Venues starting with T
- T001 Dept Materials Science and Metallurgy
- T001 Materials Science
- T001 [Tower Seminar Room], Materials Science and Metallurgy, Department of
- T001, Austin Building
- T001, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
- T001, Materials Science and Metallurgy, Department of
- Talk and Networking Reception: The Webb Library, Jesus College, Cambridge University
- Talk Cancelled
- Talk: The Webb Library, Jesus College, Cambridge University
- Talks are run virtually on Zoom. Please register vie the link above.
- Talks in Fellows' Dining Room, Recitals in Music Centre, Churchill College
- Taormina, Sicily, Italy
- tba
- TBA, Alison Richard Building, Sidgwick Site, 7 West Rd, CB3 9DT
- TBA, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- TBA, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB
- TBA, IoA
- tba.
- TBC (Department of Geography)
- TBC (in-person)
- TBC (see www.cuid.org)
- TBC - JDB Seminar room, CUED or Online - Teams. Please email div-c@eng.cam.ac.uk for the link
- TBC - JDB Teaching room, CUED or Online - Teams. Please email div-c@eng.cam.ac.uk for the link
- TBC - probably SS03, Computer Laboratory
- tbc but within the Physiology building - https://www.pdn.cam.ac.uk/about-us/map-and-directions
- tbc Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- TBC David Attenborough Building, New Museums Site, Pembroke St., Cambridge, CB2 3QZ
- TBC Faculty of Education, 184, Hills Road
- TBC Heart Lung Research Institute Seminar Room, Biomedical Campus Cambridge
- TBC HLRI Seminar Room
- tbc Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
- TBC West Cambridge
- TBC, Alison Richard Building, Sidgwick Site, 7 West Rd, CB3 9DT
- TBC, Cambridge
- tbc, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- TBC, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- TBC, Churchill College
- TBC, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB
- TBC, Computer Laboratory
- TBC, Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building
- TBC, Department of Psychology, Downing Site
- TBC, Donald McIntyre Building, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ
- TBC, Pembroke
- TBC, possibly Pavilion C common room
- TBC, time TBC as well
- TBC, University of Cambidge
- TBD - central Cambridge
- TBD - maybe maths dept
- TBD, Computer Laboratory
- TCM - Seminar Room (room 530), Bragg Building, Cavendish Laboratory.
- TCM Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory
- TCM Seminar Room
- TCM Seminar room (530), Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- TCM Seminar Room (530)
- TCM Seminar Room (530), Cavendish Laboratory
- TCM Seminar Room (530), Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- TCM Seminar Room - Cavendish Laboratory
- TCM Seminar Room - Cavendish Laboratory & on Zoom: tinyurl.com/domzum
- TCM Seminar room, 530 Mott
- TCM Seminar room, 530 Mott building
- TCM Seminar Room, Cavendish Lab., JJ Thomson Ave.,Cambridge CB3 OHE
- TCM Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory
- TCM Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- TCM Seminar room, Mott building
- TCM Seminar Room, Mott Building Room 530, Cavendish Laboratory
- TCM Seminar Room, Mott Building, Cavendish Laboratory
- TCM Virtual Seminar Room
- TCS, Churchill College
- Tea Room
- Tea Room, Department of Sociology, Free School Lane
- Tea Room, Department of Zoology
- Tea Room, Gurdon Institute
- Tea Room, Madingley Rise House, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ
- Tea Room, Old House
- Tea Room, The Gurdon Institute, Tennis Court Road
- Teaching Room (James Dyson Building)
- Teaching Room 1, Old Divinity School, St John’s College
- Teaching Room 1, Old Divinity School, St John's College
- Teaching Room 1, Old Divinity School, St. John's Street. CB2 1TP
- Teaching room 2, Old Divinity School, St Johns College
- Teaching Room JDB, Department of Engineering
- Teaching Room, James Dyson Building, Dept of Engineering, University of Cambridge
- Teaching Room, Oldham Hall, Lucy Cavendish College
- Teams
- Teams - the link will be sent on the day. Please register at https://bit.ly/CCAFR19Nov
- Teams - the link will be sent on the day. Please register at https://bit.ly/Empathy_during_infancy
- Teams Livestream
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Teams Livestream & Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre
- Tearoom, Gurdon Institute
- Telecommunications Room
- Templewood School, Welwyn Garden City
- Temporary Exhibition Gallery, Murray Edwards College
- Temporary Exhibitions Space, Murray Edwards College
- Tennis Court Road, Level 3
- Teri Aki, 6 -8 Quayside Cambridge CB5 8AB
- Terrace Room at Trinity Hall
- Test
- test 4 - Ryle
- Test Venue 7
- test, Air Squadron, University
- Test6
- The Alexandra Arms, Cambridge
- The Alice Fisher Lecture Theatre (Addenbrooke's Hospital - Block S)
- The Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT
- The Alison Shrubsole Room, Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ
- The Anchor
- The Anchor (bottom floor), Silver Street, Cambridge.
