Talks starting with S
- S receiver functions from the Tien Shan
- S-duality and mirror symmetry in Chern-Simons theory
- S-duality in twistor space
- S-money: virtual tokens for a relativistic economy
- S.Ex.Sy. (Saccharomyces Expression System) or the art of expressing (difficult) proteins in budding yeast
- S7 - Probing the physics of AGN through integral field spectroscopy
- Saami in Russia: "Kuess ne poluchaetsja samas, rushas polegche"
- SAARC and regional trade integration: a political economy perspective
- Saba and Aksum: Irrigation in the Histories of Adjacent Arabian and African Empires
- Saber: Line-Rate Stream Processing on Heterogeneous Architectures
- Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger: "Sicherheit und Freiheit angesichts terroristischer Gefährdungen"
- Saccadic suppression as a perceptual consequence of efficient sensorimotor estimation
- Sackler Lecture, Present and Future Far Infrared Extragalactic Astronomy: Herschel and Beyond
- Sackler Lecture: Present and Future Far Infrared Extragalactic Astronomy: Herschel and Beyond
- Sackler Lecture: Present and Future Far Infrared Extragalactic Astronomy: Herschel and Beyond
- Sacred and secular sounds: Qwaali in Pakistan
- Sacred Mountains as Flood Refuge Sites in Northwest North America
- Sacred values, sacred terror: Motivation and religious terrorism
- Saddles, Edge States, and Transitions in Complex Systems
- Safe and accurate satellite navigation with non-Gaussian models
- Safe as houses? The uneven integration of housing, mortgage and financial markets
- Safe at any speed
- Safe Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
- Safe Learning: How to Modify Bayesian Inference when All Models are Wrong
- Safe Learning: How to Modify Bayesian Inference when All Models are Wrong
- Safe modern C++
- Safe Recursive Set Functions
- Safe Shell Scripting with Capabilities and Contracts
- Safe Ski Jump Landing Slopes
- Safe to Remember: Germany's Cinema of Retrospection
- Safe-Haven CDS Premiums
- Safeguarding our local water resources - A talk by Stephen Tomkins, Cam Valley Forum
- Safeguarding the future: families, education, and contract
- Safer Healthcare by Better Computer Science
- Safer Operations in the Sea Ice-covered Oceans: The Tale of the Two Projects
- Safer, Faster, Better? Evaluating Electronic Prescribing in Hospitals
- Safety Assurance for Algorithmic Trading
- Safety checking in a domain of collaborative applications.
- Safety compliant assistive exoskeletons for AAL applications
- Safety Culture in Mental Health Crisis Teams and their Management
- Safety First: WebAssembly as a Formally Specified Universal Compute Platform
- Safety in the lab
- Safety in the Lab
- Safety of program transformations in shared-memory concurrency
- Safety Research For A Responsible Use Of Nanomaterials
- Safety verification of neural-network-based controllers
- SAFT force fields for coarse-grained MD simulations
- Sagas and the Law: the Icelandic goði
- SagaScape: Simulating human impact and community formation in southwest Anatolia during the first millennium BCE
- Sagittal cresting among apes and capuchin monkeys: implications for understanding fossil hominins
- Sai Shruthi Murali on Prebiotic Chemical Kinetics
- Saiful Islam (Bath): Green Energy Materials in 3D
- Sailing an unchartered territory: What values are created during museum-community inclusion projects?
- Sailing On Diffusion
- Sailing to the Sinophone World: On Modern Chinese Literary Cartography
- Sailing with the Sea Shepherds: Preliminary Findings from Participant Observation of Anti-whaling Direct Action in the Southern Ocean
- Sailing, Magnetism and Stationary Spacetimes
- Sailors in the southern oceans: logbooks and climatic research
- Saito-Kurokawa lifts, Harder's conjecture and ratios of standard zeta values
- Sakshi Aravind - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Sales SIG: 'Social Media and Sales'
- Salicylic acid and its binding proteins at the crossroads of plant and human health
- Salicylic acid biosynthesis in higher plants
- Salinity intrusion in Northern San Francisco Bay: Observations and models
- Salmonella and its antigens: T cells, B cells and some controversies
- Salmonella diarrhea - from molecular analysis to the real infection
- Salt fluxes from sea ice: simple models of reactively dissolved channels
- Salty waters: Life’s origins and biological habitability on Earth (and Mars?)
- Salvador Allende Memorial Lecture - The Chilean road to capitalism: the role of agrarian reform and peasant revolt before the coup
- Salvage, Service, or Militancy: Missions, unions, and states in maritime Arab world - Laleh Khalili [gloknos lecture]
- Salvation History in the Kaiserchronik?
- Sam Abbott - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Sam Edwards - Continuing the Legacy for Industry-Facing Science
- Sam Leonard & Henry North
- Sam Roberts on Prebiotic Chemistry
- Sam Susan
- Same data, different perspectives: Sharing data from design meetings to support research into design thinking
- Same Same But Different
- Same Sex Cultures and Pariah Formations in North Africa
- Same-sex marriage: European Perspectives
- Sameer: film screening
- Sample geometry for shear testing with a UTM
- Sample size calculations for cluster randomised trials
- Sample size evolution in neuroimaging research: an evaluation of highly-cited studies (1990-2012) and of latest practices (2017-2018) in high-impact journals
- Sample size, statistical power and discrete choice experiments: How much is enough
- Sample-selection bias in the historical heights literature
- Sampling and Representation of Stiff ODEs in Large Dimension
- Sampling as Optimization
- Sampling based on local signal analysis: applications to photo-realistic imagery and beyond
- Sampling bias in logistic models
- Sampling bias in logistic models
- Sampling convex bodies and random matrix theory
- Sampling Cyber Data
- Sampling from multi-modal distributions via stochastic localization
- Sampling from the random cluster model on the random regular graph at all temperatures
- Sampling guarantees for diffusion models via Girsanov's theorem
- Sampling in the 21st century: at the heart of hybrid analogue/digital processing
- Sampling Methods for Exploring Between Subject Variability in Cardiac Electrophysiology Experiments
- Sampling methods for time domain inverse scattering problems
- Sampling schemes and the Superesolution Phenomenon in Compressed sensing
- Sampling Theory of Large Graphs
- Sampling using Diffusion Processes
- Sampling with kernelized Wasserstein gradient flows
- Sampling with non-reversible dynamics
- Samuel Brown of Edinburgh: chemistry and the scientific career in nineteenth-century Scotland
- Samuel Lilley and the Commission for the History of the Social Relations of Science, 1947–53
- Samuel Morley: was he the founder of Homerton College as we know it?
- San Fermin: Aggregating Large Data Sets using Dynamic Binomial Trees
- Sand ripples and dunes
- Sandpiles, Staircases and Self-organized criticality
- Sanger Distinguished Lecture 2017, Sanger’s Legacy – Using High Throughput Human Exome Sequencing with Mouse Genome Engineering to Guide Discovery and Medicine
- Sanitation for the urban poor in developing countries - Is the flush toilet the worst invention the world has ever known?
- Sanitization for sequential data
- Sankie: Using Data to Build Better Systems and Services
- Sansuc’s formula and Tate global duality (d’après Rosengarten).
- Santa Maria della Scala: A Byzantine treasury for the medieval city of Siena
- Santaló Geometry of Convex Polytopes
- SAP Forum
- SAP Open Forum
- SAP Rural Sourcing Management
- Sapiens and Neanderthal: a comparative study of climate resilience
- Sappho, Lincoln, & the American Senate: Picturing Female Desire in the 19th Century
- Sarah de Rijcke [gloknos lecture]
- Sarah Gordon, Google Test Engineer
- Sarah M.S. Pearsall: Enlightenment, Polygamy, Vampires
- Sarah Miller-Davenport: The Power of Mutual Understanding: Teaching 'New Modes of Life' in Post-Statehood Hawai'i
- Sarah Stone, William Cadogan and Enlightenment motherhood
- Saramago's "A Jangada de Pedra": From localism to internationalism
- Sarcasm Identification in Natural Language Processing
- Sarcomas and the insulin-like growth factor pathway
- SARIs : a new paradigm for turbulent accretion onto black holes
- Sarkisov links in classification of Fanos
- SARS-CoV-2 Evolution and Vaccination
- SARS-CoV-2 Evolution at Different Scales
- SARS-CoV-2 on Hard Surfaces
- SARS-CoV-2 serosurveillance: local efforts and global considerations
- SARS-CoV-2 Variants
- SAS reception to be held in the Gatehouse
- Sascha Hilgenfeldt - Morphological Indicators for the Energy Landscape of Disordered Systems
- Saskia Sassen (Columbia): 'Emergent Logics of Expulsion: Beyond Social Exclusion'
- SAT Solving: Present and Future
- Satake compactifications and the Schottky problem
- Satellite Applications Catapult Quickfire Talks
- Satellite Architectures for resilient networks
- Satellite Observations for Climate Resilience and Sustainability
- Satellite Observations, Earth System Models and Public Engagement Synergies: from Oil and Natural Gas Operations, Enhanced Weathering to Ozone Gardens
- Satellite Profiles of Galaxy Groups and Clusters in SDSS
- Satellite RNAs, Heterochromatin and Cancer: A Novel Mechanism of Induction of Breast Cancer by Loss of BRCA1?
- Satellite Technology
- Satellites formation
- SATisfaction guaranteed: inverse self-assembly as a colouring problem
- Satisfaction of the eigenvalue constraints on the $Q$-tensor
- Satisfiability of elastic demand
- Satisfiability: connecting logic and probability
- Sato-Tate type distributions for families of hypergeometric varieties
- Sattler model structures
- Saturated Boolean Ultrapowers
- Saturated fusion Systems on a Sylow p-subgroup of a rank 2 Lie Type Group
- Saturn’s Internal Magnetic Field Revealed by Cassini Grand Finale
- Saunders Genetics Lecture
- Saunders-Roe Princess Flying Boat
- Sausages and Butcher Paper
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Save the date. Details of this seminar will follow shortly.
- Saved by servitude: the display of horses at the Natural History Museum in London
- Saved by SMS?
- Saved by the British Empire: how the US escaped the Great Depression
- Saving Asia's vultures
- Saving Ely's Wildspace
- Saving equality from the dustbin of history: a refutation of the ‘meritocracy thesis’ from The Bell Curve
- Saving Face - Film Screening, followed by discussion with Dr Jawad
- Saving it for the future: practical perspectives on personal digital archiving
- Saving Lives
- Saving our bumblebees
- Saving the City: The Great Financial Crisis of 1914
- Saving the language of William the Conqueror: The Revitalisation of Sark's Norman tongue
- Saving the People of the Forest: one chocolate bar and one nebulizer treatment at a time
- Saving the world one handset at a time: mobile phones and building the Internet
- Saving the world one handset at a time: mobile phones and building the Internet
- Saving the world, and giving what we can, with Dr Greg Lewis
- Saving the world, one handset at a time
- Saving Wildcats: the reinforcement of wildcats in Scotland
- Savings Millions (lives and money) with Simulation Experiments
- Saviours and vermin: the shifting status of rats in history
- Savour thy units! (or why the p-adics sometimes beats the integers)
- Say Pays! Shareholder Voice and Firm Performance
- Saying “No” Is Harder Than We Think: Implications for Compliance and Consent
- Saying something new about Bodiam Castle
- SBLIs in Intakes at Incidence
- SBND -- a state of the art Liquid Argon TPC for Neutrino Physics
- SBS Bioinformatics Seminar on Spatial transcriptomics
- SBUS Tutorial
- SBV regularity for conservation and balance laws - Oxbridge PDE Days
- Scaffolds and adaptors in DNA-damage response signalling: a structural perspective
- Scaffolds and frames: the MathComp algebra formal library
- Scaffolds for the Cytoskeleton: Structural Biology of Septins and their Assembly as a Molecular Jigsaw
- Scala: How to sneak Haskell design patterns into industry code
- Scalability and Flexibility: Key Principles for Advanced Manufacturing Research and Education
- Scalable algorithms for Markov process parameter inference
- Scalable Approaches to Self-Supervised Learning using Spectral Analysis
- Scalable Bayesian Inference with Annealing Algorithms
- Scalable computation of thermomechanical turbomachinery problems
- Scalable Deep Gaussian Processes
- Scalable design of heterogeneous networks
- Scalable display architectures
- Scalable Functional Nanocoatings for Technological and Societal Applications
- Scalable Gaussian Processes
- Scalable Gaussian Processes for Scientific Discovery
- Scalable inference for a full multivariate stochastic volatility model
- Scalable Inference for Complex Environmental Data
- Scalable Intelligent Systems by 2025
- Scalable inter-vehicular applications
- Scalable microfabricated ion traps for quantum information processing, quantum simulations and sensing
- Scalable monitoring of Infectious Diseases through biological weather stations
- Scalable Monte Carlo inference for state-space models
- Scalable multilevel iterative solvers for elliptic problems: a discussion session
- Scalable network modelling for personalized medicine
- Scalable Non-Markovian Language Modelling
- Scalable Ontology-Based Information Systems
- Scalable Parallel Computing with CUDA
- Scalable simulation and inference in non-Gaussian stochastic PDEs
- Scalable simulation and inference in non-Gaussian stochastic PDEs
- Scalable statistical inference with INLA
- Scalable synthesis of high-mobility graphene and van der Waals heterostructures
- Scalable Uncertainty Quantification for calibrating spatio-temporal models
- Scalable Uncertainty Quantification for calibrating spatio-temporal models
- Scalable, rapid and sensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 using RT-LAMP for laboratory and home testing
- Scalar Active Matter: Field Theories, Phase Ordering and Fluid Dynamics
- Scalar dissipation rate in an unsteady turbulent jet
- Scalar field cosmology with NLS formulation
- Scalar hairy black holes in four dimensions are unstable
- Scalar mixing patterns in forced simulations of stratified turbulence: the importance of extreme events - Miles Couchman
- Scalar mode dynamics in Horava-Lifshitz gravity
- Scalar Modular Bootstrap and Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function
- Scalar Particles as Alternative-Sensitive Expressions
- Scalar politics and power processes in shared international spaces
- Scalar transport
- Scalar-flat Kaehler metrics on non-compact toric surfaces
- Scalar-tensor theories of gravity beyond Horndesky
- Scalars & probabilities, monads & categories
- Scale and anisotropic effects in necking of metallic tensile specimens
- Scale and anisotropic effects in necking of metallic tensile specimens
- Scale and rate effects in fracture of warm freshwater ice
- Scale effects induced by strain-gradient plasticity and interfacial resistance in randomly heterogeneous media
- Scale in Contemporary Art
- Scale Invariance without de Sitter
- Scale invariance, a hidden symmetry explored with quantum gases
- Scale invariance, hierarchy generation and inflation.
- Scale selection and feedback loops for formation and sustainment of a mesoscopic staircase structure in drift wave-zonal flow turbulence
- Scale up and field trials on bio-based ground improvement methods
- Scale without Conformal Invariance
- Scale-Dependent Alignment in Field-Guided MHD Turbulence
- Scale-free percolation
- SCALE-LES: Strategic development of large eddy simulation suitable to the future HPC
- Scale-Out Processors
- Scale-Out Processors
- Scale-up of nanoparticle beam deposition to make functional materials - catalysts, sensors, light emitters, neuromorphics
- Scaling AI Systems with Optical I/O
- Scaling and Generalizing Approximate Bayesian Inference
- Scaling and integrability from AdS5 x S5
- Scaling and Representative Measurements for Snowpack Sampling
- Scaling Breakthrough Technology
- Scaling Challenges in Hydrology and Applications to Water Resources and Food Security
- Scaling Challenges in Hydrology and Applications to Water Resources and Food Security
- Scaling configurations of cosmic superstring networks and their cosmological implications
- Scaling constants and the lazy peeling of infinite Boltzmann planar maps
- Scaling constants and the lazy peeling of infinite Boltzmann planar maps
- Scaling criteria for high Reynolds and Peclet number turbulent flow, scalar transport, mixing, and heat transfer
- Scaling Deep Learning
- Scaling down the laws of thermodynamics
- Scaling Formal Verification with Machine Learning
- Scaling in Low-dimensional Long-range Percolation Models
- Scaling in the geometrical features of the gradient contact process
- Scaling Internet Routing with Legacy Protocols
- Scaling inverse reinforcement learning for human-compatible AI
- Scaling land-atmosphere fluxes from sites to globe: Overview and synthesis of the FLUXCOM approach
- Scaling land-atmosphere fluxes from sites to globe: Overview and synthesis of the FLUXCOM approach
- Scaling law of fractal-generated turbulence and its derivation from a new scaling group of the multi-point correlation equation
- Scaling laws for large time-series models: More data, more parameters
- Scaling laws for melting ice avalanches
- Scaling laws for spreading the quantum information
- Scaling laws in Aeolian transport
- Scaling Laws of Passive-Scalar Diffusion in the Interstellar Medium and... links to pseudo- differential equations and levy flights
- Scaling limit and universal finite size corrections in 2D interacting Ising models
- Scaling limit for amnesic step-reinforced random walks
- Scaling limit of a branching process in a varying environment
- Scaling limit of high-dimensional random spanning trees
- Scaling limit of multi-type stationary measures in the KPZ class
- Scaling limit of the condensate dynamics in a reversible zero range process
- Scaling limit of the heavy-tailed ballistic deposition model with p-sticking
- Scaling limit of the largest clusters in critical percolation and FK-Ising models in two dimensions
- Scaling limit of the probability that loop-erased random walk uses a given edge
- Scaling limits and decay of correlations for non-convex interaction
- Scaling limits and decay of correlations for non-convex interaction
- Scaling limits and macroscopic behavior for stochastic models of active matter
- Scaling limits and macroscopic behavior for stochastic models of active matter
- Scaling limits for a dynamic model of 2D Young diagrams
- Scaling limits for anisotropic Hastings-Levitov type clusters
- Scaling limits for planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations
- Scaling limits of a model for selection at two scales Joint with Shishi Luo
- Scaling limits of critical Ising correlation functions in planar domains
- Scaling limits of forest fire processes.
- Scaling limits of random planar maps and growth-fragmentations
- Scaling limits of random planar maps and growth-fragmentations
- Scaling limits of random planar maps with large faces
- Scaling limits of random walks and their time changes on trees and other graphs
- Scaling limits of the uniform spanning tree
- Scaling limits of the uniform spanning tree
- Scaling Machine Learning for the Internet
- Scaling Multilingual Generation for Low-Resource Languages
- Scaling of Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo for Anisotropic Targets
- Scaling of the Unicast and Multicast Capacity Regions of Wireless Networks
- Scaling of tissue proportions to body size during vertebrate development
- Scaling populations and communities
- Scaling populations and communities
- Scaling properties of cosmic superstring networks
- Scaling the wall in leaf development: from structure to function
- Scaling transaction processing through data-oriented execution
- Scaling turbulence simulations to beyond a million processes
- Scaling up from individual interactions to biodiversity dynamics
- Scaling Up Mental Health Support: Automated annotation for Recovery Stories using AI
- Scaling up the automated verification of concurrent programs
- Scaling window of Bernoulli percolation on Z^d
- Scaling wireless services
- Scaling, macro weather and the climate
- Scalings for a ballistic aggregation equation
- Scandinavian negative shift and cyclic linearization
- Scanned Josephson Tunneling Microscopy: Visualizing Electron-Pair Fluids and Density Waves
- Scanning for a winner: MRI for horses
- Scanning gate microscopy: local mapping of functionality of graphene devices
- Scanning gate microscopy: local mapping of functionality of graphene devices
- Scanning helium microscopy (SHeM): Real space imaging of delicate surfaces
- Scanning instruments in the department
- Scanning near-field spectroscopy of organic micro- and nano-structures
- Scanning Probe Experiments On Atomically Well-Defined Graphene Nanostructures
- Scanning Probe Microscopy of Active Polymer Electronic Devices
- Scanning probe microscopy of GaN: Beyond pretty pictures
- Scanning the cosmological horizon
- Scans and Skulls and Holes and Moles
- Scansion-based Lyric Generation
- SCAPEZILLA: the backreaction of antibranes in flux compactifications
- SCAR in the 60s: The successes and failures of science diplomacy in Antarctica
- Scarce attention and the value of page rank in online search
- Scarcities, technologies and resources: A structural approach to political economy
- Scarcity Scares
- Scars from the Front Lines of Technology Deployment in Africa
- Scary Viruses, Killer Tapeworms, and Nostril Ticks: Unanticipated Adventures in Emerging Infectious Disease Research
- Scattering Amplitudes in Three Dimensions
- Scattering Amplitudes, Wilson Loops and Correlation Functions in Twistor Space
- Scattering and anomalous diffusion of tracer particles in active suspensions
- Scattering and Landau damping for the Vlasov-HMF model: mathematical and numerical analysis
- Scattering and multiple scattering in nonlinearly pre-stressed materials
- Scattering and thermalization: wave-particle duality hits quantum thermodynamics
- Scattering and unstable hadrons in lattice QCD
- Scattering by a metasurface with resonant Mie particles under TM/TE polarization
- Scattering by a periodic array of slits with complex boundaries via the Wiener--Hopf method
- Scattering by a periodic array of slits with complex boundaries via the Wiener--Hopf method
- Scattering by discs
- Scattering diagrams for generalized cluster algebras
- Scattering for wave equations with sources and slowly decaying data
- Scattering from a beam-tilting metasurface: analysis and design
- Scattering from a random thin coating of nanoparticles
- Scattering from black holes
- Scattering in the static patch of de Sitter space.
- Scattering Networks and Singular Values Decomposition: different methods to remove background in Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy image
- Scattering of a sound wave by a two-sided sandwich membrane
- Scattering of acoustic waves by a resonant bubbly screen
- Scattering of inertia-gravity waves by quasigeostrophic turbulence
- Scattering of linear waves in the interior of Reissner–Nordström black holes
- Scattering of topological edge waves in Kekule structures
- Scattering of water waves by multiple rows of vertical thin barriers
- Scattering of waves by finite periodic arrays
- Scattering of waves in orthotropic elastic media
- Scattering off of Twistorial Line Defects
- Scattering on plane waves and the double copy
- Scattering Optical Elements: Inverse design of dielectric photonic devices
- Scattering past a cylinder with weak circulation
- Scattering resonances as viscosity limits
- Scavenger: A Black-Box Batch Workload Resource Manager for Improving Utilization in Cloud Environments
- Scavengers of nature: recycling in the history of science and medicine
- SCC formwork pressure - myths and facts
- Scenario Sets, Risk Measures and Stress Testing Part 1: Theory
- Scenario Sets, Risk Measures and Stress Testing Part 2: Implementation
- Scenarios for strategic planning in the built environment
- Scenarios Session
- Scenarios, forecasts, and projections – thinking about the future of technological change and climate change mitigation
- Scene understanding in emergency response scenarios
- Scenes in a Library: Alain Resnais & 'Toute la mémoire du monde' (1956)
- Scent Communication in Banded Mongooses
- Schaper Layers of Specht Modules
- Schauder estimates for degenerate non-local parabolic equations
- Schönheit. Eine kleine begriffliche Reise
- Scheduling and large deviations
- Scheduling for Communication and Processing Networks
- Scheduling for multi-carrier wireless systems
- Scheduling in Wireless Networks
- Scheduling meeting
- Scheduling Tasks for Reconfigurable Architecture
- Scheduling to balance energy and delay: Optimality versus robustness
- Schemas and semantics for Higher Inductive Types
- Schematic Harder Narasimhan stratification
- Scherk-like Translators for Mean Curvature Flow
- Schistosomes in the era of high throughput sequencing
- Schistosomiasis – what more do we need to know about the parasite and related disease in the move towards elimination?
- Schistosomiasis control in pre-school-aged children: from molecular epidemiology to new WHO treatment guidelines
- Schistosomiasis: a deadly parasitic disease at the interface of human behaviour and the environment
- Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
- Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
- Schizophrenia: is it all in the mind?
- Schizotypy: mild disease or personality dimension?
- Schmallenberg virus in the UK - initial results after the incursion
- Schnorr triviality is equivalent to being a basis for tt-Schnorr randomness
- Scholarly Networking
- Scholarly publication in the seventeenth century: Oxford, Cambridge and the 'learned press'
- Scholarly Publishing 2.0 Squared
- Scholars at Risk: Human Rights and Academic Freedom
- Scholars at Risk: Human Rights and Academic Freedom
- Scholarship, Morals and Government: Jean-Henri-Samuel Formey's and Johann Gottfried Herder's Responses to Rousseau's First Discourse
- School Autonomy Policies in Three Former Soviet Countries of Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
- School inspection judgements as professional border crossing?
- School leadership in interesting times: Revisiting the fundamental principles of leadership for learning
- School-based health promotion: what went wrong and where to next?
- Schooling as Violence one-day conference
- Schools as Places of Unselving: an educational pathology?
- Schools for democracy
- Schools of Industry and Habits of Industriousness: Making childhood pay in the early Nineteenth Century
- Schottky All-Silicon Photodetectors:Limitations And Perspectives
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 1
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 2
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 3
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 4
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 5
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 6
- Schramm-Loewner Evolution 7
- Schröder Lecture - Killing Hitler: German Resistance Before and After the July Plot
- Schrödinger and his Equation
- Schrödinger bridges, diffusion and SDEs
- Schrödinger in Oxford (and Cambridge)
- Schreck! Or Innate Fear in the Zebrafish
- Schrodinger Bridge Flow for Unpaired Data Translation
- Schrodinger or Pauli operators with self-generated magnetic fields
- Schroedinger Cosmology: a new approach
- Schubert Calculus on flag varieties and formal group laws
- Schubert varieties and representations of real reductive groups
- Schubert varieties and representations of real reductive groups
- Schubert varieties and representations of real reductive groups
- Schubert varieties and representations of real reductive groups
- Schur-Weyl duality and large $N$ limit in 2d Yang-Mills theory
- Schwarzian Field Theory
- SCI Graduate Symposium
- Sci-Fi Film Night
- Sci-Fi Film Night: Alien
- SciBar : Digital Medicine
- SciBar- 'Are You Sure You Remember that? - The Neuroscience of False Memories'.
- SciBar: How the immune system works
- SciBar: Introduction to the BBC micro:bit
- SciBar: Mathematical secrets behind elementary particles
- SciBar: Regeneration
- SciBar: Sleep, Dreams and Consciousness
- SciBar: Talks on Diabetes
- SciBar: Why finding your keys is a surprisingly hard problem
- SciBarHealth - Arthritis, Bones & Joints
- SciBarHealth: Heart Month
- SciComp minitalks
- Science & Engineering
- Science & Freedom of Speech
- Science - facts and frictions
- Science Advice in Emergencies
- Science and art, past and future: understanding the Botanic Garden
- Science and empire: the view from Beijing, c. 1700
- Science and Ethics of Stem Cells
- Science and government policy: current oxymoron future opportunity?
- Science and Islam
- Science and Justice in the Anthropocene
- Science and Natural Theology
- Science and Non-science in Drug Policy
- Science and Non-science in UK Drug and Alcohol Policy
- Science and Policy: a one way relationship?
- Science and political debate in ancient China
- Science and Religion
- Science and religion: friends or foes?
- Science and Sexism: A Survival Guide
- Science and Special Divine Action
- Science and speculation
- Science and Spirituality - An Evening Talk
- Science and Spirituality - An Evening Talk
- Science and Spirituality- Short Talks and Discussion
- Science and technology in international development
- Science and Technology in Parliament
- Science and the approximation account of knowledge
- Science and the Challenge of Evidence-Based Policy
- Science and the Indian Tradition: When Einstein met Tagore
- Science and the Media
- Science and the Media
- Science and the Media - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Science and the world
- Science as a Cultural Human Right
- Science as Affective, Embodied and Material Relations
- Science as communication
- Science as Salvation? How to cope with the end of the world
- Science Communication Career Perks – How to Thrive as a Publishing Professional
- Science communication's 'missing masses': scale and symmetry in the study of science communication
- Science Data Processor for the Square Kilometre Array Telescope
- Science education
- Science Fiction and Current Research – an Expert Discussion
- Science for People who Don't Want to Know About Science
- Science from a sheet of paper
- Science funding 2.0
- Science Highlights from the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR): Bringing the High Energy Universe into Focus
- Science in crisis? Reproducibility and the philosophy of science
- Science in Egyptology: a fundamental tool to understand the past. The cases of 18th Dynasty Nubian kohl and pastes from Third Intermediate Period Thebes
- Science in Emergencies
- Science in Higher Education and Development in Africa
- Science in late antiquity: rationality and a new religion
- Science in Parliament
- Science in Poland: the what, why and how
- Science in Practice: Sharing the field with natural scientists
- Science in the Cinema: Contagion
- Science in the House of Commons (PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME 19:45)
- Science in the Inclusive Classroom: Research and Development of a Multifaceted Approach
- Science in the Real World and Stem Cell Science
- Science in the service of the developing world
- Science Make-a-thon
- Science Makers
- Science Makers
- Science Makers: building better microscopes
- Science Makers: Colour - science and senses
- Science Makers: DIY DNA Part 1 - Reading DNA
- Science Makers: drones for science
- Science Makers: Electrophysiology
- Science Makers: Lab Robots
- Science Makers: Learn physical computing with Venus flytraps
- Science Makers: Microfluidics
- Science Makers: multispectral imaging with Raspberry Pi
- Science Makers: multispectral imaging with Raspberry Pi
- Science Makers: sensing with chemicals
- Science Makers: sensor networks
- Science Makers: Water Monitoring (build a 3D-printed microscope)
- Science Media Centre Talk and Q&A (Zoom)
- Science meets the Indian traditions
- Science museum v2.0: using low-cost computing to improve access to hands-on science experiences
- Science non-Fiction and the Bottom Billion Seminar Series
- Science not culture: South India in global concept history
- Science of personality research
- Science of Stem Cells
- Science of the Skies - what the government needs to know in the fight against climate change
- Science Policy Forum
- Science policy research - can research influence policy? How? And does it make for better policy?
- Science Policy Workshop Report/Arctic Circle Assembly 2019
- Science publishing and publishing in Science
- Science Publishing and Publishing in Science
- Science showmanship
- Science Student Research Series
- Science Volunteering in Africa
- Science with ALMA: the cool side of the universe
- Science with CMB spectral distortions
- Science with Very Large Cosmological Simulations
- Science Writing
- Science, evidence, and government; reflections on the covid-19 experience
- Science, finance and empire: assessing the role of networked capital in Britain’s economic development, 1660-1720
- Science, Media, Policy and Wildlife: The Badger/Bovine TB Controversy
- Science, Religion and the Material Turn: Exploring New Global Potentials through Colonial Museum African Collections
- Science, scientific method and rationality: Nehru's engagement with Ayurveda
- Science, sexuality and transnational networks in South African AIDS activism, 1994–2001
- Science-Politics Alliances and the Career of Climate Engineering: Making Sense of a ‘Bad Idea Whose Time has Come’
- Science: How not to do it
- Science: How not to do it
- Science: Is It Really 'Ours'?
- Sciencing the Sh*t out of Ape Conservation
- Scientia sexualis versus ars erotica: Foucault, van Gulik, Needham, Orientalism
- Scientific Approaches to Musical Improvisation
- Scientific Computing in Cambridge meeting
- Scientific Computing in Lean
- Scientific Computing in Python
- Scientific computing on .NET
- Scientific Data Visualization
- Scientific discovery and Wittgenstein's hinges
- Scientific editing, why bother!
- Scientific habits circa 1900
- Scientific instruments before science
- Scientific machine learning - opportunities and challenges from an industrial perspective
- Scientific Machine Learning – Opportunities and Challenges from an Industrial Perspective
- Scientific naturalism and the modern empirical occult: historiographical and practical issues
- Scientific perception, interpretation and prediction of the weather in late medieval England
- Scientific perspectivism and its foes
- Scientific pluralism and the mission of history and philosophy of science
- Scientific Realism and Primordial Cosmology
- Scientific research in collaboration with industry - Experience with InnovateUK (TSB) projects
- Scientific study of forgiveness: Status
- Scientific uncertainty and 'sufficient knowledge': the development of a European-wide research programme on acid rain
- Scientific Uses of Automatic Differentiation
- Scientific wine tasting with Luke Webster
- Scientific Writing: Deliberate practice makes you better
- Scientist to Politician: Making evidence-based policy decisions
- Scientists for EU versus the Eurosceptics
- SciEnts Cocktail Party
- SciScreen - Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom
- SciScreen : Ant-man and the wasp
- SciScreen : First Man
- SciScreen : Notes on Blindness
- SciScreen : Trainspotting 2 : Effects of drug abuse on the brain
- SciScreen Moonlight : When Identities and Cultures Collide
- SciScreen: Finding Dory
- SciScreen: Golden Genes
- Scisoc 2007 Annual General Meeting
- SciSoc Annual Founders' Dinner with Simon Baron-Cohen
- SCISOC TALK - 103 years of Crystallography: what has it taught us and where will lead us?
- SCISOC TALK - Black holes and revelations
- SCISOC TALK - Opossums, Catastrophes, and Homeostasis
- SCISOC TALK - Our cosmic origins: everything from nothing
- SCISOC TALK - The Black dog: why don't we care?
- SCISOC TALK - The Roadmap to Applications of Graphene, Layered Materials and Hybrid systems
- SCISOC TALK: ATP-sensitive potassium channels and neonatal diabetes – from molecule to new therapy and beyond.
- SciSoc Talk: Dame Athene Donald - "Physics of the Everyday"
- SciSoc Talk: Dame Julia Slingo
- Scisoc talk: Dr David Bainbridge - 'Curvology: the origins and power of female body shape"
- Scisoc talk: Dr Ewan Birney - 'Big Data for Basic Research'
- Scisoc talk: Dr Hugh Lewis - 'Space Debris, the UN and the IADC'
- Scisoc talk: Dr Hugh Lewis - 'Space Debris, the UN and the IADC'
- Scisoc talk: Dr Hugh Lewis - 'Space Debris, the UN and the IADC'
- SciSoc Talk: Dr Philipp Holliger
- SciSoc Talk: Professor Jeremy Baumberg: Where is my nanobot?
- SciSoc Talk: Professor Steve Jones - "Nature, Nurture, or Nietzsche, what genetics can (and cannot) tell us about oursleves"
- Scisoc Talk: Sir David Spiegelhalter
- Scl gaps in graph of groups and 3-manifolds
- Scope of String Theory
- Scope underspecification with tree descriptions: Theory and practice
- Scotland's first Industrial Revolution: a spatial economic analysis based on the Statistical Accounts - NOW CANCELLED
- Scott Lecture
- Scott Lecture I - Quantum Interference
- Scott Lecture I - Was Einstein Right? A Centennial Assessment
- Scott Lecture I - You may find yourself with a beautiful Higgs Boson and 6 beautiful quarks, and you may ask yourself – Well… How did I get here?
- Scott Lecture I : Controlling and Exploring Quantum Matter using Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
- Scott Lecture I : Exoplanets, Copernicus’ revolution on the move
- Scott Lecture I : Juggling with photons in a box and raising Schrödinger cats of radiation
- Scott Lecture I: Making of Sustainable Smart Society by Transformative Electronics 1 - Blue LED Story
- Scott Lecture II - Quantum Interference
- Scott Lecture II - The Cosmic Barber: Counting Gravitational Hair in the Solar System and Beyond
- Scott Lecture II - These are a few of my favorite Things: Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
- Scott Lecture II : Counting and controlling photons non-destructively.
- Scott Lecture II : Exoplanets, Copernicus’ revolution on the move
- Scott Lecture II : Realizing and Probing Topological Matter using Ultracold Quantum Gases
- Scott Lecture II: Making of Sustainable Smart Society by Transformative Electronics 2 - Future Electronics
- Scott Lecture III - On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of post-Newtonian Theory in Gravitational Physics
- Scott Lecture III - Quantum Interference
- Scott Lecture III - What, Where. … and How? The future of the LHC and beyond.
- Scott Lecture III : Beyond Statistical Mechanics - Probing Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium
- Scott Lecture III : Rydberg atoms in interaction : a new kind of quantum matter.
- Scott Polar Research Institute
- Scott’s and Shackleton’s Huts: Antarctic Heritage and International Relations
- Scottish Wildcat Personality and Well-Being: Assessment and Implications for Welfare and Conservation
- Scramjet Engines: The First Forty Years
- Scrap Oboes and Bassoons. What makes instruments sound the way they do?
- Scratching the surface: Evolutionary developmental genetics of the land plant cuticle
- Scratching the surface: Measuring the wear and frictional response of surfaces
- Screen Media Research Seminar: Graduate Presentations
- Screen-printable energetic inks for mining detonators
- Screened Modified Gravity - Laboratory Tests and Black Holes
- Screening and group discussion: Shipwreck at the Threshold of Europe, Lesvos, Aegean Sea, dir. Amel Alzakout (2020, c. 23min)
- Screening and treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysms - what is the evidence?
- Screening Approaches for the Identification of Covalent Peptide Inhibitors
- Screening materials from high-throughput ab initio calculations
- Screening of "Ararat" (dir. Atom Egoyan, 2002)
- Screening of "Barzakh"
- Screening of "Everything Is Illuminated" (dir. Liev Schreiber, 2005)
- Screening of "In Vanda's Room" (2000) plus Q&A with director Pedro Costa
- Screening of "Mothers" (2010) by Milcho Manchevski
- Screening of "Okraina" (dir. Piotr Lutsik, 1998)
- Screening of "Svolochi" ("Bastards", dir. Aleksandr Atanesyan, Russia 2006)
- Screening of award winning documentary TRACE with Director Raluca Bejan
- Screening of FUEL - the documentary
- Screening of LIVING IN EMERGENCY: Stories of Doctors Without Borders
- Screening of Oliver Stone's 'South of the Border'
- Screening of Oliver Stone's 'South of the Border' followed by Panel Discussion
- Screening of: 'Terlena: the Breaking of a Nation' (2004)
- Screening operators in conformal field models and beyond
- Screening strategies in the presence of interactions
- Screening: "Kirschblueten - Hanami" (Director: Doris Doerrie)
- SCREENING: The General: The Gibraltar Assassination (Poland, 2009)
- Screenwriting from a practical perspective: some myths debunked
- Screenwriting workshop with Arvind Ethan David
- Screwball Conjectures in Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology
- Screwball Conjectures in Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology
- Scribbles and archaeological pareidolia, or technaesthetic explorations? Considering Neanderthal material engagements
- Scribes, 'scribes' and language contact in Greco-Roman Egypt
- Script Boxes and Story Boxes: The Material Culture of Oral Narratives in India
- Scripting social interaction: Improvisation, performance, and Western 'art' music
- Scripting with Lua
- Scripture and paideia in Late Antiquity
- Scrub clearance and chalk grassland restoration
- Scrutinising sgraffito: conservation of Medieval Cypriot glazed bowls
- scSLAM-seq and GRAND-SLAM reveal core features of the intrinsic immune response in single virus-infected cells
- Sculpting evolution: engineering biology to address global disease chall
- Sculpture: an illustrated talk
- Sculpture: an illustrated talk
- Scum of the Earth?
- SDE sampling algorithms for bounded domains, constraints and noisy gradients
- SDSS-V: Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy
- SDSS: 20 years of cosmological results
- Se positionner
- Sea breeze problem and topography effects: new transform methods and computations
- Sea breeze problem and topography effects: new transform methods and computations
- Sea Change
- Sea ice and the ocean mixed layer over the Antarctic continental shelf
- Sea ice break-up in the marginal ice zone
- Sea Ice Floe Characteristics in the Beaufort Sea & Introduction of Japan’s new research icebreaker, ARV Mirai II
- Sea ice in a Cretaceous greenhouse world?
- Sea ice model physics: in search of fidelity
- Sea ice research - needs and gaps
- Sea Ice Research at Finnish Meteorological Institute – from Ice Charts to Climate Studies
- Sea ice stability and rapid retreat
- Sea Ice-Ocean Feedbacks in the Antarctic Shelf Seas
- Sea level rise and the implications for coastal flooding
- Sea monsters to sonar: mapping the Polar oceans
- Seabirds as Indicator Species in the Southern Ocean
- Seagliders: a useful new tool for observing Antarctic oceanic processes
- SEAL: sealed-bid auction without auctioneers
- Seals from Space - Identifying Change in Antarctic Ecosystems via the Monitoring of Ice-seals and Sea Ice Habitats by Very High-resolution Satellite Imagery
- Seamless Clock Synchronization under Migration
- Sean Jordan on Venus and Exo-Venus
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Search by sharing information
- Search for AGN in the era of JWST
- Search for Dark Matter with ATLAS
- Search for Exotics at CMS.
- Search for extra-terrestrial integrity - SETi. A Neuroscientific Study of ‘Theory of Mind’ with a Nonverbal Task Employing Algorithmically Generated Sounds of Varying Dissonance Level.
- Search for hadronic resonances below 100 GeV with ATLAS
- Search for lepton flavour universality violation in B+→K+ℓ+ℓ− decays at LHCb
- Search for New Antibacterials Using Diversity-Oriented Synthesis
- Search for new physics with kaons at NA62 and beyond
- Search for Sterile Neutrinos in MINOS and MINOS+ Using a Two-Detector Fit
- Search for Stripes in Lightly Hole Doped YBa2Cu3O6 by ESR and IR Transmission
- Search for the associated production of Higgs bosons and top quarks at sqrt(s)=7-8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at LHC
- Search for the Higgs at the LHC
- Search for young transiting planets with the YETI network
- Search is not only about the Web - An Overview on Printed Document Search and Patent Search
- Search methods based on Monte-Carlo simulation
- Searchable Encryption
- Searchable sets and ordinals in system T
- Searches for axion-like particles at the intensity frontier
- Searches for CP violation in charm decays at LHCb
- Searches for fundamental physics with X-ray telescopes
- Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs Boson with ATLAS
- Searches for lepton flavour violation in B decays with the LHCb experiment
- Searches for light BSM higgs bosons and constraints on BSM models
- Searches for microorganisms in the earth's atmosphere
- Searches for new interactions within the SMEFT framework at the LHC
- Searches for New Physics with Top Quarks at ATLAS: A review from LHCP and beyond
- Searches for Sphaleron: LHC vs. IceCube
- Searching and Re-searching for Practice: An Appetite
- Searching for a Gravitational Wave Background using Pulsar Timing Arrays
- Searching for accelerated universes using genetic algorithms.
- Searching for and confirming common breast cancer risk alleles (Dunning) Update on Diet and Breast Cancer (Bingham)
- Searching for – and finding! gravitational waves
- Searching for biological function and evolutionary trajectories in the protein universer
- Searching for Bird Origins in the Gobi Desert of China; The Middle-Upper Jurassic Shishugou Fauna of Xinjiang
- Searching for Dark Matter in the Sky
- Searching for Dark Matter with the LZ experiment
- Searching for de Sitter vacua in String Theory
- Searching for donor relations: The experiences of individuals conceived by sperm donation
- Searching for Earth-like exoplanets with ESPRESSO@VLT
- Searching for Earth-like exoplanets with ESPRESSO@VLT
- Searching for Evil
- Searching for Evil
- Searching for EWK SUSY at ATLAS
- Searching for exoplanets with PLATO
- Searching for extra dimensions at the LHC
- Searching for Gravitational Waves with Pulsar Timing Array
- Searching for hidden moving targets on graphs
- Searching for homology in the eukaryotic flagellar apparatus
- Searching for insight in the Kepler era
- Searching for Life in Stranger Seas
- Searching for Life on Mars
- Searching for Metal Absorbers up to redshift 7
- Searching for Multiple Hidden Objects
- Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
- Searching for New Physics in rare B decays at LHCb
- Searching for periodic orbits in turbulence with convolutional neural networks
- Searching for Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves
- Searching for signs of new physics with rare beauty decays
- Searching for Sikh Soldiers on British Medals
- Searching for slightly heavy SUSY scalars
- Searching for Sterile Neutrinos with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope
- Searching for the earliest signs of cellular life on Earth
- Searching for the fastest stars in Gaia DR2
- Searching for the onset of star formation
- Searching for third generation scalar Leptoquarks at the LHC
- Searching for topological superconductors using ultrasound
- Searching for U-duality supermultiplets
- Searching for Ultralight Axions with Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
- Searching for weakly produced supersymmetric particles using the ATLAS detector at the LHC.
- Searching in the Dark with Hadron Colliders
- Searching the Core-Mantle Boundary for the roots of plumes
- Searching the WISE Sky
- Searching, Scanning and Smelling - a portfolio presentation
- Searching, Scanning and Smelling - a portfolio presentation
- Seasearch
- Season of death: mortality in infancy and beyond in Scotland, 1861-1973
- Seasonal and spatial patterns of henipavirus seroprevalence in Straw-colored Fruit Bats (Eidolon helvum)
- Seasonal control of flowering in annual and perennial plants
- Seasonal flowering in annual and perennial plants
- Seasonal prediction and predictability of regional Antarctic sea ice
- Second and third order structure functions calculated from QuikSCAT measured near-surface winds over the Pacific Ocean
- Second Annual Ludwig Boltzmann Lecture: 'War and Words. Krausian "Biographic" in The Last Days of Mankind'
- Second Chances
- Second Chances
- Second Chances
- Second Epigenetics club seminar
- Second Harmonic Generation Imaging of voltage in dendritic spines.
- Second Impressions
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese and Thai Nominal Phrases
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese and Thai Nominal Phrases
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese and Thai Nominal Phrases (Part II)
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Applicative Operations by English-, Spanish, and Korean-speaking Learners
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese ‘bei’ Passive Constructions
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Elliptical Constructions
- Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Elliptical Constructions (Part II)
- Second language listening comprehension in England: strategy instruction and teacher understanding.
- Second law of thermodynamics and bounded entropy solutions in the compressible Navier-Stokes system
- Second law of thermodynamics at stopping times
- Second microlocal calculus: applications to the Schrödinger equation and to the damped wave equation on the torus
- Second Order Behaviour in Augmented Neural ODEs
- Second Order Differences for Combined Cyclic and Vector Space Data and their Application to Denoising and Inpainting using a TV-type Approach
- Second order diffraction of flexural gravity waves by bottom mounted vertical circular cylinder
- Second order effects of isocurvature initial conditions
- Second Session of the French Department Ciné-Club: 'Of Gods and Men', by Xavier Beauvois
- Second Workshop: Academic Survival Tips
- Second year applied mathematics PhD talks
- Second Zdanowich Annual Lecture: ‘Re-thinking the historical canon: the priorities and casualties of mainstream history'
- Second- versus fourth-order dynamics in imaging
- Second-Order Comparison of Functional Data with Applications to DNA Geom
- Second-order conservative remapping between unstructured spherical meshes
- Second-order modifications of gravity
- Second-Order Quantifier Elimination
- Second-Order Universal Algebra, Equational Logic, and Algebraic Theories.
