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The Genius of Michael Faraday

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rok Nezic.

Note the different venue (BMS)! Free for all - outreach talk.

Lord Rutherford said of Michael Faraday that he was one of the greatest experimenters ever; Albert Einstein believed that Faraday was responsible for the greatest change in the intellectual structure of physics since Newton. There is little doubt that Faraday bequeathed a greater corpus of useful knowledge than any other physical scientist. How did it come about that Faraday, a deeply religious man who left school at thirteen to become an errand boy and then an apprentice to a bookbinder (a young man who never attended high school or university and knew no mathematics), could reach such pinnacles? In terms that are intelligible to non-scientists and interested lay persons, the speaker shall endeavor to answer the above and related questions. The tale of Faraday’s achievements and discoveries is one of the most romantic in the history of science; his character, intellect and commitment speak to us through all ages.

Among numerous other honours he received, Prof. Sir John Meurig Thomas was appointed the Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1988 – a position first held by Michael Faraday himself.

As this is an outreach talk, it is FREE FOR EVERYONE , and will be followed by a drinks reception.

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Physics Society series.

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