! [A Cambridge Network webinar]
- We need to talk about social reward: Associations between psychopathic traits and social reward
- We need to talk about the workers: researching the health and social care workforce
- We regret that this talk has been cancelled "Structure and function of membrane transporters"
- We think we understand: When empathic accuracy and perceptions diverge
- We were unable to deliver your parcel: Tumour biophysics and drug delivery
- Weak and 'Very Weak' Solutions for Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations in 2 and 3 Dimensions
- Weak approximation for del Pezzo surfaces of low degree
- Weak boson pair production at the LHC
- Weak But Clever: The (Not So) Hidden Strengths of Women in Medieval French and Spanish Comico-Didactic Tales
- Weak coupling scaling of critical SPDEs
- Weak factorization systems for intensional type theory
- Weak Fano 3-folds and G_2 manifolds
- Weak Feller property and invariant measures
- Weak forms of amenability
- Weak lensing by large scale structure
- Weak lensing of the cosmic microwave background: friend or foe?
- Weak localization in radiative transfer of acoustic waves in randomly-fluctuating half-space, slab, and box.
- Weak Martingale Solutions for the Stochastic Nonlinear Fractional Schrödinger Equations
- Weak Measurements: Wigner-Moyal and Bohm in a New Light?
- Weak Morita equivalence of compact quantum groups
- Weak Partition Relations and Conservative Elementary Extensions
- Weak Poincaré inequality comparisons for ideal and hybrid slice sampling
- Weak positivity theorem and Frobenius stable canonical rings of geometric generic fibers
- Weak shock diffraction
- Weak singularities in the multi-dimensional Riemann Problem
- Weak-scale MFV MSSM Global Fit to indirect Collider and WMAP-5 data
- Weakest-link control of invasive species: Impacts of memory, bounded rationality and network structure in repeated cooperative games
- Weakest-link control of invasive species: Impacts of memory, bounded rationality and network structure in repeated cooperative games
- Weakly asymmetric bridges and the KPZ equation
- Weakly Bound Molecular Materials: Competing Energy Scales, Quantum Effects and More
- Weakly globular n-fold categories
- Weakly holonomic D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
- Weakly interacting slim particles in astrophysics, cosmology and the laboratory
- Weakly nonlinear dynamics of self-propelling active droplets
- Weakly nonlinear geometric optics for the Westervelt equation and recovery of the nonlinearity
- Weakly nonlinear shoaling of tsunami: the phenomenon of self-induced transparency
- Weakly regular spacetimes with symmetry
- Wealth Economy Foundation Workshop – Growing prosperity: sustainable stewardship
- Wealth Inequalities and the Spatial Dynamics of Housing Market in France : A Research Agenda
- Wealth, Environment, and Health in Africa: The Implications of Mobility and Mobile Technology
- Weaponized Lies: An American neuroscientist speaks on the post-truth era (and what we can do about it)
- Weapons of Math Destruction
- Wearable electrocardiography: from Holter to handheld devices
- Wearable non-invasive human neural interface with action potential resolution
- Wearable non-invasive human neural interface with action potential resolution
- Wearables and the Quantified Self: Transparency, Big Data and Solidarity
- Weather and Climate Forecasts: How Differential Geometry can help Maintain the Quiet Revolution
- Weather and human livelihood. England in the late middle ages
- Weather Forecast Improvements at the UK Met Office: Responding to the Big Data Challenge
- Weather Forecast Improvements at the UK Met Office: Responding to the Big Data Challenge
- Weather on Brown Dwarfs: New Insights from Synoptic Spectrophotometry and Fluid Instability Models
- Weather on extrasolar worlds: Modelling the atmospheric circulation of hot Jupiters and super Earths
- Weather, climate and ozone; an Antarctic perspective
- Weathering fluxes of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers, along the Road to Mandalay in Burma.
- Weathering the Storm: Aeroelasticity of Civil Structures
- WEAVE: Science, design, and first light
- Web 2.0
- Web 2.0
- Web Applications for Research: How to navigate tech stacks, dev-ops and UI/UX
- Web Liaison Group meeting
- Web Programming with Links: Theory and Practice
- Web Science: Politics, Demographics and More
- Web search in an AI world: small, cute, distributed.
- Web-based Experiments with Earth System Models of Different Complexity used for Education at Freie Universität
- Webassembly for total beginners (like me)
- Weber's theories of electrodynamics and gravity and moduli space metrics
- Webinar for Professional Development Series 9: Leisure and the Arts: Smacking of privilege or an exercise in freedom?
- Webinar for Professional Development Series 9: Music Performance Anxiety and Musical Improvisation: How Worldview and Mental Well-Being Influence Music Making
- Webinar! Series 8: Resonance, dissonance, and a three-pronged connection: Lessons from the arts to qualitative research
- Webinar! Series 8: The curricular imagination
- Webinar: Arrayed screening at the MRC-AZ-University of Cambridge Joint Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory (FGSL)
- Webinar: Harnessing the power of whole genome arrayed screening to discover new mechanisms and targets in rare genetic conditions
- Webinar: Human Smuggling across the Channel
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 11: Action-research on collaborative composition
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 11: Music Therapy in Education
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 11: Musical virtual hangouts: Changing policy and strategy for community engagement in a major US Orchestra
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 11: Performing interculturality research: An interactive creative exchange exploring notions of ‘voice’, ‘reflexivity’, ‘power’ and ‘positioning’
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 11: Virtual performance on YouTube: Expanding our concept of “ensemble”
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 12: Community Music, the Aging Process, and Lifespan Learning: Directions in Adult Music Participation
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 12: Informed Teaching, Boundless Musicianship
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 13: Psychological health of professors: Transforming university culture
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 13: Articulated formation of the music teacher: Aspects related to sustainability
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 13: Challenges and Responsibilities in Popular Music Education: Pedagogies, Ethics and Authenticities
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 13: Conceptualising Music Education for Social Inclusion
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 13: Promoting Pedagogic Change and Cultivating Imagination: Demonstrating how Mediated Learning Environments Support Student Engagement in the Music Classroom
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 8: "A neuropsychological case study of two chromesthetic musicians"
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 8: "Collaborating in code: Composer learning to communicate within the orchestra"
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 8: "Learning to let go: How expert improvisors choose notes subconsciously"
- Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts Series 8: "Music in the lives of the foetus, neonate and premature infant"
- Webs!
- Webs, differential equations and Einstein-Weyl structures.
- Webserver-supported storage of metagenomic datasets using MEGANv5
- Website Fingerprinting
- WebSurface: an Interface for Co-located Collaborative Information Gathering
- Wedge: Splitting Applications into Reduced-Privilege Compartments
- WEEE separation and PVC window frames separation
- Week 9
- WEF – water energy food energy policy: supporting the diffusion of anaerobic digestion
- WEF – Water Energy Food Energy Policy: Supporting the Diffusion of Anaerobic Digestions
- Wegner estimate and level repulsion for Wigner random matrices
- Wegner estimate for the random breather model
- Wegner estimates for deformed Gaussian ensembles
- Weighing exoplanets with HARPS-N
- Weighing Forests
- Weighing Galaxies: Inference from New Lenses and Cosmological Simulations
- Weighing single molecules with light
- Weighing Supermassive Black Holes from Zero to High Redshift
- Weighing the past against the present: computational approaches to understand learning and uncertainty autism
- Weighing the Universe with the Lightest Elements
- Weight 2 blocks of double covers of symmetric groups
- Weighted and spatial network characterization of the human functional connectome
- Weighted Finite-state Automata
- Weighted information and weighted entropy
- Weighted Limits
- Weighted limits and homotopy limits
- Weighted Radon transforms of vector fields, with applications to magnetoacoustoelectric tomography
- Weighted reduced order methods for parametrized PDEs with random inputs
- Weighted reduced order methods for parametrized PDEs with random inputs
- Weighted relational models of typed lambda-calculi
- Weighted social network model of homophilic behaviour in primate groups
- Weighted space-filling designs
- Weightedness and Structural Characterization of Hierarchical Simple Games
- Weightedness and Structural Characterization of Hierarchical Simple Games
- Weighting evidence to save the planet: which studies should we trust and why?
- Weightless: a new standard for M2M communication
- Weights and Hasse principles for higher-dimensional fields
- Weighty Matters: Bullion economies in Scandinavian Scotland
- Weihrauch degrees for generalized Baire space
- Weihrauch degrees of determinacy
- Weihrauch reducibility on multi-represented spaces
- Weil etale cohomology of regular arithmetic schemes
- Weinstein Handlebodies for Compliments of Smoothed Toric Divisors
- Weisfeiler and Lehman Go Cellular: CW Networks
- Weisfeiler and Lehman Go Topological: Message Passing Simplicial Networks
- Weitzenbock Identities
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome - introduction to the Group
- Welcome address and introduction
- Welcome and Housekeeping
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome and Introduction - Update from Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
- Welcome and Introduction - Update from Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
- Welcome and Introduction from David Abrahams (INI Director) and Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
- Welcome and Introduction of Keynote Speakers
- Welcome and Introduction to Prob_AI
- Welcome and Introduction with update from CMIH
- Welcome and Introduction, Update from CCIMI
- Welcome and Introduction. Update from Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
- Welcome and Introduction. Update from Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
- Welcome and Introduction. Update from Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
- Welcome and Introduction. Update from Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
- Welcome and Introduction. Update from Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare
- Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Welcome and Overview
- Welcome and Overview Talk by the Organisers
- Welcome and Overview Talk by the Organisers
- Welcome and Technology overview
- Welcome and Technology Overview
- Welcome back meeting - plant display and social evening
- Welcome Break
- Welcome Break
- Welcome break
- Welcome by Caroline Series, Chair of Correspondents
- Welcome by INI & Organisers
- Welcome by INI & organizers
- Welcome by J Leeks (TGM) and J Fliege (University of Southampton)
- Welcome Division C’s Bio- and Micromechanics seminar
- Welcome event
- Welcome event
- Welcome event - Introduction to PHaSS
- Welcome event - Introduction to PHaSS
- Welcome Event for New Students
- Welcome Event for New Students
- Welcome Event for New Students
- Welcome event for new students
- Welcome event for new students
- Welcome Event For New Students 2014
- Welcome Event For New Students 2015
- Welcome event!
- Welcome from David Abrahams (INI Director)
- Welcome from David Abrahams (Isaac Newton Institute)
- Welcome from David Abrahams (Isaac Newton Institute)
- Welcome from David Abrahams (Isaac Newton Institute)
- Welcome from David Abrahams (Isaac Newton Institute)
- Welcome from INI
- Welcome from INI
- Welcome from John Toland (INI Director)
- Welcome from Newton Gateway & Introduction to the Study Group
- Welcome from Newton Gateway & Introduction to the Study Group
- Welcome from the Newton Gateway
- Welcome from the programme organisers
- Welcome from the workshop organisers
- Welcome lightning talks
- Welcome Lunch
- Welcome meeting
- Welcome New 1st Year Students (SP Workshop)
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome Talk
- Welcome to day two
- Welcome to LGBT+ Cambridge
- Welcome to term and new PhD students
- Welcome to term and to new PhD students
- Welcome Wine Reception and Poster Session at Churchill College
- Welcome Wine Reception and posters at the INI
- Welcome Wine Reception at INI
- Welcome Wine Reception at INI
- Welcome wine reception at the INI
- Welcome: EA Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research, Julian Blow
- Welcoming remark
- Welding & Joining Developments in the Aerospace Industry
- Welding of the Backward SLE and Tip of the Forward SLE
- Welfare and Fairness in Dominant-Strategy Mechanisms
- Welfare and industrial conflict in the Italian automobile industry, 1968-1975
- Welfare Aspects of the Seal Hunt
- Welfare without Borders? Entangled Histories of German Social Policy after 1945
- Well adapted models in Synthetic Differential Geometry
- Well Dressed? The present and future sustainability of clothing and textiles in the UK
- Well Posedness and Singularities of Water Waves
- Well-Being Policy and Paternalism - CANCELLED
- Well-Being Reconsidered: Free Traits, Personal Projects and the Happiness of Pursuit
- Well-being: What makes you happy and fulfilled?
- Well-founded functions, induction, and extreme predicates in an SMT-based verifier
- Well-founded functions, induction, and extreme predicates in an SMT-based verifier
- Well-posed formulation of scalar-tensor effective field theory
- Well-posedness and large-particle limit for a model in collective dynamics
- Well-posedness issues for the boundary layer equations
- Well-posedness of weakly hyperbolic systems of PDEs in Gevrey regularity.