- Second-person narrative in 19th- and 20th-century Greek literature
- Second-Principles DFT methods and current applications
- Secondary electron emission from organic monolayers
- Secondary Health Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Secondary instabilities precursory to stratified shear flow transition to turbulence
- Secondmind's research activities to make Gaussian Processes industry proof
- Secrecy versus disclosure within families created by gamete donation: Effects on parent-child relationships and children's psychological well-being
- Secret Life of Copper: From Kinases to Cancer
- Secret Science of WWII
- Secrets and Lies
- Secrets behind the Cambridge Phenomenon: Good fortune or outstanding strategy?
- Secrets learned from the peregrine falcon diving flight
- Secrets of Adolescence: a psychological perspective of adolescent development in the English school context
- Secrets of Mental Maths
- Secrets of the Ice: The Glacier Archaeology of Oppland, Norway
- Secrets of the Microsoft SQL Server Query Optimizer
- Secrets of the scarab beetle
- Secrets of the Universe
- Secrets of the Universe
- Secrets of the Web
- Sector/Actuator Optimization for High Frequency Vibration Control Using the Hybrid Method
- Secular chaos in the solar system
- Secular instability: organization of planetary systems and the origin of hot Jupiters
- Secular stagnation, the introduction of the pill, and house prices
- Secure and efficient networks
- Secure Compilation of a Multi-Tier
- Secure decoupling of quantum systems: how to shred quantum information
- Secure Multi-Party Linear Regression on High-Dimensional Data
- Secure multipath communications
- SECURE project
- Securing Affordable Housing through the English Planning System
- Securing computers from highly skilled attackers
- Securing IoT with Azure Sphere
- Securing Microsoft's Code
- Securing Supply Chains with Compilers
- Securing Systems with Insecure Hardware
- Securing the (mud)line – considerations in design of offshore foundation
- Securing the Future: Futures Literacy in Cyber Security
- Securing the WebPKI in Practice: A tour of the technologies, politics and open problems
- Securing vehicular networks
- Securing Virtual Machine Monitors: What is Needed?
- Security Analysis of Industrial Control Systems
- Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks
- Security and crypto
- Security and crypto
- Security and Privacy in a World of Safety: Analysing Avionic Data Links and NextGen ATC Networks
- Security and Privacy in a World of Safety: Analysing Avionic Data Links and NextGen ATC Networks
- Security and Privacy in Machine Learning
- Security and Privacy in Machine Learning
- Security and Privacy in Machine Learning
- Security Applications and Aspects of Meaning-Based Computing
- Security Architectures for Distributed Social Networks
- Security as a Norm in Hobbes's Theory of War: A Critique of Schmitt's Interpretation of Hobbes's Approach to International Relations
- Security economics
- Security economics to inform behaviour change support
- Security Engineering @ nCipher
- Security Flaws in Tunnel Mode IPsec
- Security in Computer Entertainment
- Security in untrusted storage
- Security informed safety
- Security lessons from embedded devices
- Security Measures or Consolidating Insecurity Transnationally?Youth Surveillance and Protest in the Global City
- Security seminar presentation
- Security Through Maturity
- Security Through Maturity
- Security, Privacy and Community in a Connected World
- Security, Reliability and Backdoors
- Security-Oriented Analysis of Application Programs
- Sedgeford: a new-model estate of 'the long 8th century'?
- Sedgwick Club Conference 2017
- Sedgwick Club Conference 2024
- Sedgwick Club Meal
- Sedimentary processes beneath Antarctic ice streams
- Sedimentological Regimes for Subaqueous Turbidity Currents
- Sedimentology of Paralic Reservoirs: applications to a super-giant oil field in South Iraq
- See Below
- See Below
- See details
- See Naples and Dial - An Italian Job
- See what you hear - Constructing a representation of the world across the senses -
- See, say and remember: Motion events in witness interviews, translation and memory
- Seed and nation: understanding divergent political responses to GMOs in Southeas Asia
- Seed propagation from delayed forager's movement
- Seed size and its rate of evolution correlate with species diversification across angiosperms
- Seed sovereignty and 'our living relatives' in Native American community farming and gardening
- Seeds, a dying river, and an experiment station: re-examining 1960s global solutions to hunger from Sonora, Mexico
- Seeing advanced services as socio-technical systems: What can we learn from accident investigation?
- Seeing and imitating: Neural and cognitive mechanisms of gaze and social interaction
- Seeing beyond the visible: Segmentation of medical images using deep neural networks
- Seeing forests from new heights: Applying recently developed satellite imagery analysis technologies to monitor tropical forest protected areas
- Seeing in depth: computations and cortical networks
- Seeing in depth: computations and cortical networks
- Seeing in the dark: single-photon signals in the retina
- Seeing in the dark: Vision and visual behaviour in nocturnal insects
- Seeing in three dimensions: philosophical issues and empirical findings
- Seeing Inside The Sun
- Seeing inside trees using microwave imaging: an application to Adaptive Eigenspace Inversion
- Seeing into the heart of a planet: InSights from the Martian Core
- Seeing is Believing: A state-based formalization of database isolation
- Seeing is Believing: Imaging Persistence of Non-Volatile Memory in Ferroelectrics and Related Systems
- Seeing Is Believing: Using Neutron Scattering to Understand Behaviour in Polymeric Materials
- Seeing like a welfare state: sickle cell disease, medical racism and patient advocacy in the National Health Service, 1975–1993
- Seeing like the sea: the pearl fishery of Ceylon as a maritime assemblage, 1799–1925
- Seeing more in images - a mathematical perspective on imaging
- Seeing opportunity in failure: can common issues in metal Additive Manufacture help deliver innovative material solutions?
- Seeing Patterns in Randomness: Irrational Superstition or Adaptive Behavior?
- Seeing patterns, reading words: Some preliminary results on the perception of "invisible words"
- Seeing quantum mechanics by the naked eye in quantum fluids of light
- Seeing samplers as stitched documents
- Seeing sanity among insanity
- Seeing Technology Differently
- Seeing the high energy universe
- Seeing the invisible - UV-B perception and signalling in plants
- Seeing the Invisible: Vibrational Imaging for Biology and Medicine
- Seeing the invisible; the Dark Matter puzzle
- Seeing the invisible; the Dark Matter puzzle.
- Seeing the Milky Way Disk Evolve
- Seeing the Unseen
- Seeing the unseen: informatic approaches to find, characterise and drug conserved regions of nucleic acid in RNA viruses
- Seeing the unseen: some current challenges in the archaeology of Roman Italy
- Seeing the wood for trees: analysing multiple alternative phylogenies
- Seeing the woods for the trees: a palaeoecological investigation of native woodlands to inform present and future woodland conservation management strategies in Northern Scotland
- Seeing the woods for the trees: a palaeoecological investigation of native woodlands to inform present and future woodland conservation management strategies in Northern Scotland
- Seeing the world in a new light: Polychaete worms wriggle winding evolutionary paths to vision
- Seeing though lies: Plato on how to avert tyranny
- Seeing through ‘older age’
- Seeing Through Forest - Real-Time Occlusion Removal with Airborne Optical Sectioning
- Seeing Through Space Time
- Seeing through the eyes of stroke patients
- Seeing Through the Tears: NanoMaterials for NanoPhotonics to Applications
- Seeing What Everybody Sees but Thinking What No One has Thought
- Seeing what the brain sees: functional imaging in the zebrafish retina
- Seeing what you want to see: a Bayesian account
- Seeing with Structure: Computer Vision as Inverse Physics
- Seeing with Sunscreens: How mantis shrimp build and utilize nature’s most elaborate ultraviolet receptor array
- Seeing with the Heart
- Seeing with the Heart
- Seeing with the Heart
- Seeing with the Heart
- Seeing with the Heart: Art and Faith
- Seeing with words: tours, surveys and agricultural improvement in Britain, c.1770–c.1820
- Seeking (and Finding!) the Photons for Reionization with JWST
- Seeking cross-linguistic interaction in the phonetic and phonological development of bilingual French-speaking children
- Seeking cross-linguistic interaction in the phonetic and phonological development of bilingual French-speaking children
- Seeking discoveries with hadronic jets at the LHC
- Seeking Education for All through Multilingual Mother Tongue Education (Cambridge Masterclass in Multilingualism, Education and Language Policy 2021-2022)
- Seeking Finite Mechanisms in a geometric shape - polyhedra
- Seeking fixed points
- Seeking gold in sand: applying random matrix theory to separation of signal from noise
- Seeking the Gold Standard Measurement of Star Formation at the End of the Rainbow
- Seeking the Meiotic Trigger in Arabidopsis
- Seeking the protective shield in the brain: the role of inhibitory control in regulating unwanted memories and actions
- Seeley Lectures 2017, Axel Honneth (Columbia) 'France: recognition and self-loss'
- Seeley Lectures 2017, Axel Honneth (Columbia) 'Germany: recognition and self-determination'
- Seeley Lectures 2017, Axel Honneth (Columbia) 'Great Britain: recognition and self-control'
- Seeley Lectures 2017, Axel Honneth (Columbia) 'Methodological remarks on intellectual history'
- Seeley Lectures 2019, Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan): Bentham and Malthus through the Lens of the Work Ethic: A Conservative Tale
- Seeley Lectures 2019, Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan): Locke and Classical Liberals through the Lens of the Work Ethic: A (Mostly) Progressive Tale
- Seeley Lectures 2019, Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan): Neoliberalism and its Puritan Roots: A Tale of Two Work Ethics
- Seeley Lectures 2019, Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan): Neoliberalism as a Reversion from the Progressive to the Conservative Work Ethic
- Seeley Lectures, Axel Honneth (Columbia) 'Methodological remarks on intellectual history'
- Seemingly Unrelated Regression models for mixed-type data with an application to "fine-mapping" in genetics
- Seesaw Tectonics vs. Eustasy: deconvolving tectono-climatic signals in deep-marine siliciclastics
- Segment Anything in Medical Images
- Segment logic (work in progress)
- Segment Trees
- Segmentation dynamics and diversity in an arthropod cell-based field
- Segmentation genes in the annelid Platynereis
- Segmentation of Organs at Risk for Radiotherapy Planning
- Segments and proportions: body mapping in early twentieth-century neuroscience
- Segou Fanga – Tamani Kafu: towards an archaeology of Mande political tradition (AD 1200-1850)
- Segregation effects in granular collapses
- Segregation effects in granular collapses/Impingement of a plume on a rigid boundary
- Segregation in Frictional Granular Flows
- Segregation in Granular Material
- Segregation of cell fate in C. elegans embryos
- Segue 1 - The most dark matter dominated galaxy or a disrupting star cluster
- Seiberg-Witten invariants and end-periodic Dirac operators
- Seismic behaviour of anchored steel sheet pile retaining walls in sand
- Seismic behaviour of structures with basements in liquefiable soil
- Seismic behaviour pile foundations in improved and unimproved soft clays
- Seismic communication in courting Drosophila
- Seismic Data
- Seismic depth imaging: Pushing the boundaries of resolution and accuracy
- Seismic design of the next generation of rocking buildings with damage-control technologies
- Seismic evidence for melt in the upper mantle
- Seismic evidence for mixing processes in Earth's mantle
- Seismic evidence for partial melt below tectonic plates
- Seismic full waveform inversion: An application of unconstrained optimization in the oil exploration industry
- Seismic Imaging of Eddy‐Dominated Warm‐Water Transport Across the Bellingshausen Sea
- Seismic imaging of mantle melting processes beneath volcanic arcs and backarc spreading centers
- Seismic interferometry of vehicle and train traffic: Case studies from the USA and South Africa
- Seismic inverse problems - towards full wavefield acquisition?
- Seismic inverse scattering by reverse time migration
- Seismic Invisibility
- Seismic monitoring at different scales: insights and challenges from Ireland, Montserrat, and Tara Mines
- Seismic oceanography and turbulent mixing in the southern ocean
- Seismic Oceanography: High resolution imaging of thermohaline circulation to abyssal depths
- Seismic oceanography: Imaging the thermohaline structure of the Southern Ocean
- Seismic retrofitting of historic masonry structures
- Seismic risk assessment for architectural heritages in historic areas using field and centrifuge tests
- Seismic soil-pile-structure interaction in soft clays and layered soils
- Seismic structure of the Icelandic Mantle: Transition zone discontinuities and beyond...
- Seismic survey considerations in glaciology
- Seismic tomographic evidence for two collisional styles along the Grenville orogen of North America
- Seismic tomography from ocean bottom seismometers
- Seismic Tremors and Wagging Magma: Key Precursors of Explosive Volcanism?
- Seismic Triggering of Submarine Landslides
- Seismic Velocity Structure and Microseismicity of the Askja Volcano, Iceland
- Seismic velocity structure of volcanic rift zones in Iceland
- Seismically-Resistant Housing Design and Disaster Reconstruction in El Salvador
- Seismically-Resistant Housing Design and Post-Disaster Reconstruction in El Salvador
- Seismogenic fracture of magma
- Seismological evidence for secular mantle cooling beneath cratons
- Seismology in the understanding of Ocean Storms
- Seizing the Crisis and Using Europe: The Politics of EU Defence Integration Cooperation after Brexit’
- Seizing the Moment in History: Five Breakthrough Reforms in Healthcare
- seL4: Formally Verified Software Protects Deployed Critical Systems from Cyber Attacks
- Selected applications of machine learning for materials modeling: structural characterization and visualization, van der Waals interactions and X-ray spectroscopy
- Selected Topics in Computational Materials Design: Developing superlubricity, superconductivity and Nano-Metallurgy
- Selecting a Model of Supersymmetry Breaking Mediation
- Selecting chemical processes and sequences at the molecular origins of life
- Selecting For Plasticity in the Harlequin Ladybird
- Selecting genomes for reconstruction of ancestral genomes
- Selecting Groups of Variables for Prediction Problems in Chemometrics: Recent Regularization Approaches
- Selection and clonal interference in a seasonal influenza virus
- Selection and Clustering of Correlated variables using OWL/GrOWL regularizers
- Selection and diseases in structured populations
- Selection and estimation in sparse, high-dimensional models
- Selection and estimation in sparse, high-dimensional models
- Selection bias in dynamically-measured super-massive black hole samples: its consequences and the quest for the most fundamental relation
- Selection bias, missing data and causal inference
- Selection Events in Germinal Centres
- Selection functions everywhere
- Selection of characters via empirical processes
- Selection of Talks from Interspeech 2020
- Selection of the Initial Conditions of the Universe from the Multiverse
- Selection of the Regularization Parameter in Graphical Models using Network Characteristics
- Selective ablation of Titanium-Tungsten (TiW) thin film using Nd:YAG laser for prototyping of MEMS devices
- Selective autophagy as a mechanism of oxidative stress response
- Selective autophagy mediated cellular quality control in plants
- Selective autophagy: when being picky pays of
- Selective Contact and Patterning of Topological Surface States by Interfacing with Trivial and Ferromagnetic Insulators
- Selective control of genome maintenance pathways by RNA processing factors
- Selective Disclosure in Datalog-based Trust Management
- Selective Graphene Membranes
- Selective inhibition of phosphatases to boost protein quality control : A possible treatment for degenerative diseases
- Selective inhibition of phosphatases to boost protein quality control: A possible treatment for degenerative diseases
- Selective logging leaves persistent effects on the canopy structure of a West Africa forest
- Selective Molecular Transformations Using Organic Superbases
- Selective motor control and focal dystonia
- Selective properties of ideals
- Selective randomization inference for enrichment trials
- Selective Regulation of Innate Immune Signalling Pathways?
- Selective Reprogramming in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Selective Stoichiometric and Catalytic Reactions in Water-Soluble Host-Guest Supramolecular Systems
- Selectivity and dynamics of human face representations
- Selectivity in the expression of pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms in cortical circuits
- Selector form of Weaver's conjecture and frame sparsification
- Self Assembly and Dynamics in Bacterial Suspensions
- Self assembly of Discrete Structures and Catalysis by Nanoscopic Gold
- Self assembly of fd viruses
- Self Discovery Course
- Self Discovery Course
- Self Discovery Course
- Self Discovery Course
- Self Esteem and Pride
- Self Euthanasia: Suicide as a Uniquely Human Phenomenon
- Self Healing Circuits
- Self organising developmental systems and evolution
- Self organization of discrete fibre reinforcements in polymer flows
- Self Organizing Sensor Networks for Process Monitoring
- Self segregation in water-borne latex coatings.
- Self-adaptive congestion control for multi-class intermittent transmissions in a network
- Self-assembled active actomyosin gels spontaneously curve and wrinkle similar to biological cells and tissues
- Self-Assembled DNA Nanosystems for Energy and Electron Transfer Applications
- Self-assembled DNA-nanostructure tools for molecular biophysics
- Self-assembled functional materials. Adsorption processes in metal-organic frameworks
- Self-Assembled Nanomaterials for 3D Bioprinting and Drug Delivery Applications
- Self-assembled nanostructures for dye-sensitised solar cells - 15min on how to capture light by a photonic crystal and other fancy structures.
- Self-assembled Precipitate Membranes and the Implications for Life
- Self-Assembled Soft Materials and the In Situ Synthesis of Nanoparticles
- Self-assembling colloids under the guidance of DNA
- Self-Assembling Enzyme Materials and Enzyme Engineering for Flow Biocatalysis
- Self-Assembling Molecular Structures, Novel molecular structures and materials
- Self-assembling Organic Nanostructures for Solar Energy Conversion
- Self-Assembly and Self-Sorting: How to Construct and Characterize Complex Architectures
- Self-Assembly in Deep Eutectic Solvents
- Self-assembly in stratified fluids and extreme depth fluctuations in high-altitude Himalayan lakes
- Self-assembly of amphiphilic DNA-nanostars
- self-assembly of colloidal molecules.
- Self-assembly of icosahedral viral capsids: the combinatorial analysis approach
- Self-assembly of jammed heterogeneous colloidal shells by combining electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis
- Self-assembly of liquid crystalline nanostructures in aqueous solution
- Self-assembly of nanoparticles on membranes
- Self-assembly of Si- and SiGe-based dielectric Mie resonators via templated solid-state dewetting
- Self-assembly of Supramolecular Nanostructures
- Self-avoiding Walk and Connective Constant
- Self-avoiding Walk and Connective Constant
- Self-avoiding walk on regular graphs
- Self-avoiding walks, one-third and two-thirds, and KPZ universality
- Self-building in Cambridge: what are the options?
- Self-consistent treatment of local correlation effects in magnetic nanostructures with ONETEP
- Self-Control and Weakness of Will
- Self-determined sets of sentences
- Self-diffusiophoresis in the advection dominated regime
- Self-discipline as a way of life: Why would anyone eat only fruits and vegatables?
- Self-dual cuspidal and supercuspidal representations
- Self-dual gravity as a topological string
- Self-dual gravity in a curved background
- Self-dual spin systems, zeros of partition function, and error correcting codes
- Self-efficacy in foreign language learning
- Self-enforcing agreements in the control of immunizing infectious
- Self-entangled misfolded structures are the molecular bridge connecting synonymous mutations to long-timescale changes in protein structure and function
- Self-excited motions of volatile drops on swellable sheets
- Self-Excited Vibrations in a Geometrically Simplified Saccular Aneurysm
- Self-force approach to the two-body problem in GR
- Self-generated chemotactic gradients and receptor competition in collective migration
- Self-gravitating bosonic and axionic systems and a minimal model for pulsar glitches.
- Self-gravitating disc evolution
- Self-Gravity, Resonances & Orbital diffusion in stellar discs
- Self-healing blended cement grouts with micro encapsulated healing agents
- Self-Healing Codes
- Self-healing cut-off wall materials
- Self-Healing Nanomaterials
- Self-interacting random walks and their asymptotic behavior
- Self-limited structures in active fluids : vignettes from theory, simulation and experiments
- Self-limited structures in active fluids : vignettes from theory, simulation and experiments
- Self-mixing interferometry in terahertz quantum cascade lasers: imaging of free carriers and all-optical metamaterials
- Self-organisation of bioinspired active systems
- Self-organisation of pluripotent cells in the mouse embryo
- Self-Organisation of Pluripotent Cells in the Mouse Embryo
- Self-organization and patterning of sensory organs in Drosophila
- Self-organization in drops of swimming bacteria
- Self-organization in non-reciprocal active matter
- Self-organization of genetic oscillators during mouse mesoderm development
- Self-organization of Interphase Microtubule Arrays in Fission Yeast
- Self-Organization of Lifelike Behaviors
- Self-Organization of Microtubules in Plants
- Self-organization of pluripotent cells to establish the mouse embryo
- Self-Organized And Adaptive Nano-Materials For Plastic Electronics
- Self-organized flight formations disrupted by self-amplifying waves
- Self-organized patterns in active turbulence and ensembles of active particles
- Self-organized patterns in active turbulence and ensembles of active particles
- Self-organized pseudo-grapheme on grain boundaries in topological band insulators
- Self-organized pseudo-graphene on grain boundaries in topological band insulators
- Self-organizing cellular automata
- Self-Other Processes in ASD - the Case of Empathy
- Self-presentational processes in childhood: An interplay of social experience, cognition, motivation and emotion.
- Self-Programming Networks: Applications to Financial Trading Systems
- Self-propelled wedge
- Self-propulsion of autophoretic particles
- Self-regulated evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes
- Self-regulation of activity in an olfactory system: mechanisms and consequences
- Self-regulatory mechanism of multicellular systems: tissue self-organization and scaling
- Self-reinforcement, superdiffusion and subdiffusion
- Self-reinforcement, superdiffusion and subdiffusion
- Self-reinforcement, superdiffusion and subdiffusion
- Self-renewal and differentiation in the nervous system
- Self-replication in Reconfigurable Organisms
- Self-sculpting of a dissolvable body due to gravitational convection
- Self-serving asset auctions
- Self-similar behaviour in the brain: the correlations in rest-state fMRI.
- Self-similar evolution of (globular) star clusters: comparing structural parameters of Milky Way globular clusters to the theory
- Self-similar solutions of Smoluchowski's coagulation equation and open problems
- Self-similar solutions with fat tails for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation
- Self-similarity in coagulation equations with nonlocal drift
- Self-similarly expanding regions of phase change yield cavitational instabilities and model deep earthquakes
- Self-supervised Learning from Images, Videos, and a single Image plus Augmentations
- Self-Supervised Learning, Unified Sensing & Beyond
- Self-testing of binary observables based on commutation
- Self-translating science in early modern Europe: preliminary insights from the project Writing Bilingually, 1465–1700
- Self-Translation and the Politics of Language in Sixteenth-Century France
- Selfish Systems: Hobbes and Locke
- Seller, Pepys and the seventeenth-century London map trade
- Selling category theory to the masses: a tale of food, spiders and Google
- Selling category theory to the masses: from cooking via animals to google
- Selling for researchers
- Selling for Researchers
- Selling nature or saving nature? Theoretical issues and operational challenges for the green economy
- Selling science? News, public relations and communicating scientific research
- Selling security in the risk society
- Selling Souls: Trafficking German Migrants, Europe and America, 1648-1780
- Selmer groups and some analytic quantities made from L-values for elliptic curves
- Selmer groups of elliptic curves in degree p extensions
- Selmer ranks of elliptic curves in families of twists
- Selmer varieties
- Semanic Segmentation with Deep Neural Network - Contextual Information Retrieval
- Semantic and Pragmatic Communications
- Semantic Data Integration and Knowledge Management in Life Sciences
- Semantic Hashing, Deep Autoencoders and Universal Approximators
- Semantic Image Segmentation and Web-Supervised Visual Learning
- Semantic implicit learning
- Semantic knowledge and the anterior temporal lobes: why doesn't anyone believe us?
- Semantic Knowledge of Living and Nonliving Things
- Semantic Modelling of Point Clouds for Infrastructure
- Semantic security for the wiretap channel
- Semantic Texton Forests for Image Categorization and Segmentation.
- Semantic word category processing in degenerative brain diseases
- Semantically Conditioned LSTM-based Natural Language Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems
- Semantics derived automatically from language corpora necessarily contain human biases
- Semantics in broad-coverage natural language processing
- Semantics in broad-coverage natural language processing
- Semantics lunch
- Semantics lunch organisational meeting
- Semantics of a DNA Strand Displacement Model
- Semantics of Full Ground References
- Semantics of monad transformers
- Semantics of monad transformers
- Semantics, Text, and Biomedical Knowledge Discovery: Challenges and Opportunities
- Semantics\sqcap Scalability\models\bot? Are Semantics and Scalability Incompatible?
- Semaphorins, glia and keeping motor neurons in position
- Semaphorins: role in axonal degeneration and plasticity
- Semi Markov models under panel observation
- Semi supervised learning
- Semi-abelian categories
- Semi-Analytic Modeling of Micro-Defects in an Infinite Semi-Infinite Matrix
- Semi-Automatic Asymptotics in Isabelle/HOL
- Semi-classical analysis of non-self-adjoint transfer operators
- Semi-classical finite-gap strings
- Semi-classical models in semiconductor physics
- Semi-classical models in semiconductor physics II
- Semi-Direct Gauge Mediation
- Semi-Generative Modelling: Domain Adaptation with Cause and Effect Features
- Semi-implicit predictor-corrector methods for atmospheric models
- Semi-local string comparison
- Semi-Markov approach to anomalous diffusion
- Semi-Markov approach to non-local equations
- Semi-metal surfaces: A new territory for helium atom scattering measurements
- Semi-metric Analysis of fMRI Connectivity Networks
- Semi-metric topology of functional brain networks: Sensitivity and specifity in autism spectrum and major depression disorder
- Semi-open problems in open and closed queueing networks
- Semi-Parametric Models for Electricity Consumption Forecasting
- Semi-Segal types in Homotopy Type Theory
- Semi-simple groups, ergodic theory and counting in symmetric spaces
- Semi-supervised Learning for Low-resource Multilingual and Multimodal Speech Processing with Machine Speech Chain
- Semi-Unsupervised Learning with Deep Generative Models / Disentangling Improves VAEs' Robustness to Adversarial Attacks
- Semibounded cohomology
- Semiclassical Decoding of Resurgent Transseries
- Semiclassical path(s) to cosmic large-scale structure
- Semiclassics beyond the Egorov theorem
- Semiconductor Block Copolymers for Organic Electronic Devices
- Semiconductor microcavities: from cold polariton condensates to polariton lasing at room temperature
- Semiconductor Nanomaterials for photoelectrochemical energy conversion
- Semiconductor nanowires: harder, better, faster, stronger
- Semiconductor Structures for Quantum Information Processing
- Semidefinite approximations of matrix logarithm
- Semidefinite Programming and its Feasible Sets I
- Semidefinite Programming and its Feasible Sets II
- Semidefinite Programming and its Feasible Sets III
- Semidefinite programming at NAG
- Semidefinite relaxations for various non-convex quadratic optimization problems.
- Semigroup actions on operator algebras
- Semigroup methods for the derivation of Boltzmann-type equations from deterministic particle dynamics
- Semigroup properties for multi-dimensional fractional integral operators
- Semigroups with low difficulty word problem
- Semigroups with low difficulty word problem
- Semileptonic B decays at LHCb
- Semilinear equations for nonlocal operators: beyond the fractional Laplacian
- Semimartingale obliquely reflecting diffusions in curved nonsmooth domains
- Seminar - Air pollution and health in the 21st Century
- Seminar - Community engagement to prevent and control of diabetes in Bangladesh - Dr Ed Fottrell
- Seminar - Diabetes No More: lessons from the DiRECT trial and beyond - Professor Mike Lean
- Seminar - Diet-gut microbiome interaction for type 2 diabetes
- Seminar - Realising the health potential through sustainable built environment designs
- Seminar - The Greek National Survey on Health and Nutrition (the HYDRIA Project)
- Seminar - Using time use and trajectory data to unpack the interrelated geographies of food, care, and household labor
- Seminar and Book Launch of Old enough to know - Consulting Children about sex education in Africa
- Seminar – Can we promote physical activity at the population level? Findings from a community-based cluster randomised trial and a sport fandom-based app study
- Seminar – Effects of Macronutrient Distribution on Weight Change and Related Cardiometabolic Profiles in Healthy Non-Obese Chinese: A Randomized, Clinical Trial
- Seminar – Evidence for healthy and equitable population food policies
- Seminar – Flavio Toxvaerd, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
- Seminar – Gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, mothers, and fathers
- Seminar – Gestational Diabetes: a nutritional disorder?
- Seminar – How does it work? Using process tracing methods to study policy processes
- Seminar – How does it work? Using process tracing methods to study policy processes
- Seminar – Implications of Brexit on the effectiveness of the UK soft drinks industry levy upon coronary heart disease in England: a modelling study
- Seminar – Independent and Joint Effects of Multiple Pollutants and their Interactions with Meteorological Variables on Stroke Hospitalization
- Seminar – Longitudinal growth modeling: a tool for genetic discovery
- Seminar – Movement behaviours and parenting in the first two years of life
- Seminar – Overview of Road Safety Globally
- Seminar – Physical Activity research: strengthening ties between Brazil and the United Kingdom
- Seminar – Politics, policy and the absence of evidence: decision making about speed restrictions in Edinburgh and Belfast.
- Seminar – Population nutrition: upstream/downstream
- Seminar – Precision approaches to improving obesity prevention in Queensland, Australia
- Seminar – Responding to Revolution; Utilising new methods to explore the relationship between transport, health and urban design
- Seminar – Risk scores, risk communication and public health
- Seminar – Social Networks for Health Behaviour Change
- Seminar – Systems approaches to obesity: The lived experience of young people
- Seminar – The Cambridge Sustainable Food Hub
- Seminar – The nexus between food literacy, food security and disadvantage
- Seminar – UPF: a need for clarification to enhance public health policies
- Seminar – Using fiscal policies to improve the food supply and demand
- Seminar – Why do policymakers seem to ignore your evidence?
- Seminar by Chris Holmes, Shift Design
- Seminar by Prof Jinsong Leng, Shape Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites, Wednesday 30 July 2014, 16:00-17:00 Goldsmiths 1 Lecture Theatre, Materials Science and Metallurgy Building
- seminar canceled
- Seminar cancelled
- Seminar Cancelled
- Seminar Cancelled
- seminar cancelled
- Seminar cancelled
- Seminar CANCELLED - Durability of Carbon Fibre Composite Prestressing Tendons in a Simulated Marine Environment
- SEMINAR CANCELLED***** (Structure and Morphogenesis of Birnaviruses, a weird dsRNA virus family) *****
- Seminar is cancelled
- Seminar on Working with Industry
- Seminar Series - Critical Dialogues on Research in Education & International Development: Understanding ideas that matter in Indian Education: why and how
- Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
- Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
- Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
- Seminar Series: Early modern ears
- Seminar Series: Embodied song: Then and now
- Seminar Series: Music cognition and the language(s) of interdisciplinarity
- Seminar Series: The classroom, the chamber, the concert hall: Situated musicking
- Seminar Series: Where do we go when we play? Attention, embodiment, and ensemble performance
- Seminar Series:Place2Be: outcomes from delivering a school-based mental health support service for children and young people
- Seminar with Helmut Lethen
- Seminar with Monique David-Ménard
- Seminar: Autonomy and Dependence: the paradox of the believer as subject
- Seminar: ‘Create powerful, crystal clear improvement work manuscripts using the 3 pillars of the SQUIRE Guidelines’
- Seminar: ‘Pathways to professionalism? Quality improvement, care pathways and the interplay of standardisation and clinical autonomy’
- Seminar: Back to Boom? Building sustainable business wealth in an upturn
- Seminar: Big Data, Communications and Media Theory: Conceptual Challenges
- Seminar: Greater gender equality, (un)happier families?
- Seminars by the candidates for the Harding Lectureships
- Seminars by the candidates for the Harding Lectureships
- Seminars by the candidates for the lectureship in High Energy Physics
- Seminars by the candidates for the lectureship in High Energy Physics (fixed term)
- Seminars by the candidates for the Quantum Devices & Measurements Lectureship
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminars in Cancer
- Seminormal representations of the partition algebras
- Semions and other anyons from strings
- Semions and other anyons from strings
- Semiparametric Language Models
- Semiparametric spectral modeling of the Drosophila connectome
- Semiregularity as a consequence of Goodwillie's theorem
- Semiregularity via derived deformation theory
- Semiring Parsing without Parsing
- Semisimple quotients of Temperley-Lieb
- Semisimplicity of certain Galois representations occurring in etale cohomology of unitary Shimura varieties
- Semistable abelian varieties with good reduction outside 73
- Semivarying Coefficient Models for Capture--recapture Data: Colony Size Estimation for the Little Penguin
- Semper Citius: Towards Dynamic Photoacoustic Imaging
- Senator David Coltart - Human Rights in Zimbabwe: Past, Present and Future
- Sending software to space: a bundle of fun
- Seneca Valley Virus infection detections in United Kingdom
- Senescence Lifecycle in cancer and ageing
- Senescence, cell death and apoptosis
- Senescent Ground Tree Rewrite Systems
- Senescent secretome shenanigans: Differential therapeutic benefit for breast cancer dictated by distinct extracellular vesicle-mediated inflammatory response
- Senior Academic Promotions (SAP) OPEN FORUM
- Senior Academic Promotions (SAP) OPEN FORUM
- Senior Mathematics Team Challenge
- Senior Matlab Developers visiting to discuss issues/ideas with YOU
- Sense and Sensibility in a Pervasive World
- Sense and Sensibility in Child Literature: Disinformation, Affect and the Literary Imagination
- Sense and sensibility: Molecular and nanoscale engineering for next generation chemical sensors
- Sense of Place lecture series - update
- Sense of Place lecture series: "Hagia Sophia: The Space In-between Heaven and Earth", Bissera Pentcheva (Stanford)
- Sense of Place lecture series: "Representations of the Besieged Leningrad (1941—44)"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "Sensing the Great ‘Yellow Space’ of Soviet Central Asia: Depictions of the Kara-Kum Desert in the Early 1930s"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "Spatial Icons in Byzantine and Russian Hierotopy"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "The Arctic in the Russian Imagination"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "The City Destroyed, the City Restored: Wilno (Vilnius) in the Mid-Seventeenth Century"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "The Poetry of Gardens: Elegy, Ecology and the Cultural History of Dmitrii Likhachev"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "The Public Graphosphere"
- Sense of Place lecture series: "Ways of seeing: Vladimir Korolenko’s Volga sketches"
- Sense of Place lecture series: “Postwar L'viv, Kaliningrad, Wrocław”
- Sense, Think, Act: Decision and Control, from Biology to Technology
- Senses and Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
- Senses can help vector space models of lexical substitution
- Senses of Justice in Climate Policy: Representation and Policy-Making in Cap and Trade Systems
- Sensible error and other silly notions: galvanizing time in Victorian London
- Sensible priors from finite linear models
- Sensing and control of turbulent flows through deep learning
- Sensing and Visualizing Social Context from Physical Proximity
- Sensing DNA with a Single Pore
- Sensing DNA with Glass Nanopores
- Sensing enhanced by DNA nanotech
- Sensing human activities: from the lab to the home of the elderly
- Sensing Human Activity
- Sensing Molecules with DNA Origami
- Sensing of virus infection and induction of interferons
- Sensing our way to motor recovery
- Sensing the Historic Environment – Its Nature and Relevance
- Sensing well-being using heterogeneous smartphone data and stance identification in social media conversations
- Sensing, Understanding and Modelling People using Mobile Phones
- Sensitive periods of social brain development in adolescence
- Sensitive Systems: Chaos is come Again (Othello)
- Sensitivity Analysis with Degeneracy: Mirror Stratifiable Functions
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Cardiac Cell Models
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Cardiac Cell Models
- Sensitivity of Antarctic shelf waters to wind amplitude and meltwater
- Sensitivity of Dense Shelf Water formation to ice shelf melting -- a modelling study
- Sensitivity of parameter estimates of marginal and random-effects models to missing data
- Sensitivity of simulated summer monsoonal precipitation in Langtang Valley, Himalaya to cloud microphysics schemes in WRF
- Sensitivity of the Antarctic margin's ocean circulation to surface winds
- Sensitivity of the Antarctic sea ice and trends in ocean models
- Sensitivity to BST-2 restriction correlates with Orthobunyavirus host range.
- Sensitivity to explicit and implicit parameters for simulations of fires in confined spaces
- Sensor CDT - Sensors Day
- Sensor CDT Industry Lecture: Daniel Craig from AstraZeneca
- Sensor CDT Industry Lecture: Perfexia DocMe App
- Sensor challenges in single molecule DNA sequencing
- Sensor fusion and parameter inference in nonlinear dynamical systems
- Sensor Innovations in Diagnostics and Medical Technology
- Sensor network scheduling for identification of spatially distributed processes
- Sensor Networks for the Sake of Security - NOW FRIDAY 23rd JULY
- Sensor signal inference: evasive targets, particles and point processes
- Sensorimotor and perceptual representations engaged when performing and observing object manipulation tasks
- Sensorimotor Control of Robotic Wearable technologies
- Sensorimotor Learning Lab (Wolpert-lab) Visit & Demos
- Sensors and Instrumentation
- Sensors and systems for animal monitoring and welfare assessment
- Sensors Day 2024 - Sensing our environment
- Sensors in Agriculture: past, present and future
- Sensory evidence accumulation using optic flow in a naturalistic navigation task
- Sensory hypersensitivity and poor sleep - understanding neural mechanisms during early development
- Sensory Noise Increases Metacognitive Efficiency
- Sensory Perception Is a Holistic Inference Process
- Sensory prediction errors in thalamocortical circuits
- Sensory processing in autism – Core phenotypic status?
- Sensory processing in neocortical networks: randomness, specificity and learning
- Sensory Reactivity in Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Sensory receptor diversity and colour vision range in butterflies and diptera
- SENSORY SUBTYPES IN AUTISM: State of the Evidence & Future Directions
- Sensory systems in the human driver
- Sentence-level Topic Models
- Sentience and Animal Welfare
- Sentient Computing- Larmor Lecture
- Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment, housing price and consumption
- Sentinel/Google Earth Engine User meeting
- Sentinel/Google Earth Engine users meeting
- Sentry Selection
- SEO - Internships in Corporate Law for Ethnic Minority Students
- SEO - Internships in Investment Banking for Ethnic Minority Students
- Separability of nilpotent and solvable groups
- Separate treatment of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty in structural dynamics
- Separating inter-domain routing and forwarding
- Separating the forced atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea-ice loss from internal variability
- Separating useful signals from distracting noise in the climate discussion
- Separation Control in Over-expanded Supersonic Nozzles: Improving the Performance of Ballistic Drug and Vaccine Delivery Devices
- Separation Logic and Graphical Models
- Separation Logic Semantics for Communicating Processes
- Separation of activation and repression in transcriptional networks
- Separation of Powers as a New Theory
- Separations between quantum and classical one-way communication complexity
- Sepoys in silver: images of India on British medals
- Sequence Classification using Reference Taxonomies
- Sequence-based discovery of transcriptional targets.
- Sequence-Dependent Coarse-Grain Descriptions of DNA: models, methods and simulations
- Sequence-specific labeling of DNA with methyltransferases and synthetic cofactor analogues
- Sequencing 1000s of Human Genomes
- Sequencing archaic human genomes
- Sequencing DNA Using Biological Nanopores
- Sequencing Ebola virus in an insect filled tent; how real-time next generation sequencing aided the epidemic response.
- Sequencing experimental design and Analysis
- Sequencing genomes and sequences in the genome: from chemistry to medicine
- Sequencing genomes and sequences in the genome: from chemistry to medicine
- Sequencing hundreds of humans - how to collect the data efficiently and make sense of it
- Sequencing Mammalian Epigenomes
- Sequencing nucleic acids: from chemistry to life sciences and personalised medicine
- Sequencing/genotyping the wheat genome
- Sequencing: Library Preparation Tips and Tricks
- Sequential activation of apical and basolateral contractility drives ascidian endoderm invagination
- Sequential and Structural Determinants of Protein Aggregation
- Sequential Bayesian Inference in high-dimensional geoscience applications
- Sequential Bayesian Methods for Parameter Estimation and Applications with Imaging Data
- Sequential complexities and uniform martingale LLN
- Sequential Credit Markets
- Sequential Decision Making in Experimental Design and Sustainability via Adaptive Submodularity
- Sequential Decision-Making under Uncertainty: Bandit Optimisation
- Sequential detection of structural changes in irregularly observed data
- Sequential detection of structural changes in irregularly observed data
- Sequential Monte Carlo and deep regression
- Sequential Monte Carlo and particle methods in inverse problems
- Sequential Monte Carlo for graphical models: Graph decompositions and Divide-and-Conquer SMC
- Sequential Monte Carlo methods for applications in Data Assimilation
- Sequential Monte Carlo methods for estimating large scale volatility matrices - CANCELLED (to be rearranged in Lent term)
- Sequential Monte Carlo methods for graphical models
- Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers
- Sequential Monte Carlo with Highly Informative Observations
- Sequential Parallel Comparison Design for Trials with High Placebo Response: Overview and Case Studies
- Sequential Path Objects
- Sequential Quasi-Monte Carlo
- Sequential screening with elementary effects
- Sequential stopping for high-throughput experiments
- Sequentializing the Value State Dependence Graph
- Sequestration of carbon from conventional fossil fuel power plants
- Serbia and the Outbreak of War in 1914
- Serendipity as a Force in Physics
- Serendipity in Political Life
- Serendipity machines for research funding?
- Serendipity Virtual Elements
- Serendipity's Guide to the Galaxy
- SerenDRiPity: Translating DRiPs for T Cell Immunosurveillance of Tumors and Viruses
- Serial Killer Nurses: Is there an Epidemic?
- Serial Order in Behavior: Unifying Acoustic Meaning and Rhythm in Audition, Speech, and Music
- Serialisation in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Challenges and new age solutions
- Serializability Enforcement for Concurrent ML
- Series expansions methods for Feynman integrals and the DiffExp Mathematica package
- Series of lectures on Landau damping I
- Series of lectures on Landau damping II
- Series of lectures on Landau damping III
- Series of lectures on Landau damping IV
- Series of lectures on Landau damping IX
- Series of lectures on Landau damping V
- Series of lectures on Landau damping VI
- Series of lectures on Landau damping VII
- Series of lectures on Landau damping VIII
- Series of lectures on Landau damping X
- Series, transseries and the emergence of hydrodynamics
- Sermonizing on Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Post Colonial Sub Saharan Africa
- Serological markers of malaria transmission
- Serological surveillance: transfusion, genetics and rare blood in postwar Britain
- Serosurvey of 3 zoonotic causes of reproductive failure in small ruminants in Zimbabwe’s smallholder sector
- Serpentinite deformation, dehydration and embrittlemen
- Serpin metastability and protease inhibition
- Serum symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) concentrations are not influenced by systemic inflammation in cats
- Servanthood and the European Marriage Pattern, 1500-1900
- Service Design for a Military Jet-Engine: Themes and Implications
- Service Transformation in the NHS
- Service typology: A classification model for product-service offerings
- Service User -- Clinician -- Academic Collaborations for Service Development, Research and Education
- Service-Aware Provisioning for Greener & Smarter Cellular Networks
- Services, Care Packages and Empowered Users
- Serving men, serving gods: doctors and musicians in the ancient Greek world
- Serving Webpages with Client-side Frameworks
- Session 1 - Introduction to the IGY
- Session 1 Ends
- Session 1 of ECR Showcase
- Session 1: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Discussion Session
- Session 1: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Model Calibration
- Session 1: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Multilevel Emulation
- Session 2 - PLENARY TALK by Ruth Bowness - University of St. Andrews - Modelling within-host tuberculosis infection using a hybrid multiscale individual-based model
- Session 2 - The Forgotten Expedition
- Session 2 ends
- Session 2 of ECR Showcase
- Session 2: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Combinations of model predictions
- Session 2: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: History matching and ABC
- Session 2: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: UQ for Metawards: a spatial COVID-19 transmission model
- Session 3 - the Bryan Harland Collection
- Session 3 ends
- Session 3 Ends
- Session 3: Chaired by Cheryl Thomas (University College London). Questions and Discussions
- Session 4 - Sputnik and space
- Session 4a: State-of-the-art in quantitative social modelling - CHAIR Viktoria Spaiser
- Session 4b: State-of-the-art in quantitative social modelling - CHAIR Felix Eigenbrod
- Session 5 - Geophysics and Bullard Labs
- Session 5: State-of-the-art Environmental modelling - CHAIR Paula Harrison
- Session 6 - The Commonwealth Transantarctic Expedition
- Session 7 - Sites for science and their heritage
- Session 8 - IGY's political legacy
- Session One: Upper Limb by Bob Whitaker
- Session questions
- Session Questions
- Set theory and algebraic topology
- Set Theory and Automata Theory
- Set to change? Lifespan factors influencing neurocognitive trajectories and plasticity
- Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation
- Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation - a combinatorial approach
- Seth Coffelt, Professor of Cancer Immunology, University of Glasgow
- Seth Masters, Title “NLRP1 inflammasome activation in mice and humans resulting from DPP9 deficiency” and Petr Broz, Title: “How do bystander cells respond to pyroptosis and other forms of death?”
- Sets for category theory
- Sets of integers with many solutions to a linear equation
- Sets of integers with no large sum-free subset
- Sets without arithmetic progressions, and patterns in arithmetic progressions
- Sets without four term progressions but rich in three term progressions
- Setting eyes on the holy: the description of sacred sites in accounts of pilgrimages to Jerusalem and the medieval school of seeing, 12th-15th century
- Setting meaningful restoration goals for a globally imperiled habitat
- Setting reference levels for REDD+
- Setting sample size for common designs when evaluating interventions and biomarkers
- Setting the scene
- Setting the Soviet Past in Stone: The Iconography of the ‘Russian New Martyrs of the Twentieth Century’
- Setting up and preserving heterochromatin: H3K9 HMTs and their targets.
- Setting up and preserving heterochromatin: H3K9 HMTs and their targets.
- Setting up embryonic polarity in the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica
- Settlement Dynamics and Processes of Change in Early Medieval Ireland: New Insights from Radiocarbon Chronologies
- Settling of Solid Precipitates in Water
- Sevastopol’s Wars – book presentation and talk by Mungo Melvin
- Seventeenth Epigenetic Club Seminar
- Seventh Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Seventh Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Seventh-century Finds from Trumpington in their Broader Context
- Several approaches to Kazhdan-Lusztig theory
- Several Lives in One - The Problem of Autobiography in Writing the Biography of Frederick Douglass
- Severe Space Weather
- Sex and death: Looking at Titian’s Tarquin and Lucretia in the age of #MeToo
- Sex and Death: Recombination and Immunity in Arabidopsis
- Sex and gender as moderators for the presentation and emergence of autism: Myths and unresolved questions
- Sex and Molecular Evolution
- Sex and Sox - Conserved testis differentiation fuctions?
- Sex and the Brain (in fruit flies)
- Sex and the City Centre: Prostitution, Urban Planning, and Sociological Research in 1960s Lebanon
- Sex Before the Sexual Revolution in England 1918-1963
- Sex before the Sexual Revolution: Intimate life in England 1918 - 1963
- Sex before the sexual revolution: Intimate Life in England 1918-1963
- Sex by numbers
- Sex By Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Sex Research
- Sex chromosomes in development and disease
- Sex Determination in Musca domestica, a Prime Example of Evolutionary Plasticity in Development
- Sex Determination Mechanisms in Zebrafish
- Sex differences and the neural correlates of repetitive behaviour
- Sex differences in intelligence?
- Sex differences in mind
- Sex differences in mind
- Sex differences in organ size and plasticity
- Sex differences in spatial navigation and spatial IQ tasks
- Sex differences in the mind and brain
- Sex Education and Faith Communities in the UK: Challenges and Opportunities
- Sex Inclusive Research: addressing misconceptions and barriers to including both sexes
- Sex ratios and rarity in birds: an unhappy balance?
- Sex specific differences in placental glucocorticoid sensitivity
- Sex, Disease and Fertility in History
- Sex, drugs and rock & roll – life in forensic science
- Sex, gender and fair play - policing the Athletic Body in international sport
- Sex, Gender and Generation in Early Modern Medical Records
- Sex, Gender and Heteronormativity: Seeing 'Some Like it Hot' as a Heterosexual Dystopia
- Sex, Heterochromatin and Disease
- Sex, Love, and Goodness
- Sex, money, and the mating market: How big data helps us understand sexual politics
- Sex-gender-family relations, the twentieth century experience
- Sex-typed preferences are not universal: An experimental test of children's toy and colour preferences in Peruvian Amazon Basin and Vanuatu kastom villages
- Sexual Consumerism: How We Buy and Sell Ourselves
- Sexual dimorphism, life history, and social structure in early hominin species
- Sexual Health, Risk and Migration: Challenging exclusionary constructions of migrant men who have sex with men
- Sexual selection and sexual conflict
- Sexual selection in females: insights from baboon societies
- Sexual Self Esteem among HIV+ gay men
- Sexual signals between yeast cells
- Sexual signals in male Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra)
- Sfari demonstration
- Shabat spectra and a minimal Dirichlet energy problem
- Shackleton’s month at South Georgia
- Shadow Mapping in Real-Time 3D Graphics
- Shadows and intersections: stability and new proofs
- Shadows and Soft Exchange in Celestial CFT
- Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Tini zabutykh predkiv, 1964)
- Shadows of two colours. Using circumbinary planets to help study atmospheres and planet formation
- Shailaja Fennell - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Shaken Baby Syndrome on Trial: Causal Problems and Sources of Bias
- Shaken loose structures
- Shaken loose structures
- Shaken up: Gaia DR2 and the warped Milky Way disc
- Shakespeare and philosophy
- Shakespeare and rhetorical closure
- Shakespeare and the rhetoric of narrative
- Shakespeare as New Writing: Reinventing the Classics
- Shakespeare on beginning to speak
- Shakespeare, King James, and the Northern Yorkists
- SHAKESPEARE: SOURCES AND ADAPTATION 9th - 11th September 2011 Cambridge University
- Shaking Entanglement
- Shaking it loose and burning it up: The carbon budget of erosion from earthquakes to floodplains
- Shaking things up: new ways of doing chemical reactions and a new class of semiconductors
- Shall Bekenstein's Area Law Prevail?
- Shall we Dance? Choreographing HIV Proviral DNA Synthesis by Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Shallow flows: 2D or not 2D?
- Shallow water modelling of rainfall-runoff processes
- Shallow water modelling of rainfall-runoff processes
- Shallow water models of the interaction of gravity currents with obstacles
- Sham matings and other shenanigans: on animal homosexuality
- Shamanism, ethnic spirits and dead prisoners in Ulaanbaatar
- Shami Chakrabarti
- Shankh-er Shongshar, afterlife everyday: the evening conch, goddesses, and a reimagination of Bengali domesticity
- Shannon mutual information of critical quantum chains
- Shannon on DNA: How to Approach the Limits of Molecular Data Storage
- Shannon theory of ergodic sources and channels
- Shape Analysis of Population of Manifolds in Computational Anatomy
- Shape analysis on Lie groups with applications on computer animation
- Shape analysis through a deformation prior
- Shape Changing Particles
- Shape defect detection in wave guides via modal representations
- Shape Memory Thin Films for Medical Applications
- Shape modelling using contours and fields, with applications to image segmentation
- Shape Optimisation for Crashworthiness of Structures
- Shape resonances tuning quantum size effects in high Tc superconductors by design
- Shape smoothing (and what I hope to get from the Newton change-point program)
- Shape writing: a fast and fluid writing system designed for mobile devices
- Shape writing: fluid text entry on mobile devices
- Shape, Polarity and Individuation of Animal Cells
- Shape-shifting assemblies in cutting and dividing cells
- Shape-tension coupling produces nematic order in an epithelium vertex model
- Shapes of charged drops in an electric field and Rayleigh jets
- Shapes of Colloidal Membranes
- Shapes of non-Gaussianity in warm inflation
- Shaping and patterning the embryo: Gastrulation in higher vertebrates
- Shaping and reshaping regulatory loops in Drosophila morphogen signaling.
- Shaping Energy with Technology
- Shaping galaxies with AGN feedback
- Shaping language policy and practice in South Africa : the next twenty years
- Shaping Liquidity: On the Causal Effects of Voluntary Disclosure
- Shaping neural circuits by early experience.
- Shaping new mobile services: is it anytime, anyplace, on the move, in the bag or in between?
- Shaping of solids under natural convection
- Shaping postwar Europe: science, technology and American soft power
- Shaping Public Health Policy on Infectious Diseases through Evidence Synthesis
- Shaping Recommendations in a Marketplace via User & Content Understanding
- Shaping Research for Industrial Innovation
- Shaping Shells with Spontaneous Curvature
- Shaping the fly wing
- Shaping the Future of Manipulation
- Shaping the Neurons:teh role of the Ral GTPase
- Shaping the plant endomembrane system
- Shaping the structure of the economy to fulfill political objectives: a constructivist and institutionalist political economy perspective on French institutional reforms (1958-69)
- Shaping tissues: the role of mechanics across different scales.
- Share your front page
- Shared developmental rules predict patterns of size evolution in vertebrate segmented structures
- Shared Segmentation of Natural Scenes using Dependent Pitman-Yor Processes
- Shared Threat, Executive Constraints, and War
- Shared understanding in music making: Case studies in music therapy improvisation
- Shareholder Democracy under Autocracy: Voting Rights and Corporate Performance in Imperial Russia
- Shariah Law: A stairway to heaven
- Sharing Practice Tips
- Sharing Responsibility for Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
- Sharks, Aeroplanes and the Rotating-Disk Boundary Layer
- Sharon Morris on Judy Chicago's Song of Songs
- Sharp bounds for compressive learning
- Sharp bounds for moments of the Riemann zeta function
- Sharp bounds on 2m/r for static spherical objects in general relativity
- Sharp Characterization and Control of Global Dynamics of SGDs with Heavy Tails
- Sharp Characterization and Control of Global Dynamics of SGDs with Heavy Tails
- Sharp convergence guarantees for iterative (non)-convex empirical risk minimization with random data
- Sharp eigenvalue estimates on degenerating surfaces.
- Sharp Large-deviation Results: Thin Film Rupture and Stochastic Nanowaves
- Sharp oracle inequalities for stationary points of nonconvex penalised M-estimators
- Sharp Sensitivity Analysis for Inverse Propensity Weighting via Quantile Balancing
- Sharp threshold for percolation on expanders
- Sharpness of the phase transition for level set percolation of long-range correlated Gaussian fields
- Sharpness of the phase transition for random-cluster and Potts model via decision trees
- Sharpness of the phase transition for Voronoi percolation in $\mathbb R^d$
- Sharpness, Restart and Compressed Sensing Performance
- Shattered lives: Understanding and treating post traumatic stress in children and adolescents
- Shattering Asteroids and Paradigms: Planetary Scars on Dead Rock Stars
- Shawi, Quechua and Spanish: a Sea of Languages
- SHB Seminar
- Shear at soft interfaces
- Shear band dynamics
- Shear band dynamics
- Shear banding and demixing in complex and biologically active fluids
- Shear Banding in Complex Fluids: Wall effects and unstable dynamics
- Shear excitement of platelets: proteolysis of adhesion receptors in thrombosis and haemostasis
- Shear flow over patches of flexible surface and related near-surface interactions
- Shear Induced Alignment of Elongated Particles
- Shear Induced Melt Bands: The Mechanics of their Formation and their Possible Role as Melt Conduits Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Shear Thickening in Dense Suspensions
- Shear wave velocity models for the Kyrgyz Tien Shan
- Shear-flexible subdivision shells with non-manifold geometry
- Shear-thinning effects on microswimmers
- Shearing boxes simulations of the MRI: current status & perspectives
- Sheaves and Legendrian links
- Sheaves for Heterogeneous Data
- Sheaves on Buildings, Homological Induction and Complexes of Groups
- Shedding light on cytoskeletal mRNA transport in vivo and in vitro
- Shedding Light on Dark Matter
- Shedding light on Dark Matter at CMS using monojets
- Shedding Light On Graphene Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Shedding light on infant brain and cognitive development in Africa: The BRIGHT Project
- Shedding light on lunar rhythms
- Shedding light on new physics with Effective Field Theories
- Shedding Light on the Biosynthesis of Cyanobacterial Sunscreens
- Shedding Light on the Dark Ages of Star Formation: Dense gas kinematics and core formation
- Shedding Light on the Newborn Brain
- Shedding light on the properties of QSOs and their host galaxies at the Epoch of Reionization
- Shedding light on tumour physiology
- Shedding light on Ubiquitin Modification in Cancer.
- Shedding new light on photochemistry in nature: from biological motifs to photoactive protein chromophores
- Shedding some Light on the Dark Matter of the Genomic Universe: Ribozymes, Telomerase and Regulating Epigenetics
- Shedding the light on shear zone development, evolution and rheology: Case studies and remaining questions
- Sheep Breeds in Bronze Age Kazakhstan: A Geometric Morphometric Approach
- Sheep models in neuroscience research: Opportunities and challenges
- Sheep Models of Human Neurodegenerative Disease. How, where and why?
- Sheeps
- Sheet metal forming with six components of strain
- Sheldon Pollock (Columbia): 'The Great Chain of Academic Being'
- Shell buckling - without those ‘imperfections’
- Shell Lecture 2014 Deploying gas technology for a sustainable energy future
- Shell Midden Zooarchaeology, Salmon DNA and Land Use on the Pacific Northwest Coast
- Shell Seminar - Life as a Shell Graduate
- Shell Shape of Snails
- Shelley’s Sonnet ‘Ozymandias’: An Exercise in Reading a Poem
- Shells and Stones: Molluscan Analyses as a Means of Characterizing Hominin Habitats during the Pleistocene
- Shelter Schema: Rationalising Design Decisions in Shelter Projects
- Shepreth Hedgehog Hospital
- Sherali-Adams Relaxations and Graph Indistinguishability
- Shift happens: A systems-level analysis of the gap gene network in Drosophila
- Shifting Circuits for Motor Control.
- Shifting formats, changing priorities in the modern Chinese materia medica genre: from Zhao Yuhuang's single items to drugs in acupuncture channels
- Shifting ground: The variable use of essentialism in contexts of inclusion and exclusion
- Shifting landscapes of the medieval world
- Shifting landscapes of the medieval world: Landscape as history
- Shifting landscapes of the medieval world: Landscape as knowledge
- Shifting landscapes of the medieval world: Landscape as literature
- Shifting landscapes of the medieval world: Landscape as theory
- Shifting Patterns of Contemporary Globalization
- Shifting protein-protein interactions in the evolution of the grasses: when, how, and why?
- Shifting Sediment Sources in the World's Longest RIver: An 8,000-year Record From Northern Sudan
- Shimura varieties and complex conjugation
- Shimura varieties mod p
- Shimura varieties mod p
- Shining brightest in your constellation
- Shining new light on chemistry and biology with inteferometric scattering microscopy
- Shiny pebbles and Nordic aperitifs: case studies in multidisciplinary cultural evolution
- Shioda cycles in families of surfaces
- Ship tracks on European maps and charts, c.1500–c.1800
- Ship-ice-fluid interaction studies on ice resistance of ships
- Shipping Greek Sheep: Greek Colonization and Faunal Translocation in the Adriatic Region
- SHiPSCs, Naïve Human Pluripotent Stem Cells?
- Shock and Impact Deformation: A Geological Perspective
- Shock compression of geological materials
- Shock Compression of Inhomogeneous Materials
- Shock Compression of Metals: From Monocrystals to Nanocrystals, from Explosives to Lasers
- Shock compression of Mie-Grüneisen liquids
- Shock control on transonic wings by three-dimensional bumps.
- Shock diffraction by convex cornered wedges
- Shock formation for 3-dimensional wave equations
- Shock generated pressure-temperature excursions in planetary materials
- Shock properties of porous materials
- Shock properties of porous materials
- Shock Reflection, von Neumann conjectures, and free boundary problems
- Shock substructure in partially-ionised plasma
- Shock transmission and Veering in a coupled beam system
- Shock wave absorption in liquid foams
- Shock-induced cavity collapse in liquid nitromethane
- Shocking models of meltwater flow under ice shelves
- Shocking news from galaxy cluster outskirts
- Shocking sand: Granular materials under extreme conditions
- Shocking temperatures. 1: What did you expect?
- Shocking temperatures. 2: What did we get?
- Shocks and bubbles in the hot gas in M87
- Shocks in fragile matter
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Short and long-term effects of climate, disturbance, and forest management on regional carbon storage and emissions under current and proposed policy plans
- Short and long-term leakage through composite liners
- Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab
- Short Chain Fatty Acids Old Fuels New Story
- Short course on Spectral Theory - Day 1
- Short course on Spectral Theory - Day 2
- Short course on Spectral Theory - Day 3
- Short course on Spectral Theory - Day 4
- Short course on Spectral Theory - Day 5
- Short Course: Lecture 1 - Sample Covariance Operators: Normal Approximation and Concentration
- Short Course: Lecture 2 - Sample Covariance Operators: Normal Approximation and Concentration
- Short Course: The Unified Transform and Boundary Value Problems: I
- Short Course: The Unified Transform and Boundary Value Problems: II
- Short Cuts
- Short cuts make long delays: Machine Learning for COVID-19 and Medical Imaging
- Short Cuts: Stories from a Lifetime of Chemistry
- Short duration extreme precipitation events and acute heat stresses in Southern India : Two case studies with suggested remedial measures
- Short film discussion session: Utuqaq
- Short Introduction and Recap from Yesterday
- Short Overview of RAMP work on Environmental and Aerosol Transmission
- Short Overview of RAMP work on Epidemic Modelling
- Short presentation on research by the AFP Computer Forensic Team
- Short presentations of finite groups
- Short range order in liquid metals
- Short Talks
- Short talks
- Short talks about statistical machine learning
- Short talks about statistical machine learning II
- Short talks about statistical machine learning III
- Short talks about statistical machine learning IIII
- Short talks by 2nd-year research students
- Short talks: Elliott Bussell, Theresa Reiker, Chris Illingworth
- Short talks: Mixed Cumulative Distribution Networks; Nonparametric Bayesian community discovery in social networks; Expectation Propagation for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
- Short talks: Sophie Ip & Veni Karamitsou
- Short Term Hydro Power Planning Coordinated with Wind Power in Areas with Congestion Problems
- Short term variability from some ULXs: Missing in action?
- Short- and long-range airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2
- Short-Read DNA Sequence Alignment with Custom Designed FPGA-based Hardware
- Short-Sales Constraints and Aftermarket IPO Pricing
- Short-Selling Restrictions and Returns: a Natural Experiment
- Short-term approaches and issues in counselling: Seminar 2
- Short-term approaches and issues in counselling: Seminar 3
- Short-term approaches and issues in counselling: Seminar 4
- Short-term approaches and issues in counselling:Seminar 1
- Short-term, high-resolution sea ice forecasting with diffusion model ensembles
- Shortening hospital stays: clinico-economic dialogues in the 20th century
- Shoshana Zuboff: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
- Shostakovich and Soviet Eros: Forbidden Fruit in the realm of Communal Communism
- Should Cats and Dogs go Vegan?
- Should Cats and Dogs go Vegan?
- Should Cats and Dogs go Vegan?
- Should Ensemble Members Be Calibrated?
- Should Hospitals Keep Their Patients Longer? The Role of Inpatient Care in Reducing Post-Discharge Mortality
- Should human rights be apolitical? A debate
- Should I sequence my genome now?
- Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Zero-Size Jumps In Random Walks For Lévy Flights
- Should I stay or should I grow? Coordinating hormones to make decisions
- Should I Stick Or Should I Go? A molecular switch at the neuronal surface
- Should more scientists become data scientists?
- Should the environment be a feminist issue?
- Should the future be discounted? Lessons from Hanford and the atom bomb creation
- Should the public trust national assessments?
- Should the State Teach Virtues Rather than Values?
- Should the UK Have a New Industrial Policy? Rebalancing the Economy for Growth
- Should there be limits to academic freedom?
- Should Type Theory replace Set Theory as the Foundation of Mathematics ?
- Should we Automate?
- Should we bother with expert judgement in awarding GCSEs and A levels?
- Should We Engineer The Climate? The SPICE Project
- Should we expect attack rates for infectious disease to vary across small spatial scales?
- Should we include the family in preventive cardiology initiatives?
- Should We Include the Family in Preventive Cardiology Initiatives?
- Should we provide Safe Havens for Academics at Risk?
- Should we re-think the relationship between education and politics?
- Should we renew Trident? - Bruce Kent
- Should we trust statistics about Covid?
- Should we use nuclear energy to tackle climate change?
- Shouting at a staircase: Acoustic scattering off a plane with a step
- Shouting at a Staircase: Acoustic Scattering off a Plane with a Step
- Show and tell: fieldwork notebooks
- Showcase Applications
- Showcasing emergent phenomena in superconducting materials: fractionalization of ionic spin, geometric inhibition of superconductivity, and nematic superconductivity
- Shower Monte Carlos at Next-to-Leading Order
- Shrinkage Estimation in High Dimensions
- Shrinkage Estimation in Regression with Categories
- Shrinkage Estimation in Regression with Categories
- Shrinkage Estimation in Regression with Categories
- Shrinkage regression for multivariate inference with missing data, with an application to portfolio balancing
- Shrinking Down Nutrition: Nanofoods
- Shrinking Sheep to Growing Marmots: Linking Trait and Population Dynamics in Changing Environments
- ShrinkSeq: a flexible and powerful method for Bayesian analysis of RNAseq data
- Shuffle operads
- Sialidases in respiratory disease
- Sibling Rivalry and Stress Tolerance: the Single-Cell Biology of Mycobacteria.
- Sibyl and the Elder: Women addressing the system. Has it changed?
- Sicily in the eighth and ninth centuries: a case of economic continuity in the Byzantine and early Islamic periods
- Sickle cell anaemia: the first molecular disease
- Sickle cell disease in Oman
- Sickness experience in England, 1870-1949
- Side-Channel Attack Resistant ROM-Based AES S-Box
- Side-Channel Attack Resistant ROM-Based AES S-Box
- Side-Channel Cryptanalysis
- Side-Channel Cryptanalysis
- Side-channel security requirements for electronic voting equipment
- Sides, bottom and top; diverse mechanisms of cell adhesion
- Sidetracked Inflation
- Sidewall effects in compression corner shock wave boundary layer interactions
- Sidon sets, quasi-independent sets and related issues in harmonic analysis
- Sieve methods in group theory
- Sifting Circuits for Motor Control.
- SIGCOMM 2009 Keynote Talk: Internet of Ideas
- SIGCOMM 2018 Trip Report
- Sigma Models and Phase Transitions
- Sigma models as logarithmic CFT
- Sigma*: Symbolic Learning of Input-Output Specifications
- Sigma-Points, Cubatures and Rao-Blackwellization in Recursive Bayesian Estimation
- Sign and Basis Invariant Networks for Spectral Graph Representation Learning
- Sign language in Burma: Yangon Sign language and its relationship with spoken Burmese
- Signal detection theory - what it is and why you need it
- Signal detection theory - what it is and why you need it
- Signal detection theory - what it is and why you need it
- Signal detection theory - what it is and why you need it
- Signal detection theory - what it is and why you need it.
- Signal detection theory - what it is and why you need it.
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Signal Encoding at the Single-Cell Level
- Signal Flows in Non-Markovian Quantum Networks
- Signal Identification for Rare and Weak Features: Higher Criticism or False Discovery Rates
- Signal processing in bacterial chemotaxis
- Signal Processing via Sampled-Data Control - A Challenge to Go Beyond Shannon
- Signal Recovery from Scattering Convolutional Neural Networks
- Signal Recovery from Scattering Convolutional Neural Networks
- Signal sequences in protein targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum
- Signal Switches at the Mitochondrial Import Machinery
- Signal transducing long non-coding RNAs regulating Cancer Biology
- Signal transduction
- Signal transduction and membrane trafficking
- Signal/Image Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
- Signaling pathways controlling autophagy and its cross talk with apoptosis
- Signaling pathways to resilience or dysfunction in the brain
- Signaling through the ubiquitin system
- Signalling and information processing in biology.
- Signalling and mechanics at the human mitotic centromere and kinetochore
- Signalling and Selection in the Horned Dinosaurs
- Signalling dynamics of neutrophil migration at sites of tissue damage
- Signalling in a swarm: the role of carotene-based colouration in locusts
- Signalling in E. coli chemotaxis as an example of evolutionary optimization
- Signalling Networks in Cell Proliferation and Fate Control
- Signalling pathways that establish symbiotic interactions in plants
- Signals and Factors Controlling Stem Cell Activity in the Adult Brain
- Signals from the beginning of the universe
- Signals regulating cell fates and cell movements in the vertebrate embryo
- Signature Materials – metal thieves, your card is marked!
- Signature modes and formants: comparing stringed instrument
- Signature of supersymmetry in primordial density perturbations
- Signatures and functions on unparameterised path space
- Signatures of axion-like particle dark matter and dark radiation
- Signatures of Brane Inflation
- Signatures of conscious access: Ignition, oscillation, synchrony, causality
- Signatures of conscious access: Ignition, oscillation, synchrony, causality
- Signatures of cosmic (super-)string networks with Y-junctions?
- Signatures of Historical Demography and Pathogen Richness on MHC Genes
- Signatures of Naturalness at the LHC
- Signatures of planet formation and orbital evolution in the cold dust emission of protoplanetary discs
- Signatures of stellar mass stripping in Local Group dSphs
- Significance of deep tropical storms as agents of stratosphere-troposphere exchanges: Insights from high-resolution numerical simulations
- Significance of localized vortical disturbances in wall-bounded and free shear flows
- Significance, power and replication: why statistical life gets harder as a post-doc
- Significance, power and replication: why statistical life gets harder as a post-doc
- Signs, Shops and Imperial Pomp: A Stroll Along Nevskii Prospekt in the Early Nineteenth Century.
- Sikhs and the partition of India: rethinking the Sikh national question, 1940-47
- Silbury Hill – An Ancient Environmental Icon
- SILENCE - (Re-)Viewing the concept of silence across multiple perspectives by an interdisciplinary panel of researchers
- Silence is Golden: Controlling Communication and Coordination in Distributed Databases
- Silence of the Genes: DNA methylation in cancer
- Silencing chromosomes with Xist in embryonic and adult stem cells.
- Silencing RNAs are mobile and trigger DNA methylation in distant tissue
- Silencing signals in plants: A big journey for small RNAs
- Silent Cinema and the Comedy of Birth: An Evening of Shorts (1896–1935)
- Silent implications of US-Tuna II: how a shift in the relationship between international trade and environmental law might affect the perception and behaviour of market agents
- Silent partners: artists and the mannequin from function to fetish
- Silent Secrets of a Seemingly Simple System: Segregation in Particle-Laden Rimming Flow
- Silicate and Carbonatite Melts in the Mantle: Adding CO2 to the pMELTS Thermodynamic Model of Silicate Phase Equilibria
- Silicate liquid immiscibility in tholeiitic basalt
- Silicate weathering: the universal planetary thermostat
- Silicification in Eukaryotes
- Silicon as a plant nutrient: An opportunity to improve household incomes of small scale mango farmers in Kenya
- Silicon cycling and opal production in the Atlantic: lessons from the last deglaciation
- Silicon in the 21st century
- Silicon photonics for near- and mid-infrared applications
- Silicon Photonics For The Zettabyte Era
- Silicon Plagues
- Silicon quantum dots for quantum information processing
- Silicon quantum electronics
- Silicon Qubit Research at the Australian Centre for Quantum Computer Technology (CQCT)
- Silicon swords to software ploughshares: the software networking revolution
- Silicon Tether Motif in C-H Functionalization Reactions
- Silicon Valley and the State: Amazon, Cloud Computing and Corporate Rule
- Silicon Valley – Can it be Copied?
- Silicon Valley comes to the UK 2011
- Silk - the physics behind the function
- Silk Gloves and Mangoes
- Silk Road Worlds, Large and Small: Intersections in Mongol-era Armenia
- Silk, the bio-nanocomposite: Findings from high-speed impact
- Silk: Spiders, silkworms, and advanced materials
- Silver tokens of the Chinese Salt Tax on the Bed of the Java Sea
- Silver, gold and copper for India’s money: Ancient to present
- SilverOak: a tech startup solving the $2.5 trillion lack of small business financing in the emerging markets
- Similarity Judgements in Visual, Auditory and Audio-visual Stimuli
- Similarity measures, similarity searches, and network inferences on genome-wide datasets
- Similarity-based Methods for Language Model Analysis and Prediction
- Simon Newman: Hidden in Plain Sight: Escaped Slaves in Jamaica
- Simon Schaffer: The Relationship between Sociology and STS
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Simple binary permutation groups
- Simple Chromosome Partitioning Mechanisms Driven by Molecular Motors
- Simple condensed phase explosive detonation modelling
- Simple condensed phase explosive detonation modelling
- Simple cuspidals and the local Langlands correspondence for GL(n)
- Simple Dynamics in Large Games
- Simple emergent power spectra from complex inflationary physics
- Simple Experiments in Fluids: from Biolocomotion to Geophysics
- Simple geometries and unusual (multiphase) flow phenomena
- Simple groups and graph symmetry
- Simple groups which are almost of Lie type
- Simple groups, characteristic covering numbers and tensor product growth of representations
- Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart
- Simple homotopy types of 4-manifolds (copy)
- Simple Macroeconomic Models with a Banking Sector: I
- Simple Macroeconomic Models with a Banking Sector: II
- Simple Macroeconomic Models with a Banking Sector: III
- Simple mathematical models for ocean waves.
- Simple Methods to Improve MCMC Efficiency in Random Effect Models
- Simple models of active particles: Pattern formation and phase transitions
- Simple models of helical baroclinic vortices
- Simple Modular Lie Algebras, Non-graded Hamiltonians, and their Restricted Representations
- Simple modules over the rational Iwasawa algebra in the semisimple case
- Simple physical views on cell and embryo morphogenesis
- Simple principles underlying complex neural responses
- Simple proofs of simple facts in localization theory
- Simple random walk on supercritical causal maps
- Simple Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Continuous State and Action Space Systems
- Simple rules govern the patterns of Arctic sea ice melt ponds
- Simple single-scale interpretations of optimal designs in the context of extremal stiffness
- Simple single-scale interpretations of optimal designs in the context of extremal stiffness
- Simple solutions to complex problems: from cell cycle regulation to anti-cancer treatments
- Simple steps to improve reproducibility of your computational research
- Simple Structural Models to Control Sheet Metal Spinning
- Simple systems at extreme conditions
- Simple, efficient, sound-and-complete combinator parsing for all context-free grammars, using an oracle.
- Simple-mindedness in negative Calabi-Yau cluster categories of the hereditary type
- Simplices in the Calabi-Yau web
- Simplicial and cubical sets - how they relate to each other (joint work with Chris Kapulkin)
- Simplicial Complexes and the Homological Sylow Theorem
- Simplicial Objects
- Simplicial volume and bounded cohomology
- Simplicity and Complexity of Belief-Propagation
- Simplicity bias in random design
- Simplicity bias in random design
- Simplicity-Expressiveness Tradeoffs in Mechanism Design
- Simplification of Reinforcement Detailing in Coupled Wall Systems Through the Use of High‐Perforrmance Fiber Reinforced Concrete
- Simplification of topology during Xer-mediated recombination
- Simplifications of unordered amplitudes in gravity and QED
- Simplified Earth-abundant metal catalysis, C–H activation and transborylation
- Simplified models of multiple-scattering effects in Acoustic Metamaterials with a soft matrix
- Simply connected groups and Hasse principle
- Simply simulating objects and phase change in fluid flow
- Simpson's question: How does behaviour determine evolution?
- Simulate to discover: from new chemistry under high pressure to novel two-dimensional materials
- Simulated Galactic Halo and Disk
- Simulated looping propensities of protein-decorated DNA
- Simulated observation of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters with PLANCK
- Simulated observation of Sunyaev-Zeldovich clusters with PLACNK
- Simulating a Mechanical Impact Test of a Percutaneous Implant
- Simulating Accreting Binary Black Holes
- Simulating and unfolding LHC events with generative networks
- Simulating Biofilm Growth and Detachment in Porous Media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Simulating biological nanopores with microfluidic channels
- Simulating black-hole spacetimes on supercomputers
- Simulating cardiac fluid-structure interaction using the immersed boundary method
- Simulating Collision Events on a Quantum Computer
- Simulating Cosmic Dawn
- Simulating Disordered Supramolecular Materials for Organic Electronics using Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory
- Simulating Electricity Prices: negative prices and auto-correlation
- Simulating environmental systems: the benefits of being discrete
- Simulating Fetal Sensory-Motor Experiences and Embodied Neural Learning
- Simulating global carbon-climate feedback
- Simulating HCI for all
- Simulating higher spatial dimensions with atoms and photons
- Simulating Historic Landscapes - Beckford's Ride
- Simulating Human Interactions in Supermarkets to Measure the Risk of COVID-19 Contagion at Scale
- Simulating liquidity stress in the derivatives market
- Simulating Neutron Star Mergers
- Simulating photoplethysmography signals
- Simulating Quantum Circuits with Sparse Output Distributions
- Simulating Quantum Mechanics on Computers
- Simulating radiocarbon in ocean and atmosphere through the deglaciation
- Simulating scientific merit dynamics
- Simulating SMBHs: Jets in realistic cluster environments & SMBH binaries in gas rich circumbinary discs
- Simulating Southern Ocean, sea ice, and ice shelf interactions: model intercomparison and future projections
- Simulating spin systems with dissipative-coupled lasers
- Simulating STEM images - can we see bonds?
- Simulating the Airflow Dynamics of Breathing: Towards Clinical Impact
- Simulating the SI-HCCI transition
- Simulating the Tumor Microenvironment for Immune Cell Interactions via Deployable Extrusion
- Simulating Time Travel
- Simulating wave propagation in elastic systems using the Finite-Difference-Time-Domain method
- Simulating word learning, semantic grounding, and oscillatory responses to linguistic items in a neurobiologically constrained model of the cortex
- Simulating Worlds: Technical Challenges of Improbable SpatialOS
- Simulation and data analysis with Windows Azure
- Simulation and inference for Levy-driven SDEs
- Simulation and inference for Levy-driven SDEs
- Simulation for Intelligent Systems
- Simulation modelling as a method to explain cultural transmission processes using sparse data: a case study from the Aegean Bronze Age looking at the transmission of pottery-making technologies.
- Simulation of armoured and swollen vesicles
- Simulation of heavy tailed laws and their effect on slow convergence
- Simulation of Intimal Thickening in Arteries by Morphoelasticity
- Simulation of Mechanical Process Engineering Applications with the DEM Software ROCKY using the GPU Technology
- Simulation of quantum circuits with tensor networks
- Simulation of random fields on Riemannian manifolds
- Simulation of seismic wave propagation through geometrically complex basins - the Dead Sea basin
- Simulation of void collapse in heterogeneous explosives
- Simulation optimization via bootstrapped Kriging: survey
- Simulation Studies of Surface Phase Transitions in Active Brownian Particles
- Simulation studies of the phase behaviour of colloidal dispersions
- Simulation, Modelling and Embedded Deployment of Complex Algorithms
- Simulation-assisted discovery of membrane targeting nanomedicine
- Simulation-based computation of the workload correlation function in a Levy-driven queue
- Simulation-Enhanced Prototyping of an Experimental Solar House
- Simulations of Accreting Black Hole Binaries: High Fidelity for the Big-Data Era
- Simulations of bent core molecules using molecular dynamics
- Simulations of blood flow as a multiphase fluid
- Simulations of Cellular Processes: From Single Cells to Colonies
- Simulations of damped Lyman-alpha systems
- Simulations of Galaxy Clusters: The Impact of Supermassive Black Holes
- Simulations of Hard QCD Radiation
- Simulations of ionic liquids for energy applications
- Simulations of Laminar Flame Propagation in Droplets Mists
- Simulations of phase transitions: from colloids to proteins
- Simulations of protein-lipid interactions in the mitochondria
- Simulations of Pulsating Soft Corals
- Simulations of single clouds and what a LES-type model can tell us about larger scales
- Simulations of Southern Ocean waves in the marginal ice zone with a dissipative nonlinear Schrödinger model
- Simulations of stratified turbulence surrounding Meddy structures
- Simultaneous and coded seismic sources: Present and upcoming technologies
- Simultaneous break point detection and variable selection in quantile regression models
- Simultaneous camouflage and conspicuous signalling in an island lizard
- Simultaneous Confidence Band and Hypothesis Test in Generalised Varying-Coefficient Models
- Simultaneous Confidence Band and Hypothesis Test in Generalised Varying-Coefficient Models
- Simultaneous confidences bands with the volume-of-tube formula and spline estimators
- Simultaneous dense and nondense orbits for commuting maps
- Simultaneous determination of protein structure and dynamics
- Simultaneous Determination of Protein Structure and Dynamics
- Simultaneous diophantine approximation by squarefree numbers
- Simultaneous identification of genes required for the survival of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi, by Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing (TraDIS)
- Simultaneous Image Segmentation and Registration and Applications
- Simultaneous local and global adaptivity of Bayesian wavelet estimators in nonparametric regression
- Simultaneous multiple change-point and factor analysis for high-dimensional time series
- Simultaneous PET/MR
- Sin at Serampore: the strange legacy of the early nineteenth-century Baptist missionaries in Bengal
- Sine-Gordon kinks and dislocation motion
- Sine-Gordon kinks and Landau levels
- Sine-Gordon model revisited (again)
- Sine-Gordon on a Wormhole
- Singing in the Wilderness: Antarctic Sledging Songs of the 'Heroic Age'
- Singing in tone: text-setting constraints in tone languages
- Singing the praises of tea. Social hierarchy, consumption and Asiatic luxury in the early modern Low Countries
- Singing the Universe: Kant’s aesthetic and indigenous Siberian pop
- Single Atom Spin Qubits in Silicon
- Single atoms and ultracold atomic gases
- Single Cell 3D Genome Reconstruction in the Haploid Setting Using Rigidity Theory
- Single cell full length cDNA library protocol with error correction
- Single cell genomics reveals chromosome instability in human cleavage stage embryogenesis
- Single Cell Multi-Omics Technologies and Applications
- Single Cell Nucleic Acid Techniques
- Single cell responses in the human medial temporal lobe
- Single cell RNA seq. and application in cancer research
- Single cell RNA-sequencing reveals a continuous spectrum of differentiation in haematopoietic cells.
- Single Cell Seminar reboot: first 3 short talks (10x, variation in multi-omics, combinatorial indexing JC)
- Single Cell Seminar: ""Distinct microbial and immune niches of the human colon” + "Cardelino: Integrating whole exomes and single-cell transcriptomes to reveal phenotypic impact of somatic variants"
- Single Cell Seminar: ""Single-cell transcriptional landscape of human embryonic limb development" + ""CRISPR activation screening at single-cell resolution: discovering new regulators of zygotic genome activation"
- Single cell seminar: "Duplex sequencing at genome scale"; "Charting the diversification of mammalian cells at whole organism scale"
- Single cell seminar: "Investigation of genome instability in human brain using parallel single cell genome and transcriptome sequencing" + "Exploring the effect of common SNPs on single cell expression and variability"
- Single Cell Seminar: "Using single cell transcriptomic signatures to understand tumour bulk RNA-seq" & "Detecting germline mutations in single gametes by preserving molecular identity during amplification"
- Single cell seminar: August
- Single cell seminar: July
- Single cell seminar: June
- Single Cell Seminars (August)
- Single Cell Seminars (July)
- Single Cell Seminars (June)
- Single Cell Seminars (May): Unsupervised mapping for scRNA-seq; Joint profiling of chromatin accessibility & more
- Single Cell Seminars (November)
- Single Cell Seminars (October)
- Single Cell Seminars (September)
- Single Cell Technologies : A Bioinformatician’s perspective
- Single cell transcriptomes from human kidneys reveal the cellular identity of renal tumours
- Single cell transcriptomics.
- Single cell whole genome sequencing approaches to model evolution in cancer
- Single cells and single molecules in microdroplets
- Single Channel Recordings in Nanopipette-Supported Bilayers
- Single crystal-to-polycrystal model of the neutron transmission spectra of textured polycrystalline materials
- Single Electron Displacement in Nanostructures
- Single electron pumping: Current accounting and electron partitioning
- Single electron transistors coupled to resonators: from cooling to lasing
- Single electronics on Helium
- Single Molecular Devices
- Single Molecular Devices
- Single Molecule Analysis Using Nanometer-Scale Pores
- Single molecule approaches for studying gene expression in intact mammalian tissues.
- Single Molecule Approaches to Biology
- Single Molecule Biology: Coming of Age
- Single Molecule Biology: One, two, three and four
- Single Molecule Biosensing & DNA Origami Nanopores
- Single molecule electrometry: "far-field" electrostatic fingerprints of molecular 3D conformation and shape
- Single Molecule Enzymology: Transcription against Supercoiling
- Single molecule experiments with nano capillaries and optical tweezers: the role of electrokinetic flows
- Single molecule fluorescence and super resolution microscopy
- Single molecule fluorescence and super resolution microscopy
- Single molecule fluorescence and super resolution microscopy
- Single molecule fluorescence and super-resolution microscopy
- Single Molecule Force-Spectroscopy Maps the Details of the Protein Free Energy Landscape
- Single molecule imaging of Mal - a TLR4 adaptor protein
- Single molecule imaging of protein pore assembly using droplet interface bilayers
- Single molecule measurements unravel the less traveled pathways in protein unfolding
- Single molecule spectroscopy
- Single molecule spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy
- Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Biological Systems
- Single molecule studies of mRNA localisation and motor activation
- Single neuron evidence of model-based and model-free reinforcement learning
- Single Password Authentication
- Single Trial Neural Circuit Dynamics Underlying Perceptual Decision-Making
- Single Valued Elliptic Multizetas and String Theory
- Single Valued Elliptic Multizetas and String Theory
- Single versus multifield inflation after Planck
- Single-Atom Alloy Catalysts: Born in a Vacuum, Tested in Reactors, and Understood In Silico
- Single-cell analysis of hematopoietic stem cell identity and behaviour
- Single-Cell and Spatial Dissection of Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Single-cell dynamics of the proliferation-quiescence decision.
- Single-cell phenomics reveals behavioural and mechanical heterogeneities underpinning migratory activity during mouse anterior patterning
- Single-Layer MoS2: Transport Properties, Devices And Circuits
- Single-molecule approaches to exploring a nanomotor dysfunction; Impaired motor function as a trigger to pathological cardiac remodelling in cardiomyopathy
- Single-molecule force spectroscopy: theory, analysis, interpretation
- Single-molecule magnetic tweezer tests on DNA: bounds on topoisomerase relaxation
- Single-Molecule Magnets and Magnetic Refrigerants
- Single-molecule manipulation and imaging of DNA structure and DNA-protein interactions
- Single-Molecule Spectroscopy with Catalysts, Conductive Polymers, and Optical Microresonators
- Single-particle CryoEM specimen preparation and data collection -- improving on the way
- Single-valued and modular iterated Eisenstein integrals in string theory
- Single-valued periods in string theory
- Singlet Fission Dynamics from femtoseconds to nanoseconds
- Singlet fission in pentacene dimers
- Singlet fission in pentacene dimers
- Singlet fission photovoltaics: splitting one photon to two electrons
- Singlet Fission: Looking for New Chromophores
- Singular integrals in bad neighborhoods I: Singular integrals for Geometric Measure Theory
- Singular layers for Boltzmann equation
- Singular moduli for real quadratic fields and p-adic mock modular forms
- Singular perturbation of rough stochastic PDEs
- Singular solutions of a modified two-component shallow-water equation
- Singular spaces with trivial canonical class
- Singular stochastic equations on Hilbert spaces: Harnack inequality, ultraboundedness and other recent results
- Singular Value Decomposition for High-dimensional High-order Data
- Singularist semirealism
- Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity (i)
- Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity (ii)
- Singularities in nilpotent cones of exceptional type
- Singularities in nullcones of exceptional Lie algebras
- Singularities of Burgers’ equation in the complex plane
- Singularities of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections and the Harder-Narasimhan-Seshadri filtration
- Singularities of Minimal Surfaces
- Singularities of Scattering Amplitudes fromPlabic Graphs and Tensor Diagrams
- Singularities of steady free surface water flows
- Singularities of timelike extremal surfaces
- Singularity development in 3-dimensional Ricci flow
- Singularity formation and bubbling in nonlinear diffusions
- Singularity formation for reduced models of fluid equations
- Singularity formation in the Euler equation
- Singularity of Lévy walks in the lifted Pomeau-Manneville map
- Singularity structure and massless dyons of pure N = 2, d = 4 theories with SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups
- Singularity structure of gravity amplitudes
- Singularity theorems for W^{2,p}-metrics
- Singularity theorems from weakened energy conditions
- Sink or Stall: Subduction Transition Zone Dynamics
- Sink or stall: subduction transition-zone dynamics
- Sinking or swimming in a very viscous world: a study of Hoverfly Flight
- Sinnott's proof of Washington's theorem, and generalisations
- Sino-Russian Gas and Oil Cooperation : The Reality and Its Impacts towards Regional and Global Trading
- Sino-Russian Oil and Gas Cooperation: Where it stands and how far it can go?
- Sino-Russian Oil and Gas Cooperation: Where it stands and how far it can go?
- SIPW05 poster session
- Siqueiros used a hydrodynamic instability to create provocative images in painting
- Sir Andrew Motion: ‘When the Sun Shone in Vain: Edward Thomas and the War Poets’
- Sir Arthur Eddington: Man, Myth & Mystic
- Sir Basil Spence: architecture, tradition and modernity
- Sir Brian Pippard Memorial Meeting
- Sir David Baulcombe - Of Maize and Men
- Sir David Khalili: The Art of Peace
- Sir David King - 21st Century Challanges
- Sir Gilbert Walker and a connection between El Nino and statistics
- Sir Hermann Bondi Lecture: Sex at work - science, policy and the truth about male-female differences
- Sir Jeremy Greenstock
- Sir John Tomlinson and Sir Harrison Birtwistle, "The Construction of the Role of the Minotaur"
- Sir John Tomlinson, "Michelangelo in Song"
- Sir John Tomlinson, "The Construction of the Role of Wotan"
- Sir Joseph Bazalgette and the Great Stink
- Sir Joseph Bazalgette – The Great Stink
- Sir Joseph Hooker and the Ross Antarctic Expedition
- Sir Martin Wood Prize Lecture "Measurement and Control of the Phase of an Electron Wave"
- Sir Martin Wood Prize Lecture - Dr Masamitsu Hayashi
- Sir Martin Wood Prize Lecture: The emerging world of microbial rhodopsins in photobiology
- Sir Paul Nurse: The Cell Cycle
- Sir Peter Hendy, Chairman of Network Rail
- Sir Richard Dearlove
- Sir Richard Friend: Interconversion of light and electricity in molecular semiconductors
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture 2016-17
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture 2010: Asset Bubbles and Economic Dynamics
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture 2019: Firms and Growth
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture 2020 - Professor Janet Currie
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture: The Emergence of Weak, Despotic and Inclusive States
- Sir Richard Stone Lecture: "How Revealing is Revealed Preference? The Stone Legacy and the Analysis of Consumer Behaviour"
- Sir Simon Hughes: The Future of Lifelong Learning
- Sir Venki Ramakrishnan - My adventures around the ribosome
- Sir William Petty’s Treatise of Taxes and Contributions: Politics and Political Economy in the Interregnum and Restoration State
- SIR... or MADAM? The impact of privilege on careers in epidemic modelling
- Sirius: A Flat Datacenter Network with Nanosecond Optical Switching
- SIRVs – External Spike-in Transcript Variant Controls for RNA-Seq
- Sismondi contra Rousseau
- Sisyphean science: why value freedom is worth pursuing
- Site Reliability Engineer
- Site specific residual stress analysis using focused ion beam machining
- Sitting Pretty: Local Representation in China's Party Leadership Bodies
- Sitting time and chronic disease prevention: strengthening the evidence base
- Situated Green Chemistries
- Situated Intelligent Interactive Systems
- Situating Joseph Cornell
- Situation of animal rabies in Nepal
- SIV infection of chimpanzees: Outcome of infection and crossing the species barrier.
- SIVcpz infection of chimpanzees - are they 'natural hosts'?
- Six Features of Sand Dunes
- Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: Lessons from the Crisis
- Six Short Works in Time, a performance by Andy Holden
- Sixteenth Epigenetic Club Seminar
- Sixth Annual Vsesvit Evening featuring "Odyn v kanoe"
- Sixth Epigenetics Club Seminar
- Sixth Form Student Problem Solving Conference
- Sixty Eears after Fogel’s Social Savings: Measuring the Growth Impact of Railways in the Periphery
- Siyi Xu on the Composition of Exoplanets
- Size and Shape in Drosophila wing morphogenesis
- Size effects in plasticity: Discrete Dislocation Dynamics and Strain gradient formulations
- Size Effects on Tensile Strength and Failure Mechanisms of Carbon/Epoxy Composites
- Size evolution, quenching and morphological transformation
- Size Matters
- Size Matters: targetting non - conscious processes to reduce food and drink consumption
- Size of the branch sets in minimal immersions
- Size resolved modelling of UTLS aerosol
- Size scaling of phase-separated domains and mesoscale clusters that precede liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS): theory and experiment
- Size Segregation in Dry Flows of Binary Granular Mixtures
- Size sensing in biological systems- new insights from planarians
- Sizing up the pelvis: birthing technology in late 18th-century France
- Sizing-up extrasolar planets
- SJT-hardness and pseudo-jump inversion
- SKADS: The first concrete steps to the SKA
- Skateboarding and the City: From Margin to Centre
- Skateboarding and the City: From Margin to Centre (joint event with the City Seminar)
- Skein algebra, 3-manifolds and categorification
- Skeldale to Panorama; problems with practical principleism for vets.
- Skeletal Muscle Development in the Zebrafish
- Skeletons in the cabinet and the Grand Tour of anatomy
- Skeptics Café
- Sketch Recognition with Multiscale Stochastic Models of Temporal Patterns
- Sketching Language – User-Centred Design of a Wizard of Oz Prototyping Tool
- Sketchy decisions: Low-rank convex matrix optimization with optimal storage
- Skew monoidal structure on categories of algebras
- Skew monoidal structures in 2-category theory
- Skew power series rings - a survey
- Skew-symmetric schemes for robust sampling from diffusions
- Skilful precipitation nowcasting using deep generative models of radar
- Skill based parallel servers under FCFS-ALIS and infinite bipartite matching
- Skill Sharing Session on Google Earth Engine
- Skill, work and pay in London building trades, 1660 - 1790
- Skin colour assessment in the age of biological diversity
- Skin colour, health and mate selection in humans’
- Skin Development: Making Tissues from Stem Cells
- Skin pharmacokinetics and anti-parasitic pharmacodynamics: towards the design of new treatments for cutaneous leishmaniasis
- Skin, scales and fins: Genetic Analysis of the Development of Adult Integumentary Organs in the Zebrafish
- Skin-friction drag reduction in turbulent flows: how to set up the flow control problem
- Skin-Inspired Organic Electronics
- Skin-resident memory T cells in melanoma surveillance
- Skinning a robot: Design Methodologies for Large-Scale Robot Skin
- Skip Lists
- Skipping between Portals: neutron analysis of membrane protein biogenesis
- Skipping Stones, Ruined Roads and those Dam Oscillations
- Skulls and idols: anthropometrics, antiquity collections, and the origin of American man
- Skulls, science and the spoils of war: frontier violence and the creation of the US Army Medical Museum’s cranial collection, 1869-1900
- Sky Modeling and Efficient Sampling
- Skyla White on Exploring the Kinetics of Prebiotic Reaction Networks
- Skylon: Britain's future of aviation
- Skyrme crystals
- Skyrmion interactions
- Skyrmion Solutions
- Skyrmion Vibrations
- Skyrmions & Nuclei
- Skyrmions & Nuclei
- Skyrmions and Hopfions in exotic superconductors
- Skyrmions and Nuclei - I
- Skyrmions and Nuclei - II
- Skyrmions and Nuclei - III
- Skyrmions and Nuclei - IV
- Skyrmions and Nuclei - V
- Skyrmions and rho mesons, a successful relationship for light nuclei
- Skyrmions from monopoles and calorons
- Skyrmions in Condensed Matter Systems
- Skyrmions, instantons and holography
- Skyrmions, multi--instantons, and SU(infinity) Toda equation
- Skyrmions, Oxygen-16 and the 6-punctured sphere
- Skyrmions, Quantum Graphs and Carbon-12
- Skyrmions, quantum Hall droplets, and one current to rule them all
- SL(2,Z) , Dirichlet Series and the zeta function
- SL(2,Z) and Dirichlet Series
- Slabs, plumes and their interaction: new insights from global anisotropy tomography
- SLAM Problem: Dealing with Augmented Reality
- SLAMseq: Thiol-linked alkylation for the metabolic sequencing of RNA
- Slave trading and the imagination of the quantifiable body in the early modern South Atlantic
- Slavery and empire in early modern Iberian thought
- Slavery in the cabinet of curiosities: Hans Sloane's Atlantic world
- Slavery in the Society of Equals: Winstanley and the Diggers
- Slavery, emancipation, and the quest for reparations in Antigua and Barbuda
- Slavery, Sea Power and the State: The Anglo-Dutch Dixcove War of 1750-51
- Slaves and slave ownership in Ottoman Bursa, 1460-1880
- Slaying (or at least taming) a dreadful monster: Louis de Serres' treatise of 1625 for women suffering from infertility
- SLE correlations and singular vectors
- SLE(8/3)-bubbles
- Sleep and dementia, developing precision management and prevention of cognitive decline- the TIMES programme 2022-2027
- Sleep and EEG as biological markers in animal models of Huntington's disease
- Sleep and vocabulary consolidation: Perspectives from typical and atypical development and sleep deprived teens
- Sleep for Systems Consolidation
- Sleep piety and healthy sleep in early modern English households
- Sleep to forget unwanted memories
- Sleepfaring: A journey through the science of sleep
- Sleeping beasts: magnetic fields shape observational manifestations of neutron stars
- Sleeping Beauty and the Armchair Cosmologist
- Sleeping Beauty’s Credences
- Sleeping by John Everett Millais: "The most beautiful picture the artist ever painted"
- Sleeping giant – opening access to the untapped scientific data held in the Cambridge University Herbarium
- Sleeping Rough in Cambridge: Problems and Solutions
- Sleeping with the Huntington's disease gene- what does it mean?
- Sleepless and Alone: The Impact of Sleep Loss on Human Social Behavior
- Slender filament microrheology: Using shape fluctuations to characterize equilibrium and non-equilibrium materials
- Slice Differentials
- Slice models
- Slice Sampling
- Slice sampling with latent Gaussian models
- Sliceforms - Geometric structures from paper slices
- Slicing a system for optimization in QMC
- Slicing cobordism theory via n-categories (of d-manifolds)
- Slicing, Spreading and Copying Silent Heterochromatin with RNAi
- Sliding Modes for Estimation: theory and practice
- Slip Circle Constructions for Dislocation Plasticity, with Special Reference to Nanoindentations
- Slip rate variability: Quantifying the past to understand the present
- Slippery flows in nature and industry
- Slippery When Wet - Journey to the centre of the San Andreas Fault Zone
- Slobodan Milosevic: Legacy of an Unfinished Trial
- Slope monitoring using optical fibre technology
- Slope of moduli spaces of principally polarized abelian varieties
- Slope-limited transport schemes using icosahedral hexagonal grid
- Slopes in homological stability, the classical way
- Slopes: can centrifuge models contribute to improved design?
- Sloshing - phase transition
- Sloth, Seduction and Song: Inferno XVIII, Purgatorio XVIII, Paradiso XVIII.
- Slow Consistency
- Slow Consistency
- Slow convergence of stochastic models for group navigation and cohesion maintained by non-local interactions
- Slow Energy Policy in a Time of Global Emergencies
- Slow geotechnics
- Slow subspace learning
- Slow subspace learning
- Slow subspace learning
- Slow Viscous Flows Informed By Modern Microscopy Methods: From Batchelor to Blood to Biofilms
- Slowly but Surely: Informal Workers' Quest for Labour Rights in Neoliberal Tanzania, 1995-2011
- Slowly but surely: Locomotion of snails and its lessons for soft robots
- Slowly Decaying Waves and Unstable Stars
- SLP-76 is mandatory for TCR-mediated inside-out-signaling, but dispensable for CXCR4-mediated LFA-1 adhesion and migration of T-cells
- Slug initiation modelling and two-phase flow prediction
- Slugs and snails
- Small & Large Challenges for Molecular Simulation in Drug Discovery
- Small amplitude water waves in a domain with inclined walls
- Small and beautiful: Alex Hopkins lecture
- Small and Large Scale Network Features
- Small and Large Scale Network Features
- Small angle X-ray scattering
- Small angle X-ray Scattering
- Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)
- Small Big Data: Temporal structure in discrete time series
- Small cancellation
- Small cancellation theory over Burnside groups
- Small carbonaceous fossils (SCFs): early animals under the microscope
- Small Cell Lung Cancer from biology to biomarkers
- Small Data Blow-Up for Semilinear Klein-Gordon Equations
- Small dilatations of pseudo-Anosov maps on hyperelliptic translation surfaces
- Small Dispersion Limit of the Camassa-Holm Equation
- Small doubling in a free group
- Small is beautiful: low cost air quality sensors and sensor networks show what they can do
- Small is Beautiful: the Ford 1.0 Ecoboost three-cylinder turbo engine
- Small is Beautiful: the Ford 1.0 Ecoboost three-cylinder turbo engine
- Small Island Developing States' Access to High Seas Fisheries
- Small library, big state: Alaska collections in the Scott Polar Research Institute Library and Archives
- Small Mammals in Cambridgeshire
- Small minors and subdivisions
- Small Molecule Control of Intracellular Protein Levels
- Small Molecules and Light as Tools for the Regulation of Biological Proceeses
- Small Molecules and Light as Tools for the Regulation of Biological Processes
- Small obstacle limit for the inviscid Euler-alpha system
- Small open reading frames: new, abundant, important
- Small Opuntiads
- Small Opuntioideae
- Small paintings, big discoveries: Recent research on Isaac Oliver’s miniatures
- Small Proofs
- Small reactors and the energy transition, fighting climate change with the Holtec SMR
- Small representations I
- Small representations II
- Small RNA directed chromatin changes in Chlamydomonas?
- Small RNA profiling of tomato towards trait engineering
- Small RNA-directed pathways in plants
- Small RNA-directed Reprogramming of Gene Expression During Host-bacteria Interactions
- Small RNAs and hybridization in the unicellular green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Small RNAs as morphogen-like signals in plant development
- SMall RNAs control transposons during demethylation in mouse ES cells.
- Small RNAs mediate trans-generational epigenetic inheritance in C. elegans
- Small Scale Bio-production: Beyond the Flask
- Small Scale Bio-production: Beyond the Flask.
- Small scale creation in active scalars
- Small sheaves on large sites
- Small Stars in Large Surveys - Large Surveys for Small Stars
- Small States in the International Political Economy
- Small subgraphs with large average degree
- Small subgraphs with large average degree
- Small thermal machines
- Small Things Make Big Differences
- Small to big, quick to slow: The many scales of sea ice properties and processes
- Small, medium, large or supersize: Prices and Portions
- Small, network models of effective connectivity in the human brain: evidence from fMRI and MEG
- Small-amplitude steady water waves on flows with counter-currents.
- Small-particle limits in a regularized Laplacian random growth model
- Small-particle scaling limits in a regularized Laplacian growth model
- Small-scale statistics at very high but finite Reynolds numbers
- Small-Scale Structure in Vector Dark Matter
- Small-scale structure of the pre-reionization IGM in quasar proximity zones
- Small-scale thermodynamic and dynamic studies using autonomous drifting ice buoys and satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data
- Small-scale turbulence idealized by noise: some of its consequences
- Small-time fluctuations for sub-Riemannian diffusion loops
- Smallholder agriculture and food security: examining the routes for diversifying and sustaining rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa
- Smallholder farming and the future of food
- Smart and Flexible: Stimulus-responsive polymer brushes on elastic substrates
- Smart assistive technology provision for older people living in England: the social and political dynamics
- Smart Building Lighting Controls
- Smart card detective: an EMV interceptor
- Smart Cities Smart Future - CUEN Annual Conference 2013
- Smart Cities with Privacy Assurance
- Smart drugs?
- Smart energy meters for all - sustainability panacea or waste of money?
- Smart Factory. How to realize it?
- Smart foot sweat: two phasic foot pad secretion prevents slipping
- Smart Fridges, Food Waste and the Connected Home: Investigating an IoT approach for retailers to help customers improve food inventory management and reduce waste
- Smart Grid Trust Assessment
- Smart grids and home energy monitoring
- Smart Grids Observability using Bilevel Programming
- Smart Grids Observability using Bilevel Programming
- Smart infrastructure
- Smart infrastructure and construction - the challenges and opportunities for the use of sensors in monitoring infrastructure and construction
- Smart infrastructure – how data is helping us deliver infrastructure services fit for the 21st Century
- Smart Integration of Decentralised Energy Generation with the Electrical Grid
- Smart Landscapes
- Smart Landscapes
- Smart light sheet microscopes for you and me
- Smart Manufacturing: Operations Planning Perspective
- Smart micro-textiles: from bioinspired sensing to bioelectronic interface
- Smart Phones - An RF Opportunity For Graphene In A Global Market?
- SMART Planning and Operations of Grids With Renewables and Storage a.k.a. SPOReS
- SMART Planning and Operations of Grids With Renewables and Storage a.k.a. SPOReS
- Smart Power: Climate Change, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric Utilities
- Smart reactors in the chemical industry: structured reactors in general and monolithic reactors in particular
- Smart structures using Shape Memory Alloys
- Smart Systems Powered By Triboelectric Generators
- Smart Textiles - The Convergence of Fashion, Materials and Information Technology
- Smart-card based authentication on an insecure network
- SMART: Progress towards an optimising time-lapse geoelectrical imaging system
- SmartDesign: Living with Geometric Complexity
- Smartgrid control challenges
- Smartphones, Crowds, and the Cloud: Population Guided Sensing Systems
- Smashing Black Holes
- Smashing vortices
- SMC Samplers for Applications in High Dimensions
- SMC Screening : Werckmeister Harmonies, Bela Tarr (2000)
- SMC Screening: Close-up, Abbas Kiarostami (1990)
- SME Growth Challenge - make your management fit for growth
- SME Growth Challenge taster session – Chocolate and beyond
- SME Growth taster session - How to Execute Your Growth Strategy
- Smectic film convection: A tempest in a soap bubble
- Smell and 18th-century medicine: 'powerful and active atoms'?
- Smell in Eighteenth-Century England: putridity to perfume
- Smelling molecules with optical nano-noses
- Smile when Suffering: Cartoons from the Trenches, 1914-18
- Smith and Rousseau, After Hume and Mandeville
- Smoke and mirrors: The curious connection between post-fire germination and shoot branching regulation
- Smoke on the water, fire in the cave? Evidence for fire making in the Palaeolithic
- Smooth Dynamics of Oblique Impact with Friction
- Smooth Dynamics of Oblique Impact with Friction
- Smooth embeddings and their families
- Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis
- Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis II
- Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis III
- Smooth metamodels
- Smooth metamodels
- Smooth muscle specific alternative splicing: super-enhancers point the way
- Smooth nonradial stationary 2d Euler flows with compact support.
- Smooth Operators Enhance Robustness
- Smooth representations, projective resolutions and cosheaves
- Smooth solutions to portfolio liquidation problems under price-sensitive market impact
- Smooth topology-preserving approximations of rough domains
- Smooth vector bundles in Lean
- Smoothed absolute loadings principal components analysis
- Smoothing finite group actions on three-manifolds
- Smoothing of cusp singularities via mirror symmetry
- Smoothing properties of the Kaehler-Ricci flow
- Smoothing toroidal crossing varieties
- Smoothness of multi-black hole horizons
- SMR - Progress Towards The Solution For UK Low Energy Carbon Needs
- SMR Economics
- SmRNA cap methylation and its role in transcription
- SMS Uprising: How mobile communications are changing the public sphere in Africa
- SMSR Talk
- SMTCoq, a plug-in for the trustworthy integration of SAT/SMT solvers into Coq
- Smut's Memorial Lecture 2009: "Negotiating from Weakness in International Trade Relations"
- Smuts Commonwealth Lecture - Empire and the Historical Imagination in Colonial India
- Smuts, bunts and ergots
- Smuts, bunts and ergots
- Smyth’s conjecture and a probabilistic local-to-global principle
- Smyth’s conjecture and a probabilistic local-to-global principle
- Snacks & Drinks! (Postgrads & Postdocs)
- Snailing in High Society, or what I did in my holidays
- Snake and Lobster - A Feast for MICCAI
- Snakes and Ladders on the Pathway to Mechanism
- Snaking, dripping, and fluttering of elastic rods
- Snap through Dynamics and some strategies for morphing
- Snapshot of a magmatic system immediately prior to an explosive eruption: Tenerife 289 ka
- Snapshot simulation - an importance sampling technique for traffic with heavy tailed flows
- SNAREs, synaptotagmin, and fusion pores
- SNAREs, Synaptotagmin, and Fusion Pores
- Sneks long balus
- Snipping out the stress: Variations in surgical technique for adrenalectomy with caudal vena cava venotomy in 19 dogs
- Snow cover variability in Western Himalayas and its implications on socio-economic status and livelihood of local communities
- Snow Falling on Sea Ice: Antarctic Snow, Ice Thickness, and the Quest for the "Holy Grail"
- Snow on sea ice: poorly observed, poorly modelled, poorly understood
- Snowfall microphysics: insights gained from Doppler radars
- Snowflakes: Letters from the sky and scientific messages from far beyond.
- Snowpack nitrate photolysis drives the summertime atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) budget in coastal Antarctica
- So Be It: Ontology and Commandment in Medieval Brahmanism
- So Long, And No Thanks for the Externalities: The Rational Rejection of Security Advice by Users
- So Many Decisions, So Much Uncertainty: Research Needs to Assist with Managing and Adapting to Climate and Flood Risk Changes
- So Many Dynamos
- So what is psychological identification anyway?
- SO WHAT is the Global Sustainability Institute?
- So what's so special about Abruzzese?
- So what’s your technology actually worth?
- So you think you can do yield line calculations? Automated plastic analysis of general reinforced concrete slabs
- So You Want To Be A Consultant?
- So you want to be a neuroscientist?
- So you want to be an environmental consultant?
- So you want to do a PhD (you think)...
- SO(10) Resolutions in F-theory
- So, do you want to be a data scientist?
- So, how are you going to make me faster?
- So, what do you do? Exploring professional identities of pedagogical technologists in schools
- SO-AntEco: Contributing information and scientific advice to the CCAMLR South Orkney Islands MPA review
- Soap film smoothing
- SOCCAR trial: an update
- SociableSense: Exploring the Trade-offs of Adaptive Sampling and Computation Offloading for Social Sensing
- Social and cognitive predictors of antisocial behaviour in young school-aged children
- Social and emotional competence in children and adolescents: conceptualisation, assessment and utility
- Social and political change in diverse societies: Insights from largescale panel studies
- Social Anthropology Research Associates Seminar - "Nobody listens to the Colonel: An anthropological look at the Colombian army"
- Social Anthropology Research Associates Seminar - "The social and linguistic construction of identity in the North Atlantic: the case of Iceland"
- Social Anthropology Research Associates Seminar - 25 January 2009
- Social Anthropology Research Associates Seminar, 22 Feb
- Social aspects of achievement motivation: A multi-method study on social goals
- Social Attention and Social Cognitive Development in Children with Autism
- Social Bonds in Dairy Cattle: The Effect of Dynamic Group Systems on Welfare and Productivity
- Social brain development in adolescence
- Social brain development in adolescence
- Social Camouflage: From Face-to-Face to Digital Deception
- Social Cognition in adolescent social networks
- Social cognition in frontal lobe dysfunction
- Social cognition in frontal lobe dysfunction
- Social cognition: lessons from corvids and children
- Social coordination and social networks
- Social deprivation, coping and drugs: a bad cocktail in the COVID-19 era: evidence from preclinical studies
- Social Distancing in the Pandemic 2nd public VRC webinar with zoom
- Social dynamics in dairy cattle
- SOCIAL ENTERPRISE 101 - Beyond Profit Event
- Social Enterprise and International Development: Bamboo wind turbine blades raise spirits in China
- Social enterprise, consultancy and commercialisation as research impact: a guide for humanities and social science researchers
- Social Enterprise: the next BIG THING? Cliff Prior CBE
- Social Epistemic Cognition and STEM Learning: What New Evidence Do We Have from MOOC Big Data?
- Social Event
- Social event: punting and picnic
- Social evolution in human and non-human primates
- Social Fluids
- Social Human-Robot Interaction
- Social Identity: The enactment and performance of religious identities
- Social inclusion and Citizenship in Danish and Swedish Secondary Schools: a multicultural and comparative perspective
- Social inequalities in the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study
- Social influences on small area housing choices: Econometric evidence and implications for land use policy
- Social Interaction Types: a Cautionary Tale for Network Scientists
- Social Interactions in the Funerary Space: Tomb and Remembrance in Egypt in the 3rd millennium BCE
- Social knowing
- Social learning in international climate policy
- Social Marketing in Conservation
- Social Marketing in Practice: lessons from sustainable transport
- Social Marketing: Evolution of a unique approach to addressing public health in the developing world
- Social Media and AI in Suicide Prevention
- Social media and the making of the New-Baraza; mediatisation of Kenya’s local administration
- Social Media Drop-in Clinic - Blogging
- Social Media Drop-in Clinic - Twitter
- Social Media for Equality
- Social Media Predictive Analytics: Methods and Applications
- Social Media, African Chiefs and New Experiments in Public Administration in Kenya
- Social Minds in Joint Action
- Social Mobility and Education
- Social Mobility and Education
- Social mobility in a Danish rural society 1750-1850 and its background- structures, strategies and conclusions
- Social Mobility in Modern Britain: Myths and Realities
- Social Movement Learning & Knowledge Production in the Struggle for Peace with Social Justice
- Social Network Analysis in Social Media
- Social Network for Machines: A discussion
- Social Network, Personality, and Performance
- Social networking 2.0: Cityware for Facebook
- Social Networks
- Social networks, institutions, and the process of globalization
- Social Networks: An Overview
- Social Ontology and Economics
- Social ontology as means for a more relevant social theory including economics
- Social Perceptions of Sustainable Materials
- Social Physiology for Precision Psychiatry
- Social prescribing - beyond pills
- Social Pressure and the Making of the Wartime Civilian Protection Rules
- Social processing in response to autobiographical memories of rejection and inclusion in depression
- Social Proof Seminar (coordinated by Fenner Tanswell)
- Social proof: social session on the POPL experience
- Social rank processing in depression
- Social representations and political thought
- Social Representations of Women who Live as Men in Northern Albania
- Social Robotics for Assessing and Promoting Mental Wellbeing
- Social robots: an experimental apparatus in fundamental psychological research and a support tool in healthcare
- Social Science Methodology for Engineers
- Social scientific methods for understanding climate change policy
- Social security in Britain - cost or benefit? An historical perspective on a 2015 general election issue.
- Social Signals in the Wild: Multimodal Machine Learning for Human-Robot Interaction
- Social structure, collective decision-making and responses to the rise of inequality in animal societies
- Social support and breastfeeding in the UK: evolutionary perspectives and implications for public health
- Social timing in autism spectrum disorders
- Social Transmission of Tool Use in Wild Chimpanzees
- Social with nibbles
- Social-based Code Dissemination in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- SocialFusion: Fusing Mobile, Sensor, and Social Computing in the Cloud To Enable Next-Generation Context-Aware Applications
- Socialisation and European Foreign Policy
- Socialising proof
- Socialising the Genome: talking to patients about genetics
- Sociality and Health: Effects of Social Networks on Disease Spread and Survival in Primates
- Sociality of Merchant Capital and Archaeology of Early Modernity in Atlantic Africa
- Societal objectives and their impact on the electricity system of the future
- Societies in Orbit: Historicizing the European Space Age, 1942-1972
- Society and health
- Society and the Sacred in Early Modern Europe
- Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) College of Scholar Presentations & Networking Event
- Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Scholar Presentations & Networking Event
- Society slides - Stemless Mesembs
- Society to Science: Lowering the barriers to scientific knowledge
- Socinianism and the limits of toleration in the 1650s
- Socio-Critical Reflections on the Role of the Arts in Youth Custody
- Socio-ecology and Conservation of Asian Apes
- Socio-economic impact of agricultural science: the European story
- Socio-spatial networks
- Socioeconomic status, diet and body weight: a search for mechanisms
- Sociogenesis and unbounded space: Modelling cohesive collective motion
- Sociolinguistic Vulnerability: Disaster Linguicism and Crisis Translation
- Sociolinguistics Seminar
- Sociolinguistique Urbaine et Documentarisation de la Recherche: Enjeux et Methodes
- Sociology at Cambridge: Past, Present and Future
- Sociology Lunchtime Seminar: Non-White Meta-Categories in the US and UK: Unpacking the Language of Diversity and Racial Justice.
- Sociology Lunchtime Seminar: The Sociology of Religion without ‘Religion’? Prospects for the New Sociologies of Existentiality, Worldview and Sacrality
- Sociology Visits the Studio: The Case of Young Artists in Berlin
- Sociotechnical analysis of the electricity sector in Mexico
- Socrates and the invention of philosophical conversation
- Socs in myeloproliferative disease
- Sodium channel complexes and cardiac arrhythmia
- Sodium-Glucose-coTransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i): statins of 21st century? Cardio-vascular protection through the Na+- interactome
- Sodom and Gomorrah in Archaeology and Cultural Imagination
- Soft & Wet Chemical Robots
- Soft Active Matter : From Polymer Physics To The Cell Cytoskeleton
- Soft Aerial Robotics for Digital Infrastructure Systems
- Soft Aerial Robotics for Digital Infrastructure Systems
- Soft and hard nanomaterials made by self-assmebly
- Soft Bend Elastic Constant and Transition to a Modulated Nematic Phase
- Soft Black Hole Hair
- Soft but Tough! Engineering Protein Assemblies and Interfacial Mechanics for Stem Cell Technologies and the Design of Biomimetic Niches
- Soft capture of 'shrapnel' in foams
- Soft elasticity by domain formation in reinforced and magneto-active composites
- Soft gluon effects in the production of colored sparticles at the LHC
- Soft Hair on Black Holes
- Soft Hair on Black Holes II
- Soft limits in the presence of spatial curvature
- Soft Materials: From Traumatic Brain Injuries to Retrofitting Structures for Impact Mitigation
- Soft matter and biological fluid dynamics
- Soft Matter Challenges - Chemicals Industry
- Soft Matter Challenges - Consumer Products
- Soft Matter Challenges - Food Manufacturing
- Soft Matter Challenges - Oil and Gas Sector
- Soft Matter for Hard Copy
- Soft matter in construction
- Soft Matter in Motion
- Soft matter physics and bacteria
- Soft Matter Physics of Cells
- Soft Matter Quasicrystals and Their Complex Cousins
- Soft matter quasicrystals: when can they exist and when will we observe them?
- Soft Matters
- Soft Matters - biomechanics in cancer diagnosis and nerve regeneration
- Soft Matters – Neuromechanics in Development and Disorders
- Soft particle liquids
- Soft physics and interpretation challenges for LHC supersymmetry searches
- Soft Robotics and AI are driving a Revolution in Agriculture
- Soft robotics: Fusing actuation with perception
- Soft Small and Interesting - Soft Matter: towards Soft Nanotechnology
- Soft Solids: Elastic Instability, Morphogenesis, and Rubbery Crystals
- Soft terms from bent branes
- Soft Tissue Fracture: Injury and Related Research
- Soft Ways to Shape Semiconductors with Tough Properties
- Soft X-ray spectro-microscopy of polymer solar cells
- Soft X-ray Spectroscopies - New Perspectives for Soft Matter Research
- Soft, Permeable Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Energy
- Soft, self-assembled systems: structure and flow properties
- Soft, Self-Organized Systems: Templates for Functional Nanomaterials
- Soft, skin-interfaced systems with biochemical and physiological sensing capabilities for care in remote settings.
- Soft-bodied Magnetic Small-scale Mobile Robots.
- Soft-Matter and Biological Physics at the Nanometre Scale
- Software and Data Commercialisation for University Researchers
- Software Architecture for the Internet of "certain" Things
- Software architecture: between rigid process and ´somehow I manage´ approach
- Software architectures for neural interfaces
- Software as a Network
- Software as Engineering
- Software Bloat: A systems' perspective
- Software Bloat: A systems' perspective
- Software Defect Mining with Formal Concept Analysis
- Software design anti-patterns
- Software for Compositional Modeling
- Software for the population optimum design of experiments
- Software Foundations, 15 years on
- Software Innovation: Essence
- Software Lock Elision for x86 Machine Code
- Software lock elision for x86 machine code
- Software Model for Preventive Maintenance
- Software networking for the Internet of Things
- Software Project Management
- Software Synthesis using Automated Reasoning
- Software testing in Safety Related Systems: A case study from Nuclear Industry
- Soil amplification of seismic motion: The case histories of the Mexico City 1985 and 2017 disasters
- Soil erosion in Britain – is it a problem?
- Soil fungi for us
- Soil Mechanics at the Particle Scale - Discrete Element Modelling and Micro Computed Tomography
- Soil microbiomes and one Health
- Soil research and practice of ethnopedology | gloknos annual lecture series
- Soil stabilisation with novel binders
- Soil Structure Interaction
- Soil-Pipeline Interaction in Unsaturated Soils
- Soil-structure interaction and the added-building effect in ground-borne vibration
- Soil-structure interactions during underground construction: measurement and monitoring
- Solar 'Affordances' – Research and Observation Retrospective
- Solar and Stellar Fields: Dynamical Systems, Reduced Models and Data in Dynamos (Keynote speaker)
- Solar and Stellar Rotation - Current Developments in Wind Braking
- Solar Electricity at Home 2011
- Solar Energies
- Solar Energy Conversion inspired by Nature: Renewable Fuels from Water, Carbon Dioxide and Sunlight
- Solar energy with a twist: dynamic disorder in halide perovskites
- Solar Energy, Skills Development and Employment Opportunities in India
- Solar Energy, Skills Development and Employment Opportunities in India
- Solar Energy, Skills Development and Employment Opportunities in India
- Solar Influence on Climate
- SOLAR MAMAS - documentary screening
- Solar MHD Avalanches and Coronal Heating
- Solar Photoconversion: Proton Reduction Photocatalysis and Sensitized Triplet Fusion
- Solar Plasma Spectroscopy
- Solar Power: Incentives for Scaling Up
- Solar Powered CO2-to-Fuel
- Solar vs Carbon Geoengineering
- Solar wind electrons: basic properties and physics
- Solar wind ion and electron distribution functions and the transition from fluid to kinetic behaviour
- Solar wind kinetics and turbulence: in situ observations and numerical simulations
- Solar-fuels production from water using photocatalysts
- Soldier-scholars, the military periodical press and networks of exchange within the British Empire, 1800-1860
- Soldiers in the laboratory – the militarisation of the university
- Soldiers, saints and states? Another look at the Breton migrations
- Soldiers-intellectuals, Colonial Knowledge and Military Despotism in India, 1800-1858
- Solid Adiabatic Modes and Soft Theorems
- Solid and Fluid Mechanics for Cardiovascular Engineering
- Solid Earth degassing and oxidative weathering feedbacks: An “alternative” hypothesis for glaciation?
- Solid liquid crystals
- Solid oxide fuel cell's and the electricity generation of the present
- Solid state quantum condensates discussion
- Solid state quantum condensates discussion
- Solid state quantum condensates discussion
- Solid state quantum registers based on single spins assoicated with defects in diamond
- Solid State Seminar August 2018
- Solid State Seminar June 2018
- Solid State Seminar Series: "Crystal structure prediction for next-generation battery anodes"
- Solid State Seminar Series: "Oxide Ion Conductors for Energy Applications: Structure and Dynamics"
- Solid state: materialising 'territorial integrity' in a post-Soviet borderland
- Solid vs. non-solid tumours
- Solid-State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
- Solid-state organic/nanocrystal films for infrared↔visible photon conversion via excitonics
- Solidification of poly-phase systems: what can gabbroic microstructures tell us?
- Solids under high-pressure shock compression: The interplay between simulation and experiment
- Solids under high-pressure shock-compression: the interplay of simulation and experiment
- SOLILOQUY - a Case Study
- Solitary wave fission in dispersive hydrodynamics
- Solitary waves and melt migration in the mantle
- Solitary waves and melt migration in the mantle
- Solitary waves with intrinsic wavelength
- Soliton decomposition of the Box-Ball System
- Soliton equations and geometric flows
- Soliton fission and solitonic turbulence for shallow water waves: a numerical study with different models
- Soliton gas: optical fibers and water tank experiments
- Soliton models with SDiff symmetry
- Soliton resolution for energy critical wave type equations under symmetry
- Soliton resolution on wormholes
- Soliton solutions for the elastic metric on spaces of curves
- Soliton solutions of discrete and continuous (2+1)-dimensional integrable systems: resonance, web structure and combinatorial algebraic geometry
- Soliton stars as holographic confined Fermi liquids
- Soliton versus the gas: Fredholm determinants, analysis, and kinetic equations
- Solitons and Breathers on Quantized Superfluid Vortices
- Solitons and Optical Frequency Combs in Microresonators
- Solitons and the Ocean
- Solitons from geometry
- Solitons in external fields
- Solitons on tori and soliton crystals
- Solitons: An Introduction
- Solo North Pole Trek
- Solubility criteria for finite groups
- Solubility criteria for finite groups
- Soluble profinite groups
- Solutal Convection in Porous Media
- Solution by Evolution: an Introduction to Genetic Programming
- Solution discovery in fluid dynamics using neural networks
- Solution principles for next-generation text entry
- Solution properties and rheology of telechelic associating polymers based on poly(ethylene glycol)
- Solution-Processed Organic Semiconductors for Applications in Opto-electronic
- Solution-Processed Thin-Film Transistors for Large-Area Electronics
- Solutions for a sustainable and desirable future
- Solutions of the Bethe Ansatz Equations as Spectral Determinants
- Solutions to climate change; by the people, for the people
- Solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations that are locally bounded in L^{3,\infty}.
- Solvable models of energy transport: from micro to macro
- Solveig and the Varangians: A Boy’s Own…
- Solvent free computer simulation of nanoparticle-cell membrane interactions
- Solving an existential crisis in Haskell
- Solving Analogy Problems with Letter Sequences
- Solving Bogoliubov's recursion in renormalisation using a simple algebraic identity
- Solving Chern-Simons theory with vector matter in the large N limit
- Solving conic optimization problems with MOSEK
- Solving Darwin’s 'abominable mystery': the evolution and development of nectar spurs
- Solving Einstein field equations by Wiener-Hopf factorisation and beyond
- Solving Einstein field equations by Wiener-Hopf factorisation and beyond
- Solving equations with topology
- Solving Fully Coupled FBSDEs and Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems via Deep Learning
- Solving games - the what, how and why.
- Solving inverse source wave problem: From observability to observer design
- Solving kinetic Alfvén waves using dynamical low-rank approximation
- Solving kinetic theory models of complex fluids: Recent developments and new challenges.
- Solving Large-scale Machine Learning Problems
- Solving linear equations in additive sets
- Solving mean-field stochastic control problems by using deep learning
- Solving Nonlinear Dispersive Equations in Dimension Two by the Method of Inverse Scattering
- Solving Partial Differential Equations on Higher Dimensional Manifolds with Neural Networks
- Solving PDEs in domains with complex evolving morphology: Rothschild Visiting Fellow Lecture
- Solving PDEs Numerically on Manifolds with Arbitrary Spatial Topologies
- Solving PDEs Numerically on Manifolds with Arbitrary Spatial Topologies
- Solving QBF by Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement
- Solving Reionization with Resolved Lyman-alpha
- Solving Reproducibility: Cross-pollination between Biochemical sciences and Computer Sciences
- Solving S-Unit Equations
- Solving Scientific Problems and Making Money with Quantum Mechanics
- Solving Second-Order Constraints with Program Synthesis
- Solving tangle equations and the tangle model for DNA recombination
- Solving the Coincidence Problem using Interacting Fluid Models
- Solving the dynamical sine-Gordon equation
- Solving the electronic Schrödinger equation with deep learning
- Solving the high level nuclear waste problem
- Solving the high level nuclear waste problem.
- Solving the Laplace and Helmholtz equation on domains with corners using rational functions and their analogs
- Solving the m04 paradox: NK cell activation and immune evasion in murine CMV infection
- Solving the Many-Electron Schrödinger Equation with Deep Neural Networks
- Solving the Reproducibility Crisis
- Solving the Reproducibility Crisis
- Solving the Scattering Equations
- Solving Wiener-Hopf Problems by the aid of Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind
- Solving Wiener-Hopf Problems by the aid of Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind
- Solving Wiener-Hopf type problems numerically: a spectral method approach
- Solving Wiener-Hopf type problems numerically: a spectral method approach
- Somalia: Media Law in the Absence of a State
- Somalia: Media Law in the Absence of a State
- Somatic cell genetics for the study of Toll like receptors and NF-kB
- Somatic cell nuclear transfer and prospects for cell replacement
- Somatic evolution of the adaptive immune system in health and disease
- Somatic knock-ins + Chemical Genetics = Unveiling the specific roles of Cdk1 and Aurora A
- Somatic mutation of metabolism genes in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Somatosensory cortex is essential for adaptive motor control in mice
- Somatosensory participation in human motor learning
- Some "Real World" Problems in the Analog and Mixed Signal Domains
- Some (noncommutative) geometrical aspects of the Sierpisnki gasket
- Some Aerodynamic Issues of Unmanned Air Vehicles
- Some algebraic structures in computational quantum mechanics
- Some analytic questions arising in quantum information
- Some applications and mechanics for the cracking of stiff films supported on compliant substrates
- Some applications and mechanics for the cracking of stiff films supported on compliant substrates
- Some applications and mechanics for the cracking of stiff films supported on compliant substrates
- Some applications and mechanics for the cracking of stiff films supported on compliant subtracts
- Some applications of DFT in surface dynamics
- Some applications of least-squares inversion in exploration geophysics
- Some applications of machine learning in active matter
- Some applications of Mahler's method
- Some applications of multispectral reflectance imaging in biological materials and industrial surface coatings
- Some applications of parity sheaves
- Some Applications of the Kullback-Leibler Divergence Rate in Hidden Markov Models
- Some applications of the method of Fokas to linear and nonlinear problems
- Some applications of the numerical method SPH to geophysical problems
- Some applications of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm in the study of quantum automorphism groups of graphs"
- Some approaches to sparse solutions of linear ill-posed problems
- Some approximation results for mild solutions of stochastic fractional order evolution equations driven by Gaussian noise
- Some areas of inquiry for the future in history of mathematics
- Some aspects in many-body quantum dynamics: from multi-channel Kondo impurities to entanglement transition in SU(1,1) periodically driven systems
- Some Aspects of Burgers Turbulence
- Some aspects of contact line dynamics with applications to flow in porous materials
- Some aspects of deterministic phase retrieval
- Some aspects of early Darwinian commemoration
- Some aspects of high energy scattering and integrability
- Some aspects of iceberg mechanics
- Some aspects of iceberg mechanics
- Some aspects of stellar magnetism (Keynote speaker)
- Some aspects of the Anderson Hamiltonian in 1D
- Some aspects of the energy scene
- Some aspects of twinning in hcp metals: twin boundary faceting, migration mechanisms, interaction with stacking faults
- Some aspects of verb morphology and syntax in Modern Aramaic
- Some assembly required: In vitro reconstitution of cellular structures
- Some basics in the asymptotic analysis of geophysical fluids
- Some broad questions about the tree of life
- Some canonical scattering problems solved and unsolved: cones and inflection
- Some categories arising in the semantics of state and exceptions
- Some challenges in modelling influenza
- Some Challenges with Input Uncertainty
- Some Classes of Generalized Graph Groups
- Some combinatorial applications of guided random processes
- Some combinatorial applications of guided random processes
- Some combinatorial problems in information theory
- Some computational methods for kinetic transport equations
- Some connections between Weyl-Titchmarsh theory, oscillation theory, and density of states
- Some considerations of underground heat transferring in GSHP coupled thermal foundations: pipe heat flows, heating capacities and response test
- Some considerations on radiometric effects: Rarefied gas flows induced by temperature fields
- Some Counterintuitive Problems in Vibration
- Some critical issues in adaptive experimental designs for treatment comparisons
- Some decay problems of a collisionless gas: Numerical study
- Some different types of Universal finitely presented groups.
- Some differential inclusions for the gradient and the symmetrized gradient
- Some Disassembly Required
- Some discrete inequalities in harmonic analysis
- Some Do's and Dont's for communicating maths (and most other things)
- Some dynamics of bolted interfaces
- Some dynamics of brine and compressible vapour flows in permeable conduits
- Some early ATLAS results, and a look at subjet structure as a search tool at the LHC
- Some effects of boundaries and interfaces on bulk non-Newtonian fluids
- Some Effects of Non-Monotonic Rate-and-State Friction
- Some elementary correspondence in group theory (with applications to algebra/geometry)
- Some elements of algebraic geometry
- Some elements of algebraic geometry
- Some endpoint estimates for bilinear paraproducts and applications
- Some English Scholars in Aleppo,1620-1760
- Some entropy properties of discrete random variables
- Some essential links between maths and the arts - Cambridge Science Festival (FULLY BOOKED)
- Some evolutionary and neurophysiological aspects of hearing in bush crickets
- Some exact nonlinear laminar solutions to the dynamo equations (Invited speaker)
- Some exact pseudo-steady-state solutions for moving boundary problems in solidification
- Some exciting news from MUSE
- Some existence and uniqueness result for infinite dimensional Fokker--Planck equations
- Some exotic tensor categories in prime characteristic.
- Some Experiences in Designing SKA-related Sites and Instruments: Engineers, Radio Astronomers and Construction Teams
- Some Experiences with the Foundations of Gravity Dams
- Some experiments on internal solitary waves
- Some Exploration of Polymer Solar Cell Morphology
- Some exponential diophantine equations involving products of integers
- Some Finite Groups associated to the zeta function
- Some flow problems in large scale energy storage
- Some fluid-structure interaction problems in the viscous limit
- Some free boundary problems arising from segregation
- Some Free Boundary Problems for Flows at high Re
- Some generalised geometries from M theory
- Some geomechanical aspects of subaqueous tunnels
- Some geometric applications of exact WKB
- Some geometric constructions of link homology
- Some geometry of cubic hypersurfaces
- Some higher-rank sheaves on Calabi-Yau 3-folds and Gromov-Witten invariants
- Some highlights of the RETRO project
- Some historical remarks on the Giné-Zinn work on empirical processes
- Some ideas about deterministic models and heterogeneous populations.
- Some ideas about QMC and molecular dynamics
- Some ideas for calculating phase diagrams for interacting electrons
- Some ideas how to improve quantification of chemical signals in transmission electron microscopy studies of very thin layers
- Some ideas in nonparametric estimation
- Some ideas on neural network modulation
- Some impacts of Noise on Invariant Manifolds for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- Some implications of self-similarity in canonical wall turbulence
- Some inconvenient economics of energy and climate policy
- Some inconvenient economics of energy and climate policy
- Some instabilities resulting from the existence of the negative energy modes in a gas-dust disc
- Some interesting data: Cryptic DNA sequence periodicities are ubiquitous, organism specific and distinguish introns from exons.
- Some interesting manifestations of the subgrouping dilemma in Armenian
- Some issues for causal inference in observational epidemiology
- Some Issues in Computational Design Creativity
- Some issues in mechanics for the design of helmets
- Some issues on the inverse conductivity problem with a complex coefficient
- Some issues raised by high dimension in Statistics - a partial overview of the SCH Programme
- Some Issues Response-Adaptive Designs for Dose-finding Experiments
- Some Key Questions from a Policy Perspective
- Some landmarks in the ancient history of physical and quantitative biology
- Some lessons learned in Multimodal Representations and Transfer
- Some lessons one philosopher drew from thinking about wanting and liking
- Some like it hot, but not icebergs
- Some Like it Hot: High Temperature Experiments in the ESEM
- Some like it hot: nucleosomes mediate temperature sensing
- Some Machine Learning Technologies for Image processing and Beyond
- Some mathematical analysis of molecules in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals
- Some mathematical aspects of uncertainty quantification for interatomic potentials
- Some Mathematical Problems in Climate Science
- Some mathematical results linked with wave turbulence theory
- Some Maths of use in the Computer Systems World
- Some Micromechanical Studies in Titanium
- Some missing lincRNAs in Chromatin, Cancer and Stem Cells
- Some model testing experience of a floating wind turbine platform in a wave tank
- Some model theory with C^\infty-rings and Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis
- Some model-theoretic classes of permutation groups
- Some model-theoretic classes of permutation groups
- Some models for biology
- Some modular compactifications of M_{2,n} by Gorenstein curves
- Some Network Analysis Problems Motivated by the Smart Grid
- Some new approaches to speech recognition and language modelling
- Some new developments in the glacier flow modeling package Icepack
- Some new insights on multipartite entanglement
- Some new isocurvature directions
- Some new perspectives on developing asymptotic preserving schemes
- Some new results of existence for the theory of sprays
- Some New Results on Approximation with Redundant Dictionaries
- Some new results on the Landau Fermi Dirac equation
- Some new sources and contexts for the De Legibus Hebraeorum (1685) of John Spencer, father of 'Enlightened' sacred history
- Some new(ish) results in information theory
- Some news from the loop-soup front
- Some NIPS papers
- Some non-commutative integrable systems from Desargues maps
- Some notes on syntactic logical relations for pure System F
- Some notes on the combinatorial zeta function
- Some Novel Applications of Carbon Nanotubes
- Some observations about the degrees of freedom of quantum gravity
- Some observations on a fractional Cahn Hilliard equation and its relations with the fractional Porous Medium equation
- Some observations on a model of random uncertainty in structural dynamics
- Some observations on cubical sets
- Some observations on Tannaka duality
- Some observations upon environmental policy from a diffusion perspective
- Some of my Accidents
- Some of my favourite plants
- Some old and new moving boundary problems for Hele-Shaw flow
- Some old and some new results on the data-driven modeling of complex systems
- Some Open Problems
- Some Open Problems in Additive Combinatorics
- Some open problems in computational nonlinear control
- Some open problems in dusty plasmas and shaped
charge penetration
- Some open problems in stochastic dynamics
- Some open questions on defining characteristic representations
- Some Optical Properties of Fluorescently Modified Amyloid Fibrils
- Some optimality results in network analysis and beyond
- Some PDE models for neural networks. The blow-up phenomenon for NNLIF models
- Some PDEs and relatives
- Some pointers for David Cameron? Reminiscenses on changing the stance of a political party
- Some polymeric fluid flow models: steady states and large-time convergence
- Some practical problems in formalising mathematics and how to solve them
- Some Practical Reflections on Graphical Models
- Some problems concerning the dynamics of interfaces: (i) Marangoni motions of soluble surfactants and (ii) Bubble bursting at a compound interface
- Some problems in low Reynolds number environmental flows
- Some Problems with the Concept of 'Function'
- Some properties of microgel particles
- Some Properties of String Theory Scattering Amplitudes
- Some properties of the true self-repelling motion
- Some prospects with the splicing operad
- Some Quantum Technology Challenges for Defence
- Some questions and answers from protoplanetary disk observations: machine learning, hidden rings, and fake vortices
- Some questions that can be answered by molecular dynamics
- Some questions that can be answered by molecular dynamics
- Some Recent Advances and Challenges in Bio Image Analysis
- Some recent advances in electromagnetic and flexural wave scattering: CPAL and shape recognition
- Some recent developments in approximate inference: learning and control
- Some Recent Developments in Theories of Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Turbulence
- Some recent investigations on interfacial propagation in inhomogeneous medium
- Some recent multiphysics problems in geomechanics
- Some recent progress in algebraic group representations
- Some Recent Results in the Theory of Free and Confined Levy Flights
- Some recent results of boson stars
- Some recent results on quantum nonlocality
- Some recent results on the Kahan-Hirota-Kimura discretization
- Some recent results on TLS and DTLS
- Some Reflections on the Evolution and Differentiation of Human Utterance
- Some reflections on the Fermat problem
- Some reflections on the intellectual legacyof Shaheed Bhagat Singh (1925-1931)
- Some reflections on the origins and causes of the mortality revolution: The English evidence 1300-1800
- Some reflections on the scientific life of Paul Roberts
- Some remarks about new computing architectures and a proposed alternative way to address time splitting for ocean models
- Some remarks on 2-star-permutability and descent in regular categories.
