Talks starting with K
- K(n)-local homotopy from a Galois theory perspective -1
- k-gonal loci in Severi varieties of curves on K3 surfaces and rational curves on hyperkahler manifolds
- K-moduli for log Fano complete intersections
- K-moduli of a family of conic bundle threefolds
- K-moduli of a family of conic bundle threefolds
- K-moduli of Fano threefolds and genus four curves
- K-moduli of Fano threefolds and genus four curves
- K-rings of moduli spaces of stable curves of genus 0
- K-stability and deformations of complex structures
- K-stability and infinite dimensional moment maps (Lecture 1)
- K-stability and infinite dimensional moment maps (Lecture 2)
- K-Stability and weighted K-stability
- k-String Tension from Eguchi-Kawai Reduction
- K-theory and motivic cohomology (including the Lichtenbaum conjecture for zetaF(1-2i)).
- K-theory and motivic cohomology - 1
- K-theory and motivic cohomology - 2
- K-theory and motivic cohomology - 3
- K-theory integral structures in quantum cohomology
- K-theory of cusps
- K-theory of division algebras over local fields
- K-theory, motivic cohomology, Chow groups I
- K.A.T.E.: Scaling personalised tech education for professionals
- K.C. Banerjee, 'world tourist': radical internationalism in late-colonial Asia
- K2P channel structure, function, and chemical biology: Driving a wedge into a cryptic modulatory site
- K2P channels in sensory transduction and neuromodulation
- K3 categories of cubic fourfolds
- K3 surfaces of genus 17
- K3 surfaces versus cubics
- K3 surfaces with non-symplectic involution and compact G2-manifolds
- K9db: Privacy-Compliant Storage For Web Applications By Construction
- Kac's process and the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation
- Kac-Moody algebras and the structure of cosmological singularities: BKL revisited
- Kac-Moody Fourier modes and BPS instantons in string theory
- Kac’s Model and Villani’s Conjecture
- Kadison's problem for type III subfactors
- Kaehler groups and CAT(0) cubic complexes
- Kafka and Samza: distributed stream processing in practice
- Kahler metrics and Killing-Yano forms in conformal geometry
- Kahler orbifolds with positive curvature
- Kahler-Einstein metrics and Geometric Invariant Theory
- Kahlerian K3 surfaces and Niemeier lattices
- Kaiser Wilhelm II and Norway
- Kakapo: The Conservation Biology of the World's Weirdest Parrot
- Kakeya maximal estimates via real algebraic geometry
- Kalman-Bucy filter and SPDEs with growing lower-order coefficients in W1p spaces without weights.
- Kaluza-Klein Reductions and AdS/CFT
- Kalwant Bhopal [gloknos lecture]
- KAM and Rigidity
- Kanagawa: How Wavefront Threading Enables Effective High-Level Synthesis
- Kant and Vattel in Context: Cosmopolitan Philosophy and Diplomatic Casuistry
- Kant on psychology as 'physiology of the inner sense'
- Kant on Rebellion and the Mere Idea of Popular Rule
- Kant's 'True Politics'
- KAO and SOFIA: observing the atmosphere of other planets from the air
- Kaon decay and neutral Kaon mixing within and beyond the Standard Model
- Kaplansky's conjectures
- Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus as a valuable model system for cancer biology research
- Karl Marx and the Cycles of American Capitalism
- Karl Marx and the Production Organism
- Karma
- Karol Bacik - Sand Dunes and Their Interactions Kasia Warburton - Glacial Squeegee: Tidal Effects on Subglacial Hydrology
- Karoubi envelopes, semifunctors, and the extensional lambda calculus
- Karoubi-Grothendieck-Witt spectra
- Kashiwara's Theorem for D-cap modules on rigid analytic spaces
- KAT on a Wire: A Foundation for Network Programming
- Katamaran and Universal Contracts: Formalizing, verifying and applying ISA security guarantees
- Kathleen Kent / The Heretic's Daughter
- Katie Field - Symbiotic options for the conquest of land
- Katie Field - Title to be confirmed
- Katie Gostic - University of Chicago
- Kato's congruences for Katz p-adic L-functions