- The Anchor, Silver Street, Cambridge.
- The Armitage Room, Queens' College
- The Arthur Goodhart Lecture
- The Arthur Goodhart Lecture Theatre (LG19), Faculty of Law
- The Arts Centre, Stamford (hosted by the Stamford Civic Society)
- The Arts Picturehouse
- The Auditorium, 21 Station Rd
- The Auditorium, Fitzwilliam College
- The Auditorium, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge CB3 0DG
- The Auditorium, Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ
- The Auditorium, Pembroke College
- The Avery Pub, Regent Street, Cambridge
- The Babbage Lecture Theatre
- The Babbage Lecture Theatre - New Museums Site Pembroke Street , Cambridge, CB2 3QZ
- The Babbage Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QZ
- The Babraham Institute - Brian Heap Seminar Room
- The Babraham Institute - The Brian Heap Seminar Room
- The Babraham Institute Conference Centre
- The Babraham Institute, Babraham Research Campus
- The Bamford Room, Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PH
- The Bar, Queens' College (note change of venue)
- The Barry Cross Conference Centre, Babraham Research Campus
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Bathhouse
- The Bentley Room, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- The Beves Room, King's College, Cambridge
- The Biffin Lecture Theatre
- The BioPark, Broadwater Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL78 3AX, UK
- The BioPark, Hertfordshire, AL78 3AX, UK
- The BioPark, Hertfordshire,AL7 3AX UK
- The Blue Room, The Cambridge Union Society
- The Blythe Room, Clare Colony
- The Board Room, 1st floor, English Faculty (Sidgwick site), 9 West Road, Cambridge CB3
- The Boardroom, Dept. of Engineering, Trumpington Street, CB2 1PZ
- The Bradfield Centre, 184 Cambridge Science Park Road, Cambridge, CB4 0GA
- The Brian Heap Seminar Room
- The British Antarctic Survey Conference Room
- The Bun Shop (downstairs), King Street, Cambridge
- The Café Project, 22 Jesus Lane, CB5 8BQ (nr. the ADC)
- The Cafe Project, 22 Jesus lane
- The Cambridge Computing Centre, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QH
- The Cambridge Tap
- The Cambridge Union
- The Cambridge Union (9a Bridge Street - see http://tinyurl.com/3c7hf8)
- The Cambridge Union (9a Bridge Street - see http://www.cus.org/about/where-find-us)
- The Cambridge Union Society, 9a Bridge Street, Cambridge, CB2 1UB
- The Cambridge Union Society, 9a Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UB
- The Cambridge/Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for Children’s Literature
- The Castle Inn (moved due to strike action)
- The Castle Inn, 38 Castle St, Cambridge, CB3 0AJ (first floor)
- The Castle Inn, Castle Hill, Cambridge
- The Cavonius Centre, Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge
- The Cavonius Centre, Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge.