- Well-quasi-ordering binary matroids (Aitken Lecture)
- Well-quasi-orderings for progam analysis and computational complextiy
- Wellbeing and Meditation Fair
- Wellbeing Day at Inner Space: Unwind, Recharge, and Flourish (in person)
- Wellbeing in pregnancy and early motherhood: The impact of engagement in arts-based creativities
- Wellbeing Initiative - A Three Part Seminar
- Wellbeing workshop with the Office for National Statistics
- Wellcome and Background to Meeting
- Wellcome Trust Presentation
- Wellcome Trust Presentation
- Welsh Poetry and English Politics in the Wars of the Roses
- Were nonconformist occupations different? A comparison with fathers' occupations from Anglican baptisms in six Welsh hundreds, 1813-20
- Werner Complexes: A New Class of Chiral Hydrogen Bond Donor Catalysts for Enantioselective Organic Reactions"
- Wes Harry on Cultures and Sustainability
- West Germany's relations with Israel
- West Indian mammal extinctions: how much do we know?
- West Midland Railway with Jan Chaudhry
- West to east: tracing the spread of cereal cultivation across Eurasia
- Western Science and Buddha Dhamma
- Westminster Academy Year 9 school visit
- Wet turbulence: adding clouds to Boussinesq
- Wetting and elasticity: 2 experimental illustrations
- Wetting and swelling of elastic fibers
- Wetting in Granular Flows: Debris Flows & Ice Avalanches
- Wetting of Lipid Membranes by Biomolecular Condensates
- Wetting on complex geometries: from organisms to algorithms
- Wetting soft surfaces - how classical laws break down
- Wetting transition of active Brownian particles
- Weyl Multifractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Mixed with a Gamma Distribution
- Weyl semimetals, conductivities and holography
- Weyl symmetry for curve counting invariants via spherical twists
- Weyl's law in Liouville quantum gravity
- WGAN and Optimal Transport
- Whale-watching in the archives: methodological experimentation for more-than-human histories
- Whales from space: Using very high resolution satellite images to study whales
- Whales, dolphins and sound in the sea
- What a fish can do for our sight!
- What a Higgs bundle is - and why you should care
- What Actions Matter? - An Interactive Talk - The Call of Time Series
- What am I? The identity of an intercultural arts performer-researcher in the field
- What an old problem has still to say: the infamous K13-case
- What and how do cells calculate when they decide their fates
- What and How Entrepreneurial Startups Learn from Incumbent Firms: Network Ties in the Chinese Synthetic Dye Industry*
- What and Where I Record
- What and Where on Earth is “the West”?
- What anthropology can teach psychiatry about psychosis – the problem of hallucinations
- What are accessible algebraic weak factorisation systems generated by?
- What are illusions and why do we see them?
- What are imprinted genes doing in the brain: sex, polygamy and mental illness
- What are imprinted genes doing in the brain: sex, polygamy and mental illness
- What are the battery technologies around the corner with or without Li
- What are the battery technologies around the corner with or without Li?
- What are the cells in the developing vertebrate retina doing?
- What are the challenges simulating historical ocean deoxygenation?
- What are the Chances? Living with Risk and Uncertainty
- What are the Clouds of Venus made of?
- What are the goals of 5G?
- What are the Goals of Distributional Semantics?
- What Are The Odds?
- What are the progenitors of type Ia Supernovae?
- What are the remaining outstanding issues with respect to multi-resolution models? A discussion session
- What are the unsolved problems in Conversation Design?
- What are we computing with numerical methods for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws?
- What are we learning about learning from learning profiles?
- What Are We? Where Do We Come From? Where Are We Going?
- What are you worth? Valuing ourselves and our natural environment
- What Banged at the Big Bang
- What Cambridge Enterprise can do for you.
- What Can a Simple Oil Droplet Teach Us About Life?
- What can AI Contribute to Neuroscience?
- What can and do data from LHCb tell us about physics at the TeV scale?
- What can Arctic staircases tell us about ocean mixing?
- What can autobiographies tell us about women's time-use in 19th century England?
- What can brain imaging tell us about developmental disorders of speech and language?
- What can brain imaging tells us about psychology?
- What can butterfly hybrid zones tell us about the genomic architecture of species barriers?
- What can Cognitive Science tell us about Chemistry?
- What can Cognitive Science tell us about Chemistry?
- What can Covid modelling during the pandemic teach us about public participation in science?
- What can developmental language impairment tell us about genetic bases of syntax?
- What can endangered creoles tell us about language change? Three centuries of Louisiana Creole
- What can endangered creoles tell us about language change? Three centuries of Louisiana Creole
- What can entanglement tell us about black holes and spacetime?
- What can evolving seismic anisotropy tell us about the 2018 Kilauea eruption?
- What Can Fair ML Learn from Economic Theories of Distributive Justice?
- What can fantasy literature teach us? Relationships of power in magical realms
- What can gambling machine data tell us about betting behaviour?
- What can gambling machine data tell us about betting behaviour?
- What can Gaussian Processes do for Reinforcement Learning?
- What can global Kuranishi charts do for you?
- What can history tell us about current health inequalities?
- What can holographic entanglement entropy teach us about general relativity?
- What can infinity tell us about the finite?
- What can infinity tell us about the finite?
- What can Kashiwara operators do for physics?
- What can lab-generated earthquakes tell us about natural earthquakes?
- What can Muslims contribute to British society?
- What can NMR tell us about how a virus enters its host cell?
- What can plants tell us about the evolution of sex chromosomes?
- What can probate inventories tell us about grain storage in the early modern period?
- What can scientific realists think about scientific method(s)?
- What can sequent calculus do for functional programs?
- What can Teachers Learn from Popular Musicians
- What can the biological study of music show us?
- What Can the Internal Variability of Climate Models Tell Us About Their Sensitivity?
- What can the olfactory system offer for CNS repair?
- What can the Rust Programming Language do for Embedded Systems development?
- What Can Tidal Disruption Events Teach Us About Black Hole Accretion?
- What can toothed whales teach us about the evolution of menopause?
- What can we do?
- What can we learn about cancer by modelling the data on it?
- What can we learn from Cancer Genomes?
- What can we learn from evaluating scenario projections? Lessons from the US Scenario Modeling Hub
- What Can We Learn from Ignorance? Arctic Energy Frontiers, Environmental Regimes, and Indigenous Rights Movements Since the 1970s
- What can we learn from large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping on spaces of rigid bodies?
- What can we learn from sequencing thousands of human genomes?
- What can we learn from the British Birth Cohort Studies?
- What can we learn from the cosmological recombination spectrum?
- What can we learn from toy models?
- What can we understand from the structure of a protein?
- What Can Worm Brains Tell Us About Big Brains?
- What can you do for global Kuranishi charts?
- What can you do with data at the speed of 10x million events per second
- What Can Zombies Teach Us About Consciousness?
- What causes medical device adverse incidents? Analysis using a classification of incident causes
- What causes psychotic experiences in adolescence? New findings from a cohort study of 5000 16-year-old twin pairs
- What Cephalopods Might Reveal About the Evolution of Cognition
- What chances for sustainable UK agri-policies after Brexit?
- What children know about groups, and why it matters: The development of intergroup and intragroup relations
- What Cobra Beer, Dyson and Raspberry Pi have in common
- What cognitive mechanisms underlie multi-target search organisation in children and adults?
- What comes after cancer stem cells?
- What comes next in biological microscopy?
- What Connects Us All? From Fibers to Graphs to Neurons
- What constitutes 'discrimination' in everyday talk? Argumentative lines and the social representations of discrimination
- What controls liverwort size and shape?
- What COSTNET can do for and with you!
- What could materials chemistry do for anti-inflammatory therapies. Oxidation-sensitive polymers and other examples.
- What could we actually do about radicalisation, both online and offline?
- What counts as threatened? Population biology, objectivity and the sixth extinction
- What dancing robots might teach us about the development of form and motion understanding in the human brain
- What Death Can Tell: Are Executives Paid for Their Contributions to Firm Value?
- What determines government spending multipliers?
- What determines individual vulnerability to the harms of cannabis?
- What did I just hear? An introduction to Speech Recognition using Hidden Markov Models
- What did Simón Bolívar Owe to Charles V?
- What did you just say? Cognitive processing while falling asleep
- What difference does one tonne make?
- What dimension is necessary for quantum correlations in the commuting operator framework?
- What do cells and tissues feel? Integration of cell contractility, adhesion and ECM stiffness in mechanosensing
- What do Climate Models need Sea Ice for?
- What do galaxy surveys really measure?
- What do genes mean?
- What do parents say to their children when they have been conceived by embryo donation or double donation treatment?
- What do people desire? 7000 experience sampling reports of everyday desire, conflict, restraint, and behavior
- What do people really need to know about the Net?
- What do regularisers do?
- What do the Colour-Blind see? -- And if it's more than we thought, how do they do it?
- What do we know about ordinary lives in North Korea? An illustrated lecture.
- What do we mean by 'music'? (and how can we make sense of it?)
- What do we owe the universe?
- What do you do with 10 million unlabelled images?
- What do you see (how close are you looking)?
- What does 'achromatic' mean? Refractions on the construction of early achromatic telescope lenses
- What does 'open innovation' mean for the Cambridge high tech cluster?
- What does a living cell know of itself
- What does a living cell know of itself?
- What does atomic mean?
- What does endogenising a retrovirus do to its host, the example of koala retrovirus?
- What does geometric mechanics have to say about the dynamics of complex fluids?
- What does it feel like to win the Nobel Peace Prize
- What does it look like to work in Market Research today (and tomorrow)?
- What does it mean to be continuous?
- What does it mean to be Hopf?
- What does it mean to Democratize Finance?
- What does it mean to platformise a research centre?
- What does it mean to remember Fukushima in the UK today? COVID, Climate Change, and Ukraine.
- What does it take to certify a conversion checker?
- What does magic tell us about free will?
- What does psychology have to do with climate change? Challenges, evidence, and opportunities
- What Does Serotonin Do?
- What does smooth muscle development tell us about vascular disease susceptibility?
- What does the A2 singularity have in common with an octopus? 🐙
- What does the agricultural research-for-development community need from climate and weather data?
- What does the future hold?
- What does the Future of Programming Look Like?
- What Does the Incoherence of the Efficiency Concept Mean for Law?
- What does the operating system ever do for me? - Systems Challenges in Graph Analytics
- What does the universal measuring coalgebra measures?
- What Does Time and Space Mean for the Airman?
- What domestication missed: exploiting wild emmer to improve wheat
- What drives recombination hotspots in humans?
- What drives Sunni-Shi'i Sectarianism?
- What drives the dependence of human germline mutation rates on sex, age, and time?
- What drives the hot solar corona?
- What Drives the Passage of Climate Change Legislation?
- What dust sizes tell us about planet-forming disc evolution
- What Ealdorman Ordlaf did next: estate transmission and textual transmission in a charter of Edward the Elder
- What EEG Members Would Like from the Group
- What empirical network analysis could offer to Integrated HPS
- What Energy Future after the World Oil Production Peak?
- What Every Parent Needs to know about Steiner Schools
- What every researcher should know about software development
- What explainable AI can learn from philosophy of science
- What Explains Diverging Paths of Genocidal Violence? Evidence from Rwanda, Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Chad and Senegal
- What feline immunodeficiency virus can teach us about HIV
- What Fuels Cancer Killers!
- What goes up must come down... or in between?
- What goes up must come down: the decline of the renaissance codpiece
- What goes wrong when speakers stutter?
- What governs the propagation speed of SST Anomalies?
- What ground deformation can tell us about sub-surface systems
- What happened to them? Life courses of convicts transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) 1812-1852
- What happened when I spent a month in Antarctica with 75 international women scientists determined to change the world
- What happens after biobanking?
- What happens at the horizon of an extreme black hole?
- What happens in Primary Schools that helps children make positive decisions about science?
- What Happens Next? Event Prediction Using a Compositional Neural Network Model
- What happens to a random walk before equilibrium?
- What happens to a random walk of chained particles when the chain forms a loop or is very long?
- What happens when a bomb explodes: A review of current understanding in conventional munitions
- What happens when enforcement doesn’t happen: Brexit, free movement and … Great Yarmouth
- What has diagrammatic representation theory ever done for us?
- What has Earth's magnetic field ever done for us? The role of the geodynamo in creating a habitable planet (Sedgwick Club Conference)
- What has Engineering Design to say about Healthcare Improvement?
