University of Cambridge > > LGBT+ Newnham > Transness


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We will be hosting Christoffer Koch Andersen to give this talk and lead a discussion. He will talk about his life and research into algorithms and trans identities and then they will open up to the floor for questions and discussions.

Accessibility information:

There is lift and wheelchair access to the Lucia Windsor Room. Seating will be provided. There are accessible and gender neutral toilets available. There isn’t a hearing loop or a BSL interpreter.

Open to any students and staff at Cambridge or ARU .

Christoffer Koch Andersen (he/they) is a Danish trans scholar, activist, and incoming PhD Student in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies and Cambridge Trust International Scholar at the University of Cambridge investigating AI, algorithmic violence, and trans liveability. Before embarking their PhD, Christoffer completed an MPhil in Education (Knowledge, Power & Politics) at the University of Cambridge and wrote a dissertation on algorithmic violence and trans lives to envision a Digital Transgender Epistemology towards intersectional algorithmic futures. This dissertation received a Distinction and won Best Dissertation Award. Broadly, Christoffer researches the historical and sociopolitical implications of algorithms, gender and their connected legacies of capitalist, racialised, colonialist, and cisheteronormative power using critical sociology, feminist technoscience and STS , gender studies, digital humanities, archival and community methods. Additionally, Christoffer engages in trans activism and teaches on everything feminist AI and tech, trans politics and digital resistance.

This talk is part of the LGBT+ Newnham series.

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