- The Centre for Computing History, Rene Court, Coldham's Road, CB1 3EW
- The Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- The Chadwick, Selwyn College, Unviersity of Cambridge
- The Chapel at Churchill College, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Storey’s Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DE, UK
- The Chapel Churchill College, Storey’s Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS
- The Classroom, Department of Architecture (1st floor yellow stairs) or livestreamed at tinyurl.com/speladz
- The Club Room, Churchill College
- The Committee Room, Bragg Building, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- The Committee Room, The Bragg Building, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
- The Conference Centre, The Babraham Institute
- The Courtyard, William Gates Building
- The Crausaz Wordsworth Building, Robinson College, Adams Road, CB3 9AD
- The Crick Auditorium, Wellcome Trust Campus, Hinxton
- The Cripps Auditorium, Cripps Court, Chesterton Rd, Cambridge
- The Cripps Auditorium, Cripps Court, Chesterton Rd, Cambridge, CB4 3AD
- The Darwin Room, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- The Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge Lensfield Road, Cambridge
- The Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lecture Theatre 2
- The Diamond, Selwyn College, Cambridge, CB3 9DQ
- The Divinity School, St John’s College, All Saints Passage, CB2 1TP
- The Divinity School, St. John's College
- The Divinity School, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge
- The Eagle Pub, 8 Benet Street
- The Eagle, Benet Street, CB2 3QN
- The Elton-Bowring Room, Gillespie Centre, Memorial Court, Clare College, Queens Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AJ
- The Emperor
- The Emperor Pub, Cambridge
- The Erasmus Room, Queens' College
- The Espresso Library, 210 East Rd Cambridge, CB1 1BG
- The Faculty of Architecture and History of Art, LR1
- The Fisher Building, St. John's College
- The Fitzwilliam Museum
- The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
- The Fitzwilliam Museum, Seminar Room
- The Fitzwilliam Museum/Gonville & Caius, Stephen Hawking Building
- The Fitzwilliam Museum/Gonville & Caius, Stephen Hawking Building
- The Fort St George pub, Midsummer Common, CB4 1HA
- The Fountain Inn, 12 Regent Street, CB2 1DB, Cambridge.
- The Frankopan Hall, Jesus College, Cambridge
- The Gallery, Building 38, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL
- The Gallery, CMRI (Cranfield Management Research Institute), Building 38, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL
- The Gallery, CMRI, Building 38, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL
- The Garden Room
- The Garden Room, Ground Floor, new Library Building
- The Garden Room, Library Building, St Edmund's College
- The Garden Room, Library Building, St. Edmund's College
- The Garden Room, St Edmund's College
- The Garden Room, St. Edmund's College
- The Gatsby Room, Wolfson College
- The Gilmour Building , C U Botanic Garden. The entrance is via the drive next to 47 Bateman Street, St Mary's Sixth Form College, NOT through the main gate.
- The Gilmour Building of the Botanic Garden. The entrance is via the drive next to 47 Bateman Street, St Mary's Sixth Form College, NOT through the main gate.
- The Goodman Centre
- The Gordon Cameron Lecture Theatre, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, CB3 0DG
- The Graduate Union
- The Graham Storey Room, Trinity Hall
- The Grain & Hop Store, 69 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AB
- The Grain & Hop Store, 69 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AB
- The Great Hall, King's College
- The Guildhall, Market Square
- The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, UK
- The Gurdon Institute
- The Gurdon Institute, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1QN
- The Hammersmith Hospital, London,W12 0HS
- The Hardwick Room, The Babraham Institute
- The Hauser Forum, 3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0GT
- The Hauser Forum, Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge
- The Hauser Forum, Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0GT
- The Hauser Forum, The Entrepreneurship Centre, 3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0GT
- The Henry Cavendish Room, Peterhouse
- The Hicks Room, University Centre, Granta Place.
- The History of Art Graduate Centre - 4a Trumpington Street
- The History of Art Graduate Centre - 4a Trumpington Street (above Hot Numbers coffee shop)
- The History of Art Graduate Centre - 4a Trumpington Street (to the left of Martins coffeeshop)
- The Hodgkin Huxley Seminar Room, Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience
- The Hodgkin-Huxley Seminar Room, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
- The Hodgkin-Huxley Seminar Room, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (Physiology Building)
- The Howard Theatre, Downing College
- The Howard Theatre, Downing College, Cambridge
- The Howard Theatre, Lecture Theatre, Downing College
- The Hoyle Lecture Theatre (sign-up needed) + Zoom - Details will be sent by email
- The Hoyle Lecture Theatre (sign-up needed) + Zoom - Details will be sent by email.