- Some remarks on Mahler's conjecture for convex bodies
- Some remarks on mathematical theories of liquid crystals
- Some remarks on mathematical theories of liquid crystals
- Some remarks on mirror symmetry for Hitchin systems.
- Some Research Problems in Mathematical and Numerical General Relativity
- Some Research Problems in Mathematical and Numerical General Relativity
- Some Results from the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS)
- Some Results from the LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave observation run O2
- Some results in A1-enumerative geometry
- Some results in the long time analysis of Hamiltonian PDEs and their numerical approximations
- Some results on well-posedness and qualitative behavior of solutions for NLS on domains with boundary
- Some scraps of paper: Keats’ Ode to a Nightingale at The Fitzwilliam Museum
- Some social logics of sharing: From Web 2.0 to the therapeutic narrative
- Some sociological aspects of the detection of gravitational waves
- Some Spacetimes with Higher Rank Killing-Stackel Tensors.
- Some Sparse Recovery Methods in Compressed Sensing
- Some Spectral Properties of Massless Dirac Operators
- Some speculations on the cosmological constant paradox
- Some spiral structures in biology
- Some stability results for anisotropic inverse problems
- Some stationary fields and their spectral measure on hyperbolic plane
- Some statistical problems from artificial intelligence
- Some statistical properties for random and sequential dynamical systems
- Some strange and useful properties of random frequency response functions
- Some Strange but True Properties of Frequency Response Functions
- Some structural questions about cluster algebras
- Some structure of character sums
- Some Surprising Results from the Simba Simulations
- Some talk title
- Some technical aspects of building SHIM
- Some theorem on Eulerian integrals of the multivariable H-function and their applications
- Some thoughts about the design of dissimilarity measures
- Some thoughts on continental reliquary caskets
- Some Thoughts on Decarbonising Heating Systems
- Some thoughts on multi-parameter evidence synthesis
- Some thoughts on nonparametric classification: nearest neighbours, bagging and max likelihood estimation of shape-constrained densities
- Some thoughts on the role of the convection terms in the fluid mechanical PDEs.
- Some topological tools in two-dimensional dynamics
- Some transient studies in stratified flow with horizontal shear
- Some universality results for 2D percolation
- Some Unsung Mathematical Heroines
- Some Uses of Hashing in Networking Problems
- Some Uses of Hashing in Networking Problems
- Some Vignettes of Nonlinear Waves in Granular Crystals: From Modeling and Analysis to Computations and Experiments
- Some webs and q-Howe dualities in types BCD
- Some wonderful talk
- Something about the Khovanov space
- Something ate my fossil: from anecdote to testing hypotheses
- Something new to measure? Novel approaches to assessing turbulence in systems
- Sometimes angry, but always afraid: Differential effects of anxiety on the neural response to facial signals of threat
- Somewhere between Freiman's theorem and the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture
- Sonar (TBC)
- SONGS AND SECRETS South Africa from Liberation to Governance
- Sonia Martin- Artist's Talk
- Sonic Booms
- Sonic Gems: Exploring the potential of audio recording as a form of sentimental memory capture
- Sonic Pi: Keeping the Rhythm
- Sonic Pi: Teaching Computer Science with Music
- Sonic Travel
- Sonnenallee, Germany 1999
- Sonocytology: Manipulation and Sensing Particles
- Sonography of the canine hock
- Sonorous Sublimes: Music and Sound 1670–1850
- Sons and Mothers – The Story of Hare, Elephant and their Mothers: A Kristevan Reading
- Sontinuity: Judeo-Spanish Transmission and Cultural Sonicity
- Sony R&D research interest: Advanced Display and Photonics Technology
- SOP and consumption microstructure
- SOPEVS: Sizing and Operation of PV-EV-Integrated Modern Homes
- Sophia Dobson Collet and the Brahma Samaj: religious cosmopolitanism between nineteenth-century Britain and Bengal
- Sophie Calle: Turning Love Backwards
- Sophie Meyjes - Impact of global variability in zooplankton grazing rates on carbon export flux - Joshua Lanham - Regimes of seasonal CDW intrusion onto the circumpolar Antarctic shelf in a high-resolution model
- Sophie Scholl - The Last Days. Germany 2005
- Sophisms and Modality
- Sophisticated Small Satellites from Surrey! (TALK POSTPONED)
- Soqotra - Island of Dragons
- Soqotra Research Project
- Sorting out the steps: diagnosing layer formation in stratified turbulence and diffusive convection using sorted buoyancy coordinates
- Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff - Route Selection using Kepner-Tregoe Decision Analysis
- SOSP trip report
- Sotho Masters, San Slaves? War captives and slavery on the precolonial South African Highveld, c.1870
- Soul Dust: the magic of consciousness
- Soul Food: "A Sense of Time"
- Soul Food: "Footprints in the Sand"
- Soul Food: "Ode to Giving"
- Soul Food: "Restoring the Balance"
- Soul Food: "The Dance of Life"
- Soul Food: "The Light Within"
- Soul Food: "The Sacred Balance"
- Sound & Film Workshop
- Sound absorption by perforated walls along boundaries
- Sound absorption coatings for maritime applications
- Sound and Automated Synthesis of Digital Controllers for Continuous Plants
- Sound and Film Workshop
- Sound Control Synthesis with Logics and Data
- Sound Control Synthesis with Logics and Data
- Sound Control Synthesis with Logics and Data
- Sound devices in English word-formation: alliteration, rhyme, and sound symbolism
- Sound Haskell
- Sound Radiation from a Random Structure
- Sound Studies: Art, Experience, Politics
- Sound to Language
- Sound-proof global modeling for NWP and Climte
- Sound-proof global models for atmospheres and oceans: a discussion session
- Sound-proof modeling on unstructured meshes
- Soundbite presentations
- Sounding marginality and social disorder: the battle for Madrid’s soundscape, 1850-1930
- Soundness of Mind: the Spiritual Perspective (online)
- Sounds good: useful phonons
- Sounds Like Mobility: A Mobile Media, Sound and Music Event
- Sounds of Space
- Sounds of the Earth: Using seismic recordings to listen to earthquakes and great whales
- SoundStream: An End-to-End Neural Audio Codec
- Source dynamics and evolution of low-luminosity FRII radio galaxies
- Source Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks with an Application to Delays in Public Transportation Systems
- Source-receiver interaction: train-induced loading of piled foundations
- Source-sensitive routing
- Sources and Methods Workshop: Voices from the (Nazi) perpetrator side and the limits of oral history
- Sources of hydrographic variability in Sermilik Fjord, a major glacier fjord in southeast Greenland
- Sources of Renewable Energy
- Sources of uncertainty in simulations of Arctic sea ice and implications for model development needs
- Sources of variation in developmental language disorders: Evidence from eye-tracking studies
- Sourcing Antarctic ice rafted debris: potential and pitfalls for recording past ice sheet dynamics
- Sourcing Happiness and Creating Ripples All Around
- Souriau Symplectic Structures of Lie Group Machine Learning on Statistical Drone Doppler/Kinematic Signatures
- South Africa
- South Africa 2
- South Africa 2014
- South Africa again via Tucson, Part 1
- South Africa and the Politics of African Polygamy
- South Africa student protests, open dialogue
- South Africa's Involvement With Square Kilometre Array Bid: Infrastructure and Electromagnetic Quietness
- South American Habitats in Peril
- South American landscape through space and time and evolution of the Parnaiba cratonic basin of Brazil
- South American Opuntioids
- South Asia Film Series: 'Bhumika' (Shyam Benegal, 1997)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Char Adhyay' (Kumar Shahani, 1997)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Garm Hava' (M. S. Sathyu, 1973)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Khamosh Pani' (Sabiha Sumar, 2003)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Mirch Masala' (Ketan Mehta, 1987)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Oh My God!' (Umesh Shukla, 2012)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Sulanga Enu Pinisa' (Vimukthi Jayasundara, 2005)
- South Asia Film Series: 'Supermen of Malageon' (Faiza Ahmad Khan, 2012)
- South Asia Film Series: Glimpses of India (1929) and St. Joseph Missionary Society films (1920s)
- South Asia's minorities - rough road to citizenship!
- South Asian histories of citizenship
- South Atlantic Capitalisms: dictatorship, law, and economic life in interwar Portugal and Brazil
- South Mexico
- South Mexico n.b. re-scheduled to 14th Dec 2011
- South Picene and Sabine
- South West Trains
- South Western Railway
- Southeast Asia – Is the Long Term Benign or Scary?
- Southern Africa; Northern Cape
- Southern Namibia
- Southern Ocean Centennial Oscillations and Response to Climate Forcing
- Southern Ocean Circulation and Frontal Dynamics from Cryosat-2 Along-track Radar Altimetry
- Southern Ocean iron fertilisation by baleen whales and Antarctic krill
- Southern Ocean phytoplankton: mapping iron stressed communities from space and strong responses to volcanic ash supply
- Southern Ocean processes and circulation, and impacts on carbon drawdown
- Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation
- Sovereign debt, market sentiments and country solidarity
- Sovereign Defaults
- SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS: Demons or saviours?
- Sovereignty and Imperialism: Non-European Powers in the Age of Empire
- Sovereignty and Representation in Rousseau's Considerations on the Government of Poland
- Sovereignty Rules: Human Rights Regimes and State Sovereignty
- Soviet Novel vs Soviet Reality, from Platonov to Aitmatov
- Soviet Physics in 1920s-1950s and English- Russian Scientific Relations ( Cockroft, Dirac, Kapitsa, Peierls...)
- SP Special Seminar - TBC
- Space and Place
- Space and spectacle in the Renaissance apothecary
- SPACE – Supporting Parents and Carers @ Cambridge
- SPACE Coffee and Cake
- Space Complexity of Polynomial Calculus (joint work with Yuval Filmus, Jakob Nordstrom, Neil Thapen, Noga Zewi)
- Space Dependent Variable Order Fractional Master and Diffusion Equations: Anomalous Aggregation of Particles
- Space Embedding of Records for Privacy Preserving Linkage
- Space Exploration: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Norms and Ethics in Space
- Space Exploration: Is Manned Space Travel Worth The Cost?
- Space filling designs for computer experiments: some algorithms and numerical results on industrial problems
- Space for 10 artits' Saturday Talk
- Space Matters in COVID-19 Modelling
- Space photovoltaics challenges: fundamental to applied
- Space projected electrical conductivity and spectral properties of the conduction matrix
- Space rocks on ice: Hunting for meteorites in Antarctica
- SPACE Staff Network : Carers @ Cambridge
- Space Weather and Satellites
- Space, a final fontier?
- Space, sleep, brain rhythms and memory
- Space, the geochemical frontier.
- Space-Bounded Quantum State Testing via Space-Efficient Quantum Singular Value Transformation
- Space-partitioning Data- Structures and their Applications
- Space-time fractional diffusion equations in chemotaxis and immunology
- Space-time localisation for the dynamic $\Phi^4_3$ model
- Space-time percolation and detection by mobile nodes
- Space-time stationary solutions for the random forced Burgers equation
- SPACE: Caring for Adult Dependants
- Spacecraft Structural Vibrations: The challenges of accelerations from k-g to m-g
- Spaces and cochains -- yet another approach
- Spaces for citizen involvement in healthcare: an ethnographic study
- Spaces for debate between science and religion in Franco's Spain: the intellectual conversations of Poblet (1959–1961)
- Spaces of diffeomorphisms and embeddings of high-dimensional manifolds
- Spaces of Economy & Society Cluster Seminar
- Spaces of Exile and Solidarity; Conviviality, Contention and Transnational Activism for Zimbabwe 1965-1980
- Spaces of geography in early nineteenth-century Paris
- Spaces of geography in early nineteenth-century Paris
- Spaces of healing: Byzantium and medieval Islam compared
- Spaces of merging submanifold
- Spaces of Risk and Public Health: hospital, school and home in Victorian Britain
- Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics, Particles and Strings, Polytopes and Binary Geometries
- Spacetime as a resource
- Spacetime extensions in low regularity
- Spacetime finite element methods for inverse and control problems subject to the wave equation
- Spacetime near an extreme horizon
- Spacetime Quantum Mechanics: 20 Years On
- Spack: the HPC package manager
- Spanish and Catalan Linguistics
- Spanish forest dynamics: Constraining models with data
- Spanish forest dynamics: Constraining models with data
- Spanish parasynthetic verbs with prefix des-: A lexical semantic approach
- Spanner: Google’s Planet-Spanning Database
- Spanning regular subgraphs of random graphs: sharp thresholds
- Spanning trees in pseudorandom graphs via sorting networks
- Spanwise heterogeneity in developing turbulent boundary layers
- Spanwise rotation effects on wall bounded flows
- Sparking Ideas: Utilising all our talents in science and engineering
- Sparrows Can’t Sing (1963)
- Sparse and modular networks using exchangeable random measures
- Sparse Approximation and Atomic Decomposition: Considering Atom Interactions in Evaluating and Building Signal Representations
- Sparse Bayesian Linear Models
- Sparse CCA: Statistical and Computational Limits
- Sparse coding in the mushroom body enables odour-specific memories
- Sparse discriminative latent characteristics for predicting cancer drug sensitivity
- Sparse Feature Learning for Deep Belief Networks
- Sparse forms for Bochner-Riesz operators
- Sparse forms for Bochner-Riesz operators
- Sparse Gaussian graphical models for dynamic gene regulatory networks
- Sparse Gaussian Process in Disease Mapping
- Sparse Gaussian Process Potentials and Simulations of Solid Electrolytes
- sparse GP classification
- Sparse graph convergence and where it goes
- Sparse Graphs and Causal Inference
- Sparse graphs using exchangeable random measures
- Sparse minors in graphs
- Sparse Model Recovery via Iterative Algorithms
- Sparse NonGaussian Component Analysis
- Sparse Principal Component Analysis via Random Projections
- Sparse Quantum Codes from Quantum Circuits
- Sparse Ramsey Theory
- Sparse Ramsey Theory
- Sparse Recovery Algorithms for 3D Imaging using Point Spread Function Engineering
- Sparse Recovery by l0 Penalty
- Sparse recovery by l0 penalty
- Sparse recovery in convex hulls based on entropy penalisation
- Sparse Recovery in Linear Spans and Convex Hulls of Infinite Dictionaries
- Sparse sampling in Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, and Materials Science
- Sparse Sampling of Sky
- Sparse solutions for dynamic inverse problems with Optimal Transport regularisers
- Sparse trees and long memory: Bayesian inference for discrete time series
- Sparse trees and long memory: Bayesian inference for discrete time series
- Sparsification for Gaussian Processes for Regression
- Sparsity constrained inverse problems and applications in MALDI Imaging
- Sparsity in classical and quantum optimal transport problems using moment constraints
- Sparsity in machine Learning: approaches and analyses
- Sparsity in machine Learning: approaches and analyses
- Sparsity modelling in gene expression pathway studies
- Sparsity modelling in large-scale dynamic models for portfolio analysis
- Sparsity oracle inequalities
- Sparsity oracle inequalities
- Sparsity pattern aggregation for convex stochastic optimization.
- Sparsity: Beyond L1
- SpaTeC: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning ***POSTPONED***
- SpaTeC: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning with Composite Events in Mobile Systems
- Spatial and temporal control in cell cycle regulation
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of calcium signalling
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Dynamic Support of Arabia
- Spatial and temporal fault slip patterns in the central Italian Apennines: causes and consequences'
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Southern Ocean Ventilation
- Spatial and temporal regulation of the DNA damage response
- Spatial and temporal variability of the Antarctic Slope Current in an eddying ocean-sea ice model
- Spatial categorical inversion: Seismic inversion into lithology/fluid classes
- Spatial causal inference in the presence of unmeasured confounding and interference
- Spatial Computation
- Spatial design criteria and space-filling properties
- Spatial dialectics - montage and spatially arranged narrative in stories without human protagnonists
- Spatial differences in the returns to education: sorting, agglomeration and pressures of demand
- Spatial dynamics, loss of immunity and the adult carriage of Pertussis
- Spatial experience: more than mere structure
- Spatial extremes: A conditional approach
- Spatial extremes: A conditional approach
- Spatial extremes: A conditional approach
- Spatial heterogeneity of microglia in CNS disease
- Spatial Isolation Implies Zero Knowledge Even in a Quantum World
- Spatial mapping of lipid metabolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cancer.
- Spatial memory: from neurons to learning and behaviour
- Spatial movement in structured populations: Applications to early atherosclerosis
- Spatial Neutral Theory, biodiversity, and coexistence
- Spatial organisation in 3d active matter: from colloids to fish
- Spatial organisation of mitochondrial gene expression: the role of mitochondrial RNA granules
- Spatial pattern formation in polariton condensates
- Spatial Patterning of Mitochondrial Energy Production in Mouse Oocytes
- Spatial patterns in the composition of ocean island volcanics: Implications for whether to trust geochemists.
- Spatial point process modelling and its applications in ecology
- Spatial polarization vision in crustaceans
- Spatial Positioning of Innate Cells Controls B Cell Immunity to Infection
- Spatial prediction in the presence of positional error
- Spatial preferential attachment networks
- Spatial proteomics: methods to look for global trafficking routes in cells
- Spatial regulationof D14L signaling in AM symbiosisof rice
- Spatial Representations in Numerical Cognition
- Spatial requirements for T-cell receptor triggering probed via a DNA origami-based biointerface
- Spatial shuffling: the interchange process in dimension 5
- Spatial simulation and analysis of actin filament dynamics and wave propagation
- Spatial stochastic models of cell polarity and personalized medicine
- Spatial structure of reactive scalars stirred by a chaotic advection flow: introducing a delay time
- Spatial survival analysis of foot-and-mouth disease
- Spatial Tactile Feedback Support for Mobile Touch-screen Devices
- Spatial vision in the periphery
- Spatially dependent collision rates in the Goldstein-Taylor model (and possibly other spatially inhomogeneous kinetic equations)
- Spatially Explicit Mathematical Methods for Quantifying Infection Transmission Events
- Spatially modulated phases in AdS/CFT
- Spatially modulated phases in holography
- Spatially resolved transcriptomics to probe 3D RNA organization
- SpatialOS: a distributed operating system for building large simulated worlds
- SpatialOS: a distributed operating system for building large simulated worlds.
- Spatio-temporal characteristics of mixed-layer turbulence in an energetic oceanic zone
- Spatio-temporal control of microtubule mechanics during epithelial morphogenesis
- Spatio-temporal control of RhoGTPases and the cytoskeleton in invading cancer cells by integrins and endocytic trafficking
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of cell fate specification and differentiation in the zebrafish embryo
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of collective CD8 T cell responses
- Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneities in a Mechano-Chemical Model of Collective Cell Migration
- Spatio-temporal organization of bacterial biofilms
- Spatio-temporal organization of replication: On genome evolution and large-scale chromatin folding
- Spatiotemporal Computation in Nature
- Spatiotemporal control of motor circuit assembly and function.
- Spatiotemporal modelling and parameter estimation of anisotropic particle trajectories
- Spatiotemporal modelling and parameter estimation of anisotropic particle trajectories
- Spatiotemporal regulation of host immune defences to HSV-1 infection
- Spatiotemporal self-organization of motile bacteria: fluctuations and large deviations
- Spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of recent Ebola spread and outbreak in West Africa: impact of control measures
- SPDE for stochastic epidemic models with infection-age dependent infectivity
- SPDE limits of six-vertex model
- Speak white, speak black, speak American
- Speaker attitudes to the French language in France and Québec: Purist or moderate?
- Speaker Event: Harriet Harman
- Speaker Event: Megan Munn
- Speaker Lunch - Girl Geek Dinners - The Social Media Story
- Speaker Lunch - Satinder Gill
- Speaker Lunch - Teach First
- Speaker Lunch - The Scientist as Woman
- Speaker Lunch – Careers Panel
- Speaker Lunch – CV clinic
- Speaker Lunch with Marian Petre - Interviewing strategies (Stand out from the crowd)
- Speaker Lunch, Prof. Ursula Martin: impactQM - people, impact and knowledge transfer
- Speaker Retrieval in the Wild: Challenges, Effectiveness and Robustness
- Speaker Series on Political Practice: Mariana Karkoutly on Syrian Youth Activism
- Speaking and Being
- Speaking Ethically Across Borders: Interdisciplinary Approaches
- Speaking for the patient as consumer in late 20th-century Britain
- Speaking to the Data : Black Men's Perception of Pathway Non-Progression
- Speaking truth to power: Understanding postgraduate education research and the educational turn in South Africa's new century
- Special values of Zeta-functions of regular schemes projective over the integers
- Special and Extra Special Groups
- Special Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Seminar: Probing convection and magnetic dynamos deep within stars
- Special Astrophysics Seminar: Can superflares occur on the Sun ?
- Special Careers Session with Dr Yuval Elani - RSC Prizewinner
- Special Careers Session with Prof. Judith Driscoll
- Special Cavendish Physical Society Lecture : Making Experimental Physics Bite: James Clerk Maxwell and the founding of the Cavendish Laboratory
- Special cohomology classes arising from the Weil representation
- Special determinants in higher-rank Brill-Noether theory
- Special event for 100 years since the regaining of Polish independence
- SPECIAL FOSTER TALK . Breaking symmetry in the brain - from genes to circuits and behaviour
- Special function solutions of Painlevé equations: some applications and some asymptotics
- Special geometric orbifolds and birational classification
- Special GreenBRIDGE Seminar - Key-requirements for Evaluating Smart and Sustainable Development in Cities and Communities
- Special issue journal launch on Teacher Leadership and Professional Development
- Special Joint SAS+MedAI Seminar Series
- Special Kaehler metrics on holomorphic submersions
- Special Kahler metrics on ruled manifolds
- Special L-values for motives over Z
- Special numbers and special functions related to Ramanujan's mock modular forms
- Special panel discussion on Paris attacks
- Special Relativity without Length Contractions or Time Dilations
- Special RG Meeting: NAACL-HLT-09 Reports
- Special Roundtable Discussion - The First World War in Historical Perspective
- Special screening of 'A Syrian love story' plus Q and A with director
- SPECIAL SEMINAR - Drying, Diffusion and Interdiffusion in Multicomponent and Multilayer Films
- SPECIAL SEMINAR BP LECTURER - Functionalized Antibodies
- Special seminar: Analysing the dynamic glycome
- Special Seminar: Rheology of complex suspensions
- Special seminar: Superabundance and Lagrangian submanifolds
- Special seminar: SYZ fibrations and tropical geometry
- Special Seminar: Threshold Resummation in QCD vs SCET
- Special seminar: Topics on diversity, equality and inclusion in Neuroscience - Cryptocolonial psychology: Echoes of the past that shape cognitive research today
- Special Seminars
- Special Seminars in Multiphase Flow
- Special session in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 'Assembling Bodies' exhibition
- Special Topic: Associator relations satisfy double shuffle (H. Furusho)
- Special Topic: Belyi Theorem and dessins d'enfants
- Special Topic: Origamis
- Special values of L-functions
- Special values of L-functions of motives and Euler characteristics
- Special values of Motivic L-functions I - 1
- Special values of Motivic L-functions II - 2
- Special workshop on "Heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in cell popuations"
- Specialised mathematics discourse and doing mathematics: what difference does a word make?
- Specialist Surgeries - Expert one-to-one business advice for entrepreneurs
- Specialization of the Drosophila nuclear export family protein, Nxf3, for piRNA precursor export
- Specialized aquatic animal exploitation at Nahal Ein Gev II, Israel and the division of labor at the Epipaleolithic-Neolithic crossroads
- Specializing LLMs for Factuality and Soft Reasoning
- Specialty: Student Elective
- Specialty: Student Electives
- Speciation and genomic diversity of Drosophila species: based on microarray and genome analyses
- Speciation and genomic diversity of Drosophila species: based on microarray and genome analyses
- Speciation in Heliconius butterflies: Pheromones and Female Choice
- Species and diversity patterns in complex human-dominated landscapes: an Atlantic forest case study
- Species identification from medical metagenomic sequence data
- Species interactions from a mathematical modelling and algorithmic perspective
- Species specific transcription in mice carrying a human chromosome
- Species specific transcription in mice carrying human chromosome 21
- Species-differences in pathogen recognition and their consequences for Vaccines
- Specific ion effects in aqueous electrolyte solutions from first-principles derived neural network potentials
- Specification and programming of the germline for mammalian development.
- Specification of muscle identity in Drosophila
- Specification of New Cell Populations in Arabidopsis Root
- Specification of pre-meiotic cells in maize anthers
- Specification, Design and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems
- Specification, Implementation and Verification of Refactorings
- Specificational Sentences in 7th Century Irish
- Specifications and theorem-proving at Arm
- Specificity and cross-talk in the cytokinin perception network
- Specificity and social cognitive impairment in autism
- Specificity of effects of early parent-infant interactions in the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology, and implications for intervention
- Specifying "real" computers: cache coherence, cut+paste SoCs, and the de-facto Operating System
- Specifying and Verifying Network Behavior with NetKAT
- SPECjms2007 - A Novel Benchmark and Performance Analysis Framework for Message-Oriented Middleware
- Specker's Parable of the Over-protective Seer: Implications for Contextuality, Nonlocality and Complementarity
- SpecNet: Spectrum Sensing Sans Fronti`eres
- Spectacle Lens Design following Hamilton, Maxwell and Keller
- Spectacular Black Death: Lynching, Lethal Police Violence and the Black Female Body
- Spectacular Chemistry Lecture & Demonstration - Thunder & Lightning !
- Spectacular Chemistry of Coal
- Spectators at the Print Shop Window: Caricature and the Rhetoric of the Gaze
- Spectra and distribution functions of stably stratified turbulence
- Spectra and Gaps as cohomological theory
- Spectra and generalisation
- Spectra of Sample Auto-Covariance Matrices
- Spectra of Sample Auto-Covariance Matrices
- Spectra of sparse random matrices and localisation on random graphs
- Spectral analysis of the Fox--Li operator
- Spectral analysis of the transition to turbulence from a dipole in stratified fluid
- Spectral approaches to partial deformable 3D shape correspondence
- Spectral Binaries: An Approach for Measuring the True Binary Fraction of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
- Spectral bounds for non-self-adjoint Anderson models
- Spectral classification of white dwarfs by dimensionality reduction
- Spectral Clustering
- Spectral Clustering for Dynamic Stochastic Block Model
- Spectral Clustering meets Graphical Models
- Spectral Computed Tomography
- Spectral curve for the Heisenberg ferromagnet and AdS/CFT
- Spectral curves, variational problems, and the hermitian matrix model with external source
- Spectral curves, variational problems, and the hermitian matrix model with external source
- Spectral Decomposition of Protein Structures in Heterogeneous Cryo-EM
- Spectral deferred correction in particle-in-cell methods
- Spectral Diffusion and Stokes’ Shift in Conjugated Polymers: From Hopping to Twist
- Spectral Diffusion and Stokes’ Shift in Conjugated Polymers: From Hopping to Twist
- Spectral Edge Image Fusion: Theory and Applications
- Spectral Edge: Making the Invisible Visible
- Spectral estimation for a class of high-dimensional linear processes
- Spectral estimation for a class of high-dimensional linear processes
- Spectral gap critical exponent for Glauber dynamics of hierarchical spin models
- Spectral gap for Glauber dynamics of hierarchical spin models
- Spectral gap in simple Lie groups : Clay Mathematics Institute Senior Scholar Lecture.
- Spectral gap in simple Lie groups II
- Spectral gap properties for random walks on homogeneous spaces: examples and consequences
- Spectral Graph Neural Network: Polynomial Approximation and Optimization
- Spectral Imaging Methods To Improve Cancer Diagnosis
- Spectral invariants, barcodes and Hofer geometry
- Spectral Learning and Decoding for Natural Language Parsing
- Spectral Mackey functors & ∞-categorical approaches to equivariant homotopy theory
- Spectral methods
- Spectral methods for quantum Markov chains
- Spectral Moment Features for Robust Speech Recognition
- Spectral packing dimension for 1-dimensional quasiperiodic Schrodinger operators
- Spectral properties of a Dirac operator arising in models of graphene
- Spectral properties of quantum channels and applications
- Spectral Properties of Schroedinger Operator with a Quasi-periodic Potential in Dimension Two
- Spectral properties of some Hamiltonians modeling superconductors
- Spectral radii of sparse random matrices
- Spectral rigidity and invariant distributions on Anosov surfaces
- Spectral rigidity of the round Earth
- Spectral sequences
- Spectral sequences
- Spectral Sequences Applied to Two Specific Problems in the BRST Cohomology of Supersymmetric Theories in D=4 and D=10 Spacetime dimensions.
- Spectral sequences via presheaves
- Spectral Sparsification of Graphs
- Spectral stability of nonlinear Dirac equation
- Spectral Stability of Persistent Laplacians
- Spectral statistics of Bernoulli matrix ensembles - a random walk approach
- Spectral statistics of chaotic many-body systems
- Spectral statistics of large random matrices
- Spectral Theory and Trace Formulae on Stationary Spacetimes
- Spectral theory of block operator matrices and applications in mathematical physics
- Spectral theory of convolution operators on finite intervals: small and large interval asymptotics
- Spectral theory of convolution operators on finite intervals: small and large interval asymptotics
- Spectral theory of first order systems: an interface between analysis and geometry
- Spectral Theory of Graphen Quantum Dots
- Spectral theory of large finite directed graphs
- Spectral theory of the Schr?dinger operators on fractals
- Spectral thresholding in quantum state estimation for low rank states
- Spectral transfer category of affine Hecke algebras
- Spectral weight filtrations
- Spectral-Temporal Dynamics and Phase Control of Femtosecond Transients in Semiconductor Lasers
- Spectre and Meltdown
- Spectroscopic imaging: new trends and emerging applications
- Spectroscopic signatures of collective modes in superconductors
- Spectroscopic Studies of Moisture Transport in Food Wafer Systems
- Spectroscopic studies of star-forming galaxies in the Epoch of Reionisation
- Spectroscopic studies of the chlorine monoxide dimer (ClOOCl)
- Spectroscopy With Ultrashort Pulses: Ultrafast Electron Dynamics
- Spectrum and propagation in electric quantum walks.
- Spectrum Imaging: Challenges with Real Materials
- Spectrum of large non-hermitian random matrices
- Specular surfaces improve colour constancy
- Speculations about homological mirror symmetry for affine hypersurfaces
- Speech & NLP at Amazon — Unique Challenges, Unique Resources
- Speech as object data: exploring cross-linguistic changes in Romance languages
- Speech as object data: exploring cross-linguistic changes in Romance languages
- Speech Dasher: Fast Writing using Speech and Gaze
- Speech perception in a probabilistic world: the role of phonetic detail and language experience in compensation for assimilation
- Speech perception in older listeners: Contributions of changes in audition and cognition
- Speech Production Mechanism And Vocoding Technique In Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis
- Speech Recognition During Dictation Corrections
- Speech Recognition: What’s Left?
- Speech Rhythm and Temporal Structure: A Temporal Sampling Perspective on Phonology and Dyslexia
- Speech rhythm: a metaphor?
- Speech segmentation: On the processing of accents and boundaries
- Speech Synthesis at Google
- Speech Synthesis at Google
- Speech, language and the brain
- Speech, language and the brain
- Speech, language and the brain
- Speech, language and the brain
- SpeechBrain: Unifying Speech Technologies and Deep Learning With an Open Source Toolkit
- Speed and Accuracy in Shallow and Deep Stochastic Parsing
- Speed networking event for postgrads and early-career researchers in language sciences
- Speed of convergence to equilibrium for systems with contracting fibers and the logarithm law for Lorenz like flows.
- Speed of Environment Induced Decoherence using Quantum Functional Inequalities
- Speed of random walks
- Speed of rolling droplets
- Speed Reviewing
- Speeding the Convergence of Impact and Profit
- Speeding up MCMC by Efficient Data Subsampling
- Speeding-up Pseudo-marginal MCMC using a surrogate model
- Speleothem Science - the book
- Spell Checking: A comparison of approaches
- Spending Energy for a Reward: Understanding the Fine Movements of Badgers
- Spending time in a low carbon society: Less stuff, more fun?
- Sperm Donation and Motherhood: British and French perspectives
- Sperm from Stem Cells
- Sperm Mediated Transgenerational Inheritance
- Sperm-driven biohybrid microswimmers
- Spermatic animalcules and concepts of life around 1800
- Spermatogenesis: a paradigm of stem cell regulation
- Sphalerons and anomalies
- Sphere Fluidics - Single Cell Analysis Systems for Therapeutic Discovery
- Sphere Neural-Network for Higher-level Cognition
- Sphere Neural-Networks for Rational Reasoning
- Sphere Neural-Networks for Rational Reasoning II
- Sphere path integrals and cosmological horizons
- Sphere-packings on lattices in mathematical physics
- Spheres to swimmers in a Stokes flow
- Spheres, swimmers, petals and patterns
- Spherical circle coverings and bubbles in foam
- Spherical DG-functors
- Spherical dynamos: the weak, the strong, the stronger
- Spherical Euclidean Distance Embedding and the Unit-Distance Respresentation of a Graph on a Hypersphere
- Spherical Nucleic Acid (SNA) Nanostructures: Establishing a New Paradigm in Molecular Diagnostics and Intracellular Gene Regulation:
- Spherical Packing Phases of Block Copolymers
- Spherical Simulations with the Dedalus Framework (Contributed speaker)
- Spherical Sommerfeld Integrals
- Spherical squirmers - Models for swimming micro-organisms
- SPICE: Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering
- SPICE: Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering
- Spicing up Mauritius' gardens: informal empire and the hybridity of knowledge and plant exchange in the East Indies, 1740s to 1770s
- Spicy adjectives and nominal donkeys: Capturing semantic deviance using compositionality in distributional spaces
- Spider - A balloon-borne CMB polarimeter
- Spider dispersal OR Bacterial ageing (tbc)
- Spider Webs and Silks
- Spies and informants in Elizabethan London
- Spike Reid: Circumnavigating the Globe
- Spike timing in motor control
- Spiking Boltzmann Machines
- Spiking Control Systems
- Spiking irregularity in cortical inhibitory interneurons
- Spiky Strings and Spin Chains
- Spillover – lessons learned from emerging bat viruses
- Spillover Effects in Cluster Randomized Trials with Noncompliance
- Spillover Surveillance and One Health Response: Understanding Emerging Zoonotic Threats in Real Time
- Spin and charge quantum phase transitions in narrow-band metals
- Spin and Division Algebras
- Spin before mass at the LHC
- Spin crossover complexes and macrocyclic single-molecule magnets
- Spin down of a stellar interior
- Spin dynamics and hydrodynamical regimes of quantum matter
- Spin fluctuations and Wigner thermal transport in thermoelectric skutterudites
- Spin Foam Models of Quantum Gravity
- Spin glass phase in the Edwards-Anderson model at zero temperature
- Spin Glasses
- Spin Hall Effect
- Spin Hall effect and anomalous Hall effect in transition metals
- Spin Hall effect of light in random media
- Spin Ice - a Laboratory for Statistical Physics
- Spin Injection into Germanium- Chen Shen
- Spin injection into semiconductors from ferromagnetic materials
- Spin Lifetime Measurements in Si/SiGe Quantum Dots
- Spin model of collective animal behavior: from whole group to a single animal and back
- Spin Polarisation Effects in C60 Spectroscopy
- Spin precession control and the Aharonov-Casher effect
- Spin pumping and inverse spin hall effect in organic materials
- Spin quantum beating in OLEDs
- Spin Scattering in Graphene: Impurity Characterization and Birefringent Electron Optics
- Spin systems as toy models for emergent gravity
- Spin Transport And Detection On Topological Insulators
- Spin Transport in 2D Materials and Topological Matter
- Spin(7)-instantons, the Bogomolov inequality and stable bundles on abelian 4-folds.
- Spin, Rolling and the Landau-Zener Problem
- Spin-down in a rapidly rotating cylinder container with mixed rigid and stress free boundary conditions
- Spin-eccentricity interplay in merging binary black holes
- Spin-eccentricity interplay in merging binary black holes
- Spin-Excitation Spectroscopy: Probing Magnetic Nanostructures at the Atomic Scale
- Spin-Josephson coupling and the phase diagram of polariton condensate arrays
- Spin-orbit coupling, photoemission and light absorption from first-principles calculations
- Spin-orbit coupling, superconductivity, and topological states in Sb2Te3-GeTe-based heterostructures
- Spin-Orbit Effects in Electron Transport (Prof. Bryan J. Hickey, University of Leeds)
- Spin-orbit resonances: unveiling black-hole binary dynamics on both stellar-mass and supermassive scale
- Spin-Polarised Supercurrents
- Spin-up of Southern Hemisphere subpolar gyres in a warming climate
- Spin-up, adjustment and equilibrium state of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Spinal cord injury in dogs: a natural model and an opportunity
- Spinal mechanisms of locomotor recovery after various spinal lesions
- Spindle orientation and cell division in Drosophila epithelial cells
- Spindown of the sun
- SpiNNaker - Biologically-Inspired Massively-Parallel Computing
- SpiNNaker - Biologically-Inspired Massively-Parallel Computing
- Spinning Conformal Correlators and Blocks
- Spinning dust observations towards Galactic targets with the VSA
- Spinning neutron stars – striking the right tone
- Spinning off a Semiconductor Company: Experience of a Founder
- Spinning S-matrix bootstrap in 4d
- Spinning up planetary bodies by pebble accretion
- Spinoza on law and sovereignty
- Spiral arms in galaxies and GMC formation
- Spirality and genetic variation in Campylobacter jejuni
- Spiralling patterns in models inspired by bacterial games with cyclic competition
- Spirals, gaps, arcs and rings: substructures in protoplanetary discs shedding light on planet formation
- Spirals, rings, gaps and asymmetries: using disc structure to infer planet formation processes
- Spiritual Answers to World Problems (in-person talk)
- Spiritual Awakening
- Spiritual Awakening Course
- Spiritual Awakening Course
- Spiritual Experiences (in-person talk)
- Spiritual genetics: hereditary sin and religious genealogy in early modern England
- Spiritual Happiness
- Spiritual Happiness
- Spiritual Happiness
- Spiritual Happiness Course
- Spiritual Happiness Course
- Spiritual Happiness Online Zoom Course
- Spiritual Intelligence - A Lunchtime Talk
- Spiritual Intelligence - An Evening Talk
- Spiritual Intelligence - An Interactive Talk
- Spiritual Resilience: Overcoming Life's Challenges with Grace and Courage (in-person)
- Spiritual Strength for Everyday Life (in-person talk)
- Spirituality for Scientists (in-person talk)
- Spirituality for Scientists (in-person)
- Spirituality, religiousness, and schizophrenia
- Spiteful contradictions
- Spitsbergen Retraced - film screening and Q&A session
- Spitting in your (monumental) face: political infighting at the centre of the ancient Greek world
- Spitzer and Gemini studies of dust formation around young extragalactic supernovae
- Spitzer observations of hot Jupiters and their interpretation
- Spitzer tracers of dynamical activity in debris discs
- SPL Meet the INI Team Meeting
- Splash and spray from a partially submerged spinning disc
- Splashback as a physical boundary of galaxy halos: theoretical predictions, observational detections, and implications for galaxy evolution
- Splicing the soul: brain anatomy and interspecies difference in early modern Europe
- Split and splice: a phenomenology of experimentation
- Split extensions of bialgebras
- Split signature supergravity - Hypersymplectic geometry via new geometric structures
- Splits and mergers of minichromosomes created the most complex and dynamic mitochondrial genome organization seen in animals
- Splitting and self-propelling active droplets
- Splitting in the Fermi surface of ZrTe3: A surface charge density wave system
- Splitting of the homology of the punctured mapping class group
- Splitting rational incomplete Mackey functors
- Splitting Single Cooper Pairs
- Splitting up and letting go - Retinal cells in motion
- Splitting-particle methods for structured population models
- Splittings in incomplete equivariance: from algebra to topology
- Splittings of tmf_1(n)
- SPOC: GPGPU Programming with OCaml
- Spoken Dialogue Management
- Spoken Dialogue Systems for Space and Lunar Exploration
- Spoken French Corpora
- Spoken Word Event with Iain Sinclair and Nick Papadimitriou
- Spoken word priming and its role in subsequent recollection and familiarity
- Spong Hill and the fifth century invasion of England
- Sponge Examples: Energy-Latency Attacks on Neural Networks
- Sponge Examples: Energy-Latency Attacks on Neural Networks
- Spontaneous activity in the developing nervous system: form and function
- Spontaneous Circulation of Confined Active Suspensions
- Spontaneous gravity wave radiation from nearly balanced rotational flows in a shallow water system
- Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string
- Spontaneous motion and deformation of a droplet
- Spontaneous motion and deformation of a droplet driven by chemical reaction
- Spontaneous neural activity in the developing nervous system.
- Spontaneous non-equilibrium magnetism via "Berryogenesis" in driven electronic systems
- Spontaneous Partial Supersymmetry Breaking
- Spontaneous regression of canine transmissible venereal tumour: fact or fallacy?
- Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Beta-Plane Turbulence
- Spontaneous Symmetry Probing
- Spontaneous tokamak rotation: observations turbulent momentum transport has to explain
- Spontaneous Transitions in Fish Schools
- Spontaneous Transitions in Fish Schools
- Spontaneous wave generation in geophysical fluids
- Spooky cats
- Sporduino: Parts for a Reliable and Field Ready Biosensing Platform
- Spore Biotechnology
- Sport and the Media Revolution
- Sport biomechanics and wearables: can we move from lab to field testing?
- Spotlight on Cambridge Clinical Trials; Presentations from the American Society of Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2013
- Spotlight on Faith and Migration
- Spotting the elusive Majorana under the microscope
- Spotting the next pandemic: prospecting or preparedness?
- Spotting the next pandemic: prospecting or preparedness?
- Spray in Crossflow
- Spray Track - the manufacturing of cost effective conductive coatings on plastic materials
- Spread by the Sword?
- Spread-Spectrum Computation
- Spreading in potentials random in space and time
- Spreading of yield-stress fluids
- Spreading the good news around the world: international family planning prophets in the mid-twentieth century
- Spreading the word about infectious protein misfolding
- Spring 2016 lecture - Clinical Engineering - Inside Out Innovation
- Spring Dinner
- Spring feelings versus Indian summer nights - The influence of season on gestation length in alpacas.
- Springtime in the City: Time, Seasons, and the Transnational Urban Environment
- SPT: Slender Phoretic Theory of Chemically Active Filaments
- Spurring the evolution of new species
- Spurring the evolution of new species
- Spying on the inner workings of cells with super-resolution microscopy
- SQ Minus EQ can Predict Programming Aptitude
- SQuadS: Self-Serve System Services for new Hardware-Software Cooperation
- Square ice, lattice models and ordinary differential equations
- Squaring relations from on-shell constraints
- Squaring the circle - quantum consequences
- Squaring the circle: a coherent reconstruction of past species responses from multiple lines of evidence
- Squarings of rectangles
- Squarings of rectangles
- Squark and gluino production at the LHC
- Squark Flavor Implications from B --> K^(*) l^+ l^-
- Squash the Beef
- Squashed toric sigma-models and mock modular forms
- Squeeze flow of compressible filter cakes
- Squeezing and cubic phase gates and the related technologies
- Squeezing Lagrangian tori in R^4
- Squids
- Squirrelpox virus: will the red squirrel survive in the UK into the 22nd century?
- Squirrelpox virus: will the red squirrel survive in the UK into the 22nd century?
- Squirrels of the British Isles: Red, Grey, and Black!
- Sr2RuO4: Inflating the Fermi Surface
- SR71 - Flying a Secret Mission
- SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey and its first results
- Sri Lanka on film: 'Ceylon tea and Tamil Tigers'
- Sri Lanka on film: Ceylon tea and Tamil Tigers
- Sri Lanka’s visual identity: from Ceylon tea to Tamil Tigers
- Sri Lanka’s visual identity: from Ceylon tea to Tamil Tigers
- Sri Lanka’s visual identity: from Ceylon tea to Tamil Tigers
- Sri Lanka’s visual identity: from Ceylon tea to Tamil Tigers
- sRNA-directed heterochromatin formation in Chlamydomonas?
- sRNAs: Initiators of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in Arabidopsis thaliana
- SRP gymnastics at the ribosome
- SSA is Freyd Categories
- SSH: A Case Study of Cryptography in Theory and Practice
- SSLShader: Cheap SSL Acceleration with Commodity Processors
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar - Professor Andy Pike - ‘Financialisation and local statecraft: local government in England in austerity and centralisation, 2010’
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar - Professor Christina Beatty -'Reducing economic inactivity in the UK: An economic and political imperative'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar - Professor Claire Colomb - 'Governing urban platform capitalism. The contentious regulation of short-term rental housing in European cities – a comparative approach'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar - Professor Jane Humphries - ‘Careworn: Towards an economic history of caring work’
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar - Professor Neil Lee - 'Innovation for all'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar - Urban Mobility: how the iphone, covid and climate changed everything - Associate Professor Shauna Brail
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - "A Democratic Measure of National Income' Martin Weale
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - "Fiscal Consequences of Unconventional Monetary and Credit Policies"
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - "Why Did Economists Fail to Predict the Arab Uprisings?"
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - 'Industrial Policy in the UK' Diane Coyle
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - 'The End of History: The Political Economy of Post-Liberal Capitalism', Professor Alexander Buzgalin
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - 'The Evolution of Sectarianism: A Political Economy Approach' - Sebastian Ille
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - 'The Global Commodity System in the 21st Century' Photis Lysandrou
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Franziska Sielker 'A Planner’s Perspective – The Use of Spatial Analysis for Policy Making in Border Regions'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Hector Pollitt 'Policies to promote low-carbon technological development'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Laura Diaz Anadon '"The role of government policy to incentivise technology innovation to meet the climate change challenge"'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Professor Ron Martin and Professor Pete Tyler - 'Left Behind Places and the Political Economy of Levelling Up'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Richard Lewney 'Policies to promote low-carbon technological development'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: Anastasia Nesvetailova
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: David Miles
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: Michelle Baddeley
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: Paul De Grauwe
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: Peter Sinclair
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: Richard Murphy
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker: Terry Barker
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speaker:Ann Pettifor
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Speakers: Graham Gudgin and Ken Coutts
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Terry Barker 'The institutional capture of IPCC economics by neoclassical ideology'
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series - Trade and Development: Why a 'No Deal' Brexit Would be an Economic Catastrophe’"
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series: Kate Meagher
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series: Valpy Fitzgerald
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series: Yiannis Kitromilides
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar - 'Why there will Never be a Complete Consensus in Macroeconomics: A Tale of Group Thinking and Paradigms', by - John McCombie
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar - Professor Harry Garretsen - 'Economic geography meets psychology: Motivation, results, and research agenda'
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar - Professor Ron Martin- Capitalism Divided? London, Financialisation and the UK’s Spatially Unbalanced Economy'
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar -‘De-unionization and the growing Inequality’
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar -“Fiscal Space: What have we learnt since the crises?"
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – 'The Political Economy of Brexit', Michael Kitson
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – ‘'Modelling the Impacts of Brexit on Low-Income Households' by Sophie Heald, Richard Lewney & Laurie Heykoop
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – ‘‘Calculating the Costs of Conflict’, Ron Smith
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – ‘From austerity to immigrants as ‘significant others’ in economic policy changes' Liliana Harding
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – ‘How corporate governance is central to economic policy’ Ciaran Driver
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – ‘Scientific Macroeconomics and the Quantity Theory of Credit’
- St Catharine’s Political Economy Seminar – ‘Time for Growth’
- St John's College (Cambridge) and the Reformation, 1534-74
- st Johns county school calendar
- St Johns Linacre Lecture 2018: Professor Sir Peter Ratcliffe FRS
- St. Cinderella, a Virgin Martyr
- St. Ives and the Hemingfords Flood Alleviation Schme
- Stabilisability via time-delayed feedback: an eigenvalue optimisation approach
- Stability
- Stability - based regularisation
- Stability - based regularisation
- Stability analysis for hybrid dynamical systems
- Stability analysis for pattern forming systems with slowly evolving base states
- Stability analysis of planar interfacial jets and films: does surface tension stabilize, and what about the viscosity ratio?
- Stability analysis of rotating black holes with equal angular momenta
- Stability and breakup of liquid threads
- Stability and Complexity in Financial Ecosystems
- Stability and complexity in model banking systems
- Stability and dynamic analysis of an aerodynamically shaped tether
- Stability and dynamic analysis of an aerodynamically shaped tether
- Stability and dynamics of a single Plateau border
- Stability and Evolution in Investor Ideology
- Stability and instability of asymptotically AdS black holes
- Stability and Instability of Extreme Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole Spacetimes for Linear Scalar Perturbations
- Stability and perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systems
- Stability and Plasticity in Structural Frame Behaviour Analysis and Design: Seeking a Conceptual Framework for the Computer Age
- Stability and power sharing in microgrids
- Stability and strong convergence in multiscale methods for spatial stochastic kinetics
- Stability and transition in flow through tubes and channels with soft walls
- Stability conditions and Donaldson-Thomas type invariants
- Stability conditions and Stokes factors
- Stability conditions and Stokes factors
- Stability conditions for some random multiple-access protocols with spatial interactions
- Stability conditions from a large class of quadratic differentials
- Stability criteria and applications for randomised load balancing schemes
- Stability criteria for nonlinear waves in Hamiltonian and reversible systems
- Stability data, irregular connections and tropical curves
- Stability in a plane channel flow with viscosity stratification
- Stability in exponential time of Minkowski Space-time with a translation space-like Killing field
- Stability of black holes and black branes
- Stability of continuous-time processes with jumps Part 1: Motivation, Models and Prerequisites
- Stability of continuous-time processes with jumps Part 2: Invariant measures
- Stability of continuous-time processes with jumps Part 3: Recurrence and Ergodicity
- Stability of de Sitter space under Lorentzian constant mean curvature flow
- Stability of distributed power control for time-varying wireless networks
- Stability of homomorphisms into symmetric groups
- Stability of isolated vacuum systems in general relativistic kinetic theory
- Stability of local quantum dissipative systems
- Stability of low-inertia power systems. Shurooque Baloch (National Grid ESO) and Janusz Bialek (Newcastle University).
- Stability of Minkowski space for the massless Einstein-Vlasov system without compact support
- Stability of Minkowski space-time with a translation Killing field
- Stability of Minkowski spacetime for the massless Einstein-Vlasov system
- Stability of Optimisation-based Control: Brief Review and New Results
- Stability of orbifolds
- Stability of periodic travelling waves of the water wave problem in one dimension
- Stability of Predictive Control without Terminal Conditions
- Stability of Reaction Networks: A System-Theoretic Approach
- Stability of spacetimes with supersymmetric compactifications
- Stability of the elliptic Harnack Inequality
- Stability of the geodesic ray transform in the presence of caustics
- Stability of the linearized MHD-Maxwell free interface problem
- Stability of the optimal filter for nonergodic signals - a variational approach
- Stability of the Poincaré-Korn inequality
- Stability of traveling water waves with a point vortex
- Stability of Traveling Waves with Vorticity
- Stability of travelling waves in stochastic Nagumo equations
- Stability of twisted constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics
- Stability of waves on fluid of infinite depth with constant vorticity
- Stability problem in the dust-Einstein system with a positive cosmological constant - Oxbridge PDE Days
- Stability properties of stochastic biomolecular reaction networks: Analysis and Applications
- Stability results for graphs containing a critical edge
- Stability results for Ricci flow
- Stability results for the semisum of sets in R^n
- Stability results for the semisum of sets in R^n
- Stability theory in a collisionless plasma
- Stability, Instability, Canonical Energy and Charged Black Holes
- Stability, Synchronisation and Model Reduction in Nonlinear Systems
- Stabilization by noise of Navier-Stokes equations
- Stabilization distance bounds from link Floer homology
- Stabilization of absolute instability in spanwise wavy wake/Stability of a downflowing gyrotatic microorganism suspension in a two-dimensional vertical channel
- Stabilization of biological emulsions by interfacial protein clusters
- Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Affine Systems and their Applications in Power Electronics
- Stabilization of liquid crystalline structures exhibiting topological defects
- Stabilization of Protein-Protein Interactions; from biophysical concept to medicinal chemistry application
- Stabilization of three-dimensional matter-wave solitons in an optical lattice
- Stabilizing effects of diversity on aboveground wood production in forest ecosystems: from patterns to processes
- Stabilizing Internet Routing: or, A Story of Heterogeneity
- Stabilizing Proteins with Polymer Conjugates
- Stabilizing unstable flows by coarse mesh observables and actuators - a pavement to data assimilation
- Stable (infinity-1)-categories
- Stable and unstable equilibrium points in the quantum Gaudin model
- Stable bundles and holonomy groups of smooth projective varieties.
- Stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) in the Southern Ocean over the last 800ka
- Stable Commutator Length
- Stable commutator length in free and surface groups
- Stable commutator length on RAAGs
- Stable diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds
- Stable diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds - POSTPONED
- Stable distribution and data sketching
- Stable Gabor Phase Retrieval and Spectral Clustering
- Stable homotopy theory over general base schemes
- Stable infinite-dimensional dynamical systems
- Stable isoperimetry in lattice-like graphs
- Stable isotope and sediment characterising instruments in the department
- Stable Isotopes and Diagenesis: determining the effects of post-depositional processes on the preservation of collagen in archaeological bone
- Stable module categories over integral group rings and their units
- Stable Phase Retrieval in Function Spaces
- Stable Poisson-Kingman species sampling priors generated by general ordered size biased generalized gamma mixing distributions
- Stable power operations
- Stable prediction
- Stable random walks in cones
- Stable Schottky relations
- Stable Silicon Clusters with Partial Substitution – Exploring the SI6R6 Potential Energy Surface Experimentally
- Stable Southern Hemisphere westerly winds throughout the Holocene until intensification in the last two millennia
- Stable spectral bundles on K3 fibered 3-folds
- Stable undular bores
- Stable vanadium isotope fractionation at high temperatures: a proxy for oxygen fugacity?
- Stable Weighting and Estimation of conditional treatment effects
- Stable Weights that Balance Covariates for Causal Inference and Estimation with Incomplete Outcome Data
- Stably stratified and convective atmospheric turbulence: Energy and flux budget analysis
- Stacked Borrows: An Aliasing Model for Rust
- Stacking and twisting 2D materials for quantum nano-optoelectronics: Fundamentals and applications
- Stacks and equivariant cohomology
- Stacks and moduli spaces (Lecture 1)
- Stacks and moduli spaces (Lecture 2)
- Stacks and moduli spaces (Lecture 3)
- Stadium shear experiments: eddy viscosity in dense granular flows
- Staff meeting
- Staff Meeting
- Staged Compilation with Two-Level Type Theory
- STAGES: galaxy evolution in dense environments
- Staggered grids and kinetic fluxes for Euler equations
- Staging Poland: Vaudeville, Melodrama, and the Appropriation of Eastern Europe in Nineteenth-Century French Theatre
- Stainless as a Verifying Compiler
- Staircases in Confined Magnetized Plasmas — Overview via Selected Topics
- Staircasing and Bursting Events in Jovian Zonal Flows, Couette-Taylor Flows, Protoplanetary Disks, and Their Consequences
- Stakeholder Capitalism and the Case for a Circular Economy which creates wealth for all
- Stakeholder perceptions across scales of governance: areas of controversy and consensus related to the Indonesian peatland fires
- Stakeholder Perspective: A Systemic Understanding of the Water Environment: Why we need it and the Challenges we face
- Stakeholder Perspective: A Systemic Understanding of the Water Environment: Why we need it and the Challenges we face
- Stakeholder Perspective: Farming in Challenging Times
- Stakeholder Perspective: Farming in Challenging Times
- Stakeholder perspectives on knowledge exchange practices at the Antarctic science-policy interface
- Stakeholder Survey - Shaping Future Research Directions
- Stakeholder Survey - Shaping Future Research Directions
- Stakeholder talk
- Stakeholder talk
- Stakeholder talk - Setting Context: Reflections on the Future Governance of Ecosystems
- Stakeholder talk - Setting Context: Reflections on the Future Governance of Ecosystems
- Stakeholders, Accountability and Ethics
- Stalagmites as excellent recorders of major volcanic eruptions
- Stalin and Myself: On Writing History and Writing Memoirs
- Stalinist Repression in Rural Ukraine: 1930-1934
- Stalinist Subjectivity in the Georgian NKVD during the Great Terror
- Stallings folds for CAT(0) cube complexes and quasiconvex subgroups
- Stammtisch XXL
- Stamping Out Concurrency Bugs
- Standard and fractional reflected OU processes in connection to square roots of CIR processes
- Standard Candle Central Exclusive Processes at Hadron Colliders
- Standard Generators of Finite Fields and their Cyclic Subgroups
- Standard Model EFT at NLO: Electroweak Higgs production and connecting to Top physics
- Standard Realization of Carbon Structures
- Standard setting by expert judgement
- Standard subspaces
- Standardisation of stoichiometric models: how and why
- Standing and spinning waves in axisymmetric annular combustors
- Standing and three-dimensional water waves
- Standing at the crossroads: having defined their pathogenicity at length, can we now exploit the beneficial properties of Burkholderia bacteria?
- Standing ‘on our own two feet’: the story of a practitioner based research project with a primary-aged extra-curricular instrumental group
- Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: One Person’s Experience of Turing’s Impact
- Standing up for Science
- Stanislav Zivny, University of Oxford; Micrsoft Research Lectures
- Stanley Spencer’s Love on the Moor
- Stapeliads
- Staphylococcus aureus and Atopic Dermatitis – a model for understanding the molecular basis of skin colonisation
- Staphylococcus aureus at the human-animal interface
- Stapled diet in the p53 pathway
- Star clusters: links between stellar and galactic astrophysics
- Star Formation Across Space
- Star Formation Activity in AGN Host Galaxies as seen by Herschel
- Star formation and nuclear activity in hidden massive galaxies at high redshifts
- Star Formation and Planets - some unusual results from Astronomical Polarimetry
- Star formation and stellar populations in the Local Volume
- Star Formation around Dusty Quasars at z~2
- Star Formation at the Highest Redshifts and Reionization
- Star Formation at Very Low Metallicity
- Star Formation in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
- Star Formation in Perseus
- Star formation in Perseus
- Star Formation in Perseus observed with HARP
- Star formation inside galactic outflows
- Star Formation Trends in High Redshift Galaxy Surveys: The Elephant or the Tail
- Star Formation, Feedback, and Cosmic Evolution: A Modern Primer
- Star Formation, GMCs, and Galaxies
- Star Formation: Now and Then
- Star formation: Recent results and future prospects
- Star-forming clumps at high redshift and their importance for galaxy evolution
- Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies
- Stark points and p-adic iterated integrals attached to modular forms of weight one
- Stark-Wannier ladders and cubic exponential sums
- Stars and sequences - Genomics as a public science
- Stars and the moon
- Stars and the Origin of the Elements
- Stars in the Headlines: what makes astronomy newsworthy
- Stars, black holes and superconductors
- StaRs™ and Structures – a door to the GPCR pharmacological and drug discovery universe
- Start of Enterprise Tuesdays
- Start of term
- Start of term introduction
- Start-up designs for response-adpative randomization procedures
- Start-up internship and job fair
- Starting a research project at the Clinical School - Ethics and other considerations
- Starting Big: the importance of whole-to-part learning in language acquisition
- Starting Companies can be bad for your Health but good for Animals
- Starting up a small business
- Starting vortices generated at the sharp edges of an arbitrary body
- Startle displays: halting predator attack.
- Startup Creation
- StartUp Masterclass: Online Marketing, Social Media & SEO
- Starving times: Popular Responses to the English Economic Crises of the 1690s
- State and fate of Antarctica's gatekeepers: ice shelf instability from a remote sensing and modelling perspective
- State Constitutional Commitment to Health and Health Care and Population Health Outcomes: Evidence from Historical U.S. Data
- State Control over Private Military & Security Companies in Armed Conflict
- State engineering of a mesoscopic spin system (in a quantum dot)
- State estimation in high dimensional systems: the method of the ensemble unscented Kalman filter
- State Estimation in Reduced Modeling
- State Estimation in Reduced Modeling
- State grammar, school grammars and levels of attainment: same facts, different perspectives?
- State machine replication and the modern exchange
- State of Anxiety: Ongoing research on security and sovereign practices in Indonesia
- State of Citizenship: Contexts and Cultures of Public Engagement and Citizen Action
- State of Exception, Spaces of Terror: The Concentrationary Gothic and Whiteness as Spectral Terrorist
- State of Exception, Spaces of Terror: The Concentrationary Gothic and Whiteness as Spectral Terrorist
- State of the art in psychometric modelling of forced-choice questionnaire data
- State of the Art Methods and Tools in VVUQ
- State of the Infer Platform
- State Redistribution For Embedded Boundary Methods
- State Security, Torture and the Law
- State Space Collapse in Resource Allocation for Demand Dispatch
- State Space Collapse in Resource Allocation for Demand Dispatch
- State spaces and stochastic dynamics for Yang Mills in 2D and 3D
- State Structures, State-Business Relations and Multinational Corporate Behaviour: A Case Study of Chinese Multinational Oil Companies
- State X Markets - getting the best of both worlds: A Sovereign Development Fund’s perspective
- State, society and the religious "other" in nineteenth-century Greece
- State-of-the-art in Hydrological Modelling for Landscape Decisions - Hydro-JULES: Next Generation Land Surface and Hydrological Predictions
- State-of-the-art in Hydrological Modelling for Landscape Decisions - Hydro-JULES: Next Generation Land Surface and Hydrological Predictions
- State-of-the-art QSAR modelling with SOAP
- State-of-the-art QSAR modelling with SOAP
- State-of-the-Art Tests of Lepton Number Violation and Seesaw Mechanisms
- Statelessness in International Political and Legal Thought, 1921-1935
- Statelessness: A Roundtable Discussion
- Statement of the Main Conjecture
- Static Analysis
- Static Analysis for Data Scientists
- Static Analysis of Cache Side Channels
- Static Charged Black Hole Binaries in AdS
- Static contract checking for Haskell
- Static Models of Central Counterparty Risk
- Static Verification for Web Scripting Languages
- Static Verification of Concurrent Programs using Reduction and Abstraction
- Static Verification of Concurrent Programs using Reduction and Abstraction
- Static zones in granular flows
- Statics and dynamics of colloidal particles in liquid crystals
- Stationary Behaviour of Observables after a Quantum Quench
- Stationary black holes with matter fields and negative cosmological constant
- Stationary holographic plasma quenches and numerical methods for non-Killing horizons
- Stationary Measures and Invariant Subsets of Homogeneous Spaces: Part I
- Stationary Measures and Invariant Subsets of Homogeneous Spaces: Part II
- Stationary random walks with a switch
- Stationary states and (quasi)local charges in a semi-infinite chain
- Stationary Subspace Analysis
- Stationary vortex sheets and limits of polynomials
- Stationary-harmonic multiple-valued functions
- Statistical Acoustic-Phonetic Historical Linguistics: A short introduction
- Statistical algorithms and planted satisfiability problems
- Statistical analysis and optimality of biological systems
- Statistical analysis of a non-linear inverse problem for an elliptic PDE
- Statistical analysis of biotherapeutic datasets to facilitate early ‘Critical Quality Attribute’ characterization.
- Statistical Analysis of Functions on Surfaces, with an application to Medical Imaging
- Statistical Analysis of Functions on Surfaces, with an application to Medical Imaging
- Statistical Analysis of Hospital Infection Data: Models, Inference and Model Choice
- Statistical analysis of non-linearities in turbulence
- Statistical and causal inference in networks
- Statistical and computational trade-offs in estimation of sparse principal components
- Statistical anisotropy in CMB
- Statistical Applications of the Cross-Entropy Method
- Statistical approaches to layering and self-organisation
- Statistical Approaches to Personalised Medicine in Breast Cancer
- Statistical aspects of the non-abelian X-ray transform
- Statistical Aspects of the Non-Abelian X-Ray Transform
- Statistical Asymptotics with Differential Privacy
- Statistical Attack on RC4: Distinguishing WPA
- Statistical Attacks on Personal Knowledge Questions
- Statistical averaging, smoothing and filtering
- Statistical biases in peer review
- Statistical Bioinformatics at Scale
- Statistical calibration of complex computer models: A case study with the Lyon-Feder-Mobarry model of the magnetosphere
- Statistical challenges in cosmology
- Statistical challenges in using comparative genomics for the identification of functional sequences
- Statistical challenges posed by heterogeneous data from immunology and microbiology
- Statistical challenges posed by heterogeneous data from immunology and microbiology- CANCELLED
- Statistical challenges posed by the analyses of the human microbiome
- Statistical Change Detection for Prognosis and Diagnosis
- Statistical classifiers of RFQ acceptance rates in FX electronic market making
- Statistical clustering of temporal networks through a dynamic stochastic block model
- Statistical deconvolution problems with Fourier-oscillating error densities
- Statistical errors and application to QMC
- Statistical estimation of a multifractal function
- Statistical Framework for Modelling Inter-object Relationships in Multi Object Image Analysis
- Statistical guarantees for Bayesian uncertainty quantification in inverse problems
- Statistical guarantees for Bayesian uncertainty quantification in inverse problems
- Statistical image processing for electron microscopy on molecular machines
- Statistical inference for compound regression
- Statistical Inference for Panel Data
- Statistical Inference for the Rough Homogenization Limit of Multiscale Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes
- Statistical inference in high- and infinite-dimensional models
- Statistical Inference in Nonlinear Spaces via Maximum Likelihood and Diffusion Bridge Simulation
- Statistical inference in soft-tissue mechanics and fluid dynamics with an application to prognostication of myocardial infarction and pulmonary hypertension
- Statistical inference in soft-tissue mechanics and fluid dynamics with an application to prognostication of myocardial infarction and pulmonary hypertension
- Statistical inference in the fossil record: estimating the divergence time of primates
- Statistical inference of single-cell and single-molecule dynamics
- Statistical inference of virus phylodynamics
- Statistical inverse problems with (a) SMILE
- Statistical Issues and Reliability of Eyewitness Identification
- Statistical issues arising in the conduct of fatal accident inquiries
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Statistical Language Modelling
- Statistical learning for phase-change memory materials
- Statistical learning for structural neuroimaging data
- Statistical Learning Theory
- Statistical Machine Learning and Optimisation Challenges for Brain Imaging at a Millisecond Timescale
- Statistical Machine Learning for Modeling Early Respiratory Microbiota Composition
- Statistical Machine Translation
- Statistical matching theory with a glimpse towards extremal regular graphs
- Statistical Measures and Methods Used to Analyze the Representativeness of Jury Pools
- Statistical mechanics approach to the random matrix models
- Statistical mechanics I
- Statistical mechanics II
- Statistical Mechanics of Abelian Higgs Vortices.
- Statistical mechanics of large optimisation problems
- Statistical mechanics of phase transitions (4)
- Statistical mechanics of phase transitions (5)
- Statistical Mechanics of Self-Propelled Colloids: Phase Separation and Directed Assembly
- Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional shuffled foams: prediction of the correlation between geometry and topology
- Statistical mechanics on nonamenable graphs
- Statistical Methods for Ambulance Fleet Management
- Statistical methods for the study of heterogeneity in cognitive decline: applications to French and UK cohorts
- Statistical Methods in Pre- and Clinical Drug Development: Tumour Growth-Inhibition Model Example
- Statistical methods in X-ray crystallography
- Statistical modeling of gene expression levels
- Statistical modelling and analysis of transport traffic data in the TIME project
- Statistical modelling for planning and policy applications
- Statistical modelling for planning and policy applications
- Statistical Modelling in Tennis: a Case Study Using World Rankings
- Statistical modelling of networks in disease biology
- Statistical Modelling using Linked Data - Issues and Opportunities
- Statistical models for bipartite contact networks: methods and data
- Statistical models for inference of SNVs in cancer genomes
- Statistical Models for Partial Membership
- Statistical models of gene regulation in the fly embryo
- Statistical Moments of Coverage Maps of Ultrasonic Waves in Layered Polycrystalline Solids
- Statistical Multiscale Analysis: From Signal Detection to Nanoscale Photonic Imaging
- Statistical network analysis and inference: methods and applications
- Statistical network analysis and inference: methods and applications
- Statistical Neuroimaging Analysis: An Overview
- Statistical Optimality of Stochastic Gradient Descent on Hard Learning Problems through Multiple Passes
- Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis
- Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Based on Speaker and Language Factorization
- Statistical Parsing of Natural Language with Lexicalised Grammars
- Statistical perspectives on UQ, past and present
- Statistical physics and hydrodynamics of microbial fluids
- Statistical Physics and The Arrow of Life
- Statistical physics modeling of the bacterial flagellar motor
- Statistical physics of complex fluids - From metallic alloys to protein suspensions
- Statistical Physics of Multicomponent Systems with Non-Reciprocal Interactions
- Statistical Physics of Multicomponent Systems with Non-Reciprocal Interactions
- Statistical pitfalls in corpus research
- Statistical problems in Astronomy and High Energy Physics
- Statistical problems in complex networks
- Statistical problems in complex networks
- Statistical problems in computer vision
- Statistical processing for ensembles of numerical weather prediction model
- Statistical properties and giant fluctuations for laser beam propagating in a turbulent medium
- Statistical Properties Galactic Supernova Remnants (SNRs) and G1.9+0.3
- Statistical Relational Learning: Review and Recent Advances
- Statistical Risk Characterization of Penalized Likelihood Procedures: An Information-Theoretic Determination
- Statistical Scalability for Data Streams: Recent Advances, Applications and Impact
- Statistical Significance Analysis of Motif Discovery
- Statistical Software at the Centre for Multilevel Modelling
- Statistical Solutions of the 2D Euler Equations
- Statistical Spoken Dialogue Systems and the Challenges for Machine Learning
- Statistical stability arguments for maximum kinetic energy dissipation
- Statistical theory for deep neural networks with ReLU activation function
- Statistical theory for deep neural networks with ReLU activation function
- Statistical Topological Insulators
- Statistical-Computational Tradeoffs in Mixed Sparse Linear Regression
- Statistically optimal inference and learning: from behavior to neural representations
- Statistically optimal robust estimation of the precision matrix by convex programming
- Statistically stationary stirring of a scalar sustained by steady sources and sinks
- Statistics and Data Analytics in the Film Industry
- Statistics and Data Analytics in the Film Industry
- Statistics and Examinations
- Statistics and growth rates of high-amplitude vorticity events in turbulence
- Statistics and Machine Learning in (Bio) Chemical Engineering - An Open Workshop
- Statistics are either dull or wrong:discuss
- Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk, and simple models of evolution with selection.
- Statistics Clinic - Skype session
- Statistics Clinic - Summer I
- Statistics Clinic - Summer II
- Statistics Clinic - Summer III
- Statistics Clinic 2021 Easter Vacation - Skype session
- Statistics Clinic Christmas Vacation 2017
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2018 - I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2018 - II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2018 - II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2018 - III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2018 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2019 - I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2019 - II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2019 - III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2019 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2020 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2020 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2020 - Skype session II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2020 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2021 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2021 - Skype session II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2021 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2021 - Skype session IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2022
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2022 I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2022 II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2022 III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2022 IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2023 I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2023 II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2023 III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2023 IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2023 V
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2024 I
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2024 II
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2024 III
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2024 IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter 2024 V
- Statistics Clinic Easter Break I
- Statistics Clinic Easter Break II
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2015 - I
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2015 - II
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2015 - III
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2016 - I
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2016 - II (Note Room Change)
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2016 - III
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2016 - IV (Note Early Start Time)
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2017 - I
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2017 - II
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2017 - III
- Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2017 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Easter Vacation
- Statistics Clinic Easter Vacation 2016
- Statistics Clinic Easter Vacation 2017
- Statistics Clinic I - Michaelmas 2014
- Statistics Clinic II - Michaelmas 2014
- Statistics Clinic III - Michaelmas 2014
- Statistics Clinic IV - Michaelmas 2014
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2015 I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2015 II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2015 III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2015 IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2016 - I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2016 - II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2016 - III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2016 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2017 - I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2017 - II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2017 - III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2017 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2018 - I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2018 - II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2018 - III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2018 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2019 - Easter Vacation
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2019 - I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2019 - II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2019 - III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2019 - III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2019 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2020 - Easter Vacation: CANCELLED
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2020 - I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2020 - I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2020 - II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2020 - III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2020 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2021 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2021 - Skype session II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2021 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2021 - Skype session IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2022 I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2022 II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2022 III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2022 IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2022 V
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2023 I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2023 II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2023 III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2023 IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2023 V
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2024 I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2024 II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2024 III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2024 IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2024 V
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2025 I
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2025 II
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2025 III
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2025 IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent 2025 V
- Statistics Clinic Lent I
- Statistics Clinic Lent I
- Statistics Clinic Lent II
- Statistics Clinic Lent II
- Statistics Clinic Lent III
- Statistics Clinic Lent III
- Statistics Clinic Lent IV
- Statistics Clinic Lent IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2015 - I (please note early start time)
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2015 - II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2015 - III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2015 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2016 - I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2016 - II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2016 - III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2016 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2017 - I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2017 - II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2017 - III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2017 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - Christmas Vacation
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2018 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2019 - Christmas Vacation
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2019 - I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2019 - II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2019 - III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2019 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2019 - IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2020 - Skype session (Christmas vacation)
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2020 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2020 - Skype session II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2020 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2020 - Skype session IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2021 I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2021 II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2021 III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2021 IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2021 V
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2022 I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2022 II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2022 III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2022 IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2022 V
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2023 I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2023 II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2023 III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2023 IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2023 V
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2024 I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2024 II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2024 III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2024 IV
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2024 V
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas I
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas II
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas III
- Statistics Clinic Michaelmas IV
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2015 - I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2015 - II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2015 - III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2017 - I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2017 - II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2017 - III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2019 - I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2019 - II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2019 - II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2019 - III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2020 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2020 - Skype session II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2020 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2020 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2021 - Skype session I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2021 - Skype session II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2021 - Skype session III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2021 - Skype session IV
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2022 I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2022 II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2022 III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2022 IV
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2023 I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2023 II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2023 III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2023 IV
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2024 I
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2024 II
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2024 III
- Statistics Clinic Summer 2024 IV
- Statistics Clinic Summer I
- Statistics Clinic Summer II
- Statistics Clinic Summer III
- Statistics Clinic Summer Vacation 2016 - I
- Statistics Clinic Summer Vacation 2016 - II
- Statistics Clinic Summer Vacation 2016 - III
- Statistics Clinic Summer Vacation I
- Statistics Clinic Summer Vacation II
- Statistics Clinic Summer Vacation III
- Statistics Clinic Winter 2012
- Statistics Clinic, Christmas Vacation 2016
- Statistics Clinic, Michaelmas II, 2009
- Statistics for HCI
- Statistics in astronomy: the Taiwanese-American occultation survey
- Statistics in Government
- Statistics of DNA capture by a solid-state nanopore
- Statistics of eddy transport
- Statistics of Extreme Events in Integrable Turbulence
- Statistics of Milky Way-type Satellites and their Substructure
- Statistics of passive vectors in an unstable periodic flow of Couette system
- Statistics of Philip Dawid
- Statistics of resonances in a disordered chain
- Statistics of the sea ice thickness distribution
- Statistics of two-point velocity difference in high-resolution direct numerical simulations of turbulence in a periodic box
- Stats Clinic Easter - IV (earlier start time, 1530-1700)
- Stats Clinic Easter I
- Stats clinic Easter I
- Stats Clinic Easter II
- Stats clinic Easter II
- Stats Clinic Easter III
- Stats clinic Easter III
- Stats Clinic Easter IV
- Stats clinic Easter IV
- Stats clinic III
- Stats Clinic Lent I
- Stats Clinic Lent I
- Stats Clinic Lent II
- Stats Clinic Lent II
- Stats Clinic Lent III
- Stats Clinic Lent III
- Stats Clinic Lent IV
- Stats Clinic Lent IV
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas I
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas II
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas III
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas III
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas IV
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas IV
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas V
- Stats Clinic Michaelmas V (Extra session: note change of venue)
- Stattic Analysis (Barthe)
- Status and Outlook of Quantum Hall Interferometry Experiments: Evidence of Nonabelions?
- Status and Progress in Commercialising Polymer OLED Technology
- Status and Prospects for Vub measurements
- Status and prospects of the NA62 experiment
- Status of Flavour physics in 2013
- Status of global sterile neutrino fits
- Status of human tissues
- Status of the search for the Higgs boson
- Staying in shape: mechanisms and consequences of cell morphology in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori
- Steady point vortices in a field of Stuart-type vorticity
- Steady point vortices in a field of Stuart-type vorticity
- Steady Prandtl theory over a moving plate
- Stealing App Credentials for Fun & Profit
- Steam and Gas Turbines – Wear and Erosion Challenges at High Temperatures
- Steamroll all the brutes: coal, steam and British Imperialism in mid-nineteenth century Levant and West Africa
- Stecci - Medieval Tombstones: "The Bosnian School of Death"
- Stecci - Medieval Tombstones: "The Bosnian School of Death"
- STED and other superresolution technologies- concepts and applications
- Steel re-use and structural monitoring
- Steering (or not) towards light: Flagellar photoresponse in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Steering Public Policy Around the Interest Groups.
- Steering the evolutionary dynamics of cancer through space and time
- Stefan Hutzler - Packings Problems in Foams
- Stefan problem: well-posedness and stability theories in presence and absence of surface tension
- Stein estimation of the intensity of a spatial homogeneous Poisson point process
- Stein fillings and SU(2) representations
- Stein Points: Efficient sampling from posterior distributions by minimising Stein Discrepancies.
- Stein Points: Efficient sampling from posterior distributions by minimising Stein Discrepancies.
- Stein Points: Efficient sampling from posterior distributions by minimising Stein Discrepancies.
- Stein's method and the Erdos-Kac theorem
- Stein's method, information theory and Bayesian statistics
- Stein's method, logarithmic Sobolev and transport inequalities
- Stein's Paradox
- Steiner trees in the stochastic mean-field model of distance
- Steiner trees in the stochastic mean-field model of distance
- Stellar and substellar companions from Gaia EDR3 and Hipparcos astrometry
- Stellar astrophysics with data from the WASP survey
- Stellar Astrophysics with Hermes and Skymapper
- Stellar classification using machine learning
- Stellar collapse in Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity
- Stellar cooling bounds on new light particles: including plasma effects
- Stellar cooling bounds on new light particles: including plasma effects
- Stellar core collapse in scalar-tensor theory with massive fields
- Stellar Destruction near Supermassive Black Holes
- Stellar Evolution & Classification
- Stellar Evolution / The Sun: Inside Out
- Stellar Evolution/ Laplace Transforms
- Stellar feedback in the multi-phase interstellar medium
- Stellar Fireworks: A journey through the spirally dust plumes of Wolf-Rayet binaries
- Stellar interactions and transients
- Stellar Mass Assembly of Galaxy Populations up to z = 4 with pop-cosmos
- Stellar models for 200,000 white dwarfs observed with the Gaia satellite
- Stellar pulsation: excitation, diagnosis and seismology
- Stellar rejuvenation around massive black holes in the Galactic center and metal-rich quasars, and gravitational wave sources in AGN disks: Analog of planetary systems around massive black holes
- Stellar spectroscopy in exoplanet research
- Stellar spin-orbit angle in planetary systems
- Stellar Structure
- Stellar winds and their interactions with exoplanets
- Stellar-mass binary black holes in circumbinary disks: smoking-gun signatures in LISA
- STEM Cathodoluminescence of Individual GaN/AlN Quantum Disks within a single Nanowire
- Stem Cell Ageing: Reversing the Ravages of Time
- Stem cell biology: hype and reality
- Stem Cell Club - Enabling Technologies
- Stem cell control in the Drosophila gut
- Stem cell derived extracellular matrix as a cell culture substrate elicits very different and desirable cell behaviours versus standard plastic substrates
- Stem cell dynamics define clone fixation and spread in human colonic epithelium
- Stem cell dynamics during development, homeostasis and cancer
- Stem cell dynamics in the pancreas
- Stem cell fate
- Stem cell measurements with the Optical Stretcher
- Stem cell renewal and lineage selection in mammalian epidermis.
- Stem cell replacement in intestinal epithelium: why it might matter
- Stem Cell-based Modelling and Restoration of Neuromuscular Circuits
- Stem cells
- Stem Cells
- Stem Cells 2013
- Stem Cells and Bioprocessing
- Stem cells and cancer
- Stem cells and cancer
- Stem cells and cancer
- Stem cells and cancer
- Stem cells and cancer (epithelial cancers)
- Stem cells and cardiovascular repair
- Stem Cells and Repairing the Brain
- Stem Cells and Repairing the Brain
- Stem cells and the role of the microenvironment
- Stem Cells and Tissue Homeostasis
- Stem Cells and Why You Shoudn't Care: A discussion of the biology, history and potential of embryonic stem cells
- Stem cells in the brain: Glial Identity and Niches
- Stem cells to synapses: how to construct a nervous system
- Stem Cells, cancer and brain repair.
- Stem cells, cell-cell interactions, and homeostasis in the Drosophila intestine
- Stem cells, gene editing, and cellular models of human neurological disease
- Stem cells: from basic research to bioprocessing
- Stem Cells: It’s All About the Neighborhood
- Stem Cells: Overcoming the Embryo
- Stem Cells: some science, some cures and some ethics
- STeM Seminar: How can we get more students to study STEM subjects after the age of 16?
- STeM Seminar: Playing the levelling field: Teachers’ management of mathematics assessment in English primary schools
- STEM studies of hybrid perovskite solar cells
- STEM Teacher Inspiration Day
- STEM Teacher Inspiration Day
- STEM Teacher Inspiration Day
- STEM Teacher Inspiration Day
- STEM Teacher Inspiration Day
- Stemcell International Seminar - Prof. Paul Riley. BHF Oxbridge Centre for Regenerative Medicine
- Stemming Vision Loss using Stem Cells - Seeing is Believing
- Stemming Vision Loss Using Stem Cells - Seeing is Believing
- Stems and affixes in Polish non-fluent aphasia
- STEP Correspondence Course Introductory Day
- STEP Correspondence Course Introductory Day
- STEP Correspondence Course Introductory Event
- STEP Easter Study School
- STEP Easter Study School
- STEP Easter Study School
- STEP Easter Study School
- STEP Easter Study School
- Step functions in the Weihrauch lattice
- STEP Prep Summer School
- STEP Prep Summer School
- STEP Prep Summer School
- STEP Prep Summer School
- STEP Prep summer school
- STEP Prep summer school
- STEP Prep summer school
- STEP Prep summer school
- Step size control for Newton type MCMC samplers Jonathan Goodman
- STEP Support - Cambridge State School Offer-Holders' Day
- STEP Support - Cambridge State School Offer-Holders' Day
- STEP Support Day for Cambridge offer holders
- STEP Support Day for Cambridge offer holders
- STEP Support Day for Cambridge offer holders
- STEP Support Programme Cambridge Offer Holders Day
- STEP Support Programme Cambridge Offer Holders Day
- STEP Support Programme Cambridge Offer-Holders Day
- Step Up! Advanced Problem Solving Day for Y12 Girls
- Stephane Mazevet on Methanogenesis in Enceladus
- Stephen Langton’s Theological Questions and MS Cambridge, St. John’s College, C7 (57)
- Stephen Tuck: The Doubts of Their Fathers: The Secular Origins of the Civil Rights Movement
- Steppe-ing Across the Centuries: Alexander the Great in Illustrated Abū’l-Khairid (Shaybanid Uzbek) Manuscripts
- Stepping up climate change mitigation
- Steps toward relativistic structure formation: a nonlinear post-Friedmann framework for small and large scales
- Steps toward directed identification of disease genes: predicting the consequences of genetic perturbations
- Steps toward usable verification
- Steps Towards a Flexible Manycore Fabric
- Stereocontrolled Cyclizations for Complex Molecule Synthesis
- Stereodivergent Catalysis, Strategies and Tactics Towards Secondary Metabolites as enabling tools for the Study of Natural Products Biology
- Stereographic Barker's MCMC Proposal: Efficiency and Robustness at Your Disposal
- Stereotyped connectivity and computations in higher order olfactory neurons in drosophila
- Stereotypes and the justification of social inequalities
- Stereotypes as Shifting Standards: Implications for Social Judgment, Communication, and the Interpretation of Feedback
- Sterile neutrino dark matter: galaxy formation and other stories
- Sterile Neutrinos in Reactor and Accelerator Experiments
- Sterile neutrinos in theory, laboratories and the Universe
- Sterility and the disordered household in Early Modern England and France
- Steroid Hormone Receptors in Prostate Cancer: A Hard Habit to Break?
- Steroid hormone regulation of cancer immunity
- Steroid Hormones and the Maternal-Placental-Fetal System: Relevance to Autism?
- Sterring torque feedback for drivers in conventional and automated vehicles
- Stethoscope Acoustics
- Stethoscope Acoustics
- Stethoscope Acoustics - Cancelled (updated 11.6.21)
- Steve Gillon at Clare Politics
- Steven Pinker: The Past, Present and Future of Violence
- Stevenage Biocatalyst
- STFC collaborative R&D funding
- Stickiness and caking in dairy powders during manufacture or transport
- Sticking points in modelling friction
- Sticking together: How bacterial collectives (re)shape themselves
- Sticky business: adhesion to surfaces
- Stieltjes-Wigert and quantum topological invariants
- Stiff wave barriers for the mitigation of railway induced vibrations
- Stiffness of Sands
- Stifling the Arab Spring: The GCC Perspective
- Still in the Aftermath of Waterloo
- Stimulated Feedback In Galaxies and Clusters
- Stimulated Feedback In Galaxies and Clusters
- Stimulating speech: tDCS in the healthy brain and as an adjunct to anomia treatment in aphasic stroke patients
- Stimulating speech: auditory-motor interactions during perception and production
- Stimulating the brain with sound: low intensity ultrasound for neuromodulation
- Stimuli Responsive Supramolecular Materials Formed from Host and Guest Polymers
- Stimuli-responsive biodegradable poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate]-based copolymers for drug delivery and tissue engineering
- Stimuli-responsive macromolecules: polymer-protein bioconjugates and sugar-responsive micelles
- Stimuli-Responsive Materials - Aqueous Phase Cucurbituril Assemblies
- Stimulus complexity shapes response correlations in primary visual cortex
- Stimulus effects dwarf task effects in visual regions
- STING and inflammatory disease: insights from monogenic conditions
- Stirbitch: Performing the Vanished Polis
- Stirring a black hole
- Stirring solutions: mixing industrial challenges with Mathematics
- Stirring the Cahn-Hilliard fluid
- Stirring vortices with vorticity holes
- Stitching Palestine: Film Screening and Conversation
- StkTokens: Enforcing Well-Bracketed Control Flow and Stack Encapsulation Using Linear Capabilities
- Stochastic Algebraic Topology
- Stochastic Analysis & Algorithms
- Stochastic Analysis & Algorithms
- Stochastic Analysis & Algorithms: From numerics for SDEs to Langevin algorithms
- Stochastic and deterministic flagellar dynamics provide a mechanism for eukaryotic swimming reorientation
- Stochastic and non-unitary Quantum Chemistry
- Stochastic Approach to Quantum Spin Dynamics
- Stochastic approximation with heavy tailed noise
- Stochastic approximation with heavy tailed noise
- Stochastic Aspects of Choanoflagellates
- Stochastic Burgers equations and rough paths
- Stochastic coagulation-fragmentation models for the study of protein aggregation phenomena
- Stochastic control as an inference problem
- Stochastic diagnosis of climate dynamics, with application to tropical SSTs
- Stochastic Differential Games and Applications to Energy and Consumer Goods Markets
- Stochastic Downscaling for Convective Regimes with Gaussian Random Fields
- Stochastic dynamic of branching tissues
- Stochastic dynamical systems and seasonal climate dynamics
- Stochastic dynamics of discrete interfaces and dimer models
- Stochastic dynamics of Francisella Tularensis infection
- Stochastic dynamics of limit order books: a journey across time scales
- Stochastic effective theory for scalar fields in de Sitter space
- Stochastic Effects in Hybrid Inflation
- Stochastic Einstein Locality : Part Two
- Stochastic Einstein Locality Revisited
- Stochastic enumeration method for rare events, counting and combinatorial optimization
- Stochastic epidemic modelling and analysis: current perspective and future challenges
- Stochastic epidemic modelling and analysis: current perspective and future challenges
- Stochastic epidemic models with varying infectivity and susceptibility
- Stochastic Errors vs. Modeling Errors in Distance Based Phylogenetic Reconstructions
- Stochastic events in cell signalling
- Stochastic filtering - a brief historical account
- Stochastic Financial Models - Optional Economics Brief
- Stochastic Fluctuations in Suspensions of Swimming Microorganisms
- Stochastic Galerkin Approximation
- Stochastic Galerkin mixed finite element approximation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations.
- Stochastic Galerkin mixed finite element approximation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations.
- Stochastic Galerkin mixed finite element approximation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations.