- Katriona Shea (Penn State) - Harnessing multiple models for outbreak management
- Kavli Focus day: Early Universe
- Kavli Introductory Talk
- Kavli Introductory Talk
- Kavli Introductory Talk
- Kavli Introductory Talk
- Kavli Introductory Talk
- Kavli Introductory Talk
- Kavli Introductory Talks
- Kazakhstan’s Bid to Secure a Non-permanent Seat on the UN Security Council for 2017-18
- Kazantzakis the Cretan: versions of the Minoan past from the author of Zorba the Greek
- Kazhdan groups have cost 1
- Kazhdan--Lusztig cells and unipotent classes
- Kazhdan-Lusztig Positivity Conjectures - The Algebraic Viewpoint
- Kähler-Einstein potential on simple polytope
- KE Hub Presentation
- Keep Off The Grass: Locking the Right Path for Atomicity
- Keep the physics in the model if you can: Data assimilation in Fluid Mechanics
- Keep your enemies close: Distance bounding against smartcard relay attacks
- Keeping (eye)track(s) of multiple worlds
- Keeping a Good Lab Notebook
- Keeping Abreast Portrait Exhibition
- Keeping Abreast Portrait Exhibition
- Keeping authorities honest with verifiable append-only logs, and making backdoored software updates detectable
- Keeping axons alive after injury: Inhibiting programmed axon death
- Keeping axons alive: from mice, flies and fish to people
- Keeping in contact during collective cell migration
- Keeping positive: protein evolution and the tree of life
- Keeping the Glad Game Local: How Porter's 'Pollyanna' Critiques the American Missionary Movement
- Keeping the Lights on in 2050: how can we do it and how much will it cost?
- Keeping the skies alive with Swifts
- Keeping the World in Mind: Cultural Diversity in Music Education
- Keeping up the pressure
- Keeping values in sight:Reflection and evaluation tools from an arts organisation’s perspective
- Keeping while giving? Expectations of reciprocity among Arab donor states
- Keisler's order is not simple
- Keller Cones in Aeroacoustics
- Keller-Segel, fast-diffusion, and functional inequalities
- Kellerods and Kelasticas
- Kelvin transform and Fourier analysis for explicit reconstruction formulae in paleomagnetic context
- Kelvin transform and Fourier analysis for explicit reconstruction formulae in paleomagnetic context
- Kelvin's theorem and Hamilton-Jacobi fluid theory in gravitational wave astrophysics
- Ken Warwick: Industrial Policy - emerging issues and new trends
- Kendo taster & picnic
- Kendrew Lecture 2022: Chemogenetic and optogenetic technologies for probing molecular and cellular networks
- Kendrew Lecture 2023: Cryo-electron tomography or the power of seeing the whole picture
- Kendrew Lecture- Bacterial Quorum Sensing and its Control
- Kendrew Lecture- Illuminating biology at the nanoscale and systems scale by imaging
- Kendrew lecture- Post-translational regulation of cell signalling
- Kendrew Lecture-Electron cryo-microscopy
- Kendrew LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- Kenneth Sporne Lecture: Uncovering the drivers of complexity in vascular plants, new insights from fossils and genes
- Kenyan girls against the odds
- Kepler as chronologer
- Kepler circumbinary planets: Detection, formation, and dynamical evolution.
- Kepler orbits of settling discs
- Kepler Planets - retention and loss of their atmospheres
- Kepler's Temple of Urania in the light of Hebenstreit's Idyll
- Kepler, Galileo and Aliens
- Kepler, Newton and Numerical Analysis
- Kepler, the Architectures of Exoplanet Systems & Implications for Planet Formation
- Kernel Methods
- Kernel Methods: the Emergence of a Well-founded Machine Learning
- Kernel or execution model: a discussion session
- Kernel Ridge Regression Inference with Applications to Preference Data
- Kernel Thinning and Stein Thinning
- Kernel-based contrast functions for sufficient dimension reduction
- Kernels and weak factorisation systems
- Kernels for graph comparison
- Kernels for Sequentially Ordered Data
- Keronite
- Kerr-CFT and gravitational perturbations.
- Kettle's Yard Lunchtime Talk - "Laws of Motion in a Cartoon Landscape"
- Kettle's Yard Lunchtime Talk - artist James Dixon
- Kettle's Yard Lunchtime Talk - exhibition tour: Chewy Cosmos Thingly Time
- Kettle's Yard Lunchtime Talk - Naum Gabo in Britain
- Kettle's Yard Lunchtime Talk - The English Douanier: Wallis's Encounter with Nicholson and Wood
- keV Neutrino Model Building
- Kevin Brownlow: Adventures in Film History
- Kevin Wilson (Newcastle) - Uncertainty elicitation and quantification from experts
- Key amplification in unstructured networks
- Key Exchange: Security Models and Automatic Analysis
- Keynes and collecting Degas in Britain and Cambridge
- Keynes Lecture: 'Is this Time Different? Financial Follies across Centuries'
- Keynes, the Pope and the IMF
- Keynote - Overview of Programme and what Components of Landscape Systems need to be Represented in Models?
- Keynote - Overview of Programme and what Components of Landscape Systems need to be Represented in Models?
- Keynote lecture: Capillary bulldozing and viscously stable frictional fingers
- Keynote lecture: Elasto-plastic behavior of polyhedral particle packings
- Keynote Lecture: Giancarlo Corsetti on the Politics and Economics of the Euro Crisis
- Keynote lecture: Packing of Non-spherical and Deformable Particles
- Keynote lecture: Some new approaches to obtaining forces in DEM
- Keynote lecture: The phi-function technique for packing problems: mathematical modelling, optimization and applications
- Keynote lecture: Universal Laws of Packing Efficiency
- Keynote Speaker
- Keynote Speaker
- Keynote Speaker
- Keynote speaker - Building the Virtual Human Twin: from an engaged ecosystem to an incipient infrastructure
- Keynote speaker - Building the Virtual Human Twin: from an engaged ecosystem to an incipient infrastructure
- Keynote speaker - Computational Models of Cardiac Function – Closing the Gaps between Virtual and Physical Reality
- Keynote speaker - Computational Models of Cardiac Function – Closing the Gaps between Virtual and Physical Reality
- Keynote Talk: Dense Granular Flows Down Inclines
- Keynote Talk: The Dance of the Seven Veils: Privacy and its Discourses
- Keynote Talk: Yielding and microstructure in a 2D jammed material under shear deformation
- Khomeini's perplexed Pakistani men: importing and debating the Iranian Revolution
- Khovanov homology and knot detection
- Khovanov homology and knot Floer homology for pointed links
- Khovanov homotopy types
- Khovanov's diagram algebra and Grassmannians
- Khovanov-Rozansky homology and q,t Catalan numbers
- Khufu's Wadi el-Jarf Harbour on the Red Sea – Its Workers and Sailors
- Kick Off Meeting of the Cambridge RNA Club
- Kid-mediated anaphase chromosome compaction ensures proper nuclear envelope formation
- Kidney cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Kidney cancer: an introduction
- Kidney cancer: the most lethal urological malignancy
- Kidney cancer: the most lethal urological malignancy
- Kidney cancer: The most lethal urological malignancy
- Kidney cancer: The most lethal urological malignancy
- Kidney Transplantation
- Kids Today Have No Sense of Privacy?
