University of Cambridge > > Geometric Group Theory (GGT) Seminar > The minimal diameter of a hyperbolic surface

The minimal diameter of a hyperbolic surface

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  • UserBram Petri (Sorbonne University)
  • ClockFriday 22 May 2020, 13:45-14:45
  • HouseCMS, MR13.

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For every genus g larger than 1, there exists a 6g-6 dimensional deformation space of hyperbolic metrics (i.e. of constant curvature -1) on a closed orientable surface of genus g. In this space, one can find surfaces of arbitrarily large diameter. On the other hand, there is a lower bound on the diameter of a hyperbolic surface of genus g. In this talk I will speak about the asymptotic behavior of this bound as g tends to infinity. This is joint work with Thomas Budzinski and Nicolas Curien.

This talk is part of the Geometric Group Theory (GGT) Seminar series.

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