- What has genomics ever done for us? A 20-year history of the human genome
- What has nature ever done for us?
- What has neuroimaging taught us that we didn’t already know?
- What has the Antarctic ozone hole to do with biological evolution?
- What has the Higgs Boson got to do with Cosmology?
- What have the planets got to do with the metals? Scientific axioms and astrology.
- What have we learned about autism from infants?
- What have we learned from structures of the ribosome?
- What have we learnt about inflation from WMAP?
- What have we learnt about the causes of ADHD?
- What humanitarian financing models may look like in 20 years' time
- What I did on my Summer Holiday
- What I did on my summer holidays: graphene-based solution gate FETs as pH sensors
- What I don't know about the free topos
- What I don't know about the free topos
- What I Learned From Inventing Scala Macros?
- What I Learned From Inventing Scala Macros?
- What I saw last winter
- What I saw last Winter
- What I saw last winter: Brazil, Cuba, and Mexico
- What if Computers Understood Physics?
- What if science doesn't save the world? Energy security in crisis
- WHAT IF SCIENCE DOESN'T SAVE THE WORLD?: Energy Security in Crisis
- What inspires us to learn?
- What Interests do Algorithms Serve? Is Algorithmic Colonisation Inevitable?
- What is ... a topos?
- What is ... the universal theta divisor?
- What is a 'company' and what should we do about it?
- What is a Climate Refugee?
- What is a crossover picturebook? - A case study of the adult reader’s and the child reader’s engagement with the spatiotemporal construction in 'How to Live Forever'
- What is a Fab Lab?
- What is a flip?
- What is a flutter shutter good for?
- What is a forcing extension (of V)?
- What is a fungal foray?
- What is a mod l Langlands correspondence for GL_n(Q_p) ?
- What is a Pet?
- What is a pro-operad?
- What is a relatively hyperbolic group?
- What is a thick concept?
- What is adaptation, and how should it be measured?
- What is amyloid gelation? Characterization using microrheology
- What is an algebraic automorphic form?
- What is an Algorithm?
- What is an Elementary Particle?
- What is an individual? - Theory and practice behind the biological concept of individuality
- What is an organism?
- What is Armchair Anthropology?
- What is Big Data? Discovery through a Data Walkshop
- What is Biological Adaptation and How Can it be Measured?
- What is Cambridge Enterprise and what does it have to do with me?
- What is Capital?
- What is children's poetry for?: towards a new, but child-specific, 'Apologie for Poetrie' [Sir Philip Sidney, 1595]
- What is code?
- What is consciousness for?
- What is Consciousness For?
- What is Distinctive About Human Thought?
- What is empathy? A genealogical account
- What is evidence-based reproductive medicine and what part did the Physiology Department in Cambridge play historically in its development?
- What is evidence?
- What is GAMBIT?
- What is Globalisation and What Does it Do?
- What is going on in Portugal? A Critical Reflection of the Political Consequences of Austerity
- What Is Good? – A Comparison Between The Quality Criteria Used In Design And Science
- What is happening in my mind?
- What is happening now? Finding events in Massive Message Streams
- What is Happiness and What Determines it? Integrating Perspectives from Philosophy, Social Science, and Psychology
- What is Imposter Syndrome?
- What is integrability of discrete variational systems?
- What is is like to be a bat from integrated information theory view
- What is it about AI that makes it useful for teachers and learners?
- What is it like to be a bee?: A brief introduction to electroreception
- What is it like to be a small child?
- What is it like to be an anxious monkey? : Characterising trait-anxiety phenotypes in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
- What is Law?
- What is left of the international? Professor Hill's valedictory lecture.
- What is left unsaid within images of the aurora borealis? The use of linguistic strategies in deciphering the ‘Flaming Letters on the Dark Vault of Night’ in the First International Polar Year (1882-3)
- What is Legal Philosophy?
- What is leukaemia? Talk followed by film screening of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
- What is Liberalism?
- What is life?
- What is life? A question Physics should ask?
- What is Life? A philosophical perspective
- What Is Little Russian Literature?
- What is meaning, does it reside in the brain, and, if yes, where?
- What is meaning, does it reside in the brain, and, if yes, where?
- What is meaning?
- What is meaning?
- What is Media Archaeology?
- What is Media Archaeology?
- What is Media Archaeology?
- What is Michael Gove really up to? Dissecting the new school wars...
- What is most the Important Mission? (In-person Talk)
- What is Music? What is Life? and other unanswerable questions
- What IS nanotechnology?
- What is Next for the Efficient Machine Learning Revolution?
- What is nonlinear SEA good for?
- What is Pain and how can we treat it?
- What is Pain and how can we treat it?
- What is poor insight into illness in schizophrenia?
- What is quantum field theory?
- What is quantum theory actually telling us about the world? The 'relational' interpretation
- What is really extraordinary in superconducting cuprates?
- What Is Russian Orientalism?
- What is Scarcity?
- What is sleep’s contribution to the language system?
- What is smart thing like number doing in the dumb parietal cortex?
- What is Software Assurance?
- What is Special about Immigrant Pupils’ Writing in Cyprus? Investigating the Writing Challenges Facing Second Language Learners in Bidialectal Settings
- What is suffering and how to deal with it?
- What Is Supreme about the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM)? Challenging the practices of representativeness amongst Muslims in Kenya
- What Is Supreme about the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM)? Challenging the practices of representativeness amongst Muslims in Kenya
- What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
- What is the Baha'i Faith?
- What is the best way to teach imaging analysis?
- What is the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction
- What is the Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism and Why is it Needed?
- What is the chance that the match is coincidence?
- What IS the deal with meat?
- What IS the deal with meat?
- What is the deviance information criterion?
- What is the Difference between Emulation and Virtualization?
- What is the dimension of a stochastic process?
- What is the epigenetic landscape of the vertebrate kinetochore?
- What Is the Gender of Passion?: Negotiating Sexuality and Sex Roles in Tango
- What is the History of the Book?
- What is the iε for the S-matrix?
- What is the Impact of Domestic Energy-Efficiency Policies on Foreign Innovation?
- What is the Market Potential of Multilingualism?
- What is the most pressing problem facing the developing world today and what are the solutions?
- What is the origin of complex probability amplitudes?
- What is the point of a faculty of education?
- What is the Point of Exchanging Reasons?
- What is the purpose of education in the Inuit Arctic of Canada and how can it be achieved?
- What is the real cost of food?
- What is the role of health services in suicide prevention?
- What is the role of staircase and staircase-like structures in setting heat and buoyancy fluxes from the Atlantic Water layer on a pan-Arctic scale?
- What is the Sociology of Reproduction all about?
- What is the temporal resolution of categorical perception?
- What is the translational potential of elucidating Wnt/b-catenin signalling in smooth muscle?
- What is the value of work today?
- What is this 'School' called Neoclassical Econmics?
- What is to be done about community violence?
- What is up in the Milky Way
- What is white?
- What is wrong with modern economics?
- What is, and Why bother with, Social Ontology?
- What is... Geometric Algebra?
- What it means to be an organism: a case study of a social amoeba
- What it takes to become an auditory relay synapse
- What keeps sand-castles standing? The physics of wet granular matter
- What keeps the Earth habitable?
- What kind of models are deep learning algorithms?
- What kind of network is the brain?
- What kind of political animal is Homo sapiens?
- What lies behind (the data)? Some approaches to theory in biology
- What Lies Behind America and Europe's Pro-Israel Policy?
- What lies beneath: a radio-glaciological study of Greenland.
- What lies beneath? How microtomography is providing new insights into systematics and functional morphology in the human fossil record
- What machine learning can do for (meta)materials-by-design
- What makes a good physics teacher: views from the stakeholder community
- What makes a good PI? - GRASP seminar with discussion and drinks reception
- What Makes a Healthy Relationship? (in-person talk)
- What makes a tam-tam? Energy cascades in irregular structures
- What Makes a Thing Famous?
- What Makes an Educated Scientist?
- What makes cellular decisions irreversible?
- What makes econophysics distinctive?
- What makes mobile apps tick? lessons learned in collaborative app analysis
- What Makes North Korea Tick?
- What Makes North Korea Tick?
- What makes our solar system “tick”: A presentation of various forms of planetary activity in our solar system
- What makes psychotherapy work? Using deep learning to quantify the relationship between therapy content and outcomes
- What makes real-world scenes special? Evidence from fMRI
- What Makes Representation Democratic?
- What makes science scientific?
- What makes someone psychopathic?
- What makes them tick? Understanding parasitism in the genomic era.
- What makes turbulence tick?
- What makes us happy?
- What Makhuwa can tell us about the structure of human language
- What mathematics tell us about the nature of life ... more than 3,800,000,000 years ago!
- What matters for well-being: Quality of life over the life course
- What melting in solids can teach us about the formation of animal territories
- What meteorites have to say
- What midges can tell us about past environments
- What midges can tell us about past environments
- What Might a Lung Cancer Screening Programme in the UK Look Like?
- What might ‘living with COVID’ mean’? - Panel Discussion with JUNIPER Investigators
- What might your technology be worth?
- What monsters lurk near planetary systems?
- What NanoAssembly can do for real world Nano-applications
- What new with M2
- What next for our school system? Comparing radical perspectives with Melissa Benn and Jamie Audsley
- What next for quantum computing? (a Cambridge Network event)
- What next for UK trees?
- What next for your career in science?
- What Nigeria can teach us about good governance: how ethnography can be used for political theory
- What people talk about when they talk about genomes
- What pluralism could be and might do
- What policy makers need to know about COVID-19 protective immunity.
- What predicts general practice variation in use of urgent referrals for suspected cancer and endoscopies? Associations with patient experience, clinical quality and practice characteristics
- What Price Sovereignty - Brexit and Human Rights
- What price success? The population exchange of 1923 as a political and moral conundrum
- What proteomics can tell us about platelets
- What quantum computers tell us about physics (even if no one ever builds one!)
- What quantum computers tell us about physics (even if no one ever builds one!)
- What reasons needn't be
- What reflected light tells the eye about the content of the world
- What role for the EU institutions during the Article 50 process
- WHAT SCIENCE CAN DO: The Cambridge life science cluster at a pivot point
- What scientists and engineers need to know about patents and related things
- What scientists can do for sustainability that CEOs and Ministers can't
- What Sea Ice Physics is Missing from Models?
- What sets the heat content of Southern Ocean mode water formation regions?
- What shapes the human immune system?
- What should we do about the diabetes epidemic? Insights from epidemiology
- What should we learn from Richard Dawkins?
- What soft matter physics can give and take from cell biology
- What soft matter physics can give and take from cell biology
- What sort of challenge is climate change? Fifty years of editorialising in ‘Nature’ and ‘Science’
- What structural studies tell us about amyloids and prions
- What surfactants do at interfaces
- What tells the Drosophila bristle which way to point?
- What the "Renewal Effect" is, is not, and the status of current explanations
- What the 1000 genomes project tells us about systematic bias and batch effects in sec-gen data
- What the ancient reptilian brain tells the modern visual cortex
- What the Archaeology of Decolonization Can Teach Us About the Decolonization of Archaeology
- What the DNN heard? Dissecting the machine brain for a better insight.
- What the experimental measurements of wave decay can tell us about the physics
- What the heck is priming and what's a shoebox got to do with it?
- What the KdV does to embedded eigenvalues
- What the Media are doing to our politics
- What the Rat's Whiskers Tell the Rat's Brain
- What the science of reading can contribute to the history of writing, and vice versa
- What the small print in the early medieval penitentials tells us about abortion
- What the War Did to Our Memories: Art exhibition with Syrian artist Diala Brisly
- What to do with non-replicating speleothem stable isotope time series - an example from Siberia
- What to do with the 'insoluble' foreign policy problems facing the UK
- What to do with the CO2 we can’t eliminate?
- What to expect from Gaia Data Release 2
- What to expect from logarithmic conformal field theory
- What use is a college education?
- What was an organic economy?
- What was first: the genetic code or its products?
- What was linen? Flax and hemp at home and work in 18th-century England
- What was the Impact of the Last Glacial Maximum on the Landscape and Human Environment?
- What was the meaning of Rhodes Must Fall? (Oxford, 2015-2016) and of Dismantling The Master's House? (UCL, 2014-2015)
- What we can learn about Climate Dynamics from ice-cores
- What we can learn from deforestation patterns and historical disturbance effects in tropical rain forests of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park
- What we can learn from the structure of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase complexes
- What we did in our summer holidays
- What we do not know about galactic magnetic fields and why
- What we don’t know about the Universe from the very small to the very big : ONE DAY MEETING
- What we face in facing up to complexity in the genetics of complex disease
- What we have been doing while at INI for the last 5 weeks: a mathematical study on anomalous diffusion
- What We Need to Know about Intelligence but Do Not'
- What We Need to Know about Intelligence but Do Not'
- What we talk about when we talk about context
- What We Talk About When We Talk About Types
- What we think we know about reionization
- What Where - Delivering Cells for Brain Repair.
