University of Cambridge > > Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars > Tracking fluids through Earth’s crust: Insights from volcanic seismicity and impacts for society

Tracking fluids through Earth’s crust: Insights from volcanic seismicity and impacts for society

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Yihe Xu.

Mapping fluid accumulation in the crust is pertinent for numerous applications including volcanic hazard assessment, geothermal energy generation and mineral exploration. In this talk, I will elucidate the distribution of fluids in the crust below Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia, using various microseismic methods. I will first explore the origin of fluids at this volcano, mapping the path of these fluids from the mantle to a shallow hydrothermal system. Along the way, I will evidence the presence of fluids, mechanisms of migration, and insights into fluid composition. We will then zoom out to the bigger picture, discussing some implications of our findings for society, including how these techniques might derisk geothermal projects and provide foundations for critical metal exploration.

This talk is part of the Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars series.

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