- Kierkegaard & Copenhagen: From Genius in a Market-Town or Philosopher-Flâneur
- Kilim: Concurrency-Oriented Programming for Java
- Killing Machines: Studying Predation in the Fossil Record and Beyond
- Killing spinors and non-vacuum Chen-Teo metrics
- Killing tensors on complex projective space
- Killing two viruses with one Transposon: The doc transposable element mediates anti-viral function of genes
- Killing two viruses with one transposon: The doc transposable element mediates anti-viral function of genes
- Killip-Simon problem and Jacobi flow on GSMP matrices
- Kinds and degrees of (scientific) understanding
- Kinect: You Are The Controller - The Inside Story!
- Kinematic and seismic analysis of the breakup of the giant iceberg B15A at Cape Adare, Antarctica
- Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients as Fingerprints of Past Mergers in Elliptical Galaxies
- Kinematic Characterization of the First Galaxies
- Kinematic Flow and the emergence of time
- Kinematics and dynamics of molecular gas in high redshift quasars
- Kinematics and dynamics of self-gravitating protostellar discs
- Kinematics of disordered cellular systems
- Kinematics of galaxy bulges, disks, and ionised gas from 3D spectroscopy
- Kinematics of the Hellenic Subduction Zone from Earthquake Seismology and Field Observations
- Kinematics of the Milky Way disc from SEGUE
- Kinetic barriers in surfactant adsorption and desorption
- Kinetic challenges in solar energy conversion
- Kinetic description and connectivity of old and new models of flocking
- Kinetic effects in collisionless and turbulent space plasmas: 'in situ' data and Vlasov simulations
- Kinetic effects in non-collisional temperature and density gradients and the Biermann battery
- Kinetic energy choice in Hamiltonian/hybrid Monte Carlo
- Kinetic energy dissipation and the stability of stationary turbulent flows
- Kinetic equations and Markov jump processes
- Kinetic equations from stochastic dynamics in continuum
- Kinetic equilibria in collisionless magnetized accretion disk plasmas
- Kinetic Inverse Problems
- Kinetic magnetism of fermions in triangular lattices
- Kinetic measurements during the nucleation and growth of Si and Ge
- Kinetic models for opinion formation
- Kinetic models in wealth distribution II
- Kinetic Models of Dilute Polymers: Analysis, Approximation and Computation
- Kinetic Simulations of Imbalanced Turbulence in a Relativistic Plasma
- Kinetic theory for the low-density Lorentz gas (Common session with Probability Seminar)
- Kinetic theory representation for turbulence modeling and computation
- Kinetic theory representation for turbulence modeling and computation
- Kinetic transport in crystals and quasicrystals
- Kinetic turbulence: a nonlinear route to dissipation through phase space
- Kinetic wave equation for a nonlinear random matrix model
- Kinetic-fluid equations with a local alignment force
- Kinetically constrained spin models
- Kinetics and Pathways in Self-Assembly: Light Scattering and Theoretical Studies on Human Papillomavirus Capsids
- Kinetics of filamentous protein self-assembly
- Kinetics of Light-Induced Patterning in Liquid Crystal Elastomers (**joint talk with I-CAMP)
- Kinetics of Morphogen Gradient Formation
- KInfer and BetaWB: tools for supporting the modeling workflow of Biological Systems
- King Alfred and the Alfredian Renaissance
- King Kong in London, 1961: South African Jazz in a post-imperial imaginary
- King of the Middle East: Using Game Theory to understand the resilience of monarchy in Jordan
- King Rama X: The Thai Monarchy and Democracy
- King Solomon's Metallurgy: Early Iron Age (∽1200-800 BCE) Copper Production Technologies in Timna Valley (Israel)