- The Hoyle Lecture Theatre (sign-up required) + Zoom
- The Hoyle Lecture Theatre + Zoom
- The Hoyle Lecture Theatre + Zoom (details will be sent by email)
- The Hoyle Lecture Theatre and Zoom
- The Humanitarian Centre office in Emmanuel United Reformed Church
- The Humanitarian Centre, 3rd floor, Emmanuel United Reformed Church, 72 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1RR
- The Humanitarian Centre, Fenner's, Gresham Rd, CB1 2ES
- The Humanitarian Centre, Fenner’s, Gresham Road, CB1 2ES
- the Jean Thomas Lecture Theatre at the Sanger Building
- The Judge Business School (JBS)
- The Judge Business School (JBS) W2.02
- The Keynes Lecture Theatre, King's College Cambridge
- The Keynes Lecture Theatre, King's College, Cambridge
- The Keynes Lecture Theatre, King’s College, Cambridge
- The Keynes Lecture Theatre, Kings College, Cambridge
- The Knights' Room, Westcott House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BP
- The Knights' Room, Westcott House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BP (Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ub3Zh65RjEn)
- The Knights' Room, Westcott House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BP.
- The Knox Shaw Room, Sidney Sussex College
- The Lecture Room, Department of Architecture
- The Lecture Theatre, the Møller Centre, Churchill College (Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DE)
- The Lecture Theatre, West Court, Jesus College
- The Lee Hall, Wolfson College
- The Leverhulme Centre, The Henry Wellcome Building, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge
- The Lightfoot Room, Divinity School, St John’s College, St John’s Street, Cambridge CB2 1TP
- The Lightfoot Room, Divinity School, St John’s College, St John’s Street, Cambridge CB2 1TP and ZOOM
- The Lightfoot Room, Divinity School, St Johns
- The link will be sent to everyone on the seminar mailing list. To subscribe, please visit https://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/event-series/african-economic-history
- The Long Room, Murray Edwards College
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lord Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University East Road<br /> CB1 1PT Cambridge United Kingdom
- The Lubbock Room, Peterhouse
- The Main Lecture Theatre, Divinity School, St John's College, Cambridge, CB2 1 TP
- The Main Physiology Lecture Theatre, Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience
- the Marshall Room, Faculty of Economics, Sidgwick Site
- The Martin Cohen Lecture Theatre, Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute, The Lee Ka Shing Centre Cambridge Biomedical Campus (Addenbrooke's Site) Robinson Way
- The Martin Cohen Lecture Theatre, CRUK, Cambridge Research Institute, Cambridge
- The Max Perutz Lecture Theatre, LMB
- The Max Perutz Lecture Theatre, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QH
- The Max Perutz Lecture Theatre, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge CB2 0QH
- The Maxwell Centre, Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge, CB3 0HE
- The Maxwell Centre, Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Avenue, CB3 0HE
- The Maxwell Lecture Theatre
- The Maypole
- The Maypole (upper floor), Portugal Place, Cambridge
- The Maypole Pub (upstairs), Portugal Place, Cambridge CB5 8AF
- The Møller Centre | Storey’s Way, | Cambridge |CB3 0DS
- The Møller Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 0DE
- The Møller Centre, Storey's Way, Cambridge
- The Møller Institute - Churchill College, University of Cambridge
- The McCrum Lecture Theatre
- The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
- The McGrath Centre, St Catharine's College
- The McGrath Centre, St Catharine's College, Cambridge
- The McGrath Centre, St Catharine's College, Cambridge, CB3 9DA