- Stochastic Galerkin particle methods
- Stochastic Galerkin reduced basis methods for parametrized random elliptic PDEs
- Stochastic Galerkin reduced basis methods for parametrized random elliptic PDEs
- Stochastic Galerkin reduced basis methods for parametrized random elliptic PDEs
- Stochastic games and strategy complexity
- Stochastic gene expression drives mesophyll protoplast regeneration
- Stochastic geometry for automatic object detection and tracking
- Stochastic Geometry in Dynamic State Estimation
- Stochastic geometry of the quantum Ising model
- Stochastic gradient & Random coordinate descent methods - Part 1
- Stochastic gradient & Random coordinate descent methods - Part 2
- Stochastic gradient & Random coordinate descent methods - Part 3
- Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adaptive Data
- Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adaptive Data
- Stochastic Gradient Descent, In Theory and Practice
- Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics for Large Scale Bayesian Inference
- Stochastic Gradient Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo Samplers
- Stochastic Heat and Wave Equations with Irregular Noise Coefficients
- Stochastic homogenization (1)
- Stochastic homogenization (2)
- Stochastic homogenization (3)
- Stochastic homogenization (4)
- Stochastic homogenization in amorphous media and applications to exclusion processes
- Stochastic homogenization: some recent theoretical and numerical contributions
- Stochastic hybrid systems: modelling cancer and psoriasis
- Stochastic Inflation Revisited: A Self-Consistent Recursive Approach and Applications
- Stochastic integration and Ito's lemma
- Stochastic kinetic theory of dilute microswimmer suspensions
- Stochastic kinetic theory of dilute microswimmer suspensions
- Stochastic Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation
- Stochastic maximal $L^p$-regularity
- Stochastic Mechanochemistry of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton
- Stochastic membrane processes in biomedicine
- Stochastic Metamorphosis in Imaging Science
- Stochastic methods for understanding palaeoclimates
- Stochastic methods: past, present and future. Part I
- Stochastic Model Predictive Control: Tractability and constraint satisfaction
- Stochastic model reduction on manifolds
- Stochastic modeling and control of power grids under uncertainty
- Stochastic modeling and predictability: Analysis of a low-order coupled ocean atmosphere model
- Stochastic Modeling of Species-Rich Ecosystems
- Stochastic modeling, asymptotics, simulations and data analysis of super-resolution trajectories: application to cellular biology
- Stochastic modelling and immunology
- Stochastic modelling and immunology
- Stochastic modelling in Biology
- Stochastic Modelling of Nanog-Oct4-Sox2 Gene Regulatory Network
- Stochastic modelling of reaction, diffusion and taxis processes in biology
- Stochastic modelling of T-cell repertoire maintenance
- Stochastic Models of Economic Equilibrium on Directed Graphs
- Stochastic Models of Economic Equilibrium on Directed Graphs
- Stochastic models of gene regulatory networks
- Stochastic models of gene transcription with upstream drives: Exact solution and sample path characterisation
- Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations in unbounded 3D domains
- Stochastic Navier-Stokes-Coriolis Equations
- Stochastic networks and measure-valued processes
- Stochastic networks and semimartingale reflecting Brownian motions in piecewise smooth domains
- Stochastic Networks Workshop
- Stochastic nonlinear PDEs versus deterministic infinite dimensional Cauchy problem I
- Stochastic nonlinear PDEs versus deterministic infinite dimensional Cauchy problem III
- Stochastic nonlinear PDEs versus deterministic infinite dimensional Cauchy problems II
- Stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equations and modulation of solitary waves
- Stochastic Optimization for Wasserstein Estimators
- Stochastic Outlier Selection
- Stochastic Parameterizations: Better Modelling of Temporal Correlations using ML
- Stochastic parametrization in numerical weather prediction
- Stochastic parametrization of ocean mesoscale eddies
- Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in Nonlinear Photonics
- Stochastic partial differential equations with reflection
- Stochastic partial differential fluid equations as a diffusive limit of deterministic Lagrangian multi-time dynamics
- Stochastic Particle Approximation of PDEs: Molecular Chaos
- Stochastic PDE's in neurobiology, small noise asymptotic expansions, quantum graphs
- Stochastic process models of animal movement, maximum entropy, and approximation theory
- Stochastic processes in magnetism; basic approaches
- Stochastic processes with resetting
- Stochastic quantisation of Yang-Mills
- Stochastic quantisation of Yang-Mills
- Stochastic quantization of Yang Mills
- Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Methods: Variance Reduction via Jacobian Sketching
- Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Methods: Variance Reduction via Jacobian Sketching
- Stochastic Rayleigh-B´enard Convective Adjustment
- Stochastic representation of processes with resetting
- Stochastic resetting: how to avoid wandering off in the wrong direction
- Stochastic Resonance effects in composite systems
- Stochastic Ricci Flow
- Stochastic sampling of material structure space
- Stochastic search processes and encounter-based models of absorption
- Stochastic signal encoding strategies in cells
- Stochastic signal encoding strategies in cells
- Stochastic signal encoding strategies in single cells
- Stochastic simulation algorithms and analysis of biological systems
- Stochastic Simulation as a Basis for Optimizing Microstructural Characterization Protocols
- Stochastic simulation of high order molecular interactions with spatial resolution and individual molecule detail: A generalised Smoluchowski theory
- Stochastic Survival of the Densest and the Mitochondrial DNA Clonal Expansion in Ageing
- Stochastic Sylvester equations for output regulation of linear stochastic systems
- Stochastic Thermodynamics of Energy Harvester Models
- Stochastic thermodynamics of multiple-scale processes
- Stochastic travelling waves in bistable biochemical system: Numerical and mathematical analysis
- Stochastic variants of classical optimization methods, with complexity guarantees
- Stochastic variational inequalities and applications to the total variation flow pertubed by linear multiplicative noise
- Stochastic Volatility Models Including Open, Close, High and Low Prices - NOW CANCELLED
- Stochastic, deterministic and integrable aspects of random matrix theory
- Stochasticity and bistability in the lac operon
- Stochasticity and gait-switching in flagellated microswimmers
- Stochasticity and regulation in plant tissue growth
- Stochasticity and robustness in morphogenesis
- Stochasticity in stem and progenitor cell fate
- Stochstic representation of model uncertainties in ECMWF's forecasting system
- Stock market development in Germany: 1869-1925
- Stock-taking
- Stokes Cocktails
- Stokes constants in topological string theory
- Stokes drift and impurity transport in a quantum fluid
- Stokes Phenomena: From Dingle to Exponential Asymptotics
- Stokes Phenomena: From Dingle to Exponential Asymptotics
- Stokes phenomenon in the propagation of weakly nonlinear wave packets
- Stokes Society Annual Dinner
- Stokes waves are unstable
- Stokes waves in conformal plane: the Hamiltonian variables and instabilities
- Stokes-Smoluchowski-Einstein-Langevin theory for active colloidal suspensions
- Stolen Votes, Secret Spooks and the Hidden Oil: Conspiracy Theories in an Age of Transparency
- Stomatal development and evolution
- Stomatal evolution and using knowledge of stomatal function to breed more resilient crops
- Stomatal physiology
- Stone Duality
- Stone Duality
- Stone duality for bitopological spaces
- Stonehenge – New Discoveries
- Stones, bones and 'phones - functional consequences of mutations causing renal acidosis
- Stoning, Post-Modern Islamic Law, and the Challenges of Northern Nigeria: The Infamous Stoning Case of Amina Lawal
- Stop reconstruction using HEPTopTagger
- Stop the Chicken - it’s Time for the Eagle to Spread it’s Wings (in-person talk)
- Stop the Pain and Start the Healing (in-person and online talk)
- Stop when you are Almost-Full: Adventures in Constructive Termination
- Stop, Revive, Survive! --- Towards a New Discipline: Revival Linguistics
- Stop-and-go swimmers, splitters, hovercrafts and helicopters: hydrodynamic phenomena in active emulsions
- Stop. Think. Click.
- Stop. Think. Click: Cyber Security & Social Engineering within the University
- Stopped transit. Eastern European Jews in Weimar Berlin
- Stopping the Biological Clock – The Lazarus factor and Pulling Life back from the Edge.
- Storage encryption and key management
- Stories about life
- Stories and new methods of risk analysis: Lessons from a Cambridge Disaster Research Network - Infrastructure Resilience Group workshop
- Stories behind the Stitches: Schoolgirl samplers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
- Stories from a Country Practice
- Stories from Tree Rings
- Storing and updating models of the world for behavioural control
- Storing, using and updating knowledge for behavioural control.
- STORM and 4Pi Imaging
- STORM below the localisation limit
- Storm surges and state formation in early modern England: coping with flooding in coastal and lowland Lincolnshire
- STORM: Stochastic Trust Region Framework with Random Models
- Storms, surf, & swells: Bedrock breakdown and the geodynamic demise of volcanic ocean islands
- Storylistening: Narrative Evidence and Public Reasoning
- Strain accommodation in kinking nonlinear elastic solids
- Strain accommodation in kinking nonlinear elastic solids
- Strain accommodation in kinking nonlinear elastic solids
- Strain And Thermal Expansion Coefficient Of Graphene Studied By Raman Spectroscopy
- Strain effect on electronic and structural properties of metal nanoislands grown on reconstructed Au(111)
- Strain engineering of electronic correlations in graphene
- Strain Engineering Of Graphene
- Strain gradient plasticity: Numerical modeling and fracture assessment
- Strain gradient plasticity: Numerical modeling of size-effects in porous metals
- Strain localization during temperature-sensitive creep in the Alpine Fault Zone
- Strain localization in granular materials
- Strain Measurement in Electronic Devices by Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Strain Tensor Mapping using Electron Backscatter Diffraction
- Strain tomography from energy-resolved neutron imaging
- Strange bedfellows: Psychologists in missionary care
- Strange but True: Sights and Sounds in Inferno XIII, Purgatorio XIII, Paradiso XIII
- Strangers and Brothers: The Divisions of the British Past
- Strangulation in GIMIC Cluster Galaxies
- Strata and Three Stories: Toward a Multidisciplinary Anthropocene
- Strategic and Natural Risk in Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study
- Strategic and Natural Risk in Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study
- Strategic and Natural Risk in Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study
- Strategic Bidding in Multi-unit Auctions with Capacity Constrained Bidders: The New York Capacity Market
- Strategic brain routes for learning and plasticity
- Strategic decisions, climate change and resources
- Strategic Default and Renegotiation: Evidence from Commercial Real Estate Loans
- Strategic Donor Competition in Foreign Aid - Evidence from a Spatial Panel Model for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Strategic Green Industrial Policy
- Strategic Intellectual Property Forum
- Strategic offloading of prospective memory to the external environment
- Strategic Planning for Contemporary Urban Regions: the case of Milan's “Città di Città” project.
- Strategic Planning: Become a Future-ready Leader
- Strategic Storage Use in a Hydro-Thermal Power System with Carbon Constraints
- Strategies for achieving serious international cooperation on climate change: theory and practice
- Strategies for Approximating High Dimensional Functions - Inaugural Lecture
- Strategies for Biomarker Discovery in Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry
- Strategies for bringing back function to the damaged nervous system
- Strategies for cognitive translation from animal to human: Knock-outs, neurogenesis, and neuropsychiatric disease
- Strategies for cognitive translation from animal to human: Knock-outs, neurogenesis, neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disease
- Strategies for commercial success of biosimilars in an increasingly crowded market place
- Strategies for General Recognition
- Strategies for improving the biocompatibility of vascular medical devices by xNA-based surface modifications
- Strategies for international electrification of heavy goods vehicles
- Strategies for managing social media research data – A digital methods development workshop organised by Cambridge University Library and the Digital Humanities Network.
- Strategies for managing social media research data – A digital methods development workshop organised by Cambridge University Library and the Digital Humanities Network.
- Strategies for scalable large-area electronics with improved operation frequency
- Strategies for Tailored Residential Energy Provision in Fast-Growing Cities
- Strategies for Tailored Residential Energy Provision in Fast-Growing Cities
- Strategies of microorganisms to conquer plant tissues
- Strategies of Similarity and the Movement of Governance Knowledge: Region-Building, Indigenous Identity and International Development in the Circumpolar North
- Strategies of spatial listening for speech comprehension
- Strategies to Analyse Unreplicated Factorial Split-Plot Designs
- Strategies to ensure robustness in genome replication
- Strategies to facilitate access to detailed geocoding information based on synthetic data
- Strategies to target senescence
- Strategies, infinite games and catching robbers
- Strategy and Tactics in the Environmental Revolution
- Strategy and Vision for the new EPSRC Centres
- Strategy for Materials
- Strategy Meeting
- Strategy, Management and Culture of the Emerging Markets’ Banking Industry
- Strateies of spatial listening for speech comprehension
- Stratification and mixing regimes in the global coastal ocean: classifications and trends from models and observations
- Stratification confined Rayleigh-Taylor mixing
- Stratification in Drying Films: Diffusion and Diffusiophoresis and Particle sedimentation from current blown plumes and Nanoporous silica as a pre-concentrator for enhanced VOC detection
- Stratification of treatment by disease severity measures – an application to treatment for sleep apnoea
- Stratification, Centralization, and the Structures of International Societies
- Stratified flows: From the lab to the ocean
- Stratified Poiseuille flow: from linear instability to spontaneous layering
- Stratified shear instabilities at low Prandtl number
- Stratified turbulence
- Stratified turbulence in an inclined duct
- Stratified turbulence in the atmosphere and the oceans
- Stratified turbulence: a possible interpretation of some geophysical turbulence measurements
- Stratified turbulence: a possible interpretation of some geophysical turbulence measurements
- Stratosphere-troposphere coupling
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling: The Importance of Stationary Planetary Waves
- Stratosphere-Troposphere interaction and climate prediction.
- Stratosphere: Massively parallel dataflow programming
- Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA): Observing the Interstellar Medium and Star Formation in the 20 to 300 micron region
- Stratospheric ozone and stratosphere-troposphere exchange in the Last Glacial Maximum
- Stratospheric ozone in the Earth system
- Stratospheric Sulfur Geoengineering – Benefits and Risks
- Stratospheric Vacillations: Insights from a Minimal Model
- Stratospheric Water Vapour: Enigma or Rosetta Stone
- Strauss in Beijing - Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer [gloknos lecture]
- Straws in the wind - listening to the spirit.
- Stream Chaining: Exploiting Multiple Levels of Correlation in Data Prefetching
- Streaming instabilities in vortices
- Streaming potentials generated by a two-phase flow in capillary
- Streams - Protecting our Future?
- Street Kids Charity Mkurnali: A Microcosm of the Disappearing World of Caucasian Traditional Society
- Streetspace allocation analysis in London, Nicolas Palominos
- Strength development during consolidation in drying films
- Strength prediction of polymer composite laminates under uncertainties using theory-guided machine learning
- Strengthening control over stress: novel brain mechanisms and opportunities for intervention
- Strengthening of Beams in RC Frames using External Tendons
- Strengthening of Existing Structures Using Novel High Performance Materials
- Streptococcus equi whole genome sequencing data shed new light on endemic persistence and transmission of strangles in the United Kingdom
- Streptococcus suis - managing a global zoonotic pathogen of pigs
- Streptococcus suis: questions about a global zoonotic pathogen
- Stress and adaptation - a life history perspective using endurance sports
- Stress and Anaesthesia
- Stress and Child care
- Stress coupling between Greenland supraglacial lakes during rapid drainage
- Stress deceleration theory: chronic adolescent stress exposure results in decelerated neurobehavioral maturation
- Stress Generation in the Storage Particles of Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Stress in the Workplace
- Stress in the Workplace
- Stress tensor fluctuations in de Sitter spacetime
- Stress Testing Financial Correlation Networks
- Stress transmission in granular systems, criticality and incipient yield flow
- Stress, genes and memory: from basic research to clinical implications
- Stress, Happiness and Health: the Cortisol Connection
- Stress, Neophobia and Learning in Captive Dolphins
- Stress, Translation and mRNA localisation: Messages that play together stick together
- Stress-activated kinase MKK7 governs epigenetics of cardiac repolarisation for arrhythmia prevention
- Stress-induced dynamic regulation of mitochondrial STAT3 and its association with cyclophilin D reduce mitochondrial ROS production
- Stress-unsupervised learning of material models using experimental data
- Stressed! How plants cope through dynamic growth responses
- Stresses in drying films
- Stressing Out Cells: flow-induced migration of endothelial cells and cell adhesion on hydrogels
- Stressing out our immune system in chronic infection and cancer
- Stretchable and biodegradable electronics based on liquid metal encapsulated in microfluidics.
- Stretching of Polydomain and Monodomain Nematic Elastomers: Experimental Study
- Stretching out the embryo - Anterior expansion and posterior addition to the notochord mechanically coordinate embryo axis elongation
- Stretching, bending, twisting and coiling: how to build a fluid-mechanical sewing machine
- Stretching, Bending, Twisting and Coiling; Building a Fluid-Mechanical Sewing Machine.
- Stretching, droplets & instabilities in non-newtonian flow: The role of visco-elasticity
- Stretching, Sorting and Twisting in Microfludics
- Striatal circuits underlying sensorimotor functions
- Striatal circuits underlying sensorimotor functions
- Strichartz estimates for the kinetic transport equation
- Strichartz estimates for the one-dimensional wave equation
- Strichartz estimates for the Schroedinger equation on a tree and applications
- Strichartz estimates for the wave equation on flat cones and applications
- Strictly monotonic sequences in R^n
- Strigolactone signalling and the control of shoot branching
- Striking Syria? Justifying war after the end of history
- String amplitudes and automorphic forms
- String amplitudes and automorphic forms II
- String diagrams for semistrict n-categories
- String glasses
- String mass hierarchies and experimental predictions
- String scattering and generalized automorphic forms i
- String scattering and generalized automorphic forms II
- String scattering and generalized automorphic forms III
- String Theory - A unifying principle in theoretical physics
- String theory amplitudes and UV behavior of half maximal supergravity
- String Theory and Homological Invariants for 3-Manifolds
- String theory and the 3d Ising model
- String Theory and the Moonshine Programme
- String theory and the Velo-Zwanziger problem
- String theory on K3 surfaces
- String Theory, Duality and Art
- String Theory, Scattering Equations and Analytic Gluon Amplitudes
- String theory, the Higgs boson, Dark Matter and the LHC
- String Theory: A Unifying Principle in Theoretical Physics
- String Theory: What's it all about?
- String--derived models and light U(1) embeddings
- String-charge duality in integrable lattice models
- String-matching Algorithms
- Strings and k-strings in SU(N) gauge theories
- Strings in Non-geometric Backgrounds
- Strings, high energy and curved spacetimes
- Stringy corrections with B-field
- Stringy Origins of Cosmic Structure: The D-brane vector curvaton
- Stripe Phases in Quantum Dipolar Gases
- Striped order in AdS/CFT
- Stripes and rings: how to make a centipede.
- Stripped naked: charge promiscuity in a redox enzyme as a means to biosensor design
- Stripping down science
- Stripping Down Science: The Story of the Naked Scientists
- Stroke in young adults: risk factors and long-term consequences
- Stroke Rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation & Robotics: Open problems in control, identification, sensing and motor learning
- Stroke Rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation & Robotics: Open problems in control, identification, sensing and motor learning
- Stromal cell regulation of lymph node structure and function
- Stromal cells act as niches for lymphoid macrophages
- Stromal/Immune crosstalk to control lymphoid tissue structure and function
- Stromatolites
- Stromules and starch granule formation in wheat
- Stron Interactions in Non-equilibrium systems
- Strong Acid
- Strong Acoustic Streaming in High-Intensity Discharge Lamps
- Strong and epsilon-dependent converses for source or channel coding and for hypothesis testing
- Strong approximation and a conjecture of Harpaz and Wittenberg
- Strong A^1-invariance of A^1-connected components of a reductive algebraic group
- Strong Bonds, Affective Labour: Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Work of History
- Strong CH Hydrogen Bonds: The Newest Player in the field of Anion Receptors
- Strong Chang's Conjecture, Semi-Stationary Reflection, Strong Tree Property and Two Cardinal Square Principles
- Strong converse theorems in quantum information theory
- Strong converses and high-dimensional statistical estimation problems
- Strong Cosmic Censorship and the structure of singularities in toroidal and surface symmetric spacetimes
- Strong Cosmic Censorship for AdS Black Holes and Its Connection to Diophantine Approximation
- Strong Cosmic Censorship in charged black-hole spacetimes
- Strong cosmic censorship in de Sitter spacetimes.
- Strong coupling between hybrid nuclear-electron magnons and microwave photons
- Strong coupling expansions in N=2 gauge theories
- Strong coupling in Horava gravity.
- Strong Coupling in Organic and Hybrid Semiconductor Microcavities
- Strong coupling limit of Bethe ansatz equations
- Strong deformation of 3D cellular aggregates: from cellular deformation to elastocapillarity
- Strong dissipativity of generalized time-fractional derivatives and quasi-linear (stochastic) partial differential equations
- Strong electroweak symmetry breaking
- Strong gravity as a probe for fundamental physics
- Strong homotopy (bi)algebras, homotopy coherent diagrams and derived deformations
- Strong interaction in diffusive random lasers
- Strong Lensing as a Cosmological Probe: Obstacles and Solutions
- Strong lensing in the age of ALMA
- Strong Onsager conjecture
- Strong Oracle Optimality of Folded Concave Penalized Estimation
- Strong property (T), subexponential growth of derivatives and invariant metrics
- Strong semiclassical approximation for the Hartree dynamics
- Strong solutions of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations in $R^3$
- Strong Structural Priors for Neural Network Architectures
- Strong subadditivity of entropy: when is it (nearly) saturated?
- Strong symplectic fillings and holomorphic curves
- Strong uniqueness for stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces perturbed by a bounded measurable drift
- Strong versus the weak: A meta-analysis of tie strength and individual effectiveness
- Strong Winds of Magnetic Massive Stars
- Strong-coupling ansatz for the one-dimensional Fermi gas in a harmonic potential
- Strongly correlated electrons driven by an electric field
- Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories
- Strongly driven coherent quantum systems
- Strongly interacting theories beyond the Standard Model
- Strongly lensed supernovae: New cosmological and astrophysical probes in the time-domain era
- Strongly polynomial algorithm for a class of nonlinear minimum-cost flow problems
- Strongly-Interacting Dark Matter and Neutrino Astronomy
- Strongly-Typed Language Support for Internet-Scale Information Sources
- Strongly-typed term representations in Coq
- Strontium in the oceans: Where does it come from and where does it go?
- Strontium isotopes and bioarchaeology – Baselines and limitations
- Structural adaptation - a statistical concept for image denoising
- Structural ambition – Building the big stuff
- Structural Analysis for Sub-sea Engineering
- Structural Analysis of Amyloid-like Protein Fibrillation
- Structural analysis of Arabidopsis cell wall arabinogalactan polysaccharides
- Structural analysis of cells and viruses at molecular resolution with 3D electron microscopy
- Structural analysis of cellular networks
- Structural Analysis of Genomic Scale Metabolic Networks
- Structural Analysis of Glutamate receptor gating and allosteric regulation
- Structural analysis of glutamate receptor gating and allosteric regulation
- Structural and Biochemical Mechanisms of Synchronous Synaptic Transmission
- Structural and functional characterisation of oxide nanomaterials
- Structural and functional characterisation of oxide nanomaterials
- Structural and functional insights into RNA polymerases from –ve sense RNA viruses
- Structural and functional insights into RNA polymerases from –ve sense RNA viruses
- Structural and functional studies of the machinery of riboregulation in E. coli.
- Structural and functional studies on old and newly emerged bunyaviruses
- Structural and functional studies on perforin-like proteins
- Structural and Mechanistic Studies of the Anaphase Promoting Complex
- Structural assignments of NMR chemical shifts in Ge_xSe_(1-x) glasses through first-principles calculations for GeSe_2, Ge_4Se_9, and GeSe crystals
- Structural basis for human mitochondrial DNA replication, repair and antiviral drug toxicity
- Structural basis of anaphase promoting complex assembly, substrate recognition and regulation by the mitotic checkpoint complex
- Structural basis of interative fatty acid synthesis catalyzed by giant multienzyme complexes
- Structural basis of N-Myc binding by Aurora-A and its destabilization by kinase inhibitors
- Structural basis of protein PARylation-dependent ubiquitination
- Structural Behaviour of Double Layer Tensegrity Grids
- Structural Biology 2.0: Crystallography post CryoEM and Alphafold
- Structural biology 2.0: Crystallography post CryoEM and Alphafold
- Structural biology of bacterial secretion systems
- Structural Biology of DNA Repair Plugged into the Ku-DNA hub
- Structural biology of pilus biogenesis by the chaperone-usher pathway
- Structural biology of small RNA-mediated gene regulation and methylation-mark mediated epigenetic regulation
- Structural Biology of the Myc/Max/Mad/Miz-1 Network of Transcription Factors
- Structural characterisation of CDK complexes controlling the cell cycle and transcription
- Structural composition of GeSe_2 and GeSe_4 glasses
- Structural computational methods to tackle HIV and Tuberculosis drug resistance
- Structural Concepts for Scientific Balloons
- Structural design and optimisation of smart electrodes for Li ion batteries
- Structural Design for Delayed Obsolescence
- Structural Design for the World's New Tallest Building - DCH Tower
- Structural Design in Context, and IT Tools to Support Design
- Structural determinants and directed information transfer in self-organized critical neuronal networks
- Structural determinants underlying ubiquitin chain linkage specificity in NF-kB signalling
- Structural disorder of proteins in vitro and in vivo
- Structural Dynamics in Practice: An Engineer's Experience
- Structural dynamics in the construction of the world's tallest modular building
- Structural elucidation of the self-assembly mechanism of amyloid fibrils
- Structural energetics based on intermetallic reactions
- Structural Engineering and Sustainable Heritage: beyond conservation of historic buildings
- Structural Engineering of the Shard
- Structural Engineering of The Shard
- Structural Engineering Teaching - Changing Demands
- Structural Engineering: Not Just Bluebeam and Excel
- Structural Ensembles of Small Peptides - An NMR Perspective
- Structural executable comparison, malware classification, and collaborative binary analysis - the formerly-zynamics tools at Google
- Structural Expectation Propagation (SEP): Bayesian structure learning for networks with latent variables
- Structural Fire Resilience - How we’re getting it wrong, and why
- Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
- Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure: from Research to Engineering Practice
- Structural hierarchies and phase transitions in perovskites: Group theoretical constraints and practical applications
- Structural hierarchies and phase transitions in perovskites: group theoretical constraints and practical applications
- Structural insights into adhesive proteins in Malaria
- Structural insights into how picornaviruses infect cells and how we might stop them
- Structural insights into severe malaria
- Structural insights into severe malaria
- Structural insights into the molecular mechanisms of accurate chromosome segregation.
- Structural insights into the process of co-translational targeting of membrane proteins and translation initiation in eukaryotes
- Structural insights on cell entry of enveloped RNA viruses and the antiviral activities of viperin
- Structural insights on cell entry of enveloped RNA viruses and the antiviral activities of viperin
- Structural integrity of the graphite cores in the UK AGR
- Structural Learning of Dynamic Bayesian Networks
- Structural liquidity: Time coordination of economic activities and sectoral interdependence
- Structural loads from high explosive blast: what we know and what we don't know.
- Structural Markov laws / Geometry and HMC
- Structural Mechanisms in the Tyrosine Kinases that Initiate Immunological Signaling
- Structural modification of energetic materials using high pressures and co-crystallisation
- Structural Nested Models and G-estimation: The Partially Realized Promise
- Structural recursion with pure local names
- Structural Reorganisation and Potential Toxicity of Oligomeric Species
- Structural Stories about Devious Parasites
- Structural studies in support of the development of geopotidacin and other DNA-cleavage complex stabilizing antibacterial DNA-gyrase inhibitors
- Structural studies of ribosome-associated quality and quantity control
- Structural Studies on the Regulation of Protein Kinases: EGFR and CamK-II
- Structural synaptic changes in cortical adaptive plasticity
- Structural Systems Biology: modelling protein interactions and complexes
- Structural variability in plant genomes. The case of Cucurbits.
- Structural variation in the human genome
- Structural variations of the human genome and their role in congenital disease
- Structural, Temporal and Semantic Information
- Structurally Recursive Descent Parsing
- Structurally unravelling ATP synthase
- Structure - Reflexivity - Agency
- Structure and Activity of the Histone H3/H4 Chaperone Asf1
- Structure and antigenicity of amyloid fibrils
- Structure and classification of nuclear C*-algebras: The role of the UCT
- Structure and Development of Oceanic Core Complexes
- Structure and Dynamics of Anisotropic Soft Matter
- Structure and Dynamics of Biological Liquid Crystals
- Structure and dynamics of dense bacterial populations
- Structure and dynamics of Earth's inner core
- Structure and dynamics of molecular machines for brain cell communication
- Structure and Dynamics of Mutlilayer Networks
- Structure and dynamics of the cell membrane and cytoskeleton
- Structure and Dynamics of the Human beta 2 Adrenergic Receptor
- Structure and dynamics of the lowermost mantle
- Structure and dynamics of turbulent pipe flow
- Structure and dynamics of water-solid interfaces
- Structure and evolution of continental lithosphere: new insights from seismic imaging
- Structure and evolution of exoplanets: from super-Earths to super-Jupiters
- Structure and evolution of high-density protein systems
- Structure and evolution of the upper mantle of the Australian Plate from waveform tomography with massive datasets
- Structure and Function of Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes in Human Cancer
- Structure and function of photosystem-I
- Structure and function of retroviral integrase
- Structure and function of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii pyrenoid: delivering CO2 and beyond
- Structure and Function of Water In Biomolecular Systems
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs!
- Structure and mechanism of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidases
- Structure and mechanism of the tripartite CusCBA heavy-metal efflux complex
- Structure and mechanism of tripartite multi drug efflux pumps
- Structure and properties of the algebra of partially transposed operators
- Structure and scaling of extremely large velocity gradients in hydrodynamic turbulence.
- Structure and spectra in MHD dynamos
- Structure and stability of G-Quadruplexes
- Structure and uplift history of the Transantarctic Mountains: a test for convective instability in the upper mantle
- Structure Based Drug Design
- Structure determination by cryo EM
- Structure determination by electron crystallography: a powerful complement to conventional methods for structure elucidation
- Structure development during chocolate manufacture
- Structure formation and alternative dark matter scenarios
- Structure formation and layering in two dimensional and dissipative drift wave turbulence
- Structure formation in magnetised plasmas
- Structure formation in rotating turbulence
- Structure formation in rotating turbulence
- Structure formation in scalar active matter
- Structure formation in social insects
- Structure formation in thin films of polymer mixtures
- Structure Formation Induced by Crystallization in P3HT/PCBM Blends
- Structure formation with Fuzzy Dark Matter
- Structure from chaos: vigorous convection in porous media
- Structure in tensor-variate data: a trivial byproduct of simpler phenomena?
- Structure in the randomness of trained recurrent neural networks
- Structure learning in Bayesian Networks
- Structure meets function at the mouse X chromosome inactivation center
- Structure of branch sets of harmonic functions and minimal submanifolds
- Structure of dynamical Chern Simons gravity and higher derivative theories
- Structure of gauge and gravity amplitudes in string and field theory
- Structure of nilpotent approximate groups and applications
- Structure of Prp8 and its implications for the spliceosomal active site
- Structure of the catalytic spliceosome
- Structure of the colored HOMFLY knot homology
- Structure of the DNA Replication Machinery
- Structure of the irreducibly covariant quantum channels
- Structure of the mitochondrial ATPase
- Structure of the new Metz Pompidou art gallery in France
- Structure of TRP channel by single particle cryo-EM
- Structure Prediction and Design using AlphaFold
- Structure Ranking and System Identification for Non-Linear Biochemical Process Models: Inferring the Structure of the ERK Pathway via Bayes Factors
- Structure searching and longitudinal-transverse mode coupling in sulfur
- Structure, Biology and Therapeutic Potential of Novel ER Located Growth Factors
- Structure, function and mechanisms of dynamin-superfamily proteins
- Structure, mechanics and non-equilibrium dynamics of self-organized elastic sheets
- Structure, Mechanics, and Thermodynamics of Mixtures of Microtubules and Molecular Motors
- Structure, Mechanics, and Thermodynamics of Mixtures of Microtubules and Molecular Motors
- Structure-activity Relationship Modelling and the Design of Adaptive Screening Cascades
- Structure-aware generation of molecules in protein pockets
- Structure-based design of vaccines for HIV-1 and RSV
- Structure-based design of vaccines for HIV-1 and RSV
- Structure-based Drug Design and Molecular Optimisation with Diffusion Models
- Structure-dependent ferromagnetism in Au4V: Investigations into magnetic gold
- Structure-function coupling in brain networks
- Structure-function of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and neuronal de/regeneration
- Structure-function studies of essential mitochondrial complexes of apicomplexan parasites
- Structure-preserving time discretization: lessons for numerical relativity?
- Structure-preserving time discretization: lessons for numerical relativity?
- Structure-property relationships for sea ice: Modeling and experimental validation
- Structure-property relationships of molecular crystals
- Structured compressed sensing and recent theoretical advances on optimal sampling
- Structured Deep Learning for Dialogue Management
- Structured deep models: Deep learning on graphs and beyond
- Structured deep models: Deep learning on graphs and beyond
- Structured Dynamic Graphical Models & Scaling Multivariate Time Series Methodology
- Structured Hidden Markov Model: A General Tool for Analysing Sequential data
- Structured Learning and Structural SVMs
- Structured Light Plethysmography (SLP): a non invasive method of measuring thoracic and tidal volumes
- Structured light: seeing less to see more in optical microscopy
- Structured Prediction Cascades
- Structured Prediction Models for High-level Computer Vision Tasks
- Structured prediction using energy-based models
- Structured Prediction using Linear Programming Relaxations
- Structured recognition for generative models with explaining away
- Structured sequences, language evolution and the primate brain
- Structured solutions to nonlinear systems of equations
- StructureNet: Hierarchical Graph Networks for 3D Shape Generation
- Structures and Phase Transitions of Perovskite Oxides and Hybrids Inorganic-Organic Frameworks
- Structures and Quantum Effects of Short Hydrogen Bonds in Proteins
- Structures Construction of Precast Segmental Viaducts in Hong Kong
- Structures Continuum mechanics and mesoscopic modeling and simulation of carbon nanotubes
- Structures in dependent type theory
- Structures of Governance in English Secondary Schooling and their Antecedents: The Cambridgeshire Village College Meets the Academy Trust
- Structures of materials at high pressures
- Structures of Membrane Proteins
- Structures of mitochondrial ribosomes resolved entirely by cryo-EM
- Structures of pathological TDP-43 filaments in human neurodegenerative disease
- Structures of Warfare at Sea during the First British Civil War,1642-1646
- Structures on Quantum Koszul Complexes
- Structures, interactions and functions of biofilm-forming proteins from staphylococci
- Structures, superconductivity, and soft chemistry in anti-cuprate square lattice materials
- Structuring experience in cognitive spaces
- Struggle to maintain Kabyle identity in Algeria
- Struggles for Citizenship in Africa
- Struggles over slavery, struggles over power: Africa 1926-1946
- Struggling judges: do they need a probability help desk? A daily legal practice point of view
- Struggling to measure the number of protons pumped in by the calcium pump in snail neurones.
- Stuart Russell. Human-compatible artificial intelligence
- Stuck in the mud? Channelling and clogging in plastic fluids
- Stuck in the mud? Channelling, clogging and burrowing in plastic fluids
- Student Design Project Presentations
- Student Design Project Presentations
- Student Papers and Grand Discussion
- Student Papers and Grand Discussion
- Student papers and Grand Discussion
- Student Presentations
- Student Project Presentations: "Colour Memorisation", "One button communication" and "Optimising digital fountain codes"
- Student Project Presentations: "Redundancy in Turing machines"; "A two button implementation of Dasher" and "Relationships between energy and information in fly retina"
- Student projects – a framework to support teaching and learning
- Student recruitment for research team - "THE RIGHT OF PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY ONLINE"
- Student Research Spotlights
- Student seminar - Effect of Prestress on the Bistability of Deployable Hinges, and Design of optimized reinforced concrete floor grillages
- Student Spotlight: Yan Xia, James Ackland, and Nikolay Petrov
- Student Town hall meeting joint with Cambridge Zero.
- Student Welfare Presentation
- Students as agents in pedagogical change
- Students, tourists and farmers: the publics of botanic gardens in the 18th century
- Students’ and teachers’ views and experiences of A level unit re-sits
- Students’ Social Networks and Attitudes: An Exploration of the Influence of Ethnicity and Social Class
- Studied enchantment: the conjectural method in late Victorian scholarship
- Studies in Dexter Energy Transfer with Quantum Dot Donors
- Studies in Natural Product Synthesis
- Studies into the biology of metastatic disease reveals tRNA-derived fragments that suppress cancer progression
- Studies of 21-6-9 stainless steel at various strain rates
- Studies of Contact Mechanics Employing the Quartz Crystal Microbalance
- Studies of Environmentally Responsive Polymer Systems using Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques
- Studies of III-Nitride Quantum Wells And Optoelectronic Devices
- Studies of Ion Mobility in Materials for Alternative Energy Applications Using Solid-State NMR
- Studies of Natural and Artificial Ice
- Studies of plastic flow localization in different materials
- Studies of prenatal testosterone and autism-relevant behaviour in non-human animals
- Studies of primate cognition with single unit recording and fMRI
- Studies of the Accuracy of Clamp-on Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters
- Studies of the human brain during experimental and natural conditions using intracranial recordings and electrical brain stimulation
- Studies of the Nambu-brancket M5-brane theory
- Studies of the reionization-era intergalactic and circumgalactic media using cosmological simulations
- Studies of virus diseases of cassava and maize lethal necrosis disease in Kenya
- Studies of wound healing and inflammation in flies
- Studies on Enzymatic Catalysis of Polar Reactions: Proton Transfer, Hydride Transfer and Decarboxylation
- Studies on exotic hadrons at LHCb
- Studies on the acquisition, persistence and reduction of fear and avoidance: a life-span perspective
- Studies on the alpha-Synuclein Degradation
- Studies on the Molecular Recognition of aminoglycoside antibiotics by nucleic acids and proteins
- Studies towards Assessing the Effects of Aviation on Climate and Air Quality
- Studies with Single Subjects or Large Numbers of Volunteers - Why, & How?
- Studs, squats and rolling contact fatigue : similarities, differences and dangers
- Study and characterization of MET1 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Study disease-causing genes based on protein-protein interaction networks
- Study group on recent work of Golyshev-Zagier on the gamma conjecture in mirror symmetry and of Bloch-Vlasenko on motivic gamma functions. (copy)
- Study Group Plan & Group Formation (Zoom)
- Study of blood flow impact on growth of blood clot using a multi-scale model
- Study of cycle-by-cycle air-to-fuel ratio determined from the exhaust gas composition and a novel fast response device based on a wide band lambda sensor
- Study of liver diseases using human pluripotent stem cells
- Study of microglia biology during disease
- Study of organic residues in pottery from the Indus Civilisation in northwest India
- Study of pioneer factor concentration, chromatin binding kinetics & cell-to-cell variability during genomeawakening
- Study of RAM Vessel Diameter on Mixing Effectiveness and Faraday Instabilities
- Study of sensory "prior distributions" in rodent models of working memory and decision making
- Study of the dynamics of bacterial communities in the Human Microbiome
- Study on Parkinson’s Gait Disorder Based on Wearable Devices👩💻
- Study on the Constitutive Model of Cardiac Muscle and Numerical Heart
- Study Trip Armenia Info Meeting
- Study virus assembly and host interactions in vitro and in cells by cryoEM and cryoET
- Studying action selection in frontoparietal motor networks with transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Studying and Controlling Live Cells with OLEDS and Intracellular Organic Micro-lasers
- Studying Babylonia in Philadelphia: Assyriological practice and the University of Pennsylvania's museum, c.1900
- Studying black holes with gravitational waves: Why GW astronomy needs you!
- Studying black holes with gravitational waves: Why GW astronomy needs you!
- Studying charge density wave systems and THz collective excitations with a meV atomic beam
- Studying complex social systems with online games
- Studying culture in the laboratory in human and nonhuman primates
- Studying environmental movements: Insights and challenges
- Studying galaxy evolution using integral-field spectroscopy
- Studying how fat cells can migrate and play roles in wound healing and cancer using in vivo live imaging of Drosophila pupae
- Studying human oncoproteins beyond cancer: lessons learned from the RAS GTPases
- Studying human oncoproteins beyond cancer: lessons learned from the RAS GTPases
- Studying human tissues with single-cell RNA-sequencing within the Human Cell Atlas consortium
- Studying Interfacial Processes During Water Splitting and CO2 Reduction
- Studying Introreducibility
- Studying Jews in Ukraine: Conceptual Challenges
- Studying L-functions via the trace formula
- Studying life one cell at a time: single-cell RNA sequencing technology and its applications
- Studying lightning-produced nitrogen oxides; methods and uncertainties
- Studying long-distance enhancers of Sox9 in the developing mouse gonad
- Studying massive black holes with tidal disruption events
- Studying membrane bioactivity with super-resolution optical microscopy
- Studying microbial communities by evolutionary game theory
- Studying molecule-surface interactions using rotational orientation control of ground-state molecular beams
- Studying natural speech processing at the phonemic level using EEG
- Studying polaron generation and recombination in pristine films of conjugated polymer P3HT
- Studying polaron generation and recombination in pristine films of conjugated polymer P3HT
- Studying precancerous stem cells in mouse models of T cell leukaemia
- Studying protoplanetary disc evolution in the era of ALMA
- Studying Research Culture at Cambridge: The Action Research on Research Culture Project (ARRC)
- Studying single molecule dynamic with local probe techniques
- Studying Single Molecules on living cells
- Studying single molecules on living cells
- Studying Speciation in the Small Ermine Moths (Yponomeuta)
- Studying Speciation in the Small Ermine Moths (Yponomeuta)
- Studying Stellar Streams: Properties and proper motion of the Saggitarius stream and velocity dispersion of the Orphan stream
- Studying stem cells and differentiation in regenerating animals using single cell transcriptomics
- Studying stress in primates: behavioural, physiological and cognitive approaches
- Studying Stress in Primates: Behavioural, Physiological & Cognitive Approaches
- Studying structural proteins in vertebrate mitosis: is chicken the way forward?
- Studying Super-Eddington Accretion with High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
- Studying task-level parallelism in C programs using Embla (work in progress)
- Studying the Aggregation of Proteins
- Studying the Beat Generation
- Studying the behaviour of Alpine Ibex
- Studying the Cosmic Large-Scale Structure and Testing Cosmological Models with X-ray Galaxy Clusters
- Studying the Expansion of the Universe with quasar spectra
- Studying the functions of consciousness: what we know and what we want to know
- Studying the intracellular localisation of Y RNAs
- Studying the invasive migration of Drosophila immune cells.
- Studying the magnetic evolution of black hole accretion disks
- Studying the neural basis of sensory perception and decision-making using head-fixed behaviour, imaging and physiology in the mouse
- Studying the QGP with heavy flavours and quarkonia
- Studying the relation between neural oscillations and human behaviour with Magnetoencephalography
- Studying the Stayers: occupation, kin links and stability
- Studying the structure and assembly of HIV-1 and other enveloped viruses using cryo-electron tomography
- Studying the therapeutic plasticity of neural stem cells at nanoscale
- Studying transitional flow over aerofoils and the associated noise generation using direct numerical simulations
- Studying virus infection in cells with new imaging techniques
- Studying viruses in people using mathematics
- Sturm-Liouville operators with inner singularities and indefinite inner products
- Styling in a Language Learned Later in Life
- Stylised Facts on Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Outcomes and Political Institutions in OECD Countries
- Stylized Rendering for Multi-resolution Image Representation: Reconciling Efficiency with Aesthetics in Image Compression
- Stylus input and the benefits of a standard
- SU(2) gauge theory, the Berry phase and spintronics
- SU(2)-cyclic surgeries and the pillowcase
- SU(6) orbifold GUT on M4 x RP2 : Gauge - Higgs unification
- SU(N) flux tubes as Nambu-Goto strings
- SU(N) gauge theories in the large N limit
- SU(N) gauge theories in the large N limit
- Sub ice volcanism, ice sheets and global change
- Sub-clonal heterogeneity in chronic myeloid leukemia
- Sub-cortical envelope and fine structure cues: The interaction of age and individual differences for normal-hearing adults in complex environments
- Sub-wavelength imaging with arrays of scatterers
- Subaru quasar surveys with Hyper-SuprimeCam
- Subclasses of the weakly computable reals
- Subcortical contributions to cognition and behaviour: human imaging and lesion model evidence
- Subcritical equilibria in counter-rotating Taylor-Couette flow
- Subcritical instability in shear flows: the shape of the basin boundary
- Subcubic certificates for CFL reachability
- Subdiagonal pivot structures and associated canonical forms under state isometries
- Subdiffusion and nonlinear reaction-transport equations
- Subdiffusion in the Presence of Reactive Boundaries: A Generalized Feynman-Kac Approach
- Subdiffusion-reaction equations: from microscopic random walk to the macroscopic fractional PDE's
- Subdiffusive fluctuations in bacterial chromosomes
- Subdivision Curves and Surfaces with (Semi-)Sharp Creases
- Subdivision surfaces and the dolphin problem
- Subdivision-stabilised immersed b-spline finite elements for fluid-structure Interaction
- Subexponential lower bounds for f-ergodic Markov processes
- Subexponential lower bounds for f-ergodic Markov processes
- Subfactors and quantum symmetries
- Subfactors related to certain symmetric spaces
- Subfactors with infinite representation theory
- Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theory
- Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theory
- Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theory
- Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theory
- Subglacial conditions on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica: Results from ground-based geophysical surveys; and plans for future activities with the iSTAR Programme
- Subglacial floods on volcanoes in Iceland and their geothermal cause
- Subglacial freshwater drainage increases modelled basal melt of the Totten ice shelf
- Subglacial hydrology and the formation of ice streams
- Subglacial hydrology and the transient response of the polar ice sheets
- Subglacial Lake Ellsworth
- Subglacial landscapes in Greenland: Obscure(d) insights into past climates, environments, and ice sheets
- Subglacial landscapes: Tunnel valleys in the central and northern North Sea
- Subglacial landscapes: Tunnel valleys in the central and northern North Sea
- Subglacial Soft Matter
- Subgrid Scale Information: Separating Urban and Rural Ozone
- Subgroup identification in clinical trials
- Subgroup Tests and the Aldous-Lyons conjecture
- Subgroup tests and the Aldous-Lyons conjecture
- Subgroups of hyperbolic groups, finiteness properties and complex hyperbolic lattices
- Subir Sarkar - A challenge to the standard cosmological model
- Subjective experiences and cognition in unresponsive states
- Subjective measures of unconscious knowledge
- Subjective probability and action guidance
- Subjectivity Recognition on Word Senses
- Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies
- Sublimating ices feeding forming planets
- Sublimation-driven convection in Sputnik Planitia on Pluto
- Subliminal face priming: Evidence from fMRI, EEG and MEG
- Sublinear time property testers
- Sublithospheric small-scale convection
- Submarine canyons in polar and temperate margins: shaping mechanisms and long-term evolution
- Submarine melt rate and circulation in an East Greenland fjord
- Submerged by 4-way junctions: how the early embryo of the brown alga Saccharina e-copes
- Submesoscale in the Texas-Louisiana shelf and its implications on the biogeochemistry
- Submesoscale instabilities at ocean fronts
- Submicron measurements of Mg isotopes in biogenic carbonate using LA-MC-ICPMS: a new window into bio-mineralisation
- Submillimetre Astronomy with Single Dish Telescopes: SCUBA-2 and beyond
- Submillimetre Spectroscopy of Clustered Star Formation in the Gould Belt
- Submillimetre Spectroscopy of Clustered Star Formation in the Gould Belt
- Submillimetre Spectroscopy of Clustered Star Formation in the Gould Belt
- Submillimetre Spectroscopy of Clustered Star Formation in the Gould Belt
- Submm and cm-Wavelength Emission Lines as Probes of Massive Galaxy
Formation at High-Redshift
- Submm observations of protoplanetary disks
- Submodularity and Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Submodularity for Machine Learning
- Subnational peripheries and the comparative method
- Subpopulations and Stability in Microbial Communities
- Subsampling, symmetry and averaging in networks
- Subsea Control Systems
- Subsea Power Cables for Offshore Wind and Tidal Energy
- Subsectors of sigma models on G/H superspaces
- Subsequential limits for Liouville graph distance
- Subseries numbers for convergent subseries
- Subset products and applications
- Subsistence and changing culture: new approaches to Chinese prehistory
- Subspace Codes for Adversarial Error-Correction in Network Coding
- Subspace-based dimension reduction for forward and inverse uncertainty quantification
- Subspace-based dimension reduction for forward and inverse uncertainty quantification
- Subspace-based Fundamental Frequency Estimation
- Substituted Nucleotides: versatile building blocks in DNA bio-nanotechnology
- Substorms - A random walk from Earth to Saturn and back
- Substrate Enzyme-Sequestration in Multisite Protein Phosphorylation - Introducing WCDD M-matrices in designing stationary probability distributions
- Substructure in Andromeda's outer halo: the view from PAndAS
- Subtle is the noise, but malicious it is not: dynamic exploits of intracellular noise
- Subtleties about Pre-Training Data: Imbalance and Staleness
- Subtracted Geometry From Harrison Transformations
- Subtropical icebergs, glacial lakes, and Heinrich Events: How did meltwater trigger past abrupt climate change?
- Subtype-specific treatment responses in HCC from genetically-engineered mouse models
- Suburbs of distinction: middle class boundary work in Dar Es Salaam
- Subverting Perceptions of Vulnerability in Empirical Research
- SubZero: Floe-Resolving Sea Ice Model
- SubZero: Sea Ice Modeling with an Explicit Representation of the Floe Life Cycle
- Success at all Levels - An Evening Talk
- Success stories in using standards & how standards encourage innovation
- Success: what lies behind the mask?