- King's Sustainability Series: Economics and Climate Change
- King's Sustainability Series: Social Engagement for Sustainability
- Kingfishers Bridge Project
- Kingman's coalescent, non-parametric Bayesian agglomerative clustering
- Kingman's coalescent, non-parametric Bayesian agglomerative clustering, and ICML 2007
- Kings of the Mountain: Studies of extreme physiology with the Himalayan Sherpas - Dr A Murray
- Kingsley Martin Memorial Lecture, 2015-16: Three scenes from rural life: Cambridge to Colombo and back again, 1954 to 2016
- Kinking in Atomically Layered Solids
- Kinks with Long-range Tails
- Kinneyia, a fossil hydrodynamic instability
- Kinoteka: Polish Film Club presents "Seksmisja" (Cambridge Science Festival, "Reproduction on Film: Sex, Secrets and Lies")
- Kinship and sex-biased parental investment among the Mosuo of Southwest China
- Kirigami Engineering—Nanoscale Structures Exhibiting a Range of Controllable 3D Configurations
- Kirillov's orbit method and polynomiality of the faithful dimension of $p$-groups
- Kirk Lecture: Periodic waves, stability and modulations
- Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: The hidden landscape of localization
- Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture: The hidden landscape of localization
- Kirk Fellow Lecture: Three Character Archetypes in Energy Optimisation
- Kirk Lecture: A recent technology for Scientific Computing: the Virtual Element Method
- Kirk Lecture: A recent technology for Scientific Computing: the Virtual Element Method
- Kirk Lecture: Cluster Algebras and Many Related Notions on One Picture
- Kirk Lecture: Control of Water Waves by Metamaterial-Based Devices
- Kirk Lecture: Earth's Magnetic Field: Random Reversals, Stochastic Models, Physical Realities
- Kirk Lecture: Fourier, harmonic analysis, and spaces of homogeneous type
- Kirk Lecture: Fourier, harmonic analysis, and spaces of homogeneous type
- Kirk Lecture: Machine-Learning Enabled Imaging: From Microscopy to Medical Imaging to Astronomy
- Kirk Lecture: Uncertainty quantification for Bayesian inverse problems: efficient methods in the small noise regime
- Kirk Lecture: Bridging the Divide: from Matrix to Tensor algebra for Optimal Approximation and Compression
- Kirk Lecture: Data-driven modelling of collective cell motility
- Kirk Lecture: Nematic Liquid Crystals: where Mathematics meets Physics and Applications
- Kirk Public Lecture: An Ocean of Calculation. Episodes from the History of Indian Mathematics
- Kirk Public Lecture: Counting curves: which, how and why
- Kirk Public Lecture: Counting curves: which, how and why
- Kirk Public Lecture: Evading Newton’s third law to set patterns in motion
- Kirk Public Lecture: Managing bottlenecks using diffusion and reflection
- Kirk Public Lecture: Title TBC
- Kirsty Wayland Memorial Disability Lecture: Widening Access to Higher Education with Lecture Recordings
- Kirwan blow-ups and moduli spaces
- Kit Drummers and the Snowball Self: A socio-cultural-psychological perspective on identity and learning realisation
- Kite Power Systems
- Kiwi HLS (high-level synthesis) - C# programs with FPGA acceleration
- Kiwi Scientific Acceleration on FPGA
- kjkj
- KK-duality and quantum hyperbolicity
- KL control theory and decision making under uncertainty
- Klaatu barada nikto - Climate Change and other acts of Imagination
- Klebsiella pneumoniae gene essentiality and fitness during infections
- Klein four-slices of HF_2
- Kleisli Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
- Knee Joint Meniscus Mechanobiology
- Kneecap: model-based generation and analysis of network traffic
- Knersvlakte
- Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian
- Knitogami
- Knot concordance in homology spheres
- Knot contact homology and topological strings
- Knot Floer homologies
- Knot Floer homology and algebraic methods
- Knot homology and geometric representation theory
- Knot polynomial invariants in terms of helicity for tackling topology of fluid knots
- Knot Theory and DNA
- Knot theory and machine learning
- Knots and links from the Thompson groups
- Knots and links in fluid mechanics
- Knots and links of disclination lines in chiral nematic colloids
- Knots and Primes
- Knots and surfaces
- Knots and Vortices
- Knots confined to tubes in the simple cubic lattice
- Knots in light and fluids
- Knots, (extremal) A-polynomials, and BPS invariants
- Knots, 3-manifolds and gauge theories
- Knots, 3-manifolds and gauge theories
- Knots, Braids and Quantum Gravity
- Knots, minimal surfaces and J-holomorphic curves
- Knots: from the sailing boat down to the cell's nucleus illustrated by means of simple experiments
- Knotted and unknotted proteins: a comparative study (*)
- Knotted strings and leptonic flavor structure
- Knotted structures of light, gravitational radiation, and plasma
- Knotted surfaces in 4-manifolds and distances between them
- Knotted vortex tubes in the Euler equation
- Knotting of open chains, closed chains and proteins
- Know the Unknowns: Holistically Addressing Uncertainties and Disturbances in Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems
- Know thy Star, Know thy Prebiotic Chemistry
- Know Thyself: Journey of Self-Discovery
- Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em: Chaperoning SNARE assembly to control membrane fusion
- Knowing and understanding
- Knowing ‘the HIV gospel’: science, faith, and the art of survival in western Kenya
- Knowing Me, Knowing You
- Knowing numbers, counting men: paper technology and manpower in the eighteenth century
- Knowing their Place: domestic service in twentieth-century Britain
- Knowing what is real - mechanisms of reality discrimination
- Knowing your place: contrasting peasant landscapes within medieval manors
- Knowledge , curriculum , disciplines and social justice
- Knowledge Acquisition from Corpora and the Wisdom of Crowds
- Knowledge across Borders: The Early Communication of Evolutionism in China
- Knowledge and Technology in Late Ming China
- Knowledge Based Process Engineering: Hybrid Modelling of Industrial Fed-batch Processes
- Knowledge Beyond Discipline • Global Epistemics Book Series Launch
- Knowledge Democracy and Educational Action Research
- Knowledge Exchange at the Babraham Institute (Life Sciences Research for Lifelong Health)
- Knowledge Exchange: 'Nutrition Interventions and Community Development'
- Knowledge Exchange: Impact and Evaluation in International Development
- Knowledge exchange: What is it, who does it, and why do it?
- Knowledge gained and lessons learnt from the cryoEM of mitochondrial complex I
- Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks - Combining ML and Reasoning
- Knowledge Graphs for Precision Oncology
- Knowledge Graphs for Precision Oncology
- Knowledge in science and beyond: historiographical challenges and the case of colour history
- Knowledge in the Blood: Confronting Race and the Apartheid Past
- Knowledge is power: how prior knowledge aids memory for congruent and incongruent events
- Knowledge Issues and Language Models
- Knowledge Model for Managing Product Variety and its Reflective Design
- Knowledge of counterfactuals
- Knowledge on wild plants in BaYaka hunter-gatherers and its implications on cultural evolution and health
- Knowledge Representation and Extraction at Scale
- Knowledge Spillovers from Clean Innovation: A Tradeoff between Growth and Climate?
- Knowledge Transfer in the Rich and Nonlinear Tomography Programme
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships - Government grant to help UK Business into open innovation by working with UK Academics
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships - Government grant to help UK Business into open innovation by working with UK Academics
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships funding scheme (KTP)
- Knowledge, human capital and economic development: evidence from the British industrial revolution, 1750-1930
- Knowledge-making in southern New Zealand
- Knowlege Gaps: The Early Modern Foundations of Conspiracy & Democracy
- Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns: Handling Uncertainty in the Design Process
- Knows What It Knows: A Framework For Self-Aware Learning
- Knuth's "Lattice Duality: The Origin of Probability and Information"
- Knuth's "Lattice Duality: The Origin of Probability and Information"
- Knuth's "Lattice Duality: The Origin of Probability and Information" (2)
- Knuth's "Lattice Duality: The Origin of Probability and Information" (3)
- Knuth's "Lattice Duality: The Origin of Probability and Information" (4)
- Knuth's "Source Separation as an exercise in logical inference"
- Kodaira-Spencer isomorphisms and Hecke correspondences
- KOFAC visit: leading teachers of STEAM education, South Korea
- Koh-i-Noor: violence, law, and the moral politics of colonialism
- Kohn-Sham equations as regularizer: building prior knowledge into machine-learned physics
- Kolmogorov 4/5 law, nonlocality and sweeping decorrelation hypothesis
- Kolmogorov complexity and Fourier aspects of Brownian motion
- Kolmogorov Complexity and Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems
- Kolmogorov equations in Hilbert spaces I
- Kolmogorov equations in Hilbert spaces II
- Kolmogorov equations in Hilbert spaces III
- Kolmogorov equations in Hilbert spaces IV
- Kolmogorov turbulence, Anderson localization and KAM integrability
- Kolmogorov's dissipation wavenumber and determining wavenumber
- Kolyvagin's conjecture for specific higher rank elliptic curves
- Kondo physics in multilevel quantum dots.
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium
- Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium - TEA BREAK
- Koopman Operator Theory Based Machine Learning of Dynamical Systems
- Koopman Operator Theory for Dynamical Systems and Control Practice
- Koopman operator theory in fluid mechanics
- Korney Chukovsky, The Writer & Translator. Then and Now
- Koronaki's story: race and respectability in colonial New Zealand, 1830-1870
- Kosovo's Emergence as a European Nation
- Koszul cohomology and higher rank vector bundles on curves
- Koszul cohomology and higher rank vector bundles on curves
- Koszul complexes and pole order filtrations for projective hypersurfaces
- Koszul duality in positive characteristic
- Koszul duality theory for algebras
- Koszul duality theory for operads
- Koszul to keep cool
- Koszulity of the walled Brauer algebra
- Kotlin: What it takes to make a programming language
- Kotlin: What it takes to make a programming language
- KR Salon: Nuclear Weapons in Britain, a conversation with Daniel Zeichner, MP
- KRAB zinc finger proteins, transposable elements and the evolution of gene regulatory networks
- KRAB zinc finger proteins, transposable elements and the evolution of gene regulatory networks
- KRAB zinc fingers, transposable elements and the evolution of gene regulatory networks
- Kramer-Wannier and electro-magnetic duality in field theory
- KRIBB-SNU-Milner Special Workshop on Advances in Biomedical Research
- Krill feeding in fjords of the West Antarctic Peninsula (and a few penguins & seals)
- Krill swarms: the carbon export highway - S*£% matters!
- Kripke's Wittgenstein on meaning and rules
- Krylov Subspace Methods for Sparse Reconstruction
- Kshitij Kumar (BITS Pilani) interim presentation
- kSZ tomography and its applications to cosmology
- KTPs as a route to technology transfer and relationship building
- KTPs as a route to technology transfer and relationship building
- KTPs as a route to technology transfer and relationship building
- Kuhn's education: Wittgenstein, pedagogy, and the road to structure
- Kundt and Robinson-Trautman spacetimes in higher dimensions
- Kunstkammer in China? The Hapsburg collections in Vienna compared with the Chinese Imperial household in the Forbidden City in the 18th-century
- Kuramoto Oscillators: Dynamical Systems meet Computational Algebraic Geometry
- KURBAS: 1920s Avant-garde Theatre in Ukraine, The Ninth Annual Cambridge Vsesvit Evening
- Kuwait lecture - The structure of large graphs
- Kv10.1: a potassium channel involved in malignant growth
- Kwaku Aduse-Poku and Jack Green
- Kyoto 2: A New Future for Energy Policy
- Kyrgyzstan Expedition Talk - 8.15pm Tuesday 10th Nov
- KZ diagonal fillers
- Kōrero Māori - indigenous language revitalisation powered by machine learning
- K_2 and quantum curves
- K_r-saturated graphs with large minimum degree
- K_r-saturated graphs with large minimum degree