- The McGrath Centre, St Catharine’s College, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- The McGrath Centre, St Catherine’s College, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- The Meade Room (1st floor of the Marshall Library)
- the Meade room (which is located on the first floor of the >Marshall Library, Faculty of Economics
- the Meade room (which is located on the first floor of the >Marshall Library, Faculty of Economics
- The Meeting Room, Clare Hall College, Herschel Road
- The Meeting Room, Clare Hall College, Herschel Road, Cambridge CB3 9AL
- The Meridian Office, 54 Sidney Street
- The Michaelhouse Centre, Trinity Street
- The Michaelhouse, Trinity Street
- The Moller Centre, Storey's Way, Cambridge
- The Mond Building Seminar Room, Centre of African Studies
- The Mond Building Seminar Room, Centre of African Studies, New Museums Site
- the moon
- The Music Room, Downing College, Cambridge
- The Music Room, Downing College, Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1DQ
- The Newton Room, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- the Nick Mackintosh Seminar Room in the Department of Psychology on the Downing Site:
- The Nightingale Room, Peterhouse
- The Octagon, Wesley Methodist Church, Christ's Peices
- The Octagon, Wesley Methodist Church, Christ's Pieces
- The Old Combination Room, Trinity College CB2 1TQ
- The Old Combination Room, Trinity College, Cambridge
- The Old Divinity School, St John's College, All Saints' Passage
- The Old Divinity School, St John’s College
- The Old Kitchens, Queens College, Cambridge, CB3 9ET
- The Old Kitchens, Queens' College
- The Old Library Pembroke College Cambridge CB2 1RF
- The Old Library, Darwin College
- The Old Library, Darwin College Cambridge, Silver St, Cambridge CB3 9EU
- The Old Library, Darwin College, Cambridge
- The Old Library, Emmanuel College
- The Old Library, Emmanuel College, St Andrew's Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
- The Old Library, Pembroke College
- The Old Library, Pembroke College, Cambridge CB2 1RF; Zoom
- The Old Library, Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB2 1RF
- The Old Music Room, St Johns College
- The Open University in the East of England, Cintra House, 12 Hills Road
- The Open University in the East of England, Hills Road
- The Orchard Suite, Cambridge City Hotel, Downing Street, Cambridge
- The Oriel Room, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge
- The Palmerston Room, Fisher Building, St John's College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP
- The Panton Arms Pub
- The Parlour | Magdalene College
- The Parlour, Madgalene College, Cambridge
- The Parlour, Magdalene College
- The Parlour, Peterhouse
- The Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall
- The Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall, Wollaston Rd, Cambridge CB1 2EW
- The Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall, Wollaston Rd, Cambridge, CB1 2EW
- The Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall;
- The Penridge Suite, 470 Bowes Road, London N11 1NL
- The Penridge Suite, 470 Bowes Road, London, N11 1NL
- The Penridge Suite,470 Bowes Road,London
- The Phanton Arms, 43 Panton St., Cambridge, CB2 1HL
- The Physiology Lecture Theatre, Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience
- The Physiology Lecture Theatre, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
- The Physiology Main Lecture Theatre, Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience
- The Pickerel Inn (moved due to strike action)
- The Pitt Building Trumpington Street CB2 1RP
- The Pitt Building Trumpington Street CB21RP
- The Pitt Building, Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1RP
- The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street
- The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP
- The Plant Science Lecture Theatre on Downing Site (www.scisoc.com for directions)
- The Plant Science Lecture Theatre on Downing Site (www.scisoc.com for directions).
