University of Cambridge > > EMBL-EBI Science and Society Programme > The Personal Genome: Hopes, Facts, and Fears

The Personal Genome: Hopes, Facts, and Fears

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Gregory Jordan.

The EMBL -EBI Science and Society Initiative is proud to present a half-day minisymposium, aimed towards nonspecialists, on the subject of the personal genome.

Recent advances in genomic sequencing technology have quickly brought the idea of the personal genome—a copy of one’s complete genetic blueprints—to the forefront of scientific and cultural thought.

This advent of personal genomics will confront us with many questions about the relationship between science and society. How will these advances affect us as scientists; as thinkers; as citizens?

With a series of engaging lectures followed by an open panel discussion, this half-day meeting will help facilitate a first conversation between scientists, social scientists, and the general public on this important and timely matter.

This event is free and open to all. You may register at the door, or pre-register online by visiting the minisymposium website:

For more information on the EMBL Science and Society initiative, please visit the following:

This talk is part of the EMBL-EBI Science and Society Programme series.

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