University of Cambridge > > Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series > Towards better interoceptive biomarkers in computational psychiatry

Towards better interoceptive biomarkers in computational psychiatry

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Muzaffer Kaser.

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Empirical evidence and theoretical models both increasingly emphasize the importance of interoceptive processing in mental health. Indeed, many mood and psychiatric disorders involve disturbances of feelings and/or beliefs about the visceral body. However, current methods to measure interoceptive ability are limited in a number of ways, limiting the utility and interpretation of interoceptive biomarkers in psychiatry. I will present some newly developed measures and models which aim to improve our understanding of disordered brain-body interaction in psychiatric illnesses.

This talk is part of the Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series series.

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