- The Plant Sciences Lecture Theatre at the Downing Site (www.scisoc.com for directions)
- The Polar Museum
- The Portland Arms
- The Postdoc Centre, Clifford Allbutt Building
- The Postdoc Centre, Clifford Allbutt Building, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
- The Queen's Building Lecture Theatre, Emmanuel College
- The Queen's Building Theatre, Emmanuel College, St Andrews Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AP
- The Ramsden Room, St Catharine's College
- The Ramsden Room, St Catherine's College
- The Richard King Room, Darwin College
- The Riley Auditorium, Clare College (in Gillespie Centre, Memorial Court)
- The Riley Auditorium, Clare College Memorial Court, Queens' Road, CB3 9AJ
- The Riley Auditorium, Memorial Court, Clare College
- The Riley Auditorium, The Gillespie Centre, Memorial Court Site, CLARE COLLEGE, Queen's Road (The Backs), Cambridge
- The Round Church, Bridge Street
- The Royal College of Pathologists, Watson & Crick Room , 2 Carlton House Terrace,London, SW1Y 5AF
- The Royal College of Pathologists, London, UK
- The Royal College of Pathologists,2 Carlton House Terrace,London, UK
- The Royal College of Pathologists,2 Carlton House Terrace,London,SW1Y 5AF
- The Royal Geographical Society
- The Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR
- The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AG
- The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG
- The Royal Society, London, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AG
- The Runcie Room, Faculty of Divinity, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9BS
- The Sackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7) Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Addenbrooke's Site
- The Sackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7) Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, CIMR, Addenbrooke's Site
- The Sackler Lecture Theatre (Level7), Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Addenbrooke's Site
- The Sackler Lecture Theatre (Level7), Wellcome Trust?MRC Building, Addenbrooke's Site
- The Sackler Lecture Theatre, Institute of Astronomy (Hoyle Building) Madingley Road, CB3 0HA
- The Sackler Lecture Theatre, Level 7, Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Addenbrooke's Site
- The Sage of Cambridge, 33A Milton Road Cambridge CB4 1UZ
- The Sainsbury Laboratory Auditorium
- The Sainsbury Laboratory Auditorium http://map.cam.ac.uk/Sainsbury+Laboratory
- The Sainsbury Laboratory Auditorium, off Bateman Street
- The Sainsbury Laboratory Board Room
- The Sainsbury Laboratory Theatre
- The Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge
- The Science Lecture Room at Hill’s Road Sixth Form College
- The Seminar Room, Physics of Medicine Building
- The Senior Parlour, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Senior Parlour, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Senior Parlour, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Senior Parlour, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
- The Senior Parlour, Magdalene College, Cambridge
- The Sir Brian Heap Room, Babraham Institute
- The Sir Brian Heap Room, The Babraham Institute
- The Six Bells Public House, High Street, Fulbourn
- The small lecture theatre, 21 Station Rd
- The Small Parlour, Peterhouse
- The Statistical Laboratory,Centre for Mathematical Sciences,Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB
- The Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Gunnels Wood Road, Hertfordshire
- The Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Hertfordshire, UK
- The Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Stevenage, UK
- The Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst,Gunnels Wood Road,Stevenage, SG1 2FX
- The Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst,Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK
- The Stone Yard Centre, St. Andrews Street Baptist Church (across from Emmanuel College)
- The Street, Computer Laboratory
- The Street, Donald McIntyre Building, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ
- The Syndicate Room, The Old Schools
- The talk will be held on Gathertown as part of the Sedgwick Club's annual conference. Please contact jac293@cam.ac.uk for details
- The talk will be held virtually over zoom. The link will be circulated to members via email, while non-members may contact jac293@cam.ac.uk for details
- The Talking Point at The Technology Partnership, Melbourn Science Park, Melbourn, SG8 6EE
- The Theatre, Peterhouse
