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Twisted holography in AdS3/CFT2

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TWTW01 - Twistors in Geometry & Physics

We will explore twisted holography in the context of classical examples of AdS/CFT, namely AdS3 x S3 x T^4 and AdS3 x S3 x K3. We will introduce the twisted dual pair and sketch some basic sanity checks of the duality. Then, we will explain how the technique of Koszul duality applied to twisted holography can be used to completely determine the planar 1/4-BPS 2 and 3-point functions analytically. Unlike in most examples of Koszul duality computations, even planar computations require the evaluation of (holomorphic) integrals, to perturbatively account for the backreaction from flat space to AdS space, although miraculously this truncates to only three diagrams as N goes to infinity. 1/4-BPS states in AdS3/CFT2 furnish a chiral algebra in the twisted duality, so this computation boils down to the extraction of planar chiral algebra OPEs.  

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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