- What will a nanobot look like?
- What will a nanobot look like?
- What will ‘businesslike’ mean when business isn’t like business anymore?
- What will cause the next pandemic?
- What will China be like as a great power
- What will it take to avoid two degrees of warming -- the tale of the trillionth tonne
- What works in wildlife conservation? Assessing the evidence to save the planet
- What would you do if you weren't afraid?
- What You Don't Know About God
- What You Don't Know About Karma
- What You Don't Know About The Future
- What _is_ the Right to Housing?
- What's happening to the world?
- What's a brain for? A moving story
- What's Cooking in Mining
- What's Cool in Antarctica - Technology in Support of Ice-Sheet Research
- What's going on in Greenland?
- What's happening at the LHC (and what it will tell us about TeV-scale theory
- What's in a Name?
- What's in a name? - "Sakha"
- What's in a name? Negotiations of credibility and authority in the naming of the giant otter shrew (Potamogale velox)
- What's in a name? William Jones, 'philological empiricism' and botanical knowledge making in 18th-century India
- What's in a price? The politics of Measuring Inflation in Europe
- What's in a Wing? Transcriptome analysis of bat limb development
- What's in Cameron's Baskets and Why Does It Matter? Renegotiating the UK's Relationship with the EU
- What's in my stuff?
- What's in the eyes for context-awareness?
- What's Left of Culture and Society?
- What's lumen got to do with it?
- What's new in PsychoPy3?
- What's New in Thoracic Cancer?
- What's New in Thoracic Cancer?
- What's New in Thoracic Cancer?
- What's New in Thoracic Cancer?
- What's new in urology and urodynamics
- What's Next for IfM?
- What's next for Kenya after the 2017 Elections? The good, the bad and the ugly
- What's Next For Syria?
- What's Next For Syria?
- What's Next For Syria?
- What's nu? Maxwell's electrical metrology and the electromagnetic theory of light reappraised
- What's special about the female autistic brain?
- What's the big deal about Big Data?
- What's the point of Margaret Cavendish's Blazing World?
- What's the Point?
- What's the Problem with Maths?
- What's the right complexity measure for inferring causal relations?
- What's the risk of getting out of bed?
- What's under the bonnet? A review of Diesel Engines and their control
- What's under the pot? Rural women and cooking energy in South Asia
- What's wrong with accretion discs?
- What's wrong with density-functional theory?
- What's Wrong with Dwarf Galaxies?
- What's wrong with wrongdoing?
- What’s Cooking in Mining?
- What’s going on with students taking GCSEs early? Is getting a GCSE or two in Year 9 or 10 a good thing?
- What’s going to get you in the end? Metaphors for the risks of daily life
- What’s happening to the world?
- What’s in a flame? — the modern theory of combustion
- What’s in a model? Shifting multi-species relationships in Sakha (Yakutia)
- What’s in a name? Surnames, Y chromosomes and the history of Britain
- What’s in an impact record? Using impact records to study the composition, age, and structure of planetary crusts
- What’s inside a black hole?
- What’s new (and what isn’t) in improving quality and safety in healthcare
- What’s shaking Mars? An overview of NASA’s InSight Mission
- What’s so social about primate sociability?
- What’s special about the human brain
- What’s the point of functional imaging for cognitive theory
- What’s the point of linear-scaling electronic structure methods?
- What’s under the Pot? Rural Women and Cooking Energy in South Asia
- Whatever happened to Gay Journalism?
- Wheat breeding for sustainable productivity, an oxymoron waiting to happen?
- Wheeler DeWitt States of a Charged AdS4 Black Hole
- Wheeler Lecture 2020: The Future of Microprocessors
- Wheeler Lecture 2021: Reimagining Robots
- Wheeler Lecture 2023: Beyond functional programming: a taste of Verse
- Wheeler Lecture 2024: Supercharging the Human Mind With AI
- When a stone is not a stone: doing alchemy with plants and animals
- When active matter turns solid : from collective motion to collective actuation
- When all the songs sound the same: Characterising congenital amusia
- When and where does language change? Syntax, phonology, acquisition and diachrony
- When and why do efficient algorithms exist (for constraint satisfaction and beyond)?
- When Antarctica was green: fossil plants reveal Antarctica's climate history
- When Antarctica was green: fossil plants reveal Antarctica's climate history
- When Antarctica was green: Fossil plants reveal Antarctica’s climate history
- When art criticism meets poetry: the case of the post-war Greek poet Eleni Vacalo (1921-2001)
- When Art Danced with Music: Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, by Dr Natalia Murray followed by Q&As
- When Art meets Psychology
- When Authoritarianism fails in the Arab World: understanding the recourse to the Muslim lexicon
- When ‘Comoners were made slaves by the magistrates’: Political Culture and Electioneering in 1620s Norwich
- When Bayesians Can't Handle the Truth
- When black holes collide - The dawn of gravitational wave astronomy
- When Britons were slaves: Barbary slavery and its consequences
- When can we quantify uncertainty?
- When climate loads the Earth: rheology from geodesy
- When Concurrency Strikes
- When Curiosity Gaps Backfire: Effects of Headline Concreteness on Information Selection Decisions
- When DDoS attacks meet traffic engineering
- When did humans first alter atmospheric CO2? Constraining the Holocene CO2 conundrum with new ice core data
- When did humans start to influence rivers? A contribution to the Anthropocene debate
- When did Marx think that capitalism would fall?
- When did mothers work? Determinants of the labour supply behaviour of married women in nineteenth century Britain
- When Diversity Becomes Relevant—A Multi-Category Utility Model of Consumer Response to Content Recommendations
- When do languages use the same word for different meanings? The Goldilocks Principle that shapes the lexicon
- When do local operations and classical communication suffice for two-qubit state discrimination?
- When do statistics provide evidence for discrimination by police? A causal approach
- When do we forgive a friend?
- When does a one-relator group have a quasi-convex hierarchy?
- When does spatial diversification usefully maximise the durability of crop disease resistance?
- When Engineering meets conservation; passion is brewed and awards won
- When experimentation meets limits, but simple correlation is uninformative: modelling developmental influences and other complex phenomena
- When fluid dynamics meets acoustics: the scattering of vorticity into sound, and its canonical problems
- When galaxies collide
- When ice meets ocean: meltwater plumes from the murky depths
- When ice meets ocean: meltwater plumes from the murky depths
- When ices collide: electricity, cosmogony, and reciprocity
- When ideas have sex: the collective brain
- When in a hole, stop digging: searching for long-lived particles at LHCb
- When Intuition About Brownian Motion Fails
- When is a controlled experiment not a controlled experiment?
- When is a cow not a cow?
- When is a Hamiltonian Stoquastic?
- When is a manifold a fiber bundle over the circle?
- When is a mathematical object well behaved?
- When is a movement a ‘gesture’?
- When is a structure a musical instrument? Adventures in tuned percussion
- When is a structure a musical instrument? Adventures in tuned percussion
- When is all the sea ice gone?
- When is an embryo not an embryo?
- When is Art National? Conversation with Wim Pijbes and Nick Cullinan
- When Is Morality Black and White?
- When is one very much less than one? Lee wave tracing in stratified shear flow experiments
- When language typology meets dementia
- When Literature Intersects History: On Beijing Coma
- When Magic And Science Collide
- When maths and mindreading meet: sex-dependent empathizing/systemizing interactions, and insights into ASC development
- When models migrate: the epistemic pitfalls of model transfer
- When Monads and Comonads Overlap
- When movement meets coupling delays: synchronization and chimera states in a system of coupled oscillators
- When Nabokov writes badly... The question of quality, and laughter in the dark.
- When nano meets bio: Interdisciplinary applications of electron microscopy
- When Nature Begins to Write Herself: German Romantics Read the Electrophore
- When Photonics and Electronics Meet: Device Concepts For The THz Frequency Range
- When Robots Hit the Road: New Challenges in Multi-Vehicle Coordination and Control
- When satellites help predicting animal distribution, movement and performance
- When shapes collide: finding order in disorder
- When Shareholders Disagree: Trading after Shareholder Meetings
- When Statistics Meets Computing
- When Streaming and Active Queue Management Collides: Experiments with Chunklets
- When Subtyping Constraints Liberate: Polymorphic Subtype Inference And Scope Safety
- When Subtyping Constraints Liberate: Polymorphic Subtype Inference And Scope Safety
- When System Met History: The Tectonics of the Modern Disciplines
- When the archaeologists are searching for a legend: the (re-)invention of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- When the chips are down… how Meteor Inkjet beat the 2022 chip supply crisis
- When the data cannot speak clearly: Covid-19 and minoritised groups
- When the driving pressure gradient is neither steady nor homogeneous: Baroclinicity and unsteadiness in wall bounded flows
- When The Golden Chain Breaks: Sleep Dysfunction in Neurogenerative Disorder
- When the mind lingers - how sensory history impacts working memory
- When the Monsoon rocks the Himalaya
- When the non-coding codes: Mining the microproteome for novel regulators of cancer cell plasticity
- When the outer automorphism groups of RAAGs are vast
- When the Quantum World Breaks Through and Resistance Becomes Quantized
- When the Rivers Run Dry
- When the search for Salmonella reveals more’
- When the sky is not the limit: Digitising conservative industries
- When the spectral lines in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5548 went on holiday
- When There’s No Party, Nobody Comes: Campaign Rally Attendance in Rural Tanzania
- When to care for and when to kill another female's offspring
- When To Go It Alone: Startups, Alliances, and Resource Accumulation
- When to lift (a function to higher dimensions) and when not
- When trust fails: Children’s social adjustment and development
- When turbulence first reaches the wall
- When Turing meets Waddington: Theory of mechanochemical patterning in biphasic biological tissues
- When Two Isn't Better Than One: Twin-Tunnels and Ground-Borne Railway Vibration
- When Vision Transformers Meet Cooperative Perception
- When water does not boil at the boiling point
- When were the Faroe Islands first settled and by whom? Archaeological and palaeobotanical solutions
- When While is a Security Risk
- When will there be a theory of multifractal turbulence?
- When will we have intelligent robots?
- When will We See Princess Leia?
- When writing looks back: defining the 'hieroglyphic' in Ancient Egyptian and Classic Maya religion
- When Your Life Depends on It Extreme Decision making lessons from the Antarctic
- Whence the force of the law? John Rawls and the course of American legal philosophy
- Where and when exactly? The devilish detail of trying to match wind energy to electricity needs
- Where Angels Fear to Tread: Extreme Environments and Extreme Passage Times
- Where are the missing girls? Gender discrimination in 19th-century Spain
- Where are the women in medieval logic?
- Where can AI add Value in Radiology?
- Where can the forces go? Simple ways with complex problems
- Where Compilers Optimizations Go Wrong
- Where Darwin went really wrong: an unbridgeable gap in cognitive evolution
- Where Delegation Meets Einstein
- Where did it all go wrong? New Tools for Automatic Error Analysis in NLP
- Where did that come from? An introduction to Sound Localisation
- Where did those come from? The hidden history of GNVQs
- Where do black holes in binaries come from? Biographies of the stellar graveyard
- Where do galaxies end?
- Where Do New Medicines Come From? Mechanistic Modelling and Simulation for Bispecific Antibodies
- Where Do New Medicines Come From? Mechanistic Modelling and Simulation for Bispecific Antibodies
- Where do pathogens live? Mapping the microbial hiding spots of pathogenic Streptococcus suis in pigs and farms
- Where do scattering diagrams come from?
- Where do the laws of logic come from?
- Where Do We Come From? In Search of Human Origins
- Where Do You Draw the Line?
- Where Do You Draw The Line?
- Where does a claim for the necessity of historical knowledge lead in the human sciences?
- Where does cancer come from?
- Where does randomness lead in spacetime?
- Where does stuff go?
- Where does the gas in exoKuiper belts come from?
- Where does value come from?
- Where Has My Time Gone?
- Where Have All the Icebergs Gone?
- Where have all the speckles gone? Incoherence and decoherence in fluctuation electron microscopy
- Where ice is not: The liquid phase in the sea ice model CICE
- Where Ideas Take Shapes
- Where inattention pays
- Where is Amazonia on display (today)? A global approach to understanding Amazonian collections
- Where is China’s Urbanisation Heading?