- The Theatre, Peterhouse (with Zoom livestream)
- The Theatre, Peterhouse and livestreamed over Zoom
- The Theatre, Peterhouse College
- The Tower Room, Selwyn College, Grange Road, Cambridge CB3 9DQ
- The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road
- The Trinity Centre, Cambridge
- The Umney Theatre, Robinson College, Cambridge
- The University Arms Hotel, Cambridge
- The University Centre, Granta Place, Cambridge
- The Visitor Centre, Milton Country Park, Cambridge Road, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6AZ
- The Wellcome Trust Sanger Ins
- The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge
- The West Lodge, Downing College, Cambridge
- The Wilkins Room, Downing College
- The Wilkins Room, Downing College, Cambridge
- The Wilkins Room, Downing College, Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1DQ
- The William Collyn Community Centre, 9 Wellbrook Way, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0FW
- The William Harvey Lecture Theatre, School of Cinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Site
- The William Harvey Lecture Theatre, School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Site
- The Winstanley Lecture Hall, Trinity College, Cambridge
- The Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College, Cambridge
- The Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS
- The Woolf Institute, Wesley House, Jesus Lane, CB5 8BJ
- The Woolf Institute, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0UB
- The Yusuf Hamied Centre Theatre
- The Yusuf Hamied Theatre, Christ's College
- The Yusuf Hamied Theatre, Christ's College Cambridge
- The Yusuf Hamied Theatre, Christ's College, Cambridge
- Theatre, Christ’s College
- Theatre, Peterhouse
- Theatre, Peterhouse College
- Theo Chalmers Lecture Theatre (LT2) School of Clinical Medicine
- Theo Chalmers Lecture Theatre (LT2), School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
- Theo Chalmers Lecture Theatre , School of Clinical Medicine
- Thirkill Room, Clare College
- Thirkill Room, Clare College
- Thirkill Room, Old Court, Clare College
- This is an Online Event
- This meeting is online: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/271079684
- This meeting is online: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/742082644
- This seminar will be held in a hybrid format at MR 12, Centre of Mathematical Sciences, CB3 0WA. Alternatively you can also join with Zoom (see abstract for Zoom link).
- This seminar will be hosted on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83065421892
- This talk has been cancelled.
- This talk will be held as a webinar via Google Meet at https://meet.google.com/wqu-syhk-guu
- This talk will be held in a hybrid format at MR 2, Centre of Mathematical Sciences, CB3 0WA. Alternatively you can also join with Zoom (see abstract for Zoom link).
- This talk will be held in a hybrid format. The spearker will be presenting in person at MR 2, Centre of Mathematical Sciences, CB3 0WA. Alternatively you can also join with Zoom (see abstract for Zoom link).
- This talk will be held in a hybrid format. The spearker will be presenting in person at MR 2, Centre of Mathematical Sciences. Alternatively you can also join with ZOOM (see abstract for ZOOM link).
- This talk will happen virtually via Zoom
- This talk will happen virtually via Zoom (due to speaker location)
- This talk will happen virtually via Zoom. Zoom link is provided for Agriforwards CDT subscribers
- This will be a virtual seminar. FREE registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rc-2vpz4qHNxdJ4Cm4hyLEn4BVOG5YcIt
- Thomas and Dorothy Seminar Room, PHPC, Worts Causeway, Strangeways Research Laboratory
- Thomas and Dorothy Strangeways Room, Strangeways Research Laboratory
- Thomas and Dorothy Strangeways Room, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Wort’s Causeway, Cambridge, CB1 8RN
- Thomas and Dorothy Strangeways Room, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Wort’s Causeway, Cambridge, CB1 8RN.
- Thomas Gray Room, Pembroke College
- Thomas Gray Room, Pembroke College, Cambridge
- Thomas Lecture Theatre, Dept. of Biochemistry (Sanger)
- Thomas Lecture Theatre, Sanger Building
- Thomas Lecture theatre, Sanger Building, Tennis Court Road
- Thomas Strangeways Room, Strangeways Research Laboratory
- Thrikill Room, Clare College
- Tilley Lecture Theater, Department of Earth Sciences
- Tilley Lecture Theater, Department of Earth Sciences (can join via zoom; email bb614@cam.ac.uk for link)
- Tilley Lecture Theatre
- Tilley Lecture Theatre (+ Zoom)