- Success: What lies behind the mask? Understanding and overcoming Imposter Syndrome
- Successes and challenges in the prediction of P450 mediated drug metabolism
- Successes and prospects of geometric numerical integration
- Successful Executive or Corporate Slave? Some thoughts on purpose and ethics in the business world
- Successful Schistosomes; dynamic species interactions and host relationships
- Successive shortest paths
- Succulent Compositae
- Succulents in Mediterranean Gardens
- Succulents in South Africa
- Succulents with Altitude
- Sucking the Blood of Society: The Origins and Evolution of the Byronic Figure
- Sudan's Recent Political Development: a Talk by Ahmed Al-Shahi
- Sudan's Tragedy: Popular Revolution to War, Famine, Genocide
- Sudan: Regional Impacts and Strategic Challenges
- Sudden Cardiac Death. Medicine is not enough, we need physical sciences as well
- Sudden energy release around interfaces during quasistatic loading
- Suddenly, a Knock on the Door
- Sudoku: an alternative history
- Suffering Shipwrecks: practical and ethical dilemmas and the Euthanasia of Large Whales
- Sufficient Statistics for Imperfect Externality-Correcting Policies
- Sugar and spice and all things nice – a journey into taste sensors in the body
- Sugar beet breeding, bolting resistance and Gibberellins
- Sugar, science and the history of capitalism
- Sugarcane in the Brazilian “Cerrado”: effects on biodiversity and greenhouse gases emissions
- Sugars & proteins
- Sugars and Enzymes
- Sugars and Proteins
- Sui generis explanations: scientific progress and scientific realism
- Sulfur Chemistry for Biology and the Environment
- Sulphur Cycling during mass extinction intervals.
- Sum frequency generation spectroscopy of small molecules adsorbed at interfaces
- Sum of squares programming for discrete-time non-linear systems - with application to power converters
- Sum-of-squares proofs
- Sum-product inequalities and geometric incidence counting
- Sum-Product Networks for Probabilistic Modeling
- Sum-product theorems for polynomials
- Sum-rules and quantum limits: Using first principles to understand nonlinear optical behaviour
- Sumatran camphor in medieval Afro-Eurasia
- Sumé: the Sound of a Revolution (film pre-screening and discussion)
- Summands of tensor powers of modules for a finite group
- Summaries on mobile phones: Context learning and data simplification
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary and Background to the 2004 Canadian Shear Design Provisions for Structural Concrete Members
- Summary and Next Steps
- Summary of Day 1 and How it Leads into Day 2
- Summary of Day 2 and How it Leads into Day 3
- Summary of ECRYPT II summer school
- Summary of the 24th Chaos Communication Congress
- Summary of USENIX Security 2007
- Summary of workshop aims
- SummaryMixing: A Linear-Time Attention Alternative
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus and Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus and Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus and Succulent Show
- Summer Cactus Show
- Summer Cactus Show
- Summer Cactus Show
- Summer Conference Summary - Part 1
- Summer Conference Summary - Part 2
- Summer Event
- Summer event
- summer holiday
- Summer in the City: banking failures of 1974 and the development of international banking supervision
- Summer Internships Event
- Summer Internships Event
- Summer Lunch Talk
- Summer Networking
- Summer Networking Event
- Summer of Science Talks: An Introduction to Discrete Geometry, with application to the Principles of Concurrent Programming
- Summer Research Festival 2023
- Summer School Proceeedings
- Summer Show
- Summer Studentships Event
- Summing over Dipoles for the Laplace and Helmholtz Equations
- Summoning the Wind: Fungal Spores Cooperate Hydrodynamically to Enhance Dispersal
- Sums and tensor products of algebraic theories
- Sums of excursions along random Teichmuller geodesics and volume asymptotics in the moduli space of quadratic differentials
- Sums of three kth powers
- Sumset bounds for the entropy on abelian groups
- Sun Small Programmable Object Technology (Sun SPOT)
- Sun, sand and STDs: TB transmission in meerkats of the Kalahari
- Sunday Scones - at The Orchard
- Sundials and the calendar
- Sundials and the History of Reckoning Time
- Sundry Succulents
- Sundry Succulents
- Sunlight-driven Synthesis of Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals
- Sunlight-powered chemical industries
- Sunny Shin, Title: IL-1-mediated crosstalk metabolically reprograms monocytes to promote antibacterial inflammation and Igor E. Brodsky, Title: Regulation of Cell Lysis Following Inflammasome Activation.
- Sunnyside
- Super Broccoli & Soggy Tomatoes – IP considerations of plant biotechnology
- Super Resolution Microscopy: Engineering Biology IRC Forum
- Super Sized Mobile Apps - Getting the Foundations Right
- Super String Field Theory Revisited
- Super Weyl invariance: BPS equations from heterotic worldsheets
- Super-Brownian motion among Poissonian obstacles
- Super-expanders
- Super-massive black holes across cosmic time
- Super-Posters in Extremist Forums
- Super-resolution Imaging
- Super-resolution imaging - Getting and understanding, microscopy images with more details
- Super-resolution imaging - STED and related advanced microscopy techniques
- Super-resolution imaging of nucleosome organisation
- Super-resolution imaging: Getting and understanding microscopy images with more details
- Super-resolution Microscopy
- Super-resolution Microscopy
- Super-resolution Microscopy
- Super-resolution Microscopy
- Super-Resolution Microscopy
- Super-resolution Microscopy
- Super-resolution Microscopy
- Super-resolution microscopy in thick specimen
- Super-resolution microscopy: Challenges and Potentials in biomedical research
- SUPER-SHARP: direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets
- Supercharging the Soil: Harnessing the Phytomicrobiome for Plant Health
- Supercompatibility and its role on fatigue in shape memory materials
- Supercompatibility and the direct conversion of heat to electricity - 1
- Supercompatibility and the direct conversion of heat to electricity - 2
- Supercompatibility and the direct conversion of heat to electricity - 3
- Supercompatibility and the direct conversion of heat to electricity - 4
- Supercompilation by evaluation
- Supercomplex assembly determines electron flux in the mitochondrial electron transport chain
- Supercomputing for your data.
- Superconducting DFT
- Superconducting Materials for Engineering Applications
- Superconducting pairing in small metallic nanoparticles
- Superconducting Photonics and Quantum Electronics
- Superconducting quantum circuits: qubits and not only (Prof. Yuri Pashkin, Lancaster University)
- Superconducting spin valves based on spiral magnets
- Superconducting spin valves based on spiral magnets
- Superconducting Spintronics: a tantalizing possibility for dissipation-free logic
- Superconducting Spintronics: a tantalizing possibility for dissipation-free logic
- Superconducting states in time reversal invariant Landau levels
- Superconductivity in high-pressure phases of hydrogen sulfides
- Superconductivity in nanograins: smaller is different
- Superconductor proximity effects in half-metallic ferromagnets
- Superconductors
- Superconductors and Cryogenics for Energy Applications
- Superconductors are not just for MRI
- Superconformal field theories in 6D with non-abelian tensor-Yang-Mills couplings
- Superconformal index and duality
- Superconformal quantum mechanics and Black Holes
- Superconformal quantum mechanics and integrability
- Superconformal quantum mechanics and the exterior algebra.
- Supercongruences
- Supercritical Percolation on Finite Transitive Graphs
- Supercurrent and Josephson field-effect transistors go metal
- Supercuspidal representations modulo p
- Superdiffusion transition for a noisy harmonic chain subject to a magnetic field
- Superfluid 3He: The Universal Substance from Cosmology to Hydrodynamics via NMR (and OR)
- Superfluid and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless dynamics of light
- Superfluid states of matter: from superfluid helium to polariton condensates
- Superfluid stiffness and defect-assisted pair-breaking: getting a handle on organic superconductors
- Superfluid Turbulence at T=0: From Kolmogorov to Kelvin-Wave Cascade
- Superfluidity and other quantum fluid effects of microcavity polaritons
- Superfluidity in an anisotropic optical lattice
- Supergenes, Sex and Sociality
- SuperGenes: What Really Makes Us Human
- Supergravity as generalised geometry
- Supergravity wastelands and string theory moorlands – theoretical challenges in accommodating an accelerated expansion
- Supergravity, T-duality and Double Field Theory
- Supergroups for disordered Dirac fermions: the quantum Hall transition
- Superhelically Driven Structural Transitions in Genomic DNA - Theoretical Analyses, Genomic Distributions and Roles in Regulation
- SuperKamiokande - TBC
- Superleading logarithms and the breakdown of QCD coherence
- Superluminality and predictability
- Superluminality, Black Holes and EFT
- Superluminous supernovae - cosmic origins and evolution
- Superman, Tiger Mother: Aspiration Management and the Child as Waste
- Supermassive black hole binaries and their spin evolution in gas-rich circumbinary discs
- Supermassive black hole feeding / Capture of interstellar asteroids and comets
- Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Evolution
- Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution
- Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Bulges --- A Self-Similar Model for Power Laws of Mass and Mean Bulge Velocity Dispersion
- Supernova and AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies
- Supernova Brightening from Chameleon-Photon Mixing
- Supernova clustering and galactic outflows
- Supernova Cosmology
- Supernova Dust
- Supernova flash spectroscopy: a new observational window into stellar death
- Supernova Neutrinos
- Supernova Remnants and Cosmic Rays: An update on recent progress
- Supernovae: Explosions and Dark Energy
- Supernovae: origin, extremes and a future bursting with potential!
- Supernovae: Superheroes of the universe
- Superoxide anion production in diatoms and its potential role in bio-photovoltaic devices
- Superpotential de-sequestering as a source of flavour violation
- Superpotential Renormalisation and Supersymmetric Radiative Flavour
- Superradiance in Black Hole Spacetimes
- Superradiance in stars
- Superradiant instabilities in astrophysical systems
- Superradiant scattering by a black hole binary
- Superselection Sectors in AdS/CFT
- SuperSharp: Unfolding, Self-Aligning Space Telescopes for High Resolution Images
- Supershear Earthquakes: Theory, Experiments and Natural Observations
- Supersonic Laser Deposition of materials
- Superstellar clusters and their impact on their host galaxies
- Superstring amplitudes with pure spinor cohomology methods
- Supersymmetric AdS Solutions
- Supersymmetric Anti-de-Sitter Solutions
- Supersymmetric black holes in N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity and attractors
- Supersymmetric Chameleons
- Supersymmetric decays in Softsusy
- Supersymmetric Double Field Theory: Stringy Reformulation of Supergravity
- Supersymmetric field theories and elliptic cohomology
- Supersymmetric Field Theories on Three-Manifolds and Applications
- Supersymmetric flavour problem and supersymmetric spectrum
- Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on Curved Manifolds and their Gravity Duals
- Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on the Lattice
- Supersymmetric lattice models
- Supersymmetric quantum mechanics on vortex moduli spaces
- Supersymmetric unification and R symmetries
- Supersymmetry and CPT anomaly
- Supersymmetry and Integrability
- Supersymmetry and trace formulas
- Supersymmetry and Ward identities: an alternative approach to renormalization.
- Supersymmetry Breaking in Local String/F-theory models
- Supersymmetry constraints on the R^4 multiplet in type IIB on T^2
- Supersymmetry in light of colliders and cosmology
- Supersymmetry on a lattice
- Supersymmetry with a large reheating temperature
- Supersymmetry without prejudice at the LHC
- Supersymmetry, localization and quantum entropy function
- Supertall Timber: impossibly high wooden skyscrapers
- Supervised learning for soil identification and deformation prediction in excavation based on Bayesian inference.
- Supervising undergraduates
- Supervision training
- Supervision training
- SuperWASP robots spot new planets near solar system
- SuperWASP, the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, and Doppler Tomography
- Supper Seminar with Baroness Estelle Morris
- Supplementary Python
- Supply Chain Coordination under Information Asymmetries
- Supply chain management
- Supply Network Analytics: lessons learned from large-scale data
- Supply Networks
- Support Science and Diamond Light Source
- Support spaces, Jordan types and indecomposable modules
- Supporters Club recruitment fair
- Supporting Active Reading Activities With a Multi-Slate System
- Supporting Digital Humanities Students
- Supporting Early Career Researchers and Building Research Communities in Education
- Supporting Inclusion and Social Experiences through Technology Design
- Supporting Innovation in Quantum Technologies
- Supporting Innovation in Quantum Technologies
- Supporting Intentionality in Online Meetings
- Supporting local conservation overseas: land purchase as a strategy for conservation
- Supporting product architecture design
- Supporting Proxemic Interactions with Multi-Scale Electric Field Sensing
- Supporting Proxemic Interactions with Multi-Scale Electric Field Sensing
- Supporting the Mobile Nomadic User through Projected User Interfaces
- Supporting Virtuosity in Computer Music
- Supposed-to-be-Land: Indigenous Tales of the Beaufort Sea
- Supposed-to-be-Land: Indigenous Tales of the Beaufort Sea
- Supposing this and that
- Suppressing 'the gift of Krishna': India, piracy and the littoral politics of Empire
- Suppressing ‘the Gift of Krishna’: India, Piracy, and the Littoral Politics of Empire
- Suppressing unwanted visual and emotional content of memory: role in mental health
- Suppression of marine ice sheet instability
- Suppression of star-formation by quasar driven winds in gas-rich host galaxies at z<1
- Supra-regional brain systems in autism spectrum. Perspectives from neuroimaging
- Supraglacial lake drainage and ice flow acceleration in Greenland
- Supramolecular chemistry: When molecules come together
- Supramolecular Approaches to Stimuli-Responsive Materials: From Sea Cucumbers to Self-Healing Films
- Supramolecular Architectures for Artificial Photosynthesis
- Supramolecular arsenal of adaptive and natural killers
- Supramolecular Assembly on Designer Templates
- Supramolecular Control: Strategic Uses of Carbon Nanohoops, Fluorinated Cyclohexanes and Organophosphates
- Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry - Nano Puzzle and More
- Supramolecular Electronics: Towards Multifunctional Systems And Devices
- Supramolecular Hosts: From Energy Intensive Separations to Sensors and Soft Robotics
- Supramolecular Peptide Assemblies For Functional Systems
- Supramolecular Polymers Bearing Self-Complementary Hydrogen Bonding End-Groups
- Supramolecular Polymers with Hydrogen Bonding: From Morphology to Structural Control and Use
- Suprema of Bernoulli processes
- Suprema of Chaos Processes and the Restricted Isometry Property
- SURE-based Parameter Selection for Sparse Regularization of Inverse Problems
- Surface acidity from first principles: the water-quartz interface
- Surface acoustic wave modulation of a coherently driven quantum dot in a pillar microcavity
- Surface acoustic wave quantum electronic devices -- playing ping-pong with single electrons
- Surface analysis – elemental identification & quantification – challenges and opportunities
- Surface anchoring mediated hierarchical self-assembly in orientationally ordered plasmonic complex fluids
- Surface Approximations and Geometric Energies
- Surface areas of polytopes
- Surface Charge Doping By Polymer Electrolyte Gating In Metals And 2d Systems: A Route To Synthetic Superconductivity
- Surface charges for gravity in tetrad variables: some surprises explained
- Surface chemistry and energy transfer between semiconductor nanocrystals and cyanine J-aggregates
- Surface condensation of proteins on DNA
- Surface Defects and Dualities in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
- Surface diffusion on the atomic scale
- Surface dynamics in the low friction regime: Xe on Pt(111) using 3He Spin Echo Spectroscopy
- Surface energy approaches in modeling of nano-objects
- Surface enhanced Raman scattering optophysiology: roadmap towards an implantable nanosensor
- Surface Infratechnology
- Surface meltwater on the polar ice sheets under a changing climate
- Surface meltwater ponding and drainage causes ice-shelf flexure
- Surface modification of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) via self-organization of vinyl-terminated small molecules
- Surface operators and categorification of quantum groups
- Surface PDEs and Interfaces
- Surface plasmon resonance (Biacore)
- Surface plasmon resonance (Biacore)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance (Biacore)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance (Biacore)
- Surface properties in additive manufacturing
- Surface properties in additive manufacturing
- Surface Properties of a ''Simple'' Polymer Monolayer
- Surface properties of amorphous silica from a reactive force field model
- Surface reconstruction based on Vector Inpainting
- Surface Science Aspects of Coronavirus
- Surface Science Aspects of Coronavirus
- Surface subgroups in dimension 3
- Surface subgroups of cubulable hyperbolic groups
- Surface subgroups of graphs of free groups
- Surface subgroups of graphs of free groups (part 1 of 2)
- Surface subgroups of graphs of free groups (part 2 of 2)
- Surface subgroups of graphs of free groups.
- Surface texturing for turbulent friction reduction
- Surface thinking: skin in early modern medicine
- Surface waves and scattering by unbounded obstacles
- Surfaces and curvature in Euler and Navier-Stokes simulations. Where next?
- Surfaces and strings
- Surfaces with involutions
- Surfactant driven thin-film flows
- Surfactant transport onto a foam lamella taking into account surface viscosity
- Surfactant-induced dissipation in sheared foams: mechanics and thermodynamics
- Surfactants and Thin Liquid Layers 1
- Surfactants and Thin Liquid Layers 1
- Surfactants in two-phase flow
- Surfactants: from self-assembly to application
- Surfi-Sculpt: gravity defying melt flow
- Surfing Cambrian shorelines: Early land-going animals and slime
- Surgery and prostate cancer
- Surgical Imaging, Biophotonics and Endoscopy
- Surgical robots big and small - how to enable the next generation of surgical robots (venue changed)
- Surprise!
- Surprises from deep X-ray observations of Abell 2204
- Surprises in Near-Field Cosmology
- Surprises in the Self-Assembly of Particles in Spherical Confinement
- Surprises in the Self-Assembly of Particles in Spherical Confinement
- Surprises in two fluid shear flow with interfacial slip
- Surprising Dark Implications of a Supersymmetric Gravity Sector
- Surprising Discoveries in Violin Playing
- Surprising impacts of gravity waves
- Surprising results from a Bayesian analysis of Supernova Type Ia data
- Surprising symmetry of scattering amplitudes in gauge theories
- Surprising Uses of Dating Apps in Times of Emergency: Lessons Learned from the Covid Sex Lives Project
- Surprisingly Efficient Parsing for a Wide-Coverage Lexicalised-Grammar Parser
- Surrealism and Expressionism in Picture Books: A Critical Assessment
- Surrogate Modelling
- Surrogate Modelling
- Surrogate Modelling
- Surrogate models in Bayesian Inverse Problems
- Surrogate models in Bayesian Inverse Problems
- Surveillance and Counter-Surveillance in the Digital Society
- Surveillance and Employment Relations in a Data-Saturated Society
- Surveillance Capitalism: Power and Control in the Information Age
- Surveillance in Speculative Fiction: Have Our Artists Been Sufficiently Imaginative?
- Surveillance strategies for emerging plant pathogens
- Surveillance using Hyperspectral, LiDAR and Spectro-Polarimetric Data
- Surveying Energy Landscapes: From Protein Folding to Bistable Liquid Crystal Device and Cylindrical Buckling
- Surveying marine biodiversity in the Staffa archipelago
- Surveying Salonika: the work of British military survey sections 1915-1919
- Surveying the M31 system
- Surveying the scene, engineering the machine: drawing things together in the Age of Enlightenment
- Survival against all odds: The infinitive in the Of dialects of Pontus
- Survival analysis and stage at diagnosis: population based studies using Cancer Registry data
- Survival analysis-based uncertainty estimation for regression problems
- Survival in the Face of Adversity: Exploring Human Cooperation in the Paleolithic of Kazakhstan through an Agent-Based Model
- Survival of the aligned: Modeling the cortical microtubule array in plant cells
- Survival strategies in spatial public goods games
- Survive the Credit Crunch
- Surviving (and thriving) in a technical career for a lifetime, or, how did a Psychologist become a Chartered Engineer?
- Surviving as a Woman in Science
- Surviving Protein Quality Control Failure
- Susan
- Susan Sellers, novelist
- Susan Steinberg Film Screening & Director's Talk
- Susceptibility to cancer - what's new?
- Suspicion of the State: Human Rights, Medicine and the AIDS crisis in Botswana and Kenya
- Susskind and Uglum Revisited
- Sustain-Ability: a conference to mark 40 years of the Martin Centre
- Sustainability
- Sustainability 101: how to frame it, change it and steer it
- Sustainability and Architecture
- Sustainability and health – what are the issues
- Sustainability and the Arctic - interdisciplinary ECR workshop in Tampere
- Sustainability and the Perfect Storm (title to be confirmed)
- Sustainability and the traditional architecture of Japan: cities that could revert to summer grass
- Sustainability as a Structural Engineer - Past, Present, Future
- Sustainability Assessment and Sustainable Behaviour in Contaminated Site Remediation
- Sustainability at The Netherlands eScience Center
- Sustainability in action at University of California San Diego: the campus as a living laboratory
- Sustainability in performing arts: “So shines a good deed in a naughty world”
- Sustainability in research
- Sustainability in the resources sector
- Sustainability Informatics, present situation, challenges, vision
- Sustainability Measures in Universities: Cambridge as a Case Study
- Sustainability of Antarctic krill
- Sustainability of Energy and Material Demand: Reducing the Demand for Steel
- Sustainability of livestock production: water, welfare and woodland
- Sustainability Student Research May-Week Lunch: Cambridge as a Living Laboratory
- Sustainability success: Leadership influence or serendipity?
- Sustainability through environmental liability: getting conservationists and political ecologists into the courtroom
- Sustainability Through the Confluence of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysis
- Sustainability through the Confluence of Heterogeneous, Homogeneous and Enzymatic Catalysis
- Sustainability, Biomass and Catalyst Development: An Industrial Perspective
- Sustainability, welfare and political change
- Sustainability: Materials scarcity
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Action on Vehicle Energy
- Sustainable Action on Vehicle Energy
- Sustainable Agriculture Development Seminar
- Sustainable Air Travel - The Challenge for Aero-Engine Materials
- Sustainable and effective antimicrobial surface coating based on natural cellulose
- Sustainable bioenergy and biofuels from microalgae: a systems biology perspective
- Sustainable Biogeotechnics: An Overview and Recent Technical Advances
- Sustainable Building in the UK
- Sustainable built environments: Building design, building performance and building occupants.
- Sustainable capitalism: if not now, when?
- Sustainable chemistry: the key to transforming societies
- Sustainable Cities
- Sustainable Cities
- Sustainable cities in an uncertain future
- Sustainable cities: Looking to the future
- Sustainable Communities
- Sustainable Communities and Regeneration
- Sustainable Computing
- Sustainable Corporate Innovation and Leadership
- Sustainable Development - great green dream or impossible ambition?
- Sustainable Development at the Eden Project
- Sustainable Development in the Built Environment; Progress or Procrastination?
- Sustainable development of culturally significant urban areas
- Sustainable Development: Answers from Different Actors, such as State, NGOs and Business
- Sustainable Economical Development: A Long-term Perspective in the Automotive Industry
- Sustainable Energy - an industry view on the obstacles and opportunities
- Sustainable Energy - from academia to Whitehall
- Sustainable Energy - without hot air
- Sustainable Energy - Without the BS
- Sustainable Energy - Without the BS (Director's Cut)
- Sustainable Energy - Without the Bullshit
- Sustainable Energy - without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy - without the hot air
- Sustainable energy - without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy - Without The Hot Air
- Sustainable energy - without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air
- Sustainable energy - without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy - without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy -- without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air
- Sustainable Energy in the UK
- Sustainable energy without the hot air
- Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air
- Sustainable Engineering and Design for the Built Environment
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Farming - making it happen. The Science, delivery and pitfalls of Integrated Farm Management
- Sustainable finance, TCFD (Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and data challenges / opportunities
- Sustainable Humanity, Sustainable Environment, Our Responsibility
- Sustainable Intensification: An Oxymoron?
- Sustainable IT and IT for Sustainability
- Sustainable Manufacture of Fine Chemicals and Polymers using Continuous Flow Processing
- Sustainable Manufacturers: On the sustainability-firm performance relationship
- Sustainable Manufacturing and Consumer Needs: lessons from the attribution of carbon emissions in the UK
- Sustainable Manufacturing and the Myth of Efficiency
- Sustainable Materials - with both eyes open
- Sustainable Materials: with both eyes open
- Sustainable Organic Fuels for Transport
- Sustainable Passiv Haus Design
- Sustainable Railways - Mind the Gap
- Sustainable robotic devices for personalized medical assistance
- Sustainable seafood for human health
- Sustainable synergic reagents: Meeting 21st century challenges for metalating carbon atoms
- Sustainable Transportation System in China
- Sustainable value creation in manufacturing through maintenance services
- Sustaining Disease Prevention
- Sustaining Life with Genes and Proteins Designed ‘From Scratch’
- Sustaining Myth: How Languages Get and Lose their Mojo
- Sustaining the Life of the Polis: Pasts and Futures of Public Health Work in African Cities
- Sustaining UK Industry
- SUSY breaking on conifolds: all is not lost.
- SUSY gauge theories and quantum many body systems
- SUSY model building for a 126 GeV Higgs
- SUSY Monojets at the LHC
- SUSY particle mass measurement with the contransverse mass technique
- SUSY Seesaw and Lepton Flavor Violation in the Era of the LHC
- SUSY wanted - dead or alive
- SUSY Weather Forecasts for LHC and Dark Matter
- Sutton Hoo: A Personal Perspective
- Sutured Floer Homology
- Suzuki groups as expanders
- Svalbard: Four Times Faster (Registration LInk Below)
- SVO forever: The case of Chinese
- Swallowtails - keeping them safe at home and abroad
- Swampland bounds on trajectories and potentials
- SWAN: Demonstrating Impact and Getting SMART
- SWAN: Software-driven wide area network
- Swarm Engineering Across Scales: From Nanoparticles to Robots
- Swarming by Nature and by Design
- Swarming motility in Bacillus subtilis
- Swarming rigid bodies: geometry and topology
- Sweat and Grind: the 1956 McBurney Expedition to the Haua Fteah
- Swedish Carbon Policies
- Sweet dreams: new pathways of glucose-sensing in the brain
- Swelling and deformation of gels: an old problem revisited
- Swelling and Shaping of Soft Structures
- SwiftKey Keyboard: Language Modelling and Beyond
- Swimming at low Reynolds number
- Swimming cells: a dance of geometry and motion
- Swimming in a turbulent world
- Swimming in mud: viscoplastic locomotion and slender-body theory
- Swimming of a simple vertebrate: Insights from computational and robotic models.
- Swinging into crip time: teenage limb loss and art making in 1960s London
- Swiss depictions of regional costumes and landscapes: 1762-1840
- Switchable Polymerization Catalysis: Ordered Block Polymers from Monomer Mixtures
- Switchable Thermal Insulation: An Alternative Approach for Thermal Regulation
- Switched differential systems
- Switching between affect and ratio: The basolateral amygdala
- Switching OPC to repair mode - Role of Sox2 in CNS remyelination
- Switching OPC to repair mode - Role of Sox2 in CNS remyelination
- Switching Risk Off: FX Correlations and Risk Premia
- Switching to the dark side: Repositioning of Polyglutamine Repeat Promotes Amyloid Fibril Formation by the Model Protein, β-Lactamase BlaP
- switchSENSE DNA nanolever technology
- Sychronized cells as a model for the diel regulation of Rubisco-EPYC1 interactions in the Chlamydomonas CCM
- Syllable based keyword search: transducing syllable lattices to word lattices
- Symbiont-mediated protection against viruses: insights from a comparative analysis of Wolbachia strains
- Symbiotic design for machine intelligence systems
- Symbiotic Relations: Control Theory and Practice
- Symbolic AI in Computational Biology; applications to disease gene and drug target identification
- Symbolic Shape Analysis
- Symbolic Techniques in Propositional Satisfiability Solving
- Symbolic timing: the temporal effect of the motif and the symbol in Thomas Mann’s "Buddenbrooks" and "Der Zauberberg"
- Symbols in action at 40: Baringo and Beyond
- Symbols in action at 40: Baringo and Beyond
- Symmetric Arithmetic Circuits
- Symmetric Criticality for Ropelength
- Symmetric differentials and the fundamental group
- Symmetric Intersecting Families of Sets
- Symmetric monoidal closed categories relative to a base
- Symmetric Orthogonal Polynomials
- Symmetric Orthogonal Polynomials
- Symmetric power functoriality for GL(2)
- Symmetric power functoriality for modular forms
- Symmetric processes and Ocone martingales
- Symmetric product orbifolds: how to engineer quantum gravity in AdS/CFT
- Symmetric quadratic dynamical systems
- Symmetric spectra and motivic symmetric spectra
- Symmetrically coloured Gaussian graphical models with toric vanishing ideals
- Symmetries
- Symmetries and Anisotropies of Geophysical Turbulence Transport
- Symmetries and Noether's Theorem 97 years on
- Symmetries from wall crossing in K3 string theories
- Symmetries in monotone Lagrangian Floer theory
- Symmetries in quantitative semantics
- Symmetries in Reinforcement Learning
- Symmetries in Reversible Programming
- Symmetries of Black Hole Perturbation Theory
- Symmetries of Boundary Value Problems: Definitions, Algorithms and Applications to Physically Motivated Problems
- Symmetries of Inflation
- Symmetries of the free-factor complex and commensurator rigidity
- Symmetrization and the Wasserstein Metric
- Symmetrized KL information: Channel Capacity and Learning Theory
- Symmetry and multiple existence of critical points in 2D Landau-de Gennes Q-tensor theory
- Symmetry and topology in optical and plasmonic materials
- Symmetry breaking and bifurcations of exciton-polariton condensates
- Symmetry breaking and helicity dynamics in the Ekman boundary layer
- Symmetry breaking and multi-functionality – artificial vs. biological morphogenesis
- Symmetry breaking and self-organization in intestinal organoids
- Symmetry breaking and symmetry defects. Invariant theory applications
- Symmetry breaking at X chromosome inactivation
- Symmetry breaking decisions in stem cells from mouse bi-layered epithelia in development and regeneration.
- Symmetry Breaking For Biomimetic Locomotion
- Symmetry breaking in a gas of bosons - an approach using constructive field theory
- Symmetry breaking in fluid-structure interaction systems
- Symmetry breaking in gastruloids development
- Symmetry in Crystal Structure Prediction
- Symmetry in Crystal Structure Prediction
- Symmetry in materials science models under the divergence constraint
- Symmetry made coherent
- Symmetry Matters in Gynoecium Development
- Symmetry Preserving Interpolation
- Symmetry reduced averages over moderately turbulent flows
- Symmetry reductions of integrable lattice equations
- Symmetry transformations beyond Wigner's theorem
- Symmetry vs Controllability: Spin Chains and Beyond
- Symmetry, bifurcation, and multi-agent decision-making
- Symmetry, Curves and Monopoles
- Symmetry, equivalence and molecular self-organisation
- Symmetry, Group Theory and Applications to Structural Mechanics
- Symmetry, Periodicity, and Reversibility: New DNA Puzzles for The Passionate Scientists
- Symmetry, polynomials and quantisation
- Symmetry, polynomials and quantisation
- Symmetry, polynomials and quantisation
- Symmetry, polynomials and quantisation
- Symmetry, symmetry, symmetry!
- Symmetry-breaking mechanics in multiphase models for cell motility/Reviving Wagner's theory for high-velocity solid-liquid impact
- Symmetry-driven Graph Neural Networks
- Sympathetic Nerve Activity during Deep Brain Stimulation
- Sympatric speciation on islands
- Symphony of a thousand hair cells: orchestrating auditory development
- Symphony of a thousand hair cells: orchestrating auditory development
- Symplasmic auxin movement and the evolution of plant architecture
- Symplectic
- Symplectic 4-manifolds and fibred 3-manifolds
- Symplectic and hyperkahler implosion
- Symplectic and Poisson structures in the derived setting
- Symplectic Cohomology and Viterbo Functoriality
- Symplectic cohomology in the topological limit
- Symplectic cohomology of compound du Val singularities
- Symplectic cohomology of compound du Val singularities
- Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases
- Symplectic geometry and feedback loops on graphs.
- Symplectic homogenization and Mather's theory
- Symplectic homology of 4-dimensional Weinstein manifolds and Legendrian homology of links
- Symplectic instanton homology
- Symplectic magnetic fields on the two-sphere
- Symplectic manifolds of Fano and Calabi-Yau type
- Symplectic mapping class groups of some Stein and rational surfaces
- Symplectic matrices and the Bloch group
- Symplectic reduction and stability of points
- Symplectic resolutions of Higgs Bundles
- Symplectic structures for difference equations including integrable maps
- Symplectic Topology - Introductory lunchtime talk
- Symplectic topology and Floer homology
- Symplectic topology of K3 surfaces via mirror symmetry
- Symplectic topology of Mañe's critical value
- Symplectic topology of some surface singularities
- Symplectic/Altmetric - New features
- Symplectizations and foliations in embedded contact homology
- Symposium
- Symposium on AI FOR SOCIAL GOOD
- Symposium on CRISPR/CAS editing in crops
- Symposium on Energy and Environmental Flows
- Symposium on Polar Tropical Teleconnections
- Symposium on The Art of Fugue
- Symposium on The Future of Deadly conflict is Optimism Defensible
- Symposium with Prof Nancy Fraser
- Symposium: "Technological displacement of middle-class employment: political and social implications"
- Symposium: 'Patient-Centered Measurement' (2024)
- Symposium: “Joining up the atmos-spheres” organised by BAS and CCfCS
- Symposium: Microbiology
- Symposium: Microbiology
- Symposium: Nanomedicine
- Symposium: Neurobiology
- Symposium: Welcome to the Anthropocene? Metrics of a climate changed
- Synaesthesia & Art - Dance of Light
- Synapse organizing mechanisms: from molecules to circuits
- Synapse specific homeostatic responses to sensory deprivation
- Synaptic mechanisms of neocortical sensory processing
- Synaptic mechanisms of sensory perception
- Synaptic origins of working memory capacity
- Synaptic plasticity and memory
- Synaptic plasticity of GluA3-containing AMPA-receptors, during anxiety and in Alzheimer’s disease
- Synaptic processing of visual information in the retina of zebra fish
- Synaptic specificity in the visual system
- Synaptic time-windows underlying neurodevelopmental disorders
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Accessible Automation
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Low Cost Microsocpes
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Next-Generation Scanning Microscopes
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Novel Sensors
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Open Technology Frameworks
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Open Tools for Bioproduction
- SynBio Forum - Practical Technologies: Soft Robotics
- SynBio Forum: Engineering Complex Systems in Biology
- SynBio Forum: Genetics, Vision and Machine Learning in Biological Systems
- SynBio Forum: New Sensors for Living Systems - George Malliaras
- SynBio Forum: New Sensors for Living Systems - Karen Polizzi
- SynBio Forum: Prof Michael Jewett and Prof Andrew Ellington
- SynBio Fund Launch
- SynBio Fund Launch Event!
- SynBio Fund Pitches
- Synchronicities and coincidences in world prehistory
- Synchronisation and alignment of mammalian motile cilia by hydrodynamic forces
- Synchronisation in the Kuramoto model
- Synchronisation Mechanisms - A Tutorial
- Synchronisation of eukaryotic flagella
- Synchronisation of eukaryotic flagella
- Synchronisation of Rotating Helical Filaments
- Synchronisation of rowers interacting via hydrodynamic forces at low Reynold's number
- Synchronisation: From Stick-Slip Instabilities in Jammed Fluids to Endogeneous Economic Crises
- Synchronization and graph endomorphisms
- Synchronization in Complex Modular Networks
- Synchronization in Navier-Stokes turbulence and it's role in data-driven modeling
- Synchronization in Navier-Stokes Turbulence and Its Role in Data-Driven Modeling
- Synchronization of Cilia
- Synchronization of Eukaryotic Flagella
- Synchronization of heterogeneous agents via funnel coupling
- Synchronization of the Drosophila circadian clock by daily light and temperature fluctuations
- Synchronized motion between elastic waves in a phononic structure and fluid waves in an interfacing flow
- Synchronous quantum games
- Synchronverters: Inverters that mimic synchronous generators
- Synchrony and Entrainment in Human Interaction
- Synchrony and synaptic signaling in the cerebellar circuit
- Synchrotron Adventures with Criegee Intermediates: Studies of Tropospheric Chemistry in the Lab
- Synchrotron light: from Einstein's theories into a brilliant future
- Synergism between Theory and Experiments in Asymmetric Catalysis: Transition State Modeling for Rationalizations and Catalyst Design
- Synergy of crime science and security engineering
- Synergy on quon language
- SynFlowNet: Design of Synthesisable Molecules with GFlowNets
- Synopsys Processor Designer - Introduction and demonstration
- Synovial Fluid Lubrication of Artificial Joints
- Syntactic Borrowing and the News Media: A Study of French Agency Dispatches
- Syntactic change and information structure
- Syntactic Change in Postcolonial Englishes: Substrates and Input
- Syntactic developments in Irish non-finite complementation
- Syntactic Foundations for Machine Learning
- Syntactic isoglosses in Greek dialects --discussion of Ralli (2006)
- Syntactic nuts, Core and Periphery, and Universal Grammar
- Syntactic restructuring of the locative system in siSwati: Variation and language contact
- Syntax and Handlers for Operations with Scopes
- Syntax and Semantics - another look, especially for dependent type theories
- Syntax graphs and substitution by pushout
- Syntax in C. elegans locomotion
- Syntax in the human brain
- Syntax Matters: Writing abstract computations in F#
- Syntax-semantics adjunctions
- Syntaxlab: 'A couple of dollars is like $10,$15, $20': Measure nouns and language change
- Synthesis and applications of mechanically chiral molecules
- Synthesis and assembly of atomically thin TMDs for energy conversion and energy storage
- Synthesis and bioevaluation of Resveralogues: a multidimensional approach to anti-degeneratives
- Synthesis and Isolation of cucurbit[n]uril: a supramolecular host
- Synthesis and potential chiral catalytic application of nanoparticles from RAFT polymerised, optically active, amphiphilic diblock copolymers
- Synthesis from Components
- Synthesis from Temporal Specifications
- Synthesis modulo oracles
- Synthesis of Bridged Natural Products
- Synthesis of Chiral Bidentate Phosphorous Ligands in the Form of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP)
- Synthesis of Low Symmetry Responsive Materials from Nanoscale to Micro- and Macroscale
- Synthesis of Second-Order Equational Logic
- Synthesis RIG Graduate Symposium
- Synthesis RIG Postdoc Seminar
- Synthesis RIG Postdoc Seminar
- Synthesis United: Can reactive synthesis and syntax-guided synthesis be friends? - Mark Santolucito
- Synthesis United: Linear Temporal Logic: From Infinite to Finite Horizon
- Synthesis United: Boolean Functional Synthesis: Some Recent Advances
- Synthesis United: Live Synthesis
- Synthesis United: Reactive Synthesis modulo Theories Benedikt Maderbacher
- Synthesising Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-Cell Gene Expression Data
- Synthesising Model Projections of Future Climate Change
- Synthesising Molecular Function: Shape Matters
- Synthesising Provably Correct Controllers for Manufacturing
- Synthesizing Accelerators for FPGAs the Functional Way
- Synthesizing Expressions using Facial Feature Point Tracking: How Emotion is Conveyed
- Synthetic Biology
- Synthetic biology - TBC
- Synthetic biology approaches to new chemistry
- Synthetic biology for regenerative medicine
- Synthetic Biology Seminar Michaelmas 2015
- Synthetic Biology: DNA version 2.0
- Synthetic biology: from bacteria to stem cells
- Synthetic Biology: Making Artificial Life?
- Synthetic Biology: New Technologies and Sustainable Solutions
- Synthetic Cellularity via Protocell Design of Soft Matter Interfaces
- Synthetic Chemistry For A New Palette Of Functional Materials
- Synthetic control of peptide and protein architectures
- Synthetic Data
- Synthetic data - more questions than answers
- Synthetic Data as a Method for Protecting Confidentiality
- Synthetic Difference in Differences
- Synthetic Differential Geometry - A Small Overview Reloaded
- Synthetic Differential Geometry - An Overview
- Synthetic differentiation of species
- Synthetic ex utero embryogenesis: from naive pluripotent stem cells to human and mouse bona fide embryo-models
- Synthetic genetic polymers
- Synthetic Genetics Beyond DNA and RNA
- Synthetic ligands for the interception of bacterial communication – New languages, new outcomes
- Synthetic magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms
- Synthetic Methodology Emerging from Activation of Si-H and B-H Bonds
- Synthetic Molecular Systems (th)at Work
- Synthetic Peptides for DNA and Protein recognition
- Synthetic Polymers as Biological Probes and Therapeutics and Particles and Biological Barriers
- Synthetic Probes for live-cell imaging
- Synthetic RIG Graduate Symposium
- Synthetic Spatial Patterning Using Two-Channel Quorum-Sensing Signalling
- Synthetic Strategies toward Fluorosulfurylation of Organic Molecules and Lewis- Acid Catalyzed Sulfur-Fluoride Exchange (SuFEx)
- Synthetic structures and machines from DNA
- Synthetic topology in Homotopy Type Theory for probabilistic programming
- Synthetic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry in the Smith Group at the University of Pennsylvania
- Synthetics with Digital Humans
- Syntomic cohomology of ring spectra
- Syntomic complexes of regular schemes
- Syria and the Sons of Kerbala: Critically comparing the Syrian policies of Hezbollah and the Sadrist Movement
- Syria series: Humanitarianism, state sovereignty and authoritarian regime maintenance in the Syria conflict.
- Syria stories: narratives from the front line: seminar and book launch
- Syria: Doctors Within, Without, and Beyond Borders
- Syria: where to now?
- Syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
- System Conditioning vs Explicit Bayes Inference, and Collaborative LDA
- System identification and model-based control of two-dimensional cavity oscillations
- System Identification for Quantum Linear Systems
- System Identification of Neuronal Behaviors
- System identification under limited access with minimal pre-knowledge
- System Modeling and Dynamic Reconfiguration in Xilinx Research
- System modelling using post-it notes
- System modelling using post-it notes
- System Performance in Geotechnical Engineering: Concept, Methodology and Applications
- System Tests from Unit Tests
- System-level analysis of salmonella metabolism during infection
- System-Level Management of Hybrid Accelerators
- System-wide risk and systemic importance: an incomplete review of metrics and data
- Systematic Analysis of Genetic Interaction of Escherichia coli
- Systematic analysis of medieval manuscripts using X-ray Fluorescence and multivariate techniques
- Systematic anti-cancer therapy
- Systematic anti-cancer therapy
- Systematic approaches to the design and modelling of plant growth
- Systematic cell biology - Moving beyond text-book schemes
- Systematic development of small molecules against Aβ aggregation
- Systematic discovery of ORFs in ~700 human viruses using massively parallel ribosome profiling
- Systematic dissection of the molecular and neural basis of behaviour
- Systematic improvement of molecular excited state calculations by inclusion of nuclear quantum motion
- Systematic inducement of sparsity
- Systematic literature review strategies and tools
- Systematic Literature Reviews (Part 1) and Academic literature and reviews - ways to cheat the system (Part 2)
- Systematic prediction of new second-order organic nonlinear optical materials
- Systematic Rateless Coding for Efficient Data Transport in Data Centres
- Systematic Rateless Coding for Efficient Data Transport in Data Centres
- Systematic review of the use of stepped wedge cluster randomized trials
- Systematic reviews - how to check you're doing all the things, and how the library can help.
- Systematic Search For Singularities in 3D Navier-Stokes Flows
- Systematic strategies for proteome mining and antimicrobial discovery
- Systematic Strategies for Stochastic Climate Modeling
- Systematic Testing for Dynamically Updatable Software
- Systematics, homology and speciation in time and space.
- Systemic anti-cancer therapy
- Systemic Anticancer Therapy
- Systemic anticancer therapy
- Systemic Availability and Connectivity in Hard Terrain Environments
- Systemic Cancer Therapy with Oncolytic Adenovirus
- Systemic Design (or Building Toys) in Games
- Systemic α-synuclein injection triggers the selective pathology of Parkinson’s disease
- Systemic Risk and Centralized Clearing of OTC Derivatives: A Network Approach
- Systemic risk in derivatives markets: a pilot study using CDS data
- Systemic Risk in Ecological and Financial Systems: Early Warnings?
- Systemic Risk in Ecological and Financial Systems: Early Warnings?
- Systemic risk in large claims insurance markets with bipartite graph structure
- Systemic Risk Modelling through SDEs in an Inhomogeneous Network
- Systemic risk through contagion in a core-periphery structured banking network
- Systemic Risk, Macroprudential Supervision and Regulation
- Systemic risk: a challenge for mathematical modelling
- Systemic Risk: Models and Mechanisms
- Systems Analysis in Single Cells
- Systems analysis of lateral root development: an emerging story…
- Systems and control challenges in model-based reservoir engineering
- Systems and networking research at MSR Cambridge
- Systems approach to healthcare design and delivery: The evidence-base
- Systems Approaches to Health Workshop
- Systems approaches to understanding transcriptional regulation
- Systems approaches towards understanding temperature signalling in plants
- Systems approaches towards understanding temperature signalling in plants
- Systems approaches towards understanding temperature signalling in plants
- Systems Based on Set Theory
- Systems Biology And Clinical Medicine
- Systems biology of angiogenesis in ischemic diseases
- Systems Biology of Cancer
- Systems biology of phototaxis in marine zooplankton and origin of the proto-eye
- Systems biology of stem cell fate
- Systems biology view of mutualistic interactions
- Systems Biology, a science in flux
- Systems Biology: from models (and model organisms) to medicines
- Systems Cardiology of Heart Failure
- Systems Cardiology of Heart Failure
- Systems chemistry – Teaching simple molecules to do complex things
- Systems for Big Data Applications: Revolutionising personal computing
- Systems for Big Data Applications:Revolutionising personal computing
- Systems immunology and variation in the human immune system
- Systems in Science
- Systems Innovation, Inertia and Pliability: A mathematical exploration with implications for climate change abatement
- Systems medicine, health research utilizing electronic health records and omics in various combinations: mortality, CVD, physical fitness and ABO.
- Systems Modelling and Simulation: ARENA® vs. SIMIO® With Examples
- Systems of forms of the same degree
- Systems of points with Coulomb interactions.
- Systems Pathobiology and Personalized Cardiovascular Medicine
- Systems Software for The Machine
- Systems support for deployed Ubiquitous Computing
- Systems, Science and FreeBSD
- Systems, synonyms and strife – the making of European entomology around 1800
- Systems-based, quantitative analyses of genomic function and variation.
- SZ effect with OCRA and AMiBA
- S_5 Galois extensions of totally real fields and automorphy