- Where is my Nano-bot?
- Where is my Nanobot?
- Where is the African meningitis belt now?
- Where is the intimacy in sex work? A discussion with Claire Jayne and Sophie Day
- Where is the plasticity in cerebellum-dependent forms of learning?
- Where is the Problem of Evil going in contemporary thought?
- Where is Tibet? Locating the Modern Tibetan Identity
- Where Land and Waters Meet’; 10,000 years of ‘Wildscape’ human eco-dynamics and implications for sustainability and land use change
- Where mechanics and biochemistry meet: probing the dynamics of cell polarization and morphogenesis
- Where might we find evidence of a Last Interglacial West Antarctic ice sheet collapse in Antarctic ice core records?
- Where natural and social science meet? Reflections on an experiment in geographical practice
- Where next with wearables: An overview, with examples analysing UK Biobank accelerometery data and real-time machine learning on brain data
- Where Salt Goes Water Follows: Understanding Renal Salt Handling, Blood Pressure and Thiazide Drugs
- Where the bee flies: and why it matters
- Where the Crystal Lattice meets the Double Helix
- Where the episode ends: hippocampal encoding of naturalistic events is time-locked to event offset
- Where the Wild Things Are: Investigating the spatial distribution patterns of highly mobile species
- Where The Wild Things Are: Investigating the spatial distribution patterns of highly mobile species
- Where The Wild Things Are: Investigating the spatial distribution patterns of highly mobile species
- Where to go after school? – First results of a longitudinal qualitative study
- Where would we be without counterfactuals?
- Where's all the Technetium? The radioisotope crisis!
- Where's Foucault now?
- Where's My Rocket:? Six-Degree-of-Freedom Stochastic Simulations of Rocket Flight Paths
- Where's the Matter? (Tails from the Milky Way's destructive past)
- Where's The Money Coming From? How Tax And Spending Debates Frame Electoral Politics
- Where’s my rocket? – Stochastic simulations of rocket flight paths
- Where’s SUSY? The electroweak SUSY landscape after ATLAS Run 2 searches
- Whereto for physical metallurgy – vision and the role of design
- Which are the Best Features for Automatic Verb Classification?
- Which factors influence sentence continuation in children?
- Which is the role of myocardial trabeculae?
- Which mental functions get their own private patch of cortex?
- Which psychophysical colour vision test to use for screening in 3-9 year olds?
- Which Real Numbers are Pleasant?
- Which survival model? Model selection and model averaging issues for analysis of survival and event history data
- Which take which?
- Which type of time-integrators will make dynamic grid adaptivity feasible?
- Which Weihrauch degrees correspond to axiom systems?
- Whimsical Networking: the Past, the Present, and the Future
- Whipple Museum of the History of Science - Private tour - FULLY BOOKED
- Whipple shields for spacecraft
- Whirling beetles (Gyrinidae) orientation and movement without vision
- Whispering gallery waves diffraction by boundary inflection: an unsolved canonical problem
- Whispering gallery waves diffraction by boundary inflection: an unsolved canonical problem
- Whistled Speech and Language Discrimination
- Whistler & Nature: Looking both ways from the industrial to the horticultural
- White and whiter
- White dwarf cooling: electron-phonon coupling and the metallization of solid helium
- White Dwarf Planetary Systems
- White Dwarf Planetary Systems
- White Dwarf Planetary Systems: a window onto exoplanetary composition
- White dwarfs as probes of convective overshoot and evolved exoplanetary systems
- White dwarfs as tracers of cosmic, galactic, stellar & planetary evolution
- White Dwarfs in Binary Stars
- White Enclosures: Racial Capitalism and Coloniality along the Balkan Route
- White Lies and Alibis: Litigants, Lawyers and Law in Fourteenth-Century York Marriage Disputes
- White maps of Africa – the making of blank spaces
- White matter correlates of visual imagery in synesthesia
- White matter pathology in Parkinson’s disease
- White noise, séances and colonial linguistics
- White paper finalisation session
- White Van Stories: a film screening in the presence of the Director, Leena Manimekalai
- White working-class boys, their educational experiences and identity construction
- White-light Flares
- Whitehall and the problem of public service in nineteenth-century institutional reform
- Whitehead products in v_n-periodic homotopy groups
- Whitehead's algorithm for free groups and the free factor complex
- Whiteside’s Edition of the Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton: Achievements and Open Issues
- Whitham modulation theory and water waves
- Whither Challenge Question Authentication?
- Whither discrete-time model predictive control?
- Whither disease ecology? Old problems and new solutions
- Whither fossil fuels? Towards cleaner exploitation.
- Whither sea ice
- Whither South Sudan? Prospects for war, peacebuidling and politics in the world's newest state
- Whither the Globalists? The Changing Imaginaries of 'The Global' and What This Means for Transnational Solidarity (Cambridge Festival of Ideas)
- Whithorn's renown in the early medieval period: Whithorn, Futerna and magnum monasterium
- Whittaker Fourier type solutions to generalized Eisenstein series
- Who Are My People? Christianity, Violence, and Belonging in Post-Colonial Africa
- Who are you talking to? & What do you want to say?
- Who by sound and who by ground, who by pin and who by skin: side-channel key extraction from PCs
- Who can own the Arctic?
- Who Can You Really Trust In Science?
- Who Cares About Hornworts?
- Who do we want to control human-level AI?
- Who Do You Think You Are?
- Who do you think you are? The activities and identities of the late 19th century vet
- Who gained and who lost from Britain's Minimum Wage
- Who gave that to me? Carriage and transmission of Staphylococcus aureus in schools.
- Who gets to do research? - Equity in STEMM viewed through a funding lens
- Who gets what, where, in the tangled world of housing finance: the vexed question of price
- Who is talking with who in hte OXPHOS system, and how?
- Who is this? Forming first impressions from voices
- Who is to blame? Capacity fade in Li-ion batteries
- Who killed the megafauna? A tale of climate change, murder and mystery.
- Who Lost the Cog in Cognitive Science?—Mentalism in an Era of Anti-Cognitivism
- Who makes data big?
- Who owns big data? Will machine learning systems extract cognitive rents from the poor?
- Who owns outer space?
- Who Owns Science: Promises and Pitfalls of the Public-Private Partnerships
- Who said using GPUs was straightforward? - Straightforward GPU programming in SYCL and OpenMP
- Who should value nature?
- Who takes part in social contact surveys? A mixed methods analysis of participation with relevance to epidemic modelling
- Who wants to be a Tunnel Engineer - Isn't it boring?
- WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER? Exploring the impact of extreme ageing
- Who were the French revolutionaries?
- Who were the Hand-Spinners and Handloom Weavers When Industrialisation Struck? Findings from Silesia and the Swiss Canton of Glarus, First Half of the 19th Century.
- Who's most vulnerable? Latitudinal comparisons of thermal sensitivity across marine environments
- Who’s Afraid of Fractional Order Laplace?
- Whodunit? Is climate change responsible for ice loss from Antarctica?
- Whodunnit in the genome: Fingerprints of mutagenesis reveal culprits of cancer
- Whole Earth oscillations: Thé key to imaging Earth’s deep interior
- Whole Genome Association Study: What can be learned from a large clinical cohort?
- Whole genome sequenced based molecular diagnostics for enteric pathogens
- Whole genome sequencing for diagnosis and discovery of mitochondrial diseases
- Whole life management of service knowledge in aerospace domain
- Whole-brain imaging of mating behavior in C. elegans
- Whole-brain modeling of high-order functional interactions in clinical applications: healthy aging and transcranial ultrasound stimulation
- Whole-exome sequencing identifies recurrent functional mutations in melanoma
- Whole-genome analysis of the structure and function of repressive chromatin
- Whole-genome sequencing for medical and population genetics
- Whole-genome sequencing of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma
- Whole-heart electromechanical simulations using latent neural ordinary differential equations
- Whole-heart electromechanical simulations using latent neural ordinary differential equations
- Whole-Tissue 3D Imaging to Decipher the Neuro-Immune Interplay in Physiology and Disease
- Whom to trust to moralise the market
- Whose Biological Clock? Temporal Inevitability and Assisted Reproduction in Contemporary India
- Whose Bled? Music, Sound and Public Spaces in (Post-)Colonial Algeria
- Whose fault is it anyway? – Feeding back on Data Quality: who adds the value?
- Whose history of technology? Path dependencies, contested modernities, and pockets of persistence
- Whose Mediterranean? Some French Perspectives
- Whose problem? Gendering infertility in medieval thought, c.1150–1350
- Whose risk? Whose choice? Whose health?
- Whose voice is it anyway? Literary and Legal Translation
- Why "shaken but not stirred"?
- Why aircraft may soon grow bumps on their wings
- Why and how does organic matter in sediment matter to climate change science?
- Why and how measuring energy consumption of Internet services? Illustration on VoD
- Why and how to program a quantum computer
- Why and how to use Drama in Nursing Education in Sweden and in Jordan
- Why Animals Matter
- Why ants need antennas
- Why are Banks Highly Interconnected?
- Why are bilinear forms important in analytic number theory?
- Why are humans the only species to have language?
- Why are minorities at higher risk of developing psychotic disorders?
- Why are patients with Parkinson’s disease and Dementia impulsive – and what can we do about it?
- Why are so many prisoners unemployed at the time of their arrest, and what are the implications for public policy?
- Why are the Big Five personality dimensions still important?
- Why are the GATES still OPEN ? Understanding the Binding-Gating problem of the receptors involved in Calcium signalling
- Why are there so few microbial species?
- Why are there thermophiles in the Arctic?
- Why are they fractal? The interplay between geometry and physics in the development of plant form
- Why are tumours dependent on the MYC oncoprotein?
- Why are we so bad at face recognition?
- Why aren't ghosts naked?
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 1
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 1
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 2
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 2
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 2
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 2
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 3
- Why B-series, rooted trees, and free algebras? - 3
- Why BAS science matters for Antarctic Policy: Engaging with Politicians, Managers and other Stakeholders
- Why be a monk?
- Why be a monk?
- Why Big Data & Games go hand in hand
- Why Biologists Need Mathmos
- Why Biologists Need Mathmos
- Why bouncing droplets are a pretty good model of quantum mechanics
- Why bouncing droplets are a pretty good model of quantum mechanics
- Why can't I get rid of this belief?
- Why can't we remember our childhood?
- Why Can't We Solve the Problem of High Temperature Superconductivity?
- Why Can't We Solve the Problem of High Temperature Superconductivity?
- Why canine patients provide an important ‘missing link’ in spinal cord injury
- Why changes in snow fall matter when interpreting temperature from polar ice cores
- Why Civil Resistance Works: The Future of Nonviolent Conflict
- Why clubs need diversity and inclusion
- Why common cause explanation is not the main business of historical reconstruction
- Why Communicate?
- Why computational biology is useful in the cancer world
- Why computational biology is useful in the cancer world
- Why concrete structures stand up? Applying a comprehensive theory to new experiments
- Why Condensed Mathematics is Better Than Topology
- Why Conflict Resolution is the Key in a Changing World
- Why Design Healthcare?
- Why did cross-cultural trade matter in the ancient Near East?
- Why did Darwin change his mind about sex ratio?
- Why did it take medicine 3,000 years to become effective?
- Why did Palau Bridge Collapse
- Why did the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption cloud last so long?
- Why Did You Do That? Use Actual Causality to Explain the Problems (or the Lack of Problems) in Your Life
- Why do a PhD?
- Why do bacterial pathogens have smaller genomes than their non-pathogenic relatives
- Why do black holes shine?
- Why do British Indian Children have an Apparent Mental Health Advantage?
- Why do cells localise mRNAs? A global perspective on local translation
- Why do different climate models give different answers? An analysis of 21st century wind changes over the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, in the CMIP5 climate models
- Why Do Earthquakes Cause Damage?
- Why do firms issue green bonds?
- Why do fruitflies like bananas?
- Why do galaxies cease forming stars? Evidence for AGN feedback driven quenching from cosmic dawn to the present epoch
- Why do galaxies die?
- Why do glaciers fall apart?
- Why do humans share food?
- Why do I need to keep recharging my smart phone?
- Why do insects vary genetically in susceptibility to viral infection?
- Why Do Institutions Delay Reporting Their Shareholdings? Evidence from Form 13F
- Why do neurons spike spontaneously?
- Why do neurons spike spontaneously?
- Why do research?
- Why Do Rich People Love Austerity?
- Why do societies work? Persistence and functional explanation
- Why do the English Separate Further and Higher Education?
- Why do we cry?
- Why do we have three families of quarks and leptons? ---- Supersymmetric E_7 nonlinear sigma model
- Why do we jump the gun? Deconstructing waiting impulsivity in humans
- Why Do We Like Flowers
- Why do we like to eat?
- Why do we need a Fanconi Anaemia DNA repair pathway?
- Why do we need a theory of non-elephants?
- Why Do We Need Another Biography of Hitler?
- Why Do We Need New Hardware & Software for Machine Intelligence?
- Why do we want Aristotle to have been a biologist (given that he wasn't)?
- Why do women leave philosophy?
- Why does a lute sound different to a guitar?
- Why does a mussel have the shape it has? Ecomorphological trends in freshwater mussels and their use for reconstructing palaeoenvironments
- Why Does a Variant Die Out When a Better One Arrives (What are they Competing for in an Exponentially Expanding Epidemic?
- Why does cardiac function deteriorate in heart failure and how does phosphodiesterase 5 inhibition help?
- Why Does Cyclobutane-1,2,3,4-tetraone Have a Triplet Ground State?
- Why Does Cyclobutane-1,2,3,4-tetraone Have a Triplet Ground State?
- Why does ethics matter to big data?
- Why does Industry need Scientist? (My story, from the Large Hadron Collider to Jaguar Land Rover)
- Why does it hurt so much? Understanding the neurobiology of pain.
- Why does malaria still exist?
- Why does widening participation matter?
- Why don't animals have wheels?
- Why don't tomographic models have error bars?
- Why Don’t Trees Lean South
- Why ELF won’t SIT: English as a Lingua Franca and Social Identity Theory
- Why Emotion Matters in Conservation Science
- Why equalising trade-offs aren't always neutral
- Why expert judgment isn't evidence: a qualified defence of the EBM position
- Why Fermions, part II
- Why fermions?
- Why fracking works and why not well enough
- Why Galaxy Clusters Ignore Gravity
- Why genetic association studies have been so unsuccessful in psychiatry
- Why genetics succeeds: an epistemology of scientific practice
- Why Germany Chooses Organic Agriculture
- Why glycomics is still not boring: comparisons of N-glycans in parasitic and non-parasitic protists and nematodes
- Why glycomics is still not boring: comparisons of N-glycans in parasitic and non-parasitic protists and nematodes
- Why Greek vowels aren't boring
- Why heteroclisis? Phonological change and morphomic continuity in Romanian
- Why intelligent design is for stupid people
- Why Investors Might be Climate Allies: Corporate Governance Today
- Why is $e^{\pi \sqrt{163}}$ almost an integer?
- Why is Brake Squeal so Twitchy?
- Why is brake squeal so twitchy? Modelling and sensitivity studies of friction-driven vibration
- Why is cancer survival lower in England than in other high income countries?
- Why is Chemistry Difficult?
- Why is Covid such a wicked problem Bernard Silverman - Chris Dye - Andrew Dobson
- Why is genomics now unfashionable in drug discovery?
- Why is Genomics so unfashionable in Drug Discovery?
- Why is it so hard to interpret a contract?
- Why is it useful to study bats in Africa?
- Why is it useful to treat the magnetosphere as a complex system ?
- Why is modern poetry difficult?
- Why is predicting the future of ice sheets so difficult?
- Why is shape important in trypanosomes?
- Why is sleep good for you?
- Why is the clarinet like a violin?
- Why is the coronavirus replication-transcription complex so elaborate?
- Why is the Enlightenment so difficult to define?
- Why is the International Community Still Managing Bosnia and Herzegovina 14 years After the war has ended?
- Why is the international tax system problematic for low-income countries?
- Why is the suprachiasmatic nucleus such a brilliant circadian time-keeper?
- Why Is The Tax Law So White?
- Why is the violin so hard to play?
- Why is this feast different from all other feasts?: Eucharistic ritual and belief in early medieval societies
- Why is today's encryption so complicated?
- Why is Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility so common?
- Why is work with infants and young children important in translational neuroscience? Attention outside the scanner: individual differences in the micro-dynamics of naturalistic attentional control
- Why is Zoom so much more popular than standards-based videoconferencing?
- Why Isn’t Verification Standard Practice?
- Why it’s important to think about equity, diversity and inclusion when designing, running, analysing and reporting clinical trials
- Why Johnny Can't Use the Cloud: And What We Can Do about It
- Why Johnny doesn’t write secure software?
- Why Knots Are Really Hard to Untie
- Why latent varaibles in SEM do not always work well
- Why Malthus wasn’t African. Reviewing explanations and implications of low population densities in pre-1900 Sub-Saharan Africa
- Why masked priming tells us more about normal perception than unconscious processing
- Why Mathematical Proof?
- Why mathematics continues to fascinate me - surgery in holomorphic dynamics in particular
- Why Mathmos Rule the World: Always Have, Always Will
- Why meetings don't work and what might: new generation 'distributed power' meetings
- Why men hunt and women gather
- Why mixture modelling?
- Why Monitor?
- Why New Computational Approaches are Needed?
- Why no Phanerozoic Snowball Earth? Changes in biogeochemical cycling across the Precambrian-Cambrian transition
- Why orgies will set you free: sexual paradigms in ancient India and postmodern society
- Why pain gets worse - the molecular basis of sensitization
- Why pain gets worse – molecular mechanisms of inflammatory heat pain
- Why People Go to War
- Why people in hyperbolic conservation laws are interested in free boundary problems.
- Why physical scientists and biologists should interact!
- Why Popular Participation? Collective Action, Majoritarianism, and Solidarity in Ancient Greece
- Why Privacy? A day-long interdisciplinary workshop at CRASSH
- Why Racial and Ethnic Diversity at the Top Remains a Challenge: Exploring Career Progression and Inclusion at the University
- Why racing cars go fast
- Why root the kernel when you can just install a toolbar? - Christopher Palow (Facebook)
- Why Scheduling
- Why scientists should also be revolutionaries
- Why SHIM6 is likely to fail
- Why should I care about RSI? I don't have any problems using computers.
- Why should we study tau in diseases with glial pathology
- Why size matters: improving speech recognition systems by learning rom the auditory system
- Why soil mechanics matters in FE – geotechnical analysis of a deep excavation
- Why speaking louder might not make you understood - supra-threshold deficits in hearing impairment
- Why sperm doesn’t have fins
- Why study early land plants?
- Why study isotropic turbulence?
- Why study the Burgess Shale? Memories from the 1966-7 expeditions
- Why sustainable development might be bad for the environment
- Why teacher assessment is not enough
- Why the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) Backfires (And How to Fix It)
- Why the brain is the way it is: the efficient-coding hypothesis
- Why the Chinese Love and Hate Elfriede Jelinek
- Why the ground matters: why tunnels need geologists
- Why the next 10 years needs to feel like a Revolution of the Imagination? - A talk by Rob Hopkins
- Why the nuts came loose at Potters Bar
- Why the origin of life had to be inorganic
- Why the priority rule does not exist
- Why the stratosphere might help us predict how warm this spring will be
- Why the Third Sector is the New Black: Timeless, Essential, Sexy.
- Why Theology Needs Science – and Why Science Needs Theology
- Why theory matters in biology
- Why there’s no such thing as “the” scientific advice
- Why transsexuals?
- Why Trust Public Experiments?
- Why we are all in debt
- Why We Aren't Just Great Apes
- Why We Disagree about Human Nature
- Why we get back under the duvet when climate change is mentioned...
- Why we have emotions and what life might be like without them
- Why We Resist The Truth
- Why we shouldn't democratise science
- Why We Shouldn't Try to Predict Financial Risk
- Why Women are No Good at Science (and how science stops them from being good)
- Why would you want accurate quasar redshifts?
- Why write a history of both red and green biotech? The controversies over DES in post-war France and the United States
- Why WTO? Forum Shopping for New Aid for Trade Regime
- Why Yang-Mills: a review of no-go results for phi^4_4
- Why young, doomed hot Jupiters are easier to catch than old ones
- Why _morning páper_, but _júry selection_? The variability of compound stress in English
- Whychemeng: Practical Chemical Engineering and Early Career Development
- Wibbles and wobbles of the Coulomb crystal
- Wicked Problems Revisited
- Wicked Problems: Using Morphological Analysis to tackle complex design and policy questions
- Wicken Fen: 125 Years of Conservation
- Wicken Fen: the science behind the vision
- Widder
- Wide genome engineering to identify regulators of YAP/TAZ nuclear activity in colorectal cancer
- Wide-area migration of Virtual Machines including local persistent state
- Wide-field submm surveys of the nearby and very distant Universe
- Wide-field substructures in the Local Group
- Widening Access to Latin within Schools: assumptions, attitudes, and challenges
- Widening Participation in the R Project
- Widening Participation: Towards a New Settlement
- Widespread rapid quenching at cosmic noon
- Widespread translation of small Open Reading Frames from coding regions, UTRs and non-coding RNAs.
- Widows' Work: Some Evidence from the 1881 Census Enumerators' Books
- Widows, wills and economic assets in pre-industrial Britain
- Widths of convex sets and the power of adaption and randomization
- Wiener-Hopf factorisation on the unit circle: some examples of discrete scattering problems
- Wiener-Hopf factorisation on the unit circle: some examples of discrete scattering problems
- Wiener-Hopf factorisation through an intermediate space and applications to diffraction theory
- Wiener-Hopf factorisation through an intermediate space and applications to diffraction theory
- Wiener-Hopf factorisation, Toeplitz operators and the ergosphere of a rotating black hole
- Wiener-Hopf Factorisations for Levy processes
- Wiener-Hopf Factorisations for Levy processes
- Wiener-Hopf factorization: the peculiarities of the matrix almost periodic case
- Wiener-Hopf factorization: the peculiarities of the matrix almost periodic case
- Wiener-Hopf kernels versus lattice Green's functions in the analysis of wave propagation in semi-infinite discrete systems of elastic resonators
- Wiener-Hopf kernels versus lattice Green's functions in the analysis of wave propagation in semi-infinite discrete systems of elastic resonators
- WikiData: a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike
- WikiFactMine: Scientific Knowledge for Everyone
- Wikimedian in Residence project
- Wild and domestic: the fauna of Grooved Ware pits
- Wild Animal Skins in Victorian Britain: The Belle Vue Zoo, Manchester
- Wild Binary Segmentation for multiple change-point detection
- Wild flower seeds for Gardens, and for Landscape and Conservation projects
- Wild flowers and some wildlife of western Cyprus
- Wild Immunology
- Wild journeys for wild microbiomes - Conservation through the gut
- Wild parameters and the Langlands correspondence for classical groups
- Wildfire Smoke Plume Segmentation Using Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Wildlife from space: detecting, monitoring and studying wildlife using satellite imagery
- Wildlife Gardening in a Landscape Garden
- Wildlife photography
- Wildllife Sounds and Sound Recording
- Wildness in geometric groups
- Will Britain's lights stay on and will the gas keep flowing?: a look at the next decade.
- Will China Rule the World (and should we be worried)?
- Will climate-volcano interactions be modulated by ongoing climate change? Perspective from explosive eruption column rise.
- Will computers ever become mathematical researchers?
- Will Feeding the World Kill the Planet?
- Will Makerspaces Ever Make It Big? The Emergence of Maker Entrepreneurs and Maker Ecosystems
- Will Migration spell the end of Europe?
- Will open source biotechnology benefit the bottom billion?
- Will recurrent neural network language models scale?
- Will Skynet win? Five ways computers write software better than you.
- Will Tanner: Former Adviser to Theresa May
- Will the Antarctic Go Green Again? Lessons from its Fossil History
- Will the lights go out? : Energy policy in the UK to 2020
- Will the Real Preeclampsia Patient Please Stand Up?
- Will there be a warning for the next pandemic? Identifying viral targets of concern
- Will We Cause Our Own Extinction? Natural versus Anthropogenic Extinction Risks
- Will you fade? Will you perish? Virginia Woolf and the art of still life
- Willed Forgetfulness: The Arts, Education and the Case for Unlearning
- Willful fluids and the pertinence of laboratory experiments
- Willful Women: Feminism and the History of Will
- Willi Hennig and philosophy
- William Buckland's oral history of deep time, or, things that made him go mmmmmmmmmm
- William Congdon
- William Congdon, Views of Venice
- William Courten (1642–1702) and natural history
- William MCDonough (CANCELLED)
- William Nicholson's 'The girl with a tattered glove'
- William Pitt seminar and dinner - Nervous Energy: will the lights stay on?
- William Pitt Seminar and Dinner: The Anxiety of Age
- William Pitt Seminar: What's so good about growth?
- Williamson on knowledge
- Williamson on knowledge as the most general factive mental state
- Willis couplings in one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional acoustic systems
- Wilson lines and entanglement entropy in higher spin gravity
- Wilson loop expectations as sums over surfaces in 2D
- Wilson loops: From pseudo-holomorphic surfaces to 2d Yang-Mills
- Wilson Surface Central Charge from Holography
- Wilsonian and large N approaches to non-Fermi liquids
- WiMIUA Workshop Hors d'oeuvre Closing Event WiMIUA Workshop
- WIMP direct detection and the ultra-local dark matter distribution
- WIMP hunting: the search for dark matter
- Wimpole Estate and its wildlife
- Wimpole Hall, Past and Present
- Win-win-win - Bond-centred veterinary practice
- Winchcombe: The First UK Meteorite in 30 Years
- Winchgenstein and functional explanation
- Wind & Bridges: Aerodynamic Force Models
- Wind dynamics of next-generation tall timber
- Wind dynamics of tall timber buildings
- Wind Effects on Structures: Fundamentals to Emerging Frontiers
- Wind Energy in Mexico: Regulation and Project Development
- Wind farms and power companies: from test sites to fossil fuels divestment, 1990-2019
- Wind Park Valuation and Risk Management in Germany
- Wind power and the emergence of the green institutional investor
- Wind power in emerging economies and the role of policy
- Wind Power in Mongolia and the Chinese/Russian Border Regions
- Wind Problems for the Electricity Planner and Operator
- Wind Tunnel Testing in Motorsport, and how the Electronics Helps You Win!
- Wind work on ocean eddies and the decadal-mean impact of relative wind stress on the ocean
- Wind and Energy Markets: A Case Study of Texas
- Windows & Black Boxes – Oscillating Transparency in a Calm Surveillance Society
- Windows Insider Program
- Windrush Women's Space: a multimedia presentation of 18 Collingham Gardens, 1945-1970
- Wine and cheese evening
- Wine Production and Exchange in Late Antique Egyptian Monasteries: A Micro-Economic Analysis’
- Wine reception
- Wine reception
- Wine Reception (after talk)
- Wine Reception (after talk)
- Wine Reception and Dinner at Corpus Christi College
- Wine Reception in the Julian Study Centre Foyer
- Wings inform: mechanosensing in insect flight control.
- Winifred Nicholson
- Winifred Nicholson: a view from the Kettle’s Yard archives
- Winner Take(s) All Society: The Self in Status Contests
- Winnicott’s Angel: ordinary devotion and primary creativity
- Winning funding – one simple trick for success
- Winning funding – one simple trick for success
- Winning the oil lottery: The impact of natural resource extraction on growth
- Winning the oil lottery: The impact of natural resource extraction on growth
- Winter first aid
- Winter is coming. What happens to sea ice anomalies?
- Winter networking games night
- Winter Symposium
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- Wintermute: DeFi Presentation
- Wintertime Fjord-Shelf Interaction and Ice Sheet Melting in Southeast Greenland
- Wintertime oceanographic conditions over the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf from instrumented seals
- Winton 2nd Annual Symposium on Materials Discovery
- Winton Inaugural Symposium on Energy Efficiency
- Winton Lecture: The Power of Negotiation
- Winton Symposium on Energy Storage and Distribution
- Winton Symposium on Global Challenges for Science and Technology
- Winton Symposium on Green Computing
- Winton Symposium on Machines
- Winton Symposium on Materials Discovery
- Wired Geometric Routing
- Wired groups
- Wireless access schemes for challenging environments
- Wireless communication and poverty reduction in India – Where do we go from here?
- Wireless communication in disordered media
- Wireless communication in electromagnetic cavities
- Wireless community mesh networks: fresh connectivity for 7 billion people
- Wireless in the Woods
- Wireless Networking Technologies
- Wireless Networking Using Smart Radios
- Wireless Networks: Overcoming the Challenges, Leveraging the Opportunities
- Wireless Physical-layer Security: Fundamentals and Jamming with Coding for Secrecy
- Wireless Sensor Monitoring Technologies for Civil Engineering Infrastructure
- Wireless Sensor Networks for Infrastructure Monitoring: Radio Propagation
- Wireless Spectral Sharing Techniques and Issues
- Wires, Reporters and Information Capsules: Cellular journalism with DNA.
- Wiring specificity in the direction-selectivity circuit of the retina revealed by two-photon laser scanning and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy
- Wiring the brain: RNA-based mechanisms in guiding axon growth
- Wiring the worm: global functional and genetic networks for a multicellular animal
- Wirydianna Fiszerowa's Memoirs: A Noblewoman's Perspective on Public and Private Life in Eighteenth-Century Poland
- Wisdom of the crowd – Mechanisms that coordinate individual cell movements for epithelial migration
- Wise's w-cycle conjecture and homological coherence for one-relator groups
- WISE(Wearable Intelligent Sensors & Electronics) Research and Applications
- WiSETI Annual Lecture 2015
- WiSETI Annual Lecture: From Short Cracks to Glass Ceilings, or An Engineer in Wonderland
- Wishful speaking: science, truth and dictatorship
- Wissenspoetik und Rephilologisierung – zur theoretischen Diskussion von Literatur und Wissen
- Witchcraft and the Rise of the First Confucian Empire
- Witchcraft and the Rise of the First Confucian Empire (巫蛊之祸和儒家帝国的兴起)
- With a Little Help from My Friends: New Ways of Seeing Electrochemistry
- With God in Mind?: Integrated Physicality, (Un)belief, and Spiritual Technologies.
- With Scott in the Antarctic, Edward Wilson - Explorer, Naturalist, Artist
- Withdrawing from Exhibits: the interactional organisation of museum visits
- Within host modelling for COVID-19: Understanding dose response
- Within the Secret State: A Disturbing Study of the Use and Misuse of Power
- Within-field diversity and the effectiveness of crop mixtures at reducing pathogen damage
- Within-host bacterial infection dynamics: from cells to vaccines.
- Within-host bacterial infection dynamics: from cells to vaccines.
- Within-host spatiotemporal dynamics of systemic Salmonella infection during and after antibiotic treatment
- Within-Host Viral Dynamics and Implications for Asymptomatic Testing
- Without a leg to stand on: locomotion in the earliest "land" animals
- Witness to Paradise: Photojournalism in Kashmir's present 1986-2016
- Witnesses of non-classicality beyond quantum theory
- Witnesses of the past: the Incunabula Collection at Cambridge University Library
- Witnessing the Assembly of Planetary Systems
- Witt groups of projective homogeneous varieties and Steenrod operations
- Witt groups vs KO-groups
- Wittgenstein on the Psychology and Anthropology of Colour
- Wittgenstein versus Dawkins
- Wittgenstein's Games
- WKB analysis via topological recursion for hypergeometric differential equations
- WKB, Eigenvalue Problems and Quantisation in QM
- WKB, Eigenvalue Problems and Quantisation in QM
- WKB, Eigenvalue Problems and Quantisation in QM
- WLANs above 100 GHz: Mobility, Sensing, and Security
- WMAP polarization observations: seeing through the Galaxy
- WNA Uranium Resources
- Wnt gradients: how they form and their role in tissue morphogenesis
- Wnt signalling and cell fate decisions in stem cell populations
- Wnt signalling in the gill arches of the little skate during development
- Wnt-signalling in adult neurogenesis
- Wntch (Wnt/Notch) signalling and the homeostatic allocation of cell fates during development
- Wo+Men’s Leadership Initiative Conference 2017
- Wobbles, warbles and fish - the physiology of dyslexia
- Wolbachia, African-River Blindness and Big Sur
- Wolf - A Social and Cultural Creature: Implications for Conservation
- Wolfgang Huber from the EBI will be talking on the vsn method.
- Wolfgang Silbermann: 'Challenging Times for German Democracy – and why You should get engaged!'
- Wolfram Pönisch-Deciphering the role of noise in cell shape changes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition; Constance Le Gloanec-Protect and provide: the dual role of the cauline leaf.
- Wolfson (Ancient) Warfare Wednesdays — Greek Warfare and Economics
- Wolfson (Ancient) Warfare Wednesdays — Greek Warfare and Historiography
- Wolfson (Ancient) Warfare Wednesdays — Greek Warfare and Mythology
- Wolfson (Ancient) Warfare Wednesdays — Greek Warfare and Psychology
- Wolfson (Ancient) Warfare Wednesdays — Greek Warfare and Video Games
- Wolfson Arts - Representation as a Matter of Fact (Professor Phillip Lindley in conversation with Amikam Toren)
- Wolfson Research Event 2013
- Wolfson Research Event 2018
- Wolfson Research Event Online - Day 1
- Wolfson Research Event Online - Day 2
- Wolfson Research Event Online - Day 3
- Wolfson Science Society Student Research Series
- Wolfson-HAT Symposium Week 2: Personal Data, Industry and Markets
- Wolfson-HAT Symposium Week 4: Personal data, innovation and analytics
- Wollstonecraft: Philosophy, Passion, and Politics: A Roundtable Discussion
- Wolves - a genetic perspective on the last 20,000 years.
- Woman & Love: Talk for International Women’s Day 2017
- Womb with a view: transforming obstetric ultrasound into a consumer experience
- WOMBL: Number fields with prescribed norms
- WOMBL: Partial Associativity in Latin Squares
- WOMBL: The maximum of the Riemann zeta function on the 1-line
- WOMBL: The minimum number of additive tuples in groups of prime order
- Women @Cl Talklet Event
- Women and Casualisation: seminar and forum discussion
- Women and Children First: A Brief Look at Working Class Women and Children Commuters in London in the 1890s and 1900s
- Women and children first: imaging medical genetics, 1950s–1970s
- Women and Children, Love and Loss in To the Lighthouse
- Women and Writing; The Life You Save May be Your Own
- Women as creditors, debtors and intermediaries: the informal economy of credit in seventeenth-century Venice
- Women as Entrepreneurs and Employees: Critical Drivers of Economic Growth in Both Developed and Emerging Economies
- Women as space invaders: reconstructing the gendered space of IT
- Women Behind the "Great Men" of Mathematics: The Case of Caroline Eustis Seely
- Women in Astrophysics: a UK Perspective
- Women in banking: the introduction of the ‘Personal Banker’ at Barclays Bank in the 1970s
- Women in Comics
- Women in Engineering - Celebrating Local Achievements
- Women in Islam
- Women in Leadership – Hack your Leadership Mind
- Women in Science Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
- Women in Science: A Glass Half Full – Talk by Professor Ottoline Leyser
- Women in Science: what women and men should know
- Women in the Financial Sector
- Women Making Waves in Education
- Women on Boards: Business as Usual!
- Women on Boards: Business as Usual!
- Women Talk Sex: Intimate Interviews and Unexpected Answers
- Women Workers of the World United: Towards a global history of households, gender and work
- Women's Appeals to Talent in Seventeenth-Century England
- Women's Career Development
- Women's experience of harassment in public space.
- Women's Leadership Centre 2018 - Growing Talent: fostering collective success
- Women's medical books in the Crown of Aragon, 1300–1500
- Women's names and the shift to Latin in ancient Italy
- Women's Rights in Kuwait
- Women's Staff Network Event: The Confidence Cocktail
- Women's Staff Network: Career Conversations
- Women's Staff Network: How to set New Year’s Resolutions that Succeed
- Women's Staff Network: Making your voice heard
- Women's Status Men's States
- Women's Word: Crime Writers' Lunch - 'First Crime Lucky'
- Women's Word: In conversation with ... Lisa Appignanesi
- Women's Word: Literary Dinner with Sandi Toksvig
- Women's work by marital status in England and Wales in 1881: Evidence from the Census Enumerator's Books
- Women's Work, Men's Cultures: overcoming resistance and changing organisational cultures
- Women, Depression and 'collective' action: possibilities for 'social change' within primary mental health care settings in South Africa
- Women, freedom and equality: Margaret Cavendish and Mary Astell
- Women, personal law and property rights: notions of modern citizenship in late colonial India
- Women, property and work: some considerations of the Italian case (Turin, 18th century)
- women@CL 2015/16 AGM
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 1
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 2
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 2
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 3
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 4
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 5
- women@CL Coffee & Cake - 7
- Women@CL committee end of year meeting
- women@CL Q&A - Coffee & Cake with Dr. Sydney Padua - Imaginary Engines: Lovelace, Babbage and the Analytical Engine.
- women@CL talklet -- NetOS, Security, and NLP group
- Women@CL Talklet Event
- Women@CL Talklet Event
- Women@CL Talklet Event
- Women@CL talklet event
- women@CL Talklet Event
- Women@CL talklet event
- Women@CL Talklet Event
- Women@CL talklet event
- Women@CL Talklet Event
- Women@CL talklet event
- Women@CL Talklet Event
- women@CL Talklets (Session 1) - Rainbow group
- women@CL Talklets (Session 3) - SRG
- women@CL Talklets - NLIP
- women@CL Talklets - Security
- Women’s International Thought: Toward a New Canon? - Patricia Owens [gloknos lecture]
- Women’s Rights and Women’s Woes: Who says human rights are universal?
- Women’s Staff Network: Career Conversations
- Women’s Staff Network: Career Conversations
- Women’s work and structural change. Manufactures in 18th-century rural Spain
- Wonderful Fulton-MacPherson operads
- Wondering What Our Blood Holds
- Wonderwalls: Ovid’s Metamorphoses in art
- Wood Burning Stoves - talk and Q & A
- Wood mechanics, allometry, and life-history variation in a tropical rain forest tree community
- Wood nanocellulose – a natural component for novel biocomposite wound dressings
- Woofing it down – lessons on the neurobiology of appetite from man’s best friend
- Woofing it Down: Lessons on the neurobiology of appetite from man’s best friend
- Wool: low overhead work stealing for fine grain parallelism.
- Woolly Owl (Oxford/Cambridge)
- Word Equations on finite nilpotent groups of class 2
- Word maps on finite groups
- Word order and information structure
- Word order and the Attic Orators: towards a modern linguistic account of ancient stylistic terminology
- Word order change in Central Coast Salish
- Word Order in the NP in Earliest Germanic
- Word production and its brain correlates
- Word representation of streamline topologies for structurally stable vortex flows in multiply connected domains
- Word Sense Disambiguation and Other Systems in Japanese
- Word-hyperbolic surface bundles
- WordFest Special Event: THE MORTAL STORM
- Work and Power in Active and Sheared Systems, respectively
- Work in progress on the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care database: I modelling mortality using random effects regression, and II the development of quantitative indices reflecting provider 'process-of-care'
- Work in progress on visual programming languages
- Work in progress: a prototype refactoring tool based on a mechanically-verified core
- Work in progress: Diving deeper into building distributed representations graphs
- Work in progress: Making efficient use of language models for theorem proving
- Work in Progress: Nick Turvey
- Work of Chenevier and Chenevier-Clozel
- Work or Play? Inside an entrepreneurial journey
- Work, family and ‘industrious women’: an analysis of a test sample from the 1931-41 Farm Household Surveys
- Work. Division of labour, household and conceptions of gender in Sweden 1550-1610
- Work: a health problem? CCHSR annual lecture
- Work: Benefit, Chore or Stress?
- Workers of the Earth. A research and political agenda
- Workflow Management (plus potential recruiting for a startup I'm doing in silicon valley)
- Working animals and building sustainable veterinary education abroad (or donkeys in the sand!)
- Working At It: the practical, relational and moral aspects of sustaining fatherhood beyond couplehood.
- Working at the speed of light: modern high power laser beams
- Working Families Workshop
- Working for a Healthier Tomorrow
- Working in research through the COVID-19 crisis
- Working in the City and Using your Maths
- Working internationally and locally; rolling out the Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control Strategy, one step at a time
- Working Memory 2.0
- Working memory and its disorders
- Working memory and its disorders
- Working Memory and Long-Term Memory for auditory material
- Working memory and Specific Language Impairment
- Working memory binding and episodic memory formation: evidence from neuroimaging, aging and patient studies
- Working memory performance is tied to stimulus complexity
- Working memory training and transcranial electrical stimulation
- Working memory, language, and classroom learning
- Working Memory: Mechanisms of training and development during childhood
- Working on Challenges
- Working on Challenges
- Working on the Inside - Opportunities for scientists to work inside policy making
- Working openly and reproducibly - developing research skills for the future
- Working Openly and Reproducibly - Developing Research Skills For the Future
- Working Outside my Comfort Zone: A Literary Scholar Tackles Financial Modeling
- Working towards 4* outputs for REF2021, and a 'world leading' future
- Working under confinement
- Working with and along-side humans in agricultural robotics
- Working with atria: natural ventilation in multi-storey buildings
- Working with beasts: animal societies in 20th-century popular culture
- Working with Bullying in Schools: Exploring the Interventions
- Working with communities on language revitalisation: Some Australian experiences
- Working with councils to create low carbon towns and cities
- Working with councils to create low carbon towns and cities
- Working with councils to create low carbon towns and cities
- Working with Epidemiologists
- Working with Generosity - Takero Shimazaki Architects
- Working with Livestock Health in the Developing World
- Working with Natural Hazards: Perspectives from a Catastrophe Modelling Company
- Working with Nature. A talk by Jeremy Purseglove
- Working with over-parameterized models
- Working with proteins
- Working with RNA
- Working with the approvals process from NICE
- Working with Winston Churchill
- Working without shame in international educational development? From consequentialism to casuistry
- Working-Class Parents in the Era of Pedagogy of Autonomy and Family-School Partnership: A Perspective from Italy
- Workshop - "How do I get a job offer?” - Graduate and internship applications and interview workshop
- Workshop - Modelling for Industrial Biotechnology
- Workshop 1 of 3 - Enablers of Financial Crime: Tax, Finance and Societies Monday 30 August 14.00-16.00 BST/09:00-11:00 EST Online via Zoom
- Workshop 1 of 3 - Enablers of Financial Crime: Tax, Finance and Societies Monday 30 August 15.00-17.00 CET/09:00-11:00 EST Online via Zoom
- Workshop banquet - Medina
- Workshop by Voices 4 Workers in Tech (V4WT)
- Workshop in Microeconomics
- Workshop introduction, context, and review of previous workshops
- Workshop on Disaster Resilient Supply Chain Operations (DROPS) in South Asia
- Workshop on Epigenetics in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease
- Workshop on Language Acquisition
- Workshop on Language Acquisition
- Workshop on Language Processing
- Workshop on Melissa Lane's Carlyle Lectures
- Workshop on Melissa Lane's Carlyle Lectures
- Workshop on Melissa Lane's Carlyle Lectures
- Workshop on Open Innovation: Swimming with Big Fish - get paid to Innovate!
- Workshop on Quantum Error Correction
- Workshop on the Future of Social Networking: Experts from Industry and Academia
- Workshop on Treating Anhedonia
- Workshop on Twenty Years of Human Development: the past and the future of the Human Development Index
- Workshop on Twenty Years of Human Development: the past and the future of the Human Development Index
- Workshop on Visual Communication of Research and Data
- Workshop Summary
- Workshop/The Ethics of Using Machine Learning in Professional Practice
- Workshop: Afghanistan: A Neglected Reality
- Workshop: 'The development and facilitation of an emotion and memory group programme for the treatment of complex PTSD'
- Workshop: « What’s beyond Concerto: an introduction to the R package catR »
- Workshop: Dissemination of systematic reviews
- Workshop: Health Systems Strengthening-
- Workshop: Machine Learning in Cambridge 2015
- Workshop: People’s Power in the Struggle for Freedom
- Workshop: Professor Mike Kelly: “What do policy makers want from systematic reviews”
- WORKSHOP: Sex objects, political subjects or citizen-girls? Using critical, creative and collaborative methods with youth to explore gender, citizenship and schooling & PRESENTATION: Toward policy frameworks for transnational citizenship education
- Workshop: Underdetermination in Semantics and Utterance Processing
- World communism and the Rif War 1921-26
- World Film Collective screening
- World History Roundtable - Rethinking Meta-Narratives: A Conversation on Writing World History
- World Kindness Day 2021
- World models and intuition in the 1970s
- World of the Right - Radical Conservatism and Global Order
- World Outside My Shoes: Carl Wilkens
- World Rabies Day Seminar: "Rabies Control – challenges in implementing the science!"
- World War I and Imperialism Today !
- World's Apart? Biographies of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition
- World-making / -breaking: Towards a Political Ontology of Rhythm
- Worldline Instantons for Magnetic Monopoles in Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Worlds Turned Upside Down: Quiet Revolutions in Art
- WorldWide Telescope - A computational science innovation
- Wormholes and quantum noise
- Wormlike and Glassy Wormlike Chains
- Worms and Germs - helminths as vectors of pathogens.
- Worries about philosopher experts
- Worst-Case Learning from Inaccurate Data and under Multifidelity Models
- Would you trust a cybercriminal?
- Would you trust an artificial intelligence to make a fairness evaluation?
- Would you use 20V 2.25A or 15V 3A to charge your Chromebook and once charged how would you run Android Apps?
- Wound Healing 2016
- Wound healing and autoimmune pathologies; central roles for innate lymphoid cells and stroma
- Wound healing in Drosophila
- Wound Man: three early modern afterlives of a medieval surgical image
- Wound therapy on the go: development of a coupled mechanical and acoustic resonant micropump
- Woundcare
- Woven sensor fibers for wearable computing
- WOW Cambridge 2015
- WOW-Cambridge Think-ins
- WP Page Builder: The Ultimate Visual Editor for WordPress Sites
- Wrap up
- Wrap up
- Wrap up and Questions
- Wrap-up
- Wrap-up
- Wrap-up
- Wrap-up
- Wrap-up
- Wrap-up and Questions
- Wrap-up Discussion/ Conclusions
- Wrapped Floer theory and Viterbo Functoriality
- Wrapping interactions at strong coupling
- Wrestling With Polar Bears: Risk, Power, Law, and Oil and Gas
- Wrestling with real systems
- Wright and Whittaker Functions in Time Fractional Diffusion Problems
- Wrinkle patterns in active viscoelastic thin sheets
- Wrinkling and Creasing in Soft Solids: A Global Bifurcation and Symmetry-Breaking Approach to Surface Instabilities
- Wrinkling of simple epithelial tissues
- Writers, Rabbis, and the Rabble: Posing the Jewish Question at the Oberammergau Passion Play, c. 1860-1910
- Writing & Editing Workshop and SQUASH
- Writing 'Away day'
- Writing a history of African popular culture
- Writing a People's History of the First Intermediate Period: Challenges and Benefits
- Writing a People's History of the First Intermediate Period: Challenges and Benefits (Wolfram Grajetzki, UCL/Pisa)
- Writing about democracy in the age of Modi and Trump
- Writing Computational Models that are FAIR and VRAI
- Writing Good Essays: What You Should Know About Writing!
- Writing in Late Bronze Age Cyprus
- Writing in South Italy: Adaptation, Exchange and Identity
- Writing in the Mother Tongue: the yin-centred feminism of Ursula Le Guin's 'The Left Hand of Darkness'
- Writing International Legal History From and Through the Margins
- Writing Itself
- Writing Low Latency Code
- Writing on DNA: synthesis and information storage
- Writing post-feminist history: female sexual dysfunction and biological psychiatry, 1960 to the present
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing shell scripts
- Writing Sound : Designing Notation : Carolingian Musical Techne
- Writing the future: opportunities and challenges in inkjet printing
- Writing the history of education as social and economic history
- Writing the History of Transnational Spaces:A New Approach to the Study of Pan-European Organisations and Norms
- Writing the North? Geography and the disciplines of Circumpolar exceptionality
- Writing the Scientific Revolution in Louis XIV's France
- Writing Unix shell scripts
- Writing vernacular languages online: a case study of writing strategies of Taiwanese on social network sites among young generation
- Writing War
- Writing WWW documents - advanced features
- Writing WWW documents - advanced features
- Writing WWW documents - advanced features
- Writing WWW documents - advanced features
- Writing WWW documents - advanced features
- Writing WWW documents - advanced features
- Writing, Art and Chinese Culture
- Writing, reading and transferring spins via electrical charges: moving towards ultra-fast and green computing
- WSN: Building Resilience at Work
- WSN: Building Resilience at Work
- WSN: Building Resilience at Work
- WT-CCGHR inaugural lecture by GAVI CEO
- Wu Wen-Tsun: a modern Chinese mathematician and the Chinese mathematical tradition
- www.Antibodies_Direct.com
- www.Antibodies_Direct.com The story of Abcam; selling antibodies on-line