- Tilley lecture theatre, Bullard
- Tilley Lecture Theatre, Department of Earth Sciences
- Tilley Lecture Theatre, Department of Earth Sciences, Downing Site
- Tilley Lecture Theatre, Department of Earth Sciences, Downing Street
- Tilley Lecture Theatre, Earth Sciences Department
- Tilley Lecture Theatre, Earth Sciences Department, Downing Site
- Tim Nickels Room, CUED
- Time and venue to be confirmed
- Time: 18th January, 2:30 pm (GMT) Title: “First a war then a dance: How sensory organs take shape” Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93089539591?pwd=Yy9NNW42SXF6dEk2R1A5bE02dG8vdz09
- Timi Hele Room, Emmanuel College
- Timmy Hele Room, Queen's Building, Emmanuel College
- tinyurl.com/artiukh
- tIVmNob01nWjhDSVo3Zz09
- Tizard Room, Churchill College
- TLB and BL labs
- to be advised
- To Be Announced
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed, Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building
- To be confirmed, Donald McIntyre Building, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ
- To be confirmed: Emmanuel College or via Zoom
- To Be Determined, Cavendish Laboratory
- To join the seminar, click this link: https://meet.google.com/anb-obog-oer Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 401-903-8046 and enter this PIN: 545 889 646#
- To register and receive zoom link: https://bit.ly/3vsnlNZ
- To register for the talk, follow this link https://bit.ly/CUSBS_M21_key
- To register for this link, please follow this link: https://forms.gle/5GCRb7HT8RUjJbvQA
- To register please sign up via zoom: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEufuGgqDorGNKIbAXM0oNMYhpy2Sdl_bQM
- To register, please click here: https://forms.gle/5GCRb7HT8RUjJbvQA
- To register, please use this link: https://forms.gle/E5rAVyaoMM4BbxKJ6
- Todd Hamid Room, Department of Chemistry
- Todd Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry
- Todd Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry
- Todd Hamied Room, Dept. of Chemistry
- Todd Hamied Room, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry
- Todd Hamied, Department of Chemistry
- Todd-Hamied meeting room, Department of Chemistry
- Todd-Hamied room
- Todd-Hamied Room (ticket only)
- Todd-Hamied room, Chemistry Department (and on zoom)
- Todd-Hamied Room, Chemistry Dept
- Todd-Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry
- Todd-Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge
- Todd-Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge and Teams
- Todd-Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge.
- Todd-Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge
- Tom ap Rees Lecture Theatre, Botany Building, Department of Plant Sciences, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EA
- Tom Ap Rees Room (Department of Plant Sciences CB2 3EA)
- Tom ap Rees Theatre, Plant Sciences
- Tom ap Rees, Department of Plant Sciences
- Tom ap Rhys Seminar Room, Department of Plant Sciences
- Tony Cooper Suite, Cottenham Village College
- town hall ilupeju
- TR1 Room, Department of Engineering , Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK
- Training Room 1, Block 14, Ida Darwin
- Training Room, Block 14, Ida Darwin Hospital
- Treasurer’s Room, Old Schools
- Trinity College
- Trinity College - Old Combination Room
- Trinity College - room B2 Great Court
- Trinity College Cambridge
- Trinity College Chapel, Trinity Street
- Trinity College JCR
- Trinity College Old Combination Room
- Trinity College punts, weather allowing - see "Abstract"
- Trinity College's Winstanley Lecture Hall
- Trinity College, Cambridge
- Trinity Hall
- Trinity Hall (CB2 1TJ), Lecture Theatre
- Trinity Hall College
- Trinity Hall Lecture Theatre
- Trinity Hall, Fellows Garden
- Trinity Hall, Lecture Theatre
- Trinity Hall, Leslie Stephen Room
- Trinity Hall, Trinity Lane
- Trinity House, London
- Trumpington House Room 3, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road
- Trumpington House, Faculty of Education, Room TH3
- Trumpington Pavilion, Paget Road, Cambridge CB2 9JF
- Trust Room, Fitzwilliam College
- TTP Melbourne Science Park, Hertforshire SG8 6EE
- TTP, Melbourn Science Park, Melbourn, SG8 6EE
- Tuesday 3rd June 4.00 - 5.30 p.m. in the New Faculty Building Room GS5.
- Turnstone Suite, Volac Park, (CambridgeRUFC) Grantchester Road (off Barton Road) Cambridge CB3 9ED www.cambridge.inner-space.org
- TV Room, Darwin College
- TV Screening Room, Darwin College
- TWI Granta Park Great Abingdon Cambridge CB21 6AL
- TWI, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL